#this is basically the majority of timeloop aus
i-never-forgot · 4 months
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"In the Morning Light" Canon Timeline
In light of posting my fic(s), I wanted to clarify my AU for the sake of comprehension since there are some timeloop shenanigans that occur that may make it confusing, especially since I have somehow ended up writing it all backwards lol.
This is going to be a mess of bare minimum (but we know it's going to be long-winded—c'mon, guys, it's my writing we're talking about) plot points to explain the premise of my perpetual WIP fanfic, my OC(s), and the potential AUs that may be involved. Buckle in for a whole lot of nonsense, my dudes—this is really just me trying to get everything in my head on paper, so to speak, so I don't really know who will be interested in reading all this lol, but I appreciate all of those that do. This has been stewing in the back of my mind since 2015 so…yeah.
This outline is broken down into acts, so it follows the basic canon storyline of the game until the post-game's ending, from which it deviates. (As always, questions about any of this are more than welcome in my askbox! I relish any excuse to yap about my babies!)
[Divider credit]
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"Past" Arc:
[The events of "A Stagnant Life" occur.]
Eliana wakes up in the paralyzed future and thinks she's dreaming. She rescues a terrified, treed Treecko from getting trampled by a rampaging Nidoqueen by distracting her, tumbling into a ravine and hurting herself in the process, then falling unconscious. When she wakes up, the Treecko is there and...talking to her, asking if she's all right, and trying to give her a berry. That's a lot to process with a concussion, but, at this point, after taking in the decaying scenery and strangeness of it all, that seems the least fantastical element involved in her current predicament.
He convinces her to go back to his cramped cave at the top of the other side of the ravine, afraid of being out in the open for too long, and asks her what kind of Pokemon she is. She explains that she's a human, he's confused. She tries to explain that she's obviously not from the area, but isn't entirely sure how she got there—the memories are...fuzzy, for reasons that she can't seem to fathom.
Treecko says, after some questions of her own about sleeping off their injuries for the night and figuring things out in the morning, that he doesn't even know what "the sun" is. It's always dark, always silent, and the vast majority of other Pokemon are feral and violent. The poor thing has no concept of time and is extremely timid and soft-spoken, and he's obviously intimidated by Eliana in general (but especially by her size and comparatively incredible strength), yet he seems to trust her despite himself for that one act of kindness she gave him...of course, that may also have to do with the fact that he looks like he's never gotten a full hour of sleep and seems cripplingly lonely and starved for touch and company, too.
Despite the grief and trauma surrounding the loss of her original childhood partner Pokemon, Eliana's initial insistence on only keeping an eye on the little creature that had inadvertently saved her life with oddly potent naturally medicinal fruit long enough to figure out what in the hell she was going to do quickly fragments when she starts teaching him how to battle to defend himself, rescues him from a couple more dangerous situations, and answers his endless questions to the best of her ability. (She's only known this Treecko for what should've been a couple of days and if anything happened to him, she would kill everyone in that fucked up frozen world and then herself.) She decides very early on that she would lay her life on the line for him, even if she doesn't openly admit to having an attachment to him to herself until much later on.
She learns about mystery dungeons when he runs out of supplies and she figures out that the only way to get fresh food and water is to enter these odd, labyrinthian structures and to emerge successfully on the other side because, oddly enough, things seem to have been “sealed” in a way that regenerates the feral Pokémon and the items. Treecko is terrified of having to go into them because of the other Pokémon since they attack anything that moves, but Eliana starts coaxing him to try. She figures out how to use throwing items, seeds, and orbs as means of defense since she obviously has no moves, and very slowly Treecko starts to get stronger and more confident.
One “day” Eliana finds a Dig TM before they emerge on the other side, and they pass a local pond on the way home. Eliana stops by the water while Treecko stays near the treeline with their finds, but she’s attacked by a Mightyena and gets pinned under the water to drown her. Treecko accidentally activates the Dig TM, learns it, and defeats the Mightyena by using it—it’s the first time he’s knocked out a Pokémon on his own. He’s frantic about whether Eliana’s okay and clings to her well after they fall asleep.
Eliana receives her first Dimensional Scream soon after this, although she doesn’t understand what it is and thinks she might be hallucinating. (*I haven’t decided what it will be yet, but for this “future” portion of the fic, I would utilize the “past” dialogues—just like the hero captures glimpses of Grovyle’s dialogue in the past, e.g. Foggy Forest.) They're staying near Treeshroud Forest, so this is what triggers it, but they don't realize there's a Time Gear there until later.
She grows too curious about the state of this world to stay put any longer, and she tells Treecko that she wants to explore it to see what happened—she’s explained to him how it should be, but he’s never witnessed anything different. He’s understandably wary about the idea of traveling long distances, and Eliana tells him that he doesn’t have to go with her—since he has a home here and feels safe, she could leave him with what they had gathered the last several trips to the local mystery dungeons and gather her own stuff as she goes along.
(However, she doesn’t realize that the reason Treecko feels safe now is because he’s met her—she’s boosted his confidence, has taught him how to battle, and has been his sole companion in almost all of his life. He owes her everything, he feels, so he decides to go with her in order not to lose her.)
[The events of the top half of "Cuddles" occur.]
They travel along an old path that leads, unbeknownst to them, southwest. Eventually they reach the coast and discover the ruins of a town. Eliana is fascinated and tries to uncover what's left, but anything valuable has already been looted. They find an underground base mostly hidden under brush pulled over its entrance. They creep inside and are attacked! But the scuffle doesn't last very long because their assailant is a) old and b) the only other sane Pokemon they've encountered.
It’s a blind, older, chronically wounded Lucario that refers to himself as the Old Master. Eliana and Treecko are uncertain what that means, exactly, and he doesn’t deign to explain it. After some convincing that they aren’t raiders, he offers for them to stay in the little underground haven he’s built. It used to be an exploration guild, he explains, and he was its master. Since the world fell apart most Pokemon either fled across the continent or were driven mad. He doesn’t admit it but Eliana can tell he’s been lonely and he’s relieved to have some company, even if he has to readjust to it some.
He starts explaining what he knows—which is quite a lot, actually, since he’s studied all of the old tomes in the Guild’s library for lack of better things to do while hiding out between ventures into local dungeons for food. He’s able to answer some of Eliana’s questions—including that the planet is paralyzed through time stopping. Eliana exhausts his knowledge and he diverts her to the library and proceeds to teach her how to read the written language(s) of their world.
Eliana is a quick study. She even uncovers and is able to read the ancient tomes composed in Unown runes since it’s similar to the alphabet with which she’s familiar. Lucario is amazed by this and by her and Treecko’s partnership. He mentions eventually that she reminds him of someone he used to know, but he can’t place it.
Eliana uncovers texts about Time Gears and their function. She proposes a crazy—but plausible— idea. It is no negligible task, but…Lucario agrees to help, tired of the world he’s been trapped in and that Treecko has been born into. They will need help if they have any hope of finding them. But even if they did manage it, since no locations were recorded in the records, how could they possibly reverse what had already happened?
They travel to what once was Capim Town on the opposite side of the coast—a long, arduous journey filled with peril. Treecko gets stronger and quicker all the while. They arrive and Eliana is met with suspicion and outright aggression—those who remembered humans before the cleansing did not approve of her presence, so she was forbidden from remaining in town. Treecko goes with Lucario when he speaks with the leaders of the town, but he’s rejected because they suspect that any tampering with the timeline would cause their erasure. Lucario declares that the world in which they live is nothing for them, nor their children, to suffer—what would it mean for them to lose their lives if countless others could be saved in the process? (Treecko adopts a lot of Lucario’s opinions on things after this, admiring him a lot for his steadfast rationale and ability to handle tense situations.)
When they leave the council chamber and return to Eliana, Lucario is discouraged. However, a moderate-sized group of townspeople follow them before they can depart and say that they're willing to help them in any way that they can to rectify the past. They end up forming the Planetary Investigation Team and start researching the cause of the planet's paralysis by uncovering other texts and such.
Lucario, Eliana, and Treecko return to the Guild and begin their plans. They determine that while their new team attempts to narrow down the possible locations of the Time Gears in the past, Lucario says that they need to find out a way to travel through time to start with. He has to work on that, but he has enough information by then to send Eliana and Treecko out into the continent to start the process of elimination on where the Time Gears might have been.
Unfortunately, all this hubbub and action has caught the attention of the spies scattered throughout the land for Primal Dialga. They report back what's going on, and Primal Dialga sends out his best henchman to determine the intentions of these insurgents and to stop them by whatever means necessary if he determines that they pose a veritable threat to the timeline. (They do, he finds.)
Eliana and Treecko start traveling around the continent counter-clockwise, first discovering the Time Gear below the Northern Desert and in Quicksand Cave thanks to another vision she receives from almost falling into the frozen quicksand. She trusts her gut, they go down, and find the first Time Gear suspended, frozen, and inert. [Since Temporal Tower had collapsed, the "feedback loop" powers they possessed went dormant. That's when they truly figure out that they have no choice but to travel back in time in order to utilize them effectively.]
They find the other Time Gears based on the possible locations Lucario marked on their map: Crystal Cave/Crossing's, Treeshroud Forest's, then Foggy Forest/Steam Cave/Fogbound Lake's. Eliana keeps having these visions, and she realizes that they're linked to the Time Gears, although she can't figure out who is in them (spoilers: it's Lu).
They have their first run-in with the Sableye when they discover the Time Gear in Limestone Cave, and Eliana and Treecko have gotten so accustomed to combat that they don't pose that much of a threat. Treecko has become confident, sure in his abilities, and he is proud that he's able to protect Eliana just like she has him.
They book it back to the Guild to report their findings to Lucario hoping he's found a solution. He has: Celebi, the Time Travel Pokemon. He hopes that they can find her if they find a Passage of Time, and one is located near the Mystifying Forest because it's a place of primordial, mystical power. There's no guarantee that Celebi will be there, but Lucario hopes to at least leave a note there in hopes that she might assist them.
However, just as they're getting ready to travel there, the Guild comes under attack. Several of Primal Dialga's servants have discovered the place and are trying to stop them...and Dusknoir is leading them. He demands their immediate surrender with a cease and desist order, stating that if they stop their plans to tamper with time that their punishment won't be as severe.
Obviously they don't agree to his terms. A tense and rapidly losing battle happens so they can fight their way back out, but Lucario sends Eliana and Treecko away while he takes on the rest of them and holds them off to buy them more time. Tearfully, they flee. Dusknoir pursues them, but they're faster since they're more familiar with the area.
They fly through the mystery dungeon and come across an old spring. Dusknoir and his Sableye ambush them there. It's a tough fight, and Dusknoir is merciless since he's decided to use force. Eliana gets hurt, Treecko gets pissed. Something about the energy that resides there reacts and Treecko evolves! Grovyle's able to beat them off and to knock Dusknoir down long enough for them to slip deeper into the forest.
He's struggling to adjust to his new form and they're both frantic at this point, on the verge of an inevitable and certain demise but he's just so proud of his new strength and Eliana's overjoyed that their bond is strong enough to afford him that, and they almost miss it when they're called into a barely-visible cave entrance. Celebi is waiting there, having known they would come because she's been watching them, wondering why Pokemon were suddenly looking for the locations of the Time Gears. She fully supports their cause and apologizes that she couldn't have been introduced to them sooner, but she was trying to avoid detection by Primal Dialga for defecting.
She leads them to the Passage of Time, explaining that she relies on its power for longer leaps like they require in order to reach the past. They're down to the wire: Dusknoir and the Sableye catch up to them just as they're getting ready to pass through. Dusknoir almost snatches Grovyle but Eliana dives in and tackles him through the Passage. Celebi flees once it's shut behind them, and Dusknoir is left cursing in their wake. (He's in deep shit with Dialga now.)
Due to the instability of the portal, Eliana and Grovyle struggle to cling to each other. It's violent, almost, throwing them about like they're in a storm. They're attacked in the midst of it, Eliana thinks it's Dusknor following them, and shields Grovyle. It sends her careening out of the Passage, freefalling over the ocean below.
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"Present" Arc:
Eliana wakes up on a beach with only the memory of her name, the certainty that she should not have fur and paws, and little else save vague sensational impressions and gut feelings about certain things (and Pokemon).
A young, blind Riolu finds her and offers to patch up her wounds (after she was battered around by the storm, hit her head on a rock which resulted in a concussion and her amnesia, and nearly drowned as a result) despite his initial wariness of her rather unbelievable story, but his personal treasure is stolen by a couple of bullies and she is Not Having That Shit since he's so sweet and shy. It takes her a little bit to get used to her new body, but using items helps. Riolu is extremely grateful for her help, doesn't know how to repay her other than offering to help her in return, and offers for her to join him in going to Wigglytuff's Guild. Eliana doesn't know what else to do, so she accepts so she can at least have time to get her bearings.
She quickly trusts Riolu because of his sincerity and opts to give him a nickname. They make fast friends with the other Guild members, but Eliana is soft-spoken and reclusive, never really coming out of her shell since she's so shaken by her lack of identity and the mysterious visions she keeps having. She grows accustomed to Lu's innate and, at times, unnerving ability to tell her mood sine he sees using his aura reading ability.
[Regular plot happens, y'all know the drill. I'm trying not to make this too terribly long so I'll add anything else here if I think of anything.]
Eliana discovers that she has a passion for the historical aspects of exploration and, in order to understand the world around her, she starts reading as many books as she can get her paws on. (She's surprised that she can read all of their written languages, as well as Unown script, although she struggles with Footprint Runes). Lu tries to keep up, but a lot of times he falls asleep while she's pulling her secret all-nighters even after the Guild's curfew has passed.
They initially focus on small jobs that don't offer big rewards since those often get neglected, but as they get stronger they start focusing on ones that are more dangerous so they can help those that need it most. They ascend through the ranks rather rapidly this way compared to their peers.
Everything proceeds as normal until they return from the expedition to Fogbound Lake and Dusknoir arrives at Treasure Town. Everyone is immediately enamored with him upon their first meeting, including Lu, but Eliana senses nothing but Bad Vibes. Her hackles rise and her fur stands on end and she can't get out of the room fast enough. Lu wanted afterwards to meet him but he goes with her to conduct their business outside the Guild. They do their missions for the day and go to Spinda's to unwind.
[The events of "Inexplicable Dread" occur.] | [Here is some meta. And here is some more.]
Dusknoir shows up and Eliana panics and gives him a false name. Lu is trying to be accommodating while keeping up decorum for their visitor, so she tries to push down her anxiety for her partner's sake. Dusknoir notices her apprehension and tries to smooths things over, which makes her second-guess herself and her initial reading of him: he is kind, considerate, and interested in what she has to say. He succeeds in being the second Pokemon to get her to open up by asking her about her studies. By the end of the night she feels comfortable in his presence, but that ill feeling lingers in the back of her mind. They accidentally touch, and triggers another vision: of Dusknoir reaching out to them, stating "You two are coming with me." She runs out in fear, leaving Dusknoir concerned about her being hurt in the past (but little does he realize he's the one that did it).
Lu finds her already in bed, curled up tight with her fur on end. He manages to get her to calm down, but she refuses to share what she saw bc he just got through telling her about how nice and kind and concerned Dusknoir was about her and that he's never met anyone so sincere with such a clear, bright aura. She decides to give him a chance since Lu was able to tell Team Skull were bad eggs right away.
They start interacting with Dusknoir more, having conversations here and there, and Eliana and the ghost-type are able to have intense debates or discussions about hypotheses that surpass anyone else's realm knowledge. Dusknoir loves listening to her talk since she's so articulated and wise beyond her years (until she reveals she's older than she looks, being a first-form Pokemon) and he'll actually go full-throttle explaining things since he doesn't have to stop, slow down, and give extensive context for his subject matter bc she already knows what he's talking about. Eliana develops a fondness for the bass rumble of his voice, like thunder, and she falls asleep a couple of times listening to his veritable lectures. She adores his patience, gentleness, and willingness to share his vast knowledge.
[The events of "Trust" occur.] | [Here is its meta.]
When Dusknoir rescues them from Amp Plains, offering to carry them back to town because of their wounds and fondly murmuring, "You two are coming with me," Eliana decides that she trusts him completely. He has brought no harm upon them, he has helped the both to be more confident in their abilities, and he so obviously cares bc he threatened to rip Team Skull a new one for the dirty trick they played that might have cost Team Relic their lives! She diverts him to the beach and confesses her true name, her ability, and her amnesia being the reasons she was hesitant to trust him at first. She is relieved to no longer hide these things from him, but he is...decidedly not. He conceals his reaction well enough, but Lu notices an inexplicable shift in his aura that darkens him. He starts acting...different. He draws closer to them, claiming to try to help Eliana with her ability to they can find Grovyle, and yet he's more reserved. It's an odd mixture.
When they begin their manhunt for Grovyle, she teams up with Dusknoir to research where the rest of the Time Gears may be located. They spend many late nights like this, usually with Lu asleep nearby, and grow very close as a result. They end up on a "first name basis", so to speak, and no one else talks to him with such casualness and informality, as though he's an equal rather than a superior. He is surprised to find that he...almost appreciates the normalcy of it, despite the circumstances. Eliana respects him entirely by the time the events at Quicksand Cave occur, and she fully commits herself to helping Dusknoir capture Grovyle.
[The events of the former half of "The Hero and the Wraith" occur.] | [Here is some meta. And some more.]
They stop Grovyle at Crystal Crossing, almost at the cost of their own lives. Eliana thinks him cold, cruel, and is almost smug about his desperation once Azelf locks down the lake. Serves him right, she thinks, after everything he's done. She doesn't realize he's on the verge of breaking down, panic and terror and grief that he's been doggedly avoiding since getting separated from her all rolling into one and verging on the edge of a mental meltdown. He's had to relearn himself while separated from his most trusted partner and best friend, not knowing what became of her, whether she was dead (or worse). He's seen no sign of her thus far, getting the Time Gears, and he fears the worst. This is the last straw, and he's barely holding it together. That's why he lashes out with violence instead of deflection or defensiveness; he's hemmed up into a corner with nowhere left to go and he's just so very frustrated and afraid.
Dusknoir didn't have to step in. He could have let Grovyle do his dirty work for him. But...he couldn't stand the sight of Eliana and Lu getting wounded so mortally. He steps in before Grovyle can land the killing blow (on Eliana, because she managed to get up to shield Lu despite being on the verge of unconsciousness). He chases after Grovyle when he escapes, but it doesn't take him long to decide the thief is gone and he rushes back to scoop up the team and Azelf to bring them back to Treasure Town.
He's frantic, the Guild members would say, worrying himself to death about their condition. He looms outside their room while Chimecho and the other healers on-hand patch them back up, and he stays with them through the night in order to monitor their condition. He has to leave the next day to keep up appearances, to hunt Grovyle down, but his inner turmoil distracts him more than anything. He shouldn't care. He would be forced to bring Eliana to her death anyway. Why would he be worried for her health now? (Why had it scared and wounded him so badly? Why did he allow himself to get involved with them in the first place?)
Eliana wants to go with him to trap Grovyle once he, Magnezone, and the Lake Trio decide on the plan. He refuses. He doesn't want to risk her recollecting anything about Grovyle, certainly, but he doesn't want to stay around her any more than what is strictly necessary anymore. He has to distance himself. He can't allow his personal feelings interfere with his mission anymore.
Eliana is anxious waiting for the update. She doesn't fully realize that Dusknoir will have to leave once he captures Grovyle. It hits her like a truck when they're in the town square and Dusknoir's imparting his goodbyes.
She doesn't expect him to reach out and snatch her (and Lu). Waking up in the frozen future is disorienting, to say the least. She and Lu are still a bit beat up from the fight in Crystal Crossing, and the last thing they want is to rely on Grovyle for anything, but...why is Dusknoir trying to have them executed? Eliana's in survival mode, realizing that her Dimensional Scream had tried to warn her and she hadn't listened. Dusknoir had betrayed them, he had lied to them, why couldn't Lu just accept that?
They argue before they decide to find Grovyle. Lu is already upset, and to see Eliana so angry scares him. When he cries, she softens back up enough for them to remind each other that they're on the same team and that they have each other, if nothing else. They don't trust Grovyle, but what he says makes sense, and Eliana admits that the "enemy of my enemy" mentality will work for the time being. (So why does she feel so safe in his presence?)
They fall into an instant rhythm. Something about him seems so oddly familiar, comfortable, and she almost knew what he was going to say before he said it or what he was going to do before he did it. They fight back-to-back effortlessly. Lu notices that his aura is pure, and murmurs such to Eliana at one point; he's sincere, and he has no malice for anyone. Something about that seems...right.
Celebi recognizes Eliana, but says nothing. She thinks Grovyle knows, and since she can see through the timeline a bit she doesn't quibble with it. She's just trying to focus on getting them back without bringing up the odd transformation.
Dusknoir reveals the truth and Eliana would've had a harder time believing it if it hadn't...felt right. It's difficult to reconcile in her mind, and she doesn't truly have time to process it, but...she realizes the voice in her past Dimensional Screams must have been Grovyle's. There was no possible other option. It's a much harsher truth to Grovyle, though, given he's been suppressing his emotions about the entire ordeal for so long. That's really what guts him in that moment, steals the wind from his sails: for a moment he truly thinks they're at the end of their rope, that there's no hope...and then Lu steps in and saves them all with his steady resolve and quick-thinking.
[The events of "A Dawning, Horrific Realization" happen.]
It's an emotional night, crowded around their low fire in Sharpedo Bluff and eating in near silence until they brave broaching the subject. Grovyle can scarcely contain himself, his relief overwhelming him to the point that he is reaching out to Eliana out of habit; but he'd hurt her and Lu, and while she felt some sort of vague bond with him, she was still readjusting and absorbing everything that she'd learned about herself and him. Despite him trying to hide it, she sees the hurt written plainly in his eyes when she rejects him politely yet apologetically.
He wakes her with a nightmare that night. She tries to wake him, but he reaches out to her again with a desperate mumble of her name. Heart hurting for him, and for the version of herself that he had lost, she caves and cuddles with him. They both sleep better than either of them had in a long, long time, finally reunited.
She builds a fast rapport with him despite their rocky start. They butt heads a little, since Grovyle had to learn the hard way how to make decisions for himself while Eliana is used to taking point with Lu, but they get everything done. When he departs to speak with the Lake Guardians, it's a tense, but temporary, goodbye.
They keep the note he leaves behind for them in Sharpedo Bluff.
The battle with Dusknoir is violent, brutal, and enraged. Eliana doesn't hold back against him, although she's limited in what she can do. She bites him on the arm hard enough that it scars. Lu and Grovyle have to volley so he won't target her specifically. He grabs her throat at one point in the fight using an Ice Punch, freezing and scarring the flesh to the point that hair no longer will grow there.
It nearly shatters Eliana to lose Grovyle at the temple in the Hidden Land, but she has to stay strong for him and for Lu. She can't let herself crack under the pressure now, not when they're so close.
She doesn't let it slip when she starts to disappear, trying to stay strong for Lu's sake so it's not as hard on him. He wishes she would have told him sooner, but it's the one time they agree to disagree.
Lu develops gray hairs on his muzzle in his grief, but Eliana's temporary absence matures him a lot. He doesn't let her out of his sight for months after they're reunited, and hardly out of reach.
The entire Darkrai ordeal breaks Eliana. Finally learning what happened brings all her grief of being betrayed but who she thought was her friend, then losing her best friend, all back again to the forefront. This is the weak spot that Darkrai tries to exploit, and it works. It's only Lu that's able to pull Eliana back out of it. She feels a sort of grim satisfaction that Palkia inflicted upon Darkrai what the Nightmare Pokemon had done to her so long ago.
Her and Lu work through their traumas as best as they're able, working through the ranks and becoming one of the most succesful exploration teams in the continent. They find a tentative state of peace in their routine, and they feel like they get a fresh start when they finally evolve. Eliana chooses to become a Leafeon in honor of Grovyle. It's an emotional moment for her, the closest she's felt to her long lost partner in months. She misses him terribly, and while Lu is able to settle, she finds herself restless still.
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"Future" Arc: [WIP] {No spoilers!}
[The events of "That Poison, Reconciliation" occur.] | [Here is some meta.]
[The events of the latter half of "The Hero and the Wraith" occur.]
[The events of "Rest" occur.]
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"AU" Arc(s):
Returning to IRL AU:
[WIP] Through some space-time shenanigans (whether divinely ordained or not, that's yet to be determined), Eliana is returned to the human world about years* after she disappeared from Eterna Forest. A missing-persons investigation had been conducted and ruled as a closed case when no signs of her were found. Her roommate put her belongings in storage, thankfully, never really believing that Eliana was truly gone. She struggles to get her feet back under herself, having to find another job and place to live and basically start from scratch...
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Extra Information:
Team Relic:
Team Sunrise:
14 notes · View notes
tokiro07 · 1 year
In a recent interview, Eiichiro Oda said that he probably won't do any more manga after One Piece (or at least nothing huge) because the world he constructed for One Piece inadvertently allowed him to explore pretty much every type of story he wanted to: Mock Town was a Western, Egghead is both a sci-fi and a murder mystery, Thriller Bark was a horror, etc. He never did it, but Oda probably could have found a way to work in a high school drama or romantic comedy if he'd really wanted to. I would argue that's how the Hungry Days promotion came about, he probably wanted to see it explored at least a little bit but couldn't quite find a good excuse for it
Undead Unluck, as I think at least one of us has mentioned before, is very similar: it can be whatever it wants to be whenever it wants to be. A sci-fi horror against the emotion-eating aliens on the space station, a zombie apocalypse Western against Spoil, a wuxia against Feng, competitive gaming against Spring, sports against Void, and now of course the high school AU centered around Chikara; Undead Unluck can do it all! If we end up going into Lucy's mind and it becomes a swords and sorcery fantasy with Lucy captive in a castle by a dragonified Ruin, would any of you really be surprised? Would any of you even complain? I wouldn't, and in fact I hope it happens now. That'd be such a funny way to get both Ruin and Lucy back into the main story
I don't know if I've ever really talked about it before, but there are certain niches that Jump manga fill. I don't mean in the sense of genre like sports or gag manga, I mean more thematically. When My Hero Academia started, the consensus was that it was the "new Naruto," with its plucky underdog protagonist competing with a cruel and prodigious rival and a society that discredits him for the circumstances of his birth. Black Clover draws inspiration from a ton of big name manga, but Bleach is probably the one that it best resembles in the structure of its world (the Clover Kingdom resembles Soul Society, the Magic Knight squads resemble the Thirteen Court Squads, and the Grimoires are basically simplified Zanpakutou)
Over the years, I've seen many things take major inspiration from Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, etc., but shockingly, there was a long stretch where I never saw anything try to emulate One Piece, at least not in a way that was particularly obvious. The closest was Toriko, creating wild and imaginative animals, plants, etc. the same way that One Piece creates its islands, but nothing had a cast that felt reminiscent to me
Interestingly, the first one that I noticed that felt like what I was looking for was Dr. Stone, and that only sunk in for me when Senku had his group build a boat and put up a sail with their own unique symbol. I realized in that moment that where Toriko had covered the spirit of adventure that One Piece had, Dr. Stone covered the spirit of friendship and togetherness: every time a dilemma came up, the solution was almost always finding a new ally and awakening their talents, applying them in a way that they'd never thought to before, or reconciling with an old enemy for the sake of progress. "My friends are here to do the things I can't, and I'm here to do what they can't." This is one of the core tenets of One Piece, and while it took me a while to notice, it was equally a part of Dr. Stone's core as well
Undead Unluck does something pretty similar, though not as overtly, since the cast don't really have neat roles like "navigator" or "doctor" or "chef;" instead, everyone has their areas of expertise that can be used in multiple situations, so the individuals best suited for each situation are carefully selected, and if none are available, the hunt begins for someone who is. I think this didn't sink in because it didn't become nearly as prevalent until after the timeloop, but in retrospect, the first half of the story was like the pre-timeskip Straw Hats', unprepared and unable to reach the world's ceiling when finally faced with it, only to come back stronger and wiser in their journey to come back together
Coupled with its ability to be (Chucky voice) genre-fluid, Undead Unluck has unexpectedly become in my opinion a more than worthy successor to One Piece's particular niche in Jump. I've had this thought for a while now, but I think that Undead Unluck might actually be a good glimpse into what One Piece would have been like if Oda had been able to stick to his original five-year plan. It isn't able to take nearly as much time to flesh out its world, but its streamlined approach elegantly allows us to get to know enough about the cast to be invested while still allowing attentive viewers to pick up on fine details. Where One Piece ballooned to be a 30-year venture because Oda kept having more ideas he wanted to share and angles he wanted to analyze, Undead Unluck seems to have a stronger clarity to its vision and commitment to ensuring that vision is realized ASAP without sacrificing any of the essentials. Neither approach is wrong, it's just good to see that there is in fact a world that exists where One Piece would have been able to be just as solidly executed even without entertaining every whim and flight of fancy that its author could dream of
Of course, One Piece is still going, and likely will be when Undead Unluck naturally concludes, so calling UU its successor is definitely a bit of an overstatement, but my main point is that I'm glad that we're starting to see authors who aren't afraid of sharing One Piece's niche, and more importantly are doing it in a way that's fairly subtle, but identifiable. It's an extremely comforting sign for the rapidly approaching post-One Piece world, and I can't wait to see what fills the coming power vacuum
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jaywalkers · 4 months
hiii i recently finished reading sunset like survival (it was so so so fucking good. epic. amazing. is living in the most inner part of my ribs being cradled gently !!!!!!) and i was v bewitched and fascinated by how u handled andrew choking kevin and the consequences in each subsequent loop ! the guilt andrew felt and anger as well towards kevin for not like idk defending himself properly ? (sorry if that’s the wrong word) say no basically . the way kevin assumed their deal was broken bcs andrew hurt him and the betrayal suffocating him GOD ,,,,,,, and how they grew from it just wow wow wow laying at the bottom of ur feet looking up at u in wonder rn !!!!! i could FEEL the choking incident hovering above the two of them like a cloud and to see it resolved in a way that didn’t quite erase it entirely but allowed them to perhaps move on from it ? truly stunning ,,,,
did u have any specific thoughts on why u chose it to be a major focal point during the loop, ur thoughts on how it was handled in canon ( the way it was moved on from ? treated humorously) and anything else rlly that comes to mind ? also i love all ur writing sm <3 the way i’m able to immerse myself in ur fics and see the way u breathe life into these characters is beautiful. truly. ily 💖
ah! first of all thank you so much for not only reading s,ls, but also for loving it as much as you did! it's always such an honour that people took time to experience the gender-crisis fuelled monstrosity that is timeloop au even two years out.
to answer your two questions: (under a cut bcs she's LONG)
i don't like how it's handled in canon, and while i accept it and love to see other people's takes on it (how it is/isn't in character, that it proves/detracts from kevins role), i personally think it's out of character for andrew and is a point of no return for the kandreil dynamic that i love.
the baltimore scenes are the inherent breakdown of the kandreil dynamic; by the end of tkm, it's wildly different to how it was at the start of the novel and not in a way that serves kevin's character well (or even andrew, really). with andrew and kevin's deal percived to be broken and all neil's secrets out in the open, there's no need for kevin to be a part of that dynamic when it comes to the character-driven plot, only the moriyama narrative. andreil become the most prevalent dynamic, and kevin is detatched — shut out, really, right before the apex of his character arc. neil and andrew base their following opinions of him based on his choices during baltimore and give him little further choices.
during/following the choking incident, as seen in kevin and andrew's tiff on the court a few chapters later, andrew wants kevin to prove that he can stand up for himself without andrew's help — maybe to justify breaking the deal off on his end, or out of frustration with kevin. what he doesn't understand is that kevin has a formal relationship with violence, especially as a punishment. he won't — he was groomed not to. that ultimately leaves them at an impasse until kevin gets his tattoo, part of his character narrative that neil and andrew for once are not there to witness because they've excluded him from their inner dynamic by this point in the plot.
so why did i posit it as a major focal point in the loop?
first of all, i'd already decided to set it in the baltimore 'arc', and within that for kandreil in canon there are two key events that influence the rest of the plot, and in my mind the loop happens because these two events are so out of character for the universe that they warp reality. and those two events are:
neil dying (kidnapping)
andrew choking kevin
ergo — both of these things need to be fixed to fix the loop. the loop in my opinion does actually help facilitate that second one, because for kevin and andrew to help neil they cannot be at odds. kevin and andrew's pov's are first because they cannot fix neil's problem without first fixing their own, and that has always been the one of equal standing between them.
andrew wants kevin to stand up for himself and kevin wants to not be afraid. similar things but different at the core of them. the loop forces them into close proximity — kevin is always near andrew's hands and andrew is always near the reminder that he hurt someone who did not deserve it. bridging that is a way of andrew learning that he can relearn trust, and kevin learning he doesn't have to forgive to stop fearing something.
also the loop allows andrew to see that kevin wasn't withholding information because he doesn't care about neil — he was withholding it because he cares about neil. kevin sees that andrew hurt him not because he doesn't care about kevin, but because he was so blinded by fear for neil. it puts them eye to eye and forces them to put things out in the open at a pace that suits them, with a static environment they can't escape. i don't like the choking scene — but it lends well to forcing andrew and kevin to air all their other grievances alongside it.
i hope this all makes sense!!!!!! again thank you thank you thank you for reading it and loving it and engaging in it so fervently! s,ls is a fever dream of a fic but i do dearly adore it and im so glad someone wanted to hear me character dump for a few hundred words about it <333 get off anon so i can kiss you on the lips
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i am here to boop your nose and ask you about some of your wips! :3
there are soooo many of your fics i’m excited about, but i’ll narrow it down to just a few.
• the day before yesterday, i saw a rabbit: I DON’T KNOW WHY BUT THIS ALREADY HURT ME!!! wahhhh, i love timeloop aus, and because you are the best at describing emotions, i already know this is going to have a big little kick. i’d love to know a little more about the plot for this one :3
• be still my foolish heart: UNIVERSITY AU MY BELOVEDDDDDD!!!! omg omg what does suguru study? what does the reader study? the jealousy and pining element already makes this fic soooo tasty!
• consider the hairpin turn: KENNYYYYY!!!! i find his character so very interesting, so i knowwwww this fic will be so good. again, i’d love to know some of your thoughts about this fic :)
Lily xo @storiesoflilies
lily !!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 tysm for participating and (again!) tagging me, you chose some of my favorites!! 🥹
THE TIMELOOP AU ….. in general the timeloop trope is one of my absolute favorites, and i think it pairs so well with suguru!!!! the idea of reader going back over and over again, trying to save him even though he’s already doomed….….. it’s a very bittersweet piece!!! :’) but yeah, the plot is basically just that. reader watches him die over and over and over again. and still doesn’t stop trying to change his fate.
THE UNI AU IS ALSO SO PRECIOUS TO ME 🥹 this fic is actually a kind of sequel to ’where you lead me, i’ll follow’, which is one of my oldest suguru fics <3 i thought putting them in a uni setting would be fun :3 i’m a lit major!sugu truther until the end of time, so that’s what he is !! still not sure about reader but i do think they’re in the same program, or something similar…. even if you chose to study something completely different, suguru would undoubtedly follow you <33 he’s very devoted in this au!!!!! and a little jealous …. just a bit …… :3c
AND THEN THE KENNY FIC . out of all my fics, written or yet to be written, this is my favorite :’) so i’m excited (and scared) to start working on it properly…. it’ll be a very long piece!!!! i have tons of things planned when it comes to lore, dynamics, backstory etc …… it’s a little suggestive in tone but that’s mostly because kenny is the way that he is 😭 he’s just so charming. and reader is so down bad </3
ask me about my wips !! <33
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mostlyghostly66 · 2 months
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Okay official pinned post time yayy expect this to be edited over time
Hiii im Lor Ghost (it/it/its + coo/coo/coos) and this is the art sideblog for @mostly-ghostlyo !!!
Im a traditional artist who uses watercolours. I also sometimes write fic (u should totally go read Rotten Work, btw)
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Right now im posting a lot of ttyd stuff! I also am eventually gonna post more about my ocs (more on them under the cut)
I am always open to talk about basically anything ive made! I am also famously slow at replying so i do ask u be patient with me 👍
ALSO. i am an adult. I will occasionally post adult content. This will be tagged "after dark" and when applicable have the "mature" content label applied
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Morrow Fortune (any, it/its most preferred): psychic ai whos trapped itself in a timeloop to save its partner from an untimely demise. Also in pokemon au its a sigilyph controlling a life size doll (QUICK SIDE NOTE: morrows partner is a canon character from a very very obscure series so i. Am not putting ocxcanon in tags that get maybe a single post a year if that. The organizational tag for its partner will be "kb" but i. Would not say to get ur hopes up about seeing her around)
Alyssa Silverscale (he+she, no preference): depressed ex politician picking her life back up as the world is ending. Driving across the united states in the worlds shittiest car to get back to california and be there to support her parents. Themes and imagery heavily involve the fairytail idea of a princess in a castle guarded by a dragon- she is both the princess and the dragon
Oculus Obscura (they, it, any EXCLUDING he+she): camera enthusiast and amateur stalker of alyssa. Sees alyssa as their soulmate and is trying to get him to love them back before the world ends, which means joining him for the shittiest road trip ever. Also this dudes got some major family issues
Marion Helsing (he/him): lust demon whos also both an adult entertainer and the head chef of a middle of nowhere diner. Cares a lot about his employees, even when he doesnt get along with them. Has major issues with reducing himself to something easily fetishizable and struggling to let people see him as a whole person
Jade Greene (she/her): envy demon influencer whos life is falling apart and whos lashing out wildly because of it. An employee of marion's. Kind of a dick to him during "canon" but mellows out significantly afterwards. Struggles with chasing her own desires and not just following whatevers most socially acceptable
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(Ok one last thing: Spacers by saradika-graphics)
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breezere · 2 years
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works every time
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penny-nichols · 2 years
You mentioned in your ask that you have 10 wips, I'm curious to hear what they're about!! :)
Ok so. Admittedly most of these are about Penny Nichols because I. Have a problem. But I'll explain em! Image is of my phone screen because I set my current WIPs out there and mostly write on my phone before I go to bed
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Little Shop of Turnabouts: Little Shop of Horrors/Ace Attorney crossover fic! Apollo has to defend Seymour for Orin's "murder". This also means Apollo is going to cross examine a plant which I think gives him a one-up on Phoenix
Best Friends to Lovers: Claydar fic! Set 5(? 4? Something like that I think it's 5) years after Dual Destinies. Clay lives AU (obviously) Daryan has a lighter sentence than someone else would because I want him to. It's Clay and Daryan meeting each other and just like. Falling in live but there's ALSO going to be a mystery and angst. I can't help myself. I mean there's already angst I have 3 chapters up already.
Steel Samurai is Real AU: basically Penny is the Steel Samurai who is like. A vigilante who saves Maya's life and there's an alternate 1-3 and 1-4 and Mia lives. I think this is my only fic with Narumitsu at the moment. Also it has Feychols because I can't help myself.
Groundhog Clay: Timeloop Claydar! Basically once Clay dies he wakes up again, not on the day of the launch or anything, but one and a half years earlier on the day 4-3 begins. And so does Daryan. Neither of them really know what's going on but Daryan sees Clay and he KNOWS Clay wasn't there before and basically they've gotta get through the loop without Letouse or Clay dying
ASOLTAFKV the Squeakwel: a sequel to my fic A Series of Letters To and From Kurain Village (it's Feychols because of course it is). I've been posting my first drafts here as Turnabout Wedding Belles. Because it's a wedding fic. It has almost nothing to do with the previous fic except for the fact that at the end of the last one, the epilogue was a wedding invitation. Basically: there's been a murder at Penny and Maya's wedding and it's Phoenix and Trucy up against Klavier (ft Daryan and Ema as detective and forensics because I don't like making ocs and I like Daryan and Ema would be there for the wedding)
Mlem and Wooloo Solidarity: Penny and Simon Blackquill are friends. Besties, even. I just think the samurai nerds deserve to be samurai nerds together (platonically)
Royal AU Feychols: what it says on the tin. Basically Maya's a princess and Penny is her guard and an assassin attacks Penny (thinking she's Maya because she's wearing one of Maya's dresses. For the record when I wrote her getting shot in the shoulder with a crossbow I completely forgot about Franziska and her bullet shoulder I just thought it would be an area that would provide injury but probably wouldn't kill or prevent her from walking) and there's light magic (as in. Not a fleshed out magic system or anything it's kinda a thing but not a MAJOR thing) and I wrote one very good gay kiss that just happened to have a corpse in the background
Beep Beep Bitches It's the Mafia: mostly based on a dream I had where Dee was secretly Penny's mom because I like the trope of homoerotically having a weapon pointed at you. Penny's in the mafia now. Surprise. Also Mia lives and the Feys are chill Dahlia is cool and not murdery they're literally just vibing.
Swap AU (I'm Confused Already): the Feychols/Klapollo swap au where Apollo is Phoenix's assistant and Klavier is a PA hoping to be a star and Maya is a defense attorney and Penny is a musician prosecutor. A bunch of other people have switched places or roles in the story (like Mia and Kristoph) but there's very little of it right now it's mostly in the Frantic Tumblr Posts phase
Gay Gay Homosexual Gay: I already mentioned I like weapons pointed but gay. This has that and also Maya being possessed because that's also a concept I've been pondering for a while. So why not put both into one! Admittedly this is a new oneshot so it's more likely to be abandoned because I feel like I have stronger ideas for the other ones and I like writing multi chapter fics but if it gets published it should be fun
Bonus secret 11th fic that is like probably 3/4 of a year ish into planning? I don't remember when we started but it's been a while: another time loop fic. Centered around Penny and Kristoph and their relationships with their parents. Based off an RP from a server I'm in (I play Penny, friend played Kristoph, we're working on it together) also if you've seen me talking about my fucked up judge kinda oc (based on a guy who is only mentioned in 4-3 and is never shown or even named) and hus kid (same thing) this is basically The Thing With Them. It's nicknamed the Ancient Milfs and every time I try to explain it thoroughly I have to give like at least a page of backstory on Milf Lore
Yeah that's basically it! sorry to everyone who doesn't have #long post blocked and is on mobile, have fun scrolling!
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
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hello my friends, one singular person asked for this weeks ago so i’m here with my most unhinged rec list yet: tk and nolan.
now, this one was hard to reign in, so i really didn’t. this pairing had maybe 230 fics in the tag when i first started reading hockey fic, and it’s now over 900, and i’ve read far too many of them, and that makes it so hard to parse it down. so i just...didn't!
so with that said, please enjoy so you want to get into tknp: a beginners guide to a classic case of idiots to lovers
i told myself that i couldn’t rec an author’s entire body of work but then i remembered this is my blog and i do what i want, so i did some consolidating. here’s a list of the quintessential authors for this pairing, you can start at any of their profiles and pick any of their fics at random, and it’ll be one of the best ones for the pairing, hands down.
therainbowsedge: i’d start with the summer camp fic, or the sex toys one, as both beautifully capture the true idiots to lovers nature of this pairing, but just top tier writing all around
manybumblebees: the wedding fic is so tender and port stanley is a classic, but literally pick any single fic and you’ll have a perfect tknp fic. i’m not kidding
jamesvanriemsdick: their tknp fics in their series are some of the hidden gems of this pairing (the tk heartbeat fic makes me LOSE it) but the delaware fic or the seattle fic…..there’s really something for every mood
catchascatchcan: start with era of gods because i could write literal essays on how it’s some of the best fantasy worldbuilding i’ve ever read, but then just read everything else on their account, including non tknp fics. you won’t regret it
hackysack: ao3 user hackysack has written one of two timeloop fics that i absolutely adore, and i thought about just calling that one out in particular, but all of their work deserves the attention
canary: nothing to prove was the first tknp fic i ever read and i was immediately hooked. all of their fics are a good starting place for the pairing, and just really give you a feeling for the pairing
and now, for the fic recs!
to be, despite it all by smudgedfreckles
summary: or, nolan patrick’s gender thesis, by travis konecny.
why i love it: there’s not a lot ofo nonbinary characters in media, even in fic, but this fic’s treatment of nolan and their path to figuring out their gender just feels so real and made me feel so seen. tk’s characterization is also just top notch, and it’s just a super sweet story about two people who love each other
last ones standing by makeit_takeit
summary: If you’re committed to finding your future spouse, reads the last line of the ad, and are ready to look at yourself and your love life in a whole new way, apply now.
At the bottom of the ad there’s a link, and Travis finds his finger hovering over the screen, lip still caught between his teeth.
“I mean,” he says very reasonably, speaking out loud to his empty apartment like some sort of possibly-crazy person, “just applying doesn’t mean anything. Maybe I just fill it out, and see what happens. It’s not like I’m really gonna get picked to be on TV, come on.”
He snorts out loud, just to show his apartment he hasn’t lost his grip on reality or anything; he fully understands how ludicrous that would be.
Then he clicks the link anyway, because yolo or whatever.
why i love it: what part of a married at first sight fic doesn’t make you want to immediately dive right in? the concept is fun, the execution is absolutely flawless, and it captures their dynamic so well while letting it develop naturally
motivation by connectknee
summary: Kevin knows when to back off, the article said. He knows just when to shut up and leave Patty alone, something Travis has never known how to do.
why i love it: the thing i love about this pairing is that tk is loud and in your face, and nolan’s more reserved, a little quieter, a little harder to read. this fic does a really great job of exploring how tk could feel like maybe he’s just a bit too much and is one of my favorites in terms of miscommunication
a tenderness grows by rusesdeguerre
summary: Nolan wouldn’t say that landing a job as the Philadelphia Flyers’ psychotic and probably clinically insane mascot was a childhood dream of his. Maybe tangentially: playing pond hockey in –30°C weather and pretending to be Sidney Crosby is practically a rite of passage when you grow up in Manitoba. That, and experiencing the distinct displeasure that is thousands of mosquitoes sucking your blood out when your father drags you on a father-son camping trip into the backwoods of the northern Canadian Prairies.
why i love it: this was the first fic i recced on this blog, and i stand by that decision. a fic where nolan is not only not a hockey player, but is in fact the person in the gritty suit? absolutely perfect, and so charming from start to finish
meet me at my window by springsteen
summary: Travis has lived in Philadelphia for a few years now, long enough to know there isn’t a major city in America where superheroes don’t destroy an entire city block trying to save humanity or whatever. He can deal with all the super-shit, but Travis did not sign up for getting woken up from a deep sleep because some fucker’s trying to break in through his window.
(5 times the super-villain known as "The Cat" breaks into Travis's apartment, plus 1 time Travis invites him in.)
why i love it: there’s a lot of things to love here, but the concept is just absolutely one of my all time favorite aus ever. it’s fun and charming and the perfect glimpse into a world where heroes and villains exist, and what it’s like just to be a run of the mill kind of guy existing in it. tk and nolan’s back and forth in this make it so engaging, and it’s such a top tier fic
body’s in trouble by cloudsandpassingevents
summary: “Oh, sorry,” someone says. “Didn’t know anyone else was here.”
Nolan freezes, then turns around very slowly. When he looks up, Nicklas fucking Backstrom is standing behind him in a hoodie and baggy sweats, holding the biggest bag of Swedish Fish Nolan’s ever seen in his life in one hand.
“Uh,” Nolan says around the pop tart between his teeth. “Yeah.”
What the fuck, his brain helpfully supplies.
why i love it: from nolan’s inner voice, to the way the author explores all the dynamics within the team, to the way they write the unexpected but actually, it kind of makes sense friendship between nolan and backstrom, is just absolutely fantastic. there’s a lot of moments that circle back and build on each other in a way that really just makes it super compelling
rhizomatic foundations by lighthousetowers
summary: Twenty days after he moves in with Kevin Hayes, twenty days – three months, five months, depending on how you look at it – after not talking to TK, TK shows up at the front door with a plant the size of a basketball in his hands.
TK grins. "Patty, meet Reginald." He lifts up the plant. "Reggie, meet Patty. He's going to be your new - caretaker."
"What the fuck," says Nolan, not moving a single muscle.
Or: That Nolan can hear the plant talk might as well just happen.
why i love it: this is probably my favorite magical realism fic just about ever. it’s fun and charming and a little weird, but in the best possible way. there’s such a wonderful narrative in it, and lighthousetowers always has such beautiful writing, and it really shines in this one. the dialogue and nolan’s characterization are also part of what set it apart for me as one of the best tknp fics
in the dark of any town by mengetpegged
summary: If the voice has an accent at all, it’s a flat prairie Canadian, with none of G’s French-Canadian softness at the edges. But mostly, the accent is just ‘pissed off,’ which TK believes is a default setting for ghosts.
“Who are you?” TK asks, and he doesn’t like how strained his voice sounds, doesn’t like the tinge of anxiety tinting the rise of his question. He tries to regulate his breaths—in through his nose, hold, out through his mouth—but it feels like he’s not getting enough oxygen, which makes him panic even more.
“Someone with a fucking migraine, dickhead,” the voice says. “So keep the lights off and shut the hell up.”
(or: Nolan Patrick, Hotel X Ghost)
why i love it: i’m usually not super into ghost fics, both the spooky kind and the nonspooky kind, but this one is a rare exception. it’s charming and fun and tender and it’s got some of, in my opinion, the best characterization of tk and nolan in any fic. the way the author writes their dynamic and their dialogue is just unmatched
lets_make_this_moment_a_crime.mp3 by honeydripping
summary: Travis meets Nolan at a Midtown show in 2002 when he punches Nolan in the face. He can’t help it, “Like A Movie” just goes off.
But he does feel guilty about it.
TK and Patty work at a bakery together. They go to punk shows to pass the time.
why i love it: idk if anyone asked for an early 2000s emo/punk/alt au but wow! i sure am glad it exists! really the vibes of this fic, as silly as that sounds, are absolutely unmatched. i love the structure with the music, the development of their relationship, and just everything about how the author wrote the setting (there’s this whole thing with tattoos in it that makes me feel absolutely insane)
you’re ripped at every edge by you’re a masterpiece by conformityissuicide
summary: “Ugh, look, this yoga teacher has it out for me, man. And I can’t go back there without at least having some of the basics down. I’ve got to win this battle.”
“Yoga isn’t really something you win at,” Hartsy starts.
Travis cuts him off, “You can win at anything if you try hard enough.”
OR that time Nolan's a grumpy yoga teacher and Travis realizes he wants to bone him and prove him wrong about Travis' non-existent yoga abilities.
why i love it: listen, if you want tknp, at least one of them has to be an idiot, and this tk absolutely captures the obliviousness i love to see in him in fic. it’s such a great characterization of them both and such a great concept (and even better execution)
you form a terror pack (and i’m aware of that) by dalmatienne
summary: “Can I help you?” TK snarks, both eyebrows hiked up in a way that has earned her many elbow checks to the ribs.
The chick looks down her nose, long thick eyelashes fluttering. Red-bitten lips part to blow a florid pink bubble and TK can smell the chemical sweetness when it pops.
“Yeah,” she says in this monotonous voice that seems almost at odds with her bubble gum and neon skates. She jams her stopper into TK’s thigh again, literally inches away from where it’d really hurt. “Tie ‘em.”
why i love it: to be honest, i generally don’t read rule 63 within hrpf, but this one is just absolutely knocks it out of the park. the concept (i fuckin’ love roller derby), the characterization of nolan, the pacing, the rituals, the tone of the entire fic, it’s just all around a perfect read from start to finish
thrills and grills by bitter_leaf
summary: Travis can’t even begin to wonder what he did in a previous life to incur the wrath of this fucking cook. Travis thinks he’s a nice person, doesn’t conduct himself in any way that could be considered particularly dickish, and unless this guy has some sort of issue with hockey bros or people from the boonies, he’s not sure how he started shit without even knowing.
Patty has a vendetta. Travis just wants to eat his eggs in peace.
why i love it: honestly this is the enemies to lovers fic i’ve been waiting for. i remember seeing the reddit post when it first went viral and thinking it would make such a great fic premise, so stumbling across this one was just so wonderful. super engaging and fun and so hilarious to read!
nothing but room for you by fightingfuries
summary: When his agent tells him he’s going to be traded to the Devils, Nolan isn't sure how he feels about it. Might be easier if he was going somewhere farther away, like California or fucking Florida. Somewhere sun-soaked and foreign. Someplace so different from Philadelphia that he can forget he ever played for the Flyers, forget everything that happened there.
Or Nolan fucks up, gets traded, gets his shit together and falls in love. Not necessarily in that order.
why i love it: i cannot stress to you how much i love trade fics, and this one is one of my absolute favorites. the trade to the devils-so close to philly, still, but there’s more to distance than physical miles-was such an excellent choice and the split timeline adds so much to the narrative, and the emotions are real and messy and complicated in the best way
a couple of runaways (i’m glad you stayed) by overturnedgoal
summary: The person in the video he’s watching is super annoying. Some obnoxious holier than thou granola type who keeps talking about their environmental impact as if they aren’t driving a gas guzzler around, but the basic idea of living in a van, driving around wherever, camping all the time, just going hiking and swimming and seeing the whole country? It sounds pretty dope, honestly.
why i love it: i like to watch tours and conversions of vans/buses into tiny homes as a self soothing method, and this fic has the same impact that watching those do. it’s such a fun concept, and it’s so fuckin’ soft, and the dialouge between tk and nolan is just *chef’s kiss*
all candor and style in the crook of your smile by p3trichor
summary: It’s a photo of Nolan on his knees with someones’ fingers in his mouth, lips slick with spit. Travis flicks by it almost too fast and he’s only got seconds to decide if he wants to screenshot it, if he wants to just give up the ghost right then and there. Except Travis’s phone freezes momentarily and then the group refreshes, sidcros87, Bert59 and 14 others took a screenshot!
It’s gone before Travis even has time to process it and he already wasted his replay of the day on a stupid video of a stupid fish that Hayes caught.
Can you send me that screenshot Travis texts Bertuzzi before he can overthink it, his dick already stirring in his sweats. Tuzzi sends back the cry-laughing emoji and then the screenshot before Travis can be too annoyed at him.
Or, Nolan is being weird about Travis's break-up and TK is maybe not straight.
why i love it: i genuinely don’t think i have words for the amount i love this fic. it took me forever to actually read, but it’s absolutely one of my favorite fics, and it’s an absolutely riot to read. carter’s meddling and the presence of tyler bertuzzi both make it extra fun, in my humble opinion
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bumirang · 3 years
happy ffwf!
any fics you're particularly excited to read/write/publish?
Yeah, I mean, it's not my sole obsession, but fanfic is Good Shit.
As a reader, I've been really meaning to catch up on a couple of non-AtLA-verse fics I love:
Purple Days, which is a slightly-AU Game of Thrones cosmic horror timeloop with Joffrey Baratheon as the protagonist. It's exactly as bonkers as it sounds. It's also really, really long, but the worldbuilding and characterization are so fabulously executed that I'll be sad when it's finally over. I also love watching the author hone their craft as they go. They start out kinda rough but improve in leaps and bounds.
This Is Where We Are Now by @purple-compromise. As a TF2 Medic/Reader slowburn romance, it's 1000% better than it has any right to be. The verisimilitude it demonstrates in regards to both the original material and real-world complicated emotions just really strikes a chord with me. Maybe more than any other fic I've read, it feels like Literature. (And full disclosure, I have beta'd for it in the past.)
As a writer, oh boy.
I do actually have a fixfic for The Rise of Skywalker mostly written. I just need to bang out the ending, do some editing, and work up the nerve to post it. It's a project where I gave myself the challenge of taking the pile of nonsense that actually got released in theaters, salvaging as much as I could, and making something I'd actually want to watch.
As for AtLA/LoK, just about everything involves Aang's son Bumi at least tangentially. He's my favorite LoK character, and he doesn't get much love in the fandom. Here's a rundown:
Turtle, Duck, Dragon, Horse is top priority. It's a long-ass story I've put a ton of work into, and the only reason a lot more isn't posted is because I'm not great at working sequentially. I have the third chapter half-written. I'm also just a bit self-conscious about presenting such an ambitious OC-heavy work, since I know that's not what most people are looking for when they hit up AO3. If nothing else, I'm proud of the writing I've done and how much it's improved my craft.
Under the Bone Moon, which I may or may not ever get around to writing. It's basically a Halloween special starring the Gaang 2.0 set in Republic City's boomtown days. Big bro Bumi is 16, Kya is 10 or 11, and both Lin and Tenzin are around 6. Fun sibling dynamics, worldbuilding, and Halloween-esque shenanigans.
Trajectory, which I definitely will write when I get the chance, charts the course of Bumi's love life through the lens of his major relationships. Each chapter will give glimpses of one from beginning to end to show what it meant to both of them. It starts with Princess Izumi and goes from there: Damrong, a fellow soldier; Prithvi, a rowdy metalbender; and Orenda, the hyper-competent waterbender who becomes the one that got away when he balks at the idea of having kids. The epilogue ties into TDDH. OC-heavy, obviously, but you couldn't do the story justice any other way.
I'll leave it at that. Thanks so much for messaging me!
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my multiverse explained (text version) ahoy. for the sake of simplicity the numbers and letters assigned arent about their actual order in a vast multiverse but more of how important/related they are to each other
Universe 1 
Chosen protags: Red, Ethan, May, Dawn, Hilbert, Rosa, Calem, Selene, and Victor. Some of them may go by different Trainer Names in different universes. All of these also share the same iteration of Ultra Space and it’s Ultra Megalopolis.
Universe 1A 
unmeiverse main
Episode RR occurs here
a faller!Anabel ends up here but this universe’s Anabel gets to stay
faller!Ingo from U2B ends up in this world’s past
timeloop plot happens here
Universe 1B
essentially omegaverse au of U1A. some changes of events and narrative due to omegaverse elements
no Episode RR
gets a Faller!Anabel and loses own Anabel
major changes to events occuring in the fankid era
one of the Enid universes so no Tristan. Hannah and Athel also exist.
Universe 1C
where a Faller!Selene comes from.
only finalized thing is that for the Alola story it mainly follows the events of USUM, specifically that of Ultra Moon, over SuMo
Universe 2
Essentially protag swap so Leaf, Kris or Lyra, Brendan, Lucas, Hilda, Nate, Serena, Elio, and Gloria are the ones that essentially follow the games’ plots. Because I am who I am though the focus is still mainly on the protags of unmeiverse (very especially Calem because I have a bias). These also share the same iteration of Ultra Space etc etc. 
Also has much more major changes in different characters’ backstory
Universe 2B
protagswap + omegaverse au
main focus though is my crackship of Calem/Dulse (because i grew too attached to them i needed an au where they did end up together)
very few other endgame ship changes at the time of this writing (bc i tunnel vision on my crackship)
the faller!Ingo of U1A comes from here
also an Enid universe; Ingo and Emmet don’t have an older brother in this one and thus no nephew
Universe 2D
basically villain/anti-villain/anti-hero route for the unmeiverse protags
they all work with Team Rocket in some capacity
also a lot more focus on supernatural powers in this setting
the Giovanni that kickstarts Episode RR in U1A is from here
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kirkypet · 3 years
Tagged by @lurkinghistoric and excellent timing because I’m starting writing again plus, and probably more pertinently, am plagued with a nocturnal cough so can’t sleep!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 46, though technically 45 because one of them is a re-posting of a series as a single multi chapter fic so it doesn’t really count.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 447k although technically only 355k (see above).
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Fury Road and crossovers thereof (Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s The Rivals - don’t ask - Blade Runner, Star Trek Next Generation, Firefly, Blues Brothers, American Gods). American Gods. And some miscellaneous one offs (The Drop, Rogue One).
4. Top 5 fics for kudos?
1) He Ain’t Heavy He’s My Leprechaun [American Gods post s2 fix it fic],
2) Our Mister Jobassa [Fury Road Firefly AU],
3) The Fortune Teller [Fury Road funfair AU],
4) Bear With Me [Fury Road shapeshifter AU],
5) Mortal Man [American Gods post s2 ignoring s3 detectives-in-the-time-of-covid fic] - WIP
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? YES!!! Usually in the manner and style of an excited Labrador. Commenter = FRIEND. But don’t be alarmed, I don’t stalk people. Did I mention that I like comments?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I’ve had a good think about this and have to conclude that I don’t do angsty endings. The SADDEST ending would be As but even then, major character deaths were engineered to have the softest blow possible. Do Androids Dream on the Fury Road has an ambiguously sad ending. I’d say the only proper angst was the demise of my first proper OC, a War Boy by the name of Shambo. There was a degree of tragic irony in his death, but that’s plot building (and the Citadel) for you.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written? SO MANY CROSSOVERS. Or AUs. Mainly AUs I guess. First was Blues Mothers (still lamentably unfinished), as part of the Sweet Home Chicago series, where I swap Furiosa and Valkyrie into Jake and Elwood’s bluesy shoes. Then there’s Angel Interceptor, a Star Trek First Contact crossover attempt (also unfinished 😬). I had a bit more fun with Do Androids Dream on the Fury Road? and Our Mister Jobassa which made it to 22k and 56k respectively. The latter spawned a sequel. And, most recently, there’s Wife Swap, a Fury Road American Gods crossover. Technically also gods, assassins and timeloops is a kind of American Gods Boss Level AU of a sort.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? No-one has yet felt the urge to tell me they didn’t like something I wrote. Which I think is a huge compliment to the whole AO3 culture ♥️ (Thumper’s mum would be proud)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not smut that could be called smut. I dodge the mechanics of the thing by writing about it from a retrospective/reflective/after the fact perspective: buildup, leave them to it, character’s thoughts on the matter afterwards. Probably chickening out but it’s the way I do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I trust the reader’s imagination to fill in the gaps to their own satisfaction. I GET EMBARRASSED OK
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I’m aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not as far as I know.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Max and Furiosa (2015-2019), Mad Sweeney and Laura Moon (2020-)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Blues Mothers. It’s basically a novelisation of Blues Brothers, adapted for Furiosa and Valkyrie and the Vuvalini. I can’t say how much fun it is to read but it’s a little too boring to write, at least when there are other ideas bouncing around. I’ve got a whole sequel plotted out that I can’t write til the movie events are written (sigh). But I’ll know it’s there to pick up when I completely run out of ideas!
15. What are your writing strengths? For better or for worse, I can’t write a thing without really figuring out where a character is mentally/emotionally within context of circumstances. To know whether/how they would do/say the thing. Makes it a bit hard to write anything short, but at least I’m happy enough that things make sense. I enjoy writing dialogue and if I ever get one compliment it’s on that.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Can’t do proper angst. Everything has to have a happy ending. At least I’m predictable eh? And I don’t have a beta. I probably should, but I’m content to stand by my own mistakes.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I’ll do it in small doses but always add a Google Translate disclaimer.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Mad Max Fury Road.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? I love all my babies equally. Even the embarrassing ones.
Tagging two new friends and two old: @atomicdetectivehideout @sausagesquirrel @lennym @evilasiangenius
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caramellody · 4 years
3am P5 strikers timeloop au time baybey: [Natrually MAJOR p5s spoilers]
- So everyone who's in the PT remembers everything. it takes some of them a while but they all remember
- sophia also remembers (and even gets pandora from the getgo) once they release her from the box again
-the gang (now with Zenkichi) basically speedrun through the palaces
-Notably, the gang realizes that Zenkichi never left with them. to whuch they realize that its the night they first meet him
-Push comes to shove, one haru says acab later and gang suddenly realized that
1. Zenkichi doesnt remember them (even thoguh he was WITH them in the jails) and
2. Zenkichi (at least one that does remember everything is now living in Ryuji's phone)
-turns out that everyone with a persona remembers what's happend. which would technically include Zen if it wasnt for the fact that he doesn't get his persona until Kyoto.
-so now there are actually two halves of him that are co-existing: one that doesnt remember the loop and is blissfully unaware of the impening future, and one who did come from the prior loop but lacks a proper body to travel to the real world to since his real body lacks the will power to posses a persona and thus has to resort to being in ryuji's phone praying to any god that ryuji doesnt drop his phone again
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orkestrations · 4 years
wip roundup
i was tagged by @thenarator! time to list the Way Too Many wips i have lol
1. syzygy: this is my epic. alternate quirk izuku, dadzawa, dfo, currently 280k written for this series and counting
2. a little more victory: quirkless enby izuku, they’re at UA in the hero course, includes lots of feral gremlin child antics. includes not-an-asshole katsuki as their brother, and neito, himiko, and tooru as their closest friends.
3. falling backwards // broken mirror: time travel, 19yo pro hero izuku dies and finds himself in the past... sharing a body with his younger self. majorly hurt/comfort
4. fuguelike: the home of phantasmagoric, my terrible horrible timeloop fic, and its sequels. currently eyeballing it at... four or five parts long? warnings for gore, graphic violence, and temporary character death. there’s also some major-league dadzawa and dadmight and some haunted OFA action
5. our souls are open wounds (we may heal together): my future fic. 28yo pro hero izuku reaches his lowest point and asks for help. featuring so much dadzawa, tenya is an amazing friend, and so much hurt/comfort it may actually kill you
6. Compass: my reincarnation au! midoriya izuku, age 14, dies. akatani izuku, age 14, watches pro hero lemillion die in front of him and is entrusted with- you guessed it- OFA.
7. Seven Midoriyas: currently still in the process of being written, a long oneshot that’s basically “sanders sides but it’s izuku and actually he was hit by a quirk that splits him into manifestations of his personality traits so now there’s seven different versions of izuku running around and oh god the one named sin just got into a fight”
8. untitled time travel wip: did i need another time travel fic? no. do i have one? yes. izuku gets thrown into the past... two hundred years into the past, when two brothers were deep in the thickest part of their fight.
9. ageswap au: still in the early outlining/brainstorming process, but basically, class 1-A and Aizawa’s age group (plus a few others) swap places. featuring: toshinori is still an adult, izuku is class 1-a’s quirkless hero homeroom teacher, and in the absence of izuku, toshinori found another quirkless teenager to pass OFA to who is now losing her mind at the fact of izuku’s very existence. also, dadzuku, because. just because. i can reverse dadzawa aizawa :D he gets the homeroom teacher hero dad now
i have way too many wips. i’m tagging @warpinator, @queenangst, @birdantlers, @yamadadzawa, @plusultrachaos, @tired-taro, and @12redsky34. if i have to suffer, i’m bringing you all with me /j
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dylanobrienisbatman · 5 years
2019 Fic Masterlist Part 1: The 100
Slightly inspired by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold (and by that i mean, i saw her making a fic masterlist and was like ‘oh i should do something like that’), i’ve decided to share a masterlist of all the fics i wrote in 2019. i branched into writing for a couple new fandom’s this year, which i’m quite proud of, because prior to this year i’ve only shared fics written for The 100, and i branched into some new ships this year as well, after becoming rather disenchanted with a previous OTP. Read if you want, share if you want, hope you enjoy!
For who could ever learn to love a beast [M] (Becho) 
Echo is a werewolf, and she meets Bellamy the morning after a full moon, and they fall in love, but all the while, she is hiding the truth about herself from him. A bit of found family, teacher!Bellamy, first date cuteness, etc. Written for the first round of our first go at @chopped100challenge, the tropes required were 1) mythical creature, 2) coffee shop AU, 3) rain kiss, and 4) One character teaching the other to do something (which required physical contact. 
With stardust embedded in our skin [T] (Becho) 
Soulmate AU + reincarnation. Multichapter fic, following bellamy and echo throughout a multitude of lives (well... 2, at the moment, but there are a multitude planned), where your soulmark glows where your soulmate first touches you, and you also have the mark from your past lives that glow as well. So far there is a romeo/juliet esc story, a 15th century Salem witch hunting story, and a few more in the works. 
the brave not broken girl [T] (Raven & Anya) 
Also written for Chopped, this fic was for the first round of our second go at it, which was ‘canon divergent’, which basically meant we had to take a storyline from canon and change it. In this fic, Raven ended up in mt. weather, and was the one who discovered the grounder cages, freed anya, and escaped, where they then travelled to polis to seek Lexa’s help. the tropes were 1) somebody who lived in canon dies, or someone who died in canon lives, 2) sunsets, 3) protectiveness, and 4) a dichotomy. 
Confetti [G] (Lexa/Costia) major character death
ALSO written for Chopped. round 2 of 2.0, where the theme was canon speculation, which meant we had to choose an unexplored part of the canon, and fill in the blanks. I chose to look into Costia as a character, particularly her childhood and her relationship with Lexa. With the small caveat that she is observing the major points in her life as a ghost who is revisiting some of the most important moments of her life. The tropes for this round were 1) one character is a ghost (must interact with other characters, or, if they do not, they must be the pov character), 2) joke kiss turned serious, 3) a character is eavesdropping and their presence is revealed, and 4) a character is laughing or crying so hard they cannot speak. 
munuð [E] (Echo/Emori) 
Yet another Chopped fic, round 3 of 2.0 (listen... chopped is the only thing i write t100 for anymore okay dont @ me). The theme was ‘modernised canon’ which meant we had to take the barebones of a storyline from canon and transfer it into a modern setting. i chose the plot of gimmie shelter, where emori tricks everyone into testing on fake!baylis after overhearing that they wanted to do human trials, and also a slight allusion to wonkru. Echo and Emori are looking for a hedge witch group to be part of after magic gets turned off/starts being rationed, and they end up in an all women’s group that has some rather peculiar practices. may or may not include an all female sex magic induced orgy. the tropes required were 1) Magic AU (i chose to use the magic concepts from the show The magicians), 2) sex pollen, 3) secret places, and 4) character says something along the lines of ‘you expect me to do x?’ and then it immediately cuts to them doing x. 
and i’ll die by your side if you want me to [T] (Memori) 
Written for the Chopped holiday gift exchange for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething, where, in a double blind gift exchange, we were given four tropes and a few minor notes from an anonymous recipient, and then wrote a fic with those tropes, that fit a holiday theme. My four tropes were 1) based on a tv show (i chose Timeless), 2) soulmate AU, 3) fake dating, and 4) timeloop/groundhog day. In this fic, Murphy and Emori are part of the Time Team, working for a company that has developed time travel, when bellamy and octavia steal the time machine to go back and change history to bring Lincoln back. they end up in france, christmas 1914, and while trying to stop the blake siblings, emori dies, but then, the day begins again. Murphy is then on a mission to stop the blakes, and also to make sure him, Echo, and, most importantly, Emori, survive the process. 
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ao3feed-reed900 · 5 years
by HuntingPeople (ChaosAngel1111)
"No, not again." RK900 used his free hand to press at the wounds in the human's chest, red coated his hand immediately. "Not again!"
If Reed noticed the odd phrasing, he didn't let it show. Just gave his partner a lopsided smile, let his eyeslids droop.
RK900 blinked-
Day 4
-and he was waking up from stasis.
Words: 14498, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson
Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed
Additional Tags: timeloop, it's basically a groundhog day au, Mentioned Elijah Kamski, he's gavin's big bro, the journey of rk900's deviation, we call him richard about halfway through, this is very traumatizing for him and I'm not sorry, lots of death, gavin reed dies, over and over again, Happy Ending, lots of blood, both red and blue, Angst with a Happy Ending, reed swears, and reed is an angery man, but secretly VERY soft
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chessala · 6 years
Tumblr media
Hello everyone!
I’m not happy to do this but due to life being a bitch, I have to open emergency commissions right now.
Short story short, 4 years ago I took out a loan to finance my Dad’s funeral and have been paying it diligently. Now the bank is trying to screw me over by suspending 400€ of my pay every month starting this month. I should be able to stop this but there isn’t enough time left until payroll for this month. So basically, I’ll be 400€ short when me and my partner already struggle to make ends meet.
So right now, I’m trying to fill this gap urgently as I also use part of my wage to support my mother due to low retirement income.
Without much ado, please see the pricing below. A big thank you to @omgkatsudonplease for letting me use her pricing model. I have also added Euro prices for clarity.
If you are not familiar with my writing, you can find it on AO3 and on tumblr.
pricing (sfw)
100 words minimum / 5000 words maximum
1 USD/ 1 EURO for 100 words
5 USD/ 4.50 EURO for 500 words
10 USD/ 9 EURO for 1000 words
5 USD/ 4.50 EURO for every 1000 words past 1k, up to 5k
 special offers
update a wip:
flat rate of 40 USD/ 34 EURO for WIPs with chapters averaging 8k words in length (I can still keep loving you-fic)
flat rate of 20 USD/ 17 EURO for WIPs with chapters averaging 2k-3k words in length (Through a Mirror Darkly- series, Little Mermaid AU-ficlets)
Start a new AU
flat rate of 50 USD/ 42 EURO to start a new AU series with chapters averaging 5k from the list below (this only includes chapter 1, for chapters 2 and beyond, the update a wip pricing applies):
Kyoukai no Kanata AU (Viktuuri)
Ex Machina AU
Timeloop AU
Koi to Uso AU
The 100 AU
Love Boat-trip AU (Viktuuri)
Flat rate of 75 USD/ 64 EURO to start a new AU series with your specification (2 chapters with 5 k, any further see wip updated). Please make sure to specify the following when requesting an AU:
Detailed description of the setting
If available, media the AU is based on
will write
pairing for yoi fandom (Viktuuri, Yuyuu, Phichuuri, otayuri etc, for others, please ask beforehand)
Any rating up to M
fluff, angst, major character death, comedy, domestic etc. Just ask!
won't write
explicit nsfw content of any kind
graphic violence
absolute crack fics
fandoms I’m not active in, sorry :(
I do have a full-time job so while I will try to finish any commission asap, I might need a bit of time depending on the length of the requested piece. I’ll make sure to keep you updated, though!
I can be reached via message here or on discord (please send me a PM to get my name)
If you can’t/don’t want to commission me but still help out, you can do so via my ko-fi or paypal.me. Alternatively, I’d be grateful for any signal boost as well! Thank you so, so much for your support!
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