#this is cool as hell op
ppl who support xenogenders and general genderfuckery but draw the line at mspec gays are so fucking confusing to me. like yess destroy gender expectations be free express yourself in concepts but if you try to put a pinky toe outside of what i consider an acceptable sexuality i will smite you
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mumblesplash · 10 months
heartbreaking: this viral post is saying things you completely agree with in the most irritating way possible
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Remembrance and Forgetfulness
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
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X-ray of an opossum and her babies. She was by a car and taken to a vet clinic. She survived with no broken bones [source].
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songofstrawhats · 7 months
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I am an entire-ass lesbian.
But in this fight, Sanji has never been sexier, actually!!!!
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sanjiswetcigarettes0 · 3 months
I wanna write about zoro being so whipped for luffy but also being aware of every little thing, observing him closely while waiting to get bloody hunted by him, slowly losing his breath, letting things go however it goes and letting luffy devour him alive while him looking lovestruck
I wanna write about zoro whimpering for luffy and it drives me insane. I am going insane.
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moongothic · 4 months
Going back to this thing briefly
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When adapting this chapter into an episode Toei did not explain nor demonstrate to us what the fuck that spike was (instead they gave us Sables #378545), so we're no closer to finding out what kinda new moves Crocodile might have up his sleeve, whether that really was a Haki-infused sand spike or what
But when I was checking the melting point of sand out of curiosity (to figure out if Crocodile has a fighting chance against Akainu, which in theory he does because Akainu isn't hot enough to melt sand (in theory)), I was reminded of the fact that sand is mostly made of silica
Or, in other words, quartz. Sand is, on average, made of crystal. Of course, sand is also made of other things and other minerals (not just quartz), but if we wanted to assume Croc's DF is made of one element and one element alone, then let's just assume it's 100% silica, right
And now I can't help but to wonder now though
Could Crocodile have learned a new technique where he somehow compresses and hardens his sand so much it can turn into large, solid crystals? Or more specifically, sharp pointy stabby weapons to murder people with? 'Cause. How fucking cool would that be
Also considdering how much Crocodile likes his bling, being able to form crystals to murder people with would arguably be on-brand for him
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crossguild · 9 months
it's transphobic stereotype island to YOU. to me it's an island where trans and gnc people of any gender aren't forced to conform to rigid standards of gender to 'pass' in order to live safely and happily because any one of them can get hrt at any time from their queen who can instantly physically alter a person with hormones, but they simply choose not to because there's no need for it in order to be validated and comfortable in their identity. it's one of the headquarters of the anti-authoritarian revolutionary army that was formed to take down the world government. one of the founders, her second in command, and a commander of the militia are trans. people will literally stand there and say shit like 'well the trans women in one piece depicted with stubble and hairy legs are ugly so they're a transphobic caricature' in the same breath as 'we should support gnc and non-passing trans people uwu'. the hypocrisy
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I have money and no self-control and a huge hyperfixation
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aromanticasterisms · 2 months
yknow i was a little miffed when yoimiya got her second story quest but i can't even be mad that cyno's getting his. he's been around since manga days he deserves it
#personal stuff#delete later#like good for him. also who is that. i know a playable design when i see one#like we are FINALLY GETTING PERMANENT HERMANUBIS LORE.#ARLECCHINOOO. OH MY GODDD#I CANNOT BELIEVE SCYTHE ARLE REAL. i avoided looking at leaks for so long and her animations are SO nice wtf#her WING???#OH MY GODDD??? SHE'S THE NEW WEEKLY BOSS???#SHE LOOKS SO FUCKING COOL. HER WINGS#HEY WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. FURINA OR NEUVILLETTE STORY QUEST 2 WHERE?#are they pushing stuff back. no dain quest last patch no archon or equivalent quest this patch :(#yes i am soo excited to see her lines about the other harbingers#still biting the bars of my cage why are there so many black white and red hyv characters coming out at the same time#STILL CANNOT BELIEVE WE'RE GOING TO REMURIA. RIPS AND TEARS#OH SHIT IT'S RELATED TO PETRICHOR. WE'RE GETTING THAT TOO.#wtf kitty event was foreshadowing. new talking cat#so we're not getting dornman port... :(#oh hey cool dvorak is coming back#new horn instrument!! it looks neat#ah. windtrace :/ i'm not one for co-op events i was hoping fr something else. good for you guys though#NATLAN CRUMBS WOOO#okay. overall looks like a neat update i'm looking forward to petrichor a lot. PLEASE say gourmet supremos. PLEASE.#i've been waiting so long to see them please let them come back...#also arlecchino looks cool as hell.#a little disappointed that no furina or neuvillette or dain quest but what can you do.#maybe we'll get a dain one next patch since we're getting remuria now? probably not but i can dream#checked the voice actors list under the trailer. oh hey we're seeing childe again
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transmascvash · 9 months
Yknow what huge fan of projection makes sanji transmasc and hits him with the "women are perfect and good and everyone wants to be one so something is wrong with me" brand of dysphoria
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grimlock · 6 months
there really is a genre of post of people who's online experiences are Not Universal making some wild claims
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tinukis · 6 months
im not complaining but toei animators sure love shoving luffy's boobs in our faces like- getting into gear 4 or 5 hello??? it's like i got into a car crash and the airbags saved me
i don't think i'll ever be the same person once egghead is animated
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semiotomatics · 8 months
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look, okay. i saw matt’s post abt merch getting majorly scaled back/nixed completely next year and i couldn’t resist! i’m gonna wait for any end-of-year/end-of-merch-store sales to buy anything else, but you know i want that “we are cringe but we are free” tumbler
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lavendead · 6 months
me when mihawk zoro parallels
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
Another gift for you Babbit, this one is a little darker, a little more spooky. I hope you enjoy it, or at the very least, you don't hate it. Thank you for your lovely stories, you're a real one :3c
I did it again, I can't stay away from this AU I'msosorry- It's my favorite spooky Babbit story and it lives rent free in my mind. New Afton virus art just dropped? You know the vibes 🙃
So, if you would, have a slice of feral and problematic Virus! Sun and Moon? Please don't hold it against them, you don't know what they've been through. (。•́︿•̀。)
(These super short one-shots contain semi-graphic depictions of violence. There is depictions of blood, minor amounts of gore, and implied death of humans. I don't think I'm good enough of a writer to really, properly scare anyone, but I also do not want to make anyone uncomfy. I would rate this at 13+, but if you're squeamish, then you might not like these. I'm hiding them under the cut.)
☼ ✴ ─────── ✧ ─────── ✴ ☼ Into the Swing of Things:
The hallway was bright, the lights blazed like white fire clinging to the ceiling. The hum of the electricity buzzed in the background, it's hard work going unnoticed. The initial swing had only been a tap, really. The bat had made more of a clatter when it hit the floor than the leg. Humans were so…fragile.
It made this so easy!
Yellow hands flew to rosy cheeks, a joyous laughter floated over the sniveling at his feet. Sun just couldn't contain his excitement, he was being so helpful! His eyes flashed fluorescent purple, pupils curled into hearts.
Absolutely anything, anything for you!
"Oh, gosh! That must've hurt, you're critically injured!" Sun giggled, pitching to static like a fizzy hiccup. "I'm getting better at this!"
"Please- please! Someone help me-!" Ah, the magic words. He really didn't have to shout, though. Sun gave a bemused smirk to the man slinking across the stained carpet. He really should've considered the consequences of working with Afton. Oh well. He could try to crawl away, but what's the point?
All he had to say was please!
"Yes, yes of course!" Another giggle ebbed into a wistful sigh. "I'm sorry, I was having too much fun. Where are my manners? Here, allow me!"
The animatronic's hands left his face, reaching down in a swift dip to pluck the bat off the floor by it's handle. With a twirl of his hand, he have the glossed wood a quick once-over. With a fake gasp, he theatrically flicked a previously dislodged chunk of Mr. Michael off of the bat, before a sharp nod of approval.
This part always went by so fast. Sun's processor almost had a hard time keeping up. The bat swung, a shattering crack as his target burst in a shower of splintered everything. The man went limp, what was left of his body rag-dolled to the floor in an obscenely wet plop. The handle of the bat practically disintegrated in the metal vice grip. Sun flexed his joints open, and emptied the remaining shards of wood onto the floor.
The silence threatened to swallow the room, before a light 'tsk tsk'ing hung in its place.
'Goodness, I really went overboard, didn't I?" Sun scolded himself, but he couldn't stop the wide grin stretched across his face plate. He was getting better at this. His thoughts drifted to you, his sweet, precious Sunshine. You were going to be so, so happy with him!
Sun wiggled in his casing, hands flapping in a little pulse of nervous, jubilant energy. The bells tied to his wrists chimed in unison, danging from shimmery, purple ribbons. He was almost lost in a fit of laughter before a small creak of metal caught his attention from the end of the hall.
It was a small cleaning cart, with a Staff bot in tow. The little fella had paused in the hall when he had seen Sun, patiently waiting to help with his new task.
'Oh hello there! Your timing in impeccable as always my dear friend!" Sun cooed at the modest bot, watching a small pink glow rise from its grey face. The sunny animatronic chuckled, sweet and fluffy, before his attention turned back to the mess he had made of the hall. The staff bot approached, stoic in the face of anything, as usual.
"Guess I really knocked him out of the park huh?" Sun poised, jabbing his thumb over at the leftovers scattered on the hallway floor, his eyes playfully sparkled at the staff bot. It's shoulders slumped, if only minutely, before it rolled out from behind the cart, deciding to start without Sun and his antics. Aw.
"You're right, I guess these jokes are kinda out of my league." The bright eyed animatronic tilted and bent around the staff bot, chest and legs facing the wrong ways against the arch of his spine. His rays spun with a silly whirl next to the staff bot, flashing his coy, expecting smirk. Sun was never one to give up so easily.
The staff bot let out a flitter of beeps, a laugh it had tried to hide from the jester bouncing next to it. Sun gave a pleased hum, satisfied with the reaction, for now. He untwisted, straightening with a series of clicks. Alright, alright, he had his fun.
Now, it was clean-up time.
 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ When the Stars Suffer Alone:
Moon had never considered himself very patient. He certainly did not fancy waiting on the last breath of trespassers either, especially when it was in the dingiest bathroom in the whole Plex.
But time didn't seem to matter when you were on his mind.
It was a little thing, really. Such a small, delicate strand of silk, yet it meant so much to the celestial animatronic. A smooth, purple ribbon hugged the palm of his hand, the tails of the tiny bow fluttered against the back of his wrist. Even in times like this, he felt his focus drift away to you. He wanted to hold you tight, keep you safe…
You had nothing to worry about, not when your Knight in Shining Nightcap was around.
A choked gurgle tugged Moon away from his thoughts. A lazy glimpse landed to the useless pile of human on the floor as it twitched like gelatin. His chest heaved, looking for any sliver of life left in his punctured body. Moon was not rushed or worried, this guy wasn't going anywhere. Not looking like a fresh slice of swiss cheese.
No where to go.
The gurgling breath continued, and Moon cocked an eyebrow at the mess. His eyes were heavy, a soft but a pretentious glint of pity shined through them.
"You didn't give me much choice, you know. You really should have held better company." Moon chuckled, his voice held it's vicious tone, despite the serene smile on his face. His hands clasped together, a dreamy sigh of artificial breath hissing out of his fan.
"But I suppose some people learn the easy way…"
A hand lifted off the floor, a desperate, shaky attempt at salvation. It gave a pathetic tug on Moon's silken pants, before the last bit of air finally escaped its bloodied prison. The hand fell, dejected, back into the pool of blood on the tile with a muted splat.
"And some people learn the hard way."
The long row of mirror along the titled wall glinted with a purple hue- Moon's vivid eyes were the only source of light in the pitch black of the bathroom. He had felt pretty clever, cornering this trespasser here in record time. And it was even on tile, so much easier to clean than carpet.
And away from his precious Starlight. You shouldn't need to fret over such intruders. You had better things to do. Moon's eyes fluttered at the thought of you and Sun, who was probably insisting you stay for another round of Hide and Seek. Midnight blue fingers drummed together in thought.
He wanted to play, too. Anything to spend time with you. Anything to keep you close…
Maybe you could hide together.
Moon's eyes shot down to his pants before he huffed. He was going to need to change before he could do anything with you. It wasn't a good look, running around with hand prints stained on his clothes. Infuriating rule breaker, his thoughts curdled at the sight of the meaty lump on the floor.
Humans were so…fragile. His hands clapped together, a nervous shutter rattled deep in his core. A memory file opened, unprompted; an unwanted video file blocking his vision input. Blood, so much blood, skin, a scream he never wanted to hear out of you again. Why now?
"Moon…hel-p…help me!"
The animatronic let out a growl, his head shook until the file closed. His sight returned to the cool of the dark room, but he found no comfort in the lonely shadows. It happened so often, his code would bug and open things he did not want to ever see again. No matter what he seemed to do, they were always there to haunt him. He couldn't seem to delete them, they always came back.
No one was ever going to take you away from him. Ever. Your Nightlight would always keep you safe.
Moon left the bathroom in a hurry, a sudden burning in his wires to see you overwhelmed his common sense. With a swift leap into the air he was clipped to his cord, before zipping to the Daycare like a bat out of hell.
Two wet floor bots obediently blocked the door to the bathroom in Moon's absence; as they awaited for the staff bots that were surely on the way. There was a lot of work to do, after all.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: ☼ ☾ :・゚✧:・゚✧
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IM LIVING. IM ALIVE. AND IT IS A WONDERFUL, GLORIOUS DAY, BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY TUMBLR USER @underhanded-lamb . MY CROPS ARE WATERED. MY SKIN IS CLEAR. There is so much love in my heart for these lil fics and for u who wrote them sdhfshdfj thank u
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