#this is fine i’m fine
wordsinhaled · 10 months
my ‘crowley loves aziraphale’ post needs a companion because there needs to be absolutely no doubt that aziraphale is ABSOLUTELY as gone on crowley so…
here i am just thinking about aziraphale’s “smitten, i believe…you’re being silly 🥰” and “why don’t you wait inside? you like waiting inside” (aziraphale knows what crowley likes, what makes him happy!). it’s aziraphale telling crowley he gets plenty of use out of the[ir] bookshop and it’s aziraphale making sure crowley feels welcome to come in whenever he likes and that it’s crowley’s as much as his to the point where crowley just feels comfortable making hot chocolate there
it’s the way he touches crowley so easily (hand on the shoulder in the s2 finale, arm around the waist in the graveyard support, hand on the chest and sliding down, the way aziraphale clasps crowley’s hand in both of his with such enthusiasm in 1941 when it could’ve been a prim handshake, the way their hands almost curl together when they’re dancing at the ball…)
(and that last one makes me unwell, because if their ball had been during the actual regency they would both have been wearing gloves… but at aziraphale’s ball, their hands can touch without any layer between, and he even seizes crowley by the hand to pull him onto the dance floor like he’s waited his entire life to do it)
thinking about the way aziraphale has always looked at crowley from the very beginning, soft, soft, so impossibly, unbearably soft. the way he darts little glances at him whenever he can, like he’s indulging himself in looking
thinking of the way he takes obvious pleasure in introducing crowley to people and saying they go back a long time. thinking of how when gabriel spoke about one person making everything alright aziraphale immediately thought of crowley
thinking about how we’ve always seen them dine or drink in public places but then in 1941 they’re having a private candlelit dinner, just the two of them
thinking of the way aziraphale looks at crowley at the end of the season - as crowley’s putting his glasses back on for the final time - in this earnest, intent, searching way. even in the midst of this argument he’s thinking why are you closing yourself off from me? you don’t do that anymore, we’re not like that anymore. it’s like he’s trying to read crowley’s features, like everything will fall into place if they just look at each other properly
thinking of how aziraphale touches his own lips after the kiss like he can press the memory of crowley’s mouth into them to keep forever
in short… aziraphale loves crowley so much it’s devastating
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hockeylvr59 · 8 months
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uncannylaw · 9 months
It feels good
Minors DNI!!! Smut ahead, Yo-yo x black fem! Reader, strap-on, mentions of smoking, mentions of weed
It felt good, it shouldn’t have but it did. This was the the third meet up this week. Constantly leaving late at night to meet up with her, to smoke or take a late night drive just bc. This meet up was different. Not that different but still different.
The smoke sesh went as normal. You pull up to her crib, have a shot or two and roll up. This time, however, you were on her lap. Wearing nothing but her oversized shirt and panties. Her strap buried deep inside you as you bounced on top of her, panties pulled to the side.
She sat beneath you with a blunt on her lips. Both hands caressing your thighs before making way to squeeze your ass. You leaned forward placing your head in the crook of her neck, it felt so good.
“You stoped moving,” her voice was low and a bit raspy from how much smoke she inhaled but it did nothing but make you wetter. How could it not when paired with her eyes, red in color, hooded.
Her hands that grasped your ass squeezed a bit harder, moving you herself. You were supposed to be doing the work, you were supposed to be getting off. You wanted it.
“If I knew yo ass was gonna be lazy I wouldn’t of let you get on,” she was so mean to you but you liked it.
A sharp slap to the ass was enough to get you moving again. You pulled away from her neck to look. Her hair pulled back outta her face with a head wrap, leaving the fro to sit up towards the back of her head.
Her skin glossed over with the lamp light, smooth and rich in color. Her lips a neutral color this time compared to her standard shade of blue or purple. Gloss coating them, they looked so kissable. You wanted to and she could tell by the way you looked at her. She laughed a bit.
Pulling the blunt from her lips she smiled. “Lean forward and give me a kiss mama,” you didn’t wait. You didn’t care about the gloss that now coated your lips. You didn’t care about the smoke that entered your mouth, you didn’t care that all you could taste was smoke. You got high off her, the weed helped too but it was mainly her.
Her presence was almost overwhelming but you liked it that way. Your legs hurt from the constant movement but you wanted to please her and get your nut.
“It feels so good,” words slurred against her lips. Thighs trembling, it was almost a bit too intimate. “I bet it do, keep moving.” One of her hands moved up to pull your hair, grasped firmly in the braids you just got done recently.
She puffed smoke along your neck, it was warm, it made you feel warm inside. She kissed and sucked hickey’s across your neck. After a bit she finally let go. She placed the blunt down and flipped you on your back.
Deep strokes, ones that made you loose your breath. She hummed pushing a hand to your neck. “All mine right?” Of course it was, you told her it was during the first orgasm. But you didn’t mind saying it again, if you could gather the words.
“Fuck, yo-yo, baby—” a firm press of the hips got you. You couldn’t speak and she wouldn’t let you.
“It’s all good mamas, I know, cum for me baby.” And you let go again, how could you not when she was on top of you telling you to do so.
She’s so fine😩, like what was the reason. Like her, her hair, her attitude, quick with the tongue remarks and more. Like y’all don’t understand I’m obsessed and it’s time I come forward with it. So with that being said I hope you enjoy!!!
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sarah-cam · 10 months
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inkyminx · 2 months
If I had a nickel for every time I watched something and the first episode immediately made me start crying, I’d have three nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened three times.
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skinreflectsthesun · 6 months
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somehow didn’t notice until i watched the finale a second time that izzy’s grave marker has his ring and cravat on it 🥲
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toveswartling · 9 months
Having The Scene on repeat, trying to hear it with their respective internal monologues. Seeing the little flicker of hope in Aziraphale’s face when he thinks Crowley is agreeing with him only to realize he meant the exact opposite. The panic of “no no no that’s not what I meant!” and Crowley’s absolute defeatedness where he seems hardly able to breathe while Aziraphale yet again ask him to go back to Heaven. He knows he can’t and he won’t and apparently Aziraphale doesn’t understand that and it kills him.
And then there’s the kiss itself: Aziraphale trying to hide his tears and Crowley not letting him. The anguish and despair and grief on both of their faces. Michael’s goddamned hands that wants to hold Crowley so much, briefly do, and then let go. The little sob. The utter shambles Aziraphale is in. The SADNESS on Crowley’s face. The mouthed “no” when Crowley leaves.
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social-mockingbird · 11 months
MAG #170: Recollections
“Don’t leave me alone. I’m not enough on my own.”
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
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Did you know that in Canada disposal units are called garburators because of brand ubiquity? Like bandaids and jello.
Shut up I’m fine I’m totally okay and fine.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
So we all agree that next episode Jungwoo is going to find a cat and dog that are the reincarnated versions of Choco and Milk, right? Right???
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dracomysthical · 1 year
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*head in hands and rocking back and forth* how do people. draw
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merriclo · 1 year
concert tomorrow. eating concrete
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
motorway journeys make my ocd go batshit insane
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svkhky · 1 month
possibly the most important exam of my life coming up and i’m not stressed at all thank you for asking!
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criticalrolo · 8 months
are you guys ready to admit that ofmd, good omens, and what we do in the shadows have Extreme SuperWhoLock energies or do I need to wait another year to post this take
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