#this is just for me and you can read it if you want lmao
dekusleftsock · 21 hours
I think that there’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what exactly is…happening with Izuku’s character. Specifically in regards to chapter 425.
I’m glad that a lot more people generally recognize that Izuku is not a character that can be read at a surface level, given that he’s both a repressed person with built up emotion of basically everything and also a very glaringly HUGELY unreliable narrator, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with the ways I’ve seen this most recent chapter spoken about.
I see posts, comments, etc with ideas like “Izuku don’t suppress your emotions! Open up with people! It’ll be okay I promise!” When that’s fundamentally not what is happening here.
There’s always always ALWAYS been a distinct difference in character throughout horikoshi’s writing when he is showing that a character is:
A—Avoiding emotions, thoughts, ideas less than ideal for them. Not opening up when they probably should about their problems given that they’ve been handed the space to do so. Just genuinely not acknowledging, feeling, or expressing emotions that they don’t want.
B—Reflecting on the ways they feel about the world, themselves, or other people given their new perspective on a situation. Not outright reaching out to others to talk about these problems/feelings, but instead waiting until the moment they feel they have the most confidence to do so with their new outlook on their own life.
And genuinely, guys, to grab your BkDk attention rn, this is the exact reason why Ochako’s reflection on her feelings for Izuku and thereafter decision to pull away from them WAS NEVER GOING TO END IN OCHAKO EXPLODING WITH HER LOVE FOR HIM.
This was another common interpretation I saw of Ochako and Izuocha for a long time. That because she pushed these feelings away, they were somehow going to explode in this unbelievable way and she would “get the boy” because of it. That her arc would surround accepting her romantic feelings and that she can’t just push away how she feels for a career.
But yk. That didn’t happen. At all. Nowhere close even.
The same kind of goes for Katsuki, allmight, etc. They all had moments in their arc where it was spent genuinely reflecting, and the only reason we as the audience never connected it in the same ways we do ochako or Izuku was ALWAYS BECAUSE the narrative showed their inner thoughts while doing so (mostly because Allmight’s arc after losing OFA and Katsuki’s arc on what it means to be a hero were so intrinsically tied, both starting at the same time and ending at the same time during the final war. And because they were so tied this caused their own reflections, development, and thought process to be broadcasted to us frequently throughout their arcs… to each other. They also somewhat shared aspects with Izuku, but these were cherry picked more often than not, like dvk2 for example).
To us Katsuki never seemed to be.. idk, suppressing his anger in any way because we were always told what he was doing and why (side note: this is why I’ve always thought arguments against Katsuki were so weird, bc unlike characters like endeavor or Ochako he wasn’t like… hiding who he was and how he was changing. Ever. Like the audience knows at all times past basically season 3 what Katsuki is thinking and doing. Like how do you watch this happen, stare me dead in the eye, and tell me how much of a terrible and awful teenage boy he is. Like damn I didn’t think we were this dumb. This is also my theory as to why he’s most popular, his arc is very… in your face if that makes sense). Katsuki’s entire mini arc on reflecting his mistakes and his childhood and his future is spent TELLING YOU that it’s what he’s doing. (I’m referring mostly to the endeavor internship arc, the provisional license exam makeup, and basically everything in the war arc related to him leading up to bakugou Katsuki rising here)
And see, Horikoshi will stare you dead in the eye, tell you “this girl has taken into consideration that she doesn’t want to waste her time training her career focusing on a boy because he kinda caught her fancy”, and y’all will still say that this will explode in her face.
Y’all this is a series about learning how to manage emotions, maturity in relationship to one’s emotions, how to feel an emotion, but in a way that is helpful. Horikoshi isn’t telling you “go buck wild, feel everything all the time and always express it”, in fact he explores why you DONT do that! Through Toga or Shigaraki, they show how grief and anger can genuinely consume you. But he also shows why you shouldn’t just put everything in a box to never look at or acknowledge, or why you shouldn’t just let your grief destroy the world around you, or pretending that some emotions simply don’t exist.
I can’t say this enough, so let me say it now, mha is about the extremes of your psyche. That you should control something, but not too much. Everything can be harmful. Everything can be good.
Izuku is not controlling too much, he’s expressing just enough.
I LOVE shaming this dickhead at all times in all my posts. I love saying he’s an ignorant dipshit with a weird amount of distaste for a girl who just confessed to him. I’ve joked that chapter 348 is basically an entire chapter spent on Izuku calling Himiko a mean dyke. And yet I also believe he’s doing nothing WRONG here.
In fact, I’ll even say that this moment right here?
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ISNT EVEN IZUKU DOING THE SOCIALLY APPROPRIATE THING ABOUT IT! But he’s still TRYING to reach out to someone he thinks MIGHT be able to understand. (And frankly, this moment is far deeper than what it’s being made out to be, to me it reads more like an unrequited friendship that Izuku both desires and has thought of them to have, while simultaneously showing the distance Ochako has successfully wedged between them for her own sake. Maybe it was always there though, maybe in weird, miscommunicated Horikoshi fashion, this is a representation of how Ochako always read all those “fun friend hangouts” as a little more than that, and without those feelings the friendship never really held any substance to her in the first place. Where Izuku saw his first real friend at UA, she saw little more than acquaintance)
Simultaneously, Izuku is genuinely reflecting on what it means for the world to change, to be a hero, to live after loss—and trying and failing to gain the connection he desires from individuals who can not and will not afford him that.
Izuku is ready for the world to change, a few select characters are also ready for the world to change (mirio, for example), but not nearly enough are. So maybe I’ll have to take this back if I’m proven wrong and I accidentally looked into this far past what everyone else did for no reason, but I genuinely believe with moments like this
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And this
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Aand this
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That Izuku has come forward with that aspect of his character development. He’s reflecting on his new beliefs, not repressing his emotions for them.
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doberbutts · 1 day
I have to ask like. When you harass someone, what is it you're looking to do/accomplish?
Are you just hurting them because you can? That makes you an asshole.
Are you trying to resolve a conflict? If it's making you follow that person around the internet goading them into responding, then *you* are *causing* the conflict at that moment.
Has that person truly hurt you? If there's not authority or staff to report them to (or rules stating that you even *can*) then the best thing for you to do is to block them.
I've been there. Dogblr fucking turned on me over 2 sentences said as a tongue-in-cheek reply to someone in the doberman tags. People who I thought were my friends, people I'd happily interacted with prior, sending me death threats and telling me to kill myself and spreading all sorts of terrible lies and rumors about me for MONTHS. Because, to them, I spoke out of turn. They blatantly admitted to wanting me gone and stated they were happy when they thought they'd chased me off for the week or so that I password protected my blog to make the harassment stop. There were posts by people I'd had extensive conversations with just days prior, stating that they had never actually liked me and were celebrating that I was "gone".
Most of them have not apologized. Most claim that they did nothing wrong, or that I somehow deserved it. I have a few dogblr friends who still reblog from these people even knowing that this happened to me. One of them fucking recently reblogged one of my posts on their newly made blog because I'd long since blocked their other blogs.
Unfortunately sometimes that's how conflicts resolve. Where people are unspeakably cruel to you and nothing ever happens to them. You tell your friends about it and they say "oh yeah I've seen this behavior from them and they suck" and yet don't stop interacting with those people.
I'm not saying it doesn't suck. It does. It hurts.
And I'm sure if any of them were to read this they'd go "lmao it was years ago get over it" as if I'm the one in the wrong for being upset about the betrayal and harassment I received at their hands.
But naming and shaming would accomplish close to nothing. I already know I'm not going to get an apology from these folks and honestly I don't think I'd accept one at this point even if they did (even if they still SHOULD). I *have* had a few apologies trickle in over the years, and have discussed at length why I'm not particularly willing to trust again, and so far that has been accepted. But not from those who were the worst about it, who still to my knowledge act like they're fucking paragons of compassion and empathy.
And certainly continuing to follow them around the internet harassing them into admitting wrong-doing would accomplish pretty much next to nothing.
Sometimes when someone hurts you, the only thing you can do is block their access to you to do it again.
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sxorpiomooon · 1 day
Astrology observations
paid readings 💐
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- your sun sign might be where people look up to you for example people with a Libra sun might have people asking them for relationship or connection advices or might look upto them in that aspect
- your 12th sign can also show what kind of birth your mother might have had while having you for example with scorpio it might have been very traumatic and possibly alot of things might have changed with your birth
- i always say this but if you want to know the environment of someone's home look at their 4th house but to know how THEY are treated in that environment you have to look at their sun and moon even saturn at times that will tell you more accurately about their relations. Bc I've seen in alot of charts and home's that the environment is generally pleasant but not for that person
- if there's an artist that you feel most connected to or with their music it's possible that you are share your big three placements with them lmao I've checked so many charts with my friends and all the artist he liked had placements in common with him
- people with a prominent venus might always have people taking advantage of them look at where exactly the venus is placed to see in which aspect someone with 1h venus might feel used bc of their looks it always reminds me of the lyric "but you don't feel pretty, you just feel used"
- people with jupiter in their 12h are straight up delusional and overconfident but guess what this also ends up making up excellent at manifestation lmao
- people with saturn in 5h might either get into relationships too late and if the ruler is in 11h or something they will be in frequent online relationships
- if you have a stellium in 5h and your partner has a good 5h house too you will see them being the artist and you being their muse(my boyf and I have this lmao)
- while determining your career make sure to check your 2h as well as it deals with finances for example I have my 2h ruler in 8h and I sure do earn from my paid astrology/tarot readings on tumblr (check them out btw)
- you can think of your 4th and 10th house as cause and effect like nature vs nurture or what happened and what you got out of it. for example you have taurus in your 4th house and scorpio in your 10th house this can show you coming from a extremely traditional and fixed value families which has made you yearn for change and it will directly manifest in your career
- tw// sa
I've seen alot of people with mars in their 8h being sexually assaulted by people in public? Especially men by men
- tw// death?
Mars in the 8h people tend to have this feeling that they're going to die an extreme violent death, I've never quite seen other people know this?
- if you know someone with moon conjunct saturn in their 12h, you need to know that all you can do is TRY to help them you cannot save them no matter how hard you try. Alot of things mostly everything honestly is hidden from them by their own subconscious you can tell it to them 1000 times and they still will be on the level one
thankyou so much<3
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xoxochb · 2 days
hi hi saw ur post abt wanting requests so i thought i'd send one in! no pressure at all <3
so jason grace x childhood friend reader where they meet again after he loses his memories, and the reader helps him remember a few of his earlier memories ? could have some romance 😖 ahh no pressure tho lmao
⋆·˚ ༘ * I envy the leaves that grow from the trees, they’re all so carefree
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warnings: this doesn’t entirely follow the hoo timeline, so after the quest in tlh he’s brought back to camp jupiter. I also do not remember how camp jupiter works so I made my own rules and stuff
pairing: jason grace x childhood best friend
summary: read the request!
A/N: I don’t like the ending very much, but I wanted to get this finished today 😭
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oh how you missed your best friend. the one you grew up with, the one you knew since you were six, the one who helped you through your claiming, the one who knew everything about you, the one who saw you through all of your embarrassing phases, the one who was a son of jupiter
not a day goes by where you don’t think about your sweet jason grace. where had he gone?
he had been missing for a month- a very long month at that. you missed him dearly, you didn’t have many friends at camp jupiter. maybe a few people you’d occasionally have a catch-up chat with, but no real, true friends, none like your lovely son of jupiter best friend
you would’ve done anything to see his blond hair or ocean blue eyes again
the same questions run through your mind every day since his disappearance: why did he leave? was he captured? did he leave because of you? where did he go? where is he?!
the only way you could ever make these thoughts leave your mind was when the boy who you’re worried about was beside you, using a gentle tone to whisper sweet nothings in your ear as you drift off to sleep
but he wasn’t here so the thoughts never leave your mind, you’re practically drowning in them at this point, but how couldn’t you worry?
as you lay on your bed in a state of loneliness you hear faint voices outside, and then a knock to your cabin door. you discard your stuffed wolf in your arms and make your way to your door, opening it quickly
“reyna? what’s up?”
she sighs before answering “he’s back”
your eyes widen and your more alert “what? where?”
“in the infirmary, but let me warn you he’s lost most of his memories…” she trails off
“how did this happen? do you know where he went? actually- do you know anything yet?”
a million new questions to drown in, hooray!
“no, but if you’d like you can visit him”
that’s all you need to hear before rushing to the infirmary, almost running into a few people in three process
when you arrive you find him immediately and run over to his side, a few single tears falling in the process
when his eyes meet yours with the same look he gave you many moons ago you think reyna was lying about his memory loss. he seemed to know who you were, or were you just making yourself believe he did because you didn’t want him to forget you?
he grabs your hand and you snap out of your thoughts, “I missed you. you were the only person I had any memory of, I prayed everyday to see you again”
so he did remember you? forget that- you’ve got questions
“where were you? I was scared to death!” you snatch your hand away
he frowns, “I- I don’t know… I woke up on this bus and I couldn’t remember anything, but I knew you. faintly though, most things are a blur still. I went to this camp for greek demigods, camp half-blood, then I went on a quest and I came back here. that’s the short version, unless you want the long version”
“not now” you sigh “I’m sorry”
“what’re you apologizing for?” he asks
“I don’t know, I was worried about you, I was scared. I didn’t know if I’d even see you again, that’s horrifying. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you never came back” you begin to tear up again
he takes your hand again, more gentle this time, scared you’ll snatch it away, “I’m here aren’t I?”
“yes…” you break eye contact
“exactly. we’ve got some catching up to do”
“how much do you remember about me?”
“at first or now?”
the first thing to welcoming jason back to camp was reviving his memory, and since you’ve known him the longest you were assigned to the task
you first asked him for a longer version of his story so you can catch up on what he’s been doing while he was gone, then you ask him about you
“at first it was only your appearance, I could only see your face, that’s all I knew, but then I kept having these weird dreams, or flashbacks, I think they were. they all consisted of you, and the more they came the more I knew about you, I learned your name, how we knew each other and stuff like that. I remember a few random things about you too like your favorite things and just miscellaneous facts and flashbacks about us”
good gods of olympus
“well I’m going to help you remember more, follow me!” you grab his hand and drag him off your bed to various places throughout camp
the north bridge where you had made an oath to always be together, the infirmary where you both had been laying for various nights after you got badly injured, and many other places, but then it came to the last stop. It was the flower field where he kissed you the night before he went missing
“it still looks the same as the last night” he says
“I made sure the ceres’ kids took good care of it incase you ever came back” you blush when you recall the reasoning behind it
“I didn’t know you cared so much about flowers” he jokes
“I don’t”
“then why do you care if the flowers look good?”
“do you ever wonder why I was the only person you remembered?”
he turns to you, seeing you already turned to him, a very small space between the two of you
“all the time. answer my question now”
“so I could recreate the last night we had together”
“are you going to? or are you going to keep talking?”
the first option, obviously. you would choose it in a heartbeat.
and that’s just what you did- you pull him in for a very long-awaited kiss under the moonlight in the flower field, the same as the last night, except this time it was even more special than the first
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tedious-waffle · 2 days
Okay pleaseeee someone help me find this bucktommy fic i read but apparently didn’t bookmark and Cannot for the life of me refind.
Im farely sure I read it on ao3 but it could very well ahve been here on tumblr.
The main things I remember about the story:
Its established bucktommy, they’ve been dating for a couple of months. The like SCENE I remember is that tommy is at bucks loft, sleeping the night. Tommy wakes up and leaves a sleeping Buck in bed, and goes out to the balcony and thinks about like the future of their relationship.
Basically some great, angsty, insecure!Tommy worrying, scarred, and expecting the worst, anticipating end of his relationship with Buck.
I think he like thinks about how he went into this relationship expecting that it’d be casual and then Oops he fell head over heels for Buck FAST and now he’s just Waiting for his heart to be broken, thinking that Buck breaking up with him is inevitable. I can’t remember if Tommy’s anxiety is more generally just “oh buck’ll realize he can do better or will want to try other relationship” OR if its like specially the “buck’s going to realize he loves eddie” cliche, or maybe both. (Also, Tommy might even specifically talk about the concept of a “campsite relationship,” but i might be mixing that in from a different fic)
Tommy is like internally arguing with himself about whether to hold onto Buck for as long as he can have him but thus worsen his heart break which he sees as inevitable, or try to break up with Buck now to try to save himself the worse hurt.
After a while of Tommy angsting alone, Buck comes out to the balcony and they talk and Tommy explains his insecurities and Buck comforts and reassures him and is like “ Ilove you too you idiot” and yay happy ending.
I think about this fic so often and I want to reread it so badddddd. Please 🙏 if anyone know what im talking about hmu. (+ i mean, i’d be totally down for fic recs in the same vein too lol. I Love an insecure tommy fic lmao)
UPDATE: It has been found!
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emmitaaa4 · 3 days
Getting exponentially tired of the “elriels want 👹” posts in the elain tags where they proceed to either A) outright invent stuff B) act holier than thou about how they care so much for Elain because they C) misconstrue the little they hear from our side in bad faith, or D) just completely miss the point they’re addressing.
it’s one thing to be bitter about a ship, but geez theyre getting mad at generalizations they made up about what we think. it has to be tiring. non?
small rant beneath, just to vent. yes i know i can (& should) block certain tags, but reading frustrating content is a hobby of sorts.
Im genuinely convinced all these “ewriel”-myths they keep talking about are a result of a bad game of telephone—they hear a random thing a gwynriel says, go “they’re all stupid/delusional/immature (insult of choice) so i don’t doubt what you’re saying”, then repeat it to others.
It’s obvious by the way they wholeheartedly believe that Elain is our puritanical-warrior-self-insert we use to vicariously F Azriel (😃✋). Doesn’t help that they usually don’t look as deeply into Elain as we do & tend to get stuck on obviously superficial statements about her: they cannot seem to fathom an Elain that isn’t just a once-bright socialite wilting away sans her sun-mate. So any hint of darkness/savviness we see in her is just us moulding her into Y/N. sigh
I can say i’ve read their posts on here, a ton prior to being involved and some now. I’ve seen their tiktoks & video essays, their powerpoints & reddit posts. i’ve seen their comments all over insta/tiktok (kinda hard to miss, they jump on elriel content with their “um shadows and um pliable bones and mates!!” comments). I am WELL aware of what the general consensus is on that side—which is why I am generally unbothered by GA, don’t mind EL, and am just peacefully sailing aboard my ship waiting for it to reach destination.
And because I care about Elain’s journey, I try to see the story the way they do when i encounter certain elucien arguments. For if i am to even just privately engage in the sHip wArs, i know to remain ✨critical✨ and ✨open minded✨.
… there’s no point turning discussions into angry posts against imaginary adversaries.
EVERY elriel i’ve talked to would read an elucien book because it is Elain’s story we are most anticipating. It’s just very telling to me that very few would do the same; that there’s not a whiff of willingness from most of them to listen to the other side.
The funny thing is that all those anti eWrieL posts** i’ve read tend to address twisted versions of “the elriel narrative.” They take things out of context, or say we have the same 3 arguments—which is genuinely insane bc if you know our ship so well, how can you be off by like 2 orders of magnitude ??? (exaggerating if it wasn’t clear, we can’t know these days).
** Their pro GA content reads very anti-Az, used to be very anti-elain, and has a narrow scope ngl. While the bonus matters, it seems like that is ALL they’ve read. They don’t think much about Elain’s journey or powers or decisions, which is just logically not the best way to analyze the series given she IS what’s to come.
✨Just some common myths they believe✨:
they repeatedly claim that elriels want poor elain to be a kickass warrior torturer to fit Az because they A) don’t actually read our stuff B) enjoy thinking we hate elain, and C) can’t fanthom that spying isn’t 007 ninja activities.
apparently we ship elriel because we think they have this big great romance OFF PAGE 😭. how in the hell— i’ll make a post on this one istg it’s lowkey funny. quick, were nessian strangers and unfeeling towards each other at the start of SF ???? damnit i must’ve missed that.
En tout cas. End of rant the rest stays in the drafts lmao.
but istg one day i’ll cave in and unleash the essays of rebuttals and psychoanalyses of their arguments / thought processes just for shit and giggles.
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butchmartyr · 21 hours
I think my biggest issue with the post you made (where you screenshotted medusadyke's post) is like... if dozens or hundreds of gay men On This Website were talking openly about having pedophilic kidnapping fantasies, confessing to engaging with art depicting sexual abuse of minors, finding it erotic & jacking off to it, admitting they wish it could happen in real life, & then in addition to all of that ALSO claiming that those things are innately part of Gay Culture and that it's homophobic to criticize them for it, other gay men would be ABSOLUTELY CORRECT to criticize them for it & condemn the behaviour. That's what's going on with transfems on this website -- as a trans woman, I am seeing COUNTLESS trans women claiming that it's Innately Transfem to indulge your paraphilias (including paraphilias) and encourage them and wish you could act them out in real life, which I think is absolutely deranged and only serves to paint the transfem community at large with a negative brush. We're not just baselessly calling trans women pedophiles for no reason or because we have "internalized transmisogyny" or anything, we're critizing them for 1. engaging in pedophilic behaviour, and 2. conflating pedophilia with transfemininity and claiming it's transmisogynistic to condemn that behaviour. We're just going around doing spooky scary hands at random trans women and claiming they're pedos based on nothing. We're actually -- surprisingly -- specifically motivated by NOT thinking it's normal for trans women to be pedophiles and NOT wanting people to view us that way.
Nope! You have lost the plot. The way society at large sexualizes and sees us as demons is not because of the sparse existence of a few shitty trans women ““indulging their paraphilias””, whatever the hell thats supposed to mean, holy shit lol. And you have to be joking if you want to call this “criticism” when I’ve watched her mutuals move to making up pedo accusations about trans women completely baselessly out of thin air as something to tack into a callout post, this is a bad joke. There are not hundreds or even dozens of trans women genuinely saying this about transfemininity, you are falling face first into your biases that lead you and the rest of society to see innocent trans women as predators by reading the worst out of what one may have said and applying that worst-case reading to other members of her marginalized gender group for no reason aside from their shared gender, which is discrimination, even when you do it to trans women and even when they’re really extra bad ones we promise this time.
The drive to search for and excise this specter of an Actually Evil Tranny is something i watch get used monthly to do fun things like call random innocent women rapist scum or pedophiles for having consensual sex with their adult partner in a way someone else doesnt approve of, for making posts calling video games annoying, or for saying that lesbians who praise virulently transmisogynistic lesbian culture are probably shitty. You can say you’re doing “criticism” all you like, but all you are doing are confirming your own preconceived notions and taking it out on other trans women, and this will be obvious every time the transmisogynists equate consensual sex between trans women as sexually violent, harassing, or dangerous. And like again no one is seriously saying pedophilia is transfeminine, and if they did you’re kind of insane for assuming other trans women are just okay with and agree with that or have a naturally shitty moral fiber or something, you have just completely lost the plot, no one else is expected to constantly say they’re not pedophiles be so real with me lmao. At most a few people are being gross or posting kink you read into cruelly, and i know there’s a bunch edgily joking about it to get people like you to unfollow them and save them from watching more pedohysterics; which is something we call “maybe a little in bad taste”, a category of being annoying or shitty that isn’t equatable to actual fucking sexual abuse.
Also, “Paraphilias” are still an arbitrary and garbage way to try to understand and pathologize sexuality that basically just means weird, and resultingly being attracted to trans or fat people is placed in the same category as sexually abusing children, among other insane pathologic and arbitrary shit. You need to understand abuse is not about desire. You need to come to understand that the problem with sexual abuse is the abuse; pedophilia is not a problem of Dangerous Perverted Deviants corrupting the fucking youth and spreading mind poison (again, you have fallen for reactionary sex politics hook line and sinker here), CSA is normalized as fuck in our society and happens most frequently as a symptom of power to hold over someone and to enforce norms. Failing to understand this and (reactionarily!) focusing on the construction of the Deviant Pedophile instead only makes it easier for ‘normal’ people in positions of normalcy and power to abuse that power. You’re lost! Please think critically and honestly for a while.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 18 hours
Idk about you, but there was a period of ATLA fans trying their damn hardest to convince me that Katara didn't get any hate. And then when I counted that yes, she did (I didn't make up all of 2020 and 2021 ffs), they told me to calm down?? Like, am I the only one who's experienced this?
The people who are so "neutral" in this fandom are actually the worst ones istg
IT’S SO WEIRD! It’s not even just revisionist history, it literally still happens today. Reddit is overrun with “haha Katara dead mom” jokes. Redditors really show their asses with their simultaneous contempt for Katara and their fervent defense of Ka/taang.
On Tumblr I blame the Zu/kka shippers lmao (who also tend to be the ones who claim to be neutral multishippers, as if multishipping wasn’t the norm in this fandom, yes even amongst the ZKs). Some m/m shippers really want to get rid of the female character in the way of their m/m ship. Which, hey, shipping is supposed to be fun, and if you put Katara with Aang or Azula or Haru or Suki or whoever with zero development for the purpose of your Zu/kka, there’s nothing wrong with that! They do that with Mai and Ty Lee, no drama, bc Mai is not so well developed as a character.
It’s just that…instead of admitting they want to get rid of Katara so that they can enjoy their Zu/kka, they emphasize how she’s so mean to their woobie Zuko, or to their woobie Sokka. Then you get absolutely wild mental gymnastics that are just Katara slander with more steps, like the baffling “homophobic Katara” headcanon (as if Katara, who allowed a fortuneteller to dictate her breakfast and spent the entire show waffling over whether she likes a boy, is any less likely to be queer). People on Tumblr don’t hate on Katara directly anymore because they know it’s misogynistic, so instead we are subjected to a wide variety of random ass takes. The latest form of Katara slander is “just let her be a kid” and assigning her qualities to Sokka, which I categorically refuse to read, because it pisses me off. People are so weird about Katara.
I think this must be something specific to Zu/kka, not m/m ships in general. My first major ship was Klaine and female character slander was not an issue at all. Anyway I ship all variations of Fire Sib x Water Sib (except the incest ones, which apparently requires clarifying nowadays), but Zu/kka is becoming my least fave of the bunch due to fandom shenanigans.
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dragiani2 · 23 hours
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Yeah I’m kind of late to this haha
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This is a raffle to win ownership of this character! Once you own him, you can change any aspect of him however you please! Just credit me as the original designer.
Reblog this post!
Comment that you want to join!
After you have done this, you’re good! After a day or two I’ll put everyone on a google doc and use a random number generator to pick a winner!
Yeah I just wanted to do something for this milestone lmao, used to do shit like this a lot back when I was really active on deviantart
decently proud of this design, but I could have done better with the colors and rendering
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scarletfire03 · 5 hours
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Hell yeah this redesign is done!
I have a few things to say about the design but it's gonna get a bit rambly so I'm putting it below the keep reading line :p
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Basically, the idea was to make a more realistic design for headcrab mouths. I want my critters to look like actual lifeforms and not just monsters :)
Obviously, the HL1 beak had to come back for the whole "bite open skull and then do the zombification magic" thing to work. You cant suck a skull open. It's not a jawbreaker. I did take the idea from HLAs headcrab and gave them an upper and lower beak. (although the OG design has a sideways mouth but whatever) I also made the beak more gnarly with some "teeth" to create punctures in the skull so that the force of the beak pressing down can turn the punctures into cracks more easily.
I also decided to elaborate on the little claws under the HLA headcrabs legs and I made them secondary legs in a way :P
Here is a diagram of what parts correspond to which parts of my redesign:
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Another thing I redid on these guys was the coloration. I based it on hl1 and hl2 where they are very yellowish. It's mostly to keep them consistent with other critters related to them (bullsquids, houndeyes, ichthyosaurs, leeches, and so on) but also I kind of dislike the pink meaty coloration it makes them look so much like pussy lmao
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Also, why do HLA headcrabs have hemoglobin when their blood is meant to be green...
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yeah, that's another thing I decided to throw away. green blood all the way!
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now that looks a lot more alien imo.
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I also had the idea that headcrabs use their vibrantly green colored venom sacs to deter predators. kinda like a billboard saying "do not mess with me"
I hope this isnt a complete mess that I just wrote and that yall understand what Im trying to say xD Im not the best at formatting my thoughts into a post. I dont know what I will work on next. torn between finally making an intro post to sardius, a really big speculative biology project i have been working on for ages, and writing about how headcrabs might have evolved
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cypheragent · 8 hours
obviously there is nothing wrong with going on hormones and then stopping if a person finds it is truly not for them but "detransitioner" is not really an apolitical identity and generally refers to a group of people i have very little sympathy for. and the coddling of detransitioners people engage in is just insane. even far too many trans people fall into this trap i'm afraid lmao. there are pretty much two kinds of people among those for whom "detransitioner" is an identity, and they are 1. the "ex-homosexuals" of trans people who are just repressing their transness now, and 2. transphobic cis people. i mean that's really it right? if detransition was truly right for a person and they really are cis now, why the fuck should i care what they think about trans issues? they aren't my problem, my responsibility, and their opinions about trans people mean as much to me as any other cis person's, which is to say: jack shit. "what about people who detransition?" literally, and i cannot emphasize this enough, not my problem. why are trans people expected to answer for these people or justify ourselves in light of their existence? literally, what do they have to do with me?
aside from this, your average detransitioner (again, with this i refer not to people who simply choose to quit hormones and don't become raging transphobes about it, but Detransitioner as political identity) is essentially a person with no sense of personal responsibility who society chooses to coddle because they appear to confirm society's transphobia. it's pretty insidious tbh, society at-large's obsession with detransitioners, validating them and blaming trans people and the increase in our rights, specifically to bodily autonomy, truly reveals the part most people don't want to say out loud: that they believe this is the ideal. this is what a not insignificant number of people (even many who claim to accept trans people, frankly) believe to be the best option, if possible, for trans people. i've definitely encountered a number of people who are like, fine with trans people's existence, but want to believe very firmly that transition is a sort of unfortunate last resort that should be avoided at all costs if possible, and that reasons not to transition should be emphasized and sought at all cost.
viewing transition as unfortunate (rather than what it is: joyful) can be seen in the pearl clutching over trans children especially. what if they regret it! the hypothetical dysphoria a cis person would experience as a result of transition is more concerning than the dysphoria trans people already experience, because the feelings and experiences of cis people are always, always the priority, and trans people and their suffering an afterthought.
anyway, i got a little off-track from a point i wanted to make, which is that the majority of detransitioners have no one but themselves to blame. and yet this is never what they do. doctors are to blame, trans people are to blame, literally anyone but themselves. i don't think most people would fall for this narrative as easily if not for the fact that society hates trans people, so again, it's a narrative people like because it confirms what they want to believe, that transition is unfortunate. in the modern era, there are so many resources to understand what transition will do to a person's body that i find it difficult to sympathize with someone who acts as though it was some kind of big shock. of course, i understand that someone can do all the reading in the world, know what they are in for, decide to go through with it and still find, unexpectedly, that it isn't right for them. (this probably isn't as common as people want to believe though... i mean, detransition rates are low as is, and even the majority of detransitioners themselves will tell you they didn't do research, they didn't know hormones would do this or that. somehow, i am supposed to believe this is everyone's fault but their own.) that being said, it is very much possible to simply not become a raging transphobe in light of this! accepting personal responsibility instead of blaming others is probably the first step.
of course, trans acceptance is only beneficial for those who go on hormones then choose to quit anyway. dysphoria is easier to cope with in a world where people don't discriminate against gender nonconformity. if you believe in a worldview that ascribes disgust to bodies that are or have been on hrt, bodies that don't fit the cis binary mold, then... yeah, that will contribute to any misery that you might be experiencing. insisting that your body is "ruined" or "mutilated" isn't exactly going to help with your self-perception and overall mental health. acceptance of different bodies is one of the necessary steps to improving your own mindset (and improving your treatment of others, for that matter). going on hormones, or going off them, literally anything a person can do with their body, should be accepted as rather mundane all things considered. sure, it's a big decision, but at the end of the day it's ok to make a decision, to realize it wasn't the right one, and there is nothing wrong with anyone's bodies. you gotta move the fuck on with your life at some point.
of course, all this is supplement to pretty much the most basic and obvious point that anyone should agree with wrt hrt, which is that what other people do with their own bodies is none of your damn business and everyone should have the right to choose for themselves. the fact that some people might regret it is not an excuse to remove that as a basic right for everyone (nor is it an excuse to insist upon stricter gatekeeping, for that matter). furthermore, the simple fact that hormones are life-changing for many people is an indisputable fact. die mad about it, i guess
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panelshowsource · 14 hours
now that s17 is over, how did you like it? it feels like most people either thought it was mild or weak, which makes me sad, so i stopped going to the discussion threads about it :""( i also don't see much anticipation for s18...
aww anon well, first, if you had a good time then that's what matters! so i hope series 17 brought you a little joy each week, that's what panel shows are for in my humble opinion 😚
because i know i'm about to word vomit some word salad, i'll throw out some s17 reactions + s18 thoughts below the cut! that way anyone who is sick of my nonsense doesn't have to scroll past it lmaooo
series 17 was a decent one! i don't think it's in the hall of fame, but it's definitely nowhere near the couple of "unwatchables" as they're (pretty unfairly) called. i've talked before about one of the downfalls of a season is when a group doesn't harness their dynamic and take control of the show — when they're in the studio and just sit quietly, waiting for greg to give them permission to speak, things flow well for the editors but the experience lacks. this is why s1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, even 12 are so silly and chaotic: the contestants were constantly fighting, interrupting or pausing judging, trying to convince or gaslight or challenge greg, just...speaking! talking! interacting! if that doesn't happen, taskmaster can just feel like show and tell, which is not when it's at its best
ultimately, this is why too many polite and well-behaved people in a single series is a pleasant watch but doesn't hit very hard. this series was exceptionally nice, we have to admit. joanne followed by steve may have been the "hang on a second ☝️" contestants of the series, but not by a lot, meanwhile nick and sophie were the loveliest, pretty quiet people and john was dead silent most of the time. actually, that was something that ended up surprising me — john was so focused on the tasks, so focused on winning, most of the time he didn't pause to give significant, funny commentary while filming, didn't give us *nearly* the banter with alex i anticipated, and was particularly quiet in the studio. i knew he'd be in it to win it, don't get me wrong, but he approached taskmaster more as a richard herring than an ed gamble, if you know what i mean. it was very funny to me when he was on the tm podcast and was more or less like "i know i didn't prioritise being entertaining" lmao that earnestness can be sweet, because i do like to watch the show imagining how i would do each task, but his ~no nonsense~ approach was turned up to 11 for a lot more of the series than i anticipated. i almost wish john had leaned a little more into his self-aware neuroticism and competitiveness just because that's generally a good character on taskmaster — and this series was definitely missing that
(you know, talking about this really reinforces my belief that kerry godliman is perhaps the most perfect taskmaster contestant...ever. competitive, no nonsense and full of nonsense, top bantz, stands up for herself and tears down others but fights without being genuinely angry or butthurt, doesn't know enough to try and figure out a workaround for every single task, loves and bullies alex in equal measure... just love the woman. love her. fuck it, same for jess knappett. i miss my girls😭 this is ALSO why i think rosie is a great fit for tm)
anywayz i haven't read mucho mucho discourse about series 17, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the vague "criticism" people: just more lowkey vibes than other series. but some people prefer that, so..!!!
i think, too, too many people look back at series 1–...7? at least and want to see the same greg–alex dynamic, approach to the prize tasks, approach to scoring, lil tricks, what have you — and that is not gonna happen again. ever. for example, greg and alex have talked too many times about how hard they try to score things "fairly" because that's become such a big point of conversation for the viewers at home and, atp, even the contestants. personally, i don't prefer that. fuck fair! this is not a real competition it's an entertainment show!! when greg was throwing out points willy nilly, bonus points for eating hair, giving 5 points to a prize just bc it's his personal sense of humour and ranking another contestant's prize low every week just bc that's a funny recurring joke/dynamic, whatever. i do not care. give phil wang 1 point every time. points schmoints. but that cannot happen anymore because the viewers starting taking the points so darn seriously. (not to mention the opportunity to do coc is now pretty coveted for its $$$ and exposure, too, i'd imagine.) the same goes for greg leaning into his dictator role, the master/slave relationship between him and alex, alex being super stoic and quiet — not only does tm think those characters and dynamics are played out, but in some ways the audience has evolved beyond all that
my point is that people get caught up in the Old Gen Taskmaster that hooked them and can't accept the ways in which the show has evolved — even if it's in their opinion for worse. do i think it would kill taskmaster to go back to slightly less convoluted tasks and commit to the 1–5 point system instead of constant ties (or "this was a 3-point effort")? no. i would like to see that lmao but i don't view the series through the lens of a series 1 fan anymore, either. a reality check would help a lot of complainers
i did read one thing i thought was interesting — that with the huge number of series we're at with tm uk, and now the accessibility of other countries' spin-offs, there is a bigger and bigger pool of God Tier Taskmaster to compare each new series to. it used to be "hmm does this new series stack up against series 4, one of the all-time greats?" but now we're stacking new series up against the top ~6 of tm uk, tm nz s2, a couple of the tm belgiums, tm aus s1, and so on. competition is stiff!! not many series can be The Very Best Of All Time, so with each new tm uk that isn't, people start to feel like the show has gone downhill when it probably is stagnant at worst. does that make sense?
i don't wanna sound like every criticism of tm can be explained away or comes from a bad place. as i've mentioned above, i have my qualms. this series, one of my major qualms and seriously unpopular opinions was that i didn't like that steve wasn't actually bringing in prizes half the time. like, he was doing bits and they were funny bits, but greg was scoring him mad high for the effort he put into his bits instead of the actual prizes he brought in for entry. i stand by that opinion, but the thing is i didn't let that ruin my experience of the show. but, maybe, it just comes down to the fact i want to like it...so i do ^^
maybe i talked way too much about criticism and negativity hahah some things i really enjoyed from this series:
nick is probably the second person following john kearns who i actively disliked before taskmaster specifically because i had only ever seen their comedy characters doing dictionary corner or a bit of standup — and i really didn't like them. (still never seen ted lasso!) lo and behold, they go on taskmaster and are S Tier Sweethearts and i see them both in totally new lights! in fact john's last standup show is being released shortly and i cannot wait to watch it — which me of the past would never believe i'm saying lmao so i'm so grateful the show opened my eyes to what a funny, sweet person nick is!! and may i say his and john's styles in the studio are massively underrated. they are both incredibly snazzy dressers!
steve and nick were a sweet little team weren't they! i think it would have been funnier to have john x sophie (the best and the worst, in their own ways) vs. the more harmonious steve x nick x sophie, but regardless it was very cute stuff
the location was great! i fucking love a big open field, i fucking love a river
greg has had some really strong intro "speeches" the last few series and i loved his this time around. they're just equal parts stupid and weird + his authoritative, classic greg delivery always makes me laugh heh
some of the strongest live tasks in a while!! catching the little monsters, passing the loo through the tube, bouncing the ball on the bar — all felt like quintessential uncomplicated classic taskmaster parlour games and they were good fun
TONS out outtakes content!
and gosh it's wonderful to have a new little hour of pleasantness to have each week :)
regarding s18... it's an interesting lineup! in a good way!! i think rosie's character is more or less a perfect fit for the taskmaster format. obviously she is one of the biggest female comedians in the uk right now, but i didn't bet on her doing tm because i didn't think the show could commit to accommodating her disability for 10 episodes. and, frankly, they may not — and i guarantee she is completely okay with that. she was born from the rhod gilbert school of showing up to fuck around, and i sleep soundly knowing she will do just that. i really like jack dee and i'm happy for alex to have made it work with him. it typically wouldn't be my choice to have two senior comedian white men on one series, and (unpopularly?) i'm not really a zaltzman person, but i have no doubt he'll be quite charming. emma sidi is part of the alex horne bubble of friends i have mentioned a few times before, but i actually don't know much about her. babatunde feels like a sensible fresh pick since he's been doing more variety/panel shows; i don't watch him on googlebox (which i love) because i don't like mo gilligan (very unsorry about this opinion heh), but what i've seen of him i've enjoyed! i don't think the group's dynamic is obvious just from their list of names, but the fact they're all comedians is VERY promising and makes me supersupersuper happy — all comedian lineups are historically the strongest. so yay!! but can you imagine who will be on a team?? god imagine a jack x rosie team lmfaoooooooooooo i live for the thought
hope that made sense and if it didn't whoops! don't mind me heheh
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kataraslove · 17 hours
I just stumbled across your acc and I gotta say, I agree with alotta ur takes
Ur sooo well spoken and I really enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions
Katara is one of my favorite characters and it makes me really happy to see someone appreciate her and her writing
Ngl a lot of atla fans r lowkey braindead so ur acc is pretty refreshing
Thanks for posting!! 🩷
thank you! 🩷 your words are too kind. i appreciate it.
i did mention this before, but this blog stemmed kind of entirely out of spite. i was sick and tired of fandom on here telling me that there was only one way to interpret and enjoy my favourite character, dictating who i could or could not ship her with and how much of a stan that made me. it’s not an experience just unique to the atla fandom, of course. it’s becoming something more apparent nowadays especially, the ways in which multiple readings and interpretations of a character is heavily discouraged by fandom in favour of just one.
it’s baffling how, for so many years, there was a strict binaric interpretation of katara’s character, with 0 being non-canon and 1 being completely in favour of all things canon. either you had to vehemently agree with everything that bryke wrote for katara’s within atla and post-canon, to the point where i have seen people defend the lack of statues of her as “oh, she probably didn’t want one anyway,” (NO!!) or you had to have deep-rooted anger and rejection for all things that were done to her story, in the guise of katara deserving better.
katara does deserve better narratively, but NOT in the ways that the tumblr fandom thinks she should have. not in the ways that she should be ambassador to the fire nation, or become firelady (a racist depiction in fanon and nothing but a decorative title in canon) and live out the rest of her life by zuko’s side, serving and prioritizing zuko’s nation.
“but wouldn’t it be empowering if katara sat on the throne of her oppressors and got to dictate - “ no. it’s not. stop advocating for that type of ending for women from oppressed and marganized groups. stop acting like that is the ideal future that katara wanted this whole time, that ruling as part of a foreign monarchy that decimated your people and your culture is the ultimate threshold for liberation.
i’ve seen people who claim to take a doylist perspective for critique of atla (read: kataang)’s writing completely lose all comprehension when it comes to critically assessing post-canon zutara. by that i mean, if we continue with the writing direction that we saw for all of the female atla characters in the sequel series, a zutara endgame would position katara in a worse outcome than she got narratively. but you tell anyone that and it’s an instant “zuko would have given her 10 statues!!”
but most importantly, nothing has radicalized me more over this year than seeing the “katara deserves better (in the form of zuko)” crowd, the same crowd who is currently dreading any form of fixing or retcons from avatar studios in upcoming content, defend the hell out of natla katara’s writing. the very same people who were praising katara’s arc to the stars, stating that it was nearly complete until the two grown men decided to pair her up with aang and ruined all at the end.
well, what about the group of zutara shippers in the natla writer’s room who handed her everything in the narrative, who removed her flaws, her anger, her compassion, who stripped her down to everything except hope, all in the name so that she wouldn’t appear unlikable to audiences. i mean, that tremendously backfired for them, because now the young actress who plays katara is getting hate spewed at her for failing to portray katara interestingly, when the problem has always been the shit writing.
anyway, i appreciate this message! glad i could be of service and it’s nice that you’re a zuko fan who ships kataang! lots of people who love zuko do.
“a lot of atla fans are braindead” LMAO you can say that again!!!
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the-xolotl · 2 days
VVSGSJJD OMG GIRL…IM SCREAMING (had to pull out this reaction pic LMAO)
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just got done reading ur oneshot called “rising with the sun” and it has me in CHOKEHOLD those types of fics LOWKEY are my guilty pleasure…idk why LMAO but UGH you ate this up and i’m so happy someone did this with my fav silly deer ‼️ I don’t really see fics like this often so i’m glad this came up on my feed! and if you’re ever wanting to write another one like this…i’ll be waiting 🧍‍♀️👁️👁️ (silently giggling and kicking my feet fr)
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TEE-HEE i’m so glad to hear you liked it !! i’m not guilty. i’m a WHORE for somno, Alastor can use my body any time he wants, the idea of me being unconscious while being touched is just so hot, so Alastor had full permission hehehehe
i will certainly be writing more somno in the future~ right now i’m very focused on a few ideas my script writer has for me but you best BELIEVE i’ll be writing more like Rising With the Sun, my friend. i’ll make sure to tag you on my next somno piece~
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winstonsns · 2 days
Hiii I was wondering if you can do the Curtis gang with a platonic little Curtis sister who’s like Lucy loud from the loud house?
the gang and child lucy loud!reader (request)
authors note: please bear with me guys i have 16 requests in my inbox rn LMAO. this was fun to write, i hope you enjoy 💗 TUMBLR ISNT LETTING ME POST THIS HOLY SHIT
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cussing, mentions of being jumped and made fun of
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because you’re pony’s sister and so close in age, you’re extremely close to each other
you and pony feel like you can tell each other anything even though you’re naturally pretty closed off
the two of you are academically smart and love reading and poems, both of you talking around once a week about a new poem you’ve read and how you felt about it
he began to read edgar allan poe poems, pony giving you a book filled with all of poe’s creations so you could talk about it more
both of you are quiet, sometimes enough to hear a pin drop because you’d rather listen in on conversations rather than interact in them
you prefer to talk to one another in private, both of you being next to each other in several settings but no one seeing you talk to each other
if anyone tried to mess with you or if he hears someone talking shit about you, he’ll ask, “you talkin’ ‘bout my sister?” and give them a sharp glare, a warning not to do it again
like you, johnny’s very skeptical of things and is always alert of what’s around him
he really enjoys being around you and pony, the three of you aren’t necessarily the closest in age all together but you’re all so different but so alike
he always tries to take care of you like how the gang takes care of him, wanting you to have a better life than he does
he doesn’t necessarily like fighting but will defend you if you get into trouble
the two of you are very aware of everything that is around you, always skeptical of people and not fully trusting others
you’ll talk to one another on whether or not you feel like you should trust a specific person or go to a certain event, knowing some socs might try to jump you
he thinks you’re unsettling at times though, you’ll sleep in the same position the whole night and won’t move in the morning, you basically normally stay still all the time
it also freaks him out that you can be in another room, far away from him then he’ll call your name and you’ll be right next to him
he loves being around you, you’re different from anyone he’s ever met and he really enjoys that
soda protects you all the time and is always with you, the both of you notice nearly everything and hardly miss a detail
even though you and soda aren’t the closest in age, he feels like he can talk to you about anything
he helped you become a little more social and persuaded you to open up to others
the two of you are basically opposites, people will see a handsome guy who’s bubbly and smiling at nearly everyone he sees, then next to him is a girl wearing gothic clothes, quietly observing her surroundings
most of the time, soda picks you up from school and will sometimes drop you off at the DX with him so you can talk together while he’s working
if anyone tries messing with you or makes fun of you, soda sticks up for you and even beats someone up if they try to hurt you
his main goal is for you to know that you aren’t alone, you can talk to him if you feel the need to or just to talk about your problems
you voice your concerns and tell him he can always come to you too if he needs to, being with him makes you feel full and happy inside even though others don’t see it
although you were like neither of your parents, darry feels the most obligated to take care of you
because you are the only girl in the family, he takes extra precautions to make sure you’re safe wherever you go
you’re his favorite sibling because i said so
since you know he has a lot of weight on his shoulders because he feels the need to take care of you and your siblings, you try to listen to him so his job can be easier
he gets a bit frustrated sometimes because you don’t show emotions as often as others, it causes him to wonder if you are actually mentally okay
but one day, darry asks you if you’d like to help out with the cake even though he was expecting you to say no
but you say yes, the two of you begin to make the cake and by the time it’s in the oven, there’s flour on the countertops and you thank him, “thanks for asking me to help you, darry.” not even directly looking at him but the appreciation was visible
he then realized you were capable of emotion, as was he although the two of you were viewed as people who never showed their feelings
dally thinks your style is so cool, he occasionally swipes something from your favorite clothing store and gives it to you
the two of you actually really get along because it’s hard to tell if you care about him and if he cares about you
the both of you show it in small ways though like when you speak about how much you appreciate the time you have with him
or when he notices and points out a new shirt or accessory you’re wearing, knowing you like to be noticed in that way
you’re one of the kids he can actually tolerate and get along with
if he hears someone talking bad about you then they end up going home with a broken rib
he taught you how to fight, giving you a switchblade with good qualities and looks to your liking
he honestly gets really freaked out when you appear out of nowhere, he’ll be talking to johnny then will turn around to see you looking up at him
you always wear some type of covering over your eyes, whether it’s bangs or sunglasses, dally will let you borrow his sometimes
keith likes how you feel free to act however with no shame, socs stay away from you because you��re a little kid and they believe you know too much
basically, they just don’t beat you up or anything because they think you can do way more than others are aware of
sometimes you’ll go over to keith’s house so you can play with his sister, he loves how the two of you get along well
you’ve also protected her from getting hurt, her brother really appreciates that
he thinks your style is pretty cool because you’ll dress sort of gothic, he wonders where you get those clothes and sometimes steals some for you
once, he asked the gang if they wanted to go to a pool where it was mostly socs, all of the others were busy but you went with him
he expected you to just put your feet in but you came out with a full on swimsuit
he didn’t know you were capable of having fun, but you later confessed you just wanted to spend time with him
he also tries to make you laugh with his jokes, most of the time you only smile at them though
when steve first met you he fucking hated you, then he grew to appreciate you
he never really had a reason to dislike you, but gave in and started to get closer with you when soda had told him you were cool
steve finds your monotone voice pretty calming, he likes having full on conversations with you and talking about cars
probably thought you were a sociopath up until you researched more about cars so you could talk about it with him, you told him about it
he then realized you actually cared about the friendship and begins to appreciate you more
he’s surprised when you tell him you listen to death metal, he expected you to listen to angsty music
although he dislikes ponyboy, he enjoys being around you and wants you to hang out with the gang as a group
he gets really pissed off when people make fun of you, always defending your name and getting all up in their faces if something bad is connected to you
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
Practice Makes Perfect
KTJL!Boomer, word count: 1.1k hng losing my little mind over the idea of digger practicing sucking himself off (because what else is there to do in prison?) 💙 also I fucked up the banner let me live sorryyyy request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: mentions of porn, masturbation, i made him disgusting because it's what i want ok tell me he wouldn't aim his load AND ALSO he's a fuckin goober like hc-ing it now digger talks to his penis, cum play, swallowing, self-fellating aheem heem and maybe if everyone is good and anyone wants it, we get a part 2 where he achieves his goal
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George rolled over in his metal frame bed, thin mattress offering no support as he lay on his back. It was dark, around 3am he figured, and despite how hard he was trying he knew there was no way he was going to get back to sleep.
"Well, might as well indulge."
His voice sounded strange as it bounced off the walls of his cell, but there was a comfort in it, in the lack of response, in the emptiness. Being locked up was boring, it could be dull, isolating, and it drove him insane sometimes. But, if nothing else, it meant he had plenty of time alone to do one of the simple pleasures he enjoyed.
Reaching under the bed, at the side closest to the wall, he retrieved his stash of contraband. Everyone knew he had it, everyone knew it was better if he did. He could be, as he so politely put it, "a right miserable cunt" if he didn't have his release regularly. With his fingers clinging to the slightly crinkled pages, he teased the magazine up above the mattress and pulled it over to his chest, where he bagan to flick through the slightly stained pages.
With a bored sigh, he pushed down the band of his orange prison issue pants and began lazily stroking his cock, letting it go from soft to semi-erect in his hand. A shower, not necessarily a grower, but there was plenty of him to get a grip on either way. The featherlight touch he gave to the tip when his strokes reached his head made him shiver, a crooked, self-satisfied grin spreading over his face, pushing into his lightly freckled cheeks.
Skimming through the pages clumsily with one hand, he tried to find one he wanted to settle on. They all felt used though, old news, the same bodies he'd been jerking off to for months now. He needed some new material, something different, something a little bit exciting just to change things up.
Not that he had any difficulty in getting to where he needed to go regardless. Within minutes his fist was pumping along his length faster, gripping the shaft tighter than was comfortable, releasing the tension when it felt too much to give himself that feeling of respite that made his chest feel lighter.
Predictably, he could feel himself reaching the climax of his practiced labours pretty quickly, and with a lopsided smile he held his cock up straight. Each stroke was slow and the grip was strong now, easing up the shaft as though he were squeezing his release out.
"C'mon... c'mon... ah, fuck, c'mon!"
This was now the somewhere close to the tenth time he'd been aiming for the ceiling, hoping his load was explosive enough to reach it. It felt like a challenge now, something he couldn't not try. It did, however, lead to a lot of mess. Not necessarily much clean up, but definitely a lot of mess.
Looking down at his bare chest, George swiped at the droplets and strands of cum that decorated his torso. Not quite to the ceiling, but he was sure some of it had landed on his face, close to his lips. A quick investigation with his tongue proved him correct, as he tasted the sickly, salted flavour on his tongue.
"It's not even that bad."
He reached down, swiping up some of the splatter on his finger. He held it in the air, tapping his thumb to it and watching the viscous, white substance spread between them. Then he shrugged, popping it into his mouth. As if he were some kind of deranged sommelier, he shifted it from cheek to cheek, letting it rest on his tongue before he swallowed.
"Yeah! Not bad at all. Gotta start advertising that, just in case it helps convince anyone to give the little fella a suck."
Then it hit him. He couldn't believe he had forgotten about the last project he had been working on. He'd gotten distracted by the repetitive strain injury he'd given himself in his ribs, but that pain had subsided, which meant he could continue.
"Aw yeah! I was gonna suck it!"
George excitedly sat up in the bed, legs crossed, cock still semi-erect. He wondered if that was better or worse, and settled on it being the perfect state. Not too stiff, bit of stretch to it. Focusing on the tip of his cock, he took in a few deep breaths, soothing, focusing. Then he sat up completely straight, letting his spine elongate before he bent it quickly into an almost perfect arch.
And he was still a bit away from his goal.
He pushed his neck out, groaning with the strain, his tongue sticking out over his lips as far as he could get it.
"Just... a little... closer..."
The past injury, the one he thought had healed, began to twinge again. His entire side felt solid, like the tendons connecting the muscles might snap at any second. But he was determined.
"Come on you little cunt..."
One final urge, and a blatant disregard for his physical wellbeing, was all it took, as the tip of his tongue ran along the head of his cock. It was the briefest of connections, only managing to taste the slightest amount of salt from the his slit. But it was something.
"Holy shit!"
His body almost sprang back into a natural position as he let himself relax, a reward for his efforts and his success.
"Ah, Digger! You dirty fuckin' bogan! Well done, mate!"
He was close to patting himself on the back, but he realised the stretch might inadvertently cause further strain, and now that he was back on track with his self-satisfactory plans he didn't want to cause any further interruptions. Just a few more months of this and he'd maybe be able to get the tip in his mouth. For the first time, he was glad he had a long sentence ahead of him.
Smiling down at his own cock, ever pleased with the work they put in together as partners, he spoke out loud.
"There'll be some disappointed Sheila's when they find out I don't need them anymore. Disappointed fellas too, I reckon."
He nodded wistfully, well aware in the back of his mind that there weren't too many offers to begin with, but a little delusion never hurt anyone.
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