#this is just insane i love trailers but hate them at the same time because they always put things in a certain order to make you believe
mmmairon · 2 years
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meadowscarlet · 2 years
freak in you ━━━ eddie munson.
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pairings: eddie munson x fem!cheerleader!reader
summary: having a secret relationship with you, a popular and beautiful cheerleader, makes it difficult for eddie, the well-known freak, to maintain the secrecy of your relationship especially when you're flaunting your short cheerleading skirt, looking both hot and adorable at the same time which drives eddie slightly insane and causes him to lose control of himself.
warnings: nsfw, eddie is down bad for the reader, vaginal fingering, praise kink, skirt kink (does that even exist? lol) uses of pet names, cursing and dry humping.
author’s note: i honestly don’t know why i wrote this but enjoy i guess. do not copy, post on another site, translate or claim any of my works as your own or you will be reported! nav.
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Eddie first met you in middle school. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, in his eyes, and he was easily infatuated. He remembered how he would memorize the side of your face, annotating your delicacy, and how sometimes when he was bored in class he would do some sketches about you, always admiring. He would have felt like a stalker by the back of the class—always admiring and nothing else.
You wouldn’t notice him anyway. Eddie has always been in the background; he would sit in the farthest corner of the classroom, away from everyone, and eat lunch with his freakish friends as the popular guys taunted and threw shit at their meal while everyone laughed at them. Eddie was used to everyone taunting and insulting him, so he didn't mind.
In short, Eddie gives no fucks.
Obviously, at first, it bothered him, but all of a sudden, he realized that nobody—who is an asshole in his book—was worth caring about. Everyone but you. Even though you were a pretty little thing, Eddie had learnt not to judge a book by its cover and he was still leery of you. He wasn't surprised that your reputation as a popular girl from middle school continued into high school, but he always assumed that you were just like everyone else.
Eddie hasn’t always been the wisest so he assumed wrong. Despite your notoriety, you proved him wrong by treating him with nothing but gentleness. When you caught Eddie staring at you in class, you would smile at him (which was embarrassing for Eddie, but hey, at least you didn't look at him oddly) or you would even continue to ask how his day was; you were never mean or a complete ass to him, and that made Eddie even more smitten with you, if that's possible.
Eddie was often caught off guard by you, which in some way led to your bond. Many people found it odd that you were friends with Eddie the “freak,” believing that he would have a negative influence on you, but you weren't bothered and kept your friendship with him. You were an angel that managed to captivate everyone with your lovely demeanor and beauty, preventing them from being able to dislike you.
In contrast to your beauty and other qualities, Eddie really admired your resolve to be with him. He recalled how you occasionally skipped cheerleading practices so you could see him at his trailer and listen to him play his guitar. Something about the way you value him beyond all others. Feelings first surfaced when your relationship became so strong that Eddie realized he had always wanted to be with you.
He didn't envision you to feel the same way about him. He didn't hate it—he fucking loved it—but he was anxious about you because many people detested him and his entire being. You might have passed into opposition to the hatred they directed at him, but you persisted. You showed him that the feelings you had for him were similar to his feelings for you. So it all began when your mutual feelings of lust, love, and trust began to blossom.
You both agreed to keep it a secret for a while.
Eddie thought it was a good idea.
Until it wasn’t.
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Being forced to pretend as though Eddie wouldn't fuck you senseless in your short, skimpy skirt that taunted him each and every time you had to wear it for practice was getting boring. Your smooth, exposed legs—which would look great wrapped around his hips—just made you appear so gorgeous. He could already picture it, and it was enough for him given how hard he already was.
Eddie drew you to his room, his hands firm on your waist and ass, the instant you entered his trailer after practice, calling him with your soothing voice that did wonders for his already crazed head. As Eddie gripped your ass and fumbled with the ends of your skirt while grunting in satisfaction, you gasped in surprise and brought your hands to land against his chest.
“Do you fucking realize what you're doing to me?” He brought you to him as you fell on his lap, gasping, and he sighed as he settled on his bed.
Eddie's hands tightened around your waist, sending chills down your spine as you felt how hard his dick was already under your clothed pussy, and you suddenly felt a surge of pleasure and uncertainty. As you squirmed on his lap while you were strangling him, you became aware of what you were doing.
“Yeah,” he breathed out, guiding your hips back and forth against him. “Keep doing that, sweetheart.”
You held onto Eddie's shoulders as he spread his legs out farther and caressed your ass under your skirt with his hand–which were cold and his rings sent shivers on your skin–as you became unexpectedly needy. You liked the sudden pleasure you were experiencing as he bucked his hips against you, which caused you to whimper softly.
He says blearily, “Fuck, sweetheart,” and grabs your jawline with his other hand, forcing you to look into his eyes as he gives you a full-mouth kiss. He then delicately sucked on your bottom lip and continued to caress your ass until it reached your covered pussy, which is throbbing between his thighs.
Eddie brushed his lips to yours and murmured, “I want this off,” gesturing to your underwear as he ran his cool fingers over your clothed slit, making you moan softly.
Eddie stopped you almost too abruptly when you started taking off your skirt, saying in a voice that was almost dark with need, “No, leave the skirt on.”
At first, you didn't understand, but as soon as you noticed the thick layer of hunger in Eddie's eyes, you did. He was usually touchy whenever you wore your cheer skirt, as you remembered. Eddie is overcome with desire, something about the way the fabric rides up to your impeccable thighs catches his attention when you sit down or the way it reveals your silky legs.
He carried you by the hips to turn you around until your back was firmly pressed on his chest as soon as you hurriedly removed your underwear. Eddie's finger immediately stroked your folds before entering without a warning, making you moan in surprise. You could feel how you tensed when Eddie added another finger, and you could feel the coldness of his rings as it added pressure as he swirled his fingers within your clit.
He tenderly nibbled your shoulder and said, “God, you're so wet.” The sensation of his hot breath against your ear made you whine. “My pretty girl is wearing her pretty little skirt. You're fucking driving me crazy.”
Eddie was completely enthralled with you since you were so stunning. The way you grinded yourself against his fingers, letting your juices stain his fingers and rings, was so pleasant. Your face scrunched up in pleasure as his fingers moved quickly against your cunt. And the noises you produced were far better to those provided by guitar strings. Shit, Eddie never once complained despite being utterly consumed by you.
You were so tight and Eddie could feel your walls tightening around his fingers. His need for you was so intensely sparked by your arousal that he worked on his fingers more fast to make you moan in a way that was mesmerizing to his ears. Your skirt riding up to your thighs caught Eddie's attention; you appeared to be like a goddess writhing on his thighs.
“Yeah, just like that sweetheart,” Eddie said, nibbling your earlobe. “You’re doing so good. C’mon, come on my fingers, pretty girl.”
And as you came undone on Eddie's fingers, you let out a loud moan as you sensed your climax approaching.
“Eddie?” you breathed out, face flushed adorably.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“What—what was that all about?”
“Your skirt,” Eddie said, almost breathless. “It drives me crazy.”
Your lips quirked upward as you turned your head to face him and gave him a peck on his lips. “I’ll make sure to always come here after my cheer practices.”
“You’re teasing me,” he deadpanned.
“Maybe,” you grinned.
Eddie said, almost serious, his eyes roving around you with wanton hunger, his other hand stroking your inner thigh. “Next time it'll be my dick instead of my fingers.”
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superpowered-dirt · 3 months
i never post on here but i have so much in my head about twd: the ones who live i honestly feel like i might explode.
i know all anyone really wants to talk about from episode 2 is That Part of their reunion (which is fair, don't ask me how many times I rewatched it), but now, the part that keeps playing over and over again in my head is this tiny bit:
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and i just need to say, danai and andy are so insanely talented bc this clip?? this clip—short as it is, with not a world of dialogue—says SO much about where our two characters are at.
first, rick. i watch this clip and i think holy shit, yeah, that is a broken man. andy does a masterful job at displaying through his eyes and the way he carries himself the extent of the psychological damage and anguish within rick, not to mention the guilt he carries. you can see the gears turning in his head as he reminds himself how he basically gave up on her. how he gave up on himself. how he told himself that he was done, he was never seeing her again, and let himself fold into the CRM. i think it's safe to say he hates himself for his choice to move on. he's utterly crushed by it. like look at him, he can't even meet her eyes!!
and michonne? she sees it. once the euphoria of I Found You has begun to wear off and she lets herself really take him in, she immediately clocks that this is not the same rick that "died" on the bridge. not the rick that led alexandria. not the rick that got them out of terminus. and definitely not the rick that stood up to the saviors. in fact, the last time she saw this version of him, it was right after the first time they ever lost to negan, and that horrifies her, because if that rick is back, then something truly terrible has happened. the look on her face in the clip says a million things, but most loudly, she's wondering, understandably and devastatingly, "my love, what have they done to you?"
the final clue for her that her rick is gone, at least for now, is their next interaction. since forever, both of their instincts anytime they've been told that something bad is coming their way have been to either hoof it for the safety of their family or stand back to back and dispatch the threat. it's the panic in his voice, the sheer desperation as he pleads with her to stand down instead and hide herself after she suggests they go that tells her she has no idea what he's been through or what she's in for now that she's in the shit with him. and even now, if the trailer for E03 has been any indication, she still fails to grasp the danger they're both in. i know what people online have been saying, but she's not being careless, this is michonne we're talking about, she just doesn't understand how careful she really has to be. and then throw jadis and her bitch ass bowl cut into the mix and suddenly a whole new threat looms over alexandria and the commonwealth that ultimately all comes back on rick too? the guilt he now has to face for not only dragging his wife into his mess, but through jadis, also his daughter and all his friends?? and if he finds out now that he has a son too, then there's even more guilt??????
i could go on for hours but i won't. all i'll say is that we're definitely in for such an emotional ride tomorrow. and really there's no one else i trust more than andy and danai to deliver that for us.
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redguns · 9 months
Armored Core 6 main cast thoughts. spoilers for all endings
btw. categorizing endings by number rather than if they're "good" or bad" because i think thats stupid. if you categorize them like that you're a fool! Coral take you!
Starting off with Handler Walter. Went into the game not trusting him at all. Whenever he said anything I always thought "Yeah, okay, whatever Walter. in that kind of mocking tone but that changed quicker than i thought once i realized there was a genuine care in his voice and started putting the pieces together for his end-goal. The second ending is genuinely heartbreaking. He really meant every word he said to you. And I adore him for it. View him like a father now
Moving on, Ayre. My beautiful coral anomaly wife.. her kinder and more supportive demeanor immediately sold me, of course, but it was her efforts to actually get me to care about Rubicon as a planet and it's people that really hit. It's special. It's tasteful. It feels great. And it hurts all the more in the first ending when I have to discard all of that. It sucked so much. I was on the verge of tears throughout the whole final boss of the first ending. Worst break-up of my life. Girl I love you so much
Up next, speaking of love, is "Cinder" Carla, who I fell in love with like, 2 lines in? Very attractive voice and then an incredible personality to go with it. Probably the most fun character in the game by design and it goes a long way. She's like a role model to me. I want to be her and I want to date her at the same time. She's just like me Fr. I want to kiss her
transitioning from that to V.IV- SIKE IT'S "CHATTY" STICK TIME Phenomenal. Absolutely incredible performance. Absolutely sells the no emotion AI aspect without being too overbearing. Armored core as a series has always had a high standard for AI characters, and chatty is absolutely at the top of the pile for me along with Chief from V... I love him so much... The strongest little soldier...
Up next, for real now, is V.IV Rusty. What a strong first impression. It was always his line that stuck with me from the trailer. Ready to climb over the wall? They nailed the "rival pilot who's just like you but in another faction" to a degree I haven't seen in decades. A genuine brother in arms. My best buddy in the world. Every time he showed up in the game he just did the coolest fucking thing in the world. Slides right under the door as its opening. Crackshot sniper nailing insane headshots. And then he gets the coolest fights in the game against you. BOTH OF THEM!! HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S HIM!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY IN THE SECOND ENDING ROUTE TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE HIM!!!! THATS MY BROTHER!!!!!! THATS MY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!
..Ahem, moving on then. V.II Snail. Yes. Another motherfucker they nailed perfectly. From the first SECOND you hear his voice you hate him. The fact his head's up his own ass. The fact you keep learning over and over throughout the game that he's SUCH a piece of shit. The fact there is nothing he wouldn't do to stay on top. Despicable little man. Absolutely brilliant antagonist.
And now, finally, the last main character to talk about is G5 Iguazu. Where to begin with this guy... Right from the get go you understand the kind of character he is. All bark, no bite. Every now and then you run into him, you kick his ass, he whines and seemingly gets away. It's interesting, then, that in the second playthrough, already, he shows up more. He sends an assassin after you. And that's that. Nothing until route 3, where it all finally comes together. How he keeps coming back. The ringing in his ears. His hatred and envy of you so strong he gives up his entire body just for a chance to beat you. He's fascinating to me. For whatever reason, his final words stick to me like glue. How he sees you, despite everything. A relic, yes, but one who's free. He wanted those wings, too. I've really come to love him, and what an annoying brat he is. That's his entire charm. He is welcome to the pantheon of Real Haters
there. that covers all the main players. that ended up being longer than i expected. thank you if you humored reading through all of that! i dont usually do these kinds of posts cause i go on for too long!
but this shit mean something to me man
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Final Part
They're playing a song Eddie would hate and everyone's paired up and pretending like they got ANY of Tommy's liquor, dancing wildly and laughing loud but not loud enough to drown out the song Eddie would hate.
Steve's on the fringes, watching.
Has his own alcohol, got a never ending supply from his Dad's office. He thinks of the massive blowout party he and Tommy and the boys always planned for. Post Prom Insanity: partying for two maybe three days and then taking a roadtrip together, see other places, go on adventures.
Tommy's engaged to Carol, who's pregnant and no one's meant to know but of course everyone does. He's gonna work for his Dad, the thing he always said he never wanted to do. Everyone else, Steve wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire so yeah, no party.
No road trip.
No Eddie.
But Steve's there; hired the tux and everything, so why fuckin' not?
He drinks and imagines fucking Eddie somewhere on campus, the music playing while they kiss. He imagines a lot of shit that's not ever gonna happen because good things don't last.
They're not made to last.
It's not the way things are.
Stupid Enola Gay comes on and Steve tries not get all caught up in the melody, the way the minor keys fuck him up.
Eddie's not coming.
He knows because he swung by Eddie's trailer earlier, met Wayne.
The older man was kind, but really clear when he said Eddie was staying with friends for a few days.
Steve is sulking.
Kind of spoiling for a fight.
First dick he sees harassing a girl is gonna eat it, simple as that.
God, he feels like a chaperone.
Like he's a thousand years old.
Cannot wait to get home, cry and jerk off before he falls asleep. Wonderful plans. Stellar.
'Fuck you,' he mutters, takes another slug. Enola Gay always moves him.
He gives up when the song ends, what's the literal point of staying when the best song is already gone.
He's sulky, moody and still heartbroken.
Still in love.
It's not how it should be.
He knows that.
But it's how it fucking is.
He's leaving, he decides.
He feels ruthlessly good about it when someone grabs his hand and yanks him with knowing roughness.
'Dumping out, Harrington?'
He whirls, blinks.
Is a little drunk but like... not enough for this.
He looks...
Oh my god he's kind of dressed up.
For Eddie, he's dressed up, meaning he looks way more Devil Worshipper than usual. Hair all roughed up and wavy, eyeliner, all black, laced untied and that godforsaken Dio cut off he adores.
He's got a silver earring in; a dangly rose. It's undoubtedly something a girl would wear, all sparkly.
'Oh my god,' Steve mutters, dazed.
Then he shakes himself and smacks Eddie around the face.
'OK, ow.'
'You fucker! You don't call me for weeks and now you just rock up here, looking stupidly hot--'
'Aww thanks, babe.'
'--like no time has passed and nothing happened!'
Eddie sighs, glances around.
'People are staring.'
'I don't care!'
'You're drunk!'
'Well, you're an idiot!'
'Well, I love you.'
'Well, I love YOU-wait, no. What?'
Eddie rolls his eyes, pulls Steve close.
'I want us too.' Then he lets out a shaky sigh, strokes Steve's face. 'Christ, everyone is literally staring but i--'
Steve kisses him.
The world jumps the tracks.
The song skips.
Nothing will ever be the same.
It's the best fucking kiss of his life.
'I wanna fuck you.'
'Right here?' Eddie's kissing him back, its delightful, fucking gorgeius. 'Man, you really are a kinky fucker, but I've actually for a surprise for you?'
'You're not gonna sing to me, right?'
'Have a little faith in me, Harrington.'
'Does it get us the fuck out of here?'
Eddie grins, grabs his hand again.
'So, what do you think?'
Steve can't think. His brain is all mushy.
'You don't like it.'
'Eddie,' he says with soft astonishment. 'You didn't have to do this.'
The van is big, spacious. Steve's been in it before when it was not spacious, at all. Eddie has cleared the back completely but more than that, he's got supplies inside. Bedrolls, pillows, knives (of course) as well as cases of bottled water, canned good, tools, a compass and a map.
'I heard good things about Chicago.'
'From who?'
'A lady trying to sell me tickets to Chicago, but look.' Eddie sighs, wraps his arms around Steve's middle from behind. 'I just wanna try. I wanna be with you and not be scared to lose out. I can't run, don't wanna do that.' He kisses his neck. 'I'm in if you are.'
'We could go anywhere?'
'What if you hate me after a week?'
'That's why god invented hatefucking.'
'What if we get lost?'
Eddie's lips are warm against his skin. 'Sounds fun.'
'What if--?'
'Gonna save you some time, Harrington, there's a million reasons not to do something, OK? We don't have to, but I saw the maps on your wall. I know you want to blast outta this town and so do I. I love you, Steve. I'm being brave. You wanna be brave too?'
Steve leans his head back, looks up at the stars. He can hear the music from inside, muffled but still undeniable. Eddie's all around him, they're swaying a little.
He closes his eyes, smiles.
'Dance with me first?'
~ the end.
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quodekash · 9 months
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...why do I feel like she doesnt actually like him but she just thinks she likes him
I mean its entirely possible she does
but im just putting it out there that she might not
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again, its very possible she does actually like sailom
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oh honeyyyyy
my boy :(((
he sad :(((((((((
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well now im sad
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lmaoooo the super slow dramatic shots as he questions everything
she's just a lesbian kang, calm down bro
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and valid. I would sit that attentively if it were me as well, june is too too pretty hOW IS SHE SO PRETTY
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bro was just offered a footy position by a senior, and he's thinking about sailom. gay as all hell
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also lmao he's good at catching balls
that sentence will definitely send both of them into insane amounts of gay panic
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also: she better be about to make a joke about like "oh well, im heartbroken now. i thought you could spend time with me, but it turns out your heart is only for kanghan, as i expected" and we can all watch sailom gay panic
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oh. she was serious.
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oh :(
its a metaphor :(
i usually love metaphors but this one is sad
i didnt expect to get so invested in this sailom/pimfah thing
i think i just love pimfah a lot
shes so important to me
and so is sailom
and so is kanghan
i get unhealthy emotional attachments to fictional characters and also to real people and because of that i cant let anything go and i hoard things and memories and people for fear that i will be left alone
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the grabbing each other's shirts??? the rain??? the yelling at each other????
this is literally that scene from the pilot trailer
where they yell at each other about hating the other, and then kiss
(i think about that scene probably more than is strictly necessary)
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h- he
he tOLD HIM????
(yes dr seuss i did- sorry, now is not the time for sanders sides references)
well i think i just died
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boy is Shook™️
i mean valid
but his expression is so funny to me and im laughing again
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his older brother senses are tingling
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i love them so much
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✨i ran out of images✨
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the-type-a · 1 year
Rock Band AU
Courtney is the main vocalist & occasionally plays the guitar, Duncan is the lead guitarist, Gwen on drums & idk who else could be involved bcuz this is just an idea I’ve been throwing around in my head
-Duncney were together before the band was formed and stayed together till they reached stardom BUT they eventually break up due to many reasons (omg) and they decide to stay “cordial” for the band(which took a lot of convincing from the other members)
-Duncan wanted to live the “true rockstar lifestyle” and in his mind he couldn’t do that in a relationship because he’s dumb
-Courtney of course lets the fame get to her and becomes a bit controlling of the band
-Courtney writing diss songs about Duncan while he just has to stfu and perform them with her(tensions rise)
-all the members partake in substance abuse because well, it’s a rock band au and it adds to the drama lmao so Duncan livin’ like a rock star, Courtney does it to deal with the stress but will deny it profusely, and the other members need it just to deal with both of them and their drama
-so Duncan’s an asshole and the substances don’t help but just imagine.. Courtney in the green room fighting GROUPIES out of jealousy, oh the press has a field day because of “inside sources” leaking pics and vids 👀
-Of course any time there’s negative media about Courtney, Duncan goes wild on twitter(unless he’s mad at her) and his PR Team has to take his phone away.. he very much fights his own fans lol
-ofc there’s Gw*ncan shippers because drama & that adds even more tension between the members, Courtney’s insecure & gwen’s like “man I just wanna play the drums STOP”
-Ok but like also Courtney’s sick of seeing girls leave Duncan’s trailer so she gets her first groupie OR maybe she hooks up with a band member from a band their touring with and Duncan finds out? Oh boy.
-ok but on-stage drama?? Duncney just glaring at eachother while performing and Duncan smashes his guitar or Courtney gets all in his face, belting out lyrics dissing him specifically
-DRUNKney in either ones trailers after a show, both just crying about how much they love and can’t live without each other but the next day they act like nothing happened because they’re both stupid messes
-Ok but imagine the mess at awards shows, Courtney being the only sober one while her band mates act a fool?? Red carpet drama?? Blowing up at the paparazzi for invasive questions?? Oml
-Duncan is very much toxic in this and despite him living the rockstar life, he hates seeing Courtney do the same, Gwen will always call him out on it and he plays dumb like BOI
-Ok but awe imagine Duncan writing love songs for Courtney in the beginning and vice versa, a few of them are their most popular songs so they HAVE to perform them, ouch. There’s definitely compilations of their performances where they look at each other with heartbreak and longing(also compilations of their on-stage drama lmao)
-Ok but Courtney’s main look is Bell bottoms, chunky heeled boots & a Bustier(very much inspired by Selena thnx) but she didn’t start this look until she became single which had Duncan punching the air
-Ok but Tour Bus drama?? All of them in a cramped space, the boys are messy, the girls have too much stuff, they can’t get away from each other when fighting because they’re all stuck in the same small vicinity lol
-ok but the bands sound is constantly changing but stays within the rock genre because of all their different aesthetics which makes them so popular because they bring in fans that have different tastes✨ There’s definitely an insane amount of arguing whenever writing/producing a new album lmao
There’s eventually a happy ending or something Idk I just need a trashy, drama filled fic full of rockstar aesthetic and good tunes✨ but add more if you’d like & who could the other members be?? Omg
Omfg I love these so much! Definitely need a Rock Band AU!!
I immediately thought of this fanart from way back when.
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Color by daanton and lineart by TDI-Exile on DA
I know Bridgette’s on the drums in it but like either way it’s a vibe.
The tension this band has to endure from Duncney is unreal. I can imagine everyone needing couching for whenever they do interviews because if not?? They would spill so much tea!
This might be a hot take but like, Geoff being the tour manager? He’d 100% know how to get good business for them. All the clubs, bars, stadiums?
Omfg DJ as their head of security? Bodyguard DJ!!! Everyone sees him and just knows not to try some stupid shit. He’s rock solid and will shut shut down when it comes to protecting the band.
Idk about anything else lol you pretty much nailed it with this one ❤️‍🔥
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Hello!! How are you?? So, I absolutely hate ronanc/e. Like you never ever date your friend's ex, especially if it ends badly. Which is what happened. There's going to be a ton a complicated feelings about Steve and ro/nance and even if Steve didn't express his displeasure about it, it would negatively affect Steve's relationship with Robin. Like ST4 completely screwed over Stobin for Stancy. And it drives me crazy that Steve, who canonically has issues with people committing infidelity, would go for someone already in a relationship. And Dustin, Robin and Eddie for convincing Steve to go after someone in a relationship!! And Nancy and Robin barely have a good relationship in canon! Nancy gets annoyed with Robin until she does something helpful to Nancy's cause. (Which is something that is now like ingrained in Nancy's character and I would like for the Duffer's to let her change from it, because it makes her so unlikable and the one of the most unrealistic parts of the show is that no one treats her like she only cares about people until they are useful to her.)
I honestly think people are harsh on Vickie (I adore her, she looks like a really good match for Robin and she's bi! If not canonically, then in my heart.) because Robin is the sole canonical wlw character in the party. So her love interest falls under way more scrutiny and when the Duffer's gave her a similar trait to Robin, people were disappointed, especially with how little screen time she has. And if the Duffers wanted, they could have really easily made Vickie a more prominent character. Have Chrissy take her for backup at Eddie's trailer and have them both go on the run or something. And most non party love interests get the same amount of development. (Take Suzie) However, on the fandom side of things, people will literally make up backstories for Gareth and ship him with Will???? You see this white boy who's a junior and got like 30 seconds of screen time and decides he's a good match for Will, but you see Vickie and deem she is too similar for Robin and won't bother creating backstories for her? People literally do it for Chrissy and ship her with Robin! Nothing against Buckingham, it's just that people will take any character and give them backstories and ship them but they won't do this for Vickie.
I think that the whole Robin and Nancy making fun of Steve things stems from Robin making fun of Steve in ST3 and Nancy just generally being demeaning to Steve in general. And ST4, with every single person demeaning Steve's intelligence did not help at all. And people say that you shouldn't bring a man's feelings into a wlw relationship, but Steve is entangled in this relationship. Nancy was his first love and Robin is his best friend. If the genders were swapped, people would be having a conniption. [Also, I honestly believe that if you swapped the genders of the characters, Steve would get a lot less hate and Nancy would get a lot more, but that's my opinion. Like people would never doubt that Nancy cheated on Steve and Steve breaking the camera wasn't all that unreasonable.]
Anyways, sorry for the long ask, I just have a lot of opinions on ro/nance and platonic Stobin and Vickie! (Also, from above, like Vickie and Chrissy could have been childhood friends but then grew apart but they know they can go to each other for everything, so Chrissy takes her to Eddie's trailer and then season 4 continues with lots of Rockie interactions. I would love to read a ST4 AU like that but unfortunately I haven't seen any of those on AO3 and I have negative writing skills, so I will be waiting for the day that it might come) ~@thestrangerthingsmeadow
hi!! i’m good, thank you.
i’m so glad other people dislike r//nance! the ship feels so difficult to escape within this fandom, which is insane, because it honestly makes no sense to me. i think a lot of people that ship it, ship it because they’re two hot women, and don’t really care beyond that. their personalities don’t mesh well, and their situations in life don’t either. like you said, steve is robin’s best friend and nancy’s ex. it’s just not the kind of thing that mix.
i didn’t love that a lot of stobin scenes became about stancy, and i feel like nancy replaced a lot of scenes that could’ve included robin. it is also weird to me that so many people were pushing for stancy when nancy and jonathan are still together. like you said, steve has major issues with infidelity, and while i can see dustin pushing for steve and nancy (because he loves to involve himself into steve’s love life) i don’t really understand eddie putting in his two cents.
and yeah! nancy really only likes people when they benefit her in some way, which is a really interesting character trait, but not if the character never develops out of it. nancy’s character development has been stagnated for 4 seasons, when they gave her a handgun and decided that was enough.
i love vickie so much and it kills me that the fandom doesn’t appreciate her. i’m pretty sure she’s canonically bi, but people toss her aside for no reason. and while i would’ve liked vickie to have more of a role, i also think it makes sense that she doesn’t. someone compared her to rosie from lotr. the calm in the storm, the peace at home, the hope you long for during horrible times. i know the st fandom loves trauma relationships, but i just love the idea of robin being able to have someone safe, outside of everything horrible that’s happened to her. and yeah, i don’t have anything against gareth, he’s a fun little character, but i have no idea why people love him and will so much, it’s honestly weird. people found the closest in age, good looking teenager they could, and said that’s good enough! wlw will always come under more scrutiny than mlm.
i’ve made a post about how much i hate steve becoming the butt of all stranger things jokes, but it’s even worse if it’s his ex and his ex’s new girlfriend that is also his best friend making fun of him. and i think it’s insane that people complain about a man being involved in a lesbian relationship, like… first of all, it isn’t even a real relationship (not in real life, or even the show) and second, a man is involved. he is quite literally at the centre. you can shove him off to the side, but in doing so essentially create entirely different characters. and i think i made a post about that!! if nancy was the man people would hate her, like she would probably be one of the least liked characters. people would consider it girl power that steve had slutshamed nancy, and smashed the camera. and if you’d had a drunk guy calling his girlfriend bullshit, and saying he’d never loved her. people would think they were the worst person alive.
you don’t have to apologise for long asks!! though it might take me a bit longer to respond!! and i do love that idea to involve vickie more!! honestly if i had written the season, i wouldn’t have given her a current boyfriend, but still, i’m just glad we got her at all. and if that fic existed, i’d totally read it!!
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realityescapee01 · 2 years
I got a little jealous (part 1)
Steddie | Steve x Eddie | where things ended differently
Steve doesn't like this Eddie person because Dustin always talks about him a lot.
Eddie doesn't like this Steve person because Dustin always talks about him a lot.
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And then the two meet. Will they keep hating on each other? What do they think now that they've seen each other?
Doesn't like? Hate? No, rather, jealous. That's the word Steve was looking for. Steve had babysat the kids for a while and for quite a few times through insane situations too! So, he naturally expected them, specially Dustin, to have him as their favorite person.
Then comes the school year. Dustin started talking about this Eddie person. A lot! How cool Eddie is. How awesome Eddie is. How great Eddie is. Eddie this. Eddie that. Steve hated it.
He would always challenge Dustin about Eddie and grab any opportunity that he can to one up this Eddie. And it doesn't help that Robin is kind of voting for Eddie too.
"You know that guy?" Steve questioned Robin.
"Yeah! Eddie! And he was the same grade as us. He got held back though. He plays the guitar. He's quite metal."
"Very metal." Dustin added.
"You don't remember him, huh?" Robin added.
"Yeah, I don't."
"Was too busy being Mr. varsity, Mr. popular." Dustin mocked.
"Come here!" Steve locked Dustin by the neck in his arms and messed up his hair.
Steve tried to remember who Eddie was but he just couldn't. He then just shrugged it away.
Everything was running fine in Hawkins until it doesn't. Strange shit started happening. Again. And again, Eddie is somehow got involved.
Dustin was defending him ferociously.
"Eddie is not like that, man! I swear! We have to find him." Dustin has Max to back her up.
Max narrated everything she saw and from there they knew what it was Well, at least they knew it's not "cult leader, devil summoner" Eddie who did it.
A little more running and hiding and poking on covered boats with an oar, they finally found Eddie. Steve almost poked him. Eddie sprang forth from the boat and held a broken bottle against Steve.
"Eddie! Eddie, stop! It's me! It's Dustin! That's Steve."
"I didn't do it, dude!"
"I know! I know! Put that down, Steve isn't really gonna poke you, right, Steve?" Dustin tried to calm him down.
"Y-Yeah." Steve drops whatever he was holding.
"It was crazy, man! You won't believe what I saw." Eddie started.
"Oh, try us." Robin egged on.
Eddie narrated it, Dustin and the gang wasn't surprised at all. And then they started narrating their experience.
"Holy shit!" Eddie was still processing everything. But at least, there are people who believe him now.
So the gang went about facing Vecna. The whole time, Steve kept looking at Eddie. He was... okay. He dresses up okay for a metal fan, yeah. But he just couldn't see why Dustin is so amazed by him.
'Hmn, he's okay. Nothing extra... I don't get Dustin at all.' Steve thought and looked at Eddie again.
But what Steve doesn't know is that Eddie also observes him.
'Steve Harrington, huh? He looks... better these days.' Eddie thought as he remembered how Steve looked back when he's still in the varsity team. Eddie remembers Steve. Everyone does. Mr. Popular. 'Anyways... I still couldn't believe he's with these kids through this shit! That's kinda badass.'
They walked some more through the upside down, on their way to a possible exit: Eddie's trailer. It was a long walk. A lot more time for observation. For Steve and Eddie.
'Hmn, let's see. He's a little... uptight and intense.' Steve thought as he stares at Eddie as they walk.
"... that was very metal you did back there. Very Ozzy." Eddie said. "Henderson said you're badass Insisted on it. The kid worships you, dude. It gets kinda annoying."
Steve's thoughts was stuck at the -he worships you,dude.- part.
"It shouldn't matter what the little shrimp thinks, it's just, I got jealous you know. I guess I couldn't believe that the Steve Harrington -is a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him, not a douche. No way, man. But you are badass."
"You are too."
"Nah, I just did because those ladies did." Eddie leaned in closer.
Normally, Steve would lean away if other people did it. But for some reason, it was okay. It's Eddie. Leaning in closer to his face is okay. He found himself looking at Eddie's eyes and then Eddie's lips.
And then rumbling sounds and quakes started again.
"Here we go again!" Eddie exclaimed.
Thankfully, they got out with the help of Dustin back at Hawkins. Dustin was so happy to see them make it. He hugged Eddie and then Steve. They then began planning how to defeat their new threat.
Eddie was actively participating as well. Steve was amazed at how fast Eddie adapted. Guess the DnD nights helped.
And now they're here, Eddie hotwiring a trailer. With Robin asking who's gonna drive?
"Harrington's got her. Don't ya, big boy?"
And there it was, Eddie leaning in again on Steve's face.
Steve didn't know what to react to that. The leaning in and the words: Don't ya, big boy? It sounded so... and made him feel things...
He made a mental note to talk to Robin after all these.
They are now in their do or die plan to defeat Vecna. Steve and the others are set to go.
"Hey... don't try to be cute... or superheroes. Okay?" Steve said. Very worried about Dustin and Eddie. He has been attacked by the bats and he knows he got lucky back then. He doesn't want Dustin and Eddie go through that.
The two promised and Steve's group is on their way. Things have gone good and then bad in a few turns. For some miracle they don't know yet, Steve and the others were freed from the vines and was able to set Vecna on fire. The three were relieved, unaware of the hell Dustin was going through.
"Eddie!!!" Dustin cried out to him. He ran, as much as his broken ankle allowed, towards Eddie.
"H-Hey! I didn't run away this time."
Steve and the others were walking back to the trailer. They saw what was happening. Steve ran frantically towards Eddie and Dustin.
"Hey! What-I told you! To not do something like... Eddie... come on, we could bring you to a hospital at Hawkins." Steve began standing Eddie up.
"I c-can't. I'm a wanted man in Hawkins, remember? I think this is it for me, Steve."
"No way, man. You can survive this. Come on." Steve refused to let Eddie die.
He carried Eddie over his shoulders and made their way into the trailer. Sending Nancy and Robin up first. They then took the mattress back there and sheet rope.
"How am I gonna get up there?" Eddie asked brokenly.
"Piggyback on me." Steve made him cling to him and climbed the sheet rope.
"Oh... you got it, big boy." Eddie said as they successfully got out of the upsidedown.
Then Eddie passed out.
"Eddie!!!" they all called. Steve being the loudest of them all.
"...Kids?" Joyce, with Hopper, saw them get out of the trailer.
"Ohmygod! Help!" Dustin ran to them and explained Eddie's situation.
"I have just the right person for that." Hopper started calling someone.
Steve was by Eddie's side the whole time.
6 days after. Everything came to light, Will, Mike and El were back. Eddie is back from a secret government facility where he got treated. His name was also cleared from all the killings and the earthquake that happened.
"Eddie!!!" Dustin ran towards him and hugged him. "No wedgies!!!" they screamed at each other.
"Eddie." Steve also greeted him back.
"It's nice to be back! And cleared. And also Hellfire club got cleared. That's really great."
"Yeah. Great. Now, Dustin can't stop talking about you. He missed you a lot."
"Really? Anyway, I'm good, Harrington."
"Just call me Steve."
"Okay... Stevie sweetie." Eddie leaned in again on his face.
Steve had a little blush on. Eddie has this certain glow to him that day. Plus the new pet name. Steve thought that that talk with Robin should happen now.
"Robin... how did you... know for sure you're into girls?"
"... Ohmygod!!!" Robin exclaimed.
"Shhh! Quiet down!" Steve hushed her and pulled her away from the others.
"Are you-Steve, are you into boys now?!?"
"I don't know! That's why I'm asking. I mean, I still get attracted to girls but, there's this boy I can't get out of my head."
"Eddie Munson." Robin said. For a fact. Not a question.
"Wait, how'd you know?"
"I knew it! He's the only adult guy you let in your personal space and get away with it unscathed. I noticed. All the times Eddie leaned closer to your face. You somehow, shut down. It was adorable."
"Am I that obvious???" Steve was worried that more people could've noticed.
"No, not really. But to get back to your question. I think you're bi, Steve."
"You get attracted to both."
"...I guess."
"Okay, quick question. So as to know, whether this thing you have for Eddie is real attraction or just some kind of like: maybe you're just bestfriends kind of thing... Do you like Eddie in a way that you'd go on and date him? And do you think of, you know, having sex with him?"
"Wo-woah!" Steve was taken aback by the straightforwardness.
"Just answer it. Fastest way to know. Are you sexually attracted?"
"It's... not definitely just a: bestfriends kind of feeling."
"Oh, so you are! Right. You are bi, Steve. Problem solved." Robin happily said and was walking back to the volunteers section in their school gym.
"Wait wait wait! What do you mean problem solved? Nothing got solved!"
"Steve. Just ask him out. Easy peasy! Now, there are hungry survivors. My PB & Js are calling me."
Robin left Steve standing there. She then mouthed: ask him out. to Steve before busying herself volunteering.
"Steve." Eddie suddenly was beside him.
"How can I help around here?"
"Oh... uhm... let's sort the clothes at the back."
Steve walked with Eddie to the back of the gymnasium. Where there are boxes of donated clothes to sort through.
Steve can't stop thinking about Robin's advice. Just ask him out. Ask him out. Just. Easy peasy, she said.
"It's not easy." Steve unknowingly said out loud.
"What's not easy, man?"
"Oh... nothing. I mean, what we went through."
"Oh yeah." Eddie started rambling on about it.
Steve just stared at him. Eddie is adorable. He's also not bad looking. He's quite cute actually. With that long, curly, jet-black hair.
Hair that Steve was twisting between his fingers by now. Unknowingly again.
"Hey, Steve." Eddie was staring at him, playing with his hair.
"...Oh! Sorry... Shit." Steve looked away.
How could he even ask Eddie out??? He isn't even sure if Eddie is into boys too.
"Sorry, Eddie. It's just, so stressful lately."
"Okay. Whatever you say, big boy." Eddie tapped his arms and continued sorting through the clothes.
At the day's end, Robin asked him if he asked Eddie out yet.
"I can't, Robin. Besides, I think he's straight."
"You thought you were straight too."
"Just ask him. You never know. Here." Robin gave him a bandana.
"What's this for?"
"Eddie lost his bandana. You could use that as asking-you-out conversation starter!"
And so, Steve was here, standing outside Eddie's trailer. For 10 minutes now. He didn't even check if Eddie was in. He could be having campaign night with his DnD boys for all he knows.
"Woah! Stevie sweetie. Whattya doing here?" Eddie opened his door and was surprised to see Steve standing right outside.
"H-Here. For your lost bandana."
"Hey, great! Oh, I wished you saw how I did it on the roof of the trailer back there. It was very metal. Ever!" Eddie said as he tied the bandana on his head.
"I'm sure it was."
"Do you wanna come in? I could reenact it for you." Eddie leaned in closer again.
"Are you sure? Aren't you just about to go out?"
"Oh yeah, I'm about to buy some beer. Care to give me a ride?" Eddie winked.
"Ah-yeah. Sure."
Steve and Eddie drove to town and went around for some beer. And then drove back to Eddie's trailer. Where Eddie started to down his 1st bottle of beer out of the 6 they bought.
"So, I did like this." Eddie started playing Master of Puppets. "And Dustin was looking through the binoculars like this. And counting down T-minus of the bats."
Eddie reenacted and narrated the whole thing in great detail and passion. And acting too. He did the voices too. Steve was smiling and laughing throughout.
"...and then that's when you came back and saved me. My knight in shining armor!" Eddie said dramatically.
Steve just chuckled and looked down. Then drank from his bottle of beer. If it were up to his love-fogged mind, Eddie's 'my knight in shining armor' words are interpreted as Eddie flirting.
But Steve knows Eddie is just like that. He wasn't even sure if Eddie is aware that he comes off as flirty. Or if Eddie really even is flirting. Steve can't really tell.
"How about you, Steve? How are you really doing?"
"Oh. Well, we've been through something like this before, so I kinda expected the worse. But still, there's no way you'd get used to it."
Then they were silent. Just drinking. Eddie strumming his guitar every now and then. Steve contemplating whether to ask Eddie out on top of trying to figure out if Eddie even is into boys.
"So uhm... Chrissy... are you two... was she your g-girlfriend?"
"Oh! No. We're not together. She was just buying drugs from me. And that shit happened."
"Oh, okay."
"How about you and Nancy?"
"Nancy has a boyfriend. You know, Wil's brother."
"Oh, really? I thought you and Nancy are..."
"Nah. Not anymore."
"So... are you into someone right now?"
Steve almost choked on his beer when Eddie asked that.
"Sorry, man! I don't mean to pry or something. Forget about it." Eddie started playing his guitar again.
They just sat there. Playing music. Eddie teaching Steve a few riffs every now and then. Steve just enjoyed the moment. He thought, he'd get to know Eddie more before asking the question.
Robin smacked Steve's head.
"Hey! What's that for?!?"
"You're pretty stupid, Steve! Ugh!"
"What? I don't get it! I came here to tell you what happened at your request, and then you hit me? And call me stupid?"
"Because... didn't you think that was Eddie's way of trying to know if you're into girls or boys?"
"Oh... Oh!" Steves suddenly sat up and realized that Robin could be right. He then smacked his palms on his face.
"Oh man, Steve!!!" Robin started shaking Steve by his shoulders.
-+-+-+ ( to be continued ) +-+-+- PART 2 HERE
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chidoroki · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers S3EP1
aka: city wide brawling
So the OP song is the same as last season but the visuals changed? I'm not too bothered by it but I would've loved another great song. The boys already looking so good too. Very excited to see more of Smiley and Angry and hopefully I can learn their names properly now.
Aww, Emma looked so pretty in that one shot.
Oh, that one captain of Toman whom I dunno the name of.. does he switch sides? That scene of him getting up from the chair with that pissed off look on his face ain't giving me good vibes.
I'm like 95% certain that Inui eventually cooperates with us while Koko doesn't and that moment with the both of them with the former disappearing from the latter's side sorta reinforces that idea in my mind.
Oh, yup, that Toman captain (Yasuhiro. I was good and looked him up) joins Tenjiku, with Sanzu right behind him too I think. I guess I should've seen that coming, which means Toman loses its fifth division captain and vice captain.
This fight looks insane already. My boy Chifuyu putting in work, Inui looking so unbothered while kicking ass and Kakucho nailing Takemichi with a heavy hit oh my god.. and that moment of Izana running up on Mikey with crazy eyes is definitely creepy.
I try my best to avoid spoilers, honestly, but Mikey and Izana have some sorta history, don't they? like, family related or whatever. And I'm so not looking forward to what may happen with Emma, if it happens this season.
Anyways, lemme actually start this episode.. and we're starting right where we left off, thank god.
“Takemichty, your mind can't even begin to fathom me.” Bro, my mind can't comprehend you either and I hate it. How can Kisaki just jump around to different gangs and reach an authority status so easily, like the hell is so special about you dude?
Hanma riding in on a bike sporting purple leopard patterns.. what an icon.
YO! Mochizuki! Can you not drag my precious boy like that?? And toss him through the air like a sack of potatoes?? I hope Chifuyu kicks his ass during the upcoming battle.
Tenjiku is already brawling with Toman's second division somewhere else? That's Mitsuya's division, yea? Oh dear.
Ain't no way the twins come rushing in by running over all the Tenjiku members with their bikes!! Seeing Smiley all happy like that is hilarious!
Angry doesn't play around, holy shit, his punches are deadly!
Okay okay, so Angry is Souta and Smiley is Nahoya, but if even their intros call 'em by their nicknames I just might do the same, although that'll just lead me to forget their real ones quicker.
Ah damn, so the twins had beef with Mocchi way before their Toman days huh? Alright, either one of them can get revenge on that dude. That's fine.
The twins are insane but I love them already. Well, I know they've been around since the first season, but finally seeing them more is great.
“What if Kisaki can also travel through time?” I'm not completely certain about him but I do know Takemichi isn't the only one capable of doing so at least.
Oohhh Takemichi is through playing games. That's such an angry and determined face!
I know it won't ever happen, but the fact that killing Kisaki has never been brought up as a viable option to stop this chaos is incredible.
Yuuupp, I knew Mitsuya was involved in that brawl happening far away, but at least he's landing a couple nice hits on Mocchi.
Okay what the fuck Ran?? Knocking Mitsuya down with a damn cement block. What cheap stunt.
“Sorry about the cheap shot.” OH well at least he's self aware!!!
I've seen how loved the Haitani brothers are so I'm interested to find out why, though I don't think causing harm to Toman is ca contributing factor..
Mhhhmm I know nothing about Shion aside from this little scene that was teased in trailers but he's intense.. and apparently he was the ninth gen leader of Black Dragon. That's terrifying.
I got a feeling the info the twins forced outta those two Tenjiku dudes was just bait, because if Kakucho is there then that's certainly not good.
I mean, it's nice he sent the swarm of Tenjiku guys away, but I doubt Kakucho is gonna struggle fighting a 1v4 either.
“First Division’s Captain means you’re the toughest of all of you, right?” “Uh, actually, that’s not really true. He fights with his kindness, not his fists.” Glad Chifuyu said what everyone was thinking.
Crazy to think all these fights are happening everywhere between Toman and Tenjiku while Manjiro and Inaza are just chilling by the sea..
So.. they didn't already know each other? Odd. Perhaps they don't remember one another?
That punch of Takemichi's really knocked down Kakucho so hard he's having a serious flashback.. or Takemichi is anyways.
Wait a damn minute, they knew each other in second grade?? Hello???
“You were my hero.” Another one huh?
“Beware of a traitor.” Well thanks to the OP I got a hunch on who two might be. Maybe.
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pashminalamb · 2 years
Oh thank goodness. I was so scared I’d made you uncomfortable. Glad to know that’s not the case. Also currently getting ready to watch the latest episode of Blue Lock cause watching gay soccer players is the perfect way to distract myself from crying because of gay delinquents aka Tokyo Revengers 😌✨. I swear the number of edits I’ve saved to my phone these last two weeks is insane. You should totally pick it up again whenever you have the time (and ofc only if you want to) 👀. Izana brainrot has escalated to reading the fanfics under the character x reader tag. That’s when I know I’m down bad 💀💀💀. Anywho. You should absolutely catch up on Lore Olympus I just caught up yesterday and uhhhhh a lot has happened 👀. And everyone needs themselves a man like Hades like SIR IM- . Oh man I love yoo takes me back. I stopped reading it awhile ago cause I think it was being dragged out and I kinda lost the plot somewhere. I don’t like when the story keeps continuing when it’s just for the sake of it and it doesn’t work with the plot. There are very few exceptions to this. Tokyo Revengers obv being one of them cause I would seriously be so happy if it went on forever and I got to see what the daily lives of all my beloved characters were like. I have a love hate relationship with Ken Wakui 😤🤧😭. OH ALSO as sad as I am abt the ending I’m so excited for the second season in January (Black Dragons arc is my favorite). Have you seen the trailer? ALSO there was an announcement right after the release of the final chapter saying that Wakui was gonna be doing a special arc abt the Toman founders and I really hope it’s in the reset timeline with Takemitchy cause I need to see how him and Mikey did it all and just their relationship with everyone (adding childhood-friends trope to the number of reasons why this ship has everything). And it also included the announcement of Wakui saying he’s working on multiple spin-offs and I was like AFJBGFDJKHHHGGHGGG YES GIMME *ahem* also I haven’t read the Bajifuyu Letter from Baji Keisuke spin off yet but I was gonna wait until after the manga ended as a source of comfort yknow so I gotta do that eventually. EGGNOID MY DEAR COLD-BLOODED KING SIRENS LAMENTS LETS PLAY. I LOVE ALL OF THESE SO MUCH. Haven’t read them in a while tho 😅 (besides Lore Olympus atm). I recommend Brimstone and Roses, Unlovable Replacement, Midnight Poppy Land, SubZero, Down to Earth, and The Kiss Bet. They’re all on webtoons. OH and i heard that Nagi makes an appearance in the latest ep so I’m excited not cause I’m falling for him or anything ofc. How’s life? Good I hope? And I’m happy that my description was somewhat on point and that it didn’t make you uncomfortable. Oh and also love your sketches so much they look so good 🤩!!! Uh question. Just to double check. The constant asks aren’t a bother are they? I know you said you like interacting but I just wanna make sure it’s not annoying having to respond to constant asks from the same person all the time. If that makes sense? Anyways I hope you sleep well/wake up refreshed!! It’s night time here atm. As always take care of yourself! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
I finished reading the latest chapters of the manga (and I'm amazed at the fact that I've managed to keep up with it so far; are we ever gonna get shirtless aiku and i wanna see him with the italian team)
my only motive in life atp (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
I love yoo does make me feel nostalgic; but yeah as much as I love the whole story, the plot did get dragged out. So like here's the thing, I've watched a lot of k dramas and some of them are really lengthy. Like whats wrong with secretary kim had a good plot and everything, so did suspicious partners but this new one I watched (the penthouse) it got dragged out for so long that I didn't even want to watch season 3; even if it was interesting i'm being pushed to watch hospital playlist even with let's play when Sam and Charles were being dragged with Marshall in the bg i... dropped it. No ill will intended against the author and their artwork; cause they are amazing, but i lose interest with complicated plots. me watching he is a psychometric
The coincidence! I was literally asking abt the black dragons today (wanted to know if Shinichiro is there or not and turns out he is!) I wanna see the whole thing with Mitsuya, Hakkai and Taiju - me having a tr brainrot and thinking if i should work on it or will people get annoyed with me ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ I like manga omakes- they can even be turned into mini eps cause of it - esp with the trio and their pet shop business! (Me thinking of the moment when Baji's handwriting is so bad that Chifuyu had to show him how to write and teach him- he really thought wearing glasses would make him smart smh) and if i do read tr I'm gonna start uploading manga panels on my blog as well- so be prepared to be annoyed ig ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
I'll definitely check out the webtoons you sent me (kiss the bet seems interesting and midnight poppy land has popped into my recs a couple of times). I have to watch the next ep of blue lock - curious to know if Nagi's voice is how I pictured it.
I'm doing alright! Working on wips and clearing them, studying, watching shows *sips coke* and listening to music; we hit another mini milestone - 1.2k (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و so I'm working on two fics; angst comfort
istg the way you guys might come at me for this ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
I just wanted to do something fun on the blog hehe- responding to comments with art. It's not very well done, yea but i'm not used to drawing digitally nor anime that often since I sketch paintings and statues... but its just to good around with my followers and to let people know that i do read their comments (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
Honestly? I don't get interaction on my blog apart from you, 💙 anon and a few more - and - I like talking to you; esp when you mentioned abt having consistency while having to talk to someone? cause that's how it should be- and i don't regret saying this but the number of times i have unfollowed moots cause of this (big author or not; I'm not gonna engage in conversations if i'm going one sided abt this). So now I just prefer to chat with my followers and anyone who wants to drop in my inbox. And no, I don't find you annoying bb; you're very fun to talk to and I look forward to your visits- no matter how many times! This is probably the most interaction I've received in my entire writing experience and actually being treated like a person on the other side of the screen rather than being asked to write a part two (after its already been discussed many times) or asking to be tagged without my work being interacted with- and by interaction i mean telling me and describing to me what you liked about the fic and all that yk. And there used to be some days when I had my askbox closed so this is a pleasant change from that
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
so yeah feel free to send as many asks as you want - i'd be happy to see them ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
*sending back warm hugs*
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cwarscars · 1 year
Han, my dear, if it wasn't for you, then none of us would give much attention to Heidegger (at least I know it would be my case). He was a character I remember from the OG and which I thought was nicely designed in the FFVIIR and... I stopped there. 'Nice, they kept his laugh', I thought when the trailer got out.
And then I met you and - honestly, I cannot stress this enough - you have essentially removed this veil from my eyes and I saw Heidegger for the first time as you do: a multi-layered individual with deep-rooted issues, fiercely loyal to company & country and with so many other traumas and details that make him only human (and not a monster).
I am always in awe at all the sources of inspiration you have for him, at how insanely credible your thoughts his PTSD and other war-related issues are, the way he was brought up, came to marry and then divorce - honestly, for me, your Heidegger portrayal is THE Heidegger portrayal. I don't mean this to dunk on anyone else (or even SE), but because the way you have put him together makes so much _sense_ in my mind that I have a hard time disconnecting your Heidegger from canon.
As far as I'm concerned - his first name is Magnar, he comes from Junon, he has a rivalry with Godo, a behemoth gave him the trademark scar, he has two daughters and a divorce wife. I love everything about your timeline for him and always will. If anything, SE should give you royalties for the superb work. <3
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(( mari ♡
i messaged you already kinda buggin out a lil over this but i want it on my blog (ALONG WITH ALL YOUR LOVE CAUSE YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS & THE BEST) just so i can keep that tag open whenever im feeling stale on my writing or a little crispy with my portrayal. it always means so much to me how much time you've given me and my heid (i say my heid because at this point, i don't know how much is canon aside from his abusive streak to his soldiers & his shinra simping lmao).
but honestly, ive said it before - i'll say it again. i wouldn't be writing him without the support from yourself and others. like, i always talk about how hard it is writing a hated character. he isn't a villain in the same sense as sephi/roth / the turks. they're 'likable'. everything they do is okay because they're young & hot. i know they're more complex than that and personally, i like them a lot too! but it's difficult fighting the battle of there being zero fanart for the character. zero fanfics (aside from ooc / fetish fics). it's tough seeing people make jokes constantly about the character that you like & when i say jokes, i don't mean 'lol seph is a cat' i mean 'lmao could you imagine if him and shinra were GAY lol GROSS' (it's so immature it makes my eyeballs strain).
i know that was a mini rant then, but it always makes me feel a little embarrassed to have such a fixation on such a generally disliked character. makes me feel weird & unwelcome in the fandom haha.
but to know that there are people like you - people who haven't only said 'haha ok, this crazy cookie is doing something w/THIS character' but people who have actively allowed me to explore elements of his character? to get him married? to allow him fatherhood? like BRUH-
it makes my heart warm & fuzzy. i'm sorry i don't always show it & i'm sorry i sometimes get all weepy on the dash about things but it honestly does mean a lot to me.
mari - yourself and others absolutely contributed to me bringing him back & despite any hangups or embarrassment i have over the character. fuck, even in squeenix do some fucked up shit like make him about stolen valour (i REALLY hope they don't) or turn him into a coward (which im prepping for with pre-emptive unwritten headcanons) - he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
not because of playing him but because of the people i've played him with. ♡
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gleefullypolin · 2 months
I agree, I need them all. Good and bad, I don't care I am much better off for them. I don't want the beats of their romantic stuff so much as I want the overall beats for preparing myself if you get my meaning. Seeing what happens in text gives me a peace of mind while watching something with context. My husband hates spoilers but he knows I love them so he only asks me for them if he thinks he's going to get pissed off, ha.
My chaotic brain will both love and hate a huge cliffhanger. Love it because I've written fic for so long that it's just damned fun and hate it because I won't know what's coming and that's rude. I will be right along with you looking for spoilers. I will be ridiculous.
Oh I had dictionaries. Even a thesaurus, paperback style. I explained how a pager used to work to a teenager a few months ago and wanted to die inside the whole time.
Episode 4 is the second scene? You know, that makes a lot of sense actually even though I know most people aren't going to like it. If he has to watch Obi Wan with Penelope for episode 3 and he's already caught feelings by the end of 2, by 4 he's going to be a mess and a half. I heard that he just mopes and sits in a corner during the scene so if he's been pining and thinks all is lost and he can't even escape in a way that's worked for him in the past, he's going to have to do something about it.
With the LOWK of it all and she did not look thrilled during that dance with him in the trailer, adding in chaotic and unhinged Colin because of Kenebling (which is fair, I just see him not as an obstacle but more the physical manifestation of Colin's fear that he might have lost her to someone else in the book), I'm sure a lot is going to happen within that episode that gets us ready for the back half of the season and onto their happily ever after. That episode is going to be insane I'm sure.
Oh oh yes, I have been burned too many times. Let me be insane for one season then settle into just happily watching from then on. A perfect scenario for me really. Yeah, I've seen some nasty things and for people who have consistently accused others of such and such, I have yet to see the such and such, even in the replies on their nastier posts. If even the kindest posts asking for manners are met with vitriol from a ship's fans then maybe not everyone else is wrong about behaviors from certain fans.
My kingdom to hear a My Wife!
Just look at it as being paid to read fic. You've taken on the Man and gotten paid for leisure. And for years? Truly queen behavior right there.
I agree, I just need to know that A happens, then B, which leads them to X by the end of that episode. I don’t know to know how each scene plays out or how they say it, that is the beauty then of watching it play out. But at least I know that I will cringe at B, but I will cry with C and by the time I get to X all is right. Or perhaps I will hate X but by the time episode 3 comes it will be ok by F. Oh my word the way my brain works is terrifying. But my husband is the same as yours. He doesn’t want to know what is coming, he only wants to know if I’m going to be angry beforehand. And then he just laughs and says, oh dear.
I will hate needing to wait another month again, but another part of my brain hates me and will truly love all of it. Because I will sit and create angsty things and dream of scenarios in my head of lovely ways to fix it and isn’t that what fandom is all about anyway? Besides it gives me something to do other than sitting on twitter with my fingers cramping while I get angry over politics and the world. I prefer this to that any day! So, I’ll take the angst of romance, will they or won’t they, carriage rides, and waltz’s, longing looks, and trying to figure out how the story goes.
I think my brain works different as a watcher vs a writer. I think it goes to show writers CAN’T be trusted in some form. As a fic writer I am all about pain. I LOVE cliffhangers and putting my characters through the ringer. I mean I am also a happy ending writer so I trust that I will get my readers there eventually and not all television writers can do that for you. But I guess writers like a bit of a mess! Where is the fun in boy and girl meet, the end, right?
OH MY WORD you explained a pager! To someone from this day and age! That must have been terrifying. I work for a company that acquired a startup, and I have to say, we do not speak the same tech language. LMAO!
It does make sense! Because I’m sure a lot changes from 2 to 4. His brain has mushed from then in how he feels and his confusion has misted over from this BS “my friend Pen is not a woman” to “my whatever Pen is to me sure has plump lips and pert breasts” who is now dancing and giggling with Lord Kenobi all day long and now looking very troubled while speaking with him at that ball. I’m sure seeing her run out of the ball during whatever is happening (I’m assuming either a proposal or a price on LW head is happening)
And I’m sure before this ball is the brothel scene where Colin is all in his feels and not interested in anything else but what is playing in his head about Pen. So, he has gone to this ball with only her in his mind and maybe even realizes he loves her at this point so he’s realizing he’s lost her here. Then whatever happens she runs out and he goes after her, so I figure it has to be LW here because there has to be something that snaps for them both. And then the drama begins, because we pretty much end friends to lovers for part 1 and that is when enemies to lovers starts for part 2.
I literally don’t have the attention span for more than this season. I was gung ho for a couple years on Captain Swan and I burned out very hard, writing fics daily and spending hours until I had a literal melt down mentally. So my attention to the pretty will be here for this season and then I will need a head space break again I’m sure. It will be nice to then see them and be happy and not be stressed about the who, what, and where will be happening and just know they are happy. And hopefully the negative fans can crawl back into whatever negative hole they came from as they wish hell on the show they apparently only loved because of 2 people and will burn to the ground now without.
It is sad, when I was on phones, I would sneak a peek at a fic. When I got into leadership, I snuck off to write a few chapters. Once I hit management…I’ve been paid to write full fics. They love me. I have put in more hours than 40 in a week. So I’ve paid my dues, it’s mental health benefits to write on the side! Haha!
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petalsmooth · 3 months
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And the season three tease that just uses old footage has 15 million and that's been out months. The first one here is just an advert for their wedding contest. The only content with more views is QC's trailer which has been out over a year at around 16.4m.
Now end of the day it doesn't matter how the show stacks up to other seasons in ratings because it's not like the show is suddenly going to change it's format. It's one couple a season, and if the prior actors stay maybe a side story but not near the same time onscreen and I accept that because I'm not delusional. However, it's important for a few reasons.
First is that I like the family and I hate the meandering triangle of season two which served no purpose aside from telling ME the showrunner at the time though he was more creative than he actually was, when really he had nothing to say or there wouldn't have been so much filler. If you cannot improve on the book, then stick to the book. So if THIS season is insanely popular, hopefully puts to rest any idea of future seasons being like THAT one.
Second, I'm tired of Kanthony fans and just fans in general playing ship wars with a show that shouldn't HAVE ship ways because of its format. It's among the most ridiculous things I've seen in an online fandom. It's one couple a season, everyone knows that. How do you then manage to create so much animosity in a fandom over new seasons not featuring your couple? I don't CARE if the season after POLIN is even more popular or if less. I only want it to be good. It won't diminish THIS couple either way. I am not rooting for other seasons to fail because I like the family! I want more eps! If you don't then STOP WATCHING THE SHOW and leave. Do not try to bully your way into a spinoff that will NEVER happen for you.
So, I feel like if the couple these ridiculous people trolled for year's is insanely popular maybe it will shut them up in a way season two should have shut them up. Because Kanthony is NOT the show. It never was. Infact season 1 STILL ranks higher in views. They did not make Bridgerton popular, and they are not why it would stay popular. People love the format of the show, the period, the costumes, the family of Bridgerton's. Really it comes down to more continued good writing and good casting for future seasons. Not any one couple.
That being said, contrary to their beliefs, Polin ARE popular and the views above prove it. And since women are primarily the audience, the idea they thought that same audience wouldn't identify with someone like Penelope...I dunno. Because while the show is known for diversity, that comes in ways aside from color of skin too. I think all women, even men really, can identify with not fitting a certain beauty standard or being socially awkward. This is rather universal across all boundaries I'd imagine. Even with Colin, being rather adrift in a family and uncertain of his purpose is...that is relatable. Throw in having seen the characters a couple of seasons and not sure how anyone would think there isn't an audience for this romance. And the chemistry? That was always there, need only look to season 1 with the "barb" scene to have a sneak peak of what would happen once the writing allowed it explored.
Also, in news related to the "family" of Bridgerton, Jonny has hinted will be a part of the show for years to come. Which I love because he has gotten more offers of late and could have followed same path of the previous lead, but indicated he wishes to be supportive in future generations of the show for the fans. Probably won't be on at same rate as before, but will still be there so I love that.
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desertgremlin · 1 year
Yo, I feel you!!!! I hate it when people get rude when you aren't social. Like, there is a difference between lacking high energy/not being talkative/not engaging and just straight up rudeness and disrespect. And I feel like a lot of outgoing, social people think it's acceptable to be rude or take things personally when you don't act the same way they do and also dare to be in their presence. Like, not talking is not an attack! And it's very weird how there is this odd group think that everyone needs to act the same way. Do you not know what a personality is? Like, sorry for having one?
I don't know how many times I've had people say that they thought I was mean or a bitch because I wasn't talking and they thought I was intimidating. Or they just straight up were rude and attacked me because I was quiet. Like, if I wasn't even thinking about you and you tell me that, what does that say about you? Your insecurities are not my problem and my mother did not give birth to me to entertain you. Like, if you are so social, don't you make an effort? Or go talk to someone else. I know my attention or lack of it is that special, so what's your problem?
I sound bitter but I've dealt with this my whole life. I've even had supervisors be assholes to me because I was quiet and didn't engage the way they wanted. So I can only imagine how it is at work 🫥🫥🫥 I also think it's insane that people let their feelings show like that at work. It's a professional setting, why are you turning this into High School Musical?
I do hope it gets better. It would be ideal to get a new job but I totally get how tiring that is.
And I am def gonna chat to you about The Bear!!! I have literally been counting the days. I'm so excited to see Tina and Ebra's story and also Sugar! She wasn't my favorite in the first season but to some degree I did relate to her (as a responsible sister who is never taken seriously). I kind of feel like she and Sydney might get close and I would love that. I love high strung characters for some reason so Sugar is really growing on me. Obviously excited for Marcus too. Have you seen the trailers? What do you think of Molly Gordon's character ahowing up? I cannot wait!!!
You've definitely hit the nail on the head!!! Sorry that you've had to deal with so many assholes like that, too. I'm such a people pleaser that I have a tendency to go out of my way to make sure people DON'T think I'm intimidating because but then it ends up draining because being super chatty is not naturally who I am and you're right - I'm not here to entertain them/make sure they're comfortable. Like, at some point I just gotta be me.
I just watched the trailer! I knew it was out but hadn't got around to seeing it. I forgot how much I really loved the chaotic vibes of this show. "Hell of a lot of Sydney's in here" loll - Tina and Ebra at culinary school is going to be so interesting! That small snippet of back and forth between Carmy and Molly Gordon's character has me hooked like idk who she is but I'm intrigued. Also I'm tired and delirious rn and the Original Berf shirt made me laugh way more than it probably should have 😂
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
White Out
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This sh*t with Blizzard is f*cking wild, man. Never mind the harassment and assault female employees suffered, one of which committed suicide, these motherf*ckers just decided to go full scumbag with Diablo Immortal. Like, the fact that they keep defending the ridiculously predatory monetization structure of Diablo Immortal, hurts. I’ve been a fan of this company for years. Actual years. For a long time, i held them in the same esteem as i did CD Projekt Red, Bethesda, and Square. Not so much anymore. All the giants are falling. Red f*cked up Cyberpunk in the worst way. Squenix is trying to NFT their way into billions by inflicting this bullsh*t on Final Fantasy and, at the same time, selling off Eidos. Bethesda sh*t the bed with ‘76 but kept up the bullsh*t. Blizzard is the worst but i attribute a lot of of that disgusting culture to Activision which isn’t an excuse but can’t be disregarded either. Activision has been horrible for decades so why wouldn’t Blizzard take that lead? That said, this isn’t abut the very real human toll, and actual body count, Blizzard has. It’s about what this horrific pivot toward the gacha will have on future titles.
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Diablo Immortal has always been a gacha, a mobile game, much to the chagrin of the fan base. They wanted Diablo IV and got a mobile game with a Diablo reskin. That’s right, Diablo Immortal is a game that already exists. It’s a reskin f the Chinese mobile game, Crusaders of Light and Endless of God. Sh*t’s not even a properly developed game. I knew this sh*t would happen the second Tencent, the worlds largest game developer who just happens to e a massive Chinese oligarch, invested in Blizzard at five percent. Of course China had a hand in this sh*t. Of course they would ban Immortal from the mainland because of weirdly Chinese reasons. Now, I'm no stranger to predatory Chinese gacha games. I’ve dabbled in Genshin Impact and am very much addicted to Azur Lane. A cursory search through this blog will definitely prove that. The difference between those games and Immortal is that IT DOESN’T TAKE THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS TO MAX OUT ONE CHARACTER! That sh*t is insane to me and it’s wild that Blizzard is getting away with it. The fact that i know that this is a thing means that people are doing it. That means it’s a success to Blizzard. That means they are fiscally inclined to continue this bullsh*t and i hate it.
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I love the Diablo series. I do. I’ve been a fan since the second dropped two decades ago and ate up everything about Diablo III. Immortal i a joke to me but Diablo IV is not  That teaser trailer was gorgeous and immediately piqued my interest. Beyond that, i am a relatively big fan of Overwatch, to an extent. I like the narrative, the lore behind the title, and character designs (Widowmaker is life) but I'm not into the game play. My bread and butter is single player, narrative driven, gaming. Overwatch 2 will have a semi-single player mode in the form of a heavily narrative driven PvE mode. I’m down for that. Or, at least was. Now, i am suspect about everything Blizzard is releasing, including Diablo IV. Immortal ruined my trust in this company with their bullsh*t. I know that they are trying to install some sort of monetization element into this historically brilliant gaming experiences and i hate it so much. Like, from what I've seen of the Overwatch 2 beta pass structure, it’s already f*cked. Just like Blizzard is as a company if they keep this greedy sh*t up.
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