#this is my legacy now i guess
justvea18 · 22 days
I'm now known as the iliad/odyssey gal in my friend group
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choccy-milky · 15 days
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bloody beater seb🥴💞
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Next minute you know, there was a giant centipede on his arm but he was too busy acting cool to notice it 🫣
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Aaaand some extras!!!
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sparxyv · 24 days
I want you to know that I have scrolled through your page after coming back to HL brainrot, and I have deviously fallen in love with Mousey. Like seeing your artwork of him makes me so giddy to the point I swing my legs and twirl my hair. 😭🫶 I love your art and page sm, the only thing that I look forward to.
it makes me so ecstatic that people love my art AND my characters?? i swear it makes me feel like i'm living 13 year old lukas' dream 💜
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ANYWAYS.. i see that the people like mousey 🙏 and mousey LOVES the people.
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if mousey was able read these messages, he would be beyond happy.
mousey LOVES being loved, being popular, all of that.
that being said.. it would 100% go to his head.
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he can't shove it in sebastian's face though 😔💔
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mirdeli · 1 month
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Lil comic for @waywardprintmaker 🥰❤️❤️
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boundinparchment · 8 months
breaking in for a second to say that a lot of the recent stuff going on for writers in particular boils down inherently to a lack of respect.
for one another.
for ourselves.
for our hobby.
from readers who passively just assume that a like is enough. that you don’t need to or want to engage meaningfully.
social media trained you all to be passive consumers and let a computer make decisions for you.
change that shit. reblog. comment. tell people you like their stuff. saying ���I liked this” is better than a single fucking like on a post that is lost in the void.
and for those who write based on trends and find themselves constantly burning out: respect yourself and the characters you enjoy more. cherish them. stop chasing so much. this hobby isn’t about notes and being popular, it’s about the love (and sometimes the hate) for canon. not everyone is gonna be the next Cassy Claire or Ali Hazlewood or BNF, just be yourself and stop saying something flopped. maybe just make something you love and embrace happiness.
for those who get into the weird nonsense about ship politics and dark content and other shit: see above about changing behavior and stop engaging with shit you don’t want to see. change your filters. block tags. like you’re capable of using tools given to you instead of harassing people off the face of the internet and being a faceless bully.
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bassicallymaestra · 4 months
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✨Semi-formal Serena✨
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cmentary-drive · 3 months
Consider this mess lore
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rhapsoddity · 9 months
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This year has FLOWN by, and I'm still blown away by the support you guys give me! <3 🥺💕
Half of this is Vigilante Sheriff au how much more is it gonna dominate next year lmao <3
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possiblyfunny · 15 days
I forgot how to make posts, but don’t worry guys, I’m still alive-
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Ghostly Assistance
Heyyy! I finally drew Leaf! (Plus a slight Aster redesign-) This took way too long, and I apologize for the delay and the overall messiness. She had been sitting in my drawing program as a sketch for two months 😅 but with the Flashbacks up starting in Missing Numbers, I finally got the will to finish it!
Leaf Aoyama belongs to @creatively-cosmic. They have a blog called @themissingnumbers, which you should check out, like—right now.
[Sketch + Extras below the cut!]
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Here’s the cover of the book, if you wanted that- (I know it’s crap but I’m tired)
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[And for those who are curious, some notes about the art:
-The book is Aster’s. He’s read the book cover to cover well over 25 times. It’s his favorite book on flowers, but he’s more than happy to lend it to someone who wants to learn about flora.
-The content of the art (because there was intended to be a background that got scrapped-) is that Aster was showing Leaf around his secret garden deep in the woods, guiding her so that she wouldn’t get lost and showing her the different flowers and such. (That’s why she has the book-)
-You know how in some video games, you can press a button and whatever special companion you have will show up to give you a hint? (Ex: Navi, Fi, Rotom, Olivia, etc) That’s what Aster is doing right now. Whenever Leaf had a question—he had the answers.
-And if you’re wondering—Yes. Aster did make her a flower crown afterwards. And Yes, he thinks she looks very beautiful with flowers in her hair.]
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molar-bear-sims · 4 months
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very slick, bea... 🤨
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characcoon · 6 months
Petition to call Martyn x Doc ship name "Medium Wood"
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elmleif · 1 year
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🚨cillian smut alert cillian smut alert 🚨
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bmpmp3 · 7 days
that certain popular weekly seinen manga that rhymes with.... snow she no go - IT HAS become kind of unfortunate and largely incomprehensible BUT. they did go off with the symbolic big pointy stars in the eyes. very fun visual choice, very shoujo manga symbolism of them
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hippogrifffeathers · 1 year
Mentor Privileges
'What just happened?' 'I just got us out of trouble.' 'No, you just pulled an Ominis.' 'I what' 'Excuse me?' _ When Professor Weasley catches MC, Sebastian, and Ominis sneaking back into the castle after curfew, it seems like only one desperate move might keep them out of serious punishment. Except, before Ominis can even murmur a syllable about his family connections to the Headmaster, MC is speaking, claiming Professor Fig authorised their excursion, and it turns out there's another trump card among their ranks. Afterall, how could a professor argue with another professor?
ao3 link if you prefer!
Not two seconds after the grand doors to the main hall of Hogwarts had swung open, did the room echo with the sound of whispered bickering.
“You know, we could have gotten here a lot quicker if you two didn’t insist on flying the scenic route back.”
“How do you even know we took the scenic route? Not like you could see it .”
“I heard you talking about it Sebastian!”
“Would you both stop it?” MC hissed, voice barely above a whisper as they crept through the school entrance, large doors thankfully silent behind them. Seeing nobody in the entry hall, their posture relaxed, as they raised one hand to massage their neck, pouting, “Oh Merlin, we’re all going to fall asleep in class tomorrow, I’m exhausted .”
“That didn’t stop you from agreeing to fly out to Pitt-upon-Ford this afternoon, did it?” Ominis quipped, falling into step on their left. Sebastian quickly joined the pair, walking on their right.
MC rolled their eyes, a fond smile on their lips, “You both didn’t have to come with me, you know.” 
That was ridiculous, of course they did. “Oh come on, like we were going to let you have all the fun.”
“I want it on the record that invading and destroying a Poacher camp isn’t my idea of fun.” Ominis rolled his eyes.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow, “Does that mean you don’t want your share of the loot? Because I’ll gladly take it off your hands.”
“Paws off Sallow.”
“Yeah Sebastian, paws off." MC grinned, "If anyone gets Ominis’ share, it’s me, since I did most of the work.”
“Okay, first of all, nobody is getting my share because it’s mine , and second you only took most of them out because they were already targeting you. It’s a matter of access.” 
“It’s a matter of excuses , Gaunt. Besides, I can’t help it if I’m popular.”
Sebastian raised one eyebrow mockingly, “Oh, is that what we’re calling it now? Cute, and here I was thinking ‘there’s a price out for your capture’ had a nice ring to it.”
“ Funny . I’ll remember that one next time I come across old spellbooks in an Ashwinder camp and need to find them a home.”
Ominis paused momentarily, outraged, “You’ve been giving him what?”
Lost in their conversation, or perhaps the easy confidence that came with spotting no prefects scouting outside the Library doors, the trio didn’t think to cast any disillusionment or remain so vigilant as they crossed the Viaduct hall. Over the sound of their conversation, and the gentle lullaby from the nearby portrait, they fail to hear the click of footfalls until it’s too late, and they’re stopped in their tracks by a familiar, and very displeased, voice.
“And just where have you three been?”
… ”Merlin’s saggy left ball sack.” Ominis’ head turned sharply to right as MC subtly kicked Sebastian in the shin, hoping the already very-cross Professor Weasley didn’t hear his vulgar language, and schooled their expression into one that hopefully looked the picture of innocence as they spun on their heel to face her, Ominis and Sebastian mirroring their actions.
It took all their willpower not to immediately cower back.
She did not look happy, arms folded and her scowling expression may as well have been made of stone, carved with fury. Somehow, the Deputy Headmistress made pyjamas-with-a-cloak-over-the-top look intimidating.
MC bit back a wince as they took in that detail. Pyjamas. Oh, it was late late.
Sebastian turned on the charming schoolboy act, “Professor Weasley! We were just..ah, getting some late night studying done.”
“Oh? And does that studying involve flying Hippogriffs across the Black Lake ?” Sebastian tries not to deflate at being so clearly caught out, and readies himself to ignore the ice in their professor's tone, about to counter with what would undoubtedly be a cunning lie when she cuts him off, “Not another word. My office. Now .”
Wisely, the trio fall into silence, not daring to provoke the Deputy Headmistress any further.
They follow after the furious professor, turning their backs on the path back to their Common Rooms, wishing more than anything to be sneaking their way through the protected doorways and not walking across the chilly Transfiguration courtyard to certain doom.
Sebastian spares a look to his companions, the worrying crease in Ominis’ brow, the almost eerie calmness to MC, and wonders if they’re feeling the same edgings of dread as him.
Detentions and getting into trouble with professors were no strangers to him, but this was different than breaking a simple curfew or sneaking into the restricted section. This was weeks of detentions, points off, and letters-home levels of rule breaking.
Merlin, the last thing he needed right now was Uncle Solomon getting a letter from the school about Sebastian being off-grounds.
They’d been playing with fire this whole school year, especially himself and MC. Breaking into Loyalist Camps, exploring Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium and messing with Unforgivables, he supposed it was only a matter of time before they’d been caught- their luck had finally run out, and there was only one desperate card left to play that might save them from the bollocking of a lifetime.
It seemed Ominis was having the same thoughts, judging by the grim acceptance on his face, the stiffness of his demeanour- all part of ‘Gaunt Look’ that had gotten them out of serious trouble a few times too many in their earlier school years.
As they near the Transfiguration Classroom, Professor Weasley doesn’t even bother using magic to open the door, instead holding it open expectantly, her expression unwavering.
Before either of the boys can take the first step, MC takes the lead, head bowed slightly in a marker of shame that Sebastian can’t help but mirror as he follows in their footsteps, forced to confront the disapproving glare of their professor as he passes.
At least Ominis doesn’t have to deal with such awkward eye-contact.
Their footfalls echo through the empty classroom, empty desks seem to judge them as they walk past, only vaguely registering the door being shut behind them.
Ahead, MC’s steps have faltered slightly, the only show of hesitation they’ve demonstrated since the trio were caught. Sebastian is quick to take the lead, brushing MC's side in what he hopes is a reassuring move, as he makes a beeline for the door in the topmost corner.
The office is cool when they enter, the only light coming from embers dying on the fireplace and the pulsing red glow of Ominis’ wand. With the minimal amount of shuffling, the three line themselves up opposite the desk, MC once again in the middle, and wait.
Their silence persists as Professor Weasley follows into her office, re-igniting the fireplace with a wordless flick of her wand. The warm glow should be comforting, but against the dead black of night in the windows, and the way the shadows cast over the Professor’s glare deepen the appearance of her ire, it’s anything but.
She takes her time walking around them, letting her footsteps fill the silence of the room, before standing behind her desk, eyes on them all. For a moment, all she does is stare.
It’s an effort not to fidget under her gaze and act like the guilty students they very much are. Sebastian had never been one to worry about his appearance, least of all after a spirited fight or hippogriff journey, but he suddenly regretted not at least checking for any singed or blood-stained marks on his uniform before entering the Castle.
No , that worry was the exact kind of thing Professor Weasley was hoping her students would act on, more guilty admissions. He fought the urge to check.
Besides, if MC- who was decked out in one of their usual (and very flattering) adventuring outfits wasn’t concerned about looking suspicious, then surely he had no need to be. 
Finally, the professor spoke, her tone icy cold, dripping with repressed anger. Even with the Gaunt-protection failsafe, Sebastian felt very unsafe.
“Three students out of school grounds, unauthorised, breaking curfew, I have never seen anything like it,” She seethed, and Sebastian wondered for a moment if they were about to witness their professor breathe fire, maybe being charred alive would be less painful than this , “What have you got to say for yourselves?”
A pause. 
Sebastian’s eyes darted to the side, watching his friends carefully. MC hasn’t moved, not even the slightest fidget of their hands, while Ominis’ posture straightens even further as he opens his mouth, preparing to intervene with a smooth diversion and not-so subtly drop his family’s connections, get them out of here with as much showboating to the Headmaster as will be necessary.
But it’s not Ominis’ poised and perfected tenor that speaks next.
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault, Professor. I asked for their help and we completely lost track of time.” MC sounded so sincere in their apology, their tone didn’t waver for a moment. Sebastian tries not to let his surprise register on his face, and sees Ominis do the same, momentarily jared from his earlier plan. What are they doing? “I was working on one of my catch-up assignments, for Professor Fig.”
Sebastian hopes he doesn’t look like this story is of any news to him, but judging from the way Professor Weasley’s gaze had narrowed in on MC, he needn’t have bothered.
“ Professor Fig gave you an assignment that requires you being off-grounds in the middle of the night?”
The lie sounded ludicrous even to Sebastian, no professor would ever assign a student homework that required leaving the Castle grounds, let alone to venture into the Highlands in their free time.
He should know, it had been a fight for him to be allowed to return to Feldcroft to see his sick sister during term time. There was no way MC genuinely thinks that Weasley is going to believe a fellow professor would let them leave the school so freely-
“Yes, Professor, he did. Staying out so late was an accident though.”
- Merlin, they are fucked.
Clearly, from the sudden tension in his frame, the slight upward turn of his eyebrows, Ominis feels the same way. The pair of them stand to either side of their friend, and wait for the lashing down to begin, for Professor Weasley to accuse them of thinking her to be so dim as to believe such an outrageous lie, to attempt to implicate another professor in whatever rule-breaking scheme they’ve concocted. Sebastian wonders if it's possible to intercept a Hogwarts Owl before it reaches Feldcroft- or maybe MC can do it for him, it’s the least they’ll owe him for provoking the professor like this.
Except, instead of a raised voice, threats of punishments and letters home, Professor Weasley only sighs, the fight leaving her body like a snidget on a Quidditch Pitch.
At the mention of the Professor of Magical Theory, something seemed to have changed in the Deputy Headmistress’ demeanour- it would have been funny to observe in any other situation. Her posture slouched slightly, as if suddenly overtaken by exhaustion, but the look in her eyes had become razor focused, a glint in them as she regarded MC.
Something had changed, and Sebastian longed to know what.
“What in Godric’s name is Elea-Professor Fig asking you to do, that requires you travelling away from the Castle?”
MC shrugged, the picture of casual honesty, which was jarring to watch when Sebastian knew they were being everything but, “Professor Fig emphasises real-world applications to enhance my understanding. I do have a lot to catch-up on.”
The counter didn’t seem to surprise Professor Weasley, almost as though she had been expecting such an argument. “Yes, he has mentioned as much. It would certainly be a more school-focused explanation for the rumours of your activities in local hamlets.”
There’s a tone of false lightness that Sebastian is familiar with- one of a Professor who knows more than they’re letting on, who is giving you the opportunity to come clean.
(Personally, it was one he’d never fallen for)
There’s so many rumours surrounding MC and where they go when they’re missing from the Castle- which is nearly all the time these days- that he can’t even begin to speculate about which ones have made their way to Hogwarts Staff.
MC doesn’t even appear phased by Professor Weasley’s suspicions, or the possibility that rumours of their more dangerous stunts have reached the ear of the faculty, “There’s so much still to learn, I’m lucky to have Professor Fig’s guidance in navigating my studies- it’s been very helpful.”
It’s such a perfect answer. The kind professors would expect from a dutiful, high-achieving student such as MC, one that might make them perk up with pride in their pupils.
Professor Weasley only narrows her eyes, and Sebastian suspects this isn’t the first time she’s heard MC pull such a line, “Indeed, you two are quite the pair.” Understatement , “Between your absences, and Professor Fig’s, it’s a miracle either of you still know your way around the Castle. Although, I suspect sneaking in late at night from your various, ah- assignments , is plenty of practice.”
Wow . Sebastian tries not to look too surprised at the subtle dig, unaware the Deputy Headmistress was capable of such underhandedness. Then again, Fig and MC had been sneaking about the Castle after curfew?
Perhaps in light of Fig’s involvement with MC’s restricted section mission, he shouldn’t be surprised.
MC had no such unawareness for the Deptuy Headmistress' tactics and continues, unphased, “Catching up on my studies is certainly a busy task, Professor. It’s true, we spend so much time learning new spells in Professor Fig’s classroom that I haven’t had much time to explore the castle yet.”
Sebastian wishes he had stood next to Ominis, if only to nudge his friend while they watched this conversation- no, interrogation unfold, see if Ominis had picked up on the same thing he had.
Whatever this was about, it clearly had absolutely nothing to do with tonight’s excursion.
“No? That’s a pity, Hogwarts is full of wonderful magic. Considering you’re excelling in your classes, I’m certain you can afford to take some time away. I never see you around the Castle, it seems you’ve made some good friends here, yet I seldom see you enjoying their company outside of studies. I'm concerned your, ah, extracurriculars are taking up all of your time.”
It felt like the world’s longest, most confusing exploding snap game, two players taking it in turns to put a card down- except all the cards were blank and Sebastian didn’t know what would happen if there was a match.
“I have plenty of time to enjoy school, Professor, and have fun with my friends- everyone’s been so supportive in helping me learn more about magic.”
MC hadn’t provided any specifics, Sebastian wasn’t remiss to notice. It really was an entirely new level of vague- even for them, who had entered Hogwarts surrounded by mystery and cloaked in secrets, and hadn’t changed much about that impression since they got here. 
He wondered why MC was so hesitant to elaborate- was it a hesitation to share anything with Professor Weasley, or did they really not have many examples of ‘fun’ times at Hogwarts, that didn’t include danger or rule-breaking? Come to think of it, when had he and MC done anything together that didn’t include danger or rule-breaking?
Merlin, he’d make them relax even if it killed them. Drag them out for a fun day at Hogsmeade where they were banned from helping any locals retrieve their spare robes or whatever ridiculous request they’d force on his friend.
Although, that had been their plan for today- and look how well it turned out.
“I wonder, what academic prospects could have drawn yourself and Professor Fig all the way to Feldcroft?” Despite himself, Sebastian jolts at the mention of his home, and from his periphery he sees Ominis’ head snap to the side to stare in his direction, questioning. “It is a rather dangerous area, you know, I’m sure Mister Sallow can attest to the current occupation of Goblin Loyalists in the Hamlet.”
Professor Fig and MC, in Feldcroft? He’d heard some rumours, of course, but this was all but confirming it as true- especially as he saw MC momentarily falter at the direct questioning.
Questions burst forth in the back of his mind, irritation pricked at his skin with the knowledge they hadn’t told him - Sebastian of all people, what they’d been doing back in Feldcroft, without him and with Professor Fig no less. He endeavoured to ask them, later.
MC quickly regains their composure, hands folded delicately at their front, and tilts their head to the side inquisitively, “Is it? Professor Fig was showing me some ruins ,” Fractionally, the corner of MC’s lip curled, a flicker of amusement they quickly squashed, “We didn’t come across any trouble, certainly no Goblin Loyalists. We are always very safe when we leave the castle.”
Now that Sebastian knew was a bold-faced lie. MC hadn’t told him everything they and the enigmatic Professor got up to, but they’d shared enough about their pursuit of Ancient Magic knowledge and Ranrok. Whatever the pair got up to when they were absent from the castle, it was far from safe .
Judging by Professor Weasley’s unwavering expression, the stone cold doubt and suspicion written clearly across her features, she shared the same sentiments.
“I see, so yours and Professor Fig’s trips away from the Castle have absolutely nothing to do with the reason your mentor has been spending so much time in contact with the Ministry lately? Particuarly, the Auror Department and the Minister himself?”
That was news to Sebastian, and not for the first time in this coversation  he wondered if Professor Weasley had forgotten he and Ominis were here too.
As if feeling the weight of his friend’s gaze on him, Ominis tilted his head in Sebastian’s direction and gave a small shake of his head, before staring fixedly down at MC.
One thing's for certain, they weren’t letting MC get away with not answering their questions as easily as they seem to be Professor Weasley’s.
Honestly, Sebastian was tempted to take notes on their artful evasions, his old tricks with the faculty were getting….well… old .
“I wouldn’t know, Professor.” MC shrugged, “Professor Fig doesn’t talk about his work outside of our tutoring sessions,” Then, as if realising some lies were too obvious for even them to get away with, “The Headmaster sent him to the Ministry a few times earlier this year, perhaps Professor Fig is in contact with them on orders of Professor Black.”
Did they really just bring the Headmaster into this?
Either this whole topic went a lot deeper than either of them thought, or MC is pulling all the strings to get out of this tense exchange.
The funniest part was that it was working.
Bringing up the Headmaster seemed to snap the final thread of Professor Weasley’s patience, and suddenly she seemed exhausted, grimly accepting of the fact that clearly she would be getting no answers out of MC tonight.
“I see, well it’s already very late and you all have classes in the morning,” She sighs, before pulling her shoulders back, still the picture of staunch authority you wouldn’t dare cross, “You’re free to go, but don’t think I won’t be speaking with Professor Fig to confirm your story,” At this, Sebastian sends a panicked look MC’s way but they don’t notice, eyes only on Professor Weasley as she continues, “That said, I am still taking twenty points from each of you, and if this happens again I won’t be so lenient- 'assignment'  from Professor Fig or not.”
MC still doesn’t appear worried, not as much as they should be- given they absolutely will be doing this again. Then again, Sebastian and Ominis weren’t any better.
Still, they all had the courtesy to look abashed, and ducked their heads, echoes of their ‘thank you professor’, ‘sorry professor’-s following them out of the Deputy Headmistress’ office, and away from her disapproving glare.
Seconds later, the door swings shut behind them with an echoing ‘thud’, and Sebastian whirls on MC, but before he can speak, there’s a hand over his mouth. Over MC’s shoulder, Ominis looks distinctly amused.
“Not here.” MC whispers, with a knowing tilt of their head in the direction of the office they had just left. Then their hand drifts from from Sebastian’s mouth to wrap around his wrist, mirroring the same action with Ominis, as MC pulls them both away from eavesdropping range.
Feeling MC’s warm grip on his, Sebastian praises himself for not licking their hand earlier when they silenced him. This was much more satisfying.
They don’t stop until they hit an alcove just to the side of the Main Hall entryway, hidden from view but the perfect spot to detect Professors on the pry. 
“I cannot believe we got away with that.” Sebastian grinned, revelling in the adrenaline rush that always came with getting out of trouble punishment-free. He takes a moment for them all to bask in the easy way they had all just avoided what could have been a nasty punishment, before his attentions turn to the mastermind of their escape, looking quite smug with themselves, “So, make a habit of lying to the Deputy Headmistress, do we?”
“No idea what you’re talking about.” MC retorted cheekily, but their wide smile was a giveaway against their words, just as quickly dropping the faux-denial, “Besides, it worked, didn’t it?”
They punctuate their words with a knowing poke at his shoulder, and he doesn’t deny it.
“Please, like you had any doubts. You could have warned us you had a plan!”
“Funny, that doesn’t sound like ‘wow thanks for getting us out of trouble MC, you’re such a good friend MC, to show my gratitude I’m going to write your potions essay next week MC!’ ”
“Even if I was going to thank you for nearly gaslighting our Deputy Headmistress- artfully done by the way- I certainly won’t be writing your potions essay for you.”
MC grinned, “Good, I didn’t mean you, I meant Ominis. His potions essays are way better, plus he never leaves it till the last minute.”
“Don't even try it, MC, flattery won’t work on me.” The pleased flush to Ominis’ cheeks said otherwise, but nobody was about to point that out, “But I at least am grateful for your intervention. I wasn’t looking forward to using my family name to get us out of trouble.” His nose scrunched at the thought.
“It was almost comical, the way Weasley immediately dropped it and all you had mentioned was-“ The realisation struck Sebastian like lightning, a wide grin threatening to split his face, “Oh Merlin- you pulled an Ominis!”
“I what?” “Excuse me?”
Not getting the hint from Ominis’ outraged expression, or simply not caring, Sebastian continued, “You pulled an Ominis! All you had to do was drop Professor Fig’s name and we were never getting into trouble! I can’t believe there’s two of you now!”
“We are not calling it ‘pulling an Ominis ’ for Merlin’s sake Sebastian!” Ominis hissed, looking thoroughly displeased about the expression, and Sebastian immediately endeavoured to add it to his vocabulary from now on, “That said, I was surprised at how effective it was.”
“I didn’t…I mean….it wasn't like that!” MC stared between the pair, lost in the sudden direction their conversation was taking. Sebastian continues rambling, grin growing in his face.
“What do we even call that? Is it still family privileges or… mentor privileges? Playing favourites? I mean, half the school thinks you're both secretly related anyway, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter-”
MC’s mouth dropped open, “Half the school thinks what?”
“Weasley was right, you need to get about the Castle more if you haven’t heard that one yet, it’s old news at this point.” Sebastian waved it off, like the fact half the school was gossiping about MC was nothing. Maybe it was, it’s not like they got involved in school gossip enough to have a comparison point.
Ominis frowned, “Speaking of Professor Fig, it’s all fair and well to name drop him like that, but what happens when Professor Weasley actually does go to him to confirm your story? She’s going to find out we lied.” He can’t help the worry from bleeding into his tone, and Sebastian frowns at the reminder of the hole in MC’s plan. At most, they’ve been bought time, and the punishment could end up being so much worse if Weasley finds out they deceived her.
To the boys’ shared surprise, MC chuckles lightly, shaking their head, as if their friends had missed some huge point. “She won’t- I’ll be surprised if she even talks to Professor Fig about it.” Okay, they were definitely missing something, by the knowing tone in MC’s voice, “Even if she does, he’ll cover for us, so don’t worry about it.”
They sounded so assured about exactly how this would all play out, the staff dynamics at work here- Sebastian and Ominis longed to question them further on it.
That easy confidence that Professor Fig would lie to one of his colleagues for them, covering up serious rule-breaking with no questions asked? The Professor of Magical Theory was known for being somewhat enigmatic and mysterious, someone with so much practical skills for a supposed expert in theoretical knowledge, but the idea of a professor blindly covering for a student was too much, even for him.
Then again, MC wasn’t exactly ‘just a student’. Not if the pair were sneaking out of the Castle and being spotted near Goblin Loyalists areas, of all places. Deceiving all the other professors, telling lies to cover one another’s backs- because that had been the other side of this, Professor Fig wouldn’t be the only one lying to the Deputy Headmistress to protect another.
“He’ll cover for us, like you covered for him in Professor Weasley’s office, you mean?” Ominis felt the pieces falling into place. “His contact with the Ministry has nothing to do with the Headmaster, does it?”
MC grinned, shrugging lightly, “I mean, technically that wasn’t a complete lie- Black did send him on fools errands to the Ministry at the start of term, as some sort of ridiculous punishment for what happened on our journey here.” Bitterness bled into their tone slightly at the memory, and Ominis couldn’t quite blame them. Being attacked by a dragon was hardly something you could control. MC’s tone brightened as they kept talking, an edging of mischief creeping in, “But since then? No, it’s got nothing to do with the Headmaster, but I doubt Professor Weasley is going to question it.”
He wonders what it’s actually got to do with, but this wasn’t the time to ask them about that.
“It’s no wonder Weasley looked so tired, you’re both menaces .” Sebastian laughed.
“Oh like you’re both any better, Misters ‘I have a way with the faculty’ and ‘My father is friends with the Headmaster’. I didn’t stand a chance at having good influences around me.” MC playfully rolled their eyes, recalling the fact that they weren’t the only ones who had their ways of getting out of trouble.
Sebastian whirled on Ominis, seemingly choking down another laugh, “You did not say that to them.”
“Oh, be quiet. Both of you.” Ominis wasn’t pouting, he wasn’t, “Besides, don’t turn us into your excuses, sounds like you’ve been lying to the faculty well before we became friends.”
“I prefer to think of it as keeping a few secrets. Not lying, just not telling the whole truth.”
Ominis couldn’t bite down on the smile their antics caused, and hoped a small head shake would hide his fond amusement, “That’s called lying, MC.”
They were so casual about it. From the moment Professor Weasley had begun with her vague-yet-intense questioning, MC had obfuscated and dismissed her every suspicion with a shamelessly vague answer, hadn’t shown weakness for even a moment, and now they stood joking about the whole affair, like lying and keeping dangerous secrets from professors was an everyday activity.
Well, for MC, they supposed it was.
Then again, given their recent exploits, perhaps Ominis and Sebastian were not in a place to cast judgement.
Merlin, what a group they made.
“I’ll admit, it was surprising how much Professor Weasley knew,” MC confessed, the edgings of worry outlining their now furrowed brows, “I honestly didn’t think she was paying that much attention, I knew she’d been keeping her eye on us but…where does she get her information?” Their gaze drifted off in the direction of the Transfiguration classroom, worrying at their lip as they thought.
“You see, it’s this magical thing called ‘The Hogwarts Rumour Mill’- you’d know what that was if you actually spent any time playing normal student, you know.” Sebastian mocked, and delighted in the way his teasing interrupted whatever journey into overthinking MC had stepped into, as their face playfully scrunched up in confusion.
“‘Normal Hogwarts student’? Like ‘student who learns non-curriculum spells in a super secret undercroft’ or ‘student who picks fights with goblin loyalists and poachers’?”
“Hey, I never said we were normal Hogwarts students.”
MC grinned, gently knocking against Sebastian and Ominis’ shoulders, “I suppose that’s why we all get along so well.”
Sebastian’s expression softened as he registered their affection, warm fondness spreading across his features, “I suppose it is.”
For a moment, they all stay like that, three students hidden behind a corner of the Transfiguration courtyard, packed so tight their arms press against each other, warm with the rush of their evening adventures, and share in the peace they so seldom get to appreciate.
How fortunate they all were, to have found each other.
“It’s getting late, we should be heading back.” Ominis’ voice breaks through the quiet, sounding almost regretful to have done so, as the warm press of his friends was stripped from him, replaced with the bitterness of the outdoor air.
Lightly, MC laughs, and takes the lead to start walking back towards the Viaduct hall, Sebastian and Ominis at their side, “I think we went past ‘getting late’ flying over Upper Hogsfield, but you won’t hear me complaining about getting some sleep- even if it is just a few hours.”
“Better than nothing, and we always have History of Magic to get some extra sleep in.” MC hummed in agreement, Ominis smiling already at the prospect, their shared naps during the notoriously dull class has admittedly become something of a highlight in his school curriculum. A few hours where he knows he’ll sleep unhaunted (mentally at least) and utterly at ease.
“Oh do rub it in, why don’t you?”
“It’s not our fault you didn’t take History of Magic, Sebastian.”
The walk back was over far too quickly, light taunts becoming wishes of well rest and promises to meet again at breakfast, as they parted ways- finally laying rest to the evening’s events.
MC’s promise proved to be good and true, when the trio managed to make it through their first class of the day without being summoned by Professor Weasley for a sequel to the previous night’s ‘punishment’. Whether the Deputy Headmistress had actually confronted Professor Fig about MC’s claims remained a mystery for the entire morning, however by midday, Sebastian was starting to have his suspicions that Professor Weasley had at least been talking to someone about his, MC, and Ominis’ out-of-grounds escapade.
“Is it just me, or are the other professors…watching us?”
“Sebastian, think for a moment about who you’re talking to, then ask me that again.” Ominis rolled his eyes, completely oblivious to the dubious look Professor Hecat had been giving them with all class.
“Oh right, sorry,” He cast a quick look to the Defense Professor, and when she wasn’t facing the class, he elaborated, “Since this morning, it’s like every Professor we see is expecting us to do something wrong, waiting to catch us out. Hecat’s been looking at us like a Kneazle to a Sneakosope since we walked in here.”
“Well, we were caught breaking curfew last night, Sebastian.”
“This is different! All the times I’ve been caught breaking the rules, not once have the staff watched me like this. I feel guilty and I haven’t even done anything yet.”
They didn’t get an answer for their suspicions until after class, making their way through the Tower, MC now joining the duo at their side. Lost in conversation, they almost didn’t spot the Professor until it was too late, side stepping just as Professor Fig rounded the stairs.
It wasn’t uncommon to see the Magical Theory Professor, but he was renowned for his elusiveness- Sebastian would know, he’d tried to talk to the Professor on several occasions last year as he searched for a cure for Anne, but Fig had always been too busy to stick around for long. 
Despite himself, and MC’s earlier reassurances Fig wouldn’t be upset his name came up the previous night, his heart hammered in his chest, and from the corner of his eye Sebastian spotted Ominis’ posture stiffen, as he so often would whenever they were about to get scolded by a Professor. 
They waited for the gentle expression to fall into one of disappointment, or anger, for the reprimand they knew would be coming.
MC too, had changed, but in notable contrast to their friends they brightened up, energised to see the Professor- and Sebastian supposed he shouldn’t have been surprised that the fondness was reciprocated. What he was surprised by was how Fig’s warmth extended to their friends, greeting them all cheerfully.
“Ah, MC! Mister Sallow, Mister Gaunt, good morning!”
Momentarily taken aback by the unexpected friendliness of his tone, one which they absolutely hadn’t anticipated after using him as a get-out-of-punishment-free pass the night before, they were delayed in wishing him a good morning back, compared to MC’s spirited response, “Morning, Professor Fig! Are you on your way back to your office?”
It was kind of cute, the way they perked up in Fig’s presence.
“I am, and I suppose you’re all off for lunch?” 
“Actually, if you have some free time, I was wondering…”
Fig smiled, understanding, “My door is always open, come, I’ll have some sandwiches delivered! I had a very interesting meeting with Professor Weasley this morning, perhaps you can catch me up on the finer details of yours and Misters Sallow and Gaunt’s excusion while we’re there.”
Ominis startled, “Ah, yes, Professor, about that-”
“I’m afraid I can’t award points, Professor Weasley might have my head, Mister Gaunt- even if it would be well deserved!” Fig is quick to interrupt whatever apology Ominis had been about to offer, a sly smile on his face- one that strongly reminded Sebastian of MC’s expression after they had gotten out of Weasley’s office the night before, “I am glad MC has such supportive friends to help them with their studies, excellent work boys!”
Fig caught Sebastian’s eye and gave both himself and Ominis a knowing wink before continuing on towards his classroom, MC falling into step beside him easily, the pair immediately locked into a lighthearted conversation. Sebastian and Ominis stayed put for a moment, baffled by the casual interaction.
Ominis spoke first, “Did he just….”
“Yep.” He’d definitely covered for them, had seemed amused by it, no less.
Not a word was mentioned about last night’s escapades, no dubious look thrown their way like the rest of his colleagues had been doing all morning. Instead, all there had been was immediate recognition as he crossed paths with the trio, even though he hadn’t taught two of the three pupils in years, and a wink.
Suddenly, they had the sneaking suspicion they were in on some sort of conspiracy.
“Good morning, Professor Hecat!”
“Good morning, Professor Fig, good to see you about the Castle.” 
Sebastian and Ominis jump at the voice, turning around to see Hecat at the top of the stairs, where she had no doubt just watched the four crossing paths, the spirited exchange before Fig and MC had whisked away. 
Suddenly, the professors’ earlier attitudes towards himself and Ominis made a lot more sense, and Sebastian suspected that Professor Weasley wasn’t the only one who had her suspicions about MC and Professor Fig’s extracurriculars.
And, if the way they had been keeping an eye on him and Ominis was anything to go by, the staff’s conspiracy had just gained two new suspects.
“Ominis, I think we’ve become accomplices.”
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astraeajackson · 1 month
anyways thank you this concludes my tedtalk on why going back to school sucks😔
I'm gonna go cry in the corner now with my various comfort books, tv shows and assorted paraphernalia 😓
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