#this is not kylux and it will never be
Why sleep at 2am when I could read fanfiction instead?
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Ren: Love of my life <3<3<3
Hux: Loathsome creature.
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Force sensitive Hux au
Kylo discovered that Snoke was suppressing Hux's abilities just to keep them apart. It is General Hux who was his dyad in force. Not Rey. But now without Snoke there is no one between them. And there is no one between Hux and force. And it is painful but Hux doesn't want to learn from Kylo. He doesn't trust him nor the force. He can't sleep, he hears voices, everything vibrates. And he feels emotions that aren't his. Its getting worse and worse. And he hates that the only thing that helps is being close to Kylo. But he can't deny It any more, or he will go mad. So one day Kylo found him curled up on his bed. Hux got up.
"Mh... Sorry. I was waiting for you"
"In my bed?"
"Yeah. Everything else vibrates and It made me want to vomit"
Kylo sat down close to him.
"You can go back to sleep. We will talk later. I can stay. " He answered Hux thoughts. Hux rubbed his face and laid down again. He was too tired to protest and having Kylo so close felt wonderful, so he just went back to sleep. After "okey Ren you can teach me but I will not call you master" talk they started immediately next day.
And Hux was indeed a fast learner. And after few weeks its kinda started to bother Kylo. A lot. Force was listening to Hux as it has never listened to Kylo before. Hux built his own saber. And it was flawless. Elegant. Pure white blade. How the fuck did he turned kyber white? Kylo didn't know. He knew that Hux was an kyber expert because of Strakiller, but he was never really interested in his research. Hux could meditate for hours. Kylo couldn't last even two. And it was tearing him apart because Hux was everything that he wasn't. Everything that he wanted to be.
Navigation consoles began to suffer again from his rage.
"Ren! Ren stop it immediately! Ren! Supreme Leader it is you own ship for the fuck sake!"
Kylo breathed out and deactivated the blade.
"What's going on? Ren?"
" am sorry"
" I Hope so. But i don't care about you being sorry i care for an explanation" and Kylo explained. And Hux was looking at him with disbelief.
" Oh come on. Enough of this whining Ren" he stopped him " Can you even hear yourself?"
" You alone told me that force is a path aren't you ? "
"Yes but..."
" So there is infinite number of paths. You can't blame me that i chose a different one. Actually if we are what you called It a dyad? Its perfectly logical that we are opposites. Let's say it clear there is nothing in control, in order about you. Just chaos. I could never live like this. "
" Yes but..."
"But but ... I told you stop whining like a child. Look at yourself. You are pure, raw force. You could go against Rancor with this red thing and ego of yours. And you're siting here and whine because i have a prettier lightsaber?"
"I... "
" And what? That my abilities are better? Are you joking? I didn't beat you in a duel even once. And how the fuck did you cracked kyber Ren? Because if i could do that Starkiller would be ready at least few years faster!"
"How the fuck did i cracked kyber? How the fuck did YOU make it WHITE!?"
"Wouldn't you like to know huh?" Hux smiled "Why don't you just ask?"
" I'am not Snoke. i'am not going to hide things from you. Do stop breaking consoles and start verbally communicating what's going on because i am tired of this hide-and-seek" Kylo was blinking at him. Hux sighed. "Come. I will show you kyber."
They did not arrive to laboratories because Kylo pressed him to the wall and kissed. Hux just moaned tilting his head back.
"Is it verbal enough Hux?"
" Its suggestive enough. First my quarters. Then kyber. " He said when he regained breath. " But enough of destroying my ship"
" Oh. Now it's yours ? "
" You just said i am better than you at basically everything? Shouldn't i be Supreme Leader then? " He mocked. He had never learnt that you have to be careful what you wish for. Kylo smiled amused and kissed back of his hand.
"You know what Hux? You are right" Hux blinked.
"I can see It now. Crystal clear. My destiny is to conquer, bring down empires. And lay them at your feet. Yours is to rule. "
And Hux for the first time in his life was absolutely speechless.
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eckcro-art · 6 months
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I decided to redraw an old AU’s cover image from 2016.
Hux is a repressed egg from a strict and traditional family. Kylo is a pyromaniac with an evil mentor living in his head. I sure hope they don’t crash and burn!
In the original AU idea, the klepto!Hux stuff overshadowed the trans!Hux aspects, which led to a messy and incoherent story. I removed the former and made Hux extremely pre-transition.
It’s a better choice all around, particularly in terms of character dynamics and core themes (he and Kylo are foils in their relationship to ideas like identity and individualism).
I listened to my old playlist and there were some songs that really made me wonder what I thought I was doing lol. Those ideas (as I remember them) were not only nonessential to the story, but were also conceptually disjointed/distracting. They have been excised.
I admittedly got carried away with building the private school they go to (hierarchy, uniform, I started trying to write the school’s entire handbook) but intend to hammer out the details of the story soon(-ish).
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serials1nner · 1 year
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this was supposed to be a rough sketch, then it turned into a finger breaking half-rendered art piece. first time drawing these characters + i was too lazy to pull up references so... ignore any mistakes? 🥲
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ghost-on-a-string · 1 year
why are there so many kylux smut fics
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he looks like a wet cat and he has the attitude of one (/pos) he is NOT having sex
id give kylo a 30% chance of fucking, but idk he just has sad virgin energy, and that's not just because i don't think adam drivers that hot
those two assholes are too busy with blowing things up and being evil and shit to fuck!!
also, even if they did, hux has a cat, and kylo has the weird darth vader shrine, where would they even do it????
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ellalba · 10 months
Due to time blindness I JUST realized we aren't doing Kylux Secret Santa this year.
I'm thinking of doing something really impulsive and starting one myself lol. Gonna DM some people and see if it's even possible starting this late.
But should I?
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kyluxtrashpit · 6 months
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In order to try to stave off The Agonies, I decided to draw a post of mine from a while ago so I could have Kylo holding hands with his 12 boyfriends (added Ben cause boy needs a little self-love too) at the same time thanks to the power of the Force (I also recommend full-sizing cause damn this is a big piece lmao)
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cak3art · 2 years
I drew general Hux as a teenager in the academy
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Also a little head canon of mine is absolutely ignoring Hux’s and Mitaka’s actual age and imagining them being loner friends- cuz duhhh
Also I tried giving the background a moving curtain Look with the First order logo it didnt really work so ignore the logo looking like absolute dogsh!t
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hux-and-gay · 4 months
Guys I fuckin got a jeopardy question right because the answer was riding crop… I only pulled it out of the recesses of my mind because of Kylux fan art. What the fuck have I become?
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moviemuncherao3 · 27 days
Me since Monday: looking at kylux fics
Me: "I don't even go here"
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Beneath the Moonless Sky duet from Love Never Dies but Kylux. It. Hurt. So. Good.
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eckcro-art · 5 months
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It starts as a subtle itch, a tickle in the back of Kylo’s mind that turns quickly to needles and a pinpoint pressure that takes his sight away. This is nothing like the solid weight he’s come to expect from his Master.
This is agony.
“Master!” Kylo manages to cry between the animal screams clawing their way out of his throat. “Make, it, stop!”
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doomspiral · 3 months
lietpru is just kylux 2 to me. its not really because neither of them is either character entirely, but its like putting them all in a blender and pouring the mixture into a couple of molds and then repainting over that too.
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kylo-skywalkerr · 1 year
What's the connection between Major Grom: Plague Doctor fans and Kylux shippers? Many Kyluxers love Major Grom (including me) and I know one of the artists for the Grom comics made a kylux comic back in 2016. Is it the ginger x black haired gays? The allure of them both being evil power couples?
And where are the crossover fics/fanart? I am so interested in this connection, actually.
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prctty-birdie · 2 years
🪐 Tuesday wip!
"Isn't lovely?
All alone,
Heart made of glass;"
The Emperor Hux of Arkanis has been inconsolable for the last three days; not even his loyal best friend and general of royal army, Phasma, could cheer him up.
What has happened was a long awaited plan made by the rebellion, which culminated in the tragic loss of his first and only lover; Two days ago, he had to leave to deal with a few systems who had not already accepted a alliance with the First Order.[...]"
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