#this is not meant to be good! i did not edit or reread
juniperskye · 6 months
Why are you in my head?
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you are soulmates. The legend of soulmates is that you start to hear one another’s thoughts around age 16 – not all the time, but when you’re feeling a strong emotion. It simply flows out of you and into the other, the legend also states that the closer you are, the more you can hear them. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** I did also use some of the dialogue
Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts. (mind you, they are essentially hearing both sets of thoughts)
Eddie Munson x Fem Sunshine! Reader (Soulmate AU)
Fluff - Part 2 Part 3 Part 4** Part 5
Word count: 1364
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, explicit language, let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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You had known all about soulmates, your mom had told you bedtime stories about soulmates and how she and your dad met throughout your entire childhood. They had been hearing one another’s thoughts for quite a while before your dad saved your mom from being run over by a biker as she stepped off the curb. She’d tell you how when their eyes met she could hear him thinking about how beautiful her eyes were and he heard her thinking about how handsome he was. You have hoped and dreamed of meeting your soulmate since you were four years old.
You had a soulmate, that much you knew. You had been hearing his thoughts for the last few years, they were few and far between which frustrated you. Your mom had explained it just meant he wasn’t close by, which sucked. You were hoping that the distance would decrease, given your family’s plans to move.
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Hawkins, Indiana wasn’t exactly a town that people were flocking to…but here you were. Your mom had been offered a job at their hospital there as the supervising nurse and your parents had decided it was too good an offer to pass up. Your dad had contacted the local police department to see if they had any openings, to which they asked for a letter of recommendation and pretty much offered him the job.
Things were working out well for your parents. You hadn’t really been sure about the move. Your soulmate’s thoughts had been pretty quiet the last few days but, a part of you knew it was because your anxiety of this move was clearly drowning out his thoughts.
The car finally came to a stop, and you glance up for the first time since you’d gotten in the car that morning, too focused on the music playing from your Walkman and rereading The Hobbit, again. You looked up to see a modest home in a cookie cutter neighborhood, you were grateful for your parents and their ability to provide you with the things you need, but some days you wished your family wasn’t so…average.
“Sweetie, why don’t you head in and pick your room?” Your mom suggested.
“Really? I get to choose?” You asked.
“You have your pick, other than the master bedroom. You and I will organize the remaining rooms.” Your mom explained.
Damnit, if I could just get the chords right.
You quickly jogged up to the door, letting yourself in. You made your way upstairs first, checking out the two small bedrooms up there that were situated opposite the master bedroom, separated by a full bathroom. While both rooms were nice, they didn’t give you nearly enough room to “express your creative freedom” as your mom had encouraged. On the main level there was a kitchen, dining room, sitting room, powder room, and living room. There had been a door leading under the stairs, you were pleased to see it led down into a fully finished basement that had a full bathroom.
“MOMMMMM! I chose my room!” You called as you ran up the stairs.
There we go.
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*Eddie’s POV*
Hell yeah! This is fucking perfect!
The thoughts had rung out like an alarm in his head. Her thoughts had never been this loud and clear. What had changed?
She better let me make the basement my room!
Had she finally moved? He had been hearing all her nervous thoughts about packing up and moving across the country. She must be closer now if her thoughts were coming in like this now.
YES! YES! YES! Now…how to decorate?
He smiled to himself. She seems sweet based off what he knows. He had asked Wayne about soulmates when he was growing up. He’d asked questions like “why can’t I just think of my address, so she could find me?” and Wayne had explained that it didn’t work like that. Thoughts were passed back and forth at moments it was needed – in times of excitement, or when we needed comfort, or to vent. There was some sort of neurological algorithm as to what thoughts were sent when.
*End Eddie’s POV*
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You had started unpacking pretty much the second your parents agreed to let you make the basement your room. Your dad had even agreed to take you to the hardware store to pick up paint this weekend.
“You’ll start at the high school on Monday. The principal confirmed that he received your transcripts and all your credit hours transferred, so you’re right on track.” Your dad explained.
“Oh, awesome! Did he happen to send my schedule or anything so I could familiarize myself with it beforehand?” You asked.
Oh fuck…fuck, fuck, fuck! I am so late. O’Donnell is gonna kill me!
Your hand flew to your head, the volume of his thoughts brought forth a pounding in your head. They had never been this loud before.
“Bug? You okay?” Your dad looked concerned.
“Yeah, I’m okay! Just a headache. Too many thoughts in there I guess.” You chuckled lowly.
“Honey, was it his thought?” Your mom questioned.
You hadn’t told your parents much about your soulmate, only that you had been able to hear him and that he was, in fact, a him.  They had also been aware that you hadn’t been able to hear him lately – that was when your mom explained that your thought can sometimes drown out theirs.
“Yeah, it was and uh, I don’t know, I guess it was kinda loud.” You shrugged.
“How loud?” Your mom asked.
“I don’t know, loud enough to give me a headache. It was like he was in the room with me.” You looked at your parents, a knowing grin making its way onto each of their faces. “What?”
“Nothing bug. Let’s go see if your principle sent that schedule over.” Your dad wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side.
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Monday morning had come way too soon, though you’d had an incredibly productive weekend. Your room was painted and decorated, you’d finished rereading The Hobbit and had begun rereading Pet Cemetery, you’d also memorized your class schedule.
Your dad dropped you off at school, he also told you he was planning to go and check out a car for you after his shift – that had left you pretty excited.
Finally! My own car!
The day was dragging on pretty slowly…truthfully you were ready for lunch.
Then Vecna will make a surprise return.
What the hell?
This campaign is going to be epic!
His thoughts had come and gone like this since you’d arrived in Hawkins. Just back and forth with random tidbits that left you more confused than anything.
The bell ringing had been your saving grace. It was finally time for lunch, and now you were feeling anxious again…where were you meant to sit?
You looked around and before you could take a step, a voice stopped you dead in your tracks.
Here we fucking go.
“We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But as long as you're into band or science ...or parties or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets...”
God he’s hot.
“It's forced conforming. That's what's...killing the kids!”
Kids were either laughing at his outburst or calling him horrible names, but you just stood there. Could this really be him? This super-hot guy who just caused an entire scene in the cafeteria.
“Me, I am army-crawling my way toward a D in Ms. O'Donnell's. If I don't blow her final, I'm gonna walk that stage next month, I'm gonna look Principal Higgins dead in the eye, I'm gonna flip him the bird, I'm gonna snatch that diploma. I'm gonna run like hell outta here…This year is different. This year is my year.”
He took a step back and bumped right into you, but before you could fall to the ground, he grabbed your arm and pulled you up and against his chest.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
You both let out a quiet chuckle.
All at once, colors were brighter, smells were sweeter, touches were softer. Everything came together in that moment; you couldn’t believe it. Here he was.
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samandcolbyownme · 2 months
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Warnings: alcohol, mentions of reader being drunk, flirtatious vibes, secret relationship, throuple, sexual tension, flirting, maybe some innuendos
Word Count: 1.7k | unedited
“What’s up guys, Sam, Colby, and our good friend, y/n, come at you live from our living room.” Colby laughs, “I’m starting to regret this decision, but we asked you guys to send us some juicy, mouth watering truth or drink questions to answer..”
“And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” Sam nods, looking at you and Colby, “Who’s ready to get drunk at-“ he checks his watch, “Five p.m on a Tuesday?”
“Me, because I’m not answering shit.” You laugh, “No I’m kidding.”
“My money is on y/n being the first one even slightly tipsy.” Colby points to you and you scoff, “Really?” You motion to Sam, “My money is on him.”
“You guys were betting?” Sam asks, his tone kinda sad and, normally, you would go with the joke and give him a kiss as an apology, but this time, you can’t.
The fans don’t know that you managed to bag both guys who are sitting on either side of you, and you hope that you can make it through this without giving up that secret.
“I mean, we can.” Colby smirks, “Twenty bucks says y/n will be drunk first.”
“Thirty bucks says Sam will get drunk first.” You laugh and Sam scoffs and looks into the camera, “You guys better help me out because I got forty bucks on Colby.”
You lean forward, watching the comments on the laptop screen flood in, “You guys have no faith in me at all, do you?” You laugh, “Let’s find out. First question.”
You pull up your phone, going into the shared note, “Mm, okay.” You reread it one more time before setting your phone in your lap, “what was the last thing you lied about?”
Colby raises his brows, “I can’t say.”
“Why?” You ask, knowing the last thing he lied about was calling you their good friend.
“Because, I can’t.” Colby pours some vodka into the shot glass and takes it, cringing as he takes a sip of his truly, “Oh, fuck. I hate doing these.”
“Well I’m safe because the last thing I lied about was what time I was getting up this morning.” Sam laughs, “I was going to get up early, go for a run, but..” he glances at you, “my body needed more sleep so.”
“Well you were up late editing so.” You shrug, “Understandable. Anyway. Sam. Go.”
Sam pulls up his phone, scrolling through the note, “Ah ha. Okay.” He brings his phone down, “You guys sent in some good ones.”
Sam tilts his head back to rest against the couch, “Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person, and if so. Who was it for and who did it go to?”
“Goddamn. Getting specific, I see. Um..” Colby thinks and you raise your hand, “I accidently sent a text to you when it was for Colby.”
You look into the camera, “No. it’s not what you think.”
It’s exactly what they think.
“I um..” Colby laughs, “I accidently sent a text to my mom one time, don’t ask me how I managed it because to this day it still haunts me, but I meant to say, fuck, what was it.” Colby snaps, “Oh, it was something along the lines of I hope you’re ready for tomorrow sweet cheeks, and it was supposed to go to Sam.”
“How-“ you laugh as Colby cuts you off, “I don’t know! I do not know.”
“Oh my god. Is that why your mom calls you sweet cheeks?” Sam leans over laughing, “I’ll have to ask her about that.”
“Moving on.” Colby brings up his phone and sighs, “Time for me to win this bet.” He puts his phone down, bringing it back up to read the question correctly, “
“Have you ever caught one of the others during it?” Colby tilts his head, “I assume they mean doin’ the nasty, so that’s what I’m going to go with.”
You immediately lean forward to fill your shot glass and Sam does the same.
Colby scoffs, “Not one of you is going to explain?”
“Nope.” You clink your glass with Sam’s and you both take the shot.
You groan as you bring your can up to your lips to get rid of the straight alcohol taste, “I’m good on that.” You smirk, tilting your head, “My turn.”
You scroll and stop, smirking as you tilt your head back, “Have you ever had a threesome?”
All of your answers are yes, and all of you give it away with the smirks and blush laying on your cheeks.
“Do we have to say when or explain anything?” Colby asks and you shake your head, “Nope, just a yes or no answer.”
“Theeeeen….” Colby laughs nervously, “Yeah, yeah I have.”
“Yup.” Sam smirks, “Anyway, okay. Um..” He picks up his phone and you lean forward, watching at the chat blows up.
“Hey.” You laugh slightly, “No body. No crime, right?”
You were trying your best to pretend like you were sober, but you infact weren’t.
Sam and Colby had been trying to win this bet, that wasn’t even serious, but little do you know, it’s not about money at all.
The money is for show.
“How are we feelin’ guys?” Colby asks with a slight laugh, “Drunk yet?”
You shake your head, “No, I feel.. I feel fine.”
“You sure?” Sam squints, “because half of that bottle is gone and I know that it was more you than us.” Sam laughs and you point to him, “You’re drunk.”
“I am not.”
“You are.” You smirk, biting onto your lip to stifle your laugh. You wanted to kiss him more than anything but you still had some level of restrain left, even if you were a little drunk.
“I won’t admit it until you admit it.” Sam argues and you roll your eyes, “Good luck.” You scroll on your phone, “Okay. Back to the game.”
You giggle as you read over the one question, “Okay. Have you ever made a sex tape?”
“Not yet.” Colby mumbles into his drink, “I mean.” He lifts his head, “No.”
Once again, chat goes absolutely berserk.
User6: Sam. We’re waiting for your answer give it to us
You laugh, looking over at Sam, “They want your answer, b-“ you correct yourself, fast, “Sam.”
“I mean, no, but do I want to?” He smirks and shrugs his shoulder, “Who knows.”
“Oooooooh.” Colby drags out and you look at him, “You’re drunk.”
He nods, “Yes ma’am. I am.”
Sam jumps up, arms raised, “Fuck yeah!”
“You’re drunk, too!” You point to Sam and he plops back down onto the couch, taking a long sip of his truly, “Yeah, okay. I am.”
You look at the camera, “So.. since I’m the last one to announce that I am in fact kinda drunk.. doesn’t that make me the winner?”
“No! You can’t-“ Colby scoffs, “not fair! Not fair!”
User8: Y/n wins!
“Seeeee!” You point to the screen, “They say I win. I am the winner.” You look between Sam and Colby and you lean back, watching as Sam stands up, “I’ll be right back. I need another drink.”
“Get me one?” You ask and Colby chimes in, “I need one, too.”
Sam groans as he walks away but turns around to smile at you. You shake your head and look at Colby, “you should scare Sam when he comes back in.”
“How?” He asks with a laugh, “Oh!” He hangs over the back of the couch, flopping to the floor.
“What are you doing?” You look over the couch at Colby and he puts his finger to his lips, “I’m not here.”
You turn around laughing and your phone goes off. You lift it up and see that it’s a text from Sam.
I wish I could kiss you
You smirk at the text, typing back your reply.
I wish I could kiss you. You both look so good tonight.
You set your phone down and watch as Sam walks back into the room, handing you your drink. He looks around, “Where’d Co-“
“Raahhhh!” Colby jumped up from behind the couch, scaring both you and Sam.
“Jesus fuck- Colby!” Sam yells, “You almost got your drink served hard and fast.” He furrows his brows, slowly turning around to sit down next to you, “Wait I-“
You and Colby both die laughing and Sam shakes his head, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Sam extends his arm out behind your head and you let out a sigh as you tilt your head back, “I think.. I need a nap.”
“A nap? It’s only..” Sam looks at his watch, “Seven.”
“So bedtime then.” You laugh and Colby scoffs, “You don’t want to keep this party going?”
You look at him and shrug, “Depends on where you wanna go, Colbs.”
“I have an idea.” Sam chimes in, “But I’m just- see you guys in the next one! Bye!”
You watch as Sam turns off the live, “You know they think-“
“Let them think what they want.” Sam plops back down next to you and grabs your face. He pulls you in for a kiss and leans back, “I’ve wanted to do that all fucking night.”
You turn to look at Colby who sits down next to you, “Your turn.” You smirk and reach up to cup his cheek, “Been wanting you all night, too.”
Colby leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips, “I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but this alcohol kicked my ass.”
You and Sam nod, “Yeah.” You say as you nod, “I feel you on that one.”
“First one to wake up has to initiate it?” Sam tilts his head and you lean in, kissing his cheek, “You are so on.”
I hope you liked this! Thank you sooo much for reading! I love you all so much, and I’ll see you in the next one!
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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ukelele-boy · 1 month
I was rereading some of my posts from 2021 and was reminded of how much meta I used to write so imma share my crazy headcanon/ theory which i thought up as plot for a revolution fic:
RR verse is on the "Olympus will fall" timeline and Zeus' actions are speeding it up.
In the recent decade there has been several great prophecies back to back. And people have remarked how weird it is that there have been so many. What if the reason is because of Zeus?
Remember, in greek mythology there is a major theme of how Your Fate Cannot Be Defied. And Zeus, king of Olympus, has a major Fate: being overthrown. However he managed to "defy" it by eating Metis.
My idea is that he has been forcefully clawing out a future where he is still king of Olympus. By doing this, he is literally changing the flow of fate. And obviously fate wants to correct itself, so the harder he fights it, the more counterforce he triggers. All prophecies meant to lead to his overthrowing are suddenly sped up. Olympus begins to lose power. Zeus is aware of this. He is also aware how people are becoming suspicious. And he needs a scapegoat. And who better than the god of prophecy who is also a threat to the throne?
Apollo mentions that Zeus blamed him for his oracle revealing a prophecy "too early" and therefore causing it to happen early. However, everyone knows it's not possible to actually cause a prophecy to happen early...so why would Zeus even have this weird line of thought? everyone probably dismissed it as Zeus being irrational, but there a juicier theory this ties into:
Apollo being the one to overthrow Zeus.
The idea of "fall of the sun, the final verse". What if this is the final prophecy that is meant to happen before Zeus is overthrown? And what if the fall this speaks of is actually when Apollo fell close to chaos? When he pulled himself together there?
What if he reformed different from his original godly form. He was literally almost gone, his body was disintegrating. Maybe he pulled himself together using the energies of chaos. Apollo himself isn't aware of this, due to a suspicious memory gap between him clawing up from the cliff and him waking up next to Artemis.
And this adds to another headcanon of mine, the fates choose Apollo to be the god of prophecy on purpose. At first glance, this is a horrible match. If they wanted a good servant, why would they choose someone so closely tied to his heart and so likely to fight fate? Someone who dares get them drunk just to extend a human's lifespan? UNLESS... they WANT him to eventually try and defy fate??
Imagine if fate was a compass and Zeus had forcefully wrenched the needle point at a bleak dark future where Olympus falls with him. And this river direction has been set so deeply in stone and run on for so long, it has worn a grove and become the mostly likely future.
you need someone willing to fight, someone to wrench the needle out. SOMEONE FAMILAR WITH FATE AND Prophecy. Someone who has the power to fight it and win. Someone who has the will. Perhaps a baby god who was willing to fight Python, and who would have likely died there. But if he successfully did take on the powers of prophecy, one day that same godling would fight Python again, would absorb the powers of chaos to recreate himself.
Perhaps not today and maybe not even for the next four thousand years
but one day that godling would stare down at that wretched compass hand and decide to yank the flow out of its place. And maybe, that godling means a chance for Olympus to have a different future.
Anyways that's my crazy theory i hope it wasn't too confusing. It also links up with my other story theme idea about fate, hope and apollo blah blah blah, which i rambled about in a different post.
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Edit: just remembered my other crazy thought, what if ZEUS PURPOSEFULLY TRIED TO GET RID OF APOLLO NOT ONLY CAUSE HE IS A THREAT TO THE THRONE BUT ALSO BECAUSE AS THE GOD OF PROPHECY HE IS MOST LIKELY TO REALIZE SOMETHING IS WRONG AND THAT ZEUS IS MESSING WITH FATE?!???? Basically pulling a imma say you're the murderer before u realise im the murderer. (i cant remember the actual saying Lmaoo)
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uravitypng · 2 years
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pairing: tenya iida x reader
word count: 2.0k
a/n: this was meant to be a lot shorter but it ended up being longer and took way more time than expected so hopefully this came out. i had a chubby reader in mind writing this. i've never wrote for iida before so i hope this turned out okay! anyway i won't spoil the plot or anything other than reader gets stuck. i wrote this late at night so i didn't reread and edit it thoroughly but hopefully it should be okay! if there's any mistakes i'm sorry ‧₊˚✩‧₊˚♡‧₊˚
warnings: dub con, power dynamic, pro-hero iida, unprotected sex, teasing, over stimulation, stuckage (i think thats the kink name <3 reader gets stuck), light impact (spanking), rough sex, 18+ mdni
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Iida prides himself on his morals. Sure in the past he made a mistake involving stain but that was all in the past. However, he can't help but question his moral compass whenever he sees you, he wants to do things to you, things that he doesn't even want to admit to himself. It would be wrong though, he's your superior, you're a sidekick. The power dynamic is very clear, it would be wrong.
Whenever he sees you though it becomes so difficult for him to worry about the power dynamic when you look so pretty wearing your hero costume hugging your figure in all the right ways. It takes everything for him not to stare at you, especially when he's walking behind you and he can see your hips move as you walk and he swears he can see the outline of your underwear. Even at the new years party last year, your dress was shorter than Iida would typically deem appropriate but your plush thighs being more visible than he'd ever seen before made him keep quiet.
Iida loses all composure he has when you're patrolling together late one night, it was a quiet night and a uneventful patrol. Most of the time it was silent, Iida preferred not to talk much when patrolling just in case something happened, he liked to be alert and he took being a pro-hero very seriously. You never complained about the lack of talking it was always a comfortable silence walking beside him.
You heard a suspicious noise and decided to check it out, it turned out to be a cat but you wished you knew that before you tried to go between a gate. One second you were following the noise with Iida behind you, but as you heard it running away you began pursuing it, and whatever the noise was was on the other side. It was too tall and there was no way to climb up before the person or suspicious thing gets away. You wouldn't be doing your job correctly if you just left. The bars looked big enough to squeeze through, so you did, as soon as you did a cat emerged and realised this whole time a cat you were chasing a cat. You hear Iida behind you, he hadn't used his quirk, you realise that's because he realised there was no point. He knew it must of been a cat. he's just too good at his job.
You chuckle, as you look at the cat. "It was just a cat."
"Yes, i thought as much."
You chuckle again as you lean out the bar attempting to pull yourself out but failing. You try again harder this time, trying to wiggle out of the bars. This was incredibly embarrassing, at least for you. Iida noticed your predicament but stood on the spot as he watched you try and move. He couldn't help but look as you tried to get out, your ass shaking as a consequence and your whole body jerked side to side.
"This is so embarrassing, I can't get out. please help me out a bit Iida."
Before he even knew what he was doing he spoke, "what's in it for me?" He started berating himself for such an inappropriate question, maybe there's a way he can recover from this, he feels like a pervert. It was an immediate response without thinking and he doesn't know what will happen now, his reputation will surely be ruined.
Out of all the things he was preparing himself for he did not expect you to burst out laughing. 'Thank god, there's a way to recover this, it will just be a inappropriate joke. It's still bad but it's better than the alternative,' Iida thought to himself.
However he was even less prepared for the next thing that came out of your mouth, "I mean, you are right. It wouldn't be fair of me to not give you anything in return." He practically hears your grin.
Iida's mind was filling with so many thoughts, mainly- 'Fuck. This is bad. There's no way I can keep thinking like this but she was being so suggestive. maybe she was joking too? fuck, I want her so bad.' He looks over at you and sees you one more time. You're stuck there, you're not getting out anytime soon, he can do whatever he wants and you can't stop him, you look so hot. he makes up his mind as he sees you continue to try and wiggle from the bars, at least trying to get into a more comfortable position one that's not digging into your ribs.
He doesn't even say anything to you as he walks behind you and starts touching your ass, grabbing it, and making you gasp in surprise. You have a feeling he's not a talker during sex. His hands feel so warm on you, even through your hero costume. Iida surprised you again as he ripped off your hero costume, undoing the zip down the side, starting up at you neck and pulling all the way down, ripping it in the process. You shiver from the cold, only being covered by your underwear but Iida warms you up almost immediately by running his hands up and down your body. The logical part in Iida's mind tells him that this shouldn't be happening, especially in public where anyone could see but you looked so pretty and soft and felt so warm he couldn't stop himself at this point.
He kisses your back and kneads any part of your body that he can get his hands on you. Typically you'd feel self conscious from someone giving this much focused attention on your body but it's so hard to when Iida's treating you with such care, like kissing your stretch marks and tightly grabbing onto your hips. Iida's still mostly silent as he explores your body, leaving soft kisses in his wake. "Even softer than I imagined." He mumbles, he probably didn't even realise he said it out loud, either way it made your face heat up.
One of his hands makes their way down, grazing one of his fingers over your underwear, getting harder than he was already as he hears you moan at the action as you try to move closer to his touch, all in vain of course. He's decided this is his favourite thing ever, touching you but not enough to get you off, you want more but you won't get it, he has complete control over your pleasure. He focuses his whole attention on this idea, one of hands circling your nipples over your bra, and with his other hand he's still hasn't touched you skin to skin either. You start whining, you don't mean too but its all too much, you need him to touch you but he doesn't. You don't know how long this goes on for, it could be 5 minutes it could be half an hour all you know is you're getting louder, begging more, and getting more wet.
Iida finally decides to take pity on you and drags down your underwear, as soon as he makes direct contact with your clit you whimper at the stimulation. This whole time he's getting a serious kick out of controlling your pleasure. You're so wet, he knows that he could probably just fuck you without you getting hurt. He realises that he can do exactly that, it's not like you can stop him.
He discards his hero costume as quickly as possible, never regretting how finicky his costume is this much before.
You try your best to turn your head around trying to see what Iida looks like underneath all his clothes, you've always wondered, but you'll have to keep wondering as no mater how hard you try and turn your head it's not working and you can't see him. Because of that you didn't realise how big his dick was going to be but he suddenly plunged into you, hurting you with how big he is and the stretch being painful.
Iida gave you no time to recover and adjust to his size, he knows he's bigger than average, but right know he just has to be buried in your pussy and start moving. The air leaves your lungs as he thrusts into you quickly, hard and fast, the pace knocking the air out of your lungs. He grabs hold of your love handles, you know they'll bruise but you quite like that idea. Your body moves slightly pushing the bars, still stuck, but he see's your breasts bouncing between the bars, making him increase his pace to see your body move and jiggle more.
The stimulation he's been giving you all night is all to much, it's so much and it feels so good. You're chanting his name over and over again. He abruptly stops his thrusts making you try and move yourself back onto him, he pressed his hand down your back trapping you even more so you can't even try to wriggle out. "it's sir to you." You could definitely do that, he still doesn't move. He harshly spanking you he speaks in an authoritative tone, "do I make myself clear?"
"Good girl."
You really hope he starts moving again because you think you're about to cry if he doesn't. Luckily for you he does, but unluckily that still doesn't stop you from crying, your eyes watery, tears falling down your face from Iida's touch. Your chants of 'Iida' turned into chants of 'sir' and now it's hiccups of 'sir' between your gasps and whimpers.
Its a surprise for both of you when you start asking Iida if you cum, you've never asked permission to cum before, you'd honestly never dream of it but it just feels so right with Iida. Iida wasn't expecting the request but he wasn't one to turn it down, he wanted to feel you clench around his cock. He takes one of his hands off your hips and reaches to your clit, "go on then, be good for me," just like that, as soon as he gives the slightest attention to your clit and give you permission you come undone, cumming around his cock so hard that your eyesight goes white for a second due to the pleasure with the most intense orgasm you think you've ever had. Iida fucks you through it, keeping his pace, groaning as he feels you clench up around him.
You start whining more and squirming due to the over stimulation. Everywhere is so sensitive. "I'm about to cum, you can give me another one right?" He asks in a ragged voice. You weren't really sure what he was referring to, all you could do was feel the extreme sensitivity and pleasure. "I'm taking that as a yes." He reaches down to your clit and starts to touch you again, it's so sensitive and it hurts.
"No, no, fuck Iida its too much." You near enough scream out. Iida ignores you and keeps going, however he doesn't have to long, as you soon cum for a second time just as intense as the last one with your body shaking, barely having any energy left.
Iida feels you around you tighten up one more time as he quickly pulls out and cums on your ass, watching his cum start to drip down your ass down to your soft thighs.
"Iida can you get me out now?" You ask but your voice seems quiet and he starts worrying. He gently helps you out and looks at you. You look so exhausted, you've got tear stains all down your face and you're completely naked. After seeing this his rational brain starts up again and he realises how fucked he is. He just ruined his hero career...
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jedipoodoo · 7 months
Bring Them Home (Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
Notes: SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE EPISODE TWO: PATHS UNKNOWN. DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE SEASON THREE PREMIERE. Children, angsty Hunter Edit: STUPID TUNGLR POSTED THIS WHEN I MEANT TO SAVE IT SO PSA-- If you read this before 10pm EST on Feb 27, this one-shot is officially completed so please reread it again and enjoy it in its full glory.
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gif by @dreamswithghosts
It had been months since you'd seen Hunter, so of course you and Phee were there when the Marauder touched down in the Archium. Wrecker waved to you both as the ramp lowered, beckoning to someone inside the ship.
Hunter said they were bringing someone with them, but you didn't expect the cadets-- the children --to look so bewildered when they stepped off the ship.
"They're so young," Shep said softly, and you wondered how round and baby-faced they must have been when they left Kamino, the only home they'd ever known.
The three cadets lingered on the steps of the ramp, looking around in earnest while Wrecker waited patiently.
"It smells like Kamino," the tallest said as you approached.
"Mox, did you see the ocean? D'you think they'll let us go swimming?"
"You can do whatever you want here!" Wrecker laughed encouragingly. He gave you his classic thump on the shoulders, and you smiled. It was the happiest you'd seen him since they lost Tech and Omega.
"Hi," You introduced yourself to the cadets, "What're your names?"
"I'm Deke. This is Mox, and that's Stak." The shortest of them stepped forward, while his brothers watched you warily.
"And I'm Phee Genoa, liberator of ancient wonders," Phee smiled warmly at them all.
"Welcome to Pabu," Shep said, "I'm the mayor here. We have a warm bed and fresh food for all of you."
"Thanks," Mox, the tallest, said softly. His arms were crossed over his chest, and Stak's hands fidgeted at his side.
"Wrecker, why don't you and Phee show them the island? I reckon they're as hungry as you."
Wrecker chuckled softly and nodded towards the ship, catching your drift. He beckoned for the kids to follow him. They seemed to trust a clone more than other humans, but that was understandable.
"Have you boys ever heard of Skara Nol?" you heard Phee asking them.
"What's that?" Deke asked.
"It's a big mountain, filled with lots of puzzles!" Wrecker said, waving his arms to demonstrate.
At that point, you'd stepped aboard. The warmth of the sun dissipated as you were enveloped in the Marauder's dim lighting. Hunter sat at the navicomputer to your right, half asleep and blanketed by a hazy blue glow.
"Those boys aren't the only ones who could use a home-cooked meal, you know." You said, putting more weight into your steps so he wouldn't be surprised by your approach.
"I assume you've brought some, then?" He said.
You rolled your eyes and took the canteen of gumbo from your bag.
"Only when you step away from the computer. It won't do you any good to spill it all over Tech's equipment now."
Hunter sighed, and set another diagnostic to run through the files.
"We've got another lead," He said, turning away from the computer. Your heart fluttered at the note of hope in his voice.
"The Intel from the Durands was too old, the kids were all that's left of that lab, but we scraped some data from one of the data banks. We think it could tell us where Hemlock took Omega."
You handed him the spoon, and Hunter tried to eat politely, but it soon gave way to his hunger as he shoveled spoonfuls into his mouth without waiting to chew.
"Careful, you'll make yourself sick," You warned him, "You've been eating too many rations. I'll have to send you off with some real food this time."
Hunter looked up at you, and you used your thumb to wipe some sauce from his chin, but you couldn't quite meet his eyes.
"You could always come with us. How's your leg doing?"
The only reason you hadn't gone with Hunter and Wrecker when they set out to find Omega was because your femur was broken in the same railcar crash that took Tech. Phee had promised to look out for you and keep you from getting too bored while they scoured the galaxy. Despite your protests, you knew that in your injured state, you couldn't be much help at all.
So you made yourself useful in Pabu. You sewed clothes to replace those lost in the tsunami, you looked after children while their parents rebuilt, you made your family's old gumbo recipe for those who were too tired to cook at the end of the day.
Those like Hunter.
"What about the kids? Deke, Mox and...Stak?"
Hunter nodded, "Shep said there were some families on Pabu who could take care of them for now, he even offered to take two of them into his own house."
"Oh," You said softly, "That's kind of him."
Setting the empty canteen to the side, Hunter squeezed one of your hands as it hung at your side.
"Everything alright, cyare?"
"Oh!" After so long without him, you forgot how well he knew you.
"I just...I was hoping we could take them in, take care of them."
Hunter's eyes softened, and finally stood. "I'll admit I thought about it myself, but..."
"Not while Omega's still captured," You finished for him, dropping his hand and folding your arms.
Hunter's thumb brushed against your cheek, begging for you to look at him.
"You remember that night on Ord Mantell, right?" He asked.
You pouted, bottom lip jutting out, "We spent a lot of nights on Ord Mantell." Too many, to be precise.
"You know the one I'm talking about," He cupped your face in both hands, and you looked up at the dark circles beneath his eyes.
And you did know the night he mentioned. It was a full moon, so you could actually see the moon high above all the neons and smoke from the city. Hunter had made you a promise then and there, and you made one to him too. Nothing like marriage, but something like it.
Biting your lip, you reached up to run your thumb over his crows' feet. His eyes closed, blissfully relaxed beneath your touch. You knew how much he needed to find her. He could never forgive himself if anything happened to you, to Wrecker, or any of the cadets they'd just saved.
"I meant what I said that night," He whispered, eyes glistening as his forehead rested against yours, "We'll have our own family some day, something Kamino and the Empire won't ever be able to take from us. We just have to wait a bit longer."
You sniffled just a bit, and buried your face in his chest. You wrapped your arms around his torso, and when he wrapped his arms around you he leaned more of his body weight on you than he usually did. He felt frail, delicate even, like too much pressure in one place would snap him in half.
Hunter needed you, and you needed him.
"I'm coming with you," You whispered. He sighed with relief.
"Let's bring her home."
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letteredlettered · 21 days
I wanted to make a separate post about this, partly because I'm feeling a lot of emotions I feel like I've never experienced, or at least don't know how to identify.
There's a lot that goes into writing a fic. You have to consider every word, weighing it against every other word. You read and you reread and you edit and you reread; you sit back and say, "How do I make sure the reader reads this as it is meant to be read; how do I make them feel the weight of the words in the right place; how do I engineer the timing such that this joke lands, this repetition lands, this echo or this feeling or this meaning lands; how do I write this dialogue in a way that allows the reader to understand the tone in which it is being said, the mood with which it is spoken, the feeling the dialogue provokes in the other character listening; how do I make phrase A resonate with phrase B so that the reader can connect the dots between the phrases in a way that produces C?"
Writing is wrangling words so that they behave in an exact way to produce an exact result. The "exact result" is for the writer, not the reader--different readers are going to interpret the meaning and characters differently. But the writer is arranging words in a precise formation to express exactly what they mean, so that the mood is produced exactly as they intend, so that the joke lands at the precise time to land the joke accurately. The reader might not get the joke; they might get the joke but not laugh at it; they might laugh but not like it. Same with tone, mood, meaning, etc. The reader cannot and will not interpret it the same way. But the writer wants to produce the exact equation that will work for them, and then they want to show it to you and hear what you think, even if you work through the equation and get a different result.
This is why writers like comments. They want to hear whether you worked through the equation and got the same result; they're interested in your different results. Like a teacher, they want you to show you're work--how and why did the different parts of the equation lead you to your result? They want this because they poured so much time, energy, thought and feeling into every single portion of that equation. They put so much of themselves into every single word that they want to know how every single word landed.
I'm writing this post because @raitala has started posting their podfic of my fic, Time Signature. And this podfic delivers every single word of this story exactly how I imagined it. Exactly how I meant it. The timing of everything is exactly how I wanted it to be read. The tone of every line of dialogue is exactly what I heard in the character's voices while writing it. Listening to it felt like writing, a feeling so extraordinary that I don't know actually how to describe the things I felt listening.
If you like my writing and have ever wondered what writing feels like for me, how I hear it in my brain, how I mean for it to be read--this is it. And if you don't like my writing, I think that you will still like this podfic, because this podfic is its own entity. I would be recommending the fuck out of it regardless of whether it was my fic, because listening to it is absolutely gripping.
Look. I'm proud of my writing. I think I'm good at it. I think I'm good at things like pacing within a scene and capturing voices in dialogue. But listening to this made me love my writing in a way I never experienced before.
This fic isn't a comedy, but the beginning is meant to be amusing. But listening to this podfic, I was fucking dying of laughter--at lines I could already recite! Because I had written them! I had written them with the intention of being a little witty, a little wry. But hearing them spoken with timing so precise, so exact, I couldn't help but feel that this is some of the funniest shit I've ever heard.
This fic is mostly porn. It's extremely filthy porn. Porn as often awkward read aloud; there are the actual mechanics of bodies moving, then all the feelings, then the moaning and if you're me, lots and lots of dirty talk. And sex scenes in audio books usually bring me a certain measure of embarrassment--this reader is trying too hard to pant and sound needy; that reader is being to clinical and removed; this reader is making it sound like a porno; that reader is failing to sound sexy. But this podfic is read so perfectly that listening to these sex scenes sounded like the experience of reading them--or at least, how I want them to be read. When you read a good sex scene, the words should fall away, and the scene itself should play out in your head, whether visually (for some) or just through cognition (for me). You should feel the emotions of it without feeling distracted by things like sentence structure. And this is how @raitala reads. Yep, it's someone saying the words "cock" and "pussy" a whole bunch, and yep, it's super hot and very explicit. But the timing and the tone are so perfect that the awkwardness of a live person reading these things falls away, and you feel like you're watching a movie.
But this fic is one other thing. It's a fic about two musicians who make music, and while not a whole lot of time is spent talking about music, that's mostly what's happening when there's not porn (and sometimes what is happening when there is porn). I'm not a musician; nor do I particularly invest time and interest in music like most people seem to. But I did a lot of research for the music in the fic, and the reason for that and the research that I did are both described in the post I did here.
What makes this podfic truly extraordinary is that @raitala not only exactly captured the timing and tone of every word, but also precisely captured the meaning and feeling of the music parts of this fic through the soundscape they provided.
I've never listened to a podfic that provided a soundscape. The soundscape in this fic is almost all music. @raitala absorbed the meaning of the music from the fic, then also paid attention to the post I did about the music for the fic, then they did their own research to find additional pieces to fit the mood and meaning of the fic, then put that music into the fic at precise moments, sometimes letting it stand alone, sometimes layering it under the words of the fic, sometimes layering several tracks on top of each other to match the description or feeling of the music described in the fic.
The choices for the music are extraordinary. The layering of the music is extraordinary. The timing of the music is extraordinary. All of it is just literal enough for it to feel a bit like an audio play, but none of it is so literal that the fic is not allowed to be a fic--since it was written as a fic and not a play. The choices made around when the music starts and stops are thoughtful and deliberate and also perfect.
There is one time when sound is used that is not music, and this sound is used to create a distinct sense of space. It occurs when the two main characters are in the car, and what is extraordinary about this use of sound is that when I was writing that time in the car, I was trying so hard to create that sense of being in a small space with one other person you have strong feelings for, the way it can feel like another world, alone on the road. And @raitala took that feeling of otherworldliness and intimate privacy I was trying so hard to create and gave it its own distinct sound to outline the boundaries of that space and that feeling, as though when they read the fic, they got what I was trying to do. They got everything I was trying to do, and made it one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard.
I'm making this post to rec this podfic, but I also just really needed to ...idk, express? how meaningful this is for me personally. Like on the one hand, I want to tell you all that listening to this fic felt like finally getting to watch the movie of the characters you ship so hard fucking and kissing and saying all the things you want them to say--a shocking feat in and of itself, given that these characters are Chinese and speak Chinese and this fic is in English and the podfic and spoken in English. But on the other hand, I just want to go on about the fact that listening to this made me realize wow, this is a good fic, this is a meaningful fic, and if I can make people feel this way and understand what I mean in this shockingly beautiful way, then I really have been doing meaningful things writing fanfic my whole life; it really matters; it really touches people.
It touched me, and I hope it touches you.
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cellythefloshie · 9 months
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;; Mama Bear Dedicated to myself. Because this has been my passion project.
Summary: With her son Parker set to skate in his first NHL game with the Boston Bruins, Katherine Stacy travels to Boston. When her plans are derailed by her ex-husband, Katherine is forced to spend a night on the town alone where she meets Jeremy who is more than willing to show her a good time. Kinks & Tropes: Age Gap (22 v. 40). Divorcee. Alcohol Consumption. One Night Stand. Oral Sex - Fem Receiving. Mirror Reflection. Protected Sex. - If I missed something, yell at me. ABOUT THE OC’s: Katherine: AKA Katie. Face Claim: Bryce Dallas Howard. 40's. Mother of Parker Waylon-Stacy. Parker: Face Claim: N/A. Boston Bruin's Rookie. Dorthey: AKA Dottie. Face Claim: Kate Hudson. Best friend of Katherine. Word Count: 12k+
A/N: Would you believe me if I said that this fic was 4 months in the making? @hagelpoint-3821 and @hockeyboysimagines -- I do not know how you have put up with me teasing this fic for so long. This fic is one that ignited a fire of excitement in me, and to be able to share that excitement with the two of you is something I will always appreciate. You both know that this fic could have easily become a full length novel - and I did have to cut back on this things to assure I could get this out before the new year. I won't have to but you guys with persistent updates about the progress anymore! Thank you so much for your ongoing support and encouragement. With that said, this fic is not going to appeal to everyone. It is unlike anything I have written before, and is unlike anything I have seen in this community before. So please consider liking and relogging if you enjoy, and if doesn't end up being your cup of tea - thank you for giving it a shot. And please note that I did not do a full edit of this fic. I will be editing any mistakes I see upon rereads. I hope you all enjoy reading this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As a woman traveling alone, there was one thing Katherine Stacy made sure to do: she created a detailed itinerary. Everything from her flights to hotel check-in times and the sights she was planning to see in the great city of Boston were listed in detail on two neatly organized pages. And she made sure to print 3 copies. One for herself, that she carried in her black Kate Spade purse. One for her ex-husband, Ronnie, who was meant to join her on her trip. And the last, for her best friend, Dottie, who remained back home in Toronto - but was the one person she knew she could count on if something did not go according to plan. 
Which was why, as Katie called her from her dimly lit hotel room in the middle of the day - when she was supposed to be touring the Museum of Fine Arts - Dottie answered with such urgency you would have thought her home was on fire. Her mass of blonde curls was the first thing you could see when she answered the video call. They fell into her face that was too close to the screen, her words rushed so close together they slurred into one. “What’sgoingon?Whyisitsodark?Thisisnottheartmuseum.”
Katie propped her phone up against her suitcase, the camera obstructed by the bag’s handle as she rushed to get one of the lights, a string of apologies leaving her lips. When she returned to the end of her bed, she fixed the camera just right before her hands dipped into her bag and she continued to unpack her belongings and store them away in the hotel room’s dresser. It was only then, with her hands busy and a heavy breath rocking her shoulders, that Katie told Dottie why she was calling. 
“He brought her.”
That was all Dottie needed to hear for her eyes to be sent wide in disbelief, “He. Did. Not.” Dottie was always nothing short of eccentric and supportive, but that support only had grown stronger since Katie’s divorce. And since Ronnie started dating again. 
Not even a year into their separation before their divorce was finalized, he had started dating Monica. A beautiful, blonde, twenty-something, esthetician from Etoboike who had weaseled her way into the Waylon family before Katie could even realize what was happening. Which included joining Ronnie on their trip to Boston. Which was supposed to be just the two of them. One where they were coming together as parents to celebrate the success of their son, Parker Waylon-Stacy, who was set to play his first game in the NHL the next evening.  
Worst of all, he hadn’t told her she was coming. Monica had been a nasty surprise when she met him at The Westland for lunch. Katie knew the young woman could see the shock all over her face when she spotted her, and while her attendance was an unpleasant surprise, she had tried to be civil. Yet, Katie could only tolerate so much. 
So she canceled their dinner reservations at the Citizen Public House & Oyster Bar and did not make her planned trip to the art museum. Instead, she had taken a taxi back to the Courtyard by Marriott where she was staying for her short visit in Boston. What she was going to do now, she didn’t know, but Katie knew she needed to call Dottie.
“I knew you should have just come with me Dot-”
Dottie cut in, her words strained by her frustration. “I would have ripped his testicles off with my bare hands-”
“What?” Dottie was taken back, her brows furrowed. 
“He’s allowed to be dating, we aren’t married.” She and Ronnie hadn’t been together since their son had turned sixteen. That was almost two years ago now, and Katie didn’t miss a single minute of being married to him. She never would. 
“But this trip was supposed to be a family trip,” Dottie reminded, her hand coming up to run over her face with a sigh, “for Parker.”
“Well,” Katie chewed at the inside of her cheek, her hand coming up to push her long red hair back out of her face, “he’s marrying her.”
All Katie could hear was a long, low growl of a no, the video call going dark as Dottie either dropped the phone face down onto a surface or accidentally turned her camera off at the shock of the news. When the sight of her returned, her hand was over her mouth, and her eyes were wide. 
“You should have seen her ring,” Katie told her, her hands wringing the fabric of one of her blouses in her hands like a wet rag, “it was, wow.”
The band was gold, and the diamond was big. Bigger than what she had on her engagement ring and wedding band combined. It was so big it was almost gaudy and hard to miss. It was eye-catching with every single one of Monica’s movements, and all Katie could think of at the sight of it was: Does Parker know? 
It was a question that haunted her as she put down her blouse, pulled her pajamas from the bottom of her bag, and began to undress with little care that Dottie was still on the other end of the call. They had been friends since middle school. There was little Dottie hadn’t seen or didn’t know. 
“Whoa, whoa,” Dottie spoke, the shock fading at the sight of Katie stripping out of her jeans, “what are you doing?”
Katie stepped out of her jeans, leaving them in a heap on the floor as she held her satin bottoms in her hand, “Turning in?”
“NO, you aren’t going to let that selfish prick ruin this trip for you,” Dottie spoke in a firm tone, her finger pointing right into the lens of her camera. 
“What am I supposed to do, Dottie?” Katie sighed, throwing up her hands in defeat and accidentally throwing her pajamas across the room, “I’m just going to order room service and watch some paper view-”
“No, no. You’re going to go out and enjoy yourself.”
A sigh rocked through Katie’s entire body, her hand falling into her hands as she fought back a frustrated sob. She’s a divorced mother in a city she doesn’t know. Her son was off with his teammates doing god knows what on a team-building outing. Her ex-husband was off celebrating his engagement. And she was alone. 
Hot tears pricked at green eyes in the shadow of her hands, but Katie didn’t let them fall. Deep, heavy breaths from years of hiding her frustrations with her husband kept them at bay, but Dottie noticed. She always noticed. 
Which was why her voice had softened when she spoke again, “Show me what’s in your suitcase?”
“My suitcase?” Katie croaked out, her hands coming down to rest against the pale freckles skin of her thighs. 
“Yes, your suitcase.”
Stepping forward, Katie took her phone in her hold and flipped her camera around for Dottie to see. The suitcase was mostly empty now, save for the jacket she had packed at the bottom. The rest of her clothes she had tucked away in the dresser drawers. She had packed just enough clothes to last the three-day trip. Her main outfit was a pair of jeans, boots, and a t-shirt she planned to wear under a jersey to the hockey game the following night. Everything else was meant to be worn during sightseeing, or on the flight home. And every bit of it was practical. 
“No, no, love. Why do you do this to yourself?” Dottie sighed, her shoulder slouching forward. Dottie, herself, was a bit of a fashionista. She always wore the latest trends and was always seen in the brightest colors. Because, well, Dottie liked to be seen. “Where is the sext shit we bought last time we went out?”
“Back home?” Katie spoke in more of a question, her brow raising as if where it was wasn’t already obvious. “I wasn’t coming out here intending to seduce my ex-husband, Dot.”
“You’re in Boston, Katie! A city full of eligible bachelors you can forget about the moment you fly home.”
“When was the last time you got laid, Katie?”
Her stomach sunk, her mouth going dry at the question. Dottie already knew the answer to that question, but she was trying to use it to motivate her now, even if Katie hated it when she did that. 
“You would have heard about it if it happened.”
“You’ve been divorced for over a year, Katie - separated for two. It’s time to ditch the vibrator.”
Katie let out a long, frustrated huff, fighting the urge to toss her phone onto the pillow. She knew exactly where this was going. “I’m not using that stupid dating app-” 
Tinder. Bumble. Plenty of Fish. Hinge. If it was a dating app, she was on it, and failing miserably at it. Dottie’s daughter, Megan, had set her up with the accounts. Helped her pick every flattering picture and even wrote her biography to cater to the current dating scene. And it had only led her to two types of people, men just like her husband who were divorced and looking for their next way to mother them, or were young men - too young for her to comfortably consider - with mommy issues. And both had gifted her far too many unsolicited pictures of their cocks. 
Just the thought of opening the app made her want to gag. 
“Then don’t,” Dottie spoke, her tone assuring and not forceful. “Just do this one thing for yourself. Go buy a nice dress and a pair of underwear that haven’t seen postpartum. Something sexy. Something to make you feel confident, and go out to dinner. Take yourself out. Hell, even if it’s just the hotel bar. Get a drink and try to have a little fun. For me.”
Dottie dipped her chin down and pouted her lips. Growing up, it was always how Dottie had gotten her way, and sometimes it still worked. Just like it had then. 
“Good, now, I gotta go,” she spoke, and her screen was suddenly a rush of color as she was on the move, “The twins have a game tonight.”
Dottie was a mother of three. Megan, 18, the same as Parker, was off at university, but the twins were only 12. And had a very extensive hockey schedule to maintain, which kept Dottie’s schedule busy and her hands full. 
“Alright, alright, I won’t keep you,” Katie waved her hand at the phone casually, “Tell Brandon and Brayden Auntie Katie is cheering for them-”
“Don’t think this gets you off the hook,” Dottie added quickly, “I want a selfie of you looking sexy at the bar. Love you. Kisses!” 
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Shopping alone was something Katie loathed. Nothing ever fit her proportions right, especially after the rollercoaster that was going from a size 2 to pregnant to struggling with her weight postpartum, to a grueling weight loss journey that brought her to a weight that she could be both healthy and happy with. But Katie wasn’t skin and bones. She was soft and curvy with an ass that was maybe a little bigger than she would like, and breasts that didn’t match the fashion industries’ standards of what her body was supposed to look like. It was that fact that left her rotating out of each boutique's change room, trying on one dress and then the next before she found one dress that fit her body just enough for her to confidently make the purchase. 
It was a little black dress that stopped just below the knee. It was sleeveless, and the deep vee neckline showed off her cleavage with a little help from some strategically placed fashion tape. The dress hugged her curves without restricting her stride and left her feeling sexy as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror and took her time to do her hair and makeup for her night on the town. 
Aka. Her night at the hotel bar. 
It was only a short walk from the elevator to the bar's entrance. The dark bar filled with the warm amber glow of the lights that hung above each table, and along the high traffic points of the bar. Normally, she wouldn’t consider going to a place like this. Katie liked to be able to see what she was eating and drinking. But tonight she was desperate. Desperate and alone with no thought in her mind that the latter would change. Besides, she just needed to be there long enough to take a few pictures and leave without an empty stomach. With those two facts in mind, Katie walked into the bar with the confidence only a mother could have and seated herself down the bar.
It’s the most lit area of the establishment, her seat was right beside one of the beautiful bronze light fixtures. It set her face aglow, her bright red lipstick and dark mascara framed eyes illuminated so fully she feared she might look like a clown, but she tried not to focus on the insecurities of dining out alone. Instead, Katie pulled out her phone and texted a quick picture of herself to Dottie. She looked a little more anxious than sexy, but it proved she was out. Then, she took a picture of the light fixture before placing her phone screen down on the bar top and welcomed a menu as it was placed in front of her.
The barkeep was nice, and if she was younger she might have mistaken his kindness for flirtation. But Katie knew better. It was his job to be friendly. Good service meant better tips, and she would be lying if she said she didn’t need the confidence boost. It, at the very least, left her smiling as she looked over her menu and ordered a drink to start: a Negroni Sbagliato. 
It would be the first of two during her meal. The first left her more comfortable being out in Boston alone. The second gave her the confidence to lift her phone from the bartop. Her fingers hovered over the darkened screen before she awakened its brightness with the single click of the home button. Her eyes had to squint at the harshness of its light, her eyes having adjusted to the bar’s moody atmosphere before she could be greeted with the series of notifications from Dottie. 
She was at her son’s hockey game, but she had taken the time to respond to the photo with a series of flame emojis. Quick, but effective support that had Katie’s finger leaning towards the Tinder app that she had tucked on her last page of applications. 
The screen came to life with an even harsher light, leaving Katie to flinch in her seat as she tried to hide her screen beneath her arm. At her age, there was nothing more embarrassing, in her mind, than being on a dating app. She looked down at the first profile carefully as she brought her phone down to her lap, her thumb swiping left on the first eligible bachelor who didn’t look all that eligible when she was sure the woman in the picture was his wife, and not his sister or a friend. Then the second, third, and fourth men in her radius were all at the bottom of her age range and looked all too young. 
In her position, Katie knew she shouldn’t be so picky. She was in Boston for only a few days. Alone for one night. If anyone wanted to meet her for a drink, or at the very least provided a pleasant series of text messages before ghosting her when she found out she was a mother, she would be able to label the night as a success. 
With each passing profile, Katie fell further into defeat and accepted that she would be enjoying her night alone. And she accepted that as she sipped at what was her second drink, only for it to gently choke at her throat at a soft, unfamiliar voice spoken at her side. 
“I’d swipe right on you.”  
The words sent a blossom of heat through Katie from her heart to her cheeks and the tips of her toes. Unsolicited, they should have flooded her with dread. But they were flirtatious and left her giddy before she could even offer the man more than a glance. It had been a long time since someone hit on her at a bar, and it left her sitting taller in her seat. Confident. 
That was until she looked right, and to the man who had greeted her with his flirtatious words. Her stomach was left unsettled. He wasn’t ugly. Far from it with his tall, lean stature, chestnut brown hair, and eyes a warm brown hue that could so easily tempt her into comfort if she let them. But he was young. Younger than anything in her age range on any of the dating apps on her phone. He looked older than her son, but she may have mistaken them for the same age if it wasn’t for the beginnings of a beard along the angles of his jawline. 
As quickly as her stomach fluttered with butterflies, she was flooded with disappointment. She wouldn’t even entertain a man as young as he was. But Katie was too polite. 
“That’s very flattering,” there was a hint of a smile in her voice as she looked down at the bartop to hide the blush that still threatened to creep up on her cheeks. “But I’m pretty sure I’m old enough to be your mother.”
The statement seemed to amuse him, his smile growing as he stepped up to sit on the barstool next to her. He, whoever he was, was getting too comfortable. It left Katie shifting in her seat, suddenly all too aware of how her heels hooked on her stool and how her thighs pressed together uncomfortably as her ass was cradled by her seat. 
“I don’t believe it,” he wore a boyish grin as he turned his body just enough to give her all of his attention, “You here, looking like that…”
Katie could feel his eyes drag up and down the length of his body, admiring her figure and how it looked in her little black dress. 
“Being anyone’s mother would be a shock to me,” he finished his train of thought, his words still on the verge of flirtation. 
Katie wanted to accept it. To feel flattered by his interest however great or mild it may be. But there was an anxiety that bubbled deep in her stomach. One that left her paranoid that this could be a joke. Shifting in her seat, Katie did a glance around the bar. Looking from table to table she looked for anyone that the man beside her could be associated with. But the bar was quiet. There was a table with what looked like a bridal party that would be pregaming before hitting the town. Then, there was a table of old-timers who may have been regulars or retirees visiting the city. Neither were crowds he would be a part of. That was unless he was homosexual. But, if he were, he wouldn’t be seated beside her at the bar, hitting on her. 
“You’re too kind,” she spoke slowly, trying to be polite. 
“What can I say, my mama raised me right,” he smiled a boyish grin, “which is why I’d like to buy you a drink.”
Katie’s heart fluttered in her chest at the offer, her head cocking to the side as she spoke; “You don’t have to.”
“I insist.”
Katie had to give him one thing, he was confident. She could see it in how his dark eyes didn’t tear away from her, and how his shoulders remained strong instead of slouching with each of her flattered but deflective responses. He could have taken her brief remarks as being disinterested - which in a way she was disinterested if only because of his apparent age - yet, he persisted.  
Reaching up with his hand, the mystery Bostonian flagged down the bartender and met him with a smile. He ordered himself a drink, before nodding towards Katie and requesting another for her as well. Then, he offered him his credit card. Katie’s eyes lingered on the piece of plastic as it was passed from one man to the other. It was just a typical credit card. Nothing fancy that would indicate that he was a man with exceptionally deep pockets, and her stomach filled with dread as she realized that she had probably let some poor college student pay for her drink. 
It left her mouth tasting sour as her third drink of the evening was placed in front of her. So sour, that she almost rejected it. But it was already paid for, so she accepted it and decided that if he ordered a second for himself, she would pay for it. 
“Thanks,” she spoke across the short distance between them, her body turning to be a little more open to a conversation. 
Talking to him was the least that she could do. 
“What brings you to Boston…” he started, his words trailing off. He wasn’t done with his question, yet, he was asking her for something already. 
Blankly, Katie stared at him, unsure of what exactly he was fishing for until it hit her. He wanted to know her name. She could feel her face go red with the realization, and redder when she hesitated when she almost said her full name, Katherine. 
Katherine felt old. Stale. Everything she was trying to avoid being, so she gave him her nickname instead, “Katie.”
“What brings you to Boston, Katie?”
“Visiting family,” she kept her answer brief without the messy details. And without the mention of having a son that she was sure was only a few years younger than him. “What about you…”
“Jeremy,” he was quicker to answer, his hand reaching out halfway. She smiled at the gesture, reaching out and meeting his hand with hers in a simple handshake before she withdrew to wrap her fist around her glass. 
“What brings you to Boston, Jeremy?”
“Nothing too exciting, just work.”
Just work. Such a simple answer. Straightforward. No details. And she could have asked for more, but he met her level of secrecy - of mystery - all the while making his intentions known. He didn’t need to disclose his life to her, or her to him, because he couldn’t care less if he was just looking for a woman to take back to his room. But before she could confirm her theory to be true, he pressed her for more. 
“If you’re here to visit with family, why are you alone?”
Katie wasn’t sure what she heard in Jeremy’s voice when he asked that question. If it was merely curiosity or pity, she hadn’t known him long enough to know. But it left her smile wavering as she answered him, “Busy schedules,” she shrugged her shoulders to give off a feeling of carelessness even though it was still bothering her, “I’ll see them all in the morning.”
“How early?”
 If she had been taking a sip of her drink, Katie would have choked again. “You aren’t very discreet.” 
“I can’t afford to be. A beautiful woman like yourself, you could fly off tomorrow and I’d never see you again. At least I can know I took my shot.”
Katie cocked her hair to the side, her bright auburn hair cascading down between her shoulders as her eyes looked at Jeremy in disbelief. He was the very definition of a golden retriever. Happy, waiting with the greatest anticipation that if he was a dog, his tail would be wagging. And he was waiting for her to throw her a bone. 
Biting her lip, Katie placed her drink down on the bartop and her gaze followed after. She shouldn’t have been considering it. Yet there she was, her hands came to rest around her phone and gripped it tight as one thought was clear in her mind. She needed to call Dottie. 
“Can you excuse me for just a moment?” she asked slowly. 
Jeremy answered with a curt nod, his smile unwavering as he watched her with his wide brown eyes. 
With his permission, Katie couldn’t get out of her chair fast enough. She slid from the stool, and her heels slipping on the hardwood. It left her unsteady for a moment, her hand reaching out to catch herself on the bar, but before she could reach the polished wood a pair of large, warm hands had wrapped around her waist.  
The heat of his touch blossomed through Katie’s belly, sending her breath to hitch in the depths of her throat. She wanted nothing more but to hide her surely reddened face in her hands with embarrassment. She wanted to curse herself for her clumsiness, but she was frozen in his hold as he breathed out a whisper she could barely hear but could feel against her cheek; “Don’t worry. I got you.”
His touch. 
His words. 
It was almost enough to make her shudder. But with one shallow, forced breath Katie found her composure  and gave his arm a careful squeeze and a thank you that he might not have been able to hear. Then, she was drying back, her steps quick as she moved for the privacy of the woman’s washroom. It was there she was able to pull out her phone and call Dottie. But Jeremy’s touch was not forgotten, it’s warmth remained deep in her belly, lingering. 
“Where’s the fire?” There was an alertness in Dottie’s voice, nothing but the peaks of her face visible on the screen as she lay in the dark. Katie could only see more of her tired features as Dottie squinted and brought the phone closer to her face. “Wait,” her tone was one of disbelief, “are you still out?”
“Yeah,” Katie’s voice was uneven as she reached a hand up to tuck her hair behind her ear, “and I think I have a problem.”
“If it’s your card, I told you so. I knew you should have called the bank before you went-”
Shaking her head, Katie cut her off, “No, no, there’s a guy?”
Dottie perked up, any sign of sleepiness void from her face in an instant. “A guy? What are you calling me for? Take him to bed!”
Her excitement was contagious, not even the complaints from Dottie’s tired husband who lay beside her in bed could spoil the mood. Katie wanted to be able to revert back to her younger self. To squeal with excitement over a man. A man who thought she was sexy - who wanted to sleep with her with no strings attached. But it wasn’t that simple. 
“It’s just that,” Katie chewed her lip, a heavy sigh rocking her shoulders, “he’s young.”
“How young is young?” Dottie asked slowly, and cautiously as they waded into dangerous territories together. 
“I don’t know,” she sighed, “they didn’t card him. Maybe, twenty-five. No more than thirty.”
“Shit,” Dottie cursed, the single word drawn out and earning another grunt of disapproval from her husband, “he cute?”
“Well, I mean… Thirty isn’t too bad.”
“That’s IF he’s thirty, Dot,” she emphasized, her eyes wide as she dropped her voice lower at the sound of someone entering the washroom. 
“What’s the worst-case scenario?” Dottie asked. 
Katie thought for a moment, her teeth chewing her lip as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. As a woman, there were many horrible scenarios a woman could end up in when dating. Ending up dead was the worst of the worst, but she didn’t take it to that extreme. “Worst case? He’s a twenty-one-year-old fuckboy like the ones we warned Megan about before she went off to college. And I end up with the clap.”
Dottie’s laugh was lost on the flush of the toilet in the stall next to Katie, and the rush of the sink as the stranger in the bathroom washed their hands. It was a mess of noise, but Katie could still make out Dottie’s next question, “Best case?”
Katie hesitated as she threw her head back to rest against the stall. She was embarrassed by the answer. 
Dottie answered for her, “Best case you get laid for the first time in what is it? Two years?”
Hearing it outloud sent her stomach sinking? Had it really been that long? 
Katie cursed under her breath, her head hanging low. When had she let her life get so pathetic? For years, her life had one priority, raising her son. And she had done a good job, he was successful, about to play in his first NHL game after starting his season with the Bruins’ AHL affiliate.  But she never really moved on from her divorce, and from being a mom. Her ex-husband was engaged, and ready to start a new family. But she hadn’t even fucked someone anyone since her divorce. Even then, she and her husband hadn’t even shared a bed before their divorce. She couldn’t even recall the last time they slept together, even if she wanted to. 
From her throat erupted a long, unsatisfied groan. Her mind quickly fell on a decision that she may come to regret. 
“Dot,” she sighed, “is it fucked up if I take him back to my room?”
Silence hung between the two of them for a moment. Dottie processed the decision, and Katie waited anxiously for her friend to tell her if she was making the wrong decision.
“Teach the kid a thing or two,” Dottie spoke, the playful nature of her words lifting a weight of insecurity from her shoulders. 
“Dottie, thank you,” she spoke quickly, one hand going to the lock on the door while the other ended the call. 
With the decision made, with a little help from her friend, all Katie could do now was hope that Jeremy had waited for her at the bar. If he hadn’t she couldn’t blame him for leaving. Maybe she was older than she looked from a distance. Or he had just come to the bar to kill time before a night out in Boston, and she was merely the entertainment. She couldn’t let herself get too hung up on him if he were gone, but thankfully, she didn’t have too. Jeremy remained at the bar. Standing instead of propped up on his stool, his hand slipping something into his back pocket on her approach. 
And Katie, she didn’t waste any time being coy. “I don’t have reservations until 11.”
The smile that was beginning to feel like a welcome constant on Jeremy’s features grew at her words. Katie wasn’t sure if it was the question he was expecting, but it was clear that it was the one that he was hoping for and it flooded her stomach with butterflies. 
She was going to do it. 
She was going to take this attractive young man back to her room. 
“Let me just pay my tab,” Katie told him, her hands already on her purse to dig out her credit card. She merely pressed her jump against the thin, cold plastic card when the bartender threw his towel over his shoulder and raised his hand to reject her payment. He didn’t want it. Katie’s brow furrowed, then it hit her. It had already been paid for. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” she was quick to quip. Katie knew she should have been thanking him, but she couldn’t help but feel a little insulted. She was a grown woman. Successful in her own right. She was more than capable of paying for her own meal. 
“It’s nothing, really,” Jeremy shrugged it off, his arm sliding behind her to rest on her back so effortlessly it was as if they had come to the bar together. 
“Let me pay you back,” Katie insisted, earning the gentle pressure of his hand against the small of her back as he began to lead her out to the lobby. She almost scoffed. As if he knew where her room was - because she wasn’t going back to his. If this was going to happen, it needed to happen on her terms. That also meant, shoving her hand into her wallet and shoving a fist full of American money in his direction. 
Jeremy continued to refuse, his one hand reaching out to guide her hand back towards her open wallet. “And why would I do that?”
“Because I’m more than capable of paying for my own dinner-” She voiced, ready to fight him on it further, but his answer stopped her in place. 
“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
Katie stood in the middle of the hotel lobby, her head slightly cocked to the side as she slid out of Jeremy’s reach. He only took a few strides before looking back at her with such warmth in her eyes she thought she might melt. Jeremy was sweet. Too sweet. Acting in every way he had wanted her husband to when they were married, and he was just a young man. It was a cruel thing in a way. For the universe to taunt her with him, but she would let herself enjoy him, if only for the night. 
“Come on, I’m up on the fourth floor,” as she spoke, Katie’s words softened. She wouldn’t be fighting him about her bill again. If he wanted to be a gentleman, she was going to let him. 
They boarded the elevator together, Katie drawing her key card and moving to the right, and Jeremy boarding and leaning against the far left wall. Scanning her card, the elevator doors shut, the two of them alone together for the first time as the elevator began its slow ascent.
The movement made it feel as if her heart was sinking to the depths of her stomach, her anxiety building, as she leaned back against the right side of the elevator directly across from Jeremy. He was smiling still, watching her, admiring her. And she couldn’t help but smile too. It was contagious. 
Her smile had him smiling wider. 
Then, he pushed off the wall of the elevator and closed the short distance between them. He moved so quickly her anxieties didn’t have enough time to worsen, nor did they ease. Her heart raced in the depth of her chest as his hands found her waist, drawing her in from the cold support of the elevator wall and into the strength of his body. He was lean, maybe even a little too lean for her liking, but she could feel how strong he was as her body was pulled flush with his. Katie could feel it first in his grasp, as Jeremy’s fingertips pressed into the curves of her waist. Then again, as her hands braced against his chest, her own careful touch sliding up - feeling his pectorals flex in the process - and around before linking behind his neck. Her tough welcomed Jeremy in, and with him came his kiss. 
Katie had to press up onto her toes to meet it, even in her heels. Teetering on the toes of her heels as Jeremy leaned in and pressed a slow kiss to her lips. She had expected it to be a desperate kiss. One that was sloppy, and would leave her face wet and her eyes rolling, but she was wrong. Jeremy kissed her slowly, both hands on her hips for one moment, the next one had risen to stroke over the soft skin of her cheek. His thumb dragged over the smooth flesh, and down to catch on her chin, drawing her mouth open. Katie had to choke back a moan at the feeling of his tongue slipping in between parted lips. The warm stroke of his tongue infiltrated her mouth, the depth of the kiss leaving her legs weak as the elevator door chimed. 
They had reached her floor. 
She licked her lips as she drew back, her hands falling to her clutch to fumble with its contents for her room key. If she was fumbling with her purse, she wouldn’t have to look up and risk anyone else seeing the red lipstick that quickly became a mess on her face. She could feel how it was smudged off her lips, and she was sure that if she looked to Jeremy who now followed behind her like a shadow, that it would be smeared over his lips as well. 
But she didn’t look up. Not until she got to the door of her room and she took a deep breath. Once she crossed the threshold, there would be no going back. The thought left her on the verge of vomiting as she heard the lock click, and her hand reached for the door handle. She was nervous, more than that. Anxious. She was anxious. But there was an excitement that left her shivering as she led Jeremy into her hotel room. 
If he was going to kiss her like that, she couldn’t wait to see what else he intended to do with her. But first-
“Do you want another drink?” Katie asked him quickly as she came to stand in front of the small console table in the entryway. She placed her clutch there, and her key and had intended to peel away from it to move to the small bar in her room, but she found herself trapped between it and Jeremy’s body as the door shut behind her. 
Hands splaying out over the table, Katie braced herself there as Jeremy’s hands returned to her body. One snake around her waist, easing her to lean back into him while the other carefully pushed her loose auburn curls away from the pale skin from her neck. Her eyes went wide, fixated on the horrible piece of art that hung on the wall as his hot breath encroached on her neck. It washed over her in heated waves. The hot moisture was almost enough to make her sweat, but instead Jeremy left her melting. His kiss was slow against her neck. Peppering at first before his lips were dragging down her skin, leaving hot trails down to her collarbone and back up again. 
Her heart fluttered. Then it pounded. So loudly, all Katie could hear was her heartbeat in her ears. It left her eyes fluttering shut, her mind focused on nothing but the kiss of his lips and the touch of his hands on her body. He caressed her curves, gripped at her flesh and kissed every bit of exposed skin on her neck, throat and shoulders. And it all left her melting, her mind fuzzy, and any bit of inhibition was ready to leave her and let him do as he pleased with her body. That was until she left his hand encroached on the hem of her dress. The warm touch of his hand on the sensitive skin of her thigh sent her head into a panic. 
This was the beginning of foreplay. 
Katie should have expected it, she should have been looking forward to it. But it left her nerves raw. In all the years she had been married to Ronnie, foreplay had been forgotten. Sex was an obligation and it was quick. A mere tool used to please her husband while she was left to finish herself off in the shower or beside him after he had fallen asleep in bed. Back then, it didn’t matter if she was dressed in lingerie or pajamas. If she had a fresh shave, or hadn’t shaved for weeks. Ronnie didn’t care - or atleast, he always said he didn’t. But now, as a stranger’s hands were so eager to explore every inch of her body, it left her self conscious. 
“I’ve got whiskey at the bar,” Katie breathed out quickly, her knees weak as she stepped away from him and quickly moved for the bar. 
She was met by Jeremy’s low chuckle,“I’m not that bad looking, am I?”
“No - no, it’s not that - I’m sorry,” Katie apologized, her hand grasping at one of the little bottles of rum from the bar, “I haven’t done anything like this in a long time. I’m just a little nervous.” 
“How long’s it been?” His words were casual, his confidence unwavering even as she found her so close to plummeting. 
“Since when?” She asked slowly, seeking clarification if only to bide herself more time. Katie didn’t want to have to tell him the truth, but she wasn’t a liar. 
“Since you’ve had casual sex?”
“You really don’t want to know,” she countered. 
Omission was not the same as lying. 
Looking up from the bar top, and the bottle of whiskey in her hand that she had yet to uncork her eyes rose to look at Jeremy who had found his way to the end of her bed. He had seated himself down, his shoes kicked off his feet, and he leaned back on his elbows, lounging casually in the bed that had yet to be slept in. 
While he laid back, so casually, that he could have let his head lul back and let himself stare at the ceiling. But even as he relaxed there, waiting for her nerves to be put at ease by a little liquid courage, his soft brown eyes were fixated on her. Her grip tightened around the neck of the bottle, a quivering breath coursing through her body as she held his stare. It was soft, alluring in a way that left her ready to answer anything he may ask of her and it left her curing under her breath. It was a dangerous thing, just how easy to trust he was. 
Pouring her drink, straight whiskey into her glass, she sipped the room temperature alcohol back and let it burn. Then, under the blaze of it consuming her, Katie answered, “Twenty years.”
Katie’s lips pressed together in a small smile, the shock on his ace coaxing an innocent shrug from her shoulders. 
“You don’t look a day over thirty.”
“Now that is bullshit,” she pointed at him, her lips spreading into a wider grin now. 
“You look incredible. That dress, your body. What can I say? You caught my attention. But I bet that dress looks even better on the floor.”
Katie swallowed back the lump that quickly formed in her throat as his words. She was very self conscious about her body. It changed drastically over the years. Once she was skinny, flat and narrow in no way the healthiest version of herself. But it was also the one that had carried her child, and left her with curves she didn’t want and scars only her ex-husband had seen. And now she was going to share it with Jeremy, a man who she was sure still had so much to learn about a woman’s body. It was a terrifying thought. One that hung in the back of her mind as she abandoned her drink on the bar and stepped out of her heels. 
Barefoot, she took careful strides towards the bed, her demeanor caught somewhere between confident and terrified, but it caught his attention all the same. Katie knew she had caught his eye when his smile tested the limits of how far it could spread over his cheeks as Jeremy sat up from where he leaned. He moved slowly to the edge of the bed, his legs spreading just enough for Katie to stand between them. 
With a careful, final step, Katie stood between his legs and looked down at him. Her heart pounded deep in her chest, so hard and so rapidly she thought her ribs were about to rattle. And in her chest, she could feel her very last inhale struggling to creep its way back up her throat in the calm of an exhale. It burned in her lungs, the nerves of undressing in front of him smothering her. That was, until she felt the warms of Jeremy’s hands find her body, and in an instant she calmed. 
She exhaled slowly through slightly parted lips as her eyes fell shut. In the darkness it brought, Katie fixated on the warmth of Jeremy’s touch. It dragged over her curves, tracing each rise and fall with his fingers and palms before each of his hands settled on her broad hips. There, he gripped her gently and guided her steps in a small circle so she stood with her back to him. 
Katie raised up her arms slowly, her hands dragging up her own neck and tangled into her auburn strands as she drew them away from the zipper of her dress. Her breath hitched again, but only for a moment,  in the back of her throat as she felt his fingers pinch at the zipper and drag it down. He inched it down slowly, and Katie could feel the black fabric begin to fall away from her skin. And as the warm fabric fell away, the cold air of the room kissed her skin. It sent a shiver coursing up her spine, her entire body shuttering as the fabric hit the ground, leaving her in nothing but a pair of black lace pair of panties. 
They were brand new. The tag was in the trash bin in the bathroom. And Katie would be forever thankful that she had bought them when she bought the dress instead of wearing something she had packed. If she had been wearing anything else, she may have recoiled from his touch, but instead, as she turned in place to face him, Katie radiated confidence. 
He could see almost all of her, from her stretch marks to the freckles on her skin. Yet, Jeremy’s touch didn’t recoil, his hands continued to explore the expanse of her body and his dark eyes didn’t look away. Instead, they traced her every curve on the way back up to her face that was left blank from the nerves that came from waiting for his reaction. Katie was sure that Jeremy hadn’t seen a body like hers before. So old, so flawed, so-
Her thoughts were broken by Jeremy’s slow, soft spoken words. “Yeah, looks much better on the floor,” Jeremy punctuated his words with the slow swipe of his tongue over his lip as his warm gaze dragged up and down the length of her body. His complement dissolved any feeling of nervousness, of insecurity, that had consumed Katie. Her joints had been weak, and her heart racing, but he brought her calm. 
In that calm, Katie found her confidence. Her teeth bit down on her lower lip, her mind racing as she tried to determine what exactly her first move would be – and then she took it. 
One step, and then another, Katie brought her legs up to kneel on the bed, the mattress shifting beneath her weight as she straddled Jeremy’s lap. The denim on his dark jeans was rough against the inside of her thighs as his hands helped guide her down into his lap. Jeremy’s arms constricted around her, drawing her nearly naked body flush to his. Katie could feel his hot breath against her cheek, her inhale drawing in the sweet scent of alcohol before she stole a kiss from his lips. 
Katie wasted no time with sweetness or caution. Instead she kissed him with such an insatiable hunger, she knew tasting him on her tongue wouldn’t be enough. But it was a start. Each deep kiss and stroke of her tongue against his left his stubble to drag over the sensitive skin of her jaw and cheeks. It was rough, scratching against her skin and contrasting the tender movements of his hands as his warm touch moved up over the curves of her body. Jeremy’s touch settled on the broad curve of her hips, his fingers digging into the soft and supple flesh. And it was the only encouragement she needed to coax the subtle roll of her hips over the roughness of her jeans. 
Quickly, Katie became intoxicated by his kiss, by his touch and the very feeling of him between her legs. It began with the friction of his fly against the crotch of her panties, the subtle friction sparking the beginnings of her arousal. And then she felt him. His cock stiffened in the confines of his jeans, growing and becoming a thick outline that pressed up into the thick denim that divided them. Katie dragged her core up and down his clothed length, a shudder taking her body as a soft moan was coaxed from her lips. And it left Jeremy smiling as he pulled back just enough to tug off his t-shirt. 
Her eyes looked him up and down in a quick glance. Jeremy was fit. With his chest muscles flexing, the outline of his abs clear and his biceps building as he tossed his t-shirt aside, Katie almost tucked her tail and ran. He wasn’t an Adonis of a man, but he was intimidating in every way. Especially, while she was no idyllic beauty herself. 
“That’s just,” she exhaled a long, desperate breath, “not even fair.”
Jeremy’s grin grew wider, his hands gripping her hips a little tighter, as he picked her up and flipped her to lay back against the comfort of the bed. The action left her breathless, her hands scrambling against the bed to ease herself upright until she felt Jeremy’s hand flat against her stomach to keep her in place as she lay just beneath the comfort of the hotel room pillows. She lay there panting for a moment, her hair a mess against the bed and her eyes fixated on the ceiling as she felt the bed shift, and Jeremy settle between her legs. 
“Just take a second, relax,” Jeremy’s hot words washed over the inside of her thighs, and her core clenched. 
The room around her seemed to spin as she lay there, her lips parted in disbelief as she felt his fingers hook on the black lace of her panties and dragged them down the length of her legs. She could feel the warm, wet puddle of her arousal as it dragged down against her inner thigh, and her stomach knotted as she felt the warmth of his breath encroach on her needy core. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had been between her legs - if one had been at all, because she knew her husband never had been. But Jeremy didn’t hesitate. 
He lay on the bed on his stomach between her legs, his one hand sliding down from her hip, over the red curls of hair that trailed down over her pelvis and down to the slick folds between her thighs. He stroked her slowly, with two fingers barely brushing her slit before parting her with his fingers and tracing the sweet arousal at her core. Jeremy teashed her there, her heart racing as she tried so desperately to be calm. Her heart pounded, and her teeth care down on her lower lip in a firm bite, the pain a little distraction from the insecurities that threatened to consume her. She in no way felt prepared for this of all things. It was supposed to be a quick fuck, but then she felt him. The warmth of his tongue stroked over the entrance of her cunt and she moaned. 
It ripped up her throat before she could stop it, the heat and wetness of his long tongue a stark contrast to the colder temperature of the hotel room. And the sound only seemed to fuel him. He delved into her as if he was dehydrated and she was all he had to drink. His tongue parted her folds, and delved into her core leaving her cunt dripping with his saliva. His hands wound around her waist, one moving over the thick red curls of her hair as he blindingly fumbled for her clit as his face was buried between her thighs. 
Reaching down, her hand took hold of his carefully. Her fingers slid along his, gripping them carefully as she guided him to just the right spot. But once she guided him there, Katie’s touch didn’t leave him. Her hand remained resting over his. It kept his pressure even, and his motion just right as he rubbed her in slow circles. The action wound her up, the pleasure building like a wind up toy. Each stroke of his tongue, and every rotation of his fingers left her burning pleasure to coil in her stomach and soon she was seeing stars. She was so close to the brink of her pleasure, that her toes were curling against the sheets and her thighs threatened to close in on his ears. But that was where he left her, on the verge of her climax, as he trailed sloppy kisses down the inside of her thighs before he could push up and pull as his belt. 
Pushing up onto her elbows, she watched as she pulled his belt free, and worked his jeans and his boxer briefs down his legs together. It was hard not to stare, to admire the muscles of his body as she fished through his pocket or his wallet, and then the condom that was tucked in its folds. 
The wrapper became discarded on the bed beside her, and he worked the latex onto his cock, ready to take his place between her legs again, but she didn’t let him. Katie felt too guilty, selfish even, for having his face buried between her legs, and it had her pushing up from her place with a sudden surge of confidence. Her hands found the strength of Jeremy’s chest, a playful shove knocking him back to lay against the bed so she could climb into his lap once more. She took in a steady breath, her nose wrinkling for a moment as it crossed her mind that she may be too old for what she had in mind, but it didn’t stop her. 
With a single hand, Katie reached down between their bodies and took hold of his cock in her hand. She stoke it slowly, once and then again before she brought it to the entrance of her core. The mere pressure of the tip of her cock threatened to send her legs trembling before she could take him. If it were anyone else, Katie might have given up and let him take her plainly on her back knowing full well it would get the job done for her. But Katie persevered. She eased herself down onto him slowly, her eager core accommodating him so effortlessly it left her moaning. And once she felt his warmth against her ass, and had consumed him into the depths of her core, Katie began to ride him. 
Her hands braced herself against the slender strength of her chest as her hips rolled. She moved in a slow and steady rhythm, the friction sending pleasure boiling through her entire body. Katie became lost in the feeling of hip hips rising to meet her body in a gentle pound. It was all she could fixate on, even as her legs began to tremble and the muscles in her legs began to burn. She could hear each subtle impact, the meeting of skin, and it became a symphony of sounds that mixed with her desperate breath and the soft sounds that she coaxed from Jeremy’s lips. He reeled on the bed beneath her, his warm eyes admiring her body as his hands gripped her hips and fingers sunk into the flesh of her ass. He encouraged her every move, guiding her up and down his cock, but she couldn’t hide how her legs trembled. 
Jeremy grinned wide, his head leaning back against the pillow as he let out a trembling breath of words, “Look so pretty taking my cock, you wanna see?”
Katie found herself at a loss for words as she slid down the length of his cock and froze with him deep inside her. Her breaths quaked under each uneven breath, and her mind was left fuzzy by the mere feeling of being so full of him. And all she could do was nod. 
Carefully, Jeremy eased her from his cock, and guided her to rest on all fours on the bed. In front of her at the end of the bed was the dresser, her empty bag still resting on top of it, but it wasn’t enough to block the view of the mirror that hung on the wall above it. She could see her reflection there, her auburn hair left mused and her face was almost just as red as it was flushed and smeared with her red lipstick. She could see her body too. Her skin was fair and freckled and so exposed. Her breast hung in two small swells, and from behind her shoulders she could see the swell of her hips and Jeremy positioning himself behind her. His eyes were fixated on her ass, as were his hands that kneaded at the soft flesh. 
Katie could see his lips move in a silent curse that was lost on her as he pulled he positioned her just right. And when he had her just where he wanted her, the careful glide of the tip of his cock found her entrance again, and her thrust deep inside. The first thrust left her mewling, and the second left her fingers to grip at the bedding below. She met every single one of Jeremy’s thrusts, the mass of her ass quaking from each impact. But she didn’t watch herself, Katie’s eyes did not leave Jeremy. She watched as his face softened, and his muscles flexed. His eyes even closed from the time as he became lost in the feeling – but when they opened his stare met his gaze in the mirror. 
Jeremy tutted her gently, a single hand leaving the soft flesh of her hip to travel up the length of her back. As he moved, she could feel more and more of his body against her. Then, his hand found her throat. He held it carefully, without pressure, and guided her up to kneel. There she could feel his entire body against hers, all the while his cock was buried deep in her core. His thumb rested along her chin, and his forefinger stretched out along her jaw, and Jeremey held her gaze there, on her own feeble expression as he fucked her until her throat was raw, and her core clenched desperately around her cock. It was under the pressure of her core’s embrace that she felt his breathing quicken,the rush of air hot against the back of her neck as he reached the very peak of his climax. 
His hands fell away from her lip ribbon, and Katie fell back onto her hands and knees. Her entire body trembled as she lowered herself down to the mattress. The soft twitches involuntary as she was left panting and void of Jeremy as he eased his cock from her. She was seeing stars, her head or the room spinning as the rush of being fucked began to fade. Katie was left exhausted, ready for sleep, but satisfied - feeling euphoria for the first time in years. But before she could sleep, she needed to take care of Jeremy. 
“You’re welcome to shower before you go,” she offered as she lay sprawled out on the mattress. It was the least she could do. 
“I’m going to take you up on that,” Jeremy carded a hand through his sweaty curls as he nodded towards what he thought was the bathroom door. 
Katie nodded in confirmation, and watched as he disappeared through the bathroom door. She did not move until she could hear the water tattooing against the shower floor. But she didn’t go far. She reached out to the dresser, and she pulled open the dresser drawer. She had left her pajamas on the very top, the same ones she was going to wear before Dottie had convinced her to go out, and she dressed slowly. Her body ached in the best way as she stepped into them. Then, she joined Jeremy in the bathroom. 
The room was full of steam, the mirror fogged over as she moved to stand in front of it. A single hand cut through the fog, revealing her tired reflection, but best of all she could see the silhouette of Jeremy in the shower behind her. She stood there, brushing her teeth, her eyes admiring his body as it was obscured by the steamy glass. 
Leaning forward, Katie spat a mouthful of toothpaste into the sink. 
“I’m going to turn in, you can let yourself out when you’re done. Use all the hot water if you want, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t steal my wallet while I slept.”
Jeremy’s laughter filled the air as effortlessly as the plumes of steam from his shower. It drew Katie's eyes to his blurred silhouette, a small smile curling up on her own lips. She could get used to that sound, and the warm fuzzy feeling that came with it. The joy and amusement it embodied was one she needed to embrace herself–
“You’ve got nothing to worry about. Goodnight, Katie.”
–And for a moment she frowned as she moved for the doorway, her eyes fixated on the ground, as she realized it was a laugh she wouldn't hear again.
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Sweaty palms threatened the integrity of a single slip of paper as Katie held it firm in a single fist. It was a pale yellow posted note, one that she had found stuck to her bathroom mirror when she had woken up in the morning. It was left there to be found by tired eyes, the message:  For if you ever find yourself alone in Boston. Paired with Jeremy’s phone number,  it had made her smile as she tucked it into her purse before she had gone out for brunch with her son, Parker, her ex-husband and his new fiance. But it had also left her panicked when it had fallen out of her purse when she pulled out her wallet as she insisted on paying at least half of the bill. It rested on the table face door for a moment, Katie had frozen completely and Parker was quick to try and retrieve it for her, but she had acted quickly. She had grabbed it before he could, and then she had conceded. Parker paid for their meal, and the paper had remained secured in her hand as they left and parted ways. 
Even as she walked alone in a park she couldn’t remember the name of, the slip of paper remained secure in her hand. In the other she held her cell phone against her ear as it rang. She needed to call Dottie. She needed to know everything. 
“He left me his number.”
“That’s my girl. Rocked that boy’s world.” Dottie encouraged her with a holler. 
Katie looked down to her feet, her face flushed with color. She couldn’t remember the last time she had done anything like she had with Jeremy, and if it had been anyone else Katie would have bit her tongue. But she could trust Dottie more than anyone. They were best friends, practically sisters, Katie could tell her anything. 
“I think he had to be older than I thought. He was actually really good in bed,” Katie smiled a little too wide as she spoke. It had been too long since she had a real girl talk. “Like really good. And his body, Dot, I couldn't have pulled a guy like that when I was twenty.” 
“What did he say he did for work?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t ask-”
“Maybe he’s a porn star,” Dottie joked but Katie didn’t laugh.
She could only shrug. “I mean, it would explain a lot.” 
“You used a condom, right?”
“Yes mom, of course I did,” Katie rolled her eyes. 
“Good girl, are you going to text him?”
The question hung in the air for a moment. Katie looked away out over the park as if Katie could see her on what was merely a voice call. The prospect of reaching out to Jeremy was a pleasant thought in her mind. He was attractive, kind, and so good in bed. He treated her the way that she wanted to be treated. She should want to call him, but he was young. Too young to be anything more than a one night stand. 
She could never see Jeremy again. 
“Fuck, no,” she assured Dottie, “number went into the trash,” her words were rushed as she lied, and rushed further to assure Dottie wouldn’t question her on it. “I gotta go, I’ll call you after the game tonight. Kisses!”
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TD Garden was unlike any arena Katie had ever been in. The fans were loud, so loud she swore her bones rattled in her body with every intense cheer. And the atmosphere left her sitting on the edge of the seat since before the game could even start. Or maybe that was just the nerves as she sat beside her ex-husband as they watched their son Parker Waylon-Stacy erupt from the tunnel to take his rookie lap. 
Her hands came together over her heart, her eyes fixated on him, and then the jumbotron above as the camera followed his path along the side. The threat of tears burned at her eyes, her lips parted in a breath that fought back of heartfelt sob that erupted when his name was plastered across the screen with his stats from the AHL. Parker Stacy.
Her last name on her back, not her husband’s last name or the hyphenation of the two. It left ehr on the verge of tears throughout the night, and they did spill as it came down to the third period when she shot up from her seat as her son assisted on what would be the game winning goal. Katie cried into her hands, her husband’s arm patting her back as the crowd erupted around them. There was no greater pride than celebrating her son’s success in that moment with her husband, and the strangers around her that even offered her some napkins as her mascara began to run. 
“That’s my son,” she sobbed with pride, and the crowd of college kids around her celebrated with her. Some jumped, others spilled their beer, Katie even received a hug, but they all cheered, “Stacy's Mom!”
Katie remained in her seat after the game, reveling in the silence as the seats around her and her family cleared. And she only moved from her palace when she received a text message from Parker. He wanted them to come down to the locker room. It sent her through what felt like a maze of the arena, but with the help of a member of the security team, she found her boy. 
Katie ran to him, her arms enveloping her only son in her arms and pressing a kiss into his sweat drench hair. There the tears began to fall in hot streams down her cheeks, “I am so proud of you,” she told him as she drew back, her hand cradling his cheeks. Parker’s face was red, surely embarrassed by his mother’s affections, but he didn’t stop her. He had always been a mama’s boy, and that wouldn’t change even if his teammates gave him a hard time about that later. 
Parker wore a boyish grin, his hand raising to push through his wet hair. He was already showered and dressed, even if some of the other players around him were still half-dressed in their equipment. Parker was ready to leave, but first he wanted to make the introductions he felt he may never be able to make again. “Mom this is Patrice Bergeron-”
Katie turned in place, a smile blossoming over her face as she reached out to shake the Captain’s hand. She had every intention of being polite. She wanted to introduce herself, to make the small talk as she was prompted to. But her words were lost as hoots and hollers of the nickname Bulldog filled the room. The players were welcoming their rookie goaltender back into the room after completing his post game interview. Confidence embodied his every stride, and it drew Katie’s curious eye. 
The player was still dressed in his equipment, his back to her as he stood in front of his stall. SWAYMAN was sprawled across the back of his shoulders, framed by his shoulders. A single large hand reached back, peeling it from his body before it was tossed into a pile with the others. Katie’s eyes moved back to the Captain, a small awkward smile on her lips as she listened to him talk about the pleasure of mentoring her son. But his words were lost on her ears as they perked up at the sound of all too familiar laughter. 
Katie’s blood ran cold, her eyes searching for the sources of the laughter. Her heart pounded in her chest, her stomach jumping up into her throat as she was left on the verge of vomiting. There, standing in his stall, laughing along with his teammates was Swayman, who no longer stood with his back to her. He was completely shirtless now, and his face was all too clear to see. She knew those warm brown eyes, and that soft confident smile. The sight of them was one that would be etched into her memories for the rest of her days. 
Swayman was Jeremy. 
She stood there, petrified, her eyes unmoving from his as he leaned back and flexed his chest muscles. It was there, with his back leaned against his stall, his warm gaze rose and his face softened with recognition. If he was panicked he didn’t show it. And while she froze, Jeremy acted. He stood up slowly, Katie had to fight not to let her eyes wander, and he approached with a casual stride. 
“I didn’t realize we had guests,” Jeremy smiled as he came up to stand beside his Captain, but Katie could barely hear him over the pounding of her heart in her ears. 
The room around her seemed to move in slow motion, her head suddenly feeling light as Patrice introduced her as Stacy’s Mom. It was then she thought she might actually vomit, the bile burning at the back of her throat as Jeremy looked to her with slightly parted lips and a slight glimmer in his eyes. Her palms began to sweat, so much so that she had to wipe her hands along the seam of her jeans before she could reach out to shake Jeremy’s hand as he offered it to her. 
“Stacy’s Mom?” Jeremy spoke with such disbelief that Katie almost believed her, “You don’t look a day over thirty.”
White she had heard that same flattery before it made her heart race all the same. But this time, she couldn’t show it. 
“You’re too kind,” Katie forced a smile, struggling to remain composed as the feeling of her hand encased by his left her heart racing just as his touch had the night before. It was enough to bring her to her knees. 
Jeremy made her weak, and he would for the rest of her days. She would crave him, in every sense of the word. Katie wanted to hear his sweet laughter. She wanted to feel his hands on her body, and enjoy every piece of his that he could offer her. It was a hunger that would rage and burn in the depths of her, but it was one that she could never fulfill. Not now, not that she knew who he was. 
Standing there, the chaos of the room became an echo in her ears as her hand fell away from Jeremy’s hold. She watched as he met her ex-husband, his smile consistently pleasant and was the only thing keeping her from spiraling right there in the locker room. 
Katie would be seeing Jeremy Swayman again. At games, during breaks. Often. So often it would pain her. And she could only pray that she would have the strength to refuse him, or that Parker would find himself on a new team before her will could break. 
Katherine Stacey could not fuck Jeremy Swayman. 
She wouldn’t. 
Not again. 
Surely, she wouldn’t be able to get away with it. Not without complications. 
Could she? 
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Taglist: @mp0625 @starshine-hockey-girl
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witchinatree · 3 months
my dead boy detectives posts are still actively getting notes so i want to say
the accusations against neil gaiman are disgusting and i do not feel comfortable engaging with any media written by/associated with him
believe the victims, please. i know this is a weird political time and transphobia is everywhere but we should ALWAYS believe the victim. i would rather have spoken against neil gaiman (who, from what i can tell, is not a good person beyond these accusations) than furthered the idea that victims have to "earn our belief"
we don't know everything about famous people. please stop saying he "couldn't have done this" because of his online prescense. you can be whoever the hell you want when you're hidden behind a screen
EDIT: initially i meant to clarify i understand these accusations come from an unreliable place in my second point, upon rereading it is clear i did not. the article being written by a terf IS an important detail and means everything does not have to be taken fully as fact, for now.
i hope for the sake of these women that those accusations aren't true, i would infinitely prefer for it all to have been an elaborate transphobic lie and neither of those women were ever hurt, but it's hard for me to look beyond the power dynamics & age gaps that are confirmed to be at play here. also making up a memory condition that isn't shown in the medical records was really gross, even it wasn't real i don't like that he said that. it feels like i'm balancing between believing the victim and wanting to wait for more information, but everything we know from neil gaiman himself seems really bad. sexual assault or not, i'm not sure i can support what he does with his fame.
then again, pretty much all famous people suck, i shouldn't be surprised.
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onboardsorasora · 2 months
De-Aged Daniel Part 14
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I knoooowwww its been so long, please don't hate meee. Also I'm soooo deviating from 'all chapters will be prompts' I just wanted/needed to write something. Ofc I did not reread/edit this...lmao
De-Aged Daniel | De-Aged Daniel Part 13
Max stepped down from the plane onto the bright tarmac, he looked around mentally cursing that he forgot his hat. Little Daniel’s warm weight splayed on his right side. He’d had no intention of bringing him to preseason testing, had hoped that maybe Daniel would have changed back by now. He knew Laurent and Peter had been hoping the same, if the scramble to put Liam in the car at the last minute meant anything.
Either way, Little Daniel was here with him for better or worse. Seb had offered to watch over him for the time but Max had balked at the idea, at the thought of leaving Little Daniel for so long– at the thought of travelling across the world.
Getting the necessary documentation wasn’t that hard and Little Daniel had been excited about the plane. He’d bounced around touching everything and asking a million questions. The flight crew had even taken him into the cockpit and his eyes were wide and dazed when he came out. Max felt like if he hadn’t already imprinted his soul on racing, Little Daniel could potentially want to be a pilot.
He'd tuckered himself out in all of his excitement and was sound asleep in Max's lap by time they landed. Max didn't have the heart to wake him, he would deal with the hyperactive consequences later.
The drive to the hotel was mercifully quick and Little Daniel woke up when he’d gotten all of their things in the room. He looked so tiny sitting on the bed and rubbing at his eyes, Max melted.
“Hey Daniel, did you have a good sleep?”
“Uh huh, no more plane?” Little Daniel looked around the room curiously.
“No more plane. But we see the cars tomorrow. And Charles.”
“Shaaarrllll.” Little Daniel yawned without covering his mouth. 
“Do you want to eat some dinner, and then we can go to sleep and then it’ll be tomorrow.” Max bargained, walking over to the bed. Little Daniel raised his arms up, wanting to be lifted, and Max obliged. 
Dinner was soup because Little Daniel didn’t want to eat anything and Max didn’t want to force him to eat anything heavier. He had to make a pinky promise to take Little Daniel to see Charles in the ferrari garage to get him to eat a bowl. He’d gotten a surge of energy after that and Max watched with a grimace as Little Daniel jumped on the bed higher and higher.
These were the hyperactive consequences of his actions after all. He figured that if Little Daniel exhausted himself again then he would actually go to sleep. It’s worked before.
“MaxyMaxyMaxy” Little Daniel launched himself from the bench at the foot of the bed into Max’s arms, squealing when Max caught him deftly. He wiggled, trying to be put down to no doubt run to do it again. Max tickled him instead and the room was filled with the sound of his glee.
Max internally cheered when Little Daniel yawned big big after another 45 minutes of playing. He marched them into the bathroom for a quick teeth brushing– brushing around the mammoth yawns of course– and then Max tucked Little Daniel into his side and let out a breath of relief when he heard the soft snores.
— - —
“No Daniel, we wait. Statue!” Max called to the gremlin in navy who bolted from the car as if he’d just drank a can of redbull himself. Little Daniel froze in place comically, looking backwards with bright honey eyes to see if Max was watching him be a statue. He grinned cheekily.
Little Daniel had been excited as soon as he woke up. He’d kept a running commentary of all the things he couldn’t wait to see, only stopping when Max had asked him if he wanted to wear his race suit or Ferrari shirt. He’d looked long and hard before mumbling a soft ‘sowy Fewawi, not this time.’
Max texted his victory to Charles.
Max collected Little Daniel’s hand in his free one and together they walked from the parking lot to the paddock entrance. Blake was waiting for them on the other side of the scanners and there was a wall of photographers as well. Max had wanted to put Little Daniel in a disguise, but PR had decided it was better in the long run that they don’t try to hide what was happening. Max didn’t quite agree, because he knew the media was assholes, but he didn’t have much choice.
Hey got to the scanners and Max scanned his pass, Little Daniel looked up at the beeping noise. Max scanned Little Daniel’s pass and lifted him to see his picture come up on the screen. “Das meee!” He squealed happily when Max put him back to stand. They walked through the entrance and Blake slotted on the other side of Little Daniel, creating a small barrier from a few of the photographers.
Little Daniel walked along, happily swinging himself in their arms while looking at the branding and buildings in wonder. He made a face and roared just like the super enlarged photo of Big Him.
“He’s really taking his time, isn’t he?” Blake joked, looked down at the miniature version of his best friend and biggest headache most of the time.
Max smiled fondly, “I, of course, do not mind.”
They walked down the paddock with Little Daniel mumbling the team names he knew, which surprisingly were a lot. Max assumed it was all the races he’d been watching.
“Fewawi! Maxy can we see Shaarrrllll?”
“Of course, Let’s see if he is inside.” Max turned them to walk onto the fake grass of the hospitality entrance and the doors whooshed open silently. Inside was abuzz with conversation, and Charles was chatting animatedly to Carlos by the espresso machine.
“Shaarrlll!!” Little Daniel grinned, launching himself forward. Charles looked over in surprise before his face widened in a smile.
“Daniel!” Charles scooped the navy cannonball into his arms and frowned at the clashing bulls on his chest. He made a face at Max who smirked. Blake rolled his eyes, he wasn’t going to ask– nope.
“I need to check in with Christian, I’ll be back in five minutes– do not put him in red.” Max narrowed his eyes at Charles’ smirk.
“Sure sure, of course I would not.” Charles swore, and waved Max away.
“Daniel, I’ll be right back. I just need to check on my car, ok?” Max patted Little Daniel’s curly head, big brown eyes turned to him.
“Maxy go drive?”
“Not yet, but I have to talk to some people, do you want to stay here with Charles?”
“Shaarrll” Daniel stimmed and nodded his head. 
“Great Daniel! We shall bother Carlos together! He is not very good at games and we will beat him, you and I.”
“Okay!” Daniel perked up at the sound of games.
“I’ll be right back ok?” Max took one long look at Little Daniel and turned to leave the hospitality. If he hurried up he could be back quickly. Blake followed him, essentially waiting for Max’s debrief on the whole situation. Max sighed internally, it was going to be a long morning. 
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wc-confessions · 2 months
No one asked me but I’m gonna rate the warrior cat novellas because I love the novellas
1: CloudStars Journey, pretty good book and I loved CloudStars character, his wife BirdFlight should get a super edition. 11/10
2: HollyLeafs Story. I read this before reading PoT and I thought this book is actually super good with how it makes HollyLeaf reflect on her actions, I love how it connects with her leaving the tunnels too. 10/10
3. GooseFeathers Curse. I absolutely hate Stormtail and he totally meant to hurt Goosepaw. GooseFeather is a great character I wish we saw more of him. 9/10
4. Pinestars Choice. A lot of people hate PineStar, but if StarClan kept telling me to kill my newborn son I think I’d also just leave. Also, I like how they mention Mapleshade at the beginning and how OakStar talks about his two other kids and how it’s effected him. Pretty cool, 8/10
5. BlackFoots Reckoning. Im a sucker for backstory’s like this, and I love the format of how each chapter is a memory that came with his new life. Question though, how come he’s getting this treatment and not evil murderer Tigerstar? 7/10
6. LeafPools Wish. I joined the fandom when the opinion on this book was that LeafPool manipulated Squirrelflight to take her kits, and not StarClan. I liked the book otherwise, 7/10
7. TigerClaws Fury. This book is so edgy it’s epic, I liked the part where TigerClaw hid under a twoleg house for a couple days 7/10
8. RedTails Debt. I really liked it, I liked getting more backstory on RedTail and finding out that he actually looked up towards TigerClaw? That’s heart breaking, but cool. 7/10
9. MapleShades Vengeance. I should probably reread it, it was alright but I think I may have misinterpreted some parts of the book. 6/10
10. Pebbleshines Kits. Had no clue who she was but I thought the book was pretty good, I liked when she was on the farm with Bug(?) and Bunny(?). Though, she chose to stay as a ghost to watch over Twig and Violet, did she ever return to StarClan? 6/10
11. I read part of RavenPaws book, DoveWings book and TawnyPelts book so idk much of what’s going on yet
12. MistyStars omen. I hate this book so much. She constantly berated MothWing for being an atheist, meanwhile she has a perfectly capable medicine cat who can contact StarClan so why does it matter? MistyStar denies her own son help because waaa MothWings an atheist. Then her brother needs to come down and be like “Hey, cut that out.” And suddenly everything’s fine again. 3/10
13. SpottedLeafs Heart. I don’t have to rate this. 0/10
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
happy birthday
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pairing: steve kemp x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. mentions of cannibalism. allusion to drugging. non con/dub con smut. kidnapping. please let me know if i’m missing something!
words: 2.2k
notes: a little continuation of wwybm. it’s my birthday. i woke up at 3am and needed to write this lol. enjoy. !not edited bc i’m up against the clock - i’ll reread in the morning to see if anything needs correcting lol!
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The gentle knock coming from the other side of the door had startled you as you were laying in bed. It’d been so quiet all day, you’d gotten used to the silence. You looked over in the darkness of the room at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Squinting at the small bright light that lit up the time, you saw it was just after midnight. The clicking of the lock being unlocked and the turning of the handle had you sitting up as your gaze shot to the door. You knew who it was, but you didn’t know why he was coming so late. In the three months since he’d gotten you here, he had always been pretty consistent with his visits - he’d never come this late. Of course, you didn’t really know that for sure.. Maybe he did and you were just always asleep by now. You wouldn’t put it past him to be that creepy. Not anymore, anyway.
Steve entered the room with one hand behind his back and a small smile on his face when he saw you awake. He turned on the dimmer as he walked in, and you were thankful he hadn’t turned on the light fully - your eyes still wincing even in just the dim light.
“Good, you're already up. I would’ve felt bad if I had to wake you,” he simpered.
You eyed him warily as he approached the bed, hand still behind his back. You scooted over, further away from him when he sat down on the edge of the mattress. He sighed solemnly at your avoidance but didn’t say anything about it as he took a deep breath. He turned and looked at you with stars in his eyes before he spoke again.
“I made you something,” he said as he moved his arm from behind him. You didn’t know what you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t that. In his hand was a frosted cupcake with a single candle on it.
You looked at it, blinking before you looked back over at the alarm clock and read the date lit up at the top. Your breath caught in your throat.
The date couldn’t be right.
It was your birthday?
How was it already your birthday? It hadn’t really registered before now that you had been here this long. You figured you tried not to think about it.
If you did, if you thought about it long enough, you were sure you’d end up in tears. Luckily Steve brought your attention back to him before they could rise in your eyes.
“I doubt it’s anywhere near as good as yours, but I tried,” he laughed lightly.
He gestured for you to take the cupcake from his hand and when you did, albeit trepidatiously, he moved to pull out a small matchbook from his pocket.
He struck a match and lit the white candle - the glow was brighter than the light of the room, illuminating your face as you stared into the flame.
You didn’t know what to say, so you said the only thing you could think of.
“Thank you.”
It was nearly a whisper as you still avoided his heavy gaze, eyes seemingly caught in the trance of the fire lit before you.
“Make a wish,” he said as he moved closer to you on the bed. His hand on your thigh had you finally looking at him again before your gaze fell to his touch. You looked back at the flame and took a deep breath, shutting your eyes before you blew out the candle as you made your wish.
You opened your eyes as Steve took the cupcake from your hand and leaned past you on the bed to set it on the nightstand behind you. He was so close, essentially trapping you where you were, arms on either side of you as he leaned over you. He was fully on the bed now, and that’s when you realized he was in his pajamas. You knew what that meant. He’d be sleeping in here with you tonight.
He normally only stayed with you in this room - your room - on “date nights”, as he referred to them.
You hated them, hated that he insisted on calling them dates. There was a time you daydreamed about going on dates with him, but obviously the circumstances in those thoughts were vastly different.
You’d daydreamed about going out to dinner with Steve, maybe seeing a movie. Here you were brought food, dinner you now refused to touch if you thought he had made it himself. After the first meal he’d prepared for you, after everything he’d told you only after you’d eaten half of it… it made you sick to even think about it.
That night didn’t end well.
The next ‘date night’ was pizza from your favorite local spot, he promised he hadn’t added anything. After you ate, he’d gone upstairs and you thought that was a night, but he came back down later in his pajamas and joined you as you laid in the queen sized bed. You eyed him like he was crazy as he turned on the tv you’d never used that was mounted on the wall. He put on a movie and somewhere along the way, you’d fallen asleep against your will. You woke up to him spooning you the next morning, your head foggy.
The next week he made food again and swore it wasn’t human. The fact he even had to say that made your stomach turn and you refused it. Instead you watched as he made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for you in the kitchenette further into the room. Really, what felt like a studio apartment. You ate. He left. And not thirty minutes later he was back - looking like he was ready for bed. You got used to the routine after a few weeks. You hated that you looked forward to those nights after a while - but you were only human. You were lonely and scared a lot of the time but when you could just close your eyes and fall asleep with the warmth of someone holding you - whispering sweet nothings into your ear and telling you everything was going to be okay, things didn’t seem so hellish.
Steve’s head fell to the crook of your neck and he started leaving soft kisses along your delicate skin. “Happy birthday, beautiful,” he whispered against your throat. “I’m so lucky you were born. So glad you’re mine,” he continued in between kisses.
His hand was cold as he slid your tank top up, goosebumps rising along your flesh as he touched your waist. You let him take it off and resigned yourself to his indulgent touches.
You knew it was wrong, all convoluted, but his gentleness was comforting. If you could forget about the circumstances that found you here, pretend you weren’t being held against your own free will, that what had been budding between you two hadn’t been completely broken and instead had grown naturally into something more - something real, you could find some solace in his embrace. However farcical it was in reality, it felt like your only escape from the true insanity of the situation.
Your tank top was thrown to the ground and his lips quickly descended down to your chest, his hands fondling you softly.
“All mine,” he muttered against your skin, peppering kisses along your breasts.
His hands slid down to your shorts and he tugged at the waistband, pulling them down along with your underwear. Leaning back from you, he discarded his shirt before leaning back down to take your lips in his. He kissed you fervently, like he couldn’t get enough of the taste of you on his tongue. When you broke away, he nuzzled against you, breathing you in. He took a second to calm himself before he took his pajama pants off. He laid you down on the bed and hovered above you, his hand caressing your cheek as he stared down at you like you were the only thing that mattered to him. It was unnerving and you had to look away from the intensity. His hand slowly traveled from your cheek down your neck and over your chest before he gripped your hip.
You were looking off to the side, eyes fixed on the wall behind him as he lined his cock up to your entrance. He pushed in ever so slightly before pulling right back out and running his tip along your slit, up to your clit and back down. He was playing with you, making sure you were ready for him. When he heard a small gasp escape your lips, he took that as his cue that you were.
He slid into you with a groan as your eyes squeezed shut at the intrusion.
He nearly whimpered as your walls squeezed his length. “Fuck,” he breathed, “you feel so good, sweetheart. Always so good,” he praised.
He pushed your leg up to get a better position as he started moving against you, rocking his hips rhythmically into yours, stimulating your clit with every movement.
He was breathing heavy already and his grip on your hip only tightened when you whined.
“Steve,” you mewled quietly.
“Yeah, baby. ‘M right here. Right fuckin here,” he huffed as he fucked into you.
One hand was tangled in the sheets beneath you and the other grabbed onto his arm as he hit deeper inside of you, working you over so perfectly, rubbing against all the most sensitive spots along your walls.
He suddenly grabbed your face with his free hand and forced you to look at him while he sped up his movements. He lowered his face to yours and kissed you hard until you were out of breath and wrapping your thick thighs around him.
“I know, baby, I know,” he panted when you cried out. A white hot pressure was building in your lower belly and he didn’t let up for a second as he brought you closer to your orgasm. Your legs tightened around him as best they could as you arched your back, your body needing more of him, wanting him closer. He was grunting and breathing through clenched teeth as your walls squeezed his cock tighter, his hips pounding against you, curses and praises falling from his lips while you closed your eyes at the growing intensity.
His hips began to stutter, his rhythm faltering as he got closer to his own orgasm. After another few thrusts, you couldn’t hold yourself back any longer. You nearly squeaked as you came, mouth falling open and eyes closed tight as your nerves seemed to light up - the pleasure overwhelming you. Steve followed suit and came hard right after you, filling you up. You were too drunk on the high to realize or care that he’d come inside of you. He collapsed on top of you and you both laid there trying to catch your breath. You felt him pull out after a minute and when he did, you could feel his cum leaking out of you. You winced at the feeling and immediately crawled out from under him and tried to get to the bathroom to clean yourself up. Try to wash away the shame you felt. He stopped you before you could, pulling you back on the bed.
“Ah ah, don’t move,” he instructed. “I’ll clean you up.” He went to the bathroom himself and came back with a damp washcloth, he cleaned the mess between your legs gently before peppering kisses on your inner thighs. He made his way closer and closer to your pussy before you tried to shut your thighs.
“What are you doing,” you questioned, sounding almost out of breath.
He looked up at you innocently. “It’s your birthday. I wanna make sure it’s the most enjoyable one you’ve ever had,” he smirked. “I’ve got the whole day planned,” he continued as he rubbed your thighs, “I just want to make you as happy as you make me, sweetheart. I cleared my schedule, I’m all yours today. You’re not gonna have to worry about a thing, I promise. Just you and me. I’m gonna show you how good things could be all the time if you just let me. If you stop pushing me away. Accept this for what it is,” he said softly. He moved up from where he was between your legs and held your face in his hands once more.
“You know I made a wish on the birthday cupcake you gave me. I wished for you. And look at us now,” he smiled. “You’re all mine, pretty girl. Let me really treat you like it.”
He leaned down for another kiss, not so rushed this time. Slow and soft, taking his time with you. “I’m gonna make sure you have a very happy birthday. Don’t fight me on this. Not today, okay?” He spoke quietly against your lips.
You were breathing heavily and he was making sure you held his eye as he slowly pulled away from you, ever so slightly. You nodded almost imperceptibly, but it seemed to be good enough for him. You looked away from him once more before responding.
“Okay,” you breathed. You didn’t have any arguments left in you. Maybe it’d be better this way. Easier. You’d made a wish on your birthday candle. You could only hope it’d come true soon enough. You didn’t want to feel scared anymore. You didn’t want to be so alone. Especially not today. You just wanted a happy birthday.
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part three
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bubbloquacious · 6 months
Do you have any recommendations for texts for a first reading of category theory? :))
So this is a super common question and I think it's a little hard to give a good answer to! I'll tell you what I did.
Back in the summer of the beautiful year 2019 I had just finished my first year of university mathematics education. I don't remember where I had even heard of the subject, but the first math book I ever self-studied out of was Mac Lane's Categories for the Working Mathematician (the second edition, specifically). It's a good book, I think! But I only really appreciated it on my reread (i.e. my more-than-the-first-three-chapters read) last year. For one, I had not done a lick of topology by this point, and I really do recommend knowing basic topology and basic abstract algebra before getting into categories; it gives you a nice two-pronged approach to view every construction.
So I washed out of that one pretty quickly. I learned the basic definitions of categories, functors, and natural transformations. I could work out what it meant for a product to be the limit of a discrete diagram (super neat when you just learned what a group was five months ago!), but if you asked me to give an example of a pair of adjoint functors that wasn't in the text I would've been stumped (natural transformations between hom-functors? what?).
Over the course of the next semester I got familiar with the basics of topology (and I made this blog!). Now I could see why a lot of Mac Lane's examples were so nice. Compositions of homotopic maps are homotopic, so you can take a quotient category the same way you take a quotient group. The fundamental group is so useful exactly because it is functorial. A map into a product space is continuous precisely when its composition with the projections is continuous. And so on. I sampled some more books. I read the first few chapters of Awodey's Category Theory and of Adámek, Herrlich, and Strecker's Abstract and Concrete Categories. Each offers a slightly different perspective, but every time I would wash out after the first several chapters.
But it was exactly rereading all of these different perspectives that made me grok what it was all about. How to work with these structures. I had limits and colimits pretty much down by this point. Ah, it's not a coincidence that the least upper bound and greatest lower bound are categorical limits, they're expressing the same idea. I realized on my own that not only is the discrete space functor to topological spaces left adjoint to the forgetful functor to sets, the indiscrete (or chaotic, or trivial) space functor is right adjoint. The abelianization of a group or the completion of a metric space are left adjoint to the inclusion functors of abelian groups and complete metric spaces, because a map from a group/metric space into an abelian group/complete metric space determines a unique map (in fact it factors through this map) out of the abelianization/completion. Even though the abelianization makes the group smaller, and the completion makes the space bigger, they're expressing the same relationship.
This went on for a while. I read Bartosz Milewski's blog on Category Theory for Programmers, but I didn't know Haskell so that didn't get me very far. I read a lot of nLab pages (I still do). I read a small bit of Borceux's Handbook of Categorical Algebra, which is very nicely written if you can get your hands on it. I spent a summer in a reading group for Tai-Danae Bradley's Topology: A Categorical Approach (this one's probably a good pick for you in particular!). Like two years ago I played the Natural Number Game (which they changed recently apparently!), which got me really into Lean and proof assistants in general. Playing around with Lean gave me a great appreciation for what category theory brings to the table for logic and computational mathematics. Reading Dan Marsden's blog on monads got me really into monad theory, which is just super cool and I love it very much. I had a brief fling with bicategories, mostly because of the monads. Around this time I made a bunch of explanatory posts on the things I was learning about, and that was just terrifically helpful for my understanding. I read Mac Lane and Eilenberg's original paper introducing categories, General Theory of Natural Equivalences, and it's fascinating to see the perspective that it takes. Last year I got really into sheaf theory by reading Mac Lane and Moerdijk's Sheaves in Geometry and Logic, which finally made me understand the Yoneda Lemma.
These last few examples are what I would call pretty intermediate, as far as categories go. Somehow by reading all these different sources (and progressing in my studies in other mathematical subjects!) I had gathered up enough experience to understand the higher-level structures built on top of the basics. I still don't understand Kan extensions (though I tried reading Riehl's Category Theory in Context to understand it) or fibrations, or model categories, or co/end calculus, but I'm sure I will once the need arises.
So that's my advice! Read as many different introductions to the subject as you can, in as many different contexts as you have the experience for! The power and beauty of category lies in the bridging over the gaps between these contexts. Any of the books I mentioned I would recommend, but really the most important rule of category theory is to have fun and be yourself :-)
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jadewritesficshere · 6 months
The boy is mine (Jade's edition)
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has a plan for a romantic night, but things go awry (2k words)
Contents: Anxiety, Eddie is self deprecating, hurt/comfort (kinda), no gendered terms for reader except mention that their hand is smaller then Eddie's and reader is called beautiful, a literal fire (please look up fire safety), fluff
A/N: So I saw this the first day it was posted and I thought it was a fun idea and saved the prompt by @carolmunson. I've been writing this for a bit,, but like I have had such bad mental fog and generalized pain recently I have been having a hard time focusing...I think I kind of misinterpreted the rules a bit...so here is sad lump of a contribution. Call me Stitch the way I am telling myself "it may be little and broken but still good".
18+ only
The night had started well, at least Eddie thought it had. He promised you a romantic night in. He even prepped for it.
Eddie rented sappy love movies, getting advice by Harrington and Buckley surprisingly. Harrington stated flowers were the way to go, but then started arguing with Buckley. While entertaining, Eddie learned more about the languages of romance from Buckley then he did about romantic gifts. But he wrote down to get flowers.
So he watched the movies. And Eddie was high paid a lot of attention and basically learned to make a grand speech. Big pour out your heart moment. Which, he felt he always talked your ear off, so he could totally do.
Eddie then read those magazines all the cheerleaders gossiped and giggled over. He didn't learn much except some tips for the best kiss. Cup the person's cheek and lean in slowly. Build the suspense. Eddie could do that.
Give you flowers. Make a speech. Cup your cheek as he kisses you. Eddie had this in the bag! Each point written in his little notebook.
And then the reality of you coming to his trailer hit him when you called to confirm the date was still on that morning. He hung up the phone after flirting a bit and looked around his house. Nerves flooded his system as he looked at it with the perspective of an outsider. He didn't want it to look bad. And it was, well, it wasn't bad but definitely could be cleaner.
So Eddie had vacuumed and dusted the entire trailer. Tossed empty pizza boxes in the trash. Sprayed some cologne around the trailer to cover the scent of weed, then cursed himself for using the expensive cologne when there was a bottle of air freshener in the bathroom.
Had picked up his clothes scattered across his room and shoved them all, clean and dirty, into the closet. Had made sure his bed had more then one pillow, grabbing spare throw pillows and tossing them towards the headboard. Even if he didn't think there was a chance you would enter his bedroom tonight, he wanted to be prepared.
Eddie had even started dinner before you arrived. An easy roast that Wayne had made hundreds of times. Thrown meat, potatoes, onions, and carrots into the pot, seasoned it and thrown it all in the oven.
It was newer, this thing between you, and he wanted to get it all right. You'd been friends for years, just recently evolved into dating. It was easy to hold your hand and throw an arm around your shoulder before, stealing those small intimate moments and pretending it meant something more. But now it does mean more. Truly, it always had, but neither of you had said anything. Because like usual, Eddie was the coward and ran.
He spent what felt like minutes (it had been hours) looking back at the notes, the plan. He had even sketched some pictures of you and him as he studied. Gave himself some sweet new tattoos and piercings and muscles while you had hearts around your head. By the time he stopped rereading the same points over and over again, he realized you would be there within the hour.
And he already failed the first point, flowers. It had completely spaced him what with the studying, but he had other things he had been wanting to give you so he figured he could wing it. He rehearsed everything in his mind, having various conversations with you. He would take your coat, be charming as ever, and you would fall for him even more then you already had.
But the plan immediately left his mind when you had arrived. Eddie could feel his face flush as his eyes trailed up and down your figure. All the rushing thoughts in his head suddenly stopped. All he could think was Damn, how'd I get so lucky?
"You're beautiful." Eddie mumbled in awe as you had shrugged off your coat. And then you smiled and Eddie realized he had messed up the plan. He thought he had went through every variable but he hadn't. It wasn't you that was going to fall more in love with him tonight, but Eddie was going to fall more in love with you.
Eddie twirled a piece of hair around his finger, unable to meet your eyes. His heart was beating wildly in his chest and his palms were begin to sweat. He couldn't help but shift from foot to foot. "Oh I uh....got you something," Eddie smiled and turned to leave before hesitating and motioning to the couch," You can uh sit...or stand, standing is good too! I'll be right back."
Eddie cursed himself the whole time he walked away because of how stupid he was. He could stage elaborate campaigns but couldn't seem to form a single sentence in your presence. Eddie grabbed the gift off his dresser and inhaled slowly, mentally yelling at himself to be cool for once in his life.
And faltered in his steps.
Because you were sat on the couch. Not just on the edge of the cushion like those who he dealt to who couldn't wait to get out of his presence. No, you were fully relaxed into the cushion. You looked comfortable. You looked like you belonged.
And Eddie couldn't squash the butterflies that took flight in his stomach. And he sat on the cushion next to you, fighting the urge to wrap you in his arms and hold you close.
"I got you this," Eddie declared as he handed you a rock. A small, smooth stone that fit in the palm of your hand. Your mouth parted but no words came out. Eddie bit his lip as you slowly turned the stone over in your hands, staring at it.
"I saw it and I thought, well, I thought of you and it matches your eyes and-" Eddie huffed out a laugh and shook his head," Sorry, it's stupid just give it back."
Eddie moved to grab it out of your hand but you slapped at his arm and clenched the stone in your hand. "No, it's mine!" You held your hand to your chest and glared at him. "It's stupid," Eddie looked down. "It is not." "It is!"
"Are you serious? If you don't stop we're gonna have a problem. This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me." You beamed at him. Joy and adoration written clearly across your face. Eddie slowly grinned back as you dared to open your palm and look at the stone again. "My precious," you wiggled your eyebrows at him, making him bark out a laugh as he relaxed.
"Let's save a ring for a later date." He joked, even as his mind raced. You quoted Lord of the Rings! You were sitting on his couch holding a rock he thought was the same shade as your eyes and you liked it!! He was done for. Completely head over heels fallen for you. Said he would never marry yet here he was planning his vows and everything.
"Seriously, Eddie, this is so sweet." Your hand grasped his. Your hand was smaller then his, fitting perfectly. Fingers interlocked hesitantly and then more surely. Eddie's eyes fell to your lips. Your tongue darted out slightly and wet them. And he started to lean in.
The air was thick, and not just with the tension, the anticipation. Your lips were milliseconds to coming in contact with his when Eddie's nose twitched as he caught a familiar scent. Your lips landed on Eddie's cheek as he turned so quickly to face the kitchen he gave himself whiplash.
Thick smoke started to waft out of the room. "Oh fuck!" He jumped up as the smoke detector finally started doing its job and screeched out an annoying beep. Eddie ran into the kitchen with you hot on his heels.
Eddie opened the oven door, smoke billowing out," SHITshitshit-" Eddie cursed as he slammed the door shut, coughing slightly. Your hand reached past him to shut off the oven before darting over to the window and throwing it open.
Eddie's eyes darted to the sink below the window. Stop, drop, and roll- wait no that was if you were on fire. But water beats fire in almost every scenario, right? Except oil, shit did he add oil? No, he didn't add anything except the food and the seasoning so it should all be good right?
"Stand back!" Eddie yells over the screeching alarm. Grabbing the pot holders, he throws the oven door open. Smoke billows past him as he makes a mad dash for the pot, grasping the handles and throwing it in the sink. He throws the faucet on, water pouring over the burnt food and pot.
Steam billows up with smoke, mingling in the air before flowing out the window. A hissing sound from the cool water hitting the hot pot fills the air. You fan the flames towards the open window. "Oh fuck." You cough as your eyes fill with tears from the smoke. Eddie winces as flurried apologies fall from his lips.
The pot, not on fire at least, starts to lessen up on producing smoke. Eddie deems it safe to leave and grabs your hand, dragging you outside. His hands on your shoulders guide you to sit on the steps as you continue to intermittently cough. Eddie rushes back into the kitchen, double checking that the oven was off, and quickly grabs a mug holding it under the still running faucet.
Eddie rushes back outside to you, almost missing the step and face planting. And wouldn't that have been the icing on the cake. Would that make Eddie or the embarrassment of faceplanting be the vanilla frosting? Who even created that saying? Cake was good and this was not good. Eddie shook his head of these thoughts as he sank down on the step next to you.
Eddie hands you the mug of water. You drink it in big gulps, a small dribble of water falling out of the side of your mouth towards your chin. Eddie wipes it away with his thumb as he apologizes," I am so sorry, I don't even know what happened."
"Is this Garfield?" You peer at the mug, as if Eddie almost didn't kill you. "Uh yeah, was in a rush, sorry I didn't grab like a nicer cup. I just ran out...to you..." "Don't apologize, I like Garfield," you mumble taking another drink of the water.
"Are you okay?" Eddie asks, hands running up and down your shoulders, eyes checking you over. "Think I hacked up a lung from all the smoke...," you rub your sternum," Man, my lungs do not like smoke...and you like that?" Eddie let out a nervous laugh," Yeah no sorry, only when its weed. Never really inhaled a straight fire before."
You look up into Eddie's eyes that are full of concern. "Well, I'd recommend like not doing that. But I'm okay, it startled me more then anything," You give a soft smile. "You sure?" "Positive." You knock his shoulder with yours.
Eddie's eyes search your figure, ensuring you aren't lying to him. You ignore him, opting to set the mug down on the ground. Fingers brushing against a dandelion, yellow and bright. You pluck it from the ground and twirl it between your fingers.
You're okay. You're holding a dandelion and you're okay. You aren't acting like you hate him. You aren't making excuses and leaving. You aren't leaving like everyone else-
Eddie's shoulders relax as the tension leaves his body. You're okay. Your relationship is okay. He didn't ruin everything. You're smiling at a fucking dandelion while his heart feels like it has run a marathon.
You're oblivious to his plight as you lean over and tuck the dandelion behind his ear," Maybe don't smoke that. Looks pretty on you." "Not that kind of weed." "Yeah dumb joke sorry."
A slow exhale escapes him as he shakes his head,"No it's good I'm just," Eddie waves his hand in front of him," like what the fuck just happened? I am never cooking again. I'll just take you to Enzo's. I fucked up. Sorry for ruining the date."
Your hand cupped his cheek as you ducked down to meet his eyes," Hey, no. You didn't ruin the date." Eddie rolls his eyes slightly," Almost killing you? Yeah, pretty sure i ruined it." You bump your knee against Eddie's, "it's not ruined and you didn't almost kill me. Small food fire, happens to everyone. I lit popcorn on fire once. Besides, if you did happen to kill me, at least I would have died happy and in love. And you'd be stuck with me cause ghost me is absolutely haunting you."
Eddie can't help but laugh slightly," Oh? You think you'd be a ghost and not get another chance at life? Be reincarnated or whatever?" "Well, even if I was reincarnated, I'd find you again."
Eddie scoffs, "C'mon, don't say that.. That's not even true, you'd totally be able to move on. You wouldn't need little old me." You grab his face and peer into his eyes," Eddie Munson, I will always need you. In this life and whatever happens after. You and me? We're it. Maybe it should be too soon to say, but I feel it in my bones. You're it for me Eddie. Together now, forever, and when everything ceases to exist we'll be in nothing together. I will always be with you because I will always love you."
You lean in and Eddie thinks his heart stops. Your hand holding his cheek in place, thumb lightly brushing back and forth. His eyes flutter shut as your lips finally touch his. It was soft and sweet, lips slowly parting and melding together in a dance that sent shivers down Eddie's spine. He sighed into the kiss as you leaned closer into each other. Your hands threading through his hair, his wrapping around your waist. Lips moving in tandem, tongues darting out tentatively.
You only part when you both are gasping for air. Soft smiles and longing glances shared as the sun sets. "I love you too." Eddie traces your cheekbone with his finger. "You better." You joke. Your combined giggles fill the air as you continue to steal kisses from each other.
The night may not have been the most romantic. Or gone to plan, like, at all. But it was one Eddie already knew that when he thought about he would be able to feel his heart swell with love. And as he kissed you Eddie thought, yeah you were it for him.
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zepskies · 3 months
Hey, Yep! Have you ever had writer's block? And if so, how did you break it?
Hey, Arty! 💜
Oh, definitely. 😅 No writer is safe from the dreaded state of "writer's block," but I do have some tactics I use to get through it...
5 Tips for Beating Writer's Block
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Start plotting with an outline. ✍🏽
There are two kinds of writers, in my opinion:
Architects: writers who outline.
Adventurers: writers who freeform.
In most respects, I consider myself an Architect. My brain craves structure. So the way I beat writer's block while working on a project is by having a roadmap of what's going to happen next. That's thanks to my outline.
Even freeformers can develop some kind of pre-writing plan, whether that's creating a list of character bios, starting with the basic 3-Act triangle, or writing out a handful of bullet points to get you going.
For my personal process, I'll go from creating the basic premise/summary, to some loose bullet points of the story structure, to then fleshing out into full outlining of each chapter and scene, and finally drafting (and editing).
While I'm outlining, I'm also doing research and fact-checking as needed to get me through to the next scene and the next, until the end. My "roadmap" tends to be very detailed, so when I get to the drafting part, all I should have to reference is my outline.
Now, this doesn't mean that plot points won't change, or get switched around, or get chucked entirely. But if I have the blueprints of the house, I can change a window or a door, or even a whole support beam here and there, so to speak.
2. If I get stuck at any point during the outlining and/or drafting phase, I'll often go back and reread what I have already. 🧐
I'll edit and tweak as I do those readthroughs, whether it's my outline or drafted chapters. It freshens up the earlier scenes and plot points in my head.
In doing so, it'll hopefully unlock ways I can continue the later plot points, and even tie them back to things I'm setting up earlier in the narrative.
3. Revisit the thing that gave you inspiration in the first place! 🍿
Rewatch, reread, revisit the episode, movie, book, story, artwork that stroked your muse and had you daydreaming and brainstorming about the WIP you're working on. That can be a good way to revitalize you when you feel you're getting stuck on something in a plot point, or lacking motivation.
4. Create a music playlist. 🎶
I love doing this, especially for a series. I often create a playlist of songs that remind me of the setting, the characters, the overall story, or the romance I'm trying to create. Whether it's the words or the tone/rhythm that get me going, music inspires me greatly.
5. Go for a walk. ☀️
I walk for exercise, but it also gives me time to daydream and run through scenes in my head while vibing to my music (sometimes looking like a crazy person as I nod and make hand motions lmao).
This helps me clear my head, get some fresh air, then come back to my laptop with a little more pep in my brain, ready to pick up where I left off while writing. 👌🏽
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Thank you so much for this question, @artyandink! (Sorry, meant to tag you when I originally posted.) I hope these ideas help you beat writer's block. 💕 Let me know if you have any additional questions!
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wolfpawzjakey · 5 months
Prompt - It Was All a Dream.
Brief description - Percy wakes up in the infirmary of Camp Jupiter and thinks that he dreamed of Jason's death and funeral, but Reyna and Annabeth, who were next to him, tell him that it was real... And Jason is really dead.
I will be very glad if you answer :)
Thank you thank you 🤲🏻
So, I wrote this without editing and rereading it. Writing ideas vs actually writing is hard. I’m working thru a writing block so thank you for sending this to me because maybe I’ll actually write something in full again one day 😎 (im crying under the shades)
Percy wasn’t unused to death. He was well accustomed to it in fact. He’d neared it himself on many occasions. He’d killed others with him own hands and actions. Death weighed on him, but living his life meant he had no other choice but to deal. Death wasn’t a friend or an enemy, he’d always fear it but knowing its certainty had made it a more comfortable burden to have.
But this death, this death had his system on high alarm. It was too soon, too much of a surprise for him to be able to process what was happening but it was right in front of him. Here he was, watching the life drain from the eyes of his boyfriend, the person he loved the most. It was not meant to happen right now, it couldn’t be happening right now.
But now? He could feel the blood between his fingers mixed with the gritty texture of the dirt from the ground as he tried so hardly to stop it from seeping out as fast as it did. His throat and chest is filled with cement and razors as his voice reaches his own ears like he’s underwater. He can feel the blood seeping into his keens from where he kneels aside Jason’s fading body while Jason’s eyes fight to focus on Percy or anything actually. His words are distorted, he can’t even make out what he’s saying to Jason but he knows it’s filled with dead end attempts as reassurance (both directed at Jason and himself… mostly himself). And gods, the thing he feels the most is Jason’s breathing coming to a slow stop, he feels as his chest starts to shake and stutter, and how each breath becomes less frequent and more spaced apart. How his last few breaths make his chest rise so high before falling like there’s a weight holding his lungs down. Then he sees his eyes dull entirely, no longer that human like glistening that reminds you someone’s alive. He looks silently at Jason’s still body, a body that is so familiar but now so pale and dead eyed. It’s like he’s somehow looking at a stranger now, because there’s just no way that Jason would leave him like this. There’s no way. So, he just sits, hands still pressed over the no longer bleeding wound. Jason’s still warm, he couldn’t possibly be gone.
When he’s shaken from the trance he’s fallen into, all hell breaks loose. He screams and sobs, holding on as his friends desperately try to pull him off. His hands slip away from Jason’s body… and then he’s sat up, eyes frantically searching the new surroundings for the horrific scene he’d just been in. His hands are clean, he’s not wearing the clothes he was in, there’s no blood anywhere on him. And then there’s Annabeth and Reyna, they’re looking at him with concern which means he must’ve been the one in danger right? Because Jason couldn’t be dead, right?
No, no, Jason wasn’t dead. That had just been a dream, it was easy to convince himself that he’d just be able to get up and go into another room of the medical bay and Jason would be there, healing just like him if he wasn’t just out elsewhere. Of course, Jason was fine. Relief flooded his body and coursed through his veins because of course Jason couldn’t be dead. Percy has had these types of dreams again, why wouldn’t it happen now too?
“Percy?” That was Annabeth’s voice, “Perce, are you okay?”
“I think so.” He says, sigh heavy as it leaves his lungs. “I don’t feel that much pain anywhere, I think I’m okay.”
“That’s… good.” She says back, but her smile stays sad, and that’s never a good side. Reyna looks closed off too, which is also not a good sign, but he just couldn’t understand why? Had he been injured that bad? Had something gone wrong when he was?
“Percy,” Annabeth starts again, her voice is guarded and gentle, it’s not unlike Annabeth but again, it’s not usually a good sign. “I’m asking more so… are you okay? After what happened?”
What happened? Panic flashes through him, fast paced images of Jason’s lifeless body and his body all over Percy, but that, it was just a dream right? “What do you mean ‘after what happened’? Annabeth, what happened?”
Her face falls and Reyna’s darkens more than he thought it could. “Percy, I’m sorry but Jason’s dead. You were inconsolable, you fainted after we’d tried to take you away. But… he’s gone.” And Percy’s world shatters again.
He doesn’t yell and cry this time, he doesn’t struggle and nor does he get up to leave the room, he just sits there. Annabeth wouldn’t lie about this, Reyna wouldn’t let anyone lie about this. It was real. The dream in its entirety was real. The grit and slide of blood and dirt between his fingers. The iron scent of the blood that soaked into his jeans. The harsh and slowing breathing echoing through the room. It was all real.
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practicingsmut · 1 year
I Swear to God the Devil Made Me Do It
devil!jeonghan x human!reader, 5.7k words, I'm not sure if there's anything in here that I need to warn for but if there is just let me know and I'll edit the post, I did not mean for this to be my longest fic to date by far but here we are, also I wrote this over the course of three days and did not go back to reread what I had written previously so if there are weird transitions that's why
There was a door to Hell in the back of your closet. While something you were used to now, it was quite the shock when you had first learned about it. The house had sat vacant for months, something that confused you immensely when you were shown the property. The owners before you had been renting it out, but with tenants not lasting more than a few weeks at a time, there was no money coming in from it and therefore they had decided to rent it. You fell in love with the quaint little house the moment you set your eyes on it, and it felt like a steal for how cheaply the previous owners had been asking.
All that to say, there was a nagging voice in the back of your mind that had you thinking that things might have been too good to be true. You hadn’t expected the truth of too good to be true to come to light with an actual Devil walking into your room from your closet the day after you had officially moved into the place.
To say you were scared would be an understatement, and the Devil wasn’t exactly thrilled about the situation either. Your fight or flight response kicked in and well, long story short, if he hadn’t been born with supernatural strength and speed, the knife you had been using to pop open your packed boxes would have gone straight through his sternum. Though you were CPR certified, being stabbed like that was not something a normal human would have been able to come back from.
That was months ago, and now you and the Devil had actually become quite good friends. After the both of you had calmed down enough to talk, he introduced himself as Jeonghan, and he made it very clear that he was just a Devil, not the Devil. You still hadn’t quite grasped the nuances of the hierarchies of Hell, but it didn’t really matter.
He explained why he was so shocked that you could actually see him when he exited the portal - which, by the way, connected directly back to his home in Hell - and that was because he had made a contract with the original owners of the house who knew how long ago. Only those whose name was on the deed could see through any illusions or invisibility charms he put on himself. He had no idea that the house had been sold, so even if any renters had been home when he needed to make his way into the human world, they wouldn’t have been able to see him.
Once it became clear that the two of you didn’t actually care to harm each other, you developed a system where he’d call out to you through the portal before coming through just to make sure it was okay. You could hear him from anywhere in the house, or even outside of it as long as you were still on the property. A yes was a yes and a no was a no, and not hearing from you after asking three times meant that you weren’t home to answer and he was welcome to use the portal as long as he made his way out into the wide world quickly; as comfortable as the two of you had gotten, you weren’t fond of the thought of someone being in your home without you there, even though you trusted him.
The system had served you well, working for both of your needs every time it was used. Most of the time Jeonghan had business in the human world to attend to, but sometimes he just wanted your company - something you didn’t mind indulging in. It was a lovely arrangement the two of you had, but you should have realized that eventually the system would fail you, and that failure happened the first time you brought someone home with you.
The man - you couldn’t even remember his name, though you were pretty sure he had whispered it in your ear while you were dancing together at the club - could barely keep his hands off of you as the two of you practically fell through your front door. You made it to the bed eventually, having stopped every few feet to kiss and grope each other some more.
There you were, reclining on your bed, the man’s tongue in your mouth and a very obvious erection pressing against you, when suddenly he pulled away. You pouted, which only made him laugh.
“Don’t worry, I’m just putting on some mood music,” he assured you as he scrolled through his phone for a moment.
Once the music was chosen and blasting through his phone’s speakers, his mouth and hands were on you again. He rolled his hips against yours, eliciting a moan that he quickly swallowed up with a kiss. The hand gripping your waist slid slowly down your leg until it hit the bare skin of your thigh, only to then slide slowly back up and under the hem of your dress. You let out a shaky sigh as tingles erupted in the pit of your stomach with the anticipation of things to come.
“Well, I hope I’m not interrupting anything too important,” a voice called out just loud enough to be heard over the music.
The man you had brought home bit your lip in surprise before jumping backwards, revealing Jeonghan in all his devilish glory - spiraling horns, leathery wings, and spade-tipped tail. Something seemed different about the way he looked, though it wasn’t just the bored expression on his face that barely concealed a myriad of emotions swirling beneath the surface.
“What the fuck are you?” the man called out, voice betraying equal parts fear and confusion. So that’s what was different about Jeonghan - he didn’t have the lingering glitter of an illusion or invisibility charm that you sometimes caught even though you could see through them. So he wanted the man to see what he really looked like.
Jeonghan didn’t even glance at the man, his eyes staying locked on your own. You couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious under his scrutiny as he took in your flushed face and the dress scrunched dangerously high on your legs.
“What are you doing here?” you questioned, more than a little upset at his sudden intrusion.
“I called for you,” he stated. “Three times. You didn’t answer. Now I see why.”
Without breaking eye contact Jeonghan picked up the man’s phone and shut off the music. The sudden silence made your ears ring. He tossed it to the man who fumbled to catch it. Only then did Jeonghan finally acknowledge him.
“What are you still doing here? Go,” he said impatiently. The man did not need to be told twice. He was out the door without a single glance back, leaving you to stare daggers at Jeonghan who still stood in the doorway of your closet.
“What the fuck, Jeonghan? Why would you do that?” you spat, crossing your arms across your chest in a defiant gesture. Jeonghan advanced further into the room, causing you to skitter backwards what little distance you could as he sat down on the edge of your bed.
“I told you, I called for you three times, and when you didn’t answer I figured that meant I was free to come through. I hadn’t expected to find you here with… well, to find you as I had,” he explained. It made sense, but you weren’t done being mad at him.
“And when you did find me here you thought it would be alright to cockblock me and send my date screaming into the night? Just head off on whatever business you’ve got in this world and leave me alone.” You turned your head to face away from him like a pouting child, but a moment later his hand came to caress your jaw and gently turn you back in his direction.
“Ah, I think my business can wait. I’d rather stay here and help you out,” he replied. His voice had dropped a bit, both in volume and tone, and the combined effect forced a shiver down your spine that you had to work to suppress.
You realized you were staring at his lips just a beat too long after he spoke, and when you looked up to meet his eyes you saw a hint of amusement in them. If you hadn’t already been blushing, you certainly would have been at that point.
“Help me with what?” Your voice had involuntarily gotten quieter to match his.
Jeonghan leaned in slightly and you caught a whiff of his scent. You could never quite pin down what he smelled like, but whatever the otherworldly scent was, it felt comforting. Inviting.
“What was it you accused me of doing? Cockblocking you? Well, after being so rude with that I wouldn’t want to leave you frustrated and alone.” A smirk graced his lips.
Your eyes widened in shock for the briefest of moments before you narrowed them in a glare. He had caught you off guard but you refused to let him have the last word on this.
“And what makes you think I’d want your help with my… frustrations?” you countered.
Jeonghan leaned even closer, tilting his head and stopping just shy of his lips meeting yours. His breath ghosted over your mouth and this time you couldn’t suppress the shiver it caused, though you managed to keep yourself from surging forward and kissing him.
“I’ve heard the way you’ve called out my name as you touched yourself in the middle of the night. I bet it’d sound even sweeter hearing it up close.” Jeonghan’s voice was barely above a whisper, and yet it did things to you that you could have never expected. You subconsciously drew your knees together to hide the wetness that bloomed across your panties in the split second before the embarrassment hit you.
“You could hear me?”
“Every sigh and moan, as long as my name was attached,” he answered.
“Why did you never say anything?”
“I figured if you wanted me bad enough you’d ask rather than using that little black toy you have. But I guess I figured wrong, seeing as you went to some stranger rather than asking me to help. I am sorry for that, by the way. I really didn’t know that you’d be here.”
You shook your head, ready to tell him that you weren’t upset with him for chasing what’s-his-name away, when something else from his statement clicked in your head. You leaned back out of Jeonghan’s reach, his hand that had been cradling your jaw falling to his lap.
“You went snooping around in my stuff when I wasn’t here,” you accused, but he was already shaking his head.
“You left your toy on the nightstand, once. It had been cleaned and everything, but you must have just forgotten to put it completely away.”
“Oh. right.” You remembered that day - coming home late and realizing it had been out in the open all day. You had just assumed that Jeonghan hadn’t come by, since he never mentioned it to you.
“You can tell me to go if you don’t want me here. Just say the word and I’ll leave. But if by chance you want me to stay… well, you could say that as well.”
There was half a second you paused before speaking where you made your decision.
“I want you to fuck me.”
A moment later his lips were on yours. You would have smacked the back of your head into the headboard if not for his left hand coming around to cradle it. His right came to rest on your side, fingers gripping your ribs while his thumb grazed the underside of your breast through the fabric of your dress. Your hands, meanwhile, reached out to grip the fabric of his shirt tightly in your fists. You were probably stretching the fabric, might even rip it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Promise me you’ll tell me if I do something that you don’t like,” Jeonghan said.
“Of course,” you whispered against his mouth before kissing him again, though in the moment you couldn’t think of a single thing you wouldn’t let him do to you.
Jeonghan’s tongue came out of his mouth and caressed your bottom lip. You had asked him once if he had a forked tongue, and he had laughed as if it were so outrageous picture on a being with horns, wings, and a tail. He had a normal tongue, and you winced as it caught on a slight abrasion.
Jeonghan pulled back slightly, only as far as your grip on his shirt would allow, and slid his hand from the back of your head to cup your cheek instead. His thumb pulled gently on your bottom lip to see what the issue was.
“That bastard made you bleed,” he growled.
You hadn’t thought the man had bit you that hard when Jeonghan had made his surprise entrance, but clearly you were wrong. You smoothed out your hands on his chest in an attempt to calm his sudden agitation.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” you assured him. Your words came out the slightest bit wrong due to the slight pressure he had on your lip. “Besides, A little pain isn't necessarily a bad thing.” Something sparked in Jeonghan’s eyes as his pupils dilated.
“Is that so?” He seemed to take your words almost as a challenge, but still waited for you to make the next move.
Figuring this might be your only chance to really surprise him that night, you steeled whatever strength you had and pushed against his chest. Of course if he had seen it coming he wouldn’t have budged against your efforts, but as things were you managed to knock him flat on his back, wings unfurling to avoid being squished. You had to untangle your legs, but a moment later you were straddling his waist and leaning down to catch his mouth in a kiss again. His hands gripped your hips tightly through your scrunched up dress.
Pressed together the way you were, it was hard not to focus on his hard length pressed up against you. It was definitely a lot bigger than the toy you used on yourself and as intimidating as that was, it was also exhilarating. You moaned just at the thought of what he’d feel like inside of you.
“Darling,” Jeonghan drawled. You pulled back slightly to give him room to talk. “As much as I’d love to spend hours on end kissing you, I think we’re both a little too impatient for that. I need to taste you.”
You held back a groan of anticipation. He’d barely even touched you and already your pussy was clenching tight, all from the sound of his voice. All those wasted nights he stayed in Hell listening to you calling out his name as you fucked yourself on a dumb little toy… he should have let himself in. You should have invited him to join you.
The first thing you did was shuck off all your clothes - you didn’t want anything getting in the way. It took a fair bit of maneuvering to get yourself positioned over his waiting face while keeping your feet away from his wings and knees away from his horns, but eventually you got there. Not a second later, Jeonghan’s hands were wrapped around your thighs and pulling you down onto him.
Jeonghan may not have had a forked tongue, but it was most definitely longer than any that had gone down on you before. He moved slowly, teasing you by working the tip up your folds, circling it once or twice around your clit, before trailing back down to play with your entrance.
“So much for being impatient,” you muttered. You could feel Jeonghan smirk against you, the movement making you squirm as it tickled you.
“Am I moving too slow for you, my sweet?”
Before you could even think of answering Jeonghan dove back in to eating you out. His hands held you down so close you were sure he would suffocate, but if he didn’t think that was an issue then who were you to worry about it? Your mind had better things to focus on, like the way his tongue fucked in and out of you at such a rapid pace, the tip of it flicking against your g-spot with every thrust and making you shake. With the distance between your cunt and his face being what it was - that is to say, not very much - his nose bumped against your clit repeatedly. You’d think it was a strange situation, if your brain could come up with any thoughts at all. You were too far gone for that, every fiber of your being focusing on your impending orgasm.
Suddenly the bedsheets weren’t enough for you to hold onto, you needed something sturdier. Your shaking legs made you feel like you’d fall over if you moved even an inch, but somehow you managed to get your hands gripped around Jeonghan’s horns right at the base of each one. They provided the support you had wanted and seemed to be working in Jeonghan’s favor as well. He moaned against you as your hands wrapped around them, the feeling against your cunt being just what you needed to send you over the edge.
You think you called out Jeonghan’s name in your ecstasy, but you couldn’t be sure. His grip on your thighs and your grip on his horns was all that kept you upright as your orgasm ripped through you.
With shaking legs and a heaving chest, Jeonghan had to do most of the work to get you off of him. He tucked you under one arm so that your head was laying on his chest and his hand could run comforting lines up and down your back.
“Holy shit,” you breathed out.
Jeonghan’s chest rumbled beneath you as he chuckled. “That good, huh?”
“I think you’ve masturbating for me, and I’ve given myself some real good orgasms,” you joked.
“And to think, that was just my mouth. You haven’t even experienced what my hands feel like, or my dick.”
“Oh believe me, I’m well aware of that. You’re not going anywhere until I have,” you asserted, earning another chuckle from Jeonghan. “Just… just give me a minute.” Though you ached to feel every part of Jeonghan’s body, you knew moving too fast and too soon would only lead to pain - and not the good kind.
“Take all the time you need,” Jeonghan reassured you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
You could have fallen asleep there in the comfort of his arms if not for the brushing of his shirt against your breasts each time you breathed in. You couldn’t believe that he still had a shirt on - not to mention his pants, which you could see out of the corner of your eye were still highly tented. You had to remedy the situation. The instant your hand began to slide across his chest Jeonghan’s eyes opened to watch you.
“What are you doing?” he asked, a playful and curious lilt to his voice.
“You’re wearing too much clothing,” you answered resolutely.
Your hand had made it to the top button of his shirt; it was hard to pop open with just one hand and at the angle you were grabbing from, but you were more than determined. Jeonghan was amused by the whole situation and let you carry on with your plan until his chest and abdomen were fully exposed. It was then that Jeonghan took over, gently placing you down before standing up to pull off all of his clothing.
Everything about him seemed perfectly made to entice you from the slim and sculpted V of his hips framing a neat happy trail to his deliciously thick thighs, and in between them…
“My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” Jeonghan said with a chuckle.
Your eyes snapped immediately up to his own, face burning with embarrassment. Before you could move to sit up, Jeonghan settled back onto the bed to kneel between your legs. You had to spread them to accommodate his size and as soon as you did his hands came down to rest on the soft flesh of your inner thighs.
When he leaned over to kiss you his cock nestled itself against your core, stretching out over your stomach to show you just how far into you it would reach. Even without seeing it in that moment, you could feel just how unlike a human penis it was. As Jeonghan’s tongue tangled with your own you reached a hand in between the two of you to grab his member, wanting to run your fingertips over the ridges that flared out under the head.
Jeonghan sucked in harshly and bucked against your hand. Feeling encouraged, you stroked with a firmer grip, thumb catching the bead of sticky precum that spilled out. Your other hand tangled in Jeonghan’s hair and pushed his head into the crook of your neck. His hot breath fanned out over your throat before his mouth got to work kissing and biting, presumably leaving marks. You could feel him getting more and more worked up with each passing moment and you felt smug about having such an affect on him. Then all too soon he was pulling away, a shiver working its way through your whole body as the lack of his left you open to the air.
“Fuck, I need to be in you.” His words came out breathy and desperate, the sound of which had you clenching around nothing. Still, you could feel how big he was in your hand and had at least a little bit of common sense.
“I- I don’t think you’re going to fit,” you said with a nervous chuckle.
Jeonghan laced the fingers of one of his hands with your free one while wrapping his other one around the hand you had on his cock. He guided it to pump up and down a few more times before pulling it away.
“You can hold on here,” he said quietly, placing your hands on his shoulders, “and let me know if I need to stop or slow down or anything like that.”
You nodded. He pressed a light kiss to the tip of your nose before finishing his work to get you into the position he wanted you in. Your knees were hooked over the crooks of his elbows and one hand maintained a firm grip on your waist while the other slid across your stomach to make its way to your core. His thumb circled your clit two or three times before he pushed it through your slick folds to tease your hole.
“Is this alright?” he whispered. You let out a whine and nodded, shifting your hips to try and get him to touch you more.
Then his thumb was inside of you, pushing slowly all the way to the hilt only to rest there for a moment before pulling back out and repeating the process. You moaned, the sound making Jeonghan’s cock twitch where it sat on your stomach. He picked up speed, seeming to know exactly the right moment to flex his thumb in order to press against your g-spot every time he could.
“Jeonghan,” you groaned.
“What is it, my darling?” he asked, his voice sweet. It was almost as if he wasn’t teasing you into oblivion, and by extent teasing himself based on how much precum was leaking onto your stomach.
“I want more of you, please,” you begged.
Jeonghan didn’t answer you, but instead just slipped his thumb out, leaving you empty. You were about to complain when suddenly you were being stuffed with two of his fingers, his thumb that was slick with your arousal finding your clit a second later.
“Is that better?”
You nodded, not trusting yourself to be able to answer in coherent words. Your hands gripped his shoulders tightly and you were sure you’d leave little crescent marks from where your fingernails dug into his skin, but he didn’t seem to mind. All the while your orgasm was building more and more, a tight ball in the pit of your abdomen.
When Jeonghan bent forward, you thought it was to kiss you, but instead he angled his head down in order to bite at your breast. He sucked a few dark red hickeys into your flesh before flicking his tongue against your hardened nipple. One of your hands slid up his neck to tangle in his hair, which he took as encouragement to carry on. A third finger entered your cunt, stretching you out and massaging your g-spot while his thumb continued its diligent work against your clit.
All of a sudden it was too much and you came on his hand with a loud cry. He worked you through your orgasm until the shaking in your legs subsided and only then did he pry himself away from his body. His fingers made their way into his mouth in turn so he could lick your juices off of them one by one.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to kill me,” you said.
Jeonghan let out a bright and clear laugh. “Yeah? Death by orgasm?”
“I can’t think of a better way to go.”
Jeonghan leaned down to kiss you, propping his body up on one forearm so as not to completely crush you. With his free hand he pumped his cock a few times, not that he needed any extra stimulation - he was still hard as a rock. Sufficiently satisfied with your lips he then leaned back so he was sitting on his heels once more before shifting your legs to be over his shoulders instead of his arms. The head of his cock teased your hole, barely poking in and out. Even having been stretched by three of his fingers you knew it would be a tight fit. You’d never wanted anything more in your life.
“Are you sure you want this? I don’t want to make you feel like you have to do anything you’ll regret,” Jeonghan asked. As much as you loved how concerned he was for you, at this moment it was just wearing down your already thin patience.
“Right now the only thing I’ll regret is ever letting you into my bed unless you fuck me right now, Jeonghan,” you insisted. Sure, he’d already given you two mind-shattering orgasms and ordinarily that would be more than enough, but you knew that you could not go to bed that night feeling happy with how your day went until you had felt his thick cock in your cunt.
“Well, my sweet, if that’s how you feel then who am I to deny you what you want?”
With a hand on either side of your head to hold himself up, you could see almost every inch of the man - the Devil - before you, except of course the parts of his chest that were covered by your legs. His wings flared out behind him, blocking much of the light in the room, and you could feel his tail wrap itself around one of your thighs. It wasn’t tight enough to hurt, but it put just enough pressure that you were aware of its presence.
He rolled his hips hesitantly, pushing into you. Instinctively you clenched every muscle you could and Jeonghan let out a groan in response.
“Darling, you have to relax. Let yourself get used to my size first,” Jeonghan said through clenched teeth. Trying to hold back was clearly a tremendous effort on his part.
You nodded and took a few deep breaths, willing your body to loosen up. Once Jeonghan deemed you ready, he resumed his efforts. He would slide his cock in an inch or so, then pull back so that only the tip stayed inside, then repeat the process. He made it a little bit further each time and built up a rhythm that your body got used to quickly, even if it took a little bit longer to adjust to how thick and long he was.
Snaking a hand in between your bodies, you pressed a finger to your clit, rubbing it just enough to provide a distraction from the uncomfortable stretch your cunt was dealing with. That helped more than you thought it would as the wetter you got the easier it was for Jeonghan to continue his movements. After several minutes of this Jeonghan suddenly stopped. You opened your eyes to find that he had sheathed himself fully without you noticing. Your hand left your clit and instead traced its way up your abdomen along the swollen bulge where his cock filled you up.
“I know you want me to get on with the fucking, but I just have to check in with you one more time. How are you doing?”
You leaned up as far as you could in order to kiss Jeonghan’s plush lips, barely managing to hold back a moan as the action caused him to shift ever so slightly inside of you.
“I’m being doted upon by the most handsome being I’ve ever laid my eyes on and whose cock is currently filling me to the brim. How could I be doing anything less than amazing?” you teased, all to see that beautiful smile of his again. You kissed him one more time before laying back and telling Jeonghan to continue on.
It hurt at first. Quite a lot, actually. The extra ridges that lined his cock caught at your walls and while you were sure that would feel wonderful in a little while, for the moment it was a bit too much when added onto the sheer size of him. Seeing your discomfort, Jeonghan began to talk to you, whispering sweet nothings and encouraging words in between his breathy moans of pleasure. You couldn’t quite catch most of what he said, but it was comforting to you nonetheless. He shifted his hands so that he was holding yours against the bed.
And then suddenly the pleasure became more than the pain and you found yourself in the throes of passion once more. Jeonghan picked up speed which increased the friction of his cock against your walls. He was no longer pulling all the way out to the tip and then moving all the way back in - that would take far too much time and hip control. At the speed he was thrusting it was easiest to move just a few inches at a time, and the inches he settled with had the hard ridges of his cock pressing hard against your g-spot with every movement.
It was hard to hold back your impending third orgasm of the night, but you managed to do it. You knew that once you gave yourself over to it you would be too sensitive to do anything else, and you wanted Jeonghan to be able to use you for his own pleasure just a little bit longer. He had made you feel incredible already, so it was only fair that you return the favor.
“Sweetheart, I’m not going to last much longer,” Jeonghan gasped. His eyes were closed tight with the effort of holding back, almost as if he were attempting the same thing you were. “Please, Jeonghan, I want you to cum inside me,” you pleaded.
As if he were waiting for your express permission he did just that. After a few more thrusts he pulled out so that just the tip of his cock remained inside you. You could feel him painting your walls white, the sensation finally loosening you up enough to send you spiraling into your third orgasm. Once he was done, Jeonghan surprised you by pushing his entire length back until he was snug inside you once more. Then he collapsed on top of you, knocking the wind out of your lungs before rolling over so that he was on his back and you were on his chest.
“Why did it take so long for us to do that?” he asked before pressing a kiss to your temple.
“Maybe because you’re an idiot who heard me moaning out his name on several occasions and decided not to make a move,” you countered, though the tone was light and not meant to seriously insult him.
“Darling, you could have invited me to join you at any point.”
“Yes, but I didn’t have the confirmation that you were into me, but you knew the opposite was true.”
“Hmm, I suppose so.”
“Besides, if I’d have asked you outright then I wouldn’t have gotten to see your jealous side which, let’s face it, is very hot.”
Jeonghan’s arms tightened around your body. You looked up to find him staring down at you.
“You’re not planning to invite anyone else into your bed just to see me jealous again, are you?” he asked, eyes narrowed.
You let out a laugh and pressed a few reassuring kisses along his jawline.
“Of course not, Jeonghan. Even in my thoughts I don’t think anyone else would compare to what you could do to me. Now that I know how well you’ll treat me in bed, I won’t hesitate to call for you through the portal before I start touching myself.” Your words put a self-satisfied grin on Jeonghan’s face.
“You know, it’s not just in bed that I’ll treat you well. I’d give you the world if you’d ask it of me,” he whispered.
“Oh yeah? And how exactly would a Devil-human relationship work? Sounds a little complicated to me,” you answered. You didn’t intend to be contrary, in fact you liked the idea of being more than just fuck buddies with Jeonghan very much, but sometimes there was more to consider than just your feelings when making a decision.
“Complicated, sure, but nothing I wouldn’t mind figuring out if it meant being with you,” he admitted.
You snuggled closer to Jeonghan’s chest, feeling his heartbeat beneath you.
“No, I wouldn’t mind that either.”
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