#this is not that hard just tedious
averageludwig · 5 months
coping with how cringe I am becoming rn WDYM I am up at 8 am on a school day making practicing making sfm posters of BnBs ?????? Should I be put down! honest
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vechter · 4 months
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jla/titans (1998) #3 // the kids aren't alright, fall out boy // new teen titans (1984) #19 // tales of the teen titans (1984) #59 // outsiders (2003) #16 // outsiders (2003) #1 // stand by me (1986) // titans/young justice: graduation day (2003) #3 // unknown // dc special: the return of donna troy (2005) #2 // titans (1999) #1 // nightwing (2016) #90 // titans (2016) #15 // ivy, frank ocean // teen titans (1996) #12 // titans (2008) #15 // batman chronicles (1995) #7 // outsiders (2003) #11 // a working list of things i will never tell you, jon sands // flash (1987) #210 // flash (1987) #214 // nightwing secret files and origins (1999) #1 // the firm, john grisham // jla/titans (1998) #3
dick + core titans (donna, garth, roy, wally)
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barrierblock · 1 year
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meltymoth · 1 year
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small cyclic motions are so fricken hard
idle pose for what i've been futzing with
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sinnbaddie · 7 months
Kakagai fanart based on this excerpt under the cut:
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Kakashi: I hurt you.
Gai: Kakashi…
Kakashi: (being embraced by Gai, blushing and thinking *help*)
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Gai: no matter what happens next, this conversation has made me the happiest man alive. I am honored that you chose to share your affections with me. To know I am worthy of your love… even if you decide that we must remain friends rather than passionate companions, tonight means more than I can ever express.
Kakashi: I don’t like curry.
Gai: nobody’s perfect.
Based off this fanfic:
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tabooiart · 1 year
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thought the beetlejuice followers might like to know that i did a cosplay
pardon the bad hair this was just a quick try-on i didnt feel like styling it properly <3
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samarecharm · 5 months
geniunely not trying to put words in ur mouth im geniunely asking: what do you actually like about persona 5? from all ur rants im just wondering why you didnt drop the game bc it seems (again, im not trying to put words in ur mouth) that it simply not for you? i geniunely have not felt any of the issues you bring up outside of the writing ones and i cannot tell if i'm just easily pleased and not good at discerning what a good game is or we simply have dif things we enjoy in a video game. i hate getting tone across text but im asking out of geniune curiosity im not trying to attack your opinion (;-;)
Nah, i dont feel like ur attacking me, and I hope u dont feel the same when u see my complaints! Lmao. In my defense, I am replaying the game for the first time after completing my first file back in 2020, so alot of the faults i kinda shrugged off in my first playthrough are now glaringly in my face now that I no longer have the confusion and interest in learning the main story to keep me occupied. The game is clunky all the way through, and at some times, even frustratingly so.
But despite that, i do like this game. Alot! Its probably one of my top games ever if im being honest!
This ended up way longer than I intended, so im putting it under a readmore to keep the post short on dashboards
If i had to describe what I liked about the game in the simplest way imaginable…I think I would say, I like how the game makes me feel :) I like the music. I like the vibe. I like the immersion from city to city, and I like the premise! I like the characters and I like the connections you make with these characters! As im replaying this game, i am most excited to see Akira and his comments about the world :) i like hearing everyones voices, I like their little interactions in Mementos, and I like seeing them fight!
P5 is the first game I played in the series; its the game that introduced me to SMT in the first place! And it (smt) is a series that my longtime best friend LOVES and never thought hed be able to share with me! It is a game i keep very near to my heart; it has influenced me in ways i did not think would happen in the short couple of years since i first finished it. It genuinely keeps me awake some nights thinking about the world this game has created, and I think that is a testament to the impact its had, be it good or bad.
The joke about wishing theyd make a persona game that was Good is that despite all of its numerous flaws, the games manage to snatch your attention and pull you in anyway. Imagine if they made a game that had all of those things that i mentioned I loved, but done Right and executed Properly?? Where I got to have a story that made sense and didnt need to be spoonfed to me (in like an HOUR of dialogue and scenes; an HOUR!), and characters that talked and bonded beyond the tiny snippets of interaction theyre allowed to have in mementos? Combat that let me use PERSONAS i liked instead of BUILDS that stop me from getting instakilled throughout the entirety of the endgame, and a Persona building mechanic that didnt feel like I was shooting in the dark looking for possible fusions that end up not even being useful in the endgame.
Ive mentioned it before, but I complain so much bc I have seen what a good p5 game looks like, and its Strikers almost to a T. Combat is still your typical warriors-esque style combat, but it is at least different from the turn based strategy of the main game. Characters talk to each other freely, they hang out and comfort each other in a way that feels more connected that the base game. Strikers implements the ability to see ALL possible fusions with ALL registered personas, not just the ones in your Stock, so you can fuse easily without having yo consult a guide. The story feels like it makes SENSE with antagonists that feel morally grey and sympathetic. Genuinely, alot of the complaints for p5 I had were almost immediately rectified in this game.
But please also know that the praises I sing for this game is only bc of the groundwork laid by p5 and the world it created. Thats what I like about this game, that it had such a captivating premise and cast of characters, that a DIFFERENT company was able to hit the ground running with them. P5 had alot happening in that game, but i think what it had most was potential. The effort put into this game is astronomical, and the possible connections you can outright MISS if u arent paying attention was worth the money and time to implement; even if it meant that it could be considered a waste of resources to higher ups.
Books and games and part time jobs???!! Silly little cutscenes that add nothing to the game PLOTwise, but define and flesh out the personality of your protagonist. There was alot of love put into this game, and its evident by the fact that we have NOT seen a new persona game released; they bank on existing titles bc they are unwilling to make a game like this from scratch again. They dont want to ‘waste’ resources on good voice acting and a complex, overarching story; they dont want to waste money on scenes a player may never see, on routes a player may never get to experience. Making a game that gives u even the slightest bit of freedom means more money in programming and detailing that freedom. This has been an issue for a WHILE, and its a miracle that the gaming landscape had space for a colossal title like p5!
I complain bc I want better, and I do not think that is inherently at odds with my love of this game. In b4 im told to get good; ive played on hard and tested out merciless (its NOT fun, im making godbuilds again and its boring 😞). Its not the most accessible turnbased rpg; theres no colorblind modes, and the affinity system is convoluted and overwhelming. Combo moves are hard to keep track of and it can be incredibly frustrating to see your turns being skipped or seeing characters take extreme technical damage without understanding WHY it happened. The fact that they KNEW the game was desperate for qol improvements by the time royal came out, and instead of updating the base game to have those improvements too, they just pushed the royal edition out for people to play instead. It sucks! Customers and fans deserve better than being forced to shell out money for a game they already played !
As the gaming climate gets more and more hostile and unbearable, I think it is good to look at your games critically, and understand why products come out subpar. Persona 5 is a fun game that has a nice cast and an interesting premise, but it is ultimately tied down by its refusal to build on existing building blocks regarding its combat, and it insists on having insulting and downright out of character dialogue and scenes to appease the audience its designed to be targeted to. It is easy to forget sometimes that queer ppl are infact NOT the prime target of these games, its cishet gamer bros from aged 16 to 40 who will laugh at homophobic comments, who drool over a 16 yr old girl with a 16 yr old mindset and a grown womans body, who need to be placated with constant sexual comments to deal with a convoluted story that will inevitably make zero sense until its laid out for you before the literal end of the game.
Its bad. Its good. Its so shallow and its unbelievable that they thought having the plot twist make ZERO sense until they showed CUTSCENES of YOUR character discussing Goro and his connections to the metaverse for endgame SHOCK VALUE was more important than just having your team be smart and piece it together over time. Its shit. Its literally amazing. It let you FUCK your teacher ??????????????what the FUCK. They also let me shoot a god in the face w the best looking ult persona in the world so i can ignore that shit. And ultimately that is how i got through the game. Lol.
#chattin#answered#i have mentioned it before but i did NOT romance anyone#u know why? bc i literally didnt know it existed#i maxed out ann and the game was like ‘hey. this next decision is important’#and i was like. huh. u know what. i have not looked up a guide until now. thats scary. i dont want to lose a confidant…#and learned that.#so uh. i really DID go through the game bot realizing i could date anyone. even the adults.#anyway. this was alot. and i tried to keep out alot of my other complaints#bc i have so many. but they are like. either nitpicky things or things that are issues in lots of games too#like the models suck in this game but i can look past that. graphics are always bottom on the list of complaints#and i do like the little animations!! i like akiras little tics#and i like seeing personas do their casting animations; shiki ouji and nekomata are my faves#i distinctly remember that being a thing i wished to see more of.#bc i liked thinking of what joker would look like fighting for Real#and then i remembered him being in smash so i was like COOL. ill look at those#and then i got STRIKERS and it was exactly what I wanted#i think#the game is like.#its bad. but in ways that i wouldnt call another game bad#like back 4 blood is BAD bad. its awful. the gameplay is bad. the story was shit. and the servers shut down within a year or two of launch#risk of rain 2 is bad in the way that it continuously obscures and withholds information to the player. its tedious and frustrating#but unlike b4b i LIKE ror2 and will continue to enjoy it.#bc the gameplay loop FEELS satisfying#and ultimately thats how i feel about p5#for all of its faults; its fun. it has a gameplay loop that is consistent and fun when u get the hang of it#im playing on hard again since merciless is just me making the right instakill builds while i pick up my team over and over again#and theres still a challenge in having the endgame weapons and armor#its satisfying! and i think its satisfying bc I was given the luck of having this be my introduction into the series#maybe i would have a better opinion on the game if i came from p4. or maybe not! who knows !
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thisfuckingdork · 21 days
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University has been KICKING MY ASS so its been a struggle getting motivation (or time) to do anything more than a sketch/doodle for the past week. But with all my assignments either done or 90% of the way, here's hoping that changes
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trans-xianxian · 1 month
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there she is!!!
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royalarchivist · 8 months
I really liked Ramon's idea of filling a tag with cute little things for Fit's birthday, and I was like "Hey, I got a bit of time to spare today, I can whip something up real quick. Surely I don't have THAT many clips of Fit!"
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constantvariations · 4 months
Been listening to the rwby books. After the Fall wasn't too terrible, but jesus fuck Before the Dawn is a lesson in frustration. What is Myers' beef with Sun and why was it allowed to assassinate his character?
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
There's a lot of talk about Heiji's tendency to drop everything and go to Tokyo to help—or even just to see!—Shinichi, and rightfully so. It's something Heiji unabashedly admits to (Episode 278, Magic File 5)...
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Heiji: If any other suspicious persons show up, just call me! I'll run right over!
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Ran: Hattori-kun saw that incident on the news and rushed over because he was worried about you, Conan-kun. Heiji: Grabbed the first bullet train in the mornin'!
And I still can hardly believe that Heiji's canon, actual, real-deal reaction to a request to put his life on the line and impersonate Shinichi... is an immediate "OK" composed out of heart emojis (Episode 345).
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Seriously. That happened. Heiji couldn't not help.
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Heiji (internally): I had no choice. After all, Kudo e-mailed me asking me to do this.
But in Shinichi's first appearance since being poisoned (Episode 49), after seemingly refusing to show his face to Ran or Inspector Megure or anyone else in town for who knows how long, he unabashedly claims that he dropped everything to meet Heiji. He smiles about it!
And of course it's a lie, but there's a smidgen of truth to it, too. Conan did accompany Heiji, despite feeling terribly sick and harboring zero interest in the (apparently) non-murderous case, because he was intrigued. Because he was impressed with what Heiji had uncovered about him already and was nervous about what else his so-called "rival" could reveal.
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Conan (internally): I don't wanna go, but there's no telling what this guy might say!
But even without that context, Shinichi's easy, immediate cover story gets to me. He really, truly, unhesitatingly asserts that meeting Heiji was important enough to jump right on a train to get there.
It reminds me of Shinichi's excitement when he first learns of Heiji (File 520), and his grin when he thinks of meeting Heiji for real one day (File 522):
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Shinichi: Really? Then he's just like me!
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Shinichi (internally): We'll meet each other again... on that mysterious stage...
I think I could totally buy that Shinichi actually would have done exactly what he claims in the clip. He is interested in other detectives like himself, and with the pain of the antidote wearing off in Episode 49, that smile's gotta be genuine.
Finally, while it's Not That Deep, there's maybe something to be said about how Heiji is symbolically the key to Shinichi's true self, since it's Heiji's alcohol that transforms Conan back into Shinichi. With this clip, Shinichi underlines the same idea. It's Heiji who brought him back after so long. It's because of Heiji Hattori that Shinichi Kudo makes his first appearance after vanishing.
And I love how forthright Shinichi is about it.
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seafoam-aliens · 9 months
You work on Hackbent right? How'd you guys do the overlaps on page 1653 with Actaea and Corrupt Haeton? Also the art looks amazing!!!!!!!
It's custom CSS for the comic! Just like the blue background and title header on the comic's site.
I have Coffee to thank for finding the code using this MSPFA, but it also requires knowledge of pixel dimensions to get it to work correctly. As long as you take into account the Entire Canvas dimension, you'll be good. (For example, the transparent sections in this panel are 160px each so you would have to insert that information in the actual code)
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JUST REMEMBER TO MIRROR THE TRANSPARENT EDGES ON EACH SIDE OF THE IMAGE! I haven't had the patience or time to experiment myself but usually if i don't do this step, it looks messy.
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thebleedingeffect · 2 months
Ngl I feel like this past year has been kinda rough emotions wise cause it feels like I'm going through a rough growing period and it is Fucking with me. Cause like? There's alot of ingrown beliefs that are extremely stuck in my brain because I truly did believe them for several years, but now I'm older and it's like... the world is not as cruel as you led yourself to believe. There's something about growing up in isolation and so much of the world that is filtered through solely your beliefs, and there was no one to ever challenge this line of thinking. Didn't exactly help that your own beliefs were justified even more through your own self destructive tendencies and rough upbringing,,
So it's like, I feel like I'm having to confront so much thinking that has so many threads in good old mentally ill thinking and it's been difficult as fuck trying to untangle myself from it. I think more than anything, it's just been hard having to make myself believe that the world and the people within it aren't inherently cruel and have secret mean intentions or thought processes. All of the people around me are people as well, and I have to begin believing that the world doesn't wish to isolate or hurt me. All of the catastrophizing and trying to understand the reasoning for everything around me so that I can expect it is just hurting me I'm afraid... and it sucks cause I know it's exactly how I've operated at a much more lowkey scale for years and years. It's just extremely difficult right now because I'm wanting to change, I don't want to think like that anymore, I don't wanna make overarching, extreme assumptions because I'm just scared of being hurt and being abandoned. I wanna change because I don't like feeling this way and I want to believe without a doubt that people care and are people as well, with all of the mistakes, flaws, and beauty that comes along with them.
I know why I think this way because it's been like this for YEARS and I'm being forced to confront the consequences of that sort of thinking and it's... really tough. But, I want to do it anyway because I want to feel happy and feel like I have a place in the world and in the lives of the people around me. I don't want to be constantly worrying and tearing apart every little thing because my brain has been trained to look for the tiniest evidence of something, anything, that could hurt me. It's hard, but I'm doing it anyway, and I truly do hope that it's just an extremely difficult emotional transitional period that I'll get the better of soon :] it's just exhausting work feeling like this, but the sooner I stop worrying about the fear of abandonment and accept that I must accept the kindness of others and not assume the worst of intentions... I think I'll be alot happier, I'll just have to work on it one day at a time.
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gubbles-owo · 5 months
so I've been going through each of the N64 games in the list I made earlier today, and writing some initial bullet points for each to help jog my memory. largely broad strokes, maybe a couple hundred words at most for any one game and then there's jet force gemini
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i have a lot of words about jet force gemini. most of them are not kind words. (tho i am trying to be fair lol)
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youngpettyqueen · 10 months
I cannot believe I seriously watched all of DS9 in exactly a month. I checked, I literally started it on November 2nd
for some context as to why this is surprising. TNG took me 10 fucking years to actually sit and watch all the way through
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