#this is one thing i would refer to as quenching the Spirit.
greater-than-the-sword · 10 months
There is godly sorrow that leads to repentance. Make sure that in your effort to encourage others and build them up you don't "validate" them so much that you actually invalidate godly sorrow over doing sin, or call the conviction of the Holy Spirit some kind of cultural oppression or mental illness. Its good to feel bad about being a sinner and doing things that are bad as long as that turns you to God and repentance. This sorrow is only ever meant to be temporary by the way, as it is replaced with joy when we find forgiveness in Christ, so I am not saying Christians should be depressed and self-loathing, but when someone from the world comes to you and says, "I feel bad about my sin," the correct thing to say is to tell them how to be forgiven, not to tell them they're fine.
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buggie-hagen · 9 months
Sermon for Third Sunday of Advent (12/17/23)
Primary Text | 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
          In Paul’s First Letter to the Thessalonians, we get noticeably short verses like “Rejoice always” “Pray without ceasing” “Give thanks in all circumstances.” Much could be said about such things. But this year we will focus on vss. 19-20: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets.” God the Spirit, whom we call life-giver and Lord, is a person distinct from God the Father and God the Son. Though, of course, we believe they are yet just one God. Hence, the Trinity. (pause) If we did not have the Holy Spirit on our side, we would know nothing of Jesus Christ or God the Father. Therefore, without the Holy Spirit we would know nothing of Christmas or Easter or anything at all of God’s good and gracious heart. It is Jesus Christ who makes God’s good and gracious heart known to us. Therefore, it also matters if the Jesus we know is the actual Jesus or a counterfeit Jesus. But we would know nothing of this if the Holy Spirit did not shine the light of Christ into our heart.
So we must know what precisely the work of the Holy Spirit is. How does he do his work? And what does Paul mean when he warns us not to “quench” the Holy Spirit and why does he warn “Not to despise the words of prophets” as he does in 1 Thessalonians. The Spirit’s work is to make Christ known. Pay attention here because a lot of people misunderstand the Holy Spirit. He’s not a warm fuzzy feeling. Nor does his work commence once we do something to prepare for him. For example, he does not come about when we cross our legs looking inward to see if there’s something in there. Nor does waiting in silence with a clear mind get him to act. No, the Holy Spirit is given through the word. And when I say the word, yes we can talk about the written word as we have it in the Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures, in both Old and New Testaments, are the authority and norm for all Christian faith and life. Lest we think we can be a lone wolf Christian, privileged above what is written is the oral word. “Faith comes by hearing” is the principle active here. Meaning, the word spoken into our ears by somebody else. The word is an external thing. It is called a word because it is a preached thing. God the Holy Spirit is always pointing us away from ourselves and what we think and to the word that comes from beyond ourselves. This word is not a thought or a feeling, he is a person. Jesus Christ, the Lord. (pause) The word can be compared to a bonfire. You got the wood stacked together, the fuel to get it burning, and the flame to get it going. With it we enter into the joy of our Father. We feel its warmth because the Spirit has carried us out of the cold and to the bonfire of the word. When St. Paul warns us against quenching the Spirit or despising the words of prophets he means don’t take a big ol’ pale of water and douse out the bonfire so that it no longer can give its warmth by which we may have life. To quench the Spirit or to despise the prophets means to take a pale of water to the fire of the word. This refers to Third Commandment issues, like not to listen to sermons, not to regularly receive the Lord’s Supper, not to be baptized in the Triune name, not to hear the absolution—especially when otherwise one could. The Advent of  Christ in the preached word and sacraments are the logs the Holy Spirit uses to create and to strengthen our faith. The Spirit is quenched when we disregard his ways and when we demote the status of his instruments, the oral word and sacraments, making them something other than a divine institution.
The Large Catechism gives us several tips on this matter. In the section on the Creed it says, “Neither you nor I could ever know anything about Christ, or believe in him and receive him as Lord, unless these were offered to us and bestowed on our hearts through the preaching of the gospel by the Holy Spirit.” So notice, it is the Spirit who is the one doing the preaching. Not Logan. Not Jon. Not Beatrice, not Jack and Jill—even though you see that we are the ones flapping our lips. It continues, “The work is finished and completed; Christ has acquired and won the treasure for us by his sufferings, death, and resurrection. But if the work remained hidden so that no one knew of it, it would have been all in vain, all lost.” So yes, Christ has done it all, But it would do no good if we didn’t know something about Christ. So the catechism continues, “In order that this treasure might not remain buried but be put to use and enjoyed, God has caused the Word to be published and proclaimed, in which he had given the Holy Spirit to offer and apply to us this treasure, this redemption.” I like how it says God has caused the Word to be published and proclaimed. Notice the word is not a matter of one’s own private take or personal interpretation. Instead it is God going public and publishing the word himself. Again, you see, how necessary the word is and how the Holy Spirit is the one to apply the treasure to us—through the word the Spirit gives forgiveness to you, through the word the Spirit gives life to you, and redemption unto you. And finally, the Large Catechism says, “Therefore being made holy is nothing else than bringing us to the Lord Christ to receive this blessing, to which we could not have come by ourselves” (LC 2:38). And this is the key. We do not come to these treasures and blessings by ourselves. The Holy Spirit must come to us by the oral word and make known these treasures and blessings to us. And then they will do us some good. And then, the warmth of the fire cures us of our cold hands and toes. If someone did not carry you to where the bonfire was we would never see it or know its warmth. But as it is, you and I have been brought to the bonfire—where God’s warmth heals us from the sin that made our bodies dead cold—making you truly alive like never before.
In St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he gives a final blessing. He says, “May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” And hear this: “The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do this” (1 Thess. 5:23-24). There we move from the law to gospel. The gospel is that God has called you to himself by the word. He has proclaimed and published this. Your sins are forgiven. That is a promise. By God’s very nature he cannot lie. Therefore we know that God is faithful to this word and to what he has spoken to you by somebody else. This promise remains for you all your life. The Spirit has made you and will keep you holy and you will therefore be blameless at the Advent, the Arrival of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not by your own effort, not by your own strength, but because God himself has done it all.
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yokefellows · 2 years
Ditching New Year’s Resolutions as You Know
Today’s Saying
Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. -Gary Zukav
Today’s Scripture
“Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” - Revelation 2:4-5KJV
Today’s Sermonette
The days between Christmas and New Year’s we spend evaluating the previous year and planning all the ways we would improve in the following year.
We craft a detailed list with goals, timelines, and rewards if we hit the target. Rarely do we just focus on one resolution. Instead, we filled every line on the paper with a new achievement.
And every year around the first of February, exhausted, overwhelmed, and irritated, we throw our resolution in the trash and immediately penned another, this time, a more obtainable list–except it was just as ridiculous to maintain as the first one.
Setting goals and working towards improving oneself isn’t a bad thing. But, we mustn’t let our identity be rooted in physical but the spiritual.
Our text shows the report card of the Church of Ephesus. Jesus lauded them with what they were doing in physically. However, he says; Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
I don’t know you but I know the Bible refers to you as a Temple of God and also admonishes believers in Romans 13:8; Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
So have you examined yourself if you still have the Holy Spirit, if you have not quenched it - pictured in our text for today as the seven candle sticks. Which Jesus warns them of removing them.
2 Corinthians 13:5, Says;
Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
If you examine yourself may be Jesus is cautioning you like the Church of Ephesus, that you have lost your first love. Recall when you fell in love, you were overwhelmed with the person so much so that every minute of the day you were thinking about them. You were consumed by them.
Exactly, what Christ is calling the attention of the Ephesus Church and in this case you and I to Remember, Repent and Repeat. Remember where we fallen short, repent of our shortcomings and repeat our first love - loving Him as when we first became Christians.
This year I want you to take the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 and retrospectively examine how you fared with each ray of love. Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love: joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
Repent for each ray of love your shortcomings then resolve to repeat it as is exemplified in the Bible by Jesus.
Both Galatians 5:22-23 and Romans 13:8 ends with …against such there is no law and …for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? 1John4:20
So this year remember love is the goal, loving one another is the goal. Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
Today’s Supplication
Father, I pray that you will give me a steadfast spirit that aches to choose to live for you faithfully, may I live in a way that is holy and pleasing to you and
Father, help me to be strong in you and rest in your mighty power. Amen
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ruiniel · 2 years
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x fem!Reader
Count: 3.7K
Rating: M
This is a chapter from my first Castlevania series fanfiction 'Prickly thorns, tender roses' l, a post-season III Alucard x F!OC AU. For practice I've converted it to x reader. If anyone's interested in the longer backstory/what happens next, the full fic is here. Falls under angst with a happy ending (just not this part). There's some references to previous events which I hope aren't too confusing.
Tags/Warnings: oneshot, downer ending, alcohol consumption, heavy angst, alternating POV, Post-Castlevania Season 3, References to blood-drinking, Blood-drinking aftermath, Bloodlust, Guilt, AU interpretation of dhampir abilities, slight OOC behavior, Paranoia, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Mental anguish.
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He reached inside the stove and retrieved the cooked dish, deeming it ready. He placed it onto the wide stovetop, eyeing it critically. Hare would do, but it had been a while since he prepared anything for one other than himself. And even then, Alucard had put much less care into it all. It would have been the same now, but you looked weak and needed something other than brambles and nuts.
He felt your weakness through the beating of your heart, the sluggish trudging of your blood. Even now, chambers away, if he gave in to it, Alucard could sense where you were by those regular life-giving tremors alone. 
He sighed at the irksome thought. If he were being honest, guilt played a hefty part in all of this as well, for your precarious state was owed to his actions. It was hard enough now to smother all thoughts of you as it was. He had not told you everything, could not. He told you drinking your essence would change him, and it had. But then there was the aftermath, the lingering need for more, and Alucard thanked his human side for aiding with the niggling bloodlust that followed.
His jaw hurt and his throat dried when thinking of your pulse striking against him, on and on, raw and bursting as he had stalked back to the castle through the night with you in his arms. He'd been afraid of his very self, of what he could so easily become — more beast than man. Struggling to keep those recurring and frightfully tempting bouts of rage in check Alucard had grasped at your own sense of relief, almost palpable by the way it blanketed you both, craving a shred of stability, as if your humanity could quench the cursed fever engulfing him. He'd clutched you tighter despite himself for the semblance of sanity you offered, and you seemed to become smaller against him. Though you were also dazed from the blood sharing and your bleeding wrist, you clung to him like he was some savior. Like he was yours.
The mere thought was a travesty, like a cruel unfinished jest played by a careless trickster god. The logical part of him knew there had been little choice. But now here he was, still thinking of you days after the fact, still hearing every whisper of your ruby lifestream, attempting to shield himself from the scent of your apprehension and confusion, your fascination, your desire.
Who could desire someone like him? Who would want him around once they knew his shame, the pathetic attempts at closeness that ended in abandonment at best, treachery and death at worst?
Patricide, hunted, cursed. He had done nothing with his life other than react to what others have done, trying to right wrongs, becoming the one to strike the blow.
It was partly the reason Alucard had given you the manuscript. The sooner you had what you needed and left, the better. He would find another way to restore the engine room, he did not need you for it. He did not need you at all. 
His heart denounced the lie.
Though the thought of you stepping out of his life now did strange things to his mind and placed a shroud of loss over his spirit, Alucard attributed it to the yet active connection you shared. He nearly laughed at the irony of it... one unwilling, the other unaware. When he had helped with your wrist after, he barely kept himself from pinning you down, piercing your neck and having more. The knowledge that you would probably let him made it harder to ignore, though his control never slipped so far. He had felt nothing like it before, the memory of his strength and heightened state while spiked on your blood still so fresh, so tempting. He had no need of blood in the genuine sense for the duality of his nature, but his father had warned him of its intoxicating and addictive effects. And oh, that did not even begin to describe it.
Alucard ran a hand over his face in exasperation. It was better now, easier to cope with. He no longer felt the pull of you, but something else shook him out of his usually resigned and morose state of mind. The way you looked at him. The way neither of you could ever say what lurked beyond your minds, and what he'd discovered dwelling within you. It was better this way; you had another purpose here.
He had nothing else to offer you.
A rustling sound of material cut his thoughts, and his face shuttered when you entered the kitchen. One of your wrists was still bandaged, and you wore a flowing dark dress with long sleeves that flared at the hips. He did not remember this one. There was that quirk of your eyebrow which, Alucard had come to know, heralded a biting remark or another.
"I never took you for a cook," you chimed as you eyed the cast iron dish.
Alucard huffed, placing the cooked hare onto the table. "Need is the greatest of tutors, but I think you know this." You smiled, and he bit the inside of his cheek. "But you forget there was a human living here."
"Of course..." You sat down at a motion of his hand, "Your mother. That is endearing, Adrian — that she taught you, that is!" you said, and there was honesty in your voice.
"I did enjoy indulging in it at times," Alucard caught himself saying as he went to the counter and returned, placing a bottle on the table which caught your attention.
"So you no longer do?" you asked.
Alucard made a sound that might have been a hum. Your prying questions on such irrelevant aspects of himself were always amusing. "You tell me, after dinner." Was he actually engaging in small talk? 
"What is this?" you jerked your chin at the bottle.
He uncorked the bottle and took two tall glasses from a cupboard, glancing at you briefly.
You had rarely seen glass items before, having not been in any noble houses to speak of. "No, I..." you lifted a hand when Alucard poured the second glass, "...I am not accustomed to it."
Alucard looked aghast. "Try things before you denounce them, will you?" he handed you the wine.
You narrowed your eyes but took the proffered item, your attention on the swirling of the scarlet liquid. You took a wary sip; it was rich and somewhat dry to the taste, with a fruity aroma. "It is good."
His smile was haughty, but you did not take the bait.
"No retort? Is there something the matter with you?" Alucard prodded with the barest hint of teasing. 
You took a piece of game. "I am simply too happy and grateful to regale you with my stings," your eyes bore into his, "Does my cheer bother you?"
He snorted and shook his head, valiantly ignoring the rushing flow from your center, hastening through your veins. It was much more potent. Perhaps giving you red wine had not been the best endeavor.
The rest of the meal passed in companionable silence, interrupted by bouts of chatter here or there. Mundane nothings, moments he would certainly not miss when you left, for their peculiar effect that shattered his guard and left him wanting, though he had not the faintest idea what it was. When you were done Alucard stood, giving you a brief questioning glance before he took the plates away. 
You had come to quite like the soft torpor from the wine. "I will admit. That was one of the best meals I've ever had," you lounged back in the chair, pointing a slight finger at him. "Don't let it get to your head." Your smile was careless, your reserved facade turned lighter; bolder.
Alucard had taken his seat back at the table opposite you and lightly leaned over with his forearms onto the dark surface. There was a thickness in his throat as he sensed your body leaning into the table, towards him. "Forgive me, but much already has." He was smiling, his stance more carefree than before; he rested his face in his palm, watching you without the trace of a glare.
You slowly leaned back against your chair, staring at him with a raised eyebrow and an uncertain smile. "You can come back from it, if you want to."
He grinned. "Yes, they are called night creatures."
"Don't be crude."
"Listen, scholar," Alucard rose from the table.
"Whenever you say that, you turn glum and sometimes insulting," you sang.
He shrugged, heading over to the washing counter. "I thought your order valued different perspectives. I envy your resolve, I do. But it is not how I feel."
His words had been soft but stressed with belief, and again a heavy weariness, that you pushed no more.
Alucard turned from you to busy himself at the counter.
Sighing, you rose from the chair. "Do you need any help there?"
The sun had yet to set when you retreated to the usual place where your evenings ended: the study. You had wanted to join him, and Alucard did nothing to deter you. You told him how brilliant the gifted tome was, how you had already delved into its knowledge, how it would be a significant step forward; how beholden you were for it.
Some time and two bottles of wine later, you were sprawled on your side onto the divan, your chin resting in your palm as you listened to him speak. You had asked of his family, and in a rare show of openness, he'd told you of his brief childhood, of the meaningful moments he remembered. You spoke of Styria and its workings, the hardships its people faced, of your own rather sheltered life as an apprentice.
Presently he was regarding the portrait of his mother that he'd retrieved and now held in his hands. "My father tried, but I owe her most of what I am," Alucard said, and it was liberating to speak of her to someone. Ever since she died, he'd not spoken of it, truly spoken of it, to anyone but his father. And he was no longer here. "I was raised to believe I represented both kindreds, and to strive in becoming the best of either," his smile faded.
"The way you speak... is it your belief that you failed?" you wondered, saddened by his change of mood. He did not deserve this misery, the loneliness, any of it. He deserved...
He turned his head, propped against the backrest of his armchair. There was a glimmer in his eyes which you attributed to the wine. You did feel strange, your arms become slack, your head spinning slightly; you were pleasantly numb all over.
"I do not know. I used to think I knew what I wanted. Not so now." Alucard stared at you and suddenly looked uneasy, lost, the cool determination fading before a despondency so deep it crept upon your heart.
Maybe it was the drink, but you hurt for him. You nodded once, looking in your lap where you fingered the soft weave of a light blanket you'd pulled over your feet. You looked back at him. "We've only known each other for a little while, but..." you licked your lips, uneasy beneath his questioning stare. "But I think, there is no need to strive, not for you. You've been through so much, but never forgot mercy. You saved my life," you shook your head, "more than once, and showed me kindness I've rarely seen from my own people."
Alucard looked down at his hands, and when his gaze met yours again, it raked over you in a way that riled, bringing forth the same need as before.
You wanted him close, wanted something of him and he would not look away, not even when you rose unsteadily from the divan, slowly stepping towards him. You felt trapped, in a trance, guided by his stare.
Emboldened and rather dazed, you neared him even as the light in his eyes changed from questioning to cold.
But he deserved...
For the first time since his feeding of you, you wanted more. For the first time, you felt a calling, vague and smothered, but you knew it was him.
Alucard watched you, warily, doing nothing when you leaned in, closer.
Your eyes were on his ageless face, trailing to his mouth — that sweet, dangerous mouth you both feared and craved to feel. But there came the vehement opposition of a wall, built of seeping resent and barely contained fury, and only late did you sense it was coming from him. His hands now shook imperceptibly and his fingers jerked, clasping the sides of his seat, his eyes lit with near bestial ferocity. He was frightening; he was beautiful.
Alucard swallowed. Yes, wine had been a terrible idea. What were you doing?
You felt no fear, but knew this was uncharted territory. You saw it in the way he watched you, heard it in that wordless calling surging through you.
"Adrian..." you reached and ran a hand through his hair, saw his eyes closing. There brimmed the need to show him there was more to life than pain, more to humanity than the ghosts of his past; you wanted to prove it to him. You allowed all the honesty you felt to surface into your words. "I know what I want," you told him, your voice gaining a throaty quality.
Gradually his eyes softened under your stare, the death grip on his seat relinquished. "And what is that?" came the barely audible question.
"More of... more of you," you said even as he went rigid, "...and I want to know what it feels like... to..." you reached for one of his wrists, running the sleeve of his shirt up to touch the scarred skin. When you leaned in, his eyes narrowed, and for the first time you saw a trace of fear in them.
His warning came faint, his voice strangled, laced with so much burdened craving it failed to discourage you. And he knew it — he also felt drunk on the scent of your blood, and as free as he was of the compulsion to drink you dry, it called to him incessantly, ever since you’d foolishly offered it to him. The torturous pumping of violent red through your chest, into your womb, pulsing lower—
His eyes widened when your lips ghosted the corner of his mouth; the portrait slid from his lap, falling to the floor.
Alucard gripped the edge of his seat, and in hateful submission his other arm came strongly around your waist, forcing you rather clumsily down to him.
He grasped your hair and buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing you in for a long moment. "Why..." he asked, the word muffled into you. A strange question, even to him. In a sudden move, he sought your mouth and pressed his lips to yours.
Everything stilled. Your breath tickled, warm and sweet. The tip of his tongue grazed your lips, and he tensed when you whimpered against his mouth. He took the lead, fingers trembling in your hair as he languidly sucked on your lower lip, lingering on the feel of it; feeding on your hunger. You tasted of hot wine and berries.
This is wrong, it is wrong, his sanity fumed, but the truth was he had missed this... this ache, the warmth of another. It filled the void, and you felt so good against him... he was close to drowning. With a strangled groan he forced you into him, and deepened the kiss.
The wood splintered where his long fingers clutched the armrest, but he could not help it. Something would break, and it was either this, or you. And the most disconcerting was how weak this was making him. It was a dangerous sort of power, and one that nearly cost him his life once.
But your scent...
"Adrian, please," you cooed, a hand trailing down his neck, gingerly following the line of his ragged, winding scar. Your fingers reached lower on burning skin, your palm splayed over warm, hardened muscle. His quickened heartbeat thundered under your touch as you nipped at his lips, smiling when he broke away to lead a burning trail from your mouth to your cheek, along your jaw, losing more of himself with every moment. The moan you had been striving to keep at bay rose in your chest, up your throat, smothered by his kiss; he sucked on your lower lip with a velvet release before pressing his cheek to yours. It was a feat to regain his shallow breathing.
You could feel something hardening against your hip as you lay draped over him on your side, and without thought pressed yourself into it. You heard a harsh intake of breath, his fingers tightening around the nape of your neck.
Alucard let his head fall back and held your lower body down, kneading you against him in possessive, repetitive friction; his hand dug into your hip. "You…" he whispered mindlessly, mirroring the pulsing rhythm of your blood in his movements. "Are you certain?..." 
You only nodded, swaying with his lead. It had been so long since he melted into someone else, and shared—
Ruthless, the memory of a similar event where dream turned nightmare resurfaced, turning pleasure to ash, and his mind began to seethe. This felt so sadly, awfully, familiar. But you would not... there had always been a type of honesty about you which Alucard tried his best to rebuke, and there was honesty in the way you touched and tasted—
… but it had been the same with them. He had sensed their lust well enough. And it had not deterred them from their plan of ending him, not in the least. He had been no less blind to their game, and what was there to keep history from repeating itself?
Even bearing these thoughts he still responded, crushing you to him to the point of painfulness, kissing you deeper. For one split shard of time he allowed himself the freedom to bask in the visions of your blood and need; of you lying on your back, your hands around your head; bared skin seeking him—
And from beyond silent hedges of thought the past burst to the surface, carrying all the brunt of scalding pain and irrational fear, burning away all hopes and desires.
Who could desire someone like you?
You were utterly lost in the haze of his taste when with a hiss Alucard sharply pulled your head away, severing your breathless kiss, forcing you to meet his eyes.
"Is this your game, then?" he tilted his head to the side, his expression morphing into one of calculating feline curiosity. Your pulse stumbled so fast, fuel to his desperation. "Well? Will you tell me I am lonely?" he asked, gazing at your astonished face, your lips swollen and wet, parted in surprise at the vicious interruption.
"What do you mean—" you gasped.
"Will you tell me it was time for my reward? What did you reckon? Well, pretty little fool, I am not so removed from your ways as you think. But I never expected you to attempt the same scheme," he followed, and his voice was ice. "How... disappointing."
"Adrian," you swallowed, "what is it you speak of?"
"You humans never do think too far ahead," he spoke, still breathless because of you, and all the angrier for it. "You think you know me so well, do you? You think you understand what my existence entails after what I've done?" he tilted his head to the other side. "Maybe I should turn you..." his gaze raked over you with contempt.
"No—," you croaked desperately, wondering where Adrian had gone. This was not him. "Please, I—"
"Why not? Don't you want to know what it feels like?" Alucard threw, his hand still harshly grasping your hair back so your slender neck was exposed. He watched you with a cruel smile, his darkened eyes following the rise and fall of your yet peaked breasts through your dress, the life thrum of your neck, the lips he had tasted.
"There is no scheme!" you cried. "How can you say these things!?" you tried, deeply unsettled by the hateful manner of his words. "Think! Would I attempt to retrieve you from peril if I wanted you gone, if I wanted to hurt you?"
He huffed, a cold, manic light brimming in his eyes like icy daggers to strike. "You did not have what you needed yet." His fingers tightened in your hair. "You did not know where to find it, but I'm sure you knew it had to be here."
You could barely believe your ears. Where had his usually unfeeling and pragmatic logic gone? "Damn this to hell I feel for you, I only wanted to show you that I do. Adrian—"
You gasped when you fell into the armchair holding nothing. Your gaze shot upward to see him on his feet.
"Get out," he demanded lowly, turning his back on you.
"Will you at least tell me what I've done? Please, forgive me." You rose to stand, one hand reaching for him. "Believe me, I would never harm you—"
You froze when he lashed at you, his vampiric side rushing to the fore, flaring menacingly.
"Get.OUT! " his harsh command echoed off the walls as Alucard rounded on you, eyes blazing red.
Shaking and truly frightened, you took one step back, then another. Your lower lip quivered; his touch still burned into your skin.
But then his stance mellowed, as though he were suddenly very fatigued, propping his hand against the fireside for support. His shoulders rose and fell with each heavy breath. He was looking anywhere but at you. "I want you out of my home before the night is over," he ordered, making you flinch.
"And where would I go?" you asked with a newfound, raking sort of hurt pride, a wayward look of disbelief in your eyes.
"That is your concern, not mine," Alucard retorted tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Adrian—" you tried again, only to be cut off by a scalding look.
"You will regret ever setting foot here otherwise," he snapped at you, his words chopped and shaking.
Trembling like a leaf, you bit down the crippling misery that piled up your throat. "I already do," you spewed before turning on your heel and dashing out of his sight, sparing no glance back.
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Told you, downer ending.
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lunaria--annua · 3 years
Mortality.... When compared to Magic, Light, and Dark, I'm left inquisitive. I know they do not have a design yet. Is there anything we might be able to know about them? Personality or capabilities. Anything of the like. A small morsel of information for the curious soul?
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I shall try my best so quench some of your curiousity, as good as I can with the limited things I have prepared.
Personality right now is one of the things I struggle with the most...
The opposite of Ekito, so charming but cruel underneath (but not as vile as The Light).
That's pretty surface level as you can see, but I will slowly try to define it more and more.
But I do have some set information I think you'll find particularly interesting. There is Mortality, but also the current individual, Sanguis. (which is just latin for blood, probably quite cliche but oh well)
Despite being a deity, they/she is the most mortal being in this universe. So much so she ends up referring to the people/other creatures as ''the immortals''.
People and creatures have souls, after death they continue their journey without memory lost. (how exactly afterlife works I am very undecided about yet- but ghosts and spirits visiting the mortal plane again and again is a thing. Though only under specific circumstances)
You can kill mortality (through magical means only) ... But not quite.
Mortality stays forever, Sanguis, the individual does not.
Mortality, with it's abilities and how it looks in it's true form. As well as certain inborn knowledge, 2 divine truths.
1. What they are
2. Awareness of God, the omnipresent force (me)
You fight it, you only kill the individual. The individual will never come back, and the new person reborn will not remember the previous life.
I plan on making her the true Antagonist, villain, in search of the protagonist, of whatever tale I am creating here...
Her ultimate goal is to kill God, be free of the strings.
No more God, only true and absolute freedom from the world, perhaps even become some higher form of existence?
How would one achieve that?
The current individual's approach is to try luring me out by making a ruckus, trying to snap the strings, trying to pull these herself.
She travels, looking for people who seem interesting and ambitious enough to shake the world.
Tactically killing or pushing people to cause chaos, even unleash Light in order to escalate it to such.
The concept is eternal, the individual is not.
Using people as assets to try kill the God, hoping to get total freedom.
Selfish, ultimately sounds good, but the methods...
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kyogre-blue · 4 years
Tianqiu and Nantianmen
I think everyone probably already noticed this, but there's a fairly obvious thread being laid down about a future boss/event in the Nantianmen area.
tl;dr since this got long:
There is a dragon sealed in the tree in Nantianmen.
It is connected to geovishaps and possibly Azhdaha in Tiangqiu Valley. There may be two separate but connected beings involved.
It(/they) will awaken soon. (Future event!!)
Now, for the details below!
Let's start with the tree:
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At the foot of this Moonlit Tree is a stone tablet:
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And also a creepy little girl named Jiu:
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The games very sure you are aware of her via the quest "The Secret of Nantianmen" which consists of purely going to this tree, talking to her, and fighting two geovishap hatchlings.
Her dialogue (with some minor lines removed):
"The awakening is coming... and with it, the storm..."
Jiu: You're a little early... Are you here to witness the resurrection of the most ancient, most awe-inspiring individual in Liyue's history?
[about Rex Lapis] Jiu: Hah... That usurper?
Jiu: Humans... They care only about history since the dawn of the age of mankind...
Jiu: Are people really happy to just draw a line under the litany of atrocities humanity's ancestors are responsible for, call it "ye olde worlde," and just get on with their merry little lives?
Jiu: Well, I hope that anyone who willfully indulges in this fantasy world of false prosperity will be consumed by it, and thus get what they deserve.
Jiu: The adepti thought to suppress it with trees. Hah! Fools! Little did they know that after thousands of years... the trees that hold the beast shall surely become one with the beast...
Jiu: And lo, it shall stretch wide its arms, and unfurl its body, and reach out with its roots... And the ley lines of the world shall heed its call.
Jiu: Then, once the beast has quenched its great thirst for that energy which only the ley lines can provide...
Jiu: I imagine any significance we presume to have in this world will vanish for good. Wouldn't you agree?
(Worth noting: Jiu refers to a "He" in a reverent manner during The Secret of Nantianmen, but talks about "it" "the beast" instead dring her normal dialogue. These may be separate things.)
Whatever is sealed in Nantianmen is also mentioned in the description of The Unforged, a claymore that ran along side Vortex Vanquisher. (The theme presumably being "past enemies of Rex Lapis that he only sealed instead of killing properly.")
A long time ago, a dragon there was to be found in Liyue. But it was not a dragon that soared through the skies, but one whose abode was the mountains. Indeed, this ancient dragon of stone was as large as the very mountains it called home.
The legends say that it slumbered in Nantianmen, seeming not at all unlike the surrounding hills.
Then, Rex Lapis came before the dragon, seeking to stop the earth's quailing. They say that for a long while, the land knew peace, and that Rex Lapis gained another comrade by his side.
But in the end, the union of dragons, gods and men was perhaps not to be... The dragon was sealed in the bowels of the earth, and fearing the burning ire of the gods and the adepti, that great vishap, that had once caused rock and stone to tremble, fled into the roots of the mountains.
But over the passage of millennia, the dragon would stir once again...
The legends hold that those who triumphed over the dragon stabbed this sword into the giant tree that subdued the ancient dragon. As one of the seals, monsters and malevolent mortals would be unable to touch it. Indeed, if the legends are true, only those with hearts as pure as clear mirrors could even come near it. Yet, if those legends are true, how did this sword come to be lost?
Nantianmen, check. Sealed in a tree, check.
You can see, this is all connected to geovishaps in some way, and their lore ALSO talks about then returning after a long time. Two hatchlings spawn when talking to Jiu causes an earthquake, The Unforged talks about "that great vishap," the Primo Geovishap's boss area is right near Nantianmen...
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Here is the Primo Geovishap description:
After many years, the awesomely powerful Ancient Geovishaps grow accustomed to changes in their elemental environment.
Folktales hold that after the great draconic calamity that led to the ruination of Tianqiu Valley, the overlord of the Geovishaps and Primo Geovishaps was imprisoned deep beneath the earth, and so too did they burrow into deep and unseen places, awaiting their chance to rise once more...
(Note again that the vague language here and in The Unforged makes it entirely possible that the "draconic calamity"/"the dragon" sealed in the tree and the "overlord of the vishaps" are two separate beings.)
But here we get to the next point: Tianqiu Valley. And with Tianqiu Valley, there is an important name: Azhdaha.
One of the associated wiki pages suggests that the dragon in Nantianmen might be the Chi. But I don't think that's likely, given how far away Qingce is and that we do find what is probably the Chi's heart in a cave near the village there. Far more likely is Azhdaha.
Now, Azhdaha is mentioned in two pieces of lore. One is a tablet in Tianqiu Valley, during the "Trails in Tianqiu" quest.
Ancient Tablet: "At Tianqiu Valley the adepti's ancient trail grows cold, I fall down and weep at the ruins I see. Though defeated is mighty Azhdaha of old, there's no restoring this past land of beauty."
(The trail "grows cold" in Tianqiu, so it might have started elsewhere, like Nantianment.)
Something in the valley is very much lingering, based on the notes of the treasure hoarders who tried to solve the puzzles first:
Scratched-Out Treasure Hoarder Notes: "I'm to the point where I'm trying to crack this puzzle in my dreams, or maybe nightmares is more accurate... I saw an old man squatting beside me with a wide grin, urging me to hurry up and solve the puzzle."
Scratched-Out Treasure Hoarder Notes: "Hmm, no... was it an old man or a young girl? ...Ugh, I can't remember."
Old Treasure Hoarder Notes: "And all of the guys who've been in start acting strange once they get out. They insist that the monsters followed them out, but I don't see any monsters."
There is more details about Azhdaha in regard to the "Nameless Treasure" items:
Linlang: I just had a look at this one. These markings are definitely those of Liyue, and you can see inscribed here an anecdote about Azhdaha.
Linlang: They say that Azhdaha was a dragon spawned by a convergence of the spirits of Geo in Liyue, and that even Rex Lapis could not easily subdue it.
Linlang: Rex Lapis thus summoned three adepti to his aid, and together they created a cavernous realm.
Linlang: Rex Lapis then battled the creature, luring it into the cavern, before ordering the adepti to seal the entrance, trapping Azhdaha within.
Linlang: The patterns on the thing you brought seem to describe the three adepti joining hands to create the cavern.
And when you get all three treasures:
Linlang: You... actually managed to put them together? Please, let me see... Indeed, these three patterns, when put together, do tell the story of Azhdaha.
Linlang: This crane must be the adeptus Mountain Shaper, and this deer might be Moon Carver. But this last one...
Linlang: Eh? It seems like this pattern has been... intentionally ground away by someone, to the point where I can't make it out. Who was this third adeptus?
Yes, who was the third adeptus??
Obviously, there is a discrepancy here, saying Azhdaha was sealed in a "cavernous realm," but it's all vague enough that the mechanics can be explained away with more detail. Also, I do feel like there might be two connected beings, once in the tree, one deep underground.
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A tiny bit late, but FELIZ DIA DE MUERTOS!
"But day of the dead passed already"
"Los mexicanos celebramos cuando se nos da la ch*ngada gana"
Yeah, I started this project waaay back on the last days of September and still I don't think is dully finished, as I wanted to incorporate all elements a real altar would have (except for the pictures of a real person) The flowers of Cempasúchil are insane to make in this scale and I'm also missing on some other stuff, like the arch. But compared with the one of last year, man, this one is much more complete. I added more details to the catrin couple too although some are tiny. But I know... I know...
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First of all, there is no “right” way to make an Altar, as long as you do it with respect and love. Some places make it very “full” and busy, while others make it more “sober” and solemn. 
There are, however, some things that are traditional to add, and all have their meaning.
I of course, didn’t felt comfortable using a real person in a doll sized altar, which is why I added the Catrina picture.
The elements and why they are there:
Usually, altars are usually 1, 3 or 7 levels.
The one levels are usually the table where the offerings are put, and don’t represent anything in particular, just the altar itself.
The 3 level ones, depending on who is placing them, can represent the journey from the Underworld, Earth and Heaven that the spirit must carry, or the Holy Trinity.
The 7 Levels ones represent either the seven steps needed to reach heaven OR the seven levels of Mictlan that the spirit must journey to reach earth
(Note that the ground is a level itself when there is more than one level)
White Tablecloth
Most altars have a simple white table cloth, often one that has been passed through generations, covering the different levels.
It is used to refer to the things that are placed on the altar for the spirits. Sometimes the altar itself is referred to as an “ofrenda.”
The normal offerings are food that the honored person enjoyed, or barring that, traditional mexican food. 
Drinks, specially alocholic drinks are also commonplace, specially mezcal, even if the honored didn’t even drink.
Two very important thing that must not be missing of an altar are water, usually in a cup, a pitcher or a traditional jar. The travel from the underworld was long, and the spirit is tired, so he need water to quench their thirst. It also represents the element of water(... yes). The water also is used to fresehn up after the journey, so usually there’s a glass and a pitcher with a washbowl. A mirror is added to help the dead check their appearance after washing and freshening up.
And the other is Pan de Muerto, representative of the earth, is a traditional sweet bread baked especially for Día de los Muertos decorated bones and skulls made of dough. (Apropos of nothing, but it tastes very similar to our Rosca de Reyes :p )
Is a flower used in Day of the Dead altars and to decorate graves. It grows plentifully at this time of year in Mexico and its pungent odor is said to attract the spirits who come to visit their mortal loved ones on this day. This flower, used since ancient times for its medicinal properties, brings a unique color to the shrine that makes the spirits feel joyful and peaceful. You can find them in orange and purple, representing the earth and grief, respectively. They are also thought to guide the spirits thanks to their potent and fresh scent.
In my region, at least, is also customary to highlight the way from the entrance of the home/classroom to the altar, to guide the spirits. (I used a ribbon for that)
While Cempasuchil is normally a yellow-orange color, is common to make paper marigolds of any color you want for decoration
Copal incense was burned in Mesoamerica in ancient times and is still burned for special ceremonies and is often placed on or near Day of the Dead altars as another olfactory element to draw in the spirits. The word copal comes from the Náhuatl word “copalli” which means, “incense”. Copalli incense comes from the copal tree. It symbolizes the transformation from the physical, the tree, to the supernatural, the perfumed smoke. The rising smoke takes the prayers to the heavens and the gods. Pre-Hispanic civilizations such as that of the Aztecs and Mayans placed it in a clay incense burner as food for the Gods. In this ritual, the copal was offered to the four cardinal points and to the Sun to guarantee the protection of the people and gratitude for the crops.
They also used it in various energy cleansing ceremonies, such as temazcales, and to make protective or purifying remedies and incense.
It is placed in the offerings of the Day of the Dead as a purifier of the environment, which allows the spirits of our loved ones to enter the homes without risk.
The scent of copal is believed to be therapeutic. Indigenous communities use the different types of copal to cure headaches; diseases caused by cold or humidity; stomach, toothache, and uterine pain, burns, fever, and breathing problems.
Copal is resin, so I used some resin beads to represent them.
Papel Picado
Decoratively cut paper used in Mexico for all holidays and fiestas. During the “Día de los Muertos” celebration it is placed around the edges of the altar, which adds color to the table. Some say that the four elements are represented with different items at the altar and the movement of the “papel picado” represents air.
I’m not insane enough (yet) to make 1/6 papel picado, so I used the smallest I could buy for the walls, and ribbon with printed details for the altar itself
While ANY color is game, some colors do have a meaning, and is also why most altares are full of them:
–          Orange: mourning
–          Purple: religion
–          Blue: deaths caused by water
–          Red: warriors and women who died during childbirth
–          Green: young people
–          Yellow: the elderly
–          White: children
–          Black: the underworld
Candles, representative of fire, are put out to light the path for the spirits to return. A candle is put out for each person that has passed and an extra for anyone that you might have forgotten.
Sugar Skulls
Sugar skulls are iconic mementos that represent both life and death, as they are placed on altars and given to the living. They’re used to poke fun at death, in celebration, traditionally having the deceased’s name on the forehead.
It was believed that the Xoloitzcuintli (an endemic and ancient dog breed) would help the spirits cross the Chiconauhuapan river to reach the Underworld. In those times, it was customary to bury a Xolo with the deceased, so that its spirit would guide them. Today, placing a ceramic dog or anything alluding to it is more than sufficient, so don’t worry.
Stick / Cane
Same as the dog. It is used to help the spirit on their journey, either to help them to walk, or to fight evil spirits. (Yep, technically speaking we’re giving weapons to our spirits)
Salt is placed on the altar. It is believed that salt will protect the body from breaking down as it travels the journey between the world of the dead and of the living.
Religious iconography.
Day of the Dead has very much become a reult of cultural fusion, and most mexicans are catholic, although it can be a completely secular festivity without any problem. If the person was catholic, or you’re making a “generic” altar, it’s common to have the portrait of a saint, the virgin mary, or any other religious thing, in particular if the person being honored was devoted to them.
Often there will be a cross of some form on the altar and this is a sign of forgiveness.
The will usually be a rosary, and usually a cross will be added at the base of the altar, made of different things, depending on your budget and aesthetics, it can be made of anything, the most usual materials are: cal (google says this is “lime” in english. is a white powder used in construction), ash, salt, flowers, candles, fruits (lemons in particular), rocks, wood, sand, an actual ceramic cross, etc. (I used glitter). When I’m in charge of the class’ altar, we usually do a mix of things, with cal in the center, a border of cempasuchil petals, and candles in the extremes
Arch Symbolizes the entrance to the world of the dead. (I’m missing it). It’s usually covered with flowers, but it can be made of *any* material, I have seen made of pvc tubes, of tree branches, of balloons (it was fun), wire, and wood. 
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
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The Full Sturgeon Moon observed each August gets it’s name from Native American tradition.  In the areas surrounding the North American Great Lakes, native tribes would prepare for winter by catching and drying sturgeon, which were abundant and easy to catch in August.
What You’ll Need For This Ritual
Quarter Candles (yellow, red, blue, green) Anthame Large White Goddess Candle – I prefer a three wick candle to symbolize the triple Goddess Paper and pencils
Throughout this ritual, any text surrounded by these symbols < > should be considered instructional and not spoken aloud but done in accordance with the directions
Full Sturgeon Moon Ritual Begins
I cast this circle round and round from earth to sky, from sky to ground. I conjure now this sacred space, outside of time, outside of place.  The circle has been cast, we are between the worlds.
Calling the Quarters
East From the East we hail and summon the mighty AIR spirits – come join us in this sacred ritual under the light of the full moon.  We seek your guidance and knowledge in all things related to movement, communication, and freshness.  Aid us in visualization of our future selves so that we may achieve our destinies.  <light yellow candle>
South From the South we hail and summon the mighty FIRE spirits – present yourselves within this circle and all the spaces surrounding it.  As the bringer of  both destruction and creation, you hold sway over those who walk among us.  Teach us to harness your unbridled energies but also to see the beautiful transformation in nature after the flames have passed. <light red candle>
West From the west we hail and summon the mighty WATER spirits – surround us in your glorious cleansing and wash away all that we carry into this ritual.  We know that without water, life does not exist, but also that an overabundance can wash away centuries of work in a moment.  Help us to find the happy medium that will balance our lives and our existence.  <light blue candle>
North Finally, to the north we call out the mighty EARTH spirits – come gather among the living and share the secrets of the elements, the soils, the trees, and the herbs.  Teach us to respect all things that you’ve provided and to conserve for the generations that follow. <light green candle>
Great Goddess, mother of all of us; hold us in your loving arms and help us to help ourselves and our own inner courage.  Lend us your strength, your wisdom, and your sound decision-making, as we walk along our chosen pathways. So mote it be <light Goddess candle>
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The Full Sturgeon Moon name comes from the Algonquin tribes that surrounded the North American Great Lakes. Other tribes referred to this full moon by different names; the Green Corn Moon, Fruit Moon, Barley Moon, Grain Moon, and the Red Moon.  Most of the names are directly tied to crops that would be harvested in different areas around the country.  The latter name, Red Moon is due to the fact that the moon rising in August always seems to have a reddish cast to it.   The Ojibwe called the August full moon the Blueberry Moon, while the Dakota Sioux knew it as The Moon When All Things Ripen.
Full Moon Musical Interlude
This month’s selection is called the Pagan Moon Goddess Song – it’s hauntingly beautiful and will certainly put you in a sacred moon trance.
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Original Artwork by Sara Stevenson (June, 2012)
Preparing For Change
We celebrate each full moon with a ritual cleansing and a lesson on how we can improve our lives or learn some wisdom from nature.  The full sturgeon moon of August gives us a unique opportunity to discuss the topic of change.  We can see change happening all around us this month.  The heat of the summer is finally starting to wane, the fields are ripe and full of miracles of nature.  Fresh squash, berries, flowers, and herbs are plentiful and the green tops on our root vegetables and vines are gathering size in the sunlight.  Our children are enjoying the last few precious weeks of vacation before the abrupt change of the morning school bell and the nightly schoolwork.  We are looking in our closets for longer sleeves and jackets in the evening and planning for the coming cold ahead.  We experience these mundane changes with little to no fanfare as if they’ve become a comfortable routine.
Yet, with all the physical changes that we are surrounded by, many of us forget that this is a time of spiritual change as well.  Our bodies have been running at top speed for most of the summer; vacations, trips to the pool, hiking, and of course wild crafting our favorite herbs and roots.  During that period, many of us have slacked off on our spiritual growth – it’s a natural occurrence since there are only so many hours in the day.  Yet, after many months of putting things on the back burner, our spiritual plates are either filled with excess information or nearly empty.  Once we start to finally slow down, we come to the realization that something’s amiss and needs immediate attention; thus starts the beginning of a huge change cycle.
The point of realization is also the point of a potential problem, if we aren’t prepared.  Too much information leads to nothing getting accomplished usually; we feel overwhelmed and passive.  Too little leaves us feeling directionless and easily led astray.  But, if we’ve properly prepared for this change, then it’s business as usual.  Ironically, just speaking about it is the first step in the preparation; becoming aware in advance that it’s coming gives us time to schedule, budget our time, and plan time for spiritual healing.  Often we need to play “catch up” or often “pick up” from where we left off in the spring.
There are many methods to get back in the swing of things.  Some people keep a personal journal of their personal growth while others go a step further and write down a step by step plan.  Some use the cycle of the moon to measure growth in conjunction with their own spiritual cleansing.  Regardless of what method you choose, remember that this is a marathon and not a sprint.  If you are feeling overwhelmed with an overfilled plate, take time to organize, categorize, and prioritize.  I’ll repeat those three key things, because they need to be put to memory.  Organize, categorize, and prioritize; organize your life so that you have time to address things; categorize them into groups that pertain to the same topic or a group of topics, and finally prioritize them.  What is most important?  Which ones are “low hanging fruit” that can be dealt with quickly and free up time to focus on other things?  Do you need help with some of them?  By asking yourself questions, you can order things in a way that doesn’t seem overwhelming and actually make progress.
Another important thing to consider when you are processing a lot of information – it might sound like a good idea to just say you’re planning to get rid of everything and move on, but that will only leave lingering thoughts that may stick with you for a long time.  Remember that cleansing and clearing go hand in hand – it’s not worth cleansing something if you can’t permanently clear it from your spirit.  True healing and growth will only come if you release the negative fully and completely and refuse to give it any energy, ever again.
Cleansing and Clearing
As we do on each full moon, we gather together to release negativity; to burn that which needs burning, and ultimately to reduce mental clutter.   We also search for things to refill that empty space – this is where understanding becomes so important.  It’s not difficult to identify the things dragging us down; we may not show it on the surface, but deep down each of us knows exactly what is the root cause of our troubles.  Unfortunately we don’t always do corrective action.  We often opt for the easy routes in life, sometimes accepting or settling when we could instead be growing and languishing in a life which meets out spiritual and emotional needs.  It all comes down to understanding, making choices, and refusing to compromise our core needs, for any reason.
So tonight, before we commence in our monthly cleansing through burning session, take time to think about our lesson on change.  Are you prepared to sift through everything and weed your personal garden?  Will you follow through and rid yourselves of anything that has no value?  Also, think about how you can harness the positive energies coming from your harvests and late summer activities.  Look for ways to keep that magick alive in your life during the hard months of winter.  Bring some of the outside into your home so you’ll have a constant reminder of where your life is grounded.  Look for ways to excel rather than just settle.  Seek out those energies and store them inside your spirit, so that you don’t regress when things are dark.
<Offer participants pen & paper to write down anything they wish to permanently banish from their lives>
Approach the fire and burn away that which no longer serves you !
<once everyone is finished, take a few moments to meditate in silence>
Cleaning and releasing is only half of the job.  Do not allow negative energy to refill the spaces you’ve created.  Trade the bad for something better; something enlightening and pure.  Leave here with a smile on your face, the understanding that there is more to life than just existing, and that change is always part of our lives, but also that you’ve got this!  Change won’t stop you from growing.  Stop sitting on the sidelines and engage with the things that take existence to living.  Blessed Be!
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Closing the Full Sturgeon Moon Circle
Spirits of Earth, guardians of the crops and the fields, we thank you for your presence in our circle tonight and for all that you provide us.  As we watch the change from season to season, we shall again call upon your guidance to maintain our grounding and focus. <extinguish green candle>
Spirits of Water, cleansing, sustaining, and flowing, we offer our praises for your never-ending refreshment and thirst-quenching magick.  We know our lives will rise and fall, just as the ocean tides do, but will trust in your strength to keep us from sinking.  <extinguish blue candle>
Spirits of Fire, source of all passion, heat, and warmth, we are humbled by your collective energies gathered in this circle tonight.  We sought to understand your many faces, so that we may work harmoniously with you throughout the changing seasons. <extinguish red candle>
Spirits of Air, where wisdom resides, and motion is never ceasing – we thank you for reminding us that change is inevitable but nothing is impossible unless we surrender our ambitions and choose to fail <extinguish yellow candle>
Beloved Goddess, Mother of all living things, we thank you for your comfort in times of sorrow; your compassion in times of weakness, and your never-ending wellspring of spiritual love for each one of us <extinguish Goddess candle>
This Full Sturgeon Moon circle is open but never broken!
By  Thegypsy
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saltandstranger · 3 years
So, here we are at the close of the 1st half of the year. And it's with twice as much hope & anticipation than at the start of the year that I look forward to what's ahead for the remainder of 2021.
I want take you to this incredible story in the Bible about courage, never settling, and about the relentless pursuit of the dreams that God has placed in your heart.
And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was a valiant man of Kabzeel, a doer of great deeds. He struck down two lion-like men. He also went down and struck down a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen. And he struck down an Egyptian, a man of great stature, five cubits tall. The Egyptian had in his hand a spear like a weaver’s beam, but Benaiah went down to him with a staff and snatched the spear out of the Egyptian’s hand and killed him with his own spear. These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada and won a name beside the three mighty men. He was renowned among the thirty, but he did not attain to the three. And David set him over his bodyguard. -1 Chronicles 11:22‭-‬25 ESV
I needed to pause when I first came across this passage in order to process it because clearly these are no small feats.
So this Mr. Benaiah, son of Jehoaida, from Kabzeel is not only a hero-conqueror, he's also a lion-slayer and a giant slaughterer. No wonder why he was captain of King David's bodyguard.
I wanna zero in on one of Beniah's three recorded mighty deeds: Benaiah slew a lion in a pit on a day when snow had fallen (1 Chron. 11:22)
Read it while imagining the scene unfold before your eyes. This is intense!!!
And this is such a special teaching moment because here we learn that while there are times when God delivers us from lions (like Daniel in the den with the lions), there are also times God gives us the strength and courage to slay them.
Now this happened during the most dire of circumstances when the ground was slippery and he could have easily lost his footing. Benaiah slew a lion in a pit. IN A PIT. In a pit. He was up against the worst possible beast, in the worst possible circumstance, and the worst possible place. And yet, he chased and slew that lion down the pit.
When's a good day to go kill a lion? There's none! I'd rather not face one thank you very much. But if a lion does come at you seemingly out of the blue, then let me ask you is there a better time other than TODAY to kill it?
You can't keep putting off the things that you know you need to do today. There are just times in your life when you've got to make up your mind and determine that it's NOW or NEVER.
I want to reference another story in Joshua 17 when the Israelites were being given their portion of land. The children of Manasseh complained that the land allotted to them had Canaanites living there.
And it happened, when the children of Israel grew strong, that they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but did not utterly drive them out.  -Joshua 17:13 NKJV
How many of us have grown strong through the trials and the fire, but still allow Canaanites to dwell in our land even when God's clear instruction is to drive them out completely? We can't keep sweeping things under the rug. We can't be partial with our obedience. We can't NOT slay that lion.
Eventually, you will have to run towards the very thing that you're afraid to confront, grab it by the throat, and face it head-on to finally and fully overcome it.
We can't keep waiting for the perfect circumstances before we move. If Benaiah waited for it to stop snowing, he would have been dinner. If he had been content to leave the lion in the pit, who knew if it would come after him? If there's one thing we should NEVER do this 2nd half of the year, or EVER- it's to settle for less.
Don't run away. Don't shy away from uncomfortable situations.
Brave confrontation even in the midst of inconvenience will often times set you up for great victories.
It's not new to us that the sequence of events the past year and a half have unfolded a certain way and so we found ourselves in this pit or cave. Yes we go through the coping or healing process. Yes we indeed had to pivot or adjust. But that doesn't mean we should settle. You've got to stop allowing the circumstances or past hurts, our shame, or our fears dictate our future or stop you from going after what God has for you! We need to make that choice to chase down the lions of impossibilities and fears into the pit and slay it right there.
What is it that you have your eyes on? What's your dream? What's the prayer of your heart that makes you go shikarababaseteyy? What has God been instructing you to do in this season?
I know "Today" looks different for each of us.  And so when I say don't put it off "today", what I mean os do not quench your spirit. If the instruction is to pray, don't put if off. If your dream is to buy a house, start looking for listings and saving up diligently. If you want to write a book, stop spending meaningless time on social media and just start writing. Don't be afraid to start small. Don't despise the days of small beginnings. It always starts with a seed anyway.
When I went through the entire ordeal last year with my heart and my health in the midst of the pandemic, I can't count how many times I wanted to quit being in the ministry because I felt so beat up. But what God did was make it all the more clearer to me where He wants to take me. And so to you who are reading this, I pray that your heart for God and His will for your life would be amplified all the more even in the midst of a day when snow is falling and you feel like you're up against a lion in a pit.
It takes supernatural courage I'll tell you that. But what's great is that courage and tenacity during times of relentless pursuit aren't personality-based. They are dependent on who God has called you to be. You see, the meaning of Benaiah's name is GOD BUILDS, and the meaning of his dad's name Jehoaida means GOD KNOWS. God loves you and KNOWS His plans for you and He KNOWS exactly where to take you. Trust that there is a purpose and a season for every activity under heaven.
God doesn't do things for nothing. He is always intentional with you. God is BUILDING you for something more than what you can ask, think, dream, or even imagine. So to you- hero conqueror, lion slayer, and giant slaughterer- be brave, never settle, and dare to believe.
-K 🌊
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(Photo courtesy: @bravoprince on Unsplash)
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15th January >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Friday, First Week in Ordinary Time 
Saint Ita, Virgin.
Friday, First Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading
Hebrews 4:1-5,11
None of you has come too late for God's promise
Be careful: the promise of reaching the place of rest that God had for the Israelites still holds good, and none of you must think that he has come too late for it. We received the Good News exactly as they did; but hearing the message did them no good because they did not share the faith of those who listened. We, however, who have faith, shall reach a place of rest, as in the text: And so, in anger, I swore that not one would reach the place of rest I had for them. God’s work was undoubtedly all finished at the beginning of the world; as one text says, referring to the seventh day: After all his work God rested on the seventh day. The text we are considering says: They shall not reach the place of rest I had for them. We must therefore do everything we can to reach this place of rest, or some of you might copy this example of disobedience and be lost.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 77(78):3-4,6-8
R/ Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
The things we have heard and understood,    the things our fathers have told us, these we will not hide from their children    but will tell them to the next generation: the glories of the Lord and his might    and the marvellous deeds he has done.
R/ Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
They too should arise and tell their sons    that they too should set their hope in God and never forget God’s deeds    but keep every one of his commands.
R/ Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
So that they might not be like their fathers,    a defiant and rebellious race, a race whose heart was fickle,    whose spirit was unfaithful to God.
R/ Never forget the deeds of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation
cf. Ephesians 1:17,18
Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our mind, so that we can see what hope his call holds for us. Alleluia!
Luke 7:16
Alleluia, alleluia! A great prophet has appeared among us; God has visited his people. Alleluia!
Mark 2:1-12
The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins
When Jesus returned to Capernaum, word went round that he was back; and so many people collected that there was no room left, even in front of the door. He was preaching the word to them when some people came bringing him a paralytic carried by four men, but as the crowd made it impossible to get the man to him, they stripped the roof over the place where Jesus was; and when they had made an opening, they lowered the stretcher on which the paralytic lay. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralytic, ‘My child, your sins are forgiven.’ Now some scribes were sitting there, and they thought to themselves, ‘How can this man talk like that? He is blaspheming. Who can forgive sins but God?’ Jesus, inwardly aware that this was what they were thinking, said to them, ‘Why do you have these thoughts in your hearts? Which of these is easier: to say to the paralytic, “Your sins are forgiven” or to say, “Get up, pick up your stretcher and walk”? But to prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,’ – he turned to the paralytic – ‘I order you: get up, pick up your stretcher, and go off home.’ And the man got up, picked up his stretcher at once and walked out in front of everyone, so that they were all astounded and praised God saying, ‘We have never seen anything like this.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Ita, Virgin
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Friday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Song of Songs 8:6-7
The flash of love is a flame of the Lord himself
Set me like a seal on your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is strong as Death, jealousy as relentless as Sheol. The flash of it is a flash of fire, a flame of the Lord himself. Love no floods can quench, no torrents drown.
Were a man to offer all the wealth of his house to buy love, contempt is all he would purchase.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
First Reading
Hosea 2:16,17,21-22
I will betroth you to myself for ever
The Lord says this:
I am going to lead her out into the wilderness and speak to her heart. There she will respond to me as she did when she was young, as she did when she came out of the land of Egypt. I will betroth you to myself for ever, betroth you with integrity and justice, with tenderness and love; I will betroth you to myself with faithfulness, and you will come to know the Lord.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 44(45):11-12,14-17
R/ Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or R/ The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words:    forget your own people and your father’s house. So will the king desire your beauty:    He is your lord, pay homage to him.
R/ Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or R/ The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
The daughter of the king is clothed with splendour,    her robes embroidered with pearls set in gold. She is led to the king with her maiden companions.
R/ Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or R/ The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
They are escorted amid gladness and joy;    they pass within the palace of the king. Sons shall be yours in place of your fathers:    you will make them princes over all the earth.
R/ Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words. or R/ The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet Christ the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 148:1-2,11-14
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Praise the Lord from the heavens,    praise him in the heights. Praise him, all his angels,    praise him, all his host.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
All earth’s kings and peoples,    earth’s princes and rulers, young men and maidens,    old men together with children.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Let them praise the name of the Lord    for he alone is exalted. The splendour of his name    reaches beyond heaven and earth.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
He exalts the strength of his people.    He is the praise of all his saints, of the sons of Israel,    of the people to whom he comes close.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation
John 14:23
Alleluia, alleluia! If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! This is the wise virgin whom the Lord found watching; she went in to the wedding feast with him when he came. Alleluia!
Alleluia, alleluia! Come, bride of Christ, and receive the crown which the Lord has prepared for you for ever. Alleluia!
Matthew 19:3-12
Husband and wife are no longer two, but one body
Some Pharisees approached Jesus, and to test him they said, ‘Is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife on any pretext whatever?’ He answered, ‘Have you not read that the creator from the beginning made them male and female and that he said: This is why a man must leave father and mother, and cling to his wife, and the two become one body? They are no longer two, therefore, but one body. So then, what God has united, man must not divide.’    They said to him, ‘Then why did Moses command that a writ of dismissal should be given in cases of divorce?’ ‘It was because you were so unteachable’ he said ‘that Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but it was not like this from the beginning. Now I say this to you: the man who divorces his wife – I am not speaking of fornication – and marries another, is guilty of adultery.’    The disciples said to him, ‘If that is how things are between husband and wife, it is not advisable to marry.’ But he replied, ‘It is not everyone who can accept what I have said, but only those to whom it is granted. There are eunuchs born that way from their mother’s womb, there are eunuchs made so by men and there are eunuchs who have made themselves that way for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 25:1-13
The wise and foolish virgins
Jesus told this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven will be like this: Ten bridesmaids took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were sensible: the foolish ones did take their lamps, but they brought no oil, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps. The bridegroom was late, and they all grew drowsy and fell asleep. But at midnight there was a cry, “The bridegroom is here! Go out and meet him.” At this, all those bridesmaids woke up and trimmed their lamps, and the foolish ones said to the sensible ones, “Give us some of your oil: our lamps are going out.” But they replied, “There may not be enough for us and for you; you had better go to those who sell it and buy some for yourselves.” They had gone off to buy it when the bridegroom arrived. Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding hall and the door was closed. The other bridesmaids arrived later. “Lord, Lord,” they said “open the door for us.” But he replied, “I tell you solemnly, I do not know you.” So stay awake, because you do not know either the day or the hour.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 10:38-42
Martha works; Mary listens
Jesus came to a village, and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. She had a sister called Mary, who sat down at the Lord’s feet and listened to him speaking. Now Martha who was distracted with all the serving said, ‘Lord, do you not care that my sister is leaving me to do the serving all by myself? Please tell her to help me.’ But the Lord answered: ‘Martha, Martha,’ he said ‘you worry and fret about so many things, and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part; it is not to be taken from her.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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chloe-clegane · 4 years
My Devotion and Mah Protection - Chapter 10  Stone Beats Hand, Every Time
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NEW ART by @yonallaart​   (she’s amazing, go look at all her pretty things)
Rayla left the apartment with a weight tied around her neck. Twice in one day, he’d raised his voice at her. In the throne room, she’d been angry and defiant, dug her heels in and threw it right back at him. Now she just wanted to curl up in a ball, torn between hiding alone or being in his arms.  
She and Callum had a number of screaming matches in their three years together. Usually the fights had something to do with her doing something risky and stupid and him getting mad about it, or vice versa. The fights were infrequent and never lasted long, and even if they didn’t come to an agreement they always held each other and apologized at the end of it. Rayla reminded herself of that as she walked to the dungeons with her arms crossed and brow furrowed.
“We’ve been through worse,” she quietly muttered to herself. “I’ll come tae bed later. He’ll kiss me and It’ll be alright.”
She wasn’t able to put herself at ease, what she did manage was compartmentalizing.
When Rayla quietly slipped into the torchlit room, she decided not to show herself and sunk into the shadows. The hurt and sadness she’d carried on the walk down was soothed by anger. It was a much more tolerable emotion and the strangling weight of misery subsided.
The jailers had given Claudia a change of clothes. A plain grey dress that had seen better days hung from her narrow frame. Rayla was relieved. She didn’t want to be reminded of the twisted version of herself staring back at her. She didn’t want that vile grey skin touching anything that belonged to her.
The relief at seeing the prison garb grew to satisfaction as she gazed upon her handywork. In the last hour or so, Claudia’s left eye had nearly swollen shut, her right cheek had a four-finger welt, and her lips were split with dried blood still smeared at the corners of her mouth. It was extremely gratifying to look at. But the marred face wasn’t enough to quench Rayla’s thirst for vengeance. This bitch had fucked her husband and caused his current condition. Rayla had no idea what to even call the state he was in. Devastated? Sickened? Ashamed? Whatever it’s called, it was bad. Claudia’s punishment was far from over if Rayla had anything to do with it. The pain Rayla had inflicted with the back of a hand was nothing compared to that single moment she thought Callum was unfaithful. Before Claudia turned around, before Rayla assessed the situation farther - it was the longest two seconds of her life and the pain was excruciating. Rayla absentmindedly started rolling her right shoulder and she was reminded that the bulk of her recent pain was the fault of this disgusting woman. Rayla knew Callum would never willingly betray her and she could never be mad at him for what just happened. The tart may have seduced Callum, but he must have figured it out because it looked like he was trying to get her off of him when Rayla found them.
Amaya hadn’t missed Rayla’s entrance and quietly joined her. She signed, “Callum okay?”.
Rayla just shrugged and spoke softly. “Have you gotten anythin’ from her?”
It was the general’s turn to shrug. She signed slowly and simply for Rayla’s benefit. “No. This bitch is crazy.”
Rayla’s understanding of sign language was limited to gestures, the alphabet and all the swear words. Which had always been enough for her and her aunt by marriage to get along just fine.
“Claudia if you think he wanted you then why did you do that creepy moon moth thing?” Soren sounded like he’d been asking different versions of the same question for the last hour.
“You just don’t understand.” she was scowling petulantly.
“Try me.” He crossed his arms and stared at her.
She looked away and stayed quiet.
“Sooooo you’re just a total creep then?” he prodded.
“It’s because he can’t see through her manipulation!” she snapped. “He just needed to make love to me. Then I’ll be able to save him and he’ll realize that I’m the one he’s wanted all along.” Kazi, who stood near the cell interpreting the interrogation, made a face. Claudia continued to speak and they continued to sign. “She was sent to kill his family, why would he love her? She’s clearly using her connection to the moon arcanum.”
“You have noooo idea what you’re talking about.” Soren rolled his eyes. “If he didn’t love her then why would he marry her?”
Claudia groaned in frustration.“She’s controlling him and apparently she’s gotten you too.”
Soren was getting increasingly annoyed. “Claudia, the last time you saw him, you tortured his wife and he almost killed you for it.”
She rolled her eyes at him “That wasn’t his fault, Callum was just confused. You’re all stuck in her web, you can’t see what she really is.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, so let's get this straight, Rayla is using evil moon illusions to trick and control people?” he asked with feigned surprise.
“Ugh Soren don’t mock me, yes. ” she rolled her eyes yet again.
“No no no no. Yoooou thought the best way to fix this was to smoosh a dead bug on yourself and use it’s moon illusion magic to trick Callum into doing what YOU WANT!? ”
She spluttered indignantly “I don’t know why I thought you could wrap your head around this. You’re such an idiot Soren, you won’t ev-.”
“ NO! ” he yelled and Rayla felt a surge of pride. “You can’t see it! You can’t see what’s right in front of your face! Or-or what you’ve done!” he paused and processed for a moment with wide eyes. He didn’t yell, but his voice firm. “You’re fucking crazy Claudia.”
He was finally admitting it to himself, not just to her. She scowled and opened her mouth but Soren didn’t let her get a word in. “You’re the idiot Claudia and I don’t think you even know what love is. Because I’m pretty dark magic-ing someone to love you isn’t real love. Callum and Rayla have real love , it’s beautiful but you’re too bonkers to recognize it. You think you understand, but you don’t, you only know Dad’s kind of love, super fake and toxic and it’s...It’s turned you into a monster!” He cried out in frustration, backed away and ran his fingers through his hair “UGH! I can’t do this! Amaya, you take over.”
He turned and stormed out of the room. His jaw was set and bitter. Claudia called after him to come back but he didn’t turn, he also didn’t see Rayla in the shadows by the door. She contemplated going after him, but figured he could use some time to cool off. Rayla again decided to stay hidden as Amaya and Kazi continued the questioning. They asked about where Aaravos was and tried to get her to elaborate on the power-sucking thing. They didn’t get anything useful, just the pathetic crying and daft musings of a mad woman.
It occured to Rayla that Soren had actually hurt her with his words, that her tears weren’t fake. In different circumstances maybe Rayla could almost feel sorry for her and her pathetic broken mind. But after today, the look on Callum’s face, all she could feel was hatred.
About twenty more minutes went by and Amaya called it quits. The general looked like she wanted to punch the twat almost as much as Rayla did. Kazi who was usually so timid was delivering some serious side eye.
Just as they were about to leave, Rayla stepped into the light and revealed herself. It startled Claudia and she scooted herself away from the bars.
“How shady of you, hiding in the... shade. H-how long have you been here?”
Rayla didn’t respond, she just stared her down and approached the cell. The last time she’d really seen Claudia it was from the ground and she’d cackled over her.
“Whatever you're doing, trying to intimidate me or whatever, it’s not going to work.” She sounded confident but the additional step away betrayed that. “You know he’s going to-”
Rayla spit on her. “You shouldn’t’ve come here. Yer goin’ tae regret doin’ it”. She turned and followed Amaya out of the room. When Rayla slammed the door behind her she let out a noise that was somewhere between a growl and a sign. She leaned her back against the door with her eyes closed and clutched and twisted the leather strap of the bag of horrors.
“Spitting’s always a nice touch,” Kazi translated for Amaya. “Especially when you want to really stick it to someone, right... me”. The translator chuckled awkwardly and spoke for themselves, “Rayla - er - Your Highness? Do I call you that now?”
Rayla groaned. “Please don’t.”
She finally opened her eyes and looked at the pair.
“Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, the Gen-er uh... Amaya is referring to a time she once spat at the feet of Her Late Radiance Khessa.”
Amaya started signing and they went back to translating. “It was funny and stupid. If Janai hadn’t there I probably would have been killed.” Callum’s Aunt was silently chuckling at her own apparently fond memory. For her, that seemed about right.
All Rayla could manage was an exhausted smile “I think I got some in’er eye, so I suppose that’s pretty cool.”
Amaya patted her a bit too hard on the shoulder. “See, that’s the spirit. Some days you have to celebrate the smallest victories.” She winked and then pointed at the bag. “What’s this? Hers?”
“Yeah I found it under the bed, it’s full of dead things and-” Rayla pulled out the book and put it in Kazi’s empty hands, “-this. There has tae be somethin’ useful in there.” The Sunfire scholar smiled, eager to be helpful, but looked horrified when they skimmed the pages.
Rayla let out another involuntary sigh and suddenly she was squeezed into a vice grip hug by her Aunt-in-law. When she pulled away, she signed to Rayla directly and simply. “It’s O-K Rayla, R-E-S-T, go,” she told her.
“We’ll take care of this for you,” Kazi smiled sincerely as they patted the book under their arm.
After a bit more urging, and Kazi’s insistence that they love to study and wouldn’t need her help, she finally thanked them and began ascending the stairs.
She thought about going back to the apartment. She was worried about him. She wanted to see him and hold him and make all these anxious bad feelings go away. Because that’s how things worked. When something was bad, they had each other and everything felt less existentially terrifying. But he wouldn't even look at her. Her arms returned to her chest, crossed tightly as she walked. Rayla had never been good at emotions and knowing how to fix the bad ones. That was Callum’s job, and that had always been okay because they were a team. She slished and slashed, he zapped and flew. She got stubborn and aggressive, he talked about the problems and was diplomatic.
She knew the way back to the apartment, the physical route, but she was lost in a different way. Her heart’s compass that usually pointed reliably was broken. So when she came to an intersection in the long castle hallways, she just stood there. She looked down the hallway in front of her, looked back to where she’d come, and then to the left. She’d gone so long without having a real home, she wasn’t ghosted anymore but the Silvergrove still hadn’t felt like right since. That kind of rejection was hard to handle.  Rayla didn’t feel ready to go to the apartment, to go home, so she took the turn and attempted to bite down all of the shite feelings in her heart.  
It was a quick walk before Rayla knocked on Soren’s door, she heard shuffling, the muffled sound of a blown nose and finally the door swung open.
Ralya was taken aback by the sight of him: his eyes were red like he’d been crying, he looked miserable and she noticed blood on his knuckles that held the door.
“Heeeeey, what’s up?” he said in a way that somewhat resembled cheerful and well-adjusted.
“Soren, uh, yer hands bleedin’,” she pointed out cautiously.
He looked at it like he’d just now noticed, “Oh… uuuhhh yeah… oops”.
She pushed past him into the room and he closed the door behind her. “Takin’ yer anger out on walls now, I see,” she said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeeaah, I didn’t really think ahead that it was gonna hurt this bad.”
“You do know these walls are made of stone right? Stone beats hand, every time.”
“Psh... I know what walls are…” He defended, then quieted. It made Rayla feel guilty.
She gave an apologetic smile. “Hey, how about I wrap that up fer you?”
He nodded and retrieved a small first aid kit from a cupboard. It was a picked over mess but she found what she needed.
They sat in silence for a while, while she cleaned the cut and bruising knuckles.
“Nothin’ looks broken but the skin, that’s good,” she forced a smile at him and he gave a sad one in return. “I can not believe I’m askin’ this, but do you wan’tae talk about why you hit the wall?” She tied off the bandage.
“What? Noooo. I’m fine, I just wanted to test the walls…. For security…” He was incredibly unconvincing.
“Are ye sure it isn't because yer crazy sister broke into the castle and fucked up everyone’s day-?” Her voice was full of sarcastic cheer. You know, that bitch who fucked my husband, she thought to herself.
“Maybe…” his lip quivered and then he burst into a heaving sob. Rayla immediately panicked, the cloth in her hand already damp and bloody. She frantically started looking around the room for a handkerchief. First she picked up an oilcloth for his sword, no. Then a rag that was crusty and rigid, she tried not to yelp and instead screamed internally. Next she found a slightly dirty napkin, it smelled like bacon. That’ll do. She turned back and he was still crying.
“There ya go.”
He blew his nose loudly and she patted his back awkwardly. She had not expected or prepared for this level of blubbering.
“There, there,” she sighed.
He cried for a bit before calming himself down enough to speak. Soren breathed in deeply before beginning again, “S-she’s my little sister an-and you know, I didn’t like her at first,” he sniffled, “I actually told our Mom to give her back to the baby wife lady,” another sniffle. Rayla wondered if he was quoting his younger self or if he still didn’t know what a midwife was. “And then one day, she laughed or something and it was really cute and I liked hugging her and I thought she was pretty neat and then she got big enough to share her snacks with me and it was really cool and I realized it was nice to share my snacks with her and we played together everyday but then one time I put her on the seesaw, right, and I jumped on the other side and she went flying and she was crying and I think she scraped her knees or something and I think I just wanted to see what would happen or I guess how far she’d go, and Rayla it was a bad thing for me to do but it didn’t mean I don’t love her!” The last part came out with a fresh sob.
She knew the confusing rant was going in a direction. But Rayla couldn’t help picturing a dark haired toddler going flying across a playground. Soren and her would have made great playmates growing up, she would have willingly been catapulted.
“Uh, Soren, I’m not sure-”
“Don’t you get it Rayla!? The seesaw’s a metaphor!” he interrupted her and tried to take a controlled breath.
“Yeah... I think I get it,” she said delicately.
“My Dad was really mad at me, I remember him screaming and I kind of deserved it. Claudia was crying and I don’t think she’s ever been on a seesaw since. But after that, my mom sat with me in her lap and she told me that it’s my job to protect her, I should never do something that would make her get hurt like that, ever again. She said loving my sister is one of the most important things I’ll ever do, and to do it my whole life.” He wiped his eyes again and took a long deep breath. “When our Mom left us, she said it again. That Claudia will always be a special person for my life and that I always need to love her and keep her safe.” He kept taking purposeful breaths but then the sobs broke through again. “How did I let this happen to her? She wouldn’t be like this if I took better care of her?”
That pissed Rayla off. He should look out for his sister but this, she’d chosen the path of dark magic all on her own. She’s made choices to do terrible things. Rayla reminded herself Soren is her friend and mustered her sympathy with a big sigh “Oh Soren, None of this is yer fault.”
“That night before the battle at the storm spire, she begged me to stay with her but I walked away” he cried, snot coming down from his nose. He was clutching the napkin but failed to use it.
“And that was a good thing!” Rayla insisted.
“I know, I had to get away from my dad and I needed to leave so I could help you guys,” he steadied his breath again.
“Yes! ” she agreed, trying not to sound annoyed.
“She wanted me to stay but what if I tried harder to convince her , or I could-I could’ve made her come,” he was starting to ramble and she could see his mind racing.
“No, you-” Rayla tried to interject.
“Oh, you know what? I should’ve picked her up and carried her, I’m bigger and stronger and I totally could’ve done it,” what would usually be his excited idea sound was a hiccupping sob.
Rayla couldn’t listen to his guilty bullshit. She grabbed his shoulders, and shook him firmly, “Soren! Should’a would’a whatever! Stop!”
Her words made him freeze. Then she surprised herself when she hugged him. He just sat there a moment before hugging her back. Rayla figured the big fella could use a good hug. When they pulled apart she stayed gripping his shoulders. He wiped his boogers and tears with his sleeve, forgetting his napkin, and listened to her.
“You can’t keep beatin’ yerself up. Families are... complicated, and yers... Yers is toxic. You survived it and got away.” she shook him softly for emphasis. “You would’ve ended up like Kasef, a monster, a dead monster.”
Rayla let go of his shoulders and sat down on the floor in front of him. “You can’t feel guilty fer survivin’” she hugged her knees. “I know what that’s like, feelin’ like you let everyone down, knowin’ people lost their lives…” she sighed. “It made me wish I had died too,” she took a moment to check her emotions. “I let that guilt weigh me down... I guess it still does and it probably always will. I suppose I’ve learned tae carry it now. You have tae tell yerself that what you did was fer the best. You think you could’ve kidnapped yer sister but… It’s not that simple. You couldn’t control Claudia.”
She tried to keep the salt out of her tone when she said the name and paused, her own sad memories surfaced in her mind. A few silent moments passed between them before she spoke again, “I couldn’t control Runnan…” She stopped to take a deep breath and collected her thoughts. “Yer a good person Soren, and you didn’ deserve tae have a shite piece of garbage fer a dad… and neither did-” the anger simmered in the pit of her stomach, “neither did Claudia… back then.”
“But she does now,” he spoke it so sadly and Rayla was caught off guard. The ugly tears had ceased but replaced with a deep sorrow, “The worst part is I don’t think I can save her now. She’ll always go back to him. I listen to her talk and most of it doesn’t even make sense, she’ll go from nice to mean and talk like she loves me and then...”
She wanted to agree, she did agree, Claudia was too far gone, she was terrible. Rayla wanted to dress her up as a glow toad and toss her in the ocean. But Soren looked so sad.
“Soren, I’m sorry you-you don’...” she didn’t know what to say.
They sat quietly again, Soren let out a heavy sigh and asked, “How’s Callum?”
Now it was her turn to sigh. “Honestly? I don’ know.... He-he’s really upset and he told me tae leave him alone...” she pulled her knees in even tighter. “It’s weird… fer him tae do that”.
Soren looked broken-hearted. “Yeah, he looked really bad when I left. But maybe he does just need to be alone for a bit. You guys are so in love and always so really strong for each other. I think it’ll be ok, probably not today but still.”
Rayla just smiled half heartedly and stayed in her little ball.
“What Claudia’s done… I don’t-” he said, trying to put his words together. “Her mind is broken and I used to think that maybe if I could get rid of Viren for good... Then maybe I could unbreak her brain.” He twisted the napkin in his hand.
“But you don’ think so anymore.'' It wasn’t a question.
He stopped again for a breath and nodded. “She’s done a lot of gross things, dark magic stuff and she’s killed people but… doing this to Callum… I’m disgusted by her,” he sounded bitter.
Rayla was baffled. She wasn’t arguing that Claudia was the lowest form of human trash but this being the rock bottom for her… murderer seemed a little worse than being a traumatizing seductive creep. No matter what Rayla hated her and felt both were on the list of worst things Claudia's ever done.
He sighed yet again. “I have something for you, I don’t know if you want them or what I should do but… here,” he handed her a small folded bundle of fabric, her clothing.
She was repulsed as soon as she touched them, Rayla felt like she could feel the pollution clinging to the silk. Claudia had worn these and used them to… she’d worn them on her disgusting grey body and she… Rayla wanted it gone, away from her, destroyed. Without saying a word she went to Soren’s hearth and pulled a few small logs and kindling off the wood rack. She struck the flint and steel.
She touched him. Strike. She tricked him. Strike. She fucked him. Strike. She wanted to take him away from her. The kindling caught.
“Rayla, It’s July and I have to sleep in here,” he whined. She ignored him and he must have realized what she was doing because he didn’t say anything more, just quietly opened his windows.
As soon as the flame came to life Rayla grabbed the nightgown and without hesitation threw it into the flame. The fire consumed the delicate fabric in an instant and the heat washed over her face. When she reached for the stockings the teal ribbon caught her attention and she froze.  She ran her fingers along the embroidery. The stockings were one of her favorite things, tied to so many wonderful memories.
They’d laid together and the stockings were the only pieces of clothing still on between the two of them. Rayla’d worn them a few nights in a row, the way he reacted to her was nice. It was obvious wearing them made him happy, and she wanted him to be happy. She loved the way he looked at her. Looking back now, she thought about his eyes at their wedding, it was those looks and the way he touched her that always filled her with joy. She and Callum were intertwined and he had started stroking her leg absentmindedly. Running his finger along the garter ribbon.
“I told you I like the sexy socks,” she had teased him. “I know you want them fer yerself but they’re mine. No take-backs.”
He’d laughed and smiled. “But they might look good on me and they’re soooo soft. ” He made a point of very purposefully stroking her leg “Buuuut,” he’d squeezed her thigh and kissed her, “I like touching them on you way more than I ever could on myself.”
“Well touchin’ yer’self is never as good as when I do it,” she smirked.
“True true” he laughed, kissing her, “Very true,” a blush spread on his cheeks. “I’m really glad you like them,” he’d said softly.
She loved it when he was bashful. After all their time together, every so often, he got nervous when he was being cheesy or romantic.
“They’re the best engagement present I’ve ever had,” she’d said confidently.
He looked puzzled. “I’m pretty sure that was your only engagement present.”
“Still counts as the best though,” she’d booped his nose and they both giggled and kissed before he’d brought them back again to sincerity.
“I sorta worried it was a selfish gift. I just pictured you wearing them and uh...”
“And so it was yer pecker that picked the present then? Yes Callum, that does seem a wee bit selfish,” she teased.
“That was very good alliteration and a very fair accusation but I just thought you would feel pretty. I just, I think you only really care about being pretty when you’re with me.”
“Pshhh it’s not just you,” she’d said, slightly offended.
“Yeah you aren’t a slob.” That statement hadn’t helped him much. “What I’m trying to say is that you’re delicate and vulnerable with me in a way you aren’t with anyone else.”
He’d been right. She reflected and it was true, she was vulnerable with him, she sought his affection and attention.
“I thought it would be something that would make you feel pretty when it’s just the two of us. Is that stupid?” he’d asked her.
She’d laughed in reply. “Maybe a little. But I love you anyways.”
“That’s a huge relief, I was going to be really embarrassed if it turned out you didn’t love me anymore,” he’d sighed.
He’d kissed her and rolled on top of her. “I want you to laugh like this everyday Rayla,” he had said it so sincerely it took her off guard.
She’d tried to say something sarcastic, deflect, but she’d just sputtered and smiled, “Wha-pshhh.”
His smile had stayed sweet and sincere, he’d enjoyed her fluster. Then he’d kissed his way down her body rubbing her thighs stroking her silk bound legs before lavishing her with his tongue.
His touch was as silky as the delicate garter ribbon she held in her hand. He made her feel beautiful and the stockings, they made her feel like a flower, soft and pretty. They were precious to her. She hugged the stockings to her chest and sadness melted onto her from above and sunk into her bones.
She took a deep shaky breath. She didn’t want to cry. She refused. Things would go back to normal eventually, she told herself. Tomorrow, the nerves would subside and they’d both apologize, kiss and hold each other and their world would be set right. Rayla looked down at the stockings, she knew she’ll never wear them again and that alone broke her heart. Despite that, she still couldn’t give them up. So she set them aside sadly and separated the logs with the poker.
“Are you ready to talk about your feelings now?” Soren asked from behind her.
“I don’ know what tae do with them… they’re special,'' her voice was small and mournful. She looked back at him and he nodded sympathetically before pouring two drinks from a bottle on his shelf.
“I think we could both use the edges cut off of our problems today,” he tried to rally.
“Sure, why not?” she said dryly. Still sitting on the floor she raised her arm and he placed the cup in her hand. She took a sip and sighed. She didn’t really care for red wine but he was right, a drink sounded great and she wasn’t going to be picky.
Soren leaned against the mantle and chugged his entire cup of wine in three gulps. Rayla was dumbfounded, “Whoah uhh… you okay big lump? That’s a lot of edge yer trimin’ there,” she chuckled awkwardly.
“Oh yeah I’m totally fine, just super thirsty.” He waved her off before pouring another drink. He sipped slowly this time.
She couldn’t help the side eye she gave. “Sooo uh, tough day all around I suppose.”
“You got that right,” he agreed and slumped into his small sofa. He stared into his cup.
Rayla broke the silence, “I don’ know. I have no idea what tae think right now…. Not at all.”
Soren spoke confidently, “I may not be the smartest but I know one big giant fact.”
She raised an eyebrow, skeptical. “And that is?”
“He loves you,” Soren smiled at her, “and nothing my sister does will ever change that. What she did today was terrible and I think he’s probably really confused. But I think he needs you and for sure loves you.”
“Stop makin’ so much sense lump, I find it annoying,” she glared with a small smile before taking another sip.
“Hey, pluuuus you’re cooler than zap hands remember? If anyone can figure all this out, it’s you,” he wiggled zap fingers in her direction.
“Yer so lame…” she rolled her eye but added “but yer also correct, I’m very cool.”
“So cool!” Soren chuckled.
After that, Rayla had food brought up and they had another drink. Soren got out the dice and they tried to distract themselves and have a laugh. It worked for a while, but their usual suspenseful gambling was half-hearted at best, and inevitably one of them would end up sighing and sadly drifting into space until the other knocked them back to reality. Eventually, they abandoned the game and said goodnight. Rayla heard him pour another drink as she closed the door behind her.
The weight had restrung itself around her neck. It pulled at her the whole walk home.
Rayla opened the apartment door. It was dark and Callum was already asleep. She wanted to wake him, but based off of their interaction earlier she thought better of it. Resigning to her pining, she went to the wardrobe for a nightdress and to put away the stockings.
When she opened the drawer, Rayla found it had been ransacked; everything was unfolded and mixed up. The other drawers and cabinet were more of the same. The bile burned and bubbled up into her throat again. Her skin crawled. Her things were contaminated, she felt contaminated. It hadn’t just been the nightgown or the stockings. Mere hours ago, Claudia’s hands had been on even more of Rayla’s things. It was clear she had rifled around with a purpose. With the goal of fucking her husband. Rayla looked around the room, Claudia had been in their apartment and their bed. She’s fucked him in their bed. There was an urge to burn it, send it all up in flames like she’d done with the nightgown. Because that's what fire did, what the arcanum was all about. Purification. But arson was, if nothing else, impractical.
She shoved the stockings to the back and grabbed a linen shift from the top of the pile. Rayla narrowly resisted the urge to slam the drawer shut. She didn’t want to wake Callum. She settled on dropping the red and gold dress she’d been wearing on the floor and kicking it. She scowled at the unsatisfying distance it tumbled. Rayla pulled the shift over her head as she walked to the mirror and when her head passed through the neck, she saw how tired she looked. Her hair was still pinned into a partial updo but she’d nervously fiddled and ruined it. She sighed and removed the remaining pins and then reached for her hairbrush. She froze with it halfway to her head. A partially black hair was stuck in the bristles. She glanced at the sleeping lump in the bed and pushed a forceful exhale through her nostrils, part of an internal scream. She went back to the dress on the floor and kicked it again, and wondered what the sick bitch hadn’t touched.
Rayla was repulsed, nauseated, and furious. She hated this feeling of violation. Her most personal things had been defiled and used against her. A breeze came through the open doors. She crossed her arms and wished it could blow away the unsettling discomfort. Then she turned and looked at Callum… really looked at him.
He had cried himself to sleep. His usually peaceful face was sad and the pillow was still wet. Claudia had done this to him, made him cry.
Then the room fell away and a frenzy of thoughts cycloned around her.
When she entered the apartment, he’d been crying. He’d been crying out for her to stop.
Rayla’s stomach dropped.
Soren words rung in her ear. “She’s killed people but… doing this to Callum… I’m disgusted by her.”
She could feel acid bubble into her throat.
This wasn’t adultery, this was something else. This was… Soren knew, why hadn’t she?
How had she been so stupid? How had she not understood? Would he still have sent her away if she hadn’t been so dense?
She felt tears start to roll down her cheeks as she looked down at his sad sleeping face, she now had tears to match his.
He wouldn’t look at her. He couldn’t look at her. Because she, Claudia, had looked like her.
That was why he’d sent her away.
She covered her mouth to silence the sobs. She felt a burn in her right shoulder.
She hadn’t just worn Rayla’s clothes, Claudia wore her face. It wasn’t just her belongings that had been violated, it was him, he had been violated.
The cyclone was closing in on her, Rayla was going to drown in it. In all of this.
She rushed to escape the room, and closed the balcony door behind her just in time for the heaving sobs to break. Her stomach was turning and she thought she would be sick.
From the moment she saw them, she pulled off that illusion, Rayla has been angry. It was reliable for her. Made her feel strong, made her protective of him. Let her take care of him. But that was a lie, she hadn’t protected him, she read it wrong or missed the point and that was the reason and she hadn’t taken better care of him. Like she should have. She wasn’t even sure what she should have done differently but she knew it should have been more or better.
She clutched her shoulder with one hand and the railing with the other. The cyclone of sadness, rage, and disgust were growing into a hurricane. She hated Claudia and that hate burned in her. She hated herself for not taking better care of him. She rolled her shoulder.
Rayla had left behind her life as an assassin long ago. Killing in battle was one thing, but she never wanted to take lives in cold blood. But this… this was provoked and boiled her blood. She realized she could do it now, she could take her blades and go to the dungeons, go to Claudia's cell. She could slit her throat. She could cut her neck to the bone if she wanted to. Rayla sobbed.
She felt the phantom pain in her healed shoulder. It was like the tendons were being ripped all over again. Snapping one by one. On the cool stones of the balcony, she was reliving the worst pain she had ever known. The pain Claudia had inflicted the day she held Rayla to the ground and contorted her limbs with dark magic. If Callum hadn’t stopped her, Claudia would have ripped Rayla’s arm off completely. But now it wasn’t her arm that would be severed, it was the beating heart from her chest. She wondered if it would make the same sound leaving her rib cage as her arm had from the joint. POP, ringing in her ear. Rayla kept trying to breathe while she let herself cry.
After what felt like hours she got up and went to bed. She kissed Callum on the forehead gently, she wondered if he heard her crying. She curled up with her pillow to her chest on her cold empty side of the bed. She wiped away a few silent tears as she fell asleep. They hadn’t slept apart, without holding each other, since… she couldn’t remember.
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saltine-kakyoin · 5 years
🎶 for SERGIO (bc i love him v much!!!) Also im deep into the choir rabbithole on youtube bc of u rn😘😭
BRO i am going to snap Extra Hard on this because it’s your birthday and you deserve it 🥺🥺🥺 also yessss, the choir rabbithole is my Favorite one to go down, ahh. let me know which songs you’re vibing to!! c:
bro I am gonna have to rabbithole for this bit, oh man.. sergio anthonio joestar is a really good character to playlist for, but somehow i don’t listen to much for him beyond the 6 in the last post. 😤✊
don’t wanna fight- this song rings more like a plea for compromise + an expression of exhaustion, so it’s not 100% a perfect fit for sergio, but! the frustration with conflict is definitely a Sergio Thing. he just wants to raise his son, dio, what the heck >:’( I think it’s also a fun nod back to his childhood- when he was a kid, the thought of Dio scared him shitless but there was still a part of him that was like, “I could take him!! 1v1 me at Hell Climb Pillar!”- once sergio’s older and trying to plan his wedding and raise his son, he’s not as eager about the idea. The exhaustion at the end of the song applies really well to his character arc :(
gimme all your love- another alabama shakes song, ahh…they just really strike me as sergio’s kind of band. admittedly, this song is more tomoko’s song, but in the same way as joseph, it only applies when sergio’s an active player in the plot. Sergio is super quick to be like “Tomoko, I love you but i Cannot marry you yet” once he feels Dio’s presence in Japan- Tomoko understands his anxieties once he explains the Joestar Family Scourge to her, but it doesn’t make the postponing any less of a stinging wound. This song makes me think of the initial breakdown in communication between them as Sergio begins spiraling and Tomoko’s efforts to drag him out of that and to address the issue of Dio. I’d never heard this song before, but I really love it now! The frustration + the reaching out are really painful and sad to listen to, especially through the guitar rift and final cry. also, “You say the world, it doesn’t fit with you/ Why don’t you talk to me for just a little while?I can only try to make it right” in the scope of tomoko and sergio is just… *chef crying in the back pews of an abandoned church*
let my love be heard- THIS SONG :powercry: this song strikes me as more of a plea for one’s love to be heard by someone they’ve lost, but my interpretation for sergio is a little different.. “my own lost bird” in this setting refers to sergio’s own dying soul, and it’s more of a plea to whatever powers may be that Joseph will get his final message, and that his efforts to protect his family won’t be in vain. let his love be heard, if nothing else. i can really envision the part around 3:16 cinematically being like.. where he passes on and his soul joins the other joestars whose lives were ruined or cut short by dio, and then all of their willpower coming together to conglomerate alongside jotaro’s own spirit, leading to the manifestation of star platinum around 4:35. while this would be a fine point to leave off, i like to imagine the quiet, somber end as like.. the aftermath of sergio’s death- suad waking up in a puddle of his blood + realizing she’s done something Horrible + subsequently defecting from dio’s side and giving him the best burial she can with her own trembling hands.
daemon irrepit callidus- THIS SONG AHH. i have loved this song since i was in the 8th grade ahh. i’ve wanted to sing it for years but the opportunity hasn’t arisen yet. 3 anyhow! this performance in particular (i have issues with almost all recordings of daemon, even this one fhgh) i think captures the drama of sergio’s flight into egypt really well, and alludes back to how Dio was and still is this deeply horrific character to him- “The Demon sneaks expertly/ Tempting the honorable heart/ He sets forth trickery amidst praise, song and dance.” the dynamics and sharp entrances are very reminiscent of sergio’s turbulent emotions.
set me as a seal- this is one of the most beautiful songs ever written, i am not taking suggestions at this time. I just watched the Tomb of Ligeia for class, so i’m like v smitten with the concept of one’s own willpower dominating death and even god. of course, this ties back into his death and his spirit being present in star platinum and crazy diamond. “Many waters cannot quench love. Neither can the floods drown it.” is such a beautiful lyric, ahhhh
honorable mention this round goes to o salutaris hostia, which to me has always been a song for kakyoin and caesar but is also REALLY fitting for sergio? In the SDA, the crusaders owe a LOT to sergio and his passing. Without Suad overhearing him begging Joseph to seek out Abdul and then seeking him out herself + spilling the beans on all of Dio’s minions that she’s encountered, they wouldn’t know the bare bones of a good portion of Dio’s initial unit of Stand users. Of course, Abdul knows of a good amount of them, but Suad is the one who supplements and completes his knowledge because she is the one who was There and saw their abilities personally. Without Joseph being destroyed by news of Sergio’s passing + requesting a larger Speedwagon presence in Cairo, Kakyoin would be dead, and Polnareff and Iggy would be pretty close to it themselves. :( sergio’s death sucks, but it ameliorates a ton of little details and painful parts of sdc canon so… we lov u salutaris hostia… 3
ONE FINAL HONORABLE MENTION goes to seven last words from the cross- this song.. ohh my god this song scalped me the first time i listened to it. I listen to it a lot when i write sergio, i’m not sure why i didn’t think of it before... this post is getting a bit long so i won’t go crazy go stupid about this song, but. the”deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me?” + “consummatus est.” + “commendo spiritum...pa.....ter” sections specifically are REALLY GOOD for sergio. 4:55-6:09 in particular is also like. necessary to listen to. i dropped my phone the first time i heard it. gotta love seven last words from the building column impaling your lungs + torso, amirite?
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cyclicallife · 5 years
dépression nerveuse
Traveling does wonders for the mind and spirit. Each traveler has such a unique and individual experience, this, to me, is where the power of exploration lies.
It has always been a way for me to reflect. I can step back and observe my life from a different perspective. It has a sort of meditative quality in that I, from that place of outside observer, can sit with choices made or actions taken or even, more importantly, choices at hand. Perhaps it is because when traveling I can just be. I can strip away the layers and titles and personas and simply be. In doing so it is easier to stand back and look at one’s life and look at the past, look at one’s present. Without the smothering layers of what one is, what & how one should be, etc., things become a little clearer.  
My mother, the sweet and generous lady that she is, lumped together not only my graduation gift but my Christmas gift and birthday gift as well so as to allow me to travel a bit. she would say that my graduation gift, when all was said and done with my illness and things stabilized enough, would be a ticket somewhere - anywhere. I think we both held onto the idea of future travel to also hold onto the idea that I would one day return to the carefree, vagabond lifestyle I once lived. Her gift allowed me the chance to rekindle a sense of independence I was unsure if I’d ever have again.
I felt so fortunate; there was this sort of giddy, childlike joy rising up in me. I have a thirst for traveling and, after three years of a life revolving almost entirely around medical appointments and clinics, my great thirst was finally quenched. Naturally, because of said health issues, panic, stress and anxiety, etc. were never too far behind. Mostly, this anxiety and stress issues revolve around my seizure activity. If a place is too busy or overwhelming I become anxious and in turn stressed that the anxiety will trigger a seizure… it’s a bit of a downward spiral unless I can catch it before hand and keep myself calm. At times the anxiety levels were rather acute, though certainly a small price to pay for the ability to travel once more.
However, there was also this other feeling, too. Something that had yet to present itself sent a different swell of fear and anxiety through my being. I felt a nervous tingling that was running alongside the feelings of glee and gratitude. It was emotion thus far unfelt and one I could not label.
My favorite way to travel is walking. City walking is great, but I’m referring to setting out on foot and just… walking.  A lot of the paths I choose are well worn footpaths that often pass through many small villages and cities that are well off the tourist itinerary. These, to me, are where the real culture lies.
During this Trip I set out from a small city in southern France along a footpath used by pilgrims who were walking to Santiago de Compostela, a city in northwestern Spain. On other adventures I have walked different parts of this same route, however those were within Spain.
The term pilgrim might have been used at one time to denote a monk or other such religious devotee trekking hundreds of grueling miles to reach a small shrine or holy site. The modern “pilgrim” however is trekking for a number of reasons and not solely those of spiritual devotion.
I initially went to Le Puy en Velay, a city in southern France, because I had heard about in 2006 while traveling in Spain. A Frenchman told me, “you have to go to my hometown, it is beautiful!” I thought, ‘if anyone speaks highly of their hometown I should probably visit.’ While there I came across a symbol that has guided pilgrims for hundreds of years across various parts of Europe to a city in north western Spain. It was the same symbol, a scallop shell, that I used, that I followed rather, during my many treks to the same destination. The saying “all roads lead to Rome” can easily be said about the numerous footpaths across Europe, all paths lead to Santiago de Compostela.
I believe in such events and other serendipitous occurrences in one’s life. So, with very little hesitation, as per usual with my travels, I packed my rucksack and started out walking.  
Walking is all about allowing the mind to enter that previously mentioned meditative state. The reflection, at least for me, begins with the rhythmic movement of the physical being. After this it seems as though the mind follows suit and the pattern begins to move in a spiritual direction. It is also about passing through quaint little towns and cities, many of which aren’t yet jaded by the onslaught of tourists. I think this is really why I love it.
It is also very hard. I’m not talking about blisters and a sore back, I’m talking about the mental and emotional side effects that the simplicity of walking stirs up. In the past this is precisely why I would walk. To me it is sort of purge. After a long hard semester – walk! After a shitty break up – walk!
However, this time the difficulties were beyond those of a sore back and blisters began to emerge. The darker emotions that ran alongside the glee and gratitude, that which had yet to present itself, the emotions that were thus far unfelt … These are inescapable and they too were in my rucksack.
Somewhere neither here nor there as these treks often go, those things crawled out of and stood before me, blocking the path, blocking any forward movement, any advancement of mind and body. Literally, I was unable to take another step. I could feel everything within me shifting and pulsating as though I had spent the last several miles ascending a peak. I wasn’t sure how to react or what to do. I began to think I had hit a wall. Considering the deconditioned state I was in from my years of relative inactivity, this would make sense. I removed the water bottle from my rucksack’s side holder and took a long drink. After which, I removed my hat so as to run a little fresh water over my head thinking this might revive me and allow me to set out again. As I did so my fingers ran over the scar, the wrinkled creases and little divots where my brain had been operated on. I paused, then I began howling and screaming, “I had fucking brain surgery! I had fucking brain surgery!”
I cracked. I broke down. Right there, right there between somewhere and nowhere in southern France, along an ancient footpath upon which I had spent the entire day briskly walking, I broke. I crumbled slightly and then came crashing down! That which hadn’t presented itself stepped forth, looming over me
The weight of three years fell upon me; fear, pain, both emotional and physical, anger, and despair…
The weight of spitting into the sink and seeing blood.
The weight of the first seizure in Chicago and subsequent diagnosis.
The weight of my MFA studies being disrupted just a matter of weeks before graduation.
The weight of endless nights full of fears, of waking from nightmares, of waking up both enraged and saddened simultaneously,
The weight of looking at myself, at my reflection in the mirror, when I was bald and bloated, a gray form with sunken eyes stood there looking back. A figure trying to come to terms with life, trying to put the pieces together in hopes of making sense of everything.
The weight of my girlfriend at the time looking at me with loving and compassionate eyes, but also fear and longing for me, for us, to begin something that we had barely just started.
The weight of being told that the cancer had returned only six months after initial treatment, six months after my life was gaining stability.
The weight of postponing a course I was set to teach only days from the new of my recurrence.
The weight of a stroke and the brain surgery that followed.
The weight of an entire summer spent in a hospital room, cut off from the world, spending each day and night in a chemo induced nightmare, praying I’d make it through two, back-to-back transplants.
The weight of the seizures returning shortly after my transplant, rendering me a fear filled recluse, scared of walking down the street without being full of Ativan.
Right then and there, I fell apart in every way imaginable.
I cried. I cried so hard and wailed so much that my throat hurt. I don’t know for how long I cried. I heard myself screaming but it didn’t sound like me, it was deep and guttural, animal-like and completely unnatural. I don’t know how long I remained in this state. I was shaking, both from the fast approaching night, but also from the overwhelming emotional release, from crying so much.
After that I must’ve been in a state of delirium, because things are very hazy and not really adding up, time seems very distorted. There are many gaps that will fill in with memories over the coming months I’m sure. I remember an older French couple, Louise and Clément, who must have found me while trekking along. I remember Louise was giving me tea and cookies but I couldn’t hold either one down and kept getting sick. Evidently we had made our way to one of the many hostels that are along the route. There they had wrapped me in a blanket and dressed me in a thicker, woolen shirt. Eventually I was able to slowly sip tea. It began to warm me but I couldn’t yet manage the cookies. I just kept hugging Louise and crying. She must have known that I spoke sufficient French to maintain a dialogue and proceeded to tell me that they had found me only a short distance from the hostel. I was kneeling on all fours, pack still on, in the middle of the path crying and screaming. Through her hand movements and gestures, I could tell it was a little bit more than just crying.
The tea was warming my body and my head was becoming a little clearer. Things started to make a bit more sense. I remember the invasion of emotions and thoughts and how it felt as if they were choking me; I remember physically gagging.
I remember having this desire to tear opened my own body, to open up my chest cavity and remove something, to get it out– to pull out every last bit piece by piece of it, I envisioned strands of hair like substance. Though what it was exactly I didn’t know.
Perhaps it was due to my crying but it seemed I had reached a sort of hallucinatory state where strange and nightmarish events were happening.  I felt as though I was falling but never reached the ground, it was this continuous feeling of vertigo and the constant fear and uncertainty of when or if I would make contact with the ground. In another Hallucination I could just barely move my legs, but they were stuck, being held back by something. These hallucinations were broken up by my sobbing, as if my crying was holding them back.
I was lost in a terrifying, daydream,-like state recalling all these events, when Clément Sat down beside me and said, in English, “we go now to the hospital.”
They put me in the backseat of a car, to whom it belonged I did not know, then they covered me with blankets. I drifted in and out of sleep, only waking now and then to hear them speaking softly. The warmth of the blankets and the sound of French, which I always found soothing, pushed and pulled me from consciousness.
My sleep was tormented by nightmares however, again they were filled with strange hallucinations: of being in a room where my thoughts were echoing, reverberating within the space. I was not speaking aloud but could hear within the room my stream-of-consciousness- like thoughts.
Again I had this desire to break open my chest and pull forth some substance. This was the strangest of all my hallucinations. I could feel my hands both upon my chest and moving within it. I don’t know what I was seeking or what I was hoping to find therein, I just knew I was looking with a frantic desperation for something.
I deduced later on that The Louise and Clément found me just outside of Golinhac. So it would make sense that we went to a hospital Rodez. At the time however, I didn’t know where I was.
They sat with me in the emergency department until I was admitted. I kept holding Louises’ hand. Now and then she would give mine a gentle squeeze so I would know she was there.
Nurses drew several vials of blood and the doctor ordered an MRI. Several doctors came in, shook all of our hands, and then proceeded to ask various questions. Throughout it all Louise held my hand and continued to gently squeeze it now and then.
The psychiatrist introduced herself as formally as everyone else had. We spoke at great length about all that had happened, the feelings and thoughts, my health history, life and family dynamics - it seems the questions were endless.
At this point I was close to tears and had already broken down a number of times during the conversation.
Evidently I didn’t pose a threat to myself or others so they allowed me to stay in the room I was in. After she left I heard her speak with Louise and Clément Just outside the door. When they came in they too said they would be back in the morning and hoped I would be able to rest. Clément had family in Rodez, so they wouldn’t be far if I needed anything.
The following day, one of the doctors entered the room. He said the MRI was fine, which I knew as I had one recently in conjunction with my CT scan for routine cancer screening. The bloodwork was also normal. I knew this as well, but I also knew they were screening for illicit drugs. That didn’t surprise me considering the state I was in upon arrival. Even though many things were becoming clear, I wasn’t entirely sure of what state I was in or how I was acting when I arrived the night before. How was I acting? How did I look upon arrival — how did we look upon arrival? This older French couple bringing in a foreigner into the emergency room sometime in the dead of night. A foreigner who was sobbing and describing surreal, nightmarish like events. A bleary eyed foreigner  undoubtedly speaking mixture of gibberish, French, and English… It only makes sense that they would order toxicology screening.
I drifted in and out of sleep. Louise and Clément arrived and also looked tired, nonetheless, their eyes held such compassion.
Louise Brought in cups upon cups of tea. I’m not sure if she just really enjoyed tea or if she was still concerned that I needed to be warm.
The Psychiatrist arrived sometime later and, as formally as ever, as though she were just meeting us, said good morning and shook our hands. She asked how I was feeling and nodded understandingly when I mentioned how tired I was. She spoke at great length about her theories regarding the night before and the state I was in upon arrival. Much of it was lost on me as my head was still fuzzy both from the events of the previous night and also from the tiredness that seemed to be intensifying. She described it as a nervous breakdown, a dépression nerveuse.  She studied me as though looking for an understanding of her words. I just nodded. I tend to do this, I just nod when the subject of my health, mental or physical, arises. She nodded as well and this became the language we shared.
With that she began asking logistical questions regarding my stay in France. When I told her I was leaving from Geneva on October 23 she looked relieved but also a little concerned. Then she proceeded to ask a number of questions regarding my travel plans. It was evident her feelings were mixed both about my upcoming travels as well as the fragility of my mental health. She kept her gaze fixed upon me. I remember looking away several times only to look back to find her still staring at me with such intensity. This unnerved me. Though, each time my eyes met hers it seemed as if she was trying to understand something, it was a questioning look more than anything. There is so much haziness around my stay in the emergency department, but I am certain about the depth of her attention on me.
Louise and Clément lived in Lyon and invited me to stay with them until my departure. They were also comforted to hear I would be leaving from Geneva opposed to Paris or some other airport that would require a lengthy journey.
Breaking her formal manner, the psychiatrist placed her hand upon mine, which was resting in my lap, and said, “It is no wonder this has happened, I am surprised it is just occurring now.” Perhaps that is why she held her gaze upon me with such unwavering intensity, maybe she was trying to find the words, any words, that would help explain all of this to me.
Oddly enough this seemingly simple comment made me feel better. It validated something inside of me. Though still very much unclear, it began dragging things out into the light. Not everything, of course. Events and emotions will present themselves over time, but they will do so nonetheless. Not only will they do so about this particular incident, but in terms of the illness as a whole and the life I have constructed around it. The wall has been breached, this breakdown was the catalyst… it only took a horrific experience and the guidance of two strangers who bravely stood-by never once questioning my emotional or psychological state. Two guardians who seemed to understand the screaming, sobbing and guttural language I was speaking. Two caretakers who continuously  brought me an insane amount of tea!
Her comment let me touch down; the continuous fall, the constant vertigo, began to come to an end. The multiple voices within the room - my own unspoken voices — began to  speak clearly, presenting as one, solitary voice with which I would one day learn to communicate with. My legs incapable of moving, those being held back, shifted slightly - ever so slightly - a barely perceivable amount. The unknown thing I desperately wanted to rip from my chest... this will take more time to understand and come to terms with.  I’m ok with that, I’m patient and am certainly not going anywhere.
She was tagging them, defining them, placing a label on them.
Perhaps when we put a label on something we are forced to recognize it. It is no longer some-thing, but rather, in this particular context of the psychiatrist’s comment, a matter of permission. I am permitting this to happen. I am allowing this to take place. I am relinquishing control. I am letting go.
I’ve always perceive letting go as weakness, the antithesis, of course, being strength. I would stubbornly hold on, I would not be weak, I would hold on and fight to the bitter end to prove it!
Well, my stubbornness led me to emergency room in Rodez, France.
She could have just as easily said, ‘It is no wonder this is happening, I am surprised you’re permitting it to do so now.’
I want labels. I want to define things in order to recognize, grow and heal from them. At least then, when I fight to whichever end comes for me, I’ll know what I was fighting for.
My return… How would I make the journey back to the states? Who would I turn to for help and comfort? Who would watch me and allow me to open as Louise and Clément had? Now, just two days until my return flight was set to depart, with the recent events still very present and raw in my mind and soul, I felt frozen with fear. I felt alone. I felt alone in so many ways. In the presence of Louise and Clément I felt safe and comforted knowing, not only that they were there with me at present to protect me, but that they had seen me in the state in which they had found me just a few nights before.
I wrote to my older who, thanks to the gods, was also in Europe at the time. She had seen me in tears many times over the course of my journey with illness, she had never seen me in my current state. Though the dépression nerveuse allowed for the wall to be breached, I was presented with yet another wall. Advancement is happening, but the process is slow.
Within 12 hours she was in Geneva. She had changed our tickets and arranged everything to ensure our journeys  home would be the same. There is no way I would have been able to make the trip alone. The entire way I held her hand; from Geneva to Heathrow and onward to Boston, I held her hand.
This is a form of letting go. This is relinquishing control. Another part of the wall, or perhaps a wall in and of itself, is permitting others the ability to offer assistance. I am stubborn, as mentioned, it is hard for me to accept this. I have always relied on myself to manage various situations in life as I find others to fall short when called upon. Louise and Clément showed me that self reliance isn’t always possible, there are times when help must be accepted. They showed me that help and care come from a place of unconditional love, too.
Just as Louise held my hand throughout the dark night, gently squeezing it now and then so I would feel her presence, so too did my older sister when she guided me home.
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imspardagus · 5 years
A pub the way they ought to be
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Leonard Cohen once sang “A scheme is not a vision”. Sadly, we have lots of schemers these days trying to sell their nasty little schemes as visions, don’t we, Nigel? Don’t we, Jacob? Don’t we Boris? So it is good to be able to celebrate a true vision. One that made the grade and brought happiness to a lot of people.
It was twenty years ago, not today but this year, that Bev and Mary opened the Old Cross Tavern in St Andrews Street, Hertford. The place had been an antique shop and, fittingly, Bev and Mary’s vision was to create a pub “the way they used to be”.
What they actually created was a pub the way they ought to be: a place of community, where people come to drink and stay to chat, a space where you can always find a welcome and a smile of acceptance, a sanctuary.
I’m in danger of eulogy here, but the thing is it is all true.
A lot of it is down to simplicity. The beauty of the Old Cross can to an extent be summed up by what it doesn’t have.
No juke box.
No fruit machines.
No Sky TV.
In fact, no TV.
No brazenly gilded and painfully bright beer taps offering fake lager so awful that it has to be sold, and drunk, ice cold.
No “Happy Hour” with its purpose of getting you to neck far more of the product than sober reflection would dictate.
So what does it have? Well, on a utilitarian level, a light, airy room with two booths, some tables, benches and stools, floor space to stand in and two fireplaces for the winter, a bar housing 8 handpumps, a chilled cupboard full of bottled beers, wines and soft drinks, a shelf of spirits (and pink elephants, but let’s not dwell on the pink elephants), a display case full of pork pies and scotch eggs, a jar of pickled eggs and a stacker full of bar snacks. And out the back, toilets and a covered courtyard.
On a service level it has one, sometimes two,  people serving behind the bar.
It sounds easy, doesn’t it? Simple. But, as any acrobat, any concert pianist, any artist will tell you, simplicity takes a lot of skill. That seemingly effortless backflip that makes your heart stop, that almost childlike tune that catches your throat, that apparently crudely daubed vase of bright yellow sunflowers that draws you in and fills your nostrils with the unmistakable scent of a hot, dusty southern summer you have never known, each one belies hours of careful practice and solid artistry to make it just so.
To run a pub as sublimely good as the Old Cross takes commitment, constant effort and a lot of heart. And if you can’t see that, it is because they’re good at it. Really good.
Let’s start with the beer. A workaday product, beer, you might be tempted to think. A humble thing, the staple of the masses across the centuries. Just a pint of flavoured, slightly alcoholic water to quench the thirst. But British beer is a living product and an unforgiving one. Every step of the way to making it has to be taken with careful precision. And then it must be kept in the right conditions. And then, when it is ready to be drunk, it must be served well.
This last part is where so many publicans fall down. Pipes not cleaned and flushed through, beer engines not maintained, clumsy drawing on the handpump, the misuse of “sparklers” to impose a creamy head on a beer brewed not to have one, all of this will taint and corrupt the beer and spoil your experience.
Back in the 1970s, when, sick of the industrialised, insipid, gassed-up awfulness that the biggest brewers had foisted on the public in search of ever easier and greater profit, a handful of enthusiasts, including the great Roger Protz, founded the Campaign for Real Ale and started the revolution that has led to this indisputably Golden Age of Beer that we are now experiencing, some pubs were quick to jump on the bandwagon. I recall one, the Sun, in Lambs Conduit Street. It seemed, as you entered it, like you had been transported to heaven. Twelve handpumps greeted you at the bar each bearing the name of a different brewery, a different ale, often a name that you had only heard of in legend. And as a pint was dispensed you would start salivating at the prospect of what was to come. But even before you could get the glass to your lips, the cidery stench of a beer that was off assailed your nostrils and the first sip, coarse and acidic, shrivelled your tongue and bit your throat. They had no idea how to keep and serve the stuff. It was like opening a Christmas present as a child, hoping for a toy car or a new doll to love, and finding a box of grey woollen socks.
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The Old Cross Tavern has a passion for good beer, so much so that in all the years I have been going there I have never had a bad pint. That is, of course, as it should be but it is still a remarkable achievement. And why that is so is down to the people who work there.
Mary is a good picker of beer but she is also a fine picker of people. The people who work at the Old Cross, young and not so young, women and men, regular or occasional, all have a commitment to what they are serving. Mary takes them on and trains and nurtures them until they know the condition and quality of each beer, how to set it up and how to serve it well. When you enter the pub and approach the bar they don’t see another mug punter, they see you and they are looking forward to providing you with the pleasure of a drink you will enjoy. And they are confident that they can do it.
But that is just the start of the experience. Because they treat you as a human. They remind you that you are human. It is all done quietly with just the gentle dash of warmth and everyday kindness. And before long you start to remember that you are human too. You came in here in the hope of escape from the callous indifference of the rest of your life and here it is, being offered to you with a welcoming smile.
You can enter as a stranger but you won’t stay one for long. I have known pubs where, as you open the door, a silence falls and the walk to the bar is like a walk to the gallows, hostile eyes watching you and judging you. Yes, we tend to look up when you enter the Old Cross, but only to see if you are someone we know, and, if you are not, you will still as like as not receive a smile and a nod of welcome. The Old Cross has at its centre the beating heart of human warmth and it spreads throughout the place to touch us all if we will only allow it.
You don’t need to be gregarious, though. You can sit and read a book, read your paper, work your phone, if that is what you need. No-one will think the worse of you. You can read the Guardian or attempt the crossword. Many do. That is how it was for me when I first started going there, because I was excruciatingly shy and felt sure I didn’t belong. Gradually, I relaxed and opened up. And they were there waiting to embrace me. But there are still times when I need to be on my own and that is almost instinctively respected.
All around, there are conversations to be had. Real conversations, the way they used to be. But that’s something else it doesn’t have. Aggression. People who don’t know it – and to be fair even some who do – think of the Old Cross as an old men’s pub. We sometimes refer to it jokingly as the Old Geezers and, yes, the average age of the top table is on the high side. You might expect it to come fully charged with the stench of testosterone and the obstinate resentment of young people and of anything or anyone “not like us”. But the only raised voices you will ever hear are of occasional raucous laughter as a group of men and women celebrate the end of another gruelling week.
We have our discussions but they are governed by mutual respect. There are probably as many “remainers” as “brexiters”, as many “Corbynites” as “Tories” but here, like the many beautiful dogs who bring their owners to the place, we keep the peace.
And women know they are safe here, too, as they should be able to: that bad behaviour by men will not be tolerated. And so we all benefit from that extra dimension that the company of women bestows on the otherwise sad banality of a man’s world.
Bev said to me on Sunday that the Old Cross is the way it is because of its customers. I replied that its customers are the way they are because of the way it is. Here, just off the centre of a small town 20 miles north of London, twenty years ago, a virtuous circle was born and is thriving. This truly is a pub the way they ought to be.
Here’s to the next 20 years.
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jdcolilihan-blog · 5 years
The Man Above
Who is the Man above? Who is God? Lots of question that are unanswered. Yet, we believe. Why do we still believe? For we have faith.
As a future educator, my thirst for knowledge never quenched. So, I came up to answer our EL103: Structures of English instructor, Sir Rogelio Ticoy Jr.’s question. If God is a noun what type of noun would He be? Is God concrete or abstract? Is God proper or common?  Is God countable or non-countable? Is God singular or plural; collective or compound?
God is an abstract noun. As we all know, an abstract noun is something intangible; cannot be seen, touched, smelled, heard neither can it be tasted. It is not physically existing. God is not tangible for He will not bring himself down to our level unless he wanted to. However, his blessings come in both tangible and intangible things. God maybe intangible but He made all things intangible and intangible.
Questions are also asked on whether God is a proper or a common noun. God is a proper noun. Not just because we would capitalize Him because of His hierarchy, but it’s just that, He Himself is specific. When we say God, no matter what we call Him, Yahweh, Allah, or anything else, it would always specifically refer to as God, the Creator.
He is singular. In Catholicism, we could here the prayer say “Holy Trinity One God” and that itself would be proof that He is singular. The word “one” basically symbolizes singularity. Christianity taught us to worship Him and only Him. Which again shows that He is singular. In a polytheist religion, there maybe a lot of Gods, but each and every one these Gods are singular. Like Shiva, Hinduism’s God of Death. Note that Hinduism may have millions of Gods.  
Catholicism says there are three forms of God—God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This may first make us say that God may be a collective noun. However, I do believe that these are just forms and God is still singular. Thus, God is not a collective noun.
There is no one higher than God, nor is anyone at His level. This makes Him specific. The Man above will always be Him and forever will be Him.
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deaconwords · 3 years
The Miracle
Six years ago, I was offered the opportunity to preach at the wedding of two dear friends. Both had lost mates to tragedy, one to a motorcycle accident, the other to a terminal illness. Yet, somehow these two beautiful people found each other and were able to make a new life together. Not a life that would ignore, deny, or exclude their pasts, but one that would include and transcend them.
Such rebirth is a miracle—if one experiences it as such.
In our gospel lesson today, Mary, the mother of Jesus declares: “They have no wine.”
A plain statement of fact.
When in your life have you been wineless? When have you been without the basic materials required for celebration, for joy, lightness of heart? When have the tragedies of life overwhelmed you, making happiness impossible, and depression inevitable? Haven’t we all been there? Wineless? My friends who got married had.
“They have no wine,” Mary insists. “Jesus, they have no wine.”
Mary is concerned for the welfare of the wedding guests, providing intercession on their behalf and knowing that the means whereby their thirsts can and will be quenched rest within her Son. We are never wineless when Jesus is present.
Now when the servants at the party do as Jesus instructs, they play a role in a transformative event; water becomes wine. Who, who, among those at the Cana wedding are aware of this extraordinary happening?
Who? I’ll tell you who. Servants and disciples.
For all we know, from this reading, no one else witnessed it, this miraculous moment. All the rest just drink and make merry, some noting a change in wine, most, however, oblivious to the deeper story being lived out, oblivious to the miracle.
And in our old testament reading this morning, we hear about Jerusalem, the City of David, the City of God. Its inhabitants have been in exile since 587 BCE, when its temple was destroyed by the Babylonians. “Forsaken and desolate,” it is called. Yet, hope remains. The city and its people are the bride of the bridegroom, they are not forgotten. There exists a covenant, a marriage, between themselves and their God, so long as they uphold their vows, so long as they pay attention and participate, so long as they remain—servants and disciples.
And this marriage is not just between God and God’s people, it includes land. This reference to “land” puzzled me, when I first came upon it. Surely, this marriage is between God and God’s people, what does land have to do with it? Then I remembered Genesis and the creation story. Day after day God creates and every day’s work is described as “good.” It is good; all of creation is good. Nothing is excluded from God’s covenantal love. Nothing is lost.
Oft-times in our secular, temporal lives we run out of wine. Loved ones die. Relationships end. Sickness prevails. Violence continues. Sorrow invades our hearts and we suppose ourselves forsaken and desolate. We have then to remember the marriage we, as God’s Holy church, have with God. Remember that no one, no-thing, is excluded.
My friends brought all of themselves into their new marriage. New ways of understanding our lives are opened to us as well when we fully participate in the life God has given us.
Thanks be to God that it is Sunday morning and we are together here where we are never without wine. Because together, in a spirit of love and support, we are always in the presence of Christ. Together, we mourn death and together, we celebrate life. And we do so without forsaking anyone or anything in an all-inclusive acknowledgement of the goodness of God.
May we be like those who at the Cana wedding witnessed the greater miracle of God’s unconditional and overabundant love spilled out extravagantly for God’s Holy people. Indeed, may we be today and always—servants and disciples. Amen.
—Offered virtually 2-16-2022
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