#this is peak videogame
blueberrybluestar · 7 months
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*AND THE REST OF THE ISLAND TOO????????????????*
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REAL TIME ICHIBAN COMBAT?????????????????????????
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what the fuck. what the fuck. what the FUCK is this game
rgg has done it again. the absolute madlads.
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fog-world · 9 months
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codacheetah · 13 days
Anyone ever heard of Deltarune? That shit's pretty crazy.
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tamyonmyonmyon · 9 months
Thinking about Leona,and I think I read into him wrongly.
At first I didn't understand why he was so angry about not being king and that it was just the writting forcing Book 2 into a conclusion.
But thinking about it and trying to put the situation into another perspective, I realize Leona's struggles aren't just "I want x and if I don't get it I am angry" but more like "I want to be/do something and people keep telling me I should aim for less"
I haven't read more events so this might be completely wrong, but I understand firsthand how having people around you not allowing you to shine can end up making your own light fade away slowly
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phanie98arts · 3 days
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🎀WIP At The Moment 🎀
Hello guys! Sorry for the short hiatus! Been bit a little busy lately! Here is a sneak peek of my next Persona Series digital goods line up!
Planning to make some premade Chibi Icons that you can use on your socials ✨ And stay tune for my upcoming freebies when purchased along with it 😁
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the-crow-binary · 5 months
I wonder... did the Belmont clan knew that Dracula would come back to life eventually, after Trevor, and then Hector defeated him? Or was it a surprise?
I mean my guess is that they always had their doubt. If someone managed to bring him back once, especially so fast after his first death, then someone else could manage to do it again one day. But after one hundred years, maybe they were starting to think they were safe?
I can just imagine Christopher being raised to fight the night, being told the tale of Trevor and his friends, of Dracula's deaths, but grew up thinking that he will never have to face Dracula. He trained to become the best hunter, just like his family before him, but what were the chances that he could ever meet Dracula, a century after his death?
So it came as a surprise to him, when the Castle raised again after so long, and he felt the dark power calling for his blood, thirsting for it. He was prepared physically for this... but mentally? Not so much. Still, he couldn't ignore the call of his fate. So he went and confronted Dracula... but maybe the fear of actually fighting him, the shock of seeing him, and the weight of the responsabilities on his shoulders, clouding his mind, are the reasons why he did not realize he had failed to kill the Count the first time. :)
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mysticdragon3md3 · 11 days
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Source: https://  x.com/TheSphereHunter/status/1792994010920890535?t=Hh9wxxNhnxX8pa6JwfeOIQ&s=19
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kradeelav · 2 days
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everyone has three guesses as to who gave me my glove kink and the first two don't count :P
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fearsomegaybeast · 1 year
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alwaysdevilday · 10 months
Now going LIVE with HARDSPACE: SHIPBREAKER! In like five minutes. uwu
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fog-world · 9 months
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smillingcartoonist · 1 year
I do have to give a lot of respect for Hi-Fi Rush for many reasons, and one of them is having a freaking Twin Peaks reference out of the nowhere in this game !!!
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of-nyon · 1 year
Having a shit day? Body betraying you? Feel like a good cathartic cry might do you good? Have you tried: The Ending to Final Fantasy X
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Happy Holidays from the bird and the BEAR!
Have a good night and take CARE!
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t0kyo-l1ghts · 7 months
Sometimes im just suddenly hit with the "damn i miss limbus company"
like at the height of my brainrot i had to stop playing cause MFKING DONGBAEK was causing me so much burn out by beating my ass like at least 20 times
I hope to redownload the game someday, beat her first try, and finally catch up to the rest of the cantos cause i REALLY wanna read the heartbreaking first hand
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ellabsweet · 10 months
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synopsis: ellie williams was a firm follower of the bro code, having loyalty as her all time specialty despite being constantly tempted by the devil, or how others called her: her best friend’s sister.
pairing: bbf!ellie williams x reader
warning: sexual content and jealousy, a little bit of short ellie erasure for the sake of one scene but i am pretty sure that’s all there is to it! i love bbf!ellie i wish my brother had a best friend like her unfortunately life isn’t fair-
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She’s enthralled by the videogame, tongue peaking out the side of her lips and eyebrows furrowed in pure concentration, the only things to break her out of trance being your brother’s eventual shit talking and elbow hitting that only made a smirk plaster her face, knowing to be winning, fingers steady on the controls.
“What the fuck” Your brother suddenly exclaims, and though ready to brag on about her streak something in his tone indicates it is not the game he was gagged about. Ellie follows his gaze straight onto a half naked blonde attempting to clothe herself by the kitchen on her way out. She recognized her, as lesbians did, Abby Anderson was on the hockey team of their community college and she wondered how in the world she were to know this house. It took you walking up behind her in somehow even littler clothes for it to dawn on her with a teeth clench.
“Abs, you forgot this” You point out handing her a sweatshirt which the girl accepted in flushed cheeks Ellie had never seen before from someone so infamous for sleeping around.
You weren’t a thing, Ellie knew that, fuck, she was the one who made sure of it, turning down your advances at every opportunity, but there was always something in the back of her mind that assumed you were waiting for her, a stupid thought, now that she thought it over. Her brain went red at the mental images her imagination refused to let go of, your moaning and desperation under somebody else’s touch, your taste in fuckgirl’s Abby Anderson’s tongue. If she were to clutch the videogame controller an ounce harder the metal would crush under her grasp. When you pecked her lips she was done for, distracted, on her way to losing for the next couple of hours while her best friend cursed on and on about how Abigail had been there basically every day that week.
She can practically hear you moaning Abby’s name in her head and it drives her insane. Ever since the first day your brother welcomed Ellie into his home and she set her sights on you it was as though all the breath had been sucked out of her lungs in one quick glance. The most beautiful girl she had ever seen, she concluded after seeing you smile. The most amazing girl she had ever met, she confirmed from all your late night conversations that became a habit from your shared insomnia and your brother’s heavy sleeping, there had been a time she’d ask to sleep over only anticipating your gossip and laughter, perfecting the cheesy dad jokes that were your favorite, attempting to convince herself it would be enough to be the girl that entertained you even if her chest ached in yearning for your lips pressed against hers. You had been distant the last couple of weeks, she felt it, but didn’t know why and you stalled every time when asked. Now she knew. And she hated it way more than anticipated. Like a rock heaving against her chest making it hard to breathe.
It was nighttime now and she shifted uncomfortably on the mattress by the floor, tossing and turning and holding in laughter from her best friend’s loud snores fast asleep in deep slumber. She played with the thought of going to your room as she usually would, but hesitated. It was still playing by her memories, your body in nothing but underwear when you had followed Abby out, every corner and crevasse of your skin looking so soft it made her ache. Her hands twitched as though wanting to reach out to you and only found her clothed pussy. She shook off the idea and stood up. Water, she thought, I’m only gonna go drink some water. But of course you were there too. Oversized t-shirt hiking up your body as you reached towards a tall shelf for a cup. Ellie reached in behind you and helped, settling the glass in your hands.
“Hi, Els” You said softly, shaking yourself loose of her overbearing stance behind you so you could walk towards the fridge for some chocolate milk, pouring it on.
“So, you and Abby. Are you like, a thing now?”
“Don’t start, Ellie. For someone who doesn’t fucking want me you sure are acting like a jealous girlfriend right now”
“For someone who doesn’t want you?” She scoffs in disbelief “Are you fucking stupid or something? Do you seriously not realize? I can’t fucking breathe when I’m around you, no actually screw that, it’s like I can’t fucking breathe when I’m not around you, like every time I make you laugh I’ve been drowning and can finally come up for air thanks to your stupid fucking smile and your stupid fucking sparkling eyes in your stupid fucking gorgeous face and then you parade around the house with stupid fucking Abigail Anderson and there’s a fucking bruise on your neck that I know she left there and I just want to sink my teeth in like a goddamn vampire and make one bigger to hide her claim on you and make it mine and-“
You crashed your lips against hers before she could continue. Her hands moving up to grab your hair, thumb caressing your cheeks and holding your face into place as though any gust of wind would make you fly away and loose her grip, she’s so mesmerized by you and your tongue inside her she moans into your mouth with barely any tension for it. It lasts a few more seconds before she pushes you away against all instincts.
“Stop, stop stop. I can’t. I can’t do this to your brother.”
“Fuck him”
“Fuck me” You say and that’s enough to cloud all her judgment again. Ellie pushes you up against the kitchen cabinets and kisses you hungrier this time, hands coming up to stroke your exposed thighs before she latches onto them to push you up onto the counter, open mouthed kisses trailing down your neck until it reaches and Abby’s previous hickey and she bites down, a moan echoing from you and stopped by her hand over your mouth as she sucks down the sensitive skin and marks it darker.
“You’re going to be the death of me, fuck” She mumbles against your body, eyes darkening at the sight of the ever growing wet patch in the center of your underwear, she wastes no time to stroke it, harder and faster until she feels the liquid coating her fingers even against the fabric and sets your panties aside, looking up at you for reassurance you give with an enthusiastic nod before she dives her fingers in, moaning herself as she does so, feeling you clench around her hand “Fuck, you’re so pretty, I knew you’d feel so good, so fucking good around my fingers”
“Ellie, please” You beg with your head thrown backwards, eyes pressing shut from the pleasure she gave off circling your clit with her fingers in a way that ached your core “Please I want your mouth, I need it, I’m so fucking close-“
“What the fuck is going on here?” Ellie jumps away from you. She’s suddenly conscious and so are you, at the sight of your brother covering his eyes in disgust by the door.
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