#this is really fun to think about the torment she'd put him through
storyknitter · 2 years
Eli'anara: Can you give my baby sister six months of her life back?
Valkorion: Well... No, but—
Let me tell you, I legit CACKLED when this ask came in! 🤣 That is 100% how Ellie would be in the "she somehow ends up as the Outlander" AU.
Valky-pants after six months trapped in Ellie's head, with 4.5 years to go before she gets out of carbonite:
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
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keftxo [kɛ.ˈft’o] adj., intj. unhappy, upset, ‘How sad!’
Anonymous Request: I was wondering if you could do a fic of Neteyam x reader. Nne where kiri hypes the reader up to confess to Neteyam, but when they’re about to reach him, they eavesdrop and hear him tell Lo'ak (or whoever!) that they don’t have feelings for the reader. He only says it so Lo'ak doesn’t make fun of his feelings because he actually likes her, but the reader avoids him out of embarrassment and to lose her feelings.
1,697 words
Kiri shrugged, acting very nonchalant about the whole thing. "Well, I think you should tell him. What's the worst that could happen?"
I hissed through my teeth. "He could hear me."
The two of us were walking back after taking a long ride on our Ikrans together in a rare afternoon spent in leisure. Kiri was trying to convince me, for the 10th time, to tell her brother that I had feelings for him, and I was trying to convince her, for the 100th time, that Neteyam would never be interested in his little sister's best friend.
She threw her head back, laughing. "Listen, I know my brother and I really think it's a good idea for you to tell him."
"Kiri, no. It will be awkward between us and I won't want to be around your family as much, and that would make me sad."
The Sullys had become like a second family over the years. My brothers were always with Lo'ak and Neteyam, and I was almost always with Kiri and Tuk, and anything disrupting that perfect harmony was unacceptable.
Kiri grabbed my arm, stopping us both. "I won't bring this up again, but listen to me. I know it's a good idea. I know it's going to make you, and my brother, very happy, if you do this. Please, just consider it."
I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes, but promised myself I would consider it, for at least a moment.
A moment turned into a week, and then two, and finally I decided... to just go for it. If Neteyam didn't like me, we could get past it, right? We were adults now. I wasn't just his best friend's little sister. I was a woman, and I had a right to express my feelings.
Plus, I felt like I was on a timeline now. It seemed like Marek, a childhood friend, was preparing himself to ask me to be his mate. I was worried, if I didn't at least express once to Neteyam how I felt, that I would say yes to Marek and be trapped in a relationship I didn't want.
I was a classic na'vi-pleaser.
So, I plucked up every ounce of courage I had, and made my way to Neteyam's home, where I was hoping he would be.
Lo'ak was teasing Neteyam again, and Neteyam was getting tired of his younger brother's incessant torment.
"You know, maybe I'll ask Y/N to be my mate, since you don't mind. I'll have to get in line, though. I hear Marek has eyes on here, and maybe even U'ri. Do you think she'll choose me?"
Neteyam gave his brother a light shove on the shoulder. "I do not care."
Lo'ak rolled his eyes. "You care very much. Why not admit it?"
Neteyam's cheeks heated, but he couldn't explain exactly why he felt shy about admitting his feelings for Y/N. It might have been because they'd known each other since they were little, and until recently, she'd only been his little sister's friend... and now, she was a lot more.
He wasn't the only one noticing, and Lo'ak was right about that. There were many men considering Y/N for their mate, and he was getting nervous about it. Lo'ak's feelings didn't help.
"Lo'ak!" Neteyam exclaimed, "if you want Y/N for your mate, go ask her! Why would I care? She's just a dumb kid, and I'd never want her to as my mate, anyway!"
A small gasp from just outside turns both men's heads at the same time, and they catch a glimpse of Y/N running away.
"Fuck," Neteyam whispers.
Kiri found me later that night, sitting on the edge of a shimmering pond with my toes dangling in the water, watching my tears cause ripples in the pool.
"Oh, Y/N," she said softly, sitting down next to me. "What happened?"
I shook my head, and she wrapped her arms around me and put her head on my shoulder.
"Neteyam doesn't like me," I replied after a long pause, the words coming out staccato. It felt like the world was falling down around me, and I felt really dumb for feeling that way in the first place.
"What?" Kiri asked. "He said that?" She sat back up, staring at me with her mouth open.
"He said I'm a dumb kid, and he'd never want me." I wiped my nose, and Kiri pulled me in for a hug.
It helped, but only a little.
After that, I had to avoid the Sullys for a while. I hoped it would only be temporary, but any reminder of Neteyam's existence was painful, and made me feel foolish.
What made me think that the eldest son of Taruk Makto would be interested in me? What did I have to offer him? I was no one. I was not the best hunter, or the best weaver on the loom, and I was far from the best fisherman... I was just average. He was right - I was just a dumb kid.
It hurt, not seeing Kiri and Tuk, but it hurt even more to risk seeing Neteyam.
Four nights later, at the evening meal, Marek sat next to me. I was feeling a little lonely, and so welcomed his company. He talked about himself, mostly; his latest kill, his speed and strength, and it was fine to listen to for a while, but eventually, I grew tired and needed to excuse myself to cry again.
I found myself back there, at the same sparkling pool, but this time I decided to dive right in. Taking advantage of the quiet, empty spring, I washed myself from head to toe, scrubbing my scalp for so long that it nearly burned. When I surfaced and re-dressed, I sat next to the water again, letting the warm night dry me off.
When I heard footsteps quietly approaching behind me, I assumed at best it was Kiri, and at worst, it was Marek, come to talk more.
When the visitor settled next to me, it was Neteyam.
My entire body stiffened, and my mouth went dry.
Three Days Earlier
Kiri slapped her eldest brother across the head with more force than she ever had before, and in front of the entire family, no less.
"You idiot!" she yelled. Everyone went silent as Neteyam grabbed his sore scalp.
"Kiri, what the hell?" Neteyam exclaimed, standing up in the middle of the family's home.
"You told Y/N she was a dumb kid, and you could never love her?"
Jake winced, and Neytiri hissed. "You said this to her?" Neytiri asked, standing up as well, grabbing her son's arm.
"No!" Neteyam replied, and then realization dawned. "No... but I said it to Lo'ak."
"Is that how you really feel?" Kiri asked. "Because she heard you say it, and now she's devastated."
Neteyam's shoulders slumped forward, and he held his face in his hands. "Fuck," he whispered, and his father shoved him.
"Make it right," Jake said.
But Neteyam didn't know how.
There was a long silence as Neteyam settled in next to Y/N. She didn't look over at him. She didn't even seem to breathe.
He noticed her skin was damp and her hair was wet. He was sitting close enough to smell her - she smelled like fresh berries and spring water.
How could he have been so stupid? How could he have let his pride get in the way, and allowed her to be hurt in the process? He had spent the last four days trying to figure out how to apologize, but he still had nothing.
"I need to tell you something," he said finally. His hands were folded nervously in his lap - and so were Y/N's.
"Okay," she replied, her voice very quiet and thick, as if she were about to cry.
"When you heard me talking to Lo'ak... I said something that hurt you."
She sat up straight, but still didn't look at him. "You said, I'm a dumb kid."
She turned away from him, and he could see her shoulders were shaking, and tears sprang into his eyes, too.
He reached out, grabbing her by the shoulders, and was surprised when she willingly fell into his arms. He held her tightly as she cried, desperately searching for the words to make it better.
"Y/N, what I said wasn't true. I don't think you're dumb, and you're clearly no longer a kid. You're... you're a woman, and not just that. You're the smartest woman I know, the funniest, the bravest, and the most beautiful. Lo'ak was giving me shit, again, about how much I like you, and I got sick of hearing it. I got frustrated and I said something I didn't mean, and I wish you'd never heard it. I'd rather die than hurt you, Y/N. Please, believe me."
He held her as her breathing slowed, and his heart rate stayed high.
After a while, she pulled away, just enough to look up at him. He wondered if he could ever forgive himself for making her look this sad.
"I believe you," she said finally, and the corners of her mouth almost turned up in a smile.
"I'm in love with you, Y/N. I have been for a while, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I will never forgive myself for hurting you."
She reached up, brushing a tear that had escaped off of Neteyam's cheek, and she smiled - really smiled, wide, ear to ear.
"I'm in love with you, too, Neteyam."
His smile grew, wide enough to match hers, and he pulled her tightly into his arms again, smelling the fresh berry scent in her wet hair, putting his hands everywhere on her that he could touch, reveling in how lucky he was to be loved by someone who was everything that she was.
"I'll make it up to you," he whispered, "for the rest of our lives, if you'll let me."
She squeezed his shoulders tightly, and he felt a warm kiss pressed into his shoulder.
"I'll let you," she whispered, and his heart soared.
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I’ve been binge reading your fics all day, and i’d love to request one!
So, we all know that Fred Weasley is always energetic, loud and a troublemaker, right? He’s totally golden retriever energy. Maybe he meets a girl the exact opposite of him- Quiet, Shy, maybe somewhat emo? Like a golden retriever boy x black cat girl trope? Id love to see your perspective on this! 🤍
Such a fun request! I hope you enjoy!!
Opposites Attract Pt. 1
Fred's POV
Fred stopped his loud, boisterous bouncing around and watched as Y/N sat down in her favorite spot under the big oak tree and pulled a book out to read. Of all the girls at Hogwarts, Y/N was the one that fascinated him the most. With her jet-black hair, all-black wardrobe, and her quiet manner, she was the exact opposite of every other girl he'd ever fancied. She was shy, reserved, and even though she had friends, she seemed to prefer being on her own most of the time.
"I wonder what she's reading." Fred strained, trying to make out the title.
George glanced up from the invention he was tinkering with. "Looks like a book to me."
"Don't be cheeky," Fred grumbled. "You know what I mean."
George grinned. "I see you're crushing hard on our little black cat girl."
"I am not crushing on her." Fred looked away to hide his faint blush.
"Ok." George shrugged.
"I'm not."
"Seriously, George, I'm not."
"Ok," George finished. "Now come help me with this."
Fred snuck one final, quick look at Y/N before turning his attention to his twin and their newest invention.
Y/N was nervous. She knew she was being watched by Fred Weasley. And she also knew he had taken an interest in her. At least, that's what her friends said anyway.
She wasn't sure how she felt about that. She'd never had a boyfriend before, and it would be nice to have one. But Fred Weasley? Mischief maker extraordinaire, the life of party, the center of attention everywhere he went. If she dated him, she'd get sucked into that, and the possibility terrified her.
Y/N had spent her life happily being a wallflower. Sure, her black-on-black style garnered a bit of attention from time to time. But it was usually only momentary. Once people realized she wasn't going to do anything interesting, they got bored and turned their focus elsewhere. That suited her just fine. She liked being the invisible one. The one everyone's eyes slipped over.
Daring a quick peak through her bangs, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she was no longer being scrutinized. Good, she thought. Now, maybe she could relax and get some reading done before dinner. Putting the older Weasley twin promptly out of her mind, she turned her attention to her newest potions book.
Fred's POV
Fred stared at the back of Y/N's lovely head as she worked on an assignment in Potions. She excelled at the subject and was probably the only non-Slytherien student who didn't think Snape was horrible. "He's really not that bad." Fred had overheard her telling one of her friends.
Indeed, Snape did treat her differently than most of Hogwarts' students. While she didn't receive the preferential royal treatment reserved only for Slytherin, he never tormented her as he did everyone else. He generally just left her alone, occasionally praising her on her potions work.
Fred couldn't help but wonder what sort of spell she cast to achieve this unprecedented feat. Maybe when he asked her out to Hogsmede, she'd share her secret. He sighed, gazing at her lips as she turned to speak to her partner when someone slapped the back of his head.
"Ow!" Fred looked up to see Snape glaring down at him.
"Save your Don Juan scheming for after class, Weasley." Snape ordered, rolling his eyes.
Fred rubbed the back of his head, pointedly ignoring George's smirking, knowing look as he watched the professor stalk back to his desk. Once again, he wondered why Snape left Y/N out of the matter. If she'd been anyone else, he would've made a point to embarrass her, too. What was so special about Y/N?
Snape's POV
Snape had a soft spot for Y/N. Aside from her loner nature and her penchant for black, which reminded him of himself, she was one of the most brilliant students he'd ever taught, and that was not a term he threw around lightly.
A few days into her first year, Y/N approached him after class to discuss a particular potion in her textbook. She was shy and uncertain of herself, but her questions and insights broached ideas that went far beyond anything he taught in his most advanced classes. Snape was impressed in spite of himself.
Y/N didn't have much practical experience with mixing potions, obviously, being too young to practice magic outside of school. But, she was incredibly well-read on the subject, spending hours pouring over any potions book she could get her hands on.
Mid-way through her second year after she'd read every potions book in the library, Snape began letting her borrow books from his private collection. Every couple of weeks, like clockwork, she'd stop by after class to trade out another book and ask a litany of thoughtful questions.
Much to his surprise, Snape found himself looking forward to their little chats. It was lovely to have a student who wasn't a complete dolt for once. And whose mastery of potions made her a worthwhile conversationalist. However, if he were completely honest with himself, he mostly enjoyed them because it was like having a friend.
Fred's POV
Y/N was sitting in her usual spot reading. Fred smiled at her. She looked extra adorable today with the little fall leaf that had fluttered into her hair unnoticed.
"Hi!" Fred greeted, striding over to her.
"Umm, hi." Y/N looked up at him for the briefest of moments before her eyes darted away.
"Mind if I join you?" He was all but bouncing in place.
"I-uh-ok." Y/N stuttered.
He flopped down beside her with all the grace of a drunk walrus. "Beautiful fall day, yeah?"
"Yeah--" she mumbled, shrinking away from him.
Fred noticed. "Oh shit, sorry, am I coming on too strong?"
Y/N only blinked.
"I am, aren't I?"
Unsure how to respond, Y/N continued to say nothing.
"Dammit! George told me to tone it down," Fred rambled on. "But did I listen?" He shifted away from her so he was no longer up in her face.
Y/N swallowed, watching his every move. "C-can I help you with something?"
"As a matter of fact, you can," Fred smiled. "You see, I have this little problem. George and Lee both have girlfriends they're taking to Hogsmede on Saturday, and I don't, and I'd really prefer not to go alone. I'd love it if you accompanied me. What do you say?"
@princess-paramour @milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
i’m interested to see how joel would react to doc getting killed!! or bitten…. i love the angst tbh! 😅 maybe during that awkward time period where they weren’t really talking but still hooking up.. they still loved eachother so much couldn’t say it because they “hated” eachother 😮
OMG Hi Bestie! 
OK so because I'm a masochist (who shares in this fun hobby of tormenting myself with images of pain with someone who shall remain nameless) I've thought about this a lot. Shared below, with permission, is some of the noodling I've done on this topic with the aforementioned anonymous person who likes to give me INCREDIBLY ANGSTY AND DEPRESSING THOUGHT EXERCISES I SWEAR THIS IS A TWO WAY STREET Y'ALL. Please note that none of this is in story format and Doc is she instead of you because that's how I think about the fic in abstract terms? I guess? I don't know lol it's a mess in my head.
Putting this below the cut because it's probably a step beyond angst. I cannot stress enough that this is like... super depressing and also COMPLETELY RAW AND UNEDITED, all I did was pull out comments/prompts from the other person out of respect for them. So please limit your judgement as much as possible this stuff is real bad lol 
Below is Joel if she got bit on the Harvard run.
how terrified he was when he thought she might be bitten, how the first place his mind went was "I can kill her and I'll only need to be around for a few seconds after she's gone"If she got bit and he needed to kill her, he'd try so hard to keep it together for her. She'd be low key panicking and be like "Please don't let me turn into one of those things, please just kill me, please" and he'd just brush her hair back and hold her face in his hand all gentle and be like "I won't baby, not gonna let you go through that, OK? I've got you, it's OK. It'll be real quick, won't feel a thing and I'll be right behind you, OK? I'm right behind you, it's OK" and he'd hold her when he did it so she didn't feel alone and he'd keep holding her when he did it to himself, too
If Doc died in the tub the night that Joel left her in the QZ 
Joel is trying to avoid herTommy goes to the clinic that day and she's not there, which he expects because she's not supposed to be there on Sundays, but hears someone say her name and how they aren't sure how they're going to cover everything without her and there's a "...I still really miss her" at the end and he's like "wtf' and so he asks until he finds someone who will actually talk to him and he's like "no, we're old friends, I just haven't seen her in a few weeks, what happened?" and Marta just kinda looks at him like "how can you not know this" and says "She died. They weren't really sure how, if she did it on purpose or if she passed out but she drowned in her bathtub" and Tommy is, of course, reeling because he loved her, too. But he's also like "Oh fuck I have to tell Joel" and he's kind of in a daze and just walks around the QZ for a few hours and he gets home and Joel is just like "the fuck is your problem" and he's like "Joel... brother, you... I need you to sit down, OK? Need you to just... stay calm for me, OK?" and he says her name and then kinda stops and Joel gets this bad feeling and is like "what" and Tommy is quiet and he's like "what, Tommy. What is it. She fuck up something else, what'd she do, what's going on" and he's just like "She's dead, Joel." and Joel is silent for a minute and then asks what happened and how and Tommy really doesn't want to tell Joel what they told him and so Joel just gets up and Tommy tries to stop him and he's like "Don't fucking touch me" and he goes to Andrew's and he pounds on the door until Andrew answers and Andrew looks like hell, he's lost weight and he looks like he's hardly slept and he looks kind of dead in the eyes until he sees Joel and then he just looks like he wants to just set him on fire and he's like "The fuck are you doing here"
and Joel is like "what happened, you have to know what happened, please, fuck, please tell me what happened to her" and Andrew shoves him and just yells "You! You happened, you fucking happened! She died that night you fucking asshole, she lived for you and she fucking died for you, too. I hope you're fucking happy" and Joel is just practically frozen there and just lets Andrew wail on him for a minute before he looks at him and goes "you must fuckin hate me, right?" "Oh I more than hate you you fucking..." "Good. Kill me. Don't... don't care how just... please, fuck just..." and Andrew just kind of laughs at him darkly and says "No, no I'm not doing you any fucking favors, Miller. I have to live with the fact that I left her alone that night. You get to live with the fact that her blood's on your hands." Jess pulls Andrew back inside and Joel just trudges home but Tommy is kind of waiting for him, he's already stashed all the guns and the knives and he got Tess because he knows what Joel is like when he loses someone like thatand Joel only asked Andrew to do it because he couldn't risk flinching again, he had to do it right this time and he goes for where he keeps his gun as soon as he's in the door and it's gone and Tommy is just crying and he's like "Joel, you can't, I'm sorry..." and he's like "Just give me the fuckin' gun, Tommy! I can't do this, not again, I can't, I can't" and he just drops to his knees and Tommy holds onto him Tommy and Tess take turns, he's literally never alone for months. Eventually they think he can be trusted on his own and he's OK for a while but I think it wouldn't take all that long before he's gone, too it wouldn't be as obvious as a gun, it'd be him making a stupid mistake and getting bit or shot or an accident on a job in the qzand all the time in between he'd be such a shell of himself, Tess and Tommy always sharing a look when it's especially bad like "this has to get better at some point, right?"and when it eventually happens, neither Tess or Tommy are ever sure if it's really an accident or not. Joel wasn't really sure either, he just knew that the last thing he thought of was that last morning before Doc flew back to New York where he got her pregnant in the water and her and Sarah made French toast
SO YEAH that's just the most depressing shit in the world lol 
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gonzague-if · 11 months
I've been obsessively thinking about how a female Gonzague in many ways mirrors and contrasts Aurore. Both were raised by domineering fathers and trapped by their circumstances, either literally in Aurore's case or forced to impersonate their brother growing up like Gonzague. Then I wondered what if Gonzague also had to hide their own child in the past?🤔
This would have been long ago before Gonzague befriended Chartres and Nevers when she was still adjusting to living as "Phillippe." Living as her father's new heir would be difficult enough without having to cope with all and hide the changes a teenage girl would go through. Especially since, like many teenage girls with controlling parents and a desperate desire for affection, she's impressionable and vulnerable to anyone who gives her positive attention. Such as a charming teenage boy who is careless with his affections who'll convince a sheltered noble lady in mens attire to sneak around and then disappearing when he's had his fun, leaving poor young Gonzague heartbroken and pregnant. (Possibility even adding to Gonzague's future hostility towards Lagardère, since he's also a well-known womanizer, and gives her bitter memories of the boy who seduced and abandoned her.) Tragically young Gonzague didn't have a dashshing Chevalier willing to rescue her and her unborn baby like Aurore did, and considering how risky teenage pregnancy is Gonzague's baby didn't survive. Gonzague would never speak about losing a child even to their confessor priest... until Nevers' death and little Inez disappearance brings all that suppressed grief and trauma back.
How would the various LIs react to a female Gonzague confessing to them she bore and buried a child in her youth? Although in Nevers case, it's unlikely he'd ever learn Gonzague ever had a baby when he's still alive, so Gonzague would probably confess while visiting at his grave and being confronted by an apparition of Nevers 🤔(is it Nevers' ghost or a manifestation of Gonzague's guilt, maybe both? It's up to you)
That's an interesting possibility to consider, for sure. As it's all hypotheticals, I don't mind answering even for Nevers. The context doesn't really matter, I think.
Let's start with him! I think this revelation would make Nevers feel a lot of guilt. As you can imagine, he has had sex with AFAB individuals (mostly ciswomen considering the setting and Nevers's upbringing) in his youth, outside of marriage. Not as much as Chartres, but it still happened. He took all the precautions he could to avoid pregnancies, of course, but he has to wonder. Could he have done better? Is there a child of his out there that he's not aware of? The thought of it would really torment him, I think. He would be sympathetic and apologetic to such a Gonzague, but with some distance. He doesn't think he has the right to offer comfort when he very well could be one of these men.
Chartres would be a complicated case. It would hit too close to home. Of course, Chartres has a bunch of illegitimate children with how much he sleeps around. Upon hearing Gonzague's admission, he would offer condoleances, but would feel a bit defensive about it all. How many people has he put in a similar situation? It's one thing when it happens to a lover of one night, another to see the pain it caused a close friend. With a lot of time to digest this information, he might change his behavior somewhat, but it is a lot harder for him to admit his mistakes and fix them than for Nevers.
Peyrolles has seen this scenario quite a lot in their past. As a result, they have a particular disdain for the carelessness of men. They would put themself at Gonzague's service, ask them what they can do to bring them comfort. And they would feel particularly vindictive toward the person responsible.
And of course, Aurore would be the one that would understand and sympathize with Gonzague the most in this situation. She'd offer a shoulder to cry on and would talk with them, long into the night, to help them finally let out all their feelings about the ordeal.
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west-tokyo-incidents · 11 months
Okay. Went to bed thinking about Violence and now I awake and it's still on my mind.
The Akira/Fussa timeline is more than Kinda Fucked Up.
Akira and Fusataro aren't the only ones who get taken. A lot of the masters do. But Akira, for some reason, is their captors' favorite plaything.
Their captor, who is a Torment who's yet to be taken by the Facility, came from another timeline and is honestly just fucking with the human body. There's no reprieve to the torture. No interrogation.
It traps them in an old abandoned prison and drags them out one at a time to play with them. Snarling insults through the doors and curling its voice like claws through their minds. Vivisecting them awake. Putting them back together. Plucking out teeth. Peeling back skin and watching them writhe and scream. Raping them while their guts are open and watching how they move and listening to how they scream. Akira tries so hard to be quiet.
It loves seeing Akira try and fail to predict it. Trying to escape. It loves hearing Fusataro try and convince him to stop from the next cell over.
It thinks it's funny how the wrath master thinks it doesn't know about the hole she's slowly picking through the wall. It acts so very surprised when it opens the cell and sees Fusataro standing over the young man with a makeshift weapon.
Akira won't forget that sight any time soon. Fusataro, angry and bleeding from the sharp edges of the twisted metal piece she wielded, standing between him and the creature that took up the whole doorway. And he won't forget the way that it laughed... And laughed.
It remarks how fun it'll be to torture them together. Let Fusataro watch the young man she tried to save thrash and scream.
Unfortunately for them, this timeline was considered low on the priority list for the Facility. And the Facility wanted to see what Torment was capable of.
It's cruel, really, the members of the Facility just watching on silently as it snatches them both, rips them out of their delusion of heroics and safety.
There's no risk of timeline collapse. No risk of damage to outside timelines. But they do need an interrogator and the way the fucked up fusion tortures without killing is just what they need. And now it's asking questions, stabbing holes in their psyches, bouncing between them. And still they both survive it.
Torment does put the two back in the cells with the hole in the wall, but they're hurt beyond hurt. Neither is crawling through that soon.
How long has it been?
Only a few days. Four at most.
The police are out in force. The masters all disappearing at once is not something missed by the public. A famous young golfer, the children of five rich families from the same school as him, the head music producer of Soney, the CEO of a major construction company... No, Torment doesn't care if the police and douji come looking.
The masters have called for their robots multiple times. Each time the douji are stopped by the electrical field that surrounds the place, scrambling their ability to pinpoint their masters. They know the general area, and Torment knows they'll be hunting through it manually soon. Likely the next day.
It considers jumping timelines again, get a fresh batch. Maybe catch a few douji to torture...
Sometime that night, Akira listened to Fusataro try and explain why she'd tried to help him. He wasn't sure if the way she was trying to talk was genuine or if she was just trying to boost his ego--and this his mood--to keep him from breaking. That he was too brilliant to be out through this. That he has such a life ahead of him. That he's the only one she can hear and the only one she has a chance to do anything about. If he can get free, he's smart, he'll find a way to get rid of that son of a bitch wearing Paresse's mask.
He just listens, feeling his guts still trying to rearrange themselves inside him. The echoing pain of the incisions haphazardly sewn up. For once, he's not talking himself up. He's attempting to hold himself as best he can without hurting his arms even more.
He wonders, out loud, if he'll still be able to play after this.
Fusataro admits she doesn't know, but that she can get him a job if they both survive.
They both go quiet as they hear footsteps in the hall. Multiple. They don't even try to guess with one another as to what it is. They both hold their breath and just. Wait.
There's distant chatter. Talking.
Just calm, almost even formal tones. Can't hear any words.
And then their ears pop and it's silent.
It's mere moments before they hear the voice of Pardonner screaming for Kiyose. The old building is nearly ripped apart by the douji trying to get to their masters.
The evil douji tear the fucking building apart looking for the thing that tortured them the moment they know their masters are alive.
Pardonner makes his rounds. Healing them where he can, yes, even the evil douji masters.
Akira will play again. Or at least... He would physically be able to. Mentally... Well, it doesn't matter right now.
The evil douji don't find anything. There's nothing to find, besides the blood stained rooms it had used to fuck them all over.
Akira is leaning heavily on Fusataro, who's keeping herself between Paresse, Rage, and the young man. Neither of them are talking. They get out of the others that their captor looked like a fusion of the two... And that for whatever reason they'd both been tortured together last, and it makes more sense.
Whatever happens from here on out... Who knows. They'll report it to the police, but they all know nothing will come of it. They lie, of course, and just say they were mentally tortured and not literally ripped apart.
But Pardonner wasn't going to leave them in that state just for a human law enforcement that would never find anything.
Most of them spend the night in hospitals anyways, just to watch their conditions.
Akira clings to Fusataro, who is barely allowing anyone close to them. It's been hours since they left that cell. But now, Akira sitting on the hospital bed and Fusataro pacing the length of the room, Akira finally opens his mouth again and speaks through a dry throat.
"What now?"
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achorusofcleris · 1 year
I see you sometimes post about FE4... so, how about FE4? If not that, what about FE3H?
Hi! Despite my posting about it sometimes, I actually haven't played FE4 yet. I want to, but I need to figure out how to get it running on my fossil of a computer first. That said, I'll try my best to answer what I can from what I know about the story.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): From what little I know about them, I'm really drawn to Deirdre and Julia for some reason.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Smol Shannan and Oifey, maybe? Or perhaps Charlot, since he gives off scrunkly energy when I look at him.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Even though he's gotten a Brave alt recently, I think Seliph is vastly underappreciated by the devs (what with him not appearing as a DLC emblem in Engage, despite being one of FE4's two leads).
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Edain and Lana? Mostly because I'm pretty sure Edain's the only gen. 1 lady to not be in Heroes, and Lana's probably the closest thing Seliph has to a love interest (provided you played matchmaker with her mom), so you think she'd get more attention.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): From what little I know of him, Eldigan kind of comes across as one of these, or Julius.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Maybe Arvis? Idk, he just has that vibe where you want to play plinko with him and a horse.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): All the people who are pro-child hunt. Special mention to Hilda for what she did to Tailtiu or Ethnia, and Manfroy who played matchmaker with a pair of half-siblings.
Since I was a bit unsure of these answers, I'll throw Houses in as a bonus. That said, I'm putting it under a read more because this thing is long.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): My head says Dimitri (for his character arc in Azure Moon, as well as his excellent collection of supports), but my heart says Rhea (because I enjoy playing with her backstory, plus she's the only character I'll S-support when I play Silver Snow).
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): This one's tough, but Flayn's probably the most consistent scrunkly (what with her not aging post-timeskip).
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): My stepson, Cyril! Idk, he's just a very good boy, and he cracks me up with his bluntness.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Hegemon Edelgard (yes, I know Edelgard isn't an obscure fave, but I have a soft spot for her rarely seen husk).
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I'll say Aelfric for this one, since he kind of embodies this character type. Edelgard kind of fits too, though I don't think she ticks all the boxes.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Edelgard, though it's less putting her through messed up shit, and more implying that Rhea was romantically involved with her ancestor.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Those Slitherers and the crusty bastards who work for them (Edelgard and Hubert aren't included in this group btw, since I consider their relationship with the dubsteppers to be more of an alliance of convenience, rather than them being loyal underlings).
Thank you for the ask!~ <3
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Blorbo meme: VTM (Radio Silence edition if you want hard mode 😈)
Fuck yeah
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Wendy, since she's the main character. Other than her -- Alexander.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Emily, in a sort of "adorable but could probably kill me" kind of way. I never really got to write scenes that put much depth into her, but even though she was a kid when she was ghouled, she has moments where she shows how old she really is and how much she's adapted to the World of Darkness. RS originally had an epilogue and near to the end she just. fuckign. pulled a gun on someone. no I did not intend for her to do this she just fucking did it. and at that point I was like "actually this is too ridiculous to include" because up until then she'd been either a faceless interpreter or an adorable drug addict and that particular action would have been way out of left field. So. Yeah.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Patricia Erikson. She was the viewpoint character in the epilogue and it was going to be a whole Thing about how she was a foil to Wendy buuuut then Emily showed up with the gun and I was like "actually, fuck this."
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Every time Noah shows up I get really sad because his dynamic with Alexander gets really silly but there's no way they'd let it show completely in front of other Kindred, so I always had to either cut it out in the edits or really tone it down. But basically every time he appeared I pictured him showing up fifteen minutes late with starbucks and shutter shades with eyebrows raised making dry comments to Alexander until he eventually provokes him enough into scuffling with him because he may have been Alexander's ghoul for most of his life, but he's been a little brother for all of it. Much like Emily it's a friggen tragedy I didn't get to show that.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
This is yet another case of "because of Wendy's limited POV I never got to show the depths of this character" but -- it's not controversial because most readers loved him anyway, but Gerard Rafin. I'm counting him on account of the whole Trump-esque levels of child abuse. Really sad I didn't get to really show the rest of his nasty side in general ("Uncle Smelly", whom we didn't really see because although he's caustic with his Warrenmates he canonically turns the Uncle Smelly thing down around them, and it's basically nonexistent around Wendy. also he has a very cunning side that didn't show up at all in the story. Cock Robin hinted at it in the last chapter and if I ever write that RS sequel idea I have maybe it'll show up then, I don't know). In reality nobody really hated any particular character so...
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I love Francesca to pieces but there's always at least one character in my stories who has to go through the horse plinko and in RS it was her. First there's the Warren, and then there's the headcanon @orodrethsgeek and I made about that swan that got made Primogen of the new Baltimore Warren (long story. well, no, it's not, but you have to say "long story" whenever you say outlandish shit like that) that keeps trying to seduce her... Yeah I really need to write that sequel. Or at least publish that scene I wrote about the Primogen.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I genuinely don't have one.
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pixxyofice · 3 years
pmd (can be about a specific game or all of them you pick)
hmmmmmmm pmd2, let's try that
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
... hero. it's a mix of the fact that it was the first game i really projected onto and also their story that gets me. i have a pmd2 hero oc who's more aggressive and such and i think about her a lot
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
pmd2 partner! honestly their arc is so good and they're very cute. in my opinion
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
does- does bidoof count? no? uhhh celebi? no? team charm? i dunno i just have very popular opinions in general. uhhh. going for bidoof
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
chimecho. i don't know why i just have many headcanons about her. local healer. local friend. is the local cook and mom friend and has to deal with everyone else.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i mean. dusknoir is the fandom's poor little meow meow. he fits here. (i still haven't played special episode 5 and i really should i KNOW he's better because of it) oh and grovyle, he apparently can count too
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
..... chatot. i know he doesn't deserve it but i would put him through a plinko for not believing hero and partner for team skull crimes
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Cresselia. you all know exactly why. it's because of HER that it took me FOREVER to actually beat the final boss. i'd be put to sleep and then she'd make a stupid idiot move and die while i was sleeping. i got to level 100 before i got frustrated enough to switch up the strategy so i wouldn't be put to sleep and i won right after so she deserves all the ire. stupid fuckin croissant
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