#this is somewhat borderline delusional
gncrezan · 1 year
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donkeys-waffles · 3 months
Just as a warning to those that may be concerned, this is a Bakugo bashing post. If you love Bakugo as a character, then more power to you. He's my least favorite character across the board. And this is me venting my distaste for him, so be warned. Thank you :)
As I'm rewatching MHA, I've gotten to season 6 when Bakugo apologizes to Izuku. And there's something that really bothers me about it.
I feel like Bakugo had potential as a character. Like he really did, even though I don't like his character. I feel like there was potential for him to be an important figure in Izuku's development and growth. And the apology scene wasn't too bad for me. But I feel like it fell short in two major points.
Izuku rarely addresses and monologues about his own trauma/childhood. He expresses very little justified rage and the only real proof of the impact of his childhood lies within his body language and the subtext. His fear of Bakugo, borderline suicidal hero complex, every single scar on his body from overworking himself, constantly undervaluing himself and his efforts/improvements, and much more.
And the last point is Bakugo, I can understand wanting to keep core aspects of his character, but he has to change a little more to have it be considered character growth. The reason he bullied Izuku is because he felt that when Izuku reached out to him, Izuku viewed him as weak (delusional but go off. Literally harassed and assaulted someone for a decade because they tried to help you up when you fell.) His entire character arch was centered around the idea of not just winning, but also saving. He was supposed to understand the importance of both. But not only that, he was supposed understand and accept that help is needed, and you can't always win. I mean, if Izuku were to help him in a pinch now he needs to learn to set aside his arrogance, pride, and inferiority complex to accept help, and not explode into an overgrown toddler because he lost. With learning the importance of saving, he's supposed to not center his ENTIRE objective around strength and being the best all the time. And this could be done, while also still keeping his character true to himself. I always hear about his character development as a reason to like Bakugo, which... I don't completely agree. The only two changes are he doesn't physically attack people (Izuku) and doesn't call him Deku anymore, which GOOD I would hope that'd at least change. But his focus is still completely centered around winning. He says as much after the apology, in the baths, he's still fighting Izuku to become number 1. And that's not a bad thing entirely. I understand that's his character, what I want to see change is how he handles losing, how he handles not being the best and failing especially to Izuku. And what I get is an OVA with Bakugo having a temper tantrum because of a tie with Izuku, he used his quirk and was screaming about it too. It doesn't help that every chance he gets he talks about winning and out-besting Izuku in something, even with his fight with AFO he talks about it. Like he doesn't care that AFO is finally dead, and he saved the world, doesn't even offer a small sense of relief that he helped a lot of people, no, he beat Izuku and is clearly better and that's all that matters.
It's just, that entire mentality is what caused Izuku his problems, this mentality caused Bakugo to abuse him for a decade. I feel like the apology could've been done better, but it was just added to give Bakugo good boy points and then completely brushed aside. He's changed in some ways, but he hasn't changed enough to warrant forgiveness. Not when his competitiveness is still seen as somewhat mean spirited. Even when he found out about Izuku losing OFA, I just sat as he cried and thought "WOW, if I had my childhood bully that abused me for a decade for being quirkless, cried because I was quirkless again and couldn't compete with them anymore. I'd punch them so hard in the face." Like the audacity. Excuse me, I'm the one lying broken and battered in this hospital bed, with my dreams crushed again, and YOU'RE crying because you can't have an opponent for being the number 1 hero.
It's like Izuku is never seen as a person to Bakugo for most of the show, just something to kick aside, something to squash so he doesn't have to face his own inadequacy, and now just something to beat. Something with a power strong enough to rival the great Bakugo. And I feel like the narrative is trying to push that they were fighting for this dream together, since childhood up until this point in canon. That the bullying never happened, like that whole decade didn't exist. They do this through the scene of Bakugo crying and the All Might cards, but like how can you forget the last 5 seasons of the show and what 300+ chapters of Bakugo doing his upmost to crush Izuku under his boot. They most definitely DID NOT fight for that goal together their whole childhood, Bakugo has been crushing that boy's dreams of being a hero for years, instilling in him deep rooted self-hatred and a fat imposter syndrome.
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yugiohz · 3 months
i do agree with you, and i’m still delusionally hoping shigaraki still has something left to help that conclusion even though it’s not looking likely, but do you not think these endings are more “realistic”? like obviously it’s a superhero world and we are already stretching reality in every way possible but do you think it would’ve been too “and they all lived happily ever after and everything was okay yayy” if all the villains just turned out good? (in the most basic way to say that lmfao). i’m not saying that i fully think this because i do agree with you, that this ending is giving bad writing. i think hori had the guts to set up this beautifully complex world with flaws and wrongs and made some amazing villains and anti-heros with valid mindsets and then didn’t have the guts or maybe the artistic ability to fix it all.
so yeah my only “reprieving” thought i guess is the idea of like… i guess that’s real life? like the wronged people are wronged to the end, and bad people are forgiven, and life is unfair. but idk i just think hori is a coward too lol. i will say i’m at least surprised that he had natsu actually cut contact, maybe the best handled part of it all imo (or maybe it just hits home for me lol)
sorry for dumping all this i guess i just have a lot of thoughts too you don’t have to post this dhdhdhd
re: realism: yes i think everyone suffering from irreversible consequences is realistic and that's sth i expected. As i said in my previous ask, I never expected or wanted dabi to magically survive and heal from this by any means, but I think there are better ways to handle a character like him because the narrative frame of bnha allows for that.
re: happily ever after: I don't think that giving one of the biggest victims in a story some sort of good ending is necessarily a corny, wish-fulfillment type of bad writing, especially when the protagonist postulates that the other big villain is worth saving. I also find it fascinating that bakugo can survive an open-heart surgery on the battlefield & that deku's arms get disintegrated and grow back while that level of suspension of disbelief doesn't seem to apply to the villains. bnha has always been kind of corny, so I don't think it would have been weird for shoto to be able to somewhat save his brother when that has been his goal within that dynamic all along. So far, neither deku nor shoto could save their foil, so what's up with that??
happily ever after: while it has always been obvious that bnha is not a radical, anti-establishment story, to me, deku's conflict with grand torino & the vestige has allways been representative the "everyone deserves to be saved, everyone deserved to have their hero who's gonna save them". why set up characters as foils within the context of a hero story with saving as one of its core themes when 2 of these 3 villains won't get saved in the end? why do deku and shoto fail at such a point in the story? "saving" is a very tangible thing in the case of bnha, I think ep. 1 basically sums up the overall narrative paradigm of the good guy indiscriminately saving someone out of a bad situation, so to me, it just feels like there is a glaring narrative incongruence in this final arc & epilogue
re: i guess that's just real life: i think that premise is a bit misplaced here because bnha is not a story that is meant to reflect our reality, like ofc it's all a big allegory that tackles a lot of real issues, but it also is a genre-typical hero comics that is borderline fantastical, so i wouldn't say "that's real life" is a valid premise, like the established diegesis & themes of bnha would have allowed for sb like shigaraki or dabi to be granted a kinder conclusions
i'm not forcing anyone to agree with me and i'm not saying that i dislike this closure because i don't want anyone to die, i just think horikoshi's choices for the villains of his story are rooted in pragmatic reasons; shigaraki & dabi die so he won't have to think too much about how to handle the abjects of society, so he won't have to consolidate that with his decision to cling to the establishment
like i don't think it's too much to expect a victim of abuse to survive in a story that's about a boy who constantly risks his life to save random people, esp victims of grooming & abuse like i don't think it would be corny for dabi to end up in a better state, esp when we've seen deku grow his arms back and bakugo dying and coming back to live and
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self-dx-culture-is · 10 months
Welcome Post
This blog is inclusive of everyone who has a self-dx! All submissions should start with "Self dx/diagnosed culture is" (or a more specific version, such as "self dx autistic culture is").
I will ignore any posts asking me to diagnose them (as I'm not qualified), and I request that no one ask for help in self-diagnosis either. If I can find reliable resources, I will link them below, under the cut.
Feel free to vent, but let me now so I can tag it appropriately. If you would like, you may also request that reblogs and/or comments be turned off for that post.
Anons are welcome!
Since we've been getting some lately, I wanted to state that while I have nothing against sending people financial aid, that is not the purpose of this blog and we personally are uncomfortable sending money over the internet due to paranoia. If we start getting too many, we probably will start deleting them as it's somewhat stressful to even post them for others to see the request. This is not directed at anyone and is just a general statement so everyone is aware.
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Anyone who encourages harm relating to any disorder (e.g. pro ana, pro contact)
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(More may be added if incidents arise.)
About the Blog Owner:
We are an endogenic system and may be collectively called (the) Werewolf Pack. Our collective pronouns are She/They.
We have professionally diagnosed Amblyopia, Sensory Processing Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Avoidant Personality Disorder. We have self-diagnosed Synesthesia and Visual Snow Syndrome, and are questioning Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder, Autism, and ADHD.
Base Account: @kpopwerewolf(link)
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DSM-5.pdf - Google Drive(link)
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powertotheplurals.com | Resource & articles for everymany - Dissociative identity disorder and other forms of plurality.(link)
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scarlet6rose · 9 months
🎤 hello people of the internet ✦
I’m Scarlet Rose,
I’m a writer (somewhat) and (mostly) digital artist that has been drawing since I held an apsara pencil 💀.
You can see me as any gender you like and use any pronouns, I really couldn’t care less, I’m just here to have a little fun 👁👄👁
I am in a lot of fandoms (some breakups were there 😃)
Just to give a lil idea:
✦ Gravity falls (since childhood) (TV show and a few books ig)
✦ Good omens (literally binge watched like yesterday 💀) (novel and tv show)
✦ Omniscient reader’s viewpoint (joined late 2022 and early 2023 I think 🤔) (novel and Webtoon)
✦ Undertale (since the beginning tbh but it’s a bit off rn lol 🙃) (Game)
✦ The Stanley parable (joined around the middle of 2023) (Game)
✦ Arcane (literally as it had aired) (TV show)
✦ Five nights at Freddy’s ( 💀 I’m a very loyal viewer of the game theorist… I don’t need to say more. Other then the fact that I’m not that active anymore) (Game, books, and movie)
✦ Heavens official blessing (joined around the middle of 2022 I think 👁👄👁) (novel, webtoon, and donghua)
✦ Not so Shoujo love (start of 2021, lmao much gayness 🫦) (Webtoon)
✦ Heartstopper (middle of 2022, so much fucking gayness 🤌) (Novel and webtoon)
✦ Uzumaki (I’m still reading this lmaoo, I think I started to read junji ito’s works around late 2018-19(?)) (manga)
✦ Hellstar Remina (🙂 it was funny as fuck, totally recommend) (manga)
✦ trash of counts family (around the time i started orv) (webnovel and manhwa)
✦ hazbin hotel/helluva boss (again, around the beginning. I dont really have an opinion on them.) (indie animated series on Yt and Amazon Prime)
There are many more but I literally can’t remember ‘cause I’m not actively active in them ig 😶‍🌫️
Anyway as you can see, I’m fine with literally any kind genre as long as the story is (mostly) interesting for my shit attention span.
Some bondaries (will be updated as I go on):
✦ No NSFW / no sexual themes
‣ I’m fine with jokes and shit, like have fun and all, but no sexualisation of me or my ocs. I’m fine with horror/ angst art (as long as it isn’t taken too far).
✦ Minors and majors/adults
‣ Please no pedophila. I do not want to be in any romantic relationships online (learn from my past one mistake of being fucking delusional)
‣ I do wish to be ageless online for now, so yeah…
✦ No weird dms
‣ I’ll fucking ban you and probably make fun of you publicly.
‣ Weird dms include (but aren’t limited to): asking sexual stuff, death threats, obsessive behaviour etc.
✦ Personal issues
‣ Don’t come at me with your severely personal issues, such as family issues, life issues or whatever. Just cause I’m fine with taking ‘bout mental health and its severities doesn’t mean I’m responsible of your mental health in any way. Don’t talk to me or anyone online, talk to someone you trust irl and take therapy.
✦ Stalking/ doxxing
‣ Doesn’t matter if it’s me or not, you need grass for doing some chronically online bullshit. Go outside man or ma’am or neuter.
✦ Parasocial
‣ No, just no.
‣ I’m fine with the buddy buddy shit but please refrain from thinking that I’m important in your life. I’m just here to have fun and cook bullshit. Nothing more.
✦ Shipping
‣ Don’t ship me with other creators or yourself (please).
‣ Don’t ship my ocs with yours.
‣ I’m fine with people shipping my ocs with eachother.
‣ I don’t mind fan fiction (I write most of my characters fan fiction anyways 💀) (you’re free to do whatever but please have some kind of common sense).
‣ Don’t fucking art police or ship police (?) people if non of my characters are being shipped in a borderline pedophilic or incest ships.
✦ Hating
‣ I don’t mind if you dislike or even hate me, you’re allowed to do whatever, but keep in mind that this is the internet and you hate me on the internet. Don’t take internet matters irl or attack anyone I know in real life.
‣ No racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, extremely offensive jokes (that actually harm people) etc. will be tolerated.
Ik that I am not that big at all, but better safe than sorry lol
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Alright, so I'm done with 'That 90's Show' season 1. Here are a few takeaways from someone who LOVED the original show:
Bad parts:
The theme song is really annoying & it just bugs me as someone who has spent a somewhat insane amount of time watching & re-watching the original & singing along. This probably won't bother most people but it's irritating to me
Ozzie as a character is borderline offensive to me. I'm not sure that I'd go so far as to say his characterization is racist or homophobic EXACTLY but...there's something uncomfortable about it. He's literally just a sassy quip machine awkward ham-fisted joke deliverer & he makes me cringe. If there's a second season I really hope they delve into him just a little more since he is part of the main group.
It's annoying & weird that Laurie & Hyde are both absent without reference. I can understand not wanting to replace actors who can't be there, but these were 2 important characters to the group & they could've very easily given us a throwaway comment about where they were. It's just....bad writing, & incredibly noticeable & uncomfortable.
Good parts:
Let's just get this one out there first - every single OG cameo had me cheering. Yes, I claim to hate reboots & remakes & I scream about letting things end & I stand by that but if they're going to do it, I want it done well damn it & this show did in my opinion. I just absolutely loved every single appearance from the original cast members.
I love Jackie & Michale as the couple in a perpetual cycle of getting divorced & back together. I loved Fez as a hair salon owner living his best life. Donn & Eric were iconic. I cheered for Leo's hilarious & fun cameos & same with Fenton's. They did justice to my faves who appeared.
The new characters are interesting & fun for the most part. I like that they reference the original characters without being stand-ins. These characters have their own stuff going on & their conflicts are funny & entertaining. It took a while to get me truly invested but I was always entertained. This show has the same funny charm & humor as the original. The chemistry between the main cast & the humor works really well.
KITTY & RED!!!!!!!! This one I'm not even sure if it needs to be explained but god...I just fucking love Kitty & Red Forman so much & seeing them with a house full of teens being their awesome selves filled me with joy. I just fucking love them.
Not a good part or a bad part but something I'm speculating about:
I'm fine with the little last minute Jay Nate Leia Nicky triangle / square whatever & the canon romance drama. It feels similar to early seasons 'That 70's Show' conflicts & I'm certainly entertained. And I like Jay. He's fun & cute & he's totally SUCH a Kelso. But.....
I SWEAR I almost thought there was going to be something canon between Leia & Gwen SEVERAL times. I mean, sure, me shipping the two girls? Yeah, that's typical but it almost felt like there might be something canon there. Their entire dynamic is SO reminiscent of Eric & Donna. The dork who lives next door to the cool girl? The moments on the hood of the Vista Cruiser? Sneaking through windows? I'm not delusional am I like PLEASE tell me y'all saw it too? Also, there's a textual (not even subtextual!) love triangle between Gwen, Jay, & Leia! Leia literally promises them both her time & does the whole sitcom double-booking her afternoon thing. She talks about loving them both! What??? Like....I don't know if I'm crazy but it REALLY feels like the show might just be going somewhere with this if it gets renewed.
Alright, that's all I have for this post! Those are my main reactions to this show.
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tillyonjoy · 12 days
💊Personality & Appearance
Tilly is as cheery as can be. As a dutiful Wellette, she prides herself on keeping a clean house and mind. Sometimes, it can be hard to see where the Joy ends and the real Tilly begins. Her true self has been buried over nearly a decade of Joy Usage. Regardless of this, her heart generally seems to be in the right place. She cares deeply about others, yet can sometimes be contrarily unaware of others’ opinions of her, and sometimes social norms. She often has her head in the clouds with her borderline delusional sense of optimism and whimsy.
Strengths: Tilly was trained to be what her parents thought a “good housewife” should be. She is skilled in mending and sewing, as well as cleaning, cooking and baking. Out of all these skills, she enjoys baking the most. She prides herself on being good-natured and easy to get along with. Her excitement is also the infectious kind. Tilly is the life of any party.
Weaknesses: Tilly is already a quite trusting person, and Joy takes this to almost an absurd degree. Her kindness also leaves her vulnerable to abuse. On multiple occasions, she also has almost burned down her own house on accident due to her baking and forgetting about whatever she has in the oven.
Motivations: Tilly's main motivation is to escape her suffocating life as a housewife. Other motivations include: wanting to forget the Very Bad Thing, wanting friendship, and wanting to be kind.
Tilly overall seems surprisingly well kept and has a springy gait. Her face is cherubic in shape, which contrasts with the rest of her build.
Height: 5’7”
Build: very thin and somewhat frail.
Hair: graying medium brown
Eyes: green
Skin: pale
Clothing Style: tends to fit in with the rest of Wellington Wells with it's modesty. She can often be seen in a floor length skirt and a brightly colored blouse, which she'll pair with silk gloves and a cloche hat. Her attire has a whimsical edge to it. She always opts for blouses with bell sleeves when possible (as they remind her of Nick Lightbearer), and often participates in whatever the trend-of-the-week is when it comes to clothing. Her clothes always seem very pristine and well kept, even when she herself seems undone from too much Joy.
Mask: mostly plain, the only embellishments being the light blue eyeshadow above the eye holes and the bright red lipstick over the mouth. It is fitted snugly to her round face.
Notable Features: a mole above her left eyebrow and on her left wrist. She also has a fist-sized moon shaped scar on her right knee. Additionally, she has deep crows feet around her eyes and subtle laugh lines.
Inventory: carries a sizeable Mod-inspired handbag (often in a flourscent color matching her blouse) with her old wallet, a pair of safety scissors, a couple spare bottles of joy, and a pocketbook inside. The wallet contains a photo of her husband, and two old photos of her twins tucked safely behind it to avoid triggering poor memories. The pocketbook in her handbag is for handling her financial and day-to-day responsibilities, as Joy usage has heavily affected her working memory. The spare joy is both for herself in case she has a bad day, and for any down-on-their-luck Wellie who happens to need a pick-me-up. 
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seeinginthedark · 4 months
Shaman/magic person blog entry #1
Distinguishing a vision from a delusion.
I have been researching shamans for a few years now, and I’ve figured out that shaman‘s are borderline psychotic. In fact, psychotic.
“Am I actually just insane imagining all of the stuff happening? “
I guess seasoned and experience shaman‘s and elders who have experience with this who know themselves well enough can distinguish the difference between what is actually happening in reality, and what is just delusional, fantasy hallucinations. What I’ve discovered is that there’s a reason for people being like this ! Some indigenous cultures see a psychosis as a spiritual experience, I think that’s valid. If you don’t know or you aren’t connected with your ancestors and if you aren’t aware that you’re a magic person or shaman, and nobody ever shared with you what they experienced as one , never related to you (they may have been like you) like a shaman apprentice type situation then aren’t going to know the difference between a delusional thought and spiritual wisdom. That just comes to you out of nowhere or a vision. Or prophecy. I figured this out, I might not get into my own personal story right now of how I figured out that I was like this, but it was based on things that happened to my family members and me. I just couldn’t ignore the coincidence there and what I’ve discovered is that if you have a firm grip on reality and what it actually is and you know yourself and you’re comfortable with your own mental state, and you don’t pay attention to negative thoughts or let the thought circle and You’re somewhat mentally disciplined, and you pay attention to your dreams, maybe even meditate. You will distinguish the difference between just a random crazy thought, or hallucination, or prophecy, or pareidolia .  You can sense when you’re over analysing a pattern or barking up the wrong tree. You’ll know when you’re seeing faces in places where faces should not be you can tell the difference between whether it’s actually like a meaningful experience or if it’s just something that looks like two eyes and a mouth. You can tell the difference between imagination and reality you will know, but until you know you don’t know. So it can be really confusing and scary. Quite often, we will end up in mental health institutions, and on medication. I’m not saying real schizophrenia doesn’t exist. Of course it exists. There are real people out there unwell, having unwell, hallucinations and things. Suffering in life. Their family suffer and really scary and sad acts of trauma can come out of these situations. So I’m not a doctor on this topic. But I do get a sense that it could be sometimes mistaken occurrences happening in the world, where someone is actually receiving a vision, or prophecy from the future. Or from the past. Or just from the present. And they don’t recognise it as such. Well, they’re not encouraged to recognise it as such. So self doubt leads them to think that they’re crazy and that they are having freaky crazy thoughts. It’s freaky when you get messages from the ancestors. Ancestors will send messages in different kinds of ways. People from my culture, Māori culture are very tapped into certain things. We get messages from ancestors. A lot to do with animals and nature and elements of nature. They can just tell.  We are tapped in. And we don’t need to over explain it to people or over analyse or justify it. We just know. I wish all people had that kind of self belief and fundamental spiritual framework so that they could distinguish the difference between an actual vision and just a delusion specially nowadays when there are probably many many modern day shamans/magic people out there not realising their true power.
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fightful · 7 months
public & private information your muse might know or not know about mine, depending on certain circumstances, situations, verse(s) and etc.
public information.
information that almost anyone can learn or know about octavius; this is either through octavius himself, research, or the media, or other forms of basic intel mediums.
he is a heavy smoker. rare is it to find octavius without a cigarette hanging from his lips.
he is a private investigator, specialising in missing persons. he is very good at what he does. he takes on other cases too, but missing persons is his specialty.
he is awful with technology. he has many gripes and complaints about it, and much prefers traditional forms of communication. he is, for the most part, a chronically "offline" individual.
semi-public information.
information that would take more digging to procure; it's not explicitly public, but relatively borderline.
octavius, currently, does not have any pokémon he's partnered with. he doesn't see the need for a partner pokémon, something which other detectives, both independent and agency, find unusual. especially since he's so good at what he does.
octavius has the ability to listen to, and understand, pokémon language. this isn't something he openly advertises, but it's not something he explicitly conceals, either.
he doesn't seem fussed with gender. he's nonchalant about the entire concept; he's most used to be referred to as a man, but if someone refers to him as a woman, or some gender-neutral term, he has no qualms about that either. he uses he/it pronouns for himself mostly.
private information.
information about octavius that someone is highly unlikely to know unless they are close or otherwise intimate with him. even those close to him may not know all these segments.
octavius is, what contemporary media would label as, a werewolf. his canine form is something that looks much like zacian; with the exception that this form is, quite frankly, scarily large. his zacian form is taller than a vast majority of the human population. the transformation is painful, but something he's since gotten used to. he doesn't like people knowing this information; he figures most individuals would try to exploit his abilities.
octavius is from a different part in history. specifically, he is the great grandson of one of the galarian kings associated with preventing the calamity known now as the first darkest day. he is well aware that most people, should they learn this, will think him delusional. octavius has been in the modern day for just over three years.
the reason why he's a heavy smoker is due to his mythical levels of smell. it's overwhelming to smell so many things, so many people, especially if he's entering unfamiliar territory. his aggressive chain-smoking dulls this sensory overload somewhat.
octavius is able to be captured within a pokéball. this is something that not even he is wholly aware of, but has wondered if it is a possibility. the answer is: yes. yes he can be caught.
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buggyscellmate · 2 years
Welcome to yandere tumblr! So excited to see you here!
If I may request… Could you do Yandere Pillarmen with how they’d court a human s/o?
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Yandere! Pillarmen courting a human
CW: Yandere, pressuring, obsession, stalking if you squint
Ever the being for lavish things, Kars’ idea of courting would be to shower you with luxuries. These would mostly consist of fine clothing and jewelry, sometimes sweet but expensive trinkets that would make him think of you. Since he’s also fairly busy as it is, he can’t always be the one to deliver these gifts to you, so he relies on the others to bring said offerings that sometimes came with handwritten letters by yours truly. It mostly be him telling you that he understands how disappointed you must be from not being able to see him as much as your heart desires. When he’s feeling especially sweet, he’ll get you the best quality sweets you could think to ask for whether it be pastries, chocolates, candies, cakes, or something you hadn’t heard of before.
Kars would believe you want him back, whether it’s true or not, because I see him as the somewhat delusional type. Even if you tell him that you don’t want him to his face- if you’re that bold that is, he’d downright deny it like it was his own truth to tell. He’d have to explain to you for what probably wasn’t the first time, that you do want him but you simply think too little of yourself to actually admit that you want him just as much as he wants you and he simply would not have that. All you ever have to do while with him is to accept the gifts and praise he gives you while following his rules. It couldn’t possibly be that hard, especially when he deems you fit to be at his side for the rest of eternity.
Being a man comfortable in his own emotions and abilities, Esidisi is more straightforward and heartfelt in his approach with you. He would likely tell you that he loves you the moment he feels like he does, making it a rather long and tearful confession that he tells you he needs no response to, insisting that you give him the time to make you fall for him. His love language is words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch, he’s also a hopeless romantic. He absolutely thinks about the most corny scenarios involving you when he’s doing something, even talking to himself and practicing lines to use on you. So  whenever he spends time with you, probably forcing some awkward hand holding, he’d jump at any opportunity to say something corny.
He’d all but force you onto dates with him, lots of them being in the woods or some other places in nature, his favorite being picnics in open fields on nights where the moon is especially bright. Under the moon, he’d go on and on about how much as well as why he adores you, it was borderline spoken poetry with how these confessions of his love would leave his lips rhythmically. Should you ever try to shut these feelings down and tell him that you’re not interested, he’d get misty eyed and beg you for more time, just a little more, to prove to you that he could be everything you could ever need. Esidisi simply wouldn’t give you the chance to reject his love for you, he is what’s best for you.
Wamuu was always a loyal and dutiful being, and to you he would be no different after he began to concern himself with your safety. After coming to the realization of just how much he cherished you and needed you, almost as much as he did Kars. your health soon became one of his top priorities. Having decided that, he soon made himself a part of your life like your own personal guard dog. He’d always have an eye on you out of the fear that you might one day step into his shadow, Wammu seldom left you to your own devices. You now weren’t let out of the house by yourself, or at night, and especially not by yourself at night.
Truthfully, he wanted to be more than your personal guard and he made sure to let you know, he wanted to be your lover but he didn’t need to. However, that would never change his feelings or desire to protect you and keep you as safe as possible. It would get to the point that he would end up micromanaging certain aspects of your life like if your breakfast had enough vitamins, if you were getting enough sleep, how much time you spent in front of screens, anything that could negatively affect your health. That would be until Kars presented him with the option of making you something more immortal.
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mxdarling · 2 years
[Cold to them, sweet to others]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: Yan. ace, azul, & kalim with a darling that's cold towards them but sweet to others + knows about their obsession towards them.
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 1293
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] mentions of breaking reader, yandere behavior, borderline bullying, implied harsh teasing, delusional behavior, mentions of isolation, possessive behavior, jealousy behavior, worshipping behavior, slight spoilers for azul's backstory, mentions of insecurities.
[Male reader]
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Ace Trappola;
➮ ACE TRAPPOLA certainly finds you amusing, for sure. He probably bothers you on a daily just to get a reaction out of you since you seem so emotionless around him. C'mon indulged him a little, can't you give him a laugh? Maybe a smile at least? At first he only bothers you to get some sort of reaction out of you but as time goes on not only does he want you to react to whatever he's doing. He wants you to break, he wants you to break until you can no longer return to who you were before. After that his teasing gets worse each time and every day he's trying new ways to get you to break right in front of him. Sure he can try to use others to get you to be broken by some other ways other than what he's using to get you to where he wants you to be but to him its more satisfying when you break under all of his hard work.
➮ While Ace does find it amusing with your behavior around him, after all he likes a good challenge, but sometimes he wishes that you'd return his affection. I mean is he really that bad that you'll go out of your way to ignore him? All he did was did a bit of teasing towards you but that's it. I mean sure it may have been a little bit mean of him, but they're just jokes. It doesn't help once he sees you interact with other people other than him all while being so affectionate towards them. We all know Ace is a possessive person, and he hates having to share your attention to other people. So imagine his reaction when he sees his darling acting like this with other people? Oh how much jealousy and rage he is feeling right now at the sight.
➮ I feel like Ace wouldn't really care whether you knew his obsession for you or not. Though it adds more to the adrenaline and fun he's having. Be prepared for Ace's behavior from now on, since you already know his.. overwhelming love for you he doesn't have to hold himself back right? He doesn't have to hide his love from you anymore. Let me tell you, if you thought you that Ace before was annoying and bothering enough, just wait until you see how annoying and bothering Ace can be.. Honestly he'd might just end up isolating you by accident with how much he drives others away from you (Say thanks to his possessive and jealousy nature for that one). Now you have nobody but Ace to interact.
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Azul Ashengrotto;
➮ AZUL ASHENGROTTO is.. far from pleased about this turn of events. Frustrated even if you ask him. Sure he predicted you'd be somewhat wary of him due to his reputation in NRC but he didn't think you'd outright cold to him! He might just have white hair from all the stress you are giving him... He tries not to show it publicly especially not in front of you but he's deeply distraught that you don't like really him. He'll most likely get the twins to keep tabs on you on his behalf since he's busy with school and mostro lounge, but he'll try to talk to you once in a while but your harsh attitude makes it quite challenging to do so. Due to his past, insecurities grow within him and they start to plague his thoughts until they're the only thing he could think of. Though he'll try not to get these thoughts to affect his grades, reputation nor his progress to try and get to closer to him. Willingly of course.
➮ You're just asking to be isolated at this point. I think Azul would be really hurt if he sees you interacting with other people so affectionately. Because from his perspective you're choosing other people over him because he's not good enough. Despite his sly and intelligent front he puts up, I think he'd try to change himself just to fit your standards of him. He desperately needs the validation and appreciation he couldn't get during his childhood. So don't be surprised if you see the eel twins more often than usually and how everyone is now suddenly avoiding you. All you need is Azul.
➮ I don't think Azul would be too affected by you knowing his "love" for you but I do think he'll be a bit embarrassed (also the twins will definitely teased him about it). Azul would be more straightforward of him liking you and all the stuff but he still has a reputation so he'll just get the twins to do the usual. Keep tabs on you, make sure you aren't talking to anyone, give you gifts/letters, and making sure you aren't trying to escape from him. You can never leave him sweetheart~
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Kalim Al-Aism;
➮ KALIM AL-AISM is very much confused about your behavior towards him. He doesn't recall ever trying to offend you or anything of the sorts. But he doesn't seem too bothered about your behavior around him most of the time. That just means he has to try harder to befriend you! You're just a little shy or just being difficult and that's okay! It doesn't matter what you do or what you say to try and get rid of Kalim, he's intent on trying to become your best friend (or even perhaps more then that..?) that will never leave your side. He's definitely the most annoying out of these bunch. One (1) he's an airhead and can't take the hints that you don't want him around you and two (2) no matter who or what tries to make him stop hanging around you, he'll always find some way to hang around you just a little longer..
➮ I think this is might be a little obvious but Kalim doesn't really pay attention to how you behave or interact with other people other than him. So in summary, he's is basically the most unaffected out of the three when he witnesses your behavior around other people. In fact he even encourages it. He likes seeing you happy so if talking to other people makes you happy then he's happy. Though he still doesn't understand why you aren't happy when he's around. I think the more he sees you being so affectionate around other people the more he tries to imitate what the people do to earn your affections. Like if someone complimented you on your clothes, he'll do the same thing when you guys met. If someone gave you a book suggestion he'll give you one the next day (or try to at least, I'm not sure if this guy even reads). There's no mile he'll not take just to see you happy. He'll do almost everything to make you happy.
➮ Again just like how he was when he saw you interact with other people, he isn't too affected by it. Honestly if he ever finds you know about his... weird infatuation towards you he'll think that you feel the same way for him too, when in reality you really don't and is deeply weirded out by it. He doesn't really change much really, I mean I guess now he thinks you like him and is now trying to court you and all that yada yada. If you continue to be cold towards him he'll think you're just in denial or come up with some other reason why you aren't straightforward with your feelings to him. There's almost little to nothing you could do at this point. You're just gonna have to put up with his constant courting for you and his oblivious airhead self persistent in becoming part of your entire life.
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; Hello🌿☁ anon!! This took longer to get out I'm sorry, Ace's part was fun to write I have to admit, also this is my first time writing for Azul, I had a little hard time writing for Azul's part but I tried to make it as long as the other two.]
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, delusions, manipulation, jealousy, stalking, threatening, aged up character
Yandere Neito Monoma Hc’s
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🌆What a beautifully and insanely delusional and clingy guy Monoma can be, wouldn't you agree as his darling? He would really never believe in his emotions as anything near wrong and instead he might just get a bit ahead of himself with his slightly narcisstic attitude and declare himself as the only one who should date his darling. Because he sure as hell will not take it if they were ever to be a couple or do as much as have a crush on someone in the A class. Won't really care to give his darling a lot of space, he prefers being glued directly to their side and when he is forced to go different ways or stay through other circumstances away, he somehow searches for a way to stalk them a bit. He used to do that a lot before he decided to step into action. Walking you home whilst you aren't aware of it is after all considered to be a sign of love and makes him more of a gentleman, doesn't it?
🌆This young man will also be quite the manipulative asshole if he deems it to be necessary. Whether someone might believe it or not, Monoma does quite a few favors for his darling because just as much as he can turn very manipulative, his darling can pull the same trick as him. Deeply and passionately in love, he can be made into a little puppet and run back and forth to satisfy the s/o. He is not above using that against you though, complaining about how much he has done for you already and yet you want to spend time with someone else instead of your beloved boyfriend. Has some really nasty obsession with being the best person in his darling's life and gathering informations about them and even if he won't even admit it to his darling, he is the borderline of a worshipper. I mean, he does collect a few things from you.
🌆Talks trash about pretty much everyone from the A-Class if they were to interact with his darling in any sort and Kendo will have to be the one restraining him. Neito is a fairly jealous person and a petty monopolizer as well so he won't stay still. Deep down he might actually feel a bit threatened, especially by people from the A-Class because even if he would rather bite his tongue off than admitting it, he acknowledges their strength quite a bit. Won't stop him from being extremely passive-aggressive though to the point where it annoys you and the person you were talking to. Pretty much does whatever pops up in his head so that he can get attention from his darling back on him.
🌆More the type to blackmail and threaten someone if he were to see them as a threat. Neito can be quite the unhinged guy if he wants to be and it'll be frightening the moment he decides to use that to push someone away from his darling. He will do so the moment he views someone as an obstacle, hurdle or potential threat in his relationship with the s/o or because that one person happens to mess with his darling badly. Thing is that if you wouldn't tell him that someone is giving you troubles, he wouldn't even assume it for a long time. Even if someone else were to tell him their suspicions, he just stupidly and naively believes his darling until one day he either witnesses it himself or he is pushed to a point where he starts suspecting something himself.
🌆Kidnapping isn't something that is initially on his mind, though there were multiple occasions where he just wanted to grab his darling, lock them away for a bit and keep them for himself. He hopefully never did it before though. Can and will do it though when he feels like he is being ignored and neglected for too much. It'll only be temporary though until the issue is somewhat solved. Another good example when he would feel like an abduction wouldn't be the worst idea is when he finds out you've been lying to him about something really important which put you and the relationship in direct harm. Next to the feelings of bitter betrayal, he isn't able to trust you for a whole while after and kind of feels like he has to patronize you for your own safety.
🌆You might just tend to knock him out when Kendo isn't there to save you and the people around you from his obsession and jealousy. Neito will find a way to boost about your Quirk if you have one, even if it seems to be nothing special to you at first and if he can, he tends to lend your Quirk every once in a while, either to end up teasing you a bit he loves doing that btw or for something related to his work. If he were ever to be made aware of someone who you have a bad past with and who can't stand you, this person should honestly start avoiding you for good if they don't want to get exposed and humiliated by Neito. Because as soon as he has found something you exceed in or he is more talented in, he'll always remind them about it when he sees them.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
I have a question about yandere. Do yandere love themselves (love yourself)..cause I read that though they project their love and possessiveness to the object or someone borderline insanely and we get to know their thoughts about their darlings only. People say projecting those mostly possessiveness things is like projecting your insecurity. What about their thought process. What do they think about themselves in more in-depth.
And let's say if there was a darling who is true to herself with good emotional intelligence and knows how to deal with red flags especially the manipulative ones...how would the yandere deal with it.
Wow, I feel honored you would come to me, the sinful yandere gremlin, to ask these questions. I'm not sure if I have good answers to that, lol.
I guess, in the end, everything depends on your yandere definition. There are enough games/lore/etc. that have shaped the word into that of a person that's more or less lacking emotional stability/emotions at all. Only when they find their person (or, rarely, object) they will start to finally feel something inside of them again and only think about that darling, get obsessed with them. So basically, psychopath or sociopath that starts to only truly live once they have found what they were always looking (destined?) for.
However, I think here on Tumblr at least, we are pretty much set on the differences in yandere types like the possessive, obsessive, protective, etc. (If you want to look into those, I know @/yandere-daydreams has two posts or more about them. Just use the search option on their blog!) and those are just the supercategories we are basing the personalities on. If you have/create a yandere that is very confident, I don't see a reason why they wouldn't love themselves in varying degrees, except if you want that as their insecurity. I also don't see why an obsessed yandere with stalker tendencies shouldn't like themselves. Except, again, if you're going to use that as insecurity to justify their actions. I frequently write about a yandere!Bakugou who is so overly confident that he wants his darling to admire him, and I think in this case, it would be weird if he didn't like himself. That would ruin the character I built for him, though, of course, someone could interpret that as his insecurity showing.
Technically, you can handle yandere like you would with any other personality. I don't think it's unlikely either for a character who very much likes themselves to get upset because the thought of not being great enough to keep their darling's attention on them is sending them spiraling mentally. And possessiveness is not necessarily insecurity, even if it can come from insecurity. Likely, yes, not a must though. However, I am eyeing supernatural fanfiction here, but the possessiveness of a werewolf doesn't necessarily mean they are insecure.
For their in-depth thoughts, it somewhat comes down to: is the yandere aware of how bad they are behaving? Or are they delusional? Both minds would circle around their darling, but a delusional would refuse to see anything wrong with their treatment of their darling, while yandere who are aware will have a moral fight against themselves between what they want (keeping their darling and loving them) and laws, society, the knowledge about what is right. Both types of yandere have very chaotic thoughts, just in different ways. One might be absolutely in love with finally owning their darling and spending time with them, while the other dies inside whenever they think about what they did.
In the end, it's up to us who are thinking about the yandere how they see themselves. They could love themselves and stand behind what they are doing or not. However you choose their personality to play out. 'Yandere' alone does not make a complete personality, especially not if it's fanfiction. You'll always have to work with what you already have and turn it into something that makes sense for the characters. That's the great leeway we have with the fictional concept of yandere! So many possibilities!
As for the darling who's good at seeing the red flags: it also depends on the yandere. Some yans might be put off with not being accepted. Not to a point where they could let go of their darling and wishful thinking, but so that they remain an onlooker from the distance and stalker of the night. Realistically thinking, the best a darling can do is get a restraining order. However, I'd wager the yan is neither happy nor going to accept that. Not every yandere is physically or mentally strong enough to kidnap/threaten their darling though, so they do whatever they can, even if it never gets farther than being a nightly visitor at the window. However, even they might reach a breaking point on some occasion. Other yandere won't take 'no' for an answer at all. Like I said above, it really depends on the personality, character, and type. There's no way you can just put it all under one hat and call it done. Yandere doesn't have to be complex, but in my opinion, if you want to make it good, you have to think about it a bit deeper than just saying yandere is all the personality there is to them.
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neoraso · 4 years
royal guard!minho
requested | some gender neutral hc for how he starts to wish he was maybe more than just a guard to you 
to put things lightly, minho was the ace of your entire guard
like he was better than anyone …at everything
so originally he was on (your father) the king’s immediate guard
he was nothing but professional and saved the king too many times to count even from like stepping on rocks idk 
when you turned like 17 and had to do more public appearances obv u were in a lot more danger so ur father jumped at having minho reassigned to u as the head of your personal guard “nothing but the best for his child”
the first time you met him… he only nodded or said yes or no to everything u asked him n ur jus like ok not much of a talker that’s not so bad ig haha ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
he was so quiet and “polite” for months despite you constantly trying to get something out of him
ur other guards always tried not to laugh bc if only u knew he had like two friends and was generally a pretty serious guy
but one day there was a festival in your kingdom’s central city so obv you had to make an appearance which u were very excited abt bc you only get to go into town like twice a year and THIS was one of those times
being “of age” and that much closer to taking the throne you might as well have painted a big red target on your head to signal people against the throne
everything was going fine, everyone was having fun and you decided to visit some of the booths and musicians around the square
minho was already suspicious of the situation and tightens the rest of your guard without u evenn rlly noticing but like
just as you turned to show these cute little candies to minho to maybe get a reaction for once -
the second he looks at you, someone moves to grab you but the flash of a knife in his other hand causes minho to jump immediately into action
honestly who knows what rlly happened minho moved so damn fast but the next thing you know, ur in the middle of your whole guard squad
looking through the gaps of their shoulders you see minho pinning down your assailant with a blade against his neck waiting for someone to arrest him even though he rlly wanted to just execute the guy right there 
the festivities were kind of killed for u after that bc you and your family were rushed back home which u might’ve been more sad abt if u werent in so much shock :<
obv minho was the one to escort you back but like all he said was “you’re okay?” and after u dumbly nodded with wide eyes he walked with you but kept a hand around your shoulder
no one really talked after that which wasn’t unusual for him but in his mind he was rlly like 
“?? ok i know its literally my job to protect this family but?? hm whyyyy do i seem to care sm more rnnn??//?” help him sdhskjd
u just looked so shaken up and disappointed and suddenly he was like damn </3 they rlly have no fun in their life and this one time they could was ruined :///
u had to stay inside for weeks after that bc it turns out there was a whole conspiracy to “eliminate” your family line so you waited in safety until the criminals were “taken care of” 
minho had everything triple checked around the castle for your safety and secretly made sure you had extra treats and warm drinks sent to your room sometimes with little notes that he had the cook pretend to have sent because lately he’d heard you had trouble sleeping sometimes he’s shy boy aw
he started to realize how much he had gotten used to your smile and your little jokes and the way you sometimes tripped on the corners of rugs. and he thought maybe it was a good thing you guys didnt have many interactions lately because he was way too attached
you on the other hand, couldnt even rlly complain about having to stay inside so much bc you had everything you needed and- you knew it was for ur safety but- it wassss kind of suffocating at times
u tried sneaking out at first ((just to the garden!!)) which obviously was a bad idea bc it’s impossible to get past minhos fcking hawk eyes lmao
he STILL didnt say anything like he would just follow right behind you
n like u kinda huffed but whatever honestly at least it was just him and not 15 other guards like everyone acted like you needed
plus it was somewhat comforting to have someone so solid around even if he never talked smh
one night you sat near the little pond and tried to calm your mind by watching how the moonlight rippled in the water
you can feel him behind you so u just turn around and look at him ignoring how he was already looking at you
 “would you at least sit with me?”
he kind of hesitates bc …what if someone tried to come up behind you? but with the sad look on your face he cant help but give in and sits on the stone bench at the opposite end of you
it becomes actually somewhat peaceful until you just decide to ask everything you’ve been wondering n u just blurt out-
“would it kill you to talk with me once in a while? i mean, talk like a normal person and not a machine? i dont bite i promise..”
he furrows his brow bc he’s shocked you cared at all and also he doesnt rlly know how to respond without being like “its not really in my job description to make conversation” but he honestly just thought you were being talkative out of niceties.
 before he could even form a sentence you continued,
“i mean- i’m always trying to get your attention. i dont get to meet many people for obvious reasons but my guards are the closest people to me-literally, and i dont want there to be a big gap between us just because of my status..”
he cuts you off before you ramble yourself to death 
“i didn’t know you were this troubled by it… i just take my job very seriously and i dont want to risk anyone’s safety for the sake of conversation”
u almost roll ur eyes but not wanting to be rude ur just like “even at home? i know you’re serious about your duties, believe me, i just… i get lonely.”
smthing inside him literally breakkkssss when you say that like u are such a pure and sweet person that deserves to have all the love and friends and fun in the world so he just gets quiet for a second and looks down
“im sorry.” he said it so softly you almost didnt hear him “i’ll be there for you more- if thats what you need. im essentially in charge of your safety and care and i’ll do anything to fulfill that responsibility.”
well this was good right? so why did you still feel unsatisfied?
“i dont want to just be a responsibility, cant we just be like friends? or…”
you cut yourself off before talking too much again
you had to admit to yourself you had developed a bit of a liking for minho, not just because he was probably the most handsome person in your kingdom, not even just because he saved your life, but he had really been a pillar of security in your life and you respected his loyalty and ambition.
he was more than admirable and everything you wanted as a standard for your kingdom
sometimes you let your mind wander to him getting on one knee and leading alongside you..
no, now youre getting sidetracked and delusional and he can practically hear the gears turning in your head so he stands up and reaches his hand out for you to grab 
“of course you’re more than a responsibility to me, come on, lets go inside it’s getting cold.’
taking his hand and realizing the conversation was over, you moved to link arms instead  as he walked you all the way to your bedroom door 
u slept a lot better that night 
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from that point on you could not get rid of minho 
like everyone was borderline uncomfortable with how jarring his change in attitude was 
like he was constantly behind you looking right over your shoulder or grabbing your arm to stop you from bumping into things
even when he wasnt technically on duty he had taken it upon himself to give you little lessons in archery and even some defensive moves to help you protect yourself in case someone wasnt fast enough to help you 
your tried not to get flustered every time he adjusted your form and the way you could feel his breath behind your ear
or the head pats when he walked you to your room at night
or his hand on your back when you guys would take walks in the garden
honestly it did not take long until one night you were sat next to your pond and after some comfortable small talk you noticed how close his face was to yours
but he noticed you didn’t pull away even as he leaned in closer and finally just kissed you
when he pulled away and saw your eyes still closed and how soft you looked his heart almost exploded
“i didnt mean to make things weird i just,, couldnt help myself, sorry”
his rushed confession pulls you out of your daze and you’re so happy (a little shocked) but you’re quick to reassure him
“it’s ok, i’ve been wanting you to do that for a while …”
he’s jus like “rlly?😳”
obviously this complicates things a lot and you aren’t really sure if you would even be allowed to have a relationship with minho bc of ur position
or if he would get in trouble for breaking the rules of attachment to u
all of this is kind of racing thru both of ur minds as you look at each other but you laugh after u both start talking at the same time
you prod him to go first so he grabs your hands and says like
“look i care about you a lot, and i know we’re not really supposed to be doing this but if i can be by your side … beyond my duties…i would really love to. but if we can’t, i can survive with just being here to protect and serve you in anyway i can”
he’s so honest and genuine and earnest it shocked u a little
even tho you were uncertain abt the situation as well you knew you had grown a little too fond and dependent on minho that you would do anything to make it work
luckily an arranged marriage was not required for you so that wasnt really the issue, but falling in love with someone not at all royal..? it was a daunting thought how the idea would be perceived 
you wouldnt have said anything if you both weren’t completely sure of your feelings;  but you really could not imagine being content or safe spending your life with anyone else so you mustered up the courage to ask the king and queen…
when you brought it up to your parents they looked pretty concerned
minho went on the whole “i’ll do anything to protect them and this kingdom” speech and your father just waved him off and was like
“i know u would …. i’ll allow it because there’s really no one better to represent the kingdom and because i want only the best for my child ;)”
u and minho were literally in shock but just quietly said thank u and left the room
when you had privacy he immediately pulled you in for a kiss (maybe several all over ur face)
you had a lot to figure out and many responsibilities but now you had an amazing person by your side to help you through it :.) <3
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acciofanfics · 4 years
Tormented (Sirius Black x Reader) Part 2
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Summary: (Y/N) leaves home right out of Hogwarts due to circumstances Sirius could definitely relate to. When he opens his home to her, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Pairing: Post Azkaban Sirius Black x FemReader
Warnings: Younger but legal reader, suggestive themes, maybe language?
Word Count: 923
A/N: So this may be OOC, and kinda cringey but it seemed like a necessary set up at the time 😂 hopefully it’ll get better. -S
It’d only been about forty-eight hours since the nightgown incident, but it’d felt like an eternity. Sirius had been waiting patiently, biding his time until the perfect opportunity arose. Well more accurately he was waiting, perhaps it wasn’t that patiently at all. There were a few times he thought about forgetting his whole idea of bringing her intentions to light and just suffering quietly. There were multiple flaws in that plan. One, he had to suffer and two, he wouldn’t definitively know that Remus was wrong until there was proof. Thankfully, it seemed as if there was finally an opening Sirius thought he could work with.
(Y/N) tensed slightly when she felt the looming presence of a man over her shoulder. Realizing it was Sirius, she relaxed a bit, as much as she could with the close contact. His body was maybe an inch from being against hers and his arm halfway held her in place, trapping her between him and the counter (not that she minded). “Anything interesting today?”
Sirius’ gaze and attention fell to the paper in her hands. There was always something interesting in The Daily Prophet. Rarely anything with any stock though. “Oh the usual, Dumbledore is bonkers, Harry is a liar and Sirius Black still at large.”
“Well that must be frightening?”
“Maybe to anyone that doesn’t know him. I happen to know he’s harmless.” She hummed, her tone borderline condescending.
“And you know that do you?” He challenged. To be honest, they didn’t know a whole lot about each other at all. They shared a home for the time being, some conversations, and a few well known facts, but if they were analyzing the situation they were far from friends. That might’ve been why he had no problem indulging this tension she was seemingly trying to instigate. There wasn’t any close relationship to worry about, so he’d push as far as she’d let him, well as far as she wanted him.
���Oh I’m pretty sure.” Her voice didn’t waver, but she felt her heart skip a beat and her breathing quicken a bit. She wondered if she finally broke down his resolve... (Y/N) thought she was being somewhat blunt with her advances. He seemed somewhat oblivious to what was going on, but she quickly noticed that while he didn’t respond to it per say… He seemed to be unsure of himself or that she was actually coming onto him. Even if he wasn’t reacting in the way she wanted it was still slightly amusing to see him squirm. It was then she had decided that even if nothing came of it, slight teasing never hurt anyone and she’d continue to mess with him. Now she was almost sure she had him, maybe he just needed a little push, so he knew she was serious. “I’ve seen him around, honestly I’m not sure he’s man enough.”
Sirius snapped in a sense. He wasn’t delusional. There was no way he was imagining it. He pressed himself against her completely, pushing her into the counter and leaned down so his lips lingered dangerously close to her ear, “There’s no need to be so hostile. If you want something from me, all you have to do is ask love.”
“Please...” She squeaked out and she was immediately grateful that Sirius didn’t require any clarification, because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to come up with a coherent sentence at that moment. When his lips finally attached the exposed skin on her neck a weak ‘mmm’ slipped out of her mouth. Sirius smiled against her flesh, satisfied with the way she so easily gave into him.
One of his hands still held the countertop he held her against and the other now grabbed hold of her hip. Little noises somewhere between a whimper and a moan spewed from her lips like a desperate plea for him to continue. Sirius pulled the collar of her shirt down and his mouth followed in the direction. (Y/N)’s breath hitched when he bit down on her shoulder; it wasn’t hard enough to be painful, just enough to make her press herself further into him and leave a small mark.
The hand that held her hip smoothed over her side and down to her thigh, when she felt his fingertips slowly heading straight to where she wanted them. Anticipation flooded her and she did everything she could not to try and force the contact, though she was arguably past seeming desperate she felt obligated to keep up the facade of having a semblance of control. She found it incredibly frustrating each time his hand snaked in between her thighs just to return to her waist. If she hadn’t known better she would’ve assumed his actions were unsure in a sense… but she did know better.
And just as quickly as he’d captured her, he let her go. It wasn’t an easy endeavor, but he knew members of the Order would be arriving soon and he’d accomplished what he’d set out to do. He confirmed his suspicions and he’d provided a little payback. If he went any further it’d be almost impossible to pull himself away.
(Y/N) watched him retreat into the other room. She was annoyed, but she supposed that must’ve been somewhat how he felt. Of course, if he was trying to to teach her a lesson, she definitely did not learn it. If that’s the punishment she got from teasing him in private she wondered what would happen if she took it a little further.
Tag List: @holysantana @rexorangecouny
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ktheist · 4 years
jung hoseok is never one for relationships.
not those that started with lingering stares and ended with a night tangled in the sheets, at least. but he wasn’t deadset on avoiding advancements from the opposite sex either.
so when he finds himself trailing down your bare spine with his index finger, struck with awe at how the thin sheen of post-love making glisten on your skin like diamonds, accompanied with laughter that trickles like bell chimes - he isn’t so sure if he wants to leave this somewhat safe heaven he found in the confines of your apartment, underneath your silken white sheets.
you are only a little over 20 but the words pouring out of your mouth paints a picture he can only imagine.
“...and i left him in greece with a suitcase drenched in water!” there’s this ring in your laugh, something that makes him want to stay there a little longer. 
hoseok doesn’t know if he should join in on the laughter too - but your laugh is contagious so he laughs too, if only a bit muted and a tad bit intention to track down this ex-husband of yours, “man, where’d you find this guy?”
“honestly?” there’s a glint in your eyes that foretells his disbelief if you told him.
but you do anyway, a suspenseful moment later, “we met at a resort in cuba but wait,” you hold out a slender finger a few inches from his lips, “here’s the best part- he was there with the girl he was cheating on his wife with.”
there’s a pause but it isn’t the ‘what do i say now’ kind when being told about a borderline morally fucked up shit that they clearly don’t think is fucked up. it’s more of a comfortable silence. the kind that accepts that that person’s learned their lesson and are - or at least, you are in his eyes - a better person than that version they were telling him about.
“damn,” is all he says and you seem to agree as you nod along, traces of a melancholic smile lingering on your lips.
“damn indeed,” you echo.
you lower your head onto your folded arms and he thinks you look cute with your cheek squished against your arm and cheekbone as you blink, eyes fixed on his chest as you seem to wonder back to a time when you haven’t met him - a time when he wished he knew you so he’d give that damned ex-husband of yours a good beating for breaking your heart.
then they trace up to his adam’s apple, then to his lips and finally his eyes, “everyone keeps saying it was a waste of time but i don’t think so - i think it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
this is the part where he doesn’t agree but he can’t bring himself to say it for some reason. maybe because he’s pretty sure this is going against everything he stands for. maybe because fuck, he’s realized he’s never really loved someone before - not the way you did.
and maybe he’s being delusional. swayed by your story telling of a love that once lived passionately and wholly. 
but he’ll be damned if he leaves through this door without so much as trying-
“hey,” he swallows thickly, palms becoming sweaty for some reason, all of a sudden, he’s that little kid who’s trying so hard not to stammer in the face of his crush, “if you’re up for it, can i take you out for coffee?”
“this is probably a good time to tell you i don’t drink coffee,” your words throws him off guard.
what does he say now - now that the usual coffee invite doesn’t work? oh god, he’s really behind his game. would dinner do? what if you don’t eat dinners? what-
the laugh that he’s becoming more and more familiar with tumbles out of your mouth and boy, is it music to his ears, even more so when you propose a different kind of proposition, “i’ve been wanting to go on a half day trip to japan - would you like to come with me?”
before he realizes it, he’s letting out a relieved chuckle that he’s never going to be able to take back, “yes - yeah,” then he realizes coffee sounds so stupid to ask a girl as amazing as yourself. someone who, in the very beginning, never quite adhered to the constructed system of society, “japan sounds nice.”
you know what this fic is inspired by!
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