#this is specifically abt hades game
tallytals · 1 year
any song can be abt your favorite characters if you’re insane enough
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aq2003 · 5 months
has anyone gotten the idea that odysseus' storyline in hades 2 is a depiction/exploration of trauma over his SA and how he's blaming himself for things that were out of his control? because that's the impression i'm getting from what i've seen. he talks about "goddesses" as his "greatest weakness" and that "he's not one to say no to them"...
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when mel invites him to the bath, he brings up mortals having different standards for intimacy than gods and how it usually has a more romantic/sexual connotation. she then asks if he's uncomfortable and he has a startled reaction and brings up circe and calypso again (but never actually by name)
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(this isn't ship/romance bait btw. odysseus knew mel as a kid and they're stated in-game to have a sibling/uncle-niece relationship)
also he grew apart from penelope after his return, but the game makes a point of showing that his love for penelope and telemachus is what drove him on at all so that element of his character isn't brought into question
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
i still can't believe dc comics just straight up put hadesgame theseus and asterius fighting wonder woman in lazarus planet (specifically in lazarus planet we once were gods).
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now you'd have to pay me to get me to bother actually reading the entirety of this event but. "the doors of hades are flung open" and there goes zagreus. he's determined to make it to taco bell before he beefs it
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canwehavehextonite · 16 days
anyways im gonna go play zelda now.
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junietuesday · 10 months
HEY EVERYONE I HAVE A REQUEST. ive been rbing the glenn close sexy podcast character poll so much but now you have an incentive to vote
send proof of voting glenn close and i will write you a drabble. any ship any characters any rating any scenario (just not w big age gap ships, noncon, or other “dead dove” content). please note i’ll only be able to write for the fandoms under the cut. 200-300 words MINIMUM, may be even more if i get inspired by your prompt. this is an opportunity to get a fic tailored to your tastes for free!! check out @junietuesday25 and the ao3 linked there (same username) to see examples of my work
vote glenn close 🔫
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[ID: the “it’s free real estate” meme edited to say “It’s Free Fanfiction”. End ID.]
more specific list of fandoms i’ll write for under the cut:
ive previously written fics for these:
be more chill
the legend of zelda (any game)
hades game (and greek mythology in general tbh)
im familiar w the fanfic for these:
good omens
gravity falls
dungeons and daddies (ofc)
i have a working familiarity w the media itself:
a ton of kids cartoons like the owl house, adventure time (+fionna and cake), dead end paranormal park, etc.
a ton of modern musicals like dear evan hansen, beetlejuice, six, hadestown, etc.
marvel movies (my sister is enough of a fanatic that ive picked up the knowledge)
and any media you know ive posted abt on my blog!!
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miketownsends · 1 month
Have been wondering for a bit, since it flew completely off my radar for all of the time it was happening. What was/is Blaseball? Like I know from wikipedia that it was a baseball horror game (?) but it really gives no impression of like. What was it like, what was so special abt it?
blaseball was, at its core, a cosmic horror baseball simulator, with some kind of TTRPG-adjacent aspects. it’s… hard to describe. in so many ways it was something you needed to be there for. but i can try!
there were 24 (originally 20) teams, based in both real (Seattle, Tokyo, Boston, etc) and fake (Atlantis, Hellmouth, Hades) locations. seasons lasted a week. games played out every hour on the hour starting at 7:00am PST on Monday and running until 99 games had completed. games were played out under various weathers, such as Solar Eclipse and Feedback, that could impact the players or the game at random. the postseason played out on Friday evening and Saturday. election results occurred on Sunday.
elections were the big interactive portions of blaseball. throughout the week fans could bet in-game money on the outcomes of games. you could then use that money to buy votes. the votes were used to either vote on Decrees, which were rule/game changes (decided by popular vote) or to try to improve your team through Blessings or Wills (decided via raffle). these could do anything from buffing a player to stealing a player from another team to giving your entire team a specific blood type to killing off your least-idolized player and replacing them with a new one to… any other number of things. this forced a kind of collaborative community effort because teams would prioritize certain things and try to steer their fans toward putting their votes toward those things to increase the odds of their team getting picked in the raffle.
the community was the big thing about blaseball and it’s why it’s kind of hard to explain what it was really like now that it’s over. every blaseball player was just a name and a randomly generated collection of stats. the community gave every one of these players personalities and stories and lives. the teams had their own lore and “personalities” as well, kinda. different teams prioritized different things and had their own team culture. some teams were really stat-focused, some were really insular, some were more heavily into lore and narrative.
i think i will tell you the story of The Resurrection of Jaylen Hotdogfingers. i’ll try to keep it brief. (it will not be brief, i’m so sorry)
in season one, the Seattle Garages are not a very good team. their lone bright spot is their ace, 4-star pitcher Jaylen Hotdogfingers, who is the best pitcher in the league. (she is also mayor of Seattle.)
at the end of season one, the fans vote for the Decree to open the Forbidden Book. why? obviously, because it is Forbidden. (this is the first but not last time blaseball fans ran headfirst toward consequences just because they could.) this has several very immediate consequences, one of which was the incineration of Jaylen Hotdogfingers. this is the first ever incineration. it is permadeath. moving forward, any games played under the solar eclipse weather carry the risk of a player being randomly incinerated and replaced with a new, randomly generated player. the Garages lose a lot of players to incineration in the early seasons, which combined with Jaylen’s targeting give rise to a significant “fuck the gods” sentiment amongst the fans.
as per Garages lore, Jaylen’s final words before she was incinerated were “we’ve just gotta make it to the playoffs.”
seasons pass. the Garages are still bad but getting better, slowly. they win a couple pitching blessings, which helps a little. one of the other Garages pitchers is a guy named Mike Townsend. he’s… pretty bad. definitely no Jaylen. Mike gets unfairly scapegoated for the team’s struggles, to the point where there is a real actual real-life song called “Mike Townsend (Is A Disappointment)” written about him by Garages fans. (this starts The Garages the band, which now has like 20+ albums and hundreds of songs. they are on Spotify.)
going into season 6, a new site feature is introduced. fans can choose to idolize a player and then they can earn passive income whenever that player strikes someone out or hits a home run or whatever. cool! partway through the season, a player for the Boston Flowers, Caligula Lotus, is incinerated. Caligula is a popular player, and quite a few fans had her idolized. one of those fans noticed that, rather than having the option to now idolize a new player, they are still idolizing Caligula even after her death, which means they can still see her player page. prior to this, players who were incinerated were just… gone. no way to access them anymore.
the player goes to report the bug. they are informed that this is not a bug.
about 15 minutes later, someone from another team, the Canada Moist Talkers, comes into the Garages channel of the blaseball Discord. they drop a link to Jaylen’s player page with just the message “we know how to get her back.”
one of the Blessings that season was a Blessing called Lottery Pick. this would allow the winning team to steal the 14th most idolized player in the league. (the top 20 players are visible on an idol leaderboard.)
Jaylen’s page had a button that allowed her to be idolized.
all hell breaks loose in the Garages channels (and throughout the rest of the Discord as word gets out). the thought is this: with some coordination, Jaylen can be moved into the 14th spot on the leaderboard. this will, theoretically, allow the team who wins the Lottery Pick to steal Jaylen from… wherever she is. (her team is listed simply as “Null Team.”)
the Garages close their channels to visitors briefly to discuss amongst themselves whether or not they want to attempt this (the Garages mantra is “the Garage is always open,” so closing the channels is a huge deal). it’s a HUGE, fairly contentious, discussion. there’s, obviously, a million things that can go wrong. a different team could win the Lottery Pick. Jaylen could get bumped out of #14 last minute. no one knows if it’s even possible to steal a dead player (and if it is, there will DEFINITELY be consequences). other teams are interested in potentially resurrecting former players, too, but the overarching league-wide sentiment is “first in, first out” - if the Garages decide they want to try and get Jaylen back, they get first crack at it, so the Garages HAVE to come to a decision.
no matter what, SOMEONE is going to push the button. Jaylen has, by this point, already made her way onto the leaderboard. the Garages fans decide “well, someone’s committing necromancy; might as well be us.” they inform the league they’re going for it and everyone starts strategizing to hold Jaylen at #14. some fans of other teams switch teams temporarily to the Garages just to put votes into the Lottery Pick blessing in order to increase the Garages’ chances of winning.
meanwhile, the Garages (the blaseball team)? actually having a pretty good season for once! they manage to make it into the playoffs for the first time (“we’ve just gotta make it to the playoffs”). they sweep the Philly Pies (two-time champions) and the Hades Tigers (two-time champions) to make it to the Internet Series (where they are then swept by the Baltimore Crabs, but that’s okay).
fan sentiment on Mike Townsend has also shifted by this point. he’s still not very good but he’s become beloved. fans mostly find his terrible pitching kind of endearing. there is a new song about him called “Mike Townsend (Is A Credit to the Team).” the song contains the line “your redemption arc is coming up.”
the morning of the elections comes. Jaylen is still firmly at #14 on the leaderboard. all anyone can do is wait for the results.
the Garages win the Lottery Pick, with 58% of the vote.
Jaylen returns to the Garages. as was the case with other similar Blessings which stole a player from elsewhere in the League, Jaylen replaces the worst player on the team for her position (pitcher).
the Garages’ worst pitcher is Mike Townsend.
usually, in a situation where a player is stolen from an active team, it would just be a player swap. however, Null Team is not an active team and Mike cannot be sent there, so instead, Mike is sent to the Shadows. at this point, the Shadows are a mostly-unknown and inaccessible site feature. he’s not DEAD, but he’s no longer on the Garages’ active roster. within an hour there is a song called “Mike Townsend (Knows What He’s Gotta Do)” about Mike getting Jaylen back for the team.
his redemption arc.
Jaylen’s return gives her a status called “Debted” that simply says “this player must fulfill a Debt.” no one knows what it means. probably it will be bad (it is). in the moment, it doesn’t matter. Jaylen is safe. she’s home. it’s a victory against the gods, against the Peanut. (the Peanut is a whole other story.)
this is not even close to the end of Jaylen’s story, or Mike’s, but this is more than long enough. and this is just one story - a big one, since it had a wider impact on the narrative, but every team had hundreds of stories like this. about big things, about small things. they took a random number generator and spun it into an infinite amount of stories. they made narratives out of spreadsheets.
it really, truly sucks that it’s gone.
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theclearblue · 3 months
MORE QUESTIONS because more fun
feel free to skip any you dont wanna answer btw
Has there ever been a media that you really liked, but then went downhill, but you see a lot of potential in/would wanna rethink it/rewrite it yourself?
Favourite instrument sound in music?
What's the last song you heard/song stuck in your head right now?
Do you like video/board games, if so do you have a favourite? What's the oldest one you remember playing?
Media I really liked that went downhill?
So many lmao. I would say Voltron and Game of Thrones tv show are the two big ones for me. Voltron especially hurt cause I was there since the beginning pretty much and was SUCH a big fan of the first few seasons, I think I could easily rewrite some of those later seasons to be better. Also on the lower key side but Attack on T/itan as well. Like most of it is fine I don't mind the ending like a lot of people do, but season 4 truly presents the most clumsy and poorly executed historical allegories I have ever seen in my life with the Eldians in Marley. I wouldn't say I dislike the series entirely bc of it but it definitely soured my feelings towards it and I end up not talking abt it really at all even though at one point I was really obsessed lol.
Fave Instrument sound in music?
I do have a soft spot for trumpet bc that's what I played for a long time <3 But a good French Horn or a clarinet specifically for jazz is sooooo great too.
Last song you heard/stuck in your head?
Been listening to the Wicked soundtrack again so been listening to a lot of What Is This Feeling (happy pride to those two lesbians fr) and For Good as well
Do you like video/board games/favorite/oldest one u remember playing?
LOVE video and board games! I don't really talk about it much here but it is my other big hobby/obsession lol. Fave video game is probably Hollow Knight or Hades or Super Mario Galaxy or the entire Zelda series really (by amount of hours though I've played over 1400 hours of Overwatch 💀). Fave card/board game would be Love Letter/Betrayal at House on the Hill. Oldest board game I remember is probably Sorry lol and oldest video game is probably Mario Kart Double Dash on the GameCube <3
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bi-badass-geek · 4 months
hey thank you for the posts abt the duo boons and patch 1/2 comparison
both for the content of said posts but also bc i am looking for in game menu screenshots lile those (which are surprisingly difficult to find in high res) and you provided SO MANY at once
have a great day
You're welcome pal! I already got few new/changed hammer upgrades but comparin to how many they done don't want to throw them into the post yet otherwise it will be like 10 self reblogs.
I'm currently at round 500 screens from Hades 2 but that's mostly the dialogs so who knows what will be next out there but glad some stuff is helpful for anyone.
Hope ya have great day too and if ya interested in seeing anythin specific let me know may have it around in some degree!
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saywha413 · 8 months
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Heyyy there it’s me!! Name’s Sarah, he/she/they! Bi, ace, demiromantic, genderqueer, and agendary :) pronouns page I primarily blog abt pokemon, but there’s some cookie run, and other things!!
If you know me from discord, then you’ll know abt my silly usernames lol. If you want to call me Arven/Hugh/Felix/Kaeya/Eugene/Rolf go ahead.
also I’m a big oc guy. if you don’t like oc/canon, self insert/canon, or selfshipping please dni. other than that, relatively basic dni! you know who you are
Asks are always open! Feel free to ask me about anything you want!!
(please look through the “keep reading” before interacting!)
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i am the mod several blogs! Ones in the same universe will be marked with the same colored emoji !
Pokemon Ask Blogs 💕 @ask-sarah-and-co 💎🎸 (inbox: 22)
Pokemon Irl Blogs 🌸 @arven-x-drayster-4ever🥪🐉 (temp. hiatus)
🌺 @icy-chill ❄️ (eeby/faller, temp. hiatus)
🌷 @pens-and-coins 🔮🪙 (lore blog, temp. hiatus)
🎀 @silvallyandweavile 🌘🪶 (temp. hiatus)
💐 @perrins-portfolio 📸 (temp. hiatus)
🦩 @g-max-wildfire 🎇 (temp. hiatus)
💗 @suckerpunch-n-toxic 🎶 (temp. hiatus)
💧 @glacial-waltzes ❄️ (faller, active)
Daily Drawing Blog (also kinda on hiatus (at least while I work on other stuff)) @sarahs-daily-malewives
Although I’d prefer questions on those blogs specifically, feel free to ask about them here too :)
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I have a whole bunch of pokemon ships, so here’s a list (which I update every once in a while)
and if you’re looking for the old pinned (where I drew 12 ships) that’s here :) (individual drawings here)
here’s my old banner! linking to save for myself mostly lol
art tag is #my art writing tag is #my writing
random links: ao3 / artfight / toyhouse / pinterest / pokefarm / flight rising (I am very inactive on pokefarm and flight rising. I only check occasionally)
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Interests + favorite /r ships, favorite /p ships, & fave char (if they apply) !
Major! (I talk/think about them a lot)
Pokemon (games + anime (fixated on jn but never finished it, interested in hz but never started it)). just check the ship list linked above (or oc/hugh if that counts). Silver & Hugh & Gladion are so friends to me. Hugh
Cookie run (kingdom). Crunchyvelvet/Velvetchip. Red Velvet and my hc for his cousins, Black Raisin & Crowberry & Prune Juice. Red Velvet
Mythology (specifically Greek, but I like all of them!). Athena
Cats. generally.
Cassette beasts. Eugene/oc. Eugene
Unicorn overlord (I am insane abt this rn). Alain x Rolf x Aubin x Aramis x Ithilion. Alain & Lex. Rolf I think
Minor! (I do post about them, just not as much!)
Octopath traveler 1. Olberus/Eisenbright, Olberic/Erhardt. My current party (H’aanit, Therion, Olberic, Cyrus) is so found family to me (two gay dads and their lesbian daughter/gay son. I LOVE THEM). H’aanit, Therion
Fire emblem (three houses). Felileth/Bylix. Byleth & Black Eagles. Felix
Dislyte. Lufal. Falken
Monster hunter (stories (2)). Alwin/oc. Alwin & Navirou & Protag. Alwin
Dragon quest (xi). Luminerik, Henjasp. Erik
Animal crossing (new horizons). It feels weird to say I have ac ships but I’m a Bianca/Audie and Freya/Fang truther. Raymond
Afk journey. Valen x Merlin/oc ig. Valen
Background! (I like these things, just don’t rlly talk abt them! Feel free to ask abt them though!)
Zelda (botw/totk). Sidlink, Revalink. Link & Zelda Link
Hades game. Thanzag. Zagreus & anyone (I love his silly ahh banter). Zagreus
Stardew valley. Leah x farmer, Sambastian. Leah & Abigail. Leah
Mario. Bowser
The owl house (and the shows you would kinda associate with it? amphibia, the ghost and molly mcgee, she-ra, etc). Goldric/Huntric, Willumity. Luz & Hunter. Luz, Hunter
Encanto. Luisa
riordanverse or whatever it’s called (specifically pjo, hoo, and magnus chase)
Grishaverse (specifically soc duology). The crows. Wesper.
Sims 4
Omori (got into it from a yt playthrough, never played it myself). Heromari
I’m not really into these fandoms, but there’s probably like one ship I really like in there lol
Sonic the hedgehog. Sonuckles, Blazamy. Sonic & Tails & Knuckles. Knuckles
Kingdom hearts. Soriku. Sora & Riku & Kairi. Riku
Disney descendants. Jaylos. Core four
Star vs the forces of evil. Tomco, Janstarkie.
Ace attorney. Wrightworth
Miraculous. I actually hate the show (even though I watched the whole thing (it was like so bad I couldn’t tear my eyes from it)) but alas. I do like Lukadrien and Zoegaminette.
dunmeshi. Labru, kinda also Farcille. (I could watch it. but like. it’s only subbed afaik and I cannot watch anything without eng vas bc I basically just listen to things while I play video games or draw or smth. I do want to watch it though and I might at some point))
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if we are besties (read: mutuals), feel free to ask for discord/switch friend code! I have the right to politely decline if I feel we’re not close enough though! (no need to worry though. there’s a good chance I accept)
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divider credit: x / x icon/banner/header credit: x pokemon sprites: x
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eli-elien · 1 year
henlo :DDD i am here for the Ask Game!!
2, 5, 11, 14, 30
this makes me sound like im ordering from a drive through XD
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I think a left 3rd view of the face is the easiest second to that is facing forward
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
60% or so is for myself the rest if I think its good I'll post online and you already seen what I usually post on servers being stupid lil doodles lol
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Honestly this has turned into a playlist of music I just love that happens to relate even to one lyric about my boy lol
but specifically these:
and you definitely know why I've been listening to this one ;)
14. Any favorite motifs
There's alot and since this is my post and my answers and you're my friend
So I love love wolves/dogs and rabbits/deer as both are very interesting the differences between dogs and wolves is a fact of freedom, that sure a wolf miiight listen to you (but mostly bc of food or other sources you might give them I mean they're wild) while a dog is absolutely domesticated but...they still bite and when pushed they WILL fight back even if they're loyal
Rabbits and deer esp when combined for a Jackalope are two things: my love of contrasts and double meanings and metaphors for transness!! I see antlers personally, esp since its different between sexes in deer when it comes them and growing/shedding them as a trans thing idk how to explain it lol
now with the contrasts and double meanings with rabbits!! its such a cute lil fluffy thing but its interesting when the rabbit bites down, when you see that the black and white world-view of carnivores and vegetarians are actually blurred and that during winter they'll eat meat when its available most animals and esp rabbits are very opportunistic
and ofc there's the predator and prey aspects of both between dogs/deer and wolves/rabbits!!!
also side note but I also been loving lizards/shrikes and returning to the classic motif for reverie: foxes/ravens (both clever beings that get a bad rap in fairy tales)
also I looooove fairy tales and myths, William several folk tales that I got inspired by, I wonder what sorta scenes and designs and skills based of these: Red Riding Hood (#1 FAIRY TALE) Anything with the big bad wolf, sleeping beuty, beuty and the beast, the white knight/prince charming motif, witches motif, and hansel and grentel but what if one of the kids take the other instead of a parent? Can you really call that your sibling?
like for instance Will has his red cloak that acts as a red "heroic and prince charming/white knight" cape that also has a red hood, not too mention his motivations are mainly pure righteousness and his desinated roles by the story are either prince charming/white knight or love interest (mainly both if he was saving a princess from the princess pov but instead he's saving and protecting the "evil" dragon)
alsoooo MORE CONTRASTS like life/death and growth/rot and sun/moon and ice/fire (again these can be applied to will who has a rot curse but inherant magic for healing and being related to plants and also ice and fire magic
also persephone/hades dynamic esp where you think on the surface its the cute bubbly life and flowers girlie (doesn't even have to be a girl again: will) with their gloomy dark death and rot guy (yes this is talking about the dragon guy buuut he's honestly more of a dark golden retreiver that would eat and kill anyone who messes with will who also has 1 braincell that uses 60% of it to think abt will)
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
honestly every one of my oc stuff cuz man I put alot of effort into this shit and since this is my post I'll post the ones that I think aren't getting enough attention
I don't think this is underated but putting this here bc I did it on a tablet with a shitty diy stylus that didn't even give me good control and I think I deserve something for how well this came out under those circumstances
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danwylds · 2 years
ive followed you for so long but you never talk about video games lol what have been your favorite? besides the last of us i mean
OMG okay I don’t tend to talk abt video games but I do really enjoy a bunch of them!! Let me preface by saying I will like nearly anything I play and I straight up do not care abt reviews
I like the obvious big games like the Witcher series, tes (morrowind specifically), resident evil series (the second one will forever be in my heart), and yeah tlou has rotted my brain for years LMFAO
Anyways I’m going to ramble extensively abt all the games I like in no order I’m very sorry
Other than the bigger games that almost everyone knows and enjoys, my favourites have definitely been bloodborne, which is a bigger game but means a bonkers amount to me
I looovvve survival horror games which might be obvious, so sweet home is obviously one I’ve played. There are definitely better out there (alien isolation in particular is one I’m super fond of!), and i like other games in that genre like the amnesia series (including the unofficial sequel), as well as newer series like the dark pictures anthology! And u know what putting last of us in here as well and saying I don’t like the second game all that much but it was very good AND LAYERS OF FEAR GD LAYERS OF FEAR. MAN. okay will stop talking abt horror games i will talk so much abt them if left unchecked
Im a SUCKER for classics too, like street fighter and LoZ series, and final fantasy as well! Sonic games as well but I didn’t played them that often so the most I really get from them is nostalgia </3 sorry sonic fans
ARCANUM. I LOVE THIS GAME SOOO MUCH !!!!!! It’s so goofy and interesting and low intelligence runs are my favourite thing of all time actually it’s everything to me … shitty ass graphics and all
Speaking of dumbass character building, love disco elysium (like everyone in this world does tbh excellent game) and vampire masquerade !! VtM is so fun I loce being deranged in that game kfndkdn
Cube escape paradox doesn’t really belong with any of these games, but I had a blast playing it with my friend (: super interesting puzzle game and we were confused for abt 5 hours trying to get through it all
Okay lightning round of games i love but won’t go into it— abzû, subnautica, hades, stardew valley, minecraft, sims, dark souls, dead by daylight, ace attorney, hollow knight, destiny, assassins creed series, god of war, ghost of Tsushima, half life, coral island, undertale, horizon zero dawn, omori, undecember, fallout, 20 minutes till dawn, hunt showdown, someday you’ll return (haven’t finished but very very good so far!)
Okay lightning round of games i love but won’t go into any depth abt- stardew valley, slime rancher, minecraft, sims, coral island, life is strange, destiny, dead by daylight, portal, assassins creed, ghosts of tsushima, dark souls, half life, god of war, ace attorney, hollow knight, abzû, subnautica
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johnny-chaos · 7 months
idk if this means anything but lakes have been associated with life/death/the afterlife, i.e. greek/roman mythology (roman mythology thought lake avernus to be the entrance to hades, greek mythology has something similar with lake lerna, and the river acheron/acherusia of the underworld is referred to as a lake or swamp in some texts).
lakes have also been associated with the subconscious - the "world in your dreams", in this case, since technically the gnome succeeded where coomer didn't?
the gnome faces the lake when he decides to sacrifice himself, wearing the vr goggles. wayne wakes up to a "simulacrum" of the lake in-game before taking the headset off to see the real lake, and when he takes it off the HUD that appeared in his real life vision since the vault is gone. i think this indicates that they swapped places, and that the gnome is dead while wayne is alive. the challenge is done.
peppa also refers to a "sea of mud" in her speech, but i don't know if they're related yet.
i think in the context of the series the lake might be a representation of the border between digital/physical, reality/fantasy. because now it's established that the game is Real and can hurt you. and if that extends to what peppa pig said, what does THAT entail?
oh shit‼️‼️❗❗‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗‼️‼️❗‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
god the idea of the lake as a connection between worlds is so.... thank you so much for this info i feel like a big hearty healty feast has been set in front of me
ALSO. not to be inspecting grains but her saying mud immediately makes me think of the Sand and the Mud benry yapped about in the hlvr finale, which idk if that couldve been a call back to that? or maybe since she says specifically "what will you do when the sea of mud comes for us all" that could totally fit into what you were saying abt borders, esp since that was before the switch. (altho that in particular might work more as a horror thing to add a sense of dread + subvert expectations by her being confident about it, ending the whole monologue with that stretched out "splish, splash, splosh." ) It's just smth about how ummm. There's gonna be an inescapable change within the game (or world) and they know it. It totally sounds like a death omen ! like the sea of mud is a river to the afterlife !! or maybe just a path to something Else ?
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3, 9, 11, and 23!!
3) What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Hmm... I think her main flaw is that she's very ruled by her emotions. She's quick to, well, all her emotions and can't hide them well, but spite is the dangerous one. See: her telling Emet-Selch the memory of Aumorat will die with him, and only showing Elidibus the crystals because she assumed his mind was so gone he believed his own bullshit about the ancients being real. You can... imagine how she felt when her ass landed in Elpis during Endwalker. She is aware of it, and is trying to work on it with the pixies, but change is slow when you've been doing that shit for almost 6 years of your life because you were too busy saving the world.
9) Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
it will NOT surprise you that most of these are fall out boy lyrics.
"Put on your war paint!" - the phoenix - this one should be obvious as to why HGJFHGJFHGHJGH, i've always imagined this to be the endwalker op if her msq journey was an anime :)
"'Cause you're the last of a dying breed!/Write our names in the wet concrete!/I wonder if your therapist knows everything about me?/I'm here in search of your glory/There's been a million before me/That ultra kind of love you never walk away from/You're just the last of the real ones!" - the last of the real ones - lowkey she's kinda a manic pixie dream girl and this is THEEE manic pixie dream girl anthem <3 and her "ultra kind of love" is her Friend Chip <3
"Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith/Is when it's tested again and again, every day/I'm still comparing your past to my future/They might be your wounds but they're my sutures" - immortals - THEY PUT THIS SHIT IN A DISNEY MOVIE AND NOW I'M PUTTING THIS SHIT IN MY BLORBO. for the most part she doesn't care abt the fact that she was azem (and has actively turned down learning any information about her, only knowing her real name and that she was hyth's sister bc hades and hyth respectively told her when she was caught a little off guard), but if she had to give a general feeling abt azem, it'd be the second half of the lyrics; it might be azem's soul, but it's her life. she's NOT aphrodite, she's ahrora. as for the first half. well you've played msq!! you know how it be on this bitch of an earf!!!
"So take the field, with a triumphant roar!/I won’t be swayed anymore/Even if this new power I’ve gained/Tries to test what I’m made of/Just raise your flag up high/And shout at the top of your lungs/And when I reach the next level/Then untold power will be in my hands!" - rise up your flag - HER CHARACTER SONG!!! YES I AM IN FACT STEALING FROM KAMEN RIDER <3
"Don't avert your gaze! Keep it straight/Nothing will stop us at this point/Until the magic wears off - until then,/Hold on tight to my hand, my hand!" - teo - i've always imagined this to be like. her anime ed.
at least we got ONE vocaloid song to balance it all out.
11) What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
to answer the second question first: No Shit <3
DNC - the level 90 artifact weapon you get in endwalker, Terpsichore!
SGE - Isnae Phis, aka the sage weapons that look like Feo Ul's wings!
DWN - in-game it's the Deepshadow Claymore, in lore it's the weapon Hades uses when he tanks for you in the Elpis dungeon, since the power is inherited from him.
23) What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
She uh. Doesn't have a hard time expressing her emotions (see above), but the hardest one for her to process is fear. She started being the WoL at 16, and only became an adventurer because of the fear of not being able to control her life/being shoved into a relationship she had no desire to be in. Any time she feels fear, she pretends she doesn't. She's only admitted to being scared to G'raha, right before he sacrificed himself in Ultima Thule, finally breaking down and saying she was scared she wasn't gonna be able to return home.
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pktrozei · 4 years
if ur still doing the ask game.. 🏳️‍🌈 ur favorite hades character(s) 😁 if ur not doin it then u can ignore me LMFAO
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nyxtic · 3 years
do greek gods enjoy seeing ship art of themselves
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Please.....give me the Hades/Nyx/Persephone OT3 content I crave........there’s like three fics for them on Ao3 guys that’s not enOU G H
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