#this is stunning O_O
atissi · 2 years
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@cynoglav​ excellent question. excuse me while i have a category 5 hyperfixation moment.
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this is my #1 favourite comp, which i fondly refer to as “jingled for death”. very lightweight, fast and packs a punch. you get decent healing between arbalest and occultist, good stress healing from jester, high damage output from arbalest and bounty hunter, and you get occultist mostly setting up kills or negating damage. the primary downside is that they’re all a bit squishy (especially poor occultist who has to be in rank 2 to use his stun) so you have to spend a lot of time managing health. however, since they all have high speed, i haven’t had too much trouble with killing, stunning, or debuffing enemies before they can act.
obviously you might want to exchange jester for houndmaster for better mark synergies, but imo they’re very similar units mechanically (dodgy bleed units with a stress heal) and i prefer the buffs+finale to cleaves+guards in this case. it allows for a more offensive playstyle (although I do equip arbalest with bola and jester with harvest to cover the cleaves a bit). since ive been getting more comfortable with using houndmaster though, i might give marked for death another shot!
“jingled for death” was my first endgame comp and they fucking nailed it. it helped that my occultist had a +8 speed boost from the brothel, so he was just marking everything before they even had a chance to react. love you poussin <3 wish you’d stop losing my fucking trinkets in bed though. or getting a speed debuff because you sprained your hip.
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runner-up goes to this comp, which i discovered recently and had an absolute blast with. formally it’s called “bloodbath” but i like to call them the artery obliterators. basically i equip my highwayman with grapeshot blast and a shit ton of accuracy trinkets. everyone else i give damage and crit builds. ideally highwayman gets the first turn to just blow up the first three ranks. then the other three units crit-nuke everything. with hound’s harry AND extra grapeshot blasts, you can crit-check the first 3 ranks in one go. it’s incredibly satisfying and honestly great for stress management. my main concern is the lack of a good spot healer to get someone off death’s door though; flagellant can manage the bulk of healing pretty well, and hellion and houndmaster can save themselves, AND in a pinch houndmaster can guard whoever’s in trouble, but i have trust issues from previous units dying to DOT before I can heal them, so i don’t use this comp too often. just for fun and just for bleed areas
i also recently had a lot of fun with arbalest+plague doctor+flagellant+crusader in crimson court, but i’d have to playtest it in other areas. it’s really fun having so much healing and stress healing available, and the rank access is great.
other honorary mentions: any comp designed for dancers (i love positioning strats so much you don’t even know), leper with revenge and a guard unit (houndmaster and man-at-arms obviously works for negating damage, but antiquarian actually works great for boosting leper’s prot and dodge), plague doctor and flagellant (very synergistic healing and rank access), and jester and leper (power of love)
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sharky857 · 1 year
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Br... BRUH...!!! !!!!!
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arytha · 1 year
lies down on the floor and stares up at the ceiling
huh.....? hwa....?
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2oranges · 2 years
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ardensregias · 5 months
HAII KAI <3 sending kissies ur way !!!! i hope ur doing well 💓💓
kai.. listen listen.. imagine PAPA alhaitham
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HAIII 😼 kisses u back hihi :33
૮꒰꩜ ᯅ ꩜;꒱ა waaah papa haitham.... he's a girldad me thinks. how many? as many as you want bc he doesn't want to demand anything from you! was stunned when he cradled the crying baby in his arms for the first time ever because he couldn't believe that he created such pure and lovely creature :( will kiss your forehead and promise you that he'll keep watch over your daughter so you can rest easy.
became super attentive to you and the child (if he isn't already) and will make sure you're not overworking during your healing period. kisses his daughter everyday before work and when he comes home (you get one too ofc). read books on how to change her diapers n everything so he can help make your job easier!
100% would read bedtimes stories 4 her too!! took her to the house of daena so she can find books that interest her, while the akademiya's students are staring with their jaw dropped at the sight (o_o) uncle kaveh would occasionally come by to visit her and let her do his hair bc her papa's hair is too short to tie up into a ponytail and she can only snuck in a bow clip or two :(
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 8
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
Entrusted with an undercover mission for Crown, Roger and I headed to a village in the countryside.
We were about to unveil the true identity of the Spirit God who claimed to hold great power when— 
Roger: Did you never learn to let people finish talking while you were in your mama’s womb? Sure, treatment for tetanus isn’t widely available. But if you don’t have it, then you make it.
Spirit God: You can’t possibly…
Roger: As a former doctor, I can.
Spirit God: A…doctor? Lies. You’re just saying that to take my place…
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Roger: …Shut it.
Roger cut the man’s ranting with a sharp yell.
Spirit God: …
Roger: While you’re so busy ranting, this little girl’s gonna…die.
The anger in his eyes gave me chills.
(That murderous intent is…incredible)
(...Ah, I see now. Roger’s furious)
(I’ve never seen Roger’s emotions be…laid so bare)
Child’s mom: ……her. Please just save her…!
A powerful cry shook the air.
Holding her dying daughter in her arms, the woman looked at Roger with pleading eyes.
—The man called the Spirit God had his hands bound with rope, and the villagers kept watch over him.
We were given a room where we started working on refining a treatment for tetanus.
Liam: Roger, I brought the drugs you asked for from the storehouse!
Roger: Perfect, thanks. We gotta get the lil’ girl comfortable. Hurry.
Kate: On it!
Roger removed his vest and started looking over the medicine collected.
(There’s not much I can do, but I want to help in any way I can)
Kate: I’ll sterilize the test tubes. You can use carbolic acid, right?
Roger: …O_O
(Huh? Was I wrong about carbolic acid…?)
Kate: Um…Roger?
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Roger: I thought you were getting up to something at night. Turns out you were studying medicine.
A large hand ruffled my hair.
Kate: …
I felt like Ale receiving pets.
Despite that…I felt my heart beat a little faster.
Roger: You’ve saved me the trouble. Thanks, Kate.
Kate: No…it’s just some knowledge I crammed in my head. You’re still going to have to guide me.
Roger: Then I’m gonna make you do a lot of work.
(Why am I so happy…to receive praise from Roger?)
Somehow, my heart was beating differently than usual.
(No, no. Knowledge is a part of strength. I was just happy that I got a little stronger)
—After selecting some drugs and running tests, a tetanus treatment was refined.
Roger: Alright…now we just need to run clinical trials and then we can give it to people.
(Doing clinical trials means…)
Kate: You’re going to test it on healthy bodies to study the effects.
Roger: That’s right. This time it’s to see if it’s safe to take.
Liam: I’ll do it, Roger. I’m healthy, but if anything happens, it’ll just be to me.
Liam raised his hand first and Roger gave a wry smile.
Roger: Liam. You think I’d just let you give in to your “bad habits”?
Liam: Ah…
Curiosity—that was Liam’s curse.
Roger: Too bad for you. I’m feeling thirsty.
With that said, Roger took the bottle of medicine in one gulp.
Kate and Liam: Eh!
After being stunned by Roger’s bold move, I came back to my senses.
Kate: Roger, what are we going to do if something happens to you!
Roger: It’s fine. My body’s stronger.
(Is it really okay…?)
I was feeling both confidence and doubt toward Roger.
But the man himself…
Roger: We’re gonna have to wait a bit for it to take effect. I’m gonna take a nap. Kate, wake me up in an hour.
With that said, he crashed on a bed— 
Kate: Huh, Roger?
Within a few seconds, he started snoring.
Kate: He…fell asleep…?
I blinked at how fast he fell asleep and Liam laughed.
Liam: Hehe, you couldn’t kill him if you tried. I’m going to check on the villagers. Kate, I’m leaving Roger in your care.
The door closed, leaving Roger and me in the room.
When I sat on the edge of the bed, Roger’s hand fell from his chest onto my lap.
(He’s really asleep…)
His gloved hand was large and bony.
I gently touched his fingers which laid vulnerable on my lap.
(This hand’s killed before)
(And it’s kept many people alive) 
The way Roger’s living, it's like he holds life and death in his hands—a terrible contradiction.
There’s no way a man as smart as him didn’t see that.
He’s an egoist with a rifle as if carrying the sin of killing, claimed to be a former doctor, and lived in darkness.
(...Roger, what are you trying to do with Crown?)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: What are you researching, Roger?
Roger: Cursed Ones—and how to rid the word of them.
~~ End flashback ~~
(Did he perhaps mean—)
I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts.
(...No, let’s not jump to conclusions)
No matter how much I thought about it, I’d never reach the truth about Roger.
(At least, not with the way I am now…)
Roger woke up without any issues.
The tetanus drug was given to the infected girl and the villagers watched— 
The girl woke up just as the sun rose.
Roger: …Pulse is normal, no numbness in her limbs. Looks like the medicine did its job.
(Thank goodness…!)
Mother’s child: Thank you so much. You’re a god.
Roger: …Me, a god? Don’t make me laugh. I’m just an ordinary human as you can see. If I were a god, I would’ve rid the world of all its absurdities.
Cold eyes betrayed the warmth in his words.
But then  it disappeared in an instant.
In its place was a cynical smile.
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Roger: Humans can’t become gods, no matter how hard they try. That’ what makes them so interesting.
Spirit God: …Argh, shut up!
A yell interrupted the peace in the room and we all turned toward the source.
Kate: Huh, Spirit God?! I thought he was captured and kept under watch…
The sudden appearance of the Spirit God confused the villagers.
Man of the village: When did you get free?! Everyone, run.
The Spirit God, who seemed to have escaped on his own, had an ominous smile on his face as the room fell into chaos…
(He’s coming this way…)
I tried to run, but he jumped at me from behind.
Kate: Eek…!
Roger: Kate.
Roger, who was standing by the girl, tried to reach for me, but it was too late. I was captured by the Spirit God.
Liam: Kate…
Roger: …
Spirit God: If you don’t want this woman to be killed, forget everything you saw in this village! That way, I can live as a god again.
(What a mess…Still, he’s surprisingly strong.)
(...What do I do)
His arms wrapped around my neck, cutting off air.
In my desperation, I looked up and met Roger’s gaze.
Roger: …
While everyone else turned pale, Roger was the only one smiling.
(...Huh? Why are you smiling…at a time like this?)
“You’ll get stronger, right”—the amber color happily threw at me.
(T-this guy…!)
It’s better to be amusement than to be looked down on for being useless.
(Calm down…and remember what you learned about self-defense from Roger)
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: Step two, what to do when someone holds you.
Kate: Hey, wait. What should I do?
Roger: Hey, I told you that trying to force your way out’s gonna make it worse.
First, go limp, like a puppet that just got its strings cut.
~~ End flashback ~~
I calmed my mind and released all tension from my body as I exhaled.
Spirit God: …What the, you got heavy all of a sudden.
While the Spirit God was confused, I pushed his arms up from below.
Roger: Well done, Kate. Now keep leaning forward.
The moment I escaped the Spirit God’s hold, Roger took over.
Kate: …!
A powerful jab in the jaw knocked the Spirit God unconscious.
(His eyes rolled back. He’s completely out…)
Kate: A one-hit K.O…What’s with that brute strength?
Roger: I didn’t tell you? I’m a heavyweight boxing champ.
You’re one heck of a guy +4 +4
Kate: Hmm… Wait! You’re just casually mentioning that you’re a heavyweight boxing champ?!
Roger: Haha, amazing, aren’t I?
(He’s not joking. He really is one heck of a guy…)
I would’ve loved to spend an hour or so asking him about boxing, but I had something else on my mind.
Kate: He’s not dead is he…?
I checked the Spirit God for a pulse.
Kate: Ah, he’s breathing…
Liam: He’s breathing, but won’t wake up for a while. Well, it’s for the best.
(He’s not dead, which is good for now…)
No matter how evil a person was, seeing them die before your eyes left a bad taste in your mouth.
Blonde child: …Mr. Glasses.
The girl seemed well enough to get out of bed and approached Roger.
Roger: Hm, what is it? Does it hurt anywhere?)
Blonde child: No. Um…Thank you…For making the pain go away. And…thank you miss and Mr. Pink…
Kate: I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Liam: Mr. Pink. How cute.
Roger: You’re welcome. This is the best reward I’ve gotten.
After waking up, the Spirit God admitted to all his crimes and was sent to the police.
Victor arrived later and told us that the village, which had closed itself to the public, would now open up with financial support from Her Majesty.
As for me—
After parting ways with Victor, who stayed to clean up the mess, and Liam, who volunteered to accompany him, Roger and I boarded the train back to London.
From outside the window, twilight dyed the sky.
Roger: Pfft, haha.
Roger, who sat across from me, suddenly burst into laughter.
Roger: The look on that guy’s face when you slipped out of his arms was a masterpiece.
(Thinking about it…)
A smile formed on my lips as I recalled the Spirit God’s dumbfounded expression.
Kate: Heh, hehe… Wait, why am I laughing. I thought I was about to die.
I glared at Roger, but he just smiled and propped himself up against the windowsill. 
Roger: Sorry, sorry. But the way you handled self-defense techniques honestly had me impressed. Not to mention you secretly studying medicine. So Kate, close your eyes.
Kate: …Don’t do anything weird, okay?
I closed my eyes after that warning.
…Then, I felt fingers touching my neck.
(Lace? It feels like a thin tie…but it’s nice to the touch)
Roger: You can open your eyes now.
Kate: …
I slowly opened my eyes.
Roger: …
Through the reflection of his amber eyes, I saw myself wearing a lovely choker.
Kate: This is…
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Roger: A collar of course. You’ve now been promoted from dogsbody to pet. Congrats.
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taeraeszn · 9 months
hello! ur blog is one of my favorites to keep up with :D if it is okay to request, maybe a “zb1 reaction to reader wearing revealing clothes” hyung line only if adding the maknaes would be too inappropriate, i am not too sure? have a great day <3
zb1's reaction to reader wearing revealing clothes (hyung line)
hi guys!! ik im late but happy 2024!! i hope to deliver you guys more things this year <3 ngl i was a bit worried about releasing this since i am quite literally breaking my own rules but i thought why not and do this request!
this is only including the hyung line so gunwook and yujin are not included (ik gunwook literally turned 19 today but i still don't feel comfortable writing suggestive things for him)
warnings: EXPLICIT, mentions of lingerie and wearing revealing things, hella suggestive, may have spelling errors, most of the members are horny 😭
note: the reader leans more towards afab in this + these reactions are kinda long :)
kim jiwoong
jiwoong just came back from a long day of work and needed u in his arms
but what he wasn't expecting was to see you in clothing that showed off your skin and was much more revealing than anything you had ever worn before
you were just chilling on the couch watching your k-drama, totally unaware of his presence in your apartment
it actually caused him to stop in the middle of the hallway to look at you
his eyes literally went: O_O
but this cat got intrigued and got closer to you
"hi love..." he said then taking off his winter jacket. you turned around and jumped off the couch to hug him.
"i've missed you!" jiwoong would be lying if he said that he didn't feel shy putting his hands on you this time, rather than how he usually does
"me too, what's with this outfit?" he looked down but shyly looked up. you giggled, finally noticing that he saw you in this fit.
"oh this? i recently bought it. does it look good?" you struck a pose but this only caused jiwoong to be more red in the face.
"i-it looks great on you, amazing, perfect. i have no words." you playfully hit his shoulder in response to his words
"i know you love it! it's cute seeing you like this!"
"ok ok. but now that i've seen you in this, is it cool if we can go to the bedroom?"
rest of the hyung line under the cut!
zhang hao
so hao wasn't really expecting much, he came back from a hefty flight as zb1 were performing in another country for an event
however!! he got to head to your place when it was near midnight, he just felt better sleeping in your arms rather than at the dorm. you were chill with him coming too!
he knew he'd sleep better with you beside him :)
cue to hao entering the apartment where it was completely dark inside. his feet naturally led him to your room where he slowly opened the door to reveal your body covered up in your huge blanket as you were fast asleep
hao immediately smiled, you were the cutest thing to him. he made his way to the other side of the bed where he hopped in and wrapped his arms around you like he always does
but...it felt different this time. he didn't feel any fabric. hao then steadily lifted up the blanket to reveal you in just your undergarments.
when i tell you he almost lost his shit, he really did. right away he felt his body begin heating up and he resisted the urge to wake you up
"am i dreaming?" he thought. but nope, it was real. he cursed at his flight for taking so long since he could've seen you in it before you fell asleep
"you look so stunning..." he mumbled, gently manuvering his hands around your figure and then leaving a kiss on your shoulder.
he then wondered, was this a surprise for him? it was rare that he got to see you like this so he was cherishing the moment
"i love you so much my love. i won't disturb your sleep." he ended with then covering himself with the sheets and spooning you in his arms
though the next morning would be incredibly different
sung hanbin
it was your birthday and you had came back from work, you somehow forgot it was your birthday and jumped when confetti fell on you as the door opened.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" hanbin exclaimed, then coming to kiss your cheek
"thank you babe...i completely forgot." you smiled, he giggled then led you to the living room where you both sat down. "glad i could help you remember!" hanbin couldn't say it earlier since he was already out the door when you awoke this morning
"this is for you!" a present box now rested on your lap as you looked down. it was wrapped perfectly with your favorite colors
"what is this?" you noticed the shape of it was a square and that it wasn't too big but not too small.
"your gift. open it!" you ripped the wrapping open (which you felt bad for) to reveal a box inside that hid the item underneath it. as you pulled the top off, your eyes widened to reveal a piece of lingerie.
"h-hanbin what..." you held it in your hands and there wasn't much material, it was clearly meant to be revealing.
"i thought it would look great on you." he complimented. you suggested trying it on and hanbin wasn't going to stop you but asked if you were sure you wanted to. you agreed and left to change in the bedroom.
as hanbin anticipated the reveal, the door opened and you shyly came out in the small material. trying to look confident as you walked towards him. "what do you think?"
hanbin was speechless as his mouth was left wide open. he tried to make out words to say but none of it could as he took in how beautiful you looked. without saying anything, he got closer to you and wrapped his arms around your body then kissing you on the lips.
"you always know how to blow me away. i have no words to describe how amazing you look." his words melted you as you sunk your face into his chest, "thank you bin.."
"always my love."
seok matthew
you saw someone on tiktok come into their significant other's room with revealing clothing on while they're busy doing something and that got you curious.. how would your boyfriend matthew react to that?
so to answer that question you decide to buy the most revealing thing you found online and surprise matthew with it
it happened to be like any other day but matthew had his day off and came to visit you. he was watching youtube, totally oblivious to what you were about to pull
the clothing was definitely something, way too revealing but you knew matthew would be over the moon seeing u in it
as you stood outside the room with only a door separating you two, you felt your heart beat increase but nonetheless stood confidently
and then...baam! the door opens to matthew on the bed while being completely absorbed into his phone screen
"hey matt~" you sang. he looked up, "yeah what's up-" then paused.
nothing was said in that moment as he was in disbelief while staring at you, now mesmerized
"is it a special event today?" he barely let out. you giggled then shook your head, "nope! just wanted to surprise you. what do you think?" you twirled around in it, even giving him a view from behind.
he put his hand over his heart, feeling his heart beating rapidly. "you really know how to make me go insane don't you?" he got closer to place a kiss on your lips
"i hope it's a good type of insane." you smirked. with his hands now holding yours, he guided you to the bed and you laid under him as he hovered over top of you
"well, it's not like i'll be able to see this everyday so i will enjoy ever chance i get." was the last thing he said before shutting the door, making you realize what would happen behind closed doors in this sweet setting.
kim taerae
"it's not that bad taerae c'mon!" you exclaimed. though taerae begged to differ as he was trying to tug you away from the store
"no! let's go somewhere else, this is..." he couldn't finish his sentence and just sighed with his hands still holding onto the cuffs of your jacket.
“what?… don’t tell me you’re shy to go into a victoria’s secret!” despite him denying it, taerae turning around to hide his flushed cheeks gave it away.
“n-no! well, i’ve never been in one before!” you pulled taerae inside and began walking around the crowded area
just then, a pink set of lingerie caught your eye and you rushed to the mannequin displaying it in it’s full glory
“oh this is so cute! should i get it?” you asked your boyfriend who was taking glances around the place while trying to hide behind displays
“huh? oh yeah looks nice.” you sighed and dragged taerae to where the fitting rooms were and told him to stay there while you changed to try it on
taerae began playing with his fingers as the waiting game began until you came out. however he was thrilled at the thought of seeing you in such clothing that barely covered up anything.
“love? how is it?” he asked though the door was blocking your view of him. you giggled, “it’s great! look!” you then opened the door ajar.
taerae’s eyes widen in panic as he quickly covered the space that someone could see you from. his heart then began pounding as he saw your figure wearing what was previously displayed. it was perfect, he thought.
“wow…” with more confidence taerae walked into the fitting room though you protested and told him not to.
“you look great, you shine in it.” you looked in the mirror once again, striking a few poses
“you think?” he nodded and hugged you from behind as he held your hands
“hundred percent, i would love to see you in this more.” his hands gently caressed your sides
even then your body began to heat up, “w-well…i’ll buy it then. but you need to get out! someone will know were both in here!”
he smirked, “i don’t mind that.”
shen ricky
you just came back from a long but fun day of shopping with your friends. your arms were sore from holding all the bags with clothing inside
you told ricky you wanted to go shopping so he basically handed you his card and told you to go for it. he always joked that it was unlimited and you could buy anything so that's exactly what you did
luckily for you ricky was at home watching some tv when you arrived
"ricky, i'm home!" he helped you with the bags and put them down in the living room
he noticed the one bag that stood out from the rest, it wasn’t too big as it had only one item inside
“hm, what's this?” he picked it up and looked inside to see an unexpected item. needless to say, you had never seen ricky’s eyes widen that big before ever
“oh that? it’s just something that caught my eye while i was shopping!” you explained then pulling it out of the bag to reveal the small piece of clothing
ricky couldn’t believe it and asked if he could see it so you handed it to him and the man was in awe
as his eyes went up and down, he got closer to you and handed it back, “can i see it on you…please?”
you giggled, “only because you asked nicely.” then left the room leaving ricky to wait on the sofa. but it didn’t take long until you came out in front of him
ricky was living for you in this as his eyes lit up immediately
“you look great!” he exclaimed, now getting up to pull you into his warm embrace
“you really think so?” you gazed at the piece on you. it definitely wasn’t okay to wear in public but ricky was living for it
especially since only he could see you in it
“i mean you look amazing in anything…or in nothing.”
kim gyuvin
gyuvin was on tour and that left you all alone for the past whole month. this was just the start as this was a world tour that was going to be for months! though you were insanely proud of your boyfriend’s achievements, you really missed his presence in the house and wanted to surprise him
as you scavenged through your closet, you managed to find a piece of clothing that was extremely tight and revealing, very scandalous, but you loved it! as you tried it on, it still hugged your body warmly
you knew gyuvin was in his hotel since he’d tell you almost everything of what was happening, and so you opened your phone to facetime your bambi bf
with only one ring he answered where you saw him laying in bed, turned on his side as if he’d just gotten to rest
“hi gyu!” you opened with. from the angle you were sitting in, he couldn’t tell what you were wearing yet.
“hi! what are you up to?” you two conversed for a bit with just a conversation about your day and whatnot. you were waiting for the right time to reveal it and just as his hotel roommate left the room, you decided to hatch your plan
“hey gyu, look.” you switched the angle to now be fully showing your body and you swore that gyuvin nearly fell off that damn bed
“WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!” he yelled through the phone, loud enough to turn down your volume
“oh this? i dunno i was bored and found it in my closet. i wanted to show you it since you deserve a gift after working so hard.”
“yeah, it is a great gift…UGH NOW MY CHEEKS ARE ALL RED BECAUSE OF YOU!” he shouted. you could now hear someone telling him to be quiet on the other end causing you to giggle
“well have a good rest yeah?” your fingers formed to create a heart shape to which he did the same back, “i don’t think i will after seeing that. it’ll be all i think about.”
“i’ll always be here if you want to see it again.” you joked. “i will definitely bother you for it again, but not now since i’m too tired. goodbye luv!” he waved to you.
“bye gyu” <3
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foursaints · 4 months
barty shamelessly sounds exactly like this anon 24/7 at all times complete with drooling but i believe that there‘s a day where evan parrots it back at him just so he knows what he sounds like (“HHNNGGNHH BARTY ONE CHANCE PLEASE”) and it stuns barty into silence. he sits for a moment until he faintly concedes like “Yeah that’s pretty egregious” while evan crosses his arms looking all vindicated
but there is also a time in bed where barty delivers a perfectly soft & emotionless Evan Rosier Deadpan (“I Am Going To Remove Your Clothes Now O_O”) directly into evan’s ear and he full-body recoils. it scars him for life
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shokiren · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if u can do a spiderman!reader x osamu? where the reader is like kinda popular and like rly pretty? n osamu and her have a moment where they tell each other their feelings n then osamus like “so, your that spider person, right?” and the readers js like o_o.
note: hi anon <3 i'm so sorry for being late w this request, i was just caught up w so many things the past few days. i rlly hope you are satisfied w this <3 ughhgjg i think this is really bad (i dont really write for osamu, maybe thats why)
warning: nothing. just fluff &lt;3 also not proofread
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osamu knows you're way out of his league.
but, it's valentine's day, and everyone shoots their shots. everyone shoots their shot even if they know they'll miss it, and end up heartbroken.
he knows you're way out of his league because, well, you're you. you have that charm that manages to swoon everyone you meet. you are so sweet, and gentle with all the people you meet.
and just because he's been pressured into doing this by the beloved volleyball team, here he is, standing in front of the school entrance. he thinks you've already left and never even saw his letter. 
he should scram.
before he could chicken out, he hears your dainty voice. the dainty voice that makes him float in the starry night sky. but right now, he just wants to dig a hole and bury himself underneath it.
"osamu! uh, were you the one who left the letter?" you exclaimed as you came nearer and nearer. osamu only stares at you, starstruck that you even came. "uh– yeah, yeah. that was my letter." he manages to stutter out. whew, at least he didn't say something dumb.
"soo.. what did you want to talk about?" you ask, averting your gaze to anything but him. one thing he is oblivious to, is that you definitely have feelings for him. he might not notice how you shoot cupid's arrows at the back of his head in class, but rintarou definitely does. and so does everyone in your class.
"well.. i think it's obvious since i sent you such a cheesy letter on valentine's day," he lets out a breathy laugh, " i like you. i really like you." 
"i.. i like you too." you confess shyly, still looking anywhere but him. you slowly lift your head up, finally looking into his welcoming gaze. a gaze that could melt anyone.
"i have one question, though," he continues, "are you, like, that spider-person?" he finishes. his question only leaves you stunned. how could he possibly know?
"no! why would you even think that?" you defend almost immediately, like a reflex. "so, you are that spider-person. don't worry, your secret is definitely safe with me." he smiles at you.
"but.. why do you think i am the 'spider-person', is it that obvious?" you ask, your eyes staring into his, looking for a answer.
"well, if you remember, while fighting that green goblin-thing.. you saved me from falling down a building and talked for awhile with me. i could recognize your voice anywhere." osamu says.
"wow.. you can recognize my voice anywhere? guess i've got you whipped, huh?" you tease him, resting your head on his clothed chest.
"shut up."
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sharky857 · 1 year
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TIL one can actually stack those chests, luckily for me. :°D
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chenya-my-love · 9 months
What's stopping me from just lying to the twst boys. Like what's stopping me from plagiarising other people's work and saying that's my life like
Ace: Hey Prefect, what were your parents like?
Me: Oh well, my mom was an assassin and my dad was a super spy, and my dad adopted me when I was a kid. We were all pretending to be a family for our own reasons, but eventually my parents fell in love and we became a real family.
Ace: Great Seven...
Deuce: Wait, so your world just doesn't have magic?
Me: Well not exactly, we actually have something more like superpowers. Y'know, some people can manipulate fire, some can change gravity, some can even copy other people's powers. But like a third of the population don't have those powers, and I'm just unlucky.
Random NPC: I bet you can't wait to get home.
Me: No, this place got actually got me out of a timeloop. My town's stuck in this timeloop where leading up to a festival some weird thing happens to everyone in town and drives us insane. My friends kept like killing and torturing eachother only for time to reset and I had to expeirence it all over again. So I'm pretty happy to be here.
Random NPC: O_O
Riddle: What was your old school like?
Me: Weird. To say the least...
Riddle: How so?
Me: Well everyone was really and I mean REALLY into gambling. I mean like there was an entire system for gambling, pretty much your worth hinged on how well you could gamble. And people seemed to get oddly y'know about gambling...
Riddle: Too stunned to speak
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(Molly and Andrea wait outside City Hall)
Molly: "Where are Ollie and Libby? We told them to meet us here for lunch 5 minutes ago."
Andrea: (Flipping through her phone) "No idea. Last I saw them, they were bent out of shape because everyone in the Mollycule blog said that they're so cute and soft and cuddly compared to a stunning goddess of charisma like me and a ghost fighting heroine like you."
Molly: "...What?"
Andrea: "Oh, come on, I don't think it'll be that big of a deal to them--" (Gets cut off by a faint engine running)
(Ollie suddenly pulls up in an electric scooter, plastic sunglasses and an old jacket he borrowed from his dad.)
Ollie: (With a lollipop in his mouth) "Hey, ladies."
Molly and Andrea: O_o "..." (Andrea snaps a picture)
Molly: "Ollie, heh heh, what the heck are you wearing?"
Ollie: "Oh, you know, just trying a new look." (tries to lean against his scooter like a badass)
Molly: "Look, Ollie, if this is about that blog--" (loud engine revs are heard)
(Suddenly, Libby pulls up in a genuine electric motorcycle that looks almost identical to a real one. She's wearing a leather jacket, actual shades and has a toothpick in her teeth)
Libby: "...S'up?"
Andrea: O///o (Snaps several pictures)
Molly: O///o "Sweeet baby corn, step on me."
Ollie: O///o "Yeah, she's got me beat."
We all know Libby would b able to pull off the look...tho' her nervous personality would ruin it but for a while she'd look cool.
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2oranges · 2 years
hit my first 10k crit with collei ^_^
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rockyroadsmith · 3 months
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I admit that although I haven't read "Moments We Share", I couldn't resist drawing Isamu and her uncle Suezo^^
I don’t know what art gods I pleased for this masterpiece to be bestowed upon me, but I’m at a loss for words right now! This is absolutely incredible! I’m so honored you’d draw a picture from my fanfiction!! It means so much to me!! I always love your art and admire you, so to say I’m honored doesn’t even start to describe how I feel!
You drew Isamu so adorably!!! In your style, she looks like she came straight from the anime! You added so much details, too! And you always draw Suezo so well, his eye came out stunning! You drew their dynamic perfectly! ^_^
I’m truly at a loss for words. I never expected to wake up to go to work today, and to see this in my inbox. My mind is blown! Thank you so much for this treasure!! *hugs* ;v;
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cagedshewolf · 14 days
Send Σ(O_O;) for my characters reaction to having their clothes unbuttoned/unzipped by yours.(from clint)
Feeling hands make quick work of her shirt, causing Natasha to be stunned. Bumps rose on her skin from the cool air. "Something on your mind?" She hummed, reaching out for Clint.
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nevereverthem · 6 months
Right after Bonnie wakes up to Kai's whole "I was spooning you earlier and might have magic siphoned you," Bonnie responds with "You're absolutely repulsive, though I can't believe you stopped." Kai's reaction: O_O
Bonnie ran out of her dorm room to escape Lillian.
She bumps into Kai. How can he be here ? She skips questioning and immediately tries to throw him out of her way by magic, but it doesn't work.
_ No magic ? Oh, that's my fault. I was spooning you earlier. I think I might have sleep-siphoned you.
He can't help but grin at the thought.
Bonnie's kind of agitated by the situation but she knows best than to let him have his fun.
_ You're absolutely repulsive...
His smile fades. Even though he's here to torment her, her words still reach and hurt him.
An idea pops into the witch's mind.
_ .... though, I can't believe you stopped.
Kai freezes a second, curious.
_ Stopped what ?
_ Spooning me. If you really did spoon me in my sleep. I expected you to go all the way. Wait until I wake up, for a creepier effect.
She steps closer, looking straight into his eyes.
_ Finding myself wrapped into your arms in the morning, feeling all weak from being siphoned all night.
A wave of heat courses through his body. He gulps, swallowing some saliva that had gathered in his mouth for some reason. Her eyes pierce just through his. He can't help but glance at her lips, too stunned to talk.
After a moment of eye-fucking (sorry not sorry 🙄), she tilts her head a little, teasing.
_ No talking back ? No snarky retort ?
Filthy. Little. Witch. He clenches his jaw, exhaling sharply.
_ Oh, I have other plans. You're not gonna be disappointed Bonster.
_ What plans ?
Kai's smirk is back on his face, impatient for her to see. He almost closes the distance between them, an index separating their lips.
_ Shush. Spoilers ! I don't like to ruin surprises.
He smiles brightly at her confused expression.
A voice is heard behind Bonnie's back.
_ Kids. It's so refreshing to witness young people flirting with such passion.
Lillian. Her eyes turn red and dark veins appear below her eyes.
_ So, where were we ?
Thanks for you message.
Hope you enjoyed my little try at a scene. Does it meet you expectations ? 😅 Tell me.
Don't be shy and send me more. 💕
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
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