#this is super late !
meghansbest · 10 months
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Happy 42nd Birthday Meghan Markle!
''Make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it. You push for colour-blind casting; you draw your own box. You introduce yourself as who you are, not what colour your parents happen to be.''
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reinarandraw · 1 year
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Izzy wondered what his hair looked like when it was free from his tie and he was about to find out in this god forsaken inn Bellamy had taken him to.
OFMD Rare Pair Week 2023 @ofmdrarepairweek
Day 02:  Tattoos / Piercings / First Time [art & 1.2k oneshot]
Inspired by this post by @doks-aux + I hadn’t drawn my Sam with his long hair before this.
You can read the fic on [AO3 HERE] or you can click read more and read it here!
Sam Bellamy was famous for many things. He was a highly successful pirate captain who had captured a lot of vessels. Everyone knew how Bellamy captured Whydah after three days of a game of chase. His success also made him the richest pirate in the Caribbean. He had fifty ships under his command and a group of loyal captains who would do anything for him. He was also generous and fair. He gave his crew their share. He treated his prisoners with respect. He was unlike other pirate captains who regalled in violence and debauchery. Sam Bellamy was a different kind of man.
He was also famous for his long black hair. It was clear he took great care of his hair. For someone who spent the majority of his life in the sea, Bellamy's hair looked soft and healthy like the hair of wealthy people who had a horde of servants and oils. Bellamy usually tied his hair into a ponytail with a ribbon. Sometimes he braided his hair although it wasn't clear if he braided it himself or he asked his long time friend and first mate Paulsgrave to do it. Whatever happened, Bellamy always had his hair in a perfect condition.
No one had caught Bellamy with his hair down. It had become a joke within the pirate community that Bellamy's hair was like Samson's hair. People said if someone managed to untie Bellamy's hair tie or get it free from its braid, Bellamy would lose his power. It was a ridiculous notion, but people seemed to believe it.
Izzy wondered what his hair looked like when it was free from his tie and he was about to find out in this god forsaken inn Bellamy had taken him to.
"Has anyone told you that you're beautiful, Israel?" Bellamy asked as he kissed him sweetly.
Izzy snorted, trying to act coy despite the rapid heartbeat and the blush that was coloring his cheeks. "Don't be a twat. You don't need to seduce me to get your hands in my breeches without getting a black eye."
Izzy wasn't sure how he ended up in this situation. He did what he always did when on shore leave, drinking his weight in rum. He hadn't seen Edward since yesterday, but it wasn't something new. The twat was probably spending his money on whores and rum. The rest of the crew had fucked odd somewhere Izzy didn't care about. He was having a nice evening, slowly getting drunk, when a rowdy group of people entered the pub. Izzy noticed Bellamy among the men and Bellamy noticed him. One rum led to the most interesting conversation Izzy had ever had in the past decade. Any notion of platonic interest was thrown out the window when Bellamy put his hand on Izzy's thigh. Slightly tipsy and very horny, Izzy returned the gesture by kissing Bellamy's lips.
And now they were at the inn near the pub, the outer layer of their clothes laying on the floor. They both somehow managed to get rid of their footwear. Izzy didn't know when Bellamy undid his red sash, but he didn't want to complain.
Bellamy chuckled and put his hands on Izzy's waist. "Oh, you're a fierce one, I can tell. No wonder Blackbeard keeps you around."
Izzy grinned at him. People finally called Edward Blackbeard now. Blackbeard, the scourge of the seven seas. It was such a big achievement for both Edward and himself.
"Are you sure you don't want to work for me?" Bellamy asked with a teasing tone.
"Shut up and fucking kiss me, twat!"
Bellamy obeyed and oh, how unfair it was for him be a fucking good kisser. For a moment they got lost on the sensation of their lips meeting and their tongues dancing together. Bellamy kept his hands on Izzy's waist, grinding their lower parts together. Izzy's hands were moving on his own to find anything to grab. Before he knew it, his fingers came in contact with smooth silky hair and felt the bump of Bellamy's hair tie. Izzy pulled away from the kiss.
"Is there something wrong?" Bellamy asked.
"No, it's just…" Izzy stared at Bellamy's face, so handsome and so charming. A few hair strands draped over his forehead. His cheeks and lips were red, making him look so enticing and debauched. "Can I touch your hair?"
The smile was still there, but Bellamy looked a bit confused by his question. "Why not?"
"You seem to be so peculiar with your hair," Izzy said.
Bellamy chuckled at him. "Israel, we're going to fuck. Of course you can touch my hair."
The way Bellamy said that sent a whiplash through Izzy’s system. Bellamy was such an articulate man, it was strange to hear the word ‘fuck’ from his mouth. Not only that, Izzy couldn’t believe he was allowing Izzy to touch his hair.
Suddenly Bellamy plopped down on the floor near the bed. “Come sit on the bed.” He patted the mattress.
Izzy did what he was told to do. The softness of the mattress momentarily distracted him from the fact that he had Bellamy sitting on the floor and between his legs. The position felt so intimate and it terrified Izzy. Showing your back unarmed to other pirates was borderline suicidal. It would be easy for Izzy to snap Bellamy’s neck or to stab him without him knowing. This was a show of trust, a willingness to be vulnerable.
It was thrilling.
“What are you waiting for?” Bellamy asked. “Untie my hair tie.”
Izzy was aware his hands were trembling as he pulled the string that kept Bellamy’s hair in his ponytail. He almost gasped when the hair glided effortlessly. Izzy marveled at how smooth Bellamy’s hair felt against his finger. It almost felt like he was touching silk.
“How the fuck your hair is so smooth?” Izzy gaped while running his fingers into Bellamy’s thick black hair.
“Excessive hair routine,” Bellamy answered.
“But how?” Izzy brought Bellamy’s hair to his nose. Fuck, why did it smell so good? “We’re pirates! How can you find the time and resources to keep your hair clean and smooth?!”
“I’m the captain,” Bellamy said.
“How the fuck can you afford clean water to wash your hair instead of for drinking?!”
Bellamy laughed at his bewilderment. “Some pirates flaunt their rings and gold necklaces to show their power and wealth. Me? I keep my hair clean and healthy.”
That was unheard of. It was true pirate captains liked to wear jewelry to show off their wealth. Bartholomew Roberts wrote diamond cross for that reason, that fucking twat. It all made sense though. For someone that was allegedly the richest pirate in the world, Bellamy dressed so modestly. Keeping his hair in good condition was a testament of how wealthy he was. He needed a dedicated water supply for his hair.
“I feel like tainting your hair now,” Izzy commented as his fingers scraped Bellamy’s scalp.
“Don’t worry. I can wash it again,” Bellamy told him. “Besides, I like having your fingers on my scalp.”
“Like this?” Izzy started to massage Bellamy’s scalp.
Bellamy’s answering moan was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He did it again until Bellamy was melting under his care.
“You’ll be the death of me, Israel,” he rasped.
Izzy grinned at him. “So Sam Bellamy turns into a pile of goo when his hair is untied.”
Bellamy leapt at him and quickly straddled him to the bed. His long hair framing his face. The effect was both sensual and terrifying.
“It’s your turn to be a pile of goo, darling,” Bellamy promised.
None never said that Sam Bellamy never delivered his promise.
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aplan-and-astorm · 1 year
I feel like Sammy is a bird person, that he likes birds and the birds like him back. Whether its in a disney princess-esc way or a man standing there with a flock of crows ominously perched all around him depends on the day.
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I need wholesome Sammy content in my life QwQ
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casefase1 · 2 months
Limited Life Scene (Martyn Wins)
                Martyn fell to one knee, the thunderclap of another Final Death in his ears. A hand fell on his shoulder.
                “You okay, Martyn?”
                Martyn turned to look at Scott, his teammate. Despite everything, the duo was still standing. Martyn nodded and Scott helped him back to his feet. Impulse stood nearby, hand on the hilt of his sword. Their tentative alliance had saved the three of them from the combined might of the Bad Boys and Clockers, but at a heavy price; Impulse was the sole survivor from his four-man team.
                TWO TO GO, LET BLOOD FLOW.
The Voices that only Martyn could hear were insistent. He shook his head in order to clear it and looked back at Scott.
                “What now?”
                “I… don’t know.” Impulse said. “I’ve got less than an hour left—how about you two?”
                Martyn considered lying, but what was the point? The Voices had set up this game—and the end was fast approaching.
                “Fifty minutes.” Martyn sighed.
                “I’ve got forty-two.” Scott replied.
                “So, this is it.” Impulse said, looking down.
                “No point in waiting—honorable duel, no armor?” Scott said, reaching to unlatch his armor. He shrugged and his breastplate clattered to the ground.
                “Just like the first Game.” Impulse said with a nod, beginning to take his own armor off.
                A sudden pain flashed through Martyn’s skull. He grunted and grabbed his head, feeling like someone had poured lava into him as words pounded inside his mind.
                From somewhere far away, Martyn felt someone grab him and ask;
                “Martyn? What’s wrong?”
                The pain in his head began to fade and Martyn looked up into Scott’s eyes. They were filled with concern. A red haze began to seep into Martyn’s vision, tinging Scott’s hair a dark grey.
                “No.” Martyn spat. Scott cocked his head, confused. Martyn’s hand slipped down to the hilt of his blade and he plunged it into Scott’s chest.
                “I don’t want to play this silly game.” Martyn planted his foot against Scott’s chest and shoved him off his blade.
                “WOAH!” Impulse shouted, backing away from Martyn. He tripped over the discarded armor he’d left near him, but leapt to his feet and started running as a thunderclap announced Scott’s Final Death.
                “I wanna do it this way. I wanna do it EXACTLY this way.” Martyn howled, sprinting after Impulse’s receding form. His exhaustion forgotten, Martyn found that his limbs were filled with an energy that allow him to quickly gain on Impulse.  Words began to spill out of his mouth as he ran. “It doesn’t matter if you’re a Mean Gill or a Bad Boy or a Neighbor or a Clocker! You’re all going down—none of these niceties! This is death match for a reason.” As Martyn said this, he slashed Impulse across the back. He screamed and collapsed and then Martyn swung his weapon down on his body again and again, laughing the whole time.
                It took Martyn half a minute to realize that Impulse’s thunderclap had already passed. He looked inside of him and could feel Scott and Impulse’s time swirling within him—empowering him.
                “That feels good! Time is delicious!” Martyn said, dropping his sword and wrapping his arms around himself. Laughter began to bubble out of his mouth and grew more and more unhinged as he realized:
                He’d done it! He’d won!
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putschki1969 · 1 year
Board Game Live Stream with Hikaru
Members of GAIA Crew are currently doing a live broadcast together with Hikaru. They are playing a popupar board game called “Splendor”. If you’ve got time, be sure to tune in!!
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cassie-thorne · 1 year
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Even in my worst times,
you could see the best of me
yes, this was supposed to be posted on Feb 14th but...
Anyways, look at them🫶🫶🫶 I miss CoP so much
background from pixelberry
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ryusxnka · 4 months
It’s a little strange , she had only heard it was his birthday . . though she couldn’t let such an occasion go without a cake a least ! So , she’s dropped off something small but delicate ; a light and fluffy sponge cake with whipped cream , fruit and light sugar flower decorations . It was small enough to be kept to oneself . . hopefully it’s not weird . . oh , she hopes his birthday is just splendid !
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      H e oftentimes harbored no partiality for sweet-permeated delicacies cognate to the one the woman had promptly established atop his desk. ----- Only when they were proffered by Hinamori ------an exception for she was his anchoring incentive, a beacon that granulates his doctrinaire disposition -- Does he willingly, as in sans any fuss, consume confectionaries. ----- He transiently scrutinizes the portion of cake she's conveyed forward, a diminutive product of sponge-like eden embroidered with whipped cream and finalized with multifarious fruits and flower-patterned decoratives, then eyes her affectionally beaming countenance; a visage that personified jubilation with utmost noticeability, which oscillated naught but effusive thoughtfulness in her every executed gesticulation as she bestowed 'pon him this present as a homage of his birth. ----- A day that forsook the Shinigami adrift amidst a tumultuous field of motley emotions and reflections, a maelstrom of discordant zephyr amongst the wintry tempestuous of his essence. Birthdays, those temporal monuments of existence conceived by humanity's demands to memorialize, possessed no iota of significance in the vast expanse of his consciousness, a chasm devoid of definition not shackled to militaristic business." Did you bake this yourself, Sylvestre? " Yet, even as the words decamped the edges of his tongue, from 'tween partitioned lips, he couldn't help but feel a sliver of trepidation, for unanticipated actions of kindness from those he knew little of remained arcane to him, an enigma shelving to be deciphered in time. He hopes his words do not inadvertently wound the delicate exhibition of benevolence she had so painstakingly incorporated.
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39 for the drabble prompts <3
Baking a cake goes very wrong
"Luna, what are you doing?" Matteo walked into the mansions' kitchen after a video conference with his producers. They were trying to figure out the schedule for his next single release. Luna had come home from training during it and locked herself in the kitchen.
"Baking a cake." Luna turned towards him smiling, she was elbows deep in some kind of custard she was stirring in a bowl.
"Why?" Matteo raised an eyebrow at her. Monica and Miquel were on a week-long trip to Mexico, so he and Luna had been left alone in the mansion.
"Simon and Ambar are coming over," Luna looked at him like what she was doing would have been the most obvious thing in existence. "So, I thought I'd bake something to celebrate the engagement."
"They got engaged over two months ago," Matteo crossed his arms.
"That doesn't mean we still can't celebrate."
"So, it is going to be one big party until the wedding?" Matteo questioned amused, "What kind of cake is that even supposed to be?"
"A cheesecake," Luna said while pouring the custard into the mold she had on the table, "Those are magical. You just put it in the fridge and it holds its shape."
"Where's Ambar?" Luna asked Simon as she opened the mansion's door.
"She had to take a phone call." Simon explained as he walked inside. "It's our realtor."
Simon and Ambar had decided to buy a house and move before the wedding. So on top of the wedding planning, Ambar had also taken charge of that. It definitely went all over Luna's head how she was able to manage everything.
"So you finally found an agent?" Luna asked as she and Simon sat on the living room couch.
"Yeah, we did... actually we got THE one."
"Isla's helping you?" Matteo, who had been lounging on the couch, questioned. "How did you manage that? The number one most known thing about the Peridas is that you can not reach them."
"Well, Ambar didn't contact her," Simon shook his head, "She called Gastón."
"Ah," Matteo nodded, "Well, gotta use the connections when you have them. I am just surprised, I thought she'd had her hands full. But on the other hand, she is definitely one to overdo a favour, especially if Gastón is involved."
"Well, if it gets the job done," Simon shrugged, "I don't know anything about buying houses."
"Since, you always struggled even with the rent," Matteo laughed.
"Ambar went through the budget with me, but I don't remember it," Simon admitted.
"Why won't you just build a house?" Luna asked as she jumped back on the couch.
"And how would we do that?"
"Don't we all know a person with a fresh master's degree in engineering, with an architecture minor?" Matteo suggested.
"I am not sure if we wanna bother Gastón with that," Simon shook his head, "He isn't even back yet."
"He and Nina will back in note time, as soon as she graduates. Or I am personally kidnapping and stuffing them in a private plane." Matteo huffed.
"Simon!" Ambar dashed in at the second, "Guess what?"
"What?" Simon asked as Ambar sat next to him on the sofa.
"This time we really have it!" Ambar started showing pictures on her phone, "This is on little on the south side from the central. Build in 2015, but in really good condition. The master bedroom has an ensuite and joins a room that could be converted into an office. And there are enough rooms that you could have an extra room for music, while we'd be left with two additional bedrooms. And there is this inside yard."
Simon looked at the pictures while Ambar talked.
"What do you think? Because this could be a house, that we would maybe never need to move out of." Simon agreed with Ambar. The house seemed really cool... and Ambar really was right. This house had the potential for raising a family.
"I like it a lot," Simon nodded, "Are we able to go and have a look at it?"
"I asked Isla that, she is not even in the country right now," Ambar continued, "but she said that her assistant is free to show us. Tommorrow at 1 pm. The address was Saldan 2155."
"Well, there we go!" Simon declared, "We might have a house.. soon. Honestly, this has happened quite fast."
"Well, Isla really lives up to her reputation. You don't become world-renowned for nothing." Ambar laughed, "I am really jealous of Nina right now, that is her mother-in-law... not that there is anything wrong with your mother," she tapped Simon on the arm.
"Oh, I completely forgot!" Luna suddenly jumped up form the sofa, "I made a cake!"
"You did what now?" Ambar stared at Luna.
"I baked a cake," Luna staed, "Come on. Let me show you!"
"How did you let this happen?" Ambar looked at Matteo.
"Don't look at me," He said.
Matteo, Ambar and Simon walked into the kitchen, just in time to witness Luna standing on front of the kitchen counter, looking at some sort of gloopy mess.
"What happened?" Ambar stared. "Is that the cake?"
"I don't know," Luna keeps just looking at the pile on the counter, "I just removed the tin. This is a cheesecake, it was supposed to hold it's shape."
"Did you put it in the oven?" Simon asked.
"You need to do that?" Luna stared at Simon.
"The ones that are served at Dad's restaurant were like that, but I don't really know." Simon shook his head, "Otherwise you'd need a setting agent or something."
"I thought it was just going to magically hold its shape." Luna said, sticking her finger onto the mass and putting it into her mouth. "But it still tastes good."
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octopisupremacy · 2 years
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writingamarie · 1 year
prompt request:
sirius and james
song 29
Pairing: JamesXSirius (it's Prongsfoot but you could read it as friends if you wanted...)
Words: 974
Song Prompt: "Lucky" but specifically the Glee version 😳
James stirred in his bed slightly. He normally slept through the night without any trouble. Since he was little he’d been the type of person that fell asleep immediately and would sleep like a log. He didn’t toss and turn around in his bed, he didn’t mumble embarrassing secrets in his sleep, and he rarely had nightmares. On the rare occasion that a clown would appear in his dreams he was usually able to convince himself he was asleep and either woke himself up or his dream shifted because of the attention. He felt comfortable in the dark. Which was why he was confused to wake up in the middle of the night. He couldn’t remember any nightmares and his bed seemed undisturbed so really it made no sense that he would have woken himself up.
Then he heard it.
Sirius had gotten good at silencing charms, James would give him that. Except as the night wore on the charm would fade. James wasn’t sure what time it was but there was no light coming from their tower windows. He figured it had to be fairly late if even the stars didn’t seem to offer any assistance. Sirius hated when he woke any of them up. James wasn’t sure why it bothered him, but he would rather silence his nightmares than accept help. But James had never been the type of friend that could leave someone alone to suffer.
Whether or not Sirius liked it James had never been able to just look the other way. He hadn’t ignored the obvious pain Sirius had been in after his sorting, or the fear he had the first time he went back home, he didn’t ignore the sadness that washed over Sirius at Regulus’ sorting, or the way he limped when he came back from Christmas during third year. James noticed it all, that and so much more. It was impossible to ignore Sirius. He was the brightest star in the night’s sky and the biggest personality during the daylight. But as much as Sirius hated to accept help or for people to see him vulnerable he never seemed to mind when James got close. 
James had only been sleeping in flannel bottoms but he didn’t take the time to put on a shirt. Sirius hadn’t managed to wake up Remus or Peter, but if he did it would become a much bigger issue. So James slipped behind Sirius’ curtains as quickly as he could and reinforced the silencing charm. James crawled over Sirius so he was on the left side of the bed, anytime they shared James was always on the left. Sirius was still mumbling to himself and jerked around as James tried to get situated.
“Hey, it’s just me,” James whispered as he pulled Sirius into him.
Sirius’ head seemed to find a resting spot right under James’ chin and he had to adjust slightly to find a comfortable way to sit. In the end James ended up with his arms wrapped around Sirius, one hand twisted up so he could rub his head. Sometimes it was hard to tell where Sirius ended and Padfoot began, the boy was eighteen but still loved head scratches. James shifted in the bed again and pulled away slightly as he tried to give his arm room to breathe. But Sirius clearly had other plans and wrapped his own arms around James’ waist, and nudged his right leg between James’ legs and seemed to hug James as much as a person could with their leg.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” James said and turned his head down to press his lips to the top of Sirius’ head.
It was something his own mother had done for him as a child. It had always felt comforting when his mother would wrap him in a tight hug, whisper words of love, and kiss the top of his head. Although the action with Sirius felt entirely different from when his mother would do it. 
They stayed there, wrapped up in each other’s arms until Sirius finally fell back asleep. James could tell the exact moment that Sirius slipped into unconsciousness. His whole body relaxed and his face lost the worry lines that had developed between his eyebrows. Sirius always looked good, anyone would have agreed with that but there was something special about the fact that James was the only one that got to see him asleep. He had been wrapped up close with Sirius enough times to know that he had 37 freckles across the bridge of his nose and he had two small moles on the right side of his face. James knew that he slept with his hair in a braid so it would be wavy without much effort each morning. James also knew that Sirius only ever slept in his underwear -which became more obvious as Sirius moved his leg in his sleep. James knew he should have pulled away, but Sirius seemed content to sleep and run his leg up and down against James’ so instead he did nothing. 
Eventually sleep lulled James into an easy comfort and he let himself slip down onto Sirius’ bed still tangled together. The moment James was laying down rather than the semi-seated position he had been in, Sirius adjusted so that he was more laying on James than the bed itself. James didn’t mind. He let Sirius cuddle him in his sleep and eventually let his own sleep take over. They laid there together, hidden by the silencing charm, with their faces so close that James could feel Sirius’ breath on him as he drifted off. 
There were no more nightmares. James woke in the exact same position as he had fallen asleep in. Sirius was still curled up against him and James didn’t care to change that.
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calliettes-posts · 2 years
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overlymetaromantic · 1 month
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Dungeon Meshi, or as I like to call it, Marcille's-increasingly-difficult-to-ignore-revelations-that-her-endless-devotion-to-Falin-may-in-fact-be-more-rooted-in-lesbianism-than-she-originally-thought
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hopefulonion · 4 months
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Treasured 🌟
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zosanbrainrot · 6 months
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this is how I see them
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idiot-mushroom · 7 months
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trick or treat 🎃🍭🍬
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putschki1969 · 1 year
【Stage Play】Character Makeup Tutorial【Ambient Border】
Hello, this is Hikaru. Thank you for watching! This time, I tried to recreate the makeup look for my role Asebi which I played in the theater performance of “Ambient Border”💄Some elements reflect my daily makeup. I hope you can use some parts as reference…🍀 Please be sure to send in your video suggestions📝
If you haven’t yet, be sure to check out Hikaru’s latest video on YouTube.
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2023/02/21 Instagram post by Hikaru
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Co7DsVtBBYj/
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