#this is the episode of late stage cameos no one expected
zoe-oneesama · 7 months
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Episode 52 Part 8 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51
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Hey, if Chloe can have six different akumas, so can Nathalie.
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I keep seeing people confused / discovering one or several iterations of Good Omens, so here is a masterpost of everything Good Omens that officially exists (and that I could gather, so there might be mistakes):
The original draft of what would later become Good Omens, written by Neil Gaiman before he teamed up with Terry Pratchett. It notably features a demon called Crawleigh who would then be split into Crowley and Aziraphale.  The draft exists in a book form included in the Ineffable Edition of the illustrated Good Omens.
LINK TO A WTA RECAP (by @fuckyeahgoodomens)
BOOK (1990)
The core material of Good Omens, written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Exists also as an audiobook read by Stephen Briggs (for the English speaking crowd of course). There is also some audio of David Tennant reading part of the book during the recording of Playing in the Dark: Neil Gaiman and the BBC Symphony Orchestra in November 2019. LINK TO DAVID TENNANT’S READING (by @merinathropp) @good-omens-covers is a blog where you can have a look at book covers from accross the world
The script for an aborted movie project. Attempts to write a movie script were made by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, but this is the one Gaiman ended up tackling on his own after Pratchett wisely decided to step away. The conflicted requests from the producers lead the way to a story that was related to Good Omens only in name. The movie script is only available in few numbers on specialized websites for a very high price.
An adaptation by Amy Hoff made with the permission of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, that was played by the Cult Classic Theatre for the Glasgow International Comedy Festival. As far as I know, no footage or script is available anywhere. I know nothing about this play besides the fact that Crowley looks wild. Amy Hoff’s website mentions that GO is currently unavailable for stage production or adaptation. LINK TO THE (BROKEN) PAGE OF THE THEATRE PLAY LINK TO A PHOTO GALLERY OF THE PLAY
An audio adaptation originally broadcasted on BBC4 in 6 episodes, adapted by Dirk Maggs and directed by Dirk Maggs and Heather Larmour. It is however available in an 8 episodes longer format (including bloopers) on CDs and such. The cast includes, notably, Peter Serafinowicz as Crowley, Mark Heap as Aziraphale, Josie Lawrence as Agnes Nutter, and a cameo from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett.
TV SERIES (2019)
A six episodes long TV series, produced by the BBC and Amazon, that premiered on Amazon Prime in June 2019. Directed by Douglas Mackinnon. The script was written entirely by Neil Gaiman as the whole project was the achievement of years of struggle trying to get a video adaptation of GO, and as promised by Neil Gaimand to the late Terry Pratchett that this would get done. 
The cast still includes Josie Lawrence as Agnes Nutter, David Tennant as Crowley, Michael Sheen as Aziraphale, and many other talented actors and actresses that would be too long to list here but are worth watching. 
As derivative products coming out of the making of the TV series, the script book of the entire show (including cut scenes that were never shot) is available, as well as some storyboards that depict, without a doubt, the least expected looks for Crowley and Aziraphale. The TV series is available for streaming on Amazon Prime, in DVD and in BluRay. The soundtrack composed by David Arnold can be found in CDs, vinyls and mp3 sets.  Additionally, there is a TV Companion book for behind the scenes and interviews that can be purchased, and very few official goodies such as enamel pins, and, of course, the very necessary Good Omens Nail Polish. A Q and A with Neil Gaiman and David Tennant is also available on Amazon Prime, broadcasted live and recorded in May 2020. In 2017, Neil Gaiman made a reading of cutscenes in Austin, Texas, for the Long Center event.
As a direct result of the TV series (and a direct result of a worldwide pandemic and a several months long lockdown...), Neil Gaiman wrote a little script for a short video that is, actually, mainly audio, in which David Tennant and Michael Sheen reprised their roles as Crowley and Aziraphale.
MUSICAL (still in developpement as far as I know on this date in June 2020)
An Australia based project that has been years in the making, developped by Vicki Larnach and Jim Hare. So far, what has been officially released on the internet are a few videos of a reading by the actors, a sizzle reel with footage and audio of several moments from the show, as well as promotional pictures. The musical has been played on stage in front of an audience a few times these past two years in a version that is probably rather close to what the end product will be, and hopefully, once the final version exists, it will be made available for the widest audience possible.
668—The Neighbour of the Beast AKA the sequel that doesn’t exist. Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett talked about writing a sequel to Good Omens, came up with a few things (the most infamous being Aziraphale watching a porno in a hotel room, but only catching glimpses of it and trying to figure out the plot by writting it down in a notebook), but it was never written. LINK TO AN INTERVIEW GIVEN TO THE LOCUS IN 1991 MENTIONING THIS SEQUEL LINK TO A POST ON GAIMAN’S BLOG MENTIONING THE PORNOGRAPHY BIT LINK TO A RECAP OF THE SEQUEL + COTTAGE THING The movie directed by Terry Gilliam Before GO became a TV series, it got stuck for years as a movie project meant to be directed by Terry Gilliam. For various reasons it never happened, and the rumors about Robin Williams being cast as Aziraphale and Johnny Depp as Crowley seem to have started from there. The cottage “canon” The widespread concept of Crowley and Aziraphale sharing a cottage originated from a blog post made by Neil Gaiman, reporting a conversation between him and Terry Pratchett regarding the whereabouts of their characters. Gaiman has since offered the precision that this cottage sharing thing would happen way after the events of the sequel that was never written, so years after Armageddon, and that the location would be Devil’s Dyke in the South Downs. LINK TO THE ORIGINAL POST ON GAIMAN’S BLOG LINK TO A COMPREHENSIVE EXPLANATION (by @irisbleufic) LINK TO A TUMBLR ASK FOR GAIMAN ABOUT THE SOUTH DOWNS LINK TO A SCREENSHOT OF A TWEET BY GAIMAN The New Year Resolutions List (made for Harper Collins, now taken down from their website) A list of resolutions written by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett on request of the publisher in 2005, one list for Crowley, one list for Aziraphale. LINK TO THE LIST ( by @ladylier )
LINK TO AN INTERVIEW WHERE NEIL GAIMAN TALKS ABOUT A FEW OF THE THINGS MENTIONNED IN THIS POST And as an ultimate bonus, as I was gathering all the informations for this masterpost, I found back Michael Sheen’s Spotify Good Omens Playlist. EDIT (02/08/2020): Someone mentionned (in a post I can’t find anymore ?) that on the list of existing merch that was absolutely unexpected, there was a whole collection of Good Omens perfume oils. It was made around 2007 with the approval of Pratchett and Gaiman and was apparently updated when the series came out in 2019. The profits of the oils go to different charities.
I was also reminded of the Chattering Order of Saint Beryl, a group of singers promoting the TV series before its release in 2019.  Their Youtube Channel has a playlist that was last updated in June 2020. There is one video clip of the song Brand New Baby Smell that features a cameo by Neil Gaiman. And I found back @fuckyeahgoodomens‘s masterpost about the merch, even though I mentionned most of these in this masterpost, I’ll include the link for convenience sake.
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doomedship · 3 years
That latest cameo, I get the feeling Eric has no clue what’s gonna happen past the scripts he has after what he said at the end. So, possibility exists something will happen this season. Or Alexi put a gag order on things as to not give spoilers. More amazing crumbs, and more fun stuff coming. We might not be totally screwed? 🤡 And I think he indirectly confirmed an S5.
Hmm. I only saw the part of it where he talks about Chenford but I felt the opposite: that it was indicative there's really nothing to get excited about anytime soon.
I don't think he does have much sense of where the show is specifically going beyond the scripts he's read but I think he probably has a bit of wider knowledge, such as whether to expect more Ashley and any major storylines for his character. He certainly didn't give the impression that he thought it was likely to happen in any meaningful way this season. He seemed relatively downbeat imo.
He gave away that he's a) not currently working with Melissa and b) filming with Alyssa, which suggests a pairing shift. It could be for the one episode or it could be longer term, but either way, it sticks a pin in there being much Chenford continuity. It also continues to baffle me that they bothered to do this gofer thing and yet have given so little actual Chenford content during shifts for the whole season so far.
So what does the picture add up to? Probably the next few episodes have Chenford riding together, but we know Ashley also shows up during those episodes, so it's unlikely to be positive movement for Chenford.
Then Tim starts working with Angela and not at all with Lucy. So likely there won't be any interaction, let alone progression romantically. This is taking us into something like the final 7-8 episodes, so I'd say it looks very unlikely at this stage that season 4 is anything but a write off for Chenford.
When you say "amazing crumbs" I also don't think there have been any so far this season, with the possible exception of episode 1. I've talked at length about why the rest of what we have had is disappointing to me, so I won't repeat, but if it's more of the same until episode 22 you can probably count me out.
He also didn't confirm season 5, I'm afraid, as this is not something within the power of the show itself. It's a network decision and they won't know until mid 2022 whether they are renewed. Last season they didn't have confirmation until something like late May - so you just can't say it's a sure thing until there's an ABC announcement.
Unfortunately this is just another example of Eric being a bit loose with the things he says on these Cameos which leads to people getting their hopes up. It's why I am myself not too fussed about watching them. They aren't reliable sources since nobody knows what he knows, whether he's been instructed to say certain things, or how much he's allowed to give away.
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
❝𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕦𝕡❞
⇢ hannah meets up with one of her close friends to catch up; alternatively: the fox and the quokka meet again
⇢ set in mid april 2021
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. feedback is highly appreciated!
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Hannah shook her head fondly as she watched Yoonmi race down the hall towards the recording studio frequently seen on vlive. She and Yeonjun exchanged amused looks as the young girl excitedly entered the room, yelling the name of her older brother.
“Come on,” Yeonjun placed a hand on her back and sped their pace up, “or else Chan hyung’s gonna use us not being there as an excuse to stay longer.”
She scoffed at that, following Yeonjun regardless. “Please, he’d drop everything for Yoonmi anytime, and you know that.”
Yeonjun’s laugh was the only response she got as they entered the studio. The door opened immediately as they arrived in front of it, revealing Yoonmi dragging a chuckling Chan away to probably her manager’s car.
“Looks like they’ll be gone for a while,” Changbin laughed from the inside before nodding at her with a smile and turning to Yeonjun. “Let’s go before Wooyoung and Haknyeon decide to make us pay for being late.”
Yeonjun nodded and stepped out with Changbin, ruffling her hair on his way out. “See you in a bit, Hannah.
She glared at him a little before turning towards her friend who remained cleaning up the studio. They haven’t been able to see each other since their promotions overlapped. Or since the award shows, actually. “Hey, quokka.”
“Miss foxy,” Jisung playfully bowed at her before continuing to gather up his stuff, “long time no see. You hungry?”
“Always,” she playfully rolled her eyes at him, “or have you forgotten already?”
“Not when you and Yongbok have been constantly sending each other desserts. No cookies recently?”
“Yoonmi makes the best cookies, and she always sends some over to Chan hyung for you guys. Felix told me.”
The betrayed look he had on his face when he realized this made her laugh. It dawned on her that, though Chan may have told Felix to let the others get some cookies whenever they want, Felix must have kept it a secret. He loved Yoonmi’s cookies, so it was no surprise.
“He never told us!”
“Come on, let’s go eat.”
The two friends found themselves in the JYP cafeteria, food paid for with Jisung’s credits. He had a whole set of food in his tray, which was quite a drastic difference from her single bowl of salad. He frowned when he saw her tray.
“Just a salad?”
She shrugged. “We’re in the middle of promotions, so I’m dieting.”
“Nope,” he placed a plate of pasta on her tray and some extra side dishes, “your boyfriend and members are gonna kill me if I don’t feed you. Our food’s all organic, anyway. It’ll be fine. We’re sharing side dishes, by the way.”
She rolled her eyes but followed him to an empty table. They settled across from each other and began digging in. The conversation carried smoothly, as if they didn’t have a solid four or four months of not seeing each other. It switched from the food to normal catching up to preparations.
“Your comeback’s really good, by the way,” Jisung noted. “I listened to the whole album. Really good. You worked on lyrics, too!”
“Just a bit,” her tone was humble as she moved the salad around on her plate. “I thought it was fitting since it’s our first full album, so I did my best. Sorry for bothering you for help, by the way. I know you’re pretty busy with Kingdom.”
“Please,” he shook his head, “I needed the distraction. We were so caught up on preparing for the show, so I needed to forget it just a little.”
“How are you guys, by the way? I’ve seen your past few performances.” A teasing smirk made its way up to her face while she looked up from her food to meet his eyes. “I liked your cover of I’ll Be Your Man. Very impressive high notes there, mister main rapper. Very desperate.”
Jisung snorted and tossed a little sausage from their side dishes onto her plate. “Shut up, you know the performance is supposed to seem desperate.”
“What’s coming up? The collaboration stage, right?” She took a moment to recall the last episode’s ending. “It’s a shame that you guys aren’t working with The Boyz. You, Eric, and Sunwoo rapping together would have been cool.”
“You’re friends with Sunwoo?”
“We’ve met, but you already know I talk to English line the most.” She jolted up straight upon remembering something, startling Jisung into hitting his leg against the table. The boy curled in on himself a little, making her laugh. “Sorry about that. Did you hear? Changmin oppa invited me to co-host your sports day!”
That was the reason why she had been in a meeting the day before right after their schedules. She didn’t expect that she’d be brought straight to the company right after her schedules with NCT Dream, much less did she expect that she’d be meeting with a few higher ups and some Mnet staff alongside her senior for a cameo.
Jisung raised an eyebrow at her. “What? You’re coming to watch our sports day?”
“Co-host, but yeah.”
“This is gonna be so funny,” he laughed. “You know that, even if you have a boyfriend now, Juyeon hyung has an idol crush on you, right?”
“Stop!” Her hand went to her forehead in embarrassment. “Eric always mentions it whenever we talk, I swear.”
The smirk on her friend’s face sent a chill down her spine. “But there’s also Seonghwa hyung and Chani… Oh my god, man! What is it with you and these older guys, huh?”
“One more word out of your mouth, Han Jisung, and I’m telling Chan oppa that you had a crush on Yoonmi.”
Ah, yes. This short-lived crush her friend had on her other friend which amused her to no end every time he’d talk to her about how Yoonmi’s lyrics hit different, how her on stage persona is captivating, how she’s adorable in BTS content, or how her rap is unmatched by any other girl idols. Jisung, like many other fourth generation idols (and some from third generation) had fallen for the international sweetheart, and she made sure to tease him about it whenever given the chance.
Jisung groaned, “Of course I tease you about other’s having a crush on you, but you can’t tease me about people liking me.”
“Hey, if it means anything,” she began, “I used to like you the slightest bit back in late 2019 when we did those collab stages. Nothing much, it died as soon as it started, so don’t get too cocky.”
The slightly astonished look on her friends face made her remind him that it was a momentary thing rather than a prolonged crush. This, of course, didn’t stop Jisung from poking fun at her.
“Aye, I’m so telling your boyfriend,” Jisung laughed.
She gave him a pointed look. “Nothing is kept a secret in our group, and he’s in the same unit as one of the people most overprotective of me.”
The 00-liner wisely kept his mouth shut, making her laugh. A silence passed between the two before they silently agreed on not speaking about these infatuations ever again. She finished the last of her food before rummaging around her bag and pulling out a small bottle. It was something she didn’t use often, but prefered whenever she didn’t have to promote. Black nail polish.
“I brought this, by the way,” she mentioned as her phone started ringing. “I don’t know why you asked for it, but here you go.”
“Nice,” he took the bottle, “now answer your phone while I finish my food.”
The familiar face on her screen brought a subconscious smile to her face the moment she got her phone out of her pocket. It was her none other than her boyfriend, Liu Yangyang. She chuckled a little before answering the phone.
“Hey, Schnucki. I’m with Hannie right now. Jisung, say hi.”
She brought the phone closer to Jisung’s face, where he awkwardly greeted the boy on the other end of the phone. The awkwardness made her laugh and take it back. Maybe she should have waited until after he swallowed before making him say hi.
“Me again!”
“Have you eaten dinner yet?” Yangyang asked her with the slightest hint of concern in his voice. “Renjun told me you skipped out on the food your manager got you guys on the way home.”
“Hwang Injun, that snitch.” Her mumbling was easily caught by Jisung who snorted in amusement. She lightly smacked his arm from across the table then went back to her conversation. “I just ate dinner! JYP Entertainment’s special organic food is pretty filling, don’t worry.”
“Alright,” his voice sounded relieved. “How long are you gonna be there? Will you be back too late? You still have an early start tomorrow.”
She chuckled at her boyfriend’s questions. Ever since their jacket shoot, her schedule had been filled with preparations for NCT Dream’s comeback. Yangyang had been texting her good morning everyday without fail and constantly checking up on her to make sure she was still functioning properly somehow. For some reason, she found this endearing about him. He usually wouldn’t seem like that type of boyfriend, but he is.
“I’ll be here until Yoonmi finishes shopping for her future nephew and Yeonjun oppa comes back from dinner with the 99s. Hannie’s taking care of me, don’t worry.”
Jisung’s scoff from across the table made her send him a pointed look.
“Could you put me on speaker?”
“Hold on.”
One more warning look was sent towards Jisung as she placed the phone on the table. Jisung looked at her curiously before turning towards the phone.
“Yangyang?” he called out cautiously.
“Hi, Han,” Yangyang greeted. “I know we only spoke a few times, but I hope it’s not too much to ask to take care if Hannah?”
“No problem, bro,” the Stray Kids member nodded despite the fact that the WayV boy couldn’t see him. “We’ll just be here in the company, there’s a bunch of places to lounge in and a lot of food.”
There was a laugh from the other end of the phone. “Thanks for taking care of my pet fox.”
“Excuse me,” she interjected, making the two boys laugh, “I will sheer your hair off your head, you sheep.”
“Kidding! Anyway, Han, you’re Hannah’s friend, so I’m trusting her with you. As a friend, right?”
Jisung chuckled. “Of course. No need to worry.”
Hannah snatched up her phone and turned speaker off before the conversation could get any longer. “Is that it?”
“I’m at the dreamie dorm right now, so I’m expecting cuddles when you get back.”
A slight chuckle escaped her lips as she playfully rolled her eyes. “As long as you’re out of the dorms by 1:30am at the latest, okay?”
“Of course, babe.” The wink was evident in his voice, she didn’t even need to see him to know he did. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“See you later, Schnucki.”
With that, she hung up her phone and looked up to find Jisung looking at her with a teasing smile. “What?”
“You’re so whipped,” he drew out. “Honestly! The smile on your face says it all. It’s different from when you’re talking to your members or your other friends.”
“My smile?”
Looking back on it, Jeno did mention that there was something different in the way she looked at Yangyang. Donghyuck mentioned it as well while jokingly whining about her not giving him as sweet of a smile. Even Yoonmi told her that she sometimes catches Mark smiling at her the way Hannah smiles at Yangyang. Was it really that noticeable?
With a shake of her head, she picked up the black nail polish bottle once again. “What do you want to do with this?”
“Could you paint my nails?”
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Everything you never thought to ask and never wanted to know about my Josépan playlist/history with and opinions of the ship.
The journey of this playlist has been a long one, starting on Amazon Music and my old, janky and now defunct Ipad.
A word on the origins of the playlist:
The playlist was not initially Ducktales focused because the two didn’t exist in Ducktales yet. I was rather unenthusiastic back in the day about this ship (oh how the times change) but I had stumbled across a song that didn’t fit them and Donald but fit just them very well and wanted to make an animatic of it. So, I cobbled together some songs I thought fit the vibe and made a playlist.
The history behind the story that inspired it:
I’ll spare you from starting at the very beginning. But, when “The Town Where Everyone was Nice” premiered I was already thoroughly and utterly obsessed with the cabs; I remember how beyond ecstatic I was for the episode. My hype for the Ducktales versions of José and Panchito continued far beyond what seems to have been normal for the average cabs fan. I found myself drawn to the ideas put forth by those versions of them. I don’t really remember what the tipping point was for me to break down and make my own college AU but eventually I did. It was affectionately dubbed “The TV Show That Will Never Happen AU.” José and Panchito were enemies to lovers or at least to friends. And it was around that time I began to go CRAZY with the headcanons as I got more active in the fandom. While my ideas for the Ducktales versions of them grew and grew, so too did the time between them appearing in “The Town Where Everyone was Nice” and their alleged next appearance in the show. When fans noticed the distinct lack of José and Panchito in the season two finale of Ducktales, Francisco Angones, @//suspenderofdisbelief on Tumblr answered these two separate asks that I might have engraved on tombstone one day:
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I was GONE for the ship after that. I developed another AU for them based around their time in Baia trying to get people to fund their attempts to become famous musicians. Also, slowly falling in love... It was affectionately titled “The Fan-Comic that Will Never Happen” but not yet connected to my college AU. I don’t have much of a timeline for it after this point, but with that AU I really hit my stride for interpretations of the two characters and their dynamic. The version of them I hold dear in my heart and headcanons came to be. Then “Louie’s Eleven” came out and absolutely destroyed a lot of my headcanons (just kidding, just kidding). Since the new canon material didn’t really jive with a lot of the wholesomeness I had built up I was left with a lot of something else: angst. I LOVE angst, but the two’s bitterness and arguing...It was hard to accept at the time. Me and @cartoon-lizard on Tumblr, my IRL best friend, wound up writing a Josépan fic fueled on a bit of that angst and by her grace, a lot of my headcanons. I titled it “My Reverie is Being Haunted by That Ass.” In it Panchito makes an ass (rimshot noises) of himself by running off with a producer he met by chance during a visit in Duckburg to try to become famous. And doing so without so much as a second thought to the person he’s been living with/sort of dating for over a year. It took me a while but eventually I figured it out. These weren’t three separate AUs, these were three separate pieces of the same AU. And so my masterpiece never meant to be made came to be: “The Trilogy: College/Baia/Reverie.”
“The Trilogy” Itself:
The story will never be written for a variety of reasons, personal and practical. But if it ever were to be written it would be three separate fics, aka: College, Baia and Reverie.
College encapsulates their college years (duh).
To set the stage:
Panchito: A friendly, arrogant and easily excitable musician with big dreams, good grades and a whole lot of anxiety and insecurity. He has complicated feelings towards his identity as both trans and pan and how that might affect his dreams of becoming famous, but is overall bright eyed and innocent enough.
José: A lazy (depressed), charming, pessimistic, tbh kind of a douche and deep in the closet gay man. He tends to push forward a very “Manly man” persona to make up for his own deep seated internalized homophobia brought on by a shitty upbringing. He just got away from said shitty upbringing and doesn’t really have any hopes for his future...Maybe to travel a bit?
José and Panchito start as enemies, both fearing losing their one real friend, Donald, to the other. Despite this the three start a band and the two’s rivalry becomes far more friendly. They get particularly close during the trip down to Acapulco for spring break where the general feeling of being disconnected from life and reality leads to several rather romantic moments between the two...They almost become a thing several times but never quite do. However, they are very good friends by the end of college. The three stay in contact for a while after college but eventually lose touch…
Baia timeskips forward 13 years later (I know it's only 10 canonically, I always say 13 for reasons) to a conversation between Panchito and José on the Sunchaser at the end of “The Town Where Everyone Was Nice.”
Panchito: Life hasn’t been kind to Panchito...His need to be famous, to be something in order to be someone has led him to push a lot of people out of his life so he can better focus on “Work.” Or drive them out by constantly asking for their support, financial or otherwise. He has no friends and even his relationships with his loving and supportive family are strained. Currently, he’s working freelance as a performer at childrens’ birthday parties (in his eyes: a clown) and goes home to a sad, empty apartment every night to stare at a notebook full of half written songs and muster enough energy to eat cereal for dinner for the third time in a row. Needless to say, his optimism is wearing thin.
José: A lot of hard work on his part, some good therapy and mmm; drugs have put him in a pretty good place. He’s more or less got his life together now, is way less of a douche and is more of a realist than a pessimist. He’s also pretty much completely comfortable in his identity as a gay man. He’s been trying to explore romantic relationships, but unfortunately (likely due to the loveless marriage between his parents making him strive so hard to believe that love is real that he puts the unrealistic goal of true love above all else) feels incomplete without one and double unfortunately has a tendency to be drawn to toxicity and abusive situations. So other than a string of (short lived) bad relationships, he’s actually doing great!
Panchito has already asked Donald to drop everything and stay with him down in Baia to try to get funding for the band. Donald said no. José has a steady job, a decent apartment and a supportive friend group back home. He's also long since lost interest and hope in their college dreams of being famous...José says yes. The two have a bunch of wild and wacky shenanigans trying to get funding and both dance around their growing feelings for each other until it explodes and overwhelms them. They rush into a romantic relationship head first with no real ground for it to be built on and unrealistic expectations of what the other can give them. Despite all this, things seem quite happy...for a while…
If you've made it this far, <3, CONT. in pt 2.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@princesssarisa​ @superkingofpriderock​ @sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @amalthea9​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ 
Lips red as blood. Skin white as snow. Hair black as ebony. The fairest woman of all.
Snow White is one of the most iconic fairy tale characters ever created. And also  one of the hardest to portray. This happens because, the story is less about her as a person, and more about following her exploration of the world and how this world reacts to her. The tale calls her a princess, but really she is more meant to be a common everygirl for a variety of readers and audiences to see themselves in. So the greatest challenge to portray the character becomes how to make at the same time universally relatable, and an individual character, and today, i’d like to share my favorite portrayals, that camed closer in acomplishing this goal.
12º Laura Berlin in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2009)
Berlin’s Snow White acts as an outgoing, playfull young lady who deep down is trying to deal with the longing for her dead mother. And then, her father marries a new, vain and cruel woman, and sayed woman orders that the portrait of the previous queen be trown out, wich obviously makes the princess verbally snap against her father weak-willed and her tyranical stepmother. And then her father has a stroke and her stepmother orders her death. Here is a young lady in an emotinal turmoil and distress, wich makes her very relatable to audiences.
11º Nicola Stapleton and Sarah Paterson in Canon Movie Tales: Snow White (1987)
One of the first times that we see the fair princess explicitly growing up from child to young adult. Nicola Stapleton is probably more charismatic as child! Snow White, having more time on scene where she gets to sing with her father, explore the room where her stepmother keeps the magic mirror, until finally having to run trough the woods and meeting the dwarfs, but Sarah Paterson also makes adult! Snow White likable, singing about her desire to someday leave the dwarfs house because she is growing and may need her own space, and showing the doubt between fear and curiosity in her interactions with her disguised stepmother. This highlights more the themes of coming of age and confronting ones fears from the tale.
10º Yuri Amano/Donatella Fanfani/Eileen Stevens in The Legend of Snow White (1994)
In this italian-japanese coproduced anime, the twelve year old Snow White is an inquisitive, merry and kind girl, that has to adapt to a more scary reality when she has to run away from the castle to not be killed. At the dwarfs house, where she is so hungry and tired she takes all bread from a basket and sleeps for hours, she decides to give her hazelnuts and try to do shores to compensate for entering the house and eating the bread. Unfortunally, being a princess who lived in comfort all her life, she fails hard when she tries to do domestic shores, burning bread and cutting lettuce that she tought were garden plagues. But she is so sweet and kind, that it doesn’t matter. Conquering the affection of people for who she is, and not for what she can do in exchange, is the greatest strenght of this encarnation.
09º Elizabeth McGovern in Faerie Tale Theatre (1984)
A lonely girl who just wants some atention and love. Those are the characteristics that McGovern’s Snow White extablishes for herself in her first appearance, trying to impress her stepmother with juggling tricks learned with the Court Jester. Later, in the forest, when she is about to be stabbed, she prays to God for the soul of the Huntsman who is about to kill her, and to her surprise this act of kindness is what changes the Huntsman’s heart and convinces him to spare her life. In the woods she finds the dwarfs cottage, and can finally have friends to talk about things like her nostalgia for swiming in the castle moat/pit. She won’t feel alone again. 
08º Kristin Kreuk in Snow White: The Fairest of them All (2001)
In this Hallmark TV Movie, Kreuk gives a 16 year old Snow White who searches friendship in garden gnomes. In a way, she expands the theme of loneliness explored by McGovern, and goes deeper about it, relating sayed loneliness with beauty: she is an awkward and melancholic person, who feels that people only care with her pretty appearance, but don’t actually come close to truly meet her as a person. In a lesser hand, this idea of a person who thinks being considered beautifull is hard could sound absurd and over dramatic, but the screenwriters and Kreuk’s sincere performance make it a compelling dilema.
07º Natalie Minko in Schneewitchen (1992)
An energetic fifteen year old, who likes to run around to play with the Court Jester, and mess up the kitchen while doing pancakes that glue in the ceiling. Minko’s Snow White is one of the few Snow White’s who is allowed to act as a normal teenager: she makes messes, she sometimes verbally fights with people, she constantly questions the adults around her, all the wille still being a genuinelly kind hearted person pursuing the path of truth.
06º Tamara Rojo in Emilio Aragon’s Blancanieves (2005)
I loved watching the DVD of this ballet production over and over as a kid. Trough dance movements, Tamara Rojo gives us a gracious and fun princess. Whetever she goes, a party will always start.
05º Adriana Caselotti in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
My first portrayal of Snow White. The Disney version was raised working as a palace scullery maid, wich her stepmother hoped would make her ugly. But that didn’t work. She grows beautifull in body and soul: her singing voice is so sweet it is enough to make a dashing Prince fall in love with her, the animals are always engaged by her joyfull and sassy conversations, and she has a firm way of talking that assures a position of leadership among both the animals and the dwarfs who later befriend her. Really, she is awesome. What can i say about her that hasn’t been sayed already?
04º Marguerite Clark in Snow White (1916)
The version that inspired Walt Disney to make his version. Based on a 1912 stage play, this is the version that extablished being raised as a palace scullery maid as the reason Snow White is good with domestic tasks despite being a rich princess. Clark’s Snow White is also compassionate, sweet, romantic and dreamy, and she mix those qualities with some energy and spunkiness, being an almost wild girl.
03º Carol Heiss in Snow White and The Three Stooges (1961)
The sass, spunkiness and sweet romanticism are back, but with a new adition: an athletic hobby. Carol Heiss was originally a golden medal winner olimpic ice skater, and this movie was made to capitalize in her popularity at the time (along with reviving the Three Stooges popularity). So, we extablish in this version that the heroine who is linked to the snow loves the winter, and one of the most popular sports in this season. No other version before or after that did this, even tough its the most obvious and most awesome thing to do with the character. Ad to that the (uncredited) singing voice dubbed by Norma Zimmer, and you have one of the most complete portrayals of Snow White: she is beauty, she is grace, she can sing, she can cook and she can ice skate. She is the most interesting woman that ever lived.
02º Sakiko Tamagawa/Julie Maddalena in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
Orphaned from her mother at birth and having a father who is always too busy rulling the kingdom to pay attention to her, this version of Snow White grows up raised by a nurse named Doris, and playing on the garden with a young boy named Klaus. Her favorite pass time is to climb trees to pick apples, her favorite fruit. But one day her stepmother, who for years has been ignoring her, calls the princess to her chamber, and asks if she thinks herself to be most beautifull than the Queen. Annoyed with the absurd of the question, Snow White calls her stepmother out in her vanity. What follows is her running away, having to survive as a fugitive. Getting lost from her Klaus and stumbling in a root, she crawls for her life, until being saved by the seven dwarfs and their wolf friends. Time passes, and she finds a bit of fullfilment while slowly learning to do domestic chores to help the dwarfs, and finding friendship in the wolfs and a giant black bear. But she still craves to reunite with her friend Klaus and to find some love, while the Queen’s menace lures in the air.
And now the moment everyone was expecting... My number one favorite portrayal of Snow White is:
01º Camryn Manhein in The 10th Kingdom (2000)
I know what are you thinking: “Wait, a two episode cameo in a tv minisseries, instead of a protagonist, this is your favorite”? Yes. Yes, she is. In the Hallmark minisseries The 10th Kingdom, a young lady from the real world comes to the magical world to help to disenchant a Prince that has been turned into a dog. This dog prince is Snow White’s grandson. And then the heroes arrive at the Dragon Mountain in the 09th Kingdom, and Virginia has a conversation with the spirit of the late Snow White for counsel. And Snow White counsels Virginia by simply telling her story of once being an afrayed, lonely lost girl in the woods, finding new friends in the dwarfs, suffering three murder attempts from her stepmother, being aesleep for years with the poisoned apple in her troat, until the Prince’s servants stumbled with her casket so she could trow away the apple piece, so she could finally live happily ever after. While she narrates the tale, she says that she knew the danger presented by the ribbons, the comb and the apple, but she also knew that she could hide in the dwarfs cottage, afrayed to be hurt, forever. And her husband was a good man, but she saved herself from death. With that dialogue, Manheim’s sensitive and wise Snow White ressignified the fairy tale for me, making me appreciate better the story and her character. And that is why she my number one portrayal of the fairest princess of all.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Elke Arendt in Schneewitchen (1955), Maresa Hörbiger in Schneewitchen (1971) and Elaine Bilstad as White Snow in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child (1995).
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katsidhe · 4 years
Ranking Every SPN Season Finale
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15) 11.23 Alpha and Omega. Dead last because not only is Chuck and Amara’s conflict defanged with a frankly silly anticlimax, but a lot of runtime is eaten up with establishing Lady Toni getting on a plane. The great weakness of an otherwise very strong season is that none of the awful compromises Sam and Dean and Cas made (especially Sam wrt Lucifer) ended up having relevance at all.
14) 9.23 Do You Believe In Miracles. Cheesy dying dialogue, Metatron hamming it up for way too long, that facepalming “the radio was on the whole! time!” twist, uncertainty as to the motivation of the whole confrontation that ends in Dean’s death. Also, this is the beginning of the end of walking back the beautiful work the rest of s9 established, with Sam saying things like “I lied.” I don’t like Dean’s death here at all, in staging, or conceptually, or thematically.
13) 12.23 All Along The Watchtower. I am basically obliged to put this in C tier because it is quite silly, but frankly, I like it more than its ranking deserves. It has the late season finale sin of cramming in an introduction to next season’s conflict in the middle of wrapping up this season’s—but it’s absolutely hilarious that they brought in multiverse portals. And for Sam and Dean, thank god the portal appeared, because otherwise they had absolutely no plan whatsoever to deal with Lucifer, and they probably would have died gruesomely. High points: Sam discovering Rowena’s death on the phone with Lucifer; the spooky introduction of Jack, the raised stakes with Mary trapped with Lucifer. Lowest point: the utter silly pointlessness of Cas’s death.
12) 10.23 Brother’s Keeper. This is the finale that I have the strongest mixed feelings about. There is a queasy lack of self-awareness in the treacly sentiment when Sam presents family photos as evidence of Dean’s goodness. The excuse of MOC!Dean as not the “real” Dean allows for the reasons behind this confrontation to be elided, even as its themes are echoed again and again. The chilling horror of Sam on his knees in front of Dean the executioner is potent and darkly enjoyable, but the instant redirection into attacking Death prevents any kind of real culmination. I can’t decide if I like this episode or loathe it, but I do think I appreciate it more now, after 14.20 and 15.17, than I did when it aired. 
11) 7.23 Survival of the Fittest. We’re on to B-tier! There’s nothing significantly wrong with 7.23. Meg crashes the Impala through a glass sign, so that’s fun. Kevin’s there. There’s action, there’s some cool stakes for next season established, Sam is left alone, which I love. The main sin here is just that most of it is fairly forgettable, because the strongest part of s7 was always the psychological drama of the Winchesters’ disintegration and isolation, not the physical conflict with Leviathans.
10) 14.20 Moriah. Lots of my points about 10.23 apply here, but Moriah is a much better episode, both because there is actual conflict of opinion, and because there is a lot more built-in uncertainty about Jack’s fate than Sam’s. Jack and Dean are onboard with Jack’s murder, just as Sam and Dean were agreed on Sam’s death in 10.23, but this time Cas is staunchly against it, and Sam is on the fence, torn as to how to intervene. So it’s much better drama. But then the crux of the issue gets defanged by Chuck’s reveal. Great s15 setup, but kicks the 14.17-14.19 build down the road. Extra points for Sam shooting God. 
9) 13.23 Let the Good Times Roll. I fucking love the 13.21-13.23 arc. The only thing preventing 13.23 from being A-tier are some wholly avoidable mistakes. The staging is silly; a face-palming amount of time was wasted on Maggie; the wires were a deeply regrettable choice. But even with all that, what we got was great, actually! The Sam-Jack-Lucifer church custody battle is still my favorite goddamn thing. Dean saying yes to Michael was both his only smart move and a devastating sacrifice. The character dynamics here are so JUICY. 13.21-14.01 is, IMO, one of the most fertile grounds for fic and speculation in the entire show.
8) 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose, Part Two. Now we’re into finales that are fantastic without reservation. Off the devastation of Sam’s death comes Dean’s iconic deal. The actual confrontation in the graveyard is good too, though it’s second to the way we’re all reeling from part one. Azazel dies, Sam and Dean are bloodied and facing down new stakes. The only thing I dislike about this episode is John’s cameo.
7) 1.22 Devil’s Trap. This is the episode that ups the ante! Azazel in John, and Dean, and Sam, and the delicious family dynamic here; the stakes are so personal, and it’s a great examination what each of them is willing to pay for their quest: an electrifying taste of what’s to come. And the music, and the sheer fucking balls of just, crashing a goddamn truck into your main characters at the end of the first season. Nice.
6) 3.16 No Rest for the Wicked. Lilith is delightfully evil. We’re on tenterhooks for Sam to save Dean, we’re narratively primed to expect him to pull off something amazing, a last-minute miracle. But—nope! Sorry! Dean gets graphically ripped apart onscreen and now he’s being tortured in Hell! Shocking and bold, and a crucial turning point in the series. 
5) 4.22 Lucifer Rising. Fresh off 4.21 comes an excellent culmination of season 4′s devastation. The reveals from both Ruby and the angels, Sam draining the possessed nurse, Cas at last choosing to betray Heaven, and the final arrival of Lucifer: it all just works, really well. 
4) 15.20 Carry On. Part of the reason I’m ranking this so highly might be spite. But goddammit, bad wig and worse Carry On cover aside, this is a good episode, and a really, really good series finale! The deliberate anticlimax of Dean’s death, the quiet strength in Sam’s grief, the untroubled, unrushed pacing of Sam’s recovery and aging, and Dean’s drive. Supernatural said Sam Rights, and I wept like a tiny little baby. 
3) 6.22 The Man Who Knew Too Much. Adventures in Sam’s mind! Cas and Crowley and Raphael and the double cross! The taste of cosmic horror! The end of season 6 and beginning of season 7, as Sam and Dean cope simultaneously with Sam’s psychological fallout and the consequences of their most powerful ally going off the rails, is fantastic. I love the literalism and the symbolism of Sam’s reintegration: this is an unapologetically Sam episode (as are the other top four, come to think of it). 
2) 8.23 Sacrifice. Sam’s heartbreaking deterioration in the church and Crowley’s disintegration are an electrifying climax to the trials. Dean and Sam’s final exchange is a breathtaking combination of raw emotion and delirium and a fascinating guilt trip. It’s a visually and conceptually stunning episode: the angels fall burning against a night sky; Sam surrenders the trials and collapses, dying. 
1) 5.22 Swan Song. You knew this would be number one, I knew this would be number one, we all knew this would be number one. It’s iconic for a reason. Sam and Lucifer talking through a mirror; the loss of all hope and the sky-high stakes. Stull Cemetery is the defining moment of so, so much of the rest of the series. Dean’s loyalty gives Sam the strength he needs to bury himself alive forever with his worst nightmare, and it saves the world, and it’s the highest cost either of them has ever paid.  
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polaristranslations · 3 years
Yotsugi Buddy Episode 5 (FINAL)
The epilogue; or perhaps, the punch line.
After yet another week had passed.
"So? What happened this time? If you're okay with me, I'll hear you out, Araragi-kun."
"Oh, get lost... Hanekawa!?"
My former classmate who had set off a journey wandering overseas after graduating from Naoetsu High School, Hanekawa Tsubasa, was sitting right in front of me—huh!?
What happened to Gahara-san, who's usually in charge of the endings!?
"Hitagi-chan is going on a trip to Kushiro with friends from her dorm this week, so if I may be so presumptuous as to take her place."
"She's going to Hokkaido!? That Hokkaido that I have yet to visit!? With her new friends!?"
Don't do things that will hurt your boyfriend!
Well, I was highly in favor of her expanding her circle of friends... But if she really went and ate crabs there, we might have to have a serious talk about breaking up.
"But, Hanekawa, if you're taking her place... When did you even get back? How long have you been here?"
"I actually got back just now. Since it's summer break, I thought I'd spend some time with Hitagi-chan, but she rejected me. She assigned me to you, Araragi-kun."
It was also a bit of a shock to hear Hanekawa speak as if she had no intention of meeting me... But oh well.
I wouldn't normally be a fan of breaking up the rhythm of our regular interactions, but that didn't mean I wasn't happy to be able to talk with Hanekawa—even if the subject was a tragicomedy about child abuse.
The location was, as usual, the cafeteria on the university campus—it was Hitagi who called me out, so I faithfully rushed over, thinking it was the usual thing... So this was quite the surprise.
Hanekawa Tsubasa, whom I hadn't seen in several months, now had long, straight gray hair. It wasn't braided, but it was close to the length that it had been when I first met her... However, she didn't have bangs, so I guess she just kept growing them out. I didn't know what country she just got back from, but her style, with her sturdy-looking backpack and hat, seemed like she'd just come back from climbing a mountain.
Her golden-brown skin made it seem as if she'd gotten a tan at the beach or something, but was that mismatched impression just how Hanekawa was like, now?
If there was one thing that bore a resemblance to when we first met, it would be that, though she had been wearing contact lenses since the second term of her high school senior year, she had gone back to wearing glasses—it wasn't for the sake of changing her image or her character, but simply that it was more convenient for travel.
Thinking about it, wasn't this the first time I saw Hanekawa Tsubasa in plain clothes? Since she was no longer a high school girl, I suppose it was natural to see her in plain clothes... I hadn't been mentally prepared in the slightest, so even her mountain climbing clothes left me flustered.
I didn't know if I should call it a cameo appearance or a stunt double, but, well, maybe Hanekawa was more suited for the ending than Hitagi was, as far as this case was concerned.
Not just because of the character for "hane".
Although, that's where it all started.
"Ahaha, that's pretty careless of you, Araragi-kun. Anyone with the character for 'hane' is usually good for nothing."
"They're good for something! There's something good for all of them! Don't involve the entire population of people with 'hane' in their name just because of your own self-deprecation! As soon as 'hane' shows up in your name, you're guaranteed to live a long and wealthy life! You score a hundred points in name-based fortune-telling!"
"Araragi-kun, were you always that defensive of a person...? I never said anything about economic conditions or life expectancy, either."
It's not like you get scored in name-based fortune-telling, too, pointed out Hanekawa in a dumbfounded manner—damn, after not seeing her in a while, it was like she was pointing out how dull I'd become.
Name-based fortune-telling, huh.
"You really know everything, don't you."
"I don't know everything, I just know what I know. Also, sorry about this, but we're no longer in high school, so if you don't mind, can you stop calling me 'you [omae]' so brusquely?"[?]
"We're totally not on the same wavelength!"
It was like a failed attempt at a nostalgic handshake—well, I guess such awkwardness is also part of what a reunion tastes like.
"I wouldn't say you've gotten dull. In fact, I'm impressed by how much you've grown. I never thought you'd save a teacher. I'd love to tell Hoshina-sensei all about it."
"Well, I really caused a lot of trouble for that homeroom teacher of mine... Teachers, huh... If I've become a fine person, then what have you... Er, what have you [anata] been up to lately, Hanekawa?"[?]
"I didn't think you'd be this awkward. I'm just kidding, it's fine to keep using 'you [omae]'. Well, I've finally finished the first stage of clearing out the mines around some national borders."
The scale was way too different.
In that case, her mountain climbing clothes today might actually be work clothes, or more specifically, military clothes... In other words, I guess it was my fate to never see Hanekawa in plain clothes.
It made me feel like the adventure that Ononoki-chan and I went on was nothing but a small trifle.
"There's no such thing as too big or too small when it comes to helping people. You're not your sisters, Araragi-kun."
"Now that you've said that, I'm sure even Ononoki-chan can rest in peace."
"D-did Ononoki-chan die!?"
"Well, she was already dead. Well, I'll talk about that later... I have things planned out, you see."
"Surely not. It doesn't seem like you'd plan things out, Araragi-kun."
Well, maybe I hadn’t.
And that was true today as well.
"If you've only finished the first stage, does that mean there are still some mines left?"
"No, they've all been completely cleared out. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come back. By finishing the first stage, I mean that I've been freed from my debt."
"Debt? For what?"
"The debt from chartering a fighter jet to take down Ougi-chan the day before our graduation ceremony."
Oh yeah, there was something like that.
I see, so while I'd thought that everything had been finished back then, Hanekawa had been suffering from debt hell ever since... Though it wasn't as bad as my hellish spring break.
Still, I don't know if you could say "as expected", but she repaid her debt quite fast.
What an amazing girl.
"So, from here on out, Hanekawa Tsubasa is free to do whatever she wants... Free to clear out mines of her own volition."
She was saying something pretty good, but it was kind of scary... When I was back in high school, I never thought I would end up worrying for Hanekawa's future.
Hanekawa asked, switching back to the main topic.
"What happened this time? If you're okay with me, I'll hear you out, Araragi-kun."
"There would be no better person to hear me out than you."
It had already been in the news, and since she was the class president that knew everything, I didn't think there was anything I could add. But I told her the full story in chronological order, without cutting anything.
"—Ah, I guess you're not a class president anymore."
"Well, I'm still a president. Of the International Land Mine Removal U-20 Committee."
"That's insane. I never thought that my prediction that you would be a class president for the rest of your life would be fulfilled like this."
"But, I see, hmm. So it was something like that. You sure had a hard time, didn't you, Araragi-kun? But I think I understood most of it."
"You ‘understood most of it’ that easily, huh? The truth about the oddity incident that almost killed me several times."
"Did you really almost die?"
"By my estimate, at least twenty times."
"Don't exaggerate. It's an oddity story, after all. It could end up spreading."
At the very least, it was just once—when I was almost choked to death by my own clothes. At most, I'd say it was two times... With the time when I was locked in a cage.
I wasn't counting the two flights I made with "Unlimited Rulebook", since those were more like gags.
In that sense, perhaps I wasn't involved in that big of an adventure this summer... It didn't turn into anything like a demon-world-like summer vacation that could rival my hellish spring break and my nightmarish Golden Week.
In the end, this was reality.
"Honestly, maybe it would've been better if it had been you. If you were the one that Associate Professor Iesumi asked for help. If it had been you, you wouldn't have had the 'replacement child' misunderstanding when she first called you into her office, and you would have completely dispelled her suicidal impulses, wouldn't you?"
"Mm. Mmm. If it were up to the current me, I might have just let her die."
"It might have been impossible for the me of the past, too. The thought of helping an adult might not have even occurred to me... And I don't think I could have remained calm in front of an abusive adult. You remember, right? What I did to the people who raised me. Although I've forgotten... So, Araragi-kun, you're incredible."
Even though she said that, it didn't really feel like I was being praised.
If anything, I felt like a traitor. As if she was asking me how I remained so calm.
"I think all I could've done was call the cops at the very beginning, which would have complicated things further. So, Iesumi-san was right to choose you following Oikura-san's recommendation. Isn't that why Oikura-san told Iesumi-san about you?"
"Oikura would badmouth me to anyone."
Even if her words becoming the catalyst ended up being a good thing... I couldn't say that I had really been very helpful, just like with Oikura's case.
Rather than being helpful, I was completely helpless.
At least, that's how I felt.
"On the other hand, how much do you understand right now, Araragi-kun?"
"I barely understand anything. It's the same as always, just me regretting that there must have been a way to do this better."
In fact, the "past Hanekawa method" of reporting the abuse of the three-year-old daughter as soon as I heard about it wasn't so bad... At the very least, Associate Professor Iesumi would not have to be admitted to a police hospital for malnutrition, in this gluttonous country of Japan.
Her consciousness, which was already hazy on the rooftop, had been completely lost at this point... The doctor's assessment was that not only was she unconscious and in critical condition, it was unbelievable that she was still alive to begin with.
How was she still alive?
That was the one thing even the person herself didn't understand.
I may have managed to save her life, but her life was the only thing I managed to save... Other than that, I hadn't been able to save anything else.
The basic necessities of life—when I thought about how she hadn't been given any of that, and about her life from this point on, it didn't just leave me depressed.
"It's no wonder Shinobu didn't help me at all this time. What I was doing hasn't changed from what I did back then. If there's someone dying, I just can't help but reach out to them."
Shinobu probably had her own excuses... At the very least, it wasn't fair to say that she didn't help "at all". We hadn't made it to the parking lot in time, but once the sun set, it was her time to shine—when it came to the repairing and purification of Room 333, Shinobu had done a great job on all fronts.
"Wasn't Iesumi-san actually seeking help, too? She just couldn't say it like that in front of a child."
"What, is she a tsundere? An adult like her? I may not be a specialist of child abuse, and I may not be a specialist of oddities, but I am a specialist of tsundere. Well, it does make me feel a little better to think that way, even for a moment."
But I wonder.
I had also wanted to die in the past, and it was Hanekawa's words that had kept me alive at that time, which was what troubled me so much. Wasn't it just cruel to admonish a person who was suffering and tell them that "suicide was sinful"?
After being torn to shreds, it was like I was being attacked for wanting to die—wasn't that more sinful?
It was really hard to believe she was seeking help... That person may have just wanted to die.
"Then, if I unravel the mysteries that have been left behind, will that make you feel better, Araragi-kun?"
"Well, a little."
"Then, it might be a bit much, but this humble president would like to be of assistance."
Hanekawa grinned.
So that's why she was here—unabashedly showing up on a university campus that was off-limits to outsiders. Perhaps that was all according to my girlfriend's plan, as she looked forward to going to Kushiro.
But I wasn't going to let her off easy...
"Let's start off with something easy. How about the little bear doll on the roof?"
"Is that something easy?"
"I mean, it's a bear that's the size of a key chain, right? So wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that it was originally attached to a key?"
"A key..."
The only key that appeared in this series of events would be... The key to Room 333, Associate Professor Iesumi's territory... Was this about that key, which I'd finally been able to return to her that day on the roof?
"Non, non."
"A, a Parisienne?"
"There's one more key, isn't there? There was a lock to the second door, as you called it, that could only be opened from the hallway side."
"Ah... The door that Ononoki-chan kicked open."
Aha. While I'd tried to fix the hinges on that door, I hadn't performed a search for the key itself—and even in the subsequent (half-finished) search, I hadn't found it.
"From the fact that it's a teddy bear, isn't there a good chance that it was attached to the nursery key? And then—there's a good chance she threw it onto the roof."
Thanks to Ononoki-chan, my imagination had gone in the direction that it was a memory of Associate Professor Iesumi and her parents that she couldn't easily get rid of, but it could also have been a memory of Associate Professor Iesumi and the Iie-chan doll.
...And she threw it away onto the roof.
Littering towards heaven, not earth.
"Since she didn't find it cute anymore—right? Though, like Ononoki-chan said, you can get the feeling that she didn't throw it away, but failed to completely get rid of it. Considering the damage to that bear, it would've been about a year ago, right?"
So she felt the same way about the key chain as she did with her "own child"... The key that was detached must have been used without a key chain, like the key to the front door, or else she would not have been able to open and close the nursery door.
In the end, considering that she confined the Iie-chan doll and then left the second door locked, she may have even thrown away the key onto the roof... Perhaps we would have been able to find it under the rubble from Ononoki-chan's destruction.
That worn-out little bear.
In a way, it was also a remnant of affection, like the interior of the nursery.
"Even if it was a state of emergency, I would have felt bad if we turned the bitter memories of her parents into an oddity, but since it was a doll that Associate Professor Iesumi bought herself..."
"If it had been a gift from her parents, I think you would've been in big trouble, and not just in terms of your feelings. It would've been bad if it had been handmade, too—but Ononoki-chan is a professional, so I'm sure she wouldn't make such a misjudgment."
There was once a time where I created an oddity, too—said Hanekawa, lost in her memories.
Was she talking about Black Hanekawa?
No—it must be about Kako.
It was something that happened while I was away, so I didn't know all the details... But, regardless of good or bad, the fact that she created an oddity without even being a specialist made her one hell of a girl.
How long would I be able to drink tea at the same table with her, as she continued to raise her status as president ad infinitum?
"When it comes to Ononoki-chan, I gotta say I think she was making plenty of misjudgments... According to her, 'Ever since I came to live with Araragi Tsukihi, my clumsiness has shown no signs of stopping.'"
"Hm. Then, next is..."
"Can I ask something? It might be a little trivial, but..."
"You're talking about that, right? If it's a trivial matter, then you're asking why the weakness of the clothes and fabric that attacked you and Ononoki-chan was water, right?"
Hanekawa spoke as if she was completely aware.
"But, isn't it obvious if you check the contents of Iesumi-san's letter?"
"Um. No... That wasn't the question I had, but that's fine."
It seemed the definition of "trivial" differed for me and for Hanekawa... I didn't even care about something like that anymore. I'd crudely assumed that all oddities were fundamentally weak to water or something...
"Since they were oddities created by Associate Professor Iesumi, who was raised with 'water' as her 'staple food', the oddities' weakness ended up being water? But if that's the case, I would think they would grow even stronger when being doused with water..."
Like putting dried foods back into water, I guess?
No, when I found her on the rooftop, Associate Professor Iesumi declined the water I offered her... If you suddenly drink water after not eating or drinking, then was it fatal...? But then, what exactly would be the right way to treat such a thing?
"Rather than refeeding syndrome, maybe Iesumi-san just refused to be satisfied with water—"
"Rather than your ski cap and jacket just becoming immobile after getting soaking wet, isn't it more like they drank their fill and fell asleep on a full stomach? Like a baby with a full tummy after being breastfed."
It wasn't their weakness—it was their staple food.
The feeling of not wanting to be satisfied was something I could understand... If the vampire on a hunger strike, Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster, were here right now, perhaps she would have something more profound and more significant to talk about here.
"Breasts, huh... Have I unexpectedly become a man that enjoys raising children? It's true that I've always been thinking that men should be more proactive in childcare."
"Araragi-kun, when you say the word 'breasts' so wholeheartedly, it sounds like you mean something else."
"So was that what you meant when you asked, 'Did you really almost die?' When I was in that crisis, it was more like a starving baby clinging onto me, so my life wasn't actually in danger..."
"No, I think that was definitely an attack. Most likely, one made out of self-defense... Still, if it were me, I would have never put back on a jacket and ski cap that almost killed me... How afraid of hypothermia are you? You're way too paranoid."
When she said that, I couldn't say anything in response.
But it really is scary, getting pulled along by "Unlimited Rulebook" without even a seatbelt...
"I would think that, when your clothes attacked you while your focus was on the destroyed father doll, they attacked rather systematically. Otherwise, the professional Ononoki-chan probably would not have had a hard time. It wasn't that opening the closet was the trigger condition, but rather they aimed for the exact moment that Ononoki-chan's hands were full with opening the closet. So, what was the question you wanted to ask, Araragi-kun?"
Hanekawa came down to my level... It was an exchange that reminded me of when she was helping me study.
I really was a baby. Goo goo ga ga.
"Don't say that as if you've resigned yourself to it. What kind of baby are you trying to be?"
"Rather than my question, it's a doubt that Ougi...kun raised. The difference between the quality of the construction and the quality of the drawing for the Iie-chan and father dolls... Because of the imbalance between the balloon-art-like technique and the 'henohenomoheji' scribble, Ougi-kun suspected that two people were involved in the making of the stuffed animal, placing the 'estranged husband' on the chopping block."
Though it was Associate Professor Iesumi who locked up the doll, it was the husband who stabbed the doll in the back with a fruit knife—I had acted with that reasoning as a basis... No, it was more supplementary.
Well, unlike Ougi-chan's deductions, Ougi-kun's deductions were a bit more sloppy—or rather, it was designed to confuse the person he was talking to and cause havoc. So it wouldn't be weird if it wasn't necessarily correct, but still, that raised some concerns regarding the discrepancy between the construction ability and the drawing ability.
From reading the letter, it seemed that both the Iie-chan doll and the father doll were made by Associate Professor Iesumi alone... Could we just say that "Associate Professor Iesumi was good with crafts but had no talent in art"?
"Oh, something that simple... I mean, that really is mysterious. All right, let's think about it together!"
"You've gotten pretty bad at backing me up. Think back to the time where you were such a patient private tutor!"
"Ougi-chan—or rather, Ougi-kun? He didn't know about the existence of the father doll at the time, right? Then it made sense that he thought that way. But if he'd seen the doll on the bed in the next room beforehand, he would surely have thought something like this. 'This girl looks just like her father.'"
Instead of thinking in terms of the creator being the same... If I thought about it in terms of parent and child resembling each other, then the "henohenomoheji" face being shared was completely natural... Though it was more of a folk belief that girls took after their fathers.
I'd thought that the "henohenomoheji" face was too lacking in either skill or affection for a stuffed doll made to represent one's own child, but if it was actually an imitation of the doll that was the father figure—but, if that was the case, we'd have to figure out why the face of the father doll was a "henohenomoheji".
Was it skill, or was it affection?
That was lacking—
"—I guess it has to be affection."
A forged marriage for the sake of a visa.
It was not a marriage for money or fame, but a marriage for citizenship, a marriage solely on paper—Associate Professor Iesumi, who did it all on her own, probably didn't even know what her spouse looked like.
Unlike the Iie-chan doll, who she at least tried to raise for two years, she didn't even give a name to the father doll.
All she wanted was a family register.
"Even if you can't draw a good picture, you can still draw a bad one—but something like that is just a paradox for people who don't know how to draw... Couldn't she have drawn on the face of her ideal man, or something?"
"She probably didn't even have any ideals. Or wanted to have any."
The letter had said that it was a simulation for the sake of pretending to be married... Of course, I assumed it meant more than that.
Some special reason why she had to do something like that, like emotional attachment or nostalgia—but if it truly was nothing but performing a criminal act, then it was true that there was no need for ideals.
You could even say it was a hindrance.
Although, even in that simulation, she ended up failing—
"I suppose it means that even before she was unable to love her daughter, she didn't even love her husband. To read a bit deeper into it, she may have used her parents as role models... If she thought that the strong bond between her father and mother was the reason for her long years of confinement."
"...For the sake of loving the Iie-chan doll, she chose to 'separate' with the father doll? Although, since it's a doll, you can't really separate from him..."
Unlike the little bear doll, it wasn't big enough to be thrown onto the rooftop, either... For Associate Professor Iesumi, who had grown up in a cage all her life and never known the world "outside her house", it was probably inevitable that Room 333 had become her whole territory.
Her home, which had turned into a hangout for "bad things" like the former Kitashirahebi Shrine—a 3LDK of swirling emotions.
Her saying she was separated from her husband was not a narrative trick found in mystery novels—it was simply the biggest form of separation she could think of, as her knowledge only consisted of that strong bond between parents. She was at an absurd loss.
"Even though she had no choice but to do so, the fact that she destroyed those bonds from within the cage may have determined the rest of Associate Professor Iesumi's life. Maybe she left Switzerland, not because she wanted to get away from her mother, but because she wanted to escape from her sense of guilt."
Even if she was able to realize her great ambition of getting stabbed by her father after five long years... She surely didn't want to make her mother stab her father or even turn into a fugitive.
"...Ah, I see. I should've asked about that first. It's something that I asked Associate Professor Iesumi about on the roof, though I didn't get a clear answer."
A simulation that barely lasted two years, let alone twenty—with it becoming harder to love the Iie-chan doll, her arriving at separation and finally at neglect, let's just say it was another form of a bad ending different from reality. However, if there were differences between the "recreation" and reality—
"Then who was it that stabbed the father doll? As for who stabbed the Iie-chan doll... Was it Associate Professor Iesumi?"
If the doll-making was not a collaborative effort, but hers alone, then did that mean that Ougi-kun's theory about the abuse and the stabbing was way off, and it was actually the same criminal?
It was that conversation with my junior that became the catalyst for my subsequent actions, so the truth or accuracy of the statement wasn't really important anymore, but...
"I think you can just think that it happened normally. What you first assumed, Araragi-kun,"
said Hanekawa.
"In other words, the father doll stabbed the Iie-chan doll in the back, and then the Iie-chan doll stabbed the father doll in the face."
"...That's not normal at all, though?"
Rather than it being what I first assumed, it felt like it was completely at odds with what I assumed... At that point, it wasn't even a recreation of what happened in Switzerland, right?
It was only when I thought that the "estranged husband" was real that I thought that it wasn't Associate Professor Iesumi that stabbed the Iie-chan doll. And there was certainly a time when I thought that the moving Iie-chan doll had stabbed the father doll, but after reading the letter and interpreting that Room 333 was a crime scene recreation, then I would've guessed that it was Associate Professor Iesumi that stabbed the father doll in the face.
The fact that the father doll moved and stabbed the Iie-chan doll... Well, it wasn't impossible. The reason Ononoki-chan destroyed the father doll on the bed was because she'd been wary that the doll would start moving—"just in case".
Thus, it wasn't impossible to assume that the father doll had already "moved", long before that... Rather, it could even be assumed that being stabbed in the face by the fruit knife caused that stuffed doll to "stop moving".
However, if you went even further... If Associate Professor Iesumi stabbed the doll in the face for the sake of the recreation (?), then the Iie-chan doll needed to have already been stabbed in the back.
The order of events was messed up.
Twisted up, like balloon art.
I'd certainly seen the Iie-chan doll stabbed in the back—in other words, I'd seen the fruit knife. At that point, the fruit knife was in the nursery.
As long as Associate Professor Iesumi was already on the roof of the university building, not moving the slightest bit as if locked in a cage, attempting to commit an impractical suicide—she could not have pulled out the fruit knife and stabbed the father doll in the next room.
Was it a remote-controlled trick?
If she used the oddity that controlled cloth, it wouldn't be impossible... But I didn't think at all that my jacket and ski cap, the clothes in the closet or the carpet, and especially the Iie-chan doll were under the control of Associate Professor Iesumi.
The attacks had been extremely primitive.
It was true that, like Hanekawa said, the most suspicious of them all was the Iie-chan doll, who'd displayed a high learning ability... But if so, it would not be an accurate recreation.
Although, if you told me that there was no need for it to be an accurate recreation, then I wouldn't be able to respond... In the first place, it wouldn't have been a recreation starting from the fact that the country was different...
"You don't have to make it so complicated. Let's assume for a moment that it was indeed a recreation. In that case, what would be wrong?"
I wanted to say that trying to argue about what was right or wrong in that situation was already wrong, but that might be being too critical.
"Are you saying that it's actually the letter that was wrong? It was written in the narration, though?"
"Don't act like some clever reader of mystery novels. Also, don't say things as if the victim is always trustworthy."
It was something I wouldn't say, no matter what.
Narration or otherwise, the content of the letter was highly questionable—even if it wasn't groundless, it was a piece of writing meant to ascend to heaven.
From the beginning, heaven and earth had already been reversed.
It had even said something like she didn't really believe that the abused Iie-chan doll was her own child, but it was highly doubtful if Associate Professor Iesumi really, truly didn't believe that.
Though it surely wasn't a disease where she denied everything.
If anything, there were probably days she knew and days she didn't... Of course, even a guy like me had good days and bad days.
Even if the day she wrote the letter happened to be one of her best days out of the whole year, there was no guarantee that those three days she left the doll locked in the cage were at the same level of energy.
"There were probably some translation errors that came from deciphering from four different languages."
"There's no way. Meniko would never mistranslate something."
"Oh, that's some confidence you have in her. You should introduce her to me, that Meniko-san."
"Eh? Ah, all right, well, if the opportunity arises."
"So you're trying to protect her not only from Hitagi-chan, but from me as well... You're way too defensive of the new friend you made in college. It's overprotective."
However, if the crime scene that was recreated was correct, then how did we need to amend the letter's contents?
If the Iie-chan doll escaping from the cage and stabbing the father doll was the correct version of events—
"Then was the one who stabbed the pediatrician father actually Associate Professor Iesumi herself, after being stabbed and escaping from the cage? As legitimate self-defense—"
More correctly—it was revenge.
"—B-but, regardless of a doll doing it to another doll, there's no way a three-year-old without any accountability could kill an adult, right?"
"It would be impossible even as dolls. But she wasn't a three-year-old without any accountability, right?"
She was a twenty-year-old adult.
Declared Hanekawa—and that was right.
In the letter, she had written it as if she'd been a baby for twenty years, but that couldn't be the case... Like how a bound foot can still grow, a person didn't stop growing just because they were raised in a small cage.
As long as they were alive, they would grow.
Just like me.
"But... Hanekawa... Let me just say this one thing..."
I tried to come up with a counterargument as I spoke, but no matter what, I ended up being convinced.
With the words taught to her by her father, she ensnared her father and prayed for him to "kill her" over five years—but what if her ultimate goal was not to simply be stabbed in the back?
What if being stabbed was just a step in the process?
What if her objective was to obtain the knife—it made perfect sense.
And if there was something else that made sense, then the reason her mother fled... It wasn't because she was the culprit that stabbed the father—the only assumption was that she was trying to flee from her daughter's revenge.
She saw her husband killed by her daughter and ran away... She finally gave up on raising her daughter after twenty years of being there for her.
"There's another way to look at the mother's behavior. She's still on the run in order to cover up for the crimes her daughter committed... As long as she herself is on the run as a murderer, she wouldn't arouse any suspicion against her daughter."
"...So there's still love there?"
"A child will grow even without love. Like me."
She spoke rather defiantly.
"After all, whether she was three years old or twenty years old, Iesumi-san at the time could not be held accountable,"
Hanekawa continued.
That's right. Even if it wasn't self-defense, there was no way that case could be judged, whether under Swiss law or Japanese law.
Even if she was a fake teacher who had illegally infiltrated a national university and was a felon who would be imprisoned without probation, she would still be innocent of that one case. After all, who would remain normal after being locked up for twenty years? Even I had given up after just half an hour.
But Associate Professor Iesumi hadn't been given that "normalcy" since the day she was born... It was something she had no choice but to acquire herself, even if she had to lie to do it.
Experiencing the loss of normalcy was something I'd felt countless times... But what would it feel like to never have a sense of normalcy to begin with?
Locked up for twenty years—
"...Anyway, the last thing would be that. The number one mystery."
"Saving the question you want to ask the most for the end... That's a habit you've had since your high school days, Araragi-kun."
"Ah, because I'm a coward. I'm afraid to hear what the answer will be."
"Isn't it because you already know the answer to the question, even before you ask it? But, go ahead. I love it when you ask me questions, Araragi-kun."
"You love... Araragi-kun? If you're going to go that far, I guess I have no choice but to ask my final question."
"I think that joke is going a little too far for our current sense of distance. I'm going to tell Hitagi-chan."
Oof. Gauging our sense of distance was hard.
How does it go between you and Hitagi, Hanekawa-san?
Anyway, now that I've warmed things up with this lighthearted exchange...
"Fundamentally, is it even possible to keep a human being locked up, from when they were a baby, for twenty years—without letting them eat or drink?"
I wasn't a specialist of child abuse, and of course I wasn't a specialist of childcare... Calling myself a man that enjoyed raising children was presumptuous. However, no matter how ignorant I was, I knew that a baby was a living thing that could die from the slightest mistake... A weak existence that could die even if you didn't make any mistakes.
Could that state have been maintained for twenty years?
The fact that her father was a pediatrician wasn't enough for an explanation... Or rather, I could sense from the letter that she was trying to avoid that question by mentioning her father's occupation.
The explanation that the blade did not pierce the heart because it was so thin was almost comical... If she was in such a condition, wouldn't she have simply died from even the slightest amount of blood loss?
It was unclear to what extent Associate Professor Iesumi intentionally or unintentionally embellished that letter... But it could even be a lie that her father was a pediatrician and her mother was a fashion designer for children's clothing. Those occupations seemed to fit too perfectly, as if balloon artists had twisted them into place.
"If you start to doubt that much, you won't be able to trust anything—but at least for that point, I agree with you, Araragi-kun. In Ononoki-chan's words, 'That's the first time you and I have agreed on something.'"
Unlike with Ononoki-chan, that statement might actually be true with Hanekawa... We'd been having a lot of disagreements because of the misunderstanding of distance, so I'd been preparing myself for the possibility that we might not agree even now, but...
"Yeah. I think she turned into an oddity. Iesumi-san herself,"
said Hanekawa, which was a relief... No, the statement itself wasn't exactly something to be relieved over, though.
An oddity.
Just as how the Iie-chan doll became an oddity.
Just as how the father doll, my winter clothes, and Associate Professor Iesumi's clothes and carpet became oddities—and just as how we turned the little bear doll into an eyeball-attached oddity.
If Associate Professor Iesumi herself was turned into an oddity by her parents—then she would be able to stay a baby until she was twenty.
After all, I knew a young girl that was six hundred years old.
I knew a little girl that was twenty-one years old, and a tween girl that had been used for a hundred years—therefore, a twenty-year-old baby wasn't too inconsistent for me.
If she herself was an oddity, it would have been even more strange if oddities didn't continue to form in her territory, Room 333—if they didn't attack the two trespassers like immune cells with self-preservation instincts, I would think that they were actually sabotaging themselves.
It was a natural protection.
That would explain why I, a slowpoke, was able to make it in time—in other words, why Associate Professor didn't die even though she hadn't eaten or drunk anything for a week on the roof of the university.
If she was part oddity.
Then that wouldn't allow her to ascend to heaven.
Because for oddities, there was no heaven or hell.
"Her parents locked her in a cage and used her as a dress-up doll—that's more than enough to meet the conditions for becoming an oddity. I don't know how much of what she said were lies—but at the very least, she herself has no awareness of this one thing. Once she was out of the cage, she wouldn't have had a chance to use her abilities... After all, if she could use her skills freely, she wouldn't have needed to commit any crimes. It was when her crimes came close to being exposed that her defensive instincts began to run wild..."
However... The best example of this was the trespassing that Ononoki-chan and I often did, but weren't crimes basically about skipping due process and cheating to make things easier? It was disheartening to think that Associate Professor Iesumi's blood-soaked efforts were poured into a crime in order to obtain something that should be taken for granted, like human rights.
It wasn't just her parents. The world, the law, ethics, rules—everyone had neglected her.
They'd ganged up on her, and abused her.
Of course, distributing the fault among everybody was just evading responsibility by faking collective responsibility... Not to mention, she probably had people that helped her, too. Of course with regards to her rehabilitation, but her criminal activities would not have succeeded if there had not been someone that showed sympathy to her. However, even someone saying all these sympathetic things like me was probably contributing to the abuse of someone who was trying to make an effort.
If you get involved in a different way; if the person was not someone above you; if you were in a bad mood because you fought with a friend; or if you were irritable because you were hungry—you might find yourself saying that she should atone for the crime she committed against her parents, even if she could not be held accountable; or that it was too much to flee the country based on a strange assumption; or that she should have obtained a work visa the proper way even if it took a long time.
"Right. Unconsciously. Rather... Yeah, everything was just done unconsciously. Even if she was conscious of the fact that she was her father's murderer and that her mother wasn't really a murderer, I don't think she would admit it... In order to protect the self, she abandoned it—like throwing it away onto the roof. She became so good at lying to herself that she completely fooled herself."
When Hanekawa said it, the words seemed to hold greater weight.
Words as heavy as feathers, from Hanekawa to Hagoromo.
It could be said that she survived by becoming an oddity, but she couldn't be saved from the fact that the source of the passion that turned her into an oddity was her parents' love. The thing that killed her was the thing that kept her alive—so much so that she couldn't even kill herself.
In that case, when I first spoke to her at the lab, she'd seemed like such a solid, decent adult that I couldn't believe she was abusing her daughter—but that was probably because she felt so guilty about her position that she took great pains to make herself seem decent and solid. Wherever I go, it's that same "using misfortune as a springboard" that I hate, huh.
"A cloth oddity—a yokai like the ittan-momen or the shiro-uneri or the nikujuban, perhaps? Maybe the power to manipulate fabric was a talent she inherited from her fashion designer mother. In Scotland, they say that each family has a unique tartan pattern. Well, when I became the sawarineko, it's true that I never had any dreams or nightmares, but it's still troubling that the person herself has no awareness of her oddity nature."
"It's not troubling. It's her only salvation."
Even though she thought she'd finally become human once she escaped from the cage, if she found out that she wasn't—at that point, Associate Professor Iesumi would certainly give up on trying to live.
And I didn't have the confidence that I would be able to stop her then.
"I suppose we've come full circle, and it's time for the specialists to step in... Gaen-san should be able to at least seal away her powers," I said.
That would be best.
I thought I'd successfully been able to break things off with that friendly onee-san, but it seemed my debts continued to increase... Since I no longer had the opportunity to pay off my debts, a ridiculous amount of interest kept piling up.
At this rate, I'd be forced to pay back a huge sum of money after graduating from college. It was little too late to realize that I'd been set up... But since she could wait as long as four years, I guess she really was an adult. Even though she was dressed like that.
A solid adult, huh.
"Speaking of specialists, Araragi-kun, the fact that you paired up with Ononoki-chan from the start this time surprisingly ended up being the best match. Nice badi—if it had been a 'replacement child' or a 'moving doll', it certainly would have been out of Ononoki-chan's area of expertise, but an immortal oddity is right in her strike zone, isn't it?"
That was a pretty fresh point of view.
It may be a bit rough to describe Associate Professor Iesumi as an immortal monster, but considering her track record of "not growing up" and "not dying" over a period of twenty years, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she had eternal youth.
In that case, we had better get it taken care of before Kagenui-san finds out—that violent onmyouji of justice might be the only one who would enact judgment upon Associate Professor Iesumi, for the crime of killing her father.
What in the world could have happened in the past to make her dislike immortal oddities so much...? Would the day I learned about it ever come? Was it related to the curse she received for creating Ononoki-chan?
"By the way, Araragi-kun. Now that we're on the topic of Ononoki-chan, are you going to tell me any time soon? You've managed to smoothly set it aside, but what happened to Ononoki-chan after that?"
Regardless of whether or not the topic of Ononoki-chan was brought up, Hanekawa somewhat forcibly placed the trolley on the rails of the corpse doll... Many things had happened in high school, but there shouldn't have been any direct contact between Hanekawa and Ononoki-chan.
What an admirable class president, worrying about a tween girl she'd never met.
Compared to that, I was good for nothing.
I'd said that I planned things out, but in reality, I just put it off because it was hard to say... Because, as her client, I felt a sense of responsibility for the treatment she received.
"When Ononoki-chan created that eyeball-attached bear doll... That oddity, it seems Gaen-san got angrier at her than I imagined. She scolded her so much that I thought even the expressionless Ononoki-chan would start crying. I said 'more than I imagined', but I can't even begin to imagine it. Gaen-san snapped."
"Th-that Gaen-san!?"
Hanekawa wasn't acquainted with Ononoki-chan, but she was certainly acquainted with Gaen-san, so even she was taken aback—I was finally able to succeed in shocking Hanekawa.
If possible, I would've preferred to shock her with how much I'd grown—but, well, I understood how she felt.
There had been times where that onee-san had gotten mad at me and scolded me before, but she'd never snapped.
"Even though she didn't even yell at me when she saw me with a reference book that had pictures of an older woman that looked like Gaen-san..."
"Learning that fact makes me want to yell at you for it, Araragi-kun, but I don't have the authority to do that right now, so I'll just stay seated and keep listening. So what happened to Ononoki-chan? Don't tell me... She was disposed of?"
Hanekawa half-smiled and said it as a joke, but honestly, it wouldn't have been weird if that had happened—but rather, you could assume that Gaen-san unleashed her fury for the sake of avoiding that "disposal".
If it had been Kagenui-san that found out about it first, then as the "owner", she might have had to dispose of her shikigami... As Ononoki-chan had said, Kagenui-san was responsible for everything about her, including killing her.
If Gaen-san only flipped out as part of an exaggerated performance, then that would certainly be a kindness that was "typical" of her... But her style of using kindness and anger as tools of communication was rather incompatible with me.
But I'm sure that Gaen-san was defending not only Ononoki-chan but also me, so I had to approve of her way of doing things this time... Especially if I had to ask her to ensure that Associate Professor Iesumi was rendered harmless.
Maybe it was about ten billion yen?
The amount of debt I owed to Gaen-san.
It was as if Hanekawa, who had finished repaying her debts, passed me the baton of the debt king... A helpless relay.
"...Then, Ononoki-chan received a scathing lecture, but got off scot-free after that?"
"No way. Naturally, Gaen-san thought that a visible form of punishment was necessary, so for the time being, the problematic eyeball was confiscated from her."
I never thought she'd actually become an eyepatch character... It was way too visible, Gaen-san.
And, that wasn't all.
Rather than the confiscation of her eye, which would surely be returned to her when things calmed down, I would say this was a much bigger "disposal" from my point of view.
"The order was given for her to withdraw from the Araragi household."
"Hmm. Hmmm. Hmmmm?"
"A restraining order was issued against me and Shinobu... And she was told to leave her current assignment immediately. In other words, this is the end of her long freeloading lifestyle."
It would be a lie if I said that I wouldn't miss her.
But she had stayed for longer than I'd expected... She started in February of this year, so about half a year?
It was another clever thing that Gaen-san was able to do. By punishing her, she was able to relieve her of her current duties... Instead of being sent to the penalty box, she was probably on her way to her next job. She probably couldn't keep such a talented shikigami by my side.
By my side, with no problems at all.
"I see... I'm glad she wasn't disposed of, but I wonder if the restraining order meant that Gaen-san realized the danger of keeping Ononoki-chan in the Araragi household, since she's an oddity that's easily influenced by her surroundings."
"She'd have known that all along. Since she's an onee-san that knows everything... Although you're making my house sound like a danger zone."
"But it is a danger zone, the Araragi household. It's full of land mines, and as land mine committee president, it's not something I can leave alone."
Were you actually called the land mine committee president?
As for me, I was optimistic that this meant that the probation period for Shinobu and me was finally over... But the commander's resources and strategy were yet unknown.
Her true intentions surely numbered three, or four... Or even a hundred or two hundred.
"And so, I gave Ononoki-chan a hug goodbye."
"You didn't really hug her, right?"
I didn't.
I didn't even get to say goodbye... Perhaps she inherited the personality of Oshino Meme, who wasn't good with goodbyes, but after explaining the situation, the corpse doll departed from the house, as if she were only taking a break to go and buy some ice cream. It wasn't like I wanted her to leave in a flashier way with "Unlimited Rulebook"—well, I didn't want Ononoki-chan to leave in the first place, flashy or otherwise.
But, it's fine.
It wasn't like we were saying goodbye for good.
In a hundred years, we'll bump into each other somewhere.
"Nevertheless, after being relieved of her duties, on top of losing one of her eyes, I'm sure Ononoki-chan will be tasked with something even tougher than living in the Araragi household... It's pretty rare to get an ending where nobody's happy."
"Too bad. I guess that unraveling the mysteries didn't serve as much of a distraction. But I didn't come back to Japan just to see you all depressed, Araragi-kun."
So, shall I bring you happiness?
Said Hanekawa with a roguish smile.
Like that of a cat.
"What a vicious joke. You can't just go and misunderstand our sense of distance now. Regardless of whether I was influenced by Ononoki-chan, if I were a land mine, I would've exploded. Should I let Hitagi know?"
"It's shocks me to hear that you're taking it as a joke. I'm a specialist in helping you, Araragi-kun, don't you know?"
"A specialist in helping me... What a crazy specialist. You're not my babysitter. Well, if you insist, then all right. I'll take advantage of your generosity and let you help me."
"Have you thought about it? After locking you in the cage, where could that flying blanket have gone?"
"Dunno... If it was just Associate Professor Iesumi that turned into an oddity, and the stuffed doll was just one of her thralls, then I imagine it would run out of time at some point and turn back into a blanket—on the other hand, if it were recreating what happened, then wouldn't it be in Switzerland by now? Like its mother, who came to Japan to escape from her mother."
"Or perhaps, she went to visit Iesumi-san in the police hospital, sleeping as though she were dead—"
"To strangle her?"
"—To drape over her chest like a blanket, as though it were a baby snuggling up against her mother."
"...Hanekawa, that's..."
It was the most untenable hypothesis she'd made today—it was untenable, as a hypothesis, and even as just an idea.
It was almost repulsive.
Who in the world could relate to such a forced and contrived "happily ever after"? If "there are no parents that don't love their children" were words that contained no love, then "parents are everything to children" were also words that contained no love. Even if it's a baby's instinct to cling to the mother—it seemed like a much healthier wrap-up to have the blanket slowly strangle her.
"There's no way. For people like us, who are far from being bedtime stories... Did we ever once see such a happy ending that was so meaningful?"
"That's exactly why it's about time something like this happened. If the simulation doesn't pursue ideals, then reality will only get worse, you know?"
I suppose so.
Associate Professor Iesumi had been thorough in her simulation of the reality she knew, which was why she'd failed in both her marriage and her child-raising. As long as you learn from reality, you can only bring forth reality... It was an endless cycle of reproduction.
Even if it wasn't there, even if she didn't want it, what she needed to have were ideals.
Even if it's run-of-the-mill to aim for the best and end up with the worst—if you don't aim for the best, you won't even reach the next best.
"But, even if you say that, it's too—"
"No, no, I'm being completely serious. I'd like to think that I'm contributing to a world like that. I want the Iie-chan doll to stop the negative cycle of abuse begetting abuse. I want it to be able to clearly say 'no' to this unacceptable reality. Just as Iesumi-san wished."
Despite being given the name for "helping", it's something I was unable to do[?]—said Hanekawa.
"Now, time for a multiple-choice question. Choose the one you think is the correct option, Araragi-kun,"
she said, as though she was recalling being my private tutor in high school.
"Choice A. While Hitagi-chan is away, secretly go on a date with me without any aftermath. Choice B. Go with me to visit Associate Professor Iesumi to check if the blanket is there. Now, which do you think is correct?"
"...I was wondering what you'd give me, but it seems the difficulty of this is C."
I'm saved.
With those two choices, there was no way I could get it wrong.
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years
Joining the Game Late: S7E1 “Dragonstone”
Arya’s not done with the Freys. Bran arrives at Castle Black with visions of ice zombies dancing in his head. Jon and Sansa play good cop/bad cop with the Northern houses, and Jon gets a threatening letter from the new queen. Cersei and Jaime are the last Lannisters, with no allies but Euron who’s weird and wants to sleep with Cersei. Sam’s on bedpan duty and sneaks into the Restricted Section; it’s like Harry Potter with feces! Tormund has the hots for Brienne just offscreen while Sansa continues to string Littlefinger along. Arya runs into an Ed Sheeran cameo with his Lannister backup vocals. The Brotherhood runs into a Season 4 callback in the snow, where the Hound asks about Beric’s extra lives and stares into the fire before burying the people he kind of sort of killed. Sam realizes that there’s dragonglass under Dragonstone; I wonder if the name gave it away? Also Jorah is in the Citadel, huh. Dany returns to her birthplace.
It’s a bit difficult to talk much about the content of this episode, because a good half of it consists of necessary exposition dumps and character maneuvering to set the stage for this season and the next. Generally speaking I don’t mind this approach for a season premiere, especially when it also provides opportunities for solid character moments. Sansa is a real standout, because even though Jon shoots her down at the Northern council and chastises her for arguing with him in front of his bannermen it’s easy to see how she’s applying the skills she picked up from her time in King’s Landing. Without Ramsay as a (fully justified) outlet for her rage she seems to be turning into a more thoughtful and less selfish Cersei, slow to trust and slow to forgive. Cersei herself has less to work with, taking almost no time to process Tommen’s death even with Jaime before she jumps right into her newest alliance with Euron Greyjoy. Honestly Euron perplexes me, not helped by the fact that he seems to have undergone a minor redesign between seasons. He’s got a new, less flattering appearance and his actor employs mannerisms that feel just slightly unsettling. I’m not sure what he was going for, or the writers for that matter. Perhaps they felt that if they were going to add a secondary antagonist this late in the show to replace the likes of the Boltons and the Freys he’d be more memorable if he were bawdy and off-kilter. 
When it comes to the smaller bits in between the introductions and exposition the episode is fairly hit or miss. I was surprised to see Arya’s revenge on the Freys stretched into the cold open, but it works excellently and might even be more satisfying than her murder of Walder. The Ed Sheeran cameo is as silly as it sounds; I suppose you could make the argument that it’s a rare moment of levity for a character who’s gotten precious little of those throughout her journey, but that could have been accomplished so many other ways. The only worthwhile bit is where Arya bluntly admits she’s going to King’s Landing to kill the queen and all the soldiers laugh, acknowledging that Cersei is so hated even by her own family’s army that they take an assassination threat against her as a joke. Sandor Clegane also got a few meaningful moments in which to contemplate his arc. At first I didn’t recognize the dead father and daughter he and the Brotherhood came across, but eventually it’s possible to piece together that this is the family whose savings Sandor stole in Season 4. I’m still not very invested in his character, but I know a simple redemption arc when I see one, and for what it’s worth the fire/ice contrasts of this scene work too even if I wasn’t expecting that to manifest in a storyline like this one.
Far on the other end of the scale is Sam; I very much did not appreciate the montage of him scrubbing bedpans and gagging with numerous closeups of liquified excrement and nondescript soup that pointedly looks the same as the excrement. It is well-established by now that Sam is the chronically put-upon loser of the cast, so this sequence was painfully unnecessary. His conversation with the archmaester somewhat made up for it, in that it clarifies why the Citadel’s intellectualism gave way to stagnation. The show has been mildly advancing this theme with its various maesters for almost its entire run, from the time when the late maester of Winterfell dismissed the possibility of magic still existing in the world to the boy who has now grown into some sort of all-seeing supernatural being. 
Crucially though, this episode ends strong with the powerful sequence of Daenerys’s return to Dragonstone. With only a single line to close it, this scene is all about the imagery and the lighting and camera work, which highlights the fortress’s Targaryen architectural flourishes in a way that it never did when Stannis was here. It’s a meaningful homecoming with a strong punctuation mark from Dany at the end, indicating that - dramatic pageantry and pans of shit alike - this is the beginning of GoT’s final act.
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
FF7 Remake Review (Story/Finale)
No matter what I or anybody else says or what you see, you have to experience it to understand it, I mean it’s playing hardcore with the story it’s presenting, newbies are probably not going to get it yet and will probably have to wait until the next game to figure it out but that’s okay.
Playing Crisis Core before this was probably the best move I could’ve made to prepare for this, it helps gives reason as to why Cloud has all these PTSD/mental problems. I guess you could say “His head was in the clouds.” but I could see how it would turn off normies. He had future vision in this game as well (not in og), some fans may be driven off by that, but I feel like they’re purposely making it that way, I’ll talk about it towards the end.
I didn’t expect the whole “save the environment” storyline, the way it’s delivered isn’t bad though. Guess you could say that it’s “recyclable” Ha, get it?
The whole Corneo plot is just like the ‘Eye of the Beholder’ episode of American Dragon: Jake Long which is funny. Except for the hand massage thing...why IS that in there exactly? That’s super weird. In fact all of Wall Market is weird. Just take that scene out of context and it’s bait, heck, put it in context and it’s bait.
This game presents its style to you in the first ten minutes, it’s an action experience, I’ve heard it compared to Uncharted because of the set pieces but the gameplay is too different for me to compare. But is it hype? Yes.
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(Random screenshot I took) Another complaint I hear is that “this is a borderline remake, almost not even a remake.” So a reboot? I mean it’s over 20 years later and there’s a lot in there from the original and new stuff, did you just want the same game? When you see a movie remake, do you want to see the same movie? I know people hold FF7 close to their heart like I do the Lion King and whenever something comes up to threaten to take that place, they don’t like it. I don’t like the Lion King remake BECAUSE it’s the same thing, it was never going to live up or be better so I was looking forward to the new content. But they didn’t say that in the promos did they? Well with FF7, they did, they said it would be multiple episodes which I assume another will follow it in a few years, they also said they would be changing stuff, so we knew what it was going to contain, just how it was going to contain it and how much. I consider this well worth 60$, (35 hours) it's not be everything from the original game but I’m sure that game was a lot easier to make back then, you can see the amount of work they put into it and maybe they're stretching it out but I’m considering this as definitive and final as it gets, I’m down for it. I think if you expected ‘different’ then you’ll like the direction it heads. Not all characters from the original are in there (yet) and a few in particular are just teased but there’s stuff in there from the og that maybe you wouldn’t expect to be in there anymore, I can appreciate their outlandishness and loyalty in that regard, no matter how weird it was but some of it is still kind of dumb despite that.
Ok! So what about the Tifa/Aerith/Barret thing?? Well...it’s just a scene in Chapter 14, it’s not even that grand for each of them, I like the idea of the Gold Saucer event in the original more. I, of course, liked the scene I got with Tifa but I was expecting something a little more pronounced, stressed over nothing, I had to look up what the difference was because I didn’t even know that was a “special” scene. 
I didn’t expect them to go against literal “Destiny”, even with the Whispers which I guess weren’t in the original, it makes me wonder about it even more. I don’t know what predicts who joins you at the end to fight Sephi but I see people getting Barret, makes me wish. Another thing I dislike about RPGs are gauntlets, sure they make you feel powerful but failing Sephiroth and then deciding to quit and coming back to have to beat big mama Harbringer again (which I knew I’d have to do, I just don’t like it) makes it annoying, I did just fine with my equipment with Harbringer but I didn’t know about it making me weak with Sephi so I had to go back and re-evaluate then start over. But that’s just the baby gamer in me talking. I didn’t mind fighting the first two stages of him, I actually got pretty good and fast at it but the 3rd and final stage is brutal, even with 3 party members because of his Octaslash KO.
I mean we know Aerith’s fate in FF7 OG, might as well not beat around the bush about it, how do you surprise an audience that already knows the biggest spoiler? So they’re tossing it up. Ever since this was announced and we got that “Aerith Lives” cameo in Wreck It Ralph, I’ve always had a theory that maybe this remake will change Aerith’s fate? I guess we’ll see. Some characters fates have already been changed, I mean the credits even say “This unknown journey will continue.” we really don’t know what will happen.
They’ve said that the original game’s ending was the “bad ending” that they allude to at the end of this game so I see them literally making alternate timelines to change it up through these Whispers. Now I don’t know what I would think if they start time travelling and hopping dimensions, this isn’t Avengers: Endgame...who am I kidding, this isn’t Kingdom Hearts! The way it is now is fine with me, just don���t make it too complicated is all. But to say that the ending makes the rest of the game not matter, seems kind of wrong, what’s passed has passed, if they start retconning stuff then I get it but right now, it’s just saying that the future isn’t set in stone, this is a different story, the next game may even go under a different name.
Is it my favorite FF game? Well I found myself playing it for hours at a time which is hard for me to do, something I wanted XV to do so desperately for me but didn’t. I mean I would start at around 6 at night and just play until I left like leaving off or when I take a shower at 8:30 (yeah I schedule that) but with this game, I would check the time and be like “Oh it’s 8, I’ll play for another half hour and wrap this up.” And it will end up being 10:00 at night before I realize “Oh, is it really that late??” I get that for most people, it happens, they can play all the time but not me and I won’t get into why I’m like that but I will say that a game has never made me get that invested. I’ll probably end up playing the original, I know so many people say that it’s a totally different experience and I believe it. So far it is my favorite though, even if I haven’t played any of the original ones yet.
This game isn’t without flaws, when I was seeing some of the other complaints such as “being killed is sometimes out of your hands” and "some enemies are just bullet sponges, there’s no strat.” and “it’s dumb that every battle resets your gauge for everything (limits, AP, etc)” and stuff like that, I fully agree, but again it’s the light you view it in.
Does it belong in my top 15? I played it at night (as I mentioned) but that’s more or less what I would think about the whole day until I played it again. YES!
(PART 1)
(PART 2)
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danielxrk · 5 years
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                              EMPTY ENIGMA ; THE PLAYLIST ( youtube ) ( spotify )
1. ╬═  uncontainable - set it off 2. ╬═  rockstar - daddy rock (cover) 3. ╬═  bad kids - lady gaga 4. ╬═  sophomore slump or comeback of the year - fall out boy 5. ╬═  float on - modest mouse 6. ╬═  do it now remember it later - sleeping with sirens 7. ╬═  restless - too close to touch 8. ╬═  last ones left - blessthefall 9. ╬═  have faith in me - a day to remember 10. ╬═  player haters’ ball - palisades 11. ╬═  watch out - memphis may fire 12. ╬═  against the waves - blessthefall 13. ╬═  petty trappin - slaves 14. ╬═  broken - lovelytheband 15. ╬═  champion - fall out boy 16. ╬═  down for the ride - slaves 17. ╬═  this is the house that doubt built - a day to remember 18. ╬═  dream on - blessthefall (cover) 19. ╬═  immortal - palisades
1. uncontainable  ⊰ we’re taking our crown, we’re taking it now ⊱
coming out the gate, we’re swinging. empty enigma together is an unstoppable force, or at least they feel like they are-- destined for amazing things and soaring to great heights. especially on stage, they don’t back down for anything, but it applies to their true selves, too. for a bonus, daniel and woojin box, so the metaphors 👍
2. rockstar  ⊰ dude your girlfriend is a groupie she just tryna get in, saying “i’m with the band” ⊱
squall, alpha, brand, cameo and reign are wild; there has to be at least one song dedicated to it. don’t give them too much credit and think this isn’t relevant beyond the title.
3. bad kids  ⊰ i’m not that cool and you hate me, i’m a bad kid that’s the way they made me  ⊱
everyone came to empty enigma for different reasons, but all of them have at least a little rebellious bone in their body to be part of a metalcore band. there’s some defying authority, a lot of defying expectations, and a little disappointing people in their lives that don’t think the band is an honorable pursuit, at the very least. empty engima doesn’t care. all of that aside, they came together to support each other under all circumstances. you’re still good to me if you’re a bad kid, baby. 
4. sophomore slump or comeback of the year  ⊰ i’ll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it  ⊱
empty enigma is a mystery, but also a lie, based upon stage personas all of the members hide behind, giving them the power to be whoever they want to be-- different than they really are. there’s more to the song than that, though: a dedication to empty enigma’s fans, and their devotion to each other, getting through hard times, and enjoying every moment. it’s just a matter of time until we’re all found out, and they were, but at least it was on their own terms.
5. float on  ⊰ don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we'll all float on  ⊱
together, they get through everything, taking everything one day at a time, and it’s all okay as long as there’s empty enigma. [sobs into my hands]
6. do it now remember it later  ⊰ remember when they said what we want can never be done? ⊱
empty enigma has had a lot of doubters, whether it’s random people or those close to the members, but in the end, they do what they want to, and the band empowers them to say so. come on say what you think, it won't mean a thing, in the end we're gonna be just fine.
7. restless  ⊰ do whatever makes us lose control, just for a night  ⊱
they all have their own troubles, but the band is an escape from that, even if it’s just for a show every weekend.
8. last ones left  ⊰ if we’re going down, we all go down together, and that’s the way it is ⊱
somehow this song ended up on this playlist when i made it the first week of the mgas, but it has new meaning following the developments of the mgas. kenta and woojin receiving contracts, everyone wanting to hang onto the band, even to the point of wishing they wouldn’t accept their contracts. the chorus reflects their original feelings, but now it’s clear they won’t stay like this forever, but they’ll still supporting each other regardless. 
9. have faith in me  ⊰ you’ll always find me right there, again ⊱
a song about how they’ll always be there for each other no matter what, even when all else fails basically, haha!
10. player haters’ ball  ⊰ wolves don’t lose sleep on the thoughts of sheep ⊱
here we have a lovely hardcore screamo song that marks the beginning of the part of this playlist dedicated to their haters, which was relevant enough before due to people hating on metalcore in general and people in their lives trying to tell them what to do. after the mgas, the relevancy increased by 200%, since daniel and kenta especially endured some hate comments and lowkey care a lot about what people think of them; empty enigma gives them strength and makes them care a whole lot less about anonymous people tearing them down. the only truth is that you’re still unknown, and empty enigma isn’t anymore.
11. watch out  ⊰ we came to change the game so get out the way ⊱
this is another self-hype song and a lil bit to haters too, and their intention to be successful and their belief that they already are just doing what they’re doing. this is another one that applies more mgas considered, because this is relevant to when they first set foot on the show. (fun fact: this was a contender for between fear and faith’s title track.)
12. against the waves  ⊰ but if it’s all the same, they’ll find the worst in you ⊱
pt 3 of songs to their haters, and a vow to stay strong in the face of them and any adversity, and the chorus applies to them wanting the band to be a source of support for people going through the same. i wonder why that “nothing can last forever” line is there haha how is that relevant haha
13. petty trappin ⊰ you say i’m everything you despise, everything you don’t like ⊱
this is the final and most relevant song dedicated to haters, all a highly applicable message to anyone that talked shit during the mgas, supercharged with some unshakable empty enigma confidence. every person that hates them is a person that can’t stop paying attention to them, after all. also a song in my potential ee follow up album playlist because they truly could’ve written this song.
14. broken ⊰ i like that you’re lonely, lonely like me, i could be lonely with you ⊱
all of the members were a little broken, and maybe they still are, but at least they’re broken (and maybe a little lonely) together where they didn’t quite fit in anywhere else. daniel also met most of them late night at a party, so that’s a bonus. (extra bonus: this is the first song i ever associated with ee; i think it was back in october 2018 or something and that think i could love you but i’m not sure line always made me think of nielwoon, perhaps i’m a psychic.)
15. champion ⊰ i’m a champion of the people who don’t believe in champions ⊱
one of the last songs added to the playlist, this is dedicated to their dreams and touches back on that constant theme of being some kind of outcast and underdog. it also highly applies to the mgas (if i can live through this, i can do anything) but this playlist was still finished by episode two of the show, so that i’m calling you from the future to let you know we made a mistake line was foreshadowing?? ee mgas was a mistake. maybe
16. down for the ride ⊰ taking over, feeling at home with you ⊱
empty enigma is home, as a band or just the friends that make it up. they leaned a lot from each other, and the band was a crazy ride-- one they’re still on together and might be too attached to. (moving forward, learn to let go.)
17. this is the house that doubt built  ⊰ we’ll sing like everyone when they’re alone ⊱
a mix of several moods on the playlist: empty enigma as an escape, strength and something that makes them feel fearless, and teamwork on top of that. it’s also a bit of a reference to their secret identities, why they used them, and what they’ve learned from them. (when you find yourself please let me know.)
18. dream on  ⊰ sing with me, just for today; maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away ⊱
the original intent of this song in the playlist was because this was probably a cover on the band’s early setlists, and you know, the whole concept applies to people going after their dreams together and performing to cope with everything, but post disbandment(?) this hits different. don’t make me explain it and just listen to it. thank you.
19. immortal  ⊰ i’m not dying, no i’m not dying today ⊱
this is the band’s lead single on their first album. please proceed to between fear and faith.
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ourmanifestoisfun · 6 years
4x13 episode thoughts
Aaaaaand pivot! Once again, we are off in a new direction.
Poor, sleepy Rebecca. But I’m glad she’s getting used to being on meds now and adjusting
I would not have expected a La La Land parody, but I love “Another Day of Sun”, so “Anti Depressants Aren’t Such a Big Deal” was a fun surprise.
Jayma and Philip came back (with a baby!)
so did Ally, moving guys and others! These were fun cameos
Love Dr Akopian getting another song, and the tap shoes for a big group number was super fun.
The heist to get Paula to the Bar exam was lowkey but I love it, especially sneaking around with the gurney in the background of the other plots.
“I love my husband” oh Hector, don’t do that to Heather
The little spiel on nurses was absolutely wonderful and needed
The two Dr Roths! And one of them had blood all over him.
I would have never expected an “End of the Movie” reprise, but it was fun, mostly because the original came at such a serious moment, where the story itself had to tell Rebecca that things would be all right, and in this reprise, Rebecca is crankily acknowledging that the story is nudging her into a new realization by accidentally locking her in the morgue and forcing her to face three dead Rebeccas.
I’m happy that she’s trying out for community theater, but since she can’t sing and I’m not too sure about her acting, my guess would be that she ends up being able to direct or do something similar. Given how well choreographed the numbers in her head are, I think she would be really good at managing the shows rather than going on the stage directly herself.
Of course Paula still knows the phone password. Of course.
Callback to “she’s my best friend but I’m not hers”
Darryl got a new love interest! And it’s MINDY ST CLAIR
This blows my mind in ways I can’t even begin to describe, you guys, because April is so not like Mindy St Clair at all but that’s all who I can see.
They seem like they would be a cute couple though - she seems super chill. She brought her own bean dip!
Love Madison and Chloe’s rivalry and their shared scheming to get their parents to bond once they realized what was going on.
Cough Boy is the new Santa Ana Winds guy. And squirrels SUCK. And this hospital needs better quarantine.
Nathaniel trying to form a guy group while stuck in the sick ward was utterly silly but I really liked it, because while he is kind of overcorrecting, not only is he making an effort to actively break the ice, but it amuses me that he tries to do that specifically with Rebecca’s other exes (hey, it worked for her!)
Three Musketeers neeeerd
I’ve wanted a Josh/Greg confrontation for a long time now, and I really appreciated finally seeing it play out, though it was more bittersweet than I expected, with them (well, Josh) realizing that they have simply grown apart. 
Also, Greg did have sex with a bush. A bush. He had sex with a bush. Josh’s bush, actually. 
Lollllllll that actually killed me
Also Nathaniel’s expressions when he hears about what happened before he first came to West Covina
I never thought that Nathaniel could be the rational one in an encounter between all three of them, but there you have it. I expected him to say something totally inappropriate in front of the storytime Greg and Josh crashed into, but he actually handled that pretty decently.
“Real Life Fighting is Awkward” was WONDERFUL, oh my god. That was a delightfully pathetic fight, minus Josh’s initial kick.
THE ACTION SEQUENCES, those must have been so fun to dress up for.
I loved the West Side Story sequence, that choreography looked great, and it was a Kat Burns cameo!
“Have a good showwww” - that is super familiar inflection
Also I died when Greg triumphantly brandished his weapon, only to realize that oh my god, it’s a scalpel and can cause serious damage.
Greg and Rebecca’s breakup was lowkey and sad, but well-handled by both of them. I’m glad that Greg found out about Rebecca’s spiral directly from her, rather than from the other guys.
Now we’ll need to see how he processes his feelings on this. I don’t think he will relapse, but he is still in recovery and that is a challenge.
I still think she needs to apologize to Nathaniel, but we’ll see if that actually happens.
So, Josh officially has the feels. Been wondering when that would come up, given the interviews, because the boy is coming in late.
I love their friendship and I’m actually okay with whomever she ends up with, though I do have my own personal bias, but I kind of wish they had talked more about what Rebecca had done to him, because that shit got really heavy, and it would have to be addressed if they want to come around full circle with him.
Two other main issues: Rebecca would need to be okay with the fact that Josh is not quick on the uptake, which...she has not been in the past, so they’d have to address that. The other one is that I’m pretty sure that part of Josh’s arc includes getting a place of his own, just because he has never lived alone, so I don’t know how that would interact with a potential romance arc.
Actually, we now officially have three guys who still are in love with Rebecca Bunch, while Rebecca is legitimately focused on herself again.
I have some ideas about how this will play out, just given what we’ve seen of the guys’ trajectory and that they still have a ways to go.
Rather than the three guys starting pursuing her explicitly (especially given Nathaniel’s episode recently was about not imposing his feelings over her own), I wonder if this setup, and Josh and Nathaniel’s smiles, were just there to openly acknowledge that all three guys’ feelings are still extant.
Ever since we found out that the series would end on Valentine’s Day, I’ve been wondering if the “choice” would be held out until the very last episode of the series. If that is the case, my guess is that she will have her main storyline, but will have moments teased with each of the guys over the course of the final episodes. Their stories would be more focused on rounding out their development rather than pursuing Rebecca, and at the end all of them would be in a good place, and that’s when Rebecca would make a “romantic choice”. Which still doesn’t rule out her not ending up with anyone, but that’s what I’m thinking the show might be going for.
Right now, the guys’ arcs seem to have these things unresolved:
What Josh wants to do with his life/getting his own place, because while it’s great that Rebecca is giving him such a deal on rent, I think he really needs to live on his own at some point.
Nathaniel’s issues with his family, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that includes him walking away from the firm. Also probably still needs to start therapy.
Greg’s issues are harder for me to pin down, but I’m guessing it would be seeing more of how he is able to process his problems without being self-destructive and keep moving forward with his life plan.
Anyways, once again I have no idea what will happen next, and now we have a month hiatus, so let the rampant speculation begin! I’ll be in a corner writing fic.
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nextbigaiello · 5 years
Count Floyd...Why Was He Just EVERYWHERE!?
Okay so like I should preface that I have no problem with Count Floyd. On the contrary. I actually love Count Floyd and the fact that SCTV news anchor Floyd Robertson was his alter ego. The two could’ve just been two separate Joe Flaherty characters that had the same name, but they actually went out of their way to make the connection, and I absolutely love that. I already loved Floyd and his clear superiority over Earl Camembert, and adding onto his character with another opposing side really upgraded him to one of my favorite characters in SCTV. Both are hilarious characters. Floyd’s straight and narrow need to mock Earl and just tell the news for the adults while trying to be a recovering alcoholic, and his switch to a goofy and child friendly who knows he’s shelling out shit on Saturday nights make the character more than just one note. It really makes me happy when they acknowledge that both Floyds are the same Floyd in universe. The first time was in the very first edition of Monster Chiller Horror Theatre (from series 1, episode 18), where it was clearly mentioned in the opening credits: "With Floyd Robertson as Count Floyd." During one newscast, Earl gave a heartfelt testimonial to Floyd who had been at Rolling Hills Rehabilitation Center for the past year, mentioning that in addition to his news career, he had delighted children for years as Count Floyd. Another was in the very last edition of SCTV News (from series 6, episode 17), where an obviously inebriated Robertson showed up late to the newscast after a Monster Chiller Horror Theatre taping, still wearing his Count Floyd makeup. During that broadcast, he announced that Monster Chiller Horror Theatre's sound engineer was retiring, thus completely upstaging Camembert's announcement that he was retiring from the newscast; which is my favorite moment of this. Floyd Robertson being Count Floyd was a favorite fun fact of mine. But, the two characters started to separate and one got more attention than the other.
Sure! As is to come with great characters! Count Floyd had a powerful personality that was much stronger than regular Floyd Robertson, who was typically just the straight man to Earl’s antics. It is to be expected that more extravagant and formulaic characters would be more popular and thus be used more often. There’s nothing wrong with this. It just personally saddens me in this particular case because I really liked that Floyd Robertson was Count Floyd and had another side to him that could be let loose, and they just kind of threw that away making me wonder why they would go out of their way to combine the two if one side was going to have more of a separate impact. I don’t know. But don’t think that I hated Count Floyd because of his popularity boost. No no. He was still great; with his werewolf howl that he had and I never noticed as to why a vampire would howl nor seemed to care until Joe Flaherty on a podcast decided to call everyone out for not realizing it and now I feel dumb.....thanks Joe. But Count Floyd and Monster Chiller Horror Theatre was great! But Count Floyd was used A LOT with other projects and I don’t know necessarily why.
In SCTV, it didn’t bother me that Count Floyd became his own entity and focused on Monster Chiller Horror Theatre and being scary more often. But it was when he spun off into other media that I started to wonder....why the hell is Count Floyd in this?
Count Floyd (1982):
So this is a mini album....a VERY MINI ALBUM. There’s only four songs and they’re all strange. It's basically a comedy album and it sells that really well. I just don’t know exactly why they made it, especially in the height of SCTV. But prominent writers Dick Blasucci, Mike Short, and Paul Flaherty helped write and produce this with Joe, so there was some strength with this. It's just a strange little thing (literally) that kind of just escapes under the radar. If you want to check it out, go ahead. But don’t use it to nod off and get a lot of work done.
“The Weapon”, Rush (1984): https://youtu.be/iTBx0P0zOqA
Now I just stumbled on this today, but I feel like it should have a small mention. It’s not crazy like the other stuff I’ll talk about. In fact, its really cool and dope. It's interesting because this is just after SCTV, and we know Bob and Doug McKenzie were able to have Geddy Lee on their album in ‘81 due to Moranis knowing Lee from school, and we all know just how popular the McKenzies were and still kind of are. But Count Floyd had an opening video for the song “The Weapon” on Rush’s Signals and Grace Under Pressure tours, and it's a nice little fit. They use him well and it looks like everyone had fun.
The Completely Mental Misadventures Of Ed Grimley (1988)/ Cartoon Planet (90s): https://youtu.be/DcNi9qoaKqM
This is an interesting choice. Not a bad choice. Just an interesting one. The Completely Mental Misadventures Of Ed Grimley is really fun and weird and I highly recommend seeing it if you haven’t already. Even for an SCTV fan, it's very weird. Each episode actually pauses and takes time out to dedicate time to Count Floyd, which are live action segments against the cartoon world. It was no longer about scary movies and 3-D glasses, but a show about Count Floyd telling scary stories to an audience of kids who would mock him and tell him he wasn’t scary. But Count Floyd knew that the child friendly content wasn’t scary, and he always tried to make it sound scary so he could get paid.....that’s what his character was. But now he’s almost insulted now, when really the real Floyd could tell those kids to take a flying leap if he could. The reason for Count Floyd being on the show is because its Ed Grimley’s favorite show. Fair enough. I just think this starts a “Count Floyd is really just for kids” idea. Not that we wasn’t supposed to be something kids couldn’t watch, but Count Floyd and especially SCTV was something for all ages, and Count Floyd was meant as kind of a parody of those kinds of child friendly/spooky hosts from the 50s and 70s, so it wasn’t to be too sincere. But this started the trend of child friendly Count Floyd, and it would only go downhill from here.
Cartoon Planet just recycled the segments years later so they could have content. It features the characters from Space Ghost: Coast to Coast in a way that they’re trying to connect the two, but its clunky.
Making Real Funny Home Videos (1990): https://youtu.be/wLCDwrLCOVA
God this fucking thing-SO...I hate this. ‘Why’ is the biggest question I have for this. I don’t know the reasoning for this. All I know is that its dumb Count Floyd camp.
Basically what it is, is a “how to” style video in which Count Floyd....fully as Count Floyd, mugs to the camera for 30min and fails at teaching people how to make America’s Funniest Home Video videos. I’m annoyed by this VHS tape because this completely ruins the Floyd lore and makes Count Floyd this somewhat unstable and sad man. He has a full ass family; in SCTV he was “living with a girl and he wasn’t even married”, but also alluded to having a nephew. He never gets out of the character, and it kind of seems like he just kidnapped this family. Its less charming because this isn’t the same character from SCTV. This is a mad man who thinks he’s a vampire.
Look it isn’t the worst thing ever like I’m making it out to be. Its just character assassination in an extreme sense and its not even that funny. But I would at least check it out once if you want to see a strange little VHS score.
Smoke Detectives with Count Floyd (1990): https://youtu.be/2xb_My1HN6c
Must Be Santa (1999): https://youtu.be/1uXB9IR9vOw
A Canadian lifetime movie from 1999 has Count Floyd in it for a rough estimate of ten minutes. I also found this today. I skipped through it just so I could see how big a part he plays in the movie, and again....he doesn’t. The reason he’s there is because the main character’s name is Floyd Count, and the North Pole or whatever tries to do research on him because he’s like the new Santa, but Count Floyd shows up on the monitor instead and won’t shut the fuck up. It is a dumb cameo because its probably to be expected that they called the main character Floyd Count just so they could make this joke. But Count Floyd doesn’t do anything except howl and do intros to Monster Chiller Horror Theatre. A small cameo, but a dumb one nonetheless.
“Nightlife”, The Wet Secrets (2014): https://youtu.be/zYV1K3wyCnQ
It took a while, but this is a really good Count Floyd cameo. Well, I shouldn’t say its a Count Floyd cameo, more that its actually a Joe Flaherty cameo in which he plays a vampire. The music video is really cool and I appreciate it on a greater level because it kind of shows the difference between the past and the present and getting older, and how everything sucks, and especially that Joe Flaherty doesn’t need all this youthful shit that we have now. It's a really great video and song, and the end of the video gets me every time!
A Conclusion
Count Floyd is a really great character. I love his howl, his painted on widows peak, and his desire to sell kids cheap 3-D glasses for a stupidly large price. I love the fact that he was this alter ego to his staunch opposite, and the two could coexist together. I’m just annoyed that there were too many changes to cash in on popularity. If Count Floyd and Floyd Robertson were still the same person, Count Floyd wouldn't have been in those kid oriented projects. Because I like to think that Floyd Robertson has dignity (I mean as much as he can being an alcoholic). I like to think that Joe Flaherty is above this, and I think my grievances mostly stem from that.
No one talks about Joe Flaherty in the same sense of every other cast member from SCTV or the Second City stage. Sure hardcore comedy people will regale him as comedy gold, but that’s because he is. But there’s only so much I can take when I can only describe him to people as the dad from Freaks and Geeks and the “Jackass” guy from Happy Gilmore. And I’m not discrediting those roles at all. I love Freaks and Geeks and the part he plays in the show, I just wanted him to do more with that show! And Happy Gilmore is a really good movie and I actually really like that he’s given a somewhat big role in it. Joe Flaherty just flies under the radar for most people and it makes me sad. Especially when a lot of movies he does get to be a part of, they’re usually shit (Dogmatic, A Pig’s Tale, Home On The Range), or no one has ever heard of them or acknowledges him in the small role he plays (Going Berserk, Stripes, Snowboard Academy, Used Cars, Back To The Future Part II, etc..). Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird is my favorite movie of all time (sharing the #1 spot with My Blue Heaven) and Joe Flaherty is a big reason as to why that movie is continuously great. I just wish he got more recognition, and had film and tv roles that weren’t so cheap. He’s a comedy icon, and I want him to be treated as such. Count Floyd was a great character for him, but so was Floyd Robertson...and Guy Caballero...and Sammy Maudlin...and Norman Gorman, and Big Jim McBob, and so many others!
In the end, I just want Joe Flaherty and his creations to be cherished fondly. I want the character of Count Floyd to be the same Floyd from the very beginning with no hang ups and children to kick him while he’s down. Because then I know that comedy can still be just as funny throughout the years without aggressive changes that shoots for too low or too general an audience. Everyone can laugh at Count Floyd trying to describe the plot to the lost footage of “Blood Sucking Monkeys From West Mifflin Pennsylvania”, but I can’t say the same for adult child Count Floyd. To take from Guy Caballero and his wheelchair, all Count Floyd needs is some respect.
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sunsetbeachsoap · 5 years
Hollywood: Daytime Goes to the Beach Aaron Spelling will bring sunshine and sand to set-bound soap operas with his new ‘Sunset Beach’
Nov 4, 1996 By Betsy Sharke Except for a nasty cold, Aaron Spelling couldn’t be in much better spirits. He’s spent most of the day with his office crammed full of wardrobe racks and cast members from Sunset Beach, the first daytime drama that Spelling Entertainment has ever done and the first daytime drama to be introduced on network TV in eight years (1989’s Generations was the last — and it didn’t).
‘We brought in 12 racks of clothes,’ says Spelling. ‘I think fashion is as important to a serial as anything else.’ Fashion sets the tone. It defines the palette. The length of a skirt, the style of jeans, can tell the viewer volumes about a character before the first word of dialogue is spoken. Spelling already loves the Sunset Beach cast — their names have been added to his annual Christmas party list — and on this day he is doling out advice to them on everything from buying a new car to renting apartments to how to handle fame, should it be lucky enough to come. He has issued his no-hair-changes dictum — Sunset cast members had better be happy with the style and color they start the show with, because Spelling isn’t about to let them confuse a new audience with a makeover any time soon. It is a long-standing rule for a Spelling show, and his staff knows that he’s deadly serious about it even if some of the awestruck actors don’t — yet. On Jan. 6, Sunset Beach will hit the air. ‘The series is a critical component of NBC West Coast president Don Ohlmeyer’s plan to make the network’s daytime schedule as potent as its prime time. NBC is in third place in daytime, though the net is up 20 percent this season and is closing in on second-place ABC. Ohlmeyer has his sights set on first, which CBS now owns. ‘With Sunset, we have something new and hot and exciting,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘(In) the ‘80s, NBC daytime basically disintegrated. We are in the process of rebuilding, but we have to deliver the goods. That’s how we’ve built prime time, with distinctive programming. ‘There hasn’t been a successful soap launched in 10 years. It’s very difficult to do, but with Aaron’s touch and looking at the cast we have, we think it’s worth the effort. Some of our affiliates are very receptive (to the show) some, we’re in the process of kidnapping their children.’ On Stage 11 at NBC Studios in Burbank, carpenters and set designers are working late into the night to complete the sets that will form the primary backdrop for the show. The small community of Seal Beach, roughly a 90-minute drive south of Los Angeles, has been scouted nearly grain by grain of sand. It will be the exterior home for Sunset, and unlike most daytime soaps, the location will be a frequent player. Last week, readings and the first of three weeks of shooting exteriors began. The Santa Anas — California’s devil winds — stirred up the sand, making it sting on the skin. The water, which is never warm at Seal Beach, was even colder than usual. But no one was complaining. The 22 actors who will give shape and form to Sunset Beach are a beautiful bunch indeed, a canvas of racial diversity plucked from the talent pool in New York, Los Angeles and other cities including Philadelphia, the hometown of Spelling Entertainment president Jonathan Levin, who went back for that casting session. They are also young faces, part of the strategy to make Sunset a daytime soap for younger viewers, to do for daytime drama what Ricki Lake did for talk, at least in terms of attracting a new audience. Spelling is considered a master at casting, instinctively knowing which faces will work together as a couple, which actors will have that all-important element of chemistry. Now the virtually unknown Sunsetters are all in front of him, many meeting for the first time, and the air is electric. ‘One of my favorite sports is finding new people and combining them with other people, and I had used so many people from daytime on our soaps,’ says Spelling, whose legacy includes such prime-time legends as Loveboat and Dynasty. The company is currently on prime time with an unprecedented four dramas: Melrose Place; Beverly Hills, 90210; Savannah; and Seventh Heaven. Sunset has been 18 months in the making, and Spelling is like a proud papa, surrounded by actors whose future he has just secured. The series, which is co-owned by Spelling and NBC, has a one-year commitment from the network. That’s 51 weeks of shows, 255 hour-long episodes guaranteed. ‘I wouldn’t tell Candy, my wife, for a week after the show was sold, but my daughter Tori is a daytime addict, and she kept saying, ‘Do it,” says Spelling. With four shows already on the air, he has little time. Launching a daytime soap would siphon off even more of it. ‘I don’t think it hit me for a while. OnMelrose, we wrap on the 22nd of November and don’t come back until January 5th. The actors and writers get a chance to rest. This is never-ending. But it’s been a strange, great experience.’ Worldvision, which sells Spelling’s shows internationally, already has 10 countries signed on for Sunsetwithout one scene shot, based on a four-minute video that outlined the premise of the show and included Spelling talking about it. The foreign sales are important, as is NBC’s share in the financing. Mounting a daytime drama from scratch is a massive undertaking. ‘It requires the logistics of mounting a military campaign,’ says Levin. ‘There’s huge construction, there’s an enormous amount of lighting, tremendous casting, wardrobe problems. It’s not like prime time, when you see life in a kind of episodic way. Daytime is an endless stream of programming that, once it’s begun, can’t be stopped.’ Ohlmeyer puts the production investment alone at about $50 million. ‘Then there’s the cost of launch, advertising and promotion — it’s a major commitment on our part,’ he says. ‘With daytime, you’re not really going to know anything concretely for 18 months. I feel we’re very much on track. We’ve done this in a really organized way in terms of laying out target dates, scripts in by here, cast in place by here, task force working on clearances to this point we’re right on schedule. That still doesn’t change the pucker factor.’ NBC was initially looking at four ideas, Spelling’s idea among them, for a daytime soap. Spelling’s concept originally was loosely defined as ‘Melrose Place at the beach.’ When they began to look seriously for a title for the new show, Spelling ran a title contest in-house. The winner would get $200. There were dozens of suggestions, but the most serious contender, Never Say Goodbye, came from an unlikely source: Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone, who suggested it during a dinner with Spelling. ‘I loved the name — it says romance, which this show is all about,’ says Spelling, whose company is part of Viacom. But in testing, viewers were drawn to the ‘beach’ motif more than anything else, Spelling says. Executive producer Gary Tomlin (Santa Barbara) and Robert Guza Jr. are the people on the front line of the creative side of Sunset Beach. The initial groundwork on the series was done by Chuck Pratt, who was an executive producer on Melrose Place, and Guza, whose work everyone knew from Spelling’sModels Inc. Together they wrote a nearly 400-page bible outlining Sunset’s premise, characters and storyline. Spelling remembers the bible for Melrose Place being closer to 40 pages. Unlike most daytime dramas, which tend to build their storylines around families and family rivalries,Sunset Beach is about young singles and couples who have been drawn to the town, and the relationships that emerge as the action unfolds. The producers also created an underlying mythology about the town as a place where one can find true love. ‘We loved the idea of creating a town and making the town a character,’ says Guza, who is cocreator and head writer. ‘(With) Sunset Beach, you get to create this world and these characters, and then you get to screw up their lives.’ Sunset Beach is being written at a faster pace than traditional daytime dramas. It’s a delicate balancing act to move action through each episode without losing the audience. ‘We would love it if people watched five days a week, but they don’t,’ says Tomlin. Three days is more typical. ‘We have to make certain they’re able to pick up where the story left off and that it hasn’t moved so rapidly that they can’t figure it out.’ The show is also being designed to allow room for cameos by big-name prime-time stars. Spelling wants to give viewers as compelling a reason as possible to tune in to Sunset. ‘On top of needing to have a terrific show, you are fighting against viewer habits that are long, long ingrained,’ says Levin. ‘It is very difficult to change the loyalty of the daytime viewer, and we’re talking about shows that have been on for 30 years. That’s one of the reasons we’re targeting young viewers — they’re the most available and the most flexible in their viewing habits.’ Then there is the station lineup. Affiliates exert their independence far more in daytime than prime time. NBC says that Sunset is cleared on 85 percent of its affiliates; the network expects to reach 90 percent by the premiere. With the cast now in place and the first rolls of tapes being produced, the network knows that stations that are wavering at least will have something concrete to see. ‘Will we get sufficient coverage — that’s a constant battle,’ says Levin. ‘Will the local affiliates elect to air the show in desirable time slots that will afford us the best opportunity to be sampled? These are things we are lobbying for but ultimately we don’t control.’ Spelling and NBC executives hope that Sunset Beach will be scheduled to follow Days of Our Lives, which has made a dramatic turnaround. ‘Over the last 18 months with that show, it’s been unbelievable, going from being in the middle to the top,’ Ohlmeyer says. ‘If we can get that kind of performance from Another World — and we think we’re finally on the right track there — with Sunset Beach we could have a solid three-hour block.’ Copyright ASM Communications, Inc. (1996) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/esearch/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=510703
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miloucomehome · 6 years
Thoughts, feelings, theories and assessments (esp. the 02 kids and adventure kids’ relationships) before the premiere of the final chapter
This sort of morphed from a short thread on Twitter with some friends a while back and it was as if a lightbulb went off in my head. There might be some holes and here and there, but hear me out (It’s long. I’m so sorry. Go make tea, a snack and come back and read)
First: If you haven’t already, rewatch the first 5 movies. It’s well worth it.
This post contains spoilers for Parts 1 through 5. No spoilers from the advance screenings of Part 6 are in this post. (I’m a spoilerphobe with tri of perhaps the highest order)
So here’s a few things:
All 12 of them seeing each other at once was not a regular thing. It wasn’t in 02 for the Adventure kids, that’s for sure and each episode showed this early on.
Them not being in daily communication for days or weeks was probably normal too given how things may have become for them as Chosen. They had no reason to worry--there was peace. Everyone was busy and had their lives
Whatever the 02 kids encountered prior to Part 1, it may have occurred swiftly. In other theories I’ve tried to come up with, this is one thing I think is a strong possibility. There’s been theories floated that maybe Maki deliberately sent them there because they were the active team, but what if in an emergency with no way to directly communicate, in desperation the 02 kids were sucked into the situation out of a sense of  duty and urgency?
Say in an emergency, Gennai (good) urgently tries to get a hold of the Chosen--anyone they can get--and they discover that communications have been hampered. They try and try and get a hold of the 02 kids first. Not all at once, but maybe somehow Ken, Daisuke, Iori and Miyako were able to link up. Maybe even Iori and Miyako suggested they try and get Takeru and Hikari, but they can't--time is of the essence and their help is needed post haste so they leave...and end up in an unwinnable situation.
While faced with this, the kids try to message for help as one by one--Imperialdramon, Hawkmon and Armadimon’s evolutions--are taken out, but they realize their message can't get through much like how Takeru's D-Terminal couldn't send messages in Part 4. (Maybe related: Koushiro notes he can’t get a hold of Gennai in Part 4) They're stuck with no way out nor way to call home and before they can run and seek shelter, they're all taken out (image of the final panning shot)
Due to the state of their relationship and not being in constant communication with one another, their “non-responsiveness” hasn't raised flags yet given the timeline of the films and ever-evolving and rapidly changing priorities. It could be in Part 6, albeit a bit late, they will realize they need them and *thats* when things click. I’ll concede that there is a bit of explaining to do on this point whether it’s a friendship question, or that “External Forces” (Homeostasis, the Agency, Mysterious Man, the World/Digital World) are at play.
(More after the jump!)
The 02 kids are missing because of an event out of their control that we can see from the opening act of Part 1: Reunion.
What happened before that dramatic moment is where my theory comes in.
We know from Takeru in Reunion that the Digital Gate has been closed for a while and even though the Adv kids are in the Digital World right now, they got there through unconventional means which bypassed that block. Let’s assume that when the Digital Gate closed, for whatever reason, it was after a period of extended peace in the Digital World--Gennai (the real one) decided that they should let him and the Agents take care of fixing it and let them relax. After all, they had defeated BelialVandemon and Oikawa became an extra barrier for the safety of the Digital World, there wasn’t any need to be worried.
Over time, maybe during this peace, the 02 kids and Adv kids find themselves in a kind of “retirement” or hiatus from their duties as Chosen. They’re not rushing to intercept trouble or prevent anyone from taking over the Digital World or being summoned by the Sovereign Digimon to reinforce the barrier between the Worlds so they all aren’t really needed at the time.
It’s very in-character for Gennai to tell the kids to take it easy. I could see him not having any reason to be concerned. “We don’t get together as much as we used to anymore”
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I strongly believe Koushiro’s line in Part 1 wasn’t just a cute reference to Our War Game--where they were hampered by the fact that they could not communicate to assemble everyone, handicapping them at the start versus Diablomon--but actually a comment on the current state of their relationship between the 12 of them.
Perhaps in a similar way to Our War Game, the 2nd original film, the kids slowly settle into “normal” routines and “normal” lifestyles as Jr and Sr High School students. Perhaps as a result of this state, the Adventure kids and 02 kids aren’t really communicating or seeing each other as much--not because they’re no longer friends, but simply because there is no reason to. They’re not having hush-hush meetings in the computer lab nor strategizing at Koushiro’s apartment over the latest Digital World developments. They drift apart somewhat, but, they’re still in touch. Life is good for all involved from 2003 onward.
Joe and Miyako being in their respective final years of High School and Jr High are likely becoming consumed by their studies (but Joe isn’t quite at the stage we see him at in Part 2) everyone is leading their own lives waiting until the day they’re called again (though not expecting). Rewatching Part 1, you can see that Taichi wasn’t terribly aware of Yamato’s band activities. It’s played as a normal conversation for laughs, but I’d say it’s another way the story demonstrates how little they hang out compared to before.
I think we can safely assume their relationship is in the state it’s in is close but not I-know-every-detail-of-your-day level. After the events of Part 2: Decision/Determination, Hikari and Takeru go and try to find out what’s going on--no one answers at the Ichijouji residence (Empty? They could be out for the day (or town) and Ken is busy himself given they may not be aware of his daily activities), Takeru fires off a text to Daisuke and presumably the others. Had things not escalated as much in Part 3, they probably would’ve had more time to sleuth around and investigate and take notice of the flags, but then the infection and Meicrackmon took priority. Had this had their undivided attention, I’m sure the story would have had them speak to the older Chosen to note they couldn’t get a hold of the other four. 
(What I also find curiously interesting is that Daigo is also aware in Part 3 that the 02 kids are missing. Whatever his implication is in the events that led to their status, it’ll be interesting to learn the extent of what he knew. Given how crushed he was by the fact Maki was lying point blank to Yamato and to himself, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if all he knew was they had lost communication with them, not that they had been ambushed)
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Closed Gate = Closed Communications
We know from a few things in Part 3: Confession that, granted we are seeing a post-reboot DW, communication between the Digital World and Real World seems to be hampered as seen when Takeru tries to use his D-Terminal to message Maki but the message doesn’t go through. We could chalk this up to it being a reboot bug, but what if this “lack of reception” had been around the time when the Gates remained closed? Now wouldn’t that cause problems if any of them made it into the Digital in an emergency through unconventional means but had no ability to communicate back for help? If this had been the case, neither of them would know this was a problem. Keep this point in mind.
Something occurs suddenly in the Digital World. Maybe only the 02 kids, or only Daisuke, Iori, Miyako and Ken, are able to get to a Gate. They get there, try to get a handle on the situation they’re facing only to be up against something they couldn’t fathom even keeping at bay. Maybe the Gate was closed,(maybe those screens we see in the canyon in Part 4 were Gates that were out of service) so somehow they go in through an unconventional method, but when they get there and things escalate too quickly. Even though they may have sent messages for help...maybe they were never able to send at all.
What also occurred to me is that Meicoomon’s nature distorts with digital communications. Would its existence in the Digital World have begun a slow corrosion of digital infrastructure there? (That is: The Gate, the D3s’ Gate opening abilities, D-Terminal/Digital communication between the Real and Digital World) We can also see from Part 3 onwards that access to the Digital World is currently only being done through the distortions.
The Role of  the 02 Kids in the Final Film
Difficult to pin, but I have confidence (blind?) that we are not in for a repeat of the role of the Adventure kids during the events of Movie 3 (Hurricane Touchdown), granted there are similarities to tri.: Missing kids, a tamer with the burden of caring for a Digimon partner gone berserk who harms/kidnaps one team. In fact, I truly believe that Miyako, Daisuke, Iori and Ken are key to unlocking Omegamon Merciful Mode, like how Imperialdramon Paladin Mode was unlocked by a sacrifice, of sorts, by a heavily damaged Omegamon in Movie 4, Diablomon Strikes Back. Maybe Imperialdramon FM will reappear and sacrifice part of itself to unlock Merciful Mode, then all the kids will unlock or power the new blade it wields.
I am also Team They Will Speak (or Some Will Speak) and not Team Brief Cameo. ;;;;;
Final comment -- Regarding one scene from Part 1:
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This might be random but, hear me out--Much of the thinking surrounding this opening shot with Taichi is that he was maybe feeling guilty for something, but what if it was nostalgia? Koushiro did mention that they all don’t get together or talk much anymore.
What if not only that, but what of Taichi’s scene --when coupled with his vague comment to Daigo (as teacher) about going to see some friends often but not anymore--wasn’t just about the Digimon, but just...everyone? The other Adventure kids and the 02 kids included. Peacetime and an unexpectedly long one without their Digimon and without being wound up in something with his friends….what does one do but reflect on “happier” times when in times of trouble, they were with their friends almost every day?
Everyone’s going on growing up and here he is struck with a strong sense of wanting to return to the “Good ol days” with everyone, maybe. It’s probably possible he believes that going back to that would assuage his worries a little about changes..
We’ll see what happens in the final chapter of this wonderful series on Saturday!
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grootiez · 6 years
Russo Brothers Headcanons
The Russos were inspired by the Game of Thrones Episode titled “The Red Wedding” while they were writing the script for “Avengers: Infinity War.”
The Russos also forced the screenwriters to binge watch Game of Thrones too.
And the Russos also acted out the pivotal scene of “The Red Wedding” in excruciating detail.
The Russo Brothers and George R.R. Martin are secretly Best Friends.
They even have sleepovers at each other’s houses!
The Russos have George R.R. Martin’s phone number on speed dial.
After viewing “Infinity War”, George R.R. Martin called to congratulate the Russos on making “The Red Wedding” look like a picnic.
The Russos almost had Thanos say “Dracarys” when he snapped his fingers.
When George R.R. Martin heard that the Russos casted Peter Dinklage for their movie, he demanded that Dinklage be given “The Biggest Part in the whole damn movie.”
The Russos said “Challenge Accepted.”
George R.R. Martin wasn’t disappointed.
The Russos almost had a Daenerys Targaryen reference, but were told to scrap it.
There was also talk about having Joffrey make an appearance too, but he would overshadow Thanos as the main antagonist.
Littlefinger was also hinted at appearing, but was cut from the movie for the same reason.
George R.R. Martin likes to stalk the Russo Brothers dressed like the nun while walking behind them, ringing his bell and shouting “Shame!” as they walk down the street.
There was also supposed to be a “Walk of Shame”-type event in Avengers: Infinity War, involving Thanos, but it had to be scrapped or the movie would’ve been given an R-rating.
It would’ve involved Tony Stark ringing the bell and shouting “Shame!”
While Infinity War was in production, the stage name for it was “The Red Wedding.”
George R.R. Martin has a cameo in “Avengers: Infinity War.” It is hard to spot him, but once you do, it’s the best cameo compared to all of Stan Lee’s cameos combined.
It is said that in the early drafts of Infinity War, the Russos had Jon Snow equip the completed Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos was snapped out of existence.
Also in the early drafts of Infinity War, the Russos had planned for the Night King to show Thanos the way to the Soul Stone instead of Red Skull.
Another thing that was in the early drafts of Infinity War was Bruce Banner riding Drogon into the Battle of Wakanda instead of the Hulkbuster suit.
The Russo Brothers almost had Groot meet Hodor. The conversation that they would have had would’ve been LEGENDARY!
It is said that the Russos wanted Groot’s final word to be “Hodor.” But was too afraid that the audience wouldn’t get the reference.
The Russos have hinted that at least ONE character is going to pull a Jon Snow in Avengers 4.
George R.R. Martin is going to write the script for Avengers 4.
That means that we’ll be seeing Avengers 4 in 3019.
The Russos gave George R.R. Martin explicit instructions to make it as much like the Red Wedding as possible.
The most shocking death according to George R.R. Martin was Loki’s. His response was “You think his character is safe, but looking back to the first Avengers, Thanos’ right hand man at the time, The Other explicitly told Loki that if he failed, there was no place that he could hide where Thanos couldn’t find him.”
George R.R. Martin also cried when Groot died.
George R.R. Martin felt Rocket’s pain.
He cried manly tears.
Upon seeing the mid credit scene in “Antman and the Wasp”, George R.R. Martin got dirty looks from everyone in the audience.
George R.R. Martin saved face by saying “What you looking at me for? I only write about the most gruesome deaths in pop culture. The Russo Brothers actually kill people by turning them into confetti and ashes that float away like dust to the wind.”
George R.R. Martin further proved his theory by posting a grainy video to YouTube of stock security footage of the editing room at Marvel Headquarters of the Russo Brothers sneaking in late at night to change the original mid credit scene to the one as seen in the theaters.
George R.R. Martin has over a million subscribers on Youtube. The Russos account for half of those subs.
The Russos are going to have very important roles to play in Game of Thrones Season 8.
The Russos are going to be cleaning up dragon poop!
It is widely believed that the final battle of Avengers 4 is going to take place in Westeros.
Specifically, the Russos are going to set the battle up in Kings Landing.
When they first hinted at the Avengers: Infinity War trailer dropping, the Russos toyed with the idea of Tweeting “Brace yourselves, Thanos is coming.” But they thought that was too obvious.
The Russos have coined Avengers: Infinity War the “Game of Thrones of the comic book movie world.”
George R.R. Martin has seen the ending of Infinity War and was not prepared for it.
The Russos look up to George R.R. Martin as a role model.
They even have posters of him in their offices.
When they were little, when asked what or who they wanted to be when they grew up, the Russos both said “George R.R. Martin.”
In school, the Russo Brothers sent letters addressed to George R.R. Martin in the hopes that he would become their pen pal.
In their pitch for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the Russos said to Marvel: “What if the Marvel version of Jon Snow had a metal arm and was brainwashed?”
Marvel had no choice but to hire the Russo Brothers because the night before the meeting, they invited Kevin Feige over to their house where they held one of their infamous “Game of Thrones” marathons where they watch every episode in existence.
The Russos’ pitch for “Avengers: Infinity War” was “The Red Wedding, but with a snap.”
The Russos said that their inspiration for Thanos was Joffrey’s entire story arc in “Game of Thrones.”
It is said that the working title for “Avengers 4” is “A Game of Stones.”
When taking fan questions about the ending of Avengers: Infinity War” and the plot of “Avengers 4”, the Russos’ reply was “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”
George R.R. Martin replied “You know nothing, Russos!”
The Russos have confirmed that there will be a dragon sighting in Avengers 4. And his name is Drogon.
When Bruce Banner crash lands in the Sanctum Sanctorum and utters the line “Thanos is coming!” The Russo Brothers have confirmed that the line was inspired by the line “Winter is coming!”
The production name for Avengers 4 is rumored to be “A Game of Stones.”
During production, the Russos would hum “A Song of Fire and Ice” as they walked around the set.
The Russos begged Marvel to use a remix of the “Game of Thrones” theme song at the beginning of “Avengers: Infinity War”.
The Russos said that they had George R.R. Martin’s blessing.
The Russos lied.
Marvel, however, saw through the lie. The Russo Brothers begged until Marvel relented and agreed to obtain the rights. But, Marvel couldn’t obtain the rights to the song in time and told the Russos that they had to choose another song.
The Russos threw a hissyfit and by the time they relented, there wasn’t enough time to create a song and that’s why there is an eerie silence at the beginning of the movie.
George R.R. Martin felt sorry for the Russos and agreed to score the song for the end credits.
The Russo’s inspiration for the soundtrack of “Infinity War” was heavily taken from the “Game of Thrones” soundtrack.
It is expected that George R.R. Martin will score the soundtrack of “Avengers 4”.
When the Russos presented the FINAL“Infinity War” script to Marvel, Marvel’s response was “Are you trying to make a comic book version of ‘Game of Thrones’, because that’s how you get the comic book version of ‘Game of Thrones.’”
The Russos originally wanted George R.R. Martin to play Thanos.
But Marvel killed their dream when they googled “George R.R. Martin”.
Marvel was afraid that them being connected to “Game of Thrones” was too risky.
It has been leaked that when Thanos is defeated at the end of Avengers 4, he quotes what The Other said to him at the end of Avengers 1 to an unseen figure. Albeit a little too familiar to Joffrey’s final lines before he died.
The Unseen Host is The Night King, who walks right next to Thanos as he is dying and whispers to him. “Don’t worry, Winter is Coming.” as Thanos dies and the screen fades to black.
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