#this is the longest thing i ever write lol
lost-decade · 1 day
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
ty! 💕 this was a nice opportunity to re-read some of my old fics - although there are so many of them that I didn't make it all the way through lol
your pretty face is going to hell
a very sassy nico catches lewis with charles in a bathroom in bahrain airport and teases him mercilessly. this was a lot of fun to write
the art of saying goodbye
still the longest fic I've ever written - my brocedes magnum opus. honestly I'm so proud of myself for finishing it, even though there's definitely things I'd do differently if I were to write it now
these shores that cure
jenson/james fucking in tokyo. a very underrated pairing and one I absolutely love. also bonus filthy jeandre. really happy with how I weaved the threads of this one together actually
the teammate ritual
lewis/all his teammates through the years. this is a bunch of morning after ficlets and lewis' self hate and denial about them, with a more optimistic ending. also written when we didn't know who lewis' teammate after nico would be
for eternity and a day
the sad max/james immortality fic I'd been wanting to write forever. terribly self indulgent and a chance for me to do loads of historical research and write a whole bunch of angst
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Ep 5!!!
#Episodes that make me go “The author has never talked with a woman ever” 😓😓😓#I don't like how Lucy's character is handled at all. And I feel like I can't talk about it because I'm just going to sound like a bitter–#ss/kk shipper... But I really don't like it. And if it can help my case I'm a multishipper so I really don't take any–#issues with atsu/lucy I like the ship quite a lot actually.#So you're telling me there's this girl... Who meets this boy who pretty much ruined her life by directly causing her to lose her job...#And the next time she sees him she's going to sacrifice her own freedom for him as well as tell him “when you're done doing your things–#come and save me” (longest ewwww ever)... And when she regains freedom (author didn't bother to explain how because they don't care)–#she goes to work... As a waitress at the café beneath his workplace. So he can keep doing his Cool Superpowers Job while she literally–#must serve him every time he visits the place. It's just ?????????????????????????????????#Look‚ I don't dislike Lucy and I feel general affection towards her. It's just that they make her act like no one ever would#Just for the sake of the plot I guess#And like I knoww it's (probably just a little) more nuanced than that. I know Lucy is living her own fairy tale fantasy.#It's just that what I've said about her story is still true‚ you know?#I'm sorry but as sweet as atsu/lucy can be. I really hate the author for making Lucy a waitress. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.#It's so weird. This anime has women writing standards that feel like dating back to the 20s#Same with Katai and the ideal woman tbh. Like why are women to be seen as this abstract impersonal entities? Why can't they just be people?#Ideal for WHO. It's like super screwed up of a concept. What even is an ideal woman? What does it mean to be a woman anyways?#They just want to say “ideal wife”. But women aren't made to be wives their existence isn't functional to another person.#Sorry. I derail. Next episode is going to be even worse on this front ughhhh#Back to the episode: once again it really shows they were running out of budget with this season‚‚‚ the animation looks very suffered#Too many flashback also... I feel bad for the animators tbh#I don't really like the shift in art style :( Not even Atsushi I found particularly pretty this episode my heart cries#The nail pulling thing made me feel like throwing up afhsjyabfsbfwasfvb I feel like I can bear worse gore but there's a couple of little–#specific things I can't stand and this seems to be one of them pffftttt#I like Higuchi I think she's both very funny and cool. I really wish she was explored more (but then again looking at Teruko... )#The relationship between Kunikida and Katai looks so interesting even though we only get glimpses of it. Kunikida regrets Katai leaving–#the ada but is also happy for him but also worries for him. He comes to his house seemingly to check on him and starts cleaning around.#The way he loves him and cherishes their friendship and shared history is really evident and it makes for a compelling dynamic.#Perhaps I should read their short story... In any case. Going to someone's house and compulsively start doing the dishes half out of will–#to help out half because he can't bear the mess sounds a lot like something I'd do lol
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aeriona · 1 year
Wrote a random, dumb little scene for my Eldritch AU, set during the events of the manga, before the betrayal.
I'll eventually make more of these, and when I do I might put them all up on AO3? maybe? idk. anyways hope you enjoy my blatant self indulgence goodbye-
Vio had returned to the Tower a bit later than he'd expected, the sun was well and truly gone from the sky. According to Vaati, there’d been a sighting of some Hyrulean soldiers wandering through the forest a little too close to the Tower’s entrance. Vio was smart enough to know it was probably an excuse to be rid of him for the day. He understood, the feeling was mutual.
He didn’t even find anyone out there anyway, thank Hylia. Vio shrugged his room’s door open with his shoulder and set down his belongings on the floor, stopping completely in his tracks as he processed what was in front of him.
A gigantic, ash-coloured creature was sprawled out on the bedroom floor, with a myriad of unnaturally-bent limbs and tendrils spread out across the carpet. After a brief moment of panic, Vio realised that he was indeed looking at his friend Shadow, and not a deadly eldritch monster. 
No, this monster was nice and not at all deadly. Very fortunate for him indeed.
Shadow had two and a half pairs of arms folded under his head, a few exposed fangs gleaming in the dim moonlight. His breath came out in gentle, rhythmic huffs that reminded Vio a little bit of a dragon.
Vio wasn’t aware that Shadow could sleep, he’s never seen him do it before. Did he even need sleep? Curious, the violet hero quietly approached the sleeping monster with featherlight steps, careful as to not to wake him up. Vio realised with a huff of laughter that anyone else in his situation would have probably found the many-limbed, many-mouthed beast asleep on his bedroom floor horrifying, but Vio did not.
He found him fascinating. Very much so. Besides he was fond of Shadow, with his stupid jokes and that stupid grin and okay he's getting off-topic let's thinkofsomethingelse.
Vio didn’t want to pry too much, especially while Shadow was sleeping, but he was simply too curious not to pass up an opportunity to know a little bit more about his unusual friend. After ensuring that Shadow was truly asleep, Vio knelt and gingerly held a hand to the beast’s head, carefully avoiding his eyes. Surprisingly, he found the monster was utterly freezing to the touch. Did he not give off body heat? Maybe he was cold-blooded, like a lizard. Or, a less-interesting option, maybe he was just chilly. The windows had been left open, after all. 
Upon further examination, Vio found that Shadow had smooth, ash-black skin that seemed to spike up in strange, fur-like tendrils along his spine. A particularly long patch crowned his head, resembling a tuft of hair not unlike the stupid, messy bangs he had in his more ‘Hylian’ form.
Vio leaned back on his heels, admiring Shadow as he slept for a long moment. When he was awake, Shadow typically wore this dumb, lopsided grin that crinkled up his features in a way the violet hero couldn’t accurately pinpoint with words at the current moment (nor did he want to, lest he sound like an idiot). It was odd, he thought, to see his friend with such a genuine, blissful expression. It was a rare sight, but an (admittedly) appreciated one.
Vio suddenly wondered if the room was too cold for Shadow, or if the beast was actively radiating a chill in his sleep with how bloody freezing the carpet was.
Or, maybe this wasn’t sleep, Vio’s mind couldn’t help but unhelpfully supply. He didn’t know too much about cold-blooded creatures, but what he did know stipulated that, if Shadow were one, the room was likely far too cold for him to possibly be comfortable in. And, even worse, ectotherms had a tendency to shut down if their body temperature reached low enough levels. Maybe Vio was being paranoid, he probably was. But it couldn’t hurt to be careful.
Vio quietly rose to his feet and hurried over to his bags that he had left by the door earlier, fishing around for their contents. Finding his desired item, he returned and sank down to be level with Shadow on the freezing floor. Carefully, he lifted one of his friend’s large, clawed hands and quickly slid the object beneath his arm so it was snug under his jaw. One of them, at least. He had a few at the moment.
The object Vio had given him was was a fire rod. The sanguine gemstone at its end gleamed with heat, already doing its job to warm Shadow up. Vio suppressed a chuckle as he eventually stirred, lazily manoeuvring the rod under his chest with a sleepy huff. Vio concluded it was cute. factually so, shut up.
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
The Crescent Sun and Shining Moon
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“Two formed in heaven's way, one, night; the other, day.”
Now, the tale of the two sisters starts, not in this realm, but in one completely different to ours! In this world, many beasts of different and alien shapes live, and it is here where I must tell you of before I tell you of the sisters.
In this realm lived two groups of powerful creatures who I'm sure you're familiar with; The Solgaleo of the Sun and Lunala of the Moon. However, unlike their counterparts in other realms, these two groups despised each other. They fought and argued, and believed the light of their others were false ones.
While conflicts of this nature are not without precedent even within the legendary circle, there was one thing that drove this conflict onward; a creature existed that could steal the powers from one of these two species and take on a form similar to the one it had drained. It would then use its off appearance and ill-gotten powers to sow further discord between the two groups.
But not all believed the false sightings, and some, not many, but enough, believed in the balance that they were meant to uphold. And it was two of these like-minded beings who came together and, through their union, created the two sisters.
The two loved each other dearly, and cared for their daughters with all their heart, however it was not meant to be. For on the day where the moon eclipsed the sun, they were found out and killed for their treason. But while they perished, in their last act of defiance, they sent their children through a portal to the furthest realm they could reach, in a desperate bid for them to live.
And so they fell and fell and fell, past millions of different dimensions, until they landed right into the waiting claws of our beloved Star Mother, Maksviah.
She had sensed a strange portal was going to open and had arrived there just in time to watch them exit. They were tiny back then, much smaller then any normal Cosmog, and they were injured too. The attack had, despite the best efforts of their parents, not left them unscathed.
They were tiny and alone and so injured they would surely perish without any guardian to watch over them.
So, Maksviah resolved to raise them herself.
Taking them back to her icy home, she stayed within her mountain cave for many months, carefully feeding the sisters food meshed with her own stardust and bathing them regularly in healing light until, finally, they were no longer at risk of perishing.
But for all her power and experience with children, Maksviah was still a creature of stars, and knew she would need help in raising the two. So she called on two of her very close friends, creatures of the ever-shifting sky just as the Lunala and Solgaleo are. I'm sure you'll be able to guess who instantly!
Truly, calling upon Dawn and Dusk was the best choice she could have made. The two helped the sisters in a way Maksviah couldn't, as their powers more closely aligned to those that the sisters would soon grow to have. The youngest took a liking to Dawn and his powers of day while the eldest found herself following behind Dusk and his powers of night.
They lived in peace for many years, however, as the sisters' powers grew, so did a connection to their birth dimension. And it was this connection that allowed these celestial beasts to find them.
The sisters were viciously attacked by multiple Lunala and Solgaleo, and with the two groups of pokemon arriving so close after the other, it soon turned into a larger conflict. These battles were not uncommon to the two groups, and stained the white snow more and more red the longer it raged on.
But this time there was an interruption in this long and bloody war.
Maksviah, descending on wings of flame in her more older, primal form, tore through the two groups mercilessly. She batted away any who would attack her and unleashed her wrath upon those who dare harm her daughters.
At the sight of the foreign and fierce opponent, the two groups fled through their portals, back to the dimension they came from. And through this battle did the sisters come to a unanimous conclusion.
Carefully, the sisters approached Maksviah and said, “Mother, mother, please listen. We love you so, we truly do, however they are also our family just as you are. You showed us Kindness and Balance, and we wish to share that with them too, but we are too small and our bodies too weak. Please train us in body and mind so that we may end the conflict between our people.”
Maksviah heard the sisters and saw their words to be True, and she could not be more proud of them for it. So she took the two sisters and, with the aid of Dawn and Dusk, began to teach them one of two ways; Night for the  eldest and Day for the youngest.
It took many months of hard training and battles, but eventually the two sisters evolved as they had been torn; during a solar eclipse. And perhaps it was a mix of this celestial event and of ancient magic which resulted in their miraculous evolution.
The eldest, Kou, took on the form of a Solgaleo of the Moon.
The youngest, Paike, took on the form of a Lunala of Sun.
And it was so, with this evolution and one final goodbye, the sisters rushed forward and dove into the ultra space.
The sisters were quick to find out that, whilst the conflict between sun and moon was old indeed, something was provoking the two groups into further clashes in a most unnatural manner.
During their investigations they learned that when those off appearances occurred, a weak and ill Solgaleo or Lunala would soon appear afterwards. It was further prodding of the non-celestial locals and timid folk of the realm that revealed it seemed to go after those who wandered off alone. It left them with no memories of their encounter. Most often the two groups would explain this sudden illness on their opposition.
So, the sisters devised a simple but effective plan; Paike, with her radiant form, would draw the creature's attention while Kou hid in the shadows, and when the creature went to strike she would pounce.
The plan was easier to execute than expected, as the unique form of the sun sister drew its attention like a moth to flame.
When they finally got a good look at their opponent, the sisters were shocked.
There before them lie a creature so obviously empty and torn it pained them to look at. Its jagged edges were sharp and piercing, and its bony body had no colour to be found on it other than the dull shades of black to white. It thrashed wildly beneath Kou’s giant form, and she struggled to keep a hold of it.
Carefully, hesitantly, Paike began to weave it a song, which Kou soon joined in on. They sang of sun and moon, of balance and warmth, of light and dark and all things kind. They sang of the hearth fire, their Mother, and they sang of the lovers, their Uncles. And all the creature could do in response was sigh and listen with a deep longing in its heart.
“Alas, what you have shown me is terribly lovely,” it began “and holds all the things I could only ever yearn for, but I am the product of discord and violence. With my heart shattered I am unable to swerve from my dark fate, with my only imperatives to CONSUME and DRAIN and TAKE without the option of Giving in turn. I wish it was otherwise, but it is not. Only if by some miracle I was to return to my true state, but it is not. Thus I will forever be chained to this wretched existence.”
The two sisters heard the creature and saw its words to be True, and they could not be more saddened. So, carefully, they took a bit of their own powers and, to the shock of the creature, placed it within its darkened shell.
With the light of sun and moon combined, sparked by old magics taught to them by their dear Mother, the creature's dark form softened in a way, and while its dark coloration remained, its face lit up with the colors of the rainbow.
Carefully, Kou stepped off it, and it rose up once again, this time calm and quiet, almost bashful and shy.
“You gave me a priceless gift today. You sang to me in comfort and restored my sanity, and I will repay this kindness in turn. I am Necrozma, former Giver of Light, and I swear I will aid you in your quest to heal your people. Whilst my form is the result of their conflict, it was wrong of me to antagonize them further. Perhaps if I hadn't they would have become peaceful on their own…”
“Oh, please do not speak that way.” Kou crooned gently, bumping her head against Necrozma in comfort, “Whilst you may have provoked the conflict, they did harm you in the first place and cause you to shatter.”
“And we have little idea if they truly would have stopped fighting.” Paike pointed out, “You had no choice in the matter. They did. All we can do now is make this right.”
Now, the three couldn't just waltz up at any moment to the two groups, they needed to time their appearance at the moment when they would be most impactful.
Was doing it right before a massive battle the most impactful decision? Yes. Was it the most intelligent of decisions? Well… 
The sudden appearance of the sisters and their shattered friend shocked the groups, and at the site of their overwhelming power they quickly fled the battle ground.
It seems the sisters' appearance had shaken the two groups. A Solgaleo of moon and Lunala of sun? It was something unheard of until Kou and Paike revealed themselves.
And that shattered creature… was it a representation of the shattered bonds between sun and moon?
After all, why did they fight? Based on some belief that one was true while the other was not?
Well then, what did that make the two creatures they saw?
…Something needed to change.
Thus two small groups formed, one of sun and one of moon. These groups consisted of the ones who would set out to find the two themselves to see the Truth. And this time, when they ran into each other, they did not fight as they had done in the past, but instead an uneasy alliance was formed. It was a small thing, weak and wavering and barely there, but it was made. And that growing unity was what allowed them to find the sisters.
The two leaders of the groups approached carefully, gazing at the sisters in thinly veiled awe for a moment before, surprisingly, they turned to bow before Necrozma and revealed a hidden shard they had each been carrying with them. 
The shards were as black as the body of the fallen light. 
They apologize profusely, explaining that they had realized who Necrozma truly was and recognized the shattered form in the shard pieces their tribe leaders had hidden away.
They did not know the full truth of why they fought, and they were still ignorant to the many beauties of their counterpart, but they were willing to try.
And it was this willingness to change and grow that reignited the shattered ones light and ushered in a new era of peace.
"Follow moon or sun? Silly child, are they not one?"
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
Fic I said I was writing is now at 4000 words and still not done... I am suffering
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stormcloudsandshadows · 2 months
No one:
Me at 230 am: hm…… Nedzu.
#WHY AM I ON THIS MHA KICK#like ok it’s because I keep feeding the fixation sure#BUT HOW DID I GET TO THIS FIXATION IN THE FIRST PLACE?#next thing you know I’m gonna bring back Sirin au#hm. it genuinely has some of my favorite writing I’ve ever done#unfortunately mha fics that aren’t established get like zero engagement because there’s a constant stream of them#it’s not like rain world where each new fic is awaited with bated breath#I think to this day it’s my longest fic. 15-16 whole chapters. I lost the plot for a while in there lol#I miss having semi popular fics that got attention#like. my rain world fic gets a good 5-7 comments plus any replies to my replies to them#if I actually. kept up with king and lionheart. it would probably get around that too#but ohhhh to be a popular mha writer…#I could probably glimpse that life if I dipped back into owl house stuff but you don’t get it.#that’s not my fixation right now. mha is.#WHICH IS WILD BECAUSE I LEGIT DONT LIKE MOST OF THE STUFF I KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING AFTER SEASON FOUR#It got too high stakes and lost the interesting analysis of its own society#and don’t get me started on what I’ve heard about the ending. it sounds like it was really fumbled#but. I’m doing a rewatch. I’ll give everything after season four a chance but I fully plan to drop it if I get bored again#what was I talking about?#right right. my fics and stuff#I might take some of my favorite bits of all but gone and rework it#I might write a Nezu adopting izuku fic#who knows. it’s 245 at night#good night
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shastafirecracker · 1 year
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familiarache · 7 months
what if i make a playlist but its literally just 'u/ryu pining after hime and ichi'
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
piarles + gloss (💄🤭)
oh, phoebe, you are a legend for this. absolutely impeccable taste, as always 😏😘 this one is dedicated to this anon, with my compliments.
Charles feels Pierre's eyes on him the moment he walks into the drivers’ briefing: warm and fond at first, the way Pierre's eyes always find him, but quickly darkening to something smouldering and dangerous once they inevitably drop to his lips.
He smiles around the room, warm and friendly and as innocent as he can, and of course it's a complete accident that he happens to lick his lips just as Pierre makes a little involuntary movement in his direction.
Pierre's eyes narrow, and then he's crossing the room in what feels like less than a second, grabbing Charles by the arm and pulling him back through the door he just came from and into the blessedly empty storeroom beside it.
"What do you think you're doing?" Pierre asks, and his voice is dangerously soft as he closes the door behind them, his eyes laser-focused on Charles lips - specifically, the dark-red gloss to them.
"I'm just trying something new," Charles says, and grins again, tipping his head teasingly to the side as he adds, innocently, "What, don't you like it?"
(send me a ship + a one word prompt and i will write a 5 sentence fic about it)
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mister-writes · 1 year
Sometimes I think to myself "wow I've gotten so far with my editing!!!!" and then I look at the document and I am on chapter eight out of twenty-nine......
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
ao3 stats game
tagged by @malcolm-f-tucker, ty!!
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and fewest words.
expect this to be skewed towards d20 bc while i haven't written much for that in a while it is easily the biggest fandom i've written anything for
Most hits: The Disappearance of Adaine Abernant - dimension 20 (fantasy high), 2,637 hits
Most kudos: ^, 193 kudos
Most comments: Extra Credit - dimension 20 (fantasy high), 73 comments
Most bookmarks: ^, 54 bookmarks
Most words: Starlight - oklahoma!, currently sitting at 34,091 words.
Fewest words: The Symphony of Hadestown - hadesotwn, 191 words. my first posted fic ever! look at her, she's so tiny, lol. my next shortest clocks in at exactly 400 words longer; even when i'm trying to be brief i tend to go on a bit, haha
i shall tag @tragedyposting @theresa-of-liechtenstein @kingfisherkink @grasslandgirl and @druid-for-hire! idk who else of my mutuals really uses ao3 at all so i'll just leave it there lol
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wren-of-the-woods · 2 years
What were your feelings while writing your first fic? (ie. did you doubt you'd finish it? Did you just have fun? How did you feel once you posted it?) and how have your feelings about writing changed? 💜
Oooh, that's a great question! Let's see...
What counts as my first fic is a little bit subjective -- I was looking through some very old notebooks a few weeks ago and found what appears to be the first page of an unfinished story about the characters of a children's book series that I must have written around the ages of 6-8, but I don't think that counts! The first proper fic I wrote was a Pride & Prejudice AU that I never finished but enjoyed writing.
The first fic ever I posted, though, was a little ficlet for a prompt event that was going on in the Silmarillion fandom! I don't remember exactly what I felt while writing it, but I do remember the intense nerves that came with figuring out how to edit and post it and then the intense joy at getting a few comments. It felt like I was officially an author -- it was great!
I think the main change in how I feel about writing now is my confidence. I know what I'm doing and how to do it (more or less). I know how to post and tag. It's given me a lot of freedom to have more fun with less self-doubt! I'm very proud of how far I've come :D
Fanfic Writer Friday
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ruairy · 2 years
#it has really been a long time since ive drawn anything really abd like#sometimes i sit and wonder if I'll even remember how to draw my ocs when/if i get back into it#i dont even mean this in a depressing way but more of a like. weird object permanence kind of way#this is probably the longest ive ever gone without drawing ecen one thing and its really weird!!!!#what am i without my One defining trait which is being able to draw lmao#i can also write but i have no intention of ever posting my writings anywhere lol#i think i wpuld kind of like to start getting back into the art thing in the new year but!!!!#whos to say if that will happen#at this point in time i don't really care aside from when i look through my art and think aaaaaaaaa#i miss drawing#and then im like ok well im over it like two minutes later#sertraline is weird and also makes me wonder what spurred me to draw while i was unmedicated#i think it really was entirely for attention lmao#awful awful little gremlin that i used to be ( like a year ago)#i do miss my ocs though!!!!#yeah they live in my brain and are constantly rotating like sweetly glazed rotisserie chickens but i miss seeing them u get me#and unfortunately im the only one who can truly draw them the way they are intended to be#i kinda feel bad for them rn!!!!! they simply cannot exist without me and if i never draw again then they can never be known#on other news i wanna make a new pokemon oc to go alongside rua#they will never see the light of day but they'll just have to be ok with that
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lesbianwords · 2 years
i’m gonna be ambitious and try nanowrimo again this year!! i wanted to do it last year but i gave up pretty quick, i’ll try to take it seriously this time lmao
i’ll be working on “queen’s echo” (i’ve actually just been calling it “echo” recently) which used to be a lighthearted fantasy romance but has now become darker and horror-ish? idk if it’ll be that scary and i’m not really committed to the genre yet but there will be some horror elements i think. i want to just write it out and see what happens! basically the previous idea was like fun celebrity wedding planning shenanigans in a hotel that’s possessed (in a fun quirky way) but now the wedding happens in the beginning and the bride and groom die bc the spirit possessing the hotel actually possesses one of them and kills the other that way. so yea. the main cast of characters (who all work at the hotel) is pretty much the same the plot is just more unhinged
#there's more to it than that but i'm too lazy to try to describe it properly rn lmao#the characters will be a bit different too but technically the same! my mc just got some violent urges. as a treat#i started this wip in december of last year#so this is like the longest i've ever gotten myself to stick w a project#so when my previous plot idea just wasn't going anywhere (like i couldn't figure out what would actually happen) i decided to rethink#the whole thing without giving up on the wip itself#i also took out some worldbuilding stuff that was tripping me up and now it feels like it's easier to get somewhere w it#im worried that once i start drafting i'll lose steam again but i'll try to push through#my on the job training also happens to be during nanowrimo so i'll be working 6hrs a day + doing lesson plans and essays and stuff#(i'm studying early childhood education)#but i'm gonna try my very best to write a little bit every day#i've tried to help myself by outlining a bit for once but the outline's not done so we'll see#also im struggling bc a big part of the plot is figuring out stuff that happened in the past which is something i dont enjoy reading#that much? like obviously it depends but i do tend to avoid it. and it feels weird to write smth like that when i dont prefer to read it lol#but thats how im doing it for now! the story will obviously keep changing so i shouldnt get stuck on details rn#also will i ever rewrite the mess of a middle grade fantasy draft i wrote in nanowrimo 2020? we shall see#vee.txt
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tariah23 · 25 days
have you caught up to opposites attract yet, i think you'd be pleasantly surprised 😊
I HAVE NOT!!!! I think I might just wait until it’s complete (I see that it’s almost done 😭) but UHHFGG it’s been on my mind heavy lmfao. I miss it sm but I haven’t had time to read it (or any long fiction atm tbh!) but I can’t wait to go back……. The goat of GOIJI ff… the ultimate foreplay. King of superficial and a handful of others are ALSO great of course but OPPOSITES ATTRACT… my god… one of my 10 commandments is to read it if you’re a Gojo or Ijichi fan (if you don’t mind long ass ff) since you don’t even have to ship it at first to really enjoy it, it’s just THAT enjoyably well written. You’ll also come to enjoy Goiji or at least get why people like it so much lmfao.
It’s up there with the likes of THEE STRMB (ultimate sns ff…. 😵‍💫) to ME as far as insane quality goes despite them both being completely different stories. That was one of the best ff that I’d ever read in my life and if I’m saying that a story is just as good as THAT then it most definitely is 😁! I don’t even read ff like that but I always know what to look for when it comes to ones that are this good.
Goiji….. I hope the writer writes some after story stuff for them after it’s over 😭!!!
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tasklinemgr · 4 months
I think it's really funny how mary became one of my favorite ttcc characters because I started writing a fic about her
y'know, since you'd think it'd be the other way around
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