#this is the only tolerable power rangers anything for me
prof-peach · 3 years
Hello, professor! If I may, what was your first encounter with a legendary pokemon like? I dont know how often you've been to Sinnoh, but we don't tend to really believe in legendary pokemon out here unless you live somewhere rural like Solaceon Town (a personal favorite break room game for my office in Jubilife City is a blurry picture of a Fire-Type Pokemon called "Moltres or Rapidash?" that we all take votes on every month. Its just sort of the vibe here). But recently when I was travelling for work, I spotted emergency news coverage of the Eternatus Incident in the Galar region. There it was, clear as day on screen! I've never seen anything like it in my life, and even just that video footage left me pretty shaken (and humbled. I've been thinking of going to the church in Hearthome on my day off and saying a prayer there...just in case).
I remembered you mentioning that you sometimes recieve the odd legendary on Dotaku Island, and I guess I was just wondering what it's like to have one in front of you? How does it feel?
I have not once received a legendary to care for on the island, I don't know where you read that. I may have worded a post badly perhaps, which is entirely my bad. I do not in any way want to, or care for legendaries. They're too much for people to handle, and don't belong on this island, this isn't their home, and they have important jobs elsewhere.
I have briefly field studied Shaymin from afar (not handled, not interacted, just observed for notes), they're pretty docile, one of the calmer ones or so i'm told. they exude no immense pressure or power, and other than being incredibly skittish to sounds, act as any normal pokemon would. The only other interaction i've had is one singular run in with one Raikou very briefly in my ranger days, that on occasion I think returns to the island to look around, before disappearing for another year or so. Back when we crossed paths I can safely say that thing was MAD. I was chasing poachers, they joined in, we both just took off after them in a blind rage. The electricity that thing put out made it hard to breathe, maybe it was the voltage, maybe it was the pokemons intensity, it fried electrical devices, rattled the earth with every step, and made my whole team VERY uneasy, something thats quite difficult to do, even back then. I have never felt such fear, coupled with intense motivation in all my life since. Makes your chest tight, like you could die right there, but also, it's on your side? Its not going to come after you??? You hope! It vanished, I was left to clean up the mess, and now we see it on very rare occasion once or twice in a year, at great distance, usually observing the pokemon around the area, or our staff at work. Pretty sure it hops along the waves, saw it head out once, and it did jump across the water back towards the mainland.
This job breaks your sense of wonder at times. I look at the legends as any other pokemon, they're really cool, but if presented with one to care for, you do your job, get the pokemon well again, and release it promptly. I love that folks study and track these myths to learn and bask in their wonder, hypothesise on their natures their habits, LOVE IT, but me personally-I have little to no interest in any of them, and would do just about anything to avoid working with them. There are no medical books, no references for their care, how do you heal something no ones got a good look at before? Where are their organs? What tolerance do they have to modern medicines? Risk is too high for me personally. Luckily they are mega rare, and I never have to handle that haha.
No doubt a disappointing answer, but it's the honest truth. Hopefully you spot that Moltres for real one day, it's said that if you lay eyes on one in real life, you're filled with a burning energy for weeks after.
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docholligay · 3 years
Shamash answers: Children’s Corner, heat 3!
These are the unranked, only worth one entry winners because I apparently missed a BUNCH of these from heat 3 I am a disaster
There is a story that I read as a child, that I have never been able to find since and might not actually exist, that creeped me out for the longest time. The basic plot was that a young girl is staying at her fathers / grandfather's house, and she finds a box of his in the attic which contains some bizarre creatures. The more she interacts with these creatures, the more removed she becomes from the passage of time & the less able she is to interact with the rest of the world. It had such a sense of inevitability, like she was trapped into becoming merely a part of these creature's life cycle, it was really creepy. I've never been able to track it down; it might be a goosebumps book or a short story somewhere, or I may have just dreamed it up! --- @skylineofspace (I want to find and read this!)
Star Trek, The Next Generation. Tasha Yar's death. I was two and half years old at the time of airing. The vicious attack from the terrifying monster and the way her body was mangled, with horrible burns across her face gave me nightmares for months. I can still see it like it was yesterday, and I was too scared to rewatch the episode for years. When I finally screwed up my courage and rewatched, it was a powerful lesson in how the imagination of children can supplement what the universe provides, and how much more our perception of a situation often weighs than the actuality of it -- @pouncequick (I basically picked this for the last sentence, because honestly, what a great takeaway from the whole thing. How we misremember things as more intense, for good or ill, than they actually were) 
I’m pretty sure I did the story about the picture-books-with-cassette tape for Gremlins in preschool last year. (And to be fair to my preschool teacher, it was Gremlins and I have seen eight-year-olds get obsessed with the Chuck E. Cheese Murder Animatronics Jumpscare Game. Three-year-olds, though… less frequent, I suspect.) Instead, that one Rugrats episode with the monster under Chuckie’s bed that’s just a sweater terrified me for a couple years. And then I rewatched it when it was on Hulu or something and finally found the fear tolerance of Chuckie Finster. I was a very easily-frightened child. --Regalli (I was the exact opposite, I was very very much a kid who sought out the bounds of my fear! But this was picked for finding the fear tolerance of Chuckie Finster ahahah)
the music video for postal by kapanga. from memory, a man slowly rips his flesh away to reveal that he's made of cardboard. it was a thoughtful political commentary of poverty, and i aprecciated that, but i did NOT need to see it at lunch every damn day (my family liked to put the music video channels. i usually liked it. until that thing left the top 40, i did not) -- @capribornio (This is EXACTLY the kind of weird shit I wanted to hear)
Honestly, when I was a kid, my parents were paranoid about allowing us to see anything even potentially upsetting. Power Rangers was too violent. Sesame Street taught us to call each other names - their little babies would NEVER have done such a thing without their terrible influence. This gradually wore down with each successive child until by kid #5 his favorite movie was The Mummy remake at the same age I was denied Power Rangers. If tweens count I was allowed to watch Saving Private Ryan at 12 for school (The Mummy was a regular staple at this point. Parental surrender was nearly complete.) The gore was disgusting, but I was more upset with how UNFAIR the deaths were! I'd been fed nothing but morality plays so having death be arbitrary and unjust and pointless felt cruel rather than realistic. I was a bit too old for it to be truly *traumatic* though. I already knew about slavery, the Holocaust,  the Crusades, and plenty of other human atrocities. The only revelation was fiction being used to mirror that unfairness rather then rectify it. -- @annoni-no (Picked entirely for the idea of fiction sometimes needing to, or I guess you’re not saying it sometimes needs to, I am, mirror the unfairness of the world rather than rectify it. I am a person who loves when characters I care about must also meet with the rough edges of the world, and have to decide who they are in the face of it, and I love that y’all were allowed to watch it in grade school? In fairness, I think there’s nothing about that movie that glorifies war or violence) 
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Riva Remembers
(A cheesy title for a fic I wrote while in the midst of an emotional breakdown, haha… I figured I’d post it on here because people seem to like my artwork of this OC so far. This is my first time writing these characters. Also I am on mobile and super duper tired from the aforementioned breakdown, so please pardon the long post. I have no idea how to put the read more thing on this… Regardless I hope someone enjoys this, I guess.)
“Agent Cruller, it’s me! Raz! I need to talk to you—“
“Sorry, senior staff only!” The old man in the mailroom office replied coldly, turning back to sorting the piles of letters with telekinesis.
“Don’t you know who I am?!” Nick’s voice came from farther into the mailroom, “I’m telling my dad!”
Razputin suddenly got an idea… He raced down to find his mentor standing there, eyes looking off in two separate directions. Another figure he recognized was on the verge of a nervous breakdown right next to him… Actually she looked like she had already been through multiple breakdowns before he even got here.
“Mr. Johnsmith?! Come on! It’s me! N-nick?!” The teen ran pale hands through her short brown hair, “Th-this is terrible! I am dead for sure!”
“Postage stamps…are scratch and sniff…” The pot-bellied man mumbled nonsensically beside her.
“Whoa, whoa, Riva…” The ten year old’s expression softened, “I was the one who found his brainless body… What do you mean you’re dead?”
“N-norma…she… t-told everyone I…”
“She thinks YOU’RE the mole?!” The child was taken aback, slightly angered even, “Why?!”
“I-I don’t know…M-maybe it’s because I didn’t notice the body before you…?” Riva sniffled, “It doesn’t matter… Agent Foresythe is going to have me detained…o-once she hears about this…”
“What?! No way!” He looked at her with determined eyes, “Don’t worry! I have a plan! I am going to get a new brain for Nick’s body, so he can let me into the mailroom office! Once I get there, I will be one step closer to proving you’re innocent!”
“Y-you really think… I-I’m innocent…?” Her tear filled blue eyes looked at him as if confused by his faith in her.
“I know you are!” He nodded, “Hey! Can you watch Ford for me until I get back? Make sure he doesn’t go anywhere!”
“F-ford…?” The other intern’s eyes narrowed at that name, as if she were squinting to see through a thick fog, “Ford…why does… Oh! Ford Cruller, right… He’s one of the psychic 6…” She shook her head, “Sorry, I am just…all over the place… These panic attacks take a lot out of me…”
“It’s all going to be okay.” The younger of the two gently took the other’s hand, waving to Nick before walking up to the office room, “Agent Cruller! This is my friend! She works in the mailroom—!”
“If she isn’t senior staff, that door ain’t openin’!” Ford declared before the boy could finish.
“Oh, I know!” Raz nodded, “This is Riva. She is having a hard time right now, and I don’t want to leave her alone. Maybe you two could talk or something?”
“Eh?! Oh, sure…sure thing…” The senior sounded slightly jostled for a moment, before returning to his distant demeanor, “Chit chat makes the sortin go faster…”
“Great!” The boy smiled at Riva before racing up to the exit of the mailroom, “I’ll be back as soon as possible!”
Soon after the sound of footsteps and levitation bubbles faded, the remaining intern heard the door creak open.
“Riva…” Cruller’s voice sounded slightly shaken, “I… Is it really you…?”
“S-sir…?” She frowned, “I-I don’t think we’ve met before…”
“Ah… I shoulda known you would’ve repressed it all…” He looked at the floor grimly, “They feared what you could become if you knew…”
“…W-what…?” The teen stepped away as the agent stepped closer, reaching a hand out to her. Eventually, she was against a wall.
“You…really were damaged by the feedback…weren’t you, kid…?” His bushy eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Back at Whisperin Rock… you remember that place, right…?”
Oh, that summer camp she got kicked out of only mere days in because she wasn’t even a real psychic?
“Yes, that’s the one.” Cruller answered her thoughts telepathically, “Except… you are psychic, Riva… Always have been… They just wanted you to believe you weren’t…so they could let you go back to society…”
Go…back…? Why wouldn’t she have been allowed to be in society if she was psychic? Isn’t that what the psychonauts are all about?
“You had potential, unlike what Nein Vodello and myself had ever seen from such a young mind… until Raz showed up, of course, but he was slightly older than you were…” He finally grabbed both of her hands, encasing them in his own, “You had such a gift with clairvoyance… it was beyond what the psychonauts ever thought was possible…”
“W-Wait…” She blinked, “You know Raz then? Why didn’t you just let him in the office…?”
“He’s not ready to learn the dark truths I’ve got tucked away in this old noggin…” The old man sighed, “I-I’m not ready for em, either… but… you are. You need to know the truth about yourself… You need to stop disregarding me when I say this: You ARE psychic…”
“B-BUT I’M NOT!” Riva tried to pull her hands away from him, to which he gently released them from their hold, “T-THAT CAMP WAS THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME! I THOUGHT I WOULD FIND SOMEWHERE I BELONGED, THAT I WAS GOOD FOR SOMETHING! B-but… I wasn’t… I-I was so full of myself to think I was special! M-My brains just BROKEN—“
“Stop it right there.” His voice became firmer, “Listen to me, before someone comes! Your potent clairvoyance meant we didn’t need any altering technology to convince you of a lie… You are so in tune with other people’s viewpoints and perspectives… you don’t even know what your reality is anymore… Other people tell you who you are, what you do, where you go. No more playin pretend, Riva.”
“You were a psychic of high potential even at age 7, with budding specialities in clairvoyance, and hydrokinesis….” He smiled, “You… you made friends with every single piece of me, kid… I took you under my wing to teach you what I knew… but hydrokinesis… was a feared ability due to…well… another incident... When that secret spilled…”
“N-no… I-I can’t be… I-I don’t remember any of this!“
“Nein feared that your age, your diagnosis of autism, both combined with your psychic potential could result in you developing powerful abilities beyond even your own control…” Ford shook his head, “Headquarters wanted to lock ya up for observation in a psychoisolation facility for life… but, Sasha found a loophole. By having someone tell you that their biased perspective was reality, your brain would doubt its own perception, and start to believe them. That’s how we managed to let you leave that campsite with your family…”
By this point Riva was speechless, as countless memories she thought she had selfishly dreamed about returned to her. She fell to her knees, staring at nothing as she was flooded with all that she had forgotten. The ruthless bullying at camp, and their sabotaging of her efforts to learn to use her powers… That time they tried to drown her in the lake and she washed them all ashore on accident… the horror on everyone’s faces… It all actually happened?!
There were some happy things hidden in the mess, though… The time she’d spend drawing the wildlife out there, the cool places to explore… and the single friend she made at camp… That’s right, the cook was always there to comfort her after the other kids picked on her… No, wait, it was the ranger… But then why’d she remember a janitor, and a man watching over the canoes…? Why did they all look the same, identical even…? Then there was one more in a psychonauts uniform…
“There ya go. Now you’re getting it…” His frail hand grabbed one of hers, helping her up with a chuckle. “I should look more familiar to ya now, eh?”
She made eye contact again, and felt so stupid for not noticing this before. Riva always had an interest in the psychonauts, because they seemed like they could tolerate different minds. If her family could afford it, she would even read True Psychic Tales, mainly because she admired the illustrations. How could she not realize she knew Ford “The Founder Of This Whole Place” Cruller until now?!
Yet, at the same time, she felt her eyes water. It was nice to know she had a friend back then, even if he was old enough to be her grandpa. She didn’t say a word, and extended her free arm as an invitation…for something she definitely needed and wouldn’t want to get from Nick. The agent understood, and they hugged for a brief moment. She felt like this had happened before.
“I-I… I’m glad to see you, Mr. Cruller, b-but…” She quickly shifted back to worrying, “I-I am not in the best situation to do much of anything regarding the truth right now… I know Norma is telling Hollis I am the spy in the psychonauts… I-I am going to get locked up in the end anyway… T-they didn’t believe me before… Why would they believe me now—?”
He was gone.
The intercom sounded, with Hollis’ sharp voice ringing out, “Would Riva Beckons please come to the main area IMMEDIATELY!”
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braveandsnipe · 3 years
power rangers dino fury episode seven : stego search
hmmmm... i have thoughts
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first time actually watching live ‘n not just waiting for it to come on youtube
i was looking at the photo of that earlier, and that font looks so familiar, but i can’t put my finger on it
alright, jane got some flow ngl
oh, the days i used to play the violin (what i’d do to go back to elementary school)
jesus christ, this kids gonna give his father a heart attack one day
i mean, whatever, but the box around javi’s morph is purple but nothing else is...
we love a good rhyme
what is the plural of sporix?
i love that shot of zayto, ollie, and amelia (the angle)
is there only one woods in this town, city, thing.
it’s not like they don’t have a megazord. 
how is it night time when it wasn’t less than 3:00pm two minutes ago?
already, he was made three episodes ago
oh, nevermind
the javi/ollie vibes we strong in that last scene ngl
at least they kept the dumb jane/j-borg sh*t until the end, makes it more tolerable imo
still not thrilled with the jane/j-borg stuff. i mean today, it wasn’t unbearable, but definitely still not my cup of tea.
im interested in the garcia family dynamic. i have a couple of theories on how the dynamic came to be, but am having trouble fleshing them out atm. but it’s odd to me the warden is so adversed to music, but not sports. like, in terms of carer prospects, they’re both hard industries to break into (without connections), but once you get that momentum, you can become very successful. maybe it’s a personal thing he takes out on javi? well, this won’t be the last time this dynamic is focused on.
has power rangers ever done a plot where a parent/child are at adversity with each other? i know lightspeed, but that was because of brainwashing. i guess devon in beast morphers it the closest, but this one feels different. idk
i have mixed feelings on the main plot. i like it because i can relate a lot to it, but the climax was weak. 
i finally realized my problem with this episode after reading this tweet : javi never opens up. zayto, ollie, and amelia find out the problem through a video, which kind of negates the point of the episode. we know javi is more quiet and reserved, and (from personal experience), opening up is a struggle (for a variety of reasons, usually situational). the thing is, the flaw of his character was never challenged as he didn’t have to confront his problem, the video did it for him. instead of having the scene of javi after izzy gets hurt, i think it should’ve been him actually opening up instead.
speaking of that scene after izzy got hurt, when i first saw it in the teaser, i was kind of upset because i thought it would take the focus away from javi. i think it actually worked well, but i don’t think it was necessary (at least for this episode). i know they are trying to establish that there is tension between javi and his dad, but i think that has been established enough up to this point, that the scene could’ve been replaced with something more relevant to this episode (like javi actually opening up to zayto, ollie, and amelia). it’s not like it was out of place or anything, but this scene is pretty “generic” in that it could’ve been placed in another episode (where relevant) and still make sense. the only thing that it added was javi pushing away the team, which is important to the plot, but has been established already. 
edit : i think this episode was better at balancing all the characters. of course the episode was javi centric, but the others were still actively present. 
i think that’s it. i think im upset this episode didn’t hit because i was really looking forward to it, and it wasn’t what i expected. that’s kind of my problem, i guess. anyway, i would like to conclude with this tweet i found that isn’t mine
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salty-medley · 3 years
I don’t know if anyone feels the same but, in SSO, I don’t feel like the character I’m supposed to be. 
I’m not attached to Aideen and her cult, I prefer helping the rangers with a chainsaw to explore an old place, racing with them and living far away from those annoying killjoys and their useless goddess. I don’t feel like I’m the reincarnation of a goddess, only that I’m someone who can do magic but sadly never when I really need it. Those bushes, I could simply use magic against it. The shadow monsters ? A tiny lightning bolt and done ! The drones ? Same.
And the line where Rhiannon said to Alex that she can’t use her powers like that is so lame... Of course she could solve a LOT of their problems if she has a competent magic teacher teaching her strategy, the weaknesses of their enemies, to plan a proper trap or attack... It’s incredible how the druids are constantly constraining the soul riders instead of showing them how to use their powers fully, it’s like if they were scared of them and tried to keep them weak.
Or Aideen’s magic is shitty and they really can’t do anything useful.
And I don’t want to be that type of person in MY story. I don’t want to be the slave of all the inhabitants and druids, I’m tired to see the others doing cool things while I’m just staying on the back. I don’t want to be a boring druid hiding under a cloak in my hobbit village, I want to be a new generation witch, who doesn’t look like an old rumpled woman, having fun with magic, learning new tricks and being able to kick asses by MYSELF only. My magical wand is staying in my stable’s closet, bored as possible, and this poor thing needs more adventures !
So yeah, I’d love to leave the soul riders and the druids like my OC does in my fiction, taking control of my own path. Now I - almost - own an owl and a wand, I want to create a Jorvik version of Hogwarts, recruiting the Buttergoods to be the dangerous fantastic creatures of the forest, and making potions which explode like a famous irish wizard student. 
See SSO ? I don’t ask for pets, for new clothes, for magical horses, for new hollow NPCs that I won’t interact anymore with after finishing their reputation quests, I don’t want to be a symbol of peace and love for Jorvik, I only want to be able to choose, to really choose. Like in those funny books we had in my childhood where you had a different ending regarding of our choices. I ask for more mature stories, not for a whole collection of characters who seem to be made on the same base ( you know the “I’m nice, I’m courageous, I’m eco friendly and I love horses” ). I want really different people who’ll need a serious situation to finally work together but who won’t be friends, just tolerating the others to not being killed by an alien, I want real evil ones who doesn’t have a tragic background but only chose that way of life because they could enjoy it. 
Oh and I’d also need a car, a fully automatic machine gun ( just try to stop me now Sabine/Katja/another dark rider )  and adopting Rowan as assistant. If you know what can do a guy with a boomerang ( sorry it’s for the reference, I get that they’re non binary ), you’d agree with that.
By the way, what characters would you take with you if you had the choice to create a team ? I’d say, for me, Ydris for the magic, the Galloper for the flames ( I mean we need fire, who doesn’t need fire seriously ?), Rowan for the boomerang, a jeep and capturing the guy who drank his own serum and turned into a monster. Fear not citizens, Jorvik is safe with us.
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[ EDIT : just to be clear, I never said that I seriously expected SSO to make something like that, we’ll more probably have pink winged unicorns selling glitter rainbow poops in a cafe than the opportunity to be anything else than the useless object we actually are in game. I’d love to have a more “crazy” version of Jorvik to explore and to have the opportunity to choose my way of acting. Just like I never said that a nice character is always boring, just that in SSO - like in lot of stories made for an audience including young people today, the characters tend to be dumb, empty and boring. A nice character can be awesome, I think about Hay Lin in W.I.T.C.H, Sakura in CCS, Bloom in Winx ( and don’t speak me about Flora, she’s the boring one here )... Those characters are nice, polite, they want peace and joy BUT they aren’t that “flat”, they have something else. Wholesome things and people are cool, but only when it’s not in a too much way, which is sadly how SSO tend to make things. It’s like sugar, sugar is good, very good, but when it’s overly sugared, it’s sickening. Same thing for kindness.]
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maaaddiexo · 3 years
The Within Series | Legolas Greenleaf
Book 1: The Devil Within - 1.2
Mainlist | Serieslist
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Nyx of Tyndall does not know love or kindness. Cursed at a young age by a jealous witch, Nyx has lived a life of solitude and death.
Until Gandalf the Grey requests her presence and uncontrollable skill in assisting a young Hobbit across Middle-Earth with nine others to destroy a ring so powerful all fall victim to its evil.
Not only must Nyx face Orcs, demons, and creatures she’s never seen before, but also the devil inside. Controlling the devil is the key to finding freedom in a spell that can’t be broken. But it will not be so easy for Nyx when every obstacle she faces pushes her to an edge she cannot return from.
Chapter Two
The Prancing Pony was a two day’s trek from the woods and, after setting a fire to alert the men’s friends and family of their location, Nyx spent the night trying to get as far away as she could. She preferred to travel at night and rest in the trees during the day – less people to run into – but she had wanted to get an early start only to run into the two men.
This time, Nyx would not be so careless, waiting long after the sun had set before she climbed down from a large maple tree to continue on her way to Bree. Just as the sun was beginning to rise on her last day of walking for the Prancing Pony, she stopped by a river, discarding her cloak and weapon to dip her head in the creek. She scrubbed at her scalp, dislodging the dried blood and caked-on dirt. Though it wasn’t an actual bath – which she hadn’t had in ages – it still felt refreshing. She picked at the dirt underneath her nails and washed her face before continuing on.
The last thing I need is to look like the killer I am, she thought to herself grimly.
She came upon Bree a few hours after sunset. It was pouring and Nyx was soaked all the way through to her bones, but she knew a few cups of ale would warm me her quickly. After being let through the wooden gate by the grumpy gatekeeper, Nyx headed straight for the Prancing Pony. Not only did she not have much on her back, but she barely had any money to afford a room for the night. She’d spent most of her life living with the Grey and Brown wizards or on her own in the woods. From now on, she knew she would be anything but alone.
The Prancing Pony bustling with rough-looking men. She approached the man at the front with her weapon hidden beneath her dark grey cloak.
“Hello, young lady. What can I do for you?”
“I’m looking for Gandalf the Grey? Is he here yet? Or two Hobbits?”
The man made a face and chuckled. “You’re the second to ask about Gandalf tonight. In fact, it was a Hobbit who asked about him earlier. But there were four Hobbits. Not two.”
Nyx frowned. I was sure Gandalf had said two Hobbits. “Are they still here?”
The man pointed to the far corner of the room where four small, young boys were sitting around a table with cups of ale bigger than their heads. Nyx smiled at him before weaving through the crowd and stopping at the end of the table. The four Hobbits looked at Nyx wearily but she was only interested in one of them.
“Frodo Baggins?”
A boy shook his head. “Sorry, you’ve got the wrong table. No Frodo Baggins here.” He was thin with bright blue eyes and straggly hair. A spitting image of a young Bilbo Baggins Nyx had seen pictures of. Nyx smiled at him.
“Nice to meet you, Frodo. I’m Gandalf’s companion, Nyx. I believe he mentioned me? Though not by name.”
Frodo contemplated Nyx’s words for a moment before his eyes filled with suspicion. “How do I know you’re telling the truth? Gandalf isn’t with you.”
Nyx frowned. “No, he is not. And I’m surprised because he is never late. But he told me what you carry with you. I am only here to help protect you.”
“You? Protect us?” Another Hobbit uttered, staring at me. “But you’re a girl.”
“A girl who’s killed more than I hope you ever will. I’ve been hunted my whole life and I hear you are being hunted by Sauron’s men. I can help. Please. That’s all I want to do.” For once in my life.
Frodo stared at Nyx a moment longer before moving over on the bench. She smiled gratefully and gently sat next to him, careful to keep her weapon covered. It felt odd to Nyx – sitting in such a place so busy with people. She’d spent her whole life in the forest, isolated from people. And the only interactions she’d had with people resulted in their deaths and her tears. What felt even more odd was sitting with people much smaller than her, for she’d only ever been around Men. Still, their tolerance for alcohol was no different than hers, as demonstrated by Merry Brandybuck. Soon, she learned all of their names.
Samwise Gamgee, who went by Sam, had blonde shaggy hair like all but Frodo, knobby fingers, a troubled look permanently etched on his face, and a little extra weight around his waist. He had been the one sent to accompany Frodo as well. Pippin Took had a long straight nose, blonde hair that could use a good wash and brush, and wide blue eyes. Absolutely adorable, in Nyx’s opinion. Last was Merry Brandybuck, Pippin’s best friend. He had the same shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes, but his nose was larger, and he seemed to be the daredevil of the group. He also had the largest alcohol tolerance.
“Why isn’t Gandalf with you?” Sam asked.
Nyx shrugged, skillfully hiding her worry. “He needed to meet with a fellow wizard. I suppose he got caught up.” Looking around the room, she noticed that most people took turns staring at them. She could see how odd it would look – four Hobbits and an unknown human girl having a drink together surrounded by humans. Her eyes landed on a man in the far corner staring back at her. His hood hides most of his face, but she could see a little bit of stubble on his cheeks and chin.
Sam noticed him too. “That fellow has done nothing but stare at you since we arrived,” he told Frodo. “Do you recognize him, Nyx?”
The young girl shook her head. “I actually do my best to stay away from people.”
Nervously, Frodo spared a glance at the man in the corner before stopping a waiter walking by the table. “Excuse me. That man in the corner – who is he?”
The waiter, who was sporting an overgrown mustache and horrible mutton chops looked over his shoulder at the man before bending down to Frodo’s height so he could be heard over the chatter. “He’s one of them Rangers. Dangerous folk, they are – wanderin’ the wilds. What his real name is, I’ve never heard. But around here, he’s known as Strider.”
The man walked away, and Nyx rolled her eyes at the table. Bit of a lame name, if you ask me. Then again, she’d heard the names she’d been called and they weren’t any better.
“Strider,” Frodo whispered to himself. It was an intimidating name to him and seemed to fit the man’s current appearance. He didn’t want anything to do with this Strider fellow – especially if he was after the Ring. He played with the Ring under the table, staring at nothing in particular as he thought over possible options. They could make a run for it. They could confront him. Or, they could act like they had done nothing wrong – which they hadn’t – and wait a little longer for Gandalf. The Ring was smooth and warm in Frodo’s hands and soon he forgot what he had been thinking about, falling victim to the whispers of the Ring.
Baggins, it whispered.
“Baggins!” Frodo’s eyes snapped open as he heard Pippin’s familiar voice over the roar of the crowd. “Sure I know a Baggins,” he said from the bar. With an ale in his hand, he pointed right at his cousin. “He’s over there. Frodo Baggins!”
Nyx, Sam, and Frodo gasped. Their cover was blown. Nyx grabbed for her bag by her feet. “Time to go. Grab Pippin, Frodo.” She began to shove the food on the table into the folds of her cloak as Frodo moved towards the bar.
“What’s going on?” Merry asked.
“If people know a Baggins is here, then the Ringwraiths will know too. Stupid men can’t keep their bloody mouths shut,” she said angrily, sparing a glance at the bar just in time to see Frodo on the floor before he disappeared. She dropped a piece of bread and gasped. She knew Frodo had the Ring, but she’d never seen it in action.
Sam and Merry gasped too, standing up. Nyx began moving faster as everyone stared at the ground where Frodo had just been. She grabbed them by the shoulders of their jackets. “Come on.”
“Where’d he go?” Sam asked worriedly. Nyx shook her head, moving towards Pippin.
“I don’t know.” They reached Pippin at the bar, who was still staring at the spot on the floor, a stuttering mess. Nyx stood on her tiptoes, looking around for any sign of Frodo, sighing in relief when she saw him being pushed up the stairs to the inn above.
By Strider.
“Damn,” she cursed. “Come on.”
Part 1.3 ➺
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Power Rangers AU-Chapter 4
Pairings: romantic Logicality, Prinxiety, Demus, Remile
This Chapter Features: Deceit(goes by Dee) centric storyline, Dee has virtiligo but covers it up with makeup-very dramatic and will be explained later
This Chapter Warnings: hostage, mentions of alcohol, brief mention of smoking, sympathetic Deceit, sympathetic Remus
Credit for this AU goes to @when-day-met-the-knight (specifically this post).
If you would like to be added to the taglist for this fic please let me know in reply! 
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Chapter 4-Yellow
Dee doesn’t hate his life. At least when it came to school. Dee was the ‘second in command’ to the most popular girl in their school and took that position in stride. If there was a rumor going around, Dee was likely the one who started it. He knew whether any rumor was true or false and knew exactly how to manipulate the situation to make himself come off perfect. 
Dee had to admit, his high school life waas certainly better than he could imagine. Every flick of his hand is met with a faithful servant. Every teacher turning a blind eye when he skipped. An invitation to any party anyone was having. 
All of this, and the only thing Dee has to do is be Kayley Harlem's ‘gay best friend’. 
Through Kayley, he met Roman and Remus. Roman, another gay boy for Kayley to sit by in class for clout during school hours, and Remus, the one who helped her skip and get alcohol or something to smoke.
Roman was certainly not close to Dee. The two had flirted a lot when they first met, but Roman stopped that after a week for reasons he wouldn’t explain. Dee didn’t quite mind. Nothing would ever happen between the two and he knew it.
However, it was the other twin that Dee found himself oddly close to. He never knew what Remus meant to him, but he did mean something. Remus was insane and gross, but there was something spontaneously sweet about him that Dee liked. He wished he could describe or understand it, but that lead him down a path he had never been before. A path that Dee felt was best left undiscovered
Dee rarely found himself regretting his situation. It had been like this since he joined the school in Sophomore year, and he'd grown used to his place. 
Like usual, Dee, Kayley, and Remus were sitting in the back bathroom of McDonald’s across the street from their school. It was probably fourth hour, but Dee didn’t know exactly. Kayley was playing on her phone and texting some guy while Remus lazily stretched out on the sink counter. He munched on fries and slightly bobbed his head to whatever music he listened to. As Dee was about to reach up and grab a fry from Remus, the door to the bathroom opened.
“Seth!” Kayley cheered. She stood up and gave Seth a look. “Ready to go?”
“Yup.” Seth nodded, reaching a hand around her waist and leading her out the door.
“Don’t wait around Dee. I’ll see ya later m’kay.” Kayley waved.
Dee nodded though he knew she wasn’t paying attention to his reply. The bathroom was left in almost silence. The ventilation whirred as Dee laid back once again, the faint sounds of Remus’s music drifting to his ears.
“You don’t have to stay you know.” Remus stirred. 
“What?” Dee asked, sitting up to look at Remus.
“You don’t have to stay here. I know you only really hang around me because of Kayley.” Remus shrugged, staring up at the ceiling. “And she did tell you to not wait around.”
“Remus wh-“
“And it’s not like you want to hang around me anyway. I mean, you did say so yourself. Just leave like I know you want to.”
“Remus I swear-you’re still on that?!” Dee shot back angrily.
“Dee. I’m literally repeating everything you told me.” Remus stated calmly, though something about his voice put Dee on edge.
“I was drunk!”
“Barely. You’ve got a high tolerance and had maybe a few sips. If I’m being generous.” Remus finally peered over at him. 
Dee hated that. That look in Remus’s eyes. He just hated Remus’s eyes in general. His irises were so dark and shined like he could burst into tears at any moment. Why, of he and Roman, did Remus have to be the one with with tearful eyes? You could never tell what Remus was thinking when he looked at you. Dee heard people say eyes are the gateway to the soul. If that was true then Remus’s soul must be the most vague, unreadable thing in existence.
“Remus, I didn’t mean it li-“
“You said it literally last week.” Remus quirked an eyebrow. 
"Look. I'm-"
The ground shook. Faint screaming from outside the McDonalds as well as the monstrous cries of those aliens attacking their town replaced the growing tension in the bathroom. Both boys groaned. 
"Again? What is this stupid prince's deal?!" Remus pulled his earbuds out annoyed.
"Prince?" Dee asked.
"Nothing. Just get somewhere safe." Remus brushed it off. 
"Where are you going? Shouldn't we stick together?" Dee said, his voice a little more desperate than he would have preferred to admit.
"Dee, just keep yourself safe okay? I gotta go." Remus said hurriedly. He rushed out of the bathroom, leaving a very baffled Dee to watch the door as it swung.
"You're hiding something Remus." Dee mumbled curtly.
He walked out of the bathroom warily and searched for Remus. As he stared out the windows something flew dangerously low above the McDonald's. The employees were crouched behind the counter and began whisper-shouting for him to join them. 
"That guy in a green sweatshirt. Where'd he go?" Dee asked. 
"Hopped the counter, through the kitchen, and out the employee exit to the back alley." The oldest worker recalled. 
"Thanks." Dee followed Remus's movements out the door. 
As he walked out the door and into the alley Dee could see flashes of light. He stared as the Green, Pink, and Blue Rangers stood in the alley. 
"Anyone see Thomas?" The Pink Ranger asked. 
The voice coming from the Ranger was familiar to Dee, but muffled and it began annoying him that he couldn’t tell who’s voice that was.
"He's covering the breech on Copper's street." The Blue Ranger stated. "He'll be over here soon."
"Where the hell is my brother?" The Green Ranger stamped his foot. 
"What did I say about swearing?" The Pink Ranger crossed his arms and sighed. 
"Seriously? You're holding me to that?" The Green Ranger turned to Pink.
"What are you three doing just standing around?!?!" The Red Ranger called as he ran into the alley.
"Where were you?" The Blue Ranger asked in an annoyed tone. 
"At the meeting spot! We said behind thrift shop!" 
"We said McDonald's." Blue pointed out. 
"What!?! When did we ever-"
"Okay kiddos! Aliens first! Arguing later!" Pink shouted to get their attention. 
"Right!" The Red Ranger turned on his heels and began running. Quickly followed by the other three. 
Dee watched them go, following quietly until the end of the alley. The Blue Ranger summoned the seperated ends of his lance and knelt down. Suddenly the Pink Ranger, from several yards ahead, turned and began sprinting toward the Blue Ranger. He jumped on the ends of the lance and the Blue Ranger boosted the Pink one into the air. As the Pink Ranger went up the Blue Ranger connected his lance and held it out for the Pink Ranger to balance on. Blue used all of his force to boost Pink into the air. He landed on the roof of the nearest shop and summoned a bow to shoot the minions. The Blue Ranger ran up to the Red Ranger, who dipped his broad sword so Blue could catapult himself off the blade and spear several minions at once. The Red Ranger and Green Ranger stood back to back, hacking away at whatever minions came close. 
Dee watched in awe as they fought. Sure, they were sloppy, but it was evident they were working as a team. At least as close to a team as they could get. 
"Ooo, who're you?" An unnerving voice behind him asked. 
Dee turned quickly. The person stood a little taller than him. The only thing Dee could really see about their features, were six glowing purple eyes. 
"I-I-" Dee stumbled out of the alley not knowing how to react. 
"Doesn't really matter who you are, I guess. Those Rangers will risk anything just to save some random person. Humans are sympathetic like that." The person stepped into the light of the sun with Dee, revealing the crown and dark hair that shadowed their face. "Well, sypathetic may not be the right word. I think it's more stupiditiy than sympathy."
Suddenly the person had a hold of Dee's shirt and a cloud of darkness surrounded him.
When Dee opened his eyes, he was standing in a wide open area. It appeared as though he was in the middle of a construction zone, but no workers, or really anyone, was around. 
"It's some new building." The person said from a few feet away. 
"Oh." He stared at the dark person, something about them was unnatural. Wrong. Like they weren't really what Dee was seeing. “Why are you doing this?" Dee asked not really knowing where he was taking the conversation.
"I don't have a choice. It's just what I gotta do." They sighed. 
"Cause it's the only way to get this stupid planet under control."
"Why do you want us under your control?" Dee asked. 
"Why do you ask so many questions." The person said in a fake, shrill, voice. 
"Jeez you're fun." Dee sarcastically commented. 
"Oh shut up. The Rangers will be here any second." The person looked around. "I just want this over."
It was quiet. Dee felt beads of sweat fall down his face. He didn't know what to do. He felt like he could run, but if he tried this, well, whatever this person was, could definitely hurt him. Dee's mind couldn't focus. There was so much. It was too quiet. Like all destruction had seased. Leaving Dee to his thoughts. The sun was too bright and the person holding him captive was too calm. 
"Are you sure this is it?" A voice asked. It was distant. 
"Well, the minions were certainly trying to run this way, and seemed focused on this building." Someone replied. "I would know for sure if you had listened to my plan-"
"I get it!! I get it!!" Another voice jutted in. 
"How do we even know it's gonna be him?" The voices were getting louder. Footsteps closer. Dee's breathing became more erratic. "I mean who knows what other-"
The voices stopped. The Rangers stepped into Dee's view and were all caught off-guard. 
"I-I-uh," The Pink Ranger tried to speak. 
"Dee?" The Green Ranger croaked. 
"Is that your name?" The villain asked. 
"I'll take that as a yes." The villain shrugged. "How's it going Rangers?"
"What are you doing?" The Red one took a step forward.
"Me? Oh, you know, a little trade." The villain chuckled. "Hand over the morphers or the human comes with me."
"What?" The Green Ranger said darkly, taking a step with Red. 
"You heard me. Give up the morphers." The villain pulled Dee closer and summond a little ball of flame, pointing it toward Dee.
"That's not how the morphers work." The Blue Ranger stated. 
"You can't just take them off. They choose the wearer. They choose the Ranger." The Pink Ranger began.
"Don't even try to trick me! Give them up or he's not coming back!" The villain put the flame closer to Dee's face. 
"Listen to them! They know what they're talking about! You can't just hand them over!" The Green Ranger strained, tensing when the fire got closer to Dee.
"No! No, no, no!! You're just trying to trick me and I won't fall for it!!" 
"We aren't lying! I mean it! You can't give them up!" The Pink Ranger stepped closer. 
"Don't make this difficult! I will take him! I'll take more than him if I have to! Just hand them over!!" The flame was getting too close. Dee felt the fire's heat and yelped. 
"Dee! Oh god, please just stop! Don't hurt him please!" The Green Ranger walked forward.
"No!! Don't come any closer!!" 
The heat was too much. Dee yelped again and wimpered. 
"Okay, okay, okay I won't! Just let him go!" The Green Ranger begged. 
"You can't take them off, we told you. You lost!" The Red Ranger stated.
"You're lying!" The villain sneered. 
"We're not! I promise we're not!" The Green Ranger almost sobbed. "I-I-I'll prove it!"
"How?" The villain pulled the fire away and loosened his grip on Dee.
"Yeah how?" The Pink Ranger turned to Green. 
The Green Ranger pulled his hands up in front of his chest. 
"Remus no!" The Blue Rnager tried, but it was too late.
“Green Ranger, deactivate.” 
Dee closed his eyes hastily, until opening them slowly to see Remus standing there in place of the Green Ranger. His face was a mix of attempted confidence and fear. His eyes dangerously close to spilling tears. 
"Remus?" Dee squeaked. 
"I can prove it." Remus stated, his voice barely shaking. "Try for yourself! You  can't take it off." 
The villain’s grip on Dee loosened further and he let the fire fizzle out quickly, moving his hand to attempt to yank at the green band on Remus’s wrist. It didn’t work. The band only tightened around him.
“No.” The villain’s voice wavered as he whispered. “No, no, no, god no. Please.”
“We told you. They don’t come off.” Remus said, trying his hardest to keep his voice steady.
“No, no, no.” Dee felt as the prince’s hand went slack and fell. 
He looked over at the Rangers and saw the pink one gesturing for him to run behind them. Dee moved to do so, but stopped quick, turning to see if the villain was paying attention to him. When he looked at the villain’s face, his stomach dropped. 
“Why, why.” The villain croaked, voice barely above a whisper. “I-I-I can’t keep-I can’t-this doesn’t-“
“There’s no use in trying.” Remus said calmly.
“I-It’s, um, you don’t have to keep doing this.” Dee began, he didn’t know at all when he was saying. “You can stop.”
“He’s right.” The Pink Ranger began. “Virgilius, you can stop this. You don’t have to do this. You-“
“You’re being forced to do this aren’t you?” Dee began. He saw as the villain, Virgilius apparently, softened his hold on Remus. Eyes faltering. 
“It’s okay.” Dee tried to muster a smile. “You don’t have to do this. You can stop.”
“No, I-“
Dee felt it before he knew anything was happening. A strong hold on his wrist, metal collapsing around him. He gasped and pulled his wrist up to his eye level in slight shock. There the yellow morpher was, collapsed around him. 
The room was silent. 
“Gosh.” The Pink Ranger borough his hands to where his mouth would be.
“Dee you’re-“ Remus started.
“I knew it! You Rangers pretend you care! You act! You lie! You lie and lie and lead me to think!!” Virgilius stepped away hastily. “All humans do is trick! And lie!”
“No! No this isn’t a trick!” The Red Ranger said quickly. 
“I promise this isn’t-I’m not-there's-“ Dee, for once in his life, didn’t have the words. There was just so much going on. He was a Ranger now. A Power Ranger. The Yellow Power Ranger.
“No I'm not falling for it! I’m not falling for your human schemes!!!” The villain summoned fire in his hands and began his attack.
“Dee!” Remus tackled him to the ground, the prince’s fire ball barely missing the two.
Dee stared up at Remus shakily still processing the events. He saw the bright pink, blue, and red flashes of light as the respective Rangers summoned their weapons and began battling.
“Thanks.” Dee said, just loud enough for Remus to hear.
“No problem.” Remus grunted, lifting himself off of Dee and sitting on his knees next to him. “Where’s emo?” 
“Not sure.” The Red Ranger answered.
Dee sat up to find himself alone with the other Rangers. No villain in sight.
“He just left?” Dee asked.
“He tends to do that.” The Blue Ranger shrugged.
The Pink Ranger walked over to Dee and crouched down, extending a hand. “Pink Ranger deactivate.”
Dee stares back in Patton’s kind eyes as the Ranger armor faded to light. 
“Welcome to the team.” He said with a slight giggle.
Dee gave Patton the smile he had reserved for him alone and took the extended hand.  
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okamirayne · 3 years
Hey Rayne! Just wanted to ask you about creativity in these hard times. During lockdown and restrictions I’ve felt so crap about myself because I had no power for my art and creative stuff despite having the time open up and kept/keep feeling like failure as other people I know have used the time to be really productive. Feel down about it and wondering...have you been really productive creatively? Have you struggled? I dunno what I’m looking for really...just feel crappy about it...☹️
Hey sweetheart...
Firstly, I’m so, so sorry you’re going through this.  Secondly, I understand entirely. I wish to every god I didn’t. But I do. 
Feel down about it and wondering...have you been really productive creatively? Have you struggled?
Ah, my luv. I hear you and it hurts....as personal and painful as this is to admit, I am in the ass-end of a horrific and crippling burnout and am only JUST coming to terms with this cruel truth and unexpected reality...I didn’t realise just how badly this has hit me and how I can’t just ‘bounce back’ until a week ago...
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I’m one of those idiots who assumed “it won’t happen to me...”...apparently I am not a machine -- and neither are you.  Creative work requires a very specific kind of energy...and that energy is not, as I previously assumed, INFINITE. 
I never thought I’d lose access to it...or run out of it....
But I did...
For a combination of reasons....
Accepting this gutting reality has gone down about as well as a turd in a punch bowl with yours truly.  I am used to high levels of creative productivity...so being in burnout is quite literally...HELL. On wheels. Only the wheels are spinning in the mud, kicking up dirt while the engine coughs fumes, the electrics fry and I’m white-knuckling the steering wheel while screaming “MOVE, BITCH! Let’s put the pedal to the metal and GO, GO, POWER RANGER!”...
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Yeah, did I mention I’m an idiot?
Oddly enough, the quote another Anon mentioned Hell Itself is a Dwelling Place is exactly where I’m at right now....that looks different to everyone, but for creatives...it can look like the blackened pit of burnout...
I dunno what I’m looking for really...just feel crappy about it...☹️
I am so sorry, sweetie. I know how shit it is.  While I would NOT want to assume you are in a state of burnout, I can and will point you in the direction of the incredible teacher, Becca Syme, whose works have helped me not only to realise what the fuck is wrong with me and why I ended up where I currently find myself (in the Pit of Burnout) but also educated me as to HOW I need to re-evaluate my entire approach.
Her works may help you.
She has a multitude of books, which allows a lot of room to roam and see what resonates. An excellent place to start might be her book “Hey Writer, You Need to Quit”; don’t be fooled, the title does not suggest quitting WRITING or whatever your creative passion may be -- it’s about all the other things you need to question and quit; and damn if this book (combined with her Burnout book) didn’t help me realise where I was going wrong and where I had gone wrong in the past...
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She also has a plethora of videos which teach you how to better balance and understand yourself as a creative. While her work is geared specifically towards writers, it can be applied to anything. Her teachings have revolutionised the way I think, feel and understand myself as a writer --- and even more profoundly, as a person.  They are the only thing keeping me from abject terror in my current state of limbo and I cannot recommend her highly enough. 
Please, PLEASE, check out her YouTube series on Burnout, as well as her other videos (especially the ones on Questioning the Premise) and see if her teachings and systems resonate with you.  
She can and will give far better guidance and support about creative self-care and recovery than I can and she’ll also teach you about questioning everything you’ve been told you SHOULD be doing....the alleviation of pressure, if nothing else, will help immensely, especially if you are comparing yourself to others who are chugging on or cruising along while you may feel you’re just spinning your damn wheels.
I wish you everything you need to recover your creative energy.
In the meantime, please be kind to yourself.  
I don’t use those words as a cliché throwaway self-help quote...
I’m not saying it as some ‘love and light’ platitude.
I really. bloody. mean. it.
On EVERY raw and bleeding level.
Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Don’t indulge one to the detriment of the others, but please DO do whatever the hell it is YOU need to put yourself in holistic alignment with recovering your creative energy.  And please, by all that is holy and good, do not fall into the trap of thinking you SHOULD be doing what someone else is -- it’s not a one size fits all and your model may look very different to someone else’s...as it ought to.  We are all different.  What sustains me might sap you...what recharges you might drain me.  Choose a system that resonates with you, luv...and ensure that system includes a hell of a lot of self-care and a zero tolerance policy for the words “you/I SHOULD”.
Thank you for posing this tough ASK...while it’s been painful and raw to respond to, it’s the good kind of pain, because if I can point you or anyone else in the direction of recovering creative mojo by sharing teachers or systems that have helped me, then that can never be a bad thing. 
We’re all in this together. <3
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Big empathic love and hugs coming at you, my luv.  You’re not alone.  I am sure you will absolutely recover what you’re unable to access right now.  Patience, understanding (I can’t emphasis this enough) and a lot of refuelling, sweetheart, whatever that looks like to YOU. <3 
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thehollowprince · 4 years
Top 5 TV shows?
Okay, so I've thought long and hard about this and finally narrowed it down to five shows. And before we list them, to anyone who reads this, yes I am aware of the problems that these shows have, but I love them anyway.
In no particular order, here they are...
1. The Magicians
I fell in love with this show when I first saw the pilot way back in December of 2015. This was a show that spoke to me on a deep personal level. The characters were me, they were people I knew, they used pop culture references that I got and acted in ways that my generation has adapted to in light of (gestures vaguely) all of this.
And that's not even getting into the world of this show (and the book series that inspired it). The magic is grounded and almost tangible. There are times that I feel under the right circumstances (ba dum tsh), that I could do one of them. No wand waving or vaguely latin words. And the magic comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes and disciplines.
Its great.
Sure, there have been some bumps in the road along this ride, but I've made some great friends in this fandom fbat I wouldn't trade for anything.
2. Teen Wolf
I fully admit, the whole reason I started watching this show was the fact that I saw some stills of Tyler Posey as Scott McCall with his shirt off. Look, I'm not proud of it, but I'm a simple man with simple pleasures. Sue me.
But as it turns out, the show wasn't half bad. Not at all like the comedy that I thought it was going to be. A show that dealt with not only werewolves (an oddity in such vampire-infested times), but all sorts of other shapeshifting creatures from various mythologies and folklores. Sure, they missed the mark once or twice (*cough*skinwalkwers*cough*) but all in all I thought they did a really good job.
Also, this is one of the incredibly few shows that I've ever watched that I loved the main character. I usually either only tolerate them or can't stand them, but Scott McCall was a great character and a good friend, in an era of too much sarcasm.
3. Penny Dreadful
This show was criminally overlooked and underrated!
This has got to be one of the best shows I've ever seen, and that's not even factoring in my feelings on the plot. The whole show (all three - incredibly short - seasons) felt like watching a Victorian novel come to life. And I think that's where it lost so many people. PD wasn't like all of these other shows in this particular genre, with over the top action sequences and metaphysical powers like telekinesis and setting fire with your mind. This show was very internal, very introspective. There was a lot of dialogue and the story was character-driven rather than driven by the plot or action itself.
It was ahead of it's time. Here's hoping that the spinoff show, Penny Dreadful: City of Angels gets a better reception.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Yes, I am aware of Joss Whedon's less than stellar reputation, but I will take my love for this show to the grave. This was the first show I actually started paying attention to and watching with any kind of regularity (minus the Power Rangers, of course) and I wouldn't trade it. This show got me through so much growing up, even though I'm sure I started watching it when I was too young to understand what was going on.
Also, Willow's journey helped me with my own self-realization when it came to my own sexuality.
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
I love this anime. It's one of the few I've actually watched and one of the only of those few that I've ever rewatched. I highly recommend it to anyone who hadn't seen it because its amazing. And a lot more adult than you would think for an animated show, but it tackles a lot of really important issues while utilizing a middle-age "science" that is often left by the wayside on modern adaptations of anything occult or supernatural related; that being alchemy. They include things like homunculi and chimeras and even the fabled Philosopher's Stone.
And unlike a lot of animes, or even shows, there is an actual ending to this story that wraps up everything our heroes have gone through.
Bonus: Toy Boy - I'm including this because this is the show I just binged on Netflix. I thoroughly enjoyed it for just being a good, entertaining show. It's like a Magic Mike murder mystery, in Spanish. I loved it.
Bonus Bonus, because that's how I roll - I highly recommend Diary of a Future President on Disney+. I know people have issue with Gina Rodriguez, but its a great little show about a Cuban-American family and the issues that arise from being in middle-school. The kids actually look like kids, the mom actually acts like a mom, there's a nice storyline with the older brother realizing he might not be straight. And it's only ten episodes. You could finish the whole thing in five hours or less.
And there's my list.
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tristis-333 · 4 years
Ranking Persona 5 Royal’s third tier Personas
So I’ve wanted to do this for a while. I’ve been making a lot more contemplative post lately and it’s time for something more fun because I have a lot of opinions on these new Personas. So starting off with the worse,
9. Agnes
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Agnes is easily the worse design of the new Persona’s because the original form, Johana, beats her out in every single possible category. First off the name, I know she’s based on the historical documents but every time I hear the name all I can picture is Makoto riding in on someone’s grandma. The gold is nice, but the black is very dull in comparison to Johana’s silvers and blues. Why isn’t she navy blue? You know Makoto’s signature color? Then there’s what it does to the symbolism of Makoto’s development. Some people have interpreted Johana transforming to Anat as symbolic of Makoto learning to stand on her own two feet, Anat stands tall like Makoto vows to. So with it turning back into a bike does that mean Makoto isn’t standing on her own anymore? Agnes fails to surpass her’s original and nothing it brings to the table is interesting enough to make it stand on her own. She skids in at dead last.
8 Al Azif
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Al Azif is marginally better than Agnes, but suffers again from not taking certain ideas far enough. The colors are much duller, yet again. And while I do enjoy the modern star ship design nothing about it really makes it stand out from anything you might see in Star Trek or any other sci-fi film. I think adding in more of the gothic elements from Necronomicon would have done a lot to amplify the design. Make it more golden to call back to the pyramid that served as Futaba’s palace, and add gargoyles and brighten the lights to neon green to make them pop more. Persona 5 is supposed to be stylish but Al Azif is little more than a shiny pebble.
7. Ella
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Ella is kinda of an odd ball among the Personas because while I really like her design she just doesn’t feel like she fits with Sumire. I, and many other people, have complained that Sumire’s thief outfit doesn’t fit with her Persona. This is only made more obvious by the fact that her previous form, Vanadis, was such a better fit design wise. That being said Ella gets points back for just how cool her design is, with the thigh high boots, being made from what seems to be porcelain or china, and even tossing her bouquet back when she casts a spell. Neat design, but just an odd fit.
6 Celestine
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I was going to put Celestine higher, but the more I thought about it there were just details in her design that bug me. First I would change the hair to black with red streaks as opposed to the red with blue we got, to draw back to Carmen’s original design. As well as add more frills and leopard prints. Also change the bunny ears on her hat to cat ears. The third tier persona’s should be an evolution on their original designs and Celestine just goes to far from her roots for my liking.
5. Gorokichi
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Gorokichi isn’t higher on this list for one reason. The coat isn’t blue. Each of the phantom thieves have their signature color like they’re power rangers, and my baby nerd mind loves consistency with color pallets. I just want all the pink replaced with an icy blue. But other than that, I love him! He’s fierce, he’s loud, he’s ready to back hand slap you for having the audacity to approach him. He’s just one piece away from perfect.
4. William
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Not much to say on William really. He’s just a solid evolution and modernizing of his original form. The more I look at him I just love the little details. The year of his hanging on the hood, the skull and crossbones on his back, and the touches of yellow to add color. Give me his jacket!
3. Raoul
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Raoul is lower on this list for weird reasons. Atlus, why is the protagonist’s new persona DLC? I’ve been tolerant with a lot of the bullshit you’ve been pulling, but this is pushing it. But I still love the design. Again, give me his fricken jacket. If someone had told me Michael Jackson would come back to us a demon of rebellion I would have said… sounds about right.
2. Diego
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I am thou, does thou lift bro!? Diego manages to build on Zorro in everyway I could want. He’s slick and stylish and I love the Velvet Room blues calling back to Morgana’s origins. Not much more to say, except more of this please.
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She’s beauty, she’s grace, she doesn’t have a face. I know I said the third tier persona’s should evolve from their originals and Lucy does deviate a bit from Milady. But her concept is so great I can’t help it. I’ve already made a whole post dedicated to how much I love this design so I’m just going to rehash what I said there.  Haru’s costume is kind of tricky because there is nothing about it that really implies a trickster, but I think that’s the point. Her persona is Milady de Winter who was a clever espionage agent in the Three Musketeers, and I think therein lies the clue to what Haru sees as a rebel. Haru is not an infiltrator but is rather a planter, in the sense she “plants” herself among the enemy hiding in plain sight. Her costume doesn’t look like a trickster because she doesn’t want anyone to realize she’s a trickster. And her new persona Lucy perfectly shows off this aspect of her. Lucy is designed like an undercover woman, with her trench coat, and head scarf. Adding that Lucy doesn’t have a face, it’s clear she doesn’t want anyone to recognize her as she does her spying. Lucy manages to build on her original form and shows us an underlying aspect of her user and is just fun all around. 10/10 All hail the faceless countess.
Hereward is not on this list, because I was so disinterested in anything to do with Akechi by the end of the game, I didn’t even bother unlocking him my first playthrough. And there isn’t much to say. He’s batman…get it? Because Robin hood was sorta kinda like superman so he turned into the edge lord version of that. But, as I’ve stated previously on this blog, Akechi’s not Batman. He will NEVER be Batman.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Long post on people's misconceptions about Lena.
Sooo I'm reading a pretty good fic on AO3 but some of the comments people leave are just as bad as the stuff posted on here, Twitter and Instagram. It's mostly people hating on Lena, but they are so hypocritical about it and they make stuff up. I'm honestly convinced that half of them didn't watch the show and only go off of what haters have said happened. Either that or they have regurgitated the same nonsense for so long they have convinced themselves it actually happened.
1. Lena did NOT steal Harun El! Please go back and watch the show, listen to the dialogue and try and watch it without instantly waiting for Lena to be bad. I saw a comment that said that Alura requested all the Harun El back after they defeated Reign. Yeah, whoever commented that didn't watch the show. Kara and Mon El were given a small percentage of Harun El, it was used against Reign. Lena then MADE more Harun El. She figured out how to do something an advanced society of alien scientists weren't able to do. RAO the bloody witches were able to create Reign but not Harun El?? Anyhoo, Lena then produced enough to keep Argo City functioning for a long time and for good measure she threw in the recipe. Alura did NOT request all of it back because what Argo gave was gone. Alura did state that she was glad none would be left on Earth because they didn't know the extent of what it could do, but she didn't explicitly forbid Lena from making more and there was no law in place saying she couldn't. The same commentor even said Lena should have some kind of galactic authorities on her ass, for what? Creating a substance that will keep an entire planet and it's inhabitants alive and then using some herself? Yes I can see how that is a terrible crime.
2. Lena is fully entitled to feel pissed at Kara for not telling her her secret. All I see is the comments saying that Kara did it to protect her, she can't tell the people she cares about in case they get hurt. Yeah... That excuse only works if other people don't know. But the fact of the matter is EVERYONE but Lena knows. If you go back and watch it all you'll notice that a lot of problems could have been avoided if Lena knew. In fact her not knowing Kara's secret is neither here nor there since she's always in danger anyway. So that excuse is redundant.
3. People are still harping on about the alien detection device. RAO, wasn't that like in her second episode? Kara made the decision to destroy that device and probably millions of dollars and a long times worth of work because she didn't like it. I get why, but she could have just refused to use it. Kara already made it clear she didn't agree with it, anyone who doesn't agree with something would just say the aren't using it on principal. Kara even changed her stance a bit and began to see Lena's point of view at the end of the Episode. Plus if that was still an issue Kara wouldn't still be friends with her 3 years on.
4. Lena is still being called xenophobic and that's a reason Kara shouldn't of told her. oh all that xenophobic behavior of hers. Outside of the alien detection device, something that was addressed in the Episode where is this so called Xenophobic behavior? Do you know what I remember?
. Lena gave Kara the location to the fight club and stated very clearly she had no interest in that sort of entertainment.
. She directly requested help from Supergirl at the Gala and was really happy about a Luthor and Super working together.
.She screamed at her mother not to hurt Supergirl.
. She switched the isotopes saving all of the aliens in National City, including Jonn and Kara from choking to death.
. She helped Kara track down the aliens that were about to be shot into space by Cadmus.
. She helped and developed a bond with a Daxamite queen who convinced her all she wanted to do was get back to her home
. She left the choice to poisen the Daxamites completely in Supergirls hands.
. She saved Supergirls life more than once.
. The moment she found out one of her closest friends was an alien and didn't know it she didn't immediately turn her in out of fear for what would happen to her. She immediately set about trying to help and cure her dear friend.
. She had an anti Kryptonite suit ready to go the moment she was called and told Supergirl needed help.
. She was immediately against Lockwood and his xenophobia. She didn't want her company associated with them and was pissed James was giving them the time of day.
. She created image inducors to protect aliens
. She saved all of Argo City from extinction by manufacturing Harun El.
. She saved Argo City again when she stopped Lex.
So tell me where her xenophobic behavior is? Tell me why Kara couldn't tell her because Lena is apparently against aliens?
5. Lena has no right to be mad at Kara and she should remember all the times Kara has saved her and should be grateful. OK, but that goes both ways, Lena saved Supergirl several times, and at times thought she was protecting Kara. So yeah it wasn't just Kara doing the heroics here.
6. Lena created Kryptonite doesn't she know how much it could hurt Kara? She should have told her! Ok, but you're all convienently forgetting why she made it. She had it to keep Sam contained while she tried to cure her. She didn't tell Supergirl because then she would have had to explain why she had it leading to exposing Sam and given the DEO track record and the fact Sam was Reign I wouldn't have wanted them to know either. Lena didn't think about Supergirl when she made it because Supergirl was never meant to be in contact with it. Why does everyone including Kara forget that this was all for Sam? It wasn't just a Lena and Kara situation. Sam was the important one here, even Kara failed to give much though to her.
7. Lena made anti Kryptonian tech. So we're all just going to convienently forget the power ranger suit? That cell she kept Reign in and the forcefield were once again to keep Reign from killing people and to help Sam. Kara got pissed Lena dared to make something she couldn't see through. Lena even told her she couldn't see through it, it was to keep Reign from knowing what was going on a s it would hurt to use X Ray Vision. So the very first thing Kara does upon being told this is try to look through it.
8. Lena lied about the Kryptonite. Well I would have as well, look at Kara's reaction when she thought Lena only had left over Kryptonite. Imagine walking into a secret government facility and revealing you know and have made the one substance that can hurt their most important asset? Add the Luthor name to that and you're already f**ked regardless of reason. Turns out they needed Lena's expertise in making Kryptonite anyway.
9. Lena and Kara only ever talk about Lena and her issues. Ok this the fault of the writers. But the fact is Lena talking over her issues is what drives her arc forward, we need to know her inner thoughts and circumstances. We already know Kara's, we as the audience know what she's been through, what she's thinking. The fact is Kara can't talk to Lena about her issues because she hasn't told Lena she's Supergirl so what issues would they discuss that are relevant to the plot moving forward?
10. Lena did NOT take advantage of Kara. If you watch it properly, you should notice that it's actually Kara that comes to Lena whenever she needs information or if she needs her to spend millions of dollars to keep her job safe. Lena asked Kara for stuff friends do, like asking her to go and see Jack. Lena didn't abuse her position as Kara's boss, she was actually way more tolerant with both Kara and James than what they deserved. Rightfully she could have (and in James' case) should have sacked them.
11. People say that Lena didn't tell Kara and the others about her experiments so why should Kara tell her about the super secret? Well basically because Lena was directly involved in regards to the super secret. Kara and the DEO actually didn't have any right to know what Lena does at L Corp. The writers glossed over a lot of the process on the Harun El experiments, but that didn't directly concern them. Actually Lena already told the gang at Thanksgiving her ideas and they were immediately shot down without any consideration. But just because they don't approve doesn't mean Lena has to stop, the super friends aren't in charge of Lena and what she does. Let's not forget that James was against it the first time, convienently when he was pissed at Lena, then he was for it when he realized she had nearly figured it out, then against it again when the government got involved. Lena's Harun El experiments weren't actually illegal, she had a government contract. Where Adam is concerned is a moral grey area, but it still isn't anything to do with Kara.
12. Lena's killed people? Lena only shoots people to protect herself or others, same as Alex. Plus Alex, Jonn and Kara have all killed to.
So yeah, don't make stuff up. If you're going to hate on Lena at least let it be for legit reasons and not just ones you've regurgitated from haters on here and convinced yourselves actually happened. Lena isn't perfect, she makes major mistakes but you know who else does? Kara does! Jonn does! They all do.
Lastly fanfiction is someone's version of what happened, they can change it all they want. You don't have to like it, you can say you don't like a direction a character is going in. But dont comment essays on stuff that you think happened in the show and start massive debates about it when it has nothing to do with the fic.
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ramblian · 4 years
Jericho Thoughts
okay so. i’m rewatching jericho. i first watched it sometime around 8th-9th grade, I think maybe somewhere in the first half of 2014. I basically remembered this: the main character was the black sheep of the family, he came back to town, and atomic bombs destroyed most of the US, and the show was about the town dealing with the aftermath. the guy from continuum and one ep of flashpoint played a character i liked named dale (eric knudsen) who liked a popular girl who ended up befriending him, and the asking-for-flowers flashpoint ep guy was the responsible brother. Someone used to be a teacher. The main character looked like Skeet Ulrich, but i didn’t know who that was, just the name.
turns out the main character WAS Skeet Ulrich, and 2 characters (heather and emily) used to be teachers, and i apparently forgot almost all of the major characters. I’ve been rewatching it with the knowledge of which characters die, so that’s good. the show is really good, and it’s really intense. I’m almost done, and it’s tough to keep watching both because it’s so intense and because i know a character i like is about to die tragically. 
watching this show makes me so TENSE. i think it really got bad when goetz showed up and i knew bonnie’s death was coming up. i’ve been watching the same episode for like an hour and i started 6 minutes in from another viewing. i don’t know why i’m so stressed. well actually i do it’s because things in this show are AWFUL but i know that no one dies after bonnie.
i also really like that the plot is very much what drives the show. romantic relationships somewhat matter (eric/april/mary, dale/skylar, and stanley/mimi in particular get screentime, while jake’s relationships with emily and heather are there and meaningful but not something that drives the story or gets a lot of attention. dale and eric’s relationships have also been less important in season 2) but they are regularly sidelined while the character deal with the latest crisis. characters have backstories that aren’t always super expanded on, like johnston’s chaotic neutral dad or stanley and bonnie’s parents, because they don’t have a meaningful impact on the plot- how mimi grew up isn’t going to change how the Greens deal with food shortages. 
also, i love that it’s a post-apocalyptic show where there’s a lot of fighting and lawlessness and not once have they used rape as a plot device. the closest it ever came to being mentioned was when maggie, a survivor pretending to be military to get towns’ supplies, said that ‘out there, men only want women for one thing’ and that’s IT. i respect that so much. way too many shows and books and movies are like ‘things are bad... and we can only express that through rape’ but this show never does
also the grey morality is very well done in season 1 (the bad guys are clearer in season 2). characters fight and do shitty things because everyone is just trying to survive. Constantino was wrong to start a war with Jericho, but i also understand where he was coming from. Ravenwood ransacked New Bern and left them with almost nothing, and Jericho never bothered to warn them. There were some people considering not honoring the deal to repay the windmills in food. New Bern was on the brink of destruction and Constantino tried to get the resources for survival where he could, by force. The thing with the refugees too. There isn’t really enough food for everyone, and it’s true that Jericho’s been getting a lot of refugees when it’s barely managing to sustain its own population. Some of the refugees have been stealing from them, and sometimes you have to make tricky decisions to survive. But the refugees are also probably going to die if they get sent away, and understandably they cannot accept that. they’ve been stealing food to prepare for this possibility, and they are willing to be violent to secure their place because jericho is much better off than just about anywhere else and they don’t want to die. Roger gets in a fight with Gray and accidentally shoots him, but then actively chooses to hold him at gunpoint and refuse him medical help unless he guarantees the safety of the other refugees. That’s obviously awful- but he’s also trying to protect the lives of the 50 innocent people he brought here. In the end, the refugees get to stay because some Jericho residents volunteer to share their rations, but Roger does not because he obviously committed a terrible crime. He’s not a bad person, but of course he can’t just be forgiven and integrated back into Jericho like nothing happened, and he accepts that and leaves with only a gun from Jake to protect himself because at least the others and emily will be safe. 
also that emily and roger’s relationship wasn’t made meaningless in order to further her relationship with jake even despite their history as high school sweethearts.
oh god i just watched the scene where stanley’s talking to bonnie in the morgue and it’s so well done and i’m just in bed crying- not sobbing or anything, but plenty of tears. i don’t know what the last show to make me cry like this was; i’ve been watching so much youtube that i haven’t been watching a lot of hard hitting shows lately i guess. Barry was extremely Fucked Up, that might have made me cry, but it might not have- it had me fucked up for weeks, but i don’t know if i cried.
anyway the scene with stanley and bonnie in the morgue is so good. Stanley talking to her like she’s still alive the way they always did for their parents, and talking to her sign language bc that’s her language. Telling her to say hi to their parents. Letting her know that mimi is still alive, that she succeeded in protecting her, and thanking her for it. Still joking around a little even though he’s obviously heartbroken and just being so genuine with her. Neither of them deserved this. 
wow can’t believe heather is a fuckin bootlicker, knowing that the government is extremely corrupt and that she and beck are destroying new bern and choosing to continue to work for that government.
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oh beck just has to be some sort of a stupid son of a bitch. absolute goddamn buffoon. siding with the govt, arresting jake in the shadiest way possible in the middle of a crowd, choosing to torture jake (which if he knew a goddamn thing like hawkins did he would know was ineffective), and then thinking that after everything this town and those rangers have done to protect themselves and their loved ones that it was just going to work out for him like the others aren’t going to come for jake immediately and efficiently. i liked beck well enough before but any fondness or respect for him is fucking absolutely gone.
at least eric is really getting to show off his leadership skills now. johnston’s dead, jake’s been arrested/kidnapped, hawkins is busy with other shit. eric’s always one of the second-in-commands but this is one of the few times he’s just plain in command.
“your friends have escalated this to a level i will not tolerate” right but you dragging jake to a fuckin blacksite to torture him was fine???? YOU ESCALATED THIS YOU DUMB STUPID SON OF A BITCH. you have really been given so many chances this season to not serve an evil government and try to protect these people and you’ve failed almost every time, huh? he’d also have to be some sort of an idiot to think that a clearly faked note with jake’s signature saying ‘this bad’ would stop anyone. god i haven’t escalated to hating someone this much so quickly in a long fuckin time.
love how beck is leveraging the entire town of jericho and choosing to oppress them in order to get the rangers to turn themselves in <3 i love punishing innocent people to use them against others just like goetz did last episode <3 what a good guy
i dont know why there are so many beck fics on ao3 because this man fucking sucks. like, can you imagine refusing a whole town food, power, and lights as a bargaining chip, blaming someone else (”don’t forget, you caused this”) and then still thinking you have the moral high ground? incredible mental gymnastics when will beck be in the olympics
heather: your actions are so blatantly terrible that i am just now beginning to consider not defending you to everyone. take responsibility for what you do
beck: hmm. no. my choices are jake’s fault
i know beck is probably going to ‘redeem’ himself by the end of the episode but i don’t fuckin care. too late for him now he can’t just say ‘oops’ and pretend he hasn’t done all of this shit. wild how his actions are now literally being compared to those of nazis during wwii and people still like this guy.
hey do you think beck is an idiot asshole or just pretending to be one for fun
commanding officer: go ahead and destroy everything in the area
beck:  🤔 is killing all those people wrong?
oof rip eric sure is rough when you have to ally with the guy who tortured you and killed your dad to protect ur city but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. also where the hell has dale been? i’ll let it go bc the show isn’t consistent on when he shows up and is a major part of town but in universe it sure is fuckin weird, and you know beck would have dragged him in for questioning too
oh wow beck finally decided to actually try thinking critically and addressing the obvious evidence about cheyenne’s corruption. that makes up for everything and i can stan now /s
‘i’m no longer taking orders from the cheyenne government. i believe it’s corrupt at its core. its actions are criminal’ oh so like everyone’s been telling you this whole time? the actions like the ones you’ve taken, not even at anyone’s command? idiot.
lmao i’m not as opposed to constantino’s methods as the show thinks i’m supposed to be. a revolution against a corrupt, oppressive government is not peaceful. it cannot be. the only good fascist is a dead one.
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tearlessrain · 4 years
it’s been over a fuckin year, but I’m finally going to finish watching Dracula: The Dark Prince.
I believe when we left off, Lucien the Wildly Unlikable Roving Misogynist was the chosen one, Xena 3.0 whose real name was Alena, aka the most profoundly useless female lead in history and yes that includes Bella Swan, was secretly the reincatnation of Dracula’s dead wife and is being held prisoner by an army of harp-playing lesbians in Timely Thunderclap Castle, and the only two likable characters were staying behind in Murder Hobo Village while everyone else went off to keep running around making horrible choices. also, Remsfield is silently suffering from his tragic unrequited crush on the only straight vampire that ever lived.
watch me suffer through the last part of possibly the worst editing job in cinema history under the cut.
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god what times we live in when the vampire is the only straight character in the movie
oh good I think they’re probably going to thunderclap castle too, so at least watching the rest of this won’t be a 100% painful experience.
oh god the power ranger villain survived and he’s having... a weird emotional moment with dracula. I didn’t think this would exceed my already high expectations for weird filmmaking choices so quickly.
tonight on a very special episode of Zorc and Pals:
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I know this was meant to be dramatic but with the helmet and the batman voice it’s just... a lot. how’d he even get back to the castle so quickly.
I guess they’ve realized Lucio is the descendent of Cain so dracula bit his own arm and shoved it into the power ranger villain’s wound to “give you what you need to defend him.” I assume the line was actually “defeat him” and nobody gave enough fucks to notice or correct him. maybe assuming they had editors at all is too presumptuous. they did have someone repeat the exact same line twice in a scene earlier in the movie.
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“you never hold me tenderly in your arms”
meanwhile alena is having the obligatory artfully lit, sexy troubled sleep. the only way to sleep in a vampire castle.
dracula’s decided to honor the timeless badly-written vampire tradition of watching women sleep, but like, uncomfortably close
oh no. oh god no he’s not just watching I hate it. stop playing floaty romantic music this is creepy as shit.
wait was he ever actually there or is this more terrible editing, I think this might just be her dreaming
either way this has gone on SO much longer than it needed to, it might be semi-tolerable if this particular dracula was remotely sexy but between the wig and his general weird-ass personality this ain’t it fam
oh thank god her mediocre dream sex was interrupted by a vision of dracula’s wife, who she probably was, being murdered
“think I remember” she says to a completely empty room over the split-screen montage of scenes from the life of dracula’s dead wife, just in case we, the audience, hadn’t caught the hint. like seriously that’s the only thing in this movie that HAS been clear.
OH wow dracula’s suddenly actually here. and he wants to show her the stars.
yeah I’m pretty sure you just pulled all that anecdote about plato right out of your ass.
I need you all to know that this is dracula’s romantic face:
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do you know how much effort it takes to make a vampire this wildly unsexy.
ah good we’re back to blue-filter forest, where the scooby gang is watching the power ranger villain’s horse have a melodramatic hissy fit for no reason other than that it is very evil I guess.
I guess that scene of leaving andros and leonardo behind didn’t actually mean anything because they’re just back with esme and lucio as if it never happened. not that I’m complaining.
“I thought he was dead” “dracula... has powers” thanks for clarifying, leonardo.
oh “beyond our imagining.” he just took a really long dramatic pause. still explains nothing but now it fits with the “generic stock movie lines we just threw together and hoped it would make a plot” theme we’ve had so far.
okay well that scene established almost nothing except the fact that all those characters still exist
aaand a montage of alena dancing and frolicking around the castle in a stupid-looking dress with dracula, who she’s almost immediately fallen in love with, which would be weird for anyone else but we’ve already proven that she’ll fall for literally anyone. 
meanwhile with the scooby gang: “the castle would have to be in a defensible position... on a mountain?” my dude I watched the first 2/3rds of this movie a year ago and I still remember that you already said the castle was in that mountain range. how did the people making the movie forget.
oh good the magical murder scythe of biblical bastardization has a compass that doesn’t point north attached to it, I wOnDeR wHeRe ThAt CoUlD lEaD
“prepared in the traditional hungarian style, just as you like it” okay ignoring how weird a thing that is to say to someone you met three days ago, that is a pile of fruit and what looks like a roast chicken from costco.
so basically dracula has the exact same motivation as anakin skywalker except his wife is already dead. no mention of bringing her back to life or anything, he just apparently wants to stop anyone from dying ever. because. alena, despite her incredibly vague religious reservations about all this, seems pretty willing to just go along with it.
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remsfield: professional third wheel
also notice how the only plate on the entire table is at the opposite end from anyone who would reasonably be using it. masterful set design in this movie.
oh good she suddenly remembered lucien the roving misogynist, her other true love, exists. despite the fact that he’s somehow even less appealing than platinum card dracula, this has given her Internal Conflict.
I think those lesbians from earlier were just trying to save alena from herself.
dracula’s facial expressions never match up remotely with anything he’s saying and sometimes change drastically like five or six times in a single sentence, like I know luke roberts’s first language is english and that he can act, but he constantly looks like he’s completely unaware of what words are coming out of his mouth and just trying to wildly guess. 
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“not NOW, ambient lesbian, can’t you see my grocery store fruit platter and I are brooding?”
the scooby gang is marching through a bbc quarry retrofitted with a fog machine in a really shitty version of any given establishing shot from return of the king
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THEY’RE TAKING THE HOBBITS TO know what forget it this movie doesn’t deserve it
okay so we’ve finally found some actual mountains, but ooo where’s the castle
oh of course the swiss army scythe has another convenient magical power: the castle-revealing anti-invisibility beam, which seems to work kind of like the stamp tool.
stop trying to make lucien likable, movie, we’re well beyond the point of no return on that front.
“the smell of death” says andros, but in a tone one would normally use to say “oh I love the design he chose for the wall sconces”
“maybe the smell will keep the vampires away” you... you realize you’re IN the vampire castle, right? the place where all the vampires live? you realize the vampires are probably the cause of the smell, right?
oh good split the party that will end well.
andros and leonardo are so unbelievably married. I still want a movie that’s just about them and their monster hunting adventures. but like. written by actual writers.
how long am I gonna have to watch lucien climb this styrofoam rock
uh oh, leonardo has found uh... either Roth or Wrath, who I could have sworn was previously called the Scourge (also by Leonardo). either way, I guess they’re old enemies with a grudge now.
this fight will be shown entirely via their shadows and the implication of a sword being flung across the floor from offscreen. truly riveting stuff.
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can you ever tell just from an establishing shot that a scene is going to be nauseating
god why does everyone want to get all up in her space while she’s sleeping
“I thought I’d never see you again!” and I hoped, but this movie continues to find new ways to disappoint me. also are we just gonna ignore that a few scenes ago she was head over heals for dracula because he offered her some traditional hungarian chicken fruit salad, it’s not like she’s been fucking suffering. she literally forgot lucien existed.
to be clear I’m not rooting for lucien at all, he can go eat a dick, I just think this whole scene is stupid.
wait they didn’t even show us a conclusion to that heavily built up leonardo vs power ranger villain fight, he’s just in chains now and dracula’s here to talk at him.
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seriously I’m not exaggerating when I say the lesbians are just there in the background of EVERY GODDAMN SHOT whether there’s a logical reason for them to be anywhere nearby or not
“Have you considered that maybe this god you turn your back on does exist and if you take this girl you will never be able to forgive yourself?” I. I mean those are both almost valid points in the context of this movie but they’re also entirely unrelated to each other and have no reason to be in the same sentence. if anything they almost cancel each other out from a poignancy standpoint.
god why does dracula keep making these weird fucking faces
“could it be any darker down here?”
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I mean, yes. as underground catacombs go it’s pretty well lit.
remfield: “where are your companions?” leonardo: “he is coming.” remfield: “good! that’s where we will all be.” DID THEY JUST HAVE EVERYONE READ THEIR LINES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER LIKE AN ELDER SCROLLS GAME AND TOSS THEM INTO A HAT. WAS THIS MOVIE WRITTEN BY CLEVERBOT. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN.
uh oh the lesbians got leonardo. which is interesting since dracula literally just said to let him live but it’s not like any of the dialogue means anything.
it is heavily implied that they have attacked him and andros is Big Mad that someone hurt his husband.
oh it’s uh. demetria. andros’s sister. except it’s not it’s another lesbian. this would be more meaningful if we’d ever even passingly heard of demetria before this moment.
okay no he’s recovered from that completely pointless scene and it’s just a big vampire fight now. even the token twinks are getting in on this.
oh power ranger villain is back
or not, I guess that was just a random shot of him.
“I love you all, and your father would be proud of you” literally who is he even talking to?? nobody’s father was ever mentioned??? he’s not looking at anyone in parcticular and they’re just rapidfire switching beween shots of esme, lucien, andros, and the gay vampire army.
and there’s leonardo’s heroic sacrifice, so passes the only tolerable character. 90% of his dialogue made no sense, but at least he was just a chill dude.
oh THERE’S the power ranger villain. I guess he’s just lumbering toward them very, very slowly.
this is the most confusing and weirdly paced scene, they’ve shown the same sped-up stock footage of the sun setting like four times in the last thirty seconds. it seems like they’re trying to get to the window, but it’s taking a long time to get across this small room, and the power ranger villain is trying to catch them, but he’s been actively midway through breaking through the door this whole time, and the sun just keeps rapidly setting across the same patch of sky.
okay there they go out the window.
finally the sun actually made it to the horizon. which I guess means dracula is awake.
oh he’s not gonna be happy with remsfield for letting leonardo get killed. he’s also very not happy that alena left, as shown by his weirdly edited screaming montage. apparently he doesn’t actually care about leonardo and we’re just dropping that plot thread now.
oh remsfield my guy this is NOT the time to make a move. it’s never gonna happen.
meanwhile back in Murder Hobo Village, lucien, who absolutely does not deserve to be in charge, plans the attack on the castle.
“but this time we’ll have the element of surprise!” ... except no? you had that last time, when you snuck into the castle. charging in with an army when he knows you’re all planning to attack him is not what the element of surprise is. fortunately this will have no impact on what actually happens, since the dialogue doesn’t matter.
“you don’t understand him like I do! he’s a beast only because he’s been treated like one” alena shut the hell your mouth. that’s the wrong movie. it’s also not even vaguely true in any way nobody’s done anything to him since his wife got assassinated.
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ah yes. so attractive. so intimidating. truly this is the mightiest of all vampires.
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not shown: the element of surprise (for context they’re all bellowing “TO THE DRAWBRIDGE” at the top of their murder hobo lungs and there was just a montage of the sound carrying through the entire castle)
I don’t know how they’re gonna breach this gate you guys, it’s made of solid styrofoam.
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yep he sure looks surprised and not at all like he’s been waiting for them to get there for at least half an hour.
okay so they barge into the throne room, dracula roars at them and uh... flings some dust in their general direction I guess, and now it’s just a general big fight with vague hooded figures who came out of the shadows where you can’t feel the stakes because there’s no clear goal other than “kill each other,” and also lucien is fighting dracula but neither of them is doing it well.
oh dracula has stopped one of the hooded figures from killing the woman he’s trying to abduct, clearly this proves that he has a heart and not just that he’s protecting the only investment in this situation that he has.
uh oh remsfield has the scytheguffin. and it kinda looks like he bit lucio so I guess he was also a vampire this whole time?
wait where did everyone go did the editors forget there was a battle, now it’s just dracula and alena and I guess lucien and remsfield in the room. everyone else is literally just gone.
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Gay Wrath Month continues
oh no. remsfield has stabbed dracula with the scythe. what an unexpected twist. who could have foreseen this. I guess the scythe didn’t need a chosen one for the whole “making the living dead” function to work, which is reasonable given what usually happens when you hit someone with a scythe.
“remfield why?” “because you gave her dominion over your heart! a mere concubine! your love was a disease! I will bring this country back to the glory it once knew!” HE’S NOT INTO YOU REMSFIELD IT’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN LEARN TO TAKE REJECTION.
in all seriousness though it’s implied that remsfield killed dracula’s wife to try and make him a better vampire not bogged down by love or something, which is odd because I don’t think dracula WAS a vampire when that happened. not that anyone has cared about continuity before this, I don’t know what I expected.
I love that the movie is treating this like some massive twist as if any part of this movie has been coherent enough for a twist to work.
oh nice, esme finally did something. and she and andros are back in the room. nobody else is though.
dracula is dying. suddenly this is a tragic turn of events.
okay yes we get it you loved him. for some reason.
what does “I’ll be waiting for you” even mean in this context? is she just gonna chill by his coffin indefinitely? like that’s normally the thing that’s supposed to be said by the immortal or the dying person in the relationship for it to make any sense.
well if it isn’t zombie alexa, back to send us off. which means the movie is almost over. thank GOD.
“burdened with the curse of a broken heart, lucien vanished into the wilderness like his forefather before him.” the whomst? where did that come from? dude even if she apparently decided to loiter by a coffin forever I’m sure you’ll get over it just get a new band of roving misogynists and go back to the woods or something. NOBODY in this movie knows how to handle rejection. they were barely on screen together and he spent most of that time being an absolute prick. he did not have even slightly enough character development for this dramatic of a sendoff. I think we got like one shot of him looking sad when alena decided to try and stop dracula from dying but that’s pretty much it. he didn’t even kill dracula, remsfield knocked him over, stole his scythe, and did it for him.
I guess esme and andros just wandered off to be monster hunters together, that’s probably what that vague shot of them walking away into a greenscreen landscape meant.
the castle is in ruins for some reason I guess. this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t built it out of cardboard. also, no mention of what happened to the gay vampire army. or either of the other two armies involved for that matter.
oh zombie alexa was alena this whole time. and I guess dracula is still alive and she’s gonna wait for him to wake up again because he’s her one true love. which I guess when your only basis for comparison is lucien...
“heroes die, death is eternal, but real love is forever” so uh. do you know what eternal means or nah. also, again, weird thing to say in the context of this movie since lucien didn’t die and dracula apparently isn’t staying dead. oh and all of the vague biblical allusions and references to god never paid off, I think it was just another thing the editors forgot about.
anyway glad to finally be done with that, 10/10 absolutely mind-boggling experience, you could not pay me to watch it again.
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missbrightsky · 4 years
Velaris National Park
Fics Masterlist
Chapter 1
Green light filtered through the canopy, patches of gold peppering the road ahead. Rolled down windows allowed the late spring air weave through the car, carrying the scent of growing things and warmth to wrap around us.
Elain had some 2000s pop station pouring from the speakers, all of us belting out the familiar words to our audience of Mother Nature. Nesta had called shotgun at the beginning, leaving me to have the back seat to stretch out, propping my feet on the bag that held our borrowed tent.
It was May in Prythian, warm and good and green. I had just graduated from my master’s program in Art History, my whole future stretching out ahead of me. Elain had insisted we celebrate but all of us were in educational debt and couldn’t afford to fly anywhere. Ever the florist, she found a state park a few hours away that boasted the largest collection of wildflowers in the country, one especially that bloomed once every three years. And because Elain was always lucky, this year was one of the few that it blooms in full.
A few days after graduation, she managed to wrangle Nesta away from the publishing house and me away from my couch and stuffed us all into her 2005 Honda.
Velaris National Park
Turn off 5 miles
Elain’s singing broke off mid-verse, a squeal replacing the lyrics as she pointed out the sign. I could only smile at her excitement; camping was never really our family’s thing, but her happiness was too infectious. At least I had managed to throw my sketchbook and watercolor pencils into my bag before she dragged me out the door. It had been a while since I had done some wildlife sketching, there was not a lot of green space or biodiversity in the city.
She turned down the music while Nesta and I straightened in our seats, ready to hop out of the car and get blood flowing back into our legs.
Even Nesta who normally tolerated Elain’s antics had a ghost of a smile playing around her lips, the fresh air loosening her iron grip on her emotions.
Elain slowed the car, turning right before the massive stone wall that announced the entrance to the park, gravel crunching under the tires.
The rough road weaved with the terrain, up and down and curving around hills and patches of meadows that peaked through the trees. We even rumbled over a wooden bridge that spanned the banks of a sparkling stream, the water throwing shimmering rainbows into the air.
A low log cabin-like building greeted us, its small parking lot only holding a Jeep with the park logo on the side and another car.
Elain turned the car off and all of us popped our doors open, slightly stumbling as our legs reacclimated to moving. Small groans slipped out of our mouths as we stretched feeling back into our lower halves, taking in the new environment.
A small sign in the window informed us of the park’s office hours and the emergency phone line. Elain pushed in first, a petite ding announcing our arrival.
The inside was a simple, square room, half the room stocked with souvenirs and anything campers may need in a pinch. A long, low counter ran along the back wall with an open doorway hinting at the back room. This was where a perky blonde emerged, greeting them with a bright smile. Her long hair was braided down her back, a forest green polo stamped with the logo somehow accented her curves instead of looking dorky and too stiff.
“Hi! Welcome to Velaris National Park. I’m Mor, what can I help y’all with today?”
“Hello! I’m Elain and these are my sisters Nesta and Feyre,” she gestured to each of us in turn, we all shook her hand, surprised to find it calloused and strong.
“How long do y’all plan on staying?”
“Two nights, please. And if you can point out on a map where the Starfall flower will be blooming?”
Mor laughed, a grin splitting her mouth. “I should’ve guessed, this is some of our busiest weeks of the year. Well, you’re in luck, we have only a few campsites left. Any preference to where?”
“None at all, we’re not too picky.”
“Perfect, how about y’all take site 20. It’s near the trailheads and not too far from the bathrooms.”
Elain turned to confirm with us, we each nodded back. Our lack of experience had us indifferent to where we camped, as long as it wasn’t out in the middle of nowhere.
Elain and Mor exchanged money and maps, paying for our spot and pointing out the major landmarks of the park.
“We do allow fires, as long as they’re in the designated fire pits. Please use the trash cans we have all along the park, anyone caught littering can be fined up to 200 dollars along with not being allowed to revisit the park. No glass or alcohol on park grounds. If y’all need anything, please don’t hesitate to call up to here the main office, and the numbers for our rangers are on the maps, along with the emergency line. Further into the park, cell service can get a little spotty, but as long as you stay near the trails, our rangers can spot you if you get into trouble. A little tip, don’t feed the wildlife, we have them on a diet,” she finished with a laugh and a wink. We laughed along with her, it was easy to feel a friendship forming with the bright woman.
“Well if that’s all y’all need, just keep following the road and you’ll see the signs pointing out the campsite. Parking gets a bit limited so try not to double park.”
We thanked her and headed out to pile back into the car.
As we were pulling out and getting back onto the road, I spotted one of the rangers on top of a horse.
The animal was tall, taller than any of the horses I had ever encountered before, and blacker than the deepest night sky. Its rider was sitting perfectly still, used to having to blend into the background.
I stifled a gasp. The ranger was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I was too far away to see the color of his eyes, but they peeked through the leaves, boring into mine. His shoulders were broad, covered with a khaki shirt, he gripped the horse with powerful legs clad in dark green pants that were tucked into wore brown boots.
Our car soon turned a corner, breaking my gaze from his, banishing me of the spell he had cast.
More gorgeous forest passed us by, feeding my artist's mind with texture and light and color. Maybe this trip would replenish my weary mind after years of rigorous study. I loved every minute of my classes, but it left little free time for drawing and painting.
Wooden signs ticked up, eventually indicating where our sight was. Once again parking, we exited the car and took in the scenery.
We were to share a small common area with a few other campers, picnic tables and grills dotting the grassy area. Two cars were already parked there, brightly colored tents peeking out from the bushes that gave each sight a bit of privacy. Under a massive oak tree, there was a ring of rocks that held gray and black ashes from prior fires, stumps surrounding it for us to sit and enjoy the company.
I grabbed the tent from the backseat and slung my pack over my shoulder, leading the way to the small clearing that would be our home for the next few days. It was simply packed dirt, slightly raised from the rest of the ground so that if it rained, our tent would not get flooded.
I had never set up a tent before but with the instructions from the bag combined with the store owners’ tips, it was soon popped up in no time. Maybe only slightly leaning to the left but that would be a problem for later.
Nesta had pulled out our coolers of food, prepping sandwiches for a late lunch. Elain was already off in the surrounding area, making notes of the greenery and wildflowers that grew nearby. It was not the elusive Starfall but it did not take much for her to get wrapped up in flora.
Satisfied at my work, I tossed our bags into the tent and zipped it up. We could unpack after a bit of exploring.
Joining Nesta at the table, I swiped one of the completed sandwiches, ignoring her protest to wait for Elain. She was the one who refused to stop for lunch so she would just have to get the next one.
My fingers itched to start drawing the massive oak tree, its complex branches and multicolored leaves begging to be noticed and put onto paper. My stomach, however, told me it can wait.
Nesta somehow pulled Elain away from a blue flower, convincing her that it won’t disappear in the next 15 minutes.
“So, what’s first on the agenda, sis?” I asked her.
“Well it is getting a little late so I don’t want to go too far before it gets dark, but I thought we could start with one of the short trails!” Elain radiated energy, feeding off the teeming forest around us.
I smiled back at her, excited to start cataloging the world around us. We finished off the sandwiches and repacked the coolers into the car. One thing we all learned from watching TV was to not let wild animals get into a camper’s stash of food.
A quick trip into the tent had us changed into t-shirts, shorts and tennis shoes with light jackets tied to our waists. Even with Prythian warming up, the nights could still get a bit cool.
Elain consulted the map Mor gave us, confidently leading us to the first trailhead. It was only two miles long and would introduce us to the wildlife we could see in the park.
Every few hundred feet, plastic signs would pop up, listing fun facts about the park and giving an example of some of its inhabitants. Some would show a burst of color followed by the flower’s common name, scientific name and any medicinal or historical facts about it. Others would tell you how to spot an animal camouflaged in the surrounding foliage.
We all talked and joked with each other, with no tension that usually accompanied us when we got together. Nesta told us a story about an author that tried to sneak in her friends’ manuscript that turned out to be an awful rendition of Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey. By the end, all of us were in stitches and barely able to walk, clinging onto tree trunks and each other in an attempt to stay upright.
Just as the sky was glowing orange and pink, the trail delivered us back to the beginning of the campsites, all we had to do was follow the gravel road back to ours.
The smell of meat and potatoes set our stomachs growling, the sandwiches from earlier long gone from the hike and laughter.
The other campers that were out earlier had returned.
“Howdy!” one of the men shouted at us waving his arm. He looked to be in his late fifties with combed back salt and pepper hair, sporting cargo pants and a navy long sleeve to ward off any wayward cool breezes.
We all gave back nervous smiles, unsure of who our neighbors were.
“Kevin,” a voice scolded, “you can’t just yell at unsuspecting young girls.” The source of the admonishment appeared from the bushes.
“Sorry about my husband, he’s just excited to have more company,” a man apologized. He also looked to be in his fifties, a bit shorter than Mike but leaner. Dark brown skin was covered in matching cargo pants, but a faded Prythian U sweatshirt covered his torso.
“I’m Raymond, this is our third night at the park.”
We tried not to look too relieved as we shook his hand. All of us had experience taking care of ourselves but we were in the middle of a national park with the other nearest humans about 50 yards down the road.
Kevin looked appropriately sheepish as he came to greet us. “Sorry about that, I am excited to have more company. The couple that’s over there just keeps glaring at us and avoids us like the plague.” His words were playful enough but there was a deeper sadness buried in his eyes as if he was used to this sort of treatment.
“Well it’s awesome to meet you,” Elain gushed, ever the social butterfly. “I’m Elain and these are my sisters, Nesta and Feyre. We’re here in celebration of Feyre graduating!”
“Congratulations! Where from?” Raymond asked.
“Well you’re actually wearing my college right now,” I replied with a smile. There were tons of people who went to Pryth U but it was always fun to meet someone who graduated there in the past.
I fell into conversation with Ray, who insisted on using the shorter version of his name about the campus and how much it has changed from when he was there. He was an engineering major but still asked me a million questions about the art history department and why I wanted to get my masters there. Elain roped Kevin into a debate about botany and the best soil for growing tulips in. It sounded like he was also in the flower business and was here to see the blooming of Starfalls.
Nesta was never one to make easy friends and opted to start our dinner, taking over the grill next to Kevin’s. Tonight was burgers with potato chips and then s’mores for dessert that would be roasted over the campfire.
Dinner was full of lively conversation under the night sky. We were far enough away from the city’s light pollution that we were able to make out constellations that we had only read about and see the dusting of galaxies that spanned the sky.
“And that’s when the professor realized he had designed a system that looked exactly like a dick!” We burst out laughing at the end of Ray’s story from his time in college, even Nesta couldn’t keep her giggles contained at the raunchy tale.
Our cheeks were rosy from the fire that crackled happily before us, the smell of burnt marshmallow filling the air. As perfect as Nesta was at everything, it took her a few tries to get the timing and distance right for roasting.
“Sounds like I missed a hell of a tale,” the new midnight voice sent shivers down my spine.
“Ah! Rhys! I was wondering when you would show up,” Kevin greeted the newcomer. “Where are Cas and Az?”
The figure stepped into the ring of light and perched on an open stump beside Feyre. I forced myself not to freeze and stare at him. It was the same man I saw on top of the horse.
Closer up I could see how his dark hair shone blue in the firelight, no longer hidden beneath the Mountie hat he wore earlier.
He shifted his body to angle slightly towards me, catching my eyes with his. They were so blue they seemed to be an impossible violet, sparking with hidden laughter at an inside joke. “They’re right behind me,” he said without breaking eye contact with me.
I forced my eyes to drop to the page I was intermittently sketching on. I was lucky that I had started a new outline of the stream we passed on the way in instead of still having the sketch of him on his horse open. Hopefully the blush that was already on my cheeks hid the new blood that was rushing there.
“What was all that laughing about? I hope someone was making fun of Rhys,” another male voice called out as he came into view. He was tall and even more well-muscled than the man beside me but had his dark hair pulled into a low bun on the nape of his neck and his eyes glowed amber.
Rhys broke his stare at me to twist to the man, “No, I was telling them about the time you got stuck in what you thought was quicksand but turned out to be just a massive mud pit,” he shot back. The group laughed at the retort, including me while trying to shake off my embarrassment.
He pouted at the memory, “Aw com’on, you promised you would stop bringing that up.”
“Never in your dreams, brother.”
“Cas, come sit by me and have a s’more, I’m sure you thought you were right at the time,” Kevin teased, offering a marshmallow already speared on a stick. Cas threw one more sulky look at Rhys and walked over to where Kevin and Nesta were sitting. Nesta sized up the addition, bracing herself for interaction.
Cas saw her reaction, immediately forgetting his brother’s teasing. There was a new opponent to spare with. He aimed a feral grin at her, spurring her to narrow her eyes at his assessment.
A final figure, presumably Az, emerged from the dark, almost as if melting from it. He nodded a polite greeting to the group opting to stand near Ray and Elain. It took no time at all for her sister to draw him into a conversation about what all she can see at the park and if she was allowed to take any wildflower clippings home to preserve.
I turned back to my book, darkening the path the water took over, around and through the stones on the creek bed. The weight of Rhys’s gaze settled over me, making me tighten my grip on the pencil.
“You’re a good artist,” he remarked.
I smiled slightly in his direction. “I would hope so, I staked most of my career on it.”
“You do this professionally?”
“Well, I hope so someday,” I admitted, “I just graduated with a master’s in art history.”
“Really? Congrats. What’s next for you?”
He finally succeeded in pulling me away from the drawing, meeting his gaze again, looking for any sign of mockery at my chosen path. Most heard the words “art history” and assumed I would become a starving artist or elementary art school teacher.
There was no trace of judgment in his face, only open curiosity.
“In my dreams, I would open up my own studio, maybe a few galleries. For now, I’ve applied to a few museums as a curator and I have an interview with one of them next week.”
“I hope it goes well, anyone who can draw that well must know a thing or two about Picasso.”
I barked a laugh at his statement, “I can’t even begin to tell you how wrong you are,” giggling my way through the sentence. “You won’t believe the number of students I met who couldn’t tell the difference between Picasso and their own ass.”
His eyes flashed with surprise, followed by laughter rich and clear as a bell spilling from his mouth. “I can believe it, I’ve met my fair share of idiots in this world.”
“I bet, being a park ranger must set you up for a whole slew of idiots who watched one episode of Bear Grylls and thinks they can survive out here with nothing more than their wits.”
His face jokingly darkened, “Do. Not. Get. Me. Started.”
“Please, start,” my sketch was now long forgotten, pulled into his expressive voice and body. He wove the tale of a couple that thought they could go all Naked and Afraid only 20 feet off the trail, managing to get as far as cutting down a few trees to start a shelter before another camper contacted them and they were able to stop them from scarring any more people.
My cheeks hurt from the constant smiling and laughter, unable to stop myself from leaning closer to catch every detail.
By the end of his story, our knees were brushing each other every few seconds, both of us catching our breath. He paused at the end, taking the small bubble we had trapped ourselves in.
His eyes dipped to brush my lips before meeting mine again. My breath caught in my throat at the intensity of his gaze, heat blooming across my cheeks and down my neck. Our shared air was sweet with chocolate and heavy with anticipation…
A hiss startled us apart.
Across the fire, Nesta looked to be about two seconds away from slapping Cas, fury twisting her face into a knot. Cas looked like he was the cat that got the cream, lazily reclining against the stump, looking up into her wrathful face.
“And that’s our queue,” Rhys muttered under his breath. “It was wonderful to talk with you. I’ll see you around the park.”
I blinked a few times, mentally shaking myself out of the trance he put me in. “Uh, yeah sure, see you around.”
“Cas, Az,” his voice was sharp, “We need to go to the next campsite. Thank you for the s’mores and have a good evening everyone.” He pulled his brothers away, retreating into the dark. From the blackness came the sound of a sharp slap and angry words being whispered.
Everyone exchanged awkward looks at their departure. Nesta was still fuming, glaring at the direction they disappeared in. Feyre and Elain knew better that the question her on what Cas said, knowing it would only infuriate her more.
“It’s been a long day, and we have a lot of hiking tomorrow,” I broke through the tension, “I’m off to bed.” Elain and Nesta got up to join me, bidding Kevin and Raymond good night and that they’ll see them for breakfast.
Elain and I exchanged worried looks behind Nesta’s back, but it would be better to let her sleep it off. She was quick to anger but given time, could squash it back down.
We all climbed into the tent, leaving our shoes by the door. It was colder away from the fire, so we didn’t waste time layering on warmer clothes and crawling into our respective sleeping bags.
I fell asleep with purple eyes burning behind my eyelids, chasing me through my fitful dreams.
Next Chapter
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ladyeowyn · 5 years
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A S O I A F 👑 • allegiance:  House (Stark - Lannister - Martell - Tyrell - Baratheon - Targaryen - Greyjoy) - Night’s Watch - The Lord of Light - Free Folk • occupation: knight/knightess - septon/septa - lord/lady - mercenary - entertainer - spy - faceless man/woman - red priest/priestess - healer • home: Winterfell - Lannisport - Highgarden - Sunspear - Highgarden - King’s Landing - Eyrie - Riverrun - Dragonstone - Pyke - Castle Black - Volantis - Braavos - Pentos • weapon of choice: sword - dagger - crossbow - poison - words - knowledge - axe - spear - dragonglass • hero: Nymeria of Ny Sar - Ser Duncan the Tall - Brandon the Builder - Visenya Targaryen - Lann the Clever - Azor Ahai - Durran Godsgrief - Good Queen Alysanne • trusted ally: Arya Stark - Sansa Stark - Jon Snow - Arianne Martell - Ellaria Sand - Jorah Mormont - Missandei - Gendry Waters - Meera Reed - Davos Seaworth - Melisandre - Jamie Lannister - Asha Greyjoy - Loras Tyrell - Brienne of Tarth • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
G r i s h a v e r s e ☀️ • grisha order: heartrender - healer - tailor - sun summoner - inferni - squaller - tidemaker - durast - alkemi • occupation: Second Army soldier - member of king's guard - member of the Dregs - runaway Drüskelle - privateer - acrobat - spy - thief - demolitions expert - inventor - scholar • home: Ravka - Fjerda - Kerch - Novyi Zem - Shu Han • weapon of choice: knives - explosives - your abilities - guns - sword - axes • friend: Sturmhond - Genya Safin - Inej Ghafa - Wylan Van Eck - Tamar Kir-Bataar - Alina Starkov - Jesper Fahey - Nina Zenik - Leoni Hilli - Zoya Nazyalensky - Matthias Helvar • tale: The Soldier Prince - Ayama and the Thorn Wood - Little Knife - The Too-Clever Fox - When Water Sang Fire - The Witch of Duva • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
S t a r  W a r s 🚀 • occupation: jedi knight - sith lord - gray jedi - smuggler - resistance fighter - pilot - scavenger - stormtrooper - ambassador - spiritual warrior-monk - bounty hunter - mechanic - senator • allegiance: the Dark Lord - the New Republic - the Jedi Order - the Resistance - the First Order - yourself • homeworld: Jedha - Tattooine - Naboo - Coruscant - Alderaan - Jakku - Takodana - Corellia • weapon of choice: blaster - explosives - lightsaber (blue - red - purple - green - black - silver) - staff - martial arts - diplomacy - the Force (telekinesis - mind control - lightning) • ship: X-Wing - Millennium Falcon - Star Destroyer - Jedi Starfighter - TIE Fighter - Alderaan Cruiser - Nubian Royal Starship • friend: Obi-Wan Kenobi - Ashoka Tano - Mace Windu - Luke Skywalker - Leia Organa - Jessica Pava - Cassian Andor - Bodhi Rook - Finn - Rey - BB8 - Matt the Radar Technician • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
M a r v e l ✨ • species: human - inhuman - mutant - Asgardian - Xandarian - Krylorian • occupation: secret agent - scientist - attorney - investigative journalist - private detective - mercenary - professor - soldier - pilot - ravager - outlaw - bounty hunter - Asgardian warrior - Valkyrie - member of Dora Milaje • hero: lone superhero - leader / member of a superhero team - sidekick - vigilante - antihero • home: Hell’s Kitchen - Brooklyn - Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters - London - Asgard - Vakanda - Xandar • weapon of choice: gun - explosives - throwing knives - bow & arrows - supersuit - martial arts - your fists - your superpowers - your mind • superpower: telepathy - telekinesis - electrokinesis - teleportation - superspeed - shapeshifting - flight - regeneration - healing - manipulation (fire - water - wind - earth - ice - weather) • sidekick: Peter Parker - Gamora - Lady Sif - Nakia - Melinda May - Matt Murdock - Sam Wilson - Steve Rogers - Thor - Carol Danvers - Bruce Banner - Negasonic Teenage Warhead - Scott Lang - Ororo Munroe - Daisy Johnson • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
J a n e  A u s t e n - e s q u e🌹 • identity: the tender-hearted orphan of a mysterious origin - the rich & independent heiress - the respectable & kind daughter of a clergyman - the perfectly tolerable & witty middle sister - the spirited & adventurous only child - the brave & lovable wallflower - the noble & wealthy patroness of arts - the enigmatic & runaway daughter of an empoverished family • occupation: gentlewoman - respectable young miss - governess - lady’s companion - theatre diva - writer - painter - explorer - piano teacher - charity worker • location: Barton Cottage - Mansfield Park - Hartfield - Kellynch Hall - Northanger Abbey - Netherfield - Bath - Pemberley - London • kindred spirit: Elinor Dashwood - Emma Woodhouse - Anne Eliot - Jane Bennet - Eleanor Tilney - Fanny Price - Charlotte Lucas • soulmate: Edward Ferrars - Colonel Brandon - Mr Darcy - Elizabeth Bennet - George Knightley - Frederick Wentworth - Henry Tilney - Catherine Morland - Edmund Bertram • quote: • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
T o l k i e n ⚔ • race: maia - elf - human - hobbit - dwarf • location: Gondolin - Rivendell - Alqualondë - Lothlórien - Mirkwood - Minas Tirith - Edoras - Fangorn Forest - Bag End - Erebor - Lake Town - Ithilien - Tol Galen - Dol Amroth • occupation: Dúnedain ranger - rider of Rohan - shieldmaiden - soldier of Gondor - lord / lady of (Númenór - Gondor - Rohan - the Noldor - the Sindar - the Teleri) - Galadhrim warrior - jeweller & weaponsmith - scholar & librarian - gardener - burglar • weapon: sword (Ringil - Andúril - Guthwine - Orcrist - Glamdring - Sting) - Gondolin knife - spear Aeglos - longbow of the Galadhrim - Númenorian steelbow - Black Arrow - the Phial of Galadriel • jewel: the Silmarils - ring of power (the One Ring - Nenya - Narya - Vilya) - Arkenstone - the Ring of Barahir - the Evenstar necklace • Vala: Manwë - Ulmo - Aulë - Oromë - Mandos - Lórien - Tulkas - Varda - Yavanna - Nienna - Estë - Vairë - Vána - Nessa - Melkor • following: no(t yet) sorry, but ily ♥ - now! - yes ofc - always and forever
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qvintcssence · 5 years
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Task || 002 — About the Mun.
01. what’s your name/alias you go by ??
Stephanie, but I go by Steph or S. 
02. what’s your age ??
Well—if Dani’s ancient then I am prehistoric. If you insist on a precise number, I’m 30.  
03. what’s your zodiac sign ??
04. what’s your ethnicity ??
Dudes, I don’t even know my blood type let alone my heritage. What I do know is that I’m whiter than casper. 
05. what’s your nationality ??
06. what’s your favorite band and/or musical artist ??
Hahaha, cover your ears, Cody. It’s Taylor Swift. 
07. what’s your dream job ??
My absolute dream job would be writing either as a novelist or showrunner. That said, I’m really passionate about teaching, and can’t wait have a classroom of my own. 
08. what’s one place you would love to visit ??
My favorite city in the world is New York City, but I really want to visit Germany. 
09. what’s your favorite tv show ??
Oh goodness... I’ve seen and loved way too many. If we’re talking ultimates though, I’m going to have to say Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 
10. what’s your favorite movie ??
Remember the Titans. I am a sucker for sports films. I literally cry the whole time because they are just that moving. 
11. what’s your favorite song ?
I don’t really have a favorite. I go through stages of listening to songs on repeat over and over again and then not revisiting them until some time later. Right now that includes “Don’t Throw it Away” by the Jonas Brothers and “Church” by Aly and Aj. 
12. what’s your favorite sport ??
Baseball! I am a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians, though I’ve recently started stanning women’s soccer. How about that Christen Press though? 
13. what’s your favorite food ??
Italian. I’m garbage for pizza and pasta. 
14. what’s your favorite face claim to use ??
Hmmm. A few months ago I would have said Eliza Taylor without a doubt, but I’ve really taken to playing with Tasya Teles and Daniel Sharman as well. 
15. what’s your least favorite face claim ??
I get very uncomfortable when people roleplay with child actors and/or children in general. 
16. what’s your favorite character of yours to play ?? which do you think you’re most like ??
I have been with Rory for several years now, so I definitely feel like I know her the best. She’s very near and dear to my heart, so she’s probably my favorite. I love all my kids though. They’re all so different, and they provide me with such a unique perspective! 
I don’t know if I’m really like any of my muses. If I had to pick one, I’d say Matt because I too cannot speak around girls. Haha I don’t have him anymore though, so maybe Ashton or Jonas. 
17. what’s your sexuality ??
 I’m a lesbian because women 😍
18. what’s the last movie you saw in a cinema/theater ??
Ugh. I feel so set up by this question! I took my niece and nephew to see The Secret Life of Pets 2 today, and it was pretty cute. 
19. what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had ??
The summer before 7th grade, I broke my leg and shattered my growth plate sliding into home plate. I was safe though, and we won the game! Too bad my pain tolerance levels are like zero, and it was the worst pain I’d ever felt. #embarrassing
20. what’s a random or interesting fact about you ??
This is the question I struggled with the most. I’m boring, y’all... I have a baby brain tumor that I call a ‘brain buddy’ because he’s not really doing anything up there but chillin’. Also, I once wrote a feature length Power Rangers Film when I was 12. I still have it! 
21. do you listen to music while you write ??
Sometimes! If I do, it has to be very mellow because I get distracted very easily. If there is a song that really fits the moment or inspired me to write the moment, I’ll listen to it on repeat to keep the vibe. Otherwise, I’ll listen to instrumentals or Sleeping At Last’s album titled “Atlas.” 
22. are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer ??
It all depends on when I have time. I honestly get my best writing done on pen and paper while I’m at work with fewer distractions, but a lot of times, I get inspired at night. I also did a lot of writing while substitute teaching, so it all just depends on if the situation allows for it and how focused I can get myself.  
23. have you ever roleplayed intoxicated ??
Yes, it’s embarrassing. Don’t do it! 
24. what language or languages do you speak ??
I only speak English fluently, but I can read French decently well.
25. how long have you roleplayed ??
I started role playing way back in the days of message forums and MSN chat. It was power rangers, and I was 14 so... 16 years. Damn. 
26. favorite roleplay genre ??
Honestly, genre isn’t important to me. Give me a story worth telling, and I’m in. I just need plot. Everything else will fall into place. 
27. one sound you hate & one you love ??
I fucking hate the sound of metal against metal or metal against teeth. Anything that gets that loud screeching noise is a big no from me. 
I love the sound of heavy rain and thunder storms. 
28. do you believe in ghosts ??
I’m fairly certain that no less than three of my former houses have been haunted, so yes. Yes, I do. 
29. do you believe in aliens ??
Sure, why not? I find it harder to believe that the galaxy exists with only us. 
30. do you believe in true love ??
Yes, I do. I believe in reincarnation, and soulmates, and finding each other in each and every universe. It might not be forever, because bad things happen, but it is a constant. 
31. do you hold grudges ??
Not really. I get all hopped up about something for like 10 minutes and then forget about it. No use staying angry over something you can’t change. 
32. do you have any obsessions right now ??
I’m forever obsessed with Harry Potter, but I’d say I have a few other currents. The 1OO, Women’s Soccer, Cleveland Indians Baseball, and Resident Evil are the ones that come to mind. 
33. do you drive & if so, have you ever been in a crash ??
Double yes. I ran over my fence post backing out of my drive a few years back, and I’ve fallen victim to the icy Ohioan roads a few times. I also side swiped a truck merging into a lane and also pulling into a parking spot, but listen... I’m not that bad of a driver! Not-So-Fun Fact: All three of the weather induced accidents occurred on February 11th—a day before my birthday. 🙃 These also all occurred before I was 25... minus the bad park job. 
34. do you like the smell of gasoline ??
That’s a no. (Dani, that’s gross!)  
35. do you prefer writing fluff, angst, or smut ??
Honestly, I love it all. Not a huge smut writer, just because it feels a little too personal with the person you’re writing with, but I’m not opposed to it as long as everyone is over 18 and comfortable writing it. Angst and fluff get me hook, line, and sinker though. I live for it! 
36. are you in a relationship ??
37. grab the nearest book to you and turn to page 23, what is the 17the line ??
“I have buried one friend to-day,” he thought: “what if this should cost me another?” —The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.
38. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs that pop up:
“Let’s Get Married” by Bleachers, “There for You” by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan, “Star Maps” by Aly & Aj, and “Maps” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 
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