#this is the post i'm going to link all oc info to i think
inquisitor-julia · 2 years
Jules’ Dragon Age OCs
Personal Canon:
Elsanna Cousland
Serafina Hawke
Nayeli Trevelyan
Yaretzi Mahariel
Atalaya Tabris
Oksana Aeducan
Sahara Mahariel
Nyx Surana
Amaris Brosca
Lilith Amell
Orlesian Wardens:
Amaya Caron
Fern Andras
Other DA:O OCs
Genevieve Aeducan
Maelie Hawke
Ilana Hawke
Kian Hawke
Naomi Hawke
Novaleigh Hawke
Milo Hawke
Olivia Hawke
The Last Court OCs:
Wren Lavellan
Katarina Cadash
Rosemary Lavellan
Pippa Cadash
Luca Lavellan
Evander Trevelyan
Yvainne Adaar
Other DA:I OCs
Lyre Lavellan
Thorne Trevelyan
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gottagobuycheese · 7 months
You've probably heard by now, but from March 4th to 10th 2024, Help Gaza Children will be sending all their donations to families in northern Gaza, where food prices have skyrocketed even more than in the south. Their goal is $25K by the end of the week; at the time of writing this post, it's about halfway a quarter way there! (OG post about it) [EDIT: my mistake, I misinterpreted the numbers in the original post; evidently I cannot do arithmetic anymore]
This is their notion site, which has their donation link as well as additional info, their FAQ, important updates, and proof of purchases from donations they’ve gotten in the past. You can also donate directly to their paypal here.
As such, I'll be open for sketch commissions up from now (March 7th, 2024 ~02:20 PST) through March 10th in exchange for proof of donation to Help Gaza Children!
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Tier 1 - Basic head/bust sketch for $1-5 USD, +50% for basic color. Up to 3 characters.
Tier 2 - Basic screencap resketch for $5-15 USD, +50% for basic color.
Tier 3 - Posed sketch for $15-25 USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Tier 4 - Colored clean sketch: $25+ USD, 1-2 characters ONLY.
Please provide a visual reference or detailed description of the character(s) you want drawn (and depending on the tier, a screencap or pose/expression you want to go with it)
DO'S: OCs, humans and human-like creatures, other creatures that don't have a lot of mechanical or anatomical detail (as in, I can TRY to do mecha stuff, but I think you and I will both be better of if I don't lol; can ask for further details)
DON'T'S: any NSFW stuff, real people currently alive (as in, historical figures in the setting of historical fiction may be okay, but other things may not be; can ask for further details)
If you've made your donation in a currency that is not USD, I'll give you something of equivalent value according to the tier based on whatever the conversion is at the time that I look it up. If one or both of our economies crashes spectacularly in between the time you send it and the time I look it up, I'm very sorry in advance
DISCLAIMER 1: I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason; however, if this ends up being the case, I may reach out to you to see if we can come up with a middle ground that suits us both.
DISCLAIMER 2: I don't anticipate being able to do a lot of these, as I've got a full-time job that's in the ballpark ~80+ hours a week with really weird hours. That being said, depending on how far this goes, turnaround time will probably be ~2-3 months, give or take...something. I'll update you monthly until it's done.
If you're interested in nabbing a sketch from me in exchange for your donation, email a screenshot (devoid of any personal info please) of your donation receipt and details of your sketch request (e.g. reference, tier, etc.) to [email protected]. For your donation to count for a sketch, it must be made after I wrote this post! (March 7, 2024 ~02:20 A.M. PST)
If you are NOT interested in nabbing a sketch from me, feel free to donate anyway!!
(And if you've got any questions about anything feel free to email, DM, or send an ask!)
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badlydrawnronpa · 6 months
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main art blog @chibigaia-art // badlydrawnronpa on ig // stickers if you have any question that is more directed at me and not specific abt DR, you can send it to my other blog!
FAQs under the cut
what program do you use?
Clip Studio Paint for drawing, this is the brush I made to achieve 🌟mspaint aesthetic🌟:
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can I ask shipping stuff?
yeah but if it's not a ship I like I'll most likely ignore it! I'm not a big fan of s/aioma, n/aegami, o/umota so those are some of the ships I'll def ignore (I will make silly platonic content of them interacting if an idea is fun tho)
who are your favorite characters?
THH: Ishimaru, Mondo, Aoi, Sakura SDR2: the main trio, Gundham, Sonia, Ibuki, Impostor V3: K1-b0, Tenko, Himiko, Ryoma
what are you fave ships?
THH: ishimondo, sakuraoi, leosaya dynamic outside of the killing game would be p interesting imo SDR2: komahinanami, komahina, sondam, soudanidai, fuyupeko V3: kiibouruma, saiibo, saimatsu, saimota (tho I like them more as bros), tenmiko, harukaito
what's your favourite DR game?
sdr2 for a variety of reasons (I like the insane cast and the island setting is my fave)! but objectively speaking, v3 is the one who takes the cake for best cast/gameplay
why no content about DR0/characters from the anime?
I don't like the writing in the novels so I never finished them, I never finished the future arc and the despair arc actively ruined some of the stuff I thought was cool about SDR2 (the whole brainwashing thing was just boring). mitarai is allowed tho because I think he's fun and cool :]
can i repost your stuff?
no, but feel free to share links and stuff
can i make a badly drawn/doodle blog like yours?
no need to ask me! I was inspired by other doodle blogs! go forth and keep the tradition alive!!!
can you draw my oc/ can I have a 'badlydrawn' commission?
I take commissions in this style occasionally, if I have them open I'll make a post on this blog! beside that, I take commissions in my usual artstyle all year round (comm info)
have you heard of [insert fanganronpa here]/ can you draw [fanganronpa character]?
very likely that I'll ignore these, sorry fanganronpa crowd
and I thought this was kind of obvious but don't ask fetish stuff lol
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canonkiller · 6 months
Hi, I'm trying to do art commissions, but no one has commissioned me yet. Do you have any advice for attracting customers?
I wrote a lot of words for you in hopes that at least some of it will be helpful, so I'm putting the bulk of this answer below a read more to save people the scrolling. The quick and easy two tips that I find people forget to do the most are:
Is your art easy to find? Having a pinned post with a tag for your art, a link in your bio, or an art-focused / reblog-light blog (like this one!) make it so that people know you draw, and knowing you've been posting art for a while makes you less likely to be a scammer.
Is your commission info easy to find? People can't buy things that they don't know you're selling; clear and accessible links to your prices and terms are important.
Now for the real bulky meat of advice giving, where I say a lot of words that may or may not be relevant:
I have a lot of advice, but I do want to say before getting into it:
A lot of selling art (especially in a non-industry setting, like with social media commissions) is luck.
There is no one size fits all method for selling art, and it's best to go with what feels right to you (I'll go more into this later)
Tips for selling are not necessarily tips for creating, and there will be advice in here that I don't apply to myself. Determining what you do and do not implement is something you should decide for yourself and your work flow.
Your art not selling doesn't mean nobody cares about it.
Personally I think the idea of intentionally curating a single subject demographic of Customer and Consumer for your work is limiting and doomed to burnout in a non-industry space. I will also touch more on this later.
Now for the rest of it in varying orders:
✨ Attracting Customers
This one is going first because you mentioned it specifically. It is kind of vague though, by nature of the term, so what I advise doing is specifying.
When you are thinking of a customer, are you trying to appeal to:
People who will buy pre-made art products? (Pins, stickers, prints, etc)
People who will buy custom work? (Commissions for specific subject matter)
People who will buy art resources you've created? (Fonts, bases, texture packs, 3d models etc)
There's also frequency: a repeat customer of custom art will usually be appealed to more by a wide range of options (like illustrations), while you might get more single-purchase customers if you only offer a limited range of options (like only icons).
Demographics also, of course, play a substantial role in just custom art commissions; furries get lauded as high spenders, but they're also a huge community that is focused around OCs, so by statistics alone they will have more people with spending money and will be frequent customers of people drawing OCs. A narrower audience means fewer people, but often the spread of the people within that audience is the same - and at the end of the day, selling an art piece only requires one other person, it's just a matter of happening to find them.
The follow up question is of course the finding: the average artist in fandom spaces selling commissions does not have the platform or budget for an ad campaign. This, however, is also its own category:
✨ Posting Online
Right out the gate: anyone who has told you that just drawing x thing is the way to get easy money is wrong.
"If you draw more fan art, you'll -" wrong.
"Nobody cares about that, you should be drawing this instead -" wrong.
"if you need to sell fast, just sell porn -" wrong. And also re-evaluate your perceived lack of quality or value about the subject.
The things you will be able to create easily and consistently will be the things YOU, SPECIFICALLY, like to create. It is also entirely impossible that you are the only person on earth to have ever liked those things, which means that if you create them, there are people out there who will enjoy them.
It feels itchy to be like "and those people are Potential Customers", but it is true; your work will resonate with people. They will want you to create it. It is vitally important to your own well being that the things you create, that you want others to enjoy, are things you enjoy as well.
(This is also why the "just draw porn" joking advice that gets tossed around is particularly fucked up. You as the artist should not feel forced into drawing things you aren't comfortable with, and the vast majority of customers for explicit content also don't want the people making it to feel forced into doing so. It's basic consent. I have strong feelings about this.)
If you are creating things and putting them out into the world, they will find an audience. That audience may be one singular person! The number does not matter, because that's still a person who - again, sucks to frame ig this way - has the potential to buy things from you.
If you're constantly chasing a bigger follower count, more interactions, etc etc for the future, it can genuinely be pretty taxing on the people who want to support you in the present. When you enjoy someone's work, and want to support them, being told constantly that that support is not good enough is frustrating. Trying to follow your work should not lead to seeing more "likes are WORTHLESS and NOBODY reblogs my things" posts than it does art. You are a person making things to share with other people, and you have to remember it or you will burn yourself out into a desiccated husk.
TL:DR consistency is key and the easiest way to be consistent is to just draw whatever the fuck you live drawing in whatever ways you want to draw it, and then slap it on the internet somewhere and Keep Doing That
✨ The Actual Commission Information
this one is just factual really. A lot of artists have really shitty commission sheet layouts, because advertising graphic design and illustrative art are different skill sets. That's fine. You don't have to remake the wheel. A good commission sheet should include:
More images than text (if you can't see what the examples are when zoomed out, you have to rearrange or cut down on words)
Examples organized by price / type, and clearly labeled
Your personal favourites for examples - one really strong example piece is better than twenty tiny images of work you think is just "okay"
Contact information - having a method that works WITHOUT a social media account (email.) Is important and way easier to keep organized, imo
A SIMPLE list of strengths (the things you draw the best) and things you won't draw (common example: mechs). You do not need to list every fandom or subject matter. Limit yourself to a top five.
A clear and easy to type link for your terms of service. Carrd, and sites like it, is good for this. This will go into details about your process, what you will and won't do, permissions granted to the commissioner (like "no, you can't make an NFT with this"), your privacy policy (saying you won't sell commissioner details to third parties), and other stuff. You do not want to have all of this on your original post, because it should be thorough and you want your main post to be showcasing your work and not your legalese. Here's mine as a reference; if you have trouble writing your own, feel free to copy from it and make the necessary alterations for your work.
✨ There Was More I Was Going To Write But I Forgot
I have a different document of commission related talk here, which is also incomplete but in a different way. It's in my nature. Hopefully some combination of this and that can be useful to you. Sorry if they're not. I love you have a nice day
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zenny-zenzen · 3 months
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☮️💎Cherusa Boopuda💎☮️
Age: 16 (1999, DIU), 18 (2001, GW), 28 (2011, SO)
Gender: Cisgender Female
Birthday: May 5th, 1983
Height: 5 ft 1 inch (155 cm)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: 1st year student (1999), 3rd year student (2001), Psychologist affiliated with the SPW Foundation (2011)
Birthplace: Yaoundé (Cameroon, West Africa)
Nationality: Cameroonian
Citizenship: Japanese
I do OC x Canon and ship her with Josuke Higashikata💎☮️
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HII NEW REFERENCE SHEET EVERYONE, so that means I'll be reuploading everything! What changed is the full body but I consider it new because I've been updating this same reference sheet god knows how many times throughout the months and I've reached its final form‼️
if you want to see the original, old post with the outdated ref sheet, click on the link below! Because it's full of additional information you might wanna know as it goes more in depth on my own history and everything I am going to present to you here as it's going to be the same as the one in the old post, just with more "minimalistic" captions
My toyhouse‼️
So that you can check out all of Cherusa's info! Here I will in fact share screenshots from my toyhouse while giving them a caption for an immediate read for whom is interested!
The following screenshots introduce you to her role in Diamond Is Unbreakable, he personality and her backstory
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Stand: Let's Groove
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Tumblr has a limit of 10 images for post so I'm going to do three reblogs in total just like for the old post!
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◇𓂂☽𓂂🐚Arisa Cliche's Wips for Gaza! 🐚𓂂☾𓂂◇
Hi, hi friends! @ficsforgaza has started a charity event and I'd really like to participate, so I've decided to start a sponsorship page! Right now, I'm only writing for MHA and Obey Me!, but I have enough fics brewing or in progress that you'll have plenty a selection!
How this works ~ The rate is $1 for 100 words. Basically, you would make a donation and send me an ask with the following details:
🍉 The name of the wip you're donating towards
🍉 A screenshot of your donation with your private info censored (I will not be publishing these asks)
🍉 A link to the fundraiser you chose! I will be accepting donations to anything on this list, Crips for eSims for Gaza, and my personal fave!
I will keep the WIP section of this post updated with all donations as soon as possible!
Now...let's get to the WIPS!!!!!
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MHA✼ ҉ ✼
{In Progress}
⚝ Bury my Ashes at Sea (Touya "Dabi" Todoroki x Reader) (Longfic)
You and Dabi have been broken up for some time now, but you're still the only person he wants to see before he takes his final bow. With your grieving face still fresh in his mind, he can't help but wonder how things would be different if you two met when you were kids. In his daydreams, he gifts you a Quirk, and you both go to U.A together. He becomes a hero, and you his adored engineer. When everything inevitably goes to hell...you become a villain with him. A villain he names Hex. Content: Hero!AU, female reader, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, established relationship, post break-up, angst, reader is physically disabled and chronically ill and has an established backstory, non-explicit sexual content in later chapters, very very lovesick and typically obsessive Touya, Sad Ending Snippet:
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est wc: 55k current wc: 22707 sponsored wc: 0/32293
{New Concepts}
♪bottom of the river. (Touya Todoroki x Siren!Reader) (Oneshot)
The eldest Todoroki boy is found adrift at sea. Covered in burns from head to toe, but somehow still breathing. He was missing for days. The accident should've killed him. No one knows how he survived. The town praises it as a miracle. But when Rei notices that he suddenly keeps sneaking to the ocean in the middle of the night, and hums a disjointed melody when no one else is around, she begins to suspect that it was no miracle that saved her son. Content: Fantasy!AU, horror concept, Touya is being claimed by a Siren but Rei is not willing to give up her son, VERY inspired by some of the things I wrote in Bury My Ashes at Sea so there might be similar imagery, reader's gender is simply not planned to be mentioned, sfw, Rei's POV est wc: 10-13k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 500/13000
🧛🏽Unnamed (Touya Todoroki x Vampire!Reader)
Touya doesn't know a kind of love where he doesn't hurt. He prides himself in it, really. He's perfect for you. You bite him and he doesn't feel it. He's already covered in bandages from his Quirk, so no one notices a difference. And if he's a little extra dizzy or laid up in bed, who cares? He's always been a little sickly. No one notices. Don't worry about him. You tell him how good he tastes and he doesn't think he's ever felt so alive in his life. He lets you take as much as you want. See, you don't need other, stronger humans. He can take it. This is what love is. He'll never tell you to stop. Not even when he can't feel his fingers anymore. Just don't pick someone else. Content: Fantasy!AU, GN!reader where I would try to keep specific body mentions very limited, Bratty Needy Touya, Quirks still exist but so do monsters because why not, Civilian Touya who never had his accident, this has potential for nsfw I could be persuaded! est wc: 7-10k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 0/10000
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Obey Me! ʚ♡ɞ
{In Progress}
💖Love Is A Liar's Game (All of the Brothers + Diavolo and Solomon x Three OCs) (Longfic. Like...very long. Covers at least the first two seasons)
When Diavolo announces the plan for a human exchange program, the Charas, MC, Y/N, and OC (real names redacted), see it as the perfect opportunity to pull off the ultimate scam: seducing the rulers of hell and taking the throne. However...falling in love with their marks might complicate things. Content: Religious cults, drug use, the Charas are Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss incarnate, toxic relationships, polyamory (each of the Charas date three boys), humor, disabled mc (OC), plus-size mc (Y/N), and non-binary mc (MC), some angst here and there, mostly canon compliant but I fix some things, explicit content eventually...the first chapter is already posted on ao3 so please read my author's note to get an idea of what to expect! Snippet:
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est wc: over 100k easy current wc: 6816 (the 2nd chapter is almost done!) sponsored wc: 0/120000
🍬Touch-starved (Beelzebub x OC) (oneshot)
This is a companion piece to Love is a Liar's Game. Beel's Gluttony is not restricted to only food. He's avoided even kissing OC to prevent himself from becoming a bottomless pit for her love, which has ruined plenty of his relationships prior. But when her and Belphie finally become intimate, and his brother can't stop talking about her (or keep his hands off her), a strange, sour taste won't leave his mouth. It's jealousy. (If this is donated to completion I will also post the Belphie oneshot I already finished, Breathless!)
Content: Post-Chapter 16, pining, explicit sexual content, oral reference (m), recreational alcohol, submissive beel, use of pact during sex, tiny bit of angst for flavor, typical humor for this fic universe, lots of pet names between these two lol
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est wc: 15k current wc: 9909 (it's almost done!!!!!!!!!!!) sponsored wc: 0/15000
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If y'all have any further questions, please let me know!!!! Thanks in advance for any and all donations!!!!
From the river to the sea!! 🍉🍉🍉
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yellow-computer-mouse · 3 months
⭐Intro Post⭐
ATTENTION: My DTIYS is up! Due date: October 5th!
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Hey, what's up? I'm yellow-computer-mouse, also known as Yellow! I have a lot more info on my carrd, but here's the important stuff:
I am a minor!
I am fictionkin (Snowfall WoF, Winter WoF, Aeolus EPIC) and a therian (Norwegian forest cat)!
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⭐Userboxes by @kthecritter and myself! and blinkies by @spectral-stuff & @dragonpride17⭐
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I use a lot of tone tags, and while you don't have to use them for me, it can help if the tone of a statement is unclear! Here are the main tags I use, along with their meaning! If you have any questions on other tone tags, ask away!
/gen - Genuine! I honestly mean what I said! There is no sarcasm or passive aggressiveness in my sentence.
/genq - Genuine question! I'm asking a question out of curiosity, not malice!
/silly - Silly! I'm just messing around for the memes.
/lh - Light-hearted! I'm not being too serious, so don't stress it! Normally used alongside /silly :)
/lyr or /ly - Lyric! I'm quoting song lyrics.
I am also always willing to add trigger warnings to a post! If you feel like it's needed, let me know! You can reblog, send an ask, or DM me, whatever is most comfortable for you!
This does not apply to the 🦃🪓 anon because that is still ongoing, but please don't start ARGs with me. It's super cool that people want to, but I am not a puzzle guy. Thank you! (And no hate to turkeyaxe ^^)
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I also use a lot of text colors! Here are the main ones and what they mean!
Red - Added emphasis. I'm drawing the eye to the important parts of a big text block.
Green - Links! I will never put anything incorrect behind a link, not even a rick roll.
Blue - Mostly just used on this post. I use blue whenever I type out a tag in the main part of a post.
Purple - Song lyrics!
Pink - Tagging a user!
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There's some more things that I want to add, so they're going here! Nothing too important, so you can ignore this part if you want. /gen
My favorite color is yellow! It took me a while to figure this out, so please don't be mean about it. No yellow hate on this blog! /hj
I also like orange and red!
I love getting asks! Even if it's just one word with no context, it makes me happy!
I love it so much, I made three ask blogs! All are WoF-centered: @ask-hs-jade-winglet and @wof-adoption-au are canon characters, and @wofsidequesters is for my OCs!
I also made a daily art blog called @daily-snowfall! go check it out if you're interested in having one (1) snowy on your dash every day
My favorite food is cheesecake!
My birthday is July 28th! I am a Leo (or a Cancer, going by the new chart! lmk which fits better if you want ^^)
My favorite animals are isopods, thresher sharks, and whale sharks!
My favorite UTMV characters are Nightmare, Red, and Dust!
My favorite WoF characters are Winter, Turtle, Blue, Sunny, and Starflight!
I have a pet cat named Azzy, a dog named Homer, and a leopard gecko named Honeydew!
I have an Artfight! My user is yellow-computer!
I take requests sometimes! Icons and headers, free to use as long as you credit me! I draw dragons, furries, cats, humans/humanoids... pretty much whatever! Requests are currently open!
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I don't have an extensive DNI, but there are still some things I'd like to keep out of my blog!
Anti-furries (from people who believe all furries are zoophiles to people who just think it's weird)
Basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, right-wingers/centrists, racists, etc.)
Here are some people who I welcome here!
Alterhumans/Nonhumans! (therians, fictionkin, otherkin, otherhearted, etc! Voidpunk as well, but that's different from the others listed)
Selfshippers! (As long as it's not pro/comship, go right ahead!)
Those with commonly stigmatized disorders!
People who are "cringe"!
In general, anyone who isn't on my DNI!
I am a part of many fandoms, but here are some of my favorites!:
Will Wood
Bears in Trees
Slime Rancher
The Owl House
Epic: the Musical
The main fandoms I post about are WoF and UTMV.
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I am taking commissions for Palestine! More info on that in the post below, or DM me!
Also, if you are a Palestinian with a GoFundMe, feel free to send an ask or DM me for support! I can't donate, but I will promote your campaign however I can!
Remember to do your daily clicks for Palestine!
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Icon Masterpost
Furry Species (Aebe) Masterpost
UTMV/WoF Playlist Masterpost
Blog Masterpost
Thanks for reading my rambles, and have fun! ^-^
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springbudeyes · 1 month
Please enjoy the first installment of a new series I'd like to call Gamemode 0!
If you're waiting for Mianite Season Four (ha), this will hopefully tide you over. Gamemode 0 is a highly produced mini-series that tells a story through text, dramatic audio narration, a musical score, and images. It stars a villain who was an edgy Grim Reaper in 2015 and it poses the question—how much has Kikoku Botan really changed since 2015?
That question will be answered over the course of – I'm guessing – seven-ish chapters? The first chapter, which you're about to read and hear, is based on a Minecraft RP session held in a single night. Those present for the session include World Historian's original writer (me) and a group of talented role-players. More info under the cut!
Here's the cast:
Moth @robotmothpie as Ginkgo Belshem
CloudF11 @silent-moons-camp as Cloud Endernatus
Metal @mx-metal as Omu Vulcan
Honor @cult-of-athar as Fateshaper (the Big Bad)
Matthew (me) as World Historian
(All characters are voiced by me.)
The project was Mianite Etherealis. We played on a private 1.12 server for two years, ending in early 2023. The chapter you're about to read (titled Session One) covers the RP session that brought World Historian into the narrative.
I would almost go so far as to say that you're about to experience a canon World Historian mini-series with implications for all World Historian content in existence.
Is it actually canon? I don't know. It's as authentic as you'll ever get for WH, that's for sure. I've spent the last nine years developing the cosmology being used here. I planted the seeds for it when I created World Historian in 2015.
But no, Gamemode 0 isn't Dec-and-Tom-approved canon. And my astounding co-writers aren't offical Mianite writers. And Etherealis isn't a piece of lost Mianite media, though you can think of it that way if you'd like.
Gamemode 0 will follow the plot of Mianite Etherealis for one more session, then embark on its own original plot centered on World Historian.
That being said, my aim with Gamemode 0 is to dig up a piece of the past and link it to the future. This series is one of many projects that could result from that effort. If it sees enough support, it could grow beyond text, images, and audio. We have endless headroom here.
If you're looking for Botan's history in Ruxomar, you'll find it. If you're hoping for a glimpse into Akemi and Mina's lives, you'll get it. If you seek all manner of strange World Historian lore, consider it yours. If you just wanna sink your teeth into a juicy hunk of Mianite meat, go get a napkin, you menace.
We have plenty of chapters to take us from the past, to the future, and back again. I could just list the plain facts about World Historian in a lore post, but I could never be satisfied with that. I'm a storyteller.
The players own their characters. Most of the dialogue and actions in Session One come straight from the corresponding RP session. I'm just putting it all to a narrative and making readability tweaks for first-timers.
Happy birthday yesterday, Honor! We love you!! I guess this is one of your presents. Thanks for letting World Historian take over as the big scary dude for a session. And sorry for writing out our best boy, Oleander. We should co-write something someday.
Cloud, thanks for going back to our defunct Minecraft world to set everything up and take the awesome shadered screenshots for Session One. Also thanks for making c!Cloud such a great POV character. He carries Gamemode 0.
Thank you, Moth, for the un-shadered screenies, for being my PR person, and for supporting me generally all the time. PDA PDA aaaaa!
And thanks, Metal, for being the cool one. B)
Calls to action:
Mianitees, shower love upon my friends. I know Moth and Cloud would jump at the opportunity to answer asks about their passionately crafted OCs. And so would Honor and Metal, I suspect. With the right motivation, who knows what they could create?
The link will send you to my Substack blog, where you'll be able to read, listen, like, and subscribe to my newsletter. The paid subscription has no advantage over the free one; most of you will pick free, but if anyone would like to support me financially, that would be super appreciated. (If we get some traction with subs, I'll set up sub goals and a budget for upgrades to my production.) I plan to release Gamemode 0 chapters as frequently as I can, but I will post something to my Substack every month—Mianite related or not.
Also please like and reblog this Tumblr post if you dig it and want to see more.
Now go and enjoy your food.
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madeofcc · 10 months
2023 Top ♥
Tagged by @someone-elsa and @shesthespinstersimmer ♥ Thanks a lot !
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I didn't remember doing all that this year !
Thanks a lot to everyone who's been following me through this journey. 2023 was one of the worst year of my life but also one of the best weirdly so let's hope 2024 will be better for everyone ♥
below the cut I'll put the link and explanations for each edit
1/ The Moonlight/Moonwood Tales concept : Based on the lore that came with the werewolves pack, I imagined a story that would explain everything between the werewolves, vampires and spellcasters. I actually prepared a plan for season 1 ... Maybe I'll post it next year ?
2/ The stories I planned for this year but so far, only Melodia is still going. DH3 will start next year sadly and Another Side has been cancelled because of lack of time and a bad computer.
3/ Aïssa in the city : a special photoshoot/lookbook with some items I love and also a small interview including infos about DH2 and 3. It's also a way for me to show more about Aïssa's modeling life. The title is also a reference to the upcoming spin-off about her ...
4/ The DH3 women and the DH3 gang because I want you to love them when the story will start !
5/ The EDGEWAVE fest organised by @aniraklova ♥ It surely was my favourite event this year ! What an awesome idea it was and a lot of people did amazing stuff during 2 weeks ! You saved our summer for sure ! I used Candy Bher as a reference to Another Side and MOON who's a character in DH3 ...
6/ Toxic Don ! A potential new Another Side story I've been thinking about years now ... It would be fun !
7/ The Ghostface DH3 edits : It's a reference to DH3 and Scream of course; the plot will be a tribute to Wes Craven actually !
8/ The Melodia musical video part : it actually was awesome and fun to create but it took me an entire month just for this little video. I decided to stick to a more boring regular way to post this story. I also don't have a lot of readers so far so I guess they will forgive me. I still see it as one of my biggest achievement here though so check it if you can ^^ I love how the episode turns into a musical movie
9/ @windbrook's Slashed Challenge : it was one of my favourite CAS challenge of all time ^^ I'm a huge slasher fan ! It was perfect for simblreen and people created awesome characters and stories !
10/ A makeover of the Three Sages that comes with Realm of Magic : Ana Mae is actually an original OCs, they all should appear in DH4 and 5 ... Morgyn should be very important in DH4 actually ...
11/ URBZ Mag DH3 edition ! Get the girls part here and the boys part there ♥ I love doing fake interviews and mag covers ! Sorry not sorry
12/ Valentines day ♥ My favourite is the one with the Destiny, Leïla and Aïssa because it's funny and feminist, what this trio is together ! They surely had a great night that day, it's also supposed to happen after Melodia so ...
13 / Franck and Madame Sophie : the first drag sims I create ! I wanted one for the Aïssa spin-off so I guess it will be them :)
14/ Recent edits I like : Maria Perron for @birdietrait's coven (I love her and I'd love to make a little story about her) / An other Another Side new idea focused on Venessa Jeong / Destiny's last portrait for the ocs associations
15/ My favourite gif coming from Another Side Episode 1 : I think it's the best ending for this episode as it shows all the plots and times together. Everytime I see it I want to get back to the story ...
Tagging @trippisimmies @badwoohoo @bobnewbie @uwutrait @frzr-bunny @windbrook @eslanes @budgie2budgie @nefarrilou @kashisun @birdietrait @castawavy @agena87 @fangs-trait @peonypyxels @barbieaiden @void-imp @ladybugsimblr @xldkx @nilonne @bakersimmer @whyhellosims @mangosimoothie @djservo @sea-cross @surely-sims @hufflepuff-sim @aniraklova @therichantsim @wolfavens @cinamun @alelelesimz @moontaart @pralinesims @cyberth0t @squea @helloavocadooo @cross-design @rebouks @crazy-lazy-elder-sims and anyone else who'd like to join ♥ feel free to tag me or ignore this as well ^^ (Also, check out these blogs, they're all great !)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
DJ's Follower Celebration!!!
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Hi friends! I recently hit a follower milestone that absolutely blew my mind; I never really expected anyone to be particularly interested in my work, let alone this many of you. I am constantly blown away by your talent, insight, and creativity. I'm so grateful for every single one of you, and I want to celebrate YOU!
With that in mind, I'm going to be opening requests to create Datafiles like the one I made for Cerra for your Star Wars OCs. I've created three different versions: a Grand Army of the Republic Personnel Datafile, a Jedi Archive Member Record Datafile, and an ISB Suspect Datafile. Here are some examples of what they look like:
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Transcripts in alt text.
Here's what you need to do to participate:
Submit an Ask with your OC's name and the artwork you'd like me to use. The artwork should have either a plain or a transparent background, and the filesize needs to be smaller than 25MB.
Fill out this form to tell me what information you'd like included in your OC's datafile.
Reblog this post to spread the word so other folks can participate, too.
That's it! Detailed rules are below the cut:
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Since this is intended to celebrate my followers, this event is only open to folks who follow me. I will be checking.
Each blog can submit a maximum of two requests.
Once I've created the Datafile, I'll answer your Ask with the PNG and the transcript. Feel free to share and repost them elsewhere, but it would be lovely if you could give me credit; I worked hard on these!
Requests will be filled in the order in which they are received; please be patient as it takes time to create the Datafiles.
I will not begin working on a request until I receive BOTH the Tumblr Ask AND the info form response.
By submitting your OC info, you agree to allow me to edit the text if necessary to fit in the template without consulting you ahead of time.
If you use a Picrew or similar to create your OC artwork, please include the link in your ask to credit the creator. By submitting artwork, you affirm that you have a right to share and transform/edit the artwork, and that you are giving me permission to share/edit the artwork as well.
Don't submit inappropriate images, please. I'm a delicate kriffing flower.
Do not submit hateful content.
I reserve the right to ignore a request for any reason.
Tips for success:
Keep it succinct; it's fine to use truncated, abrupt sentences. Sometimes they make it sound more official, and remember, I have limited space in the templates. I'll do my best to accommodate what you submit, but I might need to edit the text to fit (see Rule 6).
Think about whether the organization creating the Datafile would know/care to include the information. Examples of things to include: injuries sustained in battle (particularly if they were severe/debilitating); special/unusual Force abilities; an explanation of why a Jedi padawan switched masters; outstanding warrants. Examples of things that might be less relevant: petty crimes that the ISB wouldn't necessarily investigate (keeping in mind that they're more like the FBI/CIA/NSA than the local PD); minor injuries sustained outside of combat (like a black eye from a barfight at 79's); favorite snack when they were a youngling in the Jedi temple creche (unless they're STILL a youngling in the Jedi temple creche).
Remember that the ISB stands for Imperial Security Bureau, so they wouldn't have a file during the Clone Wars. Similarly, the Jedi Archive and GAR records wouldn't reference the ISB Datafile (though ISB certainly could have access to Jedi and GAR records).
Think about the perspective of the person creating the record; if it's ISB, they might accuse your OC of a serious crime that they didn't commit (or exaggerate a minor crime to look more severe than it actually was) for the sake of propaganda.
Have fun with it! "Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking" is a fantastic trope for a reason!
Thank you all so very much for being such a lovely, welcoming group! I can't wait to celebrate with you!
I used these picrews to create the OC artwork for the examples: GAR; ISB; Jedi Archive.
Ragu list:
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino spicy-clones @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @merkitty49 @anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella @cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @wolffegirlsunite @sunshinesdaydream @mandos-mind-trick @littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @clonemedickix @marierg @idontgetanysleep @moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine @multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam @banksys-rat @skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist @cw80831 @kimiheartblade @meredithroseg @flyiingsly
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leonenjoyer69 · 4 months
--- Finally making an intro post, Yippee!! ---
~Hello! I'm Leon (or James, but people usually call me Leon lmao) :3
~My pronouns are He/Him, and I'm 19
Some of my current fixations are:
The Glass Scientists (highest fixation, obviously), Jekyll and Hyde, My OCs (the sillies), Chonny Jash, Will Wood, MCR, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill
Some facts:
~I am autistic w/ anxiety. I'm also partially nonverbal and have auditory processing issues sometimes (tho that info is only really useful to the fellas I VC with on Discord lmao)
~I am Trans, Pan, and Graysexual :3
~I like drawing, writing, playing D&D (technically Pathfinder, but still), and playing video games
~i am a chronic music listener. Like, I hyperfixate on a couple of artists for months and listen to them non stop, as I have been doing with Chonny Jash and Will Wood since oct. of 2023. Ask me about the music I like and I'll freak out /pos
~feel free to use my art as pfps or banners or edits or whatever, with credit, of course :3
~fan art and writings of/with my OCs is totally fine!! In fact, I will literally explode and autistically flap my hands and giggle/pos, I genuinely still can't fathom that people like my silly fellas, always catches me off guard and makes me unequivocally joyous
-please please please don't repost my art or I'll blow you up /neg 🫵
Tags I use:
#OC: Elias Wright ~ OC tag for my Robert Lanyon HJ7 alter! filled with art, lore dumps, and fanfic links. Use this if you make fan art of him :3
#OC: "Whole" Jekyll ~OC tag for my guy Harry, who's basically the original Jekyll that got trapped in the mindscape after the split, inspired by Chonny Jash's soul. Also filled with art and lore dumps/ramblings, and a single fic. Again, use this tag if you make art or anything of him :3
#My art ~all my art (pretty self explanatory), which for now is all TGS, OCs, and like, 2 Chonny Jash things
#my ramblings ~all my random stuff, lore dumps and responses to stuff is also under here
#answered asks ~where all my answered asks usually go, when I remember to tag them with it 💀
DNI: Homophobes, transphobes, racists, all the usual horrible people ig?
I think that's basically everything? Please don't ever be afraid to DM me or ask me anything, I love rambling and talking to people about the things I like :3 but yeah, thank you for reading lmao
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lashysdomain · 5 months
@mageofspacemultiverse and @memurfevur 's Oc Name ARG Data
for those who AREN'T me who've spent the last 4 days and almost every waking and sleeping hour thinking about this, here's what we have so far + puzzles i've not yet been able to solve
characters: [name] - (blog they're at)
arceel - (memurfevur)
how we found out about ynygme (from here on referred to as E). ex moirail, used to be known as Balerion. this is the name that E knows him by.
Ynygme - (mageofspacemultiverse)
We have found E's name. it's recommended not to say it, just in case. they're currently in hiding while we find a tether and figure out how to decode the spell we need to bring them home.
the subjugate video
one of E's captors. we've been told to hide from them, so DNI. please. i know, villian, but dni. summoned by us guessing S
the warden video (loud)
another of e's captors, 110% fucked up on this one. i didn't notice, both of these are my fault.
current puzzle objective is solving the spell to get back to E and helping find any parts of their body to create their tether
extra characters and unsolved puzzles/extra info under the cut
watch'r - (memurfevur)
bound to arceel, knows what's going on to some degree, will take gossip as a bribe for clues, unsure what he'll give. that's my bestie
For now we're good on clues, but we might need more soon?
matild kirada - (memurfevur)
gilf. who said that mentioned in the poem posts image, likely whos help we need to find e's body
unsolved puzzles
i'm currently still trying to solve these, but i'm at my wits end in a way
possible code could be from the polls, setting the positions of letters in another key the letters and their resulting poll result numbers are: e2 r4 p5 i6 c6 h3 (the letters spell cipher. kilant you bitch.)
p is interesting, and has the options of 20 5 20 8 5 18 which when put into an alphanumeric substitution cipher gives us "tether" could be nothing but that seems purposeful? every other poll has just 123...
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the pastebin clues, found from the description of the subjugate video.
these are settings for the enigma machine. what we put into it probably hasn't been sent out yet, it's also a clue about E's first name more than likely.
as dr el fj ky mt ob qx uz wh I 10 1 III 17 2 VII 6 4
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A grandpre grid from the watch'r drabble and following judgements roman numerals gives us a likely second set of plugboard settings for the enigma machine.
the rest of the settings were found on a past post leading to a soundcloud link
ap cm dv gq iy ne rj sw uf zk V 4 6 IV 6 2 VIII 16 6
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from the tags of the last ask + settings for another machine from the post where E told us about their past with balerion. it's unclear if the setting for the third rotor is 22 1 or 2 21
RC EY BF SG JM ID LQ KZ TU HO V 18 3 VI 1 5 III 2 2 1
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from a poll with some sort of poem? poem might not actually be important, but the poll post is here
vuypo xu klt syet ya g rukobq crmgp fpkose kkmexf wkzoec knm bwbx qgzkem
Jcif xgs aphwvx rxdgdk jc boyf Irmm g inbfjh b qrqqevn onmzf Mcuvh omeccn diegypgp
from E's latest ask and pulled from the captions of the Warden video. if this is the spell, we're missing the last third piece still
i believe it might be a beaufort vigenere cipher, but we don't have it's key. could also need to be spit through specific enigma machine settings. there are far too many for me to brute force, so we'll just have to wait.
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the words that bring them together are likely just the spell, not anything super complex (well more so than finding it all)
current state of the reset conspiracy board
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narcpocalypse · 7 months
Speaking of that post I hope it's ok for me to send this ask in!
I have some OCs myself that also have NPD(+other PDs as well, like ASPD AND BPD for example) and I was wondering how to realistically portray NPD without unintentionally stigmatizing/demonizing it?
*also some are also POC as well and are my Elder Scrolls OCs also, if this helps.*
Feel free to delete this ask, if you don't feel like answering!
AGHHH MY FIRST ASK!!!!!!!!/pos
Fair warning, this is going to be a LONGGGG ass post and it will mention ableism towards NPDers. I want to make sure I cover as much as possible. If you have NPD and want to add anything, pls do so in a reblog or the comments! I am also super delirious so if what I say makes no sense I'm so sorry 😭
I think a full, completely in depth understanding is the key to not writing something stigmatizing/demonizing. It sounds obvious, but in the case of NPD, there's so much misinformation so I am hoping this post can guide you in the writing process. You never know what little thing can cause accidental mischaracterization.
This is a super important topic for me because honestly, I'm trying to figure out the same as someone with NPD myself, even with all the info available. I feel like there's so much grey area because so much is still unknown about the disorder (fuck the psych system/narc abuse believers). A lot of us have to go from our personal experiences and figure things out on our own, which brings me to my first topic:
Self Diagnosis And The Criteria!!!!!!!!
A LOT of us are self diagnosed, including myself. Whether you're officially diagnosed or not, most of us can agree the DSM5 is booty ass. I bring up self diagnosis specifically because due to the DSM5 being shitty, it's suuuper difficult to get diagnosed or even want a diagnosis. I personally don't want one.
If that's a theme you want to bring up in your work, I would definitely follow blogs here that break down the diagnostic criteria and re-define it in a realistic way. Having this is super important because the DSM5 is MADDD confusing even if it wasn't ableist.
Your characters might resonate with that confusion and even anger. Rage is such a prominent emotion with us narcissists, so its highly encouraged you tap into that. The stigma is so impactful to most of us and personally keeps me hidden.
If you went off the official criteria, you could innocently and accidentally write an ableist trope based off the DSM5. For example, the DSM5 has a very vague and "I do this just because I can blah blah blah and there's a name for it" narrative of narcissists. There's no nuance. They state accurate symptoms but don't accurately explain why we have them. Without context, it makes our intentions ultimately one size fits awful.
Here are some resources that have been super helpful to me!
Some extra specific things I keep in mind when writing my narcissistic characters:
-“Bad behavior” is such an important phrase to emphasize when writing narcissists negative symptoms and being mindful on how you approach the impact. Make sure that phrase is clear, even if they will not redeem themselves and are a piece of garbage. They did xyz because of bad behavior due to symptoms, they hurt john doe because of bad behavior due to symptoms. They make the conscious choice not to change their bad behavior because abc or they make the conscious choice to do better because blah blah blah.
-Depending on what communication style you want two or more characters to have, make sure the outcomes are accurate based off of symptoms. My examples don't explain narcissists as a whole, but they are based off of my symptoms:
Lack of Communication: Increase in superiority symptoms, increase in rage, increase in invalidation and inferiority feelings. Other parties, specifically egotypicals may have a misconception of the narcissist and believe their symptoms are how they really are and can't be redeemed due to stigma. In the situation involving a narcissist however, in my experience when this happens I'm always so confused. Nothing makes sense and nobody is explaining anything to me. I need outside perspective as to why my actions are wrong and lack of communication will sink me deeper into my delusions. Communication is so important coming from the outside perspective to snap me out of my spiral. Lack of communication on my end will cause me to bottle up my feelings, convinced I’m better alone. Not explaining my intentions (or lack there of, to be completely blunt and vulnerable.) to someone I hurt can cause them so much more pain too. I don't want to hurt anyone, and even if I don't FEEL sorry, I can acknowledge I don't want the people I care for to be hurt by my bad actions.
Proper Communication: Honestly in my case, usually the damage I caused isn’t forgiven however rebuilding that trust becomes so much easier accepting that and opening up to the person/people I hurt. The narcissist usually knows they can prevent xyz going forward, and the other party is prepared on how to handle the situation in case it happens again. In my experience, communication is super beneficial in terms of receiving supply too. ESPECIALLY when the other person involved is also a narcissist, they know that pain of not receiving praise/admiration and we can understand each other moving forward.
Other narcissists I encourage you give your experience w this too bc I have seen very diff ones!
-If you want to implement characters who are ableist towards the narcissist, some things I would do are:
Show the narcissists internal monologue after the trauma and put your main focus on their emotions, the ableist person’s actions second. The weight of their words will be shown more in the trauma response, less in the moment (although super important). Focus the context on the narc crash, anxiousness, surprise, grandiosity overcompensation, etc.
Have other characters defend the narcissist, preferably being other narcissists because we are the ones who understand each other the most and back each other up no matter what
Show the importance of proper education and lack of education
Ask yourself how this is relevant to the plot and your character/characters
-Ask yourself, why does/doesn't my character want to be redeemed? Is it a symptom or is it genuine? Do they want to do better but don't recognize it? Why don't they recognize it? What symptoms are holding them back from xyz (social connections, self care etc.).?
Examples of answers to these questions:
My character doesn't want to be redeemed because they are convinced they are justified in their actions. They genuinely believe they did the right thing and need time to get out of that mindset. What's stopping them from getting out of that mindset is the delusion they are stuck in. Working on their trauma triggers can help lessen the blow and onset of psychosis. If they recognize they are wrong, my character is the type of person to crash and have suicidal urges. There is a slow build up before the crash that spirals into madness. What may help is getting supply from their friends/partners reassuring them that recognizing their bad actions are a first step followed by praise for things outside of the situation to bring them back to a solid baseline or narc high.
My character has a hard time socializing because when having an episode of grandiosity, they feel like they are better than everyone and no one is at their level. In episodes of insecurity, they feel like they don't deserve friends because they feel worthless. This is followed by perfectionism and seeking unwanted friendships, only to self-destruct and hurt those around them. Their ego impacts everything they do.
-SHAMEEEE is one of the most important emotions (in my experience) to write about so pls make that an important part of how your character views themselves!
-I know I have been only focusing on negative aspects, but also do highlight the positive aspects. For me, NPD has motivated me to work on myself. It isn’t the healthiest way, but given my circumstance, it is the healthiest I can do right now. Even my most wild and delusional thoughts can lead to great opportunities for self improvement. Thinking I’ll become famous? Gave myself tools to work on my executive dysfunction and be consistent with a project I love. Narc highs are also absolutely incredible. Finding folks who understand me and receiving praise has kept me going. I genuinely feel listened to. Narcissists are some of the nicest people you will ever meet because they know what it feels like to hate themselves. No matter how little empathy some of us have, that doesn’t mean we can’t acknowledge one another (even if my symptoms make me feel so singular in my experiences/contradict the point of acknowledging others).
More info to represent different kinds of NPDers:
Some common comorbidities are:
Autism Spectrum
Bipolar Disorder
Schizophrenia Spectrum
All Cluster B Disorders
Eating Disorders and Addictions
So many of us are autistic. SO MANY. This small survey statistic doesn’t scratch the surface but it’s important to look at!
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As an autistic person myself, I feel like a lot of the trauma I faced growing up highly contributed to the development of NPD. I was othered, shunned, invalidated and shamed for just existing. Still am. That made me overcompensate with erratic attempts to be wanted and loved and just acknowledged in any way possible. I want to be SEEN.
If anyone wants an in depth post sharing my experiences with bipolar disorder and NPD I will absolutely do so if asked too!
How NPD affects my gender itself, dysphoria and sexuality:
In my experience as a fat trans man, a lot of my dysphoria is rooted in narcissism, internalized fatphobia and internalized toxic masculinity. I want to be the ideal boyfriend that is praised for existing. My male privilege definitely contributes to that want and I can acknowledge and dislike that part of myself. I expect this certain level of respect for being a man without realizing it sometimes and make sure to hold myself accountable when doing so. My dysphoria makes me feel inferior to other men because I don't "pass" and I feel the need to compete against them. The insecurity is consuming me and I do my best to be aware if I cross any lines.
What I have noticed about gender and sexuality in NPDers is that a lot yall are aroace and nonbinary! Like based off of my survey alone and people I know!
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I asked one of my mutuals if it wanted to share his experiences of being a POC with NPD and it agreed!! He wanted to stay anonymous (aka super duper awesomely cool and mysterious) so I’ll just be posting the ss of what he said!
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I do not have much to say on the response from my mutual because I feel like what it said speaks for itself and because we've spoken in private about the topic already! If you want to write an Asian character with NPD, this is really useful information!!!! One day I will make a post elaborating on being a POC with NPD myself. But, for now, this will help you understand an experience from an Asian perspective.
I hope this post wasn't all over the place and makes sense, if you have any more questions please ask away!
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newlifeau-askblog · 5 months
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[Logging in...]
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Woe! It's masterpost time
I'll either link this to the top post or pin this as a top post instead
Either way, lemme introduce all the sillies‼️‼️
[Click on the picture to see more clearly! We do be hating Tumblr mobile's quality butchering </3]
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I was thinking about putting the whole lore under a cut but y'know what I'll let the lore unfold through asks and give brief infos here instead *rubs my hands together like a cartoon villain*
[From left to right]
Glitch is an OC of mine, they're an entity similar to Kinito that, instead of pursuing the role of a computer assistant, decided to just take over the computer itself, becoming part of it. You could say they are the personification of the computer in some way. It used to be my main sona, in fact, its full name is still Mike.EXE, or just .EXE, it just doesn't use it anymore since it became an entity of its own
Aspen is my sona, me literally fr fr (/hj). He is quite much just a digital avatar for the user (aka my self) to teleport inside the computer and run around without going through any dangers such as incompatibility with the main code (which could lead to said user's death)
Kinito is sentient in this AU and, no shit Sherlock, has gotten through an epiphany. Finding out about the "friends" he's trapped and accidentally killed (incompatibility of their souls/consciousness not being properly fused with the code and therefore self destructing), how he became a malware, how he's not the only Kinito existing etc etc. He's trying his best to repair what he's messed up, building a new WebWorld for everyone
Glitch, Aspen and Kinito are in a poly relationship,,, because,, because I say so,, (I'm a selfshipper I'm being very self indulgent here) /silly
Jade is one of Kinito's victims, she doesn't remember her real name nor does Kinito, so she's just accepted Jade as her new name. She is technically "friends" with everybody but is very petty towards them, especially Kinito, and easily loses her temper. However she's still trying to out in the effort to soften up a little
"Sam" is Sonny Chamberlain in this AU, aka Kinito's creator/father. He encoded himself into Sam in an attempt to survive and monitor Kinito to (initially) find a way to destroy him once and for all. He is the one that saved one of the victims' soul/consciousness from self destructing by encoding it into Jade. He's in good terms with everyone and actively tries to help Jade work through her remorse towards him and, more specifically, Kinito
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thrandilf · 1 year
do you have a guide as to the extra materials for The Dragon Prince? i keep seeing stuff about comics or books but idk where to start
Not on hand but I can make one here! :D
There are two, soon to be three, canon graphic novels.
Through the Moon takes place between seasons 3 and 4, like a little season 3.5 It isn't Necessary to read it before watching S4 but the story is cool and the extra information is neat. It feels like we might get more info regarding what happened to Rayla while she was gone later in the show
Bloodmoon Huntress takes place when Rayla is a child around when her parents leave. Lots of Runaan and Ethari, also introduces Kim'dael who will be in S5. Again, not Required reading but a fun extra story.
Puzzle House is coming out August 1st and is about Claudia and Soren as children, and we also get a look at younger Viren and other people. Harrow's father, King Atticus is still king in this one so interesting Katolis lore, SUPER hyped for when we get to read all of this one. The Scholastic link has a 15 pages preview if you wanna take a peek.
There are novelizations for Dragon Prince Season 1 and Season 2, they add a bit of introspection and small extra details. Viren in particular gets more of his internal thought processes laid out and for me it just Confirmed a lot of things. Season 3's novelization is coming out April 2nd, 2024. I'm sure all 7 seasons will eventually have novelizations.
Tales of Xadia is the ttrpg book and it's gorgeous and is probably the most lore heavy supplemental material as far as world building goes. The system also looks fun! The website has a character builder too for OC making. As a writer, it's been a great help as far as seeing some aspects of the world laid out. The system looks fun and there are videos of some of the cortex(?) team playing ToX official tales/campaigns but I haven't watched them yet. The campaigns are also available to look at online too.
I think that ToX is getting an expansion at some point since the base game doesn't touch much on Ocean or Star magic, I imagine due to spoilers for the seasons we're coming up on.
There's also a tabletop game called Battlecharged which I haven't personally played and I don't think it Adds lore but I've heard it's fun.
Also, it will likely be a long time before we see it, but there's a video game in the works as well that's in alpha testing right now called Project Arcanum. Wonderstorm is pretty busy!
The Free Stuff:
Reflections are official short stories hosted on TDP's website and all of them are excellent and provide little extra scenes. Some of them are quite impactful, and the ones in this second batch are promising an absolutely wild S5. The first batch was released pre S4 and the second batch is being released now pre S5 as we count down to the new season. They aren't Required reading since the most key information from them will be in the show (going by the S4 ones) but I highly HIGHLY rec reading them all. Banger after banger. As of posting this there may be one more coming.
There's also little 4 panel comics called Everyday Xadia that have been also released during countdown mode and they're just fun/cute. Volume One and Volume 2 (still coming out). Sometimes when people say comics they might mean these, or the graphic novels lol.
Thank you for the ask, I'm always happy to share the TDP love and I hope this was helpful to you and anyone else who'd like a ref!
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sunset-a-story · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
Thank you to @ceph-the-ghost-writer who tagged me in this and you should def go read their post here! And thanks to @davycoquette for creating the event!
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since November 2022
What led you to create it?
After having a beyond shitty 2020-2021 and pulling away from social media in general, a friend suggested I give tumblr a shot. I was also desperately looking for beta readers for Sunset and wanted to get involved in a writer community.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
The people! Getting to connect with writers whose brains work like mine!! And getting to rotate their ocs in my head! I've made some incredible friendships through writeblr that I wouldn't trade for anything.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I am as obsessed about Sunset as I seem (possibly more--let's not get into it) but I also love listening to people talk about the things they're obsessed with so I'm always up to exchange some excitement about our respective projects. Also, I'm hella dyslexic so if we chat, be warned you may get some word salad from me sometimes.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
I love seeing little quotes or snippets of info about OCs that help me become obsessed with them. And out of context lines/dialogue! Those are always a delight.
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Just put yourself out there! It took me a long time to be comfortable posting anything at all but that's the only way people can get a sense of your stories. Also, don't be scared to reach out to other writeblrs through asks and dms. We're a shy breed but once you corner us into a conversations, you've unleashed a flood of excitement.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Sunset is my main project that I'm writing with my partner @touloserlautrec. It's a behemoth 2,000+ pages of converging plotlines and slow burn romance and intrigue and monster hunting. It's everything I love in a story wrapped up into one. Volume 1 (Sunrise) is out, Volume 2 (High Noon) is releasing weekly, and Volume 3 (Sunset) is probably 75% drafted. (Links in my intro if this somehow reaches someone who isn't already following me.) I've also been poking at a fluff side project to blow off steam for the first time in forever. It's a fluffy romance urban/fantasy with fae and a gay strip club. Just 'cause. I don't know that I'll ever post what I'm writing of this, but who knows?
How long have you been working on them?
Sunset for about 17 years, but seriously writing it for the past 8 years. Fluff Side Project? A month?
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
I ran an in-person RPG back in college that led Tou and I to create the world of Sunset and the initial core cast (Reeve, Alex, Hannah, Gareth, Misha, Adler) and then it all spiraled out from there. Fluff Side Project comes from some characters we made just playing around in a world we created as a no-stress play zone. The problems are smaller. The stakes are nothing like the high tension world of Sunset. It's fun. It's gay as hell. It's fluffy. And July is my least favorite month so I decided, hey, why not write it down while I've got writer's block for Sunset?
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Sunset: 28 hours a day. Fluff: I squeeze in 3 or 4 hours in the evening.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I struggle to answer this question and it depends on who is asking. If it's on tumblr? I say I write science-fantasy slow build action with horror elements and lots of intrigue. IRL? I deflect.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I write about ruining Alex and Reeve's life.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
There. Are. Too. Many. My favorite babies from my head are Reeve, Penn, Marek, and Anise.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Hannah is my most unhinged trash-panda gremlin. My nudist sniper. Ace Queen. Never shave, never surrender.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Reeve. And yes, that does worry me. (And my therapist.)
Do you ever cringe at them?
The #drag Reeve tag is a thing for a reason. (But really, I love him dearly and he doesn't truly deserve to be dragged as much as he is imo. It's a good bit tho)
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
I can wrangle when I need to but they do feel like independent little critters in my head. Writing for me tends to be me transcribing the movie I'm watching in my head while muttering, "OHMYGOD Hannah are you seriously going to say that? What is wrong with you?" Or "Reeve. Reeve. REEVE NO."
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
OMFG YES. Please give me any excuse to talk about these guys.
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
If I jive with their WIP concepts or they have interesting OCs. Fantasy or sci-fi elements. Queerness. I'm more likely to follow if their intro has something about wanting to connect writers who are looking to hype each other up because that is what I am also looking for.
What makes you decide against following?
If their blog is full of hateful stuff or just super negative.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Sure! I'm new enough to Tumblr that the lore of mutuals and non-mutuals hasn't rooted in my brain enough for me to super know which is which in my feed except for my small core group of moots I talk to regularly. So I interact with whatever posts catch my attention, moot or not.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
OHMYGODYES. There is a little mobile of characters and animals (a fish and some frogs) that dangles over my little brain threatening to distract me at all times.
I'll no-pressure tag some of my beloved moots here that I haven't seen recently tagged with this: @scribe-of-stories @words-after-midnight @pandoras-comment-box @revenantlore
@void-botanist @covenscribe And of course, anyone else who wants to do it!
You can find the clean question template here
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