#this is the royal couple actually
abushelandablog · 1 year
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asfodeltide · 1 year
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The artist
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
steve is a ride-or-die husband in married for real
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doesn't even ask why danny wants to kill someone, just who, and immediately assumes they will be doing it together, just like everything else.
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all jokes aside about how deeply married they are, genuinely it's astounding how truly intertwined their lives are. 'your problems become my problems'. just like in a real marriage there's a certain entitlement towards each other's possessions, 'what's mine is yours and viceversa'.
steve drives danny's car and even danny slips and calls it 'our car'
danny calls steve's living room 'our living room'
'why is he mad at us?' 'must be your fault' aka they share enemies and grudges
steve helps himself to danny's wallet (basically pooled finances) but also drops exorbitant amounts of money on gifts to danny and grace
danny wanders into steve's house without knocking and helps himself to steve's fridge whenever he feels like it
not to mention how possessive he is over steve's kitchen and is indignant when he sees another man using what's his (because when he lived in a shitty apartment he basically used it whenever to learn to cook properly as by the end of s1 he's clearly cooked steve breakfast enough times that steve knows he hates his eggs)
'what are WE thinking, buddy'
co-parenting danny's kids together (steve even calls grace 'my girl' and worries about her being sent to a school that's gonna be a den of sin)
'if a guy was taking pictures like that of my daughter I'd kill him' 'me too'
when danny gets called away for work steve finishes charlie's bedroom by himself and then tells charlie danny did it just like a stay-at-home parent covering up for the busy parent
danny delegates activities he doesn't want to do (jogging, training, surfing) but steve would love to do to him so they are both contributing in raising grace. (meanwhile he hates that stan is paying for her tennis lessons, intruding on something danny willingly lets steve in on)
steve sees danny's retirement as their business, 'our retirement'
they go 50/50 on a restaurant which is danny's dream and steve is nothing if not a supportive husband
all the times danny stays at the house for weeks rent free (and sleeps in steve's bed while house-sitting and blames it on the dog) and moves in twice, second time permanently
dreams of shared future together, 'this is how I always thought it was gonna end, two guys sitting on the beach, watching sunsets'
they really are married in all but the legal sense. it's a mutually beneficial partnership where they are equals not in the sense that they literally contribute the same amount but they contribute what they can in accordance to their ability and compromise and fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. they even have an almost innate telepathy only characteristic of people that have been married for decades.
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idascurrentobsession · 5 months
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So I finished 1670 like 10 minutes ago…
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queerdiaz · 10 months
If I had a nickle for every time I shipped a mlm ship with one of their last name's being Diaz where they have a hilarious scene with a turkey I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice
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canibeanythingelse · 1 year
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be your own pallbearer
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you fandom people are always obsessing over your yin-yang, sun and moon, dark-hair-light-hair ships, so give me the bloody fanfiction with all of pairs being reincarnated into their “next form” (aka next fandom) and finding each other over and over again despite all of the obstacles keeping them apart.
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malkshayke · 3 months
Totally forgot to post this lol. It started off as a nearly forgotten sketch in my high school notebook a couple years ago. Had no idea it would make a come back (and in such a similar pose to a cannon scene!)
I love these two so much. They actually LIKE and support each other, which is rare to see on screen fr. I find them so refreshing💖💖💖
And yes, this is a repost from reels lol
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vroomian · 3 months
Hey, just a random thought. Did Luci ever saw YRZ in his Vixxen persona? Like, he gets around to pretty high class places and parties. They are bound meet one another at some point.
He has!! But Luci strikes me as…. Not Very Aware, so the first dozen times he meets Vixxen at fancy parties on the arms of some goetia or other, he doesn’t realize who that Vixxen is Yrz. He’s just like this sinner is oddly personable and familiar with me but never crosses over into objectionable behavior so. Whatever I guess. Yrz doesn’t realize that Luci doesn’t realize, because he just assumes that Luci is also in social working mode at these parties. Of course he’d be more distant!
(Lilith probably knows and thinks it’s cute that her husband is so oblivious)
Then at one party Yrz is like so when do you want me to watch Charlie again? Cause Luci genreraly likes to get away with Lilith for their anniversary for a week or so and Yrz needs to schedule it.
Luci: YRZ??????
And then Yrz is confused and Luci is confused and Lilith is secretly laughing at both of them.
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The Winged Servant - drabble
Content warnings: referenced whump of a minor (kinda), referenced punishment, victim blamey headspace
taglist: @kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump
Notes: I am so sorry about how short this is, but I have just been so exhausted lately and can't seem to write longer things. If you'd like to only be tagged for longer, more official things, let me know :)
I was only about halfway through my list of chores when Prince Ryan interrupted me. “Onyx, are you going to make a cake or something tonight?”
“Of course, Your Highness,” I agreed, bowing. “May I ask what for?”
“Oh, I wasn’t-” He frowned, tilted his head at me. “I wasn’t requesting a cake. I was wondering if there was one planned already. You don’t remember what for?”
Shit. No, I didn’t remember. And I hadn’t been punished in SIX days. Which wasn’t some kind of record, obviously, but it had been nice.
Except- except of course I was going to get punished again at some point. I’d known that already. Good servants weren’t so hung up on whether or not they were getting punished. Punishment only made me better at my job, and it wouldn’t do me any good to be selfish about it.
“My apologies, Your Highness, but I don’t think I remember.”
“Huh.” The prince didn’t look like he was going to punish me. He didn’t look upset. He wasn’t telling me about any rules I’d broken. “Do you… know how old you are, Onyx?”
I blinked. “Seventeen, Your Highness.”
“… Oh. Uh, do you know, like, what month it is?”
“Ah…” No one ever talked to me about what month it was. It wasn’t relevant to my chores. But Her Majesty had been wearing less layers lately, I thought, so… spring? Summer? “May, maybe, Your Highness?”
“April. Do you really not remember when your birthday is?”
My birthday?
Of course I remembered my birthday. Everyone knew their own birthday, and the birthday of people close to them, right? Like, Jayden’s was in November. The twins’ were in January. Mine was…
My birthday. Mine.
The problem with my birthday was that good servants didn’t really have many things that belonged to them alone. A whole day to celebrate just me would get in the way of things, probably. I wouldn’t be as productive.
“You’re nineteen today,” Prince Ryan said quietly. “You’ve been here for a year and a couple months. If you’d like, you could tell Jayden, and I’m sure he’d make you some kind of treat. Sorry, um. I didn’t realize you didn’t know. I guess that makes sense, considering everything, but… huh.” He straightened his posture and put a smile back on his face. “Well. Back to your chores, then, I suppose.”
I stared blankly in his direction as he walked down the hallway.
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dreamyelectronicmusic · 3 months
You know what would be an open ending that I think I'd be satisfied with? If Wille and Simon decide that they can't be together right now but agree to revisit the topic at some point in the future, maybe after Wille has turned 18, to see if they're in a better place and want to give it another shot. And maybe we get a glimpse of that moment one year later, them walking towards each other, smiling and hopeful and still in love. Or maybe we don't and it's left to our imagination. But either way, I think that's an ending that could work for me, given how the first five episodes went.
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lupucs · 1 year
Gosh I love your art!
But uh whats your favorite deltarune ships?
Thank you so much!! Oh gosh, you really caught me off guard with this one hah!
Well, uh I think it should be pretty obvious which ships I like by now...
It's clearly-
It's obviously...
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fan-of-young-royals · 8 months
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My first time drawing Simon :)
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dreamings-free · 2 months
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thornescratch · 1 year
I think our games fit so well together because we respect each other. We have a good connection off the ice, too. We like to talk about similar stuff.
Looking back, we had a lot of games in our early years together when we were trailing coming into the third period and a lot of comebacks. We would basically just tell each other to, "Wake up and go."
And then, when we started going, we'd score like three or four goals in the last period. That's another reason we respect each other. We could get each other going. And both of us have been extremely lucky to be surrounded by so many great teammates that have helped us do that consistently.
Those first few years, we hung out a lot and we were both single. We lived closed by, and we drove each other to games. We had a blast. A lot of fun moments.
We have the same relationship now that we had back then, but right now our lives involve kids. So we have other responsibilities off the ice versus hanging out, going out for dinner and stuff like that. But we still have the same conversations, same kind of dialogue in the locker room or when we're on the road.
That evolution is part of life, I think. It's nice for both of us to be able to share that with not just each other but seeing other players on the Capitals grow up and start families, too.
Of course, our best memory is winning the Stanley Cup against the Vegas Golden Knights in 2018. We talked about it a little bit before and then after we won the clinching game, he told me he was going to give me the Cup first. You can see him tell me that on the video.
Skating together with the Cup was not something we planned. I just looked to the side, and he was skating with me. It was actually pretty funny. We had waited a long time, and we went through ups and downs and to finally do it was so special. Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps...
I think I said this three or four years ago: if there's anyone who can beat Wayne Gretzky's NHL record of 894 goals, it's Alex...
It would be amazing to watch. To be a part of it, would be something incredible, so, hopefully, I am.
Do you ever read something and just fucking sob.
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maskyartist · 4 months
oh my god if i did trolls oc content real quick would yall be mad??? cause i've had THOUGHTS on my ocs
if it helps one of em's involved in the Feral Putt Putts AU so it'd be content ;3c just saying
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