#this is the worst case scenario. i couldn't even try to come up with this
fagtainsparklez · 11 months
they’d have you speaking Spanish in the fanfics
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[if i was a fictional character, how would the fandom misinterpret me?]
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hella1975 · 1 year
the 'i totally wrecked my walls' saga gets funnier bc ive spent the past few days trying to figure out how tf to get out of the inevitable fine and one thing i joked about was that i have a lot of hard hitters on my side if shit really does get nasty. like my flatmate's mum is an actual soliciter, my dad is a finance guy who can write an email so scathing you'll cry, my local friend's family owns half the property in the city and knows all the tricks of the trade when it comes to housing, and then there's just my mum who was like 'oh yeah i regularly used to dodge rent in my twenties. you'll be fine' and somehow she's the one im finding the most reassuring rn
#my mum looking at these insanely qualified people knowing she can one up them with the sheer experience gained from being poor#and she's right too. that's the fuck of it all#like she was trying to reassure me bc i nervously said to her 'im gonna be honest im NOT paying that fine if it comes to it'#bc im not! i dont deserve to! this tenancy has been a shithouse start to finish they have NO RIGHT to fine me over a dirty wall#like it does NOT cost that much to just go over it with some paint and it's not like i have a deposit for them to withhold from me#and i said to my mum thinking she'd be a responsible parent about it and be like 'no legally you HAVE to or they'll take it to court'#but she was so fucking unbothered she was like 'yeah when i was your age i literally couldn't afford to lose my deposit#so to ensure i still got it at the end of the year id just pretend my rent was late for however many weeks the deposit covered#and then id just leave. like id just leave without saying anything'#and that was that 😭 girl ffs. like her advice was really just 'call their bluff bc 9 times out of 10 they wont take you to court'#LEAST of all over an £80 fine for a bit of dirt on a wall. like lets be real here. i'll threaten to leave a review of all the shit#we've put up with during this tenancy and that'll be that i KNOW they'll roll over bc they've done it before we literally got rent back#for the first week at the start of the year bc people complained. im standing my ground#so even if the worst case scenario comes about that i cant salvage the walls and i do get fined#i now have full parental consent to just fucking dodge it LMFAOOOO#hella goes to uni
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finalgilmoregirl · 6 months
omg I loved your grumpy x sunshine Mike and reader work - could you please do another scenario where the sunshine! reader is the one who has a bad day and it’s up to grumpy! Mike to comfort and help out in his own way? :) thanks for sharing your work!
a/n : i'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks for the request. fem!reader, she/her pronouns, mainly just fluff
☆ bad day : grumpy!mike schmidt x sunshine!fem!reader
mike knew something was wrong the moment he closed his door behind him and was greeted with silence has he entered the house.
you were always rushing in to greet him as soon as the sound of his keys against the door knob signaled his arrival, but today that clearly wasn't the case.
"hello?" mike called out and a moment later was met by the sight of abby creeping out of the hallway.
"where's y/n?"
"well hello to you too" the young girl rolled her eyes, walking past mike and heading for the kitchen.
"sorry" he sighed, catching her arm before she got too far and pulling her into his arms for a hug, earning a groan in response. "how was your day?"
"it was okay, but i think y/n/n's sick."
"sick? what do you mean?" mike thought back to when he last saw you just that morning. you were fine, your normally bubbly self despite the early hours, yawning between giggles as you and abby got breakfast prepared.
abby shrugged, "i don't know, she's been in bed since we got home."
mike knew you better than abby to know that you couldn't be sick. even if you were sick, you would protest and continue your daily routine as usual. something had to have been seriously wrong for you to defy from that routine and lay in bed for hours, especially with abby home. you hated to leave her alone and always tried to find something spontaneous and fun for the two of you to do if time permitted.
he warily walked into the direction of your shared bedroom and slowly opened the door that was left ajar. the lights were off and if it wasn't for the glow of the hallway light, he wouldn't have been able to see your figure on the bed in the dimness of the afternoon darkness.
but there you were, laying on your side, facing away from the door. mike could tell you weren't sleeping by the way that you were scratching at the loose threads of the faded colored duvet.
"hey" he called out softly, nearing your spot on the bed where he then took a seat on the edge, softly placing a hand on your shoulder. "you okay?" he asked, trying to gauge your emotions. that quickly cleared up however when he heard a sniffle come from you, followed by a small hiccup. you were crying.
mike leaned over to look at your face and was met with wet eyes and puffy chapped lips. his eyebrows furrowed, "hey hey hey" he said softly, moving you so you were now laying on your back, looking up at the ceiling as you tried to will the tears away. you hated crying, and you knew mike hated to see you cry. "what's wrong? what happened?"
you closed your eyes and let out a deep breath, clearly trying to control yourself. "just...had a bad day." you sighed.
"well, talk to me about it." mike wasn't always the best at dealing with emotions, but he was good at comforting you and abby, always wanting you to open up to him, even if he had trouble doing the same sometimes.
you took in another deep breath and nodded, preparing yourself to tell mike about the worst day you'd had in a while.
"i fell off the front steps after you and abby left this morning. but it was okay" you started, "i laughed, realized i scraped by knees and had to change my pants but that was okay." mike nodded along and listened, rubbing your side as you spoke. "but then i got a flat tire on my way to work." you continued, sighing as you felt the emotions building up again. "that was fine, it took me a while to get it fixed but i mananged and that was taken care of with no problems. but i was late, and usually my boss would let that kind of thing slide, but we had some hire ups there to oversee us and when one of them called me out for not being "better prepared", instead of changing the subject or at the very least, defending me after everything i've done for him, he agreed! then she basically told him that i should either be fired or have my paycheck cut." you finished with a huff and let the fresh tears that had built up in your eyes fall down your face.
mike felt a pang of hurt in his chest as he heard you recount the unfortunate events of your day. you didn't deserve to go through all of that. "why didn't you call me?" he asked, brushing the tears away from your face and attempting to flatten the hairs that had become out of place.
your hands came up to cover your face as you let out a sob. "i forgot to charge my phone!" you cried, earning a soft aww honey from mike as he kissed your temple, allowing for you to let your feelings out. after a minute of you gasping for air through your cries and furiously wiping away tears that just kept coming, you started to relax. you sighed and turned your head to your partner.
"i'm sorry you had to see me like this, how was your day?" you asked, still sniffling. mike shook his head and scoffed a laugh, even in the middle of a breakdown, you still want to talk about him.
"no don't worry about me, it was fine." he said, "how can i help you?"
you shrugged, looking down and beginning to play with mikes fingers where his hand now rested on your stomach.
"come on" he insisted, "you always help me when i'm having a bad way and i want to help you now. do you want a snack? do you want to watch a movie, or go for a drive? anything you want, i'll do it for you."
you let out a small laugh at mike's dedication, causing him to squeeze your side. "i'm serious!"
you looked back up and into his eyes, cracking a small smile. "maybe a movie." you said quietly.
"okay, i can do that." mike spoke, starting to get up from his seat on the bed until he was stopped by your hand on his arm.
"but first can you just hold me for a bit. please?" mike looked down at you with a kind of softness that he ever only reserved for you.
"yeah, i can do that too."
the end ☆
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ghostofhyuck · 1 month
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NCT Dream and arguments with them.
AN: the many times i received a scenario of an argument aftermath, i just realized i never wrote a scenario about reader arguing with dream.
Mark Lee
Arguments with Mark are rare cases, but it's always because of a serious matter. It may be because of his career, and priorities or what not. Today, it's about him coming home sick. He explained to you that it's just a fever and it'll come off tomorrow, he just needs to rest because he have a recording tomorrow. Oh you love Mark but this is unhealthy, so some words slipped out of your mouth, like how he should be taking care of himself and how he shouldn't overwork at all. You tried to be concern for him but due to tiredness, it irritated Mark. You two fought for an hour, not even attempting to lower one's pride to say sorry. In the end, you two didn't slept on the same bed. But that night, Mark realized that you're just being concerned about his health. So the next morning, he apologized to you and had a day-off so that he can focus on recovering his health first. 
Huang Renjun
You think of yourself as a strong, independent girl. You always solve problems alone, and you're very used to your own comfort zone. That didn't changed when you met Renjun. You love him enough to let him in your safe space. But sometimes, Renjun can be a tending boyfriend that it may end up him nagging you. One time, he lectured you about how messy your apartment was, and even cleaning it by himself. You explained to him that you couldn't find time because it was hectic week for you, and he doesn't need to lecture you about it. Renjun justified that he was just trying to be helpful, and there, you two argued about it. In the end, Renjun accepted that he was wrong, and he was sorry because his tone may come out as wrong. You apologized too, and you two reconciled! <3
Lee Jeno
It's the little things that may start a war. You love Jeno and you feel so lucky that he's your boyfriend, but there are times where your insecurities struck you at the worst times. So when you found out that he's being shipped with a female idol, your mind just went spiral --- even thinking that he's cheating on you. And as much as Jeno tries to explain it to you that no, he's not cheating on you, and he doesn't even know that female idol. But you won't believe him! Arguments with Jeno doesn't involve any shouting, it may be come in soft voices but dripping with much disappointment. Jeno will be frustrated that you're doubting him, and thinking that low of him to do such thing. It may take a lot of convincing for you to apologize to your boyfriend, and end up crying to him. 
Lee Donghyuck
Arguments with Haechan are a frequent occurrence. It's his love language! He just loves teasing you and bantering with you because you're the type to never back down with him. But today was not the right time for his jokes. It was one of those days that you feel so slumped out that you don't have any energy for anything --- not even your boyfriends' teasing. You told him that you're tired, but Haechan kept going on, even making a joke that wasn't funny at all. It resulted with you shouting back at him. He was surprised with your words but he doesn't want to back down. It resulted to a heated argument that only stopped when you broke down in tears. That's when Haechan realized that he crossed the line, apologizing to you profusely. 
Na Jaemin
Oh you love your boyfriend so much. Jaemin is such a gentleman and he's very sweet too! But sometimes, his jealousy can be a too much! You told him about meeting with an old friend of yours who is a guy and his initial reaction was to be jealous of him. Why do you need to meet with him ALONE. Why does he doesn't know about this guy, and other things. At first you found it cute, until he's telling words like, "all men are same." or "he doesn't look trustworthy." when he hasn't even met your friend. Of course, you defended your friend which resulted him to say, "see!! you're even on his side!" the argument went on, and you didn't talk to Jaemin for a few days until he apologized not only to you, but also to your friend. 
Zhong Chenle
Arguments with Chenle would start because of small things, most of the time it would be because of a disagreement over things. You two are very opinionated about things, and it surely ends up in a heated argument most of the time. In a few weeks, you two will have your 100th days as a couple. You wanted something special, like a dinner date, but Chenle insisted on keeping it private and intimate such as a get-together with his friends. You thought that it wasn't necessary to bring his friends because it supposed to be just the two of you, while Chenle thinks that there's nothing wrong with it. You two fought over it for a few hours, eventually stopping it but not apologizing to each other. It'll take a few days for you two to resolve it and realizing that you two were wrong, and then compromised with each other's idea. 
Park Jisung
Arguments with Jisung are also a rare case. He's just a very chill, laid-back boyfriend who trusts you so much that he wouldn't do anything to start an argument with you. SO in the rare case when you two had an argument, it would be because of emotional stress. It's when both of you are too overwhelmed with everything and you two tried to prove who had it worse between the two of you. It's an immature argument where you'll end up crying and Jisung will not be swoon with your tears, "really? if i cry too will you pity me?" because as much as he wants to sympathize with you, he's going through a tough time too. It ends up with a short cool-off, and when you two are emotionally mature enough to talk, that's when you two reconcile with lots and lots of sorry. 
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nayziiz · 2 months
Come Home | LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader (she/her)
Author's note: I'm trying something a little bit different with shorter form fics, so please send through any requests or feedback. These one shots will likely not have a second part unless it really speaks to me to continue with it. Thank you!
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky of Monte Carlo, she sat alone in the cosy living room of their apartment, her fingers anxiously tapping on her phone screen. It had been several weeks since she last felt the comforting warmth of his embrace, his familiar scent wrapping around her like a protective shield against the world's chaos. Work commitments and race weekends had kept them apart for longer than either of them had anticipated, and with each passing day, the ache of his absence grew more pronounced.
The apartment felt emptier without him, his laughter no longer echoing through the halls, his belongings neatly tucked away in drawers and closets, waiting for his return. She longed for the simple pleasure of having him home, to share mundane moments that held a special magic when they were together.
After a particularly exhausting day at work, all she craved was the solace of his arms, the reassurance of his presence. She had tried calling him several times throughout the day, but each attempt went unanswered, his phone seemingly out of reach. Anxiety gnawed at her insides as she imagined all sorts of scenarios, her mind spiralling with worry.
Perhaps he had gotten caught up in meetings or encountered unexpected delays on his journey home. Or maybe his phone had died, and he was currently en route, completely unaware of her attempts to reach him. But as the minutes stretched into hours, her concern morphed into a deep-seated fear, a nagging voice whispering worst-case scenarios in her ear.
Unable to sit still any longer, she rose from the couch and began pacing the length of the living room, her heart pounding against her chest like a caged bird desperate for freedom. Every passing second felt like an eternity, each unanswered call a sharp stab of disappointment.
But just as despair threatened to consume her entirely, the familiar sound of keys jingling in the lock filled the air, and her breath caught in her throat. With trembling hands, she rushed to the door, flinging it open to reveal the silhouette of the man she loved, his tired eyes lighting up at the sight of her.
Before she could utter a word, Lando enveloped her in a tight embrace, his arms providing the sanctuary she had been yearning for. In that moment, everything else faded into the background, leaving only the two of them, tangled together in a silent embrace.
“I'm so sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier,” he murmured against her hair, his voice thick with emotion.
“You’re home, that’s all that matters,” she assured him.
“I’ll always come home to you, baby,” he told her before pressing a kiss on her forehead.
And as she melted into his embrace, she knew that no matter how far apart they may be, they would always find their way back to each other, their love serving as a guiding light through even the darkest of nights.
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whore-era · 1 year
1-800-GIRLS - part 2
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☁︎ modern!ellie x sex-hotline-operator!fem!reader, very small mention of dealer!ellie ☁︎ summary: in which ellie takes her favorite phone sex hotline operator out on their first date! ☁︎ warnings: contains smut! 18+ only. top/dom!ellie, bottom/sub!reader, interactions with men, dirty talking/praise, fingering (r!recieving), use of fem nicknames, slight mention of petplay, let me know if i missed anything else pls. ☁︎ a/n: back by popular demand, and to thank you all for 1k. i love u all from the bottom of my heart. thank u all so so so much. also there will be NO PART 3! s/o to my girl @clearheartgreyflowers for staying up w me til 3am writing smut LMAO ☁︎ word count: 5,124 ☁︎ 1-800-GIRLS part 1
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thursday, 1:15am → ongoing call with sir steven (ft. lauderdale, FL)
sir steven (client): thank you, sugar. did good as always, pretty lady.
sugar: no problem, sir.
sir steven (client): have a good night, darlin'. good night.
the line clicks on the other end, and you finally let out a big stretch, able to relax as you close the hotline for the night. you made 13 calls tonight, which usually wouldn't be enough to help with bills, but much to your dismay, ellie had been sending you money nonstop.
it's been a couple of weeks since you first met her in the library, and since then, you've seen each other here and there, most of your communication being made through texts and calls, as you both have been extremely busy with final exams and work. barely getting any real time to spend together besides having lunch together or walking to class when the time allows it.
however, ever since you revealed to ellie your real name and gave her your personal phone number, she's been using it to her advantage — sending you money through applepay/paypal, paying for food to get delivered to your apartment when you tell her you haven't ate that day, or getting uber's or taxis to pick you up when she wasn't able to come get you herself.
she was very persistent in being your provider, insisting that with her income, she could support you full-time and buy you everything you needed and more.
but you didn't have it in you to just quit this hotline gig. you didn't want to feel like you had to rely on ellie, and the last thing you wanted was to burden her with your own issues.
thursday, 1:30am → incoming call from ellie (jackson, WY)
you: ellie...?
ellie: hi baby.
you: why are you calling the hotline? you have my number, silly.
ellie: what? can't check in on my girl?
you couldn't help the flush in your cheeks. ellie never failed to make you blush. she always made a point to flirt, hard, and you both weren't even in a relationship, yet.
you: what can i do for my favorite client?
ellie: hm, how does going out with me on saturday night sound?
you: like...a date?
ellie: yeah, don't you think we're a bit overdue for one?
you: sure! what should i wear?
ellie: 's up to you. you make anything look beautiful.
you hated how easily she made the heat rise to your cheeks.
ellie: are you blushing?
you: ....no.
ellie: liar. just for that, you owe me a kiss on our date.
you: hm, we'll see.
ellie: guess we will.
saturday couldn't have arrived any faster, and by the time you knew it, it was 6:00 in the evening, almost time for your first date with ellie.
you couldn't make up your mind on what to wear, trying on different outfit combinations, determining which one you think ellie would like more.
groaning in frustration, you seemingly settled on a baby blue dress, with a light and warm cardigan. the weather was absolutely perfect for this type of outfit, not too hot with just the slightest breeze.
as you touched up your makeup, swiping on your favorite gloss, you couldn't seem to calm the nerves boiling in your belly. what was there to be nervous about? you were going on a date with one of the coolest and prettiest girls you have ever seen in your life.
overthinking every possible worst-case scenario that could happen tonight, you took some deep breaths, shaking off the images of you possibly falling on your face, snorting while you laugh, or accidentally passing gas in front of ellie. oh god, if that were to happen tonight, you didn't think you could ever face her again.
you would have to change jobs. and schools.
"god, jesus, whoever, please have my back tonight," you whisper to yourself, suddenly jumping at the small 'ping' coming from your phone.
unlocking your phone, you see it's a text from ellie:
ellie <3: I'm on my way up baby, u ready?
you: yes! i'm ready hehe
you take the time to lace your shoes at the front door, giving yourself a quick one-over in the mirror to see if you were presentable, at the least.
two soft knocks on the door resonated through your apartment, and you took a deep breath as you unlocked the latch, mentally preparing yourself for tonight.
swinging the door open, you're greeted by the tall, emerald-eyed girl.
"hey, baby," she greets, leaning over to plant a kiss on your cheek, "you look gorgeous."
your eyes fell to the ground, cheeks flushing with crimson. get ahold of yourself. you're acting like a teenage girl with a puppy-love crush, you echoed in your mind.
"thanks, els. you look pretty cute too," you compliment shyly, looking down at her fit — a white shirt complimented with a red flannel and dark-washed jeans. of course, hair styled in her signature half-up ponytail and sporting her white and black converse sneakers.
"ready to go?"
"yeah, let's go ahead."
"cool, just parked over here in the parking lot."
taking hold of your hand, the two of you head out to the parking lot, and she takes the lead in guiding you to her car. her hands felt warm and clammy— and you wondered if ellie was feeling just as nervous as you were.
and she was.
ellie was freaking the fuck out. from the outside, you appeared calm and relaxed, which put her at unease. were you not excited to be going out with her? were you going to like what she planned for tonight? what if you absolutely hated the date she organized? it'd tear ellie's heart to pieces.
but ellie couldn't overthink, especially not right now. she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her, and she only had to think of the present — you.
ellie fished out her keys from her pocket, briefly letting go of your hand to unlock the car and open the passenger side door for you.
getting inside, you mumbled a quick 'thank you'. as ellie scurried to the driver's side of the car, you scanned your eyes around the interior of her car.
what the hell? was she driving a...dodge hellcat? you knew ellie drove, but you didn't know she drove such an expensive muscle car. how much money did she make being a dealer?
her car smelled just like her, fresh and musky, and she kept it fairly clean.
ellie piled in the driver's seat of her car, putting the key in the ignition and turned on the engine.
"soooo, where are we going?" you queried.
"that's a surprise," ellie smirks, and suddenly she places her hand behind the head of your seat, turning her neck to look at the rear windshield as she backed out of the parking spot.
you swallowed thickly, focused primarily on how hot she looked doing something as simple and elementary as reversing her car. the way her neck flexed, the way her arm tattoo looked by your face, and the way she was concentrated on moving the vehicle — suddenly turned the heat up in this confined space.
"you okay? you look a bit warm," ellie asks, interrupting your train of thought.
"huh? yeah, no, i-i'm okay," you smile meekly, "it's j-just a little warm in here."
"oh, sorry," her hands went to turn on the air conditioning, the gentle breeze of cool air providing relief, "there you go. better?"
you nod, "much better, thanks."
"wanna play some music?" she asks, holding her phone up.
"hmm, you can put whatever you want on. i wanna see what type of music you're into."
"okay," ellie says with a wide smile, "suit yourself."
approaching a stop light, ellie uses the window of opportunity to tap away on her phone, searching for her favorite song. the song 'the spins' by mac miller plays throughout the car at a mellow volume.
"great taste. i love this song," you chime.
"yeah? me too," ellie states, "i loved mac miller since like, forever."
eyes gravitating towards ellie, you couldn't help but get lost in a daze at the way she drives, the slight spread in her legs, one hand on the wheel, the stray strand of hair that falls in her face — she was dangerous.
and ellie could feel the burning gaze you were searing on the side of her face, "you okay there?"
"you keep staring at me."
"oh— uh— i'm sorry. i didn't mean to—" you sputtered, ashamed that you'd been caught red-handed.
"it's fine, baby, no worries. just wanted to know if there was anything on your mind was all," ellie briefly tears her eyes away from the road to check on you.
you had to quickly think of an excuse, something to save you from this embarrassment — "just thinking of where we're going."
the girl chuckles, "well, we're already here."
the neon lights were the first thing that caught your attention, then the rapidly moving contraptions, and lastly the laughter from the crowds of people.
"we're at the carnival?!" you squealed, unable to contain your excitement.
"yea," ellie muttered sheepishly, "uh— i saw on your instagram how you shared the posts about wanting to go on your story, so i-"
you cut her off with a forceful hug, "oh my god! ellie! we have to get out now! let's go, let's go, let's go!!"
"alright, baby, let me put the car in park-" she began, but you were already halfway down the entrance.
"wow! ellie! that one was so fun! it was exhilarating!" you breathed out, fueled by the rush of adrenaline pumping through your veins after riding the 'slingshot' rollercoaster.
ellie couldn't be any more amused, smiling down at you, "yeah? you liked that one, babe?"
"yes! i loved it!" you squealed, but as the adrenaline wavered, you began to feel that familiar rumble in your stomach, "it did give me an appetite, though."
"wanna get a little something to eat?" ellie's hand is securely interlaced with yours, guiding you towards the various food stands.
you nod, "mhm, i am starved."
"just tell me what you want, and i'll get it for you, m'kay?" she gives you a smile and squeezes your hand as your eyes scan the numerous items to choose from.
corndogs. cotton candy. kettle corn. pretzels. chilli cheese hot dogs. funnel cake.
"hmmm, i think i want some funnel cake," you suggest, "we can share it."
"sounds good to me," ellie shrugs and you both fall in line. she orders and pays for the sweet treat and the worker hands her the food, as you find a vacant picnic table to sit at.
digging into the crispy, creamy treat, you couldn't hold back the moan of delight that came from your mouth.
"oh my god! this is amazing!" you moan, whip cream getting all over your lips.
ellie was too busy hyper-fixating on the cream that sat on your lip, and before thinking about anything else, she swiped it off your bottom lip with the pad of her thumb, bringing it to her lips and sucking it clean.
"mmm, delicious," she commented, then consumed the dessert as if nothing had happened.
leaving you stunned, you gulped the cup of water she gave you, attempting to soothe the heat seeping down below.
"so, which ride do you wanna get on next?" ellie spooned more of the funnel cake in her mouth, looking up at you, awaiting your response.
"not sure, why don't you choose? i picked the last one after all," you clean your spoon off, getting every last bit of leftover ice cream.
"we can ride theeee..." ellie scours the carnival rides, "...the haunted hospital."
your heart fell to your stomach, you hated anything related to horror.
"oh no..ellie, i don't think i'll be able to ride that—"
"are you scared?" she taunts in a playful tone.
"yes. i'd be covering my eyes the entire time, el."
"good thing you have me with you, i'll fight anyone who gets too close to you. promise."
when you both finish the funnel cake, you quickly discard it and ellie rushes you over to the line to the haunted attraction, but as the line goes by quicker than you anticipated, the fear began to set in deeper and deeper.
"ellie, i'm scared," you whisper as you both approach the front of the line, watching the people in front of you climb into the little mechanical car and disappear into the darkness.
"hey, i'm here, baby," she coos, rubbing your back, "besides, it's all fake, okay? 's not real."
and on cue, the attendant calls you both up, "next!"
walking slowly towards the black cart, you get on first and take a seat, with ellie following closely behind you.
"alright, hands up," the attendant commands as the handlebars latch down and lock onto your lap, "keep your hands and feet in the cart at all times. have fun."
as the cart begins to move forward and ascend into blackness, you curl into ellie's body and her arm instinctively wraps around your body, holding you tight.
this is exactly where ellie wanted you, up close and personal. she wanted an excuse to hold you all night, and after seeing the 'haunted hospital' sign, she knew this ride was the perfect place to do that.
your heart was pumping in and out of your chest, preparing for the worse to pop out and jump-scare you.
"ugh, i can't look," you stammer, covering your eyes. ellie takes hold of your wrists, gently taking them away from your face.
"hey, just focus on me, okay?" ellie whispers, her hot breath fanning in your face, "it's just me and you."
and the fear that took habitat in your belly faded away, your mind zeroed in on ellie and how close she was to you. if you even breathed too hard, you probably would’ve accidentally kissed her.
but luckily for you, ellie was five steps ahead.
she reached her hand out to cup your cheek, resting it on the soft, warm skin of your face.
"can i kiss you?" ellie asked, her mouth taking over her brain, but she didn't mind it. she wanted to kiss you. she's been wanting to kiss you ever since she heard your voice that night she accidentally called you.
“please. please, kiss me.”
leaning in, ellie pressed her lips on yours, her other hand snaking around your waist, pulling you in closer. her lips were soft and inviting, and they tasted sweet — they were definitely a good distraction from the horror props popping out at different intervals. 
her lips leave subtle pecks along your lips, enamored by how your lips tasted, and how it left her wanting more. 
ellie pulls away, inciting a small whimper from you, “the ride’s about to end, babe.” 
“hmph, okay,” you pout and ellie pecks your lips again.
“we’ll have plenty of time to continue later,” she reassures you with a laugh. as the both of you emerge into the light, back to the entrance of the attraction, you notice your lipgloss smeared all over her lips, eliciting a small giggle from you.
“what’s so funny?” 
you point to her lips, and her eyes dart down to her face, using her sleeves to wipe off the pink gloss from her mouth as you both get off the ride. 
you smile sheepishly, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you both stroll around the carnival, “sorry, that was my fault.”
ellie smiles and shakes her head, “don’t worry ‘bout it,” she says coolly, “hey, let’s go over there. there’s no line.” 
pointing to an attraction behind you, you turn around and follow her trail, your eyes settling on the ferris wheel.
hand in hand, you both get on the little capsule of the ferris wheel, the employee holding it sturdy so you and ellie would have time to climb in. 
they latched the door closed and you both begin the slow, upward descent. 
“wow, the view is beautiful,” you breathe out, astounded by how pretty the lights looked in the city as you towered over the area below. 
“yeah, the view certainly is beautiful, huh?” ellie murmured, but she wasn’t staring at the view. her eyes were on you, taking in how breathtaking you looked in this moment — eyes glimmering in amusement, perfect, plump lips slightly parted, and hair a bit messy from the breeze, but framing your face in all the right places. she took her phone out, snapping a quick picture, never wanting to forget this moment. 
she moved seats, before, sitting on the bench facing you, and now sitting right beside you. 
“uh, there’s something i have to tell you,” ellie began, her nerves shocking every cell in her body.
“yea? what is it?” you ask, turning to face her, “is everything okay?”
“yeah, yeah, i just—” ellie bit her lip nervously, “i just really like you. like, i think about you all the time. when i first heard your voice that night i dialed you, i just knew i had to talk to you again. there’s just something about you that always brings me back and— fuck, i never thought i’d find myself catching feelings so hard for a girl before.” 
your cheeks were hurting from how wide your smile was, but you didn’t care. ellie put her arm around your shoulder and held your hand with her free one, leaning in closer.
“what i’m trying to say is that— i really, really want to be with you. i want to be the one who you tell the weird stories about your clients to and i want to be the one to take care of you after a long day at class. i want to be the one who protects you and who you share your favorite meal with. i just— i really want you to be my girlfriend,” and before ellie continues any further, you cut her off with a kiss.
“if this is your way of asking me to be your girlfriend, the answer is yes, ellie williams,” you answer, briefly pulling away for air. 
ellie’s smile grows wider, “cool,” she quirks before connecting your lips again. 
the sun was long gone and the moon had taken over the night sky. but your date with ellie was far from over. 
after spending an evening filled with thrill rides and greasy, fried snacks, you and ellie both decided to calm things down by taking a walk along the boardwalk, occasionally strolling up and down the pier.
“would you say this has been a good date so far?” ellie’s eyes flitter toward you, her arm slung over your shoulder as you stride down the various closed stores and restaurants of the boardwalk. it was empty, only one or two people passing by, but other than that it was only you two. 
“mmm, i’d give it a…six out of ten,” you tease, gaining a scoff from your new girlfriend. 
“a six? seriously?” she shakes her head, “damn, not the response i was hoping for.” 
“i’m just kidding, els,” you giggle, “this date has been amazing. i loved every bit of it. thank you.”
you lean over and press a small kiss on her cheek, watching how the vermilion scatters across her freckles.
“now that’s more like it.” ellie laughs, continuing the promenade forward, with no destination in mind.
your eyes settle on this small, old-fashioned photo booth tucked away in a corner of the boardwalk. the sign above it flashing ‘PHOTOS: 4 different poses’. it was the perfect idea to end the night and have a little souvenir to remember your first date.
you let go of her hand, dashing towards the photo booth, ellie confusedly following after you. you open your bag, searching for some change, and you insert four quarters into the small coin slot. 
“let's go inside,” you enthuse, excited to try out the photo booth.
ellie went inside first, taking a seat on the extremely small bench, barely leaving any space for you to sit beside her. the booth was such a tight enclosure, only allowing enough space for a maximum of two people. 
“i— uh— don’t know where to—” you stammer, but she interrupts you as she grabs your hips, sitting you down on her right thigh.
warmth rose to your face, feeling secure and sturdy sat upon her leg. ellie closed the black curtain, covering the entrance and blocking any light that would shine through. 
“okay, we have three minutes and four poses,” you say, turning your neck to look down at her, “what should our poses be?”
“i dunno, i’m sure we’ll look great doing any. we can jus’ do them as we go along,” ellie shrugged, and the photo booth began to count down from five.
sitting up straight in her lap and fixing your hair, you and ellie put on a smile, and the light flashes white, signaling the end of the first pose.
for the second pose, you turn your head and plant your lips on ellie’s cheek as ellie scrunches her nose up, and the flash lights up for a second time.
for the third pose, you loop your arm over ellie’s shoulder, and you both look each other in with adoring eyes and loving smiles — flash.
you both couldn’t even bother getting ready for the final pose, too lost in each other’s admiring gazes to think properly. you were focused on the jade green of ellie’s eyes, wishing you could jump in and swim in the pools of emerald. ellie was hooked on your face, and memorizing every detail like her life depended on it — tracing her eyes over your pouty lips. 
and as the countdown went to one, ellie smashed her lips onto yours, her arms tightening around your waist to pull you closer. this kiss was different from the ones from before — there was urgency, there was eagerness, there was a burning passion, one you’ve never experienced before. 
her tongue shoves into your mouth, tasting the mint you’ve chewed previously. immodest and perhaps, pornographic wet sounds from your mouths resonate throughout the small photobooth. one of her hands trail from your hips towards your tits, groping the soft, pillowy flesh underneath your baby blue dress, eliciting the faintest of whimpers — a sound ellie has been dying to hear again.
you couldn’t help the arousal building up in your core, compelling you to grind your crotch against the denim fabric of her jeans. 
“e-ellie, i— i’ve never—” you struggle to let out, pulling away from her lips, a trail of spit lingering on your bottom lip, and her lips plant sloppy, wet kisses along the side of your neck. 
“we can stop if you want, sweet girl,” she murmurs against your skin, and you quickly shake your head.
“n-no, don’t stop, p-please,” you gulp and with your approval, ellie’s other hand goes down to hike your dress up, bunching the fabric up around your waist. her hands push your legs apart, and she lifts one of your thighs up to rest on the wall of the photo booth. you were exposed, the only thing concealing your bare, pussy was the thin fabric of your panties.
she sat back against the corner of the booth, leaning against the wall and allowing you space to lean against her body as well. her hand cupped your panty-covered crotch, rubbing against it.
the sudden friction made you jolt, your breath picking up, “b-but what if— what if someone hears us? or—or sees us?”
“then you better keep it down, pup.”
ellie’s hand slips inside your panties, her index finger sliding between the warmth of your folds, drowning in the wet, hot juices leaking out from you, “fuck.”
you let out a pitiful whine, needing more pressure, craving satisfaction. the nights after that call with ellie, your own fingers no longer sufficed the needs your body demanded. you tried so hard to replicate the same feeling ellie gave you that late evening, but there was no avail as you realized the only person who can truly serve your body correctly was ellie. 
“p-please, more,” you begged, hoping she would show you mercy and give you what you wanted.
“please, what? huh? use your fuckin’ manners,” she snides in your ear, breath fanning against your neck. you immediately knew what she was inferring.
“please, daddy, please. i want more,” you bucked your hips up to her hands, and she happily obliged. two of ellie’s fingers made their way to your throbbing and swollen clit, applying pressure as her digits created circles. 
you couldn’t suppress the moan that emerged from your throat, clamping a hand shut over your mouth, careful not to alert any strangers nearby, knowing people would still be able to hear despite the thin, black curtain covering the photo booth.
“you look s’ fuckin’ pretty,” ellie whispers against your neck, and her hand grabs your jaw, turning your head to look at her as she smushes her lips against your swollen, red lips. 
a stream of melodious moans vibrated against ellie’s mouth, and she was drinking it in, savoring the sound of you against her lips. the way ellie’s tongue fucked your mouth felt ungodly, and almost immoral. someone who harbors the power to make you feel how you do is something close to the devil, as pleasure this wonderful was sinful.
her fingers disappear from your clit, leaving you feeling empty. 
“open.” ellie orders and you part your lips. she pushes her fingers in your mouth, and you suck them clean, your tongue lapping the salty juices like a puppy desperate for water on a hot day.
“such a good fuckin’ girl, shiiit,�� ellie praises, slipping her fingers in your pussy, continuing the circles on your hardened clit.
“you know what good girls like you get? huh?” ellie’s fingers pick up speed, “they get to cum. you wanna cum for daddy, baby?”
unable to think of any response, you nod your head up and down. 
“use your words, pup.”
“yes, daddy. puppy wants to cum,” you whine out. that was enough for ellie to give you what you wanted. one hand rubbing circles your clit, her other hand pushes your panties to the side and inserts one finger in your leaking hole, gently sliding it in and out.
“ellie!” you cry out, astounded by the added pressure. her finger was long and filled you up almost, completely. 
“gotta stretch you out, baby. get you ready for my cock,” ellie smirks as she slowly adds in another finger, still maintaining her slow, neutral pace. 
your pussy clenches around her fingers, and you scrambled around to grab ahold of anything you can get your hands on. you were drunk on ellie, the way she talks to you — almost condescending — combined with how she had you writhing under her fingers. you were unequivocally hers. you were ellie’s.
she added a third finger to your clit, applying more pressure on your sensitive clit, and her fingers began to pump faster inside your pussy, coating it in a thick, creamy layer of your juices.
“god, you’re such a pretty fuckin’ girl,” ellie kisses the side of your neck, “look at you, making a mess all over my hands, like a filthy pup.”
all your mouth would utter was these weak, pathetic whimpers and moans, fucked out dumb and stupid. you don’t even think you could remember your name right now. 
the familiar feeling of your orgasm coming undone begins to rise, accompanied by a new pressure you feel in your abdomen — the urge to push. 
“daddy, think m’ gonna— p—pee,” you stammer, not wanting to embarrass yourself and closing your legs, “it feels like i have to—”
“baby, let it happen. promise it’s not piss or anything,” ellie reassured, figuring this was your first time squirting. “just let go, sweet girl.”
the sweet sounds of your wet pussy echoed throughout the confined spaces of the booth, just how ellie liked it. it was music to her ears. 
the feeling of your walls tightening around her fingers told her that you were just right on the edge, and she was going to give you that push to fall over and come undone all over her hands.
the pad of ellie’s fingers massaged figure eights on your pussy, almost tracing infinity signs on your clit. her fingers found rhythm and continued thrusting her index and middle fingers inside you, curling up to rub the flesh of your walls, hitting just the right spot and emitting an angelic moan from you. 
ellie was in heaven and she had this honey-sweet angel melting under her touch. 
you squirmed in her lap, your back instinctively arching, about to come apart in this small photo booth.
“daddy, i’m about to— can i? can i cum? pretty please?” you cried out, almost pleading, like you were begging for your life, but you felt like you were going to simply die if you didn’t finish right now. 
“yes, pretty baby, cum all over me,” ellie coaxes you through your orgasm, “make a fuckin’ mess, puppy.”
you came undone, falling apart right there. your pussy clamped around her fingers, a stream of milky-white cream trickling onto her hands. your body overcame your thoughts, and you pushed out — releasing a gush of watery, squirt all over the place. spurting out, imitating a fountain.
ellie pulled her hands out of you, and brought them to her mouth, sucking and licking them clean. still coming down from the high that was your orgasm, your breaths came out heavy and unlabored, a tear falling down out of the corner of your eye and streaming down your cheek. 
“you alright, babe?” ellie asked, fixing your panties and pulling your dress down.
“y-yea, i’m okay,” you stutter, standing up and exiting the photo booth, finding the boardwalk still deserted. legs still shaking, you trip over your own feet and lean on the walls of the booth for support. ellie took hold of your waist, ensuring you don’t fall.
“hey, look, our picture,” she points out, taking the strip out from the slot and showing the black and white photo to you. 
ellie smiles at the strip, “we look good, huh?”
you nod, still simmering down. ellie takes notice of your state and plants a kiss to your lips, rubbing your waist soothingly. 
“how ‘bout we get outta here and get some real food? sound good, baby?”
you nod, smiling, “sounds perfect.”
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Strawberry Jam (Pt. 3 Finale)
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Dad Best Friend! Miguel x reader
WARNING: FILTHYNESS UNDER CUT. P in v, unprotected sex, age gap implied, Dad Best Friend Miguel, breeding kink, wedding night sex, rough sex, manhandling, oral, m receiving, f receiving, reader is 21+ , pregnancy.
Summary: You've married Miguel. Celebration ensues.
Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated 😊✨
If someone would have told you that you'd marry your dad best friend a few years back, you surely had believed them crazy.
Back then Miguel meant someone to stay away from, out of respect for your dad and the many years they shared as friends. But after that evening you had shared, with him buried deep inside you in the kitchen island, everything changed. And it went both ways.
It changed for good since there was no more restrictions and inhibitions. No moral code that prevented him for coming for you and sweeping off your feet. Your dad wasn't happy initially, and his anger lasted for a couple of months.
But slowly thawed when he saw Miguel also trying his best in being a good partner for you. His friendship was also put at stake and that took a while to fix as well.
Your dad was both disturbed yet relieved, to put it in words. Disturbed because one of his worst case scenarios had turned into a wicked reality. Something he had a hard time accepting, despite him telling you it was ok.
Being angry wouldn't make you both break up, and it only made his blood pressure to go up. But his role as a protective father had been long terminated ever since Miguel came to your life as your official partner.
He wouldn't have to worry for your wellbeing anymore. He knew you'd be more than fine with him.
It helped to soothe his nerves to see you close to Gabriella. Something that took you a while.
Gabi wasn't easily convinced, but seeing your unwavering and steadfast resolution to be with her precious Papa, and that you didn't want to steal him from her, made everything ten times better.
To starters, Miguel seemed happy that Gabi had accepted you, despite her initial doubts and complains. His relationship with Gabi was always a hundred percent honesty and trust. He could never hide something from his little girl.
Despite your age, and many people thinking you a gold digger, you remained on Miguel's side. Supporting him as he protected you from snide comments and jealousy from the people in Alchemax. While he got congratulated for finding such a lovely and delectable soon to be wife, you got the backlash from the women and upper boss' that either never had a chance with him, or were too much of a bunch of prudes to accept the fact you were marrying him.
He quit a couple of weeks later after you did. And no amount of money could convince him to get him back. It was simple.
"If you aren't comfortable working there, neither I am."
Of course he was tired of hearing things like 'I'll give them a year.' 'She just wants him for the money. Get him a richer dude and you'll see.' And 'She's so naive if she thinks he loves her. He's a perv old man.'
Only you knew how much Miguel loved you, and he knew you too well to pay attention to gossip and brickbats.
You both found a new job in a better place, even if that meant you'd move in definitely with Miguel.
You were concerned because no matter how many times he came inside, there was still no signs of a baby. To your relief, doctor explained that after many years of being in contraceptives your body would have an adjustment lapse for all the hormones to be flushed out of you. Pregnancy would come, eventually.
It was good and bad. Good cause Miguel fucked you dumb for hours almost everyday, and bad cause you couldn't wait to get a bigger family on your own. 
Obviously you were excited and so was Miguel and Gabi.
But a new adventure laid ahead. Your wedding.
Miguel had invited a couple of his coworkers a woman named Jessica, and a couple of men named Peter and Ben. The only family worth inviting was Gabriel.
Gabi was the ring lady. It was a small and intimate reunion. Once you were delivered in the altar, Miguel held your hands. A sense of pride filled in his chest.
You looked absolutely gorgeous in that short silky dress. Like his own dream come true. And when the moment of saying 'I do' came, neither of you hesitated.
All the bad moments you both had gone through, quickly dissipated to be replaced with joy and love. He loved you.
Gabi loved you, and you couldn't be happier.
You were his queen after all.
After the private wedding you all went to celebrate to one of the most delicious and luxurious places in town.
"You better eat, mi amor. You'll need alot of energy."
He'd mumble in your ear as his hand caressed the suppleness of your inner thigh.
Gabi was left with uncle Gabriel, and with a final hug, your father let you go.
Your dad rolled his eyes and Miguel sniggered as you both went to his car.
"I'll take care of her."
"Shut up."
Miguel opened the door for you and kissed your cheek before letting his new wife to accommodate in his car. He then went to his seat and drove off.
"Bye dad!"
"Love you, cupcake!"
"We're married."
You giggled and he took your hand to kiss it.
The car stopped to a red light and he pulled your cheeks closer to give you a deep kiss. The kind of kiss that would mean he needed you. The kind of kiss that would turn into this raging ache for eachother that could be sated one way.
"Do you feel happy?"
Your body shuddered upon the feeling of his dexterous fingers hovering your clothed pussy. Your legs spreaded for him to have more access.
"Can't wait to get to that hotel, preciosa."
Your hips humped softly his hand, earning a soft yet delicious friction.
"Pull that dress down, mi amor." He instructed as you quickly slid the straps of your silky white dress off your shoulders, spilling your breast for him. The idea of getting caught seemed even more thrilling when a group of people marched infront of your car. Of course they couldn't see what was going on inside.
His penchant for exhibitionism had rubbed hard on you. Just like his suck on one of your nipples. A wet patch filtered through your cotton panties.
Your hand wasted no time in squeezing his crotch. He gulped.
"I've always wanted to do this."
Your giggles increased as you unzipped his pants and peeled his cock our of his confinements.
"Are you hungry, cariño?" He heaved as you pumped him softly, earning a hiss and a low growl from him.
You kissed him once more before stuffing your mouth with his cock.
He threw an arm over your seat, relaxed as you sucked him.
"Fuuck- take deep breaths, Princesa" His eyes shut close for a moment, but the sudden mini concert of honks snapped his attention back to the road.
He drove carefully. Steady breaths huffed out of his mouth as you took him deeper. All that cock sucking training had been worth it.
"Jesucristo, hermosa"
His eyes drooped as your tongue focused on his tip. Wet sucking noises etched in his memory, and my God, he loved them.
"Lemme... lemme find a... Dios mío-" He choked as your hand pumped him faster as your lips busied themselves with his sac, "Lemme park. I can't-" He gasped when you took him whole once more, your throat shamelessly constricting against him.
"Yes~" He hissed as his hips bucked, trying to fuck your lips. You whimpered and let him go last minute. He took a fistful of your hair and pulled you to kiss him. Tasting himself in the process.
Smirking you went back to your seat after fixing his pants. Seeing him all rizzed and worked up made your boldness to spike. Your hips shimmied away from the cotton contraption, and you threw them in the back seat of the car.
His eyes immediately went between your spreading thighs. Your back rested against the passenger door and your fingers delved in between your slick folds.
His mouth gaped. His throat dried in dire need of a drink of you. A finger slid inside. The squelching sound it did sent shivers down his spine.
"Look at what you do to your poor wife, Miguel"
"That's so not fair, cariño. I'm driving"
He bit his lip at the sight. You were soaked and ready to be filled to the brim. Just the way he loved.
"Keep playing with it, though. Love hearing you cum"
Your soft moans and wet pussy made his insides tingle. All he had to do was wait to get to the hotel so he could actually get his revenge on you. And by God he would enjoy it.
"Wish it was you inside me" You whimpered as your fingers delved in deeper, tight hole melding at your finger's size.
"You'll have me, preciosa. Just wait."
Your soaked fingers toyed and curled on your insides, earning more coos and moans. His feet pressed the accelerator deeper as he drove through the streets.
"Faster, mi amor"
He instructed giving occasional glances at the mess you were creating between your legs. A mess he would love to stuff his face in right now. His cock twitched almost painfully at hearing you touching and toying with yourself next to him. He had ruined you in so many ways he couldn't help but feel pride. And now that you were his wife, none could tell him no.
A smirk stretched on his meaty lips when the hotel came into view
You quickly went through the motions, check in, people taking your luggage to your room and blah blah blah.
"Stop." You whined but complied. Your body could almost taste your orgasm. But seeing the hotel coming closer in your vision relaxed your aching cunt. You didn't care if he had to take you on the elevator, but he needed to do something, instead he took your fingers and licked them clean to then kiss you.
He locked the door after putting the 'Do not disturb' sign outside the door. A chill invaded you as his gaze fell on you. You ran with an excited squeal and he chased with a wolfish grin plastered on his face.
Graying strands bounced as he pounced on you. Hands took a hold of your dress and ripped it in half.
His lips mumbled desperately on yours as he removed his clothes. His hulking figure cornered you against one of the suit's pillars.
"Cállate. Te voy a conseguir otro" (Shut up. I'll get you another one)
Hot and desperate mouth mapped your skin as one hand held you by the neck.
"Need you now, preciosa."
His tongue curled in your folds as his other hand kneaded your thigh, prying it open before he sunk his face in between them.
Your eyes clamped shut at the sensation of him prodding and tasting you. Spine arched against the column as he kneeled and ate you. His hunger grew urgent with every lick and lap he delivered to your quivering flesh.
You gasped as he placed you to sit ontop of your shoulders, your hand grabbing his hair to push him impossibly closer to your soaked and loved pussy.
One of his hands secured your lower back, as the other held tightly on your thigh, securing you in place as he hoisted you up. You rode his face eagerly, getting as much friction as you could from his lips and tongue. A firm slap on your ass encouraged you to ride faster. Your clit trembled with joy at every contact he did with his mouth. He groaned.
The low vibrations of his groans ignited the spark for your aching release. His slaps alternated between rough squeezes. Your thighs smothered his head, trapping him tightly. Lightheadnesss rushing through your brain, as your breaths turned shorts and shallow.
"I'm cumming!" You whimpered as your body went taut to then tremble. He drank from you, quenching his longing thirst. He placed you gently on the bed to then spread your legs.
The stretch his cock did inside felt deliciously painful. Legs wrapped around his narrow waist as he hoisted you once more against his chest to then hook your thighs on his forearms as his hands held you by your ass. Your arms went around his neck, holding onto him.
His hips rammed into you.
Your mouth went slack as your body trembled. Your insides kept constricting since you were still riding your high but he didn't care. He'd never get tired for the way your tight walls melted and shivered around him. It was addictive. Like the sheer and raw need for eachother you were basked in.
His hands guided your hips, a sweet and wet slap echoed into the room.
Your fingers sunk into his salt and pepper hair. His fangs pulling at your bottom lip. An iron grip squeeze and it was all he needed to rut in an air-knocking and jaw slacking pace.
Your head lolled to the sides, trying to grasp onto a coherent thought but none came. There was nothing but pleasure in your head. Each thrust reached deeper until his tip made out with your cervix. Nothing but the sounds of your drooling pussy taking everything he mustered at you and his low growls.
His pace increased into a faster tempo, and you curled into the crook of his neck, voice rasping and begging for him to not stop. The inside friction felt raw and hot, almost maddening at how well your walls welcomed him over and over. Inviting him to nest within them.
Sweat etched to his forehead and upper chest and back. Your meek attempts of marking him only added enough spice for his hips to keep wrecking your hole.
The feeling of your ass bouncing on his hands at every thrust he did and your breathless coos and begs, made him to grip tighter and fuck you rougher.
Mewlings turned into loud and choked wails as he drilled you through
"Give it to me, preciosa" He fisted your hair as he sheathed completely into you,  and you creamed and gushed while your body convulsed.
"Such a fucking good girl,"
The contractions around his cock felt like a delicious kiss, just like the one he gave you.
He laughed softly at your state.
"You think we're done, Mi reina? How cute."
You panted like a fish out of water as he flipped you over on the bed and melded your body like putty.
His hand pushed your face deeper in the mattress as he planted his feet on each side of you.
"Levanta ese culo. Will fuck it like a husband should." (Raise that ass)
He slapped your quivering cheeks to lift your hips up himself. You were too high and cock drunk to listen to what he was saying. Your breast flattened against the bed, his feet planted on each side of your hips. One of his hands guided his tip inside you again to then hold at the metal headboard before him for leverage.
"M-Miguel!" You sobbed as he thrusted inside in a swift move.
"This is gonna be your treatment until you grow a fucking baby inside , sweetheart"
The relentless push had your eyes far far gone as he kept bullying his cock in such a brutal pace you'd thought he'd split you in two. He was so good at manhandling and stretching you open, and you were even better at taking it. Excelled even.
The constant slapping had you wheezing and your ass flushed. Your previous cum rolled down your inner thighs, it made easier for him to slid in an out.
And just when you thought he'd stop, he'd just slow down to unleash an onslaught of deep and merciless thrusts.
You clung to the sheets for dear life as meek and muffled sobs escaped you with effort. Your throat felt scrapped raw, he smirked at feeling your walls twitching again.
The bead and headboard creaked at his rutting. Your toes curled in and your jaw clenched at the force you crashed down. You soaked him, making a hot mess of your cunt. But that didn't stop him.
He pushed deeper a few more times before holding your hips in such a steely grip you were sure you'd get bruises and spilled into you. Hot and thick blobs of his cum painting your walls white.
He clawed at your skin as he panted and growled. One of his hands slicked his hair back and sighed with a satisfied yet wicked smile, but frowned upon watching his cum rolling down your clit.
"No no. it must stay inside." He grumbled as his fingers collected his cum to push it back inside and then slapped your ass. Earning another whimper of you.
His arms cradled you as his body smothered you. His lips showered your flushed face in kisses.
"Te ves tan preciosa así." (You look so beautiful like this)
You couldn't help but squeal while you hugged Miguel upon seeing the two parallel lines in the pregnancy test.
You scooted closer in his arms with the little energy you had left. Letting your shaken brain to finally take a rest, letting his hushed 'I love yous' and his gentle caresses on your hair lull you to sleep.
All the raw fucking had finally paid off. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you.
"Told you I'd make a mami out of you. preciosa"
You giggled as you texted your dad.
He chuckled and kissed you again.
"What are you doing?"
"Making my dad feel old and giving him the news."
He placed a hand on your lower belly and smiled.
"Wait til Gabi finds out."
"I hope it's a girl"
"Are you happy?"
"More than happy, yes. I'm gonna be a mom!"
"A wonderful one, for sure."
@um-well @capmedusa @migueloharaslxt @thbidkbutok @joestarbitch @angelarcheangel @ewan-tef @gejo333 @hyunrelics @topreice @luvstich@loonalockley @allysunny @punk-22 @jesterglitch @sc4rltwitch @roselove105 @spikedhe4rt @tallmanlover @elfwoodfae @miaasmf @lainekyuu @keiva1000
@nianawrites @leviathxn @tatatida @gabrielarose29 @pedr0swh0r3 @
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iamcalmdammit · 2 years
Sleepless night || [Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader]
note: this was supposed to be something completely different but then simon turned into a lovesick puppy somehow. what do you think?
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Simon could only hear the sound of an explosion nearby and see the smoke from where he was, but Soap was close, he reported it was the same building you were in. His heart was racing, his thoughts wandering a little too far as he thought about the worst case scenario.
"Echo 3-7, come in," There was no response. "Echo 3-7, do you copy?" He forced himself to sound calm, but in reality he was everything but calm. He was losing his mind, getting into a thought spiral he was afraid he wouldn't be able to escape until you finally said something. "Y/N, please, say something," he tried again, this time sounding desperate.
"Lt., I have a visual on her, she seems to be okay," came Soap's voice through his earpiece.
"Are you sure it's her?"
"Positive. From here it seems like she's trying to use her radio."
Right, it must be it, it just doesn't work properly after you being so close to the explosion. Maybe you didn't even hear him calling out for you. "Must be the result of the blast," he noted eventually.
"Probably. I'm on my way there." Some time passed in silence which made him think Soap didn't feel like chatting this time around. But he was wrong as the sergeant broke the silence not a whole five minutes later. "So her real name is Y/N?"
After letting out a long sigh, Simon closed his eyes. "Yes," he replied, knowing well enough what was about to come.
"Why did she tell you?"
"She had her reasons."
"You two are close, aren't you?"
"Not anymore."
"I bet she has seen you without the mask," Soap said and it was clear through his voice that he was smiling to himself.
"She has."
"You were dating, weren't you?"
Okay, this was getting out of hand. "Don't push your luck, sergeant," Simon warned him.
"Okay, fine, I'll stop, sir."
"Thank you. What's your status?"
"Almost there. No sight of the attackers."
Good. At least you weren't in danger now. He could only hope you had no injuries of any kind, like a nasty internal bleeding you didn't notice due to the spike in your adrenaline level. He couldn't lose you, not now and not like this.
There were so many things he wanted to say after what had happened between you. He fucked up big time and it was by now crystal clear to him that you had to talk about your relationship. You had to fix it. He had to fix it.
"She's fine, Lt., only has a couple of bruises and cuts," Soap's voice came through the earpiece again. "Her radio is dead, we'll stay together from now on."
"Copy. I'll get the car and pick you up. Stay where you are."
The car ride back to the team's temporary base passed in complete silence. You didn't say a word, mostly focused on the city around you instead, while Soap was clearly torn between asking a bunch of questions from the two of you and keeping silent as it was none of his business. In the end he kept his eyes on your environment, making sure no one was following you.
You didn't talk to him. Aside from a short thanks back when you had gotten into the car in front of the building, you said absolutely nothing. He didn't mind as having a conversation in front of the others now would have been torture. It was hard to control his emotions and since you didn't want the rest of the team to find out about your history, it was best to keep quiet for now.
Late at night, around two or three in the morning, Simon woke up. He was staring at the ceiling for a while, thinking about you. Again. But this time he had enough. He couldn't wait any longer. So he quietly stood up and walked over to where you were sleeping.
"Hey, Y/N, wake up," he said, gently putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Why?" you asked groggily.
"Let's talk."
"Now? What time is it anyway?"
"Late, but it can't wait."
"All right."
The pair of you walked to a room far from the others and he quickly put his hands on your shoulders as he looked you in the eye. "You sure you're okay?" he asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm good."
"I'm glad to hear that." Biting on his lower lip under the mask, he thought about how to proceed. It was a dangerous conversation that could go wrong any second. "After seeing the place explode I thought I'd lost you," Simon admitted after some thinking.
You let out a short laugh upon hearing this. "It's not that easy to get rid of me."
"That I know."
Silence fell between you and he could see you were struggling to figure out what to say. "Is this why you woke me up?" you asked in the end.
"No, I actually wanted to tell you something," he quickly replied before gulping. "I fucked up, I know that now."
"Took you long enough."
You were right, he couldn't argue with this statement. "Every time I saw you with Alex, knowing how much he knows about you--the real you," he began uncertainly but didn't finish the sentence just yet. After inhaling and exhaling, he eventually said, "It was too much and I definitely misread the situation."
"And?" you asked expectantly.
"You're just friends, more like siblings. I get it, I have no reason to be jealous."
"Thank you. What changed your mind?"
"Time," he said. "I thought a lot about what went wrong after we broke up. Also… Yeah, it probably helped that Alex came to talk to me about it. He told me how badly I hurt your feelings."
Letting out a groan, you put a hand on the back of your neck. "I'll have to talk to him about boundaries," you said quietly.
"He was just worried about you."
A few months ago he wouldn't have thought of protecting Alex, but here he was, trying to do it. He was important to you and Simon didn't want to stand between the two of you. He had to get over his stupid jealousy.
"You know, I was wondering if we could start again," he spoke up again. "I miss you. I never thought I would ever say something like this, but I can't sleep without you next to me. I can't eat, I can't breathe, I can't focus. I can't live like that."
"I know the feeling," you noted quietly. "You left me, Simon. You said things that really hurt me. I spent days blaming myself, that maybe you're right, that maybe I let him too close."
Shaking his head, he quickly stepped closer to put a hand on the side of your neck, caressing your jawline with his gloved thumb. "You need a friend you can talk to about the things you do on the field, I didn't get that back then, but I get it now," he explained with a smile you couldn't see now.
Smiling yourself, you reached out and took off his mask. "You're lucky you're cute," you told him.
"You think I'm cute?" You nodded. "Marry me," he blurted out.
Yeah, what? But as he thought about it, it wasn't a joke or anything. "I'm serious," he told you. "Let's get married."
Shaking your head, you stood on your toes to kiss him gently. "We barely agreed to give our relationship another shot, I think it's too soon," you said with your hands on his chest.
"Come on, in our line of work we shouldn't wait with things like this. Let's celebrate that we found someone who can understand why we do what we do, someone who wouldn't judge the other for the things they do on the field," he tried.
"How long have you been thinking about this?" you asked with your head tilted to the side.
"For a couple of hours, I guess." You laughed and put his mask back on. "Hey, I know it's not that long, but I'm serious. Think about it. Please." Before you could say anything, you both turned to the door when you heard footsteps. "Not a word!" Simon warned him.
Soap opened his mouth, but in the end decided to put up his hands and go back to the others without saying anything.
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nejiverse · 2 years
[Hayakawa family series]
Just your average day in the Hayakawa household. Pregnant fem! Reader
cw: none i can think of, aki denji and power literally hurling insults at each other 😆
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700ish words
It was way too damn quiet for Aki.
Usually when he got back, Power and Denji were doing some crazy shit like jumping from the couch onto the ceiling or chasing each other with knives....but not today.
It was such a weird feeling that he couldn't help but think of the worst case scenario.
He took in a deep breath, preparing himself to lose the little sanity he had left.
But what he saw was the complete opposite.
Y/n sat on the floor crossed legged while Power and Denji painted little drawings onto her baby bump.
"You're taking up all the space idiot!", Power complained to Denji who left barely any space on Y/n's stomach for her to paint.
"Yeah well first come first serve", he spat his tongue out at her, causing her to grit her teeth.
Y/n noticed Aki's presence and smiled up at him.
"Welcome back love", she greeted while Aki returned her gleeful smile, placing a chaste kiss on her lips. He gets so happy when he sees her that it made Denji chuckle. Y/n was his weakness.
"Why are you laughing", Aki grimaced.
"Nothing at all", Denji shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.
Aki rolled his eyes, picking up the paint to make sure it was the right type of body paint that wasn’t harmful to the skin or anything. Y/n could be careless at times. "It better be nothing. I feed you".
The two boys had a glaring contest amongst themselves before Y/n finally interrupted them.
"Can I see now?", she asked as Power and Denji scooched back.
Power crossed her arms over her chest with a proud look on her face, albeit her painting being indecipherable.
"It's Meowy!", she exclaimed.
Y/n clapped her hands with a smile.
"It's lovely!".
Aki and Denji could only sweatdrop at the two women fawning over a white patch of paint.
"Hey sorry to break it to ya two but that's just a white blob", Denji revealed.
"Oh yeah? Then what did you paint smartass?", Power huffed.
Denji jumped up as if he'd been waiting for this moment his whole life.
"It's Aki with Pochita's body", he snickered.
When Y/n was around, the boy could get away with literally anything, she was like his shield from Aki.
"You ungrateful brat—", before Aki could get his hands on Denji, Y/n furrowed her brows at him followed by a warning look.
"Hey be nice, I for one think it's cute", Y/n voiced.
The man merely slumped his shoulders with a loud sigh, poor guy was getting bullied in his own home.
“I’ll be nice once they both start paying the bills..”, he muttered to himself.
Both Power and Denji stood up from the floor, the latter stretching his arms out.
"I'm hungry, make food", Power demanded. She then remembered what Y/n told her about when asking for something. "...please", she spoke in a low voice.
"Can I actually try cooking dinner for once", Denji asked. It seemed fun even though he may not be good at it.
Correction, not good at it at all.
"Not a chance", they all responded back in unison.
Damn 😓
Denji went to sulk in the corner while Aki went off to do what he did best.
"....I can't believe you'd leave the woman carrying your child to get up herself", Y/n placed a hand on her heart as if she'd just been shot.
Aki internally scolded himself for forgetting that it was hard for her to get up by herself these days, he quickly made it to her side and helped her up.
"Im sorry", he enveloped her in a hug and plastered kisses all over her face, earning a giggle from her and and bunch of 'ews' from Denji and Power.
“You’re gross!”, Power spoke.
An irk mark formed on Aki’s forehead. “You’re one to be talking about what’s gross or not when you don’t flush the damn toilet—”.
Aki 1 - Power 0
Masterlist :)
A/N: please don’t leave spoilers cause I’m an anime only for now, when I actually have time i’ll read the manga😭😭
And thank ya’ll for 600 followers i fucking love you guys 🫶
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 8 months
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[2:41 pm]
(cw: pregnant reader, pregnancy complication scare, a little angst with a fluffy ending)
Simply saying you were stressed wouldn't even begin to cover all the chaos that happened to you throughout the day. First, you car wouldn't start as you were trying to go to work, so you went in late. It was even more of a pain to call your boss and explain that on a day that you asked to get off early you were also going to come in late, even though it was out of your control he was far from happy. Then you had a meeting that you had to rush into, not to mention you were a little under prepared thanks to pregnancy brain and overall exhaustion.
After the meeting finished you just couldn't wait to take a break and then go home. Your mind had been in a million places all at once, focusing on only getting yourself through the day. Unfortunately your mind wasn't even on the other life growing inside of you until you were seated on an sterile, paper wrapped exam table.
You were 5 months into your pregnancy and just a few weeks ago your little one started to kick whenever they could. When you laughed you'd feel the little feet flutter at the bottom of your rib cage. Sometimes when you were falling asleep you'd feel that same flutter on the left side of your belly. It felt strange, like actual butterflies in your stomach, but it was a strange feeling you'd come to love- it was your baby.
Your mind began to race. All day you'd been so focused on yourself that you didn't even pay attention to your baby. You were still early enough in your pregnancy that something could go wrong, had something gone wrong? Had you been so stressed that something happened? Had you been too selfish to focus only on yourself and not the well-being on the baby inside of you?
You wrung your hands together as dad!Jaemin stepped into the room, pressing a kiss to your forehead in greeting while he took in the far away look on your face. He tried asking you how your day was and received only a hum in response. He reached out and ran a hand over your shoulder, "What's wrong my love?"
"I didn't feel the baby move today," you whispered, afraid your voice would crack.
"You had a stressful day my love, I'm sure everything is fine. The doctor will come in and we're going to hear a strong heartbeat, and everything will be fine," Jaemin reassured, pressing his lips to your temple as you tried your best to keep yourself calm. He wouldn't tell you in the moment or probably even for a while, but he felt his stomach drop and tie itself into knots at the idea that something could be wrong. He kept his face calm to reassure you but his mind was running through every worst case scenario there was.
The doctor came in and ran through her usual questions and asked if you had any concerns, of course you told her about not feeling the baby move. Her face didn't change as she reassured you that some days babies just weren't as active, but the scan would be the most informative.
You laid back with your shirt pulled up to reveal your bump, you brought up a hand to rest on your chest, noticing the shakiness from your nerves. Jaemin took note and took your hand into his grasp and pressed a kiss there to put you at ease.
Your doctor did her routine of showing you the baby's head, feet, arms, and hands. Then asked you both to get ready to hear the heartbeat. You shut your eyes tightly in anticipation, all you could hear at the moment was the sound of your own heartbeat pounding in your ears. Jaemin steeled himself. If they didn't hear anything he would have to be strong for you. He wouldn't be able to break down when you were already so worried that it could all be your fault. He hoped and prayed that he wouldn't have to do that and would only have to be the reassuring voice that, yes, of course everything would be fine.
"And there it is, steady and strong." You heard before you finally focused on the beat playing around the room.
It almost felt like you were deflating, all your worries seemed to melt away as it turned out that everything was fine. "Looks like the baby knew you needed all the energy you could get today so they stayed a little calmer. It's normal to have some days be more active than others, but of course if you have any concerns please don't hesitate to reach out if needed," the doctor smiled as she passed you a few paper towels to wipe off the gel still coating your stomach.
Jaemin let out a long breath too, feeling his heat return to it's usual resting heartbeat while the doctor told him that the receptionists at the front would have their pictures and help schedule their next appointment.
Jaemin pressed another kiss to your forehead, "I told you everything would be fine."
"Don't think I didn't hear you let out that long breath or squeeze my hand," You replied as you eased yourself off the table.
"That wasn't me." Jaemin stated firmly.
You laughed, "It's fine we can both cry about it when we get home."
He pulled you into his side by your waist, "I'd rather cry looking at the new pictures of our beautiful baby."
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c00kieguy · 2 months
Dissembled Echos [Ch.3]
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relationships: Aventurine x GN!Reader summary: Despite his fears and worries, Aventurine finally tells you about his past. Read more here cw: 2.1 quest SPOILERS, fluff, comfort, a bit of humor. a/n: not proofread unfortunately [The series is done!] Good luck on your Aventurine pulls! wc: 1.5k Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (this one) masterlist
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Before long, the next day emerged. It was Sunday now and you only had today to spend with your beloved boyfriend before you were back to working your regular shifts. It seemed the dishes had other plans however, having forgotten to wash them yesterday you had no choice but to get at them today. 
Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend approaches you from behind. You feel his gentle touch as he wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on you, his soft breath tickling your back. You take comfort in his presence but pay him no mind as you continue doing the dishes.
“Can we talk?” He suddenly asks. His quiet tone concerns you so you immediately stop what you’re doing to face him.
“What’s wrong?” You gently cup his face in your hand in worry. The sudden question had you run a million worst case scenarios in your head already.
“Nothing, don’t worry.” He places his hands over yours and gives you a careful smile. “I just have a few things to share, if you have the time?” 
You don’t even hesitate before dropping everything to accompany him to your room. Lying down on your shared bed you face each other. Kakavasha has his head on your chest while you rest yours on his hair. Normally your presence alone would be enough to calm his nerves, but today it had the opposite effect on him. 
Eventually you hear a quiet voice come from under you. “I…used to work for the IPC…” The IPC?
“Is that all?” You laugh a little. “Well, surprise! Me too.” Was this all? What a simple matter.
“You did?” He’s a little taken back at your confession and looks up at you for an explanation.
“It was just contract work, so not exactly working with them, but it’s basically the same isn’t it?” You say with a laugh. “Was this your big secret? That’s all?” He goes quiet at this. Here you were giving him your full attention and he couldn’t even muster up enough courage to spill the truth. He half wanted to just go along with it and live out his life with you in peace. ‘Yep that’s it haha’ and he could go on pretending like the former part of his life didn’t exist, but that would be unfair to you. More importantly, it would be unfair to his loved ones. 
He wanted you to know of his past, of his parents, his sister. He wanted to share with you the joyful and sorrowful parts of his past. He wanted you to know everything about him, but that’s the thing about being honest, he had to talk about it. Oh how he wished he could just airdrop his memories into your brain, maybe if he didn’t have to verbally state it, it won’t hurt as much.
You keep your eyes trained on him, waiting for him to continue, not rushing him. Your boyfriend simply tucks his head back under your chin, unable to look at you anymore. His ever growing anxiety makes him want to bury himself alive. There’s a long pause before he speaks again.
“Aventurine…” It’s soft, so soft you almost miss it. “That’s what I used to go by.” His voice slightly cracks at the end and he hopes you don’t notice.
“The stoneheart?” You can’t help your accusing tone. He couldn't be one of them…right? You’ve always been vocal about your dislike for the IPC, so to think your boyfriend was once an integral part of them left a pit in your stomach. Is this why he was so hesitant to share his past with you? Did he think you’d hate him?
“I’m sorry…” His voice only comes off as a whisper. He’s not sure if he wants to hold onto you tighter or if you’d prefer if he stops touching you altogether. Clenching his fist he really hopes it’s the former, he’ll allow himself that much hope at least.
“No, don’t apologize. I’m not mad at you, just a little shocked.” You quickly try to salvage the situation. To think the whole time you were the problem and not him, you couldn’t forgive yourself enough. “I should be apologizing. I’d never hate you, I could never do such a thing Kakavasha.” You allow yourself to rest your forehead on his, hoping he learns to trust you again, but he already does, he always did. “Should I call you Aventurine now?” He’s quick to shoot you down with a frantic look in his eyes.
“No, that was just a title. I…” He looks at you with such desperation in his eyes. “I love the way you say my name, so please, don’t ever stop using it.” Then that’s exactly what you’ll do.
Ah, wait. Amidst all your feelings you seemed to have brushed aside a crucial detail.
“What do you mean ‘used to’, you’re not a stoneheart anymore? What happened?” He sighs and looks away with an uninterested look. 
“I…left.” He says slowly. “I’ve fully repaid my debt to the IPC, so I just left.” He looks back at you, this time with a more certain look in his eyes. “I made sure they won’t have a reason to come find me again, and since they haven’t hunted me down yet, my plan must’ve worked.” He ends with a dry laugh. Anyone could tell he didn’t want to talk about it so you decide to change the topic to something a little more lighthearted.
“So, your friends. I’m guessing there’s more to them.” You found it cute how his face instantly lit up.
“Haha yea. The businesswoman I mentioned? She’s Topaz, a senior manager of the Strategic Investment Department.” It almost felt like he was bragging, 
“Another stoneheart…of course.” Your boyfriend misunderstands you and gives you a worried look so you immediately correct yourself. “Sorry it’s just. I thought you ran away from home, or maybe you were divorced with kids or something. Not…not this.” You say with an exaggerated sigh. You hope a small joke like this will lift the mood a little.
“Divorced with kids? Do I really look that old to you?” He laughs at your attempt at lightening the mood and you can’t help just join him. 
“I’m just…glad. That you feel comfortable enough sharing this with me.” You give him a warm smile. “I’m glad you trust me, Kakavasha.” You really did. You trusted him so wholly, and to have that trust given back to you felt wonderful. “Oh! What about the guy from Veritas Prime? I’m guessing he doesn’t actually go there?”
“Oh, he does. He’s not a student though, he’s a lecturer there.” He says nonchalantly. “Have you heard of Dr. Veritas Ratio?”
“Veritas Ratio? You’re friends with Veritas Ratio?!” You ask in exasperation. “I mean, who am I kidding, of course you are!” Being so high up in the IPC must give him unique privileges after all.
“You look a lot more shocked about this than Topaz haha. Why’s that?” He’s clearly amused by your reaction.
“I’ve always wanted to go there, but I could never pass the entrance exam.” You reply sheepishly. “The curriculum was way too packed and I realized I preferred something more down to earth anyway.” Reaching out for his face you gently tuck a strand of hair behind his ears. “And I’m happy I became a baker, after all, I wouldn't have met you otherwise.” Kakavasha gives you a small smile with his cheeks a slight tint of pink.
“So…any other strange friends you’re not telling me about?” He takes his time to think about it before replying.
“Well, there is one other. I’d like to think we’re friends but I’m not sure if she would agree.” He sounds melancholic at the thought. “She really helped a lot. There was a point in my life where…everything seemed meaningless. I wasn’t sure I was going to make it.” It must have been rough, being all alone, but you were glad there was at least someone there for him. “She was there to help me, a little. Something about an Emanator of Nihility telling you that there’s meaning to life is really encouraging I suppose.”
“AN EMENATOR??” You practically scream at him. 
“Yes, an Emenator.” How did he manage to get himself involved with an emenator? And not just any emenator, but one of Nihility?
“Incredible, your life is a million times more interesting than mine.” You say in defeat. He truly was amazing, and his circle of friends are as unique as one could get. Part of you felt a pang of jealousy, why couldn’t your life be even a fraction as interesting as his? You couldn’t help but want to know more. “How did you manage to escape? If you don’t mind telling me, I’m just a little curious.” 
“It’s a very long story.” He chuckles.
“I’m willing to listen.” You place a small kiss on his forehead. “If you’re willing to share.”
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (this one) masterlist
© c00kieguy ➼ do not repost/copy/translate (without my permission) or claim any of my works as your own. Reblogs are appreciated ❣
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honeesucker · 7 months
Part 8 -
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Pairing: ProHero!DynaMight | Katsuki Bakugo x Puppygirl!Reader
Word count: 3,259
Series Content Warnings: Little bit of a slow start… Graphic Depictions of Past Abuse & Trauma Response | Profuse Usage of Pet Names / All-around Softness | Bakugo Experienced Work-Related Trauma (causing near deafness, being put on leave from the agency, PTSD) | Eventual smut™ (will be tagged in individual chapters - to include but not limited to KiriBaku, HybridxHybrid, Hybrid heat trope, sex toy usage).
Chapter Content Warnings: Bakugo x reader sex, dirty talk, "just the tip" late-night quickie.
*Not proofread.
Previous | Next (In Progress)
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Bakugo had gotten you back to the apartment, the car ride weighed down in silence; Kirishima opting to leave after he walked you both up, knowing this was a moment he shouldn't intrude upon but promising again to come and have a movie night with you soon.  
You were sitting on the couch, in the same spot Kirishima had set you down. Your eyes unfocused, vision blurring as you blink slowly, staring at nothing as your body buzzes with... something.  
Fear? Disgust? Disappointment?  
You couldn't ascertain which one it was, or if it was all of them at once, all you knew is that you didn't hear Bakugo speaking, just a mumbled white noise of sound until he was sitting next to you on the couch, pulling you into his lap as he nosed as your temple and whispered in your ear. 
"Talk to me, Pup," he said softly. His deep, low baritone reverberating through your body like a pleasant hum. 
"I-I..." you tried to start a thought, but all words failed you. Nothing seemed fitting enough to express exactly what you felt. "I-I... think... I-I'm s-sad." You stuttered through the words softly, your eyes closing as the unfocused blur of your vision became dizzying. Bakugo's arms tightened around you, compressing your arms to your side like what you did to him before - deep compression therapy. He held you like this for the longest time, but a glance at the clock only showed just under an hour had passed. 
"I know sad doesn't quite cut what I'm sure you're feeling, but we prepared for this, yeah?" Bakugo said softly. "You'll keep seeing Hana, but let's go every week instead of every other week. I've already got the restraining order filed with Hana’s help, and we should be receiving the official document soon... and we have each other. You're safe. I will never let that scumbag, or any other bastard ever lay a single finger on you, okay?" Bakugo jostled your body gently, coaxing a response from you as your mind wandered.  
You just nodded, a soft 'okay' leaving your lips as you melted back into his encompassing hold.  
You trusted Bakugo, you knew he meant what he said, and never added in any fluffy extra wording, or beat around the bush... if he said you were safe, that no one would touch you again, he meant it. 
Yet you couldn't stop the worry eating at the back of your mind. Bakugo was strong, and powerful and fearsome, but so was he, and if he still had half the contacts he had before he went to prison, he was still just as dangerous... but would he really come after you? You did try to keep him in prison with your appeal at his probationary hearing... and he was one to hold a grudge until he got even - you had seen it countless times with the people who worked for him, entered deals with him, tried to get one over on him.  
He always won in the end. 
"Hey, stop that." You heard Bakugo's stern, comforting tone. You blinked the frightening visions away from your mind as you looked up at him, a question in your gaze that he answered. "Stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios, get out of your head, Pup... no matter what happens, I have you. Okay?" Bakugo had a strange way of being stern, strict and intimidating but also soft and composed, the surety in his voice a calming center as he stared down at you with harsh, dominating eyes. Determination and confidence oozing from him. "He won't ever lay a finger on you again, Pup," he finished again with a hardened resolve. 
You nodded. "S-Sorry, yes... I... I trust you." Bakugo just balked and shook his head.  
"No apologies, Pup, you're allowed to feel what you're feeling after that shitshow, but you can't let it take over - right? You can't drown in it..." Bakugo was talking to both him and you, at this point. Reassuring you while comforting himself as you leaned against his chest, your body relaxed in his lap as you nodded. He sought out and found just as much comfort in you being close to him as you did to him, it helped keep the sparking crackle out of his palms, helped keep the white noise and the deafening rings out of his mind. 
"Thank you," you finally said softly, looking up to nose gently at his chin, a comforting nuzzle as you kissed his jaw, then his cheek, and then the corner of his lips. "Thank you for choosing me and dealing with all of my problems and loving me still." 
"Tch, nothing to thank me for, Pup... I'd choose you a hundred times over again and again, b-but..." he paused for a moment, hesitation mixed in his normally confident gaze. "Thank you for choosing me back, Pup, for loving me too... and being a source of comfort for me. We help each other, yeah?" Bakugo asked softly, jostling you on his knee as you giggled and smiled up at him, nuzzling back into the crook of his neck. 
"Yeah, we do." You said softly, closing your eyes as you took in his strong scent, allowing it to fill your body and calm you down until nothing bad was left in your body, no tightly wound anxiety, no worrying spiral of panicked thoughts... just him.  
You fell asleep in his arms, sinking into his warm comfort. 
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗   
 You woke up late into the night. Looking over at the alarm clock on the nightstand it read that it was 11:49 P.M., and suddenly you realize you were tucked into Bakugo's bed, the mix of clean skin musk and caramel notes and the cologned scent of his deodorant floating into your sensitive nose as you pressed your face against the pillow.  
His pillow. 
You sucked in greedy breaths of air as something in you stirred, a growing need and soon you were slowly reaching down to run your three center fingers along the outside of your clothed pussy as you kept your face in his pillow; a quiet, choked moan leaving your lips as your ears perked up at the sudden squeaking sigh of a floorboard sounded off behind you... close behind you. 
"You in heat already again, Pup?" Bakugo uttered softly, curiously, not accusatory or mocking.  
You shook your head slowly, a pout on your sweet face as your bottom lip jutted out a bit, eyes teary in frustration looking back up at Bakugo dressed only in low-hung joggers, a clean pair. "N-No... not in heat just... your smell. You smell so good." You said softly as you nosed again at his pillow, and he quirked a brow looking down at you with his muscled arms crossed over his large chest.  
“Yeah, Pup? I smell that good huh?" Bakugo teased softly as he came around the bed, the material sinking beneath his weight as he laid on his side, looking down at your pathetic display. "I smell so good to you that even a whiff of my pillow has you desperate to touch yourself?" He teased again, and you could feel the soft blush flush your cheeks and the tips of your ears warm and embarrassed. "You wanna come smell it straight from the source, hm?" Bakugo asked, knowing where this would end up, but he didn't care. He was head over heels for you, he wanted to protect you, he wanted to shower you with love... but he also wanted to fold you in half and press his weight down as he fucked his thick cock into your slick pussy... the idea of it made him groan as he threw his head back, his eyes screwed shut tight as he tried to cap his growing desire.  
Your eyes widened, and you nodded. Crawling up onto him as he pulled you on top of him, as he shifted his body to lay on his back. Your legs on either side of his hips as you leaned forward to nose and nuzzle at his throat where his scent was the strongest...something about pulse points were so inviting. You took to the delicate skin of his throat quickly as you alternated between long lapping licks, and nosing nuzzles against his throat and without realizing it you had been grinding your clothed pussy down against the growing bulge beneath you. Bakugo's large hands were gripping the plush of your hips, his thumbs hooked into the waistband of your sleep shorts as he gripped your flesh with a bruising force. 
"Fuuuuck, Pup," Bakugo moaned out softly when you started nipping at his skin after a long lick up his throat, and as you did you ground down on his lap, the slick of your pussy soaking through your shorts and onto his pants as you started moving faster, guided by Bakugo's hands. "That's it, Pup, take whatever the hell you want from me." He growled out, bucking his hips upwards and bumping back up into your heated core as he felt your teeth clamping down on the soft skin connecting his neck to his shoulder. His hands fully gripping your ass cheeks, pulling them apart as he gripped the soft material of your shorts in the center and pulling. The soft material split down the middle with no resistance as you whimpered at the loss of warmth, but also at the primal display. Bakugo grunted and shifted his legs, and with one hand moved his joggers down and off his legs while keeping you on top of him. He threw the tattered material of your shorts against the wall, the torn material sliding down the wall and to the ground without an audience as Bakugo's focus was now solely on you, and the way your slick pussy was now gliding up and down the length of his painfully hard cock, the head catching against your hole every now and again making you whimper. Each time the veins and ridges of his cock caught your clit you keened, whining as you pressed back down against him, your eyes bright and needy as you glanced up at him, panting softly with your tongue lolled out of your mouth. Bakugo couldn't help the way he reached forward, cupping your cheek as his thumb pressed down against your tongue, groaning as you closed your mouth and swirled your tongue around the intruding digit.  
"P-Pl-lease..." you panted out softly around his finger, each word enunciated carefully. "W-Want cock pl-lease..." you whined and pressed down against him, the fat tip of his cock barely pressing into your cunt as you moaned out softly, and then cried as he lowered his hips, angling them away from your pussy as you glared up at him.  
He was looking down at you with a pleased look, smug and demanding, an arrogant arch to his brow as he chuckled down at the pathetic sight of you.  
"Fuck yourself just on the tip, Pup," Bakugo said softly, a rumble in his words as he bucked his hips back up again, the tip of his cock slippery and coated in a mixture of his precum and your slippery juices. His hands came back on your hips, squeezing the fat there as he urged your body back down. He could hear the squelching airy sound as his cockhead entered your cunt, and the wet pop as it pulled out; your hips barely balancing above his cock as you lowered back down again, repeating the action over and over until you were too weak to keep your body up. Your legs were shaky and weak, and within a moment you were spearing your full weight down as his thick cock spread you apart, his tip pressing painfully against your cervix with an aching pleasure as he groaned out with the feel of your pussy walls warm, wet, enveloping him completely. “Such a greedy Pup...” Bakugo groaned out, gripping your hips tighter as he bucked up causing your body to fall forward as he fucked up into you roughly with a symphony of wet squelching sounds and airy slaps of skin until you both were moaning out together; Bakugo a lower growling groan and you a sweet high moan as you bit down on his shoulder as your orgasm slammed into you unexpectedly. You squirted slick juice around his cock, wetting his lap as he continued to fuck up into you, his hips stuttering and soon he was pressing deep into you as his cock twitched and pulsed with his own release, hot white cum flooding your pussy and dripping out and around his cock with your juices in a lewd mixture.  
Your teeth were still digging down in Bakugo’s shoulder as he reached a hand up to pat at the back of your head gently, threading his fingers into your hair to scratch at your scalp gently. “Good Pup,” Bakugo let out breathlessly, his cock still left softening in your pussy as he enjoyed the still-spasming warmth of your cunt. “Let’s go take a quick shower and I’ll clean up the rest of the bed, huh?” Bakugo muttered gently against your temple, kissing you sweetly in the spot as he nuzzled his own face against yours, you just hummed in response, your tail wagging lazily against his leg. 
˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗   
An easy three months have passed with an almost mundane normalcy. Kirishima and TetsuTetsu have been over multiple times for playdates, movie nights and after-patrol dinners. Bakugo even took you into his office a few days over the last couple of weeks on the days you didn’t go and see Hana at the Hybrid Rehabilitation Facility for your weekly therapy. Everything seemed to be on an upward trajectory as far as both of your healings. Bakugo kept taking you to regular check-ups to ensure your physical health was also healing alongside your mental health, and Bakugo even went to all his rehabs, check-ups and therapy, too, without so much as a grumble. He was happy to heal, if it meant healing alongside you and getting better together for each other... in contrast to nearly a year ago when Bakugo couldn’t imagine this working out, he was surprised even with himself as he made leaps and bounds in his recovery; a bit more of his hearing returned, there was less and less white noise and high-pitched ringing, and the Hero Support specialists were coming up with a high-frequency hearing aid that Bakugo could use that would aid in his hearing while protecting his ears from the loud blasts of his quirk and the outside world crumbling around him nearby in his daily Pro Hero work. 
All in all, it was picturesque... but your life wasn’t such a smooth road, and good things have a way of being balanced with the bad, and your bad day came in the form of a shopping trip out with Bakugo. 
You and Bakugo needed essentials and some groceries for the house, and before anything perishable was picked up, he offered to take you looking around for anything you’d enjoy having: new clothes, toys, books, anything at all. Bakugo had stayed back to look at some new knives and pans for the kitchen, while you wandered the store slowly looking around to see if anything caught your interest when a scent caught your nose. The burning, acrid scent of cigarettes and cologne, and the underlying musk of a person you long since had forgotten about in your recent peaceful months.    “Hey, mutt.” A familiar, deep drawl rang out. You froze in your spot, a soft plush bear in your hands that you had grabbed from the shelf now served as your center of balance and focus, of peace as you strangled the soft toy in your white-knuckled grip.  
Sharp, cold grey eyes regarded you with disdain and disgust. The over-gel'd slick back black hair greasy and catching the bright fluorescent light of the store as he stood in front of you with two other men flanking him a few feet back, pretending to look through items on a shelf as he spoke to you.  
“You look good, mutt,” he said out in a smooth, sleazy tone. “Fatter even, guess that new guy’s feeding you well huh? Looks good though, nice soft flesh...” He kept talking, but his voice hooked in your head and reverberated throughout, overwhelming you like a nightmarish echo chamber. You wanted to whimper, whine out, scream, cry, growl, bite him... anything to protect yourself and get him away from you. Your head was spiraling when a strong hand clasped around your shoulder from behind and a sharp, angry voice spoke over you. One that was scarier than his, but you weren’t afraid of it. 
“I’ll be informing your probation officer of this infringement on the terms of your release, and the restraining order we have on you.” Bakugo’s venomous, harsh tone rang out above you, sending a shiver down your spine. “Now, kindly fuck off before I blast that smirk off your face and leave you eating and breathing through tubes.” Your body sunk back against Bakugo as you sought comfort in his familiar scent and the hard contours of his body that always seemed to welcome you, and fit against you perfectly. “Now, you have ten seconds to fuck off,” Bakugo barked out, glaring at the men.  
“Now, now, that’s not very generous of you.” He stated coldly, his friendly demeanor dropping. 
“This is me being generous, prick, now leave before I utilize my right to arrest you and get detectives out here for you and your sorry entourage.” Bakugo nodded at the men behind him, glaring with equal ire at them as they twin men dropped their items and looked between Bakugo and their boss. Bakugo’s palms were sparking off with the desire to just blast this sorry sack of human to the depths of hell, but he knew a fight and more trauma isn’t what you needed – but you did need to be removed from this situation quickly.  
Bakugo kept a hard stare levelled at the sleaze before the sleaze cockroach finally lifted his hands up in defeat, and slowly backed away with his men, and out of the store... as soon as his retreating back was out of sight Bakugo knelt beside you and placed his hands on either side of your face. “Hey my Pup, hey, you okay? Pup?” Bakugo asked in a soft, sweet tone only reserved for you. One of his large hands on your shoulder as his other gentle coaxed the soft bear out of your white-knuckle grip on the poor things neck. “Guess you like this little guy, huh?” Bakugo mused softly, trying to distract you from what just happened with the soft bear now in his hands, he lifted the tiny thing up to pretend kiss your face all over until you were giggling against Bakugo and snuggled up against his chest; your breathing back to normal and your anxiety lessened.  
“How about you stick close to me, and we check out what we have and head home, yeah? I’ll cook you up a nice dinner with all my new kitchen gadgets, yeah? Sounds good huh, Pup?” Bakugo mused as he nudged you with his hip, a smile still on your face as you nodded, gripping his hand and walking toward the checkout, back to his shopping basket and you with your newly acquired bear in your hands.  
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@winnieslut @ryantryan6969 @natsukicookies @littlnika @im-better-than-your-newborn @ssc7514 @romiinlove @theequeenofcurses @xbieditz @hypernovaxx @craxy-person @archer-fb @sadgyaltings @kllrkitty @meiimeiichuu @noxva08 @livyyz @misscaller06 @kiwibao @ewwitsbella @mrsyixingunicorn10​ @simplesoup
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animasola86 · 10 months
The Ghost under the Table
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x gn!reader
Word count: 2.3k // [READ ON AO3]
Warnings: nsfw! mdni! public oral sex (m!receiving)
Synopsis: a bj in the library (just a more explicit smut writing exercise really)
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Last warning: there will be smut under the cut! Read at your own risk. I was not holding back this time! (Enjoy!)
“What are you doing down there?” you heard him whisper.
He sounded equal parts surprised and irritated – and you snickered to yourself as you crept closer, hidden under the Disillusionment charm, before you settled right between his legs under the table in this corner of the library.
Of course he had noticed you, he had taught you that spell almost two years ago to the dot, he knew what to look for. Or perhaps he had smelled you. He'd told you before that your scent was making him weak – his words, not yours, because at first you found the idea of you smelling a certain way a little weird and would frequently check with an inconspicuous sniff to your clothes. But apparently he had the nose of a dog, and whenever you would try to sneak up on him for a surprise hug, he'd already know you were coming.
And today, as you decided to surprise him with something else, he also already knew you were there. You sighed deeply, but quietly, because he was still the only one knowing you were hidden under the table.
“Surprise?” you whisper-laughed and put your hands on his thighs as you looked up at him. He obviously couldn't see your eyes, and he didn't even try to as he focused more on his surroundings now. You could see a tiny splash of red on his cheeks, and you smirked at the sight.
After two years of dating and making out in the weirdest of places and most certainly also in public, he still felt at least a little apprehensive when it came to your displays of affections. Or perhaps it was the library setting that made him wary. Madam Scribner still had her eyes out for him – and you now as well as you certainly tried to make out in the library before, but were rudely interrupted by Peeves – just like you were two years ago on your first excursion into the Restricted Section together, minus the making out part.
As you were now crouched under the table, albeit hidden under the Disillusionment charm, you became quite aware of how quiet it was in this haven of knowledge. There were a few other students about, but all of them were so concentrated on their reading and studying that even the slightest creak of the wooden floor boards beneath you echoed rather loudly through the room.
And that made it all the more exciting for you.
You watched Sebastian squirm a little under your invisible touch. “Are you... sure about this?” he asked in a low voice, still looking around.
“Yes. I woke up feeling naughty today,” you whispered back and leaned closer to his crotch. “Will you let me?”
“Was I ever able to stop you before?” he hissed back, and you saw a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You moved your hands up his thighs and squeezed them lightly in response. You saw and heard him inhale sharply.
“Try to hold it in, Sallow,” you teased quietly, and he threw a dark but amused glance into your direction before his eyes focused on the book that lay open in front of him.
You made quick work of the buttons of his breeches, and your fingers eagerly freed the object of your desire from its constraints. He was already quite excited to see you, and you smiled to yourself as you let your fingertips graze over his warm skin. You felt him shudder under your touch and looked up quickly. He was biting his lip, really trying to keep it down.
Fortunately the library desks were wide enough and as he was sitting in one of middle seats, there was no way someone would see what was going on underneath the table. Unless Peeves came floating through the ground... but that would be the worst case scenario, and you wouldn't cloud your mind with those. You were fixated on that deliciously tender piece of flesh and skin and muscles (though of course you never thought too much about its anatomical properties, more on what it was able to make you feel).
Your fingers closed around his base gently while your eyes stayed on his reddening face the whole time. You moved even closer towards his crotch, really nestling between his legs now, your shoulders pressing against his thighs. While you kept one hand on his growing erection, you let your other hand slide beneath his shirt, feeling the muscles of his stomach tensing up when you did so.
You inhaled deeply and licked your lips, then started to move your hand up and down his length slowly, lightly squeezing and teasing him. By now he had given up on trying to study while you worked on him, and he leaned back in his chair, relaxing under your touch, his hands wrapped around the armrests almost a little too tightly. With this new angle, he was now watching you, or rather watching how his cock was massaged by invisible hands. His brown eyes were almost black and caused you to shiver pleasantly.
He certainly had a knack for looking very dramatic, especially when he was looking down, and when there was even the tiniest hint of a smirk playing around his lips like there was now, you could already feel your legs trembling. Fortunately you were on your knees already and settled safely between his legs, so swooning was out of the question.
You watched him, chewing on your lips, and kept working your hand up and down those inches that you knew had given you so much pleasure in the past. Today you wanted to give back. You'd tasted him before, of course, countless times, but this setting seemed new and exciting, and the thrill of being caught or even heard was making your own body shake in excitement.
Inhaling deeply, taking in his scent, you leaned closer now, and as your fingers tightened around him, you brought your lips to his tip and gave it a soft and gentle peck. You felt him twitch lightly. Your eyes remained on his face as you parted your lips and planted more kisses on his sensitive skin, kissing all around his tip and then down the shaft, gently sucking on the slightly protruding veins. You felt him harden under your touches and continued your journey with a smile on your lips.
Your hand moved lower and your fingers curled around his balls, gently squeezing and massaging the warm skin. You felt him intake a shuddering breath as your mouth kept exploring his slowly growing girth. If you weren't in the quiet library, you knew he'd be way more vocal by now. But he was doing a really good job at keeping it down. You knew for a fact that if it were the other way around, you'd be a whimpering mess already.
As you moved your mouth over him, your free hand remained pressed against his stomach, feeling the shudders of his body right beneath your palm, even more so when you let your tongue in on the action. At first you just teased him, poking the tip of your tongue against his warm skin here and there, until you wanted to have a real taste and swiped it from his base all the way up to his tip, where you swirled it around as if he was the tastiest lollipop you've ever tasted (spoiler alert: he was).
You looked up at him and saw that his gaze was even darker and his cheeks were thoroughly flushed, but other than that he didn't show any sign of what he was experiencing at the moment. Although the knuckles of his hands were turning white as he gripped the chair tighter. You smiled to yourself and continued what you were doing as you slowly lapped at his hardening flesh.
As you raised yourself on your knees a little, you tilted your head down and slowly closed your lips around his tip, flicking your tongue against it playfully. You could already taste his excitement as his precum coated his skin, and you took a few more laps at him, humming softly against him as you did so. Another twitch ran through his body. Your eyes darted up, and you saw that he had closed his eyes and was breathing a little heavier now. Still quiet and contained, but surely not unaffected by your touches.
You hollowed your cheeks and gave his tip a soft suck, before you opened your mouth wide enough to take him in. Your own body shivered in anticipation as you lowered yourself onto him, your tongue firmly beneath him as you guided him in further and further, inch by inch, your lips tight around his girth, and you had to close your eyes as he started to occupy more than just your thoughts at this point. You let out a quiet whimper as his crown hit the back of your throat, and you felt your nose almost buried in his dark hairs.
You held him there for a moment in which you focused on the reactions of his body, and the restrained shudder that vibrated through his core made you lean back slowly, eyes flying open again and moving up to his face, and he was staring down at you intensely, pressing his lips together as he held back a moan.
You moved back all the way and let him slip out of your mouth with a wet pop. You swallowed your saliva and breathed deeply, before moving back in right away, repeating your movements until he was again fully submerged in your mouth – and then you started to slowly bob your head up and down.
He was breathing loudly through his nose while you kept your steady rhythm, hollowing your cheeks with every upwards motion and pressing your tongue against his length when you pushed him back in. He was getting harder and harder, and your lips strained around him.
With your eyes closed you couldn't see him any more, but you sure as hell felt him. His legs were twitching around you, clenching against your shoulders, keeping you right there between them. His body was shuddering and the muscles in his stomach tightened under your palm. He was fighting the sensations with all he had, probably all red and tense, gripping the chair – until you felt his hand in your hair, and he was really grabbing you, holding you in place, pushing you down onto him hard until he hit the back of your throat, and you let out a surprised whimper that was certainly way too loud for this quiet setting.
He immediately let go again, and you relaxed, moving your head back as you looked up at him. He was breathing heavily, his lips parted, his eyes moving around the room, before they looked into your direction again. You were but a trick of the light under the Disillusionment charm but it still felt as if he knew exactly where to look – and his dark stare gave you shivers all over. You moved your hands to press them left and right of his cock and continued your up and down bobbing, slowly increasing your pace.
You could taste him already. Inhaling deeply through your nose, you closed your eyes and kept your rhythm, until you felt him stiffening up. His hand was on your head again, and he held you tightly in place as he started bucking his hips into your mouth. You held back whimpers, clawing your fingers into his skin as you tried to stay steady on your knees. Tears burned behind your eyelids as he kept hitting the back of your throat forcefully.
And then he froze, his entire body going rigid, and a tiny, suppressed moan escaped him as his length twitched inside your mouth, pumping feverishly – spilling his seed, emptying everything he had into your mouth and down your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sensation, gripping his thighs in support. Eventually he let go of your head and leaned back again, breathing hard, while his cock slipped out of your mouth, leaving a trail of cum strands on your tongue, lips and chin.
He filled you up good, and it took you several hard swallows to get it all down, before you started licking your lips and wiped the rest off your face with the back of your hand. You were breathing just as hard as he was, your heart pounding inside your chest. It took you a few moments to regain your composure and as you watched him, he had slumped down in the chair a little, his eyes closed, chest rising and falling fast – with a wide smirk on his lips.
When you moved in and licked the rest of his release off his length, his eyes flew open, and he watched you with a tilted head. You smiled an invisible smile. Once he was cleaned up, you gently put him back behind the constraints of his clothes, buttoning his breeches with shaking fingers until it looked as if nothing happened.
“Thank you, friendly ghost,” you heard him whisper quietly as his hand found your cheek under the table and caressed it softly. You leaned into his touch and then turned your head to place a kiss on his palm before you slowly moved back from between his legs and out of his reach again, smirking to yourself.
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Like our mc here, I woke up feeling naughty today and just had to write this scene. And I did so with the help of the amazing smut thesaurus by @prurientpuddlejumper - as a non-native English speaker it's always fun to add to my vocabulary and this guide (and also The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic) helped me so much. Can only recommend when you struggle to find words to describe anything really!
Also there is another part to this where the roles are reversed: PART 2 - The Sweet Revenge!
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The Ghost under the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
The Ghosts on the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
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Pictures credit:
(I have to be honest, I've saved so many screenshots of lover boy here and if there's no copyright on it, I really have no idea who I "borrowed" it from, so please forgive me and accept a list of my favorite screenshot providers of this fandom! <3 If you recognize your screen and are not on the list, please tell me, I'll add you right away!)
@dingdongdick @phinik @hogwartslegacypics @deathlysallows @purindaimaou @sinty2ek @shadesofgaunt
Thank you for your continuous services to fuelling our Sebastian obsession! I salute you!
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melanieph321 · 8 months
Hi can you write angst Rúben finding you sick because of your pregnancy in the bathroom after an away game, he's panicking and take care of you for the rest of the night
Love this! Switched it up a lil bit.
Ruben Dias x Reader - Here For You
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You were pregnant with your second child, and Ruben had been the epitome of support and care for you throughout the entire journey. He had been there for every prenatal appointment, had endured the late-night cravings and mood swings, and had even renovated his office so that you could work from home and focus on your growing family.
One day though, when Ruben came home from training, he was greeted by a scene that made his heart race with panic. You were lying on the bathroom floor, clutching your stomach and gasping for breath. Your face was crunched up with discomfort and your eyes were glassy with fear.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Ruben shouted, dropping his gym bag and rushing to your side. "Are you okay?"
You tried to speak, but your voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't know," you managed to say. "I just feel so sick. I've been vomiting all day."
Ruben's mind raced with worst-case scenarios, but he knew he needed to stay calm. "Should I call the paramedics?" He asked, a hand rubbing your back.
"No. I think it's normal. I'll be fine. Just help me get off the floor."
You had barley finished the sentence before being cradled into Ruben's strong arms. He brought you to your bedroom, setting you down on the bed.
"I'll be right back." He reassured.
You knew what he was going to do. He was going to call the school your son went to. You were supposed to pick him up an hour ago, however, with your aches, you hadn't made it out of the front door.
Nevertheless, your son was picked by one of Ruben's friends who's daughter went to the same school.
You had managed to drift off to sleep when a small set of hands patted your face.
"Hey, mommy needs to rest." Ruben said, catching your son next to you in bed, trying to get your attention.
"It's okay." You smiled and invited your son to lay under the covers with you. You were feeling much better now that you had gotten some rest.
"Is the baby sick too?" Your son asked, his small hands roaming your pregnant belly.
"No, the baby is fine." You ran a hand through his locks. "How was school honey?"
"Okay. Uncle John picked me up."
"He did?"
You looked to Ruben who stood watching you in the door frame.
"Remind me to call and thank him." You said.
"No need. John was glad to help."
Still, you couldn't help but to feel guilty for being such a trouble when pregnant.
"Come on son, time to get you washed up and ready for dinner." Ruben took care of most of them chores that night. He left you to stay in bed whilst he took care of dinner, helped your son with his homework and eventually put him to bed.
He returned to you in bed once the house was quiet and all the lights were off.
"What?" You asked, as Ruben had crawled into bed without saying a word, just grabbing a hold of your hands and pressing them to his face and his lips.
"I was so scared when I found you in the bathroom like that." Ruben pressed soft kisses to your fingertips. You ran your free hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, but I promise you, I'm all good now."
Ruben shook his head. "I know, I know. I was just....so scared."
There was more to it than that, you could tell. "What is it baby?"
Ruben lifted his head to meet your eyes, reavilng that his eyes were glossy with tears. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." He said, voice thick.
"Oh, baby..." You pulled him into your embrace, letting his weight press you down against the matress. "You will never lose me." You said, your hands cupping his face.
"Us." He muttered.
"Lose us." He corrected, a hand slipping under your shirt, stroking the crease of your belly.
You smiled and nodded. "That's right, you'll never lose us."
Ruben's head dropped to your lips, kissing you hard. You kissed him back with equal amount of passion, reminding yourself how greatful you were for your family.
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Little drop of your love
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requester: Can you possibly do a Azriel X reader where they are newly mated and the IC and them go out at Rita’s and someone hits on her?
a/n I had so much fun writing this it's almost illegal...
warning: mention of sexual themes, creeps in the club
It has been a month. A whole month since you last saw your family. The mating frenzy has been so intense, since you and Azriel accepted the bond, that even Azriel has positioned all of his works. There was no way you two could be without one another for longer than five minutes. If it wasn't him between your legs, then it was you on your knees looking up at the spymaster or Azriel with your legs over his shoulders as he ate you out. Never before had you felt such a strong desire to be this close to him. Even with him buried deep inside you, you still felt like he wasn't close enough. It's like you wanted to crawl inside his skin. Somehow completely melt inside him and just becomes one body and soul. 
In the beginning, you couldn't care less that it was just you. That's all you wanted, and you cursed Rhys out for interrupting you two. Even the thought of Azriel being anywhere but in your bed made you physically sick, as if you were going to die if he spent a moment elsewhere. But as the weeks passed and the initial craziness faded, you two spent more time laying in bed laughing and cuddling. That was when you realized how badly you two neglected your friends. You knew deep down that they would understand, and in the worst-case scenario, you two might just get teased. Maybe get a prize for being all up on each other for the longest time. Yet it still made your heart ache a little. You missed the girls. And boy, oh boy, how many stories you had to share with them. Not to mention that you missed messing around with Cassian. He had always been like a brother to you. Yeah, an evening just getting wasted with him and talking absolute nonsense was long overdue.
So when Feyre gently knocked on your mental shields, you had to hold yourself back from screaming from excitement. The rest of the family was planning a trip out for a night at Rita's. You two were invited, of course, and as Feyre said, that would allow everyone a chance to celebrate your mating bond since there was no time for that prior.
"Az, come on, I want to put on something nice and have fun with our friends." You, of course, agreed to the offer without informing Azriel about it, leaving him all grumpy in bed now. "You've been wearing my clothes, ain't that nice?" His hands were once again resting on your hips as he laid practically on top of you, nibbling at your neck from time to time.
"Yes, but I miss our family. Don't you?" He has always been a huge family man. There was not a single family dinner or gathering that he missed. You knew he loved them without a doubt, so this was still the mating bond speaking from within him. "You weren't complaining about that an hour ago", "Azriel", the male-only laughed, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you squirmed beneath him. 
But after long hours of trying to sway him your way and thanking him for agreeing afterward, you managed to convince him to finally go out. And in all honesty, who was he to deny your wishes? Azriel was ready to do anything for you if that would make you happy. You were his priority now. His mate. His equal. The other half that he had wanted to find for so long.
Azriel felt like a whole new man. Even Cassian had pointed out that his brother was smiling more. Well, at first the general had asked if he wasn't sick, earning a vulgar gesture from the shadow singer. But everyone could see just how happy and full of life Azriel had become once you stepped into his life. One by one, you broke through all of his walls and, with your gentle and slow love, showed him a whole new meaning of life.
Azriel was happily sitting by the fireplace, smiling to himself, thinking of all the memories you two had shared when he heard the sound of your high heels approaching. And all he could do was let out a low growl as you gave him a little swirl while biting your lip. "I think we won't make it out the door," Azriel said, taking hold of your hand and spinning you around one more time, admiring how the black material of the dress, accompanied by white pearls, fitted your body simply perfectly.
"We're matching," your hands had come up to rest on his chest, feeling the soft material of the black shirt he was wearing, "And it's honestly rude how you manage to look so sexy with just a shirt and a couple of undone buttons," smacking his chest playfully, you moved to pull away, pouting slightly. "You're the sexiest when you're naked, but this is outrageous," bringing you closer to him. Azriel placed a loving kiss on the crown of your head, "You look breathtaking, my love."
Smiling brightly, you wrapped your hands around his neck. Even with high heels on, you barely got to meet his lips without stepping on your tippy toes. Azriel leaned in, pressing his lips against yours, not caring about the red lipstick you were wearing. Within seconds, the kiss got more passionate, and Azriel's hands started scrunching up the material of your silk dress. "Az, you'll mess up the dress before we even get there," you grumbled, pulling away from him. Brushing your fingers against his lips so you could wipe away the red tint covering them. "Good, they know you had some action before you came there, and they'll stay away," you shook your head, rolling your eyes as you two walked out.
The club was stuffed when you got there. And with you being out for the first time in quite a while, the sea of bodies and the drumming of the music instantly made you want to step away as an overwhelming amount of stimulation flooded your senses. Azriel instantly draped his hand over your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. His other hand held yours as you two stepped forward. He could feel your emotions loud and clear. Sending some comforting strokes of love through the bond, feeling as your body instantly became less tense as his body pressed to yours. 
It was a question in itself. But somehow, through all of the sounds, you heard the loudest shriek that Mor had let out once you two came into view, immediately running your way. Feyre and Nesta follow one step behind as they all embraced you. Once you were practically swallowed by the females, Azriel stepped aside and went to join his brothers, who both had the biggest smiles on their faces. "Look who finally graced us with their presence," Rhys chirped, handing Azriel a glass. "Reeking of sweet, sweet sex," Cassian added, earning a shove from Azriel in return as the two males laughed. "I'm surprised she's walking", "I'm not an animal, Rhys", the spymaster gave his high lord a look before turning his attention to you. You haven't yet crossed the distance towards the private nook. The girls still twirling you around as if you were the most unseen creature ever. Azriel would have asked them to stop and leave you alone, but the smile on your face as you all giggled among each other is what stopped him. His lips curve up as he watches you.
"Come on, we need it in millimeters", "And don't forget the details", "No, tell me if he's into some kinky stuff", they were all talking over one another, and you found yourself laughing so hard your cheeks started to sting. "Should I be concerned that all you bunch care about is my mate's cock?", you teased them in return, earning multiple eye rolls and growls.
"It's for research!", Mor whined from beside you. "Fine, he has the biggest wingspan for a reason. Never seen anything like that in my humble life," you said, Nesta fell back on the plush material of the sofas as the girls once again erupted into fits of laughter. "Does he treat you well, though?" Feyre took a hold of your hand, squeezing it softly. "He's perfect," you said, turning your attention to the boys and instantly catching Azriel's gaze. Even while he was still talking with his brother, his eyes didn't seem to leave you. "I feel like a princess. He's the best." Smiling at your high lady, you leaned into her embrace.
As the night went on, more and more drinks were poured, and saluted by everyone. You were sitting on Azriel's lap, his hand loosely wrapped around your lower body, as everyone watched Cassian peel his shirt off as he performed quite a lap dance for Nesta. It was hard to tell the difference between her wanting to kill her mate and just wanting to rip the rest of his clothes off.
 "Someone needs to save his poor soul," Azriel laughed in your ear, kissing your exposed shoulder, "I'll go get us some drinks and grab him a water," Azriel was almost up when you pushed him back down on the seat. "I'm perfectly capable of doing that on my own", the spymaster shot you a warning look before you leaned in kissing him softly, biting his lip as you pulled away. Azriel cursed under his breath just as you walked off, smirking like a cat.
Most of the people in the club were wasted. It shouldn't have surprised you, given how late it was. But that also meant that the club was starting to get less stuffy. The crowd was still big, but at least it felt like there was a tiny bit more breathing space. You shouted your order to the bartender, who complimented you in return. Wishful fool, you thought to yourself as you smiled at him, grateful that he turned away to mix the different liquors without a second glance. You were still laughing to yourself, thinking how badly you were going to tease Cassian tomorrow, when you felt someone come to stand next to you. You would have ignored it, but the closeness of the stance made you frown as you turned to look its way.
The male was pretty tall, but nothing compared to Azriel. Light hair, bright blue eyes. Ah... Everything you hated the most in males. You stepped to the side, but he took that as an opportunity to catch a hold of your hand, making you turn his way. "What a pretty flower has landed on my way," you cocked your head to the side, "More like you landed yourself here," the male whistled back, a smirk on his face. "And she has an attitude. Do you carry that into the bedroom as well?" Your eyes went big as you gaped at him, "Excuse me?", "You heard me, you like to be a little brat?", his hands gripped your waist as he pulled you closer to him, your hands instantly came up to push against his chest so he wouldn't get too close. Turning your head to the side as you closed your eyes. But not even a moment later, the hands were ripped off of you, as you fell into someone's embrace. Looking up, you saw that it was Cassian, who now looked way soberer than he did a few minutes ago. Returning your gaze to the front, you noticed Azriel's back, wings already perked up as he towered above the male.
"Oh little lad, I would step aside if I were you," Rhys warned him, knowing that this could escalate rather quickly. "Maybe you should mind your business; I was getting some," Azriel stepped forward, lifting the blonde by his shirt. "I will send you flying into pieces if you say even a single word," the shadow singer grunted through his teeth. You tried to reach for him, but Cassian wrapped his arm around you, bringing you closer to his chest. You tried to protest, but you knew that it was mainly for keeping you safe in case Azriel completely lost his cool. Not only to protect you but also Azriel, knowing that he would never forgive himself if, in the heat of the moment, he hurt you by accident. 
The shadows were swirling all around the place. The poor male's feet were dangling in the air as Azriel glared at him. And if looks could kill, the sorry fuck would be six feet under.  "You ever decide to touch my mate ever again, and I'll make you eat your own hands, understood?" The male only nodded his head, squirming in the tight grip of the spymaster. "I asked you a question, shitass!" Azriel roared, making the glass bottles at the back bar shake ever so slightly. "Yes, I'm so sorry, please," the male pleaded, almost crying. Azriel threw him across the room without a second thought as he turned to you.
Cassian instantly let go of you, stepping aside, as well as raising his hands up. Yet Azriel didn't miss a chance to also growl at his brother. You took a hold of your mate's hand, dragging him into the back room for some privacy. Luckily, the place was empty as you closed the doors behind the two of you. Azriel was still breathing heavily. You knew, you could tell from the way he was clenching his fist that he was fighting against the urge to go back there and beat the daylight out of that male. You approached him, stepping in between his legs, your hands running through his perfectly made hair. Azriel let out a deep breath as he nuzzled his face into your stomach, hands gripping your sides as he breathed in your scent.
He needed to ground himself. To pull himself out of the blinding rage. He refused to be violent in front of you. Of course, you knew what Azriel did. You knew that very well, but that didn't mean that he wanted to welcome his dark side into day-to-day life. "I'm all okay. I'm here with you," you mumbled softly, thankful for the dimmed-out music that allowed you to keep your voice nice and soft. "He...", Azriel spoke, but his voice died down as he clenched his jaw tightly.
"He's a doomed creature with a death wish," you said as you gently nudged Azirel's head up to meet your gaze. "You could have been seriously hurt. He could have... ", "I'm here, you saved me, and I'm alright," you said, placing both of your hands on either side of his face as you bent forward, resting your forehead on his. "I promise that I'm fine, Azzy," yet his eyes still searched you as if he was trying to find a lie in your words. Shaking his head, he pressed himself closer to you once again. You ran your fingers up and down his neck, scratching him ever so slightly.
"We should have stayed at home," Azriel groaned, but you quickly cut in, "That's not true. We had a fun night, and we'll continue to do so," you said, pushing him back into the soft pillows as you moved to straddle his lap.
"What do you think you're up to, sweet girl?", he asked, but you only smirked as you pressed your finger to his lips and said, "Saying thank you to my knight in shining armor." The darkness in his eyes was replaced with a lustful look as he moved his hand under the skirt of your dress. Eyes going big as his fingers came in contact with your bare hips. A mischievous smirk paints your lips as you lean forward, leaving kisses on his exposed chest. "It's your lucky night, little bat. I came bearing gifts," the shadow singer only shook his head as he flipped you two over, "You're so going to pay for this, gorgeous."
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linddzz · 6 months
In Which Hob, a Shitty Wizard, Meets a Supposed Demon
Last week or so I made too many posts about what if Hob, still immortal, trying out occultism but kinda crap at it (which is some bullshit considering that Death is his drinking buddy), first meets Dream as the devil in the basement of The Magus Burgess. I called it "the shit-wizard Hob AU"
I still don't know if I'll finish it. But I couldn't stop it from starting.
No editing no betas we post on Tumblr like idiots.
EDIT: very mild editing still no betas we still stupid
In August of 1923, Hob Gadling - currently Rob Gedlen- is introduced to a demon.
It is, he has to admit, rather impressive. Or at least, the bonds keeping it tamed are. The prison space is everything a magus cellar should be. All arched, ancient stone and dim lighting that only barely illuminates the painted ceiling. Shadows so deep that even the electric bulbs only give the dark textures of colour. Green algae, the saturated grays and browns of rock, the faded blue and gold of the artificial night sky.
The oily glint of black iron chains. The sweeping ooze of the light over the curved iron scaffolding the chains held up, and the dizzying reflection off of the glass orb held within the iron like a gem clasped in dragon claws suspended over a small, mirror flat moat and an intricate golden circle.
Very impressive. Forboding even. The sort of thing a magus should have in his cellar.
The man inside of it looks for all the world like an ordinary naked man. Right number of limbs, hair and skin natural colors, everything in place where it should be. That's if one ignored the fact that he was sitting calm and clean in a fully airtight sphere of glass. Ordinary, if you were a dimwit and took human shape as a sign of humanity.
“This,” Burgess says with a wicked, bitter sort of pride, “is the Order’s secret of success.”
Hob whistles, because he thinks he should show some sort of appreciation. He's been working for Burgess for a few years now after all, and knows when to look suitably impressed. It is impressive, so he doesn't need to play it up too much when he follows Burgess past the wrought iron gate.
The man in the glass looks less like a mystical secret and more like he needs a coat. He's even sitting with his knees tucked to his chest, delicate ankles crossed in front of him, arms loosely draped forward and black haired head bowed down as if in deep thought.
With his nakedness, the curled position would look painfully vulnerable, were it not for the overwhelming sense that he's waiting.
“He's a demon of dreams. Or close enough to a demon.” Burgess explains. His cane tapping on the stone is the only other sound in that strange space. “I was attempting to summon Death itself, and failed at my task. But I did not come away empty handed.”
Yeah, that's probably for the best. If Hob had sauntered down here and seen Her displayed in a glass cage like a bauble, he would have done something stupid and violent. Best case scenario; She would just laugh at him for overreacting. Worst case; She'd do it with that sad little twist to Her mouth.
The entity Burgess did nab seems miniscule compared to the apparatus around him, to the manor towering over their heads. Yet even Hob and his absolute shit senses for magic can feel how everything is circling the center point of the man. They're all little marbles, orbiting the sphere and the mass within it.
“An incubus?” Hob asks, walking around the perimeter of the moat. His tone is mild, curious, intrigued. It's a talent of his to not exactly lie, but to use some of his feelings to mask others.
It’s a horrible thing, to take the freedom of another for your own benefit.
Her voice echoes in his head. That moment is never far from his head. The sad sweetness of her voice turned sour. The hard disappointment in her dark eyes. He will never forget the horrid, sickening twist of guilt of that meeting, and he feels it when he looks at the demon in the magus’ cellar.
The lights reflect oddly in the sphere, making it seem as if the man himself were the source of illumination. His skin is the sort of gleaming white that poets would froth over. Hob isn't a poet, but even he can tell that “white” hardly does it justice. The alabaster statues a floor above are going to appear dull and crude now when compared to the snow-under-moonlight of the man down here. The shadows of him are blue, violet, deepest velvet black.
Maybe not snow under moonlight, Hob thinks, reminded of the multi-hued winter twilight.
Now that he's closer, Hob can make out the sharply sculpted features of him. His curled body is a lean, hungry twist of muscle that reminds one less of actual flesh than of a tangled metal chord. His cheekbones are sharp and high, his eyes cast down with a sweep of raven wing lashes. The only hints of life are the faint flushes of seashell pink at his ears, his fingers, the still and plush lips.
“If you like.” Burgess says, which means the man isn't an incubus and Burgess thinks he's fucking clever again. The magus is watching Hob now, who is examining the circle, the iron chains, anything that will keep him from thinking too much about the thin form trapped within it.
“I attempted first to gain favors from it.” Burgess continues when Hob says nothing. “But it is stubbornly silent. No matter.”
Burgess has stepped past the moat, past the circle, to stand with his nose nearly touching the round glass wall. Hob stays outside of the barriers, but he is close enough that he can see the hate that always sits beneath his boss’ manners.
“No matter.” Burgess repeats, sneering at his captive. “Found a use for you anyway, didn't I? Just its presence brings power to this place. It amplifies the magic here, makes the spells wrought near it more solid.”
“Not much hope for me then, if I'm already by some magic booster.” Hob grins, and his boss chuckles almost fondly. It had been a whim that had Hob joining the Order. He’d never tried being a magician before, though he had gone to a few seances when they were at their peak. Occultism wasn't too fashionable anymore, so Hob thought it was best to try it out now before it got truly passe.
He's glad he's only been at it for a few years, because he's crap at it. All the costumes and chanting and intricate rituals seem silly, even when he's seen the true results of it. It was just a bunch of nonsense cobbled together from bad translations and old frauds that everyone knew were frauds back in the day! But if you followed the stupid made up rubbish perfectly, sometimes it would result in some actual magic.
That's one of the stupid things about magic. If all you can think about while doing a spell is that you must look like an utter berk, it won't work.
“We all have our talents, Mr. Gedlen.” Burgess says mildly, indulgently. “It's why I have brought you here, actually. You may not have the Gift,” he always referred to magic like that, you could hear the self important capitalized letters in it, “but you’re measured. Resilient. Notably unshakable.
Hob supposed that was true enough. Being in a house with a bunch of wizardy twats who were too busy going mad while practicing the perfect runes took a level head. Someone needed to have enough of a practical mindset to smother out all the fires that tended to happen, even if those fires had colors that gave you a headache.
“I've tried other magicians, promising acolytes, ruffian's from the street.” Burgess continues, sighing with remembered disappointment and gazing hard at the unmoving demon. “They would lose their nerve, complain of nightmares, or they would be too dimwitted to know the sorts of things to report on.”
Hob moves again, still keeping to the edges of the moat, until he is looking at Burgess’ back and into the lowered face of the demon. “You want me to be a guard?” He asks, voice mild because he isn't sure how he feels about that.
“An observer.” Burgess corrects. “You're sharp, though I've noticed that you try not to show it. You don't have a talent for magic, but you're quick to catch onto the supernatural.”
Hob should hope so, all things considered.
“I want you to take one of the guard shifts, yes. But I want to see what you observe compared to the thicker minds my son has hired. I want you to tell me when it moves, how it moved, if the light seemed different, if you felt tired despite the forced march pills you will be required to take. Any sign that it might be trying to wear away at the binds that hold it.
Do not be fooled by it's stillness or fair looks.” Burgess taps his cane on the sphere, making it ring like a perfect crystal. “This is a demon. If it ever breaks free, it will destroy all of us without a thought.”
The demon lifts its head then, and Hob wonders if his heart finally stops. The movement is slow, strange and dragged, a statue that can only mimic how a living thing would move. The raven wing lashes fly up. The demons eyes are shadowed. Far more deeply shadowed than they should be for the amount of light shining off his skin.
Within those shadows, the place where his eyes must be draw all the light in, refine it, refract it back in the distant twinkling of two dim, hateful, cold stars.
“Yeah. I don't doubt that.” Hob says quietly, and the demons eyes blaze in its beautiful, dead face.
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