#this is top tier lore
rom-e-o · 4 months
So, I think I'm just going to flat out make it so Bess does kind of have kind of a sixth sense and is sensitive to paranormal things. I'm not doing anything big or grand with it (except, perhaps in the DnDverse); Bess doesn't try to hone it or think she's a medium or psychic or anything like that--she doesn't want to or really, necessarily even believe that anybody can truly harness those abilities like they claim they can--it's just a little quirk she has. Maybe it makes sense being the daughter of a ghoul.
Anyway, going along with my theory for how ACC can even happen because Christmas is the Night of Miracles where, as the story goes, God himself became flesh and was born into our world, lifting the veil between realms of physical and spiritual during such an occurrence (I don't believe there's ANYTHING in the Bible that states that--it just makes sense for this theory) and thus altering the fabric on that night throughout time since, and that's why Marley could make contact with Scrooge and the Spirits could do their thing; consequently, Bess tends to notice a lot more activity around Yuletide. And on the night itself, she can absolutely see things. She doesn't talk about it much: Most of what she sees are the wretched ghosts like her father, doomed to wander the globe while fettered in chains forevermore, and it's terribly sad and even frightening. But she does also see Christmas Spirits. (Yes, unfortunately, this means Bess, probably does, see cheerlings. 😅Sorry, babe.)
But those aren't the only spirits she can see. Remember, the veil has been altered on this night; other visitors of a more heavenly variety can make an appearance. Angels. Passed loved ones.
That first Christmas in 1843D (funnily enough, while the Scrooges are having their own visitation), Bess catches sight of somebody slipping into Connie's room late in the night. She calls to Connie, obviously thinking it's her, but gets no answer, so she goes to investigate. Maybe Connie had a nightmare?
When she peeks around the door into Connie's room, she sees a man sitting on the edge of Connie's bed. He's translucent and emitting a warm glow that fills the room with comfort, peace, love; there's nothing frightening about this man at all. And he's holding one of Connie's hands and strokes her hair while she remains fast asleep.
Bess can only stand and stare in wonder. She's never had an encounter quite like this. After a moment, he looks over at her and Bess can recognize him from pictures of Connie's and Theresea's: Arthur DoGoode. They lock gazes and hold for a moment, Arthur smiling softly all the while. Then, as if in more of a thanks than simple recognition, Arthur nods at Bess. Bess can't help but smile and nod in return, somehow certain Arthur is expressing appreciation for all she's done to help Connie.
After the moment of understanding passes, Arthur turns back to Connie and leans down to kiss her head. Then as suddenly as he appeared, Arthur is gone. But Bess has no doubts. This wasn't a dream; she is wide awake, nor has she ever had lucid dreams--this was real. And she can't wait to tell Connie about it on Christmas morning.
Also, this could absolutely happen in the og timeline now.😊
I have to let you know that i saw this ask pop in right as I was walking home from the trail, and absolutely booked it the rest of the way home because I was so excited to read and respond.
I love the concept of Bess having this casual attunement to the metaphysical. It feels right for her, even if it does mean that the poor woman has to see/tolerate Cheerlings.
I've never thought about his ghost materializing to visit her, but it absolutely makes sense that it would. He LOVED his daughter so much, and in many ways, this is the first Christmas she's felt peace since marrying Orin, and since Arthur's death as well. It feels like the first time that he could visit her; while she's at rest and actually have an uninterrupted moment with her
I feel like Connie wakes up the next day and practically dances into the kitchen, twirling and humming.
"Good morningggg~ Oh, I had the absolute best sleep! Usually i feel so glum on Christmas, with the cold and snow, but something must be in the air! I feel so well-rested and just ...so happy."
All the while, she keeps caressing the spot on her forehead were Arthur's ghost kissed her.
I love how Arthur stays silent, even in the afterlife and in his new corporeal form, but his approval and adoration is unquestionable. He knows the impact Bess has had on his daughter, and his thankfulness radiates from that warm glow.
Full disclosure, IF Arthur was alive to meet the 1843D girls, he would absolutely admire the girls just as much as Theresea.
He wouldn't be able to comfort strengthening words or help with projects and tasks, but he would give do anything for them. (I mean, when he found out about Orin's abuse, he was first to grab a pistol and go after him.) Just like TeTe sees Bess as a daughter her her, Arthur would feel similar. He's be so proud of her.
Anyway, I'm in LOVE with this HC in any universe. I think it fits so well with the original lore of ACC, and adds so much lovely and symbolic meaning.
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duchessathena · 15 days
what i love about sonic boom is that it’s essentially what if the sonic characters were essentially in a the muppets type sitcom setup for at least 100 episodes and everyone in the cast gets to flex their comedy muscle especially roger craig smith who used to do stand up
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dragon-ascent · 2 months
Yesterday I managed to snag a ticket to the Genshin concert in Singapore! Initially shot for Archon-level seats but they sold out so fast. Got Harbinger instead which I'm really happy about!
Anyone else attending the concert? :D I'm super excited for it! Thinking I'll wear the Yae Miko earrings I bought recently. And my mini ita bag with Zhongli and Pokemon merch on it!
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etapereine · 6 days
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"rosa's son-in-law"
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mazojo · 3 months
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Im sorry but I love how Wally is just going ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-'' in the background while Howdy was talking during the video [im talking about the video of the Wally plush btw]
ikr its so cute!! a lil scream he scrumpt Wally Style!
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starryeyesmasc · 3 months
what brand of crack do sleep token put in their music and where do I sign up
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qhostnq · 1 year
"You Were Already Dead When I Shot You Through Your Heart" 🎃 x 💘
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
Rotating Phillip (the last dimension) in my brain exponentially faster every day until season 2 is here
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koshiiimagines · 1 year
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Just the wolf bois hanging out
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revanknightwoman · 3 months
Star Trek: The Next Generation Series
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Create a Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes (Seasons 1-7) Tier List - TierMaker
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infernothechaosgod · 1 year
At first I preffered to think bbh ate or killed ron But now I realised, the farm arc could possibly be a very long psyhological troubeling Arc in the best way possible NO MATTER WHAT, NO MATTER WHERE WE GO WITH IT
Becuse look at this like that
It's hallucination? Perfect we have great pay off after amazing set up Bbh in shown to be as brutal as possible for him and his actions would directly effect his on going decisions even more, it would be a great horror, imagine bbh visiting ron for some time and then after like a week looking at photos and seeing what really happend seeing a dead rotting corpse
That would be amazing great plot twist That was hinted and teased all around and makes a bunch of sense
It's real? Honestly Even better if played right
Ron and bbh would have an extremly complicated relationship, becuse bad does see ron as family now remember He wants to protect him and such but at the same time he's keeping him trapped I can just see the streams going more and more dark over time or maybe getting better overtime, both is okay for me becuse no matter what it will be a psyhological horror to some pretty high level
It gets more dirsturbing over time? AMAZING! We get to see how messed up bad is truly with ron someone who bad has no really strong opinion or impression of and whom he doesnt really need to lie to in a way, I can imagine bad going more and more crazy overtime and it showing up in those calm bits at the farm the most becuse I belive ron could be his confession booth in a way
It gets more calm and sweet between em? Amazing
We have a psyhological horror of a kidnapper and a abducted one finding comfort and support in eachother we have a very dark story wrapped around in something fluffy and sweet And we could have glimpses of how really bessed up their relationship sometimes is sometimes
Imagine ron being allowed out after sometime but coming back, always coming back, becuse bad is "good" bad is "gentle" bad is "caring" The worst part is that bbh wouldnt probably even pretend to be those things he would accualy start caring for ron just becuse he's a care taker Taking care of others is like taking care of himself for him in a way it gives him comfort and something to do, I said this before but woudnt it be creepy if bbh slowly projected dappers personality onto ron to some level NOT FULLY but to some level
I mean...he already did some things that awfuly remind me of the egg quests
Bad boy halo is a fucking genius, no matter where it goes It will be amazing And don't even sugest saying "what if He'll decide to make relationship between ron and bbh justyfied or healthy" becuse bad is extremly emotionaly smart and he would never do anything to swep all the bad his character did under the rug He never did that bro He's too smart for that and you need to give him credit for it
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
forget the dsmp server starting anniversary, the red banquet happened two years ago
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natabatts · 2 months
got the curse of having a kinda cool alt girl aesthetic paired with the ‘i don’t talk unless spoken to’ disposition which makes me seem aloof and mysterious. but when people approach me and i open my mouth the spell is instantly broken.
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yume-fanfare · 1 year
types of enstars satellite characters:
get mentioned often and have a defined personality but don't appear: hokuto's grandma, kuro's sister, ruka
appear in the story but don't get dialogue themselves, other characters translate what they're saying or doing: anzu, maguro, tori's sister, GFK
have their own dialogue but no sprite: idea, makoto's dad
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jjunieworld · 7 months
you guys don’t know how excited i am for txt’s upcoming album
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