#this is why its vital to save your old art like you can get yourself so down and be like wtf am i doing this for im not improving
4giorno · 8 months
oh my god. i just saw some of my OLD OLD digital art like before i made my art blog and holy fuck. suddenly faith in myself completely restored
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moneyvesta · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Retirement Planning: Where to Begin?
A phase of life that many of us anticipate is retirement. No more stress from deadlines and everyday jobs. Simply unwinding and having the liberty to do as you please, whenever you please. That sounds incredible, doesn't it? However, this dream could turn into a nightmare if you don't make plans for it now. Being broke during your retirement years is one of the scariest financial scenarios. For this reason, retirement planning is essential. But how do you even start? With so many alternatives for investments, taxes, and future costs to take into account, it might be daunting. 
This blog will walk you through the essentials and help you get started protecting your financial future.
Why is Retirement Planning So Important?
Let's start with the biggest question – why should you even bother with retirement planning? Can't you just do it when the time comes?
The simple answer is no, you cannot afford to leave it for later. Here are a few major reasons why diligent Retirement planning is vital:
Inflation's Effect: Inflation's destructive impacts can significantly lower your purchasing power over many decades. A large corpus that makes sense now might not make sense later on. Planning for retirement requires accounting for inflation.
Absence of Steady Money: You lose your main source of money when you quit working. Your retirement fund and the profits from your investments become your only sources of income.
Recurring Costs: Even after retirement, unforeseen major expenses might arise for anything from assisting loved ones to medical issues. In situations like these, your retirement plan will be a savior.
Simply put, not thinking ahead for retirement is like setting yourself up for financial trouble later on. Nobody wants to end up old, penniless, and relying completely on others, right?
Step 1: Determine Your Retirement Lifestyle
The first step is sitting down and thinking through the retirement lifestyle you envision for yourself. Do you plan to:
Travel frequently to see the world finally?
Take up hobbies like golf, art classes, or restoring that classic car?
Move somewhere with a lower cost of living?
Finally, pay off that mortgage or any other debts.
Clarity on your objectives is crucial to figuring out how much you need to save for retirement to make it all happen. To determine where you're beginning from, look at your expected social security and pension benefits, assets, income, and budget as of right now. You will need to make some adjustments if your goals and predicted income don't match. 
Step 2: Get Your Finances in Order
Before you can start saving for retirement, you need to understand and organize your current financial situation. Start by:
Calculating your net worth by listing all assets and liabilities
Tracking your monthly income and expenditure
Identifying and eliminating wasteful expenses
Paying off any high-interest debt like credit cards
Once you have a clear picture of your cash flows, you can decide how much you can realistically afford to invest each month for retirement.
Step 3: Explore Your Investment Options
Once you have an approximate target amount in mind, you can start exploring various investment options to build your retirement fund. Some of the most popular ones include:
Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
National Pension System (NPS)
Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Mutual Funds
Real Estate
Each of these has its pros, cons, risks, and tax implications. It's crucial to speak to a qualified financial advisor to create an optimal investment mix tailored to your specific needs and risk appetite.
Step 4: Review and Rebalance Periodically
Retirement planning is a continuous process. Periodically examine and rebalance your financial portfolio in light of evolving market conditions and life circumstances.
You might wish to switch to less riskier assets as you get closer to retirement. If your earlier assumptions proved to be incorrect, you could also need to increase your contributions.
The only way to stay on track to meet your retirement goals is to consult with a professional retirement planner who will conduct an annual evaluation and adjust your path as necessary.
Is it too late now
Fortunately, there is always time to act. The sooner you begin, the better, it is true. However, you still have time to make corrections and accumulate a solid retirement fund. It only requires self-control, expert investment planner advice, and a steadfast dedication to your objective.
Now is the time to start the process by consulting a knowledgeable and authorized financial advisor. They can assess your existing circumstances, comprehend your requirements for the future, and design a personalized retirement plan that will rest your mind.
Avoid letting retirement preparation fade into a regrettable afterthought. By taking charge now, you're investing in your golden years of freedom, dignity, and financial stability. Isn't that what we're all after?
How Can we help you?
Moneyvesta is here to help you develop and execute a rock-solid retirement roadmap. Our team of experienced and authorized Investment advisors will work with you to navigate this challenge so you can face the future with peace of mind. Book a Call with us now and Let's get started securing your dreams together, starting today!
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Just another Monday (Chicago PD x Officer!Reader)
A/N: Hi everyone! Just a little warning (?) I kinda implied the age of the reader here for the sake of the story, she’s around 40 or something like that, I didn’t put a number just keep in mind that she’s older than the team (not counting Hank). And a female reader again! I’m trying to write gender neutral but I’m having a hard time already just for writing in another language that I’m not that good at yet so bear with me! 💜 I hope you enjoy it!
Word Count: 2220 (I think lol)
The sensation of the sun caressing your skin right now was amazing, it made you like mornings just for this. You decided to get out of the car and lean on it to soak all of it while your partner was in the store, just crossing the street, when the radio inside the patrol broke you out of thoughts with dispatch describing a suspect in the area where you were.
You were about to answer to the call when you saw him walking in the same sidewalk you where, trying to hide with a red baseball hat wich was the worst “costume” you had saw in your life because the dude was enormous, with a horrific plaid vest that showed his big arms covered by ugly made-in-prison tattoos and looking everywhere like waiting for someone to jump at him. Fair enough...
There was a few people on the street so you decided to act distracted and wait for him to pass next to you where an internal street was desserted and there you could jump at him without hurting any civilian.
You saw your moment and punched him in the temple with all the force you could manage sending him stumbling on the empty street just like you planed. But what you hadn't previewed was that the guy was three times bigger than you and him recovering pretty fast. Just as you went for your gun he grabed your hand in his fist and throw you against a wall, sending your gun flying who knows where.
“Bad move you fucking pig” he growled at you with an incredibly pitched voice that thrown you off guard so badly that when you realized the situaction you were in he was grabbing you from your vest making your feet leave the floor, ready for toss you againt the trash cans next to you when he was sudenly hit in the back of the head releasing you in the moment.
That's when you saw him. Your fucking partner!!! But the reunion was short lived when the dude punched your partner in the face dropping him in the floor instantly and starting to go for his gun. Another possibility presented to and you didn't wait a second to jump in his back and start punching everything you could while holding him in a chokehold with your other arm to 1) not fall and 2) debilitate him enough until your partner finish recovering.
And that's how it when for what it felt like two hours of wrestling a bear. You guys landing pretty good and almost choreographed punches and the criminal landing all the nasty ones in your jaw and sides.
You could hear screeching tires in the background but you didn't have time to see what was it, you saw and opening and landed a punch in his groin destabilizing him so you finished with a kick on the back of his knees making him fall on his face. Quickly you cuffed him and sat down on his back so he wouldn't move. Panting hard you lifted your head up and froze when you saw the entire Intelligence Unit surrounding you and a few neighbors in the background.
You composed yourself when you realize that you were the one staring now and said "I think this belongs to you" and you were a bit relieved that a few of them laughed and not just your partner that was sitting against the wall. You were starting to get up when a rough looking hand appeared in front of you. Looking up you see Sergeant Voight with Burguess next to him and smiling at you.
"Thank you" you say taking his hand and trying to hide the pain that rushed through your entire ribcage but you couldn't help but wince. "You okay?" asked the rough voice. "Yeah just a bit very very sore" you answered panting through the pain and touching lightly your jaw to check it was on its place. "You probably have broken ribs, you're agitated" said Kim helping you towards the ambulance were your partner was being checked. "Just another Monday" you sighed sitting in a nearby bench while waited for them to finish. With closed eyes you tried to canalize the pain out of your body just like that only class of "experimental yoga" teached you to but like we already knew, it didn't work.
"I didn't remember you this badass you know" you heard a familiar voice talk next to you. Opening your eyes smiling at one of the best partners that Sarge Platt paired you with.
"Well you are a big boy now, playing with the big guns. I didn't even expected to be remembered by the famous Kevin Atwater" you joked giving him puppy eyes. You guys laughed and talked a little, now joined by Ruzek until a paramedic came and asked you to get into the ambo.
The second you lifted your right leg to get in a wave of unbearable pain shock your entire body and made you lose your balance. Thankfully one of the paramedics and Kevin catch you before the ground were even an option."Wow okay, Simon get bed out here now" yelled the paramedic lowering your body totally in the floor and started checking the vitals.
"I'm okay, just a bit dizzy" you reassured everybody as they came worried. You got lifted into the ambo and left with your partner by your side. He was okay but needed clearance from the ER. _________
You were in the locker room getting changed out of your uniform after being released from the hospital. 6 hours under observation. Yay. Now finally in the precinct you could grab your bag and leave to your now very tempting bed. You were in a sport bra and leggings trying to catch your breath after putting the laters on when someone talked from the door. "Damn that son of a bitch made an abstract painting in your middle" said Ruzek entering with Atwater, both looking at the colorful bruising that surrounded your ribcage. "Ha! You didn't see his best work yet" you commented while turning around to face them and pointing at the left side of your face. The bruise in your jaw was more like an angry red with touches of dark blue-ish already appearing. Thankfully, you guess, it was expanding more towards the neck than your face. That would just fucking suck. "Fuck woman, that's just ruining a piece of art" said Kevin grabbing gently your face and tilting it towards the light so they could see better. "Ha ha, fuck off Atwater" you said grabbing your shirt but it looked too tight so you just dropped it and went for an oversized hoodie and slowly put it on. "So why you guys here? You needed something?”. "Voight wants to talk to you, nothing serious, maybe go through a few details about today" "Okay, let's go" you breathe out, grab the bag and left with them. You were chatting, remembering the times you shared on the job with Kevin when Adam asked a curious question. "We never slept together, not even a little kiss, for God sakes Adam, he's way too young for me! And we were partners, it'll be fucking awkward" you answered him looking at him with a 'wtf' face stopping at the top of the stairs and of course dragging the attention of the rest that were up here. "C'mon, you're not old" replied Adam going to his desk, "even if you were you'll be totally a Milf". Your face turned bright red and everyone's jaw dropped at his comment. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Halstead trying not to laugh, Kevin nodding his head and Upton and Burguess scolding him. "Was it too much?" he asked honestly without a hint of regret. "I'll punch that pretty face of yours if I was able to lift my arm without passing out from the pain" you answered playfully narrowing your eyes at him but internally thanking the universe when you saw Voight's door office closed and him talking on the phone, not hearing anything of this. You talked a bit, the group asking how you were doing and remembering the badass movements you  pulled off earlier until the Sergeant opened the door and called you in. "Sit please" he said closing the door and going to his own chair. "What's the verdict? " "Well, where do I start" you chuckle lightly, "a nice looking jaw but it's just bruised. Two cracked ribs, one in each side and practically all of the lower ones bruised. Dr. Choi said that the dizziness was from the pain, it could happen again but from now painkillers and not sudden movements. And tomorrow I have to go get bandaged properly, so they can see if nothing got swollen". "Hell, you took a nice beating" he joked a they laughed a bit. After a moments of silence he talked again, "I like my unit how it is right now and we already have a new person coming, it'll get too crowded. But if I can have you as back up it'll be a gift. " "I love my job Sergeant" you breathe out after a minute of processing, "I love patroling and I love this city. This job saved my life...  I'm honored that you think of me like that and I'll gladly be a form of support for this unit". "I'm glad to hear that" he smiled at you. "Still I don't want you to get a wrong idea about me and later disappoint you for that" you tell him looking into his the eyes. "I'm not always this 'badass' officer that goes around beating bad guys and winning every fight. This is why I also am so grateful for, I been doing this for 16 years and I know I am not getting any younger and that the young boys and girls get picked up first because they malleable and ready to obey, so if you think of me for even a simple task once in a year I'll be the happiest gal in Chicago". You talk a bit more, it felt like a job interview but with a cool boss. You noticed he had your file on his desk and that he knew a few stories of you like if he had been around asking, but mostly was small chat. "Sorry to cut chat Sergeant but I took a few painkillers before coming up here and they started to kick in like right now" you said with an apologetic look on your face. "Please I'm the that should be apologizing, you had a hell of a day" said standing up and stretching his hand at you. "It's always a pleasure to meet people with such a conviction regarding work". "The pleasure is mine, sir" you said shaking his hand, opening the door and stepping a bit outside. "Thank you again, for the chance". "Bye guys it was nice talking to you" you smiled at the rest of the unit getting a few 'get well soon' and a 'see you later' from Kevin. Going downstairs, straight to the Sarge desk to check out. "You had a long chat with Voight, any news I should know about?" asked Platt handing you a paper to sign. "Just that I have young soul under this bunch of bruises" you winked at her and she chuckled a bit. "Come here tomorrow after your appointment and we'll talk about what you'll be doing until you heal". __________ Finally home. The sun was entirely hide from us and the moon was gigantic and shining, without a cloud bothering her. Opening the door from the apartment you were met with 3 seconds of silence until the sound of big paws and a soft 'meow' emerged from your bedroom. "Hello my babies" you greeted your dog, JJ, and cat, Atlas, that were already in front of you looking for kisses and hugs. You walked directly into your room, taking out the tight leggings but leaving the CPD soft hoodie on, just lifting it up to check your middle. Grabbed the painkillers from the bag and put them on the table next to your dresser, tall enough for JJ never reaching at them, and went to bed between your two fluffy friends. Just as you were reaching dreamland your phone alerted you of a message. It was an voice message from Kevin. If you don't remember wrong he was going to Molly's with the rest of the team. "Hey! It's Adam. Ruzek. Adam Ruzek you know? From today" he sounded totally wasted, "I just wanted to say sorry if I overstepped today at the precinct, calling you Milf and that. I mean you are not old enough to be a Milf, I think, wow I should have asked at least not just asume your age, but you'll totally will be a hot woman. Not that you aren't now, that's not what.. " and it cut itself. You stared at the ceiling for a few minutes until you started laughing like an idiot, even waking up your furry friends and having them look at you weird. And you thought after Voight chat this day couldn't have ended better.
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crafxstudio · 4 years
The 6 Best Social Media Platforms For Your Business in 2021
Some of the best social media platforms for business, like Facebook and Instagram, have become essential tools in the modern marketer’s toolbox.
More and more consumers are using these channels to find new companies and engage with their favourite brands. However, most companies can’t be everywhere at once, especially small businesses with tight marketing budgets. That’s why it’s vital for businesses to be strategic about which social media platforms they work to build a presence on.
The key to successful social media marketing will be choosing the best social media platform for your business. This is based on a number of factors, including the type of business you have, what audience you are trying to reach, your specific goals, and much more.
Below, we’ve put together a quick and simple guide to choosing the best social media for business in the new year.
1. Facebook
2. Instagram
3. LinkedIn
4. Twitter
5. Pinterest
6. YouTube
How to Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business
Before we start listing the best social media platforms, it is important that you know we curate such content often connect with us for more!
Here are the 3 biggest things you need to keep in mind.
#1 Choose Social Media Platforms Where Your Audience is Located
In order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to understand your customers. Specifically, you need to understand who they are and how they spend their time online.
Ask yourself:
• What social media platforms are they using?
• Why are they using those social media platforms?
• How do they prefer to receive information about your type of products and services?
If you do not already know this, then we recommend mapping out a customer avatar first.
A customer avatar is simply an outline of your customer demographics, goals, preferences, challenges, and other psychographics.
The more you understand your customer, the better you can select the best social media platforms to reach and engage them.
#2 Choose Social Media Platforms That are Specific to Your Content Type
There are two types of content – macro content and micro content.
Macro-content is BIG-picture, long-form content. The 3 different types of macro content consists of Video, Audio, and Written content.
Therefore, if you have macro content, the best social media platforms to publish that content would be YouTube for video content, Apple Podcasts for Audio, and WordPress for long-form blog content.
Micro-content, on the other hand, is short-form, easy to digest content. Think of micro-content like the pictures you find on your Instagram feeds while you’re scrolling, or short witty tweets on Twitter.
Now, there are several different types of micro-content social media channels, like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and so on.
So, in order to choose the best social media platforms for your business, you need to pick the ones where your audience is located.
Also, when it comes to Macro vs Micro content, you should keep in mind that Macro content has a much longer shelf-life than Micro content.
For example, a single blog post that we published has been generating 300-400 views per day at LYFE Marketing.
If people continued to search for that all year, that single blog post would drive over 100,000 views in 1-year’s time.
Whereas a single Instagram post would be here today and gone and forgotten tomorrow. But at the same time, this content is much easier to create and push-out on a consistent basis.
So keep this in mind as your choose which social media platforms you want to specialize in.
#3 Limit the Number of Social Media Platforms You Choose to be On
Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to be on every single social media platform that exists.
Each social media platform is like an art. You should master the art of 1-2 social media platforms before you consider adding more to your strategy.
It’s not necessary to be on every platform in the world. Facebook has 2 billion users. Instagram has 1 billion users. If you can do just one of these platforms very well, then you can have astronomical business results.
It takes a lot of work and money to develop a successful presence on these social media platforms. It’s not as simple as setting up a profile and pressing “publish” on a post.
No, in most cases, you will need to set aside some money to promote your content. In addition, you’ll need to review the analytics to determine if your content is effective or not.
So in short, as a small business with a limited budget, put all of your eggs in 1 or 2 baskets max to start. Then, consider expanding into other channels.
Alright, so that’s the criteria you need to keep in mind as you select the best social media platforms for your business.
Now, let’s go over some specific platforms to help you choose the best platforms for your business.
Here are the Best Social Media Platforms for Business
Platform #1: Facebook
Facebook is not the newest and coolest social media platform.
But the fact is that it is still the largest social media platform by far in terms of users.
It has over 2 billion monthly active users!
To know more about this in depth join our page!
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3/4 of Facebook users visit the site on a daily basis. Half of Facebook users visit the site several times per day.
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Oh and if you thought teenagers aren’t using Facebook, think again. Over half of teenagers use Facebook. And nearly half of people above the age 46 use Facebook!
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A better question would be, who doesn’t use Facebook?
Here’s a counterargument we hear a lot from our clients.
“I am targeting a high-income, highly educated, professional affluent audience. I don’t want to advertise on Facebook. How about LinkedIn?”
Well here’s the truth – According to Pew Research, 74% of people who have college degrees and are making above $75,000 per year have Facebook accounts. Only 49% of people making over $75,000 per year have LinkedIn accounts.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling, .
Best Features for Your Business
In addition to providing you the ability to connect with a great number of people from diverse backgrounds, there are a few unique features that Facebook can offer your business. What makes Facebook one of the best social media platforms for business is its digital advertising program . With Facebook ads, you are able to target those who are most likely willing and ready to purchase your products or services. This ensures that your business gets your ad content in front of the right users at the right time.
Another reason why Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for business is their e-commerce integration. Facebook makes it easy for users to purchase from your company through the social media platform. Making a purchase is as easy as clicking one button. Now that Facebook has allowed brands to interact with customers through Facebook, you can also provide shipping updates and other order notifications through the Facebook platform as well!
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Here you can see just how easy it is for users to shop on Facebook, save items they are interested in, and head straight to the company’s website to make a final purchase.
Platform #2: Instagram
Instagram is another platform that feels like it’s non-negotiable.
Maybe it’s because it’s owned by Facebook, or maybe it’s because it also has another 1 billion users.
To determine if Instagram will be one of the best social media platforms for your business, let’s look at the demographics.
If you’re targeting a younger demographic, Instagram will be great for you.
72% of all teenagers use Instagram and 67% of all young adults under the age of 30 use Instagram.
You will also find about half of the people under the age of 50 years old on Instagram, and even a quarter of people between the ages of 50-65 on Instagram.
Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
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Because of the younger demographic of Instagram users, there are fewer users with college education and high income compared to Facebook.
Only 43% of people with college degrees use Instagram, and only 42% of high-income earners use Instagram on a daily basis.
Because of this, some professionals believe that while Instagram is an exciting platform, you will often find yourself competing for “cheap attention”.
Basically, people are mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and in order to be successful, you’re going to have to be very engaging to capture people’s attention.
Ultimately, Instagram is a great platform to reach consumers at large, but it may not contain the most sophisticated audience for specific industries, like engineering or information technology, for example.
Best Features for Your Business
Instagram’s unique social media platform can provide some powerful benefits for your business. One of the best benefits of Instagram is that it allows you to tell your brand’s story with unique and engaging visual content. Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram is heavily focused on visuals, both images and video. No matter what industry your company is in, you can use Instagram to showcase your products and tell your brand story in a way that’s visually appealing.
One interesting feature that can be useful is Instagram stories. With Instagram stories, you can take live video and share it with all of your followers. With this feature, you can easily provide behind-the-scenes footage of your business and share important news and updates with your followers.
Like Facebook, Instagram also allows you to message users directly. This can be a great tool for customer service. For instance, if a consumer finds you on Instagram and has a question about your products or services, they no longer have to navigate to your website or pick up the phone to ask. Instead, they can direct message you through Instagram, which allows you to answer questions and address concerns instantly. If this excites you, Instagram may be your best social media platform for business.
Platform #3: LinkedIn
LinkedIn got its start as a business and employment-based social media platform.
It’s full of professionals across a wide-spectrum of industries, especially B2B companies.
LinkedIn currently boasts just over 300 million users are active on a monthly basis.
So, in terms of audience size, it’s 4x smaller than Facebook, and 2x smaller than Instagram.
However, this fact is actually correlated with a major strength behind LinkedIn – it’s news feed.
Because LinkedIn’s newsfeed is not as competitive as other giants like Facebook and Instagram, businesses are able to reach more of their connections and followers without paying for advertisements.
For context here, because Facebook and Instagram news feeds are so crowded, they rely on specific algorithms and rules to determine if they will actually show your content to your followers.
I know, crazy right? I mean, you’d think that people who chose to follow you would automatically see your content. But no, it simply increases their chances of seeing your content on those platforms.
Anyway, the cool thing about LinkedIn is that it is not as stingy with its news feed. Not yet anyway. Which provides businesses and professionals an opportunity to build massive awareness and engagement on their platform.
Now regarding LinkedIn’s demographics, here are some noteworthy things.
LinkedIn is mostly used by professionals between the ages of 30-49 years of age. However, about a quarter of professionals above the age of 18-29, which I’d really say 22-29 use LinkedIn. As well as another quarter of people between the ages of 50-64 that use LinkedIn on a daily basis.
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As mentioned earlier, LinkedIn does have a high-income audience. About half of people making over $75,000/year use LinkedIn on a regular basis.
In addition, about half of people with college degrees use LinkedIn on a regular basis, probably searching for their next job opportunity or seeking to consume professional content.
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Best Features for Your Business
One of the best qualities of LinkedIn is that audiences on this social media platform are business-minded. This means that they are often open to networking opportunities and hearing about ways to improve the way they work or make their job easier. This provides an excellent opportunity for B2B brands that would like to connect with business decision-makers across different industries.
Another feature that makes LinkedIn one of the best social media platforms are the digital advertising opportunities. Though digital ads on LinkedIn may be more expensive than ads on Facebook, this ad opportunity allows B2B brands to reach individuals from the specific industries that they are targeting. Similarly, LinkedIn allows you to deliver ad content to those with the job roles that are involved with making purchasing decisions related to a company’s B2B offering.
LinkedIn also has groups that users can join and participate in based on their industry, job function, or career interests. This provides an excellent opportunity for brands to drive real engagement with influencers and decision makers across different industries.
Ultimately, if you serve businesses or professionals, then Linkedin Marketing should definitely be in the running as a top-contender for social media platforms to choose for your business.
Platform #4: Twitter
With an average of about 330 million active Twitter users worldwide, this channel is yet another one of the best social media platforms.
Twitter is a real-time social media platform. It’s like sending text messages to the whole world.
And it’s one of the only social media platforms where you don’t necessarily have to a bunch of videos or photos to stand-out.
Tweets can be up to 280 characters, which allows you the ability to craft a short, sharp, and concise message.
And because it’s limited in characters, it forces you to be creative with what you have to actually say.
So what are the hard stats on Twitter? Here they are:
Twitter has over 330 million active users, so about the same as LinkedIn and once again nowhere near Facebook and Instagram.
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In terms of age, Twitter’s biggest demographic consists of people between the ages of 18-29. 38% of people in their category actively use Twitter, and surprisingly 32% of all teenagers use Twitter as well. You can also find about 26% of its users between the ages of 30-49.
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In terms of income and education, Twitter is not the highest on our list here. Only 32% of high-earners use Twitter regularly, and likewise, only 32% of people with college degrees use Twitter regularly.
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Best Features for Your Business
When it comes to Twitter, there are a few valuable features that may help it qualify to be one of the best social media platforms for business. Brands can use Twitter to reach and engage their audience. Hashtags allow you to follow and participate in conversations about trending topics in your industry. You can use hashtags to reach new audiences who might be interested in your content. Your brand can also take advantage of topics that are trending to expand your reach.
Twitter also offers advertising opportunities for companies that want to deliver digital ads to their target customers on the social media platform. They have multiple options for ad formats, depending on your unique digital advertising goals. You can promote your account, which will show up in the left column or promote a tweet from your brand, which will appear in the user’s Twitter feed. There is also the option to promote a certain trend that your company may be using to start a conversation among target users.
It’s also worth noting that Twitter is well-known for its search engine. Twitter’s search engine gets over 2 billion search queries per day, which may also help your demographic find your business while it’s searching for specific keywords and content.
Platform #5: Pinterest
Pinterest is a great social media platform with major search engine capabilities.
Most people use Pinterest to find inspiration or helpful content. For example, if you wanted to try a new cooking recipe, you could jump use Pinterest to find a food you’re interested in cooking.
While this is just an example, it’s really how most people use Pinterest. Pinterest is full of home decor, fashion, food, and most importantly, shopping.
Now, here are the stats.
Pinterest has over 322 million monthly active users.
And here’s a new stat we haven’t talked about on gender. Pinterest is mostly used by woman. In fact, there are 3x more women on Pinterest than men.
This shouldn’t concern you if your business fits. When it comes to purchasing decisions around fashion, home decor, and so on, women are the normally the predominant decision makers.
This is backed by the high-income profile that Pinterest has. 41% of people with high incomes use Pinterest on a regular basis.
And 38% of people with college degrees use Pinterest as well.
So if your business primarily targets consumers, especially women, then Pinterest is a hard platform to avoid.
Best Features for Your Business
One of the greatest aspects of Pinterest is that it has a significant reach among women across different demographics, including age, income, education level, and location.
This makes it the perfect platform for any brand with products or services that are targeting women. The image-focus of the platform also makes it ideal for brands in the fashion, home décor, art, food, or fitness industries.
The Pinterest Buy Button makes it easier than ever to sell products directly from your Pinterest page. Users can now conveniently search and pin products on Pinterest, and then, with the click of a button, they can add their favourite items to their shopping bag. This feature makes Pinterest another way for brands to gain visibility and increase sales.
Platform #6: YouTube
Last but not least, YouTube.
YouTube is arguably the best social media platform that exists.
For one, over 1.9 billion people use YouTube on a regular basis. This puts YouTube above Instagram and almost eye-to-eye with Facebook in terms of usage.
But not only is YouTube widely used, but it is also the 2nd largest search engine behind no other than Google.
So not only do you have the ability to reach a broad audience, but you are also able to reach people searching for you.
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chaniters · 5 years
Only Human
___________________________ Starting a new series with @kruk-art‘s Awan Cormac!
Pre-Heartbreak, going to be focused on Ortega, Anathema and Steel along with some new heroes and Villains. 
The plot will deal with some events mentioned but not fully explored in the game.
Hope you enjoy!
“CHARGE!” you cry with a sense of urgency.
“I KNOW!” he yells back at you.
Charge’s standing in the middle of the road trying to stop some car that could help, but there’s not a single one passing by. You keep your hands pressed over the man’s chest wound, where the bullet went in. Your gloves are completely smeared in blood by now.
“CHARGE, HE’S DYING!” you call again.
You feel your own chest burning like fire where you got hit. Unlike you, however, the man you’re trying to keep alive didn’t have a bulletproof suit.  
He suddenly approaches the car parked next to him and…
-CRASH!- goes the window. The alarm starts, but he takes to the driver seat and does something, jumpstarting the engine. He hurries back to you.
“Let’s put him in the back seat”
You nod and help him, still pressing on the wound. Perfect coordination by now. It’s like you had done this all your lives.
You stay at the back while he drives. Both hands on the wound. Rain starts falling, covering the windows, but you only have eyes for the outpour that you can actually do something about.
__________20 minutes later__________
Los Diablos Earthquake Memorial hospital.
You phase up and down the stairs, your brain still speeding at a hundred miles per hour analyzing how this mess started.
You just happened to catch out some loose thoughts from a source that tipped you about the people behind the abductions going to strike tonight. This gang didn’t seem too dangerous, so you simply called the Marshal, the two of you should have been more than enough after all. Abductions and kidnapings of boosted individuals are not as uncommon as the media would have everyone believe.
His powers weren’t even that interesting… super-enhanced visual spectrum. He used it to become a painter, and he wasn’t famous. Just a curiosity among local art collectors.
How could you have known they were going to go after an artist? Why? Two supervillains on him were more than overkill. And now he might die, because of what you didn’t know.
The Void escaped again, and to make matters worse, he teamed up with Psycopathor and his Vulcan Cannon. They had told you he liked oversized guns, but that thing was terrifying to see, especially used inside a city. It’s a miracle no one else got hurt.  
You weren’t ready for a half-hour duel at an art gallery with two heavyweights. But somehow, you pulled it off made Psycopathor fumble with a suggestion, and he got his own hand caught in the rotating gun while Ortega fell on The Void from above. That drove them out, but Void tried to shoot the hostage, to delay you from following. Just like last time with the bombs… Always an escape plan, that bastard.    
You still feel the sharp turns Ortega took driving here, while he passed every single red light, and you kept trying to make other drivers move away with your mind…
You helped to get him on a stretcher and Ortega got him inside with the paramedics, but that was as far as you dared go.  You stayed outside, it’s a hospital after all and you don’t enter hospitals. Besides, in this mindstate, there’s no guarantee your powers are not going to go off.
Your hand goes to your pocket, looking for anything to help your nerves. But there’s nothing. No candy, no chocolate, not a single popsicle.
“Shit,” you say holding your head.
Hyperventilating… deep breaths…
This isn’t how it was supposed to go. You were supposed to be the reliable one in getting intel. This mess is all your fault… you should have investigated further.
You take off half of your mask, uncover your mouth and nose close your eyes…
The hand on your back makes you jerk violently back into reality, striking blindly at whomever…
“Woah... relax! It’s just me!” He’s holding your fist in his palm. Marshall Charge. Not an enemy…
It takes a full two more seconds before you manage to order yourself to put the hand down. You didn’t even notice the static he emits this time.
“Well you’re a mess…” he states simply, with a half-smile.
You scoff and lean on the hospital’s old brick wall. If he wants you to say you’re sorry, he’ll have to wait a long time.
“Got you something” he adds, leaning by your side. A little too close, like he always does. Just enough to make you uncomfortable but not enough that you’d actually move away. He has mastered the thin line of awkwardness.
“And what’s that?” you ask besides yourself, still thinking on the wounded boost, probably in surgery now… probably dying.
“Here,” he says offering a candy-bar.
You see it, then look away, trying to force yourself not to take it… Don’t take candy from strangers. Isn’t that a thing?
But you hand moves on its own, your brain eschewing all logic in favor of sugar. Ortega would make a star pupil of Pavlov. It’s just not fair… he knows you can’t just say no to anything with enough glucose in it.
And thus the deal is sealed, you’ve taken his offering and are thus forced to let out a low-key embarrassed “Thanks”. He simply smiles, counting this as yet another victory against whatever he thinks he’s fighting against whenever he’s around you.
“That was a terrific job” He adds while you feel the wonderful crunchiness of chocolate and peanut in your mouth.
“What?” you say staring at him with your mouth full.  
“The way you handled that situation… It was fucked up from the star, and we still managed to hold our own against those freaks. And you rescued the hostage… I couldn’t have done that better. Hell, I don’t think Captain Glory could have done that better”
“Charge” you’ve forgone the use of the Marshal title a few weeks ago, You’re constantly working together these days and it’s just tiring “It definitely wasn’t a terrific job. I failed. I didn’t get enough intel, we went in blind, and the hostage got shot!” you add pointing out the obvious.
“Well he would be kidnapped and disappeared by now like the others, I mean, if we hadn’t been there, to save him”
“Well he’s not saved yet, is he?” you argue.
“Doctors says no vitals got hit. Just moderate blood loss thanks to you… They say surgery has very good chances with a transfusion. They were stopping the bleeding when I left”
“Captain Glory would have stopped the bullet”
“Well, we’re not really bulletproof like Captain Glory, are we? … and you still took two bullets for him. Did I mention how insane you are?” he says poking lightly at your chest, where the dents on your suit are clearly visible. The mere contact makes you wince and you slap his hand away. The suit stopped the bullets, but the bruises are there to stay. “That was dangerous. You can’t count on these to always work. Especially not if it’s The Void.”
“He used his handgun… and I’m going to blame you if it fails, you’re the one who gave it to me. Besides, what’s the point of bulletproof armor if you’re not going to use it?”
“Ever heard the concept of having a safety net?”
“I was that guy’s safety net. And I couldn’t stop the third bullet.”
He frowns “That one could have killed you”
You look to the side, avoiding his gaze. “You don’t get it”
“What is it that I don’t get?”
“I need to do better… I can’t screw up like this… you did your job keeping them busy, but I didn’t manage clean intel, and then I failed to get a clean escape. I failed! I was in Void’s mind and I couldn’t tell he was going to shoot the hostage!”
“You can’t control every detail! The guy’s going to be alright and thanking you. What more do you want? Sometimes shit happens!”
“Maybe shit happens on your watch, but that’s not how I do things! I can’t let myself screw up!”
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” he asks exasperated. “I’m just telling you, YOU DID A GOOD JOB!”
“I didn’t. Just…  Just shut up… you’re not the one who fucked this up after all.”
“I screwed up a lot! You think It always works alright for me?!”
“You don’t know what it’s like! I have to be perfect! I have to make up for...”
“Make up for what?!!” he interrupts. “For acting like a fucking hero? Taking bullets for someone you don’t even know?!”
Walking on thin ice. You can’t really answer that. And you’re too angry to answer anyways. Mostly with yourself. You raise your fists, almost ready to punch his infuriating face, but you know he’s not the one responsible. You just turn around. Turn and walk away. Channeling rage his way is wrong and you know it.
Your steps become faster, and faster, the stroll becomes a jog, and then you’re running… Running away from him, back to your base.
“You’re running again… Just what are you running from?” You hear his voice behind you, further and further away.
You’ve got no clear answer to that question.
Him? Your makers? Yourself? The truth?
Maybe all of the above.
It’s not something you ask yourself very often.
No one ever taught you how to stop running. No one taught you how to deal with failure either.
They only demanded perfection in everything you did, and your standards haven’t lowered since.
Being perfect is your only chance. The only way in which you can make up for not being one of them. The only way you could hope they might decide to forgive you, once they figure it all out.
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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kay-is-krazy · 5 years
Literally No Title
Please help
Idk what I’m doing
This is a fanfic
Deanxreader kinda
It needs work sorry
I will hashtag
Damp. Everything that surrounds you is damp. As you start to come to, you smell the stench. Sulfar. Confused, you try to open your eyes, brows furred as the light tries to chase away your sight. Your adrenaline pushes you to figure out where you are. Looking around weerily, you notice the familiar iron door. Your parents old farmhouse storm cellar. Opening and closing your eyes making sure this is what you're actually seeing. It's been years. Decades even since you've seen these walls. Theyre different now. Moldy, but with cobwebs. You start to realize you're strapped down on the old iron table you used to eat spaghettios on when the tornados hit. No use in trying to squirm your way to topple over. Your father bolted it down in the cement. How did you get here. As you push and strain yourself to remember, the door opens. A tall red flannel emerges, and you go cold...
Life wasn't always fighting monsters, and saving people. You had a family of your own, until the vampire mafia ripped in to town destroying everything in their path, including your home and everyone in it. You still remember their screams as you fled into the woods. Revenge is a choice you have to make, and it sure was a hell of a ride. In this life, you run into auhtorities, but very little hunters like yourself. After bumping into the Winchesters working a werewolf case, they sort of took you under their wing. Noticing you needed guidance, before you ever could. You were in constant rage, before meeting the boys. Searching for answers, and never being satisfied with the kill. It all blurred into a blood bath of vengence. A lot of trust, losses, and whiskey, but you found a new family. You need them as much as they need you. And just recently, it was Dean needing saving.
The mark had completely consumed him. Being the hero, the guinea pig, has led him to be desperate in saving the world. You knew he was always staying strong, putting on a good face for Sam, but deep down, he is slightly broken like the rest of you. His hope depleted as the mark's strength took over his judgement. He was like you were before they saved you, scared and fuming with anger. You're just trying to return the favor before he hurts anyone else, especially his brother Sam.
After months of research, you found something. Slight chance of hope in fixing Dean. Confiding in Sam, he decides to look for it himself. The word of God. Once touched by a demon, it is said to purify them. No one has seen it in over 100 years, but you got a lead. The only thing that's near impossible is finding Dean. So time to draw him out... He wants a fight, you'll bring him a fight.
Scrounging up as many demons as possible, making sure they're alive but bleeding, you make a devils trap and wait. You heard through demon grapevine, that Dean can sniff them out. He's the big bad now. Being a demon himself, he hates them even more, if that makes sense.
But your plan didn't work. There have been plenty of close calls while working on the job, but this wasn't just a regular monster case. It was so much more, and there's a lot at stake. You realize why you're scared. You're in a situation even you can't get out of alive. Fear sets in as Dean walks closer. Each step like a predator closing in on it's prey. That red shirt, being even more red than usual.
He smirks, “Welcome back sunshine. Thought I killed you too soon”.
Your head is pounding as you try to look at your body. Realizing its broken, bruised, and bloodied, you must have put up a fight.
“Oh that, sorry, I couldn't help myself. After I knocked you out, I had some fun.” Your heart is beating so fast as if it is going to jump out of your body. The last thing you want is for him to see you afraid. You try to muffle out his name, but your voice is hoarse. “Please don't speak, I don't want my ears to bleed as you plead with me.... or on the other hand, I'd love to hear you beg for your life”, he whispers the last part in your face.
Wincing at his words, you turn your head, and say “You're not you right now. We'll fix this, Dean.”
He puts his hands on your chin, for a second you think it's him. His oversized, warm strong hands that wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was unnatural.The ones who taught you martial arts, and the ever so famous air guitar. But looking into his eyes, noticing they are lacking the softness, they flicker, and those green eyes are no longer. Black eyes, and his hands smell of sulfar. “There's nothing to fix sweetheart, I'm better than ever.” he jerks his hand away making your head turn to face him. As he walks to the door to open it, you yell out, “Just get it over with and kill me already!” He stops, turns his head just so you can see his profile, and scoffs. Walking out, and leaving you alone once again.
Wondering where Sam is, you try to squirm free from being tied up.Your fastens on your wrist have some wiggle room. Using the pointiness of your sister's ruby class ring on your left hand, you try to cut the leather bands. It's going to take hours, but you're not giving up yet. You know there are only two ways out of this, and you'll be damed if you don't fight.
'Pour some sugar on me' plays from your cell phone. Sam's calling you, the signature ringtone for drunk, fun Sam. Reminding you of the nights at the roadhouse, playing the same G43 on the old jukebox driving Dean insane. While Sammy and you sang until your voices were unrecognizable.
The door opens, and you straighten up, not making a move to let Dean know you've been trying to break free. There's a cart that he's pushing inside, full of old kitchen utensils, some tools from a shed, and a few of Dean's things from the trunk of his Impala that have been missing since the mark took him over.
“I know you and Sam have been looking for me, trying to save me. I'm going to show you how much I don't want or need you two around. Lets send Sammy a message, hm?” He walks over to your jacket with your cellphone in it. Dean throws it in the air and catches it. Holding it like a gun, making fake noises pretending to shoot you. “Glad to see you havent lost your adolescent behavior”, you say, “I know you're still in there Dean”.
He puts your phone down on the cart, picking up a rusty knife used for cutting fish. “But I'm not, and I'm going to prove to you just how wrong you are about me.” He cuts your cheek, and you feel the skin break open, stinging.
“You can hurt me all you want, you'll just be hurting yourself.” You say and spit in his face. The dark smirk scurries from his face, and you know what's coming next is worst.
The torture that he tortured you with only stems from Hell. Picture after picture taken and sent to Sam. The laughing, the darkness, and the insults coming from him, you start to lose hope that Dean is even in there. You keep reminding yourself that demons lie. Not believing anything DemonDean says, even though you desperately want it to be true. The remarks about how he used to think about you like a little sister until a couple years ago when you got stood up on a date with some guy named Brett. Thinking back from a different perspective now, you realize Dean was the one there who saved you from getting kicked out of the restaurant for using up a table. Waiting for some loser you met online, but seeing Dean sitting down across from you, feeling a sense of clarity and sureness. But now ever since he's turned into something evil, he doesn't feel a thing at all for you or Sam.
In and out of consiousness, you decide you wouldn't give up on him. Even though your body is mangled, you keep pushing.
“Dean, this isn't the path your mother would have wanted. You have to know that. You don't want to let her down or she'd died for nothing.” You plead and try, but he slaps you hard in the face. The hit seemed personal, as if you were getting somewhere with him. You reason, “Isn't family what brings people together, it's what brought us together. Aren't we family, you could let me go, and Sam and I can help you see the light again. Just like your mom used to say right? The light will guide you home. Come home Dean!” Another blow to your head. He knocks you out again.
As you come to, Dean is reaching for the blade. He's actually going to use it on you, kill you. Coming to terms with your fate, you start to hum and mumble 'simple man by lynryd skynrd'. It was always your favorite. It was everyones favorite. You figured it was a good enough song to go out to. You peek open your eyes as much as you can. Throbbing and seeping blood, you're finally able to see Dean stop and stare at you. He drops the blade, looking down at the mark and then back at you. His face twisted, unsure of what is reality. You don't stop singing. Second verse, he's closer now. A single tear rolling down your face; knowing if he ever came back, got the mark off, he wouldn't forgive himself. Even when he's unable to save someone on a job, he's hard on himself. You can't imagine what he'll feel like, so you pity him.
He's closer now, hands around your throat. He's trying to fight you and himself. The pain and anger in his eyes turns black, then normal again. You look him straight in those familiar faint green eyes, and say your final words, “I forgive you.” The world goes dark.
Heaven was always described as 'your own personal paradise'. You're wondering why yours is in a hospital. White walls and curtains. The coldness in your nose suprises you. Who knew paradise would be so cold, gray, and foggy. Nothing was easy to make out, but you could definitely tell it was a hospital. You hate hospitals, confused as to why you're heaven isn't what you expected, you look around to see if there is a recognizable face. Hoping for maybe your Dad, Mom, or sister.
No one. There's a loud beeping noise and you look up to see a monitor. Looks like the vitals of a dead man. You start to wonder maybe God put you in the wrong paradise. So you pray. But words don't come out, and you drift back into the dark.
Blinking once, then twice, then several times. The light is bright. You can tell it's daytime. Still the same Heaven as before, but this time you feel everything. The pain, the tenderness. You remember, and know that you're not dead. Relieved, but still uncertain, you try to move. Expecting straps to hold you back, your right arm goes flying in the air. Not used to being free. You look down at your body. It's bandaged and braced. A mountain of a man peeks through the curtains. You have instant relief when you recognize Sam. He has the 'poor puppy eyes' look, and you put your hand on his. He grips it tight, but gentle enough. The gentle giant. Trying to let out a smile, a shadow lurks behind Sam. Instant fear as you realize it's Dean. Panic sets in, and your body cannot handle it. The monitors go off, you see Sam try to calm you down, and Dean sneaking away, head down, disgraced with himself. Nurses rush in with the Doctor to make sure you're okay. Tears well up in your eyes. You somehow cannot forget what Dean has done to you.
Weeks in the hospital, the only visitor you had was Sam. Trying to keep your spirits up, he shows you all of his research following up on possible cases. Between playing cards, reading books, and making fun of the new Taylor Swift song, you ask Sam, “How is he?”, and each answer is the same. “No better, no worse,” Sam replies. After the panic attack, Dean thought it best if he didn't show his face anymore to you. Once healed, you were allowed to go home as long as you didn't saw off the leg brace, and practice using the crutches. Knowing how stubborn you are, Sam rolled his eyes, and promised to watch over you.
Happy to finally break out, you laugh as you fumble with the crutches. Sam lets out a worrisome smile. “I'm fine Sam. Really.” You look up to him and give him a carefree toothy grin. Throwing all of your things into the impala, because Sam refused to drive “that stupid pink truck”, you beg Sam to let you pick the music.
Pulling up to the bunker, your stomach sinks a little. You know you'll have to face Dean eventually. Fogiving is easy for you, but forgetting is a whole other learning curve. Never being the one to admit you're wrong first, or facing real problems, you know it's somehting that needs to be worked on. Staring off into the distance a bit, Sam pulls you out of it as he opens the door. “We're stocked up on all your favorite foods, drinks, and even have Netflix!” He says, nudging you arm and attempting a playful laugh.
Weeks of healing, you finally are able to get up into your truck. You need some air, and desperately needed to get away. The outside world was calling your name, so were the pink wheels on that old ford. First hours, days, then weeks went by, and not a single glance from Dean. No words, no contact. Ignored you completely. Anytime you tried to reach him, asking to grab a drink at the dirty bird bar, to researching a simple ghost job, he pushed you away. You spent so much time in your room with your thoughts. Trying not to think about the event that almost ended you, and most importantly the relationship with Dean. Even Sammy has started treating you differently like you're broken. After Sam telling you to stay home again, while they hunt monsters, you'd had enough. Weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods. You leave your phone on your nighstand and decide you need some peace to clear your mind.
“Fill her up,” you say shutting off your truck to get gas. Getting out to grab snacks from inside, a long lost friend appears. Not able to look away from the light, he shields your eyes for you. You forgot how enchanthing the bright white was. “Cas what are you doing here?” You ask as you looks at you stearnly.
“I was told to keep a tab on you, and you left the bunker. So I'm here to bring you back.” He says reaching for your arm.
“Under who's orders?!” You demand. Not letting him answer you back away and say, “The boys? Really can't even get some fresh air!” Clearly angry, you hit your tailgate. Cas immediatley lays his hands on you to heal you. Being an angel has it's perks. But you wanted to feel something, Cas didn't exactly understand what being human was really like.
Brushing his hand away, you try to reason with him. “Go back to the bunker, grab my phone, and bring it to me. That way I have it on me in case I need anything. I'm still going on my very needed trip. What I don't need is a babysitter” Before you could blink twice, Cas had your phone in hand. “Do not turn this off and always keep this on you.” Rolling your eyes you respond sarcastically, “Thanks Dad. Can I leave now?” Clearly unsure of his decision, Cas side eyes you, but finally nods, and leaves you to your road trip snacking.
The cabin is the same as you left it two summers ago. A couple empty beers scattered, but the rest of the place in neat tidy order. Your mom always liked everything in a specific spot, and you try your best to remember that while staying there. Picking up the bottles to recycle them, you smile and remember the good times spent here with your family, both families. Thinking about the boys, you let out a sigh of relief. Thanking the angels that Sam showed up when he did in the storm cellar that day. The word of God being forcefully put in Dean's hands, purifying him instantly. A bright gold light shining through the brick like object, blasting Dean into Sam. His brother holding onto Dean as he comes to and realizes, he's saved. Sam's words will stay with you forever, that story will stay with you forever. You smile as you remember, you were the one who stalled Dean as Sam had come to the rescue.
“Oh shit!” You say as your line tugs and gets stronger. You were too busy admiring the cotton candy sunset to see your fishing line got a bite. It was a warm afternoon, but turning brisk fast. Fall was settling in, you could tell as the wing picked up every now and then. The trees leaves turning the auburn colors. Setting your beer down, you reel it in, but your bait is completely gone.
“You never were good at fishing.” You quickly stand from a lousy folded plastic chair, and turn around to find Dean, smiling at your loss. Clearly shocked, you ask “What are you doing here? Cas told you didn't he. Lousy friend.”
You put your pole down, and open the cooler to offer Dean a beer. He takes it and slowly sits down on the edge of the dock, feet dangling. You sit down next to him, opening your own beer. “Where's Sam?” you ask.
“Working the case still.” He notices your cocked eyebrow from a side glance. As if he would ever leave Sammy alone, he continues, “It's easy, just some pyscho vengeful ghost.” He sips his beer, straring at the now setting sun.
Getting straight to it, you ask, “Why are you here Dean?” Staring at him, you notice the weariness.
He lowers his head, gripping his beer tight. You see his shoulders move up and down slowly. Sighing heavily, he looks at you, completely looks at you for the first time. It catches your breath, because you have never seen a man so broken, Dean so vulnerable. You can tell he's been fighting with himself, beating himself up over the events that took place. Defeated, face full of hatred for himself, he doesn't say a word. You see his jaw tighten, his temples twitching. Reaching for his shoulder to show trust, but he pulls away shaking his head. “I don't trust myself with you” He musters, as he stands up to walk toward the cabin. Thinking about chasing after him, forcing him to talk, but you can't move. Like cement, you stay planted in your spot. The sun finally sets, but you still sit there, listening to the sound of the frogs.
Grabbing your things from the dock, you head inside. What could you say to make him believe you. Would you believe yourself if you said, “Everything is okay.”? Is it? Inside, you notice Dean is cleaning up what seems to be like the bathroom mirror. Understanding what just happened, you bend down to help and he stops you. Gripping your hands tight, he says “No. You don't need to clean up my mess. Any of my messes.” With a dustpan, he walks to the trash to dump the shards of glass.
“What's that suppose to mean? Am I not allowed to care? To try to save you from yourself?” He winces at the last part.
Turning around to face you, but leaning against the kitchen counter, he looks at you cold and promises, “You will never have to save me again. I will never hurt you or anyone else again.” He looks down and then back up into your eyes, moving towards the door, “You wanna know why I'm here? I came here to say goodbye.”
Stopping him dead in his tracks, you look up at him wondering how you and Sam could even survive without Dean. You start to cry. It's not like you to let anything out, but you stand there, tears pouring out of your face. “No.” was all you could muster up. Very stearn, you said it again, “No.” He grabs you and pulls you in close. Hanging on to eachother, as if it's the last time.
You both stay like this awhile, not realizing it's way over due. “You're not leaving us. We won't let you.” you say confidently, and at this he lets go. He tenses again, trying to be strong, and insists “You and Sammy have to let me go. I've been nothing but trouble. I'm bad. I'm not worth your lives.” Clearly needing reassurance, but not knowing how, you yell, “I went through all of that for nothing?!” Talking with your hands like usual, brows furious now, you continue, “After everything, you still think you're not worth it? Sam and I have done everything for you, for us, for this family.”
He turns his back on you holding back tears, but instead letting out his frustration, “You don't what it's like to need constant saving. I need control of myself, I don't have control.” He yells as he punches the wall. It startles you.
“Oh, I don't know what it's like?” you start, “You don't think that I was ever at a low in my life. What losing my family did to me, the things I did in return. It wasn't until you and your brother, that I finally found solace!” you scoff, “Please you're not the only broken one around here.” Realizing that anger isn't the route to go down, you quietly move toward him. Pushing back the fear that has been dormant, you hold his hand. “We are family.” you say softly. “Family doesnt end in blood.” You wipe away the blood trickling from his knuckle with your shirt.
His hands are shaking now, as he holds them up inching closer to your neck. You flinch, and he tries to pull away. You immediatley grab his hands, and put them to your cheeks, making his squish them together a little. Tears welling up in your eyes, you let out a low, “i'm a little guppy...” It was something you two always did to cheer eachother up. Getting the other to laugh when you're both at a low point has been almost like a game. So far, he's beeing in the lead. Before you can finish, his lips are on yours. Waves of heat roll from your head to your toes, your wet cheeks brushing his scruff, and you give in, even being scared and uncertain. Dean pulls away, looks at you stearn, and says “I'm going to miss you.”
You're still standing not sure of what just happened, and you hear the door slam shut. It seemed as though your feet wouldn't move, but then you finally took a deep breath, turned around and bolted out the door. He was getting in the impala, but before he could jet off, you opened that door and ripped him out. Standing toe to toe, you slap him. That bottled rage unleashes. Then you connect your fist to his face. Unprepared, Dean fell against the car. Shocked at how hard you hit, he starts to realize you're not going to stop, so he holds your hands down. Red in the face from anger, and him red because well there's now blood pouring from his nose, you finally relax so he loosens his rains on you.
“What was that?!” You ask. “Who do you think you are? That is not okay. I am not okay.” Turning around, hands on your hips, shaking your head. Instantly defensive, you gasp, turn to face him, and make sure he knows, “I am not like every other girl. I don't deserve to be treated like any other girl.” He opens his mouth to say something, but you immediatley talk over him, “You're going to have to kill me.” Dean looks at you clearly confused. “Why do I have to kill you?”
Walking back and forth now, you respond, “Over my dead body...You're not walking out on us. Not Sammy, not me. Not our future. People need us, they need you.” Stopping, and turning to face Dean, you say, “I need you. And if you get in that impala, you better have shot me first because I won't stop looking for you.” Walking toward him now, pointing your finger in his chest, you end with “I refuse to give up on you.” At that, he looks down at you, smirks, and responds, “You're stubborn, you know that?” You break a smile, and say “I learned from the best.” Throwing you over his shoulder, he walks into the cabin.
Completely surprised as to what took place last night, you turn around and look at Dean's green eyes. Understanding now, the feelings that were dormant for so long. Realizing now that DemonDean only told the truth to hurt you.You put your hand to his face, brushing his cheek with the back of your finger, and he closes his eyes to just feel your touch. “You're not allowed to leave.” He nods, reaches for your hand with his, and lightly kisses your fingers. “I will never forgive myself...” He says, and you respond instantly, with your pointer finger shooshing his lips, “I forgive you, and will continue to remind you that you're the good guy.” Closing your eyes, thinking about the first time meeting these boys, not knowing how they would change your life for the better, you smile. He rolls you over with ease, and tucks you in close to his warm naked chest. Deep, and grunting, he says your name into your hair. You lift your head a little to let him know you're listening, “hm?” “I don't deserve this” he says, “I don't deserve you.” You respond while picking his hand up moving it closer to your chest, “Neither do I.”
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
writing prompt for some angsty kidge! 😈: mission gone wrong
TW: Gore, Mutilation, Disfigurement
With Earth becoming a hub for alien activity after Voltronswooped back in to remind the universe what Voltron was all about, there was amix of good and bad. On the plus, the coalition had returned to help repairsome of the damage that Sendak and his forces had caused. It had only been agood year or so since then, and the Earth was nowhere near the same as before,there was comfort in things starting to resume as usual. With the coalitioninvolved, as well, they’d started to do more networking with smaller but justas vital planets, sending small groups from Voltron, the Garrison, the rebelforces, and the Blade to start up positive relations.
And ultimately, that had all been going well. They weresuccessfully extending their network, which opened up new avenues fordevelopments in the war. With the help they were getting, they’d gotten newmaterials, and those new materials were being used by the incredibly talentedhands of the Holts, Slav, and a technological development team composed of thesmartest minds from various worlds. The upgrades that had been given to the MFEships, the Atlus, and the basic battle cruisers they were planning on bringingalong once they went star faring again had gained great advantaged that wouldfurther cripple the Galran forces.
This also, however, led to people like Commander Hortazshowing up.
Hortaz, as they learned, was yet another ex-Zarkon leechthat had broken off during the after effects of the power vacuum. He’d gained asmall following of his own, with a small but impressive fleet of his own. Hehad sent down a notice to inform them that he had taken Krolia and Shirohostage. He claimed that he had intervened with their ship on its way back toEarth, and insisted that only a trade would grant their safe release.Specifically, a trade involving the Lions of Voltron for two of their mostprominent leaders. He told them they had four hours to decide before there’d beserious consequences to pay.
Keith’s response was to insist they enact an incrediblyrisky maneuver to sneak on board and save the duo.
“Now I’m not trying to be pessimistic here. Butthis,” Hunk said, indicating Keith with the wave of one hand, “seemslike a really bad idea.”
Lance nodded, shifting a bit as he crossed his arms over hischest. “I’m inclined to agree with Hunk here. We have next to no infoother than their demands and that they mayhave a hostage or two. It’s way too risky,”
“Too bad it’s not up to you two. Pidge, get thecoordinates pulled up and send them to Green. Everyone else, get ready to getin your Lions for cover,” Keith snapped, glaring at the duo before turninghis attention to the young woman. She seemed surprised and frowned at him,fingers tightening around the datapad in her hands.
“We haven’t heard back yet from the rebels about theirsituation, though! They could still be with Matt and his team doing recon overon planet Faqur!” Coran insisted, poised at the communication channel andtrying to reach out to the planet in question.
Keith growled and wheeled to instead turn his fury on theolder male. “We’ve been waiting for overan hour! It’s time to take action!”
Hunk stepped up again, both his hands up in an attempt at aplacating gesture. “Dude, they need some extra time! The rebels don’t runwith state-of-the-art equipment on low-risk assignments like that! This leadsto a delay in the transfer rate for their communicators!”
“This has been waytoo long to be simple delayinterference!”
“Keith, we understand your concern but-!” Allurachimed in, trying to take a similar approach to Hunk.
“No, you don’t! My Mom and Shiro are the only family I have left!” He bellowed, wheeling to glare down at the faces ofthe other Paladin’s, all gawking at him. He felt his hands clench into fists athis side. “If there’s even the slightestchance that they’re on that ship, I haveto go and get them out!”
He turned and stormed out of the room, not even bothering tolook back at them again. None of them really understood how he felt, about howterrified he was. For so long he’d had no one to rely on, had no one who lovedhim or believed in him. He’d already lost Shiro once and had missed so muchtime with his mother, he couldn’t stand the thought of losing either of themagain.
He heard footsteps behind him. He paused and turned,unsurprised to see Pidge jogging up along after him. “Hey, hold on. Can wetalk for a second?”
“If you’re just going to try and convince me thatthey’re right then you’re wasting your breath,” He said bluntly.
She frowned a bit as she strode up so that she was standingright in front him. “I’m not saying that we shouldn’t go out there anddeal with Commander Hortaz, but I think the others have a good point. We needmore information before we go in there shooting - or, rather, stabbing - firstand asking questions later,” She explained. She readjusted the grip shehad on her datapad, as if she intended to pull it up and show him something.“We should figure out where, exactly, he could be holding Krolia and Shirobefore we go storming in.”
“You mean where he isholding them! We would have heard back from oneof them by now if they weresafe!”
“But we don’t know if they are in danger! Hunk already explained to you why we may not haveheard back yet! We have another three hours of time before Hortaz comes lookingto fulfill the exchange; that’s morethan enough time to hear back from Matt. While we wait, we can do someinvestigating with drones on the ship so we have a better idea of what we’refacing if it does come down to a matter of executing a rescue mission. Doesthat sound like an agreeable plan?”
He growled and leaned down to her level, getting in herface. “We don’t have time forall this stalling! If we sit on our hands and do nothing, it guarantees that they’ll bekilled!”
“And running in half-cocked will only get us and them killed!” She snappedback angrily, not even bothering to step down. He had always admired herferocity and stubbornness, but now he just found it frustrating. Her gazesoftened a bit, though, and she reached out to set one hand on his upper arm,squeezing lightly to try and reassure him. “Keith, please. Work with us, not againstus. We’re a team and we need to worktogether like one. We can save them if they are in danger, but we need to workas a team.”
He stared at her, at the pleading gaze in her bright ambereyes. Of all the Paladins, he’d always felt that Pidge understood him the best.Despite the two of them coming from drastically different backgrounds, he’dseen how passionately she protected those she held dear. He couldn’t recall allthe times where her sensibility and logical approaches to problem solving hadsaved Team Voltron as a whole. Her input was one he valued and could rely onwhen his own was in a questionable place.
Well, most of the time, anyway.
He wretched free from her grasp. “I was expecting that,if anyone understood how I felt, it’d be you,” He hissed lowly.
Hurt took over her features for a moment before anger slidback into place. “I never putthe safety of the whole team on theline to save my family! I went looking for Matt alone!”
“Sure didn’t mind putting you, Shiro and Matt at riskfor your Dad, though,” He scoffed.
“How do you know about that?” She asked in slightsurprise.
“All you need to know is that I do. And that I knowyou’re being a hypocrite. So, just saying, make sure to be careful whenclimbing down from that high horse you’re up on. Wouldn’t want you to hurtyourself,” He sneered, shifting to walk away again.
“And somehow you’rein the moral right regarding this? Is thatwhat you think?” She said with a sharp, incredulous laugh. She followedafter him, shoving her way in front and forcing him to face her properly.“Bad news, pal; you aren’t! You’re putting all of us at risk over what a Galran commander is claiming he did! Without giving any of your own teammatesthe chance to confirm the validity of hisclaims!”
He squared his shoulder, his own fury growing at herpersistence. “I outrank all of you!Instead of picking a fight with me, just do what I fucking said,Pidge!”
For a moment, his shout echoed in the corridor around them.The look in her eyes was hard to read for him, but he could see that somethinghad been shattered between them. Trust, respect, comradory… He could place anexact label on it, but he knew that he had broken whatever tender relationshipthey had. For a moment, he wanted to back pedal and apologize, admit that shewas right and he was just falling back into his old habits of using aggressionto solve his problems.
However, he knew she wouldn’t accept it. The damage hadalready been done.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, taking a stepback and holding her hands up. When she looked at him again, her eyes were nearglowing with contained fury. “… Fine. We’ll do things your way, ohvaliant and noble leader. But if something goes wrong, I’m not saving you out there. Remember that,” With that, sheshifted around him and headed for the hanger to get the necessary preparationstarted.
He shoved down the uncomfortable churning of guilt andself-doubt in his belly as he returned to the command room, letting the othersknow to get to their battle stations for the in enactment of his plan. Alluraand Hunk exchanged worried glances with each other and Lance as the moved past.Lance himself, however, glared Keith down as he exited the room, making sure toshoulder-check the darker haired male as he did. The Black Paladin optedagainst commenting or pushing his luck further with his team; with his bondwith Pidge clearly fractured, the last thing he needed was to give hisrelationships with the rest of Team Voltron the axe treatment.
The ride in Green Lion to Commander Hortaz’ main ship wastense and uncomfortable. He stayed silent himself, not wanting to push Pidge’spatience any further, and she didn’t even grace him with questions or commentsabout their progress. She used a scanning device she’d upgraded the Green Lionwith to locate an empty hanger – most likely vacant to have room for the Lions,if he wagered a guess – and hacked the mainframe to open the door. There was asmall squad of sentries inside but, with Green’s cloaking still active, theywere easy to remove and settle in.
They left Green in the hanger and began searching, Pidgeshifting through codes and files and unlocking any cell that could potentiallyhave someone inside. Their searching turned up nothing, though, and dreadstarted to fill Keith as they approached the main deck. Perhaps CommnaderHortaz had foreseen their impromptu rescue mission, and relocated the prisonersto where he could monitor them personally?
When they charged in, though, it became clear by the legionof soldiers and the smug look on Hortaz’ face that it had been a bluff. AndKeith led them right into the trap like a bunch of blind mice.
Chaos broke out the minute he and Pidge breached the maindeck. The sentries and soldiers surged forward, clearly intending to overpowerthe duo. They handled themselves well enough, dispatching their opponents withthe kind of skilled grace to be expected of seasoned Paladins of Voltron.Commander Hortaz was barking orders at his underlings as they fought, but Keithwasn’t paying much mind to what he said. His bigger concern was taking Hortazdown for what he’d done.
Suddenly, there was a force slamming into his back and asharp shout of, “Keith, look out!” He stumbled forward and turnedjust in time to see some strange, orb-like device latching onto Pidge. Therewere large, piercing metal prongs that suddenly speared out, piercing throughher armor to latch on to the crook of her neck on the left side. She cried outand reached up, trying to yank the device free frantically.
“Pidge!” He shouted, turning to charge forward andhelp get it off of her.
But, then, the device began flashing, and an explosionerupted. There was nothing but the sound the explosion, the sight of theexplosion blast, and the smell of burning; burning skin, burning hair and theburning of whatever material their armor was constructed from. Pidge’s bodywavered for a moment, her silhouette in the resulting plume of smoke all hecould see, before she dropped to her knees and hit the ground.
And then all he saw was red.
“Pidge!” He howled, barely recognizing his ownvoice. He rushed forward, pulling out is luxite blade and hacking at thesentries and soldiers indiscriminately in his path to her. Hortaz came at him,trying to halt him, only for Keith to smack him rough across the head with theblunt side of his bayard. The Commander wasn’t used to combat, obviously, as hestumbled back with a cry. Keith paused and struck the other twice more, justfor good measure, and then easily sidestepped his body to get to his followteammate.
He dropped to his knees beside her, hands shaking as herecalled his bayard and set his luxite blade aside. She’d taken all the damagefrom the explosion, and the armor seemed to have become nothing more butshrapnel to cause even more damage. The side of her helmet the bomb hadattached to was completely destroyed, and the glass from the screen wasshattered on the other side, murky with grim and blood. All of her shoulder waspierced open and there were clear bleeding lacerations along her neck. Therewas the faint gleam of silver from the small prongs, still latched into herskin. He shifted to pull her closer and froze when he saw the mangled mess ithad become. “O-Oh, God, Pidge…P-Please, say something!” Hechoked out. He stole a glance down and saw only a faint movement of her chest,some slight he almost missed it.
He would need to act fast if he wanted her to live.
He opened up the communication channel before carefullymoving to pick her up. He shifted to carry her over one shoulder, in thefireman carrying style with his right arm looped under her knees to keep herpressed close. “We need an extraction, now!” He shouted as he dartedout of the room.
“W-What? But you have Green Lion! You can fly out thesame way you came in!” Hunk sputtered before letting out a shout, thesounds of laser blasts reaching through. The fleet may have been small but itwas clear they hadn’t wanted the Lions having a chance to link up.
“Pidge isn’t going to be able to pilot! We need someoneto tow Green with us inside!”
There was static for a second, followed by an impassionedshout from Lance. “What do you mean?What happened to Pidge? What did you do?”
“Lance, now isn’tthe time!” Allura snapped back. Keith skid to a stop in the hallway for amoment, looking around as he tried to remember how far back they’d had to goand what kind of turns they’d made. “Get back to Green and let us knowwhen you’re there. We’ll find you and get you out.”
He swallowed hard before he darted down a corridor to hisright, recognizing a dent from where Pidge had slammed a drone into the wall.He kept going, desperate to find his way back to Green. “You’re gonna be okay,Pidge. I promise,” He choked out, forcing himself to remain composed. He neededto stay focused on making it back to Green in one piece. If they didn’t, Pidgewouldn’t make it out of this alive.
His stomach churned as he remembered what Pidge had said,about how she wouldn’t protect him if this mission went bust. He wished thatshe had stayed true to that, that she’d let the bomb blow up on him. This wasall his fault, his bull-headed decision, and she didn’t deserve to suffer forhis refusal to listen to his team.
He would have to apologize her, once she was well enough, hethought as he barged into the hanger. The moment they arrived, Green’s particlebarrier lowered and she dipped her head, opening her maw to them. He rushed in,charged into the cockpit, and settled down. He placed Pidge down gently andcarefully. “We’re in!”
“Send out a distress signal from Green’s comms! Theships defenses are down so we should be able to track you down!” Allurasnapped. He carefully shifted over and the console lit up, Green most likelyaware of what was needed and giving him a minimal amount of leeway withcontrolling her. “It’s showing for me; is everyone else seeing it?”
“Got it! Heading that way now to run defense!”Hunk called.
Lance was the next to chime in. “Same! I’ll heat blastinto the ship to get Green space-borne!”
“Excellent. I’ll see if I can handle towing Greenalong. If you two can cover me, I think we can make it,”
“Roger!” The two said in unison before putting the makeshiftplan together.
With the plan set in motion, Keith stumbled away from thecontrols and headed back over to where Pidge was laying. He paid barely anyattention to what was occurring, glancing up briefly when the hanger was meltedopen and the ship knocked into an angle. He watched as Green shifted, floatinga bit and slowly twirling out into the stars. The minute Green was out farenough, Blue appeared, staring at Green for a moment before shifting upwards,settling her paws along Green’s back and starting to surge forward.
He knelt down beside her and shifted, unsure of what to do.Would removing the helmet be a safe idea? She clearly suffered from headinjury, so would removing the helmet be too much jostling for her weakened formto handle? But she was bleeding so much and from so many places… Would it bebetter to try and stop the bleeding?
He rushed over to one of the smaller compartments in thecockpit, where they kept small amounts of rations and first aid kits. He fishedout the kit and then headed back over, kneeling beside her again, and poppingopen the kit. As he reached in to start getting out supplies, he had to freeze.So much damage had been done, where should he even begin? His brain told himthat her neck was the logical place to start with getting her injuries undercontrol, but then the issue of what should be removed and how safe to do so itwould be, cropped back up.
He could feel his mind whirling a mile a minute, panic andanxiety grasping around his throat like a choke hold. What if his attempts tohelp only made things worse? After all, he risked the chance of causing morebleeding if he removed pieces of the shrapnel, right? He could feel his handstrembling as he grabbed a bottle of antiseptic from inside. “Pidge, comeon! Katie, please, say something! Give me something, a-anything! You have to be ok!” Hedropped the bottle and pressed one hand against the cool metal of the cockpit,hoping that it would ground him. “This can’t… This can’t be happening. Not to her.”
There was the now-familiar prodding at the back of his mindof a Lion reaching out to him. For a moment, he thought it was Black Lion,sensing his unsteady frame of mind and reaching out to him. Once he allowed thepresence into his mind, though, he realized that the Lion was unfamiliar tohim. “My Paladin… Where is my Paladin, Black Paladin?”
“Green…?” He asked quietly, lifting his head andlooking around the barely lit cockpit.
“My question, Black Paladin. Answer it,” Green’s presence became more aggressive, the edgesof her consciousness beginning to bleed anger into him.
He shook his head a bit. “I… I dont know what youmean! Sh-she’s right here, withme!”
Green’s anger boiled higher at this, pressing on his mindwith a sharp pressure that left his vision spotty for a moment. “Do youthink me a fool? I will not be taken in by your lies!”
He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before glaringtowards the ceiling of the cockpit. “It’s not a lie! She’s here in front of me! Right here!” He looked back down at her and then sucked in aharsh breath, his heart stammering for a second at the lifelessness of herbody. He pressed forward, setting a gentle hand on the chest plate of herarmor, praying for just the slightest movement. Thankfully enough, he could seeher taking incredibly shallow breathes. It wasn’t much, but at least it showedshe was still fighting. “She’s… She’s still breathing! She’s going to make it!” He shouted,whether for himself or for Green, he wasn’t entirely sure. He opened the communicationsagain. “We need to have a medical staff at the ready the minute we get back to Earth!”
“Easier saidthan done! Your brilliant plan of kicking thehornet’s nest is getting us swarmed!”
“Lance is right, Keith! We were barely able to get you out safely, and I can’t fight with Greenattached!” Allura chimed in. He heard her mutter some kind of swear inAltean under her breath, some of her frustration starting to leak out. “Ifwe had Voltron we could handle this with great ease!”
Keith glared off to the side before letting his eyes fallback on Pidge, watching her like a hawk to assure she was still breathing.“Voltron’s out of the question; we’re down a Lion, regardless of what wedo. Even if I did call Black Lion to me, it doesn’t change that Pidge can’tpilot,”
“Is there any way we can switch Lance to towing duty?Red’s faster so she and Lance can get you guys back down faster so Pidge canget treatment! Then he can come back to the battle, and Keith can get Black tohelp out! At least with four Lions we have better odds!” Hunk chimed in,just as Yellow rushed in front of Blue to ram into an incoming ship.
“Great idea, Hunk! Also, thanks for the save!”
“Aw, thanks! And don’t mention it!”
Red could be seen a bit away from them, weaving between shipsand wreckage with the greatest of ease. "That should work. Allura, I’mheading over to switch with you,”
The switch went relatively smooth, thanks to Hunk running interferencewith any incoming ships. Once Red’s paws were settled along Green’s back, Lancepunched it into overdrive, the sudden chance of force and speed nearly topplingKeith over. He forced himself to stay upright, though, and carefully placed asteadying hand against her good shoulder. She released a quiet whine at theaction, but he took it as yet another sign that she was still fighting.
The minute the ground was in sight, a medical team standingby with a stretcher, Keith shifted and picked Pidge back up. He focused onhander her over, ignoring the horrified sounds of the staff. A glance over hisshoulder showed Red Lion frozen in air for a moment, Lance most likely catchinga glimpse of the damage and being too stricken to move. He turned away andrushed to getting Black, intent on getting some kind of revenge for what hadhappened.
With him partaking and Commander Hortaz dispatched, dealingwith the fleet was handled well enough. The whole team was fueled by the angerof knowing one of their own was seriously injured by these soldiers and theirleader. He was kicking himself the whole time, wondering why he hadn’t donebetter, why he hadn’t led the team better.
Hadn’t he learned anything?
Was he just doomed to repeat the same ignorant approaches toproblems, harming those he held dear for eternity?
The thought plagued him the entire mad rush from the hangerto the medical bay. They were forced to sit in the lobby area with Sam andColleen once they arrived, as she was still in surgery. Coran stayed with themthrough most of it, but left to inform Matt, Shiro and Krolia of what had occurredonce it was confirmed they were on their way back. He had been the one goingaround and taking the time to reassure and comfort everyone, but with him gone,no one else dared move or speak. The silence was only occasionally broken up bysoft hiccups from either of the panicked, terrified parents. Keith didn’t havethe courage to lift his head and say anything or even face them. How could helook them in the eyes, knowing this was all his fault? That the bomb was meantfor him, but he’d only been spared because of their daughter’s quick actions?That none of this would have happened if he’d simply listened to his teammates?
All of his bravery had left him in the face of this, leavinghim nothing but a heart and belly that felt weighed down by lead.
Finally, after two hours that felt like an eternity, one ofthe doctors came down to lead them up. Thankfully, she had swapped out hersurgical scrubs for the expected white lab coat. He didn’t recognize her anddidn’t bother with reading the ID badge she had clipped to her coat. They allfollowed her down the hall, but once she reached the door, she took the Holtsaside and spoke with them quietly. Keith swore he saw something break in themat whatever she said before she opened the door and quietly ushered theminside. Once determining that the two were settled in with their daughter, sheexited the room, shutting the door with the utmost care, and turned to face theother Paladins.
“How’s Pidge? Is she gonna be okay?” Hunk blurtedout, his tone frantic but seeming to recognize that volume control would stillbe necessary.
Lance was next, scrambling out of the small plastic chairhe’d settled in. “When can we go in and see her? How long will she needbefore she can bounce back?”
The doctor held up one hand, clearly not anticipating to bejumped so enthusiastically following her return. “She is stable,” Shesaid, directing these words to Hunk before turning to look at Lance, "butit will be some time before she is able to do much of anything. The damage wasextensive and will require a lot of additional treatment and surgeries goingforward to help her adapt to the aftermath. For now, we don’t want her beingoverstimulated, so we only want one or two people going in at a time, and forno more than ten minutes at a time. She’s stable, as I said, but there wasquite a bit of trauma to her head so she can’t keep up with things going onaround her near as well as she could prior. Right now, until Commander and Dr.Holt come out, no one else should go in to see her.”
Allura shifted to sit more upright in her own seat, armswrapping around herself tightly in concerned. “Aftermath? What does thatmean?”
“Well, the explosion was in close proximity of herperson, correct?”
“Yeah,” Keith croaked, the first words he’d spoken in hours.“It… It was some kind of bomb that attached directly to her, along hershoulder and… And part of her neck. She was trying to pry it off when itexploded.”
The doctor hummed, plucking a clipboard from a tray besidePidge’s door and beginning to write on it furiously. "Well, that certainlyexplains quite a bit of it,” She paused once she was done writing, gave asmall nod as she skimmed it over, and then returned the clipboard to its tray.“She’s got severe burns on the left side of her face, as well as somegashes from the combination of bomb shrapnel and her helmet being destroyed.Furthermore, she’ll be deaf and blind on that side. Amputating her left handwas also necessary, as the damage to the muscle was too extensive to recovernaturally. Commander and Dr. Holt have both already been informed of this, sowe know a prosthetic will be a fast reality for her. It just depends how fastshe feels well enough to have the prosthetic attached.” There was a quietchime within one of the pockets of her coat. She pulled out a small beeper andhummed to herself, switching it off and nodding her head at them politely.“You’ll have to excuse me. I need to go make my rounds with my otherpatients.”
And, once she disappeared from sight, all Hell broke loose.
“A bomb wentoff in her face?” Hunk wheezedout, stumbling back a step as he stared at their somber leader.
Lance, however, wheeled around and seized Keith up by thecollar of his Garrison jacket. “This is all your fault!” He shouted, slamming him into the wall justbeside where he’d been seated.
“Lance, stop!”Allura protested, getting out of her seat and moving towards them.
Keith held one of his hands up at her, trying to stop her. “No,Allura. Let him shout about how right he was while he can,”
He almost regretted those words as a look of pure murdertook over his teammate’s, eyes icy in more ways than just color. “Is that what you think this is about? Aboutgetting to say I was right? Being right was the last fucking thing I wanted to be; especially if what happened to Pidge was the cost!” He seethed, his volume lowered but pure menacedripping off his words. But this was what Keith had wanted by choosing thewords he had. Of all of Team Voltron, as loathe as he was to admit it, he knewthat Lance was the one that would always be completely honest with him, withoutholding anything back. And that reality – thathurt –was what he needed. “You could have gotten her killed! And for what?To chase after a blatant lie? If we’dwaited another thirty minutes - just like the rest of us said - youwould have known they we bluffing!Instead, Pidge had to lose a hand, her sight, and her hearing on one side! Areyou happy now that you almost got her killed because you just had to rush into a fight? Like you alwaysdo?”
“… Let go of me,”
“What, can’t handle the truth?” Lance sneered.
Keith snarled and lifted his head, meeting Lance’s furiousgaze with one of his own. “I saidlet go!” He roared before tearing the other’s hand off of him andtaking off for the elevator.
“That’s right, run!Run away from the problems you makelike you always do!”
He rushed into the elevator and made his way up to the roof,desperate to find a place to be alone. He had antagonized Lance intentionally,sure, but he hadn’t necessarily expected that. Those words… Though he felt themto be true, hurt to hear coming from someone else. To have his own feelings -the dark and awful feelings he kept buried deep down inside – asserted as atruth hurt deeply, but he forced himself to swallow it down.
He deserved it. But, for as much as he knew he deserved it,he had been a breath away from lowering himself to fisticuffs with Lance, andhad forced himself to just leave.
He stayed up on the roof as he watched the sun dip behindthe mountain range, the inky dark of night enveloping them. He watched as thestars began to slowly spark to life, tracing out his favorite constellations asthey appeared. He couldn’t remember how many nights he’d snuck out to the roofto think, the sight of the sky helping to soothe the unease inside of him.
Once that familiar comfort had fully soothed him, he headedback down to Pidge’s room. He hoped that Lance was either gone, or at leastcalmed down some. To his surprise, the other Paladins were gone, but Shiro wassettled in one of the seats. He’d most likely known that he’d come slinkingback at some point with his tail between his legs.
“Keith,” Shiro said as he rose from his seat.
He walked past the older male and stared at the door. “Howis she?”
Shiro heisitated, looking off to the side before sighingquietly. “She’s… She’s hanging in there,” He sounded choked up. Heprobably hadn’t expected the kind of horrific damage that Keith had caused tothe feisty young woman. “Everyone else has already gone in. So, if youwanted to…”
He let out a hollow little laugh. “Do I even have the right to go see her?”
“Keith… Of course you do,”
“I don’t feel like I do. I feel like all I’ve done is revealedhow wrong it was for the Black Lion to ever put me in the leader’s seat. Idon’t deserve to be a Paladin of Voltron… I don’t deserve to be a pilot… AllI’ve done is proved everyone that ever said I’d never be worth anythingright,”
Shiro reached out and set one hand on Keith’s shoulder,giving a small squeeze. “You made a bad call… That’s true. Learn fromthis and never do it again. Work to make amends with the others. All you can dois do better going forward,”
He stared at him for a moment, not really sure if hebelieved the other, before looking back at the door. “Now or never, Isuppose,” He said before opening the door and slowly going inside.
There were a lot of monitors and devices hooked up to her,mostly the standard ones from what he could tell. The entire left side of herhead was covered in white gauze. The IVs had been placed into her right side,which made sense, but the chair in the room had been moved to settle by thefoot of her bed. It made sense, though; if she couldn’t see or hear on her leftside, company would need to approach from her right, but it was clear that theyalso needed to be weary of her hookups.
Her visible eye was cracked, a little hazy, but shifted tofix on him as he slipped into the chair.
"Hey, Pidge,” He said quietly.
“Oh… Hey,” She trailed, her words a bit slurred.Probably from the pain medications, he wagered.
He reached out and gently set one of his hands on top ofhers, making sure not to put too much pressure for fear of irritating any ofthe IVs she was hooked up to. “Pidge, I’m… I’m so sorry. I should have listened to you and the others. If I had, none of this would have happened. Youwouldn’t have been hurt, and I understand if you can never forgive me for this,”He choked out, blinking frantically to keep the tears at bay. He hated himselfso much for what he’d done to her.
“It’s okay. We all do stupid stuff, I’m sure… Atleast, I think so, anyway,” It was strange to hear her sound unsure.
“I’m just so glad you’re alive, Pidge,” He said,lifting his head to look at her again.
“Thanks, um… Uh… Who are you?”
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kkintle · 5 years
The Art of the Good Life by Rolf Dobelli; Quotes
Is it better to actively seek happiness or to avoid unhappiness?
Living a good life has a lot to do with interpreting facts in a constructive way.
That money can’t buy happiness is a truism, and I’d certainly advise you not to get worked into a lather over incremental differences in price. If a beer’s two dollars more expensive than usual or two dollars cheaper, it elicits no emotional response in me whatsoever. I save my energy rather than my money. After all, the value of my stock portfolio fluctuates every minute by significantly more than two dollars, and if the Dow Jones falls by a thousandth of a percent, that doesn’t faze me either. Try it for yourself. Come up with a similar number, a modest sum to which you’re completely indifferent—money you consider not so much money as white noise. You don’t lose anything by adopting that attitude, and certainly not your inner poise.
The most common misunderstanding I encounter is that the good life is a stable state or condition. Wrong. The good life is only achieved through constant readjustment.
As the American general—and later president—Dwight Eisenhower said, “Plans are nothing. Planning is everything.” It’s not about having a fixed plan, it’s about repeated re-planning—an ongoing process.
The truth is that you begin with one set-up and then constantly adjust it. The more complicated the world becomes, the less important your starting point is. So don’t invest all your resources into the perfect set-up—at work or in your personal life. Instead, practice the art of correction by revising the things that aren’t quite working—swiftly and without feeling guilty.
First: constantly having to make new decisions situation by situation saps your willpower. Decision fatigue is the technical term for this. A brain exhausted by decision-making will plump for the most convenient option, which more often than not is also the worst one. This is why pledges make so much sense. Once you’ve pledged something, you don’t then have to weigh up the pros and cons each and every time you’re faced with a decision. It’s already been made for you, saving you mental energy.
The second reason inflexibility is so valuable has to do with reputation. By being consistent on certain topics, you signal where you stand and establish the areas where there’s no room for negotiation. You communicate self-mastery, making yourself less vulnerable to attack.
So say good-bye to the cult of flexibility. Flexibility makes you unhappy and tired, and it distracts you from your goals. Chain yourself to your pledges. Uncompromisingly. It’s easier to stick to your pledges 100 percent of the time rather than 99 percent.
Very few people simply accept reality and analyze their own flight recorders. This requires precisely two things: a) radical acceptance and b) black box thinking. First one, then the other.
“Nothing is more fatiguing nor, in the long run, more exasperating than the daily effort to believe things which daily become more incredible. To be done with this effort is an indispensable condition of sure and lasting happiness,” wrote mathematician and Nobel Prize winner Bertrand Russell.
Accepting reality is easy when you like what you see, but you’ve got to accept it even when you don’t—especially when you don’t. 
By themselves, radical acceptance and black box thinking are not enough. You’ve got to rectify your mistakes. Get future-proofing. As Warren Buffett’s business partner Charlie Munger has observed, “If you won’t attack a problem while it’s solvable and wait until it’s unfixable, you can argue that you’re so damn foolish that you deserve the problem.” Don’t wait for the consequences to unfold. “If you don’t deal with reality, then reality will deal with you,” warns author Alex Haley.
A basic rule of the good life is as follows: if it doesn’t genuinely contribute something, you can do without it. And that is doubly true for technology. Next time, try switching on your brain instead of reaching for the nearest gadget.
“There are old pilots and there are bold pilots, but there are no bold old pilots.”
Pros win points; amateurs lose points. This means that if you’re playing against an amateur, your best option is to focus on not making any mistakes. Play conservatively, and keep the ball in play as long as possible. Unless your opponent is deliberately playing equally conservatively, he or she will make more mistakes than you do. In amateur tennis, matches aren’t won—they’re lost.
disease, disabilities, divorce. However, countless studies have shown that the impact of these factors dissipates more quickly than we imagine.
It’s not what you add that enriches your life—it’s what you omit.
Because our emotions are so unreliable, a good rule of thumb is to take them less seriously—especially the negative ones. The Greek philosophers called this ability to block things out ataraxia, a term meaning serenity, peace of mind, equanimity, composure or imperturbability. A master of ataraxia will maintain his or her poise despite the buffets of fate. One level higher is apatheia, the total eradication of feeling (also attempted by the ancient Greeks). Both—ataraxia and apatheia—are ideals virtually impossible to attain, but don’t worry: I’m not asking you to try. I do, however, believe we need to cultivate a new relationship with our inner voices, one distanced, skeptical and playful.
So take other people’s feelings very seriously, but not your own. Let them flit through you—they’ll come and go anyway, just as they please.
People are respected because they deliver on their promises, not because they let us eavesdrop on their inner monologs.
Two thousand years ago, the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote: “All those who summon you to themselves, turn you away from your own self.” So give the five-second no a trial run. It’s one of the best rules of thumb for a good life.
It’s called the focusing illusion. “Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it,” as Daniel Kahneman explains. The more narrowly we focus on a particular aspect of our lives, the greater its apparent influence. 
Take the longest possible view of your life. Realize that the things that seemed so important in the moment have shrunk to the size of dots—dots that barely affect the overall picture. A good life is only attainable if you take the occasional peek through a wide-angle lens.
By focusing on trivialities, you’re wasting your good life.
As you can see, if it’s the good life you’re after then it’s advisable to show restraint about what you buy. That said, there is a class of “goods” whose enjoyment is not diminished by the focusing illusion: experiences.
Material progress was not reflected in increased life satisfaction. This revelation has been termed the Easterlin paradox: once basic needs have been met, incremental financial gain contributes nothing to happiness.
Money is relative. Not just in comparison to others, but in comparison to your past.
Buffett’s life motto: “Know your circle of competence, and stick within it. The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital.” Charlie Munger adds: “Each of you will have to figure out where your talent lies. And you’ll have to use your advantages. But if you try to succeed in what you’re worst at, you’re going to have a very lousy career. I can almost guarantee it.”
“Expect anything worthwhile to take a really long time”
What matters is that you’re far above average in at least one area—ideally, the best in the world. Once that’s sorted, you’ll have a solid basis for a good life. A single outstanding skill trumps a thousand mediocre ones. Every hour invested into your circle of competence is worth a thousand spent elsewhere.
“You don’t have to be brilliant,” as Charlie Munger says, “only a little bit wiser than the other guys, on average, for a long, long time.”
“One of the symptoms of approaching nervous break-down is the belief that one’s work is terribly important,” wrote Bertrand Russell. This is precisely the danger of a calling: that you take yourself and your work too seriously. If, like John Kennedy Toole, you pin everything on the fulfilment of your supposed vocation, you cannot live a good life. If Toole had viewed his writing not as his only possible calling but simply as a craft for which he happened to have a special knack, he would probably not have ended up as he did. You can pursue a craft with love, of course, and even with a touch of obsession, but your focus should always be on the activity, the work, the input—not on the success, the result, the output.
So, what to do? Don’t listen to your inner voice. A calling is nothing but a job you’d like to have. In the Romantic sense it doesn’t exist; there is only talent and preference. Build on the skills you actually have, not on some putative sense of vocation. Luckily, the skills we’ve mastered are often the things we enjoy doing. One important aside: other people have also got to value your talents. You’ve got to put food on the table somehow. As the English philosopher John Gray put it: “Few people are as unhappy as those with a talent no one cares about.”
So liberate yourself. Here’s three reasons why you should. First, you’ll be spared the emotional roller coaster. In the long run, you can’t manage your reputation perfectly anyway. Warren Buffett cites Gianni Agnelli, the former boss of Fiat: “When you get old, you have the reputation you deserve.” You can fool other people for a while, but not a lifetime. Second, concentrating on prestige and reputation distorts our perception of what makes us truly happy. And third, it stresses us out. It’s detrimental to the good life.
That’s why one of my golden rules for leading a good life is as follows: “Avoid situations in which you have to change other people.”
Without memory, the experience is perceived as entirely valueless. This is surprising, and it makes no sense. Surely it’s better to experience something wonderful than not—regardless of whether you remember it. After all, in the moment you’ll be having a fabulous time! And once we’re dead, you and I will forget everything anyway—because there’ll no longer be any “you” or any “I.” If death is going to erase your memories, how important is it to schlep them with you until your very final moment?
So don’t be surprised when somebody else judges you “incorrectly.” You do the same yourself. A realistic self-image can only be gleaned from someone who’s known you well for years and who’s not afraid to be honest—your partner or an old friend. Even better, keep a diary and dip back into it every now and again. You’ll be amazed at the things you used to write. Part of the good life is seeing yourself as realistically as possible—contradictions, shortcomings, dark sides and all. If you see yourself realistically, you’ve got a much better chance of becoming who you want to be.
I’m sure you recognize the sentiment: “When I’m on my deathbed, looking back on my life…” A magnificently lofty idea, but rather nonsensical in practice. For a start, almost no one is that lucid when they’re on their deathbed. The three main doors into the afterlife are heart attack, stroke and cancer. In the first two cases, you won’t have time for philosophical reflection. In most cases of cancer, you’ll be so stuffed to the gunnels with painkillers that you won’t be able to think straight. Nor do those afflicted with dementia or Alzheimer’s achieve any new insights on their deathbeds. And even if you do have the time and wherewithal in your final moments to reminisce, your memories won’t (as we saw in the previous three chapters) correspond fully to reality. Your remembering self produces systematic errors. It tells tall tales.
“If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”
Not getting bogged down in self-pity is a golden rule of mental health. Accept the fact that life isn’t perfect—yours or anyone else’s. As the Roman philosopher Seneca said, “Things will get thrown at you and things will hit you. Life’s no soft affair.” What point is there in “being unhappy, just because once you were unhappy”? If you can do something to mitigate the current problems in your life, then do it. If you can’t, then put up with the situation. Complaining is a waste of time, and self-pity is doubly counterproductive: first, you’re doing nothing to overcome your unhappiness; and two, you’re adding to your original unhappiness the further misery of being self-destructive. Or, to quote Charlie Munger’s “iron prescription”: “Whenever you think that some situation or some person is ruining your life, it is actually you who are ruining your life… Feeling like a victim is a perfectly disastrous way to go through life.”
Plato and Aristotle both believed that people should be as temperate, courageous, just and prudent as possible.
The circle of dignity draws together your individual pledges and protects them from three forms of attack: a) better arguments; b) mortal danger; and c) deals with the Devil.
Is it worth the price? That’s the wrong question. By definition, things that are invaluable have no price. “If an individual has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live,” said Martin Luther King. Certainly not to live the good life.
If you don’t make it clear on the outside what you believe deep down, you gradually turn into a puppet. Other people exploit you for their own purposes, and sooner or later, you give up. You don’t fight any more. You don’t hold up to stresses. Your willpower atrophies. If you break on the outside, at some point you’ll break on the inside too.
Your circle of dignity, the protective wall that surrounds your pledges, can only be tested under fire. You might lay claim to high ideals, noble principles and distinctive preferences, but it’s not until you come to defend them that you will “cry with happiness,” to paraphrase Stockdale. 
Say you’re in a meeting and somebody starts going for you, really getting vitriolic. Ask them to repeat what they’ve said word for word. You’ll soon see that, most of the time, your attacker will fold.
For most people, the circle of dignity is not a matter of life and death but a battle to maintain the upper hand. Make it as hard as possible for your assailants. Keep the reins in your hand as long as possible when it comes to the things you hold sacred. If you have to give up, then do so in a way that makes your opponent pay the highest practicable price for your capitulation. There’s tremendous power in this commitment. It’s one of the keys to a good life.
One: fetch a notebook and title it My Big Book of Worries. Set aside a fixed time to dedicate to your anxieties. In practical terms, this means reserving ten minutes a day to jot down everything that’s worrying you—no matter how justified, idiotic or vague. Once you’ve done so, the rest of the day will be relatively worry-free. Your brain knows its concerns have been recorded and not simply ignored. Do this every day, turning to a fresh page each time. You’ll realize, incidentally, that it’s always the same dozen or so worries tormenting you. At the weekend, read through the week’s notes and follow the advice of Bertrand Russell: “When you find yourself inclined to brood on anything, no matter what, the best plan always is to think about it even more than you naturally would, until at last its morbid fascination is worn off.” In practical terms, this means imagining the worst possible consequences and forcing yourself to think beyond them. You’ll discover that most concerns are overblown. The rest are genuine dangers, and those must be confronted. Two: take out insurance. Insurance policies are a marvelous invention. They’re among the most elegant worry-killers. Their true value is not the monetary pay-out when there’s a problem but the reduced anxiety beforehand. Three: focused work is the best therapy against brooding. Focused, fulfilling work is better than meditation. It’s a better distraction than anything else. If you use these three strategies, you’ll have a real chance of living a carefree life—a good life. Then perhaps even in your younger years or, at least, in middle age, you’ll be able to chuckle over Mark Twain’s late-in-life insight: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.”
The Greek and Roman philosophers known as the Stoics recommended the following trick to sweep away worry: determine what you can influence and what you can’t. Address the former. Don’t let the latter prey on your mind.
Not always feeling like you need to have an opinion calms the mind and makes you more relaxed—an ingredient vital to a good life.
First: accept the existence of fate. In Boethius’s day, people liked to personify fate as Fortuna, a goddess who turned the Wheel of Fortune, in which highs and lows were endlessly rotated. Those who played along, hoping to catch the wheel as it rose, had to accept that eventually they would come down once more. So don’t be too concerned about whether you’re ascending or descending. It could all be turned on its head.
Second: everything you own, value and love is ephemeral—your health, your partner, your children, your friends, your house, your money, your homeland, your reputation, your status. Don’t set your heart on those things. Relax, be glad if fate grants them to you, but always be aware that they are fleeting, fragile and temporary. The best attitude to have is that all of them are on loan to you, and may be taken away at any time. By death, if nothing else.
Third: if you, like Boethius, have lost many things or even everything, remember that the positive has outweighed the negative in your life (or you wouldn’t be complaining) and that all sweet things are tinged with bitterness. Whining is misplaced.
Four: what can’t be taken from you are your thoughts, your mental tools, the way you interpret bad luck, loss and setbacks. You can call this space your mental fortress—a piece of freedom that can never be assailed.
Stop comparing yourself to other people and you’ll enjoy an envy-free existence. Steer well clear of all comparisons. That’s the golden rule.
So wisdom isn’t identical with the accumulation of knowledge. Wisdom is a practical ability. It’s a measure of the skill with which we navigate life. Once you’ve come to realize that virtually all difficulties are easier to avoid than to solve, the following simple definition will be self-evident: “Wisdom is prevention.”
The fact is, life is hard. Problems rain down on all sides. Fate opens pitfalls beneath your feet and throws up barriers to block your path. You can’t change that. But if you know where danger lurks, you can ward it off. You can evade all sorts of obstacles. Einstein put it this way: “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” 
Wisdom is prevention. It’s invisible, so you can’t show it off—but preening isn’t conducive to a good life anyway. You know that already.
if you want to help reduce suffering on the planet, donate money. Just money. Not time. Money. Don’t travel to conflict zones unless you’re an emergency doctor, bomb-disposal expert or diplomat. Many people fall for the volunteer’s folly—they believe there’s a point to voluntary work. In reality, it’s a waste. Your time is more meaningfully invested in your circle of competence, because it’s there that you’ll generate the most value per day. If you’re installing water pumps in the Sahara, you’re doing work that local well-diggers could carry out for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you’re taking work away from them. Let’s say you could dig one well per day as a volunteer. If you spent that day working at your office and used the money you earned to pay local well-diggers, by the end of the day you’d have a hundred new wells. Sure, volunteering makes you feel good, but it shouldn’t be about that. And that warm Good Samaritan glow is based on a fallacy. The first-rate specialists on site (Médecins Sans Frontières, the Red Cross, UNICEF, etc.) will put your donations to more effective use than you could yourself. So work hard and put your money in the hands of professionals.
you’re not responsible for the state of the world. It sounds harsh and unsympathetic, but it’s the truth. Nobel Prize winner in physics Richard Feynman was told much the same thing by John von Neumann, the brilliant mathematician and “father of computing”: “[John] von Neumann gave me an interesting idea: that you don’t have to be responsible for the world that you’re in. So I have developed a very powerful sense of social irresponsibility as a result of von Neumann’s advice. It’s made me a very happy man ever since.” What Feynman means by “social irresponsibility” is this: don’t feel bad for concentrating on your work instead of building hospitals in Africa. There’s no reason to feel guilty that you happen to be better off than a bombing victim in Aleppo—your situations could easily be reversed. Lead an upright, productive life, and don’t be a monster. Follow that advice and you’ll already be contributing to a better world. The upshot? Find a strategy to help you cope with global atrocities. It doesn’t have to be one I’ve suggested here, but it is important to have a plan. Otherwise getting through life will be tough. You’ll be constantly torn between the things that still have to be done, you’ll feel guilty—and ultimately you’ll accomplish nothing with that burden.
Four: be aware that focus cannot be divided. It’s not like time and money. The attention you’re giving your Facebook stream on your mobile phone is attention you’re taking away from the person sitting opposite. Five: act from a position of strength, not weakness. When people bring things to your attention unasked, you’re automatically in a position of weakness. Why should an advertiser, a journalist or a Facebook friend decide where you direct your focus? That Porsche advert, article about the latest Trump tweet or video clip of hilariously adorable puppies is probably not something that’s going to make you happy or move you forwards. Even without an Instagram account, the philosopher Epictetus came to a similar conclusion two thousand years ago: ‘If a person gave your body to any stranger he met on his way, you would certainly be angry. And do you feel no shame in handing over your own mind to be confused and mystified by anyone who happens to verbally attack you?’
What does focus have to do with happiness? Everything. “Your happiness is determined by how you allocate your attention,” wrote Paul Dolan. The same life events (positive or negative) can influence your happiness strongly, weakly or not at all—depending on how much attention you give them. Essentially, you always live where your focus is directed, no matter where the atoms of your body are located. Each moment comes only once. If you deliberately focus your attention, you’ll get more out of life. Be critical, strict and careful when it comes to your intake of information—no less critical, strict and careful than you are with your food or medication.
Avoid ideologies and dogmas at all cost—especially if you’re sympathetic to them. Ideologies are guaranteed to be wrong. They narrow your worldview and prompt you to make appalling decisions.
When you meet someone showing signs of a dogmatic infection, ask them this question: “Tell me what specific facts you’d need in order to give up your worldview.” If they don’t have an answer, keep that person at arm’s length. You should ask yourself the same question, for that matter, if you suspect you’ve strayed too far into dogma territory.
imagine you’re on a TV talk show with five other guests, all of whom hold the opposite conviction from yours. Only when you can argue their views at least as eloquently as your own will you truly have earned your opinion.
think independently, don’t be too faithful to the party line, and above all give dogmas a wide berth. The quicker you understand that you don’t understand the world, the better you’ll understand the world.
In several studies, Dan Gilbert, Timothy Wilson and their research colleagues have shown that mental subtraction increases happiness significantly more markedly than simply focusing on the positives. The Stoics figured this out two thousand years ago: instead of thinking about all the things you don’t yet have, consider how much you’d miss the things you do have if you didn’t have them any longer.
Speculation is more agreeable than realization. As long as you’re still weighing up your options, the risk of failure is nil; once you take action, however, that risk is always greater than zero. This is why reflection and commentary are so popular. If you’re simply thinking something over, you’ll never bump up against reality, which means you can never fail. Act, however, and suddenly failure is back on the cards—but you’ll gain new experiences. “Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted,” as the saying goes.
the next time you’re about to make an important decision, mull it over carefully—but only to the point of maximum deliberation. You’ll be surprised how quickly you reach it. Once you’re there, flick off your torch and switch on your floodlight. It’s as useful in the workplace as it is in the home, whether you’re investing in your career or in your love life.
No matter how extraordinary your accomplishments might be, the truth is that they would have happened without you. Your personal impact on the world is minute. It doesn’t matter how brilliant you are—as a businessperson, an academic, a CEO, a general or a president; in the great scheme of things you’re insignificant, unnecessary and interchangeable. The only place where you can really make a difference is in your own life. Focus on your own surroundings. You’ll soon see that getting to grips with that is ambitious enough. Why take it upon yourself to change the world? Spare yourself the disappointment.
Not believing too much in your own self-importance is one of the most valuable strategies for a good life.
The upshot? There is no just plan for the world. Part of the good life is to radically accept that. Focus on your garden—on your own everyday life—and you’ll find enough weeds to keep you busy. The things that happen to you across the course of your life, especially the more serious blows of fate, have little to do with whether you’re a good or a bad person. So accept unhappiness and misfortune with stoicism and calm. Treat incredible success and strokes of luck exactly the same.
“There’s an infinite number of winners,” Kevin Kelly has said, “as long as you’re not trying to win somebody else’s race.”
The upshot? Try to escape the arms race dynamic. It’s difficult to recognize, because each individual step seems reasonable when considered on its own. So retreat every so often from the field of battle and observe it from above. Don’t fall victim to the madness. An arms race is a succession of Pyrrhic victories, and your best bet is to steer clear. You’ll only find the good life where people aren’t fighting over it.
As Warren Buffett says, “It’s better to be approximately right than precisely wrong.”
Constantly distinguish between “I have to have it,” “I want to have it” and “I expect it.” The first phrase represents a necessity, the second a desire (a preference, a goal) and the third an expectation.
Seeing desires as musts will only make you a grumpy, unpleasant person to be around. And no matter how intelligent you are, it will make you act like an idiot. The sooner you can erase supposed necessities from your repertoire, the better.
A life without goals is a wasted life. Yet we mustn’t be shackled to them. Be aware that not all your desires will be satisfied, because so much lies beyond your control.
The Greek philosophers had a wonderful expression for the things we want: preferred indifferents (indifferent here in the sense of insignificant). So I might have a preference (e.g., I’d prefer a Porsche to a VW Golf), but ultimately it’s insignificant to my happiness.
Bearing Sturgeon’s law in mind will improve your life. It’s an excellent mental tool because it “allows” you to pass over most of what you see, hear or read without feeling guilty. The world is full of empty words, but you don’t need to listen. That said, don’t try to cleanse the world of nonsense. You won’t succeed. The world can stay irrational longer than you can stay sane. So concentrate on being selective, on the few valuable things, and leave everything else aside.
Recognize bullshit for what it is. Oh, and one other rule, which in my experience has proved well founded: if you’re not sure whether something is bullshit, it’s bullshit.
One: self-importance requires energy. If you think overly highly of yourself, you have to operate a transmitter and a radar simultaneously. On the one hand, you’re broadcasting your self-image out into the world; on the other, you’re permanently registering how your environment responds. Save yourself the effort. Switch off your transmitter and your radar, and focus on your work. In concrete terms, this means don’t be vain, don’t name-drop, and don’t brag about your amazing successes.
the more self-important you are, the more speedily you’ll fall for the self-serving bias. You’ll start doing things not to achieve a specific goal but to make yourself look good. You often see the self-serving bias among investors. They buy stocks in glamorous hotels or sexy tech companies—not because they’re solid investments but because they want to enhance their own image. On top of this, people who think highly of themselves tend to systematically overestimate their knowledge and abilities (this is termed overconfidence), leading to grave errors in decision-making.
If you stress your own importance, you do so at the expense of other people’s, because otherwise it would devalue your relative position. Once you’re successful, if not before, other people who are equally full of themselves will shit on you. Not a good life.
As you can see, your ego is more antagonist than friend.
Stay modest. You’ll improve your life by several orders of magnitude. Self-esteem is so easy that anyone can do it; modesty, on the other hand, may be tough, but at least it’s more compatible with reality. And it calms your emotional wave pool. Self-importance has developed into a malady of civilization. We’ve got our teeth into our egos like a dog into an old shoe. Let the shoe go. It has no nutritional value, and it’ll soon taste rotten.
definitions of success are products of their time.
Once you’ve attained ataraxia—tranquility of the soul—you’ll be able to maintain your equanimity despite the slings and arrows of fate. To put it another way, to be successful is to be imperturbable, regardless of whether you’re flying high or crash landing. How can we achieve inner success? By focusing exclusively on the things we can influence and resolutely blocking out everything else. Input, not output. Our input we can control; our output we can’t, because chance keeps sticking its oar in.
“Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
Whichever way you look at it, the truth is that people desire external gain because it nets them internal gain. The question that suggests itself is obvious: why take the long way round? Just take the direct route.
“It is remarkable how much long-term advantage people like us have gotten by trying to be consistently not stupid, instead of trying to be very intelligent.” (Munger, Charlie: Wesco Annual Report 1989.)
authors Minkyung Koo, Sara B. Algoe, Timothy D. Wilson and Daniel T. Gilbert write: “Having a wonderful spouse, watching one’s team win the World Series, or getting an article accepted in a top journal are all positive events, and reflecting on them may well bring a smile; but that smile is likely to be slighter and more fleeting with each passing day, because as wonderful as these events may be, they quickly become familiar—and they become more familiar each time one reflects on them. Indeed, research shows that thinking about an event increases the extent to which it seems familiar and explainable.” 
“Charlie realizes that it is difficult to find something that is really good. So, if you say ‘No’ ninety percent of the time, you’re not missing much in the world.” (Otis Booth on Charlie Munger, In: Munger, Charlie: Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Donning, 2008, p. 99).
“You’ll do better if you have passion for something in which you have aptitude. If Warren had gone into ballet, no one would have heard of him.”
They were all things that were simply a matter of deciding whether you were going to be that kind of person or not… Always hang around people better than you and you’ll float up a little bit. Hang around with the other kind and you start sliding down the pole.” (Warren Buffett quoted in: Lowe, Janet: Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World’s Greatest Investor, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, p. 36).
“If you want to guarantee yourself a life of misery, marry somebody with the idea of changing them.”
Buffett: “We don’t try to change people. It doesn’t work well… We accept people the way they are.”
If social change is your mission, you’ll end up tangling with thousands of people and institutions who are doing everything they can to uphold the status quo. Ideally, you want to keep your mission narrowly focused. You can’t rebel against all aspects of the dominant order. Society is stronger than you are. You can only achieve personal victories in clearly defined moral niches.
“‘Don’t worry, be happy’ bromides are of no use; notice that people who are told to ‘relax’ rarely do.”
Mark Twain: “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.”
Howard Marks: “I tell my father’s story of the gambler who lost regularly. One day he heard about a race with only one horse in it, so he bet the rent money. Halfway around the track, the horse jumped over the fence and ran away. Invariably things can get worse than people expect. Maybe ‘worst-case’ means ‘the worst we’ve seen in the past.’ But that doesn’t mean things can’t be worse in the future.”
“Then at dinner, Bill Gates Sr. posed the question to the table: What factor did people feel was the most important in getting to where they’d gotten in life? And I said, ‘Focus.’ And Bill said the same thing. It is unclear how many people at the table understood ‘focus’ as Buffett lived that word. This kind of innate focus couldn’t be emulated. It meant the intensity that is the price of excellence. It meant the discipline and passionate perfectionism that made Thomas Edison the quintessential American inventor, Walt Disney the king of family entertainment, and James Brown the Godfather of Soul. It meant single-minded obsession with an ideal.”
“Our happiness is sometimes not very salient, and we need to do what we can to make it more so. Imagine playing a piano and not being able to hear what it sounds like. Many activities in life are like playing a piano that you do not hear…” (Dolan, Paul: Happiness by Design, Penguin, 2015, E-Book Location 1781.)
Should you find yourself in a chronically-leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.” (Greenwald, Bruce C. N.; Kahn, Judd; Sonkin, Paul D.; van Biema,
As you age, change your modus operandi: become highly selective. There’s a lovely anecdote from Marshall Weinberg about going to lunch with Warren Buffett that’s worth repeating here. “He had an exceptional ham-and-cheese sandwich. A few days later, we were going out again. He said, ‘Let’s go back to that restaurant.’ I said, ‘But we were just there.’ He said, ‘Precisely. Why take a risk with another place? We know exactly what we’re going to get.’ That is what Warren looks for in stocks, too. He only invests in companies where the odds are great that they will not disappoint.”
Even the notorious U curve of life satisfaction is connected to false expectations. Young people are happy because they believe things can only ever improve—higher income, more power, greater opportunity. In middle age, between forty and fifty-five, they reach a low point. They’re forced to accept that the high-flying aspirations of their youth cannot be realized. On top of that they have children, a career, income pressures—all unexpected dampers on happiness. In old age, people are reasonably happy once more, because they’ve exceeded those unrealistically low expectations.
John Wooden: “Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
from Epictetus, the Stoic: “A life that flows gently and easily.”
“Why, my dear friend, do you do it all? If I had all your millions, I’d spend my time doing nothing but reading, thinking and writing.” It wasn’t until I was on the way home that I realized, oddly startled, that that’s exactly what I do. So that would be a definition of the good life: somebody hands you a few million, and you don’t change anything at all.
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paleorecipecookbook · 6 years
Meal Prep: Your Best Tool for Healthy Eating
One of the main reasons why people are unable to stick with Paleo is that they feel overwhelmed; the grocery shopping and cooking involved can certainly be a major adjustment if you’re not used to preparing your own meals. Fortunately, there is a simple way around this potential roadblock and to make your diet changes stick—start meal prepping!
In this article, I’ll cover the art and science of meal prepping, as well as provide you with valuable tips and tricks for making the Paleo lifestyle affordable and time-saving, even if you’re on a strict budget and tight schedule.
Want to skip ahead? Use these links to jump to a new section:
Why meal prepping makes sense
Five steps to successful meal prepping
The best foods to use
Other ideas to help you meal prep
Why It Makes Sense to Meal Prep
Why should you start meal prepping? Simply put, meal prepping saves you time and money and, by ensuring that you have good-quality meals to eat on a daily basis, helps you stick to your diet!
If you want to start meal prepping but you’re not sure where to begin, this article is for you. Get time- and money-saving tips and learn how to plan and prep your Paleo meals successfully. #nutrition #wellness #chriskresser
You Save Time
The thought of having to cook 21 separate meals every week (breakfast, lunch, and dinner times seven) can seem daunting to Paleo newcomers. Because it’s simple to batch cook foods ahead of time, rather than making complete meals from scratch every day, meal prepping saves you valuable time in the kitchen.
You Save Money
The costs associated with regularly buying takeout or eating at restaurants really add up (and such food, unless you pay a premium, is typically lower in quality). Meal prepping, on the other hand, saves money because it involves cooking at home with ingredients that you can easily buy affordably in bulk. (Keep reading to learn more strategies for eating Paleo on a budget.)
You Prevent “Decision Fatigue”
For many of us, our action-packed days are a series of decision-making sessions that leave us exhausted and deplete our willpower—leading to “decision fatigue.” Decision fatigue can make us more likely to lounge on the couch and order takeout after work than hit the gym and cook a wholesome meal. By deciding on all your meals in advance, meal prepping reduces decision fatigue and frees up some of your willpower, helping you stay on track with your diet and your other health-related goals.
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Five Steps to Successful Meal Prepping
While meal prepping pays off, it does require some planning on your part. In this section, I've provided you with handy guides, tips, and tricks to make each of these steps as painless and straightforward as possible.
Step 1: Clean Out Your Kitchen
The first step towards successful meal prep is to get rid of foods in your fridge, freezer, and pantry that aren’t serving your health. Toss or give away items like processed foods, industrial seed oils, and refined sugar. Get rid of items that have already been opened and donate unopened items to a food pantry. And before you panic that your shelves will be bare, remember that you’ll be replacing these foods with healthy staples!
Prepping for the Thirty-Day Reset Diet
If you’re brand new to the Paleo lifestyle and are unsure about the types of foods you can tolerate, I recommend trying a Thirty-Day Reset, as outlined in my book The Paleo Cure.
To start, you eliminate unhealthy foods and potentially problematic foods for 30 days. Then you systematically reintroduce those possibly problematic foods to determine which ones you can tolerate. This diet is specifically designed to reduce inflammation, identify food sensitivities, and reduce allergic reactions—in addition to improving your overall health.
If you’re beginning a Thirty-Day Reset, eliminate these foods (at least temporarily):
Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, and cream
Grains, including rice, wheat, oats, quinoa, barley, and couscous
Beans, legumes, and related products like peanut butter and soy sauce
Processed “health foods” like whey protein and energy bars
All sweeteners, whether they’re real or artificial
What to Do If You’re on a Paleo Template
Not everyone needs to follow a Thirty-Day Reset. If you already have a good idea of which foods you can and can’t handle, a Paleo template might be a better fit for you.
Under a Paleo template, your main focus should be on getting rid of packaged, processed food. Eliminate foods made with industrial seeds oils and goods that include hidden sweeteners or food additives. While there are some healthy packaged foods out there (and you should check the ingredient label if you’re unsure), a good general rule is if it comes in a bag or a box, throw it out.
Here are some common items to toss:
Sugary beverages like juice, soda, energy drinks, and sweet teas
Seed oils, like vegetable, peanut, or canola
Margarine and Crisco
Packaged meals like pizza, french fries, and frozen dinners
Imitation meat or seafood
Boxed pastries and other packaged baked goods
Canned soups, unless they’re free from preservatives, processed ingredients, and other additives
Breakfast cereals and snack bars
Dips, dressings, seasoning mixes, marinades, and gravies
Chips and crackers
Candy, cookies, cakes, pudding, and other desserts
Syrups, including processed pancake syrups, sorghum syrups, etc. (Note: real maple syrup is okay)
Processed honey (Note: raw, local, and organic honey is fine)
Step 2: Restock with Healthy Staples
Once you’ve eliminated those foods from your kitchen, it’s time to restock with healthy staples.
Non-Starchy Vegetables
Non-starchy vegetables are a nutritious and affordable staple in the Paleo lifestyle. Stock your fridge and freezer with fresh or frozen broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, green onions, bell peppers, and leafy greens.
Whole Fruits
Whole fruits such as berries, apples, pears, bananas, mango, pineapple, and citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C and phytonutrients. They make a great snack on their own or can be added to smoothies. However, avoid fruit juice because its lack of fiber allows fruit sugars to be absorbed more rapidly, resulting in spikes in blood glucose levels. In fact, diets heavy in fruit juice are linked to an increased risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, whereas whole fruit consumption does the very opposite, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. (1)
Starchy plants such as sweet potatoes, white potatoes, plantains, winter squash, taro, cassava, beets, turnips, and rutabaga are affordable, nutrient-dense, satiating foods to include in your diet. Stock up on these vegetables when they’re available seasonally; many of the tubers and root veggies will keep for quite a while when properly stored in the refrigerator. If you have trouble finding some of the more exotic tubers at your grocery store, consider checking out Asian markets, which frequently stock taro and cassava.
High-quality protein is a staple of the Paleo diet and can be prepped ahead of time. Purchase grass-fed and organic beef, bison, chicken, turkey, and eggs from your grocery store or farmers market or directly from local farms. Check out EatWild to find farms near you offering grass-fed and organic meats. I also recommend eating wild seafood several times a week as a source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, selenium, and many other micronutrients. Thrive Market and Vital Choice both offer excellent selections of wild, sustainable seafood.
Healthy Fats
As you may know by now, Paleo encourages the consumption of plenty of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil, avocado oil, pastured tallow and lard, and duck fat. Select a few of these fats and keep them on hand for sautéing, roasting, baking, and dressing salads.
Nuts and nut butter make for a great Paleo snack. If possible, buy soaked and sprouted nuts because these processes remove much of the anti-nutrients from nuts, making their nutrients more bioavailable. You can also soak and sprout raw nuts yourself at home. Avoid buying roasted nuts covered in vegetable oils, as the roasting process causes the fats to go rancid.
Spices can quickly add interest to any Paleo dish. Invest in a spice rack and stock it with staples such as oregano, thyme, rosemary, cinnamon, and turmeric.
Baking Ingredients
If you’re planning to do any Paleo baking, then you’ll want to stock your pantry with a few Paleo flours and sweeteners. Try cassava, almond, coconut, and tigernut flours for baking Paleo cookies, brownies, or cake. Coconut flakes are a nice addition to homemade Paleo granola. Keep cans of full-fat coconut milk (preferably a BPA-free version such as Native Forest Simple Organic Unsweetened Coconut Milk) on hand along with Paleo-friendly sweeteners such as raw honey, maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, molasses, and monk fruit sweetener.
Other Paleo Template-Friendly Foods
Depending on your personal Paleo Template, you can also stock up on things like white rice, buckwheat, full-fat dairy products, legumes, and chocolate. Just look for organic products that aren’t processed or refined.
Step 3: Plan Your Meals
Now that you’ve eliminated unhealthy foods and restocked your kitchen with healthy staples, it’s time to start planning your meals! This part of the meal-prepping process is fun, will save you time in the kitchen, and will even tempt you to try new tastes and flavors.
Start by planning your meals on a weekly schedule. You can do this in one of two ways.
Old-School Style
Take a pen and paper and figure out how many breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you will need for the upcoming week. Factor in things like date nights, meals with clients, and travel. Once you know how many meals you’ll need for the week, decide what to eat for those meals. See the sections “What makes a good meal?” and “Which foods work best for meal prepping?” below for ideas. Make a grocery list based on your notes.
Use a Meal-Prepping App
There are many useful apps that will help you with meal prep—and some are even tailored specifically for Paleo. These apps provide you with recipes, chart out your meal schedule for the coming week, and automatically generate a grocery shopping list based on your meal plan. (Check out Step 4 below for an overview of my favorites.)
Once you’ve laid out your meal plan for the week, display it in a place where everyone in your household can see it. This way, you can get input from them and ultimately create weekly meal plans that will make everyone well fed and happy.
After the first few weeks of planning meals regularly, I realize it can be easy to fall into a rut, using the same few recipes repeatedly. But dietary diversity is crucial for meeting our nutrient needs and for feeding our gut microbes, so I recommend introducing new foods and recipes regularly. Start by adding one new vegetable per week and work your way up from there.
What Makes a Good Meal?
What exactly should the meals on your meal plan look like? First and foremost, choose nutrient-dense, whole foods. To learn more about how to select nutrient-dense foods, read my article “What Is Nutrient Density and Why Is It Important?”
Secondly, try to create meals that contain a balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Eating well-balanced meals promotes satiety, modulates your body’s blood sugar response, and even enhances nutrient uptake from food. For example, eating protein with carbohydrates moderates the spike in insulin caused by dietary glucose, and consuming fat with vegetables enhances the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients such as carotenoids. (2, 3)
While I typically don’t advise people to count calories or obsess over macronutrient ratios, some people need to do so for health reasons. If you are one of those people, I highly recommend using a meal planning app to make the process easier.
Step 4. Use an App
The amount of planning involved with meal planning is significant, but fortunately, there is a way to make it infinitely easier—meal planning software and apps. I’ve taken the guesswork out of selecting the best ones for Paleo meal planning by creating this list.
AnyList App
AnyList collects and organizes recipes and adds them to a meal plan calendar. It then generates a grocery shopping list that you can easily edit and share with friends and family.
Cook Smarts
In addition to creating weekly meal plans, Cook Smarts also offers helpful cooking guides, infographics, and online cooking sessions.
eMeals lets you choose from a variety of different meal plans (including a Paleo plan, of course). Each meal plan includes recipes with main and side dishes, a shopping list, and step-by-step instructions.
Mealime produces weekly meal plans with over 200 personalization options.
Keto Diet Tracker
The Keto Diet Tracker app is helpful for tracking net carbs and storing recipes for those following a keto diet.
Nom Nom Paleo App
The Nom Nom Paleo app has nearly 150 recipes, 2,000 step-by-step photos, and a Whole30-friendly monthlong meal plan and generates customizable shopping lists, all for a low cost.
Paleo Leap Meal Planner
This app includes only Paleo-friendly recipes—every single one is free of gluten, grains, legumes, sugar, soy, and corn. The app offers over 1,500 recipes, generates grocery lists, and lets you set your own food preferences and restrictions; for example, you can indicate if you’d like low-FODMAP, egg-free, or autoimmune protocol-friendly recipes.
The Paleo.io app answers a simple question: Is it Paleo? It helps users determine whether a given food is Paleo or not using a database of over 3,000 foods. It also includes hundreds of Paleo-approved recipes. This app is particularly helpful for those who are new to Paleo.
The Paprika app helps you organize recipes, make meal plans, and create grocery lists. Paprika’s built-in browser allows you to save recipes from anywhere on the internet so you can create your ideal meal plan.
Plan to Eat
Plan to Eat allows you to add your own recipes from anywhere on the internet into a recipe book. You can then drag and drop recipes into a calendar to plan out your meals for the week. The app also generates a grocery list for you based on your planned recipes.
RealPlans creates and organizes recipes, develops a weekly menu, and generates grocery lists so that you can get healthy, delicious food on the table. If you need to track your macros, Real Plans has you covered. A subscription will give you access to all the app’s meal plans (Classic, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Paleo, Keto, autoimmune protocol, and more) and over 1,500 recipes. You can add on recipes from well-known food bloggers for an additional fee.
Yummly Recipes and Recipe Box
Yummly takes a cue from Instagram, allowing you to browse through a photo gallery of recipes and save them to your own digital cookbook. Yummly also uses a proprietary program called Food Genome and a patent-pending technology called Food Intelligence to recommend recipes to users based on their allergies, tastes, and more.
Step 5: Cook Your Meals
You’ve cleaned out your kitchen, restocked it with healthy foods, and created a meal plan—now it’s time to start cooking! Here are a few simple strategies that will make it easier for you to follow through on your commitment to stick with Paleo.
Set Aside Time for Grocery Shopping and Meal Prepping
For many people, Sundays work best. You may also want to consider doing your shopping and main meal prep session on a Sunday and a second, smaller meal prep session mid-week to keep your fridge stocked with fresh options. Use a list when grocery shopping and check off items as you add them to your cart.
Organize Your Recipes
Organizing the recipes you intend to use in meal prepping will save you time in the kitchen. The meal prep apps I mentioned above make organizing your recipes easy, but you may also want to keep a few cookbooks in your house and print out recipes from blogs and websites and collect them in a binder. Find 15 to 20 recipes that you really enjoy and rotate them throughout the weeks (and check out some of my favorite Paleo-friendly recipes).
Keep Things Simple
You don’t need to cook an elaborate meal to satisfy your nutritional needs and appetite! Uncomplicated meals should be a staple in your weekly meal plans. For example, a high-quality protein source; steamed or roasted veggies with salt, pepper, and some healthy fat; and a sweet potato can make for a wholly satisfying and effortless meal.
Incorporate Leftovers into Your Weekly Meal Plan
Don’t be afraid of leftovers! Eating leftovers is an easy way to cut down on meal prep and prevents food waste. Label and date leftovers so you keep track of what’s in your fridge and freezer. And speaking of the freezer, use it! When you batch cook (see next item), you’ll have extras that you can stash away for later.
Batch Cook
Batch cooking, including doubling and tripling your favorite recipes, is a critical component of food prepping and can be applied toward many types of foods. For instance, bake several batches of egg muffins at a time to have around for breakfasts or roast a bunch of sweet potatoes to use as sides throughout the week.
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Which Foods Work Best for Meal Prepping?
Some foods are more suitable for meal prepping than others; for example, roasted sweet potatoes hold up well to reheating, whereas pre-dressed salads quickly wilt in the refrigerator. In this section, I’ve outlined some of the best foods to include in your meal prepping process.
Cook chicken, turkey, beef, bison, or game meat in a slow-cooker. Shred the meat and set aside to use in stir-fries, in Paleo tacos, on top of salads, or in soup.
Sauté ground turkey, chicken, or beef in a pan with garlic, onion, and sea salt. Use the ground meat in Paleo “taco” salads, on top of spiralized vegetables, or in hearty stews.
Bake chicken breasts, wild salmon fillets, burgers, or meatballs in batches. Use them throughout the week with roasted or sautéed veggies, salad, and starchy vegetables as sides.
Hard-boil a dozen eggs. Hard-boiled eggs are ideal for a quick and easy breakfast and are also an excellent portable snack.
Roast sweet potatoes, white potatoes, winter squash, and root vegetables in batches. These vegetables hold up well to reheating and are nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrates.
If you tolerate white rice, make large quantities in a rice cooker or Instant Pot.
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, also hold up well to reheating throughout the week.
Make several sauces to use throughout the week. Salsa, guacamole, gremolata, and chimichurri are just a few examples of Paleo-friendly sauces that can be made ahead of time and quickly spice up any meal.
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Four Meal Prepping Tips and Tricks
Now that you know the basics of meal prepping, you’re well on your way towards saving time in the kitchen and eating well.
To build on your new skills and help you stay on track with Paleo eating, here are more ideas you can use, including strategies for how to shop Paleo on a budget, where to buy healthy staples and fresh ingredients, how to shop seasonally, and—when home-cooking isn’t on the menu—recommendations for Paleo meal delivery services.
1. Stick to a Budget
Shopping Paleo can be expensive if you don’t know how to grocery shop to your advantage. With the tips I’ve outlined here, you can successfully shop Paleo on a budget while still filling your cart with high-quality, nutrient-dense foods.
Buy conventional instead of organic (for some produce). Organic produce is ideal because it reduces our exposure to harmful pesticides and herbicides. However, costs can really add up when buying nothing but organic foods. If this is a problem for you, check out the Environmental Working Group’s Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen lists to determine which conventionally grown fruits and vegetables are lowest in pesticides and thus safe to buy conventional rather than organic.
Whether you buy organic or conventional produce, thoroughly wash your produce before eating. Almost no food is completely free of pesticides. The most effective way to remove pesticides from produce is by washing produce in a baking soda bath. (4) To wash vegetables, fill a large bowl with water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Add the veggies and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Scrub with a scrub brush and then rinse under clean water. For leafy greens, soak in a baking soda bath for a minute, thoroughly rinse, and then spin dry in a salad spinner. Wash smooth-skinned fruits (like apples and nectarines) in a baking soda bath like you would for veggies.
Here are some more money-saving tips:
Buy frozen produce. Buying frozen produce saves money while still providing you with nutrient-dense food; most fruits and vegetables are flash-frozen immediately after picking, thus preserving the nutrients they contain.
Buy in-season produce. Out-of-season produce is typically shipped from distant locations, including other continents, increasing costs. It’s also generally picked before it’s allowed to ripen (so that it can be transported without bruising or other damage), and that can impact its nutrient content if it’s improperly stored or subjected to temperature extremes.
Start a garden. Growing your own produce takes some work, but it ultimately is a really low-cost way to obtain organic fruits and vegetables.
Buy lower-quality cuts of meat. You don’t need to buy expensive cuts of meat to eat Paleo. For example, ground beef and brisket are cheaper than filet mignon but have the same nutritional value. In fact, some of the so-called “less desirable” cuts of meat may actually have higher nutritional value than pure muscle meat; for instance, nutritious gelatin-rich cuts of meat such as chuck roast and beef shank are often cheaper than cuts such as sirloin.
Choose more affordable species of wild fish, such as wild sardines instead of wild salmon.
Make eggs a staple in your diet. Eggs are a very economical protein source, including high-quality, farm-fresh eggs from a local source.
Buy in bulk. Many bulk grocery stores now offer many healthy options, including organic produce, wild seafood, and pastured meats, at lower prices than regular grocery stores. Consider buying a quarter, half, or or whole animal for meat directly from a rancher or farmer instead of single cuts from the grocery store; while you’ll need to invest in a chest freezer, this strategy can significantly reduce the cost of meat.
2. Shop Around for Healthy Food
Contrary to popular belief, Whole Foods is not the only place you can buy healthy food! All the stores listed here have excellent selections of healthy, Paleo-friendly foods. Even your local grocery store is likely to have some options.
Trader Joe’s
Natural Grocers
Sprouts Farmers Market
Super Target
Harris Teeter
Food Lion
Sam’s Club
Farmers Markets
Don’t forget about your local farmers market! Farmers markets offer fresh produce, meat, and (depending on where you live) seafood at lower prices than most grocery stores. You might also want to investigate a CSA—community supported agriculture—in your area from which you can purchase a subscription to locally raised foods including produce and meat, delivered weekly or monthly.
Healthy grocery shopping can now be done online as well as in person. The following online grocery stores offer organic, healthy options and deliver right to your door:
Thrive Market
Shop Seasonally
Shopping seasonally is a great way to tune in with your local food system and save money. Check out the Seasonal Food Guide to find out what produce is in season near you.
3. Use Real Food Delivery Services
If you are really tight on time but still committed to eating healthy meals, you may want to consider a Paleo “real food” meal delivery service. There are countless options out there, but I’ve curated the very best in this list.
Beetnik Foods
Beetnik Foods meals are certified Paleo friendly, delivered nationwide, and also available in select health food and grocery stores.
ButcherBox delivers 100 percent grass-fed and grass-finished beef, heritage breed pork, and free-range, organic chicken. That can help if you’re short on time or if you’re struggling to find a local provider of grass-fed meat.
Caveman Chefs
Caveman Chefs offers both meal delivery services and catering. It is based in Colorado but ships nationwide. Choose from meals that are Whole30 approved, autoimmune protocol, low FODMAP, and ketogenic.
Factor 75
Factor 75 meals are premade, 100 percent organic, and free of hormones, GMOs, and antibiotics. Choose from bundles of four, six, eight, 12, or 18 meals.
Green Chef
Green Chef provides you with prepped ingredients to cook three two-person Paleo dinners (or two four-person dinners on the family plan) each week. All recipes are organic and gluten-free, feature protein and fresh veggies, and contain zero grains or dairy.
Kettlebell Kitchen
Kettlebell Kitchen meals are free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, industrial vegetable oils, and refined sugar. Some of the meals contain non-Paleo ingredients that are tolerated by many people, including white rice, lentils, and gluten-free oats.
Paleo On The Go
Paleo On The Go operates out of a completely gluten-free kitchen and specializes in Paleo and autoimmune protocol-friendly frozen premade meals that can be delivered nationwide. You can purchase meals individually or in bundles.
Paleo Power Meals
Paleo Power Meals offers premade meals with generous portions that pack a large amount of protein.
Pete’s Paleo
Pete’s Paleo offers seasonally inspired, farm-fresh prepared Paleo meals. Order bundles of five, 10, 14, or 20 meals in vacuum-sealed packages from anywhere in the United States.
Sunbasket allows you to select three two- or four-person meal kits per week without gluten, grains, soy, corn, added sugar, or dairy. The ingredients and recipes are delivered fresh so you can cook great meals without any planning or shopping.
The Good Kitchen
The Good Kitchen sources organic produce almost exclusively from local farms in North Carolina (where its operation is based) and delivers its refrigerated and frozen meals nationwide.
Trifecta Nutrition
Trifecta Nutrition provides ready-to-eat dinners and lunches that are non-GMO, 100 percent organic, and free of sugar, grains, gluten, dairy, and soy. You can also upgrade to add breakfasts and additional entrées or choose build-your-own meals.
TrueFare uses the highest-quality ingredients in their meals, including organic produce, grass-fed beef, heritage pork, and organic or free-range poultry. They offer Paleo-, keto-, autoimmune protocol-, and Whole30-friendly meal plans.
4. Stock Your Kitchen with the Essentials
To successfully meal prep, you’ll need to stock your kitchen with some essential tools. This includes basic tools that everyone should have in their kitchen, Paleo-specific items, cookware and bakeware, and maybe some “nice to have” extras for when you decide to get creative with cooking.
Kitchen Basics
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Kitchen towels
Vegetable peeler
Spice rack
Cutting boards
Chef’s knife
Slotted spoons
Utensil holder
Mixing bowls
Glass storage container
Wooden spoons
Paleo Kitchen Essentials
Meat cleaver
Paring knife
Probe meat thermometer
Hand-held lemon squeezer or citrus reamer
Mason jars
Salad spinner
Cheesecloth or cotton/linen fine mesh towel
Potato masher
Food processor
Immersion blender
Cookware and Bakeware
Sauté pan
Baking dishes
Soup pot
Dutch oven
“Nice to Have” Items
Kitchen shears
Pepper mill
Muffin tin and muffin liners
Spoon rest
Meat grinder
Hand mixer
Mortar and pestle
Slow cooker
Sous vide
Fermentation pot
Spice grinder machine
Garlic press
Tool for making your own meat jerky (such as LEM Products 468 Jerky Cannon)
Food processor
Instant Pot
Countertop toaster oven or convection oven
Water Filter
For drinking and cooking water, I recommend investing in a high-quality water filter. Berkey water filtration systems sit conveniently on your countertop and remove viruses, pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and parasites to undetectable levels. They also reduce heavy metals without eliminating beneficial minerals. Additional white filters can be added to remove fluoride. If you want to filter your home’s entire water supply, you may want to consider a reverse osmosis filter instead.
Food Storage
Once you’ve prepped your meals, you’ll need containers for storing everything. Since plastic containers contain chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors, I prefer people use glass storage dishes with BPA-free lids.
For wrapping up foods, use unbleached parchment paper or beeswax-coated reusable food wrap (such as Bee’s Wrap) instead of conventional plastic wrap, which may leach endocrine disrupting chemicals into your food. (5) Finally, try reusable silicone storage bags (such as Stasher bags) instead of plastic freezer/storage bags, which may also contain endocrine-disrupting plasticizers.
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Now I’d like to hear from you. Do you practice food prepping? If not, do you think you’ll try the food-prepping strategies I’ve outlined in this article? Let me know in the comments below.
The post Meal Prep: Your Best Tool for Healthy Eating appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com February 12, 2019 at 06:10PM
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themurphyzone · 5 years
Absolutely Disastrous Ch 11
Ch 11: Milo’s First Gym Battle! The Unpredictable Substitute Gym Leader!
Classes ground to a halt whenever a gym battle took place. Every student and teacher in the school gathered in the bleachers surrounding the battlefield. Even a class of six-year-olds from a nearby primary school had come over to watch. Their teacher wasn’t too pleased with the disruption though. She was busy giving Mrs. Murawski, a teacher at the Rustboro School and referee for the gym battle, an earful about the proper times to allow a gym battle so her students could focus on their lessons. 
Mrs. Murawski sighed dreamily at the desk she’d carried down herself, ignoring the other teacher completely. 
Since the gym battle would be delayed until those two sorted out their drama, Melissa and Lydia took the opportunity to review strategies with Milo, while Zack and Amanda distracted Scott from potentially overhearing them and coming up with a counter. 
Supersonic had finally worn off on Zack, but he seemed just as confused as to why Scott was throwing empty candy wrappers into the air like they were flower petals. 
“Don’t let him tire your Pokémon out,” Lydia suggested. “Principal Milder used the same tactic earlier on a boy’s Shroomish. He lucked out, you know. Effect Spore decided to activate when she tried finishing the battle with Tackle. Nosepass went right to sleep and couldn’t block Bullet Seed. If you ask me, he didn’t deserve that badge.” 
“Black hair, glasses, sarcastic, and rude?” Melissa asked. 
“Plaid gray shirt too,” Lydia shuddered. “No fashion sense at all.” 
“I can hear you!” a voice protested from the stands. 
Milo waved at Bradley, who scowled back fiercely. His Shroomish and Minun were playing an odd game of rock-paper-scissors together, ignoring their trainer’s grudge against Milo. 
Well, it looked like rock-paper-scissors, but Milo wasn’t sure how Shroomish managed the appropriate shapes without hands. 
“Hey, you came!” Milo exclaimed. “I bet you’re just as excited as me!” 
“I’m excited to watch you lose,” Bradley said, adding an eye roll for good measure. He turned his attention to Lydia. “And this shirt is part of the Gothitelle Boutique winter line. It’s fashionable.” 
“Sure, if your definition of fashionable includes rainclouds hanging above your head and spreading a mission of doom and gloom,” Lydia retorted.
Bradley flicked his hand dismissively and sat down, still glaring at Milo while he scratched Minun’s ear.
Milo wasn’t sure if Bradley was trying to emulate one of those jerk rival archetypes from Sara’s favorite anime, because he seemed to run more along the lines of grumpy guys with soft spots for non-humans. 
“You’ll do great,” Melissa said. “Just remember, Zack and I are right behind you...and the protective shield.” 
The shield was mostly there to protect spectators from barrages of dirt, water, and other attacks, but it would be good protection against Murphy’s Law as well. 
“You can do it, Milo!” Amanda cheered. Minccino squealed in encouragement, perching on Amanda’s head for a better view. 
Milo took his position on the battlefield. Diogee stood next to him, his front legs trembling with excitement. Milo grinned. 
“You’ll get your chance, but I’d like to lead with Mudkip,” Milo told him. 
Diogee fixed Milo with a red-eyed stare, his chest heaving in a deep sigh.
“Save the best for last, remember?” Milo asked. 
Diogee’s chest puffed out with pride. 
The irate primary school teacher finally gave up berating Murawski and stalked off the field, muttering some very unkind things about Milder’s hiring choices. 
Murawski draped herself across her desk, holding a megaphone in one hand while supporting herself with the other. Milo took the opportunity to set her up with a protective shield of her own as she announced the rules of the gym battle.
“This is a match between Scott, designated gym leader, and Milo, our challenger!” Murawski shouted into the megaphone. “This will be a two-on-two battle and no-SCREEE!” 
Her last word turned into a high-pitch wail that made everyone cover their ears. 
“Sorry! Technical malfunction! Happens all the time!” Murawski giggled nervously, a strange snort coming out of her nose. 
Once he was finished with the shield, Milo set two extra megaphones on the ground next to her desk. “You’ll want those,” he said. 
Murawski took it in stride and shooed him back into position. 
“-no substitutions are allowed. Scott has been given authority to issue the Stone Badge if the challenger wins.” 
“Pumice or feldspar?” Scott asked, digging around in his hard hat, which appeared to be full of small rocks. 
“Do you even have the Stone Badge on your person?” Murawski asked, aiming the megaphone in his direction. 
“My person is Mildred!” Scott exclaimed. 
Murawski stared at him for a few moments, and when he offered no further explanation, she turned her attention to a group of students in the stands. “Allison, grab a Stone Badge from Milder’s office. It’s in the desk, first drawer on your left.” 
Allison ran off and came back with the Stone Badge in record time, evidently not wanting to delay the match any further. 
Murawski stored the badge in her desk for safekeeping. “Commence the battle, and I swear if any of you hurts my little desky-poo...” 
She let the threat hang in the air, then raised a green flag to signal the beginning of the match. 
“Mudkip, let’s do our best!” Milo shouted, sending the Poké Ball flying. Mudkip used Water Gun on his Poké Ball in a display of power and sent it hurtling straight for the megaphone in Murawski’s hand. 
“Save me, desk!” Murawski shrieked, ducking underneath for cover as the Poké Ball shattered the megaphone upon impact. The megaphone released a final screech as its final cry before falling silent. 
“The blue-finned one’s your new friend, Cynthia!” Scott exclaimed, gently setting an orange juice carton down several feet in front of him. 
Milo glanced at the audience, but most of them didn’t look too surprised at Scott’s choice. Zack, Lydia, and Amanda all had to strain Melissa from marching down to Scott and decking him for breaking the sacred rules of battle. 
“Scott, the rulebook clearly states that orange juice cartons are not Pokémon,” Murawski sighed. “Neither are motorbikes, cupholders, or Pikipek.” 
“You mean the native bird of Alola?” Melissa asked, looking up from the notebook she was writing in. 
“Pikipek are evil. They will devour your desks in seconds and have your backup desk as dessert. They are not of this world,” Murawski’s voice dropped to a low hiss, stunning everyone into silence. 
Except for Scott, who just threw his arms up in the air. “It’s the inside that counts!” he exclaimed. 
A green pile of goo oozed out of the carton, reshaping itself into a blobby Pokémon. It smiled at Mudkip, revealing two peg-shaped teeth. 
Milo was no stranger to Grimer, since they lived inside the caves surrounding Mt. Chimney. But he’d never seen a green one before. 
“Milo!” Melissa shouted from the stands. “Alolan Grimer are Poison and Dark type! It’s even more weak to Ground than the ones at Mt. Chimney!” 
“Don’t give him info!” Bradley scoffed. “I’m trying to watch him lose!” 
He was immediately met by four outraged protests. “Quiet, Bradley!” 
Bradley sank further into his seat, grumbling about unlawful interference. 
“Use Mud Slap!” Milo shouted, deciding to open with a super effective move to see how Mudkip fared. 
Mudkip slammed his paws into the rocky ground and released twin jets of mud, which arched towards Cynthia. 
“Make yourself pretty and share your makeup with the blue-finned one!” Scott yelled. 
Cynthia’s body glowed blue and vanished in the blink of an eye. The mud streams hit the ground, leaving a rather ugly splotch of greenish-brown gunk. Before Milo could blink, Cynthia materialized behind Mudkip and spat a glob of acid at him. Mudkip yelped as the sludge hit his shoulder. 
“Are you okay?” Milo asked as Mudkip staggered. 
Mudkip nodded. He wasn’t poisoned for now, but that could change at any moment. 
“Make yourself even prettier!” Scott exclaimed. 
“Try another Mud Slap!” Milo yelled. 
Mud Slap clipped Cynthia’s arm, but didn’t cause enough damage to surprise her. 
Unfortunately, the protective shields did nothing to protect spectators from attacks above their heads. Screams erupted from the stands as people used backpacks, jackets, and each other to block the sludge Cynthia haphazardly lobbed as she zoomed all over the gym. It splattered all over the protective shields, making Murawski shriek and cover her desk protectively. 
Cynthia bounced off the walls at high speeds, leaving small piles of goop behind wherever she landed. Diogee ducked into a small area under the bleachers, dutifully avoiding the sludge piles as he curled up. 
“I’ll call you when it’s your turn!” Milo shouted to Diogee, quickly putting on safety goggles to protect his eyes. 
Scott chuckled at the chaotic scene. “We’re making art! Don’t forget your subject, Cynthia!” 
Cynthia lobbed several globs of sludge at Mudkip, but Mudkip blocked them all with well-aimed Water Gun attacks. However, this didn’t deter Cynthia in the slightest. 
Milo knew he had to do something before Mudkip got too tired to track her. He flicked a stray candy wrapper that had blown onto his shoe. 
There were a lot of candy wrappers on the ground. 
Vaguely, Milo recalled his dad’s wise sayings about Grimer. 
“Grimer love trash of any kind. So if the Bouffalant painting behind us mysteriously disappears one day, I deny any involvement in allowing a Grimer to eat it.”
Granted, the Bouffalant painting hadn’t disappeared under mysterious circumstances yet, but the point still stood.
While Cynthia and Scott were fixated on creating an acidic portrait of a Dustox on the shields, Milo called Mudkip over. Mudkip bounded him up to him, shaking the sludge off his tail. 
“Mudkip, I want you to gather every candy wrapper you can find and put it into a pile. And don’t call Scott’s attention to you,” Milo said. “We have to get Cynthia in one place to hit her. She’s too fast with that double Rock Polish.”
Once Mudkip collected a sizable amount and piled it all into the middle of the field, Milo ordered a Water Gun to get Cynthia and Scott into battle mode. Mudkip stayed near the pile of wrappers, dodging Sludge attacks until Scott finally called for Bite. 
Now that Rock Polish had mostly worn off, Cynthia wasn’t as swift in her movements and Mudkip easily sidestepped her gaping maw. Cynthia crashed into the wrappers, though she wasn’t hurt by the impact and immediately started munching on the wrappers. 
“You’ll ruin your dinner!” Scott shouted. “Don’t you want roast leftover meatloaf on a stick?” 
Cynthia paid him no mind. 
Milo grinned. “She’s in position! Fire at will!” 
Just as Cynthia dropped the last candy wrapper into her mouth, twin jets of mud smacked into her mucky green body. 
Mudkip cheered at the direct hit, but his elation didn’t last long when an enraged Cynthia tried to drop a giant rock on his head. 
“Target practice! Head worth fifty points, fin worth forty, body worth twenty, and limbs are five!” Scott exclaimed. “Bet you can’t beat my record!” 
As a matter of fact, Cynthia really wanted to beat his record. Mudkip panted, crouching low in front of a rocky pillar. Cynthia stretched her slime so that she rose above Mudkip, holding a giant rock above her head with amazing strength. 
“Mudkip, get out of there!” Milo warned. 
Cynthia brought the rock down, and Mudkip’s body suddenly became enveloped in a blinding white glow. His front legs stretched, growing longer until the rock was firmly in his grasp. The form grew larger, then the light died away, revealing a light blue Pokémon with a bipedal stance.
“Let’s finish this off, Marshtomp!” Milo shouted. “Mud Bomb!” 
Marshtomp wrenched the rock out of Cynthia’s grasp, applied a much stronger Water Gun to the rock to break it into dust, and flung the muddy projectile into Cynthia’s torso. 
Acid and mud splatted everywhere, and Cynthia laid unconscious, her peg-like teeth exposed.
Murawski blocked her desk from further attack with one arm while she used the megaphone to announce the results. 
“Grimer is unable to battle!” she proclaimed. 
A resounding cheer came from Milo’s friends. 
“Into the orange juice carton, Cynthia. We’ll dumpster dive for your reward later,” Scott said, coaxing her into the container he’d first thrown onto the field. Once Cynthia was out of sight, Scott grinned widely at Milo. “Have I ever introduced you to Mildred?” 
Milo shook his head. 
“Oh, I haven’t?” Scott looked sheepish. “Whoops, guess I’ll have to fix that! Methuselah, meet Mildred!” 
He placed a milk carton on a flat piece of rock at his waist level. 
Milo waved awkwardly. “It’s Milo.” 
“Sassa-oh no, it’s sorry! Sorry, Mikey!” Scott said. 
Close enough. 
Murawski lifted her megaphone again. “Scott, milk cartons are prohibited from participating in an official gym battle.” 
Scott blinked at her. “Wow. You guys are like, really discriminatory to cartons.” 
The carton glowed red and released a Miltank, who stomped the ground with such force that Milo could feel the tremor. While Milo was curious as to how Scott managed to get a discarded carton to work as a Poké Ball, he didn’t get a chance to ask since Miltank body slammed Marshtomp into the ground without a prompt from her trainer. 
Marshtomp was knocked out instantly. 
“Marshtomp is unable to battle!” Murawski declared. “Both trainers are down to their last Pokémon!” 
“C’MON, MILO! YOU CAN BEAT HIM!” Amanda screeched. She leaned dangerously over the railing. Zack and Lydia hauled her back to her seat, but she barely noticed. 
Bradley muttered something Milo couldn’t make out, but Melissa didn’t look too happy and she ‘accidentally’ jabbed him with her elbow while standing up to cheer for Milo. 
“Looks like you’re up, Diogee!” Milo called as he returned Marshtomp to his  Poké Ball. 
Diogee crawled out from his spot underneath the bleachers and took up a position on the battlefield. 
“No roughhousing!” Scott yelled. “Play nice, Mildred!” 
Mildred took her trainer’s order as an excuse to body slam Diogee, who barely dodged in time. Milo sidestepped to avoid being steamrolled by a charging Miltank, and she crashed into the wall that separated the field and bleachers. 
The spectators behind him screamed as the bleachers shook and collapsed. 
“We’re okay!” Melissa yelled. 
“I can’t feel my appendix!” Zack complained. 
“All of us except Zack’s appendix are okay!” Melissa amended. 
Mildred grinned dizzily, charging back onto the field. Diogee aimed a Cut attack in her direction, but it barely slowed her down. 
“Right hoof, let’s stomp!” Scott yelled as he did some weird jig that involved a lot of leg-shaking. Mildred stomped on Diogee’s hind legs, making him stumble and lose his balance. 
“Are you okay?” Milo asked. Diogee staggered away from Mildred, sending an affirming nod to Milo. “Good! Let’s try Bite!” 
Diogee darted forward, avoiding another Stomp and landing Bite on Mildred’s shoulder. Mildred cried out and tried to shake him off, but Diogee held on tightly. 
“Scratch while you’re in close quarters!” Milo shouted. 
The tips of Diogee’s claws elongated into long, thin strips of light and scratched Mildred in the face and stomach. 
“Good job, Diogee!” Milo praised. 
Diogee broke his Bite attack to give a pleased look at Milo, allowing Mildred to fling him off. 
“Snack break!” Scott exclaimed, wolfing down a can of beans at a speed so fast that Milo was sure he’d choke. He tossed a milk bottle to Mildred, who happily gulped it down. In a few moments, it appeared as though Diogee hadn’t gotten those close quarter hits on Mildred at all. 
“Is that legal?” Milo called to Murawski, who was too busy carrying her desk out of the room to pay attention. 
“You saw the destructive power of that Body Slam!” Murawski shouted. “There is no way I’m risking my desk’s life!” 
“Keep rolling, Mildred!” Scott called as he wiped bean residue from his face. 
Mildred curled into a pink ball and spun in place, building up enough energy to propel her to Diogee. Diogee unleashed several Cuts, two hitting their mark and three that crashed into the ceiling, sending several chunks raining down. 
Milo opened an umbrella to protect himself from the dust. 
Mildred slammed into Diogee, sending him sprawling. Then she continued to roll past him at high speed, ricocheting off a wall as she rolled into him a second time. Diogee retaliated with another Cut, which prevented a third Rollout from connecting and sent Mildred spinning toward Scott’s side of the field. 
Mildred crashed into another wall, and Milo decided that he’d better end this match before the building collapsed. 
“Diogee, cleave a furrow into the ground with Cut!” Milo shouted. 
“Pass the roll and butter, Mildred!” Scott called. 
A well-executed Cut cleared enough rock to form a shallow groove in the ground. 
“Dodge and ready your Razor Wind!” Milo called as Mildred barrelled straight at Diogee. Jumping to the other side to avoid Mildred, Diogee’s horn began to glow white as the winds whipped through his fur. 
Mildred crashed straight into the furrow, her body still a pink and black ball, as if she hadn’t realized she was trapped. 
Once the wind was sufficiently built up, Diogee released it, and the air blades crashed straight into Mildred. She uncurled, panting heavily and making no effort to climb out. 
“Finish with Bite!” Milo yelled. 
The resulting Bite drained the little energy Mildred had left, and she collapsed as soon as Diogee carried her out of the furrow.
Melissa hopped over the railing and grabbed a megaphone that had somehow avoided the line of fire. “Miltank is unable to battle! The winner is Diogee! The challenger wins the match!” 
With the exception of Bradley, the spectators cheered. His friends ran onto the battlefield, loudly cheering for Milo’s victory. Bradley sullenly followed behind them. 
Bradley scowled. “You’re not an official referee!” 
“There’s a rule stating that the family of a gym leader could act as referee if an official ref is unavailable,” Melissa replied with a smirk. “It’s obscure now because the League wants to avoid nepotism, but never officially repealed.”
“Your friend is kinda scary,” Lydia remarked. 
Milo couldn’t reply because Amanda and Minccino were nearly choking him in their enthusiasm. 
Once they allowed him some breathing room, Milo released Marshtomp from his Poké Ball. While Marshtomp would need more rest before battling again, he was well enough to celebrate their victory. 
“You two were awesome today!” Milo exclaimed. 
Diogee and Marshtomp puffed their chests out in pride. 
“It shouldn’t count,” Bradley muttered. “He wasn’t even battling the official leader.”
Lydia left briefly to retrieve the badge from Murawski, who still refused to enter the arena while Scott and Mildred were around. They still had the capacity to destroy her beloved desk. 
Because Scott was the designated gym leader, Lydia had to hand off the badge to him so he could officially present it to Milo. 
“This stone makes you our leader!” Scott declared, dropping the Stone Badge onto Milo’s head. “Cynthia, Mildred, and I are at your command! Who would you like us to trap underground?” 
“Well, there’s someone who owes me money...” Melissa began, but Zack put his hand over her mouth to indicate that they weren’t trapping anyone underground. Scott and Mildred seemed rather disappointed. 
Milo plucked the Stone Badge off his head, passing it around to his friends so they could see it too. Minccino wouldn’t let Amanda give the badge back to Milo until it received a proper cleaning. 
“I just got...A STONE BADGE!” Milo exclaimed once Minccino was satisfied, holding his badge triumphantly in the air. Marshtomp and Diogee struck victory poses. 
“Really?” Melissa asked as Milo stored it in his badge case. 
Milo shrugged. “It looks fun when they do it on TV.” 
“Well, Mildred and I must be off!” Scott saluted as he and Mildred squeezed into a large pipe that had been exposed during the battle. “Those dumpsters ain’t diving themselves!” 
“The next gym leader better not smell like sewer...” Bradley muttered. 
“And then I said ‘girl, that’s not a Trubbish! That Pokémon is way cuter than your hairstyle!’“ Lydia finished, bowing low to a round of applause as they exited the Rustboro School. 
“Trubbish are pretty popular with Dr. Magnezone fans,” Milo said. “Problem is there’s so many nicknamed Trubbishdroid that they can never tell them apart!” 
Zack and Lydia broke into hysterical laughter, and Milo laughed too until he felt someone crash into him. Milo fell back, rubbing his head where it had collided with the other person’s. 
The pain quickly subsided and Milo offered his hand to the other person, who was whimpering fearfully at the empty briefcase he dropped. The green suit looked vaguely familiar. 
“Hey, aren’t you that businessman we helped in Petalburg Woods?” Melissa asked. 
“You have to help me!” the businessman cried out, looking ready to faint at any moment. 
“Yup, it’s him. Before you faint from sheer terror, mind filling us in?” Milo asked. 
“Red mustache! Gray clothes! Stole...weird hat doesn’t match! No, wait!” the businessman screeched, pointing in the direction of the mountains. Melissa and Bradley shot him exasperated looks. “Other way around! Gray mustache and red clothes! Funny hat! Took my goods! The super important goods! Running into Rusnel Tunturf...Neltun Turfrus...I regret skipping lunch...” 
He fainted. 
“I think he meant Rusturf Tunnel,” Amanda said while everyone stared in disbelief. “It’s east of here.” 
“I’m leaving,” Bradley scoffed. “I have my own things to do.”
Melissa latched onto his arm and dragged him to the east exit, ignoring Bradley’s protests. “You’re coming. Milo’s Pokémon are still tired and we could use the extra help.”
Alolan Grimer can learn Rock Polish via TM. Both types of Grimer can learn Rock Tomb.
The bit with Martin saying he wanted to feed the Bouffalant painting to Grimer came from Disco-Do Over, in which one of Martin’s listed dreams is replacing the buffalo painting in the living room.
Whitney’s strategy in the anime was to just have Miltank steamroll her opponent with Rollout until they fainted. Similar concept here really.
First gym battle is done and Milo has the Stone Badge! Next it’s to Rusturf Tunnel they go!
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whitewitchdani · 6 years
Infinitely Different: Chapter 20
Read Chapter 19 Here
Word Count: 2,138
Pairing: Winchester!Sister Reader x ???
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, implied smut
A/N: Chapter 20 is finally here! I’m sorry it’s taken so long guys, it’s been a very interesting few weeks. lol. I’m going to try to get everything coming out steady again. As always let me know if you’d like to be tagged and please leave me some feedback! It lets me make this story better for you. :)
Infinitely Different Masterlist
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You yelled as you clipped a tree at full speed, rolling onto the ground and onto your back. Getting the hang of vampire speed was harder than it looked, and you’d been practicing all morning.
“Hey, it’s alright. We all smacked into a tree or two in our newborn days.” Stefan smirked at you as he pulled you up off of the ground.
“You’re hilarious. Well, vampire training part one I officially suck at.” You brushed yourself off once you stood.
“You don’t suck, you’re actually doing fairly well. But the reason you’re crashing is because you’re distracted.” Stefan crossed his arms and leaned against the tree you had hit seconds before.
“That obvious, huh? Thought I was hiding it better.” You smirked at him.
“I can see it all over your face, Y/N. What’s bothering you so much? It can’t just be being a vampire, I thought you had come to terms with that?”
“I have! Mostly...” you crossed your arms, “It’s not the vampire thing. It’s Damon and Elijah.”
Stefan’s eyes went wide, “Oh. Wow, yeah. Did you finally talk to both of them?”
“Yeah, last night. Nothing really came of it, besides Damon getting extremely pissed. He found out Elijah kissed me too, and I didn’t run from him.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, “That couldn’t have gone well.”
“It’s Damon, how do you think he took it? Thankfully I mostly calmed him down and told both of them I wasn’t choosing anyone right now and probably wasn’t any time soon. Not until I get the hang of this,” you let your fangs descend and your eyes change.
Stefan laughed, “Well you got that down.” You returned the smile he had on his face, “Alright, let’s try again. Meet me at the front porch.” He smirked and vamped in the direction of the boarding house. 
You sighed, “Here goes nothing.”
Running with vampire speed was an indescribable feeling. It was like you were flying, almost like your feet weren’t even touching the ground; you were going so fast but could see everything around you perfectly when you concentrated. This time, you weren’t as distracted and could see your surroundings clearly. Before you knew it, you arrived on the porch soon after Stefan.
He looked at you with a smile, “I told you, you could do it.”
You smiled wide at your best friend, “Thanks Stefan. Running like that is, well, amazing doesn’t even cover it. It feels so freeing.”
“It is quite a remarkable feeling, isn’t it?”
You and Stefan turned to the driveway as Elijah walked up. Neither of you had even heard him arrive.
“Elijah, hey.” You smiled.
“Do you feel you have sufficiently mastered the art of vampire speed?”
“Well, I stopped running into stuff and was on Stefan’s heels so I’d say basically.”
Laughter sounded from behind you, “I saw you hit that tree a minute ago, I’m sorry Y/N/N but that was hilarious.”
You turned to the doorway leading inside the boarding house to see your brothers approaching the three of you on the porch. Dean was laughing pretty hard, while Sam just had a smile on his face; you knew he was trying to not laugh too.
“Thanks Dean.” You rolled your eyes at your brother.
“No problem, squirt.” He smirked and tussled your hair, “What’s next in vamp school?”
“That is why I am here, I believe it is time Y/N learned compulsion.” 
You sighed. This was a skill you knew was going to be vital in your life as a vampire. But there was something about mind-controlling someone that just made you uncomfortable.
“Yeah, lets get this over with.”
You and Elijah stalked around a hiking trail on the outskirts of Mystic Falls for a few hours while he explained to you the nuances of live hunting and compulsion.
“Do you feel you are ready?”
“I don’t know about this Elijah. I could just do the blood bag thing, maybe live hunting and compulsion aren’t necessary.”
He stopped walking and turned to face you, “Blood bags do make our lives easier Y/N, but it is vital you know the proper way to hunt. They may not always be accessible. Compulsion is also necessary to our way of life, secrecy is what has kept vampire kind alive for centuries.”
You huffed, “I hate it when you’re right,” he smirked, “Alright, lets do this thing.”
The two of you kept to the trail until you were deep in the woods, following a single male hiker. Elijah was by your side and placed a hand on your arm, “I know you’re nervous, but you can do this. You’re a hunter, so I know you can act. So gain his trust and then look deep into his eyes and tell him not to scream, that’s what’s most important. Then you can feed freely until you feel his heart begin to slow slightly, that is when you stop and heal him, compelling him again to forget everything.”
You took a deep breath and shook out your arms, “Alright, this is a terrible idea but lets do it anyway.” 
Elijah let out a small laugh as he disappeared into the forest to give you leeway to learn. You took another deep breath and jogged up to the hiker, coming up with a story in your head on the fly.
“Hey, I’m so sorry to bother you but I think I got a little lost? This is my first time out here and I think I got a little turned around.” You put on your best flirty smile and twirled a piece of your hair.
The guy smiled, “Not a bother at all. There’s a bunch of side trails so that can happen sometimes. If you follow this trail back that way you’ll come back out to the beginning of the trail. I’m Zack by the way.” He held out his hand.
You smiled as you gave him a fake name, grabbing his hand to shake. “And I’m sorry Zack.”
You looked directly into his eyes and felt something click, and you knew he’d do whatever you said, “Don’t be afraid. And don’t scream, this will be over soon.” It seemed the fear went out of his eyes, but not completely. As you approached him, you could hear his heart pounding and could smell the blood flowing underneath his pale skin. It caused your fangs to descend and you pulled his hand so his neck was by your mouth. You took a deep breath and bit.
The taste of fresh blood was intoxicating. It was a million times better than the blood bags Damon stole from the hospital. You closed your eyes and gave yourself over to the feeling completely. His heart began to slow and you knew you needed to stop, but you couldn’t; something inside of you wanted to drain him completely. 
Elijah appeared beside you once he heard the human’s heart slow considerably, “Y/N you have to stop or you will kill him. I know that is something you do not want.”
Somehow Elijah’s words pierced through the drug-like haze the blood induced. You yanked yourself from his neck and stepped back, breathing hard. 
“Heal him.” 
Once again his words pierced through the fog and you did as he said. Biting your wrist, you looked into his eyes once more. “Drink.” Zack did as he was told and drank from your wrist until you saw the wound on his neck heal. You regained eye contact with him, “You will forget everything that just happened. You never saw me, nothing happened.”
You and Elijah vamped away and watched as Zack came out of the compulsion and shook his head. He immediately returned to his jog as if nothing had happened, just as you had instructed. 
Tears began to stream down your face, you could feel them making tracks in the dried blood. You wiped your face and felt yourself get increasingly angrier. How could you let yourself get out of control like that? You gave yourself over to the monster you knew was dwelling within you and that man almost died as a result. You were a sorry excuse for a vampire, and an even worse Winchester. Punching the tree nearest you, you took a chunk out of its massive trunk. The punches kept flying as you became angrier with yourself.
Elijah turned his attention from the trail to your assault on the oak tree. It was obvious you were immensely upset and he needed to calm you down before you got even angrier. The sound of the tree giving under your supernatural blows was bound to draw attention.
“Y/N, you must calm down.”
You brushed off the hand he laid on you shoulder to lay into the tree once more. This thousand year old vampire had no idea what you were feeling and this was the Winchester way of dealing with things.
With his enhanced speed he grabbed you from behind, pinning your arms to your sides with his arms around your waist. You struggled against him, but you were no match for an Original.
“Let me go Elijah!” you kicked against his hold and he just held you tighter. “No, not until you get ahold of yourself.”
“Get ahold of myself? I almost killed that man Elijah! I WANTED to kill him,” Tears began to stream down your face at a steady pace, “I went from a life dedicated to saving people, to almost killing one just because I could. What’s happening to me?” You grabbed Elijah’s arms and began to cry, something you’d done more as a vampire than you had in your entire life.
You heard Elijah sigh before he spun you around in his arms, clutching you tight to his chest. Looping your arms around his waist, you cried into his suit jacket. 
“I know your pain, Y/N. Every new vampire goes through this, I assure you. But the bloodlust is hard to control, which is why I brought you out here so I could teach you under my supervision so you would not do something you would regret. You will learn to control it, I promise. I will not let you do something to hurt yourself or someone else. I know if you drain someone, you will ‘flip the switch’ as Damon has affectionately put it.”
“Turn off my humanity...”
“That is never an option, Y/N. It is never permanent and you will do things while it is off that you will never forgive yourself for. I know this is hard, but you will learn to feed effectively. You will not hurt people, your life can still be dedicated to saving them.”
“I don’t know if I can do this Elijah...” you snuggled deeper into his chest. He held you even tighter, “You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met Y/N. Even if you didn’t have my guidance I believe you would succeed.”
You backed up to look up at him, damn he’s good looking, you thought to yourself. Shaking that thought away you smiled, “Thank you Elijah, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Well, I believe you’d be happily continuing your life as a human.”
You backed completely out of his arms and looked at him incredulously, “Seriously? Elijah this,” you gestured to yourself, “is nowhere near your fault. Klaus killed me causing me to transition; you’re one of the reasons I’m still alive right now so please, don’t disparage yourself like that.”
Elijah smiled and shook his head, “You are a remarkable woman. You went from emotionally unstable to making sure I was alright in a matter of seconds. With a moral compass like that I believe you will be alright.”
He moved forward and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, cupping your cheek in his palm. Leaning in, you knew he was going to try to kiss you again. Time seemed to slow down as you debated whether or not to let him. You said you needed time to choose between them, and your time spent with Elijah today had helped and you were supposed to spend tonight with Damon. Maybe if you compared how it felt when you kissed each of them, your heart would choose instead of your head. That doesn’t sound good, you mentally laughed at yourself. But you knew letting your heart choose was the only way.
When his lips met yours, it was like an electric shock traveled through your body. His lips were cold, but you didn’t mind as the kisses were, well, pretty damn great. The kisses were full of passion and desire and you knew if you let them continue much longer, they’d lead to something more.
This may be a little harder than you thought.
Read Chapter 21 Here
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madscientistjournal · 6 years
Old Mother Shudders
An essay by Old Mother Shudders, as provided by Tom McGee Art by Leigh Legler
There was a time when everyone knew to come to me for advice … but then my hair began to grey, my back began to stoop, my hands, once so strong, so capable, became frail and wrinkled. I began to shake, to tremble as my joints seized up one-by-one. Needed my ancient cane to prop myself up.
In a word, I got old.
“Old Mother Shudders” they began to call me. The kids at first, then the adults … then even I accepted it. If you live as long as I have, you carry many names: daughter, mother, wife … you come to realize that perhaps names don’t mean as much as we think.
What does matter is what we do.
I tell you all this, because I want you to understand what happened the night the women and children stayed home.
The night the lycanthropes returned.
The evening was bitterly cold, the kind of cold that gets deep into your bones no matter how much you bundle up, no matter how close you sit to the fire. There was an air of panic and agitation in our village. For years the mayor and the “elders” (a pack of ninnies several years my junior and very self-important) were convinced that the lycanthropes were gone for good. The last werewolf we’d seen had been in my youth, long enough ago that the hunters and village councilmen could pretend we were safe.
You live long enough, you come to realize we’re never really safe.
You learn to be ready.
When the first little girl went missing, the village councilmen were happy to concoct all manner of excuses and justifications, anything to avoid facing the truth: the monsters had returned.
Little girls don’t just go missing without reason on the night of the full moon around these parts.
Of course, when I told them that, they all ignored me.
“Crazy Old Mother Shudders,” they laughed, “Wants to live in the superstitious past. We’re modern people. All that unpleasantness is behind us.”
It took four more deaths before the word “lycanthrope” was even mentioned by anyone other than me.
We could hear them, stalking the woods. Howling. Waiting for the coming of the Long Night when the full moon would hang in the sky for hours and hours. It only happens once every seventy years … how could there be any doubt that the lycanthropes were just biding their time?
But now, of course, it was too late: they had claimed too many of our number, turned them. The remaining able-bodied men decided they had to take the fight to the monsters, before the Long Night began.
I offered advice on hunting the beasts as given to me by my grandmother, passed down from generation to generation, but of course they didn’t have time for me.
“Not now, Old Mother Shudders! The time for fables and fairy tales is over. Now is a time for steel and fire!” They declared, arming themselves and setting out to end the threat “once and for all.”
“The women and children stay home,” the lead huntsman declared and then they were gone, off into the woods.
The Long Night began early that year.
But where the men of the village had not the time nor care for the stories of an old woman, the women and the children listened. And listened well.
And so when the lycanthropes came for us, we were ready.
“Like this, Mother Shudders?” The little girl with flaxen hair handled the herb carefully, wearing gloves and placing it into the small stone basin. I nodded to her mother, who began grinding the herb with the pestle, into a fine powder–fine enough to be inhaled. We should have enough wolfsbane powder to defeat the creatures, but a little more can’t hurt.
“Just be ready to throw when you can smell the rot of their breath,” I told them. “It’s vital you wait until they are that close before you throw.”
The little girl nodded very solemnly. She would do well tonight.
We could hear them, in the woods, getting closer. The wolves had seen the hated fire leave held aloft in the hands of our clueless husbands, brothers, sons, and fathers. Fire is effective, to be sure, but it’s too obvious: every creature, living and undead knows inherently to avoid flame, why rely on something we fundamentally know to fear?
Better to hit them with the things do not yet know they should fear.
Amongst the sewing, weaving, and leatherwork the women of the village do, I’ve been having them make these pouches out of scraps. They’ve been doing it since the first little girl went missing, and now we have plenty. The powder bombs will buy us vital time to close the distance.
Then comes the silver.
The night is long, The wolves are fierce, Hands be strong, Their hearts to pierce.
When the children came to me and asked to hear the old tales, the ones that about monsters and genies and witches and faeries … the tales that actually teach you the important things in life, I made sure to always stress the importance of silver. Their parents would covet silver for status and vanity–mirrors and utensils, mostly. Nary a dagger or sword left amongst them–nothing so practical left unsold since the olden days.
And so, I told the children: when the day comes, when the monsters step out of myth and onto our doorstep, you must run and bring all the silver you can, no matter how unlikely its shape, for it is the silver that will save us all.
The children listened.
When the Long Night arrived, they brought it: spoons, forks, mirrors, combs, and best of all, knifes. We made a grand pile, and each person in the village took one. The one they’d use, when the time came.
I had already showed them how to use it, how to press it to the heart of the wolf and say the rhyme the whole way through. The one I’d taught them as it had been taught to me. As I had taught it to their parents, not that they’d remember it now.
The night is long, The wolves are fierce, Hands be strong, Their hearts to pierce.
It was the exact length of time it took silver to burn through a lycanthrope’s chest and into its heart. Decapitation works too, but takes more work than is strictly necessary.
And so, armed with powder bombs, silver, and tales of monsters defeated and vanquished through valour and bravery by clever little people just like them, the children stood side-by-side with their mothers, grandmothers, and a little old lady, who shook gently and leaned on her ancient cane. My ancient cane.
Made entirely of silver.
In our lives, we carry many names–I am told that the monsters still have many for me. To the lycanthropes, I am Wolfsbane. They made a mistake, coming back here; I have killed hundreds of their kind.
It would seem that the lycanthropes have forgotten that their monsters, too, are real.
Together, we spend the Long Night reminding them.
The men returned in the morning, having gotten lost in the woods, to find their women and children enjoying breakfast, telling tales of our heroic exploits, and drying dozens of wolf pelts by the fire.
To say our heroic huntsman and the village council were humbled would be an understatement, but true nevertheless.
They were eying our food hungrily and our wolf pelts sheepishly. We’d made enough for them, of course.
We’re good at planning ahead.
As we ate, I agreed to tell them the stories they had forgotten if they vowed never again to disregard the lessons of age and the wisdom of stories.
Gathering at my feet as they did when they were young, we defenders of the village shared our stories and laughed and cried.
So that, little ones, is why you must carry garlic in your pockets tonight and help your parents sharpen the stakes. You know the story of the night the women and children saved home, but now it will be up to you. When the Long Night comes, the undead will follow. Wrap yourself tight in your wolf cloaks, they will keep you warm and make you brave.
Oh, do be a dear and bring the silver.
It works on vampyrs, too.
Once a feared and fearsome monster hunter, Old Mother Shudders now spends her times teaching the children of her village the important stories (which is, of course, to say the ones about monsters, genies, ghosts, and faeries), ensuring that whenever evil rears its head, her people will be ready. If you were to ask any of the monsters of the realm their thoughts, you’d hear all manner of fables about Old Mother Shudders as well … after all, even monsters have a boogeyman.
Tom McGee is a Toronto-based writer, playwright, producer, dramaturge, and puppeteer. If you enjoyed this story, check out Tom’s first novel, The Bloody Lullaby, on Wattpad! He is the co-founder of Theatre Brouhaha and Shakey-Shake and Friends Puppet Shakespeare Company in Toronto. He is also the show runner and Game Master for Dumb-Dumbs and Dragons and Star Trek: Redundancy, two narrative podcasts where comedians play RPGs for the first time with hilarious, disastrous, and occasionally heartbreaking results. Both podcasts are available at GarbageProductions.net and on iTunes. For more of Tom’s writing, go to WhaHappen.ca.
Leigh’s professional title is “illustrator,” but that’s just a nice word for “monster-maker,” in this case. More information about them can be found at http://leighlegler.carbonmade.com/.
“Old Mother Shudders” is © 2018 Tom McGee Art accompanying story is © 2018 Leigh Legler
Old Mother Shudders was originally published on Mad Scientist Journal
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ask-de-writer · 6 years
NORE’S CHOICE : Origin of the Rom: MLP Fan Fiction : (Part 4 of 10)
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Part ONE of the Origins of the Rom
ORIGIN OF THE ROM SERIES in reading order.  (will be completed as the stories are posted in linked form)
Part One : NORE’S CHOICE, which starts HERE
Part Two : WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA! which starts HERE
Part Three : FAIR AND UN-FAIR, which starts HERE
Part Four : ON THE ROADS OF EQUESTRIA, which starts HERE
Part Six : SANDO’S LAKE, which starts HERE
Part Seven : A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ROM, which starts HERE
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
29000 words
© 2015 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat​
Writing begun 08/09/15
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Blog holding members of Tumblr.com may freely reblog this story provided that the title, author and copyright information remain intact, unaltered, and are displayed at the head of the story.
Fan art, stories, music, cosplay and other fan activity is actively encouraged.
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I put away the Orb of the Ages in its hidden place in time itself.  Now there was nothing left to betray old Marchhare.  I slept until somewhat before the dawn.
I pulled out of the abandoned farmstead and onto the Red Branch path.  I eyed the ruts, assorted muddy spots, stray sticks that could nail a wheel’s spokes and wondered again why the locals and the engineers put up with this mess as the way to get to so important a project as the Red Branch Dam.
Chuckling to myself at my own witticism, I 'hauled ass’ up the way, passing the dam itself.  I noted that it was nearly done.  Only a little left at the north end. That, and needing to settle for almost a year to let its own mass pack it more solidly before risking the massive load of water that it was going to hold back.  Water from it should open up an enormous amount of new farm land for feeding a hungry nation.
Past the dam, there was no real road at all.  That made going difficult indeed.  I thanked the mother of Celestia and Luna that I’d done it twice before this.  Made it easier to pick my way through the thickets.
I appreciated the shade and coolness under the giant old trees here.  These, I knew, were some of the biggest, oldest trees in Equestria.  It took me two whole days, pulling some at night, too, to reach the divide.
From that vantage point, I could see through some of the much smaller trees of this side of the Sunset Range.  Out there was bare rock, gravel, sand and clays.  I could see the shimmer of the heat on the surface of the desert.
Celestia’s Anvil.  Arguably the hottest driest desert on the world and it was what I had to go into. No profit this time.
I shook my head and muttered, “Lives are more important than gold.”  I pulled forward and onto the downgrade.  It was slow, tricky work to get that heavy cart load down safely to where the canyon floor widened out to a meadow with a spring flowing into a small pool, similar to several others that I’d passed.
What made this spring special was simple.  It was the last water before the desert.  I filled up all the water casks lining the sides of my wagon, easily increasing the load by a half.  No help for it though.  Not if I was going to try saving those horses.
And I was.  I leaned into it and pulled.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Another utterly merciless day was paling the eastern sky, heralding a cloudless dawn.  Nore woke and lifted her head to see about her.  Rom was up.  Maina and Phapa were up.  Sando was up.  She stirred and got her legs under her.  Getting to her hooves was not as easy.  Her left hind leg was still giving her trouble since the fall in that well.  The tumble out on that loose gravel slope had not helped it.
To Nore’s surprise, it was Sando who helped her to her feet.
Sando offered, “If you will accept my help, Nore, I can show the others how to make you a harness that will support your leg.  You will have to have support, though. I will do that while my strength lasts.  If you will have me do it.”
She gave him a skeptical glance. “You seem far different from the Sando that we left behind.”
“I hope that I am.  I understand, now that it is likely too late, how bad I was.”  He shook his head, ears drooping.  “If there is any way at all to make it up to all of you, I want to do it.  I do not want to die reviled and hated.”
Nore’s eyes softened.  “If you can show the others how to do that harness, Sando, I will let you support me.  My leg hurts.”
Rom nodded to the others.  Sarel brought up the rope.  Sando began, “We need two loops about me here.  Hard knot them so that the knots won’t slip …”
It took only a little time. Nore, with her limp, setting the pace, they started to struggle up the canyon to the slide that Sando found the day before.
Hooves slipped as gravel slithered away from under them.  Sometimes it seemed that it took three strides up to gain one.  Those were the good times. Frustrating efforts finally got them all to the top.  The sun was not yet over the horizon of bleak stone and bare clay.  They set out while the relative cool still prevailed.
If not for the same sun that was killing them, they could have lost their way entirely.  
Rom observed, “The Dayhorse is leading us to the place where she wants us to die.”  Drawing a big breath and letting it out slowly, he added, “Best not to disappoint her, I guess.”
They struggled on.  Nore looked up at Sando in puzzlement.  “Why would it matter if you were reviled or in comfort when you die, Sando?  Is not dying simply an end?  An end to suffering or an end to pleasure, but only that, an end?”
Rom turned an ear to hear Sando’s reply.  So did most of the band, actually.  Sando’s reply surprised them all.
“That is a very fatalistic view, Nore.  If life is simply a space between not being and not being, then why struggle at all?
“Everything that lives strives to live on.  An injured spider in the ruin of a web will still try to make another web and live on.  So it is with us, too.  Ask yourself why?  Why struggle to live on if there is an end to struggles and pain within your easy reach.  All that you have to do is give up.”
Nore did think deeply as she plodded along, making the best pace that she could.  She realized suddenly that she was the injured spider, but, expecting to die herself, she was setting as swift a pace as she could, in the hope that the others would survive.
“Do you know what lies beyond this world, when we die, Sando?”
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
I came out of the canyon from the Sunset Range and began to follow my old tracks.  Not a road by any stretch.  Just the way with fewest traps for the unwary.  My previous path avoided the sand and stuck to gravel and clay surfaces.
The wheels groaned and fought me, conspiring with the desert surface to hold back the wagon. I shook my head at the unforgiving gravels and baked clays, “I swear it was easier when I was not trying to save some poor horses.”
The harness bit harder through my sweat, as if to make up for the bugs that had, ages ago, abandoned Celestia’s Anvil.  I muttered, “I don’t blame them, either!  This is no place for a self respecting bug.”
I dragged and pulled anyway. “They are going to die if I don’t.  They might die anyway, but at least I will have tried!”
The sun slammed down harder, I was sure.  The Anvil was well named.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Sando thought over Nore’s question carefully and returned one of his own.  “What do you think is there, Nore?”
“I don’t know.  Until it started looking like I may find out soon, I really did not care.”
Sando nodded.  “That is the way of most, Nore.  I feel that there is a place that will reward us for the way that we use the Gift of Life.  If we give it up or throw it away, well, I don’t know what might await us.
“If it is reward for carrying on and doing our best to the end of our lives, it must be a reward suited to horses like us.  
“That would be a pleasant, lake of pure water that never fails.  There would be trees that both shade us from the sun and heat of the day, and have good fruits that they bear in all seasons.  There must be fine grass that grows always in plenty and soft, comfortable, safe places to sleep.”
“It sounds lovely, Sando.  I wonder if there will be a Master there?  The idea of having no Master frightens me.  It is the worst part of this whole horrible time.  We are cast out.  We have no Master.”  She shuddered to dry sobs and leaned a little harder on the harness of ropes.  Sando, understanding too well what she felt, made no complaint, but bore her up more strongly.
The other mares of the trekking band did overhear.  Dappled Sarel whispered to brown Phapa, “I never really thought about it before.  My mother used to tell me tales of the Night Horse’s Garden of Dreams but even when I was small, I didn’t really believe them.
“What Sando just said actually made some sense.  I need to think about it.”
Malit overheard and agreed, “Funny, isn’t it?  We are out here, like to die, and along comes this amazing thought from somehorse that I would never have looked to say anything sensible.”
Rom nodded too.  “I see some shade there by that rock outcrop.  It won’t last but I want the rest of you to wait there.  I will be looking ahead for a better shade to wait out the day.”
Sando said, “No, Rom.  That should be my task.  You are our leader.  You are vital to the rest if they are to live at all.  Let me scout the way.”  He paused and then added, “Please.”
They watched Sando work his way up a hill to the south east of them.  As he was scanning the route from his vantage point, Nore noticed how gaunt he was.  Looking about, she sadly noticed that they all were.  Shaking her head, she muttered, “Starvation does that.”
It was not long before Sando returned, his steps dragging.  His sides heaving, he reported, “I found us a better place.  The hill there, becomes a scarp facing south.  There is one of these twisty canyons in it.  We can have good shade for the rest of the day in there.  Come, I will show you the way.”
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
The Orb was showing me the best way to reach the band of lost and cast off slaves.  I grumbled at some of it.  Wagons need ground that is sound enough that wheels do not sink too deeply into it and free enough of obstructions like big stones and heavy brush to allow passage.  
As I detoured yet again through the desert night, I groused, “A straight way, please, Dear Luna!”
No answer but the return grumble of wheels on the small gravel that the wind left behind when it blew away the good soil.  It was five days of grueling labor.  I was pulling the last one in daylight.  Time was running out.
The worst place that I was aware of was just past.  No shade at all.  I suspect that if I could die, I would have, back there.  
The real chance for trouble lay not far ahead.  Another narrow canyon led out of the side of a ridge of the same ghastly mix of hard clay and small lumpy stones that was such a nightmare to pull the wagon over.  Up in there were the seven that I had come to try saving.
My big donkey ears could hear a little of their conversation.  One that sounded to be the filly said, “Sando, I don’t think I can go further.  My leg is healed.  I can’t stand now at all.  Tell me again of the Lake.”
A big soft voice answered her, “It has all good things for us.  The best of browse to eat.  Fruits born at all seasons from trees and bushes that give shade in perfect measure for us.
“A thing that I did forget to mention though.  There are instruments there to play for music and dancing.  We can dance, sing and play music whenever we wish.”
The filly’s voice answered, “I wish that the Master had not kept our lyres, flutes and drums.  I want to hear music again before I go to the Lake.”
The one named Sando was replying, “We all do, Nore … I hear something out on the desert!!  I am going to go see what it is!”
I made a show of passing to the south of where they were sheltering from the sun but where they had to see or hear me going by.
The big stallion came out of their shaded hideaway at the sound of my cart passing.  He called out in a weak voice, “Sir!  If you are this deep into the Anvil, you must have some water!  Can you spare a tiny bit?  We have a filly near to death.
“It is my fault that we are here.  Save her, if none of the rest of us, please?”
I paused in heaving against the harness to move the cart across the heat shimmering stones of the desert floor.  The gaze that I turned to him showed me a gaunt horse, fat gone, ribs standing out plainly, gut narrowed by starvation and thirst.
“I do have some water.  How many of you are there?  Have you any means to pay me for my water?”
His head had lifted until I mentioned payment.  His neck drooped.  The tips of his scraggly mane trailing in the dust.  “There are seven of us.  Two stallions, four mares and the filly.  I fear that there will soon be none.  We have no means to pay you.”
“Are you the band’s leader?”
“No, good donkey, Rom is our leader.  He is wise.  We are back in that steep sided canyon.  There is shade there, at least.”
Curiously, I asked, “You called me Sir and good donkey.  Why would you say that?”
He gave me a truly puzzled look. “You are Sir because you have not the headstall and bit of a slave. You are free.  I said good donkey because I hoped that a respectable trader like yourself might help us to save our filly, Nore Bel Morin.”
I nodded.  “I will shelter the balance of the day with you, if I am welcome to do so.  I will spare some water for your filly.
“You must help me to find a safe way for my cart to get to where you are waiting the evening.”
“Sir, I shall.  You will be welcome among us if you can aid Nore at all.”
True to his word, he helped me to get the cart safely to the canyon floor.  It was not easy but we managed it.
I was greeted by Rom Ina Callin, the leader of the band.  “Free Sir, would it be possible for you to spare anything at all for us?  Nore is in the most desperate need. If you cannot help the rest of us, of your mercy, help her.”  
I made a pretense of checking the filly out.  I already knew, through the Orb, what her condition was like. The filly, Nore, was pretty bad off indeed.  She was still conscious, able to swallow and speak though.
She gave me a trusting stare and asked, “Are you my guide to the Lake?  Am I going to die?”
I replied, “Not yet, Nore. Perhaps later.  Much later indeed, I hope.  For now, I have some water and some grain.  We will grind the grain into the water to give you both the drink and the nourishment that you need.”
Going to my cart, I saw that, though famished and thirsting near to death, none had touched it.  I opened a chest of the grain and, true to my promise, ground a ration of it with water from a cask.  One of the mares, a sorrel named Malit Ba Molin, took the ration and carefully fed Nore.  She stole no bite for herself.
I nodded as I thought to myself. “These are indeed worth saving.  They are the finest horses that I have ever seen.  Better than almost any ponies, too.”
I beckoned both Rom and Sando over to me.  In some perplexity, I asked, “What did Nore mean by 'guide to the Lake?’  Is it some sort of custom that I have not seen before?”
Sando hung his head and replied, “I spun her a tale to answer her question.  She asked what lies beyond death here in this deadly desert.
“The others heard me too.  It seems that she is clinging to that tale.  I told her and the others that a paradise awaited us but not if we gave up.  It is a wonderful Lake of pure water surrounded by the finest meadows of the best browse a horse could hope for.  There is shade from the sun provided by trees that bear always the best and tastiest fruits.  There we are free and labor only as we wish it, and not at the order of a Master.
“She seems to think that you are our guide to that better place.”
I nodded at that.  “I see.  I have only a few questions.
“Rom, do you know where you are in the Anvil of Celestia and do you know where you are going?”
Rom shook his head.  “We were cast out and, at the end, driven into the desert.  We had heard of you successfully crossing the Anvil and had no other hope but to reach the place that you came from.  Beyond that, we know nothing of where we are or are going.  I will not simply give up and die.  I am doing the best that I can to save any of us at all.”
“I see.  It is true that I am a merchant.  It is also true that I have a heart.  Life outweighs profit.  I have tested you, though it may not have been obvious.
“I simply left the wagon with its supplies where you could all see it.  None of you, though starving and suffering thirst, made any move to take any of the load.”
I sighed heavily, “I will forgo this trip’s profits to save you all if I can.  Tadast’s Wells is the nearest Gyptian town and it is seven days of hard wagon pulling from here.  My supplies cannot get you there.”
Sando hung his head and said, “We came from there.  We were driven into the desert because we found a well with water and through my foolishness the watch found it out. They will get a handsome reward for it.  To keep from sharing the reward, they will kill us.”
I shook my head sadly, “Such greed should not be.  I can try to get you all back to my land.  It will be a very close thing.  Some may die before we get there.  I hope not.  It is five days from here, at least that is how long it took me to get here.  I do not know how well the supplies will last.
“My land is a place called Equestria.  There are ponies living there.  They are smaller than you Gyptian horses.  They come in three sorts.  There are ones called Earth ponies.  They are like you but smaller and stouter of build.
“Another sort are called Unicorns.  They have a shortish horn in their forehead just above the eyes.  They can do magics with that horn.  Things can be lifted, held and moved by the power of their thoughts alone.  Like the Earth Ponies, they are not large.
“The third sort are called Pegassi.  They have wings and can fly.  They are able to move clouds and bring controlled rains.
“All three sorts have many pastel colors for their coats and manes.
“I do not know how they will welcome you, but getting you to Equestria is the best that I can do for you.”
Rom nodded gratefully.  “We will take our chances with your Equestrians.  You mentioned using your caravan’s load of food and water for the trip?”
I said sourly, “My hope for a profit, yes.  I said it before.  Lives are more important than profit.”
Rom pointed out, “The food and water are still yours.  Will you see to the rationing of them?  We are all terribly hungry.  I fear for fairness if any of us do it.”
I was about to answer when I felt a small muzzle touch my shoulder.  It was Nore.  She was staggering, but up.  She spoke softly, “Sir Guide to the Lake, thank you.  The mares said I should not be up yet but I wanted to say that.”
I put a hoof around her shoulders to steady her as I told her, “I hope that the Lake is far away for you.  Live long.  Be happy.  Let Paradise come in its own good time.
“I need to distribute rations for these fine horses in Rom’s band.  Will you help me?”
She gave me an adoring look and said, “I would be honored to help you, Sir.”
Malit, the sorrel mare who fed Nore, organized the others into a line to get both food and water. Sando and Rom had a disagreement about their place in the line.  They both wanted to be last.  
Sando whinnied, “It is my fault that we are here at all!  I should be last to get food or water!”
Rom retorted, “It was my decision to let you back with us.  As leader, it is my duty to see all others taken care of first!  That is the burden of the leader.”
Nore, helping me to break open a wrapped bale of clover top hay, saw the argument and called out, “Let the Master decide!  Marchhare is the only one of us who is a freeborn!  The supplies are his!”
The others all stopped cold and turned expectant heads to me.  I hope never to see that expression on the face of any horse or pony again.  They had agreed instantly with Nore and were giving themselves to me.  As slaves to a Master.  Me.
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oceanloading339 · 3 years
Ecu Map Editor Software
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T@b ZS4 Video Editing Software 0.94 offers users a professional video compositing/editing system with more than 120 built-in video effects including excellent color and chroma keying.Major Features:Custom output video width and height,Unlimited. TOAD ECU Map Editing Software: Enlarge. It may be overwhelming at first. But an hour or two and you'll ge the hang of it. Basically all you are. EcuEdit, mazdaEdit, gtr35Edit, subaruEdit, BRZEdit, logViewer - ECU tuning and logging solution by epifanSoftware. ECU Read/Flash for Subaru, Mitsubishi, Mazda. The software works with one of our USB Interfaces, Woolich Racing Log Box or Woolich Racing Log Box Pro, and allows you to flash the changes to the ECU of your.
Ecu Map Editor Software Free
Free Ecu Remapping Software
Ecu Map Editor Software Update
Ecu Editor Free
Ecu Tuning Software Free
Ecu Map Editor Software
BitEdit is a modern software for editing automative ECU calibrations and allows to change most dynamic options of the engine. Software working like that: your are opening ECU flash file, its procceds an identification and SW shows list of calibrations, that can be edited. After changes completed you can save new file ready for writing. BitEdit editor is good for professionals and newbie tuners.
Attention! BitEdit is only calibration editor, it does not allow to read or write internal memory of ECUs, it does not fix check summs after editing - this function must be performed by your flasher tool.
Intro Guide to Do-It-Yourself ECU Map Chip Tuning / Programming / Flashing (Using HEX Editor)
PART 1 of this article will talk about basics of ECU. You'll first need to get familiar with this information before attempting to code (as discussed in PART 2).
PART 2 demonstrates example how to program ECU via HEX coding software.
First a basic beginners guide introduction into world of car tuning and what you need to know:
The ECU of your car is like its brain. For your car to deliver it’s best performance you have to keep it in a fit condition at all times.
This is the only way to ensure that you get the best in both driving as well as handling. Modern day cars do not have manual controls. Nowadays sophisticated technology is being incorporated in the form of computerized controls that guide and ensure Engine performance.
Whenever you make a physical intervention the data pertaining to such intervention gets recorded in the memory banks of your car’s computer.
The computer uses the mapped data to work out the optimum control conditions in which the engine should function.
The ECU shuffles through the tons of data that come to it in the form of readings to decide the course of action that should be taken by the engine to ensure an ideal drive. The ECU tells your engine not only what to do but also how to do it. Thus the ECU in order to make accurate diagnosis on engine control utilizes stored data.
Even though you have made modifications in your car, the ECU still continues to get an input of the old data which is stored in it’s memory. This old data no longer is credible as it pertains to conditions that existed before the modification.
The input data to the ECU should pertain to the post modification situation of the components and parts introduced, while making the modification. This means that you have to erase the old data from memory and new data pertaining to post modification should be logged into the ECU memory by mapping in new readings. This is the reason why ECU resetting is essential for optimum performance after any modification has been carried out in your car.
The moment you have carried out the modification you should purge out existing data in your ECU’s memory. You should then feed in fresh data pertaining to the conditions that have come into existence post modification. The ECU has to operate on the newly acquired data as this new data reflects the true conditions post modification.
You should be well versed with the vital art of resetting the ECU of your car. You have to let your ECU adapt itself to the new situation arising out of the modification. Allow your ECU to relearn and perform.
Now therefore the step to be performed is to purge the old data and reset your ECU. Doing this allows it to adapt itself to new parts and efficiently perform post modification also. To reset the ECU you simply have to unplug the negative battery cable connection. Theoretically it is best to leave it in this disconnected condition for as long as you can. Practically leaving it disconnected overnight is more than enough.
After having left the cable disconnected for sufficient time you have to connect back the cable. Start the car and keep it running so that it warms up. This would not take more than 10 minutes at the most in summers. Once you have done this you have accomplished the ECU resetting. Shut off the engine.
You can now use your car whenever you feel like. ECU resetting is over.
You should remember a few points when doing the ECU setting. One important point that you should remember is not to reset ECU when using fuel additives or different octane fuel than you normally use. The idea is not to reset the ECU when using anything in your car that you normally don’t use. You should prepare the ECU to get adapted only to the conditions that it would normally encounter. This would also reduce the number of resets you will have to do to the ECU.
However if you are going to change the operating conditions on medium or long-term basis then you should reset your ECU. One such instance could be when you think of boosting octane.
Resetting the ECU when you choose to boost Octane becomes necessary because your ECU has a memory bank for octane.
This means that if you've been using lower octane, the response of ECU will correspond to lower octane with the booster matching lower octane performance.
The ECU response will continue to correspond to lower octane even though you have started using higher-octane fuel. This is because the ECU has not been reset for higher octane. Thus even though higher octane is in actual use, the data in ECU memory still corresponds to that of lower octane. This mismatch affects performance, as you are unable to derive the benefits of boosting the octane. Therefore you should reset your ECU periodically after filling up full tank in order to ensure that ECU adjustments for its octane memory are made afresh corresponding to the octane actually in use.
You can even customize resetting of your ECU so as to enable it to adapt itself to seasonal changes. Since humidity, air density, oxygen levels etc in air affect performance you could reset the ECU to adapt to these variables too.
The advantage of such resetting made to your ECU is that your car performs the best in every climatic condition. This lends versatility to your car- and all this at no cost.
Now let's dive more into the technical detail of tuning - but still keeping it simple...
Back in the good old days, the task of timing the ignition spark was performed by the mechanical distributor.
The greater the RPM, the more the timing would advance. It was clunky and mechanical but seemed to work reasonably well.
This did a sufficiently good job, but for the most effective power you would need to vary the timing to a greater degree than a fixed ratio advance curve.
The electronic ignition system was born giving much finer control over fuel delivery and spark timing. You ended up with a perfect spark timing only in a limited RPM band.
A complete map of variables was entered into the ignition program and the preset timing would be read from a table.
Now air temperature, engine speed, engine load and even control over turbo/wastegate control & fuel delivery rates means that precise management of the engine ignition timing is possible and you can achieve the maximum power output throughout the rev range.
What does ECU remapping do?
Electronic ignition allows the manufacturer to fine tune economy at popular road speeds such as 30mph, 56mph and 70mph where most cars spend a large proportion of their time. (Some manufacturers in the 2016 cheat software scandal have even created code to detect test conditions and run super lean to pass emissions limits.)
It is now possible to advance the timing if the throttle is wide open to give greater power or back off the timing when cruising at constant speed for improved economy.
Manufacturers do not want people breaking down, suffering premature parts failure or to get a reputation for uneconomical cars so they build in a wide margin of tolerance. Different countries use different grades of fuel and have varying degrees of extreme weather conditions, all these factors add to the fudge that has to be done to keep all the cars working well across the globe.
Each car that leaves the production line is also unique, some achieve 20bhp less and others can be 20bhp up on standard specs, depending on how well the components are machined and put together. So rather than put each car through a unique assessment and get a bespoke timing map, they adopt a standard one map fits all philosophy.
It is also a fact that manufacturers use the remap to produce different power versions of the same engine and get lower insurance cover ratings and better fuel consumption. You start to see the fantastic scope for improvement, when you add into the mix the fact that the average TorqueCars reader will be adding better performing components to the car, you have a really strong case for a remap.
Other things that the manufacturer builds in to their map equation is the possibility of user neglect i.e. infrequent servicing with items struggling like dirty plugs, bad leads, clogged air filter, partially blocked injectors etc... The list goes on.
Ecu Map Editor Software Free
' When a manufacturer creates a timing map they build into it a big margin of error to cope with: adverse temperature ranges, minor faults & bad conditions. In some countries emissions targets vary as measured by CO2, HC, NOx and these usually require a fudging of the one setup for all approach. '
Who should remap?
Anyone who has added performance parts to their engine should consider a remap. If your car is a turbo model & has electronically controlled fuel injection, there are massive power gains on offer and TorqueCars would strongly recommend a remap.
What are the hidden costs or drawbacks? You will need to be prepared to keep the car serviced more frequently, and, sometimes decreasing the service interval by half. When you fill up you are also restricting yourself to high quality fuel and even high octane fuel if this was what the map was optimized for, and you must be prepared to replace components that fail due to the extra work they are doing.
When an engine is tuned to produce more power, you are also creating more stress and strain, so things will start to fail such as air flow sensors. Any weak spots in an engine usually show up a couple of months after a remap has been done. Generally the turbo/clutch weaknesses will manifest themselves clearly at this point. Also turbos can wear out, other major components like pistons and bearings will need care and attention and you will find that the clutch lasts a shorter time.
If you do not have a turbo there's very little to be gained by a remap alone - perhaps only a few BHP so TorqueCars' recommendation for non turbo cars is to modify everything else first (cams, pistons, increase compression, engine balance, air intake, exhaust, head work, bigger valves etc...) after these things have been done you can then consider a remap which will help you get the full benefit from them.
On the subject of turbos, (briefly though as we have a comprehensive article on turbos in the forced induction section), a remap will often introduce boost from lower down the rev range and because of this the turbo is running faster and hotter. In this situation you must let the turbo cool down a little before shutting off the engine, otherwise the oil will degrade and you will have an expensive turbo repair on your hands. Fitting a turbo timer will also help with this problem and keeps the engine ticking over.
Of course the amount of power you choose has a bearing on the reliability and cost of running the car. Many people go for an off the shelf remap which are on offer all over the country and typically cost around $260-$600.
This is better than the manufacturers map in that it uses tighter parameters but it is still a one size fits all job. If you are after big power gains and have changed major components like the turbo, waste gate and have done extensive engine work then a custom remap is the best option.
Switchable Remaps
Things have moved on and it is now possible to have a few maps stored which you can select from. It is typical to have a valet mode to stop the boy racers at the garage thrashing your pride and joy on the 'test run' to bed in the new wiper blades they have fitted. Then there is often an economy option to give very frugal fuel consumption, particularly useful when cruising on long journeys.
Then you have the 'sport' or 'power' modes which give lots of power and often require high octane fuel. TorqueCars strongly recommend that you get a switchable remap - it may cost a little more at the outset but you will avoid many of the pitfalls of running a high power remap all of the time by doing this and get the best of both worlds.
Some maps use the cruise control to choose a map, other companies offer handheld flash devices which allow you to choose a range of maps and upload these. It typically takes about 3 minutes to flash a car through the OBD port so is not an on the fly option.
Most people will run an economy map through the weekly commute and then go for a performance map at the weekend or a race map for track days.
Please do not confuse a remap with the little 'tuning boxes' you can buy for $60 which generally contain little more than a $5 resistor and often do little more than fool the car into thinking the air is cooler than it is. If it was really this easy to get more power from a car then the manufacturers would have already done that themselves.
Some cars are not easy to remap, I remember that the Rover MEMS & Toyota ECU's are a case in point. The Manufacturer holds the key to the ECU and locks their Map into their firmware. Some ECU's are simply not reprogrammable. So what can you do? Is there an option? Well thankfully there is and they are called piggy back ECU's or aftermarket ECU's.
Piggy back & Aftermarket ECUs:
Piggy back ECUs connect between your existing ECU and the engine sensor inputs and outputs. All work slightly differently and apply some or all of the following combinations.
Some will adjust the sensor readings such as air temp, engine speed, crank position and effectively lie to the standard ECU forcing a more aggressive timing. Some will actually perform their own calculations and take over control of some aspects of engine management like turbo waste gate control and ignition timing.
Some will take the standard ECU output and modify the signals sent to change timing and learn to guess the next output a split second before it is needed using the base ECU map and just enhancing it a little.
Tuning boxes are relatively new and these alter readings going to and from the ECU giving extra power or economy.
Aftermarket ECUs are often direct replacements for the car's ECU and will take over all the functions associated with it. They are generally faster and able to cope with a wide variety of additional factors such as water/methanol injection and a turbo timer.
Be wary though, as some piggy back ECUs and aftermarket ECUs do not include knock protection. If this is the case then set your timing conservatively and use high octane fuel.
Part 1: ECU Back-to-Basics
3 Typical Questions When Attempting Car Tuning:
Should I get a 'one size-fits all'?
Should I get off-the-shelf chips like (Mugen, Jet, Spoon, Skunk2, Comptech, Neuspeed, FF Squad, Inline4, Power XS, Bayou Performance). Or Dinan ECU - which are 'best guess' chips?
Should I get one of those chips I see for sale on eBay all the time?
So here's the answers to them:
First, don't chip too early There is no point in getting a new ECU program early in your engine build up and then later upgrading to bigger lift and duration cams, or larger injectors, bigger fuel pump, or an aftermarket IM/bigger bore TB , etc. , since these parts just render your 'new' ECU program obsolete and useless (ie. any power gains from the chip are eliminated). So please do not get your chip reprogrammed just after i/h/c/e , if you later plan on going for bigger & better things in the future. It's supposed to be one of your last modifications and not one of your first, to prevent the need for multiple chip reprogrammings after each addition of a new modification. The reason you see so many chips for resale on eBay? Other enthusiasts made the mistake of buying a chip too early that was not programmed correctly for the unique way their engine package breathes. It made very little power for them , or likely made their engine run too rich, or both. They are now trying to recover the money lost from an obsolete or incompatible chip. Then there are the programmers who take advantage of import enthusiasts who do not understand the performance difference between a pre-programmed, mail-order chip versus a chip tuned and programmed on your car at a dyno. They are selling them based on the attractiveness of convenience for unsuspecting people who don't have a local programmer and dyno, the hyped hp gains from the magazine articles or ads, and a lower cost compared to other significant hp gain modifications, like cams or an intake manifold (IM).
Second, What does an ECU do and what am I doing when I get a new chip ?
The ECU controls:
the fuel map (ie. program commands for how much fuel to add at each rpm) and sequential firing of the injectors
ignition map (program commands for how much spark timing to advance or retard from the baseline ignition timing you set at the distibutor cap at each rpm)
VTEC switchover
Speed limiter (JDM and European models)
Knock sensor warning
Second O2 sensor CEL warning in OBD 2 and OBD 2b cars for testpipes and high flow cats and closed loop operations
Activates the opening of the secondary runners' valves based on the IAB vacuum input, if you have a dual stage IM (eg. 3rd gen. GSR)
The ECU also activates your other CEL error codes and controls A/C & Idle/EVAP inputs/outputs. When you get a new chip, the programmer has changed the program's commands of the ignition map and fuel map in response to a change in air flow and rpm (ie. both are indicators of 'engine load'). The amount of ignition timing and fuel delivery is changed for a given air flow and rpm compared to the stock program. The programmer can also remove or inactivate the sensor CEL warning codes and move the VTEC point, redline, and speed limiter points to anywhere you like. What do these ECU program's commands look like? Example of a 3 dimensional ignition table of program commands (or 'ignition map'): Manifold Absolute Pressure or MAP which monitors air flow (Y axis), RPM (X-axis), and Ignition Advance/Retard from Baseline Timing (Z-axis).
There is also a 3-D fuel table (or 'fuel map') which has Intake Manifold Pressure (Y-axis), RPM (X-axis), and Fuel Values instead of spark Advance (Z-axis).
The program commands can be entered on 2 dimenional tables.
Example of a 2-Dimensional fuel table's commands during a GSR's VTEC cam lobe operation:
RPM down the Y axis to far left, MAP (mBar) across the top row, and fuel values for the injector duty cycle in the table cells.
Most (but not all) plug in chip replacements claim to be a 'Mugen' program. Typically these chips disable error reporting for most sensors and give about 40 % worse fuel economy. The chips are popular with engine swaps because they eliminate most error codes caused by poor wiring....The stock knock sensor is designed to compensate for different qualities of fuel, and has a limited scope of adjustment. It is not designed to co for detonation under boost and may be fooled by forged pistons rattling into retarding the ignition when knock is not present. Mugen recognizes this and does not have a knock sensor (input on their ECU).
Third, 'Best Guess' programs are not as good.
An 'off the shelf' or mail order ECU is a programmer's best guess at trying to make a program that will fit as many different engine combination of mods as possible...that's why I call these 'one-size-fits-all'. These usually get you in the no gain or 5% disappointment gain ballpark. You will not get major gains with these 'best guess' chips. Save your money.
So you want to make major power gains (ie. 13-15% or at least 7 whp from midrange up) with an ECU reprogram?
Please get a true custom chip instead, programmed on YOUR unique car with its own combination of mods, on a dyno using a wideband exhaust O2 sensor/Air:Fuel Ratio meter. This is the only way to go, if you are serious about getting the most out of a computer program upgrade for a street/race setup. If you got your chip by mail then, please understand that you did not get the most out of it...even the custom pre-programmed, mail-order kind of chips. The only correct way is to do the reprogramming on the dyno. And this leads us to who do you go to? If you are lucky like me and have a couple of local programmers with Honda experience near your town, then your local programmer will go with you to the dyno and work his experience in tuning on the laptop and EPROM or EEPROM burner. If you do not have a local programmer or race shop that does programming, then I strongly recommend getting together with some friends and investing in a Hondata Stage 4 or P200 system. It allows YOU to tune YOUR car on the dyno or at the track using elapsed times between known rpm points. It comes with a chip burner, chips ($25/each), emulation laptop capability, instructions, and tech support. Investing in a wide band O2 sensor like the MOTEC they sell is also a good idea. This takes the guess and disappointment out of ECU upgrading. If you want to go at this alone, then an AEM EMS is worth looking into, since it has base programs and laptop emulation. This is a serious investment for serious people.
If neither of these appeal to you and you insist on getting a mail order chip knowing that it won't be the best program, then stick to the known programmers (PM me if you want recommendations from people I've known who do a decent 'best guess' chip). Most people who buy a mail order chip usually have a piggyback tuning box, like an Apex fuel controller (SAFC or VAFC) or Field SFC VTEC/fuel controller, and use those to further tune the fuel delivery on the dyno with a wideband O2 sensor.
Chip reprogramming at the dyno requires a wideband universal exhaust gas oxygen sensors (called an UEGO that you can get from dyno shop or race shop) to measure air:fuel ratio at each rpm. Expect at least 3-4 hr dyno time minimum to tune these even if you are experienced at partial and wide open throttle fuel tuning.
Other systems to consider are the Motec M4, Apex Power FC, Accel DFI, SDS EF3, and Electromotive Tec3. Compare processor speed (16 bit, 16 MHz versus 32 bit, 33MHz ), available baseline programs to get you going without startin from scratch, sensor compatibility, emulators availability, and a good track record for tech support/customer service (not just whether they have one or not).
2. Why an 'off the shelf' mail order ECU will disappoint:
...on most naturally aspirated engines operating on pump fuel, the only way to achieve tangible power gains is by increasing airflow through the engine. Chips cannot do this. Therefore they cannot make much difference in power output. Chip reprogrammers can richen the mixture slightly at full throttle and advance the ignition timing slightly perhaps but this would be at the expense of lowering the factory safety factors for detonation and emissions. The absolute maximum gain in this instance would be on the order of 5% and could be as little as 0%. Most independent tests that I have seen on performance chips for naturally aspirated engines have indeed shown minimal or no gains in acceleration.
Some were slower than the factory chip.
Chips for use in factory stock turbocharged applications can increase power substantially in some cases by raising the boost pressure. This again reduces the factory detonation limits and you risk engine damage. Without increasing fuel octane, you are asking for trouble especially if your engine does not have a knock sensor.
Finally, we have chip companies doing 'custom' chips for modified engines. What does this involve? This is a technically sound modification only if your engine has the same mechanical mods as the motor on their dyno that the chip is being developed for. If your cams, heads, turbo, exhaust, intercooler, injectors, throttle body or fuel are different, the chip will not be correct for your engine. A chip made for an engine slightly different from yours will be slightly wrong under some conditions. In some cases, poor driveability and performance are the result.
SDS and Hondata agrees with me that the best way to rechip your computer is to program your ECU instead on the dyno on your car rather than buying a previously programmed 'best guess' chip made to fit as many different engine packages as possible.
The only way to get good results on a modified engine with different mods from the base engine is to take your vehicle to the tuners facility and get a true custom chip burnt for YOUR engine. This must be done on a chassis dyno then tested on the road also for driveabilty faults which often don't show up on the dyno. This will cost more.
Here is some very good advice when buying a pre-programmed , 'mail order' performance chip from SDS' website that I have found to be true:
Before buying, do acceleration testing with a stopwatch, Vericom (or a GTech Pro) or at the strip. Have an objective measure of performance as your baseline before programming so that you have something unbiased and not subjective (like a butt dyno impression) to compare to afterwards.
Get the chip maker to guarantee the performance gain IN WRITING and make him understand that you will return the chip to him if the chip does not work as claimed. If emission compliance is a concern, ask if their chip will pass the test and get it IN WRITING.
Follow all of the instructions provided by the chip maker when installing it.
Stick to reputable companies. Some people in the chip industry really don't know what they are doing. Talk to some people first who have used a certain chip and see if they are satisfied.
Test your car to be sure that you got what you paid for. This is all good advice when buying any aftermarket devices such as ignition wires, ignition products, oil or fuel additives etc. which advertise a performance gain.
If it doesn't do what it is advertised to do, you just got hosed and with some chips costing $300-500. This is something that you should not put up with.
Be careful. Some unscrupulous programmers will promise to sell you a 'Mugen' like chip but in reality, all they have done is moved the redline higher and removed the CEL warnings. The advice to stick to known reputable programmers is wise, if you plan on mail orders.
What about standalone computers like a Hondata instead of a redone chip?
If all of this doesn't sound too good to you (in terms of chips), the alternative is a (standalone) programmable engine management system . These allow you to tune your engine yourself. This can be good and bad. The same things apply as above for the mail order chips.
If you don't have a fairly thorough understanding of the system, engines and tuning plus a dose of patience, DON'T buy one of these.
Understand that you will have to program all of the values to make the engine start, warm up, cruise, accelerate and run at full power. This can entail entering hundreds of points in most cases and you will require either a dyno or a long deserted road plus some indication of mixture strength to properly tune such a system. These systems are great for the knowledgeable person and a nightmare for the lay person.
Remember, both the chip that you buy or the chip in your (standalone) programmable ECU must have the proper values entered for your engine to run properly.
The main advantage of user programmable (standalone) systems is that they can be quickly changed, if a new mod is done or if not quite right whereas the factory type (mail order) chip must be changed or sent back to be redone, sometimes, several times at great cost.
If you are contemplating a strictly race situation, don't bother with the factory ECU or chips at all. These were not designed for performance use and you will usually not get the kind of power required with factory hardware. This is when a programmable system is a must.
When considering buying a programmable system, here are a few tips:
Discuss your goals and needs with the tech people selling the system.
Make sure that the system will do what you require it to do. Don't expect the impossible - you can't expect a 400hp, 4 cylinder street car to have factory driveability, fuel economy, emission compliance, a smooth idle or long life on pump fuel. If you do, you are a nut and no one will talk to you. There is a reason why there are no factory cars like this driving around your neighborhood.
Removing the factory system and installing a stand alone system can be a lot of work. What hardware, skill and tools will you require to install the system? Can you handle it or do you know someone who can?
What factory options will you lose when removing the factory ECU?
If emission legality is a concern, find out if their system is legal and if it will likely pass in your area when properly programmed. Many systems are not legal for street use and many manufacturers will not guarantee emission compliance because they cannot control the programming.
Find out how easy the unit is to program and if you can handle it. If it is difficult to use, either don't buy it or find a place where you can go to have it properly tuned.
Make sure that the company has good, accessible tech support, you may need it.
You are responsible, if you program the system too lean and melt your engine, don't blame the system maker. If the engine runs like crap, you are probably asking the system to do something that it was not designed for or have not programmed it correctly. This is your problem now.
Read, understand and follow the manufacturers instructions. LISTEN. It will save you a lot of time. Remember, that the people who design and build this stuff likely know a hell of a lot more than you do about it.
If all of this discourages you, sell the present car and simply buy a faster one, you will probably be happier in the end.
3. Some Basic ECU Info for OEM Honda ECUs
Most ECUs up to 1996 hold their program information and data in small chips called ROMs. These are 28pin chips 1.5 inches by 0.6 inches. If we want to change either the program information (how the ECU behaves) or the data (usually the fuel and ignition tables), we need to replace the factory ROMs with our own. There are several different types of chip which can be used to replace the factory ROM.
Terms To Know:
ROMs are read only memory, which cannot be re-used once programmed(e.g. Atmel AT27C256 ROMs). ROMs are most suitable for the final tune for an engine, which is not going to be altered.
EPROMs are like ROMs except they have a quartz window which allows the EPROM to be erased and reused. Like ROMs, EPROMs are suitable for the final tune.
EEPROMs can be electrically erased and re-programmed, usually much quicker than EPROMs (e.g. Atmel AT29C256). The advantage of EEPROM is that it is can be programmed in 20 seconds without erasing it first. EEPROMs are most suitable for use when tuning a car, but can be used as the final tune as well.
EPROM emulation:
An EPROM emulator is a device which emulates (acts like) an EPROM. It is a box of electronics which plugs into the ROM socket on the ECU, and a laptop or PC. The advantage of using an EPROM emulator is that the tuning information in the ECU can be changed quickly without unplugging or swapping ROMs.
There are two types of EPROM emulators: normal and real-time. Normal EPROM emulators will shut the ECU down while the information in the ROM is updated. Real-time EPROM emulators allow you to changetuning information while the engine is running.
All Honda ECUs have a part number which is located on the side of the ECU and inside the ECU on the connector. e.g. 37820-P72-A01 The part number consists of three components:
Honda's part number for ECU, which is always 37820 Three characters (which are loosely related to the model of car/engine). e.g P72 Three characters (which are the revision of the ECU) e.g. A01
The middle three characters are the most useful to identify what the ECU is.
Different generation ECUs may use the same characters. e.g. a P72 OBD I ECU is different from a P72 OBD II ECU.
Here is a list of common ECUs (and the car model they come from):
PG6 : 88-89 Integra (all makes) PM5 : 88-91 Civic/CRX DX PM6 : 88-91 Civic/CRX SOHC Si PM7 : 89-91 DOHC ZC (JDM 'EF' ECU) PM8 : 88-91 CRX HF PR2 : 89-91 ZC (Euro) PR3 : 89-91 JDM B16A EF8/9 PR3 -J00 or J51 : 92 JDM Integra B16A EF8/9 PW0 : 89-91 JDM B16A EF8/9 DA6-XSi PR4 : 90-91 Integra LS/GS PS9 : 88-91 4 door Civic EX Auto P05 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic CX P06 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic DX P07 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic VX P08 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic D15 JDM P0A : 94-95 OBD-1 Accord EX P13 : 93-95 OBD-1 Prelude Vtec P14 : 93-95 OBD-1 Prelude Si (non Vtec) P27 : 92-95 OBD-1 EG JDM Civic 1600 sohc P28 : 92-95 OBD-1 Civic Si/Ex P30 : 92-95 OBD-1 DelSol DOHC Vtec Si/EG SiR P54-G31 : 1997 Honda Accord 1.8 LS P61 : 92-93 OBD-1 Integra GSR P72 : 94-95 OBD-1 Integra GSR P72 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra GSR P73 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra Type-R (JDM & USDM) P74/75: 92-95 OBD-1 Integra LS/GS P75 : 96-00 OBD-2 Integra LS/GS P2N : 96+ OBD-2 Civic HX Coupe P2P : 96+ OBD-2 Civic EX Coupe P2E : 96+ OBD-2 Civic DX Coupe P2M : 96+ OBD-2 NZ Civic SOHC VTEC P2T : 99+ OBD-? Civic Si Coupe P5P : 97-00 OBD-2 Prelude Type-S (JDM ECU) PBA : 97+ US Acura 1.6EL PCT : 98+ JDM ITR / CTR PCX : 99+ OBD-? S2000
ECU ROM Numbers: As further identification Honda ECUs have a software revision number inside the ECU. This is usually a two or three digit number stamped on the 28 pin ROM, or main processor. Accord and Prelude ECUs can use a letter and number code.
Injector Size Limit For Stock ECU:
What are the biggest injectors I can run with a stock ECU?
The ECU can be re-calibrated to suit any sized injector (make sure you match injector impedance if you are replacing you injectors). However, injectors take a finite amount of time to open and close, so the bigger injectors tend to be less accurate with their fueling at low durations, such as idle.
Much depends on the mechanics of the injector, and how quickly it can open and close. With disk type injectors (such as RC 440cc injectors) you cannot tell the difference between stock injectors and injectors which flow twice as much as stock injectors, once the ECU has been reprogrammed for the larger injectors (and there is no difference on the dyno either). With race engines we have run injectors up to 4 times the size of the stock injectors.
How come people say that the biggest injector I can run is 310 cc/min. ?
This assumes that you are not re-calibrating the ECU to the new injector size. If you don't, the bigger injector will over-fuel. If this happens then the ECU will compensate to some degree using closed loopo peration to reduce the injector duration. The limit of the long term closed loop adjustment is about 40%, which is close to the increase in size from stock to 310cc injectors.
Disadvantages of Running High Fuel Pressure:
Some people, instead of buying a proper size injector to get more peak hp opt to push the limits of the current injector they have by cranking up the FP and running at near or over 80% duty cycle. Once you exceed a 20% increase from the maximum FP spec, you wear out the injectors faster and the ECU fuel map calibrations for the program are no longer applicable. Other disadvantages of extra high FP:
Fuel injectors require more current to open meaning they run hotter and are less reliable as a result.
Fuel injectors can take longer to open.
There is a greater tendency for the fuel to leak past the injector seals.
There is a greater chance of rupturing the diaphram of the FPR (usually rated to 100 psi) dumping fuel into the intake.
So, you probably need to upgrade the injector and possibly the fuel pump (if you push FP or run high CR or boost) and if you exceed 310 cc/min then you will need an ECU re-program.
Part 2: ECU HEX Coding
This is a brief introduction on how to tune a sample car map file using a good ECU HEX editor like TOAD.
NOTE: This is only a very brief introduction to tuning. There are many forums online on how to edit map files.
STEP 1: Download the stock ECU load from the vehicle. This image is the raw data from the ECU memory and is the application and Operating System code for the ECU. It controls how the car runs. Above the code area you will find the Constants and Maps, among other things. Take a look at the figure below...
In the hex dump window you see a series of highlighted bytes, 43 7A 00 00, and in the Inspector window you see 'Float 250'.
This is showing a map or constant value, in 32 bit floating point format, of 250.
The next series of 4 bytes, 43 FA 00 00, is a value of 500.
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A value of 00 00 00 00 is a zero value.
Notice there are lots of 32 bit floats in the area of memory. This is part of a table.
The 20 values shown are:
250, 500, 0,0, 9, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800, 3200, 3600, 4000, 4400, 4800, 5200, 5600, 6000 and 6400.
The values 200 and 500 are not RPM based on the magnitudes (RPM would not normally be lower than 650), the values 800 thru 6400 are most likely RPM values used in a lookup table or map.
What is a Map? Look at the array below...
Free Ecu Remapping Software
The numbers in red represent RPM values, the green numbers represent Mass Air Flow and the numbers in the yellow matrix represent fuel injector pulse width.
The longer the injector pulse the more fuel gets injected into the rotor.
To find this table you would look for ascending RPM values, ascending MAP values and many fuel injector pulse values, RPM X MAP numbers, in this case 13X9. This is a purely hypothetical MAP for illustration only.
Going back to the ECU hex dump, the ascending RPM numbers could be the start of a fuel map, or it could be a timing map, or possibly a map to control oil injection, at this time we don't know the definition of that map.
Ecu Map Editor Software Update
To find a Constant, you need to know what to look for.
An RPM limit would be a 32bit float at 9000 for a standard transmission car or 7500 for a automatic.
You would do a search for '46 0C A0 00' to find all values of 9000.
Pick one and change to 8000 and see if you hit the RPM limit.
Ecu Editor Free
Not all values are stored as floats, there are also single byte values of 0-255, unknown if 16 bit integers are used.
Once you take a look at the MAP area in memory, you will see it's nearly all floats or byte values.
Ecu Tuning Software Free
ECU Flashing / Programming / Tuning / Chiptuning Resources:
On the last note...
Ecu Map Editor Software
Even though chip tuning is possible with any ordinary HEX editor (as described above) — the fact is it can be very time consuming, tedious and error-prone.
That's why if you're serious about car ECU chip tuning — you want to look into dedicated ECU chip tuning software like TOAD. Software that not only provides HEX editing capabilities, but can also visually map out cars ECU map into sections... without you having to look for them manually. This means you can tune a map in minutes vs. hours... and without making any mistakes that could potentially render cars ECU chip useless. Check out the software here.
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0 notes
theladyofdeath · 7 years
Castaway {ACOTAR/ Chapter 1}
Word Count: 3,001
Summary:  A modern-day University AU, from the A Court of Thorns and Roses universe. All characters belong to Sarah J. Maas. The idea for this fanfic hailed from prompts sent in by Anonymous, and @queen-archeron.
Author’s Note: I want to begin by stating that I am not for Feylin, nor do I support them as a couple. But, as in ACOTAR, it is vital that the story begins with them as a couple. I have been so excited to share this with you, and already can’t wait to share chapter two. As for chapter one, I hope you enjoy. :)
August 16 – It felt like the first time.
My first time having sex was not romantic.
It was horrible.
To say it was awkward would be an understatement. Hell, it would be an improvement.
The only articles of clothing removed were our pants, and my panties, and it took place in the bed of his truck behind his parent’s barn. He kept making uncomfortable grunting noises, and his shoulder kept bumping into my chin.
I think we kissed once during the entire atrocity.
Oh. And he called me Claire.
That’s not my name.
Tonight was different, though. He made me feel like a princess, like every inch of my body was longed for and respected. He took his time with me, and there was nothing awkward about how he touched me, or how he held me, or how he looked at me.
And when he whispered my name, my entire being unraveled.
I won’t be sleeping tonight.
Wide Awake but Lost in a Dream
   September 2 – Move in day
Feyre could hear their voices before she turned the corner, her heart nearly pounding through her chest with every step.
Trailing behind her, Elain was carrying a box full of art magazines and photographs, while Nesta was hauling so many pillows that she couldn’t quite see where she was going. Feyre, on the other hand, only carried her clothes, which she managed to stuff into two old duffle bags that she had managed to save from decaying in her dad’s attic.
“Shouldn’t your new boyfriend be helping?” Nesta mumbled, tripping over her own two feet. “He could probably carry all this himself.”
“He’s moving in today, too,” Feyre proclaimed, defending him, although she did wish he was there with her.
They had been dating for a month, just about, and Feyre had to admit that she was loving the honeymoon stage. They spent hours kissing until their lips became chapped, and holding onto each other until ridiculous hours in the morning. 
They had met at orientation while Feyre was waltzing through the Greek Row booths.
He was there, with his fraternity, watching her move from booth to booth. He was quiet, a little bit awkward with his words, a little bit stiff and short when he spoke, but there was something about him Feyre could not ignore, could not forget.
He was mesmerizing.
Their first date was the next night. 
And they had spent nearly every day together since.
She sure wished he was there, though, helping her move in, to begin this new chapter of her life. She was finally free, gone from the small town an hour away that held her father, the man who was too lazy and too far broken for Feyre, or either of her sisters, to heal. They had been trying for too long. And Feyre was exhausted.
The thought of leaving used to make Feyre feel guilty. She was the only one left, as Nesta had moved away five years before and made a life for herself in the city. And Elain, sweet Elain, had left just a year after to chase her own dream.
Feyre was his last hope, and she had failed him. He doesn’t want to be helped, Nesta would always tell her, and near the end of her time spent under her father’s roof, Feyre was beginning to agree.
You need to make yourself happy. You need to take your own path, Elain would follow, more graciously than their elder sister.
So, she did.
She had applied to the University of Velaris a few months before, and before she could think twice about leaving her little, dinky hometown, and her father, Feyre was moving to the City of Starlight. She couldn’t wait for her first night there, to find out how the city got its nickname.
Soon enough.
“Here,” Feyre halted, Nesta bumping into her back due to her obnoxiously high stack of pillows.
Room 218.
Feyre pushed open the cracked door, to find that the room was already occupied.
And tiny.
Feyre was used to a small bedroom, and not having much, but this was ridiculous.
There were already two girls sitting in the room, watching Feyre and her sisters with curious expressions, and by the time the new three had entered, there was barely any room to move.
The blonde one, whose hair hung in long, loose curls, darted her eyes to Feyre’s middle sister. “Elain?”
Nesta threw her stack of pillows on the last empty bed, which happened to be the top bunk, to Feyre’s dismay, and blinked. “You two know each other?”
“She’s a friend of Azriel’s,” Elain beamed. “Well, family, I should say.”
The two girls hugged as Feyre caught a glimpse of the other female, sitting crossed-legged on the bottom bunk. Her chin length black hair made her look chic paired with her black skinny jeans and short-sleeved, black crop top. Underneath her choppy bangs, there was a glint in her silver eyes that made Feyre feel as if the girl wished to set her on fire. She may have been small, but she had a lot of power dwelling within her small frame. 
Note to self: Watch out for that one. Also, sleep with one eye open. 
“I’m Mor.” It took Feyre a second to realize that the blonde one was speaking to her. “And this is Amren. Looks like we’re your new roommates.”
“Feyre,” she smiled, as good as she could muster. “This is my other sister, Nes –“
“I’ve seen you before.” The other girl, Amren, narrowed her eyes at Feyre.
“Don’t scare her, Amren,” Mor rolled her eyes. “Not yet, anyway. You’ll get used to her creepiness. If you’re like me, you may even become fond of it.”
Mor spoke theatrically. Feyre would bet good money that she was here to pursue the arts. She had the looks, too, as she was as beautiful as any Greek goddess that Feyre had ever attempted to paint.
Maybe Mor would let Feyre paint her, someday, too.
Although beautiful, Mor’s words sent Feyre’s stomach into a knot. These girls were intimidating, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on why.
She wanted to run back home.
“I’ll have to tell Az that you two are roommates,” Elain said, giddily. “He’ll have a field day.”
“Is he helping you set up the store?” Mor asked, all while Amren’s narrowed eyes began to make Feyre sweat.
“You know Azriel,” Elain shrugged, a soft smile gracing her mouth. “With him it’s all or nothing. He helped me start, and now he insists on helping me until it’s finished.”
“Well, he’d do anything for you,” Mor winked.
“Well,” Nesta interrupted, taking a step back toward the door. “We should get going.” She looked to Feyre. “You can take care of yourself. You’re welcome for helping.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. Nesta meant well, she always did, but for Nesta to express her feelings.....Well, she had better luck walking on water than hoping her eldest sister would open up.
Besides, taking care of herself was nothing new. Nesta was right. She could do it, she didn’t need help. She had been doing it for years.
“We love you,” Elain, Nesta’s polar opposite, smiled, and planted a kiss on Feyre’s freckled cheek.
It didn’t calm Feyre down, though. She hadn’t realized how comfortable she was in her little hometown, even if it was less than ideal. She had never left its boarders, not for more than a few hours - not until now.
And the feeling was overwhelming. 
Even more so when ice coated Amren’s tone as she spat, “Shit. You’re Tamlin’s girlfriend, aren’t you?”
  “Do you know a Tamlin?”
Azriel froze from he was standing, hunched over a plastic tub filled with floral skirts. Slowly, he looked up to Elain. “Why do you ask?”
“Whoa.” Elain set down the dress she was about to put on the mannequin. “You got weird. You do know him.”
Azriel didn’t say anything else as he grabbed yet another skirt, and hung it on a plastic hanger, and on the z rack. Then, he repeated, “Why do you ask?”
“Feyre’s other roommate mentioned him. Ah, dang it, what was her name….” Elain shrugged, keeping an eye on Azriel as she continued dressing her plastic person. “Anyway. They’re dating. Feyre and Tamlin, not what’s-her-name and Tamlin. She’s bringing him to dinner on Friday.”
“This Friday?” the words flew out of his mouth, and that mixed with the shadows that swept into his deep, hazel eyes…..
“Talk.” Elain demanded, striding to where he stood, leaving the dress half way on the mannequin standing in the window. “If he’s going to hurt my sister, I need to know.”
“Did Mor say anything? After he was mentioned?”
Elain shook her head. “No….She did seem a bit uncomfortable, though. If there is something wrong with him, you need to tell me now, he –“
Azriel softened, and gave his friend an encouraging smile, although it still didn’t reach his eyes. “Tamlin is….Well, we just….There…..There’s history.”
“Between you and him?” Elain’s eyebrows rose. “Bad history?”
“Between him and my family.”
My family. Azriel had told Elain all about his family. He was abandoned, forced into foster care by the age of five, after seeing far more than any child should. After that, he bounced from foster family to foster family, until he finally got dropped in one that was different. That loved him. That accepted him. That wanted him. There were two other boys there, with the same tanned skin and dark hair as him. It didn’t take long for them to become brothers. A year later, the day after he turned fifteen, a girl with blonde hair came. Morrigan. They have been the only family I have ever known, he had confessed to her.
He loved them more than anything. And the way he said it, between him and my family, Elain was afraid what was coming next.
“Do you care to expand?” Elain pushed, when he was apparently not going to.
Azriel sighed, and let out a soft laugh, breaking the tension if only a little bit. “No, Elain, I don’t. Because this is supposed to be exciting for you, and I will not be the one to bum you out. We can talk about it later. Right now, you have a half nude mannequin in the window and I’m ninety percent sure there is a kid staring at its boob.”
Elain twirled around. Just as he said, a teenage boy was staring at the mannequin, eyeing its chest. “Great.” She threw her hands in the air. “My clientele is going to consist of prepubescent boys.”
Azriel laughed as Elain groaned, running a frustrated hand through her long, dark hair. Again.
She knew it wouldn’t be easy, starting her own business, but Elain had dreamt of it since she was young. She had been saving every penny since she was fifteen, all those years of waiting tables finally paying off. She had bought a small boutique on the downtown strip, just outside of the Rainbow, where the artists liked to play and city-goers went to admire masterpieces. She was supposed to open on Saturday, but they had so much to do. She was lucky she had Azriel, or she would be in the state of full blown panic.
Elain had moved to Velaris four years ago, just after she had turned eighteen. For a while, she lived with Nesta, but once she saved up enough, she moved into her own downtown studio apartment. Azriel lived in the apartment across the hall, and they had instantly hit it off. He was gentle, kind, and genuine in every way.
They had been inseparable ever since.
“Finish putting the dress on,” Azriel offered, “then we’re going to dinner. On me. And you’re going to relax. And maybe even enjoy yourself.”
Despite the stress, Elain smiled. “I can’t say no to that.”
“Good,” he grinned. “Let me grab my wallet and my keys…..Wherever I put them……”
“Try in the back, by the microwave.”
Azriel disappeared and Elain went to tend to her half-nude mannequin. The boy had disappeared, thankfully, but a man had taken his place. He wasn’t staring at the mannequin, which would have been strange, but up at the sign that Azriel had hung that morning. The Fawn.
When he caught Elain watching him, he smiled, and pointed up to the sign.
After clearing her throat, and lifting her chin, Elain stepped out onto the sidewalk, under Velaris’ fading sun. “May I help you?”
The man, not too much older than Elain herself, if she had to guess, had fiery red hair that was piled up in a bun. He was wearing a navy blue, tailored suit, and brown, leather shoes that looked far more expensive than Elain would spend.
He looked handsome, and wealthy, but what really caught her attention was his eyes: soft, golden.
“Sorry,” he apologized, a ginger smile playing on his lips. “I wasn’t aware they were putting a new shop in here so soon.”
“Looks like I bought it at just the right time,” Elain said, suggestively.
This took the stranger by surprise, as if Elain, in her blue jeans and soft pink t-shirt, did not look fit to be the owner of her own boutique. As if noticing her offense, the stranger spoke up. “Oh, no! I wasn’t…..You look so young, is all. To own your own business, that is.”
Elain got that often. She was twenty-three, and perhaps a little young to already be opening The Fawn, but she was talented, and she knew what she wanted. In the words of Azriel: You won’t know if you don’t try. There’s always risks, but I believe in you. “Just because I’m young does not mean I cannot be successful.”
The stranger grinned. “Very well. I like the name. Why The Fawn?”
“Fawns are beautiful, graceful, and gentle,” Elain shrugged. “Everything I want people to see in my designs.”
“You’ve designed everything that you’re selling?”
“Designed and sewed myself,” she confirmed, feeling a smug satisfaction at her words. Her studio apartment looked like a teeny-tiny one-man factory. 
The stranger looked impressed. “I’m Lucien Vanserra.”
And when he held out his hand, she shook it. “Elain Archeron.”
“It is lovely to meet you, Elain Archeron,” Lucien smiled, his hand holding onto hers for a beat longer than normal.
His smile faded as a town car pulled up, with the window rolled down, and a man who looked to be the older version of Lucien looking dissatisfied as he yelled out of it.
Elain felt uncomfortable at the man’s stare. He was eyeing her suspiciously, his short, perfectly sculpted red hair in perfect contrast to his brown eyes. “Lucien. It is time to go. We have a meeting in twenty minutes.”
After a deep breath, Lucien turned to Elain one final time. “May I come back later tonight? Will you be here?”
Elain wasn’t sure why, but she nodded. With that, Lucien threw open the passenger side door and sat. Before it was even closed, the car sped off.
Elain jumped when she found Azriel standing behind her, the key to the store in his hand. He handed Elain her bag. “I thought I’d grab this for you, so you wouldn’t have to go to the back. Ready to go?”
She nodded as he locked the door, and handed her the key. His demeanor was different, the sparkle in his eye had gone.
“Az?” Elain reached out to him, and he didn’t pull away as she swept her fingers down his arm. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, and his voice sounded normal, even if his posture had slumped. “I’m just hungry.”
“Okay,” Elain replied, careful not to push him.
Although, she swore he looked different.
  Nesta didn’t handle stress well.
She knew it. Her family knew it. And now everyone she worked with knew it.
And it was only her first night.
“Relax.” Another nurse, Viviane, came up behind her. “You’re doing fine.”
She nodded, even if she felt like a complete failure. She kept walking into the wrong rooms, unsure of where she needed to be. On top of that, she’d almost tripped an elderly man......with his own cane. 
“You’re taking over in room six,” she continued, handing Nesta a clipboard. “He should be set for a while, just keep an eye on his vitals.”
Nesta looked over the information. Car accident. Male. Brown hair. Hazel eyes. Height: 6’1”. Weight: 230 pounds. Twenty-three. Fractured fibula.
With a sigh, Nesta held the clipboard tightly to her side and made her way to room six. It was quiet, all except for the television playing softly in the background. He was asleep.
And, holy gods, he was beautiful.
It looked like he was carved from stone, at least from what Nesta could see past the blue hospital gown. His leg has been casted, and was propped on a pillow while he slept. The narcotics must have kicked in already.
Nesta placed the clipboard silently on the counter before running the water to wash her hands.
“Am I dead?”
Nesta whirled around, hands dripping, taking in the sight of the dreary-eyed patient lying on the cot.
“No,” Nesta said, simply, before grabbing a paper towel from the dispenser. “You’re fine.”
“You’re not very peppy,” he slurred, a yawn escaping him. “For a nurse.”
“Are nurses typically peppy?” Nesta snapped.
The patient just smiled.
Nesta glanced at the clipboard. Cassian. “How are you feeling?”
“Wonderful,” he said, with a chuckle. Then, he turned his head, and noticed her for the first time. “You’re a different nurse.”
Nesta blinked. “Yes.”
“You’re beautiful.”
Nesta cursed herself for blushing.
“Will you marry me?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “You’ve been given narcotics. Your mind is a little fuzzy. You should be feeling clearer, shortly.”
“I told you,” he whispered. “I feel wonderful.”
“Noted,” Nesta said. “We’re keeping you overnight to make sure everything is in order, and to be sure there is no internal bleeding. It looks like the bruising on your ribs is pretty severe.” I’d like to take a look – no, shut up, Nesta. “You will need someone to come get you and take you home tomorrow. Who would you like us to call? You’re emergency contact is a…..” Nesta flipped through the pages on the clipboard. “Rhysand?”
Cassian gave her a thumbs up. Nesta took that as a go for it. “Hit the red button if you need anything. I’ll be back to check on you after you’ve rested. A doctor will be in to see you soon.”
“You didn’t tell me your name.”
Nesta halted just before she reached the doorway. She turned, just slightly, to look over her shoulder. Cassian was watching her; his eyes having cleared slightly. “Nesta.”
“Nesta,” he repeated, quietly. “It was nice to meet you, Nesta.”
Nesta gave him a nod before stepping into the hallway.
Before she had made it too far, she heard Cassian call after her, “I can’t wait until our wedding!”
It was going to be a long night.
Chapter 2 coming soon. Let me know what you think! 
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mobilemechanics45 · 4 years
Best Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service and Cost in McAllen TX |Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen
 More information is at: http://24hourmobileautorepairmcallen.org/automotive-cabin-air-filter-replacement-service-near-me/
 Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX: Are you looking for the Best Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX ? Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen, will detect where your vehicle’s cabin air filter is and they will then replace it with one of our genuine OEM cabin air filters. Cost? Free estimates! Send us a message or call us today. Best Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service around McAllen TX . We serve McAllen TX and other areas. Get a Free Quote Now!
 Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Cabin Air Filters
Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX: A cabin air filter replacement service simply entails replacing the air filter that’s job is to purify the air that comes through the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system. The expert technicians here at Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen will detect where your vehicle’s cabin air filter is and they will then replace it with one of our genuine OEM cabin air filters. A question that comes up regularly is, Can I replace the cabin air filter myself and the answer is yes, you can do the job yourself. However, the cabin air filter can be difficult to locate and has a very important function, so if you would like to know that it is 100% taken care of, come into the McAllen TX Service Department.
Is My Cabin Air Filter that Important?
Your cabin air filter doesn’t sound very important, but it really is. Cabin air filters prevent you from inhaling dirt, pollen, dust, and other debris. If you are vulnerable to allergens or respiratory conditions then your cabin air filter can be a real lifesaver. We at Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen have been around from over 20 years so we understand how difficult it is to know when you need your vehicle serviced. That is why we have formulated this list of warning signs that will indicate if you need your cabin air filter replaced:
●      It has been over 12,000/15,000 miles since your last cabin air filter replacement (for 100% accurate mileage check your owner’s manual)
●      A decrease in air quality
●      Loud noise when you increase your fan level
●      An odor coming from air vents
Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Service Center in McAllen TX
If you live in the Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Tri-State area and have been wondering if you need a Cabin Air Filter Replacement then we invite you to drop by the shop or give us a call to set up an appointment. We have the highest quality OEM parts, a state-of-the-art body show, expert technicians and our very popular free pick up service! We are a family-owned and operated business that has been trusted to service your McAllen TX and have no plans of slowing down! We look forward to seeing you in the shop.
When the temperatures begin to rise and you start to think about cranking the air conditioning in your car, take a moment to consider the last time you had your cabin air filter replaced. If it’s been over a year or you can’t even recall, then you might want to bring your ride into the Service Department at Auto world Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen and let our technicians take a look, so you can be certain that you’re enjoying clean air!
Although you may not be aware of it, your cabin air filter is constantly working to provide you and your passengers with fresh, clean breathing air whenever you’re on the road. Since atmospheric pollutants can enter the cabin through the A/C unit, the filter helps to remove these unwanted toxins before they enter your breathing space. However, if the filter is old and saturated, then it won’t be able to function as properly, which could potentially expose you and your loved ones to harmful particles that might cause health issues down the road.
If you’re concerned about your safety, rest assured. Most technicians recommend that you replace the cabin air filter every 13,000 miles. However, depending on your vehicle’s age, your driving habits, and the amount of air pollution where you live, this number may vary. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to stop into our service bay, so our expert mechanics can examine your favorite vehicle. If a new filter is needed, we’ll get it installed in no time at all! In the warmer summer months when you’re blasting the air conditioning constantly, this service is even more important.
Our team would be more than happy to perform any other repairs or maintenance while you’re here for your filter replacement. If it’s time for an oil change, tire rotation, or battery test, we can perform these procedures and save you a trip in the future. To reserve a time slot, feel free to take advantage of the Schedule Appointment form on our website. If you have a question or two, you can submit it right to our staff by completing the Ask a Tech form. Someone will respond with a detailed answer promptly!
Engine Filter vs Cabin Filter
Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX: There are two different air filters that work inside your vehicle: your cabin filter, and your engine filter. The one in your powertrain acts as a barrier within your mechanics, catching any particles that wish to get between the components under the hood. The other servicing your vehicle's interior, however, sits inside your ventilation. It performs the same function of catching any dirt and debris, but it keeps it out of your airstream instead. This part is vital to the health of any passengers riding along in the cabin, since it makes sure you don’t inhale grime and grit when you turn on the heating or air conditioning.
Warning Signs
If it’s time to get a new cabin filter, you might notice a few telltale signs letting you know it’s time for a visit. First, if you smell any unpleasant odors coming from your vents, that’s a warning. Second, watch out for reduced airflow coming through the ventilation when you activate the heating or cooling. That is a symptom of an air filter that has been clogged with particulates and isn't letting a current through. Third, hearing a whistling sound may also indicate oxygen struggling to get into the cabin. Fourth, take note if any iced over windows take a long time to clear up in the wintertime. And last but not least, you can always check on the cabin air filter yourself to see if it is browned or clogged up with dust. It is usually located behind the glovebox.
When it’s time for a replacement, you can come visit our service bay! Our expert team will be able to quickly identify the problem and swap it out in no time. We'll source your new filter from our Parts Department, who keeps a stocked inventory at all times. To make sure that you get the best deal on this maintenance, make sure to check our Service Specials. When we’re all finished up with this job and any other repairs you need, your car will be running just like new.
 Changing The Cabin Air Filter In Your Car
Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX: New cars are increasingly equipped with cabin air filters that remove particulates, and sometimes odors, from the air that enters the vehicle through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Cabin air filters are usually standard equipment on premium models, while other cars make them available as a stand-alone option or part of an option package. Some luxury cars have two or more cabin air filters.
The types and sizes of contaminants a cabin air filter can trap vary with the specific filter design. However, a general list includes dirt, dust, leaves, twigs, insects, soot, smog, mildew, pollen, mold, spores, fungi, bacteria, germs, rodent droppings and other undesirable debris.
A cabin air filter is more than just a way to improve air quality; it can also affect vehicle safety. The Filter Manufacturers Council estimates that 40 million Americans suffer from allergies caused or made worse by airborne particulates. By removing those contaminants, a cabin air filter can reduce or eliminate symptoms such as sneezing, blurred vision, runny nose, and headaches that could distract a driver and result in a collision.
Filter Types
Most cabin air filters have a pleated filtering medium that looks like paper, but is actually a more complex material made of natural and/or synthetic fibers. The filter's physical characteristics trap most contaminants and in many designs, the passage of air over the filter creates an electrostatic charge that helps attract and trap smaller particles. Quality filters may have several layers that support the filtering medium and offer different types and degrees of filtration.
Not all cabin air filters are created equal. As the quality of a cabin air filter increases, so does its price. A basic filter may cost $15 at a local auto parts store; while a premium original equipment part may be $50 or more when purchased from a car dealer.
Standard cabin air filters are typically around 98 percent efficient at trapping particulates in the 5-100 micron range. This includes the majority of contaminants, but not the smallest particles of mold, spores, soot and tobacco smoke.
High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) cabin air filters can trap even finer particles. One major supplier claims their premium HEPA cabin air filters have a filtration efficiency of 99.97 percent at 0.3 microns based on standardized industry testing. While they cost more, HEPA filters provide the ultimate protection against airborne particles.
Besides filtering particulates, many cabin air filters are chemically treated with activated carbon that gives them a gray appearance and helps remove a wide variety of odors. These include exhaust gas smells such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, hydrogen sulfide and benzenes from incomplete combustion. Some cabin air filters supplement carbon with baking soda to neutralize a wider range of smells, including odors from the human body, wet-dogs and mildew.
 Filter Replacement
Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX: There are three factors to consider when determining if your car’s cabin filter needs to be replaced:
●      Mileage: Factory recommended intervals for replacing cabin air filters range from 15,000 to 30,000 miles. Ask your auto repair shop or check your auto’s owner’s manual for exact mileage specifications.
●      Levels of fine particulate matter: You may need to replace the filter more frequently if you drive in an area that has higher than normal levels of dust, pollen and other airborne debris. Many motorists are shocked when they see how many contaminants cover the surface of a cabin air filter that has been in service for an extended time.
●      Performance: Symptoms of a restricted cabin air filter include reduced airflow through the HVAC system, windows that fog up easily and are hard to defrost, and persistent bad odors. A restricted cabin air filter also places a greater load on the ventilation fan and can shorten its service life.
Cabin air filters are located in the ductwork that delivers outside air to the HVAC system. In some cars, the filter is in the engine compartment near the base of the windshield. In others, it is located under the dash or behind the glove box. Most cabin air filters can be replaced in less than 15 minutes without tools, although some take a little longer and may require removing fasteners that hold the glove box or interior trim panels in place. If you need help replacing your filter, check with your local auto repair shop.
There is also good news for some drivers whose cars came without a cabin air filter. To reduce the number of different parts they have to manufacture, many automakers use the same HVAC ductwork on every trim level of a given model. As a result, if your owner's manual talks about cabin air filter replacement, there is a good chance the car is equipped to accept one, even if a filter was not installed at the factory. Simply follow the replacement instructions to determine whether the ductwork contains the necessary filter housing.
Finding Quality Auto Repair
AAA recommends that you plan ahead for vehicle service by finding an auto repair shop and technician you can trust before you need them.AutoRepair provides information on nearly 7,000 Approved Auto Repair facilities that have met AAA’s high standards for appearance, technician training and certification, insurance coverage and customer satisfaction. AAA regularly inspects every Approved Auto Repair facility and surveys their customers to ensure ongoing performance. In addition, AAA members receive special benefits that include auto repair discounts, an extended 24-month/24,000-mile parts and labor warranty, and AAA assistance in resolving repair-related issues.
Annual Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service
Annual Acura cabin air filter replacement service is important for maintenance because it keeps the air clean entering the cabin. The filter removes pollutants, dust, pollen, smog, mold spores, and debris from the air before they can enter the cabin and your lungs. A new cabin air filter helps prevent expensive air conditioning system repairs. This is because dirty air causes the A/C to work harder. A new cabin air filter will ensure that the A/C works efficiently throughout the summer.
Symptoms of a Bad Cabin Air Filter
If you have any of the symptoms below, you need Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service: The air filter is dirty Reduced airflow coming from the vents The smell of gasoline when starting the vehicle
Schedule Cabin Air Filter Replacement with a Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Technician
Most vehicles should have the cabin air filter inspected and replaced once per year. Our certified Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen technicians can inspect your cabin air filter and install a new air cabin filter as needed. If you have not had your cabin air filter inspected in the previous year, schedule an appointment with the Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen of Morton Grove service center to have one of our certified technicians provide you with full Air Cabin Filter Replacement Service. Every service comes with a free car wash and complimentary multi-point inspection.
Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service near McAllen TX:
●      The owner’s service manual will verify that you have a cabin air filter and where it is located. With some vehicles, the manual may refer to this filter as a micro cabin air filter or even an air conditioning or a dust filter.
●      There are two types of cabin air filters to consider particulate filters and odor/particulate combination filters.
●      Your Mobile Mechanics Of McAllen Auto Parts store professional can help you determine the right filter for your vehicle.
●      Always record the date and mileage every time you change your cabin air filter, so you’ll know when it’s due for another change.
●      And remember… if you don’t have time or aren’t inclined to change your own cabin air filter… you can always take your vehicle to your local McAllen TX Auto Care Center… they’ll be happy to change it for you!
Cabin Air Filter Maintenance
While the majority of people are aware that the engine’s air filter needs to be changed, far fewer people consider changing the cabin air filter. But if you’re taking the proper steps to make sure the air going to your engine is clean, why not do the same for the air you’ll be breathing? The cabin air filter inhibits dust, pollen, and other pollutants from entering your interior cabin through the HVAC system.
The general rule of thumb is to replace the cabin air filter every 15,000-25,000 miles. However, other factors, such as your driving environment, can affect the lifespan of these filters. For example, if you frequently drive in a heavily trafficked urban area, the filter will need to be changed more often due to increased dust/pollutants being filtered. However, this can also be the case when driving in a more rural area due to the large amount of pollen that will be filtered. Either way, it’s important to be aware of the age of your filter.
Additional factors to consider are any existing reparatory or allergy issues. If these are of concern, you may want to consider more frequent changes to your cabin filter. Some studies show that the air inside of your vehicle can be up to six times sores in quality in contrast to the air outside of your vehicle.
How much does it cost to replace the cabin air filter?
The average cost for a cabin air filter is between $15 and $25. CARFAX and Angie's List report that the labor cost to have the filter swapped out is $36-$46, although you could end up paying more if it's harder to reach
How Much Does a Cabin Air Filter Cost to Replace?
Most of us care about the quality of the air we breathe at home, work and outdoors. But what about inside our cars?
Top-rated mechanics tell our research team that many drivers pay little attention to their cabin air filters.
Some don’t even know that their car, SUV or light truck likely contains this part, which plays an important role in keeping pollutants out of the passenger and driver’s compartment.
Since 2000, cabin air filters have been standard features on most vehicles. They filter air that flows through cars’ heating and cooling systems, to block dust, pollen, smog, mold spores and other pollutants and irritants, including leaves and rodent droppings.
One top-rated mechanic told us his shop sponsors a monthly contest for dirtiest air cabin filter, with the owner of the winning vehicle getting a free oil change.
Auto experts tell us they recommend changing the cabin air filter annually, or between 15,000 and 30,000 miles. But be sure to consult your owner’s manual for specifics for your vehicle.
Paying attention to the filter not only will ensure cleaner air, but also may forestall an expensive repair, since your vehicle’s air conditioning system will have to work harder if the filter is clogged.
Cabin air filters cost around $15 to $25. You can change one yourself, if you’re willing to do the work of finding and removing it. Typically, the filter is located behind the glove compartment, under the hood or under the dashboard. To access it, you may have to remove the glove box. Be careful with pins and clips that may hold the filter in place.
Mechanics tell us they charge between $40 and $100 for parts and labor, depending on the vehicle’s make and model. With some models, such as BMW, filters may only be available through a dealer.
Filter Types
●      Most cabin air filters have a pleated filtering medium that looks like paper, but is actually a more complex material made of natural and/or synthetic fibers. The filter's physical characteristics trap most contaminants and in many designs, the passage of air over the filter creates an electrostatic charge that helps attract and trap smaller particles. Quality filters may have several layers that support the filtering medium and offer different types and degrees of filtration.
●      Not all cabin air filters are created equal. As the quality of a cabin air filter increases, so does its price. A basic filter may cost $15 at a local auto parts store; while a premium original equipment part may be $50 or more when purchased from a car dealer.
●      Standard cabin air filters are typically around 98 percent efficient at trapping particulates in the 5-100 micron range. This includes the majority of contaminants, but not the smallest particles of mold, spores, soot and tobacco smoke.
●      High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) cabin air filters can trap even finer particles. One major supplier claims their premium HEPA cabin air filters have a filtration efficiency of 99.97 percent at 0.3 microns based on standardized industry testing. While they cost more, HEPA filters provide the ultimate protection against airborne particles.
●      Besides filtering particulates, many cabin air filters are chemically treated with activated carbon that gives them a gray appearance and helps remove a wide variety of odors. These include exhaust gas smells such as ammonia, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, hydrogen sulfide and benzenes from incomplete combustion. Some cabin air filters supplement carbon with baking soda to neutralize a wider range of smells, including odors from the human body, wet-dogs and mildew.
What Does a Cabin Air Filter Do?
A cabin air filter stops contaminants such as dirt, dust, smoke, smog, pollen, mold spores, and exhaust gases from entering the cabin of a vehicle through the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. It also keeps out other debris, such as bugs, rodent droppings, and leaves.
Cabin air filters are typically rectangular and made of paper and a mix of other fibrous materials. They have pleats to better catch the contaminants.
When air passes over the cabin air filter, debris is trapped by the filter, rather than being pumped into the car. Eventually, that debris builds up, and the filter needs to be changed to continue to work efficiently.
Cabin Air Filter vs. Engine Air Filter
A cabin air filter shouldn’t be confused with your engine’s air filter, although they perform similar functions. The engine’s air filter ensures clean air gets to the engine, while a cabin air filter ensures clean air gets to you.
 How Often Do You Need to Change a Cabin Air Filter?
Most manufacturers suggest swapping out your cabin air filter every 12,000 to 30,000 miles, depending on the vehicle and where you drive. If you live in a heavily polluted area or routinely drive on dirt roads that kick up a lot of dust, you’d be wise to replace it even sooner. Allergy sufferers or those with compromised respiratory systems might consider getting a new one after as few as 5,000 miles.
Though your cabin air filter is out of sight, it shouldn’t be out of mind. By replacing it regularly, you ensure that the air circulating inside the passenger compartment of your vehicle is largely free of contaminants, and that should make you breathe easier.
 How Much Does a Cabin Air Filter Cost?
Cabin air filters typically cost between $15 and $50. If you can pull off replacing it yourself, you can save as much as $50 in labor costs.
 How Do You Change a Cabin Air Filter Yourself?
Replacing your cabin air filter can be a do-it-yourself task if you’re up to the challenge. In modern vehicles, most are located behind the glove box, beneath the dashboard, or under the hood. While the cabin air filter is easy to access, be careful not to break any of the clips or pins holding it in.
Keep track of your car’s maintenance easily
What If You Don’t Change Your Cabin Air Filter Enough?
Dangers abound if you don’t replace your cabin air filter regularly. Here are a few of the risks a dirty cabin air filter poses:
●      Health Troubles
A functional cabin air filter is essential in keeping the inside of a vehicle free of pollutants. A cabin air filter that’s dirty or clogged won’t filter those contaminants, causing problems for those who suffer from allergies or have breathing difficulties. A good rule of thumb is to replace your cabin air filter every February, before spring allergy season arrives, especially if you live in an area with a lot of trees. A new cabin air filter will prevent pollen from making its way into a vehicle and causing its occupants to start sneezing, or worse.
●      HVAC System Will Run Poorly
A cabin air filter left in place beyond its life span will make a vehicle’s HVAC system work harder, which can cause the motor to burn up. Dirty or clogged cabin air filters will reduce the amount of air flowing from the vents. That affects cabin air temperature, which depends on a steady flow of air passing through the heater core, evaporator, or both components. Not changing your cabin air filter will make your HVAC system work much harder.
●      Poor Window Fog Clearing
Another problem that arises when airflow is compromised is that windows won’t clear as quickly. Also, the diminished air quality that comes from a cabin air filter that’s overdue to be replaced allows condensation to form on the windshield. Once the cabin air filter is replaced, there will be less fog buildup on the windshield.
●      When to Replace Cabin Air Filters
A sign that your filter needs to be replaced is a noticeable reduction in air flow when using the heat or A/C. Another sign is the presence of bad odors when using these systems. However, if you have kids, it may be difficult to discern this from the usual bad odors, so if you aren’t sure when it was last replaced it’s a good idea to get that done. You should also be able to get an idea of whether or not it needs to be changed by simply looking at the filter. If you’re able to see that dirt, dust, leaves or bugs that have built up, it’s probably a good idea to replace the filter. If it’s as sparkling white as freshly fallen snow, let it be.
 How often should it be replaced?
 For most cars, the air filter should be replaced about every 15,000 – 30,000 miles, depending on the driving conditions.  If you regularly drive on unpaved roads where you frequently experience dusty conditions, it should be changed more often.  If you don’t do a lot of driving, the filter should be replaced at least every 3 years, as it will begin to become brittle with age.
 What happens when they get dirty?
 When your air filter becomes dirty, your engine is forced to work harder resulting in decreased fuel economy (up to 14% lower than with a clean filter!), higher emissions, and even loss of engine power.  As well, spark plugs can become fouled, which often results in an engine miss or rough idle.  Another thing to consider is the amount of dirt and debris that can enter the engine as the filter becomes clogged and cannot do its job.  All of this dirt can cause internal engine problems and can significantly decrease the life of your engine.
 What about the cabin filter?
 Just like the air filter in your house, the cabin filter prevents dust, pollen, mold, smog, and other pollutants from entering your car's interior through the vents.  The cabin air filter should be replaced in the same intervals as your engine's air filter. When performing routine preventative maintenance, it is common to replace both filters at the same time.
 Should I Replace it or Clean it?
 If your vehicle's air filter is slightly dirty, but not quite ready for a replacement it can often be cleaned to buy some time before it needs to be replaced.  However, if you are unfamiliar with what the filter looks like when it's new, we highly recommend seeing your local auto repair specialist for a proper diagnosis. Air filters today are reasonably priced, so we strongly recommend replacing the filter if it is questionable. Changing your filter today could end up saving you thousands in the future!
 Call For Us:
●      Automotive Cabin Air Filter Replacement Service Near McAllen TX
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●      How Often To Change Cabin Air Filter Near McAllen TX
●      My Car Has No Cabin Air Filter
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●      Car Ac Filter Price India
●      Cabin Air Filter Change Cost
●      Split Ac Filter Price
●      Cabin Air Filter Swift Price
●      Honda Cabin Air Filter Replacement Cost
●      Cabin Air Filter Price Near McAllen TX
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