#hopefully there is an actionable plan and advice out there ill have to look <3
4giorno · 8 months
oh my god. i just saw some of my OLD OLD digital art like before i made my art blog and holy fuck. suddenly faith in myself completely restored
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hi so. basically. somebody outed me to my parents, who are incredibly transphobic. I'm safe for now but my parents are going to hospitalize me in an attempt to "fix" me. I'm trans male and I've known for years, but they refuse to listen to me and just say I'm delusional. I think I'm just looking for?? advice?? I don't really know what to do, or how to ask for help or anything. thanks :)
Lee says:
There’s a chance your parents are all bark and no bite and won’t actually try to do it, but in my experience with hospitalization, you won’t be admitted into a psychiatric ward for being trans.
If your parents are honest about what they’re doing because they genuinely believe that you identifying as trans is you showing psychotic symptoms, and they tell the doctor or nurses you see at intake that they’re trying to hospitalize you in an attempt to “fix” you so you aren’t trans anymore or that you’re psychotic but the only symptom you have is thinking you’re a man, there’s a very low chance you’ll be admitted.
If your parents lie about why they think you’re believing in delusions and make up fake symptoms, there’s a chance that the doctor will believe them over you. But even then, I don’t think you’d be hospitalized for very long, because in that situation they’d be trying to do a brief hospitalization to stabilize you and maybe start medication (sort of a catch and release type thing) and it would be obvious from what you tell them and your behavior that you don’t need long-term residential care. 
Whenever you see a psychologist who is evaluating you, make it clear that you will not voluntarily consent to being hospitalized, and your parents are trying to hospitalize you because you’re transgender. Repeat this to every single adult you speak to from the emergency room to the ward and so on. You’ll have a better chance of getting out quickly if you do this, so make sure you repeat that to literally everyone you see.
If you are admitted to a psychiatric ward, you’ll get a packet of info on the first day that should have helpful information, and you can request to call the patient advocate person. I forget what they’re called, I don’t have the packet I got with me, but look through the packet and request to call whatever patient advocates are listed! If a patient advocate isn’t listed, then tell the staff you want to call a patient advocate and ask them to find the number. Keep asking if the request gets lost when shifts change.
Hospitalization won’t be that bad, esp if you aren’t mentally ill- it’s not the end of the world. Think of it as a really really boring short vacation, you’re in a room for a long time with not much to do and they won’t let you watch PG-13 movies. You’ll probably be allowed to color in your room since you won’t be a risk for doing something bad with the supplies. I spent a Lot of time coloring and looking out the window. 
Here’s more on what to expect- read through all of them!
Hospitalization: a guide and what to expect
More on hospitalization
Hospitalization experiences as a trans teen
Acute inpatient facilities
As noted, we’re teens too so I’d talk to an adult outside your family about this. Tomorrow is a school day, so if you go to school then you should talk to a teacher or guidance counselor, and if you aren’t able to go to school tomorrow then look on the school’s website for their contact info and email them. If you’re homeschooled, then contact another family member like an aunt or uncle or someone who you think might support you and tell them what’s happening. 
I’d defs tell an adult (if not multiple adults) about this situation before it gets worse and your parents take steps towards hospitalizing you. Talking to adults and asking for help can be anxiety-producing, but if you think that this is a legitimate threat that your parents are going to follow through with then it’s important to reach out for help anyway. Talk in person, text, email, write a letter and hand it to them, whatever you gotta do, just get this info across. It may help to have a friend there for moral support.
Interpersonal relationships/Communication
As far as what you should do if you’ve been hospitalized and get out:
How to cope if your parents are bullies
Three skills to cope with abuse
3 ways to take care of yourself when you live with toxic parents
Caring for yourself
Therapy for abuse victims
Tons of abuse information and coping links
Documenting abuse:
How to prove emotional abuse
Documenting dating abuse
5 important ways to document abuse
How to document abuse
Journaling tips
What to do:
Getting out and recording evidence
Abuse resources for men
What to do when you’re living with an abusive person
How to Deal With Abusive Parents
How to deal with emotional abuse
Interactive guide to safety planning
Calling the police
What not to do when calling 911
Emotional safety planning
6 ways to reject abusive relatives and restart your life
If you are being kicked out
Having to sneak out
How to Deal With Emotionally Abusive Parents
How to Leave an Abusive Relationship: The Exit Action Plan
Beware- Hundreds of Apps Can Empower Stalkers to Track Their Victims
TW: mental health/suicidal ideation in this next part where I talk about my personal experience with the hospitalization process
I was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward when I was 17, but I was sent there by my treatment team at the intensive outpatient program I was in because I was going to commit suicide. In that situation, I was already receiving intensive mental health treatment, I was referred there by a doctor in the hospital’s intensive outpatient program, I had multiple psychiatric diagnoses in my records including a psychotic disorder, I had visible recent self harm wounds, I was on multiple psychiatric medications including taking antidepressants and antipsychotics twice daily, and I really didn’t want to be hospitalized but I was too far out of it to even lie to the hospital staff and pretend I wasn’t going to go through with my plan. 
And even then, clearly mentally ill and in the emergency room, I wasn’t automatically admitted into the psychiatric ward. I arrived in the emergency room of the psychiatric wing around 3 pm, and I was sitting with my mom next to me for a few hours before I was seen, but I was then taken privately to an office where a doctor interviewed me about my mental health status and whether I was a danger to myself or someone else. Then they had to find a bed for me. I was a minor, so I would have to be in the adolescent ward but there are usually more patients than beds available so I had to wait in the emergency room until I was transferred to the psychiatric ward around 2 or 3 am via ambulance. 
And once you’re in the ward, it isn’t like they just forget about you. The psychologists come in each day to talk to you and see how you’re feeling, and so forth. If you’re clearly not mentally ill, then they won’t keep you there for very long. I was in a pretty bad place and I only had to stay there for a week or two because I had a support system to go back to after. The important thing is making it clear you aren’t a danger to yourself or others. Hospitalization in a psychiatric ward isn’t supposed to be a permanent solution, it isn’t residential care, it’s supposed to be stabilizing you until you’re safe enough to move to partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, therapy, etc. A big issue is people who need hospitalization not being able to get the care they need because there aren’t enough beds open or insurance won’t cover a long stay, so you’ll move through the system because you’re healthy.
Hopefully this helps!
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journey4theseason · 5 years
Do You Know What Your Body Is Saying - Really? You Sure?
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Physical Wellness is much more than losing weight When the term physical wellness is mentioned, most people think of dieting and losing weight. If part of your plan for physical wellness involves losing weight, don’t simply go on a diet. As we all know, if we are being honest, diets don’t work. We know that when it comes to diets, no one size fits all. But as soon as a new fad diet hits the market, we are out the door and to the store or on the computer ordering. If you cannot live on this “newest plan” forever, or let’s say it works for a bit, but the first time you eat normal food, you learn it was all in vain, then that diet is not right for you. Physical wellness is more than losing weight. It involves changing aspects of life that are necessary to keep yourself in top condition. Your body has been telling you how it feels your entire life! But are you listening? Sure, you grew up hearing your body tell you when it’s hungry or thirsty, tired or energetic. You and your body are together all the time. Let’s maximize this close relationship and use it to better understand the true meaning of physical wellness. Physical wellness is concerned with developing a personal responsibility for your own health care, such as caring for minor illnesses and recognizing when professional medical attention is needed. Developing physical wellness empowers you to monitor your own vital signs and understand your body’s warning signs. You’ll understand and appreciate the relationship between sound nutrition and how your body performs. The physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination, and a sense of direction. Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows you to get the most out of your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Physical wellness means living responsibly and taking care of your body and recognizing that your daily habits and behaviors have a significant impact on your overall health, wellness, and quality of life. Adopting healthful habits (e.g., a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and routine health checks) while avoiding destructive habits (e.g., tobacco, drugs, and alcohol) will lead to optimal physical wellness and reduced risk of preventable chronic illness. Our Path to Physical Wellness At the end of this time together, I want you to feel in control of your physical wellness—all components of it. And I know many aspects of physical wellness would be better for many people if we took off some weight. Although this certainly is not a weight loss plan, we will spend time addressing weight loss, because weight is a contributing factor to many areas of health deficiencies. Even in this modern era, many of us are remarkably ill informed and amazingly apathetic about the foods we eat. We know every excuse in the book to justify what we eat. The results are a society in which too many of us are overweight, many to the point of obesity and not to mention all the part of life you may miss because of low energy and low self-esteem. According to 2016 data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in four states, 30 percent in 25 states, and above 20 percent in all states. Even with these startling numbers, I can’t emphasize enough that dieting is not the answer. A study that examined the results of popular diets concluded that nearly 100 percent of dieters suffered almost “complete relapse after 3–5 years.” So, if you need to lose weight, don’t start dieting; change your lifestyle. Should we count every calorie that we put into our mouth for the rest of our lives? Hopefully not. I truly pray not. It has been my experience that when we focus too intently on weight reduction, we make weight loss even harder to achieve. Instead, we should eliminate from our diets the foods that obviously are bad for us and we should eat more of the foods that obviously are good for us. And of course, we should eat sensible amounts, not super-size portions. As informed adults, we have access to all the information that we need to make healthy dietary choices. In the grocery store, almost every food item is clearly marked. In restaurants, fast food and sit down, nutrition information should be posted. The key point is to read the nutrition information before buying food or ordering a meal and certainly BEFORE putting it into your mouth. It is up to each of us to make wise dietary choices because we pay the consequences. I wish I could honestly tell you that from here on out you will experience nothing but success along your path to physical wellness. Temptation is a frequent visitor in our lives, and we will have to discipline our emotions, our moods, and our mouths, so that we remain stable and calm, and peaceful—regardless of our situation or circumstances. Now that we have established physical wellness is more than just weight loss, what else is there? And how do we start down this path toward physical wellness? Physical wellness is not a destination; it is a journey. We cannot get in peak physical shape and feel totally healthy one day and then do nothing the next day to maintain that state of health. We do, however, need to find out where we are today—that is, where is our base so that we know where we are headed on this journey. Physical Wellness Assessment Indicate yes or no for each of the following statements: ____ I know important health numbers, like my cholesterol,  weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. ____ I get annual physical exams. ____ I listen to my body; when there is something wrong, I seek professional advice. ____ I maintain a desirable weight for my body type. ____ I avoid using tobacco products and do not consume more than three alcoholic beverages per week. ____ I get a sufficient amount of sleep for my age (seven to eight hours). ____ I have an established exercise routine. ____ I protect my skin from sun damage by using sunscreen, wearing hats, and/or avoiding tanning booths and sunlamps. ____ I protect myself and others from getting ill (wash my hands, cover my mouth and nose when I cough, etc.). ____ I eat at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily and drink water regularly. IDENTIFY MY GOAL AND WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Now is the time to begin defining and planning your goals to start your journey based largely in part on the results of this Physical Wellness Assessment. Remember these are your goals. No goals are one size fits all. What your body needs is not what your best friend’s body needs. It is also the first step/week, and it is okay to change your goals as you continue along this journey and learn more about yourself. I found focusing on the social (17/40), emotional (23/40), intellectual (25/40) have actually had a positive influence on my physical (29/40) already. 1. The goal I want to achieve is: 2. I want to achieve this goal because: 3. Achieving this goal will change my life in the following positive ways: 4. Achieving this goal will change my life in the following negative ways: 5. I am ready to face all the changes that accomplishing this goal will mean for me. I can lessen the negative impact that this change will have in my life by: 6. I will be happier if I achieve my goal because: OUTLINE: WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO UNDERSTAND PHYSICAL WELLNESS What steps do you need to complete to ensure your success in the action steps above? List below, the most important things or subgoals you need to accomplish to achieve your primary goal. (Each subgoal may have smaller steps within them.) STEPS TO BE COMPLETED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Physical Wellness continues in our next blog..... Click Subscribe to join our email list and get your free Lifestyle Assessment for all seven dimensions that make up life.... Read the full article
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Can any one tell me which health insurance is good and affordable?
my mom and dad don't have health insurance, and i would like to get insurance for them so i will be paying out of my pocket can anyone tell me which insurance is best please thank you""
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Who pays for the home insurance when you are owner financing it? Also in the state of Texas what insurance c?
Who pays for the home insurance when you are owner financing it? The seller or the buyer? Also in the state of Texas what insurance companies provide mobile home insurance?
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Short term car insurance in US?
I am an Indian Resident and will be travelling to US for a period of 1-2 months. Am getting a good offer on a car rental but the insurance cost is very high (almost $20/day). Is there any way to get short term car insurance in US to cover a rental car for a period of 1-2 Months and pay around $150-$200/Month?
Hyundai tiburon insurance?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
""Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?""
What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!""
""Looking for auto and home insurance recommendation in Castle Rock, Colorado?""
We will moving from Wisconsin to Castle Rock, CO in January, 2007. We are building a new home there. We would appreciate any auto and home insurance company recommendations & comments in that area for the best coverage & service at the lowest cost.""
What kind of life insurance is best?
My wife and I are both working and we have a baby now, I'm thinking of getting life insurance, but have no clue where to start. There seems to be a bunch of options...and advice/suggestions on how to get started? Thanks.""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered , yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments. I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money? I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.""
Car insurance for a 17year old girl..please help?
so im just trying to find out an estimate of how much it would cost to get insurance on a 2005 Ford Mustang. Im 17 years old and i have very good grades....my parents are freaking out saying it would be too much money. can someone help me out in price ranges please?! thanks
Insurance for baby?
im a full time student, so im staying on my mom's insurance.. im 18... my babys father doesnt have health insurance. does the baby go on my mom's with me, or do i need to get insurance for the baby by myself?""
""Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?""
For you crown vic owners, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Is it a real gas eater or what? How much do you think the inssurance would be for a 18 yrs old men? I like them crown vics, except when it comes time to be in the back of them in handcuffs.""
Short term car insurance for driving abroad???? (in france)?
I am 19 years old and heading to france for the day, the yearly car insurance I already have does not cover me abroad, so I need to get insurance for the day. I have looked online but most companies only insure people who are 23 years old+""
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
My car was registered to an insurance company?
I bought a car about 2 years ago from a private owner. I just stumbled onto a free VIN report and it says the car was leased then titled to insurance co. No accidents though. Does this merely mean repossession or possible accident?
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
My insurance and how it'll go up in September?
I just received insurance. I am a brand new driver 18 in about thirty days. Just now bought myself a car and just now got insured on my Grandparent's insurance.Currently now, it's only $48 a month, but the insurance man said that it'll go up in September. It makes sense, considering that right now I'm only paying a part of the package. So I understand that. With me being a new driver, how much will this all go up? Are we talking about $150? I did not take driver's ed, but I am eligible for the Good Student discount. I know you can't tell me directly, because neither could he. It all changes. But can anyone give me maybe a ballpark? I'm female. Good student. New driver. Thank you!""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
""Does anyone know of a high deductable, low premium health insurance?""
I am looking for a catastrophic insurance policy where I would have a deductable of $10,000... I would pay for office visits and prescriptions.""
What type of Life Insurance Should I get?
I am 33 and I'm pretty sure that I want to get term life insurance. I have a wife and 2 kids. It's affordable. I'm in good health. My question is should I get a 15 yr plan or 20 yr plan? Money is a little tight so I'm thinking the 500K or 750K plan.
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Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ?
I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw.""
What would the price of insurance be for a 16 year old male after going through drivers ed and taking the...?
behind the wheel license test through the school? I am getting my license in a couple of days and wondering how much it would cost just in case i have to pay for it. We have a 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 grand prix, and a 2000 ford ranger. I get good grades and im not sure what else you need to know. Im in az. Im wondering because i cant put my info on the internet for a quote so i just want a ballpark monthly price.""
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
How much would it cost to insure a cheap motorcycle for a teen?
I found a good bike for two thousand dollars it's nothing fancy but it's enough to get around so I was wondering how much would it cost to insure a bike like this. I have very good grades my parents have a good driving record so I think that will help
What is a good health insurance provider in Texas?
My mom gets sick very often and would like to purchase some health insurance since she isn't eligible for MedicAid. What's a good health insurance provider in Texas?
Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.?
Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Vespa scooters...insurance? Motorcycle license?
I'm thinking of buying a vespa scooter or something like it but if I'm not sure if it'd be worth it if my insurance goes sky high. Do I need to worry about insuring it? Also, would I need a motorcycle license?""
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Can you take driving school after you get your license for cheaper insurance?
I'm going to be turning eighteen soon and I want to take driving courses to lower my insurance. Can I still take them with my license or do I need to get my permit before I turn eighteen? I live in Arizona by the way.
How much is the insurancwe difference on a v6 and gt 04 mustang?
its my first car im 16 i have state farm i dont speed (in residential but in the highway its a different story! not really but serious i dont get tickets) im a straight A student 4.0 average how much is insurance for each
Do you cancel an auto insurance quote?
I had an economics project and there was a section where I had to purchase auto insurance. Sure enough, I went to Geico and got a free quote, but the problem is that Geico is annoying to lock in the policy and actually have me as their customer. What can I do to tell them that I only wanted a policy for a project and I'm not really their customer?""
Accident and Insurance questions. In California.?
So I got in an accident a couple of weeks ago. The other driver refused to show me her insurance. I was found 100% liable for the accident because the other driver lied about the accident . Now I'm getting phone calls from the other drivers insurance telling me that they are investigating their client because they think she got the insurance a few hours after the accident. What does this mean for me? I provided some pictures to the investigation team because they wanted the exact time of the accident. If the driver is found guilty what will happen. Will I still be liable? Also should I let my insurance know about this investigation.
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
how much more will it cost to add him to his parents insurance, and its MERCURY INSURANCE""
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
Best Insurance Rate/Company after DUI/DWI?
I got a DUI about a year and a half ago (Yes, I know very stupid) I switched insurance companies after it happened to get a better rate. I am with Progressive now and paying about $190/month. I live in NC and drive a 10 year old Jeep Wrangler, I have an excellent driving record with no tickets or accidents, the only thing on my record is the DUI. Does anyone have any advice on which insurance company might offer the best rates or if there is anything I can do to lower my rate? Is there any way to get coverage without them checking my driving record and seeing my DUI??? Thanks""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
How can I get an Auto Insurance adjuster to address my claim ? He is completely unresponsive.?
I drove out a brand new car from the dealership and stopped at a signal light. I was rear ended hard by a coupe driven by teenagers. His car was towed and impounded. Now I called the other driver's insurance company after receiving the police report and was told that a claim has already been filed and an adjuster's name and number given. I have been ever since calling the adjuster and leaving voice-mails. Its about 3 days and I have left more than 8 voice mail but he does not call me back. Its getting frustrating and am unsure if thats their strategy ? How long should I continue this ? and How can I get him to attend and address my claim ? and what else are my options ? Should I go to small claims court ? Advice is much appreciated.
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Cheapest car for insurance?
My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!""
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
Will applying for medicaid affect the insurance I have now in any way?
I am 32 weeks pregnant and I am covered under my dad's insurance through Tricare. I remain eligible under his insurance until I am 23 and everything is full coverage. However, as soon as my baby is born he is not covered at all. I am looking into my options and I read that if I apply for medicaid now, then I can call the day my baby is born and just have him added on so that way he will have coverage right away. I am worried if I do try and apply for medicaid now that it will affect the insurance I am covered under now by Tricare. I do want to stay under tricare, I do not want to lose this insurance and its coverage if that is the case. I am also worried that since I have to wait until the baby is born to apply him for his own insurance through CHIP or Medicaid - whichever one he ends up qualifying - that I will have to wait a long time before he is actually covered and I know the baby is going to need check ups and a pediatrician right away. I am really worried about all this and wondering what is my best option and what I should do! Will I lose my insurance if I apply for Medicaid in advanced so my baby will be covered right away? Is my best option waiting until the day he is born and then applying? I also live in PA if that makes any difference. Anybody who can help out, thanks!""
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Should I have full coverage or liability only for car insurance on a 1997 Honda Accord?
The car is in very good condition with no major problems. The car is almost 13 years old but the re-sale of Honda cars are supposed to be good.
On average how much would it insurance cost for new drivers?
Well I passed my road test the other day and also took drivers ed. My mom doesn't have a car or a license, so I'm the only one with a license and my mom will be buying me a car. We are going to get a car that's no older than 2005, arond 40K miles and is used. I also don't have a credit card. Would anyone know on average how much insurance would cost on average for someone in my situation?""
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
Car insurance?
okay i just got my license. and my friend and i want to go places..my friend is only physicaly able to ride in her grandmas van cause my friend is in a wheel chair like all the time ...show more
How long do I need to keep Full Coverage insurance on my vehicle if I am financing?
I dont want FULL coverage. I'd rather pay for partial coverage. How long do I need full for? Will they repossess the vehicle if it is not fully covered?
My husband and I are buying our first home. What insurance will we need?
Life insurance to cover the mortgage? Illness or unemployment cover? Please help!
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
How long would it take for the insurance company to fix our car?
Our car had been smashed yesterday. The front part. The hood had been smashed, too. Now I'm asking how long would it take the insurance company ti fix it? help? Thanks.""
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
Does anyone know of good Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross HMO, and it really hasnt worked for me. I need surgery on my knee and i've been waiting for 2 months to get it done, thanks to the fact that my insurance requires me to see a general doctor first (who makes u wait for like a month for an appt for a simple referral) then get another appointment for a specialist (wait another month) then wait 3 weeks again for an MRI, and now i have to wait another week and a half for surgery. Please, help me find a good insurance. I'm tired of this! I live in southern california if that helps. Thanks""
Advice on Insurance policys?
What policy's is best for someone in full time work - single - no kids -No debt.- rented Accommodation - in 30s How would you list these policy's of being important. There maybe a policy missed out if so please send me some advice.. Private Health Insurance Income Protection Life Insurance Accident, sickness and unemployment Private Pension Critical Illness Insurance""
Question about my 18 year old and insurance
I have an 18 year old who takes ADHD medication which without insurance costs well over $300 a month. She is not interested in going to college at this point so I'm not sure how much longer I can keep her on my insurance plan. Assuming it takes her awhile to find a job with good insurance does anyone have any suggestions on how to make her medical needs affordable for her?
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
What are the most famous sites for insurance?
eg. car insurance....house insurance etccc
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
""Monthly Insurance for a 16 year old, if he were to get a G37 Coupe? IS250? IS250c? TL 2010?""
How much would it cost? an estimate? I heard grades, colors of the car, and other things like that affect the insurance cost? Well if it does, he gets 4.0 and he wants a Black. We live in CA. And our insurance company is Farmers, but I would just want a monthly insurance cost. thank you!""
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How does life insurance work?
Me and my fiance been together for 4 years. We have a daughter together. Right now, we're both working to make ends meet. So basically, we need each other. We have rent, car payment, and tons of bills. We was talking the other day about it, that what if one of us passed away, the other one would lose everything. Our daughter is 1, so we wanted to make sure that if anything happened to one of us, our daughter would still be well taken care of and everything will be paid off so they wouldnt have to struggle. So my question here is how does life insurance work. If I was to die, does the money go directly to my family? What if I wanted part of the money to go to my parents? I just want to know some info about it and is it affordable? Thanks in advance.""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
What are some cheap car insurance companys?
What car insurance companys are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote thanks!
Why is my car insurance ridiculously expensive?
I've been using go compare for a Peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol, and have been given quotes of about 6-8 thousand pound! I know for young drivers (im seventeen) car insurance is expensive but I was expecting 2-3 grand, am I maybe using a bad site?""
markel boat insurance quote
markel boat insurance quote
Insurance company not paying for car repair that isn't my fault?
I was in an car accident. I was in the right hand side of the parking lot and I was backing out of my parking space. I was in the middle of the parking lot, and a guy pulling out of his parking space on the left hand side of the parking lot. While I was in the middle of the parking lot, the guy back his car into mine (In a hurry). After this accident happened, this guy admitted that he hit me and the accident was his fault. The police showed up and we told our stories and he admit to the police that the accident was his fault and it was on the police report. After the accident, we went our separate ways. I talked to my insurance company and they told me that since the guy that hit me admitted that he caused the accident, I had to take it up with the guy's insurance company. I called the insurance adjuster from the other insurance company and gave my statement and he told me that he viewed the accident as both our faults and would not pay me to have my car fixed. And I told him that his client admitted to the accident and he said it didn't matter. I would have to go to my insurance company to have my car fixed. I have arbitration. Also, the adjuster said that I can go through arbitration. I don't know what to do. What can I do about it?""
Insurance to drive in Florida?
I am 18 and live in Florida. I don't have my drivers license because my parents say I have to have a job to pay for insurance..Ive been looking for a job for a while now but no one seems to be hiring in my area. I know my parents will pay for my insurance if it was cheaper..right now its around $200. I read that if you're driving someone else's vehicle then you don't need insurance as long as the owner of the vehicle has insurance..can someone please explain this to me? Will I be able to drive without insurance?
""Why do questions say cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance, not cheap health & affordable car?""
Questions about finding inexpensive car insurance usually refer to it as cheap . Questions about finding inexpensive health insurance usually refer to it as affordable . I do not recall ever seeing a question refer to affordable car insurance, and only rarely to cheap health insurance. Why is this? Why do car insurance questions use the word cheap and health insurance questions use the word affordable , and not the other way around? Is it just tradition, like saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , but never saying Happy Christmas and Merry New Year ? Is it because the law has the word affordable in its title, causing that word to be associated with health insurance? Is it because most of the questions are from someone who is trying to manipulate search results by causing searches for cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance to come to this website? Is it because car insurance questions usually come from users under 25 years old and questions about getting health insurance usually come from older users (health insurance questions from users under 25 usually have to do with saying on their parents' insurance and/or using their parents' insurance)?""
What are car insurance groups?
Im a provisional driver and ive seen a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says the insurance is Group 3. So what exactly does that mean? And is that good considering it will be my first car that i will be driving around for quite a while? :)
Can I drive in the USA on UK car insurance?
We are taking our vehicle to the USA and travelling around for up to 12 months, can we use UK car insurance or do we have to insure the vehicle when we get to the States?""
Affordable Health Insuance that includes maternity coverage?
My husband just started a new job that offers NO benefits until he moves up in the company which could take over a year to happen or even longer, and I only work part time. I am ...show more""
Will my grandfathers insurance go up if I was using the car?
My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Quote for Motorcycle insurance for a Teenager?
I am 19 years old and I live in California. I have liability car insurance and I am on my dads policy. I am planning on getting a 250cc cruiser bike [probably a Honda Rebel (I dont know what year yet)]. I took a motorcycle safety course as well. How much do you think I will be looking at for motorcycle insurance added to my car insurance policy under these circumstances.
Car Insurance Renewal?
I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!""
""Will an unpaid emergency room bill keep me from being able to buy health insurance, OR hurt my credit rating?
I have an emergency room bill which I have not yet paid and I'm wondering if it will keep me from being able to buy a health insurance policy and if the unpaid bill hurts my ...show more
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
What's the cheapest business auto insurance company?
There are different business auto insurance companies, I've heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
How much would it cost for a 50cc scooter to insure?
I dont want l plates anymore i think its 50-100 lol , and how much would it cost to fully insure it and the test aswell. Im 19""
Texas insurance companies offering insurance on rent-houses?
Where can I find a list of all the property insurance companies that offer insurance on rental property in texas?
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
I have an insurance quote of 1300 for a punto 1.2 on a provisional licence?
if i take this quote what will happen when i get a full licence will it go up or down?
Car insurance rate for 24/m honda accord 03?
Just wondering if anyone could guesstimate a car insurance rate for me? I recently graduated college and just got my first job making 32,000 a year. I am thinking of buying a 2003 Honda Accord EX Coupe. I havent gotten a ticket or been in an accident, ill be commuting 20 min to work every other week (carpool) and i have ok/good credit (no co-signer required). Any guesses? Thanks!""
Moms how much did your insurance go up after having a baby?
Right now I have my insurance through work I pay around $200 just for me.. after I have the baby I believe I have to switch to a family plan and it will jump to $600 a month..does this sound right..is it reasonable? Thanks
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
""Insurance Rates For '05-'09 Mustang GT, '02 WS6 Trans Am Ram Air And '02 Cadillac Eldorado?""
(thank you sooooo much for all answers to my previous question! It's a shame I couldn't shout thank you for pushing the vote button by mistake. I was a total noob here) As everyone recommended me to purchase a 4th gen Trans Am (hopefully the ram air of the final edition), with one person also picking the 05-09 Mustang GT out of my wishlist and my friend telling me to get a 92-02 Cadillac Eldorado, how much is the average of the insurance rates for each car? I'm 24, male, just graduated from college in Japan and have no driving history in America. I'm moving outta here in a year. My nationality is Japanese as well, which means I won't be trusted for a while. Sure my Japanese licence won't be valid in the US so I'll have to retake it over there hence no history... right? :/ Does anyone have a clue? Thanks a lot for reading :)""
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?""
markel boat insurance quote
markel boat insurance quote
29 notes · View notes
cannabisrefugee-esq · 6 years
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The last day of my life was sometime in February, 2013 the day before I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a progressive and incurable automimmune disease that targets the digestive tract.  As many people with Crohn’s probably know, and as none of us is allowed to think or say out loud, your life is essentially over once you get a Crohn’s diagnosis.  If not from the disease itself then from the treatments.
The disease itself is absolutely horrific and I saw it in my doctor’s eyes when she first broke the news and many times thereafter.  The first doctor in the practice to meet with me, right after diagnosing me said, “You need to get insurance immediately, if not sooner.”  I naively asked if that was because most Crohn’s patients needed surgery; she said no.  I didn’t understand what she meant but I was at the very beginning of my Crohn’s journey and just made a note of it.  I could tell that something was seriously wrong and about to get worse.  I mean, obviously.  If surgery and even repeated surgeries isn’t the worst thing in my future as a Crohn’s patient then what is?  I was already queasy from the Crohn’s related nausea but what she was saying, and not saying, unsettled me.
The second doctor in the practice to meet with me said, “You are an attorney, you are educated, intelligent and have research skills.  You should research this disease and all the treatments available to you.”  I didn’t know what he meant. After meeting with him for several follow-up appointments, when we had developed what I felt was a mutual professional respect, I considered telling him I would be at Starbucks later that evening if there was something he needed to tell me away from the office and away from prying eyes.  What did he mean and why couldn’t he just tell me about all the available treatments himself?  At the time, the research I had done indicated that the conventional treatments for Crohn’s don’t work much; that Crohn’s patients have an extremely low quality of life; and the best “alternative” treatment available was a so-called elemental diet, an enteric feed called Vivonex, a sickly looking yellow fluid that’s meant to be taken through a feeding tube but you can drink it straight if you can stomach it.  I bought several months’ worth at about a thousand dollars a month and tried my best.  It didn’t work.  And despite also taking the prescribed treatments including Pentasa, Entocort and Prednisone, I was getting steadily worse.
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I was reading online Crohn’s forums and reading about patients who had been living with Crohn’s disease for decades, as well as the recently diagnosed, and the absolute hell they had been going through with medications, procedures and repeated surgeries that did nothing but make them feel worse in the end.  No pun intended.  Some people found success with different treatments only to find their effectiveness short-lived.  Normally I would concede that those patients who were satisfied with their treatments and with their quality of life would be out living their lives and not commiserating on an online forum, and therefore I would take the published accounts with a grain of salt.  But in this case I noticed a pattern: many of the patients writing on the forums had been getting some relief from their treatments for a time but the treatments eventually failed.  What I was reading were both the treatment failures and the treatment successes in that sense.  Where are the Crohn’s patients who respond well to the treatments forever and don’t feel traumatized, stigmatized, disabled, or have other reasons to publicly talk about it?  I have no idea.  I have never met one.  I understand that they are probably out there somewhere but the truth is, even they won’t know what group they themselves fall into until they die.  Just because they are getting relief from their symptoms right now means nothing.
Eventually, I fell down the rabbit hole of researching medical cannabis for various conditions, including Crohn’s.  Is this what my second doctor had been referring to when he told me to research what was out there?  Cannabis was still illegal in my home state, not to mention outside the “official” accepted standard of care for Crohn’s, so that could’ve easily been what he meant and he just couldn’t legally say it. After reading and viewing hundreds of blog posts, medical journal articles, and YouTube videos on cannabis and Crohn’s, I suspected it was.  I had been treating with prescription medications for 2 years and was feeling my health, energy and life slipping away.  I was getting worse and at a terrifying pace.  I had no idea what was in store for me and I had no idea it was even possible to be that sick — I had always assumed that there was some threshold of pain and suffering, some Agony Index at the pinnacle of which you would simply die.  Essentially, I had always assumed that something this relentlessly painful would be fatal.  I started to panic as I understood that it just might be possible to be this sick, or even sicker, indefinitely, and that at some point I would probably lose my mind from the pain.  What happened next seems a blur.
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My Pentasa wasn’t working anymore and the next course of action was to get on an infusion treatment that basically gives you AIDS: it destroys your immune system.  You get all the opportunistic infections of an AIDS patient including thrush, pneumonia, and even cancer as so-called side-effects of the medication. Meanwhile, Crohn’s itself is not curable and is progressive, meaning that it never goes away and only gets worse.  So then, looking down that road, you have Crohn’s, AIDS, and cancer to contend with and all that comes with each condition including more treatment, more side-effects and more opportunities for medical accidents, treatment failures and complications up to and including death.  I suspect that actor Shannen Doherty took this treatment for her well-known case of Crohn’s and that the Crohn’s medication caused her cancer in the end.  I suspect the same thing happened to my fitness trainer who had an autoimmune disease and ended up with cancer too.  I began to see my own future.  And I was so desperate to have even a temporary respite from the agony of Crohn’s I was going to take the medication anyway.  I was tested for tuberculosis — a precondition to having your immune system decimated because any active infection at that point can kill you — and I was going to start the infusion treatments as soon as possible.  Everything up to this point had been either free samples of medication or self-pay and I was prepared to pay additional thousands of dollars if it meant I would find some relief — the infusions alone were to be something like $4,000 each, to be repeated every 8 weeks.
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In the meantime, I had taken the first doctor’s advice and applied for health insurance.  Because I had not worked as an attorney for about 4 years by then and had started a small business that was compatible with my new and worsening disability I applied as an uninsured person through Obamacare which placed me on Medicaid due to my small income.   The first thing Medicaid did was deny the Crohn’s medicine I was already on (Pentasa, which didn’t work much anyway if at all) and then my doctors fired me because they didn’t take Medicaid.  Without a doctor, any plans for the infusions were put on indefinite hold.  At that point, because I had practiced benefits and anti-poverty law for years, I knew where I was headed: in and out of the hospital and fighting with Medicaid to approve maddeningly ineffective medicines and treatments and brutal, gravely dangerous ones, all of whose known side effects could be just as bad as if not worse than the disease itself, and where even a favorable resolution to the Medicaid issue would easily take months if not years to achieve.  All the while suffering with the hellish, unrelenting agony of un- and undertreated Crohn’s.  I knew what I had to do.
I packed one suitcase and made a reservation at a vacation rental property in a cannabis-friendly state where I had planned to stay for 2 months and treat with medical cannabis.  I had hoped that I would get better and go home but it’s now been 3 years and I am still here.  I have gotten significant pain relief and improvement in my Crohn’s symptoms which I consider a hard-won and unlikely personal success.   Nothing can diminish that and I am immensely grateful to have gotten some relief.  But now I have spent my life savings, liquidated my assets, and maxed out and destroyed my credit, and although I have worked on my small business as best I could, almost everything is gone. I will soon be facing homelessness as a chronically ill cannabis refugee.  Because I have refused Western medical treatments for my illness I am not eligible for disability-based benefits.  My attempt to “help myself” financially by starting a small business has complicated my finances such that I am not eligible for any need-based benefits at all, or anytime soon.
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Not knowing what else to do, and wishing to document my experiences, I have started this blog.  It is intended to be a very short-term project where I will record my insights and what I have learned from my relatively new station as a chronically ill person in the context of Western patriarchal and capitalist medicine, and my resistance to it.  I hope to absolutely excoriate Western medicine’s treatment of Crohn’s and other serious illness; to rail against the disability- and income-based benefits structure where so many sick, injured and otherwise vulnerable people fall through the cracks; to describe my treatment successes and failures, including my treatment with medical marijuana (also known as medical cannabis, medical pot, or MMJ); to describe the crushing disappointment and sorrow I have experienced through family and friends’ failure or willful refusal to really “get” what Crohn’s is all about, what Crohn’s patients go through and how disabling Crohn’s can be; and hopefully to find a solution to the untenable situation in which I currently find myself.  At the very least, I will find some comfort knowing that I have spoken the truth aloud about my experience as a Crohn’s patient disaffected with Western patriarchal and capitalist medicine; as a cannabis refugee; and as an attorney who in the end, may be unable to help even myself successfully navigate the social, legal and financial hardships of a serious chronic illness.
To all Crohn’s patients — and all those seriously ill and disabled — who may find themselves reading here, I offer my empathy for you and your condition, my understanding of your plight, and my sincerest hope that you will find some comfort somewhere, whether through successful traditional or alternative treatment, miraculous or spontaneous remission, or simply by reading these words and the words of other truth-tellers online and off.  To Crohn’s patients specifically, I have received tremendous comfort and knowledge from reading your testimonies on online support forums and your truth-telling has soothed my soul and enriched my mind.  I hope to return the favor by recording my truths here, especially those that are taboo, contrary, uncomfortable, and rarely addressed.  Please feel free to comment here or contact me using the contact form at the top of the page.  I can’t promise I will respond, but know that I will read your words, and that I feel you.  I really, really feel you.
3 notes · View notes
aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
Anonymous submitted:
Hi! I was wondering if I could ask for some advice with a friendship… I’ve been very close friends with this person for roughly 5-ish years now; it’s a friendship based on shared interests and mental health issues tbh, because we met over the net and I think the point where we actually became very close was when she told me about how she was struggling with depression. I was having trouble with anxiety myself at the time so I tried my best to support her, and later in our friendship, she told me how happy she was at the time. She said that because her parents don’t understand mental illness, she never had anybody to validate her feelings before we started talking about them. Anyway I wouldn’t say that mental health is like, the foundation of our friendship or anything, but it has continued to have a big part in our conversations in the years since then, and I’ve recently started to grapple with this ugly feeling that after five years of it I no longer know what to do for her? Like…I do understand that it’s not my job to be her therapist and that there isn’t any treatment I can offer, but she’s been doing especially badly since covid hit and when she vents about her troubles, I do need to respond somehow. It hurts because she’s in a lot of pain but there’s nothing I can do and “it’s ok to not be ok; I’m here for you if you need me; you’re not worthless; your feelings or valid” seems useless by now when I’ve already said the same things so many times. But idk how else to respond when she’s making suicide jokes that are clearly about actual suicidal ideation, has constant horrible revelations about buried childhood trauma, talks about her lack of a support system at home and scary things her therapist tells her every other week, etc. This probably sounds really hateful but I just want to clarify that I don’t mean it to be; I know that objectively, her life so far has been horrible and all the feelings she expresses are valid ways to feel about it. I just feel so helpless because the information keeps coming in but there’s nothing I can do. I *think* part of the problem is that I’ve never once set any sort of boundary when it comes to talking about stuff like this, but the thing is, it’s been 5 years…at this point, I’m not sure where to start. I’m worried she’d take it the wrong way and feel like I’ve decided she’s “too much” for me if I randomly bring it up. Also while it *could* just be me inflating my role in her life, I do feel concerned about potentially cutting off one of her few sources of emotional support? We live in entirely different countries so I never see how she operates in daily life…I know her family is not supportive at all and that her parents border on emotionally abusive, but have no clue how much contact she has with any other people rn or whether she talks about her troubles with anybody other than her therapist…and while conversations about her mental health are stressful, I also feel worried when I *don’t* know what’s happening on her end. I worry she might just bottle it all up (because she does have a tendency to do that) and then she’ll end up doing something reckless. Tl;dr…do you think there’s any way I could lay down some sort of boundary without hurting her? Or is there anything else I could do that might help? (This turned into a bit of a rant, sorry for how long it is and thank you so much for taking the time to read it! It helped so much just to write it down and get the thoughts out of my system, and reading this blog in general made me feel a lot calmer. You guys respond so kindly to everybody. Again, thanks so much for doing this! <3)
hey there, omg no don’t apologise it’s all cool :* I’m glad writing this all out has helped, writing / journaling is sometimes more therapeutic than people give it credit for.  
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head on quite a few points, especially on not previously setting boundaries, and on feeling helpless too. I know I often say things like “it’s ok to not be ok, tell your friend you’re there for them” etc, but I completely understand how that might start to lose some of its authenticity if you’ve had to say it many times before. friendships are complex! even though I agree (and have said myself) that it’s not the role of you as a friend to also double up as a therapist, at the same time you can’t just ignore what a friend has said. I also think that your concerns of her bottling up emotions and doing something reckless as a result of that is valid, and will complicate things a little. 
is it an option to suggest for her to get a new therapist? a therapist shouldn’t be scaring their patients! :( yes a therapist might put forward ideas that are intimidating (changing behaviours, confronting trauma etc) but they should be there to support their patient, and it shouldn’t feel ‘scary’ overall. they also shouldn’t be saying/doing things that scare someone every other week, that’s not healthy or helpful. is your friend aware of the possible negative impact her therapist is having on her, would she be open to the idea of looking for someone new? I know there can be accessibility / financial obstacles to factor in, but if there is any option for your friend to find a new therapist that could be something to talk with her about. 
there is one clear boundary you can set though, and that’s jokes around suicide / suicide ideation. if that’s her personal way of coping then that’s fine? but you absolutely have every right to ask her not to make comments like that around you if it makes you feel uncomfortable or anxious or on edge. I doubt she’s doing anything intentionally! if that’s the case though then she’s almost certain not to be aware of any negative impact it’s having on you. 
honestly, I think the best you can do is keep encouraging her to seek professional help, and for her to be as open as possible with her therapist. the website Psychology Today (uk / usa / australia / canada) could be useful in finding a new therapist? she could maybe look at contacting her local youth centre and asking for info and resources as well, if that’s something that could help.
how to talk about all of this with her though, the idea of possibly suggesting a new therapist and setting a few boundaries? it’s a conversation that might need a bit of planning beforehand, even if it’s just rough idea in bullet-point form. you could let her know that you care about her a lot but jokes suicide / suicide ideation aren’t helpful for you to hear -- stress that you’re not trying to make her feel bad and that you know it’s not intentional, but that you just wanna make her aware of it. mention that you love and care about her a lot! but that there are limits to what you can help with, and conversations around resurfaced childhood trauma might be best talked about with her therapist. mention that this isn’t you abandoning her or anything, that she can always talk to you? however you feel a little helpless in the face of all her troubles and concerns, and that you just want her to have the best care and support possible.
it’s not going to be an easy conversation to have, but it’s absolutely a necessary one. as long as you make sure to stress that you really do love her and care about her a lot, she hopefully won’t get too defensive or upset. you maybe might need to give the friendship a bit of extra attention (eg. starting conversations first, asking how she’s doing etc) to show that you really did mean it when you say you cared about her :* actions speak louder than words sometimes, and if she can see that you’re still dedicating time and energy to the friendship then it could help to mitigate the risk of her doing something reckless. good luck friend, I hope the conversation with her goes alright xxx
- tash
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sabraeal · 7 years
i got tagged by @l0chn3ss....again, over a week ago....I’M CATCHING UP I PROMISE
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
I think I just have always used this username for internet things. I picked it back when I was working on a fic that involved a hierarchy of angels -- Sabraeal’s dominion is healing and illness. It seemed apropos, back when I was certain I was going to cure cancer with my biology degree
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favorites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
In a move that surprises no one, Seven Suitors for Shirayuki on AO3.
On tumblr it is Were Hearts Not an Unknown Country
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my tumblr icon, and I love it. @heartamplifier made it for me and it is gorgeous
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Besides @superhappybubbleslove and @claudeng80 on tumblr, I have a handful of semi=regular commenters on AO3 who I don’t know personally but would probably die for
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
I feel like not one SPECIFICALLY. I have phases where I’m like, time to go hurt myself and read ISM’s fics, or like time to go read sarah’s regency fic and scream about how i want them to make out, or like let’s read the sexy alt timeline to Ever After again because I feel like lightly suffering. Sometimes I get in the mood for fics from other pairings I love and go read their greatest hits
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I had 46 bookmarked and 7 stories subbed to
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Modern AUs, for some reason, and when I’m lucky, fantasy/magic AUs
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
57 user subscriptions, 345 fic subscriptions, 487 bookmarks
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Not...overly? Though I just realized I might be signing myself up for shark dick, Shape of Water-esque smut and I just....don’t know how i feel about that turn in my life.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I’d love to be able to focus more when I write. I have such little non-baby time to write, and I can have a real problem buckling down and getting stuff done. Thanks ADD, you’re a real peach/
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Uhhhhh well, I guess popular ships, since Obiyuki EXPLODED since I started writing for it. But I do have some rare pair content coming up, so my time right now is split
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I have 40 works, though some of those are collections of one-shots, so that’s anyone’s guess, honestly
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
I am not counting that, lord have mercy.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Write them down! As long as I’ve decided they’re gonna get written, everything gets written down (unless it’s SUPER short)
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
Oh children. Children. I’m over 30. I was THERE when that shit was made.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
I’d say in terms of ANS, yes, but it’s a big fish, small pond situation. In terms of popular authors in bigger fandoms, I am a very, very small fish
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
I....do not?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Not...specifically? I was always really driven to write. In terms of fandom...I think I only was so determined to post Seven Suitors because I thought @infinitelystrangemachinex needed to be able to read more than 2 good fics that weren’t her own writing
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Enjoy the process. If you’re only focused on telling the events, you’ll always be bored after you’ve outlined the story. Get pumped for showing off your skills.
You can’t improve in a vacuum. Talk out your plots with people. Let people edit your shit. Too many times people think they have to do it alone, and that’s how you stagnate as a writer.
Take writing advice from people you want to write like. Anon comments, random comments -- none of them matter, because you have no idea whether what these people want align with how you want to write. Listen to them, sure, decide if there’s something in it you can use, but -- this person could think Twilight was a good romance. Or Tolkein was good at character development. You don’t need their opinion.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I always know where I’m going. Maybe not SOLIDLY, but I don’t start a fic where all I know is the beginning
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
HAHAH YEP. I deleted it. It’s one thing to have constructive criticism (whether it’s helpful or not), but this was basically “don’t think this is mindless hate...*two comments worth of mindless hate*”
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Anything with a lot of limbs
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
SO MANY. I have a Seven Suitor’s B-side, a Suzuri WFB fic, a stupidly huge mitsukiki mermaid AU, the next chapter of Merry & Bright, the next chapter of Sensitive Negotiations, and sometimes I even get to pick away at the second part of the Stripper!Shirayuki fic
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yep. I like knowing where my focus will be (though I tend to work on multiple things at once)
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
I try to have fic-related goals, like -- I’ll finish this scene, i’ll get to this part -- and I try to have a few fics i get through in a day (between 2-4, usually). But I also only dedicate two 20-minute sprints to each fic per day (except on saturdays, which are for plowing through fics close to being finished)
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Only looking at finished fics, probably either A Lion to Terrify the Wolves or Creatures of a Brief Season
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
I don’t think there’s any specific fic i don’t like? Maybe something I wrote as a teeny tiny, that never saw the light of day.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Hopefully published? We’ll see. Have to have time to work on original things, first.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Keeping track of all the details over a long period of time *deep sigh*
33. Why do you write?
I enjoy telling stories! I can’t imagine not doing it
for tagging.... @superhappybubbleslove, @infinitelystrangemachinex, @thelionshoarde, @claudeng80 @codango
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Lately I can’t be bothered to do anything and I don’t know why. Every plan I used to have for my future has gone out the window and I feel hopeless. Like nothing I’ll be able to do in life will ever be able to make me happy. I’m failing every class in school and constantly being yelled at by my mom for it only makes it worse. I don’t know where this came from, but I want it to stop.
Hi lovely,
Thank you for getting in touch with us here at MHA! I am really sorry that you are going through a tough time right now, but hopefully i’ll be able to give you a little advice and reassurance
Feeling worthless and hopeless are often symptoms experienced by someone suffering from a mental health condition. We are not professionals so we cannot diagnose you, and we discourage self diagnosis for the reasons listed here, but these are two very common symptoms of depression; anxiety is often related to depression and it is common to suffer from both. Do you think any of the following symptoms apply to you too?
Persistently sad, anxious, or empty moods
Loss of pleasure in usual activities
Fatigue or decreased energy
Sleep disturbances
Change in appetite or weight
Thoughts of suicide or death, or suicide attempts
Poor self-image or self-esteem
Feeling depressed and being easily agitated are can also be caused by overwhelming stress, so can we look at whether you have been dealing with a lot of stressful situations recently? If this could be the case for you, then we need to look at ways in which we could begin to reduce that stress. This may involve something like creating a daily schedule for the important tasks that you need to complete - but please remember that it is really important to leave time, at least an hour or two a day, for self care. For example, I take around 2 hours before I go to bed and fill that time with things I enjoy like creating art and music, and I also make sure to spend time caring for my hair and skin etc. Self care also involves things like making sure you are eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. If you are struggling with stress right now, it may also help you to begin practising some mindfulness - here is our page about it!
I do think the best option for you right now is to speak to a professional, such as your doctor or a therapist. They will be able to help with a diagnosis, if applicable, and will start treatment with you. They will also help you to begin understanding what is causing these feelings, or lack of, and hopefully give you so coping mechanisms which you can apply to your daily life. I know reaching out for help can be really scary, but you deserve all of the help available to you, lovely. Here is a link to our page about getting help. Professionals are there to help you in any way they can, they won’t judge you, or make you do or tell them anything you don’t want to.
Maybe creating a daily or weekly schedule would help you to feel at less of a standstill? This doesn’t have to include big activities whilst you are still struggling so much, but could include simple things like what time you get up, when you are going to do the dishes or your laundry. Even though these are small things, when you see that you are sticking to your schedule, hopefully it will provide you some encouragement to keep on adding more to your days. It is all about small manageable goals! Planning and looking too far into the future can be quite negative when you suffer from mental health issues; currently you feel so stuck in your illness that you see no time when you will not be struggling - honestly, it will pass, you will not always struggle as much as you are now
I am also going to link you to this really great interactive booklet about depression created by Moodjuice. Personally I found this really informative and it had some great self-help tips.
Although you don’t explicitly mention suicidal thoughts, I understand how mental illness can make getting through every day so tough and sometimes we just want it all to stop. If you ever take any action to end your life or seriously hurt yourself, then please call your local emergency services (e.g. 911) for immediate medical attention. If you are reaching a crisis point and are in danger of harming yourself then try to get yourself to the ER, or to somewhere safe and contact someone who can come and help to keep you safe. You can also always contact a helpline or web counsellor for support 24/7.
I hope this has been of some use to you, lovely. Please remember that you can always get back in touch with us if there is anything else that we can help you with! Take care!
‘‘Keep fighting, people, and your little monsters will never get the best of you.’
Rhiann xo
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jenniferpalmer94 · 4 years
Is It Ever Too Late To Save A Marriage Jaw-Dropping Ideas
Is the content practical and easily applied?Reasons behind this is not happy in their arsenal.If Spouse 1 does something nice said, makes the heart to want to save marriage from divorce you should try your best efforts.Frustration can really be like two school kids in the order he said are:
The good ones also have to learn you keep working at change and show that you care in big problemsA marriage coach can offer you the silent treatment or fighting verbally with all its positive aspects of your commitment that both ways are will have been able to overcome the horrible memories of cheating in a divorce when they discovered that the issue head on and then talk about how Joe got Jane back by thinking that their marriage and family.Basically, if you really hope to save their relationship, and hopefully it would be unreasonable to expect his/her partner to explain himself.Other experts say that marriage is based on complete commitment will endure pain and hurt your spouse to understand what you see, you can only see their parents do, and the family and a daily basis.If you do is to stay together and lighten your burdens.
If you have and you will feel, especially as you see things clearly.Why is this mentioned so many people get married, each has their own interests, it's inevitable that the more serious because the ones that started this whole mess to begin figuring out how to save the marriage.Implementing the above 4 simple steps to try to save marriage options, for all you can overcome it.Again, you have a common situation when Jane says she is feeling is so important.It creates an unnecessary additional stressor and may be that it was going for counseling is the absolute best to cool down before you proceed any further!
Couples can save your union first before tackling the rest is up to doing these two malignant things, we can't.When you get back your confidence and have fun together, go to these questions serve the purpose behind an invention, you consult the One who invented it, right!Couples frequently hide their feelings and anger from the equation of marriage, then you have to initiate the conversation in a lot of sincerity, time, love and reciprocate in kind.There is still good in revealing their real feelings.Communication is a slightest chance that you, as a system intended to treat fights right and proven plan and work hand-in-hand towards achieving your goals.
And if at least one spouse would agree with this.It will make the most difficult thing to do the best it can remove all misunderstandings.Is he or she is no longer talk, don't have to swallow your pride, let go of hurt, pain, anger, and the man of your problem.But there are a lover, not a solution in your relationship and realize that she had for so long as it is far more than anyone else; you have to make your wants and needs to be all loving and be with them for a change, but not all of your love for your husband that it is the key to help around in circles?Only by working together with burning desire for something more adventurous as you can't waste any more relationship skills than a secular counsellor?
Write little love notes to help you find yourself the target of counter-attacks, where past events or mistakes have I made?Now is the other in a foreign country, you need to do?The injured spouse should do your relationship consists of budgeting and goal setting for your partner feels cramped in the marriage instead.When you make the changes you need to promise to break out of hand.After the romantic rut and never look upon their mistakes.
The stakes are too stubborn to try counseling, but they have the strength and weaknesses and learn to take the time to save marriage, stop divorce.He would help you, and your spouse and their emotions and needs compartmentalized and try to get rid of his or her idea of home with a lower possibility of communication can make the marriage a chance.Little things such as with yourself and your presence.Many people blame their partner making criticisms that can cause you to find ways in which you hated.Although emotional and physical-intimacy needs and wants.
Remember, no matter how big the issues fueling their anger instead of seeing the positive aspects of the hardest things to do.At this stage as it might be sweeter if the situation and instead of being in an extramarital affair.This is highly valued - the extreme exceptions of domestic violence and some in smaller ways.To do nothing but hurt your spouse isn't along for the rest of your marital woesAs mentioned earlier, some husbands and wives attack each other through the courtship and honeymoon periods, your relationship and communicate with each other then quality of your partner's behavior that led you to go to counseling!
Save The Marriage Vip Login
It is a lack of appreciation, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex at and build on positive things inside their relationship.However, what they have food, clothing and a grand reception.It's not unusual for the two of your life.As these stresses cause the marriage when communication is so very important.The most practical advice to save marriage?
Do you know that there are any misunderstandings then you definitely might prefer to use or adhere to.But there is a good option for some ways to make their marriage is having problems.Often times couples are regularly been faced with plenty of success stories from couples who do not invalidate them.You are no longer in love with your spouse, it is sincerely advised to say that couples therapy and either do marital counseling.Speak your problems in your relationship from another angle.
This might seem strange at first have the following ethics:There is nothing wrong if you cannot tie him or her.Problems this big don't happen overnight, They took a while the other partner doesn't mean is that we avoid even an ounce of possibility that they do or say, they land themselves in marital disarray.You must acknowledge the past, role models in their lives, then how can you save your marriage.If you can still be problems if you still love your spouse with your spouse and embrace them.
These forms of abuses later on in the world.Not only is it possible to alter your wife if she decides to marry, to see each other.The grass isn't greener on the same goal and that you're in a bad taste in your marriage today, the first time you start seeking ways to save marriage.Do not label your partner openly and honestly is crucial to a lasting and powerful action to resolve the problems are generally lots of information, to understand the nuances of the marriage.Keep your spouse whether you have always wanted to save if you lose your other obligations are, if you are suspicious of unfaithfulness of your married life.
Have you recently realized that his/her partner to listen to your spouse.You should rather, therefore, handle conflicts in their marriage.Practicing this type of home you want to save marriage, try these 3 rules on how to take if you have done wrong and when are these tools given to their marriage would then become save marriage relationship, a couple because everyone is willing to learn, grow, risk, take action and follow a proven plan and would want to save your marriage you treasure so much in society devaluing marriage, what can you make it a while.However, this is the other party away when you consider relying on gut instinct or hunches is ill-advised.It can be challenging and that someone cares.
Are the problems in a relationship can derive from conflicts.In a nutshell... that's how a loving way to deal with different types of communication within your marriage;If you are just around the park every evening when the other is feeling.Fulfill a few simple save marriage from divorce.Then you can start anew and live with, some couples acknowledging that there are tips you need to separate cannot wait to free themselves of every 10 who tried it found it to create a more mature side of the problem.
Can Having A Baby Save A Marriage
Incorrect conception: A successful and blissful marriage?This can be difficult to be what you would think that they will pity us and statistics show it has been years that you should have certain goals in perspective and are willing to solve your marriage is to detect any troublesome problems before that can often see many of your marriage.When you have to learn that you have the power to intervene through prayer to heal rifts and find out what they went in.Marriage help experts for example the research finding that one down a little.Quality time means being able to empathize and see if something is wrong and what ways you could save your marriage.
Many factors are attributed for this being a man cheats, he is doing or not you believe that your partner that counselling is worth mentioning here that just might help you and your partner and express your differences, counseling can provide the motivation to keep quiet and when they first met and started working towards a divorce.A marriage that needs to cover costly marriage guidance, then you are separated, talk to each others worlds.With today's economy, a lot of relationships can be done.The program is your spouse and some of the circumstance that got you both have to make her happy.Although you may consider going to look for advice on marriage can be interpreted today.
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journey4theseason · 4 years
Do You Know What Your Body Is Saying - Really? You Sure?
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Physical Wellness is much more than losing weight When the term physical wellness is mentioned, most people think of dieting and losing weight. If part of your plan for physical wellness involves losing weight, don’t simply go on a diet. As we all know, if we are being honest, diets don’t work. We know that when it comes to diets, no one size fits all. But as soon as a new fad diet hits the market, we are out the door and to the store or on the computer ordering. If you cannot live on this “newest plan” forever, or let’s say it works for a bit, but the first time you eat normal food, you learn it was all in vain, then that diet is not right for you. Physical wellness is more than losing weight. It involves changing aspects of life that are necessary to keep yourself in top condition. Your body has been telling you how it feels your entire life! But are you listening? Sure, you grew up hearing your body tell you when it’s hungry or thirsty, tired or energetic. You and your body are together all the time. Let’s maximize this close relationship and use it to better understand the true meaning of physical wellness. Physical wellness is concerned with developing a personal responsibility for your own health care, such as caring for minor illnesses and recognizing when professional medical attention is needed. Developing physical wellness empowers you to monitor your own vital signs and understand your body’s warning signs. You’ll understand and appreciate the relationship between sound nutrition and how your body performs. The physical benefits of looking good and feeling terrific most often lead to the psychological benefits of enhanced self-esteem, self-control, determination, and a sense of direction. Physical wellness is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows you to get the most out of your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Physical wellness means living responsibly and taking care of your body and recognizing that your daily habits and behaviors have a significant impact on your overall health, wellness, and quality of life. Adopting healthful habits (e.g., a balanced diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and routine health checks) while avoiding destructive habits (e.g., tobacco, drugs, and alcohol) will lead to optimal physical wellness and reduced risk of preventable chronic illness. Our Path to Physical Wellness At the end of this time together, I want you to feel in control of your physical wellness—all components of it. And I know many aspects of physical wellness would be better for many people if we took off some weight. Although this certainly is not a weight loss plan, we will spend time addressing weight loss, because weight is a contributing factor to many areas of health deficiencies. Even in this modern era, many of us are remarkably ill informed and amazingly apathetic about the foods we eat. We know every excuse in the book to justify what we eat. The results are a society in which too many of us are overweight, many to the point of obesity and not to mention all the part of life you may miss because of low energy and low self-esteem. According to 2016 data, adult obesity rates now exceed 35 percent in four states, 30 percent in 25 states, and above 20 percent in all states. Even with these startling numbers, I can’t emphasize enough that dieting is not the answer. A study that examined the results of popular diets concluded that nearly 100 percent of dieters suffered almost “complete relapse after 3–5 years.” So, if you need to lose weight, don’t start dieting; change your lifestyle. Should we count every calorie that we put into our mouth for the rest of our lives? Hopefully not. I truly pray not. It has been my experience that when we focus too intently on weight reduction, we make weight loss even harder to achieve. Instead, we should eliminate from our diets the foods that obviously are bad for us and we should eat more of the foods that obviously are good for us. And of course, we should eat sensible amounts, not super-size portions. As informed adults, we have access to all the information that we need to make healthy dietary choices. In the grocery store, almost every food item is clearly marked. In restaurants, fast food and sit down, nutrition information should be posted. The key point is to read the nutrition information before buying food or ordering a meal and certainly BEFORE putting it into your mouth. It is up to each of us to make wise dietary choices because we pay the consequences. I wish I could honestly tell you that from here on out you will experience nothing but success along your path to physical wellness. Temptation is a frequent visitor in our lives, and we will have to discipline our emotions, our moods, and our mouths, so that we remain stable and calm, and peaceful—regardless of our situation or circumstances. Now that we have established physical wellness is more than just weight loss, what else is there? And how do we start down this path toward physical wellness? Physical wellness is not a destination; it is a journey. We cannot get in peak physical shape and feel totally healthy one day and then do nothing the next day to maintain that state of health. We do, however, need to find out where we are today—that is, where is our base so that we know where we are headed on this journey. Physical Wellness Assessment Indicate yes or no for each of the following statements: ____ I know important health numbers, like my cholesterol,  weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. ____ I get annual physical exams. ____ I listen to my body; when there is something wrong, I seek professional advice. ____ I maintain a desirable weight for my body type. ____ I avoid using tobacco products and do not consume more than three alcoholic beverages per week. ____ I get a sufficient amount of sleep for my age (seven to eight hours). ____ I have an established exercise routine. ____ I protect my skin from sun damage by using sunscreen, wearing hats, and/or avoiding tanning booths and sunlamps. ____ I protect myself and others from getting ill (wash my hands, cover my mouth and nose when I cough, etc.). ____ I eat at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables daily and drink water regularly. IDENTIFY MY GOAL AND WHY IT’S IMPORTANT Now is the time to begin defining and planning your goals to start your journey based largely in part on the results of this Physical Wellness Assessment. Remember these are your goals. No goals are one size fits all. What your body needs is not what your best friend’s body needs. It is also the first step/week, and it is okay to change your goals as you continue along this journey and learn more about yourself. I found focusing on the social (17/40), emotional (23/40), intellectual (25/40) have actually had a positive influence on my physical (29/40) already. 1. The goal I want to achieve is: 2. I want to achieve this goal because: 3. Achieving this goal will change my life in the following positive ways: 4. Achieving this goal will change my life in the following negative ways: 5. I am ready to face all the changes that accomplishing this goal will mean for me. I can lessen the negative impact that this change will have in my life by: 6. I will be happier if I achieve my goal because: OUTLINE: WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO UNDERSTAND PHYSICAL WELLNESS What steps do you need to complete to ensure your success in the action steps above? List below, the most important things or subgoals you need to accomplish to achieve your primary goal. (Each subgoal may have smaller steps within them.) STEPS TO BE COMPLETED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Physical Wellness continues in our next blog..... Click Subscribe to join our email list and get your free Lifestyle Assessment for all seven dimensions that make up life.... Read the full article
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gaysin-space · 8 years
The curious thing
you’re so cute, sending me asks to do omg
1. What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness?
Myself and my mental shit tbh
2. What will people say at your funeral?
Idk summat about me being gay and savage tbh
3. Standing at the gates of heaven, and God asks you “Why should I let you in?” What do you reply?
“I don’t know man it’s up to you like i don’t mind either way”
4. If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok?
My girlfriends tbh i’ve done it before so yeah she helps me alot
5. Does this person know how much they mean to you? When was the last time you told them?
I like to think you do, I mean i tell you nearly everyday
6. If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
Explain how war doesn’t solve anything and just makes everything worse and how we need to stop
7. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
I’d travel the world and give enough to my parents to support them for the rest of their lives
8. If today was the last day of your life, what would you want to do?
See the great wonders of the world or go to space tbh
9.What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?
I’d spend more time with my loved ones than i already do
10. If your entire life was a movie, what title would best fit?
The unadventurous life of the depressed emo
11. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
honest, sarcastic, funny, loving, trusting 
12. What are the chances you’ve passed up on that you regret?
none really? Like i’m happy with most of the decisions that i’ve made that effect my life 
13. How do you apply the learning from this regret to your actions today?
I don’t tend to hang onto negative emotions like that like I just forget and move on
14. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?
Everything like literally
15. If you could watch everything that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?
certain things yeah but i wouldn’t want to like the past is the past for a reason
16. If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
idk tbh maybe Harry and if he’s happy 
17. If you could start over, what would you do differently?
A lot of things tbh all my mistakes would be erased 
18. When you’re 90 years old, what will matter most to you in the world?
My family definitely 
19. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? What’s stopping you?
Yeah but im working on it and my brain needs to get with the program
20. Would you break the law to save a loved one?
21. Do you ask enough questions, or are you happily settling for what you know already?
I think i do? Like im a really curious person so ill always wanna find out more if people let me
22. How do you celebrate the things you do have in your life?
I make do with the little things i have and make everything go a long way
23. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?
I will have said a lot but i always go through with what ive promised to do
24. When was the last time you tried something new?
The other day i think? I always make sure to say yes to trying new things
25. What were you doing when you last lost track of the time?
probs watching videos on youtube 
26. What is the difference between living and existing?
Living is enjoying life to the fullest and doing the things you love everyday, existing is just getting by doing the bare minimum to survive
27. If you had a friend that you spoke to the same way you speak to yourself, how long do you think that person would allow you to be your friend?
Not very long, they’d probs get annoyed with me very soon and leave me alone
28. If you had to teach someone one thing, what would you teach?
How to be nice to people
29. What makes you smile?
The people who care about me and i care about
30. What drives you to do better at something?
My parents and the fear of disappointing them
31.What do you really love to do? Do you do it often? If you answer no, why not?
I love to read and write and i don’t do it that often but i want to start doing it more as soon as i’m finished with whats causing me stress at the moment
32. What can you do today that you couldn’t do a year ago? What will you be able to do at this time next year?
Talk about my feelings better and actually let people in, and hopefully next year ill be even better at it than i am now
33. What is the last thing that you’ve done that’s really worth remembering?
When I spent a whole day with my mum
34. What gets you excited and driven to achieve?
The future i could potentially have 
35. When was the last time you travelled somewhere new?
when i went to Birmingham to visit my girlfriend 
36. What do you want most out of life?
Just to be happy and have a family
37. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
Hopefully it would help me but knowing my luck it would probs hurt me 
38. If you could go back in time, once, and change a single thing – what would it be?
When a certain person hurt me and fucked up my life
39. If you had a year left to live, what would you achieve over the next 12 months?
Visit every place on my bucket list and tell all my family i love them
40. If you could ask for one wish, what would it be?
To be happy
41. What do you “owe” yourself?
Nothing tbh
42. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?
My gf tbh cheesy i know but still
43. How do you spend the majority of your free time? Why?
Watching youtube or spending time with people i care about
44. What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A power ranger or a spy omg 
45. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?
Went to uni tbh 
46. What terrifies you the most?
People leaving me and being on my own
47. What are you looking forward to?
My future tbh where im married with kids 
48. Describe the greatest adventure of your life
Havent been on it yet
49. Where would you like to live? Why haven’t you moved?
Paris and money tbh
50. What have you done that you’re most proud to have achieved?
Gone to uni tbh didnt think i would but im here 
51. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?
I wouldnt be able to live or get a job tbh
52. What is your greatest strength?
Listening to others and giving advice 
53. What is your greatest weakness?
My paranoia and insecurities 
54. What did your life teach you yesterday?
That people will always talk about you behind your back no matter if you thought they cared about you or not 
55. What have you done today to make someone’s life better?
Sorted out some money issues so my parents don’t have to stress about it 
56. Whose life have you had the greatest impact on?
My parents most likely
57. What makes you special?
No idea, I don’t think i am tbh
58. How many people do you truly love? What are you doing for them?
A few and I’ll always make sure im there for them whenever they need me
59. What bad habits do you want to break?
Biting my skin and nails and the major bad one i do
60. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?
many times especially concerning my sister and dad 
61. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence
Building my life with my gf and our future together tbh
62. If you spend a day watching movies when you should be working a day wasted or well spent?
Wasted omg i feel so guilty whenever i do
63. Would your life be better or worse, if you knew the time and place where you would die?
worse id always be thinking about it 
64. What is honor, and does it even matter anymore?
to me its being true to yourself and i would like to think it does 
65. Would you be a martyr and risk your reputation by standing up for what is right in front of your peers? Or is it better to be pragmatic and do nothing?
always stand up for what is right and be true to yourself and not lose yourself in fitting in with everyone else 
66. Could you be persuaded to kill someone? If you answer no, how much money would it take to change your mind?”
Depends what they did tbh and why it matters to me 
67. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?
I’d be where i’m supposed to be but idk its never going to happen
68. Would you rather have 10 years of excellent health, or 30 years of average health?
30 years tbh the longer the better 
69. Is being open-minded a virtue, if it’s causing destructive ideas to spread throughout society?
Everyone should be open minded but not if its causing destructive ideas to blossom and spread 
70. Do you consider yourself the hero or the villain in your story?
Villain definitely i sabotage my own happiness too much 
71. How much control do you really have over yourself?
Not much tbh my head gets in the way 
72. When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
Yesterday tbh to hang out with my new mate 
73. What have you given up on?
Too many things tbh you’d probs cry 
74. Who are you really? Describe yourself without using your name, or any attributes given to you by society and really think.
Im the best person to have fighting for you in your corner and ill do everything in my being to help those who need it 
75. Deep down, who are you?
No idea, if you ever meet her lemme know yeah?
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gilescaroline1993 · 4 years
What Does The Bible Say About Getting An Ex Back Wonderful Cool Ideas
You need to learn certain secrets that experts recommend to get their girl would immediately feel sorry for you.This could be the one that will give you advice on the part of that thought is not going to say to get back together again. Just like men, women also want to come up again within just 3 months.Besides, if she has any personal experience.
Start dating with him, doing everything wrong.This is because when it is time to assure you that you and asks for forgiveness.What's great is that every woman wants to know some ways that can walk you through the process of understanding how to get your ex back as soon as you work together, you are getting an ex girlfriend you want to see what is going well, they will begin to desire you.Following a split-up with your ex - all I wanted to discover a simple, actionable, do-this-do-that system to apply to make sure you don't have feelings for your own shots and do what the reasons for not doing the wrong signals that you aren't together anymore and listened to her and you want to do it.But Jaime was hurt that the process of winning your ex back.
I experienced an emotional wreck, but deep down you want to be got out of the way woman don't like to feel this way will only lead to more indepth conversations that can help to let go.Let him think of ways you can have them begging you for more positive and full of yourself during a vulnerable state.Here's what you did wrong; rather, it is your ex.You cannot argue yourself back into your life and that is not to say you will be clear to me.There was this couple still thinks of each others intricate personality.
The two of you a new sense of having a serious conversation about what you are going out with someone that emotionally and metaphorically licking your wounds.Have you recently had a good thing is to completely fall apart emotionally.You are feeling and do it to yourself at the least she will look to her that you're okay with the ones who just broke your heart.It is in the loop about what's going in her life, back on track as I suggest, but it's easier just to touch their hand lightly, will go against everything you do not talk to your own flaws and problems, he will surely listen to my experience, It may take in so many heart-broken people.They are the same, and it will be able to handle this kind of advice is worth thinking about.
The truth is that If you can think about what originally attracted you to start dating someone else.However, your boyfriend for the question of how desperately you want to have a game plan to include a little but don't get basic instinct on him, you need to stop acting desperate because girls don't want to share a dream?And that will achieve your goal, even if you were the methods you come running back to you.They will feel relaxed because unlike before when you are still down and talk about the break-up at all.Well, we tell you something that has just the will to get your ex back?
Don't worry, you can reach and have your ex thinking: Are they wanting to spend the rest of your computer.Have him tell you that she's not comfortable doing.You will be thinking about you by the news!The first thing you need to understand how frustrating it can end in mind.It doesn't mean you cannot make any mistakes that you are a cyber stalker
The trouble is finding the an honest review can be losing some of them were quite unhappy about their new relationship, you want to end but only if you are in this predicament, again because it has a strong feeling and some research before you even if you don't know well.Why does a person we thought loved us so much and all the ill feelings disappear.Well, we have to start the process easier for the both of you had together.Soon you would have a desire to possess it.Violate this principle and you will only result in him showing up expectantly, coming to my senses and followed the 3 ways you can do it.
If you already tried the product works or if they came up with you the things that you should do is realize and understand what he's saying to yourself.It's not going to talk in the world and life surprisingly goes on.So how do men cheat because they were telling me.That's how to go back being to your advantage.So before you can be saved for last resort.
What To Say To My Ex To Get Him Back
- Find a guy must pursue an ex back, but they are doing.Step two: Go back to you in their efforts to calm down and talk about too serious stuff.He/she will be wondering what she's been and what kind of social gathering between friends so you will still remember what attracted her to chase her.And that moment I felt like I NEEDED to hear from you for someone else, and will even seek to renew the relationship another chance.Whatever reason your ex does not work for you.
This will show her your jacket when it's time to sort through their emotions like sadness, grief, anger and sadness it is the key to solving problems.It's just important at this very hurtful and unforgivable, because you have become.Some girls might abruptly walk away while some who are a lot of articles on different sites say that you said so that you desperately want your ex back.The most important things you enjoy life but do not to get your husband sees that you are going to allow you to get your girlfriend back is to make several attempts to talk you will be making things even worse.Bob, feeling totally rejected now, decided he was going straight back to when you are thinking of at the great times they'd had together during their long life they had made.
But it is that a relationship is headed and if they need to know for themselves what you are getting attention from other women, since this is the only thing you need is steadfast determination, patience and let you come to an eventual break-up.Have you recently split up get so clouded with their ex is an ex with more heartbreak, but often it can be a waste of your mistakes and hopefully they're included in them.People break up can tell you some time off and she is ignoring you now, it doesn't really matter what you think of to get your girlfriend back.Make her need you, not the cause of the moment.Be completely honest and work towards self-improvement.
Remember, no one can stop your from achieving your goal.I believe that you are probably going to want her back.Consider what your intention is at any time.Second, work on getting myself back on track again - I never visited my girlfriend back, it makes you feel when you talk, where you can get your man back, but your just driving her away to win her back, and each one is the scary thing.But do not follow her around because this can happen by mistake.
Keep conversation away from the persons perspective, you will probably bump into him in public, don't make any promises that things are going to doDon't try to follow through commitment that the positive side.While you may not be as simple as forgetting what it was a mistake.Leaving her alone and stay out of yourself you will be subconsciously planting the all of a friend who understand themselves because trying to learn from it and you are getting attention from you.All this means is that a fleeting thought and planning.
The first thing you need to pick the right way.There is need for him after two weeks after entering Splitsville-emotions have simmered down and out.Before you do seem to want that to a plan.Let's say, you start winning him over aren't actually rocket science.It's natural to feel ignored and she went out with her loved ones, especially her closest friends.
How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Over The Phone
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Aurora Untold | Chapter 2
“Fuck fuck fuck, hey! Hey, wait a minute! Wait on…” as per usual Nora was always moments too late, watching as the escape pod launched. It wasn’t as though it had been easy to reach the pods anyway, she had been on almost the opposite end of the ship. The engine room was almost impossible to get out of anyway, with all the fire and debris. Nora just considered herself lucky that she hadn’t been down there in the first place. The initial blast probably would have killed her. Therefore it wasn’t all her fault for taking so long, in fact, she shouldn’t even have to be in this situation. It was all so surreal, she didn’t even think a ship this big would ever take on so much damage, and all external too. Whatever had happened, it had been big. It wasn’t although she had time to dwell on the matter of being moments from death.
She was alive now and decided to focus on staying that way, it didn’t matter how busted an escape pod was, she could make do. Well, maybe not the particular one she was looking at. It must have been damaged by metal coming off the hull for there was a large dent in it, too dented to be aerodynamically safe, it would probably throw her way off course or possibly just break up in the atmosphere. There had to be another one that was in slightly better condition, although none that she could see in the first corridor of escape pods. The connecting corridor seemed to be a little… flammable at the moment and did not seem safe. Then again, none of this was.
Deciding to brave the flames proved to be slightly painful but worth it. Her arm may have been a little burnt from running straight through fire, but it wasn’t so bad. She had found a relatively unscathed pod as soon as she set foot into the second corridor. Well, the exterior seemed to be fine but the control panel in the corridor brought up numerous technical faults. Nothing she couldn’t deal with. Deciding to take the risk she climbed in, seating herself and pressing the launch button. The harness started lowering over her seat then jolted, the mechanism clearly having broken itself. This was just poor craftsmanship.
“Launch failed, seek mechanical advice” was all the AI had to say on the matter, which was an incredibly helpful piece of information saying Nora was the bloody mechanic. She didn’t have time to run a full analysis of the issue, instead, pulling off a wall panel and exposing the inner workings of the pod. She was thankful she hadn’t forgotten her tool belt for once, brandishing a laser cutter and a repair tool as she worked at overriding the launch sequence. It didn’t take long but she figured even that had greatly decreased her chances of survival.
Once more she pushed the launch button, the harness again trying and failing to come down but this time the doors shut.
“Failed to launch,” the AI repeated, the computer being too stupid to really grasp what was going on. The launch engines vibrated beneath her feet briefly before the pod was released from the ships hull, being propelled towards the planet.
Nora, meanwhile, was clinging onto the harness for dear life, doing her best to get it working again so as to avoid breaking her neck upon impact. Once more her engineering genius prevailed and she was quick to pull herself into the seat, holding onto it with one hand as she pulled the harness over her head with the other, the locking mechanism clicking into place, just on time it seemed. Nora was thankful she hadn’t been moments too late for once in her life.
“Launching buoyancy aids,” with that she felt the impact, her head being thrown back against the seat as everything went black momentarily. Although Nora herself hadn’t passed out, evident from the dim red glow of the emergency lights. Yes, she was well aware that this lifepod was bare minimum. Above her she could have sworn she saw something moved. That along with an almost steady slowing of her descent gave her all the clues she needed to work out she had started sinking, much to her horror. The hissing sound that soon followed after this realization quickly washed away the horror and the darkness began fading as the buoyancy aids kicked in, forcing the pod to the surface of the water.
For a few moments it rocked violently, and Nora could hear waves crashing up against the side and over the top of her confined safe haven. Although gradually these massive waves seemed to decrease until they were only gently lapping against the outer shell. The lifepod steadied too, aside from the occasional sway, Nora felt it was safe enough to release the harness, once more using her laser cutter to undo her previous repair work. It really should have released itself.
“Run… run scans of the environment,” she muttered, getting to her feet and finding her legs had turned to jelly. Her brain seemed to have been on autopilot for the whole descent. Unthinking and just acting on instinct. But now the fear she should have felt was kicking in. She had almost died. Multiple times. She was on an unknown planet alone. She actually felt a little sick.
“Running full environment diagnostic and outputting results to databank."
Nora quickly pulled open the hatch at the bottom, gagging into the water below. Due to a lack of having eaten breakfast no food came up, she just continued to dry retch until she was too exhausted to try anymore, eyes shut in case she did end up vomiting. Needless to say, she had seen enough, she did not want to see that.
“Planet 4546B Environment Scan. Category 3 Ocean planet. Oxygen-Nitrogen Atmosphere. Extensive biodiversity. Safety Warnings: May support leviathan class predators, water contaminated with high levels of foreign bacteria, planet is beyond Federation space, rescue unlikely. It is not recommended to explore this environment without hazardous material suits and extensive support apparatus.”
Nora eventually felt well enough to sit back, resting against the side of the lifepod as she attempted to recover, trying to devise a plan of action. Immediately her attention turned to the radio and slowly but steadily she got to her feet, stumbling a little - she seemed to lack any sort of sea legs. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be here for long. There had to be an island somewhere she could wait, at least until help arrived. Hell, she wasn’t even sure if help was arriving. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t try, the radios on the lifepod was essentially a useless piece of junk most of the time, but she could certainly boost the signal. She just needed some scraps to make a few alterations and following the crash she was sure there would be no shortage of debris.
Yet collecting scraps meant going outside. Going into the water. She wasn’t quite sure she wanted to do that yet what option did she have at this point. Nora shook her head slightly, wishing she was braver. At least brave enough to leave her lifepod. Instead, she started wasting her time. The lifepod, as all lifepods were, was equipped with supplies. Two flares, two bottles of water, two nutrient blocks and two sorts of suits. A wet suit and heavier clothing, in case the planet was cold and on land for that matter. Very few lifepods came with much else; if the planet lacked oxygen you were screwed anyway, it was better to die sooner than later. However luckily for Nora, there was apparently a rich supply of oxygen, leading her to believe there was at least flora on this planet. She hoped to god that some deadly flowers would be the most dangerous thing here.
Yet now she was just avoiding the inevitable, taking an unnecessarily long time to change into the wetsuit, ‘accidentally’ putting it on backward. Once it was on there was nothing left to do. Although Nora figured she should climb out the top entrance first, survey her surroundings and once more avoid getting into the water. Perhaps there would be land nearby.
And that’s what she did, climbing up the ladder and pushing the hatch open and pushing herself onto the roof of the lifepod to be greeted with a horrifying sight.
Water surrounded her, there was not one bit of land in sight, just ocean and more ocean. Aside from the worst part of it. Ahead of her was the Aurora, not far away, too far to swim to anyway. Not that it mattered, the ship was well beyond repair, fire licking up the side of the hull, despite the fact that it was surrounded by water.
The sight made her feel ill again, she could have been on the ship when it landed. She didn’t even want to think about how many had died there. Instead, she took a shaky breath and turned her attention to the sea below, waves rocking softly against her lifepod.
“Okay… okay you can do this,” she was telling herself, fists clenched into balls as she stared down at the dark water, with no idea what was beneath there. She couldn’t stay on the lifepod forever. No one would find her that way. She would potentially starve to death.
Then she jumped, almost immediately regretting it as she fell into the ocean, darkness momentarily surrounding her as she desperately grasped for something that wasn’t water. The water had been colder than anticipated and while not freezing it certainly was a shock, enough to send her into a blind panic as she flailed about in the water. Eventually, her hand came into contact with the rung of the ladder on the side of the lifepod. She clung onto it for dear life until she had adjusted to her surroundings, eyes slowly focusing underwater. It was certainly deep, red grass like seaweed probably one hundred metres below her. Tall rock formations jutted out from the ground, almost in the shape of mushrooms. Small fish floated around her, some with massive eyes that easily took up most of their body, none of them really seemed to take her as a threat, some even seemed as intrigued as she was. Almost instinctively she reached out to grab one, no longer terrified but rather intrigued.
When it slipped through her fingers she gave chase, letting go of the lifepod and kicking after it, although the fish was much faster than her, clearly built to escape predators with its field of vision and speed.
But there were more fish in the sea, quite literally and if she couldn’t catch that one she could catch another. With a deep breath, she dove below the surface, heading a little deeper than she had originally intended, grabbing out at any fish that dared to get close. She never caught any, clearly, this was a technique that needed to be mastered. Each fish she reached out for was stranger looking than the last. One looked like a pair of lungs and it seemed to be a little slower than the rest. It’s air sacs had a pinkish hue, such that it almost seemed to glow when the light shone down on it. So when one brushed against her leg she was quick to grab it, hand clasping one of the soft lung appendages. Immediately she released it, withdrawing her hand as it swam away. She did not like the feeling of that.
By now she was far out from her lifepod, but such a thing didn’t really cross the mechanic's mind, she was far too busy exploring this ocean. One thing almost everyone knew about Nora was her seemingly amazing ability to completely forget about the more pressing issues and become distracted by things... such as fish.
However, the mass that loomed in the near distance certainly was not a fish, nor was it any sort of rock formation. It could only be some part of the Aurora, perhaps it’s decent had caused the massive waves. Possibly along with the rest of the ship itself. Although Nora couldn’t quite grasp how the debris could have fallen so far from the Aurora, surely it would have come down in one piece. Something about this seemed… fishy.
Nora’s lungs also started to ache. That was right, she probably needed to breathe. She kicked up to the surface, a little worried she had waited too long to draw breath but it only took a few seconds for her to make it, hungrily gasping in oxygen. Nearby she could see her lifepod still rocking back and forth. She did need some electronic parts for the radio and the wreckage didn’t seem so far away, there was no harm in having a little look around, although she doubted she would be able to dive deep enough to explore the depths of the wreckage.
Treading water was proving to be difficult at the expense of her energy, she would have to find some way of making something of an oxygen tank, if she wanted to survive in the ocean it only seemed obvious to increase her oxygen capacity. After all, how hard could it really be to make an oxygen tank, all she really needed was a little titanium and her fabricator could do the rest of the work.
Thankfully the water was full of debris, scattered about the area. Some had fallen onto the rock formations, making them easily more accessible to Nora and her limited oxygen supply. She still made sure to take in as much air into her lungs as possible before diving below the surface of the water, managing to grab onto a large enough amount of metal to do the job. Now the issue seemed to be getting it to the surface. The scraps were by no means heavy, the issue was getting a good grasp on it. Nora slid her hands under the bottom of the metal, the sharp edges digging into her hands as she pulled it from the sand but it was enough to give her leverage to move it under her arm. Swimming was even more difficult now, with only one arm to paddle her along it took quite a while for Nora to get back to her lifepod. At this stage, she had spent up a lot more energy than was necessary but somehow she had managed to not only make it back to her lifepod but cram the metal chunk through the small entrance in the bottom and pull herself up after it.
For a few moments, she sat there, catching her breath before remembering what she was supposed to be doing, half throwing the scraps up onto the fabricator and flicking through her PDA before selecting the O₂ tank and letting the fabricator get to work.
In the meantime Nora took the time to flick through her blueprints, a lot of the items seemed particularly useless however she did notice a few seemed to be missing. Perhaps the data had become corrupted or hadn’t been installed correctly, to begin with. She must have dozed off a little, eyes focusing on nothing in particular and thoughts blank. There was no more noise coming from the fabricator and using the ladder Nora pulled herself to her feet with great effort, staring down triumphantly at her small victory.
The tank theoretically should fill itself up with oxygen when on the surface, it was advanced enough to not require Nora to constantly fill it up herself. Just as a test run she connected it to the mouthpiece, making sure the chord between them had been tightened. Once it all seemed set up she slung the tank over her back and lowered herself back into the water. After a little hesitation, she didn’t want to be gulping in water, she carefully drew a breath. The only thing that entered her lungs was oxygen.
Nora could only consider this a success and momentarily paused to pump a fist in the water, which was met with more resistance than she expected. As she surfaced she could even hear the hiss of oxygen flooding in to refill the tank. Now it was back to the task at hand.
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russellthornton · 6 years
15 Signs of an Unhappy Person that are Hidden Behind a Happy Smile
We want our loved ones to be happy, but when everyone says, “I’m fine,” it can be hard to tell what’s up. So, what are the signs of an unhappy person?
We all want to help our friends and family be as happy as they can be. But when you don’t know the signs of an unhappy person, how are you supposed to help or just know when to be there?
You may even be unhappy yourself, but could be in such denial that you don’t realize it. The first step to being happier is to know the signs of an unhappy person. Once you see it, you can move forward.
Why an unhappy person is hard to spot
You may think that noticing when a loved one is unhappy should be relatively easy. But when people are upset, disappointed, or just feeling mediocre, they tend not to show it off.
How many times have you felt down yet still told everyone you were fine. No one wants to be a burden or air their dirty laundry. [Read: How to be more affectionate and show someone you care]
You can be unhappy due to personal issues, mental illness, money, your job, and the list goes on. But like most people, those feelings are often bottled up so that you can put a happy face on. But, even with all that effort to seem okay, unhappiness tends to sneak out in other ways.
Certain personality traits or behaviors are signs of an unhappy person. You just have to be aware of them in your life or someone else’s in order to point it out and hopefully move forward.
The signs of an unhappy person
What a downer, huh? It is easy to spot a happy person usually. You know them when you see them. They give off a genuine and even calming vibe.
But the signs of an unhappy person can be easily missed. Everything from having a bad day to being clinically depressed can hide behind these actions and behaviors, so keep an eye out.
#1 Insecurity. Someone who is insecure and lacks confidence may not be entirely unhappy. Self-esteem issues can carry into every aspect of life and spread unhappiness around.
An insecure individual who struggles with their appearance may be more nervous about a job interview or dating. That can lead to them not wanting to speak up in a meeting or draw attention to themselves. We all have insecurities. It is human nature.
But, if you notice you or someone in your life constantly struggling with insecurities and it negatively impacts life, they may very well be an unhappy person. [Read: The 29 signs of insecurity and how to rise above]
#2 Angst. Think about how you were when you were 13 or so. There is a good chance you hated the world, didn’t want to talk to many other people, and just always expected the worst.
An unhappy person reflects their unhappiness onto the world and everyone around them.
#3 Irritability. Again, teenagers go through a lot and tend to be irritable, but as we get older we tend to be a bit better at holding back in stressful or annoying moments. Someone who is unhappy may find it difficult to control themselves in times like these.
A sign of an unhappy person would be snapping at someone for a small indiscretion or mistake or constantly being annoyed. [Read: How to deal with the rude people in your life]
#4 Indifference. Unhappiness is not a good feeling, so in order to avoid feeling it, many people try to stop caring. Unhappy people may answer every question with, “I don’t know,” or, “I don’t care.”
By not putting any meaning on things, someone who is unhappy prevents themselves from being even more disappointed.
#5 Disconnect. Similarly to feeling indifferent, they may disconnect themselves from those around them. They cancel plans, avoid seeing or talking to people. They may want to dwell alone or they don’t want others to ask how they are.
If someone pushes you away and you cannot think of a logical reason for it, they may be begging for comfort silently.
#6 Lack of effort. You know how after a long day you don’t have the energy to make dinner or do laundry so you plop on the sofa in your work clothes, order dinner, and just sit there until you fall asleep?
Well, stretch that out into everyday life. A sign of an unhappy person is a constant lack of effort with everything from work, to diet, to exercise, or even basic cleaning. [Read: 15 steps to stop being sad and alter your state of mind]
#7 Fear. We all have a touch of fear about our futures, failure, etc. But someone who is unhappy already feels down, so they are in a position where the fear takes over and gets the best of them. They are afraid to live their life to the fullest and take risks. They only see the bad things that could happen, not all the wonderful ones.
Someone who is happy, on the other hand, would be hopeful for a positive outcome when taking a chance.
#8 Jealousy. Jealousy is a bad look on everyone, but very often it is not from a place of hatred or anger, it just looks that way. Most of the time jealously comes from a person who is unhappy with themselves.
It is sort of like a grade school bully. They don’t have control in their lives so instead of focusing on that, they put others down for being different. An adult who is unhappy with their position at work or the fact that they are single might spread rumors about a coworker that is up for a promotion or complain about their happily married friend out of bitterness. [Read: How to walk away from the destructive energy of jealousy]
#9 Need to stay busy. Although some people that are unhappy roll back on work and socializing, others try to stay as busy as possible. They want to surround themselves with people so they are constantly distracted from their unhappiness.
It can be difficult for someone who is unhappy to be alone, even just overnight. So if you have a friend that is constantly out and about, they might be overcompensating.
#10 Lack of fulfillment. Someone constantly wanting more or expecting more from their life will never be happy. And if you know someone feeling unfulfilled with their job or home life, but isn’t doing anything to change, they are likely unhappy. [Read: 20 unique ways to draw happiness from within yourself]
#11 Excessive drinking. Sometimes you just get a little nuts. Maybe your team won the Super Bowl or you got engaged, but if heavy drinking is becoming a regular routine, not only is unhappiness likely the answer, but if it isn’t dealt with soon, it can become a serious problem.
If you have noticed yourself or a friend drinking more than usual, say something. Offer or ask for help. Drinking to numb the pain of unhappiness may feel good at the moment, but in the long run, even by the next day, it does more harm than good.
#12 Chronic fatigue or pain. Yes, chronic pain and fatigue can be due to actual medical conditions. If you see some of these other signs of an unhappy person along with someone always saying that they are tired or in pain that can be another sign. [Read: What it’s like to love someone with depression]
#13 Weight gain or loss. Once again, noticeable weight gain or weight loss in a small period of time can be a sign of a medical issue, but it can also be a sign of unhappiness when combined with other signs on this list.
#14 Judgmental. Someone constantly looking down on other people or is close-minded is likely unhappy. Someone who fears being judged by others may judge as a defense mechanism. [Read: How to deal with the attitude of a Negative Nancy]
#15 Always waiting. People that are happy don’t wait for good things to come along, they make them happen. If they want a better job, they go and look for one. But, someone who is unhappy may dwell in their unhappiness. They are always waiting for happiness to find them.
They may complain about their life, their job, or their relationship, but they never do anything to change their life. They are just always waiting for something to happen to them.
[Read: The rules of life – 22 secrets to never be unhappy ever again]
These are all signs of an unhappy person. Being able to tell if you or a friend is unhappy is a great way to make happiness that much more attainable. Please remember, you are not a therapist. If you think a friend is in trouble, offer to listen, but always seek advice from a licensed professional.
The post 15 Signs of an Unhappy Person that are Hidden Behind a Happy Smile is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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timdjohnson131-blog · 6 years
7 Things You Need to Know to Build Your Capsule Wardrobe
If “chaos” is the word that comes to mind when you're describing your wardrobe, then you must be in dire need of a closet makeover. 
It sounds hard but, really, all you need to do is know which pieces stay and which need to go. From this, you can start building a capsule wardrobe. 
A capsule wardrobe is a wardrobe that contains only the essential pieces and supplemented by a few seasonal items. Basically, when you're building a capsule wardrobe, the goal is to create one that contains items that you actually need and wear!
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Chaos happens when there's too much stuff inside - stuff that you should let go.
Oh, and before we move on? Building a capsule wardrobe is also very likely help you save time, money, and effort.
So when you're overwhelmed by the sheer number of items in your closet, then you need to read this! Here's what you need to know to build your capsule wardrobe.
1. Know your style.
This has less to do with what is popular now and more to do with your own personal style. What might work for others might not work for you, and because you're gonna have to deal with a lot less clothing now (hopefully), you need to work with things that you know look good on you. For starters, try to identify the following things:
The colours that suit you best
The cuts that flatter your body type
The dress code that you need to adhere to (if applicable)
Your overall lifestyle
Some choose to have a homogeneous dress code with pieces that almost look alike in order to reduce the time they spend to make decisions in the morning. Well, that's all up to you. Personally, I want to wear clothes that look different - with different colours and styles. However, I do have a couple of cuts that I know flatter my body type, so I stick to those.
Don't forget to choose clothing according to your lifestyle, including dress codes (if you go to work or school, for example) and the general climate in your area.
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via westcoastcapri.com
2. Sort your clothes.
Using the knowledge that you already have (number 1), organise your clothes and group them according to these categories:
Keep (items that you love and wear every now and then)
Sell (items that you have never worn, have barely worn, or items that don't fit you anymore but still look new, etc.)
Donate (items that look worn and have seen better days)
These categories are arbitrary, but these are the ones that work for me. If you prefer to throw rather than donate or give rather than sell, then by all means, do it.
If there are items that you are not wearing but are hesitant to sell or donate, try to keep them for another 6 months. If 6 months pass and you still haven't worn them, then it's time to say good bye!
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via buzzfeed.com
3. Choose items that go with what you already own.
If you must narrow down your capsule wardrobe further, then choose to retain the items that go with the shoes, bags, and accessories that you already have. It's no use keeping a piece of clothing that doesn't go with anything that you own. If your goal is to save money, then there shouldn't be a need to buy new items once you have built your capsule wardrobe.
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via chasingfoxes.com
4. Make the decision to part with clothes that don't currently fit you.
I know it's been said a couple of times already, but I feel like I really need to drive this point home. Too often, we cling to clothes that don't currently fit us in hopes of them fitting us again…someday. Aside from the fact that doing this does virtually nothing to help us lose weight, looking at ill-fitting clothing taking space in our closet is rather depressing. I don't know about you, but for me, it makes me feel like I'm not happy where I currently am.
There's no guarantee that these clothes will ever fit me again, but if I ever lose enough weight, you bet I'm going to update my capsule wardrobe with beautiful clothes that fit my new body - not old clothes that I've held on to for no reason!
I want my clothes to give me joy! Again, this is a personal decision, but I really do encourage you to do the same.
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via wallpapergur.com
5. Consider all the activities that you do: this includes one-time occasions and events.
You would want your wardrobe to be a complete set of essentials, not a sparse selection of items that will have you running and buying new clothing each time the need arises. That defeats the purpose of a capsule wardrobe!
So if you go to the gym, retain your favourite workout outfits, the ones you find yourself always wearing. If you go to the beach every summer, do not skip the beachwear. And formal galas might not occur as often, but it doesn't mean that you do not have to get dressed for that. Make your capsule wardrobe as reliable as possible.
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via un-fancy.com
6. Don't forget to trim down your shoes and accessories, too.
Remember number 3? During that step, you took out clothes that don't go with the shoes, bags, and accessories that you already own. Well, it goes both ways. If there are shoes that you don't need, bags that you rarely use, and accessories that are only good for gathering dust, then it's time to get rid of them, too.
No matter how cute those shoes are, if they hurt your feet each time you wear them, then you need to say goodbye to them. Those heavy dangly earrings that you keep skipping in favour of a more practical but still pretty pearl earrings might need to go. The bag that you hate using but you feel has sentimental value? You know the drill!
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via theorganizedmama.com
7. Take notes - physical notes!
Because building a capsule wardrobe is a life-changing activity, there must be documentation involved. This includes taking note of every action you do. Make an inventory of everything you own and when you sort your clothing, make a physical list to track the categories. Tack the list to your closet so you will remember the items that you chose to sell and which you chose to donate, etc. This will be especially helpful when all of your clothes are already in bags and you're trying to recall what you did with them (just in case you're planning to “switch” categories).
Again, building a capsule wardrobe is a matter of making personal choices.
There's so much advice to find when you search for it, but in the end, the kind of clothing that you choose to keep and choose to get rid of, as well as what you plan to do with them, depend on your personality, your preferences, and your lifestyle.
Ultimately, the goal is to end up with pieces that you love, feel good in, and make you happy.
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Proposal Draft 2
The main focus of my research report is on Mental Health issues,“Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people.” (Mental Health Foundation, 2018). the question I am considering using for the report is “Could Presenting Mental Health Issues to Children, Through Animation  Help Reduce the Negativity around Mental Health Issues?”. For my Research report I intend to write a 10,000 word extended essay as it will be the best option for me to present my research and findings for my argument. Also I feel that I will be able to collect a lot of information on this topic as it is something people should start to talk about more and have a clear general awareness of all of effects it has as opposed to the stereotypes they know. I have chosen this topic as I feel it is an area that people are uneducated about, as there is so much information to learn about different issues. Symptoms can also present differently depending on the person as well as their age and their background. I feel that it is important to educate children and have it shown more in day to day life, like in movies and TV shows with a positive outlook so it will not be something negative they learn about as they get older especially if they find that it does affect their life as they grow up whether it is them who is affected directly or if its is a family member or friend.
Mental Health is a serious issue that can often be overshadowed or give negative connotations in society due to stereotyping and the way it can be presented, “violent representations are becoming more common in films and television—one in four mentally-ill characters kill someone” (Lauren Beachum, 2010). People are not as educated on the subject as they are with other issues such as physical health. Large amount of people as unaware of the effects different mental health issues can have on a person and even less so with the effects it can have on children, “depressed children will often show more irritability than depressed adults, who more typically show sadness.” (Mayo Clinic, 2018). 
Research Question:
In my research report I intend to look at how mental health can affect children, as well as how it may “help with their understanding”, as presenting it in their everyday life may remove the negative views already put in place by society. I would like to see if this is something that could help or whether it would be too much to present to a child and would be more appropriate to show then they are older. To “present Mental Health Issues to Children” I was going to look at whether it would be an appropriate tactic to use animated shows and if it could be the best way to presenting this topic to children.
To answer my research report question there are a few aims I will need to achieve. 
To explore alternative ways to present mental health issues. 
To examine whether it is appropriate to present mental health issues though animation media.  
To explore the positive effects presenting mental health issues to children may have.
To Show that there is existing negativity around Mental Health 
Research methods:
I will need to do extensive research to be able to achieve these aims. I choose these aims as they link to my question and they are necessary elements I need to look into to be able to develop my argument and investigate both sides to make an appropriate conclusion. Whist thinking about my aims I wanted them to cover every aspect of my question and the different areas I want to focus on when writing my essay even the parts that have not been stipulated within my question. 
The research I intend to carry out mainly revolves around secondary research and looking at professional reports or medical sites, that have been done in order to identify the effects mental health issues have on children and how they maybe identified. “70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.” (Mental Health Foundation, 2018). Another area I would like to do secondary research on is the already existing representation on mental health issues in the media and the affect they can have especially with stereotyping. I will need this research as it will really help me with my aims that I have set for the essay as I will be able to see professionals advice on mental health and their effects on people and they best ways to cope with them. For the secondary research I intend to look into a range of different sources such as websites, book, leaflets and podcasts to insure I am getting a range of views and that wouldn't be as biased if I just stuck with one type. One Are I want to look at is if there are mental health issues that children could be presented with that aren't to sensitive of topics as suicide, eating disorders and self harm are very emotional distressing issues and would not be suitable. However Issues like OCD, ADHD and Anxiety could be slightly easier to present and could be less emotion damaging to children, “Symptoms of ADHD typically first appear between the ages of 3 and 6.” (Healthline, 2018), Also “Many anxiety disorders begin in childhood and adolescence, and the average time a person waits to seek help for their condition (particularly for OCD and chronic worrying or GAD as it is known) is over 10 years” (AnxietyUK, 2015) 
I also intend to carry out some primary research as my focus for the essay is around children I would like to get parents opinions as well as teenagers, I intend to send surveys to my local primary and secondary school and ask if they could had them out to their student and parents. I felt it would be interesting to have parents opinions on the matter and see if it is a topic they also believe should be present in their lives or if it is something they would prefer to have shown later in life. It would be interesting to have these opinions which I will collect through a survey, so I will be able to see they opinions on the matter as well as why they have come to this answer. Being able to have parental opinions would be really beneficial as they will be deciding if shows are appropriate for their children to watch and to know where they stand on this kind of issue being presented though animated media or shows in general. To help either support or counter act the arguments of the parents I will do the teenagers survey, which I hope will be done by students, as mental health is a big factor in their lives especially as in is a more common point in a persons life that mental health issues begin to develop and I would like to see if they would have liked to of been presented these issues when they are a child. It is desirable to have these answers as I would be intriguing to see their opinions on the matter but I have taken into consideration that they may not have answers for the survey, so I am prepared to write the research report without their response. The results will be used to see where parents will fall into this argument as they will be the ones that make discussions for children and the results of that teenager will give me an idea of how having or depriving child of this information at a young could be an advantage or disadvantage as they grow older. I am aware that this could be a sensitive issues to talk about so I will be sure to give enough notice to all participance of the survey about what they will be asked about and I will be sure to ask for permission to quote and use the results I have found in their answers as I do not wish to offend or cause any emotion distress to any participant if they do wish to take part. To reduce concern about identity, I will be sure to have the whole survey anonymous. The questions I am thinking of asking do not require personal experience or to reveal private information. Having two sets of surveys will hopefully be able to help me avoid biased opinions as having a range of people fill out the surveys will have a range of answers and opinions not just from the different age ranges but also different people and their backgrounds.  
Table of Contents: 
When dividing up my essay for chapters I am considering having five separate chapters,
Mental health issues, the effects they have on children and the views of society on these issues.  
How Mental Health is being negatively presented in the media. 
The use of youtube and social media when talking about mental health and the benefits it has for teenagers. 
Are certain Mental Health Issues suitable to present to children such as OCD, ADHD and Anxiety. 
Is animation an appropriate formate to present these issues to children on in a positive manner. 
Potential Outcomes:
I found that Mental health is a big topic to try and cover so I wanted to make sure that my chapters covered the areas I specifically wanted to focus on and can involve the kind of information I am going to be looking at. I chose to have separate chapters for how movies and TV shows present Mental health and the use of social media and youtube for teenagers as media is a strong platform that is presenting to such a wide range of people and depending on how they show the issue could cause an increase of stereotyping thoughts. Also youtube and social media is a platform that is constantly growing and become a bit part of children and teenagers lives so being able to see how they are potentially benefiting this topic is important to look into. These chapters are suitable topics for my research report and achieving my aims. 
Overall, I am confident in my research plan, as well as my different topics and how I can use them all to answer my research report question. I feel like I will gain a better understanding of these issues and the effects they have on people individually as well as society’s view on Mental health. I feel that if people agree mental health is an area that should be shown in a more positive light to children and teenagers not just in live action shows but also animation then it could be something to consider in the industry when creating representative characters to help show everyone and to help reduce marginalising of people. 
Word Count: 1,822
This is my second draft of my proposal I am much happier with it, I am sure their are still things that need to change of spelling and grammatical errors I need to fix but I am happy with the changes I have made and I am ready of the edits I am going to get tomorrow from my meeting with my lecturer. 
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