#this isn't everyone left on the cast ofc
crehador · 4 months
has done the op dance: chiaki, umechan, nanami hiroki, ishikawa kaito, egu, ueda reina, kawashima reiji, kaji yuuki, koga aoi, imaizumi riona, komachan, zakki, suwabe, taniyama kishou, totto, ono yuuki
has not done the op dance YET: koyasu, ucchi, hayami saori, mikishin, furukawa makoto, konishi katsuyuki, hanamori yumiri, kusunoki tomori, and so on
aniplex GET THEM
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rubra-wav · 4 months
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The Main Hazbin cast x taking care of sick reader
A/N : I'm going off of flu-like symptoms type sickness for this one
Cw: Sfw, gn reader, Niffty being strange asf - injection mentions
[ Part 2 ] >>
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- no. 1 caretaker of those who are sick istg (in theory at least)
- She pulls out every single thing; medicine, soup, heating bottles, electrolyte drinks, extra blankets, entertainment stuff, etc. Etc.
- She will straight up fixate upon you getting better so you can come back to group exercises without the others worrying about your contagiousness.
- The only issue with her is that she won't leave you alone like at all.
- Vaggie needs to come drag her out so she'll stop talking about all the 'work' you've missed while you've been away recovering and all the theory behind it while you're trying to rest.
- Charlie 100% gets sick as well.
- Probably will try to keep hugging you and stuff like that, disregarding your grossness because she doesn't want you to feel 'lonely'.
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- Understandably a bit avoidant of you, but not straight up averse.
- She needs to stay in top shape to guard the hotel.
- She would wear a mask around you and come see you still in short intervals, though, bringing you some stuff you need occasionally.
- insists you stay in your room so the hotel doesn't have a sweep of whatever the hell you have. Even with you wearing a mask or something yourself, she's iffy.
- Apologises each time she has to pull Charlie out of your room so you can sleep in peace.
- Also apologises when Alastor and Niffty show up to be menaces.
- Wants you to get better probably just as much as Charlie does.
- But mostly so she'll stop having to personally come drag away her overly good-natured girlfriend and the other two.
- Probably ends up getting sick eventually because Charlie ends up getting sick.
Angel Dust
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- Avoids you like the plague.
- If he has to give you stuff, he will just leave it outside, knock, then bolt.
- Would probably talk with you over phone calls a fair bit while you're bedridden.
- The absolute last thing Angel needs is to get sick in his mind. It's not sexy at all, and with the hours he works?
- Fucking hell no.
- And he doesn't want to find out if there's a kink about that.
- Sorry, not sorry, but he's staying away.
- Would probably dress in a sexy nurse outfit while he delivers stuff to your door as a joke.
- If you don't answer the door, he'll assume you are asleep and will send a selfie with whatever he's left at your door and send it to you with some kind of 'get well soon' esque message so you know it's there.
- Wants you to get better but isn't gonna actively take any kinds of risks.
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- Would also not want to be around you.
- Another person with a 'I can't get sick with my job' mindset.
- Would probably just purely communicate over messages, wouldn't actually come up to your door.
- May make you special (nonalcoholic ofc) drinks to help you recover and get someone else to send them up to you - makes the excuse that he needs to be at his 'post' at all times so he can't himself.
- I hc him as secretly being really good at cooking and liking to, so makes you lots of soups and things like that.
- Annoyed because he then has to deal with other people complaining about why he isn't making food for them as well.
- He's confident you're going to get better so doesn't really care all that much.
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- He's genuinely worried.
- Both for himself, but also for you as well.
- He comes from a time where people got what you got and died very quickly with no treatment available, so he's scared shitless about it even if everyone's insisting it's not going to kill you.
- Doesn't go see you in person because he's freaked out about it, but sends his eggs to come talk to you, ask you how you are and deliver messages from him to you every day.
- Will lie and say he doesn't care at all, then probably go cry in private about it.
- When it's clear you're no longer sick, he's going to be so relieved.
- Will probably genuinely show physical affection without thinking about it.
- Glomps you via wrapping himself around you, and then acts like it never happened.
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- He's such an awful cunt the whole time.
- Always shows up to go see you but its only to laugh at you like you're the funniest thing ever.
- Will bring you stuff, but it's very obviously not goof faith.
- He cannot get sick off of normal things, so he's all up in your business the whole time he decides it's 'go bother (name)!' Time.
- If you're delirious with temperature he'll probably openly talk to you about certain secret things because if you remember and bring them up he can just gaslight you about it.
- "Oh (name), you must be misremembering because you were so unwell!"
- He is the absolute worst about you being sick.
- Vaggie is your saviour in this situation, shooing him out of your room when she realises that he's once again back.
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- Okay, Alastor is objectively the worst, but Niffty is also fucking terrible.
- She's seemingly good faith with her bs at least, though.
- Acts like the insanest, most unhinged nurse taking care of a child with you.
- Will be there trying to cram food and drink down your throat aggressively, spoon feeding you things while gripping your mouth open way too hard.
- Dresses up like a nurse as well, courtesy of Alastor of course.
- Will show up with God knows what in syringes and try to inject them into you.
- Probably will try get a blood sample from you as well for some terrifying reason.
- You probably end up tripping balls at some point because she's injected you with some unidentifiable substance.
- Also needs to be escorted out by Vaggie so you aren't straight up killed by her attempts to... help(?) You get better. The motivation is unclear.
I may also make one about reader taking care of them when they're sick too atsp 🤔
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jaquemuses · 5 months
i’m an angst comfort GIRL so if you would be interested in writing anything maybe about childhood friends enzo and reader where it’s right people wrong time for years ( definitely mutual feelings, maybe reader always thought enzo was too good for them so they never really thought they had a chance but is oblivious to the fact that enzo was head over HEELS for them but was worried about dragging them into the spotlight as he grew more famous) until they finally end up together i’d be thrilled!! ofc no matter what thank you so much!! have a great day/night!!❤️❤️
GIRL ME TOO !!! so glad you requested it, i wrote this, hope u enjoy it ♡♡
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Starry night | Enzo Vogrincic
Synopsis: Sharing feelings has always been challenging, but under the starry sky, sitting right beside his childhood friend on the eve of his movie premiere party, Enzo confesses a love that has lingered his heart since he was seven.
Word count: 1.5k
Content: Enzo Vogrincic/Reader, mutual pining, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluffy overall, no explicit content, focus on emotions, and strong affection for Enzo, references to ghibli's movies.
a/n: hi there !! i hope you guy enjoy this i pulled an all nighter just to write it lmaooo so bear with me if there's any typos or such; english isn't my first language, but I hope it's a good read!
- xoxo Kara ♡
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Time slips away so quickly.
Beneath the starry sky, the weight of its passing moments engulfs you like a fuzzy tidal wave, heavy and suffocating. Sinking beneath its weight has become your routine.
A soft, resigned sigh escapes your lips, the midnight air crisp on your tongue, turning into vapor in the summer night. Beyond your sight, stars burn in tandem, the cosmos vast and immersive. The moon, tonight, is a big blob of reflected sunlight, smiling tenderly, casting a soothing glow like a mother's voice.
In the familiarity of the sight, there's comfort. The moon, always there, in crescents or hidden by clouds, a constant in a changing world. What a peculiar and lovely thing it is to be under the celestial dance, where even the moon, with its timeless presence, seems to join the ever-moving cosmic ballet.
As you lay on the rooftop, the distant melody of music from the house below reaches your ears. It's a reminder of shared laughter, playful banter, and the bond you once had with Enzo. The thought of losing him, not just as a childhood friend but as this life partner makes you wanna cry right there.
Another second lost, as you gaze into the nothingness of space. Time keeps passing you by, never stopping —seconds turning into minutes, minutes turning into months. that incessant moving of the hands of the clock; tick, tock, tick, tock. over and over again.
and, really, it's a little bit scary. you think you might be terrified of time. you're so afraid, afraid of being left behind, afraid that the world will turn its back on you and then walk away. afraid that everyone and everything will change shape before you know it
The music serves as a soundtrack to your memories, a bittersweet symphony echoing through the night. Enzo, your companion through the years, feels like he's slipping away, and the weight of that potential loss is heavy against the backdrop of the starlit sky.
But even in this always-changing, turbulent mess of a life
one thing remains the same;
"Ah, there you are," Enzo's voice, honeyed and familiar, breaks the silence. A small smile graces your lips at the sight of him.
That voice...
honeyed and smooth, but still rough around the edges, just a little husky. Deep and familiar, etched into your brain; even if you were to forget everything else, you're sure you'd still remember it. That familiar voice. It sounds like moonlit nights, and sunkissed kitchens.
it sounds like coming home.
A turn of your head. it's a subconscious reaction, as natural as the beating of your own heart, memorized down to the very marrow of your bones — muscle memory, to seek him out after hearing the low timbre of his voice. You do it as if it's the only thing worth hearing.
And Enzo is smiling, when your eyes meet his. That gentle upward tug of his lips, small yet sincere. The one that always puts your mind at ease.
"How'd you know I'd be up here?" you tease, a playful glint in your eyes.
"Lucky guess," Enzo replies, his grin revealing the comfort of shared moments.
Of course, he knew. Tracking you down was his thing, always has been. Like that time when he found you concealed under a table at your twelfth birthday party or the time he discovered you teary-eyed in the woods during your school field trip.
Finding you always comes easy to Enzo. Almost like he's always seeking you out, subconsciously or otherwise, always paying attention to your movements. You go south, and he follows, you go north, and he's already waiting up ahead.
"Damn, how'd you know?" you playfully pout, looking into him.
"I always know, silly" Enzo confesses softly, his eyes holding a warmth that speaks volumes. "I've known you since we were seven"
A gentle inhale passes between you as the silence settles, the moon casting its glow on your shared history.
"I thought you might be too busy with, you know, the whole famous actor thing," you admit trying to make it a joke but insecurity creeps into your words. "Congratulations on that, i always knew you'd make it"
The whole party underneath you both was for Enzo, you felt kind of stupid for leaving so suddenly, after all tonight's was Enzo's night. But before he realized it, you had slipped away, seizing the chance as soon as others grew too drowsy to take notice.
But he always notices you.
And he's worried. just a bit, is what he tells himself but truthfully it's more than that.
You look small, enzo thinks, curled up with your knees to your chest. Sitting all alone up on the roof of his home, a place you'd always go to on nights when you couldn't sleep. Together, sharing whispered secrets and hushed laughter until the sun began to rise again. Back then, it felt like the two of you were the only ones awake in the whole world.
(the safest world he's ever known.)
The distance between you grows narrower, as enzo makes his way over to you - and it always does, at the end of the day. No matter how much time you spend apart, that uncomfortable distance always, always ends up broached. One of you always moves closer. As if it's unavoidable, two planets spinning around each other's orbit.
Enzo sits down right next to you, crossing his legs and leaning back. his knee bumps against the side of your shoe, and his shoulder grazes yours. It's natural, as natural as the glow of the moon, this closeness between you. It reminds you of the gentle lapping of the ocean waves of Punta del este at your bare ankles; on mellow summer days when you were 10 and went to a trip with your parents and Enzo's, comforting and familiar. A warmth that never goes away.
The moon bathes the rooftop in a gentle glow as Enzo chuckles in response to your teasing remark. "Busy? Yeah, it gets a bit crazy, but it's moments like these that remind me of what truly matters. And you know im never too busy for you." He shifts, a thoughtful expression on his face, as he gazes at the city below.
A brief inhale, and your heartbeat settles into a tender rhythm again. The scent that always lingers on Enzo's skin drifts throughout the air, mingling with your own — it can be hard to distinguish between the two, with how often you end up wearing each other's clothes, but you could never mistake it for anything else. Cedarwood and earl gray, with a hint of coconut-scented shampoo enveloping every single one of your senses, grounding you in a way nothing else can.
Leaning just a little closer to him, subconsciously, youet a fond exhale slip from your lips. Barely audible. And Enzo mimics it.
The silence between you is a comfortable one. Always has been. A little fickle, always shattered by one of you before long —usually you, though enzo isn't much better. But this time, he stays silent.
He's waiting. You know he is, because he always does.
He's waiting, waiting for you to break the silence first. Waiting for you to say something, tell him what's wrong, explain why you're up here instead of celebrating with the others. Waiting for you to explain why your eyes have looked so tired, this past week.
Enzo is nothing if not patient. So he waits, unbothered by the silence. Admiring the stars, and the flicker of their light. A vague worry simmers in his chest, however, and he can't stop himself from glancing down at you every now and then.
An insatiable yearning to soothe you gnaws at his heart
—but he can't, not unless you let him.
A sigh drops from your lips, suddenly. Deep and heavy, ike a rock thrown into the depths of a lake. The silence breaks.
The guy stays quiet, just humming inquisitively. He avoids eye contact, showing respect. He figures you'll spill what's on your mind more comfortably without him staring.
Your fingers lightly tap the rooftop tiles out of habit. You take in a bit of the midnight air—it's got that summer taste. "Remember how we first met?"
Enzo glances at you, surprise flickering in his eyes. He can't resist the urge to peek at your face, savoring your expression. Then, a chuckle escapes him. "Are you feeling sentimental?" he teases, a playful note in his voice, light and airy like seafoam. "Did you come out here just to reflect?"
The corners of his lips lift when he hears you huff, pulling your legs closer with a furrowed brow. Cheek pressed against your kneecap, you meet his gaze.
"Come on," you whine, pouting childishly, a trick you know will make him give in. "Just indulge me a little."
Enzo smiles, soft around the edges, radiating unmistakable fondness. He always indulges you. "Of course I do," he assures you.
The quiet settling between your words holds a tender understanding, a silent agreement.
"Of course, I remember. How could I forget? You broke into my backyard."
A sigh, weighty and pointed, escapes your lips. Enzo fights back a grin; his eyes dance with teasing mischief in the darkness as you shoot a glare his way.
"Okay, first of all," you begin, "I didn't break into anything. I climbed over the fence. Peacefully."
Enzo raises a brow. "That literally doesn't matter; it's still trespassing."
"I was seven years old!"
"Damn! Some of you criminals start young."
Another playful huff escapes you as you halfheartedly attempt to sound annoyed. Unsuccessful, you hide your growing smile by tucking your face into your knees. "Whatever."
Then your gaze shifts, drawn to the expanding starry sky, the vibrant flicker of the moon like a moth to a flame, helpless to its charms. It resembles a giant sponge cake, reminiscent of the ones you and Enzo used to make when that was the only recipe you knew – you'd eat from the batter, and he'd scold you. Then he'd do the same when your back was turned.
A smile graces your lips. In each star, a new memory unfolds, and the warm nostalgia surrounding you makes your heart feel exposed. "I just wanted to pet Ada" you reminisce, softly rememberig how little the cat was back then.
Enzo nods, his gaze directed at you, reveling in the expression on your face – tranquil and at ease, a bit more of yourself. Effortlessly lovely, bathed in moonlight. "Yeah, I remember."
He lets the memory carry him away for a moment or two, recalling the sight of you all those years ago, an unfamiliar child in his backyard. It was as if you had fallen from the sky – quiet and shy, yet with an excited glimmer in your eyes as you looked at his cat.
"You just pointed to her and expected me to understand," he continues, a grin blooming on his face, hopelessly endeared. "You were so shy back then."
A raise of your eyebrow. "Um? I'm still shy?"
Enzo gives you a look. He doesn't have to say anything – it's written all over his face. The classic Vogrincic look, the kind where you can tell he's itching to say, "Oh, really now?" The kind where he tries to appear judgmental but never quite manages to hide the amusement in his eyes.
A soft chuckle escapes your lips, and Enzo smiles once more, utterly captivated by your joy.
"Then we watched movies at my place,"
You hum. "It was fun."
"Yeah," he agrees.
Another spell of silence descends, tender and incredibly precious. The air is cool but not enough to make you shiver – a mild summer night, gentle on your skin and light on your heart. A soft breeze tousles your hair, and in the distance, cicadas buzz – a familiar, unchanging sound.
(If only everything else could remain the same, too.)
"Do you remember what movie it was?"
A lazy smile graces Enzo's lips as he turns to look at you, one eyebrow raised.
"Is there a point to this, or are you just trying to make m–"
"I just wanna reminisce."
Enzo pauses, observing your gaze as it wanders across the landscape, from the moon to the distant city lights. Absentmindedly fidgeting with the strings of your hoodie, you seem a bit lost, your eyes forgotten within the depths of the endless night sky.
No more teasing, he decides, choosing a more delicate approach. He answers your question softly, as if each octave of his voice could potentially cause you harm. "Whisper of the Heart," he reveals.
A little nod follows your hum of agreement. "Thats a top-tier one."
Enzo shifts his gaze away, muttering something under his breath. Still audible, though. "Spirited Away takes the cake..."
Catching a glimpse of your unimpressed look, he suppresses a soft laugh. His teeth graze his lip gently, just enough to avoid any sting.
"You're so basic," you playfully grin.
"You just want to feel special," Enzo retorts, quick on the uptake. "And you only like it because of Seji."
"You're only a Spirited Away fan because of Haku!"
Enzo closes his eyes, leans back a bit, crossing his arms in a somewhat childlike manner – a move aimed at drawing out laughter. "I don't know what you're talking about," he pretends.
"Oh, come on," you scoff. "Do you really think I've forgotten your sudden "enlightenment"?"
"Hm? What's that?" Feigning confusion, Enzo puts a hand to his ear, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "You'll have to come closer; I can't hear you from here."
Another unimpressed look accompanies your exhale, a mix of a scoff and a chuckle. "If I get any closer, I'll be in your lap, goofball."
Enzo bites his cheek gently, holding back the words that almost slip off his tongue.
(He wouldn't mind)
"Sorry, can you repeat that?" A playful nudge meets his shoulder as you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
The banter fades away as quickly as it came. Then, smiles break out across both your faces simultaneously, the atmosphere shifting into something more sincere. Doesn't it always when you're gazing at the starry sky with the one you love most?
As Enzo continues, his voice takes on that softer tone once again—the one thats only reserved for you. "I always liked imagining us as them," he confesses. "Me as Haku, and you as Chihiro."
A soft blink, and your smile sweetens like syrup. "...That's amusing," you cross your legs, palms flat against the roof, knee comfortably leaning against Enzo's. "I always thought of us as Seiji and Shizuku."
There's a distant look in your eyes, something Enzo can't look away from. Tentatively, his fingers press into the skin of his palms, and he speaks, absentminded and a bit uncertain. ".. they get married at the end, don't they?"
A pause, then your gaze locks onto Enzo's, suddenly mischievous – and he regrets opening his mouth.
"Oh?" you purr, almost beaming, closing the distance like a
predator sizing up its prey. "Oh, really? Is this a proposal, Mr. Vogrincic?"
"I'm just stating facts" he quips, hands raised in defense, hoping you won't notice the red tint creeping up his neck, hidden by the night.
"Incorrect facts," you grin. Whether you catch the blush or not, you don't mention it. "They get engaged, not married. Big difference."
Enzo huffs, small, trying to suppress a smile. The beat of his heart is faint, a gentle rhythm stirred by every move you make. He pushes back the words he longs to say. "I wouldn't mind that, either."
Once again, silence envelops you, weaving around the space between you. It's comforting, just being like this; you and your best friend under the moon's soft glow. As if you're the sole inhabitants of an otherwise vacant universe, free from space and time.
Like the night could pause and stretch on forever.
Yet, there's an unspoken question lingering. One Enzo is still waiting for you to answer. One you won't address until he does the same.
Both of you have noticed, even if no one else has – the turmoil in your eyes, the fatigue under his. Those subtle signs of stress as everything around you keeps twirling on, as the future approaches with every passing day.
"Remember how school felt like it would last forever, and now... it's all just a blur."
Enzo's eyes light up with nostalgia. "Yeah, the days when we believed we could conquer the world. Time goes by so quickly." He pauses, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "But hey, we had some pretty great adventures."
A soft laugh escapes you. "Adventures, mischief, and a fair share of detentions. I miss those days."
Enzo grins, "Our secret base, the pranks we pulled, and the dreams we shared. Life was simpler back then."
You sigh, "Simpler, but full of possibilities. Now everything feels like it's rushing by, and I can't keep up."
Enzo reaches for your hand, offering a comforting squeeze. "You're not alone in feeling that way. I miss the simplicity too, but some things haven't changed." He looks into your eyes, his gaze holding a depth of emotions.
"Yeah, your talent and that dream that's not a dream anymore En. Its now your reality, and I'm so proud of you, I'd always knew you'd make it" You said with a nostalgic smile on your face.
Deep down, you knew you'd end up losing him; he had everything to succeed in the industry.
Enzo meets your gaze, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, sweetheart... It means a lot to hear that from you."
As Enzo utters the endearment "sweetheart," a fluttering sensation courses through your stomach, a delicate dance of butterflies that seems to synchronize with the newfound warmth in your chest. With a surge of emotions enveloping you, you can't help but wrap your arms around Enzo's body, hugging him tightly and feeling the size difference between the both of you. A murmured "of course" escapes your lips.
The moonlight paints a soft glow around you both, and the distant sounds of the party create a gentle background melody. Enzo takes a moment after the hug, collecting his thoughts, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
"There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, You know?" He starts, catching your eye. "Oh look who's reflecting now" You say as you laugh softly. "What is it?"
"These moments, right here, remind me of the times when life was simpler, and we were just two kids dreaming under the same sky." He pauses, searching for the right words.
"You know, when we were younger, I used to take you to the cinema, to the lake, even on your 15th birthday... Each time, I wanted to tell you something important, but I never found the right moment. It's been on my mind, and I'm tired of postponing it."
Your heart quickens at his words, confusion mingling with anticipation. Enzo's expression shifts, becoming more serious yet tender.
"Do you remember those times? I was trying to say that..." He hesitates a little, his eyes looking straight into yours, noticing how every single star can fit on your gaze "I'm in love with you. From the days of our childhood adventures to now, you've always been the girl of my dreams. I wanted to share my success with you because you've been my constant, my anchor."
The weight of his confession hangs in the air, and your mind races to process the revelation. Enzo continues, "I know that recently the world sees me as this actor, but to you, I just want to be Enzo. The boy you've known since we were seven. I'm tired of hiding my feelings, and I didn't want to lose another moment without letting you know."
Silence stretches between you, the memories of your shared past intertwining with the present. You're caught between the familiarity of nostalgia and the unexpected confession, yet, suddenly, some things start to make sense.
Enzo's eyes search yours, vulnerable and earnest.
"En, wait... what do you mean? In love with me? Like, as a friend or...?" Your words trail off, searching for clarity.
Enzo takes a deep breath, his thumb caressing the back of your hand. You can feel him shaking. "No I mean, romantically in love with you. Since we were kids, I've tried to tell you, but I never found the right moment."
Your eyes widen, replaying moments in your mind. "Wait, are you saying all those times – the cinema, the lake, my 15th birthday – you wanted to confess your feelings?"
Enzo nods, a mix of vulnerability and sincerity in his eyes. "Exactly. I kept hoping for the perfect moment, but life just kept moving too fast"
Your mind races, grappling with the revelation. Enzo continues, "What im trying to say is you've been the girl of my dreams since i can remember. I wanted to share my success with you, not just as an actor but as the person who's been my constant through it all."
Silence envelops the rooftop, the city of Montevideo below seemingly hushed in anticipation. Enzo looks at you, his expression a mosaic of hope and uncertainty.
After a moment of processing, you break into a soft laugh. "Enzo, this is... I... i just never saw this coming... oh my god"
With a warm smile, Enzo pulls you into a hug, and you reciprocate, embracing the familiarity of his presence. "Its okay if you dont feel the same... but I... I've just been carrying this for so long; it feels good to finally share it with you." He says with a sad tone.
As you're held in Enzo's embrace, the vulnerability of the moment encourages you to share your own feelings. "Enzo, no... Its not that, its just that I... I never thought you'd see me that way. I always felt like you were way too good for me, like I'd never be enough, so i always thought it'll be pointless to confess because you'll end up leaving me... And its just the thought of losing you as a friend and now knowing you've felt this way for so long, it's just overwhelming."
Enzo loosens the hug, gently holding your shoulders as he looks into your eyes. "You were always more than enough. I never wanted to risk our friendship, but holding back these feelings became harder as time went on. Our friendship means the world to me, and the fear of losing you kept me silent."
Tears glisten in your eyes as you continue, "I spent so many nights up here on this rooftop, wondering if I was just another friend among many for you. I never thought I could be the one you'd be in love with."
Enzo wipes away a tear with his thumb, a tender smile on his face. "You were never just another friend. You were the one who understood me, laughed with me, and stood by me through it all. And I've been in love with you since we were kids."
The weight of unspoken emotions finally laid bare, you share a bittersweet laugh. "Guess we were both too scared to ruin what we had."
Enzo nods, his hand now resting on your cheek. "Maybe, but holding back feels like a bigger risk now. I don't want to waste any more time, not when i don't know how much of it we have left"
As the moonlight bathes both of you, you take a deep breath and finally say, "Enzo, I've always been in love with you too."
A shared understanding and a newfound honesty linger in the air as Enzo leans in and his lips meets yours in a tender kiss, a culmination of years of unspoken emotions and shared moments. In that intimate exchange, the rooftop becomes a sanctuary for a new beginning, and just for that moment: time seems to stand still.
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kingdomof-omens · 11 months
The Best Way to Get Over Someone is to Get Under Someone Else
Masterlist Can also be found on Wattpad This is a work of fiction based on real people. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Pairing: Noah x OFC, Jolly x OFC, Noah x OFC x Jolly
Warnings: threesome, double penetration, anal sex, shibari, female oral sex, P in V sex, praise kink (mild), degradation (mild), erotic asphyxiation, language, orgasm denial, slight BDSM vibes, mentions of cheating, barebacking (use protection!)
Note: This was a part two request sent in by FevMotionless on Wattpad.
Also, have this fic that I've spent weeks on. Writer's block was a bitch, so just take it lol.
It had been almost a year since the night Noah made Ismine's fantasy come to life. She woke up the next morning with Jolly missing from their bed, already off to start his day. They didn't talk again about that night, but no awkwardness had come from it. Their relationships were the same as it had been before. 
In the time since that night, Jolly had even met and started dating a beautiful woman by the name of Jordan. Ismine and the guys had all met her and they all welcomed her with open arms, bringing her into the mix of their little chosen family. She got along with everyone, and Jolly was a lot happier than usual, coming up with some great ideas for the guys' new album.
That's why when Jolly seemed to distance himself from everyone in the house, it was something Ismine picked up on. She noticed he left his room less and less, even telling Noah he'd listen to a new song idea later which was incredibly unusual for the Swede.
So one night, while Noah was locked in their home studio, Ismine climbed up the stairs and carried her body to stand in front of Jolly's bedroom. There was no sound coming from inside and no light casting underneath the door indicating he was even in. But Ismine hadn't seen him leave in days and knew he was holed up inside.
Her fist had rapped on his door before she could even think about it, causing Jolly to stir inside his little haven. She heard him bite out a muffled "What?" through the door, so she grabbed the knob and entered.
Living with a bunch of men and seeing the messes they created was one thing, but the state of Jolly's bedroom was completely appalling to her. Especially since he was the neat freak of the bunch.
Food wrappers and cups had littered every surface of his room, notebooks and torn pages were thrown everywhere on the ground, and Jolly....poor Jolly was curled in his bed looking so disheveled.
His long hair was thrown up into a messy bun and he was wearing the same clothes from the last time Ismine saw him leave his space. And to be honest, he had a musk of BO coating himself indicating that he hadn't even taken a shower...which was concerning in itself.
"Hey bubs...been wondering where you been. I haven't seen you." Ismine spoke softly, making her way over food wrappers and torn paper to sit next to him on the bed.
"Yeah, well. You found me. Congratulations." He spit back, curling into himself further to hide away from her.
"What's going on in that brain of yours to make you become a recluse, hmm?" She reached out and pulled the tie from his hair out, his long tresses cascading the pillow. She attempted to run her fingers through his locks, but the mats and knots that had formed prevented her from doing so. Instead, she gently started working the knots out with her fingers, hoping he would open up to her.
All he did was huff out in response, hugging his pillow tighter to his chest.
"Joakim." She became stern, no time for bullshit or beating around the bush. "What happened?"
He let out a long sigh and threw the pillow to the side, sitting up against his headboard. Ismine started rubbing his knee as he picked at his fingers in his lap, his head hung low.
"She...she cheated on me. With some fucking asshole from the bar."
"Jordan cheated on you?"
"That's what I said isn't it? Yep. And quite a few times, actually. She claimed I was 'too busy in the studio for her' and she felt 'lonely'." He scoffed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Fucking bitch."
"Is that what's had you holed up in here by yourself? Jolly...you know you could have came to us and told all of us. We're worried about you." Still rubbing his knee, her other hand grabbed his and held it, her thumb rubbing smoothing circles into the skin.
"Why? So you all can pity me like you're doing now? I don't need your fucking pity, Ismine. I need to bury myself in someone and just fucking forget her." 
Memories of their rendezvous a year ago flooded Ismine's mind and her eyes had widened in response. She let go of Jolly and put her hands in her lap to hide the excitement that was building from those memories.
"I, um..I can ask him." She whispered out, looking over to his side table to avoid his gaze.
"I can ask him if he'd like to...you know. Share again. If that's what you need."
She was sitting on her knees atop Jolly's bed this time, hands currently being tied behind her back by Noah. He was taken aback by her request a few nights ago and asked if she was okay with it since he knew how Jolly could be after a breakup. He saw the multiple women leaving their house in relationships past, makeup smeared down their face and the limp they carried as they scurried out the door. He explained these things to Ismine so she knew what she was asking for, but she didn't mind. Noah had told her he didn't care as long as he was involved, so if Jolly got too carried away Noah could stop the whole ordeal.
As he tightened the last knot on the rope that was binding her arms behind her back, he kissed her temple and whispered encouraging words into her ear. Jolly requested to come in as Noah was already pleasuring her and her moans were going to be the call for Jolly to come in.
She was warned that it would be rough, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't cause her to squeeze her legs together, excitement pooling along her inner folds.
As Noah undressed in front of her, she could feel sparks igniting through her body, the anticipation of the night coating her insides. There were many times where she replayed the scene from a year ago through her head, getting herself off to the memories. She truly thought it was a one-time thing, and as her boyfriend tugged on his dick a few times before walking towards her, she was silently thanking whichever god granted her wish of it happening again.
Noah wrapped his long, slender fingers around the back of her head and tugged on her hair, bringing her closer to him. His mouth crashed into hers, his tongue quickly darting in her mouth, before pulling away and telling her to turn around.
Ismine nodded at the command and slowly walked on her knees to face the headboard of Jolly's bed. Noah's hand was still gripping her hair and he pulled her head back, forcing her to move her body backwards on the bed. When she was seated in the center, his other hand came to grip at her hip, and the hand tangled in her hair pushed her down, folding her in half.
"It's just us here, babygirl. I want Jolly to hear all of the pretty noises you're going to make. Got it?" Noah asked, letting go of her hair and sliding his hand down her spine.
"Yes, sir." She answered into the pillows, goosebumps forming on her arms.
Noah chuckled before lowering his body behind her perked ass. He took his hands and spread apart her puffy lips, eyeing the slick that was already coating her folds.
"Looks like you wanted this just as much as he did. Is that right?" He asked, taking a single finger and running it up and down her folds, coating the digit.
"Y-yes sir." She stumbled out, trying to force her body to keep breathing.
"Such a naughty girl. Why didn't you ask before, baby? I would've loved to see you come undone around him." His finger intruded her cunt on the last word, forcing a gasp to escape from Ismine. Her walls clenched around him at the intrusion and he felt his dick twitch in response. His finger started to slowly pump in and out of her, coating his hand in her arousal.
Ismine's face was turned to the door, low moans echoing through the room. Jolly wanted to hear her pleasure, and she made sure to make it so.
"God, I want to taste you." Noah said as he placed a kiss on her ass cheek and pulled his finger from her. She felt herself clench at the emptiness as Noah maneuvered his body to lay his head underneath of her, his hands coming around to grip her upper thighs.
"Ride me, babygirl. Cum on my tongue."
Ismine let out a long moan at Noah's words, forcing her legs wider. His hand came up to grip the rope holding her arms behind her back and he helped her raise her body up, coming to sit on his face. When she was steady, he let go of the rope and gripped her thigh tightly again.
She moaned again when she felt the flat of his tongue putting pressure against her clit and she waited for him to to lap at her. She looked down at Noah between her legs and he cocked a brow at her, silently reminding her that he had told her to ride him. She bit her lip in response, slowly starting to rock her hips back and forth.
He kept his tongue still against her, letting her chase her own pleasure against him. She rolled her hips back and forth over him, moaning out when he would curl his tongue and flick at her clit as her hips rocked back.
She could feel the warm embrace of her orgasm clutching at her insides, ready to snap and wash over her. That was until she felt a hand tangle in her hair and grip her strands tight making her wince from the sudden sting. 
Her climax rushed through her, causing her to cry out from the sudden pleasure and she pressed her hips down onto Noah's face to ride through the waves. She felt a mouth kissing her shoulder and she turned her head to see that Jolly had made an appearance, him being the one to pull her hair and cause her to undoing.
He smacked her ass as he kissed her shoulder, tugging on her hair to turn her head more to attack her lips with his. They shared a heated, messy kiss as Noah crawled out from underneath Ismine.
"Did he make you feel good, sweet girl?" He whispered as he pulled away from their kiss. His fingers tenderly traveled down her spine and over the mound of her ass until he was burying them in her cunt, feeling her soaked from arousal.
She whimpered out at his intrusion, her body accepting his fingers with ease. His fingers worked inside of her rubbing against the spongy spot until she could feel the coil tighten in her belly again, another orgasm approaching quickly.
Just as the stars were about to burst behind her eyes, he removed his fingers quickly from her, and pushed her down onto the mattress. "Jolly, please! I'll be a good girl, I promise. Please let me cum!" She begged the Swede as she was trying to rut her hips against the mattress for the needed friction.
Noah leaned down next to her face and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh, we'll make you cum alright. You'll be spent by the night is over. Your pussy will be so sensitive, you won't even be able to sit when we're done with you." He kissed her temple as Jolly smacked her ass again, forcing a long moan to drawl out from her chest.
Jolly turned to Noah with an eyebrow raised. "You got the stuff?"
He answered Jolly with a scoff, pointing to the varies objects laying on the side table. "Yeah, right here."
Jolly smiled in return, pulling his shirt over his head. He kicked off his sweatpants quickly, his hard cock bouncing against his belly as he laid down on the bed next to Ismine.
Hs hand caressed her cheek as he spoke softly to her. "Oh, sweet girl. Your boyfriend here is going to warm you up for him while you ride me. Think you can handle us both?"
Her eyes widened and she tried to turn her body to face Noah, who was now at the foot of the bed, stripping himself of his own clothing.
Jolly guided her head to look back at him, reassurance in his voice as he told her "we don't have to. It's up to you, we won't do anything you don't want."
She bit her lip, looking Jolly in his eyes. She could see the heat in them, yes, but she also saw care and compassion. This was Jolly's fantasy, one that he asked to be played out and she could back out with no harm, no foul. But deep inside, it was Ismine's fantasy, too. After the last time they were together, she would sometimes imagine a scenario when she had both men inside of her fucking her senseless. 
"I want it. Please, Joakim. I'll be a good girl, please just do it." She begged, raising her ass in the air for Noah, who had just popped the cap on the lube bottle, ready to squeeze some of the sticky substance on his fingers.
Jolly chuckled and raised his head at the other man, nodding at him to signal to help move Ismine on top of his body. Noah had a devious smile on his face and a hard cock to show that he, too, had thought of this as well.
The men helped Ismine maneuver so she was sitting on top of Jolly, and his cock was now pressed between her folds. Ismine couldn't help herself, rocking her hips back and forth on the Swede. The tip of his dick was hitting her clit just the right way, stimulating the aching bud.
Noah grabbed her hips from behind and helped her rock, pushing her body forwards and pulling it backwards. "Gonna cum on his cock, baby girl?"
Her eyes were closed, reveling in the pleasure as she nodded, moaning out a breathy "yes." Her eyes popped open when she felt a warm hand grip her throat, seeing the man below her biting his lip and feeling him tighten his grip on her.
She bit her lip and nodded, indicating to Jolly that yes this is what she wanted, and yes keep doing it. Just as her vision was starting to blur and little black dots creeped into her eyesight, the grip on her throat was released, and Ismine sucked in a breath as her orgasm washed over her again. She cried out from the pleasure as Jolly brought his hands to massage her breasts and Noah  let go of her hips. She bent forwards over Jolly as her pussy was clenching around nothingness, her whole body convulsing from the earth shattering orgasm.
Jolly wrapped his arms around her, grabbing the rope that held her arms back and planted kisses to the side of her head, whispering praise as she came down from her climax.
As the last waves were coursing through her veins, she felt a cold sensation press against her tight hole and her body jumped forwards slightly, causing the men around her to chuckle.
"Just breathe, sweet girl. Noah's going to get you ready now. You okay with that?" Jolly asked her, his hand tangling in her hair and his finger tips rubbing her scalp.
"Just relax baby. I'll take care of you while you ride Jolly." Noah soothed her, one of his hands rubbing her ass cheek.
She looked at the man below her and nodded, relaxing her body and slightly moving it backwards until she felt Noah's finger circle her forbidden entrance. Jolly's arms came between their bodies, gripping his length and pressing it against the entrance to her cunt.
"Now beg." He commanded, slightly entering the tip of his cock inside of her and withdrawing it just as quickly.
She moaned out at his words, trying to lower her hips to engulf his erection. Noah's hand gripped her hip, stopping her from moving.
"Please. I need you two. I need to feel you inside of me!" She moaned out, Noah's finger still circling her tight ring.
"You think she deserves it?" Jolly looked around Ismine, asking Noah.
"I don't think she wants it, to be honest. I didn't hear her beg enough." Noah answered, pushing the tip of his finger inside of her ass.
She moaned at the intrusion, the slight sting of pain quickly disappearing with the warm embrace of pleasure. "Please. I'll be a good girl. Just please do something. I need you so bad."
Jolly, finally satisfied, thrusted upwards into Ismine causing her to cry out. "Yes! Thank you!" She yelled out as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
"Oh, so she likes to thank us for using her?" Jolly asked into the air as his hips moved to snap into her again.
Noah chuckled from behind Ismine as his finger slowly pumped in and out of her hole. He could feel Jolly working her from the inside and a low moan escaped his chest.
Ismine was panting above Jolly, reveling in the feeling of both of her holes being stretched. Even though she had just came, she could feel the coil in her belly starting to wind tight again.
Jolly had started to keep rhythm for her, a slower pace than he would like, but he wanted her to relax and be engulfed in the pleasure as her boyfriend worked her open for him.
He was twisting her nipple with the tips of his fingers when she let out a cry and moaned out "another" to Noah. Happy to satisfy, Noah pulled his finger out of her and poured more lube on his hand. His forefinger and middle finger pressed against her ring as he asked if she was ready. She nodded quickly, letting a low moan escape as Noah's fingers pushed forwards.
Jolly could feel Noah's fingers through her walls, and as weird that it could be out of context, he enjoyed the added sensation on his dick, moaning when he felt Noah scissor his fingers inside of Ismine and slowly pumping to open her up.
Ismine was above him panting with her mouth wide open, surrounded by a warm embrace of pleasure. Jolly took his hand off of her breast and his fingertips tenderly touched her lips. She looked down at Jolly and flicked the tip of her tongue against his finger tip, sending a shock straight to his member. He twitched inside of her and he could hear Noah moan, feeling Jolly.
Jolly's middle and ring finger entered Ismine's mouth, her tongue swirling around his digits as she gently suckled on them. Jolly bit his lip in return, moaning when she sucked harder. He couldn't help himself, really, when he shoved his fingers further into her mouth, touching the back of her tongue. She slightly gagged around his fingers causing Noah to moan from her body clenching around the two men as she gagged.
He kept his fingers there as she moaned out around them. Her saliva dripped down his hand as her eyes rolled to the back of her head, loving the feeling of being used.
Jolly's hips kept a steady pace fucking into her, not enough to bring her to her climax, but enough to make her brain melt into mush and make her relax as Noah pulled his fingers from her and lubed up his dick.
Noah leaned over the two on the bed, his chest against Ismine's arms that were tied around her back, as he started planting sweet kisses along her shoulder blade. He moved her hair away from her neck, sucking a purplish spot into the skin. She could feel him pumping himself against her ass cheek, and she moaned around Jolly's fingers again, so impatient for what was to come.
"You ready for me, baby?" Noah asked against the shell of her ear. With Jolly's fingers still in her mouth, all she could do was nod and moan out, hoping Noah understood how desperate she was to feel both of them inside of her.
"As great as her pussy feels, and how much I love being inside of her, I'm going to need you to hurry up because I really don't think I can last much longer." Jolly grunted below Ismine when her walls clenched around him.
Noah stood from the bed and added more lube to himself, chuckling at Jolly. "With as impatient as you're being, maybe next time we should tie you up and make you wait."
Next time. 
Ismine heard it, oh yes she did. And she'd be lying if she told you that phrase didn't throw gasoline on the mild fire burning in the pit of her stomach at this moment. She let out a guttural moan at Noah's words, ticking her hips forwards to meet Jolly's thrusts.
"My naughty girl here is more impatient than you though." Noah told Jolly, smacking Ismine's ass before lining himself up. Jolly buried himself to the hilt and brought his hips to a stop.
"We're gonna let him work himself inside of you, sweet girl." Jolly told Ismine as he removed his fingers from her mouth. "Tell us if it's too much. Okay?"
"I will. Just please. I need it" she begged the two men, leaning down into Jolly's chest more to spread her ass wide to Noah.
Noah placed his left hand on her hip, and, while gripping himself with the other hand, pushed the tip of his cock through her ring. Because he worked her open so perfectly while Jolly fucked her from below, the tip popped in with ease and Ismine let out a gasp at feeling Noah enter her.
He pushed his cock into her more with small, shallow thrusts. They had anal sex before, sure. But with an addition of another cock in the mix, Noah had to go slow to make sure her walls were ready to handle both of them.
When his hips finally met her ass cheeks, he let out a satisfied moan and gripped her hip with a force that was sure to leave bruises. With her hands tight behind her back, Ismine opened them and placed them on Noah's hips to keep him seated inside of her for a moment.
"How are you feeling, sweet girl?" Jolly asked her as his hand cupped her face and his thumb ran soothing circles on her cheek.
"So full...feel so good." She panted out, opening her eyes to look at Jolly. Jolly saw the intensity of the arousal in her pupils that were blown wide.
"Let us know when you're ready." Noah told her as he kissed her shoulder blade while the hand that gripped her hip moved to caress her side.
"M-move." She spoke out into Jolly's neck.
Hearing her command, Noah started to slowly thrust in and out of her as Jolly started to do the same. The two men were thrusting opposite of each other, making sure her holes were never near empty of them.
Ismine let out a cry at the pleasure. She was releasing a series of moans into Jolly's neck as the two men took what they could from her.
When the two men's thrusts increased, she could feel their rhythm overlapping each other, causing both of them to enter her at almost the same time. "H-holy shit. Oh my god, it feels so fucking good!"
"You fucking like this?" Noah asked her as Jolly gripped her hair, yanking her head back so she could look at his face.
"Yes, yes! Please don't stop." She moaned out as Noah slapped her ass.
"This what you wanted? Both of us- oh god, both of us having our way with you?" Jolly's grip in her hair tightened, a slight sting of pain shooting through her scalp.
All Ismine could do was moan out a "yes" as she felt Noah grab the rope holding her arms back and yanking her torso up causing Jolly's grip to let go. Jolly, instead, wrapped his hand around her neck, applying slight pressure.
"Think you can cum around us both?" Noah leaned down, grinding his hips into her.
"Gonna be a good...a good girl and cum for you."
Jolly's grip on her neck tightened, cutting off some of the blood flow to her brain. Noah brought his hand around her, running his fingers through her soaked folds to circle her clit as he continued to grind into her ass.
"God, you're so fucking wet for us, aren't you?"
"Like a needy whore." Jolly replied for her through clenched teeth. Jolly's hips were thrusting into Ismine with earnest now, trying his best to make her dive off the edge of the cliff before he reached his end of the finish line.
Jolly's other hand came up to pinch and pull at her hardened nipple, rolling the bud between his fingers. One of Noah's hands tangled in her hair, pulling taut. Ismine was loving the mix of pleasure and pain that her body was experiencing. She felt a painful sting when Jolly pulled her nipple and then slapped her tit, causing her eyes to roll to the back of her skull. At the same time, Jolly's cock had hit the sweet spot inside of her, a whine leaving her lips.
With Noah's cock working her from the backside, it put pressure on Jolly's, making it much easier for the Swede to angle his dick to constantly rub against the spongy spot that had her stringing moans and pants together.
Ismine could start to see stars forming behind her eyes, the lack of blood flow making her more light headed than she already was from Noah rubbing her clit viciously. Just as she was about to speak up and tell Jolly to let go, Jolly's grip loosened and she sucked in a deep breath as the wave of her orgasm crashed into her. She screamed out in pleasure as the warm embrace of her climax engulfed her. Noah and Jolly both released high pitched moans as they felt her walls clench around their cocks.
Noah slowed his attack on her clit, still rubbing the swollen bud to work her through her orgasm. As her body shook and twitched between them, they both kept fucking into her to chase their own releases. Noah could feel Jolly's thrusts through her pulsing walls become sloppier as his moans became louder. This, in turn, made Noah's eyes roll to the back of his head, his own undoing becoming imminent.
Before he could mumble out a warning, Noah's hips snapped to bury deep inside of Ismine, hot ribbons of cum shooting into her as a long whine escaped his lips.
Ismine was still moaning between the men, overstimulated from the feeling of Noah releasing inside of her as Jolly's cock pounded into her pulsing cunt. She couldn't form coherent words, her voice babbling away at the men trying to tell them how good she felt as Noah leaned onto her arms, panting against her sweat slicked skin.
Jolly's moans were increasing in pitch as his hips could no longer keep a rhythmic pace. His hand reached up and grabbed her breast, squeezing a little too tight to help ground himself as his climax punched him in the gut and stars burst behind his eyes. He buried his cock in Ismine's pussy, panting out between "oh god" and "holy shit" as his semen coated her inner walls.
Ismine couldn't help when her pussy clenched around Jolly, helping milk him of all his cum. She loudly moaned out as she felt his cock twitch against Noah's softening member from deep inside her core.
The three of them laid on the bed panting against each other's skin as they were coming down from their highs. Noah was the first to separate from the pile, removing his softened cock from Ismine and running to the bathroom to grab her a washcloth.
As he disappeared into the bathroom, Jolly lifted Ismine and placed her next to him on the bed. He sat up next to her and started undoing the many knots that had her arms secured behind her back. As he undid each knot, he rubbed soothing circles into her skin and kissed where the knots had lay. All Ismine could do was breathe out into the mattress, well spent from the night's activities.
Noah returned from the bathroom and spread Ismine's legs to clean the mess that spilled out onto her thighs as Jolly kept untying her. Noah was placing gentle kisses on her lower back as he cleaned her up, praising her as he took his time to make sure to not overstimulate her from the sensitivity.
Jolly finished untying the knots that held her captive and stood from the bed and grabbed his sweatpants off the floor, scurrying to the bathroom to clean himself off.
He returned from the bathroom and saw Noah laying back on his bed with Ismine cuddled into his chest. Noah was playing with a strand of her hair, twisting it between his fingers as hushed words were whispered into her ear. Jolly stood at the doorway gazing at the couple for a moment. The love between the two was something Jolly searched for in a woman, and maybe the reason he was so pissed at Jordan for cheating was because he thought he had found that kind of love in her. 
But Jordan was the last thing on his mind at the moment, especially when Ismine lifted her head off of Noah's chest and patted the empty space next to her as she grinned at Jolly across the room.
A smile formed on his lips as he stepped closer to the bed, turning out the lights before laying down next to her. She turned over and laid her head on top of Jolly's chest, causing him to pause with his arms suspended in air and glance at Noah to make sure this was okay.
Noah just chuckled at the sight of a frozen Jolly and wrapped his arm around Ismine's waist, his fingers grazing against the exposed skin on Jolly's torso. Jolly relaxed his body when he noticed that Noah didn't care that his girl was cuddled up to him, and he lowered his arms to wrap around Ismine, snuggling closer to drift off to a much needed sleep.
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sparkleboi24 · 3 months
I need help crafting head canons and backstories for a BSD au I'm creating
I'm working on making head canons for a normal world no mafia no Ada or whatever au. For the most part I'm trying to take canon events and adapt them in a way where they could realistically happen, but for characters with more unknown or vague pasts I'm great for any HCs
Starting with Dazai, Dazai is not an orphan he was removed from his home by CPS when he was about 2. He was in the foster care system for a while, tossed around until he ended up in a home with Mori from ages 9-16. Mori was abusive, so Dazai ran away and lived in a shipping crate for a bit. Eventually he was taken in by Oda, who was a foster parent to mostly younger kids. He was there for 6 months but when he was out with Oda, Oda was killed in a mass shooting.
I know Dazai "improved" in canon after Oda died but I didn't give him a chance for this big long speech and there wasn't any reason for Oda to anyways, so Dazai completely spiraled after that. I have like a whole story written about that. But short things is his alcohol addiction got worse, he often spent days just not moving from Oda's grave and since you see him inject himself in season 5 and pop a pill in season 2, I have him experiment with drugs like fenty, shrooms, and heroin. Not addicted, just trying them out. Dazai is my most fleshed out in the au I'm creating, idk why.
Dazai bullies Akutagawa in school because of course he does.
Now for Chuuya I haven't finished stormbringer so my HCs for him might change. But.
He was also in foster care. I haven't fully fleshed out his life yet and I want some ways to integrate the sheep some how? But he entered the system when he was 8, I don't know why because I haven't finished storrmbringer. It varies from Verlaine killing his parents to them dying in a car crash so. Working on that. Verlaine went to a different home from Chuuya, he doesn't know him well he just hates him. I've been debating between having Kouyou be his sister or foster mother, but since I put Dazai with Mori I figured Chuuya could go with Kouyou and she'd just be a younger foster mom. I was also thinking I could find a way to make them in the same house? I really want the whole betrayal thing where Dazai leaves Chuuya and I thought it could be cool where Dazai left Chuuya in an abusive home to deal with it himself but I'm not sure, would it even make sense for him to have been with Mori?
Chuuya is in college, Dazai is struggling to get by. They still have their personalities obv so Dazai isn't like this sad mopey mess he's just a sad mess who mopes when he's alone and everyone doesn't really realize where he's at mentally
Mori has also fostered Yosano and Q, while having Elise as his bio daughter.
Atsushi and Lucy's backstories are basically the exact same as they are in canon
Akutagawa is homeless ofc, he just moves from place to place with his sister. His clothes are shit and he smells because he never showers so he isn't treated well at school. I'm tryna think if he'd go to college, also he's still got his terminal illness. I'm not sure how his need for Dazai's validation would come out in this au
Ranpo was adopted by Fukuzawa. His life was also basically the same. Yosano was also adopted by him.
I'm thinking Kunikida has a normal ass life with normal ass parents, just too much of an overachiever and on the verge of burnout but not allowing himself to burn out
Poe is rich. He was born rich, he's got money, that's all. I've got for him lol.
I'm trying to find ways to add the rest of the cast, I want to get all the characters in and get them lives and stuff made up.
If you have any suggestions to how I can expand this world I want to write fan fiction on it once I've fleshed it out a bit. Feel free to be like "actually no I dont like your idea, I think this would be better" because I'm open to any criticism on this, I just want it to be good and I'm not stuck on my ideas
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scruffyssketchbook · 3 months
Wait you like dusk TwT??
For some reason i thought you hated him or at least disliked it, like yknow those main characters you originally like but later on hates? As like you don't like it so you make it where everyone will hate him
Then again it might be because of how much dusk suffers in comic AND ask blog, not even mentioning how much of a jerk/evil you make him out to be
Him not getting any of the brotherhoods anything, seperating the box (creating said brotherhoods that we know is a problem), an evil mastermind or at least seems to be, Flame hates him and tells us never trust him (mind you we are led to believe Flame is more of 'the good guy' between the both of them), being careless to the other eevees, manipulating(?) daisy, you mentioning one time that dusk will be hated by everymon and gets left behind (except by Vay and Dawn i'm pretty sure) in the future
This isn't dissing you in any way, i was just genuinely surprised to learn that you liked Dusk with how much you set him up to be someone we should hate
Hope you have a great day :D!
Dusk doing all of that and being evil was actually *drumroll plz* ... ... ... A COMPLETE ACCIDENT! One that I wasn't aware of until someone who read the comic told me! :D I as a kid just made him a Mary Sue who controlled everything and I didn't realize it! He was my favorite character actually. So then when I found out "shoot, all the things he does is actually kind of bad", I did start to dislike him, BUT YOU SEE, HE'S JUST TOO CUTE!!! And I feel sorry for him QwQ. He genuinely just wats everyone safe and only does what he does out of fear of losing control and bad things happening to everyone due to him not having said control again. Ofc, his actions are still unacceptable, but his motives are pure (most of the time). But yeah his actions are still REALLY REALLY BAD and theres no defending him at all. BUT I STILL VERY MUCH LOVE HIM DESPITE THESE ACTIONS. But he deserves everyone hating him.
But like. again, that again is another issue I personally have with SSEC, isn't it?
Dusk deserves to get punished for his actions. He lies, manipulates, and hurts everyone around him. And like, as things are right now. He def will. EVERYONE will leave him, and he'll be in the position he fears the most- being alone. TRULY alone. And no one is going to reach out their hand to help him because- why should any of them? He ruined their lives, lied to them, broke their trust, hurt the ones they love, etc etc.
But like.
I don't really want to write that anymore tbh. It would be really great to see, don't get me wrong, but like. hmm.
A story. There was a point of time where the active people in the Discord server hated on the main cast and only spoke of the In game eevees. i was hyped about them liking the eevees at first, but as time went on, people showed more and more animosity towards the main characters. It wasn't that these people hated the mains passionately, cause I'd love that. They just didn't care about them, they were apathetic. And these were the core fans that were active in the community daily. Now. I spent years and years crafting these characters and their personalities, so honestly this really hurt me. ^^; I over compensated and said things like "Oh yeah the mains are supposed to be assholes" and did things like focused more on the eevees rather than the mains. I was told things like "The main characters are just not likeable" or "I don't care about the mains, I care about (eevee who has no personality)" by these people who were big fans of my work, and just felt really really bad. Because- The main characters kind of deserve it. I made all of them have BIG flaws, i made all of them do awful things, so why not latch onto one note characters who have done no wrong? Characters who you can shape into anything because they are essentially a blank canvas. Either way, the whole experience made me not like the eevees much, something that I only came out of last year.
With the current trajectory of the series, ALL of the main characters will get exposed for all the shitty things they did and get punished for it. They are the leaders after all, the Politicians, you can say. They are the ones directly in the way of the happiness of the eevees. Their actions or Inactions directly cause mostly all of the issues in the box. They are kind of all the bad guys! Blizz gave the Icedrop leadership to Vay and beats up eevees, Vay is abusive to eevees in his own brotherhood, Bolt cant do anything without Dean and lets Dusk get away with the things he's doing, Flame just does nothing for his brotherhood, Dusk is a tyrant, Daisy is a loyal follower of said tyrant, Eve is a liar, Dawn beats up others and is NEVER THERE. LIKE! I don't blame anyone for not liking them, they are kind of all horrible if you look at it. But I still like them despite these negative traits, and like, I don't really want to write a story where they are the big bad evil guys. I don't want to write a story where the main characters loose all of their friends and hope and can't get any of them back due to their own shitty actions and just remains alone, the thing they fear the most. and I don't want everyone suffering due to the actions of these characters. I want more of well- things like this scrapped script:
Dusk: *Dusk is in the rain, his fur drenched and his spirit broken. As he walks back to the small tree he called home, he idly kicks at a pebble on the ground. Nearing the tree, he looses sight of the pebble, and he looks up, trying to use his arm to lift up the fur in his eyes.* ……? *There, he sees Blizz under his tree, holding an umbrella alone, He seemed to have been waiting for him a long time, as the glaceon was fidgeting with a leaf and there were a small pile of them on the ground next to him.* Blizz: *looks up excitedly, leaf forgotten, and waves at him* Hi Dusk!!! Dusk: *frowns, skeptical and hesitant* ….. why are you here? Blizz: *frowns at him, confused* Why wouldn’t I be here? I wanna hang out with you. Dusk: *Dusk stares at Blizz, in disbelief. Blizz….. What’s to hang out with him? After everything? After all he’s done to him and the others?* W-wha-? Blizz: *stares at Dusk, mimicking his confused expression* Dusk: What about- Everything I did? To you, to everymone! Don’t you hate me like everymon else??? Blizz: *Stares at him confused* …Why would I hate my best friend? *A silence falls between the two as they stared at each other, Dusk flabbergasted. But then, tears started rolling down his cheeks* Dusk: *breaks down, yelling* Why WOULDN’T YOU!??? I’VE MADE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE, I TOOK YOUR FRIENDS AWAY, I MADE EVERYONE LOOK DOWN ON YOU! WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING TO ME RIGHT NOW???? Blizz: … Dusk: YOU SHOULD HATE ME! YOU DO HATE ME! YOU SHOULD WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! WHY ARE YOU HERE? JUST TO MOCK ME? JUST TO GLOAT THAT YOU WON? AFTER ALL I DID TO YOU? WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE??? Blizz: … Dusk: CAN'T YOU USE YOUR TWO BRAINCELLS FOR ONCE AND SEE THAT I- Blizz: *He is suddenly holding the umbrella over Dusk, staring at him with intense teal eyes. He blinks* I don't care. Dusk: ... Blizz: I’m here because….. *he looks away, a lopsided frown on his face. He sighs* I know how it feels to be alone, and to have everyone seem like it’s against you. *he looks at Dusk* When it happened to me, when I was alone, when my brothers and when my friends left me and I had no one… you were always the one who held out their paw to me, and we would hang out, and you’d make me feel better. So… I wanna help you feel better too. *He smiles* and I want you to know… that you are not alone. Even if you think you are. I won’t abandon you. We're still best friends! ^^ Dusk: ... *after staring at Blizz like he's crazy, Dusk starts laughing, as tears still fell down his face* You are- an idiot, he says inbetween fits of sobs and laughs* Blizz: But I'm YOUR idiot! :D *Blizz smiles, as Dusk starts sobbing again*
But like- why would Blizz even forgive him? And even if he did, to get to this we have to slosh through a bunch of things, a civil war, a couple betrayals, more characters getting hurt, someone (not Dusk) getting disowned, more mains being frankly awful. And personally, I don't want to write that. That was never what SSEC was meant to be, but what it turned into due to poor planning. But that's what the hundreds of comics and thousands of writings have built up to, so I keep pushing on.
But I'm kind of tired of that.🙃
And if you are wondering why I keep talking about this stuff and not doing anything about it, the only reason why I'm talking about this stuff publicly is because I am in fact, doing something about it.
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djservo · 2 months
not only did you beat me but i am horrifically late.. how embarrassing for me! however(!), i have finally made it to ask you the oh so important question: how much chocolate did you eat over the easter weekend? do you get a long weekend in the us? oh and i guess how did your march reading go? any spring time specific reads or other things you’re looking forward to?
FEELS GOOD TO WIN ONE!!!! 😪👏 tbh I'm not that big on sweets + easter treats especially seem like overload to me BUT I've been rationing a bag of cadbury mini eggs for the past week and it's been a delight in my day!!! pep in my step!! my work gave us friday off + IIRC they do the same in schools too? but I also took off thursday bc I was going to a wedding with friends so extra long weekend praise be 🏝️ oh yes and the reading part!!
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Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
I think I was halfway thru this during our last round-up and I already knew it was gonna be my fav Morrison thus far but Wowwwwwowow an already gripping story and then the final third just smacks ya outta nowhere and floors you!!! which is wild because I was already completely into it when things were unraveling in the way of slice of life / reckoning with family history and curses - such a fleshed out setting and cast of characters - but then it twists into this epic adventure at the very last second and it's just crazy how something already so layered can get even dizzier, and how complete it still feels! not overdone or rushed at all, just complete magic!!
Of Death. Minimal Odes by Hilda Hilst
there's just somethin about Hilda!!! perfect balance between bare bones simplicity + profundity to me - maybe it's striking because of how simple it is, or conversely reads as straightforward (a minimal ode if U will) because it's as if she's speaking truths that could only be articulated in a surreal way. WHO KNOWS !!! similar to my experience with With My Dog Eyes I was left with this certain ennui where it seemed like something didnt click immediately but then ofc I thought about specific lines for days and weeks after + craving more of her writing. a slow burn of affection! and the translation is so beautiful!! got me thinking about how a translator isn't ever Just translating, but also has to wear the hat of the author they're translating which is so beautifully layered to me + I have so much respect for it as an art itself
Girls to the Front by Sara Marcus
I was excited for this bc riot grrrl is interwoven in so many things/people I admire but it fell pretty flat. didn't care for Marcus's uneven prose throughout which felt peppered in as an afterthought + it was clear which topics/bands/figures Marcus favored in how much more attention + depth she gave them, which maybe is inevitable when you're personally connected to a subculture but I feel like if you're describing a book as "an epic, definitive history" of a movement, you shouldn't be so blatantly biased? it's also kinda funny in an ironic way how she condenses the experience of queer women and WOC feeling left out in a matter of like. 4 pages total. then goes back to essentially a Kathleen Hanna love fest (whomst I also love!!! but that's not what this book should've been!!) then again, I don't expect a white woman to sufficiently examine and/or encapsulate the intricacies of intersectionality so whatevz . flopperoni
Assata by Assata Shakur
I've had a copy of this for yearssss but I'm kinda glad I waited til now because it made me think so much of Leila Khaled's memoir at parts in their undying loyalty to the cause and unashamed criticism of the radical groups they longed to be apart of - in this case, the BPP and its gendered hierarchy - and it's just nice to be able to have this bridge between revolutionaries + revolutions, the embodiment of fighting the same struggle / no one being free until everyone's free. powerful and unflinching yet completely grounded and lucid in reflection - no detail felt out of place and no indictment felt gratuitous. completely demoralizing at parts (as if the american justice system could seem any more like a joke) and particularly bleak to see how relevant so much of this feels decades later (but also unsurprising when you think about america's enactment + sustaining of brutality as a well-oiled machine, the very core of its existence). just all around special and profound
for april I planned to read some short story collections but already I feel myself straying + craving something juicier so I may just let this be another wildcard month as far as ~theme goes like sorry but the heart wants what it wants and in this case it's bret easton ellis seediness!! happy spring!!!
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idontbelievethehype · 4 months
This isn't for you. Part 3. F.S.
Farleigh gets the upper hand, and then almost immediately loses it.
Warnings: Oliver Quick is a menace and doesn't understand consent. I don't write reader insert. This fic contains an OFC with a personality and dreams and thoughts.
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Farleigh held his anger in his stomach. He always had. It would curdle and churn in his gut, threatening to force its way out, and he would swallow it down every time. When he was a teen, he became convinced that he had an ulcer. He’d lie on the floor hugging himself around the middle every time he came home from another event where he was treated like a civilian by the ruling class that he was meant to be a part of.
He knew those people inside and out. He watched them. He felt their twisting, turning disingenuous politeness wind around the room like a boa constrictor. He was them.
Only Maggie could see it. Felix and Venetia were whimsically lost in their own youth, but Maggie was self-aware and she was also aware of him. It was always a relief when she would walk through the door and rearrange the seating cards while no one was looking. She’d seat them together and keep one soft, grazing hand on his knee, grounding him. Who would tell her no?
At dinner with the Henry’s, Farleigh would have given anything to see her to his left once again. He found himself only half-listening to the conversation as he imagined her slipping her shoes off under the table and making small talk with the Henry to her left. But she wasn’t there, and the anger of Felix’s betrayal  was sitting like a weight in the pit of his stomach.
During karaoke, Oliver decided to pick at his fresh wound, and it only built the anger more. They flirted and whispered, Farleigh softened by so much liquor coursing through his bloodstream. Oliver brought up Venetia, money, shame. All in minimally veiled seduction.
“If you ever want me to talk to them,” The little rat murmured in his sing-song baby voice, his lifeless shark eyes forming perfect circles. “I know what you’re going through.”
It was sickening, the way he turned the puppy-dog eyes on and pouted his lips. Oliver obviously believed that Farleigh was interested in him. He was unconventionally attractive. A composite sketch of striking features. Farleigh felt nothing but annoyance though.
Still, he swallowed it down, choosing instead to be stalwart and flirtatious over showing his cards.
“It’s time to change things up a bit.” Farleigh tucked the song book under his arm and skimmed through the catalogue, finding exactly the right tune to humiliate the boy. “Oliver, you’re up!”
Taking his place toward the back of the room, he danced and sang along, thoroughly enjoying watching Oliver sink into embarrassment right there in front of everyone. It didn’t seem to truly hit anyone until he sang the lines “I love you. You pay my rent.”
It was beautiful. It was horrifying. It was a perfect little moment of comeuppance.
“This is your song too Farleigh.” Oliver held the microphone out, his face beet red and sweat beading around his hairline and upper lip.
“Only if you insist!” Farleigh shimmied through the lounging guests, snatching the microphone. He was born to perform, and he did. Court jester. Minstrel to his own family. It didn’t embarrass him. He knew exactly where his place was. He was determined to remind Oliver of his.
That night, he’d meant to call Maggie but he was far too drunk and it was far too late. He wasn’t in bed until quarter to three. He felt better. The anger was there. It was often there. But it was dissipating. Taking up residence elsewhere in his body at least.
Just as he drifted off, feeling a glee at the small revenge of the night, something heavy knocked him awake. He opened his eyes to something far worse than a sleep paralysis demon. It was Oliver.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Farleigh moved to lift his arms but Oliver had them pinned to his sides with his knees.
“What do you think I’m doing?” Oliver was cast completely in shadow, only the blue moonlight from the window reaching his face.
“I think you’re in the wrong fucking room.” To this point, Farleigh had felt a lot of things about Oliver, but fear certainly wasn’t one of them. Now, he was genuinely afraid. This was unhinged behavior. This was completely insane.
“Am I?” Oliver spoke in a husky voice. It was soft and sinister. “Are you going to behave from now on, Farleigh?”
He almost laughed. Really? A power play? He was downright transparent. “No.”
Behind his back, Oliver’s hand crept into the sheet that was barely separating their bodies. Strong fingers wrapped themselves around soft flesh growing harder.
“Are you going to behave?”
Farleigh gulped down the urge to buck the smaller man off of him. He could shove him off. He could stop him. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t. “No?”
The hand squeezed harder, moving now. This was sick. It was hot, but it was sick.
“Don’t make me ask again.” Oliver knew what he was doing. He could feel it. They both could feel it.
Farleigh nodded his head quickly, minimally. Upset about giving in.
Oliver was close enough that Farleigh could smell his sickly sweet breath. It smelled of fruity cocktails and pineapple slices. “Say it.”
“I-I’m going to behave.” Farleigh let go completely, his stomach in knots. The anger was back, but so was desire. Disgusting, irritating desire. The thing that always got him into trouble.
Still close, Oliver spit into his hand, and Farleigh gave himself over wholly.
In the morning, Farleigh woke up to a deep, revolting shame. He felt sticky and queasy. He’d let Oliver win. He’d been bested. But more than that, he hadn’t wanted it to happen. He wondered if that was how Venetia had felt. Used.
He tried to wash it all away in the shower, but there was that anger again. Just where he’d left it too.
He was getting dressed when Duncan burst into his room, startling him.
“What the fuck?” He jumped back. Not even a knock? What was going on in Saltburn lately?
“Gather your things.” Duncan lifted his suitcase from the corner, plopping it onto his bed. “You’re to be out immediately.”
It was the coldness in his voice that scared Farleigh the most. He’d never been spoken to like that. He tried to question him but Duncan was gone before he could even form thoughts.
Farleigh made a b-line to James’ office, knocking once before letting himself into the open door.
“James, what’s going on?” He was only met with more icy stares.
Elspeth was sitting in the corner chair, looking pensive, an expression that didn’t suit her. James was at his desk, both hands laid flat on his thighs.
“Really, Farleigh? After everything we’ve done for you?” James took off his glasses, expression pained. “Attempting to steal from us?”
“What? How?” Farleigh moved to sit down but Duncan came in and ushered him toward the door. “No! Wait-how? I haven’t gone anywhere? How could I have stolen anything? Why would I do that?”
In the hall, only Elspeth followed.
“There has to be a mistake. I haven’t-“ He was cut off by Duncan’s hand on his shoulder pushing him toward the door.
“Darling, you mustn’t make such a fuss. Please behave yourself.” Elspeth looked angry. It was another new expression he hadn’t seen.
Before he could even process another thought, he was out the servant’s door and sitting in a car. The trunk slammed hard as his things were loaded in.
“Where to, then?” The driver asked, not even turning around to see him blubbering and snotty in the back seat.
Finally, he managed to choke out, “Daylesford House. Gloucestershire.”
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blackinquisitors · 2 years
Dutch is such an interesting and compelling character. and I think a lot of people don't realize that he's the true villain of this entire game and Micah is just a red herring. Micah didn't make Dutch go crazy or anything, he just told him what he wanted to hear and allowed him to do all the insane shit he's always wanted to do. bc previously, Dutch had Hosea and Arthur as his moral compass telling him "no Dutch you can't kill people" and I think Dutch started preaching that as well bc it goes along w his desire to the smartest, most moral man in the room. but that wasn't really him. then Micah joins and tells him "yeah Dutch maybe we should kill people maybe they deserve it maybe we're stronger than them" and it opens the door for Dutch to lose that facade he's been mastering all these years, and that comes out in blackwater
then Arthur and Hosea start doubting Dutch, start criticising him, but Micah is still there telling him everything is fine and he's doing a wonderful job. and Dutch loves that because he needs to be the big man in charge and he does NOT tolerate feeling stupid or weak or wrong. so he stops listening to Arthur (if he ever did in the first place, judging by how jaded Arthur is and how easily he kowtows to dutchs guilt trips, I'll say no) and half listens to Hosea. then Hosea dies and Arthur criticises him more, and Dutch truly reveals his colors
what tipped me off on his character the most was how he treats women. miss grimshaw was his girl, and now she's older and the matriarch of the gang, but I think all her stuff abt how vanity fades and how she's hideous etc is partially bc of how Dutch cast her aside. Molly says "am I getting too old for you? thats usually how it works with you isn't it?" which is what made me think that. Molly is also in her mid twenties whole Dutch is 44, and she left her life in Ireland bc she loved him while he only wanted her as a thing to fuck. then he started chatting up Marybeth who, if I had to guess, is about 20-22. quite literally old enough to be her father. so he's a dirty old man on top of all of this.
and also hes a closet racist since his grand plan was to paint a target on the wapiti tribes back despite the chief asking him to leave them alone. meaning he didn't give a shit if that whole tribe was massacred (which would have been the punishment for all the shit he made them do) as long as he and his loyal followers escaped. despite all his pro native talk, about how the Europeans are the true savages, how they destroyed this land, he still participates in that genocide gleefully.
he's nothing but a greedy, selfish megalomaniac but he's a damn good showman and that's how he's gotten everyone wrapped around his fingers. saved them, cared for them when no one else has. typical gang emotional manipulation, but also with cult elements like the requirement for faith in their way of life, the set of beliefs Dutch has constructed from the miller books. there's really nothing redeemable abt his character bc all the good bits were just acting, or they were something to hide how truly rotten he is
ofc it's nice to imagine Dutch as being the dashing rogue, father to everyone in the gang with Hosea his best friend at his side. but that's exactly what he wants you to see him as. and a lot of people don't look past that, so they do believe he went crazy bc of Micah or grief from losing hosea, or got a brain injury, or some other thing. but even Arthur says that he just became more of himself, the self he hid all these years
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kamidukki · 1 year
uGHHHH tumblr is quite glitchy today and i'll resend this ask
anyWAY i remember i saw aknk official posted something a few days ago(?) and announced that episode 3 is almost completed JAJZJANS i'm so ready for the upcoming angst + drama and possible butler being demonized again but ofc i'll be hurt again AAAAAA i remember the pain and worry when haures got captured then it WAS A CLIFFHANGER leaving me quite emotional for a few days waiting for the last update for episode 2 🤣 also im really curious amd want to know more about the butlers' past especially berrien and fennesz 💖
to be honest, berrien is so mysterious and kind of suspicious you dont even know if his actions are really genuine or... not hMMMMMMM 👁👁
OH AND- i saw a jp theory a long time ago, it was a comparison between haures holding his hand out to master and berrien holding out his left hand and aND apparently, it has a meaning!
when someone is holding out their right hand to you, it means the person liked you or comfortable with you
however if someone is holding out their left hand to you..... it means they dislike you or distaste.
guess who's holding out their left hand? BERRRIIEIEIEIEENNNNNAJJSWJAJJA the way my heart broke when i saw that theory lol 🤣
i know its just a coincidence i know BUT imagine the gut wrenching angst if berrien dislikes his master all this time JAJZJAJAJAJA i'll cry for real if it becomes true 🤣 berrien is one of my fave 🥺
Hi, zella!
There's a whole lot to unpack in this ask, so I'm putting the 'aknk' and 'akuneko' tag in this in case someone else also want to give their two cents.
❗⚠ [Spoiler alert, read with caution] ⚠❗
Putting aside Berrien, it'll be such a plot twist if Fennesz get demonized next because everyone (mostly) is predicting butler from either the 3rd floor or the basement to be the center in the next episode's stage 👀 If I remember correctly, Fennesz is currently the one who notices Berrien's different 'aura' when he asked about Haures' demonisation at the end of episode 2...? It would be great if he could play an important role in the future, episode 3 or not, because of that 🤔
I take it this is the announcement you mentioned, right?
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I'm so excited about the next episode too. It's going to be distributed throughout the entirety of the year 2023, it seems? I certainly can't wait to be emotionally devastated once again. Episode 2 was really, really great, wasn't it? 😊
Since we're still in the topic of official announcement... I'd like to go off tangent a bit and talk about the third bullet point. It said, if my understanding is correct, the implementation of full voice acting in episode 2 and and episode 2.5 will be the last ones that come free. From there onwards, they will come into two parts, free and paid ones. Seems like we'll need to pay an additional fee if we want to unlock the voice...? I'm not entirely sure about this one actually. Anyone with a better grasp of Japanese feel free to correct.
I mean, I'm happy if Akuneko's doing well financially and the people who contribute to it, illustrators and voice actors alike, are getting paid well. On the other hand, as a money-wise poor af person, I'm anxious I won't be able to buy it... 😭 I doubt it will come cheaply after all
Moving on to Berrien, this is the tweet that speculated the right/left hand gesture, isn't it? I'm putting a link a there just in case someone either hasn't seen it/wants some context.
I think we all will cry if Berrien hates us 😂 but it's such a delicious theory, an unprecedented move from a joseimuke game should it ever come true. I mean, the most loving, kind-looking male cast that genuinely hates and/or betrays the players at a certain point??? If Akuneko does that, hats off for the bravery. I don't know if they will be able to pull such move though, given the risk of losing players is too big.
And, oh, I'll cry with you too, that's for sure 😭 I also love Berrien too muchー if anything , he is the reason I play Akuneko. But then again I live off the angst and the drama... Well, don't we all, though 😂
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silver-wield · 3 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 3
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
And here we go!
Chapter 3 covers the mythril mine to Junon.
Btw it's been 3 days since they left Midgar, which is on track for Aerith's death within 14 days. The GS date happens 3 days before she dies. Yes, I spent last night working that out because it was bugging me 🤣
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After our encounter with the midgarsomer, we head into the mine following the black robes.
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Cloud, Tifa and Barret have a moment of banter, that's made awkward AF by Aerith bringing up Cloud's hand massage in wall market. Idky she thinks that's something Cloud wants Tifa to know, but it comes across bitchy like she wants to drive a wedge between them.
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Cloud shakes it off and we enter the mine. As we head deeper into the mine we hear a lil lore and some character background from Barret.
And then we hit a tiny snag as some of the robes fall off the path. Tifa's concerned because she's a good person and worries about everyone, but we see Cloud dismiss them. Deviating from the path isn't something he feels compelled to do even if Tifa asks because he's under Sephiroth's influence and the urge to keep going takes priority.
Barret heads off to look after the black robes which eases Tifa's concerns and we're stuck with a split party for the rest of this section.
I previously suggested this would happen on the journey and that we'd be locked in with certain party members for different areas. This not only gives us different battle combos and forces us to use characters we don't like, but it shows different dynamics and how the characters relationships develop when certain buffers aren't around.
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So we're stuck with Aerith along for the ride for this part. Tbh I didn't put any materia on her, didn't do her synergies and didn't upgrade her folios at all and still beat the game with just Cloud at the end, so I pretty much ignored her through this part and every other.
Anyway, we sneak up on Rude having a little convo with Elena. The devs explained they had to change a few things with the Turks because the JP va for Reno passed away and they were using what little recorded lines they had and repurposed old ones so he could be part of Rebirth. This cut back on Reno's appearances, but they said he'll return properly in part three after they cast a new va.
Tbh I didn't mind Elena. She's 18, so ofc she's gonna be annoying. The battle with her and Rude was pretty fun.
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After we kick their asses, Tseng pops up for a word, the same as OG, then drops everyone down a mine shaft.
The party splits again and this time we're onto Barret's gameplay. It's the same as Remake with him shooting everything. It was fine. I wouldn't say it was my least favourite gameplay section but it was average.
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Red reiterates the reason they're chasing the black robes, so the main plot reminders are pretty heavy so far. We see Barret worrying about Cloud, and once they reunite later it's out of the mine and onto Junon.
Honestly, this section felt like a filler chapter and plays like one too. It's fine and has some good moments, but it's not winning any prizes.
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cheemken · 5 months
I re-read some of the Villain Iris AU posts and yeah, Drayton would be DEVASTATED when watching the live stream
Like imagine he’s at home with either his parents or he’s with Drayden at the moment, just trying to stay warm from the ice Kyurem and Iris had placed across the region. He has no idea what to do or what to think, the figure who had terrorized the region, thrown Ghetsis to his death, ruined the ecosystem, made living in Unova actual hell, just revealed themself to be his older sister
And she looks different from how she presents herself in front of him, she looks tired, insane. And when he’s around she looks normal, stressed maybe, but always normal like she wasn’t trying to worry him
Imagine if after the livestream was over, Iris went to find Drayton to invite him to live in Team Plasmas castle with her. He was one of the few people who actually cared for her and looked up to her like she was a hero
And she was his hero
But she just can’t let Drayton live in Opelucid City where there’s barely any food left for the survivors, where it’s freezing cold both outside and inside every building. She wanted her adoring brother to be somewhere safe when she continued to force the region into submission. She wasn’t going to hurt one of the people who cared for her
Last thing but I would think that one of Iris’ goals would be to murder both Hilda and Hilbert. They might’ve been her friends but that was before the voices of Unova got to her, now all she sees is competition she was to be rid off
If the twins are gone, then no one can stop Kyurem from fusing with both Reshiram and Zekrom
And everyone will see Iris as the Hero she always was. As the God she will be
Also I am trying to make this coherent as possible but I’ve only gotten 5 hours of sleep last night and it’s almost 2:00 am rn.
Dude right😭😭 but ough this is giving me villain Diantha vibes now like the og one w her just wanting to keep Augustine safe lmfaooo
Oh this is fucked up man this is so fucked up imagine how that must've went tho, how she's there trying to convince him to stay with her, I imagine it's like,, set after her fight w Hilda, like the one where Hilda broke her nose cause she punched her, imagine that. Iris telling the Shadow Triad to get Drayton for her, ofc, she wants to keep her brother safe too, he always adored her, always looked up to her, saw her as a hero even before she got Kyurem, why would she abandon him the same way everyone else abandoned her?
When the Shadow Triad returned, Drayton in hand, he was trembling as he staggered back, reaching out for his Archaludon's pokeball, only for it to not be there, seeing his pokemon at the hands of the Shadow Triad. And finally he sees Iris standing before him, Kyurem looming behind her, casting a shadow over them, making Iris' crimson eyes glow an ominous light. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as Iris was kneeling before him, the Shadow Triad disappearing. And ofc he expected the worst, Iris was covered in blood, the blood from her nose smeared all over her mouth, her jaw, even on her gloves. Removing her gloves, she reaches out to him, making him flinch as he felt her hand on his head, ruffling his hair.
Looking up at her again, he sees her smile, but god it wasn't the same one he's so used to seeing, this one feels twisted, sordid, it didn't feel right, her fangs were bared, as she said, "I'm glad you're safe, Drayton." And god he fucking hates it absolutely hates it how the one looking so adoringly at him isn't the same sister who used to tell him stories when they were younger, who gave him piggyback rides, who always believed he can achieve so many things despite his laziness; no, this wasn't his sister, this was a monster mimicking his sister, and god did he hate it, "I don't know what I'd do if anything happens to you."
Imagine her pulling him up to a hug tho, he can smell the blood on her, it made his stomach churn. Then she's there smiling again, god he doesn't wanna look at her anymore. "I can't just let you live here with grandpa, you know how he is, plus..." She looks down from the Frigate, looking at the state Opelucid is in, "do you really wanna live in this frozen death trap?" She then turns to him, "in the castle, you can have all the food you want, it's warm there too," she said, pulling him to her side. "You don't have to worry about going to school, not like you cared about it in the first place, right?" She laughed at that, Drayton just wants to run away from her
But can you imagine tho Drayton finally confronting her abt shit, why she became like that, she was a great Champion, she was his hero, everyone loved her. Then suddenly Iris' demeanour changed, she was almost glaring at him, staring right through him, almost piercing. Her voice was cold, bitter cold, "don't be naive, Drayton." She spat out, "do you honestly think they'd tell you they hate me right at your face?" Taking a step forward, he took a step back, "do you really think they'd tell you how much they hate me?" He took another step back, "do you really think that I don't hear about the way they wanted Hilbert to be the Champion, how much they looked down on me, how much they wanted me to lose?" His back had hit the edge of the Frigate, "do you really think I don't know how much this region hates me?"
Drayton tried to tell her that not everyone hates her, they shouldn't, she's doing everything for this region, then she just laughs as she shakes her head, pulling him to a hug again. God he hates the smell of blood. "You should know better, Drayton." Her voice was but a whisper, "you should know, our family looked down on you too," her grip turned tight, "I heard everything they said about you. How you can never be at their level. Can never be a Dragon Master." And she's there stroking his hair, "even when you became Champion of the academy, they didn't care." Then she pulled away, looking at him like how she looked back then, so softly, like the sister he once knew, "but I cared. Grandpa may never be proud of you, but I am."
And just hcmxbxn y'know Iris just low-key manipulating him, snapping her fingers and suddenly the Shadow Triad showed up again, handing over Drayton's pokemon, as she tells them to lead Drayton to the quarters, to let him rest for a bit, to give him food, as Iris herself will plan her next attack. Ofc, the twins being her next target. She already has Zekrom with her, already fused with Kyurem. Now she only needs Reshiram, and soon she'll have the Original Dragon by her side, submitting to her commands.
Soon, she'll show them just who the God of Fate truly is.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
Chapter 190
wow I'm back with these things! didn't do them for a bit, and to be honest I thought this chapter break was very long, but that's just because I forgot last month's chapter happened for a moment. weird cause I thought it was sad and funny, but reasonable.
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yana really went hard here and I'm so happy, Ada deserves this panel so much☆☆☆ I'll maybe never see her again and I'll probably forget soon but girl you a keeper.
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I like that we have this little thing here, shows us everyone we know so far, kinda. yana's refusal to draw Polaris's right eye really doesn't do good for me. those other two seem to be people we don't know. I think I still fall on the possibility of him being Joker, which is a common theory. makes sense enough. but I'm not committed.
also, the one on the bottom left looks to be of Asian decent right? the only connection I can think of is to the quin bang, but that's a stretch.
also some of you know lots a flowers and that's very cool! that's a flower back there right? idk. I suck at flowers.
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my first impression when he makes these shocked faces is that he's truly alarmed by the information. however after reading the panel below, it seems like that face is just his "new scheme in the making" face.
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nice to see Lau is the same as ever. I really hope Ada and the rest have some sort of freedom from now on. Lau is sly with his repayment debts anyway. and I sure hope this is some side "i must bring honor to my country" thing and not some more relevant plot twist thing.
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this poor girl I want to give her everything. she was meant to do nothing more in this world. also me too Lau. glad we all agree some information just gets lost over time. how is this man so powerful??
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@grelleswife mentioned that so far all of the servants arcs have ended with a sunset, and thats a cool observation! i like that. gives me hope for the future. ofc yana isn't too predictable, but still. generally this panel is just... mhm. feelings.
that seems like a wrap then, overall super mega happy ending, finally!! it's been so long. I gotta say it doesn't feel as complete as a wrap that we were all expecting, but I think that's the general fault of having too much time to theorize and then totally expecting an explosion and multiple deaths. Ada is taken care of, Bard's alive, no one dies hazah. I think we can safely say that no one will die in these miny arcs until we get to ciel and sebastian unfortunetly.
one more thing though.
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ngl i kinda forgot he was even here for a moment, no shade to Ronald I was excited and expectant but that's just what happens with a poor memory and 9 pages a month.
sorry that I'm just unable to buy the official translations atm so sit through my possibly unofficial confusion for a moment please. so Al is someone who seemingly is an ally of Layla, or so she thought. I have doubts that Ronald is a twist villain, even if it's just hopeful thinking. here though, Ronald's dialogue does in a way make it seem that he was supposed to meet with her, and she was certainly expected an "Al". RonAld is too much of a stretch right? or is that what is meant to be assumed?... what was his doctor allias again anyway, Dr. Knox right? idk sorry I gotta reread this whole arc soon but luckily it won't take long.
I would frankly be mad if Ronald turns out to be a secret baddy because 1) means future conflict with our cast. and grelle :< no they're meant to be best buds. also 2) means we need a whole other chapter to explain this and have them talk. nope, we're gone now sorry.
I doubt he is, I just wonder what type of deal he would have brought up with her.
and yea please discard the child, im very sorry to whatever she was before the fake soul inhabited the body, truly, my heart brakes. now throw it away.
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kennabeth · 1 year
as someone who's seen both the x files and read the inkheart series do you also see a similarity between mulder and mo??? both of them have someone disappear in their lives and seem to perpetually victimize themselves because of it. also hot headed and kind of rash and self righteous. just realized this myself
congrats on sending my absolute favorite ask i've ever received omg
i 500% see exactly what you mean--i've been thinking about this the past few days and there are so many examples i think of mo's mulder-esque rashness but when basta says he's going to start maiming meggie in inkheart to make mo read and mo doesn't even change his expression or say anything and just pitches the mug of boiling water at basta's head has GOT to be something mulder actually did in the show. has to be.
idk if you're familiar with the absolute funniest txf post on the entire internet ("ever heard of the knife alien") but the energy coming off of that is the exactly how it feels when mo tries to explain how the reading thing works.
person: "there's no way that person over there is a book character you brought to life. that's just ridiculous"
mortimer: "ever heard of fucking magic"
and resa as samantha?? i could spend Y E A R S thinking on what that says about her since we never find out what happened for sure to samantha and honestly get to decide which of the possible options we like best.. which is so in-theme with inkheart in general i want to weep. samantha's story is always told FOR her and she never got the chance to have any agency in it which. whew. is so exactly what resa was furious about in inkdeath (how the inkworld is a world for men but she will not stand by and let them tell her story for her yk!!). even before we find out in inkheart that resa is alive and well (well. not really) there's so much speculation about where she could be, why she would have left (from the people who don't know she got sucked into the book), what she's like now that i refuse to believe cornelia didn't watch the sht out of txf and internalize it even by accident. ain't no way.
detour over--mo and mulder both just. THRIVE on being the designated Sad Boy in the room. mulder does because he's an attention whore but i think it's the only way mo feels validated in a grief he can never fully explain to people for fear of looking like he believes bigfoot came from the fucking moon. he certainly doesn't have peers he confides in even in a casual, non-magic-related capacity (all of the folcharts being such crippling loners is kind of funny; someone remind me to come back to that one day) so he needs everyone he comes into contact with to acknowledge his pain without letting them actually know him. so he--for lack of a better term--acts out and gets himself into the dumbest possible situations. always tells stories like he's the only one affected by whatever happened (unless the other possible victims are resa or meggie ofc) (and this isn't rabid dustfinger-stan!kenna talking, i'm thinking about the lack of empathy for fenoglio's grandchildren being traumatized, the dismissive "wow that sucks" when strolling players were killed because of him (although maybe we can argue he just didn't feel like meggie needed to hear that idk)).
all that's up until inkdeath which is so obviously and magnificently his book. his rise above victimhood to become the avenging angel fenoglio thought he was casting as cosimo is so gorgeously written i feel like i should send cornelia $50 for rereading privileges. and that's where he and mulder finally diverge i think--and it's not quite fair to mulder because so much of his character was dependent on duchovny but mans really just took tf off on his gf and their tiny baby, had no contact with her, took no responsibility, lowkey becoming scully's samantha for a while lmao.
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makowo · 2 years
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[no no go off flood my tags it is super weird about how Kyoko is given a hope obsession despite her just trying to make a clever compliment and I don't get how he needs better friends, like his friends are willing to harbor terrorist fugitives for him what more do you want.]
okay okay okay. SO.
Kyoko is most fucking definitely not hope obsessed. i dont know how people were led to interpret her like this, but it's obvious if you think about her backstory, motivations, and actions for a even few minutes.
Kyoko is someone entirely defined by her logical way of thinking, and is literally written to directly contrast Makoto's more emotional thought process. She makes no direct reference to Hope and Despair as actual concepts or sides to take, other than in the final trial, when everyone has to do that. She calls Makoto the Ultimate Hope with no idea that it would really catch on, or that this would be a title with any weight.
Hell, Makoto isn't even that hope-obsessed, none of the dr1 cast is (except Junko ofc, though obsessed with opposition to it). He mentions it a lot because he's gotta as the Ultimate Hope, and the world is kinda defined by this conflict. Nagito and Munakata are the only major characters that could be defined like this directly, tbh
Makoto also already has great friends. It's just that at that point, they had known each other for a month, wherein that entire month was dictated by a high stress situation where any of these strangers could be plotting their murder at any moment. The reason Kyoko is the one to save Makoto is not because she's the only one that cared, she's the only one that was entirely convinced of both his innocence and survival.
The others had to have known in some way that Makoto was innocent, even though Kyoko certainly informed none of them of this. But Monokuma had stuck tightly to this idea of following the rules he set, and the fifth trial was really out of left field. I can't blame them for not trying to go save Makoto because they had no idea if he even survived that execution anyway, and if they didnt vote for someone during that trial, they would all die. It was a lose-lose situation, with no right answer to it.
(I will say however that canon does NOT do well with showing how they would have grown closer after escaping HPA, and that scene in the cafeteria where everyone backs off from him like that was just a bad attempt to shove in some comedy to lighten the tension. This doesn't immediately mean they're assholes to him tho, just stop taking canon at face value like that.)
In the end, I do think some of this can also be attributed to Makoto fans entirely misinterpreting Makoto's character. I'm sure you've seen the Jesus Makoto posts, as well as lots of people viewing him as pure and without fault without thinking abt any of his actions (blatantly points at sdr2) critically, nor even probing the surface of his character. I don't need to say anything more.
43 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
we all know that if naekusaba somehow happened at some point in canon then they'd definitely be awkward exes at best right. like we all are aware that makoto hears abt her crush on him and felt kinda bad, so he tried to make her happy by giving it a try. it couldnt work out at all though bcs mukuro likes him just because he smiled at her once, cant hold a conversation for the life of her, and generally doesn't have the personality nor any interests that would mesh well with his at all. the only reason it lasts as long as two months is bcs makoto doesn't have the heart to back out and mukuro doesn't want to acknowledge the truth of the situation. it's painfully obvious to everyone else though, so someone steps in because it's just unbearable to watch it go on for any longer
43 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
we could be doing something very neat with despair makoto aus yknow.
something about the Ultimate Hope title being inherently cursed for the superiority it gives over other people while also constantly perpetrating the concept of Ultimates as a whole.
something about how it is a title given to those that managed to survive extreme suffering that they should never have had to go through, but only puts them further away from others around them.
something about the way it makes others glorify the person; they are brought to being a symbol of something greater, a herald of a new age. An expected martyr, at worst. that person isnt a person anymore, just a stand-in for something greater
something about how it would inevitably destroy even the kindest people, because no person could bear that weight. The inevitable end is destruction of others and the self, because there's far too much strain put upon a person who got this title for going through something horrible.
no matter how much good it symbolizes, no matter how much good can be done with it, it still holds a similar standing as Ultimate Despair. opposites inevitably reflect one another.
45 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
see if you're going to make Naegi an angel or some divine, powerful thing in an au you have to do it with some amount of irony. it is integral to Naegi's character that he is from a very normal background, a completely innocuous person who is thrust into the limelight via the most stressful method possible. You can't get around that fact without rewriting a huge chunk of what caused him to be a kind, compassionate person.
it feels just. Wrong. when Makoto starts out special. that role of being special must be thrust upon him, or it be previously stated that he wasn't always such a person. Makoto is a normal guy who must suddenly need to take on the great responsibility of leading others, due to his stellar performance of leading others in a deeply traumatizing event.
if he's specifically stated to be the one and only person able to be this beacon of hope, and/or takes it with absolute grace, then like. what the Fuck is the point yknow. that's not Makoto, that's an ideal version of Makoto that completely undermines his extremely average background, and his continuous troubles with self-esteem and the lack of experience he has in being "special".
62 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
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543 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
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opinions on the Geats cast now and what are your hopes for the endgame.
I'd think that Ace is a good example of how making someone mysterious while being also an active player in the story. His mystery is compelling and personally is a good hook to the story, though the series starts to really get into that midway, with early on his presence isn't felt by some, thinking that other Riders feel more like main.
Personality wise, I think he's an example of being arrogant without looking down on others, unlike people such as Tendou or Tsukasa, though he can still seem insufferable. Thought at first he's more Sento or Haruto type, until ep. 8 of which it's shown that he's more ruthless type like Tendou and Tsukasa, not that it's not unexpected.
His abilities are showcased well and entertaning, in his battle capabilities and skills in battlefield, or his abilities to turn things into his favor without feeling out of place, as everything is nicely set up, like the "asspull" of Boost Mark II from his previous reincarnation's wishes, though I personally not a fan of his ep. 1 fight much of charging with guns.
Some of the boy scout type of characters have the writing only focusing on them being good to others alone, but at least for Keiwa, it's addressed as something problematic that he lacks aspirations, which is something to look forward in how he can grow from that. It actually can causes him to be unwittingly inconsiderate on what's good for others in their lives, and the show actually addressed that as something faulty for him.
Eventually he developed into understanding that everyone has a right to make their own wishes and cling into it in how important it can be, while he has more clear goal but doesn't mean straying away from his helpful nature, reviving the Riders who died in the game due to not liking seeing them dying.
He's a tanuki and thus he should be a trickster, like Ace. And it eventually happened in the show when he tricked Girori into exposing himself and I'm glad for that. But I also would want to see more of that, becoming something more consistent of him (but not underhanded) particularly when the show sets him up as Daichi the schemer's main enemy.
In the first episode Neon seems similar to victim of the week, though ofc promoted as a Rider, but I began to feel that there's an effort in writing her for her first 2 parter in ep. 3-4, in how her home life is depicted and shot in the series. I like that her development in that episode stays consistent that she stays a capable fighter, though it's less prevalent nowadays as her along with Keiwa lacks upgrades for now.
Not a bad thing, but her arc later also resembles some of the KR franchise's staples, like her learning the circumstances between how she's made into a Rider being a pawn for others (nepotism, and unknowingly Kousei wants to have her marry future people), and how she has an existensial crisis over her origins (which happens to many other major girl characters in KR franchise). Something I like though is that, her depression doesn't immediately end after Beroba's doxxing, she's still processing through it.
I like how in the series, Michinaga's attitude is portrayed as a shortcoming, with him actually being held back from it, for something like, being a hostile loner or a buffalo who makes rash decisions and is stubborn, with other characters also calling him out for it. I'd also rather if Beroba gets more credit in his victory over the JGP too.
I also think his character has been consistent, in how his callousness steers him, where he's established as thriving over Riders' predicaments and deaths, and not giving a damn about civilians, of which him having more standards as a DGP player isn't done due to caring for them, but to not make himself similar to the Riders who left Toru for dead (albeit he has been hypocritical), and later when needed, he'd have no qualms attacking or murdering Riders, or even some civilians, it's not him being corrupted by Jamato Buckle or such. He just didn't care, and if he has good intentions, it's solely end justifies the means type.
I'd also think that his sense of honor play contrasts Ace, of which while a dirty player, Ace looks out for people more and is genuine in helping them. Michinaga has a code of honor, and will punish the Riders whose cruelty, like his views towards them, is clear in his eyes like Morio and Daichi, but it only diminishes his cruelty like, "I'd want to dispose someone in upfront way, not in backstabbing way", and he oftentimes still doesn't act to stop that cruelty, leaving them be, like when Beroba doxxes Neon.
I thought Tsumuri has rather small screentime and presence, outside of the 2nd DGP, kinda like... Sophia in Saber, though it doesn't damage the series, and that she's getting more recently. Even moreso for Sara, who obviously, gets more recently as Hakubi.
Niram is an interesting and charismatic higher up with his antics and worldview, by contrast Girori feels wooden and he lacks foresight in his actions. Chirami is even worse with him being utterly dumb though it's an intentional part of the story rather than unnoticed. Win is a fun adversary, though he feels less competent than he lets on IMO, and has tragic parts, dunno how they're taking his direction now. Samas has the worst lack of presence IMO, only revolving around Niram.
The supporters are all screwed up due to how future life is, though they get believable development, with Ziin learning the value of life, and Kyuun learning to vocalize his feelings. Not yet for Kekera now. Beroba is an effective and competent villain who is used well to be threatening, and she's not kidding in how much she wants to see misery.
There are perhaps wasted extra Riders with how easily they're dying. Would say for eariler villains Kanato serves as a good contrast for Neon, and Morio moves Keiwa and Michinaga's characters forward. Ittetsu's character is all about his age, including in the reason he protects people. Sae feels like bringing girls rule boys drool though her last moments with Neon is nice. Daichi feels wasted though despite his extended screentime, him joining the Jamato is useless though he had a successful plan, and his demise is just a repeat of Morio's.
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