#this isn't fair why did you make me gay jesus
hearthtrob · 6 months
woowee thats a doozy and oh lord suddenly i am oh so in love
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
ok I’ll be honest, I was one of the people who approached your safe space post with the mindset “yeah, but…” like, I now whole-heartedly agree that there should absolutely be fandom spaces devoid of real world issues. We all need our spaces to rest and relax. I think I just felt weird about your post because previously ive been in fandom spaces which did operate on the (perfectly fine) rule of ‘no politics’…but ‘politics’ would also include talking about a gay ship or any queer headcannons.
That obviously wasn’t fair to you because you obviously didn’t mean that w/ your post, but I can personally see as to why some people would feel that way if they were in similar fandom spaces. I do still want to reiterate I do agree with your post and I think some of the rebloggers took it…a bit far? Like Jesus Christ some of y’all need to eat a snickers. I also think some of the wording like “bitching about world issues” and “whining about their shitty parents” might’ve thrown me off but that’s not your fault and really a non-issue 🤷🏽‍♀️
you can delete this ask if you want I really won’t mind, I think I can just see as to why there were so many ‘yeah, but…’ rebloggers.
I actually really appreciate asks like this. For a multitude of reasons, but also because it gives really good insight and outer perspective for both me and other people who are aware of or involved in the discussion.
I think what a lot of people don't yet grasp about me is that while I may hold an opposing view to yours (general, not directed), in the vast majority of cases I still very much understand why people would think the way they do and where that thought process comes from and goes.
Its very, very easy to fall into the mindset of thinking that not helping when you have the ability to makes you a bad person or however in/directly causes suffering. Its very easy to be in the mindset of one single individual making a magnitude of difference.
I fully and genuinely understand and comprehend a lot of the points being brought up.
I just don't agree with them and hold a different outlook on those issues.
For example:
Talking about enjoying a queer ship to me is not 'political' in the sense that, personally, if you're a homophobe and upset by generic conversations about queer people, I really could not give a fuck. And if you raise objections to me talking about two dudes kissing, I'm simply going to remove you from my space because clearly it is not beneficial for either of us to share it. And I made it.
Its obviously very very much down to personal discretion to decide where that line is and what that bracket encompasses, but I think the most universal aspect of that safe space post was trying to get people to understand that forcing others to suffer in solidarity isn't activism and that strangers are not obligated to allow you to use them as support and a dumping ground for your needs.
Spreading around videos of people's dead loved ones isn't activism.
Spamming taglines and buzzwords on completely unrelated posts and videos isn't activism.
Relying on complete strangers for emotional and mental support and regulation while dumping vulnerable, graphic, personal information on them is neither safe nor healthy.
People are not obligated to smother or confine their happiness because of your misery. If you're having a bad day you have no right to tell other people they can't be happy in front of you.
A lot of people, mostly white knighters and people of color took the post as "a white privileged pig saying its okay to let racism slide because you want to play your video games" (actual hate mail I received) and that's so laughably and wildly far from the actual basis of the post.
I've had bigots in my servers before. Homophobes or racists who've slipped through the cracks.
You know what happens when they say something homophobic or racist?
They're immediately removed, blocked and reported, and their information is placed in a private document I keep. I issue an apology to the members of the server for their actions, and life goes on.
People are, of course, entitled to take the post as they see fit. They're entitled to their own perspectives and opinions. I'm more than happy to simply focus on the people who have taken support, guidance and solace in the post.
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alarajrogers · 1 month
Friendly reminder from a former-Catholic-now-atheist that today is a great day to remember that "Zionist" does not mean "Benjamin Netanyahu's butt monkey", "eager supporter of the murder of Palestinians", or even "supporter of everything Israel does, right or wrong." It means "someone who believes the Jews should have their own homeland, and preferably, it should be in the place where they originated, that they are indigenous to." Which happens to be Israel.
If you find yourself thinking that Zionism, by itself, is terrible, maybe it's because you're asking one of the following questions! Well, they all have good answers.
Why do Jews need a homeland? Well, first off, why does any ethnic group need a homeland? Secondly, though... do you know anything about antisemitism? It's not just the Holocaust, you know -- Jews have been persecuted in every country they entered, on Earth, since the Romans forced them out of their homeland 2,000 years ago. And the reason they were persecuted? They were outsiders. They didn't do things the way everyone else did. If you're queer or neurodivergent, don't tell me you can't relate to that!
But antisemitism is a thing of the past! Buddy, I don't know how to tell you that your own movement has inspired violence against random Jews. And that the belief that "thinking a Jewish homeland is a good idea" makes someone evil is, um, antisemitic.
But that's not what Zionism means! Zionism is unconditional support for Israel! Right, and socialism means communism, and communism means totalitarian thought control and forcing cis people to be trans and straight people to be gay. What? The right wingers say it, so it must be true, right? It's the people who hold a belief who get to say what it means, not the people who are ideologically opposed to them.
Okay, but what Israel is doing to Palestine is evil and unforgivable. No disagreement there, buddy! What Israel is doing to Palestine is evil and unforgivable. So is what my country, the United States, did to Iraq 20 years ago, but last I checked, if there's anyone around declaring that the United States should not exist because of what we did to Iraq, they are pretty fringe and no one cares what they think. Whereas this belief that Israel should not exist because of its extreme cruelty toward Palestine is getting pretty mainstream on the left!
Okay, but Israelis are colonizers. Is there a statute of limitations on land-back? Israel is the ancient Jewish homeland that they were forced out of 2,000 years ago. (Anyone who tells you that this isn't true is wrong, and if they're Christian, they're also actively lying, because the Christian Bible talks a lot about Jews living in Israel, a lot of our Christmas songs mention it, it's, like, a fundamental part of the story of Jesus, which all Christians are expected to know at least a little bit. It is understandable for Muslims to be misinformed on this point, but Christians know better.) So no, Israelis aren't colonizers, not in Israel-qua-Israel, although the assholes trying to push Palestinians out of the West Bank after Israel signed treaties saying the West Bank belongs to the Palestinians absolutely are.
But the Palestinians were there first! Um... no. What is confusing you is that the Jews were forced off their own land 2,000 years ago. Since then, the Palestinians moved in. It is undeniable that Palestinians were forced off land they had lived on for generations in order to create Israel. But if you're gonna argue that living on land for many generations means you have more right to it than the people who originally held it, you've just shot every land back movement in the foot.
That's not fair to the Palestinians! I agree with you. And if I was forced off my property because Native Americans had it first, and told to go back to my homeland -- which, because I am a mutt of Irish, Italian, German and probably random others' descent, is nowhere -- that would be pretty unfair to me, too, since I didn't participate in stealing it from the Native Americans. Good thing no land back movement that anyone takes seriously is actually demanding such a thing, or there would be billions of displaced refugees of European, African, Asian and mixed heritage being forced to live exactly nowhere. Which is why the Palestinians were given half the land mass of ancient Judea, because goddamn, this situation is unfair to everyone. Jews deserve a homeland and so do Palestinians and it happens to be the same territory. There is no facile "correct" answer here.
Israel is an ethnostate. So is England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, etc, etc, what's your point? Any land that wasn't taken over by colonizers is technically an ethnostate. However, there are a lot of non-Jews in Israel. Some of whom, the Druze, had several of their children recently killed by a bombing attack by terrorists who are supposedly pro-Palestine, so, um, if an ethnostate by nature oppresses those not of the ethnicity, then those people, oppressed by Israel, should have had common cause with Palestine, right? Yet pro-Palestinian terrorists killed them. Kind of does a lot of damage to the "Israel shouldn't exist because it's an ethnostate" argument. Also, what's Palestine but an ethnostate? And how do you argue for land back movements in colonized territories and also say "it is bad for an indigenous people to be in control of their own homeland?"
The problem with Israel and Palestine, as others have pointed out, is that it is too complicated to have facile solutions. Long-term antisemitism among Muslims prevented the Palestinians from reaching a good mutual agreement with Israel when it was founded 75 years ago, and there has been enormous bad blood and bad actions on both sides ever since. Both sides have hardened into radical positions like "wipe out all the Jews" or "every Palestinian is a potential terrorist and should be treated as such, even babies." This started because of a horrific unprovoked terrorist attack on civilians (which, by the way, is not an effective strategy for "freedom fighters" to get what they want, ever), which lead to the massive and literal overkill of Israel turning Gaza into a parking lot and murdering thousands of innocent people by bombing civilian targets to get rid of Hamas (which, by the way, is not an effective strategy against terrorists, ever).
This doesn't mean the Jews were wrong for wanting a homeland, or wanting it to be on the land that was stolen from them 2,000 years ago by the Romans. It is also not wrong for the Palestinians to want safety in their homeland, particularly since they are not the Romans and weren't responsible for the initial expulsion of the Jews. Both sides are right in what they want, and both sides are horrifically wrong in how they're trying to get it. But being "anti-Zionism" means you are explicitly against an indigenous group who have been persecuted and oppressed for two thousand years returning to their own lands and ruling themselves. I mean. If you're in favor of landback for any other indigenous group, but you're virulently against it for the Jews and only for the Jews, I don't know what to tell you, buddy. That's antisemitism. The Israelis currently engaging in horrific tactics against a civilian population does not negate the necessity of Israel to exist for the safety of the world's Jewish population, who, again, have been persecuted and oppressed for being different than their neighbors, not for anything they actually did, for two thousand years. If you're queer, neurodivergent, a religious minority such as Wiccan or atheist, an ethnic minority such as African-American, or basically anybody who is not an absolutely normal, average member of the society around them... how the fuck do you justify this belief?
Just to repeat for the people who can't read, I am not Jewish. I am a former Catholic who is now an atheist. I just, you know, happen to not be disgustingly antisemitic, so I notice when Jews are treated differently than other people in a situation that's at all similar to theirs. Try learning some history, and paying some attention, and remembering that whatever you learned about Jews from antisemites, it was wrong and you should be re-educating yourself. A nation that commits atrocities does not need to cease to exist, or why is Germany still here? Why is the USA? Why is England? A nation that commits atrocities needs to stop committing them, and make reparations, and try to prevent it from happening again. And there are many Israelis, and many non-Israeli Jews who believe Israel should exist, who want to make that happen. Condemning "Zionists" because Israel is currently engaged in atrocities when you are not in favor of forcibly ending the existence of England as a nation (not Great Britain, I'm talking about England), or the US, or Germany... boy oh boy, I'm smelling antisemitism on the grill there, and it smells rancid. Knock it off. You can support the Palestinians and be absolutely opposed to the actions of the Israeli government without hating everyone in the world that thinks Israel's very existence is a thing that should continue.
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Hello! Firstly, thank you for writing Ted fics, I read everything in the characters voices and I swear they could be straight out of episodes, your characterisation is SO GOOD!
Both fics filled me with the same heartwarming wholesome feeling that the show gives me
Thank you for the HCs as well, if it’s not too much bother, please could you do some more HCs for Colin
OH MY GOD this is so nice???? Thank you???? Of fucking course it isn't too much bother, especially since we've learned so much more about colin since the last time i did HC for him.
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Fair warning tho some of these a going to be a leetle angsty but they get better I promise
Colin Hughes. What a man.
Pre-coming out, he and Isaac were constantly competing to see who could make the other one shriek the loudest with a poke.
Colin is pretty much one of the only ones brave enough to shamelessly go after isaac - the other players will fight back if isaac starts it, but they respect the captain too much to do anything that might somehow undermine his authority
This all stops when isaac learns that colin's gay. And colin tries not to let it show, but it fucking hurts. Aches, even. He didn't even realize that he enjoyed getting tickled by isaac until the man refused to touch him.
Trent Crimm the Independent kind of fills that gap for those few weeks, after he gives colin some advice and claps a hand on the back of his neck, and colin fucking snorts and shoots his shoulders up to his ears
Trent is so good at tickling colin with a completely straight face, and it drives colin bananas. He doesn't know why it makes it tickle so much more, but it absolutely does
Now, personally, i think colin forgave isaac too easily (even though i am glad that they made up!) Like, the whole 'isaac not being able to say i love you' thing broke my heart, so i imagine that it would at least crack colin's a little bit. If anything, it makes him more cautious around isaac, like he doesn't want to set him off again
Colin won't initiate any physical contact with isaac, because he doesn't think he can take the rejection of isaac pulling away again. He tries to be grateful that he's mostly got his friend back, but trent notices the look in his eyes when he stops himself from giving isaac a poke in the ribs as he walks past
Eventually, trent calls isaac over and patiently explains the situation to him. Isaac is shocked that colin feels like he can't touch isaac anymore (because let's be honest, isaac is an emotionally illiterate dumbass), and immediately feels so fucking guilty
He asks trent what he should do, and trent just raises his eyebrows with a, "show him that it's okay"
What follows is possibly the tickliest week of colin's life
Isaac makes a point to casually spider over colin's knee in the locker room, scribble across his tummy during stretches, and claw at his shoulder blade to make him fuck up doing drills. Now that he's looking for it, isaac wonders how he could possibly have missed the way colin's face lights up when he tickles him, and how the smile always stays on his face long after it's over
By the end of the week, colin is a jumpy mess, and isaac finally takes pity on him and wrecks his shit, attacking all of colin's worst spots, making him promise to go back to normal, and even going so far as to make colin say, "I am allowed to have fun with my friends. Being gay doesn't make it weird."
It is barely understandable because isaac was scribbling over colin's shoulderblades at the time, but it still gets the message across
After that, things go pretty much back to normal, except it seems like a weight has been lifted off colin's shoulders.
He resumes his position as Richmond's Most Wiley Ler, as well as his membership of the Wreck Jamie Tartt's Shit As Often As We Want Because He Clearly Adores It club
Once, roy put a hand on colin's shoulder when he's trying to coach him, and colin jumps away with a flushed face. Roy just looks at the sky like Jesus Fucking Christ, another one
Will tease Jamie expertly but absolutely cannot take what he dishes out
And, of course, he is always keeping an ear out if the other lads make any rude insinuations about Wales. Bumbercatch once said something about welsh independence and colin tickled him to the brink of insanity. (Yes, if jamie is in a massive lee mood, he knows the quickest way to get colin to wreck him is to insult his home country).
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voidsentprinces · 3 months
When Zenos finally shows up at the end of this 10 year arc:
Warrior of Light: SO! You're FINALLY BACK after like…seven more apocalypti. How was your WALK!?
Zenos: Got a little too excited and got a little lost. Turns out by consuming the last bit of the Mothercrystal, some…side effects happened.
-The Aetherstream-
Zenos: …I was made to believe there would be an entire life stream of souls just sitting around. WHERE IS EVERYONE!
Shade: Hello. Names Davyd, I was a book man.
Zenos: Didn't ask. But alright.
Shade: And I am saaaaaaad.
Zenos: Oh…JESUS!
Shade: Who?
Present Day Z: Turns out, I was stuck in the aetherstream playing judge, jury, and executioner with all the souls me and the Ascian's chaos destroyed.
Zenos: Soooo…you didn't have a TONNE of friends.
Davyd: I think it was because I was ugly.
Zenos: Mmm…probably?
Davyd: Oh.
Zenos: But who gives a fuck. That just means the people you did business with, were clients for YOU! Not for some other bullshit reason.
Zenos: Well…that was weird.
Shade: HEeeeeEeeeEeyyy…
Zenos: Hello?
Shade: I'm Jaquas, a Serpent of Gridania
Zenos: OOooooooooh….
Jaquas: and I don't want to be racist BUUUUUT!
Present Day Z: And my only way out was bringing peace to these dead souls.
2 Expansions Later
Shade: And I'd just…get SO angry every time I saw a cat girl kiss another cat girl.
Zenos: You ever think that was because YOU wanted to BE the CAT GIRL! Because if you Fantasia somehow your Warrior buddies from Ishgard would think less of you?
Shade: Ah…AH SHIT!
Shade: …you wanna make out?
Zenos: I don't date patients.
Shade: That's fair fades
Zenos: NEXT!
4 expansions later
Present Day Z: Started actually getting half good at it.
Shade: So he resented me because I never made time for him, unless I asked?
Zenos: BINGO! Cause if it REALLY MATTERED! You'd of made time for him…between the crippling Triple Triad addiction of course.
Shade: DAMN! fades
Zenos: NEXT!
Shade: Don't know why she was angry. I told her, I'd be happy no matter what she chose!
Zenos: Look lady, she wasn't looking for a yes person. She was looking for a PARTNER! You are together to make hard choices together! Not just be a CRUTCH!
Shade: AH SHIT!
Zenos: NEXT!
Shade: I don't get it my schoolmates are all interested in other gender but I--
Zenos: Have you ever heard of the gray spectrum of the Pride Cavalry? Asexuality is welcome there. Here this pamphlet might help out!
Shade: OH SHIT! Thanks man.
Zenos: Do not THANK the man who got you MURDERED! NEXT!
Zenos: People wouldn't of disrespected you for glamouring into a moogle head and a bright pink dress. THEY WOULD OF WORSHIPPED THE GROUND YOU WALK ON!
Present Day Z: Turns out like…a third of them just hadn't realized they could just glamour into dresses or pants suits and the world would actually love them for it.
Zenos: And again, that's why your relationships kept failing…BILLBOARD.
Zenos: Dude, you are ALLOWED to love S.C.I.O.N.S. that much, it was a GOOD show!
Zenos: YOU'RE GAY! Halone ISN'T STRAIGHT…I think?
Zenos: Getting mad at Allagan Projecting Media made for teenage lasses was dumb then AND ITS DUMB NOW!
Zenos: Do not mistake youthful selfishness for GENUINE malice. No one wasn't a little shit when they were 16 winters in and at least one calamity deep.
Zenos: Yoooooooouuuu…
Shade of Z: …….
Zenos: …
Shade of Z: …are WE a BAD person?
Zenos: Weeeeeellll…lets start with that time we killed a bunch of Domans for SPORT!
Shade of Z: We WERE pretty MAD at DAD that day…
Present Day Z: And then I spent the next 4 years on THAT…
Warrior of Light: Couldn't you of just killed them all?
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scentedchildnacho · 10 months
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I did tell pastor the helicopter noise violence was people who whale....they kill whales and they don't care if many animals like humans are innately smart and kept treating something smart that way....
Yes my cousin is business....but she though from wisconsin has always been foriegn or the peripheral disease....we don't ever expect much or anything from those people and their vain attractions to British lifestyles....
Don't think I cry if yet another boring awful mean Lisa Thanksgiving is gone from my life....they never once tried to make me happy...
Lisa is that creep mean school kid that marries black guys that I have to find out about life are not above my civil designation in life....and wants to stalk around as an ego maniac so don't think I expect anything from someone that pours that much attention on herself unreflective people are horrible people and rude crude bores....
I was white and Catholic leaning and Jesus is black and black people live in perfect well meant correct societies and they obviously understand common order and a previous history of peace and fortune and it was really hard for me to leave that delusion....
In law autumn that business woman also.....now I would never expect anything from people that boobie germane but her friend list that would truly rape me unconscionably like throwing me off a motorcycle or drinking me death if I desired pasta late at night like growing students do
These peripheral characters in my family my own family is what tries to kill me
No i found out my mother and sister are really correct and don't have much to worry about that's true they just can't be happy with me my case with my captors and perps arent something they deserve these peripheral characters though really really are what do all they can to stalk them to be with them....people like me are biological and if told divorce realities move on with my life like I could be way happier if their owners weren't around me
Business Snowden if their always needing to defame me to kill me of thievery to support french banlieus that deserve decency to.......then it's a never ending cyclic pattern or world dictators they will fuck with me till the states learns from east Europeans how to better defend itself and they will bomb Europe and bring back a lot of missing deserved life.....in the end they don't think I deserve the right to life they feel I pay for air for sleep etc ...
I don't like certain Parisians about human rights what is all this you have to have a house to have dignity life isn't fair though fair is never going to keep you alive......and I have a right to life not people too juvenile to ask themselves what their climate problem truly is.....
Well it's Her that told me on dignity levels I can't give whores and men a settlement that doesn't call them angels housing is for angels that's that delusion those people are whores and men and I shouldn't have to give nothing till all is given to European waist lines
Now they don't appreciate what the Lord gives their like give a whore a room of her own so it gets taken away till you settle....
They told me their are behavioural places to stay so I said I try to not be stalked with leave one condemnation for another when those people are stalkers and it's just somewhere private off camera to get to commit the murder
I did confess to her my contempt for that lady with her mother....it's I'm sorry but the elderly go through youthful things and that is not the place of the daughter to help with that hygiene
Uhm your not gay and you shouldn't do that
Truth is my mother was correct in life and if called a mental can pay for these spa like conversations now why won't you let your mother pay for these things
Uhm they did pair me with an elderly lady in Ruidoso but her weirdos are too violent for me ....it's a problem out of my capability but they did at least think about giving me a job with the elderly ....
I was white and it's difficult to want poor white people when privileged white people show up with gun training and the right contracts and security is again established
Many people do really need much better security.....
That's me about The People people thieve off The People with felons resilient to really any counter argument till their gunned off their parasitical focus
The library dance nazi lady.......uhm well when no one impoverished can take a shower or have a notary give them their case file and a suggested release route for boobie to program little things that did then keep me detained under her watch...
And they will accuse her of having professional titles that call me a retard to detain for life and take narcissistic lives off and she today did just yell at me but their propagandists will call her lash out something that connected to my brain permanently instead of negligence incompetence and pogrom....
Anyway she said in a few days she will be allowed something rectified.....so I shouldn't view this as beyond comprehension.....
0 notes
carolinedionecd · 4 years
"What !? No - No"
Sterling palmed her face in shock.
"Mom? What's she talking about?"
Blair is directly looking at Debbie, with brows arched as a sign of confusion. She knew she'll never get an answer from Debbie so she looked at her dad.
She opened her arms as a signal to Anders that she's waiting for an answer. Anderson bit his lip, took a big sigh and looked at Debbie, who's still crying while pointing her shotgun directly at Dana.
"Hello !? I'm shot !?"
Everyone looked at the man who's lying on the floor, Dana's shitty boyfriend. Bowser pointed his gun at the guy, cuffed then took him.
Blair is still waiting for an answer, that she knows she's not gonna get, for now.
"Sterling come here!"
Blair took Sterling's wrist then took her to Bowser's car.
"Blair II - alkdjadniw"
Sterling's blabbering, because she's still in shock. Blair closed the backseat door where they're sitting.
"Listen to me, Sterl. We will always be sisters. Twin sisters. You just came out of our mom's twin sister. See? We're still twins"
Sterling looked at Blair who's waiting for her to speak.
"Y-yeah. Yeah. I could - I could deal with that."
Sterling can't cry. She's overwhelmed with emotions and shock and questions. They both looked out of the window when the police arrived. Dana is being put in jail.
Debbie, Anders, and Bowser are talking when the police left.
"Holy shit! They're gonna know that Bowser is a bounty hunter!"
Blair is now in a panic.
"W-what? Why? How?"
Sterling is still confused, her mind is far away from wherever they are.
"Shit they looked at us! Hide!"
They both ducked.
"Wait, why are we hiding?"
Sterling still full of confusion but she follows what Blair is doing because Blair is the only one that makes sense to her now.
"I - I - why are you hiding?"
Blair asked her back. Suddenly, the driver's seat door opened.
"Girls. I will get you home now. Okay?"
They sighed in relief when they heard Bowser's voice so they sat back on their seats.
"Did you tell them about bounty hunting? Did you tell them that we're on your team?"
Bowser rolled his eyes at Blair's question.
"First, I did not tell them that I am a bounty hunter. Second, they will never know you're on my team."
The twins took a big sigh. Blair is relieved that their cover isn't blown, as if a spy dodged a bullet. Sterling, took a big sigh because now that her mom is actually her aunt, she's seeing the family that she grew up in, in a totally different way.
Bowser broke the silence that made the two look at him.
"Are you okay baby girl?"
He's looking directly at Sterling. Blair looked at Sterling, waiting for her to answer Bowsie.
"Yeah, I guess so."
She looked down on her hand and tried to play with her nails.
"You know what? You don't even look like her. You look more like mom. Our mom. You're her favorite and I'm sure she loves you so much--," Blair's eyebrows crossed again. "--more than she loves me."
Confused with her own sentence, she shrugged it off, like she's telling herself that that's not the point.
"Do you remember in third grade, she told us she's gonna make us a ham sandwich for lunch, and then you got the ham sandwich and I got the peanut butter sandwich !?"
Sterling laughed when she remembered how angry Blair was when they got home and told their mom.
"Do you remember what she said?"
Asked Blair.
"Yeah. You told her, 'where was my ham sandwich !?'"
The two laughed because Sterling made an impression of Blair's third-grade-angry-face.
"Yeah! And she was like, 'Blair, you should learn to give to others especially your sister. I love you both so much but a responsible older sister should always take care of her younger sister.'"
They looked at each other.
"Yeah. That was fair."
Sterling finally agreed.
"She always put you first over me. Always has and always has been. But, works for me. Less attention, less expectation. It's enough for me to know they love me, they love us. But so you know, you have to take care of your kidney because I am not going to donate it. I want to die with my organs complete and intact. "
Bowser, silently listening to them shakes his head in awe.
"I should really stay hydrated."
Hydrated. Shoot. The water bottle. Lock-in meeting. April.
"Bye, Sterl."
Once again, Sterling took a big sigh. Her heart is crumbling like paper. Now her tears are starting to run down but she tried to hide them and wipe them away using her forehand.
"Oh my God!"
She looked at Blair when she heard her scream.
Blair looked back at Sterling with tears in her eyes. With a wide freaking smile.
"It's Miles! He wants to talk!"
Blair happily hugged Sterl. The latter is so happy for her sister.
"Holy crap. We're gonna makeup, we'll be together again! Oh, sweet Jesus! I miss his smell!"
Sterling, can't help but miss April.
Her lips.
Her smile.
Her kiss.
Her smell.
Her skin.
Debbie hugged Sterling so tight. She knows Sterling is in shock but she's scared to let Sterling think negative thoughts and doubt herself.
"M-Can I still call you mom?"
Asked Sterling while they're hugging each other.
"Oh, sweetheart. I am your mom. No one else could be your mom. Okay? And you, are Sterling. You are our daughter. You are sisters - twin sisters."
Debbie softly touched their chins while smiling.
"See? I told you we're still sisters and twins."
Blair happily told Sterling. She smiled so wide. She's never been this happy to be a part of this family.
"I can't even imagine my life without you. I mean, who's gonna let me borrow a bra and never return it and doesn't get mad?"
Sterling laughed again. Anders and Debbie hugged the twins. They looked at each other with a genuine smile. Their hands intertwined with each other. Anders kissed Debbie on her forehead with a sigh of relief because the husband and the wife know that this night just made their family ties stronger than ever.
"Okay, can we please face the fact that you guys still didn't answer my questions last night?"
Typical Blair, asking questions and gets paranoid when they're not being answered.
"Okay, honey. First of all, we are having breakfast. I don't think it's appropriate to talk about that this time."
Blair's brows arched once again because of disbelief.
"A-actually, mom--" Sterling slightly smiled then reached for her nape. "--I want to know. I think I deserve that."
Debbie silently put down her tea, took the napkin out of her lap, and damped it on her lips before saying anything. Anders reached for Debbie's hand that is resting on her lap, which made her look at Anders. She took a big sigh.
"Okay, I'm going to make it short and precise."
Sterling and Blair are waiting for the answers while Anders enjoys himself chewing his food, but it is making an annoying sound. The three girls looked at him.
"What? I'm just eating my food."
Debbie rolled her eyes. The twins looked back at Debbie.
"Dana showed in our old house carrying you. Blair was just a month old. She told me she can't take care of you so she wanted me to take care of you as my own. Dana was a mess. I mean, she still is. But I don't know who your father is. That's it. "
Sterling isn't bothered anymore. She's a Wesley and will always be a Wesley.
"Are you going home right after school?"
Asked Blair while she's driving to school. Sterling's mind is still in the wind.
"Y-yeah. I guess. I don't have much to do."
Blair looked at Sterling with worry.
"It's gonna be okay. I know it's hard for you to walk around and see her in every corner but you have to be strong."
Sterling looked at Blair.
"Yeah. I just have to be strong."
Blair looked at her again, not convinced by how Sterling said those words.
"Or you can pretend you hate her again until it comes true."
Sterling looked at her.
"II-can't do that."
Sterling looked in the side-view mirror when she saw that they're approaching the parking lot.
"Just pretend. Okay? Act tough and doesn't care about her."
The last piece of advice from Blair before they step out of the car. "By the way, you have to take an uber later. I'm gonna meet with Miles. It's our make-up date. Or probably make-up-then-make-out-date."
Sterl just nodded to Blair.
She whispered to Sterling as she saw April approaching them. Sterling's heart is pounding just the thought of hearing April's voice. She's directly looking at April while walking and is ready to stop whenever April greets her but to her dismay, April didn't greet her, or even called her name, or even took a glimpse of her.
Sterling stopped and turned around, chasing April's back by staring at her.
"Hey, Luke!"
Sterling turned her back before she sees the flirting that is about to happen.
"How is she doing that? I mean, that would be so hard for a gay woman to flirt with someone who's not even on her menu."
Whispered Blair to Sterling while walking towards the entrance.
"Shhhh someone might hear you."
Sterling dropped her bag then turned her face down the table. She kept taking deep breaths, assuming it would heal her aching heart.
"I told you to save me a seat beside you"
She heard the voice she's longing to hear, but she kept her cool and decided to only move when the bell rang.
"I'm sorry, Hannah B is already here when I came in. I wouldn't wanna sit beside--"
Ezequiel looked down at sleeping Sterling. April doesn't even need to turn her back to know who that girl is because even her peripheral vision can recognize her instantly. But for the sake of pretending, she looked around and rolled her eyes.
Hey guys I didn't know that tumblr has a limit. So I cant post the whole chapter. If you'd like to continue reading you can go to my wattpad account. Here's the link.
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: TOM BOMB Ali: you will never guess what Tommy: you're adopted? CALLED IT Tommy: too fabulous for those heathens Ali: way to make my actual news look less 😏 Ali: isn't don't oversell it like rule #1 Ali: [sends cast list so its all official] Tommy: darling, breaking every rule is rule #1 Tommy: you ain't that adopted Tommy: OH MY SWEET LORD! YOU BETTER NOT BE TROLLING ME ALISON Tommy: I know your genius extends to photoshop pro but you mustn't use it for such evil Ali: who would I really be hurting with that troll, huh Ali: no one but myself Ali: but if its good enough for Queen Meryl 😁😁😁 Tommy: Preach it sister Ali: I'm so fucking excited I could burst Tommy: Meanwhile my school is putting Fanny and Alexander Tommy: like that Ingmar Bergman fever dream can or should be adapted for the stage Tommy: Jesus Christ Ali: we LOVE child abuse for a fun family night out Ali: guess the parentals like to be shown their money is being spent SERIOUSLY on SERIOUS theatré Tommy: The guardian voted it 8th best arthouse film OF ALL TIME therefore it must be worthy Tommy: I will not hesitate to put on a wig and replace you, Kit Tommy: before I do, 1 question Tommy: WHY AND HOW THE FUCK IS MEENA'S BROTHER NOT PLAYING THE SWEDISH LOTHARIO?!! Tommy: what is your casting director 🚬? Ali: I dread to think what 9 and 10 were 😏 Ali: must put them on my not-to-watch list Ali: 😂 Ro literally called it, we all know, I will uninvite you if you even THINK of upstaging me 😉 Ali: IKR its so funny Ali: maybe he thought he was being subversive casting a black guy Ali: but then I wouldn't have my role if that was his jam so 🤷 go off Tommy: Yeah HARD same 🙄😴 Tommy: you can try but I've sent a congrats text to Carls and she'll re-invite me Tommy: if he was the baby daddy the whole island would know but alright, like Ali: also true Ali: 😂 SERIOUSLY Ali: like hmm, I wonder where this white blonde blue eyed baby came from Ali: when you get diverse with your casting and the plot falls apart 😏 god bless, they're trying Tommy: that's WHY he cast Drew, he's being very catholic and trying to marry you off to the right man at the end Tommy: Sir you can't be deciding he's the daddy like that, how dare you! Ali: and that's WHY he cast me as Donna Ali: knows our ma won't flip out on the implication her daughter hoe'd around all summer and has no idea who fathered her child Ali: the subtle shade of it all Tommy: 😂 Tommy: I can't wait to see her go full Molly Weasley when she realises the plot of the thing Tommy: my Alison COULD NEVER you wanker! Tommy: would never 'cause you'd be in chains 😏 Ali: that's the other possibility, he hasn't clocked I'm GayLite and he thinks the idea I'm knocked up is right jokes Ali: Ma wishes 🤞🤞🤞 Tommy: Or he's calling out his biphobia and everyone who is as a HUGE whore Tommy: that's awkward Ali: when you don't prove the haters wrong 😬 Ali: whoops Tommy: When's opening night? I gotta see this Ali: duh, I've already begged on your behalf Ali: [the date] Tommy: I'm so ready for my handbags at dawn moment with Robbie Tommy: always a pleasure Tommy: unlike witnessing Drew outdoing Pierce Brosnan as the hottie who can't hold a note and DYING on stage Ali: I'll hold your earrings, babe Ali: if he can wait for the show to be over Ali: and don't be mean 🤫 Ali: he...needs some work Ali: but I'm willing to be like your worst teacher on speed about it, have him west end ready in, however many weeks they're giving us Tommy: Cheers, 'course I was born ready whenever he wants to go though 🥊🩰 Tommy: You know I'm here if you need me, fairy gaybrother and all Tommy: he will go to the (disco) ball! Ali: I'll let him know as much 😏 Ali: 💚 Ali: Luckily the choreo is simple, so he's got that down Ali: and how hard is it to pretend you're in love with me, honestly Ali: the singing though Tommy: how many songs does he have? Are they staying movie true? Ali: WELL, the tea is we've already cut a me him duet flashback to a solo for moi, but he HAS to do SOS to drive the plot, then its minimal lines on Our Last Summer, which Robbie is THRILLED about obvs, but he also HAS to do When All Is Said And Done, though maybe I can convince the director that'd work better as a toast moment legit, sans singing Tommy: Fucking hell Tommy: yeah unless there's somebody he could mime for Tommy: or a girl they could drag up to resemble him for the musical numbers Ali: REALLY go in and make it obvious who the dad is 😂 Ali: comes to something when the only viable option is the out out gay kid Tommy: SOS is gonna be brutal but I reckon you're onto something cutting the last number down Tommy: by then the audience will either be LIVING for you or DYING over him and we all know how the drama dept would rather it Tommy: arts funding is already in the bog, like Ali: Truly... fuck it, if we don't get it then instead of taking turns at a verse each we'll do it together and I will belt the fuck out of it Ali: you don't have to tell me, the wardrobe is abhorrent Ali: but we're already on that, even if I have to dress the entire cast myself Tommy: Christ alive, I will come home early and help you save the show, bags full of stolen props and costumes Tommy: Sorry not sorry, mother Ali: Oh LORDT, what even is the costuming for fucking Ali: fanny and whathisface Ali: I bet you are LIVING Tommy: Everyone here has now said fuck it and we're sorting out watching Mamma Mia Tommy: the girls and gays are 💔😭 Tommy: Straight Simon alone is unaffected Tommy: SEND HELP ALL MY MATES ARE ASKING IF DREW'S TOO WHITE TO TURN SOS INTO A RAP 😂 Ali: that boy is an enigma Ali: do not encourage him PLEASE 😭😭😭 Ali: all for mixing it up but if I have to look 💔 at a boy rapping about what happened to our love...nah Ali: even Meryl couldn't Tommy: Quick, dish on the rest of your all star cast, that'll 100% work in amusing them Tommy: any room to judge and they don't give a fuck about a single thing else Ali: Oh well, let's see Tommy: I'm the proudest of my sweet baby Carls and know she'll be grand, but the people are restless and thirsty for that hot tea Ali: Rosie's a sweetie, she jams with us on the drums every now and then, so you'd recognize her face not her name, she's gonna be so funny, perf for that role so I can't slag on her, I'm afraid darlings Ali: right?! MY BABY 💕 Ali: we did our auditions in groups of about 3 so it was just me, her and Cavante, she killed it forreal Tommy: Yeah? I do remember her! She comments on many o' Meena posts and you can hear the 🍀 Tommy: I'm gonna call her later, Carls that is, not your drummer Ali: I'm DYING for her to give the brummie a go, if that's as hilariously bad as we're all imagining, I'll send that to quench your mates thirst 🍵 Tommy: You're a star on so many levels Ali: 🥰 Ali: Who else DON'T you know? 🤔 Ali: the girls playing Meena's friends, me either Ali: they're her year though Ali: one of them has the good=loud vibe so I wouldn't be surprised if she went to one of your theatre groups as a kid Tommy: The lad in her year too? I dunno him Ali: Yes, which is rude Ali: he's got hot over the summer clearly 'cos like, HELLO? Ali: he's decent though, fair craic Tommy: Every show needs a dark horse Ali: they're cute Ali: some of his friends, esp. the one Carls has to seduce are 😬 Ali: thank God she's talented Tommy: at least some fuckers'll have chemistry Tommy: you'll be full Meryl-ing to convince ANYONE that Drew's the love of your life Tommy: and Carly would never waste a second on a younger lad Ali: at least I get to be fuming at him most the time Ali: lying cheating bastard 😏 Tommy: 👀🔪 Tommy: I'm well jealous Ali: I know, babes, I know Tommy: less gutted now this sing-a-long is kicking off Tommy: you wanna be facetimed in? Ali: um YES Ali: counts as a rehearsal Tommy: [does call her so she can join]
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asbigastheskybook · 6 years
The one where Tak and Emory go to a party in their kigurimi
Spring break had come and gone and on a foggy night in early April, the Shark and the Hedgehog sauntered up the dark streets of Berkeley, walking from Shattuck BART to Haste, up to College Avenue. They held hands as they walked in shadows, enjoying the quiet spring night once they were above Telegraph. They were headed to a place near the Julia Morgan building for a party put on by the Pan-Asian student union. It was to be an Animal Onesie themed party to raise money for a member of the union who was battling leukemia while trying to finish her masters degree. They wore the onesies Emory’s aspiring fashion designer little sister had sewn them. Emory hadn't wanted to go at all but Tak pointed out that nearly everyone there was going to be an Asian nerd which made Emory feel a little less out of place than he did at other college parties full of red cup woo-bros.
Neither of them wanted to be sober, and neither of them wanted to try to find parking in Elmwood, and neither of them wanted to shell out for a driver so they walked, choosing to wear the onesies instead of carrying a backpack and trying to keep track of it all night. They had just reached College Avenue and were nearly there when some asshole in a yellow hummer screeched to a stop where they were crossing the street, revved his engine, rolled down the window and screamed,
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY YOU FUCKIN CHING CHONG FAGGOTS!” And as soon as their toes touched the sidewalk on the other side of the intersection he peeled out, fishtailing over the narrow suburban streets.
“Jesus what the fuck?” Tak glared at the tail lights.
“Well he does drive a hummer.” Emory shrugged and looked at his shoes.
“I hope he chokes on a bag of sweaty dicks,” Tak grumbled.
“Hey,” Emory stopped and looked at Tak “Don't let that shitbag ruin your night. He means nothing.”
“I am trying not to. I was a little scared, Em. I forget that not everyone, even in Berkeley, is cool with gay dudes or Asians. Or gay Asians.” Tak kicked at some leaves on the sidewalk.
“Gaysians,” Emory corrected.
Tak laughed so hard he snorted. “Emory, I don't know what I would do without your smart ass.” He draped his long shark fins over the stout hedgehog.”We’re almost there, lets get baked.” He brought out his vape. Tak had brought an Indica, super stupid and stoney, not meant for anyone who had anything important to do today or probably tomorrow either. The plan was to get as high as possible in order to tolerate the crowds of other Asian students in fuzzy animal suits dancing to K-Pop. Tak had originally planned not to go, despite being regularly involved with the organization, but then someone had made a comment about him not really being that Asian and he wasn't about to take any shit from some third gen kid who didnt even speak his own language fluently when Tak, despite mostly appearing black, spoke nearly fluent Japanese.
They strolled another block to the party, several animals outside chatting over loud music emanating from inside. There was a gaggle of Japanese girls in matching unicorn onesies, a kangaroo, a corgi, a giraffe, two Pikachus, and a Totoro.
“I didn't know we could wear character onesies.” Tak pouted.
“Yeah that's bullshit, they said animals. I wanted to be Cthulhu.” Emory scowled, but not seriously. The Indica was taking over, and shuffling into the building was taking concentration. They shouldered their way inside and headed straight to the makeshift bar where they got juices, Ramune for Tak and grass jelly for Emory. Nearby tables held all sorts of snacks from the Asian market. There was dried squid, onigiri, rice crackers, wasabi peas, dumplings, etc. Not even the worse case of the munchies could convince Emory to eat party food that other people had touched and then put their hands to their mouths, and then back to the bowl. Gross.
The plan was to make a loop to say hello, then make another loop to say goodbye and then get the fuck out. Tak knew most people here and Emory knew a fair bit as well, but this was the first time they had gone to a college party as a couple and Emory gave no fucks what people thought, but he could tell Tak wasn't completely there yet, and considering the incident with the hummer bro, he tread carefully.
So it was a bit of a jolt when Emory introduced Tak to two vietnamese guys, Tu (Husky dog) and Rithi (racoon), as his boyfriend. Tak froze up when Tu offered out a fist to bump, and Emory caught a glimpse of Tak’s hesitation. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but he was a little indignant. He tried to remember that Tak and he were both super high and not to trip out and what-if the hell out of a little hesitation for a handshake. It wasn't until after they had finished chatting with Tu and Rithi and Tak still wouldn't meet his eyes that he started to get pissed.
Emory spotted a back hallway leading to a door and without a word grabbed Tak’s fin in his paw and dragged him to it. He lugged the shark into the hall, glowering, before opening the door and yanking Tak inside.
It was not a back door to the outside as Emory had hoped, it was a closet. There was a mop and bucket, some big box size packages of toilet paper and paper towels, and other relevant miscellany. A bare bulb glowed from the ceiling. Emory, flustered at this development, quickly reached to lock the door behind them.
“Tak, what the fuck. I can't tell people you're my boyfriend here?” Emory asked, hurt and accusatory.
“I'm sorry I did that. I really am. I don't know why I did that.” Tak said, clearly grappling with being just a little too high for the conversation.
“If you don't want to be out at a party, you have to tell me before we get there. I don’t have a problem keeping it under wraps, especially if you don't feel safe, but you have to let me know, Tak,” Emory breathed hard through his nose when he finished speaking.
“ I do. I did. I do.” Tak stammered. It was unlike him to drop his eyes and struggle. “I,.. Emory, that was the first time anyone ever called me a faggot. I'm not joking when I say that Hummer dude scared me. I don't want to get beat up and murdered just for being in love with you. I started spacing out on the walk over here thinking about what I would do if someone tried to fuck with us. I thought about what I’d do if someone hurt you. I started just spiraling into worst case scenarios and thinking about how I take our safety for granted here. I was buggin’ out and I shut down. I'm a little too high, Im sorry,” he heaved a heavy sigh.
“For being in love with you” played on a loop in Emory’s mind as his eyes traced over Tak’s countenance, his slumped shoulders, tucked chin, arms hanging at his sides. He’d never get used to the way those words made him feel.
“UGH I can't be mad. There isn't anything to be mad about. I just want you to tell me if you don't feel safe or it there is something you need from me before we go places. I don't want to push you to be out everywhere we go but you do need to give me the heads up. I feel like an asshole for assuming without asking if we were out here,” Emory folded his arms across his chest but his eyes were soft.”I cant fight with you while you’re wearing a shark suit.”
“I want to be out here. There’s no reason to hide here. We aren’t even the only queers here. I want to show you off to people and make them hella jealous...I think being super stoned just made me paranoid. One toke over the line, man,” Tak shrugged.
Emory covered his mouth and his shoulders shook.
“What?” Tak crowded his eyebrows together.
Emory started to laugh behind his hand. “Its just that Im locked in closet with a giant in a shark suit, having a serious conversation about my relationship while Im dressed as a hedgehog, and Im super high.” He started to laugh harder, “You can’t make this shit up.”
Tak took a moment to view the situation from outside himself and yes, it was very, very hilarious. He began to giggle, then laugh, then gasp between bouts of belly laughs.
Emory watched Tak laughing and felt all warm and gooey in his chest. He want to kiss him, right now. He stepped closer, grabbing a fistful of shark suit in each hand and yanked Tak close. Tak’s laugh stopped but his smile went on for eons. Emory had the look. That look. Tak knew that he was going to do anything Emory asked when he saw that look. He leaned in to kiss Emory, one hand keeping his balance, which was intermittent right now, on a shelf. The other hand slipped into Emory’s hedgehog hood, and held the back of his neck. He could feel the heat coming off of Emory through their fuzzy suits as he pressed his body into Emory. Emory was avoiding his kiss, teasing him, making Tak chase his lips, snapping his teeth at him and smirking.
“Give me that!” Tak growled, pulling on Emory’s neck harder until his lips crashed into Emory’s. He felt Emory’s smirk fade under his own lips and his posture softened as he kissed Tak back with sensual and deep open mouth kisses, making Tak want to pitch himself into the abyss of Emory’s touch. After many moments, as kisses turned into lips on necks and ears and throats, Emory whispered into Tak’s ear,
“I really can’t wait to get you alone.”
Tak grinned. Emory knew all the buttons to push and Tak wondered how soon they could ditch this party. Tak’s hands wandered into his hood and into his hair. Emory could play cool, but not when Tak played with his hair, that was when he lost all thought being stealthy or tame. Emory’s eyes simmered and he flashed a grin before claiming Tak’s mouth again. Tak rested one long hand on Emory’s shoulder, the other in his hair, tugging close to the scalp, eliciting a rumble from Emory’s throat.
“More.” Emory demanded, digging his thumbs into Tak’s hip bones in an almost painful and insistent way. Tak pulled harder at his hair and Emory bit down viciously at his neck. Tak moaned and his head tipped back, making a loud noise when it landed on the shelf behind him. He heard someone tapping on the door, jiggling the handle. He didn't care.
“Fuck off!” he managed to shout to whomever was on the other side. The knocking stopped. “Goddamn Emory your mouth is going to kill me,” Tak murmured. Emory nipped again and pulled back to see the mark he had left on Tak’s neck, which was not discrete or small. He laughed louder than he expected to and jumped when another banging knock came from the door.
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Bea & Buster
Bea: Why are you not here? Buster: I decided to stay Bea: And how is it that was something you reckoned you could just decide Bea: We've been over this, and you're only allowed to visit on the assurance you keep doing what you're meant to, when you're meant to Buster: I am doing what I'm meant to Buster: But cheers for the concern Bea: You're meant to be at School Bea: how many times are you going to make me repeat myself of this when it's not up for discussion Buster: There's no need to repeat yourself Buster: I've sorted things with school same as before Bea: You're so close to finishing you just need to get this done Bea: Do it right, there's no point phoning it in because you won't get into the Unis you want so if you're not gonna put the effort in now Bea: Don't bother at all Buster: I'm doing what I need to do, I've already told you Buster: I don't enjoy repeating myself either, like Bea: I fail to see how you have the time Bea: You're clearly distracted or you wouldn't be there Buster: There's a thing called multi-tasking, you should try it Bea: Do not talk to me like that Bea: This isn't negotiable Bea: Next flight home Buster: I know it's not Buster: I'm staying here Bea: You're not Bea: For God's sake, you know this is pathetic, don't you Buster: I know that's what you think Bea: It really is, you're not capable of going five minutes without seeing each other Buster: I'm not actually that fucking selfish it might surprise you to realise Buster: How are you this detached from everything that's going on here right now? Bea: Edie always goes missing Bea: Is it reasonable or practical for us to drop our lives every time she does? No Buster: Jesus Bea: What? Bea: It's not that I'm not sympathetic but how do you expect to help by being there Buster: You have no idea how much is on her shoulders, do you? Bea: Who's? Buster: Rio's Bea: I'm sure there is Bea: there is on everyone's but you've got your own to deal with Buster: No I don't Buster: Like I said, school is sorted Bea: How can I trust what you say Bea: I'll be seeing for myself how sorted it actually is Buster: I keep my word, I always have Buster: That should be enough Bea: No, you keep everything from us Bea: You don't say where you are, what you're doing Bea: and still you expect us to not only be fine with it but believe it too Buster: That isn't fair, I've kept things from you 'cause I've had to Buster: Same as I'm doing what I have to do now Bea: Just because we aren't going to agree with or say yes to every decision you make isn't reason to behave like this Bea: that's immature, how do you expect to be taken seriously? Buster: I'm not a child Buster: And this isn't about you Bea: No, you aren't Bea: Stop behaving like one Buster: Stop treating me like one Bea: How can I Bea: You're giving me no reason not to, and ample to see how we've given you too much freedom Buster: I know what I'm doing Buster: There's your reason Bea: You think you do but you aren't thinking bigger picture Buster: You raised me, you should know what I'm capable of Bea: Can you not just be normal and do what you're bloody told for once in your life Buster: Don't tell me I'm not normal Buster: And again, you raised me, so don't expect no challenge to your authority like Buster: You're lucky enough that Nance goes along with what you say Bea: Well Bea: I'm trying to get you to do what's right for you Buster: I am, mum Buster: Believe it or don't Bea: I don't Buster: Why? Buster: What more do you want from me? Bea: It isn't going to happen Buster: What? Bea: You aren't going to stop all this, are you Bea: So, do what you want, I wash my hands of you Buster: Come on Buster: It doesn't have to be like this Buster: You said you wanted me to be happy Bea: I do but it isn't as easy as that Bea: accepting this Buster: I don't see what's so difficult Bea: You wouldn't, you're not a parent Bea: You have an idea of what you want for your kids Bea: and obviously, this wasn't it Buster: What the fuck am I doing that's so wrong? Buster: I'm getting the best grades, I'll be able to get into any uni I want Buster: I'm in love, I'm happy Buster: What's the problem? Bea: It's too soon, you're too young Bea: Never mind the unavoidable fact she's your cousin Buster: It's not and I'm not Buster: But at least we've got to the real issue Bea: Yes it is, do you see anyone else getting engaged at your age Buster: We're not anyone else, we're us Bea: You can't know what you want for the rest of your life at this age, it's ridiculous Buster: Why can't I? You did Buster: Christ, what difference does it make if I get married now or in 10 years Bea: No I didn't Bea: just because it worked out that way doesn't mean I did Bea: at least you'll have lived some life Buster: We're gonna do it together Buster: That's what we want Bea: And you're fine paying for her, are you? Buster: I don't pay for her, she pays for herself Bea: It's not a sustainable career is it Buster: Not that it's any of your business but she's got career plans beyond this Bea: No, of course not Bea: it's never my business Bea: it's only my money you're wasting Buster: Are we really gonna do this? Buster: You're gonna tell me how to spend now Buster: What do you want a fucking spreadsheet of my expenses? Bea: Yeah Bea: That's actually reasonable Buster: Get Nancy's and then we'll talk Bea: Don't try and make this about your sister Bea: she's actually going to school Bea: and she has less reason to want to be there Buster: If we're doing this then it is about her too Buster: There's not one rule for me and another for my sister, like Bea: Fine Bea: It's irrelevant, we didn't raise either of you to be entitled brats Buster: Then stop treating me like I am Buster: I'm not a kid wasting my pocket money on sweets Bea: Just on countless flights, engagement rings you don't need Bea: I could go on Buster: I literally do need a ring to be engaged, it's kind of the point Bea: You don't need to be engaged Buster: I don't need to still be in school or go to uni either Buster: But I want to Bea: You do if you want to get anywhere in life Bea: so no, not the same thing but nice try Buster: Why can't you see that I need her too? Buster: She's as important to be Buster: More Bea: I'm not saying you can't be together Bea: do you have to do this Buster: Yes Bea: Why Bea: It makes no difference Buster: It does to me Buster: And you wouldn't say that to Nance if she still wasn't allowed to get gay married Bea: Don't make the comparison Bea: You aren't opressed, either of you Bea: Christ Buster: Nobody wants us to be together Buster: It's not that different Bea: I'm just asking you to not get married Bea: this very second Bea: I don't know why that's so much to ask, apparently Buster: 'Cause you only want that in the hopes that I'll change my mind Bea: And I'm not planning to fund an entire wedding for you Bea: Just cool it down, you said you would Buster: When have I ever said that? Bea: You aren't earning, and you're not going to be earning for years yet Buster: Jesus Buster: You didn't care when I was spending all my money on champagne and coke, did you? Buster: Don't make this about money when it clearly isn't Bea: Obviously, I didn't know because no Bea: I would not be happy about that either Buster: I've made so many mistakes and now that I'm finally doing what's right for me you wanna treat it like it's somehow the worst one Bea: How could it be right Bea: I just don't see it Buster: How can it be wrong to love someone who loves you as much Buster: To be happy and build a life that you actually want Bea: I don't know Bea: Just for God's sake Bea: give people more time Buster: I stayed away from her for years for the sake of everyone else Buster: Why should I? Bea: Because no one knew that Bea: I've not had years to process this Buster: It doesn't matter Buster: They can take all the time they want to get used to us being together Buster: They'll have forever if they need it Bea: Right Bea: Well if that's how it is, I have nothing to add Buster: Fine Buster: Good talk, mum Bea: What did you expect Buster: Honestly, nothing Buster: Exactly this Bea: Good, then I'm the only one that's disappointed Buster: Oh no, I'm very disappointed, just not surprised Bea: What would you like me to do Bea: Honestly Buster: At least trust me and accept this if you can't be happy for me Bea: It's your life now Bea: you'll do what you want with it Bea: regardless Buster: Yeah but I still want you in it Bea: Whatever for? Buster: 'Cause you're my mum Buster: For one thing Bea: Oh yeah? Bea: Only when it suits you Buster: Don't Bea: Why not Bea: it's the truth of the matter Buster: No it's not Bea: Well that's how it seems Buster: Do you actually think any of this is how I want things to be? Buster: Christ Bea: Then do something about it Buster: I can't tell you things 'cause you don't support me Bea: You want unconditional support then go somewhere else Bea: You're not getting it when you're wrong Buster: All I want is for you not to make me feel like a failure for no fucking reason Bea: We'll see when you get your results Buster: Are you gonna apologise then? Bea: No Buster: Then why would I bother showing them to you Bea: This conversation is ridiculous Buster: 'Cause you're being ridiculous Buster: You want me to focus on school on the one hand, but on the other you're gonna force me into getting a job 'cause money is apparently such an issue all of a sudden Bea: The issue is how you're spending it and your time Bea: Do you understand how hard law school is going to be? Bea: You aren't going to have time for all this Buster: I'm spending both how I need to Buster: You have no idea about law school, you haven't done it Buster: All you're doing is underestimating me Buster: To try and split us up Bea: I know how hard it is Bea: I don't need firsthand experience Buster: Well, I don't need you to tel me how hard it is, or is going to be Bea: You don't want to be told Bea: Anything Buster: I don't wanna hear your self serving bullshit, no Bea: That's rich Buster: It suits you to tell me how hard shit might be 'cause you don't wanna hear anything about how much easier she makes things for me Bea: Well I'm sure it's very nice not going to School, yeah Buster: Fuck this Bea: That's about right Buster: For good reason Bea: Goodbye, Buster Buster: Whatever Bea: Mature Bea: Well done Buster: Nothing I do now is gonna impress you Buster: Forget it Bea: I don't need to be impressed Buster: Act like it then Bea: Don't ever tell me what to do Buster: Why would I? I've wasted my breath enough for one conversation Bea: Try 18 years down the drain then you can talk to me about disappointment, kid Buster: Say how you really feel, mum Buster: Fucking hell Buster: You know what, don't bother any more Buster: Just stay out of my life and then you won't have to feel anything Bea: I've tried being nice with you, I've tried trusting you Bea: None of it has worked Buster: Don't give up your day job if that's what you reckon Bea: Oh yeah, I'm such a horrible mother Buster: You don't know how to trust me, that's what I'm saying Bea: Trust gets you nowhere Buster: Bullshit Buster: Nothing I do is ever gonna be good enough, that's the real issue here Buster: If I wasn't with Rio you'd find something else to pick a hole in Bea: That's not true Buster: Yeah it is Buster: You love it when I fuck up 'cause it proves you right Buster: That's why you're hoping this is another mistake Buster: Unlucky Bea: Why would I want that Bea: what exactly do I get out of being right? Buster: 'Cause you know I'll come running to you Buster: Just like I did with the Chlo thing Bea: Please Bea: I have enough to be getting on with in my own life Buster: Good thing I don't need you then, yeah? Bea: If only that were remotely true Buster: Don't worry, I'll make it happen for you Buster: Starting now, like Bea: Like you said, I don't trust you Buster: So don't Buster: It's still happening, just like me getting married is Buster: We're done here Bea: Good luck Buster: I don't want or need that from you Bea: Nonetheless Buster: Bye mum
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: Happy happy Birthday! Rio: Better be doing some suitably New York and fun Nancy: Thank you 💚 Nancy: And, of course! What do you take me for Nancy: I'm still every inch the tourist Rio: Enjoy it whilst you can Rio: Be jaded city girls before long, SOOOOO unaffected by anything and everything Rio: how're you settling in? Nancy: I swear your sister's already reached that point but I've managed to convince her to come to the parade later by pulling a standard birthday guilt trip Nancy: Oh you know Nancy: Not at all terrified or intimidated any more at all Rio: 👍 work Rio: She'll enjoy it really Rio: and totally convincing 😉 Rio: If you can pull that off, you've got the rest, easy Nancy: Can only keep trying Nancy: Speaking of, if you see my brother tonight tell him to answer his phone once in a blue 🌙 Nancy: And thanks for the gift I had to buy myself, obviously Rio: 🙄 Rio: Do my best Rio: did he/you get you anything nice? Nancy: Undeniably Nancy: [Sends pics of loads of expensive stuff] Rio: 😍 Rio: I approve Nancy: You have first dibs Nancy: Billie never wants to borrow anything from me Rio: She's always had her own style Rio: Even if she's dialling it back these days Nancy: Can't dress as a flower fairy garden witch forever, I guess Nancy: Not that NYC would bat an eyelid Rio: Or this fam Rio: but you know Nancy: State of my brother. Never a truer word Rio: 😂 Rio: Harsh Rio: but fair Nancy: He's a prick Nancy: I thought we were turning a corner but after the funeral he just changed direction Rio: Yeah Rio: It's a rough time for everyone Rio: Give him chance Rio: sure he'll come round Nancy: I'm not Nancy: He's more distant than he's ever been Nancy: But I'm not giving up, like. Not that harsh Rio: Quitters not allowed in this fam also 😜 Rio: it's all the Jay stuff too Rio: Chloe is getting worse and worse Rio: s'alot, is all I'm saying, takes a lot of attention no doubt Nancy: Tell me something I don't know Rio: 🤷 Rio: not that smart Nancy: Yeah you are Nancy: I knew he'd never listen to me about her but he hears you since, for what the I told you so stuff is worth Rio: I know Rio: Shame it can't save anyone from her bullshit but whatever Rio: she's not as relevant as she wants to be Nancy: God, I hope that's true Nancy: If he gets with her again, I'll Nancy: I don't even know Rio: Nah Rio: she tried that hand too soon, didn't work Rio: never gonna be the happy fam she wants 'cos she's just Rio: well Rio: you know Nancy: Yeah Nancy: You know a lot Nancy: I'm glad he has someone to talk to, but like Nancy: Didn't think it'd be you. No offense Rio: Just what I've picked up Rio: you know how he is Rio: blunt Nancy: One word for it Rio: 😂 Nancy: How is it that it's my birthday too but we're still talking about him? Nancy: Typical Rio: Oh God, don't start up on that twin angst please Rio: Grace and Janis are doing my head in Nancy: Twin swap? Nancy: I always wanted a sister Rio: It'd suit one of 'em alright I reckon Rio: but not worth the aggro of separation on the other's behalf Rio: at least you ain't pining for yours, make all the big life changes even more drama Nancy: Gross Nancy: He gets enough of that from Chloe Nancy: Don't even start me on all the other girls, we'd be all day Rio: Jealous? 😉 Rio: like that? like he was in the room, yeah Nancy: I'm triggered Rio: So mean of me Rio: on your special day too Rio: can't give you the bumps from here though so Nancy: Heap on that emotional pain Nancy: I got asked out the other day, like. I can't Nancy: Leave me to pick cat hair off my knitwear or learn to knit it or whatever Rio: Why didn't you say yes!?! Nancy: Is that a trick question? Rio: No Rio: so many reasons to say yeah Rio: new town fresh start Rio: was she seriously minging or what's the excuse Nancy: I mean Nancy: She was cute but that's not the point Rio: It can be the point if you want it to be Nancy: No. Life's too short to make those kind of mistakes Nancy: Again Rio: Well, she asked YOU out so I think it's safe to say she's at least bicurious Rio: you aren't that butch, babe Nancy: Or at all, thank you Nancy: It hasn't been that long since you saw me last Rio: Don't ignore the point lipstick Nancy: I'm not Nancy: You are Rio: Gotta get under to get over Rio: It's okay Rio: not going to be like before, it literally can't be Rio: beyond legal Rio: how boring Nancy: Please don't remind me Nancy: It doesn't mean it's okay though Nancy: Everything's such a mess, why would I wanna drag a cute girl into that Nancy: Especially when she was only after coffee Rio: No need to seel the family secrets Rio: just have that coffee Rio: have fun, girl Nancy: I can have fun without offering up my virginity Nancy: Dates aren't it Rio: Steady on Rio: who's going that hard in Starbucks, babe Rio: anyway, that doesn't have to be a thing either, it's made up so only the value you're placing on it Nancy: Buster probably. Likely to be seducing someone as we speak Nancy: Yeah, I know, but that's my thing, making things more than they are, so Rio: Ew Rio: Birthday Boy's prerogative, though, suppose Rio: I ain't judging Rio: just floating some alternatives Nancy: Not like I still have one anyway, I can't be like, 'Oh hey, I changed my mind' Rio: Hell yeah you can Rio: power move, lowkey Rio: if you can find her and she isn't already engaged to another highkey gay Nancy: I don't have any moves Nancy: Don't. Americans are even worse for it, I swear Rio: 😂 'course they are Rio: but don't give me that Rio: you just need to unlock 'em Nancy: That sounds so dodgy Nancy: If you tell me to touch myself I'm leaving Rio: For the love of Jesus, Mary AND Joseph, you best masturbate Rio: I don't have time to go that far back with my lecture, lordt Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Obviously. I'm 19 and a virgin Nancy: It's a miracle anything else gets done in my day Rio: Say high five but you know Rio: wash your hands first 😉 Nancy: Can you not Nancy: Making me sound even more undesirable Rio: Oh hush Rio: you know you're gorg Nancy: 🙉🙈
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