#this isnt even half of it but the rest isnt developed enough for me to feel secure sharing it <3
magickedhat · 2 years
@theaterism / OH EYES EMOJI THO,,,,,
hi im taking this as enablement to ramble <3 ABKSBKBKD the story and these characters are highkey under heavy development but i still wanna ramble abt them so!! i WILL present them to u as cohesively as i possibly can -
so first there's This Dude
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who's the catalyst of everything bad thats happened and is gonna happen (in ways that i have not yet figured out but can feel in my heart <3). he has the ability to reverse time for objects and Sometimes people, if he really puts his mind to it, and the thing about him is that he was presumed dead Decades ago only for him to crawl out of the dirt of a magical butterfly garden in the 21st century with some HEAVY time-travelling side effects. on top of that, his scheme and mysterious disappearance sparked a chain of events that are leading to a genuine catastrophe, and once he finds out he tries to fix the mess he left behind. this may an act of genuine remorse OR a shot at revenge or perhaps both.
he also has an Associate!! it's this girl,
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who is on really good terms with the magic butterflies in the garden. they let her look into and interact (to a limited extent) with other universes and stuff. she likes to communicate with her mom who is alive in another universe but not in hers <3 the butterflies warn her of the Time Travelling Guy and she arrives on time to dig him out of the ground before he asphyxiates and everything. she knows Of him bc her dad works as a gardener in that particular garden and they've heard the Stories™, so she tentatively allows him to stay with them as they try to figure out what is Up With Him. they’re both late teenagers but i promise the adults in this story are involved and at least somewhat capable CHSUFV
there's definitely a lot of layers to this thing i havent figured out yet but this is the General Premise and if it sounds wack it's bc im going absolutely insane with it ABBKXBKSBK
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freakattack · 2 years
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So i dont talk about this often here ebcause i fear that it is hashtag cringe to take this media more seriously than it demands but i do sometimes think about what orbulons home planet might be like. I know it's irrelevant within the context of the stories hes already involved in and also will probably never come up in my own but as a freak who likes thinking about alien planets i think its fun to speculate. So anyways. What we know about orbulon is
He has an iq of 300 (allegedly) but his intelligence is in actuality either average or below average for the rest of his species. (I like to think it's below average because he's so insecure about it and it's funny. It is OK orbulon you are smart to me.)
He can shapeshift and also has no bones and can twist himself into horrible shapes. So far we are seeing a vague cephalopod parallel but i believe that ends here.
Along with shapeshifting, Orbulon can teleport, telepathy, and even telephone.
He sleeps A LOT and mentally cannot function on the comparatively small amount of sleep that humans require. This could be related to either the big brain thing and/or the fact that
Time on his planet "moves half the speed it does on earth", whether this means that the planet rotates and/or revolves twice as slowly or if time itself does some wibbly wobbly shit is unclear but given the title "time warp" and the fact that warioware is a goofy over the top series it might be the wibbly wobbly. Speaking of wibbly wobbly time
People on orbulon's planet have already developed advanced time travelling technology to the point where the average person can just have it in their car. In the online mega microgames diaries orbulon takes his oinker to dr crygor to get it fixed and dr crygor stumbles upon the time travel stuff by accident. This makes sense if everyone on orbulon's planet is smart enough to break an IQ test.
Also time-related, orbulon's species has a super long lifespan. Orbulon is about 2023 as of 2023, although he attaches his age to his "carbon matter" specifically which is clearly just because he is a pretentious ass and needs to use the most obtuse vocabulary for everything BUT i enjoy reading into things so i am going to say it is not only that deep. Which brings us to:
Things I Made Up About Orbulon
I think that his species has a weird immortal jellyfishlike life cycle where they constantly revert back to an earlier stage and renew themselves to increase their lifespan. I said this before as a joke but it actually wasnt a joke sorry. The orbulon we know is not Exactly the same orbulon that was born 2000+ years ago and sadly is also not Exactly the same orbulon that is OP in get it together. But they are all orbulon. Its complicated
I think that the sleep thing and the telepathy thing are related. The antenna is a sensory organ that is able to detect and project vaguely-defined Psychic Energies. I also think that this could be how he summoned the alien bunnies to haul ass and save him from the asteroid in the first game
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I mean he also could have also morse coded them but IM NOT RULING IT OUT. Anyways
3. This isnt related to the sleep brain thing at all but while we're looking at his face i just want to throw in fhat i think a reason he wears sunglasses is to block out sun/star light. I dont think this is an uncommon game theory but im just letting you all know that i subscribe. I think that his planet is pitch dark and also that with his sunglasses he can deftly avoid eye contact not for any alien reasons but because. Well look at all these paragraphs i wrote why do you think
The sleep thing and telepathy thing are related in my brain and I think that his species can communicate with each other in the Dream Realm. (Not an actual realm im just calling it that.) i also toyed with the idea of their dreams also being a way to gradually restore past memories after metamorphosis but i think thats too complicated for this. It would be a cool idea for alien species in general but i dont want to make my silly wario comics have that much drama
Going off the dream realm thing though, I think that because they are psychic supergeniuses that communicate in dreams, the line between "individual" and "group" is very blurry compared to most human societies. Through dreams things like technology and ideas can be collaborated on infinitely by an infinite amount of minds, and in such a liminal state the sense of self tends to take a backseat to the pursuit of progress. This isn't to say they don't view themselves as individuals at all (or else orbulon wouldn't be like that) but moreso that they are highly communal and have different priorities and ways of conceptualizing themselves. Think ants.
Now, orbulon has CONFIRMED at least 16 friends on his home planet, which is frankly an obscene amount of friends to be able to have in your 2020's. Personally I think it's hard to cobble together a vibrant social life after your 1300's but what do i know. But anyways, i think that even extremely close-knit "friend groups" in orbulon's planet tend to average in the double digits and even dip into the triple digits just because of the way their minds and culture work. Dunbar's number ceases to be an issue when you are a psychic genius that can mind meld with everyone on the planet.
i think orbulon genuinely likes the people he grew up with, and that they like him, but even though he had those friends I personally think he was probably a bit of a misfit even on his home planet. The fact that he is SO insecure even among earthlings and the fact that he left and didn't return to his home planet for at least a thousand years tips me in that direction. Earth would have been a huge culture shock for him even if he knew about it ahead of time, but I think that finding a group of fellow weirdos that he can be himself around was more than worth the adjustment.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! I dont know if you still do requests, but ill ask just in case.
Can I ask for a tokyo revengers x gn! Reader? (pLEASE MAKE IT PLATONIC)
So basically, reader is this fearless, calm person. Reader isnt particularly strong or sporty nor are they good academically(is thag how u spell it)
Prompt : Reader is Mikey's and Baji's childhood friend.
Reader meets them again in coincidence and tries to cactch up and feels inferior due to their somewhat success? And then reader meets the other members.
Also bonus if mikey and baji is lowkey scared of reader
Thank you :]]
Of course I can do this!! I love the idea!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy the end product! Also, I'm so sorry for how long it's taken me to get this out! 😭❤️
Mikey, Baji with childhood friend!reader (ft. Toman Captains, Vice Captains)
TW: mentions of feeling inferior, friendly violence (boys getting kicked)
There had always been a third. Every great group consisted of a trio, mainly two boys and a girl. And this was no exception.
When Mikey and Baji were young, learning at the Sano Dojo together, they had met a girl. This girl was decent at karate but not on their level. What had started out as teasing the small girl had quickly developed into a friendship. You were the one needed to reign these two boys back in.
You were not known for being strong like Mikey and Baji, and you weren't particularly academically smart. In fact, a word that would best describe you was average. You didn't excel in any area except maybe some people would call you cute. But you feared nothing, not even a fight against someone twice your size. You faced every challenge in your life with a calm mind and calmer attitude.
All throughout your childhood, you would follow the two boys around and cause chaos that only children could get away with. But eventually, you had stopped attending the Dojo. Next thing you knew, you were in middle school and had lost contact with the duo. It was heartbreaking when you thought about it. You were all so close but time had taken its toll on that friendship.
Years had passed since you had seen the two boys. In no time, you were a 3rd year at Mizo Middle and deciding what you wanted for your future. It was too early to come to a decision in your mind but your parents had insisted that the earlier you decided, the better.
School had ended and you were already planning on hanging out at the riverbank to clear your mind. After all, it was a Friday and your homework could wait for now. The walk to the destination was calm enough, having parted from your friends half way due to differing destinations.
Once you had reached the grassy bank, you threw your bag and settled yourself besides it, paying little to no attention to what was happening around you. If you were, you may have noticed a familiar pair of boys relaxing a little way from where you flopped down.
Mikey had noticed you first, asking his friend if he thought you looked familiar. Sure, it had been a couple years but you hadn't changed that much. Your hair was still the same except a little longer, your eyes still held that childlike wonder in them although it had been dulled, and the way your body positioned itself was the exact same. Baji looked over as well and almost instantly knew it was you. The missing part of their trio.
"Hey! Y/N!" Why was someone calling your name? Feeling a. little irritated that your peace was being disturbed, you glared over in the direction of where the voice had come from. However, once you caught sight of two familiar boys, the glare softened and a small smile tugged at your lips. It was them.
Baji and Mikey stood to their feet and made their way over to where you sat, grins pulling at both of their faces. All of you spoke about what had happened over the years. How you were attending Mizo Middle and knew of Takamichi and his small group of friends. Baji explained how he had been held back a year due to his grades but had met a boy named Chifuyu through it. And Mikey explained how he created Toman, a biker gang that consisted of 50 loyal members.
You couldn't help but feel inferior while you listen to the boys explain their lives. They were spending their youth as it should be, having fun and surrounded by people they care about. While you were simply floating through life, taking everything as it comes.
The boys expressed their desire for you to meet the rest of Toman, wanting to introduce you back into their lives. After all, it would be good to have the trio together again.
Mikey had decided to meet everyone at the park the next day. He had taken your number at the river bank so he simply text you the details along with everyone else. Thank God it was a Saturday so you had no obligations to school and the like.
Since you were meeting new people, you decided to at least dress up a bit. So a pair of jeans, a nice t-shirt and sneakers was your go to. Casual yet didn't look like you just rolled out of bed. Once ready, you checked the message again to confirm the location and time within your own mind.
It didn't take you long to reach the park. In fact, you were 10 minutes early so you decided to play a game on your phone to pass the time.
"Waiting long, Y/N?" The familiar voice of Mikey snatched your attention away from the mobile game. Shutting the game and shoving the device back into your pocket, you looked up to find a small group of boys with Mikey and Baji front and center. Once they reached you, the introductions began.
As the day went on, you all decided to sit in the field to properly talk. You sat besides Baji and a boy you now knew as Chifuyu. It was all going great, the conversation was flowing with very little awkward moments. That was until Mikey and Baji had brought up on thing.
"I remember when Y/N couldn't even land a kick properly!" Baji laughed, memories of his childhood friendship coming to light to the group. Mikey chuckled, seeming to also remember.
You couldn't believe that the boys had just said that in front of their friends. Sure, you had a time where you couldn't kick properly but you were new to Karate and hadn't spent as much time as them two practicing. Your gaze turned to the culprits, face calm yet eyes giving a warning that they ignored.
"You want to see how well I can kick now, huh?"
Mikey and Baji couldn't help to feel scared of your calm words. They had forgotten how scary you could get when provoked, obviously omitting that from their fond memories of you. Their facial expressions changed from amused to fearful as their own gazes moved to your face.
In no time, you were chasing the pair as they ran away from you, threats about how you would 'give them firsthand experience at how good you could kick'. Mikey and Baji, although scared of you, couldn't stop the laughter as memories from the past filled their minds. It would always end up like this.
The rest of Toman couldn't believe how scared their leader and First Division Captain was of you. Mikey, the boy who would take on anyone, was scared of a girl that wasn't even part of the gang life? And Baji as well? Chifuyu was the first one to laugh, followed quickly by the rest.
Having proved your point finally, the trio joined back with the group. Draken and the others had taken to teasing the boys over being scared of a kick but they didn't know just how hard it was. Baji and Mikey were wary of what they said from that point on.
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princeanxious · 3 years
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"Through the Bars of My Cage"(name is still a WIP bc I cannot decide on one for the life of me) aka my first post for Remus-Centric Magic au
[text from the pic above:]
-Magic AU where Remus can see all magic, can even see past glamours and spell affects. Because his own magic is wild and wont be let itself tamed, he's placed in a home for magic users struggling to harness their magic, for the safety of themselves and the general public.
-His magic can manifest in the form of tentacles, especially when excited/overwhelmed
-signs as an easy means to speak when words are too much, and has specific signals for his tics, specifically a 'scream/shout' tic that happens when hes very stressed
-Roman made him a wooden Octopus fidget toy. It's his Favorite toy.
[End of text from image]
Under the cut is the rest of my ramble for this au:
I was going over a few different ideas bc I didn't know where to go with it but
The whole thing is that remus's magic is very chaotic but he suffers from a magical phenomenon that causes ones magic to have difficulty being harness-able the way one uses magic to cast spells, ect. But can still physically manifest and requires an outlet for pent-up magic to release itself to be healthy. So, Remus, like his Brother, has powerful magic within him, but because he specifically suffers from this, it leaves his magic untamed, and often pent up, making his body an erratic and dangerous conduit
But, like i said, there are ways he can work around the phenomenon, it just requires alot more effort on re's end to use his magic
But one of the scenes i was thinking of was of showing off how his magic manifests unconciously, aka through sight.
He has no control over ot, but he can see right through things like Glamours and /know/ that he's seeing through a glamour(bc people dont often walk around with chromatic-like glitter glued to their whole face, usually, yknow?) and see when things are enchanted or when a spell has affected something, or when a curse looms
So, said scene involves a very Glamoured Janus coming to visit him for whatever reason, theyve never met before, but he has a glamour to cover half his face.
Maybe hes a visitor to the home/center that Remus stays in, come to keep people company who have very little, like Remus, ect. And Remus sees right through it
But he knows well enough not to bother saying anything bc this man is very nice and very funny and doesnt treat him rudely
And maybe he lets it slip quietly that the green scales that cover half the mans face are fucking gorgeous, and grins when the man flushes and double checks his glamour, only to get a wink in return from Remus that he's good. "Glamours cant hide much from my eyes, but dont worry, I think theyre[jan's scales] pretty fucking awesome if you ask me"
And maaaaybe Janus keeps coming back for him, to meet him and talk about his progress, because Remus's magic is very fickle and very mean and most of the center-staff just dont know how to deal w/ him and often just resign to letting his magic fester.(not good, but i never said he was in a particularly /good/ place)
(Since his magic is often left to fester, it develops itself on itsown, and thus manifests the tentacles mimicking his favorite toy)
Roman visits him as often as he can?? But he's also having to work to support himself and his brother obvi
But thats kinda all ive got thats actually solidified
One of the thoughts i had was that janus could be a prince
And maybe he'd have his advisor Logan with him during these meetings, and they realize that, one: wow this kid(Remus is like. 17. Roman is also such but Roman's got a secured place to stay) is powerful in a very unique way, and two: this kid and his brother are in a very bad living situation. Like. This isnt fair to eother of them. Remus is v obviously the patient thwt gets neglected the Most bc hes been deemed 'unfixable' but Janus and Logan, and especially Roman, see right through that lie. So they offer to transfer Remus to the castle instead, where Logan can work 1v1 with Remus to actually harness his magic. He will probably never be able to fully control it, like most magic users can, but thats bc Remus's magic is rare enough that its powerful enough to nearly be its own self. His magic does what it wants, thank you. It simply just doednt have hold of the trigger. Remus does. So the best hes really gonna get is learning to work with his magic and go with the flow they make together, rather than forcing either side to take control. As soon as Remus grasps that method of practice, he makes a fuckton of progress in just. Unleashing all that pent up magic.
"My magic wants to manifest like 18 tentacles!"
"Well, could you?"
"Mmm dunno? Most I've ever gotten to was 6 before.. Well, before I was told to put them back, anyway!"
"..I see. Well. Go on, then. Let's shoot for.. 10?"
"Wait, seriously?"
"Obviously. Necktie.
If you can, and you can deduce that it, 1: wont cause harm, 2: wont break valuables, and 3: will bug you more if you don't do it and thus feel worse when you hold it in, then I do not see a problem with opening the metaphorical 'floodgates'. You and your brother share the magic core of creativity. Your core is starved. Let it out, let it play, and in turn, you will begin to thrive and feel more okay."
Manifesting 8 purple rubber ducks! Toads appearing on stools, castle paintings occasionally swirling to life, puppies that can sing, 4-6-10-15 tentacles! Manifested! all! the time! Gils for swimming in the lake! A streak of hair grown white, flipping from walking upright to on the ceiling! It's.. Really chaotic, but mostly just temporary. He's put in a more secluded part of the castle to start off, bc they really cant tell his cores intent yet, but it seems to match Remus quite well the moment hes given the greenlight to match it.
It's just. Enthusiastic curiosity! It's random and fleeing and while it took an hour or two to really gain momentem, by the end of the sixth hour, Remus all but crashes tiredly into his brothers waiting arms, and the rest of them all watch as most of the chaos melts away, back to the way itd been, as if practically untouched by magic as he drifts to sleep from sheer exhaustion.
He doesn't really reach morbid and creepy for a bit while theyre still young but by the time he does, he has built enough balance with his core that that shit doesnt manifest on reflex
Aaaand that's about all ive got so far???
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matan4il · 3 years
Kind of weird but I truly focused on Anna and Eddie more then Buck and Taylor becuase I figured if there was an end game it was gonna be them. But now rewatching and focusing a little more on them its funny because they did the exact opposite with Buck then with Eddie and it feels intentional.
We never saw a passionate sexual side to Eddie and Anna but from the beginning that really was Buck and Taylor. If there was never a Eddie and Christopher, B&T are a couple I would ship if they gave her more development. Like not gonna lie I totally swooned a little when he picked her up in the bathroom stall. Like big men short women, come on lol. We see them in bed, her in lingerie, sharing work outs. The physical side is heavily implied if you will.
So I guess my point is they brought on carbon copies of women that were supposed to fill out the identity of them if they were straight males. Luckily I don't see them dragging this B&T out. There just isnt time especially with Maddie finally coming home. Hopefully we go straight from there to Buddie angst.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask!
Oh, that's funny, I was the exact opposite. When Ana was introduced in 312, and her introduction was so over the top "Isn't this just fate, her guessing correctly what 'Eddie' stands for? Do you see how smitten Eddie is that he became a bumbling idiot?" I worried some, but then when I saw that the show was fully uninterested in her (no follow up in 313 even though that ep did have romantic themes that could have been the perfect moment to bring Ana up, and giving her half a line in 315 and then nada for the rest of s3), even when she came back, I wasn't that concerned, because the show never bothered developing her or investing in her character.
Taylor, on the other hand, it felt like the show tried with her a bit more. They took a character from s2 who already had a strong character established, they brought her in and didn't rush to have Buck and her dating, instead they had a few eps of them just being friends, so relative to Ana, the show did invest in Taylor more. But... still not enough for me to think she can be Buck's endgame. Yeah, they gave her more time and a bit more of a background, but it all feels a bit half-assed. Like in s4, where she initially rejects Buck in 412, but we never learn why, nor are we shown in 414 a reason why she would stop worrying about whatever it was that made her initially friendzone him... "I worried about you while you were in danger" is not enough, because it doesn't explain why she turned him down in the first place. And then during all of 5a, so many of the B/T scenes are awkward, just like A/E's were in s4 and the start of s5, or even actively pointing to something being wrong (I have never seen a character looking more pained or less enthusiastic to say "I love you" for the first time... TBH, technically speaking, Buck still didn't say those exact words, he half-assed it with "Good... *weirded out expression* Love you, too"). Even the episode dedicated in part to her backstory was half-assed (so much of it was "tell" instead of "show"), that I still feel like she's not Buck's endgame and can't be with this little investment from the show. BUT I do think it's still more investment than the show has ever given Ana, so that's why, if I did worry, I would about Taylor, not Ana.
And I hear you! I'm personally a monoshipper, once I have my heart set on a couple because I feel like they make each other better and can make each other happier than anyone else could, and by the time Taylor was first introduced in 206, I was already locked on Buddie. If you look at my s2 meta, you can see why I felt that even early s2 already did a lot to cement them as the people who are right for each other. But I get you, if Buddie weren't so perfect for each other, then yes, on paper, Ana and Taylor are what they would want. Ana with her background as a school teacher that Chris loves and with her common heritage with them, and Taylor with her independent, take-no-nonsense streak, they would seem like what these men need. And yet, Buck and Eddie ARE there for each other, Buck loving Chris with his whole heart and being the kind of person you know would be so respectful of his Diaz boys' background, and Eddie being the person who tells Buck things like they are, not coddling him, but also doing it with so much fondness and support, they end up giving each other everything these female LI's on paper would have, but then they give each other even more than that! They tease and they support and they get each other and are in awe of each other like no one else ever could fill those shoes.
Thank you for this, Nonnie! Hope you don't mind the length, I got a bit emotional! Have a great day! xoxox
And if you or anyone else is looking for my other ask replies, you can find them using my ask tag. xoxox
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toskarin · 3 years
(long, very sorry!)
i finished the fate route!!!! i couldnt finish it friday and i couldnt play saturday, so i took longer than i would have preferred;;; i think i have strong feelings abt it? this may be a situation where in two and a half hours i send another ask saying "i was stupid this is what i really think"
i think that, for one, what i Wanted is like, a happy ending where saber and tohsaka and emiya and everybody all live together happy endings yknow - but i think, while i dont know abt the other two routes, that Doesnt Fit This One! i think the emphasis on how arturias end goal isnt morally bad wouldnt have hit as well / at all if it ended with her happily living with shirou
as well: EMIYA IS,,,, WAYYYYY BETTER. in the beginning i was actually DREADING having to play 60 hours or whatever of this guy but he is way better way fast, and i actively liked him by the ending
arturia is really well written too!!!! my like,,, big fear is that. maybe some of the characterization she got in this route will be tossed aside in the others where she is not the only focus? i really hope thats not the case but im a bit worried
illya, tohsaka, and sakura the most didnt get very much, and it was kind of deadly for sakura. again this might be a situation where the only solution is to finish the game, but sakura at the moment comes off as mildly annoying at best and im just waiting for her to get more
gilgamesh ruled, fantastic villain! this is me cheating a little bit using knowledge i had previously, But. im relatively confident that archer will get more to do in the tohsaka route, ofc, and in the sakura route like. i dont know how to describe it, but i think she basically goes insane and kills people? like i think shes a tornado im honestly not sure
part of me wishes that they stuck to the horror side that we saw with the coffins near the end? i want more of that Tone, and you said a while ago that like. each route Felt Like Another Game, so part of me is hoping that i get that in blade works or heavens feel (im not sure which is first)
to be more succinct: i really liked the ending, and i think they did a really good job of making me like shirou and arturia, who are ofc the most important people to like in this route. my biggest fear is that it wont give arturia as much to do in the tohsaka route, and i really hope we get huge tone changes as well - more of the scary bits!
im gonna go through the bad ends now - i dont think there will be TOO much super interesting stuff, but i thought the few tiger dojos were cute and i love fujimura so
ty for posting abt this game often enough i played it!!! its a huge fucking blast - sorry for sending such a long ask, again!
first and foremost, MAJOR congratulations! having finished Fate route, you've officially had An Experience that you literally can't currently have any other way (not even in a pretentious vn fan way, but in the sense that the deen adaptation makes a lot up and mixes in other routes, so the full vn story is literally only possible to experience this way!)
the framing of the final scabbard scene is one of those things that's like, absolutely a "you've gotta see it to believe it"
anyway I'll keep my reply brief because I'm gonna reassure you a lot at once and don't wanna spoil anything too specific, but the next few routes absolutely play off the characterization you've seen so far and use it to allow the main cast to develop faster, and then deeper as they progress into further exploration. so while not quite a sequel, expect Saber, Shirou, Rin, et al to experience growth moments sooner to the point where each following route feels like a sequel more than a reversion to zero
also, rest assured that horror is on its way. nasu just likes to tease the full scope of how bad things are in early routes
so glad you get to enjoy it (relatively, given how impossible a true blind read is haha) with fresh eyes! enjoy UBW when you get around to it; it's raw shounen glory, and honestly holds up so well it could've been written today
also, food for thought, notice that shirou's role in the story is actually best described as "heroine" and would traditionally be filled by a female character. just a neat little subversion that's half a product of fate originally being an otome on first draft and half a product of nasu's genuine interest in playing with themes of gender
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
hi hi hi !!! i was wondering if you could do a bakugou x indian reader who’s from new york?? like lwky veronica lodge and/or blair waldorf vibes ?? like she’s really cheeky and sophisticated and gives a lot of gifts?? like someone could give her a hug and boom the next day ‘ here’s a 12k bracelet from tiffany & co 😃😃 ‘ IDK I THOUGHT THIS WOULD BE FUNNY OR SOMETHING IDK I HOPE THIS ISNT TOO WEIRD LMFAO
“And I Thought Momo & Todoroki Were Rich”
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Pairings: None Pronouns: She/Her Word Count: 1k Warnings: None
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Being the daughter of two high profile parents came with its perks. Your father’s business was considered a tech giant, and it made him one of the richest men in the world. Your mother had been the United States’ top neurosurgeon, before she retired deciding instead to focus on her philanthropic passions of bringing healthcare to developing nations through Doctors Without Borders. (My point is...y’all are rich rich)
“Alright everyone quiet down. There’s a new student coming today.” Aizawa stated tiredly, his shoulder length dark hair falling into his face a bit. He stood against the desk at the front of the room, his eyes going to the door when he saw the door knob turn. 
“I hope it’s a hot girl!” Mineta remarked as Hagakure pushed him off his chair causing the short boy to fall face first onto the ground. Hagakure wasn’t a mean person, he just got annoying.
The door opened to reveal Nezu standing beside you, a brown skinned girl (BrOwN sKiNnEd GyaL..i’m sorry i had to). To the others, you seemed friendly enough with your full lips pulled up into a soft smile. Your dark hair came to just above your shoulders and you wore a simple red headband in your hair. “Hello everyone. I’m (y/n), it’s nice to meet you.” 
“Woah? Where are you from? Your accent is so cool!” A blonde boy with a black lightning bolt in his hair asked, his eyes wide and a large smile on his face. “I’m Kaminari Denki, by the way.”
“I’m from New York.” You answered before taking the only empty seat which was beside a boy with half white and half red hair. 
“Why’d you come to Japan? New York seems much cooler.” Mina sighed. “I’ve always wanted to go!”
“My dad is expanding his company and my mother wanted to expand her charity. I don’t mind though.” You explained with a shrug of your shoulders. 
“Wait a second! Ochako it’s your birthday?!” Mina announced suddenly, after receiving a notification reminder on her phone. 
“My birthday’s tomorrow, Mina.” The brown haired girl with rosy cheeks corrected her. 
“It’s your birthday tomorrow? What do you like? Jewelry? Perfume? Shoes? Concert tickets?” You questioned thinking about some of the things you had given as presents to your friends in the past. 
“N-no, that’s too much!” Ochako’s eyes widened as she shook her head. 
“That’s okay. I’m sure I’ll be friends with everyone here, if that’s what you’re worried about?” You tried to reassure her. “It’s not that big of a deal, Ochako...I’ll surprise you then? Do you like pink?”
She nodded as you made a mental note. You had seen a really pretty necklace with a pink diamond in the center that was in the shape of a heart. You had originally wanted one for yourself, but it would be much more fun to match with someone.
After your first day of school at UA had ended you had been standing outside waiting for your driver to take you to your father’s company where you would meet your mother to go out to dinner. 
“(Y/n)!” You turned hearing your name being called as you waved over to the group of girls and boys that were approaching you. Kaminari, Kirishima, Ochako, Midoriya, Jirou, Mina, Hagakure, Momo, and Bakugou (who had been dragged by Kirishima) came to stand near you. 
“Oh hey guys! Thanks for making me feel welcome today! You all are great friends.” You smiled at them, before glancing behind you to look at the road to see if your driver had come yet. 
“Do you wanna hang out tomorrow since today’s Friday?” They asked you as you thought about it for a minute. 
“Tomorrow…” You paused running through your schedule. “I think I’m free tomorrow. Do you want to come over to my house? We just finished moving in!”
“Sure. Send us the address!” Mina answered excitedly as everyone nodded, even the explosive blonde agreed.
“We can have a party for your birthday Ochako! It’ll be perfect!” You said excitedly as you clapped your hands. “I’ve gotta go talk to my event planner! I’ve gotta get decorations! Wait...what kind of cake do you like? Do you even like cake? Maybe cupcakes?”
“E-event planner?”
“Yeah...I can’t plan a party by myself without input from him.” You said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “He’s great! I gotta go! See you tomorrow! I’ll text you the details tonight.” You called as you walked off towards your vehicle where your driver was waiting with the door open for you. 
It was the next day and the doorbell rang signaling that your new friends had just arrived. You opened one of the two large front doors to see the group holding snacks and gifts.
“Happy birthday Ochako!” You smiled, holding the small long blue box with a white ribbon wrapped around it. You pulled her into a hug as she entered your home along with  the rest of the class, before you stepped back allowing everyone to enter. You handed her the gift. “I hope you like it.”
“(Y/N)! T-This is too much! How much did this cost!” Ochako was practically speechless after puling the ribbon off and opening the box, her eyes wide as she held the beautiful necklace in her hands. It was a heart shaped pink diamond on a gold chain.
“Do you not like it?” You grew concerned. You always thought you had been a good gift giver, your old friends had always loved the gifts you gave them in the past.
“N-No I love it! It’s just really expensive isn’t it? How much did it cost?” Ochako questioned as you helped her put it on. 
“Don’t worry Ochako! I got it at a great price because my mom is friends with the jeweler.” You explained. “It was only 1,470,490 yen! Isn’t that such a steal!” You said as everyone’s eyes widened at your smile. 
“1,470,490.00 yen! (Y/n)!”
“I know, I feel kind of bad, I should’ve paid more.” You shrugged a small frown on your face. “Why are you all looking at me like that? Was it a bad gift? All of my other friends loved when I gave them gifts like this?”
“You spent more than one million yen on a necklace for someone you barely know.” Bakugou broke the silence with a roll of his crimson eyes. “Dumbass.” He added after a moment
“It wasn’t that expensive, relax guys. That’s only like my weekly allowance.” You said with a laugh and shrug. “Now come on! Let’s party!”
“Weekly allowance?” Kaminari sweatdropped. “And I thought Momo and Todoroki were rich.”
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. am i the only one who kinda hate the colors choices for the characters in LO? they're so oversaturated and intense that it just hurts my eyes to look at after awhile. the background colors are much nicer with them being more pastel. i wish it went with that hue instead of just being as intense as possible.
-----FP Spoilers-----
2. So, this is my first time saying ANY critique on webtoons out loud. I wanted to keep my mouth shut because I know how hard it can be with comics but, enough said. My GOD. Everyone’s  pointed out great points but if I’d have to say any, what I really find annoying is when anyone explains their backstory with meeting P for the first time, it has to take up so many eps, it’s long and with useless info, and it never really goes anywhere because every character constantly keeps changing their story???? And it’s not even like some moment that you can remember and look back to. They’re all so freaking forgettable and long for NO REASON??? I read the latest FP and it was The same thing. Hermès explaining his first time meeting P but why did it have to take up more than half the ep? I feel like that’s why eps. Feel a lot shorter. Because absolutely nothing happens and when something important actually does happen, it takes so damn long to explain that I just don’t care for it. This could also be said with Minthes and Hades first time meeting cuz yeah ok, they were both in a bad place, but just get to the point???? It doesn’t need two whole ass episodes just to say “they were both in a bad place u_u” And when it comes to milking a plot, they never properly solve issues. Like yeah maybe they did give that guy his eye ball back, BUT P’S RAPE???? I don’t care for it anymore. And that’s an issue that should have been solved or at least given a proper light to! It’s just dealt so poorly and for the sake of dumb quirky flashbacks. Like yess, im sure that happens to real survivors but comic wise, it gets kinda boring?  Maybe come up with better ways on how other things affect her and then she learns from them?? That’d be great character development and it could help her over come her fears and become stronger both mentally and physically. But I’m sorry DX I’m normally not like this at all, in fact I support freelance comic artists a lot! But once I found how much she makes, sheesh! I needed to say something.
3. I mean I guess Hermes (the red guy is him right?) ‘s mother is a plus size character. But its only like his mom, Hestia and i think there was one fat nymph Perse was friends with.
4. Holy shit this fastpass chapter was total shit. It has nothing to do with the trail at all, and this chapter was very boring to the point where I even stopped halfway through and read the rest later fast to get it over with.
Having Persephone be hidden is so fucking stupid because this contradict season 1 where hades reading all of her accomplishments from competitions you know, things that are public. Not only that but why have Demeter hide Persephone be new when Persephone is THE FUCKING BARLEY MOTHER MASCOT?!?!!
Hermes Little plot will literally be nothing but filler and if this was a real situation he would not even be in it because he really did nothing but get money for being quiet. What we need is an explanation from Demeter and Persephone not fucking hermes!
Rachel what the fucking fuck gurl!!! I don’t know if you can tell. But this chapter mad me so mad, we need explanation and plot, not filler junk. 
5. In fastpass, there was a flashback where hermes  and persephone got so much chemistry that i wish they were a real final couple. Also anything isnt explained yet and hermas instead of talking about act of warth or wy persephone in inocen he talked about his life and how he met perephone and this part of flashback isnt even ended, ended on cliffhanger and will be continuing in next ep.
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lyeekha · 3 years
In the mirror he could see Ernest stood behind him, tie tucked safely into his vest, sleeves rolled up and a towel slung over one shoulder. He had ushered Lemony to a seat with a headrest, politely remaining in eyeline and not making any surreptitious-looking movements. He had removed his suit jacket and pointed out that, really, you needed to be topless for this, and Lemony had said oh yes, of course, as if this had slipped his mind instead of caused him to hesitate, and taken off his shirt, and nobody had made a fuss about it, and he had actually relaxed, and now Ernest was rubbing something into his neck that smelt... incredible. It smelt of summer.
The manager was obviously skilled, that hadn't been a lie. His palms worked the oil across his flesh with just the right firmness and friction to make his skin tingle. His fingertips pressed confidently into the exact hollows that made him hum with appreciation. He wanted more than anything to drift off and allow himself to be looked after, but Lemony was still playing the game. He had to be. As casually as possible, he watched Ernest's reflection. The man seemed totally absorbed in his work. In fact, Ernest looked more peaceful than he had ever seen him before. The enigmatic smile didn't seem as forced, though still impenetrable. A slight, strange frown of concentration was on his brow. Something ancient stirred in the back of Lemony's mind. He could believe that this was a genuine pleasure for Ernest, no matter what other motives were in play. The attraction of a simple, intimate, uncomplicated, repetitive task. Lemony cleared his throat and summoned a more jovial tone.
Thank you!!! (Pick a passage or comic chapter of mine for commentary)
this ones from Double Edged so, spoilers for that. sorry if its too much and maybe incomprehensible i just wrote everything i thought in a stream
The idea of rival spies in a truce having an unspoken etiquette about making sure the other person can see what they’re doing clearly at all times really amused me and also seemed like a natural progression for people who just, Live Like This all the time. Kind of like the body language animals develop to deliberately signal trust and lack of threat? Like when cats do the long blink or prey animals make a big show of laying down near you. Of course then you have it as a reassuring gesture, and that gesture being false, and I’ve set myself up for the whole rest of the thing to be about successfully and realistically (enough) distracting Lemony without him noticing.
Humans are the animals that do this too, of course. it is the same thing as normal body language just made more pointed. I have Ernest as having complete control over his body language and complete observation of everyone elses, in a Derren Brown type reading/manipulation style.
I like slipping dialogue into the narration here because it cuts out a lot of stuff that’s boring to read and skips a bit of time by having Lemony reflect on things that have just happened. the whole thing is in past tense but this is like, a few minutes further past tense than everything else. Means I can just put the pertinent things. Also it was very important for this bit to happen very fast so that you get his POV sense of being swept along with ‘naturally unfolding’ events. It buries the fact that Ernest now has possession of Lemony’s jacket by making the second half of that sentence much more engaging and interesting looking and easy to move on to - which is exactly what Ernest is doing by saying something distracting as he performs the natural gesture. It’s all about giving the reader the same experience as Lemony, that’s the goal for this one.
Lem is a bit nervous about taking clothes off - which is reasonable, actually - but also he’s a bit precious about it in general because of a lifetime habit of showing skin equalling danger (tattoo) and being vulnerable (without disguise or situation-appropriate clothing). I’m thinking of socks and the symbolic importance of clothes in atwq, the reliance on the disguise kit forever, the scene-appropriate netflix outfits to blend in all the time. That’s whats canon anyway - this all also contributes to my headcanon of trans Lemony, and I made sure to imply top surgery scars in the illustration. Again, vital to remember that its Lem’s POV (even though it’s not in first person), so ‘nobody made a fuss about it’ both tells you his relief that no comment about his body (whether salacious or surprise or mockery) was made and cements that he was nervous in the first place. 
Of course Ernest wouldnt say anything, or even visibly react at all. He is a practiced expert of the service industry.
This is also in contrast with Jacques, who has complete confidence in showing skin. Lem feigning absent-mindedness to disguise hesitation feeds into the overall ongoing thing of Lemony trying to be smooth, and I reckon hes’s coping by pulling directly from how he’s seen Jacques act. This whole seductive wiles angle isn’t really Lemony’s scene and his awkward phrasing and justifications in his own thoughts about it reflects this. Pretending to be going along with stuff he can do, but the playful flirty aspect is different and throws him a bit. So its pretty much all from what he knows of J’s playbook. Of course Ernest isn’t fooled by the faux casualness, and Lemony knows he isnt, but its the polite etiquette to go along with face value that makes everyone more comfortable. Lot of that in this fic. 
‘and he had actually relaxed’ the word ‘actually’ implying his surprise as he’d been intending to only pretend to relax - same with ‘that hadn’t been a lie’, as in, well *that* at least was true. Lem is double checking literally everything Ernest says. The fact that he is actually a practiced masseuse sells the idea to Lemony that this is not just a ruse to get his top off or whatever. And at the same time reassures the reader that Lem is not actually being a complete idiot - he is constantly suspicious of everything as always, and remains so throughout
It smelt of summer.... I wanted a feeling more than a specific scent. Its how it makes him feel. He can’t pinpoint it exactly because its too evocative. To me, smelling of summer evokes warm spice and mango. Also, the sudden switch from a factual barrage to slow and conceptual is a strong feeling. 
The fast pacing and then the sudden slow at the end of the paragraph like a sigh. Like the feeling of being swept along and then being a bit bewildered, bit ‘i can’t beleive this is actually happening’, bit ‘how did i get here’, bit proper relaxing. 
Then slow and meandering pacing, to match Ernest’s hands. Palm oil. Flesh Firmness Friction.
Ernest said pointedly earlier that the mirror was for Lemony to watch him, to feel safe. So he is well aware - and is in fact encouraging - that Lemony study his reflection at this point. However, I hope I managed to get a good genuine vibe in here. Ernest enjoys this, and is finding it relaxing. Probably the actual genuine feeling from him is a huge advantage to calming Lemony down, Lem can probably pick up on fakeness very well subconsciously, so the verisimilitude is Ernest’s best weapon. Also, he wants for selfish reasons. He doesn’t get physical contact because of his position, and when he does its not someone that understands why. And Lemony understands him. And he understands Lemony. Better than most on their respective sides do. Lem even acknowledges in his own narration - 'genuine pleasure... no matter what other motives were in play’ - that the truth and the trick are not mutually exclusive. he gets it.
Very intentional focus on enigmatic smile and brow in quick succession, which happens repeated through the story - yes we are invoking Ellington this fic, more quietly at first and then stronger later. A stirring of something ancient, you might say. 
And yes, the mind naturally wanders to other simple, intimate, uncomplicated, repetitive tasks and he has to shut that line of thought down immediately, something Lemony gets increasingly worse at doing as the fic goes on. Shoving words like ‘pleasure’ and ‘stirring’ and that technically accurate description together heavily implies Lem’s growing arousal. Just to really spell that out. Just in case. If it’s missed it would be there subliminally enough im sure.
Thanks for asking and a great choice of section, I havent read this commentary back so here it is have it immediately before i remember what i forgot and edit forever
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omegawolverine · 4 years
Yo yo yo Please Rant to me about the hyperfixations you rarely talk about (idk what to ask about specific cause idk much about any of them but i wanna hear!)
i started answering this yesterday and then realized like half way thru that i did not have enough motivation to talk about that hyperfixation atm so sorry this is late lol
but, i will now be talking about...why i think shikamaru and choji should be boyfriends bc i have zero self control and think this topic should be discussed more.
uh, note first tho: i havent finished naruto and i basically only hyperfixated on arcs during the first half of the series, specifically like the chunin exams and the sasuke rescue arcs so if i get things wrong its bc i genuinely just dont fucking remember, dont know or could not care less about the rest of the series
also slight cw for mentions of canonical fatshaming!!
so, for starters, shikacho are supposed to be best friends but no other friends in this show act like them. literally none. not the girls, none of the other guys, you get the point!! and like. i think that's kinda gay. and i would like to discuss why they come off as gay sooooo let's fuckn go:
choji and shikamaru know each other better than anyone to the point where choji is able to predict whether or not shikamaru will cop out of a fight within the first few minutes of it starting. sure, this could be best bros behavior, but also every other relationship in this show, especially the romantic ones, have like. half the development that this one has, if not less, which is saying something considering shikamaru and choji are fucking background characters
shikamaru was chojis first friend and ever since then they've gotten into this thing of knowing what the other does and why kinda stuff?? not gonna elaborate bc this is like a consistent thing that is shown between them lol
shikamaru knows exactly what kind of fighter choji is and knows that he isn't outstanding and loses a lot but still trusts him entirely when they go into fights and depends on him heavily, even if it isnt technically the best idea
shikamaru is the only one who ever defends choji and will yell at people for calling him fat (they're very very reassuring with each other no matter what)
choji is one of the only people to ever realize shikamaru was really smart besides asuma (like before the chunin exams at least)
choji, when told by ino that girls won't like him bc he's fat and they never will, literally looks like he couldn't care less but when shikamaru starts praising him, telling him to just be himself, etc, he gets all blushy...homosexuality, if I do say so myself
shikamaru constantly praises choji on his skills even tho its known that 1) shika doesn't praise people easily and 2) choji isn't very skilled compared to like. most of their peers
shikamaru brings choji on missions even tho he's told by everyone he's dead weight. boyfriend culture my friends-
choji praises shikamaru for being smart constantly and says that without shika they'd be fucked throughout all of their exams. not necessarily gay, I'm just a sucker for bfs praising each other
also choji is the only one who acknowledges and respects shikamaru as a chunin on the mission to get back sasuke. everyone else is complaining and saying it's stupid that they have to follow someone like shikamaru and chojis just like we literally need to listen to him, he is the only one of us who knows what the fuck we're doing and how to do it, he is the only one of us with the fucking brains to pull this shit off, etc. and im like!!! choji!!!!!! we stan!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways theres most definetly more bc i havent finished this series or rewatched the shikacho parts in months but like. idk. i just think they should be shipped more and im pretty sure the main reason they arent is bc choji isnt the stereotypical hot anime boy, which is gross. like. they have the most chemistry out of everyone on that goddamn show but yall ain't gonna ship them bc you don't think chojis hot? weird ass mfers
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starkidpotty · 4 years
When Will I See You Again? [RBW]
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Ron’s favorite summer is the summer he met you. 
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none–it’s absolute, pure, unadulterated fluff.
Word Count: ~5.3k
A/N: finally a fic that isnt harry hsfhasdfa i plan to make this multiple parts but let me know if u guys wud like that aaa i hope u enjoy! <3
“Fred, you are a right foul git!” cursed Ron as he chased after the twin. 
“Ron’s in love!” Fred bellowed as he held a crumpled photograph in his hand. Before Ron carelessly pounced on Fred, the twin passed the photograph to the other half of his whole, George. 
George uncrumpled the photograph to take a good look at it, “In love is Ron!” George recrumpled the photograph into a ball and threw it back at Fred, making Ron the monkey in the middle. 
Ron jumped and jumped, unable to catch the crumpled polaroid as his brothers threw it around. Fred made the mistake of passing it to Ginny, who was caught off-guard, allowing Ron to snatch it from her hands.
“Now, look at it! It’s unsalvageable!” Ron exclaimed at the polaroid. There was a fold right across the center, discoloring that part of the photograph. 
“Are you not a wizard, little brother?” Said Fred.
Ron was, of course, just not adept or knowledgeable enough to fix the muggle object. 
“Does it look like I’d know a spell to fix this? This is the only thing I have to remember her by!” Ron bellowed in anger. Fred and George merely snickered at him. 
“You make very funny faces.” George said to him, mimicking the last conversation Ron had with you. 
The teasing started the first day the Weasleys decided to take a muggle-led tour of the famed pyramids in Egypt at Arthur’s request (demand, actually). The family tried very hard to fit into the muggle-led tour group, which to their credit, they did quite well. Arthur kept his little quips at bay–with much help from Molly and Bill. Percy droned on about his guesses for Head Boy (guesses, meaning reasons as to why he was most deserving of the role) to anyone family member within earshot. Fred and George were accompanied by Charlie, who was better accustomed to muggles due to his time in Romania. Ginny quietly observed her family. While Ron, who was holding Scabbers in his right hand and a handful of wizard sweets in his left, did not notice his untied shoelaces because he tripped over them and took a muggle girl down in the process. It was a scene out of a muggle romantic comedy–13-year-old Ron swore he fell in love the moment he and your eyes met. Scabbers scattered out of his hand at the moment of impact and as he stood up, he offered her his sticky and crumby left hand. You didn’t seem to mind, as you dusted yourself, and thanked Ron for his help. Of course, Fred and George were the primary witnesses of Ron’s unfortunate incident, as they had temporarily escaped Charlie’s watchful eye.
The second day of the muggle-led tour of the pyramids, he saw you again. He tried to steer clear of Fred and George, but he could only do much in the small space in the pyramids. Luckily, Fred and George were on a mission to seal Percy in a mummy tomb and Charlie merely watched, as he was quite amused at the whole scene. As Fred and George shoved Percy into an unknown Pharaoh’s room. Ron took this chance to talk to you as he spotted you at the front of the tour group. He looked left and right, making sure his family did not notice him and he walked to you.
“Hullo,” Ron started. You didn’t notice him, as you were transfixed on the Egyptian tombs.
Ron cleared his throat in an attempt to catch her attention and he repeated, “Hullo.” 
You finally turned to him, “‘Hello,”
Oh merlin, she’s French, Ron thought, as the sound of your accent sounded like harps and the gates of heaven themselves opening. He kept himself grounded as he reminded himself that you were essentially a muggle-girl who could not understand wizard things and should he slip, it’ll be only his mother’s voice he’d have to hear. 
“Er–hullo, I want to apologize, for tripping you yesterday in King Tut’s tomb yesterday.” 
“Oh! There is no–what is the word–problem, thank you again–er–for, for, helping me up.” You said, fishing for the translations of the French words you knew. 
By Merlin’s left tit, Ron swore up and down he was already in love with her. Her hair was shiny and soft, her eyes glittering, and lips so full. It was hard to concentrate, it was almost as though he were in a trance. 
“Is it your first time in Egypt?” Ron continued. Fred and George emerged from the tomb of the unknown pharaoh, unsuccessful in their plight to banish Percy. They did not meddle with Ron’s feeble attempt at female interaction, but instead sniggered at the sight of it. 
Ron himself was quite taken aback with his behavior, as he was talking to a girl–a member of the opposite sex, someone who was not his mother or his sister or Hermione. You were a pretty girl too, and this all the more heightened his nerves. Ron was exercising so much control over his words so as not to spill the secrets of the wizarding world to a 13-year-old girl that his head was spinning. The polite conversation was riddled with small talk, the normal exchanging of basic information such as names, ages, and where  you were from. 
Arthur spotted Ron, eyes wide. His son, his very immature & unaccustomed-to-muggles son (relative to himself, of course), was conversing with a muggle, all while his damned broken wand was poking out of his pocket. Arthur rushed to Ron’s side, and Ron hadn’t seemed to notice–too busy ogling you. Arthur put an arm around Ron, effectively startling him. 
“Good day! Might I borrow my son for a minute?” He says to you. You nod and watch Ron as he gets whisked away by his father. 
Arthur didn’t know whether to scold him or egg him on–it was a muggle he was talking to! Everything he’d want to know about muggles from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl right there. Then Arthur imagined the scolding he’d get from Molly if he chose the former. So, he lectured Ron on the dangers of revealing the secrets of the wizarding world to a muggle, citing an incident he’d had recently at work when a Muggle walked in on he and his fellow co-workers during a raid. 
“The obliviate charm, though quite useful, was a nasty thing to inflict onto somebody and I wouldn’t want  to do that to her.” Arthur told Ron. Ron didn’t care to listen to his father and began to imagine your face on his father’s to make the lecture more bearable. Arthur kept Ron glued to his hip the rest of the tour for the day until they made it back to Bill’s flat.
The third day was the most eventful yet, as the tour group finally had their last group lunch at an authentic Egyptian muggle restaurant. Ron took this as his last opportunity to interact with his muggle-tour-group crush and indiscreetly took a seat next to you. Unfortunately for Ron, Fred and George decided upon the seats across him and you. Ron tried so hard to talk to you, he really did, but he was worse off than yesterday. He was skidding over his words like a car whose tires popped and the steel was grinding itself across the road. Fred and George didn’t even hide the fact they were making fun of him, making kissy noises and drawing hearts in the air with their fingers. It was a miracle you ignored them, and even more of a miracle you paid attention to Ron. Your mother saw the sight and took out her polaroid camera. 
“[Y/N], [Y/N]! Look at me, my love!” Your mom said as she clicked the camera, film printing from the slot. She shook it to make it develop faster. The picture was ghastly–your eyes were half-closed with a forkful of spaghetti in your mouth and Ron’s face was contorted into a cross between a sneeze and anger. 
“How about another one, for good measure? Yes?” Your mother proposed. You shyly inched closer to Ron, and you swear you hear him gulp. You smile and Ron partly does the same (he was never really quite good at modulating his expressions, so now instead of a cross between a sneeze and anger, it was now fear pretending to be happy). 
Your mother hands you both pictures after they’ve fully developed, and you give Ron the second one. 
“I like how silly we look here,” You reasoned to him, beaming. Ron was going to explode. 
“Oh yes, me too.” He replied, shaking his polaroid of the two of you to get it to move, forgetting for a moment it came from a muggle camera. You chuckle at him. 
“You make very funny faces, it’s, uh, very amusing.” You mused. Ron turned red to his ears. 
“You should’ve seen the faces I made when I threw up slugs!” Ron laughed, then his face straightened to a stony expression. 
“Slugs?” You asked. At this point Ron was panicking and he sent a side-eye to Fred & George, who were laughing even harder than before. 
“Candied slugs,” Ron managed to say quickly
“Candied slugs?” You repeated, “That sounds so, er, awful! Disgusting, yes? Why would you eat such an ‘orrible thing?” 
Ron was pink to the ears.
“Well, er, candied slugs….are a delicacy?” Ron could not help but sound confused with the lie he was making up. You furrowed your brows. 
“In England?” You ask. 
“Only up north?” He asks with a very highlighted question mark. 
“Up north?” You couldn’t wrap your head around it, who the hell ate candied slugs in England? 
“It’s quite rare, might I add. Only a few mugg–” Ron stopped himself again, “people, I mean make them.” 
“Really, uh, candied slugs?” 
“Yes. Blimey, the feeling you when they go back up your throat!” Ron laughed, trying to keep his cool. “Well, what do you have in France? I reckon it's much better than slugs.” 
You tell him about the wonders of French culture, especially about food. Ron tries very hard to ask the questions, and you answer them. Lunch ends, signalling the end of the tour. All the members of the tour group finish their food, pay their share of the bills–Arthur took his time with muggle Egyptian money as he’d never see any other muggle currency aside from the British pound. When all was said and done, everyone stood up and went their separate ways. You stood, and so did Ron. 
Turning to him, you say,“It was, uh, nice to have someone my age ‘ere.” You were compelled to hug him, and you do. Ron was flushed, flustered, redder than his family’s signature red hair. His face looked like hues of red at a paint shop. Ron didn’t hug back due to shock, but you paid it no mind. You left as your mother called you to her, you skipped towards her happy to have made a friend in your time in Egypt. Ron stood there, almost in a petrificus-totalus-like state, staring at you as you walked away from him. Fred and George laughed at Ron incessantly. They made fun of him the whole walk back to Bill’s flat. Ron knew that he’d never see you again, but he resigned to replaying the last conversation you and he had. 
Ron’s remaining time in Egypt saw him thinking about you endlessly, it was the most teenageric thing he’d done thus far. The rest of the weeks were spent doing usual Weasley family activities, far away from muggles now, much to Arthur’s dismay. Bill gave them tours of the tombs he’d broken curses at and the satellite Gringotts office. The vacation ended and the Weasleys were well on their way back home with Ron still thinking about you all the way to Burrow. 
At the Leaky Cauldron, he told Hermione and Harry what he could about you. Harry was quite supportive of the whole escapade, while Hermione rolled her eyes and told him off as you were probably just being nice. The initial crush faded as the year progressed, but Ron still thought about you from time to time, wondering if you were enjoying home and if he’d ever run into you should he find himself in muggle France. He’d find you being the topic of conversation when he was alone with Harry–to avoid an earful from Hermione–on days where there would be nothing to talk about. He’d run through hypothetical situations and ask Harry how he should act around a muggle to not scare them off. 
His last conversation with you would occasionally creep up in his mind before he’d go to bed at Gryffindor tower, smiling at the thought of it. 
“Some girls really are something else,” Ron would think before drifting off to sleep, the crumpled polaroid hidden in his sock drawer. 
Year 3 at Hogwarts came and passed, Ron made it through in one piece, now without a pesky Scabbers by his side as it was revealed to have been Peter Pettigrew. He now had longer hair, more defined features, and grew a few inches taller. Summer was eventful to say the least with his family and his two best friends going to the Quidditch world cup and it being attacked by Death Eaters. He still thought about you from time to time in passing but not as obsessively as in the 3rd year. Yours and his interaction became an anecdote–the time Ron finally talked to a girl who wasn’t family or Hermione and almost slipped the secrets of the wizarding world to. Fred and George would not let him forget. 
“...This year, Hogwarts will play host to a legendary event: the Triwizard Tournament. During which time a single student gets to represent his or her school in a series of magical contests. Eternal glory awaits the student who wins the tournament.” Bellowed Dumbledore from his stand at the front of the hall. Ron was too busy working at his chicken pot pie, but picked up keywords from Dumbledore’s speech in between bites–Triwizard tournament, eternal glory. Dumbledore’s speech was interrupted by a frantic Filch running through the aisle of the Great Hall, clutching Mrs. Norris in his hands. He whispered a few words to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore continued. Ron had moved on from his chicken pot pie to the mashed potatoes drowning in the signature Hogwarts gravy. 
“...For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and their headmistress Madame Maxime!” At once, the doors of the Great Hall burst open, giving sight to the students of Beauxbatons. 
Ron’s head was still down as he was basically breathing in the mashed potatoes, even though he knew that there would be plenty of mashed potatoes to go around. Seamus, sat to his left, accidentally nudged him thinking he was Dean, causing Ron to look up. Ron’s eyes immediately darted to the Beauxbatons girls who made quite an entrance with butterflies erupting from their sides. Ron was ogling them, now ignoring the mashed potatoes in front of him, his chin resting on his hand. He stared at them all, darting from girl to girl, focusing on them a few seconds each. His eyes moved down the line of girls, until he reached the last student–you. 
Ron froze, not out of fear, but out of utter shock. It was you, in the flesh–the muggle girl he had tripped in King Tut’s tomb a year prior to now. Of course now, he realized you were not a muggle, but a wizard like him. You were still gracefully dancing around as rehearsed, your arms extending and flexing forward like a ballerina. Ron was still staring at you. 
Hermione snapped her fingers at his face, “Excuse me! Women aren’t objects!”
“It’s her.” Ron simply stated. Hermione looked at Harry from across the table in confusion. 
“Who?” Harry asked. 
“D’you remember the muggle girl I kept talking about last year? She isn’t a muggle, she’s literally right there, in the flesh, prancing around, butterflies shooting out of her sides! Blimey, she’s a witch!” Ron exclaimed.
His two friends turned their heads to the front of the Great Hall, where you were bowing down. You and your fellow classmates separated among the four tables in the Great Hall, with you to the Gryffindor table. Ron was watching you the whole time until you sat at the table, only a few students away from him. 
Harry was in disbelief, unwilling to believe Ron, “Merlin, Ron, are you sure?”
Fred and George noticed Ron’s awestruck face and shifted around a few fellow Gryffindors to get to their little brother. 
“Georgie, it seems as though Ron has his eye on a certain French lady,” Fred starts. The twins follow Ron’s line of sight, landing on you.
“Blimey, Freddie, she looks familiar does she not?” George notices. 
Fred squints, “Good god, isn’t that girl you couldn’t,” 
George continues, “Wouldn’t” 
Fred says, “Stop talking about?”
George connects, “Every hour,”
“Of every day, last summer to now?” finishes Fred, finally. Fred and George turn to each other in amazement, wondering how they’ll be spending the next year torturing Ron. 
“Why don’t you go up to her and offer her some candied slugs then, little brother? It’s a delicacy in Northern England! Up north, yes!” George says mimicking 13-year-old Ron’s voice.
“Shove off, George,” Ron mutters as he brings his attention back down to his mashed potatoes, trying to calm himself down. He was picking at the plate with his spoon, tossing around the meal carelessly. 
You were enjoying a classic Hogwarts meal of baked chicken and potatoes, while a first-year sat beside you making chit-chat. The student knew just as much as you did about Hogwarts, but you hung onto every word. A girl in front of you at you and back down at her plate. You caught her eye and you both smiled. 
“‘Ello,” You say to her. She seemed to have gone as red as her hair. 
“Hello,” She replied to you shyly. 
“My name is [Y/N],” You say smiling at her. 
The girl paused and smiled back, “I’m Ginny.”
A pause ensues. 
“Sorry for, er, staring, you just seem so familiar,” Ginny says to you. 
“Oh? Sorry, I do not remember you,” You say remorsefully. “It is my first time here at Hogwarts, I’ve never met anyone from here.” “It’s in the face is all,” Ginny smiles at you, before returning to her food. The Durmsrang fellows finished their introduction into the Great Hall, breathing fire and finding their places at different Hogwarts tables. A bulky Durmstrang boy finds a spot next to you, and you both exchange niceties and finish your meals. 
Ron finally clears his plate of the mashed potatoes. Fred and George were recounting the events in Egypt to Lee, who was now laughing at Ron as well. Hermione finished her meal and got up, beckoning Ron to go with them, as they had classes the next day. Harry, however, was looking at Ron and back at you, shooting a look at him–like he was egging him on. Ron instead decides to get up to go back to the common rooms, and Harry, a little disappointed, follows. 
The hall of students seem to finish their meals the same time as you, as one by one they leave their seats. Your fellow Beauxbaton classmates leave their seats as well, as Madame Maxime gave full permission to explore the grounds and fraternize with other Hogwarts students, so as long as they return to her by a certain period. Ginny gets up in front of you to join her other friends, and you contemplate on your next move. You get up from your table and saunter towards her. 
“Uh, Ginny, yes?” You ask her, as she spins around to meet you. 
“Yes, [Y/N]?” she responds neutrally. 
“I would just like to say–ask, I think is a better word–if we could be friends? I know not much about Hogwarts or anything, really,” You question, “You seem very nice,”
Ginny is taken aback, but gladly obliges. She introduces you to her group of friends, and you try to keep their names in mind. 
“Bloody hell,” Ron exclaims.
“What now, Ronald?” Hermione complains. 
“I forgot my bloody wand in the Hall, d’you mind?” He asks her. Without waiting for a response, he runs back to the hall and spots you, Ginny, and her friends stopped to the side while groups of students pour out the hall. He freezes in place foo two reasons: (1) He is absolutely mesmerized by your face, (2) you’re talking to his little sister. He takes a few steps to where he was sat a few minutes ago and grabs his wand. He could do two things right about now–leave or make up some pathetic excuse to talk to Ginny, and by extension talk to you. 
He chose the latter. 
He was rehearsing all kinds of stupid excuses to talk to Ginny and veer the conversation to you.
“Ginny! Mom sent you a howler, telling you off for being annoying, I mean I could tell you that myself.” 
“Ginny! Hermione says your hair looked greasy today, you should probably start a fight.” 
“Ginny! Remember when you poured your heart to a diary and almost got the life sucked out of by You-Know-Who in the flesh?” 
He was distracted and by the time he reaches you and Ginny and her friends, he’s stone-faced. His blood goes cold and a sweat starts to trickle on the nape of his neck.
“Hello, hello, uh,” He stammers. Ginny looks at him, in turn making you look at him. He sees you now, up close. You’ve grown a lot since that summer in Egypt. Your lips fuller, your hair longer, and you’ve grown into your features. You were sporting a paler look than you had last seen him, but he still thought you were glowing. 
“Slugs–” He starts out. Ron didn’t know why he began with slugs. Ginny gives him a bizarre look and your eyes widen. It’s as though your brain was flipping through pages of memories and it finally landed on the page it was looking for–Egypt, 1993.
“It’s you!” You exclaimed. Ginny was now giving you a bizarre look. “You were the boy who ate slugs, correct?” Ron was so nervous, and he felt all his blood pooling in his face. 
“What did you say then, er,– candied, yes?” Ron was silent through this, he was unaware of what to say. 
Ginny’s eyes light up, as she finally put two and two together, “You’re the french muggle girl Ron went on about!”
“He went on about me?” You questioned. Ginny’s friend’s had sensed this was a conversation amongst the three of you, and left, telling her they’d meet her in the common room and left. 
Ginny’s arms were now crossed against her chest, looking between you and Ron. You took off the signature Beauxbaton hat and fixed your hair, now conscious of the way you looked. Ron was too nervous to fix himself. Half his button-up was untucked and peeking from underneath his sweater, his collar was lopsided and his tie was arbitrarily knotted into a poor excuse of a windsor. He was transfixed on you, studying your features as though he were making sure that it was really you he tripped at King Tut’s tomb a year ago. 
Ginny turned to her brother, and their eyes met, gesturing him to talk. Ron opened his mouth but his vocal chords refused him any vibration. You stared at him, as the gears grinded in his head. 
“Er, I wouldn’t say went on about you,” Ron explained
“Wouldn’t say? Don’t lie, Ron.” Ginny said. Ron looked at her annoyedly, and Ginny smiled in return. 
You smile, “Is it true you eat candied slugs here?”
Ginny chortles, “Candied slugs?”
“Is it not, uh, a delicacy? He told me that last year,” You ask, pointing to Ron
“Blimey…” Ron mutters. Ginny laughs. He reasons, “I thought you were a muggle.” You shoot him a puzzled look, “Muggle?”
“Normal, non-magic,” Ginny cuts in. Ron shoots her another look. 
“Oh? Did, uh, I look not magical?” You ask jokingly. 
“You were more than magical,” Ron says in a dream-like tone. 
You fluster at his words and Ginny’s face turns into a disgusted look. 
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Ginny says, turning her heel to exit the hall. Ron pleads at Ginny through his eyes, but she takes no notice and leaves him with you. 
A pause takes you both. You recollect yourself, planning out what you want to say to Ron.
“I still have our, uh, polaroid.” You say warmly at Ron. He feels lighter, more comfortable knowing you kept the little piece of memorabilia from Egypt. 
“So do I!” He exclaims, too enthusiastically. He sinks back down into composure, silently scolding himself for the unwanted burst of energy. “I thought you weren’t a witch, honestly.”
You smile, “I could see your wand.”
Ron blushes fiercely, shades of red slowly taking place on his face, soon it becomes so strong, it’s enough to rival his hair, “I-I’m sorry?”
“Your, uh, wand. It was held together, by, uh, tape.” You declare. 
Ron sighed in relief, “You did?” 
“Yes, it was in your back pocket the whole time, no?” 
“Call me daft, I really thought no one would notice.” 
“It’s why I thought you knew I was a witch,” You say. “I didn’t care to point it, er, out.” 
Ron laughed humorlessly. 
“Would you, er, care to show me around the castle?” You ask him. Ron inhaled deeply and his mouth crunched into himself, a habit that showed when he was nervous. 
He carefully pushed a bang out of his face, before responding, “Uhm, okay.” 
Ron feigns gentlemanliness, gesturing you to the exit of the hall. His feet don’t move in tune with each other, causing him to lose balance. He utters choice words, but you don’t seem to notice. You walk towards the exit and Ron is right behind you, eyeing you up and down, while whispering a strained bloody hell. 
As Harry and Hermione waited for Ron at the hall doors, they were surprised to see you come out first with him on your tail. Hermione’s jaw dropped and Harry’s face lit up in approval. 
“‘Ello!” You greeted them, “My name is [Y/N]!” 
Harry’s eyes were wide, blinking away; Hermione scoffed in Ron’s direction. Ron merely shrugged, one of his bangs falling over his right eye. You looked back at Ron and at them, smiling. You were absolutely oblivious to the unspoken conversation the three were having amongst themselves. Ron’s head tilts in your direction, begging with Harry to say something. 
“I’m Harry, Ron has told us so much about you, this here is Hermione,” Harry says, gesturing to her. Ron panics silently and makes a pained noise, causing you to look back at him. Harry is losing it and trying very hard to stay composed. Hermione is still silent, looking at you and looking back at Ron.
“Has he?” You ask Hermione and Harry. 
“Oh, loads.” Says Harry simply. Ron wants to die. 
“Er, why don’t we walk her around for a bit, yeah?” Ron takes you by the wrist, shuffling between Harry and Hermione. Hermione looks to Harry in disapproval, arms crossed. Harry shrugs and follows Ron. 
Hermione catches up to Harry and whispers angrily, “What? Like she’s a dog?”
Hermione decides to leave the group, taking a right to the moving staircases, and she drags Harry along with her, much to his dismay. Ron was alone with you now. 
The walk around the castle was quiet but you didn’t seem to mind. Ron was looking at you the whole time, looking away when you looked at him. Ron was taken back with how you were willingly donating your time to him, when you could have joined the Durmstrang boy who sat next to you during the feast. He could swear you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Though he was supposed to be leading you around Hogwarts, he was letting you lead and following you like a puppy. 
You two finally stop at the courtyard, taking a seat on the grass. Ron stays standing, hands in pockets, pushing his cloak back. He’s looking around, avoiding your gaze. You catch his eye and pat the grass next to you. He cautiously sits down and assumes a long-sit. It is silent for a while, as you are basking in the moonlight. Ron is holding his breath, trying to emulate your relaxed demeanor but failing miserably. 
“I think it’s important to tell you,” You start, breaking the silence, “I’m part veela.” 
Ron is bewildered, “Veela?” 
“I think it is why you are so nervous around me,” 
“Nervous? Who said I was nervous?” He chuckles humorlessly and boomerangs back to a neutral expression. You laugh in response. 
“It’s not really an, uh, intended effect. It comes with it, like how you are a wizard who does magic. Veelas attract other people very much so.” 
“Oh,” Ron musters as a response. He stays silent, and so do you. It gets dark quickly, and you shoot up immediately. 
“I didn’t realize how late it has gotten!” You exclaim to Ron, who stands quickly. You dust off your uniform, while Ron watches you. You’re quite the sight under the stars and Ron is absolutely lovestruck. “Madame Maxime will, as the English say, have my head.” 
Ron smiles at you, unable to muster an answer as your smile is distracting and mesmerizing and simply put, beautiful. You grab his hand and pull him closer, landing a chaste kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you for bringing me around,” You whisper in a hug. As you pull away, you continue, “I hope to see you around again Don’t, uh, worry. I think I can find my way back.”
Ron is staring at you, rubbing his palm over his cheek. You giggle and walk back the same route you came. Ron is behind you again, looking you up and down again, while whispering a signature bloody hell again. He sees you walk down the hall until he can no longer see your figure and he makes his way back to the common room. 
Harry is waiting on the sofa, as Hermione tucked herself in an hour before. 
“I’m in love!” exclaims Ron to Harry. “I think I love her. I love her.” 
Harry laughs in response.
“I’m not joking, mate!” Ron says to him in a serious tone. “I have to see her again.”
“Alright, you aren’t joking!” Harry replies back strongly. 
“Harry, I mean it I have to see her again!” Ron says again, with such a remarkable tone of desperation in his voice. His face is so close to Harry’s, Harry wrings his head backward for protection.
“They’ll be here the whole year, Ron. You don’t have to worry.” 
Ron is satisfied with Harry’s answer, and wordlessly climbs up the stairs to his bed. He makes a beeline for his sock drawer, thrashing it open, throwing sock after sock out of it until he finds the polaroid of you two together. He lays it on his bed, photo in hand, resting it on his chest. He repeats your name with a smile on his face. He doesn’t bother to change out of his school clothes, and falls asleep hoping to see you the next day and the day after that and the day after that. 
part 2? lmk! <3 
masterlist here 
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Animal Planet Vexon”
The ending to this particular series, I hope you guys like how it turns out. 
“No, give that back, drop it…. Drop it!.” The human bared their teeth playfully at the camera man and tugged harder on the camera equipment.
“No, drop it! Bad human, Doctor! Doctor!” But by then it was too late, With one last tug, the human yanked the camera form the crewman’s hand and scampered off with it chattering in it’s strange language. The other humans gathered around grabbing for the camera, fighting for it like the pack of wild animals they were.
The doctor looked over at the crew with the shake of his head, “Dont expect to see that again any time soon ... sorry .”
Across the room, the humans were playing with it , flipping it over and pressing the buttons  with gleeful chattering to each other. A single human sat in the middle while the others stood around pointing and prodding at the camera.
“Come on, that was expensive. Now I’m going to owe the studio.”
The crew zooms in on the humans playing with the piece of equipment flipping it over and prodding at it with their slim, delicate fingers. They almost expected the humans to start chewing on it, though they seemed pleased enough to pass it back and forth to each other playing with the buttons and turning the screen around to stare at the lens.
The Alpha followed  after them and began chirping at them and pointing just like the rest.
“Look at them, so curious.” One of the crewmembers noticed.
Krill nodded, “Oh humans just love playing with things, they are very very curious, and very smart too. They are great at social learning. Humans have been observed to attempt similar behaviors after seeing them. They are excellent mimics. In fact, in certain cases, you can teach a human how to speak/”
“Oh, well that would be a fun party trick, wouldn't it.”
Here, watch this.” 
“Adam, Adam come.” The Alpha lifted his head and looked over at them before happily trotting over, leaving the other humans to look over the camera, “Adam, Sit.”
The human did as requested, happily taking his seat, “Like I said, humans are smart and can understand most basic commands. However that also depends on the temperament of your human, some humans do not like to be told what to do,  so are liable to do the exact opposite of what you want.”
He patted the human’s head, this humans is very well behaved though, so I don’t tend to worry about tat with him.
The cameras turned away from where the humans were playing and back towards the doctor.
“So, is there anything else you can tell us about humans.”
Krill smiled, “Oh yes, Having lived with the humans for a while, I tend to find them very mischievous. Humans just love to play games and pranks with each other. They will often behave in ways that are contrary to their instincts in order to confuse people they think are idiots.”
“Oh, that is very interesting, and what does that look like.”
“Well, generally the humans take a target, specifically a target for social ridicule, then they start to behave strangely, and since humans are very good socially, they are also excellent at faking along with other humans. One human can start something and an entire group of humans can pick up on the message and begin doing the same thing. In fact, humans have a habit of acting dumber than they really are to confuse victims of ridicule who aren't smart enough to tell the difference. Humans especially love irony, and often that includes behaving in a way contrary to how they feel in order to throw someone off balance. It is a very interesting tactic to watch in person.” He motioned them to come after with a hand and the group of them stood up to follow him down the hall as he continued to speak, “Here, lets get you a little more acquainted with the ship.”
“So doctor, Mendex began, “This ship, how did the humans build it, I mean the ARE smart, but from what I have seen, they aren't smart enough to be capable of running a vessel like this. It seems far too complicated no matter how rudimentary for a group of uncommunicative bipeds. “
The doctor turned to look at them, and the group went very silent for a moment, they almost worried if they had offended the doctor in some way, but then the doctor responded flatly, and quiet without emotion in either direction, “Oh yeah, humans are complete idiots, in fact they used to be a whole lot smarter, but once they reached the state of developing robotic technology there was no longer any evolutionary need for them to be smart, so they devolved backwards  towards their more animistic state. Occasionally there is a human who is capable to almost the same degree as you or I but they generally tend to be ostracized by the more brutish humans and so do not tend to survive long. The computers and robots the start ancestor of the humans made have evolved mostly on their own, and have kept the humans alive ever since.”
The crew looked at each other in awe, “Oh… and I thought the GA were having peace talks with the humans at some point.
The Vrul shrugged, “Well, yes, and no technically they were having peace talks with the evolved AI that the more ancient humans created, but it was on behalf of the current humans that we have now. They are taken care of very well by the devices that their ancestors left behind otherwise the are totally and completely helpless.”
Behind them the alpha was following with a small back of humans. In its hands it carried the camera and was gibbering away in its strange language.
“Oh look, i think it's mimicking us,” One of the cameramen sai.
“Isnt that adorable.” The doctor said smiling. The human continued to follow after them playing with the camera and talking like he was one of them, though none of them could understand.
They went around the ship for a little longer accompanied by their human until eventually Dr. Krill came to a stop by the entrance
“Now, we better get you all back to your ship, and perhaps we can do this another time. Now to properly say goodbye to a human, you have to hop around in a circle with your arms out. There you go excellent.”
Behind them the human chirped something turning the camera towards Krill who raise a hand in a wave.
“Come back soon.” He said 
And they were just about to leave, when a shadow loomed over them. They looked up in surprise to see the human offering their camera back. Nervously they took it, and the human bared his teeth at them.
“Goodbye human.” They said leaving down the ramp and heading back towards the studio where the network would determine what footage to use.”
Mendex’s produce sat in a chair with the rest of the team, watching the video footage with them from the beginning. He was a Tesraki with a rusty red fur and a very stern eye for business, even more so than our average Tesraki, which was saying something.
“Lets see the footage from camera 2.”
“That one was stolen by the human halfway through.”
“I still want to see it.”
“Okay, here we go.” the video played in the background as Mendex turned to his producer, “So what do you think. I think it will be exciting and compelling for the rest of the galaxy especially with all the rumors that have been going on about humans.”
His producer was nodding slightly frowning at the camera screen, “As long as we take out all the footage of you cowering behind the crew, which may drop us at least two hours of footage.”
Mendex frowned, and the rest of the editing crew chuckled.
He clenched his fists, “you try spending almost half a day with those smelly beasts and tell me that you aren’t scared, you heard the Vrul, the humans are barely better than animals.
The  producer was barely paying attention to him now, staring past him towards the viewing screen, “is that so> he said absently.”
“Yes.” mendex began, and furthermore I think-”
“Ha, hold on, i got it.”
Mendex raised his head in confusion turning back towards the screen where the camera was being jostled back and forth across the floor.
“Did you.”
“Yeah hold on.” The camera righted itself and turned back looking up towards a light colored human with yellowish fur. The alpha with only one green eye.’
“Yeah,” That strange revving noise the humans had been making burst over the speakers, “This is a Vexon camera. These assholes are using human technology to make us look stupid. You see the toggle here, this is the translation setting, can be turned on and off for different species. Looks like they went and turned it mostly off so it would only translate certain species.”
The green eyed human raised a furry line above one of his eyes, “I wonder what the public will think when they learned that this entire documentary was filmed on a human camera.”
Mendex stared at the feed in shock and disbelief.
“But…. but what….” he stammered standing as if to turn off the feed.
But his producer shoved him back into a chair looking almost gleeful as he did, “No smarter than animals huh.” He glanced back towards the camera equipment.
“here , hand me that.”
The camera jostled again, before swinging around to point at the group of cameramen sitting around a circle huddled away from the humans.
All around they could hear the distant conversation of humans.
“I dont know how Krill is managing to keep a straight face.”
“He has an iron will to be sure, ha, you could tell them we lick ourselves and they would believe it.”
“I dont know man, you look like enough of a neanderthal to sell it all by yourself.”
Mendex continued to stammer and explain himself as the camera watched the human jokingly approach the doctor and sit on command, which looked pretty dumb now consider the humans understood everything which was being said.
The alpha returned to the camera and picked it up, waving to the doctor as he turned the camera around, “Good morning citizens of the universe I am Commander Adam Vir of the UNSC Harbinger, first contact ambassador for humanity and military commander to the GA. I have some news for you…. Up to this point, I think you have figured out that you have been lied to and deceived .” he turned the camera back around zooming in on Mendex himself, “You see recently there has been a sudden upsurgance of rumors based around humans, and most of the are blatant falsehoods that are ruining our intergalactic reputation. Things about how we eat people, and how we are vicious wild animals , that sort of thing. And then there was Mendex, when he asked us to come aboard our ship and film this video, we knew what was going to happen. Now if you don’t already know Mendex is a con artist and a liar. He has been going around the galaxy spreading falsehoods about other species, and animals in order to create a quick buck film companies, and industry, mind you that humanity popularized. Take this camera for instance, it’s a Vexon, or a popular brand name for human filming equipment.”
He followed the filming crew into the hall.
“Oh, look, I think it’s mimicking us.”
The human let off that strange noise again.
“Anyway, when we heard of Mendex’s offer, we knew we had to do something. Hes created a lot of problems for the galaxy,. He has even caused the near extinction of two major predator species on other planets by giving them a bad rap. So, we enlisted our Dr. Dr. Krill….” The little Vrul turned around and gave the camera a strange gesture, “Now if you have read any of the doctor’s original work, you would have read his observations on humans to be much different form the intentional falsehoods he is selling here. If Mendex had done his research, which it seems he both has and has not at the same time, we would expect to see this behavior. He is smart enough to know that humans have a complex language, and so chose to turn it off, however he did not delve far enough into the research to see the blatant lies that Krill was making up.”
They continued onward, “We played along for effect, just to give enough evidence of the falsehood. The crew got their hands on a camera, and now I am relaying this story to you, in hopes that you will air it and let the rest of the galaxy know what a fraud Mendex is. I will also have you know that we have taken most of the footage, and will probably release it ourselves if you choose not to. However, we are hoping that the film companies wont be able to pass up an opportunity like this, it will make you very rich after all and will likely be very lucrative. People, even aliens, love to see a little bit of drama.
They were reaching the end of the video now, and Mendex just sat in his seat staring in wide eyed horror at the screen.
“Come on doctor, show them when I mean.” 
“Now to properly say goodbye to a human, you have to hop around in a circle with your arms out. There you go excellent.”
He stared blankly at the screen while the human laughed at the crew hopped around their arms flapping wildly up and down.
He could see it now, the smug look on the doctor’s face.
“I hope that this will help relieve some of the myths about humans. We don’t want to hurt anyone, we don’t each other, we don’t fight for dominance. Earlier, I just asked Ramirez for his shoes, I didn’t actually fight him, and we were never going to eat the crew. Check out some of doctor krill’s scientific work on our diets, and you will realize that humans cannot digest fur,and that even if we could most aliens would not be edible to us anyway, furthermore, we do not eat sentient lifeforms. .
He turned towards Dr Krill, “Say hello doctor, I expect your research will be receiving some new readers soon.” 
Dr Krill waved, and then, the camera shut off.
“You can’t air that.” Mendex demanded in panic
His producer grinned and then laughed, “You heard the human, he has the footage with him already, it would be rude of me to make him air it, now wouldn't it?” 
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hhawkeye · 3 years
Margaret for shipping meme?
notp: margaret/literally Any man. any of them. like even if you dont think shes a lesbian (she is) i think so much of her character development hinges on like, learning that she doesnt have to be Acceptable to men and she doesnt have to change herself to suit mens desires etc that its like. having her in any relationship with a man is... disingenuous to who she is? not to be like um she’d be better off alone than with a man but. she would be better off alone. than with a man.
brotp: margaret and hawkeye!!!! best friends!! best best friends literally i LOVE their relationship so much i love them dearly and i know they would never work out romantically but if she HAD to settle down with a man i would want it to be him. idk. she probably takes him as her Date to like, work events and things and they make it a big joke and come up with increasingly silly ways they met etc to tell people and she’s half like. stop it pierce i want my boss to like me you cant tell him we met when i threw up on you at a theme park!! but shes laughing while she says it. idk. best fwiends i love them :(
otp: hmmm. honestly i dont know! i know she had chemistry and History w lorraine from temporary duty and of course i hear a lot about... helen? but i havent met her yet. honestly i just want margaret to be HAPPY so i want her to be with someone that can accomplish that :(
second choice: again idk! anyone who Isnt A Man and makes her happy lmfao.
fluffy pairing: ok YET AGAIN, i am saying I DONT KNOW mainly because we dont see any fuckin WOMEN ON THIS SHOOOOOOOWWWWWW i mean we do but like. when you have nurse able be three million different people over the course of a season its kind of hard to uh. see them as people and not just random characters yknow. but i liked her and lorraine :( idk
angsty pairing: tbh this isnt angsty its just evil but like. a margaret that isnt strong enough to get divorced and stays with penobscott despite Everything and just like. lives out the rest of her life miserable and never understood and never realising her potential, yknow?
fave poly ship: this isnt even a poly ship but like. margaret living with beejhawk after the war (beejhawk are together tho) in a friendship way and at first its like oh just for a weekend or whatever but then theyre like. um. this is great? and live together for months before eventually she does move out because like... it’s not the war and theyre not in their twenties they cant all be living together as roommates 🙄 but she still comes over for dinner every so often and they stay bffs (moreso she and hawkeye but i think the margaret bj relationship is so fun and sweet sometimes and like 🥺) idk. i just want her to have FRIENDS that she can be OPEN WITH
weirdest ship: again not a ship but she and charles get married for tax purposes and so charles has someone to show to his parents and theyre just like. SUCH an insufferable dysfunctional “couple” idk i just think it would be funny. i like them a lot.
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dia-disappointment · 3 years
Really long post about me rambling about my story idea down below!! I wrote this while listening to Dream eating Monochrome Baku so If you like vocaliod listen to that mostly this one male English cover but still. There are a bunch of typos because I wrote this on a seven year old divide on fifteen percent so beware!
Okay so the main premise is that there's a group of three that go on adventures together for a somewhat (read:very) corrupt organisation using their abilities.
For context in this world/area depending or how big I make the world dreams are super important. So, much so that if the dream is strong enough it will manifest in a special power or magic baoses skill set, if someone has multiple dreams that will also reflect in the power and give a more rand.and unpredictable power while if your dream change if it still originates from the same ideal or principal traces of the previous power will stoll be there (kinda like a road map of character development and strength)
People ople with these dreams are seperate and hated by people who don't for some reason I haven't really figured it out but I'm planning on telling it but by bit thought the story. It's like a 75/25 spilt between normal people and people with these dreams and each have their own halves. Most Dream people feel indofferent or really angry towards the regular population because they're jerking and the same are true for the Humans (the people with dreams or The Dears as I'm nowgoong to call them are alsO humans but this is easier to write) there are some cases however of Dears and Humans being friends and even having families together however this is mostly because they lived on the wrong side and never questioned why their different and still think they're the same. I was planning on adding something we're if you know the exact reasoning behind someones dream you would have an advantage of some kind like using a lower version of their power but I don't know how that would work so I'll leave it for now. The setting was originally European but I thought a mix between that and Arabic might be cool but I know nothing about Arabia so I'll leave that Alona for now. Each area has their own government. The Humans.litterslly have a entire government of cinnamon rolls gotta love wm they are angels. Rhe main girl and captain of the Legion we see mostly is definitely in love with the girl of this group and they are dating. Anyways the Dear govewnt is alot worse and uses blackmail and force to get people to do their biding. Most peoe of Dear however don't really care and am to be one of them to prove their strength and unless they interfer with their lives the will help them out somewhat lazily.
Main boy - Ash Reisling
That name isnt definer yet it's literally just Ash and a bottle of wine I saw today but hey it kinda fits? Anyways so he’lol be the “main” character but really he’s just the one we follow throughout the story the most and it might be in his perspective I kinda hate first person tho so I’ll just follow him and show his thoughts (purely because I find it funny for him to be all cocky in his thoughts and be lame as shit) anyways so he’s a cocky little shit. He lives on the Human side but is still aware he’s a Dear. He went there for currently unkown reasons but what he does for a living is find Dears who don’t realise their Dears and using this funny artefact he has he can steal said dream and sell it to Humans. (This would play into the knowing a dream can give some kind of control over it) Because of this he acts like he’s some big shot but he can barely even win an arm wrestle. When we first start the story it’s like him doing his job getting the cash but he gets I trusted by the rest of the main cast who work for the Dear government. They aernt to smart and don’t realise that he’s the criminal their after and recruit him to do their work for now. Insert ash try to get rid of them while they blindly follow them around but blah blah they reveal they knew who he was blah blah this part is kinda half naked but I legit came up with this half an hour ago so I don’t care they get him to join the government
The twins:
They are litterally just wlw and mlm solidarity. That’s it. Also one is ftm trans so that’s fun. So far all I can remember is that the girl is really sarcastic but in a fun way and she likes bunnies. Possibly has some rabbit like features but I wouldn’t know what to do with that. Her dream has something to do with being friends with a rabbit who knows I don’t that’s fir sure. Also SHES really bad at most domesticate skills. (Ash is great at them if your wondering malewife material) The boy is just tired. He is just so tired. I like to think he has insomnia and because of that his dream is really weak (only action wise I think?) and he’s constantly sick because of it. Like I said before the girl is dating the Human Goverment leader.
They main cast has met before this but Ash can remember. It’s like apart of the reason he lives with the Humans. His wish was to become powerful I think and then so after the event happened or during it he losses most of his memories and only really can remember the world and his DreamTM and thinks he’s a greedy bitch and just acts like it. I think I wrote down that he actually was a nice kid and made it when he was three or smth so it was meant that was but Ash just thinks he’s an asshole now? Ash and male twin are dating
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sherry-l · 4 years
Why YGO Vrains is such an immeasurable disappointment: a list
First of all, I need to make it abundantly clear that Im a big fan of Vrains – I love Yusaku, Ryoken, Ai, Kusanagi... you see them very often on my dash. I fantasize about the ideal version of Vrains that’s written well, the Vrains that’s fully exploited its potentials, every night in my sleep. I wrote this list PRECISELY because I love Vrains. That’s why I got so frustrated with its cardinal writing issues (and production issues). It physically pains me to hear people calling Vrains the worst and most boring series of YGO – but the fact that I couldn’t argue against that because it’s true pains me more.
And now, an incomprehensive list of the faults of Yugioh Vrains.  
1.      What the fuck is wrong with the character designs (beside that of Yusaku and Ryoken???) Everyone looks aesthetically displeasing – characters in real life look incredibly boring they could easily drown in a crowd of background characters, but their avatars are OSTENTATIOUS. Seems like the character designer had no clue what “less is more” means – blue angel, soulburner, and Bohemann for example, look like they were immersed in a bucket of glue and then dumped into another bucket filled with random accessories.
(from a fan artist’s perspective…Im especially salty about takeru, akira, Kusanagi, and the Knights of Hanois’ designs…like, their designs don’t inspire me to draw. Their personalities might be interesting, but their looks lack the vibrant, enthusiastic energy that the 5Ds, Zexal, and Arc-V characters possess)
(imagine how many fanfics and fanarts of Kusanagi x Yusaku there would be had Kusanagi looked HALF as hot as Ryoken)
And don’t even get me started on the colour palette – whoever decided on the colours just cant make up their goddamn mind! Colour saturation is way off the charts, the range of colour is too wide the audience simply dont know where to focus.
2.      Forgotten plotlines. Yusaku’s link sense? Hanoi’s spy in SOL? The Queen and the rest of the chess pieces? Yusaku’s forgotten memories? The rest of the victims of the Lost Incident? Just to name a few. 
3.      Character relationships are weak to minimal to none. Bonds and friendships – the vital element in all previous YGO series – is practically non-existent in Vrains. Where’s the camaraderie between our main casts (Yusaku, Aoi, Soulburner, Ema, Onizuka, etc…)? They don’t feel like a team fighting the evil together. They’re completely separate individuals who don’t give a single fuck if one of their…acquaintance…dies in a battle. We don’t have heartwarming moments of friendship blossoming and consolidating. It’s honestly such a let down.
4.      Interesting and debatable topics thrown away. The conflict between artificial intelligence and humans could spark so many in-depth discussions, but then the writer just decided its all Lightening’s fault. No morally gray situations, no ambiguity between the line of good and evil. It’s just all Lightening and his petty jealousy… yeah.
Oh and if Ai lives on the world will blow up. Why? Do we have a concrete reason to back that statement? eh...
5.      Overall quality of the animation. I don’t know if its because the animation staff was short on time or low on budget, but for a megacorporation (konami cough cough) that makes billions every year, they certainly are capable of investing more in this anime series. I can count the number of episodes in which the characters don’t look wacky with a single hand.
6.      Character development, wasted potentials. Ryoken is the only character who received decent treatment. The rest of the Vrains cast are all disappointments. Original concepts are cool and promising – Yusaku, a victim of child abuse with PTSD, embarking on a journey to overcome his reclusiveness and learn to open up to people around him? HELL YEAH. Aoi, a teenage idol with depression developing into a more mature and responsible heroine who saves Link Vrains? IM ALL FOR IT.  Soulburner’s character arc is fine overall but personally I don’t feel like it’s expanded enough. Also, there’s the mistreatment of side characters like Onizuka, Ema, Akira, the list goes on. I got so furious just looking at these characters and remembering that they’re all wasted and sidelined.
7.      Incoherent/ random plotlines. IDK all episodes in season 1 (Hanoi’s arc) felt pretty consistent, focusing on a linear theme – Yusaku’s revenge on the Knights of Hanoi. But after that it felt like the writers gave up writing outlines and just wrote whatever he pleased/ considered more convenient for the sake of…a plot…that he had no idea which direction it was headed for. This is reflected in the amount of forgotten plotlines we listed previously.
8.      Weak villains. Kinda related to point 4. Bohemann, Lightening, Windy, and Haru are all one-dimensional, flat, predictable villains with the cliché goal of “destroying humanity cuz humans are dumb and Ais are superior”. Not likeable, not fun to watch, not morally gray (something I expect from well-written antagonists), they are just there to serve as symbol of evil for the protags to defeat.
Honourable mentions - what I personally want to see in Vrains, really. Very biased.
-        The familial interaction between Yusaku and Kusanagi? Brotherhood, perhaps? Without any mention of Yusaku’s parents, Kusanagi is the closest Yusaku has to a brother figure. I crave for some wholesome brotherly moments between these two.
-        More slice of life episodes please.
-        The friendship between Yusaku and Takeru. Please. Please. PLEASE. From the second opening we can see the animation staff CLEARLY intended for there to be a strong bond between Yusaku and Takeru – Takeru probably was written to serve as a Jounouchi/ Johan/ Crow sort of character. Yusaku and Takeru could bond over their trauma and overcome their PTSD together. AND IT WAS SO HEAVILY HINTED AT IN THE 2ND OP!!! fam what the fuck happened to that friendship, Im so robbed.
-        Yusaku and Ryoken’s duel or tag duel. These two haven’t duelled AT ALL since the first season ended. Isn’t Ryoken Yusaku’s official rival? Isn’t it Yugioh tradition for the protag and the rival to duel like, a trillion times? AND ISNT IT ALSO A YUGIOH TRADITION FOR THE PROTAG AND THE RIVAL TO TAG DUEL?????? The fact that Yusaku and Ryoken never had a tag duel haunts me every night in my worst nightmares afjw4ot9wgrk
-        Topologina Nabee
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, this marks the end of my rant on YGO VRAINS DISAPPOINTMENTS. Again, I harboured no malicious intent when I compiled the list – its more like a vent of frustration than actual criticism. I would pay billions to see a Vrains reboot or, if there exists an alternate universe where none of the writing/production issues above are present in Vrains, I would do a Kaiba and build a dimension travelling machine and immigrate there.
TLDR: wasted potentials. wAsTED PoTEntialS. WASTED POTENTIALS!!!!!!
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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