#i already love this cast just sayin -
magickedhat · 2 years
@theaterism / OH EYES EMOJI THO,,,,,
hi im taking this as enablement to ramble <3 ABKSBKBKD the story and these characters are highkey under heavy development but i still wanna ramble abt them so!! i WILL present them to u as cohesively as i possibly can -
so first there's This Dude
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who's the catalyst of everything bad thats happened and is gonna happen (in ways that i have not yet figured out but can feel in my heart <3). he has the ability to reverse time for objects and Sometimes people, if he really puts his mind to it, and the thing about him is that he was presumed dead Decades ago only for him to crawl out of the dirt of a magical butterfly garden in the 21st century with some HEAVY time-travelling side effects. on top of that, his scheme and mysterious disappearance sparked a chain of events that are leading to a genuine catastrophe, and once he finds out he tries to fix the mess he left behind. this may an act of genuine remorse OR a shot at revenge or perhaps both.
he also has an Associate!! it's this girl,
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who is on really good terms with the magic butterflies in the garden. they let her look into and interact (to a limited extent) with other universes and stuff. she likes to communicate with her mom who is alive in another universe but not in hers <3 the butterflies warn her of the Time Travelling Guy and she arrives on time to dig him out of the ground before he asphyxiates and everything. she knows Of him bc her dad works as a gardener in that particular garden and they've heard the Stories™, so she tentatively allows him to stay with them as they try to figure out what is Up With Him. they’re both late teenagers but i promise the adults in this story are involved and at least somewhat capable CHSUFV
there's definitely a lot of layers to this thing i havent figured out yet but this is the General Premise and if it sounds wack it's bc im going absolutely insane with it ABBKXBKSBK
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freshlove-sturn · 2 months
texts w bsf!chris
<- previous, part 6, next ->
continuation of part 5!!
nick goes to open the back drivers side door of the car, before chris quickly places his hand over the door handle.
“you can sit in front again, i wanna sit with y/n.” chris suggests, trying to sound casual but the hint of desperation in his voice is apparent to all of us.
nick raises an eyebrow, “you’re actually ridiculous chris” he shakes his head before walking around to the other side and sitting up front.
i smile almost teasingly at chris, a pink tinge becoming present on his cheeks.
“you want aux?” chris asks.
“no, i’m okay with whatever yall want to play.” i tell him.
“you sure?” he asks again, just to be sure.
“chris this is literally like suffocating.” matt pipes up, peering back at us through the rear view mirror.
“i’m just making sure.” chris defends.
chris and i have always had a flirty friendship, but lately i’ve noticed a new intensity to it all. it’s like every time i turn around he’s there, primed and ready with a new excuse to be close to me. it seems like the entire dynamic of our friendship was changing right in front of me.
but i wouldn’t call it a bad change.
while he used to casually brush his hand against mine, or throw out a teasing, flirty comment here and there, he now finds every excuse to touch me- whether that be his knee pressed against mine whenever we sit next to eachother, much like right now as he sits beside me, occasionally stealing glances at me, or moving past me with his hand pressed against the small of my back.
he takes any chance he can get to compliment me, telling me how pretty i am, that i’m smart, talented, even things as random as he likes the way i look in green.
and then of course, the way he looks at me.
he has a longing eyes that weren’t there in boston, like he’s trying to tell me something without words.
i’d be lying if i said i didn’t love every part of it.
we pull up to the restaurant and matt throws the car in park. chris opens the door for me, of course, extending out his hand for me to take in assistance.
“i can’t remember if i told you already, but you look really nice y/n.” matt remarks, a warm smile playing on his lips.
“thanks.” i smile, accepting the compliment.
i glance over at chris, his jaw slightly clenches at the compliment. i brush my fingers against his to ease the tension.
once we enter the restaurant, the host escorts us to our seats. chris’s hand planted on the small of my back, guiding me.
we get sat in a booth and chris slides in next to me. his legs brushes against mine under the table, sending a jolt of electricity up my spine. the soft hue of the overhead lights casting a warm hue on chris’s features, illuminating them perfectly.
chris’s arm drapes casually on the back of the booth, his fingers grazing my shoulder gently. it’s a small gesture, but it feels so intimate, almost as if he’s taking a silent claim over me. i try focusing on the menu, but it’s almost impossible with him this close.
“what’re you thinking about getting?” chris leans down to speak to me, his breath warm against my ear with the close proximity.
“i actually don’t know. this is the biggest menu ive ever seen in my life.” i laugh, glancing around at the endless options.
“i recommend the alfredo, just sayin” he suggests with a casual shrug.
“you always recommend alfredo.” i roll my eyes playfully.
“and it’s always the best thing.” chris defends.
“actually, it doesn’t sound half bad.” i admit.
“see? what did i tell you?” he says confidently. earning another eye roll from me.
a little while after we take our order, our food arrives.
as we eat and talk casually amongst ourselves, matt interrupts the conversation.
“oh y/n, you kinda got something right there.” he gestures to the corner of my mouth. “here i got it.” he leans over the table with a napkin, gently wiping the sauce from my face.
“oh thank you.” i murmur, feeling slightly flustered from the interaction, but i shake it off when i notice chris’s sudden change in demeanor. he goes quiet for the first time tonight, i give his hand a gentle squeeze under the table.
was he jealous of matt?
surely not. why would he be? matt is his brother, and im his best friend.
his friend.
and that was it.
after dinner, the drive home was painfully quiet. you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
now chris and i sit silently in his bed. i excuse myself to go take a shower, in hopes that maybe he would get over whatever had his so pissed off by the time i was done.
“i’m gonna go shower.” i stand up, grabbing a pair of pajamas out of my suitcase.
“k.” chris replies coldly.
i stop myself from saying anything, i didn’t want to argue with him.
i walk back into chris’s room, and sit back in his bed. chris had turned on netflix, and was watching love island.
“watcha watching?” i ask, desperate to break the silence.
“what’s it look like?” he responds sarcastically.
i was done holding my tongue, “chris what is your problem? why are you so mad?” i ask, my patience finally snapping.
“maybe next time you want to gawk over my brother, don’t do it in front of me.” he snaps back.
“are you serious?” i scoff. “that’s what this is about? matt wiping sauce off my face?”
“you’re fully capable of doing it yourself, no?” chris retorts.
“you’re acting as if i asked him to do that, he was just being nice.” i defend, my voice tinged with frustration.
as i sit there, facing chris, a whirlwind of thoughts race through my mind. i can’t believe we were arguing about something as trivial as matt wiping sauce off my face. it seemed so insignificant, yet chris was clearly upset. i can’t help but feel a mix of frustration and confusion. why is he making such a big deal out of this? does he seriously think i have any control over matt's actions?
deep down, i wonder if theres more to chris's reaction. is he really that jealous? the idea of that seems almost absurd, but there’s no denying the intensity in his eyes. i try to push the thought away, focusing instead on defending myself. i hadn't done anything wrong. matt was just being nice, and it felt unfair to be blamed for something so innocent.
yet, despite my in doubtable irritation, a small part of me couldn't help but feel a flicker of hope. if chris actually is jealous, does that mean he cares more than he lets on? was the flirty behavior more than just chris being typical chris? the thought is both thrilling and terrifying. i don’t want to read too much into it, but the possibility lingered in the back of my mind, adding another layer of complexity to our already tangled relationship.
chris’s expression softens when he sees the frustration in my eyes. he sighs, running his hand through his hair.
“i’m sorry.” he says quietly. “i overreacted. it’s just, shit, i don’t know. maybe i’m just jealous.” he admits.
“chris you don’t have to be jealous.” i tell him.
he looks at me, eyes full of sincerity. “yeah i know, i just care about you, a lot and sometimes it just gets the best of me.”
a small smile tugs on my lips. “i care about you too chris. more than you know.”
“but, can you just promise me you’ll talk to me when things bother you before you go an be a dick about it?” i tease, extending my pinky out to him.
“i promise.” he laughs, interlocking his pinky with mine.
a/n: sorry i didn’t know how to really end this LMAO. i don’t really know how to feel about this part tbh. PLEASE lmk your thoughts/ what you would like to see in future parts. my requests are ALWAYS open and highly appreciated and encouraged.
taglist: @conspiracy-ash @pouring-rains @aniesvision @sturniolo-fann @mattttypooh @sarosfilms @oliviasturniolo21 @le4hsblog @stonermattsgf @fratbrochrisgf @sassysturniolo2008 @creamoncreamoncream2 @st7rnioioss @chrizzysturns @lisask8s @mattnchrisworld @sturnioloblues @spencerstits @chrisstopherfilmed @sturnzsun
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kayleighwinchester · 3 months
(( Another Jensen-a-Thon drabble for @artyandink's lovely event! This one is separate from the previous two - more coming for those later! This is based loosely off of real events - no, Graay, I still haven't forgiven you for not telling me I did a good job healing Trial of the Crusader that night. ))
You're a grown adult.
You're a grown adult, and a damn good hunter. You shouldn't need validation to remind you of that. You don't need validation. 
At least, you don't think you do.
It had started off innocently enough. You’d hunted with the Winchesters for years - practically every job they took, unless Dean royally pissed you off, which happened, at most, once or twice a year – and after every job, without fail, Dean would loop you in a one-armed hug, pull you close to his side, and press a kiss to your temple, offering a quick, but utterly genuine, ‘good job’ – or, if he was feeling particularly proud (or particularly frisky), ‘good girl’. It didn’t matter how well the job actually went - hell, he’d said it a few times when everything had gone completely off the rails. He'd said it when you were all bruised and bloody and hurting and half-dead and nothing felt okay, much less good.
When it came down to it, though, you don’t need his praise to know that you were doing your job well.
It wasn’t on purpose, you knew that much. That last job - a nest of vamps down in Tucson - had gone entirely sideways, and you were sure that giving you any sort of praise was the farthest thing from Dean's mind. Sam had almost died, you were pretty sure Dean had at least three or four broken ribs… Still, you didn't feel right, getting into the car in the silence that followed, broken only by occasional grumbles, groans, and hisses of pain.
You couldn't place why, exactly, the silence bothered you, but it was grating on your nerves, making you feel more irritable than you could remember being in a long time. Even Sam could feel the tension in the car building on the way back to the motel, and it wasn’t long before Dean picked up on it as well. The eldest Winchester cleared his throat, glancing your way. “Wanna go get a few drinks once we get cleaned up? I could really use a beer.” He offered, eyes darting from you to Sam, as if begging his brother to back him up. You offered a shrug in response. “Or we could stop at that diner ‘cross the street from the motel. Got a sign sayin’ they make their pie fresh every day.” He tried again, simply earning himself another shrug from you, and a confused glance from Sam.
It finally made sense when Sam spoke up – clearly trying to smooth things over, trying to put you in a better mood, offering, “You did a great job back there, Y/N.” It worked, at least a little – you could at least force yourself to smile at him, even if it didn’t feel entirely genuine. 
Dean’s eyes cut to you, and as he caught your smile, the gears started turning – you saw several expressions cross his face in quick succession: confusion; realization; annoyance; exasperation. “That's what this is about?” He demanded. “You're throwin' a whole fit ‘cause I didn't tell you that you did good today?”
“I’m not throwing a fit.” You offered halfheartedly.
You weren’t expecting Dean to pull the car over on the gravel shoulder, casting Sam a stare – the younger Winchester stared back for a moment, before Dean raised his eyebrows. “Backseat.” He ordered, pointing. Sam looked baffled – and you were sure you did as well.
Dean was barely fighting a smile, even despite his clear exhaustion. “C’mon, Sweetheart.” He waved toward the front seat, motioning for you to switch with Sam. You hesitated a moment, looking to Sam – he still looked just as confused as you were – before you obediently left the backseat, trading places with Sam. Dean was already leaning forward to pull his box of cassettes up onto the seat between you. 
You settled into the passenger seat, your backpack between your feet, taking in the amused grin that lit up Dean’s face, growing with every passing moment, looking out of place among the blood, dirt, and bruises there.
He glanced up at you, taking in the confusion still painted onto your face. “Since ‘m apparently breakin’ rules,” He drawled out, his stare a bit more pointed at the words – it had never been a rule, and you all knew it – “what’s one more, huh?” There, shoved between two cassettes - Metallica and Mötley Crüe – was the iPod adapter Sam had bought (the one you were quite sure Dean had thrown out the window the moment he’d seen it). “Just try not to make my ears bleed too bad, huh?” 
As you dug through your backpack for your iPod, Dean leaned down, his face close to yours, his lips against your ear, his voice low enough that Sam wouldn’t hear.
“‘N when we get back to the motel, I’ll tell Sammy to take a hike, ‘n I’ll tell you what a good girl you are as many times as you want.”
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lupeloto · 1 month
wallet headcanon ficlet
so i wrote a fic about mickey finding out ian keeps a picture of him in his wallet (the exact picture attached)
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It was their Tuesday night tradition of lounging on the couch with their legs intertwined and watching whatever shitty reality shows that TLC was airing. They had an addiction yet complete disdain towards any about rich people doing stupid shit or rich people complaining. It makes them absolutely irate but unable to tear their eyes away through very vocal commentary regarding the stupidity of it all. The sun was settling down, peeking just above the horizon and casting a warm yellow across their living room…and a glare on the TV that Ian gets to hear about until it settles.
“Oh the fuckin-” Mickey grumbles, shuffling around in an attempt to block it from his sight, “swear to god this shit wasn’t this bright on the southside.”
Ian sighs, shooting Mickey a glare and preparing to express his irritation but instead melted at the sight of warm light on his face, illuminating his freckles and his sour expression. His chest fluttered, rendering him entirely unable to say a crossword, instead finding himself unable to look away.
“Jesus christ, Gallagher, you wanna take a picture, keep it in your pocket,” a now settled Mickey smirks, “it’ll last longer,” he shoots Ian a quick glance before turning his attention back to the tv.
“Already done,” Ian says casually with enchanted eyes.
Mickey grins, keeping his gaze forward, “Yeah sure,” he scuffs, taking a swig of his beer.
Ian turns, “What, you don’t believe me?”
“What, ya saying you keep a picture of me in your wallet, Gallagher?” Mickey mocks, demeanor like he wouldn’t believe it for a second.
Ian smirks, tackling on top of Mickey, their hungry eyes locking, “Calling me a liar?” Ian reaches into his back pocket, whipping out his wallet and the polaroid of Mickey to go along with it. He looks at him himself, heart filled with a familiar warmth that manages to ground him whenever he needs, before whipping it around to Mickey with a proud expression.
It’s one of Ian’s favorite pictures of Mickey. It was taken on this polaroid that Debbie and Sandy got, Mickey leaning against the dresser in her room. The moment Debie showed it to him, he immediately snatched it for himself, gawking over his husband for the next five minutes as Debbie and Sandy pretended to listen.
“Jesus Christ,” Mickey fails to mask the massive grin that tugs at his mouth, “This is the gayest shit you’ve ever done, and that’s sayin a lot.”
“Whatever, man. I like what I like,” Ian shrugs, still straddling him, “Like having you with me.”
“And you couldnt just use your phone like a normal fucking person ,” Mickey scratches the top of Ian’s head, giving him a couple squeezes. He teases, pretending his heart didn’t skip a beat and his entire being hadn’t melted at the thought of the gesture.
“Guess not,” he shrugs, placing a soft kiss on his neck, “like showing you off when I can,” another peck.
Mickey leans into the kiss, head tilting back, “Jesus you’re one sappy motherfucker.”
“Mhm, love you too,” Ian says through bated breaths, preparing to drag his husband straight to the bedroom. He plucks the picture from its place on Mickey’s chest, poppin back into its rightful pocket in his wallet before practically yanking Mickey into the other room, their bodies pressed close together, stealing a kiss with every step.
Ian grips the back of his head with a vigor, clumps of black hair tangled in his freckled hand. Mickey returns the gesture, taking a handful of Ian’s bicep with him as they stumble into the bedroom.
The sun has completely set, the stars particularly illuminate on this night, as if they were begging for the attention of anyone who’s eye caught them… but just a mere blurred background to Mickey. He couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from much more compelling constellation of freckles scattered across the face of the red-head that lies opposite him on the bed. His eyes are shut, meaning Mickey has complete access to every inch of his face, even the light dusting across his eyelids. His finger traces his exposed arm lightly, “Must think i’m real handsome,” he whispers, “keepin a picture of me like that all the time.”
“Says the one who hasn’t stopped staring for the last ten minutes,” Ian smirks, blinking his eyes open to catch Mickey’s gaze. They hold a softness that melts Mickey the moment they make contact, sending a familiar warmth throughout his body. He scoots in closer.
“I like what I like,” his go soft too, “don't make me a bitch.”
“Well,” Ian leans in, “Kinda makes you my bitch.”
“Watch it, Gallagher.”
They continue like that for a while, whispering sweet nothings between small laughter, the stars still shine brighter than ever, seeking attention behind the boy that somehow shines brighter. Mickey never looks away.
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 months
Okay so I just finished my first round of Andromeda Six and here are some thoughts I have (both good and bad!). Pls feel free to comment with your thoughts or send asks or message me or whatever!! I'll update this anytime I get more info or think of smth new to add lol. Warning: obvi will contain spoilers.
The amnesia thing - I think the biggest thing for me that I wanna talk about rn is the whole royalty thing. While in general the whole thing is a really cool idea and either way I still love the plot, I think the whole 'I'm royalty' thing was WAY too obvious. Like the SECOND the a6 crew revealed where they found me, I was like "okay cool so I'm the princess got it." and then everything after that only fueled that theory (which obvi turned out to be right). Idk I just think if you're gonna have a game that's based around your main protagonist having amnesia, you need to make the player just confused as the char yk what I'm sayin? Like I shouldn't be able to know stuff that the char I'm playing as doesn't know yk? 😂
Nerissa - I think one of the biggest things for the fandom (that I've seen really only on Tumblr by the way lol) is the whole Nerissa thing so here's my two cents lol. I actually really like the plot twist of Nerissa being alive. My only thing is that it doesn't really make sense and bc she's alive, the whole thing with Vexx at the prison where he breaks down kinda gets (almost?) vetoed in response. To explain, I think it doesn't really add up that, at first, Oppo and others were like 'yeah, only the youngest princess' body wasn't found' (which in general was already weird cause ??? how do they know that her body wasn't found but then people also apparently quote unquote "didn't know she existed" like huh????). They mentioned NOTHING about the literal heir's body being missing??? Like idk if Zovack did that on purpose (and if so ???? homie wyd lmao) but if not, it's a big plot hole in my opinion lmao. Also just the fact that she was literally shot by Vexx (who held her bleeding out and dying body in his arms) and then shows up later like 'yeah no I'm completely fine actually' is CRAZY. Like what kinda medicine do these folks got that makes that so easy?? Like she's not on crutches, has a cast, a limp, like ANYTHING. It's absolutely bonkers to me. It's just very OP like okay so she can literally be shot in the future now and I literally won't react cause she's apparently immortal 💀 N e ways I think it's cool that the MC can choose to basically defy Nerissa and be like miss girl you're so wrong and I don't wanna do that is SO SLAY. Cause yeah no she was not it at first (and I lowkey didn't like her for a phat min). Also, kinda off topic, but I was surprised they actually showed what she looked like. Like, I guess her skin tone is ambiguous enough to work, but I think it would make more sense if they just said somewhere that the king had more than one wife, had a side hoe he got pregnant, yk smth like that lmao
Different species/race - As someone who has only played the game once, I'm not completely sure about what I'm about to say next, so pls correct me if I'm wrong! I think it's really cool that you get to choose from 3 different species in the beginning of the game. I was hoping that this meant that this would change your backstory, but from seeing some posts about this on Tumblr, I'm assuming this means that certain things will change but overall your backstory is the same and you're still royalty. Which is fine as long as the different species thing actually makes a difference. I just thought it'd be cool for one if it's like oh you're a human? Yeah, you're Peg'asi. Oh, you wanna be Tilaari? That's cool, but this character doesn't like you bc of it. Like that kind of thing would be super cool! Anyway, either way it's fine lol it's just a thought I had
Vexx - I haven't seen anyone say otherwise, but I personally really love Vexx and his arc/development. I never really blamed him for what he did since it was literally done against his will (and turns out Nerissa is alive anyway so it's like okay I can't even be upset that you killed her when she's literally alive). Something I will say though (which is kinda similar to my stance on the amnesia thing) is that I think it'd be nice to have a little more doubt on whether or not Vexx is on our side or not. Like, when you first find him and regain your memories, he's pretty cutthroat after the shock he initially feels. After that though, anytime you see him, it'd be described as 'an emotion I can't decipher crosses his face' or 'a piece of the old him flashes in his eyes' kind of thing and I was just like "yeah okay so he's good but is just being brainwashed or being blackmailed or smth." Like, there was no danger in it. Not once was I ever like "omg no he's gonna kill me/my friends/my boyfriend/etc!!!!!" Like no dude he's just a lil guy that needs help lmao. So yeah, a lil more uncertainty about him would've been super cool (or even an alt route where he really is bad and they didn't make him do anything. like there could be choices in the memory section of the game of your time in the palace where like if you were rude to him, he actually betrayed y'all kind of thing)
Kitalpha - I might just be dumb, but when Aya was explaining her backstory about her home planet, I was a little lost. Like, I understand the basics ig, but I overall am still confused on how it actually got destroyed lol. I read the Wiki and it still kinda doesn't make sense to me. Also, the info dump they give on this (and a lot of stuff in general) is CRAZY. Like I need so much time to process what you just said and you're already laying another bomb on me lmoa. That aside, I think it's really weird that such a (apparently) major planet that (apparently) hosted a major species went supernova 10 years ago and you just never hear anyone talk about it??? Even Aya says that people kinda just forgot about it and moved on. Like girl HOW?? (Like okay yeah with the whole Zovack thing I can understand cause they got more important matters ig but he only overthrew the throne a MONTH ago like what were people doing before then lmao). It also didn't make sense to me as to why no one wanted to help them??? Like Aya explains that they were just met with closed doors from EVERYONE. Like why??? What about a dying planet/species is so bad that people are like 'yeah, that sucks and all, but we aren't gonna help. Good luck w that tho! 🥰' Also, I saw someone on here say that they wish there was more definitive features for the Kitalphan than just having gills and I agree! I didn't even notice that Vexx had them for the longest time. Also the fact that we never get a scene where Aya/you/Vexx get to actually use them (to my knowledge anyway) is insane. Like, what's even the point of giving them the gills then??? lmao
Update: I found this post that explains more in detail about the races. "It was, despite that, their own choice as to whether to live above or under water, and those who chose to do so submerged, had their bodies altered to further adapt to their environment; webbed fingers and toes, bright colored skins to allow for better camouflage among sea life, nictitating membrane over their eyes. Those who chose to live inland, on the other hand, kept to the more human appearance, with only the gills telling the difference." So, from my understanding, those who choose/chose to live underwater are the ones that are more fish like whereas the ones who choose/chose to live on ground are the ones who look like Vexx and Aya (more humanoid looking but still fish-like qualities like gills). Still think it would be cool if we could then meet a Kitalphan that chooses to live underwater!!
Time - speaking of it only being a month, it's only been a MONTH bro???? Like, Zovack overthrew the throne, had the entire Peg'asi family killed, you've been with the A6 crew trying to regain your memories, visit like 4 planets, find love, discover your sister is alive, and start planning out your plans for a war all in ONE MONTH. Like, ig it's not super inaccurate, it's just kinda crazy yk? 😂 I saw someone say that they wished we could've spent more time on all the planets and I completely agree. For some like Orion, it makes sense that we couldn't really stick around lmao. For others though, I didn't understand why there couldn't be more downtime ig? Idk maybe it's as simple as there's nothing interesting enough to write about that will keep the player's attention that's not just boring filler? But eh idk how much I believe that. Instead of info dumping a lot of stuff, they could've spread it out for moments like these where like yeah we aren't exploring this planet or whatever necessarily, but we are learning more lore while we are here getting gas lol. Also the fact that other planets get mentioned but we don't actually get to see or learn anything about them. I can't think of any examples off the top of my head (but if anyone really wants I can go through the logs to find them), but like planets or stations they'd stop to refuel or whatever just never really get talked about. I think there was a place that was similar to Teranium or Cersa that everyone was like 'omg be careful here like don't wander off alone' and then like nothing happens (or am I crazy and mixing my stuff up and I'm just yappin??? lmao. I'll probs come back and edit this once I play the game again). (I actually think it might've been the pitstop they mentioned that was ruled by mercs so they probs wouldn't have any problems with the K'Merii. Maybe it's the place they're supposed to go to on their way to Goldis?? Cause isn't it that the place that Khandar (help is that their name??? Google isn't telling me his name help pls 😭) said he has contacts??)
Damon - I'm so down bad for this man it's not even funny. His route is the first and only route I've done so far and I really just have one thing to critique I suppose. I fell in love w his char bc he's this super tough, mysterious, elusive guy that teases the shit outta you and just in general dgaf lmao. When you choose his route, pretty much all of that goes out the window. Now, don't get me wrong here. I still love Damon and I love that we get to see his sweeter/softer side, but I don't like how his bad boy side kinda just disappears. Like, maybe in chap 9/10 it'll show up more, but since choosing his route, he's kinda just become a big ol softy (which again I love that about him but I just kinda miss mean Damon lmao). Like, when the whole Wren thing happened, I feel like as soon as Wren points the gun in our face, OG Damon would've gone FERAL. Like, even if knows he can't actually like stop them or whatever by fighting, like just starting to mouth off to get attention off of us would've been so UGH. Idk maybe this is just a me thing bc I like crazy men but yeah would've liked more consistency ig in that aspect?? lmao. Like, there was one point in the game where I lowkey almost didn't choose Damon cause he was such an asshole (and almost went w the other loml Bash). Like THATS THE ENERGY IM HERE FOR. Make him a morally grey char and stick w it yk what I mean? Yes, he has walls up and he's actually very sweet and care about his found family and has a soft spot for cats and blah blah blah, but you also need to remember his upbringing and why he is the way he is ykkkkk
June - Maybe this gets explained later or more in his route, but when he's explaining his backstory and who he is, I was a little stumped. I mean, he wonders the exact same thing, but why is it that he can withstand the testing that was done to him and is now a super human, but his own twin brother and soldiers and whoever can't. What makes him so special? I figured he was able to become this super human and the K'Merii and whoever couldn't bc he was being tested on when he was still in the womb. Again though, if this is the case, why did his brother not make it? Would love to know more about that whole thing
Okay I'll stfu for now...but I'm sure I'll be back LMAO
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elexaria · 8 months
it was hard for simon to grieve when johnny died. price turned an eye when they got back to base and the first thing simon did was go and lay in johnny’s cot, curled up into a ball. they were close, they were best friends.
he feels a pang of guilt at johnny’s funeral, the sound of bagpipes overwhelming his already heightened senses. one of the mactavish sisters stops in her tracks and makes her way over to simon, who’s stood smoking by the floral donations. “i’m sorry for yer loss, ghost.” she whispers out to him, teary eyed and sniffly. he blinks down at her, albeit slightly confused. “pretty sure i’m the one supposed to be sayin’ that to you.” he replies with a dry writ, clearing his throat as he nods down at her. she lets out a quiet laugh, albeit a saddened one. it’s a brief interaction on an unfortunate occasion, but it lets simon come to realise something— johnny loved him.
simon’s not one for wakes, but he’s not one to pass up a good buffet. yet, for some reason, he finds himself awkwardly stood in the corner of the room, his weary eyes watching everyone converse. johnny’s mom, eileen, makes her way over to simon— and it’s crazy how much johnny looked like his mam, same smile, same deep blue eyes that simon became rather fond of.
“my john even got his beard from me,” eileen jokes, laughing her head off as she rubs her peach fuzz. it makes simon’s lips twitch, a chuckle rumbling in his throat. the chuckles dissipate, when ms mactavish reaches out to stroke simon’s cheek. simon riley’s not one for showing his face, but he wanted to do this for him. at first, simon has to fight against every muscle that wants to recoil out of her touch, to scuttle away further into the corner he finds himself stood in. but instead, his nostrils flare as he peers down at the little scottish lady that’s affectionately rubbing his cheek, and it’s almost as if johnny’s still there. “he loved ye, simon. i wish we could’ae met ye when our john was still around.”
simon can’t bear to watch as johnny’s room is packed up, he feels sick to the stomach. it makes everything worse, seeing him being physically scrubbed from base, from the only resemblance of a home simon’s ever had. laswell leaves a small box outside of his quarters, giving him a curt nod as she lets him pick it up and bring it into his room. it brings a smile to his face, just for a moment, as he cradles the cardboard box in his arms— a threadbare scottish flag johnny had pinned up on his wall, some of his old action figures he had kept from childhood, a few sketchbooks. and a note.
his stomach knots up at the sight of the letter, shakily placing it besides him as he flips through the sketchbooks first, the pads of his calloused fingers stroking fondly over every graphite smudge and ink blot on the pages. finding himself laughing hysterically over johnny’s drawing of price’s dick tickler moustache, and he nods in agreement that it should, indeed, be neutralized. the little scribbles of football scores, shitty and dirty limericks and even coffee cup rings on the pages just… it makes simon feel like he’s inside johnny’s mind, and it feels homely.
simon’s heart aches when he comes across the sketches of himself in johnny’s sketchbook, eyes welling up as he fights back the onslaught of tears that threaten to patter down onto the precious pages below. they were so beautiful. they made ghost, a husk of a man, look… alive. and he begins to breathe heavier, seeing small love hearts and silly cartoon drawings of johnny and simon doing stupid shit— like the time johnny and simon came up with a wager that if neither of them settled down come their mid-30s, they’d move to the countryside and get a dog or two.
why the fuck did you have to go and die for, johnny?
the sketchbook tour comes to its conclusion, the final sketchbook only half way through before, well, the artist passed. and so, the letter sits, almost as if there’s a spotlight casting down on it — screaming out to be read. it really gets on simon’s nerves how his hands will not stop shaking, but he pulls through and begins to open up the envelope that reads ‘for ghosty and ghosty only’, the underside of the envelope reading ‘i mean it!!’ with an angry face. it makes simon’s stoic expression crack into a grin, rolling his eyes as he continues to open it up.
the letter reads:
“well pal, if you’re reading this, it means i’m dead as fuuuck. oh well, it’s something we have to accept in our line of work, innit?
maybe i’ll get really lucky, you won’t have to read this letter and we can just laugh about it when we’re retired, living our best lives in the countryside with our wee dugs. cos you know you’ll never settle down, monsi, i’m the only bastard out there who can handle you!!!
but … on the odd chance i’m wrong (which is rarely the case cos i’m handsome and smart), it was great knowing you. you’re the bestest friend a mug like me could ask for, and i’m glad we found each other. gay, i know. whatever. i fucking love ya, pal. always and forever. dickface!!!
in another lifetime, maybe we can find each other again. although, don’t know if i can handle you being a brit again in this alternate universe haha. i don’t love you that much!!!
all my love,
yer johnny xx”
an emotional chuckle escapes from simon’s lips, tear stained cheeks flushing a light crimson colour as he sharply inhales, eyes shutting tightly as he holds the note to his chest. and for the first time, in a very long time, simon allows himself to cry. heaving his chest, snotty nosed as he really sobs it all out.
his entire life, he’s been beaten down, abused, witnessed family (both blood and found) being killed. but losing his best friend no, his soulmate, is the very thing that breaks his heart the most.
maybe, in another universe, johnny missed that bullet. and right now, in that universe, johnny and simon allow themselves a moment to breathe, comfortable in each other’s presence.
in another universe.
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security-chief-odo · 5 months
The Fake Dating Job - Chapter 5
Eliot Spencer x Reader
Previous chapter
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Word count: ~2900
Summary: Feelings come out and things get steamy
Warning: smut, if you don’t like it, stop reading once they leave the bathroom and just treat that as a fade to black
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As soon as you make it through the door of your hotel room, you close the door and lean against it, breathing a deep sigh of relief. The tension and embarrassment are no longer as overwhelming now that you’re back alone with Eliot.
The wedding was beautiful but after that ordeal, you’re happy to have a moment to relax, the unearthed feelings have cast a hopefully temporary somber feeling over your evening. You kick off your heels and are about to head to the bathroom to get changed and ready for bed when Eliot reaches out and lightly grabs your wrist, turning you to face him.
In a voice softer than you knew he could speak, he asks, “Hey, do you wanna talk about it?”
“Which part?” you say, deflecting a little, hoping maybe he wouldn’t push it.
“Whichever part has you overthinking everything again.”
You roll your eyes, but know better than to deny it because he will pry further if that’s what it takes. He can be real fucking persistent when something matters to him, and this clearly does, so you cave.
You feel a couple tears escaping as you recap the dreadful conversation with Eliot, and as soon as you’ve said your piece, he pulls you in for a tight hug. Slowly the beat of his heart is the only sound you can hear, then it becomes the only thing you can think. You finally begin to calm yourself fully when he whispers “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, you didn’t say any of that to me.”
“No, I didn’t, but I was here to protect you from his bullshit and I didn’t, and that is on me.”
“It’s fine Eliot.” you pull out of his hug, upset that he feels guilty about any of this.
“It isn’t, not when he hurt you like that.”
“He didn’t say anything I haven’t heard before, nothing I didn’t already know.”
“Now what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Look, he was wrong to say it like that, but he wasn’t wrong about some of the stuff he said. Love isn’t exactly in my future.” You shrug and a troubled look overtakes Eliot’s face as you continue, “Nobody has ever really been into me since him, not for anything serious at least. I know some of it is just the nature of our work, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Even if I could let someone in more, I doubt anyone would want me.”
Eliot shakes his head and reaches for your hand to hold in his as he talks. The warmth of his touch has you almost ready to break into tears again, there’s a vulnerability to this moment that is overwhelming. “Darlin’ anyone would be lucky to have you.”
Even at a moment like this he is always a perfect fucking gentleman. You wished you believed him but you haven’t really been with anyone since James, and he was the best you could do before your baggage got heavier with the weight of what you’ve done with the Leverage team. You’ve helped so many people but it’s hard not to become jaded by seeing so many innocent people get hurt in the first place. It seems so unlikely that you can do better now.
You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, so you’re eyes are glued to the floor as you mumble, “Not really, but you’re sweet for saying it”
Eliot steps towards you and grabs your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, “I’m not just sayin’ it sweetheart. I know it’s true. You are a brilliant, funny, impossibly kind, absolutely drop-dead gorgeous woman. I may never get to actually have you, but you deserve better than that piece of shit.”
As soon as those words leave Eliot’s mouth he sees the gears turning in your head and realizes what he just admitted. Once the words fully process in your mind you ask, “What do you mean by that?”
Hell, the cat’s already out of the bag, what’s the point in trying to lie now? You may never feel the same but maybe this will at least convince you that you aren’t just loveable, but you are loved. He lets out a deep sigh and lets the words practically spill out, “I mean that I love you, and not just as a friend or a part of the team. I’m in love with you. I know you don’t feel the same, and that’s okay. Even if nothing ever happens between us again, this weekend cemented the way I feel. If you need me to give you space after this, I can ask Nate to avoid partnering us up for a while or –”
“You don’t have to do that,” you assure him, your thoughts running at about a mile a minute.
“It’s ok, I just want to make sure you’re comfortable and I know things could be weird between us for a while. I just want to keep our friendship, which is why I didn’t say anything until now, and I didn’t really mean to say anything tonight but –”
“Eliot.” You say firmly to get his attention, “Shut the fuck up.”
He cocks his head, confused by this response before you step forward, wrapping an arm around his neck and the other hand resting lightly on his chest. Closing the last remaining distance between you, you capture his lips in yours for a brief kiss.
He still looks confused, though far less upset when you pull away, “I love you too idiot.”
He stands before you in stunned silence, the dots slowly connecting in his brain. Now it’s Eliot’s turn to initiate, and he does so eagerly, placing a hand on your waist and pulling your body flush against his own. His other hand tangles itself in your hair, pulling you into a deep, insistent kiss. This one is far less tender than the last as you both are desperate to feel, taste and touch every millimeter you’ve been missing out on.
You pull away and rest your forehead against his and just breathe. After spending all weekend stressed about him finding out, this moment almost doesn’t feel real. You can’t resist savoring this moment that you’ve dreamed of all this time.
Eliot is the first to break contact, “We’ll hopefully have plenty of time for more of that soon, but let’s get ready for bed.”
You groan but begrudgingly follow him to the bathroom. You each work through your nightly routines at the double vanity in the bathroom. Eliot begins with taking off his suit jacket and tie. He rolls up the sleeves of his shirt and undoes the top couple of buttons. You would be lying if you said you weren’t watching him about as much as you were actually getting ready for bed.
Your makeup is off and you’ve brushed your teeth and are now slowly pulling each bobby pin from your hair. Glancing up, you notice Eliot is done with his own routine and is now attentively watching your hands deftly undo the intricate updo.
“Just gonna stand there and watch?” you tease.
He rolls his eyes and comes up behind you to help. “Well I was enjoying the show sweetheart.” He winks at you in the mirror. He frees the last bobby pin from your hair and lays it among the others on the countertop, but he doesn’t move away. In the mirror, you see the way his eyes have softened as he runs his fingers through your hair to check for any bobby pins he may have missed. Or at least that’s the excuse he gives himself for this decision.
His fingers lightly graze the back of your neck as he unclasps your necklace, gingerly placing it on the counter as well. His hands return to the top of your shoulders and glide down to the zipper of your dress. His eyes meet yours in the mirror and he looks up cautiously, “May I?”
You find yourself stuck somewhere between anxious and excited as you eagerly nod your head.
With your permission, he slowly slides the zipper down your back and slides the straps of your dress off of your shoulders. Eliot’s eyes remain locked on yours in the mirror as he softly kisses up your shoulder and up towards your neck. He relishes every slight reaction he observes. This man will be the death of you.
Growing impatient, you slide the dress the rest of the way off, leaving it pooled around your ankles as you are left in just your bra and panties. His eyes trace your body and you can finally see just what kind of effect you have on him as his breath hitches and his eyes darken.
You relax into his warm touch, not breaking eye contact for as long as you can tolerate but your patience wears thin. You turn to face him and pull him to you, you press your lips to his and he quickly reciprocates. At this moment it feels like every interaction you’ve had with Eliot, every thought you’ve had of how this exact scenario might play out were just puzzle pieces that fell perfectly into place to make this perfect image of the two of you, finally together. Nothing has ever felt this right.
He lifts you up to sit on the counter and you feel perfectly at home in his hands. He tangles his hand softly through your hair, gently tilting your head to deepen the kiss. The understated confidence of this small act was practically intoxicating.
Eliot softly bites at your bottom lip, making you moan softly against his mouth. You feel his other hand tighten its grip on your waist at the sound. You pull away from his lips and say his name.You clearly have his undivided attention as he looks at you wantonly. You continue, “I need you.”
He raises his eyebrows teasingly and winks. “Yes ma’am.” And with that he lifts you, wrapping your legs around his hips and he carries you to the bed. Plopping you down onto the bed, he admires you as he stands at the foot of the bed. “God, you’re beautiful, sweetheart.”
Your cheeks flush at the compliment because there’s something about the way he says it that makes you believe it, without even a moment of doubt. You sit up and begin to undo the buttons of his shirt, “I think it’s only fair that I get to see some of you.”
“Oh that’s what this is about? Fairness?” he jokes.
You nod your head enthusiastically, “Absolutely, why? Are you saying I have ulterior motives?”
This earns you a deep belly laugh as he shrugs his shirt off his shoulders. “You know what, baby? I think you just might.”
Eliot lightly pushes your shoulder to get you to lay down and he climbs over you, caging you in. He slowly kisses down your neck as one of his hands snakes its way up your side and rests against your breast, lightly cupping it. You let out a breathy moan and arch lightly into his touch. You’ve wanted this for so long.
He moves his arm behind you to the clasp of your bra. “May I?”
“Yes,” you nod and bite your lip nervously as he expertly unclasps your bra. He watches you attentively as you slide the bra down your arms, discarding it somewhere you can’t be bothered to make note of at the moment. He slides his thigh up between your legs and pulls you to sit in his lap, straddling his thigh.
His hands tightly grip your hips and you rock against his clothed thigh as he kisses you. You can feel his muscles tense beneath you as you grind against him. Eliot trails kisses down your jaw and neck, slowly making his way downward until you feel his lips graze your nipple. Something between a whine and a moan escapes your lips. He roughly runs his tongue over your nipple, then gently nips at it, relishing in your reaction as you buck your hips at the sudden sensation.
He toys with your other nipple, rolling it between his fingers. The sensation shoots straight to your core as you grind your clit against his thigh..He lifts you off of him, depositing you on the bed.He leans over you and captures your lips in his before peppering kisses down your neck, then chest, then belly. He sinks to the floor and pulls you by your thighs to the edge of the bed.
You tangle your hands in his hair as he teasingly kisses your inner thigh, his hot breath against your skin sending a shudder up your spine. He stares up at you, taking in your reaction as he bites lightly at your inner thigh. You arch your back, driving your pussy closer to his face. “Eliot!” you whine.
“Yes, dear?” he says with an amused grin.
“Stop being such a fucking tease and touch me already.” He doesn’t need to be told twice, at least not for the latter half of that statement. He is nowhere near done teasing you. Notwhen it makes you this needy. He pulls your underwear down your legs. He chuckles when your head goes back as he begins to lap at your folds.
He braces your thighs with his strong arms to hold you still. He continues exploring you with his tongue, sometimes delicately rolling his tongue over you and others, desperately lapping at your needy sex. He takes in each breath as he finally gets to learn what actually makes you tick instead of just dreaming about it.
He releases his grip on one thigh and gingerly glides his hand up your inner thigh, smirking as he feels you squirm against him. You whine unintelligibly when his fingers graze your clit.
He pulls away, “What is it sweetheart?”
Hearing the pet name makes you melt. “Please.”
“Please what?” You look at him pleadingly but he doesn’t budge, quite clearly enjoying toying with you as he continues to just barely brush against your clit. “If you want somethin’ sweetheart, you’re gonna have to ask.”
“Please make me cum.” Without a word he buries his face between your legs once again, practically feasting on your juices. His thumb works diligently against your clit and you can feel the pressure building.
Your legs shake as he works you closer and closer to that edge. “Don’t stop Eliot.” And he wouldn’t dream of it. His eyes are fixed on your face as his tongue teases your entrance. Your hands tangle tightly into his hair as you come undone against his lips.He works you through your orgasm as he soaks in every little sound you make, committing them to memory.
You scoot back up the bed and he follows, wrapping his arms around you. You kiss him gently before asking, “Your turn?”
“You don’t have to.” He says, voice laced with concern.
“I know, I want to.”
And for some reason, that turns him on almost as much as everything else that’s happened so far. You flip the two of you over, and he gladly lets you. He unbuckles his belt and slides his pants and underwear off. You roll the bead of precum leaking out over the head with your thumb before lowering your body and taking him into your mouth.
You bob your head up and down his cock, sometimes licking a stripe along the vein on the underside. Before long his breath hitches in his throat and he groans your name, bringing you to a halt. “I’m not gonna last much longer if you keep that up.”
You take the hint and eagerly grind against his cock before letting him slide into you, slowly as you stretch around him. You both are audibly getting more worked up as you rock against each other.
“I’m close,” he sighs, straining to hold back his orgasm. He rubs your clit and before long you are both barely keeping it together. “Cum with me sweetheart?”
You nod, as your second orgasm of the night washes over you. You feel him twitch inside you as you both ride out the high. You collapse next to Eliot and just breathe together for several moments. “That was amazing, Eliot.”
“It was perfect.” he nods, before lethargically getting up and getting a warm wash cloth to clean you both up. “You’re so beautiful.” he mumbles clearly tired but still eager to admire you.
When he comes to bed he pulls you to him and you feel your eyes go droopy with the steady sound of his heart lulling you towards sleep. “We waited far too long to do that.”
His soft laugh rumbles beneath you, “Then we have a lot of making up to do.” He kisses the top of your head and adds, “but not tonight. We still have brunch with your family in the morning.”
You groan playfully as you cuddle up against Eliot and fall fast asleep in the warmth of his embrace.
• • •
Note: Sorry for the 3 months it took to get this out. I got engaged, gave been wedding planning, got a dog, and accidentally picked up an extra job lmao
Thanks for reading! Lmk if you want to join the taglist
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makedatmoneymayne · 3 months
✨✨Welcome to The Boys✨✨
--Y/N(I might give her a name later) is a store owner who loves what she does,BAKING. Ever since a young child she enjoyed it. Later on in her baking career, she started catering for shows like Supernatural, Dexter, and Grey's Anatomy. Now she's gotten a call from the one and only Eric Kripke to cater for the cast and crew of The Boys--
Y/N is a BLACK woman.☺️
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Owner of the shop
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Bestie/Co-Owner of the store
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Best Frenn/Co-Owner (technically)
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Lovely Day✨
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You and the girls, well more like just the girls you were terrified of riding bikes on hills. They decided that it was a perfect morning to get some air and ride y'all bikes to work for the day. Julaya swerves whilst Kapoia does wheelies trying to get you to join in. "Y/N do some tricks or sumn, you lookin like you being made to do this with how hard you're grippin the handles." Kapoia yells zooming off with Julaya laughing their asses off at you. "Girl hush, you know I'm scared of riding on these hills. I see the shop right up ahead lemme speed up."
You all slowly come to a slight stop as yall see a man laying on the bench right outside your shop reading a newspaper.
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As yall inch closer you notice his face immediately. "Omg heyyyy Eric!" You scream running up to him for a hug. "Hey honey!" He catches you and lifts you up. You look over his shoulder and notice Julaya and Kapoia giving you a look of confusion. "IS THAT YO NIGGA Y/N!" Julaya yells still confused. Eric dies of laughter, "No dumbass, this was the first director of a tv show I catered for. Yall know the show Supernatural?" The girls start screaming and rambling, "come on inside please you're like a legend." You just shake your head walking into the shop right after Eric.
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The Shop✨
"So why are you here anyways E?" You ask confused by his presence. "Awww what happen to the nick name Eric pooh" Eric pouts at you "Chile that was a long time ago, things change" You say walking behind the counter already smelling the fresh coffee and pastries. "Anyway, I'm here to ask you to cater for my cast and crew again." "Oh reallyyy what's the show called?" You raised your eyebrow slightly seeing Julaya and Kapoia out your peripheral, listening in while still setting up. "Have you heard of a show called the boys?" The girls start screaming again nonstop. "Wait y'all what is it." They collectively gasp and Kapoia starts actin up. "Girl what the fuck what do you watch Virgin River or some shit?" She looks at you waiting for an answer and as you didn't answer she already knew. Julaya snickers and mumbles under her breath, "Aw hell naw". "Don't answer that, it's about these FINE ASS superheroes that are highkey corrupt." Kapoia says with heavy emphasis shoving a picture of the superheroes in question in front of your face out of their costumes.
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"OH MY FUCKIN GOSH IS THAT JENSEN!?" Y/N yells loosing her mind. "Yeah I know right he got old on us, ladies still adore him though even labeled him "zaddy" ." Kapoia laughed so hard she started coughing before sayin, "I know thass right, alright I'm gonna leave my phone with you babe so I can keep baking for Eric" Eric always asks for 4 boxes of anything that's delicious. "Who's that fine ass man in the back middle" you ask. "Lemme see, oh that's Antony Starr. He's a cool guy kind of quiet , but cool." Eric says shrugging his shoulders walking out the door heading back to his car to go arrive on set. "Alright honey I got to go back to set before everyone shows up. Just bring it by 4pm." He yells walking out on his phone to warn his boys about you showing up with pastries showing pictures of you all.
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3:00pm hits as you and the girls hop in the delivery truck getting on the road. You're blasting System of a Down - B.Y.O.B, windows rolled down. "STILL YOU FEED US LIES FROM THE TABLECLOTH" You all scream in unison. A big black Suv pulls up next to you guys at red light but you pay it no mind. Their windows are rolled down waiting to surprise you guys with the next lyrics to the song. Jensen and Jack yell in unison with you guys, "Lalalalalalalalalala Ouuuu!" You snap your neck over aggressively trying to roll your window up from Jack and Jensen who were laughing hysterically. "Oh my gooossshhh roll up pleasseeee!" "JACK WE LOVE YOUUU AND ANTONY, Y/N THINKS YOUR SEXY" Julaya says from the passenger. You zoom off deciding to taking the long way to drop off the pastries.
On Set✨
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You walk through the trailers trying to get to the main room. A trailer door opens aggressively, Antony and Chace walk out laughing. You drag the two girls away quickly not wanting Antony to see you girls after Julaya's outburst. "Girl what the fuck you draggin us for they still saw yo foine ass. Had em droolin." Kapoia laughs. "Wait for real wait is the dress cute? Is the makeup eating?" "BREATHE GIRL we aint even delivery the food yet come on you look sexy." Julaya mentions walking away with the boxes. "Heyyyyy honey it smells so good and fresh." Eric says giving a tight hug like yall didn't just see each other 5 hours ago. "Alright alright let gooo and eat it let me know how it tastes, text me alright?" You turn around walking noticing Julaya and Kapoia has wandered off. "I told them they can chill before you walked up to us." You turn, "Aww how nice I'll text them to not take too much of those actors' time." You begin to text while walking away zoned in on your phone. Walking through the trailers you crash into a hard body head first. You grip your head immediately snapping back into reality, "Oh shit i'm so sorry." Looking up you make eye contact with Antony mother fucking Starr. "It's okay darling." He bites his lip not hiding him scanning her curvy body. You stare back him in the eyes noticing them glance down to your the lip you're now biting seductively. Snapping out of it, make the most random excuse which was, "Oh well um hi I've gotta go back to my shop." Looking over you see your girls. "YALL COME ON WE GOTTA BUSINESS TO RUN!" Once you see your girls jogging over to the car, you start up the car. "The fuck you in such a rush for? We own the fuckin place, we can open later." Kapoia says upsettingly putting her seatbelt on. Ignoring Kapoia you notice Julaya in the back lipstick smudge like hell. "GIRL WHO THE FUCK YOU MAKE OUT WITH" You ask looking in the rearview at her. "Huh what Jessie girl he was so fine in them pictures I couldn't help myself." Shaking your head you turn up your radio, blasting Frank Ocean - Solo with Antony on the brain.
End of chapter one❤️💗💙
~~If anyone wants more let me knoww~~
~~i lowkey got bored and noticed barely anyone wrote Antony Starr/Homelander fics for black women so uh here~~
--If i messed up my bad im not really proof reading--
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mothdruid · 2 years
Home for the Holidays || fic snippet
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x fem!reader
summary: Bradley might have lied about having a girlfriend. His best friend, you, decide to help him out and go home for the holidays with him. As the trip unfolds, so does your and Bradley's feelings for one another.
a/n: the lovely @gretagerwigsmuse asked, so here it is ❤️ the fic will contain smut, fluff, and a small amount of angst.
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"Are we home?" A sleepy haze was still casted over you, eyes not fully open and words raspy. You turned inward, on your side a little bit as you stared at him. It looked as though you were fighting to stay awake. 
"Yeah." Bradley wished you would have slept a little longer, anything to prevent him from not being next to you. He turned towards you, watching as you leaned deeper into the seat of the car.
"I'm tired." Your voice was barely above a whisper.
"I know," Bradley smiled, "you slept the whole way here." You ran a hand over your face, yawning afterwards and closing your eyes. "How do you feel?" You shrugged. 
"Just sleepy." You had never wanted to sleep in the passenger seat more than in that moment. 
"Hey, hey, babe. Let's get inside, then you can sleep in a big warm bed, okay?" Bradley started to panic, thinking you had already fallen back asleep. The sleepy flutter of your eye lashes informed him otherwise. You nodded, unbuckling your seat belt and sitting up a little bit. Bradley watched you closely, unbuckling his own seat belt. “You good? Gonna throw up or anything?”
“No.” Another borderline whisper. Even though there was a thick mixture of sleep and alcohol coating your brain, it hung onto that one word. Babe. Bradley exiting the car and coming around to your side didn’t even register on your radar. Suddenly your door was opening, Bradley with a big warm smile staring at you. Why was he being like this? There was no one around to watch this fake arrangement currently, so why?
“Come on, babe. We gotta get you inside.” There it was again. Bradley wrapped an arm under your armpits, you placing one around his shoulders. It was awkward, him being taller than you, but you two made it work. 
The two of you made your way slowly up the small driveway, to the steps leading to the door. Bradley quickly unlocked it, still holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. It was like your legs were jello, barely supporting your weight without his help. You caught yourself onto the small bench in the foyer-like room, slumping back against the wall. Your eyes were trained on Bradley as he closed and locked the door. 
“Haven’t been this drunk in awhile, huh?” He asked, taking his coat off and hanging it up. Slow-motion had taken over your brain, slowing your movements. You had never realized how hard it was to unzip a coat until that moment. Bradley watched you struggle for a moment, finding your struggle with the zipper a little adorable. He hadn’t seen you this drunk since college. 
“Here, let me help you, babe.” That time something clicked in your brain. You let him take over on unzipping your coat, only for a jumbled question to exit you. 
“Why.. Why do you keep sayin' it?”
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starseneyes · 2 years
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 16
"Exposed" AKA "That Bradford"
Valentine's Day is pushed a week in the universe of The Rookie, but since I'm still not sure what year we're in on the show, that's just fine by me!
SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers are like sugar for me. See, some people love sugar and hate spoilers. I'm the opposite (unless it's macarons or carrot cake). So, if you're spoiler-averse, run. I'll also be spoiling everything that came before. You've been forewarned!
Ready to see how Tim and Lucy's first Valentine's as a couple pans out? Me, too! Let's dive in.
Chenford In Lucy's Bed
No music to lead us into tonight's episode. Only the sounds of the streets. Honking. Cars. Barking dogs. Crickets that have apparently gotten into Lucy's apartment only.
But, anyway, we're not listening to a jamming soundtrack. We're listening to life. It's the sounds a sleeping person might hear in the night.
That's what makes the first sound we hear so jarring. We are with Tim and Lucy in that moment, the harsh buzzing sound of a vibrating, moving phone atop a nightstand.
They've immersed us in this world with them.
And, before I get too swept away... Tim and Lucy in Lucy's bed! To be honest, my very first thought was, "How does he fit in that bed?!".
Of course it's doable, but I've never shared a bed with someone taller than me. Matthew and I are almost the same height! And he complains because I like my feet at the bottom and he likes his head at the top. Learning to share a blanket has been a feat in our marriage!
But Tim and Lucy seem to be sharing the bed well enough—except Lucy is on his side.
Look, it's her bed, so she gets first rights to choosing a side. But I still think it's hilarious they both usually sleep on that side of the bed.
The buzzing sound wakes them. And I gotta ask Lucy what kind of battery she's got in that phone, because it can't be the standard model.
Girlfriend has that phone in her hand all the time during the day, and here she doesn't even have a charge cord in it overnight. That's witchcraft!
"Who is it?" "I don't know" "Hello?" "Loca, you gotta stop texting..."
Lucy jumps up fast. It only takes a second for the wheels to start moving, and she leaps to her dresser, tugging out clothes.
And… I kinda hope a drawer or two belongs to her man. Just sayin’.
"What's happening?" "PUC I trained with distress call. He needs a covert rescue." *Tim sits up* "What are you doing?" "Backing you up."
There's no hesitation in this man, and I can I hear her "thank you" in her look. These two are a team. And while he knows she can handle herself, they both know it's better to have backup.
Lucy's Driving Tim's Ride
Alright, I gotta laugh a little, because my first thought I wrote on this scene (no joke) is, "All about putting Tim in small places today." Seriously. We've taken possibly the tallest member of the cast and put him into all the tiny places and it's cracking me up.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way. Can. We. Talk. About. Lucy!?!
She rolls up into this situation completely in characters, already deep in her backstory and ready to help her friend out of a jam. It's great to get to see her use her UC chops, again.
"Damn You came in hot. Damn." "All clear."
Lucy makes it clear she's not alone. That's a good thing.
Also, I saw a lot of people over on the Twitterverse commenting on him calling her "hot", but this might be a language barrier since this is a turn of phrase. It usually has to do with coming in "guns blazing" or in an otherwise crazy manner.
He's not calling her hot. Well... not yet.
"I'm impressed you managed to scrounge up a backup this fast." "Yeah, I mean, it helps he was sleeping in my bed." "Oh. Oh, you're that Bradford."
Excuse me!? That Bradford?! As in... she talked about Tim!?
"Curious to hear what that means." "No."
I want to know, too! Was Lucy talking about Tim at UC when she was still dating Chris? What was being said that finding out he was in her bed made it all make sense?
Like, hearing "Bradford" didn't click it. It was that he was in her bed.
Did she not talk about Chris at all because she was at UC School and didn't feel the need to fill everyone in on the boyfriend she was bored with? I mean, I get it. I didn't mention my boyfriend when I first met Matt.
No, I wasn't devising a cheating plot or anything. I simply didn't mention the guy because I knew that I was breaking up with him next time I saw him.
Of course, I didn't anticipate Matthew asking me out before that, but "Rejection Day" became the day he proposed three years later, so it all worked out alright for him, I suppose.
And it all worked out for Lucy and "that Bradford", too.
There better be some fics out here that fill in the blanks, because this is another one of those episodes where I have a lot of question marks remaining long after the credits roll.
"Damn it's good to see you hot pants. " "Hot pants." "It's an inside joke."
Inside jokes I get, but it seems like she might explain that one to Tim sometime. Like, I had a nickname at uni from my buddy Sam. We never had interest in one another, but he liked to call me Hot Stuff.
That is... until his Dance Appreciation class had to sit in on my Modern Dance class and he saw me in dance tights. Henceforth, I was Ghetto Booty.
Look, I'm Hispanic and in my thighs and bum... it shows.
No, Matthew never called me either name. So, I get having nicknames and weird in-jokes with someone you'd never be interested in dating. But I do hope she clued Tim in later.
Wesley Hires a Bristow
Is this Sydney's second secret sister? Fellow Alias fans know what I mean. But, as soon as I heard the name I started chuckling aloud, hoping it was a reference.
"You're kidding. Thanks." "Kidding about what" "Uh nothing."
What the hell just went down? Because on this show "nothing" never means nothing. Tim is clearly upset about something.
"You left so early." *arm touch* "I had this whole Valentine's breakfast planned."
D'aww. I mean, that's super cute. I'm kinda sad that Tim missed out on it, but I'm also eager for Tim to cook for Lucy. It's one of those things that I love about them—they both cook.
When Matthew and I met he claimed he could cook one things—eggs. Spoiler Alert: he could not cook eggs.
"Uh, you were up late. I let you sleep."
Marry him. Immediately. That is seriously husband material, right there.
Like, one of the sweetest things Matthew can do for me is let me sleep in. Even before we had kids, he'd let me sleep in and I treasured it.
Lucy, marry that man as soon as you can. He's a keeper!
He's also super on edge. He's looking all around like he doesn't know how to feel comfortable in his own skin.
"We didn't keep you up, did we? " "No, it's fine." *she stops him with a touch* "Hey. Are you okay?" "Yeah. Fine."
You are not fine. You are so fucking far from fine that "fine" is in another zip code. And Lucy knows it.
This girl speaks Tim like no other. So when her man's upset, she knows it. Remember, she "rode long enough with" Tim to know when he's upset. And Tim is upset.
But right now, he wants to focus on work.
"Finally. I'll get right to it."
Grey was not happy Chenford was late getting in. Yikes! Just how late did he let her sleep in!?
"Bradford. Chen. Hold back."
I can hear the kids in elementary school now. "Oooohhh, Lucy and Tim are in truuuubullll!"
In reality, it's just Tim. And poor Tim is already on-edge, and you can hear it coming out in his conversation with Grey.
"I want metro to be ready to move on these guys at a moment's notice." ... "That's why you'll be riding with Chen and Foster today, so there'll be no delays."
From the promos, I was curious how we ended up with these two riding together, again. And, I'm not mad at it, at all!
Shop Talk has been a big deal with these two over the years. So, I'm sure it'll be juicy.
"Everybody adores me, right?" *shoulder touch* "Yup."
Or... not. Tim's barely staying a thing even when he has the chance to compliment his lady.
He's not happy. Lucy is trying to be cordial to her friend and also get through to her boyfriend, but right now attempting both isn't helping her with Tim.
Lucy pulls away from Tim and turns to talking work, which she hopes might work better on Tim. Whatever's bothering him, it's deep. She's going to have to ease him into it.
"We broke up. Well, she broke up with me."
Very similar dialogue to the "Tim tells Lucy about the Ashley breakup" scene. It jumped out at me immediately. I'm not sure if that was an unintentional happenstance, or a reference to the fact that Noah simply wasn't with the right person.
Your guess is as good as mine.
"I'm starting to think the undercover life isn't conducive to a happy relationship."
Tim's. Face. Because he knows all about this. Tim was married to a UC and it didn't go well. And while I think it's a little harsh to blame UC on a relationship ending, we're building quite the use case reference here.
Nyla and her ex. Tim and his ex. Noah and his ex.
If the show's trying to make a point with this, I'm suddenly nervous about Tim and Lucy's path when I haven't been before.
Lucy deserves the chance to go deep cover if she wants it. And Tim would understandably have reservations.
I won't pretend I haven't fantasized about Season 5 ending with Lucy going deep cover and us coming back to Season 6 with a time-jump. But since we haven't yet heard word about Season 6 at all, I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs and hoping Chenford simply survive until the end of the season.
Look, I've got a lot of ship trauma. I want to fully trust, but like my friend Tim, here, I'm not always the best at trust.
"Well, I mean, that probably depends on the couple." "Is that why you're still on Patrol?"
Oooh. Noah just accused Lucy of putting her career on pause for Tim. Yikes.
And, to Lucy's point, I haven't seen her offered a lot of UC this season. It's not like she's been turning offer after offer down, fending off assignments with a stick.
Lucy loves UC and she definitely wants to do it. It's true that she might not be going after those assignments because she's caught in the throes of new love and wants to get this on a solid footing first.
And I think that's important. Because, I feel a big Lucy UC assignment coming. Yes, my feelings could be as unreliable as the Psychic Network, but it does make sense narratively.
"...you were by far the most talented cop at UC school. Be a shame if you didn't take the plunge."
Tim glances over at Lucy, and she has her "pensive" face on. She's considering Noah's words, and I think it's fair that she does.
Look, Tim's advanced his career (unknowingly with Lucy's help) and it's about time Lucy had the opportunity to advance hers.
I'm not a fan who's ready for Tim and Lucy to settle down in a three bedroom home with a meyer lemon tree in the backyard tending babies all day.
And I say this lovingly as a very active mother of three. Lucy deserves the chance to go after what she wants out of her career. I'm blessed to have the kind of husband who supports me working and going after my passions.
I very famously turned down a steady gig to go freelance almost six years ago. I told him I thought it was a better choice. His response? "I disagree, but I support your decision."
Husband of the year, right there. I want Lucy to feel fulfilled career-wise. But I have a feeling this is going to be a future source of angst for Tim and Lucy—and rightfully so.
Tim's reservations are completely understandable. I mean, we've already mentioned the three relationships in their friend circle negatively impacted by UC.
Now, was UC the contributing factor to these relationships ending? Probably not. But it is a commonality that can cloud the fact that each of these relationships likely had other issues.
But I can completely understand how Tim might miss those subtleties. And that's going to be a source of conflict for these two, I think. We'll see if I'm right... only a handful of episodes left in the season!
"Why are you so cranky? First Valentine's Day. You should be basking in the glow of new love." "That's right. What are you guys doing tonight?" "We are not talking about Valentine's Day plans on an open channel."
Tim appreciates that, at least. Look, I love these scenes where the Found Family all get to interact, even if it's only over the radio. But, he has a point, and Lucy comes in to back him up.
They've got each other's backs... even when one of them is obviously pissed and closed off.
But Lucy watches Tim as Grey talks. She's trying to figure him out, because he's barely looking at her. He's barely talking.
And while we all know that Tim isn't the most talkative of guys in the Shop, he usually talks to Lucy. Right now, he's erected an invisible wall between them, and while Lucy can't see it, she can feel the heat of the electricity running through it.
*arm touch* "Out with it." "What?" "What is wrong with you today?" "Nothing." "Bull. "
First off, on this show nothing is ever nothing. Second, have you ever wished that they could just say bullshit on network television? Like, I know there's S&P to deal with, but wouldn't it feel good!?
I remember how excited we all were when Mulder could say "dicking around" in the first X-Files movie when we saw it in theaters. Yes, I'm that old.
But Melissa O'Neil puts as much as she can behind that "bull" so we totally know Lucy Chen is thinking the rest. Like usual, Lucy's calling Tim on his shit.
"Is it Noah? Are you jealous?"
Not like usual, she's actually wrong about what's bothering Tim.
"This is about you going behind my back to get me into Metro." "I did not... " *look from Tim*
Oooh, he's pissed. And, look, I know I talked a lot about wanting Tim to find out he was loved, but finding out that his girlfriend went behind his back to manipulate the situation when he thought he'd earned his place? Ooof. Yeah, that stings.
Think about the moment he got to tell Lucy he got into Metro. He was over-the-moon. He talked about the "rockstar review" he received from Grey and Lucy confirmed it by telling him that he was amazing.
He actually wanted to go out and celebrate himself. Do you know how big that is for someone who grew up with trauma and abuse?
I still struggle with buying myself a dress that isn't off the thrift store rack because I don't know if it's worth it to spend money on myself after I was called selfish as a child. Tim had a father who beat into his head (literally) that he was worthless, without value, and broken.
But for one fleeting second, Tim felt like everything was right in the world. And now that memory is tainted.
Because he didn't earn his place. Right? His girlfriend manipulated it, word has somehow gotten out, and now he has to worry about his manipulation because nobody's going to believe he's good enough.
Tim is so in his own head about this that he can't see it through Lucy's lens. He only has his own, and he's frustrated and fumbling.
"I had to do something. You were miserable riding that desk. " "Okay. Fine. But how do you think that makes me look?" "What?" "How does that make me look? My girlfriend has to solve my problems for me?"
Tim relying on others has never been his strong suit. We know he doesn't ask for help. He doesn't think he deserves it, too often, but he also thinks it makes him look weak.
Again, this is side effects of the trauma he received as a child backed up by a society that emphasizes strong, tough men who don't cry because somehow emotion is a sign of weakness.
Also, can we talk about Tim calling her his girlfriend!? All I need now is for Lucy to introduce Tim as her boyfriend. Yes, I know she told Noah that Tim was in her bed, but I like hearing the labels from her because she's the one who always shied away from them.
Tim is different. But right now Tim is pissed.
"Please tell me this is not some fragile male ego thing." "That is not what's happening here."
He stated it at the top of the conversation—she went behind his back. She lied to him. She feigned ignorance when he told her about it. She manipulated the situation and he was left to find out about it from someone else.
I always wanted Tim to find out... but not like this. Yikes.
I also think Tim might feel like his place was handed to him instead of earned. He is mad that others are going to look at him like we do university students whose parents bribed the admissions' office... with skepticism that they should be there at all.
We, gentle readers, know that's not how it went down. But Tim is hurting and often when we are hurting we shut others out and stew. Tim's practically the king of that.
"Come on! We were just trying to help." "We? Who else was involved?" "Did I say we? Me. Me was trying to help. I was trying to help."
Girl, your ass was just saved by your Backseat Buddy. Although, listening to Lucy talk like Elmo for a second had me rolling.
Tim passes a glare Lucy's way, but she completely misses it. And something about the look that Eric Winter puts into his eyes is completely different from all the glaring Tim has done at Lucy in this Shop before.
And, yes, I'm aware that sounds mental. But it definitely feels more... personal. More raw. More hurt than angry.
Tim's Office
Before we go any further, I have to compare this to 5x09 when she stepped into Grey's office to tell Tim that she'd released the Fourth String Quarterback from her life.
She knocked at the door before coming in. But, here, she slips in as easily as she would her own home. There's comfort, here. Even though they're fighting, she doesn't feel unwelcome. She doesn't feel out of place.
And that confidence in their relationship is sexy as hell. Lucy isn't spiraling because they had a fight. She knows they will get through this. That they are worth it.
Tim's the one who said it back in 5x08 and now they are living it. Tim and Lucy are worth the risk.
"I get why you're angry. Even though you were miserable as court liaison and I spear-headed an almost impossible five person trade to save you, I shouldn't have done it all behind your back."
That was the first thing he said when he told her what was wrong. He was left out of the loop. He was lied to. By the one person he trusts most.
Remember how much I hated all the lying in that episode? Lying catches up to you, even if it's well-intentioned. I guess I don't feel so weird about being so bothered by it seeing that Tim is similarly bothered.
And Tim appreciates Lucy understanding why he is bothered.
"Is that an apology?" "Yes." "Good." "Noo."
I'm having whiplash between so many episodes... Post DOD chat and 5x09 first scene for the "Good". 5x08 for Lucy answering "yes" then "no" to Tim.
Seriously, I think my neurons temporarily short-circuited on that one, because I missed most of the rest of this the first time around, even with subtitles on (because I transcribe live while I watch).
"Because you never would have let me work my magic if I had told you. And then I would have ended up transferring to another station to save you from yourself. And... this worked out so much better. And if you can't see that I'm sorry not sorry."
I'm dying laughing at this. Simply because Lucy started as many sentences with "And" in a short span as I always do. Seriously. Take a look at these Metas. I'm not unaware.
But this is also so her. And when she's being this damn cute, it's hard for Tim to be mad.
That, and she's right. This did work out well, and whatever temporary feelings he has about it, they'll disappear with time. Because he did earn his place. He is amazing. And Lucy acted with love, even if she might not have done it in the best way.
Lucy is more important than the job to him. We already know that.
"Okay..." *giggle* "I accept your non-apology."
Oh, she knew she had him as soon as he cracked that smile. That's why she giggled. I love giggly-in-love-Lucy. It's one of my favorite things.
Like, Melissa O'Neil has imbued Lucy with the cutest giggle known to man, and I smile every time I hear it. It's like Pavlov's Bell, except instead of salivating, I'm beaming.
"Good." "Good."
Are we in a performance of The Court Jester, here? Much as I love that movie, I wasn't expecting to be thrown into it with Chenford. Not ever.
Wow, I need to watch that movie, again, soon. Trust me. Danny Kaye is a treasure.
"So, are we going to dinner or what?" "We are. But your outfit is missing a little something." "What?"
Our girl is fiiiine, Tim. What the hell are you talking about?
Lucy's eyes fall on the box, and she's completely surprised. Remember, this is the girl who had to convince Tim to buy his girlfriend Rachel a birthday present.
Valentine's isn't even a cake holiday, and Tim's here with a jewelry box for his woman?
Endgame. Energy. Tim and Lucy are meant to be, forever and ever.
"Happy Valentine's Day."
Lucy looks at that man like she's ready to marry him right there in his office. The nicest thing he's gifted her before was a sweet final review. And when it comes to picking presents, he's been pretty awful.
Remember, Lucy has had a front-row view to his last three relationships. She didn't expect anything from Tim.
But it's not all those other women. It's Lucy. And since she's had a front-row seat in the past, she knows that this is different for Tim. Tim is doing something for her he wouldn't have done for the others.
And she knows that. She knows how much he loves her, even if they haven't yet said the words. And as she gazes up at him, savoring him before even glimpsing at the gift, she knows she loves him, too.
Because, no matter what he gave her, the gift is in the giving. Tim Bradford went out of his way to ensure she had a present to open. And she will remember how this moment feels the rest of her life.
And I'm now hyper-aware of all my "and" starting sentences.
Back to Tim and Lucy:
"Oh, wow. It's beautiful."
Whatever it is. Look, I don't mean to be cynical or critical, but I seriously have no idea what that necklace is, but I'm so happy Lucy loves it!
"Did you pick this out yourself?" "I did. is that shocking?" "No. You clearly have good taste."
Just wait until the ring, baby! Because we all know that can't be far behind!
And I'm not trying to marry them off, or anything. I'm just saying, we just got confirmation from the woman herself that Tim has good taste. So, when he takes a little trip to the ring counter, we know it's gonna be good.
And just as she once did with her best friend, who is now sadly gone, Lucy sweeps her hair out of the way so he can put the necklace around her neck.
Tim murmurs a "thank you" as Lucy starts to shift gears in her mind. He's standing amazingly close, his hands grazing her neck. He even ensures the charm is centered on her throat before pulling away.
That detail is so personal, and I'm curious if that was actor-choice, director-choice, or script-choice because it makes the moment for me.
"Do you want to skip dinner?"
No. She. Didn't. It's her "Do you wanna come in?" voice. Same cadence, too! Girl wants him just as bad now as she did then.
Tim looks to her, like he's briefly considering it.
"No. I'm hungry, and you're gonna need that fuel for later."
Chenford, meet makeup sex.
Tim touches her back as he shimmies out of his mini office (it really is the day for putting Timmy in Tiny places), leaving her breathless.
Her hand is already on her necklace, holding onto the charm—a physical touchstone to remind her of his love for her. Because he bought this gift for her.
The price tag doesn't matter. The intention does. He somehow did this surreptitiously as an act of love.
Lucy has never felt this loved. We know about the guy who made her sob in her car, the one who cheated on her while she was living with him, Nolan and his easy dumping of her, Emmett and his easy dumping of her, and then Curried Chris who loved an idea of her... not her.
Tim Bradford loves Lucy Chen. She smiles to herself as she follows after him because this mixed feeling of being turned on by an act of love is new. It's the layers that all her relationships before lacked.
Tim and Lucy walked into this relationship already very layered people with a layered relationship. So, it makes sense that their shared romance is also layered.
And they just survived their first fight as a couple. And they are stronger for it.
And... there are too many sentences starting with "and".
Thank you so much for reading and spending this time with me.
I've seen some folks on the Twitterverse complaining about a lack of kiss. Considering tonight might be the first time I remember seeing James and Nyla kiss, I'm not freaking out that we didn't get a kiss. We got a lot.
This episode was packed with Chenford moments. Sleeping together. Waking up together. Having each other's back. Lucy touching Tim every five seconds. First fight as a couple (because their first fight was the first day they met). A freakin' Valentine's Day gift, and it's a necklace. And Tim put it on her. And they're going to dinner, which means they've had reservations a while because they're a pill to get for big romance days.
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writinandcrying · 2 years
About tmnt mutant mayhem
Yes we don’t even have the trailer yet and here I am overthinking it
I’m gonna be 100% honest: I’m really really REALLY excited for mutant mayhem, (as a graphic designer) completely lost my shit with the diverse “logos” name cards for each character, (I love typography and when franchises do that they conquer my heart asap!) but I’m a bit apprehensive about it too, specially if the boys fall once again into the same category as the other versions but ROTTMNT
Rottmnt was such a breath of fresh air, it was so innovative and unique and yet still kept the core of the internal issues of each character, it shown that good and different character designs, animation, even voice acting can be done to excellency, they took a risk and nailed it
I already love the new animation, some voice actors make me really anticipate mutant mayhem, I know they are trying to add quirky bits to each turtle which I appreciate it a lot, but god so help me if Leo and Raph start having beef again over leadership I’ll be extremely upset not gonna lie lol (also let someone else be “the protagonist” this time!!!! It’s always either Leo or Raph, let Donnie or Mikey have the spotlight for christ sake)
With rise we could explore new paths over something that has been following tradition for years, and if we go back (not sayin the other versions suck!!) just… idk it seems like a step back (specially to mikey, if they make him “only” dumb again I’ll bite someone)
Anyways just me Thinking Several Thoughts , I truly hope all the best for this new cast, the animation looks really fresh as well compared to some recent movies that have been coming out so !!!! Maybe the story shall be cool as well, fingers crossed it will also be a hit, cannot wait for mondays official trailer release!
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
joe keery and finn stans are becoming more obnoxious then millie fans and that’s sayin something. joes fanbase bullying noah for literally existing near their fave finn stans calling noah everything under the sun on twitter. I’ve seen even some natalia fans joining, one of them said something really nasty about weight which I will not be sharing cause it was gross
I’m just disappointed with the fans of joe I didn’t know they also harbored this much hate. I was afraid of this happening and I see why noah might’ve been hesitate to hang with any cast members publicly. We could see what the reaction is
millie stans are weird and basically hate everybody around her so it’s not surprising behaviour coming from them but let’s save the commentary about that for her wedding when noah ends up being part of her bridal party. now that i think about it, i’m glad the wedding isn’t the first event where we see the cast with noah publicly, it’s great that we already got this out of the way. at least now they have a few months to get used to idea and touch grass for once in their lives after seeing that everybody in the cast is okay with him.
tbh it’s insane to see how their fans baby finn and joe, they are grown adults and noah is literally younger than all of them. a 19 year old isn’t forcing his older cast mates to hang out with him outside of set and he’s not an stalker following them around. finn and joe made the willingly decision of hanging out with noah for two days in a row. you aren’t protecting them from anything by attacking noah, that’s their friend and they want to spend time with him. it’s also crazy that they keep writing fan fics saying that it must be PR to save noah’s image or that they are being forced when i thought according to them, they weren’t allowed to hang out with him to save face but now that piece of fiction crumbled, they start with another narrative to try to pretend their favs aren’t friends with noah.
yeah it’s clear why he would prefer to keep his relationships private, it’s a understandable reaction when everybody in the internet is making up stuff about you and waiting to hate on you and your loved ones. i’m glad noah feels comfortable enough now to be more public and i’m glad the rest of the cast seen to have always supported him. they kept mentioning him very casually and now they hang out with him publicly without fear of blacklash.
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snowviolettwhite · 4 months
Rules: Share a song, or several if you'd like, that relate either to Tarlos or a different 911 LS character(s).
Tagged by the lovely @heartstringsduet
Tk & Carlos/ Tarlos
Carlos saw Tk that first night and decided that boy is my soulmate and future husband. Tk later says that was why he ran way the first place. Tk knew Carlos was also his soulmate.
"Once upon a time
The planets and the fates and all the stars aligned
You and I ended up in the same room at the same time
And the touch of a hand lit the fuse
Of a chain reaction of countermoves
To assess the equation of you
Checkmate, I couldn't lose
What if I told you none of it was accidental?
And the first night that you saw me
Nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork, and then just like clockwork
The dominoes cascaded in a line
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
And now you're mine It was all by design
'Cause I'm a mastermind"
"So I told you none of it was accidental?
And the first night that you saw me
Nothing was gonna stop me I laid the groundwork, and then saw a wide smirk on your face,
you knew the entire time
You knew that I'm a mastermind
And now you're mine
Yeah, all you did was smile
'Cause I'm a mastermind"
Owen & Tk - Father/Son Love
Tk wants to be just like his dad when he grows up. Owen sometimes wishes Tk was not so much like him. He probably sent his parents into a panic when he told them he is going to be a firefighter.
I remember sayin', "I don't care either way Just as long as he or she is healthy, I'm okay" And then the doctor pointed to the corner of the screen And said, "Yo, see that thing right there? Well, you know what that means"
I started wonderin' who he was gonna be And I thought, "Heaven help us if he's anything like me" He'll probably climb a tree too tall and ride his bike too fast End up every summer wearin' somethin' in a cast He's gonna throw a ball and break some glass in a window down the street
He's gonna get in trouble, he's gonna get in fights I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback if he's anything like me
I can see him right now, knees all skinned up With a magnifying glass, tryin' to melt the Tonka truck Won't he be a sight with his football helmet on? Well, that'll be his first love 'til his first love comes along He'll get his heart broke by the time he's in his teens And heaven help him if he's anything like me
He'll probably stay out too late and drive his car too fast Get a speedin' ticket, he'll pay for mowin' grass He's gonna get caught skippin' class and be grounded for a week
He's gonna get in trouble, we're gonna get in fights I'm gonna lose my temper and some sleep It's safe to say that I'm gonna get my payback, if he's anything like me
He's gonna love me and hate me along the way The years are gonna fly by, I already dread the day
Driving through town just my boy and me With a happy meal in his booster seat Knowing that he couldn't have the toy 'Till his nuggets were gone
Green traffic light turned straight to red I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap Well then my four year old said a four letter word That started with "s" and I was concerned So I said son now now where did you learn to talk like that
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are We got cowboy boots and camo pants Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad I wanna do everything you do So I've been watching you
Tagging But No Pressure : @anewkindofme. @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad. @the-flaming-nightmare. @aroeddiediaz @missmagooglie
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sunshine-overload · 1 year
[BSTS] 4th Anniversary ‘Outsider’ Event Story - Part 2
Part 1
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Chapter 8
-starless break room-
saki: Good work today, everyone.
ran: Oo it's Nee-chan! Ya came to watch us again today did ya?
nekome: It's been tough for Saki-chan too hasn't it~? Picking the cast members and coming to watch all our shows, you've got your hands full.
saki: Oh no, I haven't been doing much... Compared to you guys this is nothing.
taiga: I can't deny the fact that it's been difficult, this show especially. Like seriously, what was up with that improv part? The air still feels tense even now. 
ran: Hm-? I love that about it though, ya get used to it eventually!
taiga: Uegh, as if... There's no way I could get used to such a nerve-wracking show. Though, I guess I am a bit more used to it than the first performance.
kasumi: You really have to keep your guard up more than usual.
ran: This survival theme's great! It makes ya wonder if this is what it'd be like if we really did all try to kill each other. Ain't it exciting~?
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nekome: That's quite a disturbing train of thought.
ran: No seriously, aren't ya curious what it'd be like?
taiga: Geh... Just imagining that happening is horrific enough.
kasumi: Since I'm a mob character I guess dying first would be my destiny~ When I consider that, it's reassuring.
taiga: No, what. Normal people wouldn't find that reassuring.
ran: Oh! So ya saying ya would still fight then, huh Taiga?
taiga: I wouldn't say I'd fight exactly... I'd make use of traps or something and survive as long as I can, basically. I ain't the sorta character that would fight head on in a bold fashion. If I were to run into Kokuyou he'd beat me to a pulp in three seconds flat.
nekome: Kokuyou does seem to be the type that would kill you quickly.
ran: Ahahaha, you're probably right! He'd take ya down the moment ya cross paths. However when it comes to those that are strong at hand to hand combat, all ya gotta do is take 'em out first by throwing a bomb or somethin'.
taiga: Hmm, a more guaranteed method would be better. Like setting up a poison trap from the same distance and then delivering the final blow whilst they can't move. Rather than planting your own bombs, defusing them and rubbing it in your opponent's faces is more fun.
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nekome: You're really raring to go there Taiga, impressive impressive. However, aren't those sorts of crafty characters the ones that end up self sabotaging themselves in the end?
taiga: Geh... Don't say that.
ran: That's when Ran-chan would make his grand appearance. I'd show up an’ wipe out any of the remainin’ tough guys in one go~ ☆ Wouldn't it be the best if we were legally able to kill each other?
saki: (This conversation keeps heading in even more disturbing directions...)
taiga: Dude don't go full psychopath on us. Look, you're freaking Saki-san out.
ran: It goes without sayin' that no matter what happens, till the very last moment, I would plan to protect ya, Saki-chan. So don't worry!
saki: Ahaha...
Chapter 9
-starless restaurant area-
aogiri: ...That's everything you ordered. Please enjoy yourselves.
female guest 1: Thanks. I've gotta say, your smile is so healing, Aogiri-san~
female guest 2: I know right. And you're so gentle and polite too, almost like a butler. I love it, I might become a stan~!
aogiri: Thank you, I'm honoured. I'm still only a trainee for now, but if I do get to be on the stage one day, I'll look forward to having your support.
-sceen pans to kei-
kei: Hm... He does not appear to be lacking in ability.
sin: Are you saying he's already grasped the upper strings then? Eloquence and secrecy go hand in hand. The tune that the crested ibis plays on the koto could easily become a melody that opens the gates.
kei: We cannot yet determine that. We of course still need to continue with caution but... If that's the case it may be safer for us to keep him under surveillance. How is the matter of the costumes progressing?
takami: Things are going well. I'm slowly learning more about how the external duties work. I was considering having him try and make a prototype costume for himself as well, what do you think? Well, first of all I think we should get him to show us what he’s capable of.
kei: ........
-behind starless, night time-
ran: Aaaand, there we go. Whew, today's been a lot.
-takami steps outside-
takami: Good work, Ran.
ran: Ooh, hi Takami, you too~
takami: How have things been going recently in Team B?
ran: Why ya askin' all of a sudden?
takami: I was wondering how Hinata's been handling things. Do you think he'll make for a good understudy?
ran: Ahh that's what ya meant. It's been tough for y'all on the temp management team huh. Hinata gives it his all during training, even though he's still got a lot to learn. But, the understaffing issue should be better now!
takami: That's good to hear. I'd heard he has been a big fan of Team B for a while now, so I was worried he might've just been slacking off.
ran: Yea he's a fan. The day Iwami-san brought him was the first time he'd ever been here though, right? This store is pretty underground, and minors rarely ever visit. So I was wonderin’— How on earth did he discover Heath then?
takami: Who knows. Perhaps he must've seen him in videos online?
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ran: Ahh, he did say that, he did. That he saw a video of us! Well at any rate, don't worry, we'll make sure to take reaaal good care of him!
takami: I see, thank you.
ran: Imma head on in then~
-ran leaves-
takami: ........
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(tl note: I recommend listening to this ran takami convo voiced, I tried my best but it’s hard to convey that they clearly both know there’s something else going on, and that Hinata probably didn’t learn of B just from some video, its SUS)
Chapter 10
-rehearsal room-
kongou: Let's take a short break.
gui: Ok.
kongou: Make sure you keep your fluids up, Heath.
heath: I know.
-maica walks in-
maica: Hey, is Mizuki in here?
gui: He went out.
kongou: Did something happen?
maica: I came to tell him that his prop has been repaired.
kongou: Thanks. By prop you mean his weapon right?
maica: Yeah. He said the light wasn't working so it needed to be fixed. 
kongou: I see, sorry for the trouble.
maica: It's fine, I'm going to go and tell Nekome the same thing.
kongou: The close range weapons are more prone to breaking considering the circumstances huh.
maica: Sure, but he was still being way too rough with it. Mizuki almost hit me in the face the other day.
heath: That's because Mizuki's been going all out.
maica: And where did that Mizuki who’s skipping rehearsal go exactly?
kongou: He's not skipping. He's with Hinata who needed to go and buy a support brace.
maica: Oh? Just until recently he'd been going on about never letting you guys have an understudy ever, what changed his mind?
kongou: Now that you mention it, I don't actually know the details either.
gui: Mizuki told me to join B once before too. Is this different from that time?
heath: It wasn't because Mizuki changed. It's probably the opposite.
maica: That so?
kongou: In the end you didn't join B huh, Gui.
gui: My team is Team K.
kongou: Hahah, that's true.
maica: Well I'll get going then.
heath: Thanks for the help.
maica: Make sure you tell Mizuki to not break it next time.
Chapter 11
-starless hallway-
-unei trips-
saki: Are you ok...!?
unei: Ow... I-I'm sorry~!
menou: Yawn... What are you doing?
qu: You really do lose your footing quite often hm? Let's pick up all these flyers first Unei-kun.
unei: Uwah, they really went all over the place... Would you two mind helping me out!?
menou: Don't wanna.
qu: I don't mind...
saki: I'll help too.
qu: Thanks, sorry for the trouble.
menou: Saki-chan shouldn't need to help out.
-menou picks up a flyer-
menou: Huh? This is from when he went on our onsen trip.
qu: And this one over here is for 'vow of love'. Time sure does pass you by quickly, it's already almost been a year since then.
unei: Every time our anniversary comes around I'm reminded just how much time flies. Wait, this isn't the time to be getting all sentimental, I need to tidy this mess up...!
-hari walks up-
hari: Qu, so this is where you were.
qu: What is it?
hari: Today's rehearsal location was changed to the second room, I came to tell—
mokuren: What the hell are you two doing? Rehearsal is starting right now. Oh Princess, what a nice coincidence, you should come and watch us practice too.
saki: O-ok.
-mokuren grabs hari and drags him away-
menou: Team C seems like it's been quite lively lately.
zakuro: Yes, it is as you can see. It is due to the number of sacrifices having increased from one to two. I shall tread carefully as to not be chosen as the third. So long.
-zakuro leaves-
qu: Everything’s tidied up here so you can go on ahead too.
unei: Yes, the flyers are all together again, thank you Saki-san.
saki: Is that so? Then, excuse me.
-saki leaves-
menou: You're not going, Qu?
qu: I will be. I just need to finish up here first.
menou: Hmm, to me it looks like you don't want to go. Your improv parts are pretty boring aren't they? You only put in the bare minimum. Were you always this bad at improv?
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qu: Well... I wouldn't say it's the improv that I'm bad at. If it's to protect a country, a position or a person then I can act it out no problem. But when it comes to having to protect myself, to kill someone to do so... For some reason I just can't get a grasp on it.
menou: In that case you mean to say you'd be fine with it if Aogiri kicked you out of your spot and you became an understudy? If the options are fighting or being killed, then being killed is the easier option no? 
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menou: Hari's performance is so interesting, since he's desperately fighting up there. Meanwhile, you just seem frightened Qu. Well whatever. When we're on stage together make sure you come at me like you're really trying to kill me, kay? Yawn, I'm going back to sleep.
-menou leaves-
unei: Ah, thank you!
qu: .......
qu: He really doesn't change does he...
Chapter 12
-starless restaurant area-
maica: Looks like the fourth anniversary show is finally coming to a close.
akira: Ah... I'm so tired...
hinata: It's gonna be ending soon isn't it? It's kinda sad.
aogiri: I've learnt a lot, when I think about that I feel the same in wishing we could see more. Most importantly though, I'm glad the performances can come to a close without there having been any trouble.
hinata: Ahaha, yeah true.
-iwami walks up-
iwami: Yo, how are things?
hinata: Ah, Iwa-san-! Could it be you’ve brought gifts? Afternoon snacks?
iwami: Yeah, I picked out some sweets. They're for everyone.
hinata: Heck yeah! I was just getting hungry too~♪
maica: You've been visiting an awful lot lately huh.
iwami: That's just because I'm worried about you guys. Speaking of, there's a face I'm not familiar with here. Is he a newbie?
hinata (while eating): Das Aogiwi. He jus’ joined wike me.
aogiri: Nice to meet you. Um, and who might you be...?
iwami: I'm Starless' previous owner. But well, nowadays I'm just a regular fan of the place.
akira: Uwah, could you sound any shadier.
iwami: Leave me be. Well, we might run into each other every now and then, so let's get along.
aogiri: Understood. Speaking of the owner though... Where is the current one? I've yet to introduce myself to them yet.
iwami: Ah, Haseyama you mean. You don't have to worry about meeting him any time soon. It appears the store can run just fine without him here too.
aogiri: Is that so...?
hinata: I was wondering the same, why's that guy never come here anyways?
iwami: It's not that he isn't coming here, he can't. He got shot and is currently still in hospital because of it.
hinata: Huh? Wait what, you're being serious?
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iwami: That's not all either. After that Saki-chan was kidnapped... It was a very troublesome string of events.
hinata: Whaaat, that's so scary.
maica: Oi, what unnecessary things are you filling the newbies' heads with. You're being inappropriate.
iwami: It's not unnecessary. If you don't tell them now it'll only affect you later, won’t it?
maica: That's...
iwami: Did they really not tell you anything about it when they employed you?
aogiri: No, this is the first I'm hearing of it.
maica: Um... Just make sure you're careful. There's recently been some bombing incidents nearby here too...
akira: Well, public safety ain't doing the best job in that case.
aogiri: ...Is that so. I had read this place was a cozy and well managed workplace though.
maica: Cozy? As an adjective for Starless?
aogiri: That's what was written on the job application page on your website.
akira: Sorry to say but you got duped, I feel bad for you~ 
aogiri: I do find it to be a workplace that's teeming with inspiration though.
Chapter 13
-starless restaurant area-
saki: (Today's show was amazing as always. The other guests seem to all be fired up as well.)
female guest 1: Today's performance might have just been my favourite one out of all the fourth anniversary shows. Rindou was just so wonderful.
female guest 2: The way he endured villain Sotetsu's torture only to overthrow and defeat him in the end was so hot wasn't it~♪
saki: (Rindou-san's performance really did feel even more impressive than usual...)
-break room-
rindou: Is that so? If the guests enjoyed it then that's what’s most important.
saki: Yes. Everyone was really impressed by both you and Sotetsu's acting.
rindou: And what about you? Did you enjoy the show?
saki: Of course. It really was wonderful.
rindou: I'm happy to hear you think that. I'll do my best to keep that momentum going until the closing show.
saki: Yes, I'll be cheering you on. I'll go and tell everyone else my impressions too then.
-saki leaves-
sotetsu: You two seemed to be having fun. Was it about our improv? It was a pretty great show huh.
rindou: You're talking like you weren't involved. Half of the credit goes to your acting as well.
sotetsu: Really? I was just sticking to playing an easy to grasp villain though.
rindou: And that's exactly why it worked. It made it easy for me to choose the best direction to go from there. Thanks to that, I think it ended up being a great show.
sotetsu: Well that makes two of us. You seem to be looking well recently.
rindou: ...Yeah. For better or worse the situation hasn't changed but... I have no intentions to allow my personal feelings to affect the stage in any way, so don't worry.
sotetsu: I see. At this rate you could even take Kei on. I'll be expecting an exciting show.
rindou: You say it like that’ll be easy.
-starless backrooms-
ran: Rindou seems like he's back to his usual self.
maica: Yeah, thank god... By the way.
ran: Mm?
maica: I don't plan to get involved again but, I just want to confirm something. Have you made any progress regarding the Black Card?
ran: Nope, not at all. Of course I've still been gatherin’ info an’ stuff though.
maica: I see... I hope things can continue peacefully like this...
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-break room-
rindou: Well, I'll get going.
sotetsu: Sure, see ya.
-rindou leaves-
sotetsu: So the card hasn't moved then huh... In that case...
-he looks to aogiri down the hall-
sotetsu: I guess it’s about time I start looking into this matter instead.
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To final chapters
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 years
Hello :) I just want to say I love your blog and your thoughts on iwtc. Sorry, another new fan here of the universe :)I absolutely adored Loustat and hopefully we'll see them share a scene in S2. I am a very feelings person and I've adored seeing Sam and Jacob doing press and how close they are with amazing chemistry. Itll just feels strange seeing Jacob probably doing promo with mostly Assad next season. I don't meant to sound nasty but I hope him and Jacob don't have the same chemistry and bromance as Jacob and Sam. I'll miss them too much :/
Also if we didn't get any Loustat cuteness on S2, and if S2 isn't as Loustat heavy, I hope the viewership doesn't dwindle because of it and we might not get better seasons where they have a HEA later on?
Hey nonny!
So happy you like my little corner :)) *hugs*
Welcome to the madness of the Vampire Chronicles :))) (especially with the other asks today^^^^).
I think no-one has seen the likes of Sam's and Jacob's chemistry for a long time... it totally floored us, the producers, the cast and all the interviewers I've read. And ... AMC and the producers (and writers etc) KNOW what they have there. That's gold, right there. And we already got the confirmation that Loustat will be one of the pillars of this show, and will continue to be so. Not without difficulties, of course, but... then where would be the fun in that 😈
Louis, Armand and Lestat share a very special... relationship in the books. I personally think Assad fits very well with them, and I for one cannot see how Armand and Lestat will interact onscreen, in past Paris and modern Dubai.
I do know what you're saying though, I too want aaaaaaaaaall the Jam Reiderson cuteness we can possibly get next season. But I wouldn't mind it either if they ... expanded it?! 😈
As per the promo - no worries. There is NO WAY that Sam will not be part of the promo tour. And there is NO WAY either that Lestat will not be massively part of season 2 as well. In fact I, personally, believe that the end of season 2 will segue into (the premise for) TVL... and for that - you need Lestat. If it will be cute though... we'll see. 😅
I've said it in another ask, I think a lot of the "old" fans are waiting (sitting on their hands, gnawing on their nails) for TVL to be adapted. And QotD properly. And the other books. We know they're planning that. AMC has the experience with long running shows. So I don't think especially future seasons are going to lose viewers. And the show has only started to be streamed in some countries. A colleague told me just yesterday that he watched it and was totally insane about it - in a meeting with others... Just sayin'. It'll find its way :)
Loustat will stay the dynamic they're building on, Rolin said so only the other day. Let's hope we'll get the full 10 season *laughs*
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storiesofsvu · 6 months
Alright. It’s Thursday let’s see how tonight goes…
Weird opening that’s for sure
That blue suit on mechad is fucking gorgeous
Wtf is happening?!!!!?? Is this gonna be one of those twisty episodes? We’re only halfway through…
YES! SAM! Give her more screen time PLEASE
The like, main thing here would be finding the dancer, yes?
The lawyers have a good point with this recording, but it’s all speculation at this point…
I KNOW I know this defence attorney from somewhere… hold pls while I try to figure it out lol
Goddammit it’s not on imdb yet…
Okay so defence found the witness and honestly that just made everything way more complicated. YES, he killed the guy in (self) defence/trying to help/save the girl, BUT he’s still a racist pos who strangled the guy for three minutes after he stopped breathing. Also what was going on with the vic on the train? Cause he defs seemed out of it…
Ohhkay, an asthma attack, that makes sense. Reaching for the inhaler. Got it
Okay, y’all I’m sold on the new DA guy who came from scandal.
What is it with cop shows having very racist/sexist people/witnesses and choosing to send in their poc/women to figure details out.
OOHHH WE LOVE A GOOD UC STORYLINE! IS THIS GONNA BE A MULTI EP ARC?! A CROSSOVER?! (I know im clowning over a crossover, you don’t need to tell me)
That was a really good ep tbh.
Okay we all know I’m ignoring TO.
If anyone has any good ideas for a relatively affordable vacation over July/august that wouldn’t be too fucking hot, pls lmk.
Svu time!
Woof talk about a dark open
Also… it’s giving little mermaid…. The whole hazy can’t see her but she’s rescuing him and keeping him safe??
…pants around the ankles? Okay wait so something else happened in there?
If they’re gonna be fucking rotating cast members, they should be rotating the ones who aren’t officially part of the squad. Curry was on last week, she should be gone this week.
Oh it was a man in the little mermaid vibes, my bad lol
….at least bruno’s here..
Okay… this girl’s apartment layout is the same as olivia’s (old?) one? (the one where noah was a toddler and up on the counter stealing cookies..) they really all about reusing sets aren’t they? Yet they make olivia’s apt completely different each ep…
Also I lowkey love all the fairy lights and art she’s got up, she’s made this place super cozy and calming and I dig it. Like I legit want that little tree with the fairy lights she has… catch me on amazon later.
Okay but like, if you were beat that bad and fighting for your life, there’s definitely a chance of hallucinating someone..
Bruno can yell at me any day…. Just sayin.
Why cant the girl with agoraphobia just fucking zoom/face time into the trial??? Like, they did that shit for younger witnesses/victims, for people already in prison/stuck in hospitals and that was all BEFORE covid…. I get that this is some kind of progress for her/olivia and more building for liv but it’s stupid…
Shout out to liv for making her office a complete safe space with the blinds drawn and candles and shit. Cute.
Okay that was an okay episode, we’re getting there slowly. I just wish we would go back to court for once. I miss my defence attorneys…
Lowkey hate this flashback, ngl.
 Okay…I NEED to know how old joe stabler is supposed to be. Cause the actor’s age isn’t listed on wiki/imdb, but there’s a couple pages/articles that say he’s super late 40’s, early 50’s but he could pass for late 30’s so im SO confused lol.
Ahh… okay. Glad the drugs are his and not eli’s lol
Ugh I love bell so fucking much
I really hope Bobby’s leave was written in cause the actor had another offer that he wanted to take and not one that screwed him over.
Yaaasss cragen with the distraction save!
“I thought it worked…” bruh it sure did lol
God I miss cragen’s sass and quips. Im super glad he’s open to guest star
Bell being a complete bad ass like always. Yaaas queen
Speaking of bad ass women… nicely done chief…
Oh fuck….
Okay, well that was a decent night of l&o tonight!
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