#this just in: im a serious germaphobe
xbokslive · 2 years
this house is disgusting i hate living here i clean all the time and there's zero respect for it because they expect me to clean it again like always... i do the dishes and there's food clogged in the sink from my brother that i have to scoop out its revolting it makes me want to vomit i need to live in a place clean and sterile 24/7 or i will lose my mind
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antisocialgaycat · 7 months
Hey buddy :)
So, you think you might have chicken pox? Well, it's a good thing your buddy here is a certified (for legal reasons I am absolutely not even on the path of certification) epidemiologist (Google definition for the folks who don't know: epidemiologists study epidemiology, which is the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of diseases and other factors relating to health. Aka the trends amongst infectious diseases) so here are some stats
If you have the chicken pox vaccine, you have only a 15-20% chance of catching chicken pox if you get exposed
If you are exposed and catch the virus, the symptoms will be incredibly mild with few blisters or in some cases, no blisters at all (just unraised red spots)
Also, if you have a bad fever right now and you have the chicken pox vaccine, you probably don't have chicken pox as people with the vaccine experience a much more mild fever (or no fever at all) if they catch it
And even if you do have chicken pox and you have the vaccine it will only last a short period of time
If you don't have a vaccine than idfk man sucks for you
That being said if you have had a different type of pox virus (I SERIOUSLY doubt you did because most other pox viruses are pretty rare/deadly and a lot dont even naturally exist or transmit to humans anymore but ya never know) like cowpox, monkeypox, smallpox, etc etc. and you somehow survived, you're less likely to catch a severe case if chicken pox (again this is highly highly unlikely to matter and I lowkey only included it to be a nerd)
If you do have chicken pox, here are some ways to help
Ointment, creams, moisturizers, etc like calamine lotion to help with itching
I've also heard putting oatmeal on the blisters helps with itching
Standard ibuprofen type over the counter medication to help reduce the fever
If you're up for it, try to drink some Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water type stuff to help bring up electrolytes
Get rest, sleep, don't try to work through it
To avoid the rest of your family getting it, everyone needs to take the cleaning stuff up a notch. Wash your hands more than normal, Lysol, Germ-X, Clorox, become the ultimate germaphobes, all of you
Godspeed my friend
(Again I am not a doctor or a specialist of any kind this is all based off of research I did for fun)
thank you very muchly frog anon <3
this is actually so much information like thats a lot of effort thank you so much
i didnt end up having chickenpox which is very girlboss of me (i got a different virus instead yay) but this would be very helpful if i did
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hurtthemgently · 2 years
My trope list! Favourites, Anti-Favourites, and in between
Not exhaustive, subject to changes and updates, may vary depending on the writer.
Ones with * means that related tags are blocklisted for me
Favourite tropes:
Drugged whumpee
Breath whump/asphyxiation
Creepy/intimate whumper
4th wall breaks
Whumpees aware of being fictional
Caretaker turned whumpee
Insults, threats, general defiant whumpee behavior
Gilded cages
Tilting/grabbing whumpee by the chin
Whumpees fawning as a defense
Failed escapes
Whumpees being chased
Aesthetic blood
Mild gore
Waking up confused and disoriented
Defiant whumpees
Clever/quietly defiant whumpees
Grabbing or stroking whumpees hair
Affection from whumper in general
Touch starved whumpee who can’t help but melt under whumpers touch
Whumpee who hates being touched by whumper
Major character undeath
Magic whump
Tiny whumpees
Healing powers
Really just anything fantasy makes things more fun
Pretty good tropes:
Cold whump
Sound torture
Sensory deprivation
Sleep deprivation
Whumpee who can’t tell what’s real
Lab/experimentation whump
Non con body modification
Forced addiction
Nsfwhump/noncon (I keep it off my blog tho)
Whumper turned whumpee (usually)
Medium-Extreme gore
Telling whumpee how they’ll be hurt
Making caretaker watch
Torturing caretaker and making whumpee watch
Finding out whumpees fears and using them
Motion sickness
Stress positions
Mild humiliation
Mouth whump(with healing factor)
Broken bones (with healing factor)
Possession/mind control
Mind reading
Heights, even just as a threat
Hidden injury
Eh.. it exists:
Unnamed/unknown character death
Long term captivity
Environmental whump
Accidental whump
Villain whump
Whumpee turned whumper
Caretaker turned whumper (unless whumpee is former whumper I love vindictive caretakers)
Generally avoid:
Eye whump
Broken bones
Head trauma
Stuff with like- team dynamics, Ik it’s a weird thing to not like.
Anything with bugs, espec if there’s a lot
Forcing whumpee to hurt themself*
Forcing whumpee to hurt others
General unsanitary conditions
Anything where whumpee is forced to eat/drink something disgusting
Im really just out here being a germaphobe
Parental caretakers
Nope tropes:
Misgendering/transphobia (especially used to whump characters)
Forced renaming (outside of aliases or nicknames)
Major character death*
Minor whump/underage whumpee*
Minor/underage whumpers (even in g/t)
Whump with facial trauma (spec broken nose)
Abusive team leaders
Blank slate whumpees
Heavily conditioned/pet whumpees*
Parental whumpers
Familial whump of any kind really
Forced eye contact
Actual serious triggers:
Self Degradation*
Self Deprecation*
Internalized Dehumanization.*
Whumpees with low self esteem
Destruction of comfort items
Suicidal ideation/death wish*
Self harm*
loss of personality/sense of being*
Heavy conditioning*
This is mostly subject to change!
To reiterate: -Many of these tropes are heavily dependent on context/are written differently by different people  -My feelings on things will change from day to day  -I for sure haven’t covered every trope I might encounter
Also if I follow you pls don’t feel pressured to try and regulate your own content! Just tag stuff normally, and I’ll be responsible for what I consume. I only ask that you please don’t send me anything with stuff in the final three categories and please don’t expect me to engage with content that has those tropes.
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liquidstar · 4 years
kumon: *has serious anxiety issues where he severally overthinks, constantly associates himself with a specific number, cautiously checks his surroundings, is generally known as a health nut who does everything in his power to remain healthy, and does everything he possibly can to avoid getting sick despite the fact that he knows his condition is psychological*
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doebt · 5 years
*stays up all night and experiences tiredness* oh god.........fatigue......i have coronavirus..........i have to chug rubbing alcohol and soap........
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
could u imagine the hell that would break loose if overhaul's darling got sick?? he'd be running around with 53 different medications for you to take while you're half asleep in his jacket bc you were cold
♡ Common Cold ♡
(A/N: I just got some Haikyuu requests for more yandere purge *yall seemed to love that fic!! Thank you!!* However I need at least one day to write a fic so I’m putting out a bnha fic!! AAAHHHH ALSO IM SO SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO DO THIS FIC PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! I KEPT BDING A DUM DUM AND FORGETTING TO DO THIS ONE)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, sickness, Kai being very worried
Summary: You get sick while in Kai’s care (Yan!Overhaul x GN!reader)
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Kai takes in a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t help but blame himself for your current state. You had gotten sick. Somehow, in the care of a germaphobe who made sure to be the most careful around you, you had gotten ill.
You snuggle more into the fur on Kai’s jacket, letting out a small cough. He had given you his jacket when you had asked for it earlier in the day, using it as a comfort item since he gave it to you.
You knew he had a problem with any illness, wearing a face mask and gloves anytime he wasn’t with you or by himself. So he was frantic when he had found you sick.
You’d think with how many medications Kai was forcing you to take down (which he made sure wouldn’t hurt you) that you had a serious illness. Nope. Rather you simply had the common cold.
Your only symptoms being a headache, stuffed nose, sore throat, and coughing. However Kai was acting as though you only had a few hours to live.
Kai gently opens the door, walking over to the large bed and sitting beside it. “How are you feeling?” Kai asks, brushing some of the hair out of your face.
Surprisingly, Kai wasn’t wearing a mask or gloves right now. As much he hated germs and sickness, he knew you were pure. Kai truly believed everyone was already diseased besides you, you were perfect. So he wasn’t to worried, even if you were sick.
“I feel a little better” You say, coughing a bit with your words, snuggling back into into Kai’s jacket.
Kai felt so bad for your current state, after all he must’ve been the one to infect you considering he is the only one to be around you. He blamed himself so much for your coughs and sniffles. You seemed so tired while sick, just wanting to lay around all day while waiting for your headache to subside.
“Is there anything you need or want?” Kai asks, setting down a glass of water he had brought for you so you might be able to feel better. You groan a bit before answering his question.
“No. I don’t” You said, closing your eyes as you lay in bed. “I wanna take a nap. Please stay in here with me?” You ask, looking up at him, a small flush on his cheeks. You wanted him to cuddle you however you knew how much he hated germs so you just asked for him to stay in here with you.
“Of course I can, angel” Kai says, gently petting your hair. He normally didn’t give you so much affection without asking first but he knew you probably needed it while being in pain.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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legendaryoikawa · 4 years
make out with med student!sakusa
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warnings: slightly nsfw, profanities, grammar errors
note: requested by @henny-in-the-hamptons i hope you enjoy this, i apologize too if this took so long to be released hdhdhdhd (anyways i had to open my anatomy book and i was reviewed as well oml)
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how did u guys meet:
so here’s our tall and favorite germaphobe lmao
but you love him even though he’s aloof and comes out like he doesn’t give a fuck
well he does, he hates crowds, a highkey misanthropist but he give exception doe ;))
we know who it is,,,, u hdhdbdhdbdhdbhd <333
you guys dated because u asked him out in this college party and you just wanted to shoot your shot because apparently you are crushing for him for years yet sakusa is like a fucking rock,,,, and bold of u to assume he’ll ask u out >:P
but anywaaaays,,, ur hardwork paid off especially when he pulled his mask midway down his lips
and looked at you directly and said “okay,,”
he’s cold but WHATEVER
at least you made the king agree on going out as ur date for the college party
alexa pls please play bOom Boom BOOm BOOm I wanT U IN MY RoOM skksks
and ur heart is really beating loud especially when he lean slowly to match ur height jdhdhddb
and the way the butterflies roamed in ur stomach when he dragged out the words of “okay” to you,, 
like his voice is like husky but laced with confusion and amusement?? yes okay yes.
so let us zoooooooooom at the party
it isn’t hard to spot sakusa in the college gym because he stands out in a way you don’t expect him to be
like,,,,,,,,,,,,,, homeboy has his hands tucked in his jacket, his mf mask (stan sakusa for a cute 2020) and his curls and His MOLeS JSJBDJ
it was awkward at first especially when u tried to initiate some good topics to start with him 
But HE IS DRY SMH >:(((((((((((((((((((((
but U r moRe than willing to converse w hIm no matter how DRY HE TAKES <3 
but it was heart warming for u especially when he really tried to socialize despite him hating social gatherings in general,,,,
but this is getting long but U gOt sakusa the great to confess to after u have showed to him how persistent U r no matter how hard he wipes u off with his alcohol spray
u have germs but according to him,,,,, 
“u r my only germ <333″ 
ODJBFHJVDHJVDS <333333333333333333333333 
while making out : NSFW !!!!!!
okay so,, makeouts are rare because he IS a med student and let’s be frank he has more time with his books than u
most of his classes are overloaded and he’ll come home dead tired 
or if ur lucky he’ll kiss u then go straight up to work on his assignments
but u do understand because he told u that he cannot commit his hundred percent attention to u and u were like 
“I understand”
but there are times that you will just miss him so hard and u can’t do anything about it so u just let the night slip like the usual 
but of course sakusa is well aware of this and it makes him feel bad but he tried to think of ways to make it up to u
and an idea strikes him,,,, he has an upcoming anatomy exam
he will call u out like,, “hey..”
 and of course you will be so shocked because that was the first time in weeks he paid attention to you and you were like “:O,,,, oh hey babe, what’s up?”
“come here..”
“huh whereee?”
“in.my.room quick!”
and the you yeeted yourself out just to ran all the way in his room
and u were slightly nervous yet excited because,,,, ur not gullible lmao
and then you found him removing his jacket and he’s left with just his fitted top and his varsity shorts
those short SHORTS that r the fabric of sin because god ThOSE FUCkIng THIGHs?
anyways he asked if he could use u as his basis for his anatomy test 
and you were like,,,,,,,,, yeah of course
at first it was pure and serious because he will point things like
“okay his is the clavicle” while pointing at your collarbones and the way ur body shivers after his touch is just = sexual tension
and then it escalates till you ask him what is this certain bone and he couldn’t answer u because
he’s turned on big time 
and was like “fuck this shit, let me study in my own ways” while muttering deeply to himself and proceeded to grab you by the jaw :o
and begins giving you open mouthed kiss while caressing your sides 
then he pointed out,, “this is your platysma” while kissing a part somewhere in your neck 
“do u know why my fucking mouth is attacking you with kisses? it’s because the masseter is the one moving by closing the jaw by elevating the mandible”
“turn around for me”
and you did and he began running his hands thru your back
and after every muscle he names he leaves a kiss or worst a hickey because “it’s my mark so i can remember which is which”
and then he will purposely start all over again from the top of naming your body parts till you got so irritated and pulled him in 
and <3
you can feel his hands roaming around, slightly cupping your breasts while he named it as “i love your mammary gland”
it sounded wrong but scientifically it is right lmao
“we’re still not yet in reproductive system but i can advance study...”
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sorry if this took long enough to create,, online classes just started and I tried to squeeze this in despite my heavy schedule lmao but anyways i am already close to 1k and im seriously happy and touched for all those who followed, and supported my fics even if they’re not the best among all,,, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much!
for those mutuals that i have talked to, i couldn’t reach out to you all because ive been busy with stuff lately but i love u all, always! anyways, i hope everyone will support the other works im planning to release in the future! love lots!
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meatcute · 2 years
i don't know your ocs so just answer for whichever one(s) you wanna!! 2, 21, 24, 54
ty! im gonna do my main set of ocs ^^ under a cut because this is LONG & i will be discussing death including child death and suicide (death surrounds these characters)
2. What’s their biggest regret?
cira: a childhood accident. i mean, logically speaking, he was too young to have known better. he only meant to play with his friend, as kids do, but somehow he was sitting in the dirt sobbing and apologizing and begging her to move, to get out of the water, until he couldnt stand the sight of her curly red locks sinking into the lake anymore and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. he didnt know what to say to his father, to her parents, to the tall men in blue. so he said nothing. he was just a scared little kid, but he wonders to this day if its too late to finally say something
rachel: she loves her family. adores them, would move the world for them. shes ruined lives for their sake. but sometimes.. its like she feels apart from them. they care deeply for her and she has their unconditional love and support, but they know her better than anyone, and can tell when shes acting. they want authenticity from her; her bitterest enemy, something shed sooner die than provide. even so, sometimes she wishes she could be their real daughter, sister, cousin that they love and miss so much
alison: they dont regret. they live in the present moment, and that might be someones problem, but not theirs. the past only has meaning in that it allowed the present to exist, and assigning it any more meaning than that is pointless to them
phi: when the love of her life started avoiding her, she assumed what she thought was the worst; were they being unfaithful? wasnt she enough for them? they said they loved her, they said they were soulmates, was it all a lie? she wonders if this perception only sped up the inevitable. she learned the truth when she heard the voicemail containing their last words, and their body was found the next day at the bottom of a bridge. god, she wishes she could take back the suspicion and paranoia that painted their last moments together, even though itd be replaced by a different suspicion and paranoia. anything to make them stay.
21. What’s one secret of theirs that could potentially ruin a relationship they have?
cira... doesnt block ads on youtube bc he likes to watch them. idk. there was him accidentally killing his next door neighbor as a kid but i just wrote a whole paragraph about it, it gets repetitive
rachel regularly blackmails her enemies and frames them for petty crime. she has also enabled and goaded people into more serious crimes, including her partners past & present
alisons family has so much drama all the time to the point theyre constantly trying to kill or sabotage each other, its a fucking nightmare. also alison themselves is super unreliable and has broken many hearts simply bc they got bored of the person
phi is still in love with her dead ex and if they were to somehow be revived, shed drop everything for them including current relationships. she also heavily projects them onto her partners
24. Do they have any phobias?
rachel is a germaphobe. i get the sense cira is not a fan of heights, but not phobic-level. cant think of much else
54. What’s their body count, if they have one?
what kind? ;) jkjk. this is before they all start dating bc my ocs fuck nasty. cira is a virgin, phi has slept with two, rachels is 4 or 5?, alison has had dozens.
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snnbnny · 2 years
tell me more abt u and sakusa and inumaki,, im interested in those pairings specifically
hehehe oki!!!~
Me an Oomi:
He's my rock, he's the calm to my chaotic. If I get overwhelmed then he knows without having to say anything, it's like he's honed in on my emotions. I always try to be aware if he's irritated at all.
When I walk by him, I always make sure bonk his back or side. Something he's grown accustomed to.
He's not actually a germaphobe, just blunt and a completionist. That being said, he doesn't hate mess but he appreciates clean. However he always likes to see when I've gone down a rabbit hole and have left a little mess behind, he can't explain it just that it makes him smile. He's always worried when the house is spotless because that mean either I'm having anxiety or an episode where I don't want to do anything.
Sure he's blunt and it can catch many off guard, but I appreciate his honesty most of the time- he's genuine and I love him for it. I to can be a little to honest with my thoughts and I think I'm less socially aware then he is!
He keeps buying me plants like their floral arrangements(which he also gets), our apartment is full with the suckers to the point that we're going to have to get a bigger place. Between all the other gifts for me including hobby supplies, animals, and clothes that is- He loves to spoil me despite my protests.
He has the biggest sweet tooth, literally eats anything I bake gratefully. I hate that pickled fruit Umeboshi that he liked but I always make sure we have it.
"Keep those biters in your mouth angel," He saw me from the corner of his eyes patter into the bedroom. "hello to you to, whats wrong?" I sit down on the bed and watch him as he peals off his gym cloths next ton one of the dressers. I see the new bruises forming and my brow pinches with concern, "Miya's annoying, is all. Practice was intense today." I get up and walk behind him, pressing kiss on the marks on his back and massaging the muscles of his lower back which makes him groan, "I'm so sorry baby, want me to run a bath?" I ask him which pulls a chuckle from the man. "Sure, as long as you join me.
He loves it when I play with his hair, no matter where why or how. He adores the feeling of my fingers combing his soft curls and my nails scritching his clean scalp. Also he loves it when I kiss his beauty marks.
We met in a coffee shop where I was working at the time, whenever he came in he made an effort to talks to me- found out rather quickly how I liked to ramble, a feature he was quick to adore. He still can get me talking for hours it's like he knows the right buttons to get me to info dump. He loves listening to me talk.
When we started living together and getting more serious, he asked me if I wished to quit my job in order to write and do my art more- he already made well more then enough to support us both, and he knew where my heart really was. I was reluctant to accept, but I did, and he knows how grateful I am every day.
Me and Inumaki!!
Me and Toge communicate on a different wavelength, I always understand what he means- we also learned sign language together in case theres a point he can't get across to me
While I don't actually know what he does or anything about the jujutsu side of the world, I know theres a lot that I can't know and whatever Inumaki does is dangerous- It always why I kiss him a thousand time before he leaves and tells him to be safe for me.
We both are physical people and often don't even have to try and speak to get our points across. From head butts, pokes, nibbles, etc.
He always loves when we cuddle and he gets me to talk, he hangs on to every word I say. When he has to leave, he thinks about every word on repeat in order to remind himself he has to come home to me.
He likes to have me sit on the floor infront of where he sits so he can brush and do my hair.
I can always tell when he pushes himself to far, I can see the ache in his face. I always force him to lay on the couch when I get every drink and food I think he could want, painkillers, and ice cubes- I straddle him and gently give him anything in small doses. I gently soothe his mouth muslces with the cubes, running them over his lips and the sides of his mouth.
When anyone asks how we met, we always tell them it was at a grocery store and I couldn't reach something. I reality I had nearly been a victim of a cursed spirit before he saved my life, something I'm eternally greatfull for. He still ponders how I saw the spirits though...
Me, him, and Yuuta are all bestfriends- when they aren't working its a good chance we have plans to hang out and do whatever. Sure I see they have secrets from me being some supernatural slayers or whatever, but I trust them and it never gets in the way of having fun most of the time.
He was gone for a really really long time once, so long that I was sure he was gone and I was inconsolable. But when he showed up in the kitchen he held me when I cried, and pointed to a cat that sat on the counter- we named the calico bonito flakes.
ask me about my self ships
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lots-o-stuff · 4 years
Assorted teams with s/o hc
This is the last haikyuu characters with an S/O Headcanon post! I’m so happy with how they all turned out and if you want more headcanons with your favourite characters please request!!! I’m currently working on Some My Hero Academia Characters with their S/O soo keep an eye out for those.
This bitch- ok scratch that i actually really like this man and he LOVES you
you are much quieter than him and he loves being able to make you relax and joke around
you two are really cute together though because Terushima looks like a little puppy who trying to impress you
he didn't want to introduce you to the team SPECIFICALLY because he wanted to keep you to himself they know about you though ;)
depending on who you are with/around he will choose to or no to show off
He is the DEFINITION of soft baby boi, and YOU are on snarky son of a b-
you are both extremely different and are an odd pair but neither of you would change it if you had the chance
You two love too go on those cute zoo/petting zoo/aquarium dates and seeing all the cute animals obviously Aone’s favourite was the turtle
He doesn't really introduce you to the team as you barge in right at the end of practice making yourself known
similar to his birthday bro Ushiwaka, he doesn't intentionally show you off but he still does
another snarky/angry bitch I love anyway you are a blessing to Futakuchi i mean this angry boy finally feels at peace when with you so why wouldn't he be?
you two are honestly quite funny to be around because in public you don't act or even remotely seem like a couple but in private it’s so lovey dovey its sickening
you have really cute dates as well, i feel as though he would do ANYTHING for you so he would 100% go out of his way to set up the cutest picnic date with lights and everything
the team is honestly really confused by your guys’ relationship because you don’t act together in public but they can notice the difference, they notice how he is calmer around you and not picking fights
as made obvious he doesn't show you off but he won’t hesitate to prove to that guy your his ;)
ok I love him but wow you have a lot to put up with don’t you? but it’s fine because he absolutely loves and adores you
he would 100% tease you constantly and you better tease him back because honestly he LIVES for that fun laugh filled banter, im talking doing those, "It’s the ____ for me"  *cough*having a prettier twin*cough*
dates either range from the sweetest most heartfelt and cute things to the cheesiest corniest and borderline cringy ones either way they are fun as hell
the team honestly loves you because you distract him from bothering and annoying them
LOVES to show you off, I’m serious he would definitely pick you up whilst shouting "THIS IS THE PERSON I LOVE"
Totally not the prettier twin but anyway he is amazing and would do anything for you lowkey a simp
You two probably met somewhere really mundane or boring such as at the supermarket or something idk i feel as though you saw each other and it was something interesting in a boring place type vibe
your dates 1000000000% consist of staying at home and trying to cook up some really fancy meal or having cooking competitions and i will take this to my grave
the team haven’t met you, that’s it, he doesn't want to share and doesn’t want anyone to even know about you but Atsumu had to run his mouth that ’Samu was dating and all grown up
So no he doesn’t show you off, maybe when you guys are together for longer but  no
this quiet precious man, i love him and he is DEVOTED to you, im talking bigger than a simp type shit
you are honestly really adorable together with your quiet natures and willingness to help others
your dates would be cute as shit i’m talking things like volunteering at a shelter, going to a book store and picking a book out for each other
The team loves you and the two of your are their adopted parents, no take backs
he doesn’t show you off he trusts you and doesn’t feel the need to but show him off please, it makes him feel special that your protective of him
This germaphobe will let you touch him, I don’t know how you did it but you broke his walls down enough to trust like that
You are very respectful of Sakusa’s boundaries and always tell him when you will touch him so he can tell you no, he is so thankful of you its ridiculous he wont tell you tho
all dates are at home, either of yours but at home where you both know there aren’t germs and he can be comfortable
another one that keeps you hidden from the team, if he could he’d hide you away from the whole world
he doesn’t show you off period. he’d probably get annoyed of you showed him off so be sneaky about it
Again I had so much fun with this and ngl i fucking love Kita just YES. Anyway I hope you enjoyed and please send me requests!
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michaelgovehateblog · 3 years
I know this is more serious than your blog usually is but I just really want someone to tell about how honestly terrified I am?? I’m extremely germaphobic and it’s been hard enough as it is but seeing the way the government is ignoring everything and now people don’t even have to self isolate in schools if they’re a contact of someone with covid?? I was able to finally give myself a sense of educators and safety and now I just don’t feel safe anymore. fuck freedom day and fuck the government
im assuming this was sent a few days ago closer to "freedom day" - i hope youve been dealing with everything ok <3 most schools are on summer holidays now so there's some relief with that, as the virus can't be spreading in schools currently. from the sounds of it also, there are still a lot of people wearing masks voluntarily and a lot of businesses still requiring masks, so there are still lots of people wanting to protect others
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czec-hoslo-vak-ians · 3 years
Hey we got with another episode, im excited that I have the time right now to put up a few epsidoes in a row this week.
Michael and Maria 💜
Scene goes 👽
I love how they start out in the future of 2014 LOL which would be technically our past. I do not like Liz hair in the future, but Max does look good with long hair. It's been a while since we've seen Alex Maria and Liz hanging out together. Of course Maria I would take them to a card reader fortune teller. Her name fits her well Madame Vivian.I feel sorry for Alex all he wants is Isabel and Madame Vivian us telling him exactly what Isabel told him that they only being friends. That's a total bummer It's only going to get 48 hours with Michael, that's kind of what she gets for gloating in the car about her and Michael. (Yes I know she wasn't really gloating just don't know another word for it). Of course liz prediction is happiness. SomeOne had to get a happy reading. Max with the long hair looks very mature.
Surprised that Liz doesn't believe Max the long hair. She can believe aliens but she can't believe in time travel. Max pretending to sing Spanish not too bad lip singing, mariachi band super cheesy but at least we know long hair Max telling the truth.👽 long hair Max arms look really Define intone. Tess leaving Roswell doesn't sound too bad to me. That sucks long hair Max wants Liz to help Tess and him get together (ouch that has to hurt hearing) (double ouch hearing that she has to make him fall out in love with her).
Michael's should not be kissing any other person but Maria, however I think this is part of his plan. I think Michael knew if he said no not going in the first time around she would kiss him, hens making her think the kiss made him change his mind. All part of the plan.
Of all the things to put on your wall Tes makes a z. I don't blame Kyle for not wanting to see the Witchcraft in his house. Kyle just got really turned on by Tess being pissed off and venting. I love that Tess is messing with Kyle's mind right now. Of course the doorbell will ring bad timing for Kyle. This must suck for Liz to say that she's going to help Tess and get the Max I don't blame Tess for not believing her. Me yelling at the new girl GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MICHAEL. Michael is so good at playing her I love it. I'm surprised the new girl bought that Michael is a germaphobe. Michael is not the best at snooping around it sucks that Maria came at the wrong time it sucks that Maria and doesn't have faith in Michael that he's not doing what he thinks he's doing. It definitely doesn't look like she showered. I don't blame Michael for being frustrated right now.
I feel so bad for Liz that she has to do this this sucks like royalty sucks. She really needs to do something drastic because at this point nothing is going to make Max stop. If I didn't have such a dislike for Tess I would totally ship Tess and Max.
I really like that liz knows that she having sex until she'd 100% ready no matter how much she loves the guy. (I have to give her a big round of applause for that 👏 )[ cuz it shows us girls that it's okay not to have sex when you're in love it's okay to wait.] I love that Alex is such a consoling friend. Maria needs a hug. A part of me wants to smack Maria and tell her to stop overreacting, she needs to trust Michael.
I can definitely see them eloping depending on how the series goes.( spoiler alert I do know what happened but I won't say anything)
Max looks hot doing those pull-ups like that with no shirt on. I totally understand where liz is coming from with her speech. It sucks to hear her say it I feel bad for Max. You totally can tell he wants to cry. I like that he went to Maria for advice what to do about the whole little situation. Max and Maria friendship is hardly ever seen but I think their friendship is a good one.
This is a lot of pressure on Liz to do something drastic all that pressure should not be on one person like that. I wish Liz could tell Maria what is really going on. Maria Completely misread that whole situation now this gives Liz a good idea and how to get Max over her. And of course the only person she could ask for help would be Kyle, cuz they have dated in the past it's the only realistic option she has. I wish Kyle was more in the story I think his story night is a little weak miss when he's not around. Kyle is such a good friend for helping out the way that he is.
Michael eating hot sauce in his cereal cracks me up I don't know why it's funny but it just looks funny on TV. I love how Alex just walks into my apartment without even being asked to come in, hen so mad at Michael for hurting his friend Maria. Burst out laughing when Alex hits Michael only because Michael doesn't expect it. Michael is Right Alex did just risked his life for Maria by hitting him but he's also grateful that Maria has someone like Alex who would stand up for her like. Courtney is really making a mess of everything yes that is her name not new girl anymore we found out what her name is. This Kiss is like a kiss that he's drawn to her for some reason, unexplainable. Cat is out of the bag now Michael knows what she's is.
Liz shoukd at least give Kyle some explanation on why she's doing what she doing. That is so true Kyle and Liz are the only two people who have died and brought back by alien. I kind of really feel bad for Max to see Kyle and Liz in that position situation. And person he calls his Tess?
That was nice of the long haired Max to give Liz her Wedding dance right before he vanishes. Max so torn right now he has no idea what to do with his feelings.
💜 I'm glad that Michael and Maria can to agree not to trust the new girl. Maria just gave Michael and idea now she's killing herself for saying what she said about the new girl wanting to get into Michael pants. It's nice to see have a conversation where they are not fighting
Quote of the episode "let me tell you something Buddha boy I got a lamp that needs some serious trimming. "
Coming up next: Harvest
Pic NOT mine
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freezeriafan · 4 years
ok i'll explain. so from what i can assume rollie is a germaphobe. im not good at explaining why but when revealing him on twitter flipline studios put the hashtag 'sixfeetapart' and he just. generally has that vibe to me. in his style b he wears a mask as well. he debuted in papas sushiria to go and that game was developed when covid 19 was like. getting serious? idk im probably wrong or mixed things up but it sure is a coincidence - amii
If it takes a Papa Louie charac te r to convince us to be safe at this time then So be it
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media-burns-deponia · 5 years
hey bruce
is it bruce time again? It might be bruce time again, more info on bruce then
- good way to describe bruce, cletus exterior, aurora center
- he’s the straight man of any group, trying to be the serious and mature one, but get at him the right way and he’s a big ol softie and babi
- a lot of the time as a kid when he got overwhelmed, he either would hide behind his parents or run into the next room to be alone
- he also grew up to be a bit of a germaphobe (a small reason as to why his outfit is basically a full body suit)
- he had a phase in his life, 12-16, where he slicked back his hair, now he goes with the hair flip
- he got a pet snake at 16 and named it anguis, it’s a milk snake, he’ll also talk to it sometimes too, then catch himself if the conversation gets too in depth like “... im talking to a snake, what am i doing?”
- he takes a fascination with robotics and programming when he grows up
- he is a very flustery boy when he gets his first crush, he also barely gets how romance works so hes just flustered and awkward a lot at first
- “mother i think im running a fever, my cheeks have been heated for the past half hour now”
- though he is flustered and awkward, he still tries to seem like hes completely calm and collected, his father did not raise a boy to present himself as socially awkward, he raised him to seem socially competent and unphased
- his friends tend to carry him from time to time because he seems to only ever make friends with stupidly tall people compared to him and he weighs the same as a twig
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shoukokus · 7 years
Im feeling a bit down so could you do some headcannons of Zaganos, Beyazit and Balaban taking care of their sick s/o 💖
Hope this makes you feel better!
Not gonna lie he’s pretty apathetic about it
Probably buys some doctors for the days you’re sick, especially if it’s serious
I kind of think he’s a bit of a germaphobe, so he might even just send you off to a hospital to make sure you don’t get sickness in the house
Basically he oversees that you get the care to get better
But you probably won’t see more of him because you’re sick
He’s just really straight to business, no special treatment taking care of you
I mean of course he’s worried though
Takes as much time off as needed
You have his complete attention when you’re sick
Very loving and very caring
Like he’s the perfect gentleman/lover/husband when you’re sick
Makes you soup, gets your medicine, makes tea, etc
Honestly it’s kind of hard to shake him, he doesn’t want you out of his sight
“I need to use the bathroom”
“What if you fall in there?”
Makes sure you have the best care his money could buy
If it’s just like a cold or something, he’d probably take like only the morning off
If it’s something more serious he’s gonna immediately clear his schedule
Has Kaplan cuddle you when you’re cold
He would do it but he doesn’t want to get sick lmao
Honestly I think he’d probably baby you a little bit
He basically thinks you’re helpless (and you might be, depends on the illness) so he doesn’t really let you do anything yourself
“I can grab the water it’s like two feet away”
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