#like no hate to anyone else but if i see someone else clean the counter ill go over it again
xbokslive · 2 years
this house is disgusting i hate living here i clean all the time and there's zero respect for it because they expect me to clean it again like always... i do the dishes and there's food clogged in the sink from my brother that i have to scoop out its revolting it makes me want to vomit i need to live in a place clean and sterile 24/7 or i will lose my mind
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dearaceofhearts · 5 months
you walk out after an argument
characters: husk, alastor, angel dust, vox, lucifer word count: 2.9k genre: angst to fluff summary: after an argument with them, you walk out and don't come back for a few days. how do they react? author's note: hello yes this is my first time actually posting something. erm, i think i wrote too much (sorry) but hey we roll with it!! also dude i accidentally posted this before it was ready twice and i had a heart attack oh my god. anyways i don't think vox's is really fluff (oops) but everyone else's is
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♡ husk
when you slam the door shut on your way out, husk lets out a low grumble, setting down the glass he was cleaning onto the bar counter with a quiet sigh. it was one of the first arguments you'd had in a long time. although he wasn't usually one to get riled up so easily, the two of you knew each other well enough to know just what buttons to push to get under the other's skin. that, alongside him already having a bad day, had been a recipe for disaster.
in the few days that pass by, it's hard to tell just how affected he is by your absence since he does a pretty good job of keeping a cool facade. to anyone looking, he wouldn't appear any different than usual, just idly cleaning bottles as he always does.
but it's the small things that give away just how much husk cares and worries for you, like how his eyes flicker towards the door whenever someone comes in, his ears perking up slightly. he hates the twinge of disappointment that follows when it's not you, a slight scowl curling at his lips as he takes a swig of alcohol from one of the many bottles on the shelves of the bar. he misses talking to you. you're his favourite drinking buddy, after all.
his gaze always seems to wander back to the front door of the hotel, lingering for just a little too long before he eventually turns back to the bar, expression settling back into its usual grouchiness. but underneath that lies a hint of worry that gnaws at him in the back of his mind, even though he knows you're more than capable of handling yourself. at the end of the day, you can never be too careful in hell.
husk won't force you to come back, but he just wants to know that you're safe and sound. he trusts that you'll come back when you're ready so that the two of you can talk it over and hopefully resolve things. he doesn't want to leave it like this, and he's sure you don't either. you mean a lot more to him than he'd like to admit.
when you decide to finally return to the hotel, he pauses upon catching sight of you stepping through the doorway. he can't help the small wave of relief that washes over him, though you wouldn't be able to tell by the way he smoothly resumes restocking the bar. when you approach the counter, he looks up, giving you a short nod. "hey." he greets you, tone surprisingly softer than you're used to, "you're back."
husk's not really the type to beat around the bush, so he'd likely address the argument pretty quickly. he's also not particularly one for verbal apologies, so he'd probably be more willing to show it through his actions. you see it in the way he lets you cling to him a little longer than he normally does, leaning into him as he wordlessly holds you, his tail loosely curling around your leg. if you listen closely, you can hear some faint purring, too. it makes you smile slightly.
"alright, 'nuff of this sappy stuff." husk grumbles after a few more moments, patting your back gently before pulling back. "i'd kill for a drink right now. care to join me?" he raises a brow, a familiar glint in his eyes as he slides back behind the counter, already moving to make what he knows is your favourite drink.
you grin as you meet his eyes, expression softening. "of course. i'd love nothing more."
♡ alastor
"you're not listening, al." you murmur, exhaling quietly. this makes him pause for a moment, head tilted. your voice sounds different to what he's used to — you're not even angry, no — you just sound... tired. the argument had been going on for a while, and neither of you were getting through to the other.
when you move to leave, he makes no move to stop you, simply watching you with an intent gaze. his voice rings out clear as day in the empty silence. "where do you think you're going, my dear?"
he falters ever so slightly when you turn back to face him with a sturdy, stern gaze, responding with a flatly spoken "out", leaving no room for anything more to be said before closing the door behind you with a quiet click.
alastor won't chase after you, because he expects that you'll come back to him of your own accord. to him, it's basically guaranteed how this'll play out. he's used to demons falling right into his hands without having to exert much effort on his end, and believes that this would be no different.
so when a few days pass by with you not approaching him at all, he finds himself slightly irritated and mildly perplexed, eyes narrowed as his clawed finger taps against his cane with idle impatience. why haven't you sought him out yet?
he's seen you around the hotel, but you've never once acknowledged his presence even if the two of you were in the same room, breezing past him while he's left staring, watching you converse with everyone except him. his eye twitches in irritation, the perpetual smile on his lips strained.
...eventually, after playing a long waiting game to no avail, he decides that perhaps rosie would be able to offer some helpful advice on how to approach this situation, since he's not used to actually handling delicate emotional matters without the— well, the manipulation and deal-making.
one of the main issues is his massive ego. it's that unfaltering pride that gets in the way of him apologising. he may be the radio demon, but all that power can't help him here. and he'd never openly admit to such, but he truly is at somewhat of a loss here. he's already tried most things that he's sure would usually make you forgive him, though for a reason unbeknownst to him, it's not working this time.
"oh alastor," rosie shakes her head with a small huff, "a lady's heart is to be treated with care." she lends some further words of wisdom and encouragement that he listens to with great attentiveness, since he does (begrudgingly) enjoy your company, and it would be a shame if it was lost over such a, in his eyes, trivial matter.
upon his return to the hotel, he manages to get you to sit down with him (after much polite pestering and insistence) to have a chat over some tea. when all is said and done, the two of you sit in a comfortable silence. you sip your tea, watching the blazing fires of hell from the balcony.
"refill?" alastor offers, glancing at you briefly through a sip of his own tea.
"much appreciated." you hum, legs crossed as you throw him a small, slack smile.
♡ angel dust
his frustration slowly fizzles out as the door closes behind you, and the guilt slowly starts to creep in. he knows he shouldn't have said what he did, and he wants nothing more than to apologise and make it up to you — but he understands that it's probably better to give you some time to cool off before trying to approach you again.
despite the argument and the harsh words exchanged between you, the fact that he cares for you with his whole heart will never change, and he hopes you know that too.
while you're away, angel always finds his thoughts drifting to you, wondering how you're doing. are you eating okay? are you drinking enough? sleeping enough? with a shake of his head and a small sigh, he tries his best to return his focus back to the task at hand, whatever it may be.
he knows you can take care of yourself perfectly fine, but he just... misses you. the guilt eats away at him when he's reminded of the look on your face when you left, the brief glimmer of hurt in your eyes before you masked it with anger and tore your gaze away.
one particular night, angel heads over to your room in the hotel out of habit, not really thinking about it when he raises a fist to knock on the door. he had been hoping to spend some time with you, since today had been a particularly rough day for him. he's also been craving for one of your sleepover nights for a while, those nights where you two would stay up to talk about anything and everything until dawn rises. those times were comforting for him — a rare moment of respite in his life.
but then he stops abruptly, remembering that you're not there. he lets his hand fall back to his side, expression quietly downcast. he stands alone in the silent, empty hallway. has it always been this cold?
after a few days, he's just about damn ready to go looking for you, making his way down the stairs as he prepares to head out. he's so focused that he almost misses the sight of you seemingly casually sitting at the bar, nursing a drink in your hands whilst exchanging low murmurs with husk.
he freezes momentarily, taking a deep breath. while he mentally debates with himself whether to approach you or not, husk notices him hesitating on the staircase. he catches angel's gaze, giving him a subtle nod. that's all the affirmation angel needs.
he slides on his usual relaxed demeanour, though it's a little weaker than normal, as he approaches you. he's admittedly a little nervous, but he's determined to work things out with you. he puts a gentle hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. "hey, darlin'. can i talk to you for a minute?"
the two of you head back to your room, where heartfelt apologies are exchanged and a long overdue conversation takes place. at some point during the talk, his hand had found its way on top of yours, thumb brushing over your skin gently. at the end of it all, he gives you a small, content smile. "...baby, you have no idea just how much i adore you." he whispers into the quiet, running his fingers through your hair comfortingly as your head rests on his shoulder.
it was an unspoken agreement that tonight was going to be a sleepover night. prepare for lots of cuddling and gentle, soft kisses.
♡ vox
he's the type to go "ha, see if i care!" when you leave, but he'll still check on you occasionally through the various cameras and electronics around the city — he swears it's just because he's making sure the new limited edition voxtek product he had given to you isn't damaged.
(...it's totally because he's looking out for you, by the way. even if it's only a little. you are his darling, after all. and uh, you'll never know what happened to that guy who tried to hit on you that one time).
(vox made sure not even a trace of that bastard remained).
his obnoxious pride makes him reluctant to reach out first. that, and he's a petty little shit. so everyone around him, whether that be the other vees or his employees, is stuck dealing with his foul mood. he's become even more irritable and susceptible to lashing out than usual since you left.
he'd rather die than admit it, but you were a calming presence in his life that he hadn't realised he needed until you were gone. he hates just how much power you have over him, though you may or may not realise it. he's supposed to be the one in charge. when did you manage to sneak into his heart? his mind is occupied with thoughts of you.
and it only frustrates him more, because you're not here.
all his employees are left on edge, even more so when he takes his anger out on some poor soul who had gotten the numbers wrong on the report they handed in. "clean this mess up." vox snaps, glowering as he fixes the cuffs of his sleeves. the demon at the door hurriedly moves to do as he says, not wanting to risk meeting the same fate.
"what? what are you looking at?" he turns, eyes narrowing at the rest of the employees who flinch, hastily turning their eyes back to the screens in front of them. "get back to work." he mutters sharply, an unspoken threat in his words.
his volatile temperament goes on for a while, until velvette decides she's finally had enough and sends you a (not so) polite text to resolve your little lover's spat before she takes matters into her own hands.
meanwhile, vox is in his office. nothing seems to be going his way, and he's just about to blow another fuse when you nonchalantly throw open the doors, inviting yourself in. he freezes, staring at you for a few moments. you raise a brow. "...so. i heard you were throwing another hissy fit."
vox scowls at that, grumbling under his breath. "oh yeah? and what'd you come back for, you prissy little princess?" he sneers, clawed fingers digging into the desk with a quiet screech. "couldn't go without me for long, huh?"
"ha. you wish that was the case." you scoff, rolling your eyes with a half-amused, irked smile curling at your lips. things escalate into another argument pretty quickly, with the two of you at each other's throats. he towers over you, eyes narrowing as his grin widens in mild irritation.
it's a back and forth for quite some time, until you get sick of it and grab him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him closer until you're glaring at one another face to face. "what the fuck do you think you're—" he starts, but he's quickly cut off when your lips crash into his. vox is stunned for a few moments but soon snaps out of it, swiftly returning your kiss with equal, if not more, ferocity and intensity.
"finally got you to shut up." you murmur, grinning as you part to catch your breath and release his shirt from your grasp. before you can pull back completely, however, his hand reaches up to rest against the back of your neck, the other firmly on your waist. it takes another long, drawn-out kiss for him to finally let you go — though not really, since he's still holding you close in his arms.
"...that was hot." he whispers breathlessly, staring down at you with a somewhat satisfied glint in his eyes. but you both know that there's more to come.
suffice to say, the two of you sorted things out.
♡ lucifer
he would regret everything almost instantly. lucifer realises just how badly he fucked up when you leave without looking back. he's not even quite sure what happened as he stands alone in the room, blinking as he's left to process everything on his own. his mind is a jumbled mess, and he can't think clearly.
all he can feel is a suffocating rush of fear as he snaps out of his daze and hurries after you, desperate to find you before you're gone. he doesn't want to take his chances. what if you don't come back? what if—
he had said things that he didn't mean, and now the weight of it all feels crushing on his shoulders. he's torn between wanting to reach out to apologise and giving you time to cool down. he doesn't want to be a bother, but also really wants to make things up to you.
most of all, he just wants reassurance that you'll come back to him and that he hasn't messed things up for good. he doesn't want to lose you. you're too precious to him for that, and he's mentally kicking himself for ever making you question your importance to him for even a second.
thankfully, you haven't gone too far so he's able to catch up to you, taking a hold of your wrist firmly. however, when you turn to look at him, he falters, the words dying in his throat. he swallows, softly clearing his throat as he scrambles to say something, anything to stop you from leaving. to reaffirm his love for you.
"...sweetheart, i'm so sorry," he whispers, expression twisted and heart heavy with remorse and sorrow as he brings you close, grip subconsciously tightening because he's afraid to let you go. "i'll do anything, i'll make it up to you, i—" he trails off, burying his face into your shoulder, "just, please... don't leave. i'm sorry."
you really can't stay mad at him for too long after seeing his genuine sincerity. he acknowledges his wrongs, wanting nothing more than to make up for his mistakes and make you feel as appreciated and cared for as you've made him feel over the course of you two knowing each other. you sigh gently, thumb lightly brushing over his cheek. "...alright, silly. let's go home."
his eyes light up at that, and he's reminded of just how grateful he is to have you here by his side as you guys make your way home together. he holds your hand the entire time.
after the two of you make up, you find that he'll leave little gifts and cute trinkets around for you despite your gentle assurances that he doesn't have to. he also gives you lots of forehead kisses. he just wants to make sure you never forget how much he loves you, and that you mean the world to him.
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© dearaceofhearts ー all rights reserved. please do not steal, use or modify my works!
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slvttyplum · 5 months
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suguru hated how infatuated you were with satoru, even though he knew you meant no harm whenever you spoke about him, it still made him upset. you were supposed to be paying attention to him not satoru and the more you spoke about hm, the more suguru went out of his way to prove to you that he was better than him in all aspects.
including sex.
there was no better way to prove that you were better than someone than to prove how good you were at sex, and that's exactly what suguru did. was this petty? yes, but he wasn't going to have you drooling out the mouth about satoru so he did the only thing he could think of.
“do you want to fuck satoru?” bouncing his leg while you were on his lap, this wasn't a joke or a trick, he wanted a genuine answer. horror coating your face as you look at him, no smirk or sadness on his expression, just his regular resting face, his arm wrapped around your waist, his thumb rubbing over your hip.
“no.” just a one word answer hoping he won't dig deeper into it, and he didn't, instead he did what he had to do to prove to you that he was better than satoru, the no showed him everything he needed to see. taking the rubber band that he had resting on his wrist and tying his hair back and grabbing you by the neck, giving you a kiss.
his hand sliding to the back of your neck, resting as you fully emerge into the kiss, his sweet taste on yours. once you closed your eyes to kiss him, the next time you opened them you were on the bed and holding up your legs for suguru so that he could fuck you.
“i want you to know… that you'll always be mine okay?” and with that he lined himself up and pushed into you, letting out a groan of pleasure, your walls wrapped around him and squeezing him.
suguru proving to you that he was the overall better choice than satoru went on for two weeks straight, him beating your pussy in until he was physically tumbling over from how weak your pussy got him. you didn't know why he was fucking you the way he was, but you weren't complaining, it was like getting a reward every time you came home to suguru bending you over the counter and sliding down your panties just to eat your pussy from the back.
he knew he shouldn't have been jealous but the line of you going out to actually fuck satoru was too thin, so he had to make you fucked out for you not to do that and he succeeded. by the end of every night, the sheets were drenched with three different fluids, and you were asleep beside him as he cleaned you up, mumbling to yourself in your sleep his name.
maybe this wasn't about satoru but more about him wanting to fuck you to sleep every night, either way he loved to please you so that's what he was going to do.
“no one else can fuck you the way i fuck you… say it.” while pushing your thighs into your chest and kissing you, tears in the corner of your eyes as he pushes deep inside of you, the tip of his dick pressing on your sweet spot making your heart beat faster and pleasure jolt throughout your body. that's all suguru wanted, he wanted to hear you say those words.
to hear you say that his dick was better than anyone else's and that he's the only one who could make you cum, and all of that was true, so he wanted to hear you blabber that while he pushed his dick inside of you with no mercy.
“mm, no one else can fuck me like you suguru.” the way you said his name sent tingles throughout his spine, he didn't want to slide out of you. he wanted to stay buried deep inside of you until your pussy remembered his shape, and only he could slide into you with ease.
“there we go. that's my good girl.”
after two full weeks of fucking you nonstop with no breaks, you never brought up satoru again, suguru knew all he needed to do was fuck him out of your mind.
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harryslittlefreakk · 9 months
late night talking
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summary: a chance meeting with harry before his wembley dates leads you into a bizarre friendship
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: i HATE writing meetings. this part is so slow but the next part is linked underneath, which is much nicer ;)
my masterlist can be found here!
“Just a caramel macchiato please”, you said, rubbing at your eyes as you spoke. You always had a hard time sleeping in hotels and tonight was no different. You’d travelled to London to attend some concerts with your best friend, and although she’d invited you to stay with her, you didn’t want to infiltrate her newlywed bubble. So now you were standing in a quiet Starbucks, in your pyjamas, at almost midnight.
You chose one of the comfy tables at the back, hoping not to be noticed by any of the other crazies out at this hour. But not long after you sat down, someone decided to sit in the seat immediately behind yours. You sighed and kept your eyes on your phone, knowing only too well what kind of person chooses a seat next to a woman in a deserted space.
“Sorry, do you have a napkin?” A man’s spoke came from behind you, interrupting your quiet solace. You grabbed one off your table and turned around to pass it over, not looking too closely at the man who asked. His gold rings caught your attention, an obnoxious H S that sent your wide eyes darting up to meet his. The brown curls peeking out from under his hood, the dimpled grin sitting on his chiselled face. It really was Harry. Your heart rate quickened, inches away from the face of the man you were here to see. His laugh broke your spell, and you realised you’d never even let go of the napkin. “Sorry, sorr-“, you spluttered, suddenly unable to think, let alone speak. Harry watched your brain reboot, his smile never faltering, before asking what you were drinking.
He looked over at you from the counter, taking you in. Your messy brown hair, your black vest top paired with pale pink pyjama pants. Your zip-up hoodie had slipped off your shoulders, allowing him to see some patchwork tattoos poking out.
When he returned, Harry sat down across from you and placed the drinks down gently. Holding out a hand for you to shake, he told you his name, which of course you already knew. “Y/N,” you replied, meeting his green eyes. “Well, Y/N, what are you doing in a Starbucks at this time?” Harry asked, taking a sip of his coffee. You mirrored him, bringing your cup to your lips before explaining how you couldn’t sleep in hotels and were in town for a show. He smirked, eyes glimmering knowingly. “I’m here for a show too. And I like being out at this time. It always feels more anonymous.”
The girl behind the counter called out to you, letting you know the cafe was closing. You hadn’t even noticed the tables being wiped down or the whirring of the coffee machines on their cleaning cycle. Harry slipped a 20 onto the counter as you stumbled out together, mumbling a quick apology. The air was cold after a warm day, and only then you realised how late it must be. “My hotels this way,” you pointed, not wanting to take any more of Harry’s time. His strong hand reached out and grabbed yours, tugging you behind him as he stepped in the opposite direction. “Come on,” he grinned. “I know somewhere we can get more coffee.”
You walked through an eerily deserted London, laughing alongside Harry but wondering now what on God’s green earth you were doing. If Harry was anyone else, you’d be running a mile. You glanced down at your feet, unsure why they weren’t taking you home. Your heart-print pyjama pants were just another reminder of where you should be going. But as you doubted yourself, Harry ground to a halt, sending you flying into the back of him. “What are you doing?” You asked, staring up at the skyscraper hotel in front of you. This was definitely nicer than your choice of digs. Harry only smirked in response, walking towards the doors. You followed him blindly, trailing through the entrance and into the lift behind him. He pulled down his hood and ran a hand through his hair, watching himself in the mirror before his eyes flicked to you. Finally, he spoke, “hotels will give you coffee at any hour on any day, I’ve noticed.”
“Are you staying here?,” you questioned, stepping out of the lift straight into what must have been the penthouse suite. Your eyes were wide in awe, you’d never seen a hotel room like this before. A small kitchen sat on one wall, with a living area big enough to seat an entire family. A king size bed peeked out from behind a glass room divider, everything accented with black and gold glossy metals. You ran your fingers across the back of one of the blue sofas, twirling round to take in your surroundings before your eyes rested on Harry’s. He nodded, amused by your wonder. “You’re welcome,” you scoffed, setting your jacket down on the table. Harry’s eyebrows furrowed, opening his mouth to question you. Swatting at his chest, you replied, “I paid good money for your shows. You’d be in a travelodge if it wasn’t for me.”
“You and thousands of others!” He interjected, swatting right back at your hand. You giggled, holding your hands up in surrender. “Okay, big man.”
Harry slipped off his hoodie, leaving him in only a sweatshirt and running shorts. You studied him properly for the first time, your eyes running from his tousled hair, to the way his sweatshirt was the perfect amount of baggy, to his toned, tanned thighs. If you weren’t careful you might have dribbled. He’d been the celebrity you’d pined over for years, and now you were standing in his hotel room. “You like what you see?,” he said, snapping you out of your daydream as he padded over to the coffee machine. “You got me here under false pretences, you know that?,” you grinned, plopping down on one of the armchairs. Harry’s head whipped around, mouth wide open in a half smirk. “I promised you coffee,” he gestured to the coffee machine, “here’s coffee.”
“You didn’t tell me the coffee was in your hotel room,” you smirked, before mouthing ‘weirdo’. Harry wagged a pointed finger at you, “ah ah ah. Only nice manners get you caffeine in my cafe.”
Your conversation continued well into the early hours. Tattoos, music, work, life, pets - you had everything and more to talk about. And you seemed to feel bizarrely comfortable around each other. It was almost 4am before you checked the time, and you stood up almost immediately to grab your jacket and leave. “My God, Harry, I should really-“ you tilted your head towards the door, your voice groggy now from talking and laughing for so long. “Stay here tonight,” Harry’s words came out quiet and almost shy. “It’s too late to go back to where you’re staying, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with you out alone at this hour.” He stood up as he spoke, yawning and stretching his arms. “Come on, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.”
As he led you towards the bathroom, you realised just how exhausted you were. And his enormous bed did look comfier than anywhere you’d slept in your life. “Harry, I’m really sorry, but do you have a t-shirt or something I can borrow?,” you asked, leaning on the doorframe. He looked you up and down, laughing. “You’re wearing pyjamas already pet.”
“I know! I know. But I went outside in these. Plus my legs get hot when I sleep.” This was true. You loved fluffy pyjama pants as loungewear but you only ever slept in a top and pants, and you couldn’t exactly wear your skimpy vest on its own tonight. Harry shook his head as he chuckled, his unkempt curls bobbing as he did. He yanked a shirt out of his wardrobe and chucked it at you. “Yeah yeah. You just want to tell the world you wore Harry Styles’ shirt.”
“Oh yes,” you rebutted. “Because ‘I slept in Harry Styles’ hotel’ wouldn’t make a good enough story.”
As you came out the bathroom, you resumed your post leaning against the doorframe, watching Harry throw a blanket on the sofa before trying and failing, several times, to stuff his long body on the loveseat. Stifling a laugh, you called out, “Harry, seriously. Not a chance you’re fitting on that sofa. Come to bed.”
As much as he tried to ignore it, you telling Harry to come to bed was far more inviting than he wanted it to be. He felt nuts. After all, you were a fan - a big enough fan that you’d go to all 4 of his Wembley dates. If word ever got out, he’d have hoards of fans outside every hotel waiting to be the next lucky girl. He just couldn’t explain why he was so drawn to you.
“Thank god for that,” Harry sighed, throwing his head back. “I have places to be tomorrow, I need a good sleep.” He whipped the covers bad and climbed in next to you, rubbing his hands over his face. You were thrashing around, trying to find a comfy position. Settling on your side, you tried to scoot as close to the edge as possible to make this slightly less awkward. Neither of you were used to sharing a bed without the promise of ending up tangled around one another.
“Hey,” he spoke quietly now. “What are you wearing tomorrow love?” Pulling you head up to look at him, you giggled sweetly. That pet name could be dangerous for you. “Why do you want to know?,” you questioned. Suddenly, you felt shy about your outfit choice. You were saving your best outfit for the final date, and now you wished you had something flashier to tell him - although, he’d seen you in your cutesiest pyjamas so the damage may have already been done.
“Want to see if I can spot you in the crowd,” he replied, shrugging his bare shoulders under the duvet. You tapped on your nose as you replied, “baby, you don’t need to worry about spotting me. Anyway, what are you wearing?”
Harry copied you and tapped on his nose, before switching off the bedside lamp and calling out a soft ‘goodnight’. You were pinching yourself up and down your arms to make sure you weren’t already dreaming. You couldn’t believe an insomnia stroll turned into Harry Styles’ bed. The Harry Styles’ bed. If only you knew what the rest of the week would hold.
part two
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artificialbreezy · 2 months
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a lil Folio brain rot doesn’t hurt anyone😏
enemies to lovers? hate fucking? mean Nick? SIGN ME UP
tag list: @xxkittenkissesxx @as-above-so-below1000 @thefallennightmare @abiomens @alloraiona @itsafullmoon @thatchickwiththecamera @tinyfairies @english-fucker @lma1986
you can join my tag list here.
NSFW under the cut ◡̈
Nick pants in your ear to the beat of each thrust of his hips. It's hot, your senses overwhelmed with the smell of him. His cologne mixed with the whiskey he took a shot of was intoxicating and you were drowning in him. Nick huff’s again, forcing you into the counter, making you gasp for air.
"You don't know how long i've wanted this," he moans, giving your clit a smack. "No fucking idea how long i’ve wanted you under me, crying for me. Getting fucked stupid. You’re so tight, shit. This your first time, baby?" His tone full of mockery, you seethe in the midst of your pleasure. Nick knows full well this isn't your first time, he also knew you were meeting someone tonight. You can’t believe you let this happen but he cornered you in the bathroom. Chuckled and turned the lock, and once his eyes met yours, you caved and you caved fast.
"This yours?" you ask, voice wavering with his thrusts. "Can't even fuck right."
Nick tuts, then reaches between you both. "Then why're you drippin' like this, huh? Whose cock has you moaning like a whore? Think you like being used, especially by me."
He reangles his hips, hitting a spot you didn't know you had. You screamed, and Nick reached to slap his hand over your mouth.
"Shut up! Fuck, that felt good, huh?”
You wail, pushing your thighs together in an attempt to not cum so fast. Your lower stomach tightens and burns.
"You gonna go be someone else's sloppy seconds? Gonna go call him and let him fuck you with my cum for lube? Fuck, that’s embarrassing, baby, m-maybe I should just take you back to mine, get you cleaned up-"
Your hand goes right on top of his, pulling it down from your mouth. "Nicky, more!" you cry, holding onto him desperately as he fucks into you deeper, causing little whines to fall from your mouth. Almost positive one of the guys can hear, and will bring it up later.
"Never wanna feel another pussy again. You gonna let me have it? Gonna let me ruin this cunt for anyone else, aren't you? Course you are, you fit me like a glove.”
You nod, hot tears falling, head fuzzy. You're squeezing him, trying so hard to hold off your orgasm. You usually hate when he speaks, but it seems he's finally putting his mouth to good use.
"I don't like sharing, baby. Come on, say it, tell me I can keep you,"
You cum, no warning. His name falling from your mouth, almost like a prayer, body fuzzy. Only thing on your mind is him.
"Oh fuck, yeah, Just like that, l'm gonna -"
He pulls out at the very last second, jerking himself off and cumming on your stomach. He keeps your hip in a death grip, that's going to bruise and honestly? You can't wait to see it.
He collapses against you, pressing a soft kiss to your tear stained cheek.
He sighs and puts himself back in his pants, running a hand through his hair and fixing himself up. Staring right at your used cunt, he asks, "So? Gonna let me keep you?"
You scoff. “Fuck me like that again, and yeah.”
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agaypanic · 4 months
Hi, could you please write a James Maguire x Reader where reader works at fenula’s chip shop and James keeps going in even though he doesn’t like anything just to see her. The rest of the plot can be up to you, thank you :)
Hold the Grease (James Maguire X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: After James’ outburst about Fionnula’s food, the girls are surprised to see that he’s always eager to accompany them to the chippy. Turns out, he hasn’t grown to like the food. Instead, it’s one of the new workers.
A/N: pretend the girls + james were good at cleaning up so they didnt get perma-banned from the chip shop
Everyone remembered James’ little outburst when he went to the chippy for the first time. Yelling in the small shop about how greasy the food was right in front of the main cook and shop owner, saying that the smell itself made him sick. He was kicked out, and then when the girls got banned because Michelle stole the shop’s notice board, he was the only one who wasn’t devastated about it.
So when their ban was lifted in exchange for some cleaning, the girls were very surprised to find that James now had an obsession with the chippy. He always insisted on coming in instead of waiting outside for everyone, but he never got anything. He’d keep glancing towards the menu, but if anyone asked what he wanted, he’d say he wasn’t hungry.
“Okay, what’re you doing in here, fucko?” Michelle finally asked one day, annoyed by her cousin’s odd behavior. He looked at her incredulously, wondering what he did to deserve those words. But then again, he could be standing still doing nothing and get a reaction like that from Michelle.
“What do you mean, Michelle?” He asked. 
The crude girl was about to respond, but Clare quickly took the lead, not wanting her friends to cause another scene in the shop. “She just means that it’s… strange that you keep coming into the chippy with us. That’s all.”
“How is that strange?”
“Well, for one, you never get anything.”
“Yeah.” Erin agreed, leaning in close and lowering her voice so Fionnula wouldn’t hear her. “You hate the food, James.”
“Aye, but you’re always staring at the menu,” Orla added, pointing to the big board on the kitchen wall. “Are you scared to try the food, James? ‘Cause you don’t have to be scared; it’s just food.”
“I’m not scared,” James said adamantly, yet the way he backed away from his crowding friends said differently. “And why are you all interrogating me? It’s weird.”
Clare reached out and put a reassuring hand on James’ arm. “We’re not interrogating you, James.”
“I am.” Michelle rebutted. “It’s fecking weird, don’t you think, girls? All he does is stand there like an idiot.”
James’ friends made different sounds of agreement, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. He was about to respond, but the words got lost in his throat as his eyes followed something on the other side of the kitchen counter.
Or rather, someone.
“What are you looking at?!” Michelle said with an exasperated demeanor. The girls all turned, trying to follow James’ eyeline. “Oh my god.”
“It’s nothing,” James said immediately. But they were having none of it.
The girls turned back to James and closed in on him. He was surprised that no one else in the chippy was giving them strange looks, trying to figure out what was wrong with them all. 
Michelle looked at James with both fascination and slight disgust. “Are you lookin’ at Y/n L/n?” James wondered how his cousin knew her name, but then again, she had lived in Derry her whole life. Plus, they did go to our Lady Immaculate together. Before he could even respond, Michelle gasped. “You are!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Large cowboy, extra salt!” James perked up at the sound of your voice, watching you ring the order bell and wait for Michelle to grab her order.
But Michelle had different plans. “Go get it, James.” She said with a teasing voice.
Before he could say no, his friends pushed him towards the order counter. He glared at the girls before turning back around, only to come face to face with you.
“Oh, hi, James!” He shouldn’t have been surprised that you knew his name. He was the only boy in your all-girls school, which drew a lot of attention to him. Plus, you shared a math class, which was how this whole infatuation started in the first place. Yet, his heart still fluttered a bit at the fact that you remembered his name. 
“Hi, Y/n.” He responded, giving you a shy smile.
“This is Michelle’s, right?” You asked, holding up that to-go bag, and James nodded. You handed it to him, and before James could reluctantly walk away, you spoke again. “Y’know, I see you in here a bunch, but I don’t think you’ve ever ordered anything.”
James laughed nervously. He didn’t know how to explain how he always came in to see you and couldn’t care less about the food. “Oh yeah, I just… don’t have much of an appetite, I guess.”
“Well, if you ever come in hungry, the chicken sandwich is pretty good.” You smiled at him, and started stepping back to work on more orders. But James didn’t want the conversation to end.
“Could I get one of those?” He blurted out, surprising the both of you. He cleared his throat, trying to appear more casual. “To, you know, try it out.”
“Sure.” You smiled brightly at him, and James would’ve ordered a hundred chicken sandwiches if it kept you smiling like that. “Anything else?” You asked after scribbling down on the order pad.
James hummed in thought. “Could you…” He wondered how to phrase it, then leaned closer to the counter so only you could hear the question. He didn’t want Michelle or his friends to tease him about it. “Is it possible to have, like, less grease on the chicken? I just don’t really like the taste or smell of it.”
He was a bit worried you’d roll your eyes or poke fun at him. But instead, you nodded, making a note of it. “One chicken sandwich, hold the grease. That’ll be a fiver.” When James paid, you told him his food would be ready soon, and he made his way back to his expectant group of friends.
“Fucking finally,” Michelle muttered, snatching her bag of food from James. “Thought you’d be sucking face before I could even get my shit.”
“Shut up, Michelle.”
James Maguire Taglist: @in-my-hoe-era
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
Heya! Could you write a yandere concept for Diluc from genshin impact? Please and thank you! <3
I'm surprised he or Kaeya wasn't requested earlier, here you go :) I do hope I got the gist of his persona right.... I feel bad because I ran out of steam half way through.
Yandere! Diluc Ragnvindr Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Violence, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Denial, Controlling behavior, Manipulation, Fear of loss, Kidnapping, Stalking, Blood, Mentions of possible murder, Toxic relationship, Forced relationship.
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Diluc is the owner of Dawn Winery and works at the Angel's Share Tavern in Mondstadt.
However, at night and away from everyone else, he is a vigilante who aims to take down the Abyss Order and Fatui.
He is truly a defender of Mondstadt, often busy trying to defend the city when the Knights of Favonius can't.
Diluc would probably be protective, controlling, possessive towards his darling.
Especially if Kaeya is involved....
Diluc seems like he'd meet you at either the tavern or winery at first.
Maybe Kaeya is showing you around Mondstadt, as much as his brother irks him... Diluc will admit you're interesting.
Diluc seems like he'd (ironically) be cold or distant with you at first.
He's a yandere who's in a bit of denial when they begin to show attachment.
He's been through a lot and isn't sure if he can let someone be so close to him.
He's always busy... although his day is immediately better when seeing you.
If you're at the tavern, he offers you food and drink while asking you about your day.
He may be in denial about his affections... but he does seem to have an interest in what you do.
For the most part, before he gets too involved, he's protective and vaguely interested.
He's trying to just be an acquaintance, someone to talk to while he serves you drinks at the bar.
Diluc's obsession would grow out of sight.
When he goes out to protect Mondstadt at night, he checks by your home to make sure nothing's wrong.
He doesn't want to consider following you around or knowing where you live stalking... but that's what it is.
You have no clue how obsessive he gets when you visit the tavern.
He likes to watch you as he works, it makes dealing with alcohol more bearable.
Diluc would definitely be rivals with Kaeya.
Kaeya is such a flirt and it irks Diluc's nerves.
To think his brother can just take you from him....
He gets so irritated when jealous.
It gets to the point when he's jealous of you in the tavern, he nearly breaks the glasses he's cleaning.
Which leads to Diluc needing to do something about this issue.
Diluc seems like he'd be manipulative towards you.
In a way he has the mindset of "It's for your own good".
Yet at the same time he's trying to restrain his more jealous thoughts and understand why he's so attached.
I imagine there's times he's possessive, it's usually with more romantic intentions... but he could also just be an obsessive companion/friend towards you.
Diluc hates the idea of getting too close with you since he's lost people close to him.
As much as he likes Jean, he feels the Knights of Favonius can't protect you like he can.
They can't care for you like he can, either.
Diluc is definitely a yandere that starts subtle.
You can't tell there's something wrong, he just seems worried and concerned for you at times.
He's... just someone you like to talk to.
But behind the scenes, as you sleep, he's making sure you're well cared for.
He'd get himself bloody if it meant you'd be his, he'd scorch any foe he has to.
He could either slowly build a connection with you to lure you into the winery and keep you there.
Or he could abduct you in the middle of the night once he snaps.
Diluc wants to keep you somewhere he'll always have an eye on you.
You're always watched, even when he takes you to the tavern you're never allowed to leave the counter.
If anyone flirts with you or takes your attention off Diluc, his eye twitches and he deals with the issue.
Diluc would probably kill, but it's always when no one's looking.
Plus they'll never find the body when it comes to him... no need to worry about it... they just left Mondstadt.
When Diluc's obsession stops being ignored and makes itself known, he really does act as some sort of twisted guardian for you.
He keeps you locked away, perhaps as a spouse.
He admits since he saw you he's wanted to court you.
Diluc would be the type of yandere to put you on his lap when he works.
He likes the control it gives him, allowing him access to your neck to make you squirm as he works.
He may not seem like it... but in private, Diluc can be affectionate.
He'll kiss you anywhere, sometimes soft... sometimes rough.
He hates others around you, often trying to rush people away from you so you don't speak for too long.
He has an issue where his protective and possessive behavior mixes.
He tries to excuse his possessive behavior as protective...
However, you can tell the difference the moment someone like Kaeya enters the winery.
The two nearly fight on the spot.
Diluc would love to spoil you if you're his.
He buys you gifts and tries his best to smother you in affection.
After all... if he gives you all his love, you'll never look at another.
Overall, Diluc is a yandere that wants to provide and care for his darling.
He'll give you whatever you want... he'll protect you... he'll love you...
Just listen to him... stay where he wants you to... and don't look at any other.
"Need a drink? I'd love another chat, dear."
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lucy90712 · 6 months
HEYYYYY CAN I PLS PLS PLS request the same football guys on ur period headcanon with a clumsy gf that js always falls and hits things and very careless with their body and stuff
- To begin with it scared Pablo how clumsy you were he always notices a few new bruises on you every time he sees you and he just worries that you will seriously hurt yourself one day and he doesn't want to see that as he doesn't like to see you in pain 
- As time goes on he gets used to it and he knows that your clumsiness is just part of you and it's something he learns to love especially the little noises you make as you trip up or accidentally knock something over 
- You are always apologising when you accidentally knock over something or walk into something in Pablo's house and every time he tells you that there's no need for you to apologise but he will never be able to change that habit as everyone else in your life expects apologise for you just being the way you are 
- Pablo develops a sixth sense almost about when you are going to hurt yourself whenever you go anywhere he can just tell if you will trip over something so he tries his best to stop it happening but he can't always intervene in time but he's always there to help you up or make you feel less embarrassed 
- Sometimes Pablo protects you without realising he's doing it if you are both in the kitchen and you are bent down getting something from a cupboard Pablo will put his hand above your head so when you come back up your head hits his hand instead of the counter 
- Pedri gets used to your clumsiness pretty quickly he's met plenty of people who are a bit clumsy although you are worse than all of them combined at times but that doesn't put him off as he just loves you for you 
- He likes to make jokes about your clumsiness at times but whenever he's injured you always come right back at him and that usually stops his teasing as he knows your not wrong both of you can be a bad as each other when it comes to injuries 
- Seeing as you are both quite often hurt in some way you do a lot of taking care of each other you always help Pedri with his recovery and give him massages to help his muscles and he's always cleaning your cuts or putting cream on your bruises to help them heal faster 
- He doesn't like to see you hurt especially if something hurts you a bit more than normal and causes a few tears that really upsets him as he doesn't like to see you in so much pain he always wishes he could completely take away all the pain you feel but he can't so instead he just comforts you when your hurt 
- As much as he hates seeing you in pain he weirdly loves your clumsiness it makes you unique and he loves getting to the end of the day and hearing about all of the silly things you've done throughout the day like walking into your desk that you sit at every day it always brightens his day the way you can laugh at the stupid things you do 
- When you first start dating and seeing more of each other Jude notices that you always come round with new bruises and straight away he worries that someone is hurting you when you go home but he doesn't mention it to begin with as he doesn't want to trigger you 
- One day when you turn up with a burn on your hand from your hair straightener he can't hold back his worries any longer and he sits you down and asks you seriously if you are ok or if anyone is hurting you that's when you explain that you are just clumsy and you tell him where all of your bruises and other injures are from which calms him down 
- Once he knows that you are ok and that no one is hurting you he feels a lot better but he's still worried that you are able to do all of this to yourself but you reassure him that you are fine and it's something you've lived with your whole life which again makes him feel a bit less worried as he knows that you are used to it all
- From that day onwards he decided that he wants to do everything that he can to protect you so that you don't end up with as many bruises because he hates to see your legs and arms covered in them 
- When he's with you he always makes sure that you don't walk into things or trip on things it's not easy as somehow you always find a way to walk into doorframes or trip on seemingly nothing but he does his best to keep you safe but if he can't he will always put bandages on your injures so that you don't make them worse 
- Joao can be clumsy at times and some days he's worse than others but you are like 10x worse than he is pretty much constantly most of the time you can't go the whole day without doing something anyone else would consider clumsy but you just consider it normal life 
- When you moved in with Joao he was already well aware of your clumsiness so he pretty much baby proof the house so he makes sure there isn't rugs anywhere you would walk everyday and any furniture with sharp corners have protection on them so you can't hurt yourself if you walk into them 
- To minimise the chance of serious injury Joao won't let you do anything that involves getting on a ladder without him there and even anything that involves using a sharp knife he doesn't like you to do alone but you don't mind as it means you get to do those things together which makes them more fun 
- When you have people over you try and be extra careful as you don't want to embarrass yourself but one day Joao has some people over and you accidentally trip while carrying groceries which makes his friends laugh but he gets straight up to check on you and make sure you are ok and aren't embarrassed because he truly cares about you 
- He then has to explain that you are just clumsy but that he loves that about you and his friends quickly move on from laughing especially when he tells them that you will always try harder not to seem so clumsy around other people 
- Hector is quick to notice that you are always tripping over things and sometimes nothing other than your own two feet when you go to his your trip on the rug every time and when you go out places any uneven part of the pavement will get you 
- Once he notices the pattern he moves the rug in his place because he doesn't want you to trip every time you come and see him especially because he sees the way you blush every time and he knows you get embarrassed and he cares a lot more about you than a rug which is just there for decoration 
- Whenever you go anywhere together he makes sure that he is always holding your hand so he can either steer you round uneven parts in the pavement or hold you up if you do trip so that you don't fall 
- You often worry that Hector won't want to be seen with you especially as he becomes more well known as you think he won't want to be associated with someone who can't stand on their own two feet properly as his teammates will make fun of him or fans will make fun him for being with you 
- Hector doesn't care at all about being seen with you he is more than happy to show you off because he loves you even if people judge him for it that won't change his feelings and he definitely won't stand for people making fun of you so he will block people on social media who make fun of you 
- There are times that Marc doesn't know how you haven't broken a bone before he's always expecting you to be at the hospital on your nighttime FaceTime calls on the days you don't see each other but it hasn't happened yet in the years he's known you 
- He likes to joke with you and ask what new injuries you have every time he talks to you but as much as he jokes around he really does care about you so if you were to ever really hurt yourself he would be so upset or even if you just get sick of being clumsy he is always there to comfort you 
- When he's with you he does everything he can to stop you getting hurt as he never likes seeing you hurt he becomes really protective when it comes to you if he could fight the floor after it trips you up he would but he can't so instead he just tries his best to make sure you are ok 
- On the off chance he can't intervene before you hurt yourself he will baby you and take care of you for the rest of the day you won't have to lift a finger so there's no chance that you can't do anymore damage to your body 
- Even if he's not with you if you tell him that you accidentally cut yourself even if it doesn't hurt he will invite himself over to take care of you as he can't have his girlfriend hurting without him being there he has to be there to cuddle you and make you feel better 
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Carpe Noctem 1
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: thank you for waiting! Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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The condensation of the glass drips from your fingers.. You hate the feeling, slick and slightly irritating. You switch hands as you sway to the music, penned in by strangers as you try to see past them. You’re a bit awkward, off on your own, but no one seems to notice as you stand nearly a head below the rest of clubbers.
You stand on your toes but it doesn’t help. The music and the haze of voices doesn’t help your search. You yipe as you feel a tug on your arm. You turn to Sabrina and Selena, the tall blondes with cocktails as identical as they are. The twins are stunning individually, but together, they’re gobsmackingly gorgeous. And, you must admit, chaotic.
“Where did you two get off to?” You yell over the music.
“Mom!” Selena teases as she rolls her eyes.
“Someone has to keep an eye on you two.”
“We were just getting drinks, duh!” Sabrina shows her bright pink cocktail and takes a slurp through the skinny straw.
“Right,” you look at your ginger ale, the ice has already melted. Responsible and bland, just like you. Designated driver and designated mom friend. “I’m sure that’s all you were doing.”
“Well,” Selena smirks, “we did meet a guy.”
“Really?” You tilt your head sardonically, “you said this was a girls’ night. No dudes.”
“Relax, we know Johnny would have a fit, alright? It’s not like that, we’d just go up for the drinks.”
“You have drinks,” you counter, “and go up where?”
“Private room,” Sabrina says, “come on, don’t be a sourpuss! When’s the last time you went to a private room?”
You almost snarl. They know you aren’t the club sort and it’s obvious you don’t have the looks to be invited up to some playboys crow’s nest. Besides, it gives you the ick. Those men standing up there leering from the windows like some deranged lookouts.
“Are you asking me or telling me?” You rebuff.
“Come on, pleeeeaaaaassseeee,” Sabrina pouts, “we promise, we’re not going to hook up. We’re just going to flirt our way into bottle service.”
“Look, you come up and we’ll pay for the uber. Since we won’t be paying for booze, we’ll be able to afford it,” Selena winks.
“I don’t really…” you sigh. It’s two against one, as always. Even if you wanted to drink, you know you can’t. You have to keep an eye on these two. “Fine, but I mean it. No hook ups. And I don’t want to be up there all night.”
“Yessss!” Selena throws her fist up.
“Ugh, you guys,” you roll your eyes, “you make me feel like a bitch.”
“No, you’re just the responsible one,” Sabrina chuckles and turns on her heel, “come on! Before someone else takes our spot.”
“Are you sure… it’s okay that I’m with you?” You ask as you trail after them, speaking to the end of their long ponytails.
“Of course, we said we had a third. Just… play along.”
“Play along? What does that mean?”
“You don’t have to make out with anyone but like, don’t be frigid.”
“You are making me regret my decision already,” you retort.
“Come on. You can handle it. You’ve never had any issue giving a guy a swat. He gets too handsy and–” she flicks her hand above her shoulder so you can see, “give him one.”
You hold back your complaints. You know once the twins have their minds set, there’s not changing them. All you can do is act as chaperone and make sure they don’t get too messy.
You follow them to a set of spiral stairs and climb up behind them, balancing your ginger ale perilously as you refuse to look down and see the height building below you. Sabrina leads the way, striding up to a door with a golden snake on it. She knocks and peeks over her shoulder, giving a wink. 
It opens and a man appears, clean shaven with neatly parted hair, a glint in his blue eyes as he smirks at Sabrina.
“Selena?” He asks.
“I’m Sab,” she chides.
“Ah, I’ll figure it out,” he kids, “come in.”
He leaves the door open as Sabrina enters, then Selena, and you reluctantly bring up the rear. The music is muffled by the walls as you do and your ears feel ready to pop. You take a drink of your soda to hide your discomfort. 
“Twins,” another man muses. He sits on the sofa, an arm across the back. A satin shirt is unbuttoned way too low on his chest, the mustache adding to the allusion to Tom Selleck several decades ago. 
You’re used to being overshadowed by the twins. You really don’t mind given the circumstance, you have a boyfriend. You nurse the ginger ale as a third man approaches; tall, blonde, and sleek in a powder blue jacket. Probably the best looking of the trio.
“Jonathan,” he introduces himself to the twins.
“Sabrina and Selena,” the man who answered the door stretches his arms around the twins’ waists.
“And our friend,” Selena makes sure to introduce you, waving you forward.
“Ah, pardon.”
“This is Ransom,” Sabrina leans into the man between them.
The man from the couch says nothing, almost scowling as he watches Selena, her eyes on Jonathan as she accepts a polite kiss on the cheek. Yep, doesn’t feel great to be third wheel, though it saves you a lot of trouble.
The girls fall into a low conversation with Ransom and Jonathan. You hover and hesitate before sitting on the other end of the couch, staring at the bubbles rising to the top of your soda. Awkward.
“Couldn’t have found triplets,” the man grumbles as he twists a golden ring on his finger.
“Sorry to disappoint,” you snip.
He looks at you, almost surprised to find you there. His cheek twitches and he sighs, pushing himself up with the armrest. “I need a fucking drink.”
So much for pretenses. You watch him go to the small bar in the corner and you turn your attention to the windows flashing with a spectrum of lights. It’s not entirely unexpected for the night to take this turn, you were just hoping it wouldn’t.
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 2 months
Bartender!Kyle x gn!reader Part 3 I feel like this once again turned out kinda sucky but whatevs. Not proofread because my eyes hurt. Part 2 | COD Masterlist | (Part 4)
You’re a joy to have around. Kyle wants to congratulate himself for impulsively hiring you and he wants to thank whoever fired you because they drove you right into his arms and bar. You’re damn good at your job.
Despite how you being fired made it seem like you’re rude, you’re not. You’re absolutely professional and he’s noticed his usual patrons appreciate you being around. Sometimes they appreciate it a bit too much, trying to get close but you can more than handle yourself. Whatever happened that made you react in a way that got you fired must have been serious, because despite your potty mouth you’ve never cursed at someone.
Kyle finds himself being intrigued by you more and more. You’re not a sunshine kind of person, rather aloof but never cold or unfriendly. Every day when you put on your apron he also witnesses you slipping on your work persona, watches you consciously soften your expression although you don’t do the big fake smiles.
He’s behind the counter, cleaning some glasses and keeping his ears on the conversations while he watches you bring a round of drinks to a table in the far corner. The apron suits you and your cute appearance. His head still has a hard time wrapping around the contrast between your appearance and your way of talking. Why does that appeal to him so much?
Then he notices one of them men at the table putting his hand on your waist when you put their drinks down and he immediately makes his way from behind the counter throwing the towel he just used over his shoulder. As he draws closer he can hear your calm voice.
“Hands off.”, you dryly demand.
He’s impressed by your ability to sound so calm yet commanding. You would make a fine soldier, hell with that tone you’d make Price proud. It makes no rational sense but you straighten up and he can practically feel your personal space turn cold and unwelcoming.
The man takes his hand off your waist and raises both in surrender. “Sorry, pretty, just wanted to see if you feel as good as you look.”
Kyle comes to a halt slightly in front of you a too bright smile on his face, a bearing of teeth, a threat. “Everything okay here?”, he asks pleasantly.
“Ah, yeah, yeah Kyle. Just a misunderstanding.”, the man, Jackie one of his regulars, explains slightly frantic at the fact that Kyle caught the interaction. Kyle looks at you. You meet his eyes and subtly nod.
Kyle steps slightly closer to the man moving into his personal space and braces his arm on the table. “You know Jackie, you’re one of my favorite customers, I’d hate to have more of these misunderstandings because that would mean you can’t come back here.”
Jackie shakes his head. “Yeah, no of course. Sorry. Won’t happen again.”
Kyle straightens back up and nods at the group, his eyes sharp as he meets each of their gazes a subtle threat in his. His hand is slow and gentle when he puts it on the small of your back, giving you time to step away in case you don’t want him touching you either. You allow it and he leads you back behind the counter, turning to you.
The fact that he’s allowed to touch you but no one else is makes a weird part of him purr in satisfaction. His little dove recognizes his hands and welcomes them.
“You okay, dove?”, he asks his eyes worried and you nod.
“Yeah, asshat has a ‘misunderstanding’ of fucking boundaries.”, you grumble slightly but Kyle is pleased that you don’t seem shaken up. He has to bite his tongue to keep in his amusement because how can someone with a face like yours casually say a sentence like that?
“You handled that well. If anyone bothers you, and I don’t see it, tell me. Won’t tolerate that. They can look but they don’t get to touch you.” The last part is nearly growled. No one touches his dove.
You shrug. “It’s part of the job, Kyle. It’s not like that shit’s something new.”
He grits his teeth at that, the thought of people casually touching you like that without your consent making something red and violent raise in his chest.
“It won’t be part of the job here.”, he grits out “The people who come here might be shady but I won’t allow anyone to put their filthy hands on you, dove.”
Your eyes meet his, surprised at his harsh tone and you look at him, your face not betraying any of your emotions. Sometimes Kyle really wishes you were more expressive. If only so he could know what you’re thinking of him in this moment.
“Sounds good.” You grin at him, all teeth. “If anyone does, they’ll regret it.” The predatory way you say that really doesn’t match your dainty appearance and a shiver runs down his spine.
The shiver is followed by heat deep in his belly and he’s not sure what to make of the effect you have on him. One thing he’s sure of is he wants more of you. You’re like a drug, making him high off of each of your interactions. He might be addicted for the rest of his life.
For the rest of your shift he keeps an even closer eye on you than usual, making sure everyone behaves. He purses his lips in thought. Jackie is a small fish. Only selling drugs and smaller delicts. However it’s enough to get him behind bars for a while.
Usually he wouldn’t bother with someone like that, focusing on the people who employ people like Jackie but he touched you. No one gets to touch his dove without punishment.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 9 months
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Waste of Time
Summary: The annual Holiday dinner was being hosted by the Lupin-Blacks like usual but this time, some new things about their daughter may come up in the dinner that may change everything or maybe nothing at all.
Pairing: Parents! Wolfstar & daughter!reader
Song: Girls by girl in red
Warnings: anxiety, coming out, comfort, alcohol, all characters are at legal drinking age so dw
Word count: 2.6k+ 
A/n: to the one who requested this, ik you asked for Wolfstar’s reaction to their daughter coming out but seeing as it's the holidays, I feel like coming out during a family/friend Holiday gathering is so fitting. So I hope you like it and anyone else who reads it. Happy holidays to you lovelies<333
The holidays were always a love filled holiday. The endless lists of Christmas Movies rotating around romance were just one example of them. Seeing someone who hates christmas get paired with someone who loves christmas only for them to fall in love and save christmas in some small, close-knit town. It was an overplayed trope, but it still entertained the Lupin-Black household. 
Remus and Sirius were snuggled up on the couch, sharing their bowl of popcorn while Teddy was enjoying his own bowl of popcorn on the floor next to Loki napping next to him. You were off in the kitchen fixing up a few cups of hot cocoa to counter the cold chilly afternoons at the cottage.
A scene of The movie played through and all you could hear from the living room was Teddy’s bored narration of the events that followed through the screen. 
“The girl's ex boyfriend is gonna pop up on the very night of the event- Then! The other guy is gonna see them and think the wrong thing and blah blah blah-” his voice was cut off by a light thud and a subtle grunt. 
You leaned over to the side of the counter to peek through the kitchen arch to see your little brother on his back with his face covered by a throw pillow. Loki was rudely awakened by these events and left the scene and into the kitchen to find you.
Sirius was laughing heavily at his work while Remus shook his head with a chuckle at his husband's antics.
“What was that for, Papa?!” Teddy grumbled as he sat up from the floor.
Sirius looked over at his son and shrugged his shoulders, “Just cause.”
Teddy rolled his eyes jokingly and threw popcorn at Sirius.
Sirius let out a chuckle and before Teddy could even process it. His father had begun tossing the popcorn into his face at rapid speeds.Teddy giggled along as he too started throwing it back at him.
Remus raised his hands up in order to shield himself from the stray popcorns that would come his way. But it was all in vain as he was eventually caught in the crossfire.
You stood there at the kitchen archway, mouth agape at the sight. You had only looked away for a moment and all of a sudden it was an all out war in there. Popcorn was tossed all around the living room. Many of it ending up in Sirius’s and Teddy’s hair. Many of the cushions and throw blankets had found its way to the floor. It was like a tornado flew through the living room.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You laughed as you rested down the four cups of hot cocoa on the table.
Remus reached down to the coffee table to grab himself a cup as he agreed with his daughter, “You do recall that the others will be visiting us later, right?”
Your ears pricked up at the reminder of your friends coming over to visit for the holidays. “Oh Godric, I almost forgot.”
“Yes, and now these two have to clean up the mess they made.” Remus said cheekily as he laid back on the couch as he looked at his husband and son.
Sirius shook his head as he pulled out his wand and conjured up a cleaning spell, leaving the space just as clean as it was before they started their little food fight. “There, good as new.”
Remus shook his head with a chuckle at the little trick, “What would you do without magic?”
Sirius stood up as he grabbed the bowls of popcorn with a shrug, “Stay in bed all day in my pajamas.”
Teddy looked at him with an amused look, “You already do that.”
Both you and Remus let out a rather loud laugh at Teddy’s reply. Sirius however wasn’t too fond of his son’s retort and threw a small piece of popcorn to his face before leaving the living room.
The cottage was just buzzing with life and music. There was just something about the Lupin-Black household that made them so open to hosting their annual Christmas gatherings with their friends.
The Potters had popped in with a notably large selection of gifts along with a mysteriously broom-shaped gift which no doubt is meant for the youngest Lupin-Black. The Weasleys had also come bearing gifts in forms of casseroles and baked goods with Molly’s signature meals all wrapped neatly for everyone (mostly Sirius) to enjoy. Hermione had also accompanied them seeing as she was spending the holidays with them too.
Marlene and Dorcas had just come straight from France bringing gifts and sweets, no doubt for their favorite goddaughter. You had grown to be a sort of daughter to them so they basically shower you with gifts every time the Holidays came around.
Regulus had accompanied both Marlene and Dorcas when the three of them bumped into each other in France during Regulus’s travels to the country. He had brought back piles of books to give to you and Remus, along with a few more books for Lily. Mary was last to arrive with a plethora of gifts as well, which only furthered Teddy’s excitement.
With everyone taking up nearly every inch of the fairly sized cottage, it was almost impossible to find a quiet space, other than your room up in the attic. You’d consider this place to be the most cozy room in the whole house. As much as you enjoyed everyone’s company you would much rather recharge up in your bedroom so you could continue the events later on.
Though, you were in great need for a recharge, there was another reason you were hiding up in your room. Truth was, you were planning on finally coming out to your family about being gay. 
You should have seen the signs back during your early years at Hogwarts when none of the boys in your year really caught your attention. One of the signs was when all the girls seemed to fawn over Cedric Diggory, a close friend of yours during your 4th year. You had only ever seen Cedric as a friend so when he had asked you to the ball, you turned him down. Not just because you weren’t interested in him but because you knew he was better suited for a certain Ravenclaw.
Another sign was when the Beauxbaton students were introduced, like the boys, you were completely enamored by the girls in their school. Being part veela played into that part but would it really have affected you that much if you didn’t have an interest in girls?
Not to mention that you shared your first kiss with a girl from Beauxbaton on the night of the Yule ball. You had gone with Harry but your memories of that night all faded to that moment spent with that girl in the gardens. That really sealed the deal for you. 
You had told one person and one person only about that night and what you felt and that was Harry. He was basically your brother and you knew about him and Draco so you knew he would understand. 
He seemed to have taken it quite well, though he did have a slight comment along the words of you being single and having no love life whatsoever. Which did lead to you spending the entire week making the twins pull pranks on him as revenge.
You did mention to him that you planned on telling your parents about it, including everyone else during this very dinner. Which only made your anxiety rise to the roof. You knew they would accept you but it's their reaction and how they would treat you after is what scared you.
As you hummed along to the record player that played across the room, you heard a faint knock on your door.
“Little Wolf? Dinner is about to start. Will you be joining us?” Remus’s voice carried through the door and across the room, just enough for you to hear him.
“Yeah, just give me a minute, dad.” You replied as you cleaned yourself up as you rose from the floor.
As you exited the house and onto the patio, you felt your anxiety begin to bubble violently in your stomach. It almost made you sick to the point that you didn’t want to join dinner. But you had promised yourself that you would do it. There’s no backing out of that promise. So you took a seat by Hermione which was across from Harry and Ron. You were also seated nearby the twins who managed to sneak in a flask and offered it up to you guys to put into your drinks. It was something a bit stronger than the butterbeer they were having at the table so you all happily accepted the offer.
In a way it helped with your nerves. You weren’t one to drink but for this moment, you sure as hell needed it.
While everyone engulfed themselves in their own conversations, you heard your name get called out from the further side of the table.
“Y/n? Have you found yourself a little boyfriend yet?” Lily’s voice carried across the table much louder than she expected which caused everyone’s eyes to land on you. 
You let out an awkward laugh at the question. The famous old question, “Do you have a boyfriend yet?”. Godric knows you didn’t and you didn’t plan on dating anyone any time soon but you couldn’t say that.
“It’s always going to be school before boys, Auntie Lils.” You had your mouth masked away from Sirius to hide the words you were about to say next, “Besides, you know how he is about boys.” using your free hand to point at your father.
Lily grinned at your reply. You reminded her a lot of herself back when she was younger. 
Sirius grinned proudly at your reply, not hearing your little comment on his opinion on boys. He was heavily protective over you so to know that you weren’t planning on dating any boys while at school calmed him.
The conversation resumed back to quidditch games and studies and plans for the holidays. Everyone had their own things to talk about but it seems the boyfriend conversation didn’t satisfy the boys’ curiosity.
“Really, School over boys?” Ron chuckled lightly as he repeated your words.
“Is it so hard for you to believe that I prioritize school over my love life, Ronald?” You asked in a defending tone, looking over at Hermione hoping she would back you up on this.
The boys let out a light chuckle from their side.
“Even Hermione and Ron are dating,” Fred commented as he pointed to the two of them.
“And you know how she is about her studies.” George continued as he grabbed another piece of chicken.
Hermione looked at the twins with an unimpressed stare. “There’s still nothing wrong with choosing school over relationships.” Hermione looked back towards you with a soft smile, “Pay no mind to them, you don’t need to explain yourself, they clearly don't deserve it.”
“and also because she doesn’t like boys.” Harry replied mindlessly as he took another sip of his drink.
You whipped your head towards his direction when you heard his words. A panicked look crossed both your faces when his words finally sunk in.
“What?!” Everyone seated around Harry had heard him, with the exemption of a few adults including your parents.
“Harry!” You scolded as you shrunk further into your seat at the confession with your hands covering your face in embarrassment. This wasn’t how you planned on doing it.
You knew Harry was a lightweight and a truth drunk but you didn’t even consider he would mention it during the dinner. You couldn’t blame him, you didn’t know that the topic of boys would be brought up so it didn’t even cross your mind that he would say it.
“Are you serious?” Fred asked you. He didn’t mean it in a mean way but he wanted to confirm that what he heard was right.
You looked at him between the spaces of your fingers.”Yes” Your voice was muffled by the palm of your hand, still too scared to show the rest of your face.
The rest of the adults seated on the other half of the table noticed the ruckus occurring on your side of the table and became curious.
“Serious about what?” Marlene asked on behalf of the group.
All that they saw was Harry’s panicked stare, your terrified and embarrassed state with the rest of them staring at you in a shocked look.
Ron looked up at them and was about to speak but you spoke up before him and even stood up from your seat to call their attention.
“That…I’m gay.” You spoke out with a shaky voice. But before anyone else could respond you continued on. You looked at both of your parents and even as the anxiety in your head was blaring out alarms, you still continued on knowing that this was it. This was the moment you’ve been waiting for.
“Dad, papa… I had something else in mind on how this would go down. But that didn’t exactly go as planned.” You spoke as you sent a look towards Harry who smiled an apologetic grin. “But yes, I like girls and not boys. I’ve known that since my 4th year and that’s the truth.”
They all sat there in silence for a while as they processed your words before Sirius let out a yell of joy as he jumped out of his chair. He rounded around the table and made his way to you to pull you in a hug. 
“MY DAUGHTER DOESN’T LIKE BOYS!” He exclaimed in relief even as he held you in a tight embrace. 
“Papa!” You laughed at your father’s reaction as he continued to hug you, even picking you up to spin you around like how he used to when you were little.
“Don’t mind him, little wolf. He’s just happy he doesn’t have to deal with you dating boys.” Remus said as he joined the hug, along with little Teddy who wanted to be included in the hug.
Everyone else that sat on the table cheered at the sight. Many of them remembered how it was to come out back then to their parents and in many instances, it was never a good experience. But this was different. This moment was filled with love and acceptance, something many of them longed for back when they were younger with their parents.
“She takes after me!” Marlene cheered out which caused a chorus of chuckles to flow through the table.
After a few moments, the family finally pulled away from each other’s embrace and to your relief nothing changed. You still had the kind and amazing parents who had always loved and accepted you for who you were and a little brother who still adores you completely.
You looked at Harry with a content smile. Though you planned on coming out with a completely different plan, at least you were finally out. To be completely honest, you thought that you wouldn’t have even done it during the dinner so maybe it was a blessing in disguise that Harry was a light weight and just so happened to be sitting by the twins.
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It starts with pain followed by hate.
«I was a careless fool. I could've sworn I shot clean through the wolf's head, and yet it lunged at me.»
«Everyone stood around the cabin and watched as it burned to the ground.»
Fueled by the endless questions no one can answer.
«The boy's grandfather has fallen ill and his condition worsens every day. The boy worries terribly about him, and there are murmurs of a “madness” among the villagers.»
A stain covers your heart and tears you apart.
— Little hard to put my faith in someone who used to work for Umbrella.
— Umbrella's done for. You don't need to worry about them anymore.
How did you get here and when did it start?
«He is a very curious child and has a true thirst for knowledge.»
«After graduating from university, he was employed by Umbrella's research division.»
An innocent child with a thorn in his heart.
«I cannot bear seeing the boy's worried eyes.»
«I can't die now and leave the boy behind. Dear God, please protect him.»
«The boy looked on without saying a word. The next day he was gone.»
Are you sane?
«After preaching about salvation and forgiveness, they injected us with something they claim will cure us of madness. Can they be trusted?»
Where is the shame?
— Be straight with me for once.
— Los Iluminados... I was working for them.
Who's to blame and where did it start?
«After the Raccoon City Incident, efforts were made by law enforcement and the government to track down anyone with links to Umbrella.»
Is there a cure for your sickness?
«There are two ways to eradicate las plagas: antigen injection and surgery.»
Have you no heart?
— Why are you helping us?
— Because it makes me feel better. Let's leave it at that.
— I don't get you. Why risk your life like this? You don't know us.
— I told you. It makes me feel better.
— I just wanna feel good about myself. Make amends. Or something like that.
— I don't want anyone else to get hurt.
Selling our soul for no reason.
«He was involved in the development of several common over-the-counter drugs, all of which were discontinued before ever reaching the market.»
— It seems he used to be a researcher for Umbrella.
There's a sickness inside you that wants to escape.
«Once fully developed, the parasite gains complete control.»
It's a feeling you get when you can't find your way.
— You know, I led a pretty shitty life.
So how many times must you fall to your knees?
«Serra resigned from Umbrella and could not be located.»
«I don't think I can trust this outside group either, but I've already come this far.»
Never do this again.
— People can change, right?
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cranetreegang · 1 year
The Midnight Quidditch Club - Ominis x FemReader
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mhm.... there's not much ominis and reader interactions in this, but there's still some. anyways, had a fun idea about there still being quidditch but it's like an underground street racing type club thing lol. but yeee, just a fun chapter
Recommended Music: Motorball and Quidditch Theme
Summary: The Fifth Year gets invited to a secret Quidditch Match. Sebastian and Ominis are eager to see how it all plays out.
Word Count: ~5,400 words
Read more of my Ominis Fics Here!
The wooden paddle scrapes the bottom of her cauldron while she watches the color change to a pleasant shade of green. She’s about to write in her journal when the hairs on her neck stand on end. 
She subtly looks around to find the source of her unease. Everyone is focused on their potion, or chatting with one another. She’s about to turn her gaze back on her cauldron when she catches the eyes of someone from across the room. Imelda is staring right back at her. Glaring, is more accurate as Imelda’s lip curls into a sneer. She frowns at Imelda’s hostility before focusing back on her potion. 
“Everything alright?” Ominis asks while stirring his brew. 
“I don’t know. Imelda’s staring daggers into me right now.” She checks over Ominis’ potion, satisfied with the color and consistency. “Your draught is nearly green. You’ll need to add the Mandrake soon.” 
He nods while his hand feels for the Stewed Mandrake on the table, “Any idea why you’ve earned her ire? Contrary to most, she usually doesn’t harbor such hate to just anyone.” 
“I have a suspicion it’s because I beat her flying time.” She glances over her shoulder to Imelda, who is still glaring.
Ominis laughs, “Oh, so you’re the one she’s been talking about.” 
She whips her head over to Ominis, “She’s been talking about me? What’s she saying?” 
He wafts the potion up to his nose then adds the Mandrake, making the potion sizzle, “Just that she’s wanting to get back at the ‘fledgling who thinks they’re better than everyone else’. You should be flattered, she speaks of you often. I’m surprised you haven’t heard.” 
She turns her gaze back to Imelda, “No. I haven’t heard.” 
She watches Imelda and soon Imelda’s dark eyes are staring right back. Imelda’s eyes narrow then she smirks with amusement dancing across her features.
“Something’s burning.” Ominis states. 
The Fifth Year whips back around and she gasps at her potion boiling over. She gets it back under control, but her potion is all but burnt or smoke. She catches Ominis smirking to himself out of the corner of her eye.
“Go ahead. Say it. I know you want to.” She says.
He shrugs, “Whatever do you mean? You are the potion master after all. I can only deduce that burning the draught is the required next step.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” She nudges into his side and he smiles. His fingers graze over hers and he gives her a soft press as they go by. 
“You can use some of mine. You practically made it after all.” He whispers. 
“Thank you.” She whispers back. 
They finish up their Restorative Draught and clean up their station with only a minor lecture from Professor Sharp about the quantity of their potion being ‘lacking’. She ignores Imelda’s stares and she’s thankful when Imelda leaves the classroom almost immediately. 
“Hopefully, whatever is upsetting Imelda, will pass.” She says to Ominis as they start to leave.
“Doubtful. Be on your guard.” Ominis warns.
“Can’t get enough of me?” Imelda calls just as Ominis and the Fifth Year walk out of the class. Imelda pushes off the wall she was leaning on by the classroom entrance and saunters over to them. 
“You were the one staring. I can assume you have something you wish to say.” She counters. 
Imelda smirks, “I would. Alone.” 
Ominis frowns, but eases when he feels her pat his arm.
“I’ll meet you and Sebastian at the Astronomy Wing.” She whispers.
“Very well. We’ll save you a spot.” He nods, giving her a parting smile as he leaves. 
She crosses her arms as soon as Ominis is out of sight, “Well? What is it, Imelda?” 
Imelda motions over to a more secluded corner away from the classroom’s entrance.
Imelda glances around once they’re alone then whispers, “I have a proposition for you.”
“A proposition?” She questions.
Imelda sneers, “Since you’ve gotten so cocky on a broom. Why don’t you really put it to the test?”
The Fifth Year cranes her head, “What did you have in mind? Another race?” 
Imelda snorts, “No. This will be far more demanding of actual skill.” She glances around again and speaks in a low voice, “A couple of us like to get together after curfew over at the Quidditch pitch. Keep our skills sharp.”
She frowns, “Are you suggesting a match? But I’ve never played before.” 
“Scared you’re gonna lose?” Imelda snickers. 
She rolls her eyes with a slight grin, “When is this match?”
“Go to the Pitch at Midnight tonight. Don’t be late.” Imelda saunters away and says over her shoulder, “Bring a friend. Or don’t, if you’re too scared for such public humiliation.”
The Fifth Year hums in thought while she heads towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classrooms. She finds Ominis and Sebastian already in a heated conversation in one of the lounges. Ominis turns his head towards her and smiles as she approaches.
“Ah, so what did Imelda want?” 
She sits next to Ominis on the plush couch and his hand wraps around hers. 
“She wants to put my skills on the broom to a real test.”
“A real test? What in Merlin’s name does that mean?” Sebastian wonders.
She looks around to ensure no one is listening in, then she says in a low voice, “She wants me to meet her out on the Quidditch field. Tonight at Midnight.” 
“The pitch?” Sebastian’s eyes widen, “Wait. You got invited? You seriously got an invite?” 
She furrows her brows, “Invite?” 
“Yes,” Ominis grins, “There’s been rumors of Imelda and a few others playing Quidditch, but not very many are invited to participate, or spectate. Makes it all the more tantalizing when you do get such an exclusive offer to join.” 
“So, you’re going right?” Sebastian questions. 
She shrugs, “I don’t know. I’ve never played Quidditch before. And all Imelda wants to do is embarrass me in front of everyone.” 
“Oh, come on!” Sebastian whines, “It’ll be fun! And you’ll pick it up fast. I’ll give you the rundown and you’ll be a master by tonight.” 
She looks over to Ominis, “What do you think?” 
Ominis squeezes her hand, “I believe that’s up to you. But, it could be fun.” 
She hums in thought, “I might go. If you both come with me.” 
“Deal!” Sebastian grins. 
Ominis nods, “Very well. I’ll be looking forward to you knocking Imelda off her broom.” 
She giggles, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” 
Sebastian leans forward, pulling out a piece of paper with scrawled notes, and draws out an uneven Quidditch field, “So, Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. Three Chasers. Two Beaters. One Keeper and a Seeker.”
She finds Sebastian and Ominis at the fountain by the time she sneaks out. 
“Ready for this?” Sebastian’s hot breath puffs out in a cloud in front of him. His nose and cheeks are already red while Ominis is a notable pink. Snowflakes gently flutter down and she’s thankful for the lack of a wind chill tonight.
She rubs her cold hands together, “Ready as I’ll ever be.” 
“This should be fun.” Ominis places his arm over her shoulder, bringing her into his deceivingly warm body.
They follow the other footfalls through the snow leading to the dark Quidditch stadium. They can hear the quiet whispering and murmurings of several people as they walk onto the snow-covered field. 
“So much for this being an exclusive club.” Ominis whispers into her ear while he releases her from his warm protection.
There’s a small crowd all gathered around Imelda. The Fifth Year recognizes some of the faces from Crossed Wands, spotting Lucan in the mix talking animatedly with Leander. 
“Indeed.” She whispers back to Ominis.
“Ah, was wondering if you’d actually show your face.” Imelda smirks with her arms crossed. 
The Fifth Year approaches Imelda with Sebastian and Ominis on either side of her.
“I thought this was supposed to be a secret match.” She muses.
“Word got around you’d be going against Imelda!” Lucan interjects with a beaming smile. “Why, I couldn’t believe you’d actually go up against her! Everyone’s excited to see how the Undefeated Duelist Champion will fare against Slytherin’s own Quidditch Captain!” 
“Are you to be playing with us as well, Lucan?” The Fifth Year grins at the boy. 
He shakes his head, his curls bouncing, “No. I’m just here to keep score. And to tell the others what a legend match they missed.” 
“Looks like you already have a few fans.” Imelda drawls as she puts her hand on her hip, “We’ll have just enough decent flyers to have two full teams. If Sebastian decides to join us, that is.” 
All eyes land on Sebastian who’s wide smile speaks for him.
“And miss a chance to get the team back together? Count me in.” 
“Great. It’ll be good to have my Beater at my side again.” Imelda states then moves off to the side towards two crates. “I’ll pick the teams.” She opens one of the crates and inside are several pairs of goggles. Imelda motions towards the goggles, “Enchanted to help you see in the dark. No lights. No loud noises. We don’t need the professors coming out to investigate. Now, everyone grab a pair.” 
Sebastian snags the Fifth Year a pair and tosses them her way. She examines the goggles, looking just like regular Quidditch goggles, before she puts them on. The whole field is illuminated and she’s amazed by how well the charm works. Imelda opens the second crate which contains the Quaffle, two Blugers battling to go, and the Golden Snitch. 
“How did you get this?” The Fifth Year wonders. 
“We snuck into Madam Kogawa’s office. She never remembers to lock the supply closet.” Priscilla chimes as she hands out bright red robes to the Fifth Year and a few others.
“No snitch.” Imelda states while she passes out the beater’s bats to Sebastian, Garreth, Eric, and Charlotte. 
“No snitch?! You can’t be serious.” Leander huffs. 
“I am serious. We don’t have time to wait around for someone to catch the thing. First team to score ten goals, wins.” Imelda smirks then motions with her head, “My team, over here. Those with the red robes are with our new Fifth Year, over there. Everyone else, off the field and get to the sidelines.” 
Priscilla, Violet, Garreth, Andrew, and Lawrence follow after Imelda. 
The Fifth Year turns to Ominis, who gives her a reassuring squeeze of her hand.
“Kiss for goodluck?” She whispers to him while she messes with his scarf. 
Ominis smiles, “Of course. But, I doubt you’ll need it.” 
“Do I get a kiss too?” Sebastian grins as he drapes himself on both Ominis and the Fifth Year.
“Go away, Sebastian.” Ominis scoffs, shoving Sebastian away.
“Fine, fine. Be that way.” Sebastian chuckles and turns to join Imelda and his team. Ominis smirks, aiming his wand towards Sebastian. With the flick of his wrist, Ominis casts a quick spell and Sebastain trips, nearly going head first into the snow. 
Sebastian looks back and exclaims, “Hey! Not funny, Ominis.” 
Her and Ominis giggle while Sebastian grumbles under his breath. 
Ominis places a quick kiss on her cheek and whispers, “Good luck, love.” 
She watches him as he joins the other spectators. A decent crowd and she recognizes several faces. Samantha, Everett and Duncan all chatting amongst themselves. It’s surprising to see Grace here since her shivering makes it seem like she’s ready to leave. She even spies Hector in one of the towers on lookout duty. 
The remaining six are her fellow teammates as they walk towards her with red cloaks in their hands. Nellie is first to greet her with a beaming smile.
“Good to have you with us.” Nellie pats the Fifth Year on the back.
“Indeed. We’ll need all the help we can get.” Lenora sighs.
They all don their red cloaks and the Fifth Year takes a good look at the people she’s going to be playing with.
“I must admit, I’m surprised to see some of you here.” She comments while glancing at Lenora.
“Well, loads of us love playing. Just some of us aren’t able to officially join the Quidditch team. Not for lack of trying.” Leander grumbles. 
The Fifth Year’s brows furrow while she glances across the way to where Imelda is. She notices Imelda has mostly fellow Slytherins and they’re all excitedly chatting with each other. The Fifth Year swears most of them are on the Quidditch team together. At least, according to Sebastian.
“How many haven’t played before?” She wonders. 
Lenora, Leander, and Charlotte raise their hands with sheepish smiles. 
“With me, that makes four.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Very even teams, Imelda.” 
“Cheer up,” Nellie says, “We just need to work together to beat them. Too many captains, not enough chasers on their team, if you catch my meaning.” 
The Fifth Year nods, “I agree. So, who wants to go where?”
Charlotte and Eric both are reluctant to give up their beater bats. Lenora elects herself to be a Keeper. Leaving Nellie, Constance, Leander, and the Fifth Year all to be Chasers. 
They all get on their brooms and fly up to meet the opposing team. With Sebastian and Garreth as Beaters and Violet a Keeper, it leaves Imelda, Priscilla, Andrew, and Lawrence as Chasers.
Sebastian flies closer to her with a beaming smile, “Excited?” 
She nods, “Don’t know how well this will go. I have a feeling this may be a rather quick match.” 
“I know. Wish we were on the same team, considering this is your first time.” Sebastian points his bat towards her, “I promise to go easy on ya. Won’t send all the Bludgers your way. Otherwise, Ominis won’t let me hear the end of it.”
“How kind of you.” She smirks, sparing a glance to where Ominis is. Ominis is sat close to Lucan in the Ravenclaw bleachers at the center field. His head is turned towards Lucan while Lucan babbles about the players all lining up to start the match.
Her and Sebastian watch below at Everett and Samantha taking the Quidditch box to the barely outlined circle in the middle of the field. She looks around the pitch and notes how quiet it is. She always imagined this place to be roaring with cheers and jeers alike. Instead, it’s silent save for the few conversations being had. 
“Good luck.” Sebastian says while he takes position with his team across from her.
“Good luck.” She calls after him then finds a spot opposite of Imelda. 
There’s a fire in Imelda's eyes which rivals any of the other players. She sucks in a sharp, freezing breath while adjusting her grip on her broom. Butterflies flutter in her stomach while Everett opens the chest. He releases the two Bludgers, which shoot off into two separate directions, and he grabs the Quaffle. 
“Let the match… begin!” She can see his beaming grin as he launches the Quaffle into the air. 
As the Quaffle drops, Imelda doesn’t hesitate to launch forward and snatch the red ball from the air. The Fifth year is frozen in awe as Imelda flies straight for the goal with Priscilla and Lawrence guarding either side of her. In the blink of an eye, Imelda launches the Quaffle right past Lenora into the center goal. 
“Ten points to Imelda!” Lucan’s voice reaches the Fifth Year’s ears. 
Imelda flies by with a smirk aimed right at the Fifth Year. She watches Imelda’s team get into formation before she turns back to her own scattered team. Charlotte and Eric are doing their best to swat away the Bludgers, but Sebastian is the only one to actually direct the Bludger as it speeds right towards Leander. Lenora chunks the Quaffle and Nellie swoops in to grab it. Nellie takes off and the Fifth Year joins in to help. 
“Cover me!” Nellie shouts just before diving below Priscilla’s arm. 
The Fifth year swoops after Nellie, craning her head over to find Leander trying to keep up and Andrew hot on Nellie’s tail. Nellie looks up to the Fifth Year as they both fly next to each other. 
Nellie throws the ball, but Imelda shoots between them and snatches the Quaffle. Imelda is already at the goal and slamming it past Lenora by the time her and Nellie turn around to chase Imelda. The Fifth Year grimaces as Lucan shouts the score. Lenora throws the Quaffle to Leander, who makes it half way down the pitch before he’s slammed by Pricilla and Andrew after dodging a Bludger aimed at his head.
The Quaffle falls from his grasp and before Nellie or Constance can retrieve it, Lawrence gets to it first. He passes the Quaffle to Imelda and she scores once again.
“Yet another goal for Imelda! They’re unstoppable with the score three to nothing!” Lucan shouts. 
The Fifth Year flies over to Lenora, a plan forming in her mind. Lenora tosses her the Quaffle. She stares down the other Chasers already coming towards her. She puts the ball under her arm then takes off. She zips past Imelda’s grab and ducks under Lawrence and Priscilla’s reach. The Fifth Year sees the whites of Andrew’s wide eyes as she heads right for him. He turns out of the way and she keeps going to the goal where the Keeper, Violet, prepares to stop her throw at the center goal. The Fifth Year raises up the Quaffle and before she tosses it through the center post, she turns sharply to the right and slams it through the goal. 
“Amazing! They’re back in the game, but they have to catch up to Imelda’s strong lead!” Lucan exclaims. 
Ominis grins, clapping along with the rest of the spectators. 
The Fifth Year is quick to fly back to her side of the pitch just as Imelda is tossed the Quaffle. Nellie joins the Fifth Year, and without any words exchanged, they take either side of Imelda. Bludgers swoosh by their heads while Nellie and the Fifth Year drive Imelda to veer off her path towards the goal. Andrew flies overhead, calling for Imelda to pass to him. The Fifth Year backs off long enough to leave an opening for Imelda. As soon as the Quaffle is in the air, the Fifth year strikes. 
She snatches the Quaffle, shoving past Andrew in the process, and she speeds towards the opposite goal posts. A Bludger is hit right for her and she twists her body in time to feel the air whoosh past from the screaming ball of metal. She hears the curses from Garreth above her followed by the rapidly approaching duo of Priscilla and Imelda. The Fifth Year finds Constance amongst the buzzing players. She catches Constance’s gaze and the Fifth Year motions for Constance to be ready. Constance angles herself and as the Fifth Year flies by, she tosses the Quaffle to Constance. 
Constance doesn’t hesitate to make the final dive to the goal and scores a point with a celebratory howl. 
“This game is getting interesting now! The gap is closing, at three to two, and we just might have a night of fun!” Lucan cheers. 
Imelda glares at the Fifth Year with obvious scorn. 
“So, getting you the Quaffle seems our best bet.” Nellie states between heavy breaths. 
The Fifth Year nods, “If we keep playing like this, we might stand a chance.” 
Ominis listens keenly to Lucan and Everett as they describe the game. 
“Another point to Imelda!” Everett claps.
“A great save by Violet with the classic Starfish and Stick!” Lucan cheers.
“Nellie coming through with a spiral and a fast ball straight to Leander, who fumbles! Oh no!” Lucan gasps.
“That’s the third time this match! When will they learn.” Everett mocks. 
“Lenora with a brave Double Eight Loop and an even more impressive recovery by our Duelist Champion! She’s speeding down the pitch. Sebastian and Garreth are lining up for a play with Lawrence and Priscilla. Wow! They are not holding back and she is taking their Body Blow! A Bludger is heading straight for her. And… She dodges! With a Sloth Grip Roll and scores! Amazing!” 
“With the score eight to eight, we’re coming into a close!” Everett states.
The Fifth Year’s arms and sides feel the pounding they’ve been getting all match, but she can’t deny the way her blood is singing in her veins from the excitement. She prepares herself and chases after Priscilla with the Quaffle. Nellie cuts in front of Priscilla, driving Priscilla straight into the Fifth Year. The Fifth Year slaps the ball from Priscilla’s grasp and the Quaffle falls. 
Constance swoops underneath and grabs the Quaffle. A grin forms on the Fifth Year’s face as she goes to cover Constance’s run to the goal. Constance ducks under a Bludger then twirls to the left. She banks from Andrew’s crash course then looks to the Fifth Year for help. The Fifth Year gets Constance’s curveball then finishes the run with a shot right through Violet’s fingers and into the goal. 
The Fifth Year can’t stop her smile as she joins her other Chasers. She watches Imelda gather her team together, catching bits and pieces of her yelling. They disperse and start their drive towards the goal. Nellie covers Andrew, Leander tries to keep up with Priscilla, Constance stays near the goal, while the Fifth Year guns straight for Imelda. 
The Fifth Year follows Imelda’s gaze as she looks to pass to Priscilla. The Fifth Year can’t help the eagerness creeping in as she gets ready to intercept the pass. Imelda begins to wind up and the Fifth Year starts her dive to be right in the line of Imelda’s pass. Imelda brakes at the last minute and the Fifth Year shoots past. She looks up to Imelda with shock. The whizzing Bludger catches her attention just as it slams into her. 
She gasps at the pain shooting up her shoulder, making her lose hold of her broom. She’s careening to the ground and she observes how her body isn’t falling nearly as fast as her other freefall incident.  She crashes to the snowy ground with a grunt, her head spinning. She wheezes and writhes on the field. She clutches her arm while trying to sit up. She watches in time to see Imelda slam into Lenora, knocking Lenora through the goal and she falls to the ground, landing in the sand. Imelda tosses the Quaffle through the goal and flies off with a triumphant fist raised in the air. 
“And just like that, the score is tied nine to nine. With two players possibly out of the game!” Lucan shakes his head with a grimace. 
Ominis clutches onto the railing, willing for her to get back up. 
“Are you alright!” Sebastian lands next to the Fifth Year, his brows pinching together as he helps her to stand. 
“I’m alright.” She winces when she reaches down to grab her broom. “Well, maybe a bit sore.”
Sebastian grimaces, his mouth parting to speak.
“Time out!” Nellie screams, making Imelda laugh.
“Sure. But, if they can’t come back to play, that’s too bad. And no new Keepers allowed, remember.” Imelda states before flying to convene with her team. 
The Fifth Year gets back on her broom and Sebastian does the same. She gives him a parting nod and smile before she flies over to Lenora. 
“Lenora! Are you alright?” The Fifth Year kneels beside her fallen teammate just as the rest of the team lands. 
Lenora groans in response, slowly rising from her stupor and clutching her head.
“Do you think you’ll be able to still play?” Leander questions.
“We need you, Lenora.” Charlotte whines. “We’re so close to winning.” 
Lenora’s eyes are swimming as she looks between all their awaiting faces. She wobbles in place and mumbles out a slurred, ‘yes’.
The Fifth Year frowns, “She can’t even sit straight, let alone fly.” 
“And what about you?” Nellie questions, motioning towards the arm she’s holding. 
“I can fly. But I doubt I’ll be able to throw a Quaffle.” 
The Fifth Year looks over to Imelda’s team. Sebastian catches her eye and she remembers of a play he talked about during one of the World Cups.  
“I may have an idea.” She turns back to her team. “It’s risky. But it could work. Especially since we don’t have a Keeper.” 
“We don’t have much to lose. I’m surprised we haven’t lost already.” Nellie smirks. 
“Agreed. Whatever plan you have is bound to work.” Eric grins while putting his beater’s bat behind his neck. 
“The Beaters will need to keep the Bludgers going in the middle of the pitch. Nellie and Constance, you’ll need to back off while I have the Quaffle.” 
“But, they’re swarming you. And you said so yourself, you’re not in the best state to be trying to score.” Nellie says.
The Fifth Year nods, “I know. It’s because they’re swarming me, we’ll use that to our advantage. Because I’m going to give the Quaffle to you, Leander.” 
“Me?!” Leander squeaks. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Eric grimaces. “No offense, Leander. You just haven’t had much luck with keeping the Quaffle.” 
“Which is why he’ll be perfect. You’ll be by our goal. Once I’m making my way to you, you’ll meet underneath me and I’m going to drop you the Quaffle as I pass by. You’ll make the run to the goal while Constance and Nellie have your back and Charlotte and Eric covering you. The goal will be a straight shot.” The Fifth Year can see the doubt lacing Leander’s wide eyes. She places a hand on his shoulder, “You can do this Leander. We’re counting on you.” 
Leander gulps, but nods, “I can do this.” 
Nellie spares a concerned glance to the Fifth Year then to Leander.
She sighs, “Not the worst plan. But, I guess we’ll see what happens.” 
They help Lenora into the stands then take their positions, with the Fifth Year holding the Quaffle. She ignores the jolts of pain shooting up her arm and clutches the Quaffle close to her side. She sucks in a sharp breath while Imelda and her team wait eagerly for her next move. The Fifth Year leans forward on her broom and she takes off. 
Blurs of arms and hands reaching out shoot past the Fifth Year as she rockets by. She yanks her broom up and aims for the heavens. Her stomach plummets as she leans back and dives through Imelda and Pricilla’s reach. She banks to the right and dips below the stadium. She zips through the rafters while Andrew flies above her looking for a way in and Lawrence is swiping at the back of her broom. The beams create an oscillating whoosh while her heart skips a beat when she feels her whipping robe brush the pylons as she passes. 
The Fifth Year launches out of the rafters and heads right for her own goal. She glances behind her and the field is laid clear. She aims straight for Leander and she’s pleased to find him coming towards her. She twists herself and hangs off her broom with one hand and one leg, then she drops the Quaffle right into his outstretched arms. A force collides into the Fifth Year’s back and she’s tackled fully off her broom. 
She sees flashes of brown hair and green robes as they fall, landing on the ground with a gasp. She looks over to find Imelda writhing on the ground with her. She turns her attention over to Leander as he makes his flight to the goal. She watches with bated breath as Bludgers barely miss Leander. Priscilla and Andrew are about to catch up to Leander, but Constance and Nellie intercept to block their attack.
Leander approaches the goal and rears up to throw the Quaffle. Violet dives off her broom towards the lower right goal post where Leander is aiming. Just as Violet reaches for it, Leander clutches the Quaffle to his chest and turns to the center post. He aims then launches the Quaffle. 
The whole stadium takes a breath as the Quaffle spins in the air. The Quaffle flies true right through the center goal and the small crowd lets out a loud cheer. The Fifth Year laughs, clapping and hollering as well. Imelda punches the snow with curses muttering under her breath. 
Leander is swarmed by Nellie, Constance, Garreth, Eric, Lawrence, and Charlotte, all screaming his name in excitement. 
“Unbelievable! The Red Robed Underdogs have won it! Amazing match!” Lucan shouts with glee. 
Everett nods in agreement, “Couldn’t have agreed more. I hope there’s a rematch! Imelda is certain to not let this slide.” 
The students all rush onto the field while everyone lands to meet them. Everyone gathers around Leander, picking him up and placing him on their shoulders. The Fifth Year grins at the celebration. She stands then offers her hand to Imelda. Imelda sneers at the offer, but rolls her eyes as she takes the Fifth Year’s hand. 
“Good game.” The Fifth Year says with a smile. “I had a load of fun.” 
Imelda scoffs, “Just cause you got lucky, doesn’t mean you’re actually any good. Best two out of three.” 
She laughs while shaking her hand with Imelda’s, “Deal.” 
“And don’t think you can pull any more of those sneaky World Cup plays on me again, fledgling.” Imelda has a hint of smile tucked away under her scowl. She turns on her heel to meet with Priscilla and Grace, who are on the outskirts of the rowdy students. 
“Are you hurt?” Ominis asks as he rushes up to her. “From what Lucan was saying, you took quite a beating out there.” 
“Nothing a bit of Wiggenweld and a mug of warm Butterbeer can’t fix.” She hisses when she tries to lift her arm, making Ominis grimace.
“You’re reckless, you know that?” He sighs while he grabs her hand. Snow dusts his hair and shoulders. She’s surprised he’s still so warm to the touch.
“Just a bit. But you love it.” She teases. 
Ominis’ cheeks warm and he shakes his head with a scoff. 
“Not bad.” Sebastian says while tossing the beater’s bat into the Quidditch chest. “Sorry about that Bludger business. Was supposed to just miss you, but my aim was a bit off. 
“Your aim was off?” She questions with a raised brow.
“Well, I may have gotten too competitive for my own good.” Sebastian admits with a devilish twinkle in his eye.
“You were the one to Bludger her?” Ominis scowls. 
“I said I’m sorry! I truly didn’t mean to.” Sebastian’s eyes widen as Ominis looks ready to jinx him. 
“It’s alright. I would’ve been disappointed if you didn’t at least try, Sebastian.” She winks, making him chuckle.
“See! All is well.” Sebastian puts his arms around both of their necks. “What say you two on continuing this party at the Three Broomsticks? I believe I heard someone saying they needed a Butterbeer, or two.”
“Losers buy first round?” She grins.
Ominis nods, “I like the sounds of that.” 
“You two are despicable. Kicking a poor boy while he’s down.” Sebastian chuckles, making the other two do the same.
“Professors! Professors are coming!” Hector shouts from the tower. 
The whole pitch becomes alive with students hopping on their brooms and shooting off into the night. She grabs Ominis’ hand and takes him over to her broom. 
“Another exciting flight?” Ominis smirks while wrapping his arms around her waist.
“You would only be so lucky.” She takes off with Sebastian right behind her. 
Her and Sebastian can see the lights of three wands as they head towards the pitch. They can make out the shouting from Mister Moon below saying they must all return, or face detention and then expulsion. 
“Do you think they’re serious?” She wonders as they turn towards Hogsmead. 
“Probably. Which is why we should hide out until morning and wait for this to all blow over.” Sebastian smirks. 
“Agreed.” Ominis chimes in. “Although, I believe we do have an exam in the morning.” 
A collective groan is shared as they change course back to Hogwarts. They land in the Transfiguration Courtyard and rush to hide in the Undercroft, where they envision warm Butterbeers and a hot meal until morning.
AN: brosephs, this was so hard to write a no named fifth year. like 'she' and 'her' are only good when SHE is the only girl in the scene lol. at this point, Fifth might be her first name and Year is her last name.
and i had to make a whole ass spreadsheet to figure out 1) WHO would be at this secret quidditch match and 2) WHO would actually be a player
I was going through the ENTIRE list of hogwarts legacy students to ensure i got the right cast. so silly i know lol
and did i take a line straight outta the first movie... you bet your sweet bippy i did. AND I"LL DO IT AGAIN!
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backstage-if · 1 year
«Do you think I’m a good person?» with Neil 🥸
Oh my GOD, I love this prompt with MC.
When you're feeling way too much and the friend who doesn't quite have faith in anyone is the only one around.
1.109 words under the cut:
Tomorrow, when you wake up with one of the (possibly) worst headaches of your life, you’re gonna regret listening to Joy when she backed up your decision of buying the cheapest red wine the market down the street had to offer – but, again, it’s a thing for tomorrow only. Right now, you’re simply feeling tipsy, lightheaded. 
Maybe slightly… sad. 
No, definitely. 
You are standing in Neil’s kitchen, with your elbows on the counter as you watch him cleaning your early mess. It wasn’t a special occasion or anything, just another day that one of you started talking about how much you deserved a rest, another one pointed out it is a friday and Neil miraculously offered his apartment for a “quick reunion”, then one thing led to another. Before you noticed, you and Spencer were unpacking groceries, while Joy and Cass argued on which playlist to put on and your host tried hard to act like he didn’t regret inviting you in. Apart from you, he is the only one who stays on his feet, the rest of your friends already asleep either on the couch or in a guest room. 
Most days, it works. This little thing you all do. 
The group – half of it, at least – was quick to include you in their hangouts, and for these few hours where you’re laughing and singing and existing with them, you even dare to forget what a horrible person you actually are. 
You’re sure none of them would look in your direction again if they only knew what you did, what you’re so dedicatedly hiding from them day after day. Before, alcohol never made you quite this feeling, never made it seem like each one of your deepest emotions was made bare in front of you – but you suppose your never had something quite like… that happening before, not like-
“Hey, get here,” Neil says to you, looking over his shoulder. “At least help me clean up this mess, will you?”
You fix a careful smile at him, trying not to think much about how easily you’ve been able to put up a front these past months. 
“What, and risk breaking any of your fancy stuff? No, thank you.”
He scoffs, turning away from you and back on throwing empty cans in the trash. Ha, it just keeps getting easier to fuss with him as time goes by. Smiling, you finish the glass of water he put in front of you a few minutes ago and leave your chair by the counter, taking a second to deal with the dizziness as your feet hit the floor, and then go to the opposite side of the kitchen, satisfied to see that most of what still needs to be dealt with are wine glasses and someone’s shoes. 
You take the glasses where it belongs, to be cleaned, and leave the shoes in an empty space near the door.  
When you return to the kitchen, Neil is already washing whatever is in the sink, wearing his yellow rubber gloves. 
The apartment is silent, nightly quiet, and, for a second there, you think about how easy it would be to simply tell him. His back is turned to you, so you wouldn’t even have to stare him in the face as you did it. You wouldn’t have to watch his eyes as he grasped the weight of your confession, nor see his expression turning to something else. You can almost never tell with Neil, and having no idea what his next step would be is equally what makes you want to tell him as it’s what’s holding you back. 
Most days, it works. Telling yourself that, even after everything, you’re not as bad as you think. Everyone makes mistakes, right? 
But not everyone makes the same kind of mistake that you did and… you think you would believe it. You would believe if it was Neil to say you’re not a good person and it terrifies you. 
You don’t want him to hate you. 
Still, maybe it’s exactly what you need. To finally come clean. 
“Neil,” you call, almost too quietly to be heard, but he answers it with a muttered ‘Yes?’. “If I asked you something now, would you tell me the truth?”
You catch him freezing for a moment, but it could be your own high nerves making you see things. 
I need it. 
“Does it matter? I’m just asking you to be honest with me here.”
For a few seconds, you come close to believing he is going to ignore your words, because Neil throws his head backwards and doesn’t say anything, but then he lets go of the dishes, takes off the gloves and turns, now facing you, and it’s the worst thing he could’ve done at this moment, because you can’t help but lock eyes with him. The opposite of what you wanted. 
“Hit me,” he says, tense as if you were pointing a knife at him. 
If anything, you’re the one accepting their fate here. 
“Do you-” the words get caught on your throat, you take a deep breath before trying again. “Neil, do you think I am a good person?” 
It’s like an invisible weight almost instantly lifts from his shoulders. 
“Who? You?" He smiles, but something in his expression changes when noticing you don’t. "Yes."
He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
You must look as hopeless as you’re feeling, because Neil takes a few steps closer to where you stand, more serious than before as if to assure you of his words. “I think you’re a good person.”
“Does it matter?” 
“Come on, don’t use my words against me now. I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
You close your eyes, knowing he won’t be backing down from that mad idea that you’re not horrible inside. It’s your fault, after all. You’ve fooled them into believing it. When you go back to looking at Neil, you can see little signs of worry in his expression – but you know he won’t ask what has gotten into you. 
“You know what is great to deal with post-alcohol self-doubt?”
You sigh. “Enlighten me.”
“First, help your friend finish cleaning up his home,” he takes a quick look at his watch. “Then, if it’s not too late, I could fix you up something to eat that is not…”
“From a market’s platter?”
“Yeah, that.”
Tomorrow, you’re gonna regret allowing yourself to enjoy any of their company – but today you still take hold of this act of selfishness. At least you tried to change it. 
You smile at him, hoping your guilt doesn’t show.
 “I would like it.”
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leslie057 · 11 months
Why are we diagonal pt 1 for WIP wonders
hi anon! i thought someone might ask about this one lol. the fic is long but not super fleshed out yet because i didn’t exactly outline a “plot”
i picked a good passage for this though, have some silliness
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He is (and she cannot emphasize this enough) a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed drunk. So alert and flushed and filled with energy and grateful to be breathing. (If you can even believe it).
Overly complimentary. Really. It’s not like he’s flirting with strangers, it’s not like he’s engaging in extended conversations with them, and it’s not like he planned on saying anything to anyone before the stuff was in his system. Just a few drinks get him there, though, then he feels this need to flatter every soul that passes, throat suffused with a confusing mix of nonchalance and admiration and authenticity. You’re so much better than everyone else they have here, to the band in the bar. You have a good bartender voice, to the girl behind the counter. Whatever that means.
Two things: shivering and complimenting. This is what alcohol does to Jonathan Byers.
Seems like a boy who would pout, or get moody, or cling or whine, or fight or fall asleep. He’s had nights like that, sure, several of them, but for the most part, when he drinks—which isn’t often—he’s a weirdly sugary presence.
And so it’s fun to get him to that place. To get him drunk. Her signature magic trick…can’t pull a rabbit out of her hat but, look, she’s about to turn her quiet boyfriend into a little bit of a people lover. A little bit.
Ignore that.
“Nancy Wheeler.”
Okay, sure.
“You don’t need to keep addressing me before you speak,” she murmurs, some adoring smile on her face, possibly. She isn’t drunk, she’s a cozy type of tipsy. This is ideal. (For tonight, anyway.) Proposal for her senior thesis is due in a week, first Friday in November. She’d like to get some writing in before bed. And she’d like to go to bed.
On the flip side, he deserved insobriety. She overencouraged, only taking small sips from his glass.
“But I like your name,” he says, “it’s so soft.”
In the backseat of the blue Cherokee, she watches the blurry scene outside the window, hand on the back of his head.
“Lauren is so clean,” is his next compliment. “I love her car, see how clean her car is?”
“I see.”
“Will you tell her she has a clean car?”
“You can tell her.”
“Yeah?” Nancy’s best friend plays along. She eases into the driveway of Nancy and Jonathan’s triplex.
“Your Cherokee is very clean.”
“Thank you. Hey do you need any help with him, Nance?”
“Oh no, he can walk. I mean I can steady him, but…”
“You’re so steady,” he sighs.
“Sit for a second,” she says. She climbs out of the car and goes to the driver side door. A twenty is pulled from her quilted jacket. “I know you’re going to fight me on this, okay, but I do owe you.”
“Please don’t give me that.”
“You’ve done too many favors this week. For me and everyone else.”
She truly, genuinely hates taking money. With her hands, she smooths back wavy hair and covers each side of her face, dark eyes clouded with mild regret.
“Don’t think about it, just take it! I could have hid it in your backseat just as easily—”
The girls ignore him.
“Nancy, I don’t want your money, it’s as simple as that okay? Maybe you can get my coffee for me or something, after class on Monday—”
“Lauren Paschen.”
“What, Jonathan?”
He’s sitting up straight, holding a cold water bottle against his chest, a sense of calmness in his expression. “Nancy would look so good in your sister’s wedding dress.”
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hermitcraft-8 · 1 year
Side by Side, A Brontel Story
Not once in Brontel’s life had he ever been struck speechless before, but, of course, if anyone were to do it, it would be Onim.
“You like them?” The other dwarf grunted, wiping his hands of polish. He was scowling as always, but had a certain proud sheen in his eye- he knew Brontel liked them- hell, he loved them, because of course he did.
The rings that sat under the magnifying glass before him were delicate, as delicate as dwarven jewelry got. One with intricate lines of gold circling the impressive peacock quartz in the center, that was cut with little stars and flowers, the other a simple gold band with the same engravings that were in the stone, and the words “Side By Side” etched into the inside.
“You put words from that song you like in yours?” Brontel finally regained words with a scoff.
“‘Side by side, we’ll walk, dear, hand in loving hand,’” Onim bellowed out, tipping his head back, and Brontel rolled his eyes and snorted. “‘And one day, darling, I swear, you’ll wear my wedding band!’”
“It’s so lame,” Brontel simpered. “You’re such a dork.”
Onim gave him a wink, returning to cleaning off his workplace, and Brontel leaned his head on his hand, watching his betrothed work.
Onim was beautiful in a way words could not capture, Brontel had discovered. It wasn’t just in his face- crooked and pimpled, with the fiercest eyes a dwarf could have, and a broad nose- although Brontel did love his face. It wasn’t in his body- lean and stubby and covered in little moles and freckles- although Brontel did love his body. It wasn’t just in the way he moved- the way he shifted his weight from foot to foot, the way he stuck a pencil in his hair, promptly forgetting it was there- although Brontel loved that too.
Onim was just perfect. Truly and wholly perfect.
“Have you and Gortie finished the dress yet?”
“No, she’s no help,” Brontel pouted. “I love her, bless her heart, but she keeps trying to help and messing it up. Yesterday she went to iron the tulle and it burnt.”
“Do you even iron tulle?”
“Only on the lowest setting,” Brontel muttered. “Which, I will say, she did not do.”
“She’s trying, babe,” Onim said, taking off his apron. “She just wants to help.”
“I know,” Brontel sighed. “And I am thankful. I just wish someone else would volunteer to give me a hand.”
“You know I would, but-”
“-But you’re busy,” Brontel ran a hand through his hair. “I know.”
Onim leaned across the counter, giving him a peck on the lips. “It’s going to be okay. You could show up in your old temple dress and I’d think you’re the most beautiful dwarf in the world.”
“I know,” Brontel sighed, grimacing at the thought. “But I… never mind. You have your clothes, right?”
“Yes, I’m wearing my brother’s thawb and a scarf.”
“What color?”
Onim exhaled, not quite a laugh, but not a sigh either. “It’s lavender. I didn’t forget, babe.”
“Good, because everything has to be either lavender or peach-”
“-Because it will clash otherwise,” Onim hummed. “I know.”
Brontel paused, thinking for a second. “You know my parents are coming, right?”
“Yes, you warned me. Still can’t fathom why, they hate you marrying me almost as much as they hate everything else you do.”
Brontel waved his hand. “I have to, they’re my family. We’re inviting my cousin Shrub, after all.”
“Do you not like Shrub?”
“I have no problems with her, other than the fact that she hates me for no reason.”
Onim rolled his eyes, an almost-smile tugging at his lips. “She doesn’t hate you.”
“She does, I can tell. It’s because she’s a hill dwarf.”
Onim scoffed, turning away. “Brontel, don’t start this again.”
“No, she thinks she’s better than me because I’ve never been out of this stupid cave, and she has.”
“It’s not that nice out there.”
Brontel stayed quiet.
This was something they’d talked about before. Brontel wanted to move, go live somewhere nice, go see the world. He wanted to adventure, wanted to explore. Onim wanted to stay where they were, wanted to live in this stupid hole with these stupid tourists coming through and rubbing it in their faces that they’d never fought a dragon or seen a lich. Onim had seen the nearby cities as an adolescent, he’d wandered the countryside, he’d insisted it was nothing to be longing for, but Brontel didn’t buy it.
But wherever Onim was happy, Brontel was happy. Side by side and all that.
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