#this looks kinda funky but it's roger so who cares
lord of the bands roger
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i fucking love band aus guys did anyone know i love band aus because i do i love band aus so much
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camswish · 2 years
Marauder’s pt. 3
Uuuu my sunshine boy. There’s something so endearing and lovable about James that makes me feel like I actually know him. He feels so intimate. So close home.
First, off want to say that James Potter was a poc, no questions asked, please. So there’s no better way to start this playlist than with Play that Funky Music. Like, c’mon, you cannot tell me this doesn’t encapsulate the cheesy, mischievous, energetic, and cocky personality that James is. 
We have a lot of energetic music in here because James was an ADHD kid and you cannot convince me otherwise. He was the kid that was always bouncing his legs in class and using his wand as drumsticks (thank Remus for that for showing him a video of Roger Taylor) 
Out of all the Marauders, James was the one that was born knowing how to love. I believe that is why he left this earth so quickly because what for others takes years and years to learn, James was born with it, and he made it look so effortlessly easy; there was no other person as committed as James. The second he knew someone needed help, there was James, with a cuppa. Someone feeling down on exam season, there he was with a chocolate frog and a gentle smile. 
Some people may have thought James was a lunatic, that it was just a show. Because there was no way in hell that someone could be that gentle and kind to others. And that is true, and see here is the thing. Where James was noble, loyal, gentle and kind to others, he often forgot that he was “other” too. He was kind and patient with everyone, except for him. James, gave so much love and left little room for himself. He could build an entire shelter for other people, a home, a comfort zone but when he needed warm, when he needed comfort, he rejected himself he was left in the cold of his own indifference. Prongs is a people-first kinda person. 
Even until his last minutes on earth, he made a selfless decision to sacrifice himself. He didn’t even hesitate, didn’t even stop to think about what he wanted, about his own fears. My sunshine boy was so careless with his own life if it meant saving others. 
And, I’m already crying writing this, omg. We get to the Archer by Taylor Swift and to be honest, it just goes downhill from there, like it’s sad and sadder by the minute, and we get to Who wants to live forever” by Queen, and this lyric just ended me. 
“But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips 
And we can have forever 
And we can love forever 
Forever is our today 
Who wants to live forever”
And My death by David Bowie 
“As surely as our love is right 
Let’s not think about the passing time 
But whatever lies behind that door 
There is nothing much to do 
Angel or devil I don't care 
for in front of that door there is you 
My death waits like a beggar blind”
And finally, because I’m mentally ill, and I like to make myself cry, we end with a cover of Life on Mars? by none other than Aurora. 
And that is it, I will not comment on anything else. I’m already crying and sobbing, and throwing up. 
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.34--Episodes 4-5
I have watched through S4E5; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—How can anybody keep a straight face about that funky lil hat? If Rumple ever actually wears it I will no longer be able to take him seriously.
—The Sorcerer’s Apprentice got turned into a mouse I CANT EVEN
—Are we never actually going to see the Sorcerer? If he could create a hat this powerful, he must be something else.
—I love that Rumple enchanted a broom to do the thing! Sorcerer’s Apprentice is hands-down one of my favorite Disney cartoons, so any reference to its iconic bits delight me.
—How can nobody see the Snow Queen’s castle? It’s an ice palace! IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST! And a thing like that has got to generate some kind of supercool temperatures around it, so it should be pretty obvious when anybody gets close to it.
—The Snow Queen’s weird obsession with mirrors is an interesting nod back to the original Snow Queen story. Which, in itself, has some pretty solid themes.
—That backstory stuff with Emma and her buddy Lilith is fruity as heck.
—So the Snow Queen was Emma’s foster mom? Oh, the intrigue! The question still remains: did she know who Emma was at the time? It seems almost impossible for it to be that big of a coincidence.
—I enjoy a bit of leg as much as the next person, but Elsa needs some new clothes. Her dress simply isn’t practical in Storybrooke. But she could keep the sparkly purple cape, I wouldn’t mind.
—On the other hand, it kinda makes me sad that Hook is out of his pirate clothes. Those are mostly practical, and they’re quite dashing.
—I can’t believe Will Scarlett is actually of some narrative significance. I’ve watched the Disney Robin Hood where they’re all animals, and I’m not sure he was even in that one; I’ve also watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, in which he happens to be one of the main draws for me. His part in the story seems to be largely variable. The Wonderland stuff has some potential; the drawing he tore out of the book was, I think, of the Red Queen? Which might have cool implications if he’s actually from Wonderland, given his last name.
—If Hook ever risks his relationship with Emma to take Rumple down, I’m gonna mad. Mostly because I am now ride-or-die for CaptainSwan, but also because if Rumple’s marriage falls apart I will cry.
—Emma’s date-night dress was gorgeous. I love Elsa being confused about how little of it there was, compared to Arendellian fashion—but then again, has she looked in a mirror lately?
—Snow and Charming mother-henning about Emma’s date with Hook was adorable. I love when the Charmings get to have normal domestic moments like that.
—We’ve seen how much Hook cares for Emma—he traded the Jolly Roger to help her, for Pete’s sake! (Which is peak romance if you happen to be dating a pirate captain.) Having Emma show him some of her childhood keepsakes was a good way to balance out their relationship and show that she trusts him and cares for him too.
—It’s not such a big deal that Will escaped and got pardoned, considering he was in jail for a pretty minor offense and was apparently being kept there for longer than he should have been.
—I kinda wish the other Snow Queen had a hair color other than blonde. It’s a classic, but it might’ve been more interesting to give her dark or ginger hair. Heck, maybe even just straight white would’ve been cool. Or pale blue. Or light purple. Her dress is pretty, though.
—Regina and Emma being grudging frenemies is amusing. I love how salty they are around each other.
—I’m not sure how I feel about the turn Henry’s taken. Snooping around Rumple’s store is one thing; using the ‘connection to Baelfire’ card to manipulate his way into a job there is another. He’s definitely Regina’s kid.
—Elsa’s story kills me, especially in Frozen 2 (I cry at Show Yourself every frickin time) but this version hits a bit harder. Her parents actively searched for something to change her so she would be “normal.” It’s kinda the next logical step for them, seeing as they were pretty crappy parents in Frozen to begin with, but it’s so much worse. Good golly.
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spookybreadstick · 4 years
Hey!!!! I was wondering if you could write a scenario for Toby confessing to his s/o 😳👉👈 - dancing parrot 🐦🎶🐦🎶
Okay so I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted to go with this, I had so many ideas it was hard to choose so I kind of meshed two of my favorite ideas into one lol. I hope it’s okay, it’s my longest (I’m pretty sure anyway) little scenario yet and I’m nervous/excited to post it. I personally think it’s kinda cute but uh let me know guys 😅 I also had it be Toby confessing that he has a crush on the reader, and for the purposes of this scenario the reader is female (I tried, but it’s harder than I thought to write gender neutral scenarios) 
NOTE: I am trying out different ways to incorporate Toby’s tics into the writing, because I think it is an important part of his character and I want to honor that while having it be respectful and also easier to read. I put his tics in * * so that it is easier to see when he’s having a verbal tic because otherwise it can look a lil funky. Let me know if this was an okay way to go about it, I’m still learning! 
🪓 Toby Confesses To His (Female) S/O  🪓
"Dude, stop star-staring. You're making it weird." Toby whispered to BEN, who was currently staring intently at you from a distance.
"How do you think I'm gonna help you if I don't know what I'm doing?" BEN barely glanced at Toby, who was fidgeting nervously beside him.
After a couple of seconds, BEN turned to Toby. "I don't know, dude. I need to see you guys in action."
"What does that mean?" Toby asked.
"Just go over and talk. Act natural. I need to see the vibe between you two." BEN said, nudging Toby towards you despite his whispers of protest.
Seeing Toby walk slowly towards you, you turned and greeted him. "Hey, Toby. What are you doing?"
"Uh, nothing. Just, uh, j-just walking..? He trailed off uncertainly.
You didn't seem to mind his awkward behavior, and continued to chat with him for another minute or two. Well, it was more like you were chatting at him rather than with him. Toby was just standing there uncomfortably, as he tried to will all of his tics away for a few minutes. It's hard when he's nervous and trying to make himself look good in front of you. Suddenly, you were being pulled away by one of the other pastas who wanted your opinion on something. Toby watched you leave the room, waving goodbye as you went.
"Dude. That was literally the worst thing I've ever seen." BEN appeared beside Toby, laughing.
"Knock *knock who's there?* knock it off." Toby gave him a slight shove.
"I can't help you if you're gonna be a dweeb about it." BEN shrugged.
"I'm not being a dweeb!" Toby cried indignantly.
"Okay, sure." BEN rolled his eyes.
"So?" Toby asked eagerly.
"So, what?"
"So, does she like me too?"
"I mean, she must like you at least a little. You were standing there like a goober, and she didn't care."
"I'm sorry, but that was some classic comedy material right there. I could have made, like, a dozen jokes about the whole thing. All I'm saying is, she didn't take a golden opportunity to make fun of you, so maybe you do stand a chance after all."
"Okay, well, are you gonna help me *hide the body* help me win her over or what?" Toby crossed his arms.
"Nah. It's too much fun to watch you make a fool out of yourself." BEN grinned.
"Dude, seriously?"
"Look, I may be a man of talent, but I can't pass my flirt skills on to you. They'd just go to waste, man."
"Thanks a lot." Toby huffed.
"The best advice I can give you is to just relax, man. Just chill out, and don't act like you have rigor mortis. The whole time she was talking to you, you were rooted to the spot and your limbs were all tight. Don't do that. Just be loose and let it happen, you know?"
"Do you think I should tell her how I feel?" Toby asked timidly, shifting his weight from side to side. He really did like you. And he didn't always get so nervous around you, he reasoned to himself. He was better in groups, at least, when some of the attention was off of him.
"I don't know." BEN shrugged.
"You're talking about Y/N, right?" Hoodie asked, stepping into the room.
"Jesus, man, you scared the shit out of me!" BEN yelped.
"Sorry. Toby, do you have a crush on Y/N?"
"No! Why would you think *clink clink clink* that?"  
"You're pretty obvious about your feelings, Toby."
"D-do you think she knows?" Toby asked, dread crawling through his body. "I mean, it doesn't m-matter, it's not like I like her or anything, I just want to know." He added quickly, trying to cover his tracks.
"No, I don't think so." Hoodie replied, after a moment of thought.
"Why do you care?" BEN asked Hoodie, peering at him suspiciously.
Hoodie shrugged. "I don't care too much. Just figured Toby would want to know if she was dating somebody else. I mean, if he did like her." Hoodie cocked his head to the side, looking at Toby through his mask.
"W-what do you mean? She's dating somebody?" Toby's hand began to involuntarily rub at his neck.
"Not yet anyway. But I did hear that Jeff might ask her out." Hoodie said casually.
"Jeff? Tha-" BEN's words were quickly cut off by Hoodie smacking him in the side. Toby's mind was too preoccupied with visions of you and Jeff together, that he didn't notice.
"S-shit. Do... do you think she'd say y-yes?" Toby asked apprehensively.
"I don't know. But if you did have feelings for Y/N, which you say you don't, but if you did then you should probably tell her how you feel before Jeff does. Just in case." Hoodie said pointedly.
Toby nodded his head several times before yelling about how he had to do something (something totally unrelated) and then dashing out of the room.
Toby ran down the lengths of the corridors, desperate to find you before Jeff could. His heart pinched to think of what would happen if you did decide to go out with Jeff. He couldn't bear it.
Toby was so lost in his thoughts that he narrowly missed running directly into Sally, who was wandering the halls as well.
"Sorry, Sally, I gotta go." Toby puffed, out of breath.
"Toby! You gotta come play with me!" Sally looked at him with eyes full of childish begging.
"Not now, Sal." Toby bounced impatiently, waiting for her to move.
"Toby Rogers, you come play with me right now!" Sally crossed her arms. "Or I'll tell Slendy that you were being mean to me."
Toby looked down at her in shock. "You wouldn't."
Sally stuck her tongue out playfully. Toby sighed, then ran his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Fine! *Fine wine, very fine wine* I-I'll go play with you. But it has to be quick, I'm really *busy bee* busy!" Toby pleaded.
"Okey-dokey!" Sally exclaimed happily, grabbing Toby's hand and pulling him along to her playroom.
When Toby entered Sally's playroom, he was expecting to find the table set for tea, with various stuffed animals positioned into chairs and dressed in different colored tutus. That wasn't a surprise. What was an unexpected surprise, however, was finding you sitting in one of Sally's pink plastic chairs. Toby skidded to a stop, like a deer in headlights, taking in the sight of you perched in the tiny chair with a princess tiara on your head.
"Hi, Toby." You waved slightly. "Like the tiara?"
"Uh, yeah. It, um, it looks-it looks great." Toby stuttered out.
"We're going to play Princess Tea Time." Sally announced loudly, putting on a tiara of her own. 
"Y/N and I are going to be princesses, of course." Sally gestured to the matching tiaras.
"Tickles and Marmalade will be the Ladies-in-Waiting." Sally pointed to a pink bear and a blue triceratops. "Larry is going to be a knight, and my very romantic fiance." She gestured to a manatee.
"And Toby is going to be the prince from another kingdom that comes to tea!" Sally beamed.
Toby plastered a big fake smile on his face before Sally's game of play-pretend began.
The three of you had been playing for a good twenty minutes, and Toby had been having a good time in spite of the circumstances. He had been enjoying himself enough to have forgotten about the whole Jeff thing entirely. Sally was serving real cookies, and there was fruit punch in the pink teapot. Sally is an excellent little actress, and she had adopted an over-the-top British accent to go with her whole "diva princess madly in love with the lowly knight" vibe that she had going. Toby found himself relaxing as time went on, and he found his ability to actually converse like a normal person. He had even made a few jokes that you'd laughed at.
However, Sally decided it was high time to raise the stakes of her little game.
"Prince Toby, what just fell out of your pocket?" Sally asked, pointing to a spot of nothing on the floor. She leaned over to pick up nothing off the floor, then pretended to 'read' whatever it was. She gasped dramatically, hands over her heart.
"Prince Toby! This letter states your love for Princess Y/N!" Sally exclaimed. "And just when were you going to confess to my dear sister?"
"I-I-um, I-" Toby stuttered, unable to think of how to play along. This was becoming too close for comfort.
"It's true?!" Sally gasped dramatically once more, ignoring Toby's failed acting attempt. "Good heavens! Sister, what do you think?"
"I... I don't know, dear sister. What ever should I do?" You asked Sally, half-playing along.
"Well, we have to determine if Prince Toby's love for you is true." Sally turned to Toby excitedly. He stared at her blankly in return. 
"Well? Go on, tell her how you feel." Sally urged.
Toby looked at you and suddenly words starting coming out of his mouth that seemed to stumble right from his heart. "I don't know how to act when I'm around you, because you make me so nervous. You're the most amazing person I've ever met in my life. You're like... like a goddess to me. You're so beautiful, and kind, and you're always so nice to me of all people, and I really wanted to tell you this before, especially since there's other guys that want your heart, but I was scared of what you'd say..." Toby trailed off, heart racing. "I, uh, that's how the prince, I mean me, that's how I feel about you. Princess Y/N." Toby tripped over his words, trying to act like it was all part of the game.
"Now that was romantic." Sally sighed happily.
The game ended shortly after that, due to Slender calling Sally downstairs so she could watch some cartoons that she liked, which was a good thing since Toby could hardly bring himself to look you in the eyes. He worried that you had read between the lines and realized that his words were actually true. Sally had just skipped out of the room when Toby stood and faced you. You stood as well, plucking your tiara from your head and fiddling with it.
"That was a pretty intense game." You half-laughed after several beats of awkward silence.
"Y-yeah, it was." Toby looked at the ground.
"Sally's got quite the imagination."
"Yeah. *Yeah, yeah*"
"You do too."
"I mean, coming up with that whole thing about how the prince feels about the princess? That was pretty creative."
"Oh, yeah... about that..." Toby trailed off. "S-sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything."
"No, no, it's fine. You were just playing the part." You smiled to try to put his obvious nerves at ease.
"But-but I wasn't." Toby looked you in the eyes.
"You weren't?"
"No, I..." Toby drew in a deep breath. "I really like you."
"In what way?" You asked, half in a whisper.
"That-that way. The-the lovey kind of way?" Toby half-whispered back, unsure of your reaction.  
"Really?" Your eyes brightened with hope.
"I like you so much and I really want to be your-your....your prince." Toby looked down at his hands, before glancing back at you. "If-if you want me to. I get it if you d-don't like me..."
"No!" You cut him off. "I like you, too."
"In that same way?" Toby glanced at you hopefully.
"Yes. In that same lovey kind of way." You repeated his words with a smile on your face.
Toby's entire face lit up with joy as he pulled you in close for a hug and maybe a kiss.
"Guess things worked out for old Toby after all." BEN mentioned to Hoodie after the two of you announced to the mansion later that day that you were together.
"I guess they did." Hoodie commented. 
"What about the whole Jeff thing, though? He never mentioned anything to me, and I'm his best friend, and then you practically body-slammed me earlier when I was talking about it." BEN turned to face Hoodie.
"Oh, I made that all up." Hoodie said casually taking a sip of the drink he was holding.
"What? Dude, why?" BEN shook his head in confusion.
"Because," Hoodie began as he looked across the room at the happy new couple, "he would never have told her otherwise if I didn't give him just a little push."  
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darlingnisi · 6 years
Some new ones!
CASSANDRA O’NEAL (Keyboardist, 2009-2016)
We were doing a residency at Madison Square Garden in 2011 and we had an aftershow and the late, great Sharon Jones, who opened some of the shows, was playing. We’re watching them and they’re killing it, she’s so dope, Prince is sitting next to me, it’s a party, it’s the cap on a perfect day. Prince had on these leggings and he says (low voice) “You like my pants?” “Yes, they’re gorgeous.” We go back to listening — you didn’t really strike up conversations with him, you just let him lead. Then he says “They’re killing, aren’t they? ” “Oh yes.” “I should give her some money. Do you have any money?” because he didn’t carry cash. I had a $50 bill so I gave it to him and he says “I’ll be right back, save my seat.” So he melts into the crowd, comes back and says “I gave your $50 to Questlove.” “You did? Oh, okay.” So later I run into Quest and we made some smalltalk and I said, “By the way, did Prince give you a $50 bill?” He says [surprised], “Yeah, he did.” And I kinda jokingly said, “He was supposed to do something else with it, can I have it back?” And he said “No, because every time he sees me he always gives me a piece of money and I hang it up on my wall. So this 50 will make $163.25” or some very specific number like that — he really knew how much Prince had given him. He was very nice about it, then he says, “I can’t give you back that 50, but here, you can have this instead,” and gave me a $100 bill!
REBEKAH ALPERIN (Universal Music Publishing/independent consultant, 2002-2004) One time he was playing a stadium in Hong Kong for maybe 15-20,000 people. He ran backstage while the band kept playing, said “Hello Rebekah,” in that deep voice, walked over to this full-length mirror, looked himself up and down and did that funky thing with his head just like in that [2005 Fred Armisen “Saturday Night Live”] “Prince Show” skit and puckered up his lips — like, “I’m Prince!” — and ran back onstage. I fell over laughing when I saw that skit, they had it so perfect.
REBEKAH ALPERIN We were backstage at rehearsal the day before he played the [2004] Grammys with Beyonce, and there were so many acts rehearsing that they had to share space. He suddenly came out of his dressing room and he looked straight at me and said in that low voice, “I’m sharing… a bathroom… with Justin Timberlake.” Nothing against Justin, of course, I just don’t think Prince was expecting to be sharing a bathroom.
SUSAN ROGERS (Engineer, 1983-1987) This is an aside, but at the very last show the crew wanted to play a prank on Prince and lower the penguin down onto the back of the stage when he was taking his long guitar solo during “Purple Rain” and he would be focused on playing and never know. So one of the riggers up in the rafters had a rope around the penguin and was starting to lower it. But you had to be really careful if you were trying to play a practical joke on Prince, because all of a sudden, for some reason, during the solo he started to turn around — I had a headset on, and the guy in the headset is yelling “Abort! Abort! Abort!” and they’re yanking it up into the rafters. I don’t know if Prince ever saw it but he must have noticed something black and white and purple flying upward at the back of the drum riser.
Anyway, by the end of the tour, the photo gallery [of taking Polaroids of people who had fallen asleep and the sleep penguin]  was complete except for two people: Prince and me. No one had caught either of us sleeping on the job. We were at Sunset Sound in L.A. finishing an album, it was either [Prince and the Revolution’s] “Around the World in a Day” or Sheila E.’s [“Romance 1600”] album, and Prince had invited some people down to hear it. There weren’t enough chairs, so I sat on the floor. Now, I had been up all night, they’d dimmed the lights and lit the candles, and I’m sitting there and I’ve got my eyes closed, just happy we’ve got the record done, and I hear “Click! Bzzz…” It was Prince and he’d put the penguin on me! I was like “No! No! I wasn’t sleeping! This is fraud!” So I was determined that I was gonna get him.
Sure enough, a little later he’s in the chair, exhausted, listening to music with his eyes closed, and I saw my opportunity. So I came from the back and I’m slowly, slowly pushing that penguin across the floor, and I get it just to the back of his chair and I’m raising my hands to take the picture — and I hear his voice go, “Who do you think you’re gonna get with that?” [Laughter] Nobody got him.
MARC ANTHONY I tried to play a trick on him once. It was the first time he came over to the house, and I wanted to see how tall he really was. My plan was to tell him we have a no-shoes policy in the house so he was gonna have to take off his heels. So I meet him at the car, “Hey it’s great to see you, welcome, but I have to tell you, we don’t allow shoes in the house.” And he said, in that beautiful satiny voice, [drops voice to seductive purr], “Then we’ll talk outside.” [Laughing] He did not go for that. I tried, man!
RAPHAEL SAADIQ We were at the Oakland Coliseum in 1986 with Sheila E., opening up for Lionel Richie [Prince was there for a surprise guest appearance]. I’m from Oakland and I used to sit outside the Coliseum and say “One day I’m gonna play there” — my whole family was in the audience, I was 20 years old, this was my night. Prince had this prayer that he did sometimes before shows, so we say the prayer, the lights go down, everybody goes onstage, but I run back to the dressing room. You remember that line in the “Purple Rain” movie where Prince is holding a puppet saying “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the funkiest of them all?” I run to the mirror and I say it — “Who’s the funkiest of them all?” — and then I hear this voice go, “Is THAT right?” And Prince was sitting in the chair, looking at me! I swear, he appeared like a ghost, he wasn’t in the room when I got there. I screamed — “AAAAAH!” — and ran to the stage. It was the scariest shit ever, bro — that was weird.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
During his time on the run, Bucky accidentally got caught up in a crisis where the Avengers got called in and was rescued by Iron Man, who thought he was just a random (albeit cute) civilian. Bucky doesn't have the heart to tell him he wasn't really in danger, being a super soldier and all. Besides, it felt nice to be rescued and cared for (especially when his rescuer was admittedly kind of hot). Later when he joins the team he constantly refers to Tony as his hero just to make him blush.
My Hero
“Sorry, dear, noplums. They’re a bit out of season,” the elder lady says, clearly too polite toimmediately tell me I’m stupid.
Not only are plumsout of season, but only an idiot or brainwashed, former HYDRA assassin from the40’s could ask for plums on an early spring farmer’s market. In Canada.
Ontario goddamn Canada!
Why did I move hereagain? Oh…because HYDRA was hot on my tail in Czechia, Steve and his pal almostgot me in Peru and I’m not even going to comment on what happened in Malaysia.So I thought Canada would be a perfect hideout for a moment. Too cold and tooclose to the US for my liking – something HYDRA would think as well. No HYDRAspotted for a month proves my theory correct.
No HYDRA but alsono plums. What a terrible trade-off.
“I have somesplendid, delicious apples though!”
“Thank you, I’llhave a pound or two,” I cave in underneath her bargaining skills and end upwith a bag full of admittedly nice, golden apples. They’ll have to do. I’mmoving back to Europe after I overstay my welcome here, that’s for sure.
“Is that a bird?”the elder asks, frowning at the sky.
I glance around myshoulder to see what she’s looking at and thatis not a bird! I grab my apples and the granny and jump out of the way of whatlooks like some kinda falling space debris.
Are the Russiansdecommissioning more space stuff?
Seconds later, thegranny’s stall is blasted off by the impact, the fruits and veggies flyingeverywhere.
I half-carry her tothe nearest store, kick open the door and push her in there. “Go inside!”
The square issuddenly in complete chaos, everyone’s running around, screaming, tripping overeach other. It’s just a falling debris people, calm the fu –
Why is the debrismoving?!
“Ow! You did thaton purpose didn’t you, J?! Nah uh! Don’t even, you little…just wait till I getback!” the not-debris rants, limbs struggling to untangle from the crash-landedmess.
(read-more ahead!)
Sound of very distinct,clear buzz of engines roars through the air and in a speedy landing maneuver, acompact flying craft I recognize only too well touches the ground at thefarthest side of the large square.
Great. Whenever Idodge HYDRA I end up with the Avengers. Can’t a guy get a month just tohimself?! Hell, a week at least!
“Watch out!”
I was beingmetaphorical about the whole dodging business, but leave it to that flyingpiece of junk that destroyed poor granny’s stall to smash into me full force, sendingus flying sideways.
Red, gold, flyingand metal – I don’t need the Winter Soldier’s restless presence at the back ofmy mind to tell me who just almost knocked the lights outta me.
Tony Stark. The Iron Man. Threat level: High. Captureor kill.
HYDRA’s little memoneeds to be updated. Threat level high?! Romanov is a high level threat, CaptainAmerica is a high level threat…Iron Man is a damn menace, ultra hazard to one’slife and market stalls!
The dust clearsafter our unceremonious landing and I’m left staring into wild hazel eyes of mywould-be savior. Okay, so maybe he did save me, seeing that the spot on thepavement I’ve been standing on two seconds ago is now a big smoking hole in thepavement. But that doesn’t change the fact that his one thousand pounds worthof metal is now squishing me to death…if I was just a random pedestrian and nota supersoldier, I’d be flat as a pancake by now.
Those expressiveeyes widen slightly and is that a blush right there?! “Sorry!” he blurts out,rolling off to finally let me breathe. “You okay?” he kneels next to me, metalfingers resting against my chest in a subtle gesture to keep me laying down.
I almost wanna rollmy eyes and tell him I’m the Winter goddamn Soldier, I most definitely didn’tneed saving and he doesn’t have to worry about me in the least!
Thing is, I am notthe Winter Soldier. I am Bucky Barnes and Bucky Barnes likes what he’s seeingright now very, very much. Talkin’ in third person too…great. HYDRA’s memoreally is useless; it completely forgot to mention how handsome Tony Stark is.Especially up close. Should have been listed in the threat level, to be honest.Damn HYDRA…
Stark frowns andsnaps his fingers in front of me. “Hey gorgeous, you still with me or what? Areyou hurt? Can you get up? D’you need a hand?”
“If it’s your handin marriage then yes, I need one,” I say before my brain can register thewords.
A startled chuckleescapes his lips – stop thinkin’ abouthis lips, Bucky! – and the blush intensifies. “You hit your head there,didn’t ya? Anyway, I gotta go. Have a date with funky alien projectile bugs.”
“I’ll fight themfor you.”
“Why thank you, buthow about I do the fighting and you do the staying low and safe, hm?” hesuggests, getting up.
“My hero,” I smirkup at him, starting to enjoy his flustered reaction.
“Stop flirting withcivilians and start blasting these things off!” some bow and arrow weirdoshouts from the top of a nearby statue causing Stark to roll his eyes.
“On it, Katniss!JARVIS! Where’s my helmet!” he yells and with a wink he disappears back intothe fray.
I jump back to myfeet and scatter out of the square that has now become a battlefield. Not thatI’d be threatened by…real funky alien projectile bugs. I could easily introducethem to my metal fist, but that would without a doubt not go unnoticed by theAvengers. I couldn’t dodge Iron Man but I’d rather not come face to face withany more Avengers, especially those that could recognize me.
I watch the fightfrom a safe distance, gaze lingering more and more on the red and gold flyingsuit of armor. A strange…fluffy feeling settles in my stomach, making theWinter Soldier all uncomfortable and growly and I honestly couldn’t care less. Fora fleeting moment there, I finally felt like Bucky Barnes. Not something inbetween or forgotten, incomplete.
One hundred percentBucky.
That’s part of whatI’ve been looking for these past few months on the run. Myself. Of course fatehas a sense of humor and would throw exactly that right in my face…or rather itthrew Tony Stark in my face and the rest just suddenly clicked into place.
Time to go back toEurope. And then…who knows.
Son of a bitch. Sonof a…okay, it’s probably my fault that I haven’t studied the Winter Soldier filesthoroughly enough and so wouldn’t be able to recognize Bucky Barnes even if Icrashed right into him.
Because that’sexactly what happened! I crashed right into him and did not recognize him.Smashed riiiiiiight into the Winter Soldier, thinking I was saving him. Me. Savingthe Winter Soldier. From some nasty alien critters he could probably squishwith his pinky.
Nope, it was worsethan that. I thought I just saved a random…cute…civilian. Cute!
I thought the WinterSoldier was cute! Steve’s bestgoddamn friend Bucky Barnes!
Who turned up atthe Tower a couple of days ago, after almost a year on the run. And few monthsafter our little impromptu meet & greet in Canada. The hell was he doing inCanada?!
Not that itmatters. What matters is the fact that the former HYDRA assassin, who strikesfear even in Natasha ninja Romanov when it comes to it, waltzed into the Towerafter being cleared by SHIELD, his trusty best pal Steve right next to him and oncehe greeted all the other Avengers and turned to me, that little bastard grinnedlike a madman and said:
“Oh hey, it’s myhero from Ontario! Hi there.”
He even made itrhyme…I was done! So done, I was…blushinglike an idiot. Tony Stark, blushing like an idiot in front of everyone. And theman who caused it seemed to be enjoying every second of it.
Damn him!
If only it were justthat one time but oh nooooo. Ever since then, he obviously made it his personalmission to throw that Canadian incident at me every chance he got.
“Ah! Thanks for brewing the coffee, it’s amazing! Stilla hero, even this early in the morning.”
“That’s it? The joint’s been drivin’ me nuts for daysand you just smack it with a screwdriver a couple times and it’s as good asnew? You’re my hero.”
“I’m just saying, for the record, JARVIS is a godsend!I’d be so lost without him. Guess the kudos goes to the superhero that createdhim. Super in every way and a hero through and through.”
Every. Chance. He.Got.
And he got me blushinglike a crazy teenager every time.
My hero.
He keeps calling methat like I am some kinda savior of his sent from the God above! From what Iremember, one of those damn bugs slammed into me mid-air and I plummeted downlike a comet…that’s hardly a divine intervention.
And I doubt he evenneeded saving! I watched him train with Rogers yesterday, he does not need saving, alright?
So here I am,sipping on my morning coffee, wondering how this is my life now. Can’t even goone day without him…without him…flirtingwith me? Is that what he’s doing? Why would he be doing that? With me? He’s the one that can make Thor andhis biceps run for his money. And me? I’m…not thirty anymore. Barely funny,barely…desirable. He’s probably just making fun of me and here I am, the foolwho’d think he’s actually interested in -
“Can ya open thefridge for me?”
“Hm,” I hum,automatically opening the fridge doors without looking at the newcomer.
Yeah. He’s makingfun of me, that must be it. I know Steve never really got over his dislike forme but at least he’s not being cruel about it. Bucky’s fucking savage about it!
“Thanks…my hero,”the person currently stuffing the fridge with vegetables whispers and I almostspit the coffee right there and then.
“Oh for fuck’ssake, you two! Get a room already or somethin’,” Clint complains, shoving twomore bags into Bucky’s arms to unload into the fridge.
“Since when isanyone around here going grocery shopping? That’s what deliveries are for!” Istare at the bags, not meeting their eyes because of course I’m blushing again!
“Shopping’s relaxin’,I love it! The local market’s the best. They’ve got plums,” he adds with asmall smile.
“Of course they’vegot plums, what do you mean? They’ve got everything! Welcome to the 21stcentury, Brooklyn boy.”
“Lovin’ the 21stcentury. So many…wonders around here these days.”
“Oooookay, that’sit!” I push the fridge close, making the supersoldier jump away. “You, out!” Iwave at Clint, who lingers curiously on the spot. “Out, now, Birdbrain!”
“Fine! Jeez, I’mgoing,” he mumbles and vanishes out of the kitchen.
“And you!” I pointmy finger at the startled man. “Are you done making fun of me?”
His upward quirk oflips fades at that. “What? Wait, I’m…how am I making fun of you?”
“You serious?!What, with all the ‘Oh Tony, you’re my hero! My savior!’ stuff?! How am Isupposed to understand that other than you making fun of me, hm?”
He widens his eyes,putting the bags down on the floor. “You think that I’m making fun of you…wheneverI call you that?” he asks and actually looks horrified, which in turn makes me horrified.
Oh oh. Did I screwup again? My brain to mouth filter, I swear to God…
“Yeah…? Yes. Aren’tyou? Because then I’m at a loss as to why would you call…uh…,” I stutter, eyinghim suspiciously as he walks closer, that small smile returning. “Me…uh…call methat. Why would you call me that,” I clear my throat.
“Why would I?” hechuckles. “Here I thought I was being so obvious and cheesy and…old-fashioned.Steve actually said I was being – and I quote – fucking stupid. Yes, he saidthat.”
“Obvious…stupid…what?”I blink in confusion.
“Obviously,stupidly in love,” he shrugs and looks away. “You look so cute and…oblivious wheneverI bring up Canada and…the whole ‘my hero’ thing. The blush looks good on ya soI figured I wouldn’t stop, just so that I could see it over and over again.”His smile drops again and suddenly he’s the shy one in the room. “If it’sbothering you I’m just gonna - ”
I’m a genius… or soI thought, until I’ve apparently completely missed the fact that yes, BuckyBarnes was flirting with me this whole time! Some genius I am…well, there’sstill hope for me yet.
So I kiss the manmid-sentence, putting a stop to any more blasphemous words coming out of thisgorgeous mouth.
“Not bothering me.At. All,” I whisper against his lips.
“Yeah I uh…kindagot that from the…the kiss,” he whispers back. “So…do I still get to call youmy hero whenever I want to?”
“Depends…do I getto kiss you whenever I want to?”
“I sure hope youwill,” he smirks, but it lacks his usual confidence. It’s shy and oh…why hellothere.
Turns out I’m notthe only one looking cute while blushing. Gonna have to do this a lot moreoften then, too…for science.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Dream a Little Dream of Me - Ch3/4
The days after the ‘incident’ are a blur for me. Loki, Thor’s extravagant brother, decided it’s prime time for some seasonal mischief on Earth and throws an evil overlords’ party in New York for the Avengers to deal with.
Thor said Loki was adopted but damn…someone needs to find the guy some hobby. Only a demi-god bored out of his mind would bring all sorts of funky alien creatures to the middle of Manhattan for an afternoon playdate.
All. Week. Long.
Contrary to Steve’s wishes, I joined the fight the second day, after a gigantic alien bug smashed through the common floor’s windows and disrupted my relaxing round of Smash bros. Thought it was appropriate to join the Hulk and do some smashin’ of my own.
By the end of the week, I didn’t even mind Steve’s disapproving pout when he called the assemble and I just automatically went to suit up as well.
And today is no different.
“You know, I’m starting to suspect your little brother might actually hate you,” Clint says with all the subtle sarcasm he could come up with, glaring at Thor.
“He indeed appears to be in a foul mood! But we shall prevail against these…sluggy…glistening armored fish abominations just like we have prevailed in the past!” Thor booms and doesn’t fail to grab both of Clint’s shoulders in a deathly grip of brotherhood.
“Let’s try apprehending Loki this time, before he slips back into Asgard. Again,” Steve sighs from the front seat of the quinjet.
Me and Clint drop down first to take the high-ground while the quinjet touches down on the coast and the Avengers pour out to deal with the…sluggy armored fish abominations hands on.
“Alrighty, here we go. Wanna bet who gets more of those little slimy critters?”
“I refuse to be the Gimli to your Legolas,” I roll my eyes and assemble the Stark-designed sniper rifle with precision and speed that’s partly my own, partly the Soldier’s.
“A-ha! So Cap did give you his bucket list of movies you gotta catch up with! Or more like…Bucky-list, amirite?” he snickers, already sending arrows left and right.
Sometimes I wonder if this guy is seriously an adult.
(Read-more ahead!)
“Shut up and shoot. You’ll need the extra shots if you wanna beat me.”
“And here I thought you don’t wanna be the gruff dwarf to my lean, Elfish awesomeness! I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you.”
“Bullets are faster than arrows,” I point out and take aim at the first fishy beast. When I pull the trigger, the bullet goes straight through its toothy jaw, body going limp and onto the ground.
“We’ll see about that!” he takes the challenge and intensifies his shooting.
It only takes a minute for us to realize we might have a problem. Unless we hit the funky creatures in their weak, unarmored spots of skin, the arrows – and the bullets – ricochet off their armor.
Asgardians and their damn magic.
“Well, so much for this,” I discard the rifle and wire down the building to join the fray up close. Let’s see how resistant the critters are to a metal fist.
“Aw, maaaan,” I hear Clint sputter through the radio and spot him descending down here as well. He might be the master of long-range fights, but he sure doesn’t shy away from some close combat – if necessary.
And this time it is necessary.
Steve and Thor successfully smash the magic-enhanced creatures with their superior shield and hammer combo and Natasha has already switched from deadly bullets to deadly daggers. Sam is flying all around the place, usually just setting up the kills for the others and making sure the perimeter is clear and that’s it. Since Steve ordered both Bruce and Tony to take a day off, we kinda lack the raw smashing power and the devastating Iron Man repulsors.
I watch not three, but five of the armored beasts explode in what is unmistakably repulsor fire and glance up just in time to spot the flash of gold and crimson. Something about a fully weaponized flying suit of armor is just so damn cool…so who can blame me for observing it throughout the past few battles. Very closely. Purely out of curiosity and…tactical reasons. Yeah, all about tactics.
Speaking of which, there’s a disapproving Captain America about to have a fit in the comms in three, two, one…
“Iron Man! I told you to stay in the Tower for this one!”
Here we go.
“Oh. Did you? I could swear you said play in the shower…which I did and now I’ve come to play here. So rude not to invite me to a party like this, Capsicle!”
“As much as I would argue about the party bit – again – we could actually use an extra hand here, couldn’t we?” Natasha saves us from Steve’s imminent lecture for now and everyone resumes their fighting efforts.
Loki is nowhere to be found this time, which is bad news. He’s either getting bored of this himself, or he’s on the lookout for more weird aliens to send our way tomorrow.
Twenty minutes later, the coast is clear. Kinda. It’s full of dead, slimy fishy bodies that are already starting to smell worse than before.
“Alright, let’s check the perimeter, make sure we’ve got them all. Someone is going to have to deal with all these,” Steve commands and looks around the graveyard of a battlefield.
“I’ve called it in. Fury should be here with the clean-up crew any minute. He likes sushi so this should be right up his alley,” Tony chuckles and lifts off. “See ya back in the shower. I mean Tower.”
I don’t even have to turn around to know that deep sigh of utter desperation comes from our mighty leader. He orders us back to the quinjet and within minutes we are back in the Avengers Tower, safe and sound.
Safe from the aliens at least. The fury on Steve’s face as he spots the disobedient engineer at the bar with Bruce could only be rivaled by the fury on Fury’s face when he sees the mess we’ve left in there for him to clean up.
“What were you thinking?!”
“Hm? Oh, I was thinking we could skip shawarma and go for double Shirley Temple’s all around. Or a Roy Rogers for you if you fancy something alcoholic, it’s past five so we can do that without Bruce calling the AA. Here, have one,” Tony hands the drink with an over-the-top umbrella to the rapidly advancing Captain, not expecting what happens next.
To be fair, nobody really expects Steve to slap that cocktail out of Tony’s hand with enough force to cause an audible smack and all but lift him off the bar stool, hand twisted into his shirt’s collar.
“I gave you a direct order! You don’t listen to me and my lectures and that’s fine, but this was a mission, Tony! You’ve been barely keeping yourself on your feet this entire week! You’re either gonna get yourself killed on the field or worse, someone else! I don’t want to see you anywhere near a battle until you’ve rested, eaten and gotten your act together!”
“Yeah? Then how about you back the fuck off, Rogers!” he spits into Steve’s face, all traces of amusement – fake, but still amusement – gone from his features.
I remember that look all too well from one week ago, when I’ve taken one too many steps towards the already panicked man. Back then I’ve written it off as circumstantial. But apparently he’s actually got enough reasons to flinch away from imposing supersoldiers.
And I’ve seen just about enough evidence.
“I will, when you - ” Steve starts, but to his own shock doesn’t get to continue.
I have found that a metal fist pushing against one’s neck usually has that effect on people. I have also found that trying to execute said move against a friendly in the presence of one Natasha Romanov usually ended up with me dodging a rain of daggers and snapping out of whatever rage-filled Soldier episode I’d be under at the time.
But this rage is all me and judging by the lack of daggers, Natasha must be thinking the same.
Steve stumbles back, the hand he’s been holding Tony with a second ago flies to my metal one still pushing him backwards, until I decide we’re far enough.
“Bucks, let me go, I’m just - ”
“I don’t care.”
“Buck - ”
“I. Don’t. Care,” I repeat with all the intimidation I can without really snapping into the Winter Soldier right here and there.
He stares at me, the anger dissipating in an instant. For the first time since I can remember, he’s not looking at me with concern, pity or disappointment. Just surprise, confusion…and little tiny bit of fear.
It should probably alarm me, but there’s no excuse for Steve’s behavior. Giving him a little taste of his own medicine might just work.
“Go cool off. Now,” I command, releasing him from my firm, but harmless grip.
Steve hangs on the spot for a moment, his widened eyes searching my face for…I’m not sure what. He probably doesn’t find it in the end and backs away and out of the room without a word.
I don’t know what I’d do if he didn’t. Or I don’t want to really think about it.
“Wow. Did you just send the Captain to his room to think about what he’s done like the naughty little kid he is?” Clint whistles and walks up to me, hand already up, expecting a high-five. He abruptly stops few feet away though, glancing at something behind me. “Right…well, I need a shower.”
“Splendid idea! Let’s go converse about today’s battle underneath the falling sprinkle!” Thor decides and goes ahead first.
“For real,” Sam nods when he sniffs at Clint, nose scrunched up.
“You’re not exactly smelling of roses yourself,” Clint retaliates and both bird men head for the elevator, fiercely glaring at each other the whole way.
I risk turning around, fearing whatever it was that stopped even Clint in his tracks, but there’s nothing to see, really. Tony has sat back on the stool, looking down at his fidgeting fingers with that scary, closed off expression.
Bruce’s expression is anything but closed off – his rage is carefully hidden behind his eyes and to anyone else, he looks just as calm as ever. Until you realize that angered spark is next to last thing one would see before he turns all green.
He gives me a tiny smile and a nod, his left hand resting on Tony’s forearm in a simple, comforting gesture.
I return the nod and dodging Natasha’s own searching squint, I leave the room as well. I’ll make sure Steve gets his shit together and Bruce will make sure Tony’s okay. Sounds fair enough.
Just gotta ignore that painful sting that stabbed at my chest as soon as I’ve seen the two sciencebros together. Haven’t felt that one in…decades.
And it freaks me the hell out.
“Sergeant Barnes? Sergeant?”
I stir from my usual limbo to the gentle sound of JARVIS’s purposefully lowered, but urgent voice. “Wh’t?” I slur, running a hand over my eyes, clearing my vision a little bit.
Did I fall asleep? I was reading this weird book about sparkling vampires and…oh wait. Yeah. That might be the reason why I fell asleep. Natasha did mention I shouldn’t read it past midnight unless I really wanted to sleep.
“If I could possibly bother you with a…request,” JARVIS continues in the same, uncertain but adamant tone that he only ever uses when something serious is going on that he can’t do anything about. A mission…or Tony.
“S’mthin’ wrong?” I discard the large book and stretch in the chair.
“Possibly…do not be alarmed, please. It is nothing life threatening I assure you, but…your assistance would be much appreciated. By me, that is.”
So it is Tony. JARVIS always speaks in twisting riddles when his creator is concerned. Sometimes I don’t understand this dynamic they’ve got going. I suppose something in his code is preventing him from being straightforward about these matters – so he’s forced to improvise.  
“What is it, JARVIS?”
“Sir has – how do I put it. He deemed it necessary to use last resort means in order to sleep tonight.”
Well, that didn’t sound ominous at all. “Last resort? Where is he? What kinda la - ”
“He is drinking by the penthouse piano, Sergeant. Not excessively, yet, but he had only just begun.”
“Oh. I’m not sure how I can help you with that.”
“I would usually request Colonel Rhodes’s presence in such cases, but he is too far to make it here soon enough. I…would prefer if Sir was not alone.”
And that right there is why everybody likes JARVIS. Because JARVIS likes everyone. He’s proven on many occasions before he’d go through great lengths to make everybody’s life here the best experience possible. Even my own.
But let’s just say this pursuit of his intensifies a thousand fold when it comes to Tony. And I can’t argue with that at all.
“What’cha want me to do?”  
“Just keep him company.”
“I can do that,” I nod and get up, walking straight to the opening elevator. It’s a simple enough request, but... “Wouldn’t Bruce be a better choice though?”
“I believe given the current circumstances, Sir would appreciate you more than Dr. Banner,” JARVIS replies without hesitation, the raw honesty in his statement making me pause in my tracks for a second.
“Why?” I ask in a mere whisper, hand resting against the wall of the now moving elevator. Next to Colonel Rhodes, Bruce is Tony’s best friend when it comes to the Avengers. And me...I’m pretty much just a stranger.
“Because you understand,” he answers as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I let that sink in, while the elevator stops and opens on the floor I can’t say I’ve ever been on before. I often go to the roof, which is right above the penthouse, but the penthouse itself has always been taboo for me. Actually most of the Avengers.
It’s Tony’s sanctuary, much like the workshop. That makes it two places in the Tower I haven’t been in.
Or just one, now that I take a cautious step inside the spacious room. The lights are dimmed, but it isn’t hard to spot the engineer. He’s right where JARVIS said he would be – by the black concert piano next to the bar. One hand holding onto a bottle of brandy, the other ghosting over the black and white keys in some random melody.
It feels like I’m invading his privacy…technically, I am. Hopefully JARVIS was right or I might have to dodge a furiously hauled bottle of liquor.
Before I can decide how to best announce myself without startling him, his hand stills over the keyboard and the other extends toward me. It’s shaky and makes the golden liquid slosh in the bottle in wild audible waves.
“On second thoughts,” he looks at me with somewhat unfocused eyes, “why waste this expensive beauty on someone that can’t even get drunk.” The hand moves back to rest the bottle on Tony’s thigh and he squints at me. “Can you get drunk?”
Now that I think about it, I guess I can’t. If Steve can’t, then chances are it’s the same for me. I don’t remember HYDRA ever experimenting with this particular fact and the Soldier definitely didn’t go on any post-mission beers either.
“S’pose not,” I shrug, observing the surprisingly very sober man. He appears a bit hazy, but that could just be the exhaustion from however many hours he hasn’t slept for this time. “And I’m more of a beer guy anyway.”
He perks up at that, the squint disappearing. “Really? Where did you get your hands on a beer during the Great Depression?”
I chuckle and deeming it safe enough I walk slowly to the piano. “New York wasn’t all that big on prohibition you know? And by the time I could drink, prohibition was all but over anyway.”
Tony looks up in thought and nods. “Ah yeah…forgot,” he adds in a whisper and focuses back on the keys, not playing anything, just touching them curiously.
“There was this warehouse…I don’t really remember what it was called. I used to go there with a couple other fellas on the weekends to earn some money. Heavy liftin’ and stuff. Wasn’t much, but the manager always invited us for a pint after the shift. He was Irish I think...taught us all sorts of drinkin’ songs. And games.”
I smile at the memory. It’s so rare for me to recall something with enough detail to make a story out of it, but somehow all the drunken Saturdays just got back to me now.
I glance at Tony and catch him staring at me with a smile of his own.
“Drinking games? Now that’s more like it, Sergeant. And you said you wouldn’t know what to do when you can’t sleep,” he grins and puts the bottle up on the shiny surface of the piano, nudging it closer to me.
“S’not gonna work,” I poke the bottle and sigh. Can’t say I haven’t thought about it. But a drunken haze is a little too close to the dreamless abyss so yeah, I’d rather avoid that.
“How’s it workin’ for you?”
“Like magic! Can’t remember shit in the morning.”
“You don’t look very happy about it though,” I point out, leaning gently against the luxurious wooden instrument.
The grin slips away as his eyes travel down to the keys. “Isn’t exactly the best way to…how did your bestie put it? Rest and get my shit together? That. Contrary to everyone’s belief, I really would prefer the usual way.”
“Yeah…sorry about him, by the way. That was way out of line. What he did.”
“Thought he was supposed to fight the bullies, not be one of them,” he scoffs, playing a deep, dramatic accord.
Just as I imagined, he’s not really angry with Steve about what happened. He’s just quietly resigned about it.
And that’s just wrong.
I can be mad at my best friend for the both of us – and I am – but Tony should at least make it clear that leader or not, worried or not, Steve’s behavior was unacceptable. And if he wouldn’t listen, then he should explain what’s really going on underneath all the pretense of irresponsibility and recklessness.
Then again, same could be said for me. Even JARVIS suggested it. Just tell them the truth. Some things really are easier said than done.
I understand though. And only now I realize that I might be one of few that really do. We have the same kinda problem, with the added irony of wishing we could swap places.
To dream and not to dream.
I don’t really wanna deal with the others…explaining this to them, not even Steve. Especially not him. But Tony understands just as much as I do and I can’t say that I mind. Not at all. It’s…nice to know there’s someone in here that I don’t have to hide under a mask from. Someone that goes out of his way to make things easier for me – and I will sure as hell do the same.
“You’re right. I told him as much so…he tries somethin’ like this again, I’ll deck him in the face hard enough he flies all the way back to Brooklyn.”
He looks at me, eyes wide and mouth forming an astonished ‘o’. “Sergeant Barnes! That’s your best friend you’re talking about!” he maintains the scolding expression for a second before breaking into a laugh. “I’d pay to see that actually,” he adds in a whisper.
“You won’t have to, if he ever decides to be an asshole again.”
He yawns, eyeing the bottle still discarded on the piano.
“You play?” I opt to change the subject – and divert his attention away from the brandy again.
He shakes his head, glaring at the keyboard. “I guess. Mom used to…she was good at it, too. She thought me how to play, but hey. Playing the piano isn’t really the trademark Stark forte. Didn’t get to practice much…so now I’m just abusing this poor thing with my lack of skill whenever I feel like waking up the neighbors with broken as fuck Chopin.”
“Can’t be the judge of that. Never heard your broken as fuck Chopin,” I shrug and consider it a win when Tony laughs in response and waves at the nearby chair, the bottle all but forgotten.
“Grab a front row seat then, Sarge!” he offers.
I walk over to the chair and take it, but before moving it closer to the piano and sitting down, something needs to be done with this. “You can just call me Bucky, you know?”
“I will if you will,” he turns around a little to look at me, hands folded.
“You want me to call you Bucky?”
“Don’t be cute,” he conjures up an angry pout. “Besides…Bucky’s like a name for a dog. What the hell were you thinking?!”
“I was thinking five of my schoolmates were James’ so…Buchanan…Barnes...they thought Bucky was clever.”
“For a dog,” he repeats but has troubles keeping a smile from cracking his façade.
“Call me James then!” I flail and roll my eyes, trying not to indulge him too much.
“I already have a James friend,” he points out and looks thoughtful.
“You never call him James though.”
“Because it’s lame,” he mumbles and something sparkles in his hazy eyes, clearing them instantly. “For him I mean…James…sounds so old-fashioned. Might just be perfect for you,” he smirks and shuffles with the chair to a side a bit to make space for me.
“Dunno if I should be offended or not.”
“Definitely not. You will however be offended by this,” he points at the keyboard and starts playing something classical.
I suppose it’s the Chopin, but I’d never be able to tell anyway. It’s quick and melodic and…nice. So I just put the chair next to him, watching, listening.
By morning we’d moved to the couch to continue the random banter and eventually fall asleep.
And the dreamless slumber came again, only this time it didn’t feel all wrong, for whatever reason.
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