#this looks so good woaw
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sekai au 👊😔
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jils-things · 7 months
Hi Jil 🥰
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IAKIKGM IM SO FUCKIGN AWKAE I JUST WOKE UP INJEUTOWOERUOU.............................................................
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lovingtransit · 5 months
art student sugu is good… great even! but i just think hes such a philosophy or literature kinda guy! like you’re telling me the guy who’s so intent on finding meaning and purpose, the guy who has set morals and also is a complete nerd wouldn’t study either of those topics?????
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francestany · 9 months
Astro observations no : 1🎃🎃
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Moon in scorpio and their averted eyes. They are just like dont wanna to look into your eyes because they will gonna know everything you feel. İt is kinda scary 😬 indeed. Probably they dont look people eyes on purpose but when you see their eyes look into yours it's intense like you're naked💀
Mars in earth signs and their high drive to success . Whenever ı see a very goal orianted, logical and successfull someone ı see they have earth mars. Because earth gives the mature the ability to survive of the world's own diffuculties . So feet firmly on the ground. Whatever had happens they gonna do it again.
Capricorn rising /venus : real elegants. Woaw whenever ı see a very fashionista and classic girl with a very mature attitude ı am saying "okey the caps here.." 😅 also they might be seem a bit aloof and masculine kinda energy. (I mean they just seem so determined and powerful just like caps.)
Pluto aspecting mercury: they might be interested in psychology and ethereal stuffs. Also wanna work in this kinda areas.they are really into the psyche.
Saturn in 3rd house natal: they might have learnt to read and write late. Or might indicate a delayed school life. But for sure at the wnd of the day saturn gives own gift to natures by blessing them with superior wealth of knowledge.🤭
12th house mars native : generally addiction issues with sex🤫. Escapism by the sex and dreaming about it.
Gemini placements : and beautiful hands. Probably the hands are the first thing people notice when firstly meeting them.
Neptune/pluto 1st house: dreamy kinda beautiful eyes. Just for this regards they might be seem as too naive but the reality is they are not most probably. This give an ability to seem like an angel even if you're devils itself. Ethereal assets on the world👽
Moon in the 1st house: prone to suddenly getting angry.also swift mood changes.but they are really cute intimates.🥰
Venus in the 1st house: really beautiful people... at least they know how to present themselves. Really perfect facial features.😵‍💫 really likeable.they got a warm energy that makes everyone astonish in an elegant way. But probably they seem more kind and good hearted and elegant than they really are.🤔 They often are not that cute but still it'is a good thing to have.
Jupıter aspecting Asc: have big and remarkable laughs .. maybe a bit loud and kinda unique. Also sophisticated appearence
That is it for now 💫💫💫
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Dannys villain ark .2
Danny was doing his usual wandering through the infinite realms and talking to his sister.
It's been a few months since he left and according to the news articles in his home universe jazz was redefining the term " ripping them a new one".
He was so proud of his sister, he often sent her some of the things he found, like books from forgotten historys and phyciatritrist books from other universes.
He was also discovering new powers, like shapshifting, telekinesis, night vision, slight omnipotence from clockwork and afew awesome others.
He was just hanging out in the gap between universes when he heard a small "meaw"
He looked and saw a cat, but he had orange fur and black stripes along his body, not un normal, but the blood red eyes amd weird collor told a different story.
The cat itself was hurt and bleeding from his back paw, and kept meowing for help.
Danny sighed cursed his budding obssession again and went to help the cat.
He used his ice powers to numb the paw before he pulled out his first aid kit, he disinfected the cut and wrapped it in bandages, he felt around the rest of the cats body, there seemed to be some brusing around the neck above the collar but no broken bones, he once again uned his ice powers to numb the pain.
After treating the cats wounds, the cat walked over and sat in his lap, softly purring away.
Danny started to pet the cat and decided to stay for a bit.
It was not 20 minuest later a teenager in a suit, claws and had his hair done up like a certain fruitloop he knew, came slightly running to where danny was and calling out 'Teekl!' At the top of his voice.
The cat on danny lap perked up at the sound and then looked at danny expectantly.
Danny sighed and just knew this weirdo was the cats owner. On the bright side he now knew the cats name, silver lining or whatever the hell people say.
Danny stood up, the now dubbed Teekl, safely purring in his arms, he started to walk towards to still yelling weirdo and said.
"You'll lose your voice like that"
That was the wrong thing to say, as the weirdo spun around and blasted him with a red beam that looked annoyingly similar to plasmus maximus.
" woaw woaw! Fire at me all you like but dont bring this cutie into it!"
Danny sreamed as he doged then held uo the confused kitty. The weirdo, for his part, looks slightly guilty for almost frying his cat but oddly enough he flew past anger and into confusion as he stared at the purring cat.
"How ... how did you get Teekl!? And how did you get her like...that?"
The weirdo gestured to the purring kitty.
"Put away the fire and I'll tell ya"
Over the next hour danny and the weirdo, now named klarion, talked about how danny met Teekl and how he got her purring on his lap. Strangly enough they bacame fast friends.
Klarion started to rant about people called the 'Justiase league' ruining his plans, danny asked about what plan and he told him.
Klarion, while enjoying himself with his new friend, was waiting for the other shoe to drop. People didnt like him, either he was to much or they didnt like the whole evil thing. So after he told danny about his evil plans that the Justiase league were ruining, klarion expected him to run.
What he didnt expect was advice on how to improve his plans and pull a fast one on the JL. And the stuff he said was good! Like super villain levels evil!
Danny gave klarion another one of the phones with his number in it and explained it to him. Danny told klarion a little about his past, nothing in detail.
Just when they were about to part ways klarion safely holding Teekl in his arms and danny with his bag over his back, danny showed klarion a picture.
It was of a red headed woman with blue eyes, in the photo klarion could see vindictive satisfaction in her eyes. When danny told him that this was his sister he searched for the resemblance.
Then danny threatoned him. Said that while jazz isn't in the DC universe and that they didnt have any business harming eachother, danny told klarion that if he ever hurt his sister, he would make ending him a dream he will never reach. It felt sufficating, and klarion knew that if he ever so much as touched this ' jazz' he'd be far worse than dead.
He noded his head in underatanding and left, with a new knowledge to avoid a certain universe in the infinite realms.
It was less than a month later when klarion called danny to rant about the JL again, danny listened and even agreed with him in some parts.
Then he gave klarion advice, klarion wrote up a copy of his next plan and sent it to danny for some help, though if you asked him he'd tell you he was just bragging to his new friend. And if danny sent it back with a few alterations that happened to get the win for klarion when he used that plan, he didnt expect any gratitude.
And if klarion started to spend more time with danny in person, and on the phone.
Pulling pranks wars, plotting plans and sometimes just talking, while keeping danny a closly garded secret and away from battels,
And if klaron started to genuinely feel attached to danny that was no ones business but klarion and Teekl.
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99999dmg · 4 months
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woaw. some other guys. igor (bald) is a guy who has a liking for mikhail because he likes how passionate mika looks when hes fighting someone to death so igor wants to kill him in the ring himself LOL
katerina doesn't have lore yet i simply stole one of my ex wives from Some Manga and made her my oc. i want her to destroy that twink. she's a good person underneath but her personality is mean and self centered LOL she's only nice to mishka
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mamieishere · 6 months
disclaimer : cursing, jealousy, angst, body shaming, not a smut woaw congrats Marie!
You've already felt jealousy in the past. Everyone has felt this way at least once, right? Your insecurities drove you to self-flagellation.
You're not enough for him, have you seen yourself? Tchk, so laid. The only nice thing of yours is your eyes, don't you agree? Although, don't we say green eyes, snake's eyes? An-ENOUGH!
You suffered from this before. This weakness hurt you, and yet all his love couldn't stop this pain to trigger your jealousy.
- "Baby... I'm sorry but she's prettier, thinner, taller than me. And you... the both of you look so good together. And... and... I don't like the way she looks at you and the way she touches you...", Your voice had become a whisper. Your started to sob.
Instead to be angry, to yell at you that you didn't need to question his feelings and yours, he hugged you tight. In the bottom of his heart, he knew. He knew how much you'd suffered, how much you'd endured your feelings, how bad they were.
- "I love you you know? My heart belongs to you. No matter what, who or when. I'm yours and you're mine. Thank you Y/N, thank you for telling me the truth. It must have been so hard to keep all of this to yourself. I'm proud of you. I love you baby. I love you, I love you, I love you... ", Your sobs turned into loud cries.
Your love became more and more strong. Your insecurities were still there but you learnt to deal with it. The path has not always been easy, but those very troubled times were definitely over. You were born again and your love for him grew up every day.
He invited you to the restaurant for no reason. It was his dirty little pleasure. He bought you a cute black dress, close to the body, lifting up all your curves and he loved it. You were gorgeous in his eyes. The heeled boots you chose lifted your butt, for his own pleasure. Nevertheless, you took his oversize suit jacket. Perfect, it hides my butt as long as I wear it.
He held you the restaurant's door. The waiter escorted you to your table. Both of you sat and started talking about your day, your works. When the waiter came back to take your orders, he insisted a little too much on you. You blushed and stuttered a random dish.
You felt ankward. This situation never happened to you before and you absolutely hated it.
- "I'll take the dish of the day and we'll take it out. Bring me the bill, thank you." You jumped at the cold voice of your boyfriend. He looked upset.. oh boy, he was crazy angry. A freezing shiver ran down you spine.
- "Baby? Is there a problem?", you asked but regretted it when his gaze felt on you.
- "No.", this time you were worried. He quickly grabbed the dishes and pulled you out. "I'd rather eat at home, I don't like this place, and more particularly the waiters who didn't give a shit about fucking taking care of their fat bottom."
You went home, ate your dinner. The flavors were delicate but the odd feeling made it tasteless. His silent treatment was painful.
- "Did I do something wrong? Excuse me love, it won't happen again. I'm so sorry. Forgive me please."
- "Why are you apologizing, huh?", he said. You went shy. For once, and for a long time, you felt insecure. You'd shrivel up in on yourself, if you'd been able to become a mouse and disappear into the first hole that came along, you'd do it. You stood up from your chair, cleaned your plate and went to the sofa, blaming yourself.
Your old demons resurfaced. Your thought ran wild. Unconsciously, your body started to tremble, tears appeared in your eyes.
- "y/n ?"
This is your fault, your own fault.
- "Y/n?"
Look at you.
- "Y/N !!! ", he screamed. "Baby! Come back! I'm sorry, you're not responsible.", Tearing eyes, trembling hands. "Please baby, don't blame yourself...". You cried, once again, with all your heart. "Stop baby, don't cry... It's my fault. Everything is my fault. I was jealous.". It caught you off guards.
- "What...? You?... you jealous?", His words roused you from your torpor.
- "Yes y/n, I was jealous", he explained. "You were marvelous. This dress fit you heavenly. And this motherfucker of a waiter was too insistent. Forgive me, you didn't deserve my behavior." He took your shaking state in his arms.
- "Want to cuddle in the bed?", you nooded. "Okay my love, let's go".
Maybe you weren't the most confident one. Maybe you weren't the prettiest girl on Earth. But one thing was for sure, when you fell asleep in his arms that night, you loved him and he loved you.
No one could ever take it from you.
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a-strange-inkling · 2 years
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Day 16: Tradition
Chicago, Illinois 1986
“No,” Eddie shakes his head wildly, curls whipping back and forth. “Nope! Absolutely not!”
“Just a little?” Chrissy asks, sliding over to sit on his knee, her bottom lip swelling as she wraps her arms around his neck.
Very, very, cute. But, still no.
“Come on boy, it’s a family tradition,” Wayne objects, already a little slurred, reaching for the mason jar to fill a glass for her. “One shot after dinner, just let her try some.”
“Noooo!” Eddie replies, snagging it from him. It’s always concerning when he’s the voice of reason in the room. “I find myself a nice girl and you’re trying to fucking poison her, old man.”
“Excuse me, boy, you watch that mouth.” he scolds. “It’s Christmas!”
Eddie rolls his eyes. Of course he’s still sober enough to reprimand him.
“Aren’t I family?” she asks in a tiny voice, really overselling it with the big sad eyes and fluttery eyelashes. God help him.
He gives her waist a little squeeze to placate her. “Of course you’re family, sweetheart,” he consoles. “But you’re also a hundred and eight pounds and the strongest drink you’ve ever had is ginger ale.”
Her pout becomes less sad and more petulant. “I’ve had a vodka cranberry before.”
“A half of a vodka cranberry and that almost did you in.” he chuckles, taking her chin in his hand. “Don’t make that face, you know I can never deny you anything, so believe me when I say that this is too rough, baby.”
“But, I just want to try the tiniest bit.” she whispers, pressing her forehead against his, pinching her finger and thumb as close as possible without touching to demonstrate just how tiny she means.
He pulls back and looks her dead in the eye. “No.”
“Eddie!” she whines. “C’mon!”
“If she’s going to be a Munson, she needs to try it at least once. It’s a rite of passage.” Wayne insists. “Our girl is tough as nails; she can handle it!”
“See!” she cries, shaking his shoulder. “Wayne says it’s fine!”
“That’s because Wayne is toasted after two shots! Wayne!” Eddie tells her pointedly, holding up the jar for her to see, the clear liquid sloshing around inside. “Honey, this isn’t your regular everyday hard liquor, okay? It’s handmade, southern, backwoods acid.” he explains. “It’s pure moonshine. It burns holes inside your guts. You know all the shit I’ve done and tried, and I swear to God, this this is the nastiest stuff I have ever put in my body.”
She stares at it for a few seconds, then looks back at up at him. “Just a little drop?”
“Oh my God,” he sighs, head falling back in exasperation.
“Good lord, you know you’re going to cave eventually, just let her have some.” Wayne grumbles.
“Please.” she draws out at that sweet high octave that makes him absolutely crazy.
Eddie groans under his breath before snapping his head back up. “You know what, hot shot? Fine, you can take a sip off the top of mine, but just a sip, you hear me?”
She nods eagerly as he pours his shot glass.
If Eddie was a smarter man, he’d have taken his shot first and left her a little leftover to sip. But he did repeat the twelfth grade three times and this concept doesn’t come to him until after he hands her the full glass and she chucks it all back in one go.
“Woaw! Hey! Holy shit!”
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starrysharks · 6 months
today i watched "saw vi" and I LOVED IT YEAH IT WAS PEAK ‼️‼️healthcare insurance executives dying and mark hoffman cringe... what's not to love...
firstly, the story in this movie was far easier to follow along than most of the previous installments. it was always clear what was a flashback and what wasn't, mainly because dead characters like john and amanda were almost always present. also, they were both really good in this movie. john's rant on healthcare was #BASED and literally everything mandy said and did was super interesting and it makes me wish we got to see more of her in general. jill was also more prominent, and the way she differs from kramer in terms of philosophies but is still somewhat influenced by him is soooo woaw
the story here was also interesting, though these movies have taken a bit of a formula of being "one guy goes through the torture labyrinth meanwhile a jigsaw is doing crazy shit meanwhile flashbacks", but it still felt different to the other movies, especially because the main players in the games were mostly morally rotten or questionable. the philosophies here were cool and thought-provoking, on who deserves to live and all that - and that was excellently shown through the traps holy shit the spiral trap was literally so peak. the way the six were basically william's "bullets in the chamber" and it was taken to the literal extreme, their testimonies and arguments, the symbolism the tension ough my gad. not a trap, but the "right now you're feeling helpless" scene was my favorite in the whole movie after the spiral trap, once again the tension is done excellently with the repeating phrase and hoffman just killing everybody the second he knows he's fucked was really cool even tho u knew it was coming. babygirl moment
what i didn't like about this movie? well the pacing was a little slow in a few places but it wasn't that bad at all. i really can't find anything glaringly bad here that isn't standard for a saw movie (such as over-the-topness or hammering you over the head with a point multiple times). i honestly loved this one. the ending was great, the callbacks were fun, the traps looked cool, the gore effects were great (especially at the end when william's guts melted and shit, i was ewwwwwing the whole time (but like in a fun way))... my fav saw since the first to be honest. 3.8/5. no gordon but they still keep talking about him. my prayers for jill to be more relevant got answered tho <3
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princelokifanblog · 4 months
Wrote a fic but Tumblr hates me so it didn't post the first time
The Wedding!?
by princelokifanblog
tags: duck game, vaellus x eliana, secret other ships, character death, fluff, angst, tw knick knack
Once upon a tiem in the feywild there was a bunch of fried. They had alot of fin otghether `and went on adventures. On one adventure, the friends travelled to the astral planed becaue Minke’s mom was there (actyaly his granmda but we dont hve time to explain that). They found a really nice house there that actually belonged to Figs stepdad (HIS REAL DAD!!! WHO DOESNT HATE HIM OR KILL HIM!!!). They said woaw this is nice and went inside. Inside there was a nice picture and a cool couch and then som armour and stairs. Down the stairs there was a people. The people were parents… TO THE FREINDS!!! An orc man named mugorim was there and he was gifs dad but he tried to STAB HIM sand you know why??? Because he thought he was VAELLUS!!! AND HE WAS JEALOS OF VAELLUS BECAUSE ELIANA IS IN LOVE HIM AND NOT MURGIM!!!
They beat up figd dad and then got a message from… THE PRICNISSS GRRRRR!!! The princess said fig had to STOP BEING VAELLUS WARLOCK AND BE HERS INSTEAD AND FIG SAID YES OH NO!!! Princess alos said that vaellus and eliana were getting MARRIED YAY!!! And fig wanted to go back to be there but the ;rincess said the OOOONLY WAY was to be ber WARLOCK!!!
They got back and the wedding was happening. There wwere flowers everywhere and the air smelled like laundry detergent. So good. Fig saw his mom and vaellus getting married and the princess was doing vows for them but taking WAY TOO LONG BECAUYSE SHE SUCKS. Fig wanted to say hi to hs mom because its hims mom so he did but the princess told his mom fig was dead or something so she FREAKED OUT and got scared. Fig has a little guy friend named reghie and reggie was a bitch ansd sneaky snuck up and bit vaellus ANKEL!!! NOT THE NAKLE!!! So vaellus KICKED his leg and said that he got bit so eliana who is a good lady and wife wanted to get the guy who bit so she punched but she missed and aPUNCHED VAELLYUS NOOOOOOO!!!!!
Then EVEYRONE started fighting because it eaas cRAZZY and the rpicness trapped vaellus in a ground hole in the fgorund and he was stuck in the hole. Fig went to his mom and said hi mom and she said hi fig and mugorin said RAAAR and then the princess punched sevyn and sevyn flew into the skynbut minke turned into a angel (he can dp that trust me i have a good theory about it) and saved him and then aradenn said woah. adraenns mom was dancing but not kn a weird way it ws just a jig. Vaellus got out of the hole because eliana helped hi but the princess got SO MAD so she fell overt from the mad so minke threw an angel laser at her (this is part of my theory keepnup). She exploded into a dust and it was fine.
Then everybody cheered and the wedding kept going nd eliana and vaellus kissed. The spark between them was more electrifying than a flash of lighting in the moonlit sky, burning brighter than the fires of hell (where the princess hung out) and more passionate than anything ever before. Looking into his eyes, Eliana could see her one true soulmate, the most incredible man in the world who would give up life and limb to keep her save and cherished. He was hers and she was his, wholly and undoubtedly. It didn’t mater how manty people were watching them, because their souls were intertwined in a dance of destiny, their threads of fate woven together in an immaculate tapestry of glory.
They did some more kissies and then knicmkanc showed up and said HEY I HATDE KSISING but he was actually just dad because when the princess kept him hostage she said he could never find love and wasnt allowed it so he got jealous easy. Sevyn knew this and gave him the ring of message and said tp get a girfling of bofyriend or someone and he did ans it was he coral king and they are married now. But its more important that elaiana and vaellus are married because they are otp and goals and everything and this fandom is AWFUL to them so i will make them kiss again in this fanfic.
Eliana and vaellus kissed again and it wa sparkling and rainbowful. Fig was so happy and everyone else was there except mugroin cause i dont want him there anymore soforget he was ever there. Someone else was in lov but im not telling you rando al; my duck game ships but mor characters got married that day or a different day i dont know yet i stil have to thingk about it and be comfortable postign abot my shipz onlen. Anywaylike comment subscribe and ofloow for more duck game content like vaelliana the BEST ship.
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horizonandstar · 2 years
Chapters 1-6 Translations
we got it! translations!
its under the cut. also not every noise they make correlates with a whole sentence so those didnt get translated, sometimes its just the vibes, but otherwise the translation would be “[gestures vaguely] you know?”
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
-theres only 1 interaction here and it more or less is sun going “please eat” and being frustrated that this thing is refusing food
- He chirps and holds his closed hand out to you, wiggling peeper in it. Like a repeat of last time, his free hand darts towards you as you flinch. The peeper in his grasp is deposited in your hand as he curls your fingers tightly around it. Once satisfied, he lets go of your hand with a chirp and stares at your face expectantly. [”I got you food! Here, take it!”]
- You shake your head and hope that's the universal gesture for no. Sun whistles and brings you closer towards him, arms holding your sides, but you kick and flail until he stops and brings you back to your prior distance. [”It’s fine to eat. Don’t worry, there’s nothing bad with it!”]
- Your eyes widen when what sounds like a dog's whine comes from Sun. His hands hold your helmet and he gently tilts your head around. [”Where’s your mouth? How do you eat? Do you have no mouth?”]
- Sun chirps, waving a hand with peeper chunks in it. [”There’s your mouth!” Sun is also thinking about how he’s never seen something with a false, retractable face before. like woaw thats neat]
Chapter 3:
- Sun whines and brings the scanner close to his face. He yelps and drops it when the scanner's light turns on directly into his eyes. [It’s like asking a dog for the ball back so you can throw it again.]
- Sun whistles. He holds both of his arms out, as though asking for a hug. [”It’s ok, it’s safe! Come here.”]
- Sun whistles once more, before disappearing beneath the waves. [”Hope you get better soon.”]
- Sun trills in response and picks you up before you can blink. The hand holding the knife stutters as you were about to instinctively stab Sun. Didn’t actually stab him, thankfully. [”Hello!”]
- Not-Sun growls from beneath. Sun stares down and screeches. [”What was that about?” / “DON’T TOUCH THEM!”]
- There's silence for a while, before Not-Sun trills. Sun growls. Not-Sun hesitates, then whistles. Sun shakes his head minutely, then whistles twice in quick succession. [”Did you take in another little one?” / “Not little. Back off.” / “Oh. ...sorry.” / “We’ll talk about this later.”]
Chapter 4:
- Sun croons and shifts towards you. It's super cramped in the pod with him taking up majority of the space, but where in the everliving fuck do you even begin to get a leviathan out? [”Are you ok?”]
- Sun purrs and taps his hands on the hard floors. [The cat purring thing helping with the healing process or something like that.]
- You close the hatch. Sun clicks again. [”What are you doing?”]
- Two quick chirps has you looking up to see Sun holding a peeper in one hand and a bladderfish on the other. [Just trying to grab Y/N’s attention.]
- Sun croons and lowers himself down to the ground, right next to the peeper you killed. The spots on his body glows. [”Good job on the kill!”]
- You dig out your PDA and open the page for Celestial Leviathan. He peers over the screen, trills and taps lightly on the screen at his mirror image. [”Is that me?”]
- You pick the peeper up, the one you managed to kill, and present it to Sun. He tilts his head and chirps. [”Hm?”]
- A quick chirp sounds behind you. When you turn around, all you can see is a giant coral tube—oh, that’s what he’s trying to do. Think he can hide, can he? [Trying to grab attention again.]
- A red fish swims towards you at alarming speeds. Sun cuts it off before it can reach you with his body, and hisses back at it. With another hiss from Sun, the crashfish swims back and into the flower-like plant that closes around it. [”Safe! Safe! There is no threat.”]
- Sun goes back into the water, his bioluminescent spots flickering on and off like a light show. [”This is where I am.” Message meant for Moon.]
- Sun hums and turns back around to face Moon. The two talk to each other with clicks and growls, and while that’s absolutely fascinating, you’re sweating a little. [More or less Sun going “this is my skrunkly. Don’t hurt them.” and Moon going “cool.” Moon is also discussing his frustrations that Sun decided to take someone under his care and Sun is reassuring Moon that it will turn out okay.]
- Sun growls. A few moments pass before he turns around and grabs your arms and holds them to your sides. You yelp and kick your feet. With your arms pinned, there’s no way you can do anything. You kick behind you as hard as you can, but your feet meets nothing but water. [”Play nice.” Mostly meant for Moon.]
- Something bumps against your helmet. You crack an eye open, and nearly startle when you see the red of Moon’s eyes right next to your face. Without leaving your personal space, Moon whistles and continues to stare at you. [”It’s ok, I won’t hurt you.”]
Chapter 5:
- Moon backs off and whistles once more. Sun rumbles, not quite a growl, and that gets Moon to swim away. [”Sorry.” / “We’re done here. Go.”]
- Moon tilts his head, eyes focusing on the blood seeping out from your arm. [Is the blood a different colour?]
- Moon doesn't stop staring, and you back off slowly, sweating. It's you who breaks off the staring contest first, looking off to the side but still keeping him in your vision. Moon laughs in his imperfect imitation again. [He wants to see what happens if he keeps staring. Can he psyche them out?]
- You don’t get a chance to think about it. There’s the roar of a stalker below you, and it’s rapidly approaching. [This is gonna be so funny. Watch them get scared.]
- Moon clicks and stalker-roars again. Just for the hell of it, you suppose. [”Hey.” Ruse is over.]
- Moon clicks again and slows down. Still right behind you, but not as close as he was earlier. [Laughing.]
Chapter 6:
- Moon clicks and laughs in your voice again. “Hide away,” he croons, “Nighty-night.” [Laughing again.]
- You hear a snarl, as all of a sudden, Moon blocks your path forward. [”Where are you going?”]
- Moon growls again and points behind you, back to the direction of your pod. [”Go back. You should be asleep.”]
- He growls and stares at you with dilated pupils. You clench your hands and whistle the note Sun taught you: I’m sorry. Moon squints, and for a few moments, you’re sure he’s about to snap. [”That hurts.” And then he thinks: of course Sun taught them our words.]
- He responds back in his own language. You recognize two words in his sentence: the name Sun gave to you, and Sun's name. [”What did Sun call you? The Horizon?”]
- You whistle Sun's name. Moon is still for a second, before repeating what you said. You whistle it again. [He taught them his name?]
- Moon breaks the silence. He whistles, then, in a perfect imitation of your voice, says, "Moon." He repeats the whistle. [Then I’ll teach them my name.]
- Moon wails, louder than you've ever heard. You flinch and shut your eyes. [We’re too far away for Sun to reasonably find us, so... “WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!!!”]
- The same piercing wail cries off in the distance. It peters off into a series of clicks, and then a sharp whistle of—Moon's name, huh. [”SHUT THE HELL YOUR ASS, MOON. FUCK!!!”]
- Moon chitters. [Laughing.]
- Moon clicks in response. [”That was hilarious, right?”]
- Moon hisses and slinks backwards, back out of the compartment and into the water. His head pops back up through the hatch, with only his eyes above water. He squints and chitters. [”Ow. But you should’ve seen your face.”]
- There's a whine, and you look towards Moon with a raised eyebrow. He whines again, and that's when you realize it wasn't coming from him but from someone else outside. [”Moon. Moooon!”]
- You whistle Sun's name, and get a response back as he whistles the name he gave you before whining again. [”Horizon! Mooooon come outside, I don’t want to be here anymore.”]
- You play back the audio file straight from the beginning. Sun whines and curls in further to make himself smaller. Moon whistles again. [They’re mad at me. / “Sun, it’s ok.”]
- Sun snaps his head towards you and flattens his frills. Moon raises his head up to look at you before looking away again and closing his eyes. Moon whistles and holds his hand out towards Sun. Sun doesn't take it. [They know. They know and they’re mad about it. No. No. I fucked up. I--but I have to make it better!]
{Note: Will not lie, Moon sucks at comforting words. His specialty is just holding someone until they calm down. He doesn’t know what to do outside of that scenario.}
- Sun is getting closer, whistling. The whistles he makes sounds familiar but you're not in the mood to try and remember its meaning. [”I’m sorry!”]
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tillthelandslide · 2 years
Harry Styles Instagram AU
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yourinstagram Harry Styles / Cochella 2022. Mush 🥹 words cannot describe how proud you make me every single day! You were simply born to do this, I love you my superstar! @harrystyles cannot wait for the world to hear the whole album and fall in love with every word just as much as I did. Bring on tour baby!
harryssunflower omg she’s coming on tour!! Yay!!
fan1 it was so cute, he kept gravitating towards the side of the stage she was at and at one point he said “this one’s for you baby” and it was so adorable
fan2 omg where can I see this? Please say someone filmed it
fan1 I’ll send you the tiktok
harrystyles I love you sunshine 🖤
yourusername I love you more
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fan1 Harry trying to find y/n in the VIP box at tonight’s show. I’ve heard different things, some say she felt ill so left? Some say she went backstage? I wasn’t there so can anyone confirm what happened? Just want to know if she’s okay :(
Fan2 I was there and she disappeared during Matilda but came back a few songs later, she was with Anne, sorry can’t give any more info because I don’t know myself
fan1 okay thank you for this though! Hopefully we can find out if she’s okay!!
yourinstagram Im okay guys don’t worry! touring can be a bit crazy and I was missing home a bit during Matilda so had to excuse myself. Thank you for caring about me, I love you all 🖤
harryfan3 think it’s really selfish of you to leave, Harry was looking for you throughout two whole songs so you clearly made him worry
fan2 woaw woaw woaw slow down! Of course he’s going to be worried! She’s his girlfriend! She has every right to leave if she’s not feeling it! She was still there supporting him… she came back two songs later and Harry was smiling again so it’s all good. No need to bring any hate into this
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yourinstagram look at your little smushy face @harrystyles
Liked by harrystyles, florencepugh and 1,839,749 others
harryishome okay but like… stop being so cute some of us are trying to hate you
yourinstagram don’t know if this is serious or not but I love it
harryishome omg the queen replied! I love you! I was making a joke
yourinstagram I love you!
harryshouse pouty face 😗
yourinstagram always
harrystyles I🖤u☀️
harryfan I don’t know who taught you to use emojis but I love them
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harrystyles Harry’s House out now. Photography by @yourusername
Liked by yourusername, harrylambert and 3,111,089 others
harrysunflower okay but Y/N clearly needs to be hired as the photographer because he’s actually smiling IN this…. Not for the picture
yourinstagram the album is amazing, forever proud of you mush🖤
wellbealright she calls him mush 🥹
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yourinstagram omg THE Harry Styles looked at me
yourbestfriend are you okay?
yourinstagram no? It’s Harry Styles
yourbestfriend he’s your boyfriend you idiot?
yourinstagram oh shit yeah
fan1 omg I love her
fan2 bet that’s not all he did
yourinstagram omg stahp ☺️
letmeadoreyou you’re literally a fan girl like us, I love it
harrystyles I adore you 🖤
yourinstagram omg Harry styles commented on my post
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harrystylesupdates Harry’s reaction to a sign that said “I prefer your girlfriend”. We stan @yourusername
yourusername whoever’s sign this was: I love you
fan5 omg it was me!
yourusername hi!!! Your sign was amazing, very sweet
fan7 was this the show where y/n left because she was upset :(
fan8 yeah :(
fan7 bet this cheered her right up, pull a smile on our Harry’s face too!
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crescentfool · 6 months
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my art summary for 2023! this year was very all over the place for me, but i'm glad to say that i've created despite personal hardships (that were mostly unrelated to art) 🥺 thank you everyone for taking a look at my work this year! 💙 i hope 2024 will be just as fun! 🎉
some documentation of my feelings about art this year under the cut:
i think i was way too hard on myself this year with my art. and i am sitting here like. "goddamn dude. why would you do that to yourself for. stop that LOL"
honestly i would go in a time machine to give myself a pat on the back for drawing SPLATOON for the first time in like 6 years or something. trying to learn the proportions and figuring out how i wanted to draw splatoon was very hard. and i still don't know what i want my splatoons to look like!
i remember back in late 2019 i would bitch to my friend that i didn't understand how face anatomy worked and i would tell her how it was the end of the world. but as i drew more i eventually understood faces better (and i'm still learning!). funny how that works! so i like to think my sploons will be like this too :D
the other thing i would have told 2023 me: overthink less about the learning process. maybe it's because i have way too much free time on my hands but. when i'm not actively drawing i have a lot of analysis paralysis and perfectionism. so i end up not starting anything out of my comfort zone even if it's just for practice because my brain is so hung up on trying to "learn new things optimally" and making things "good enough." and. i. guys.
pleasepleasepleaseplease don't do that to yourself its NOT GOOD!! give urself permission to fuck up and make pieces that dont work out!! u can always revisit the concept later u dont have to do it perfectly the first time!! please!!! i am giving myself and anyone else reading permission to fuck up in creative endeavors. woo!!! i love making mistakes and fixing them later!!
THAT SAID for the things i did sit down and do, i like them (like the pieces here!)! and i'm glad i did them because its like! woaw! more data to work with! so im hoping to do more of that next year! sit down and let art come out! not everything needs to be bangers! things will click eventually! trust!!
so my goal for 2024 is to draw things out of my comfort zone (mostly backgrounds, maybe comics) even if it looks shite!!! no more fucking grid and gradient we are putting characters in LOCATIONS!!! and as a fun bonus it would be funny if each of my pieces in my art summary next year looks like it was made by a different person. because i think its funny to do that. and u should make urself laugh while doing anything :D (i love silly!!! yay!! yipee!! wahoo!!)
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Steve Harrington - the cute sailor boy
I have always loved Steve in season three and I can't believe not one girl said yes to go an a date with him, so here is a story. Hopefully it is a good one, this is my first time writing one!
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After a long and tiring year in Hawkins, it was finally summer. I heard a loud call of my name, and I knew that my friends had arrived. As I went downstairs, I quickly yelled “I’m going to the mall don’t wait up for me!”. Before any of my parents could say anything, I ran out the door and went in my friend’s car, where the radio was loudly playing ‘Should I stay or should I go’.
The car ride was filled with music and my best friend constantly talking about how hot Billy Hargrove was going to be as lifeguard. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes at her comments, sure the guy was handsome, but he was a grade A prick. 
After lots of shopping we decided to stop by Scoops Ahoy for some ice-cream where a guy seemed to be in a debate with a girl who was holding a board with ‘you suck on it’. I had a feeling that we had already seen the guy, but I couldn’t remember where. As my friend cleared her throat the guy swiftly turned around and I recognized him as the famous or rather infamous Steve - The hair - Harrington. 
Before any of us could say anything, he started quite a speech “Ahoy ladies, didn’t see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me, I’ll be your captain…”. After an awkward pause he added “I’m Steve Harrington”.  
To say we were to stunned to speak was an understanding, but I was not sure what the most shocking part was his speech or how handsome he looked even in that ridiculous sailor outfit. After a few seconds my friend started saying her order and the rest followed until it was my turn. 
“And what can I get you beautiful?”, I felt my cheeks warm up and I was sure that I was blushing like an idiot as my best friend was trying to contain her giggles. 
“I would like some chocolate ice-cream please.”, the fact that I had not responded to his nickname seemed to please him as he had a flirty smile on his face. 
“Normally this would be $2 but it’s on the house”, he seemed a bit nervous and before I could try to say something he said “but only if you are available to go see a movie tonight?”, I once again felt my cheeks heat up and I looked at the man in front of me who had a nervous smile on his face and who seemed to lose his confidence every second I didn’t responded. The girl behind him whose name was Robin – who I now recognized as one of the school band players - seemed to be expecting the answer with anticipation while having an open marker in her hand.
“I would love to go to the movies with you”, I answered with a soft smile on my face. Steve seemed to breath again and Robin seemed shocked that I had agreed, while my friends where quietly cheering behind me. 
“That – That’s perfect! Woaw!”, he seemed in disbelief that I had agreed to the date. “Is it alright with you if we go after my shift?” he asked me. 
“Yes, that is perfect I will give you my phone number” I said while writing down my number on a napkin. 
“I will see you tonight then” Steve said with a soft and I have to say it an adorable smile “See you tonight”, I replied before leaving the store. 
As we left the ice cream place, I felt butterflies running trough my stomach while my friends were discussing what I should wear tonight. As I turned the corner, I looked back at Scoops Ahoy and saw Steve doing what I can assume as a happy dance while Robin looked annoyed as she marked a stripe on the left side of the board, but I could see that she had a smile on her face. Tonight, was going to be amazing. 
Hopefully you liked it! If you have some feedbacks or requests you can always comment :))
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
I don’t think I have seen a post about it but I am so super curious- what does Viridian & Jackie’s canon story look like during the game/post the heist? 👀
ok OK LET'S GOOOO- i'll try and compose my thoughts as best as I can- but this might be rammbly as i have wet cardboard where my brain should be <3 some of my jackie viridian lore is pre-game- so i'll do a quick run down of that too :)
canonically- Jackie n Viridian meet in the year 2071- actually just answered an ask about how they met here. they are friends for a few years- like they become besties and stuff0 but besties who secretly both have bIG FEELS FOR EACH OTHER OMG (uuuh mutual pining/idiots in love for the win babey!)
They start dating in 2076 after confessing feelings and getting a bit spicy- both thinking "oh mygod why didn't we do this sooner?!" - nothing really changes- they're still besties and still hang out like they used too - but now they can kiss and hold hands (not that they didn't hold hands before! but now- idk it feels more special!!)
thEN THE CORPO RAT HAPPENS WOAW OH NO- Viridian loosing her status and arasaka assets (apart from her apartment at corpo plaza- because she bought that outright back in 2072)- Jackie taking her to Vik to get her patched up- he then takes her to his and his mums. Viridian spends a few days resting and then decides to maybe give merc work a try.
She struggles with merc work to start- having spent the majority of her adult life behind a desk of plugged into a netrunning chair- but once she's in the swing of things- she's hit the ground running. Jackie is the brawl- the tank- Viridian is the brain- at the tap of her cyberdeck- she can double someone over with an inhanced contagion or burn out somebody's synapses >:)
The two make quite the team! spending the six months pre heist running jobs- Jackie teaching the ex corpo what it really means to be human- not just a god in the machine- how to live on the wild side- to live for herself . It's the most fun she has ever had. She starts to dress for herself- not for the expetations of others.
The heist- oh god... ok so- in my canon the heist runs near parallel to the cdpr canon. it still goes tits us- it's still the jackie viridian not good not fun day out at kompeki- BUT- the canon chnages / is diffrent to CDPR at the point of escaping komepki. Viridian- being a brutal netrunner in her corpo days- she overrides the delamain AI- commanding it take Jackie to a ripper. Taking the biochip from Jackie- she slots it into her head and applies pressure to the gunshots on Jackie's chest. Pinprick tears in her eyes that she fights back- She knew deep down she and her love should not have taken this job
Jackie gets to a ripper- to Vik!! (in my canon arasaka were not waiting at Vik's clinic).... - yeah Jackie almost dies- but pulls through !!! In the meantime- Viridian goes to Dex and BOOM- betrayal- BOOM Johnny time <3
uuughhhgh uhm i think that's everything!!! post hesit Jackie helps Viridian find a cure- my canon ending for cyberpunk is the sun / / merc's path / path of glory (not sure what the correct name is so im throwing them all in) - (the ending where johnny and V storm arasaka without rogue?) post game- I'd like to think Jackie and Viridian become big time mercs- finally in the major leauges <3
thank you for the ask heather ! <3
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gg-astrology · 1 year
Hey!! You are back! I'm happy to see you!
Your astro posts and k-pop analysis posts were really good that i wanted to request some but you aren't active so i wasn't able to :")
Will you accept requests now? Like JK revealed his actual birth time!! Do you know that?😭
I did not know that omg!!💖 tbh i havent caught up with everything yet 😅💗 punching air that still with you is finally out (officially!!) though!!💖💖 looking forward to his solo as well!!💕💕
Im figuring out how to go about this bc im very rusty now, with kpop (4th gen!!woaw!!) and astro as well... So i might not be able to do a full post, but we can just talk about it?💗 do u have an artist youre into right now? What have u been up to??💖 i really like idle lately, like their comebacks have been hits and hits and hits!💕💗💖 and newjeans obvs!!💕 i love their sound, really looking forward to what else theyll push out musically!!💗
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