#this might be for sana.
hearted-anon · 6 months
Favouritism isn't appreciated..
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Words: 1.2k Notes: Ahh my first fic.. T/w : Rough tickles, being pinned (no restraints though!), Felix is upset, platonic relationships, we'll see bin in another life.. Lee: Changbin Ler(s): Hyunjin, Felix
Felix loved Changbin. To say love was probably an understatement, he was head over heels for the older. The brownie boy would go to any length to admire the rapper in his work, be it own a body pillow with Changbin's face on it, massaging his muscles to no end, confessing his love proudly or even outright speak that the dwaekki was his ideal type in men, Felix had an arrow practically through his heart at the sight of the man.
How unfortunate it was then, for Hyunjin's presence. Despite Felix loving Changbin to no end, he didn't stand a chance against the prince, whom practically won Changbin over by doing nothing. Of course Lix wouldn't mind, he loved all his members, but an overriding wave of jealousy overtook him whenever Changbin ignored the brownie boy's love for Hyunjin's miniscule amount of love that the dwaekki would drool over.
That's how he found himself sulking in the corner of his room, gaming his worries away to drown out his jealousy that chained his once angelic heart to the floor. It didn't help that he lost, only further tugging him into a pit of darkness by the tendrils of envy and being just in a terrible mood in general. To his utter dismay, or happiness, the artist that he was so envious of trekked into the room at that exact moment, wearing a concerned frown for the younger.
"What's wrong, Angel?" Hyunjin sighed, only further frowning when the brownie boy pouted at his presence.
"It's just...why does Bin-hyung love you more than me?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows at the thought, placing his headset down gently despite his feelings being the want of just throwing them out. But they were expensive; He couldn't do that.
"He doesn't though? He loves you just as much.."
"He fawns over you everyday but never does that to me!"
"C'mon now yongbok, don't be so grumpy over this.."
"How about we teach Changbin-hyung the consequences over favouritism?"
And that was settled. Felix's pout turned into that sunshine smile once more, wide enough to split open the earth and melt anyone's heart who looked at it, including Hyunjin. The artist couldn't help but smile softly back at the cheered up Aussie, the feeling of wanting to cuddle him to death was almost unbearable, almost.
They both hunted down the oldest, who as usually, had made another home in the gym. Changbin stared in confusion when the duo walked over, sitting up from his push up position to pay more attention to his favourite sunshines. Oh poor Bin, if only he knew what they were playing. Felix resisted the urge to gawk at those muscles coated in sweat, he could feel his pre-debut self begging for escape at the sight, brought back to reality when Changbin let out a scream as Hyunjin tackled the older.
"W-What are you doing-?! Hwang Hyunjin!" The dwaekki yelled out when his arms were pulled up with ease and sat on by the artist, how lucky the duo was to catch their prey right it's workout, already worn out and perfect for their plan. Felix crawled over with an innocent smile, poking once at the perfect tummy he loved so much, earning a soft squeal.
"Do you know the consequences of favouritism, Seo Changbin? You've been avoiding me these past few days for Hyunjin, do you know how much that broke my heart?" Felix whispered, he felt his own heart weigh heavily at the words he tried to conceal as a joke. Changbin's face dropped to a frown and a look of concern, he would've coddled the boy in affection by now if his arms weren't held up by a certain ferret.
"I'm sorry Yongbok, I-I can make it up to you-" Changbin couldn't finish his sentence before Felix dug his fingers right into the centre of Bin's armpits, kneading the flesh akin to a massage. The dwaekki shrieked before dissolving into the cackles, still trying to apologise in the process, it melted the duo's hearts to see how guilty the rapper really was.
"Nah ah...don't be sorry, just take the punishment. Apologise again and you'll see..." Hyunjin whispered tauntingly, earning a nod of agreement from the sunshine like Changbin could reply under the cackles.
"LIX! P-PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHANT TAKE IT! I'M SO SOHOHORY!" Changbin squealed and stamped his feet onto the soft tiles of the gym floor, the massage on his bare armpits exposed so nicely from the tank top he thought would ventilate out his muscles driving him crazy.
The duo only tsked in disapproval of the apology, the artist lifting up the rapper's shirt for a moment, exposing that cute tummy Felix adored so much to Changbin's dismay. But nothing happened, not to his tummy.
Changbin only realised how cruel the ferret could be when he felt fingers kneading and drilling at his hips instead, his entire bare torso left alone. It was all a ploy, to trick the dwaekki into thinking his stomach was next just to move to another terrible spot. Binnie threw his head back onto his own arms with another loud shriek, hysterically begging for mercy under his duo's favourite that wrecked him to pieces.
"Jinnie-hyung, do you think he's happier with us or one of us?" Felix asked the artist seemingly innocently, as if they weren't having the oldest cackling under their fingers for mercy.
"Hmm...I'm not sure, Bin-hyung, why not you answer?" Hyunjin giggled in response, switching to kneading right into the dips of the rapper's hips, driving him absolutely ballistic if Felix's massaging in his armpits weren't enough.
"BOHOHOTH! I LOHOVE BOTH OF YOHOHOU!" Changbin screamed out, tears of mirth starting to cloud his vision from the two pairs of hands wrecking him to pieces. He thought maybe that was the right answer, if only he knew how cruel sunshine's could be when they burned.
He was met with a buzzing sensation of a raspberry onto the top of his navel, then another on his neck. He presumed it was Hyunjin at his neck, and Felix at his tummy but he couldn't take it, he couldn't think straight. One last shriek and out his voice went, silently suffering under their lips and fingers that knew exactly how to get him to scream for mercy. Although the dwaekki's hands did slip from Hyunjin's grasp, they couldn't do anything, too weak for it anyway. Tears slipped down his red face to the collar of his shirt, shaking and trembling for mercy.
The duo eventually let up, Hyunjin getting off Bin's arms to rub soothingly at his torso, relishing in the hiccups and leftover giggles the oldest let out from the intense punishment. Felix on the other hand just took advantage of the tiredness, snuggling up in Changbin's chest promptly and properly massaging his shoulders. Changbin couldn't move sandwiched between Hyunlix, left to the giggling aftermath of the punishment he was sure he didn't deserve.
Maybe he did, as barely a minute into the cuddle he found himself smiling into Hyunjin's neck, earning a grunt from Felix which made him squeak and flush red from the memories of being punished beforehand. Felix chuckled and so did the artist in return, and soon enough the three fell asleep soundly on the gym floor, the softness of each other's chest being enough to soothe them, be it unhappy jealousy or aching guilt.
Changbin was definitely more cautious of his affection showing now, especially with a brownie boy hunting him down like a hawk who knew the benefits to being the rapper's favourite...
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no1boa · 5 months
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sana ✽
kura kura
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c0rinarii · 3 months
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Deco Playable Command print for a local con i recently boothed at!
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bu99erfly · 2 years
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harvestmoth · 9 months
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sorry, heres more things i havent posted here yet
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demon64 · 1 month
You know... sometimes even I think I come up with some strange crossover ideas. Sometimes they're pretty basic, sometimes they're a bit fleshed out. One crossover that I came up with recently is a Shin Megami Tensei/The World Ends With You crossover. It all started because I have been playing SMT V: Vengeance recently and for no reason TWEWY has been in the back of my mind. So, a crossover idea formed, not helped by some kinda similar enough looking characters.
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Some may or may not see it, but Hishima Sakazuki and Yuzuru Atsuta just look kinda similar to me. It's probably the hair and glasses. I also think Shiba Miyakaze looks kinda similar enough to Lucifer's human forms in SMT 3 Nocturne. Like, he almost looks like a middle ground between his old man and child forms in Nocturne.
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Does anybody else kinda see it? Am I crazy?
Anyways! Considering Angels do exist in TWEWY, just in a different way compared to in SMT, living in a higher plane of existence, a plane higher than both the UG and the RG, imagine someone like Hanekoma being an old acquaintance of Lucifer's. Or, for a more fun idea, imagine Minamimoto just hopping universes and deciding to investigate the SMT universe for the hell of it. Maybe he thinks it could help in targeting the Composer. Imagine the Demi-Fiend or Nahobino encountering Pi-Face and just the chaos that could ensue.
Going back for a second to Shiba and Lucifer, I had the crazy idea earlier of imagine Shiba being a piece of Lucifer that the Lord of Chaos had separate, for whatever reason. Or maybe in a fan crossover, it could be some variation on that idea. Maybe that piece of Lucifer did not separate willingly?
Or, maybe better idea, Minamimoto meeting Lucifer and the Lord of Chaos taking a bit of an odd liking to this chaotic math-man. Maybe he sees Sho's pursuit to usurp the Composer as similar enough to pursuit to usurp the God of Law.
Overall, it's a fun crossover to play with, with how Gods and Monsters work in SMT, and with the Higher Planes in TWEWY.
EDIT: I don't know if it was like that for everybody, but on my end, after posting, the image for Yuzuru wasn't showing up, so hopefully I fixed it
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girlpog-productions · 5 months
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It's finally done!! My dnd party as ponies!!! I also gave them elements of adventure because I thought that'd be cute :) This was so much fun to do. Drawing pony versions of characters I like is so spiritually healing idk how to explain it. I'd love to do more of these! Might try to draw some npcs later.
Bonus notes about my thoughts behind mlp designs in general below the cut
Across all types of ponies, it's more common for men to have cloven hooves and for women to not. Cloven hooves are considered more masculine and smooth hooves are considered more feminine.
Earth ponies generally have more muted colors. Their coats are generally matte in appearance and commonly have piebald patterning. Their manes are often only one color. Earth ponies are generally stockier than pegasi and unicorns.
Pegasi have wings on their hooves. These hoof wings have the same coloration as their normal wings and chest feathers. Pegasi coats are often one color with a gradient around their feathers, but some are known to have patterns and coloration resembling birds, bugs, and other flying creatures. Their manes often have gradients or stripes of color. Pegasi are on average the smallest type of pony.
Unicorns are the tallest and most slender pony type. Their coats are often shiny or sparkly, and they often have gradients all across their body. Their mane is usually pretty simple by contrast. They have long, fleshy tails with hair at the bottom, unlike other types of ponies whose tails only consist of hair. They also usually have the long hair around their hooves and on their ears. Unicorn magic is always the same color as their eyes.
(Ok so I stopped watching mlp before Kirin got introduced so if this sounds insane that's why lol) Kirin have a lot of traits that are similar to unicorns: shiny coats, long, fleshy tails, and extra furry hooves. The hair around their hooves and on the tips of their ears have a stripe of color that is different from their usual mane color. Kirin don't have cutie marks, so to represent their callings and talents they are given special necklaces when they come of age. These necklaces are usually crafted by their parents or tribe leaders. Jewelry holds a lot of cultural significance to Kirin. Much like unicorns, kirin magic is the same color as their eyes. Kirin are by far the largest type of pony. I mainly added the tusks because it's an Ulgan thing but I like it so I'm making the executive decision that kirin have tusks. The blacked out eyes are all Ulagn though.
Ponies with parents of different races frequently pick up features from other races. For example: Boulderfly's parents are a pegasis and an earth pony, so his butterfly patterning manifests in a piebald pattern. Creeping Vine's parents are a unicorn and an earth pony so her colors are more muted and she has less hair on her ears and hooves than other unicorns. A pegasis with a unicorn parent could have a longer tail and glittery coat like a unicorn, or an earth pony with a kirin parent can have scales on their rump and face like a kirin.
In this universe, all types of ponies are capable of learning and practicing magic, they just need arcane focuses to help them generate and direct that magic similarly to how a unicorn or a kirin would use their horn.
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
can you draw more of the loser dorm (kohaku and jun) ... i like to imagine that theyre like brothers too n have a lot of heart-to-heart conversations....
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Yeah probably
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tastycitrus · 1 year
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unconnected marketeers in a nutshell (very accurate)
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zip-drawings · 5 months
So what iffff... I Start drawing about....
Luka and Mika from A story behind two idols?
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livelaughloverinky · 6 months
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Hungry Heart Bear and Lucky Bet Bear
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pokemonxhyperfixation · 7 months
I did that thing, wasted a good 3ish hours writing it in one sitting (because that's how I best write)
This is my first fan fic, and I also haven't done proper character writing in a while, so yeah.
Also, it's just the start to a longer fic, so stay tuned!
(If anyone can recognize what song the title lyric is from, you get one Silly Point, which you can cash in to do nothing.)
Oh yeah, also:
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There WILL be trainer cards in these post! I'm not gonna break them down, but I sure will post them!
(If only I both had trainer sprites for these two and knew how to import custom trainer sprites into Pokecharms if possible)
Have a good read!
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theharddeck · 5 months
tonight (eating takeout direct from the container, in a huge sweater and socks at my kitchen island, with a single rose in a wine bottle instead of a vase) I fear I was written by a man depicting Sad Single Early 30s Woman in cinema (except I’m not sad, I’m gearing up to edit my manuscript before one of my favorite authors reads it)
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krakenshaped · 2 years
Once per year I do nothing but obsess over touhou project like a werewolf on a full moon but instead of becoming a furry I give myself carpel tunnel playing bullet hell games and nuke my 4gb ram laptop's processor
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jihyocentric · 7 months
Jihyo is the kittiest kitten that's ever kittened
Just kitten Jyo perched prettily in polarbear Sana's lap, thriving in the attention she's receiving, in the way Sana pats her head, caresses her back and tail, squeezes her tights and leaves her marks all over her pretty body
She knows she deserves everything Sana gives her, since she's such a good girl
kitten hyo IS the best girl ever! ☹️ smol & cuddly just like polarbear sana likes!
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karouvas · 2 months
I’m so pleasantly surprised by dancing with our hands tied winning the bluesey poll but really no one voted august? no one?
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