#this one actually made me laugh out loud. the perfect mud covering
vanityplatesofmi · 7 months
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hux-and-gay · 2 months
Kylux Short Shorts Fest 2024: Day 4: Otherworldly
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pls reblog I dont have Ao3 yet
Part: 1/ at least 2
BenArmie folklore AU
(I have a lot of WIPs for the shorts fest, I know it’s late now but I got busy so we’ll see how many I get to posting)
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Ben ran through the woods as fast as his feet could carry him, mud splattered across his thighs, stumbling over roots, leaves getting tangled in his thick black hair. He felt so free, the cold air assaulting his cheeks and nose, turning them rosy pink. He could smell the river ahead so he dashed forward almost laughing with joy as he ran further and further from the den, never looking back. When he came to the river he stopped only to catch his breath before wading into the water, dancing, splashing his face, not caring his trousers were getting soaked. 
“What are you doing?” A quiet voice asked from the opposite shore. Ben ceased his frolicking and turned to look at the creature, a small boy with a mess of ginger hair, pale skin dotted with freckles, a mask of a fox adorning his face. 
“I’m wading, it’s fun. You should join me.” He held a hand out to the boy smiling eagerly. He had never met another boy his age, and he looked so sweet. 
“My father told me not to speak to strangers.” He said, looking at Ben hesitantly fiddling with the small satchel slung over his shoulder. His baggy shorts and thin undershirt emphasized his small frame, and his arms and feet were wrapped in cloth bandages. Ben didn’t think any of them, it was probably easier to run with his feet protected. 
“My name's Ben. There now I'm not a stranger.”
“I- I suppose you’re right.” He smiled, taking his hand and tenderly stepping into the water. He shivered. “It’s cold.”
“Yeah but it’s nice.” Ben said, spinning in a circle kicking up spray as he did so. 
The fox boy flinched, backing away from the splash.  “If you say so.” 
“Oh look! Baby fish!” Ben exclaimed excitedly, pointing at the water rippling around their feet. 
“Oh! They're biting my feet!” He bent down a little looking at them curiously lazily following their swimming patterns with one of his thin fingers. 
“Hmm maybe I can catch some…” Ben said rubbing his chin and glancing around, being careful not to move his feet as not to disturb them. “but I don’t have a bucket. Oh well.” He glanced at the water again and something caught his eye. “Wait, look, by your foot, there’s a rock!”
The boy looked back up at him unimpressed. “There are a lot of rocks.”
Ben rolled his eyes, and pointed, which admittedly wasn’t very helpful. “The flat one.”
The boy picked up the flat rock and handed it to him. “What’s so special about it, it just looks like a rock.”
“It’s perfect for skipping.” He said rolling over the rock in his hand running his fingers across the wet surface.  “Do you know how to skip rocks?”
“Oh well I’ll show you. It’s just like…” He tossed the rock and it immediately sank with a loud plop as it hit the water. “oh- I Guess I’m not very good at skipping rocks.” He snorted, laughing to cover up his embarrassment. 
The boy had been watching him intently. He picked up another flat rock from the water and tossed it,“Like this?” It made three skips before sinking. 
“Oh wow! That was so cool!” Ben said patting him on the back aggressively and smiling with awe. 
“Not really.” 
“You aren’t very enthusiastic about anything, are you?” He chuckled. 
“What’s the use of a rock if you’re not going to keep it?” The boy pointed out picking up another rock from the water and briefly examining it before dropping it back. 
“Oh! I didn’t think of it that way.” He thought about what the boy had said. It was pretty witty, I mean why would you not want to keep a rock? Rocks are cool. He turned back to him smiling “That’s really smart actually, you’re really neat! You like collecting rocks?”
“Special ones” He said, shrugging.  “Some say there's gold in this river, but I’ve only ever found pyrite.”
“Fake gold…” He pulled out a shiny silver stone from his satchel and held it out to Ben. “Like this”
“It’s so pretty!” Ben beamed, taking it gently in his hands looking it over. 
“You can have it, it’s useless.” The boy answered dryly. 
“Who cares, it's pretty!” Ben pocketed the stone feeling very accomplished to be in the possession of such a pretty gem, whether it was worth something or not. 
The boy looked down at his feet, maybe he was watching the fish again, they had returned after being scared away by Ben’s failed attempt at rock skipping. “My father says it’s no use to keep useless things unless you can use them for a purpose.” He stated meekly. 
“Sounds wise.” Ben wasn’t entirely sure he understood what all that had meant, but it sounded very adult. 
“Where’s your mask?” The boy asked Suddenly. 
“In my bag.” Ben replied, patting the sack slung over his shoulder. He didn’t like wearing his mask, it made his face sweat, and it was harder to see. 
“Isn’t that dangerous? Someone could steal it.” He said, peeking around Ben to see just a tiny bit of the mask peeking out of the sack. 
“Don’t tell me you believe those stories about “whoever steals your mask owns your soul.” He laughed with his hands on his hips. 
“Don’t you?” Ben could tell he was genuine. 
Ben shook his head. “Of course not, parents just tell their kids that so that they get scared.” He insisted, patting the shorter boy on the head. 
“I guess…” he stated hesitantly trying to fix his ruffled hair as if it hadn’t been needlessly tangled prior. 
“So What are you doing out by the river on your own?” Ben asked, tilting his head. 
“Foraging, for dinner.” The boy answered, holding open his satchel to show various mushrooms, roots, and plants inside. 
“Oh right, Foxes are Omnivores.” Ben nodded remembering what little he knew of the other creatures. 
“Yes. My father is hunting.” He nodded, closing his satchel and securing it on his hip again. “What about you?”
“I’m running away.” Ben admired nonchalantly. 
“Running away? Won’t your parents be angry?” The boy questioned. 
“It doesn’t matter if they never find me.” Ben added smirking. 
“They won’t hunt you down?” The boy seemed confused. 
“Maybe they’ll try. But I’m good at hiding.” He smiled confidently. “You could run away with me if you want.” Ben wouldn’t mind having another boy his age with him on his travels. 
“I can’t.” The boy answered, scratching at his bandaged arm as he looked down again. 
“That’s okay.” Though Ben had to admit he was slightly disappointed. They stood in silence for a few minutes before Ben asked. “You know you can take off your mask, right?”
“No thank you.” The boy answered simply. 
“What? Afraid I’ll steal it?” Ben chuckled smirking. 
“I’m just being careful.” The boy added, instinctively placing hand on the intracuite fox design.  “I could easily steal yours if I wanted to.” He pointed out. 
Ben smirked, “Oh alright then, try!” He pulled his mask out of his bag and held it behind his back. 
The boy didn’t even wait a second he lunged at Ben who just barely side stepped away trying to stay facing the fox at all times. They chased each other in circles around the river splashing up water, running, jumping, growling, laughing, soon the sun was setting. Ben held the mask above his head. “You’ll never get it now!” He laughed, “You’re too small!” He added teasing. The boy grunted but instead of trying to jump for the mask like Ben had expected he dove for his legs, knocking him off his feet and tacking him, pinning him down in the water. 
“Woah-“ Ben exclaimed breathlessly looking up at the boy who sat on his chest with amazement. He yanked the mask from Ben’s hand and held it in the air triumphantly. Then he brought it down to look at it and froze. Ben could see the goose bumps on his skin, but maybe it was just the water, they had been thoroughly soaked now. 
“you’re a wolf.” He said quietly. Ben couldn’t read his expression mostly hidden behind the mask, side his mouth. 
“Is that a problem?” Ben asked, confused. 
“I suppose not.” He answered, feeling the mask over in his hands. “We’re both predators.”
“Yes but I’m the Apex predator!” Ben said proudly, sitting up in the water and flexing his muscles. “That means everything is Prey to me.” he snarled jokingly.
Suddenly the boy shoved the mask back into his arms. “Take it back!” He insisted urgently. 
“What? But you stole it!” Ben exclaimed, confused. 
“ I don’t want it! I don’t want your soul!” He seemed distressed. 
Ben shook his head. “Those are just Myths, it’s okay they don’t mean anything.” He smiled trying to reassure him.
“But I don’t want it!” He reinforced. 
“No, you stole it fair and square and you should keep it.” He retorted, sounding slightly annoyed that he wouldn't accept the prize he rightfully won. “I’m sure your father would be proud you stole a wolf's mask.” At the mention of his father the boy seemed to make a face Ben couldn’t quite read. He then dropped the mask into the water beside them, purposely. 
“Well, I dropped it so that means you can steal it back!”
“You really care about this mask thing don’t you?” He asked rhetorically, shaking his head laughing. 
“Well, if it is just myths as you say it is, then it wouldn’t make sense for me to keep it. Remember, I’m not supposed to keep useless things.”
Ben thought about it and nodded to himself before speaking. “I don’t think anything is completely useless.”
“maybe…” he looked like he would say something more but he was cut off by a voice calling from the distance. 
The fox boy turned to the sound quickly and scrambled up to his feet. “I have to go” He rushed out of the water and grimaced at the sight of the wet stain on his satchel. 
“wait!” Ben called out to him. 
“yes?” The boy said, turning back. 
“If you're not going to take off your mask, can you at least tell me what color your eyes are?” Ben asked curiously. 
And with that he turned back and walked into the trees disappearing from view.
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I had been listening to Harpy Hare, by Yaelokre and I found a Picrew where you could make a Yaelokre OC I got bored so I decided to use the fox and wolf mask to make Hux and Kylo and from there I got the idea from this AU. It now has a whole bunch of lore, so we’ll see how far this takes me.
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@lessdenied @fives-ren @jaynesilver @thegeneralorder @diabollicallyangelic
@dragonflies-draw-flame @hpdmism @fridayincarnate @tomatette
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Alright! We have Nara Fixation feating Naruto
But can we get Pyromaniac Uchiha feating wind nature Naruto
Like, maybe, age 6 when Sasuke is still learning the Great Fireball and Naruto come tumbling over over flowing with chakra. See what Sasuke is trying to do and is like “wind makes fire bigger! I learned that when I couldn’t get any food from the market. I have to catch and cook my own food. Anyways watch this!”
And makes like nice little breeze and Sasuke’s all like “what is a gust of wind gonna do Dobe? You need something better to use with the Great Fireball! Amaterasu help me!”
Then they fight and make a bet and they try to work together to make a combo move and then they burn down the WHOLE UCHIHA TRAINING GROUND and then it’s all over for Sasuke’s little Uchiha Heart.
Oh oh you’re speaking my language with this shit right here darling.  Because yes, yes this makes perfect sense.  I live for a Naruto who practically breathes chakra and we all know Uchiha are all collectively Like That(TM) so it really would be a match made in pyro-heaven.
And of course I’ll tweak it a bit cause I’m digging this being a post-Massacre thing:
So Sasuke and Naruto know each other in a passing sort of way, of course they do. Sasuke is the second son of the Uchiha Clan head so everyone tends to know who he is.
And as for Naruto?  Well even at their age Naruto is already infamous in the village as a whole as well as with the other kids their age.  Naruto with his bright hair and his ragged clothes and his too loud everything.  Naruto who does nothing but cause chaos and get yelled at in class at the Academy.
Naruto who most of them have been warned to stay well and far away from.
So of course the last thing Sasuke’s expecting when he’s out at the dock is to see Naruto, a bruise blossoming brilliantly across his face and blood rusting one nostril and the corner of his mouth, come tumbling out of the reeds.
On his part Naruto looks equally surprised to see him, blue eyes going wide and entire body locking into place.
Hand raised to his mouth and gathered chakra puffing out his cheeks, Sasuke freezes for a too long moment as they stop and stare at each other.
The ashy cough and wheeze Sasuke gives out when the chakra finally grows unstable in his mouth and throat makes Naruto giggle just a bit.
“Oi, oi, oi,” Naruto finally calls as he pulls himself up out of the reeds and onto the dock, uncaring at how his feet and legs are covered in mud and muck.  “You doing cool jutsu?  What is it?”
Sasuke debates on answering for a long moment. But, well, it’s not like there’s anyone around to get in trouble with for talking to Naruto anymore.
And Naruto’s the only one in class who doesn’t look at him like that.
“Great Fireball,” Sasuke finally answers just as Naruto’s begun to droop just a bit.
“Can you teach me?” Naruto asks, bright eyes wide as they fix on Sasuke’s face.
“No,’ Sasuke tells him, just a bit defensively.  “It’s for Uchiha only.”
“Oh,” Naruto slumps for a split second before he perks back up yet again. “That’s kinda cool, that you got family jutsu.”
The words hover heavy in the air between them, a silent sort of understanding over this terrible thing they both have in common now.
“Can’t do it perfect yet,” Sasuke digs the tip of his sandal into the dock. “Not like Ita-he could when he was my age.”
Because yes Sasuke had trained to do the fireball so he could finally gain Fugaku’s attention but even then it wasn’t as impressive as Itachi’s initiation fireball had been and Sasuke wants to, has to, surpass him.
“You need more wind,” Naruto tells him gravely, arms crossed over his chest as he nods decisively.  “Wind makes the fire real big!  So if you can’t do it yet just add more wind.”
Which makes Sasuke, who ,like all Uchiha, does like the idea of bigger fire, pause for a moment.  Because he knows Naruto’s right in a way.  Wind can cause flames to grow high and stronger, but Sasuke hadn’t expected Naruto of all people to know that.
“Like this, see?” Naruto bounces forward as soon as he realizes Sasuke’s actually interested in what he said.
And Sasuke watches as Naruto puffs up his cheeks, screws his eyes shut, and blows out an actual breeze.
It’s not very large or strong but it’s undeniably a wind current and not just a heavy breath.
And Naruto did it with no hand signs.  Did it through pure concentration alone.
Sasuke’s mind immediately starts to spark.
“Needs to be bigger,” Sasuke finds himself saying.  “Bigger wind for a bigger fireball.”
Naruto deflates just a bit.
“Don’t know any real wind jutsu,” Naruto mumbles, arms moving to hug himself while he stares at the dock.
Which, even if he won’t say it, is actually more impressive to Sasuke.  Because, again, it means Naruto did that through pure will and chakra alone.
“Might have a few scrolls on them somewhere,” Sasuke’s mouth moves on its own.
Beside him Naruto’s eyes go wide with what looks a lot like awe and the beginning of hope.
Sasuke looks away, cheeks burning red, and reminds himself that he’s only doing this so he can see a bigger fire.
Two weeks later, a bundle of scrolls hunted down and the Great Breakthrough jutsu firmly in Naruto’s arsenal, the two of them head back out to the dock.
Five minutes later all Sasuke can do is stare in awe as everything around them burns.
When he looks over to the right and sees Naruto back lit by the flames all he can do is throw his head back and laugh.
Because he’s never seen anything so beautiful in his entire life.
Now all Sasuke has to do is hurry up and kill Itachi so he can have this for the rest of forever.
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sconnie-doesnt-know · 4 years
Ransom’s Hallmark Moment
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word Count: 4300
Warnings: Language, drinking, smut including unprotected sex (imagine that birth control), Ransom's bad attitude and Ransom being soft (what?!)
A/N: written for the Hoelentine's Day Challenge hosted by @chrissquares @amythedvdhoarder and @drabblewithfrannybarnes
My giftee is Heather @hevans-angel and I hope I've been able to fulfill some of your wishes you sweet lady!
So much appreciation for @stargazingfangirl18 and @drabblewithfrannybarnes for helping me and being so supportive and creative! Now, on to the fic!
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Aside from the date on the calendar, it feels like a typical Sunday. You got a lot done around the house, allowed yourself some time to relax and baked enough for a small army. Wiping the last of the crumbs away, you proudly look over the pile of treats ready to be given out the next day at work - all sweet and sprinkled and festive in pink and red. Spending the day baking, relaxed and comfortable with old episodes of ‘Bewitched’ on for company is just what you needed before starting another week. Plus, you aren't really alone. There's always Andy.
The wind suddenly blows hard, shaking the windows. You glance outside at the darkened sky, noticing the heavy sheets of snow falling to the ground.
“Shit,” you hiss, making your way to the back door and opening it, “Andy!”
You wait a moment and shout again, “Andy! Come on in!” followed by a series of whistles.
“Oh no, no no please no, not again,” you whine, heading back into the kitchen to find your phone already ringing. You scrunch up your face in a grimace as you answer as sweetly as possible, “Hello?”
“Missing something?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, I was just about to call you.”
“Yeah, well, he’s here of course. If you don’t get here soon, I might call animal control.”
“You always say that, Ransom, but I know you like him. I’ve seen the water bowl and that old tennis ball by the front walkway.”
“That’s from the housekeeper.”
“Mmhmm, sure. You know I’ll be right there. I’m sorry.”
“Sure you are, see you soon angel.”
You scoff at the nickname. He’s always using a sweet one on you, while calling your dog something far less endearing like hellhound, or fleabag, or even Cujo. The first time he said that one, you looked over at your Lab/Husky mix, with his ears perked at attention and tongue lolling out from his dopey dog smile and laughed like you hadn’t in a long time.
Ransom was less amused.
For some reason, when you moved to the little cottage house set back into the woods, your dog decided to treat himself to adventures which almost always ended with him in front of the wall of windows at Ransom’s home smearing his nose, and drool and mud all over the panes of glass. 
That first pickup was not encouraging. You’d been out searching and going down the long driveways of your neighbors to search until you found him at Ransom’s, sitting and thumping his tail against the ground and staring at Ransom through the window, who for his part, stood with his arms crossed and scowling down at your dog.
That was the first time he told you to keep him contained or he’d call animal control. 
You gave him your number, begging him to call you instead if it happened again. After a few weeks the promise of calling animal control was more of a joke than a threat.
Half the time you were already on your way over, having noticed the dog had taken off, but the other half, it was a grumpy call from Ransom, complaining about being harassed by some wild beast. Apparently the ability to spin a tale was a family trait.
By the time you got there, Andy would usually be tired out from his little journey and be waiting for you to leash him, allowing you and Ransom to get caught up in conversation. And so began an awkward-sometimes tense-sometimes flirty almost-friendship with the man. You were equal parts grateful and pissed at Andy, because of course he would go out of his furry little way to make an ass of you in front of the most handsome man you’ve seen in real life. Tall, broad-shouldered, stoic and reserved, plus cocky to top it all off - the man was checking boxes left and right.
Weeks later, Ransom was still those things, but also sarcastic, witty, a bit playful and very charming when he was in the mood. You caught the appreciative looks he gave your body when you approached (not that he really tried to hide them), and you allowed yourself moments to linger on his features as well. Your little conversations on his front walkway almost always turned flirty, at least until Andy made his impatient presence known by tugging at the leash or barking to get your attention. 
You pack up some cookies, cupcakes, and truffles you made to make some sort of peace offering, grab the leash, and head out to retrieve your little trouble-maker. The thick, wet flakes are heavy, and make the journey down the wood-lined roads slower than usual.
You pull up, squinting through the falling snow, unable to see Andy in his usual spot. You see Ransom walk through the house and to the door, waving you inside, so you hurry from the car, head ducked down to try to avoid the chill and wedge your way in, shaking away the snow once you feel the warmth inside.
“He’s in my garage,” he tells you in lieu of an actual greeting, moving away as you shake off the snow.
“What? You let him inside?”
“Not inside-inside, but yeah. I know better than to leave a pet out in that. Christ. And you know, I keep telling you, princess if you want to see me, you don’t have to keep sending that mutt over as an excuse.”
“Yeah, sure. But what a waste of all that training,” you quip back. It’s almost a routine at this point.
You roll your eyes when he gives you an over exaggerated, proud smile. You immediately want to roll your eyes again because of how good that stupid smile looks on him, too. Your gaze can’t help but travel up and down the length of him, long legs, slim hips that go up to those broad shoulders, all encased in a heavy sweater...with holes torn at the lower hem and at the stomach.
Without thinking, you rush forward to grab the frayed yarn cringing at the idea of needing to replace the expensive garment, “Oh no, did he do this? I know he gets jumpy when he’s excited.”
“No, he didn’t,” he wipes at the front of this stomach. “It’s fine. It’s just like that.”
He can’t even say anything else before you start with more apologizing and rambling, “I am so, so sorry. I swear I only left him out there for a few minutes so he could play in the snow, and he’s been so good. And here,” you thrust the package at him, “I made some food and I hope you have a sweet tooth, and I know it doesn’t make up for the inconvenience and-”
“What’s this?” he asks, shaking it slightly and breaking up your word vomit.
“Uh, it-it’s just like some cookies and stuff that I made.”
“What for?”
“For Valentine’s Day. I made a bunch of stuff because at work we’re doing a thing tomorrow, so-”
“No, I mean why are you giving these to me?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t thought you would need to explain, “Um, neighborly kindness? Gratitude? Because it’s Valentine’s Day?”
“Huh. Does this make you my Valentine?” He laughs and turns on his heel, walking away toward where you can see is the kitchen area. 
“For some reason, you don’t strike me as the sweet and cuddly Valentine type,” you call after him, hearing him chuckle in response.
You wait in the foyer for what feels like too long, just listening as he moves around, opens and closes cabinets and goes on like you’re not there. You look around uncertain what you’re expected to do since you usually don’t make it past the doorway until you decide to pull off your boots and hang your jacket over a chair set near the door. You follow the path he made into the kitchen.
“Sooo. Like I was trying to say, I don’t want to bother you,” you say quietly, “I will just grab Andy and head on home.”
“You really wanna drive with that going on?” he gestures to the window. When you look, it’s practically a blizzard and your car is covered in a fresh, thick layer already.
“Shit,” you rub at the side of your face, nervous at the idea of navigating the roads, but just as anxious to not irritate the man staring you down from across the counter. “Not really. Where’s Andy? I wanna check on him.”
He points to a door down the hall. “Garage is through there.”
You make your way through the house with your jaw clenched, unsure with what you might find knowing that Ransom’s not exactly a fan of dogs. So opening the door he pointed to and finding your dog curled up on an old tarp with that familiar worn-out tennis ball, a full water bowl, all cozy and warm inside the otherwise empty garage is not what you expected at all. 
Your dog lifts his head, tail thumping against the floor as you approach, but he seems worn out from his romp through the snow, so you let him settle down after making sure he’s alright and head back to Ransom in the living room. A small smile in place of your grimace from a few moments before.
“The garage is heated,” Ransom tells you from his seat on the couch. “Figured he’d be alright in there. Can’t do much damage.”
“That’s...that’s really great.” You’re caught off-guard by the thoughtfulness of it. “Thanks for setting him up. I’ll just wait until it slows down and head back out, don’t want to mess up any plans you had.”
He laughs at that, hard and loud. “No, in fact you and the mutt gave me the perfect out from a family thing.”
“Oh really, don’t let us keep you.”
“Oh no, I’m too busy being a hero during the snowstorm,” he answers dryly, letting silence hang in the air for a few moments afterward. “Drink?” he offers.
“A hero? That’s the excuse you’re giving them?” You try to wave off the drink offer, but then he points back outside. 
“I think we’ve got some time on our hands. And yeah, makes for a great story, doesn’t it?” he chuckles to himself. 
You glance back to the wall of windows, seeing nothing but swirling white and sighing, “Sure, might as well. But just to let you know, Andy might not be thrilled that you’re using him as an excuse.”
He smiles and gets up from the sofa to pour you each a glass, then turns back and holds yours out to you, “I know a girl, I think she might be willing to put in a good word for me.”
You take a sip of your drink to hide your grin and sit on the sofa when he does.
A little while goes by and despite the somewhat awkward start to the situation, he’s not bad company. Andy is still content with his set-up, nearly ready to tuck in for the night when you check on him again later. When you return, Ransom’s opened the box of goodies, happily making a dent in the whiskey dark chocolate truffles you piled in there.
“So, you’re sure we’re not interrupting anything? No lady or ladies or even gentlemen you planned to entertain?” You ask as you settle back onto the sofa, closer to the center. Ransom had ignited the fireplace while you were up, dimming the lights and letting the orange flames illuminate the space in front of you.
“Will you drop it already? Nothing aside from the usual family obligation to show up, deal with passive aggressive bullshit, then some outright aggressive bullshit, and watching the show when it all implodes. I am happy to let a pretty girl and her big, messy dog give me an excuse to stay home.”
You laugh, trying to brush off the compliment thrown in there, “Hard to believe you want to miss out on all that. Sounds like a real special time.”
“Very special,” he drawls. He wipes some crumbs off his fingers as he shakes his head before adding, “Trust me this is much better.” He tosses his arm over the back of the couch, letting it fall on your shoulders and force you to lean a bit further into him. 
“Yeah,” you mutter as you look down to your feet and fumble a string of syllables of incomplete words as you try to remind yourself to not read too much into what he’s saying.
“Oh, come on.” He picks up the slack in the conversation when you still don’t manage to say anything else for a few moments, leaning into your space as he breaks the silence. “So, I finally have you all to myself and you’re gonna be shy for me?”
You look up at him, eyes wide and heat rising in your cheeks and chest. “What?”
The hand not wrapped over you reaches out and pushes your chin up, closing your mouth which dropped into an ‘o’ of surprise. His thumb slides up to trace at the pout of your lip.
“Please, baby girl. Neither of us is very subtle. I don’t really do romance, but we’ve got a fire going, we’re stuck in a snowstorm, and I’ve been wanting to get you all to myself since that mutt first showed up over here. If that isn’t some panty-soaking Hallmark crap right there, then I don’t know what is.”
That makes you laugh, which makes him laugh right along with you. The tension has shaken loose and your smile is uncontrollable. It’s ridiculous - the scenario, his words, that he can read you so well, that he isn’t wrong. 
“Hard to believe you don’t have women knocking down your door with all that to offer.”
“Just one woman, and her very stupid dog.”
“Hey,” you start in offense, but still move in when he does, smiling into the kiss. It’s chaste and soft for brief seconds before lips part and your tongues meet. His hands waste no time to pull you closer, tugging you along and making you shift on your knees until he pulls you over him to straddle his lap.
You’re grabbing at everything you can, bunching his thick sweater in your hands, then sliding up and down over his shoulders and biceps, appreciating how solid he feels beneath you. Until finally, you rake your fingers into his hair, ruffling it a bit and then grasping it tightly at the crown to pull his head back, drawing a short moan from his throat.
He tilts back into the pull and you lift yourself up higher on your knees to keep your lips together. When your hands finally let go, allowing him to ease the arch of his neck, you take your time sliding your body down against his torso, pushing your core over the hard bulge in his slacks.
“You gotta ride me, baby.” It sounds like an order, not an option.
Yes. You aren’t sure if you say it out loud, but you feel the air leave your lungs in a rush and your body quivers at just the thought. You don’t care if this is quick, or rushed, or frantic - it’s exactly what you want rightfuckingnow.
His palms rest at the edge of your hip bones, fingers spread and digging into your sides and just slightly pushing and pulling you to get some pressure where you feel that he’s hard.
You reach down, covering his hands with yours and pull them up your sides under your sweater, not so much encouraging as demanding that he move things along. He gets with the program quickly and pushes the sweater up, separating your lips long enough to take it off then pulling you back as quickly as he can. His hands find their own way to the clasp of your bra, making quick work of removing it as well and eagerly touching every inch of bare skin.
When you both start to pant, breaths coming out hard and shaky, he moves his lips to tickle the skin on your cheek, down to your jaw, along the curve there and onto your neck. He sucks at the sensitive skin, nibbling and dragging his teeth when he gets focused on a single sensitive spot that makes you whine out loud. 
Your head hangs down to the side, letting him work his way down the column of skin there and sinking into the loose, ragdoll feeling as your body just gives in to every sensation of pleasure. His arms squeeze you against him while he keeps pushing his hips up and into you, teasing you with hints of pressure where you are starting to feel empty and needy.
“Yes,” you gasp, definitely out loud this time. “Yes,” over and over, every time he does something whether it is with his tongue, or his fingers - his blunt nails digging into the sides of your ribs to hold you tightly in place, or the twist of your hips as he lifts his own up against you.
It’s so much, and you’ve only just lost your shirt. It’s not worth waiting anymore. Your mind is set now to just get what you want.
You push away from him. He slowly comes to, eyes glazed and unfocused, a low mutter of “the fuck” slurred from his lips. Before he can reach for you, you lift off him. Your legs are shaky, but you stand as steadily as you can, undoing the button and zipper and pulling down your jeans and panties in a single push.
He watches for a second, then reaches behind him, gripping the neck of his sweater and hauling it up and over his head. He reveals almost exactly what you were hoping for - solid, defined muscles and smooth skin - but there’s more. Hair across his pecs and in a line down the center of his abs, and freckles dotting everywhere on his fair skin. You want to caress and trace every one, run your fingers along imaginary paths and press against him - but it can wait. It’s got to wait.
Impatiently, you kneel, kicking the legs of your pants away and shuffling forward to reach for his belt. His hands settle at his side, flexing, but letting you do what you seem to be compelled to do. You fling the ends of the belt apart and pull at the button and then the zipper, already salivating at the mingling scent of his cologne and sex.
He straightens his hips, lifting from the couch to allow you to shove his boxers and pants down his legs, his cock pulling with them, then bouncing back up once freed. It throbs, slightly bobbing with a rush of arousal and you can’t help but admire the thickness of it, the swollen head that glistens with smeared pre-come.
Heat burns over your skin, and when you look up at Ransom, he’s clearly feeling the same. His cheeks are flushed in patches of pink, his lips red, swollen, and parted as he lets out short, shaky breaths, hair hanging loose and disheveled. It’s more than you hoped for, and it’s disgusting how perfect he looks. 
As much as you want to tease, to keep this view while you swallow him down and taste him, your pussy throbs. You promise yourself again to take more time with him later, to lick and suck and taste him the way you want, but you can’t resist at least a taste. You grab his shaft, leaning in to swallow him deeply - just once - and draw a shocked moan from him before pulling off and pushing up from your knees, humming at the taste of him.
“Damn, princess. I thought I was going to ruin you, but fuck, you’re good.” He reaches forward as you’re moving up, his hand grabbing at the back of your head to guide you. He pulls a bit at your hair when you’re back up to the couch and spreading your thighs wide over his. His free hand reaches between your legs swirling through your wet, sensitive slit and pressing the heel of his palm hard against your clit.
“Later,” he promises, “I’m gonna taste your pussy. Gonna lick it all up.” He pulls his hand away and sucks away your juices as they drip down his fingers. The promise is so dirty it makes your breath shake in anticipation. You stare into each others’ eyes, admiring the wreckage between you and moving without guidance to seat yourself on top. 
You gasp when you finally feel the hot, hard line of him pressed against your pussy. It feels so thick, and you’re eager to feel the stretch of him pushing inside. You lock your arms around his neck, pushing your breasts together, nipples peaking as they drag along the coarse hair on his chest. 
The lips of your pussy spread over his cock, coating him with your slick. His cockhead rubs over your clit, making you shudder and suck in stuttering breath, and that’s it. You can’t take it anymore.
“Can I have your cock?” Deep down, you know you don’t really need to ask. 
“Yeah,” he adjusts his hips, scooting himself out a little further to give you more room to settle against him. “You’re gonna fucking ride me, princess. Come all over me.”
“Uh huh,” you breathe out, high and airy.
He takes one hand off you, using two fingers to angle his cock toward you. You lift up on your knees, tipping your hips until you feel him against your entrance. You pause for a brief second to ready yourself, then sink down, taking him all in at once.
The stretch makes you groan, the static-like buzzing mix of ache and pleasure spreading all over and making you throw your head back and deepen the moan.
He huffs out a few quick breaths. “That’s it, oh that pussy is so good. So fucking good, princess,” he mumbles.
Then his hands are back on your hips, warm against the bare skin and strong when he digs the tips of his fingers in to pull you further down, “This cock filling you up? Huh?”
All you can manage is another high-pitched, “Uh-huh,” while you start to roll your hips, barely lifting as you shift back and forth to grind against him, your walls still squeezing him tight.
“Come on, let go, baby,” he whispers, his mouth tight against your ear. Your arms loosen their grip around his neck and you place your hands instead on the muscles flexing at the tops of his shoulders. 
You move your knees to get them comfortable and then finally push yourself off him, sliding and gasping as you feel the head of his cock catching just at your entrance again, and after another silent beat, you slide back down, taking his hard length again.
With the space given, he dips his mouth to your breasts, swirling and suckling at your nipples, Harsh, fast sucks followed by quick nips when he catches the hard peaks in between his teeth until you gasp and moan. Only then does he switch it up, his tongue gently rolling over the bud, soothing the stinging ache.
All the while you roll your hips and the burn, the push, the fullness of him inside you is drugging. Your eyes fall closed as you focus on the steadily growing tingle low in your belly.
You start to chase it with slow, dragging strokes, easing up only to drop down and have him bottom out deep inside. It builds fast, making your thighs burn and knees ache as you try to keep your position; one knee has managed to wedge into the corner of the couch and the rhythm needed to build your orgasm conflicts with the concentration needed to keep yourself steady.
“Just take it, babygirl. I got you,” he whispers, feeling your body getting tired on top of him.
He shifts his legs, placing his feet on the ground and pushing up into you, letting you settle on his lap and rock yourself forward and back while his cock stays buried in you. He adjusts his hands to rest just at your tailbone, pressing you steadily against him and giving the pressure needed to your clit when you press against his pubic bone.
Cries start to escape from you, first quiet and breathy, but then building as the air gets pushed out in hard breaths. Your body inches closer and closer to that release, your body hot and burning and there’s a slight moment of too much just before it hits...and then it’s rushing over you - all liquid fire and bliss. You clamp down over him, legs straining over the tight muscles of his thighs.
He pushes up into you, his hands pressing harder at the middle of your back to keep you moving through your release as he works to find his. He hisses through clenched teeth, broken praises coming out on hard breaths.
When he curls into you, nails digging into your soft skin and breathing heavy against your chest, you know he’s right there.
“Come for me,” you whisper.
“God - yeah!” With one final, hard thrust, he does. You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside you when he releases, his hips jerking up slightly to keep pushing into you while the tense features of his face soften with relief.
For a moment it’s nothing but panting breaths and the racing beat of your pulse in your ears. Then it’s slow, dragging hands across naked skin and muscle, soothing the tense muscles and tickling sensitive spots and whispering praise to the man beneath you while he hugs you tight to him.
His voice is low and quiet as he asks, “Is the mutt gonna be mad that I stole his Valentine?” 
“You like me,” you smile against his neck and tease him with a sing-song voice, “And you like my dog.”
“I like you,” he agrees. “The dog’s okay, too.”
“Does that mean Andy should come harass you again on Friday night?”
“I’ll even get a dog-sitter.” He says with a smirk. “Let him know that 7 would be good.”
Tags: @jtargaryen18 @ozarkthedog @wi-deangirl77 @angrythingstarlight @donutloverxo @navybrat817 @saiyanprincessswanie  @sweeterthanthis @sagechanoafterdark @tuiccim 
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Black Snow
Summary: Nothing is perfect in Small Heath, not even the snow, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be magical
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A/N: A while back @raccoon-is-my-spirit-animal​ offhandedly suggested the idea of a fic about soft John, all fluff, x Shelby sis: 'you look like a gremlin afterwards'-mud-fight, and that’s just too cute. Also, we got our first snowfall of the year a few days back and it gave me this idea! It’s really short, but I hope you like it ;) 
Words: 1912
*** “IT’S SNOWING!” Teddy bellowed through the house at 5 o’clock in the morning. “ARTHUR, GET UP. LOOK OUTSIDE!!” She jumped up on her oldest brother’s bed and roughly tore the blanket off him. His curses could be heard all the way down the street.
Then she continued her rampage through the house and jumped up on Tommy’s bed, “TOMMY COME ON! YOU HAVE TO COME AND SEE THE SNOW!”
“I have to, eh?” he grumbled, full of annoyance but with a small smile still tugging at his lips. There were two kinds of mornings after the war: the ones where he woke up feeling even more tired than the night before and where the shovels had beaten the sun. And there were the mornings where his little sister beat the shovels. Who knew, he thought, that one little devil bearing the name of Teddy could have saved them all from France? She embodied all the happiness he still had left in him. “Yes you have to, Tom! Please, come on! There’s actual fucking snow outside!” she was beaming and Tommy thought for a second about scolding her for swearing, but it was sort of cute to hear a nine year old swear like she was an ancient sailor. Besides, why not grant her all of the smiles, infectious as they were. So he grabbed his blanket, shivered in the cold for a second, and threw it over her head. “Teddy!” he feigned panic, “Where have you gone!” Teddy was still jumping up and down on the bed, like a quilted little ghost, and yelled out, “I’m trapped in the dark, so now I really need to be out in the snow, or I’ll vanish forever!” Tommy laughed out loud at this and he lifted Teddy up, still covered by the blanket, only to drop her back onto the bed again. Grinning, she poked her head out and asked, less loudly, “Will you come?” “Why don’t you go bother John, eh?” he replied with a smile, “I’m not even dressed yet.” “Neither am I!” she replied while running already, “Can’t even find my shoes!” “Don’t go outside without…” but Tommy decided just to stop his sentence there, because Teddy was long gone already. “JOHN!” she went all through the house again in search of him, “John! John? JOHN!” “What in the hell is going on here!” Aunt Polly suddenly emerged with a face that predicted more of a thunderstorm than snow, “Theodora Shelby, you will fucking lower your voice and tell me what’s going on!” “Snow,” she said softly, visibly intimidated by her aunt, “and I wanted John to see…” “I can hear that, but why does all of Small Heath have to know?” Teddy shrugged, “I was just excited, Aunt Pol.” “Were you?” her aunt’s face softened a little, “I hadn’t noticed.” Teddy hopped from one leg to the other in anticipation. Waiting was not her strong suit. “Go on,” Polly yielded, “get dressed and wake John up. But without the shouting, or I’ll give you something to really be loud about!” So quicker than ever before, Teddy got dressed. And every second, she looked out of her window, somehow scared that the snow would have vanished again. It didn’t. The workers from the factory struggled against it and what was their worst nightmare, had been Teddy’s greatest wish this last month. Snow made everything better. But John was nowhere to be found. And when Teddy decided to ask Arthur instead, he had vanished as well. And if he was gone, Tommy had most certainly started work already as well. Not to mention the biggest tragedy of all: Finn was still in bed with the flu. So, like the very image of sadness, Teddy slouched down the stairs in search of some breakfast. “What’s happened to you?” Aunt Polly inquired as she put down a bowl of porridge in front of her niece, “You were so excited a few minutes ago.” “No one wants to play…” “Can’t you play on your own?” “No,” Teddy said decisively, “Snow doesn’t work on your own.” Polly looked at her and frowned, “Just as well. It’s turning into a black mess already out there.” And as Teddy looked over her shoulder, she saw what she meant. The factories had polluted the snow with ash and soot, and the white snow was turning more and more grey with filth by the second. And just like that, Teddy burst into tears.
“Teddy-girl!” a loud jovial voice boomed through the house, “Have you seen…” John stopped in his tracks and stared at his youngest sister. He could never bear to see her cry. “It’s gone,” she sniffed, “I wanted to play, but no one wants to and now it’s too late!” “Come here,” John lifted her up gently and placed her onto his lap, “Don’t cry, sweetheart, you’re breaking my heart. You used to love the snow, remember? Eh? We used to make snowmen and snow angels and throw down snow from the roofs on people walking by…” Aunt Polly send him a stern look and even though he was grown now, he still looked down when he caught it. “But they’ve all gone to work!” Teddy protested. “What am I then!” her brother asked indignantly, “Some servant who happens to live in this bloody house?” She looked up hopefully and asked through her tears, “Don’t you have work?” “Fuck work.” Polly sighed, “John!” “You mean it?” Teddy beamed. “Yeah, you heard me, girl. Fuck work!” “John! I won’t tell you again!” Aunt Polly warned again, “And I’m not having you two going out in this weather, causing trouble, and coming home filthier than a factory worker!” “What’s with the tears, eh?” a low voice said and Tommy had joined them, “What did John do this time?” “It wasn’t bloody me this time,” he protested, “It was you and your work.” “You’re too late,” Teddy looked reproachfully at Tommy, “I’ve already stopped crying because of John!” “What did I do?” he turned to his aunt. She shrugged and said, “Something about snow and a general sense of disappointment. Welcome to Small Heath, sweetheart. Might as well get used to it.” “But I want to play outside, with John!” the little girl was starting to get teary-eyed again. Tommy looked at her little frown, “What about work, eh? I need him in the betting shop.” “Fuck work,” Teddy repeated like clockwork. “That’s it!” Aunt Polly turned around suddenly to smack John across the head and Teddy next, “I warned you both.”
“As did I…” Tommy nodded. But then he started thinking and it was like he abruptly changed his mind. Teddy often had that effect on him. “Let her go and play, Pol. A little mud won’t hurt. They’ll be back in time for tea.” His aunt started to protest, but he simply held up a hand, “I take full responsibility if something happens.” John sat up happily, “That works for me.” “And I’m now passing it on to you,” Tommy pointed at his brother, “Make sure she doesn’t get arrested or something.” “Can we go?” Teddy hopped off John’s lap and started dancing up and down again, “Can we really go outside now?” “I’ll race you,” John got that mischievous glint in his eyes that always got Teddy hyped up for anything, “Last one to reach the Garrison has to eat the snow!” And in a flash, both siblings had sprinted out the door, knocking over everything of value in the kitchen. Tommy smiled again and slowly walked off to get back to work. “Close the…!” Aunt Polly sighed and added in a mumble, “Door. Fuck it. I’ll do it myself, shall I?” This is the best day of my life, that’s the only thought that went through Teddy’s head all day; this is the best day of my life. John had always been the brother to play with, but now usually he was busy with work or women. Today, he only had time for her. John wasn’t even embarrassed to make snow angels with her in front of every factory, so that the workers wondered why one of the infamous Peaky Blinders was lying in the cold wet grey snow. He even suggested they tried to recreate a murder scene with the outline of the body in the snow. When Teddy asked him to make a snowman, he helped her make the best one, in front of the Garrison. Everyone who wanted to go in had to wait until they were done. And when the snowball fight ensued, he not only protected Teddy from all the men wanting to kill her for hitting them with the snow, but he also let her win. Now, he was drenched, completely covered in mud and soot, but his baby sister was happy. And that was really all that mattered. When the light started changing again, Teddy suddenly paid attention to her own body again, “I’m cold.” “I’ve been fucking freezing for six hours straight, Teddy-girl.” “And hungry.” “Right!” John said as he lifted her up onto his hip, “Let’s see if Aunt Pol will feed us, alright?” “Why wouldn’t she?” He grinned broadly, “Have you seen yourself? You look like a little gremlin.” Teddy looked down and uttered a small, “Oh.” “Don’t worry,” John said, “I’ll cover for you.”
And indeed, as soon as they opened the door, Aunt Polly appeared, saying loudly, “No! You two, round the back. Whatever it is you’re covered in, I’m not having it on my floors. You get can undressed in the yard and then come inside!” 
So the siblings obeyed and when they had done as she asked, they walked into the warm kitchen. Sitting at the table, they found Tommy, who burst out laughing at once, “What in the hell happened to you to?” “Nothing,” John said defensively, and like he was the nine-year-old again, “We just played.” “You look like you’re back in the trenches,” and Tommy reached over to Teddy, “And you look like a tiny mud monster!” “I’m hungry, Tommy…” Teddy whined a little. “Didn’t you eat at all?” he asked. “Well, we ate the buns I nicked from…” but John quickly cut Teddy off by putting a hand over her mouth and send a pleading look to Tommy. His lips curled upwards a little and nodded in understanding. Luckily, Aunt Polly hadn’t heard. “Go on, wash your faces and hands at least,” Tommy ordered, still with an amused look on his face, “Then you can eat.”
And so the four of them sat at the table a few minutes later. Two were in their underwear only and the other two watched in loving silence. 
After tea, Teddy walked over to John and stood on tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “Today was like magic, thank you!” And he held her for a long time in a hug after that. “Thanks for the food, Aunt Polly,” Teddy said politely, “And thanks for letting me play today.” “Well, snow does strange things to you, I know,” Polly smiled, “I remember when we were traveling… But at least the snow was white then! Here it’s more mud than actual snow. Can’t see why you like it so much…”
“Because this is Small Heath,” Teddy declared in a high voice, “Nothing’s ever perfect, but if we try, it’s still good.”
And John looked at Teddy, and he couldn’t wait for the next snowfall.
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leonstamatis · 3 years
hewitt and jacob 9 <3
9. first kisses
(go read the hewitt vault fic @waveridden did first ok thank you byeee)
Everything in the Vault is just a little off. There's something about it that Jacob can't quite put his finger on, although he's tried plenty of times. There's the monotony, sure, and there's the gold inching over the skin of people who have been here longer than him.
But there's something else about it, as though everything is meant to be looked at and never touched. The furniture is staged for a magazine photoshoot, and the food looks perfect until he bites into it and realizes it tastes like paste. The swingset they're sitting on doesn't creak at all, no matter how much they push.
"The word you're looking for is cinematic, I think," Hewitt supplies. They kick the heels of their shoes against the dirt and seem to relish the way it stains the white soles. "People are supposed to pretend to live here, and then go home to somewhere messier."
Jacob nods, swallows. "But you do live here. And me, and. Everyone else."
The last bit, the part about at least for now, he doesn't say. He doesn't need to. They're both pretty aware of it.
"Right." Hewitt says. "Which is why I try to mess it up when I can."
"Glabe mentioned. What did you actually do to her house? I was afraid to ask."
Hewitt laughs, bright and a little too loud. Imperfect, and not terribly cinematic. "We tried to dig her fence out of the ground. She said it felt like a cage."
They'd stumbled back into the main neighborhood covered in dirt and mud, Glabe and Sosa and Hewitt and even York, leaning on one another in exhaustion but smiling nonetheless. It had been incredible. Jacob has heard a lot of stories about Hewitt; sometimes, he thinks he sees glimpses of the-best-there-ever-was, although not in the way he expected.
"Did it stick?" Jacob asks.
Hewitt shrugs. "No. Most things don't. I'm still going to try."
"I'm not sure how you keep trying. It seems... exhausting."
"How do you keep up the motivation to play blaseball, after everything?"
The question catches Jacob off guard. He sits up a little straighter, frowning.
"I don't have a choice, I think," he says, slowly. "I just... What else is there to do? I get up and I play, and that's... it, really."
"I get up," Hewitt repeats slowly, the corner of his mouth tilting upward, "and I make messes where this place doesn't want them. And that's it, really."
The sunlight glimmers against the gold insets of Hewitt's skin, the tracks of it from his eyes to his chin. Maybe once, Jacob would have looked away. He'd have stammered his excuses and gone somewhere else, waited for the twinge in his chest to disappear. He doesn't.
"We haven't made a mess here yet."
Hewitt's eyebrows shoot up, smile widening in surprise. "No. We haven't."
"We... could," Jacob says.
"What did you have in mind?"
Jacob doesn't consider himself brave. But he almost feels like he is, leaning forward and pulling Hewitt in by his too-perfect flannel. He means it to be a quick kiss, just a shared breath, a moment -- but Hewitt leans into it, pressing against the chain of his swing to get into Jacob's space. One hand is in Jacob's hair and the metal chains are digging into both of them as they reach for one another, and Hewitt is laughing and Jacob is too, and.
It's not exactly a surprise when Jacob falls out of the swing, toppling to the dirt beneath them. He's out of breath, staring up at the too-blue sky and dazed.
"Fuck, I missed that," Hewitt says, after a moment that feels like it lasts hours.
Jacob forces himself to breathe. "How's that for cinematic?"
Hewitt starts laughing all over again. This time, Jacob joins in.
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kraekat29 · 2 years
Chapter One
The plane finally landed and I stumbled my way off, nearly falling over if my brother hadn't been there to catch me, I groaned inside my head as I looked behind him and saw the old Volkswagen bus.
I put on my best fake smile and looked up at him, " c'mon we have a lot of catching up to do " he said and grabbed my suitcase before I had a chance to pick it up. I looked back, desperately wanting to get on the plane and go back home.
It's funny, I used to spend two weeks here every summer until I turned fourteen, then I made dad and John B come to Phoenix instead. I sighed and sat in the passenger seat, watching as the rain fell onto the windshield, almost as if the sky was crying my tears.
John B put my things in the back before getting into the driver's seat and driving off, " your hairs grown out since the last time I saw you" he said, obviously trying to make small talk, " I've cut it since the last time I saw you" I mumbled and looked out the window.
The rest of the ride was silent until we pulled up at the Chateau, I got out and slung my bag over my shoulder, looking over the place, it looked exactly the way I remembered it.
I went inside and followed the path to my old room, it was still the same way I left it, only there was new bedding, " uh some ladies at the store suggested purple - you like purple right?" John B said and I nodded, " yeah um purples cool" I said and he gave a quick nod before walking out, one of the best things about John B is that he doesn't hover, if this was my mom she'd be in here asking questions. With a sigh I set my bag down and faced the fact that this was home now.
I came out of the shower and put on a t-shirt and shorts, noticing it was still raining outside, I crawled underneath the covers and began to cry, why was life so unfair? I pulled the blanket over my head and cried the whole night.
I awoke the next morning and got ready for school, it was the middle of the semester, great. I sauntered into the kitchen and noticed John B had no food, with a groan I made a mental note to stop at the store after school, this place also needed some serious cleaning done.
I heard a loud rumble from outside and went out onto the porch, seeing John B talk to a boy around our age, " Rubes! You remember Rafe right?" John B asked and for the first time I actually smiled, " yeah! We used to make mud pies together right?" I asked and Rafe nodded, " yep you knew my two sisters too" he said and I gasped, " Sarah and Wheezie!" I said and he laughed.
John B cleared his throat and motioned to the truck next to him, it was a blue and white square body Chevy, it was beautiful, " what do you think of your new ride?" John B asked and I stared at him, " wait this? Oh my God shut up! This is perfect!" I said and admired the truck, " Rafe fixed it up and gave it to me real cheap, consider it a homecoming present " he said and I grinned before getting in the truck.
Rafe got in next to me and I looked over at him, " do you wanna ride to school tomorrow?" I asked and he sighed, " I can't, I go to the Kook Academy " he said and I nodded, " oh um that's too bad, it would've been nice to know one person " I said and started the truck.
And so here I was, Kildare High, I didn't know anyone here and I was honestly kinda glad, it meant I could get in and get out. But of course teenage boys always needed a shiny new toy.
I put up with it for the day and I was pleased to find out that Sarah actually went to school here and she introduced me to her friend, Sage Medici.
Before I knew it, it was time for lunch and I followed Sarah and Sage to their table, I looked around, scanning the area until a group of people came in, " who are they?" I asked and Sage looked over, " Oh those are Dr. Heyward's foster kids, they just just moved down here two years ago from Alaska.. That little dark haired girl is Kiara Carrera and the guy next to her is Pope Heyward.. And behind them is Cleo - it's kinda weird though because Pope and Kiara are dating " Sage said and pointed each one out, " Sae they aren't actually related" Sarah pointed out, " yeah but its weird!" Sage said but all thought left my mind as soon as he came in, " w-whos he? " I asked and Sage looked up,
" JJ Maybank - totally gorgeous of course but apparently nobody here is good enough for him so.." She said but I tuned her out, completely awe struck of the boy walking past me, " like don't waste your time" Sage said and I snapped out of it, " I wasn't planning on it" I said and couldn't help but look behind me only to see him looking right at me.
After the bell rung I made my way to Biology, looking down at my slip that I had to have my teacher signed, I looked up as I entered the room and paused, JJ was here, but as soon as I walked by the fan he stiffened and covered his mouth, making me frown in confusion as I gave my note to the teacher and took my seat next to him.
JJ looked at me in complete disgust and my frown deepened as I grabbed a strand of my hair, all I smelled was my coconut shampoo - maybe he didn't like it? I made a curtain with my hair, blocking him from view as I focused on the lesson, I could feel him staring at me the entire time until suddenly right before the bell rang he slammed his hands on the desk before standing up and leaving the classroom leaving me confused.
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a-tiny-atiny · 3 years
I Get Deja Vu
Have you ever felt yourself falling in love? In a way, have you felt it physically manifest itself? Has your world ever felt like it’s suddenly gotten brighter and you wake up every morning excited to see that one special person in your life who made you feel that way?
Because Mingi has. In fact, he feels it stronger and stronger every day. All because of one person: Jung Wooyoung.
Mingi is a loser.
Okay, he can practically hear his friends screaming at him for even thinking that, but it’s how he truly feels. He used to have higher self-esteem when he was a kid, but it’s long gone now. He used to feel pretty neutrally about himself (maybe even a little confident), but that all changed when a classmate of his came up to him at the playground when he was nine and pointed out his small eyes and crooked teeth, and everyone else laughed.
He never thought about those parts of his face before. He really never looked at himself for more than a few minutes in the mirror while conducting his daily routine before school and before bed, but it made him wonder if he should have spent that time looking at himself more carefully.
When he thought about it, his eyes were smaller than the other kids’. He didn’t think it was a bad thing before, everyone in his family has smaller eyes, but since his classmate pointed it out and everyone laughed, it must be a bad thing. Same with his teeth.
He still looks in the mirror every morning and inspects his small eyes and crooked teeth as though staring at them for long enough will cause them to “fix” themselves into something more conventionally attractive. He doubts the classmate on the playground even remembers saying that (or remembers Mingi at all), but Mingi definitely does. It hasn’t left his mind since the day it occurred.
His best friends at the time, Yunho and Wooyoung were there to reassure him that there was nothing wrong with his appearance. “Some kids say I have weird cheeks,” he remembers a seven-year-old Yunho saying, “but my mom thinks they’re cute so I don’t really care.” Wooyoung offered a somewhat different but still comforting sentiment about the kid being a “butt-face” and a “stupid idiot,” which admittedly helped cheer Mingi up a lot.
Middle school was when a lot changed for Mingi.
On his very first day of middle school, he awoke to find his skin red and blotchy, the first sign of his to-be consistent acne problem. He was covering his face when he walked into the building, so Yunho and Wooyoung didn’t even see him at first. When they finally did, they scolded him for being dramatic and promised that no one would care if his face was a little blotchy that day.
Wooyoung seemed to have been blessed with perfect skin, because he never had a single breakout throughout middle school. Maybe he’d get a pimple here and there that he would cover with some of his mom’s foundation, but that was it. Yunho had a bit of acne too, but his parents could afford the expensive creams that made it go away instantly while Mingi’s family didn’t have the time or the money for that.
Throughout his experience in middle school, Mingi noticed three key differences in his life there than in elementary school: 1) Unlike in elementary school, it did matter what you wore.
The fact that he only had a few good shirts that were usually either a size too big or a size too small and only a few pairs of baggy jeans didn’t matter in elementary school. He could wear the same shirt and pants every day and the kids probably wouldn’t notice. In middle school, they definitely did notice.
In only his second week there, someone in his class asked why he was wearing the same shirt he wore just last week, which caught him by surprise. Was that a bad thing? He owns a laundry machine, it’s not like he’s wearing a mud-covered, dirty t-shirt or something. But his choice (or lacks thereof) in clothing brought several confused and sometimes even disgusted looks from his classmates.
This leads us to point 2) Being funny wasn’t enough to be well-liked. Admittedly, Mingi thought of his humor as basically his only talent. He’s just a pretty loud and outgoing person, so that earned him a lot of friends back in elementary school. In middle school, he was labeled the “class clown” and was viewed as a troublemaker by most of the kids, which made people want to stay away from him.
Even to this day, Mingi has a hard time being open with his thoughts and feelings because he’s worried he’ll come off as obnoxious and rude, even when he isn’t trying to be.
And finally point 3) Middle school is a lot bigger than elementary school. Normally, this wouldn’t really matter. Mingi was actually really excited at first when he heard the middle school had multiple floors that he could race to be the first one to climb. The only problem is that with a bigger school, there are more classes, and more classes mean less of a chance of him being with his friends (i.e. only Yunho and Wooyoung).
He ended up having most of his classes with Yunho but hardly any with Wooyoung except for when they could sit together at lunch.
Because of this, Mingi and Wooyoung started to drift apart a bit. Wooyoung even made a new friend named Yeosang, who Mingi genuinely liked but was afraid would replace him as Wooyoung’s best friend. Thankfully, this is not what ended up happening and all that occurred was Yeosang being added into the friend group with open arms by all parties.
It was then that Mingi started noticing something…strange.
He would get a tiny pang in his chest when Wooyoung was overly-friendly with any of the members of the friend group. This feeling didn’t occur with Yunho or Yeosang, only Wooyoung. At first, Mingi thought it was probably the feeling of missing Wooyoung because they didn’t have many classes together that year.
Mingi didn’t know what to do with this feeling. He just let it be at first because it wasn’t really bothering him that much, it was just strange. But as the years went on, it got stronger and stronger until Mingi couldn’t ignore it anymore.
In addition to this weird pang in his chest, he also started to feel a weird feeling in his stomach, kind of like when you’re at the top of a roller coaster and it’s just about to drop. That’s the kind of feeling he started to get when Wooyoung started to get, well…hot.
In high school, all four boys started to grow into their features more, but it was most evident in Wooyoung. Yeosang looked quite handsome too, but that wasn’t much of a change from middle school because he always kind of looked like a Greek god in Mingi’s eyes. Wooyoung, however, he was friends with since childhood and never really registered his features as anything other than “Wooyoung” until now. Now, they were registering as “hot.”
And that’s when Mingi started to get a feeling that something was…off. He wasn’t sure what and he wasn’t sure why, but he had never really been good with feelings to begin with so it made sense to him that it didn’t really make sense. Does that make sense?
“No,” Yunho said when Mingi tried explaining this predicament to him. “You’re going to have to give me more to work with, Mingi-yah. Maybe you miss him because you haven’t been spending as much time with him? You can text him and ask him to hang out.”
The very thought gave Mingi that weird feeling in his stomach again. He groaned and said, “Whatever, it probably isn’t a big deal anyway.” So, Yunho let it slide and so did Mingi for a while. Even if he got that weird feeling in his stomach, he just tried to ignore it.
He ignored it all the way until it became time to submit college applications.
That led Mingi to let another roadblock in the path of being a loser: he wasn’t really that good at anything in particular. His grades were fine, admittedly a bit below average, but not terrible. But they certainly weren’t enough to get into any university that Yunho, Wooyoung, and Yeosang were planning on going to, which was his main concern.
The only good part of Mingi’s life was his friends. His life basically revolved around them, and it still does, so not being able to go to the same college as them was a terrifying thought. Which is why Mingi started studying harder than ever.
“Whatcha doing?” Wooyoung asked one day after noticing Mingi in the library after school. This was very unlike him because anyone who knows Mingi knows that he hated school and always wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Mingi jumped, seemingly not having noticed Wooyoung there before. “Oh! Um, just studying. You know, college stuff,” he explained clumsily. Why did he feel so nervous? It’s just Wooyoung, the same Wooyoung he’s known for his entire life.
“Studying? Since when did you study?” Wooyoung asked teasingly. Some people found that cheeky attitude of Wooyoung’s to be off-putting, but Mingi loved it because it fit right in with his sense of humor. That was part of the reason why they were such good friends.
“Since I needed to get into the same college you guys are going to,” Mingi said, the stress evident in his voice. This was obviously really weighing on him. “You know I can’t get into Sejong with my grades.”
Wooyoung frowned. It was true that Mingi’s grades were…on the weaker side, but he hadn’t ever considered the possibility of him not being able to get into Sejong with everyone. Going to college without Mingi was almost unthinkable. They had been together forever and Wooyoung wanted to keep it that way.
“I’ll tell you what,” Wooyoung said, taking a seat next to his friend. Mingi looked up at him with nervous eyes. To be fair, most of Wooyoung’s propositions were either very dangerous or very stupid or both. “I’ll help you study until the deadline for the application.”
Mingi’s eyes widened in shock and he was about to immediately refuse, but Wooyoung cut him off with an even more outlandish assertion: “And my parents and Yunho’s family are going to pay for your tuition.”
Now Mingi felt like sobbing, for so many reasons. Wooyoung actually wanted to help him and was willing to take time out of his incredibly busy schedule just to ensure that he had a fighting chance of going to the same university as his friends? Not to mention the fact that their families were willing to pay for his tuition? He actually felt somewhat lightheaded at the thought.
It’s true that Mingi’s parents had been relying on him getting a scholarship to be able to pay for his college education, but the chances of that occurring were seeming slimmer and slimmer when Minho’s grades failed to improve past a low B.
There were so many things he wanted to say to Wooyoung. Things like, “Are you crazy?” and, “There’s no way I can let you do that.” Maybe even, “Thank you.” But what he ended up saying instead was,
“You can’t do that.”
Instead of getting offended or even rescinding his offer (which Mingi both anticipated and feared), Wooyoung simply laughed. “Actually, I can,” he said, “and so can Yunho. You’re basically family to us and you know how much our parents like you. We’ve been saving up for this for a long time now and we were going to surprise you on your birthday, but it seemed like you needed a little extra encouragement now.”
Mingi wanted to thank Wooyoung and was practically forcing himself now to drop into a full bow, but what he did instead was equally embarrassing: he started crying. Loudly, too, and in the middle of the library.
But Wooyoung didn’t mind. He never minded. He always knew that Mingi was loud, and emotional, and a little silly, but he never minded. In fact, those were the things he was the most insecure about until Wooyoung started telling Mingi that’s what he liked most about him. He simply pulled Mingi into a hug as the boy continued to sob loudly, and stroked his back all the while.
It still isn’t exactly clear when Mingi started falling for his best friend, but if there was one moment he had to pinpoint, it would be that day in the library that he was sure he was in love with Jung Wooyoung.
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silence-burns · 4 years
Please Hate Me //part 48
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Based on: “Imagine having a love/hate relationship with Loki.” by @thefandomimagine​ Who would have thought that babysitting a god could be so much fun?
Genre: slow-burn, enemies to lovers, banter, smut
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Being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman always gave Peter a sense of pride and purpose, even if he could only share it openly with a few people. It was the kind of accomplishment that made all the hardships seem worth it in the end. It also made him happy in a way he couldn't really explain, but which involved a certain connection between him and the people he protected and got familiar with over the course of his superhero patrols.
But being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman was difficult in a neighborhood where no one was actually friendly in return.
Peter’s frown grew the further into the building he went. He was pretty sure it was the same one Loki and you had been renting an apartment in, and since he was a rather frequent guest, the neighbours should recognize him by now enough to at least return his greetings. 
That was what logic dictated, but Peter was pretty certain the people he met in the hallway only gave him a stern, disapproving look before walking past him quickly.
Peter was still frowning when he moved up the stairs, juggling the keys in his hand. Then he stopped. The unearthly screams of the damned were muffled, but most definitely coming from apartment number 13. 
Opening the door quietly, he slid into the familiar interior, now echoing with pain and suffering so loud, Peter had to cover his ears just enough to move to the root of all evil  - the bathroom. 
There were many inexplicable things Peter had witnessed happening in the apartment 13, and to some extent he got used to the thrill of not knowing what he'd face next time he paid a visit. Still, he hadn't expected to see various parts of a half-drowned owl sticking out of the sink filled thick with foam and bubbles. The owl must've struggled a lot, judging by the amount of water splashed on every possible surface, and the iron grip you and Loki still kept on the bird. Even if Loki was not wearing his usual features, it was still obvious who your partner in crime was.
The two of you froze. Soap and foam dripped to the floor. Loki's new form shimmered with a glamour only magic could achieve.
"Um, what are you guys doing?" Peter asked.
"Trying a new disguise?" The curtain of Loki's new long hair was luscious and utterly drenched. 
"No, I meant-"
"Listen, boy, as surprising as it might be for you, I'm still me, just with a less… criminally wanted image."
"Yeah, only if 'ME' stands for mischief embodied," you laughed.
"It literally doesn't. It's smooth, but it doesn't."
"Thank you, love. Now, could you please stop drowning poor Barbara?"
Loki sighed, but relaxed his grip on the bird just enough to allow it to peak its head out from under the surface and take a deep, long breath. 
Peter put his backpack down and meandered closer, dodging the growing puddles. "Why is there an owl in the sink?"
"Because I'm not allowing any fleas into my house," you firmly stated, pushing the wings back under the water. "And I don't care how many hours we'll spend here, I'm getting all the mud and dirt out."
Barbara clung to her dirt with all her might, but was overpowered and utterly misunderstood. Loki's new form was slimmer, but held the bird with his usual strength and a big dose of satisfaction. The smirk on his face was unchanged, even if the features were new.
"What do you need a disguise for anyway?" Peter asked, looking for a towel. "Can I go with you?"
"I'm afraid that as wildly chaotic and lawless as our destination is, you'd still be age-checked," Loki cooled his enthusiasm.
Barbara rushed to the towel and clung to it, loudly exclaiming what, precisely, she thought about her caretakers. Peter tried to dry her up as best as he could through her wriggling and screams. 
"Are you sure all this soap is good for her? Did you use any animal-friendly shampoo?"
Loki shrugged. "I doubt she can get any more dead."
The boy looked at the owl. The owl looked at the boy. The ruffled and drenched feathers were sticking out in all directions, uncovering a deep and no doubt fatal hole in her side. 
"You got a dead owl…?"
"It was not my idea," Loki groaned, casting the bird a disgusted stare in the mirror where he tried to change the shape of his eyebrows. 
"You're just angry because she likes me more," you laughed while mopping the floor.
Peter did his best to become invisible and not stare too openly at the ribs poking out of the feathers. Barbara puffed them every time he moved the towel around. The boy couldn't speak owlish, but the small, crittering noises she made were definitely far from happy.
"Where will you be going?" Peter asked. The owl sat on his knees and refused to move even after he finished drying her on the couch.
"To the largest casino on the Moon."
"Wait- There are casinos up there?"
"Not for kids your age," Loki said.
Peter slumped on the couch. "That's not fair."
"We'll be back before you notice." You threw the wet rag to the sink. "Of course, as long as a certain someone FINALLY decides what to wear."
Loki ignored your pointed look, too busy with changing his hair color. No matter how many little details he changed, he still struggled with finding a form he was sure would allow him to pass through the guards unnoticed and unrecognized. It was a shame he couldn't use his own - it felt like a waste to hide a face like his. 
The owl settled on Peter's shoulder, immobilizing him with the claws buried in his skin. But even from the couch, the boy could see the remnants of a hurricane that had thrown a rather alarming amount of clothes around the apartment.
"I thought these were yours," he admitted. The owl kept on looking through his hair with the utmost scrutiny and very little gentleness.
"I've settled long ago on what I'm going to wear. As for the diva himself, though…" you gestured around.
"I need it to be perfect," Loki said. "I have an important role to play, I can't just waltz in there and be recognized."
"You could go blond," Peter suggested.
"Ew, I don't want to look anything like my brother- Wait, that's actually a great idea."
Before any of you managed to protest, a full-grown Thor stood in Loki's place, watching himself from all angles in the mirror. The clothes no longer fit, so he dropped them and dove into the closet again.
"...what have I done?"
You patted Peter's free shoulder. Barbara nested in the crook of his neck. "Nothing they can prove. Hopefully."
"I am not my father's servant," not-Thor downed another beer. "And if I want to relax for just one evening, I shall!"
The tankard broke into tiny pieces as he smashed it on the ground. The loud applause and waves of laughter followed the very Thor-like outburst, making Loki relieved he was playing his role well. Even in a place like this, crowded with drunkards and gamblers from all over the universe, it was common knowledge what the god of thunder enjoyed.
Loki forced his glamoured face to remain cheerful as another tankard of beer had been brought to him, disgustingly sour and rough. He knew his brother well, and was sure he'd love it, but Loki himself would rather bite off his tongue than willingly digest any more if only he had an actual choice. He didn't, and therefore swallowed another gulp to the cheering from the crowds gathered at his table. The cards had been laid out, waiting for the victors to celebrate their success, and the rest to decide how much more money they were willing to lose to the god of thunder.
Seated in a great hall of marble and gold, Loki wished he could play the way he actually wanted to, which was the very same way that got him banned from the Moon last time he had visited. But for the sake of the mission, he stayed just above the line between bankrupting and winning money, which added to the body he was wearing, was just big enough temptation to keep his table busy.
Everyone entering the biggest casino on the Moon was inclined to try their luck, or at least take a quick look. It was a perfect, if rather boring, way of scanning everyone who entered the rich complex of buildings. The few fountains set further in the back murmured as they shot curtains of water. The air was thick and warm, making crowds of people inevitably gravitate towards them in search of any cold. With the tall, lush plants artistically winding over and between the pillars, it created little areas dotting the impossibly high hall, where the pleasant breeze gathered the people looking for just a moment of relief. You occupied a spot beneath the fountains, where most people would wind up going to at some point, and used it as a second checkpoint, just in case anyone missed Loki's, or rather his brother's table.
"Come on, does anyone else want to lose their fingers?" Loki heard you call out to the crowds.
Between their never ending sessions of losing and winning the money back just to lose them again, there were many individuals in need of a drink and a quick break from the gambling. How easy it was to grab their attention with a loud voice and a dead owl.
Loki stretched his neck and looked over to where you had sat down the bird with all kinds of currency piled between its claws and a single coin shining through the open ribcage. 
"All you need is to get the coin out, what's the matter, people? Is there no one brave enough to win all this money?"
Greed has always been a major deciding factor for the living beings regardless of race and the world of origin. The queue only rose in length as everyone wanted to try their luck. 
The table under Barbara grew more and more slick with blood from cut and bitten fingers. Pure malice shone in her dead eyes.
"What an awful creature," Loki muttered to himself. 
He could sense the stolen pin somewhere in the vicinity, but the casino was a loud and chaotic place, with multiple areas each centered around a different type of entertainment. More than an hour had already passed, but whoever was currently holding onto the pin, had not yet ventured anywhere near.
The two of you were slowly but inevitably running out of time. Odin might've been old and naive, but his spies' eyes reached far and wide. Loki had little doubt he would be interested in his favourite son's apparent evening fun, especially if he had that particular son with him, in the palace. Thor was a good cover, but not for much longer.
And then, by chance or a generous turn of fate, the shadows stirred and whispered. 
Loki cast the dice, not paying attention whether he'd won or lost. His money wasn't real anyway.
There - by the high palms stood the Hoarders, clad in the worn out rags and way too much jewelry. With their grey skin and long limbs, it was no wonder how easily they blended in with the shadows, using their skills to warp their surroundings and get in places others would consider highly secure. But their success was not measured in how many places they were capable of breaking in themselves, but rather how many individuals of all races they could easily befriend and bend to their will. Although, to be quite honest, Loki doubted the necromancer had needed much convincing. 
There were only three of them, each almost an identical copy of the others, but the Hoarders were encircled by both their partners for the evening and whatever scum tried to befriend them. That made it so much harder to approach them, but Loki was already thinking of a good excuse when he rose from his seat. People parted, giving him space - much more that would be granted to Loki's original form. 
The shadows whispered again. One of the ladies separated from the group, with an annoyed expression on her face.
Loki stretched, making sure to put his hands high. Once he caught your attention, he followed the lady at a leisurely pace.
"What do we do?" You asked once both of you entered the corridor and disappeared behind the corner. 
"She's got the pin."
One more turn took you in front of the ladies restroom. 
"Time for Plan C.” Loki began undressing quickly.
Holding a spare dress in your bottomless pocket was not the wisest choice, but it apparently paid off, even if fishing it out took you a moment. Your hands shook. Someone might have walked in on you at any time. While Loki would be doing whatever it took to get the pin back, you would be the one making sure no one interrupted him…
Like distracting the waiter that was now staring at both of you. Focused on the contents of your pocket, you hadn’t even noticed him approaching. Loki clad in only Thor's skin, blinked. 
The waiter turned on his heel and disappeared.
"I can already feel the gossip stirring," Loki shifted into a more feminine body, quickly putting on the dress. "They are going to eat my brother alive."
"Do you feel bad about it?"
"Oh, my heart is breaking into a million pieces," Loki assured you with a smile far too wide for that to be true. 
He kissed you quickly before disappearing into the restroom. 
Life felt amazing. Loki couldn't help but imagine the amount of trouble his brother would get once the word spread about his whereabouts.
His imagination was running wild, but the one thing Loki couldn't imagine was how, merely thirty minutes later, he'd find himself in the dungeons deep beneath the surface of the Moon, half-drowned, and viciously bitten.
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hualianff · 3 years
Mi Amor(tentia)
A Window To The Past – John Williams
Harry Potter AU. In his final year at Hogwarts, headboy and Hufflepuff quidditch team captain XL is caught up in a scandal where he performed magic in front of muggles to protect them from dangerous, dark sorcerers who had escaped Azkaban.
After the crucial incident ends with minor injuries to the muggles and XL’s miraculous defeat of all five dark wizards–though only one of them was successfully captured–the ministry expels him from Hogwarts due to his hasty and rash decision to duel without calling for backup, exposing hundreds of muggles to magic. The normalization of advanced technology had led to an alarming spread of awareness of the wizarding world. A messy clean-up indeed.
XL’s family’s name was dragged through the mud, the once appraised pure-blooded lineage honored no more. In addition to being estranged from his parents, XL’s so-called friends left him alone. He also lost a lot of who he was in his early adolescence. Since then, he has learned that even when his intentions are good, the end result isn’t always favorable.
After being expelled, disowned, and alienated from the wizarding world at age eighteen, XL traveled the world completing various bizarre jobs in order to get by and keep busy. Over a decade later, XL chooses to take the base exam equivalent to graduating from a magic school. With this requirement completed, and his years’ worth of experience under his belt, XL is qualified to teach as a professor at a magic school.
XL is lucky that JW, as the new headmaster, decided to hire XL onto the staff, as the new herbology professor. Herbology was always XL’s favorite subject. He’s in the middle of writing a massive index of new species he observed during his twenties!
It’s been so long since XL stepped foot in Hogwarts. Funnily enough, it feels a lot like coming home, a feeling XL hasn’t had in many years. He has a week to re-familiarize himself with the school grounds and meet the other professors before the students are scheduled to arrive for the new year.
One of the tasks XL is assigned as the herbology professor is to supply the potions professor with special plants and ingredients he has access to. The potions professor is named Hua Cheng, an intriguing name if XL says so himself. Though the first two times XL searches HC out to figure out which ingredients were needed most, HC isn’t in the room.
XL ponders if he should put together a basket of goods based on his own memory of which ingredients are popular in potions and see if HC has other suggestions afterward. Instead, XL decides to leave a letter arranging a meet-up time in hopes he can converse with the potions professor in person.
The next day XL enters the potions room, a tall youth stands over a cauldron while glancing down at a thick, opened book. He wears the standard black robes, the emerald green collar symbolizing he is part of Slytherin’s house. His hair is tied up in a high ponytail. XL wonders how a student is allowed to brew potions in the classroom a few days before all the other students return to Hogwarts.
He must be a prefect, or even headboy, to gain this privilege, XL decides.
XL shuffles around a bit until the youth notices his presence.
“Hello! So sorry to interrupt. I’m looking for Hua Lao Shi,” XL greets politely with a nod of his head. The youth merely straightens up. He tilts his head without saying anything. XL figures he must be a bit confused. XL quickly introduces himself, “I’m Xie Lao Shi, your new herbology instructor.”
The Slytherin student blinks. “Nice to meet your acquaintance, Xie Lao Shi. May I ask what the subject of your meeting with Hua Lao Shi entails?”
“Ah, I simply need to discuss the supplies Hua Lao Shi needs for the start of the school year.”
“Oh, that’s very considerate of Xie Lao Shi to ask beforehand. None of the previous herbology professors did so,” the youth comments idly. He steps away from the cauldron, waving his hand over it to temporarily seal the potion. XL’s eyebrows raise, impressed at the casual display of finesse. “But it’s nearly the start of the school year. Am I correct in my assumption that Hua Lao Shi hasn’t made himself readily available for a meeting?”
XL hums good-naturedly. “I’m sure he has his reasons. He must be quite busy these days leading up to classes starting.”
The Slytherin student lifts his hands in a playful shrug, a gesture implying, “As if.” He must be really close to the potions professor to act like this behind his back.
“Do you, by chance, know where Hua Lao Shi is at the moment?” XL asks, approaching the youth.
“Probably in Slytherin’s common room. At the beginning of each year, Hua Lao Shi performs numerous charms to prevent it from being ruined by whatever disastrous activities students engage in throughout the year,” the youth answers. He gathers up a bundle of scrolls to the left of the potions book, walking around the table to stand next to XL. “I can lead Xie Lao Shi to our common room, if he wishes.”
“Yes. That would be wonderful,” XL confirms with a smile. They begin exiting the potions room. “Thank you…?”
“Xie Lao Shi can call me San Lang.”
“San Lang seems very knowledgeable and mature for his age. Am I correct in my assumption that you are headboy?” XL questions, eager to know more about this charming youth who has given him the warmest welcome to Hogwarts yet.
SL lets out a throaty chuckle, eyes briefly closing as he laughs. Next, he sets those dark eyes on XL, shining with mirth. They maintain a steady pace of winding down staircases and corridors that eventually lead down to the dungeons.
“I’m afraid Xie Lao Shi is incorrect in his assumption this time. Headboy does not suit me.”
“Hmm, I beg to differ, based on the conversations I have had with you thus far,” XL disagrees lightly. Without thinking about his next words, XL continues teasingly, “San Lang seems like the perfect character to be in charge and order others around.”
This emits another loud laugh from SL. A hint of satisfaction bubbles in XL’s chest.
When they finally arrive at their destination, SL doesn’t even need to utter a password for the passage to open up. Strange, XL thinks. SL truly must be a figure to be reckoned with.
They enter an empty common room, spotless of any disorganization. Yet, no Hua Lao Shi in sight. XL follows SL who places the scrolls on the largest table in the room, which is already packed with inked parchment.
XL’s eyes flit over the pieces of parchments, belatedly making out class instructions, plans, and assignments written out.
Wait a second…
XL snaps his eyes back to SL, who turns around while pulling out the hair tie. Long, thick waves of raven hair spill over his shoulders; a black eyepatch now covers his right eye.
“Welcome, Xie Lao Shi,” Hua Cheng says knowingly, voice notably deeper. “Shall we start our discussion about the supplies?”
Potions professor HC is also the head of Slytherin. He is considered a prodigy who has published five potion manuals that are highly regarded among the wizarding world. HC is very intimidating and direct with his words; strict with his instruction but gives credit where credit is due. And he certainly doesn’t hesitate to take away house points!
He is known to wear an eyepatch but no one knows the reason why.
To put it shortly, many of the students and staff fear him.
Because XL hasn’t kept up with the wizarding world’s gossip, he didn’t know about HC’s reputation, even less about his physical appearance! It took HC revealing his true identity with the eyepatch for XL to recognize he had been talking to the potions professor all along!
“How very sly of Hua Lao Shi to masquerade as a student this entire time,” XL says with disbelief. He is incredibly close to dissipating right then and there from the sheer embarrassment of not realizing his mistake. Perhaps the Slytherin common room has a mysterious hole that can swallow him out of sight.
“I apologize if I have offended Xie Lao Shi in any way. However, he is the one who sees me as young enough to be a student. How could I do anything but indulge him?” HC replies, not unkindly.
“Hua Cheng is indeed...shameless,” XL breathes out. He doesn’t know what to do with himself, mind and body telling him to find a place to hide!
He settles for taking a seat at the table.
“Please, continue to call me San Lang,” HC requests gently. He takes a seat next to XL, rolling out a blank piece of parchment to write out the ingredients he’ll need from XL. “‘Hua Cheng’ is too formal.”
The explanation is surely a bit faulty? Why have XL call him ‘San Lang’ when his name is actually ‘Hua Cheng?’ Do the other professors call HC ‘San Lang?’
XL clasps his hands together on the table.
“Very well. I will address you as San Lang, but only when we’re alone,” XL says, determined to remain professional in front of the students.
Wait, that was very suggestive, wasn’t it-?
“When we’re alone, may I call you Gege?” HC adds on, interrupting XL’s internal panic. The younger man pins XL with a curious gaze, staring in a way XL is not used to being stared at. XL clears his throat while looking away.
“I will allow it.”
(Brainchild w/ @no-one-says-hi) 
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idjitlili · 4 years
Hello there.
Kili x reader x obi-wan(slightly)
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(Not my image)
Summary: Annoying the company with your 'sword'  pretending it's not a metal sword, being unladylike. When in fact it wasn't a sword...it was a lightsaber.
Word count:6036
Warnings: Obi-wan , language, food stealing, dwarf nudity, put some clothes on!
Y/h/c= Your home country.
It was no secret, that you weren't from middle earth, with your strange speech, strange references, oh and the simple fact that you had fallen from the sky knocking Kili right out. Not just Kili but yourself before. You would've been quite embarrassing; if you were awake. Lucky you.
When you eventually you did awake, you were surrounded by below average height men , and man with a grey hair and wizards hat. One of the smaller men? Or dwarf you weren't sure if this was even real, it was strange to see such shorter men. His hair dark, shoulder length, not styled well compared to all the others, as for his beard..it was just stubble. The other men had long braided beards.
Yet there sat this man, very different to the others , barely with it, like he had hit his head, there you felt it , your head felt like your brain was going to pop out. You noticed , a smaller fellow jumping behind the small man to see, his curly blond her upon his head, was all to be seen.
The man that looked right out of a wrestling ring, glared at you , judging you, as did the one with ocean eyes and majestic hair. You hands behind you in the dry dirt, your heart beating heavily, shaking almost. "Uhm, w-what is h-" you didn't even get a sentence out before you were interrupted by the beardless short man.
"Well you fell out of the sky and fell on me, knocking me straight out." The man was not quite happy, "uhm, I guess I'm sorry? I didn't plan from falling from the sky, I'll try next time to see where I'm falling, but oh right, I never consented to be thrown from the sky, last time I was conscious I was- actually I do not remember." Blabbering on, even though really you should be terrified.
In the end , Gandalf and Thorin questioned you, as if they were Holt and Terry, Gandalf being Terry.
"Where do you come from, human?" The mans face frowning, the same as he had as you awoke, he spoke with sternly, as if you were a threat. Extremely intimidating. Now the others had left ,as you now sat in front of the two men.
"Uh, y/h/c." Their clothing didn't sit right with you, nor did you ever see anyone with such extreme hair styles. Maybe it was a cult?  The old man , and the slightly younger man looked at each other , then back to you , clearly confused, well the younger one anyways.
"Tell me dear, have you ever heard of Erebor?"
Thus, for whatever reason you were apart of this dwarven company, as it were.  No one was sure what in gods earth caused you to be here, well there's no 'God' in middle earth, not called God anyways.
Honestly, you didn't know what to do with yourself: no blankets, no spare clothes, no nothing except you , your thin graphic t-shirt, jeans and shoes.  Thorin was definitely no help, oh yes and no money. Who would accept plastic notes as currency here? Nor were coins from where you lived were made from gold.
Oh wait you did actually have something other than you and your clothes , you had tiny little sword, which was in fact just an letter opener, you must've been opening the post before you fell out of the sky.
Not only was it awkward between you and all the dwarves, you did not fit in. Oh yes, Gandalf explained to you that elves and wizards existed, basically explained everything. Thorin had decided this was the place they would rest for the night, so you didn't have to do any travelling... except from falling out of the sky.
You could only think, it must suck to shit squatting, oh yes you'd have to face shitting the forest soon enough... without toilet paper too. It is not even like you can be certain that no one is going to walk into the forest and find you shitting or even worse no pads bleeding out.
You were definitely not looking forward to that,  since there was no confirmation that you'd be getting home anytime soon.
So, now as the day grew dark, you sat against a large rough pine tree, the cold from the ground rising up your body. Knees pulled right up to your chest, your arms tight around, as goose bumps covered you like paint covers a wall. Hair dropping down your face as you leaned forward head on top of your knees.Staring at your feet, and the ground.
You thought on what your family must think, maybe it was like the labyrinth and they had forgotten that you had even existed. Bloody hell, Jareth, you didn't even wish for this to happen.
Not breaking out of thought when three pairs of boots, and a pair of overly large hair feet, were stood in front of you.  "Lass?"  Even then, you didn't realise, only noticing their presence when a hand was placed onto your shoulder.
Only then did you realise, looking up to see the the beardless man that you knocked out, somehow, another man with a hat , the other below average height man that looked like lion cross Seth rogen , and the jumping small fellow. "O-oh hi?"   Strange that's the only way you could put it, the two brunettes grinning largely down at you.
"Excuse their bad manners, my lady. That is Kili, my brother , Bofur, and this little fellow is Bilbo Baggins... Oh right, and I am Fili at your service." Each of them doing a little bow, Bilbo's face redden a little , being called little. What did he expect, 'Oh yes, this giant fellow with the fat ass is Bilbo.'  Them staring at you waiting for you to introduce yourself.
"Uh, I'm y/n."  Standing up , daring to do a small curtsey, with a small blush, surprised really that anyone had even approached you.
"Beautiful name, perfect, I guess I'm falling for you already, miss y/n , you know since you knocked me out."
You almost blushed at the m-Kili's words, now blushing in embarrassment. "I didn't me-" "he's only messin' with yer, lass, don't yer worry," The hatted dwarf know as Bofur had smiled at you, only to get a jab in the side by kili, only for him to return it twice as hard.
"I'm sorry, miss y/n? I'm just wondering about your clothing-" Bilbo had began to questions your clothing choice, only to be interrupted, bad manners? Definitely. "Yes, those pants are very lovely, can you do a spin-" "OI," A big muscly man, the one that had glared at you earlier had smacked the beardless dwarf on the back of his head, letting out a Yelp of pain.
"What I was going to say, before I was rudely interrupted was, are you not cold? You are barely dressed!" You had choked out a snort, at the hobbit , who had glared at Kili, he really did not like dwarves interrupting, well anyone, he's not racist.
"I'm not dressed? You've got no socks on! My mum would have scolded me, even if I just got out of the bath. 'Y/n, where's your socks! You are going to get ill! Y/n, I don't care if you have just sat down, go get your bloody socks on.' "  Starring back at you feet, now stretched across the mud, it was incredibly awkward, well until they had started laughing.
"That's just like our Amad, right, fee?" Kili had called to his brother, before sitting down on the mud near you. "Oh yes, remember when Amad told you not eat all that cake-" Looking over to Kili who's face flushed red, interrupting his brother.
"Don't you dare."  Bofur , Fili and Bilbo sat down,  you sat in a circle, Fili trying to hold back from laughing. "Well ye gotta tell us now,Fili." Bofurs hand supported his head eager for Fili to continue. Bilbo the same, he loved stories.  Kili's pleading eyes, were no match for his brother.
"Alright, so he ate all the cake, this stuff was heavily creamed, sweets covered it, it could feed 12 dwarves, that's saying a lot. Our Amad strictly told us, mostly Kili, not to eat it."
Fili's moustache braids jiggled as he talked, very distracting, letting out a small chuckle while talking a breath.  "Anyways, Amad woke up in the morning, she was not happy at all, she had yelled so loud, that me, Kili, and Thorin were awoken from upstairs. All three of us rushed down the stairs, to see the table with no cake, just the plate. Amad  stood there with her face redder than a smacked bosom, hands on her hips."
Kili face now in his hands, Fili grinning larger and larger by the second. " She had looked all three of us done, before calling Kili towards him, and it was dreadfully obviously his hair had cake crumps throughout it, he got scolded so bad."
"Is that it ," Bilbo was disappointed with the outcome, he had thought it would've been more suspenseful. "No master Baggins, Thorin later took us for training with Dwalin as well as many other viewers. Basically what happened was Dwalin threw him over his head and he landed on the floor, when he finally tried to stand up he let loose the loudest wet fart.  Then, he stood up and the back of his pants were covered, and out the ends of his trousers... he had to walk home like that."
Bursts of laughter had erupted through the circle, Kili just looked horrified with his brother, placing your hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up to you, with a sad smile.
"Don't feel bad, someone I knew yawned up to the sky and a bird shat in her mouth, to make matters worse she was afraid to tell anyone so she spat it out, and stood there with bird shit taste." 
Looking at you wide eye,  "T-they did what?"
"A bird shat in their mouth."
"Such crude language, yet suddenly I feel much better." Kili smiling up to you, the other three still laughing about Kili's shitty pants.
A friendship between you and the dwarf ,you knocked out, began. Over the months you had gotten more comfortable with the company.
Soon enough you were all captured by trolls, but you were sleeping so, you woke up and everyone was packing to leave. You were very confused indeed, Thorin had announced that you all were leaving for a troll cave.
Gandalf had merged after Thorin with two swords , calling you and Bilbo over. Wow, free stuff. 
What Gandalf had not expected was your behaviour later on at Rivendell... Bathing and changing at Rivendell, eating some rabbit food, it was soon time for second dinner and after that bed.
Roaming the grounds of Rivendell the next month, you had bumped into Bilbo. That's when it started, you had already been messing with your sword. When Bilbo had approached you, seeing your cheeky grin he didn't know whether to run.
"M-morning ,miss y/n?" Speaking uncertain of himself, partly nervous,  you had been pretty unpredictable, you know falling out the sky?
"Morning ,Bilbo!  How are you feeling?"  Swinging your sword in like it was baton or baseball bat, almost dropping flat on your face.
"I'm fine , thank you. Uh..." The sword now between your legs, swinging it around. "Bilbo look, it's my cock." Bilbos face now red, your crude language tended to fluster the poor hobbit, sorry the rich hobbit.
"Miss y/n, I do not think that's quite appropriate.."   You head snapping towards the hobbit, your face dropped, instantly Bilbos mouth is gapped. "Oh- I didn't mean any offence." Taking a step forward, Bilbo had stepped back , another and another.
Bilbo had ended up sprinting , you chasing him, well until an elf had offered you pastry's. Continuing your walk around the grounds, munching on your pastry, distracted by your breakfast you didn't notice the dwarf in front of you until the last second. 
"Where's your trousers?!"  You had made eye contact with something other than his eyes, it was painfully obvious. Meeting his actual eyes, the smirk on his face, concluded that he had seen you check him out, flushed pink cheeks.
"Fili took my clothes."
"Why would he want to see you running around naked,-cover up gosh!" Your voice getting higher by the second.
"Well, my lady with what?" You had thrown your pastry at the dwarf, now quite put off; even though his size was quite large. Instead covering himself he began to eat the remaining amount of the pastry.
You had scoffed, walking around the dwarf, away from his naked body.
What did catch you off guard again was a  man popping out from a pillar , his longish hair blond, his eyes ocean blue, his beard trimmed, his shirt beige , with a brown leather belt around his waist. You didn't know how to describe it, you jumped when he spoke.
"Hello there," 
How could be here? In a land of dwarves, elves and wizards? It was Obi-wan Kenobi, surely he should've been in the high ground? I mean, chopping some legs...so Anakin is leg a less, because his legs Aragorn.
"General Kenobi!" Kili had to turned around, to see you running at a strange man, who was General Kenobi, turning back round he had stomped off back to the company... to gossip.
"What are you doing here, Obi-wan?" His arms held behind his back as you two walked through Rivendell together, the truth was that you had never met before.
"I'm here because of you, y/n...the Council has sent me to help you. The universe is in great danger, again."
Then, you found out your real purpose was in middle earth; to save the line of Durin, With Obi-wan Kenobi as your master you as the pad awan. However, of course you did not have the force, he was just going to teach you how not to be damsel in distress.
You didn't know how this would bring you so close to the Jedi knight..
Obi-wan, had hid until half a day from Rivendell, when you had gestured him to come out, Kili had let out the most over dramatic gasp possible. "I told you he was real!"
That definitely caught the attention of the whole company, stopping, turning , drawing there weapons, Fili pulling you out the way.
"Why are you following us?" Thorins voice boomed over the winds, you couldn't imagine how your eardrums would certainly burst if he had a microphone. Getting of the grips of the dwarves again, standing between Obi-wan and the axes of the company.
Little Bilbo just watched the slope of the mountain with amusement. "What are you doing, y/n?!"
"You stubborn dwarves, if I was walking with him with no fuse, you'd think that he was with me, he's here to help me." Kili had scoffed, nor did any of other dwarves look convinced, Obi-wans hands on his hips, puffing his chest, revealing his lightsaber.
"I've had enough, I don't care what you say Thorin, he is my protection, he's not taking any of the reward, now let's go, he is not the enemy." Maybe you told a small lie, it would not go down well if Thorin knew Obi-wan was there to protect him and his nephews.
"At the front, both of you, now." And you were walking again, you and Obi-wan at the front.
Though, all together you were from three different universes, you from one which starwars was just a set of films, and series. It felt weird. Knowing he died, old, and he didn't look himself.
"Wait, so, Qui-Gon basically died of STDs, because he so many that it slowed him down? I thought it was a rule not have attachments; but he could sleep around?" I mean, if that's the case... you are very handsome, I'm not the best looking, nor have I ever.."
Your face felt hot, that was more than light flirting, really you had only known him for 27 hours, your crush on him though, that developed from watching him on screen.
Now concentrating on where you were going, surprised when Obi-wan had let out a laugh.
"My lady, you must be mistaken, you are absolutely beautiful." Your face flushed pink, wrapping your arm around Obi-wan's arm, his eyes watched you as you did, not hilding hands or anything just his arm. There are times in life when words are not needed.
Soon enough it was time to stop, when the company approached a large path on the mountain, so big that the company could sit in a circle if they desired. Along the way many of the dwarves had collected sticks and branches for a fire.
Right against the mountain wall you had set up your bed roll, and dropped your cloak from the elves on it as a blanket, you were sure to remember to share with Obi-wan later.  Obi one had copied you, dropping his cloak neck to yours, as you both stood next to each other, the sky now dark, the smell of dinner lingered in the air.
The glow of the fire lit up Obi-wan's face, his beard now more orange, his blue eyes focused on you.
"Hey, um, Obi-wan...can I hold your lightsaber?"  His hands on his beige tunic, eyeing you down, one of a second, before handing you the weapon.
The lightsaber, heavy in your hands, yet still you were swinging it like you were playing tennis on the wii. "Um, Obi, can I please..?"  Turning to face the Jedi with pleading eyes, he just shrugged his shoulders casually nodding.
With that you had pressed the button, there stood the blue blade in front of your very eyes. Bilbo had noticed almost immediately spitting out his food, who in their right mind would give her a weapon?
Noticing Bilbos sudden uncomfortableness, grinning at him, as the saber made its way between your legs. "Hey Bilbo,Check out how big my dick is!" Bilbo had put his bowl of food down, and his behind Thorin, brooding.
"Uhm, lass? What is that?" Bofur wearily, spoke, eyeing the saber not blinking,like many other dwarves. Balin flinching as you waved it between your legs.
"It's a lightsaber, the weapon of Jedi's. Hey, Kili, sorta looks like your dick ,if it was a hundred times smaller. " Not that you were looking at Kili, his face flushed as he chocked out his stew, Thorins eyes burning into the back of the head, he would speak to him later.
"Oi, when did you get a look at Kees , lad?" Fili wan most  amused at the situation, Kili knocking him in the ribs.
"Well , what happened was I got a pastry at Rivendell, and Kili almost whacks into me. Yeah, and he was naked, so, not that I like to give away food, I throw the pastry at him and Obi-wan appears and saves me. End of story."
Now swinging the lightsaber like it was a golf club, you wondered if Obi-wan had to charge his lightsaber.  Kili now standing up , walking over to you as the dwarves forget about the story, simply because it wasn't rare that they went around naked. 
"Oi, Kili , throw that stick at me, so I can hit it." 
Kili had planned on telling you a piece of his mind, how his dick was not small, but there you were not a care in the world, waiting for him to pick up the stick.
His eyes searched the stone floor when his eyes catch, a thick stick not a twig. Without a thought he threw it, your eyes waiting, standing like you were going to play baseball or rounders. Swinging your arm slicing through the stick, causing it to slam to the floor in two separate pieces.
"I'm sorry, but what in middle earth is a Jedi and why do they have that, what even is that!"
Obi-wan just stood by you chest puffed, huge smirk on his face, as Kili ranted slightly , fear embedded in his eyes as he stood back as you swung the weapon around more, it was not surprising that the company were also in slight shock.
"This man is a Jedi." Pointing at Obi-wan before turning fully towards him, ignoring the others questions. "Okay, now teach me, master..." A grin across your face, as Obi-wan took the saber from your hands, turning it off, before standing behind you.
Turning your back into place, your feet in the correct stance, his back against yours as ushered you take your sword from his hands.  His hot breath briefly against your neck. Once you had done, his back peeled from yours, and he had done the same.
Throughout the next months, Obi-wan had continued to teach you how to defend yourself
, Kili always disagreeing on Obi-wand methods, suggesting he would be better to teacher you.
That was until you were all captured at Mirkwood. Of course, Obi-wan tried to use the force on the elves, however , due to being immortal they weren't easily controlled.  Somehow he did it still, only allowing you and him to escape, due to being human. What you didn't understand though, why was Obi-wan such a flirt.
The blond elf, the one that looked straight off like a princess, had stared at you and Obi-wan with his eyebrows raised. His light foot steps, couldn't be heard as he glided towards you both, standing close to Obi-wan, as the dwarves were search. Legolas excluding you two from it, using the side of your body to hide the lightsaber at Obi-wan's belt.
"Why are two humans travelling with dwarves?"   Was this elf wearing tights? David Bowie could get away with it because that ass and overall god looks, but the colour scheme on this blond elf was not it. Wondering if his dick could even breathe, maybe it shrank.
Looking at Obi-wan, who was smouldering at the elf, his lips slightly pushed out his blue eyes sharp, his long hair flowing. But..there was no wind. His hand doing a weird gesture like waving.
"We are not, we are trying to get lake town, as I have finally decided to meet my darlings parents. You will let us go." You were surprised when Obi-wan had wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you close to him. Your eyes wide, you really didn't think you were going to get out of this, how many times had you all been captured? Too many times.
"Go, follow the path, goodbye." Obi-wan had quickly let go of your waist , talking your hand, pulling you away, false smiles on your faces as you left. Trying not raise suspicion, Kili had watched the whole thing, scoffing in disgust, watching you and Obi-wan walking away.
You wanted to help the dwarves you really did;but Obi-wan had assured you they didn't need your help. You both waiting in the safe forest outside of the woodland realm, waiting for the dwarves.
Not only had Obi-wan had taught you basic defensive skills, but you had became extremely close. Here you were, stuck in a forest, no bedrolls no nothing, due to Azog. Nights were cold, so cold, as Obi-wan's duty to protect you, you both decided for your survivals there was only one way.
The fire low, so that you would not be detected by Orcs, Obi-wan and you snuggling up together, his arms around your waist, knees tucked under yours. Body heat being the only thing from stopping you both freezing to death.
During this week, what disturbed you the most, was Obi-wan's french accent...Considering there was no earth in the star-wars universe. If that matter you weren't sure. He'd pop the accent out at random moments, going to bathe in a stream?
"Do you need a chaperone, mon amour?" No, he did not go in the water with you, he just stood guard, holding his arm out to walk you to the stream and even back. Though you did have to wait by the stream while he was bathing , with his lightsaber in your hand, just in case.
However,one day when you you were bathing Obi-wan had almost had a heart attack when you let a gasp, running out of the hair all across your face, running smack into him. Your bare body against his robes, soon as he made eye contact with you he knew it was nothing life threatening.
"When I said 'You don't have time to be timid, you must be bold and daring' this was not what I mean." Obi-wan's stuck to yours , reassuring your privacy, even though his back was against the mud , your whole body pressed against him. Again with the accent, Obi-wan's smile small, your hands against his chest, as laugh erupted from your mouth.
"What is, Ma Cherie?"
"Only reason I'm laying on you butt naked is because a fish brushed against my leg." Obi-wan's once sincere face replaced with a grin you snuffled your laughter against his neck. Your cold skin against his , as vibrations travelled through his body, a laugh from his lips travelling to your ears. A few minutes passed, with you just against Obi-wan as you laughed together.
"This would be very embarrassing ,if the company found us now."
"I'll close my eyes, and you can go get dressed,"
That was it with that, Obi wan would never disrespect your modesty, it is not like when Kili had shown off on purpose.
The next day, you had caught up with the company and an injured Kili. However, the french accent was not lost...
Kili's faced laced with sweat, as you and Obi-wan made your way to the compan, his eyes met yours. He felt relieved that you had came back, yet anger still bubbled down in inside.
"I thought ye had left us." Bofur popping up infront of you two, his eyebrow raise.
"No, figured from I heard about that king , it was not the best if he had got a hold of Y/n, it is my mission to protect y/n." Bofur , along with Gloin, Dori and few others nodded in agreement.
Your eyes drifting from Obi-wan's face, back to Kili, his thigh seeping with blood,you had grabbed Obi-wan by the hand pulling him over with you towards Kili. Obi-wan meeting your eyes once again, confused with your actions. "Obi.. help him."
Letting go of your hand, Obi-wan had brought his hand over the wound, Kili tried to protest, only to be shut down by Fili. Kili felt tugging on his skin, the pain slowly disappearing, a few seconds late Obi-wan had remove his hand, stood up, made his way back to you. "W-what? H-how did you?"
This is what you and Obi-wan were sent here to do, save the line of Durin. After that, not even seconds Bard had arrived, the company was on their way again, no delays, except being caught by the master, which kind of annoyed
Obi-wan, getting to be called that without being a Jedi , disgraceful.
After that, it was one more boat ride away, and climbing more mountains. Within three hours , you feet began to blister, the knocks harsh, you wondered how Bilbo could do it, he was a happy chappy. Obi-wan next to you, had immediately picked up on you change. His eyes caught onto yours like a magnet, within seconds you were on his shoulders, hanging. Just like Anakin had carried him unconscious, he could've carried you anyway way but he decided on potato sack really?
"B-Ben!" The little shriek had erupted from your mouth in surprise, in reality it sounded like he had just made you orgasm. Your face flushed, as Obi-wan grip tightened around your thigh. "Yes, Ma Cherie?" Again with Obi-wan doing the french accent, letting out a groan.
"Never mind." For the next three hours you are carried on Obi-wan's shoulders, you couldn't imagine how his back feels. There's no negotiating with the negotiator. Your stomach ached from just being on his back. You did get to sleep for a while, which was great.
“Obi, I can walk now." Your face next the side of his face, softly speaking to him. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." With that you were back on the ground, walking with the rest of the company, though you didn't speak to many of the other dwarves much, you found yourself away from Obi-wan and in the company of Fili, who had left the company of his brother. Your conversation had started out normal, Fili telling you about the Elves, and Bilbo saving them.
"Are you courting the man?" Eyes widening at the dwarves words, it was no doubt that you had liked him watching him on screen, but no way he had made advances, had he? He could not, it's not the Jedi way. Why did he flirt with you all the time.  As you two grew close, you felt you chest tightening, you could feel that way. Just months ago you had felt the same for Kili, but then Obi-wan had appeared.
"No, why do you ask?"  Your face felt hot, unbearably hot, embarrassed that you had been clearly flirting back to Obi-wan.
"It's just that my brother... don't know if you have noticed he has been not himself, and well I think it's because of you and Obi-wan."  Fili whispered to you, you could barely hear him, but when you did make out what he was saying, why would Kili not himself because you and Obi-wan, had you offended him some how?
"What do you mean? Why would it be our fault?" It was not appropriate but a chuckle still left his lips, Fili could not understand how you could be so blind.
"You and Obi-wan flirt publicly a lot..." Then it hit you, the reason Kili could barely look at you anymore, you had not really ever have someone like you let alone possibly two.  Blush upon your cheeks, "Oh.."
"Now, you must understand, y/n , if you don't feel for him, you must put him down, do you love Obi-wan?"  Turning you face back to look at Obi-wan, who had been watching his steps, as he talked to Bilbo, who seemed to be deep into conversation. When Obi-wan's blue eyes had finally caught yours, his lips had turned up in a smile, before you turned back to the blond haired dwarf.
Fili's moustache braids jigging, as you all walked, waiting for your response.
"Jedi's aren't allowed attachments; it would never work out."
“Do you love him?” Repeating the same question, how could you know if you loved him, why would it matter it would never work out, Fili clearly didn’t want his brother heartbroken because you couldn’t decide.
“I d-don’t know, Fee,”
“Do you love Kili?”
“Really, Fili, I don’t know.”
Fili, had suggested to speak to Kili later, what if you only loved Obi-wan platonically?
Once Thorin had stopped the company for the night, and when the sky was dark. Only the glow of the fire upon your faces, Fili had left his brother on a log, making eye contact with you, gesturing for you to swap with him. Sitting upon the rough log, thighs touching, Kili had turned slightly jumping when realising it was you, his brown eyes now looking to yours with the flame of the fire reflected into them. His face with no expression at all, he didn’t even say anything to you. A string of pain, flowed through your heart, you hadn’t realised how you hadn’t spoken to Kili in months, properly anyways.
You had wrapped your arms around Kili neck, your cold flesh against Kili’s neck, as you pulled him into a tight hug, slowly he had accepted it. Wrapping his arms around your waist tightly, his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in deeply, his dark hair, tickling your neck.
“I’m sorry, Kili.” Pulling away, Kili brows scrunched together, his dark eyes searching your face, he thought he had done something wrong, and was going you space, also think mostly that you and Obi-wan were courting. However, Fili had informed him that you were not courting, he wished he could scold his older brother, for being nosy.
“W-why?” He had been jealous of your behaviour towards Obi-wan no doubt about that, but you shouldn’t have to apologise for his feelings, you could like anyone you wanted, you are beautiful, bodaciously so.
“Because I haven’t spoken to you for months, it’s not because I don’t like you, it’s just...you promise not to repeat this to anyone, especially your uncle?” Kili knew it, you didn’t like him, but his uncle? Yuck, he couldn’t be mean to you though, you were nothing but nice to him. Instead he just nodded, with a small smile.
“Thank you..the real reason why Obi-wan and I were sent here, well is to keep the line of Durin alive, must have a big effect on all the universes otherwise, two people from separate universes would not have been sent. So, we’ve been keeping this secret, it’s been hard, that’s why I spend so much time with Obi-wan.”
Kili’s eyes never left yours, as you spoke, taking a deep breath before you continued on, you were scared for the safety of your friends, Thorin didn’t care what you were doing , because you and Obi-wan were quiet and kept to yourselves, he saw how effective in battle Obi-wan was and didn’t complain. He needed the man power, there was no doubt about that.
“If I am totally honest, I do love Ben, and if he was allowed to be with me, I wouldn’t be with him, it’s not the way of the Jedi. He is my best friend, that is a gentleman, I’m sorry, but his back must’ve killed carrying me like a sack of potatoes. Plus, when we were waiting for you... I was having a bath, he was on guard and fish brush against me, I went running, fell flat on him, that was definitely not a pretty sight for hi-“
“You what?” Kili was scared to know what you were getting and frankly disturbed that Obi-wan had seen you vulnerable. You had reached and gripped his, large dwarven hand, tightly, rough, yet so warm...
“ Doesn’t matter, he was very respectful. Anyways, what I was getting at Kili, is that.. I c-can’t live within you...I love you, not platonically either, I understand if you don’t feel the same for me. I wouldn’t if I was you.” Before you could blink , his soft lips upon your, your hands in you his hair pulling him close, his hands back around his waist.
You finally felt certain of something.
Kili was not the slightest happy when you accidentally cut a lock of his hair off with the saber.
“Hey, Ben, can I cut your hair too?”
“Fuck off, I’m the only Jedi left with good hair, you touch it you’ll become a baked potato.”
“Okay I’m sorry!”
“mon Cherie , I could never harm you, for I love you like a dog.”
“Oi, stop flirting.” Kili had interrupted, petting his burnt detached hair.
“He just called me a dog, that’s not flirting,”
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dibberdipper · 4 years
Where to go next (Part 2 of cheap frat party beer)
Pairing: Poppy x MC (Bea Hughes)
Warnings: Comfort, implied past sex, language
Word count: 2,000
Summary: When kickoff day is over and everyone’s going home, two girls walk around in the street enjoying each other’s company until they have to fight at school again tomorrow.
Authors note at the end
Bea watched the blonde-haired girl angrily stomp away. She’s recognized the kind of person she is-
She’s a spoiled rich brat who just minutes prior threw a tantrum just because Belvoire’s newest farm girl won over the student body. Bea was undeniably attracted to Poppy, it’s been known at this point. But she wanted nothing more than to take her down. What goes without saying, she wanted the top spot. What made things complicated was she also wanted the girl in the top spot.
They never talked about that shared night in the dorm room, how even after they did the deed they stayed to cuddle. The school’s top rivals were cuddling. Poppy got back with Carter, and Bea felt like there was nothing she could say or do about it. So maybe there was just a little hint of spite involved.
She was on her way back to her and Zoey’s shared place but hesitated to keep going. A certain moment in the day kept plaguing her mind. Poppy just broke up with Carter today. For her reputation, this was the perfect chance to date the school’s football team captain. Carter was attractive, he was sweet… but her mind kept lingering to his ex-girlfriend. She knew it was evil, but she hoped she’d actually stay his ex-girlfriend this time.
She already knew she could surpass Poppy in a week tops, why not try to get in deeper with Poppy now? Worst case scenario, Poppy could embarrass and expose her. But even then, Bea just didn’t really care. She could probably get more momentum in some way and try to make the whole ‘Farmgirl simps for the queen of the school”. On the other hand, best-case scenario, Carter may be out of a girlfriend while she just got one.
As she took her phone out of her pocket, she walked away from her dorm. She could already hear Zoey’s lecture later onto why she left alone without any backup. She went to Poppy’s Instagram page and slid right into her DMs.
“wanna meet later”
She didn’t even wait a second for her reply, it was immediate.
“excuse me???? hell no”
“why not :(”
“have u met me? no”
Bea thought about what to say next when her phone came up with another notification.
“ok how do I know you won’t show up without your bootleg media manager”
Bea rolled her eyes as she kept typing. Okay, she’s crossing her fingers that Poppy does have a secret soft spot somewhere under her blunt rudeness. She couldn’t expect Zoey to support her and Poppy if Poppy couldn’t even treat Zoey with bare minimum respect.
But then again, who says there’s even a relationship.
“how do I know you won’t show up without any of your minions? oh wait they left :(“
She could already see Poppy’s fingers angrily tapping her phone.
Bea came up with an idea that’ll hopefully make things more fun for the both of them that won’t lead to screaming over DMs.
“here, i’ll drop my number so we can FaceTime each other on our way to McDonald’s. foolproof”
“🤢🤢🤢 barf, no”
“Who would expect Poppy Min-Sinclair at a McDonald’s?”
She didn’t get anything back until she got an unknown number trying to FaceTime her. She smiled to herself as she took out her earphones and answered.
“Hey gorgeous-“
“Who do you think you are?! Asking me to meet up after humiliating me?!”
She only saw her neck up, a deep red wool scarf covering up the lower side of her face. She was also adorned in an ugly mud brown hat.
“Poppy I-“
“To think I actually slept with yo-“
“Poppy sweetie, you should be a little quieter on the streets in NYC. Just a little tip.” Bea said laughing, as Poppy flushed. Bea obviously had a view of the buildings behind Poppy.
Poppy huffed. “I might as well not even talk to you on the phone, you’re being such a bitc-“
Poppy heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned around her.
“Then you don’t have to!”
Poppy was so startled she almost fell, and her hat fell off. She put a hand over her heart and took a deep breath.
“Bea! You scared me!”
Bea picked the hat up from off the ground and placed it back on her head.
“Whoops. Sorry.”
Bea looked Poppy over, and now she got to see along with the hat and scarf, she was wearing a tan dress coat with dark brown boots. She looked like a stereotypical cartoon character in a disguise minus the glasses with a mustache attached, plus the tacky hat. There was something charming about her attempt to look less suspicious.
Poppy glared at her but slowly her expression softened.
“Here, I brought these.”
She handed her matching sunglasses, they had some sort of brand name that Bea couldn’t recognize on them.
“Awww babe you brought us matching sunglasses?”
“Don’t think you can just call me babe, I’m pissed at you.”
Poppy crossed her arms after slipping her sunglasses, looking away in annoyance. Bea could’ve apologized or whatever, but the way she said it as if she did nothing riled her up.
“You shouldn’t have tried to sabotage me, sweetie.” Bea said as she slipped her matching pair of sunglasses on.
Poppy wrinkled her nose in anger.
“Then you shouldn’t have tried to upstage me.”
“Here how about this Poppy, we’ll say sorry on three?”
“Okay.” Poppy said uncrossing her arms. Bea felt her eyes on her through the sunglasses.
They waited for one of them to say sorry, but none of them did. They left each other hanging.
They kept eye contact and started laughing. Almost as if they were moving on their own, still laughing, they interlocked fingers and started walking. Poppy laid her head on Bea’s shoulder.
“Ugh, do we still have to go to McDonald's? “
“I guess not. Where do you want to go then?
“I don’t mind just walking.”
They walked, enjoying their shared silence as if they were just two girls holding hands because they liked each other. They both individually loved their reputations, socializing, but at the end of the day, it’s probably the only thing keeping them apart. The school is watching for a catfight, not a love story.
“Bea, why did you really call me here?”
“I just wanted to talk.” Bea replied.
Poppy lifted her head away.
“Ask me ten questions, and I’ll ask you ten questions after.” She remarked.
“Poppy, are you really trying to get to know me through a trivial game?” Bea said.
“You do know that’s one question down, right?” Poppy smirked.
“Oh come one, you’re not going to seriously count that as a question.” Bea said in annoyance.
“Ah, that’s two.” Bea scoffed at her statement, but Poppy giggled in reply. Time seemed to stop every time Poppy genuinely laughed, almost as if the world knew that was the only time she looked truly innocent.
“Okay I’ll stop teasing you, you can ask. But you only have eight questions left.”
Bea squeezed her hand, as she looked around trying to think of one.
“Cats or dogs?”
“That’s seriously what you’re asking?”
“Sue me, but you can tell a lot about a person by which one they prefer.”
Poppy was silent for a moment.
“I wanted a cat when I was younger, but my mom’s allergic.”
“Ah okay. Next question I guess. Look I know we’ve done things, and you dated Carter, but I don’t want to assume anything. Are you bi?”
Poppy winked at her. “Let’s just say I listen to girl in red.”
Bea rolled her eyes but laughed.
“Okay, five more questions I guess. Coke or Pepsi.”
Poppy didn’t miss a beat. “White wine. Why drink those when you have a wine cooler?”
Bea punched her arm playfully. “Hey, your ‘too cool for soda’ rich kid is showing.”
They both laughed among each other.
“I mean I don’t have any more questions except one I guess.”
“Please do ask.” Poppy said, moving her hands upwards to clutch onto her arm.
“Have you even tried McDonald’s?”
“I’ve dated Carter, I went with him and I’ve come to the conclusion that almost none of their food looks like their advertising.” Poppy said.
“Well do you have a favorite fast food place? Or are you simply too fancy?”
Poppy looked around for a moment.
“You tell anyone and I swear to whatever God is out there Bea Hughes, I’ll make you pay.”
Bea started laughing, covering her hand over her mouth this time trying not to annoy other passers among them, previous people shooting them glares for being so damn loud.
“Okay, you have to tell me now.” Bea said finally calming her giggles.
She noticed Poppy’s face glow with a red tint as she buried herself in her scarf.
“After my first break up in high school, I ate at Wendy’s. It’s now my guilty pleasure.”
“I’ve actually never had Wendy’s.” Poppy gaped at Bea in surprise.
“Why? How could you not!”
“In my hometown, I mainly had food from mom and pop type diners and restaurants, you know?”
Poppy felt herself burn inside. On her first day of school, she relentlessly went at her for where she came from. Poppy let go of her arm and took a deep breath. As much as she could’ve never said this, the over-attachment she’s already grown so much to this girl couldn’t let her brush it off.
“Poppy are you oka-“ Before Bea could finish, Poppy interrupted her.
“I’m sorry for being such a piece of shit to you. Hell, I’m kind of a piece of shit to everyone.” Poppy tried to hold it in, but a tear or two slipped past and left streaks on her cheeks.
“Poppy…” Bea sighed.
“I’m not going to pretend and tell you you’re forgiven or that you haven’t been a real bitch to everyone. But I mean, who am I to judge? I’m not any better than you.”
Poppy looked up at her through her glasses, she didn’t even feel like being defensive. She knew she was right.
“One part of me wants to believe you have some sort of secret soft side, but I know that’d be me making up some other version of you. I want to get to know you, know every deep secret you have, I want to know all the little quirks that make you…you. But another part of me wants to be that power couple I’ve always selfishly wanted.”
Poppy felt the tears being unleashed. Carter was always sweet to her, pampered her even, he’s an amazing guy. But for some reason, this very moment meant so much to her than anything else.
“Would you… want to date me one day?” Poppy slipped the words out as she wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve.
Bea thought to herself for a few minutes, making Poppy shrink in paranoia as to what her response might be.
“We both need to grow first. I want to get better for you, and I want you to be satisfied enough in your life to not seek validation within some college ranking system.” As much as the words stung, Poppy nodded.
Bea looked down at Poppy and she stopped in her steps. She pulled her away from the sidewalk and closer to the wall of whatever building was next to them. She held her hands in hers.
“Instead of asking me ten questions, you know what you could do for me?”
Poppy looked at her puzzlingly.
“You know… you could kiss me.” Poppy giggles uncharacteristically in reply.
“Close your eyes.” Bea’s eyelids fluttered down. Poppy stood on her tippy toes and placed her lips on hers. It was different from that first night. Instead of sexual tension and passion, it was soft. As fun as that night was, she could say she preferred this one in a heartbeat. She pulled away as she something vibrate in her back pocket.
“Bea where are you??? Not to be a mom, but weren’t you supposed to get here a while ago?”
“Oh shit.” Bea accidentally said aloud”
“What is it?” Poppy said suddenly looking at her phone to see what she was looking at.
“I forgot to tell Zoey I was going out.”
“You forgot?!” Bea felt so stupid, as she went on her Uber app.
“I’ll get us both an Uber and I’ll walk you to your floor so you’ll be safe okay?”
Poppy sighed dejectedly. “Okay.”
“You do know you could keep your lips on mine in the Uber, right?”
Poppy smiled at her.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
okay I just wanted to say 😳😳
i have another Poppy x MC WIP but as soon as i read chapter 4 of Queen B I just h a d to write this
because first of all, it was intended to be a one-shot but a couple of people asked and I had no idea how to start it but chapter 4 gave me life so here we are
thanks for reading 🥰
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flowerpowell · 4 years
The Royal Holiday Romance
Tumblr media
A/N: I think I forgot how to write lol. This is my attempt at fluff. I’m not sure if I’ll fit the story I planned in two more chapters, but it’ll definitely be mini series. Still fluffy, still Christmassy and still veryyy Hallmarky. I hope you’ll like it! Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Rating: G
Tagging: @twinkleallnight @kingliam-rys @sfb123 @gkittylove99 @texaskitten30 @iaminlovewithtrr @gardeningourmet @delightfullypinkglitter @lodberg @kingliam2019 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ 
Victoria looked at the scenery in front of her. She tried to focus on the beauty of nature but she was distracted by something. 
She felt Liam’s eyes on her as if awaiting her reaction. After talking for a little bit more, Liam insisted on taking her to his favorite spot in the forest. It was a little cave, completely covered by mud, now though, completely covered with snow. The cave was surrounded by trees and Liam told her that not many people knew about the cave since it wasn’t visible thanks to the trees around.
“It’s like a fairytale,” she finally said, still aware of Liam’s presence. “Like a forest straight from the Grimms’ fairytales.”
Liam chuckled. “As far as I’m concerned, forests in their stories weren’t exactly safe or beautiful.”
Victoria turned to face him, the corners of her lips slightly raised. “True, but I’ve always found them magical. Just like the fairytales themselves.”
“Ah, yes. The fairy godmother and everything.”
“Actually, no.” Victoria shook her head. “There was no fairy godmother in the original. It’s Hollywood’s creation. In the original, there’s mother cutting their daughters’ feet so the shoe would fit instead.”
Liam’s eyes widened.
“I suppose that’s one less fairytale I’d read to my children,” he chuckled. “I had no idea.”
“Yeah, I read the original fairytales and wasn’t impressed with how Hollywood adapted them. Did you know that in the original Little Mermaid by Andersen, Little Mermaid doesn’t marry the prince? He marries another princess and the Little Mermaid has to kill the prince on his wedding night to be a mermaid again.”
“I… certainly have to read some of these again. I didn’t even realize how brutal these fairytales can be.” Liam admitted. “I assume you weren’t happy with this adaptation either?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I mean, I like how sweet and romantic those Disney versions are but adapting a story and then not sticking to it is kind of a pet peeve of mine.”
“I see.”
“Sorry, it’s silly and I’m talking too much,” Victoria said quickly and turned her attention to the trees. Why couldn’t she stop talking? She just met Liam and started telling him about how bloody original fairytales can be. Great job, Tori. This is how you scare people, not make them interested in you.
“I would say it’s rather fascinating.” Victoria turned to him, surprised as he went on. “As I said, I had no idea about the originals but you made me want to read them.” He smiled at her and she felt her cheeks were blushing. “You must be a pretty harsh critic, huh?”
She let out a hearty laugh but quickly covered her mouth with her hands. “Mhm. Sometimes.” If I were a critic I would be harsh. Probably. Can’t say since I’m not one.
“What’s your favorite movie then? The one you just can’t criticize.”
“Gold Rush. I love the humor and I love how Chaplin showed real issues through comedy. No special effects, no computers, and these black and white, no sound movies are often better than what Hollywood offers us now.”
“Classics. Interesting.” Liam nodded. Victoria opened her mouth to apologize again for talking too much about cinema but Liam was first. “I actually preferred Modern Times. Chaplin showed a true genius there and I loved how he mixed the sound into this silent movie. Although, I must admit, Buster Keaton was master of comedy for me.”
Victoria looked at him, her eyes slightly widened. No one, maybe except for some of her professors and fellow students, heard of Keaton. She believed he was one of the most underrated comedians but anytime she’d talk about him, no one would know who was she referring to.
Liam kept on talking about his favorite movies as they were walking but all Victoria could think of was how oddly comfortable she felt being with him.
After, what felt like a minute but was actually two hours, Victoria said goodbye to Liam and raced back to the set. She hoped Hana didn’t wait too long for; she had promised her to eat dinner together. Liam told her he had to join his friends somewhere and the two separated, though a little reluctantly. Victoria was still in awe of Liam but tried not to read too much into it. It was only a nice encounter with a stranger in the Cordonian forest.
“Hana!” Victoria called out as she spotted her friend. Hana was standing with a man that Victoria had never seen before and waved at her when she saw her.
“I was getting worried,” Hana confessed and Victoria felt guilty.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t stop admiring the beauty of Cordonian landscape.”
“Ah, yes, Cordonia is beautiful,” the man standing next to Hana said and both women turned to him.
“Uhh, I almost forgot. Maxwell, this is my friend and co-star, Tori. And this is Maxwell. He’s the friend of the King and also my future biographer.”
“Oh, it’s so nice to—”
“O M G! I am so happy to meet Hana Lee’s friends! How long have you known Hana? What is she like as a friend? I bet she’s the best. Is Tori your full name?”
“Umm…” Victoria looked at Hana confused but her friend only shrugged.
“Maxwell wants to write a book about me and I couldn’t say no. Literally,” Hana added for only Victoria to hear.
“Nice to meet you, Maxwell. Tori is a nickname only for my friends and my full name is—”
“Sorry, I’ll be right back!” Victoria apologized and ran to a crew member that just called her name. Hana nodded in response and Maxwell noted something in his notebook.
“Maxwell! There you are!”
“Liam! I thought you forgot about me. Where have you been?” Maxwell asked as Liam walked up to him and Hana.
“I had… some thing to do. It’s a pleasure to see you again, lady Hana. I hope you’re enjoying your stay in Cordonia.” Liam turned to Hana.
“It’s even more beautiful here than I remembered. I hope I’ll have some time to visit Applewood  again, it must be so pretty this time of the year.”
“Applewood is always pretty.” Liam smiled and Hana laughed. “I’m afraid we should get going. Duty calls.”
“But do we have to?” Maxwell pouted.
“Maxwell, you’ve talked to lady Hana for two hours, let’s give her a break,” Liam said and Hana sent him a grateful smile.
“Fine, fine. It was a pleasure, Hana! I hope to see you again, soon.”
“Likewise.” Hana waved Maxwell goodbye as he and Liam started to walk away.
“Sorry, there was a problem with one of my scenes.” Victoria appeared next to Hana causing the actress to jump. “Where’s Maxwell?”
“He had to go. The King was here.”
“Wait, what? The King of Cordonia was here? While I was sorting out my scenes?” Victoria asked and Hana nodded. “Oh man. Just my luck. I wish I could meet him, too.”
“His friend is writing my biography, I’m sure you’ll have a chance,” Hana chuckled.
“Yeah, about that… How… did that happen?” Hana laughed as she took her friend’s arm to go for a dinner.
“Chapter one would be called The Star in the Womb. I think I could get some ultrasound pictures of Hana because I’m sure she was very photogenic back then as well.”
“What on Earth are you talking about?” Drake put his book down as Maxwell read his notes out loud.
“What? If this is going to be Hana Lee’s first biography, I have to make sure it is perfect. What so you think, Liam?”
“Hmm? Yes, wonderful idea.” Liam didn’t even look at Maxwell, his eyes were glued to his phone, which was a rather rare occurrence. Maxwell looked at Drake triumphantly.
“What?! Did you even hear what Maxwell came up with? He wants to describe Hana Lee’s time in the womb.”
“That’s a good move, indeed.”
“Seriously, what is going on Liam? What are you doing?” Drake tried to take Liam’s phone but he didn’t let him.
“Liam. What happened? You’ve been acting weird since yesterday. You’re never that absent-minded.”
“Nothing happened!”
“Uh uh,” Maxwell cut in. “You’re different. Even Drake noticed.
“Nothing happened,” Liam tried to reassure his friend but they still were looking at him as if he lost his mind. Liam shook his head, resigned, and Drake quickly snatched his phone. His eyes went wide as he saw what Liam was doing.
“Little mermaid? You’re reading little mermaid?”
“What?” Maxwell asked, glancing at Liam’s phone.
“Did you know that Little Mermaid tried to kill the prince when he didn’t marry her?” 
“What?” Drake was confused.
“I need to go for a walk,” Liam said taking his phone from Drake’s hand.
“Wait! Liam, wait! Can we invite Hana to the palace for dinner tonight? I want to talk to her and I’m sure she’d like to talk to you as well.”
“Mhm, sure. You can invite her.”
“Ohh, and let’s invite Tori, she seemed nice!”
“Who’s Tori?” Liam asked as he was putting on his coat.
“Hana’s friend and co-star. We met yesterday, just before you came. I felt good energy from her,” Maxwell explained.
“Hmm, sure, let’s invite them both.” Liam finished putting on his coat and shoes. “Tell the kitchen staff to prepare the dinner and tell Antonio to invite Hana and her friends. Just please, be civil. And no asking for ultrasound!” Liam warned before heading out, completely oblivious to the happy break-dance Maxwell just performed.
“Aaaand CUT!” The director’s voice startled Victoria as she was dozing off on a chair, waiting for Hana to finish her scene. “That’s it everybody, we’re done for the day.”
“Finally,” Victoria thought as she yawned. She glanced at her phone and quickly did the math in her head. They were on set for ten hours with only one thirty-minute break.
“Hungry?” Hana appeared next to her, smiling and full of energy as if she wasn’t working for almost a full day.
“You have no idea. Pizza?” Victoria suggested and Hana nodded.
“That sounds—Excuse me for a second.” Hana looked at her friend apologetically as she took out her ringing phone. “Hello?”
Victoria walked away a little to give Hana some privacy. She wondered if Liam went to the forest today as well. Or if he watched any of the films she recommended. To be fair, Liam was all she could think of. She sighed looking at the set in front of her. Even though, she didn’t want to complain about her job, she wanted nothing more than to go to the forest to relax. And maybe meet Liam again. Maybe.
“I have the greatest news and you’ll love it!” Hana was giddy with excitement and Victoria wondered how she was still so alive after such a long day at work.
“The pizza place decided to give us our pizzas for free? Johnny Depp finally got his Oscar?”
Hana shook her head laughing. “No, but close. Prepare your best outfit, we’ve been invited for a dinner with the King.”
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mudwingprince · 3 years
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (here)
two things
1. Please dont ship us, everything that happens in these are completely platonic :)
2. Everything thought or said about certain characters (*cough* isol) is not meant or actually thought, i love all of my friends dearly and would never say anything bad about them in a malicious manner
and onto the story we goooooo
tw: symptoms of clinical anxiety, illness (poison)
Even after a couple hours, the rain hadn’t subdued at all. My fur was wet. Gross. At least when we leave the tree there will be mud. I’ve always liked mud, that’s probably why my parents named me that. Where were my parents, anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before… Did my parents even name me themselves?
I stared out into the forest, the soft sound of rain pattering down on the leaves kept me calm, but alert. Isol could be out there, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. I flicked my tail. It was heavy due to the rain. I blinked. It was a while since I saw rain. It was kind of nice. I glanced at Radi0, making sure he was still there. Yep. Still sleeping. I put my claw to my forehead and brushed my fur tuft to the side. Still there. We’re safe. Why am I afraid? I shouldn’t be. As soon as Radi0 wakes up we’d leave. We need to get as far away from here as possible. I need to find a way to hide our scents. Radi0’s is most important. He was human. He would have the strongest scent. The rain would make it harder for Isol to find us though, and it will wash away our trail. But we were here for so long, there’s no way that the scent wouldn’t stay. I picked up a nearby stick and started scratching at the dirt. It was like that for a while, the harsh crackle from the on-going fire and the soft pitter-patter of the rain. I started poking at a rock, I just needed to wait.
It felt like hours despite only being a couple minutes before Radi0 stirred in his sleep. He pushed himself up with a small grunt, his normally spiky hair had deflated. He rubbed at his eyes and blinked. And then rubbed at his eyes again, tense.
“Did you forget we left?” I asked, my voice low as I kept poking the rock. He let out a nervous laugh.
“Kind of,” He muttered. A pause.
“I grabbed berries?” I said, pushing the berries towards him. He hesitantly took them.
“Are… they poisonous?” Radi0 asked.
“Oh yeah, I would definitely poison you,” I said jokingly, “It’s not like we just saved each other from our homicidal friend.” Radi0 blinked at me. “What? I tried them first, they’re safe. We haven’t eaten in a couple days, I could survive without food but you can’t, so I thought you might like them.” Radi0 looked at the berries suspiciously, as if they would magically grow legs and walk away. Then he carefully put one in his mouth.
“How… long has it been since we last ate?” Radi0 asked, handing a berry to me. I tossed it and caught it between my teeth.
“A couple days?” I replied, and then shrugged. “It's kind of hard to tell when we were in that other place.”
“We should probably give it a name…” Radi0 said, eating another berry. “‘That Other Place’ doesn’t really seem fitting, and it might get confusing, there’s no way we’re going back there any time soon and we’re probably not going to stay here, so there’s bound to be a lot more ‘other places.’”
“Yeah, I was hoping we could get moving soon, I don’t want Isol to find our trail,” I muttered, picking the stick up again and fidgeting with it. “Do you have any names in mind?”
“N-No…” He said. A pause. “Were you really scared by a leaf?”
“Oh my god,” I said, covering my face. “I thought it was a giant bug that landed on me! No one will leave me alone because of it!” I laughed and started ripping the bark off of the stick. “It was really embarrassing.” I looked out to the forest again, picking at the bark. Then I looked at Radi0. He was holding two berries, looking at them in a somewhat disgusted way.
“Are you going to eat those?” I asked, he blinked at me.
“Yeah,” he replied hesitantly. “Why? Do you want one?”
“It doesn’t matter to me, honestly, I just didn’t want them to go to waste,” I shrugged, and directed my gaze back out to the forest. A droplet of rain fell onto my nose and I shook my head.
“Did you get any more sleep?”
“Huh?” I asked, tilting my head.
“You said you had a nightmare,” Radi0 said, putting another berry in his mouth. It seemed forced.
“Oh, uh, I just… wasn’t tired,” I lied. “We should, uh, get going.” I pushed myself up, reaching my talon down to help Radi0 up. He grabbed my talon and I pulled him off of the ground. We started walking through the rain in the opposite direction that we came from. We walked in silence for a while. I made sure to step in every puddle that we found, while Radi0 trudged along, slightly behind me. It didn’t ease the growing worry that Isol was out there somewhere, trying to find us, trying to kill us. She was our friend. They were my friend. I placed a claw on my forehead again. I’m safe with this. We’re safe with this. I can’t let Radi0 get hurt. If he dies, that’s it. There’s no coming back for him, unlike me. I need to protect him. I’ll be fine if I die. I’ll always come back as long as I have the c-
“Are you okay?”
I blinked, confused, then I nodded. Of course I was fine. I couldn’t not be fine. I had to protect him, and if I wasn’t okay, I wouldn’t be able to.
“Yeah, why?”
“You seem worried,” Radi0 said. “Do you want to talk about anything?”
“Nah,” I replied, dragging my hand away from my face. “I’m always worried anyway.” That only seemed to get Radi0 even more concerned. Ah, here you go again, Mud, fucking things up like always. “I-It’s not a bad thing though, I just need to keep everything in check, it’s nothing!” Radi0 looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I sighed. “It’s fine, really. Sure it can be stressful at times, but I’ve done it my entire life and I’m used to it,” I smiled at Radi0, then actually looked at him. He was pale and he had heavy bags under his eyes, his normally proud stance was huddled over. His hair was still deflated from earlier and he was clutching his stomach tightly.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” I asked, putting a talon on his shoulder. He looked at me, and hesitated before shaking his head. “W-What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
“I don’t really know…” He muttered, rubbing his temples, “I think I’m just tired…?” I blinked at him. This didn’t really look like ‘just tired,’ it looked like a lot more than that. He looked… ill…
“Uh, how bad do you feel though?” I asked, lifting my talon from his shoulder. He let out a small, hoarse laugh.
“R-Really bad,” Radi0 sighed, rubbing the back of his head. “I just want to sleep and forget about all of this…” I knew how it felt to want to sleep everything off. I want to forget about all of this. Forget about Isol, forget about running away, forget about dying again, forget about it all. A bright flash lit the sky followed by a loud crash. I jumped at the sudden strike of light and loud boom frantically looking around, just in case Isol was preparing to pounce at the distraction.
“Do you think that you could make it a little longer?” I asked. “Just until the rain dies down a little?” He blinked at me and thought about it for a second, then nodded. I gave him a small smile, trying to be comforting, but probably failing. He was just fine yesterday, how could he have caught something already? Did the stress really lower his immune system that much?
“Okay,” I said, flicking my heavy, rain drenched tail, “But if you feel anything different then say something, okay?” He nodded and we continued walking at a slower pace. The rain dripped through the leaves of the thick forest, falling onto our heads and dampening our hair and fur even more. I tried not to think of much as we walked but I’ve never been one to be able to clear my mind. It was always racing, thinking about all of the bad things that have happened and all of the bad things to come. Isol is here. They’re looking for us. She’s looking for me. I was the one who managed to trick her. They thought I was dead. They really want me dead. She’s in the bushes. I know she is. She’s going to kill me. I’m dead. I’m going to die. At thirteen. I have so much to live for, this can’t happen. No, I have the c-
“H-Hey Mud?” I blinked and turned towards Radi0. “Is it okay if we stop, just for a little while?” I nodded at him and then looked around, searching for a good place to rest, just for the rest of the day… or until Radi0 was feeling a bit better…
All that I could see for miles were trees. Radi0 wouldn’t be able to climb them in the state that he’s in. The trees were tall and had large, sturdy leaves, leaves that hardly budged when the rain fell down on them. I thought for a moment, the vines that decorated the trees also seemed pretty sturdy, along with the thick branches. I started to walk towards one of the trees and grabbed a vine that was hanging down. Radi0 looked at me, confused and scared. I gave him a thumbs up as I tried hopping onto the vine. I slipped off easily and fell to the ground with a surprised squeak, soaked in mud and rain water. I stood up and shook myself off. Yeah, this would work!
“I’m going to climb this tree,” I said, pointing to the closest one. “Please don’t go anywhere, I’m not really up for searching for a sick teen right now.”
“I’m not-” Radi0 began to protest, his voice raspy, but before he could say anything else, I started climbing up the tree. The branches were slippery, so it was hard to get a foothold, and I stumbled trying to get to a somewhat-dry branch. There was finally a thick enough branch to hold the both of us, so I started working. First step, find a sturdy (and big) enough leaf.
This shouldn’t be that tricky, I thought as I looked around, standing on the branch. I reached up to grab a large leaf that hung above my head and I tried to pull it off of the tree. I let out a small, frustrated laugh as the leaf didn’t budge. I tried pulling it off again, this time with more force. Still nothing.
Really? I thought to myself, aggravated at the stubbornness of the leaf. It was kind of like me, frustrating and stubborn. Then I had an idea. I had claws, sharp claws nonetheless, why didn’t I think of that before? I walked towards the stem of the leaf and started sawing away at it. After five minutes of frustrated scratching, the leaf finally fell off.
“Yes,” I muttered, holding out the ‘s’. I grabbed the leaf and held it over the edge of the branch to show Radi0. “I GOT A LEAF!” I called down to him. He stood up from where he was leaning on the tree and looked at me.
“What the hell are you doing?” He asked.
“SOMETHING!” I called back, and then returned to working on my strange contraption. Second step, find a vine that wouldn’t snap under the weight of two people. Maybe this one would be easier to find. I looked around again, there was a vine hanging from a nearby tree. I reached for it and tugged. It was good that it was sturdy, but it was also bad that it was that sturdy. Why did everything in this forest have to be so needlessly sturdy? I tugged on it again, trying not to fall off the tree in the process. If only there was a closer vine… I tugged again, this time harder, and the vine came loose, wrapping me up as I fell back onto the branch. I untangled myself and grabbed the leaf. Finally, step three, figure out how to make an ‘elevator’ out of this.
I had literally no clue how.
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annzybwrites · 4 years
Rainy Days
Anonymous: u asked for fluffy snufmin prompts and I’m here to deliver!:) it’s cold and rainy and gross out so moomin convinces snufkin to stay in at moominhouse. snufkin tries to teach moomin how to play an instrument and moomin tries to teach him how to bake smth. they’re both bad at the thing which the other finds adorable <3
Annzy: I am so sorry this took so long, but I hope there’s enough fluff <3 
“Snufkin, can you put aside your pride for one second?” Moomin wasn’t sure if he was scolding or pleading with his boyfriend at this point. All he knew was that it had been raining for the past two days, and Snufkin had to keep moving his tent to higher and higher ground to avoid the mud, and really things would be so much simpler if he would just come stay in Moominhouse until the rain cleared up. 
“This is the last rainy day,” Snufkin argued, rolling up his tent while Moomin held an umbrella over them. “I can feel it.” 
“You said that yesterday.” 
“That was yesterday.” 
“Just come inside!” Moomin pulled at the skin underneath one of his eyes. “If today really is the last rainy day, then staying in a nice, warm, dry house until it clears up would be best. And then we can go worm hunting as soon as the rain stops!” 
Snufkin hummed, fixing his tent to the top of his pack before looking at Moomin with a small smile on his lips. “Trying to butter me up?” 
“More like trying to resist throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you to Moominhouse.” 
Snufkin laughed at that, swinging his backpack on with a small sigh. “All right, you’ve won me over.” 
“Finally!” Moomin groaned, snatching Snufkin’s hand and starting to lead him off before he could change his mind. 
Moominmamma wasn’t usually too strict when it came to messes and dirt. But at the sight of Snufkin with dried mud in his hair, on his legs, and stuck on the ends of his tunic, she insisted he take a warm bath while she washed out his clothes for him. Thankfully they had a worn-in outfit that Snufkin considered acceptable to wear for brief periods; a plain, mustard yellow, cotton frock. 
“It’s so weird to see you in anything other than green,” Moomin commented when Snufkin entered his room. He’d spent the time idly doodling some flowers, but he was happy to put it away for awhile. 
“Is it?” Snufkin brushed out the fabric, chuckling a little. “How would I look in red?” 
“I can’t even imagine,” Moomin shook his head, happily padding over with a smile. “Well, what should we do for our rainy day adventure? Play a board game? Act out scenes from a book? Oh! Let’s bake something!” 
“Bake?” Snufkin was already looking forward to whatever sweets Moomin was in the mood for. He’d become quite a fantastic baker over the years.  
“Yes!” Moomin was already walking out of his room and down the stairs. “I can show you how to make a rhubarb pie!”  
“Oh…” Snufkin hesitantly followed him down the stairs. “Aren’t pies rather hard to make?” 
“Maybe at first,” Moomin admitted. “But I’d say they just take more time. Especially if you want the lattice covering on top, but it just looks cuter, don’t you think?” 
“If you say so.” Snufkin tried not to feel too nervous. If it was a rhubarb pie, he could just help prepare the filling and let Moomin worry about the rest. He absolutely hated working with pastry dough; it always turned out lumpy and stuck to his hands or his utensils whenever he tried. 
At first his plan worked out well; Snufkin washed and cut the rhubarb while Moomin started mixing the flour, sugar, and butter together into a nice, large ball of dough. But once Snufkin was done preparing the rhubarb, Moomin called him over to the table, insisting, “Rolling out the dough into a big circle is the best part.”
“Oh, is it?” Snufkin kept a smile on his face despite his heart leaping into his throat. 
“Oh yes!” Moomin separated the ball into two, smaller spheres, handing one to Snufkin. “I’ll let you use the rolling pin; a little easier than using your hands.” 
“I’m sure.”  Snufkin nodded, acting like he knew what he was doing as Moomin handed him the rolling pin. He stared down at his ball of dough, noticing out of the corner of his eye that Moomin was already making good progress with flattening out his own ball with his hands. With a deep breath, he pressed the pin into the center and started rolling, hoping it would work out and that he wouldn’t look like a goon. 
He should have known that was too much to hope for. 
With each new roll, more and more of the dough started sticking to the pin, and Snufkin was quickly becoming frustrated with just how often he had to peel it off and lay it back down on the table. “A little easier than using your hands” indeed. He was so absorbed with his struggle that he didn’t realize Moomin had already finished flattening and rounding his ball of dough. 
“Snufkin.” Moomin was clearly amused, and when Snufkin turned to look he saw a playful gleam in those baby blue eyes. “Need some help?” 
“Oh, no.” Snufkin shook his head, trying to roll out the dough fast, hoping it wouldn’t stick. No such luck; if anything that made it worse. “I have it all under control, thank you.” 
“Ah, I see.” Moomin nodded, obviously stifling a large grin. “Then I’ll start mixing the filling together while you finish… that.”
“Yes, I’d appreciate it.” 
Moomin nodded, chuckling a little as he began gathering spices from the cabinets. Snufkin watched him for a moment to make sure he wasn’t looking before returning to the menacing pastry. The dough looked more like a lumpy, cracked plate rather than a nice circle, so he began rolling it into a ball again before starting over. He put the rolling pin aside before digging in with his hands, since that had seemed to work for Moomintroll just fine. Except, just like before, all that ended up happening was the dough sticking to his hands rather than the rolling pin. 
“How’s it going?” 
Snufkin felt the fur on his back stand on end as he turned to look at his grinning boyfriend. “It’s going.” 
Moomin chuckled, tactfully sliding the flour to him. “A little of this should take care of that stickiness you’re struggling with.” 
“Right, of course.” Snufkin tried to smile nonchalantly, hoping his cheeks weren’t red as he reached for the flour. A little sprinkle later, and the dough was finally behaving properly. Now all he had to deal with was the fact that he was apparently incapable of flattening it evenly; some parts were thin as paper while others were little, thick pockets. 
Snufkin bristled when he heard Moomin start to laugh, and he quickly turned to glare softly. “You’re enjoying my suffering?” 
“Sorry!” Moomin covered his mouth, shoulders shaking with his laughter. “It’s just such a rare sight to see you like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like…” Moomin paused, trying to think of the best way to word this. “Like someone who doesn’t know everything?” 
“I never claimed to know everything—” 
“But you do act like it sometimes,” Moomin pointed out, grinning wider. “With all your grand stories and wise words. I’m just saying, it’s nice to see you failing at something.” 
Snufkin pouted at him, certain his cheeks were at least pink as Moomin continued laughing at him. “What use is dough-making for a tramp?” 
Moomin shrugged, leaning in to nuzzle his nose against Snufkin’s cheek as he pushed his hands away from the dough. “Just let me take care of this, all right? You can be adorable somewhere else.” 
Snufkin tensed up from the casual way Moomin said that, a warm shiver running down his spine. “What, you—my struggling is adorable?” 
“Very much so, actually.” Moomin was thoroughly enjoying himself as he rounded the dough for the third time that afternoon, picking up the rolling pin and humming away as he easily levelled it into a perfect, little circle. “And there we go.” Moomin grinned at him again, pointing towards the counter. “Can you get me a knife so I can cut out the lattice?” 
Snufkin huffed quietly, stepping over to fetch him his knife while embarrassment sat heavy in his stomach. He really didn’t like looking like a fool, but at least it was only Moomintroll who saw. And to be called adorable on top of it all! How completely undignified. 
“Thank you, Snufkin.” Moomin beamed as he took the knife from him. “And just so you know, you look even more adorable with that pout on your lips.” 
Snufkin was sure his entire face was red as he covered his mouth with his hand. “I am not pouting.” 
“Oh, you’re not?” 
“Absolutely. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be in the living room.” Mamma could use some company as she knitted, anyway. 
The pie turned out beautifully, and the whole family came to the kitchen to enjoy it. Pappa complimented them on their perfect, flaky crust, and Moomin couldn’t help but laugh a little until Snufkin gave him a look. He didn’t say anything, of course; he didn’t want to embarrass Snufkin. No, he’d rather keep the image of Snufkin glaring down at the dough with flushed cheeks and a frustrated pout all to himself. Maybe he’d try and sketch it out later in his journal, just for posterity’s sake. 
It was still raining after they finished their rhubarb snack, so Moomin and Snufkin went up to his room to stare out across the cloudy skies and damp valley. 
“What should we do now?” Moomin asked. 
“Hm.” Snufkin tapped his fingers twice against the windowsill before pushing himself towards his pack. “Let’s make some music. Rainy weather is perfect to compose to.” 
Moomin brightened, happily going to sit on his bed. “I do love your songs.” And it would be so exciting to hear him compose something in real time! 
“I’m glad.” Snufkin pulled out his trusty harmonica before going to sit next to him on the bed. He blew through it once, as if to check to make sure it still worked, and then he began to play. Short, brisk notes, as if to imitate the pitter-patter of the rain, but sudden and loud enough to make Moomin’s ears twitch occasionally. He stopped after a few moments, turning to Moomintroll with a small grin of his own. “Actually, would you like to learn how to play?” 
“Me?” Moomin’s eyes widened as he pointed to himself. “Oh, I don’t know how good I’d be.” 
“Give it a try.” Snufkin handed the instrument over. “Can’t be any worse than me with pie dough.” 
Moomin couldn’t help but laugh at that, covering his mouth again as he did. He was glad that Snufkin wasn’t too sore about earlier; he’d wondered if he’d gone a bit far with his teasing. “You have a point.” He took the harmonica, simply staring at it for a few moments before blowing into it experimentally. It was surprising how loud it was, but he supposed it was bound to sound louder to the one playing it. 
Snufkin began trying to explain two different ways to isolate one note on the harmonica. One involved puckering your lips into a small oval shape, while the other involved using your tongue to block some of the other holes. 
“You put your tongue on this thing?” Moomin interrupted. 
“Sometimes.” Snufkin shrugged. “To get a certain sound. It makes it easier to add in or take away chords, too.” 
“And you’re sure you want me to play this?” 
“You’re clean enough, aren’t you?” 
“That’s not really the point.” 
“I don’t mind, Moomintroll.” Snufkin shook his head, a fond smile on his face. “Go on, try and play something. Just search until you find the note you want.” 
“All right.” Moomin swallowed nervously, staring into the daunting holes of the harmonica before holding it up to his puckered lips and giving a cautious blow. It did take a bit of practice to play just one note, and whenever he tried to find a new one he found all sorts of unpleasant sounds coming out of the instrument before he got to where he wanted. After only a few minutes, his mouth was already starting to hurt and he stopped to rub at his lips. 
“How do you play this for hours?” 
Snufkin laughed, taking the harmonica back as he explained, “Well, for one thing, you were moving your mouth too much. You should move the instrument with your hands, not your lips.” 
“Oooh.” Moomin groaned. “That makes sense.” 
Snufkin chuckled for a bit longer, wiping the instrument down once with his sleeve. “I know what you meant earlier now,” he spoke up, eyes twinkling with mischief as he teased, “You also look adorable when you’re struggling.” 
Moomin felt his fur stand on end as heat travelled down his body. “Oh, hush.” Moomin gently pushed at his shoulder, smiling a little at the joyful laugh that came out of Snufkin’s mouth. “Let’s just agree that we’re both adorable, all right?” 
Snufkin paused for a moment, thinking that over. “Only if you agree that you’re the most adorable, being so large and fluffy.” 
Moomin snorted, leaning in to nuzzle Snufkin’s forehead. “Deal.” 
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zeoumren · 4 years
The skeletons, the swamp and the song bird(undertale  drabble)
I am not gonna post this to Ao3 (probably) but I wanted to  write something about the boys™ ( y’know San’s Red and Skull because they spark joy) and I ended up making...a swamp monster Au? hey, you know what sure. I'm chill. 
So please enjoy this little drabble 
Sans is half blue spotted salamander 
Red is half Marine  iguana
And our boy skull is an unholy amalgam of  giant leeches  that makes him look  like he has tentacles. c: 
It had been another indescribably shitty day.
You were not a pessimist but the dark circles under your eyes had something to say about your lifestyle. 
It was shit, plain and simple. You had a hard time separating your real life from your work life and that lead to more stress, less sleep and a pissy boss telling you to get your act together before coming back to the venue.
A sigh left you as you sat hunched over on a stump in the forest clearing. 
This was your quiet place, you came here to sing and practice routines.
You were an entertainer and it was hard not to keep your mask on, you pretended all the time to be someone...something you were not it was hard when someone asked you about yourself because you didn't know who you were off the stage anymore.
So yeah, life was kinda shit right now so you threw yourself into what you normally did when you hiked up here, into the humid underbrush of a forest no one wanted to come to, legends of creatures eating full-grown men whole and actual real dangers surrounded this place, but you didn’t much care anymore.
After all, the ones who were more dangerous were outside the forest.
Taking off a ball cap and letting your hair tumble free you wipe your brow free of sweat and kick your legs as you sit.
Most of the forest was loud, full if chattering and nattering of birds and other creatures, but this space that just dropped off into a bog, was quiet.
You liked to come here in the wee hours of the morning and watch the fog roll off the algae-green water, it made for the perfect ambience to a forlorn song or a crooning that let all your own heartbreak loose.
But today, in the evening after being told your routine was shit and you were one slip up from being let go and replaced by someone new, who you had no grievance with, but it was the principal of the matter, you had worked so hard to get to sing and perform for crowds and now….you were having it dangled above your head.
You grit your teeth and for the first time since you ever came here you let out a cry of pure frustration and rage.
The quiet never broke, even through all your angered screaming, then looking between your knees as you sat and into the murky water you buried your head in your hands and wept.
You did not know what to do! It was all too much all at once.
Still, you came back to a familiar song, even with a tearful voice.
"Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird teach me how to sing."
You were able to get a few verses in before the sun began to Dip down below the horizon and you got up from your perch.
No point trying to navigate this quagmire in the gloom.
You took careful steps, keeping to the path you always did when something caught your attention. A pale bluish light hovering in the air, soon being joined by more close by of other colours…you spotted red as well, and a strange, almost grey-blue light. You hummed to yourself, reminded of the fact that this was a bog, and swamp gas igniting was a thing. Still, you stopped and stared, a smile playing at your lips.
"Wow, this is the most beautiful light show I have ever seen! And people say the Fen is haunted. More like hauntingly beautiful!"
You giggle to yourself and don't even notice the lights flare brighter at your statement.
You always loved the Gloom, you just never knew the gloom loved you back.
Well….you never thought it could get worse, but even after giving it your all you still ended up being fired. 
So you came to the bog to say your goodbyes. You probably would have to move back into your parent’s town.
"I'm gonna miss this place, not the shitty managers, or the fights...but I always thought the locals were silly to be afraid. This place is so magical and I'm really gonna miss it…" 
It was weird, saying goodbye to a place. But you somehow still ended up crying a little.
And for the first time ever in this clearing, you heard a sound.
A mournful wailing, deep like a foghorn that rattled into your very bones.
It looked like the Bog itself had seemed to shift, the top layer of Jenny green teeth giving way to the sound of mud slurping and water gushing.
You couldn't move, frozen to the spot as you watched in awed terror.
Writhing tentacles that moved like leeches and were just as black moved towards you, you figured this was it, you were dead. You sucked in a breath and screwed your eyes up tight.
You were startled as the wet appendages slowly ran over your cheek. Delicately.
You cracked open an eye and saw there in the water a skull, a giant gaping hole that looked painful gushing water as it rose, one of its eyes was devoid of light and the other…
Was a deep crimson, the colour of blood.
Yet it smiled softly, even with so many teeth.
The tentacles seemed to be coming from it and it made you cock your head to the side as it almost shyly drew closer, hauling more of its body out of the water.
Its torso was also skeletal, and it was gigantic, at least eight feet tall without including its lower half.
You thought of story's of swamp hags dragging people under and looked at this...it seemed to fit some sort of description...it definitely looked like a drowned corpse.
But as it hauled itself out of the water and you saw how it slid over to you in one fluid motion, how its bones melded into strange dark tentacles, how it's eye lit up when it reached a skeletal hand over to pat your hair.
This was surreal, strange in every sense of the word. Your voice caught in your throat as  two other skulls, smaller than the first bobbed in the water, one had white pinpricks of light for eyes like the stars in the sky, the other had sharper teeth and predatory red slits for eye lights.
They shared a look and dipped under the surface, leaving you with the behemoth.
It was so strange having something so giant hold your face and look you over, play with your hair.
You finally found your voice, it wobbled despite your best efforts.
"S-sorry to bother you...I didn't know anyone lived here. Don't worry I will go."
The touching and playing stopped and it said one word that made your stomach drop and your bones freeze.
"N o."
It was soft, but full of a strange emotion you could not understand and you felt your eyes widen in shock as millions of tentacles surrounded you, even if you were to scream it would come out muffled as the world was blotted out by the writhing darkness.
The moment you were spat out from the inky prison you were on a shore...a tiny island with a cave in the center.
You were surrounded by the bog and your heart sped up when you saw the water froth and churn.
Out of the murk popped the small skeletal creature...white eyes.
He watched you curiously before sliding up onto the island. His lower body made you actually smile, he looked like some sort of blue newt from the waist down. That was it. You had to have bumped your head and were slowly bleeding out. None of this was possible.
So, since this is probably a weird dream induced by bloodless, you may as well be nice. You smile and wave to the creature who looks shocked and  his skeletal face flushes a bright blue as little wisps of blue light curl around him.
He Pat's his face roughly and scampers off into the cave.
"Bye lil guy." 
The next thing you know you are being tackled and you are staring up at a grinning maw full of sharp teeth and slit red eyes.
"Um...are you going to eat me?"
If you are already dying you may as well just get that question out of the way. The newt skeleton seemed harmless...but this one…
It looked more like one of those lizards that catches fish, it had sharp claws on both its skeletal and reptilian appendages. This was a predator and it could rip you apart...yet you were suprised when it laughed and started ...purring?
It was a gravely sound that you felt in your bones, but it was strangely warm.
"Heh, cute but I'm not gonna even try songbird. Skull would kill me...oh speak of the devil. Goodluck sweetness.~"
He scrambled off of you, but not before licking your cheek with a forked red tongue.
He too wandered off to the cave...it struck you that these creatures could talk, which sent your mind reeling, even as you were picked up by curling black tentacles.
You crossed your arms and looked at the creature holding you.
"So...are you going to eat me?"
Skull...looked horrified. His one eye light got impossibly small and he surged out of the water, reaching out to hold you...your clothing was no doubt ruined by now and everything felt so surreal. He scooped you up and you were shocked by how warm he was.
"No. Wont. Keep you safe."
You blinked softly.
"Can I go home?"
You were squeezed a little tighter and you realized he was bringing you to the cave.
"Keep you safe."
You were placed up high on a rocky shelf that was covered with sweet smelling moss and animal skins. tentacles retreating after softly patting your head. You blinked in the low light.
It...was a little home? The cave had three rocky pools of water and some different shelves and outcroppings. You held in your grasp of wonder as all around you little jars filled with bioluminescent blue mushrooms blinked to life in the growing gloom. 
You may be dead...but you guessed there were worse places to be dead. You looked down and waved at the little newtiton and received a wink from the skelezard.
Skull was winding himself into a ball of tentacles inside the biggest pool while the other two were resting on old animal skins and warming up by a fire that crackled with the smell of roasting fish.
You sighed softly and laid down on the surprisingly soft moss.
You guessed this was fine for now.
It is not like you had anywhere to be and you were safe, unless you were already dead...plus you probably were in shock, nothing felt real right now.
Closing your eyes you heard three separate voices call out to say the same thing.
" Good night songbird" 
"How long do you think she will sleep for?"
Sans stifled a yawn as he had stayed up to chat with the others.
It was no fair, he had found you first, someone singing in the early morning just for him. He had hoped to lure you with the will-o-the-wisp's into the water at first but in the end he had let you go. You were just...your song was so sad.
He couldn't bring himself to hurt you, and you came back. A new song each day that felt like it was just for him.
Then Red had to show up and decide he liked your singing too.
And you came once or twice at night so, skull found out too. Skull was dangerous, sans thought for sure you were dead but the behemoth seemed smitten. He liked your happy songs filled with love, your sad songs filled with loss...you sounded like you had lived all these songs.
Then you came to the fen not with a song, but with tears, with frustration and heartbreak.
And yet you had still called their home beautiful...their lights that they put up to cheer you...you called them beautiful too.
And of course it was hard to hold skull back from wanting to take you then.
"I dunno squirt. But Hell. I know she deserves some sleep...she always looks so tired. But she still hikes out here everyday."
Red growled and looked up at your sleeping form.
Their songbird was suffering all this time and they never noticed until now.
It made his instincts flare up. He had to protect you...he had to, you were too fragile to keep out of sight for long.
If he did someone else might hurt you.
You were better off here.
He may be adverse to skulls method of getting you here, but now that you were…
"So, we all agree we are keeping her?"
Sans thought it over and nodded, he may not want to share, but he was stuck in this situation now.
"...I mean...I don't want her to leave, and she is so tiny and thin. We should probably take care of her."
"Protect little bird. Needs to eat more."
Skull was already in full nesting mode with you here. It was weird to see someone so...feral become a purring kitten in your presence.
They all stopped and stared all three skulls snapping up to the shelf when you cooed out a little yawn before rolling over in your sleep. 
"...too cute."
Skull was holding his face and twirling his tentacles into tight knots. He probably wanted to hold you.
"Stars, yeah we gotta keep her. I'll get her more furs for her nest tomorrow."
And now Red was gone too. His mind working on instinct to protect, provide and comfort.
Though sans was not much better. He was already trying to figure out where to catch more humans and extort them for favours so they would give him things for you.
Yes. They all looked at each other and nodded.
The songbird was theirs. The world would never harm them again.
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