#this one didn't exactly fit the theme lmao
tsunael · 29 days
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wolcred week |  3. 'need / want.'
Never in his five years of being had he seen Norvrandt's commonfolk in such high spirits. How that woman still had energy for merry-making after everything they've been through, he couldn't know.
She was a fascinating spectacle: one moment she was showing off her footwork he recognized as distinctively Lominsan, and then she was floating across the floor, tangled tightly in a foxtrot with a Eulmoran come to join in the festivities.
Ryne couldn't seem to take her eyes off them, hands clapping along to the rhythm of the jaunty tune being played across the way. If he didn't know any better, he'd say she was eager to join in-- a better time for a girl her age than to be clinging to his side, no doubt.
She cheered along with the gathering crowd as Tsuna and her partner finished their round, and it was only moments until the next number started up.
He supposed she danced to console her heart.
If she stopped dancing-- stopped moving-- even if for a second, the despair would seep its way in through the cracks. She would exhaust herself until there was nothing left. She needed this.
"It's so wonderful to see everyone so spirited," Ryne giggled with a joy that did not cease to swell his heart. "I never knew she could dance like that... did you?"
He had been silent for far too long, he realized with a rueful smile-- too focused on not watching the feast in front of him, try as he may to dodge the furtive glances Tsuna would throw over her shoulder.
He hummed, looking into his tankard, thoughtful.
"Not quite like this," he snorted. "At this rate we'll have to carry her home."
He looked up at the opportune time as Tsuna began a daring pirouette. For a moment they met eyes, and in the next motion her arm extended to the two of them-- her fingers beckoning.
He chuffed a laugh, looking away again.
An unsteady click of heels from his periphery meant that the object of his affections would not be denied.
Tsuna came to them, out of breath and sweating a fine sheen. She fell into his arms, thoroughly drunk on mirth and spirits.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were ignoring me," she teased. She was right. "Dance with me."
Ryne's mouth fell open, silently enthused with the idea.
He cast her a pointed look, the corner of his mouth twitching with a touch of frustration as he had to peel her from his chest. "Now there's a Hell I would not suffer," he huffed a laugh, and Tsuna fell into a girlish pout that did not suit her. "I believe there's enough biting at the bit to have your hand already."
Her lips quirked in an impish smile as she reeled herself back in. The look she gave beneath her thick lashes was meant to entice. "At least buy me a drink?"
He was much too sober for this-- and in the company of Ryne, no less.
His brow raised. "I think you've had quite enough," he said, firm.
Tsuna held his gaze a moment too long before sighing dramatically.
Drink motivated her to suddenly pull Ryne in by the shoulders, hugging her possessively, despite the girl's embarrassment. "Then I shall have no choice but to steal. Your. Date." She declared. "He's so boorish, isn't he? No fun at all."
"I-- Well, I suppose a bit--" Ryne stammered, looking torn between loyalties, and obvious want.
He wasn't sure whether to be irritated or amused, but resettled himself against the bar all the same. Had Ryne seemed more opposed to the idea, he may have felt the need to step in, however...
"Just..." He held his breath, and exhaled with a sudden, deep sense of regret. "Go easy on her, won't you?"
Tsuna burst into a fit of laughter, hugging the girl until she squeaked-- her horns nearly poking something vital in her fervour. Clearly, she would not be heeding his warning. "Come on, the next one is about to start--"
And then the girl was dragged off.
And then he was alone.
He looked at his empty tankard and frowned. He had thought to sworn it off. It was used far one-too-many times as a crutch, but perhaps he would drink-- for old time's sake-- to join in the merriment. Just a singular ale to start, he figured.
That was, until Urianger curled his lanky-self around and reminded him-- in excruciating detail-- of where a flagon so often led him in the past. Out spilled a veritable list of his drunken conquests-- a familiar name only barely escaped the roster before he loudly begged mercy.
It would be water for the night, then. Water.
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s3lfinvolvedh3athen · 10 months
characters- connie
other characters
warnings: sexual themes, oral sex (male receiving), head pushing, hair pulling, cursing/vulgar language, bodily fluids, smut?
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connie- a sick, sick man with a filthy mouth fitting for his depravity. His words an inexplicable combination of intimate vulgarity.
Connie groaned as you licked a stripe along his dick and swirled your tongue on the tip. The base in his voice dancing along your spine, making it's way to your pussy. His heavy hands smoothed over your braids pushing you further down his length. 'Yeah mama, go deeper for me. Just like that princess.' Breathing through your nose and opening your mouth wider, you take him in deeper, stroking the rest of him with one hand. 'Mmmm, always been so good at taking this dick, so good for me' Looking up to meet his gaze, you can't help but moan at the salacity of it all. A low chuckle leaves his lips as he caresses your face. 'Like sucking me off mama? You like making me feel good?' Affirming with a moan, you start to move your hand, pumping him faster while maintaining eye contact. 'That's it princess, touch yourself. Play with that pussy while you look at me.' Doing exactly as he says, your hand makes its way to your panties, pushing them aside and using your slick to circle your clit. Seeing and feeling that connie was reaching his peak, you neglected your cunt in favour of pushing him over the edge. Fondling, stroking and sucking. Working like a woman starved. Your reward? His breathy groans and moans of pleasure.
'Didn't say you could stop playing with- ah fuck mami, yeah, just like that' Pushing yourself forward till your nose hit his pelvis, you could feel his cum pour down your throat. 'So good princess, always so fucking good to me'.
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Hopped up on copious amounts of caffeine while writing this. Love y'all and hope you're all having a good day, enjoy <3
Lmao i really didn't know how to end this, might come back and edit it later idk.
Also, although I wrote this for Connie, you can definitely imagine any other characters you want in this scenario.
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moku-youbi · 8 months
Tell me you haven't read any Poe without telling me you haven't read any Poe.
All these fucking articles and reviews from major entertainment and news outlets, and posts on tumblr talking about the influences of each episode trying to bend over backwards to say how Tamerlane's story is an abstract take on Gold-Bug, simply because that's the name of her subscription box, even though there's nothing there.
They don't mention William Williamson at all, or even touch on the doppleganger aspect as Verna takes over her life. Like are you fucking kidding me? That's only one of his best stories. And it's not remotely subtle. I didn't even *notice* that her husband's last name was Williamson on the first watchthrough, or put together with his name being Bill...but I already knew she was William Williamson when she saw Verna in the background of the exercise video episodes before.
Goldbug is a cute wink at one of Poe's stories that didn't really fit with what Usher was all about. Tamerlane's Goldbug is a rare treasure contained with a box, and that's it. Meanwhile, William Williamson tells the story of a man meeting his own double, who shares his name. A man who wears the same clothing, has the same mannerisms--and OMG can we talk about Carla Gugino's performance as Candy, when she was pulling off the exact timbre and cadence of Samantha Sloyan's voice, so fucking uncanny!!. The double starts insinuating himself into WW's life, appearing everywhere, though his face is only ever visible to WW. He offers unwanted advice, and tries to intervene with WW is making poor life choices (to put it mildly, lmao), and finally, how does it all end? WW challenges his double to a duel, only when he strikes the final blow, he finds he's been standing in front of a mirror, and dies, having killed his own reflection.
Now, do I necessarily expect the average viewer to know this? Of course not. But I would think that the folks out there writing reviews of a series based on the works of a famous author should do the bare minimum research. Not a single episode is based on any one single work of Poe's. There are nods and hints and easter eggs and winks all over the place. And while all the other children's deaths are clear cut references, some of them nearly exactly the same as in Poe's work, like how fucking hard would it be to go "hmm, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with Gold-Bug. Maybe I'll do a google and see if the major themes of Tamerlane's episode are explored in any of Poe's writing..."
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
Vaggie and Valentino are connected and no one has been talking about it (I think 😭)
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Brutha. I've always known this but like these two are surface level similar yet so SO SO SOOOO different its terrifying.
Question might be, why tf am I comparing the r*pist and the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, inspiring, humble, generous, smeggsy, former angel?
Simply because they are both moth demon's that speak Spanish. It's a bit too specific. And rlly that's kind of all I have right now. Sure, you could say "erm actually, Vaggie isn't a moth demon 🤓" and ur probably right. But if she's not, why is it that in her redesign for the show they lean into the moth hair? It's look much MUCH more moth than in the pilot. So if Viv wanted to stray away from the moth theme, why make it look more like that? She may not he exactly a moth demon but she does have intentional moth features. Perhaps Vaggie just disguised herself like that, either way, still a connection..
I would get it if one of them were in helluva boss jst as a way to recycle and make room or whatever. But no, they are in the same show, same world, same ring of hell, same city(I think). It's a weird connection and I kind of don't want it to exist. Like at all. Because if they are connected I can't think of any other way they are except that Val could be a fallen angel. Which I CANT imagine. Unless Vaggie is like, a winner that became an exterminator, but genuinely that would be a bit complex. But what isn't in this show. Then again, Adam said he created her, or that could be a metaphor for that Vaggie was never noticed as a human and just brushed off to the side so therefore Adam "created" her (created a name and image/status of her). But that's unlikely, I don't they would be that smart lmao.
Personality wise, they both have anger issues. Pilot Vaggie and show Valentino are more alike but show Vaggie is still somewhat spicy. They also both have hot voices, sorry not sorry, like fuck Val (not literally) but his voice is BAZINGA 😍 and I'm a simp for Stephanie Beatriz. I'm a simple gal.
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Design wise they have rare commonalities. They are both heavily red but thats everyone in the show it make my eyes bleed. But. A weird thing someone pointed out in a slideshow on tiktok is that show Valentino has white stripes on his hips. Me personally I'm not sure what to think about it really. Like I mean it IS a new detail that spawned AFTER the pilot and it is like... on the EXACT place. But like, it's such a weird thing to include when it's such a common pose yknow?
Also the X's on the boobs are so sensual I cannot be the only one. And ykno Val is the king of sensual (🤮)
Maybe you could be asking, "if Val and Vaggie r connected jst because they are moth demons then that jst means that anyone that are the same species are somehow tied to eachother huh? 🤓" like Angel Dust and Zestial. But what I think differs from that is the fact these two have actual big similarities apart from jst the fact they are moths. Like what I just explained, personality, design, both speak Spanish. While Angel Dust and Zestial are only just both spiders. Angel's reason for being a spider is due to the ykno, "web of crime" thing. And Zesty man? Idk he probably got bit and fucking died by a poisonous spider. I mean, health shit wasn't exactly great back in his ye olde time.
For Val and Vaggie we have NO idea why they are moths
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But I did find this! From google AI.....? (I didn't even know that was a thing..) but, I think it's true. It explains the dynamic with Angel alot and I think that's an interesting detail.
Which could also apply to Vaggie because of her hyper-dependency on Charlie.
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Plus this fits Vaggie so. SO much. If my theory that Vaggie just disguised herself as a moth to blend in then that would be a good connection to the entire moth motif. Love, I don't even need to explain.
It can fit Val too if you think abt the disguise part a bit. Like he disguises himself as this charming and calming figure to avoid suspicion and lure victims... fucking creepy 🤮
Also in Vaggie's past designs she was more moth.
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Here is like. ONE image I could find that wasn't too blurry. Like I wouldn't say it's heavy moth but I think if you asked me what insect she was based off I would guess moth in like a few minutes. The colors being dark, the fluffy legwarmers. Yum, that's a mothy. (THIS DESIGN YHO KINDA PISSES ME OFF. WHY IS THERE THE FEMALE SIGN OK HER SHIRY I THOUGHT SHE WAS STRAIGHT IN THIS VER??? also str8 vaggie scares me don't ever bring up that thing around me. They are NOT the same. #notmyvagina)
From what I know there aren't any previous old beta designs of Valentino, so he was likely made for the show specifically.
Overall, they are both sexy Spanish speakers who are moth demons, in the same show, oddly specific connected design choices, and have some anger issues.
Oh also they both hate Angel Dust 💜
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ramu-ego · 1 year
Aaaah I love sm your recent post, the idea of mommy kink juste make me go feral anyways lmao
Can you do when the guys had to be away for a while and they're just needy, how will they react ?
Thanks if you write that and pass a great day ofc <3
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(nsfw) Mommy's Home! :: x femdom!Reader
cuties away from mommy for a while just to be super needy when they come back? Yes pls! ♡ - askbox open cw: fem!Reader, dom!Reader, aged up, mommy kink, sexual themes word count: sloppy headcanons character(s): Rin Itoshi, Meguru Bachi, Nagi Seishiro, Kenyu Yukimiya
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moody moody MOODY
prefers to do everything in his power to have you accompany him when he has to travel for soccer
and I mean everything to have you come with him
expect a mini meltdown if you absolutely cannot come
Rin leaves in a foul mood without you and no surprise comes back in a foul mood but...not exactly the same
he wants your attention and he wants it now
keeping his hands off you from public to private is almost out of the question and you learn quickly to be alone when you come get him
face in your tits, hands snaking up your shirt
he's ready to crawl inside your shirt the second he sees you and isn't abashed by anyone who sees bc frankly he could have played better if you were there so he'll make it everyone's problem that he misses you
cannot pull him off of you, Rin is groping, grabbing and gripping you at every angle he can
big mistake if you turn your back to help him unload
poor thing is whining nonverbal idiot with your tits in his hand rubbing himself against the seam on your ass
"Make it better. Make it better. Make it better now."
mumbling between your shoulder blades, panting, tongue out drooling like a mutt trying to mount anything that moves
pent up, needy Rin makes it as far as grabbing you from behind
clothes be damned they don't matter his cock hurts and only mommy can make it feel better
rubbing and tweaking your nipples while he humps your ass can only lead to one thing
blowing his load before you even have a chance to turn him around to kiss him
Rin's cum soaked underwear aren't the only thing needing mommy's attention after a long stint apart
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Bachira's so excited to see you!!
he has so many things to tell you that you're a little afraid he's not breathing as much as he's talking
it's ok bc he is an excellent multi tasker after all
good thing as he's trying to unload all the things he had to buy you bc they reminded him of you
and since he's such a good multi tasker this striker has no qualms letting his neglected needs take over him like a monster
running his mouth a million miles a minute doesn't stop him from getting you out of your clothes
all his exciting friends he got to make and play soccer with...all while his lips are sloppily around your nipples
spit everywhere poor thing shouldn't talk with his mouth full
pet his hair and let him ramble while he slobbers all over your tits eager to see them after being away for work
multi tasking doesn't stop when he gets what he wants in his mouth though
Bachira cannot comprehend anything around his cock unless it's you
meaning he's ready to blow the second he gets to see you topless again and it's a good thing he's as quick as he is barely getting your panties down before burying himself inside you
so much cum and so much pent up sexual need
it's a good thing you're a good listener and so good at wrapping your legs around him when he gets too excited
only thing soaked will be your walls after Bachira's overjoyed to finally get to cum in mommy's velvety insides
a fitting reward for a good boy who handles himself so well when he's away on business
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chances are Nagi didn't go anywhere unless you came with him truthfully
it's a pain to travel and alone at that
prodigy over here throws his skill level around just to get his way with your company but not everything works out for him every time
sometimes Nagi has to suck it up and be a big boy on trips without you
the second he comes back, he hasn't even showered and gotten back into his home clothes - he's inside you
lazily dragging his hips to actually fuck you is almost exclusive to when he's been gone away on work trips
can't stand any position besides missionary either
which you've tried during a particularly heated make out session when he got home but Nagi refused
needs to see your face, needs to feel your cunt around him and needs to drag his sweaty forehead across your chest while he mumbles incoherently into your skin
closer inspection (and when he isn't drowning out his own words with slack jawed moans) you can make out what he's saying
"I missed you, I missed you, I missed you."
all Nagi can muster are those three words if you've been apart
slamming your hips into yours, feeling the weight of his cum heavy balls slap against your ass
insistent on being as close to you as humanly possible
pls knot your fingers in his hair and pull him against your chest bc jet lag is a bitch for this poor thing
Nagi suddenly can think for himself sometimes if it's been even a long weekend away from mommy
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so so so stressed when he gets back
Kenyu much rather travel with you so he's not overthinking exactly every detail on his trip and can focus on his playing
work is work and he wants this but he wants this with you
he's somehow more of a mess when he gets back?
poor thing needs help unwinding and his poor tired eyes don't even know where to start when he sees you
sex and sensual go hand in hand with him it's like breathing and soccer
other words...reuniting is a special thing for the two of you
lovely meal together, talking and showing you everything he got for you as well as pictures he insists on taking and of course taking a bath together
all things that Kenyu revels in when you're together again
some reason though he's always hesitant to initiate anything...worrying he's being too needy
a day or a week apart he always thinks like that after a trip
that's why you're here to help him unwind in just the right way
Kenyu is is extremely sensitive swearing only mommy knows how to touch him right...and he's certainly not wrong
at his most vulnerable when he misses you is also when it's the most fun to ride him
swipe his hair off his forehead, be as close as you can so the details of your face are vivid to him and feel the poor thing melt as you tighten around him
remind him why he just can't seem to get the job done alone with your cunt drooling around his cock and milking him for all he's worth
Kenyu has a work trip worth of neediness and cum inside him with only you being the one he wants to draw it all out of him
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
The AUs of the Twins
Ghost AU Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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So in actuality this isn't an official AU I'm working on by any means....... but I drew the BETA designs for Kokichi and Kurochi in Twins AU, back when it was just a couple of out of order fics posted on Ao3? Sort of as a patient Zero on the designs. Except I wanna show the art off so I was like "I need to bullshit an AU--oh! Dead Rochi AU, perfect!"
Anyway this AU isn't real and cannot hurt me. It's not real and cannot hurt me... The twins must always be together...
Canon Kokichi's cape is the most boring of all, sadly...
Still, in an AU where Kurochi died when he was 12, Kokichi would look like his canon self and Rochi as a ghost would probably mirror him. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Phantom Thieves AU Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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No u do NOT get to see Kokichi without his cape and mask, because I'm lazy. I've also gotten too lazy to separate the twins out into their own files so please forgive me I am Tired.
The back of Kokichi's outfit looks exactly like Rochi's so there's no need to really show it off here, right? I--FUCK. ROCHI'S LEG DOESN'T HAVE THE BLACK STRAPS ON THE BACK POSE. Ah well they're supposed to be there but I cannot be fucked.
Also remember how I was like "What if D.I.C.E. had a masquerade theme instead of a clown theme? This is the result of that. Kind of. It's actually the result of me putting the canon Twins AU cape on this old Twins AU redesign and putting on the P5AU persona mask for Kokichi on too, making a very interesting design! The hat was tackled on at the end to make it look real PT like.
Not really an official AU or anything, just for funsies and I didn't want to let these designs go to waste so I repurposed them.
Persona 5 Awakened Ouma Twins Reference Sheet
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Okay so these designs have some themes I wanna talk about!
Kokichi's theme of rebellion is "Prince meets Robin hood, decides that eating the rich is a good idea, becomes new Robin Hood." Which is a bit of a mouthful but it fully explains Kokichi's design for the P5AU. He's from a wealthy family that he hates, and he wants to punish the rich bastards who hurt people by giving them a Change of Heart. Kokichi's cloak is themed after the phases of the moon and a bird chasing after the guiding star.
Kurochi's theme of rebellion is about reclaiming the childhood he never had. He's supposed to look like an extremely goofy, cartoon spy with his mask literally being those gag spy glasses and having a prop newspaper that probably has eye holes in it. He's even got a utility belt and everything. People often forget what his mask looks like when they haven't seen it in a while and they get shocked and laugh each time.
This AU is the only AU currently where the Twins don't actually match one another--and it's because it's their inner selves making the outfits that are fitting for their rebellion.
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He looks so much more like a phantom thief here LMAO.
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otakween · 1 month
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 39
DIGIMON. IN. SPAAAAACE. -echo- space~ space~
A filler-ish episode, but a decent one. I was really confused for the first 5 minutes or so lol. Didn't expect them to end up on the moon.
Has this franchise gone to space yet? I honestly don't remember. There have been a lot of void-like spaces and fighting midair so it kinda feels like that's happened already. (Sorry if I'm being dumb and forgetting something really obvious lol)
Lol they really tried to tell me that that slightly whiter Gotsumon was "Insekimon..." riiight. (If you look at the concept art in the wiki, one of their distinguishing features is one faces the left and the other faces the right lmao). The dub did the right thing and was like "nah, that's Gotsumon." I would have at least preferred if they called them MeteorGotsumon or something. (Wait, are meteors even white?)
So if the digital world is parallel to our world, does the moon in this episode imply that the digital universe is also parallel? Like, are there other planets aside from the digital world one that mirror our planets? I need the lore!
The sub version had some really unfitting guitar/rock music playing in the background where Koichi was just kinda walking around. (I get that's probaly his theme or something but it was awkward). The dub's music seemed to fit a lot better.
SuperStarmon was cute. I like his American fringe lol. In the dub he was yet another Elvis parody (I get why, but pick another impression for once!)
Their attempts to jump back to the digital world were played for laughs but I was actually scared for them lol. That's dangerous!
Wtf kinda high level calculus was Junpei doing when calculating how to get back? Sure, it didn't work, but how does he even know about that at his age!?
Random thing to fixate on, but I wonder where Japan came across the English phrase "hop step jump?" Tomoki uses it in this episode and I've heard it in a ton of anime by now.
What exactly is Lucemon's strategy here? "Let's destroy the planet that I want to rule." Whaa...? Is there even going to be anything left for him to rule? The royal knights apparently are aiming for the human world (that kinda came outta nowhere, but okay).
I learned watching this episode that "pachinko" means "slingshot." Fun fact of the day!
They had the whole cast sing one of the insert songs in the sub this time. I always love it when anime do that :) such a nice touch
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strqyr · 8 months
Have we heard one way or another about whether Yang kept Raven being the Spring Maiden to herself or informing her team? On one hand - communication is a theme with RWBY. On the other some secrets are kinda important or necessary to keep. And if Yang hasn't told the team that secret is suddenly relevant to bring up right when Ruby would probably be just tired of her family keeping secrets.
at the moment there's no indication yang told anyone. is it plausible it happened off-screen? sure, i guess, but personally i would find yang informing others to go against the entire point of her taking the lamp; not only to take the lamp off of raven's hands ( which, locking it back in the vault would not have achieved ), but to take the target off of raven, who clearly doesn't want it. telling everyone when qrow makes it clear locking the lamp back in its vault would be their first option kiiiiiinda goes against that.
i also see no reason for them to not mention it if yang did tell them, like... qrow simply says "without the spring maiden here"; if he knew the spring maiden was raven thanks to yang informing everyone, why not just say her name? it's not a curse word lmao.
also, like. ruby didn't tell everyone what she saw in the tree immediately either—not even a "hey i saw something pretty important and i want to talk to you once we get back to remnant" to yang or anything—and that's not the kind of time sensitive, who gets to have a target on their back thing.. i mean it is, rip raven the target went full circle, but my point is: blabbing one's mouth does not run in this family, so yang keeping it a secret ( for now ) fits the bill.
story-wise, too, i think it makes more sense for ruby to tell yang what she saw, and then the gears start moving in yang's head like waitaminute, when did the spring maiden run away exactly, does that line up with summer's mission, etc., and at that point spill the beans. let them compare notes and put pieces together before they even get a chance to talk to raven and then go to her with their case ready to be made.
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shinader · 1 month
Takeshi Nakagawa
Hey fellas back at it again with the OCs. Like before I'm gonna ramble about the name and why I chose it, show some art I drew, and then go on and on and on under a read more. If you're confused about what I'm on about, my OC tag is "#ced ocs" so look there for more on my other OCs!!!
So this guy is Takeshi (武) Nakagawa (中川). Originally I was thinking of naming him Shiro as that means fourth son, but since "shi" or the part that means "four" in this case sounds like "death" the name could kinda sound like "son of death" but ALSO "Shiro" is like white. And it's like a fun high level pun. But I scrapped the idea because 1) I do not have an understanding of Japanese to let me know if I'm an idiot or not for thinking of this and 2) Shiro is the name of a kid from Morning Glory and I didn't want to have doubles from the canon series.
So, I just went through lists of names till I found a name and meaning I enjoyed that sounded good in my head (while also keeping that "shi" sound!). It wasn't until later I learned there are characters in the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series who have that name but I already grew attached + those characters go by their last names so I feel I'm in the clear.
And for Nakagawa, I just thought it'd be funny to use a last name with the 川 character because he is born and raised in Sotenbori. Because haha river. Yeah. Uh. That's the big reasoning.
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Of the story I've written for my OCs, this guy is the main character. All of my OCs stemmed from the Cedric Miyazakis, and, well, when creating him I was really just like "haha what if Ceddy had a scary boyfriend" so I thought up an assassin-type character. And that guy became Takeshi. And he took over the whole narrative because he was pretty much the most active guy. And, of course, to become boyfriend material he must go through some shit and go through a sort of redemption arc!
To become protagonist material, Takeshi did go through a lot of growth from just "scary assassin boyfriend bait" lmao. First of all, since this story is meant to be somewhat like Judgment or Kurohyou. It takes place in the Yakuza/Like A Dragon world, has similar themes and vibes, and the characters don't interact with those in the main series (at least, not in any meaningful way). What this also means, is I want Takeshi to sort of fit the vibe of an RGG protagonist. He needs to have the whimsy to do substories, for one. He also has to respect women & be generally tolerant in a sort of way. And also he has to avoid killing people no matter what. Funny restriction to have on a character I meant to be an assassin but hey! I can work with it.
So, taking the base of "queer assassin guy" guy and infusing him with Essence of RGG Protag I ended up with. Well. A very traumatized young man.
Takeshi Nakagawa was raised from a young age to do one thing, become an assassin. His father figure, Kuro Nishimura, took him in as his own after Takeshi's biological father died on the job. Takeshi idolized the Yakuza as his father was one himself. Nishimura, being his old Patriarch, felt he owed it to Takeshi to try to raise him up right as best he can. Of course, with a father like that, it's impossible to avoid falling into the criminal underworld. Not that Takeshi ever actually tried to avoid it. In fact, he actively worked toward it. And at the age of 23, Nishimura finally gave him his first real job. A hit on a rival clan's patriarch, Cedric Miyazaki.
Now those from the last post know exactly why Miyazaki & Ceddy share a name, Takeshi was sent to kill Miyazaki, ends up finding Ceddy instead. And he doesn't look at him like "I've definitely got the wrong guy" because who in their right mind would genuinely believe there's TWO Cedric Miyazakis? Maybe someone a lot smarter than Takeshi, perhaps, but this man isn't very smart. He's trained in killing not thinking.
In continuance with Yakuza/Like A Dragon's overarching theme of Found Family, Takeshi's story also covers a bunch of family dynamics. He's got family dynamics unique to himself yet eerily similar to his deuteragonist/love interest. Raised by criminals, how fun! Takeshi's idea of family is consistently poked and prodded at, and we'll get to watch as he gets to know a different dynamic and deconstructs his own.
Along with exploring Family Identity, Takeshi explores his own Queer Identity, as well. Albeit in a minute sort of way. Takeshi begins his story fully believing he's straight, but later he falls in love with a man. He doesn't really push back on this idea, just corrects his identity to mean he's Bisexual. Perhaps we'll meet a character that helps keep him open minded...? (The answer is yes, her name is Asami Iwasaki. She will be expanded upon in a later post but she'll have to wait her turn). Anyway, overall, Takeshi is one of the simplest characters when it could to his sexual identity, second only to the straight characters, as he puts very little thought or care into it. He fell in love with another man? So be it. (Good for him, good for him)
There's nothing I hate more than a poorly done romance subplot. So I put a lot of thought into Takeshi's dynamic with Ceddy. All relationships will be further expanded upon in the future when I talk about the relationship chart. For now, though, I'll talk a bit about them two now since it's an important part of their story.
First off, they love each other. Really and truly. That's the most important part. Even if you missed any romantic undertones (or overtones lol) I'd want the audience to look at them and be like "these two truly love each other." And that bit is something I see missing from a lot of romance. And in a similar vein, they are definitely friends, best friends even. These are people who actively *want* to spend time together.
To get into some specifics, remember in my previous post I mentioned Ceddy is autistic (undiagnosed) and he has no friends because of it. Now there's Takeshi, who has almost no friends due to his lifelong obsession with the Yakuza (creepy!) and his general asshole way of speaking. These personalities generally create conflict with whoever they try to speak with but anything "wrong" with their speech just rolls off of them. Ceddy's blunt way of speaking tends to unintentionally cause insult, but Takeshi can take insults thrown his way as long as they're just the truth (plus Ceddy speaks in such a cheerful way he doesn't even clock them as insulting most of the time because Ceddy's just too damn friendly!). Takeshi just has an overall rude manner of speaking that people are uncomfortable with but Ceddy was raised by criminals, he's more than used to it, it feels like home. Just being able to communicate easily is a big way they're able to grow so close.
Hmmm... I won't talk about specifics of the story unless people are interested, but I will say that Takeshi is dumb in a fun way. He has to think and plan things, and he'll come up with ways to brute force things rather than truly strategize. No men allowed? Well, then he'll simply pretend to be a woman (poorly)
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I feel a little dumbassery is necessary.
Umm hmm I guess that's all for now!! Next rambling I think I'll go with his teacher, Yoshie Koda!
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I don't have a laptop or computer (my cousin's is honestly so slow it's trash) so I had to watch a gameplay of "Big Engine Brawl."
To be brutally honest, I stopped caring about "Friday Night Funkin'" a long time ago because so many mods came out and it got boring to just download them all and play. Even the game and songs kinda got cringe after a while.
Although, I did find "Big Engine Brawl" kind of really cool. I love all the little references of the engines' themes in their respective songs. I even like the little references to the show; like Ringo Starr saying "3, 2, 1, Go!", Mr. Conductor's whistle transitions, the DVD style menu, the way the Story Mode was like an actual classic episode, The Flying Kipper, James' first accident on Sodor, The Engines' Strike, the song names, Gordon's buffers falling off lol, and so much more.
I loved all the sprites and cutscenes and voices. Like, James' voice sounds like Michael Angelis' James voice, like, bro, that's James' iconic voice. Dude, Alfred is in here, bruh. I'm still a little surprised that DPZ (the only composer I recognized lmao) actually helped worked on this.
What I didn't like though, was Thomas singing "Endless." Look man, just like y'all, I was also obsessed with the Sonic.EXE/Sonic the Hedgehog mods when they were actually fun. Like, it got so boring because so many were being made and bunch of knock-off ones by flippin' toddlers too. Leave Sonic and FNF separate things, please. Sure the references are cool but, nah. (The only Sonic mod I'll truly appreciate is the "Blur Oneshot" mod.)
Why "Endless," though?
"Ugh" actually fits James; even he sang with his old livery. "Monochrome" for Henry? That's a little dark... I haven't exactly listened to "Godrays" (That's from "Entity," right?) since when the song came out, I was starting to get bored of the actual fandom itself.
Anyway, the mod was actually nice. I might listen to the instrumentals of the songs...
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kaeyachi · 1 year
technically part of the last ask but I didn't want to bring down the Joke Tone, even though this is still said fun and lightheartedly ->
(Jokes aside, when a single person is complaining all of that it doesn't show his legs, doesn't give him the same silhouette as default skin, doesn't emphasize his torso or proportions in exactly the same way as his default skin, they don't like the type of boots and think it should look more like his other boots, not blue enough, uses Sumeru elements instead of an exclusively Khaenri'ah or Monstadt design... I can't take it seriously, because it sure sounds like they just want his default skin, maybe in a slightly edgier color palette. Or want to have a ✨ new skin for their fav ✨, but don't want him to look any different at all.
And of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but soo many of these people state it like these are OBJECTIVE FACTS that are OBJECTIVELY BAD traits and mistakes bc they personally don't like the design choice. When they can just use the default skin if they're upset it diverges from it 😅. Though I don't want anyone to be disappointed and it's too bad they didn't get what they want, that's... how new content works. Preferences exist, I'm afraid, and I for one am incredibly pleased!)
Anyways I think all the complaints that hinge on his legs etc are very silly bc you can switch skins and look at his sliver of boob whenever you want.
I can see why they would prefer a more Khaenri'ahn-only theme, but I think HYV is really hitting on the hints that Kaeya has Sumeru blood in him (and I still want a 5-star kaeya someday that goes all out on the Khaenri'ahn wardrobe hehe let me be delulu)
I will say that Khaenri'ahn clothing so far is very modest. Bodies are fully covered from the neck to feet, usually with loose tunics. Dainsleif just has a fitted top that lets him show the shape of his upper body. These people wouldn't enjoy the idea of a traditional Khaenri'ahn outfit on Kaeya as well if what they're after is seeing more of Kaeya's body now that I think about it...
I think Kaeya enjoys being a little extra on what he wears, like adding accessories and using various types of fabric on one outfit. If I were him and had 2 different nations with large cultural differences in style, I think I'd pick the more extravagant one too lmao (the nation of freedom told him its ok 💅✨️)
as for the complaint on the pants and lack of boobie window, well, the disappointment is fine tbh, people still have preferences, and being let down by what will be released is understandable because it does not fit their tastes. It's the way they (imo) over-reacted that made it really funny to me. I've seen some say it's not well-thought-out (despite the details and references) and is just a ploy to pull players back to genshin (it worked lol. good for hyv for knowing what sells).
I guess I don't see the need to justify what you don't like, especially if it leads to weird arguments and reasoning?
A simple "it doesn't fit my fantasies/tastes" would suffice, i think
At the end of the day, the outfit is supposed to look different from the usual attire, and it successfully did so and went beyond my personal expectations!
also the previous ask in mention
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the kaeya fanclub in Mond clutching their chests in agony at the lack of Kaeya thighs and thigh gap. They are now undergoing a great depression. They are unsure if they will be able to survive for another 24 hours without the skintight leggings providing them the willpower to go on 💔 may Barbatos help them (said Barbatos is drinking in agony as well. Diluc tries not to strangle his archon)
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revclver-jesus · 6 months
UPDATED STREGA THEME let's gooooo I edited it to be louder because the original rip was super quiet for some reason lol but it's a clean rip otherwise
IT'S DIFFERENT....... But only slightly. I know this due to me listening to the original an unreasonable amount--
The first difference you'll notice is that insanely loud baseline, the (dum dum dum dum ) that is nowhere near as loud in the original or as stripped down sounding.
And my favorite change..... There is a really distinct lick at the end of the guitar riffs now ( where the guitar kind of shoots off note and distorts high? if that helps me make sense lol ) that I can only describe as the audio equivalent of rolling your eyes. Whoever was on the main guitar for this one was really showing off lmao
The whole instrumentation feels slightly different! The guitar melody is way more in focus, it feels like a single guitar leading everything in the song, and that guitar has so much attitude. It's not clean, its stripped down like a garage band, it feels... punk rock-ish? And there's a sense of isolation about that single guitar. Do you see my vision??
The youtuber i got this from was saying it didn't fit them as well, and I can see why you could say that-- maybe it doesn't seem as loud and bombastic-- but I actually think I get exactly the vibe Atlas was going for here. Its a very slight change but I get it. }}
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plushii-gutz · 9 months
Forever fall
A short story based around my OCs; Perry and Buck. I mentioned a while ago that I wanted to write how they met and give my readers a general idea of their relationship, and with Spooktacle coming up, I saw it a fitting time! Hope it isn't too boring - it's mostly just for me, lmao
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The ship grew closer and closer to its destination. The sun had begun to settle into the ocean, the cool waves tucking it into sleep as if it were a cozy blanket. The sweet scents of fall spilled over the traveling monsters as they finally arrived, moving from the floating boat to soft grass covered in crunchy leaves. Music echoed through the land, monsterlings wandering through the streets and celebrating the holiday.
Among the arrivals was a group of fire monsters, each chattering on about their plans during their vacation. They considered themselves too old to trick-or-treat, now in their later years of high school, and their minds were set firmly on the park - exactly where the grand Spooktacle party will be held in a few hours. It was tradition, set every year, and for every age and monster. Many say you haven't had a good Spooktacle until you've participated in at least one of these wild celebrations. For the friends, this is their first. Their parents agreed to let the younger ones lead their own night, and they would lead theirs.
They come from Amber Island, where travel is minimal. There wasn't much to offer on that part of the world, whether it was due to its small size or low population. Most fire monsters moved to Fire Oasis or Haven as they progressed further with the technology humans had brought to them all that time ago, but the island was still home for many. Now, with easier transportation, the fire monsters get to celebrate like there's no tomorrow!
"We should stop by the old castle at some point," one recommended. "That place is totally haunted!"
"Didn't that one woolabee die in there?" Another questioned.
"Rachel, they came into school the next week. Are you stupid?"
The newly named Rachel shook her glowing feathers, remembering the classroom the following morning. It was all anyone would talk about, and there were no doubts that the woolabee had been exaggerating their story. Right. They didn't die.
"Don't be mean to 'em Dawn," another voice rose up. "It was years ago. Besides, ain't you the one who almost cost us the whole trip tryn'a give yourself a piercing?"
Dawn, the Thrumble, crossed xeir arms. Her parents were stubborn, and if xey weren't allowed to go out and do something, it wasn't new for her to try and do a little D.I.Y-ing.
"Ok, Ms. never-does-wrong, lead the way."
"Happily," she snapped back. They flooded out into the island, making sure their costumes looked their best. Sadly, none could decide on a certain theme for the whole group, and they each went as their own thing.
Rachel went as a Fire Haven critter, her wings decorated to echo the creatures look and a simple headband with ears. Dawn went as an ice cream, inspired by Jam-boree's delectable looks and a waffle cone hat xey had made years prior. The last monster, a Barrb, dressed herself as a scarecrow. She decorated her neck foliage with straw and fall leaves, matching fall cuffs around her wrists, painted fake patches on her cheeks, and a straw hat. It was a simple but effective idea. In her opinion, at least.
They agreed to head to the park first and get a taste of the upcoming party. They still had around an hour or two until it properly began. Upbeat music, trees covered in lights, chattering monsters galore - it was like walking into a movie! It was a tad bit hard to think there could be more, but according to the many advertisements, Punkleton himself were to make an appearance with DJ Epic.
The group stuck around a table with a plentiful arrangement of snacks and drinks, unsure of how to squeeze their way into the crowd. It was overwhelming, completely different than what they had on their home island. There, everyone sort of knew everyone, and no one was left out due to the smaller population. There was just too much here.
"Well, it won't get any better til one of us goes in an' meets someone!"
"Perry, these monsters will tear us to bits!"
"Not if I tear 'em to bits first. If we're gonna be here a few days, we ought to make a few memorable faces."
Rachel and Dawn didn't have much to say in response, instead hoping Pereskia's meeting of new monsters would make the stay less awkward. She introduced herself to a few Plant Island residents, who seemed rather open to her and her friends' visitation.
Casual conversation carried on for an admittedly long time, only growing quiet as the two long-awaited faces take the stage. They began the show by greeting each island individually, having the monsters cheer as they were called. For once, the Amber Island monsters felt acknowledged. Dj Epic started the music back up, adding her own spin on it - pun intended. The crowd became rowdy, the ground below them felt as if it were shaking. The hidden power of music and singing coursed through every monster as they threw their hands up in a wave.
Pereskia stumbled back at the raising of hands, taking a sudden hit to the face. Her face paint smudged, her staw hat falling onto the ground and being trampled before she was able to get it back in her grasp. Pereskia looked around for the monster, only recognizing them by the paint smeared on their hand. It seemed to be a Flowah, who ignored any of her attempts to get their attention. Finally, she grabbed the collar of their shirt and dragged them aside.
"What do you want, woman?" The voice growled. His expression changed a bit quickly at the fierce look in Pereskia's eyes.
He was dressed as a stereotypical cowboy, even having fake plastic guns on a giant belt. He seemed like any other flowah, apart from two tusks poking from his bottom lips.
"Excuse me?" Perry hissed back, crossing her arms. "That is no way to speak to a lady, and especially one you've given a damn bruise to!"
"I- excuse me?"
"You ain't excused. What's ya name?"
"Uh- Buck," he answered hesitantly.
"Buck. You owe me something!"
"Owe - owe ya what?"
"Another hat."
She dropped her ruined costume piece onto the ground, which now was stained with mushed candies and dirt. The other monsters eyes flickered between the hat and the barrb before him.
"And until you do," she snatched the stetson from his head, putting it on her own, "I'm keepin' this."
He was a bit taken back, losing the tough act for a moment before nodding, visibly pissed off. He admired the bravery, at least. Pereskia left the scene, returning to her group of friends in a much more sour mood.
"Perry!" Rachel greeted, relieved to see her ok. "Where did you run off to? What's with the hat?"
"Took it from some jerk after he messed up mine. Not givin' it back til I get my own hat. Eye for an eye rule."
"That's petty, I love it!" Dawn chipped in, pushing the glowl aside. "You think you'll run into him again?"
"Nope. This is mine now, I suppose."
They went back to enjoying the party, eating mass amounts of candy, and encouraging Dawn to enter the costume contest. Xey ended up winning third place for her craftsmanship; something no one expected but welcomed! Xey got a gift card for the best bakery in town as a reward.
They did a bit of karaoke, a bit of dancing, the expected. Long after the streets were emptied of trick-or-treaters, the group of monsters were called to their hotel rooms where they would be staying for the night. They ran around in the halls a little, joking with one another before getting comfortable in their beds and drifting off into a deep slumber.
The following day began very late. Pereskia swapped out her costume for a cozy pink sweater, Dawn into a blue hoodie. Rachel's feathers kept her as warm as she needed.
They debated where to go first, knowing Plant Island had many places to offer. Due to their parents' rules, however, they were forced to stay in one area. A late breakfast or early lunch sounds good right about now - brunch! Perhaps they could find the bakery Dawn had gotten the gift card for? The glowl of the group took to the sky, leading the rest down the many twisted streets in search of their needed destination. They met a few more kind faces along the way, including an adorable young bowgart and his little sister. Rachel wondered where their parents were.
Unsurprisingly, the bakery was quite busy. They chose to sit at an outside table while the crowd thinned out, chatting on about last night's antics. They wondered if Amber Island would ever have a holiday of its own. There have been rumors of a new monster arriving on the island, though it has never been confirmed.
"I don't understand why we can't just have Gobbleygourd like the other fire islands do," Rachel pondered. "It wouldn't be too hard of a trip, would it?"
"You've got a point," Perry agreed, "But don'cha think that would be too much Feast-Ember? They already have two islands celebrating it. Wanna be original, don't we?"
"How about we make a new holiday? What's stopping us?"
"Monsters payin' a lick of attention. Besides, I'm sure - huh?"
Pereskia's vision blurred, the weight of something coming over her head and eyes stealing it. She lifted it off - a hat?
"Gotcha somethin'," a familiar voice spoke.
"Who.. ain't no way."
Dawn covered xeir mouth with a snort, Rachel's feathers puffing up as her friend was bothered.
"I expect you t' have somethin' of mine?"
"It's- I can- Buck? How did ya find me?"
"This is th' most popular spot for mornin' treats," the Flowah answered, pulling up a chair for himself and taking a seat. "Made a lucky guess, it seems."
The three shared a look, debating. Buck wore a casual red flannel, was around their age, and despite being somewhat intimidating, he didn't appear to have any ill intent. Dawn moved Rachel back into her seat, giving a small nod of approval. The council has decided.
"So.. ya got it?" He asked.
"I do," the barrb answered, pushing her new hat up a bit, "But you're gonna have to wait a lil longer. We planned on spendin' the whole day out. Guess you're stuck with me."
"Ah, guess I am."
The other two narrowed their eyes, looking to one another. They didn't agree on that. Did they?
"What's your name?" He finally asked.
"You're gonna have to wait til you get that too, sugar."
Oh. That makes sense.
"I'm Dawn," the Thrumble introduced herself. "This is Rachel."
"Buck Dixon," the Flowah said with a nod.
The glowl sunk into her seat, keeping a keen eye on Buck. Once the line began to fade, they finally got their hands on fresh baked goods for lunch. They were worth the wait, and Buck was able to get himself his own snack. Next stop: the park! Might as well help with the cleaning.
"Where ya from, big guy?" Perry asked.
"Fire Haven. My pals and I come 'round here for th' holidays sometimes, but they couldn't make the trip this year - just me and my parents. How 'bout you?"
"Amber Island, born an' raised. All of us were, really."
"That island's the small one, isn't it?"
"It is, it is. Th' monsters there are real nice, though. I'd say that makes up for it!"
"Other than Dawn," Rachel teased. The two bickered with one another, speeding the walk up.
The park had already been relatively cleared, multiple others having chipped in to restore it to its old beauty. They decided to enjoy the afternoon with a calming walk through the many trees, though the friends fell behind as Buck took lead with Pereskia.
"Oh, she definitely likes him," Dawn chuckled. "Barrbs always go for Flowahs."
"That's a stereotype," Rachel mummbled. "They've only known each other for less than a day! Our lives aren't a fairy tale, you know."
"Faerie Island."
"Shut up. I meant she doesn't know him as much as she knows us."
"Perry's always been a flirt. Let her have some fun!"
"I'm not having fun."
"What's up with those?" Pereskia asked Buck, pointing to the tusks poking from his mouth. They weren't a common trait among Flowahs - that's for sure.
"Not too sure, really," he shrugged. "I never met my birth parents - I was adopted by a Bisonorus couple. I like t' think I inherited them."
"Oh. that's neat!"
"Hehe, wanna see what they can do?"
"Slow down there, Buck."
"Pardon me."
Buck was more familiar with the island than the rest, partially giving a tour and partially giving commentary. He wasn't all too fond of the cold weather, something that most fire monsters could agree on, but he enjoyed the scenery quite a bit. He wished Fire Haven would keep the Feast-Ember decorations up longer. Something about the colors just felt homey - felt right. The colors were reminiscent of the flames that fire monsters once carried, of their late celestial. It was a shame how chilling the world got before the fall leaves came around. Perry couldn't agree more. She fell into every word being said, losing interest in their meaning and soon focusing more on his voice. It was raspy but soothing enough to lull someone to sleep.
They spent the afternoon wandering the nearby area, losing track of time and meeting other faces. The two friends were relieved when Pereskia called it a night, only to be told that Buck was staying at the same hotel. He walked them to their rooms, narrowly avoiding the eyes of their parents. Galvana knows what they would think of him!
"Here's ya hat back, Buckaroo," Perry joked, tossing the costume piece to him. Buck caught it, dropping it onto his head.
"Am I gonna get that name now, Dew Drop?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe and nearly falling.
"Hmm.. Pereskia Marigold Streams. Though, if tomorrow is as fun as tonight was, perhaps the last name can change."
Whoa. The Flowah took a moment to cool off and simply comprehend what he had just heard.
"So there's a tomorrow, eh?"
"I suppose there is."
"Close the door!" Dawn yelled, tossing a pillow at them. Pereskia chuckled, moving back.
"I'll see ya soon, Buck."
"See ya soon, Dew."
Mercifully, the three were left alone with one another. The glowl's hostility never settled, instead growing as time passed.
"Are you done?" Dawn growled.
"What's got your fins in a fit?"
"I'm tired!"
"You've only known him for a day! He never apologized for ruining your costume, either," Rachel added.
"I'd say he made up for it. How 'bout you guys trust me this time, hm?"
"I just don't want you to get into something serious so quickly.. You don't know him yet."
"That's what tomorrow is for, Feathers."
The barrb took a seat next to her friend, assuring her that she would be careful. She understood their concerns and took them to heart, agreeing to slow down. Still, she wanted to at least befriend the guy - he seems nice. They would allow that. Rachel rested her head on Perry's shoulder, giving a tired huff.
"I'll be fine, honey. I promise."
"You better be."
The following days remained the same. Meet with Buck, explore the island as far as their parents would allow it, learn about one another, and get into a bit of tasteful trouble. The adults eventually met Buck, and to Dawn and Rachel's surprise, they approved of him. His parents were, as told, a Bisonorus couple, and they seemed as if they expected him to find someone.
"It isn't new for our Buck to find a lovely lady," the emperor Bisonorus spoke to Myrtle, Pereskia's mother, "But it's rare for one to give him a chance."
They exchanged addresses, and around a week of eager waiting later, Pereskia received her first letter from him. Another week later, he received one from her. Each note carried a part of their lives, whether it was a Polaroid picture of their island life or a leaf fallen from a common tree that told the oncoming weather. They shared their dreams, their nightmares, their wishes, their falls. As Feast-Ember rolled around, they met up at the flowahs home island.
Dawn and Rachel chose to stay behind, and as the school year came to an end, so had their company. Perry never stopped them from moving on - she trusted them all the same. Dawn moved to Bone Island with xeir girlfriend. Rachel migrated to Fire Oasis to get away from her parents. Once Buck and Perry felt they were financially stable, they moved in together. With her father's blessing, Buck gained the privilege to call Pereskia his wife.
Every afternoon, if she were strolling alongside her husband, she was reminded of the last fall they spent together. She wondered if they blamed her for the groups falling out. They never talked about it, and to this day, she worried over what could have gone wrong. Even as they never speak, as they never see one another, their friendship hadn't ended. It simply paused, forever in the fall.
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ruiineedsfood · 8 months
Ruii's twts OC dump (will be updated)
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So in order from top left
Yona Stone
Note : ignore how badly drawn the wheelchair is because i haven't made an updated rendered version hshsh
She's inspired by medusa in greek mythology, I know she appeared like 5 seconds in the disney movie, but like how can i not put such an iconic character??? also, medusa is quite villainy in the mythos, so i feel like it fits the twst theme yknow.
Nickname : Yona , Yonyon
Grade/class : 2-B
Club : Honestly, idk maybe board game or magift
Birthday : she's giving leo vibes idk what exactly but leo 100%
Homeland : Shaftlands in the big city area
Favorite subjects : Alchemy and Defense magic
Hobby : darts, swimming(used to be)
Talent : Good eye in fashion
Favorite food : seafood
Least favorite : beef
Bellaire Witcher
So her inspiration is basically a mix of the cheshire cat and mad hatter. she's a tortured artist, so not exactly based on a disney character i just find it fun to make a very wild and artistic character. now i don't know if i should keep her clover design maybe I'll change it because i gave her a clover bcs i thought it looked cute lmao.
Ruth Burn
I just wanted a fox oc lmao. I thought omg twst doesn't have foxes, and then fellow popped up, and I'm like, welp. So personality wise, Ruth is a very responsible person, but she has a cheeky side that is kinda like ruggie in a way. Her motivations are more social rather than self-preservation like ruggie. i didn't really base her on any character from disney i just knew i didn't want her to be text book cheeky fox character, wanted her to be more of like a normal teen with bits of fox like slyness in her.
Mielin Schoerin and Mimi Schoerin
They're kinda inspired by the twin cats in lady and the tramp. The first two that i designed, actually.
Mielin (dark hair) is the oldest between the two, and she's the most developed character in the cast because i just fell in love with her LMAO. Mielin's name came from a part of a cell in the nerve system cmiiw, so its main job is to protect, and i was like, hell yeah, that name sounds cool. So she's the more mellow twin takes things more seriously than her sister. She's usually seen to be very uptight and awkward by the other students but that's mostly because she's just quite dense with her surroundings. funfact but i like to imagine she's the girl crush of campus bcs i want to give her so much love shhshsb
Mimi (blondie) is the younger one, and i like to think she's the more energetic of the two, but she is more analytical than mielin. Mimi has this aura of being more laid back of the two, but she has the sense of being all knowing of things. kinda like floyd but not as wacky as floyd.
Naima / Zahra (can't decide but im leaning towards Naima)
Honestly, she's my fav design, but i have no clue on her background yet. I'm leaning towards her being a passionate dancer whose roots are from traditional dances from her culture, or i could go the other route of her being an ex athlete or ex idol. since the story i want to tell through her is to be her own self and come to terms with her choices because, like, what if our choices are just not right for us? Im trying to make her into a character that isn't similar to the existing cast in twst, idk im finding myself making her into a jamil 2.0 and im putting more thought into her to not be like that. the disney movie doesn't really have a character that i want to adopt to be her so im still thinking about it.
Melissa (Mel)
so diasomnia's book is still ongoing, i dont have any fixed plans for her involvement with the existing cast yet. but my plan is to make her a race of beings opposite to faes in a sense, since her magic doesn't come from her but the magic of others around her. so, like sucking the life out of them and repurposing it to be her own type of thing. Malleus finds her abandoned in the forest as a young kid with all the magic in the surrounding area gone. She gets adopted, but lilia refuses because she can be dangerous with her inate powers that can weaken malleus and endanger silver since in my head, they found her after lilia took in silver. so they came to an agreement to take care of mel with the condition she stays away from silver and malleus before learning to control her powers. Now, what makes mel okay with this treatment in her head is because she remembers everything from her birth and how her mother abandoned her and stuff so she feels like its normal and devotes herself to Malleus as a guard as a sense of gratitude for letting a monster like her in. Her arc is realizing that she's not a monster that she was made to believe. Instead, she was a neglected kid who wasn't taught properly. Honestly, i just feel really sad about her, and initially, i want her to explore lilia's character since he's one of my favorites but after concocting this i just want to give mel a hug.
Also, her OB-ing would be cool
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barbatos-sama · 13 days
so far these are the pros and cons of this game, there will be a lot of comparing to gembin because the game makes no effort to hide how much of a gembin clone it is:
• character designs aren't great, a lot of them are very busy and the ones that aren't are kinda plain because the colors are kinda muted
• colors are more muted and less whimsical because this isn't a historical fantasy like gembin, like i said it's supposed to be a futuristic game so it's almost like they're trying to take classic gacha character design but make it fit into a futuristic sci fi theme and they don't really execute that very well
• the sci-fi aspect itself just doesn't appeal to me, this is obviously a matter of personal taste though
• it takes a lot of big made up science words and spits it at you all at once, making things hard to understand. gembin has some complicated fantasy terms as well but they ease you into it, starting in mond where everything is pretty easy to understand and terms are mostly normal and easy to understand. by the time it gets real bad in gembin is in sumeru, but you're so far into the game at that point where you're invested enough to actually learn and memorize these terms. this game spits them at you immediately so i was quickly discouraged and decided i didn't care abt the plot if they were gonna immediately make you do homework in order to understand anything
• speaking of the plot like i mentioned before i started skipping most of the dialogue and cutscenes because i just didn't care, it was boring. i Tried at first but i just couldn't understand what was going on bc of the nonsense technical terms they wanted me to learn
• THE INTERFACE okay my god the interface is so hard to navigate at least for me. i don't know what any of this shit is or what it does. the interface over the gameplay is almost Exactly like gembin's so that's easy to understand but the menus? nahhhh. it's like they wanted to copy homework but make it different but they made it different in the wrong way
• back to the character designs unfortunately has the "most women have big booba" problem. i don't have a problem with booba women, i kind of used to bc it made me dysphoric but it doesn't anymore and i think having some titty every now and again is fine. but when almost Every woman has big booba it makes them feel less unique. like in gembin for example there's ladies with all sizes of booba, some even have flat chests like furina and hu tao. ladies with like super big booba are actually not Super common, shenhe and yelan come to mind. in gembin you could say "the lady with the big titties" and those two would probs come to mind for whoever ur talking to, but in this game it would be like "ur gonna have to be more specific." like you know what i mean?? ahdjd not Every woman can be a booba woman you've got to branch out.
• obviously they only have twink which is a crime against me personally. the game came out rather recently so maybe there will be more, but maybe not having many twinks is a good thing bc i wont feel enticed to pull for many ppl.
• jumping is weirdly floaty and sprinting is weird
• fighting is kinda boring, ive been button mashing and things die lmao. so far there's not as much strategy as there is in gembin, but maybe i just dont know enough abt the combat system? it gave me tutorial trials tho and most of it consisted of "click four times then use your skill" so it doesn't seem very promising.
• exploration is a lot more boring than in gembin, gembin has chests and puzzles like jam packed into its world but those are much farther between in this game. since exploration is literally my favorite thing abt gembin this game is seriously lacking to me lol
• sometimes it can be kinda frustrating trying to do the things it wants me to, like it gave me a challenge to do backflips 10 times in a row without falling off a box, and the box would get smaller on each difficulty, and it took FOREVER because first of all didn't even tell me what i was doing at first so i didn't know i wasn't supposed to flip off the box, then once i figured that out it was just a rly hard thing to do but the quest marker wouldn't go away until you finished it. i finally did finish it but it was v frustrating and i was like "i come back to this game and the first thing you do is frustrate me? hello?" also there was a domain that was literally a side scroller so it was like, sonic the hedgehog but worse and very clunky. that took me several tries as well bc the controls for this segment are like, not great. i had to remap the buttons for that specific part. idk maybe someone with bigger hands can do it better but i have small hands and can't even reach the left shift button soooo
• i have just realised that almost every pro i have would be "this is like gembin" such as it having practically identical features such as how characters are built, constellations, battle pass, welkin, how quests are organized, etc. like i can't even tell you how much this game truly is "gembin but worse". they took gembin and used almost identical mechanics but made the characters uglier, the interface worse, and the exploration more boring. like i was sitting here like "okay but as a clone it had the opportunity to improve on gembin" but it didn't. like... okay it's got a bigger resin cap? you can walk up walls? i'm struggling to think of something here
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jayteacups · 23 days
I'm surprised that you didn't try to treat Nüwa and fic you wrote as canon. I usually think that most aot oc and reader fic writers try to write and treat as canon. Especially if they include canon divergence. If you say because your fic is different from canon, as I said, there are authors who add canon divergence in their fic and try to fit it to canon. I guess you fuck fandom and canon and write for your own entertainment. Sometimes I wish I could fuck all that like you and focus on my fanon fun.
For example, I'm someone who added my oc to Sc both to have some action character and to get some screen time. And as you say, Survey Corps is one of the main themes that gets the most screen time. But the Survey Corps is really a ruthless corps led by a hypocritical leader where they sacrifice themselves in a meaningless way over and over again, many of them sacrificing themselves to their death in vain, and it's a corps full of contradictions and treacheries that bother me. And of course Survey Corps is a theme that I'm uncomfortable with, so I must have reflected that in my oc, who is not happy to be there. I'm not sure if I should explain the background of my oc, but to explain a little bit, she's there more for Levi. They've been together for a long time, since they were kids.
So I can say that the chemistry I tried to make up as canon and also the chemistry I wrote to bring them closer. Their relationship reminds me a little of eremika and I can't help but wonder if they looks like a copycat or if I wrote a stupid lazy background. If it were canon I think the fandom would make similar criticism and hate speeches haha. But now I'm in the middle of designing my own levixOc because I'm trying to get away from him and the fandom lol. Because I can say that the constant canon discourses and Levi discourses in this fandom have pushed me to be more selective prescriptive and skeptical than fun.
"Levi would sacrifice you for the mission. Because he is a member of Sc" "Levi is very obsessed with Erwin very loyal he wouldn't treat you the way he treats him" At the same time, I constantly see that he would like superior strong smart people, "he would never tolerate weakness" including the ideal partner Hc's that Levi is selective, where there are similar articles like this, many discourses like this have made me frankly not enjoy this Levi and fanfic content. Sometimes when I read fic, I can't help but think "I wonder if this is how Levi would act canonically". I apologize for going so far out of context. I must have gotten a little carried away here reflecting on my negativity about the fandom.
Thank you for this ask! Let me just explain what I meant when I said that my fic is an alternate universe to AOT and not entirely canon to the original story. The setting of my fic does still take place in the AOT canon setting, i.e., three walls, titans surrounding the walls and roaming the island, an Underground, the history between Marley and Paradis/Eldia, etc. Basically the setting is the same, but there will be some canon compliance that I'll be sticking to, but yes, there will be some canon-divergence indeed, because the way I've written Nüwa and her very existence isn't exactly canon-compliant lmao. So I decided not to stress too much about trying to blend her seamlessly into canon AOT, but more like a parallel universe to AOT, if that makes sense! That's the type of story I decided to write, but of course I still respect canon-compliance and I respect the canon material itself (I'm not saying 'fuck it' completely lol). The canon divergence is more me playing with ideas that weren't really touched upon in canon and expanding on the changes that come with adding original characters to a story that already exists. I'm writing this more for self-indulgence and fun, and honestly that's why I write fic in the first place!
It's really interesting to see that your OC is a Survey Corps soldier but is actually jaded and unhappy about being there, that's certainly not something that many stories touch upon! You're right that there is a darker element to the Survey Corps' purpose and to the way Erwin operates (I like him a lot as a character though, don't get me wrong, I find him really interesting). Your project sounds really exciting. And I wouldn't say that the Eremika parallels are 'lazy' or a copycat - there are many different ways to spin that dynamic, and again, it's your story so you have the freedom to do whatever you wish with Levi and your OC!
I know the discourse - especially the discourse on this platform over the last six months - is incredibly exhausting and can be demotivating. I'm sorry that it's had such a negative impact on you :(( I think it's important to remember that at the end of the day, fandom is supposed to be a fun hobby, it's supposed to bring you joy. You absolutely don't have to subscribe to the headcanons that you don't like or agree with - because those headcanons are just one possible interpretation of canon, but they aren't necessarily the right interpretation. It's more than fine to think, 'actually, I don't think he would act like this', and click back out of that fic.
In canon, Levi is never explicitly in a romantic relationship with anyone, and therefore nobody can say definitively how he would act with a partner who's in the Survey Corps. It's up to you what you want to do with your story, and you shouldn't have to worry about appeasing to the people with different headcanons than you. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, you're valid for disagreeing with it (just remember to stay respectful haha I know fandom discourse can really rile people up), and you can write your fic with what you have in mind rather than what other fans have in mind.
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