#this one is even wonkier but who give a shit.
aiura-stan · 5 months
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'nother old sketch compilation ft the cast <3
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Tree House Kisses, Chapter 10 (Adorney) - Scorpio and Veronica
A/N: Click here for previous chapters. xoxo!
Chapter Summary: Slumber party madness.
TW: Mild homophobia/biphobia based in ignorance
Chapter 10: Sleepover
Adore was determined to seal the deal on Violet and Pearl’s friendship. Her mom was out of town for the weekend, visiting her aunt, so Adore decided it was no better time than now. So, she invited Fame, Trinity, Willam, Violet and Pearl over to have a sleepover at her place. The two had been getting along better; Violet hadn’t been as harsh with Pearl as she had been during her first few days. Her snarky remarks and eye rolls whenever Pearl was near had declined immensely.
Pearl was the first to arrive, and helped Adore get her living room ready, pushing the couch and coffee table aside so that there was enough room for everyone and their sleeping bags, lining the floor with cushions and blankets, and setting out snack food.
“So, I never really understood what I did?” Pearl said as she popped a cashew into her mouth.
“Huh?” Adore looked at Pearl, confused.
“I mean, Violet…like did she ever tell you why she didn’t like me? It had to be a reason, other than just existing, right?” Pearl asked. She knew that Violet didn’t hate her like she did during their first few meetings, but Pearl also knew she was far from Violet’s favorite person, and it was driving her a bit mad.
“Look, Violet just has this thing with people,” Adore started shifting in her spot on the palate.
“A thing?”
“Yeah, she doesn’t really like people,” Adore tried to explain.
“You always say that, but she likes you and Fame and Trinity and Willam,” Pearl raised an eyebrow hoping that Adore would spill the secret to winning over Violet.
“Mhmm,” Adore nodded in agreement.
“So, you should probably tell me how to, like, win her over.”
“Oh, no. I having no fucking idea how to do that. I just figured that if I force you two to be in the same proximity enough, that she’ll eventually warm up to you,” Adore said, shoving a handful of chips in her mouth.
“I really hope you’re right, but I don’t know if-“ But Pearl’s thought was cut off by the doorbell ringing.  
“Party!” Adore smiled, hopping off the ground to answer the door, Willam and Trinity stood in the doorway, their pajamas already on, per Adore’s request.
“New girl!” Willam eyes lit up, pushing past Adore to sit next to Pearl.
“You know, it’s been like weeks. I don’t think I qualify for the ‘new girl’ nickname anymore,” Pearl drawled blinking slowly at Willam.
“Whatever,” Willam rolled his eyes.
“Willam, you can put your bag over by the couch,” Adore informed Willam, who had just dropped his bag at the door.
“Cuz can do it,” he said looking down at his fun.
“Do I look like a fucking maid?” Trinity shot back and when Willam turned, his mouth ready to say something smart, she added, “Don’t you say shit.”
“I got it,” Adore offered kindly, picking Willam’s bag up and then hurling it into the living room.
“Hey!” Willam exclaimed, and all three girls began to laugh at him.
Courtney arrived at Alyssa’s house, a little apprehensive about spending the whole night with these girls. It was one thing to eat lunch with them, but a sleepover without Adore there? She sighed. It wasn’t that she begrudged Adore her new friends - except maybe for Violet, who was a bitter little monster with some kind of weird ax to grind - but she just missed her. She missed having someone around who would always have her back. And sure, she had Roy, but it wasn’t the same thing. And sure, she had Roy, but it wasn’t the same thing. And it certainly wouldn't protect her tonight.
There were some girls who were just inclined to these types of groups. Alyssa, for example, was a Queen Bee. She always had a gaggle of followers. She was a girl’s girl. Same with Shangie, and Gia, and Laganja. And even Darienne, to some extent (although Darienne could hang with the boys too, but she was equally comfortable with this slumber party sorority stuff). Courtney liked being a cheerleader. She liked being part of a team. She liked fitting in. But there was no doubt that she’d never really belonged to a group of girls, not the way the others had. She and Adore had always just been a pair, perfectly happy to be all on their own.
“Courtney!” Alyssa snapped, waking her up from her thoughts.
“What?” Courtney blinked.
“I said, what do you want on your pizza? God, you are a bigger airhead than Gia sometimes. It’s exhausting.”
“Oh, uh...veggies? I guess? I’m a vegetarian, so plain cheese would be okay too.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
Shangela put an arm around Courtney’s shoulders. “Come on, babe, don’t mind her. Sit over here with me and tell me all about that fine boyfriend of yours…”
Courtney looked at Shangie gratefully, not noticing the death glare Alyssa was shooting at the back of her head.
Fame and Violet arrived together, looking as beautiful as always. Fame wore a light pink nightgown, red roses decorating the bottom with matching thigh high socks, her blonde hair pulled on top of her head into a bun. Violet wore all black, satin shorts and top, her hair down for once.
As the girls settled in with the group, Fame greeted Pearl with a kiss to her cheek and compliments on her skin, which earned Pearl a glare from Violet.
“I have such bad skin sometimes, the past couple of days have been pretty good to me. And I’m like thank the deities,” Fame laughed.
“I’m sure you’re still just as gorgeous as always,” Pearl complimented her and Fame posed, hands framing her face.
“Why, thank you. Especially coming from someone as beautiful as yourself,” Fame giggled, squeezing Pearl’s thigh.
“Okay,” Adore groaned out, interrupting the two. “This is so gay and not the kind of gay I like.”
“Seriously,” Willam agreed, pulling out his phone.  
“What do you guys want to do first?” Adore asked excitedly , plopping down on the cushions beside Violet.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had a sleepover like this. Probably junior high or something, back when she and Courtney used to hang out at Dela’s house. It felt like a lifetime ago.
“We can watch some movies, play some board games, or do all that other girly shit that we’re supposed to do at sleepovers. Like paint each other’s nails, braid each other’s hair, have a pillow fight...” Adore trailed off with a light giggle.
Pearl humped her shoulders. Willam was busily texting on his phone, Fame looked deep in thought, Violet looked annoyed, and Trinity was prowling around the room in search of a liquor cabinet.
“Okay, so I think we should paint each other’s nails. I only have like three colors, but my mom has a shit ton of colors,” Adore said, trying to not let the others’ attitudes get to her. “Come on Vies, help me grab the polishes.”
Adore smacked Violet on the thigh before rising up, pulling Violet along with her. As they made their way to Bonnie’s bathroom, Adore decided to make sure that Violet was on her very best behavior.
“Violet, can you please just be nice tonight? Or like, at least try?”
“Why wouldn’t I be nice?”
“Violet,” Adore said, giving her a look.
“Fine, I just don’t like how she’s always all over Fame,” Violet said.
“Don’t act like Fame isn’t one of the touchiest, most flirtatious people there is,” Adore eyed Violet, who only rolled her eyes in response.
“Hold your hand still,” Willam growled out in frustration, fixing Fame’s hand on his thigh.
“I didn’t even move.”
“Then why is there nail polish on your finger instead of the nail?” He held Fame’s hand up to her face.
“Because you can’t paint,” Fame snatched her hand from Willam and crawled over to where Violet was getting her nails painted by Trinity.
“Where the fuck is the pizza? Has it been thirty minutes already?” Adore huffed out, moving slightly, earning a pinch from Pearl who was only doing slightly better than Willam.
“Halfbreed, get your ass back over here, so I can finish.”
“No, they already look horrible. Adore, where’s the polish remover?” Fame asked from her place behind Violet her chin on the girl’s shoulder.
“Don’t wipe my art off, halfbreed.”
“Shut up.”
Then the doorbell rang.
“Hold still, Gia, or I swear, your lashes are gonna come out even wonkier than usual!” April lectured as she glued Gia’s lashes down.
Alyssa cackled.
“Shangie, can you show me how you do that smoky eye thing?” Courtney asked.
“Sure! But do you even wear makeup?”
“I do! I don’t know why people always say that. I think my face just like, absorbs it,” Courtney laughed. “Adore once tried doing winged liner on me and it literally looked exactly the same as my regular face.”
“Speaking of Adore, I’m very proud that you’re branching out, Courtney,” Laganja said. “I mean, she was totally holding you back.”
“We’re still best friends, so watch it,” Courtney said sharply.
“Are you really?” Alyssa asked, one eyebrow raised, applying some pink lip gloss.
“Because she’s been eating lunch with those weirdo queer kids for weeks,” Gia added.
Courtney could feel her cheeks heating up. “It doesn’t matter who she eats lunch with. We will always be best friends.”
Alyssa yawned. “I mean, if you say so. Because it seems to me that she’s choosing to be friends with someone who insulted you and talks shit about you all the time. But what do I know?”
“She’s not responsible for Violet.”
Alyssa smiled deviously. “Of course not. But if someone treated my best friend the way Violet treated you...I’d probably murder them. But of course...Violet is doing other things for Adore that I’m probably not taking into consideration. And Adore isn’t me. Obviously.”
Courtney pressed her lips together, determined not to let Alyssa get to her.
“So, you think if Easy-E was still alive, that he would be as successful as Ice Cube and Dr. Dre are right now?” Adore asked Trinity, biting into her pizza.
“Yeah,” Trinity nodded.
Music was playing through the house on the speaker Bonnie had bought a few weeks ago as the gang all sat around trying not to burn their mouths on the freshly delivered pizza.
“It’ll be like Destiny’s Child. One would be the Beyonce, one would be Kelly successful and known, but not as good as Beyonce, then someone would be Michelle.”
Adore through her head back in laughter, “Don’t count Michelle out yet. She could still surprise us.”
“We’ll see,” Trinity shrugged.
“I think that if Left-eye was still alive, that TLC would be top of the charts.”
“Maybe, same thing with Aaliyah,” Trinity nodded.
“Rest in Peace,” Adore said crossing her chest then biting into her pizza.
“No, no, it’s like this…” Laganja demonstrated the dance move again. “Scoop your shoulder more…”
“You guys couldn’t find an accent beat if it bit you on the ass,” Alyssa snarked, shaking her head.
“Well...fuck…” Gia giggled, collapsing onto the couch.
“I mean, we dance in sneakers. If you had to put on heels and learn a real routine, you’d all probably end up with broken ankles and concussions.”
“Tell us how you really feel, Alyssa,” said Shangela.
Alyssa shrugged. “Whatever.”
Laganja laughed. “She’s right, though.” She pointed at Courtney. “You especially have no rhythm.”
“None at all,” Alyssa echoed. “Good thing you’re flexible.”
“I’m sure Roy appreciates it, too,” April giggled, covering her mouth.
“Gross,” said Alyssa.
“Draw two, Draw two!” Fame yelled at Trinity.
“Wait, is that on me? I thought somebody reversed it,” Trinity asked not wanting to accept the extra cards.
“Bitch,” Fame said grabbing the cards from the pull pile and trying to put them in Trinity’s hand.
“No, fuck that. I can draw my own cards,” Trinity knocked the cards out of Fame’s hand.
“Can you just pull the cards already?” Pearl spoke up.
“Shut up. Somebody, pull a draw four on this bitch, new girl only has three cards left,” Willam said leaning over in an attempt to look at Pearl’s card.
“Why are you trying to look at my cards,” Pearl whined playfully, leaning against Adore, hiding her cards in her lap.
“Willam is always trying to cheat,” Violet piped up. She was so concentrated on winning she had barely spoken a word throughout the game.
The girls had pulled down Bonnie’s wine and decided that a game of UNO would be better than watching a movie. It was only the first round and the game had already gotten intense. Willam had hid half his cards under his leg after being forced to draw six cards, thanks to Pearl putting down a draw four, Fame reversing the rotation and Trinity putting down a draw two card; which had lead to an argument about if they should start over or not.
“Fuck this,” Adore groaned, “Do we still have some pizza left?”
“Dare,” Gia said.
“Okay…” said April. “I dare you to...go upstairs and find something good from Alyssa’s parents’ medicine cabinet and bring it back down here…”
“Okay, fine!” Gia got up and sauntered up the steps of the rec room.
“Real mature, guys,” said Alyssa.
“Afraid of what she’ll find? Like your dad’s viagra?” Shangela dissolved into giggles.
“Please. My parents are so boring. I bet all they have up there is baby aspirin.”
The girls all looked up as knocking sounded at the sliding glass door. Alyssa jumped up and let Darienne in with her duffel bag. “It’s about time, girl!”
Darienne slipped inside, smirking. “Sorry. Thanks for covering for me. My mom didn’t call, did she?”
“Darienne, you’re just in time for truth or dare. I think you need to choose truth,” said April, laughing.
“Okay, fine,” Darienne flopped down onto the sofa, grabbing a root beer. “Hit me.”
“What’s Jamin like in bed?” Shangela asked quickly, jumping in.
“I mean, I think he’s pretty good, but it’s not like I have a lot to compare it to,” Darienne answered thoughtfully.
“Okay, but how big is his dick?” asked Laganja.
“I thought you only ask one question at a time for this game…”
“No one cares about the game,” Laganja laughed.
Darienne rolled her eyes. “It’s big enough, trust me.”
“Why are you bothering Darienne about big dicks when Courtney is right there?” Shangela asked.  
All of the girls turned towards Courtney, who started blushing furiously.
“W-what?” she stammered.
Gia skipped down the stairs, shaking a bottle of pills. “Who wants Xanax?!”
“Shut up, Gia, Courtney was about to tell us about Roy’s dick!” April exclaimed.
“I...you guys...I don’t know what...we like, just started going out a few months ago…” Courtney said, embarrassed.
“You haven’t slept together?” Laganja asked.
“Okay, but like, you must have at least blown him,” Gia stated.
“N-no…” Courtney looked around at their judgmental faces.
“What are you, like, some kind of born again Christian?” asked Gia.
“No, I just, I mean...we just…”
Darienne put a hand on her shoulder. “Guys, relax. There’s nothing wrong with taking things slow.”
“Thank you,” Courtney said quietly.
“I think people are just surprised, because you guys seem so...physical. I mean you practically get to third base at lunchtime,” Darienne tried to explain without piling on the judgment train.
Gia laughed. “Yeah, like you obviously don’t need to sleep with him. I’m just kind of shocked that you haven’t sucked his dick yet. You should probably do that before he gets bored and breaks up with you.”
“Yeah, listen to Gia. She totally knows what she’s talking about from her zero relationships,” Alyssa deadpanned, hitting Gia with a pillow.
“He’s gay?” Violet’s eyes were wide as she looked over her glass at Willam.
“Well, I sucked his dick,” Willam shrugged.
“But does that count?” Pearl asked, and Violet tried her hardest not to roll her eyes.
“Of fucking course it counts.”
“I mean, he could have just wanted to get his dick sucked,” Pearl shrugged.
“That’s some gay shit,” Trinity commented. Fame’s head was resting in her lap, and she was absentmindedly braiding her hair.
“We could say, that’s some gay shit,” Pearl gestured to Trinity and Fame’s position.
“I’m braiding her hair,” Trinity rolled her eyes.
“But, her head’s in your lap,” Pearl shot back, “Real close to the pussy.”
Trinity’s face scrunched up as form of disagreement, but she continued to play with Fame’s locks.
“That is kind of some gay shit,” Adore agreed, looking at the two.
“Plus, straight girls always hook up with lesbians just to make out, and because they know we eat better pussy. So it could be the same with guys. Well maybe not the making out part,” Pearl said, sitting back on her elbows.
“Look who’s the gay specialist,” Adore joked from her spot beside Fame and Trinity, “But really, if a girl hooks up with a girl and enjoys it, is she really ‘straight’ and same with a guy?” Adore looked around the circle.
“But aren’t all girl a bit bi-curious, so technically not into girls, but not not into girls?” Violet offered. “And this is a dude, which seems different.”
“Well, by the way he was fucking my face-”
“Woah!” Pearl held her hand up to stop Willam, “Too much information.”
“He could be bisexual,” Fame offered.
“Shut up, halfbreed. I told you that doesn’t exist,” Willam reached out, tapping Fame on the leg.
“Well, what do you call me? Because I love my boyfriend, but I also like girls-” Fame tried to sit up, but was motioned back down by Trinity.
“Greedy. You’re fucking greedy.”
“Will, you’re an ass and I don’t know why I still hang around you,” Fame rolled her eyes.
“Because us queers gotta stick together. Plus, I need to be there to console your boyfriend when you leave him for a girl,” Willam laughed, making a dick sucking motion.
“Whatever,” she huffed.
“Okay, but let’s talk about those girls that like to hook up with girls, but don’t actually want to be with them,” Violet said, her eyes flicking to Adore for the quickest second.
“Well, there’s variations,” Pearl said looking at Violet.
“Yeah, girls who only want to make out with girls for a laugh or because some jock thinks it’s hot. Girls who like girls, but want to marry a man and have babies and shit. And closet cases,” Pearl wiggled her three fingers.
“Closet cases?” Trinity asked.
“Oh, shit, Pearl’s right,” Violet nodded in agreement shocked at herself for agreeing with the blonde. Pearl’s eyes lit up a bit, but she kept the smile off her face.
“A closet case. Is, well there could be different kinds, but basically someone who is in denial of their sexual attraction to other girls, for whatever reason, but totally likes girls,” Fame explained.
“But the most important rule to remember about this is never fall for a ‘straight’ girl,” Pearl said looking around at the group, before downing the rest of her drink.
“EVER,” Violet added, looking at Adore.
Adore looked down at her fingers, avoiding eye contact with Violet; ignoring the small voice in her head that was telling her otherwise.
Courtney shifted in her sleeping bag. She wasn’t used to this—being in a room with a bunch of girls, but feeling so alone. She wished that Adore was here. Adore wouldn’t make her feel like an idiot for waiting with Roy; Adore would probably make her laugh by calling the other girls a bunch of sluts.
“Darienne?” Courtney asked, turning to the older girl in the dark.
“Do you think...do you think Roy is gonna get bored of me if I don’t...I mean if we don’t start...doing more…?”
Darienne smiled sleepily at her. “Courtney, you should just do what you want. You know how much he likes you, right? The real question is, do you want to take things farther with him? Like, sexually?”
Courtney considered this. She hadn’t really thought about it. The truth was, she really liked things the way they were. She liked making out with Roy, she loved kissing him and being held and touched and cuddled. She was aware that he wanted to take things farther, but she assumed that was just because he was a boy, and boys always wanted to have sex. She hadn’t really been worried about him being bored or frustrated, until tonight. She’d been so utterly happy when he said that he loved her, but now these girls had her second-guessing everything. What if he had ulterior motives for saying it?
The one thing that she knew for sure was that she wasn’t ready to have sex. Her mother had sat her down a few weeks earlier to try and discuss birth control, and it made her head spin and her stomach hurt. She’d promised Karen that she wasn’t sexually active or thinking about being sexually active, but that she would come back and talk to her if and when it applied.
So what if, for now, she wanted to keep things above the waist? Or at least, their pants on? That was her right. Wasn’t that, like, feminism? She closed her eyes, sighing.
Adore had woken up in the middle of the night, hungry for pizza. She carefully stepped over everyone, making sure not to wake them. Once she reached the kitchen, she was slightly surprised to find Violet at the table, a bag of chips open in front of her.
“You’re the last person I thought to find in my kitchen at 4 in the morning with the junk food,” Adore said keeping her voice low as to not disturb the others.
“Which is why you should have guessed that I would be that person,” Violet countered.
Adore grabbed a slice of pizza cold pizza from the box, sitting down beside her.
“Question…” Violet said.
“Why didn’t you invite Courtney tonight?” Violet’s pointed tone caught Adore off guard.
“Uhm, because I wanted it to just be us; and I think she had plans anyway,” Adore shrugged.
“It’s just that you’ve been real persistent on hanging with us and not them--not that I mind, actually I like it better this way--but it basically started the day she got together with Roy.”
Adore took another bite of her pizza, shrugging and avoiding Violet’s gaze.
“Do you hate him?” Violet asked suddenly.
“No, no, where did you get that from?” Adore shook her head, confused.
“You said that he tortured you when you were kids...”
“No, I said we used to fight when we were kids, because he was bossy and a know-it-all. Like how you fight with your siblings but you still love them,” Adore said with a smile.
“But he’s not your brother,” Violet countered. “He’s the dude who’s fucking your little bae. You’d totally skin him alive if you could.”
Adore bristled. Why did Violet always have to needle her like that?
“He’s not fucking her, Violet, and--”
“Not yet, maybe. Give it a month,” Violet said, brushing the crumbs from her hands and getting up from the table.
As Adore finished her pizza, she tried to convince herself that she didn’t care. She told herself that she wasn’t in love with Courtney and that it didn’t matter if she were because Courtney was with Roy, who she for sure didn’t hate. And she was very happy for both of them.
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Finished s1 ep1 again. 
Some random thoughts as the episode progressed:
God, I missed you Lee, you beautiful man...
“It just goes to show, people will up and go mad when they believe their lives are over.” One of my favorite [and the truest] lines of the entire series and it’s said by a throwaway officer character that’s going to die in 2.5 seconds...
I will never get tired of watching Lee slip on that pool of blood haha
Clementine is so little and her hat is so clean aaaahhhhhhh
I really wish Lee had thought to gather up some of Clem’s things that she’d definitely want in the future; photos of her parents, maybe her favorite toy, some of her coloring stuff, some clothes? C’mon, lemme see her Disco Broccoli merch
The answering machine messages from Clem’s mom just...😭😭😭
Also, I decided to wait until night this time to mix it up a bit, since I always go find help right away and I forgot that CHET DIES IF YOU WAIT OOPS
“It smells like...”
*GASP*  😂😂😂
Oh, hai Kenny. 
You and I are about to become best friends because I will be doing everything in my power to fuck Lilly over every chance I get. Consider it revenge for the future... that doesn’t make a whole lotta sense but Lilly’s going to kill Mitch and kidnap my children and I think it’s only fair that I squish her father’s head before... she does... that? I guess? 
“I wanna build a fence!” 😁
Okay, Duck, but only if you pinky swear that you won’t kill Shaun, okay?
It’s interesting to go back to s1 and see everyone be like, “Oh, the government will sort this out! The military will take care of the walkers! Thing’ll go back to normal eventually!” and know that none of that is going to happen, in fact, the opposite will happen is really... sad. 
Clementine has no idea that she has a hard eight years ahead of her...
“You know what you’re doin’? You got kids of yer own?”
Why yes, there’s my daughter, Clementine. My boy Louis, my disaster child Mitch, my little nugget Violet, and-
Shaun’s dead and Hershel and his John Deer attire are mad at me.
Shut up Lilly
Shut up Larry
I will never miss an opportunity to call Lilly an asshole.
Oh no. Larry’s heart. Oh no...
I just noticed that Larry has tattoos on his arm. One on his upper arm and one on his forearm, I think? Can’t tell what they are, though. 
Can I just give all the candy bars to Clem? Fuck Larry, he don’t need one. 
And yes, I will be ignoring both of them. I refuse to feed him and I refuse to talk to her this episode. 
“Being good is... good.” Lee, you’re so awkward I can’t- 
Carly, you and your damn batteries I swear. How do you put batteries in wrong?? 
God, the controls of this game are much wonkier than s4. It really makes me appreciate the improvements the developers made. 
“He is kind of cute in that parent’s basement sort of way...”
The scene where Lee and Clementine are in the back room and they’re moving the desk is really sweet. Her little expressions and grunts as she’s helping are adorable. Also, her getting teary eyed about her finger? 
“It hurt.” 😟
Clem, trust me, that little cut is going to feel like a brief tickle compared to the shit that’s gonna happen to your arm and leg...
But Lee’s such a good dad but
Lee: *opens first aid kit* Nothin’ I need in there
Me: Lee, I don’t care if you need it or not IT’S THE APOCALYPSE TAKE EVERYTHING
Carly, can you stop calling me a murderer in front of my daughter??
I just tried to break a car window with a pillow and now all I can think about is little child Louis hiding under his pillow collection terrified of what’s happening and now I’m incredibly sad...
Wait, does that spark plug thing really work on car windows...?
I let the lady shoot herself and now Glenn and his baseball cap are sad.
Doug is wearing long socks with sandals...
And he has a polar bear on his shirt...
And he doesn’t ever swear...
And he has a bunch of AV codes memorized...
Just... who are you? What’s your story?? Why won’t the game let you tell me??
 I tried to unlock the padlock with a remote and now Doug thinks I’m dumb.
Lee talking to his brother breaks my heart. Just, Lee being here after his family’s gone after not talking or seeing them for so long and then having to ax his brother FIVE times... 😟😟😟
Lilly: God, you’re amazing! Let’s-
Shut up, Lilly. 
Lilly: I gotta get my dad out of here!
BleH blEH i goTA gET My dAD ouT of HeRE BLEH
I can’t help it guys... I know she’s not nearly as bad this season but doesn’t mean I can’t stand her
Y’know, they really screwed Doug over. It’s not surprising that most people don’t pick him the first time around because you barely interact with him. 
With Carley, there are multiple times where you talk to her, you help her with her radio, she goes with you to get Glen, she’s a great shot... I feel if they were to ever do a remastered version of this season with bonus content, they should give Doug more back story and more interactions to try and even it out because the poor guy is just... there. 
I’ve saved Doug before and he does have so really funny moments. My favorite being in ep3 where he goes to fix the RV and it’s just a shot of him fucking banging on it with a hammer haha 
But, I usually pick Carly because she gives me the opportunity to share my past with everyone in ep3 and I always want to be honest with everyone. Also, not gonna lie... I lowkey ship Lee and Carly. Just sayin’.
Oh Larry... Can’t wait until next episode, you ass hat.
Bye, Glenn. Tell Rick I said hello.
This is such a great start to what would be a terrific first season. It’s a great introduction to Lee’s character and his interesting backstory, as well as the beginning of his bond with Clementine. 
Also, the final shot where all the lights go out and you can see Clementine sprinting towards Lee is such a great way to end it. 
And I’m looking at my stats for the episode and only 30% of people saved Duck? Wow. AND 48% of people chose Carly??? Wow. 
That’s so damn interesting. 
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Birb answers random questions you probably thought about asking!
Might as well do this. *shrug emoji* 
Q: When did you start working on Borderline?
A: September 18th, 2015 is when I sort of started working on Borderline? beforehand I actually wrote a fanfic.. it was terrible.. then again, the first few updates even more terrible. It’s been 3 years since I started working on it, and I’ve made quite a lot of progress over the course of a year. 
Q: What do you use to make assets? 
A: Sai to draw, and gimp and paint.net to save them in 8-bit format (if it has textures, use gimp. paint.net just.. fucks it up even if you lower transparency on that bitch). For voices and edits, I use audacity, and my laptop mic to record my voice.. not sure what wolf uses to make their music, you might have to ask them, as for chii, she doesn’t use sai, i know she uses medibang now??? again, ask them!!
Q: What got you to write the story in the first place? 
A: uuuuu.. too much fangames inspired me to make my own thing. It wasn’t as much solid as it was, but the premise was still the same: Max has to deliver food to the Guardians. Of course, I had to make several changes to the story, because the first variation, you already knew what you had to do. In the current version, Max has no idea why Puppeteer is there, and what their intention is, other than to help you with your job. There might be more changes to the story in the future, probably minor changes and shit like that, but the main premise still stays the same!
Q: You accept cameos in your game?
A: YES, ABSOLUTELY, GIVE ME YOUR CHILDREN RIGHT NOW AND I WILL EMBED THEIR CHARACTER FILES INTO MY GAME FOREVER!! ... yes, yes I do actually! From time to time, I do accept cameo appearances in my game, but these cameo appearances don’t like.. uuuh.. how to put this. usually cameo appearances are done where like the character simply exists and doesn’t contribute anything other than just.. existing. In Borderline however, each cameo has it’s own purpose in the game, as I want the cameos to DO SOMETHING other than just stand idly and exist, so of course, each cameo is given a purpose. So when you give me your character, I make sure to do them a lot of justice!
Q: Can we use your assets? 
A: I’d rather you ask first, but chances are that I would say no, and instead would offer to make assets for you. Even with school, I have lots of time on my hands and always need some kind of excuse to get out of my comfort zone and do stuff. I also make free assets from time to time, so you’re allowed to use those as long as you provide credit. In short, if you want some assets, don’t hesitate to ask me to make you some assets. Again, it gives me an excuse to do stuff.
Q: Are you in need of aid or suggestions maybe?
A: ... always! I’m just either too anxious to ask for help, or I’m unsure of how to organize myself and tell people what I am in need.. The most important thing I am ALWAYS in need of are beta-testers, and of course, the more the merrier! Not everyone might point out the same bugs as everyone else when they play my game, and most of the time I beta-test the game.. every. single. time I set up an event to MAKE SURE it works the way I want it!! ...But sometimes I happen to miss a couple.. or maybe a little bit more. (and I burned myself out doing that oops.) But even if you decide to offer your help, I’d be utmost grateful! 
Q: Is your game crossover friendly?
A: The fuck you saying, Borderline is the biggest crossover you’ll ever get to play! ...Yes my game is crossover friendly dun worry! ;w; Not sure why I’d answer that question but if you’re curious, refer to two questions above (the cameo one).
Q: Where do we report bugs?
A: You can use the submit box to report any bugs you find. If possible, provide a screenshot and submit it there. You can also personally IM me if you feel comfortable ;w; Just please.. be specific when you’re reporting a bug. I really can’t fathom at all, as I’m but a slow dunce and might not understand what you’re saying at first... I’msosorry!!!
Q: What program are you using to make the game?
A: Rpgmaker 2003. It’s only 20 bucks both on steam and on the official site (doe I did buy it from the official site cuz steam is hecc.. and my laptop can only handle so much. :’3) 
Q: I am stuck somewhere, and I need help!
A: There is a solution folder which can be found within the game, not only does it contain images, but it also contains videos as well.. Remind me to uh.. fix a couple of dem.. puzzles.. yes.. 
Q: Is it okay to make fanart/ask/rp blogs of your characters? 
A: Why yes, it’s actually okay! I really appreciate the gesture! For art, because the tagging system (on tumblr) can’t get any more wonkier than it is, so if I don’t see something that you drew for me, please don’t feel bad! It’s just tumblr is fucking garbo. :’3333 Instead, you can use the submit box or IM me. If it’s of lewd nature, I ask of you to NOT DRAW THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERS IN LEWD IMAGERY (and I am copying this from the main blog): Basically the protagons of the game (Max is ace who shames people for fun, doesn’t care about sex at all, Sam is a fucking child, Seneca is not even my own character, Puff is also ace and very sex repulsed, and Aleyes is.. he’s not a tentacle monster that’s for sure.), Asriel (He might be his own character, but.. please don’t fuck the goat!! He’s supposed to be innocent!!!!), Baka (not even mine), Pipscrap (not even mine)., Now.. Regarding ask/rp blogs however, I am okay with it, but do consult with me about it (hey, those are my children, I wanna interact with my own children!!) Plus, I can provide you with a bit of an in-depth detail regarding the characters so you know what’s up.. Which brings another question to light.
Q: Can we ship <insert character here> with <insert character here>???
A: I’m a thotticus for shippings, but I’m a huge ass sucker for chemistry(tm) and relationship development between two or more people! I really wanna see what y’all can come up with really so go crazy!! But, keep in mind..
There are... restrictions however.. mostly with Max and Puff who are in a canonical relationship; this should also apply for AU’s as well, please pleaaaaaase don’t ship them with any other characters other than each other! Not only because I can’t see those two being shipped outside their pairing, but also because their relationship is very critical to the lore itself! So.. please be respectful of my decision! ;; There are other restrictions, but I won’t list them here, because we’d be here for an eternity. ;; Just don’t do illegal shit that can get you called out or worse.. please do ask for restrictions.. ;; 
Q: Is it okay to add Easter Eggs/references regarding your game or your characters in our work? 
A: I’d cry? I’d appreciate you ask me about it first so we can consult and shit, but I’d be hella fine with that!!
Q: You inspired me to start my own game!
A: I know it’s not a question, but I can’t just shrug this one off, please excuse me while I go and scream into the void! *sniffs* I am glad that my work actually inspired you to make your own game, and I cry?? Like I literally feel the feels?? <333333
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ez-smile · 6 years
Perfectly Straight Teeth Minus Any Dentist Visits?
Once upon a time, many years ago, my parents forked out an absolute shitload of their hard-earned money, for their bratty teenage daughter to get braces. At 14, having straight teeth is vastly unimportant compared to say, sneaking off into the bushes to pash your older boyfriend, but it’s something my parents knew I would appreciate when I got older. And I did.
EXCEPT. Being the bratty teenager I was, once the braces were removed, I kinda stopped wearing my retainer because it was gross and I didn’t like it and I was a shit. So although my teeth were straight, as I reached my uni days and had my wisdom teeth removed, they continued to move and gradually got wonkier.
For the record I don’t think I should be SOLEY held responsible, getting 4 teeth removed was always going to make the remaining teeth move around right? ……RIGHT!?
Anywho, I developed a good ‘side’, on which my teeth were straighter and if I couldn’t be on my good side, I would perpetually do that weird closed mouth smiley thing so many of us gals do. Seriously look at these pics for proof of my ‘side’.
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Many of us gals do this ‘my side’ thing because we don’t like our smile front on, which you can say is ridiculous and vain and blah blah, but a smile is pretty important and straight teeth really do give one that wow factor we all want.
Anyway, I recently got engaged and had ALWAYS said that if I got married I wanted straight teeth for my wedding cos’ I want to flippin’ BEAM with cheesy smiles and not worry about my weird side.  But there were 2 things that always held me back from fixing my teeth:
a) the cost of clear aligners (I didn’t want to go for traditional braces) is crazy high. Gals I know who have had them paid anywhere between 6-8k 🤑😱
b) I am a busy bitch and really don’t have time for fortnightly orthodontist appointments 🤨
Enter Ez Smile 
What is EZ SMILE?
An oral cosmetic company that allows you to straighten your teeth with clear aligners in the comfort of your own home; no dentist visits required (yes, you read that right).
How TF does it work?
It’s so bloody simple, I thought it would be way more complicated TBH…
Firstly, you answer a few questions and figure out if you’re a good candidate.
Order an impression kit so you can do moulds of your teeth at home and send them off. They’re so easy to do, things just get very ‘spitty’ with saliva lel. The mould kit is $100 but they’ve given me a 50% discount for you guys to use AND it’s actually a 100% money back guarantee if you’re not a good candidate and I swear this post is not sponsored… 😂 I am just really excited!
An orthodontist will create a 3D teeth straightening plan so you can see exactly how your teeth will move which is super cool, and also how many sets of the aligners are needed to straighten your teeth. So, for example, I need 8 sets for my top teeth and 9 for the bottom (cheeky things are wonkier).
If you decide to go ahead, your aligners will arrive in the mail with numbers on them and you just move up a set every 2-3 weeks.
How long do I have to wear them?
20 hours a day, so pretty much all the time except when you’re eating. I’ll be honest, I often can’t wear them for that long per day because they slightly impede my speech so when I’m doing videos, podcasting or at events I can’t wear them; however most people find their ‘aligner lisp’ goes away after a few days. Because I can’t wear them for as long as required most days, I’ve been changing sets closer to every 3 weeks rather than 2 as I want to get the most out of it! So using common sense should help you navigate anything like that!
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What are the pros?
They’re a dickload cheaper than alternative teeth straightening methods ($2,149).
The whole process is super simple and everything is easy to follow. I’m lazy AF so as soon as something is too complicated I put it in the ‘too-hard’ basket; so I’ve loved the easiness.
IT’S WORKING! I’ll post some pics at the end of the treatment plan but can already see differences.
What are the cons?
They HURT. You forget how much teeth straightening hurts! I was in so much pain for the first few days but it gets better, so power on through. Every time I move up an aligner set, it hurts, but not to the same extent as those first few days at the start of the whole process.
They’re dorky AF. No, they’re not obvious but if someone is talking close to you they can see them. But you know what isn’t dorky? STRAIGHT TEETH Y’ALL!
The ‘aligner lisp’. It gets worse when I change sets but I can always hear it on camera which is why I can’t wear them all the time. Some people don’t get a lisp though, or it disappears. It’s also not super bad, it’s only because of my work that it’s even something I notice TBH.
Wanna give it a go? Check out all the info online and use the discount link to get 50% off 😘
DISCLAIMER: This post was not sponsored. Showpo proudly produces only honest AF reviews 😝
from Blog http://bit.ly/2TDbjyt
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invisiblenotbroken · 7 years
Gas Lighting: Searching For Chronic Illness Diagnosis in American Healthcare System (Its' funnier than it sounds and just as frustrating)
Did I get lucky! I got to make a new friend. I hope you enjoy listening to Jen. She is an amazing poet and at the end of the interview you can hear two very powerful poems. She is hilarious and strong. She has been dealing with being sick and frail even though she has made massive changes (loosing 100lbs) and has just started in on her 40's. We talk about parenting with a chronic illness, the American healthcare system (buckle up its' about to get political), the importance of art when you can't get out of bed, and how important friendships are especially when you are dealing with chronic invisible illness. 
Ms. T's Answers {More Bad Ass Than Mr. T}
Jen Toal (with her amazing poetry she did not Age 40
PTSD, Chronic Pain, Extensive nerve injury  nerve injuries in both arms, Not Quite Fibromyalgia (is that a thing?), planters fasciitis, Anxiety/Depression
(...Hang on, maybe Ehlers-Danlos?? Amazing the things you can learn doing podcast interviews...) After watching Jen through the interview I was impressed at all of the crazy shapes she was making while stretching. She also has the swan deformity and so many other symptoms of the disorder I have.
I can remember school officials started stepping in around middle school to try to help Mom and I address my symptoms. They couldn't find much obviously wrong with me, except for some scoliosis. In high school I was given special locker accommodations each year to try to help reduce the load on my body and as an eighteen year old, our family doctor explained to me that I was experiencing the same daily pain as most eighty year olds. This was before the injuries of my twenties and thirties.
I didn't get far working with that doc because growing up means losing access to health care in our country. 
 In my early twenties I was working in tech support and saving for further college when all the nerves on both my arms were blown out by repetitive stress from typing. I spent the next several years in surgery and disabled. I got LOTS of doctor attention, but only on the subject of my work injuries. They were there to repair me from what they had done, not heal me overall. 
 The worst part of those years was being unable to draw. 
 In my thirties I found reasons to stop giving up on my life, most notably my husband, John, and our sweet child. John and I changed so many of our daily habits that together we lost three hundred pounds. 
 Losing 45% of my pre pregnancy body weight has done amazing things for my health, but it's not the miracle cure it *looks* like from the outside. For one thing, jumping up out of my sick bed to chase my snugly little kettle bell around gave me a wicked case of Plantar Fasiitis. It's a remarkably painful addition to my dappling of symptoms, but was acceptable collateral damage to me.
 1. Who were you before your illness became debilitating?
A child. 
 2. Is there anything you would do if you were not sick? 
There are so many things. I would have so much more of a career. I would travel. I would go out in the evenings and be around people. I would make so much more art. 
 3. What should other people know about our daily life?
That it's super easy for them to forget, but it's always there, reminding me. That it's exhausting to manage pain.
 4. What would make living and moving in the world easier for you?
Single Payer Healthcare and Universal Basic Income. 
 In my twenties I spent a lot of time with people who liked to play, "What if we won the lottery??" My answers always began with access to doctors and therapists.
 5. Life hacks?
Tennis balls are my latest favorite backpack staple. I sit and lean on them for point massage. They are especially magical for car trips, which have always been rugged for me.
My backpack itself is my favorite tool, but like many medications that come with side effects, the magic bag does sometimes get ridiculously heavy.
 6. Support from family or friends?
I married really well. My husband is marvelously supportive and encouraging. My mother would help more if she were closer. 
Friend community cares from afar, but we are all spread so perilously thin...
I saw this art show with a display that said, "We are living in an era that is testing the limits of everyone's compassion." I worry about all of us. Times are tough, and getting tougher, and I don't feel like my communities have the space to hold me up. Not because they don't care, but because they're fighting so hard to keep themselves going.
 7. Do you find that people do not believe you are sick because of your appearance? How has this affected you positive or negative?
Yes. All the time. It's horrible. I spend a bunch of time disappointing the humans around me because I look so healthy, especially after my weight loss, but I am still frustratingly limited.
 8. How has this affected your relationships?
It torpedoes them sometimes. On the other hand, it can allow for deep bonding when we understand each other.
 9. What are you afraid to tell even the people closest to you?
How bad the pain is. How pervasive it is. How scared I am of the future.
 10. Does the fact that your disease is invisible change how healthcare professionals treat you?
Yes. They often disbelieve me. I've been accused of being drug seeking. Which is pretty funny, given how much time John spends trying to convince me to take something.
 11. Best coping mechanism?
Diffuse awareness. Forgetting. Drawing.
 12. Favorite swear word?
John says if hell counts, it's hell. Lol
I have a hard time picking. Shit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, godsdammit.
 13. What are you the most fearful of and what are you the most hopeful for in the future?
I'm terrified that I'll be unable to support my family in the ways they need me. I'm hopeful about the ways I have learned over the years that people make their livings with skills I totally retain access to, even as my spacesuit gets quietly wonkier...
Cardboard Decades
 when i say ricky was my best friend, what i mean is 
he was my first consensual sexual partner
i turned 5 while mom and i lived in his mother's house
he was 6
 i once pulled his little brother, fallen-comrade-style, 
across train tracks in the very nick
wouldn't know for decades how scared i should've been
 they taught me prank calling and ladybug sailing 
how to be kind to the kind doberman 
and keep my dolls far away from the angry one
 ricky and i were softness and exploration 
in an already cruel and confusing world
  i remember being 8 or so 
sun-drenched in the back of my grandmother's very nice car
i wouldn’t know for decades about love languages 
but i knew in california i was given things, but few hugs
and in texas, hugs, but few things
 i preferred hugs
 but it was well known that "daddy warbucks" 
and family had more money than made any sense
and they didn't get as much time to be affectionate
so it made sense
that they'd want me to have touchstones of affection
when i went back to my mother's wars
 how could they know?
 mom would send them letters, 
as she says, "full of things we never did. 
places we were never going to be."
 it wasn't just that we couldn't get above the poverty line
 i wouldn’t know for decades the term “human trafficking” 
 my poor mother.
 i also hadn't learned the different ways a car can sit 
that day i was walking home
with ricky
mom pulled over
countenance confusing
told me only i could get in
drove away
before telling me we'd never go back
 i would never say goodbye
 i wouldn’t know for decades
that the reason no one understands 
what i mean when i say 
we “moved a lot” when i was a kid 
is because i don't understand 
what i should be saying 
is we were homeless 
for more of my childhood
than i had realized.
 only way to explain 
we have to move whenever someone gets mad
 my doll protects me from the mean girl
i share a bed with 
 we take my most evil stepdad back
eleven times
 he's charming
and when he's around churches don't have to bring us things
 the motels. national parks. so many places 
i stop calling where i sleep anything other than "the house"
know if i learn the path from house to grocery, it’s probably time to go
 try out different versions of my name in different schools
  sometimes compassion is a shovel to the gut
often my mother wakes up screaming
 i’ll never know how many trains she pulled us from the teeth of.
 only reluctantly came to see the damage of 
rootlessness on a childhood
 perpetual motion was our only way of survival. 
 i ran into ricky a couple years later
awkward amongst other kids
eons away from the life we had shared
 i’ve been trying to shift my relationship with cardboard
dismantling all my boxes
learning to build some belief
 i might just get to stay
 advice i am giving myself
upon meeting new soul mates
 stand solidly 
if you are able
hold your form fluid 
brace for beauty
 and the way it always 
knocks you over
 notice press of globe
up through soles
 marvel at the moments experience
and universal 
shake hands
 trade knees
 compare the roads you have run
the trees you jumped out of
the places your jeans have worn through
 skip right past groins and sex
this isn't that poem
 and connection
can be better
for being less obvious
press your belly buttons together
a meeting of absences
 shared space to frame things
 frame things
redo this if it
feels more truthful
  consider the strengths of your mat
let the space placed around
your best work
have its own things to say
 say things
out loud
 experience is meant to be shared
 and no one needs your 
more than a soul mate
 trade scars stories 
(tattoos totally count)
 tell each other tales of the ways 
the world hasn't ended
even if it left a mark
 feel belly press belly
 you've been sucking down discord
all day
 like too little sleep
too much wireless
and a fundamental disconnect
from how our species evolved
to thrive
 agree to thrive anyway
 slice out space for each other
in the places you
forget to feel shame 
 allow yourself
and each other
  for everything you’ve ever believed was wrong with you.
 there’s never been anything wrong with you.
except not knowing there was nothing wrong with you.
 forgive yourself 
for lying to yourself
in order to stay small
 it’s okay to not be everything
 we are all of us everything together
and we forget we don’t have to 
do it alone
 give up the notion 
you may somehow 
be on the same page
 you’ve only just collided 
from across the cosmos
 the particular constellation 
of harmonic convergences 
your empty spaces 
as you pass through each other
 are not the same
as being the same
 we are stronger for our differences
 befuddling though they be
 decide this is the game
and that you are always winning.
 because you are.
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