#this one pissed me off a lot . still dont know if i like it
calcium-chan · 15 hours
drawmegle was this weird little website that was like omegle, except for drawing and nominally fewer nazis?? tho at launch that was a bit of an issue lol (idk the creator went on vacation right after advertising or something? oops). i got sucked into it for like a day or two and ended up drawing a bunch of stuff. ive lost some of it because there was this weird glitch that just deleted my drawings before i could save them or anything. OH WELL. thats also the reason some of these are slightly unfinished. im also going to be cropping most of these to just my side, exceptions where its funny, or the other persons art was nice or whatever. just know that these almost all had people on the other side who were also drawing their own thing. also of note, i wont be posting these in order of creation, its mostly arbitrary tbh
this first one is of haru from dorohedodo. i had just finished reading the manga about a month or so prior, and i really loved this character a lot. disregard the amogus or whatever. dorohedoro is really cool and its really special to me now. not a fan of the anime adaption but what the fuck else is new (im sorry if you like the anime, i just didnt like the style very much). Q hayashida is brilliant, and she clearly just really loves women like a lot, thank you miss Q!
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next is this silly drawing of knives chau. scott pilgrim takes off had just aired, and i was slightly enamored with knives for a bit, i kin the scott pilgrim girl fucking sue me. i also drew kim, but the drawing deleted and this was the last save i had WAHOOOOOO its so fucking over. scott pilgrim takes off was obviously really really good in my opinion, and its like the perfect way to adapt an original work in my mind. uh shout outs knives or whatever.
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oops shitty cowboy bebop drawing. i like this one well enough for how goofy it is. jets fucking face still kinda gets me. i love bebop a ton, but i dont think ive ever drawn the characters despite that. theyre actually a ton of fun to draw, like their shapes are all super varied and they have distinct style about them. very good cast of characters. i didnt even realize or mean to, but i kinda gave spike a fucking granny face, oops
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uuuuhthese pissing dogs are really funny, they were fun to draw, and seeing peoples reactions to this one in particular was cool. having even a little bit of ability to draw on sites like this where randos are looking at your work as youre drawing it is always kind of an ego boost. like none of these drawings are really that great, but for the medium im happy with them, and having people show up and go "woah" was always really flattering and it was fun watching the other people draw and interacting with them in some limited capacity.
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ggggundam bullshit. i left the other persons side this time because i thought it was kinda funny. i had been rewatching the early part of turn A gundam, and it really reminded me how fucking cool that series is? loran is like top 10 gender non conforming mech pilots (there are a surprising amount honestly). and it always kinda takes me off guard when i watch any gundam because they were just so forward thinking in a nominally "boy" coded genre. shoutouts the fucking gundam staff frfr.
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@oretal joined me for these next two!
a lot of the shit in the second drawing is probably totally incomprehensible to like anyone outside of a select group. were both have that like, 3ds era nintendo brain parasite, so a lot of these are just weird obscure game characters or memes, or just straight up OCs. most of these are actually oretals little characters which have kind of entered that inside joke canon of being so ubiquitous between the two of us (and honestly i assume oretals friend group at large) that i kinda forget "glasses girl" isnt a well known character. many such cases. thank you oretal for drawing silly shit with me! i really like your drawing of james and your madotsuki yapping about blunt rotations to uboa. very cool
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uuuh quick fire round of stuff i dont like how i drew but want to post anyways. the first one is my irl husband, aki from chainsaw man. i love him a lot, kinda hate this drawing tho, i think it was the first one i did? the second one is basil from omori, im a big fan of little blorbos who peep the horror, and basil is no exception. my friend got me the little vinyl figure of him for my birthday so i end up thinking about him a lot and i doodle him every now and then. very good design. the last one is kiruko from heavenly delusion. i did not have much hype going into the show after my middling feelings on summertime rendering (they were both in the news for being on disney+ for absolutely no reason). i dont remember what got me to watch it, but by the time episode 2 ended i was stuck in big time. i ended up binging the whole series in like one night and it was such a good time. the prototypical calcium show is probably somewhere between heavenly delusion and made in abyss. its a rough watch at times, but if you have this specific brainrot, its probably one of the best in its league tbh.
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second to last is this drawing of vriska homestuck. i kept the other side because it was really pretty. im genuinely quite pleased witht his drawing, its not perfect but for what it is i find it visually appealing enough to like it. vriskas design is probably the best in homestuck, at least to me. its been a long time since ive read through homestuck proper, but something about these little shits sticks with you pretty much forever. actual fucking deadly brain parasites you get from dunking your head underwater in an infested pool, dead within days.
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OOPS ALL KUMI CHAN! it had to be alien nine, it could only be alien nine. i love alien nine more than i love any of my blood relatives. kumi is literally me, i love this stupid fucking series so much you have no idea.
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karda · 30 days
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the innate horror of google earth
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puppyeared · 7 months
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#whenever my meds kick in it feels like im gonna piss myself. not literally but its really really feels like it#and now whenever that happens my mind goes back to pancho (grandmas dog) at a xmas party years ago#bc he peed when we arrived bc he was so excited to see ppl and my cousin had to clean it up :o)#well for better or for worse i know that feeling now when im pumped on 20mg of adderall#im still getting used to this whole diagnosis thing cause ive gone untreated and undiagnosed for the longest time. so theres probably a lot#i still dont know and have to learn to get myself to be.. functional on my own? self managing????#i even set up reminders on my phone for work periods meals and stuff. but the problem is actually getting myself to stick to that to a T#because the minute i slack off or something gets in the way it throws it all off until i can be bothered to get back on track. it sucks#at least ive built up other habits like writing notes and setting alarms ahead of time.. but i feel like i could do better#its always hard to change something if youve been doing it wrong for the longest time. especially behaviour and thinking patterns. sigh#in other news my glasses bailed on me so i have to get a new pair sometime. i just realized i never draw my sona with glasses but thats#mostly bc i forget. id love to get some browline glasses like my old pair but im picky and its hard to find one id like for the next 5 year#i also finally managed to collect all the fish in my animal crossing file!!! pulled out a char last week and boom now i have a poster :o)#THAT was a moment where i almost peed myself for real. id love to get all the bugs but i cant stay up late on the switch :o(#yapping#my art#myart#doodles#personal#diary
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anotherpapercut · 2 months
one of the kids at work never listens or does what he's told and we have like the same problems with him every day so the other staff all kind of hate him at this point so they'll yell at him for doing extremely minor shit and today he said "how come you're the only staff member who cares about me" and it made me really fucking sad but it's not like I can tell the grown adults I work with what to do so I just have no idea how to help the situation
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mbat · 1 day
okay but why is it that literally everywhere that i see people discussing wings of fire, its to criticize it. like, when i dont see art the only stuff i see is people saying how much they hate pretty much every aspect of the books and how tui sucke and how arcs 2 and 3 are horrible and.... like, i get criticising things, even things you like, i mean im no stranger to liking things that have MANY issues, but damn wheres the love?
like, wheres people talking about the things they like about these books without feeling the need to preface it with 'these books are the worst thing ive ever seen'?
do you like the characters? the tribes? the concepts? the worldbuilding? anything?
like. i love these books so much. they definitely have issues because EVERYTHING does but i dont see what other people see that makes them act like these books are atrocious.
are people just ashamed to like a kids series or something? i just dont get it.
idk, maybe its just what the internet has given me, and there is a side of the fandom that manages to have discussions about these books that arent just acting like they hate them, id love to know how to get there.
i just dont get being in a fandom and acting like you despise the very thing that brought you there.
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gibbearish · 11 months
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hey @humans saw yall responded to a post making fun of you for updating the pixel alignment of a dash icon rather than fixing anything important saying "changes like this feel small but can make a big difference for some people" which is a bullshit cop out if ive ever heard one so im here to tell you directly in a way you cant wiggle out: you know what would actually make a big difference for a LOT of people? not being transphobic assholes
#that response was so deeply annoying to me like they couldve been like 'yeah its not big but it was technically an update#so we had to include it in the update report' but they tried to frame it as 'well ackshully everyone was BEGGING us to perfecltly#align this pixel so youre WELCOME' and its like. man fuck off you dont get to throw a fit that your userbase is pissed off about#repeated blatent bigotry and then try to act like youre doing us a favor moving an icon a smidge#yall know exactly what the users want you to do to improve this site and are ignoring it because you dont actually give a shit#but you cant say that bit out loud so you have to keep talking circles around it because you know the dirty queers are the main people#keeping your site the tiny bit afloat it still is but are unwilling to actually treat us well so you have to#talk in circles and pretend you give a shit and hype up minor updates like theyre godsend while fucking over trans people anyway#anyways i hope the transphobe on staff is the one who opens this tag notification#just kidding thats all of them because if youre willing to keep a transphobe on your team and allow them to make changes#that directly target lgbt people then you are all transphobes#whats that saying thats like 'if you have 3 nazis and 9 regular men at a table you have 12 nazis'? that#i dont actually expect them to respond to this post bc like. theyre obviously already aware people are mad about this and have just been#avoiding the subject especially if PIXEL ADJUSTMENT is something theyre responding to instead but#w/e#also moving an icon slightly does not make a big difference for anyone sorry not sorry i guarantee if it hadnt been#included in the updates post not a single person would have noticed or cared#they just need something to pad their uodates post out with so people hopefully eont notice the glaring lack#of 'fired the transphobe' 'unblocked queer tags' 'turned off the image filter that targets trans women a lot for some weird reason'
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catchmewjsn · 7 months
#honestly they moved me to a different office right now so im not alone in my place anymore and tbh i should not be complaining bc at least#this one gets warn fast and im not in the open first to call usually and all but idk i feel like an intruder there and miss having lots of#place and the fact noone seen my screen etc and just overall i would prefer sitting next to the guys but also 😶 idk i just dont like anyone#hearing my phone calls etc and also i fucked up at work today BADLY but noone knows yet and this sounds like i fuck up a lot but i always#called the smaller mistakes this too i guess shskd also i almsof argued with a man who's our client on the phone but for gods sake i do know#i am right and idk if he's making me feel stupid or something or is he using one of my mistakes for his own good idk idk idk it will be a#nightmare to make this work now#and also we are having some kind of meeting with food etc tomorrow in the office upstairs but also rhe atmosphere is so not it and dudes not#at work tomorrow and he should be the one in there and like idk it all works like a fucked up chaos i also almost argued with the d irector#today bc of this lmao almost on dude's behalf bc tht waa the situation that pissed me off first#and i got to walk or catch a bus home tomorrow and like my mind does work so fast and keeps overthinking lately 😕#walking isnt the best best for me tbh#also i made plans with my friend and i do hope i open to her during the weekend bc i want to talk about everything so badly but at the same#time idk like i cant talk about personal things anymore (except here) she doesn't know what is making w suffer 😔#i think i made a decision about monday tho not the best one but both were bad so at least here i am...#anyone i am still helpless and that's what the sentence will end at bc i don't want to say the same thing again and again and again#anywya i have to delete this bc its too much details soon
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v-arbellanaris · 1 year
im going to scream i've just had to pay two months worth of health insurance in one go because of my STUPID FUCKING BANK'S NEW AUTODEBIT BS and i just paid for jack's meds and full bloodwork for all my cats this month and the fucking contract for the exterminators because of the fucking roach problem and it's only the 8th and my next paycheck only comes in on the 27th and i still have to pay to get to work daily bc i dont fucking drive and FOOD and [muffled screaming]
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nimbus-tatze · 2 years
more people gotta learn the difference between liking someone, trusting someone, and relying on someone.
I dislike and distrust my coworker, but i know that snake can be relied on and will deliver the chart by monday if they say they will deliver it by monday. And i don't have to like them, just rely on them and they gotta be able to do the same with me. My friend who i very much like and trust is absolutely unreliable in comparison, they will cancel on me last minute or totally forget about smth we had agreed on. My neighbour who i like i don't trust bc they like to gossip and my personal stuff would not remain personal.
I mean english ain't my first or even my second language but i feel there is a very big difference and people who say 'why don't you trust them' should maybe instead ask 'why don't you rely on them'? and instead of requesting i should stop disliking someone should maybe check first if i do treat them respectfully or not.
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lesbicastagna · 2 years
<- person who says they "love complicated people" and then complains when they are. complicated and closed off and hard to decipher
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daydadahlias · 2 years
Someone has claimed 'caramelcalum' here on our hell site, are they going to receive the same amount of out-of-the-blue vitriol from you that that anon did? :)
yes i actually just sent her anon hate the other day
asdfghj no, who do you think I am?
this ask is about four days late. so i am sorry this has been grating on you so much since then.
Jules has actually had that @ since I've known her a few months ago when the tracklist dropped! And I thought it was some fun little consonance! For instance, I have a sideblog called "muffinmalum" and I figured it was in that same vein. literal sweets + sweet boy(s) = cute!! (I actually complimented Jules on the username when she first claimed it). And I still think that, considering the way "caramel" as used in the song and in her username is not about race. And to assume that it is :) is racist :)
It wasn't "out of the blue" for me to react the way I did. By sheer virtue of sending an ask to my blog, you are asking for my thoughts. If you were looking for someone's racist thoughts, please go find a racist blog. I am a person with my own personal perspectives on subjects and I shared them as I felt I wanted to and was entitled to. It wasn't "out of the blue" at all for me to reply to something directly sent to me that I recognized as racist and call it racist.
this person came back into my inbox and continued to be more racist and more misogynistic and piss me off even more so I will not be apologizing for the tone I spoke to them with. It is not my responsibility, as a 19 yo 5sos blogger, to educate people on their racism. It is, however, my right as a 19 yo 5sos blogger to call bullshit when I see it.
You - and a lot of others, as I've come to notice - seem to think I just go around policing people on their actions because, on my blog, I talk about my personal passionate perspective on subjects and I'm predisposed to sound persuasive when I speak. Me aggressively replying to an ask I found racist that was sent directly to me does not then correlate to me going out of my way to call people racist whenever I see something I don't like on my casual scrolls through tumblr. I definitely don't do that. It would be a waste of my time, actually, to do that. I stay concentrated to my own blog and to my private, wonderful group of friends and I don't stray from it. Even if I see someone being outwardly The Worst on this hell site (and trust me, I see it; the racism/misogyny/gross shit that permeates this fandom is apparent and abhorrent), I don't send them anon hate. I'll make a little vague tag post about it, sure, why not, but I don't go out of my way to talk to them. I don't go out of my way to even so much as see them. I use the block button very liberally to keep from seeing things that piss me off. But if someone comes into my ask box and asks for my opinion, I'm going to express my opinion. And it is also worth baring in mind that you don't see every ask I get. I don't reply to all of them. And prior to this ask, I had gotten several others that had angered me. This "out of the blue" reaction had been building for a hot minute.
If you don't like the way I talk and you don't like my perspectives, you have the option to unfollow or block me so that my personality doesn't bother you so much. The nature of this ask is embarrassingly hypocritical.
Do you feel better now that you've argued for racism??
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be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
when i feel very lonely i get fizzled out of doing anything after less than an hour
#the bin#been feeling much more lonely since moving into this apartment and i cant draw bc of it#cause i have trouble continuing things i was drawing earlier. when i try im filled with this horrible exhaustion and sadness#its easier to feel better when im living more alone because i can play music or walk around and talk to myself and try to make things#brighter for me but when im living with someone especially someone who i really dislike its just impossible to do#and worse i have to hear them be here which just makes me feel even worse#ugh. my relationship with my sister has gone from bleh to awful. her absolute refusal to take me into consideration for anything including#bringing people over at nogjt without even telling me at all. the last straw. absolutely the last straw#hey yknow id love it if in the middle of the noght when i want a snack and dont wanna get all dressed id like to know theres someone here#cause id rather not them need the bathroom the same time and im just in my underwear. but noooo i dont have the need to know theres#some other person in my facking home. nope not my right#the thing where she insists she tells me that she was gonna have someone over when she didnt has been pissing me off a lot because she#uses the fact i have a poor memory to say why actually i misremembered..shes like well ur perception of reality sucks so u THINK u#remember correctly but actually u totally dont but like. im not having problems rememberi g other things like that right now. and i#distinctly remember these conversations and i always make not of when someoens gonna be here and when you tell me i remember#and theres so much proof that she also forgets stuff. but i honestly think she might be intentionally lying abt it because she forgot#to ask or didnt want me to say no. well i am saying no. idc if theyre already here. yall can go hangout elsewhere bc i wasnt told abt tjis#and i deserve to have quiet in my own home. its literally all i have.#ive been feeling like maybe shes not so bad. people grow and change and sometimes you dontjat in different directions#and you dont get along well anymore. i hear her say to other people that im still her favorite person so its very one sided abt this#honestly though its not just that we dont get along well anymore but nobody is at fault because she is at fault#its not like i never let her bring people over. i do. im just askingmthat im notified first. and her response to forgetting or choosing not#to tell me is to use my mental health things against me to say im just too mentally ill to knoq if i remember tnings cleatly#then how come tnis only ever happens with this thing or cleaning stuff? it ONLY rver happens with stuff that she wouldve needed to tell me#about that are important. oh an important bill i needed to know abt but u didnt tell me? i did but u forgot.#but never anything else. its only ever tnings that she would be in the wrong for not telling me about if she hadnt. thats it#so yonow im thinking maybe. u didnt tell me. which wouldnt blther me so much if she didnt just say actually i did but ur schizophrenia#made u forget wow ur so insano haha#ugh. she sucks. literally dont even wanna built legos with her even tho the set is cool as fuck bc being around her sucks#wow sorry for my many many many tags complaining about my sister. living with her is awful :/
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kangaruined · 1 year
ranting abt my roommate in the tags dont look at me
#bro i really like them a lot but they have been getting on my NERVES since moving in omg. they're my partner's best friend and there's#a lot of good reasons for that but also as im getting to know them more closely im realizing they can be soooo pretentious#its both my partner's birthday and their birthday today so i went to the store at 7am to get breakfast stuff#2 diff types of biscuits. cinnamon rolls. hash browns. sausage plus plant-based sausage for them. fruit. juice. red bull.#that one brand of sparkling water i know they like. ingredients for a birthday cake. plus 2 bottles of champagne and OJ for mimosas#i spent like $130 on this and then when we finished making breakfast they wanted to take a photo of our plates & mimosa glasses & stuff#and they turned the champagne bottle around so you couldn't see the brand name and were like 'uhh nobody needs to know this is andré lol'#(andré is an inexpensive but common brand of champagne if you're unaware)#like dude. i went out of my way to do this and already spent a significant amount of money#and you're gonna comment about the quality of the champagne i got? wack#this happened like 6 hours ago and im still feeling very wtf about it lol#they're weirdly hella pretentious about southern culture too and reference all sorts of tiny things as being innately southern...#which my partner (who is literally also southern? we're talking virginia vs north carolina) doesn't understand#and im just tired of it. they make mildly fatphobic comments and kinda uphold traditional beauty/body standards for women and they dont#seem to have much self-reflection for this. which is fuckin weird coming from a queer trans person who is incredibly interested in the#very granular aspects of queer history and 'theory'#there's literally so many other things about them that either mildly bother me or otherwise fully piss me off and im refraining from#listing them because i would 100% sound like an asshole but. i really just wish i lived only with my partner still.#god ok one more: the other day they asked me if i needed to use the bathroom before they showered (its a 1 bathroom house)#and i said nah. then they proceeded to not shower for 2+ hours#at that point i asked them if they minded if i took a quick shower cause i'd also been meaning to and like. it'd been over 2 hours#and they got kinda short and were like 'oh well i guess not. i was kinda making my way in there though. i can wait though.#no thats ok i still need to shower i was slowly gettin there but i can wait'#like thanks and sorry and i'll be quick but also IT HAS BEEN 2+ HOURS
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chisatowo · 1 year
I love how my first two pmd randomizer teams I characterised them in my head as different flavors of ah goofy and now these new guys are just a bunch of assholes. Just a gaggle of shitheads who think they're better than everyone else. They all hate eachother and think they're the only normal person here. They r also best friends but they do kill eachother on a regular basis.
#rat rambles#I wish that last part was a joke but alas shitty ai moments#also funnily enough dusknoir got randomized to mightyana again (he also did in the last one) so thats convienent#but yeah mantis and moth are no memories rip buddies and their partymembers spider and gnat are their gay worsties (seperate not dating)#moth used to be a different pokemon they know that much but they dont remember anything beyond that#but yeah moth is very polite and anxious to most but to their partymembers they r a lot more blunt and snappy#they value their time greatly and always want to cut to the point when they can and they are also incredibly power hungry#mantis is very Tired and also blunt but they care less abt not upsetting higher ups so they just speak their mind always#this initially pissed moth off but as mantis started saying the things they actually wanted to say for them they tollerated it more#spider is a mismagius and hes very smooth talking thinks hes soooo cool type but he still has a short temper#he also loves poking fun at the others and coincidentally if any of them are killed by another its usually him#and lastly the newest recruit gnat the leafeon. she is loud and confident and is also very ambitious#she is a masterful lier except for the fact that shes always obviously lying but ppl just believe her anyways?? and it drives mantis mad#together they may get the job done but they also may just all kill eachother before they can finish one mission lol#also Ive found so fucking many gold masks its stupid theyre fucking everywhere#Ive also found two space globes which is pretty sick#since I have my full team assembled now Im gonna need to chose out a new held item for mantis tho so spider might lose his space globe rip#if I can get the trap seeing glasses whatever theyre called though he can keep it those things are so fucking useful#its honestly less the trap showing part and more the hidden stairs showing part for me thats twice the stairs on each floor#well theyd be there anyways but like yknow what I mean
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omanu · 2 years
#ive been feeling like crying this entire week and a lot of stuff is going on and its not much but in my head it is#i got covid after getting food poisoning so ive been at home a lot more and i was on twt exercising my evil side and of course it made me#feel funny in a bad way and then jin went to service and i havent and wont ever watch that bangtan bomb i cant even talk about it irl#without my eyes filling up and and#ive been thinking about how lonely i am on top of that literally no friend is talking to me and ive been trying to talk to people#but no one has the time and i say this in the most literal sense ever its just how it is but it doesnt matter why its happening#what matters the most is the Fact that im lonely and it made me think of my new (old) college and how i dont have anyone to be with like#ever#so its been just me me me me and idk if its my mom or if its me but everything she says kinda pisses me off but i try to say nothing#anyways the friend i wanted to re encounter after literally 3 years doesnt wanna see me or know about me at all and i realized i kinda Love#him but whatever im just thinking that im fucking lonely (a la namjoon) and im feeling very undesirable and i havent been eating much and i#think im finally losing weight but i cant be sure without a scale and let me tell you i can be very delusional about this so im just still#thinking that being skinny is the most important thing i should go after and i really wanna die#and my birthday is on sunday and i hate it im old and im still sick and people are gonna wanna talk to me and#i dont wanna talk to anyone despite feeling lonely and i wish i lived by myself so i could hurt myself in peace#ive been trying to daydream and it cointains like lots of affections that i wish i could feel irl but truly nothing is for me irl#so its just right how delusional i am cuz i kinda have to be bc i have nothing im so very emotionally unsheltered it blows my mind#im actually glad no one is interested in me#anyways i love hobi and i wish i could live inside my head forever#im crying
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salemlunaa · 8 days
It’s okay sleepyhead, we’ve all been there…
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so a lot of people talk to me about the fact that they are trying to tap into the void/“I AM” but they will get super uncomfortable or just fall asleep trying. Then it cuts to them waking up pissed off and upset that they are still in their shitty realities. I feel like so many people have this issue but no one really speaks about it, and to get most blogs to give advice about this specific topic, a lot of the time you have to ask them directly by dming or asking. i’ve also had this problem and let me tell you it’s one: frustrating as hell to deal with and two: no one really speaks about this problem. Here, we talk a lot about giving up, getting too scared at the last second but we never talk about dozing off.
but never fear, sai is here!!
If you are struggling with this i want you to know that as frustrating as it is, it’s so easy to get out of this rut. I would highly recommend starting earlier, i personally love SATS as do many people in the community, but be honest with yourself love, if you see yourself sleeping off i recommend starting earlier than the state right before you sleep as you will have more control of your body.
I also want you guys to try sleeping to waves, whether it be alpha, epsilon, delta and whatever, fall asleep to waves, repeating “I AM” until you doze off. And i know it may be hard for your mind to stick to it but you can, i KNOW you can
you can even try entering during the day, and no it doesn’t always have to be at night because you’re a god and don’t need to be a slave to “time”. you can enter perfectly during the day and it’s just as easy as doing it in the night, don’t let limiting beliefs be the death of you. You can even use the day to affirm that when you sleep you immediately tap into the void/“I AM”, because you are a god, it will become fact when you decide.
I also need you guys to flip your thoughts, and you’ve probably heard this a thousand and one times so i will allow an eye roll just this once, BUT it’s actually something you need to do, don’t tell me “i get it, sai!!” and then come back after another day gone, don’t go around a cycle. I need you to live in the reality in which you are a master of the void and you have never slept off before. I’m gonna say this until i die but the law of assumption is a LAW not belief or superstition A LAW, meaning it can never, ever, ever fail. like ever. If you stand firm in the fact that you don’t have this problem and you are so powerful that there isn’t any time for sleeping, your reality will reflect that 110%
“i fell asleep again even though i told myself i was entering today”
“i hate myself omg i slept off AGAIN”
“i’m such a failure”
SHUT UP, SERIOUSLY? like do i seriously need to remind you who YOU ARE?
“i am a master at the void, failure simply doesn’t exist to me”
“i tap into the void/“I AM” so fast that i don’t even have time to sleep”
“i’m a god and i’ve decided the void always goes well for me”
You can do it, i dont think so, i KNOW it, for a fact, because you’re a god and i’ll be damned if you give up on everything because your body keeps dozing off.
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