#seeing something permanently changed and out of your control when the memory of it is so frozen in ur head .
karda · 4 months
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the innate horror of google earth
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nqmonarch · 5 months
For the request, can I please have yandere Black Swan x fem or gn reader x yandere Sparkle headcanon as the poly relationship? Basically Sparkle and Black Swan are working together to get their darling.
Yeah of course! Sorry for the late response! I also started this before current quest came out (2.1 I think, the one that focuses on Aventurine) so sorry if I missed anything that came out recently!
CW: Yandere themes (it isn't super heavy I think), Memory manipulation, kidnapping that isn't viewed as kidnapping by the kidnappee
To start with is always the question of how Black Swan and Sparkle become interested in you, such a strange duo both with different goals and aspirations yet absolutely threatening while working together.
You were a very simple person but also infinitely complex, like most people. But rather than keep the complexities of your life close to yourself and the ones you cared for, you wore your life on your sleeve. One moment you'd be distracted by ooo-- pretty fish nice bright and orange and--. Oh right the drink in front of you is also pretty nice but the moment you drink it, it'll be gone forever. It won't matter, and will be forgotten in your own mind, and the mind of the world. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter in the slightest, just like your life. Unless if it's a super good drink.
And look there's a pretty lady following the pretty fish! Actually it looks like the fish are swimming around her, maybe in the dream scape you're permanently under the sea. You don't really like the sea though, actually it's okay. You've just been a thousand meters deep before and at that point the pressure kills, you didn't die but it wasn't pleasant. Thankfully, gear was upgraded pretty well, which is expected for a city under water. There were also many beautiful creatures down there that you were lucky to see and lots of rocks, there weren't fish like the fish around the pretty lady though-- and she's gone.
What a shame, you would've loved to introduce yourself to her. Now, your drink demanded your attention and you had to oblige.
And that was the first time you met Sparkle.
You were someone that could admire Sparkle and not only indulge but enjoy her games and give her the attention she wanted. And after you ended up accidentally joining a scene you weren't supposed to be in and participating in her murder mystery game, she realized how good the attention felt.
Black Swan was someone who would observe a puzzle from the outside and would play along with the puzzle but truly be trying to deconstruct the person behind the puzzle.
You, on the other hand, were someone who would know it's a puzzle yet, devote your all to something you knew wasn't real. How silly, but how... cute? Sparkle's thoughts surprised even her, she had always been into toppling over more composed people. But you were composed in a different way. You were passionate but controlled, excited but not often upset, like a river flowing rapidly leaving waves in the air but not leaving it's boundaries unnecessarily.
Your unexpected participation in the murder mystery was exactly what drew Black Swan's interest as well. Your attention was changing from detail to detail each minute and when the time came to guess who Sparkle was. You foolishly guessed Sparkle's body-- and you were right. Black Swan should've figured out the fool would've pulled something like this, Sampo was too obvious of an answer.
Your excitement at the truth was genuine from the way your entire face brightened up to the way you began to hop excitedly in place. "See? Sampo's too nice to kill someone!" She thought your reasoning was still wrong though.
Sampo was pretty cool, he seemed like a scum bag but that didn't mean he'd kill someone he was still too nice to do that. Also he didn't act interested enough in the murder to be Sparkle. If you killed someone you'd be really interested in how the detective solved the murder, it'd be like a fun little game! But you wouldn't do that, most people didn't deserve to die and the ones that did probably wouldn't die by your hand-- and what if you were wrong you'd be better off sending them to jail and hoping they'd reform instead and someone just said something to you that you missed oh shit, hopefully you won't get yelled at.
Oh wait that wasn't directed at you that's just Sparkle trying to get Black Swan to-- wait Black Swan's a memokeeper?! That's sick! Your eyes shined as you looked at the elegant woman with new found respect. A shame Sparkle got rejected, you'd invite her to dance but she probably wouldn't want to dance with you.
"Miss Black Swan," You piped up looking at the veiled woman excitedly and she turned to you with a slight smile. Perhaps, she'd erase your memory, memokeepers were rather secretive right?
None the less you'd rather say what you wanted to say, "Thank you for your work. No memories deserve to be lost, even though one day they will all be lost as we all inevitably die... but that's a while from now! There's so much beauty that needs to be preserved but will inevitably be forgotten. If only we could all share in it, but I understand you likely have your reasons."
If only memokeepers could share all they knew, wouldn't the knowledge of that help humanity immensely? But the weight of memories isn't to be taken lightly, you reminded yourself. All of the pain everyone experienced had to be remembered as well. Because to forget is to repeat.
Her honey eyes took the shape of crescents, "Thank you, dear," her voice sounded like honey too, enough so that you felt your ears grow red at the term of endearment, "Fear not, cherished memories will be preserved from true oblivion."
You blinked, once, twice, "But at some point doesn't there have to be nothing? That's why it's important not just to protect such memories but also make them. Because all we really have is tomorrow. Well, I suppose the only guaranteed thing I have is tomorrow-- actually I could die in the next second so all I have is right now. But memories, at some point wouldn't they have to become nothing as well?"
You paused for a moment before continuing, walking away from Black Swan, "I guess there's no way to know until the end. So when you know whether or not even they become nothing, I'll be waiting, curious, to hear your answer."
That was a fun time. You solved a fake murder, met two pretty ladies, and- oh you won't be alive to hear Black Swan's answer what a shame-- OH! You wondered if they had the once in millennium memory of the ten moon solar eclipse where you could see them all because the smallest moons were the closest to the planet. What a beautiful sight, shame that planet was pretty much deserted. You'd just been lucky to get to see it, you had a research grant or something. Righttt to get samples of that one man eating flower, the cool part was that its flowers contained traces of metal, particularly gold.
Huh, how'd that work? Not like it mattered you were just suppose to get a sample. You wondered if the Garden of Recollection how memories of that plant. You wondered if they had memories of a world slowly dying out, of its last flower crumpling to stony surface.
And with that Black Swan was left looking at your back as you walked away. You were an interesting person. She'd keep an eye out for you but in the meantime the Astral Express seemed to be having some troubles she'd have to prioritize first.
Then, you ran into Sparkle again. This time you were able to strike up a conversation with her. She seemed like a friendly person, albeit she did almost get you killed but such is the way with pranks! All's fair in love and games! And what was life if not a game? Plus you got to see her pretty fish. You wanted one. You didn't think you'd be able to take good care of a fish though, you were already struggling to take care of yourself.
You had a few more run ins with Sparkle and played her games much to her delight! Each time she felt herself growing more excited, would you die if the game required it? You put such care into each moment but even when it resulted in nothing you laughed it off. It was annoying at times, as if anything she planned didn't matter. But when your eyes lit up at solving a puzzle those thoughts were dissuaded.
And even better was how your eyes lit up when they saw her.
How Sparkle preened under your praise. She was sure her games were getting even better with such encouragement and an eager participant! She almost forgot why she came to Penacony in the first place but, she unfortunately had a job. At least the job was fun! Once she was done she'd come and pick you up, she was certain you'd love to come along with her!
Coincidentally when Sparkle had to get more focused on her work you met the beautiful memokeeper again. You greeted her gracefully, your face obviously excited to see her again, and she invited you to a dance..? Sure! Hadn't Sparkle wanted to dance with Black Swan earlier though? Black Swan must've just been busy then, you weren't sure you knew there was something bigger going on behind the scenes but you didn't care much. This was your vacation! Complete freedom to go around and have fun and embrace all the beautiful sights.
Her hand rested snugly on your waist and you didn't resist from leaning into it. You enjoyed the occasional comforts of life, everything is temporary after all. Even if you'd never see Sparkle or Black Swan after this it wouldn't hurt to indulge in the companionship they offered you. "I thought you were too busy to dance," You commented offhandedly, eyes glancing down to her feet every few moments.
Black Swan hummed, appearing a bit confused at first before her vision cleared, "I had another partner but it appears that I got ahead of myself."
"That's always a shame," You replied with a comforting nod. You weren't sure what happened but it can be disappointing when things don't work out, "Still, unexpected results lead to new potential options and that's always fun." You smiled at Black Swan trying to console her as you squeezed her hand gently.
"I suppose you're right," She hummed voice low, eyes rested on you as if always examining you-- oh that's right! You wouldn't forget this time!
You averted your eyes from hers, "I don't mean to be presumptuous but..." Wasn't it arrogant to offer a memory to her? You were sure she'd seen of all kinds of memories, but... you still wanted to offer. "I've traveled a bit and been lucky enough to see some rare sights. I know you've seen a lot but if there's anything particular you want to see, I may have seen it."
That didn't come off as too arrogant right? Honestly, you'd be honored to have a memokeeper keep any of your memories and preserve them but having one look at them was an honor as well.
To your surprise Black Swan didn't reject your idea, at first her eyes widened a bit before relaxing as a sort of fondness entered them, "I've been quite curious myself. I won't intrude, dear." Your bodies remained in motion as she gazed into your eyes and the dance didn't stop.
After Black Swan's experience with Acheron she planned knew not to enter past memories lightly. But, you'd offered up so sweetly and with such hope in your eyes how couldn't she agree? She was curious as well, albeit she wasn't drawn to you like a moth to flame but there was always those lingering thoughts. You were transparent but your words open as they were seemed to lack a clear motive. She wouldn't dig too deeply into your memories just to be safe.
Your memories were clear they were orderly, each having their own place but always moving like an orderly line. Every few moments one would fall out of place and breeze by before finding a new place and the rest would adjust to accommodate it. Black Swan entered one, and immediately felt content. A sunset reached out and covered the landscape in a golden glow, many different kinds of flowers built up human shaped statues, and a soft blanket rested under her palms.
How pleasant, and new... She hadn't been here before, it had a sunset something you could see nearly everywhere but each individual detail added a sense of freshness. She entered another memory, and another. Was there nothing but joy and content in your life?
Each memory was a pleasant feeling that washed over her and kept her warm. She didn't want to leave. In a sense it was more dangerous than Acheron's memories which had tried to devour her bite by bite. But this was a lure, a sweet world with nothing but beauty as if it wanted to trap Black Swan forever. She entered another memory, which had been moving along pleasantly.
Peace washed over Black Swan and she felt her shoulders slump down, as she saw a sun take up half the space of the sky. A single flower to the left crumple onto stone. The death of a world. What had you been doing here?
Why... despite the lack of life and everything was it still so peaceful and warm. As if the act of death was one of beauty. As of with you everything was worthy of joy. Your memories were deceiving, Black Swan noted. She wanted to find a painful one, there had to be at least one, right?
And there were several, far out numbered by the golden soft ones that immersed her in feelings of ecstasy. But after being pampered with such rich memories, and after having almost been devoured by some (Acheron's) Black Swan couldn't bring herself to enter the pain. She would later, but for now she'd be safe, she wouldn't intrude.
At some point during the dance you began to feel cold. You kept an appropriate distance from Black Swan and was sure she didn't notice the way you leaned into her body slightly more. But after a few minutes of the non-stop dancing you felt her hand let go of yours and move around your back to hold you close.
"Thank you," Her voice held warmth in it that you hadn't heard from her before.
"It's beautiful right?" You weren't sure what memory she'd seen but you had many that were pleasing, although you were sure a memokeeper's expectations were higher than yours. Honestly, you could drink a good drink and that would be enough of a pleasing memory for you. Speaking of which you had a wonderful drink the first time you saw Sparkle, you should go get that again.
Black Swan looked into your eyes, a gentle smile on her face, "It is." And for once you felt slightly uncomfortable, as if you didn't understand what she was saying completely. But you brushed it off, you didn't understand after all you didn't know what memories she saw.
Black Swan truly thought you were a sight to behold. A gem, she'd almost missed out. And as she saw you dancing with Sparkle, Black Swan recognized you were a beauty she'd almost lost.
Somehow Sparkle had found out about you dancing with Black Swan and had demanded a dance. Of course she hadn't said it outright instead it was a part of a game. In order to sneak into some "evil castle" the two of you attended a ball in which you pretended to be normal guests but would likely later sneak off to what Sparkle proclaimed as "behind the stage." Coincidentally Penacony also had a dance right now, making the atmosphere perfect.
Of course, there was no evil castle, or grand scheme but it was a fun game. Sparkle dragged you between couples, keeping your bodies forever in a sway. She'd twirl into your arms and rest her head on your chest, tilting her head up with a foxish grin on her face. How precious. You'd let out a laugh, and then bring her into a dip.
Then she'd wring her hands around your neck, keeping it still, but not hurting you in the slightest, and a warm feeling would touch your lips. That... That wasn't right. But you might as well indulge in the moment, your time here was coming to a close. Every dream eventually had to end.
You leaned forward, eyes closed, and mind completely focused on the lips on yours. They were warm and soft, and although at first they'd been rather tentative at your reciprocation they pressed closer and Sparkle leaned closer to you as well.
Black Swan hadn't been expecting to see that. Of all of the things she was expecting today, this was the one she expected the least. Her fingers rested on her thigh as she gazed at the pair which was now dancing again. As much as she wanted to approach she remained stagnant, this event was just about to begin after all.
Even if Black Swan did interrupt even she wasn't sure of what she would say or do. Was she upset that the little lady had kissed her dear? Or was Black Swan upset that you had danced with her little lady. Perhaps, she was just feeling a bit excluded, but she hadn't felt this way since before she was a memokeeper.
Black Swan didn't have time to dwell on her feelings because the next moment your body had been impaled. You lurched forward, pushing Sparkle away as you for some reason tasted water rather than blood in your mouth. You let out a choked cough and crumpled to your knees, barely able to feel the pain. You wanted to run but-- it was all over now wasn't it? You'd never died before.
This hadn't gone to plan, was the first thing Sparkle realized. She might've gotten too distracted by you, and now she paid the price. Your dying face was new and beautiful but, she had a sinking realization she didn't want to see this again. Since this was a dream it'd be fine and her smile came quite easy to her, the laugh came out even easier.
How fun. But if you were dead then the fun would end wouldn't it? It seemed like Sparkle would have to take the stage after all and it seemed like her dear memokeeper was inclined to too.
You woke up, clothes sticking to your body, and jolted out of the water pod. You were alive. That was good, you still hadn't gotten that drink you liked here again. You got up from the pod, pulling your damps clothes off and replacing them with dry ones. What a bad end to a dream, you only had a few days left here too. You eyed the pod nervously, you didn't exactly want to revisit it now either. Maybe you'd leave Penacony a bit early.
Your hand drifted down to your stomach, there was no hole in it. What had stabbed you anyway? It's not like it mattered now. You walked out of your room, face more uneasy than normal. It was a shame you'd be leaving without bidding those beautiful women goodbye.
Before setting off for your next adventure you sat down at the bar and ordered a drink similar to the one you had in the dream world. It tasted slightly sweeter. How nice, even nicer were the lights on the ceiling. Intricately decorated. And the individual next to you was beautiful as well, with long lilac hair.
"It's pleasant to see you again Dear." Her voice was soft and adoring, eyes as sweet as honey.
You blinked in surprise, "Black Swan!" A smile grew on your face, you didn't think she would bother to make herself visible in the real world to you.
"Boo!" A smaller hand rested on your shoulder as a lighter voice whispered in your ear suddenly. You jolted upward, and felt warmth flood across your face.
"Sparkle!" You greeted her with as much enthusiasm as you hid Black Swan, her hands glided across your chest and onto your opposite shoulders holding you in a hug.
Black Swan examined the two of you, a smile remaining on her face affectionately. It felt strange. Like you were intruding on a scene, like you weren't meant to be here. "Little lady, don't go overboard. I'm sure our dear is already feeling overwhelmed after all that's happened." Her glove hand brushed against your cheek.
Okay. You didn't know how to deal with this. When two women out of your league were so physically close. It wasn't that you weren't a catch yourself just, a memokeeper and Sparkle was beyond gorgeous herself. Maybe if you just stayed still they'd go away.
Sparkle poked your cheek and you remained perfectly still. And who could blame you? This was a bit overwhelming. You had just died what felt to be a few moments ago anyway and that... that wasn't pleasant. It was new but for once you wanted to go in your room and just sleep it off, or adventure until you forgot about it or distorted it into a memory of beauty.
"...Hey, you're not broken yet, right? There's so much fun to be had!" Sparkle's voice sounded worried at first before turning into her usual enthusiastic tone. You could feel her breath against your ear, the warmth of her arms around you, and the sudden loss of Black Swan's hand against your cheek.
Black Swan let out a gentle sigh, "I suppose it'd be too much to hope for you to be immediately the same after that." Her gaze was pitying to which you lifted an eyebrow.
"Well having experienced death does that," You muttered, "It'll disappear with time." Your words were nonchalant despite the severity of what had happened, and you shrugged Sparkle's arms off or at least you tried to.
Instead the smaller girl linked her hands around your waist and pressed her face against your back, "Now, that's the spirit!" She cheered, "What should we do next?" She paused, "Oh! Let's get into the Genius Society! I wanna impersonate a genius! And you, can have Black Swan whisper you the answers!"
Ooo that actually sounded pretty fun, the Genius Society even you had never been able to seen behind their walls. Wait-- you had work to do though, work which would thankfully let you see rare sights. Although you were pretty sure your next job was one of the less savory ones, the planet you were heading to was torn apart by war. War was such a disgusting thing, leaving behind only murder in its path. But from all the dead bodies one day would spring flowers.
You could've been one of those bodies. Although you doubted any flowers would be able to grow in the dream pod you'd been sleeping in. Your body wouldn't have even been beautiful in the end. That's what will happen if you get complacent, like you were on vacation.
"That does sound fun," You admitted gazing over your shoulder to Sparkle, "But, my break is over! Things to do, people to meet, you know how it is." Sparkle's arms froze around you and you lightly brushed them off, getting up from the bar stool.
When you went to leave it was Black Swan who stopped you, arm resting on your shoulder, and pulling you close as if to embrace you, "Remember Dear, you have to rest. It's been a lot hasn't it? Would you like me to walk you back to your room?" She offered politely, and you smiled graciously in response.
"Thanks! But, I didn't really pack much. I was planning to just head out, actually. I'm happy I got to see the both of you again though!" You rested one hand on Black Swan's bicep, squeezing it affectionately, and the other on Sparkle's head, gently patting her hair and then running your hand down to her neck.
This had been a fun journey, despite... your death. It wasn't really a death it was in the dream world but maybe whether or not it was real didn't matter. But how it effected you did. So as long as you changed the effect it would be okay. Your dream world death was a new and wonderful experience-- yeah that just didn't sit right with you. The lighting seemed off in the room for a moment as Sparkle jumped up from her chair and walked over to you, presumably for a hug.
You'd been hugged out but it was likely the last time you'd see her, and a bit of indulgence in the warmth she offered wouldn't hurt you. But her knocking you out did.
Black Swan let out an aggrieved sigh, "Did you have to do that?" For once some annoyance seeped into her voice. "I thought you would like the chase," She then mentioned offhandedly.
"It's the most fun part," Sparkle remarked looking at your body on the floor a smile on her face, "But how are you supposed to chase someone's that's dead? ...That ends the game. It'd be great if the fun could last forever! So why can't it?" She let out a laugh, that was less out of amusement and more out of clinging onto the little sanity she had left.
"You're worried," Black Swan kneeled down, and put one arm around her shoulder as your other arm was placed around Sparkle's.
Sparkle turned to Black Swan, still smiling, "Of course! I don't want to miss out on all of the fun!"
You couldn't help but laugh even if it was at your own detriment. It seemed like Sparkle had finally found you, "Took you long enough!" You teased her, the sun remained low in the sky. You forced your shoulders to relax, they were oddly tense.
A bird fluttered above the two of you, resting on a tree branch. "All I hear is a sore loser, I still caught you!" Sparkle's voice was filled with glee as she linked your arms together, "You're mine now, okay!"
"I always have been," You responded to your lover staring at the sun that would forever remain in its Golden Hour, "...You know, I've always wanted to leave home..." You admitted, you wondered when Black Swan would be back. It wasn't quite the same without her.
Thankfully you didn't have to wonder for long as you saw the beautiful woman stepped out of the house. You began to tremble when you saw her. You wondered why... Perhaps out of excitement? If it was anyone else you would've guessed that your trembling was out of fear.
Black Swan walked over to the two of you, practically gliding, "Are you ready to leave now?" She asked you gently, to which your face became alit with excitement, "I suppose Sparkle and I do have to leave soon anyway," Black Swan let out a mellow sigh, "Would you like to join us?"
You didn't think even for a second, "Of course!" You ran to embrace Black Swan, feeling her chest move against yours with every breath.
You'd always wanted to leave the Golden Hour, and to be able to leave with your two new lovers seemed like the best thing that could happen! Perhaps you'd be able to see some fish at the bottom of the sea, or a world die, or some of Sparkle's fun pranks! But you were happiest to stay by their side. That was all that mattered, after all they were the ones who brought light into your life.
Keeping you safe had come at a cost, but all good things require a little sacrifice. You'd still be the same person just without the same parts, well memories. It didn't matter anyway you'd have plenty of memories to replace the ones which had been altered and lost.
Black Swan would fill you with more honeyed memories and Sparkle would bring color to them all.
A free bird sings better than a caged one. And even though the singing was exactly what attracted them in the first place, it'd be better to keep you safe, right where they can see you. But if that bird stops to sing then maybe they'll have to let out. Or make it believe that it was let out by keeping it in a dream. So that even once it wakes up from the dream it'll still believe it's free.
ANYWAY WHILE I WAS IN THE PROCESS OF WRITING THIS I SENT IT TO MY FRIEND ALL PEEPOSHY HEY U WANNA READ IT (first fanfic of mine they would have read that isn't about our friends). AND DISCORD DID THE DUMBASS THING OF SENDING IT IN A .TXT SO I WAS LIKE: aw man don't worry about it
anyway this mf reads it anyway scrolling right and left and down bcus the .txt format is SO bad I straight up just copy pasted it idk why discord was being so bitchy. And like-- they read it so fucking kind and nice :) im blessed with good friends
Per usual I am realizing how infinitely shitty I am at writing head canons (everything just turns into a fic) if this wasn't to your liking send a request and I can try to amend it to more just ideas but generally by the time I get started on the first question (what makes them interested in you) it's already a story and I forgot I was answering a request.
My big idea for this one were strongly inspired by how Black Swan remarks that Sparkle is like a child, as she always seems to be craving affection/approval, and that makes her easy to please. Also Sparkle is so hard to write like her dialogue is chaotic but it's like held within a line idk it's weird I was trying to mimic it but I don't think it came out too well. Also I wanted to add more Black Swan x Sparkle but it just didn't work out that way when I was writing it, don't blame me I can't control what I write (you can blame me).
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swappingbryn · 6 months
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Always Save Before You Exit
Kenny was tired of the drudgery of life, working, gym, his nagging girlfriend, even his friends were boring him. It didn’t matter that he was good looking, rode a motorcycle, he was just bored, which wasn’t helped by his tedious construction job.
He’d heard of a new service where you could rent out your body, you’d set the price, set all the limits, and if any conditions were violated, the rental would automatically end. He’d been thinking of doing a trip across the country during the summer, and this would help him be able to afford it.
He set up an appointment and heard them out. He wasn’t sure, but he figured he’d give it a chance, he had nothing to lose, if no one liked his price or the rules, they’d turn him down. He started simple, no smoking, no unprotected sex, no tattoos or permanent marks, he opted to be unaware of the time he was being rented, he chose not to give the person access to his memories, and then shot for the moon with the rental fee, $1,000/day, clicking “Save” after each page. Once he got to the last page, he clicked “Save” once again and walked out, unaware he didn’t click “Submit.”
As he walked out, he didn’t see anyone else around, but that was a mix of adrenaline and tunnel vision, as there was an old, thin man sitting in the corner who entered the room next to fill out his profile.
When Icarus walked into the room, he noticed the computer was still opened to Kenny’s profile, and he could still make edits. Icarus went to town making changes, knowing he’d love to have Kenny’s body. He changed the limits, the rules, the settings, even the price. And then he clicked “Submit,” finalizing Kenny’s account, and setting up his own.
No less than an hour after he arrived home, Kenny received an email saying his body had been rented. The email noted the renter agreed to everything Kenny listed, and so if Kenny accepted, no further bargaining was needed. Kenny was prompted with a warning when he clicked accept “Warning: All rentals over five days required additional disclosures. Are you sure you want to engage in this rental? All rental funds will be placed in escrow earning interest until the end of the rental period. Do you agree?” Kenny happily clicked Yes. He was expecting to wake up a few days later, with a huge deposit into his account.
However, Kenny was instantly unable to move, with his body moving on its own. He was petrified, thinking something had gone horribly wrong. His body was moving without him in control, he could hear his voice talking, “Hmm, this feels so good. This voice is so deep, and I’m so young and hot. This is the best use of my annual bonus from work. I don’t regret spending 7Gs got this body.” Kenny realized he never looked at the rental time, but figured while he hated this arrangement, it would only be for a week. His body went into his bedroom and jerked off, several times, with Kenny feeling it each time. Then his girlfriend came home and Kenny heard his voice say “Hey Clarice, want to have some fun?” To which he thought ‘how does he know her name?’ She relented after a few minutes and they fucked, over and over, with her moaning how much better it felt than usual. Kenny also realized how good it felt, and that his body wasn’t wearing a condom.
Kenny realized how much he’d fucked up. Whoever this guy was, he somehow had access to all Kennys memories, Kenny was aware of the rental, and apparently none of the rules were in play. Kenny felt his body smoking like a chimney, felt tattoos being applied, felt his body fucking like crazy, his girlfriend, random women, even men. It wasn’t until the eighth day Kenny was scared, as he was still unable to control anything.
This hell went on for days beyond count. Kenny eventually gave up and retreated into the recesses of his mind. Until finally, he woke up and had control. He woke up to kids running around, jumping on his bed.
His phone, which he knew was his, but it was much different and high tech-y pinged, “Thank you for using our service. The rental fee of $7,300 plus 5% annual interested has been deposited into your account. We hope you enjoyed your rental.” And “A deposit of $19,369.08 has been made to your account.”
Kenny ran from bed and looked in a mirror. He was old now, grey hair, leathered skin, he felt a craving for a cigarette which he instinctively lit, and he saw tattoos covering his arms and chest.
He ran to the rental office to demand answers. It turns out he now had six kids, from four different women, still the same shitty job, and the same bike. It was only then that he was shown a copy of his rental agreement. “No rules, full awareness, full memory access” was all that was written, not the pages of rules he set up. And then he saw that the rental amount was different too, rather than $1,000 per day it was $1. Kenny had given up twenty years of his youth for $7,300, and while that almost tripled in size, he now had a huge family, a bad job and a nicotine addition.
@malevessel for the picture and rental idea
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cartmankisser · 1 year
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I'd love a Wally fluff alphabet, please! 🥰
omg ur amazing for linking it. creds for the prompts are linked in pink text of the request!! :)
if you haven’t seen, i ran a poll on my account for what type of personality wally should have and the option that won was, and i quote, “normal wally but… just a little messed up and obsessive.”
so i guess this is like?? mildly yandere wally? haha i’m not sure.. he slowly gets slightly more deranged as this goes on,,
using the small font because these always turn out really long 😭
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Activities - “What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?”
— wally isn’t too picky when it comes to hanging out. he’d honestly be content just sitting in silence with you!
in such a small neighborhood, everything is just a few minutes away! it’s not uncommon for you two to take walks around the neighborhood, maybe stopping at howdys shop for snacks before spending the afternoon sitting in a flower-filled field with books and arts and crafts material.
maybe you two could teach each other little crafts you’ve learned over the years!! friendship bracelets, origami, crochet, whatever!!
Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
— you’re just such a great friend to him! so caring and kind to him… he always feels calm whenever you’re around, just because of how loving you are!!
most of his uncertainties or insecurities just vanishes whenever he’s with you.. no one else ever could ever make him feel so special! it’s amazing!!!!
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
— wally has a hard time picking up on your feelings if you don’t straight up tell him that you’re upset. however, if you’re ever crying or upset, he’d try his best to comfort you!
his go-to comfort methods are usually things that make him happy or calm him down. something like singing a song that barnaby has sung to him before or drawing happy memories to distract you from whatever is making you upset!
he tends to explain to you that he would never make you feel as bad as you do right now. he’s the only one here to comfort you! no one else cares that you’re upset, but he does!! because he loves you!!! :)
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
— wally dreams of a calm, domestic future with you! he loves his neighborhood and home very dearly, and i don’t see him wanting to move anytime soon (he has no reason to!), but he really can’t wait for you to permanently move in with him! sure, he keeps you at his house for as long as you’re willing to stay, but you still leave him at the end of the day!!!!
home is one of his friends too, and he would never abandon a friend! so hopefully you can get used to living inside of a sentient house.. (no matter how much home scares you)
other than that though, i don’t see him wanting to change too much? you two are already so happy together, so why would anything need to change? all you really need is eachother anyways!!!!
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
— i think that he thinks you two are equal. i mean, he tries to listen to you, but sometimes you just need his help!!! he believes that a relationship should be built on respect and understanding! dont you respect him? :(
you really should just trust him and know that what he does for you is for the best. he’s not trying to scare or control you or anything!! he’s just trying to keep you safe and happy with him!!! that’s all!!!! :)))
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
— while he might be quick to forgive you, he doesn't easily forget the actions that led to the conflict. he prefers to work through disagreements for a compromise, that way you both can continue to be happy together!! albeit, he tends to be a bit patronizing and condescending when you two disagree on something,,,
he doesn’t get mad at you very often though. i can see him being awfully patient with you when it comes to misunderstandings and such. he knows you don’t mean to be rude about it!! you just need him to explain to you why he’s right!!!
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
— he’s very grateful for you!! he enjoys the admiration, love, and support you show him, and he makes sure to show his appreciation and love back through small gestures, like surprising you with treats or leaving little notes around your house when he visits! that way, you’re always thinking about how much he loves and appreciates you!
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
— wally values honesty in the relationship and doesn’t feel the need to keep secrets from you unless they would hurt you. and he knows you wouldn’t dare keep anything from him. not if you truly loved him, that is..
he doesn’t really understand secrets that much anyways.. everyone in the neighborhood is such good friends, why would they need to hide anything? (aka, wally unintentionally talks shit and causes drama /hj)
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
— you’ve definitely inspired him to try out new mediums and techniques in his art. i mean, he usually just paints and draws things he likes! and there’s nothing wrong with that, but recently he’s been trying new things!
with you around to help, he’s rarely hit any creative blocks. you’ve shown him how to connect his emotions to his paintings. and now he knows even more ways to make art that is more than just color on paper!!! truly amazing :)!!
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
— wally is quite possessive and can get jealous easily. he deals with it by keeping a close eye on you, and if he perceives any threat to his relationship, he will go to great lengths to eliminate that threat.
he would never destroy something that means a lot to you, but of course, he has to make sure he means the most to you!!! after everything he does for you, how could you not love him more than anything else!?! :)
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
— i love him a lot okay? but he is definitely not a good kisser. he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved you, so he’s just… inexperienced?
i feel like the first kiss would be awkward and tense, as he was nervous and unsure of how you would react to his feelings, but it was still very passionate and meaningful! sometimes you just take his breath away and leave him speechless, but actions speak more than words, right? @:))))
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
— he would confess his love in a very straightforward and direct manner. he would likely sit you down and tell you about how he couldn't imagine his life without you, and that hes willing to do anything to make you happy!!!
he was confident and direct with his confession because he was sure that he had you wrapped around his finger. before he confessed to you, he made sure to be open enough that you’d enjoy talking to him, but mysterious enough that you’d surely be thinking about him all day, wanting to hear more from him.
Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
— he does want to get married, and he would propose in a grand, romantic way!! he would likely plan an elaborate surprise, such as a candlelit dinner or a sweet picnic in a meadow, and then get down on one knee to ask you to marry him!! he would make sure the moment was so special that there was no chance that you could reject him!
the marriage itself would be pretty traditional, with wally insisting on taking care of all the arrangements and ensuring that everything was perfect for you.
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
— i feel like he would call you things such as "my love" or "my darling," and he would use petnames often to remind you how much he adores you!
he has a habit of calling you a handful of different petnames, but always adding “my“ to the beginning of it. you’re his sweetheart!!!! his love!!!!! no one else’s!!!!!!
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
— when wally falls in love, he becomes completely devoted to you. his feelings are somewhat obvious to others, as he can become a bit possessive and jealous when others try to get too close to you, even though he tries to hide those feelings in front of others.
he expresses his love through attention and gifts, showering his significant other with affection and making sure they know how much they truly mean to him!!!!
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
— he’s pretty upfront about his relationship and is not afraid to show affection in public. he enjoys making others aware of you two and he takes pride in displaying his love for you!!!!
he’s not the type to like??? shove his tongue down your throat in public 😭 but i mean small things like holding your hand and keeping you close to him when you two are out together!!
Quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
— wally has a photographic memory, which makes him incredibly attentive to your wants and desires. he never forgets important dates or details, and always makes sure to surprise you with things that make you happy!!
he knows what size clothes you wear and what scent perfume you use. he always picks up your favorite snacks before you come over and he makes sure to use your favorite colors a lot when he makes paintings for you!!!
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
— i feel like he’d be pretty romantic!! and he loves to make grand gestures to make you feel special!! i like to think he’s somewhat creative in his approach and he enjoys surprising you with things you never expected.
he will go to great lengths to make you happy, even if it means doing something cliché like writing love letters or preparing a candlelit dinner. however, his possessiveness can sometimes lead to darker and more dangerous displays of love, such as stalking or isolating you from others.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their? Do they believe in them?
— wally sees himself as your personal cheerleader and will do anything to help you achieve your dreams. however, his version of support can be a little intense as sometimes he tends to control your choices to ensure your success. he believes in you so much that he'll go to extreme measures to make sure you reach your full potential.
i feel like he would also be sure to tell you that you two achieved the victory together and that you wouldn’t have gotten to where you are without him!! he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!!!!! he just wants you to thank him sometimes!!!!!
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
— i think that he wouldn’t mind trying out new things with you sometimes, but only if it's on his terms! he has a certain routine that he likes to follow, and deviation from it can trigger his possessive behavior a bit...
he's very particular about what he considers "spicing things up" and can tend to be a bit controlling when it comes to decision-making. he just wants to make sure you stay nice and safe!!! he makes sure to take good care of his belongings! :)
Understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
— he believes that he knows you better than anyone else, and as such, he can be highly empathetic when it suits him... however, he's also prone to getting lost in his own delusions and can struggle to see things from your perspective when he feels threatened.
mostly though, he tends to be more sympathetic and pitiful instead of empathetic whenever you’re upset.
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
— the relationship is everything to him!!! and he's not afraid to make that known! he has a bad habit of seeing you as his property and will stop at nothing to keep you by his side. in his eyes, the relationship is worth more than anything else in his life, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect it!!! you truly mean everything him, and he’s not afraid to give everything else up for you!!!! :)
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
— wally loves to pamper you with expensive gifts and lavish attention. he believes that he deserves your love and affection in return for the gifts and he sees them as a way of showing you how much he cares!
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
— he is extremely affectionate and loves to shower you with cuddles and affection. however, sometimes it tends to turn into a bit of possessive behavior if he feels like someone else is encroaching on your time together.
Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
— whenever he’s missing you, i feel like he copes by somewhat obsessing over you... he'll stare over old photos and drawings, collecting small things you might’ve left at his house, overanalyzing them until he can almost feel your presence.
he also might engage in stalkerish behavior,,, staring at your house through his window.. maybe even walking to your place to peek through the windows if he thinks he can get away with it.
Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
— he’s willing to go to great lengths for the relationship, even if it might seem hurtful from your perspective... he tends to see himself as your companion and protector and will stop at nothing to keep you safe, even if it means resorting to things you might not like. his zeal can quickly turn dangerous if he feels that you’re in danger.
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bellaturner · 1 year
The Unexpected
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Unusual fluff (?)
Summary: you went to an Arctic Monkeys concert as a distraction to your recent breakup, but ended up having an unexpected connection with Alex.
TW: breakups
3,6k words
I had just broken up with the man I thought was the love of my life. Nothing made sense anymore: the sky was permanently gray, the grass was dead beneath my feet, and the chirping of birds had become a melancholic tune. Life had lost its vibrancy, leaving behind a hollow emptiness.
We had been together for six years. To my twenty-four-year-old self, it felt like an eternity. But then, it all came crashing down. The signs were there, lingering in the shadows. Silently warning us of the inescapable end, but neither of us wanted to face the turmoil of ending a relationship that had lasted for so long.
However, as days turned into nights, we found ourselves tangled in neverending arguments. Even when we were together, I felt alone. The solitude became impossible to deal with, and we couldn't bear the weight of our shared life any longer. Honestly, I still struggle to pinpoint the moment where it all went wrong.
Despite everything, a part of me still cares for him. Perhaps that's why I made the difficult decision to sever our ties. I couldn't stand to hurt him any more than I was already doing by simply existing by his side. Each fight pushed him further away, and the thought of his fading presence tormented me.
Eventually, I reached my breaking point. Something had to change. So, with a heavy heart, I decided to officially end what had long been over. In that final moment, as we parted ways, not a single tear fell from his eyes, and that realization cut me deep. I had hoped to see a glimpse of emotion, a reminder of what we once had. But it became clear that I had been mistaken, painfully wrong about his feelings. The truth hit me hard and shattered me into countless pieces.
I felt utterly lost. There was no other way to put it. Waking up each morning became a burden, and I found myself hoping to die in my sleep. The days lacked any meaning. My friends were concerned, and my family shared the bruises of my heartache. After all, he had become part of our lives during those six long years.
But then, on that fateful day, everything changed.
It was my final semester of college, the moment when I was supposed to embrace my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer, fueled by my passion for motorsports. But now, it all seemed foolish and pointless. Every ambition had lost its spark.
In one of my last classes, vehicle electronics and control systems, tears started to melt my notebook pages, forcing me to leave early. I sat on a bench outside the building, next to the parking lot, gaining the courage to return home and confront my feelings again. There weren't any more pictures of us in my room, but the memories of moments shared in it were still there.
That's when Lana, one of my closest friends and an audio engineering major, found me.
"That's it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. "I can't take this any longer, YN! I know you're hurting, but you have to move on. You ended things a month ago, but you said it yourself: it's been over for nearly a year!"
"But Lana—" I tried to interject, but she cut me off, refusing to listen.
"I've got backstage passes to a festival I'll be working on next week, and you're coming with me. No excuses. I don't care if I have to drag you by your hair." Her determination startled me, but I knew she was right. "Come on, YN! Pretty please?" she pleaded, putting on that irresistible lost dog face that I could never say no to. She even added the praying hands this time. There was no way I could escape her demands.
"Okay," I relented, sniffing and wiping away the tears from my cheeks. She had a point. I couldn't bury myself in this hole any longer. It was time to start crawling out of it.
"Yay!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down with joy. "That band you love so much is playing on Saturday! The Arctic something, you know?" she said casually.
"I beg your pardon?" I shot up from my seat, disbelief washing over me. "The freaking Arctic Monkeys are going to be playing, and I have a backstage pass?" It felt too incredible to be true. There was no way in hell something like that would happen to me—the unluckiest person in the world.
"Yup, that's the one. So you're going!?" she said happily.
"Of course I am. I had bought tickets to it long ago, but with everything that happened, I guess I kinda forgot about..."
"Hey, hey, stop it!" She cut me off once again. "You're not allowed to say his name or even think about him!" she protested. "I'll be working, though, but maybe that's a good thing. You could try to find some other monkey stan to hook up with!" she said with a mischievous smile.
Lana is unbelievably straightforward. But I think that's why I love her. My silly little girl. My best friend.
I chuckled at her suggestion, shaking my head in both amusement and disbelief. "You never fail to surprise me, Lana. Finding another 'monkey stan' " I scoffed "I just want to enjoy the music and forget about everything else. No more falling in love."
Lana nodded, her expression softening. "I get it, YN. This is your chance to have a great time." It was a statement, and I knew that she would make sure of that.
Her words resonated with me. Maybe this concert was exactly what I needed—an opportunity to let go of the past and rediscover my own happiness. I smiled at my friend, grateful for her support.
"Thank you, Lana. For being here. I appreciate you more than you know."
She grinned back at me, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know, I know! I love you too, YN. Also, that's what friends are for".
With newfound determination and insane anticipation, we made plans for the festival. Lana shared more details about it and the lineup of incredible artists that would grace the stage on that weekend. But the thought of seeing the Arctic Monkeys perform live is what filled me with a mix of nervous excitement and sheer bliss.
Finally, the day of the concert had arrived, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I slipped into my favorite band t-shirt, a quirky image of the members dressed as clowns and the words "who the fuck's Arctic Monkeys?" boldly printed across it. With the backstage pass hanging proudly around my neck, I could feel the anticipation building up inside me.
Lana, being the amazing friend she was, had made sure everything was perfectly arranged for us. As we ventured backstage, the air buzzed with an electric energy that sent shivers down my spine. From my privileged viewpoint, I could see the massive crowd and the whole stage, just waiting for the Monkeys to take their places.
"Hey, listen," Lana said, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and responsibility. "I have to go work now, but you stay here and have the time of your life, okay? Text me if you need anything or decide to explore elsewhere. I love you!" She planted a kiss on my head before disappearing into the backstage area.
Not long after she left, the stage lights illuminated the massive venue, and the band made their entrance from the opposite side I was at. The opening chords of the first song reverberated through the speakers, igniting a surge of excitement and cheers from the crowd. I surrendered myself to the music, letting it embrace me completely, like a warm blanket. The world around me faded away, leaving only the hypnotizing rhythm and the lyrics that resonated with my soul.
With tears streaming down my face, I allowed the familiar melodies to stir deep emotions within me. Each song evoked a different feeling, and I embraced every single one. I couldn't help but dance like there was no tomorrow, losing myself in the moment. The euphoria overwhelmed me, and it felt like I was floating on a cloud of pure bliss.
As the concert progressed, around the third song or so, I caught a glimpse of Alex looking in my general direction. My heart skipped a beat, but I quickly dismissed it as a mere coincidence. He was probably just checking out his surroundings or searching for someone from the production team. I decided to step to the side, not wanting to obstruct his view, and to my surprise his head turned with me as I moved over.
Our eyes briefly locked, and in that split second, I could feel my whole face burning up. Was he actually looking at me? It felt like a fever dream, the kind you never expect to come true. It was probably the effect of one too many unlimited drinks I had enjoyed, courtesy of my backstage access.
Whether it was a genuine look or a result of my tipsy imagination, I couldn't help but revel in the moment. The music enveloped me, drowning out any doubts or rational thoughts. I surrendered myself to the rhythm, dancing like an old lady, feeling the pure bliss of being swept away by the insane energy of the concert.
The combination of the music, the crowd's energy, and the enchanting presence of Alex on stage created an atmosphere that was nothing short of magical.
'Arabella' was the sixth song played that night, and I'll never forget it. As soon as I heard that familiar guitar at the beginning of the song, I could feel the excitement running through my veins. It is one of my all-time favorite songs, a track that holds a special place in my heart. I can't quite put into words what it makes me feel, but it is a mix of exhilaration, warmth, and an indescribable amazing sensation.
My legs turned to jelly, and I found myself leaning against a nearby wall for support as I watched in awe. The combination of Cookie's amazing guitar riffs, Matt's powerful drumming skills, and Nick's pulsating bass lines drove the crowd into a frenzy. The energy was palpable, radiating through every beat and note.
My attention was drawn to Matt and his extraordinary talent behind the drum kit. His precision and sheer passion were a sight to behold. As I focused on him, completely immersed in the music, that indescribable feeling of watching my favorite band perform live washed over me one more time.
And then, it happened again. When I shifted my gaze towards Alex, I found him looking straight at me. Our eyes locked in for the second time that night, making my cheeks flush. I was grateful for the dim lighting that hid my embarrassment.
As he sang, a smile formed on his lips, almost like he knew what he was doing: singing my favorite song and looking straight into my eyes. I felt like he was singing it just for me. It was a crazy moment, and it made me down the rest of my beer in one gulp. I swear he let out a soft chuckle, away from the microphone.
As the last verse sounded through the air, I knew I had to sing along with the crowd, my voice merging with the chorus. "That's magic! On a cheetah print coat!" The lyrics echoed around me, lighting up my face with a huge smile while the tear roamed free.
As the concert continued, there were a few more instances when my and Alex's eyes met, a fleeting connection in the midst of the electrifying atmosphere. But I brushed it off, convincing myself that it was just part of his stage presence, a way to engage with the audience.
But, as the final notes of the last song gradually faded into the air, signaling the end of an unforgettable night, I figured that Alex would follow his bandmates, disappearing into the same entrance he came from. To my surprise, he broke away from the rest of the guys, walking towards the side of the stage I was at.
His steps were purposeful and determined, making my heart race as he approached. The gap between us was closing quickly, and I tried to steady my trembling hands and calm my racing thoughts.
A rush of excitement and disbelief flooded me as he stood before me, and I was hit by the combination of wood, whisky, and tobacco scent that he emanated, leaving me momentarily speechless. His eyes sparkled with exhaustion and genuine appreciation.
"You sure look like you had a great time, love," he said with a husky voice, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but let the butterflies fly around my stomach by the way he casually referred to me as 'love,' that charming British accent adding an extra layer of charm to his character.
I mustered a shy smile. His presence was magnetic and the whirlwind of emotions inside me made it difficult to speak.
His gaze traveled up and down my figure, a playful glimmer danced in Alex's eyes as he glanced at my t-shirt. "Your choice of attire is quite captivating," he said, letting out a laugh that made my cheeks flush. "Join me for a beer, will ya?" he asked, his tone more of a confident statement than a mere question, gesturing for me to follow him deeper into the backstage area.
"Al, mate, come join us!" Matt's voice carried excitement for the post-show celebration. "We're going out for-"
"Not tonight, man," Alex responded without even glancing in Matt's direction, his eyes fixed on mine, unyielding. "I think I'll just head back to the hotel. Thanks, though."
I stood there, stunned, as Alex brushed off his friend's invitation without a second thought, leaving me wondering if he had a different plan in mind. Matt shrugged and joined the rest of the band, while I remained rooted to the spot, my mind swirling.
"Well, it looks like I have some free time," Alex's eyes held a glimmer of curiosity and a hint of a smile danced on his lips. "How about we grab that beer we were talking 'bout?"
Excitement coursed through my body, and I nodded eagerly, unable to contain my smile. "Sounds great," I replied, my voice filled with faked confidence. "Lead the way."
As Alex led me through the backstage area, we entered a private room tucked away from the bustling crowd. The moment the door closed behind us, the noise dissipated, leaving behind a sense of tranquility. The room was dimly lit, adorned with vintage music posters and instruments that had an aura of creative energy.
Alex approached a small cooler, grabbing a couple of cold beers, and handing one to me. "Here you go," he said with a charming smile. "Make yourself at home, darlin'. I'm just gonna change real quick,"
"Thank you," I replied, accepting the beer gratefully. My heart raced, the British mannerisms swiping me off my feet again. I watched him disappear into the bathroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As Alex left, I took a moment to take in the room. The instruments scattered across the space caught my attention, particularly the grand piano sitting in the corner. My fingers itched with the desire to touch the keys. It had been ages since I last played one.
Leaving my beer on a nearby table, I made my way to the piano bench. Sitting down with my back turned to the bathroom door, I ran my fingers gently over the smooth ivory keys, and began to play a familiar tune, allowing the notes to flow from my fingertips.
The sound filled the room, a gentle melody that mirrored my emotions. I closed my eyes, losing myself in the music, letting it carry me away from the moment. When I was younger, I used to say that the piano was my voice, expressing the emotions that my words couldn't capture.
The sound of footsteps made me snap back into reality. I swiftly rose from the bench, ready to apologize for my impromptu performance, but before any words could escape my lips, Alex interjected.
"Please, don't" Alex said, his voice laced with a hint of awe. He stood at a distance, his eyes fixed on me and his hands shoved into the pockets of his worn leather jacket. "That was beautiful. You have a gift."
"Thank you," I managed to say, my voice betraying any attempt at sounding nonchalant. "It's been a while since I've played."
He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with playful charm. "Well, consider me a lucky man then."
A genuine smile spread across my face as I admired Alex's transformed appearance. He had tidied up his hair and changed into a sleek white collar dress shirt that accentuated his abs. His leather jacket added a touch of rebellious charm, and he was wearing that illegally sexy scarf of his.
"You look like a brand new person." I remarked, walking past him to retrieve my beer can.
He smirked, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. "A change of clothes and a splash of cologne can work wonders, wouldn't you agree?" he replied, his voice dripping with playful modesty.
I smiled at him once again, feeling a sense of ease settling between us. Taking a sip from my beer can, I realized I hadn't properly introduced myself. "I'm YN, by the way," I said, trying to keep the conversation casual.
"It's a pleasure, YN. I'm Alex," he replied warmly, his voice inviting. I couldn't help but chuckle quietly, knowing exactly who the musical genius before me was.
"The pleasure is all mine," I responded, lifting my can in a toast. The clinking sound filled the air.
His gaze shifted towards the vinyl player nestled in the corner of the room, catching his attention. He walked over to it, selected a disc and delicately placed it on the turntable. The soft crackle of the needle meeting the vinyl filled the air, as the melodic tunes gracefully unfolded.
Returning his focus to me, his eyes sparkled with curiosity, a genuine interest shining through. "So, YN, what brings you here tonight?" he inquired, his voice carrying a gentle warmth.
I couldn't help but laugh at his question. "Aside from your amazing songs?" I replied playfully, my gaze meeting his. "Well, my friend is working backstage, and she managed to get me a ticket. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you perform live."
He nodded, a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and then he extended his hand towards me, gently taking hold of my beer can and setting it aside.
"Will you dance with me, YN?" he asked, his voice turning my thoughts into a blissful haze, as my name rolled off his tongue.
My heart skipped a beat, and I eagerly placed my hand in his, feeling the warmth of his touch. "I'd be delighted," I replied, my voice had a hint of nervousness to it. "I must warn you, though, I'm not the best dancer."
He simply smiled, his touch steady yet gentle, as his other hand found its place on my waist, effortlessly guiding me across the dance floor. We moved in harmony, a mixture of playful twirls and gentle sways, surrendering ourselves to the embrace of the music.
The song came to an end, and as if on cue, Alex pulled me even closer, making me look at him. The room buzzed with energy. His hand, which had been resting on my waist, moved to the back of my head, gently tangling in my hair, sending a thrilling shiver down my spine.
My lips parted with a soft sigh, surrendering to the gentle tug he made on my hair. The reaction prompted Alex, as he leaned in, allowing our lips to touch in a delicate kiss.
His lips were soft and insistent, exploring every inch of my mouth. It felt like he was perfect.
The room was filled with the gentle white noise of the needle scratching the record, creating a soothing ambiance. But then my phone started buzzing in the background. We initially ignored it, lost in our passionate exchange, but after it rang three times, Alex broke the kiss.
"Maybe you should answer that, doll," he whispered, his fingers caressing my hair as he brought me back to reality.
"Hey, Lan," I said softly, my gaze locked into his dark brown eyes. He stared right back at me.
"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Lana's voice boomed through the phone, making me hold it away from my ear.
Alex burst into laughter, seemingly amused by the situation.
"I'm sorry, Lana. I got carried away," I explained.
"Oh, come on! Who's with you? I heard laughter," Lana teased, her voice adopting a playful tone. "Did you meet someone?"
"Oh, she definitely met someone," Alex interjected, his distinct accent making his words stand out.
"Is that-" Lana started to ask, but her question remained unfinished. It was an overwhelming experience for me.
"May I?" Alex asked, reaching for my phone, and I nodded.
"She's alright, Lana. She'll be with you shortly," he assured her before ending the call.
"One for the road?" he whispered, his fingers gently tracing my swollen lips.
I chuckled in response, and he leaned in, our lips meeting once again in a passionate embrace.
"Can I have your number?" he asked, his forehead resting against mine.
This has been rotting in my drafts since May, I truly didn't know how to end it so I just left an open ending I guess.
I also experimented writing in first person, which I don't intend on doing anymore tbh but let me know if you liked it anyways.
I've been asked a couple times to tag people, so lmk if you'd like to be tagged on my next fic.
As always, love youuu 💕💕💕
~ Bella
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fanstuffrantings · 4 months
I was wondering what your thoughts were on the battle of fairy tail arc and what if anything you would change. Personally I would have liked it if they Laxus had a better relationship with the thunder legion - or there had been some stuff before that showed they were close so his spiral over the arc into being kinda a dick to them too was more shocking. On a side note, I'm kinda sad they didn't include in the anime the scene where he overhears people bashing fairy tail in a pub and beats them up because I feel it speaks to his character more!
Anyway I've been really enjoying your headcannons and they've made all the arcs you've discussed better in my head lol
Thank you! My goal when thinking up rewrite ideas/alterations is always to enhance the story presented more than fully, outright change it to something else entirely.
I didn't read the manga prior to Grand magic games since I was anime only, but I probably should at some point because scenes like that would be interesting to see!
I fully agree with you on the "Laxus should've cared point". One point I always think about every arc is just how much Mashima doesn't trust his audience to hate villains without making them horrible, sadistic people. Now I don't need villains to be written as redeemable, I myself thoroughly enjoy writing heinous individuals who are cruel to their core with no regard for life outside of their own (and even sometimes no regard for that). But if you want to make a villain that the audience can accept as redeemable you either need to make them complex and sympathetic, or show us their hard earned redemption.
Now, for Laxus, I personally would've made it clear that he cares about Fairy Tail members. Not just the reputation of the guild. Though his ego and insults towards others would often have people believing that. Makarov and Erza would both be capable of seeing through this and understanding that every criticism he has towards his guildmates comes from a place of trying to help them get better to keep them safe. I'd hint at him having a history of being close to guildmates who die or leave due to permanent damage sustained on missions.
This underlying care would be the reason Makarov would believe him to be the one right to take over as master. Because in spite of his inflated self worth, he still cared for his family.
Phantomlord arc would've been his breaking point, I would remove the scene of him saying he'd only help if Lucy dated him (that was only added to make him hate worthy) and have it simply be that he can't be reached due to a mission with the thunder legion. A rift forming between him and Makarov for Makarov letting Gajeel into the guild with no explanation after the dude hospitalized team shadowgear and tormented Lucy would cause him to believe Makarov incapable of putting the safety of the guild above the redemption of enemies.
The battle of fairy tail would be his way of proving to various members that they aren't cut out to be mages because if they can't even take care of themselves in a controlled environment, how can they hope to do so out in the field. He'd have a desperation as well to show that he is the strongest person in the guild thus the only one capable of stepping up to the role of guild master (Him having divine magic in the au would also explain this solid belief, god given magic and all that.) Rather than getting angry when Evergreen, Bixlow, or Freed loses, there would be a resignation that they aren't meant to stay. A sadness to it because he'd have known them all for almost a decade at this point.
"Why would people get frozen in stone" rather than it being all the girls who competed, it would be every member he deemed too weak to compete safely. People who use primarily support magic or haven't been with the guild long enough to make a mark in his memory of what they're capable of. Erza would be post tower of heaven nerf at this point so she'd be far below her normal strength level.
Makarov nearly dying this arc rather than being a moment of elation, would simply reinforce his need to get things done. To prove his own strength and take the position he was destined for.
When Makarov sends him off to self reflect he would note "You can't know what will come of people. Dangers exist in the world whether you're part of a guild or not. People will do as they please and all you can hope is to prepare them for what comes."
I would also throw in a few flashback scenes during the arc, scenes of guild members interacting with Laxus and Laxus meeting/grouping up with the thunder legion. I'm personally partial to Makarov raising Erza post tower of heaven so I'd have loved if prior to this arc we got some Erza/Laxus sibling scenes.
Again: I don't need villains to be tragic always, I think gajeel being a horrible person that has to earn his place is something I like (wish it was better handled) but for characters like Laxus I think them being complex and sympathetic is crucial. Especially when we don't see them until they've completely changed.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Chapter 5
A/N: Please defer to warning section in Chapter 1
-Chapter 4- -Chapter 6-
“Rhysand,” you greet with a smile as you open the door for him.
As usual, he opens his arms, wrapping them around your waist as he presses a kiss to your neck, ignoring what’s probably the very prominent scent of arousal that’s almost always clinging to you.
But you don’t miss the small sniff he gives your throat, nosing at your skin before pulling away. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen Cassian at all have you? He seems to have gotten himself into a spot of trouble.” His hands are still resting on your waist, where Cassian’s had been mere minutes ago.
“You mean to tell me you didn’t come here for the pleasure of my company, Rhys?” You tease, closing the door before walking down the narrow hallway, bypassing the stairs and turning right into the kitchen. The High Lord follows silently on cat-soft feet.
“Haven’t seen him.” You shrug apologetically, moving over to the counter, “tea?” He nods his head in confirmation, leaning against the kitchen table, eyes running over you while you’re turned away, thinking about the short moment Cassian had let him inside his head, seeing through his mind’s eye.
A muscle ticks in his jaw at the memory of it. How Cassian had taunted him, letting him in just as he got a taste of you. Not even that long ago, you’d been splayed across your bed, hand in Cassian’s hair, tugging his mouth closer, encouraging him to suckle at your clit. He needs to know what it was like to taste your sex, have you release on his tongue.
If he bent you over right now, would you truly protest, or would spread your legs for him, too? His hand fists on the table, needing to get his scent under control.
Maybe he should just take you… From the insight he got from Az, it sounds like something you’d like. He knows you would enjoy it. How good he could make you feel…how tight you’d clamp down on him. He could make you scream.
“Any life changing decisions you’ve come to since yesterday?” He asks as you bring his mug over, full of tea. He takes it, fingers brushing yours though he gives no indication to him realising it. You take a sip from your own mug, leaning against the counter opposite him, “other than quitting permanently…no idea. Maybe I’ll travel about for a bit. See what the males are like in other courts.” Your eyes flick to his violet pair over the rim of your mug, “I hear in the Autumn Court they have fire in their veins…”
His eyes spark with something at your bait. “Is that so…?” He asks casually, taking a sip from his own mug. Hopefully, Azriel will be dealing with Cassian now—your bedroom will be free. He wonders… He might have entertained the idea if he wasn’t vaguely concerned about what the Shadowsinger might do in retaliation. Though he can’t bring himself to feel bad about the plan they’re already forming. How little Cassian will get to enjoy what they have in store for him.
You nod your head, oblivious to the inner workings of his mind, content to have him in your kitchen, chatting over piping cups of tea. “I think I might be able to find what I’m looking for over there…”
A flicker of emotion spills through the mental bond he keeps open between him, Cass, and Az. A spark of terror accompanied by an ember of glittering rage through a separate bridge. He has to fight his wince at the mess Cassian has managed to get himself into. The mess he’ll soon be reduced to, if Azriel has anything to do with it. He might need to stop in later to make sure the male will be in working condition for when their plan commences. They can’t have him passing out half way through…that would ruin the fun.
Though perhaps you would like it. He’s still recovering from the comment you made before falling asleep, warning him not to tease you with the promise of slipping between your thighs while you were unconscious. As if you would enjoy that violation.
So many appetising surprises to you.
“It wouldn’t a be permanent move, would it?” He asks abruptly, setting his tea down on the table to watch you intently. You pointedly look away, drinking deeply from your own mug to avoid answering.
“Would it?” He repeats, voice dropping to that controlled drawl. Violence dripping from his tongue at the idea of you relocating to another court. That wouldn’t do at all.
You smile at him, but he doesn’t relax. You scoff, “no, Rhys. It wouldn’t be permanent. The look on your face was worth the suggestion though. You looked murderous!” He should be concerned how lightly you take his fury. Though, maybe he should be thankful you’re not scared off by it.
He resists the urge to close the distance between you and press another kiss to your neck, just to remind himself of your scent. Once is acceptable, as a greeting. He can’t do it again. And he’s better than Cassian…he can control himself around you.
Though you certainly seem to prefer the opposite.
“No,” you murmur softly. “I love it here, Rhys. Velaris is…special, to me. Like you are.” He eyes you warily now, but you’re focused on your tea, staring into the mug as if it will reveal secrets to you. “You all are. And I’m not sure I say it enough…” You look up at him, gripping your cup tightly before sighing and setting it down on the counter, mirroring his stance. “You’re all so dear to me. You’ve always been so accommodating, and—” You take a moment to regulate your breathing, drying the wetness in your eyes.
How absurd it is. Cassian was between your legs not too long ago, gifting you with what was easily one of the better orgasms of your life, and now the High Lord is in your kitchen, drinking tea with you, and you’re getting all emotional. Absurd indeed.
But he’s already moving, striding across the floor as his arms wrap around your shoulders as he tugs you to his chest. Maybe he’s not as controlled as he thought. You have that effect on all of them, though.
His fingers thread through your hair and your arms wrap tentatively around his waist. “As long as it’s not permanent, I think we can manage. We can either fly or winnow. It’s not the end of the world.” He murmurs, hating your silence as you tamp down the emotion. “Besides, if you’re ever gone too long I can guarantee one of us will seek you out and drag you back. Even if you’re kicking and screaming.” It draws a quiet laugh from you and he knows you don’t understand how sincere he’s being. The darker meaning beneath his bladed words.
You push away from him enough to give him a cheeky smile, “three of the kindest, sweetest and most handsome males I’ve ever met making me kick and scream? Sounds like my kind of night.”
Mother save him.
He isn’t nearly as disciplined as he thought.
He steps into you, hands dropping to your thighs as he hoists you up onto the counter, your eyes widening. It would be so easy to bind you with his power, pin your hands behind your back so you couldn’t try to shove him off should he push your thin night robe up over your thighs. And Cassian’s done all the preparation for him…you’re probably still nice and wet…wet and warm, all for him to bury his cock into you. Fuck you until you can’t speak, just desperately clinging onto him.
Your hands grip onto his upper arms with the sudden movement, and you stare at him in surprise. He’s usually so gentle—maybe you imagined the bite of his fingertips in your thighs. But when your eyes land on his, you know you don’t imagine the hunger in them, as if he’s really considering taking you on the kitchen counter.
You open your mouth to— you don’t know. But he’s already banished that starving ache from his gaze, as if it was never there to begin with. His hands grip your hips lightly, just as he leans down, pressing his lips to your hair. “You know we feel the same,” he murmurs, hand bringing your head to rest on his shoulder, thumb stroking back and forth gently.
“Maybe we should all do something together. Besides sitting and chatting. It’s so rare any of us have enough free time to spend with one another, and even when we do, it’s difficult to get it to align.” You nod. Between Rhys being High Lord, Cassian being his General and Azriel being his Spymaster… Mixing that with your night shifts makes things difficult.
“I’d like that. But…” you trail off.
“What?” He pushes, pulling back to look at you.
“It’d feel like a goodbye. I know I might be moving away for a bit, travelling the Courts, but doing something so…final, feels scary. Like it’s a turning point. I don’t want that.” You admit, softly.
“You don’t have to go,” he reminds gently, cupping your cheek. “I’m not kicking you out, and certainly neither of the others are.” But you shake your head. “I need a purpose again. I’ve been here for nearly three centuries, doing the same thing over and over. I need something to make me want again,” you confess.
You feel the urge to shift the conversation out of its current course. You don’t like these sorts of conversations. Even with the three of them, they’re difficult. So you give into the urge, forcing a lighthearted grin to your lips. “I’ve got an idea, Rhys…”
That damned grin.
That damned, fucking, grin.
Heat builds between his legs, enough he shifts back so you can’t feel him against your centre. Just a little longer, he reminds himself. Just a little longer, and you’ll be theirs.
“I don’t like that smile,” he drawls, the declaration dripping with teasing wariness. Your hands move to settle on his forearms, his senses awakening to your touch, “I think we should all have some fun. You used to fuck around each other, didn’t you?” Your fingers trace patterns onto the sleeves of his dark, crisp shirt, and his mouth dries up. If only you knew how much of a fucking tease you were being.
“Careful,” he purrs, if only because his restraint is fraying dangerously thin. “Didn’t Cassian warn you about what would happen if we were all set on one female?”
You laugh, lightly smacking his forearm as you break eye contact.
He’s well accustomed to this dance. The waltzing between friendship and flirting. He’s not even sure if you’re completely aware of what you do. Of suggesting everything but giving nothing.
You’ve had them hooked for a while now.
“I wasn’t volunteering myself, don’t worry Rhys,” you smile, and he forces himself to think clearly. “I wouldn’t put myself in that sort of situation.”
You sound breathless.
Are you…?
Think clearly, Rhysand. You’re making things up.
So he offers up one of his practiced smiles, designed to put people at ease. To charm them into doing his bidding. “There’s a first time for everything, dear.”
“I wouldn’t want to come between you three,” you reply, stepping carefully now. You’re not quite sure what’s happening, but your instincts are nagging that something’s off with him.
It’s probably his work load making him antsy again.
For once, you don’t make the offer to relieve that stress—fearing he might actually take you up on it this time. You’re already up to your waist in water, with the curveball Cassian threw you earlier tonight. You’ll be out of your depth soon, if you aren’t careful.
He forces himself to lessen his grip on you, sensing your hesitance. Your uncertainty. “You needn’t worry about that,” he says instead, “we’ve had over five hundred years to grow with one another. I doubt there’s anything that could pull us apart.” Except if you chose only one of them.
But you smile, and poke at his ribs, “how adorable the three of you are.” He follows the cue dutifully, stepping away from you, allowing you to hop off the counter.
Just a little longer, he reminds himself.
He can wait.
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tossawary · 1 year
Hi! Just wondering, for you what is the difference between transmigrating in as an infant and regaining memories of your past life later, and transmigrating in as a character who a bit older but remembering the past of the character you’re in? I guess it’s kind of moot considering he still feels the weight of both those lives either way, but I was curious about your thoughts on it.
Hey! I think this is a pretty complicated and broad question. Overall, as with any story, there are different ways to write both of those things, different directions to explore, which could make them feel very different or functionally identical. My personal feelings on this can change wildly from story to story, and character to character. SPOILERS for SVSSS.
Let's say that Airplane Bro is the first case (reincarnated as an infant and gained his memories of his past life on the way) and Shen Yuan is the second case (transmigrated into an older character's life and later unlocked some of Shen Jiu's memories). Just to use their particular situations to look at some of the practical realities. I know that it doesn't fit precisely, but it's useful to have examples.
I think that a big element here is personal life choices and personal relationships. Airplane never has to feel like he replaced someone else. He's Shang Qinghua now, sure, but there was never an Original Shang Qinghua in this world. Being there from the beginning, he's been able to control his actions and responses, and build his own personal relationships. His relationship with Mobei-Jun, for example, is entirely his own.
(We don't actually know how much the System interfered in his life, but he does seem to have a degree of freedom that's much more significant compared to his fellow transmigrator. The vibe I got by the end of the Airplane Extras was that the System probably would have let him do whatever he'd wanted if he'd really gone for it, honestly.)
Shen Yuan, on the other hand, knows that he replaced someone else, and Shen Jiu had a miserable life and then made some cruel choices. Shen Yuan has to bear the burden of things he didn't do, even if other characters are willing to sweep it under the rug of amnesia, which has permanently colored his relationships with Luo Binghe, Yue Qingyuan, and Liu Qingge. (The System then forced him to do something terrible to Luo Binghe, whom he loved very much. At the very beginning, it temporarily controlled his every single interaction with any other human being during the OOC restriction period. That's just fucked up.) By the end of SVSSS, Shen Yuan fully inhabits the new Shen Qingqiu he's created and has made peace out of the story he's been given and the relationships he's inherited and made his own, even though he owns a life that partially belonged to someone else (Shen Jiu and the System). He has to live with that history.
Rambling on about Airplane Bro for a little bit to take a look at these two different approaches from another angle...
I typically imagine Airplane Bro slowly regaining his memories over the course of his childhood, because I personally can't fully suspend my disbelief over a fully conscious adult in the body of an infant. I mean, I've read that kind of thing before, and some of the stories have been good. But brains just don't work like that. Newborn babies are such little fragile aliens, barely able to see the faces less than a foot from their face. It's important to me to physically ground fantasy (and sci-fi) somewhat to make magic (and tech) feel both believable and compelling. This is a personal nitpick.
(You could have the reincarnated/transmigrated mind/soul being held mostly separate, slowly integrating, and essentially controlling the body remotely, I guess? But yeah, the "adult stuck in a child body" thing inherently has powerful horror elements (and political elements in regards to children's rights) that a lot of reincarnated stories seem to take on unintentionally and don't always handle well. When I'm writing reincarnation stuff, I usually skip over that backstory stuff in part because it's just so complicated, and also because there are other plots I'd rather explore that I find more interesting. Getting bogged down in early childhood stuff generally isn't really my thing, reading or writing it.)
If Airplane is essentially haunted by the memories of his past life for his entire childhood, I think it would make him strange, unnerving, and generally unpalatable to other people. I think it would be confusing and scary to know things without being sure how you know them. To remember things that seem to belong not only to another life, but another world. It would contribute to his isolation, his emotional detachment, and his choice to identify strongly with his previous life in terms of personality.
And if it's a more gradual process, then he doesn't have to feel like he replaced someone else. He knows (as much as anyone can know anything) that this body has always belonged to him.
If he suddenly remembered a past life, then that would also lead to his detached Airplane Bro personality. But if he suddenly remembered a past life, depending on how you write it, it might feel functionally identical to transmigrating in in that moment but still retaining the body's memories.
Of course, even if it was a gradual process, depending on how you write it, it could seem to him that it was a gradual transmigration and that he replaced someone else. Both approaches are cool.
Transmigration and reincarnation must be such a disorienting experience, liable to make a character doubt reality or their "sanity". When a character transmigrates in but has access to the body's memories, there's often some plot device dream sequence (the transmigrator briefly gets to meet the ghost of the person they're replacement) or System interference to let both the character and the readers know that there's been a switch. What if there's no System popping up to explain exactly what happened? What if the character just has to guess based on these vague memories that they may or may not be able to tell came from another person?
Either way, transmigrators are usually dealing with feeling like an imposter. But I think the transmigrator generally might feel guiltier over taking up or ruining any pre-existing relationships if they know for a fact that they replaced a separate person.
Back to some physical practicalities between our two transmigrators in SVSSS... Airplane Bro has just had... more time to get used to his life here. Coming in as an infant, presuming a gradual adjustment of awareness, he's used to his own body. He's at home in it.
SVSSS isn't fully interested in exploring this topic, so we don't really see Shen Yuan dealing with it, but... suddenly being in a different body would be a WEIRD experience. I can handwave away a lot of brain stuff on "magical System weirdness", so sure, Shen Yuan's mind is somehow his own while retaining some Shen Jiu memories, and he has special muscle memory and spiritual memory that allows him to continue being a powerful cultivation with only minor adjustment.
But... what about things like taste buds? The physical human experience is so wildly varied. Humans are incredibly adaptable, but surely it would be weird at first to potentially have different favorite foods. To like different drinks. To maybe enjoy different smells. To dislike things you used to love. To be a different height. A different weight. To be far more physically fit. To have different teeth. Personally, I move slightly differently and have slightly different mannerisms depending on the length of my hair, having to keep longer hair out of the way. Shen Yuan would adjust in time, sure, but that dysphoria must've been something else at first.
As someone interested in these physical realities of magic, I was a little disappointed when none of these came up more extensively when Shen Yuan switched into a body made out of a plant. I think that even little things like breathing and sunlight would feel intensely different. I'm now tempted to write something exploring Shen Yuan enjoying the sensations of his super magical plant body now.
Okay, I don't know where I'm going with my rambling now, so I'm signing off. I think the weight of different transmigration experiences can feel very, VERY different depending on what you're personally interested in exploring when you write.
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ruinandrue · 4 months
Inkwarren Devlog #1: Magick, Incantations, and Creativity
What's the appeal of magic in a fantasy setting? Is it that magic broadens the possibilities of storytelling by removing the limitations of our world? Do the limits on magic provide an interesting question of what is now possible, if the answer isn't anything? Is it just cool? Well, yeah. All of these! At least I think.
Hi all, Matt here, and I'm back to talk about Inkwarren, and how magick works in my game: what it is in the fiction, what it is in the mechanics, and how magick changes when you try to fit it into tactical combat.
Magic in the Woodland
Magick in Inkwarren is strange, dangerous, and poorly understood. It doesn't inhabit the same realm as other heroic fantasy games-- there are no wizard academies or +1 swords being sold in cities. Magick isn't taboo (your Witch isn't going to be run out of town), but it isn't normal or safe. Magick also requires incantations, which is what 'spells' are in Inkwarren-- echoing words of power that shift reality to your will.
It's best to think of magick like you would a tide. There is push, and there is pull. When you speak an incantation, you are using words of power to harness magick and change reality to your will- but magick always wants something in return. Magick requires sacrifice.
Now, sacrifice isn't always as dramatic as it sounds. Magick-users in the Woodland learn to sacrifice things to magick reflexively when they speak an incantation, because if they don't, the magick bites back and feeds on them instead. A lower strength incantation, like one that senses heartbeats, protects your skin from injury, or hides you from sight for a short while only require something small: a minute of your time, an unimportant memory, a bit of your blood, and similar offerings are very common across the incantations you'll see in the book. Bigger things require bigger sacrifices: if you want to implant a new memory you have to give one of your own of equal or greater importance, if you want to bring back a life you must give yours in return, and the enemies of the woodlanders might perform rituals that take many lives in order for them to take many lives in the same fashion.
So, magick takes time. Unless you've got an incantation down pat (more on that later), you likely can't cast it quickly and without fuss. You have to think about it, because if you rush blindly into an incantation, it could have permanent and devastating effects on your woodlander.
The Six Arcana
Despite magick being poorly understood, there are commonly known to be six important power sources for magick to draw from: these are called Arcana. The Arcana are as follows:
Blood magick manipulates the life force and bodies of living creatures, allowing the user to speak to animals, control plants, and shift their shape.
Bone magick enhances a user's physique and battle capabilities; conjuring protective shields, forming weapons out of force, and protecting the skin with sigils of occult magick.
Chaos magick (which differs from the real world tradition of chaos magic) focuses on energy and natural forces of the world-- turning fire into lightning, water into stone, and using these forms of energy and matter to accomplish a woodlander's goals.
Night magick focuses on shadows, silence, and the mind. Incantations that call upon night magick use shadows as a weapon, invade the mind to read thoughts and push a target's will in a certain direction, and steal voices and ideas from others.
Silver magick focuses on the boundaries between realities, allowing woodlanders to move between locations without travelling, divine the future, and call things from other states of existence.
Spirit magick focuses on the soul, emotion, and the spirits of the dead. Spirit incantations can be used to heal spiritual wounds, communicate with spirits of the dead and of the past, and to sense emotional impressions on beings and objects.
Great! We get how magick works (sort of, but that's the point)
Magick in Gameplay
There is a juxtaposition in how exactly magic should function in tactical fantasy games. Tactical combat requires tactics, which implies some level of thought and choice-- but if magick can do anything, what tactic is there in that? What ends up happening is magic is made into abilities-- you can cast fireball and entangle, but if you want to use fire to heat up a doorknob or use vines to create a bridge, you're out of luck. This makes sense- we want gameplay to flow well between states, and having the tactical, ability-like implementation of magic extend to all aspects of gameplay is good and fine.
But it doesn't have to.
Improvising Magick
Several traditions in Inkwarren are capable of improvising magickal effects: these being the folklorist, goetia, rook, warrior-poet, and witch (roughly half of the total 12 traditions). These traditions will also have special flourishes (narrative abilities) representing rote incantations they know by heart and don't have to improvise, but they may wish to improvise at other times. Before we get into how improvising magick works, let's recap our points from above:
Magick requires sacrifice.
Magick takes time and concentration.
Magick is dangerous.
When you wish to improvise an incantation, you will draw a pentacle, and go through each point to choose five different descriptors:
Your Intent. What you want to happen when you create the effect- unlock the door, hide my footsteps, change my face.
Strength. The Strength of the incantation directly correlates with Effect used for challenge rolls: limited, normal, great, and legendary effect. During the Origin phase of play, your woodlander will be more inexperienced with more powerful magick, and will incur more sacrifices and consequences for incantations that aren't limited strength. That isn't to say they can't attempt-- it'll just be much more dangerous for them.
Sacrifice. What you will give. The higher the Strength, the more you sacrifice. Time, blood, memory, sanity-- whatever you want.
Major Arcana. The primary Arcana you draw from when using the effect. Unlocking a door sounds like chaos, as you pull on the metal to change and unlock, and changing your face might be night, as you shift your features to look like someone else.
Minor Arcana. The secondary Arcana you draw from, which can be the same as your Major Arcana. Unlocking the door might be chaos/night as you tug on shadows to bend the door to your will, and changing your face might be night/blood.
After you decide these five descriptors, you will attempt a challenge roll to create your effects, rolling your dice directly onto your pentacle. Prevailing causes your incantation to go off as intended, but Persevering or Faltering could cause things to go slightly different than what you planned or not right at all. Voila! You have improvised a spell!
Magick in Battle
Magick in Battle is a lot simpler because, well, I didn't reinvent the wheel a whole bunch here! Magick exploits are exploits just like any other, with Root, Bloom, and Duo effects that can the woodlander can use at will. In the fiction, woodlanders can call upon this magick so easily because they are rote incantations, similar to magical flourishes-- in the heat of Battle, a woodlander doesn't have time to improvise, pick sacrifices, and focus their intent. They just rely on what they know! They sacrifice small bits of energy, prepared components, and other minor things they are assumed to have prepared because they're the heroes, and they know what they're doing.
TL;DR in battle, you may not have time to improvise magick and get creative, but outside of battle, you have time to get weird and wacky with the incantations you speak-- if you can pay the cost.
If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading! I'll be posting on this blog semi-regularly as I develop this game, and I appreciate your interest and support!
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thisuserisanon · 3 months
i am here to publicly state that the long -> short hair bucky means EVERYTHING to me and i am here to prove why it should mean as much to you. (OR devesh ranting at 12:00am about bucky barnes..)
in my humble and honest opinion, that transition was a completely disconnect from his previous life. it not only means so much to me, but so much to him as a character and a person too. being able to make such a change and really just progress and move on as a human being is such a powerful and impactful statement that i don't see very often.
some of you may be saying "oh dev, its just a haircut like it isnt that deep" and to that i say that youre wrong! as everyone and their dog knows, bucky was forced into such an awful situation, one that i literally cannot even fathom due to the extremities that he faced. he was brainwashed, tortured, forced to kill and so much more and throughout that he was obviously unable to take care of himself.
getting out of that situation the way he did and then being told he just needed to move on and adjust to human life? honestly shocking. you can see how his character develops from when hes introduced to where he is today and i can say that i think the development of his character is really cool.
to dive into why i think the haircut means a lot to him would take me months to truly explain so at face value here it is. i do believe it changed him. whether that be from being able to take care of himself to having a disconnect from the past, i think it really did help. of course he suffers from nightmares and the permanent memories of his past, being able to control something and try and move on from those horrible times would mean absolutely everything to me and im sure that means a lot to him.
if we look at the first option, it would feel absolutely amazing to be able to take care and manage the way you look after years and years of having no control at all. the fact that he now has the ability to control the majority of his life and especially control how he looks is such a freeing thing that not many people truly understand.
if we look at the second option, it is honestly even better. finally being in control of something would lift such a heavy burden off his chest despite everything else that is weighing him down. while talking from personal experience is usually frowned upon while making statements i think it honestly is fitting. going through something so gruesome can and most likely will change you as a person. i know for a fact that if i were to be put through that, the first thing i would do is make a drastic change. whether that be cutting my hair off or whatever, that change that i'd make would be the most freeing thing in the world at that moment.
honestly i could rant about this for years if i wanted to but i'll shut up... anyways i think tumblrs turning into the spot for me to rant about my special interests!
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Welcome to my shop!
We have a lot of trinkets, tools, and pets! We can also have some things custom-made for you, if you'd like. Our door is always open, and we welcome anyone. Even if you don't buy anything.
The currency is coins, but we are willing to negotiate. We will often take items needed for crafting and such as payment.
We have cloaks of camouflage, which shift color to blend in to your surroundings.
We've got the lighthearted potions. A powder to make a person rhyme for a few hours, a candy that gives them a high voice for a day or two, and the kaleidoscope glasses cleaner. Makes em see everything like a kaleidoscope, obviously.
We've got the ones that alter emotions. Buy 2, get one free! Or you can mix and match to your heart's desire.
How about the soaps? One makes it so you never have to bathe again, it'll keep you clean. Another one makes mosquitoes terrified of you. Permanently.
Or there's the arm-band that gives you an outfit that morphs into whatever you deem fitting for the occasion.
As for the armband, I recommend wearing clothes underneath, just in case it malfunctions. Just leggings and a t-shirt. I've had angry customers wanting refunds and they were a pain in the knuckles.
Also, a pill that makes you not a loser. I take it daily. I don't think it's too effective.
There's the leaf crown that gives you the ability to photosynthesize... but your eyes will turn green while you're wearing it. Which isn't the worst of things. Green eyes are pretty.
There's a thermometer, it measures figurative warmth and cold.
We've got the magnet from the Shaggy Man in the Wizard of Oz. Makes people love you. Honestly, I think all the love potions are overrated.
We've also got bracelets with attachable charms including but not limited to: charisma, intelligence, stamina, strength, speed, stealth, wit, etc.
There is also a pocketknife that can never be lost, a notepad that takes notes for you, and a book that changes its story every time you finish it.
A pair of hair-pieces. You exchange it with a person, and it allows controlled, consensual telepathic communication. The simple ones are a button apeice. The multi-dimensional ones cost a seashell for a pair, but if you get the multiple dimension ones, I can offer you a discount.
We have nail polish that can turn your fingernails into claws that can cut through metal.
We've also got earrings that give you controlled selective hearing. And yes, we also carry the magnetic kind.
Some new items!
Bags, that when you put something into it, it does not have any weight. Great for traveling.
Little metal beetles that can be programmed to detect almost anything you'd like; such as water, warmth, certain types of plants, or even tracking animals.
Mirrors that show not physical appearance, but personality.
Hourglasses that measure the time until your next sneeze.
Candles. You can put a memory you want to forget into them, and then when it burns out, the memory will be gone.
Fish eggs. They're for fish about the size of a minnow, but you can use them to relay messages. They whisper in your ear. And all of the species have a hive mind, so you could use them to spy.
Well, the fish, we've also got birds. The parakeets will pretty much do what you tell them to. They're smarter than most. We've got the axolotls, they basically just look cute and question everything you do. Our crabs are crabby, our frogs can make it rain, toads will selectively eat the bugs you don't like, and turtles are pretty wise. The squirrels are excellent trackers, and can find almost anything. But they'll never shut up.
We're not supposed to sell the hawks because they have an extremely keen sense of justice, and have injured their owners for being prejudiced or unjust. If I made an exception, you'd have to raise it from a fledgling, to raise it loyal to you.
We are currently working on getting larger animals. Ferrets coming soon!
You'd have to sigh a waiver for that though.
Some new pets!
Monkeys! They're pretty awesome. No magical abilities, but quite well behaved and very fun to spend time with. But they need a lot of enrichment.
Glow worms that can read books to you.
Caribou. Very friendly and great emotional support.
Hummingbirds. They bring better luck.
Sloths. They sleep so you don't have to. This is literal. If you let them sleep, you will not need sleep.
If you're interested in buying something from my shop, feel welcome to come in! Speak to one of these people if you want to buy something, or have something custom made.
Firefly: Troubled past, silly, easy to please, cares deeply about people and is a fierce fighter. Gone most of the time on quests and such.
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Ohtacaro: Quiet, smart, stereotypical ninja, has a cat named Randir. He and Otsi'stia have a sign language that they came up with for private conversations.
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Otsi'stia: She is clever, practical, and the twin sister of Ohtacaro. She is less withdrawn than he is, but usually won't start a conversation for no reason. Hates small talk. Will get straight to the point.
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Hotaru: Cheerful, hyper, enthusiastic. She's innocent and loves everyone. She just wants to help people. She is easily fascinated by little things. Especially koi fish.
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Jon: Has a sense of humor, charming, and loves books. He is good at planning and dealing with people. He won't take abuse, and won't let you abuse his friends, either. He hates it when things get awkward.
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Rena: A little bit bossy. She can be a grouch. You do NOT want to get on her bad side. But the number one way to get on her bad side is to be mean to Hotaru. She goes on runs to clear her head, and is currently taking anger management courses, because Jon and Lilian made her do it.
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Lilian: The comforting, motherly one. She'll probably invite you in for a cup of tea, or babysit your pets or children or irresponsible friends. She wants you to be okay. She usually has calming music playing in the background, and she can be really poetic when she wants to be.
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Soraya: The mechanic/scientist/inventor. Not a great fan of eye contact. Shy, as in, almost never speaks to anyone. Has her own space to work in, and stays there most of the time, but often goes to the library, or to the abandoned lot to test things out. She is extremely intelligent and a problem solver.
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17 notes · View notes
FINALLY, the next Chapter of Death & Flowers is here, featuring Cardinal Copia and OC Ollie.
Thank you all for being so patient with me. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with things when you have a full-time job and 4 kids you are raising lol. I appreciate all your support so much 🥰
Death & Flowers
It hadn't been serious, it never was with him. While Papa was suave and Ollie enjoyed their time together it wasn't meant to be. She knew it wasn't something meant to last…something permanent but—here she was. It was only one missed pill and life forever changed.
Chapter 11: An Emeritus Son
Also available HERE on AO3. Haven't started yet? Start from the beginning HERE.
Commissions are now OPEN, please see pinned post for carrd info!
SFW below the cut, overall fic is NSFW
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Copia left his office only moments after Sister Imperator. His face was pale white, with only his freckles giving him the faintest hint of color. He had so many mixed emotions. There was relief, finally having an answer to where he came from. But the most prevalent was the shock.
The knowledge that Sister was his mother, of all people, however made so much sense. All the time she spent doting on him, nurturing him—the signs were all there. Copia ran his hand through his hair, scratching his head as he continued struggling taking it all in. While it was easy to accept Sister as his mother, the truth he could hardly bring himself to accept was the revelation of his father. 
“Cardi…that's not all I wish to tell you…this might come as a bit of a shock.” Sister Imperator swallowed back. 
“What else could you possibly tell me that is more of a shock than this?”
“Your father, well your father is Papa Nihil. It was a long time ago and I was so young and…”
The memories of their conversation, flooding back to him. Sister’s words echoing like whispers in his mind. No wonder she was in such a rush to get him to take control of Ghost, hinting to him that he should become Papa—he was always meant to be Papa. With all the chaos swirling in his head from the news, Copia could hardly think of anything else. His thoughts however, were never far from Ollie. 
What would she say? Finding out he was her baby's uncle—Terzo's brother. Would it change anything for her? She'd already been through more than any one deserved to in a lifetime. Copia, wondering if this would finally be “the thing” they couldn’t come back from. 
He struggled hard with it, drifting down the hall towards the refectory as the “what ifs” played in his mind. He was nothing short of desperate for another cup of coffee and a need to be away from his office. He arrived, like dissociating on a drive home, without being exactly sure how he got there. The familiar halls, lined in old paintings and crypts of long gone clergy members whose bones laid to rest within the walls, were nothing but a faint blur. 
The Cardinal tried his best to maintain appearances, smiling and nodding to siblings as he passed. Knowing most of them found him to be awkward at best. How would they feel knowing it was the heir to the miter and not just in title? Would they accept him? Did those responsible for his brothers murders know? 
Inside he was an absolute mess. Exhausted, not only physically, with his lack of sleep, but the constant stress and questioning leaving him running on fumes for days, perhaps months. Finally a bright ray of light in the darkness, he thought as he caught sight of Cumulus sitting at one of the tables, pensive and troubled. She was obsessively twisting around a lock of her hair and unable to get comfortable in her seat. He approached her wondering what she had learned. What was making her normally bubbly and lighthearted demeanor, so distressed?
As he got closer, he began to second guess himself. Unsure if he really wanted to know anymore "answers" today after all. The image of Ollie spurred him on, knowing that at the root of it all was his love for her and the want—the absolute need to protect her and their child. He continued on, smiling when Cumulus got sight of him. The ghoulette, looking even more nervous than before.
"Buona giornata a te ghuleh, spero che ti abbia trovato bene." Copia began, grabbing the nearest pitcher of coffee from the cart and sitting down beside her. Cumulus turned towards him, her posture still tense and unsure.
"Papa." She began, her words faulting. Worried what speaking her truth would mean. Alpha was the keeper and he had indeed threatened Ollie and Copia. His motives however were woven by his fear. A fear earned for someone was out to frame the ghouls for Terzo and the other Papa's deaths and he knew it, and he believed Copia was involved. 
It wasn't true, it absolutely couldn't be. The thought of her sweet Cardinal being involved, sent shivers down the ghoulette's spine. Her tail, twitching with the sensation and catching Copia's attention as it flicked against his back. Copia placed his hand on her shoulder to ground her.
"Cumulus, what have you learned?" 
"I know who the keeper is." Cumulus admitted, shaking as the words left her in fear. The little hairs along her ashen skin, standing on end as she waited for Copia’s reaction. 
"Who? Who is it?" The Cardinal begged, his rage burning behind his mismatched eyes. He was indeed ready to fight, to end the misery that was being caused. Cumulus swallowed back the knot in her throat before speaking.
"Copia please, don't do anything rash…please hear me out before you go making any decisions." She began, leaving him feeling dumbfounded. He relaxed back down into his chair, having jolted up with the news. He smoothed out the fabric of his cassock and adjusted his biretta on his head to aid himself in gathering his composure.  
Why would she protect them? He thought, doing everything in his power to settle himself enough to hear her speak. "I'm ok…please tell me." He beseeched her, his tone, much more level and collected than before.
"I went to the den and spoke with Alpha." The ghoul's name sent Copia back to on edge, knowing just how close he was with both Omega and Terzo. "He admitted that he has suspected all along something wasn't right about Ollie's baby and that he believes wholeheartedly that someone is out to frame us ghouls for the Papas' deaths. He also admitted that he has been the one sending you the letters—he’s the Keeper." 
"I see." Copia said, running his fingers over his mustache.  
"Copia…Alpha thinks you may be in on it. He thinks it's all a conspiracy to allow you to ascend…" Cumulus explained, watching the color drain from his face.
"He's wrong my dear ghuleh, I can assure you of that but…” Copia swallowed, “...he is right to be suspicious. I–I have something to tell you." he told her, his gaze falling to his lap. Cumulus took in a deep breath, she knew whatever it was, it was not going to be good.
“What? What is it Cardinal?”
Copia confessed to Cumulus his truth. She was surprisingly understanding, despite how bad things sounded. Copia could swear that the ghoulette was his only remaining friend. Between Ollie, the baby, and all the mystery surrounding his recent appointment,  he had secluded himself. Finding it hard to keep up with any outside relationships, when all that mattered right now was Ollie and the baby. 
After the initial shock of the news, Cumulus could feel it. Deep in the brimstone and astral dust that made her, Copia was telling the truth. This whole time he too was a pawn in a much bigger game being played. One that he had no idea he was in, that none of them had, and while his ascension seemed to be the will of  those in behind the scenes, Copia had no part in it—at least not willingly. As Cumulus took off back to the den to settle Alpha’s suspicions, hopefully ceasing the letters and taunting, Copia decided to head up to the Papal suites. With his soul unburdened from truth and his dear friend on his side, he found a new determination to make things right with Ollie. 
As Copia walked back down the hall he passed Dr. Cunetto. The Doctor had just barely caught his attention, carrying his black bag and looking as if he were to accompany Copia up the main stairway. It was only then that the Cardinal remembered—Ollie had an appointment today. Copia furrowed his brow and brought his hand to his face. How could I forget something this important?
Surely the intensity of the day had led to his absentmindedness, but to him this was unforgivable. He tapped the doctor’s shoulder to catch his attention. “Oh Cardinal, on your way up?” Dr. Cunetto asked him. Copia sheepishly smiled and nodded as they both headed up the stairs. 
Ollie pulled herself up waiting for the doctor to arrive. Her nerves frayed and her head spinning at the change in position. She had spent so long in bed she thought she might go mad. Her mind, still heavy with the thoughts of Copia and his secrets. 
She was fast approaching her third trimester and soon a child would be born to the Emeritus bloodline. A child that she was working so hard to keep safe—his true parentage hidden. She noticed her heart had begun to soften. Accepting that her lover was only trying to protect her and this child with his actions. Keeping things from her to prevent harm from befalling them. A child that wasn’t even his. She still felt the sting of anger inside, angry for constantly being left in the dark.
Since her child’s conception, she felt like she was an unwitting participant in something sinister. Her baby’s  life, constantly hanging in the balance. She missed her independence, her ability to only worry for herself. Selfish, she thought as she ran her hand over the swell of her belly. The little boy, kicking strong inside her, reminding her that it was not about her anymore.
She sniffled back and wiped her eyes, when the sound of the front door brought her out of her thoughts. Within a few short moments, Dr. Cunetto and Copia walked in. Her sweet Copia, she couldn’t help but love him so much.  She felt happy to see him, finally deciding to pull herself out of the self-wallowing abyss she had insisted on dwelling in. 
For the first time in days she could see him for what he was. A man who loved her unconditionally—and her child. Ollie couldn’t say if it was the hormones or not, but she was ready to leap off the bed and into his arms. Showering him with kisses and professing her love in droves to make up for lost time. Spouting apologies for her insipid behavior towards him. 
She knew he only ever did it to protect her and it was time she was a big girl. Accepting things as they were and not as they could have been. Letting go of her anger and coming into her own. Finally standing up for herself. 
She remained quiet as Copia came to sit beside her on the bed. Choosing not to turn away from him. A welcome fact that did not go unnoticed. Her small gesture, giving him hope that things would be ok. 
“Sister Olive, are you ready for me?” Dr. Cunetto asked as he sat his bag down on the bedside table. The feet on the bottom of his bag clinking as it hit, sending Copia wincing from the discomfort of hearing it. 
“I think so.” Ollie told him as she glanced over to Copia, whose eyes were now fixed on her. He reached out to grab her hand when there was a knock at the door. 
“Come in.” Copia called out and within moments, one of the water ghoulettes entered the room. Bringing with her a portable ultrasound machine. The ghoulette smiled at them and quietly handed the equipment over to Dr. Cunetto.
“I apologize for being late doctor.” she told him, as she glanced around the room. Marveling at the lush bedding, the vaulted ceilings, and the ornate tapestries that hung from the walls. Even letting out a gasp when she saw the old wooden carvings, inlaid with actual gold embellishment, that lined the archway of the master bathroom. It was clear she had never been in a Papal suite before and was in awe of its grandeur. Losing herself in her observation as Dr. Cunetto spoke. 
“No worries Isle, thank you so much.” he said, reminding her to mind herself. The ghoulette smiled and looked over to the coupe upon the bed.  
“Yes thank you.” Copia and Olive said in unison—both amused at the time of their shared expression of gratitude. As the ghoulette took her leave, the doctor wasted no time in booting up the machine. Both Copia and Ollie, anxious to see the baby doing well and praying to Lucifer that things were as they should be. Copia watched her, his heart aching as he saw the worry begin to fall over her face. 
Thankfully it wasn’t long before he saw it—Ollie's smile pulling at her lips. It had been so long since he'd seen it, but seeing that the baby, safe and sound within her womb had brought it back. He was forever grateful for that moment. His whole world, beginning and ending with that smile. Her happiness, paramount to his own. 
“Copia.” Ollie said tearfully looking up at him. The Cardinal, beginning to tear up on his own as he squeezed her hand within his. 
“I know amore. He’s getting so big.” Copia stammered, holding back his tears and smiling down at her while Dr. Cunetto took some measurements. The doctor was quiet which made them both a bit uneasy but the relaxed look on his face didn’t give away anything. It was a few agonizing moments before he spoke again. 
“Good news Sister, Cardinal. Everything seems to be going ok, I am not continuing to see any evidence of bleeding or issues. I feel like, with light duty and some restrictions, we should be able to allow Sister Olive to come off bed rest.” Dr. Cunetto smiled. Copia and Ollie were so excited. Ollie was so ready to be out of the suite and both her and her Cardinal, thrilled the baby was doing ok. As the excitement calmed and the doctor wrapped things up with Ollie, the reality set back in for Copia.
He still had more secrets to tell her. His heart, torn having just made progress with her only moments ago. Even Copia had just learned the information himself. He knew deep down he would need to tell her and now. Holding back would only hurt her more and create the same problem over again. And this time he would have no excuse for keeping things from her. 
As the door fully shut behind Dr. Cunetto, Ollie was already up and getting dressed. Copia, smiling as he waved the doctor off down the hall. When he returned to the bedroom, the Cardinal couldn’t help chuckling to himself. Watching Oliie, tossing out habits left and right from her drawers until she found the one she liked. 
“Excited?” he laughed.
“Very! Though I can’t find anything since the ghouls organized it all.” she sighed, wading through the mess of clothing. 
“Well that can’t be helped I suppose. They did their best.” Copia reasoned, Ollie nodding in agreement. “Ollie, we need to talk.”
“Copia, you’re right. I am so sorry I was so harsh on you. I know you never meant to hurt me…” the words spilling out of Ollie so fast, Copia barely had time to comprehend them. 
“No…no Ollie. It’s ok I am not talking about that.” he smiled softly as he watched her face turn to confusion.
“Oh, what then?”
“I had a meeting today with Sister Imperator.” Copia began, pulling at his collar, loosening it around his tightening throat. 
“She told me something that I need to remain, for now, between us.”
“Copia just spit it out already, what is it?”
“She told me that I am her son.” he said point blank. It took a moment for the words, and their gravity, to fully hit her. 
“Oh…I mean that's good right? You finally know where you come from, though I can think of better mother figures.” Ollie smiled, trying to lighten the mood. 
“That’s not all. She told me that my father…my father is Papa Nihil.” 
“Wait…Copia? You’re…no, you can’t—you just can’t." 
"Yes…” Copia began, his chest aching as he watched Ollie’s heart break. “I’m HIS brother Ollie. I am so sorry…but this changes—" 
"This can't be right. Maybe she's made a mistake." she panicked, head spinning and broken at the implications of his words. She could hear her heart pounding, sparking her baby to move inside her. Ollie, instinctively bringing her hand to her belly. "...this means you're—"
"I’m…I’m the baby's uncle. I'm an Emeritus. Ollie I'm so sorry I had no idea. Never in my life had anyone explained anything to me. No one had—"
"The eye." Ollie said plainly, both her and Copia staring at each other. The truth was hidden in plain sight. After all this time it had never occurred to either of them that he might be related to them. The only explanation the Cardinal had ever heard as a child was that his eye was “a blessing from Satanas to those who would be worthy of his ranks”. Now both of them were painfully aware that the trait was, indeed, inherited.
Ollie sat back down on the bed, her crumpled up habit gripped tightly in her hand as she stared off into space. Copia went to sit beside her again, watching the tears silently falling down her face. She had spent so much time in tears since they’d been together. Some of them were joyous, but more often than not, he found them in sorrow. He wished for her to never cry out of unhappiness again. 
“Amore?” Copia said as he pulled Ollie close to him. She allowed him to hold her, her head falling onto the broadness of his chest as she cried. It was warm and comforting there. Like a childhood bed that felt safe and sound. How she wished you could stay there forever. 
“It’s just always so much, you know? Just as I feel I can catch my breath, enjoy my life, be excited for the future…the rug is pulled out from under me. The air taken from my lungs. What does this even mean Cope?” she asked him.
“I will become Papa. Other than that, this changes nothing. That baby is still mine and I will love him as such for the rest of my life. Nothing anyone else can say will change that. What happened before doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters to me now is you—and him. Do you understand me?”
“He’s not your son Copia.” she said softly, her heart wanting to tear into pieces within her chest. A patchwork of a thing that it had become, now barely holding itself together. Copia squeezed her tightly, his fingers tangled in her hair as he brought her face up to kiss him. 
A deep, wholly felt kiss. They had desperately needed it. Longing deep down to be within each other’s arms. Copia pulled away a moment to face her. Looking into her sparkling eyes as he pushed back the unruly locks of her red hair that had fallen into her face. 
“HE will be.”
Buona giornata a te ghuleh, spero che ti abbia trovato bene. -Good day to you ghuleh, I hope it has found you well.
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cattstarr · 3 months
Questions I found that I'mma answer to distract me from the Big Sad™
1. How long is your "now"?
The amount of time it takes to say the word.
2. What was the moment where you felt most motivated?
When I started my first day of college. Boy, that sure bottomed out. 🙄
3. If you won the lottery, what would your "today" look like in five years?
Moderate sized apartment with a few pets and gizmos to keep me amused.
4. What are you holding onto that’s holding you back?
I honestly have no idea. If I knew what was holding me back, I would be able to be proactive about it.
5. If you didn’t know your age, how old would you think you’d be?
I think physically I look my age but if I'm basing it off of my personality, it fluctuates between like 6 and 12.
6. Do you "work to live" or "live to work"?
7. Do you hate or love better?
My husband stayed happily by my side until the bitter end. I made a lot of mistakes, but my love for him guided me. There was a time where I'd say I hate better, but that time is behind me. 🩵
8. Would you rather lose all your memories or never be able to make new ones?
I would gladly be unable to make new ones. My best days are permanently behind me.
9. How do you measure success?
1:1 Success : Happiness
10. If you restarted your life from scratch, would you end up in the same place?
I don't know. Assuming I know everything I do now may already fuck with my timeline. But I would be more considerate and compassionate and I would try to find my husband sooner.
11. What is something you do differently than anyone else you know, and why?
I'm in my 30s and my marriage will be 21 this year. Seems like everyone I know struggles to find someone worth dedicating all their time to. And most people are bitter about romance, frequently calling me a liar about how mine was conducted.
12. What job would you do if you weren’t paid?
I don't understand the question... 😅
13. What is one part of your everyday routine that you'd be better off without?
Probably crying.
14. Can you ever commit a truly selfless deed?
Depends on your philosophy on that, I guess. Because it's not selfish to be happy with yourself for doing something helpful for someone else.
15. What previous dream do you see the most meaning in?
Bout a month ago I dreamed my husband sent me a decoded message from beyond the grave. I couldn't understand it because it was too encrypted. But he apparently left me clues throughout the history of our relationship and the more I tried to solve the message, the more confused I became.
Another one, I thought I saw him in a crowd outside so I ran to him but I couldn't find him. And then I was lost and alone.
16. What’s a question you wish people would ask when they meet you for the first time?
Idk 🫠
17. If you could have coffee with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
If my husband isn't possible, then Maynard James Keenan.
18. Is life a computer simulation?
I really fucking hope so.
19. Do we have control over technology, or does it have control over us?
Depends on the person.
20. How can a single moment have the power to change everything?
If my husband never spoke to me, I'd be a wildly different person now.
21. What if there were no experts, but everyone knew a little about everything?
22. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what about reality?
...again, what?
23. How much influence does a person’s name have over the course of their life?
I guess it depends on if they meet people who like their name a lot.
24. What happens if aliens are real?
I guess nothing because I'm assuming they already are.
25. If you had to support the idea that aliens weren't real, what would you say?
If aliens were real, I feel like we'd have more evidence of that now.
26. Who decides what the "right" thing is?
That's a funny topic. Everyone believes they're doing the right thing and yet we all bump heads so much. I don't think anyone alive is qualified for that decision.
27. Is time a construct?
Scientifically speaking you can see time occurring. If time truly did not exist, then decay and aging wouldn't be possible. We wouldn't have entropy.
I have a theory that before the Big Bang, time probably didn't exist. But entropy causes the flow of time. So when the universe was born, entropy pushed it to expand, change and grow. And entropy's push is time.
28. Why do most people work five days per week instead of four? Three? Two?
Because capitalism.
29. What shape is the sky?
30. Who knew what time it was when the first clock was made?
My assumption is that it was based on the sun or moon's position. So they either started counting at midnight or noon.
What’s better: Being a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond?
Depends on how lazy you are, ig.
32. Was math created or discovered?
Math was designed to decode the world around us. It's a language that explains the universe. So it's a little of both.
33. Is fate a real thing?
Yes. 🩵
34. Does the "truth" exist, or is it all subjective?
Events only happen one way. The truth cannot be subjective.
35. Can you cry underwater?
You still produce tears, so yes.
36. Why is it called a "building" if it’s already built?
It can always be built upon.
37. At what point does working for a better life become an unhealthy obsession?
When it cannot be done.
38. What is your mother like?
Hot headed and vocal.
39. What is your father like?
40. What happened when you got in trouble as a child?
I'd get yelled at.
41. What is your greatest strength?
Husband says I'm amazing in a crisis.
42. What is your greatest weakness? 
43. What are some of your fondest memories?
Getting lit with Bunny and rocking out. 🐇 🎶
44. Who took care of you as a kid?
My parents.
45. What is the meaning of life? What is the meaning of your life?
Life has no inherent meaning to me. The meaning of my own life was my husband.
46. What was the moment where you felt most grateful?
When my bunny got me presents.
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d0etickk · 3 months
What are Hosts?
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Hosts are the chosen bodies of The Stag. They contain a piece of The Stag in the form of a parasite, which forms a permanent mental and spiritual link that It uses to communicate and change the Hosts’ mind/body over time.
Hosts serve as a means for The Stag to feed directly from the mortal world. A constant stream of energy to keep It alive and powerful enough to continue having influence over the physical plane.
Can almost be considered direct extensions of The Stag’s being, since they keep a piece of It alive. Hosts do retain a certain amount of autonomy from The Stag’s thoughts and desires, depending on strength of will and connection to their own humanity, as well as how long they have been a Host.
Flesh is the body of your lord. Blood is your holy water. Feed, feed, feed.
How does one become a Host?
One must be infected by The Stag when It has taken a physical body. The parasite must enter the Host and embed itself into the brain, eventually growing root-like appendages throughout the Host’s body.
Initial infection(lasting up to a full day or two in a normal human victim) causes fever, body aches, nausea, fatigue, ravenous hunger, lapses in memory(one often blocks out the memory of the infection process), and intense mood swings(often swaying towards aggression). Symptoms ease once parasite fully integrates itself into the Host’s brain and nervous system.
Hosts are often stalked as children and influenced into adulthood until their bodies are strong enough to survive being infected, as well as capable enough to feed The Stag. It may also choose already adult Hosts, though, depending on how much they fit the bill and how desperate The Stag is for a steady source of energy.
Sometimes employed to scout out potential for new Hosts, and aid in the luring of targets. Especially used as punishment if a Host kills another.
Diet changes to require raw meat, preferably fresh red meat. Bodies require an overall more carnivorous lifestyle. Can be animal, or human. Hosts are still able to consume normal, non-raw foods, they just don't "hit the spot".
As a channel of It’s energy, Hosts become predisposed to sadism and geared towards self-preservation. Animalistic desires are amplified. Flesh, blood, sex, survival, THE HUNT, etc. Hurray
Hosts undergo gradual mutations throughout their lives, none completely identical to the other, both intentionally induced by The Stag and as a byproduct of its very nature. More or less noticeable depending on lifestyle, and how much they embrace The Stag’s influence. Antlers are the one common trait, alongside sharper teeth as they fall out and grow back in.
Go through seasonal antler cycles much like deer.
The longer a Host lives, the more uncanny their appearance becomes.
Hosts are infertile. The Stag has no use for offspring not capable of immediately earning their keep. Energy maintaining the reproductive system is used elsewhere.
When starved long enough, Hosts enter a wild animal-like state where they become largely unresponsive, and seek only to satiate their cravings. They become very accident prone in this state as well. Know those videos of dogs smashing through glass/screen doors chasing something, or deer crashing into windows and acting confused about it? Yeah that’s what its like.
Overall heightened senses; can track basic scent trails, see in the dark fairly well(eyes reflect light like an animal), hearing and light sensitivity is higher.
Higher pain tolerance. Can easier ignore injuries in favor of not showing weakness.
Pupils expand and contract much like a cat’s(pupil remains circular), teeth grow back if knocked out.
Boosted endurance, greater muscle capability(can result in harm/overexertion easier, though), greater healing capability(lethal injury is no longer lethal, if taken decent care of. Broken bones heal much quicker), beefed up immune systems, can digest raw flesh and drink dirty water no issue.
Less in control of their own emotions, especially anger, or hunger. Generally more impulsive.
Can overexert themselves easier, due to bodily restrictions being less mentally registered.
MUST eat raw meat as part of their diet, or become unstable/feverish.
Mutations over time are not always completely beneficial, especially far down the line. Can pose harm or discomfort to the Host.
Can never truly sleep peacefully. Nightmares and insomnia are very common.
Can’t easily blend into society during antler months. Both because of antlers, and heightened emotional instability/appetite.
Sensitive towards loud sounds and bright light. Becomes easily disoriented/overstimulated by these things.
Fun facts
Hosts are generally considered pests/creatures to people(like proxies, demons, etc) who are versed in earth’s freaky supernatural shit. They're like bears you find rummaging through your trash or antagonizing pets. Or mysterious beasts picking off livestock. They're dangerous and unpredictable, but also annoying and kinda stinky.
Hosts are much less in number compared to proxies. Both because they blend in less to society, but also because the process in choosing/grooming a Host is much more lengthy and energy-consuming.
There is no cure to the parasite other than death once it fully integrates.
Hosts are not known to get along very well together, despite being children of the same entity. They often avoid each other, and collaborate only in desperate situations.
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literalliterature · 8 months
I'm oblivious to DND so I'm very curious about Kenku's conceptually, but Yonder sounds like the Most Character ever. Corvids are so much fun/it tracks. Which of the asks did you want to get for them? Keet 🌂 Onyx ❤️✂️ Aisling: why does she feel trapped?
I love kenku and am so glad to finally play one. They are literally just little guys, to me. In the official lore, they are flightless and can only speak by parroting what other people say, but I found the second bit to be a bit too limiting for a player character. Instead, Yonder can speak more or less normally, but they are an uncanny mimic of others' voices and, when they're not paying attention, sometimes slip into the voices of others, including those who are no longer alive.
Anyway, in terms of the meme, the question of whether I would ever kill them off is interesting because uh. The short answer is yeah, maybe, lmao. They are actually quite afraid of dying and the associated rot and decay. However, they are currently trying to resurrect their dead family members (their older sister in particular), and since they are a character in a horror campaign, there's a good chance that will all end with them either dying (perhaps in order to take their sister's place) or becoming something that transcends life and death, in which case it's arguable whether they would be "Yonder" anymore.
🌂 What genre do they belong in?
I think Keet is pretty well suited to the adventure genre that she's in, but I have also said before that she kind of behaves as though she were a shounen anime protagonist lmao. Very power-of-friendship (and violence) kind of girl. Perhaps paradoxically, she also wouldn't be entirely out of place in some kind of horror/dark fiction, as we know now that her memory loss is due to her having died before and, long story short, she now sees dead people and has unlocked wacky psychopomp abilities that she doesn't know what to do with yet.
❤️ What is one of your OC’s best memories?
They have a lot of remaining good memories of the princess whom they loved and protected as a knight. While she had several lovers, including among her knights, she had various little ways of indicating in front of everyone that Onyx was particularly favored, and they remember all of those.
✂️ What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
In the first game that I played with them, there was a moment when an enemy hit them with a psychic attack of sorts that made them relive their single worst moment. As I told my GM at the time, what they saw was not discovering the princess dead, not being sentenced to death in the tar pits, but falsely confessing to the dead under torture.
I'm going to answer the question about Aisling under the cut due to spoilers. IRL people who play with me do not look please and thank you ckjdvbdvabg
When they were still a teenager, Aisling was imprisoned for killing a guard during a botched heist. Without going into detail, they spent a couple of years there (prior to breaking out and fleeing the city-state) being almost constantly dehumanized and abused in ways physical and psychological. Also, before all this happened, they had some pretty impressive fire powers, but as a prisoner, they underwent a ritual that prevented them from ever being able to channel that magic properly again. The magic still exists, though, and without a way to escape, it can do (and has done) a lot of internal damage to their body that is sort of reminiscent of certain autoimmune conditions. All of this combined means that, obviously, her life has been permanently changed in ways that she had no control over, and she simply cannot do a lot of things that used to come easily for her previously. (On top of the chronic pain, she struggles a lot with social phobia and borderline agoraphobia, for example.) Basically, no longer physically confined but constantly reminded of the limitations imposed on her by her experience, etc. etc.
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furrbbyx · 1 year
The Orc’s Obsession: Epilogue
If you haven’t seen this part on A03 then you’re going to be very happy to see it now. 
I plan to continue this story with a new Yan: (Y/N)
Anyway. Get caught up with the ending details and get ready for a new chapter.
cw: crying, court proceedings, reeducation camp, nightmares, PTSD, murderous rage, maladaptive daydreaming, nightmares come true, stalker returns
approx 700 words
You clutch at your father and best friend weeping, with your head burried in Kalani's shoulder. Around the room is entirely dark except for the harshly lite dais and the dimly lite shadow figures standing in a row in front of the accused.
The figures have just pronounced Bagul's guilt and punishment in a resonating echoing mix of their five voices. Two police materialized and took Bagul to meet his fate and reassignment at the hands of the mysterious overlords that governed.
You shut your eyes tight hoping to avoid Bagul's glare even though he can hardly see through the solid darkness that hid the jury and audience.
The nightmare is finally over.
Much of your life is back to normal for months following the trial. You start to build back your trust in people but maybe your avoidant tendencies have grown stronger. It's hard to connect with others.
Happiness returns after you're officially sure your orc kidnapper hasn't bred you. You cry for days after that weight has lifted. You still have harsh scars from the ordeal. Any normal person would. Yet, there's a surreal quality to your memories that confuses you. Sometimes you wake up with your heart beating and you honestly can't tell if you were having a wet dream or a bad one.
Sometimes you ache and tremble when you think about the intense orgasms, and the heart-exploding dash for your life. Bagul's spraying blood is the backdrop to fantasies that send cold fear rippling up your spine. If Kalani hadn't come would you really have tried something more permanent to deal with the orc?
How would I hide the body?
Those intrusive thoughts are where you draw the line, shaking your head to clear the murderous daydreams.
Nearly a year passes and you readjust so well that you're feeling healthier and more in control of your anger and bloodlust everyday.
The season was changing from the hot long nights of summer to the unpredictably cool ones of fall. But today is bright and sunny and warm, the wind still smells like freshy mowed grass. You walk into your job. Even though the customers can really try your patience at the small drink shop you're feeling so good that no Karen could ruin it. Someone waves at you enthusiastically after a few steps inside. You don't know the person but you raise your hand awkwardly to return the greeting when a shiver rolls over your skin.
"Babe!" the waver, a tall thin woman with a blunt geometric haircut, crop, top and oversized jeans squeals in a babyish tone. She's prancing toward you when you hear someone behind you clear their throat and then step past you to hug the woman.
The bulky body  of the person behind you pushes you out of the way and you clutch your bag in terror.
"Hey sweetie" The orc lifts up the woman causing delighted yelps and nuzzles her before looking over and shooting you the most heated challenging glare you'd ever seen. You felt melted to the spot sweat tricking down your back. Everything about him throws you off from his bald head to a few new piercings and silver bands on his tusks. He's dressed in all black, bulky ill fitting clothing and his beard is tied in two braids down the side of his protruding jawline.
HOW! your mind cries out trying to come to terms with the possibilities, with this new reality. Bagul should be kilometers away being retaught how to function as a productive and rule-abiding member of society.  And he definitely shouldn't be anywhere near your job
"Oh my GOSH I'm so glad you're out! I missed you!"
"Heh" Bagul chuckles putting down the woman. He grasps her shoulder and they walk towards the exit.
"Without you to keep me sane I never woulda got out on good behavior."
You're still standing in the middle of the shop dazed and utterly overcome by flashes of your kidnapping. Your mind seems to short out and a strong sense of fight or flight wracks your body before it settles in the pit of your stomach as a fight response tinged with rage and desperation. The indigestion of it all feels like the worst heartburn.
"Why were you in there anyways?"
"Ah nothin too bad...." The voices float away but your confusion, anxiety, and raw fear stays. You're suspended as your mind spirals, trapped again like you were back at the cabin.
NO! Please!
NO! another voice inside you growls furiously. You snap with an over-loud maniacal laugh that turns shrill and hysterical.
I wont let him get to me, you vow and clench your fists tight enough to make them ache.
I'll kill him first
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