#this originally had a lot more keysmashes
valeriianz · 3 months
for the fic writer asks, 18 and 23 - whichever fic you wanna talk about! :)
18: Talk about your editing and revision process
this goes for all my fics, but it's chaos. i edit as i write, which is why it takes me a hundred years to update anything (i know i shouldn't. but i am getting better at just... keysmashing words and making it pretty later. idk why thats so hard for me to do. my brain is very silly).
and i've found that the longer i spend on a piece of work/chapter- the more i revise and edit it- the more i like it personally. i'm always so impatient to get something published that i often forget that if i just give myself an extra day or two to edit it a little more, it will be so much better. sometimes i'll even realize a scene i had doesn't work, or i want it to be something different. sitting on a piece of work and continuing to daydream about it, even after you think it's done, is so beneficial to the story, i think.
23: How did you come up with the title?
Bolt in the Blue was originally gonna be called "Shout" lol. i was wracking my brain for a title and of course, turned to my playlists for inspiration. "Bolt in the Blue" by LPX (one of my fav songs by her) came on and the energy of the song inspired me. the song itself has nothing to do with the fic, but the title caught my attention. it's another way to say the phrase "bolt from the blue," which basically means getting caught by surprise; something completely unexpected happening. and like, yeah. Hob goes through a lot of surprises in the fic haha. falling in love with Dream was probably very unexpected <3
also Dream's eyes are blue lmao
fic writer asks
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
Why is trying to make friends in this fandom so hard?
hey it's okay
I don't have a reference point for how hard or easy it is to make friends compared to other fandoms because tmnt is the first fandom I've made an effort to make friends in, but I will share a few things I've learned
-just post. at first you will get 2 or 3 notes on a phenomenally good day. but keep posting. the more posts you have the better an idea people have of what you're about and therefore want to follow you. btw this doesn't have to be original posts, reblogging is good for this too
-related, make sure you're tagging in a way that people can find your stuff. tmnt is great, but if you specifically love the 2012 show tag with tmnt 2012 so that other hard core 2012 fans are seeing your stuff. And if you hate the 2012 show (or whatever other show or character) tag bashing, being a considerate tagger will mean less likely to get blocked, and people who have that content filtered can feel safe following you if they never have to see it
-follow people. find the ones who post what you want to see, reblog their stuff, tag it with all the unfiltered keysmashes and emojis in your heart. the more chances people have to see you, the more likely they'll want to get to know you
-message people. I have lots of people in the fandom who I'm aware of and fond of but don't talk to, simply because it's a large fandom. there are probably people who are aware of and fond of you who don't know that you'd like to be friends. or even if they have no idea who you are, most people will respond positively to 'hey i like your posts/art/stories/gifs and I'd like to be friends'
-participate in events or ask games. start your own if you want. I met a lot of great people through March for Raph, made a lot of friends during the booping of April 1st, again in tmaynt. When I first got on tumblr I always felt shy about joining things, like a vampire who needed an individual invitation, but after running an event I realized that of course people just want participation. it's not weird or pushy, it's how fandom works and they'll be excited for you to be there
-if you have ao3 make your usernames match or put your link in your blog description. or other accounts if you use them to connect with people from tumblr just make that findoutable in some way. I just added my tumblr username to my discord bio today after realizing ppl in the server I'm in had no way of knowing I was also the same person who bothers them on tumblr lolol 💀. embarrassing for me but easy fix! and makes making friends easier because well, people will recognize you from around y'know?
-block people. don't be afraid it's not an insult. if they're consistently posting stuff you don't like, neither of you is hurt by blocking them. And if someone is actively mean to you definitely block them
I hope some of this helps. I'm really sorry you haven't found this easy. It is a large fandom so it does partially come down to luck. In my experience it's been a very welcoming community, I really hope that given time you find the same
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mommalosthermind · 3 months
Hey Book Mom, do you have anything you use to organize your thoughts for writing and plot?
I am deeply disorganized, tbh, and this will be similarly chaotic. But! I use scrivener, and I think I’ve finally managed to get my files under control in a way that’s sustainable for me, which I am going to ramble about now, because I can. Step one is pretty easy in that everything needs to have its own place, or I’m going to end up with a disaster on my hands. (Again.) So! I went through and neatened things up, and now my stuff looks like this at first glance:
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We’re doing to ignore the BKDK omegaverse file because there are over 20k words in there and I did NOT organize it properly and now I don’t even know where to begin trying to untangle the fifteen or so ideas all tangled up in there like a yarn-bin that’s been attacked by a litter of kittens. Ship name at the beginning of every doc means I don’t forget what the hell was in there but also puts all the same ships near each other, and this makes me very pleased. Is this obviously a thing I should’ve been doing from the beginning? Yeah probably. Did I have a bunch of things titled with random words or keysmashes instead? Yes again. Does that nifty list of fics go on for a while? Also yes.
I’ve got a file(project) per ship/character I want to write for, and within that document, I tend to have at least one file that’s just a numbered list of ideas. Those are usually a paragraph or stream of consciousness style plot over view—just really quick braindump because otherwise I’ll lose the idea. Stories that have more than that right off the bat are given their own file within the binder for that project. Then I can pull from the files list within that doc when I want to work on something that’s got a decent head start, or pull from one of the numbered ideas if I want to start something brand new.
Since that sounds messy AF, it looks like this:
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There are i think 38? Ideas in the numbered list for this one, plus the binder files here, which I had enough in my head at the time of writing to flesh out a decent amount past that initial paragraph. Things that I’m fiddling with or that have a *lot* of substance get their own project file, because I don’t edit, I rewrite. And then rewrite fifty million more times. For big projects, each chapter gets its own file, but for things that don’t necessarily have chapters, I end up with a file per draft, plus a place for the stuff I cut. I try to keep a place where I leave myself notes—things like “i want X to happen, but I have to go back and make Y happen for that to make sense” but since I tend to end up with multiple drafts, a large chunk of those notes end up at the bottom of the draft I’m working on. I do timelines, tracking characters… Scrivener has a nifty set up where I can change the icons, check things off, mark it as ‘to-do, revised’ and whatnot, which helps keep me on track because I *will* forget what I was doing and where I was going, and I don’t want to accidentally publish something that’s got something like (and then they fucking KISS you goddamn idiot HOW do we make them DO THAT) tucked away somewhere. There’s a monster Sterek fic I’ve been working on erratically for years, which looks like this:
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Chapter breakdowns is exactly what is says, a breakdown of what I want to have happen in each chapter. New chapters is where I’ve got stuff I haven’t written yet. There’s also a timeline, character sheets, images, floor plans, and ‘the original idea was knock-off beauty and the beast that got away from me’ notes. …One day I will finish that. Laying it out like this helped me realize part of the problem I was having was this isn’t one single story, and helped figure out where the sequel would start, so I could focus on one! Goddamn! Thing! At a time! Anyway. The file I’m currently working on is a lot more simple:
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Braindump is where I keep the original messy AF stream of consciousness idea for references. Outtakes is the cull file, and there’s enough in there apparently I decided I could cobble it into it’s own fic, so that’ll end up being put into the SSKK List when I’m done with this fic. Rough is the first attempt at a draft, the italicized one is a scene I was struggling with that I wrote from a different POV, and is where I’ve been essentially talking to myself to pin down details that aren’t currently being written, and current is… the current draft. I am very good at naming things. Within the current draft, I’ve got about 18k of actual story, and a fluctuating amount of scraps at the bottom. Since this is draft two, my scraps are bits from draft one that I’m fiddling with/attempting to improve (there’s three versions of the same conversation, for example, because I was trying to figure out what about it wasn’t settling correctly and now that I’ve figured it out I can shift the ones I’m not using to the cull file) with a bulleted list of things I want to hit (emotions, movements, etc) that will help with the flow of the scene I’m working on. So the bottom of my current wip tends to look a lot like: _You were going to do Thing when you opened this again! _This is what’s annoying me about this scene, take a look at it and see if it’s still annoying or if I was just cranky _stream of consciousness on how the scene is meant to look _thought about how to transition to next scene _entire section taken from draft one because it’s either being actively worked on or will be soon _Remember!! This!! Detail!!
This is a massively unnecessary response when the correct answer was probably “scrivener and so many files. So many goddamn files,” but eh. I’m procrastinating writing. 🤣
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ambidextrousarcher · 1 year
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Thanks for the tag @enigma-the-mysterious !
I have a fanfiction.net account that I have long stopped using, not least because I started disliking the site, as well as the character whose name I had used as my username on that site.
I had a Wattpad phase when I was 15. I haven’t opened that in years.
Definitely have an Ao3 account! AmbidextrousAecher
I do not like either reading or writing smut, maybe it’s part of my manifestation of aroace news.
I used to roleplay with someone who had been a friend of mine, online here on Tumblr.
I have beta read fics and fic related scenes for both former and current friends.
I have definitely published an unbeta’ed fic! Most of my early works in the Mahabharata fandom were unbetaed, as well as most of my fics for all other fandoms I have written in.
I have definitely written self-indulgent fics. A King’s Fortune is one I can think of immediately, though that one is angst central right now, as well as Let Not Sleeping Skunks Lie, which is the height of self-indulgence.
I usually write grammatically correct sentences, even in comments, something I have been teased for. No keysmashes, sorry.
Yes, I have left kudos on many fics twice, at least in the form of comments. @starlightasteria and her amazing fics are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
I do love me some good fluff sometimes!
No, I have not written for same sex ships. I don’t ship in general, with some very rare exceptions, all of which are somehow cishet ships.
Fan fiction is definitely a genre of its own!
Definitely multifandom. Mahabharata, ASOIAF, Jodhaa Akbar, Baahubali, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, have fics I have written fro them that are published, including two crossovers. I am writing a fic for the Thor (Marvel) movie, as well as have ideas for fics on the Ponniyin Selvan fandom, which I intend to execute. Oh! And I also have a fic for the TV serial Kuch Rang Pyaar Ke Aise Bhi, though most of that fandom would flame that fic, because it is very biased to the male lead, being in his PoV with a lot of canon divergences.
I enjoy research before writing! Have spent many happy hours in that.
If a mental outline counts, I keep an outline of sorts, yes.
Who doesn’t wait for feedback after publishing?
Haven’t received or commissioned art.
Have about 8-10 unpublished fics, mostly having Jaime Lannister in multiple universes.
I actually…like editing?
Oh, most of my ideas strike right before bed, in the middle of the night, or when I startle awake after a nightmare.
I don’t drink alcohol, tea or coffee, so those two are out.
Yes, I think I have a fic that deserves more attention. Darin is one of my favourite pieces that I have written, and hardly anyone reads it. (Understandable, it’s a Mahabharata crossover with the Hunger Games)
Yes, I hope to publish my novel series which is solely from Arjun’s PoV.
Sorry for not reblogging, I wasn’t able to, app glitch. Credit for the bingo to the original poster.
Tagging @harinishivaa @hum-suffer @selkiesstories @hindumyththoughts @favcolourrvibgior @chaanv
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moltara · 5 months
how do you name/organize your files?? sorry this isn't dissecting your art yet i just find that insanely interesting i have a friend who exclusively keysmashes and another who is SUPER meticulous
i'm very normal about my files <-lying
so i'm still working on tailoring my own personal art archive according to what works best for me, but here's what i've got so far on my laptop (it needs to be transferred to my hard drive still but i'm Lazy)
i previously tried sorting and labeling my files in folders divided by months corresponding to the date of completion for each drawing, but that was waaaayyy too complicated to keep track of since i don't always label the files when i complete them...as a result, it was a lot of guesswork for my older artwork and referencing things like my fucking tumblr archives to figure out when i drew certain things orz
this also didn't really work when i had projects i put down for months at a time. files from the same projects and drawings ended up divided between so many different folders it was sooooooooooo hard to keep track of them!!!
my current organization system is a bit of a wip, but here's the general idea of it:
inside my root archive folder, here are the subcategories i've created:
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comms is all the paid art commissions i've received
fanart is. well. fanart.
linocuts are all the linos i've done (the linocut category kinda takes precedence over the other categories, so fanart linos i've done are in here too! i just like to keep em in one place for easy access)
live2d is my live2d models, files, designs, wips, pngs, etc.
neopets is just where i've shoved all my neopets fanart. it could probably go inside the ocs folder but there's So much of it rn it deserves its own category for the time being.
ocs is all my oc artwork
original is all my original drawings
progress is all the progress timelines i've created of my work (bc i make a Lot of them and like to track them as the years go on)
store pics is the pics i've taken and edited for my etsy store! which admittedly could go inside of the linocuts folder but meh.
and then in each folder there's More sub-categories of folders.
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i'm slowly trying to go through each sub-category's folder and sort the works in it by date of completion too
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^^ like the folder on the left here
but i'm so lazy.
i also try to periodically go thru procreate and rename all my files based on the day they were created like this, for the sake of archiving:
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....but i forget a lot of the time. which results in my downloads folder looking like this more often than not
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mrs-steve-harrington · 5 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @elder-flower <3 Thank you for tagging me! You're awesome and I really enjoyed reading all your answers. I hope that it helped remind you that you ARE a writer (and a good one at that) despite the creative slump at the moment.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
205 (204 are currently visible, one is waiting for an exchange to reveal)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Stranger Things and The Babysitter and hoping to get back into more Free Guy after taking an anonymous comment a little too personally to the effect of no longer being able to write that fandom without shame
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a place where I feel at home (Stranger Things) (34,455 words) Day Four: Green With Envy (Stranger Things) (2,825 words) it's (not) just food (Stranger Things) (3,016 words) didn't mean to be too much (Stranger Things) (3,663 words) Mystery Spot Misunderstanding (Supernatural) (23,850 words)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! For one, I really do appreciate anyone taking the time to let me know they enjoyed my fic, however they choose to express that (keysmashes, emojis, "I liked this", etc all make me smile). For another, I know a lot of people won't comment at all if they see that the comments don't get replies. Alas, I am human and often forget. Recently I've replied to some comments years after they were left. I should do another replies sprint soon...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably this one: Trust (Free Guy (2021)) (7,755 words) It's a non-con/abusive relationship fic and the end has Keys sort of realizing just how fucked up everything is and realizing he can't even really remember his old friends' faces and yeah. Angsty!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm, I've got quite a few happy endings under my belt despite how difficult they are... Wow this was so hard I had to consult a friend. I have fewer happy endings than originally thought. Going with this one, though! a place where I feel at home (Stranger Things) (34,455 words)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on them, no, which sort of surprises me considering what I've posted the last year or more. But also I'm blocked by like half of the fandom so I imagine I wouldn't see much of it myself anyway
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! One of my goals a few years ago was to get more comfortable writing it and I like to think I've managed that. I've even joined the smut4smut exchange multiple times now! As for what kind, um... Non-con is where I'm most comfortable, so quite a bit of that. But also surprisingly some totally consensual stuff, too. A lot more m/f these days, which is NOT easy when you are squicked by basically all the words for lady parts but I do my best to work around it. There's a sprinkling of m/m in there as well, though less so recently!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! Not often, although I think of them a lot. It's not really "crazy", but I think it's a little more out there than my other posted one. can hardly feel the cold with you (1,808 words) It's a Stranger Things/Until Dawn crossover featuring Steve/Mike/Jessica because I hardcore ship Steve/Jessica and Jessica and Mike are soulmates so I couldn't leave him out.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm pretty sure my fics ended up on that one... Idk was it a Russian site? Some site was stealing a bunch of fics and I think I found some of mine there
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I can remember!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I started on one with @urisarang but never quite got past the first part. I'd still like to continue that fic someday but it's hard?? And I like to think our Free Guy series of fics set in the same universe should count!
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
It's really hard to say. All time? I don't think I have one. Maybe a Harry Potter ship or two since that's the only fandom I go back to on a regular basis for reading. To write? I guess it's Stoncy. Feels hard to say for sure because I'm really bummed out about the fandom and season 4 and it's made it harder for me to enjoy writing them. But I still love them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
More than I could list here. I have so many, I even found one I forgot existed at all the other day. But for this one, I'll say probably the WIP set after Steve and Nancy were stuck in the Entity's Realm (where they are in Dead by Daylight the game). They're home and safe but Steve is isolating himself because he and Nancy were sleeping together while trapped and he "knows" it never meant anything except finding comfort in the familiar so he needs to stay away so Nancy can be with Jonathan and her family. It also features them both having trouble remembering to eat bc eating wasn't necessary while they were trapped in the other universe. I just reread what I've got last night and love it. But I don't think I'll ever figure out how to continue or finish it :(
16. What are your writing strengths?
Introspection. I am most comfortable writing what's going on in someone's head and like to think I'm good at it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, plot, action, anything that requires thought and/or effort.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't have an opinion, I guess? I don't write anything where it's come up before.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Hmm, there are a couple that I really like. Favorite right this minute... Caught between two:
anything (anything) for you (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) (5,373 words)
It's a very self-indulgent stoncy fic where Steve is desperate enough to stay with Nancy that when he proposes that she date them both and she thinks he wants to also date Jonathan, he doesn't correct her. I know I wrote it but man, I love the angst of Steve forcing himself into situations he is super uncomfortable with. Dub-conning himself in a way both Nancy and Jonathan would be very upset about if they knew but for totally different reasons than Steve's convinced himself over.
the devil on my shoulder (The Babysitter (Movies - McG)) (2,740 words)
Years ago, I was determined to write as many words as possible for NaNo. I asked ppl on tumblr to send me prompts to write for them so I would have ideas to work from. This fic came from me taking the chance at tagging my plea with The Babysitter and I'm so glad they sent me the prompt because this might be the fic of mine that I have reread the most maybe aside from the one mentioned above. It started out as a fic where Bee encourages Cole to break the rules to manipulate him into being on her side, but it turned into something a little different than that. I don't know how to put it into words but I just really love it. (Too bad there is not much of a fandom out there for those movies haha)
Tagging: @stevethehousewife @urisarang @tkwritesdumbassassins @readythefanons
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buffporcupine · 1 year
*pulls a folding chair out of handbag* please tell me about your ocs
Ooh, my! You’ve made a mistake. <3 No, really, thank you sooo much for these asks, I love them to bits. Send more of these asks.
Anyway, it’s infodumping o’ clock.
TWs for death mentions, abuse, whatever tragic backstory shit I’ll have to mention.
So, I recently made a post about Kiyomi, which is one of my favorite OCs that I have, but now I gotta talk about my other OCs that I have. I have at least 100 little blorbo OCs, they have been plaguing my mind. Also, I have like a grand total of 12 human OCs 😭.
I’ll just make this post into pieces, and each piece with be a few paragraphs about one OC. Some are from the same universe, some are not.
013 is one of my more recently made OCs. She’s another one of my favorites, too. She’s from one of my WIPs, in which the plot is just about her, her best friend, and the adventures they go on. She’s also like, very sickly and small, she’s definitely one of those Always Sick (tm) kids. Her various sicknesses and chronic ailments were what caused her eventual death. She was fascinated by the stars, and the beauty of the night sky. She’d usually get her best friend, Victor, to lend her his telescope or teach her more about the other planets and galaxies. She said when she grew up, she wanted to be an astronaut. She spent lots of time studying space, and she really did want to see the stars in person. She died when she was a teenager. Victor lived to an old age, without her. Anyway, she’s just a cute OC. Ray of sunshine and everything. I hated writing the scene of her death, ugh. Below is a sketch of her.
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She’s my bby for sure.
Mary-Anne Taylor.
This OC is from a totally different universe from Victor and 013. She lived around the 1980s and 1890s, and died to sickness. Now, she is a ghost who possesses a glass doll. The glass doll is similar to her in looks, and that is why she chose it. She was a child when she died, so she still likes learning new things and playing outside. She had a little sister that she loved to play with and take care of. I mainly use this OC for rps, where I have her ask the other character about what special things have happened since her death. Very cute overall. I don’t actually have any concepts for her design…? She loves to catch bugs and run in the mud, she had no care for what “being proper” meant. She’s just a bro.
Yui Barkes.
Yui is just this emo girl who wears lots of eyeliner and hides the lower half of her face under a vintage gas mask? The gas mask, though, is only half there for aesthetics, as she has this kuchisake-onna style smile scar going across her face. It’s very bloody and unsettling, and it’s unknown as to how she got the scar. It makes her look badass, even if she is insecure about it. She’s a guitarist for a grunge band, and she writes most of the band’s music. Her girlfriend is in the band as well. She’s a very cool character and she sounds like the sort of person anyone would want to be friends with. I have her made in GC but I won’t bestow that horror upon you.
Magic Jack.
This lil’ guy is an OC I made as a joke, after keysmashing on a Chinese keyboard and accidentally texting my friend about an explorerer named Magic Jack destined to penetrate a barrier into a Forbidden City. I have no clue what it was about, but now le Magic Jack has a design, and he is a gay icon.
Ven Omause.
This OC was meant to be a YTTD OC, but now she’s detached from that and part of her own original story. She’s based on the YTTD dolls in the sense of her name meaning something weird and sinister or just being a misspelling of a phrase to look like a name. E.g. Tia Safalin, Sue Miley, Rio Ranger… Ven is based off the motif of snakes, snake powers, snake obsession, snake everything. She even has her tongue pierced so it looks reptillian. Her whole shtick is that she’s a serial killer with DID, one personality being an innocent high school student and one personality being a snake obssessed serial killer.
~~~ Anyway, there’s the end of the infodump.
I didn’t know which OC to infodump about, so I did a handful of them. Which is the most interesting? Which should I talk about more?
Thanks if you read this, BTW.
Thank you for the ask, please send more like it!!
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gstring-theorist · 1 year
Maybe 13, 15, 23? For the music ask!!!
thank you for the ask friend!!!
13. ridiculously hard choice but i think i gotta go with crocodile rock by elton john (and also honky cat! underrated song). having been a band kid in high school i also have very sentimental attachments to bohemian rhapsody but that seemed like too easy an answer. also, this is 1992 but i really like friday i'm in love by the cure! it's just so happy and makes me feel good
15. i dont listen to a lot of covers so this one was really tough! kind of a goofy one but there's a thquib, gumi, and hatsune miku cover of gwen stefani's bubble pop electric that i love so much its so silly and makes me smile!! even more than the original!
23. oh my god. dont do this to me. if i had to pick just one i'd have to say keysmash by angeltech! if angeltech has a million fans im one of them etc etc etc i absolutely fucking adore their music and keysmash was just an absolute instant favorite. punches me in the heart (in such a great way) every time i hear it and angeltech deserves so much more love!!!!!!
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kakairu-rocks · 2 years
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We are excited to introduce our next shining star for the Creator Spotlight... @akumu-jubokko​​!
This is a member’s only activity where we reach out to one of the talented people in our community each month to find out all about them and their kakairu creations, and then show them off to the world!
We hope you enjoy learning about Laz & their creations as much as we did. Please give them some love ❤️  
Pronouns: They/Them/Any
Type of Creator: Writer& Artist
Where to find them:
Read the exciting interview below the cut, or on the forum!
If you would like a chance to be in the spotlight too, the only thing you have to do is be a member of the kakairu rocks forum, and be a creator; and we will contact you, ourselves!
1. How long have you been creating KakaIru fanworks?
I have been doing kkir writing/arts for over two years now!
2. What are you working on right now?
Right now, I’m working on a long bodyguard AU!! It’s a lot of political shinobi drama and all that fun stuff! It’s a long fic, pushing at least 45-50k right now (at its halfway mark).
3. What is your favourite trope to create for?
ANGST! Hands down! Also I love monsters and creating horror art!
4. Which of your creations is your favourite, and why?
I really love the fic “Snowfall, Fairy Lights, and a Ring”. This fic came out of memories I had as a childhood of warm fireplaces and fairy lights, mixed with the romantic, comfortable spaces of a dance floor. It just makes me smile and feel all warm inside when I picture that space.
5. Do you have any WIPs you’re excited about?
Hmmm… I’d say the bodyguard AU, and that’s mainly because of how much behind the scenes drama and shinobi clan politics are going into it!
6. Do you have any original characters? If so, tell us about them!
As a matter of fact, I do! (Spoilers). I have a character called Lord Hiashi (still working on the name, may or may not change, haha) who is all up and involved in the dynamics of Konoha’s political leadership. He’s adopted a way of permanently sustaining a henge to hide the scars on his face from a horrid accident early in his life (battle). He’s a grumpy old man with a steel will and heart of gold. Lowkey was inspired by old Bruce Wayne from Batman Beyond.
7. What was your hardest piece to create, and why?
There’s an exchange fic that I did called “What is Love if Not a Distraction?” and it was extraordinarily difficult to fit the trope of soulmates into a timed fic exchange. The result was a huge amount of time thinking how to connect lines that needed to be said and then the most frantic keysmashing imaginable for a straight hour.
8. Do you have any favourite scenes from something you’ve created?
I do! The scene of Iruka talking down Danzo in “Power Play” just feels so good. I love the thought of Iruka standing his ground against clan leaders that are so much more powerful than him, and that’s one of those moments.
9. Where does your inspiration come from?
Mostly walking outdoors, I get a lot of creative vibes from walking through forests and fields.
10. Which of your creations is the most meaningful to you, and why?
I have a very violent, graphic historical AU kkir called “A Promise”, which was written at a very low point in my mental state. That fic, graphic as it may be, felt very cathartic to write and put together, and to have the absolutely wonderful RenGoneMad beta and encourage me through the process was inspiring. Plus, I’m a sucker for happy endings coming out of truly dark fics—and this is one of those.
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tumblingxelian · 1 year
Okay so, basically, after Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, the immediate next game was a mobile game called Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery.
The player plays as a customer for the Freddy Fazbear Funtime Delivery Service, except the sign-up glitches and signs them up for the "Eternal Package" wherein the Funtime Delivery Service keeps delivering hostile animatronics to their front door.
Unlike other games, the player is not killed by the Animatronics, but instead gets mugged (losing both scrapmetal and Remnant to their assailants). The player starts out with a single Endoskeleton, which can be outfitted with a Plushsuit and CPU to make it look and act like various characters from across the series.
There was a Remnant collecting mode where the player could collect Light Remnant with their flashlight, while being careful not to collect Shadowy Remnant that would summon a hostile apparition from the second Five Nights at Freddy's game (who's name is literally just a keysmash) to assault them (though defeating the apparition would reward the player with more Remnant).
Periodically, the player can check their in-game email to see email correspondance between Vanessa and a coworker named "Luis" (this is the same Luis referenced in the Retro CD), though the player only ever saw Luis' emails reacting to "Ness's" weird behaviors (ordering "flowers for her grave" and sending them to herself under the name of "Brad", ordering a viking torture themed calendar, etc), while also awkwardly trying to ask her out while missing her silent cries for help (including her searching the word "help" on it's own to try and get someone to notice her suspicious behavior and get the computer virus possessing her out of her head).
These emails built up to Security Breach's release, revealing how "Ness" was purchasing fabric for Vanny's costume, a knife getting stolen from the kitchen (early promotional materials had Vanny wielding a knife, which was cut from the final game), and an unused email revealed that they were delivering some of their rental animatronics to the PizzaPlex (providing an implied origin for the Blob).
These emails also revealed that Vanessa is usually a lot cutesier than what we see in game, keeping a pink, puppy-themed notebook, wearing rainbow hair extensions, and apparently used to bring cupcakes she baked herself for her coworkers.
Also, Vanny created an army of Springtrap clones using the Plushsuits and set them loose on the country, even though Springtrap was NOT supposed to be part of the Animatronic Catalog.
Damn, this company is just a mess XD
Seriously though thanks for summing all this up, I knew about her emails and searches ETC but didn't do much research on the games tied to them. God damn, that's a lot!
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if you’re still doing that ask game: ✨👻📗📚🦈
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Recently someone read and commented on all posted chapters of Hühnerküsse and it really warmed my heart 🥰🥺 I love when people comment on every chapter, I love when they highlight their favorite bits, I love keysmashes and all that, and that person gave me that and made me sooo happy 🥰🥰 almost enough to got me working on it again, but I don't think I'm currently in the right headspace for it.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Not sure what counts as wild? Maybe that Jess Mariano is secretly into opera. That's not actually my headcanon, a friend of mine came up with it, but ever since they told me, it's stuck in my head. Just in general, the version of Jess Mariano I've constructed in my head is sooo removed from actual canon Jess sometimes - my Jess is an adhd transmasc disaster boy whose favorite opera is Le nozze di Figaro and who worked at Walmart to pay for his out-of-pocket top surgery. He's so real to me <3
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
I do, and I have. Years ago, I wrote loads of original stuff, but I have lost the focus and motivation for it somewhere down the line. I do have a huge writing project called Rennen und Stolpern, I think I started it for NaNoWriMo once and I've worked on it many times over the past several years - it exists in various versions, with different timelines and spin-offs by now. It's about this young professional football player who's in love with his best friend and struggles to come out as queer. It sounds a bit bland and cliché like that, but it's a project very close to my heart, and I love my boy Karim a lot. Maybe one day, I'll pick it up again. Or maybe I'll work on something else - I've had this idea for a long time now about a scientist and a siren in a labotory, a bit of a sapphic Shape of Water kind of thing, and I have notes and stuff for it, I just never actually took the time to work on it properly.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Everything @mondfahrt has ever written. We have been reading and writing alongside each other for more than 12 years now and I'm still in awe over the things she does with words. Just reading her stuff has made me a better writer, too, and besides that, her stories are a delight. Highly recommend!! 💕💕
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Hmm. Currently I'm working on a Jamie/Roy fic and let me tell you, trying to write Jamie Tartt is a pain in my ass. <3 I initially planned changing POVs but decided to just stick to Roy because I couldn't quite get Jamie's voice down. It's not only his accent and his specific way he talks, it's also that he feels like such a complex character to me. I want to do him justice, because he's not just a dumb himbo, and he's not just a little brat, but I also don't want to portray him as just a tortured boy with daddy issues and deep complex emotions, because sometimes, he just does stupid shit (affectionate). It's hard to find the balance there I think.
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Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks:
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I think I was always surprised that Never Piss Off a Telepath; Or How Logan Opened His Mouth and Said a Stupid Thing didn't get more comments with people laughing at the whole situation of Logan thinking he was pregnant (because of Emma's tinkering with his mind - he deserved it, trust me) and agreeing that he'd been a dick, rather than more people thinking Emma had overreacted to what he'd said.
🍭why did you start writing?
I was 12, I think, when I really started to write. My kidhood BFF and I kind of started writing together at the same time (not *together* - we weren't writing the same story). I think we just started writing down the story ideas we used to tell each other that sort of developed out of playing with Barbies and went to the page because we'd stopped playing with them. We'd sit in her room, watch movies (generally horror movies) or listen to music, and just write. I don't think there was ever a 'why' to it. We just did, we liked writing down our ideas, which were relatively fanfic adjacent usually. A lot of original characters mingling with either canon characters or original characters that were based on canon characters. My first fanfic was a Children of the Corn with a very Me character in it. Second set of fanfic stories were Fright Night with OCs involved. Eventually, we both sort of evolved toward original stories.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Keeping in mind that I love ALL the comments I get on my fics - save the hate ones from that serial hate-commenter stuckygirl, who seems to be out for everyone's blood, and I really don't like the ones telling me that the way I punctuate fics is the way OLD PEOPLE do it (I'm an old people, fuck off child) and that I need to punctuate differently - first off, don't leave that shit in comments, figure out how to privately message me, and second, don't tell people how to punctuate their fics, you're not the writing police. Also I really don't dig the comments saying my fic's been abandoned because I'm not snapping out a chapter every week on a schedule that suits Your Highness. ANYWAY. Loving all my comments pretty equally, I will say I have two favorite types: the passionate keysmash that includes a string of emojis indicating that they loved my fic so much they've been rendered speechless. Also the long comment that pulls out several details that really got to the commenter. Whether it's the Easter Eggs that made them laugh or just whatever details that made them feel throughout the story. I get comments like those two, and I'm over the fucking moon.
Thanks for the asks!
Let's Get ((REAL)) fic writer asks
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captain-of-silvenar · 9 months
✨🧠🍀 for kerasil? 🥺
I screm, thank you for the ask!
✨ - How did you come up with the OC’s name?
So funny thing. I made Kerasil after I had made Yera who is her daughter. I was trying very hard to figure out a good mouth feel of a name. So I just went with my usual method of keysmash, making noises, until something felt right. 'Kera' was a good ring and 'sil' had a nice flow out.
And that was that! Except. Except that Yera has a secret full name which is 'Yerasil'. Sil meaning 'soul' in dovah. And
And now all of China Tamriel knows my secret.
🧠- What do you like most about the OC?
Oh man, what's not to like about Kerasil? She's the most Bosmer of all Bosmers I've made. She's stubborn to the point of moving the moons (literally). She deeply loves life and will always forgive if it meant that someone will be alive and learn their lessons (hopefully). She is the foundational character that gave reason to why Yera acted a certain way.
She also is the first TES character I had that wasn't really the main hero, even though she's my main on ESO. So I got to explore what that mean in a world that was constantly going through world ending stuff.
She's also the most mom character ever. She adopted a whole ass man (looking at you @quartervirus) once she realized how much of a lonely wet noodle he was. And she'll do it again. None of you are free from adoption. She's Captain of the Guard in Silvenar, she can get that paperwork signed and done in a heart beat.
🍀- What originally inspired the OC?
As said before, she was just a character that was supposed to be "Yera's Mom". But then I had to think, "what kind of mother would influence and raise a person that would grow up to be the Dragonborn?" So I had to work backwards. If Yera had a temper that matched a dragon, where did she inherit it from? Dragon soul, or her parents?
The answer turned out to be her mother since the events of ESO and doing all the faction quests and such started to shape Kerasil. She was getting her development the more I played ESO and I am really happy with how she turned out!
So funny how I went backwards on the family tree. Starting with a child, then backwards to the mom and dad. Lets add a sibling. Oh maybe she has extended family. Uh oh, surprise uncle that adds new depths to Yera hehehehe.
Thanks for the ask! This was a lot of fun to do!
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2022 retrospective
I created this blog in January of 2022, so I would have a place that isn’t fandom-based to share my writing. Even then, I didn’t expect I’d post this much.
2022 is the year I wrote more than any other year of my life. According to my AO3 statistics, the writing I posted sums up to over 65.000 words (and that is just the work I was comfortable sharing publicly, that doesn’t even include all the smut and vent that I only let a select few see, nor the snippets on my nsfw account, though those are pretty short). That’s more than 3 times the length of the version of 10^infinity that I wrote in 2020 and never posted (which was the first longer story I have finished).
2022 is the year I stopped being a would-be-author and became a writer. I stopped thinking about those big projects that I’m going to write someday, and just started writing. What helped me more than anything was writing short form. With the stories I had tried to work on so far, I’d always been too preoccupied to getting as many words written as possible so I’d reach the good stuff, the few scenes I was writing this for, so I didn’t focus on writing the scenes I was already writing at in an interesting way, and often it felt hollow, like I had built a giant house with no furnishing. With the short oneshots I wrote this year, I was already at the good stuff and I could feel how that improved my writing style, since now I was thinking about every sentence and tried to make every paragraph a joy to read instead of a hurdle to get over. For the first time, I didn’t just think of writing as a complete story but a sum of parts, and that led me to write some sentences that I was proud of fully on their own.
2022 is the year I really got into gore. I wrote my first gorepiece in 2020 and was too ashamed of it to even jokingly admit I’d written something like that. In 2021, I wrote more, but was always careful to keep the descriptions short, so nobody would notice how much I liked writing it. Now “gore” is one of the most used tags on this blog. And of course, I participated in and finished my first Goretober challenge. I’m still quite proud of that.
2022 is the year I stopped writing for an imaginary audience of hundreds and started writing for myself and the few friends that are interested in it. That wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t met these friends (mostly through pen and paper), and I am forever grateful for them. I won’t tag you in this, but you know who you are. Your comments, whether fully formulated and constructive or enthusiastic keysmashes, keep me going in this, thank you.
2022 is also the year I started writing for myself. Of course, I’m still happy when other people read my writing, but I noticed that it just made the whole thing more stressful both for me and my readers if I had expectations on who would read my writing and would react to it. I’m now making a conscious effort to not think about that too much. When I write, I want to think of my words, not the responses of other people, and when other people read, they should be focused on the writing, not me figuratively staring at them over the edge of the paper and waiting for their reaction.
I’ve been thinking a lot about these changes in my writing process lately, and how they helped me write more and better than I used to, and I needed to put these thoughts into words, even if it just seems like rambling now that I’m writing this down on New Year’s Eve, with just a few more hours left where it’s considered appropriate to post sappy retrospectives like this.
As for my next goals...
After becoming so comfortable with short writing this year, I want to tackle something of medium length next, slowly working myself towards those epics I used to dream of writing. I’m thinking something with five to eight chapters, maybe around 10.000 words. I have ideas for that in mind already (2 of them fanfictions and 2 original works), but I’ll see where I will take it.
Thank you for reading. I hope all of you have a happy new year.
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berrysphase · 6 years
Nirvana in Fire rewatch liveblog part 5
Episodes 12-14, or, OW MY HEART
I love all these little cuts to background characters reacting. Here Li Gang and Mu Qing are listening as MCS is modestly disclaiming his knowledge down to Master Zhou; Li Gang looks as 'I am discreetly and loyally sad on my poor chief's behalf' as one might expect, but Qing's face is super funny and more a sulky "but MCS is da bomb"
Still super ambiguous whether Master Zhou sees through MCS or not.  And he knows it, too! That faaaaaaace.
Whenever Nihuang’s investigations are mentioned I am always super-curious to know what form they take.
Hmm, so, the contrast between Jingyan and Nihuang on their takes on Chiyan -- Jingyan is all THEY WERE INNOCENT THE WRONGED AND HONORABLE DEAD ARE WATCHING MY EVERY MOVE and Nihuang is all prefaced with careful hedges, look -- I can’t know -- I was young -- but as far as I know before she gets to the central they would never. Even to someone she thinks is probably Lin Shu! Anyway, is it any wonder Nihuang and Jingyan weren't closer friends at the start of the show.  And throughout this, MCS says "Jingyan" but Nihuang says "Prince Jing".
So this time through I have SLIGHTLY MORE EMOTIONAL PREPARATION for this scene which means I have the perspective to track that, waiiiittttt, he went into this conversation completely aware that there was no way around telling her that he was Lin Shu, and yet he couldn't get himself to do it, he fenced three rounds with her and stonewalled her until she broke down and accused him outright, and even then he didn't so much admit it as...not deny it in increasing amounts of extremis. MCS your self-loathing is hurting the people you care about :(
“I never expected that you would be the first person to ask me this” WELL WHO DID YOU EXPECT THEN MR BLINKERS
“I will tell you in full if we get a chance in the future” LIN SHU YOU ENORMOUS LIAR
Oh my god Nihuang's happy-sad smile is the perfect killing end to this whole scene, excuse me, I have to go cry
I love watching Shen Zhui and Prince Jing be competent good government buddies in their time off. They even smile! /draws sparkly hearts
and look what I'd missed the implications of the first time through, Jingyan cautions Shen Zhui to be careful of the Crown Prince; again, see, see, it's not that he doesn't understand politics, he knows perfectly well how to see the dangers and avoid them, it's just that he's been deliberately on strike!
I love (1) Shisan's irregular wooden hair stick and (2) that Gong Yu is an equal player in the Jiangzhuo detective work.
Ah, I had missed that Tong Lu does the not-turning his back thing to MCS! That's so speaking. I wonder who else does that no, berrys, you are not going to go back through all the past 12 eps again looking
I know, I know, He Wenqin is a nasty murderous piece of work who undoubtedly has many murders of people who "don't count" to his name, and I do not doubt the justice of his punishment, but the despair of a parent over a child's death is so painful.  thank goodness Minister He is so odious about his extra-legal maneuverings when he actually appears on screen
Ok now it is time to draw sparkly hearts around Yujin and Jingrui too, also, I lovvvvvve Marquis Yan and his austere reserve and his excellent dress sense but ow Yujin :(  I know I’m saying this about every single character arc, but yeah -- knowing the plot means the character interactions are hitting me so much harder this time around, and right now it’s Yujin’s turn.
Ow ok MCS’ face-fall when Jingyan says haha no of course I have business to discuss hurts, these micro-expressions! They are deadly! And here again -- the repressed jump at friendship, followed later by deliberately steering the conversation toward "look at me I am so despicable".
Nnnnnn so Marquis Yan is someone else who feels like he should be dead; that his world died 12 years ago; that he carries a singular burden in his responsibility for his dead.  Very directly a dark mirror for MCS, and a way for the show to hammer home the sheer and necessary ambition of MCS’ plan, the enormity of the stakes he’s playing for -- and the strength of his character.  And at the same time this plotline is adding one more piece of evidence to the mounting pile showing just how much the Chiyan case and the silence around it is still poisoning the country a decade later.
SPEAKING OF MIRRORS MCS plz take note, Marquis Yan is much happier being a functional member of society with renewed family ties, and the course of action he committed to was way way worse than anything you carry out, I’m just saying.
How beautifully character supports plot and vice versa. Yujin! He's perceptive -- because the plot needs someone to notice things, and he's a useful way to keep events moving -- but the beauty of this show is that this is always managed completely consistently as a key part of Yujin's characterization and his arc. Like here, he’s the first outside person to flag that MCS mayyyybe isn’t supporting Prince Yu, hmmm? And it’s not plot-relevant at all, Yujin doesn’t do anything with it, it’s just, this is who Yujin is, the show is giving us him as a whole person.  OK NO but/and, this is all true, but this scene is ALSO here because (1) hope, we have just been getting a lot of the wrong-ness of the status quo shoveled at us, but, look, things are changing; and (2) foreshadowing for Yujin’s role on MCS’ team later on.   AHH this is where I would normally just say I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR but there’s a good portion of the cast for whom it has to be I LOVE TO HATE EVERYONE IN THIS BAR so let’s just leave it here
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Maribat Masterlists
Back to Main Masterlist
54 chapters, 86k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary:   After defeating Hawkmoth, Marinette has nothing left to do. Thankfully, she gets a job offer in one of the most interesting cities in the world.
21 chapters, 34k words for the original, 36.5k words for the edited version
Ship: Timinette
Summary: Soulmate Au where things that people love/hate appear tattooed on their soulmate’s body.
Another One?!
7 parts, 65k words
Ship: Adrienette
Summary:   Adrienette moves to Gotham because of Circumstances and try to fix the system. On the way, they adopt like fifty kids.
Not Safe For Work(aholics) AO3 LINK
850 words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: ;)
Stalker x Stalker
13 chapters, 51.3k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: A perfectionist stalker with a caffeine addiction falls for another perfectionist stalker with a caffeine addiction
51 chapters, 180k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: Marinette knew that, eventually, she would mess up. She just wished the consequences would be different.
Into The Unknown
57 chapters, 128k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby,” she whispered… then, it sunk in more. “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby.”
Routines AO3 LINK
2k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: Tim and Marinette are workaholics. It's fine. They don't need to spend every waking moment together, not when the tiny routines they maintain leave them feeling so satisfied.
Wings and Halos AO3 LINK
7.7k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: A ghosthunting AU. Happy Halloween!
Grade A Idiots AO3 LINK
7.8k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: Academic rivals to lovers Timinette Edition
Bound (Previously named I Feel You)
2k words for original, 57k for full length
Ship: Timinette
Summary: There is a lot of speculation about why soulmates are bonded through their pain. Marinette and Tim don’t care about why it is happening, they just want it to stop.
The enemy of my enemy is ALSO my enemy
20k words
Focus: Marinette&Jason&Adrien
Summary: Jason was fine spending his afterlife as a glorified office worker. It was a good way to pass the seventeen years he would have to wait to be revived... right up until a particular Miraculous Cure started making his job a million times harder for him.
A light misunderstanding AO3 Link
4k words
Pairing: Dukinette
Summary: When plant-based sigils start cropping up all over Gotham, his first thought is that the city had yet another ecoterrorist on the loose. This... might have been a hasty assumption.
Trials and Defibrillations
Currently Unfinished
Focus: Marinette&Adrien
Summary:  Marinette Dupain-Cheng opens up a secret clinic for the villains of Gotham under the nose of her roommate. Adrien Agreste opens up a secret clinic for the vigilantes of Gotham under the nose of his roommate. Everything is fine.
Down the Rabbithole
Currently Unfinished
Ship: Timaridrien
Summary: Damian has been trapped in the body of his infant self. He is not very happy about this. Ladybug, Red Robin, and Chat Noir are also not particularly happy about this, either, because now they have a baby to take care of.
The Corpse Bride AO3 LINK
750 words
Ship: Timinette
Summary:  The box was heavy in his pocket as he fell to his knees in front of her. Perfect and wrong all at once.
Timari January 2023 Masterlist
OHSHC AU (Keysmash)
Currently unfinished
Ship: Mariharem
Summary: Flowers fluttered past her, carried by some kind of impossible breeze. One smacked her in the face. (Or the Ouran High School Host Club AU. Or the Keysmash AU for the cultured people of the MGI server.)
4k words
Ship: Dukinette
Summary: I think we have a spy.
MGI Bracket War 2023 Fics
Just Fine and Dandelions
9k words
Ship: Dukinette
Summary: Like other magical creatures, witches are very territorial.
Stale(mate) AO3 LINK
6k words
Ship: Dickinette
Summary: Vampire!au Dickinette. Vampire!Mari says ACAB. As a cop, Dick thinks this is very concerning.
What a drag! AO3 LINK
1k words
Focus: Bruce&Marinette
Summary:  Mari taking out the trash. The trash in question is Gabriel Agreste.
Welcome to the Show
Currently unfinished
Ship: Adrienette
Summary:  ORV Maribat AU
A pleasant surprise AO3 LINK
400 words
Ship: Stephinette
Summary: Steph has a surprise for Marinette
Mercy AO3 LINK
7k words
Summary: Cass sees a pair of mers struggling in a trap, and so she helps them out. The mers see Cass struggling with her dad, and so they return the favor.
Focus: Adrien&Cass&Mari
How to train your Drake
Currently Unfinished
Ship: Timinette
Summary: It all came down to this. Marinette was going to face off against the fearsome dragon that had been terrorizing her town for years... but she had not been prepared to find a random, hot guy at the top of the tower.
‘Til we see the sunlight
Currently Unfinished
Ship: Dukinette
Summary: An immortal and a time traveler walk into a convenience store.
Have you never heard of such a thing, darling?
14k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: The Timari Buzzfeed Unsolved AU.
Lollipops AO3 LINK
1k words
Ship: Timinette
Summary: Marinette’s clinic gets a new patient
Broken Hearts Are Contagious AO3 LINK
4k words
Focus: Tim&Marinette
Summary: Hanahaki au with a twist.
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