#this post is me gaslighting sydney
macabrecravings · 6 months
I want to thank the anonymous who typed an ‘i’ instead of a ‘u’, because listful is a real word. Kylar is being listful and lustful, and I find the whole typo situation very funny.
IT’S SO FUNNY LMAO. The whole Sydlar April Fools Mini Arc has me thriving…….. 😭
Come on Sydney, smh. How could you misinterpret anon like that… 😒 Kylar’s just going to put you on a list! :) He’s not having lustful thoughts abt u obviously…
Huh? Wdym he described wanting to see his cum dripping out of u? Hm. No… that’s normal :) Dw about it. Don’t run off to tell the temple~! ^_^
I’m sure they’d be less than happy that you’ve been talking to him in the first place :)))
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spywhitney · 1 month
I don't want to see Luca anywhere near Sydney in season 4.
If sydcarmy is happening, I don't want no romantic or platonic (pft) storyline with Luca for Syd.
For one, it makes no sense to spend time on a relationship that's going to end. And highkey, I especially wouldn't like if a romance happened only for there to be parallels to Carmen, or Luca is presented as a good viable option for Syd, only for her to get with Carmen anyway.
At this point, I just want the show to give sydcarmy or get the hell away lol. I'm over the multi-channel gaslighting of it not being there in the show and the parallels that many hope are actually going to mean something by the time the show ends.
Syd, Marcus, Ebra, Tina, Gary (and Manny and Angel that won't be getting any screen time atp) haven't got the time I think they deserve (Syd in particular, for the second main character where tf was she in S3? S2 I understand, but for real wtf was that?). That time would be better spent on them rather than a short-lived, reprieve-centred fling for Syd imo.
I wrote a post a while ago regarding sydcarmy after S3 and I still more or less agree with what I said, but in terms of plot, if Sydney is going to struggle along with Carmen when she chooses to stay at the bear, that's perfectly fine. But I don't want anymore ambiguity, "up to interpretation" bs when it comes to them. At least give me the opportunity to wave a satisfied fist in the air with blatant, confirmed romance between them at least, so I can say "the sydcarmy shippers told yall so", even if I don't particularly want it the same way.
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chnt-confessions · 3 months
i think i'm the only person in the entire fandom that has any genuine empathy for elijah, and i'm stuck thinking there's something deeply wrong with me for that. i feel like quite a lot of people split black on him (and joshua) and then split white on jedidiah, and sydney. the ONLY two options are to dehumanize or objectify him. no hate to jedidiah-likers, but jedidiah is not a victim. he doesn't act entirely the way he does because of trauma, he acts that way because he implicitly looks down on sydney. what kind of man jeopardizes the entire world for a man that he let gravely sick in the first place, only to gaslight and neglect him?? all this because of mommy and daddy issues that, like, 70% of the population has?? i had to headcanon extra issues and trauma for him to just to keep myself sane. i don't mean to invalidate his trauma, but he has lived such a privileged life and can easily go to therapy and yet. i'm sorry but it's bojack-horseman levels of "how tf do you expect me to feel bad for you? lmao." like, i need him to get better because people will likely die if he gets any worse, but other than i couldn't care less about this guy. i'm way more sympathetic to sydney because he's trying his best but he seems to have an empathy deficiency of some kind (it's not his fault but it is painfully obvious sometimes and i wish i could fix him but i have to fix myself first because i also deal with this); i also relate to the "feeling unlovable" aspect of things.
we have only seen elijah at his worst. the elephant man is elijah "mental breakdown, 2 years and counting psychotic episode" core; did everyone just assume he was born like that? and if he was, that would also make me sad tbh. he had a similar upbringing to jedidiah and yet he does not show it at all and i'm wondering what tf was different. he also generally sucks at being a villain sometimes (i.e. telling sydney his weakness, letting sydney go back to jedidiah, reacting way better than most people would when sydney told him that he couldn't get the journals). when jedidiah says "sydney, you're always fine." vs when elijah says it; jedidiah said it to gaslight sydney and because he feels bitter about the fact he's working so hard to keep sydney alive and can't use it to manipulate him (i'm joking but i'm also not joking), while elijah was just being a little acolyte and also he's symbolically the earth, so when he says the earth will catch him when he falls, he is fr. idk what snapped in him with the murder-suicide thing but considering that he is the earth, and unfortunately due to sydney's weird little mind and jedidiah's horribleness, the earth is, like, post-apocalyptic now so it probably has something to do with that (idk why he switched from stabbing to burning alive; probably cuz of the theatrics/j). anyway, he does suck and he needs to go back to russia and never come back for everyone's good, but i really do think he would be better than jedidiah could ever be (yes, even with therapy; i'm literally speaking facts/hj) if "everyday [wasn't] a living fucking nightmare." and i'm constantly like "._." whenever i remember that jedidiah is the reason "everyday is a living fucking nightmare." also i really wanna see someone do elijah/the elephant man analysis/interpretation that doesn't reek of disgust and hatred (or lust; do whatever you want, but i'm judging you rn), just for variety tbh. here is his official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/389N5sUULTXFC63I3CSn7c?si=756dacaa18cd491c some of the songs in here are, like, "???" and i want to see someone's else's take on them (even elijah haters tbh) sorry for the essay, that's all i wanted to say :)
also im so happy that i can say this anonymously, thank you chnt-confessions for doing god's work, i love you platonically <3
(ABOUT THE LAST PART) no need to apologize and I'm really glad to make you happy!!
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This shit is not new
This is in response to the multiple posts right now about the recent articles that have come out and just general angst about this ship in the media.
This really isn't new. It's not unique to The Bear. It's not unique to Carmy x Sydney. It's not unique to slow burns.
I do think Mulder x Scully is the best example. Why? They are the ship that modernized shipping. The terms shipping, noromo, etc. come from that ship. They pioneered the modern "why can't men and women just be friends", "platonic soulmate", "it would cheapen the show", "the show isn't about romance" arguments.
Syd x Carmy are like Mulder x Scully 2.0 (with a slightly different flavor that I will get to). The X-Files was a huge sleeper hit with a cult following. From the first episode there was speculation about romance and people raging against it. The question was brought up in every interview and denied by the show runner. The intensity kept developing until finally they went canon. And then, only then, did the show runner change tune. Shippers felt they were being persecuted for even mentioning the ship. It was super intense.
I watched the show as a teen. I low key did ship them but wasn't involved in fandom so I wasn't aware of the shenanigans. But I know all of this from first hand accounts.
And here's receipts from media:
So, I know a big element is missing in this comparison. The race element is at play here. I'm not denying that. But I will say, I started with this example just to show it isn't just interracial couples that get this backlash. I could also mention Ted x Rebecca, but I don't think I need to go into them because they are current. Mulder x Scully started this and history is important.
I do think there is a special flavor of dislike for this ship because of race. I've spoken on it. The unwarranted hate for Sydney can't be ignored. The same has happened with Richonne, Ichabbie, etc. No denial here. But if you look at the overall history of shipping what we are seeing specific to media denial, media scrutiny, antis, denial of the ship until the very end, gaslighting, etc. is slow burn and shipping war 101.
There is no agenda from cast and crew to stick it to us. Their agenda is to maintain the element of surprise and tell the story they want to tell. There is no agenda from the media to do anything but get a story that gets clicks. There is no special denial of a romance unique to this one.
This is just how a slow burn plays out.
There are no slow burns that went canon and the show runner said, oh yeah, this is the plan before the end. If there is tell me, and I'll gladly correct. But, that just isn't reality. They will say the same thing every season until it happens, no matter what happens on screen in the meantime. And there is always some lame statement made about why they "suddenly" decided to make it a thing or a lame admission that it was planned. So basically, they lie. The lies may seem cruel but it's not personal. It's not some secret agenda to deny your fave romance and happiness. It's just showbiz.
All of this can feel personal in relation to the extent a fan is personally invested. And I think that's up to each person to decide if their investment is creating too high an expectation and too much drama for regarding fictional characters on a tv show. That's not on media. It's not on the actor, creators, journalists, etc. to determine and protect a fan's level of investment or engagement. Nobody has to read the articles. Nobody has to devote their time to fandom. It's a choice. And part of that, may be understanding that all of the media around a ship isn't going to cater to what you want or see and making decisions on what you see is the healthiest, most enjoyable way to engage or not.
Because feelings have been hurt, arguments have raged, lies have been told in fandom and media and it's not new, it's not personal. It just is what it is.
Mulder x Scully walked so Carmy x Sydney can run.
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asylumdwellermoved · 2 years
last post gave me the idea to throw out random character hcs so here i go
♡ i like to exaggerate the aspect of robin being a shut-in in my head a little more. she probably has lost touch with socializing because of it so it makes her nervous. gardening is a hobby shes picked up recently to try to motivate herself to leave her room more often
♡ a weirdly specific one but f sydney and sometimes m sydney wear very red-centric makeup. very subtle when theyre pure, more prominent when corrupt. id like to draw their usual look sometime but in case i dont post it heres my awkward description: red eyeshadow (maybe it evolves to a red undereye byojaku when corrupt), and lips tinted in a gradient, deepest red inner and lightens to outer.
♡ kylar is a he/they but only mentions it to people who they 1: have personally gotten to know and 2: dont bully him (probably just pc and maybe sydney. maybe tried mentioning it to their monster parents but. yknow.)
♡ niki has a former-smoking induced oral fixation and is trying to quit
♡ doren has reading glasses. mgmdnf something something big muscular people with glasses..........
♡ said this like twice on here but whitney is a trans man. i like to imagine that since whitney was so "respected" around school and everyone was so used to him doing whatever he liked (when he wasnt being peer pressured) that people rarely gave him shit for transitioning when he did
♡ can i confidently say that dol fandom mutually agrees that kylar unironically listens to vocaloid nightcore and in every other aspect is the embodiment of an emo weeb middle school phase that was never grown out of or am i just. projecting. also saw a post saying that he is probably a tumblr yandere and it stuck with me ever since
♡ harper's hair is very soft and well-kempt. whether this is natural or something he puts time into is a mystery
♡ sirris probably masturbates in his time between classes every now and then,,, just. in the classroom. kinda has low self control and will do a few things like this without taking the risk of being caught into account very much (i.e. dropped dildo event)
♡ harper has had his own experiences with the wraith prior to when he became a "doctor". it got so bad that the paranoia would eventually keep him up at night and it stuck with him to where hes fixated on using his now-colleagues' scientific abilities to get some sort of clarity. on the note of harper being a former asylum patient, he had experienced a good few of the things he gaslights his own patients about and denies them for both his own sake and some sort of cynical and twisted feeling of "helping" them. but the wraith? that's something he just can't bring himself to ignore.
♡ since kylar usually has sex with pc in public-ish places they usually try their best to keep relatively quiet. the second you and him are in private? loud moaner and constant babbler. prefers this bc it feels amazing to him to express how much he loves you, but their easy desperation for you gets the better of them. (haunted house event)
♡ harper is just a little genderqueer. as a treat.
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inkyquince · 2 years
i am so so sorry for spamming your inbox quince. but the idea of a brahms! kylar has me thinking about other horror movie characters and which dol character could totally fit. (also if you did horror au posts i’d love to read them all!!!)
sydney the fallen — pazuzu because i think demon sydney would be super hot
sydney the faithful — nina from black swan, even if the movie isn’t exactly horror. pc could totally be mila kunis in this au, “guiding” sydney down a path of corruption.
jordan — valak aka. the nun demon from the conjuring universe. i’d also think he’d be a member of the hårga from midsommar. maybe similar to pelle, leading people to their deaths via sacrifice.
whitney — pinhead. i’d think he’d delight in torturing souls. but also an incubus/succubus like from jennifer’s body. he would totally accidentally get sacrificed to the devil when he lied about being a virgin.
eden — as you mentioned before, jason voorhees. the man that stalks the woods would be exactly like the slasher who stalks the woods. i’d also throw in michael myers. eden in game acts like a pseudo boogeyman already. he will hunt you in town (it’s unfortunate that he comes during times where i can’t go with him smh). plus i imagine eden to just be this big hulking man like both of them.
bailey — pennywise and bughuul from sinister. he runs the orphanage and definitely feels like child snatcher vibes. funny enough, i think remy would also fit here too. i think bailey would also fit jack torrence. imagine a hopeful bailey with a bit of a rough past but he tries to get better only to be eroded away at until he’s only the douchebag we know (and love).
harper — someone from the facility from the cabin in the woods. they definitely uses the hair dye thing where they used hair dye to make one of the characters think less. i can see them doing this in game.
briar — lestat de lioncourt. idk if interview with a vampire counts as horror but regardless, briar as a vampire? someone who stalks his prey at night and seduces them before biting into them? shivers.
robin — ghostface!! your sweet childhood friend who you hold dear to your heart turns out to be the person killing off your friends and even your significant other!! he’s so desperately in love with you and wants you. and he has the perfect plan to stage you two making it out alive with the help of someone else (whitney maybe? sydney? kylar?). i’m kind of itching to write a fic about this ngl-
— brahms anon
i'd acc make Bailey Pinhead. Unnecessary torture and pain? Main stone faced, haunting you? Yes, please. That or Pyramid Head, ngl.
BUT YES WHITNEY AS JENNIFER FROM JENNIFER'S BODY, PRETENDS TO BE A VIRGIN TO FUCK SOMEONE AND GETS SACRIFICED AND FUCKED UP... Thought Sydney the fallen could also be Jennifer, lying to Jordan about still being a virgin despite fucking the PC and it goes wrong as FUCK. Sydney the faithful AS NINA YES YES ABSOLUTELY, BEING A PERFECTIONIST AND FALLING SO BADLY.
Whitney is always gonna be Billy as Ghostface for me. Unoriginal I know, but GOD.
Robin acc feels like... Alice Sweet Alice, with an old bat framing him for her crimes.
Harper would be that old couple from Rosemary's Baby, drugging you and gaslighting the absolute FUCK out of you when he's done something terrible to you.
Kylar as Billy Lenz/Brahms is of course, the best, but he also makes a good Stu for the other Ghostface lad. OR THE GUY FROM MY BLODDY VALENTINE. ALSO MONIKA FROM DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB
Leighton as that old fuck from Dont Breathe? Maybe?
Wren is Pelle from Midsommar because yeah sure, he's sweet but NOT TO BE FUCKING TRUSTED
Honestly? Get Harper, Bailey, Remy, Leighton, Wren, Briar, Niki, Landry and make them the family from Ready or Not with Ivory Wraith being the spirit they sacrifice the PC to.
Alex, Remy and Wren being the trio brothers from House of Wax.
Or yknow.
Get Bailey, Eden and Wren and make them the killers from You're Next. Just so we get three hot men in masks that I would smash
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simonalkenmayer · 2 years
to this sydney guy — mate, we just had an election, in between you doing this stuff. do you not have anything more productive to do with your time? i mean, bloody hell, you could've even just gotten yourself a democracy sausage. that would be more productive than this. what are you doing with your life?
He’s been asked that.
He thinks it’s gaslighting. You see, because as I’ve said, he’s convinced himself through strange logic, that I am the bad guy and he’s vanquishing. So asking him to do something better with his time, is people trying to convince him to stop exposing my evil. Makes you the bad guy too.
I’m telling you. Nothing works. So for the first time, I’ll just be posting tracking images every time he appears. Until he either stops coming to my page, or finds some way to get around my system. This goes for anyone who sends me repeated disingenuous or overtly offensive asks. You either be polite or civil, or you will find I can be very meticulous in my documentation.
Now this person isn’t violent and they’re thousands of miles away from me, but what if they were an arsonist and lived a town away? Becomes a bit more unsettling. What if they lived a half hour away and decided to stalk my post office box? That’s why all of this kind of behavior has to stop and everyone who experiences it, needs to stand up to it.
If you don’t yet have it: go get the free version of Statcounter and implant the tracker on your tumblr. Watch your own traffic and see who sends you hatred.
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crystal-methionine · 3 years
The Post-Eurovision ranking and comments from an American that nobody asked for:
1. Switzerland 🇨🇭 Gjon’s Tears - Tout l’univers: I absolutely was enamored by this song, its artistry, and the artist. He can really sing and one of my early favorites from this year. So happy for him to get in the top 3 bc it was well deserved. 100/10
2. Italy 🇮🇹 Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni: Deserved winners. As queer as you can get and I am here for it. Another early favorite of mine constantly fighting with Switzerland for the top spot. 100/10
3. Iceland 🇮🇸 Dadi og Gagnamagnid - 10 Years: A beautiful song dedicated to his wife and deserved Top 5 for sure. Last year’s song would have won hands down so I’m bummed he couldn’t win the first one for Iceland but brilliant song and I hope the group stays together to produce more music. 99/10
4. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 Victoria - Growing Up Is Getting Old: Eurovision fandom will forever say Imaginary Friend or Ugly Cry was the better song to send, but I don’t think they would have won the contest either. This year was strong, and I personally think Growing Up was a perfect choice from Victoria. It deserved top 10 so I was pissed that it came 11th on the night and received so few televotes. 97/10
5. Ukraine 🇺🇦 Go_A - SHUM: To all y’all who said this wouldn’t qualify when the new version came out, eat those words hun. This was a masterpiece, and the live performances just elevated it further. Honestly, Kateryna could step on me, and I would let her. Who doesn’t love an ethnic modern fusion rave? 95/10
6. Serbia 🇷🇸 Hurricane - Loco Loco: I honestly have to say when it came out, it was never breaking my top 20, but here we are. This group of gals is amazing. The choreo, hairography, and the still great vocals won my gay ass over. They served and deserved top 10 in my eye. 90/10
7. Greece 🇬🇷 Stefania - Last Dance: Much like Serbia, I kinda dismissed this as a top 10 song at first, but after many listens and then the live shows, it was one of the best songs this year. Last year’s song was nowhere near a qualifier for me, and then I thought they had a good chance of being top 5 this year. Amazing improvement and can’t wait to see what comes next from Stefania. 80/10
8. Malta 🇲🇹 Destiny - Je me casse: Not going to lie, the studio definitely did more for me. It was up with Italy and Switzerland for winner contention until the live shows. Don’t get me wrong, Destiny is still amazing live, and the song is a deserved top 5 song. However, the costume and staging just really didn’t add to the song and I think detracted a bit. Her song last year was also much better in my opinion. 75/10
9. San Marino 🇸🇲 Senhit ft Flo Rida - Adrenalina: Oh boy this was a party, and the fact Flo Rida actually was there made it even better. The staging and costuming was absolutely camp, and I was here for it. This was definitely not underrated by fans beforehand, but the jury and televote were beyond robberies in my opinion. Granted I know the backing vocals were carrying the chorus a lot so in terms of vocals, I can see where this song got dinged, but this should have been San Marino’s best ever result at Eurovision, and it wasn’t so I’m mad. 60/10
10. France 🇫🇷 Barbara Pravi - Voila: The new Edith Piaf and probably one of the most representative of the country’s culture for a song. A definite deserved runner up on the night but for me 10th place. I loved the staging, the costume, the emotions. It was all right for Eurovision and me. 50/10
11. Cyprus 🇨🇾 Elena Tsingarou - El Diablo: Come through Cyprus with another female pop banger. I’d say if the formula ain’t broke don’t fix it, but wasn’t really enough to crack top 10 this year. Another early favorite of mine this year but soon got eclipsed. Still going to be listening to El Diablo for a while. 49/10
12. Russia 🇷🇺 Manizha - Russian Woman: I can’t lie that at first, this song was absolutely trash to me but quickly rose the ranks and became one of my faves. Same thing happened last year with Uno. We also always love a good female empowerment moment with the native language thrown in. Manizha is a girlboss without the gaslighting and a true queen. Deserved top 10 the night of. 40/10
13. Lithuania 🇱🇹 The Roop - Discoteque: An earworm for first listen and was top 10 for a while for me but like Cyprus, lost out to some others. No doubt this is a deserved top 10 the night of. 35/10
14. Croatia 🇭🇷 Albina - Tick Tock: The first song to get me pressed on it’s placement. Deserved to be in the final over both Israel and Norway (please come for me I don’t care). They freakin rocked that stage during the semis and the song is absolutely a bop. Albina deserved better. 30/10
15. Sweden 🇸🇪 Tusse - Voices: A beautiful song by an amazing artist. Sure the lyrics were a bit cliche Eurovision but guess what...it’s Eurovision. I can hear the voices. Keep carrying on Tusse. 25/10
16. Albania 🇦🇱 Anxehla Peristeri - Karma: This song grew on me a lot. I liked it but wasn’t a don’t skip for a while on my playlist. The live performance changed it for me. She slayed and the staging was everything for Miss Thing. Also native language brownie points. 24/10
17. Finland 🇫🇮 Blind Channel - Darkside: Before you come for me for having this at 17th, keep reading. I’m not a big fan of the lyrics but the song is absolutely fantastic. This style of music isn’t something I pull out on a playlist often, but I had my middle fingers up for this one (and pointed at Germany but we’ll discuss later). Deserved top 10 as they rocked it on stage. 20/10
18. The Netherlands 🇳🇱 Jeangu Macrooy - Birth of a New Age: I absolutely do not understand the hate for this song. I was also a huge fan of Grow last year so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised for being generally alone again. The fact it got 0 points in the televote and only 11 in the jury is not surprising but extremely disappointing to me. This song is a masterpiece much like the ones ranked above it. Jeangu, you are amazing and deserved so much better than this. 20/10
19. Belgium 🇧🇪 Hooverphonic - The Wrong Place: Fantastic song but fantastic artists. Always here for a dark pop moment. Gonna go get my own Johnny Cash T-shirt. 15/10
20. Spain 🇪🇸 Blas Cantó - Voy a Quedarme: Such a heartfelt ballad. I enjoyed it quite a bit and don’t understand the hate it has. Didn’t deserve 0 points in the televote. 14/10
21. Denmark 🇩🇰 Fyr og Flamme - Øve Os På Hinanden: Look we all know this song is cheesy but it’s the cheesiest Velveeta queso loco so it’s ranked so high in my opinion. This is a nod to the whacky and weird Eurovision I love. It’s always in my head and I always find myself dancing along. Deserved to be in the final over two of the songs in Semi 2. 13/10
22. Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 Efendi - Mata Hari: As far as the song goes, it’s enjoyable, but the stage show was a hot mess in my opinion. The choreo looked a mess and the different sheer legging configurations on the backup dancers was not the correct fashion choice in my opinion as I was distracted by the thought of why are they all different. Did deserve their spot in the final though. 12/10
23. Moldova 🇲🇩 Natalia Gordienko - Sugar: The studio version of this song is a heavily replayed one on my playlist bc of the drop and dance-ability of the song. However the downfall of the song was it’s live performance. The staging was fine and the choreo was great but those attempted sexy whisper vocals were not the choice to go with. I don’t want to sugar-coat this 😝 so they were terrible. Glad she made it but I felt her position in the final was one of just pure luck. 11/10
24. UK 🇬🇧 James Newman - Embers: The nul points was a huge ass oof. This song isn’t bad but I can see where people didn’t vote for it bc it’s not super memorable in terms of who all was participating this year. I like the song and always sing and dance along. 10/10
25. Israel 🇮🇱 Eden Alene - Set Me Free: This is how to do a revamp and be successful. Eden is a fantastic artist who can clearly sing, but the live performance was not all that sans the whistle tones. Yet the whistle tones aside, the song is lacking a lot. When looking back at the songs available, this one should not have been the selected one. I was always on the fence with this one and still am. 9.5/10
26. Czechia 🇨🇿 Benny Cristo - Omaga: The live definitely hurt this song in the first minute and a half. The second half was absolutely what should have happened in terms of vocals. Still like the song and listen to it often. 9.25/10
27. Ireland 🇮🇪 Leslie Roy - Maps: This song was a victim of a super strong bloodbath and shoddy staging ideas. The song is arresting and a bop. Leslie’s gruff voice mixed with the modernized Irish sounds is a match made. The staging of this song that required Leslie to run along with the beat and the distracting and constantly changing bits of the performance we’re definitely it’s downfall. It didn’t deserve last place in Semi 1 though. 9.25/10
28. Portugal 🇵🇹 The Black Mamba - Love Is On My Side: I am the first to admit that while I don’t like the song, it deserved the final. The staging and atmosphere elevated the song. 9/10
29. Austria 🇦🇹 Vincent Bueno - Amen: In the battle of the Amens, this one wins solely based on the classy and amazing staging. Don’t get me wrong, Slovenia’s was also elevating but this one did it better. 8.5/10
30. Australia 🇦🇺 Montaigne - Technicolor: This song is a fantastic one for studio. The live since the Sydney Mardi Gras performance has been rough and didn’t necessarily improve. I feel bad bc I do really love this song but it definitely didn’t deserve to qualify. This being said, I love Montaigne, and Don’t Break Me was my runner up last year, and I still listen to it as my anthem when I’m feeling down. I wish I could rank this higher but I can’t. 8.5/10
31. Romania 🇷🇴 Roxen - Amnesia: This song is great in the studio but it got old real fast for me and I don’t know why. This mixed with the poor vocals and the bizarre costume:stage combo was really what did this in and got this low in my ranking. 8.25/10
32. Slovenia 🇸🇮 Ana Soklic - Amen: The loser of the Amen battle, but just barely. The song and vocals are better in my opinion but the whole package was just barely edged out in the end. 8/10
33. Latvia 🇱🇻 Samanta Tīna - Moon Is Rising: Look, this song is nowhere near as good as last years. The queeeeeen sashayed away with that annoying trap beat. 8/10
34. North Macedonia 🇲🇰 Vasil - Here I Stand: Leave it to the gays for bringing musical theatre to Eurovision. The song honestly isn’t that special or memorable but he’s higher up bc his stage and voice are amazing. 7/10
35. Norway 🇳🇴 Tix - Fallen Angel: A great message on mental health outside of the song and Tix seems like a quality fella but I do not like the song. I preferred it in Norwegian. And this low ranking is not at all influenced over him beating out Keiino (but maybe a slight bit tho). 5/10
36. Estonia 🇪🇪 Uku Suviste - The Lucky One: While this was 1000% better than last years entry, it still was relatively boring. The stage was equally as boring so sorry Estonia, but you didn’t make the mark. 4.5/10
37. Poland 🇵🇱 Rafael - The Ride: This throwback to the 80s was a bad one. The attempt at a one hit wonder vibe really hurt it along with the artist’s terrible vocals. Also half the time, he was behind the pyro and relying on backup vocals. 4/10
38. Georgia 🇬🇪 Tornike Kipiani - You: You really should not have to wait so long for the more upbeat rock ending of this. If it was that last 30 seconds for 3 minutes, it would be much better. A definite step back from last year. 1/10
39. Germany 🇩🇪 Jendrick - I Don’t Feel Hate: Jendrick might not feel hate but I do bc that is all I feel when this song comes on. 0.5/10
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randombubblegum · 3 years
It happened, it happened, Sydney it happened! Awsten posted gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss in the terrible Greatest Hits font. At the rate your joking predictions are coming true Awsten and Otto will be married by December.
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savnofilter · 5 years
Hi, my name is Sydney. Most of you guys will not know who I am so I will introduce myself. I am the person who originally made this account, but gave it to Sav way back at the end of 2018. The whole brand, the whole person you have talked to, excused the time she took her first break to grieve during the summer, and the Sav you see now is the whole Sav. I have known Sav for a long time now and she is like a little sister to me. I am not blind to her flaws are, or how terrible she is at expressing herself - that is not your job. It is not anyone's job.
I am not sure about how much she has shared about her person, so I will not share too much. Sav is a sensitive person. She has gone through many stuff over the years since about 2016. As aforementioned, because of this she has not shared or even hinted to the things that have happened. If you were to stand with her for many years, and see someone who use to be so bright, so positive, confident, slowly turn into someone who barely wants to live anymore, fucking hurts my soul. Seeing the people who are blood, the people you wish you could spend eternity with, seeing them feel like this breaks my heart.
With all the hardships that Sav goes through that some people will find "childish", is big to someone who hasn't really experienced life yet, so fuck you. What do you expect from a teen nonetheless? Sav is one of the most caring people that has ever graced my life, and she never stops talking about how much she loves writing, how much she feels better when she talks to her followers or her friends on here talk to her, or when her favorite writer acknowledges her.
Sav is not a bad person. I've seen her do so many things that I wouldn't. She spends her time helping other people no matter how "tsundere" she acts. She always checks up on people, she helps people hell she even does stuff for people without a second thought. You might consider her a "bad person" because she doesn't act like an angel. You may not like her because she does not communicate well, I do not care do not speak to her.
The way Sav has been trying to go out her way to actually talk about her feelings now, and how repeatedly she gets shamed and shunned for doing so just makes my blood boil.
It was just today she's telling me, she cried 5 consecutive times in the middle of her classes because she feels like she has fucked up a relationship with one of her favorite writers today, that she's stressed, that she doesn't think she can even make it through the year. How the fuck do you think that makes me feel? That makes her family feel? Sav hasn't even fucking told her family that she feels like this, and even now recently she had just came out to her sister about being bisexual! Do you heartless fuckers have any sense about how much she digests and processes information like this?
To those call-out posts, you all should be so glad she likes to avoid drama. But here it is, and whoever has a problem block me. If you're out here making posts saying she's a manipulator, then you're entitled. If you have you're little minions who can't think for themselves, you guys are one of the most vile people I have ever met. You used a day when she was feeling her worst, and exploited like she isn't a human being. She said she was fine with you but I'm still pissed after what she's gone through at a young age that someone can't bother to fact check once in awhile. No one gives a fuck about how Sav is. And you guys think it's okay because she's "blunt" that she can't have her own feelings? Fuck you. Fuck those anons because there is no reason why I should have to type this up for someone who thought this was a safe space for her.
After multiple times of people being rude to her, she struggles with even knowing if she's being nice sometimes, and yes I believe she was gaslighted. She even said she feels truama simply from seeing someone @/ed her, or sees the combination of call-out in one sentence. How does a human being sleep at night knowing they did that to someone?
You may have orgasms making Sav feel like shit, she often let's it go but the issue is that she is always fine by the end of her "rant" or vent. She was not. I had never seen her succumb to something so easily and it pisses me right the fuck off.
Considering the fact that she has held back so many things from saying it because she avoids people coming to her and complaining, is obviously in vein because you useless, sad, losers can't fathom making a day without being the walking disappointment that you are.
Record this and remember it good: go fuck yourself.
Every moment she wakes up, she does it for other people. When she can't find a reason to get out of bed, she thinks of other people. She even fucking tries improving her mental health for not only her, but for you all and everyone that she tries to talk to and voice how she feels. I hope you feel ashamed of yourself for letting my baby feel like this. Next time something like this happens, I will go out of my way to find out who you are.
She has been practicing talking about her feelings, practicing just letting things out and you guys take advantage of that. You can dislike her for whatever reason, I do not care. Just know that you are a little bitch for even coming close to assuming that she doesn't feel bad for anything she fucks up. I shake my head so much when I see her apologize for things that she doesn't even have to if she was defending herself, or the person doesn't even listen to her. I am sick of it.
Thank you for the people who supported her on this, and hope Sav will be taking her time. When she comes back to reply to them, and I'm convinced she will try not to miss one either, that things improve because this crossed the line and this is disgusting.
One of the biggest mistakes of leaving the partnership we had together because of too much drama. Sav has talked with her family and will be getting help she needs. Please give her time because she needs it.
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7 Narc tactics you need to be aware of
Narcissists hunt in packs and when a couple of narcissists joined our group, they exploited our most compassionate Teacher mercilessly and created a lot of havoc. One average narcissist can affect up to 30–40 people in their lifetime, so it actually a miracle we are still standing and doing fine, having had to deal with 5 narcissists (out of which 2 very malignant ones) in our group of 18.
It is only by the Grace of Sree Maa and the all-powerful, most benevolent Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse that we are still fine and by the precious Teachings of our beloved Sadguru that we have been able to reflect and come to see things clearly. We feel strongly about sharing the Truth of what happened, as Irene/Joy Awakening and Iphigenie Amoutzias are spreading lies on the internet about Kosmic Fusion and our beloved Teacher, still trying to fulfill their vicious aim of sabotaging the philanthropic mission of Kosmic Fusion. We also hope this may give insight to other genuine seekers as we suspect that more people with NPD will be roaming around spiritual circles.
Narc Tactics
While Irene/Joy Awakening was causing discord in the Sydney team, Dallia/Iphigenie was meddling with the team she had been graced with by Sree Maa in New Zealand after she kept asking for one. As the representative of Kosmic Fusion in New Zealand, Iphigenie was liaising with the Pulsars and was suggesting it was a cult to some of the attendees at the Kosmic Tribe. She was also organising Meet-up meditations were she was talking more nonsense, spreading seeds of doubt and on top of it using it to pick up men.
She was creating havoc within the team of volunteers/FiTs. Initially she was hanging out with Sarah but when Sarah didn’t give her what she wanted, she moved onto Renu who would do write-ups and help with the organising. She purposely caused problems between them to drive them apart. Narcissists work in a very sly and covert fashion so that it is hard to pinpoint at the time what is happening. Gaslighting, triangulations, flying monkeys, psychic warfare; the narcissist has got a whole arsenal to cause discord and confusion. It is only in hindsight that you can put the pieces of the puzzle together. And Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy were a pro at it.
2014 was a year of practical training where through assisting in the organising of online workshops and events, we could practise being the non-doer. But not all were sincere in their practise… Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy were not only trying to control what was happening in the area where they lived, but also the FiT Programme as a whole. Iphigenie was squeezing out the other volunteers in the on-line events, by always putting herself forward as the facilitator with no regards for others. She was using the top dog strategy to do this.
Irene/Joy too used the top dog strategy, always trying to trump others in subtle and not so subtle ways. End of 2014 we were asked to do a beautiful exercise of tuning in with the QVSWPP for 2 times a day for 21 days and then reflect and share how we experience our relationship with Sree Maa Shri Ji, QVSWPP and other FiTs. Simran wrote a beautiful, honest letter that shows true deep reflections. Irene purposely replied to this (not sending her own letter) to top Simran off with a letter that we feel is more like a boast than a genuine reflection.
Looking back the lead was being taken by Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy who were working together to take over control. Irene would report others mistakes to Dallia and vice versa and also try to fill Sree Maa Shri Ji’s ears.
25/08/14, 19:49 — Komal Irene Kuo: So the second day we make it clear no talking inside the temple. .and Jabeen was another headache
25/08/14, 19:49 — Komal Irene Kuo: She was also in the stand but she tried to step in and keeps talking which is not helping
25/08/14, 19:50 — Meera: Of course no talking. Did the psychic talk?
Jabeen Jabeen….
25/08/14, 19:50 — Komal Irene Kuo: She also spent lots of time inside the temple to receive the energy
25/08/14, 19:50 — Meera: Haha, it’s all about her
25/08/14, 19:51 — Komal Irene Kuo: Sharing some post with you
25/08/14, 19:51 — Komal Irene Kuo: Maa, something clicked to me while I was sleeping this morning, as Jabeen mentioned she is doing work placement receiving phone calls and giving consultation for suicidal cases recently, not sure if this would affect her and also the stand energetically; as I noticed she tends to spend more time inside the temple and receiving the energy transmission, and she followed Clarito going inside the temple nearly each time he went in, which I feel strange, Clarito also mentioned he never felt so heavy in the stand before like these two days. I don’t know if there are any connections between these incidences, would like to bring my observations for your attention and would like to have your feedback on this, also your guidance on what to do if we have similar situation in the future events
25/08/14, 19:52 — Meera: Wow. Very good.
25/08/14, 19:52 — Meera: What did Maa say?
25/08/14, 19:53 — Meera: Must have been rather heavy. Jabeen still has so much ego too work through. ..
Tara has also personally witnessed how Irene/Joy confides in Dallia/Iphigenie when she needed to vent her anger towards Clarito. It was after the 2015 Kawai Pura Pura, New Zealand retreat where she and Clarito had an argument about Clarito wanting to move out of Sydney to go work in Auckland to be physically closer to Sree Maa and Shri Ji. She had raised her voice at Clarito across the dinner table to make him feel guilty by saying “FINE! You go to New Zealand and I will handle Sydney all by myself! How’s that?” After dinner, she was pacing up and down with rage in the hotel room that Tara and Irene/Joy were sharing that night because Irene/Joy was so fearful and upset about losing her biggest supply and flying monkey to Sree Maa and Shri Ji. When Tara did not want to engage in her drama, that is when Irene/Joy called Iphigenie to the hotel room to rant and complain as they normally would about others behind their backs (in this case, Clarito’s).
When you read through their whatsapp conversation it is a constant judging and bad mouthing others with a sense of grandiosity that is typical of narcissists. In this excerpt of Dallia/Iphigenie and Irene/Joy’s conversation you can see their sense of grandiosity and how they are even using their ‘dreams’ to gaslight others.
It is interesting Irene/Joy and Dallia/Iphigenie are talking about the two faces of others, while they themselves turned out to be the biggest cheats and hypocrites on the FiT Programme. Throughout their whole conversation on whatsapp you can see the projection of what they were doing onto others.
In fact, both Joy and Iphigenie have been working very hard but very slyly to get others out of the FiT Programme so they could be the best and eventually reach their goal of taking over and destroying the mission of Kosmic Fusion. Irene/Joy tried everything she could to get Jabeen/Jwala and Simran out playing very twisted games, and she kept suggesting to Mala to move back to the UK. Irene/Joy would attack Jwala time and again or use Clarito as her flying monkey.
Twisting and blaming
Irene/Joy said that Simran was the one who was responsible for destroying the relationship with Deb — an event organiser. She used the following incident regarding lunch to frame Simran so that she could get rid of her, making a mountain out of a molehill. You can read the email conversation here.
After this email was sent, Irene/Joy accused Simran of destroying the relationship and putting Kosmic Fusions reputation on the line. Immediately after this occurred, she reported this to Jeeya, complaining about Simran. This was later brought up again by Irene/Joy in the 2017 reunion as a reason for asking Simran to leave the FiT training due to incompetence. Irene/Joy completely exaggerated the incident to a point where it was a “dismissable offence” in her eyes.
At events, it was clear that Irene/Joy was trying to control matters. Irene/Joy would constantly take photos of herself on the stand. Other volunteers would not necessarily like to be photographed but Irene/Joy wanted the volunteers to be photographed on the stand so that she could boast about how well things were going in Sydney, as she saw herself as the leader she thought it would impress Sree Maa and Shri Ji. She then duped Simran into posting the messages on whatsapp by saying that Sree Maa wanted to know what we were doing on the stand and what it looked like etc. Irene/Joy then went on to tell Jeeya that Simran came to the stand to take photographs and check in so that Sree Maa thought that Simran was busy on the stand. It was clear that other volunteers ie Simran, Mala and Jwala did not like their photographs taken but felt pressured to do so to buy into the front of “oneness” that Irene/Joy was trying to create.
Irene/Joy and Hanuman wanted to participate in an advert in the local press, but when Simran and Jwala declined, the situation was turned around to point fingers at Jwala and Simran by saying that we were not contributing to Kosmic Fusion so they signed up for the ad. By this time Irene/Joy and Hanuman had pulled out of doing the ad and Simran and Jwala were in a position where it was too late to pull out and had to go ahead with filling the advertising space. Irene/Joy then used it as evidence against Simran at the reunion. There are more examples of how Irene/Joy was twisting things around to point fingers at others and actually try to remove them from the FiT Programme.
Below is the feedback shared by Irene/Joy towards fellow volunteer Simran:
For the magazine advertisement for Northern Beaches Embrace Life event she and Jwala went ahead without consulting me and Hanuman, and then wanted to change to smaller size from 1/3 to 1/9 of the page after she and Jwala realised me and Hanuman not participating as we were not informed in the first place, the event organiser Deborah was not happy about the last minute change just before the due date as the magazine space been allocated, Deborah even wrote email asking me and Hanuman what’s happening, from her forwarded email we saw Simran told her because Kosmic Fusion is moving to new phase so not able to come up with bigger advertising space… this is how she slander Kosmic Fusion’s name and doing whatever she wants, if Deborah didn’t forward the email would have any clues of what’s happening. Same as Jwala in the advertisement she also put her consultation services before “Energy Healing with Bhakti Bhaav”.
Dallia/Iphigenie too was working hard towards her goal of destruction. After she became the face of Kosmic Fusion in New Zealand, Pulsars and FiTs started leaving. Now there is only 1 left, Nandini.
The way she has used and abused one of the fellow FiTs, Renu is typical of narcissists and clearly shows the malignancy Dallia/Iphigenie was carrying inside.
Dallia/Iphigenie first played a friend to Renu, pretending to give a listening ear and support. This is how she won Renu’s trust. Renu was actively contributing with write-ups and organising Meetups, which came in handy to Dallia who tends to be lazy. Of course, while she was pretending to be her friend, she was gossiping about Renu to Irene/Joy behind her back. When Renu came back very ill from a trip to Europe mid 2015, she stayed with Dallia whom she thought was her friend to recover. Renu was actually very ill with encephalitis and required medical attention but Dallia/Iphigenie didn’t care. It was Sree Maa and Shri Ji who had to intervene and personally take Renu to the hospital. Dallia/Iphigenie later admitted that she didn’t care if Renu died. Zero empathy, zero conscience.
When Renu came too much to handle as she needed a lot of attention, Dallia/Iphigenie gave her the cold shoulder. This came to a pinnacle at the India trip and shocked Renu who didn’t understand why a friend would treat her that way. Narcissists see others as objects to use and abuse. Dallia/Iphigenie in fact wanted Renu out as she had seen her strength during the India Pilgrimage, where she encountered a lot of physical challenges.
Early 2017 Renu all of a sudden left the FiT Programme. Other FiTs were baffled and had no idea what happened and of course Dallia/Iphigenie kept her mouth shut. Well, she did write a shaming and blaming email to Renu as a reply to Renu’s genuine apology. The letter is actually a complete projection from Dallia/Iphigenie’s side. She made sure she copied all the rest of us in (but not Sree Maa and Shri Ji…) to desensitize us.
This blog is written together with my Kalyan Mitras Tara, Jeeya and Simran and part of a 5 part series.
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some1had2sayit · 6 years
Sydney Magnolia / beautiful dad is a manipulative, gaslighting serial abuser
if you read this blog’s first post, the above is probably not news to you. but since that post was written, more of his shit has come to light.
here is a twitter thread by @crelescent about a disturbing set of interactions they had with Sydney. you can & should read it for yourself, but in summary: @crelescent first exchanged numbers with Sydney in response to repeated calls for someone to talk to; Sydney was “making tweets and posting videos about how he felt like he wanted to commit suicide, how nobody cared about him, and how he felt totally manipulated by other people.” (this very similar to how he exchanged numbers with me, & it just so happens he contacted his next would-be victim very shortly after i told him to leave me alone.) Sydney asked for help with finding money, tried to guilt @crelescent when they expressed a (perfectly justified & totally-on-the-money) wariness, & became condescending & accusatory extremely quickly. (he did the same to me within a few days of us exchanging numbers, but i was naïve enough to stick around.)
in @crelescent’s words, “he never told me he was married, never told me he had kids, and insisted that he experienced transmisogyny as a femme trans man.” Sydney portrayed himself as uniquely alone & thus vulnerable, switching things up from when (with me & others) he very publicly portrayed himself as trapped with his kids & thus vulnerable. he’s not trustworthy & has repeatedly victimized others in his apparent attempts to get resources.
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thewrosper · 4 years
Cannes Film Festival flashback: Most memorable editions, from post-WWII beginnings to its 2009 pinnacle
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May holds a special place in the calendar of film lovers across the world. It is when the privileged few of them gather at that most hallowed rendezvous on the Croisette for Cannes Film Festival — and it sure is a privilege to discover the best films of the year, before they are coated with all that promotional sheen. Sadly, Cannes 2020, originally scheduled to run from 12-23 May, will not be held in its "original form" this year due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis; but it was announced on Sunday that it will screen an official selection of its films at fall festivals like Venice. Meanwhile, all its parallel sections — Directors' Fortnight, Critics' Week, ACID — have been cancelled. With many other festivals also cancelled, cinemas closed, and productions on hold, the COVID-19 pandemic has paralysed the film industry.  It is unfortunate especially following the success of last year's edition, which proved exactly why Cannes is still considered the barometer of quality in cinema. Some of the most beloved films of 2019 began their journey at the festival: Beanpole, Bacurau, I Lost My Body, Invisible Life, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Pain and Glory, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, The Lighthouse and, not to mention, the eventually Oscar-winning Parasite. It was truly an exceptional line-up, in terms of scale, variety and substance. Turning back the clock, we time-travel to Cannes film festivals over the years with equally exceptional line-ups. End of a war, birth of a festival Highlights | Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau), Brief Encounter (David Lean), Gaslight (George Cukor), Gilda (Charles Vidor), The Lost Weekend (Billy Wilder), Notorious (Alfred Hitchcock), Rome Open City (Roberto Rossellini)
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Proposed as an alternative to Venice Film Festival (then politicised by Mussolini), the first edition of Cannes was initially supposed to be held in 1939. Louis Lumière, the man who gave us cinema, was announced as president. MGM had chartered an ocean liner to bring all the stars from Hollywood. Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Gary Cooper, James Cagney, Mae West, Norma Shearer, Spencer Tracy, and many more had arrived on the Croisette. Then, Germany invaded Poland and they all had to book return tickets. The world had to wait till the war ended for a taste of what Cannes had to offer — and boy, did they deliver. Alfred Hitchcock got everyone's hearts racing and adrenaline pumping with Notorious. Billy Wilder followed up Double Indemnity with a grim portrait of alcoholism in The Lost Weekend. David Lean served a romantic tearjerker for the ages in Brief Encounter. Italian neorealism began to take shape with Roberto Rossellini's Rome, Open City. Jean Cocteau crafted an anti-Disney treatment of Beauty and the Beast, where the surreal and real, the ugliness and beauty come together in a magic realist concoction. Out of the 44 feature films screened, 11 of them (one from each participating country) were awarded the top prize, Grand Prix (now called Palme d'Or), for reasons of diplomacy. This included India's sole Palme d'Or crown (till now) in Chetan Anand's Neecha Nagar.  However, it was anything but a smooth-running operation. In a comedy of errors, the reels of Hitchcock's Notorious were reversed, screened with the ending reel first, while the projection of George Sydney’s The Three Musketeers was turned upside-down. There was also tension brewing over the beginning of the Cold War. Russia blamed every technical issue on the US; the US cried sabotage over last-minute parties being scheduled at the same time as Hollywood films.  Despite reversed reels and upside-down projections, Cold War scandals and consolation awards, the inaugural edition proved it could only get better. Cannes 1946 helped France regain its status as an economic power in Europe post-WWII, also enhancing its cultural weight over the rest of the world — at least, in terms of cinema.  The glitz and glamour Highlights | Ballad of a Soldier (Grigori Chukhrai), La Dolce Vita (Federico Fellini), L'avventura (Michelangelo Antonioni), The Virgin Spring (Ingmar Bergman), The Young One (Luis Buñuel)
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Within a decade, Cannes had set a new precedent for other festivals. Call it a temple of cinema or a glamorous vanity fair, it was beginning to attract the best filmmakers in world cinema. It also became the new locus for the golden age of Italian cinema, as two of its canonical entries, Fellini's La Dolce Vita and Antonioni's L'avventura, were both screened at the festival. Not without controversy of course. La Dolce Vita and L'avventura divided the critics and the public, stirring the deepest admiration and aversion. The former ended up winning the Palme d'Or, the latter the Jury Prize. However, for a large portion of the public, La Dolce Vita was an overlong decadent affair intended to outrage all good taste and sensibilities. They also didn't care for the pacing or abstract narrative of L'avventura, having expected it to be a straightforward investigative thriller. The boos and barbs got so severe, lead star Monica Vitti left the screening hall in tears. Cannes has become a stage for glitz and glamour, parties and photo calls, and the army of paparazzi that comes with them. With La Dolce Vita, Fellini sums up the hope and despair, the beauty and ugliness to this superficial celebrity lifestyle, testifying to the social malaise underneath. In L'avventura, Antonioni created a new visual language of his own, one which reflected its synthetic nature while merging the realms of reality and abstraction. Before Come and See and Ivan's Childhood, Grigori Chukhrai gave us an equally lyrical meditation on war in Ballad of a Soldier. Also screened at the festival were Bimal Roy's Sujata and William Wyler's Ben-Hur (out of competition). With Marché du Film established just the previous year, Cannes had also set the stage to become the premier global film market we know it as today, giving film professionals the opportunity to shake hands with the best in the business. Pulp Fiction puts American indie films on the world cinema map Highlights | Exotica (Atom Egoyan), The Hudsucker Proxy (Coen Brothers), Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino), Three Colours: Red (Krzysztof Kieślowski), Through the Olive Trees (Abbas Kiarostami), To Live (Zhang Yimou)
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Cannes 1994 will forever be remembered as the year Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction won the Palme d'Or, thanks to jury president Clint Eastwood. The film beat favourites like Krzysztof Kieslowsk's final feature, Three Colours: Red, and Nanni Moretti's Dear Diary, which was eagerly championed by jury vice-president Catherine Deneuve. The victories of Sex, Lies, and Videotape in 1989 and Pulp Fiction in 1994 gave American independent cinema global validation. Pulp Fiction of course benefited from producer Harvey Weinstein's "Iron Curtain Strategy" to increase the buzz with limited screenings, while targeting selected American critics to deliver glowing reviews. It began his enduring love affair with Cannes, as he returned as jury president 10 years later and delivered three more of his films (Death Proof in 2007, Inglourious Basterds in 2009, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in 2019) in the race for Palme d'Or.  The edition boasted a particularly rich line-up across the various sections. Un Certain Regard, the official selection which was created in 1978, and favoured atypical films and lesser-known filmmakers, included Olivier Assayas' Cold Water (L'eau froide), Pedro Costa's Down to Earth (Casa de Lava), Claire Denis' I Can't Sleep (J'ai pas sommeil) among others. Adding to the festival's scale and eclecticism were the parallel sections. Critics' Week featured Kevin Smith's Clerks, while Directors' Fortnight had a commendable line-up of films from Aki Kaurismäki (Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatiana), Ang Lee (Eat Drink Man Woman), Michael Haneke (71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance) and Shekhar Kapur (Bandit Queen). John Waters' hilariously absurd satire, Serial Mom, was also screened out of competition. The pinnacle of eclecticism Highlights | Palme d'Or: Antichrist (Lars von Trier), A Prophet (Jacques Audiard), Bright Star (Jane Campion), Broken Embraces (Pedro Almodóvar), Enter the Void (Gaspar Noé), Face (Tsai Ming-liang), Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold), Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino), Thirst (Park Chan-wook), The Time That Remains (Elia Suleiman), Wild Grass (Alain Resnais), Vincere (Marco Bellocchio), Vengeance (Johnnie To), The White Ribbon (Michael Haneke) Un Certain Regard: Dogtooth (Yorgos Lanthimos), Father of My Children (Mia Hansen-Løve), Mother (Bong Joon-ho) Out of Competition: Drag Me to Hell (Sam Raimi), Pixar's Up (Pete Docter)
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Andrea Arnold, Bong Joon-ho, Jane Campion, Gaspar Noé, Lars von Trier, Park Chan-wook, Quentin Tarantino, Michael Haneke, Pedro Almodóvar, Yorgos Lanthimos and more. Talk about an umissable festival line-up. But with this diversity came division, as some of the jury members ended up in a bitter battle. Jury President Isabelle Huppert and fellow juror James Gray reportedly fought over the former favouring Antichrist, and in the end, reached a compromise with The White Ribbon. The 2009 edition was also an example of how Cannes is a unique showcase for little-known filmmakers to introduce their films to larger audiences. It is hard to imagine if we would all have been raving about Lanthimos and the Greek Weird Wave, if Dogtooth hadn't won Prix Un Certain Regard. Ditto, with Mia Hansen-Løve. It is no wonder filmmakers and producers organise their production schedules in order to be able to present their films at Cannes. Cannes 2020 could have matched the 2019, if not 2009, edition with a line-up, which would have probably included Annette (Leos Carax), Bergman Island (Mia Hansen-Løve), The French Dispatch (Wes Anderson), Last Night in Soho (Edgar Wright), Memoria (Apichatpong Weerasethakul), Mona Lisa and the Blood Moon (Ana Lily Amirpour), Peninsula (Yeon Sang-Ho), Pixar's Soul (Pete Doctor), Tenet (Christopher Nolan) and many more. We'll know more when Cannes chief Thierry Frémaux makes an announcement on the selection in June. Even if there's no physical or online edition of the festival, just imagining a "What if" wishlist makes for a comforting exercise in these strange times. Read the full article
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Yves here. I am getting some popups. This may be happening to you. Apologies if so. This is not supposed to happen. I have told our ad service to get rid of them and I hope this will be remedied pronto.
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North Korea
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Donald Trump gets ‘beautiful’ letter from North Korea’s Kim Jong Un DW. Two can gaslight.
Kashmir: Moscow for resolving issue in accordance with Shimla, Lahore pacts The Hindu (J-LS)
‘Double standard’: A hard right American political conference spreads its wings in Sydney Sydney Morning Herald. Kevin W: “The real story is in the names of the people attending – a real nest of vipers. Alternate article on this story at https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/09/when-tony-abbott-and-peta-credlin-share-billing-with-radical-far-right-figures-we-should-be-concerned
UK economy contracts for first time since 2012 amid Brexit worries France 24
No 10 cancels staff leave, hinting at likelihood of snap election Guardian
Simultaneous wind farm and gas-fired power station failures are blamed for one of Britain’s worst power cuts in years as millions are hit by blackouts – with homes, airports, trains and even traffic lights going down Daily Mail
Russia Admits Mysterious Missile Engine Explosion Involved A Nuclear ‘Isotope Power Source’ The Drive
Italy’s Matteo Salvini calls for fresh elections as coalition fractures Guardian (UserFriendly)
U.S. Sanctions Turn Iran’s Oil Industry Into Spy vs. Spy New York Times (Kevin W)
Withdrawal of US troops in Syria strengthened ISIS resurgence, DOD watchdog says MSN (resilc)
Turkey to annex northern Syria with US blessing Asia Times (Kevin W)
California School District Agrees to Desegregate After State Investigation New York Times (Kevin W)
Big Brother is Watching You Watch
Oh my God: If you let anyone other than Apple replace your recent iPhone’s battery, expect to be nagged by iOS The Register (Kevin W). Apple probably thinks they are being super nice by refraining from bricking your phone.
Trump Transition
Roseau feels the strain as Minnesota-Canada border hassles take a toll MPR News. Chuck L: “Collateral damage”
I Can No Longer Justify Being a Part of Trump’s ‘Complacent State.’ So I’m Resigning. Washington Post (furzy)
The FBI Told Congress Domestic Terror Investigations Led to 90 Recent Arrests. It Wouldn’t Show Us Records of Even One. ProPublica (UserFriendly)
Most Latinos Now Say It’s Gotten Worse For Them In The U.S. FiveThirtyEight (resilc)
Trump administration authorizes ‘cyanide bombs’ to kill wild animals Guardian (furzy)
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DNC Chair’s Latest Resolution Could Torpedo Climate Debate Push, Activists Fear HuffPost (UserFriendly)
Republicans are becoming economic populists again. That’s a good thing Guardian (UserFriendly)
In Shift From 2016, Bernie Sanders Shares More Personal Tales Wall Street Journal (UserFriendly)
Biden in Iowa Says ‘Poor Kids’ Are Just as Smart as ‘White Kids’ Bloomberg
Tulsi Gabbard on Syria, Iraq, Kamala Harris and the 2020 Primary – Rolling Stone (furzy)
AOC’s voting bloc looks to its next targets in New York Politico (UserFriendly)
Court Upholds North Dakota Law Stripping Voting Rights From Native Americans TruthOut (furzy)
Trump flirts with action on gun control The Hill. Gaslighting.
President Bill Clinton: Reinstate Assault Weapons Ban Now Time. UserFriendly: “Look who wants to have one tiny bit of his legacy not be in tatters.”
L’affaire Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein documents show how girls were lured into his life Miami Herald (Chuck L). Ugh.
Epstein, or How Your News is Cooked Ilargi
CEOs Who Cheat In Bedroom Will Cheat In Boardroom, Study Shows Bloomberg. Erm, not quite. Ashley Madison people were actively looking to cheat and find fellow purposeful cheaters. Some “cheaters” have a single indiscretions or fall into an affair (get attracted to someone when their marriage is going through a bad phase), so it’s not clear to what degree these finding apply to less purposeful cheaters. Sp worth further study.
Our Fabulously Free Press
Trump is reportedly planning an attempt to regulate Facebook and Twitter over alleged political bias Business Insider (Kevin W)
Revealed: how Monsanto’s ‘intelligence center’ targeted journalists and activists Guardian (furzy)
‘The Family’: Netflix Series Investigates America’s Secret Theocracy Rolling Stone (furzy)
Malaysia Indicts 17 of the “Untouchables” at Goldman Sachs Wall Street on Parade (UserFriendly)
How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption Pro-Market
‘Global Economy is Probably in Recession’ Reuters
Class Warfare
The Descent Into Cruelty Current Affairs (UserFriendly). Filed here because IMHO this sort of conduct can be rationalized by the perps and the people who gave the orders by virtue of seeing the people as lesser.
Elderly couple found dead in murder-suicide left notes that they couldn’t pay high medical bills Daily Mail (J-LS)
Antidote du jour. Margarita: “This little guy performed almost an instantaneous costume change – as soon as he spotted me admiring him – and probably thought “‘let’s see if you can do this!’”
And a bonus (Chuck L):
This bird just discovered that golf balls bounce on concrete and he’s absolutely loving it. pic.twitter.com/rXQVgWZXu7
— Jesus Chrysler (@JesusChrysler15) August 2, 2019
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
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Links 8/10/19
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2OOkzlO via IFTTT
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rodislandpsychic · 4 years
Twin Soccer Players Named Jesus Corona
Here's where I can use Mexican Soccer player JESUS CORONA to establish my identity. I've been "powering up" or "gearing up" these last couple months. 
It’s also necessary to post this for my protection in case people start sniffing around my Blog.
I'm WA CHINESE VIRGIN born on CHERRY Street w/ Grandma Natividad DeJesus born Xmas & drove a 1977 Toyota CORONA in 1993.
I almost lost my VIRGINITY on 8/13/1998 in a SOCCER Field. SOCCER player Jesus CORONA is JESUS Christ + CORONA. The CHINESE CORONAvirus was first seen in WA State. 
ESPana is Extra Sensory Perception. I'm Psychic & speak "ESP." 
Corona = CROWN in Spanish
Jesus Corona means "Jesus Crown in Spanish 
I drove 1977 Toyota CORONA 
My 1991 HS ESPanol teacher was CHRIST-ie CHRIST-man 
CHRIST-ie CHRIST-man = Christ Symbol 
ROD ROD****** = Ruler Symbol 
I'm 40+ Year Old VIRGIN 
My birth name "Isabelo Rod" means "Ruler Consecrated by God" 
I was born and raised in Washington State. 
11/11 = Washington Statehood 
11/11 = 11:11 
11:11 = Angel Number 
I wear a Virgin and God Symbols born in a State that has an Angel Number, 
I'm Gemini Twin 
Gemini = II = TWO 
TWO players are named Jesus Corona 
I'm Gemini Twin ROD 
Jose de Jesus Corona Rodriguez = Rodriguez = ROD 
He's born 1/26 day Kobe (STEAK) Bryant died with his DAUGHTER 
I tried to meet up with my adopted daughters 1/25 of 2019 
I'm ROD with adopted daughter JORDAN as "JO" in TEXAS (SE) as "JOSE"  
Jesus Manuel Corona Ruiz as OTHER TWIN 
Jordan and Sydney are my “honorary” adopted twins from Dallas, Texas. I said I’m Virgin so I couldn’t have had sex to conceive actual twins. It’s talking more about who I chose or accepted into my Family and grant powers.
This form of “adoption” also helps explain how Earth as a Planet can “adopt” a person. When someone is elected President, it’s different from a Monarchy where it is the Royal Bloodline.
Someone is adopted into the Presidency. Jordan isn’t of my blood, but I adopted her accepting to sponsor her as a Guardian and where I’m her “Psychic Father.”
People mispronounce my name calling me ROB instead of ROD. In Computer Programming, one typo can change a Line of Code. 
I'm born 5/29 of 1975 
My Initials are IR and I'm Male as "IR on Man" 
IRon Man = Tony Stark 
Tony Stark  is born 5/29 of 1970 
Tony Stark is played by Robert Downey, Jr. as ROB 
He wed Deborah FALCONer 5/29 of 1992 
That name ROD and ROB switched when people address me shows how one simple letter change can affect my identity. 
ROB means "to steal" while ROD means "Ruler." 
The 11/11 Washington Statehood as Angel Number is seen in History. 
World War I ended 11 am 11th Hourr 11th Day 11th month of 1918. 
1918 = 1000 + 918 
1000 = M in Roman Numerals 
M = 13th Letter 
13th Letter = 13th State Rhode Island 
5/29 = Rhode Island Statehood 5/29 
I'm born 5/29 of 1975 
918 = 9/18 = 9th 18th Letters IR 
My initials are IR 
The Calendar Date 11/11 of 1918 for World War I ending that day means "Washington 5/29 IR." 
If I'm Virgin born on Cherry Street with Grandma Natividad DeJesus born on Christmas Day, it hints I'm the one who can "end the World War" or all this fighting. 
If I can prove Intelligent Design and that my Virgin Symbols are authentic where Earth is alive, people have to listen if it's something that is coming straight from God. 
To disagree means that you're arguing with God. 
Who are you to argue with God? 
People think I am out of bounds but keep saying like a broken record how Earth is sentient.
Earth’s Electromagnetic Field functions as a Wireless Network for Earth
Earth is a Queen Bee with Subconscious Minds as Worker Bees
Earth has an Electromagnetic Field Neural Network Hive Mind with 8 billion people as Planet Brain Cells creating her Cumulative Consciousness and Cumulative Intelligence
Earth uses people as Cones and RODs to give Her vision like the human eyeball
Earth is like a Flatscreen TV with 8 billion people as 8 billion PIXELS
The last analogy is important in explaining why Earth would be discontent with Politicians spreading Misinformation.
Misinformation obscures Earth’s vision
Misinformation controls the perceptions of people
People are like individual PIXELS
Earth is like a Flatscreen TV
Misinformation will blot out parts of the TV Screen where She can’t see
So when Politicians mislead people with False Data or False Readings, it messes up Her viewscreen. So Politicians lying and substituting FAKE Data for actual data are messing with Earth’s eyesight.
It also becomes dangerous when Fake Information is used to control voters so they elect people who have access to lethal or extremely dangerous weapons that can affect Earth’s environment and stuff that took her eons to set up.
Politicians think there’s nothing wrong with lying or making up information to remain in power.
Lying is like cheating on a test to get a perfect score
Lying gaslights science
Lying invalidates the work done by researchers who provide good information and good intel
If we live in a world where people can just be deceitful and lie to get through job interviews or take control of powerful positions in government, there’s really no point in education or working hard.
You might as well just lie to get what you want in Life.
0 notes
joneswilliam72 · 6 years
The 405 curated streaming queue #1A, March 2019 – totally free streaming choices.
The world of streaming is getting more and more dense with more and more options for the average viewer among more and more outlets to choose from.
Indeed, the sheer volume of content is daunting. But this climate also offers a tremendous amount of quality choices. If one knows where to look.
Toward that end, at The 405 I will be sharing a snapshot every month of my entire streaming queue across Hulu, Amazon, Tubi TV, PlutoTV, Sony Crackle, Netflix, MUBI and Vudu – all of which have apps for one’s smart TV in addition to the usual mobile fare. We will be adding entries for other free services like IMDb Freedive, and other paid services like The Criterion Channel, as they expand their smart TV capability. I have taken into account truly great films in most every genre in making this list and will continue to do so.
Tubi TV, Sony Crackle, and PlutoTV are all free all time (with adds), Vudu has a tremendous amount of free content but also pay content (all entries on this list for Vudu are free with ads). Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix are of course pay options.
Towards that end, entries over the free services will be in this article and entries in the paid services will be coming a little later this month. This template will be repeated from month to month as the platforms rotate new titles in.
The options below are on their respective outlets as of March 11, 2019. As I am in the US, they may not be accessible to viewers who are not. I cannot guarantee that one way or the other.
This is also just a snapshot. To list my entire queue would make this article unbearably long. What I have included below are the choices in my queue that I consider to be the most essential, must-see, and the highest quality. Links to each film at the respective service are embedded in each bold title below, along with the film’s trailer after the description.
Stay tuned for “The 405 curated streaming queue #1B, March 2019 – paid edition” for the best of my queue on the paid services, Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon.
I. Vudu
Still from Darren Aronofsky’s first film PI (1998). Source:Nerdist.
The classic starring Dustin Hoffman as a down-on-his-luck actor who cross dresses to gain a part on a TV show is always a fun watch and really essential if you have not seen it. Tootsie was directed by the one and only Sydney Pollack (Out of Africa) too.
The Last Witness
The Last Witness is a WWII murder mystery about a very real massacre of 22,000 Poles by Stalin and the Red Army. Catch my interview with director Piotr Szkopiak here.
A Scanner Darkly
Based on the Philip K. Dick novel, A Scanner Darkly is a dark, dystopian wonder with a lot to say on the human condition.
Pi is Darren Aronofsky’s first feature length film. It tells the story of a migraneur mathematician obsessed with the Bible Code and the people chasing him. In its monochrome, frenetic, and sublimely beautiful style, Pi is a cannot-miss.
From Kids director Larry Clark, Bully is a gritty look at teenagers and a murder plot involving their bully in 1990s California. It is a visceral gut punch of a movie that anyone who appreciates great cinema will love.
Gaspar Noé brings us a vicious, incredible, seemingly-random story of violence in Paris in a way only he can. Irreversible was the follow-up feature to his I Stand Alone, which was terrifyingly brutal in its own right. While both films are hard to watch, this is very intentional considering the subject matter and should not deter the viewer as Noé’s horrifying elegance is one-of-a-kind among directors.
Last Man Standing (NOT the Tim Allen TV show)
Bruce Willis is a mob hit man getting in gun fights in a Texas ghost town – which is a setting not often seen in mob movies. Last Man Standing is an action flick with a story the one and only Akira Kurosawa contributed to the story of – Last Man Standing (like Sergio Leone’s Fistful of Dollars in 1964) is a retelling of Kurosawa’s 1961 classic Yojimbo which is itself based on “The Maltese Falcon” author Dashiell Hammett’s novel “Red Harvest”. The Coen Brothers”– and Frances McDormand’s – incredible 1984 film debut Blood Simple. also got its title from a quote in “Red Harvest”.
Amityville II: The Possession
One of the best in the Amityville franchise and starring the incomparable ‘80s sex symbol, actress Diane Franklin who started the teen heartthrob curly-haired revolution. My interview with Diane can be read here.
The Machinist
Christian Bale stars as an insomniac machinist with a very dark secret. Bale lost an incredible amount of weight to play the part – dropping around 60 pounds, he is damn near unrecognizable in it – and his acting does not disappoint. Come to think of it, neither does the writing or filmmaking of this black as night neo-noir. The Machinist is truly a must-see.
Delicatessen is a darkly funny, brilliantly-surrealist, post-apocalyptic fantasy. This is one you have to see to believe.
II. PlutoTV – Note that PlutoTV does not have a search function that I could see. You have to scroll through the relevant section for a title. Therefore, I have noted which section I found each title in next to its listing. While the site’s features and navigation frankly suck something awful, PlutoTV does offer an exceedingly wide breadth of great films and overlooked gems.
Still from TEETH (2007). Source:Bloody Good Horror.
The Evil Dead (horror)
Sam Raimi’s The Evil Dead tops more than a few “essential horror cinema” lists for good reason.
Night of the Living Dead (classic movies)
More essential horror, this time from the master George Romero. Night of the Living Dead is still scaring many an audience after nearly 51 years.
Hellraiser (horror)
A third entry for essential horror, this time from the great Clive Barker who both wrote the “Hellraiser” novels and directed the film.
Bronson (thriller)
Bronson is a loosely-true, biographical film of “the most violent prisoner in England”(an electric Tom Hardy) from The Neon Demon and Drive (look for Drive under the Sony Crackle section lower down this page) director Nicolas Winding Refn. NWR also runs a streaming site that is pretty incredible in its own right: bynwr.com specializes in restoring, then streaming, old cult classics and great movies that fly below the radar. Restorations are personally supervised by NWR and the site is always free to watch and read the treasure trove of information it shares on each film. The paid MUBI service streams these films on the larger mobile and smart TV ecosystem.
Children of the Corn (horror)
The feature length horror classic from Stephen King all about a couple whose car breaks down in a tiny Nebraska town with homicidal child religious zealots. Children of the Corn did a lot to define Stephen King’s horror on the big screen in the 1980s.
Bug (indies)
Bug is an overlooked gem of psychological horror starring Ashley Judd and directed by cinematic legend William Friedkin of The Exorcist, Wages of Fear, and The French Connection.
Donnie Darko (indies)
One of the most significant head-trips I’ve ever experienced at the movies – Jake Gyllenhaal is sublimely terrifying as the titular character who just so happens to have a homicidal rabbit named Frank as his hallucinatory friend. Donnie Darko messes with your sense of time and reality in incredible ways that no fan of serious, cerebral horror should miss.
Freakonomics: The Movie (documentaries)
An exceptional movie after an exceptional book (which I also highly recommend). Freakonomics will teach you to think counter-intuitively and reason like the rogue economist who wrote it.
Teeth (horror)
Teeth is a blood-chilling feminist horror film about a woman with literal vagina dentata (look it up) that became much more relevant in the #MeToo era. Read my interview with Teeth’s lead star Jess Weixler here.
The Merchant of Venice (drama)
Al Pacino stars in 1984 director Michael Radford’s 2004 take on Shakespeare’s play. Watch for the incredible realism here: for instance, the prostitutes are topless in the beginning scene not because Radford wanted a racier movie, but because it was the law in Venice, where authorities thought it would stomp out homosexuality. My interview with Radford can be read here.
Melancholia (indies)
Melancholia is Lars von Trier’s surreal story about two sisters (Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg) who find their already strained relationship at its breaking point as a mysterious planet is colliding with Earth. While far from von Trier’s best (that, in my opinion, goes to the profoundly nihilistic Antichrist), Melancholia is well worth a watch.
A Star is Born (classic movies)
The 1937 original with Frederic March and Janet Gaynor.
Suddenly (classic movies)
A thriller with Frank Sinatra as the baddie along with Sterling Hayden? Count me in.
His Girl Friday (classic movies)
Cary Grant is always a great watch with his one-of-a-kind humor and goofiness. The great Howard Hawks (the original 1932 Scarface, The Big Sleep, Bringing Up Baby) directs.
House on Haunted Hill (classic movies)
The original 1959 horror classic based on the book by Shirley Jackson and starring the immortal Vincent Price, this is essential modern gothic horror.
D.O.A. (classic movies)
Edmond O’Brien is California businessman Frank Bigelow who is poisoned when he heads to San Francisco. Can Bigelow find his own murderer before the poison acts? D.O.A. is a fantastic, frenetic film noir directed by prolific cinematographer Rudolph Maté who worked on classics from The Passion of Joan of Arc to Hitchcock’s Foreign Correspondent.
Algiers (classic movies)
Hedy Lamarr and Gaslight’s Charles Boyer star in this locational love story that did quite a lot to convince the studios of Casablanca’s merits four years after Algiers came out.
He Walked By Night (classic movies)
Richard Basehart is a cold blooded killer in this noir that acted as a forerunner to TV’s Dragnet.
Indiscreet (classic movies)
Indiscreet is one of screen legend Gloria Swanson’s first talkies. Wanna see what the experience behind her immortal portrayal of Norma Desmond in Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard (1950) looks like? Indiscreet is a definitive entry in the canon of a powerful actress that helped build that indelible foundation as Norma Desmond in Wilder’s movie.
Maniac (classic movies)
A fascinating example of early grindhouse cinema (from 1934) in its violent, disturbing style, Maniac (originally titled “Sex Maniac”) tells the story of a former vaudevillian who is skilled as an impersonator as he aids a mad scientist in re-animating the dead.
They Made Me a Criminal (classic movies)
An essential early noir starring the great John Garfield (The original Postman Always Rings Twice).
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (classic movies)
More essential noir and Kirk Douglas’s film debut. Barbara Stanwyck also delivers knock-out performance.
Goya’s Ghosts (drama)
Goya’s Ghosts is an incredible look at a scandal involving the mistress (Natalie Portman) of legendary Spanish painter Francisco de Goya (Javier Bardem). Milos Forman (Amadeus) directed and co-wrote this fantastic, based-on-a-true-story historical piece.
III. Sony Crackle.
Ryan Gosling in DRIVE (2011). Source:Japan Times.
Sexy Beast
Sir Ben Kingsley earned an Oscar nomination for the role of brutal British gangster Don Logan in this Jonathan Glazer-directed crime thriller.
The Haunting
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Liam Neeson star in this more modern take on Shirley Jackson’s “The Haunting of Hill House.”
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels is Guy Ritchie’s breakout London crime comedy that is always a treat to watch. Check out my interview with Rocketman director and actor Dexter Fletcher who plays Soap in Lock, by heading here.
Arlington Road
Jeff Bridges plays a college professor who suspects his new neighbor (Tim Robbins) may be an alt-right domestic terrorist. It is sad how timely a thriller Arlington Road still is (it is 20 this year) – but even if it wasn’t, Arlington Road is still a taut and very well-executed.
Nicolas Winding Refn directs this neo-noir with Ryan Gosling as a stuntman who moonlights as a getaway driver with a conscience. The visual palette of Drive is absolutely incredible with its neon-drenched, realist, California scenes – made all the more incredible because Winding Refn is actually color blind in that he is physically unable to see midtones. If you like movies like Nightcrawler, you’ll really like Drive.
Lords of Dogtown
Heath Ledger, John Robinson, and Emile Hirsch star in this look at the skateboarding trends that developed in the 1970s in Venice, CA. Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight, Miss Bala) directs Lords of Dogtown.
IV. Tubi TV
Still from CARNIVAL OF SOULS (1962). Source:The Criterion Collection.
Christopher Nolan’s epic 2000 neo-noir murder mystery told in reverse chronology. Starring Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss, Memento is undoubtedly one of the best and most influential neo-noirs of the early 2000s.
Mulholland Dr.
David Lynch’s surreal magnum opus is a movie I’ve written about extensively at The 405 – read my original analysis of it here. Mulholland Dr. is essential cinema for the modern world. Check out my interview with Oscar-nominee Robert Forster, who was in Mulholland Dr., here.
True Grit
The Coen Brothers version of the classic western from 1969, with Jeff Bridges in John Wayne’s part of Rooster Cogburn. True Grit was nominated for 10 Academy Awards.
Martin Scorsese’s multi-Oscar winning love letter to classic cinema. Hugo (with its PG rating) also functions really well as a family film that has substance and can teach your kids a thing or two about the great Georges Méliès who directed one of the first great movies in the early 1900s: A Trip to the Moon.
The Bird With the Crystal Plumage
The 1970 giallo classic from Dario Argento. The Bird With the Crystal Plumage is a defining film for giallo as a style in its reluctant detective story about an American who witnesses a murder at an art gallery in Rome and tries to piece his recollections together for the carbineri.  .
The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made
An entertaining, self-explanatory documentary. Every cineaste should know about The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made.
Multiple Maniacs
Multiple Maniacs is the definitive John Waters classic. Read The 405 interview with him here.
Reefer Madness (In Color and Restored)
While it isn’t the monochrome original from 1936, Reefer Madness is an essential watch to understand the racist and hype-driven roots of America’s Drug War. It is definitive in that area and even birthed terms like “voodoo pharmacology.”
The Goode Family
Another brilliant satirical show from Beavis and Butt-Head creator Mike Judge. The Goode Family is a scathing sendup of modern leftism and was beloved by many regular leftists when it was on for one season in 2009 because it shows a regular family. Think King of the Hill with weird vegan hippies and not Texans and you’ll understand this half hour show. Alas, petulant, safe-space-hiding critics hated The Goode Family and crucified it till the plug was pulled. Still, the lower than average ratings also didn’t help the shows ultimate destiny. But don’t let that deceive you: this is quality – and very funny – satire. See the pilot below.
The Little Shop of Horrors
A fantastic little piece of comedic horror from 1960, Roger Corman directs The Little Shop of Horrors.
The Hitch-Hiker
The Hitch-Hiker was the first Hollywood film noir directed by a woman: the incomparable actress and filmmaker Ida Lupino. Edmond O’Brien stars.
Carnival of Souls
A remarkable low budget but high-concept, psychologically-driven horror flick made by Herk Harvey, a Kansas filmmaker who specialized in industrial films in 1962. The film’s entire budget was sourced over the course of one weekend in Lawrence, Kansas. Carnival of Souls is a must-see that bombed when it first came out but is now viewed as a standard-bearer of superb psychological horror.
The Dario Argento horror classic which was recently remade by Luca Guadagnino.
Director Michael Radford’s superb take (the 1956 version, done almost 25 years before this one, was essentially panned by Orwell’s widow for neutering the more brutal lessons Orwell intended in the novel) on George Orwell’s powerful and timely novel of an authoritarian future. Read my interview with actress Suzanna Hamilton who played Julia in 1984, by going here.
Dial M For Murder
Dial M is the Alfred Hitchcock suspense classic starring Ray Milland and Grace Kelly. Warner Brothers insisted the film be shot in 3D, which Hitchcock did not want. The craze was fading but Hitchcock gave in to their wishes. Still, like all his movies, Dial M is nerve-shredding.
The Naked Kiss
A 1964 crime drama about a prostitute working out her psychological demons. Prolific auteur Samuel Fuller (The Big Red One, Shock Corridor) is the mind behind The Naked Kiss.
Five Minutes to Live
Johnny Cash stars as hood Johnny Cabot in this 1961 crime flick directed by Bill Karn. Five Minutes to Live was the only feature length film the Man in Black acted in in the ‘60s, he would go on to do more in the intervening decades before his death in 2003.
Kansas City Confidential
Kansas City Confidential is a rather under-rated film noir with John Payne as an ex con trying to go straight who is framed for an armed car robbery and must go to Mexico to seek justice and the truth.
Gothic is the great Ken Russell's take on the infamous story of what happened the night Mary Shelley wrote “Frankenstein” with Gabriel Byrne as Lord Byron and Natasha Richardson as Mary Shelley. Russell’s work is always bold and boundary-pushing: if you like Gothic, you owe it to yourself to see his 1971 film The Devils too, although you’ve probably already seen The Who’s Tommy – probably Russell’s best known directorial effort.
from The 405 https://ift.tt/2VUHE4T
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