#this post is not supporting ai art btw
wormsoft98 · 6 months
When talking about ai, yall need to be careful to not romanticize struggle. Your art does not contain value because you spent 7 hours agonizing through it, it contains value because you created something. You can be proud of your hard work, but activities are not inherently more worthy if you suffer more to do them
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iidsch · 5 months
really ironic that two tankies (sexhaver and txttletale if you want to block them) vehemently defend ai art, a tool that steals from artists and is hurting their careers. almost like these people dont care about workers' rights of any kind and are just fascists from the other side of the spectrum!
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kurohaai · 4 months
Hello! Wanna say that i love your comics and arts! Just so you know though, don’t post your water mark like this or else some people might claim it and pretends as theirs (i don’t mean water marks on art, i mean an water mark as a post, just to clear confusion!) hope you have a great days! ^_^
lmao any artist named Ai could use it if they want because we are having enough shit on our plates already
Just don't forget to credit & link back to the original post as per reposting/usage etiquette as fellow artists ofc 🌸
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thatbendyfan · 11 months
im supposed to be going to bed but i was messing around with chonny jash ai voice for shits and giggles earlier. here’s chonny sounding like he’s going through puberty
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dexalyys · 4 months
Hey so apparently Tumblr is gonna start using all art posted on the platform to train an ai or something, I'm not sure if it's true but I thought you should probably know
from what i can tell it’s not meant for training a generative model, but rather just the recommendations algorithm. all social media sites with an algorithm like that relies on ai to detect keywords or common phrases in text to provide people with recommendations , and with more art-based sites they train ais that can detect recurring patterns or colours so better pinpoint what people are into. so yeah i’m not worried
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corruptionasart · 18 days
I followed for video game corruptions. Don't think I've seen much of those of late.
damn sorry i'll make sure you get a refund
Anyway i'm also gonna go ahead and lump this in here since it's related:
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So I'll forgive people for either coming in late to the party or just not paying attention to how this blog has changed over the years but I've spoken several times in the past about how rom corruption over time has become really boring to me. That's why over the past few years I've posted less and less of it.
Back when I started doing this stuff and really committed to it back in like 2016-2018 it was great, I started this blog as an excuse to do more of it, playing retro games and breaking them was, and honestly still is a lot of fun. Unfortunately I made the mistake of running a queue which meant I needed things to fill that queue which meant I was essentially turning art into content, and over time that took its toll and I burnt out hard on it. There was a point where basically all my free time was spent on some aspect of running this blog, whether it was playing the games or going through recordings to make gifs or tagging posts etc.
Over the past couple weeks actually I've been going through all my old ShareX screenshot folders (btw i wholeheartedly endorse sharex it rules and i donate to its patreon) I've been collecting all the screenshots I've made of rom corruptions (somehow I hadn't done this before) and what I've noticed is exactly what I noticed all those years ago, it's kinda all the same.
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You might disagree with that but again I've been seeing this stuff for like 8 years now and there's only so many times I feel like I could post something like that before it gets stale, the same goes with the gifs and videos. Again, I do enjoy making that stuff but I just feel like I personally feel like I need to make a change.
I'll get into the AI part of what I said this morning in a following post but I should be a bit more clear that the collage stuff I've been doing and anything else that I plan to do in the future isn't meant to be entirely about showcasing ai art or glorifying it, it's just another piece of the puzzle. I mostly made the post about ai stuff mostly because I wanted to see what the reaction would be in this community to that specifically. I wasn't expecting the "anything that isn't rom corruption is off-topic and shouldn't be posted on this blog" contingent. I may very well make another blog just about the ai stuff because I think there are things I could talk about with it with regard to pushing against the tide of garbage and making something new with it, idk yet.
THe last thing I want to say regarding rom corruptions specifically, though, is that it's interesting to me that despite the fact that I've posted the link to the corruption wiki multiple times now and people clearly do have an interest in this stuff that hardly anybody is out there posting this stuff either here or anywhere else online (at least outside of the Vinesauce community, which I feel goes for a very different vibe in what they do.)
The tools are out there, they haven't really changed all that much for years apart from being supported for more modern systems, and yet nobody's posting anything.
Maybe I should make another proper tutorial on my whole process, try to push harder to get people to make stuff.
Sorry if this response is kind of incoherent, I've been called away a lot in making this, I'll try to make the next few posts shorter
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stupidscav · 5 months
DNI: zionist, antikin, ableist, lgbtq+ phobic, proshipper, support ai art, general bigotry. sorry once again I am too lazy to make a proper dni
RB > LIKES on art, preferably!
art fight,,
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ok new pinned time finally
hello!! I'm fester, thing, xerophyte, or scav! feel free to alternate names (aka pls pls pls pls/nf)!! I go by it/they/thing, but I'm also okay with he/him. I am neurodivergent (autism, anxiety, probably adhd, I'm a triple a battery) please be clear about things,, my mental health also is not the best currently so I might not be in a stable mood sometimes. i am also a minor, and I love microscopy, indie music, Fe (EA), and Rain World. :3
I am also otherkin/fictionkin, and my identities are here.^^
about my tw tags: I tag the word itself. if "geko" was a trigger, I would simply tag the post "geko". you can always ask me to tag something!
tags + info:
#scavs silly misc: miscellaneous posts/original posts. I upload random shit sometimes🔥
#scav finally draws something: drawing that I'm actually proud of! a good amount of art is in misc though
CHANGED TO: #festers fuckery dont ask/silly
#dark pearls: dark topics, vents. formerly #scav feels shitty.
#happy scav: positive vents mostly
#pearl treasury: asks and polls! formerly #scasks.
#scavs favorite pearls: gifts! at least I think that was the tag
#scav is serious: announcements mostly
#scavcanons: headcanons, ocs maybe
#scav rejects humanity: kin^^
#fester finds: things I find/find to be cool, usually music !
#fester friends: posts w/ friends ^^
alt acc: @scavssupersecretaltacc
spam acc: @i-like-to-explode
fe sideblog: @fe-enjoyer
heavy vent: @d-arkpearls
music sideblog: @woflester
elite rp sideblog: @elited-scavenger
ohh i made a cohost also
old pinned, for more info (outdated kinda)
btw, I love being tagged! I love being asked! I love getting doodle requests, though idk if I'll get them all! these are basically always open!! unfortunately I am a horrible procrastinator so I might not always answer timely :']
probably gonna add more if I forgot, which is very likely. ty!
notes below!!!
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-if I change my PFP from your art to something else that doesn't mean I don't love it and cherish it forever!!!!! thank you so fucking much for every gift you make I love them!!!!!! seriously why do people keep making me things helppp/pos
-sorry I haven't been answering asks often:(( still don't mind asks though!
-please don't make jokes on my vent posts or anything unless I say you can btw. should have said that earlier sorry
-also, this explains a lot of why I don't respond sometimes
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reachartwork · 11 months
honestly I find some of the anti-ai art stuff ridiculous in the rhetoric they use, like people saying it's cheating at art, devalues art, or lacks soul. Photobashing, collage, relying too heavily on a reference and with some people using any reference at all, have all been called cheating at art. I never heard people call it cheating when people used computer programs to make photomosaics.
Art has already been devalued, ordinary artists had been able to make a decent living in the 70s, now it's really hard to make a living through art. There's loads of old dramas where people are like, failed artists, and yet they still have a place to live. It's just not a very nice place. Nowadays even pretty good artists can find it a struggle to not have to have a roommate or a rich partner or something. Also people have been saying that something means that art lacks a human touch for ages, humans have drawn clipart, or made vectors from photographs, and those have been considered lacking a soul or w/e Like the valid points people have tend to be that like companies are going to use generative art to replace artists, that's true, but expanding copyright will always protect the companies not the artists. Producing a right to remix would protect individuals better, it's not people like you who are the problem, it's people like Microsoft Activision Blizard. Secondly the consent in generative works isn't good either, nor is the processing power used, but I'm sure ya'll about ethical works are talking about that. Also personally I think if an individual doesn't make any marks on a piece of generative art, or doesn't produce any code, only keywords and choice I think it would be better to say they're a guider or generationist or something. It just feels more descriptive towards the image making, like how a painter isn't a sculptor, but someone who just does found object art is still basically an artist, but they're not someone who sketches.
I know some artists are scared and feel like they shouldn't bother doing art because the computer can do it, but like, people are still mathematicians even though computers are great at calculations. We might not have human calculators any more, but the field is still very important. On either side of things at very least we should be fighting capitalism and not each other. Like fuck adobe, fuck disney, they can make technically ethical systems from their own massive image libraries, but it's their artists who will suffer the most. We need to provide incomes and housing for everyone, and full union support, to ensure that techology benefits humanity, rather than it benefiting only the capitalists.
Also btw I say this as someone who has done professional art both digitally and physically, and I've not used any generated art for any of it, though I have done a paintover and I really like sketching "this horse doesn't exist" and using "this human doesn't exist" for oil painting practice
posting ask without comment
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limeinaltime · 3 months
Quick Update
Hello. It's me.
So yeah, I, have been going through a weird rut where I draw stuff but don't want to post it, and a lot of fandom-related things (especially for Murder Drones, my god this fandom) have made me hesitant to post the refs and drawings I have done. I also have no had the energy to make a lot of full pieces despite wanting to, and I've mostly been doing sketches alongside working on TAOME's revision as well as the first chapter of Act 6.
Luckily I do want to post more so I'll try to eventually, but for now, TAOME's revisions are coming along nicely. Dialogue has been refined and added, characterization and interactions are still being refined and fleshed out, and I've been picking at all the little typos and errors I've been finding. I do want to try and finish before I take a trip later this month, but if not, at the very latest I do want to finish before the next 4/13, which will mark the second anniversary of this fic being made public! It might probably be that since I want to make this fic as high-quality as possible, but that brings me to the other reason why I've mostly just been reblogging and posting the occasional babble or ask.
I haven't been having fun with my art and writing.
Everything I've been making feels like a pressure I put on myself to get better, and I do want to deal with that before I start being more active on social media. With the influx of AI, studio drama and just everything happening in the world, I have felt both unhappy and unable to really create much of anything without feeling this pit, and being friends with or at least looking up to so many amazing artists, I think that daunting feeling of a skill gap has finally really sunk in. I don't want my work to be just rewarding. I want it to be fun.
So yeah, I will try to post some refs for the characters I have managed to work on as well as some sketches, and as for the fic, well
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I'm really excited to work on Act 6. It's partially what I've been building up to for the past almost-two years, and it is a very big part of the plot. Like, one of the major plot sequences is this entire act. This does admittedly make me nervous, but then again, maybe it shouldn't. This is, at its core, an OC/Canon fic. I am supposed to be having fun with it. I'm allowed to hype it up. This is also the passion project that I have put my heart and soul into for most of my time in college. I don't want it to flop, and yet in a way, I feel like that want has sucked the fun out of making it.
I don't know what I'm going to be doing going forward, and the future isn't a given. The revisions will be posted with the start of Act 6 at some point, I can promise you that, and while I don't have any big pieces to post, I will definitely try to post more refs and the sketches I've done.
Btw I also have a Toyhouse that I've finally started utilizing so if you want to see some of the art and refs I've done, you can head over there too.
That's pretty much it. Remember to do your daily clicks, be healthy, support the oppressed and tell the oppressors to shove it up their asses, and have a good day :)
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somescenecatholic · 10 months
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btw i do NOT support ai art!!! AT ALL!! DNI IF U DO!! Artists deserve more respect. Typing a few words into an ai isn't hard. Yes every creation is different but it isn't really your crestion, the robot did the work.
btw actual cool rawr xd posts coming soon!!! 11th grade starts in like five days so be ready for crazy stuff! THIS YEARS GONNA BE SO COOL!!
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nailgunstigmata · 6 months
this is going to sound unintelligible for people not invested in the drama of the book community but im convinced that the racist trump supporter claiming her plot was copied is just a hoax created to take the heat off cait corrains fake reviews. im being deadly serious about this btw i know conservatives are unhinged but thats not how humans act. this person has started posting about ai art too so im convinced theyre just trying to hit on every online controversial topic they can think of to stir up the maximum amount of outrage and cover caits tracks. lauren m davis is not a real person but either a troll or cait corrain trying to play 4d chess badly again and because one option is a lot funnier im choosing to believe in that one
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thatbendyfan · 7 months
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qiekzart · 1 year
FREE PALESTINE (link to how to help)
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⭐ Currently drawing kagamine len (and rin) everyday until my preorder arrives (it ships in august but australian shipping times....) and i do currently take requests!!
If you are interested in requesting, please read my sntry here! and then send an ask :D ⭐
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i really appreciate reblogs and i love reading the tags ^_^ i mainly post my art because i want people to be happy from my art or enjoy the art, so thank you for reblogging my art!
My art can be used for personal purposes ONLY! (NO AI/COMMERCIAL USE IS PERMITTED) id be honoured if u use it as a pfp or banner or something with credit!
i have a carrd for this blog!! here u go. it has info on me too if u for some reason want to know abt me :3 ALSO if we have stuff in common feel free to ask to be friends!!
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DNI (do not interact):
Blogs that don't allow minors to interact / post untagged nsfw.
Post untagged gore, post self harm
Proship, lolicon/shotacon/cub/etc.
Any bigots, transmeds, pro-israel, etc.
Radqueers, trans-id/transX
Fakeclaim / harass anyone or support it
AI Images / AI "art" (includes ai writing and other forms of art) supporters.
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Look at my fursona btw (please stop calling him miku.. cant a man have blue hair and blue tie without being miku... smh.)
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thank u for looking at my fursona
Also for myself; art ideas list:
To the end of infinity drawing
Idk man drraw something good for once
pv for afterglow by hikkiep (maybe? if i get time)
congrats on scrollig this far have a kaomoji ->(≧∇≦)/
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zombie-ghost · 2 months
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Hi! I'm zombie-ghost! You can call me ghost or zomb! I go by *almost any pronouns (*except it/its), and I post whatever on here. The stuff I mainly post is fandom/fanart and kandi stuff! I'm also the owner of @ask-camp-campbel , @sbg-obsessed-blog , and @pride-pfp
☆Fandom list thingy [I'll probably update this]☆
☆Sally face
☆Camp camp
☆Rude foods (made by @/fuzzypandapants on tiktok)
☆Murder drones
☆School bus graveyard
☆Five nights at freddys
☆Lego monkie kid
☆Spooky month
☆Birds of paradise (made by Rosetta Sun and River Seas)
☆Castle swimmer
☆Welcome home
☆Captain laserhawk
☆Avatar the last airbender/legend of korra
☆Mao mao heroes of pure heart
☆Star vs the forces of evil
☆Empires smp (specifically ldshadowladies videos)
☆Teenage mutant ninja turtles (specifically rise and mutant mayhem!)
☆Ride the cyclone
☆ My hero academia
☆ Invincible
☆ Crybaby/k-12/portals
☆ Witherburn after school news
☆ The dragon prince
☆ Sonic the hedgehog
☆ toilet bond hanako-kun
☆ ducktales
☆Pro-Isr3al (this goes for ppl who are "neutral")
☆ Antisemitic
☆ Bigots
☆ Proshitters (this goes for neutral and supporters)
☆ C0mshippers (this goes for neutral and supporters)
☆ Z00s
☆ Anti-furry and anti-therian [not a furry or a therian myself. I just think the hate against them is highly unnecessary]
☆ Anti-neo/xenopronouns
☆ Anti-neo/xenogenders
☆ Swerfs
☆ Terfs
☆ Transmeds
☆ Ai "artist"/ ai "art" supporters
☆ NSFW/k!nk/f3t!sh blogs
☆ Gore blogs
☆ Dream stans/supporters/defenders
☆ Gnf stans/supporters/defenders
☆ Wilbur stans/supporters/defenders
Daily clicks for Palestine! 🇵🇸
That's all :3
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My tiktok is @zombieee_ghost btw
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margueritesauvage · 1 year
>>> https://www.egair.eu/#manifesto <<<
From artist Claire Wendling : "Join us, let’s bring our voices to the European parliament, For the regulation of AIs , and our rights.
EGAIR Is live now.
After months of hard work I'm so happy I can finally share this with you.
EGAIR Is the European Guild for AI Regulation, a Guild of artists, associations and companies in the creative field wanting to protect our data and art from being exploited by a handful of corporations.
Go to EGAIR.EU to find out more about our proposal, read the manifesto and if you agree with It please sign It and share it to your friends!
From @mefu_official profile:
We are very happy to officially announce the birth of EGAIR - European Guild for Artificial Intelligence Regulation.
>>> https://www.egair.eu/#manifesto <<<
In recent months, while we have worked on the political front of AI regulation, beginning to meet with European Union officials, we have also carried out hard networking work, coming into contact with big names in comics and illustration, associations and trade unions at an international level.
In fact, we knew that in order to present our requests effectively to the European institutions, it would not have been enough to present ourselves only as a group of Italian authors.
EGAIR is our answer to this problem, a point of reference for coordinating European activities and a platform for all those who want to join the cause, support it or find resources and information.
On the website you will find the Manifesto (written by LRNZ and by us at MeFu), a link to sign it, the names of our supporters, the newsletter and the contacts of the EGAIR team.
In the "Links" section you will find the templates (designed, like all the website, also by LRNZ) that you can download to share EGAIR on your social channels.
The road is long, morale is high, the goal is clear."
Btw, feel free to use the templates shared in the links to personalize your post with your own images, if you want to share!"
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drjadziagrey · 11 months
I have recently come across multiple posts talking about people using AI programs to finish other people’s fanfics without their permission. In the comments and reblogs, a debate started about whether this was ethical or not.
It is taking someone else’s creative work, which they have spent hours working on as a gift to themselves and other fans, and creating an ending outside the author’s vision because the reader wants a story and for whatever reason the author hasn’t completed it yet. They may have left it unfinished for a reason, or it could be still in progress but taking longer than the reader wants because fanfic writing is an unpaid passion project on these sites.
Fanfic writers shared that they were considering taking down their stories to prevent this, while some fans defended the practice saying they would use AI to compete unfinished works for personal reading but wouldn’t post the AI story. Even if the fic isn’t being posted, the act of putting the fic into the AI as a prompt is still using the writer’s work without their permission.
As you search Tumblr and Ao3, there are dozens of ‘original’ fics being posted with AI credited as having written them. As this practice has become more common, writers are sharing their discomfort with these fics being written by AI using their works as training material.
Fanfiction is an art form, and not a commodity which writers owe to readers. It is a place where fans can come together to discuss and expand upon their favourite fandoms and works, and brings community and a shared appreciation for books, tv shows, movies and other creative mediums. Some of the best fanfics out there were written over the course of multiple years, and in the writing, authors notes and comments, you can see friendships grow between fans.
There is a related discussion in this community of fic writers about the influx of bots scraping existing fanfic. Bots are going through the Ao3 site, and leaving generic comments on fics to make their activity look more natural. In the weeks since I first saw posts about this, fic writers are locking their fics to users with accounts or taking their fics down entirely.
There is talk of moving back to techniques used before the advent of sites like Ao3 and FanFiction.net, such as creating groups of fans where you can share amongst yourselves or the use of email chains created by writers to distribute their works.
This is the resilience of fandom, but is a sad move which could cause fandom to become more isolated and harder to break into for new people.
Here are the posts that sparked this…
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