#this probably has spelling errors so ignore pls!
barbiiecams · 6 months
arguments with toxic!rafe when you’re just as toxic as him.. he’s humbling you rq 😭.
all day he was experiencing the silent treatment. as much as it was your fault, you were still pissed. he failed to pick you up from a party last night and completely left you stranded until you ultimately decided to just get an uber. when you were blowing up his phone, he ignored you each and every time. shit, he probably even blocked you at one point.
now, he’s sitting here all in your face telling you how childish and self centered you are. as if that’s not one of the reasons he’s so obsessed with you.
“rafe get out of my face.” you warned, pushing his head with your hand.
“no. you always wanna start this shit for no reason then act innocent.” he responded as he followed you up to the bedroom.
ignoring his words again, you attempted to make it into the room by yourself and lock him out. but to your inconvenience, he was right up your ass.
you didn’t even have the chance to reach for the door behind you because he pushed you inside the room, walked in, then locked both of you inside.
“who the fuck you think you are pushing me?” you turned around real quick to push him right back.
it’s no use, you could try it all you wanted but he was too sturdy and too big to even nudge a little.
he lets out some air from his nose, and brushes his hand over his face. “we’re gonna talk this out. you understand?”
he points a finger in your face while he talks. usually this would piss you off, but right now you could see he was desperately trying with you.
“fine.” you agreed then went to sit on the bed. he sat down next to you and wasted no time talking.
“the attitude changes and accusations have to stop. you know why i didn’t come to pick you up last night.” he starts.
“actually i don’t-”
“im not done speaking.” he cuts you off. you gave him a look that said ‘boy watch yourself’ but he very much ignored it and continued.
“you know how much i love you? how much i worry about your safety? i didn’t even want you to go last night. matter of fact i told you not to.”
it seemed like you heard the same stuff each argument, but he knew none of it ever stuck. he was determined to get you to listen tonight.
“what did i say before you left?”
“to be ready by 10.” you said in a quiet, almost embarrassed voice because you knew you were the one wrong this time. would you admit that? hell no.
“exactly. but you wanted to have your little outbursts and argue with me and tell me i was being too controlling. and obviously you need that structure. right?”
you nod but you still weren’t about to give up that easily.
“okay but-”
“but nothing. i told you i’d be doing business with barry after the fact.”
“any other boyfriend would’ve stopped and came!” you tried with him.
all he did was scoff, “so that i don’t have any money, and then you would cry everyday since you don’t have the newest bag in stores? real funny. i’ll save myself the headache.”
you couldn’t argue with him because he was most definitely right. being you, it was still gonna take you another hour or so to apologize. or, he could force it out.
“whatever.” you said while getting up to go start your nightly routine. you didn’t make it very far because rafe was quick to grab your arm.
“not so fast. what do you say?” you stood there for a second just looking at him.
“hello? i know you’re not mute all of a sudden.” he smirks at you being straight hardheaded. it would piss another man off, but he found it amusing with you. and he wouldn’t trade it either.
“i’m not apologizing.” you finally said. you were hoping for the right response to this, and he didn’t disappoint.
“no? well i guess that means you’re gonna have to get it fucked out of you.” he shrugs, then quickly lifting you up and onto the bed. before you knew it, your panties were off and he was already starting with the hickeys on your neck.
smiling at how fast things were going, you still wondered when he would realize why you loved to pick arguments so much.
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syndxlla · 1 year
best friends don’t look at each other the way we do
A low stakes, high reward, and self-indulgent Zelink fan fiction. Canon-compliant. Takes place between BOTW and TOTK.
Heavily inspired by my Zelink thoughts
I wanted to dig into the dirty, grimly reality of being the saviors of the world and not knowing how to be the savior of yourself. But you can find that safety in another person.
Fan fiction warnings: Canon-typical violence, eventual smut (in later chapters, characters are consenting adults), references to self-harm, eating-disorders, and a lot of angst. Each chapter will have chapter-specific warnings.
Chapter one: I used to tie your shoes
Song: We’ll never have sex by Leith Ross
Summary: Fresh off Hyrule Field, Link and Zelda have to face life after the Calamity, and come to terms with the long road to physical, emotional, and mental recovery.
Warnings: Vomiting, trauma, canon-typical violence, eating-sensitivity
Word count: 3.7k words
Author’s Note: I am so excited to share this. Please share and support this in anyway. I drew this art for the cover :) chapter begins after the page break. I love you guys. Also, these chapters won’t be heavily edited. Ignore any grammatical/spelling errors pls
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Time. We never seem to have enough time. Green grass burns soft red embers into the field, a horse’s mane is rebraided at the nearest stable, and the stars shine as if nothing changed. Because it hadn’t, not really. The sun will still rise in the east and set in the west. The birds will still sing their songs at daybreak and the fireflies will still flicker at dusk. Nothing changed, but everything did. The air feels lighter, the sun feels warmer and yet Zelda’s fingers still shake as if she was in the snowy Hebra peaks.
The Princess by nature, is very gentle. She’s soft and patient at heart, but was placed under such strenuous situations all through her youth that caused her to often snap or lash out. But not now. Currently she is silent, stone-cold and confused. She was in shock. And Link could tell.
“Here.” He pulls out a baked apple from his pack, handing it to her. He has to get her attention twice before she finally takes it, their hands brushing for a moment. Her awareness returns to her gaze then, her bright-green eyes meeting his.
“I-I’m so sorry.” She sighs, her voice weak. “I’m just… so tired.” Link tries not to show his distress, but she notices his demeanor change as well. “How much further?” She says, rubbing her eyes sleepily.
“Probably another hour and a half. It’s just through those mountains.” He points.
“Dueling peaks. I remember.” She nods. “I remember everything.”
“Everything?” He asks as he starts to dig around a pack on the rear end of Epona, searching for his rito attire. It was starting to get dark, and she hadn’t stopped shaking since they left Castle Town almost three hours ago.
Zelda nods once.
Her silence speaks volumes.
He yanks out his snowquill armor, finally. “Do you remember anything from the last hundred years?” She doesn’t answer right away, she instead takes a smaller than small bite out of the apple. “Zel? Can I put this on you? You’re still shivering.” He asks, looking at her blank, traumatized stare. “It’s from the Rito, it’s soft as a cloud and will keep you warm for the rest of the way.”
“The Rito.” She sighs. “Revali…”
Link realizes that she hasn’t had any time to process what she just went through. She had spent the last one hundred years deeply focused, probably in a trance-like state. He places a hand on her cheek. “Look at me.” His voice is gentle and welcoming, not forcing her at all. She looks at him, their eyes locking. “Breathe with me.”
They take two deep, heavy breaths. They sync their inhales, exhaling together.
“It’s over. It’s all over, okay?” He reassures her. “It’s not coming back. It’s just us now, alright?”
She swallows, still emotionless. “You’ve changed.” She says.
“So have you.” Link smiles in an attempt to comfort her. “Can I put this shirt on you?” He asks again. She answers faster than she usually had, nodding twice this time. Link bunches up the excess fabric before pulling the head-opening over her hair. He then guides each one of her hands through the arm-holes. Link takes a moment to adjust the garb around her torso until it was probably positioned around her shaking body. She immediately sighs in relief.
“You talk more.” She mumbles, looking at him as he gently wraps his fingers around her long, golden hair and softly pulls it out of the shirt, knowing how much it irritates him when his hair is loose underneath a shirt.
He smiles again, “I do. Some people say I don’t shut up.” He tries to lighten the mood.
“Like who?”
“Impa.” He sighs.
Zelda’s eyes light up with that name. “Impa?”
He hums and nods. “We can go visit her when you’re feeling stronger, okay?”
“Okay…” Zelda looked down into her lap, the skirt of her goddess dress was barely white anymore. “I am going to get stronger, right?” She asks, her voice tender and broken.
Link’s heart sinks. Not because he’s worried she won’t, but rather because he feels responsible for putting her in this state.
“Of course.” He reassures. He believed it. He wanted to believe it.
“I’m… just so tired.” She repeats herself.
“I know, come on, let's get you a bed.” He then picks her up bridal style from the ground. They had stopped in the first place to get that rito armor for her. She rests her head against his chest as he lifts her onto Epona. She smells like burnt oil and exhaustion. He probably isn’t smelling any better.
They wouldn’t get to Hateno until noon at the earliest tomorrow, and traveling wasn’t doing anything for her recovery. He gets on Epona behind her, letting her weak body rest against his chest as they make their way to Dueling Peaks Stable. The road is quiet, so much quieter than it ever has been. The pair of lizalfos always swimming in the river aren’t there, and even the crickets suppress their chirps.
It’s post-apocalyptic. Literally. Link isn’t sure how to feel.
She throws up a few hundred feet from the stable. She gags and lurches over the side of the horse, somehow managing to keep it off of anyone. Not much comes out, she hasn’t eaten in over a century, but Link frowns when he realizes the apple probably triggered it. He silently curses himself out for causing her any form of distress. She dry heaves violently, and Link tries to hold her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. When she finishes, she holds her breath.
She can’t decide if she feels like she lost a bit of dignity or not. She holds back the tears that well in her eyes. Link breathes in to say something, but she raises her hand in protest. She would rather they act like it never happened. Neither of them say anything from there on, they just keep riding the final minute of the journey.
Everyone at the stable was asleep except for an attendant… who was also treading precariously between consciousness and a deep rest behind the counter.
“Excuse me?” Link asks to wake him up, hopping off of Epona after making sure Zelda would still be comfortable in his absence. She would never admit she wasn’t.
The man stirs awake with a jolt. He yawns, slightly startled, “So sorry, young man.” Link wouldn’t necessarily call himself young. He smirks softly.
“I’d like to board this horse till the morning, and we’d like one soft bed, please.” Link nods before setting down the required rupees. The man squints his eyes, taking the money in hand.
“Ah! It’s you! Link, was it?” He asks when Link turns his back to help Zelda down from the horse. “Jeez, you haven’t passed through here in at least six months! We were holding onto that old mare for you!” He gestures to their stables where a small gray spotted horse sleeps. Link’s first horse since he woke up from his century-long slumber. He only rode her in the beginning, when he was doing chores between Hateno, Kakariko and one time a longer trip to Zora’s Domain. But she’s old and weak, which is why she was easy to catch when Link was still regaining his strength. He stopped taking her out when he found Epona in the western part of Central Hyrule.
“Yeah… you guys can let her free.” He says as he sets Zelda down on the ground. She holds her cold hands together.
“Well uhh.. we tried. You see, after four months at a stable we let go of any forgotten pony’s, but she kept coming back.” He chuckled, his voice exhibiting a distinctive nasality.
“Here,” Link hands him a red rupee, not wanting to discuss an old horse any longer when he literally has the closest thing to a God in this world resting her head on his back. “Keep her for another month, I’ll come take care of her then. Okay?” Link asks. “Can I get that bed now?” Not impolite or forceful, he never was. He’s assertive but has a comforting cadence to his tone. For being such a talented swordsman, guard and easily the most deadly hylian in the entire kingdom, he was never rude or condescending. He was welcoming, and little kids often looked up at him with intimidation when they first met him, but it didn’t ever take long until they were chasing him with tree-branches while he fled and begged for mercy, letting them take him down with ease. The kids at the stables loved him, knew him by name, and would play as him in their silly pretend games.
The stable-man replies, “Of course! But you only asked for one bed, it’s not big enough to fit both of you.”
“I know, it’s for her not me.” Link then starts to guide her into the stable, where it’s much warmer and safer. Just because it’s quiet doesn’t mean it's safe. Hyrule is a dangerous place by nature, especially if you’re two century-old Gods being hunted for sport with the faces of children.
“You won’t sleep?” Zelda asks quietly behind him.
He doesn’t directly answer, and instead guides her to the bed. She’s weary, and he’s terrified of her not waking up. He wouldn’t be able to sleep even if he wanted to. He helps the Princess sit in the bed, and kneels before her to untie her sandals. When he touches the leather, he immediately gets transported into another memory.
It rips through him, just like the memories he had images of. Suddenly, he’s kneeling in the same position, but instead he was outside of the spring of courage. He looks up to see the clear sky, it’s sunset, and then his eyes meet Zeldas. Her face is rosy, and her eyes don’t have the blank stare they possess in the current time. He looks down at his fingers, tying the straps around her ankle.
“Really, you don’t have to do that.” She hums. He doesn’t respond. He never did back then. He finishes wrapping the leather around itself and then stands up. His face is emotionless. She looks at him, they’re about the same height. “I won’t be long this time.” She says. “I’m not expecting much anyways.” She sighs and then walks past him, but before she can get very far, he gently grabs onto her arm, holding her back. He doesn’t say anything but she can read his expression. He’s trying to tell her to have faith this time, just one more time.
Surely the Goddess would commune with her.
She shakes her head, and wades into the warm waters of the spring. Link turns to watch her, how her hair cascaded down her back, how her hands balled into fists. She turns around to look at him, their eyes meet. She smiles.
He comes back as fast as the scene played in his memory. He blinks a few times, and looks up at her. She doesn’t look any different, very little—if any—time seemed to pass. He doesn’t usually experience memories with someone, he wonders if she realized anything happened. Link didn’t even consider the fact he would keep receiving memories after the fact. His stomach turns, he feels like he’s lived two completely different lives and is forced to remember things from one that he doesn’t even relate to anymore. He doesn’t feel like the same person, the boy he was a hundred years ago is a complete stranger to him.
Link much preferred this life.
And that scares Zelda.
“I just remembered something.” He says. Zelda hums in response, a light-hearted noise that implies an inquiry. He elaborates, “I used to tie your sandals for you at the springs, didn’t I?” He asks.
Zelda smiles for the first time since they defeated Ganon. It’s a small pull of her lips, not showing any teeth but her eyes finally light back up. After she had asked if he remembered her on the field, she collapsed, not even aware of her own exhaustion until that moment. He ran to her aid, and ever since then she felt woozy, it only got worse the further from the castle they got.
“You did, yes.” She says. “I never asked you to, but since I was in the dress, you insisted.” She sighs. Link grunts in response. “It was very chivalrous.” Zelda adds.
They look at each other for a minute. Not saying anything. It was late, and two beds down there was a set of kid brothers sleeping. Link remembered them from their last visit. One of them wanted nothing to do with him, trying to act mature and ‘cool’. Link eventually won him over, though. They don’t speak out of fear of waking anyone. Zelda’s smile slowly fades away, and Link swallows thickly. They will never be the same.
He pulls her sandals off, her feet are filthy with century-old mud. He silently smiles about that. The closest thing to a Goddess in the entire world has dirty feet. How human of her.
Then, after pulling down the heavy rito-down blanket so she can slide in, he helps Zelda swing her legs into the bed. He pulls the blanket up to her neck, she lays on her side facing him. Her hands find their way up to her face, resting her cheek against them. Link pulls a short stool over to the bed, sitting on it and looking at her, bending at the waist.
“You’re not going to leave me, are you?” She asks in a timid, sleepy voice.
Link’s heart just about breaks when she asks. “Never.” He shakes his head. He takes his gloved hand and tucks a piece of her loose hair behind her pointed-ears. He lets his fingers linger a little bit longer than they should. “I will never ever leave you again.”
“Promise?” She asks, her eyes heavy with exhaustion.
“Promise.” He whispers, “Just as long as you promise to never leave me, okay?” He asks, ignoring the lump in this throat.
“Promise.” She says, taking her pinky finger and sticking it out for him. He wraps his finger with hers, which is far daintier and softer than he's ever been. She is a Princess, after all.
“Wake up in the morning, okay?” He whispers.
“Mhm.” She hums as her eyes slowly close. He tries to disconnect their pinky fingers, but she holds onto his. He leaves his hand in that position, letting her hold it until she falls fast asleep.
Link doesn’t move his hand until he’s certain it won’t wake her up from her much needed rest. He looks at her gentle, soft face. No one even understands what she just went through, no one ever will. He’s worried sick that she won’t make it through the night, and he keeps leaning his head down to listen to her breathing, or places a few fingers against her forehead to check her temperature.
He does his best to stay vigilant the entire night, not once even looking away from her. But just before the sun rises, his body suddenly catches up with his mind. He also just had the most demanding battle of his life. His muscles started to ache, and he developed a headache. He was just a boy, after all. More than anything, his sword arm was weak, and fire-hot pain shot up and down through it. He probably overused it fightin the calamity.
He keeps telling himself that he’s fine. He has to be fine, for Zelda. His arm isn’t that bad, what really hurts was his heart. Usually he’d just down a fairy tonic and maybe go to the hot springs if he was in the area but this pain was different. A twisting and contracting ache in his chest pulled and tugged on his lungs and pulse. It’s the same pain he felt when he remembered Mipha, and more specifically, the pain he felt when he dreamed about his family before the resurrection.
The dream that gave him the memories of a little sister with blonde hair like his collecting fireflies in her pockets. Her laugh echoing, the call of an older man, the image of a royal guards sword leaned up against the dinner table. The touch of his father’s hand as he rubs Link’s back to sleep.
Link’s first sword.
He wakes up like a fire, standing up and almost toppling over. He didn’t even realize he had fallen asleep. He could hear the soft tune of the penny whistle playing the standard stable theme, and the two little brothers played tag outside. He curses and looks down at Zelda.
Her bed is empty, and his heart completely stops. He starts breathing hard and heavy, his entire nervous system feels as though it’s pulled into stasis. How could he make such a foolish mistake? He swings his sword over his back, strapping his shield to his leathers and turns around in a wild-hunt to see the Princess sitting at the round stable table, drinking out of a mug and speaking gently with an older man.
Link takes a breath of relief, and approaches the two.
“Good Morning.” She smiles up at him. Her voice sounded much better, and her eyes finally had life back into them, but she still wasn’t herself. Her skin still looked sickly, her face hollowed out and eyes droopy. Any progress is good progress, Link decides then and there.
“I… didn’t mean to fall asleep.” Link sighs. “I’m so sorry. When did you wake up?”
“Oh not long ago, maybe twenty minutes? I didn’t want to disturb you-”
“You should have.” He interrupts her and her words get swallowed out of surprise. Link realizes that he snapped at her a little, and immediately becomes apologetic. “I’m sorry, again. I just…”
“You’re worried about me. I understand.” She takes his hand, her bones frail. In many ways, she physically looked worse today than last night. But at least she could hold a conversation. He nods. Zelda notices the tension, and changes the subject, “This kind gentleman was telling me about when you saved the stable from a horde of lizalfos about a year ago.”
Link looks over at the man, Giahzo. “Oh that was nothing, it was just two green lizalfos and a blue one who wandered too close to the stable.” Link hums. Their hands were still held together by Zelda.
“Don’t be so modest!” The old man chuckled, “Without you, it would have been a disaster! The number of monsters means nothing, especially when you don’t know how to fight!”
“That’s very kind of you.” Link smiles and then realizes he and Zeldas hands, he’s the one to pull it away. “What are you drinking?”
“I’m not sure…” Zelda begins and Link immediately snatches the mug from her hand. “Hey!”
“You can’t just drink something mysterious.” Link scolds.
“Oh it’s just a bit of Hateno Milk.” The man assures. Link looks at him, then Zelda, and then into the mug to see the creamy liquid. He brings it to his nose and smells it, and then takes a sip of it. Sure enough, it was just milk.
“I’m sorry, Giahzo.” He apologizes and places the mug back down. “I’m just on high alert.”
“Do not apologize to me, apologize to this lovely young lady you’ve graced us with.” The elderly man smiles with a chuckle, his eyes wrinkling up with his age. Zelda smiles, blushing a little, “Tell me, dear, where are you from? We don’t get many new faces at this stable these days.”
Zelda looks at him, her eyes sad. A hundred years ago every person in Hyrule knew her face. She looks at Link, unsure how to answer.
“She’s from the Outskirts stable.” Link covers for her. “Her family used to reside in Central Hyrule before the Calamity.”
“Yes.” Zelda immediately chirps, “We’re headed to Hateno for…”
“A honeymoon!?” Giahzo smiles brightly. Both Link and Zelda freeze in their tracks, and Link hopes he doesn’t look as embarrassed as he feels. “Hateno is a great Honeymoon destination! Although I’ve heard Lureline is even more splendid!” He clasps his hands together.
“Research.” Zelda clarifies, “so sorry to disappoint.” She chuckles politely, making a conscious effort not to look at Link. “I’m researching… population dynamics in Hyrule.” She makes something up that sounds completely believable.
“Of course.” Link then says, “I’m just escorting her there, we are total strangers.”
That breaks Zelda’s heart.
She knows he’s just trying to be extra careful, pushing her anonymity as much as possible. And in a way, it wasn’t a total lie. But it cut her like a knife.
“I see…” Giahzo doesn’t seem convinced. “Well, if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to stop by. Hopefully the monsters will start to die down.” He smiles and stands up, moving outside.
Zelda is still afraid to look at Link, and he’s a little bit shaken up by the entire interaction. He knows the Yiga are still out there, he knows that there are people who will try to take advantage of her for power or money. He has no reason to suspect anything from the old man, but he can’t help himself from being deliberate. He senses her tension and walks back to the bed to gather their things.
“You should have woken me up.” Link says as he picks up a satchel full of food and readjusts his gloves.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice was timid and tired. He turns around to see her, her green eyes looking up at him apologetically. “I didn’t know it would worry you so.” He approaches her.
“Of course it worries me.” He sighs. “I spent three years trying to get you out of that castle, I’m not gonna lose you on the first night.” He holds his hand out for her to trade, helping her up. She must not have rested as well as he thought, because as soon as she gets on her feet, she almost topples right over him. He catches her, holding her up before she collapses. “Woah there.” He mutters. “You alright?”
She nods, “Let’s just get to that house you told me about.”
chapter two
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fordohyon · 9 months
Hii!! I saw you wanted a xikers imagine soo how about xikers reaction when you makeup and wearing a pretty dress in front of them for the first time, but the security have a crush on you? Do it in your style 🥹🥹💕💕
ok, so im a little stupid so im guessing like security guard so let me know if this was what u had in mind, i hope u enjoy tho 😋🫡 please tell me if there are any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes so i can fix them
maknae line will be posted later on, i’ll tag you when i do 🤞
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PAIRING - hyungline!xikers (individual) x fem!reader
WARNING(S) - not sure, pls lmk if there are any
WORDCOUNT - 1.7k (scenarios average 200-300 words)
a/n: jinsiks and hyunwoos are so long?? I was planning for all of them to be around 200-300 though jinsik and hyunwoos is about 400,,
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It's only been 3 months since you started dating and most of your dates were inside your apartment or his, he hasn’t seen you with makeup or any sort of fancy clothing. As a way to celebrate your 3rd monthary, you opted to go on a fancy date, of course, you had to get all dolled up for this moment. "Babe?!" You heard Minjae shout. "I'm in my room!" A sigh of relief could practically be heard by your neighbors. "We have to be there by four thir... Woah... You look amazing!" he exclaimed, cheeks and ears tinted with a soft cherry color. "I... I mean, as always! I, uh, you know! I just... you're gorgeous." the boy continued, though a stuttering mess. "Don't worry. I get what you mean, you look striking yourself! Shall we go now?" You said while applying your lipstick on.
You couldn't help but feel a flutter in your stomach as he placed a gentle hand on the small of your back. You both stepped out into the lobby and made your way towards the exit, Minjae seeing the relatively new guard who’s been eyeing you since he started his job at your apartment block “Hi ma’am, would you mind grabbing a drink with me when you’re free? undoubtedly ignoring your boyfriend who’s right beside you. “Aaah… Sir, I have a boyfriend-” you informed the guard, “Which is I, I’m her boyfriend.” Minjae interrupted, clearly jealous, well not that he’s insecure. “Oh, well.. uh, enjoy your date.” The guard awkwardly laughed out. “Thank you-” “We will.” the jealous boy spurts out.
“You’re jealous?” you questioned. Finding him cute. “Well, I can’t say I'm not,” he spoke out before kissing your lips, smudging your lipstick in the process before burying his head into your neck. “What a baby, I love you, and only you.” and of course, you go on about your day and continue the date.
You had finally gotten the opportunity to go all out with your makeup and outfit considering you’re going to be spending the whole day with him. Your phone rings as you open your drawers filled with makeup, catching a glimpse of the caller, noticing that it's your boyfriend you press the call button. “Hi, darling, I'll be there in 5?” he says, unsure if you’d be okay with him going earlier than you expected. “Alright, hurry up… I wanna see my glorious boyfriend!” you utter whilst you pick up your phone to open your camera, “Oh- Wow! You look stunning… I’ll be there as soon as possible! Bye!!” he exclaims before hanging up the call. Gathering all of your makeup that’ll probably smear and placing it in your empty pouch. The doorbell buzz spirals to your room. Walking towards the door and grabbing your bag just as you open the door.
“Hi, You’re enchanting.” he compliments you once again, “Thank you… Shall we go?” you smile, asking him, and soon after you receive the response “Certainly”,
A few hours after you‘ve left and eaten. Both you and your boyfriend have decided to go shopping for new clothes, with Junmin of course. Although he’s just following wherever you go, Junmin can’t ignore the stares that the security that you’ve been passing by plenty of times. Who eventually came up and gave you a paper with a number on it, presumably the security guards’. “Darling, throw it… please?” unpretentiously, you’re gonna throw it away, you already have a lovely and amazing boyfriend, though it is fun to tease him from time to time. “Hm… I’ll think about it.” you taunt him, seeing his brows furrow and his lips forming a pout. You take this as a chance to kiss his lips, seeing his ears getting red and his eyes going blank makes you smile from ear to ear. “You’re cute. So cute. I love you and of course, I’ll throw it.”
Both you and Sumin love picking out each other's outfits when you go out, however, today it's different. The two of you have agreed on not showing each others' looks before meeting up, you haven't necessarily worn much makeup with him, and this was a chance to surprise him with a look he hasn't seen you in before. Just as you zip your pants up you hear someone knock at your door, trudging towards the door, albeit checking the peephole first, noticing the blond hair you figure that, that's your boyfriend. Opening the door the first thing you see is his gorgeous smile makes you melt, you hear him clear his throat before saying "My princess.. you're breathtaking. Should we go?"
"The Art Museum, right?" You question, receiving a hum from the blond.
Before entering the museum Sumin had caught the guard staring at you, he didn't think of it as anything, or at least before the guard came up to you and asked if you were single. Receiving the most obvious answer, which is no. Sumin who was staring at the security with slightly creased brows, pulling Sumin away, his eyebrows now slightly relaxed, “What was that?!” He questioned, voice laced with disarray. “Not sure either, my prince,” You let out as you raise your brows.
You and Sumin go on about your day hopefully, with no more interruptions, you both have long forgotten the scenario that happened a few hours ago.
Jinsik didn’t know how important this event was till you went to his apartment wearing elegant clothing and makeup, his messy morning hair and pajamas looking extra cute “You’re beautiful, though if you don’t mind me asking, where you’re going?” He asks, “Do you mind going with me? I have to be there by 9 am,” Your eyes dilate as you check your watch. “Should I uh… Just wear a suit?” He stutters, after receiving a nod from you he checks his clock and instantly runs to his bathroom. Waltzing over to his couch and taking your pocket mirror out to check if your makeup is smudged.
It’s been about 10 minutes and your boyfriend Is still sprinting around the place, brushing his hair as he walks up to you “Can you help me with my hair, please?” Jinsik looks at you, trying to see what your answer would be on your face. “Yes dear, I will. Though you have to hurry.” His face lights up, giving you the widest smile after.
You’re now driving to the event parking. You tell them your name and take your ticket. Your car circles around the parking lot checking to see any available parking spaces that are closer to the entrance with Jinsik helping you. “Dearest, there’s one over there!” He exclaimed as he pointed his finger towards the spot he was talking about. “Shall we go inside? I have to introduce you to my coworkers! They’ve been wondering who my plus one is!” You ramble excitedly, “Yes we shall.” He kisses your nose and gets out of the car, opening your door for you.
You’re now in the venue with your boyfriend. You introduce him to some of your close co-workers. All telling you how you have a handsome boyfriend who’s fit for your beautiful self, how you’re the perfect pair, and joking around saying they feel so single around the both of you. You approach the security guard you’re acquainted with while your boyfriend gets some sweets. “Hey… I didn’t know you’d be here!” He gasped, he didn’t know about your boyfriend which led him to ask, “Are you free anytime soon? Let’s go out, just the two of us.” Fortunately for you, your boyfriend heard. “Ah- Sir, she’s unfortunately taken, by me,” Jinsik said as he found himself having a burst of confidence but later cringing at himself. “Bye, Sir!” You murmured as your boyfriend pulled you towards your seats. “I love you, dear,” You enunciate as you kiss his lips, feeling him smile into the kiss. “I love you too, dearest,”
You had dressed up and put makeup on today due to your Christmas party. You show up at his place all dressed up, “You’re astonishing” He says, ears red as this was his first time seeing you dolled up. “Hi baby,” you mutter as you kiss him softly.
“Let’s stay here for a while, if you don’t mind, it's a bit too early to go there right now,” you suggest, of course, Hyunwoo doesn’t mind. “Honey, you’re so lovely,” He lets out as he kisses you, he just can't keep himself together when you’re all pretty like this. Not that you’re only pretty today but considering that this is his first time seeing you like this he just can’t help staring at you.
You’ve been watching for at least an hour and you’ve determined it’s time to go, “Baby, we should go now.” you whisper, weakly after sitting the whole hour. Holding your phone up and checking the camera if your makeup has smirched. “Right, let me get my keys first.” Your boyfriend says, kissing you once again. He leads you to his car opens the door for you and gets into his seat afterward.
He has already memorized the shortcuts to your building making it quicker to get there. Unlocking the door and kissing you before you go has been a thing Hyunwoo always does. Usually, he’d go back to his place and wait till you text him to pick you up but today he decided to stay at the mall nearby and wait for you. He had called you a few minutes after finding a place to stay in the mall, informing you that he was staying in the mall near your office.
At least an hour and a half has passed and you’ve finally texted him saying you’ll meet him at the front of the mall, instantly going to the front of the mall. He immediately finds you and he moves toward you. “Baby… Can you answer this number for me and tell them I have a boyfriend?” You huffed out, obviously annoyed. “Ah- Alright…” You give him your phone as the number keeps on ringing.
“Hello? Who’s this?” Hyunwoo questions. “Y/n, how come you forgot already? This is the security guard, you know, the one you always talk to…? I got your number to tell you I want to go on a date with you, though I’ve already told you this a while ago” “Well I’m sorry to say this but this isn’t Y/n, quite obvious already from my voice. I don’t sound anything like her, and she’s not single,” He asserts, voice tinted with jealousy. That’s all it took for the number to hang up. “Block the number, please” Hyunwoo pleas, “Well I wasn’t planning on keeping his number anyways”
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j0kers-light · 5 days
OMFG CHAOS! ♡ ︎♡ ︎♡ ︎
I am obsessed with your version of airhead!reader!! She's so soft and naive and ahhhh! 😝 I see alot of myself in her and I was thinking bout a request where J snaps at her probably for no reason, this is J he's always being a big meanie! Maybe she runs off and he has to calm her down somehow? I know you will come up with something better than I can! I love your writing!!!!1 Oh and pls take your time girly no pressure if you don't wanna write this! 💕
Luv you Chaos !! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Hey hi my lovely anon! 🖤✨
I'm so happy you loved airhead!reader, I'm always self conscious about writing for a pink aesthetic since I hate that color with a passion 😤 but, this ain't about me. You asked and I shall deliver!
I hope you enjoy anon! I wrote this while bedridden from my period, so if there are any errors haha no there isn't 😉
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After your unexpected visit to Joker’s hideout with your bright smile and tasty sweets, you are welcomed with open arms by his crew.
They can’t help but love your adoring personality!
Joker might not like you around his organization, but he can’t deny you anything if it makes you happy. And being apart (a tiny part) makes you very, very happy 🥰
You waltz in almost every Friday with baked treats for everyone to enjoy, bringing rays of sunshine with you. ☀️✨
The goons let you play Mario Kart with a customized pink controller and include you in on juicy gossip around the hideout to keep you company while Joker is out terrorizing the city.
However, more often than not, you are left to your own devices because everyone is busy.
And that spells trouble because you don’t understand the concept of danger. At. All. 🙃
You wander the hideout and unknowingly meddle in things that should be left alone.
You almost got hurt from a few well placed boobytrap and you almost burned down the abandoned kitchen after trying to light the oven.
That thing has seen better days decades ago but you swore you could fix it. You of all people...
Joker isn’t happy. His Sunlight is a magnet for danger and he honestly wishes you would stay far farrrrr away from his operations but again.
When has he ever said no to his sweet girl? It’s virtually impossible, so you keep visiting much to his annoyance.
Joker’s solution is to lock you inside his office but that soon backfires when you throw a tantrum and somehow hurt yourself.
He’s more annoyed that you broke his favorite office chair so when you whine that you’re in pain? Oh Joker has had enough.
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Joker came back from an unsuccessful mission to loud sobs coming from his office. Frost shrugged his shoulders before uttering, “I don’t get paid enough.” as he walked off.
Pussy. Fine, Joker could handle this! He wasn’t terrified of you..
When he opened the door and saw you sitting on the floor with his broken chair lying in pieces around you, his already limited patience evaporated like vapor.
“What did ya get into now?” He groaned.
You sobered up your tears and tried to greet Joker but the large cut on your leg stung too much so you remain seated. You weren’t expecting J to be in such a nasty mood.
“Are ya too dumb to speak, Y/n? I asked a question?” He rolled his eyes when your lower lip wobbled.
Sure you were a bit ditzy, but Joker never insulted you about it. To hear him belittle you at a time like this, hurt more than falling out of the chair.
You tried to respond but apparently not fast enough for J’s liking.
“You wouldn’t be sitting there lookin’ stupid if ya stayed at home! Whyy do I keep you around?”
The last part was said under his breath but you heard it loud and clear and it shattered your heart.
You ignored the pain and ran out of Joker’s office, a sobbing mess. He waved you off and set to work cleaning up the mess you left behind. He’d deal with you later.
When he reached down to pick up a broken piece, it sliced through his hand and made him hiss. It didn’t hurt him but that wasn’t the case for you.
His sweet Sunlight with your low tolerance to pain. It must’ve been agonizing. Seeing droplets of blood on the floor made him feel instant guilt.
Joker knew he messed up and chased after you to make things right.
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You were startled awake by something soft brushing against your lips.
You almost freaked my but stopped the second you saw Joker laying on the bed beside you, spinning a flower in between his fingers.
He brushed it along the tear tracks that stained your cheeks, “I hate when ya cry…”
J sucked at apologizing but you knew by his sheepish behavior, that it was genuine. He didn’t know how to say, I’m sorry. So he found other ways.
It wouldn’t kill him to say it and you fixed your lips to help him out when the same flower trailed down your cheek, past your lips, and slipped straight to your leg.
You’re shocked to see that it was cleaned up and a pretty pink bandaid was covering the wound you had from earlier. You were speechless. Did J do that for you?
Joker watched you pensively as he brushed the wound with the flower. “I was mad earlier n’ took it out on you. I uh.. I didn’t mean what I said.. mkay? Kisses?”
He nudged a giant bouquet of flowers you didn’t notice closer to you on the bed and waited for your response. He looked absolutely pitiful, expecting your forgiveness.
What Joker said to you was really hurtful however he didn’t have to treat your wound or buy you flowers as an apology. With Joker, actions spoke louder than words so you knew he was truly sorry for being mean.
You couldn’t stand his green puppy dog eyes any longer. You never stayed mad at J for too long.
He breathed a sigh of relief when you leaned in to kiss him but panicked when you pulled away rather abruptly, “Don’t ever call me stupid again.” You warned.
Joker frantically nodded, “M’promise pretty girl, I won’t.”
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Here's some rules and heads-ups of how I'll be running this account.
Important Note: Hey @ilikepjo24 here. When I'm posting on my main, I'm not in character, when I'm posting here, you're speaking to Velvette.
1) Minors are not allowed. This account will absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of doubt contain talk of substances, cursing, harassment, sexual themes and other illegal stuff you'd expect to see in Hazbin Hotel related content that minors should absolutely not interact with. Additionally, I'm almost 30 years old, I don't want to speak with minors online. Minors shouldn't be speaking with me. Stay safe kids.
2) If, for whatever reason, a situation occurs where I must break character, then whatever I have to say as not!Velvette will be in double parenthesis as seen here -> "((...))". If you see me commenting under a post with this at the end of the comment "/📱", then this is Velvette speaking. If that's not there, then I'm talking off character.
3) Despite this being a Velvette RP account, I will, on occasion, do things that may be OOC. But there's not much Velvette character reading, so there's not much chance of mischaracterization, so we may or may not have different views of what OOC might mean.
4) I know Velvette is British, but I'm not, and English isn't my first language so expect grammatical errors (maybe even spelling ones, when I type too fast)
5) Some of my Velvette interactions will be affected by my personal views and headcanons (like this one) of Velvette. If you're looking for a 100% in character RP, this is not it.
6) My Velvette has the background I talked about in this post on my main. This will affect the way I interact with other RP accounts. So you might want to check it out.
7) I'm not too sure how I feel about doing smut. This is my first shot at RP, so currently I'd rather keep it PG-13 until I get more comfortable with the character. If you're reading this post +1 year after I first posted it (11/07/2024, DD/MM/YYYY) feel free to assume that by the time you're reading this, I've probably gotten used to the character by now, and I might be doing some sexual RP.
8) In case you didn't read the posts I linked earlier, my Velvette's sexuality is gray-A omnisexual (+pillow princess), so this will affect any type of romantic/sexual RP I may or may not do.
9) If you're an RP account, pls pls pls pls pls interact, I'm really excited about this, I really want to do this, it looks so fun, so humor me?
10) I will follow back most of the rp accounts that follow me, I might just take some time to follow you back, but I'm not ignoring you, I'm just looking for an opportunity to sit down and go over your rules to avoid overstepping your boundaries.
11) If you're an RP account that chose to interact with me, and I'm making you uncomfortable or bothering you or getting a bit too much at times, call me out on it please. I promise I won't get offended. Sometimes I can't tell people's boundaries with ease, so if I overstep or become overwhelming/annoying, let me know!
12) I'll try to use British slang, I promise. I, however, do not use British slang in my day to day life, so I might cock it up (see what I did here?)
13) I'll try to be active a lot, since Velvette would def be on her phone 24/7, but I also have a life, so if you notice that I'm not posting for some time it's because of that life getting in the way. I'm a teacher, so it's likely that I'll be less online during the school year, especially on week days. But I'll do my best to keep up with everything!
14) All the RP posts I'll do with be tagged as "RP:[character name] by [username}" (E.g RP: Valentino by [insert username]), so if you want to avoid seeing RP's of a specific character or a specific version of a character or a specific mun, go ahead and filter that out.
15) All posts I'll make/reblog while in character will be tagged as "In character RP" and "In character reblog" if it's not an original post of mine, while if I ever make a post as Kate (me) instead of Velvette, I'll tag it as "Off Character".
16) Oftentimes, instead of adding a seperate thought within the RP, I'll simply put my off character thoughts in the tags.
17) Any asks I might receive will be tagged as "Asks" additionally to other tags that might fit in this situation.
18) If a post I make on character as a reply/reaction to posts of other RP creators I follow/am mutuals with/interact with, that will be tagged as "dash affairs" and I'll link the post I'm referring to, to avoid confusion.
19) When I talk as Velvette, the letters will be pink! (E.g "Seriously? You let yourself wander outside wearing that?")
20) If you don't fw with poc or LGBTQIA+ individuals, we ain't gonna be friends. You're not gonna like me or my Velvette and I won't like you either so don't waste your time or mine and just block or I will.
21) I'm not going to post anything activism or politics related in this blog. If you care to know my opinions on politics or other news, check my main for any posts I might have made/rebloged. If I haven't made/rebloged a post on a subject you really need to know how I feel about for whatever reason, I suppose you can send a message and ask, but I'm not guaranteed to respond, since I might be uneducated on the subject, which is probably why I didn't post about it in the first place. But keep it on the main, not here.
22) I don't have issues with any ship. I know some people are sensitive to proshipping, I'd say I'm nonchalant towards it. Bigots are my only DNI, so if you're a proshipper follow if you want ig. I don't fw all ships but I'm not against any either. If I don't like your ship, I simply will not bring it up in conversation, and if you do, I'll let you know I'm not a fan of said ship. But I'm not gonna block or unfollow anyone due to shipping preferences. Ship whatever you want, I don't really care.
I think that'll be all for now! I'll probably return and edit this as I see fit, so you might want to return here sometimes, but I don't think there will be any major changes. Kisses Darlings!
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Please i'm begging youu i want to see more fantasy au for tokrev and that pirate would be so good i even have some idess on me already 😩
i’m currently sleep-deprived, so some of these are probably really basic and there’s most likely errors somewhere in here skdkcmdksk
also, requests may be closed, but discussions and more ideas are absolutely welcome.
faerie!kokonoi, who preys on the heartbroken drunkards at upscale bars, listening with a secretive smile as they spill their life stories to the bartender. silver-tongued and clever, kokonoi purrs his condolences, slipping their name into the conversation with ease and feigning oblivion when they, cloudy-eyed and ignorant, hand over their precious bank information and the locations of their valuables.
tailor!mitsuya unable to concentrate on stitching up a torn dress with the incessant clanging in the background and snapping at blacksmith!pah-chin, who’s busy forging knight!baji a new sword. mitsuya chastises baji for being so careless, but all baji does is grumble and turn away, black oil and dirt smeared on his flushed cheeks and long hair clinging to his sweat-stained forehead from his previous sparring session.
wizard!mitsuya spinning golems out of clay and shooing them away with an order to find him more materials to craft matching cloaks for his newest apprentices, luna and mana.
leprechaun!nahoya luring unsuspecting villagers into the forest with the promise of gold coins, only to send branches crashing down onto their heads when they venture far enough. they shout irately and scramble after him as he tumbles, laughing, into the shadows… but it’s no use. he’s too fast.
mermaid!yuzuha punching the shit out of pirates and dragging them down from their ships when they disturb and/or hunt the peaceful merfolk
knight!draken pledging his life to princess!emma
werewolf!baji, who appears to casually laugh off questions about his sharp, prominent canines; when in reality, when he’s secretly sweating bullets. werewolf!baji, whom the others wrinkle their noses at and tease when he orders his steak rare. werewolf!baji, who can’t hide the particularly ferocious, almost predatory glint in his eye that only appears during brawls after the sun has fallen. everyone laughs it off, mistaking his bloodlust for adrenaline. it’s only baji, he’s just intense, they reason.
half-blood!takemichi, who leaps through time with the protective blood of a phoenix coursing through his veins. half-blood!takemichi, whose blood aids him in resisting the beckon of death that pries at the empty body he habitually leaves behind and enables him to keep rising back to his feet no matter who knocks him down.
dybbuk!shinichiro, whose rage inhabits mikey’s body, only flaring to aid in crushing kazutora beneath his little brother’s fist. dybbuk!shinichiro, who plucks away at mikey’s sanity day in and day out, demanding for his death to be avenged. dybbuk!shinichiro, who is the reason that mikey can no longer set foot in his bike shop, because no matter how hard he tries, mikey can’t seem to shut out the eerie groaning of forgotten bikes as they rust away or the crackling squelch of metal colliding with bone that he’s positive he’s never heard before—so why is he hearing it now?
executioner!kazutora, who has no problem with the unjust slaughters that tyrant!kisaki approves, because his unchecked guilt can only be satiated by “cleansing the kingdom of immoral souls.” executioner!kazutora, who hums a crude tavern song as he takes his sweet time lining up his blade with the neck of the shivering woman hunched before him—the shivering woman whose only crime is swiping some bread to feed her starving family. executioner!kazutora, who only finds retribution in the twisted cycle of playing the role of god’s “divine” axe.
knight!toman forming a wall in front of their king to square off against an approaching army, a measly one hundred men with fire in their eyes and swords dripping with blood—a measly one hundred men fully prepared to offer up their lives to protect king!mikey.
jester!hanma, who flirts with the women of the court and openly takes cheap shots at tyrant!kisaki, regardless of whether or not he’s in the vicinity. still, it doesn’t matter how humorous the joke is. no one dares to allow even a twitch of their lips. how hanma hasn’t been executed yet, they don’t know.
pirate!nahoya, who cackles like a madman and jeers at an opposing ship from his place perched atop the crow’s nest
apothecary!souya meeting his future s/o in a field of lavender while he’s searching for fresh herbs. apothecary!souya, who’s mortified by the chalky powder spattered on his overalls and runs a hand through his hair, accidentally smearing a yellow dust through his blue curls. apothecary!souya, who blushes when you kindly offer to brush the powder from his hair. apothecary!souya, who offers you one of the dandelions peeking from his pocket as a gesture of gratitude.
ladies-in-waiting!emma and hina scurrying off to deliver empty dishes to cook!mitsuya, who leans forward expectantly to hear the latest gossip when they approach him with sparkling eyes and poorly concealed smiles.
adviser!draken storming into king!mikey’s private chambers without an invitation to shout at him for neglecting his duties and drag him by the ankle out of bed
sorceress!hina enchanting a four-leaf clover necklace with a spell to keep knight!takemichi safe in battle
spymaster!sanzu scaring the shit out of his scribe!s/o whenever he pops up in the windows of the library in all black with no prior warning
doll-maker!izana, who lives in a secluded area of the woods with his apprentice kakucho and obsessively lines his shelves with replicas of the older brother he wishes he had
knight-in-training!chifuyu working extra hard to impress knight!baji, who had recruited him and taken him under his wing
steampunk inventor!chifuyu, who’s never seen without his trademark goggles that kazutora always pokes fun at and threadbare overalls splattered with oil stains. inventor!chifuyu, who nearly has a heart attack when baji hobbles in on one leg, grinning at him with a face swollen with bruises while waving his detached prosthetic leg in greeting. inventor!chifuyu, who keeps wrenches on his belt specifically to hurl at his idiot friends whenever they come into his shop all beat-up with their bronze prosthetics severely damaged
steampunk!hanma, who has a glass eye with the word “pain” engraved on the iris. steampunk!hanma, who asks kisaki to hold something for him. when the latter holds his hand out with an exasperated sigh, hanma sets his replacement eye in his palm and cackles hysterically when kisaki promptly jolts with disgust and chucks it across the room
cyberpunk!sanzu, who’s already inebriated but continues to drown deeper in the neon lights of the club as he pops an array of glowing pills into his mouth, body numb to the robotic assistants that hum around him and intermingle with the equally delirious crowd in case someone were to collapse from overdosing
masquerade!mitsuya, who smiles at you with such kindness and respect as he guides you onto the marble floor that you immediately resolve to discover his identity at a later date
masquerade!kakucho, who does everything in his power to prevent you from uncovering his identity. masquerade!kakucho, who fears that you’ll be disgusted with his deformed appearance once you see his scar.
samurai!yuzuha, who rescues you from a band of thieves but is perplexed when you insist on repaying her goodwill. samurai!yuzuha, who eventually starts coming to you whenever she needs her wounds bandaged or a home-cooked meal. samurai!yuzuha, who refuses to let you touch her sword with your pure, unsullied hands.
potion-maker!ran, who always despises when rindou barges into his workspace for nothing else than to tip over a couple jars and poke fun at his craft. potion-maker!ran, whose skin and hair have been permanently imprinted with the scent of clove and allspice berries. potion-maker!ran, who concocts love spells and perfumes that grant increased intimacy for the lovesick women who visit him when their own assets aren’t working. potion-maker!ran, who smiles charmingly and calls his female customers “darling.” potion-maker!ran, who has no problem with allowing them to test his products on him in order to guarantee their potency—but only if they’re attractive and have a pretty penny to spare :)
gunslinger!mikey, who almost shoots his big toe off trying to impress the beautiful barmaid across the room
servant!baji, who isn’t the slyest but always makes sure he leaves out a saucer of cream for the stray cats that wander through the town during the night, regardless of how much trouble he gets in. servant!baji, who develops a forbidden bond with his royal!s/o due to their shared love of animals. servant!baji, who is ignorant of the ways of courtship but does his best to flirt with you, however flustered and awkward he may be. servant!baji, who sheepishly seeks advice from his mother about how to impress royalty despite him being unable to offer you any material items.
necromancer!takemichi who doesn’t know wtf is going on and is literally only a necromancer because he fucked up reading a recipe for garlic bread that was written in cursive
vampire!kokonoi, who looks wistfully upon his collection of dusty, old perfume bottles as he recalls how they’d been the most expensive items on the market centuries ago. vampire!kokonoi, who possesses splintered, wooden chests overflowing with outdated currency that will never again be utilized. vampire!kokonoi, who sits for hours and stares at the photo of the young woman that he’s preserved in mint condition for countless years, wondering why he can’t remember who she is
half-blood!mikey, who wonders why his legs are so much stronger than the rest of his body, why he’s always been so much faster than his peers, and why they’re always chock-full of energy. half-blood!mikey, who’s blissfully unaware that the blood of his ancestors is not as it seems. half-blood!mikey, who has zero clue that his lineage marks him a descendant of the minotaur.
farmer!chifuyu, who’s too shy to approach the seamstress’s daughter, so he resigns himself to only admiring her from afar until she makes a move herself. farmer!chifuyu, who’s beyond embarrassed when he accidentally bumps into her, the dirt and grime on his clothing soiling her pristine outfit. farmer!chifuyu, who tries to brush it off, only to panic when the dust on his hands stains the fabric. farmer!chifuyu, who shows up at your mother’s shop the next day to apologize and is nearly chased out due to his kind “not belonging there,” only for you to object and invite him in, claiming that he’s your friend.
jack the ripper!sanzu, who leans up against a dirty brick building with his head low, tongue clicking in rhythm with the slim hands on his golden pocket watch as he decides on his next victim. jack the ripper!sanzu, who dons a simple, shapeless white mask that contrasts sharply with the elaborate feather woven into his top hat. jack the ripper!sanzu, whom others eye skeptically when he skillfully, easily slices his steak into cross-sections with nothing more than a butter knife. jack the ripper!sanzu, who smiles so charmingly at women, basking in their ignorance as he lures them into a sense of false security with a few sweet words. jack the ripper!sanzu, who seals all of his letters documenting his crimes with a lipstick-stained kiss and giggles manically when it smears onto his cheek. jack the ripper!sanzu, who is taken aback when one of his targets whirls on him with anger in their eyes and a knife gripped in their hands, fully prepared to give him a dose of his own medicine.
achilles!izana and patroclus!kakucho. that’s all i have to say. y’all know what’s up👀
soothsayer!takemichi, who’s looked down upon by his fellow prophets because of his frenetic efforts to change the future. while the rest lounge beneath the shade of trees, sweet-smelling smoke curling from their ornate pipes and hazy eyes trailing after people who they know are supposed to die tomorrow, takemichi is doing his best to track them down to warn them of their fate. “he’s just a boy,” the others chuckle, “he won’t make a difference.”
victorian era painter!s/o, who finds seishu inui snoozing beneath a tree and resolves to capture his beauty on a canvas. seishu, who’s well-aware of what you’re doing but decides to let you have your fun. painter s/o, who’s mortified when seishu happens to “wake up” as soon as they sigh with satisfaction and requests to see the picture.
barista!izana, who mixes drugs into his drinks for certain customers while they discreetly slide a handsome wad of cash across the counter
archer!chifuyu, who accidentally spears his superior through the leg while struggling with his bow. archer!chifuyu, who meets kazutora in the dungeons and befriends him during the one night he spends there. archer!chifuyu, who is confused and hesitant when he is abruptly assigned to join the ranks of the prince’s bodyguards. archer!chifuyu, who is white with shock when he sees kazutora stroll into the room, a golden crown balanced atop his head and a wide smile blooming upon his lips when he spots his new friend.
potion-maker!souya, whose face always softens whenever you stop by his shop during your daily mail delivery route. potion-maker!souya, who’s ashamed of himself for having considered exploiting your trust in him and slipping a love potion into your drink. potion-maker!souya, who always offers to make you something befitting the occasion whenever you’re running low on energy, not feeling well, or are nervous about something. potion-maker!souya, who’s too shy to confess his feelings for you.
town crier!nahoya, who sometimes slips a swear word or two into his announcements and prefers to storm the town on horseback, disregarding his elaborate attire. town crier!nahoya, who has definitely snatched you off the street during his routes, leaving you to cling to his sweat-dampened clothes and shout at him for being such an imbecile.
shapeshifter!nahoya, who diligently keeps his eyes closed because he can change everything about his appearance, except for his distinctive eye color.
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jiminiejamie · 2 years
The long and confusing tale of how the friend group came to be
here is an update, has been a while even thought this has been written for two months. IVE BEEN BUSY with alevel exams so forgive me. BUT i am free until September when i move to uni so i am hoping to be writing a lot during this time x (pls ignore any spelling errors, i cant be arsed to check it)
How the boys met: 
So they all went to the same highschool but obviously different grades. Namjoon and Hoseok were besties and have been for YEARS, and the same with Jimin and Taehyung. They were in school at the same time and Jimin and Taehyung went to a party when they were 14 (young i know they nearly got killed by their parents, well Jimin’s parents), and GUESS WHAT Namjoon and Hoseok were there when they were 17, which you’d think is a really big age gap to make friends but they had some mutual friends between them and all four of them clicked really well. So for a few years it was just them four until Joon and Hoseok were 19 and Joon decided he needed to move out of his family home, it was partly due to him maturing and needing his own space but also due to his Mom’s new step-dad who he dID NOT get on with. So he and Hoseok were going to get a flat with four rooms so when Jimin and Taehyung got older they  could move in. With that plan it meant they needed two other roommates to help pay rent until Jimin and Tae could move in. A few months down the line it was decided that Hoseok couldn’t move out of his family home due to his younger sister he basically cared for. Namjoon understood entirely but he still has his heart set on a four bedroom apartment he’d found. Namjoon was now on the HUNT, he needed two, hopefully three, people willing to move in with him. This btw was the point Namjoon and Hoseok started smoking weed so he also needed people that were cool with that.
 Eventually he found these two guys, Jin and Yoongi who didn't know each other but both needed a flat to move into. There was a third guy who moved in as well but he didn't stay long at all, but we’ll probably discuss him later… anyway Jin (21 at the time), Yoongi (20) and Namjoon moved into the flat, and in turn they joined the friend group. Jin and Yoongi found it a little odd at the time that their friend group consisted of the oldest being 21 and the youngest being 16 but I guess they could live with it. They were all massive stoners at the point, making Jimin and Taehyung beg the rest to let them try, which they finally gave in when they were both 17, they gave in quick lol. It was at this point Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung started renting their flat, once again a little odd they started renting at 17 but they both were dead set on moving out so the three of them have had that flat for a while now. It was also at this point Jimin and Taehyung met Jungkook who was only 15 at the time. Jimin and Taehyung didn’t introduce Jungkook to the rest right away because he was sO much younger and both of them knew they probably wouldn’t exactly become besties with a 15 year old. But he met them by chance one day. Obviously Tae and Jimin weren’t hiding Kook, he was just their friend who didn't know the rest of them, the boys knew about Kook also they just weren't that close. Kook was around their flat one day just sitting in Jimin’s room playing video games with Taehyung as well. Namjoon bursts through the door with Yoongi, “helllllo boys”, Jimin tried to get him out because at 15, Kook was quite shy and a little scared of Jimin and Tae’s friend because he knew how much older they all were. Specifically he was hORRIFIED of Yoongi (he’s in love with him now dw lol). So yeah turns out all 6 of them were in the flat, high, while Kook was over. Jin was kind enough to ask Jungkook if he wanted them all to leave but Kook said he was fine and it was nice for them to meet. It took a while for Jungkook to get closer with the older boys but he became besties with Hoseok and Namjoon pretty quickly, it wasn't until Kook was about 17 that he was sure Jin and Yoongi even liked him? But ofc they did they were just apprehensive about being friends with someone so much younger, especially since everyone was a massive stoner. Tbf Jungkook realised they were all stoners almost immediately after he met Jimin and Taehyung, it was hard to hide that smell lol.
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galaxythreads · 4 years
*chants* you're an amazing writer youre an amazing writer youre an amazing- anyways A for Porcelain, definitely also P, and i guess O, for the fanfic ask :) thank you sm for writing.
*blushes* thank you!!  *hugs* :) :) :) <3
For Porcelain, found here:
A) How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
"Porcelain" is actually a weird title in retrospect. I...really don't know. I remember I was thinking about how broken Thor, Loki and Hela are in the fic (and just, in canon tbh) and I was like, "how can I accurately say that in the title?" (I don't think people realize how much time I spend on titles, haha. Sometimes more than an hour of thinking time gets put into making sure the title makes sense. I don't have a problem with summaries, but titles.) Okay. Anyway. So. I was thinking about the Porcelain dolls you can buy, y'know the creepy ones that don't blink and have stuffed middles and if you breath on them wrong they'll shatter? Those ones. But. The dolls seem perfect on the outside. Unharmed, unbreakable, perfect. like how Loki, Thor and Hela try to portray themselves. But each of them is breakable, and can shatter if you drop them.
And drop them I did in the story. Because, like a broken bone, things are often stronger put back together after being shattered.
P)  Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
So much. I put so much planning into stories. I'm not obsessed (I know someone who once write out a 100 pages of a plan for their original story which. That's a little much), but I do need to know what will happen in the story to get form point a to b. I actually have several pages of backstory on Hela for Porcelain (62%ish I'd say didn't make it into the story). Oddly, the only chapter I don't really plan is the first one. This story was a request I got, (though I already had 7ish pages written out of the basic concept) and that definitely helped spur me on.
However, that said, I am super flexible. If the story goes "actually, this is going to happen", I won't fight it. I feel like one of the good map apps that automatically adjusts the route for you when you make a wrong turn or something. I'll just go replan things until they'll join with the first plan.
Uh. Actually for fun, here's one of the chapters plans in Porcelain:
(pls ignore grammatical and spelling errors, this only needs to make sense to me, and probably really only does): 
(This is chapter (...4?)) 
K’har attacks the ship. 
-Water was used to cleanse the blood
-Asgard chases him off
-Hela frets over the sibs for a little, looking as though she has no idea what she’s doing with herself
-The council is still angry with her. Hypocrites to the highest degree. Demand to know what she’s doing there instead of a cell
-Bruce is like, “dude, she saved you!”
-They don’t really care. Ends in a stalemate, but Bruce is kind of done with all of them and shoves them off. Hela begins to explain about how they need to take the Fire Sweets back to their planet and dump them there. Says she might be able to purify the water enough and so on and so forth until Thor falls asleep
-Wakes up to Hela’s night terror. Hela is disoriented. Has no idea where she is and gasps out “my arm hurts” under her breath as she tries to right her. Thor watches Loki calm her down with ease and wonders when Loki got so good at calming down from panicking
-Hela stalks off, embarrassed, and Thor starts to go after her, but Loki convinces him otherwise.
-Thor asks if she’s done that before. Loki admits that there was one other time, but he’d said nothing about it. Thor is pretty much all better, but Loki is still waning. Thor asks if he’s using sedir and Loki kind of clenches and Thor pushes, only to get snapped at. Doesn’t really get any answers.
-Thor pulls back. Both of them go to sleep
-They take the people back to Fire Sweets. Dump them off and as they repair the hull, lose Hela. Thor panics some and he and Loki split up and Thor finds her.
-Thor asks her about the dream
-Hela says it was a memory. disoriented and when Thor tries to push she doesn’t give freely. Says something about it being drawn up by the medical room, but won’t go any further than that. Thor tries to carefully explain about how he doesn’t think less of her for being uncomfortable there. Asks to see her arm, and it’s almost healed, but not as much as he was expecting. 
-Hela is annoyed.
-Thor offers her his hand and she takes it after a moment, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Thor says that he’s glad that she’s well. And that she didn’t run off. Hela just shoves him off and stalks back to the ship in annoyance.
-Thor feels like he’s both gained and lost something.
As you can see, in the actual chapter some of this happened and some of it didn’t. more was added, and a little removed. I’m architect, but only if I can garden on my building. 
O) How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
*long breath* Both? Sometimes it's a concept that I read or see that I go "ooooh" for. Other times I need to vent real life by projecting and that turns into a giant mess of a story. (Love doing this to Peter P, though I'm sure he hates me.)
Though. Honestly, thinking deeply, most of the time, I write because there's a headcanon that I want to explore, and then Keep exploring. Loki being mind controlled? Sure, seems interesting. (Yah, I know it was confirmed, but still) Hela not being evil, but another somewhat victim? Okay. Wanda and Pietro being part of the Infinity Stones and therefore the Stones causing adverse reactions to them and they to it? Okay.
So. More clearly: story idea comes first, often, then I decide which characters I'm in the mood for and go from there.
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sunshinejs · 5 years
All My Love is Yours
if you see any spelling errors pls ignore it. I edited this on the flight and was sleepy af.
Songs I listened to while writing this (if you wanted a more emotional effect):
say you won’t let go - james arthur
marry me - train
be your everything - boys like girls
fallin all in you - shawn mendes
enchanted - taylor swift
lay me down - sam smith ft. john legend
a thousand years -christina perri
swear it again - westlife
can’t help falling in love - jess and gabriel (cover)
just the way you are - bruno mars
Word count: 2.5k -ish
8 years, 5 months and 19 days. That was how long Connor has known you.
And how long have you two been together, you may ask? 
6 years, 4 months and 23 days. Connor was definitely counting. He would tell that to anyone who asked and he wouldn’t be embarrassed by it. Connor is THAT in love with you and he wanted the whole world to know it. 
Because to him, every minute he has spent with you counts. Every laughter, every smile, every tears, every arguments, every ups and downs; it counts. That’s what made the relationship last. That’s what made Connor and y/n what they are now; two teenagers who fell in love accidentally on purpose and still going strong years later. 
Connor was certain you were the one he wanted to spend his life with even before you two celebrated your first anniversary. He remembers himself rambling to his mother over the phone about how amazing you were and how your laugh is so contageous that he would be laughing along every time you were giggling. 
His mother thought it was cute; that her son finally found someone to love, someone to be head over heels over, but she didn’t think too much about it. It was when Connor introduced you to his family that his mother immediately knew what Connor was talking. After that, she was also convinced that you were the one for her boy and she prayed for it to be true; because she could see how perfect you two were for each other and Connor’s family absolutely adored you.
Being with someone for over 6 years was crazy to think. Connor thinks you deserve a trophy for sticking by his random and crazy antics for such a long time. But he also thinks that it’s finally time to pop the question.
You headed up to your study after dinner with Connor and your two best friends. Connor insisted they would do the dishes instead because he needed to talk to them without you around.
“Hmm” Brian hummed as he watched over Connor at the sink sceptically “You never offer to do the dishes for y/n, Brashier. So. what gives?
Connor shrugged in reply while rinsing off the soap from the plates “I just want to help my girlfriend out around the house. Is that so unbelievable?”
Shawn grins, shaking his head “Brian is right, Con and we all know it. So spit it out”
Damn these guys for knowing Connor too well.
He hangs the last plate at the drying rack and turned off the tap. He dries his hand with the kitchen towel before joining the other two at the island.
“I’m going to do it” Connor announced.
Shawn asks confusingly, “Do what?”
Connor breaks into a smile, saying “I’m going to ask her to marry me”
“Shut up!” Brian exclaimed loudly, voice full of excitement while he stares at his best friend “For real?!?”
He laughs in respond, nodding in confirmation “For real”
“Dude!” Shawn grinned, moving over to Connor’s side so he could give him a hug “I’m so happy for you!”
“Fuck yeah!” Brian cried, joining in the group hug “Our Baby Brash isn’t a baby anymore!”
“Stop calling me that!” Connor rolled his eyes annoyedly, pushing his two best friends off him.
“Do you think… She’ll say yes?” He then asks hesitantly.
“Are you really asking us that?” Shawn deadpanned “Of course she’s going to say yes! You two are Connor and y/n. You’re bound to spend the rest of your lives together!”
Brian nodded in agreement “There’s no one else more perfect for each other than you two”
Oh, he hopes for that to be true.
“Would you go with me to find the perfect ring for her?” Connor asks.
“Con, it would be our honour” Shawn smiles at his friend before looking over at Brian “Bri, are you crying….?”
“Shut up! I’m emotional okay!”
The three guys were set to go for ring shopping that weekend. You were having a lunch reunion with your high school friends so Connor didn’t have to worry about explaining to you what they were doing for the rest of the day.
2 shops in, Connor still hasn’t found the right one. He was starting to think that maybe it was a sign from the universe but Brian smacked the back of his head, saying “You’re going to find that ring and you’re going to find it today! So take that negativity somewhere else, dumbass”
And Brian was right. 
Shawn got the name of this jewellery shop from his friend. He swears they do the prettiest engagement rings and Shawn just knew he had to take Connor here.
“Take a deep breath” Shawn instructed Connor as they stood in front of the store “You’re going to get it from here. Trust me on this”
“Yeah” Connor agreed “I’m going to find it”
And so, he did.
It was the first ring he laid his eyes on when he walks up to the counter displaying all the rings. He was scanning through the various shapes and sizes of rings, then he caught a glance of this one.
To him, it was basically screaming how perfect it would be our your ring finger. The details on the ring, the size of the diamond; it was all perfect. And Connor knew that this is the one.
It’s a little on the pricier side but he didn’t mind. He gets it engraved (because Connor loved being extra whenever it comes to you) on the inner side of the ring.
all my love is yours always.
It’s cheesy but he didn’t care. He would be the cheesiest man in the world when it comes to you.
He gets home before you do and he immediately keeps it hidden in his side of the closet. That day, Connor couldn't stop smiling and no matter how many times you asked him why was he so chirpy, his response is “I’ve got the best girl in the world with me right now. I think that’s a valid reason to be grinning like a mad man” 
a month later
“Hey babe?” Connor looked up from his paperwork. You sat across from him with your own pile of work on a Saturday (early) morning, something you both did very often together.
You hummed in response, looking at him “Yeah, bubs?”
“Mom asked if you were down to spend the afternoon with her” Connor waved his phone as an indication “She’s in desperate need of a girl’s day”
That was the plan. He needed you out of the house for a few hours while he gets everything into place and his mom was more than happy to be a distraction for you.
“Today?” You ask immediately “I guess I could use one too. It’s been a rough couple of days at the office”
“Exactly!” Connor agreed “Take a break then? Spend the day with ma”
“Yeah, I’ll give her a call in a bit” You nodded, smiling “Are we stil on for date night?”
“Always” He reassured “Is pizza okay with you?”
“You know that’s my favourite kind of date night, Con”
So, a few hours later you left Connor alone at home to spend the day with his mother. That was when he got to work.
He has been compiling all the stuff he needs for tonight and shoved them all in his equipment room, knowing you wouldn’t step into the room unless Connor was calling for you from the room.
Connor starts with hanging up the fairy light around the living room. He knew how much you loved them; always telling him how magical they looked like. After that was set up, he took the bag filled with rose petals and spread them on the floor of your living room in the shape of a filled giant heart then set-up a table for two in the middle of the room.
He even cooked your favourite meal (the only one he was a master at) instead of having takeaway pizza for dinner because he wanted everything to be perfect for this moment; to show you how much he loves you and would do anything if it meant to see that smile on your face.
Connor has been working on the compilation of your relationship’s montage for about 3 weeks now. He sneaks off to his equipment room on most nights and you don’t bother him; assuming he was just busy with the workload he was getting. There were so many photos and videos of you two together and he wanted to put as much into the montage as possible.
His mother texts him, giving him the signal that they were done and you were probably 30 minutes away from home. He grabbed the projector and his laptop then made his way to the living room to do the final set-up.
When Connor heard the front door jiggle, his legs started to shake and there were butterflies in his stomach. 
This is really happening. He thought to himself. There’s no turning back.
You walked through the front door, confused as to why there were lack of lights in the house. “Con?” You called out to him, slipping off your shoes and putting them neatly at the shoe rack by the door.
“Living room, babe!”
When you got to the destination, your jaws dropped at the set-up before you. There were fairy lights everywhere, flower petals on the floor, a table set-up for two. You were stunned.
“Con?” You gawked “What’s all this?”
“Surprise!” Connor cheers, making his way towards you. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, “Do you like it?”
“Bubs, this is amazing” You gushed, looking around at all the decoration “But what’s the occasion? Did I miss something?” You asked confusingly.
He chuckles and took a hold of your wrist and led you towards the table, dropping off your bag at the couch in the process.
“No you didn’t, baby” He insisted, pulling the chair out for you “I just wanted to do something nice for date night. We’ve had a pretty rough week at work and I thought it’s what we deserve”
“You’re amazing, Connor David Brashier” You sighed happily as you waited for him to sit across from you. You eyed the spaghetti and meatballs set in front of you “You cooked dinner? What happened to pizza?”
“It was a part of the surprise, silly!” He smiles “Now stop talking and let’s eat. What did you and ma do today?”
“Why do you have the projector out?” You asked confusingly after you two were done with dinner, notcing the equipment out along with his laptop. 
“Oh, right. I was working on a project for the past few weeks” He answered and you don’t miss how nervous he suddenly sounded, but didn’t think too much about it “I wanted to show it to you and get your opinion on it”
“Of course” You nodded “You know I love watching whatever you work on, bubs”
Connor stood up from his seat and walked over to turn on the projector. You took a sip of your wine as you watched him press a few buttons on his laptop before he joined you again at the table.
“Give me your honest opinion okay?” He said nervously “Good or bad, just let me know”
“Baby, you know I always do” You reassured.
He pressed the play button on the remote and a countdown starts from 3… 2… 1…
The video starts with a photo where you two first met. At the bottom, Connor labeled it as where it all began.
And then you just knew he was lying about showing you his work project. Then next photo comes up with a photo of the restaurant where Connor took you for your first date, accompanied by a selfie that you took after dinner was over. Where we had our first date. And truthfully, it was the best first date of my life.
The next one was one at a Brashiers’ family event. You got along well with Connor’s little cousin and she thinks of you like her older sister. While you were playing with her; giggling with one another, Connor snapped a beautiful picture of you both. He labelled it as the woman who my family loves so much.
You smiled as more photos and videos popped up one by one. Getting overwhelmed by all the nostalgic feeling, you could already feel the tears forming in your eyes. Connor put in so much of clips that you forgotten that you still had.
You were so into the video that you didn’t see Connor’s shift in movements. And when it got to the last part of the video, your breath hitched in your throat.
y/n, the love of my life, will you officially become Mrs. Connor Brashier?
That’s when you turned to Connor and already see him kneeling down on one knee with a velvet box in his hand.
“Connor” Your lips start to tremble as more tears were falling from your cheeks.
This was real, this was really happening.
Connor was no different that you. He had tears in his eyes, trying to find the right words to say. He prepared himself for this moment for weeks and he thought he had it in him to do it without breaking down, but he was wrong.
“y/n…” He choked out, smiling at you “You are the love of my life, my best friend, my rock, my everything. When I first laid my eyes on you, I just knew that I had to get to know you. And after we started dating, I knew you were the one for me. I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with”
“I want to be there through everything” He continued as his voice started to crack a little “Through every laughter and tears, through ever fights, through every pregnancy. I want to do stupid things together with you in the late morning, have kids with you, grow old with you and I want us to be those kind of couple who gets buried side by side”
“I don’t want to be in love if it’s not with you” He confirmed, opening the box in his hand; displaying to you the most beautiful ring you’ve ever set your eyes on “So y/n y/ln, please make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?”
“Yes!” You exclaimed, letting out a mixture of a choked sob and laughter “Yes I’ll marry you, Connor David Brashier!”
Connor sighs in relief as he took the ring out of the box. His fingers were shaking as he slid the ring on your finger perfectly. Just like he expected, the ring suited your finger beautifully.
You leaned forward and buried your face in the crook of his neck; a mixture of your sobs were echoing in the room.
“I love you so much” You said in between sobs “I don’t want to do this with anyone else, Connor. It’s only you”
“I love you more, baby” He answered “And all my love is for you always, future Mrs. Brashier”
reblog, like and leave your feedbacks for this!
x rina
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gamerwoo · 5 years
Kihyun: Comfort
Anonymous asked: when u mentioned deaf mate i immediately thought about kihyun lol for some reason ... bc he has a really nice voice, that maybe a lot of ppl fall for that, but his mate couldnt so yeah.... but it would be maybe a pity if his mate couldnt hear him lol ignore me
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Characters: Kihyun x deaf!female reader (featuring Monsta X and ofc)
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, angst, fluff
Word count: 3,547
Summary: Kihyun’s used to people falling for his voice. He’s used to men, women, and everything in between and outside gathering around him when he sings around campus. You, however, can’t hear anything. After an accident as a child, your world has gone silent. But Kihyun always makes it work, and even finds a way to make you hear him.
a/n: things in bold are in sign language (and I’m really sorry if anything is inaccurate because I didn’t have anybody to ask for reference so pls know I did my best and I’m sorry if I somehow offended anybody hard of hearing ok thank you) ((and I’m also sorry for any spelling errors lmao)) 
You’d never stopped to hear the boy with the angelic voice sing outside by the bistro. He always watched you walk by, his eyes glued to you while his mouth formed the words from memory. Despite music being something he loved, Kihyun already loved you more. You were his mate, after all -- you just were unaware of it.
Meanwhile, you never stopped to listen to him because you didn’t hear his singing. You couldn’t hear his beautiful voice flow through the air as effortlessly as the wind, nor could you hear the people who clapped when he was done. In fact, you couldn’t hear anything. The world was silent to you, so you didn’t notice a lot of things, actually. 
That was why it took so long for you to actually meet Kihyun.
There was something Kihyun didn’t notice about you, though: you were deaf. He’d never seen anybody sign to you, and he never realized he’d never seen you talk to anybody. 
“Hey,” Kihyun got the attention of Changkyun and Minhyuk beside him as you walked into the cafe for lunch. He nodded his head toward you. “Do you know who that is?”
“Nope,” Minhyuk replied simply.
“Kinda,” Changkyun shrugged, “why?”
“She always walks by when I’m playing, but she never stops to listen,” Kihyun sulked, resting his chin on his fists as his contact-covered eyes watched you walk over to an empty table and set your things down. “She doesn’t even look at me.”
Changkyun scoffed, “Well, I’d say there’s a pretty good reason for that.”
Kihyun’s head darted to the side to look at Changkyun, “What’s the reason?
“Wait,” Minhyuk spoke up, looking at his brother with wide eyes as he lowered his voice, “did you imprint?”
Kihyun ignored his question, gripping the youngest pack member’s shoulders, “What the reason, Changkyun?”
Changkyun gave his brother a strange look, “Sh-she’s deaf, hyung. Now let me go.”
Kihyun released his grip as everything in his head suddenly clicked. Why you weren’t entranced by his voice like everyone else; why you never spared him a single glance. It wasn’t that you were ignoring him, it was that you couldn’t hear him -- or anything, for that matter.
But that realization hit, and he stared at you across the room as it sunk in that his mate was deaf. You couldn’t and would never be able to hear him, and he would have to find other means of communication. You probably did things different than he would, and he’d have to accommodate for that.
But it was okay, because Kihyun would do anything for you, even if you didn’t even know he existed.
Flash forward however many months later, and you were inseparable from Kihyun. He rushed to become fluent in sign language, he was always patient with you, and he always found a way around obstacles in your friendship-turned-relationship -- despite how romantic it sounded, the story of the two of you finally dating was really quite boring. You were just glad you had Kihyun now.
There was always one thing that upset you, especially when you found out it meant a lot to Kihyun.
While in the kitchen watching Kihyun help make dinner, you noticed his lips moving while he cut vegetables. It was something he seemed to do a lot -- talk to himself. Even though you knew there were other people in the kitchen, you had turned to see if maybe he was having a conversation, but Hyungwon was on his phone and paying no attention while Changkyun was playing a game on his laptop with his headphones on.
You tapped your mate’s arm lightly to get his attention. Why do you talk to yourself?
Kihyun chuckled at your question before replying. I’m not talking to myself, I’m singing.
You cocked your head to one side. You sing?
He just nodded with a smile.
Hyungwon looked up when he heard Kihyun laugh, catching onto the conversation. He sighed, saying to himself, “A little too often...”
Do you like singing?
Kihyun nodded quickly. A lot.
You frowned, looking back at the counter with furrowed brows. You never knew Kihyun liked singing, you just thought he was talking to himself this whole time. But you were upset because you couldn’t hear him sing. Your mate clearly enjoyed it and you couldn’t even enjoy it with him or encourage him. You just wanted to hear him sing for yourself.
Kihyun put a finger under your chin, making you meet his worried eyes. What’s wrong?
You just shook your head, not wanting to upset him because you were upset. Nothing, don’t worry.
But even if you told him not to worry, Kihyun would worry until he figured out what was bugging you.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the singing thing for two weeks. You didn’t let it show, but whenever you saw Kihyun ‘talking to himself’ you’d frown a little and wish that you could hear. Sure, you didn’t need to hear his voice to love him -- you loved him for everything else -- but you just wanted to love everything about him. It never bothered you that you couldn’t hear his normal voice, but singing was something he loved. You wanted to be able to witness and enjoy something he loved for yourself. It almost made you feel like a bad mate for not being able to support him.
Changkyun’s hand waved in front of your face, making you blink and get dragged back to reality: class.
Changkyun sat beside you at the table, looking at you expectantly. You okay?
You just nodded. I’m alright. Sorry.
Can I ask you something?
I guess.
Have you been okay lately?
Changkyun wasn’t normally the one to check up on you. Changkyun was more like the goofy friend that you could go to for jokes and to dick around, but he was never really serious about anything. If you wanted somebody to check in on you, you could rely more on Kihyun, Shownu or Wonho. So the fact that Changkyun of all people was asking if you were okay meant you must not have been hiding your feelings very well.
Why do you ask?
Kihyun started singing when he was walking us to class, and you were frowning the whole time -- you’ve actually been frowning a lot lately when hyung sings. Do you not like it?
You wished you could know if you liked it or not -- though you were sure you’d like it just because it was Kihyun and you’d want him to sing to you even if he ended up sounding like a dying toad. But instead of answering Changkyun’s question, you asked one of your own -- one you’d wondered for a long time.
Does Kihyun sing well?
Changkyun gave you a puzzled look.
Does Kihyun’s voice sound pretty?
Chankgyun shrugged. Yeah. I guess so. Why?
What does it sound like?
Changkyun just shrugged, making some kind of ‘I don’t know’ noise that you obviously didn’t hear. Why are you asking weird questions?
You shook your head, turning back to your open notebook. It’s nothing. I was just curious.
Changkyun wasn’t stupid. He figured Kihyun’s singing must’ve had to do with it. Were you upset you couldn’t hear it? Is that why you were asking about it? Is that why you frowned when he started to sing? He kept those questions in his head even after class when he brought up the topic again, not wanting to let it go until he got to the bottom of what was wrong.
You frowned when he stopped you from leaving the room to sign the questions to you. The professor was gone and so were the students but you wanted to just leave and go have your hour break in the library alone.
Please just let it go. It’s not a big deal.
Kihyun knows you’re down about it and you know he’ll worry either way. You might as well let me help you.
No offense, but you’re almost dead last on the list of people I’d ask for advice -- especially relationship related.
Changkyun frowned. Harsh.
You rolled your eyes, letting out a sigh through your nose. I don’t like that I can’t enjoy something that he loves. He loves singing and I can’t even hear it. He can’t sing to me or anything.
He gave you a sad look, guessing where this was going. So what’re you saying?
You hesitated, feeling silly admitting your deepest fear.
What if I’m not good enough for Kihyun? He deserves somebody who can hear him and enjoy the thing he’s good at and loves to do, and that’s not me.
You could see that Changkyun definitely felt bad that you felt that way, but you could also see that he didn’t know how to convince you otherwise. The only person that he thought might be able to help was Kihyun, but you clearly didn’t want to tell him about your insecurities.
Before Changkyun could even gather his thoughts to form any kind of reply, you were moving your hands again. I’ll get over it, don’t worry. I’ll see you later.
With that, you gathered your things and left the classroom.
You were starting to forget about what was upsetting you. Since Kihyun could tell you were bummed out about something lately, he was doing everything he could to cheer you up, and it was working. It was very effectively taking your mind off of things, and he wasn’t ‘talking to himself’ as often because he was often too busy with you.
But then somebody was added to the pack.
“...What?” Minhyuk asked with narrowed eyes and a confused expression as he looked at Wonho’s love struck expression.
“I found a lost dog, and it just happened to belong to my mate,” he shrugged, still grinning like nobody found this sudden. “We spent the whole morning talking -- she made me tea and offered me breakfast and she’s really amazing. She’s into fitness, too, y’know!”
“Wow, great, just what we needed,” Hyungwon grumbled, “a second Wonho...”
It was only a couple days before she was invited to the house and introduced to everybody. You said hello to her even though you didn’t like using your voice -- you were afraid of sounding ‘weird’ but Kihyun always told you how much he loved when you spoke to him -- but from the quizzical look she gave you, you could tell she didn’t quite understand why you sounded a little different. And judging by the looks of the other wolves, she had said something that they seemed to find...not right.
“She’s deaf,” Shownu had explained when Arielle wondered why you sounded the way you did. “She won’t reply to you, but she’s still nice to everybody.”
“She’s deaf?” Arielle repeated, looking at her mate now in confusion. “But if imprinting works how you said...why is _____ perfect for Kihyun when she can’t even hear him?”
From her tone of voice, they could tell she didn’t mean it has awful as it sounded. She was just curious as to why fate would put a werewolf with a human who clearly had a big ‘flaw’ -- at least, that’s how they were seen to society -- but it came out a lot more rude than the harmless question she had in her mind.
Kihyun refused to tell you why the pack was looking at her like that. He simply educated her, accepted her apology, and moved on.
But beside that, Arielle seemed sweet. She clearly adored Wonho as much as he adored her, and that was nice to see. But the sight of them being so happy and in love also left a weird feeling inside you and you weren’t sure why at first. You thought seeing your brother being in love and happy would be nice, but it made you wonder if that’s how you and Kihyun seemed from the outside.
What you were used to was seeing your relationship from the inside, which was silent conversations, facing each other to speak with your hands, and having to drop everything if your hands were full just to have a conversation. But with Wonho and Arielle, it was so much more...more. She’d sit in his lap with her back to his chest and they would just talk and laugh like it was nothing. They could do their own thing while they had conversations, and they could even do their homework and study without having to stop just to ask a simple question. They seemed to happy and easy going, and you started to think back to your doubts from before. You tried to keep them down but how could you when the perfect relationship was right in front of you and it wasn’t even yours?
And being at school only made it worse.
It wasn’t a surprise that Kihyun was popular, specifically among women. He was a good-looking guy that could sing like it was his job, and tons of girls wanted to be where you were: by his side. They wanted to be able to say they belonged to him and he belonged to them, but only you could. Of course girls hated that and were jealous of you, but there was one girl that really hated it.
She was some exchange student, that’s all you knew. You didn’t know where she was from and you didn’t really care because you knew she was hitting on Kihyun any chance she got. Whenever Kihyun was singing on campus to earn a little extra cash, she was always sitting front and center, listening intently the whole time. She fell for his voice like so many other people so you couldn’t blame her, but it didn’t mean that Kihyun wasn’t off limits.
So when this girl found out that he had a girlfriend -- you -- she was less than happy about it.
A couple weeks after Arielle started coming around, you had a piece of paper slid in front of you. You looked up at the familiar girl, though she was glaring at you before she turned sharply on her heel and walked away, leaving the folded paper in front of you. You’d never said a word to her so you weren’t sure why she was handing this paper off to you, but you would’ve been lying if you said you weren’t curious.
She was told all about you. How the girlfriend of Yoo Kihyun was deaf and couldn’t enjoy his singing like everybody else could. How the one thing Kihyun was known for, you had never experienced it. She thought it was a pity -- a stupid, silly pity.
Setting aside your work, you reached forward and grabbed the paper, unfolding it before your eyes scanned her handwriting. You felt your heart sink when you read the harsh words about how you didn’t deserve Kihyun, nor were you good enough for him. Kihyun was born to be a singer and you couldn’t even encourage him or cheer him on because you didn’t even know what he sounded like. You were all but worthless to Kihyun, at least that’s what the note said.
You looked up, wanting to know if the girl had left, but she was stopped by the doors to the library. You felt your breath catch in your throat when you saw your mate standing with her, smiling as his mouth moved while he spoke to her. She was laughing, touching his arm as she said something to him. He grinned wider, giving a slight bow as you recognized ‘thank you’ form on his lips. You could only assume she was complimenting him -- probably on his singing which you couldn’t hear and never would.
The note on top of seeing Ariell and Wonho, on top of how you already felt after you found out Kihyun liked to sing -- you wanted to cry. Tears were already forming in your eyes behind your glasses as you looked away from the scene before you and packed up your belongings. You had been studying well after your classes were over and you couldn’t concentrate anymore anyway. You just wanted to go home and hide in bed and hope Kihyun wouldn’t get off campus until you’d already cried yourself to sleep.
You left through the back exit, hoping Kihyun didn’t see you or sense anything was wrong.
Kihyun frowned when he got home. The sun had already set but he knew you would’ve been in the kitchen making food for him like you always did on his late nights. However, you were nowhere to be found, and he was pretty sure he heard faint sniffling from upstairs.
“Where’s _____?” he wondered as he entered the living room where Wonho and Arielle were curled up together on the couch.
Wonho just shrugged, “She came in and went straight to her room.”
Jooheon glanced up from his chair where he was watching TV, “I saw her come in with tears in her eyes and go straight to the bedroom. When I went up to check on her, she wouldn’t come out from under the blanket. Changkyun said he knew what was wrong but couldn’t tell me.”
“What, why?”
“Because he knew I’d tell you and he said she said you can’t know.”
Kihyun groaned before he swiftly left and took the stairs two at a time to get to the bedroom quicker. He silently opened the door before shutting it just as quietly, but you still somehow sensed he was there. You tried to be as quiet as possible as his soft footsteps got closer, but it was hard keeping your sniffles quiet.
The bed beside you dipped before the blanket by your head was being slowly pulled back. You quickly held it closer to keep him from looking at your tear-stained face, pulling a sigh from him. He couldn’t talk to you if you couldn’t see it so how was he supposed to lure you out?
He decided not to get you to come out. Instead, he went around to his side of the bed and got under the blanket himself. He laid on his side, facing your back before he managed to roll you over. You could just barely see him from the little bit of light that came in from parts of the blanket that didn’t touch the bed.
Kihyun frowned, looking worried when he took in how red and swollen your eyes were. You might not have been able to see him well, but with his eyesight, he saw you like you were in direct light.
Baby, what happened?
Instead of signing, the words just tumbled from your mouth as you started sobbing again, hiding your face behind your hands so Kihyun wouldn’t see you cry.
“I can’t hear you sing which is something you love, and then I got a mean note about how I’m not good enough for you, and I already didn’t feel good enough because I can’t hear anything much less anything from you, and I just wish you got a different mate so you could be happy but you’re stuck with me instead!”
He wasn’t sure how to reply other than by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you to his chest. You buried your face into his body, clinging to his shirt like he would agree with your words and leave you. But he held you close, hushing you even though you couldn’t hear him while he rubbed your back soothingly.
In this position, Kihyun couldn’t talk to you. Even then, he wasn’t sure what he’d say anyway. So he just naturally did the only thing he could think of to do to calm someone: sing. He knew you wouldn’t hear it, but it wouldn’t hurt, either.
You could feel soft vibrations from his chest as he sang. They had a pattern to them, like a rhythm, and it started to soothe you and stop your crying. Kihyun definitely noticed, your sobs being reduced to sniffles and whimpers, and then just sniffles as you tried to get your nose to stop running. The patterns would change, the vibrations getting more intense and more soft at different times sometimes, but you’d get used to those patterns before they changed again. Sometimes there were pauses between the sets, but they would always pick back up.
Eventually, your eyes closed and you drifted off to sleep like that. As you were on the verge of unconsciousness, it hit you that Kihyun wasn’t just making random noise or something -- he was singing to you. It was why there was almost a rhythm to the vibrations in his chest and why he would pause between them. He was thinking up songs to sing to you to calm you down.
He smiled softly to himself, realizing that you couldn’t hear him sing, but you could still enjoy his singing in your own way.
“You’re perfect for me, _____,” he whispered when he heard your breathing even out, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “and I love you more than anything.”
He knew you didn’t hear him, but he could tell you properly tomorrow.
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winteriron-trash · 5 years
The Fires We Were Forged In [Part 1]
A/N: Okay, I lied again. Here’s another canon-compliant Endgame story. Sort of, I guess. Yes, the Loki and Bucky story is coming soon, it’s still getting edited a bit but for now, I wanted to post this idea that came to me when I saw a post circling of texts Peter sent to Tony’s phone post-Endgame. (If someone has credit pls lemme know, I can’t find it) So, here this is. Stick through the angst for the ending, I promise it’s worth it. :) I can’t tell how many parts this will have without spoiling the ending, so just read on. I’m not self-centred about my writing but I promise this one is good.
Warning for Endgame spoilers and all that. Enjoy!
Peter wasn’t the best at coping. In fact, if there were a scoreboard kept, he was pretty sure he’d come right in last at the worst at it.
And sure, no one blamed him. No one blamed anything except for themselves, really. Peter felt it in the looks anyone wore whenever… that name was mentioned. Everyone, even people who weren’t involved, found a way to blame themselves. Carol wished she’d been the one to use the stones. Rhodey wished he’d stopped Tony. Pepper wished she’d intercepted the gauntlet to keep it away from Thanos. Steve wished he hadn’t ripped the Avengers apart.
Everyone blamed themselves because really, how else were they supposed to cope? How else were they supposed to handle the fact that the Earth’s best defender was gone, and they had to live to watch him go?
It hurt. It hurt worse than the burn in Peter’s throat when he screamed himself raw. It hurt worse than the bloody, bruised, probably broken knuckles Peter got from angrily punching the stray suit he came across when they were cleaning the workshop out.
Peter was horrible at coping.
He was gone. Tony. Iron Man. Tony goddamned Stark, the man who’d built his own legacy with scrap metal and a genius smile. The man who believed in Peter when no one else would even look at him. The man who killed Thanos and saved the universe, even if it cost him his life.
The man who fucking left Peter alone and sobbing at last nights because why the hell did Peter deserve to lose another father figure? Let alone, one like Tony?
Peter blamed Tony, and that was maybe the worst part of it. Everyone else blamed themselves, but Peter saw through it. No matter who’d’ve done what, Tony was the one who had to do it. Strange even said so. Tony Stark had to die for the universe to live.
Fate was a cruel thing. And Peter blamed Tony for being selfless enough to comply with it.
Still, Peter didn’t hate Tony. He just… he missed him. Same as everyone else. Peter tried his best to put himself back together and move on. He was an Avenger now, that was his job.
And it wasn’t so bad. Morgan was adorable, Harley was cool when he wasn’t being a dick, and Nebula was so much kinder than her metal exterior let on. Peter had a new family, one that mourned with him and didn’t blame Peter when he had to leave the room whenever someone even said Tony’s name.
They understood. It was as infuriating as it was comforting. To be surrounded by pitying looks and shoulder pats and soft voices asking Peter if he was okay.
No, Peter was not fucking okay.
But he tried to be. He tried to cope and find what helped him feel a little saner and put together even in his worst moments. It wasn’t perfect, but it was all he had.
Peter’s best and possibly also worst coping mechanism ended up being texting Tony.
Well, not Tony. Tony’s old number, that was now just a void for Peter to scream into when he needed it.
Peter remembered when Tony gave him that number. The idea of having Tony Stark’s personal number in Peter’s own phone was something that had Peter bouncing off the walls for days. He relished in it, sending Tony constant texts that started out as Spider-Man updates, but digressed into just random things that happened to Peter and he felt the need to tell someone about.
And Tony always answered. To every single text. Sure, the answers were brief sometimes, just a few emojis and a ‘good job, kid’ if it was something like Peter telling Tony he aced a test. Sometimes the answers were longer, more heartfelt when Peter admitted he was scared of his role as a hero. Tony was always there.
So sometimes it was just nice to send a text to a dead number, and imagine what the response would be.
Peter would send anything, really. Some days it’d be test scores, the next it’d be a picture of Morgan attacking Harley with his own potato gun while Nebula tried to suppress a smile in the background. There’d be heartfelt texts, sometimes. Ones of Peter promising Tony how much everyone remembered him, and how his sacrifice was so worth it, seeing all the happy families reunited.
Peter thought if he promised Tony that his sacrifice was worth it, maybe Peter would start believing it too.
Even if Peter could never really accept that the loss of a man that great could ever have a price.
Which was why Peter had his bad nights. His awful nights where everything hurt and all he wanted to do was destroy anything he could get his hands on, just hoping to feel something.
Those nights, the texts were angry. They were a jumble of words and letters of Peter yelling at Tony, demanding why he’d left his family behind, telling Tony that they didn’t fucking win, that nothing could ever be a win when Iron Man was dead. It was a desperate plea for help, at it’s core.
Peter was trying to pull his act together though. And it was going… well. He’d gone sixteen days, seven hours, and forty-three minutes since he was texted Tony’s dead number. The last text he’d sent had been out receiving his early acceptance letter from MIT. He was doing well.
But Peter was bad a coping.
So when a bad night came again, like they always did, Peter was curled up in the corner of his room, sobbing. He’d already punched a hole in his wall and broken a mirror. Peter ignored the glass. And the blood.
Instead, he grabbed his phone, with shaking hands, opening the last contact he should be opening like this.
Oh well.
The text Peter sent was hardly coherent. There were spelling errors, mixed up words. It didn’t matter. All that matter was the page long angry rant of pain as Peter yelled at Tony for leaving them all behind. Demanding that Tony come back, begging Tony to come back.
Why wouldn’t he come back? Why did everyone else get to come back?
Peter was crying so hard by the end of the text he wasn’t even sure if he sent send before chucking the phone onto his bed. He hugged his knees and sobbed, pushing himself further into the corner.
Peter hated everything. He hated Tony, he hated Thanos, he hated the Avengers, he hated Spider-Man, he hated-
The phone chimed.
Peter was so genuinely confused, he stopped crying for a second. His screen was lit, and from across the room, he could see the notification for a new text message.
Feeble, awful, senseless hope built in Peter as he crawled on his hands and knees through broken shards to grab the phone. It didn’t make sense, it couldn’t be him, but there was a part of Peter that wanted, so fucking badly. An awful selfish part that made Peter hold his breath as he took three tries to unlock his phone and open the message.
‘I’m really so sorry, but I just got this number. I think you’re looking for someone else.’
Peter wanted to scream again.
The only thing he had left of Tony and even that had been taken away from him. The universe really did hate Peter, didn’t it?
With a soft sniffle, Peter managed to type out an apology and a promise to not contact the number again. Even as typing the words out made his heart feel like a twisted coil in his own chest.
‘It’s fine. You wanna talk about it? You seem like you need to let some stuff out.’
Peter paused. He did want to talk about it. Especially to someone who didn’t know him or anyone else that he knew. Just… a stranger.
‘Yeah. That sounds kinda nice.’
‘Cool. You’re talking about Iron Man, right? We all miss him. It hurts, having to see him everywhere but know he’s not really here.’
‘Yeah. It really sucks.’
‘Did you know him personally?’
‘He was my mentor, I guess. I looked up to him so much.’
‘Not to go out on a limb, but are you that spider kid in Queens people keep talking about? Everyone said that he went up into space with Iron Man when the first attacks came.’
‘It’s Spider-Man.’
‘I’ll take that as a yes.’
Peter didn’t realize his face was dry of tears until he smiled. Actually smiling, without hiding anything underneath it felt… nice. Really nice.
‘You can’t tell anyone you know Spider-Man. I’m an Avenger, you know.’
‘Like people would believe me anyway. An actual Avenger? Have you met Pepper Potts?’
‘Mrs Potts and I talk all the time. I’m really close with Morgan.’
‘Yeah, their kid, right? This has really gotta suck for her. Losing a hero is nothing like losing a father.’
‘I know how she feels. I think she understands it a lot more than people are willing to admit. No one wants her to have to grow up this fast.’
‘How can she not, being surrounded by superheroes like you?’
‘Fair point.’
Peter spent the rest of the night texting the… new person.
And the rest of the next night.
It became a kind of routine. Peter never asked anything about the person, and they never really offered the information. They both seemed fine with that, really. Even though Peter still didn’t have the heart to change the contact name, it didn’t hurt as much, or even at all some days, when he saw it. His new friend was funny and smart enough to keep up with Peter, always teasing him about whatever he was on the news for that week.
And always being there for Peter in his worst moments. In the moments where all Peter could manage to say was ‘I hate him I hate him I hate him’ over and over again until his fingers were numb, they stayed with him.
It was better than any therapy session Aunt May dragged Peter to.
Peter did feel bad about it, some days. Dumping all his problems on this random person, no matter how much they assured Peter that it was fine, as long as they were paid back in information about his suit. Which Peter didn’t care enough not to share because it was really cool, to be honest.
On the week Peter was packing up for MIT, he found himself complaining to them.
‘Moving for college sucks. It’s stress and too much work.’
‘Mood. I’m in my first year at MIT, it doesn’t get any better once classes start.’
‘Wait, really? MIT?’
‘Yup. Jealous, spider boy?’
‘Not really, it’s where I’m going too.’
‘For real? Nice job. He’d be proud of you, you know.’
Peter smiled softly at his phone. ‘Yeah, I know.’ He thought a quiet moment. ‘Hey, since I’ll be there in a week, how about we meet up?’
The few seconds it took for Peter’s message to be read, then to watch the typing were agonizing.
‘You sure you’re okay with some rando knowing your secret identity?’
‘You’ve helped me through so much, I feel like you already know me. Let’s go out for coffee, it’s the least I can do. Please?’
Another agonizing pause.
‘Fine. But I pick the coffee place.’
Peter grinned.
Peter and his texting buddy planned their coffee meet up for a few days after Peter officially moved into his dorm room. He’d sent a selfie so they would recognize him, which got Peter a snarky comment that he looked just as dorky under the mask that made Peter laugh.
If Peter thought the anxiety of moving into college was bad, it had nothing on meeting his friend of months for the first time. A friend that he didn’t even know the name of.
Oh god.
Peter arrived to the coffee shop ten minutes early and spent five of those ten minutes feverishly checking that he got the right place and time and date. He chose an outside table, so hopefully, he’d be recognized more easily. Since he couldn’t exactly look out for someone he didn’t know the face of.
Peter spent the next five minutes playing on his phone, switching from app to app, not having the concentration to commit to anything.
After that, he began counting the minutes that his friend was late.
What if he’d been set up? What if it was just a big joke? What if they were going to scam him?
At seven minutes in of internal panicking, Peter’s attention was pulled from his phone by shouting.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! The professor would not shut up! I ran here, I’m so sorry!”
The young woman standing in front of Peter’s table did look like she’d run there. Her dark skin was flushed with adrenaline, frizzy black hair in a mess falling out of her hair tie. She blew it out of her face with a scowl. The woman practically threw her stack of binders and lose papers onto the table, revealing the Iron Man shirt she was wearing that hung loosely, slipping off of her shoulders.
Peter gave her a long, blank stare. “Are you…”
She plopped down in the chair across from Peter. “Hey, spider boy.”
Peter smiled so wide it hurt. It’d been a while since he’d worn a smile like that. “It’s just Peter. Peter Parker.”
The woman smiled back, extending her hand across the table. “Cool. I’m Riri Williams.”
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tobespecial-a · 6 years
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HIYA  FOLKS  WELCOME  TO  MY  BLOG  HERE.  GONNA  KEEP  THESE  AS  SIMPLE  AS  POSSIBLE  SO  LETS  GET  TO  IT.  ---  this  blog  is  dash only  for  now  but  may  change  in  the  near  future. 
first  things  first.  i  am  a  student  in  school  monday -  friday  from  1-5pm  so  expect  some  slowness  on  my  end.  i  am  studying  to  be  a  mental  health  and  addictions  worker  &  am  really  passionate  about  the  field  i  am  in  so  i  will  be  obviously  prioritizing  school  &  also  irl  commitments  over  rp.  please  respect   this  &  we  shall  be  dandy
now  that  thats  outta  the  way.  HI  THERE  I  AM  ES  !!!! (  well  technically  its  ESTELLE,  but  you  can  call  me  either  or  i  do  not  mind  !!! )  YOUR  LOCAL  NON-BINARY  GAY (  they /  them  pls  )  who  is  in fact  straight  af for  a  certain  gay  icon  zachary  quinto  ---  i  hail from  the  pst  timezone  in  vancouver  canada.  fun  facts  about  me.  ANYWHO  ON  WITH  THE  RULES.
this  is  not  my  only  blog  folks,  it  will  be  one  of  my  more  active  ones,  but  it  is  not  the  only  one  i  run.  please  be  patient  in  terms  of  replies.   i  usually  try  to  stay  on  top  of  my  game  but  sometimes  i  miss  shiz.  pls  poke  me  after  2  weeks  if  you  are  wondering,  i  may  have  missed  it  !!  however  it  is  likely  in  my  drafts.  PRO  TIP  THOUGH,  i  like  each  reply  or  starter  posted  to  me,  if  i  didn’t  like  it  there  is a  95%  chance  i   did  not  see  it.  so  please  feel  free  to  remind  me  after  the  2  weeks.  
also  personals  do  not  reblog  my  threads,  ooc  posts  or  anything  thats  not  a reblogged  photoset ,  its  annoying,  just  don’t  do  it.   --  i  also  have  minor  case  of  dyslexia  so  please  be  patient  with  spelling  errors.  i  catch  most  of  them,  but  sometimes  i  don’t  get  them  all.  if  something  becomes  an  issue  please  tell  me. 
i  am  mutuals  only.  please  keep  this  in  mind.  i  will  only  take  ooc  asks  from  non  mutuals.  if  i  am  not  at  least  following  you  (  cos  i  know  some  people  who  i  write  with  /  have  written  with   don’t  follow  everyone  cos  they  want  a  clean  dash,  but  they  still  wanna  write )  then  please  don’t  attempt  ic  interactions.  this  is  your  first  &  final  warning.  i  will ignore  attempts  &  block  if  it  persists. 
do  not  follow  &  refollow  me  repeatedly  its  also  annoying  &  will  likely  get  you  blocked.  i  take  a  while  to  follow  back  sometimes,  please  be  patient. i  rarely  unfollow  so  if  you  see  it  happen,  please  poke  me.  however  i   have  the  right  to  ignore  it,  or  not  answer.  you  have  the  invitation,  i  just  don’t  have  to  invite  you  in  if  i  chose  to  revoke  it.  
disclaimer  i  probably  will  not  follow  blogs  that  romantically  ship  peter/claire.  incest  normally  doesn’t  bother  me  enough  to  mention  it, but  this one  just  really  is  a big  nope  for  me.  sorry  in  advance.  
gabriel  is  based  off  nbc  heroes  &  my  own  personal  headcanons.  at  the  point  of  writing  this  i  have  seen  the  first  &  second season,  i  am  making  my  way  through  the  rest  of  the  show  at  present.   don’t  worry  about  spoilers  though  as  i  pretty  much  know  most  of  the  major  plot  points  for  gabriel  during  the  series,  just  not  all  the  specifics.  ---  threads  will  generally  take  place  in  aus  &  content  i  have  seen  however,  until  i  have  caught  up.  though  idk  how  big  the  fandom  is  so  i  sense  a  lot  of  aus  my  way  any  ways  lol
i  have  no  plans  to  watch  it.  sylar  isn’t  even  in   the  show  so  its  really  just  not  required  of  me  to  view  it.  any  plot  lines  transpired  in  that  canon  will  never  be  seen  in  any way  on  my  blog.   sylar  reforms  himself  post  series  &  just  goes  on  from  there.  when  i  officially  make  it  through  the  whole  show  i  will  write  proper  headcanons  on  that.  
because  of  school  &  other  blogs  i  won’t  always  be  around.  however  i  can  always   be  reached  by  mobile  if  you  need  anything,  just  hmu.  thank  you  for  your  patience  in  this  regard.  also  fair  warning  i  do  have ADD  a  low grade  form  of  ADHD  so  i  get  a  lot  of  the  fun  extras  that  come  with  it.  please  respect  there  are  times  i  may  need  to  step  back  or  times  when  i  become  disassociated ,  its  been  happening  a lot  lately  so  i  wanted  to  inform  people  so    they  don’t think  i  am  ignoring  them.  i  promise  its  not  you,  its  me,  i  just  need  space.  FOR  THE  MOST  PART,  i  am  usually  always  around  to  answer  ims  &  messages  so  do  not  be  afraid  to  message  me  or  anything.  
ah  yes  everyones  fave  category.  if  anyone  has  questions  you  can  always  im  me  or  hu  my  ask  box  for  more  deets.   GABRIEL  IS  PANSEXUAL   BORDERLINE  GRAY  ROMANTIC  (  hes  between  demi  &  gray  )     
imma  start  off  by  saying  that   i  ship  syelle  as  well  as  petlar.  a  note      about  the  later, from  what  i  have read  &  seen  i  will  only  really  ship  them ( petlar )  during / post  the  wall,  which  at  the  time  of  writing  this  i  still  need  to  view.  i  would  be  open  to  pre  show  aus  to  start  at  this  point. 
anything  else  is  fair  game  at  this  point, just  be aware  sylar  isn’t  looking  for  anything  serious  really  during  heroes  canon.  plus  hes  not  exactly  a  nice  guy  so  like  be  warned  there.    ----  honest  to  god  if  your  interested  in  shipping  with  sylar  or  gabriel  (  yes  there  is  a  difference  )  pls  come  @  me.  the worst  i  can  do  is  say  no.  
i  will  also state   i  don’t  ship  sylaire  because  well…. shes  underage  ???? &  before  you  leap  down  my  throat  about  heroes  reborn,  most  of  the content i  have  seen  is  her  being  underage. but  i’m  not  gonna  accuse  anyone  of aging  anyone  up  for  a  ship,  cos  there  is  canon  where  she  is older.   i  am just  not  interested.  don’t  see  the  appeal,  i’ve  read  way  too much meta  &   just  don’t  see  it.  
it  is  also  worth  noting  that  post  3x01 the  second  coming,  sylar  can  no  longer  die.  he  is  immortal.  save  for  one  weak  spot  which  he  aint  about  to  tell  anyone  where  it  is. 
finally ummmm  i’m  22  guys  so  no  lying  about  your  age  to  smut  with  me.  i  will  block  your  ass  if  you  do.  don’t  make  me  be  the  bad  guy. 
pls  do  not  god  mod  my  muse.  you  wanna  write  him  ??  make  a  blog  of  your  own,  or  go  write  some  fic.  i  play  three  strikes.  first  time  is  a  reminder,  second  time  is  a thread  drop  third  time  is  a  partner  all  together  drop.  THESE  CAN  BE  EXERCISED  AT  MY  DISCRETION  HOWEVER 
also  i  think  its  worth  mentioning  cos  some  might  see  this  as  potential  godmodding.  sylar  is  not  a  nice  guy,  hes  a  type  of  serial  killer.  he  will  kill  you  if  it  benefits  him,  or  if  you  piss  him  off  enough.  hes not  above doing  it  just  to  prove  a  point.  he  will  hurt  you  if  you  make angry,  might  not  kill  you  but  he  can  hurt  you  if  you  anger  him.  so  if  your  muse  riles  him  up  enough ??  just  be  prepared  for  potential  violence,  that  might  follow.  ---  i  will  not  exercise  my  muses  strength  cos  you  think  its  funny  to have  yours  poke  the  hive.  --  if  you  don’t  like  this,  please  don’t  attempt  to  write  with  me.  my  muse  is  a  villian  for  most  of  the  show  &  i  won’t  be  watering  him  down  for  you.  
at  the  point  i  am  in  the  show,  the  only  people  who  know  what  sylar  looks  like  are  the  people  that  have  seen  him,  furthermore  only  those  who  have  heard  the  name  know  he  is  even  a  thing.  so  its  safe  to  say  a  lot  of  normal   savillians  don’t  know  him.  HELL  a  lot  of  the  heroes  don’t  know  him  either.  ---  keep  this  in  mind  when  interacting.  if  your  character  has  special  abilities  to  know  who  he  is,  thats  different,  but  don’t  just  assume  you  know  who  he  is  or  what  he  does.  
FURTHERMORE  TO  GO  OFF  A  TANGENT  i  am  not  gonna  be  too  keen  to  see  a  bunch  of  starters  of  people  begging  for  their  lives.  gabriel  is  a  hell  of  a  lot  more  then  just  a  random  serial  killer.  he  is  a  complex  character  who  has  feelings  &  issues  of  his  own.  hes  not  going  to  kill  just  anyone  for  the  sake  of  it.  please  bare  this  in  mind.  i  will  likely  not  reply  to  those  kind  of  random  interactions.  ---  by  all  means  if  you  wanna  plot  something  like  that  i  am  game  for  it,  but  please  give  me  the  heads  up.  i  will  not  reduce  my  muse  to  a  stereotype  killer,  cause  hes  not  & thats  the  tea.  he  only  kills  when  it  benefits  him,  its  not  a  sport  for  the  hell  of  it.  
given  the  nature  of  my  muse  there  will  be  some  triggering  themes  on  this  blog.  such  as  murder,  gore,  suicide, manipulation.  if  anyone  is  bothered  by  this,  please  blacklist  accordingly.  i tag  “  insert  trigger “ tw.  i  will  not  be  posting  heavy  gore  on  this  blog  in  visuals  at  least  &  i  ask  you  tag   it  if  you  post  it.  i’m  fine  with  a  bit  of  blood,  but  too  much  makes  me  a   little  ill.  writing  is  fine,  anything  like  a  photoset  with  heavy  gore  needs  to  be  tagged  for  me,  &  i  myself  will  not  be  posting  such  content.
i  will  only  be  doing  exclusives  for  ships  &  crossover  fandoms  at  this  time.  if  you  are  interested  in  being  mains  lemme  know.  i  do  however  require  previous  interaction  ic  or  occ,  preferably  both.  if  you  wanna  be  exclusive  i  ask  you  return  the  favour  otherwise  i  drop  the  exclusivity.  
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adamcoled · 7 years
the two kinds of magic | aleister black
warlock!aleister black x reader
Summary: Aleister holds more power within the supernatural world than most, so why is it that a human makes him feel so weak?
Word Count: 4,337
Warnings: Mentions of blood, death, basically all things you would associate with vampires and evil. 
A/N: Wow oh wow I was so excited to get this written, I didn’t revise it and half of it was written at 3 a.m. so pls tell me of any errors! This is going to be my first real series and I already have so many plans for it; I’m stepping out of my comfort zone because I don’t know a whole lot on mythology and whatnot but I’m ready to start this journey with you wonderful readers <3
Part 2
Regret was not a common emotion for Aleister. He didn’t regret things because he was too careful, too certain of every decision he’d ever made. When there was something plaguing him, he thought long and hard about it, tried to picture future consequences. He knew if he ever did something that he came to regret, he would conjure up some spell through a sigil or potion to reverse his mistake, and from there it’d only be a sort of drug to him, an ever-present desire to change some aspect of his life. Aleister hated the world he was born into, the world of witchcraft that his father tried so desperately to force upon him – it was in his blood, after all – and so he made the most admirable of attempts to stay away from using his black magic. It was such a dangerous world, full of an endless list of supernatural beings thought only to be found in fictional realms, and he hated that he had to occupy it, had to live this life of non-normalcy. He couldn’t even leave his house without wondering what sort of batshit crazy demon was lurking, searching for an unsuspecting soul to possess, or whether the next full moon would bring a ravenous werewolf into his town. Aleister didn’t want to hold this amount of power that hundreds of greedy monsters were foaming at the mouth for. So, he stayed away from it in any way that he could, using his magic only when absolutely necessary for his survival.
And then you came along.  
You came along in all your beauty, pounding on his door so fast and so harshly that he flung it open roughly, ready to tell whoever was behind it to go the hell away. He lived in the middle of the woods for a reason – very expected, huh? But then his eyes fell upon you, standing there in fear, body shaking and heaving as you struggled to catch your breath.
“Please,” you whimpered, the word coming out as more of a breathy whisper, “please, just let me in. Someone’s after me.”
He pulled you inside gently, trying not to add even more fear into your system, looking you over meticulously in case this was all a ruse and he had invited some sort of evil creature into his home. While his judgement certainly was not perfect, he could just sense that you weren’t anything looking to cause trouble. You were too beautiful, with a face that still held uncorrupted innocence, your hair framing your face perfectly, lips slightly parted while you still struggled to catch your breath. Then again, Aleister knew better than anyone that looks can be deceiving and sometimes the most beautiful ones were the most dangerous…
“Thank you,” you said finally, smiling at him with what little energy you had left. Your smile faded, however, when Aleister didn’t acknowledge it, stepping mere centimeters away from you as he turned your head with the hand that now rested on your chin. He wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting to find, but for some reason having his hand on your skin sent tendrils of flame throughout his outstretched arm.
“What did you mean ‘someone’s after you,’” Aleister asked suddenly, incapable of restraining the thought any longer. You were probably just another human that had gotten tangled up in an evil creature, unaware that everything they read about in books and see in films is very, very real, he thought. Poor them; that was the one thing about humanity that Aleister was glad not to face – the utter ignorance they held. And now here you were, in his house, probably bringing along a bloodthirsty supernatural being, unsuspecting of the fact that the very man before you was just the same.
At this, your breathing grew heavy again, suddenly remembering the man who had somehow appeared in front of you though you were completely alone on the sidewalk. He was surely still out there, looking for you, calling out your name in a sickly-sweet manner, hoping to lure you out of hiding. A chill shot up your spine, and when you felt the man in front of you place his hand on your shoulder softly, you swore you felt that chill stop right in its tracks. “I…I don’t know,” you admitted timidly, still unsure of what exactly happened. One second, you were listening to Run For Cover by The Killers, and the next you were quite literally running for cover from a man who had bared abnormally sharp teeth to you after a rambling about how absolutely starving he was. But, maybe you had made that whole thing up – your mind was a jumbled mess after how fast and how far you had run to escape. “This man…he came out of nowhere! He was making no sense, but when I saw how sharp his teeth were, I ran. And I guess I just…ended up here.”
Aleister knew right away what he was dealing with. His hand dropped from your shoulder, and he cursed beneath his breath. “I thought I told those bloodsuckers to stay out of my territory,” he growled, eager to storm out of his house and find this damn vampire, to remind him that this was his area. He was far more powerful than them; all they had was sharp teeth and an overpowering thirst – Aleister had magic that could serve practically any of his desires. But he restrained himself, unwilling to leave you alone considering the trickery vampires often had up their sleeves.
His head tore away from the window he was staring out of so intensely, hoping maybe their little friend would make an appearance. When his eyes landed upon you, your eyebrows were furrowed and you were no longer sitting on the chair in his living room. You’d obviously heard him, and now he had to make up some excuse because to tell you the truth would be to involve you in this twisted world.
“Nothing,” he shook his head slightly, “I think I might know who it is is all. He comes around here sometimes, always looking for someone to mug. He’s a very elusive man.”
“Bullshit,” you spat, making quick stride toward the man you didn’t even know but blindly trusted, “I heard what you said. ‘Bloodsuckers,’ ‘your territory. Tell me what you know, because quite frankly, I know that that psycho had teeth that were way too fucking sharp for a normal human!” Though, your aggression fled your body right as you finished your sentence, because you finally really, truly looked at him for the first time. The first thing your eyes darted to was the tiny crescent moon inked into the skin by his eye, then to the lip ring that clung to his lips in the most delicious manner, and then to the way his stare was practically burning right through you. When a slight chuckle slipped out of his mouth, you felt all her irritation boil back up.
“Tell you what I know, huh?” he tittered again. “We haven’t even formally introduced ourselves, yet you’re demanding for answers.” “I like that,” he wanted to add, but he decided against it. Maybe you’d just think of him as as of much of a threat as the man you’d been running from.
“I’m Y/N. Sorry I don’t think to introduce myself when I’m recovering from a high-speed chase with death,” you said pointedly, though accepted his hand easily when he offered it out to you.
“Aleister.” It was all he said yet the raw nature of his voice enticed you. When he released your hand, you had to stop herself from frowning. His touch was comforting.
“Thank you for letting me seek refuge from a ‘bloodsucker’ in your house, Aleister,” you spoke with an ever-present playful tinge in your voice and Aleister loved how each of your words was coated in mischief. “Now, could you please explain to me what is going on?”
“Can’t you just thank me and be done with it?”
Aleister stifled the smile that was about to break out across his face due to your stubbornness. Something about you was just so…mesmerizing to him. He had to stop and think for a second if perhaps you were a succubus, but Aleister was pretty damn sure he was wide awake. “Alright,” he conceded, thinking of how to wiggle his way through an explanation that didn’t reveal the supernatural world. That didn’t reveal him. “Let’s just say this world has a lot of things that most people don’t know about. Things that aren’t what they seem.”
From the look on your face, Aleister knew you weren’t buying it. But then you nodded slowly, accepting his half-truth of an explanation.
“There’s something you aren’t telling me,” you pointed a finger at him in suspicion, eyes fluttering over to the seemingly endless number of bookshelves lining the walls of his house. “But I won’t pry it out of you just yet. Eventually, though.”
Eventually, Aleister repeated in his head. Eventually implied he would see you again. While he certainly wouldn’t mind that, he dreaded having to drag you into this hellish world he lived in. Though it seemed as if his hellish world had already dragged you into it without his doing. “You’re sure of that?” he asks impishly, watching as a genuine smile finally erupted across your face.
“Alright,” he nods, “eventually, then.”
For a moment, the room is silent save for the gentle ticking of the grandfather clock tucked in the corner of the room. Aleister knew what he wanted to say, what he needed to say, but he wasn’t sure how to say it in a way that would convince you he was only looking out for your safety. After the experience you had had tonight, he’s sure you must be on edge and suspicious even of him, considering he was a strange man who had a house in the middle of a haunting forest.
“You should probably stay here for the night,” he explained, taking note of the fact that your face didn’t contort in confusion, a good sign at least. “I’m fairly certain I know who was after you, and I know he’s not one to let up once he has his sights set on someone.” In fact, Aleister knew exactly who it was. Eric Young was one of the best trackers Aleister knew of, and for that reason he knew he had to protect you until he could speak a few words with Eric. It’s not like he’s known you for longer than fifteen minutes, but he knew he didn’t want to see you hurt. And he sure as hell didn’t want to see Eric Young getting his blood fix on someone like you.
“You aren’t going to try to kill me, too, are you?” you joked, soon realizing that maybe it was a little inappropriate given you didn’t really know if Aleister, may actually be just as evil as the man from before. He didn’t seem evil.
He shook his head nonetheless, motioning for you to follow him as he guided you to the room you assumed you’d be staying in. “Don’t let your fear of possibly sleeping in the house of a killer prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep,” he commented, and while he’d meant for it to be a joke about him, you couldn’t help but think about the other man and his sharp teeth and bizarre words. “I promise you’ll be here, alive, in the morning.”
“You can’t break a promise,” you reminded, tossing your shoes somewhere into the black abyss that was the room.
“I don’t intend to.”
With that, Aleister said a quiet goodnight and told you that you could even lock the bedroom door if you were worried. You told him you weren’t, but when he left the room, you found yourself padding over to it and turning the knob counter-clockwise. An audible breath left your chest, relieved that there was at least some protection from whatever may decide to make you their target during the night. And somehow, after stowing away in the blankets, you managed to fall asleep, dreams consuming your brain and replacing any trace of the night’s previous events.
Twenty minutes after leaving you in his usually unoccupied guest room, he finds himself walking towards the door to ensure you’ve succumbed to sleep and will not witness the upcoming encounter. However, when he turns the knob carefully, he finds that it won’t budge; you’d told him you didn’t feel the need to lock the door, but he isn’t surprised when he realizes you had done so anyway. In fact, he’s glad you did. It proved to him that you were careful and smart, that you weren’t a soul awaiting death due to blind trust. Aleister really needed to make sure sleep had overtaken your body, in case you decided to leave the room and found that he was no longer to be found in the house. For a moment, he thinks to use magic – it can’t hurt, it’s just to check on you for a split second and then leave – but he stops himself, convinced you must be sleeping.
With that out of the way, he wanders out of his house, pulling the front door shut loudly because he knows Eric is out there still, impatiently waiting for his moment to strike. Unsurprisingly, Eric lands in front of Aleister, appearing out of nowhere, a little disappointed that it was not the beautiful girl he sought after earlier, though never turning down an interaction with Aleister. Eric tried to get ahold of his magic at any chance he could with no success thus far.
“I know she’s in there,” Eric taunted, a wicked smile cast upon his face as he sniffs the air, eyes shutting in bliss. He can smell you, you’re so close and as a relentless tracker, Eric wants nothing more than to sink his teeth into your neck.
“You are to leave her alone,” Aleister warned lowly, eyes narrowing when Eric laughs manically. He was such a mysterious character that he even made Aleister wary sometimes.  
“Well, well, well,” Eric whistled, “things just got real fuckin’ interesting. That your girl, Aleister?” When Eric sees the anger that begins to overtake Aleister’s features, he figures he’s finally hit the jackpot. Finally found a way to get exactly what he wants. “Because I sure as hell would love to sink some teeth into her, drain her real good. Haven’t had a good fix in a loooong time.”
“Enough!” Aleister boomed, seething at the thought of your pretty face going pale as the life was literally sucked out of you. “Stay away from her and find someone else to make your human blood bank.”
“Oh, I’ll stay away all right. If you give me what I want. It’s a fair trade, I’d say.”
Of course there was some sort of deal with Eric Young. While he knows giving this merciless man any sort of magic or power is an awful idea, an idea with the potential for absolute havoc, the only other option is essentially offering your body up for Eric’s next meal. Somehow, the latter seemed ten times worse. God, you’d really lured him in – a siren, perhaps? No, just an innocent human who had enraptured Aleister from the second he’d opened his front door to find you standing there in terror.
“Or, I could take pretty little Y/N the minute she leaves your house and – “
“What do you want, an amulet, sigil? Bray can give you whatever you want, you know,” Aleister reasoned, trying to avoid granting Eric such power in any possible way. Though he knew in the end, Eric would be the one walking off victorious.
A sudden howl echoed throughout the woods, and the pair instinctively looked up to confirm that it was a full moon. Sure enough, the moon was whole and pulling all the lurking werewolves out of hiding. Aleister only knew of one pack, Roman, Seth, and Dean, who he was on decent terms with and could rely on if things truly hit the fan. They knew not to hunt around this area, and so an agreement of sorts was formed. In the end, however, Aleister knew you couldn’t put one-hundred percent of your trust into anyone in this world. It was how his father was killed, and he swore he wouldn’t make the same mistake.
“Guess the Shield brothers are at it again,” Eric smirked, trying to lighten the atmosphere and hopefully loosen up Aleister. “All I want is a spell that I can manipulate myself, kind of like a backup plan if I ever need it; you understand, right, Black?”
What Eric was asking for was far beyond Aleister; he could do it, sure, but it would take weeks and giving such power to Eric without knowing what his plans were was deadly. If only he had just asked for enhanced strength or something simple like that, Aleister could have concocted it on the spot.
“I understand that you’re asking for a potential weapon. I know you, Young. And if you think for a second that – “
“Ah, ah, ah,” Eric waggled his finger in Aleister’s face, “think about the girl laying fast asleep in your house right now. You want her safe, right?”
Aleister was trapped, cornered. He had no choice but to give Eric what he wanted, the magic he had been inching towards for so long. Truthfully, Eric never thought he’d crack Aleister, yet all it took was some random girl and he was putty in his hands. Eric had a plan, yes, of course he did, but it’d take months to enact once he had the spell in his grabby hands. Until then, he’d hide away, letting Aleister believe he was gone for good.
“I give you this and you give up tracking her completely,” Aleister finalized, folding his arms across his chest. He wanted this over. He wanted to crawl into his bed and think about how you had managed to affect him like this.
“You give me this and I forget I ever even saw her.”
And so the deal was done. Eric would soon have a spell that he could use for nearly anything, and Aleister had Eric’s word that he wouldn’t harm you. That was enough for Aleister. When he hit his mattress, he began to wonder if perhaps humans were more powerful than any other supernatural creature. After all, he’d never been this entranced by anyone else but you, a mere human. It made no damn sense.
The night comes and goes, and once you woke up, your memory of the night before had nearly faded to black. You had forgotten all that happened, until you rubbed the sleep from your eyes and blinked away the remainder of it, realizing you were in a room that was not your own. Then it hit you that you were indeed alive, just as Aleister had promised, despite the craziness of just hours ago. Now that the adrenaline had completely worn off, you couldn’t believe you had spent the night in a stranger’s house – a rather beautiful stranger with a crescent moon tattoo that you wanted to reach out and trace lightly – but a stranger nonetheless.
Finding your shoes that had been thrown haphazardly into different corners of the room, you slipped them on and inhaled a shaky breath as you clicked the lock open. If Aleister was awake, you’d give a quick “thank you” before leaving, and if he was asleep, you’d maybe find some random paper and a pen to scribble out a lazy note on. To be honest, his house had an odd vibe to it, and it wasn’t just the strange decorations littering his rooms nor the ancient-looking books. Something just felt off, and although you weren’t necessarily afraid of Aleister, you didn’t want to spend much more time in the horror movie-esque house. It was literally in the middle of the woods, for God’s sake.
Sure enough, Aleister was wide awake and fixing up breakfast in his kitchen, tattooed back facing you from your place in the living room. If he happened to have made breakfast for the both of you, you figured it’d be rude not to stay for just a little longer.
“Morning,” you greeted, instantly feeling weak once he turned around to face you. Something about how he looked now was different from last night, when the house was void of natural light from the sun. His fingers danced around in circles on the counter, raising an eyebrow at the small gasp you emitted.
“Good morning.”
Maybe you’d expected him to say something else, so when he went silent after that, you weren’t sure what to do or say. Was that a sign that you were supposed to say your goodbyes and go back to your daily life? “Um, thanks for, you know, letting me waltz into your house,” your words were punctuated with a halfhearted smile, “and for letting me live to see another day.” He didn’t speak, scrapping a set of pancakes onto two plates before placing it onto the wood table in his makeshift dining room.
“It’s no problem. Try not to get yourself into any more trouble,” he recommended, taking his seat, “I made some for you, if you’d like.”
“Yeah, sure, thanks,” you grinned, admittedly starving from last night. “Really, thanks, Aleister.”
He looked up from his plate for a second, nodding at you, but things were quiet after that. The only sound was that damn grandfather clock and the occasional scraping of fork-on-plate. Silence like this would usually have you clamoring to escape, yet this one was comfortable and serene; you didn’t feel the need to fill it with some pointless small-talk. When both of your plates were empty, you weren’t sure how to end this encounter.
“I guess I should probably go now. Work and all that – kinda forgot I still live a fairly normal life,” you began, taking slow steps towards the front door.
“Normal life” Aleister repeated the words in his head, envied you for them, wished he could say the same. He thought maybe if he was normal, too, you two could be friends. But he knew better than to get attached to you, you in all your naivety, because when word got around that a supernatural being had a human around, things always got bad. Humans were great leverage, a great way to pry whatever you wanted out of someone in exchange for said human’s safety. Put simply, relationships in any form with humans were dangerous, lethal. It made the human a walking target for whatever sick plan someone had, and it made the supernatural weak. They would do whatever it took to keep them safe. Aleister had already seen that affect through the deal he made with Eric. And if he was willing to give Eric such a strong bit of magic after knowing you for such a short time, he could only imagine what he’d be willing to do if he really knew you. He’d probably end anything in his path.
“Take care of yourself,” Aleister advised, meeting you by the door, “I don’t think that man will be giving you any more trouble.”
You wanted to ask how he knew, considering just last night he had said the opposite, but you decided against it. “Eventually,” you remembered. Eventually you would piece together Aleister and the things he knew. For now, he would remain an enigma.
“I hope not. I’ll see you soon, Aleister.”
“Maybe,” he mused.
Right before you stepped out the door, your eyes fluttered to the bookshelves once more. There was one rather thick book sticking out, and you could just barely make out the fancy script on the front. “Witchcraft, Magic, & Alchemy.” Aleister noticed your distraction and turned his head slightly, eyes widening when he realized you were staring straight at one of his books. Before he could say anything, you tossed out a hasty goodbye and began the trek to your house. There was still that gnawing feeling that someone was watching you, and the crunching of leaves around you did nothing to qualm your unease. Once you made it out of the woods, you felt safe amongst the crowd of people and released a bated breath. For now, you were safe. For now.
A few weeks pass by, dragging on like all the rest of them, and Aleister doesn’t see you again. He thinks about you from time to time, that beautiful human that unfortunately crossed paths with a thirsty vampire and wound up at a warlock’s doorstep. And he can’t help but feel disappointed that he hasn’t seen your face or heard your voice since that morning you left his house. He tries to will himself to be grateful, that if he never sees you again you won’t be put in any danger and can continue living the normal life you deserve. His selfish disappointment outweighs his gratitude, and he wonders what would have become of you two had you crossed paths once more. Your voice rings out in his head, the same word over and over. “Eventually.” It seemed like eventually was never going to come, though he couldn’t be surprised. Aleister was almost sure you’d seen one of his books and probably thought of him as a complete freak now – and maybe he was.
And then you came along again, knocking on his door with much less force than last time. When he swings it open and finds you standing there, he almost can’t believe it’s real – had Eric perhaps gotten a spell from Bray to trick Aleister into something, using an imitation of you to lure him in?
Your face was unreadable, but the two words you spoke told Aleister that everything was about to change.
“Fucking vampires.”
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wayneooverton · 7 years
All the mean, nasty and godawful hateful things people say to me online
Guys, why do people troll on the internet? Why are blogger hate comments a thing? Let this be the philosophical question of the day. Please, god, why? WHY? WHY?
And of all the people, why me? I’m a perfectly innocent little travel blogger over here, just minding my own business. The purpose of this blog is to inspire people to travel, what is so confronting about that? Move along. Why can people be so mean to me online? I don’t get it. I’m lovely, alright?
Just kidding. Sometimes I’m a shit stirrer. I stir the pot on purpose. If I see something I think is wrong, I say it. Also, god did not see fit to gift me with grace or tact. I am really good at regularly putting my foot in my mouth, often publicly. I also don’t know when to back away. And I’m cynical. Is this a recipe for a well-loved image? I’m not quite sure.
At least I’m real, right? Of all my flaws at least I like to think I’m authentic, the only truly honest blogger in a sea of vapid, shallow fools.
Stop talking, Liz. Like right now.
Anyways, it’s no secret, I get mean comments on the regular, so regular in fact that I have been doing annual round ups of the best mean comments I get every single year since 2012. I know I’m shamefully overdue on this post. I completely missed 2016.
2016 was an intense year for me, and when it came down to digging through comments looking for the horrible ones, I just couldn’t bring myself to go down that particular roller coaster. It was also the first year I started to get death threats. I just wasn’t in the mood. Can you forgive me?
Hate comments aren’t a novelty to me anymore, and they haven’t been for a long time. I’ve gotten tens of thousands of comments over the years, with a small percentage of them being ugly, and I’ve learned to just let them slide by in a giant wave of pity – I truly for sorry for anyone that takes the time to hate me so much online. Also, I’m probably laughing at you.
The best hate I got in 2015
The best hate I got in 2014
The best hate I got in 2013
The best hate I got in 2012
Also, I’ve really just stopped paying attention when people troll me; five years of regular trolls has given me armor. I went from being a delicate rose who bruised easily to a goddamn rhino. Go on, try and say something to mean to me. It can hardly be any worse that what I’ve gotten before.
And to be honest, it’s the same shit day in and day out. You’re privileged (yeah I know), you’re entitled (no I am not, thank you), you travel off your daddy’s money (HA, if you only knew…), you’re ugly, you’re fat, you’re stupid, you swear too much, you’re a know it all, you do this why don’t you do that, blah blah blah it never fucking ends.
Honestly, I yearn for the creative insults. I think my trolls have gotten lazy. Where’s the witty banter? The colorful backhanded comments? The passive aggressive DMs? They’ve disappeared into regular grammatically ugly “what a c*nt” and “how is this blog even popular” lazy comments. I mean for fuck’s sakes guys, if you’re gonna come for me, try a little.
But I digress. Back by popular demand, I’ve taken the time to dig through my work and find the best of the best blogger hate comments, the most entertaining, the ugliest, the cruelest, the worst hate comments I get just for you. Because at the end of the day, the only way we can deal with this BS is just to laugh. You’re welcome. Enjoy.
1. The most popular Facebook comment in response to an article about how I built my career in blogging
And if she wasn’t a young blond with a penchant for putting out to old men she’d be working at Officeworks for $15/hr
I want to start an argument about feminism here but just can’t be fucked.
2. And the second most liked comment on the same article 
The only thing worse than a human that resembles a vacuous opportunistic sponge is the plethora of parasites that aspire to be just that.
Just so we’re clear, I’m the sponge and you’re the parasite in this allegory.
3. Writing about how Jane Goodall inspires me to be better with conservation
You are not an “activist for saving the planet.” The number of flights you take each year creates more carbon emissions that most of us create in our LIVES. If you actually cared about the environment you would travel solely by bike and public transport with an occasional flight, not dozens of international flights a year. Get a grip.
I mean, fair point. I’d love some tips about biking overseas from the island of New Zealand where I live.
4. I really hate it when people don’t get sarcasm online on my how to cheat on Instagram
Teaching young people that life depends on Instagram. Thats great and people were wondering what was happening to our decaying society. Telling them that their popularity will increase if they sell their sexuality too. Wow what a true feminist you are. Pathetic. The whole millennial generation is going to be morally bankrupt.
I just facepalmed so hard.
5. Speaking of Instagram…
Not to be rude, just honest, but I noticed your photos have extremely low engagement for “168K” followers. I wonder if the companies who pay you notice this.
Guys, I’m literally one of the ONLY people who doesn’t cheat on Instagram! That’s why my engagement isn’t out of this world. But thanks for pointing that out.
6. That one time I wrote that Central Otago is one of the only regions in New Zealand that has four distinct seasons (which is true)
Seriously? The only region in New Zealand that experiences four distinct seasons? You need to travel more and drink less Pinot. I’m not even sure how I got your spam mail, but I live here, not just a FIFO tourist. If you want to trade travel stories, I’m sure you’ll lose.
You can’t make me drink less Pinot!!!! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!
7. When I wrote a million years ago about things that I hate that people do on airplanes
Sounds like a person who wrote the original article needs more than Ambien. probably could use some Xanax and some Prozac also. when you travel on a plane you know there is also something called other human beings. Get a grip. judging by your photo, You’re not that cute or anything special…..
Hope you find the help you need.
You know, funny story. One time in Bangkok I went to a pharmacy to get some sleeping pills for upcoming long haul flights – sometimes in Southeast Asia I can get strong sleeping pills over the counter. They gave me Xanax, no questions asked. Best flight ever. In fact, imagine if Xanax was provided on all long-haul flights. Who do I need to speak to about this?
8. Any time I provoke the vegans, one of my favorite pastimes 
Me: writes thousands of words about wildlife, travel, sustainable tourism practices or about anything really
All of the vegans: You should consider going vegan
Me: but, bacon? So tasty.
As a close friend used to say, do not negotiate with terrorists, Liz.
9. When I wrote a blog post about how to move to New Zealand as American (if you need some entertaining, go read through the comments) which is a minefield!
It is not your home. even if you wish it was it’s not, it is new zealands home. fuck off to your own home. leave mine alone… just fuck off back to usa and leave nz to be nz. stop telling people how to get here, we don’t want you. most nzers hate americans, you are boring n have no sense of humour, just fuck off bck to usa and leave nzers to our own country, plus u don’t get my point cos u dumb american.if u don’t want to be thought of a american sterotype don’t act like dunb american cunt….you are such a dunb cunt. this is why we hate you.
I can’t look beyond the grammatical and spelling errors in this, honestly I tried, but I can’t.
Yes go ahead pls MOVE out from US we don’t need weak, pathetic, ignorant ppl here who need “safe-spaces” You have been brain washed by fake media like cnn, fox, abc etc for too long
I just can’t.
Congratulations on proving again that liberal thought is shallow and feelings-based. Too much reading making your head hurt?
I’m literally the biggest reader you’ve ever met. Don’t even.
I read the first couple of paragraphs and had to stop. As a Trump supporter, I am offended by your words and will now stop following you. It’s really too bad that you offend some of your followers, here I thought I was following a travel blog. Please do move to NZ, because America will be better off without you!!
It’s ok, I’m ashamed to have had you as a reader.
That response obviously shows why 20 something women shouldn’t even have the right to vote.
*Begins to pull hair out of own head*
Im just trying to save you from having to take depression medication for the rest of your life thats all. What are you on now Zoloft or Prozac?
Neither, unfortunately. I sure could use one after reading this.
10. I appeared in a big NBC Dateline special about American’s moving to New Zealand and man, that opened the floodgates of crazy
Stay out of America you traitor bitch.
This was the first of many comments calling me a traitor.
STAY OUT OF AMERICA YOU BITCH. I hope a sheep kills you and your family you faggot, the USA is the best country ever.
Me: I feel so sorry for you
I feel worse for you, you no good commie bastard. Stay out of my country and fuck off cunt. Fuck you you no life blogger get a real job.
Me: You feel better now?
Yes, I’m living in the US of A #MAGA fuck. Cuck.
Me: Well I feel better living in a place with people nicer than you. And I have healthcare. And I can spell.
BOOM! How’d they do? What’s the worst thing anyone has said to you online? Do you get trolled? How do you cope? Spill!
The post All the mean, nasty and godawful hateful things people say to me online appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress http://ift.tt/2hA9518
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armsinthewronghands · 8 years
Complete Text of the Get At Him Post
This post is frequently used as “evidence” I have a secret harassment group:
..also note anyone named in the comments should be able to confirm to the public the transcripts match the private post and anyone can ask to be added to the circles and confirm for themselves.
Zak Sabbath
Shared privately
Aug 04, 2014
I dunno who this fuck is but he has 15,000 followers, please get at him:
Gary Bernhardt (garybernhardt) on Twittertwitter.com
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Corey BrinI don't use twitter but I boosted the signal.  Aug 4, 2014
David BlackGet at him?Hide this commentAug 4, 2014
Corey Brin+David Eglinton hit him up?  Correct him?  Eat him?Aug 4, 2014
Zak Sabbath+2get on twitter. tweet at him, ask questions, give links. I have a girlfirend in the hospital and 111 trolls to deal with please just either help or don't but pls no silly nerd questions.Aug 4, 2014
David Black"Silly nerd questions" please tell me what's silly about asking for clarification on an ambiguous statement "Get at him" can mean a lot if things, to different people depending on where you live. In the UK (or my area of it) "get at him" does NOT mean send him some tweets, ask him some questions. It's the equivalent of saying "get 'em boys!"Hide this commentAug 4, 2014
Zak Sabbathassume the meaning most consistent with everything I've said up until nowAug 4, 2014
David BlackAssumptions are bad, literal meaning - especially when you can talk direct to an author of words, is far superior.Hide this commentAug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbathi just do not have the patience this evening--if you don't understand it, just ignore the post, DavidAug 5, 2014
David BlackThat's ok, get back to me when you have more headspace.Hide this commentAug 5, 2014
David BlackI'm always excellent to others, that's a given. But no assumptions I'm afraid, zaks a literal guy - he says what he means, so hence the need for clarification. We haven't covered why that's silly, but he's got a lot on his plate and I'm cool with picking it up at a later date.Hide this commentAug 5, 2014
Zak SabbathSee these people? Do what they are doing: https://twitter.com/garybernhardt/status/496492230756954112 or don'tAug 5, 2014
Alex OsiasAs of 11 minutes ago, he took notice: "@cwlcks why did you just cc random people I've never heard of who then called me a moron and linkspammed me?"Aug 5, 2014
Zak SabbathThanks for the update, +Alexander Osias It's really appreciated that we're not handling this bullshit all alone. Got  a lot going on right now.Aug 5, 2014
Jeremy FriesenHe is a well known software developer in the open source python and ruby community. He runs DestroyAllSoftware.Aug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbath+1I dunno what any of that meansAug 5, 2014
David BlackPython and Ruby are programming languages.Hide this commentAug 5, 2014
Viktor Haag+1And, based on his talks I've seen, he seems witty, very sharp, and also perhaps a bit left leaning or socially conscious. He might also not react well to what's just happened and very well see it as being virtually leapt upon. I'm not saying he's right, because I think he fell into a pothole and then posted perhaps without due diligence. However, I also think that having a bunch of people suddenly show up in his twitter feed to throw links at him, throw some insults at him, and demand retractions might well provoke a reaction from him you don't want. Partly, because, on the surface, this may seem to confirm the tone of the original piece he's read and not counter it. Is there a better way here?Aug 5, 2014
Jeremy FriesenDestroyAllSoftware.com is/was a subscription based education site. He recorded several hundred 15 minute or so segments. It was popular and I subscribed for a bit. I am not aware of Gary's direct contributions to any ruby or python projects but his screencasts were influential. Ruby and Python are two different programming languages popular in web application development. Both communities are similar in composition to gaming: lots of white guys being one common aspect.Aug 5, 2014
Nate Lumpkin+1+Viktor Haag I don't know man, if anything all these people offering him unsolicited links are doing him a favor by doing the hard work for him. Which he's apparently too stupid or lazy to do himself before endorsing libel to thousands of people.Aug 5, 2014
Jeremy Friesen+1I informed him that the post was a bunch of half truths and asked if he would like rebuttal links. Waiting. He gets a lot of tweets so I will follow up later today.Aug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbath+Viktor Haag Then do the better thing.Aug 5, 2014
David Pretty+2We don't have to be insulting. I just wrote..."@garybernhardt This article is a poisonous house of cards and shouldn't be propagated without a dollop of truth. https://plus.google.com/113806813961952334299/posts/bqmKQrjTS6f"Aug 5, 2014
Viktor Haag+1+Nate Lumpkin Everyone falls into potholes on the internet. We have no clue how tapped in to the hobby he is. He's never appeared in G+ in any of the RPG circles I've seen, I've never seen him on Storygames or rpgnet. Literally 90% of my regular gaming groups would not have had any clue about this issue if I hadn't told them (or would have come to it much later), because despite connecting some people together alarmingly well, the web doesn't connect everyone to everything. I think Gary certainly should be responsible, look more deeply, and then offer an apology or retraction, or at least delete his original tweet. But it's entirely possible he came to this from an entirely different corner of the world, read it not because he's passionate about RPGs, but because he's passionate about other things (diversity?), opened the door, and then had the inhabitants suddenly rush the doorway, throwing links and words at him. All I'm wondering is if there isn't a better way to deal with when this kind of thing happens than rushing the door, that's all. Perhaps there isn't, because that's just how the internet works. Fair enough. Aug 5, 2014
Nate Lumpkin+2+Viktor Haag I suppose that my point is that this issue isn't about being tapped into the hobby. You don't need to be tapped deeply into anything to read the Fail Forward article and tell that something is very wrong with it. It's riddled with spelling and grammatical mistakes and logical errors from top to bottom. On top of that, the writer of the article is making serious real-world accusations without providing evidence or links to evidence. It's a mark of real thoughtlessness to reshare this piece. And indeed this Gary person was caught in his thoughtlessness: when the tweet was copied to Zak and Mandy, his response was "Why did you just cc random people I've never heard of?" If he's someone who doesn't read links or words (which is what appears to be the case), then all these people talking to him will be alarming, and he'll panic, and out himself as a fool. Which is what just happened, incidentally. But if he does read links and words, then no harm is done, and he gets smarter. But if you can find a better way then by all means.Aug 5, 2014
Jeremy FriesenI reached out to the two retweeters as I did with Gary. I offered to provide rebuttal links.Aug 5, 2014
Viktor Haag+1+Nate Lumpkin you make some excellent points. Thank you for making them. +Zak Smith you are correct, and in retrospect, given what Bernhardt did, and what you and +Mandy Morbid did, and what ended up happening with the rest of the replies to his tweet, I particularly here have not much of a leg to stand on at all. I apologize to you and Mandy for thinking I did. My default stance is not to escalate or confront, even when that might be the only thing needed, wanted, or warranted.Aug 5, 2014
Viktor Haag+1+David Pretty  You have a point; and I will note that a large number of replies on the thread are more neutral in tone than they could have been (and often are in other places on the internetz). In other words, despite my knee-jerk reactions, this twitter thread seems to actually be in direct opposition to my fears: it actually is remarkably neutral and compassionate, all things considered (at least, it was the last time I checked).Aug 5, 2014
Jeremy FriesenGiven that Gary has not tweeted in 4 hours. It is possible he was asking for a stop on tweets so he could pursue more information. He is a voracious learner.Aug 5, 2014
Kat Fisher+1I was a bit late to the party, but I linked him to the thing I wrote last week or so with all the links in. You've got support here, especially now while you've got more important things to worry about than asshats on the internet. Aug 5, 2014
Corey Brin+Jeremy Friesen or his head exploded.Aug 5, 2014
Ramanan SThat tweet doesn't exist anymore.Aug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbath+1Well that's nice--though the damage done by a tweet is in the first few minutes it's up and shld be fixed by a public apology.Aug 5, 2014
Ramanan S+1Yeah, seems a bit obnoxious to just quietly remove it. Is that ever really face-saving? Also I have learned we have 7 followers in common on Twitter. The internet is a small world.Aug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbathprobably all D&D peopleAug 5, 2014
Ramanan SNah, they're all programmers. I wonder how he ended up stumbling on that article in the first place. Aug 5, 2014
Ramanan SOh wait, this guy did the WAT talk. How can he be bad? I don't even know what to believe anymore. https://www.destroyallsoftware.com/talks/watAug 5, 2014
Viktor HaagHis other freely available talks (especially the one on boundaries) seem to point to him not being a schnook. Still, one never knows, I guess.Aug 5, 2014
Zak Sabbath+1Attention and sorry to bother you This is an olllllld historical footnote for Non- DIY D&D regulars +Cam Banks +Sage LaTorra  +Vincent Baker +Paul Czege. This is probably not important and requires no response from you, but: In case you didn't know, you are in (and have always been in ) the "secret inner G+ circle" where the conspiracy theories claims I posted this and other instructions to harass people... (like here http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3681296&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=10#post438951696 ) So if you ever hear any of your friends repeating the idea that I have a secret RPG circle where I tell people to harass my foes, you can just click over and see it and the entire contents of my Evil Empire right there in your feed. This is the same circle where my alleged "harassment list" is https://plus.google.com/u/0/110352289066114829231/posts/Vb1R7kenYxc and the place where I posted a metafilter link with just the word "destroy" https://plus.google.com/u/0/110352289066114829231/posts/AXqgBVpGoqV Alright, that's all. Again, sorry to bother you. -z
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