#this scene has a lot of beautiful angles but i wanted to concentrate on their faces
spicyvampire · 10 months
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"Hey. Can we talk?"
THE SIGN (2023) EP. 1
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 month
I have a question because I don't remember what actually happened in the books, just what impression it left on me. But I keep seeing people talking about Armand and Lestat like it was this grand passionate MUTUAL love affair and I always saw it as pretty one-sided on Armand's side. Lestat came to love him eventually, but to me it was never passionate or romantic. More like the way you have love for someone who has been around most of your big life moments so that history creates connection and love. More of a platonic, familial type of thing. But then I just saw someone describe them as "feral for each other" and I'm confused. Am I remembering wrong? Or are people creating headcanons?
Wellllllllll.... It depends a bit on how you want to see it I guess.
I do think that Lestat is mightily attracted to Armand. And Armand to him. And in the "Cinderella scene" (I'll post it below), there is a lot of talk about love and desire.
But it also becomes clear through the scene that Armand is spell-binding Lestat, in order to (force-) feed on him. And thereby blows it - ultimately forever.
And against the far wall, a backdrop of satin and filigree, I saw, out of the corner of my eye, like something imagined, Armand. Armand. If there had been a summons, I never heard it. If there was a greeting, I didn't sense it now. He was merely looking at me, a radiant creature in jewels and scalloped lace. And it was Cinderella revealed at the ball, this vision, Sleeping Beauty opening her eyes under a mesh of cobwebs and wiping them all away with one sweep of her warm hand. The sheer pitch of incarnate beauty made me gasp. Yes, perfect mortal raiment, and yet he seemed all the more supernatural, his face too dazzling, his dark eyes fathomless and just for a split second glinting as if they were windows to the fires of hell. And when his voice came it was low and almost teasing, forcing me to concentrate to hear it: All night you've been searching for me, he said, and here I am, waiting for you. I have been waiting for you all along. I think I sensed even then, as I stood unable to look away, that never in my years of wandering this earth would I ever have such a rich revelation of the true horror that we are. Heartbreakingly innocent he seemed in the midst of the crowd.
Yet I saw crypts when I looked at him, and I heard the beat of the kettledrums. I saw torchlit fields where I had never been, heard vague incantations, felt the heat of raging fires on my face. And they didn't come out of him, these visions. Rather I drew them out on my own. Yet never had Nicolas, mortal or immortal, been so alluring. Never had Gabrielle held me so in thrall. Dear God, this is love. This is desire. And all my past amours have been but the shadow of this. And it seemed in a murmuring pulse of thought he gave me to know that I had been very foolish to think it would not be so. Who can love us, you and I, as we can love each other, he whispered and it seemed his lips actually moved. Others looked at him. I saw them drifting with a ludicrous slowness; I saw their eyes pass over him, I saw the light fall on him at a rich new angle as he lowered his head. I was moving towards him. It seemed he raised his right hand and beckoned and then he didn't, and he had turned and I saw the figure of a young boy ahead of me, with narrow waist and straight shoulders and high firm calves under silk stockings, a boy who turned as he opened a door and beckoned again. A mad thought came to me. I was moving after him, and it seemed that none of the other things had happened. There was no crypt under les Innocents, and he had not been that ancient fearful fiend. We were somehow safe. We were the sum of our desires and this was saving us, and the vast untasted horror of my own immortality did not lie before me, and we were navigating calm seas with familiar beacons, and it was time to be in each other's arms. A dark room surrounded us, private, cold. The noise of the ball was far away. He was heated with the blood he'd drunk and I could hear the strong force of his heart.
He drew me closer to him, and beyond the high windows there flashed the passing lights of the carriages, with dim incessant sounds that spoke of safety and comfort, and all the things that Paris was. I had never died. The world was beginning again. I put out my arms and felt his heart against me, and calling out to my Nicolas, I tried to warn him, to tell him we were all of us doomed. Our life was slipping inch by inch from us, and seeing the apple trees in the orchard, drenched in green sunlight, I felt I would go mad. "No, no, my dearest one, " he was whispering, "nothing but peace and sweetness and your arms in mine. "
"You know it was the damnedest luck! " I whispered suddenly. "I am an unwilling devil. I cry like some vagrant child. I want to go home. " Yes, yes, his lips tasted like blood, but it was not human blood. It was that elixir that Magnus had given me, and I felt myself recoil. I could get away this time. I had another chance. The wheel had turned full round. I was crying out that I wouldn't drink; I wouldn't, and then I felt the two hot shafts driven hard through my neck and down to my soul. I couldn't move. It was coming as it had come that night, the rapture, a thousandfold what it was when I held mortals in my arms. And I knew what he was doing! He was feeding upon me! He was draining me. And going down on my knees, I felt myself held by him, the blood pouring out of me with a monstrous volition I couldn't stop.
"Devil! " I tried to scream. I forced the word up and up until it broke from my lips and the paralysis broke from my limbs. "Devil! " I roared again and I caught him in his swoon and hurled him backwards to the floor.
Now, Lestat fights Armand off after this, but I think this is what a lot of the passion stems from - and also the reason why it will never come to pass.
Because Lestat does desire Armand. But Armand forced him, just after Magnus forced him. And that ended it, before it could really start, until time changed it into a more gentle love.
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vindicated-truth · 3 months
I was going to reply to @efadefoks' comments on this post but I realize my rambling thoughts may be too long for the reply option so I just thought of expanding my thoughts here separately as another post 😅
The most amazing thing about Beyond Evil as a show is its rewatch quality, as @efadefoks has pointed out, in that: even though you've already finished the series or already know how the story goes, every time you rewatch it, it's like there's a whole new perception about it that you still discover each time.
In my case, I'm already on my 2nd rewatch (3rd time watching) of Beyond Evil and I've still managed to look at it in a different light in each time.
During my very first time watching, I was too engrossed in wanting to find out the outcome of the mystery—the detective genre is my favorite genre of all stories and it's primarily why I finally gave Beyond Evil a try—and what I really ended up appreciating was how cleverly the story was conceptualized, executed, and revealed. The writing was exquisite, and I couldn't stop singing praises about Kim Sujin's tight writing that there was little to no plot holes in a story that is complex and nuanced, but also so tightly interconnected.
Intellectually, Beyond Evil already stands on its own as a cerebral show that does not pander to a dumbed down audience; instead, it surges forward knowing that the audience is intelligent enough to keep up.
During my second time watching, I finally was able to pay less attention to the plot (since I already know how it goes) and concentrate more on the actors—and ended up praising Kim Sujin again for her nuanced characterizations, but more than that, I was enamored by the sheer talent of the actors, and how they gave so much depth and humanity to such complex characters.
Moreover, I was finally able to see Dongsik's and Joowon's relationship for what it is: the true heart and core of the show.
And more than anything, I was hit with what I couldn't really pay attention to before, as distracted as I was by the actual case: the emotional core of the story, and that it is, at its core, a story about love, and how love is a choice, and those people who love you will always reserve a seat at the table for you, because they will always reserve a space for you in their life.
This time, in my third time watching, my praises are now towards Shim Nayeon and her brilliant execution of such a loaded, weighted script, especially as I started rewatching the show this time after watching all the behind the scenes, and I saw how clear she was in her vision for each scene, from the camera angles, to the blocking of the characters, to the whole production of the set.
(Later on, Yeo Jingoo revealed that it was the first time he experienced that kind of directing style in that every single scene was actually rehearsed in detail even before the camera starts rolling. You'll realise this as you watch the behind-the-scenes; they rehearse each scene with Shim Nayeon closely monitoring every action, every cut, so that by the time the camera starts rolling, it's efficient enough that mistakes and retakes are minimized.
Jingoo had mentioned that it felt a lot more like a theater performance rather than a TV series because of the detailed rehearsals—like they're preparing for a live performance in which no mistakes can be afforded—and that perfectionism clearly showed with Beyond Evil's end product. Every flow of one scene to the next is so clearly thought out and seamless.)
What I've also come to appreciate this time too is just how amazing the musical scoring of the show is. Objectively the OSTs are already beautiful on their own, but I'm just in awe at how cleverly executed the choices are in which scenes to use each musical score, without being heavy-handed about it, because if there's one thing I'm also awed at the musical scoring is that they also know when to utilize silence, and let the acting (of such stellar actors) to speak for itself to maximize the actual impact to the audience.
There's always something new you discover every time you watch Beyond Evil, like an endless treasure trove that you just keep digging.
No wonder fans feel so insane about the show. There's always something more to know, something more to love.
(@efadefoks and please don't apologize for rambling, because clearly, I ramble even more 😂 I love rambling about the things I love, and what I love even more are fans rambling about it together 🫶🏻)
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Paint me
Laurent LeClaire x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader finally has enough money to splurge on getting herself painted for the first time in her life. When she meets her painter, Laurent, she wonders whether she got more than what she bargained for.
A/N: Hello everyone- sorry this ones out a bit late tonight- I had practice and had to finish up a few things on this one after. This is my tenth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April- can’t believe we’re 1/3 through 🙈If y’all have ever seen In Secret you know what scene inspired this fic asdjksdj lol 😂 also @propertyofabelmorales fic from Valentine’s Day also inspired me 🥰 I low key probably spent more time on this than necessary considering he isn’t a very popular character but I couldn’t help myself 😅 In secret was actually the first movie (that wasn’t Star Wars) that I saw Oscar Isaac in so Laurent low key has my heart- even with his murderous tendencies 😂 I always love hearing from my followers so feel free to drop an ask or request here. Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy.
Warnings: 18+, Smut, Reader is fearful of Laurent, Reader thinks Laurent might kill her, Dubcon, Oral sex (F receiving), Unprotected sex, Creampie- if any other warnings need to be added let me know
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.2K
Being painted was an important status symbol in this life. To have your image captured for all to see, put down on canvas by paint from a brush was a way of showing off beauty to the people around you, and the people that came after.
You were elated to have your image captured on canvas for the first time, finally able to afford it on your own. A rare sight in the world that you lived in to see a woman able to pay the fee of having her portrait painted.
Such a rare sight it was that when you had chosen a painter and contacted him he had almost seemed confused. When he had asked if you had a husband you had snorted turning up your nose to then tell him no. It was not that you did not want any sort of romantic touch, but being tied down to someone for years that would probably not cherish you the way you deserved sickened you. So, with no one around to pressure you into an arranged marriage you remained unmarried.
The painter you had hired, Laurent, was sweet as honey, almost to a sickly degree. The charm had remained even after he had realized that you were alone, basically a spinster. Whether or not he kept up the act because he thought it would be easier to get underneath your skirts or because he truly did not mind an independent woman did not matter to you. You would only let your gaze linger over while he painted you, that was all. He was here to paint you, nothing more.
He had positioned you in a chair to sit in a simple position. His reasoning for that he told you was that the simpler the position, the easier it was for your beauty to shine. Painters had a way with words though, so you tried not to let your heart swell from the compliment.
You let yourself stare in each session as he began to lay out the foundation of your likeness. Each time you sat in the chair time ticked by slowly, inch by inch. It was not as if you minded as it let you look upon how his inky curls shone in the dim lighting, plus every other part your eyes were allowed access to. It was only fair in your book, considering his job was to stare at you.
This session you were in now seemed different to the others; he seemed more distant. While you both stared at the other not a single word was exchanged, only the brush on canvas got to speak today with each stroke.
It was harder to concentrate this time on staying as still as possible. You ached to move your legs over, just a bit to the side. Daring to test the waters, hoping he would not notice, your legs twitched a little over to the right.
For a while he continued to say nothing, painting with ease like he had completely missed the twitch in your legs. That was until he decided to speak for the first time in hours,
“No-“ His face twisted, morphing into a look tinged with darkness. It was this first sign of displeasure you had heard from your hours of sitting as if you had a rod in your spine. Dipping his brush back into his paints again to find his desired color was a much more rushed action than before. It was an annoyed and quick movement, trying to swiftly correct the mistake you had assumed he had made. When he returned his brush where it belonged on his canvas it scraped along it as he pushed the paint along, molding it into his image.
Another moment goes by silently and with no more words of displeasure; you begin to relax into your position again. It was already hard to relax fully while his eyes flitted from your body to his canvas; your nerves only raised higher after his outward sign of displeasure. He scrutinized every angle and curve as his eye took in every inch of you to create an accurate portrait of you. You wondered if in his fee there was an understanding that he would paint you in the highest light possible. Though, truth be told it was foolish to question that. What type of painter would he be if he displeased his clients by being honest in his paintings?
It was in his job description to lie. Painters depicted the beauty they saw and made it shine, even if that meant trying to find beauty in the darkest of corners to forcefully shed a light on them. All it took was a painter of proper skill, a canvas, and of course a set of paints. Any unwilling features that tried to fight their painters lies would be forcefully bent to their will, almost like a king, and all with a simple stroke to canvas. No, you weren’t ugly, but you accepted that it was his job to bend the truth to his will.
The darkness you had briefly observed reappeared on his face once more. He tried to be quiet in his frustration, but his whisper could not contain the anger brewing beneath. Truthfully his words were a far cry from a whisper, it was more of a shout, “It is not right!”
Naturally you wanted to question what had made the painter suddenly rise with anger, though you wisely kept your mouth shut tight. You did not know this man, nor did you know what he could be capable of underneath the sweet words. The darkness that brewed glinted in his eyes as he took his brush to canvas again, this time with more venom in his strokes.
You were not going to trust the honeyed words he had spoken to you, at least not now while you saw how the honey could possibly be sour. Even though honey never turned acrid in common knowledge, the sight before you disproved that. Each new brush against his canvas turned violent, almost as if he’d push through the canvas with how much force he was using and create a hole.
You could have left the room in a hurry, or even demanded him leave. After all, it was you that employed him. Watching honey that soured so quick intrigued you, so the rod stayed in your spine, though you knew it was naive of you. You couldn’t trust his words, but you could still listen to them.
Brush after brush splattered paint onto the canvas in front of him that you could not view. His once dexterous movements had devolved into a man you did not know, not that you truly knew him beforehand either. You couldn’t imagine he was painting anything close to your likeness; you highly doubted long irritated strokes would be good for each of your contours and curves.
Clattering noises filled the air of the room you were both trapped in, one trapped by his job and one trapped by curiosity. You hoped the curiosity didn’t kill you like the cat. He had kicked the easel that held the painting he was being paid for, which had caused the clattering. Gripping the paintbrush in his hand with fury he then separated it from the canvas and began to pace.
As he paced your mind wandered further; it was all it could do while it was stuck observing the man before you spiral. You wondered if he had forgotten your presence, even if he had been painting you- and you had even been doubting that.
Clearly he hadn’t forgotten about you as he suddenly stopped his pacing, slowly turning to face you again. His gaze no longer flitted between two things calling his attention, now fully focused on you, still with that rod in your spine.
“It is you.” He spoke with a deadly bite and you could not help but have your bottom lip wobble at his accusation. Racking your brain you tried to find why you were the one that was the source of his wrath and why you were the one that was about to receive it. “You are not in the right position.”
You wanted to protest, saying that you had not moved a muscle since he had placed you in this exact position with your spine rigid in a chair. The protest became stuck in your throat, no doubt because of the fear you now held for the darkness that brewed underneath. You remained stoically silent, rigid as ever, waiting for him to mold you into the position that he wanted you in.
He twirled his paintbrush in his hand absentmindedly while he thought. You did not know what he was pondering, though you had to guess it had something to do with fixing how you were positioned. He answered your own curious thoughts by confirming them, “You need to relax.”
Relaxing, that was hard enough earlier when you had not had fear put in you. Still, you tried to let go of the tension held tightly in your shoulders forcefully just as he did whenever he forced your features to look their best in his painting.
He then sighed, obviously displeased with your effort. Instead of letting you try again he simply gave you an order to ‘stay still’ while he began to approach you with his paintbrush in hand.
As the paintbrush approached you instead of the canvas you could not help but tremble as it came closer. It was not any sort of weapon that could do you any harm; it would take a lot to hurt someone with a paintbrush. Still, you quivered as it approached, perhaps more because of the gaze that was transfixed on you.
Laurent’s gaze was wild, a hint of madness was evident in his eyes. They were two dark pools of almost black fixed upon you as if they were set on devouring you in the oblivion in their depths. Eyes were said to be the window to the soul and Laurent did little to make you doubt that claim. He did not give you soothing words as he saw you tremble beneath his daunting gaze and the slowly approaching bristles of the paintbrush, still partially coated in the color he had last been using. Instead of giving you the soothing words you may have desired the paintbrush crept closer, like it was stalking you in the night just as the obsidian pools he called eyes.
Your quivers were not solely because of the glint of madness you could see, hiding in the depths of his eyes. It would be a lie to say that all your quivers and shivers were rooted in the fear as to what he might do to you if you dared move from the position he had placed you in hours beforehand. Something else akin to desire had found itself at home run in through your veins, unburdened by the worries of what the black pools might be hiding in their abyss.
That feeling, the one that was running through your veins in spite of the lingering fear, was soon guiding your body. You were no longer staying rigid in your position out of fear; you wanted him to touch you, even if only with the tips of his brush.
He knelt down when close enough to then reach to lift up your skirts. You were scarcely breathing now, still afraid yet intrigued as to what a man could do with a simple paint brush. Opening your legs up at the approach of his paintbrush would have been indecent to some, but you could not help yourself. Biting your lip hard enough to possibly draw blood was so you did not move into his touch, letting him come to you as you did not want to incite his wrath. You wanted him to touch you with it, despite that fear of those black pools staring fiercely at you.
The soft bristles finally grazed the inner flesh of your thigh, a small tickle running through the nerves connected to the spot it touched. You could’ve been fooled into thinking that it had been the brush of his hand if your own eyes hadn’t been fixated upon him.
You moved your position just a hair, maybe even smaller than the ones on the paintbrush used to move you.
“There.” His whisper breathless, now devoid of the darkness that had stifled any sweetness.
You ached to hear him say it again, it was not a praise for you in the strictest sense. He had been simply readjusting you, hardly any room or need for any praise. The way he had whispered it along with the whisper of the brush upon your skin made it feel like he was praising you. Before you knew what was happening or considered the consequences you chased the brush he had begun to pull back with your thighs.
The darkness quickly came back on his face when he had noticed you had moved to chase his touch. He began to bark out a command to put you back in your place, even though he was the painter, and you, the client. “Sit ba-“
“Brush me again.” Your plea was too beautiful for him to let it go unanswered, even though you had cut him off. There no doubt was still lingering fear inside you, afraid of what he might do in retaliation.
He surprisingly obliged you, you could see his curiosity meld with the darkness in him. He lifted your skirts again, holding the brush just above the spot where he had touched moments before.
When he brushed the inner flesh of your thigh again, the pressure was harder, less unsure.
That simple touch made you moan, even though he wasn’t touching any spot that normally might bring you pleasure. It was as if a dark shadow had cascaded across his face to blur your perception of who he probably was underneath it all. If it wasn’t for your curiosity and your simple desire you would have thought more critically about his next request.
“Take off your dress.” Like someone without a thought you stripped it off of you in haste, as did he with his own clothes.
In no time at all it seemed, his mouth had enveloped your own, keen on devouring all you had to offer. He picked you up with ease by the tops of your now naked thighs so he could lower you to the floor. He then allowed himself to nip and suck on any section of skin he desired to put his mouth on. Not that you could reciprocate as he had your hands held above your head.
When his fingers started to dance along the tops of your thighs just as the brush had done you instinctively pushed your thighs together. The action was quickly reversed by Laurent releasing your hands to push your thighs apart, giving him an unobstructed view of your entrance.
His mouth was soon swiftly on the places that brought you pleasure, sucking your pearl into his mouth like a sweet.
You wanted to writhe underneath him out of sheer pleasure, but he did not need to bind you to make you immobile. That fear still lingering in your mind kept your body still, even as he combined his mouth with his fingers by pushing them into your entrance.
“There?” He whispered as he crooked them upwards, trying to find the spot that would make you see stars. It wasn’t quite right though, so you shook your head side to side. You didn’t dare to speak, not that you could do anything more but making unintelligible moans of pleasure.
“There.” He whispered with finality when he hit that somewhat spongy spot inside you making you cry out louder than before. It was so nice to hear him say those words again, honeyed words that tasted so sweet even though they were tainted by darkness. Your release shot through you quickly, like an arrow sent to kill you.
He removed his fingers from you when you were finished with your first release of the night, wasting no time to push himself inside you. He was larger than any other man you had been with, stretching you blissfully and almost painfully. You were lucky he was not too cruel to not let you adjust to his size, but as soon as you had he unleashed himself upon you. All you could do was wrap your legs around his waist and let him thrust into you at a brutal pace. The sounds of skin slapping on skin were so loud they almost over took the moans you were emitting along with his grunts.
When his hand came to wrap around your neck your own mortality became evident to you. Early before you had succumbed to his touch with a simple brush, you had been afraid he might harm you, even with the desire pumping through your blood. You had not even thought of beyond a simple bruise or cut to your flesh by him. His hand around your throat while he thrusted into you made you wonder how much it would take for him to squeeze until your lips turned blue.
Desire one again took over your fear, his hand around your neck combined with the sweet nothings whispered in your ear made you fall apart again. It was a slow devastating release like honey dripping off a spoon languidly until it dropped down to sweeten the pot. Even though his own honey had turned sour, he still was fully capable of making people feel sweetness while shrouded in darkness.
He filled you soon after you had finished your own release with a grunt. Neither of you had any real care to be able to give to the possible consequences of him filling you. He rolled off of you and you were glad in the moment he didn’t crush you under his weight like most men would have done.
Silence seemed to be a staple item that constantly wormed its way in between the two of you. No one spoke for a while, truthfully it might have been an hour. Laurent was the first to break it again, with much less malice than before,
“Do you want me to continue to paint you?” He whispered into your skin as he continued to pepper his plush lips across your skin. Glancing up towards the easel that still faced the canvas away from you and then over to the bare man next to you helped aid you in your decision. You could let him leave with wasted paints, wasted canvas, and wasted potential.
The wasted potential was what stopped you from letting him paint the rest of the angles of your body. Pondering what could come of the painting, and your relationship with the man who had just made you see stars while simultaneously making you fear or your life at the same time made you frown. The possibilities were endless, but those two black pools hid something too interesting for you to ignore. You wanted to know more, even ached for it.
“Yes.” You simply replied and you then willingly fell into the abyss.
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All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg @takeyourleap-of-faith — grr tumblr is still being stupid
People who might be interested 🤷‍♀️: @propertyofabelmorales @sergeantkane @foxilayde
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papergirllife · 4 years
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Yuta x reader x Winwin smut.
warnings : threesome, slight mxm, breeding kink (wolf knotting mentioned), unprotected sex.
author’s note : i changed this to abo au, i hope you don’t mind, anon.
The air feels too cold as you fumbled underneath your many layers of blankets, cold sweat dripping down your forehead as you curled up in a ball, the aching in between your legs starting to burn from negligence. Being in heat is one of the worst things ever for an omega, especially your alpha being gone for his day job as one of the secret heads of the company, in secret because the world can’t know their faces as werewolves are immortal, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to manage the company, even with 23 people in the pack, the young ones usually manage the pack members, opting out of work.
You live in their big mansion that they’ve been living at since the 1960s, and soon after, you met Yuta in the 90s, officially leaving your pack for Yuta. Yuta has been nothing but good to you after your marriage, other than the fact he’s one of the prominent players in the business, being one of the oldest in the pack. You earned a lot of respect because of this, but at times you wish you were married to one of the younger ones, the ones that could relief their mates during their heat without any job restrictions.
As you tossed and turned in your bed, your nose suddenly picked up a scent coming from the main entrance, since your bedroom overlooked it levels above. The scent was definitely of another wolf being in heat. You scrambled downstairs once you slipped into one of Yuta’s sweater, not wanting to leave a wolf in heat unattended, especially if it’s one of the younger mates. so you were very surprised to see Winwin, one of the male omegas of the pack, staggering to the couch in the large entrance hall, his work clothes all rumpled.
“Are you okay, Winwin?”
Winwin smelt your scent before he heard you, which made him feel even more sick, like being in the car with Yuta wasn’t torture enough. That’s when said man walks in, his scent naturally appealing to you, making your abdomen curl in discomfort.
“I nearly forgot both of you had heats around the same time,” Yuta said as he saunters over to the two of you, head cocked to a side with his tongue stuck to his cheek, taking in the beautiful sight.
You could feel Yuta’s eyes on both you and Winwin, before Yuta had met you, he had fooled around with Winwin, as both of them didn’t have mates at that time, but stopped after Yuta met you, even though Winwin hadn’t met his mate. Yuta had came clean to you about this even before the marriage, not wanting to keep any secrets from you, and you are a mature and open minded woman, which was what Yuta saw in you at a time of a narrow minded society.
Yet seeing the two of you sprawled across the floor so beautifully, Yuta could feel his greediness from his deepest darkest thoughts. You could feel it too, you were his mate for so many years, you just don’t know how much he wants.
You called out Yuta’s name, your breathless voice immediately ringing in his ears. Yuta carried you in his arms, settling you on the couch, you pulled him closer by his nape, dropping your voice to a mere whisper.
“You can have Winwin if you want, I don’t mind.” Yuta’s eyes widened slightly from your blatant suggestion, but came to a realisation when he felt your scent becoming stronger from the sudden rush of arousal in between your legs, a smirk on his lips as he registers what you secretly want.
“You just want another man’s cock in you, don’t you? You dirty slut.”
“They do say mates have an inclination to what their partners want, I’m just fulfilling your desires.”
“You really don’t mind?” Yuta asks as he scans your face one last time before he makes the mistake of hurting your feelings.
“No, it’s not like Winwin is another woman, as long as I’m the only one in here,” you said as you lifted up a finger and pointed at his heart, the thumping obvious with your wolf senses.
Yuta got up from the couch, carrying you on his back, he then makes his way to Winwin, swooping him into his arms, a hand secured around you, and the other on Winwin.
“Yuta, what?” Winwin asked before a gasp of surprise from the long forgotten feeling of being carried by Yuta.
“Shh, it’s alright. Just like old times isn’t it? My little pup.”
What Yuta said sent tingles down both you and Winwin’s spine, you’ve never thought he’d get back into it as quickly, since it’s been more than a decade since they were last intimate with each other, but you didn’t mind, in fact, you enjoyed the fleeting looks Winwin gave you as your legs traced up his, enjoying every reaction from the man, as Yuta carefully carried the two of you back up your shared bedroom with Yuta.
Yuta placed the two of you on the bed, taking a seat on your armchair right after, his hard on evident in his tight slacks, yet a look of boredom on his face.
“Touch her, I had a long day at work and I want a show.”
Winwin could feel his inner wolf telling him to make a move, to relieve him of his pain, but the human side of him hesitated, you were Yuta’s mate after all, he could just sit out on this and opt to jerk himself off on his cold lonely bed, but the way you spread your legs open for him with those desperate eyes made something inside him snap.
Winwin lunged for you, immediately capturing your lips in his, as his hands make their way up your sweater, his fingers tracing the underside of your breasts, his actions were much more softer than Yuta’s, but the teasing pace made your mind spin in the same frantic way. You kissed him back with much fervor, but easily submitting to him once he started dominating the kiss, your body easing into his touch. You had first struck Winwin as a sub, since he practically melted when Yuta called him pup, but now, as your body leans up for his touch, you can feel the dominating aura he possess, albeit nothing as strong as Yuta’s.
You could feel yourself feeling better when Winwin slipped off your panties, the flimsy clothing drenched in your juices. Winwin flung it aside before entering a finger inside you, feeling your walls slick with arousal only made the boner in his paints strain harder against his slacks, eyes shut in concentration to open you up before he ruins you.
You felt your toes curl as Winwin slipped a second finger in, curling them up to the roof of your walls, registering that he had successfully located your sweet spot from the way you whimpered his name, understanding why Yuta was always so riled up whenever you acted up and whispered naughty things into his ear. Winwin slipped in a third finger, increasing the speed of his fingers as he takes one of your breasts in his mouth, the other occupied by his other hand, rolling the nub in between the pad of his fingers as his mouth swirls your nipple before lightly biting on it, knowing that any woman of Yuta’s must love a certain degree of roughness in bed.
When the coil in your abdomen starts tightening, Winwin halts all movement, leaning back to admire how fucked out you look, storing this euphoric scene in his memory, just in case this is the last time he’s ever going to have you. During this break, Yuta tosses a condom from the drawer onto the bed.
“Continue,” he said, before moving back onto the armchair, head leant back to its relaxed position, yet his eyes were as sharp as ever, scanning every inch of you. Taking his bottom lip in between his teeth when he starts watching Winwin undress and roll the condom on.
Your eyes that were once on Yuta quickly shot back to Winwin when he flipped you over and leant down to your ear, your heart rate increasing as you nervously await his next move.
“Ass up, face down, don’t make me say that twice.”
You quickly adjusted into the position he asked of you, giving the two men a perfect view of your slicked pussy and your arousal that trickled all the way down to your knee, you’re only this wet when you’re in heat, embarrassed at how much slick your body produced, burying your face into the pillow. Yuta could sense a change in your emotions, and walked over to you, taking a seat near your face.
“Don’t be embarrassed, baby, Winwin and I both love how you’re dripping, don’t you Winwin?”
“Of course, I bet she tastes good too,” Winwin said before leaning down to lap up the juices that had flowed down your thigh, leaving light marks in his wake, but Yuta didn’t stop him. When Winwin had his fill of your sweetness, he spread open your cheeks and bottomed out inside of you in one go, throwing his head back at the way your walls engulfed him tightly.
Winwin started off with light shallow thrusts, letting you feel his girth before picking up the pace, leaving his tip in before slamming back his whole length into you, a scream ripped from your throat as you fisted the sheets, barely registering the way Yuta cooed at you as you were being wrecked, his hand patting your head.
Winwin had both hands on your hips as he rocked his length deeper inside of you, making your legs turn jelly as you tried to hold yourself up, as Winwin snaps his hips against your flesh, the sounds of skin slapping against skin resonating off the walls of your wide room, mixed with the mutters of encouragement from Yuta, his voice the only thing keeping you from losing your mind completely to the thick fog of pleasure clouding your head.
Winwin could feel you high nearing as your walls start to develop a vice grip on his length, Winwin holds up one of your thighs to angle himself better, thrusting  directly onto your sweet spot, a silent scream leaving your lungs as your arms finally gave away, your orgasm crashing onto you from the tip of your toes as you were blinded by a beam of white light.
Winwin tried his best to hold off his orgasm and rode out yours, jaw clenched at the feeling of your warm walls practically sucking him. He pulled out when you were finished, pulling off the condom, and jerking himself off, a moan leaving his lips when Yuta suddenly pulled him in a kiss, smiling into it as he feels Winwin’s body submitting to him, Yuta’s hand reached down to tug at his cock roughly, just like old times, letting Winwin paint your back white as he moaned Yuta’s name on repeat, like a mantra to worship him, Winwin falls onto the bed beside you when his orgasm ended, feeling the energy leaving his limbs.
“The two of you did so good just now, Yuta said as he caresses both your cheeks with two different hands, the action non chalant, as if he was just toying around with Ten’s kittens. Yuta then climbs over you, grateful for the large space of the bed, and strips off his clothes, you gulped when his hand removes his tie, hoping that you didn’t do anything to offend if he ever wanted to tie you up, but he didn’t, instead he was rather gentle now, which made you question the motive behind his gentle act.
You pulled him closer by the back of his nape, doe eyes staring at him with curiosity, “You’re not being yourself today, what are you hiding underneath your sleeve, Yuta?” you asked as your thumb reached back to trace the curve of his bottom lip, you also noticed how he didn’t take another condom for himself just now, nor showing any signs of reaching for one
“Nothing ever goes unnoticed by you, my love,” Yuta said with a mischievous coy on his lips. Yuta pushes a strand of hair behind your ear as he takes in your beautiful features, “I’m going to breed you.”
You could feel your pussy pulsating at the thought of being filled up, thighs rubbing against each other to relief the throbbing ache, a consequent of what Yuta just said.
“I see you love the idea,” Yuta said as he slips a hand in between your legs, a finger reaching out to scoop up your juices, popping the finger into his mouth to taste you, eyes rolling back once the taste hits his buds, he’s addicted to your sweet nectar.
Yuta kisses you passionately, hands wandering down to grope your breasts and ass, kneading and pinching at every handful of flesh he could find, his usual roughness showing, his inner wolf reaching its surface, lured out by the sweet scent of your heat. Yuta breaks off the kiss to litter your neck with more marks, sucking at your sweet spot, making you gasp for air at the shock of pleasure shooting down your spine, a moan of his name escaping your parted lips.
Yuta spread open your legs once he was done with your neck, all the attention trained on the way he slipped his length inside of you inch by inch, feeling the drag of your raw walls against his cock was an addictive feeling he’ll never get bored of. Once he had filled you to the brim, he started his quick thrusts, a gasp leaving your lips from the sudden wave of pleasure, different from how Winwin preferred a gradual build up, he must’ve really enjoyed the show, from how hard he’s fucking you.
Yuta held onto your thighs as he went even faster, summoning his wolf strength as he hits your sweet spot, finding it as easy as the back of his palm, your back arched into Yuta’s, your nipples rubbing against his, the mix of pain and pleasure sending shocks down south. You were getting fucked dumb at this point, your mind was empty, other than registering the pleasure coursing through your veins. You started digging your nails onto Yuta’s hand, but the pain only fueled him to thrust harder, making you yelp his name as tears started streaming down your face as you could only blabber parts of Yuta’s name in between high pitched whimpers, the coil in your abdomen threatening to snap once again.
Yuta could feel your walls tightening around his, so he lifted up your legs, folding one against your chest, the other on his shoulder to allow him a more accurate angle to thrust into your sweet spot, summoning even more of his wolf strength to piston into you at an inhuman pace, his brows furrowed in concentration as he clenched his jaw, focusing on chasing both your highs.
You started full on bawling at the new pace he set, eyes struggling to open, only catching glimpse of how quick his hips are before you shut them from the overwhelming pleasure in your bundle of nerves. You weren’t thinking anymore, slipping into subspace as your legs fall from their positions, Yuta was about to tell you off for distracting him, but one look into your glossy eyes told him that you weren’t in your normal mindset anymore.
Yuta rubbed your clit in rough circles, bringing you over the edge, ripping a scream from you as your walls convulsed around his length, your warm release pushing Yuta over the edge as well, his length growing in size, as he cums, knotting him inside you as ribbons of white spurts paint your velvet walls, a broken grunt of your name escaping his lips as the sweat from his forehead drips onto your stomach.
Yuta peppers kisses on your face along with his praises as his knot takes its pace, knowing that it’ll be sometime before he could slip out without hurting you. Yuta cuddles into you, as you shut your eyes, tired from the energy draining activity, slipping into slumber.
Yuta holds an arm out, waving Winwin over to the other side.
“I shouldn’t stay,” Winwin said as he tries to get off the bed, but stopped when he felt a tug on his wrist.
“Stay, she wouldn’t mind, and no omega should be deprived from cuddles after fucking, especially when in heat.”
“Fine, just this once,” Winwin grumbled, but his lips threaten to tug upwards, knowing that this probably won’t be the last time as he settles himself into Yuta’s embrace.
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
I can be your lover
Part 8
“No, my underwear!” Robbe rushes to hold his underwear in place, looking at Sander above him, sitting on his heels, completely surprised with the sudden stop to their make out session. They were moving fast, unable to kiss, just brush their lips together because they were too eager to get rid of every single piece of clothing from the second they got inside.
Sander laughs, looking up at the ceiling, still holding the waist of Robbe’s jeans, his thumbs quietly pressing deep against Robbe’s hips, he can feel his jeans sitting tight now that’s around his ass, and Sande is ready to pull everything off of Robbe’s legs.
“What? I have to take one at a time?”
Robbe tilts his head on the pillow so he can see Sander clearly. It’s a mind blowing experience seeing him like this again, slipping out of the bed to stand up, about to pull Robbe’s pants completely off his legs, shirtless, but with all the rest of his clothes still on and in place, his hair all messy from the make out session they had against the bedroom door, Robbe needed to hold it tight to make sure Sander was real. He looks freshly out of Robbe’s wettest dreams. He seems more fit than what Robbe remembers, his pants sitting as low as it can go on his hips while still buttoned.
“Yes...” Robbe whispers softly, resting his feet against Sander’s hips, hoping the weight they cause helps Sander’s jeans go a little lower.
Sander snorts, holding him by his calves, suddenly pulling him closer with one movement until Sander can wrap Robbe’s legs around his waist, the angle a bit off but still making Robbe feel exposed and raw.
“Robbe...I’m going to take everything off anyway. One by one, really?”
Robbe laughs, biting his lip and nodding his head, his freezing cold hands due to the anticipation touching the sensitive skin of his navel when he goes to adjust his underwear to put it back in place.
“Fucking hell...” Sander complains under his breath.
“What?" Robbe sighs, unable to concentrate on anything when Sander bends down slowly, putting his whole weight on his hands until he’s above Robbe again, the angle almost perfect with the new position, even though there are too many layers of fabric between them still.
His arms are a lot stronger and Robbe stares at his biceps right next to his face, holding it carefully, kissing the tanned skin with his mouth open, hearing Sander’s soft moans while watching Robbe go up his arm, gently biting his shoulder.
"You're so beautiful, fuck." Sander whispers when Robbe finally looks at him, so close he can almost taste it, makes him dizzy with want. Robbe grunts, wanting to kiss him for hours, tell Sander endless times how much he loves him, trying to catch up with all the missed opportunities to say it.
"It's true, Robin." He opens his mouth and Robbe lies back down, proud to be able to notice the intention early enough to tease Sander with an almost kiss like he did with Robbe so many times in the past.
"I love you so much but," Robbe sighs, not sure how to word it. "I'm basically naked, Sander, and you're still fully dressed..." He whines, looking down, trying to find the button on the dark jeans so he can make things move faster already. It’s nerve-racking how Robbe can’t think straight when he starts picturing Sander naked, pressing their bodies together. It hasn’t happened in way too long but Robbe remembers like it was today. How good they feel together. And he wants it back, now, and for a long time.
Sander holds him by his wrist and with a calm that Robbe doesn’t own, puts both of Robbe’s hands over his head and keeps them there, intertwining their fingers, pressing the three hands on top of each other just enough so Robbe can’t reach anywhere else.
“You want me naked?”
Robbe nods his head, trying his best to look convincing enough for Sander to come down and kiss him already since he can’t really move with Sander over him, holding him like this.
“Okay.” Sander agrees easily, finally pressing their lips together for just a brief moment before he’s moving up, leaving a desperate Robbe needing more on the bed while he stands up again to unbutton his jeans, pushing them down his legs.
His jeans are a lot tighter than Robbe’s so he actually has to take his time to use both hands to push them all the way down, lifting one leg then the other to take it off his feet, dropping it carelessly on the floor. Robbe can’t help but stare at how tight Sander’s underwear is, almost as tight as his. Sander looks at him and lifts his eyebrows, not making such a scene as Robbe did, getting rid of his black boxers right away.
Robbe bites his lip not to make a sound that would give everything away: how badly he has craved Sander since he left, how badly he needs him right now, lifting his hips from the mattress to take his last piece of clothing off, letting it fall next to him on the bed, eager to hold Sander close when he finally comes back to bed, kissing Robbe, desperate all of a sudden.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” Robbe can’t really move, still lying half on top of Sander, with his head on his shoulder, watching how his chest is moving rapidly, unable to hold much air yet. He sounds tired but not too bothered by Robbe’s weight on him. Robbe bites his lip not to ask Sander to keep talking just so he can hear him again. He’s thirsty so he assumes Sander is too, in desperate need of a glass of water to wet his sensitive lips and throat. Both their bodies are still extremely hot and sweaty, starting to bother but not enough to make him find the strength in him to move. He looks back up at Sander, also looking at him, playing with Robbe’s hair all messy and damp. His lips are swollen and so inviting for just one last kiss.
They made a huge mess, more than usual, and Robbe is already ashamed thinking about how he looks, not excited to see himself in the mirror any time soon, he starts blushing just thinking about it. But it doesn’t seem to bother Sander, his eyes slowly moving to revisit every feature of his like he’s never seen Robbe this up close before.
“What kind of question is that? Of course you can sleep here.” Robbe looks at him, studying Sander right back, the words dancing in his mouth so easily, so certain, “Move in with me.”
He feels Sander’s body get tense, moving to the side a little and Robbe finally lies on the mattress, with Sander propping himself on his elbow, caught by surprise by his invitation but he doesn’t look upset by it, still so close to Robbe.
“Are you asking me to move in with you? Seriously?"
Robbe feels the urge to pretend he didn’t mean it, to apologize and change the subject and never mention it again. He stutters, feeling his whole body warm up instantly on the surface. He adjusts himself, pulling the sheets to cover more than just his legs.
“Yes. It’s been a plan since forever so fuck it, we’ve waited long enough and you’re home now and you hate living with your parents. Move in with me, Sander.”
Robbe pushes himself up too, putting his head on his shoulder, hoping he’s not confusing Sander yet again.
They stay quiet for a long time. Robbe is with a growing anxiety in his chest that is about to eat him alive whole with every second with no answer and Sander seems to be diggesting the offer, intrigued by it.
Robbe opens and closes his mouth, frowning, surprised with how confident Sander said that one tiny word after needing so much time to think.
“Are you sure?”
Sander comes closer, lifting the off-white linen sheets like they’re aren’t naked under it, intentionally tangling their legs like it’s nothing, nodding his head without thinking, staring at Robbe’s lips, his hand coming to the back of Robbe’s neck, massaging it carefully.
“Yes. I’m so very sure.” Sander brushes his nose against Robbe’s, purring. “Things escalated very quickly, huh?”
Robbe presses his lips together, thinking of a way to make the offer less daunting.
“So let’s pretend I’m just giving you a place to stay while you look for a place of your own.”
“Are you scared of living together?”
“No. No, I’m not.” Robbe pushes himself closer, putting his arm around Sander’s waist to keep him close, to reinforce his words.
“All the way or no way, remember?” Robbe laughs, dropping his head to rest it against Sander’s chest.
“Do you still live by that?”
“Yes? Of course! That’s like my life motto.” Sander kisses the top of his head and Robbe moves to get a kiss on his lips too. “When I tell my parents I’m moving out to go live with you, my mom will brag for weeks, fuck.”
Robbe smiles, brushing his nose against Sander’s cheek, looking at him. Robbe doesn’t like to assume things, or to think he’s anyone’s favorite but he’s pretty sure Sander’s mom likes him a little more than she likes the other boys.
She was always so nice to him since they were little, even offered to be his tutor when his parents were getting divorced. She kept saying she always wanted another son. Maybe she’ll have her wishes after all. While Sander was away, Robbe tried to keep his distance so it wouldn’t hurt even more, being constantly around Sander’s family as a reminder of how Robbe had let him go so easily. But she always texted, called to check on him, see if he needed anything.
“You know...that time when you almost moved in with us? I got home one day and she was looking at some things online, a new bed, paint to refresh my bedroom. We were going to share a room almost a decade ago. And we might share one now…”
Robbe sighs, trying to picture them, young and so confused, sharing a bedroom just a few months before things got really confusing between them with a high kiss at a party. He looks at Sander’s chest, still seeing their teenage versions in his head.
“Maybe, in the end, we made a mess with our decisions a decade ago all the way until now and this time we’re finally where the universe wanted us to be all along.”
Sander snorts, kissing his forehead, “You and your universe talk.”
“What about it? You don’t like it?” Robbe pushes Sander away but he comes right back to where he was, his hand under Robbe’s chin to make him look up, only an inch between their mouths.
“I don’t care how, the universe, Bowie, life, coincidences, I’m just extremely happy to be where I am. And I don’t want to be anywhere else, ever.”
Robbe sighs, looking at him, at how certain of everything Sander is every time.
He wishes he was like that and he’s so happy to have someone so close to him that he looks up to every day of their lives to learn how to be so confident that everything will work out in the end. Sander jumps in the dark like no other and Robbe envies that. He’s an amazing friend, the best Robbe has ever had, and he’s an even better lover.
“Can you say that again?” He asks with as much confidence and love as his body can have.
“I don’t wanna be anywhere else, ever but here, with you. It doesn’t matter where. I’m happy it’s with you.”
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Tenalice #smut (Ten(alice) x you) 🔞
When your boyfriend decides to try on his Halloween costume again, he never expects you to come in from that door and mutters a curse before seeing your eyes changed. He saw the fire in your eyes and Ten knows, tonight will be a long ass ride for him, or maybe you ?
Warning : basically a pw(ith(out))plot. Naughty!Tenalice, you taking control, him teasing you too, steamy photographic session, more teasing and flirting... and a lot of sweet naughty talks. A plot twist too! Smut do not proceed if you're not old enough.... this is my messy brain doing its job to disturb me
Here's a naughty!Tenalice because my wild imagination cannot stop thinking about Tenalice. (Istg i am in my final weeks and this plot is stuck in my head)
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You never expect this day to come, a day where you are super tired from work. Your boss has been shitty about your work, she has you redone all the proposals for a photoshoot, and you can't hold yourself back when you saw the notification from YouTube about your boyfriend's group costume party. To be precise princess costume party. You caught a glimpse of Ten dressing up as Alice and fuck he's hot. For the sake of your wellbeing, you do not watch the video in the office and choose to watch it later at home. But things are way better. You got home at night super drained and annoyed that all you want to do is jump into the hot shower and sleep. You can already feel the fluffy feeling of the big bed when you take the elevator to your house.
Once the door opens, you're greeted with a pair of shoes. You smile when you know Ten is already homed. Slowly you step into the kitchen to wash your hands, but he is not there. You check the living room and still there's no sign of him. You hear a soft giggle from your room and your ears perk. Without noise, you turn the knob to your room and what a beautiful scene lays before your eyes.
Ten gasps and turns his body around from facing the big body mirror you installed in your room to see you. His hands cover his face when he caught your jaw hanging upon seeing him fully dressed in his Alice costume. The tiredness in your body disappeared (as if it's never there) when you see just how perfect Ten looks like in that tiny costume. His long legs are covered in a thigh high black and white striped stocking, the typical blue and white dress hugs his waist perfectly and his golden wig completes his pretty character. You gulp feeling heat rushing over your body and a smirk come to your face when Ten acts all shy being busted.
"Oh sorry didn't know you're here," you pretended to look around. Ten pulls his hands away from his face and cross his hands over his chest.
"No problem, I didn't hear you coming in." He shyly stares into the ground.
You step into the room and close the door, taking your body to stand in front of him. "You look pretty! Super pretty," you bite your lips as you force his body to spin so you can eye him from all angle. Ten blushes for he secretly likes it, but pretends he is annoyed. "Aish what are you saying," he pouts, and you shoot him a look "look at you," you force him to face the mirror. "Just look... can Alice look this pretty and tempting?" You whisper next to his ears.
Ten shudders at your words. "I was just trying it back because the fans are wilding over the video... and i just want to see if I really look like the video." He tries to make an alibi. Your eyes scan the room and you caught your lights for taking pictures on, you also see a tiny bit of mess there he has on your make up table and you try your best to hide your laugh.
"I think you're doing more than that honey, you're planning to... take a photo I guess?" You walk to your cabinet and take out your camera. It's been a while, you enjoy photography (duhh it's your job) and Ten has been a great model for your clothing blog, but maybe just this one time you can try to take cute pictures of him in this tempting little Alice dress.
Ten was about to peel off the costume if not for your scream of "Wait!" He pauses and shoots you a questioning look. "Since you're in that already, why don't you be good for me and be my muse for tonight?" You already set up your camera and lights. He stutters, wow Ten lee stutters before you is something rare, "If that's what you want, then I guess I cannot object." You kiss him quick appreciating how cooperative he is.
"May I?" You ask before polishing his face with some powder and a blush. He nods and just closes his eyes, allowing you to paint faint colors on his glass skin. And with the last stroke of lip gloss, and him smacking his lips... you really need to hold yourself back before wrecking him.
"How do you want me to pose?" He asks but rather in a shy way like this is his first photo session with you. You smirk, "Oh Ten you do know how to tease me don't you?" He just ignores you and once you bring up your camera to your eye, he's no longer Ten. He's the shy but playful yet daring Tenalice.
You really have to hold yourself back when he poses professionally on his knees and his acting is not kidding. "Oh gosh Ten you look so..." you bite your lips unable to continue speaking when he changes his pose again and even to a more daring position. He smirks over his golden hair and bites his lips when your camera happens to focus on his upper body only and damn you will print these pictures and make an album out of it.
This photo session starts with an innocent pose and as your clicks go on, Ten becomes more bolder. He's almost making you scream stop because you can feel the pool in your panties. You lost your cool when he suggests you to be bolder in taking the pics.
"Honey what about we make this a catalogue for your side blog," he suddenly sounds naughty and challenging.
"What side blog?"
"Oh you know the one for adults," he shrugs his shoulder.
You shake your head "I don't have any side blogs. What do you mean?" He stands up from the floor, walks to the bed and with one spin that causes a sliver of his thigh comes into light, he plops himself down on the fluffy mattress. He sits down on the bed, on his knees and suddenly opens them just enough for you to see his lace underwear covering his hardness.
Your grip tightens on your camera and you shake your head "Am I hearing things?" He takes your arm and pulls you to sit on the edge of the bed, carefully he runs a hand over your back, "No you hear me right. You can just not include my face in my pics right? A back picture or just from the torso downward?"
You close your eyes and cup his face "Are you trying to tell me you're into semi-exhibitionism now?" He shyly runs his finger on your arm, "Whatever you call it, I just don't want my effort in wearing this costume ends in vain." You put your camera on the side and think for a while, well you can always take the pictures and never post them, right? You don't really like sharing the view of your boyfriend to random horny internet users, moreover what will his career be if the world finds out he has a catalogue of that naughty Alice pictures posted by his girlfriend?!
"Honey" his voice lures you in, "we don't have to post them... take a picture for me?" He asks in that sweet pleading voice you can never say no to. With that, your smirk reappears on your face and your hand runs along his stocking up to his thigh and with one whack on his ass you peck him "You asked for it, don't be shy when I ask you to do more, I am taking control of you tonight." Ten hides a smirk, deep inside his heart he knows you won’t ever win a game in taking control and he’ll proof it again tonight.
He almost squeal like a happy teenage girl, but his excitement doesn't allow him. You tie your hair up and change first into a comfortable shorts and tees, your working outfit was drenched in sweat too gosh you cannot handle the heat he radiates. "Have you ever worked with a project like this?" Ten asks after you get your cameras ready again. You shake your head, "I did an underwear photoshoot once for Lay and gosh I cannot take any job like that again..." you blush when you remember how it affects your concentration for weeks since you also have to do the editing.
Ten bounces on his knees "Ehem your boyfriend is here can we just finish this faster," he whines and you nod "Okay okay.. impatient, aren't we? Now pose and act like I’m not here."
With each naughty pose he strikes you can see him also struggling to keep his face straight and you're starting to squirm too. "Um Ten," you take out your camera from your neck and turn it off then keep it away on the table. You can no longer take his game, no he's toying on you and shouldn't you be the one toying him?!
"Oh you're done?" He suddenly turns his head to look at you from his shoulder. Well for the last one he was showing his back and posing for you, that's when you decided you cannot do more. You dip into the mattress and straddle Tenalice under you. He brushes his bangs away from his eyes and holds your waist in place. Gently your finger traces his arms down to his stone abs and to his thigh, carefully you pull up his skirt aside and without breaking eye contact, your fingers found the texture of the lace panties and Ten gasps a low moan.
You snigger, “Oops,” and slip your palm to grab his member. He whimpers when you tease him.
“Oh don’t tease me,” he exhales when you’re just touching his tip.
You shrug your shoulder, did not minister him at all just loosely grab them, feel yourself on his thigh and Tenalice brings himself to kiss you. He grasps your hand and takes it away from his aching member, “Baby if you’re only going to tease me, you better stop. You wake up the beast.”
In a second, Ten flips you on your back and latches his lips into yours. This time, he’s the one who takes control, “You’ve teased me now It’s my time to teach you a lesson honey.” His voice is still his honey Tenalice voice, but you know better not to talk back at him, not when the fire in his eyes is the same glint you got on the other hard nights.
“For your information Tenalice, you are the one teasing me. Don’t you have a great time posing for me for the cam and oh you’re going wild when you saw me squirm,” you talked back, though you know you shouldn’t.
Ten laughs, “That is the whole point honey, to make you think you’re teasing me but actually I am the one playing you. Look at you,” his palm ghost over your cheek, down to your chest over the valley to the aching wet pleasure bundle in you. You stifle your moan and bite your lips, your eyes close automatically when he gently flicks over the swollen bud. Ten giggles and kisses your neck, he bites and sucks on you. “You’re so pliant for me, so wet, so ready.”
You shake your head; this isn’t supposed to happen. You were thinking of taking control but look at you already devastated by seeing him in his Alice character and you’re once again under him. You toss your mind aside, winning can come next time, now the only thing you need is pleasure.
“You’re losing little bunny,” he smirks when he slips one of his long fingers into you and you’re already stuffing your hand over your lips. “Look at my white rabbit losing to Alice, just let go honey. I want to hear your voice.” He adds one more and thrusts into you quickly.
You pull his head for a deep kiss and with that, Ten knows he successfully tease you, makes you lose your mind and he knows you will find a way to win over him, but that is the whole point of doing this. He planned to tease you and make you lose.
“Ten,” you plead when he takes out his fingers when you’re super close to your ecstasy. Your pretty boyfriend gently rubs your back, “Why?” he pulls you up into his lap and you’re already whimpering when his hardness touches you. He wants you to say the word, to admit you lose but you’re finding it hard to say the word, not when he’s teasing you and staring you with his innocent eyes.
“Say it honey, I cannot read minds. Alice needs you to use your words.” He brushes your hair away from your face and your eyes are already teary. Your gaze was hazy and your head cannot think of anything else.
You take a deep breathe and gaps when Ten’s cold hand reaches your nape, you close your eyes and finally admit it.
“I lost, please just finish what you started,” you open your eyes to meet his dark eyes and a very small smirk comes from his mouth, “As you wish honey, just enjoy your ride. Tenalice is here to satisfy your fantasy.”
You blush, did he actually find out you like seeing him cross dressing, you swear if this is what you get and how he looks every time he wears a costume, you’ll buy him more dresses and number one list will be a maid dress. No question.
“Tell me do you love Ten or Tenalice more?” he asks once the two of you have finished a long ride. In the dark room, filled with sweat and reeks of love shots, you cuddle into your boyfriend’s chest. His costume is already gone on the floor along with yours and his wigs. He kept it on for a while, but ends up getting out of it in the end.
You hum for a while and while tracing random circles over his body you whisper, “I might need to see the other personalities too, but Tenalice is on my favorite list after Ten Lee,”
He chuckles ang hugs you closer, “Did I make too much bites?”
You shake your head, “I don’t mind, isn’t that a good thing people knows I belong to you? I’m quite surprised Alice likes to bite. Is she a vampire now?”
Ten laughs and just pulls you into another deeper kiss, “I love you, thank you for making this possible.”
You smile, “So, do we print out your pictures and sell them online?”
He smacks your ass and you whine “Were you trying to make use of the property that only you can see?”
You hit him back, “You were the one asking for it first.”
He ruffles your hair, “It was the air.”
You snicker, “Don’t be surprised if one day they are on the web.”
“I won’t be surprised. Besides I have a lot of your pics too, might even expose you honey. Eye for an eye” he winks and pulls the sheet to cover your two entangled bare bodies.
“I’m sleepy but I want to shower,” you yawn. Ten kisses you nose, “Sleep first, I’ll wake you up for shower later.”
“Love you Ten and Tenalice,” you mumble.
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Good night, I am sorry if this sucks, but I cannot keep this in my head. I have to write it down and might as well share it ;)
Thank you for reaching this part, please tell me if you like this or if I am just being weird for having this in my head. 
  credits to the owner of the collage and the text those are not mine 
story does belong to me :p 
head up to masterlist and check out more Ten steamy smut scenarios, all of my Ten imagine are somehow steamy :) 
  thank you and enjoy your time with tenalice!
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desire-tenderness · 3 years
𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖
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{This is a fanfic dreamed and desired. All I write about is my feelings, sensations and desires.  TEXT BY: L.M} Day 1 - Embark on the dazzle. October 9, 2023, Monday. I am exhausted, the recording will begin on Tuesday at 11 am. I think I slept only 3 hours and 20 minutes or I’m just kicking it out loud. This was a very tiring trip I confess. Maybe because it was almost a change of two months and a week. On the bright side, the production has provided a nice apartment for me to live in. My new home is beautiful and comfortable, one block away from Crescent Street, here in Montreal - Canada. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m finally having the opportunity to work with Xavier Dolan, I left my family in Brazil to embark on this dream, I already miss them. I should tell you that I have no idea of the cast that will be on this project, but the script looks fabulous. Before I embarked on this opportunity, I realized a portion of the dream. I and 7 other members of the team dined with Dolan last Thursday, debated the first decupagents and agendas. We had already read the script before the meeting, is it a low-budget experimental drama, and honestly? I lost my breath. I’m not in the position of art director I’ve always dreamed of, but I’m in the position where I have full knowledge and experience. Curious, I am not trembling with nerves, I am completely at peace with this realization. However, very anxious. We’re less than two hours away from reuniting in Saint-Laurent with the cast of "A race by Joseph". [.... ] - Less than two hours later. Okay, I’m about to get my guts out from all the nerves. I’ve heard of some names on the list of actors, including Troye Sivan, Vincent Cassel, and Louise Coldefy. The team is sensational and fucking, Xavier is like a master for me. I need to make these days my best college. I’m at home/rental number six, it’s wonderful. I can see two cars coming through the window, and "God bless me so that Suzanne Clément is in this cast" [Spoiler, I wasn’t, I had to accept], I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack, I need to splash water on my face. I lost count of how many times I filled my hands with water and threw it in my face, I needed to understand that I was really living this moment. I came out of the bathroom apprehensive. Céline handed me a cup of tea mix of Sage, Eucalyptus, Lemon Peel and said "Hey, relax, I’ll see you in the living room.. ah, one more thing, don’t freak out". I feel a chill creeping all over my body as I walk through the door frame. Everyone was waiting for me in the room so we could debate the first two weeks of the recording. I could feel my legs swaying to the point of not having enough sustenance to stand. Timothée Chalamet was sitting on the arm of Dolan’s armchair in silence, reading what would be the 4°page of some document. Quickly he gets up and presents himself squeezing my hand gently. Silence has taken over the environment, I don’t remember my name. [I remembered! ] It was remarkable how difficult he was to pronounce it, it made it all very comical, in seconds we were all laughing. At that time, other cast members performed, but my thoughts were so far away that I don’t know if I missed any important information. [Damn, how many questions are going through my head right now? I don’t even have control over them. Stop! Focus, your future depends on this delivery. ]
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[.... ] With the passing of the hours I was reasonably more relaxed and with an unparalleled feeling of gratitude for what was happening to me. We discussed the script, much of it together, the day was very productive. I kept looking at him, he’s so funny and authentic, I feel comfortable now. Obviously we wouldn’t be friends, he wouldn’t notice an assistant director [even though I’m the director’s right-hand man]. The team will be dining with the cast soon, it’s 5:47 pm and I haven’t been able to confirm my presence at this dinner. What’s my problem?! Celine: You’ll go, right? We’ll go home together and unpack. Me: Oh Céli, I don’t think I will. I have a lot to pack, tomorrow starts the recordings and I want to do everything right. Celine: No, you are not going to organize things by yourself. Nor has dinner there in the house, let’s eat please, I’m starving. Think you need to catch up! Me: Relax Celi, I’ll do things in my time, have a wine while I cook something and sleep early. Look, Wednesday we won’t record.. We can go downtown and get a quick look at the city, what do you think? Celine: You’re hopeless. Well, I’ll tell you about it. Arriving at the apartment I opened all the windows, and went to cook thinking about what the following days would be like. I decided then that I should not intensify anything, it could disrupt me at work and I can’t let my impulsive Aryan side get out of hand. I decided to go to the disco and see what the last song the host of the apartment heard. Well, did you start playing Nick Drake’s Pink Moon and honestly? I can’t let the pink moon get me. Fuck, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life, it’s as fascinating as on screens or in photographs. [Stop! Concentrate. ] [...] 00:01 am The wine bottle is 98% empty now. I have not yet fallen asleep and Celine is already in her 8th deepest sleep. I need to sleep. She said that they were so energized, that the team’s relationship is great and that she ate a delicious Poutine, I found it very courageous for those who will spend the whole day recording tomorrow.  [I’m laughing alone while imagining a disaster] I will sleep and tomorrow will be the first day of my life. I swear I was born now and suddenly everything changed. Things will be built from now on. Timothée Chalamet? I hear you’re a good actor, I don’t know you. Good night and see you soon.
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Part 2
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Day 50 - And I’m probably happy, could it be different? November 27, 2023, Friday. There are times I do not write in this "virtual diary", my days are super busy. Today we finish the work a little earlier, we finish the movie! I think it’s 4:00 now. Right, and why did I come back to write? Well, I wanted to forget the feeling that took me completely 50 days ago. But today something has happened that does not allow me to escape any feeling that exists here. Louise is severely ill, Christ! We’re at the end of the shoot, she’s Timothée’s date, missing four takes of a kiss between them for her last acting scene. Dolan needed two different angles and he didn’t have a voice voice available so suddenly. Louise and I have very similar hair and what I feared went through Dolan’s mind. "Be the Double" he said. Yeah, Chalamet and I kissed today, and, hell, there was no professionalism on my part or for a millisecond, I feel terrible! I felt like I had been thrown out of a plane and I was in a free fall. My heart had never accelerated so much. My fantasy almost made me believe that one of the butterflies in my stomach was coming out of my mouth 1 minute later. Holy shit! [What if it was not reciprocal? Of course it was not, silly! We are friends. ] I’m so pissed about it, I’ll tell them why.
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All these days I’ve really become friends with Timothée, can you believe it? I’ve always been very afraid to talk to him because he doesn’t find me interesting enough. But we have an unusual tune. We had a lot of coffee together, a lot of claquettes I hit due to recording mistakes, we went out with the guys several times, even "alone" and that’s okay, we talked about Brazil and he made sure to go there anytime, I even smoked one of his cigarettes, even hating cigarettes. We were talking about how funny Vincent is and how amazing he is, and we were talking about how they were both working for the first time with Xavier Dolan. We laughed at stupid things until the belly hurt and even bet race in the parking lot next to the location. [He won, of course, has huge legs].
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One day we were together cutting fruit for the rest of the team on the set as we talked about Georges de La Tour, "That ordinary painter" I said, and he gave a delicious laugh. He’s much simpler than I thought he could be, carries an admirable humility. And I swear, it was fine, because I was fascinated by that friendship and I could feel that it would last for many years. I’ve learned to deal with your stunning beauty. I liked the way he accepted me and had fun with me. He didn’t think I was silly. I was working for a salary and a bright future, and suddenly I felt I had won the lottery until that moment after the kiss. I feel like I’m failing at my resolve. To finish screwing with my mind, Celine told me something that made me much more sensitive about a feeling that, I swear, once again, I had managed to forget. Although I often fantasized that a mood was going on, I knew it was impossible. He definitely sees me as the cool girl makes him laugh and that he can truly trust. Celine: Look. I, for recklessness, overheard Timothée talking to Troye about you. I did not hear enough but I must say that your tone of voice was of pure indignation... Troye said, "She’s the kind of girl you want so much, you feel sorry for". Me: God damn it, did he hate my kiss?! I’m going to die, Celine! Troye clearly should be making fun of the situation. Who am I supposed to show up at Dolan’s tomorrow for dinner? Celine: Calm friend, you are traveling.. I have noticed things and I will not open my mouth. Everything will be fine, seriously.. kiss the chalamet? How can you be angry about that? [laughed] By the way, tomorrow after dinner, I’ve arranged to spend the night at Julie’s, do you want to go? Me: Oh.. I’m not in the mood to hear Julie talk all night about the new vegan recipes, sorry, pal. Celine: Okay.. I won’t bring you nice things. [My phone vibrated. I was reluctant to look, but it could be work.. ] Text Msg Timothée: I hope you’re okay, you seemed strange going away. Want to talk? By the way, you did well in tonight’s performance, you should try harder. Me: Says my angel, how are you? I am well, of course I am. [laughs nervously and it was noticeable] I was just nervous to have to act for Dolan and know that I will see myself on a movie screen, even if at closed angles. By the way, Mr. Chalamet, thank you very much. I have the seal of approval that interests me hahah Msg of text Timothée: I like it. See you tomorrow? Me: Yes, of course, until tomorrow! Msg of text Timothée: [video uploaded]
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Part 3
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Day 51 - Ecstasy, landscape of the soul. November 29th, 2023, Sunday morning. I don’t know how to write about how last night went.. I was upset, but I remember everything. I won’t be able to keep this journal after that I’ll tell. We were all gathered at Dolan’s house, drinking and laughing a lot, toasting to finish this incredible project. I already felt completely dizzy and with the warm body, things kept spinning in my head, it was so beautiful. He wore a leather jacket over the green sweatshirt, had a golf cap (Odd Future) hanging on one of the pants straps where his belt was, the black jeans almost on his knee and a red vans, and that hair.. that hair! It’s like a restless ocean. I was wishing to walk across the room and kiss him again with all the intensity that belongs to me, he would like it this time. My body was on fire, suddenly I was frozen, it’s coming toward me. I knew I could spoil any conversation by being totally random and awkward, I was dying of shame in advance. Timothée: Are you happy? Me: Sure, congratulations! You did a great job, I’m very proud of all of you. Timothée: Thank you, but none of this would have been the same if you weren’t on the team, right? Me: Right! [Cheers] [Silence] Timothée: What are you thinking right now? Me: Who you are, Where you’re from, don’t care what you Did as long as you love me..[I started singing As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys, really?] Timothée: Oh my God! [He laughed almost for the world to hear]. Are you going to Julie’s with Céline? There’s going to be a vegan class. I’d like a pizza, okay? Me: Look.. I also wanted a pizza instead of vegan food.. But I’m getting dizzy and I think I’m gonna go home and do my drunken show in the shower. Timothée: Ah.. Right, you’re dizzy, but you still know how many fingers you have here? [He did an 8 with his fingers] Me: Yes, of course. I’m fine, man, I’m weak but not that weak. Give me a skateboard there! [I screamed, and they didn’t take me seriously] Timothée: So.. we can go for a coffee to break the alcohol and fill the stomach with a piece of pizza, what do you think? Me: Wooah! Come on, send world pizza! [I couldn’t say no, I was completely taken. ]     We got to what used to be a kind of blinker-light coffee, it had a super-hot vibe. We sat down and made the request, we laughed drunk and said nothing that made sense, I felt our friendship alive again. However, the silence and the exchange of looks came, so we could hear the music that played in the background. It was "And I Love Her" by the Beatles”. Suddenly he began to sing. Timothée: "She gives me Everything and Tenderly. The Kiss my Lover brings, she brings to me and I love her." Me: Yeah.. beautiful music. You sing over and over again better than me. When did you start playing music? [My hands started sweating] Timothée: [he laughed] Are you all right? Me: Timmy. .ah.. I think I’m going home to take another shower, rest and call my family, I don’t know. Timothée: Okay, I’ll accompany you, I can’t let you go back alone so late. Me: You don’t need my angel. I’m a ninja! [I made the shameful gesture of a martial coup and tripped. The truth is I wanted him to insist] Timothée: Without that [laughed] let’s go!
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We got to the apartment, he came up with me and put his coat on the couch. I offered him water, am I pathetic? He said he did not want to, but that if possible, he would like to stay. I felt as if we were talking by telepathy, I am not crazy. He feels the same. I said he could stay, even super apprehensive. I took two cigarettes from Kumbaya that I made on Tuesday and shouted from the room "let’s get some air on the balcony while we smoke!?". Upon returning to the room, he had put Cigarettes after sex to play, silently. Nothing but the music. Breaths. Another dose of silence. My body pumped blood with so much speed, [says something] I thought. He touched my right hand and looked at me. Those green eyes made me feel warm inside as never before. I got up the courage to pull him to the balcony that led to the fire escape. The sky was beautiful and the wind touching our faces was like a sky giveaway, I needed that fresh night air. Timothée: Do you need me to say it? I can say it. Me: I know what you’re going to say and I’m terrified. You want me too. Timothée: I want to. You make me feel good. I feel my presence truly when I share a moment with you. "Sometimes I think I’ve felt everything I’m going to feel in my life. And from now on, I won’t feel anything new. " Me: I promise that one day I will feel that everything is right. but it feels so wrong. Man, I feel like I’m living a fanfic, and I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and none of this ever happened, or worse, if it’s real, our friendship being compromised by what’s possibly going to happen here. He put his hands on my face, kissed my forehead. Timothée: The heart is not like a box that fills, L. It expands in size, the more you love someone. I’m different from you. It doesn’t make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more. I want you. Me: Right.. We are here only briefly, and at this moment I want to allow myself joy. I want that, Timothée. And I promise that one day I will feel like everything is fine. He lovingly bowed to touch his lips to mine. Feeling those soft lips against mine, it was almost like an apocalyptic sensation, the world could end right there, would have no problem. We kissed as we entered through the large window of the room, the first pieces of clothing filling the lonely floor of the room. The music Sunsetz conducted our intimate dance. The words "you have to do the right thing, do the right thing" started to disappear from my head.
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I feel overflowing out of the body, sensitive, I am under the effect of exaltation, very intense feelings of joy, pleasure, admiration, reverent awe... Timothée. I truly love him. We are lying on the living room floor, apparently wrapped in a curtain that has been disastrously removed. Timothée, his breath is hot, the sound coming out of his mouth shivers my body. We were like the painting of Egon Schiele - Gli Amanti (L'Abbraccio).
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Blackout. Light. The voice of an angel reaches my ear. My eyes open. He looked at me in silence, I could smell his mildly sweet citrus smell all over the room. Its aroma stimulates my sensations. Timothée: I’ll make you a cup of coffee. I’ll be careful with the amount of sugar, it’ll be just the way you like it. Keep lying down, angel. Geez, what happens now? I don’t know, he doesn’t know, you don’t know. Anyway, I feel complete.
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From Picturegoer Weekly, July 29, 1933
Transcript follows:
“The Woman Who Thrilled Me, by Colin Clive”
In an interview with John Gliddon
It has become a Hollywood habit to send an urgent message to Colin Clive asking him to jump on the next boat for a rush journey to Los Angeles.
It has happened once a year since his first spectacular dash to Universal City to play his original part of Captain Stanhope in Journey’s End.
Now Colin is wise in the ways of Hollywood and has become an expert at packing his bags and leaving England at less than twenty-four hours’ notice; he packed in a hurry to star in Frankenstein: he did it again when Hollywood wanted him as Katharine Hepburn’s leading man in Christopher Strong.
That time he had two big thrills--meeting Katharine Hepburn, the Star Who Can Act, and finding out at first hand what it feels like to be in a Hollywood earthquake.
Let’s hear what Colin has to say about the Hepburn thrill before the earthquake is staged; but let me warn you about one thing. Colin Clive is one of those grand fellows who Hates Being Interviewed; he thinks going to the dentist is much better fun.
Maybe he is right. When I explained to him that we might just as well have a chat about Hollywood and not call it an interview, he brightened up a whole lot and ordered another drink.
Said Colin Clive in enthusiastic tones: “Katharine Hepburn is a grand girl. She is certainly different. There is nobody quite like her in Hollywood--or anywhere else, for that matter. What is her appeal? Certainly not beauty; she isn’t beautiful in the least, yet she has a magnetic personality and terrific vitality.”
“Katharine has got something bigger than beauty; she has got brains and above all things she is an actress, to her finger-tips.
“She is not just--a face, but a great personality. I said just now that she is not beautiful; that is true, though she understands the art of acting so amazingly that she can convey the illusion of beauty if the situation demands it.
“When you get to know Katharine Hepburn you are impressed by her natural intelligence. She can talk; I don’t mean chatter the usual Hollywood gossip, but talk like the intelligent woman she is about interesting things that happen in the bigger world beyond the Hollywood circle.
“Few stars talk interestingly on any topic--except themselves, but Katharine Hepburn is the delightful exception.
“On the set, I was impressed by her powers of tremendous concentration. She likes to rehearse, and rehearse until she feels the scene is right, even though her director may be quite satisfied by the scene as it stands.
“No, she always seems to strive after perfection in her acting.
“I have never known a star to be as painstaking as Miss Hepburn.
“In Christopher Strong, we both had the novel experience of being directed by a woman--Dorothy Arzner.
“Miss Arzner is a clever technician, but it seemed a bit queer, at first, being told what to do--by a woman!
“I got used to it after awhile, though another thing that struck me as a bit strange, until I got over the shock, was that Dorothy Arzner never lost her temper. I suppose she leaves that privilege to the male directors. She is very reserved, very gentle, very clever, and she is an ‘ace’ for angles.”
When shooting on Christopher Strong finished, a bank crash hit Hollywood, and nobody was allowed to draw out any money.
Colin wanted to return home. He took his cheques to the bank, but the banks were closed, and he had to wait until they were re-opened. He waited a few weeks and was getting tired of kicking his heels round Hollywood when the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio snapped him up for Service, the screen version of Dodie Smith’s play of shop life.
The only bright spot in those weeks of waiting for the banks to resume business were some happy week-ends with Elizabeth Allan and husband Bill O’Bryan.
This young couple have made a hit with Hollywood.
Then he told me about that other big thrill--the earthquake.
“I was sitting in my hotel room writing to Jeanne (Jeanne de Casalis, Mrs. Colin Clive), when suddenly the radio started to screech and the lights flickered. Then I heard a rumble, the house quivered, my books came tumbling down, and great cracks appeared on the ceiling.
“I rushed downstairs and out into the street. There was tremendous excitement. People looked scared. Two girls fainted just in front of me. For a few moments there was panic.
“Then, though it seemed longer at the time, a few seconds later it was all over. There followed a series of small shocks but I wasn’t taking any chances and went back to my room and stood in the archway of the open door. That is the safest place I was told to stand when an earthquake is on.
“Coming home, I dreamt about that ‘quake and woke up in my cabin, having forgotten I was safely at sea, and jumped out of bed to stand in the archway of the cabin.
“Then I woke up--properly, and realized it was only a dream. You see, they are nasty things--earthquakes!
I gave Colin Clive a minute or two to get the impression of that earthquake out of his mind before asking him to talk about two other interesting members of the cast of Service, Lionel Barrymore and Lewis Stone.
“I have never met an actor with less personal pride than Lionel Barrymore,” he told me. “He is an extraordinarily well-read and intelligent man. When he talks it is always about something worth while, though I think he likes sleeping better than anything else.
“I have seen Lionel Barrymore enjoying a sound sleep in his chair at the side of the ‘set,’ yet the instant his cue comes he is wide awake and ready for the ‘shot.’
“Lewis Stone is another very delightful man; in fact he is one of the nicest men I have ever met. Reserved, cultured, charming and courteous to everybody, he certainly seems to know all there is to know about picture acting, yet, with all his experience, he never questions his director, or make suggestions of his own about how the scene should be played.
“Lewis Stone always does what he is told, and how well he does it!
“It was certainly an interesting experience, playing in Service with such splendid actors as Lionel Barrymore and Lewis Stone, though--what pleased me most of all--was the knowledge that ‘Liz’ Allan is regarded as one of the most promising of all Hollywood’s younger stars.
“It’s a grand break for an English girl to win personal popularity in Hollywood. But ‘Liz’ Allan seems everybody’s favourite.”
At the end of Service, James Whale offered Colin Clive the leading part in The Invisible Man, but as it meant waiting two months for the picture to begin, Clive felt he could not accept, though the part appealed to him as being “down his street.”
Colin Clive gets a kick out of playing parts like his grim role in Frankenstein; he certainly does not see himself as a leading man or a romantic lover. He wants the strong stuff.
When Colin Clive is home in England you will have to look for him right in the heart of the country.
Somewhere in Kent, he and Jeanne de Casalis have a small cottage where they spend as much time as possible, winter or summer.
“I have no use for parties,” Colin said to me, “I never go to them, and the only life I really enjoy is away from London, pottering about in the garden at the cottage.
“I suppose it may sound a bit queer for a fellow to say that there is no spot on the earth to compare with England when you want the joy of the simple life. Well, I have yet to discover anything better than English country life.”
That is a true portrait of Colin Clive, the star Hollywood always wants--in a hurry.
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sunmoonchanlix · 3 years
Chanlix's body language in the latest 2 kids room is making me think they will be very reserved on their turn. As much as I love and support them and believe they are a couple, they're up against a lot of homophobia in a very conservative country (mostly within the media and broadcasting companies), and I think it'll be a long while before they can be out, if they ever can be in South Korea. But all we can do is support them from afar.
I wouldn't put too much stock in this week's 2 Kids Room when they had barely 1 minute of screen time, and we don't know how much they cut out because Felix and Chan are never seen talking. We don't know how many days filming took place for this 2 Kids Room because it's expected to have 28 episodes and that seems impossible to film over one day.
I feel like Felix and Chan may have had a lover's quarrel before filming this day? Felix is giving weird looks at the camera like he's so over filming. And last week's episode Chan said "I bother him a lot" and I.N. had the quickest response and bulged his eyes out for emphasis saying "Well that's on you!" BUT...... it's still a good sign that they got to sit together in the first place. And even though Felix looks sleepy or mentally checked out while looking straight ahead, his body is still tilted towards Chan; partners often subconsciously angle their head and body towards their significant other.
As for coming out in South Korea itself, as much as we think media journalism and broadcasting would be strict, they would never bend to the will of conservative hecklers who don't want LGBTQ performers on their screen when there are so many LGBTQ employees who work behind-the-scenes whether they're talent or crew. They still have ethical standards. And I'm sure the younger generation will stand besides their fandoms too. We live in an age of YouTube and Netflix where younger folks are starting to dismantle the societal norms and expectations (like beauty standards) of what they grew up with. The more you normalize things, the less of an issue it becomes in the long run.
I touch upon it in a few videos coming up, but you can't expect change for yourself if you're on the sidelines. It doesn't mean Chanlix has to do this alone. When celebrity women banded together in solidarity for the Me Too Movement, it DID create a paradigm shift in their own industry addressing sexual harassment, gender pay disparity, equal opportunities of employment, etc. Ten years ago, I was still counting female representation on TV and Film because male characters always seemed to outnumber female characters by like 5:1 especially in big budget films like Marvel films in the past. Now I don't worry about that because there's a concentrated effort on increasing gender representation in addition to people of color and now sexual orientation. The point is, strength in numbers works. All it takes is a few brave folks to get off the sidelines and get the ball rolling.🙂🌈
Thanks for the Ask! I know it pivoted sideways hard, but I wouldn't be rooting for Chanlix this hard if I didn't see this glimmer of potential.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
dancing in the dark - band of brothers
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this man has absolutely no idea what he’s doing
he’s very tense, but it’s only because he’s super nervous
if you get him a few drinks, he’s bound to loosen up a bit over time
he’s pretty good at any type of dancing BUT slow dancing
if you do decide to slow dance, you’re going to have to lead for a while
he catches on quickly, and he only steps on your toes once
he hasn’t stopped apologizing for it though
likes to lean in and press his chin on top of your head
smug bastard... he’s so good at dancing that it’s unfair
i mean, Buck’s good at everything, so it makes sense that he’d be just as good at dancing
he’s probably the one teaching YOU
spins and dips you all the time, but he does it so fast that you feel like you’re going to fall
but of course, he’s there to catch you because he’s your knight in shining armor
firm believer in leaning in really close at the end of the last slow dance and kissing you
dancing on a night out is probably the easiest way for him to show you off, so he does it all the time
he just likes to show everyone how amazing his broad is
this man would probably have to be coerced into dancing with you
like someone cue “i don’t dance” from high school musical 2
he must either be very drunk or you have to argue with him, and if he is sober then he’ll be very grumpy about having to go on the dance floor
he’s not even bad at it???
he’ll never admit it, but he actually has a lot of fun
yanks you close to him and passionately kisses you because he just can’t help himself
he secretly loves it
because let’s be for real here, Chuck is a simp and he’d doing anything just to make you smile
he’s a horrible dancer but you’ll never catch him acknowledging that fact
it’s kind of endearing how bad he is... you just can’t help but join him
he’s definitely the one convincing you to go out on the dance floor with him
just be grateful that he doesn’t step on your toes, even though he’s pretty embarrassing
the only thing he’s good at is dipping you
and you already KNOW he’s going in for a kiss when he does that
it’s probably one of your most common dates
you tease him a lot about his “moves” but he doesn’t care, as long as he gets time alone with you
this poor baby
he knows that he doesn’t know how to dance and he really DOESN’T
he’s going to step on your toes every 2 seconds and you’re going to have to lead the dance
i feel like he’d end up getting pretty good at it if you taught him for some time
he murmurs “1 2 3” under his breath so that he can get the counts right
always staring down at his feet
please just reassure him that he’s doing great
it’s honestly really sweet, and he rubs your feet after as a silent apology for stepping on them so much
however, whatever you want, you get
so he ends up caving in (but he’s such a grouch about it)
and when you tell him that, he gets so freaking smug about it he’s such a cocky bastard
stares into your eyes until you blush so hard that you have to look away
he just likes to see you flustered, let’s be honest
lets you lean your head against his chest so you can feel his heartbeat
he gets sooooo flustered if you ask him to dance, he just rubs the back of his neck because it feels so warm
he only does slow dances
he’s so gentle when he grasps your hand in his hwerhiehrhe
tells you that you look beautiful every 2 seconds while you sway
relentless compliments
this little shit, he’s such a crazy dancer
he does NOT slow dance he’s too hyperactive for that
cheers you on while you dance
he’s pretty goofy when he’s dancing, so expect a little second-hand embarrassment
passionate kissing in the middle of the dance floor in front of everyone??? y e s
he also dances super close to you, but don’t quote me on that mkay
honestly he is most likely very drunk
expect to be comforting him while he throws up in the toilet at home
Skip & Penk probably bullied coerced him into asking you to dance
he’s so shy at first that he’s barely moving, and he keeps looking behind you
he’s actually looking at Skip, who’s giving him a massive grin and a thumbs up
you have to lean in real close and tell him it’s alright and that you won’t judge him
he gets really flustered when you do that, but he takes your advice
you both danced for so long that your feet hurt
he carried you home one he noticed you wincing
only dances when he’s super drunk... sorry, i don’t make the rules
he actually doesn’t dance when he’s sober because it reminds him of when his father made him take dancing lessons as a child
it wasn’t that he was bad at dancing, he just hated the teacher with a burning passion
but of course, he’s somehow still more coordinated than you are when dancing??? even though he’s drunk???
make it make sense like sis how
he totally does a drunk make-out session on the dance floor with you
he knows some of the MOST complicated dances
he’d totally pick you up like the one scene from Dirty Dancing
his mom taught him, and he used to dance with his grandma all the time
honestly he’s the master of dance, so you might just as well sit this one out and enjoy the view
no, like, seriously, enjoy the view
why??? because this man can sway his hips like there’s no tomorrow
honestly i see him as a very touchy person when he dances
he needs to have at least one hand on some part of your body
king of grinding
he’s Roe’s only competitor for the title of Dance King
his nickname is Dirty Dancing and no i don’t take constructive criticism
he’s good at dancing and he KNOWS IT
he’s so smug when you blush after he asks you to dance
he looks at all the other troopers at the table when you accept and he’s like “mhm, i just did that and they just said YES”
also probably grinds but he 100% does it on purpose to get you riled up
probably has to be mildly tipsy to get the courage to ask you to dance
especially if other people are around you
someone gave this man too much confidence for the dancing skills he has
like he’s not bad... but he should not be that cocky with the basic moves he’s got
and he’s sooooo confident when he asks you to dance
you knock down his confidence a bit when he realizes how much better at dancing you are
it’s fine, he has enough ego for the both of you when it comes to dancing
he’s very good at partner dancing
and yes, he will indeed grip your waist
he squeezes your hips too
- [ JOE TOYE ]
nuh uh
not happening, he’d actually rather die
he’d be drunk and you’d still be arguing with him!!!
lucky for you though, he’s drunk, so he doesn’t have 90% of his strength and you can just drag him on to the dance floor
he’s so drunk that he can only slow dance
he rests his head against your shoulder and pulls you super close, letting you lead the dance
he’s at the perfect angle for you to whisper a small thanks that only he can hear into his ear
he goes so red, even the tips of his ears are flushed
his parents totally made him take lessons so he wouldn’t embarrass them when they went to galas
and don’t get me wrong, he’s very good at traditional dances
but he doesn’t know how to let loose, so you have to teach him
he gets the hang of it really fast, but it’s really funny and cute at first because his face is scrunched up in concentration
honestly it’s probably the most fun he’s had in his entire life
and he just can’t stop smiling at you
he’ll never forget it
omg he’s such a gentleman
even if you said no to his request, he’d still be super nice about it (which ofc you don’t because IT’S LITERALLY DICK WINTERS)
only knows the basic slow dances, but he’s really good at them
he wants to make sure that you’re comfortable and that he’s not overstepping his boundaries, so you’re going to have to make the first move
he’s so sweet and respectful about it, he doesn’t try to grope you at all
he keeps his hand firmly against your lower back and makes sure it doesn’t slip any lower
he also stares into your eyes to make sure he’s doing everything right (also because he just thinks you have the prettiest eyes)
you kiss his cheek when he drops you off at home, and he turns the prettiest shade of red ever
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hey!!! i hope you liked this, i tried lol. i know you sent this over message, so i’ll @ you just to make sure you see it! i had a lot of fun writing this, thank you so much for sending a request! i hope you have a lovely week 💕 @claudiastrollo
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bellesque · 5 years
Can you write a smut story with Loki?
Ask and you shall receive! Also on my AO3.
An Inspiring Distraction (Loki x Reader)
Rating: Explicit
Words: 3.3K (yikes)
Tags/Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Fingering, Orgasm Delay, Established Relationship
Summary: You’re adept at pretty much every genre. Except romance. You take to watching romance movies to help you along the creative process, only to be interrupted by the God of Mischief. Turns out, your boyfriend has a better idea of how to spark inspiration and get your juices - creative or otherwise - flowing.
A/N: Well. This turned out way longer (and way dirtier) than I originally planned. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this.
YOU REALLY TRY to ignore the interruption.
The tapping of a finger isn’t totally distracting, a light rhythm on the top of your shoulder. Almost feather-light. Only you expect it to end at some point, if you disregarded it long enough—but it doesn’t. The movie that plays on the screen in front of you has lost your focus, and because of that you huff in exasperation.
“Loki,” you whine, shifting from your position on your couch to sit up and whirl around to chastise your boyfriend.
Except he isn’t there.
You sigh loudly, hitting pause on your movie. “Loki,” you call again, this time with a little bite in your tone.
“You called, dearest?”
His voice comes from behind you, in between you and your television. You shift against the pillows. Most of the time, you loved Loki and all his tricks and games. Other times, like today—well, sometimes dating the God of Mischief had its disadvantages.
The only one being that he could be such a distraction.
You give him a pointed, unamused look in return of his smug, almost Cheshire cat-like grin. His eyes feign innocence, and you roll your own. “Was there any point to your little Morse code message on my shoulder?”
“Of course. I wanted your attention.”
“For what reason?”
“For no reason at all but to see your beautiful face.” Loki steps forward, and you fight the part of you that thaws at his compliment. Damn him and his silver tongue.
“Yeah, well, this beautiful face is still mad at you,” you mumble as he settles on the couch beside you, pulling your legs on his lap.
“You are most beautiful when you’re angry with me, sweetness. Why do you think I tease you so?” He grins at you in that way that causes your heart to seize (just a little; you won’t admit more than that), rubbing your bare calves absently.
You snort, turning your attention away from him and hoping that the warmth you feel in your face isn’t evident.
Loki too turns his gaze to the television in front of you, and you’re reminded to hit play. You allow yourself to relax into his touch as the movie continues, taking mental notes of key points you think would work in your own project. He’s quiet this time, thank goodness, allowing you to return to the level of focus you were at before his magic interrupted you.
He squints as soon as the music begins to soften and the sexual tension onscreen is evident. Leading to the iconic kiss, you can tell. This moment is big, you note, ready to take notes on every little detail that will concoct the perfect kiss—
“What are they doing?”
The speed at which you hit pause is surprisingly fast. “What does it look like, Loki?”
You can’t keep the frustration out of your tone this time. Your assigned project is a romance—a genre you are not well-versed in. Your concentration is broken and you’re not sure if you can pull off constructing a kiss scene that is both believable and emotional enough, and with enough steam that will fog the screens.
“I was not aiming for petulance this time, sweet. You would do well not to be angry with me over a simple question, gorgeous creature though you may be.”
His words are sweet enough, though you know it’s to mask the confusion—and probably slight hurt—he feels.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him, reaching up to touch his forearm. “I’m just… it’s stupid. I have this big project coming up and it’s a romance. And that’s the thing I’m the least good at. I was hoping maybe this movie could give me a little inspiration, some tips.”
Loki quirks an eyebrow. “Am I mistaken about our arrangement? Are we not dating, pet? Shouldn’t you be drawing inspiration from your personal experiences?”
“It’s different,” you say, this time feeling the warmth of a blush creeping into your cheeks. “Not everyone has dated a god. And…” you trail off.
Loki looks at you expectantly. “And?”
“There needs to be a love scene.” The words tumble out, rushed and embarrassed.
Loki only laughs, sliding his hand onto the curve of your hip before resting his arm on the edge of the couch. “Alright sweet, let’s do it your way.”
“Thank you,” you say with finality, “now no more interruptions until this movie is done, agreed?”
“You have my word.”
True enough, you and Loki watch the movie in comfortable silence. You like to think maybe he’s even enjoying it a little at this point.
Well, until he’s the one pausing the movie.
“I cannot bear this anymore,” he says, rising to his feet.
“What? What’s wrong?”
“This—this show of yours.” He gestures at the TV. “Absolutely useless material for you, sweet. Bland and sloppy. Amateur at best.”
“I’ll have you know, Loki, a lot of people rave about this movie.”
“Yes, yes, you mortals have such poor taste in the arts because you fail to feel and capture the entirety of passion.” He offers you his hand. “It is up to me for your project to be as evocative as possible. Now. What is it that you want?”
“What I want?” you repeat, allowing Loki to lead you to your feet. “I’m not sure—”
“What aspect of romance, darling.” In an instant, Loki transforms his features into a shy, almost hesitant look, not meeting your eyes and shifting from foot to foot. “Is it the novelty of a new love, perhaps?” he asks, his voice timid and tentative.
You’re about to open your mouth to praise him, tell him that wow, he is a damn good actor, but just as quickly he’s wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. You find your hands against the hard planes of his chest and in a split second he hooks a finger under your chin, tilting your head upwards so you lock gazes. The way he looks at you is smoldering, intense and captivating as his eyes pin you in place and you notice just how green they are.
You focus on that color as you forget to breathe, a familiar tingle blooming in the pit of your stomach.
After what feels like way too many seconds, Loki’s eyes flit down to your lips, the subtle dip of his eyelids a subconscious message for you to follow suit in anticipation for a kiss. Sure enough, his head angles towards yours, his eyes fluttering closed as yours do, and your lips pucker just slightly.
The hand on the small of your back moves to the nape of your neck, keeping you in place, bringing you closer towards him for the kiss—
He stops a hairsbreadth away from you, his lips just barely brushing yours. “Or are you looking for the undeniable thrill that sexual tension brings?”
The spell he’s seemingly put you under is broken and your eyes snap open. Your heart is actually beating wildly in your chest, your breathing just the slightest bit heavier. Loki grins at you mischievously.
Loki spins you around, this time switching your position so that your back is to his chest. One arm snakes around your waist, the tips of his fingers moving underneath your baggy shirt and skimming over your bare skin. His hand creeps up, up, up, until it’s resting under the swell of your breast, his breath hot at your ear.
“Or maybe…” he purrs, moving your hair to reveal your neck to him. He presses open-mouthed kisses along the sensitive spot just under your ear, the hand on your abdomen tracing absent circles now. You can feel the goose bumps rise on your skin, starting at the base of your breasts until your nipples prick up, and your entire body shivers of its own volition, all while Loki sucks a bruise into your neck. “Everything that comes with seduction.”
You exhale, your head falling back against Loki’s shoulder as he continues his ministrations. Everything with Loki is still fairly new, uncharted territory, and you’re honestly liking where this is going.
The plus is that it’s going to help with your project, most likely.
“What will it be, sweet?”
“M-maybe the second option? Or the third…? Since, I dunno, I think that’s what’ll be most helpful for the—the love scene.”
“Well then,” he murmurs in your ear, his silken voice drawing a wanting pang from you, “we’ll just have to continue what we started, won’t we?”
The speed at which Loki shifts your position—yet again—is disorienting. He spins you again so you’re facing him, and he hoists you into the air close to him until you’re sitting on his forearms with your legs nowhere to go but wrapped around his waist. Your hands bury themselves in his soft hair as Loki pulls down the collar of your shirt and begins sucking at the skin of your neck without warning.
“Loki!” you exclaim as he begins walking up the stairs, presumably—where else would you be going?—to the bedroom. The high-pitched squeak you emit as his teeth graze your skin somehow prompts him to squeeze your butt cheek just a little.
Loki uses his magic to fling the door open, a loud bang accompanying it. His lips detach from you as he sets you down at the edge of the bed. You notice that his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are a bit dilated, and you think it’s safe to say you look the same as well.
“I apologize if I got carried away earlier, my sweet. Now, the lesson begins here.” He stands, towering over your sitting figure. “You’ve had a taste of the emotions of romance with me as your partner, but think of this moment, specifically, to aid in your project. Was it a proper seduction? Enough for what you will be working on?”
You give it some careful thought. Or at least, you pretend to—because frankly, there is no way in hell you’re letting Loki leave you high and dry after his heavy petting.
“I think I’m seduced,” you say, surprised to find your voice a little shaky. “But I think it needs a little more… something, I don’t know what I’m looking for.”
“So it was unsatisfactory.” Loki’s eyes glint a certain way; the kind of look you’ve associated with his games, only this one you’re playing seems to be a very sexual one. “What is it again that you need help with?”
“And which of my options will aid in your production?”
“The second or thir—”
Loki surges forward and takes your lips between his teeth, rolling his tongue over your bottom lip and then sucking. You barely register it when your back hits the softness of the mattress and Loki settles himself on top of you.
The way Loki’s lips and tongue moves over and with yours is absolute bliss, and you return his actions with equal fervor. His hands roam across your torso, one hand toying with the hem of your shirt until it slides underneath to caress your warm skin.
Loki pulls away from you and nuzzles your cheek with his nose. “This, sweet. This is what you should be aiming for. The chemistry between us is unrivaled and cannot be duplicated, but you may possibly write something very close to it.”
“Okay,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady and as casual as his seems to be. “Uh, I do have a few concerns about the love scene, though.”
He perks up at this, his eyebrows raising and the corners of his mouth lifting in a smirk. “Oh?”
You’re finding it increasingly difficult to form coherent sentences as Loki’s hand travels south and toys with the waistband of your shorts. A finger hooks underneath it, just briefly, before tracing a line from one side of your waist, over your stomach to the other side and back again.
“Y-yeah,” you manage to get out, sucking in a breath as Loki’s fingers dance over a sensitive spot you didn’t know you had, “like how would it transition smoothly from the making out to the actual, y’know—sex.”
The way you say sex is breathier than you want it to be, but it’s because of Loki’s stupid wandering hands leaving you a breathless mess. He’s looking at you, desire clouding his irises, and it takes your willpower not to drag his face back to your lips.
“Well, sweet, it would usually go like this—but, from here on out, no interruptions. Just let me show you…” And his mouth descends on yours again, hot and heavy. An inner voice cheers loudly at this victory, knowing that this is how Loki likes to play his games.
His hands begin to pull up the hem of your shirt over your head, your lips parting for the briefest of moments before he’s latching onto you again and tossing your shirt to the corner of the room. Fumbling, you undo the buttons of his black dress shirt and slide it down his shoulders.
Loki pulls away from you and smooths his hands over your body. “You are a goddess, my sweet.” He bends down and presses a kiss to the center of the column of your throat. “Absolutely breathtaking.” Another one in between your breasts. “Maddening.” Another, just above your navel. “My goddess.”
Butterflies bloom in your stomach at his words, and you feel an instinct to shower him in the same praise. “And you, Loki…” You bring him back up to eye level and try to roll on top of him. He lets you, your knees on either side of him. “You are just exquisite.” You kiss his Adam’s apple, where you feel it bob just slightly at your words. “Marvelous.” On his sternum. “My God of Mischief. My Prince of Asgard.” The final one, this time below his navel, dangerously close to the waistband of his pants.
Loki groans, fisting a handful of your hair. “You are the death of me, sweet.”
“Good,” you say, placing a hand over the tent in his pants and flashing him a devious grin. “I should be.”
Loki growls and pulls you up, rolling over so you’re pinned underneath him again. Your shorts disappear in a flash of green, leaving you in only your underwear.
“Hey, no fair, you used magi—ah—” your complaint is cut off by Loki’s mouth on your breast, his other hand pinching and tweaking. Pleasure hums throughout your body.
“All’s fair in love and war,” Loki comments, smiling victoriously until your hand slides underneath his pants and cups his erection—at which his jaw slackens and he groans.
He cups your mound in response and then maneuvers your underwear to the side. Without missing a beat, he slides two fingers into your slickness. This time, it’s your turn to let out a moan. You grip his erection more tightly, pumping up and down, feeling the trickle of precum on your inner wrist, and Loki curls his fingers inside you. Your body arches upwards.
“All this be damned,” he mutters, and with a green shimmer you and he are naked. Loki presses his thumb against your clit, rubbing lazy yet purposeful circles over it, all the while his other fingers continue pumping in and out of you.
Your hand probably stops groping him at some point; your mind is frayed with the pleasure his hands are giving you, but you’re jolted back when you feel him jerk in your hand. Curiously, you swipe a finger of the slit of his head, and Loki’s hips and fingers stutter.
“Loki,” you breathe, gyrating on his fingers, “I need you inside me now.”
He doesn’t say anything, but covers your neck with a wet, hot kiss, applying just a little more pressure on your clit. You bite back a moan and decide to squeeze him harder, your other hand raking a stripe down his back.
“Need to cum soon,” you pant. “I think you do too.”
Loki pulls his fingers out of you and wordlessly places his fingers in his mouth, tasting you, all the while never breaking eye contact. It’s erotic, maybe a little obscene, but your libido only skyrockets.
“I want your eyes on me at all times.” His voice is dark with desire, practically dripping lust, and you nod, swallowing thickly.
Loki positions the head of his cock at your dripping slit, tracing over it with excruciating slowness until you’re covered in each other’s slick. He rests a finger on top of your clit, and then in a fluid motion he buries himself to the hilt as he presses on your bundle of nerves.
Closing your eyes at the heaven you’re both feeling, you both moan, a broken harmony, and the sound adds to the arousal you both feel.
“You are so warm and wet for me. It is almost unbelievable,” he murmurs.
“Your cock feels really good inside me,” you whisper, a little ashamed once it leaves your lips. But Loki doesn’t seem to mind—in fact, he seems to relish the praise. You stay unmoving for a while, your cunt experimentally fluttering around him, until you can see Loki’s restraint is hanging by a thread.
You grind your hips, a silent signal for him to move within you, and soon you’re a breathy, writhing mess beneath him as he thrusts, first slowly, until his movements increase in speed, a crescendo you can also feel in your body.
You feel yourself coming close to the edge of release, the coiling of energy deep within your core, and you reach down to guide his fingers to your clit.
And when his fingers begin their familiar rhythm, his lips crash onto yours in an urgent attempt for dominance, you clamp your walls around him and Loki groans into your mouth. He presses harder against your clit and he swallows the wanton moan that spills from your lips.
“I’m going to cum,” you tell him, feeling the familiar sensation burning even hotter now. “Cum with me. Please, Loki, I need you to.”
Loki’s jaw is set, beads of sweat forming on the top of his forehead. With a little growl he spreads your legs even wider and ruts into you, hard and fast, though only for a moment. His movements slow to a lazy pace, sliding in and out of you while his hands circle your clit in the same rhythm.
“Loki,” you whine. “Please.”
“I’d like to draw it out.”
“You already are, so just fuck me already.”
You clamp down exceptionally hard around him this time, and Loki captures your lips in a kiss as he goes back to the breakneck speed you were in earlier.
And then you feel your orgasm begin to crest, you and Loki moving in sync, your nails raking patterns all over his back you’re sure they’ll be red raw later.
He presses exceptionally hard, rubbing your clit between his fingers as his other hand cups your breast. “Cum now, sweet.”
Your body shudders as you feel the white hot pleasure explode within you, your walls fluttering around Loki’s cock as you cum with a cry. You feel Loki’s close too, so you continue rhythmically squeezing his cock until he cums with his own shuddering groan.
Loki takes your face in his hand and he kisses you, languid and lazy, as you both ride out each other’s orgasms. He rests his forehead against yours before rolling onto his back, pulling you on top of him.
“That was…” you begin after a few minutes of silent cuddling. You stroke his chest.
“Perfect for your project, correct?” he says, planting a kiss in your hair.
A warmth begins to spread across your lower regions. You prop yourself up on your elbow, giving him a particularly blatant nonchalant look. “I don’t know. I think I need to do a little bit more research.”
Loki pulls you down over his chest, his hands playing with the ends of your hair. “Devilish woman,” he comments affectionately. “Wherever do you get it from?”
“A certain God of Mischief.” Your hand snakes down to between his legs.
“Now. I think it’s time for lesson number two.”
Maybe some distractions are worth entertaining after all.
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The Shouldn't Waste Your Pretty Face Playlist
The long anticipated (cough, cough - or the thing I promised myself I would make before posting but then got impatient??) playlist to Shouldn't Waste Your Pretty Face! Enjoy and if you're interested, below the cut are my reasons for putting each song into the playlist and what I think each represents in the story.
Head Above Water by Avril Lavigne – “My life is what I’m fighting for”
When this story starts, Nolan is overwhelmed and scared and desperate to make his hockey dream a reality. All of his energy is focused on making sure he does everything right because his life in hockey depends on it.
Gasoline by Halsey – “Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me”
This song was my anthem while writing this story. There were so many lines in this song that I debated making the title but given the themes of this story I felt like ‘shouldn’t waste your pretty face’ was the perfect epitome of Nolan’s struggle. The world hates it when we don’t fit into their boxes.
LOST BOY by Troye Sivan – “I say I want to settle down, build your hopes up like a tower”
This is Isaac’s song. Or it’s the song of Isaac and Nolan and the constant push Nolan feels to surrender to this sweet boy with kind eyes and a gentle smile and the equally constant pull he feels of knowing that their dreams of the future don’t line up and he needs to get out now.
Friends Don’t by Maddie & Tae – “They don’t hear each other’s names and forget to concentrate”
I struggled somewhat to find the best place for this song within the chronology of this playlist because honestly this song is just the entire beginning of TK and Nolan’s relationship. This almost immediate connection that always edged a little too close to ‘not just friends.’ And the absolute roller coaster of emotions it brings for Nolan as his feelings for TK grow and bubble up under his skin.
Good as You by Kane Brown – “You’re more than just the surface, you got the heart of gold”
Oh, the fight. Stories just aren’t the same without at least a little bit of drama. Losing TK as a consistent touchstone in his rookie season quickly morphed into unbearable for Nolan. Recognizing that a lot of his own bullshit hurt someone who has been nothing but an absolute gentleman to him was just the bridge Nolan needed to cross to begin to find out who he really is. This fight is the first turning point into Nolan’s transition to becoming who he’s really meant to be.
I Like Me Better by Lauv – “I knew from the first time; I’d stay for a long time”
Nolan’s friendship with Nico is a really important part of this story. Nico is the first person who truly gives Nolan permission to be himself, to explore all his angles in the comfort of a safe space.
Numb by Linkin Park – “All I want to do is be more like me and be less like you”
Nolan’s mom played a much larger role ‘on-screen’ in the first iteration of this story. In the final draft she is the constant, omnipresent ‘villain’ but doesn’t get as much airtime. However, this song was so, so important to keep in the playlist. This probably reveals that I’m someone who came of age in the early-aughts, but this song was my angsty anthem as a teen. The constant fight of wanting to be different than what your family expects of you. So, chronologically, I’ve put it in roughly where we ‘see’ his mom for the first time, but it’s an applicable song throughout the story.
Sucker by Jonas Brothers – “You’re the medicine and the pain, the tattoo inside my brain”
The theme song of Nolan’s second heat. The moment he realizes that he can clock TK’s scent in a crowded bar, the moment he lets TK cut his strings and give him exactly what he needs. That moment, after, when he’s tangled in the sheets with TK and knows that if he could, if he wasn’t broken, he’d want this every moment of his life.
Silver Lining by Mt. Joy – “Wear your silver lining, wear it close to your skin”
Is this really a Nolan Patrick story without a Mt. Joy song in its playlist? No. No, it’s not. So here is Pretty Face’s shameless inclusion of a Mt. Joy song in its playlist. It also happens to be my favorite Mt. Joy song and a perfect fit for the metaphor that clothes play in this story.
homecoming queen? by Kelsea Ballerini – “But what if I told you the world wouldn’t end if you started showing what’s under your skin”
I really debated if this song had a place in this playlist or the playlist for TK’s story. In the end I think it fits both and so this is my secret, easter egg that hints at a bit of what TK’s story is going to be about. Think – first verse is Travis, second verse in Nolan, and the chorus sums up the entire message of both of their stories.
Adore You by Harry Styles – “Honey, I’d walk through fire for you just let me adore you”
THIS IS TK’S SONG AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. TK one hundred percent believes that one of the most important things he’ll ever do in this life is adore Nolan and make sure he knows how amazing he is. In terms of actual story moments, I always think about this song during the scenes with the courting presents.
HEAVEN by Troye Sivan, Betty Who – “So if I’m losing a piece of me maybe I don’t want heaven”
Can you tell I really like Troye Sivan? I really like Troye Sivan. I always really connected with the lyrics in this song. In particular, this song makes me think of the scene right at the end of Nolan’s last heat of the first season and they’re in the Brooklyn hotel room and TK grabs the end of Nolan’s braid, tugs it, and tells him that it looks good.
Voices in My Head by Ashley Tisdale – “All the voices in my head always try to break me”
As the summer after Nolan’s rookie season starts to bleed into late July you begin to see Nolan’s shift towards owning his thoughts, feelings, and emotions. He’s beginning to recognize that the fucked up voices in his head are just the expectations society put on him and that they don’t necessarily reflect his own thoughts and desires.
Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara – “And you don’t have to change a thing, the world could change its heart”
This is my Maddie Patrick song. Even though many characters throughout this story remind Nolan that there isn’t anything wrong with his true self, Maddie is such a critical person in this regard. She grew up in the same household as Nolan and knows the bullshit he received. She’s the one that constantly reminds him of the patriarchy and bodily autonomy and the importance of owning yourself. And that it’s the world that needs to change, not him.
Brave by Sara Bareilles – “Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live”
This song is essentially representing Nolan’s journey to getting his tubes tied, after finally allowing himself to admit out loud what he’s always known – his body doesn’t fit him perfect and it’s time for him to change that.
Worship You by Kane Brown – “Every time I see you smile it’s like I’ve seen the light”
Would it be the soundtrack to TK’s love confession if it wasn’t country music? Or Kane Brown? I feel like TK would like Kane Brown. I feel like TK just wants to spend his whole life worshipping Nolan and reminding him of the miracle he’s giving TK by loving him back.
Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie – “I want to live where soul meets body”
And here we are at the end of Nolan’s journey where he has two tiny scars on his hipbones that remind him that the outside of his body finally fits the inside. That his soul and his body are finally one and the same.
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mammonspeanut · 5 years
Lucifer x MC (f) ~chocolate, caramel, and maple syrup~
It has been a while since you’ve arrived at the Devildom and since day one you’ve been either straightening your hair or wearing it in some sort of bun but after emerging out of the shower today things felt different.
Looking into the foggy mirror you wipe the condensed water away and take a good look at yourself. Your dark curls were heavy from the water sticking to your still-damp skin following each curve of your body as you twist and turn in the mirror. You smile at yourself, your eyes darting over your shelves as you search for your hair cream and hair oil “Nice.”, you whisper to yourself as you finally find it.
Lucifer sat at the breakfast table impatiently waiting for MC to show up to breakfast he had already texted her four times and even rang her D.D.D. A sigh escaped his lips as he watched his brothers eat, this human has him on his toes worrying for her even though he had more important things to do. Closing his eyes he leans to the side and supports his head with one of his hands “Mammon, where is MC?”, he finally asks in defeat he didn’t want to ask him but it was pretty known that he clung to her like a leach. Mammon shoving the next pancake into his mouth replied with a sound which was pretty close to someone saying -I don’t know-, another sigh. Where was she? Suddenly he heard slow unsure steps behind him slowly approaching the now silent table “MC what excuse do y-” his question was cut short as he opened his eyes and saw her standing right next to him. “What the ever-living-”, Levi’s voice trailed off as everyone stared at her.
Her hair, usually dark brown in color, illuminated by the morning sun, deep chocolate brown to warm caramel with fine nuances of other tones of browns glistened as the rays danced in her hair. The straight hair she usually wore was nowhere to be found, large curls intertwining as if they were dancing together no-curl resembled the next as they fell just below her shoulders, tips swaying in slow motion as she moved her head. Her hair was soft as one would imagine clouds felt if it was possible to touch them yet at the same time resembling thick velvety warm chocolate flowing. She rarely wore makeup but today she decided on warm gold and brown colors for her eyeshadow complementing her now liquid Maple syrup colored eyes with which she penetrated Lucifer as the light hit them in the perfect angle sending shivers down his spine. He knew a human was incapable of looking into one’s soul yet, at that moment even he questioned if it was true. What was that thing Asmodeus call it when you did a kind of pointy thing with your eyeliner? Cat-eye? Either way, it was giving her that droopy sultry look Lucifer always loved. The apples of her cheeks were a bit rosier as usual as she had added blush to it as well as over her nose giving her a sun-kissed look with her olive-colored skin. Her lips were coated in a thin layer of chapstick to keep it rather daytime appropriate and still, it looked like she was going somewhere important. Though the scene unfolding in front of Lucifer only took a fraction of a second, for him it felt like the time was coming to a halt.
“Wow MC, you did a great job curling your hair and not to mention your makeup. You definitely have to show me how you applied your eyeliner. ~”, Asmos beamed happily MC stood there as if Lucifer had scolded her once again as she shily pushed one of her strands behind her ear “Actually, this is my natural hair.” she stammers “Excuse me what?”, Mammon blurts out as he jumps up “That simply means that is how her hair grows out of her head idiot.”, Satan explains while Mammon tries to sink his hands into MC’s hair while she doges each attempt “Don’t touch it. It won’t look like this for long if you start grabbing around in it.” she says as she flees to the other side of the table. “ I just want to feel it I’m your first remember I have the right to.”, Mammon cries “Oh hell no.” she answers as he continues to convince her to give in. She runs up next to Beelzebub and snatches two pancakes and yells:” See ya.” as she runs out of the dining room and leaves a heartbroken Mammon behind.
Through all that Lucifer just sat there, heart thumping heavily and in awe. How could she keep something like that from him he wonders, through all that they have been through and done together he has never known that in reality, she had curly hair. It wasn’t anything big but it was a part of who she was. Did that mean she was ashamed of it, but it was beautiful, how could anyone be ashamed of hair like that?
After a long day Lucifer leans back in his chair, he had decided to finish his work in his office at home where hopefully not one of his moronic brothers would disturb him. Throwing his head back he looks at the ceiling and sighs loudly, all day long he couldn’t concentrate and only think about MC and how she looked. He closed his eyes and instantly saw her in front of his mental eye, the way she walked around in RAD, how her hair would bounce when she turned her head or the way her eyes would squint and how she would cock her head to the side when she would smile or the way she would lick her lips or the way her body curved or .. or .. or . Feeling his face slowly warm as all blood rushed to his cheeks Lucifer roughly ruffled his hair and let out a loud groan “Ehm… Lucifer?”, a familiar voice quietly asks, a thought of regret crosses his mind as he slowly sinks his hands. MC, stood in the middle of his room as ever so often clutching one of her books in an oversized shirt “Sh-Should I leave?” “No..No not at all I was just… I was just thinking about this paperwork you know.”, Lucifer answers as he desperately fumbles around throwing sheets of paper on the floor. Wondering why he was losing his cool around her, Lucifer watched as MC bent over to pick up the sheets in the front of his desk. What was wrong with him, he’s normally cool and collected, on the other hand, no one ever caught him fantasizing about someone especially the person who he was fantasizing about. MCs curly head bobs back up with her signature grin as she lays all the papers back on the desk and sits next to him on the floor.
After a moment of silence, Lucifer musters up the courage and asks: “Why have you never told me?” Looking down next to him he watches MC furrow her eyebrows and blink a few times in confusion “Tell you what?”, she asks him back without lifting her head. “About your hair.” a small smile spreads across her face and by the time she looks up she has a full smile on her face while squinting her eyes. “Oh, that? I didn’t think it was as important plus, you guys got to know me without it so I just rolled with it.” “Don’t you think you should have told me? I looked like a fool today.”, lucifer snaps immediately regretting it seeing her smile drop she looks back down to her book which felt like a stab in his heart. “Well, first of all, it’s just hair and secondly for someone who wants to keep our relationship on the low for whatever reason, maybe not to be ashamed of me, don’t you think it would have been weird if you were the only one to know that I had curls. ”, she stated without emotions. After a few more moments of silence, MC stood up ready to leave the room. “Where are you going?” “Bed.”, MC answered sharply “I’m sorry for earlier I was just hurt that you wouldn’t show me first and I am not ashamed of being with you I just think that if everyone knew, it would put a target on your back. It’s my job to protect you but I can’t always be where you are.”, Lucifer apologized “I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have said that. I know you just want to protect me but I also just crave your touch when we are outside in public, even if it’s just us interlocking our pinkies.” she apologized as if she felt Lucifer’s gaze she spun around and skipped over to Lucifer with her signature smile and grabbed his hand. “Well, guess you’re coming to bed with me.” she chirped even though he had a lot of work to do he did really want to spend some quality time with MC.
Laying in bed he slowly ran his fingers through her soft curls seeing each one separate into many more ending up in one fluffy mess as he caressed her head,  taking in her scent as he kisses the top of her head. “You’re gorgeous.”, he says absentmindedly “Shall I wear my hair like this more often?”, MC asks playfully as she looks up at Lucifer. “I want you to wear your hair only like this from now on and I am the only one allowed to touch it.” after a short pause, he looks into MC’s now dark eyes that look like the void trying to suck him in “I’m the only one who gets to touch you.”, he grumbles as he grabs a fist full of MC’s hair and rolls over on top of her “Understood?”, he asks in a low threatening voice while MC wraps her legs around his waist. MC nods softly as Lucifer leans down to kiss her neck a soft moan escapes as he softly bites into her neck.
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x0401x · 4 years
Pash! Plus Interview with Yamamura Takuya
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“What I wanted to cherish in the TV anime ‘Tsurune’ was the gap between ‘serenity’ and ‘motion’.”
In this issue of Pash!, we are publishing a special edition for the TV anime “Tsurune —Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu—”. Here, we are delivering an interview with director Yamamura Takuya. We have asked him about the highlights of this work and his feelings for the series.
Raw || Index || My Ko-fi  ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
“Tsurune” is the sound made when an arrow is fired. It is said to change depending on the shooter. Moreover, since the circumstances and condition affect it even with the shooter being the same, it is quite literally a once-in-a-lifetime sound. “Tsurune —Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu—” is a story about young male archers, which centers around Minato, a boy who was entranced by the tsurune he heard in an archery dojo that he went to see with his mother as a child.
——Please tell us what caught your attention the most when reading the original work.
I had never been in contact with Japanese archery, so I did not even know that it had a martial arts side and a competition side. But then I read the source material and learned that just hitting the target is not enough, that there are actions and manners to be respected. People compete against each other while following the conduct. At first glance, I had the impression that while Minato seemed to think in a contradictory way, he and the others held tight onto their bows, and that their dignified figures as they faced the targets and themselves were portrayed with care.
——The series has no flashy action this time, so we believed there would be many scenes expressing “serenity”, but where exactly is the fun and difficulties in that?
I have actually watched a high school tournament, and the venue was extremely quiet, so I got to hear the tsurune echoing there. I felt that the atmosphere born from the concentration power of the people drawing and the people watching nearby was “calm”, so I wanted to cherish this in the animation. In particular, the beauty of the movements when drawing a bow influences the story, so all of us animators watched videos about archery and did research every day. It was a hassle, but there was also fun in it.
——On the other hand, what part of it would be the “motion”?
When I went to watch the tournament, the high school boys were fooling around outside the venue before the competition, looking like they were having a lot of fun. But once the matches began, they were stern and cool. If those dignified figures were the “serenity”, then the scenes where they would be chattering and making merry were the “motion”.
——Was there anything that you were conscious of when writing about the exchanges between the boys?
The “foolishness” of them, in the good sense. I talked to the series composer, Yokote Michiko-san, about my wish for her to depict the gap in those children, who are cool when they are drawing their bows but normally mess around like any high schooler. Also, we made the camera angle be a distant view in the scenes where they are chit-chatting, making the air be as if the viewers were taking a peek into their daily lives.
——The site has many young cast members, so how did the recordings go?
We wanted a fresh feeling to it so the casting was picked through auditions, and we chose them by only their voice quality and acting, with their names and profiles concealed. We had prepared lines for when they were on and off, and the deciding factor for their selection was the emotion switching. To tell the truth, there were people I was meeting for the first time in the recording, so there was this feeling in the air that the story was indeed going to start from that point. When I was explaining the series, everyone gave me such serious looks that I was the one who ended up getting nervous (laughs).
——Uemura-san, who plays Minato, took the audition for Seiya, right?
Right. But I thought the strong core that lay behind his gentle voice was a perfect fit for Minato, so I asked him to play Minato instead.
——Lastly, please tell us the highlights of the early stage.
Minato and Seiya are childhood friends, Kaito and Nanao are cousins, Ryouhei was also Minato and Seiya’s friend from grade school, and the thing is that all of them get along. But Minato and the other two meet Kaito and Nanao when entering high school, so their cohesion as a group of five is all over the place. The air might be a bit tense in the early stages (laughs).
Please watch over them with smiles as the distance between them gradually shortens. Also, for the first episode, I want people to pay attention to Minato. Like what kind of child Minato is and what circumstances are currently set up on him. And the position of the characters surrounding him is a main point. By all means, I would be happy if people can enjoy Minato’s actions together with his shooting.
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April 2021 Zodiac Predictions
Aries/Aries Risings: You are still the birthday Kings & Queens right now because it is still Aries Season. In the first 2 weeks of April, the sun will be conjunct Venus in Aries in your 1st house & will be sextiling mars in Gemini in your 3rd house of communications. Conjunct means when 2 planets are in the same sign. Venus in your first house will give you a great deal of energy, super keen for new beginnings, to go out in the world, to connect with people, you may be excited to change things about your looks/appearance this month. Our 1st house has to do with our personalities, identities so when Venus is in the 1st house it brings the energy of changing your looks & buying something nice that makes you feel confident. You will be feeling really loved & appreciated this month because venus rules your 7th house of relationships/partnerships. When the Sun conjunct Venus you could be feeling very spoiled this month. Mars, your zodiac’s ruler is in a beautiful aspect to the Sun conjunct Venus in your 3rd house of communications. The first 2 weeks of April will be amazing to promote any services you are offering, promote your job, also a great time to network with clients and a good time for promotions. From April 7th to the 16th Jupiter in Aquarius will be in your 11th house which brings a sense of getting excited to where your life is headed, making plans for your future and a very active time from a social perspective. You could be making plans to see friends you haven’t seen in a long time. This is a very chatty/intellectual time for you. The card I chose for you guys was the 3 of cups, it's a time to feel fulfilled & celebrate with people who make you smile, I feel that surrounding yourself with friends is something that will be important to you this month Aries/Aries Risings.
Taurus/Taurus Risings: It is almost your birthdays Taureans, April 19th we can start lighting the Birthday Candles. The Month is happening in a slow start for you meaning the first 2 weeks in April. Right now Taurus sun is in the 12th house, the 12th house is spending time by yourself, introspection & things that are unseen. Sun will be Conjunct Venus in your 12th house & will be sextiling Mars in Gemini in your 2nd house of money & income. Even though you may be sleepy/isolated the first 2 weeks of April, it does look like you are working on something behind the scenes that is bringing you an increase in your income. Gemini, the planet of communications in your house of incomes is sextiling with the Sun in your 12th house (remember the 12th house means unseen things/below the surface). From the 7th to the 16th of April Jupiter will be sextiling Aquairus in your 10th house of career. Taurus you are pulling some strings behind the scenes so that you can advance in your career. Jupiter is the planet of luck & expansion so it being in your house of career I sense goodluck! You could be doing some secret negotiations this month or maybe you are doing work behind the scenes that you probably don’t want your boss knowing about. You could be getting a job offer & something unseen right now is going to make itself appear. Conversations in regards to your career that is unseen are spoken about in your favor. The tarot card I received the Moon card for you guys. The Moon card jumped out of my deck & I noticed that the Moon is number 18 (1+8=9) 9 = the Hermit card in tarot speaking about introspection & distancing yourself. The Moon card symbolizes things that may not seem clear right now in regards to what may be going on in career, but the fear you are projecting is not actual the results of the outcome, it's time to be patient & to focus on the present instead of the future.
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Gemini/Gemini Risings: The Sun will be Conjunct with Aries in your 11th house in the first 2 weeks of April. Also sextiling Mars in your 1st house. You are feeling on fire in terms of your mental connections/intellectual conversations with your friends/coworkers. Jupiter in Aquarius will be in your 9th house, this is a time for you to expand your knowledge, expand your wisdom, and engage with people to learn. Mentally you will be on a high this month. The tarot card I received for you was the 10 of Cups. When the 10 of Cups pops up in a Tarot reading, you have a sense of wholeness, completion, and alignment in your relationships with others. You are experiencing an idyllic state of peace, harmony and love where your dreams and wishes have come true. Take a moment to step back and appreciate everything you accomplished. You created a life of connection and bliss by following your heart and trusting your intuition.
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Cancer/Cancer Risings: The first half of April are incredibly focused on your career. Between the 1st & 14th of April the Sun is going to conjunct Venus in Aries in your house of career & sextiling in your 12th house of behind the scenes & introspection. You will be very busy this month & inspired with your career as well. You have a lot of energy to kick of things in your career & if you have been thinking about going a different route in your career you will be supported by others around you. You feel confident to start new projects/a new opportunity. In the past few months something in your home life could have been preventing you from giving your 100% effort into work. There was some stress within something to do with home & pressure is now off your shoulders. The card I received for you Cancers was the 8 of Pentacles. The 8 of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are working hard to improve your skills and become a master at what you do. You may have recently changed your work, education or financial circumstances, and now you are applying your sheer determination and concentration to master the new skill that you are learning. You are diligent and hard-working and you are applying yourself fully to whatever is at the centre of your attention. As you do the same task over and over, you work your way towards mastery of your craft, and through your perseverance and unwavering attention, you create success.
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Leo/Leo Risings: From the 1st of April to the 14th the Sun conjunct with Venus will be in your 9th house of long distance travel, higher mind & higher education. Mars will be sextiling in your 11th house. You will be spending a lot of time in public for the first 2 weeks connecting time with like-minded people who share similar goals & interests. You may be getting some positive news in regards to travel, legal, paperwork & documentation. You are in a really productive mood in regards to your long term future as Mars the aggressive planet will be in your 11th house of long term goals. From the 7th until the 16th of April Jupiter will be in Aquarius in your 7th house of relationships/partnerships. You may be feeling ready to plan in future in regards with your partner, maybe a trip? Planning to get married? Talks about the future together. Officialize a relationship during this time. Spending a lot of time with a partner in social events is also happening this month. The card I received for you was the Ace of Cups. Now is the perfect time for you to open your heart and experience the rich flow of emotion available to you right now. You are more receptive to creative opportunities, loving connections, and deep compassion for other living beings. As with all Aces in the Tarot, this card comes as an invitation. Will you take it? Will you say “Yes!” to Divine love and compassion, and will you run with it? The Ace of Cups carries the potential for spiritual and emotional fulfilment – but only if you embrace it with an open heart. You may be inspired to start a new project, take an art class or even engage in interpretative dance. At this point in your life, you are comfortable with who you are and happily express this part of yourself to others. You see fresh potential in allowing your creative juices to flow. Let your imagination and talent unfurl to new possibilities.
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Virgo/Virgo Rising: The first half of the month the Sun will be conjunct Venus in Aries in your 8th house of intimacy, psychological breakthroughs & the 2nd part of month will be focused on 9th house matters meaning higher education, travel & broadening your horizons in some way. Mars will be in Gemini in your 10th house of career. You will have the ability to solve crises at work, to act like the authority figure at work that steps up & helps people overcome some of the challenges that they might face. I feel you are helping out well at your career. Mars the planet of aggression in Gemini means this month you could be intellectualizing in your career & really stepping up to the plate to help. Jupiter will be in Aquarius in your 6th house of day to day life. This means you will be overcoming some sort of stress at work or that you can finally get along or work well with a team member. Also mentally you will be overcoming some things if you mental health hasn’t been the best. You are getting better health wise. I pulled a tarot card for you this month & it was the Ace of Swords. The Sword signifies in this card clarity of thought. The Ace of Sword is the only card besides others (Queen of Swords and Justice) that has an upright sword signifying mental clarity. The other cards in the Swords Suit have slanted/angled swords signifying mental blocks, thoughts turning inwardly. Represents a new beginning, a new idea being formed. Success through clarity and thought. In a relationship meaning, it can mean having the same thoughts/goals as your significant other being on the same page mentally.
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Libra/Libra Rising: The first half of the month will be very focused on partnerships/business partnerships. If you are single, you are in very high demand to others. The sun will be conjunct in Venus in Aries in your 7th house. Venus is the ruler of your zodiac sign the planet of love. Romantically I see you hooking up with someone & or meeting someone in the love department. Mars will be sextiling in Gemini in your 9th house, you are going to be very mentally stimulated in relationships the first half of the month & if you are in the process of formalizing a business partnership with Mars in the 9th house in regards to where the partnership is heading. Jupiter in Aquarius will be in your 5th house meaning romantic energy at its best, there is a lot of flirty energy this month for you. I feel a lot of social energy happening for you this month, it is PARTY time! The card I received for you was the 4 of Wands. The castle in the background symbolizes stability. The 4 of Wands is a celebration/enthusiastic card after the planning and the waiting actions are now coming to fruition. There is something definitely to celebrate in the Libra's Life. In a relationship reading this means having or making a solid foundation for the relationship. The 4’s in tarot are all about security and solid foundations. New foundations could be started for my singles.
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Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: The first half of April the Aries Sun will Conjunct with Venus in your 6th house of health, day to day routine & work & the 2nd half of April is very focused on your relationships. Sextiling Mars in Gemini in your 8th house of intimacy & psychological breakthroughs. You are driving your energy to solving crises & challenges at work. You will be intellectualizing new ideas in your career. You will be making great strides in regards to your health/mental health. In the 7th through the 16th Jupiter sextiling Aquarius in your 4th house of home & family. You are putting a lot of daily effort in reorganizing your house, maybe working on the house & or working with a family member working things out. You will be leading people at work. The card I received for you was the 6 of Wands. The 6 of Wands shows a victory parade with everyone congratulating him (you), even his horse he is riding. The wreath in this card is symbolic of personal power and success. The 6 of Wands can symbolize a job promotion, a goal reacher or personal confidence with yourself. In a relationship sense this card means you and your partner have goals and you both will achieve them. Your personal power will be achieved in April.
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Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: The first half of April the Aries Sun will be conjunct in Venus in your 5th house of creativity, creative project & for those of you with children I see lots of activity with your children. Through the 2nd half of April I see you will be drawn to work matters, daily routines & health. Mars in Gemini will be sextiling in your 7th house of long term relationships/partnerships. For those of you who are single this is a fabulous time to put yourself out there, to mingle & to go on dates. Also get involved with people in your circles to things you are passionate about, mingling with your friends, getting together with people you care about. Connecting with your inner child this month is about getting more aligned with your creativity. Channeling a creative outlet. The card I received for you was the Sun card. This card is about embracing vulnerability, adventurous & a bright month for you. The Sun card is #19 (1+9=10) 10 = the Wheel of Fortune good luck & is actually the card of Jupiter ruled by Sagitarrius. The Sun signifies a time where you can feel inner peace, hope, joy & a burst of freedom. All tension is resolved. The Sun card brings happiness for yourself. It also can signify children/pregnancy. An extremely positive card for marriage, gratitude, pregnancy, success in material wealth. Being child-like and enjoying creativity.
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Capricorn/Capricorn Risings: The first half of April, Aries Sun will be conjunct with Venus in your 4th house of family & homelife. The first half of the month will be really invested in home life matters & helping family members. The 2nd half of April will be focused on enjoying yourself in the 5th house of creativity & self expression. Mars in Gemini will be sextiling in the 6th house of day to day routine. You could be refreshing the home environment, renovating it, possibly moving & or maybe buying new furniture. From the 7th to the 16th of April Mars will be sextiling Jupiter in Aquarius in your 2nd house of money & income. This is a fabulous time to increase your income. Your talents are being put to good use in your career & I feel there will be collaborations within the career. The card I received for you was the 10 of Pentacles. It shows a solid, stable & comfortable home environment. This card signifies material success. It represents completion, a big purchase (home, card). & success in a business. In a career reading, it means a stable established business containing opportunities for promotion & success. In a relationship reading, it can mean you met someone through career/work or you both have a business partnership together.
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Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: In the first half of April the Aries Sun will be conjunct with Venus in the 3rd house of communications. The 2nd half of your month will be in the 4th house of family life & your home. You will be intellectually on fire, you will be conversing with people, networking in business & sales. You will be very mentally stimulated. You will be much more persuasive than normal. You will be communicating with a partner very well. Lots of planning of getting together with friends. I feel a lot of flirtatious energy & a lot of texting flirty messages. There also could be some short distance travel. The card I received for you was the 8 of Wands. The wands are moving so fast it is a period of little to no obstacles. This is a period of you being propelled forward to your goals, resist it and go with the flow. This is also a card of travel hence why there is water in the background. In a relationship sense, getting the 8 of Wands can be a time where you and your partner can enjoy life together without the need to struggle during tough times. Lots of fast communication at this time.
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Pisces/Pisces Risings: The first half of April the Aries Sun will be conjunct Venus in the 2nd house of income & finance. You are hustling like no one's business, I see a lot of money coming in April for you. The 2nd half of April Taurus Sun will be in your 3rd house, focusing on communications & short distance travel. Mars in Gemini will be in your 4th house of family & home. You will be buying new furniture for your home, possibly saving up to invest in something in the home or could possibly paying off your home. You are working really hard & your hard work is paying off. The Wheel of life is constantly in motion, turning events to better or worse. Life is changing for the positive to you right now. The wheel is spinning to your advantage. Good luck & good fortune is coming. The universe is working in your favour. Lots of improvements to your finances and in general your life. A turning point, karma, what goes around comes around.
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