#this shit gave me a mental breakdown
mrcspectr · 2 years
Another song recc, go check out Hunters Moon by Kate Rusby, its a folk song about the sun and moon being in love with each other. listen and tell me that it doesn’t give you Marc and Layla vibes
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
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stole this from basu on twt bc 🙌🏼 preaaachh
#kyman#south park#i also am in love with the absolute denial he was in during PC#craziest shit I’ve ever seen#Kyle deadass saw eric’s wedding ring. and wife. and KIDS#and was like ‘no. 🧍‍♂️ fake news’#kyle heard cartman havin sex?? he doesn’t tell them to stop bc it’s rude. he tells eric’s wife ‘hey ur husband gave me aids’ and DOESNT#CLARIFY SHIT and bro doesn’t realize the fucking implications#Kyle getting worked up over heiman NOT for her sake. but eric’s#’in a way wE’rE aLl gOiNg oUt wiTh cArTmAn’ what the FUCK does that mean kyle#kyle’s stupid little ‘Hey heidi so I know you and cartman have an anniversary comin up’ (I. no words.) c#‘some of us don’t think cartman’s qualified to be with you. what do you find in him that’s remotely REDEEMING’#motherfucker didn’t even ask why she liked him. asks what’s ‘redeeming ‘ abt him. kyle I know wanting to redeem cartman is Your Thing but#jesus dude let heidi speak for herself#don’t get me started when the girls were like ‘do u like heidi?’ and kyle had a mental breakdown (he’s always known when he Likes a Girl.#wtf why was he so torn up abt it.)#also Kyle ‘I hate Cartman let’s exclude him from building boats’ Brofloski goin ‘awww cartman i’m sorry’ as soon as#Cartman gets emo abt the ‘surgery’ and is the first to include him in boat building#AND THEN proceeds to be on top of eric abt the quality of boats?? when no one else cares? not even BUTTERS? y does he care so much??#weirdo. fuckin weirdo fr
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maxellminidisc · 1 month
Love that my cat saw me being sewy sidel and was like "Wouldst mother like to see me do boo boo wheels? Hmmm? Perchance would that delight mother?" And then proceeded to do them while in a cat tunnel that is much too small for his big ass.
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makkie-is-screaming · 5 months
About 1 year since my ed relapse
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yuribalisms · 1 year
Okay aaaand someone stole my sandwich from the break room fridge I really am just gonna fucking lose it
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ceasarslegion · 2 years
Maybe instead of spending hundreds of dollars on therapy every other week i will simply write an assassin's creed fic where i project all my current insecurities and issues onto Altaïr and make him deal with them instead
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valkyrietookmoved · 2 years
This is... Without a doubt the year I'm doing the worst at academic wise....
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harkenizalone · 27 days
Ok, I’m immortal. I’ve fallen off so many cliffs that my adrenaline doesn’t even kick in anymore, I’ve accidentally ingested 5X the lethal dose of caffeine, I’ve accidentally drank bleach and wasn’t even nauseous (I said ‘2/10, wouldn’t try again’), Ive lost so much blood that I should’ve been at the ER but was just fine and cleaned it up, I’ve been hit by a semi truck (only like 25MPH tho, I still got knocked pretty far) and got up and was just really dizzy, etc.
I thought it was luck, but the lethal doses scratched that out. I thought it was plot armor, that was obviously out the window pretty quick. I thought it was one of the Eldritch deities I have the favor of (don’t ask, I’m not really sure how it happened either.) they didn’t do it. I was so confused… until I remembered
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pastelpolitoed · 2 months
Man the fucking worst is that there’s no one up at 5 am to help you with a panic attack, like… all the west coast friends are asleep too, there’s no one to like talk to when the thoughts tart racing a mile a minute
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kelasparmak · 2 years
breakdown cancelled, guy in [shop redacted] gave me a discount on my plants ‘just cause’ and then didn’t scan half my other shit either. i was like ‘oh you missed--’ and he goes ‘discount innit’. i think maybe he just hated his job but also possibly humans are good and long story short i’m not mentally ill any more.
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samara444 · 1 month
the 3d is 100% irrelevant. shadow? mirror? delay? FUCK THAT BRO it doesnt even exist! the onlyyy power it has is the one you give it.
you think you fell off? till now u were affirming and persisting but something horrible happened in your 3d and now everything sucks again? congratulations, it doesnt matter, cuz you still have it. you still have your desire.
you fucked up? you have doubts? you start looking at the 3d for validation? congratulations. doesnt matter. I still have what i want.
you felt negatively? you acknowledged the lack of ur desire? you thought whyy is it not here yet? congratulations. doesnt fucking matter at all. i already have it.
spiral. go ahead and cry and whine and have doubts and question if this is real or not. hate everything and feel like shit. doesnt matter baby, YOU STILLLL HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!!!
when we say the 3d doesnt matter. it truly doesnt. the only meaning the 3d has is the meaning we give it.
i felt like i fell off, the month changed and my 3d didnt so i started wondering where is it, why dont i have it, am i doing something wrong, then the intrusive thoughts follow “what if its not real” “omg am i just wasting my time” “what if i dont get it” “what will i do now” you know what i did? i gave myself the biggest smile and told myself….it doesnt matter sam, my love. you still have it. and i dooo. i still do.
you have to understand that this disgusting ass stinky crappy old 3d which is literally a graveyard, an absolute shitshow that does not have anything to do with us, its all the past, its all dead, so it doesnt matter how i react, when i know i have it in my god state, aka my imagination, aka the only true reality, aka the only reality that matters at all.
so you cann spiral. you can fuck up. my god you can have a mental fucking breakdown and ur 3d could turn into absolute shit and ur sp can hate u and ur dad could get cancer and a tsunami could come and world war 3 can start…IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER!!!! IT HAS NOOOO EFFECT AT ALLL.
take ur power back. literally announce that no matter what this old dead reality shows u, ur life could go to complete shit, trust me that doesn’t matter when fulfillment is present in your heart. ur only job is to have it. stop reacting. stop stop stop reacting and start having, thats where all your power lies and thats the way to pure fulfillment.
-love, samu <3
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ziracona · 2 years
They never explained the psychic connection in S1 so I’m calling Xavier and Tyler are secretly half brothers or blood brothers of some magic pact kind like I may not have a shred of evidence beyond they’re brunette and the connection wasn’t explained but I know Al and Miles from years of dedicated Smallville viewing and I know they can’t resist a secret family connection.
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Okay. So the new ep. I was so mad about this line from Stolas I can't lie: "I didn't realize you think so low of me"
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Oh really? What reasons have you given him to think highly of you Stolas? You:
A) Gave Blitz a choice between his career or having sex with you (Blitz's career also supports his daughter and the other IMP employees, their well being was on the line too). And to boot, this proposition took place while Blitz was in a high pressure scenario being hunted down by a crazy serial murderer human trying to kill him. Which Stolas was aware of and watching. He chose that moment to make his proposition and laud the grimoire over Blitz's head.
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B) Constantly make weird fetishy remarks about Blitz's species/race, calling him an impish little plaything and "itty bitty". Also while being weird towards other imps too, using your butler as a stress toy and calling Moxxie, Millie and other random imps "little ones" all the time.
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C) After the power imbalance of controlling his business was set up by you, you proceeded to constantly toy with Blitz despite how much he resisted and showed he clearly doesn't like it. You give him an annoying demeaning pet name he didn't ask for with the "Blitzie" shit. You make crude sexual remarks that make him uncomfortable and make them in front of others too, humiliating him in front of both strangers and people he is close to. You grab at his face condescendingly. You idly use him as an ash tray. You treat him with a completely disrespectful degrading demeanor and there is nothing he can do or say about it that will make you stop - in Loo Loo land when Blitz expresses that he does not want you to attempt to solicit sex that day from him you respond "You are so cute when you are serious" like its funny hes mad about that. All of this unwanted sexual attention is to the point Blitz has a panic button for when YOU specifically show up at his office like what else is there to say really.
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D) You also treat your daughter like shit. You chase Blitz instead of focusing on her even though shes clearly very mentally ill and struggling. You make weird sexual remarks about Blitz, the guy who you're cheating on your wife with which is causing chaotic familial breakdown in the home Octavia has to live in (and Octavia KNOWS its Blitz specifically that you're cheating with she is very aware). She is clearly constantly uncomfortable and yet you put her through that several times Stolas.
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Then you try to do the right thing and free Blitz. Good, great, a step in the right direction. But when hes so unused to you respecting him and thinks you must be lying you have a whiny little breakdown and storm off about it.
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BUT NO WONDER BLITZ THOUGHT IT WAS SOME KIND OF FUCKING JOKE AND THEN WAS LIKE WTF YOU STUPID FUCK. Look at everything you've done holy shit! I felt Blitz's "What the fuck" in my soul. What is with this shows attempts since S2 at a weird perversion of the truth. What is with this pathetic poor me I'm just a poor widdle victim! Act from Stolas. Its just so gross its disgusting.
Stolas was born with his wealth. He was born with immense wealth, connections, authority, and physical power. He never has had to comprehend making the kinds of choices Blitz has had to in order to make rent. And Stolas actively exploited Blitz's class. He actively exploited it along with Blitz's obligations to his employees and daughter, those he loves, to get sex out of him. And then when Blitz sees him for what he is he is a self victimizing baby over it. How slimy can you get?
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stormberry-12 · 1 year
the pogues/ESPECIALLY JJ would protect innocent!reader SO MUCH. like she could be the youngest or something and they would go back for her (for ex. when they had to leave jb in s3). anyways jj would so definitely say something like, “you’re like their little sister, but you’re MY girl.” yk
my woman ~ jj maybank x reader
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Ahh yes, I totally agree, and I LOVE the innocent!reader and JJ trope>>>
summary: in the ask! not from season 3 but a close concept. :)
pairing: jj x innocent!fem!reader
warnings: slight language, reader in danger, mega fluff.
notes: lowercase intended, this was made late at night and not rlly edited srry if its bad lmao, (jj requests open still)
you shifted around and felt the sun on your face as your eyes fluttered open. you were in the twinkie bumping along a winding road, clinging onto jj, who was sitting in his seat, like a koala. or as jay called it, "the front pack", it was like a piggyback but on his front because he always wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay.
you shifted your legs around his torso and lifted your head from the crook of his neck.
"hiya, cupcake," he whispered softly, taking one of his arms that was wrapped around you and moving it so he could brush strands of hair from out of your eyes. "good nap?"
you nodded, wiping the sleep from your eyes, and he smiled. you suddenly recalled how you had gotten here and relief washed over you.
you were running through alleyways on the cut, you felt betrayed. where had the pogues gone? they were there with you five seconds ago and now you were running away from those bloody square groupers alone.
over by the pogues, jj was having a mental breakdown, "where did she go man?"
"damn it!" john b exclaimed."pope, i thought she was behind you when we cut down this way!
"we have to go back for her-" jj houghed.
"i don't know jay..."
"no... no. we have to." he held his hat in one hand and ran the other through his hair in distress.
"he's right, we have to." pope agreed.
"come on man, we finally lost those guys and now you want to follow em?" john b sighed.
"jb you of all people should understand, she's like a little sister to you man! she's still only 16 and this kind of stuff scares the shit out of her, i can't do that to her guys-"
"john b we're going after her," kie pleaded.
"god! we're wasting time, i'm gonna go after her, even if i have to do it by myself!" jj ran off in your last seen direction. john b gave in and followed along with the rest of the pogues, they all knew jj was right, and their group wouldn't survive without you.
as you continued to run, blood pumping through your ears, you looked for the best spot to hide behind, trying to throw them off. you slid behind a large dumpster and listened as the sets of footsteps of the two men ran past you.
you waited a moment, calming your breathing before you moved from behind the bin. you jumped as the footsteps came back in your direction, but instead of those square groupers, it was jj and the pogues.
"y/n!" j sighed in relief scooping you up into his arms. "I'm so sorry, that will never happen again-"
you just stood there too exhausted to complain, your face buried in his chest. john b brought the twinkie around the corner and you all piled in, driving off into the night.
"you came back for me," you smiled at your boyfriend wrapping your arms around his neck, still facing him on his lap.
"of course," jj said. "you know you're like their little sister, we honestly would fall apart without you... and your my girl."
"your girl?" you giggled.
"my girl, my woman, my soulmate." he repeated smoothly pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes. "you sure you're okay?"
"yeah," you said, leaning into his touch, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "perfect,"
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tsukimefuku · 26 days
unwell ❖ nanami kento
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summary: you had a terrible day, but at least, you’ve got a helping hand.
cw: soft nanami x reader, implied past higuruma x reader, reader is having a mental breakdown but in a kind of funny way, hurt and comfort, a lot of fluff, i want this man to pat my hair dry as i have a meltdown and drink wine straight from a bottle.
wc: 1.1k
notes etc.: the inspo song is in the title, unwell (matchbox twenty). i will reuse this scene in another fic with another turn of events.
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist
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❖ hold me in your clarity ❖
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As Nanami closed the door while entering your apartment holding groceries, he heard the water in the bathroom being turned on. Figuring you must be taking a shower, he calmly went in the to leave the bags over the counter and began to make his way into the bedroom to see if you had left plates or anything of the sort. However, upon walking by the bathroom, Nanami realized the door was open, stepping back immediately.
You didn't fail to notice that out of your peripheral vision.
"It's okay, I'm fully clothed," you yelled through the thundering water, while you held your second bottle of wine of the night a little outside from the water's range.
"... What?"
You sighed.
"You can come in, Kento."
He stepped inside the bathroom to witness a rather… unexpected scene. You still had the usual clothes you wore for missions on, and was barefoot inside the shower, while holding a bottle of wine. 
"Did you know the first time I encountered Hiromi, he was fully clothed inside a bathtub?" you asked Nanami, while still looking straight ahead to the wall in front of you.
He seemed slightly worried under his collected expression.
"I didn't."
"Yeah…" you ensued, taking a gulp of wine, "he had a suit on. I mean, it seemed fun, but maybe it just looked that way because he was in a bathtub. Taking a shower with your clothes on is just… sad."
He knew you enough to realize something must've happened for you to be in that state, but wondered if this would be the best moment to probe at it. 
You gave him no options, though.
"Three people died on my mission today. And another yesterday. I… I just need one win, you know? To have at least one single thing in my life that isn’t buried in deep shit."
You were clearly in the middle of an astrological hell, getting thrown around like a penny inside a washing machine. Every little damn thing in your life was going wrong ever since Higuruma left Tokyo, and you were doing your best to keep your sanity as intact as it could be.
Even if it meant trying weird shit like this.
"I see," Nanami replied, not having much to say beyond that. He knew the hardships that came with this life, and thought that maybe having a little mental breakdown taking a shower fully clothed was one of the most harmless things you could do right now.
However, it was also cold, and you would for a fact catch a cold if you kept going.
He walked towards the shower, and you wondered what exactly he was about to do. Opening it, he turned off the water, while pulling the towel from its support.
"Hey!" you protested.
"Come, you need to dry yourself," he noted, offering a hand to help you out.
With a pout, you walked outside and sat on the sink, still mindlessly holding onto your bottle.
He enveloped you in the towel he had pulled, and grabbed another nearby to pat your hair as dry as possible.
"You should avoid leaving the bathroom right now, you're drenched," he said, no chide intended.
You scoffed.
"Yeah, perhaps."
"I can get some clothes for you to change, if you'd like."
Reluctantly, you nodded.
He acquiesced, and kept patting your hair dry.
"Nanami, how do you not go crazy with this fucking job? How are you so stable?" you inquired, taking another gulp of wine and looking at him, "I need some encouragement words."
He pondered for a moment before sighing.
"I don't have any. It's a hard and most times unrewarding work that needs to be done."
You grunted.
"Guess you're right. We just hold the string of sanity for dear life and hope it doesn't snap, right?"
He nodded softly.
"You could say that."
"What a nightmare," you replied, taking another sip, "I want to talk about something else, this is depressing me even further, let's chat."
Nanami sighed, yet again, now chiding, "you should get dry, eat something and rest."
"Oh, we can talk about anything, come on!" you encouraged, half in jest, "I'm a bottle and a half in, won't remember a thing tomorrow."
"That's even more of a reason for you to sleep. I'll leave some food for you in your fridge."
You were both silent for a little while until you began speaking again.
"Do you know what this is remembering me of? You patting my head down with a towel? That night."
"What night?" he asked.
"Our night, Kento. The one you so tenderly referred to as 'the events of' on the note you left me before leaving the next morning for a mission." 
You said tenderly in the mockiest voice he'd ever heard.
"... Oh."
Nanami's body had noticeably stiffened up, and you could swear he was slightly blushing.
"Yeah, not one of your greatest moments. I mean, the note. Not the night. The night was great. Amazing, really."
Nanami cleared his throat, feeling deeply embarrassed, to say the least.
"I apologize."
"No worries, I forgave you, remember?" you replied, chuckling softly. 'The events of last night', Jesus… "So… You already told me why you pushed me away, but did we have a shot at it?"
And he had told you how he was frightened of the losses the both of you could endure if you had in fact entered a relationship, how it reminded him of his past losses, past failures and the whole story.
But you never got to discuss the what if.
Nanami had a bated breath faltering as he opened his mouth to speak, and seemed to actually think out his answer carefully, before finally speaking up again.
"I believe so."
A deep sigh got pulled from your lungs as you put your wine bottle away.
"Yeah… me too. I loved you," you mumbled, defeated. The next part came inaudibly, and you weren't sure if you were actually saying it or thinking it.
Still do.
His hands seemed to stop patting you dry for the briefest moment before he continued to do so, completely silent. You were unsure if this had been your imagination, and if he had heard that or not.
A few moments later, he put the small towel on the sink by your side and stepped behind.
"I'll get you some clean clothes for you to change into."
"Okay," you mumbled.
As he was about to step out of the bathroom, you called out, "hey, Kento…"
"Thank you."
He smiled and bowed his head towards you, saying, "you're welcome," finally walking out of the bathroom.
Did I say it out loud? 
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saeist · 1 year
itoshi brothers reaction to their little sister wearing a different jersey and supporting someone else 😭
anon ur mind… should i make this into a series 😭 100 milestone special
can you imagine the reaction of both brothers when they see you lounging around the house with a jersey that’s not from their respective teams?
sae never misses the chance to give you a jersey from his matches. he always makes sures to get two of the same jerseys no matter what. sae would never admit this though. when he gives you his jerseys, he just tells you it’s an old one but it’s a lie. he has his own sitting in his luggage, gym bag, you name it, it’s there. he personally got one for you cause you were his sister after all
rin on the other hand is the same but he only gives you hand me downs such as the blue lock one. if rin grows out of a jersey, you bet that said jersey will end up in your hands
so just imagine the look on their faces when you’re lounging at the couch, wearing a jersey from a team they’re not even in on.
sae is visibly pissed. you can tell by the way his eyes are more narrowed than usual and has his infamous bitch face on that he only makes when there were press around him.
rin is not as pissed like sae but he’s just wondering who owns that jersey. he only gets mad when he tries to connect the dots or something and ended up assuming isagi or someone from blue lock gave it to you behind his back (he already had a talk with his blue lock mates that they should not breathe, touch, or be even in the vicinity as you when you’re around or they’re gonna get “it” from him)
both brothers sit at each side of you and you can tell the atmosphere in the living room has shifted. i mean, it’s not like you’re used to it at this point but, what gives bros?
sae scans you from the bottom to the top with a face you can’t quite pinpoint. was he mad? was he disgusted? what’s he thinking? you can’t tell. you turn your head to rin for some help but he had the same face on.
was there something on your face?
“if you guys are just gonna be breathing heavily next to me and not say a word then i’m just gonna leave” you raise a brow at your two (idiotic) brothers. to which they only reply with them clicking their tongues and some grumbles under their breaths.
sae was the first one to break the ice
“who’s jersey is that?” sae frowns. like a deep frown. was this mf really THAT petty over a jersey?
you looked down at the shirt you were wearing and it was from bastard münchen.
“oh, it’s bastard münchen merch. this is kaiser’s jersey if i’m not mistaken” you explain, even turning around to show sae the number on your back. when you return back to your original position, sae looked like you just dropped the biggest bomb on him and he didn’t like it one bit. he instantly gets all over your face, basically interrogating you on why you would waste the hard earned money he gave you to buy another jersey that isn’t from real madrid (hc that he gives you allowance 😋)
“why the fuck would you even buy from bastard münchen? is real madrid’s merchandise not enough? is the quality shit? hold on, i’m gonna have to tell the managers about this. just why y/n. WHY”
sae almost goes into a complete mental breakdown. over you wearing some team’s merch instead of his own team, real madrid
“and it had to be kaiser’s number too”
“what’s so bad with kaiser?”
sae doesn’t answer directly but continues to bitch about kaiser and bastard münchen specifically. mumbling about something you can’t quite understand
you look at your other brother, rin. just to like check if you two were looking at the same thing, sae literally pacing around the living room with his arms crossed and his hands rolled up into a fists but all you see is rin concentrating really hard that was outright sweating and you can see prominent veins on the sides of his head
“that damn isagi…” you hear rin murmur beside you. oh hell nah, not rin too.
“have you been talking to isagi? how do you even know about bastard münchen? does this mean you’ve been talking to isagi behind my back? why didn’t you buy pxg’s instead?”
another set of questions (more like interrogation) comes rolling in.
at this point you are already feeling like you’re going insane with your brothers acting like it was the end of the world.
“guys.. i literally watch blue lock tv. of course i fucking know about bastard münchen!” you curse
both brothers stop their idiocy and both turn to you with stern faces, together they go,
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