#this shit is duuumb
vagueiish · 4 months
ugh, i have a therapy tomorrow but i’ve always sucked at therapy. and it’s telehealth too…. but i get 8 free sessions per benefits year through work so. yay?
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teook · 1 year
cant sleep normally or at all bc according to my friend there was a "ghost" in MY room and weird shit has been happening these last 3 days so today she checked again and it was still there so she decided to get it out and after like half an hour she said she was done and it wont come back...still im traumatized from the other morning so 🫶🏽
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starvebuteat · 4 months
Ozempic suppress appetite, that shit is duuumb, why take a medical thing for people who need it when you can just look at yourself appetite suppressant right there:)
Nah I'm kidding but you could literally do everything disgusting to suppress your hunger, but you think you act cool cause you losing weight but just know you giving a skinny girl a feeling of superiority for doing ozempic
Starve on you own, be miserable,.iss such a vibe fr xD
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peridyke · 8 months
I've been having a kinda similar realization with my pathetic knowledge of geography like when I was younger I was like lol I don't know where shit issssss I'm so duuumb but I am becoming painfully aware that white americans not knowing shit about the placement of anything in the world is a very widespread problem and my lacking in that department has become much less charming
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texasbama · 2 years
I feel bad for Oliver because he played his part just fine and its not like he wrote the episode. I just hate when stuff like this happens because then it just derails the important conversations that actually need to happen and everyone just starts fighting.
Mhmmm. People are so bizarre. Again hopefully Oliver only felt crappy for a minute and shook that shit off. Even if I didn’t enjoy the episode as much as others, blaming Oliver? That is just duuumb.
The first rule of fandom is to keep shit within the fandom. As soon as people branch out and say outta pocket shit to the actors/crew you should have your fandom card revoked.
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okaybutvoltron · 6 years
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Clint Moments 3/ ∞
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mlle-abricot · 7 years
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me rn
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fagderolo · 5 years
me every Single time i have any sort of thought abt rick bc theyre all inevitably bad and bitter and guilty: Not to b an invalid kieren kinnie but my life (well. u know) got Better without you the second time eventually
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kibumkim · 5 years
I literally cannot with Starship. And just when I was getting into Monsta X too... fuckery
It’s dumb this shit is duuumb
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weedbong · 5 years
Oh Holy Shit this is all so Duuumb
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catsbrak · 6 years
Sorry to continue any JDG conversation, but I think at what, 14 is he? You should be able to recognise doing shitty things and hurting people? Like, Finn is totally unproblematic so why can’t Jack be? I don’t think he should be totally excused for his actions as if he doesn’t have a mind of his own
this is such a stupid thing to say. WhY cAnT jAcK bE mOrE lIkE fInN?! listen, you don’t have ANY authority or right to hold him responsible for his actions. you’re not his mother. you’re not related in any way, it’s not your fucking business! you’re sticking your nose in a fourteen year old child’s personal life.
and to be completely clear and honest, the supposed incident, as ive been told through multiple asks, happened when jack was twelve. you’re all damning him for something he did as a twelve year old??? “cheating”… as a twelve year old???????? that’s some duuumb shit! leave this child alone now thank you bye
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uxurper · 3 years
I've been in my head about some duuumb shit and im over it. Not to sound like a Virgin but love is literally not worth it!! Our stupid human brains will never understand the concept of time and responsibility. Everything around me is as useless and unreliable as an android battery. Who hurt me? Our lord and savior!
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shelb-brown · 7 years
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Teen Wolf Brain Dump 🚨SPOILERS🚨 Season 6 Episode 12 Why don't you go park in the woods and sleep? Duh EW SPIDER SHERIFF WAIT WHERE IS SHERIFF You dumb shit it's gonna bite you UGH THATS EVEN GROSSER OH SHIT HOLY FUCK I bet this is a dream YOU ALMOST KILLED SHERIFF JFC SCOTT Is he wearing a cheetah print shirt? Oh thank god, I just didn't want them going in his eyes Maybe he was kidnapped It's Allison You duuumb you're gonna get killed She's going to go after the wrong kid OH MY GOD DAMN shit got real This is fucked up Of course she's supposed to go to MIT LIKE DEAR GOD THIS IS SO MESSED UP WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FOLLOWING A BLOOD TRAIL ABORT ABORT ABORT I really love Lydia as a banshee, like that is one thing I really really love about Teen Wolf they did such a good job with her EW GERARD
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teazzle · 5 years
myyy duuumb chickenshit ass: *reading a book called the t e r r o r at night*
also my dumb chicken shit ass: this will be fine
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meowicee · 8 years
When toxic ex brings back the negative energy
Once again like title says.. My ex decides to wake up one morning or afternoon nap or whatever (I’m actually banking it on my name being brought up in an convo and you know how that shit goes). Moving on…
Any-E-Ways. Going into work I’m managing today (me and managing is like telling Beyoncé to sing back up vocals). So I just so happen to walk into the ticket office to check on my coworker (story of my life perfect timing). Sooo.. I skate up side by side with him. My coworker was already in middle of a convo with my ex’s gf (who at the time I didn’t recognize).
****Flashback Time**** Few months ago(?) …No last year fallish time. My ex is an Scorpio (triggered). So anyone that’s into astrology should know how petty/evil/ugly/etc a Scorpio can be when they “feel” (LOLMAO) justified. On her social media (Twitter) she would sub tweet me. Like it was ridiculously clearly about me.
Example A: She would do a question thread. Not just any thread. An relationship thread.
Q - when was your worst relationship?
A: last one
Q - how old were you in you broke up?
A - 18
Now.. That might mean nothing to y'all but let’s do some basic math here. We started dating like a good month after her 18th bday. And we broke up while she was 18. Now ALL she did was literally talk about one ex over and over. Anything I did that was just ‘awful’ she would cue up the “omg that’s what [insert ex] would dooo!” Then when asked to elaborate she would hit that Scorpio mute extra fast.
Then she would do only certain thread questions that she could easily just do the most with. Any-Fucking-Way.
Continuing on with flashback. I had eeeeeeenough of her sub tweeting me, people screenshot her shit sending it to me, and coming to work having people looking at me like “yiikes roflolmao”.
So I do what I do best.
I hit that hoe with 20 novels worth of a message to her iMessage (via my ipod. #TeamAndriod) about me wanting her to stop subbing me, how I’ll block her etc.. Nothing disrespectful. Or suspect at all.
This child leaves me on read. I go check my ipod some time later. Then see her basically talking shit. Moving forward. Her gf (which is her ex she always reference in an argument. Oooh trifling shit).
Hits my ipod up on some “I ain’t afraid to get my hands dirty” then takes to her Twitter talking about “I’m a child of God but might let the devil use me”
*cue eyeroll worthy of going viral on all Social media platforms*
****End Flashback****
Soooo… Home girl comes up talking about she’s her to pick up my ex’s skate.
So I was thinking she was buying skates picking her order up.
Sooo.. I’m gone for 20 minutes. Looking for skates for under my ex’s name. (LMAO)
I come back and then girl was saying stuff but talking extra soft low and shit. (But she was talking violence though loud af)
OH. That reminds me. Check this out. This hoe called up to my job that day asking about my schedule claiming she about to pull up. Oh okay. So why your tone of voice softer than that creepy pedo white guy off of the show Family Guy.
Alright… . Bet… .
So I go “oh”. Mind you I’m STILL not connecting the dots. I’m halfway back with her skates then it hits me who she is.
When I tell you my face was looking duuumb let me tell you loool. Dumb & Dumber, Family Guy, Sausage Party, South Park, Brikleberry looking ah.
Long story short.
My ex is a vampiric energy sucking childish petty jit, that acts big and bad that somehow tries to reenter my life in some shape or form. Sad part is she’s surrounded by people that won’t/don’t call her out on her BS. But that’s not my problem.
What annoys me most about this situation in general that she swears up and down that she’s “cleansed” of me.
Then why didn’t you keep me blocked on all social media to begin with, should of packed ALL your shit the first time.
First time you should of gotten all your shit when you put your 2 weeks in. Second when it was your last day. Third when you came back to “speak” to me. Fourth when you came asking for your W2. Fifth when you came to pick up your W2.
Out of “ A L L ” the people you know you could of asked to come pick up your skates? Nope got your gf to do it. You quick to go “do you wanna fight” so perfect time for you to 'stunt’ on me show me how 'happy’ you are.
But whatever. I’m irrelevant AF but the reactions I cause you to feel shows otherwise.. But.. That’s none of my business *sips cranberry juice*.
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xerospaced · 8 years
My bpd: *sings 'I wanna do some duuumb shit'
Me: (sighing) For fucks sake
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