#this should have been cory😭
sophfandoms53 · 11 months
It’s the fact that the legend that is Cirie isn’t even being taken out by some huge strategic move that was concocted to outplay her social game and rip the rug out from under her but instead she’s being taken out by two men who’s only game moves have been winning practically every competition since jury started with no real strategy behind them and Fucking Bowie Jane
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scionshtola · 3 months
it is 11:32pm. i am in bed. i am not going to stay up til 1:00am reading posts in r/summerhousebravo
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Going back to our roots here what’s your brutally honest opinion about lucaya and joshaya if you’re up for some throwbacks
this message physically aged me 45 years 😭
lucaya- like, it was obviously planned from the beginning, but here's the thing: their dynamic was tired as hell. you see it in every piece of media ever. they were BORING. also I just genuinely almost never liked lucas lmfao. there were a handful of lines throughout 3 seasons that got a laugh out of me- and it was always when he was playing the idiot or confused part, if they had just let him be the wannabe eric of the show it could have been amazing. as for maya, I definitely wasn't as attached to her as I was riley, she just kinda got on my nerves a bit, but Dear God Did She Deserve Better. the triangle was drawn out WAY too long. by the end of it both girls should have left lucas in the dust. we see the 'official' triangle plotline start on new years eve, and end in late september/early october. in no world should it have taken him that long, ESPECIALLY when he knew what a strain it was putting on the girls relationship. if he really cared he would have stepped back, like, literally, it is very very possible to have feelings for someone and not date them, oh my God. farkle had the girls fighting over him ONE time and was like 'hey no I love you guys too much to see you upset'. lucas friar you will always be hated<3
joshaya- I need to get this out of the way because I saw it so much: maya was not trying to date josh when she snuck into the college party. the college girls were not telling josh to date maya. one of josh's friends hits on maya and riley and maya said We Are In Eighth Grade. she's not delusional. the whole episode was how she wanted josh to stop ignoring her. there's subtext ladies!!! cory and topanga were practically raising maya since she was 5. even if it's not addressed too well on screen, you have to be aware that maya and josh have known each other practically their whole lives. considering how close josh is with cory, riley, and auggie, that tells us he saw the family on a regular basis growing up (he literally left his parents and took a train at like 4 in the morning just so cory could open his college letter with him). so josh and maya were likely good friends as children! what we see with his introduction to the show is he starts treating her more as a kid, as his niece's friend, and thinks her feelings are silly and she says No. I need you to take me seriously here. I don't want our friendship to change just because you're in college now. my feelings are not stupid and I want you to respect me. (also. side note. they never said josh's age in the show right?? because for him to start college when he did would make him older than he should have been based on the boy meets world timeline...like, I was kinda working under the assumption he skipped a grade or two in high school but everyone else was like Known Grown Man And Pedophile Josh Matthews Asked A Toddler To Go To The Movies As Friends lmfao). anyway. she asks him to respect her and he does!!! genuine shock and awe! lucas friar found dead in a ditch! lmao. their vague 'let's see how we feel in a few years' talk reminded me a lot of the cory/topanga yearbook quote scene, and they had great chemistry! it didn't feel like something I've seen a thousand times before. it's not like they promised to swear off dating and wait for her 18th birthday, she was basically dating zay by the end of the show. they just said 'we've known each other for a while, there's definitely something between us but this isn't the right time for us to explore it, so let's be friends like we used to' (see: what lucas should have done during the triangle). josh had a tiny bit of an edge to him, but with the dorky matthews heart, which tbh was exactly what maya wanted. I loved how maya acted around josh, it lead to some of her funniest and most open moments in the show. I loved how gentle josh was with her even when she was being annoying. I love a good childhood crush to actual lovers story! sue me! lmao I think if the show had gotten as many seasons as boy meets world they really could have been something special
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drwcn · 2 years
Also have you seen Everthing Everywhere All At Once?? It's very good 👍 and it made me cry. I also felt called out called out multiple times as it's themes dealt with immigrant families but the part were I was like okay this is where I draw the line , is when the grandpa called out his granddaughter on her chinese. I was like THATS THE THING IM SENSITIVE ABOUTđŸ˜ĄđŸ˜­đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜±!! (Bc I too struggle with communication w/ my grandparents in their native tongue and fear my language skills deteriorate even tho I'm assured that my Spanish is good.)
aint that the truth. i have not! i've been meaning too and i definitely should. it's just life is happening all at once. not only did I get residency, my partner also moved up in his career, and i'm thinking about moving to a very large canadian city (which incidentally is closer to home than i am now) with high cost of living to do residency training. and there are many licensure + insurance + housing things i have to sort out.
anyways, it's... been wild. and it's all happening.
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la-muerta · 3 years
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So... I got into a new hobby since c-ent is on fucking fire, here’s my new aquarium! The last time I had a fish tank I was just a little kid, so it’s been an interesting learning experience. I got the tank and most of the critters secondhand from someone who wasn’t able to keep them anymore, with almost zero knowledge especially since I only knew what fish I was getting on the day I got them. And man I was not prepared for what I was getting into LOL. 
I kind of figured the tank was overstocked from the get-go. General guide is one inch of fish to one gallon of water, so a 4-gallon like this one should only have had four small fish, maybe a couple of shrimp and a small snail. I received:
1. one dwarf short-bodied pearl gourami (about 2″ long) 2. two sunburst-orange GloTetras (white skirt tetras genetically modified to look like someone coloured them with highlighter pens) 3. what I was told was going to be three neon tetras (only one was actually a neon tetra, the other two were cardinal tetras 🙃) 4. four pygmy corydoras catfish 5. two kuhli loaches 6. two amano shrimp 7. one red onion nerite snail
Not only should all these critters have been in at least a 10-gallon tank, they are almost all schooling fish and would have done better in a wide tank instead of a tall tank, in groups of at least six of their own kind. The GloTetras in particular like to dart around and need a lot of space, probably a 20-gallon just for them alone. The one fish that was fine solitary was the gourami... which is a labyrinth fish from the Osphronemidae family, i.e. like a betta a.k.a. Siamese fighting fish and should have been in a 5-gallon on its own.
Needless to say... the fish were not in a great state. They came to me all squashed in a half-gallon tupperware container and the GloTetras had swim bladder problems and couldn’t stay upright. The gourami was stressed so it became aggressive and a fucking asshole. I had two baby neon tetras of my own and one cherry shrimp, and it chased the baby fish around the tank until they died of exhaustion, then pecked at the shrimp and eventually killed and ate it. The gourami kept chasing the GloTetras and nipping their fins so I separated them into an emergency old tank temporarily but it was way too small and they got stuck in the java fern I put in there and died too. 
I made mistakes of my own too. I didn’t know that the corys and loaches needed a sand substrate – I bought rounded gravel, and I don’t know if that’s why most of the corys died (or if it was because the tank wasn’t cycled properly because I’m new to this). One of the loaches got wounded and the meds the fish shop recommended to me turned out to be fatal for loaches 😭. 
And I made some bad purchases. I was recommended a little golden fish to replace the corys that I mistook for a bristlenose pleco, which stays small, and when I asked the guy who owned the fish shop what type of fish it was, he told meÂ â€œćƒè—»ç±»çš„ć’Żâ€ (it eats algae) 🙃 It turned out to be a golden chinese algae eater (so he was sort of right but only because the name of this fish is so straight-forward lol) and it grows to about 30cm. Uhh. That’s longer than my tank. Also, it will eat the scales off sleeping fish when it gets bigger 🙃 but “luckily” the gourami killed it on the second day 🙃 When I told him I wanted a small snail for my half-gallon (intended to be a shrimp tank), this same guy sold me a snail that was 1cm diameter when I bought it, but one month later is approaching the size of a tennis ball 🙃 
(It’s an apple snail and it’s eaten all my plants, and I tried five different things until I finally found three plants it’s not super keen on. I’ve named it 牛魔王, Bull Demon King, because in Chinese, snail is 蜗牛. Maybe “mischievous” isn’t the first word you’d think of to describe a snail, but this one parkours from plant to plant, climbs up as high as it can go and dive-bombs the tetras, and is so fascinated with my one remaining cory that it will chase it all over the tank until the cory gives up and lets it stroke it gently with its tentacles. I can imagine it going “HELLO SMALL FRIEND” as it terrorises the poor cory lol.)
Well, on the bright side, since so many fish died, the tank is no longer overstocked. The gourami wounded its head trying to squeeze into a small safe space I made for the surviving tetras and the wound got infected, so I quarantined it to medicate it. Luckily, it’s the only fish I have that can actually take the medicine (I think it’s malachite green – the problem with asian-brand meds is there are no ingredients listed on the bottle). I think I’m keeping it separate even after it gets better. 
The bad news is, my partner was trying to be helpful and threw away my old filter sponge – and with it, the beneficial nitrifying bacteria that I have been cultivating for three months 🙃 So I have to cycle the tank from scratch again. Sigh. I hope I manage to keep all the fish alive this time.
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babsaros · 3 years
Ok I realised very quickly how curious I am once I started picking prompts and couldn't stop, so please only answer as many of these as you wanna :')
Dandelion - Crying, Anger, Family, Pancake, milky way, ribbon, crayon, shooting star, green heart, broken heart
Idk that much about Cory, or any of the others I think. But I'd like to ^-^ I'm gonna randomly assign some spicy ones
Coriander - volcano, gun
Rafe - mouse trap
Herat - lying
Merrill - crown
Denny - sparkle
RATORB - comet
I ended up just doing the dany and cory questions bc this got very long and i don’t want to post it any later than i already am bc i took a 12 hour nap in the middle but !!! ty for asking my sweet friend!
original list of questions here!
For Dandelion:
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? Dany hates showing weakness and will hold back the tears as hard as they can. Usually it’s their own frustration at something that makes them break. I remember there being a few scenes over the course of the game where they just hit a limit and shut down, because otherwise they were going to start crying or do something equally embarrassing. I think they would cry if someone did something super nice unexpectedly for them though c:
💱 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? I wasn’t sure if this was meant to be like specifically angry habits or just habits in general sooo: I can see them stimming by pacing and tapping or randomly drumming on things, especially when they’re trying to think, and especially while driving. Playing the same song for hours, obviously. They also take super long showers and hate baths. When they’re angry, they get really quiet and tunnel-visioned and you’ve kinda just gotta wait out the shutdown because there’s no distracting them or getting them to talk before their brain has been able to process it, which could definitely be difficult to get used to.
đŸ‘Ș FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Dany actually does have 2 siblings! I don’t have really anything about them fleshed out bc it's a pretty estranged relationship at the point they were at in the campaign though, mostly because of their parents being homophobic/transphobic dingdongs. I think Dany is the middle kid though? With like a much older brother and a slightly younger brother or smth
đŸ„ž PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? Mm I think most days Dany would usually go for smth simple like shitty frozen breakfast pizza lmao, but i think their fav kind of breakfast food would be bear claws, the kind filled with pecans, or some kind of really fancy eggs-and-salsa dish Okay okay confession time. You know the infamous hook-up arc? My first idea for the morning after was still for Dany to wake up first, but instead of freaking out and ghosting, they would have made Erica breakfast in bed NO I'M NOT SORRY I LOVE DRAMA OKAY
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I think we decided on colors, monsters and power sources as a group, so i had that as the basis when I first designed Dany but I feel like I didn’t do anything particularly interesting with their base design and I’ve been wanting to change it up a little, mostly inspired by characters like Abby (tlou2) and Vi (arcane) to at least bulk up their frame a lot more. Like this is somebody who’s been very foolishly throwing punches since elementary school and works out because they’re the informal bouncer at their bar, but I didn’t decide that early on so Dany kinda ended up shrimpy :p plus i might change up the hair or give them more tats or something! I do love Martyr’s design though!! I love their little stone jaw tufts, i looked at a lotta gargoyle reference photos bc of those lol. Also i tend to put a little of myself and my own experiences into all my characters (this should be exceedingly embarrassingly obvious by now), so i base a lot of Dany’s experiences with adhd and rsd off my own! And I tried to work themes of trust and doubt through all their decisions.
🎀 RIBBON - how would they fit into other worlds / aus? what aus would you like to try out? what fictional world would they fit / not fit into? Wellll, we’ve already talked about how well a knight/fantasy AU would work for them :3c I’ve also had the band AU banging around in my head since forever (they would just be so perfect as a drummer/lyricist) hmmm. In a TMA au, they could be an avatar of the Desolation or The Lonely. A cyberpunk au could be very cool (esp interpreting the magical guardian powers more as some kind of cybernetic virus or smth?)
 I’m always a sucker for fake-dating tropes or softly-angsty soulmate aus too!!
đŸ–ïž CRAYON - what advice would you give to them?
At their core, Dany is just like. Way too determined. Like oh my god. Have less grit kid, can’t you see you’re pushing yourself way harder than you have to? You are 100% doing your best and no one would doubt that of you and you can afford to cut yourself some slack. Stop internalizing the shitty things you’ve ever been made to think about yourself. In the game, Dany was definitely at a point of burn-out in most aspects of life, and i would have loved to see them reach a point where they realize “wait okay this is stupid i’m not doing this anymore i’m not destroying myself about any of this anymore” and just realized that their perception of everything had been distorted the whole time. And for the love of everything, literally just sit down with Erica and really listen to her!
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? Probably like. Wish for a nicer car. Not like a super fancy one or anything. Maybe just one that actually has an aux plug or smth. Or wish for a better memory or smth. I don’t think they would wish to really change anything major about their life, esp not the magical guardian stuff, because even though it was an uncomfortable transition they really leaned into the role hard and felt good in it sometimes. Especially whenever they were being called a Hero of Trust ;)
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Dany would be SO big on check-ins and little reminders that their partner cares, like words of affirmation do a ton to combat rsd, especially unprompted??? Mmm they would melt. And hugs! I think once they got really comfortable, they would be soo clingy and touchy lmao.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
This isn’t *really* answering the question, but along with tweaking their appearance, i’ve actually been thinking a bit about adding a bit to their backstory, inspired by a few songs... I’ve always thought of Dany as someone who could definitely actually be good at flirting, even though that didn’t come about really in play, and has had a few one-night stands in the past. I’ve *also* always had the idea that this is something that kinda fucks them up, making them worry they’re only worth affection when they have something to offer the other person! I’d like to give Dany someone they’ve got a sorta nasty history with, that reminds them to feel that shitty way about themself. For the drama!
And For Cory:
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
Cory is very quick to get angry, but has basically learned to smother it out of necessity. if you just went around murdering every single person that even slightly pissed you off, you would draw some very unwanted attention in Agoron (the shitty cyberpunk cowboy city she's from) Just assume that at any moment she's this close to deciding "to hell with the consequences" and pulling out her gun. When she finally reaches that point, it usually culminates in an explosion of extreme violence directed at whoever set her off (and if she can't get to that person, she'll take it out on whoever's closest to them) She’s basically lived the past few years in a constant slow-burn of anger at everyone around her, especially anybody that looks at Ara funny. She’s a little overprotective of Ara, who is decidedly the more world-experienced of the two lmao (also just realised i don't think i've ever posted this commission i got from @ quibbs (@ quibbed on twitter) of Cory and Ara, so i'll do a cheeky little paste)
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đŸ”« PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
Cory trusts uhhhhh literally no one! not that many of the people she knows are very trustworthy anyway. She has a few... tenuous allies in Agoron, but she probably thinks of them all more as assets. This includes Lee Hines (a black market gundealer of questionable quality) Ruthie and Cassidy Kane (siblings who run a saloon and have very different opinions of Cory) and Grif (a kenku messenger/assassin for hire who has a not-so-friendly rivalry with Cory).
Ara is the only person she's ever been close to really trusting and feeling like they were on the same side (as opposed to the dog-eat-dog worldview Cory holds), even though it came with so much risk, but that kinda all blew up when Ara disappeared and now Cory just doesn't know what to think. She craves finding Ara, but she can't tell if that's because they have genuine feelings for each other or because she needs to make Ara pay for betraying Cory's trust. And Cory has always been on the lookout for a way to safely betray her crimelord boss, Atticus, who definitely deserves to be betrayed and he knows it.
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sophfandoms53 · 10 months
Okay time to get sappy a week after the finale LMAOO
As always, The Tag is my favorite part of the season and if we get good feeds along with it? A feast. And a majority of this season was like that, and I shall highlight some of my favorite memories from throughout the season and the tag that I will always be thinking about in years to come
- This is the funniest one for me, but us being locked out of the tag during reilly’s eviction and how we discovered that just minutes before the episode started, but that didn’t stop us from live blogging anyway LMAOO.
- And then they had the AUDACITY to announce the pressure cooker was finally coming back the following week and we couldn’t even properly celebrate together so we were all just screaming into the void😭 (or the nether region lol)
- That random vegan person who dropped the season bc Felicia asked for real butter lmao??
- Omg that chipmunk account we all thought was ohthecleverness and y’all called it the squeakuel and i think this person vanished from the tag
- It was magic to watch that in real time with each other. The shock we were in that the hgs broke an hour and then come to find out they almost broke the original record by mere MINUTES.
- The panic every time someone we liked dropped. The collective “CORY NO”’s live rent free to me.
- Us STRESSING so badly when Cameron wouldn’t let go and then America threw it to him😭 truly was magic tho
- Watching Cory go from someone the tag tolerated to being the IT boy of the season and the tag, iconic, that speech and debate boy had those hgs clawing walls
- Cory shutting down any misogynistic or problematic comment from anyone (the 21 turned 22 year old being the most responsible person this season should be studied)
- Corswhores that’s it LMAOO
- Cory suffering from the second juror curse
- America truly being one of us
- Cirie a queen to watch live
-omg that time Cirie said “I ain’t never played with people this stupid before.” SHE WAS AHEAD OF HER TIME
-Izzy deserved sm better from the edit, you could not escape this girl on the feeds
-The episode edits sucking for a vast majority of the season and for the houseguests (i swear i’ve never seen a season’s edit and its feeds be completely different from each other before how tf did that happen)
- Our collective hatred for the multiverse twist
- Everything about Felicia really, the FBJ remix, her and Mr B (smooches), even tho she was pawned all summer watching her game was so fun
- Us being split just like the house during the Izzy flip (we managed to stay more civil than twitter ever did, as we should)
- Two hours of Jared forcing everyone to go in circles, Cory reaching his limit, Jag coming in, Cirie coming in, Bowie just sitting there
-“Who the fuck is for real for real???”
- This exchange kills me everytime idk why
Cory: You also told me seven deadly sins was fake.
Jared: Who THE FUCK told you that???
Cory: YOU DID.
Jared: You wanna know why I told you that?
- Jared’s “YOU must’ve misunderstood.” about Matt, and then Cory’s immediate “WHOA, WHOA, NO.” Lives rent free
- “Jared, you have been yelling for forty minutes.”
- That gif of Cirie face palming as she listened to her son completely obliterate their games
- Cory’s face palm image
- This happening on a hot dog bed
- Mecole, America, and Blue all getting ready downstairs while this was transpiring upstairs LMAO
- I can literally quote and go on about this fight for hours, and im so mad i cant go back and watch the unedited version anymore (UPDATE SOMEONE UPLOADED IT ON YOUTUBE LETS GO)
- Y’all remember that assignment i did about this fight? Not only did i get a perfect score but i also got a bonus point and my prof wrote a note that i was so descriptive he wanted to watch LMAO
- The post season being less chaotic than the actual season is such a funny ending
-everyone joining cameo???
- And lastly, How did your game change for, I’m gonna say the better, when you joined the Mafia with Matt and I :D
Alright all of that highlighted, despite the chaos and the exhaustion of this 100 day season (BB gods never do this to us again oh my god) it’s been such a pleasure to open up the tag and read my morning newspaper the last three months LMAOO.
This has been the most active I’ve been in the tag thus far and with a season this all over place, it was a trip. But, truthfully, I’d do it again. You guys always make all the nonsense worth it because despite the different sides we’ve been on all season, we know this show is a train wreck and that our real enemy is always production 😭
Thank you guys again for such a lovely community these past few months, and we shall be back in few weeks tragically đŸ„ČđŸ«ĄđŸ’™
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
I agree I wish people could view things with more neutrality because it would greatly improve the type of gameplay that we see but It feels sometimes like the fandom has these unrealistic borderline double standard expectations for how houseguests should act. There is so much negativity and hate around things like players getting frustrated if someone is making a move that will negatively impact them, or crying when someone they like gets voted out, or venting and shit talking other houseguests who are getting on their nerves. There is anger if players make up lies about their faves but also anger if people in the house get mad about people lying because lying is part of the game. I could go on but I won’t bore you any further lol. but the fandom who isn’t even competing couldn’t stop doing any of those things if their life depended on it so it’s like why then do those same people insist that the ones actually playing the high stress game for a life changing amount of money should are bad and wrong and silly for being emotional when things aren’t going their way.
Omg im so sorry for responding late to this 😭
I am answering this now bc i still think its kinda relevant especially when it comes to how people talk about Cirie or Cory’s game recently.
You can’t appreciate or criticize how either of them play without someone trying to bash them or misinterpreting how they’re playing for the sake of wanting to feel valid for disliking them.
I really like Cirie and Cory as players and people but I’m not gonna act like they’re flawless in every way or that their strategies don’t have issues. They for sure do, Cory’s been cracking a lot recently especially with Jared treating him the way he has. And Cirie and Izzy spiral every hour and change plans constantly, its a disaster in there LMAO
But they’re also just trying to play the game and their moves don’t need to be over analyzed with some deeper motivation behind it bc they’re going after someone or they aren’t working with someone you personally favor.
Full disclosure though, you’re allowed to dislike any houseguest for any reason. It doesn’t have to be this essay of reasons or you searching for evidence so you feel valid about it. That’s kinda the problem with ppl here and on twitter, they wanna feel validated for not vibing with a houseguest so they constantly misinterpret things that arent that big a deal and want ppl to agree with them. And its kinda not necessary imo.
I think we’re just so used to disliking a majority of the hgs that people don’t know what to do with a cast that’s messy all around as people and players but are overall decent (cameron, red, and jared suck tho lemme be clear they are not part of what im talking about), so some people wanna just hate so they reach to the most extremes because that’s what we’ve come to expect. But humans don’t work in such a good or bad way, and i think this season is a reminder that people are messy and complex but aren’t bad.
It’s hard for players to truly play BB and it’s hard as a viewer to talk about gameplay bc of this “this or that” lense ppl watch the game through.
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scionshtola · 9 months
holly 5, ivy 3, mistletoe 5 for cori and mirren?
ty nero!! 💕 under a cut for length!
holly 5: Does your OC believe that they were historically let down by those who should have protected them? If so then what has been the impact of this upon them? If not then have they always been kept safe by others? Has anyone ever sacrificed themselves to protect them?
Cori: Sort of. Growing up, Cori and their mom were kind of ostracized in their community, but Cori's fortunate in that their mom shielded them from it as much as she could. Looking back I think Cori knows that there were adults and others who should have treated them and their mom better. So now they are determined not to make or let anyone feel that way--they are sort of inherently kind already, but even when they don't feel like being kind, they fall back on it for this reason. And of course, in a more tangible way, many of their friends have sacrificed themselves for them 😭
Mirren: She definitely feels like her parents let her down, and did not protect her when they should have. Instead of protecting her, they treated her like they were ashamed and tried to keep her magianis status a secret, until they sold her to the Wayfarers. (If you ask Maris (Mir's mom) she was protecting her by doing this but...it was certainly not her main motivation.) Mirren has a distrust of others as a result, especially those who have magic, and it's very difficult for her to trust anyone new.
ivy 3: Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC? What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time?
I don't think this has happened to either of them 😂
Cori: I think if someone was going to offer to leave their spouse they would want to do it for someone who seemed aware of their feelings, which Cori absolutely never is until the last second. They'd have to tell her the offer first to even know if she returned their feelings, and I don't think anyone would risk that 😂 especially since the only people Cori has ever had feelings for were single!
Mirren: Mir likes to flirt with people to keep them on her side, but in reality she's very difficult to get close to and never pursues a relationship on her own. If she thought someone was even trying to pursue her she'd be out of there, let alone someone who is married or in a committed relationship
mistletoe 5: Who is your OCs most unlikely friend? What made their friendship so unexpected?
Cori: answered here!
Mirren: Tbh I think all of Mir's friends outside Aeran are unlikely, at least to her lol, because she doesn't really like to make real friends. I feel like Clio, the tavern keep in Vestra she became friends with and had feelings for, definitely surprised her with how close they got. She was not looking for that at all, but they just sort of grew together as Mir spent more time there. Also I like to hope that she and Veyer can become unlikely friends--they do get along so far...it just sort of depends on what happens next because she'll always choose Aeran over everyone else.
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