#this show has me going crazyyyyy
edenfire · 1 year
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more like bi king💗💜💙
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sunshinemoonrx · 9 days
top 5 toku yuri?
I had to search my soul for this one I hope you know. You can tell my 80s sci-fi bias because Luka/Ahim didn't even make it and they're cutest married forever. Answers under the cut!
5. Annie/High Priestess Poe [/the Gals]
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Okay I'm aware Annie and Poe's thing kind of only exists for one episode but it drives me CRAZYYYYY thinking about it. Not only is there a transgender sorceress but she's got a yuri moment with the heroine AND the show implicitly clarified this isn't just because she's "actually a man" (a stance this 40 year old show shockingly never takes!) by also having one of the other lady villains form her own fixation on her later and invite her to a murder-date...all these hot dangerous women obsessed with her...passing her around[delusional
Idk there's just something about Annie. She's the perfect adventurous potential damsel in distress (sapphic). Every time the Gals all grab her at once my brain lights the fuck up. Sorry girl my problematic trait is I'm rooting for you to get captured every episode.
4. Rei (DynaPink)/Princess Chimera
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What if we were GIRLS and we were RIVALS and we were obsessed with tracking each other down for various kinds of 1 on 1 duel and wearing each others' clothes and stripping each other and
3. Ruriko/Hiromi (Hachi-Aug)
I've rambled about how UNBELIEVABLY hot Shin!Ruriko is to me (demanding cold-affect cyborg in shiny leather? For me?) but she also has a samurai dominatrix evil ex-girlfriend who's got a light-up multilayered monster suit and an obsession with breaking her down to make her cry? For MEEEEEE???
2. Bioman (collectively)
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I'm back in my delusion mode but this is the most wlw sentai, to me. Jun is girlfriends with Hikaru who was girlfriends with Mika (I have a whole essay on the contrast between these two relationships!) who was Rivals with Farah Cat who is Farah's S&M pet and- (I'm right is the thing) Somersaults are an expression of love. To me
1. Helen/Diana
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GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!! Star-crossed lovers ... Diana's growing obsession as she gradually shifts from "I have to help my bestie reunite with his sister" to "wait his sister is kinda hot" to "IF I DON'T GET TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HELEN I AM GOING TO EXPLODE". (when she's not getting distracted by other ladies my best girl is just chaotic OK) Fleeting meetings. Unwilling fights. Huge emotionally explosive reunion. Then they're bike sharing and clinging to each other and fighting for their future together and--so this might be my favourite TV show in the world.
Gifset I made:
Anyway honourable mention to the time in the Ex-Aid movies when a hot lady doctor put a collar on Poppy and made her be her maid and her imaginary bride and tied her to a chair and force-fed her cherries because I am ALWAYS thinking about it
...okay so it turns out what I focus on is half the time weird possessive power play over heartwarming love stories. Tee hee!
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cody-paranatural · 10 months
Ok, so not like it wasn't already clear why Cody was pissed at Hijack, but I just realised the whole "gaining control over Jeff's body without his consent to hurt somebody as a misguided way to help Jeff but really to fulfill Hijack's plan" must have hit reaaally close to home. You see, there is this psychological phenomenon called projecten-
And you are so right!!!!!! Like obviously, Cody would’ve gotten mad about Hijack targeting his best friend no matter what his ability was, but the fact that he literally took control over his body and forced him to do things he never would’ve done on his own definitely hit close to home. I thought there was no way his dad’s ability to literally take away his free will didn’t mess with Cody’s head since I’ve first read his and Davy’s chapter 5 argument, but these last 3 updates really showed the extent of his father’s abuse on his psyche and I personally have been LOVING going back and rereading Cody’s previous appearances with all of this new context in mind. And like even without the fact that Cody literally can’t disobey his father’s commands, Cody is very much someone who has never been allowed to show any kind of individuality. There are so many little ways in which Davy takes away Cody’s autonomy and disregards his personhood.
It drives me crazyyyyy. Davy in general is the kind of person who is far too egotistical and self-absorbed to ever really think about people beyond the role he assigned them to, all he sees is how they relate to him. And no one knows that better than Cody! Because there is no one Davy desires to control more than Cody. Remember chapter 8 page 1? The one thing that finally made Davy’s mask slip, the one thing that actually got to him was Max saying that Cody is nothing like him. Davy was pissed that someone dared to imply that Cody was anything but his miniature copy. Cody is literally not allowed to have any privacy, to have anything beyond what his father wants for him. He can’t even get out of the house on his own (and hearing him say he has guards was soooo vindicating I knew i had a good reason to pay so much attention to “something about strict orders not to mention it to Davy’s son when on protective detail” from chapter 7 page 62), he’s not allowed to carry his own money, he literally owns a copy of Davy’s signature gray pinstripe suit, hell even his hair looks So Much like his dad’s (ESPECIALLY when he was younger) there’s no way that isn’t a dad approved haircut. He doesn’t even have any privacy in his own body because his dad can literally feel his heartbeat (and the fact that’s not something Cody himself can’t do, that this happened when Cody was so young he doesn’t even remember ever feeling it is so. Oh Davy Jones there is a special place in hell with your name on it).
 His room doesn’t even have a window. And I know this is the vampire house, but the fact that we learned this information in the same sentence where his room was described as having “no single such escape route” and now with the added context that he wants to run away from home is making this information very upsetting to me. So yeah, Hijack’s power is definitely a sore spot for Cody and it’s why I’m so happy we finally got to see these two (or well. three) interact!!!! And it’s everything I ever wanted and so much more. And I looooove that despise this mostly friendly demeanor Cody made it very clear that he’s still mad about what happened with Jeff and that he very much does not consider Hijack to be his friend (“So thanks for not being one, I guess!”). And that the one time Cody came off as genuinely threatening and malicious was when Right Hijack refused to leave (the right side of) his body (I have soooo many thoughts about that scene btw. And about Cody’s overall opinion of himself and his morality I have thought about this often and elaborately).
But even then, Cody did seem to be more outwardly angry about Hijack doing this to Jeff then him. Cody is on some level used to this. He doesn’t accept it, he’s not resigned to his fate as evidenced by him wanting to run away from home but this has been his life for the past 12 years, but it probably hurt so much to see someone he loves going through something he’s so familiar with. Especially when you consider that Cody, much like Davy (though obviously not to such an unhealthy degree), is very protective of the people he cares about and seems to have a strong desire to be in control (possibly stemming from the complete lack of control he has over his own life?). Sorry, I know I’ve been rambling but I love talking about pnat and especially Cody <3
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kimberlyannharts · 8 months
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LAST TIME ON POWER RANGERS: Ranger Slayer got herself captured by Dark Specter's forces while saving Drakkon's ass. BUT Drakkon makes up for it by saving HER ass from Dark Specter's corruption. BUT, he died in the process. So that means Slayer now has to save everyone's ass. Again. Seriously, this is like the third event where Slayer has to save everyone.
it's Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters!
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= so Drakkon and Slayer training together is canon, okay cool, book over, I got what I need
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= But moving on from that these panels specifically make me crazyyyyy because what do you mean Tommy and Kim together means "happy ending"? What do you mean referring to Kim as Tommy's guardian angel? What do you MEAN redrawing Drakkon's death scene as more intimate than it was in 116????????
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= So something cool about these energy beasts - they're all tied to ranger powers! A yellow bear, a red lion and ape, a gold praying mantis, a white rhino, and an orange scorpion. Sure, the latter wasn't TECHNICALLY a ranger power, just a zord, but there's a point to the "the PR universe did have Kyurangers at some point" theorists
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= I just like this panel because it's silly. she's got the zoomies
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= Slayer continuing to win the idgaf war against literal deities
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= and then they founded an animation studio that gave us the Minions. so unfortunately they gotta go
= but in seriousness, I guess this is how we're going to rationalize how the MMs were portrayed in Beyond the Grid versus how they were portrayed in Power Rangers Universe - the BtG guys were a couple specific higher-power ones. It's fine, I guess. I'm still not a fan of the idea of an entire civilization just calling themselves Morphin Masters, though. Just make.....THESE GUYS the Morphin Masters. Why are they ALL the Morphin Masters??????? Now we have to establish a SUB-SECTION of the Morphin Masters!!!!!!!!!
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= Slayer holding Drakkon and his death in high regard like this.......god. god.
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= oh hi Blue really cool to see you again hope you don't die in the next few pages
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= oh well never mind. Guess we're never going to find out why they came back to life, which was their reason for going into the Grid in the first place, huh
= I do like how we're going back to referring to Blue with they/them pronouns. I guess in hindsight we really were just misgendering them for years. awesome
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= I'm glad we're fully acknowledging all the shit Slayer has gone through but I will admit my immediate reaction to the "it was fire" line was "she would not fucking say that". Maybe as a teen, sure. But NOW?
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Pink: follow me to the orifice
Slayer: .....the ORIFICE?
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= oh hey guys, how have you been since you got retconned into existence and therefore have accomplished nothing in the main series
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= I know this is supposed to be a whole thing of "ohhhh these guys think they're free but they're still being controlled yada yada" but at the same time as someone who hated the Emissary retcon and wishes that we could have gotten more from the characters as they were before........them being angry over losing what they had is very very good and I wish it wasn't done through "evil corruption magic." It was good with corrupted Slayer because they dedicated an entire issue to it and FREED HER at the end, allowing more time and space for development; here it's just a quick fight scene and in the case of Blue, followed up with death. And slight spoilers here, even if they don't die here, the way the Emissaries have been dropping like flies doesn't give me much hope for their survival if they show up in the main series
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= I wonder if this is a reference to how in an early draft for the Ranger Slayer one-shot, the Bow of Darkness was going to be broken in half by Zombie Rita and Slayer would have used it as dual swords. Either way it's fucking cool
= also while the inclusion of Dino Thunder as one of Pink's forms is a simple mistake, it takes me back to those old DT AU fics where Kim became DT Pink. They're canon now guys, no takebacks!
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= So turns out the "Illumination" are just a bunch of senile grandpas. Yeah, that's.............the big revelation for where the Morphin Masters have been. ok
= Now let me just say for this story, the Morphin Masters being useless is a fine decision, for the same reason why the Morphin Masters were useless in Dino/Cosmic Fury - you can't have these overpowered god figures show up and fix everything with a wave of their hand. This applies to every story ever - the god-like figure is captured, or dead, or simply doesn't care enough to interfere. It's a very basic and logical choice for a narrative in order for our actual grounded protagonists to be the heroes.
HOWEVER. It's another instance of Boom hyping up these kinds of storylines as groundbreaking revelations of PR's mythos for years just for the actual reveal to be kind of a letdown. Phantom Ranger's identity. Dark Specter being a major villain. The Squadron Rangers. And now the Morphin Masters' current status. All hyped-up concepts that either get rushed or end up secondary to other concepts, and in the end, don't feel like they matter. It's getting to be a bit tiresome, and I'm saying that as someone who doesn't hold PR lore high on her list of reasons I enjoy the franchise in the first place. And it doesn't help here that, as I've said before, it just feels more like a way to stretch out this event to fill its year-long timeframe. By the end of this book, nothing was accomplished except two more Emissaries are dead (not that they did anything before this) and I guess Green and Black will eventually join the fight, so what was the point of it all. Slayer never really believed the Morphin Masters would help them anyway, so it's not like she changed by the end either - Pink was the only one who really developed as a character, and, well......
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= Pink quick eat an imaginary Snickers you're not you when you're hungry
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= this is the third person Slayer has killed in two books. she's so good at her job
= also you may have noticed that we've killed two Emissaries and they're not turning to stone nor having a giant spider boi burst out of their bodies. It's soooooooooooo cool how that entire story arc meant nothing in the long run
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= ugh yes queen swear off religion just like that
= also at this point Drakkon has wielded the power of a Morphin Master and Slayer was offered the position of one. What I'm getting at here is Tomberly are indeed divine figures
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marley-manson · 1 year
Do you ever think about just how much Hawkeyes character evolved, like, the other day I was thinking about that one deleted episode, Hawkeye on the double (?) or something like that, and how in that when he found out he was being duped by two people working together he staged his own fake attempted suicide via fckn minefield to traumatise them into never doing it again, like, comparing that to the joker is wild is crazyyyyy. Like obviously the scale of pranks there is off, but idk it just made me think, Hawkeye as a character definitely lost some edge as the show progressed
Yeah! lol it's kind of wild how much less of a mastermind Hawkeye became when the writers decided BJ's thing should be pranks.
I feel like the real reason for this is that the show's tone shifted away from satire and into character drama. When the show is a satire Hawkeye is the political centre, so his role in the story is to be right. The army/war can beat him in a tragic way, but in the early seasons his only righteous comeuppances that I can remember off the top of my head were like, Ceasefire when he got dumped three times in a row, and lol the script you cite, where there's more of an equal back and forth between him and the two women but it does end with Hawkeye nearly accidentally killing himself for real lol. So like, in the early seasons he occasionally gets narratively punished for misogyny, but otherwise he's meant to be the cool guy who is right and better than all the army representatives. And because it's a satire, I think that's great, it works very well, Hawkeye is an awesome character who absolutely should get narratively rewarded for driving colonels into early retirement and taking out their appendixes.
But then the show shifted to character drama instead and now Hawkeye needs flaws to examine, weaknesses the narrative can use to tear him down in a deserving way rather than a tragic way, etc. Sometimes his left-leaning politics ~go too far~ now, sometimes he's too self-righteous or unreasonable, sometimes he has to capituate to authority and admit rebellion is wrong, and sometimes the narrative tears him down just because we're meant to get some schaudenfreude from it, as in Joker is Wild. Because the narrative is no longer on Hawkeye's side by default, and often gets entertainment value out of punishing him for various sins, real or not.
So I don't think it's meant to be an intentional character shift, but it does make me want an in-universe explanation for why he loses his edge.
And the explanation I like that covers most of Hawkeye's narrative repositioning for me, including the lackluster pranks in later seasons and like, guilt in Preventative Medicine, etc, is that it's because of his shifting friend group. Trapper the constant supportive presence and enabling partner in crime is replaced by BJ who only selectively enables Hawkeye and often likes to take him down a few pegs instead. Henry the CO Hawkeye could walk all over is replaced by Potter who is successfully authoritative and puts his foot down. And Frank's gone and Margaret's chilled out so there are no more ideological enemies to target. Plus Charles is also someone willing and able to take Hawkeye down, and even Klinger is no longer into rebellion by season 8.
I mean when you think about it lol it does kinda make sense that Hawkeye would lose a lot of his enthusiasm for fucking with people when his new best friend yells at him for taking out an asshole army guy's appendix instead of helping him. And he might not want to go too far in retaliation for pranks when the whole cast turns on him pretty easily now, as in eg Fallen Idol. And it's probably harder to bring yourself to rebel against the army when you're making friends with a bunch of career army types like Potter, Margaret, and Mulcahy, and have no one else around who shares your ideological hatred for it.
ANYWAY yeah hope you don't mind getting an essay in response lol, this is like one of the aspects of the show I like talking about most, to the point where it's my inspiration for like at least 2 fics lol.
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blorbocedes · 10 months
Director’s cut for the sex scene in mrs and mrs smith au!!!
aaaaaaaa! you were the only one who requested a director's commentary 🥹 murder girlcedes my beloved. as per my canon, lesbian lewis, bi4pay nico. as in, she's gay for free but she will fuck a guy if it's relevant for the mission.
there's obv a lot of fun gender stuff happening... nico plays on the sweet innocent blonde trope to get away from being a suspect, lewis is both sexualized and yet invisible when her disguise is literally changing her wig and letting tatts show 😭 ppl r like oh that's a whole different person.
they're going back to the hotel room bc 1. they're crazy insane hot4each other girls but secondly bc they both need an alibi and if worse comes to worse, throw the other under the bus 😳 sorry babe xx
ok now to the sex itself 😙 nico's horny after murder!!! lewis has had a longer journey coming to terms w/ being a lesbian than nico who was like oh I kiss girls and I kiss boys I steal from so they don't notice. lewis suddenly being shy ab having pussy hair is because she doesn't go into a mission with the objective to fuck, she's clean, methodical, in and out. nico is the seductress type, but she usually seduces men she doesn't idgaf ab. hence, she didn't bring her strap w/ her to the work mission.
there's just something ab lewis with her piercings and tattoos and pain tolerance and generally intimidating aura, girls she's with assuming she's a stud, being topped by a tiny blonde with a MISSION that just does it for me 😚😚 girlcedes mr and mrs smith au? absolute wish fulfilment. bc it's brocedes the sex is also like Them, a little violent, trying to bite and shove and bruise and leave each other's mark as if trying to make up for lost time. even if their logical brain reasoning is "I'm just using her as an alibi" the body betrays the desire.......
also just personally, big fan of sex where penetration isn't the priority. ✌️👈👆☝️🤞👅🖖 country girls make do!!!
nico staying instead of running off while lewis is still asleep???? and then they do like u-haul lesbians and go on a backpacking Europe tour ohhhh they're so crazyyyyy. I can't wait to write about their marriage crumbling in 5 or 6 years 😈😈😈
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huaitang · 1 year
still thinking about Only Friends and:
1. top showing vulnerability, opening himself up to mew just to fall for Boston's tricks, risking, probably, the most sincere relationship he ever had with someone. i think the next episode will show just how insecure he actually is when genuine feelings are involved. plus, im 100% sure the blackmail is going to happen ☹️ top will regret his impulsiveness but isn't going to be too late? good luck bud!
2. boston's reasons and motivations are a very difficult puzzle for me. i don't understand him and i can't even imagine what's going on in his head he's making me crazyyyyy
3. ray is a loner and has problems with alcohol. insecurity? his last name. he has a hole instead of a heart in his chest. it's me. hi. i'm ray.
p'jojo and p'ninew are REALLY determined to show the queer experience that we don't usually see being explored in thai dramas. loneliness is a very present part of us that we can't run from. especially when we're queer.
i'm loving every second of it.
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lilamala · 2 months
festival write-up! Notable artists I saw: Cobrah, Slayyyter, Domiziana, Eartheater, Isabella Lovestoryyyyyyy (and don't u ever forget it!)
Cobrah was insaneee I was in the front row and she is SUCH a performer. we showed up like 15 minutes before her set started and the stage hands were still setting up this ominous prop
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before the concert i thought she might be the type not to talk at all between songs because she seems so otherwordly and alien to me but she did talk and was super cute actually haha tho during her songs she has that dominatrix-esque charisma. mesmerising. (also it was so funny how the photographers absolutely dashed towards her everytime she was popping her pussy lol) the crowd was screaming like crazyyyyy after suck. everyone give it up for cunnilingusssss also she was going crazy on the cross during that one, it didnt even cross my mind to film it because i was sooo sucked in (lol) her performance. amazing, 10/10 (the face the waist the nails the shape etc)
For Domiziana I just knew Ohne Benzin before and sort of listened to her music a bit before we went to her show and I really liked it! she only had a 45 minute set and I did think it was a bit of a shame that she shortened her already short songs in favour of playing a few covers, id rather she play her full songs and not the covers. anyway greatttt energy i liked the songs that i hadnt heard before, ive had malena and auf die party on repeat ever since. she was also super cute when she talked between songs lol before she played amore she talked to a fan who was apparently going offfff in the front row and asked her if she was single and then went "Oh mein Gott Lea ist singleeeeeeee 🤖" and her DJ turned the autotune on halfway thru that was so funny. im afraid im writing this in a boring way haha u had to be there 😌 she was actually walking around the festival the next day i saw her around! (and I also Nura formerly from SXTN once? that was kinda wild. she's way shorter than i thought)
Slayyyter was wall to wall gay men as expected lol. she absolutely has a set of pipes on her, those grand 80s type pop songs off of starfucker suit her sooo well. she was really giving diva, u know when drag queens strike a pose and do that intense stare at the crowd, thats what she was doing. she played remixes of venom and self destruct, they were def more techno than the originals, i wonder if that is fixed in her setlist or she did it bc its technically a techno festival. it was fun to see the contrast between her more melodic poppy stuff and then the super noisy songs like james dean and the aforementioned remixes. the crowd were loving it all. i loved it, shes a great perfomer and a lot of her songs really go offfff live, theres nothing like a crowd yelling "K! COKE! MONEY!" in the call response that is Purrr (one of my fav songs off starfucker!) and she introduced that song by going: "Who here has done any substances toniiiiiiiiiight!!!" to a grand cheer of the audience. amazing truly.
Eartheater was. um. well i think she had the most thankless venue/time slot combination, she was the very first act on the last day on the big stage and there weren't that many people in the beginning, though it filled up as her set went on. i don't really listen to her music, i've just heard a few songs before and someone whose musical taste i trust recommend that i see her show and it was cool musically! her fit was sick as well. she just seemed to be in a bad mood throughout? she told off some guy in the front row who was on his phone (?) during a song and showed him the middlefinger instead of singing, made some annoyed comments that you could hear the bass from another stage a bit, and then for her last song she played like 20 seconds on the guitar (which she had played during the concert before) and then she stopped and complained that it was out of tune blabla we dont have time to tune it and then sang accapella. idk ive never experienced something like that, i thought it was a bit uncomfortable to witness as an audience member tbh
Isabella Lovestory baby! my love my angel my mother. its my second time seeing her, last time was in a tiny club were i bullied myself to first row and didnt really have space to stand and had to lean on the speakers the entire show, good times. this time also front row because i am bordering on being a groupie for her. the guy next to me was filming her on his flip phone i hope u enjoy ur 144p footage of her king <3 anyway she was soooooooo good as expected! she opened with botoxx which was so great to see live, vip was fucking sick as well. and she played an unreleased song called telenovela which sounded great!! im really looking forward to her new album <3 and she possibly played another unreleased one but im not entirely sure? i didnt recognise it but she didnt announce it so idk it might just have been something off her first ep. i think kamixlo was djing? and he opened with love4eva by loona yyxy lol my weeb queen. oh actually for that stage there were like screens in the back (u can see it on the cobrah pic further up) where they projected some like mood images and isabella had some of perfume (the jpop group), tommy february6, and possibly newjeans? at some point. but anywayyyyy i love her so much it was so great to see her live again. oh and i did get a little chin caress at the end when she went down to the audience lol successful groupie moment
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actually Cobrah Domiziana Slayyyter and Isabella Lovestory were all on the same smaller stage and i thought it was a bit of an issue that the lights coming from the back were way brighter than the ones from the front so they were all backlit as hell and u couldnt really see their faces a lot of the time :( but still great performances from all of them
other than that there were quite a few dj sets, i liked schwefelgelb and we checked out horsegiirl who was also cool though a bit too high energy for me at that moment. i liked her original songs that she played! my little white pony and obsessed were both good. and the horse mask really is something else lol. and i wanted to see sega bodega as well but he cancelled short notice bc of an ear infection :( get well soon king 💪
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mrs-theirin · 8 months
well howdy there quill - i can't help but notice you called one of your wips "fable idk i'm going nuts" and maybe i'm reading a little too much into it, but that strikes me as a project you are perhaps...hmm...excited about??? ;P hehehe care to share any hot deets on that one?
HIIIIIII QUEENIE i love u <3 yes i came up with the horrible horrible idea that my fable oc's father would never be able to tell her he was her father because he made a deal with [something. not sure what exactly yet] to save her life. she gets to live but will never know he is her father, and if he or anyone else tells her, the sickness that was threatening to kill her will come back and it will kill her. so basically a whole life of agony not being able to tell your beloved daughter that you are her father
so the beginning is him and her mother making that deal. and then the rest is him writing letters to his daughter expressing his love for her and telling her he is her father, but of course he keeps these letters to himself, he just needs to get it out somewhere. like ohhhh this letter for example
Dearest Marigold, You took your first steps today. I was so overwhelmed with joy I cried for nearly an hour. An hour! Oh, and you thought it was just hilarious. You laughed and laughed and laughed. Managed to get a smile out of your mother too! You are sunshine, you are a bright light in the lives of everyone around you, and you will make things better, I can feel it. Logan was different. Logan’s growing up to be a smart boy, sure, but he lacks your brightness. Your smile. Maybe it’s my bias showing. Either way, you are perfect.  As I write this, you’ve spoken your first word! Avo, light above. Your first word. “Walter.” I love you.
anyway i'll chip away at it in time but god the idea has made me go CRAZYYYYY. thank you for asking
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S2: E6 "No Exit"
This episode featuring: Misogynistic tropes, Family Guy, the daddy issues continue, and Robert Smirke's 14 Fears
Silas: YAY
Kayla: hello queers and sam winchester
Compilation of Dean's dumbassery in the beginning, we love to see it
Ominous flickering lights! Great start
Hell is RIGHT baby bc its probably a demon or something
Oh boy mom and daughter fight
Poor passerby family walking in on that
Yeah and you're young and blonde and therefore likely to get eaten by this thing, which I'm sure is the point
Melon: Oh to be born as a disposable horror movie character
Whshsgs yeah her moms not an idiot
Shes thinking abt stabbing u with it Dean
Anyways as I was saying its like "definitely a sexist character archetype" but also she really is stupid
Dean gonna get his hand bit or somethin just putting it in a vent w/a spirit
Oh look another random blonde girl
Did they not check to see if there were any other blonde chicks in the building when investigating
He was fucking sleeping like that
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Ah yes the tragic backstory bc of her dad dying
Dude honey he has daddy issues out the wazoo this isn't something you want to be asking probably
Melon: Wait is she asking Dean for parent advice
Me: Asking what yhe first thing he thought of when he remembered his dad
Melon: MAAM
Me: Dean saying it was shooting bottles on a fence I Feel Like Thats A Lie
Melon: Ma’am this man exudes daddy issues in a 6 km radius at all times you really shouldn’t ask him anything about his dad
Melon: Does this look like the face of someone who was hugged as a child? No? Cause he wasn’t
Melon: Pretty sure any answer he gives could be a lie cause like I’m pretty sure the entirety of everything he’s ever done with his dad flashes simultaneously every time he remembers him.
Ohhhh so hanging people jn the field nextdoor ok that tracks
Girl u have no sense of self preservation
HHHolmes blond girl. Joanna Beth? Isk.
Time to start breaking walls
[ Crepe says to drink the ectoplasm like a milkshake. Do not do this. ]
Scratch marks..... where others have tried to get out
Oh I am not looking at the screwn while shes looking out of it bc creepy fuckers eye is gonna show up I just know it
Rip in pieces
[ Melon appreciates the humor of using an acronym and then adding the rest of the statement. ]
Sam and Dean looking like dumbasses with their fuckin. Metal detector?
Into the sewers without delay we can't go wrong we know the waaaay
That ladder is pretty sketchy
What a creep
Ok scared him off for a sec
Dean army man crawling in a stupid little sewer
[ Melon notes that he's always felt showing someone crawling through a dark tunnel on their stomach is, in his opinion, one of the scariest things to be utilized in horror. I think there's a lot of merit in this; you can't go very fast, and you can't turn around, so if something else is in there with you... It occurs to me, that while we've warned away Melon from TMA for Prentiss reasons, I should show them MAG15. ]
Eugg... bones...... the corpse of one of the victims
Well thats creepy as shit
Salt circled him
[ Crepe makes a reference to a Tumblr post about salt in hoola-hoops, instead of salt circles. I'm sure one of you guys could dig it up. ]
Well thats rough
[ More discussion comtinues on useful and hilarious solutions to demons and ghosts, such as holy water squirt gun, holy water humidifier, and salt infused hairspray flamethrower. ]
Like father like sons oh ma'am
Oh boy
I mean I get being upset but also its stupid as hell
You can't blame someone for what their parent did thats fucking stupid
I mean I get being concerned that some traits carry over but this soecific behavior is stupid!
[ At some point around here, the episode ended. I, however, was hung up and DEEPLY offended by Jo's behavior at the very end. ]
Melon: *cough* unfortunately pretty sure john could find a way to pass on his sins or smthn. Dudes done some weird shit
[ I rant about it a bit more. I'm so deeply, deeply offended. Then, a pivot into discussion about the monster of this ep. ]
Me: Anyways absolutely wild that the monster this ep was an irl serial killer
Me: Same energy as Robert Smirke being in the Magnus Archives
[ Needless to say, the conversation was immediately sidetracked. ]
Crepe: What did he do
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Kayla: WHAT
Me: Ok I can't argue with that actually
[ There's some more prattling about this, but I'll mainly leave you with this last thing. ]
Kayla: the us govt isnt its own fear?
Me: No that would be giving it too much credit
Well, needless to say, I can't say I'm a fan of Jo at this point. It's a bit frustrating, because it's very clear (to me anyways) that her characterization is the result of some annoying tropes. I can get behind the idea of her wanting to be like her father, and maybe being a bit reckless, but the treatment of her is just... idk. Really frustrating.
I probably would have been a lot more sympathetic if it weren't for that weird turn around at the end. I understand Helen seeing John in the brothers and having issues with that, but Jo? After surviving all that with them? I can understand feeling conflicted, but the way it was presented... hrgh. Irritating all around.
At least this episode had concrete truck. Keeping in theme with the TMA references, Adelard Deckard would be proud.
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carefulfears · 1 year
#remember when a gen x stan got mad at me on twitter#for making a joke about mulder ditching please tell me the story kae i beg
STORY TIME BELOVEDS so i just went to pull up the tweets and realized that the person blocked me 😭😭💔💔 did not even realize until now
but what happened is that i posted this tweet
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about all things, which everyone found very funny
except for this person
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who said i just don’t #Get the show because i (jokingly) said that mulder ditched scully. which he absolutely did and i wouldn’t have wanted to go crop circle hunting with his ass that night either
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but they said that it only happens in fanfic 😭
side note, unrelated, do y’all remember when he got on a boat and left her on like a demolished power plant with an alien terminator
but because my friends don’t fucking play, kari started fighting them for coming in my mentions, and they started talking crazyyyyy
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and saying that they were just correcting me because i had incorrect information 😭😭
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meanwhile, i didn’t say a word to them because i don’t care, but i really appreciate getting accused of mulder hate it really helps my credibility in the midst of me excusing and defending literally everything he has ever done
TLDR: mulder ditched scully and came back with a goofy hat and got laid anyway, some of y’all are just mad
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Friday, April 19th, 2024!
10:35am: Day 4 NC has started! 🥳 Keep going strong! 💪 I'm thinking about him, about why he couldn't be helping me with my bills rn. Financial stress = wanting a partner. Tbh totally rational thought process. Who doesn't want a partner to do adult shit with? Let's be so fr though... Would I want to take him with me to the Jesse McCartney concert tn?
Absolutely tf not. I'd rather go blind and not be able to see the concert, just listening to it. I'd rather show up so late I only see 20 minutes of the end of it. I'd rather get my car towed again from St Pete than have to worry about him having some emotional emergency right before the concert, during it, or afterwards because he doesn't know how to relax and have a good time without some bullshit happening. Literally fuck no, I'd rather do everything by myself for the rest of my life than have someone micromanaging my weekend plans 😴 I'm good, bro. Go do that to anyone but me. He is never satisfied, we'd be there and he would want to leave and go home. We would come home and the would immediately leave. Fuck that shit.
10:59am: Can you imagine finding a guy and moving in with him and he doesn't do a complete 180 on you?? Actually continues to be around you, wanting to go to things with you, and not making you feel like you can't leave the house without him cheating? Can't wait to find a guy like that 🥰 Oh and not having to be his mommy lmao *literally goosebumps at the thought* 🥰🥰🥰 turn up turn up turn up
3:03pm: Day 4 NC still going strong! I can't believe he got so butthurt about me getting my rocks off without him...... When he has a whole ass girlfriend 💀 that's actually crazy. Lol he really blocked me and never looked back, good for him. I'd be mad too if I lost a girl like me 😂 he can't even face the fact that he fucked up so bad, he has to paint me like some fucking slut just to make himself feel better about being a shitty boyfriend. That's crazyyyyy. You let your girl "the love of your life" get away from you and you thought nothing was gonna happen?? You just think time freezes and nobody notices her fine ass?? Crazy ass contradictory double standard having mf. We are not compatible bc he doesn't understand that I'm a 21st century girl, I'm living for me mf not for some mystery future husband that I have to stay pure for or whatever. Bro is still living in 1950 fr, and he still acts like a punk. Grow up. Andrew Tate ass mf. 😂
Day 4 NC complete!
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mosviqu · 1 year
I LOVE HOW BIG OF A CHOKEHOLD KISS ME IF U CAN HAS ON U!!! AND THE POST U REPOSTED ABOUT ERIC🤌🤌🤌 as u should eric is such a lovely guy and i'm so happy that i got them right for u😎😎 i expected it and have accepted it happening cuz now at least i have one more person to freak out about sunwoo it's kid of a win🥳
if we actually end up meeting it's going to be funny cuz i'm also very awkward so it's going to be very funny i think😭😭
IT WAS I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD AT IT someone should show him how it's done forreal😪 I CACKLED OH MY imagining him just starting to dance to good boy gone bad shouldn't be this funny😭😭 i will believe u that fact its so nice to hear that u want him as a bf😁 and only him😁
THE OUTFITS IN THE MV BRO I ALMOST FELL OFF OF MY BUS (i was brave and watched it on the bus on the way to our class dinner😭😭) I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY IT HAS THIS BIG OF AN EFFECT ITS SO BAD ACTUALLY😭😭 yeahhh the mental block is there so i think that's why i felt weird about it ;-; I WAS NOT READY FOR THE MV NOR RED JIHOON I WAS DYING ON THE BUS IT WAS SO CRAZY LIKE MY DUDES U SHOULDNT HAVE WENT OFF THIS HAR WITH THE SONG AND THE MV WENT CRAZYYYYY for the live performances i will just go blind cuz i don't think i can see more of jihoon😭 AND IM GLAD U LIVED THROUGH IT!!! (liebestraum anon🥳)
kiss me if you can is my song at this point what can i say 😭😭😭 also eric has a chokehold on me so....maybe thats why. but after out yesterdays chat i think i made it very clear ☹💔
STOP SJKS i mean im down to meet for sure but it would be my first time speaking to someone in english face to face thats not my english teacher 😭😭 and i am really awkward when first meeting but BUT im getting more social since uni started so. 😌 im gonna annoy you and use u as my hungarian translator in case im in trouble 🤭 also it still literally doesnt feel real like i have the tickets but im like ?????? no way
NO BECAUSE IMAGINE THEM BUSTING OUT KPOP CHOREO. LIKE DO U WANT TERRY DANCING CAT AND DOG IN THE CLUB?? i feel like THAT would give me more second hand embarrassment than what we saw. also i love how u went "only him" as if im not the most unloyal person on here 😭😭😭😭😭
FELL OFF THE BUS AHAHAHA i get u girl i get u 😭😭 still havent watched the live performance bc im gonna lose my shit i feel. T5 really got the whole fandom in shambles 😭 AHAHA RED JIHOON WAS A SHORT MOMENT the color was so bright ??? I kinda dig the silver more tho 🤭
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fratboykate · 2 years
At what point do Kate and Yelena move in together? Did Yelena need an adjustment period to deal with Kate’s non-stop antics? What’s Kate’s go-to “Defuse the angry Belova” move?
FUN FACT: they never TECHNICALLY do full time for yearssssssssss. They don't live together TOGETHER 24/7 until WAAAAAY after they're married.
They start dating junior year of college so there's already a lease in place. Yelena is a pragmatic woman and she's like "we haven't been dating long enough. I'm not moving in with you." for senior year. Then after senior year, she moves to Boston.
Yelena does a Computational Science and Engineering Masters at MIT and that's two years.
Her Biophysics Ph.D. at Harvard takes an average of 5.5 years to complete.
Kate proposes on basically year four of them being together so she's JUST about to start at Harvard.
Kate has a six-figure job with a rising trajectory in New York. It's not like she isn't looking in Boston she just hasn't found anything comparable and Yelena is like "You're absolutely not leaving that to move up here and do…what exactly?" And Kate is like "I'LL DO WHATEVER I DONT CAREEEEE" but Yelena won't let her.
When Kate's contract renegotiation is up tho she's like "here's the deal………you either let me be in the office part-time/remote/whatever or I'm out." She hasn't told Yelena about this and she knows Yelena is going to be LIVIDDDDDD if this backfires but Kate plays hardball. Kate is actually A BALLER at her job so they end up agreeing to her being in the office every other week. She's going to be remote one week which means she has to do the four-hour and a half drive every other Sunday but she'll take that over not seeing Bae most of the time. She shows up at Yelena's doorstep with a suitcase like "HONEY IM HOME!" and Yelena - poor Yelena who needs 4-6 months to make big life decisions and is in the middle of heavy research and has every second of every day planned out - is like "???????????????". She absolutely DOES NOT need Hurricane Kate arriving and disrupting her life right now. So one side of her is like "this is amazing I love you and this is everything we've been saying we miss we've been dying to be together in the same city again." The rational side of her brain is like "🚨KILL BILL SIRENS🚨".
Yelena lives in a one bedroom and Kate is the loudest person alive so for the next week when Kate is trying to work from home and be on the phone/meetings all day while Yelena's…you know…trying to do shit…it's like 😤😤😤.
By week two of Kate's remote work, Yelena is about to MURDER her. Can't do it. She's moving Yelena's research papers, she met someone at a coffee shop at had them over for a drink - A STRANGER…THAT SHE JUST MET, she has clients in Asia so she wakes up at the craziest hours to talk to them and since she's up she also decides to work out at that time. Yelena sits her down and she's like "Babe, sweetie, honey, my love, light of my life, future wife of mine…………………if you don't want me to suffocate you in your fucking sleep I need you to find your own place. I'm sure the time and place for us to live together will come but it is absolutely not while I'm doing my very fucking demanding doctorate at Harvard. I'm so happy you get to spend so much time in Boston and that we will get to see more of each other but we need our own separate spaces or one of us is going to end up dead." So Kate is all 😞😞😞 and she's a little butthurt about it but she finds a really nice place like three blocks over.
Yelena's schedule is insane but they still make it a point to try and have AT LEAST one meal together if it's Kate's week in Boston. And if Kate doesn't have a call with Asia they sleep together or Kate just runs back to her place and comes back to jump into bed after she's done. It's a juggling act a lot of the time but they try to make it work as much as possible.
Then they start drinking one night and go CRAZYYYYY PANTS and decide they don't want to wait until after Yelena is done with school to get married because that is still forever and a half to go so…fuck it…they're going to start planning the wedding.
So basically, they keep doing this half-ass living situation until after Yelena finishes her Ph.D. For her own sanity. And they're already married by that point. But before that, they were constantly floating between three apartments: Yelena's one-bedroom in Boston, Kate's two-bedroom in Boston, and Kate's two-bedroom in NYC. When they have to drop two of those and move into one and there's no more room to hide and have separate spaces to go decompress from each other??? PHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW the first like six months are EXPLOSIVEEEEEEEEE. They're at each other's throats all the time. When you go from having a certain dynamic with someone for like a decade and all of a sudden changing it overnight that's a shock to the system.
But they eventually fall into a groove. They move into A MUCH bigger place and because they're in their early thirties by now they go into babies basically right away. They don't just need nurseries, they also decide they need Alone Time Space for each other. Kate being filthy rich AND having a Big Fancy Job definitely comes in handy in situations like this one lol. Real estate in the city is fucking expensive but luckily money isn't an issue.
As far as Kate's "defuse the angry"??? She doesn't really have one? It's just a lot of "😬😬😬JUST SMILE AND NOD😬😬😬" and waiting for the seething dragon to calm down??? They're both hotheads so they say a lot of shit when they're angry. It's a lot of spitting fire back and forth but USUALLY, Kate tends to back down first. She shoves her foot in her mouth more often than she doesn't so she frequently ends up making it worse whenever she talks and she's fully aware. She knows she normally just needs to let Yelena cool down and then swoop in to talk to her when Yelena is not at a 12/10 on the fury scale.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
hi dana.. if it’s possible can i request some angsty wangsty based on niki la la lost you with eric🥺 and ughh i really love your writing like crazyyyyy
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♥ title: la la lost you in april [also part of @sunlightwoo ‘s 12 Months I Loved You collaboration project]
♥ member: tbz eric
♥ genre: f2l, ex! eric x fem! reader, model! eric [SFW!]
♥ warnings: swearing, some mentions of sex [like, once i think]
♥ wc: 3.4k
♥ a/n: sis when i first heard the song I absolutely loved how you used 'angsty wangsty' so I hope this one does it for you the way you imagined it <3 [fyi i wrote it in like, a camcorder recording audio format which is something i’m trying out so please hmu on whether it’s difficult to read/understand!]
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2019 - 6:39PM] SOLO LOG #1
Are you seeing this? This is the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen. I gotta get a shot of this-
Hey! Hey! I could help you take a picture with the sunset if you want to!
Oh! Would- Would you? That’d be great!
Of course! 
Here. Is it alright?
Yeah, yeah, it’s cool! Thank you so much!
Are you recording something? Is it a- Are you vlogging? Are you a vlogger?
Yeah, no... I’m actually on a solo trip for a bit.
Oh, where are you from?
Just the next state. 
Ah! You’re taking a break off... life then? I assume? Sorry if that came out weird.
No! No no! It’s alright! Yeah, I just needed a short break from... y’know, school and everything. My semester ended pretty early on so I took the chance to come out here and... see some new sights, meet some new people.
I get that. Well, for a start, what’s your name?
Oh, I’m y/n. Nice to meet you! And you?
I’m Eric. 
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[REC: APRIL 4, 2019 - 10:34PM] SOLO LOG #2
It is the 4th of April, 2019. I know, I know, I’m meant to do a daily vlog for all the 50 days I’m here but... it’s been... wow. Um... so I met Eric, the first day I touched down. The beach is just, about a 10 minute walk down and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. But uh... call me a fool and say that I’m living in the clouds but- what are the chances?
He’s funny, he’s such a great person to be around with y’know? Never a moment of like, awkwardness or stress and my God, look at me talking about a boy like that, though I met him 2 days ago. 
Um, he’s a freelance model. For those freelance shoots by UNIQLO or Target or something and he complains about the pay sometimes, but he looks good infront of a camera, so he’s... actually the one who won at life, really.
I’m not seeing him soon because he’s got a shoot out of town and he’ll be back next week. But I did get his number and he’s been texting me since. 
Wouldn’t it be funny if we end up together and then I have this whackass of a reel to show him? Jesus... I need to stop getting ahead of myself here. Freakin’ living in the clouds, aren’t I?
Anyway, I’m gonna go and see if I can get my weird projector shit up and working. See you.
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[REC: APRIL 7, 2019 - 5:14AM] SOLO LOG #3
It is... 5am... uh, April 7th- and I was just binging FRIENDS through the night, waiting for the sunrise before I get some shut eye and then... Eric just asked me out. Oh my God! Um, he’s coming back this Thursday and I’ll go see him at the airport before we go get dinner.
It was really funny ‘cause he had to wake up early for a shoot today and so his day has just begun but mine’s coming to an end and I just- I’m rambling so much, it’s kinda- it’s kinda sad, isn’t it?
I think I’m too happy to sleep right now so I’m just gonna text him some more before the sun rises- oh! He replied!
Anyway, I’m gonna go and finish up this last episode before sleeping. Hopeful I can sleep. Bye!
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[REC: APRIL 11, 2019 - 4:28PM] SOLO LOG #4
I am on my way out right now to go meet Eric at the airport, and I’m... it’d be an understatement to say that I’m excited. I know I’ve only known him for like, 2 days before he left but... I miss him. Is that possible? Missing someone despite knowing them for 2 days?
Anyway, I gotta go. Don’t wanna be late to see him.
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[REC: APRIL 13, 2019 - 10:23AM] SOLO LOG #5
Oh! Is that what you had-
Yeah! It’s the same camera!
What are you vlogging for, actually? Like-
Nothing, really. It’s just for my own usage-
Wait, you didn’t like set that up last night while we-
Oh, God, no! Who do you think I am?
I don’t know, I mean, we’ve known each other for... is it two weeks-
Just under two weeks-
I know, I know, oh my God.
I don’t regret it though. Yeah, like- I don’t really go down to the beach that often in the first place and it just- it just so happened that you were there that day and I saw you struggling with this old thing-
I was not struggling!
Yeah you were!
I wasn’t-
I’m kidding! Gosh, you’re so cute.
Are you gonna have the camera recording while this carries on?
I forgot it was on-
One day we’re gonna accidentally make a sex tape-
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[REC: APRIL 17, 2019 - 1:15AM] SOLO LOG #6
-ould you pass me the hot water?
Mm? What?
The kettle over on the counter. Careful, it’s hot. Yeah, thanks.
Do you need help with-
It’s just instant noodles, sweet. Doubt I need a diploma for this. You’re recording again?
Yeah, does it bother you?
No, no, ‘course not. Though that means I can’t really do whatever I want to now.
What does that mea-
I can... still taste that bit of milk tea you had just now-
Could you tell it’s zero sugar?
I don’t think that matters, it’s still sweet and not great for your health to have that so much.
Aw, and yet you’re the one who suggested noodles at this timing, yeah?
You were hungry too!
Here, it’s done. Help me get the bowls? 
Did you even wash these?
Yeah, I did. If you don’t trust me, you can run them under the water for a bit.
Mhm. Here.
If it’s not enough, we can call for Macs.
Y’know, I’ve never had Macs past midnight back at home.
What? Really? Well, when you get back in May, would you try?
Yeah, why not? Maybe I’ll do that when I’m back in school. 
What date is it today?
April... hold on, um, 17. Careful, that’s hot.
When are you leaving again?
May 22. 
Are you planning on coming back anytime soon after?
I don’t know. I have school to worry about and the only other time I can come back’s probably during winter break in November.
I won’t be around in November.
Mm? Why not?
I’m moving.
To where?
I’m not sure yet, but I need to move depending on whether I get it and where the shoot’s at.
Shoot? It’s a big project, huh?
Yeah, it’s- it’s a pretty big deal.
I’ll- Let me just go and...
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[REC: APRIL 20, 2019 - 7:49PM] SOLO LOG #7
-idn’t have to!
No, c’mon! It’s such a great time to get this on camera! Come on, tell us what just happened!
Well, I just scored a huge model contract with Calvin Klein - in Manhattan.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so fucking proud of you, oh my God! Can you believe it-
No, fuck off, I can’t either! 
Oh! Calvin Klein!
I swear, you’re an angel sent to me-
Fuck off!
I’m serious! it’s so timely- I just can’t- I’m just so happy to have met you.
Well, you heard it first here, ladies and gentlemen. Eric Sohn is a new model for Calvin Klein - Manhattan.
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[REC: APRIL 21, 2019 - 12:40PM] SOLO LOG #8
It is 12.40pm... April 21st, 2019. I’m finally back in my apartment after crashing at Eric’s for the last... 10 days? I think it was 10 days. My clothes were running out and I didn’t want to hike up his water bills so I just came back and- y’know did my own laundry.
Well, it’s- it’s been an absolute dream. The last thing I expected to... have, or meet? Here, is Eric. Um, but I know I’m probably going to regret this. Especially when May 22 comes. Uh... this is... it’s real bad. I mean, we’re great, y’know? But... it’s bad, because I know it’ll hurt. Like a bitch. When my time here is up, and I gotta go back to my reality, and Eric’s gotta stick to his. 
We haven’t really talked about it. May. I don’t think he wants to, and I don’t think I want to either. 50 days is too short. Either that, or I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I shouldn’t have gone to the beach that day, in that hour. 
I just wish we had more time. I wish 24 hours were... maybe about 100 seconds more per minute. Does that make sense? 160 seconds per minute. Then again, I don’t think that’d solve my problem. I’ll still be on a ticking... time bomb. 
I know I shouldn’t say this. I know I can’t. I know I can’t afford to. But... I... I love him. I love Eric. With every... bit of me. It’s so... disgustingly cliché, but I feel so... comfortable with him. There’s really nothing we’d fight about, and even if we disagreed on something, we’d play it off like a debate, then forget about it the next day.
I love him. I do. And I’m going to regret this later. Without a doubt.
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[REC: APRIL 27, 2019 - 2:02AM] SOLO LOG #9
-ou can see the stars?
I don’t know, that’s why I’m trying, sweet.
Can you see them?
Yeah, maybe if I just turn this ISO- Oh! I can kinda see the North Star-
Oh! Yeah, you can! It’s really feint though.
It’s okay, we can just lay it down here-
On the grass? Will your camera be fine?
Yeah, yeah, or else you can just put in on top of my bag- here.
Here, can you see me? Am I in frame?
Yeah, you’re in frame.
Okay, great. Now get over here!
I can taste the smoothie you had just now.
Too sweet?
A little.
Oh my God! Put me down! Oh- not there! It’s ticklish- AHHHHH!
y/n, I have something to tell you.
Mm? What is it?
Hello? Earth to Eric?
I... I love you. So much... and I can’t bear to see you go in May. 
Oh, Eric...
No, I- I don’t want you to stay- or even think about it, ‘cause, you have your priorities and I have mine y’know...
I just... I just wished we had more time. 
I do too. I really do.
I love you too.
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[REC: MAY 1, 2019 - 4:23AM] SOLO LOG #10
1st May. 4...30? Am? I believe. Um, Eric’s sound asleep in his bed and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a log. 
I have... 3 weeks left. 4 weeks have gone past just like that, and I don’t know what to think about it. I came for a 50-day retreat. No stress, just myself and peace and quiet and tranquility and yet-
I- I don’t know if I can do this.
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[REC: MAY 7, 2019 - 3:58PM] SOLO LOG #11
So, Eric’s in shoot right now and I’m on the way into the studio with some donuts and coffee to surprise him. I called his manager and asked if it was okay so- I’m pretty psyched to see his workspace. 
Hi, I’m y/n, I’m here to visit Eric?
Ah, okay! Hold on, let me just get you signed in with the pass-
Count me in!
You sure? This Saturday at the prep-party?
Yeah- Oh! 
y/n! What are you doing here?
I wanted to surprise you. Am I... interrupting anything?
Oh, not at all!
You must be y/n! Eric’s told me so much about you!
Did he? And you are...?
I’m Chelsea! I’ve been attached to the same Calvin Klein contract he recently got, so you could say we’re colleagues!
Well, nice to meet you! Oh, right, these donuts and coffee are meant for you guys actually!
Oh! You’re too kind! Eric, you’re such a lucky man.
I know, she’s just... everything.
Anyway, thank you so much for these. I’ll bring them back down to the studio for the crew to share. But Eric’s pretty much done for the day actually, so you guys can leave if you want to!
Are you sure? Don’t you need help downstairs with the equipment?
No, no! It’s fine, there’re more than enough people downstairs. Go have your date, and maybe you can bring her along with you for the prep-party this weekend!
What’s the prep-party... preparing for?
Oh, you’re so adorable! It’s a prep-party for the end-of-May shoot we’re gonna have. it’s a collab with DAZED so it’s a pretty big project.
You never told me you were involved in a collab with DAZED.
I was gonna tell you today.
He has been pretty busy recently, maybe slipped his mind. Anyway, thank you so much for the donuts and I’ll hope to see you at the pier this Saturday, mm?
Yeah, sure. Thanks Chels.
No problem! It was so nice to meet you, y/n, I’ll see you Saturday!
Okay, bye!
Bye, Chelsea! It was nice to meet you!
Sweet, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought you said you’d end pretty late?
The filming was cut short because the shots were better than expected so we ended early.
Oh, I wanted to film you while you were at work.
You have that on?
Yeah- why?
No, just wondering. 
Are you uncomfortable?
No, no, it’s just... I really didn’t expect you to come to the studio. 
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[REC: MAY 11, 2019 - 11:12PM] SOLO LOG #12
It’s 11:12pm, 11th May, 2019. 11 days to departure.
I... saw... Chelsea and Eric... um, out by the garage- 
Well, I guess... it looked like they were just... having a really good talk. Or something. 
I left. I couldn’t watch it. So, I left without telling Eric. I did tell his boss that I wasn’t feeling well and I had to leave first. 
I guess this is the part where I regret it, isn’t it? Um... I don’t know... how... I’m gonna explain this to him when I see him again. Which is supposed to be- um- the rest of the night. I was supposed to go back to his place with him and I’ll stay for the weekend before I come back to pack my things, so-
y/n, are you home?
y/n, I know you’re home. I heard you talking. Open the door, I need to talk to you.
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[REC: MAY 12, 2019 - 2:00AM] SOLO LOG #13
I look like shit, don’t I? God, my eyes hurt like a bitch. 
I don’t think I need to say what just happened for you to guess what just happened, right? This... says it all. 
I shouldn’t have come here. How did- How did my retreat turn out- turn out like this? 
This is- This is too much. Too much in too short... of a time. 
I don’t think... I don’t think I can do it. Not anymore. 
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[REC: MAY 19, 2019 - 9:59AM] SOLO LOG #14
It’s May 19th, 2019, almost 10am. I just came back from a morning walk by the beach just to... reminisce a little before I leave on Wednesday. 
I... haven’t seen Eric since the prep-party. I blocked him and I told him not to come over, though I think he has, like, a few times. I thought I heard someone come up to my door, but he never knocked. 
So, this is how it ends, huh? A 50-day romance cut short like that. Into about, 40? 
It’s crazy to think that I had... the experience of a whole relationship in 40 days. I definitely did not sign up for that when I booked this 50-day retreat. 
It was fun while it lasted, though. It was. I don’t think I’d find anybody else like Eric, and I guess it just sucks that it had to end like that. Things happen, right? That aren’t... in our control. 
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[REC: MAY 21, 2019 - 8:07PM] SOLO LOG #15
May 21st. About 8pm. I leave in about 15 hours. 
All my stuff’s packed. Definitely more things to bring home than I brought here. Half of these things were bought by Eric and given to me. I’m... actually not sure if I should bring them back. 
I don’t- I just don’t think I’d have the heart to throw them away.
Nor look at them when I’m home. 
Should I even bring this camera home? Maybe I should wipe your memory before I bring you home, hmm?
It feels like a dream, doesn’t it? Everything that’s happened. It feels like a fever dream. Maybe when I’m finally home, I’d wake up and it’d be the day I come here.
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 10:03AM] SOLO LOG #16
-ny more luggage?
Alright then, I think you’re all set. You still have about an hour’s time before the gates are open so you can get a cup of coffee or something, yeah?
Okay, thank you!
Have a nice flight ma’am.
Good evening ma’am, can I check your boarding pass?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, you’re good to go. Have a safe flight.
Thank you!
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 11:34AM] SOLO LOG #17
It is about 11.30am and I’m on the flight, and here’s the view outside. Sky’s pretty clear and this thing says that the weather’s great so, it should be a smooth flight without turbulence.
This is it. This is really it. 
Hi, ma’am, I’m gonna need you to keep your camcorder.
Oh! Yeah, sure, sure, sorry!
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2020 - 12:48AM] ERIC LOG #1
Wow, this is... weird. How did you do this last year?
Um, hi. y/n. If you’re watching this then I’ve somehow managed to get this synced into your camera by some weird... bluetooth, iCloud shit that Felix helped me figure out. 
It’s been a year. And... I just thought you should... see this, or hear me out, at least. I know we didn’t end on the best terms... and I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you for being unreasonable for something that was... suspicious. I should’ve understood. 
I should’ve been there. To see you off. And I’m sorry I didn’t. I... was scared, that I wouldn’t be able to let you go if I went to send you off. I was a coward. I still am. 
But I do want you to know that... those 50 days were the best days of my life. Albeit it ended horribly, but nothing could... nothing- nothing will ever replace what happened last April. 
I said I love you and... I still do. Every day I think about you and your smile and your voice and- and I cry to sleep... worrying that I’d forget how you sound like, or how you laugh and how... how you smell like. My bed smelt like you even after you left. 
I just- I love you. And I miss you. And I’d do anything to go back to what we had. I’d do anything to get- to get you back. 
I’m sorry.
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the clip comes to an automatic stop. the white triangle slapped onto the screen, begging you to play it again. you look up from the screen, watching the famous calvin klein ad that hasn’t stopped playing in the last month. 
he hasn’t changed one bit. not his hair, not his smile, not his voice. 
it’s a bittersweet pot of memory stashed in the back of your head when the memories flood back. looking back down at the camera, you count back the days - it was synced just last night. 
the pile of tissues by your thighs are carelessly huddled into the bin next to your feet, mentally berating yourself for going through the memory instead of formatting it. 
you stand, fingers shutting the screen back onto its body with a soft click. the tv blacks out when you press the red button on its remote. 
you’re halfway into your kitchen when there’s a knock at your door, and you immediately gasp, blinking rapidly.
“oh, it’s my fucking projector!”
rushing to the door, you don’t hesitate to get the door open. 
and yet, like the heavens were providing you with all the light to stop you from doubting yourself, your lungs empty themselves like vacuums. 
your heart stops.
your breathing stops.
“eric... what are you doing here?”
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adamsvanrhijn · 3 years
you watching hdm brought back so many memories god they absolutely did the books JUSTICE and i am a firm believer in gay lee scoresby like please him and will's dad??? the TENSION the IMPLICATIONS anyway glad ur enjoying it!!
i am about to start a reread so i will wait to make up my mind on just how good it actually is but i do think they definitely at least did A Lot of it justice, although i am concerned about some of the choices in the first two seasons and how they are going to affect amber spyglass beats. but definitely leagues better than the film and, like i've said, while watching some of the choices and production elements were just. absolutely phenomenal and matched what i remember from reading the actual books, which is a testament both to philip pullman's capability of describing environments and characters and the production's dedication to representing them accurately. but it is also definitely flawed in places even uniquely from what i just mentioned about Choices
e.g. while they made it work in that it works for a coherent story in the adaptation itself, as an adaptational choice i'm.... less than enthused about the way they chose to represent the magisterium. i wouldn't go quite so far as to say it's hamfisted but imo they're beating viewers over the head with the totalitarianism rather than diving into what in the books i think was a very deft and delicate (while simultaneously absolutely scathing!) portrayal of the specific vehicles of control of faith-based institutions and faith-based authoritarianism, including the way that individual persons of faith "allow" themselves to be controlled by not just the organizing body of their religion but by their own faith. the magisterium in the tv series rules by fear. people are afraid of the magisterium. despite all the characters' talk of The Authority and shouts of "heresy", imo the show did not represent rule primarily by wielding the authority of god, it showed rule primarily by the power of government. in the novels, that is the power of the magisterium: wielding god against a believing populace.
even within jordan college, even with the pursuit of knowledge and the permissions granted by the concept of scholastic sanctuary, many characters, including lyra, actually believe in their religion! in lyra's world, people don't shout "heresy" just because they feel the need to pay lipservice to the magisterium. are they afraid of the magisterium? yes! but they're also afraid of the the authority, because they believe in the authority! they believe in the teachings of the church! they believe that heresy is an offense to the authority, not just an offense to the fascist power that rules their lives. there are notable exceptions, but they're exceptions.
imo presenting the magisterium to the viewers with the visual language of like, third reich germany, showing it as ~~Evil~ in an up-front objective way rather than an insidious-fabric-of-society way, showing its servants as having like the sole motive of controlling the populace for their own benefit rather than having the motive of pleasing and respecting an authoritarian god, skates past the point.
like in the novels is the magisterium meant to be evil? unquestionably yes! but representing that evil with the visual shortcut of IRL fascism rather than like... gradually revealing what/who the true enemy is in this universe... not a fan of that
like yeah in the show we get some characters, basically all of whom as i recall it are affiliated with the magisterium, having something like the fear of god in them, but like... it's not the same lol.
i just don't think that was effectively portrayed. and you know i'm sure a lot of that has to do with not wanting to provoke the irl religious populace significantly more than they inherently have to in making an adaptation of these books, because critiquing religious people is Quite different from critiquing a religious institution. and like okay that would be an irl constraint and i can respect it even if i don't like it, but i kiiiiinda get the impression that some of the people directly involved in this show were like, not really into that theme themselves.
and i can see why pullman would pragmatically compromise on that in order to bring forward what in most respects is a wonderful adaptation.
maybe i'll change my mind once i reread the books? my last reread was when i was a teenager and it's possible that it was this up front and just flew over my head and/or i forgot it
although having recently rewatched the first film, it strikes me as an adaptation that could have been great but was ultimately mired in outside forces' red tape in a way way way more obvious way — the good parts are really very good, you can tell that at points in the script there was a solid understanding of at least parts of the source material even if it isn't through the entire production, and i think the sense of it being so mild and sterilized for lack of a better word (as well as the ending which, don't get me started) and the tonal inconsistency is. intentional limitations from powers on high especially knowing how the production process went. sooooo many people feel threatened by this story and it reeeally shows in the film.
anyway you didn't ask for any of this but. you're welcome ajlkdsjfdsalkfsad
final note that actually addresses your ask: i definitely got Gay Vibes with those two from like my very first initial read and i'm still crazy about it like i'm crazyyyyy
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