#this song slaps ok? getting this shit on Spotify
Me: "Hey, can you hand me the aux cord? I wanna play something. "
"Fine, just don't play anything weird okay?"
"Yeah no, of course not."
*turns up volume to the max*
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thalassic-p4rk · 8 months
*deep breaths*
*stares intently*
so. y’all know simon greenall is the speaking voice of barnacles. i’m sure some of you know that he’s had a different singing voice since the beginning. up through season 4, barnacles’ singing vocals are done by ross breen, and then (above and) beyond that, we don’t talk about it. but anyways, ross breen is not only an incredible singer, but he sounds so much like greenall that the majority of people don’t know the difference until they look it up, myself included.
so as you may have gathered, i like to do a deep dive on the actors and voice actors behind my comfort characters. do you know how much i had to dig to find that clip of greenall jumping off the pier? it was in his showreel compiled by his agent, ruth young. that’s how deep i dig. i also found a sex scene, but that’s irrelevant.
SO last night, i was bored, and since i wasn’t satisfied by the amount of comfort content i collected from my simon greenall dig, i said fuck it and looked into ross breen.
besties baby boos. girly pops. homies. queerly beloved.
i found a goldmine.
may i present to you, captain barnacles’ spotify:
and if there was any doubt that this was barnacles, i’d say this proves it FHJFDHH:
BECAUSE in 2020ish, bestie boo bear rebranded. that’s right. this man has TWO SPOTIFIES!!!!
may i present to you…
✨Jazzy Comfort Barnacles✨
no i am not okay.
it only has 3 songs on the second spotify, but those three songs man. i will be posting about them separately bc holy fucking shit, it’s all comfort.
i fell asleep last night with “Flowing to you, Flowing Through” on loop and woke up feeling. so safe. i’m. it gives somewhere over the rainbow vibes yk? it’s bjarki’s song. and it just hits so fucking close to home lyrically for personal reasons and. ugh. later. this post is long enough as it is.
his first spotify, ross breen, has several full-length albums. so far, we’ve only listened to one, “when i met the devil,” which came out in 2011 and is ALL BANGERS. we’ve only gotten through the one album bc we’ve been looping it all day. it has 15 songs, but quite a few instrumental transition tracks, so it comes to a little under 40 mins. my favorite songs are “when i met the devil,” “elephant’s foot” (which i will also expand upon in its own post), “life support,” “thin sheep,” and “jigsaw.” my favorite more chill songs are “monet,” and “keep the light on,” which made me cry like a baby during class.
from ross a., my favs are “flowing to you, flowing through” obviously, and “be ok”, which also made me sob hysterically and will be getting its own post too.
in conclusion:
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So we’re talking Media Piracy a lot for good reason but I haven’t seen anyone talking about illegally downloading music on an Apple computer (which I unfortunately have) so if anyone needs it, here we go.
I learned how to do this when I was like. Eight? But apparently everyone just listens to Spotify now so lemme teach you some stuff because guess what, now you will no longer be at the mercy of "What's on Spotify" or "They removed this from Spotify" or "There are too many ads on Spotify" NO MORE
First of all: don’t pirate indie music you cowards. Pirate music from big corporations and pay small creators. ok so now we’ve got that out of the way,
1. Find the song you want to download on YouTube. If it’s a song that’s officially on sale, often times adding “topic” to the end of the search will get you the official audio.
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2. Put the link into a Youtube to Mp3 converter and download the file. Most YouTube to mp3 converters are easily found on google, but this is the one I use currently.
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3. Open the Music app. I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t use it which is fair because it sucks. Does anyone remember iTunes in like 2008–2014 that shit fucking SLAPPED i miss it being good. But anyway it’s the app just called “music.”
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4. Go to the bookmarks bar. Click File > Import.
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It will automatically take you to your downloads folder. Then select the file(s) you want to download, and hit “Open.”
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5. It will automatically be added to your Recently Added. Once there, right-click “Get Info.”
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That IMMEDIATELY gives you a VERY easy-to-edit box for all of the information you want to put in. Title, artist, album, album artwork, lyrics, etc. Some useful notes: “File” will show you the technical data, the app doesn’t tend to load images that are over 2000x2000, and the “Options” tab can give you the opportunity to cut out beginnings or endings of songs or adjust the volume.
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Soon as you hit "OK," it's all saved!
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Also, if you plug your phone into the computer and import, this will automatically be added to your Music app so it'll be on your phone too.
yar har and all that
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tacobellabeanburrito · 2 months
Hey guys! I made playlists for both Phoenix and Miles! (Explanation for certain songs and rant under the cut)
There's some songs I couldn't add to Miles' playlist (Like the song "Decree Of A Prosecutor" from Turnabout: The Musical) that I really wanted too, but they weren't on Spotify. I got some other songs in there to make up for the ones I couldn't get in there, though.
I tried to do a thing where the songs go in the order of their lives? Like, in chronological order from when they were kids to present day? I thought it'd be cool and it's much easier to wrap my head around than just placing songs on the playlist. I like it having an order.
I also did a thing where some of the same songs are on both their playlists, and where a lot of the same artists are on both playlists because I like symbolism and shit. Some songs I took from other's playlists cause I wanted to make them have an equal number of songs and some I took from animatics and shit too.
Also, a lot of these songs aren't on a lot of the regular Miles and Phoenix playlists you see... BUT I LOVE THEM AND THEY FIT PERFECTLY OK? I also tried to do a thing where I put songs that I personally think they would listen too.
(Also lmao I took some of these songs from Stan and Ford's from Gravity Falls playlists on Spotify cause they really work together like...)
I wanna talk about their songs soooo badly guys.
I'll talk about a couple of them cause I wanna so badly.
Phoenix's Playlist:
I had an easy time finding songs for this motherfucker, and a lot of them are really good. There's a couple of songs I wanna explain though.
"The Great Pretender" is the most fucking Phoenix song ever. Like, holy shit. Kind of theater kid esc because "Pretending" yk? And it feels like he's always putting on a show and shit I don't know. Perfect.
"My Girl" and "Count On Me" are Pearl and Maya songs respectively. I see a lot of people do this thing where they make playlists for characters and only put songs based on the romantic relationships with that character and like. Uh. No? What about their family? What about their friends? People forget about that a lot and I don't like it so "My Girl" is kind of a Pearl being Phoenix semi-daughter song and "Count On Me" is a Maya best friend song.
OK SO, also "Poison" from Hazbin Hotel is on here and listen, I don't know if Phoenix would listen to this song BUT GODDAMN DOES IT GO WITH HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH KRISTOPH PERFECTLY. I put a lot of Krisnix/Kristoph songs on here ("Vampire" and "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" mainly) because holy shit I love toxic tragic yuri.
Oh also, "Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me" is the most Phoenix/Feenie song ever. Everyone always goes on and on about how "When He Sees Me" is a Miles song and it is BUT NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT "Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me" GIRL IT'S RIGHT THERE HOW DO YOU NOT SEE IT?
Miles' Playlist:
My boy's playlist get's soooo sad. Swear.
Ya'll don't get how much "The Run And Go" is SUCH a "Turnabout Goodbyes" song. It's so fucking good and it fits my boy so well. Just please, PLEASE LISTEN TO IT.
"Where I Want To Be" is a huge Miles song. I imagine him signing it when he's about ready to do his whole "Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death" thing it's soooo good. Also it's from a musical called "Chess" GUYS COME ON.
"Business Man" is soooo him and Von Karma.
"Wait For It" Please for the love of God that is such a Miles song. You guys don't know how much Hamilton has affected my view of these gay lawyers.
"Puppet Boy" Also slaps so hard.
"Death As A Fetish" is also a really good one for him.
Oh ok, so "Dear Sister, Your Brother" is a Miles and Franziska song that I absolutely love. People don't give this song enough credit.
Ok so "Brown-Eyed Girl" and "Vienna" are Kay and Sebastian songs respectively. Love them soooo much. They deserved a couple songs on his playlists because they are his children.
"Karma" is self-explanitory.
Fucking love putting Jet Lag on both of their playlists cause it fits them soooo well.
Also "Best Worst Mistake" from If/Then is their anthem. Like. Holy shit.
I love "If You Were Gay" from Avenue Q for them. They're so stupid and it fits them.
Um anyway, that's it.
Oh also, the friendship songs at the beginning aren't for just Miles and Phoenix. LARRY IS A PART OF THEIR GROUP TOO.
Oh also the two “Family” songs on both of their playlists is just me saying “EVERYONE IN THE WRIGHT ANYTHING AGENCY AND THE PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE ARE FAMILY”.
Also guys, I soooo badly wanted to put "Objections" on here but I couldn't find it on Spotify (Go figure) I'm guessing a lot of you haven't heard it before? Or maybe have? It's a fanmade opening for Ace Attorney and IT SLAPS SOOOO HARD. It's old but soooo good guys. Guys. Ya'll need to get in on the fan songs seriously.
I DON'T HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT "TURNABOUT: THE MUSICAL" ENOUGH. Not the Random Encounters musical, but like, the actual one.
Anyway! Long rant over, tell me what you think of my playlists!
"Objections" fan made anime theme ^
And check out "Turnabout: An Ace Attorney Musical" Cause GODDAMN THAT SHIT I BALLER!
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m34gs · 2 months
Put your Fave playlist on shuffle and post the first five songs that come up!
Ok so I was tagged by @voxofthevoid in this post! I also prefer tag games to inbox chain games, so I will be treating it like a tag game as well! 🥰💜
My current favourite playlist is Villain Core (I don't have spotify so no link to the actual playlist), and it's made up of songs that give vibes of either villains, victims, or a backstory that could make what society would call a villain...because motive and character development is everything to me when I write 🥰🥰🥰
Alright, so:
Nameless by Stevie Howie (warnings: this song is about a man wanting revenge on the guy who assaulted his lover) I like the rage in this one, the utter desire to Destroy. And it feels like an excellent motive for murder in a story.
I'm Not a Vampire (Revamped) by Falling in Reverse. I love vampires and eternal damnation and desperation. Also the choir and orchestral music in the background slaps so hard and gives such a lovely, eerie feeling to it.
God Complex by VIOLENT VIRA. There aren't enough words to describe how much I love this one. "I'm gonna be where you are, doesn't matter how far, because we are meant to be. I'm gonna be what you need, Darling please worship me unless you prefer to bleed" *HELLO?* Ugh, I love me some yandere shit. And the desperate sound of the refrain? The attempt to pin the blame on the person being sung to? Top Tier villain shit. Love it.
Blood//Water by grandson. This one just really fuels my inner "eat the rich"; and gives me that "you made me what I am" kind of villain vibes and I love it. Tortured soul who finally unleashes damnation on the ones who wronged them? Then to only be portrayed as the villain for lashing out at the people who taunted and provoked them in the first place? So thirsty they don't care anymore if they drink water or blood? And nothing can stop the rage inside them? One of my favourite kinds of villains to write.
Give and Take by Poor Man's Poison. I really enjoy this song, very similar to Feed the Machine by the same group. It's about the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer until they've had enough and snap. Not only does this song help inspire me for writing greedy, selfish villains, but it is yet another one that inspires me to write victims pushed so far past their breaking point that society would rather label them a villain than actually identify and solve the issues that led them to that path. One of my favourite types of conflicts to explore in writing!
Hope you enjoyed the answers, my friend! I had to include little blurbs about the songs because I just love them so much. Lol, it's a good thing the limit was 5 songs because if given the opportunity I would talk endlessly about music I love and the themes and how it inspires me to write different villains and conflicts 🥰🥰🥰
Tagging: @kimium, @kamikazequail, @backwardshirt, @sithmonarch, @thedevilsfamiliar
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debbeh · 6 months
Live posting my reaction to this playlist bestie sent me:
ooh what does NIN stand for??
hey, that one Nine Inch Nails (ooohhhhhh) song is on here! I hope their other songs are just as good....
Terrible Lie- all of these would work for negatus edits >:0
never taking my headphones off now
so crunchy
so tasty
Ringfinger- The crunchy sounds have returned!!!!
Ok nothing's gonna top this album (right?)
annnnnddddd Spotify has crashed :|
Stay tuned to see if my socks are blown off once again!!
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Top 5 current songs on repeat 👀
And also…
Top favorite Erika/Jade moments cause I love and miss you 🥺💕
AHHHH ok this is my second time typing this out bc tumblr deleted the first draft 😤
But omg you’re gonna get me cancelled for the song one ☠️ BUT ILL DO IT FOR YOU MY LOVE 😩
(To speak my truth Ive just been listening to taylor swifts newest album this last week 🙈 ITS A GOOD ALBUM OK! AND IT WORKS PERFECTLY WITH ALL MY BLORBOS 😩 but ill add some of my other top spotify contenders 😂)
Top 5 Songs on Repeat:
1. Fortnight by Taylor Swift (the 80s synth vibe is just too good, my brain has latched on to it.)
2. Too Sweet by Hozier (MY IRISH KING 😩 honestly his whole newest album is just banger after banger but i particularly love screaming this song while dancing around my kitchen 💃🏻🕺🏻)
3. Time in a Tree by Raleigh Ritchie (This artist is actually the actor who plays Louis in Interview with the Vampire! All of his music slaps, but the vibe and lyricism in this particular song is just 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼)
4. Growing Sideways by Noah Kahan (His whole album Stick Season is a no-skip for me but this song gets me EVERY TIME 😩)
5. First Class by Rainbow Kitten Surprise (LOVE all of rks, they’re queer and their music honestly fucks in a 70s rock band kinda way 🤘🏼)
Top 5 Erika/Jade Moments: 🥹🥰
1. OKAY THE FIRST HASSSSSS TO be watching kris play pontius pilot and fucking up the whip noises for jesus ☠️ I think about that shit ALL the time and it always cracks me up when it pops in my head 🤣
2. Anytime we had weekend sleepovers and got pizza or your mom made jalapeño poppers while we watched anime 🥹 (EXCEPT FOR WOLF CHILDREN IM STILL NOT OVER THAT SHIT 😩)
3. When we would be writing fanfic in the library instead of studying for APUSH and the librarians would shush us 😅 OR TRY TO SEE WHAT WE WERE WORKING ON ☠️
4. Getting high (ALLEGEDLY 👀) and walking to go get food on the drag 😎 I MISS THAT PHO PLACE SM😩
5. When you made me those shoes with all my fave fandoms 🥹 (Kakashi’s eyes, supernatural anti-possession symbol, LOTR script on the bottom) I still have them on a shelf in my closet 🥰🥰
AND HONESTLY ANY OTHER TIME IVE SPENT IN YOUR COMPANY bc I love you very much and miss you even more 😘
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echho · 6 months
1., 11., 30., 38. and 40. for the ask please.
And bonus one if you don't mind, what's up with the wheelchair ghoul art?
goodness gracious that's an Amount!! thank you ŋ you never disappoint
1. How long have you been a fan of Ghost?
oof. starting off strong. umm
actually no idea because i think i knew some of their songs and about the aesthetic and everything before but i actually became interested in the lore and started listening to their music less casually during the moac boom. so like. idk. two years? one and something? no idea. sorry :c
11. What is the most underrated song?
HA i'd say zenith solely because it was pretty unknown but now that it's available on spotify and stuff... la mantra mori? i know some people don't like it for how repetitive it is but. it's literally a mantra. and idk it reminds me of copia SO MUCH because like. you share not the blood of ours?? thus we focus on your death??? yeah. slaps
30. How long did it take you to fully understand the lore/names/history of Ghost?
again, idk how to count it but like. a couple of weeks MAX after i first became truly interested during the moac boom. i was severely hyperfocused on that shit hahshd
38. What's your favorite theory?
terzo is still alive/will be resurrected because i fucking miss that fucking sexbomb uh
40. How did you discover Ghost?
half-answered earlier but before the moac boom i knew ghost because of my ✨ music hunting sessions ✨ (where i used to open youtube and just click on random songs until i found a whole new playlist of music)
also we don't speak about the long forgotten wips, ok? ok.
(jk. the thing is,, i tried drawing it on paper but couldn't get the proportions right, so i tried digitally but it's so much harder because i'm not that proficient in digital art and just. cannot get it to look like i want it to look. so brain said nope and now it's sitting unfinished between other projects on my pc and i just cannot see myself actually sitting down and getting the work done in the near future. because you know. brain evil because brain want perfection. but i thought about drawing more crutches rain and/or fiNALLY FINISHING THE GHOUL FIC!!!!!!!)
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shoechoe · 4 months
ok this is real long and rambly im v sorry !! i jus wanted to talk abt music as well heh,, i loved reading ur music commentary under the tag game !! (hehe. i tag u rlly often cuz. i hav this secret inner mechanism where if a mutual tags me in anything *once* ill tag that mutual in literally everything if i remember/if prompted. tis how i roll) tho fr ur segment abt 20 min prog rock songs was so damn accurate. it rlly reminded me of pink floyd's "dogs", king crimson's "lizard" (not the album itself but moreso the sort of. i guess mashup shit they do. another prime example of this is moonchild (including the dream and the illusion), or the devil's triangle. which is honestly more nervewracking rather than boring i guess. JDEVGAVEAHDHGEAVHGAEVDGEVDG. hell ost i guess. w lizard ive listened to it so many times and while it does hav a multitude of lyrics DAMN those 23 minutes are painstakingly longgg ! i guess im a lil biased cuz u know ive played it too often. tho it does hav some v beautiful parts... ! i think a prime example of what u hav mentioned abt prog rock was w king crimson's one red nightmare. it has a cool part and then its jus. Instrumentals after and it gets kind of boring. at least the drums r p damn good!! or u know to some of comus's songs (which isnt prog rock but its prog folk. same damn thing where the songs are INSANELY long and can sometimes b rlly boring in certain portions), some prime examples being their song the herald (only 12min long. but mannn sometimes w prog rock or prog folk they make 10+ min songs feel like HOURS. but its also v mesmerizing!! or drip drip which. holy hell is an AMAZING song but theres this one part thats insanely fucking boringgg YAWN. its a nice break before the very chilling lyrics nearing the end but. come on now!) but yeah. i jus wanted to ramble bc i rlly need to get to listening to kc's entire discography as well. idk what u've listened to jus yet but some song recs if ur inchrested or havent listened to them already... could also apply 2 some of ur followers if they read this long ass ramble. this ask is a 20+ min prog rock song at this point: formentera lady, islands, the letters, ladies of the road, pictures of a city, moonchild, cirkus runthrough / lady of the dancing water (alt take) (why this one? it jus sounds better imo. lady of the dancing water is very very beautiful), thela hun ginjeet (this one is very fun and catchy), the sheltering sky, frame by frame, matte kudasai (VERY soothing), ummm.. dr diamond (live. i wish there was a more high quality ver somewhere), cadence and cascade, book of saturday, probably some more i forgot abt !!!!!! top 5 songs on their spotify also slap (obvs everyone and their mom already knows those songs id imagine! tho for new listeners those r bangers. esp starless.). if u wanna get REAL scared u should listen to da devil's triangle. (exaggerating but its quite diff from what *ive* heard. like hollyyy hell they set the mood down so so so so so well)
I appreciate the extra depth in the commentary- it is thoughtful. (I also appreciate the tag games.)
I agree that progressive rock is a very alluring and simultaneously often frustrating genre as someone who tends to be a fan of it. I consider it the musical equivalent of a sit-down meal; it requires a lot of patience and is best for when you have the time to just appreciate and drift off to it.
Progressive rock is usually lengthy, often slow, very experimental, and tends to utilize a lot of improvisation; as a result, you end up with a lot of songs with pieces that work extremely well, but you do often have to sit through a lot of parts that you just don't care for. Having music be a test of patience is understandably just not for everybody.
I find that my favorite progressive rock songs transform into feeling more like journeys rather than typical musical experiences. I consider Echoes by Pink Floyd to be my favorite prog rock song (and one of my favorite songs in general) for this reason. I end up enjoying the long middle portion entirely made of odd, unnerving, very non-"musical" sounds, because the entire song feels like you are trekking through something strange and unknown.
The slow transition with the buildup of the main tune's return at the very end of the middle portion feels almost like a phoenix rising from the ashes, or the reward at the end of a long journey- I hope that doesn't sound cheesy, lol. I enjoy sometimes playing Echoes at nighttime while I'm lying in bed, and I believe that is the absolute best time to play it. It ends up being a very moving experience for me and it really highlights the great potentials of progressive rock.
Thank you for the recommendations- I'm planning to listen to everything, anyway, but I'm sure any of my followers looking for music recs will appreciate it. King Crimson gets a lot of praise from music enthusiasts, but it doesn't seem as well-known among the mainstream as other progressive rock like Pink Floyd, for example.
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godza · 6 months
my favorite underrated vocaloid songs once again with commentary. i dont know how underrated things actually are bc i dont interact with the vocaloid community but yknow how it is
the goat. i have never seen anybody talk about this song ever. the mv has so little views and half the streams on spotify are probably me. the songs about an abused child begging to be loved so beware if you search the mv or lyrics up.
i just realized both these songs were by tohru-ch. they make good songs! another underrated classic. the mv is sick if you manage to find it. this producer is a rin master in my opinion. this song is about how bad capitalism is and the vocals are amazing. nandemo nandemo nandemo. the desperation they managed to infuse into rins voice is so impressive and the guitar is impressive. ive been listening to this song since a very young age like ten. why was i listening to this at ten. piano goes crazy as well
i owe this one to the ex mutual who made a playlist for my fanfic and eventually blocked me. thank you for this absolute banger. i forget what the lyrics to this one mean and the mv isnt much its just kinda green stuff. goes exceptionally hard i cant tell whos singing but its still fantastic. i love the guitar that kinda sounds like rubber bands strapped to cardboard. that sounds weird but listen youll see.
i dont think this ones actually underrated since pinas pretty popular (rats died is too famous for me to put on here even though its a masterpiece). when i saw melissa covered it i died and ascended to heaven. the mv is fantastical and dizzying, and the song is perfectly melancholic. i really like the ooo singing in the background. i have had this song on repeat for an excessively long period. im very surprised it wasnt in my wrapped top five. saa saa saa saa saa saa
yummy music. it makes me do the dance of the sidestep in that one gif with ariel and other things. the wind instrument in it is really nice an the guitar is kicking. i just love rin and len i think. why are these all rin. except weeny idk who sings weeny. woukdnt be surprised if it was rin
i wouldnt call powapowas music underrated but this song has made me cry many a time. i prefer the version i found on soundcloud it has more of a miku sound but this song makes me want to get a lobotomy. young girl a is also a good one but no way is that underrated
HOLY SHIT its on spotify. god i need a dance break but i cant. ow i bobbed my head so hard it hurt. one of my faves of all time god its so good. i love you gumi. YOU NO SAY I LOVE!!!!!!!! i dont know how to express my thoughts further it just bangs so fucking hard. just as a btw it speeds up at the end which can be scary so heads up
i dont think this one is actually underrated im going by no metrics this list is just my opinion. it may not be underrated but it slaps and i played it on loop when i was in seventh grade and playing overwatch. not the best gaming music it just makes you really sad
banger. i love teto soooo much. somewhat peppy until you read the lyrics but even still its a tad melancholic. be warned the bleeps in the song are rlly loud lol. get this in project sekai so ome of those trainwrecks can sing it
probably not underrated it seems too well produced for that. i like the laughs at the beginning. i cant remember where but i laid on the floor for a long time listening to this song
ok thats all the bangers on my playlists ive never heard talked about often. i have others but sometimes i can genuinely not tell if its a vocaloid or a human. its an issue
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arnold-layne · 2 years
Steamin' back again. I'd love to hear about your bands dude, fire away
ok im sorry this took me a while this week was hellish
ok so! i think 5 is too restrictive, i have the space here so im gonna list all of them <3
my chemical romance. yeah i am late for my teen angst phase it never really ended but hey better late than never. i was familiar with the black parade before but this year also got into danger days and revenge thanks to @emometalhead and @glamourizedcocaine who blogged about them so obsessively i just had to check out more of their stuff <3
the warning. i am eternally thankful to @sodalitefully for the rec because this shit slaps HARD. incredible all-female band from Mexico which is critically underrated and which yall should check out <3 it gave me a song that's an exact match for one of my daydreaming scenarios. like, its actually uncanny how well it matches it, given the situation there is pretty specific. not that im complaining tho
SCARLET. this is....an Experience. brings out my primal instincts to kill and maim and destroy and bite and bark :) last time i was able to log on spotify, their most popular song had like 1k listeners which is a goddamn SHAME. p.s. im talking about a swedish metal duo whose most recent album is obey the queen. they're also wearing this skull paint. apparently there's a lot of scarlets out there
Green Apelsin. for the first time in my life i fell hard and fast for a russian musician, and it's not even rock, more like acoustic guitar ballads with incredible vocals. huge folk vibe, just fills you with Toska™.
shinedown! i have to thank @emometalhead for this again, she's got god's taste in music. hard and fast and energetic, you just want to headbang to it
halestorm! ive been a huge fan for a few years now, and they released a fantastic new album this april so naturally i became obsessed again. lzzy hale's voice is how it feels to get absolutely ravaged by a hot tattoo-covered lesbian in a gay bar toilet. well i think it does. will report when i have the experience
evanescence. yeah i don't know what year it is either. but i do know i have a thing for female vocals
just recently (re)discovered fall out boy :)
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echthr0s · 2 years
On your spotify wrapped: # 9 and 29?
I know the meme is like "share your favourite lyric!" but to be honest I don't have favourite lyrics for most of the songs I listen to. I like the way the lyrics interact with the melody, or the way they're sung, but the words themselves don't actually mean anything to me. most of the time I don't get anything out of the lyrical content at all, like, if I was to read it as a poem I'd be like "sure ok.". both of these songs are examples of that lol
and honestly I've never grasped what the fuck Lacuna Coil is ever talkin about and that's been true since high school. it's always like that when the writers don't speak English as a first language (Volbeat is another incomprehensible-lyrics band) (but the shit still slaps so idgaf)
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mochie85 · 2 years
Chapter 11 of my Mayari series.
Mayari Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: After the party, Mayari confides in an unexpected friend. Loki finally finds out what happened and recounts his version of the night. This entire series is inspired by songs. The complete playlist could be found here on Spotify. Word Count: Over 6k Warnings: Post-trauma healing, angst, slight fluff Dividers by: @firefly-graphics Artwork by: grimmforest
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
You woke up to a loud knocking on your door. You sat up and looked around confused. Your bathroom door was already open. Oh. It’s coming from the bedroom door. You stood up, grabbing the counter for support. Sunlight had shone through your window illuminating your entire room. Gods, did I sleep on my bathroom floor last night?
You opened the door to find, “Darcy?” You said questioningly.
“Hey, moon momma. I was hoping to use your bathroom to shower if that’s ok. I see you’ve already done that. Getting ready for the day?” She pointed to you. You were confused until you looked down at yourself. You were still wearing your towel from last night. Your hair must still be damp too. You held on to your towel tighter. You tried to shrink yourself and hide. No one should see you like this.
“Um, ya come on in. Did you stay the night? Where’s Jane?”
“She’s with Thor, sleeping in Loki’s room.” You furrowed your eyebrows at her, prompting her to continue. “Thor had forgotten to tell people we were coming and couldn’t find last-minute rooms for us in the Tower. I offered to just sleep on the couch, but his highness wouldn’t have any of it. So he offered Loki’s room. But can you imagine having a slumber party with the god of mischief?” Darcy asked rhetorically. Shamelessly, you had thought about it. Multiple times.
“I’d probably wake up with snakes or something worse,” Darcy continued. “So I said, ‘no thank you.’ Then, Thor offered up his own room. But that left him and Jane without a room, so they took Loki’s. Loki slept on the couch, in the common room, last night. But it wasn’t without convincing. I believe fifty cases of Asgardian mead and 3 months’ worth of royal responsibilities were negotiated.”
“So, Thor and Jane were in Loki’s room last night?” you asked.
“Yup. Loki hates it when I’m here. He somehow gets the short end of the stick.”
“Was he…with anyone…I mean, did he come home with anyone la…last night?”
“Who? Loki? I don’t know. I saw him drinking with someone, before that whole incident. Which, by the way, you kicked ass in! Look I got the whole thing on video.” She took out her phone and cued up the video. It started with Jane smiling into the camera telling Darcy about her drink. Then you can hear Darcy say, ‘holy shit,’ and she panned over to where you were. You broke off the assault and you slapped Jacob hard in the face. You had transformed, gripping Jacobs’s hand like it was a small twig. ‘You forget your place, mortal. Don’t think of me as prey for your one-sided game of cat-and-mouse. You are not worthy. You are not even a player, in this ill-begotten game of yours.’ Your voice echoed. You didn’t even sound like yourself.
“Do I really talk like that?” you asked bewildered.
“What? Your voice? No. The speech? Also no. You channeled your inner BEAST! Ooh here’s my favorite part.” She pointed back to her phone. “‘I am a goddess. You will treat me as such.’ Bam!” Darcy mouthed your words as you said them on screen. “That dickwad had it coming.”
“You don’t think it was bad of me to use my power on him? I could’ve killed him?!”
“Good. One less predator. He was a villain RiRi! Everybody knew what he did.” You looked away. Holding your towel tighter around you. “Hey. Are you ok?”
“I’m not used to being…that was my first time with an unwanted…I mean I know it was a small transgression, and it could’ve been worse. I mean he offered me a drink, which I already knew was suspicious…”
“He drugged your drink too?!”
“Possibly. I didn’t drink it, so I don’t know. But I know I have no right to complain when there are countless other victims out there who had it worse…and the fact that it was in front of a lot of people…” You sat on your couch, hiding under the throw pillows. Darcy joined you.
“Hey. Don’t start that. Your experiences are your own. They’re yours and they matter. It doesn’t matter that nothing more happened. The fact that it did happen is enough. We women go through so much and being a goddess doesn’t exclude you from that, I guess. I’m sorry you had to go through that, Mayari. I’ll be here if you ever need to talk about it, ok?” You nodded your head. You appreciated that she didn’t try to hug you or comfort you. You don’t think you can handle being touched right now.
“I’m fine. Thank you. Go on. There are fresh towels in the cabinet.” You said nodding your head towards your bathroom.
“Oh, thank goddess! I don’t think I can use Thor’s. You know…boy bathroom and all. Vision is with Wanda in her room. I didn’t wanna bother them. And Nat’s not in hers. So thank you for answering my pray-yers.” She finished in a sing-song voice. You chuckled.
As Darcy used your bathroom, you got dressed for the day. Something loose and comfortable, you thought. You tried on half your clean clothes before Darcy got out of the shower. You couldn’t find anything you liked. They were all tight. Have you always worn tight clothes? One shirt was too low. The other exposed your shoulders. The yoga pants you loved were now form-fitting. You wanted to give up.
“Whoa. What happened? It looks like Nordstrom's exploded in here!” Darcy exclaimed as she walked out of your bathroom.
“I can’t find anything to wear!” you said as you fell to your knees on the verge of crying. Darcy ran over to you. She hesitantly made a show of putting her arm around you. You nodded, and she wrapped both her arms around your shoulders. You cried in the crook of her neck.
“I’m sorry, RiRi. I’m so sorry.” She started rocking you back and forth. You were feeling crazy. You were never like this. Last night, you had felt so violated by Jacob’s advances. You had wanted those things, didn’t you? Just not from Jacob. But when you did get that attention, you denied him. You’re so confused. And the one person you did want attention from, was giving it to someone else. You felt so hurt.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I’m so emotional, such a crybaby.”
“Shh. Shh. It’s fine. You’re not emotional. You’re perfectly rational to me. How ‘bout these joggers and this hoodie. And if you get extra…cold, you could always wear a blanket around you.” She offered, trying to be discreet. You nodded your head and started getting dressed. “Listen, I’m here for the rest of the day if you just wanna hang out in your room and talk. What d’ya say?” You wiped your tears away and nodded your head. “Good. Let’s order take-out.”
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Loki was lying on the couch staring up at the ceiling. The sun was high, and the light was near blinding from this high up in the tower. Here, now in daylight, he could see reason. You were just having fun and dancing. He was the one that took it a step further and actively sought out someone else.
He laid there on the uncomfortable couch and recalled what happened last night.
~ Loki stood by the railing on the stage balcony. He looked over the crowd of people nursing his whiskey in his hand. When did I order whisky? He had been absent-minded all day. His pain and anger abated momentarily when he luckily found Thor in the gym earlier in the day. They had sparred and Thor bested him more than he would have liked. That could be why my shoulders ache. He doesn’t even remember getting ready and making his way to the party. A sudden flash caught his eye and he looked across the room towards the lift.
You walked out in the most sensual dress he’s ever seen you wear. Your hair was loose and waved down to your hips. There were thin rows of chains that hung around your right thigh with a jeweled pendant. He couldn’t stop watching you since you stepped off the elevator with the spider and the witch. His heart hammered in his chest at the sight of you. Then it broke into pieces remembering what happened earlier that day.
“Hey Loke, you look sad. What’s got your panties all in a twist?” Loki let out an annoyed sigh.
“Doctor Darcy Lewis. A pleasure, as always.” Loki raised his glass to her. “Since you’re here, I take it my brother’s better half is here as well?” Darcy gave him a confused look.
“Yeah…they’re over there by the bar. Didn’t you know that we were coming? You know what…never mind.” Darcy left with a mischievous grin. Loki turned his attentions back towards you, not caring in the slightest what Darcy is up to.
He watched you dance with that doctor from the med bay. You looked so carefree and confident as you twirled her in your arms. The sight of you two dancing made him wonder how you would react to his female form as well.
He saw you dance with that barista from downstairs. Loki did not appreciate the way his hands lingered too low and too long at your waist.
What broke his heart even further was the sight of you dancing with Barnes. You were luminous and radiant. Barnes had dipped you and your thigh went up as he grabbed it. Loki crushed the glass he was holding. Ice and whisky spilled to the floor along with drops of his blood. He groaned as he took his handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his hand. When he was finished, he waved his fingers and the shattered glass disappeared.
If you were going to spend the rest of the night not thinking about him, he would spend the rest of the night trying to forget you. He looked towards the bar, picked a random Midgardian who was sitting alone, and bought them a drink.
It wasn’t long before Loki had the Midgardian woman with him in his booth. They were flirting and she had her hands running up and down his thighs. Loki couldn’t help but respond to her teasing. He just wished it was you instead.
The fates must have a twisted sense of humor because they granted his wish. You walked up the steps of the balcony with Romanoff in hand. You went over to the music booth and started playing with the equipment. Loki turned his attention back to the woman. He couldn’t bear watching you any longer.
But he couldn’t look away either. He watched you sway your hips and dance to the music. He watched as Barnes stole Natasha for a dance. Then he watched you twirl into the arms of that Barista. How did he get up here? This area is for a select group of people only. Loki took a sip of his drink and continued to stare at the woman next to him. He barely understood what the woman beside him was saying, let alone care. This is wrong. I should have talked to Mayari this morning like I planned. Now I’m here listening to this random person babble on. He looked up suddenly and saw that you had transformed. People were getting in his field of vision, blocking his sight of you. They were murmuring and whispering.
Loki couldn’t hear what was happening. He saw you had fully transformed in front of him, without moonlight. How is she able to do that? He was about to go to you when he saw Barnes and Romanov come to your side. Then Barnes had picked up the barista and practically threw him off the stage towards Stark’s valet, Happy. Romanoff held your hands and comforted you. What is going on? You walked off, Barnes calling after you. In your mad haste, you hadn’t seen Loki approach you either. Loki was stopped when the woman he was sitting with grabbed his hand and his attention.
“Baby? Come on and buy me a drink.” She acted coyly. Loki reached into his pocket and pulled out a $50 note from his money clip and handed it to her. He didn’t even register the look of shock and anger on the woman’s face before he turned around and saw Nat giving him orders to follow you.
He did not need any more reason to go after you. He tried to reach you before you got to the lift, but the damn DJ had started playing making everybody dance and get in his way. By the time he got halfway to the elevators you were inside, and the doors were already closing. He would have to wait for the lift to drop you off and come back. Or take the stairs. Loki ran around to the back and took the stairs two at a time. When he exited the stairwell onto the common area, he heard your footsteps walk down the hallway and your door closing.
Loki just stood there, in front of your door. He didn’t want to face you and explain his actions. He was too scared. Scared of what you would say. Scared that you would never want to see him again. You had every right to.
When he heard you crying against your door. He sat there. With his back to your door too. Listening to you cry, afraid to move. He heard you get up and he got up too. He didn’t want you to open the door to find him sitting there waiting for you. That’s when Thor and Jane found him.
“Faen! What sweet hell is this?” Loki mumbled under his breath.
“Loki, brother dearest. I need a favor.” Thor said with the sweetest expression. ~
That’s how he ended up sleeping on the couch. He sighed as he sat up. At least he won’t have any royal responsibilities for the next three months, and the fifty cases of Asgardian mead should make for a fun three months too. Just then, Darcy came out of the hallway and walked towards the lift.
“Darcy! Darcy!” Loki yelled out. He came running out to greet her.
“Hey, Loke. What’s up?” She greeted.
“How is she? Mayari?” She gave him a confused stare. “I know you were in her room just now. After last night, I just wanted to check in on her. But I wasn’t sure if…she would see me.”
“Yeah, good call. I don’t think she’s ready to see anybody at the moment. Especially with what happened with that jerk from last night.”
“What jerk? The barista?”
“If that’s the same guy who felt her up and kissed her? Yeah.” Loki grew livid at her words.
“What happened last night?” It came out as a menacing growl. Each word was carefully annunciated.
“You don’t know? Um, I don’t know if I should be the one telling you. I mean it’s her story…” Loki tried a different tactic.
“Please, Darcy. I was displaced last night, you know. My back is aching. That couch is a lot harder than it looks. For all the money Stark has, you would think he would invest in a more comfortable couch…”
“All right. All right. I’m going to leave my phone here, while I go downstairs and pay the delivery guy. I’ll be back soon.” Darcy left her phone cued up to the video and handed it to Loki. He took it gingerly and pressed play. He re-watched the whole ordeal again. The kiss he witnessed made him furious. How could that low-life, bottom-feeder steal something so precious from you? As if it was something he was entitled to. When you slapped him, you were magnificent. Your fury was exquisite and something to behold. The barista, however, was a mewling mess as he caved under you. ‘I am a goddess. You will treat me as such.’ A small smirk came up Loki’s lips. A huge sense of pride came over him upon what you had done. He continued to watch the video. He witnessed Barnes pick up the cretin by his collar, ‘If you ever go near my sister again, I’ll make sure that she breaks your hand for good. You got that?’
Sister?! Is that how Barnes thinks of her. A sister. The revelation sparked something in Loki. Is that why he’s so protective of her? Can a relationship like that exist between two friends? Loki recounted your conversation with Barnes the night of your second mission together.
“You remind me of someone. From back then. Before the Winter Soldier thing.” Was Barnes comparing you to his sister from days past?
“Can I have my phone back now?” Darcy snuck up behind Loki, surprising him from his thoughts. She held a large brown bag in one hand and her other hand stretched out. Loki handed her the phone.
“How is she?” Loki asked. The question having new meaning now. Loki didn’t know what had transpired between you and that pillock of a barista. Only that you had transformed and sent the fool to his knees in front of everyone.
“She’s kind of a mess. Last night did something to her and she doesn’t seem to be herself. She’s usually so upbeat, but she had a hard time finding clothes this morning like she wants to hide, she wants to be covered. She’s scared of being touched. I think he traumatized her.” Loki felt a wave of murderous rage swallow him.
“She asked about you. She asked if you took anyone home last night.” The wave turned into a tsunami, a roil of emotions. If he had just swallowed his stupid pride and had been there for you like he should have, you wouldn’t have been subjected to that rotten excuse for a man. Then you had thought that he came home with someone else! Isn’t that what he wanted though? No. I didn’t want to hurt her. Not really.
“Norns! I’m a fool, Darcy. I need to see her. Do you think she would see me?”
“I don’t know.” She said sincerely. Darcy left and continued to your room. Loki followed her down the corridor. The warmth from the windows heating the hallway. Darcy opened your door only slightly and stopped at the threshold. Loki stood behind her, his view of you blocked by the door.
“Hey. I got the food. Um…there’s someone here who wants to see you.” Loki couldn’t see it, but Darcy silently mouthed his name to you. Your eyes grew wide, and you quickly shook your head. You had sunk further into your hood and buried your head onto your knees as you held your legs together.
“Sorry, Loki. I don’t think she wants to see anyone right now.” Darcy said as she turned to face Loki.
“Can you please tell her…that I’m sorry about last night. That I wish I was there with her…for her. And that when she’s ready. I’ll be waiting for her. My door will always be open.”
“Ok. I will.” Darcy smiled, knowing very well you heard what he said from where you were sitting. Loki smiled back tentatively as he took one last look at the door that blocked you. Then he began making his way back to the common room. He felt like a giant idiot. A giant jealous idiot. He should’ve trusted his instincts. He looked back to the past week; to all those times you’ve spent together. The barbecue, helping you with Stark’s dinner, the late nights spent afterward talking about nothing and everything. You even baked him a cake for Norn’s sake. You had always made him feel special. Then, he repays your affection by failing to protect you and betraying your trust. I must make this right. And I know just where to start.
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You were reading a book on the couch while the TV was playing in the background, not paying attention as it started the local news. Darcy stayed an extra night with you, leaving only earlier today. She needed to go back to the University where she was preparing to teach for the following semester. Before she left, she made sure that you had her contact info and fresh water and snacks in case you didn’t want to go outside your room.
“It doesn’t matter what time it is. Just call ok? If I don’t pick up, leave me a text and I’ll call back soon.” Darcy had been the most surprising friendship you made. You were so grateful that she was there, after your ordeal. You barely spoke to her, letting FRIDAY translate your sign language. When she was still here in your room this morning, helping you feel better and making sure you weren’t alone, you knew that it wasn’t your compulsion that kept her here. That fact alone was the lifesaver you needed to help you float along. Her concern and friendship were genuine. You didn’t need to worry about it being of your creation.
A name caught your attention as you looked up at the news anchor on TV.
“…Jacob Morris was arrested last night in connection to over five counts of sexual assault and harassment, and more than two accounts of rape. He was left subdued and tied up at the Jersey City Police Department last night anonymously. The apprehension was deemed a citizen’s arrest, after he was left with incriminating video evidence, among other paraphernalia, on his persons. The video was purported to be a clip circulating social media of Morris assaulting Avenger Mayari, also known as the Moon Goddess. The video continues to then show Mayari fighting back and defending herself against his attacks. Since the video has gone viral, several women have posted their own history with Morris. He is now being treated for injuries in the Jersey City Medical Center, then later detained in the Jersey City Police department, awaiting a trial hearing. Because of the high-profile case, there is no bail set.”
You let out a loud cry. A strangled sob that just escaped your throat. Your knees went weak, and you fell to the ground curling in on yourself.
“Mayari. Darling, are you ok?” Loki heard your cry. He had his door open, reading in his sitting area. “I am going to open the door, is that all right?” He opened the door to find you crying on the floor, your face in your hands. He knelt next to you, being careful not to touch you.
“Darling…” his voice came out like a wounded animal. His emotions thick in that one word. Pain, anger, vengeance. You looked up at him, tears slicking your face. His eyes were furrowed in a helpless plea. In a single solitary moment, you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around him. The action surprised him and made him tumble backward.
He held you tight as you continued to cry into his neck. All at once, you felt safe. In his arms, nothing could hurt you. You hadn’t felt safe in the last two days.
“It’s all right, my love, I’m here.” He said stroking your hair. He let you cry, and cry, and cry. His shoulder soaked from your tears and your nose. He never moved away. “You never have to worry about him again. I made sure of it.” A cold, steel reserve gave the weight of his word as he held you tighter.
Unbeknownst to you, people had passed by your door to check in on you. Loki would just nod or wave them off. After a while, you had exhausted yourself. Your cries got softer, and your body grew heavier. He gently lifted your head to see that you were almost asleep.
“I’m going to place you in bed, all right dear?” He picked you up with very little effort and he gently placed you on top of your bed.
“Stay. Please.” You signed as he tucked you under your blanket.
“All right.” He simply answered. He brushed your hair back away from your face and you fell asleep. Loki made his way to your sitting area. He used his seidr to conjure a new shirt and the book he was reading. He sat down and stared at your breathing figure on the bed, never opening his book.
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The next day, you woke up startled from a nightmare. Jacob was holding you against himself. His bitter kisses were slobbery, and he put them all over your face and your throat. Your divinity failed you. You couldn’t walk away. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Didn’t you compel me to love you?” Jacob said stroking your cheek. You turned away, not wanting to see the look in Jacob’s eyes. Then his voice changed. It changed into that sweet low baritone that you had come to love. His familiar accent calling out your name. “Mayari my love,” you looked up to see Loki caressing your face. He didn’t kiss you, just stared longingly into your eyes. “Is this any better?” Loki said with an evil grin. It wasn’t your grin, the grin you loved. It was sinister and cruel. “I thought you liked this look?”
You woke up and sat quickly. You were breathing heavily and panting as if you were running away from something. Your body sweating from the many layers and thick hooded jacket you had on. You grabbed onto your pillows trying to ground yourself. Looking around, you remembered bits and pieces from last night – LOKI! Where was Loki? You pulled the covers off, still dressed in joggers. You looked around your room and he was nowhere to be found. You wanted to go outside, but you didn’t want to face the team yet. You paced back and forth contemplating the pros and cons of leaving the safety of your room when you suddenly heard a knock.
“Who is it?” you asked.
“Why don’t you open the door and find out.” That familiar voice. The voice you missed so much. You ran to the door and opened it to find your sister, Tala, standing with her smile wide, and arms open. You wrapped her in a crushing hug. Her curls tickling your nose. You opened your eyes to see Loki standing behind her, giving you a gentle smile.
“Ladies, when you’re ready, breakfast is in the kitchen. There’s a fresh jar of juice in the fridge, and if you need me, I’ll be with the team in the conference room.” Loki said.
“The conference room? Is there a mission? Should I attend?” You asked confused.
“No, darling, don’t worry. Just a debrief from Tony and his lawyers. I’ll let you know if you are needed. But for right now, just relax and enjoy your time with your sister.” He smiled and turned to make his way down the hallway. You looked back at Tala and smiled.
“Come, let’s eat breakfast. When was the last time you ate a proper meal?” Tala led you to the kitchen, not letting go of your hand once since you hugged her. You hadn’t been out of your room in a couple of days, surviving off the snacks Darcy left you. The aromas coming off the kitchen made your stomach growl ferociously. Tala looked down at your stomach, then back up at you, raising her eyebrow. “Mhmm. I want you to start with eggs, then bacon, then we can talk about pancakes.”
“I’m not really hu-”
“Humor me.” She said straight-faced, laying a plate in front of you with two sunny-side-up eggs for eyes and a piece of bacon for a smile. You smiled back at the plate, then up at your sister. You sat down on the kitchen island stool. You looked down at your ‘happy’ plate and stabbed the eyes with your fork. Yellow yolk streamed down as if the face were crying. That’s a bit more like it.
“You’re so dramatic!” Tala giggled. She poured you a glass of orange juice and set one down for herself. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” You stayed quiet. “You made the news, you know? Even to our little corner of paradise.” Tala stayed quiet, waiting for you to be ready. She moved to sit next to you. Her arms resting on the backrest of the stool. “Are you ok?” She whispered. “Talk to me.”
So, you did. You’ve told her everything that’s happened in the past two weeks. She listened intently, her powers almost coming to the surface when you told her about Jacob. You patted her hair, trying to calm her down. She was furious. Whatever version she was told, apparently wasn’t the whole truth of it. She let out a huge sigh. She hugged you tight as if squeezing you would squeeze the pain out too.
“You know that video is trending everywhere on social media. #IAmAGoddess. Women everywhere are using it as a slogan. A mantra. For empowerment.”
“I don’t know why I said it. It just came out.”
“It was the truth! It still is! The truth has every reason to be heard. For you and for everyone who’s ever been victimized.” She cried out. “Oh, my dear até.” She took your face in her hands. “I’m sorry for all the hardships life has brought you. But with the bad comes the good, right?” She said with a smirk.
“Now, tell me about Loki. I thought he was ignoring you. Isn’t that what you said the last time we FaceTimed?” She resumed. You rolled your eyes at her and nodded in agreement. “He must like you somewhat. What kind of man brings your sister halfway across the world to make you feel better? What kind of man finds your perpetrator and turns him into the authorities? And then, waits by your doorway to see if you need anything.”
“Wait. What did you say?” You asked confused.
“I came in late last night. Thor brought me in using the Bifrost. It was supposed to be Loki, but he wanted to stay with you last night. Apparently, you saw the news report of what happened with the asshole. When I came in, you were already sleeping. So, Loki let me sleep in his room while he kept watching over you from your couch,” Tala answered.
“Oh! Um…no. The other thing. He caught my perpetrator?” you signed disbelievingly.
“According to Thor, Loki went on a warpath after he heard what happened to you. He wasn’t the only one. I think Sgt. Barnes and Ms. Maximoff were with him too. Let’s just say if those other two weren’t with him, there wouldn’t have been someone left to turn over to the authorities.”
The sound of the conference room door opened. Men in business suits walked out shaking hands with Tony. As soon as they left, Tony turned around and saw you sitting on the island counter. He gave you a wink and a smile. You gave him a wave back as he turned back into the conference room.
Moments later, Bucky walked out of the room and made a beeline straight for you in the kitchen.
“Hey, doll. Hey Tala.”
“Hi, Sgt. Barnes.” Tala said.
“Please, call me Bucky.”
“Ok.” Tala stood up. “I think I’ll go unpack in your room. Come back when you’re ready ok?” She said to you. You nodded as she walked down the hallway towards your room.
“Hey, Buck.” You waved at him.
“How are you feeling?” He stood hesitantly far away.
“You can come closer. I won’t bite.”
“I don’t know. That video of you showed that you have a strong bitch-slap.” Your eyes widened in shock. Then you laughed out loud at the joke. “Oh thank God, I thought it might’ve been too soon to make that joke.” That’s when he moved to take Tala’s seat next to you. He still stayed relatively distant. “I’m sorry about what happened RiRi. I should’ve been there sooner. I shouldn’t have let you go like that. Sorry I wasn’t there for you, doll.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Buck. Thank you for being there for me and keeping him off me. If it weren’t for you and Nat, I might’ve done something worse and I might be the one in jail.” You said softly.
“No one would’ve sent you to jail. I think Tony would’ve seen to that.”
“I heard about what you guys did afterward. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you in my life, but I’m truly grateful.” You held your hand out, timidly placing your hand on top of his metal one. He squeezed it gently.
“Hey, what are brothers for.” He ruffled your hair as you rolled your eyes. “I know it’s been a trying few days, but the rest of the team misses you. So when you’re ready. Come out more often.” He patted your head and stood up to leave. You made your way up too, not wanting to be alone in the kitchen if the team was on their way out. You didn’t want to be caught with their expressions of pity or remorse.
Loki stood quietly at the steps below the kitchen. He didn’t want to intrude on your talk with Barnes. “Hey, Loki,” Buck said in greeting.
“Barnes.” Loki nodded. A new understanding between them. Loki turned his attention to you.
“Hi.” You said shyly.
“Hello. Can we talk somewhere more private?” He asked you. You nodded your head and followed Loki as he quietly walked towards his room. He opened the door, inviting you in. He kept it open, so you wouldn’t feel trapped.
You’ve always wondered what his room looked like. It was high ceilings and lots of windows to let the daylight in. Just like your room. The differences were his windows were nearly drawn closed with heavy black curtains. His seating area was a black leather couch with granite side tables and golden lamps. The area by the window where you would moon-watch, he had another wingback chair with a large bookcase and books stacked from the floor. There were little golden accents here and there. The most iconic one was his horned crown-helmet sitting on his dresser, by the door.
Silence stretched out. It was never this awkward between the two of you. “I should apologize. On the day of the party, I saw Barnes walking out of your room, and I got jealous. So that night, I guess I wanted to make you feel the way I felt, and I started flirting with the first available person I saw. I don’t even remember what they looked like. I didn’t even know what happened to you till the next day when Darcy showed me the video.” He looked at you, trying to gauge your reaction. Trying to see if you can grasp the meaning of his apology. To read in between the lines of why he acted the way he did.
“It’s just that, if I had been honest with you, you might not have had to go through what you did. I’m sorry Mayari, for failing you. I promised to always be there for you, and I broke that promise.” He continued.
“I see.” You signed. Do you? Do you see what I’m trying to confess, my love? he thought to himself. Silence. Nothing but silence. He awkwardly stood there as you looked at his shoes, not willing to look up at his eyes. He felt like you were going to push him away. He was readying himself for it. “Thank you, Loki. For your apology. What is that, like your third one now?” You signed lightly laughing.
“Yes, I seem to always find myself a fool for you don’t I, milady.” He said with a smirk. Relief washed over him. You softly walked up to Loki. You held his hand and he looked down to face you. You took a deep breath and held his hand to your face. His palm cupping your cheek. You leaned in, feeling his cool touch.
“Really though, thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” You almost couldn’t say it without crying. Your face scrunching up trying to stop the tears before they fell. He held your other cheek with his other hand. With his thumbs, he wiped the rogue tears that fell.
“Jacob’s actions were his own and no one could have done anything differently. I know that now. I’ve come to terms with it last night. I’m grateful that nothing more happened. I’m also grateful that I have good friends like you to protect me.”
“Always…” He moved to be closer to you, leaning his forehead against yours. Willing you to forget all that had transpired, wanting you to be his happy girl again. “…Eternally.”
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⬅️ Chapter 10: Woman | Chapter 12: Six-Inch Heels➡️
Mayari Taglist: @User13cabs
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hoshiyoshis · 2 years
hihi, lovely ^^ if you’re up for it ,, drippin & ciipher < 3 ! both groups are v fun 💞💞
hiii!! <3 i am up to listen to both!! i might be able to like... get myself comfy enough to be social lmao these are deadass helping
gonna put both of these under a readmore because i never shut up <3
i'm unfamiliar with both (aside from like... vague moments of seeing them on my dash lmao) so!! for drippin:
I’ll listen to their top song on Spotify & tell you my thoughts
yo villain kinda slaps ngl...
I’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me
ok side note i noticed they are w woollim... isnt that the same company golden child is with... this is a sign to also keep listening to golcha i think
the guy on the right end in this picture has. a softish face. WOULD squish hehe
and the guy with the blue hair in this picture looks like he has cute vibes (in terms of personality!! i mean hes cute but he looks like he would squish MY cheeks and get away with it bc he'd be saying cute shit lmao)
I’ll tell you if I’d look into them more
villain absolutely slaps so like... i am inch rested 👀 ive been listening to more songs while looking at pictures so i might sit down and just listen through stuff sometime!!
and ciipher!
I’ll listen to their top song on Spotify & tell you my thoughts
ooo... i like you is a fun song :0 i'll keep listening while looking at pictures lmao but i do like what i'm hearing so far!! :3
I’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me
the uhh guy in brown in this picture!!
and also the guy w dark hair sitting on the floor in this one who may or may not be the same guy and i might be stupid lol
I’ll tell you if I’d look into them more
i think i will??? i feel like i keep saying 'i think i will' but literally ppl suggesting stuff is what makes me actually listen to things!! gives me motivation hehe
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
chapter 6~life is a “high” way
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(*i do not own this gif*)
A/N: this chapter is honestly one of personal favs because we get to see more of spencer feeling more confident in himself in a way while still being him and it’s just aaaaa :’) tomorrow you will get chapter 7 but then after that, expect chapters to come out a bit slower, including requests (which i am working on currently and thank you so much for sending them my way!). lots of my focus needs to be on my personal life but writing helps me get through all of that hell, so i’m in a very wishy washy position lol. thank you so much for the love on nauseous i love uuuuuu
Category: fluff w smut at the end
CW: road head, d/s dynamic, daddy kink
Word Count: 3282
before you read | last chapter | next chapter (coming soon!*)
Spencer parks in front of your apartment building and stays in his seat as you get out. You both had decided that packing up right away and not going to lunch was better. That way, you can learn more about each other on the way there. You couldn't wait to get inside that smarty-pants brain of his and find out what's really going on in there.
You shut the car door and start walking, but stop when you don't hear his footsteps behind you. When you walk back to the car, you see Spencer sticking his battery in the cigarette lighter to charge.
"You're more than welcome to come in, y'know." You chuckled.
Spencer looks up at you, licking his lips as he moves some of his hair behind his ear. "It's ok, I don't want to bother."
"You won't be a bother. I've been to yours, now you can come into mine."
"Oh, so that's how that works huh? You have to go into the guys apartment before the guy goes to yours?" Spencer said sarcastically.
"You know what I mean!" You pull open the car and grab his hand, "C'mon, Spence. You'll be fine!"
He giggles under his breath and comes out of the car. After locking it, the two of you head inside and up the elevator to the 4th floor. Once at your door, you unlock it and open up to 4 paws jumping onto you. You hear Spencer gasp in surprise and giggle at his reaction, making it seem like you were giggling at your two buddies. Sitting on your old couch was your next door neighbor, Seth, who was watching Pose on the tv.
"Thank you again for watching the boys while I was gone. I really owe you big time for doing this." you say as you get up from the floor.
Seth gets off of the couch and walks up to you to give you a hug. "Anytime! If anything, they can stay at my place when you go on a case-" He stops and looks over at Spencer, standing awkwardly by the door still and letting the dogs sniff him, "Although, it seems like this new case was a success."
"Shut up, Seth!" You giggle, lightly slapping him on the arm. Realizing you forgot your manners, you quickly try to take it back. "Seth, meet Dr.Spencer Reid. Doc, meet my neighbor, Seth."
Seth reached his hand out to shake, but Spencer politely denies. "Sorry, I-I don't shake hands. It's actually been proven that it's safer to kiss." You catch Seth's eyes looking him up and down. "Seth stop teasing him like that!" You laugh. Spencer wasn't into guys, but somehow Seth looking at him made you a little jealous. You're not even dating the man, y/n shut up, you think to yourself.
"You and I will talk later." He says.
"Oh, Spence! These are my babies. The scottie is Benedict and the husky is Draco."
The room went silent for a moment, Spencer trying to hold in a chuckle. "Yes, I did name them after Benedict Cumberbatch and Draco Malfoy. I've had them picked out since I was a teenager, don't judge."
"Oh c'mon hun," said Seth, "it's adorable that you named them the way you did."
"It is," Spencer spoke, "I didn't depict you as a nerd."
"Oh my god, you kidding? She's probably the biggest nerd I've ever met with all her Sherlock and other crime shows, Harry Potter, Doctor Wh-"
"Ok, I think he gets it Seth!" You cut him off. That was enough embarrassment for today.
"I will say, Benedict or Tom Felton could always come my way."
You slap him on the arm again laughing. You look back at Spencer, who was awkwardly chuckling along with. You then announce that you were going to get in the shower. "Seth, can you take them for a few more nights? We're going up to my dad's cabin back home for the weekend. Also, when I get out and do my makeup, you promised me that you would tell me how your date went last night with 'Mr.Perfect' as you said it."
"Bitch I have ALLLLLL the tea that I'm not missing on spilling!"
"Good. Now you two get along. And Spence," He looks up at you, his hazel eyes looking into you...
"Don't miss me too much, hm?"
Then you walked into your bathroom, trying to wrap your brain on the fact that you just said that to him.
                           ~Spencer's POV~ I can't believe she said that.
She left me here a little turned on. I could start feeling my pants getting tight and had to put my bag over myself as I sat on the couch so then I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of Seth. I looked around her apartment to distract myself of thoughts of being in the shower with her. She had a very interesting aesthetic. Walls white with old picture frames that had beautifully taken old photos in them. The lamps that were in the living room looked like they were from the 70's, old gold coating chipped off at some parts of the stand. While there was a vintage look to her place, it was also very modern at the same time, a minimalistic look took over her kitchen. She had a fake vine hanging from the wall behind her tv, some of it covering her maroon record player. In some ways, our aesthetics were similar. If she had a bookcase in here, I'd feel like I was at my place.
Seth and I began to get to know each other. I came to find out that Seth worked as a bartender at a club, and he enjoyed taking photos for his social media. "I would love to be a photographer," he said, "but right now it's just a hobby that I do mostly during the colder months." He says cold, cloudy days (especially if it's raining) were the best times to take photos, in his opinion.
"So," he says, "you work with y/n at the BAU?"
"Yeah, we've really become good friends in the past 9 days. It's like we've known each other for years. Plus, she's great out on the field. She's definitely someone myself and the rest of the team will never take for granted."
"Thank god," Seth said as I heard the water turn off, "She told me that it was her dream to be a part of the BAU. She would never stop talking about it when she was in college."
"Hm, she never mentioned that to me."
"Well, let her tell you on your way to the cabin. She'll love it."
After a little bit more conversation, y/n came back to the living room. Her hair was damp, not fully wet but not dry either. She had thrown on a white turtle neck shirt with a brown sweater vest over it. She matched it with darker brown corduroy pants, cuffing the bottoms. In her hands was what looked like to be her makeup bag. She sat down in front of the mirror that was in the corner on the left side of the tv (when you look at the tv), beginning the process.
Seth and y/n talk about his date from last night and got pretty detailed about it. He talked about how the man took him to a gay bar that was a few blocks from here, and how they danced and drank the night away. "Oh and then get this," says Seth, "we're pretty drunk at this point, right? Well at one point, the local queen that performed came up to me and tried to flirt and shit, thinking she was all that and a bag of lashes, and he saw how uncomfortable I was and stood up for me. And let me tell you, he was REA-DY to throw hands!"
"Stooooop he's literally a keeper!" y/n says.
Once she was done with her makeup, she gets up and goes back to her room, coming back out with her luggage. She goes over to the door to grab a pair of Vans and comes back to tell Seth and her children goodbye.
"I'll be back in a few days. Thanks again, Seth. I really-"
"Owe me one, I know I know!" Seth cuts her off, "Now go have some fun and relax, you need to after working so damn hard for this job!" He turns to me and waves. "And it was very nice meeting you, Doctor."
"It was nice to meet you, too! But please, you can just call me Spencer."
Seth smiles as we walk out the door. What this trip will bring? For once, I'm letting fate take the lead instead of science.
~Y'N's POV~ It had been about a few hours of being on the road. At this point, you were somewhere in Pennsylvania, but not sure if you were close enough to Philly to grab a cheesesteak. You think back to the start of the drive. You suggested that you'd be the dj because your library on spotify had a full range of genres with some songs you had no clue were in there. "It'd be a fun little journey!" You told Spencer. And that it was, a journey.
You ended up driving right by a dispensary before even leaving DC. Garcia told you that that's where she gets her stuff, but knowing that bringing a lot of weed across the country wouldn't be a fun trip, you two decided to go with the original plan and just wait till you get to Michigan.
You could tell Spencer was getting a kick out of your music library. While majority of the songs he didn't know, he was still being goofy and jamming out along with you, trying to match the same energy you were having. The songs that talked about sex, drugs, and/or alcohol surprised him every time, his jaw dropping or his eyes bulging out of his head as he listened to the lyrics. You couldn't help yourself but laugh at his reactions, which would make him laugh along with you.
You two weren't alone, however. You were pretty much sucking down on the carts you still had, although you both made a deal that whoever was driving could only get a little high if they wanted to, drinking plenty of water and eating snacks to sober you up a bit if needed.
Driving through Pennsylvania, you look out the window and onto the scenery around you. You weren't paying attention, however, because you couldn't stop the dirty thoughts that intruded your mind. You couldn't help to think about giving him head, since you hadn't done it yet because both times he gave you all the pleasure. You couldn't wait to get to the cabin and go straight to your knees for him. Suddenly, you tried to get them out of your head. 'You're getting way too excited, y/n. STOP IT!' you thought to yourself.
You decided to just feel everything around you, taking a few more hits from your pen before taking it in. Nineteen by Movements was playing; it was like you could feel the song itself and everything about it as you looked up at the very tall street lamps passing by. Nothing felt better than this moment. Just you and Spencer out on the open road. It felt like nothing could stop you two. You felt free, but you also felt safe and complete, something you haven't felt in a long time.
At one point, you couldn't take it anymore. It was 2:30am and Spencer was still driving. He told you to get some sleep but you weren't sleepy or tired at all. You tried to feel free but when you did, you thought of Spencer, which led to dirty thoughts. It was like you couldn't escape it, and every time the thoughts came, you couldn't help but secretly rub your thighs together for some kind of friction.
As you tried to get the thoughts out of your head, you look over to see a nice little surprise. The passing lights outside helping you see, you noticed the bulge in Spencer's pants. How in the hell would he be getting hard now of all times? Were dirty thoughts intruding his mind, too? Seeing that made you even more wet than you already were. This was your chance.
You look out to the open road in front of you, and gently graced your fingers across his bulge. You look out the corner of your eye...nothing. Not even a flinch. 'Playing hard to get, hm?' You thought to yourself. So you did it again, which made him shift in his seat a little, still pretending he didn't notice anything. Finally, with some kind of courage that you never knew you had, you grabbed his cock through his pants and slowly started to stroke it. His eyes came out of his head, letting out a small gasp.
"You know I'm driving, right?" He asked, "We could crash if I'm paying attention more to this and not on the road."
You give him a smirk, "It's almost 3am," you begin to say, but then you notice that you're the only car on the road, "and no one else is on the road right now."
You start to undo his belt with your one hand. "You pleasured me twice already," you continue, your hand successfully undoing the belt and undoing the zipper on his pants, reaching inside to pull out his already, fully hard cock, "I need to show my thanks somehow, don't I?"
Spencer shifts in his seat, keeping his eyes out on the road. You were kind of hoping he was looking for somewhere to pull over, but you wouldn't mind doing it as he drove. "You...you already did...b-by inviting me to your dad's cabin."
You stopped stroking and he almost let out a whimper. "I saw that bulge in your pants just a few minutes ago, are you suuuurree you don't want to...daddy?"
Just hearing the word 'daddy' made him grab your hair tightly. You smiled as you shifted your position in your seat to go down on him. When you were ready, Spencer stopped at a red light and pulled your face close to his, lips almost ghosting each other.
"You better make daddy feel good then, since you're being such a fucking brat right now." He whispered as you continued to slowly stroke him again.
You couldn't even react to what he said because once the light turned green, he guided your head down to his cock before letting the tightness on your head go and letting his hand rest on top. You decided to egg on your bratty-ness by teasing the tip, giving him kitty licks at first and then slowly just running your tongue in it, licking up the pre cum.
Spencer tightens his grip again, making you whimper. "I'm not sure doing that is a good idea, angel. Do you want to get punished once we're there?"
You shook your head no, but the thought of him punishing you made you feel yourself drip between your thighs.
Spencer moves his grip from your hair and slaps your ass with a huge SMACK, which made you moan loudly.  "You have to use your words, angel. Unless you want to be a little slut tonight."
You look up at him to see his eyes were still on the road. You smirk as you pump him a few times before taking his head in your mouth. You bob up and down slowly, hearing him grunt and curse under his breath. You step it up by going down a little lower, each time going back up and then going lower until you had all of him in your mouth. You stayed like that for a few moments, gagging on it.
"Oh fuuuck that's it...that's it baby, take my cock in your mouth, just like that." He says before pulling you off to let you breathe. He's quiet for a moment before he says, "Now I'm going to guide you, angel. You're gonna make daddy feel more good than he already was, got it?"
"Yes, daddy." you answer, knowing that he wanted to hear you say again.
He pushes your head back on his cock, moving you head faster than before. He couldn't get enough it, making you gag every so often and pulling you back up. Spencer's cock twitched in your mouth and you knew he was close. He controls your head faster, his rhythm getting sloppy.
"You want me to cum in that pretty mouth of yours, angel? You want daddy's cum?" He growled, trying not to thrust into your mouth as he continues to drive.
"Mhmm!" You moan, which almost made him go over the edge.
"Keep doing that for daddy, moan for me. God, I bet you just love having my cock in your mouth, but I'm sure you're just desperate for my cum."
You moan again. That you were. You wanted his cum so bad in your mouth so you could taste him; taste how good you made him feel.
"Don't...fuck...don't stop doing that, angel...that's it...fuck I'm gonna cum..."
And with that, you feel his cum shoot inside your mouth, letting out moans and cursing. You slowly continued to suck him, getting every last drop. When you did, you move up to face Spencer as he pulled over, showing his cum in your mouth at first and then closing your mouth to swallow and open back up to show him it was gone. The look in his eyes told you that that was the hottest thing he's ever seen.
Spencer pulls you in surprisingly and attacks your lips with his, as if he was hungry for them. He was almost eating your face but you didn't care, you kissed him back and let your tongues play with one another. You both pull away after a bit and he just looks into your eyes. You look into his hazel eyes and felt complete.
"Now, will you stop being a brat and get some sleep?" He asks.
You giggle as you quickly look at the time in the car radio. "It's 3:15," you said, "it's my turn to drive."
"But now you're all tired from pleasing daddy," he jokes, "so you get some sleep, and I'll drive. I really don't mind it. Honest."
"Are you sure?"
Spencer nods his head. You decided to give in and get comfy in your seat.
"Goodnight, Spence." You say as you move the top part of the seat all the way back. You grabbed your traveling pillow and placed it on top of your right arm, laying your head as you turned your body to face away from him.
"Goodnight, angel."
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eurydicees · 3 years
thoughts on the musicals y’all recommended!
tysm for all the recs! i had so much fun listening to them, i really appreciate it! always feel free to rec more :)  
to preface, there’s no actual judging system. it’s all about the vibes. so, in the order that i listened to them: 
the mad ones
i already made a post abt this one, but i have to mention it again. i’ve been listening to it on repeat. like. straight up on a loop. 
i’m obsessed with this
the storyline is so put together, and you can really feel the heart of the show
the characters were well written (with the exception of the boyfriend tbh, i could have done without him), and i’m so fascinated by sam and kelly’s relationship (writers were cowards for making them not gay) 
the songs felt super cohesive, and the repeated drum loop was super well integrated. the sound techie in me is fascinated by the way this show was put together, and i’d love to see it performed (like. fr. i was getting ideas for the design. which is always so much fun) 
romeo es julia
holy shit this slaps
costumes were weird
but the music was brilliant
some of the captioned lyrics were ???? bad translation or bad lyrics??? but the sound was incredible so i don’t even care 
mercutio and tybalt were spot on
the moms were GREAT. i LOVED their voices, like. could FEEL the emotions, even if i didn’t know wtf they were saying 
pretty much everyone was like that, like idk what’s going on via words, but i def can feel it, which is the best kind of song
my mother didn’t like this one but whatever, she didn’t get to see the choreo that went with it so what does she know 
the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. the SET. the LIGHTS. the SOUND. chef’s kiss. 
ordinary days
i liked “favorite places” and “beautiful” a lot, but the rest of the songs were only okay
i wasn’t super attached to the characters and the singing was just. like. okay for me. i didn’t love any of them in particular 
my mother also didn’t like this one, rip. she has a lot of opinions on musicals. 
oh my fucking god???????? 
not what i expected at all. right from the first lines i was like. 😲😲😲 
like. this was so good??? wtf???? hamilton meets shakespeare meets the mechanisms meets les mis meets post-9/11 politics meets dystopia. i thought it couldn’t be done, but here i am, in awe
i was going to include some favorite lines but. it’s just all of them. ALL of them. 
further confirmation that i’m in love with jennifer damiano. 
also angela polk?? incredible 
it’s weird bc it’s so clearly Not Broadway Music, but it’s also not trying to be, which i enjoy. i can see why some critics hated it (read some really funny reviews lmao), but i really loved the sound (haven’t seen the show, though, and that’s half of a musical, so maybe gonna try and find a bootleg) 
count of monte cristo 
damn from the overture this was. Intense. like. damn. i’m a slut for any dies irae sequence, so i was a big fan of that
that being said. gonna be real. i had no idea what was happening throughout the entire musical. it’s a pretty music-light show, so that’s probably why? 
maybe it would make more sense if i watched a performance rather than just listening to the soundtrack??? idk. anyone got a bootleg? 
thomas borchert has a nice voice. very distinctive. googled him to see where else i can listen to him. he was rum tum tugger. anyways. mad respect for this man
sonically, it didn’t feel like a very cohesive show? like it felt like there were a lot of diff vibes going around
lots of good songs for my evil musicals playlist though 
once on this island (2017 revival)
ok turns out musicals are a lot better when sung by professionals than by sixth graders who think they can belt even tho their voices are still cracking 
also turns out that stories can be much more complex and interesting-- and have much deeper themes of racism and classism-- when on broadway than when in a sweaty middle school auditorium in an upper middle class white neighborhood 
funny how that works, huh 
i’m still a little unsure abt it, and probably wouldn’t listen to it just because i can, but i definitely don’t object to it anymore 
ty for making me give it a second try 
hailey kilgore is brilliant in this
the singing in general is REALLY impressive and beautiful 
death note
i cannot express enough in words how mad i am that i actually liked this
genuinely don’t know how to feel 
i do think that i would get more out of it if i watched the anime, but it was still pretty easy to follow, just knowing the premise 
idk who the cast is bc i found a weird shady playlist on spotify rather than a cast recording, but the girl’s voice (idk character names) was beautiful. “i’ll only love you more” was SO good
reminded me a little of jekyll and hyde? which? huh
also i’m now getting tik tok videos with audio from this musical can my iphone stop stalking me for ONE second
fucking unfair that this is actually a good soundtrack. the desire to find a bootleg is unholy. 
why did no one tell me that alex brightman is in this!!!!
i listened to a few songs and really enjoyed them, but didn't get through the whole album lmao
but i did really enjoy what i did listen to, and i'm gonna come back to it
ghost quartet
i wanted to like this one. SO badly. i REALLY wanted to like it.
but i couldn't really get into it? 
there were a few songs that absolutely slapped, but overall, it was just kinda. eh. which sucks bc i have heard such good things about it
i LOVED "the astronomer," "the telescope," and "lights out" 
but i didn't get through the entire album
i'll come back to it eventually and give it another try, i think. i might just not have been in the specific mood for it
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