#this thing is the reason the file for this piece ended up being fucking. checks. 2gb.
tomaturtles · 1 month
Oh yeah here's the painting timelapse of my day 5 piece!
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loquaciousferret · 1 year
Heat Waves
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Gif: @serenaxpedro
Summary: A heatwave and a broken air conditioning unit in the office leads to tensions running high between you and your partner, Javier Peña. What lengths will you consider going to, seeking relief?
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, no minors etc etc . fingering, unprotected sex, semi-public sex (in an office), maybe more, just please don’t read if you can be sensitive to any kinds of sexual content
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: credit to @tightjeansjavi for the prompt, this was delightful to write hehe
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You check the wall thermometer again. The needle is creeping just above 30°. You groan loudly.
For a building full of people whose work visas list them as being employed in “Janitorial Services”, the US Embassy in Medellin had a shockingly poor maintenance and janitorial department.
The air conditioning had broken yesterday, towards the end of the work day. It was bearable because it was already beginning to cool down into the evening, but today, in the mid-day sun, in a July heatwave, it had been too much for most of your colleagues to bear.
Anyone who was able to work from home had scurried off with boxes of files to catch up on paperwork in their air conditioned apartments.
But you and Javi couldn’t move the entire wall of the office where you were mapping out trade routes, connections, linking suspects together and desperately trying to find a pattern that would let you understand where exactly the evidence was that you so desperately needed.
You had probably consumed your body-weight in water. You had already shed as many layers as possible. You had even removed your tights. All that was left was a tight skirt and a blouse that was sticking to your skin all over. Plastered to your lower back, your chest. Nothing was cooling you down.
“Are you evening listening to me?” Javi sighs.
Your gaze snaps up to him, he is watching you with an expression that is more defeated than irritated.
“I’m sorry Jav, can’t think straight. This fucking heat’s making me crazy.” You say sincerely.
“Yeah, you can say that again.” He responds sympathetically.
He wipes sweat from his brow.
“Just… take a break. G’nna go outside to smoke, hopefully catch a breeze.” He mutters.
As he leaves the room, a disturbing thought crosses your mind. The shirt clinging to his broad shoulders and his back muscles flexing as he reaches for the door handle makes you question… Is Javi attractive? Well, obviously, he is, to every other woman in Colombia. But is Javi attractive to you? Not up until now, his personality thoroughly put you off. But the way he looked from behind, even with those patches of sweat staining his shirt… or, maybe, especially with those patches of sweat…
“What the fuck.” You mutter.
This heat really is making you insane. You physically shake your head to try and rid yourself of the thought. Javier fucking Peña. Yeah right.
You return your focus to the document he was attempting to discuss with you before. It was a transcript of an intercepted communication, between two parties who you couldn’t understand a reasonable explanation for them now working together. The whole thing sent your head into a spin trying to piece it together.
You knew you were on the edge of a breakthrough. You could feel it. Javi knew it too, and you were both pushing each other to your limits. He was an excellent partner. His job was the only thing he cared about. That might be the only thing you and Javi had in common. As different as the two of you were, the job was where you found mutual respect, and that was all that mattered.
Heat creeped up your chest and around the back of your neck. It was practically choking, consuming every single sense and causing a layer of impenetrable fog to settle in your mind. Being off your game at a critical point in your investigation was less than optimal.
Javi entered again and you analysed his features. If the heat was affecting him as much as it was you, he was doing a good job at not showing it.
“How are you coping with this? I feel like I’m about to be swallowed by the sun.” You groan exaggeratedly.
“Grew up in Texas.” He shrugs.
“Really?” You say, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes.” He says, meeting your eyes. “Is that surprising?”
“Yeah. I thought Southerners were gentlemen."
“Maybe I am.” He responds, holding a bottle of water to his forehead.
You scoff and then clear your throat. “Anyway, I’m reading this again. I can’t help but think this is a code name for some kind of object or thing, not a person. If it was a person they would have come up before now. There are only so many people that run in these circles, I just don’t think we could have missed someone this important.”
He tilts his head from side to side, considering your suggestion. As he does so, the tendons in his neck protrude and you see how his tanned skin sparkles as it glistens with sweat.
Finally, he responds, “Maybe. But for what? These guys aren’t geniuses. Think we can work out the code?”
“I don’t know.” You say. “Not any further forward on that part.”
You fan yourself with some scrap paper you have folded and concertinaed carefully. You throw your head back in your seat and sigh deeply.
When you sit back up and open your eyes again, you think you find Peña’s gaze trained on your chest, but he quickly looks away.
You feel yourself equally irritated and intrigued by his staring. You had never noticed him look at you like this before.
“Everything OK, Jav?” You say, trying to sound casual.
“Yeah- Yeah. I’m good. Just- Yeah.” His eyes linger on yours for a moment and he runs his hand across his forehead, wiping away beads of sweat.
You both continue to work, but you feel his eyes continually flicking back to you, telling you he is not focussed either.
You feel as though the tension continues to build as you both try and work, and you want to tell yourself it’s not just because of the heat. But you are worried this is one-sided. Even if that would mean you were the only woman in Colombia Javi wasn’t interested in sleeping with.
As the day goes on, painfully slowly, you find yourself more and more distracted by his presence and frustrated with your lack of progress in your investigation.
You curse loudly.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, his gaze intense.
“I’m just… I’m so frustrated, Peña. I don’t know what to do about it.” You sigh.
“I’m sure I know how I could help you deal with it.” He says, with a glint in his eye.
You scowl at him. Now that had to have been intentional flirting.
“I feel like no matter what we do we are always running in circles chasing our own tails. How do they always stay one step ahead of us. Like you said, these guys aren’t geniuses.”
“Hey.” He says, his expression stern. “Don’t talk like that. We’ll get ‘em.”
“Every day that goes on we are losing more. I feel like I’ve already given all of myself and more to this investigation.”
He had closed the distance between you, and placed his hand over yours where you fiddled with your pen on the desk. The touch burned.
“Let me take your mind off it.” He says, something unfamiliar behind his eyes.
You ignore him, and slide the memo on your desk over towards him. “Can you assign someone else to the stakeout tomorrow. We have to be in for the meeting with-“
He cuts you off, grumbling, “You always use work talk to distract guys hitting on you?”
“Hitting on m- Jesus, Peña. The heat makin’ you fuckin’ stupid?” You shoot back.
“Maybe.” He shrugs. But he doesn’t step away from you.
“You believe in shitting where you eat?” You continue.
“Not usually. But I can see how frustrated you are. I’d be a bad partner to let you suffer like this.” He smirked.
You raise an eyebrow at him. You know the answer to your question but you want to hear him say it. “What are you suggesting?”
He leans in closer, “I’m suggesting I help you forget work a while, let me relieve some of your tension. Maybe it’ll force a breakthrough.”
“Yeah right.” You say. You turn to face him, looking for any sign in his dark eyes that he isn’t being serious in his proposition. Any sign of hesitation or doubt. Any sign that it is all some joke. But you don’t find it.
His moustache tickles as he whispers in your ear. His hot breath sends shivers down your spine. “You know you want it. Let me help you.”
You want to say no, but your body betrays you as you find yourself being acted on by what seems like a magnetic force, drawing you closer to him.
You manage to produce one more protest, but it comes out weak, as though you are trying to convince yourself for a reason to say no. “That would be unprofessional.”
“Who’s gonna report us?” He taunts. “You?”
You find yourself shaking your head in response to his question, and he pounces on you, connecting his lips to yours in a desperate kiss.
An oppressive heat continues to suffocate your body, but this one isn’t from the conditions in the office, this is a fire that is coming from within, a burning flame stoked by the attraction and desire that has come over the two of you.
You give in to the feeling of him as his hands roam all over you, unbuttoning your blouse hastily and discarding it. A mixture of excitement and guilt nags at you. This is your partner. This is wrong. And not just any partner, it’s Javier Peña. He has screwed at least half the women in Medellin. This is not how you should be behaving.
But at the same time, you can’t deny the intense chemistry between you in this moment. The way your desperation and hunger perfectly matches his. The way he whispers dirty words in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
His cock is already straining against his tight jeans, and you reach a hand up to palm him through the denim.
He sighs at the feeling and puts his hands on your waist, pulling you up and guiding you to sit on the desk. A strong hand parts your thighs and creeps upwards, pressing against the thin fabric of your panties. You moan into his mouth, and then blush, embarrassed by the affect his touches are having on you so quickly.
He continues to rub gently against the fabric and you reach towards him to release his belt buckle. You fumble with it and he pushes your hands away impatiently and takes it off himself, unzipping his jeans and taking out his erect cock.
He strokes himself a few times and you watch, transfixed, your breathing shallow.
He stops and gathers the hem of your skirt, pushing it up to your hips to release your thighs. He spreads you wide and pushes your underwear to the side, not bothering to remove it as he plunges two fingers inside you.
You gasp and he starts off with an already quick pace, hammering in and out of you and curling them inside you to reach the most pleasurable spots. It doesn’t take long until your legs are shaking, your hands gripping the edge of the desk to steady yourself. You were already sweating from the heat but now you feel as though you are melting, struggling to catch your breath and releasing desperate whines of pleasure.
His thumb reaches up to rub your clit and you moan, “Javii-”
“You like that, huh?”
He attaches his lips to your neck, sucking lightly before moving down to the valley between your collarbones, licking up beads of salty sweat that have gathered there. He moans into your skin and the sound goes right through you, you twitch and start to feel an orgasm rising inside you.
“You gonna come for me before I even fuck you, huh?” He taunts, “More desperate than I thought.”
You ignore his cocky commentary and focus on the feeling of his hands on you. You can’t deny he is skilled and knows exactly the right pace and rhythm to bring you your release quickly.
The pressure on your clit increases and he rubs faster circles around it. Tension builds in your stomach.
“Don’t stop.” You gasp out.
His other hand has reached back to stroke his cock roughly, and he lets out small sounds of pleasure into your ear. You didn’t expect him to be this vocal but it turns you on.
Your pleasure is reaching its peak and he senses it too, toying with your clit unrelentingly as you writhe on the desk beneath him, the cool surface doing nothing to calm the heat inside you. Your legs tense up as your orgasm washes over you, you lose your stability and fall backwards atop the papers and documents strewn across the desk. Your back arches and his movements don’t slow down, unashamed cries of pleasure streaming from you as you ride out your orgasm.
He shifts slightly and there isn’t a moment of rest until he removes his fingers and replaces them with his hard cock. He plunges deep inside you on the first thrust, the hairs at the base of his cock rubbing against your clit, almost driving you to overstimulation with your orgasm barely subsided.
He sets a punishing pace with his haps, snapping against you hard and fast, your cunt greedily clenching and tightening around him every single time he buries himself inside you.
“Feel so good. Don’t know why I waited this long.” He mutters.
You whine, unable to form a coherent response. One of his hands is squeezing at your chest and the other is gripping your hip, pulling you down on him harder to intensify the force of every single thrust.
He is everything you thought he would be, hungry and passionate and clearly practiced in the art of both giving and taking pleasure.
Your sounds echo around the room. Neither of you worry about this, knowing the office was nearly empty. Even then, your desire for him clouds your mind so far to the extent that you don’t think you would mind being caught anyway. It was worth the risk.
He takes both of your legs and manoeuvres you, bending them and lifting them up so they lazily rest against his shoulders. Thank god for yoga, you think.
The new position tightens you up and somehow allows him even deeper access. You moan shamelessly and he grunts with every single thrust. His pace is unrelenting and you feel him becoming more and more forceful with each one, chasing his climax.
“Can I come inside you?” He asks through gritted teeth.
You are unable to form words, you nod, your mouth hanging open but no sounds come out other than strangled gasps.
“Fuckkk.” He grunts, turned on even more at the prospect of filling you up and it sends him over the edge.
He spills into you, your name thrown in amongst the curses he mutters as he comes. He keeps a tight hold of you as he steadies his breathing.
Moments after he releases inside you, you feel the relief he had been promising. You close your eyes and let out a deep, contented sigh.
And then, suddenly, they fly open again.
“Move!” You almost yell, pushing his chest away from you.
“Move. I’ve got it.” He pulls himself away from you and you leap up, pulling your skirt back down. You grab a pen and begin scribbling frantic notes over the transcript.
“I’ve got it.” You repeat.
“Worked even better than I imagined.” He teased, smirking as he buttoned his jeans and re-fastened his belt before coming to join you and see the revelation you had come to.
“Good to know.” He adds, “Nice tactic for the future.”
You roll your eyes at him and thrust the paper towards him with satisfaction. He might be right, it might have been the sex that did the trick, but you would never admit it.
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More Javier Peña oneshots:
Over and Done With | Partners | All Work, No Play | Little Games
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Secret Santa (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart, Year 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1.5k Rating/ Warning: None
Premise: Lilac gets the unknowable Dr. Ramsey for Edenbrook’s Secret Santa. The problem is: what could an intern possibly get for a world renowned doctor who has everything he wants?
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"Moment of truth!” Sienna all but sang, shaking the sparkling Santa hat. She lifted it up to Lilac's nose level. “Hoping for anyone in particular?”
Lilac rolled her eyes at the knowing smile her friend sent her. Luckily, it appeared that everyone in the break room missed it.
“Bryce,” Lilac said with a shrug. “I'm terrible at shopping for gifts and he seems easy.”
“He's definitely easy,” Jackie returned without missing a beat.
Bryce did a convincing job looking indignant. He even threw a balled up paper towel Jackie's way. The latter dodged it without even looking up from her textbook.
“You're out of luck,” Sienna informed her. “I know for a fact that Bryce already has a Secret Santa.” The brunette lifted the hat even more, so that it was only inches away from Lilac's face. “Now, pick.”
With some mild trepidation and a suspicious look at her simpering friend, Lilac reached into the hat. She withdrew the small, folded up piece of paper, acutely aware of the break room full of interns watching with interest. By the time she opened it, her stomach was a coil of anxiety.
“Who did you get?” Bryce asked after a brief pause.
Lilac merely stared at her paper, convinced there had to have been a mistake.
“She obviously can't say, meathead. It's a Secret Santa,” Jackie supplied.
Bryce replied with an impressive comeback that earned him a middle finger. Elijah laughed and her friends dissolved into teasing banter. Lilac, meanwhile, barely heard anything, her attention on the two words on her paper.
Dr. Ramsey.
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“Is there a reason you're staring at me, Dr. Allende?” Dr. Ramsey asked dryly without glancing up from his clipboard.
Lilac gave a little start, slightly embarrassed at being caught. Though by now, she should have known better. The man was so astute and aware of his surroundings. Nothing could escape his notice.
“Did you enter that Secret Santa that Dr. Delarosa organized for the staff?”
The question gave him pause. He glanced up from the file, striking her with an azure gaze. It made her stomach somersault.
“Not by choice.”
“What do you mean?”
He sighed as though exasperated by the mere memory.
“I always opt out, finding the whole thing a frivolous waste of our valuable time.”
“That checks out.”
“However, Dr. Delarosa was in charge of the whole affair this year. She must have been far too optimistic about my desire to participate, because she asked me. The unfortunate part is that she did so in front of Teresa Martinez.”
Lilac laughed, understanding.
“Did Mrs. Martinez peer pressure you?”
“She did.”
Lilac's laughter continued. Ethan, meanwhile, threw her an unamused look. He closed the patient chart in his hand with a sense of finality.
“It doesn't matter, either way.”
“Whoever ends up with me will be wasting their time. There is nothing I need or want.”
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“Just tell me who it is!” Sienna exclaimed, watching Lilac pace the expanse of her bedroom for the hundredth time. “If it's stressing you out this much, then fuck secrecy!”
Despite the nervous energy pumping through her limbs, Lilac threw the petite doctor an impressed little look.
“I can't help you if you don't tell me,” her friend argued, eyes pleading.
With a defeated sigh, Lilac slumped on her bed right next to her friend.
“I got Doctor Ramsey.”
“Oh. I can't help you,” Sienna returned almost at once. Upon seeing the look of utter shock and indignation on Lilac's face, however, she laughed. The fit turned almost hysterical when Lilac smacked her with one of her pillows. “Sorry, sorry! I was just kidding. Well—kind of… Doctor Ramsey is an enigma. Shopping for him will be a nightmare.”
“You're telling me,” Lilac said, falling back on her mattress. “I have no idea what to get that man. I've been searching everywhere for ideas. He even caught me staring today when I was trying to figure something out.”
“You were staring more than usual?”
“Be serious,” she admonished, failing to look indignant at the true statement. “He told me he doesn't want or need anything, which makes sense because he's Ethan Freaking Ramsey and he has everything he could possibly want in the world.”
“There has to be something,” Sienna said thoughtfully. “You guys talk a lot. What are some things he likes?”
“We do not talk a lot.”
“Please. He barely even glances at the rest of us. One time, he told me to move out of the way. It's the most he's spoken to me in weeks.”
The blush on Lilac's cheeks burned painfully now. When she said nothing out of sheer mortification, Sienna continued.
“Let's see… He likes coffee?” she glanced at Lilac for confirmation.
“Yes, but he already has a ridiculously expensive coffee machine in his office.”
“Wow. He's my hero. How about candy? Or baked goods?”
“He's picky with that,” Lilac countered. “I know he likes the chocolate bars from the vending machine but that's a terrible gift.”
They went on like that for half an hour— Sienna thinking of fantastic gift ideas and Lilac listing five reasons why the unknowable Ethan Ramsey would hate the gift. In the end, both exhausted doctors gave up for the night. They decided to stick a pin in it and try again in the morning.
Except, they were both busy the next morning, rushing to get to work on time.
By the time Lilac thought of the Secret Santa exchange again, it was only two days before it was supposed to take place. Panicked, she decided to go for a homemade gift. Lilac wasn't particularly talented with those, but it was too late to turn back.
As her project came together, she regretted the decision more and more. But since there was virtually no time left, she decided to finish the monstrosity. Besides, it's not like Ethan could fire her for an ugly gift.
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“You're not going to fire me, are you?” Lilac asked the very next day as a stony-faced Ethan opened her gift. He had been briefly surprised that Lilac had been his Secret Santa.
“Fire you?”
He held the midnight blue scarf, peering at it as though it was something alien. Now that Lilac looked at it, it didn't look half bad. Calling her sister at midnight and forcing her to assist had paid off.
His prolonged silence, however, made her second guess her choice.
“You hate it.”
“What makes you think that?”
“You haven't said anything in minutes.”
“I'm just surprised.”
He did not look it. In fact, his expression was as unreadable as ever.
“I made it,” Lilac supplied into the silence of his office.
“I know.”
For some reason, the monotonous and dry way he delivered the words made her snort with laughter. It bubbled up into something close to hysterical. The handsome doctor raised an eyebrow at her.
“What's so funny?”
“Sorry,” she managed when she composed herself. “I spent days trying to decide what to get you and I came up with an ugly scarf I knit myself. You must have hundreds of much nicer scarves.”
“Not quite,” he corrected. “I own two or three. To be frank, I rarely wear them.”
“I know,” she returned. “You always walk in here with no scarf and no hat even though it's freezing. I don't know how you do it. I thought of that when thinking of what to get you. You told me the other day there's nothing you want or need but I think you definitely need a scarf.”
His blue eyes remained on her, watching her quietly. Lilac's pulse tripled, noting a flicker of something cross his expression. It was gone before she had time to analyze it.
“Thank you,” he said.
Lilac could not get a single word out so she merely nodded. 
“I picked blue since I think it'd suit you well,” she said before she could stop herself. “I realized I didn't know your favorite color.”
Lilac snorted.
“Very on-brand, Doctor.”
Ethan said nothing, instead holding her gaze so steadily, she froze in place. The smile slowly vanished from her face, her throat dry. Every one of her limbs felt like liquid and her poor heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
Then, in that low baritone that made her knees quiver, he said, “Though I'm also partial to green.”
That surprised her.
“Huh,” she said thoughtfully. “I never would've guessed that.”
He had no reply. Instead, he averted his gaze down to his laptop screen.
“Well, too late to change the color of the scarf now. I'll make you a green one if I get you next year.”
“I won't be entering next year,” he deadpanned, now typing away at impressive speed.
“We'll see,” she taunted in sing-song.
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Note: Spoiler- He does enter next year lol. If creativity, time, and health allow, maybe I’ll write a follow-up! 
I’m ambitious this holiday season with fic ideas. Wish me luck! 
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the-hinky-panda · 1 year
The Tremont Tempest: Chapter 5
Warnings: Descriptions of a sexual assault. 
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Jonas Bronck Park
17 months ago
Mike has no idea what he’s looking for but what else is new? He’s been chasing leads, losing witnesses left and right to either pay offs or hits, and still healing from the wounds of his undercover failure. The blood loss had been significant but fixed relatively easily with a transfusion. The stab wounds missed major arteries and organs, leaving only muscle damage, which he’s still doing to physical therapy to regain his fitness. Speaking of fitness, his legs are burning at the moment as he treks off trail in one of the many wooded parks in the Bronx. One of his contacts told him he should head out here, have a look around…
He looks at the compass on his phone, the longitude latitude numbers as he wanders through the woods. He comes to a stop on a ridge in the middle of the woods, standing at the exact coordinates. It’s the early morning, three thirty to be exact. He checks his notes from the informant. 
“Look for the broken tree.” 
He turns the flashlight on on his phone and shines it around the area. About five feet in front of him, it lands on a tree that had been blown over, the trunk snapped and jagged. He goes over to it and continues to shine his flashlight around the area. Down from the tree in a small flat area, he sees something hanging on a tree branch. He climbs down the embankment and as he gets closer, he sees multiple things. Scraps of clothing, probably sixty or seventy pieces of cloth. No. Not just cloth. 
He crosses himself. “Dios mio.”  
He takes pictures of the tree, tries to get as many up close pictures of the underwear that he can. A fucking rape tree. As if he needed another reason for wanting BX9 out of the Bronx for good. Anger carries him out of the park and back to his apartment. He’s trying to figure out who he can report the tree to that won’t bury this evidence. Who hasn’t Oscar Papa paid off in the NYPD? There was a detective over the Bronx SVU, what was his name? Pluto? Fido? It was a dog’s name, Mike remembers that. He was one that was making noise over there, pointing fingers at inept and crooked cops. He might be a good one. 
He gets back to his apartment, unlocks the four out of the five deadbolts on his door, picks up the paper, and then clears his home. He needs to look up the name of that detective, see if he can meet with him, talk to him, feel him out to see if there is a bite to his bark.  He googles Bronx detective whistleblower and immediately the name Terry Bruno pops up. Bruno, that’s it. Next, he goes through his contacts until he finds the number for Bronx SVU and calls. Two rings and an automated message comes on: Thank you for calling the Bronx SVU. At this time, we are experiencing an influx of phone calls and wait times may vary from sixty to ninety minutes. If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. If this is not an emergency, please remain on the line until an available officer can speak with you. 
Sixty to ninety minutes? What the hell is happening down there? As soon as the thought crosses his mind, the answer is immediately provided by the newspaper headline: Detective Terry Bruno files lawsuit against Bronx SVU for wrongful termination. Mike’s eyes zero in on the ax that slices through his only lifeline, termination. Bruno isn’t even a detective there anymore. The SVU is going to be scrambling trying to cover their tracks right now. Piles of evidence is most likely being dumped into the incinerator which is why no one is answering the phone. 
He ends the call and fights the urge to throw it against the wall. He rubs his hands over his face, his fingers slipping down to the new tattoo on the side of his neck. He had just gotten it last week. It had been Gabby’s birthday and he wanted to do something to memorialize her because no one else in the neighborhood was going to do anything for some stripper in a sticky floored bar. He had the tattoo placed there, the point on his neck where her head always inevitably fell, even after death when he held her on the blood-slicked kitchen floor. Now, he presses the pads of his fingers into the still sore skin. 
What is he doing wrong? What does he need to do differently? Or is he just destined to fail no matter what? 
Bronx River High School
Later that day
You had just finished a tenth grade class where students were doing peer edits of their final essays on symbolism found in “The Tempest.” You had helped guide discussions, modeled how to properly and kindly critique others' work. The students had been responsive, some even grateful, for the chance to fine tune their writing before submitting a final version at the end of the week. You were saying your goodbyes to the students when Dr. Caban stepped into your room. One of your new students, a young man named Albert, stops by Dr. Caban and gives him a wary look. 
“Albert, have you met our principal, Dr. Caban yet?” 
He shakes his head. “No, teach.” 
Dr. Caban extends his hand. “Albert, very nice to meet you. Welcome to Bronx River High.” 
Albert cautiously takes the offered hand. “Thanks.” 
“Albert’s writing about the symbolism of Prospero’s books in Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest,’” you add. “He makes some very solid points and explains them well. He’s quite a strong writer.” 
Caban smiles kindly. “You’ll have to share your final revision with me, Albert. She doesn’t praise student’s writing very often. In fact,” he winks, “ you should hear what she says about the writing in my emails.” 
Albert nods. “Alright, okay. I’ll, uh, I’ll send you my final essay.” 
Albert leaves and Caban motions to him. “Bright boy.” 
“He is, very much so. He just came to New York from El Salvador. His attendance is still shaky but he could just be becoming used to the routine here. I’m keeping an eye on him. He has a lot of potential.” 
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, if you have a minute.” 
If it were anyone else, that phrase would make you nervous. But you’ve known and worked with Dr. Caban since the start of your teaching career. He’s seen you from the first day in the classroom, through your cancer treatments, your divorce, and your rise to the English department head. “Of course. What do you need?” 
“More teachers like you,” he responds kindly. “Actually, more administrators like you. Our Dean of Students is taking an admin position over in Brooklyn Heights next year. I would like to see you fill the role.” 
You’re stunned. You had gotten your administrative certificate just as a fallback, a just in case kind of career plan. You never intended to leave the classroom. But you know Dr. Caban wouldn’t ask you to make this move if he didn’t think you would do well in it. “I, uh, I don’t know what to say.” 
“The pay would be more, the benefits would be better. But I want you there because the students love you. They’ll listen to a dean that they feel will hear them.” 
“But I love to teach.” 
“I know, and you’re excellent at it. But when opportunities to move forward, to move up, are presented to you, you should take them.” He gives you a wide smile. “Besides, when have I ever steered you wrong?” 
He had a point. “Alright, I’ll think about it.” 
“That’s all I’m asking.” 
Something feels off about the exchange. Dr. Caban had always encouraged you to follow your gut whenever it came to teaching a concept or interacting with a student. His response now seems pushy, maybe even…no, you’re just not comfortable with the idea of being in a more administrative position. You remind yourself of the idea that you teach to your students: growth only occurs when you’re uncomfortable. 
You feel like a teenager again as you get up the next morning and get ready for work. For once, the clearing of your apartment last night resulted in no findings. No notes, no bottles of wine. All that Mike found was a blanket on the couch that you forgot to fold and a couple dirty dishes in the sink that you were too tired to clean. You and Mike had enjoyed the food from the Havana Cafe and the bottle of wine while sitting on your couch. 
You fix your hair, twisting the riotous curls into a dignified style to keep your hair from getting in your face while remembering how Mike’s hands felt sliding through the curls last night. The broad span of his palms as they held your cheeks, the pads of his fingers pressing into your scalp. It seems like a shame to slide lipstick on, wanting to preserve the feel of Mike’s lips on yours. You’d never been kissed like you had been last night. 
Mike kissed like he did everything else, with complete focus, conviction, and passion. It had been so long since someone had not only kissed you, but kissed you like they wanted you. All of you. It had been overwhelming and heady. There was an undercurrent of excitement that ran through your body, the kind that you hadn’t felt for such a long time. You wanted to feel it again. But before things progressed past the kissing, his phone had rung and he had been called back to the precinct. He had said he was going to try to make it into the school this afternoon but you don’t know how far into the night he had to work. So you ready yourself for your day with slightly trembling hands and a silly grin on your face. 
You make your way into the office, opening your door and are immediately greeted by half the Manhattan squad of SVU. Captain Benson is back and introduces a new face, Sargent Tutuola. Your cousin Terry saunters in, takes one look at you, and grins. Doctor Caban is the last person to join you all in your office and he shuts the door for privacy. Of course it’s your cousin who outs you in front of everyone that’s gathered for the debriefing. 
“Well, who is he?” Terry asks. 
You shuffle papers on your desk. “Mind your own damn business, Ter.” 
“He, who?” Dr. Caban asks. 
You shake your head. “Nothing. Detective Bruno is my cousin and likes to instigate things.” 
“I mean if you’re seeing someone,” Terry continues, “we should probably know who it is. For the investigation’s sake.” He ends the sentence with a shit-eating grin. 
“I plead the fifth, thank you.” 
Benson speaks up. “I do think we should know if you’re dating someone. It’ll give us someone else to talk to, maybe they’ve noticed something you haven’t.” 
You sit down behind your desk and hold Benson’s eye for a beat longer than necessary. “We’ve already discussed this.” 
She nods once in understanding but the downturn of her mouth tells you what she thinks of the situation. Thankfully, she doesn’t say anything else about it. “Alright, this is what we have so far. All the notes and the wine bottle didn’t have fingerprints on them. The paper is cardstock that is found throughout this school and many others in the state. We do have the video of the woman from the convenience store.” 
Caban pushes his glasses up his nose. “There was a woman at a convenience store?” 
Benson nods. “ Yes, the bodega owner has the person who bought the wine on video but he didn’t recognize her from the neighborhood. Velasco and Muncy are trying to identify her as we speak. Fin, you and Bruno went out to Long Island to talk to Charles Murrary yesterday afternoon. Anything come from that?” 
“I could have saved you a trip out to Long Island,” you say. “Charlie and I still talk from time to time. He’s a little too busy and quite happy with his wife and four kids to care about me.” 
Terry shoots you a pointed look and grimace but neither one of you says anything. You know his feelings about Charlie and how things shook out after your cancer diagnosis. You can only imagine how that interview went yesterday. Maybe you should shoot Charlie a text to see how badly Terry questioned him and see if you need to smooth any ruffled feathers. 
“So here’s what I’d like to do next,” Benson adds. “Dr. Caban and I will go over a list of teachers and staff to see if any of them stand out as possible suspects. Bruno and Fin can brainstorm with you to come up with any other people that you may have noticed hanging around you lately. Someone from the neighborhood, parents, store clerks.” 
You nod. “Okay, sounds good.” 
Caban gives you a light touch on your shoulder and a smile before following Benson out of your office. He closes the door behind them and Terry immediately leans forward in his chair. 
“Who’s the new guy?” 
Before you can shoot off a retort, Fin interjects. “I don’t want to get in the middle of family issues here, but I’m with Bruno. It might be helpful to know who the new boyfriend is.” 
You drop the pen that you had been fidgeting with onto the desk. “Fine but I don’t even know how serious this thing is yet.” 
“Fine,” Terry agrees, “I’ll hold off on the background and credit check. Who is he?” 
“It’s Mike.” 
“Duarte?” Terry prompts. 
“Yeah,” you confirm. 
“Well shit,” Fin sits back in his chair. “Liv isn’t going to like that.” 
“Liv and I have already had a conversation about how Mike isn’t the stalker. He’s had multiple opportunities to take advantage of me and hasn’t done one thing that raises a concern.” 
Terry sighs. “To be fair, you did marry Charlie.” 
Fin shrugs. “What happened with you and Charlie? Cuz over here got real quiet when I asked him why the two of you divorced.” 
You’re surprised that Terry didn’t blast Charlie when Fin asked about him. Terry’s opinion of your first husband always had been less than stellar. “Charlie and I just…wanted different things.” 
“That’s one way of putting it,” Terry mutters. 
“Look,” Fin starts, “I know this is tough. Having all of us here, digging into your life, your past, it’s invasive. But having someone stalk you is dangerously invasive. The more information, even the embarrassing things, can help us.” 
“On a professional level,” Terry says, “anything you say in here stays between us. We might see something in the information that you don’t. And trust me, we’ve heard worse than what happened with you and Charlie.” 
You pick up the pen again and click it a few times. “Alright, fine. Charlie and I met in college. We were both education majors. We got married two days after graduation, he went to work at an elementary school, and I came here to teach. Two years later, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Between the hysterectomy and chemo treatment, I obviously couldn’t have any children of my own. Charlie always wanted children but I couldn’t give them to him. So we divorced.” 
Fin motions for you to continue. “That’s it?” 
“That’s it. He met his current wife at the elementary school. She’s a kindergarten teacher and was able to give him his…legacy.”
“Duarte’s looking pretty good now, isn’t he?” Terry quips. 
“No shit,” Fin agrees. 
“So that’s why I don’t think it’s Charlie,” you state. “Charlie has exactly what he’s always wanted. There’s no reason whatsoever for him to stalk me.” 
Terry stands. “Well, maybe Benson and Caban can come up with some names for us to track down. But until then-” 
“I’ll keep in touch,” you promise. 
Mike looks down at his phone and smiles as he takes another sip of bourbon. 
Teenagers and Shakespeare do not mix well. God love them for doing their best though.
He had been tied up with leads, strategizing, and paperwork all afternoon that he never made into the school today. He had been afraid after last night  you would take his disappearance personally. God, he didn’t want to leave last night. Everything had been perfect for once. Nothing had been found in the apartment, the food was excellent, it was the first time he had felt like he could breath. And then you stole it away from him when you kissed him. 
He had texted you about the day getting away from him and you had messaged back that you were facing similar circumstances. The principal that was supposed to show up for the Shakespeare play this evening had to cancel due to a sick baby at home so the duty of attending fell to you. So he opted to have a drink at the Bronx Beer Hall while exchanging text messages with you. 
What play is it? 
Taming of the Shrew. There’s a pause.  At least I think that’s what this is. 
Any plays you’ll need to attend on Saturday night? 
Nope, no theater productions are being held on Saturday. What do you have in mind? 
I was just thinking I could go for some Italian. 
Oh really? I was thinking of trying some more Cuban. 
He smiles. I guess the kids aren’t the only lousy acts this evening. 
I suppose not. I don’t know if you’re ready for Bella Luna yet. 
Why not? 
My Aunt runs it. Terry’s mom, Carla. She’ll throw you in the meat locker in the back and interrogate you.
Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s done that. 
Long story. Sounds better with a good bottle of wine. I’ll be back in school tomorrow and we can settle on where to go on Saturday. 
Ok. The lights just came up. Oh dear God, it’s only intermission. I may pull the fire alarm. 
That’s premeditation now. Better find another way. 
“Well, you look happy.” 
Mike looks up from his phone and sees Benson standing next to his chair. “Captain. To what do I owe this visit?” 
She orders a glass of wine as she takes the barstool next to him. “A friendly warning.” 
All good naturedness bleeds out of him. “Alright then.” 
“Dr. Caban is convinced that you are the stalker.” 
That doesn’t surprise him. “Dr. Caban was against me coming into the school in the first place. He’s been looking for a reason to get me kicked out. Let me guess,” he drains his glasses and motions for a second one, “you agree with him.” 
“Actually, I don’t.” She laughs humorlessly. “I talked to a lot of teachers and students today and they all spoke very highly of you. Those kids in that school love Mr. Mike.” 
He smiles at the nickname the students have come to refer to him. “Alright, so the staff and kids vouched for me. I already know that Caban is gunning for me. What’s the warning?” 
She fiddles with the stem of the wineglass. “The way that Caban was gunning for you, wanting me to focus on you and only you, it was odd.” 
Mike leans back on the barstool. “You think he’s the stalker?” 
“Him or maybe his son. I have Velasco looking at Caban’s family, see if he has a sister. Muncy is reaching out to some gang contacts to see if the son has been approached by BX9 or if he’s involved, it’s just a solitary fixation.” 
Mike stares down in the amber liquid and sighs. “If the Cabans are involved in this, it’s going to break her heart. Caban was her mentor when she was student teaching. She equates everything she learned about teaching to him.” 
“Betrayal never comes from enemies.” 
That is certainly true. “Amen.” 
“Where is she tonight?” 
He picks up his phone and turns it over. There are no new texts from you but it could be that the second act has started. “She’s at the Shakespeare play at the school. It should end in another hour.” 
Benson pulls out her phone. “I can have Fin or Bruno make sure she gets home safely.” 
“I can finish this off and go see her home, that’s fine.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure.” It’s an excellent excuse to surprise you at the school, to see you again. 
She finishes her glass of wine and reaches for her purse. “Are you sure I can’t drop you at the school?” 
“Nah,” he waves her off and finishes his drink. “I’ll walk. It’s not that far. And the play should be letting out by the time I make it there.” 
“Okay, well, let me know if you change your mind.”
He throws some money down the bar to pay for both of their drinks. “Is this your way of apologizing to me?” 
Benson opens her mouth but closes it as she rethinks her answer. “It’s not so much an apology as it is…an understanding. You’re right. The Bronx is a completely different animal compared to Manhattan. But talking to those students today, you guys are making a difference in those kids' lives. It may not be the way I would deal with the problem, but at least the problem is being dealt with.” 
“Well, if that’s the closest I get to an apology tonight,” he grabs his phone and stands up from the barstool, “then I will sleep soundly.” 
Benson laughs and shakes her head. “Just know that I wish Terry’s cousin the best of luck with you.” 
He laughs as well. “Well, thank goodness she’s used to dealing with people with behavioral issues.”
He sees Benson to the towncar and waves her off for the night before heading down to the school. It’s early spring, the night is unusually warm, a positive reminder that warmer days are on the horizon. But he’s worried about what Benson told him about Caban. If Caban really were the stalker, it truly would devastate you. He had also looked into Caban’s son’s record and the boy was an upstanding citizen and student. He really hoped that Benson was wrong on this one. He passes by the bodega where the wine had been bought and catches sight of Roberto behind the counter. Checking his watch, he sees he still has some time to kill so he goes inside. 
“Hey, Cap!” 
“Hey, Roberto.” He doesn’t really need anything but knowing the news that he may need to break to you prompts him to do something he hasn’t done for six months. “Can I get a pack of reds?” 
“Sure,” Roberto reaches around and grabs the pack of cigarettes. “I thought you gave these things up a while ago.” 
Mike shrugs. “Old habits, I suppose.” 
Roberto shrugs and starts to ring him up when the door opens and two teens in hoodies walk in. They both look at Mike and Roberto before moving towards the back of the store. Mike turns to Roberto who just nods and Mike sees one hand press the emergency call button under the counter and the other hand wraps around the handle of a baseball bat. Mike draws his weapon but keeps it at his side as Roberto comes from behind the counter. 
“They might be letting their friends in from the back,” Mike says. 
Roberto motions to the sidewalk in front of the store. “Let’s get out there at least.” 
As soon as Mike reaches for the handle of the front door, it swings open as three more teens rush them. He manages to get off one shot but the flash of a machete comes down on his right hand and forces him to drop his gun. Roberto is swinging the bat as best he can in the confined space but Mike feels a blade cut into his arm, his shoulder, his back. He hits the ground as Roberto keeps swinging, trying to hold the teens at bay but Mike can see the blood dripping off Roberto as well. 
He can hear the sirens in the distance and prays they reach them in time. 
You were so happy to hear the last line of the play and see the lights come up in the auditorium. The kids made a very valiant attempt at tackling Shakespeare and you gave them props for that. But you were tired and ready to crawl into bed and sleep for at least a few hours before getting up and coming back tomorrow. You go back to your office to pick up your coat and purse when someone knocks on your door, causing you to jump. 
“Oh,” you laugh, “Dr. Caban, you startled me.” 
“Sorry about that,” he smiles easily at you. “I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment.” 
“I’m very tired-” 
“I understand. This won’t take long.” 
“Okay,” you sigh and set your purse down on your desk. “What’s up?” 
He closes the door behind him. “I really enjoyed the play tonight. Taming of the Shrew. It was always one of my favorites of Shakespeare.” 
Your skin starts to prickle, your palms sweaty. “Really? I was always a fan of Midsummer Night’s Dream.” 
“You always do enjoy the more fantastical stories of literature, don’t you?” 
“I suppose.” 
Caban stops just a couple feet away from you. “What do you see in him? That Duarte guy?” 
Something is terribly, terribly off at the moment, and you swallow down the bile that has risen to your throat. “I don’t understand-” 
“Yes, you do.” He lays his hand over yours. “I can, I have offered you so much more than he ever could. I gave you your career, your skills, your positions. I put you in this office, next to me. You deserve everything that I’ve given you and more. And I can give it to you. If you let me.” 
“Dr. Caban-” You try to slip your hand from his but his grip tightens to the point of pain. 
“Just stop!” He closes his eyes and releases a breath through his nose. “Stop.” 
“Please,” your eyes dart to the closed door. “Please, just let me go.” 
He shakes his head. “I’ve watched you go every night for the last twelve years. I can’t do it anymore. Not after those clandestine lines from the Bard himself.” 
“Please, just let me go.” You feel tears starting to form in your eyes, the buzz of adrenaline bursting through your veins. But Caban had an iron grip on both your arms now. You were wedged against the curve of the desk, your back against the hardwood with Caban pressing closer against the front of your body. He lays his cheek against yours, his lips against your ear as a tear slips from your eye. 
“‘Tis a wonder,’” he whispers the last line of the play, “‘by your leave, she will be tamed so.’” 
“I don’t…please, I don’t want this.” 
“Oh, my fiery Kate, you don’t mean that.” 
You’re shaking with fear, looking for any escape route when you hear voices in the outer office. Caban stiffens with surprise and you take the only chance at escaping this situation and yell for help. Caban’s hand cracks across your cheek with enough force you see stars momentarily and leaves you dazed. You manage to scream again which earns a second strike across your face but you’re able to hear the splintering of the door to your office as someone kicks it in. 
“Hands where we can see them!” 
There’s a scuffle around you before Caban is pulled away and you fall back against the desk. Before you can regain your balance, someone has your arms and is pushing you towards your office chair. You hear your name being repeated and recognize the voice speaking it. 
“Yeah, it’s me,” he says, his fingers skating over your face where Caban’s hand had struck you. “Are you okay?” 
You nod numbly. “Yeah, I think so.” 
“Did he-” 
“No,” tears start to fall in earnest. “No, he didn’t.” 
“Okay. Okay,” he looks behind him before refocusing on you. “We’re going to have to head over to the hospital.” 
You take in a couple deep breaths. “I’m okay, I promise.” 
Fin is standing at the door of your office. “Caban’s in handcuffs. I’ll wait for Velasco. Get her over to the hospital.” 
You start to assure them both that you’re okay, just dazed and out of sorts when you catch the look in Terry’s eyes. “What else has happened?” 
Terry sighs. “Mike was jumped along with a bodega owner tonight by BX9.” 
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silverjirachi · 1 year
4-6 exile vilify pls
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
The whole thing with Thelem. Since I made the realization about the ending of the book very early on, I was able to shape every single scene and every piece of his dialogue around this point. There are some very subtle things going on with him; things he says, things he leaves out, little things that he does in every scene he has that make his knowledge apparent, and I'm hoping it's one of those things that deepens meaning for the reader with each re-read and recontextualizes things after you get through the book the first time. There's even some bits in the wording and tone of the prose that point to Thelem too.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
Oh god well I feel like I talk about this fic a lot actually, and I've gotten a lot of great questions. But I don't think people have ever asked me just like... what my favorite parts were. So, small list of fav moments:
the scene where Azelphir gives Astor The Prophecy™
Astor's first "prediction" when he says "Because Fate has decreed it" at the ceremony and Azelphir's reaction to that
the time Astor saves the Queen from drinking the poisoned goblet
the time Thelem yells at everyone in the abbey
Astor saving Rose from the Malice (I love this detail because despite how Astor spends his entire life hung up on this fear of killing her, what he ultimately ends up doing is buying her time).
The part immediately after Astor dancing with Rose where she loses her earring and he brings it to her
Astor's short encounter with toddler Zelda just as he is leaving for exile
Astor's "you could, but you won't" moment when the Yiga Clan almost kills him when they capture him
And of course the heart-wrenching..,, "I know, Astor. I always knew."
6. What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself?
Astor is the reincarnation of Ganondorf's royal seer and does not remember the pact he made. This is a big part of the reason Ganondorf is so aggressive toward him. The robes Astor obtains in the Yiga Clan hideout are literally his old robes. I mention the mark of the Order on them, but I'm never direct about how Astor ended up selected by Ganon from the time he was born.
This is my personal headcanon, but took it out because I wanted the focus of the story to be on the cruelty and randomness of fate, not karma. While Astor being unable to escape a pact he doesn't remember making--and made in a past life that should not affect him in the present--does still speak to the cruelty of fate, it also reads as karma to me, and that's different, and not the meaning I wanted to give the book. So that fact is like, canon-but-not-canon. I wrote Exile//Vilify with it in mind, but also in a way that it can also be excluded. It's up to the reader to decide if they like it or not, or even got the implication at all.
Other honorable mentions:
Thelem and Azelphir actually do love each other, but can't be together per laws of the abbey. Thelem is aware of his crush on Azelphir, Azelphir repressed his own.
Azelphir is always the first one into the chapel in the morning per his job. Something very important happens in the chapel toward the end of the book. I will... let you connect the dots there.
Astor loves Rose (I think this is obvious but maybe not obvious to him.. there is a lot of unrequited love in this book). Thelem knows Astor loves Rose.
Azelphir is the prior at the time of the Great Calamity 🤡 poor buddy
The abbey doesn't have an abbot because their abbot is Fate 😊
Check out the abbey's location on the BOTW map!! Isn't that fucked up and bad!!!!!? (There's also a floormaster/gloom hand that spawns at the abbey's precise location in TOTK??? the game's files also apparently refer to it as a "Miasma Lord" which is..... an interesting thing to note, given the circumstance.)
Azelphir has a major gap in his psychic abilities. I want to share it, but also don't so it's a surprise in Trouble Will Find Me. There is one kind-of hint of it in Exile//Vilify, but it's subtle, and in my revisions I'm doing currently I'm going to make it slightly clearer.
Ask me writing things!!
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dbh-bb · 1 year
Information on the DBH BB Writer Summary Submissions
Hey writers — We’ve gotten some questions about what you’re expected to submit for your summary (and I know a lot of you are going feral about being able to submit), so we want to provide some reassuring information about what you should provide and how to provide it so that you don’t stress out too much! This message will be pinned in the discord for reference, and this information will be posted on our Tumblr as well.
The most important thing we can tell you is that this information is really for the artists alone. The mods aren’t going to, like, check your final work against what you submitted here and be like HEY YOU CHANGED YOUR TAGS. We don’t have time for that and are tooooooo old anyway. Stories evolve as we write them, and you may end up adding cool stuff your artist suggests if you like collaboration like that. Nothing in this form is set in stone!
PAGE ONE: Your Information
This is the easy part. We ask for your email (required) and then for your tumblr / AO3 / Discord if you have them. This is to make our lives easier, and will only be seen by the mods. We’ll only be sharing your email with the artist(s) you’re matched with, too.
PAGE TWO: Your Fic!
Title: This doesn’t have to be the final title of your fic! If you don’t have one, feel free to be as silly as you need! Anything like “Air Force AU” or even like “Markus Learns He Likes Dogs” will work; it’s just meant to be a working title or a funny phrase. No stress if you don’t have one. Slap your favorite lyric on there or some shit. Idk.
Expected Tags List: Again, meant to help guide artists to stuff they like and away from stuff they want to avoid. Understood to be flexible.
Possible Ratings: Feel free to choose any that might apply if you’re still undecided.
Summary: Once again, not meant to be your final summary! But try to conceptualize your fic idea in, like, three paragraphs or less. At a glimpse, the artist should be able to get a feel for the general idea behind the fic.
Ideas for Arts: Keep in mind your artist has the right to draw whatever they want from your fic, but …some artists are drawn in by images the author thinks would be pretty neat, so if you have ideas, slap ‘em in here.
PAGE THREE: Uploads!
2000-word snippet: No, it doesn’t have to be 2000 words exactly. Find a sample scene around that length that gives artists a feel for the style of your story. You can, of course, go over, but keep in mind artists will be looking at multiple works — they may not want to read like 7000 words while trying to decide on fics.
Outline: Outline is a general term. What you want to show an artist is that you’ve thought through the main plotline of your story. It lets them understand the overall flow of the story to help them make relevant art while you, well, actually write the damn thing. It does not have to be formatted like a ‘formal’ outline, it just needs to capture the pieces of the overall fic in whatever way makes sense to you.
You’ll be asked to upload these as files; we ask for them to be in either .doc/docx (or similar) or .pdf format for space reasons. PLEASE FORMAT THEM AS FOLLOWS using one of the fandom names you give us in part one: - 2000_NAME (ie, 2000_sevdrag.pdf) - outline_NAME (ie outline_martine.doc) Your fic will randomly be assigned a number for anonymity. The mods will rename your file with that number rather than your name to keep everything anonymous, don’t worry.
PAGE FOUR: Matching Details Here we ask you for some additional information to help us match internally…
Are you a minor / over 18
What level of collaboration do you want with your artist
Some NO JUDGMENT questions about working with an artist who is a minor
A place for you to ask questions or more importantly praise your awesome mod team
Low stress no stress only fun! And yes, the mods will be releasing the full list of fics for writers to see once matching is over (for yall to go fucking feral over). We’ll keep it anonymous too, so if you’re the kind of writer who wants to keep it secret until the very end, you certainly can!
If you have questions, you can ask them here (anon if you wish), or join our discord to ask there, or DM a mod!
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HI HI SO BASCIALLY gaster was the royal scientist of the underground before alphys and he created the core (and it's theorized he might've created sans and papyrus and some other characters too i think?? he was doing some wacky shit in the old labs) and at some point he ended up falling into the core and. dying?? i guess?? there r these eastereggs u can find in the game thru messing around with the files and stuffs that r called gaster followers and they tell u bits and pieces of info about him and one of them says that when he fell in he was shattered across time and space (or something along those lines i can't remember the exact wording) but he still seems to be around just like. in pieces!! and he's hinted at being in deltarune too!!! (i hope and pray every day that he makes a full appearance) there's a hidden place u can get to in ut (thru messing with the files again i think) where it shows wingdings text (which is what gaster talks in) and a specific soundfile plays behind it (ALSO short tangent the sound it uses for his voice is so neat i <3 it.. i've never heard anyone talk abt it but he sounds so cool <3 <3) and that specific soundfile can also be heard very quietly in deltarune if you go to the door to the underground :]]] plus other references to him being really important to deltarune and undertale!! SORRY IF I TALKED TOO MUCH i love gaster and i wanted to take the chance to infodump teehee i hope it wasn't too much </3 I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU MORE TOO BTW!! /gen feel free to talk to me about anything literally ever u are super cool & i love talking 2 ppl & making friends it's the whole reason i made this blog !!! i love luring ppl in with my silly little drawings and making them be my friend it is the ultimate scheme :]
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i-am-robie · 3 years
 Thanks to @coffeeshib​ for letting me steal the amnesia + wife prompt... I couldn’t help myself. This is not what I thought would come out (content warning for canon typical violence and injuries), mostly this is just Kara being a whole entire idiot and Alex facepalming and Lena just being glad Kara is there for her, as her fake wife while she recovers from another quarterly attempt on her life:
“Supergirl! You have to go!” Alex is yelling at her as they roll Lena into the emergency room at National City General, but Kara is rooted to the spot - she can’t look away. Lena is pale, too pale, and there’s blood all over her dress, cuts and scrapes and bruises already blooming on every piece of exposed skin. She isn’t moving, isn’t breathing on her own right now; the only air making its way into her body is through the ambu bag being operated by a nurse, as women and men in scrubs crowd around the moving gurney, shouting orders. And all of that is terrifying enough, but it isn’t the thing that’s paralyzing Kara.
The reason Kara can’t move, the reason that she is barely breathing, is that she can’t hear Lena’s heart.
“Kara.” Alex is closer now, she steps gently in front of her sister, dropping her voice so that no one else can hear her. “Kara, you have to go, they’re getting away.”
“Alex - “ Kara takes a step forward, as if to walk around her sister, to head towards the doors that Lena and the medical team are disappearing behind.
“I know, Kara, I know,” Alex says, gentle and quiet. The doors shut, and Kara’s eyes snap away from it to her sister's face. Alex looks as terrified as Kara feels; she’s wearing an expression Kara has only seen on her before when it’s Kara who’s hurt. “You can’t do anything for her right now. But you can get the guys who did this.” She reaches for Kara’s arm, squeezes - the pressure is grounding. “You need to go. You need to go right now.”
So Kara goes.
She returns seven hours later, after dropping the men who carried out the attack on Lena at the DEO and declining to help in the interrogation. She nearly killed them, doesn’t think she has the stomach to listen to them talk. She’d still been in the field when the hospital reached out to let her know that they’d been able to stabilize Lena, restarting her heart, but that she hasn’t woken up yet. Alex had relayed the message to her, but now Alex only shakes her head when Kara asks if there are any updates.
Her sister pulls her aside when Kara says that she’s going to hospital to talk to the doctors, telling Kara quietly that she needs to go home and clean off her suit. When Kara looks down, she sees that Alex is right. She’s covered in blood - some of Lena’s, some of it the men she’s apprehended, none of it hers. It makes her want to sob.
But when she gets out of the bathroom after showering, pulling on soft joggers and a hoodie, Kara finds that she can’t settle. Every time she closes her eyes, every time she blinks, she sees Lena’s lifeless body in the rubble that had been her office, can feel Lena in her arms the moment her heart stopped, and the fact that Lena is supposedly stable doesn’t help at all because she hasn’t woken up.
What if she never wakes up?
Suddenly, Kara can’t breathe. Her chest is tight, the walls of her apartment seeming to flex and close in on her. Her heart rate speeds up and she’s taking choked half-breaths, clenching her fists and blinking away tears.
She can’t lose Lena like this, not after she worked so hard to get her back. Kara looks at the clock. It’s just after midnight. This is definitely not visiting-hours at the hospital, and Lena’s not awake anyway - but Kara needs to see her. Needs to know she’s alive.
Needs to hear her heartbeat again.
It’s all of this - the panic, the desperation, the single-minded focus on getting to Lena - that Kara will blame later when she’s trying to explain what happens next in the weeks to come.
The hospital is deserted except for the staff when Kara walks in through the main entrance and goes up to the ICU where she knows Lena will be. She heads straight for the desk at the front of the unit when she arrives, and introduces herself to a nurse before asking if she can see Lena.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Danvers,” the nurse says, and she does sound sorry in the face of Kara’s distress, “visiting hours aren’t until ten a.m.”
A man in a basketball sweatshirt and jeans walks past them, he scans a small badge that says ‘VISITOR’ in capital letters on a machine at the end of the desk, and nods at the nurse before he disappears down the hallway.
“He’s visiting,’ Kara tries, her voice bordering on frantic, “he’s visiting and I need to see her, you don’t understand, I’m not going to be okay if I don’t see her. Please, just let me...”
“I’m so sorry, honey, it’s immediate family only after hours.”
“I’m her wife,” Kara blurts out. “Please. I’m her wife.”
“You’re her…that’s not in the notes…” The nurse trails off, looking down at the computer in front of her.
“I’m her emergency contact, I’m her wife, please.”
““Oh, yes,” the nurse starts nodding, “I do see that marked here, they called you when she came in. Hmmm...Someone clicked the wrong box under ‘relationship to patient.’” She moves her mouse and clicks on something, then looks back up at Kara. “I’ve fixed that for you, Mrs. Danvers. Let me print you out a visitor badge so you can just scan it in next time.
Kara can feel her panic recede a little. She’s going to see Lena. The nurse takes a blank badge and feeds it into an electronic printer. She hands the finished product to Kara, then gets up and gestures for Kara to follow.
“Now,” the nurse starts as she walks Kara down the dark hallway, the lights on half since it’s night, “she looks a little rough, but I assure you, she’s receiving the very best care there is. Normally you would have been called for consent before we initiated the hypothermia protocol, but since she had an advanced directive on file already, the team went ahead and started it.”
Kara’s barely listening to her, has started to strain her ears for the only sound she’s wanted to hear all day. She nearly collapses in relief when she finds it, below the beeping and the whirring and the buzzing of the machines, unlike any other beat in the building. Lena’s heart is steady, slower than usual, slower than Kara’s ever heard it, but it’s there, rhythmically thumping away.
The nurse brings her to a halt in front of a patient room, Lena’s name on the board outside with a bunch of notations that mean nothing to Kara. She’ll ask Alex to translate.
“She’ll be cold to your touch, that’s alright,” the nurse continues. “The key right now is to try to stop or slow any of the damage she’s suffered as a result of going into cardiac arrest. She lost a lot of blood, and her left femur is broken, along with her right ulna, but there are a lot of reasons to be hopeful. We’ll know more in the forty-eight to seventy-two hours once the protocol is complete.”
Kara refuses to think about most of this. Lena is alive. She’s alive and she’s right on the other side of this door. She clears her throat. “How long...how long can I stay?”
“As long as you like, dear. We’ll round on her in the morning and if you’re still here you can talk to the attending. Also, we’ll be in to check on her, but most of the monitoring is electronic since she’s in a medically induced coma for at least the next two days. There’s a chair that reclines by the bedside, I can grab you a blanket?”
“Please,” Kara says. She stops with her hand on the door, turns back to the nurse. “Thank you.” It comes out wobbly.
“Of course.” The nurse smiles at her. “Go on in, I’ll be right back.”
Kara’s woken up by the medical team the next morning during rounds, just as the night shift nurse had promised. She blinks awake and rubs at her eyes, stretching and going to stand up when the team enters.
“Hi Mrs. Danvers, we saw you’d arrived,” a tall woman in a white lab coat says, walking over to Kara on the far side of the room and sticking out her hand to shake. “I’m Dr. Sheldon. We’ll do our best to bring you up to speed now, I’m so glad you were able to make it last night.” She gives Kara a warm smile. “Believe it or not, it really does make a difference when patients are supported, even when they aren’t aware of it.”
The team walks her through their care plan for Lena, how long she’ll have to remain like this before they start the re-warming process, what they’re concerned about and what they’ll be looking for. Her arm and femur have been set and immobilized, but it’s likely that the femur will need to be rebroken and repaired surgically if and when Lena does wake up. Given the invasiveness of the procedure, the delicacy of her present condition, and the unknowns about her cognition, that decision will keep.
When they leave, Kara texts Alex. If the doctors think that it will make a difference for Lena’s recovery to have her here, then she’s going to stay. She’s owed time off anyway. This is the best use of it she can think of.
Two hours later, the door opens, and Kara looks up from the bed, relieved to see Alex standing there, holding a backpack with the food and change of clothing Kara asked her to bring.
“Oh gosh, am I glad to see you,” she says, letting go of Lena’s hand and standing up. She walks around the bed to where Alex has stopped.
“Yeah, yeah,” Alex says, and she’s frowning at Kara. “You have some fucking explaining to do.”
“What?” Kara stops abruptly.
“What?” Alex parrots. She narrows her eyes. “Are you being serious…?” At Kara’s confused expression, Alex rolls her eyes and reaches behind her to shut the door. She walks over to Kara, pulling some take out from the bag and handing it to her, before pulling up one of the swivel chairs a doctor had been using.
Kara takes the food and goes back to her seat.
“So?” Alex prompts.
Kara looks up from the styrofoam container, already having broken apart her chopsticks. “So what?”
“What do you mean...Kara!” Kara freezes, chopsticks frozen in midair clutching a piece of kung pao chicken. There is real frustration and confusion in Alex’s voice. “Imagine my surprise when I sign in at the front desk and the nurse says that my sister-in-law is stable right now. Wanna tell me why the fuck you’re playing house to visit your best friend in the hospital?”
Kara sets the chicken down. “Alex…”
“Kara, you have ten seconds to explain why the entire staff thinks you and Lena are married and the answer had better not actually involve marriage or I swear to god I’ll…”
“They wouldn’t let me in to see her!” Kara bursts out. “I got here last night and I needed to see her, Alex, I needed to. And apparently it’s immediate family only and I panicked, okay?”
“I’m sorry,” Alex says, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. “I know Lena is important to you, but Kara, you could have waited ten hours and seen her.”
“I couldn’t.” Kara looks down at her food, not hungry anymore. “Alex, I couldn’t. I almost had a panic attack after you sent me home last night. I couldn’t wait.”
“Oh kiddo.” Kara looks up at that, all the frustration is gone from Alex’s tone. Her sister lets out a sigh. “Lena’s going to get through this and she’s going to get better. And when she does, you have got to tell her how you feel.”
“She’s my best friend.” Kara’s mouth twists. This is not a new conversation, but the stakes seem higher with Lena in the bed beside her, unconscious and battered.
“She is,” Alex agrees. “But she could be more.”
And oh, Kara wants more with every fiber of her being. But more than that, she wants Lena in her life, wants the easy love and affection they’ve finally gotten back to. And she’s been worried about rocking the boat.
“And by the way,” Alex says, pulling her back to the present, “lying to medical professionals is not a good look.” Kara grimaces and ducks her head.
“I know,” she says, glancing at Lena, the ventilator moving her chest up and down slowly. “But they said it’s good for Lena to have someone here, talking to her, holding her hand, even if she doesn’t know. And you know Lillian isn’t going to do that. And Lex is the one who put her here...just let me do this, okay?”
Alex hums. “You’re so lucky I didn’t blow your secret.”
Kara looks over at her sister. “Thank you.”
“Some of us are actually good at lying under pressure. I’m surprised you didn’t tell them she was married to Supergirl.”
“Well I wasn’t dressed as Supergirl.”
“Thank god for small mercies.”
Lena doesn’t wake up for the next three days.
In the interim, all of their friends visit, but Alex has already warned them about Kara’s new relationship status and other than Nia’s constant giggles, no one comments. Kara doesn’t leave the hospital. She keeps vigil in the chair, occasionally leaving for short periods of time to go down to the cafeteria, or to stretch her legs.
On day four, Alex convinces her to at least go to the DEO to shower and check in with J’onn about  the duties he and M’gann are covering for her.
She’s just getting ready to head back to the hospital when her phone rings.
“Mrs. Danvers?”
“This is Dr. Sheldon. Your wife has woken up and she’s being evaluated now by neuro, but we wanted you to know first thing.”
Kara has to sit down in the middle of the DEO, the concrete hard and probably cold underneath her, but it’s better than the alternative, which was just going to be letting her knees give out. She closes her eyes tightly. “I’ll be right there.”
She flies back to the hospital, landing in a nearby alley and running into the building with just a touch of superspeed. She makes it onto the unit just in time to see Lena’s care team leaving her room and turning down the hall to the next patient, and as much as Kara wants to get an update from them, the urge to see Lena herself is too much. She walks through the open door and nearly runs into a nurse, who’s moving some of the equipment out, now that Lena is conscious. It’s a nurse Kara is familiar with, her name is Bernadette, she’s been on shift the last two days. Her eyes light up when she sees Kara.
“Your wife is here,” Bernadette says, over her shoulder before Kara can stop her. She smiles warmly as she turns back to Kara. “I’ll leave you two alone.” She slips past Kara and into the hallway.
“My…” Lena’s eyes go wide as she sees Kara standing helpless in front of the now closed door.  Her voice is still scratchy from the extubation. Her hair is greasy and all over the pillow, her right arm and left leg are completely immobilized, there are wires running through the top of her hospital gown, her whole body a tapestry of garish purples and greens and stitches. But she’s awake. Kara has never felt more relieved in her entire life, but it turns to ice in her veins as Lena struggles to speak, clearly confused. “My - my - oh god.” Her eyes start to fill with tears and Kara panics.
“No, Lena, no, it’s not - “ she starts saying, taking quick steps towards the bed.
“Oh god, oh god, Kara,” Lena chokes out, twisting a little in bed and flinching, “they said I only lost a week, they said my memory seemed okay, that there’s no - ”
“We’re not married!” Kara yells out trying to stop the clear spiral Lena is on. Lena’s eyes go wide, but she does stop looking like she’s about to start sobbing. “We’re not married,” Kara repeats, in a normal voice this time.
“Then why…”
Kara winces. “I might have told the hospital staff that we are. Married, that is.”
Lena looks wary, small and weak and confused in the bed, and she’s frowning a little at Kara now. It doesn’t even matter, though, because the feeling of seeing Lena awake is returning with every word she speaks, and Kara feels something in her chest open up. She has to resist walking over and climbing into bed with her and holding her, knows she needs to explain first.
In every single way Kara played out this moment all week in her head, not once is this how it went - she wants Lena to be smiling, to be okay, or at least as okay as one can be after coming out of a medically induced coma, with a number of near catastrophic injuries still to be dealt with. She certainly didn’t imagine she’d be contributing to the disorientation and isolation Lena’s projecting right now.
Lena’s eyes dart around Kara’s face. Kara takes a deep breath.
“The first night you were here, I had to see you.” She starts twisting her hands together, takes another step towards the bed. “And it was late, and even though I’m your emergency contact, they said no after hours visitors except for family and I panicked.”
“You panicked.” Lena sounds like she’s unsure how panic would lead someone to pretend to be married, and honestly, now that Kara is having to explain the decision, she’s not really sure either. The only thing she knows is that she doesn’t regret it. Would do it again, in fact.
“I knew if they thought I was your wife, they’d let me in to see you. And Lena, I had to see you. I had to. You were - “ Kara cuts herself off, can feel the tightness in her chest, closing around her heart like a vice. “Your heart stopped before I could get you to the hospital. The last time I saw you, I didn’t know if - “ A small sob works it’s way up her throat, and Kara’s eyes are burning. She feels a tear break free from her lashes. “I needed to hear your heartbeat.”
An unreadable expression crosses Lena’s face as Kara takes the seat by her bed that she’s occupied for the last week. To Kara’s great relief, Lena reaches out her left hand, lays it on the edge of the bed, palm up. Kara grabs for it with both of her own.
And Rao, the feeling of Lena’s hand, still cold, but undeniably warmer, squeezing back when Kara grips tightly - she doesn’t know how to describe this feeling. It starts a fresh wave of sobs in her, of relief this time, rather than terror.
“Hey,” Lena says, punctuating it with another flex of her fingers around the back of Kara’s hand. “Hey, I’m okay. I’m here. You saved me. I’m okay, see?”
And really, that just makes Kara cry harder.
“I’m supposed to be comforting you,” she chokes out.
“You are,” Lena says, disengaging their hands and bringing her fingers up to Kara’s face, wiping at the tears. “You are, god, I was just thrown. I thought...I thought, it doesn't matter what I thought.” She tries to laugh and ends up flinching.
“Oh no, are you okay, should I call the doctor?” Kara immediately reaches forward, lays a hand on Lena’s hip above the sheets and wipes furiously at her face with the other.
“It’s the broken ribs,” Lena grits out, jaw flexing as she drops her hand away from Kara’s face and back onto the bed. “Fuck that hurts.”
“I’m just so glad you’re awake,” Kara says, leaning forward again and brushing some of the hair out of Lena’s face, trying to tuck it behind her ear.
That’s how Bernadette finds them when she returns, Kara gently touching Lena’s forehead, and rubbing her hip, the two of them so close that Kara might as well climb in next to her.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” she says, smiling at the two of them. “The attending would like to pop in with the head of ortho to talk about surgical options for your femur. Should I tell her to come back later?”
Kara moves to stand up, she doesn’t want to delay anything about Lena’s care, but Lena reaches for her hand again, and Kara’s powerless to do anything but lace their fingers together and sit back down.
Lena takes a shallow breath, “Can my wife stay?”
My wife. Hearing it come out of Lena’s mouth does something to Kara that feels a little dangerous, makes the room spin a bit. Her heart feels as if it’s expanding and being squeezed at the same time. My wife. My wife. My wife.
“Of course, she’s more than welcome to stay,” Bernadette says. “It’s probably a good idea, actually, now that there are care decisions to make.”
“Let me get this straight,” Alex says, her head in her hands. Kelly reaches out to rub her back. “You’re still pretending to be married, and Lena is playing along with it?”
Kara nods. They’re sitting down in the cafeteria while Lena gets a sponge bath, something that Kara is trying very hard not to think about. It’s been nearly three weeks, one major operation, and thankfully no more complications.
And Kara has been here through it all. She’s started leaving for blocks of time during the day (it turns out she didn’t have a month worth of vacation saved up and Alex had nearly had an aneurysm when Kara asked if she was allowed to use family medical leave act time), but she’s spent nearly every night in the hospital with Lena since. The medical team loves them, has started talking to them about how devoted Kara is. Maybe Kara’s playing into it a little, bringing flowers, and Lena’s favorite foods, and always, always touching her in some way when she’s in the room.
“You know they’re going to build her discharge plan around you, right?” Alex squints at her. “Have you considered that?”
Kara flushes. “Actually,” she brings a hand up to rub at the back of her neck, adjusts her glasses for good measure, “we’ve agreed that I’ll just move in with Lena for a little while. She can hire someone during the day, but I’ll be around at night and I can help with the rehab. So, um, it’s fine.”
“You’re both fucking idiots.”
“I’ve been home for an hour and I’m already regretting every choice in my life that’s lead to this point. This is humiliating.”
“Oh my gosh,” Kara laughs, “no it isn’t.”
“Kara, you’re washing my hair in the kitchen sink because I can’t even wash myself right now with this fucking cast and brace on.”
Kara grins, squirting shampoo onto her hand and setting the bottle down on the marble countertop. Lena is sitting in the wheelchair, left leg propped up on the supports. She’s leaning back with her head over the edge of the sink, rolled up towels supporting her neck and her eyes are closed. She’s frowning, but it’s the frown she wears when she’s trying too hard not to smile. It makes Kara want to kiss it right off her face. She takes a deep breath, instead.
Kara is just so grateful that she gets to see Lena like this, hair stringy from the hospital, oversize sweatshirt with one sleeve bunched up over the top of the lime green cast on her right arm. The post-surgical femoral fracture brace looks uncomfortable, but Lena hasn’t complained about it at all. So, fine, maybe this nearly debilitating urge to kiss her best friend, to ask her if the last few weeks could be real, instead of fake (not the marriage part, not now, anyway, but the relationship part sure), is getting more and more intrusive. That doesn’t mean Kara can’t continue to ignore it until Lena’s better.
She finishes washing Lena’s hair and if she takes extra time massaging in the conditioner and making sure the water temperature is absolutely perfect, well, that’s just being a good caretaker. She sets Lena up in her bedroom, then goes back to the kitchen to clean up 
“Ok, Lena,” Kara says, walking back into the bedroom. “You officially have zero edible things in your apartment. I’m going to make a list and head to the grocery store for supplies, ok? Your next meds can’t be taken on an empty stomach.”
“You’re underestimating my iron constitution.” Lena frowns unhappily in bed. “We can just order some, you don’t have to go.”
“I’ll be back in a jiffy, okay?” Kara smiles at Lena.
Sure, they could order groceries, but she wants to go get them, to pick them out herself, and bring them back. It makes her feel so good to be able to do things like this: wash her hair, go get groceries, make her something to eat. The best part of this whole terrible ordeal is that she’s gotten to take care of Lena, to show her, not just tell her, how important she is to Kara. It warms her up from the inside out.
“You sure I’m allowed to be by myself?” Lena teases, breaking Kara out of her thoughts. “I haven’t been left to my own devices in weeks now. Just imagine all the trouble I could get into.” She raises an eyebrow.
Kara laughs and shakes her head, drawn closer to Lena like a magnet. Lena’s tucked into bed, leg propped up on pillows to keep the brace comfortable, two books on the nightstand beside her, a glass of water within easy reach, and the next round of medications in a small porcelain bowl that Kara repurposed from the kitchen. Her hair is still wet from being washed, and although there are dark circles around her eyes, and her cheekbones are too sharp from the weight she lost in the hospital, Kara doesn’t think she’s ever seen anything more beautiful than Lena right at this exact moment.
She walks over to the bed and sits down next to Lena, reaching over to move the glass of water back from the edge of the nightstand and onto a coaster. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll bet you a whole order of potstickers that you’re asleep when I get back.” She reaches across Lena, adjusts the towel covering up her pillow to keep it from getting wet.
When she pulls back slightly, she’s startled by how close Lena’s face is to hers. Lena is looking at her with such unadulterated fondness, that Kara can’t help reaching up and tucking a wet tendril of hair back behind Lena’s ear. “I’ll be back so soon you won’t even know I was gone.”
“I always know when you’re gone,” Lena says, the corners of her mouth lifting up, her eyes crinkling lightly. Kara’s hand has drifted from Lena’s ear to the back of her head, her thumb brushing gently at the soft skin just below Lena’s jaw.
When she retells the story of what happens next later, Alex will roll her eyes and mutter under hear breath, but Kara will swear this is the truth: without even thinking about it, she leans forward and kisses Lena on the lips, quick and soft, then stands and turns to go, pulling her phone out of her pocket so she can start making a grocery list.
“You can drop the act now,” Lena says, a little stiffly.
“Huh?” Kara whips around, more at Lena’s tone than at her words, and looks at her in confusion. Lena’s face is bright red.
“Kara, we’re - I’m home, there’s no hospital staff to convince anymore.” She sounds a little upset and Kara, feels her forehead crinkle as she replays the last several seconds in her head: she moved Lena’s water, adjusted the towel behind her head, smoothed Lena’s hair, and…
“Oh Rao, oh gosh.” She takes a step forward, then back abruptly, as she realizes that she’s just kissed Lena on the mouth. She puts one hand on her forehead and the other on her hip, spins in a small circle. “Lena, I’m so sorry. I didn’t - ”
“It’s fine,” Lena says, her voice sounding calm and even now that Kara is having a meltdown, but her heart is doing some sort of high speed gallop in her chest and it’s giving Kara the impression that this is not actually fine.
Oh no, oh gosh… “Lena, I’m sorry, - ”
“I get it.” Lena cuts her off, holding up a hand to stop her. “The whole act, it’s a hard habit to break.” She drops her hand to the bed and laughs lightly, picking at the blanket. “Honestly I’m surprised we made it this long without accidentally doing that.”
“Accidently. Yes.” Kara’s nodding so hard, she feels like her head might come off. “It was an accident.” That might be a convenient way of putting it, but it doesn’t change the fact that Kara’s been wanting to kiss Lena, wants it to be as un-accidental as possible. And aren’t accidents things like tripping on the carpet, or spilling a drink at dinner? She may not have been thinking when she did it, but Kara knows there’s nothing accidental about that kiss.
But Lena’s giving her an out, and Kara can’t bring herself not to take it.
“I’m just going to - ” Kara gestures over her shoulder and then she flees.
“Alex, I kissed her.” Kara’s made it outside the apartment, but her heart hasn’t slowed down. She didn’t even bother making a list after walking out of Lena’s bedroom, just went straight to the elevator, dialing Alex before she’d even hit the lobby. Her stomach is squirmy, she feels like she might throw up.
“Finally,” Alex says, letting out what might be a relieved sigh.
“What do you mean finally?” Kara feels hysterical.
“I mean finally, idiot. Watching the two of you for the past three weeks has been the most painful experience of my life, I’m glad you finally did it.”
“She thinks it was because of the act!” Kara nearly yells. A man walking by looks at her, narrowing his eyes and giving her a wide berth. “She thinks it’s because of the act, Alex!”
There’s silence on the other end of the line for a moment.
“Kara Danvers, are you fucking kidding me right now?”
“No,” Kara wails. “I didn’t even mean to do it! Or, well. I meant to do it, but I didn’t know I was doing it. I was making sure she had everything she needed and then I was leaving to go to the grocery story and somewhere in the middle I kissed her! And she got kinda upset even though she said she wasn’t and she says it’s fine because it was an accident. And it was an accident, at least in the sense that I wasn’t thinking when I did it and god I didn’t even ask if she wanted to kiss me, but I meant it, Alex, I meant it.”
Kara can picture Alex right now: that tight, unhappy expression on her face, fingers pinching her nose between her eyes.
“Okay, I swore to Kelly I wasn’t going to do this, but that was before you lost your damn mind and kissed her.” Kara can hear Alex take a deep breath. “You need to go back upstairs right now and confess, Kara.”
“What?” Kara practically screeches. She spins in a circle. “No, this isn’t the right time. I’m supposed to be helping her, I’m supposed to be taking care of her, I can’t put this on her right now. What if she doesn’t feel the same, what if this ruins everything, what if - “
Thankfully Alex cuts her off. “That argument worked before you kissed her and decided to let her believe you didn’t mean to do it. And before you argue with me, you might not have known you were doing it, but you absolutely meant to do it, Kara.”
Kara is now facing Lena’s apartment and gently knocking her forehead against it.
“Kara, I heard that crack, stop headbutting the building.” Kara stops, keeps her forehead pressed to the cool limestone. Alex pauses, and her voice is gentle when she continues. “You gotta tell her, kiddo. You’ve been down the whole lying path with her before and while I don’t think this is the kind of lie that would cause her to try removing our free-will again, I do think that you guys decided on honesty as your way forward. You either own that, or you don’t.”
“You’re right. I know you’re right.” Kara squeezes her eyes shut. “If we can get through that, we can get through this.”
“That’s the spirit. And hey, if for some reason things don’t go well and you feel like you can’t stay with her? Kelly or I would be happy to swap out for you tonight. Just in case you need some space.”
“Thanks, Alex.”
“But Kara, I think you’re gonna be just fine.”
Kara doesn’t feel much better when she hangs up with Alex, but she knows her sister is right. She’s got to tell Lena.
And to be honest, Kara can’t imagine a world in which Lena would be upset with her for having feelings, regardless of whether they’re reciprocated. They’ll be able to work through this, even if it hurts for a while. She’s had friends fall in love with her before, and she’s always been able to keep them as friends afterwards. God, maybe Winn has some advice for me, she thinks.
So Kara takes a deep breath and goes back inside. Groceries can wait.
She’s trembling when she lets herself back into Lena’s apartment. It’s nerves, anticipation more than anything. She’s about to confess something that she can’t, won’t take back and it will change things between them, even if only for a while.
Lena looks up from her book when Kara makes her way back into the bedroom. She sets it down beside her hip on the bed and cocks her head.
“Well that was fast. Did Supergirl get my groceries?” She gives Kara a smile.
“I’m in love with you.” Well that’s one way to start this conversation. “And I didn’t kiss you accidentally.”
Lena’s smile drops, her eyes widening in surprise. Everything about her seems to freeze.
“Before you say anything, I need to get this out. I’m not telling you because I’m expecting anything. I don’t want anything to change, I mean, I do, clearly, but I don’t if that’s not what you want.” Kara squeezes her eyes shut and looks at the ceiling. She really should have thought this through. “I’ve known for a while, actually, I was just worried about what it might mean, if you didn’t feel the same way.” She drops her gaze back to Lena. “But then you almost died. And I pretended to be your wife. And I was planning on telling you once you’re totally recovered. Except then I kissed you without even thinking about it and I can’t lie about this, Lena. It isn’t good for either of us. So. Yeah. Just. Tell me what you need.”
Lena’s looking at her with an expression Kara can’t read, but she doesn’t look unhappy, or afraid, or upset...
“Kara, do you remember when that nurse told me my wife had shown up?”
“Yes,” Kara says, frowning, because she doesn't understand where Lena is going with this. “Of course I do, you were panicked that you’d experienced severe brain damage.”
Lena shakes her head, pats the space on the bed next to her.
Kara feels a weight lift from her shoulders: no matter how this goes, if Lena is asking her to come closer, then they’re going to be okay. She walks across the carpet.
“You’re right,” Lena says as Kara comes closer, “I was worried, but that wasn’t the only thing that made me panic.”
“What else was it?” Kara sits down and looks at her lap, bringing her hands together to fidget. She can feel Lena’s body heat next to her, but she doesn’t want to reach out unless Lena does it first. “Was it the idea of being married to me?” She laughs. She can laugh about this.
“No, darling,” Lena says. She reaches for Kara’s hands, smoothing her fingers across them to still them. Darling, that’s a good sign, right? “Kara, as terrified as I was that there was more damage, my first thought was that somehow I’d lost memories of us: of you falling in love with me, of dating and first kisses and someone proposing and a wedding.” Lena pauses and Kara stares at their joined hands. She hears more than sees Lena take a deep breath and let it out. “I’ve been in love with you for so long it broke my heart to think that those things had happened and I couldn’t remember them.”
Kara whips her head around to look at Lena. Her best friend is smiling, and her eyes are a little wet like maybe she’s overwhelmed and might cry and oh gosh, does Kara understand that feeling right now.
“You love me,” she says, feeling her own eyes start to fill with tears.
Lena nods.
“You’re in love with me,” Kara can’t help clarifying. This is something out of a dream.
Lena nods again.
“Can I…” Kara reaches for Lena’s face, trails her knuckles down Lena’s cheek and watches in awe as Lena leans into the touch.  “Can I kiss you now?”
“Yes,” Lena breaths out, smiling, and it’s blinding. “But only if it’s not an accident.”
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
White Collar?
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*not my image* Technically Casey Novak x reader A piece of The Calhoun Girl’s/Seeing Red Prequel. Warnings: language, mentions of usual svu type crap, alcohol consumption. Sass, as expected. tbh: this was for a bingo a month ago, and it’s been sitting in my drafts for way too long so I figured tonight i should work on something that wasn’t CA, so..here we are…..
Casey was doing her absolute best to not pace through the precinct with her nose pinched between her fingers. She’d already raged on the detectives for breaking more than a couple of rules over arresting Jackson, and from the devilishly smug grin on his face, she figured his lawyer was one of the high up ones. She was so incredibly sick of white collar for these reasons, so many of the uppity elite of Manhattan had lawyers that were just as bad. The level of cockiness and swagger that came off of a douche wearing a three piece suit was enough to make her sick on a regular day, never mind one where she was already at her wits end of frustration.
“Who is this guy’s lawyer?” She asked, turning to the Captain.
“Calhoun.” He replied, “should be here in ten, she’s coming from the court house.”
“Isn’t Calhoun prosecution?”
“Rumour has it she’s swapping over, so it could be Rita but my money’s on her younger sister, y/n.”
“Right. Fuck. I forgot there was two of them.”
Casey hadn’t technically met you, she had been two years behind you at Harvard, having taken two separate gap years during her education to work her ass off and save money to help with tuition. Your paths hadn’t crossed at school, she just knew that you spent basically all of your time galavanting around with your sister or Alex Cabot. She should have known you’d already be high up and working defence, your reputation was one for the books, all of Manhattan knew about the Calhoun sisters, and that was even before either of you had passed the bar.
“There she is.” The Captain greeted with a near huff of a laugh and the near scowl on your face.
“Oh don’t come for me about being late Ed, you can chew out Donnelly’s ass. I was trapped in her chambers.”
“What’d’you do?”
“Called her on her bullshit in the middle of her courtroom.”
“You got balls Calhoun, that’s for sure.”
“Don’t I know it.” You glanced over to Casey, now that your eyes were finally settling on her you realized just how incredibly good looking she was. “I take it you’re prosecuting?” You raised a brow with a smirk. Casey stalled, surprised at the level of casualness in a work setting.
“Uh..yeah. Casey Novak.”
“Y/n Calhoun.” You shook her extended hand, “now, I hear there’s been a few discrepancies involving my client’s arrest?”
“Parker and Fulton may have been a bit overzealous.” Ed grumbled and you laughed.
“Well then we’ll be vacating that arrest, won’t we?”
“You’re not even going to look over the papers?” Casey gaped and you chuckled, looking toward Ed, who extended the file to you with a grimace. Flipping it open, you checked the sheet,
“You’ll get used to it, don’t worry.” You shot her a wink, “I’ll be leaving with my client now. Better luck next time Novak.” Your eyes dragged over her quickly, a grin on your cheeks for more than just the incredibly easy win that today had brought.
Turning, you sauntered away, meeting your client at the door before you disappeared. Casey couldn’t help but keep her eyes glued to your hips, it certainly wasn’t hard considering the bright teal skirt suit stood out amongst all the non designer clothing in the precinct.
“She certainly is something else.” She muttered, pulling a chuckle from Ed.
“Just wait til you see her and her sister together.”
“Thank god Rita’s not defence.”
“God.” Casey rolled her eyes, collecting her things before she made her way back to the D.A’s office.
Your first meeting certainly had been short and honestly, not so sweet, but she was eager for the next time your paths would cross. There was something undeniably fiery and irresistible about you, you’d come into your own since graduating Harvard and she definitely wanted to see more, even if it took a while to get to actually know you. Even both being lawyers in Manhattan, you didn’t run in the same circles, the Calhoun’s and the Cabot’s worked the Upper East Side, events, galas, fundraisers, high level clientele. She didn’t think she’d ever seen either of you not in designer clothes or heels, and doubted you’d ever set foot in a batting cage, but neither of those things were going to stop her from looking.
Halfway across town, you half jogged into Forlini’s, sliding into the booth across from Alex.
“Sorry I’m late.” You greeted, muttering a thanks as she slid a glass of wine over to you.
“Don’t worry about it.” She smirked, “I heard you got an earful from Liz.”
“Ugh.” You rolled your eyes, “she was in the wrong and she admitted that!”
“Yeah not in front of an audience though.”
“Oh shut up.” You shot her a glare, “besides I have prosecution related questions for you. And I wasn’t late cause of Liz, I was late cause I had another client.”
“I’m not gonna help you win your cases, you know that.” She laughed and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s not like I need your help Lex. My win rate is higher than yours, and I didn’t get held in contempt last week. Or lie about having a warrant.”
“I feel like we both have to remind ourselves we’re not playing court in Liz or Lena’s living rooms anymore.” She laughed, pulling one from you.
“They always did say our sass would get us in trouble.” You replied, pausing quickly to order some appetizers to share.
“What’d you need help with?” Alex asked over a sip of her gin.
“What do you know about the white collar A.D.A?”
“Which one?” She laughed, “I think they’re mostly juniors, or like, new to prosecution.”
“You up against her?”
“Not yet, got the arrest vacated due to malpractice.”
“God you are incorrigible.” She rolled her eyes.
“So…” you prodded, “just fucking tell me about Novak!”
“Her win rate’s high…I think she wants out though, I’ve heard rumours of her wanting homicide.”
“I don’t care about that!” You laughed, “what do you know about her? Because I swear to god I was almost knocked on my ass when I walked into the precinct, she is hot as fuck!”
“You can’t be serious….”
“Okay, but you have eyes! You’ve seen her!”
“Not about that.” Alex barked a laugh, “we went to school with her!”
“No we didn’t.” You immediately shot back.
“Yeah…we did.” She laughed again, “she was in first year when we were in third.”
“At Harvard?” Your brow furrowed as Alex nodded.
“Okay, you’re fucking lying to me, I would’ve remembered someone like her….you know my soft spot for redheads.”
“Well clearly you were too focussed on getting better grades than your sister, cause she was there.”
“Okay, but if she was two years below us, why would I have noticed her? Like, I was busy studying, I never went to any parties in third year except for grad.”
“She worked at Queen’s Head!” Alex laughed, mentioning the pub the two of you (and Rita and Raf when they were still there) frequented for your nights of relaxed studying, or simply needed a break. “She served us on a regular basis!”
“That girl’s name was Kathy! Or…Cassy?”
“It was Casey…”
“Oh my god.” You buried your face in your hands, “do you think she remembers me? Was I that much of a fucking pretentious rich bitch that I completely passed her over?”
“She might remember you, it was a long time ago, but you are a Calhoun.”
“Oh god….she must fucking hate me.”
“I mean there’s only one way to find out.” She nudged at your arm, “keep flirting til you get there.”
“Oh fucking stop!” You swatted at her arm while she laughed, pausing again to accept your plates of food, “we may have been uppity, but at least I always tipped well! I don’t think we were ever bitches?”
“Us? Probably not.” Alex laughed as she grabbed a mozzarella stick, gesturing behind you, “this one? Maybe not so much.” You glanced over your shoulder and let out a groan as Rita and Rafael walked up to the table, unsurprised at the way they slipped into the booth with you.
“You blaming crap on me when I can’t defend myself, why am I not surprised?” Rita mused as she swiped a stuffed mushroom from a plate.
“Hey! Get your own!” You sassed, stabbing a fork in her direction that she swatted back against you.
“What’s little Calhoun complaining about now?” Raf asked with a smirk and you shot him a glare.
“She’s got a crush on a prosecutor.” Alex smirked and you hucked a straw across the table.
“I do not!” You scoffed, “I said she was hot and asked if Lex knew anything about her!”
“Who is she?” Rafael asked, snagging a mozzarella stick from Alex’s plate without her noticing.
“Novak, Manhattan white collar.” Alex replied for you.
“White collar!?” Rita scoffed, “oh come on…you can do better than that!”
“Oh please.” You scoffed, “at least she’s a lawyer. You were the one fucking the scholarship kid during college.” You quickly turned to Rafael, “no offence.”
“I learnt to stop taking offence to your fights years ago….none taken…” he laughed, stealing more food from your plates.
“Someone from sex crimes would be a better match, I’m just saying.” Rita replied, attempting to go for your wine glass and you scoffed, swatting at her hand before she could reach it.
“How many times do I have to remind you that Alex is straight, and we’re not going to get together?!”
“Oh come on!” Rita protested, “how many times did you share a bed in college?” Causing Alex to bark out a laugh.
“Rita…you need to chill.” She shook her head, tossing her a mozzarella stick, “never gonna happen.”
“So you like this girl?” Rita prodded at your ribs and you punched hers in return, earning a wince that you smiled at.
“I said she was hot.” You grumbled, “let me see her in a courtroom before I decide where this is going. And she could definitely use a shopping trip or two.” Your nose crinkled in distaste.
“Hey, I fixed up this one.” Rita gestured to Rafael who scoffed, feigning offence. “What? You love that coloured tie!”
“Just…remember she’s not a charity case.” He cut in, directing it toward you.
“Oh my god!” You laughed, “you’re all treating this like I’m going to fucking marry her or something! I literally just said she was hot! We don’t even know if she swings my way!”
“Only time will tell.” Rita smirked, this time managing to snag your glass of wine before you could complain.
You shot her a death glare, but made sure the next round, and round of food was on her, she owed you at this point. The rest of lunch thankfully passed without mentions of your newest point of affection, and honestly, it would be nearly a year before you crossed paths with Casey again. It was then that you realized how formidable of an opponent she was in the courtroom, and that only made you get more fiery, battle harder and pull out more of what would eventually be dubbed the ‘Calhoun charm’ over the years.
What you didn’t know, was that almost a decade later you would cross paths as opposing attorney’s, but also friends. And that a couple of cases, a couple of late night drinks would lead to a night spent tangled in your sheets, before you came to terms with your emotions, and you became far much more than coworkers.
@natasha-danvers @ineedafinghug @laurenhope13 @randomthingssss @imlike-so-gaydude @wannabe-fic-reader @gaylorrds @infiniteoddball @thatesqcrush @altsvu @disneyfan624 @svulife-rl @Svushots @gay-ass-bitch @lesbianspacecowboy @delphineecormierr @venablemayfairgoode @whimsicallymad @mysticfalls01 @oliviaswifey @thatgaygiraffesquirrelgirl @swimmingstudentchaos891 @disaster-and-disgrace @screenee @nocreditinthestraightworld @beccabarba @cmmndrwidw @bumblebear30 @enduringalexblake @jamiethetrans @molllss @wosoimagines @solemnnova @lawandorderimagines @infernumlilith @yourtaletotell @australiancarisi @cerberus-spectre @wandas-wife @emskisworld @thestarrynightslover @newyorker14 @lawandorderuswnt @ex-uallyactive @mmmmokdok @wandasbrat @disn3y7 @hbkpop @samwithnoplan @multifandomlesbianic @season4scullyhair @narvaldetierra @dxtery @1-lindsay83 @mmemalwa
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Their Alright... For A Boomer
Summary: Being a girl with a larger chest always got you attention, maybe having your nipples pierced to try and fell more confident handt been the best idea, but how can you regret it when your latest client; the sexy Mr Cavill  was ogling them but could this end up being more then just that one time you were eyed by a hot celebrity?
Warnings: Suggestive, No Smut, Fluffy? Cute and funny, Swearing
A/N: this was a request from @fanficlover91​ i hope you like this hun, i tried to keep it hot but sweet and respectful? Which was a struggle but i hope i got the vibe you wanted. And as always i hope you all enjoy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
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You blushed as you looked down the lense at your model. He smirked sweeping his eyes over you non to subtly. You could feel the blues penetrating you with a hot stare. The was the distinctive fast clicks on you camera snapping a burst of shots managing to capture his smirking face and eyes sweeping over your form appreciatively.
You stood tall and smiled pulling away double checking the shoots. You bit your lip. Fucking hell this was both the best and worst job you had. Henry Cavill was the most enticing male you'd ever had the pleasure to photograph. He didn't even have a good side, every side was good! There wasn't an unflattering angle on the man!
"And that's a wrap? I think we have everything we need Mr Cavill" you said professionally making to move away from him and begin to swap sd cards and label them before packing away. Henry gawfed and rose quickly panicked almost.
"I- err no! Wait I was... Well hoping that I could have some more done?" he said chaseing you across the small studio you could hear his agent Leah scoff from the side lines. You frowned and looked to her nervously. The woman had been watching and tutting, scoffing and clicking her tongue through the whole session. It actually made you nervous, wasn't she pleased with the shoot? You were worried, being freelance this was your first time doing a celebrity shoot for a magazine but the usual photographer was in hospital having a stroke a few days prior and you were the only free photographer in the agency that was close enough to take the job. Sure you wasn't well known but still it was a little disheartening to have someone seemingly unimpressed with your work.
But it was when you eyed her you saw she wasn't giving you the evil eye. Her frown was directed at henry, a scolding look you'd give a misbehaving child. You frowned a little puzzled, but shook it off in favour of looking to Henry. Your actual client.
"More? I... I? Thought the piece only needed a few to choose from? They were very ah... How do I put it? Thorough? With the brief" you explained hoping Leah would step in and clarify just what was going on. Because you didn't have a clue.
"I yes but- I'd love to top up my portfolio? You know? I err yeah have a few changes going on and... I mean a few greys and such... Just want to update it a tad... I'll pay obviously- I'd pay anything for more time please?" he pleaded watching you closely eyes wide and bright full of hope.
"I... Err" you shifted swapping your camera from one hand to the other and craned your head around the man trying to spy his agent. But you had no hope of peeking around this gargantuan man. Just like with the camera he demanded your full attention.
"And for Instagram and stuff! There's only so much I can do in a selfie... I'd even recommend you- advertise your work!" he quickly added sounding desperate now. It would help you out if you did have a few shots of him for in your own catalogue. It shouldn't matter but having a celeb under your belt was actually a good thing. It meant you'd acted professionally and been good to work with.
"I suppose so, I do have a few extra sd's here... Tell you what I'll do another shoot for you as long as I can pick a few to put in my portfolio? Then we both update our files?" you nodded to him speaking slowly. He grinned and relaxed nodding quickly pleased with himself for wrangling more shots. You'd never know he was just glad to has more time with you.
"Oh yes absolutly! That's fine here should we get started now or?" he asked biting his lip trying not to stare at you for too long. But it was hard you were fucking stunning!
"Oh yeah sure iv got time, let me just sort these out and set up, need to switch, you've tired my poor camera" you said with a grin trying to ignore the man as he beamed at you looking excited nodding enthusiastically. You backed up and spun around trying not to blush as you felt henry gazing openly at you.
"Right well if the magazine ones are done I will be off then" Leah called packing up her bag with a small chuckle to herself. You froze and spun quickly seeing her seemingly abandoning you with Henry.
"Wha- oh you don't have to you can stay-" you tried to reason unsure why, I mean who wouldn't want to be alone with this huge glorious man? Maybe you just didn't trust yourself with him? He had been 'making love' to the camera all afternoon. Smouldering bedroom eyes that was making it hard to focus. You had been getting hot under the collar all day as you kidded yourself he was eyeing you, not the camera or would be readers.
It didn't help that you had caught him oogling your breasts earlier. But you wasn't mad, it was your own fault. It was the Hight of summer and you had on a string vest with a thin bra, that you could clearly see your nipple bars through. You didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, you didn't blame Henry for looking. You cant exactly ignore your tits.. The were pretty large for your frame. You were curvy but they were as one ex put it 'exceptional'. And besides he had looked not touched and he hadn't been a creep about it. In fact he had done a double take and then blushed when he realised he had been caught looking. But as you said you get that with big boobs, you'd had it your entire life, it was actually one of the reasons you'd got them pierced. It helped with your confidence and you convince yourself that they were looking at the bars. Not you per say.  
"Okay aunt Leah I will see you in a few days." henry interrupted you quickly smiling practically ushering the woman out the door. He moved fast ever picking the womans phone and juice bottle to help her leave quicker.
"Yes, behave Henry I'll see you soon" she said with a giggle before calling a thank you and goodbye over her shoulder at you. You swallowed nervously and gave a quick bye as the door clicked behind her and you were left alone with Henry. The man groaned stretching as he spun around a huge grin on his face, making your knees tremble a little. Fuck.
Henry came over and watched you closely as you scribbled the name and date along with the publication name on the sd case label. You tried not to notice as he hovered biting his lip then took off the blazer and threw it on the table beside you drawing your attention as he did grunting a little. The v neck letting the smallest amount of soft looking chest fuzz that had been teasing you all day. He grinned slyly as he caught you eyeing him and crossed his arms over his chest flexing for your benefit. You gasped and quickly looked back to the camera in your hands inserting a new scarf into the new fully charges camera.
"Soo how do you like this kind of work?" henry said casually trying not to seem like a creeper but god damnit he couldn't stop eyeing you. If he had known how sexy you'd be he would have demanded to be doing a bloody swim wear shoot!
"You mean people?" you stuttered trying not to look him in the eye. Not that it helped because the rest of him was just as fucking sexy! You quivered all over desperately trying to remember how to breath, yet didn't want to draw in too deep a breath and make your tits bounce for him and look like a slut. There was a very fine line for a big busted girl, to much wobble will make you look like your trying to get attention.
"I mean celebrities, magazines we were told you mainly do private shoots for events and model portfolios" he offered leaning forward as he leant back on the desk next to you hooking one ankle behind the other. The way he stood placed his crotch in your line of sight as you looked down and worked on setting up the camera. You flushed. Oh god he looked er... Bigger then you'd thought earlier, not that you were looking but... Well you couldn't help notice the package! The man was a fucking serial man spreader! And that thing was huge! With the muscles he was packing he could probably bench press you with his crotch!
"Oh well its different... And you sir popped my celebrity cherry" you froze on the spot as you said that, it had meant to be an ice breaker, a joke but instead had sounded fucking creepy!. You snapped up to him making to apologize as your face flamed mortified but he had thrown his head back laughing. The deep rumble sent chilled down your spine.
"Well I'm honoured to have popped your cherry~" he teased placing a hand over his heart with a cheeky grin making you blush and nod then turned to him with the new camera all set up.
"Soo where do we start?" you said moving on quickly looking up at him trying to forget the whole cherry comment.
"Where ever you want me, i will let you take the reigns command me as you will" he chuckled standing tall once more and looked about the room casually to the various small set ups, different furniture, seats sofas and mini tables dotting the space.
"I... Okay then you said Instagram? How about we start with some facials-FACE SHOTS! Face. Shots. Not facials fuck. Shit" you quickly tried repairing the damage whist cursing yourself wanting nothing more then to be swallowed up by the floor.
"No, no love facials sounded perfect~" he said winking before gliding past you making you stutter and almost choke on your breath. Oh good lord this was a bad idea. You followed as he sat down on a sturdy sofa and looked head on at you and bit his lip once again watching you with a sultry look.
And that was the beginning. You followed him about taking various snaps whislt having small talk. He seemed to be very flirtatious as he spoke, dropping lines and compliments as he made eyes at you. You flushed each time clamming up at his suggestive comments. And rightly or wrongly you flirted back trying to seem cool and suave. But inside you were fangirling unable to belive you were here with this incredibly gorgeous man teasing one another. On a few occasions he even growled as you scampered about him, crouching and taking shots from blow getting some delicious angles that dampened your knickers. Then in between all this he managed to get little tied bits. You'd told him you were on agency freelance and were trying to get into the social media platform as it seemed easier in this day and age rather then to be in fashion photography. You wanted to be commercial not private but no one would really take a chance anymore.
Then you suggested a few shots on the sofa laying back trying to think of something different for your portfolio, maybe a body length shot. He was quick to agree and dived onto the sofa saying he had an idea you swallowed nodding not fully trusting the look in his eyes. But that was forgotten as he relaxed stretching out over the sofa legs crossed and resting on the arm of his hands behind his head and a devilish smirk looking down the lenght of his body. You knelt at his feet trying to get a flattering image of him looking down but cursed as the camera wasn't playing ball. The lense was focusing, this was why you used the other one first, the camera had a few issues and was temperamental.
"What's wrong?" he asked frowning a little at you as you growled pulling the camera away fro your face and began trying to manually focus the lense.
"Oh its.. It wont focus.. It does this sometime, really need to throw it out but.. She was my first I'm sentimental" you said feeling silly as you battled with the camera.
"We all are with our firsts... How about you come closer instead, I really want to see this shot, never done one at this angle.. Out of all my shoots your the first to suggest this~" you froze and looked to him but he just smiled impishly at you. Slowly you rounded the sofa and leant over him positioning the camera at his stomach as he looked right into the lense giving you a definite bedroom eyes, half lidded and burning. Both dreamy and amazingly sexy. It was as if he could see you beyond the lense, as if it wasn't even there!
"You can come closer love, I wont bite, not if you don't want me to~" his voice was low and teasing, luring you in like a siren. You trembled and moved along him but he tutted and moved a hand to your hip and pressed, coaxing you onto the sofa and sat you on him making you straddle him. You gasped squeazing your camera tighter as he moved you easily, warm palms holding you both delicatly and firmly. You could see in his eyes he was weary unsure if he had gone to far but you squeezed him between your thighs and relaxed making him grin up at you getting the message you didn't mind at all. You aimed the lense at him once more and got the shots you wanted.
"Perfect! Mr Cavill" you said actually a little sad that this session was over. It had been nice playing this little cat and mouse game with him. But all good things come to an end.
"Ah now i have a policy love, when a womans on top they can call me henry, among other things~" he said smoothly laughing as you chuckled nervously fiddling with the camera in your hands and shifted over him a little.
"I will try to remember that for next time boomer~" you teased managing to overcome your nerves as you pulled away the camera with a giggle winking at him as he stuttered. For a second you thought you'd gone too far but a quirk to his lips made you relax once more.
"That hurt, that was hurtful" he teased pouting not releasing you from his lap, instead holding you tighter, fingers digging into your sides making you gasp and bit your lip as he pulled you to his crotch and ground into you teasingly.
"I'm so sorry~" you uttered breathless trying to keep yourself together. But this man was something else, like a drug- the devil all fanged smiles and smooth words. God you were fucked, you knew this man could do anything to you and youd thank him for it~
"I doubt that" he cooed and slid his hand higher growing more and more confident. The last few hours of casual flirting had built up his appitite. There was no misconceptions, you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"Oh yeah?" you said coyly tipping your head to him playing along willing for this to happen, whether it be a one of fuck or something longer. You didnt have any complaints~ this was your body and youd enjoy it with who ever you wanted to!
"Yeah prove it!" he hissed and moved quickly sitting up and swinging around planting his feet on the floor. You yelped as he moved surprizingly fast and managed to keep you in his lap now face to face with you eyes roaming your face settling on your lips.
"And how should i do that" you teased tilting your head skimming your lips with his as you spoke. He groaned and held you tighter making you whine breathlessly willing this to happen. You wanted him and you wont deny yourself the chance.
"Make and old mans day" he said plainly and leant back resting on the back of the sofa, you watched him closely and brought your hands to his shoulders prodding at the neck of the t shirt and drew your fingers down slowly feeling him shiver at the light skimming fingertips.
"Oh really Boomer? And how would i make and old mans day?" you teased once more making him grunt but he quickly caught himself as your fingers smoothed over the teasing curls that peeked over his top. You scratched over them lightly with your nails making him draw a needy breath and chuckled at him. He was sexy and cute~
"By accepting a job offer?" he said before smileing smugly as you paused and frowned. Had you missed something? Was he after a freebee?
"Job offer? Really another shoot?" you snorted suddenly not feeling sexy, more like he was trying to butter you up for some fuck for parts shoots or something. He sighed and began speaking before you could get yourself all twisted. But then again you could have taken his offer wrong.
"Manage my social media. I have many companies and brands reach out to me for endorsements. They want me caught wearing their brands. But I'm to busy most of the time I cant make it to the locations they want. It actually doesn't seem worth it most of the time, with cost of flights and time lost travelling to and from studios itd be easier if I had my own personal photographer that travelled with me its be easy, slip on the clothes and what not take a few snaps and then you touch them up and post them on my social media." he explained watching as it sunk in that he wasnt trying to pull a fast one. Well he was but not trying to fuck you over... Just fuck you... And keep you because you were fantastic and he wants nothing more then to have you around hime as much as possible. In the single dat he had spent working with you, you had enchanted him, not only were you sexy but you were good at your job and easy to work with but also funny and cute and he needed to get to know you.
"Of course its a very big venture and we'd have to have a few dinner and lunch dates to work out all the nitty gritty" he added after a few beats of silence trying to make it clear he was interested... Very interested~ it worked as you fluched and a playfull look donned your face your fingers began stoking his chest hair once more. He relaxed shuddering under the nails as they teased his curls.
"Is this a big ploy to get a date Boomer?" you purred his new nick name making him groan when you squeezed him between your thick thighs once more grinding on him and the considerable bulge below you that twitched.
"No... Maybe is it working?" he said quickly hissing at you shifted in his lap once more, his hands snapping to your hips trying to still you before he came undone in his boxers. You were a very dangerous woman and something told him you knew.
"Well it sounds like an offer I'd be very, very interested in taking further~" you clarified giggling when he swallowed dryly and eyed you surprized that his plan had seemed  to work.
"Good to hear~ so got anything planned after this?" he asked feeling a wave of confidence at the prospect of snagging a date with you. He hadn't meant to sound so eager but... He was eager and that was that.
"Yes" you said with a straight face and got up off of him spinning around heading to the table with your camera bags. You gave him a glance and giggled seeing him still sitting there gobsmacked legs wide open and his crotch that was now definitely bigger then it had been earlier.
"O-oh" he stuttered seemingly unsure how to proceed. You giggled as he fumbled over his words. Then decided to grant him some mercy and began speaking whilst popping out the sd card from the camera labeling it like the previous one.
"You see I had a very cheeky client today who asked for a shoot last mineut. But I wasn't to bothered he was very very sexy even if he was a boomer, but get this out of nowhere gave me a job offer? And we're having dinner- he promised pizza~" you giggled glancing at Henry as he slumped in the seat realising halfway through that you were talking about him. He smoothed his hands over his face and jumped up coming over to you shaking his head.
"You know I'm not actually a boomer?" he quipped folding his arms. You rolled your eyes at him as you packed your stuff away making sure to recheck everything.
"Have you seen your selfies? Your a boomer, boomer" you teased making him scoff but laugh at the name that has now stuck.
"Wait you've seen my selfies? What do you think?" he asked wanting feedback on the silly shots he took. You paused halfway through zipping up your bag and turned facing him fully giving him a thoughtful look then shrugged
"Their alright... For a boomer" you giggled when he preened for a second then his face dropped into a pout when you finished the comment.
"I repeat...That was hurtful" he said covering his heart with a kicked puppy look making you laugh and hoist your bags over your shoulder and make for the door with him hot on your heels.
"Its fine boomer a second date will make up for it I'm sure~" you sniggered at him playfully looking back at him as he followed you out of the door.
"A date for each time you call me boomer? Deal" he quipped walking along side you offering you his arm like a true gentleman unlike the teasing horny little shit he had been all day. Not that you minded either. Gentleman on the streets, freak in the sheets and all that jazz.
"God we may aswell marry now then boomer" he laughed nodding in agreement the banter from the day still in play as you both left the building.
"Seems so, I mean were at ten that's what the kids consider boyfriend girlfreind territory" he anounced with a sigh playing on the 'boomer' joke making you giggle and roll your eyes as he mentioned the tally. Then you frowned and quickly counted your 'boomers' and opened your mouth you correct him, arguing that ten was incorrect.
"I think its nine boomer- ah see what you did their sneaky boomer!" you cried pushing him playfully at his little trick. He roared with laughter and quickly tangled his fingers with yours dragging you back alongside him guiding you down the street towards a place he knew served pizza, he didn't remember but apparantly he promised pizza...
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asset35-maya · 3 years
.When the party’s over.
Nines slowly regained consciousness. He was lying on his side and everything around him was quiet.
Layers of fabric covered his body and something soft and warm was pressed against his face. Eyes still shut, he nudged it gently with his nose and it emitted a low vibration.
The cat sprang upwards and hopped off the surface that Nines was lying on. It was ostensibly a bed, but Nines didn’t own any furniture apart from a couch and work table. The logical conclusion was that he was not in his own apartment.
Nines had no absolutely recollection of his whereabouts or how he had arrived. He had not been compromised as his system health was stable, so there was probably another reason for being completely disoriented. It was voluntary.
He had gotten the android equivalent of blackout drunk.
It was not the first time and he feared it would not be the last. Such were the hard-partying ways of his friends and colleagues. They were all terrible influences. He loved them dearly, but they were terrible.
At 6PM every Friday, Chen and Miller would start things off rather innocently. “Hey there’s a new brewery downtown.” Or “My bartender cousin just hooked us up with a thirty percent discount!”
From there it wouldn’t take long for the DPD’s resident frat boys Connor and Gavin to gather a steady crowd of officers and check out the venue. If the vibes were good (which they almost always were), Sixty would get wind of things. Then the rest of the frat house would descend and total chaos would reign until the break of dawn.
SWAT Unit 32 was famous for its particularly destructive brand of revelry. Skinny dipping in private swimming pools, scaling skyscraper rooftops and causing media scandals were all par for the course. The day after Captain Allen’s birthday, the DPD crew spent the entirety of their bonuses to repair the collapsed ceiling of the Eden Club.
Nines couldn’t remember how he exactly he was coopted into the madness. Probably peer pressure. Connor insisted that he try thirium alcohol. Sixty said that he would regret being a loser and not joining them. Gavin had just held out a hand and double-winked. That did the trick.
One night blended into another and soon Nines had worked up quite a reputation of his own. He was the Casanova of the homicide department. The handsome devil… the hunter… the sex god. People would actually come by his desk and congratulate him on Monday morning.
Nines hated it but he couldn’t stop himself from doing the same thing over and over. Perhaps it was the appreciative clap on the shoulder from Gavin the morning after Sixty posted photos of a high-end Traci model giving Nines his very first lap dance.
Life at the DPD was the epitome of work hard, play hard. It seemed like one big party but deep down Nines knew they were all just slaves to their compulsions. He wondered whether it was because they needed to celebrate every demon they vanquished or whether they needed to wipe the troubling memories of doing so.
In Nines case, there were definitely things he needed to kill within himself. Some were nightmare inducing crime scenes, but some were memories so heart-wrenchingly sweet that he thought he might self-destruct if he were to dwell on them too long. There were things he couldn’t have and things he needed to erase from his brain.
Something touched his face gently.
The hair on his forehead was brushed aside and fingers ran over his features. A thumb swept over his bottom lip and caressed his cheek.
Nines couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes and come face to face with his most recent conquest. He lay still, frozen with regret as the hand continued to stroke his face.
The hand travelled down his neck and fell upon his chest. Nines caught it abruptly. It wasn’t even the month-end and his savings were badly depleted. He couldn’t afford round two. He retracted the synth skin down to his wrist and prepared the electronic payment credentials.
Fingers merely intertwined with his.
“Just take your money and go. I’ll tip extra if you delete everything from your hard drive.”
“What the phck are you talking about?”
Nines eyes flew open. Steel blue met storm green.
“Wow that’s flattering.”
Nines pinched the bridge of his nose and shut his eyes in a vain attempt to remember what had led to this absolute, unmitigated disaster.
“What the hell happened last night?”
Gavin looked affronted.
“You ruined our housewarming for one.”
>MEMORY ARCHIVE SEARCH: housewarming, Gavin
>RESULT: TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM “G.REED” IN GROUPCHAT “CLUBBERCOPS”, 15:33 18 JULY 2040: Assholes. Party at our new place. Next Friday. From seven till LATE. Bring booze, bring bitches. Nah. Actually, don’t. Our landlord’s a bastard and we already got three noise complaints.
>RESULT: TEXT MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM “CONMAN” IN GROUPCHAT “CLUBBERCOPS”, 15:34 18 JULY 2040: Yeah we should keep this one PG. Bring food if you wanna eat. This mf can’t cook and I don’t care to. See y’all!!
Oh right. Fuck. Gavin’s housewarming. Gavin and Connor’s housewarming. His two closest friends who were somehow even closer to one another. Nines hadn’t realised until it was far too late and there was nothing for him to do but smother the bitterness with his favourite coping mechanisms: android alcohol and paid sex.
The circumstances definitely explained the state he was in, but things still didn’t add up.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Did we… did we…”
“No. Nothing happened between us. You were completely shitfaced. I just put you to bed to stop you from embarrassing yourself.”
Nines looked up at the ceiling, struggling to put the pieces together. His system offered him no useful prompts. The fermented thirium had done its job of code corruption extremely well. He looked back down and met the green eyes focused on him with deep concern.
“What did I do?”
“Sixty has videos, but I don’t think you want to see them. God, Nines… why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I’m really sorry, Gavin. I didn’t mean to ruin your night… and Connor’s.”
“He’s fine. He and Sixty moved the crew to Hank’s place. Which is what we should have done in the first place… there’s really no point throwing a party in this shoebox and telling people like Tina Chen to be quiet. Honestly if it wasn’t you it would have been her bringing the house down. Good thing they had all of Michigan Drive to tear up. Hank’s neighbours can sleep though a bombing.”
“What did I do?”
Gavin put his hand back on Nines’ face, his expression unintelligible. The human touched him often enough, but never like this. Never so intimately. Nines forced down the twisting sensation in his torso. He couldn’t get his hopes up. This was pity.
Nines braced himself to hear the worst. He prepared for the shredding of all his dignity and the collapse of his falsely extroverted and confident identity.
What came though was a soft press of lips to his forehead.
“It wasn’t pretty and I wish it hadn’t happened like that, but I think it was a long time coming… I’ve never seen you so emotional before. I’m sorry I didn’t notice anything all this while.”
“Gavin, please.”
“I’m going to focus on the positives, because really… there were a LOT of negatives. Oh boy. You… uh…”
The detective dipped his head and looked away.
“Phck, I shouldn’t be so embarrassed…
You told me you loved me.”
Nines closed his eyes. That was it. He should quit his job and move to another state. Hell, he should go to Cyberlife and request a factory reset on compassionate grounds.
“I’m so sorry. I… I should leave.”
He made to sit up, but was pushed back into the mattress. Gavin curled into his side.
“Nah. You’re good.”
“You threw up on my plants and smashed Connor’s RA9 sculpture, buuuut you’re good.”
“I don’t understand.”
Gavin wrapped his arms around Nines and edged closer until the android was forced to turn on his side and reciprocate.
“What do you think, genius? If a guy like me doesn’t throw a guy like you out of the house after all that… what does it mean?”
“That you have a high tolerance for toxic friendships?”
“It means I want you to stick around, dipshit.”
“You mean you like me?”
“Of course I do! I always have, but it never seemed right to bring it up. We’re actually really good friends. I didn’t think it would be possible when we first met but we have so much in common.”
“Bad habits for sure.”
“Come on, Nines. We’ve had a really great time together. Some of my best memories at the DPD are with you. Don’t ever quote me on it but you’re a phcking amazing partner. Can’t believe you thought I had something going with Connor when it’s always been you.
So yeah, I do like you. And I’m willing to try… I dunno… being with you. Like for real.
Stop drinking like that, though. I know I’m a hypocrite but you really scared me last night. I lost my Dad and I nearly lost Hank to the bottle. You might be this super advanced android, but that liquid courage shit is a death trap, man.”
Nines nodded quickly and blinked away the tears that welled up in his eyes. Gavin grasped the android’s chin and tipped his face down gently. Their eyes fluttered shut simultaneously and their lips met.
They broke apart after several golden moments and Gavin hugged Nines tightly under the sheets.
“What am I supposed to say to the others? I don’t think I can look any of them in the eye ever again.”
“Are you serious? You got nothing on the insanity that bunch is capable of. Sixty thinks he’s hot shit with his blackmail material, but I got receipts that’ll glue his mouth shut for decades. Anyway, that’s what friends are meant to be like. You have dirt on each other but you’re not meant to use it.
The same applies to us too, by the way. Don’t feel like you gotta be… apologetic about what happened last night. Yeah, you better replace my fancy new plants but I’ll never judge you for what happened. I want you to know that I’ll always be in your corner, Nines.”
Nines hummed thoughtfully and ran a hand though Gavin’s hair, marvelling at the fact that he could now do so whenever he wanted. He didn’t say anything in response, and just settled for cuddling closer to the human.
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Prelude (Ethan x f!MC)
Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1.5 K Premise: Three moments leading up to their fateful meeting.
Author’s Note: In which I try to explain why MC didn’t know what Ethan, her medical hero, looked like. Also, my (late) fic for the book 1 replay. Thank you @aestheticartsx​ for pre-reading!
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Harper frowns down at the file in her hand, her sharp gaze burning into the collated papers as though coercing them to solve their dilemma once and for all. From the end of the table, Cyrus lets out an inpatient sigh.
“It's very simple, Harper,” he drones. Ethan's fists clench reflexively at his sides, urging to remind Cyrus that Harper is the chief now and warrants more respect than his insufferable tone is offering. “The last spot should go to the candidate from Harvard. We are the best hospital on the east coast, after all. It only makes sense.”
Harper looks unconvinced and still, her pensive expression remains fixed in the file.
“An ivy league degree does not a good doctor make,” Naveen adds sagely into the ensuing silence. His smile is placid enough but Ethan knows the older doctor well enough to hear the warning edge in his voice. Evidently, even Naveen disapproves of Cyrus's lack of respect for their new chief.
Cyrus scoffs.
“And if you need further proof of that, Doctor Cyrus,” Ethan begins dryly, eyes boring into him. “Then look no further than your side of the conference table.”
A few attendings—at least the ones who have become increasingly tired of Cyrus's boastful proclamations about his alma mater—laugh quietly at the jab. Cyrus splutters, his face an unpleasant shade of red as he glares daggers at Ethan.
“This candidate,” Harper says at last, unaware or uncaring of what she had just interrupted. Her two lone words are enough to command the room's attention at once, but her hazel eyes are on Ethan. “You're convinced she's the best fit for Edenbrook?”
Ethan meets her eye and pauses.
It's the first time they look at each other directly since he ended their relationship two weeks prior. Despite the brief time apart and an unshakeable resolve to be professional, his stomach sinks heavy, like a stone.
Harper looks as graceful and dignified as ever, keeping every emotion in check. Yet, as she holds his gaze, Ethan can see a small flicker or sadness and his stomach twists with guilt.
“I'm positive, Chief Emery,” Ethan responds. “This candidate exhibits the type of potential we look for at Edenbrook.”
The use of her new title seems to snap Harper out of a reverie.
“She graduated top of her class and ranked in the top percent among our chosen cohort of interns,” Ethan continues. “I've also looked into her research and it's among the most promising I've seen. I recommend her without reservations.”
With a single nod and a sense of finality, Harper closes the file.
“Then it's settled. We have our last intern.”
“You're joking, Harper,” Cyrus blurts out, incensed. “We're giving a coveted spot to the candidate from UCLA?”
He says the name of the school with so much derision, Ethan feels his ears flare up.
“That Doctor Ayala?” Cyrus continues.
“Doctor Allende,” Ethan corrects, jaw clenched.
“Don't we have enough charity cases in the cohort already? This is token—”
But the vitriol is quickly interrupted by several things happening at once: Ethan darting forward, fists ready; a startled, collective gasp from the other attendings; Naveen, quietly intercepting Ethan and halting his steps with a steady hand, a feat that is impressive for a man much older and shorter; and Harper, also on her feet, directing a disgusted look at Cyrus she doesn’t bother to disguise behind professionalism.
“I would think very carefully about finishing that sentence if I were you, Doctor Cyrus,” she says, her voice low but with the impact of a clashing gavel. “And I ask that you address me as Chief Emery moving forward.”
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“If you end up marrying someone with a Boston accent,” Laurel is saying with a devilish grin. “I will never be able to keep a straight face when they talk. Pahk the cah in Hahvahd Yahd.”
Her older sister peers at Lilac over the flaps of an open cardboard box, the glint in her eye growing wickeder still. “Imagine what they’d sound like in bed. You're so fucking gawgeous, dawctaw—”
Before her sister can escalate that impression into disturbing territory, Lilac silences her with a well-aimed pillow. It succeeds in hitting Laurel straight in the face but also in turning her laughter into a cackle.
“Are you going to help me pack or not?” Lilac says sternly, though the effect is entirely ruined by the smile that manages to break through.
Laurel raises her hands in defeat and returns to packing Lilac's books neatly. They work in companionable silence for a few minutes with nothing but their favorite music blaring from the speakers of Lilac's phone.
“Is this the book?” her sister asks suddenly, turning a worn textbook in her hands and studying it closely. “The one written by your medical crush?”
For some inexplicable reason, Lilac feels her face flare with heat. “He's not my crush.”
“You just worship the ground he walks on,” her sister returns, flipping through Diagnostic Principles. “Though, you're right. In order to have a crush you'd need to know what he looks like.”
Laurel reaches the back cover, frowning. “Why wouldn't he add an author picture?”
Lilac says nothing, biting the inside of her cheek. She can't blame her sister for being curious and a bit disappointed at the lack of visual representation. After all, Lilac had felt crestfallen when all she found in the author's information section was the green and blue Edenbrook logo.
“Maybe he's a private man and doesn't like his picture out in the world? Maybe he wants aspiring doctors to focus on his research and not his looks?”
“So he's either really hot or really ugly,” Laurel returns, unmoved by Lilac's impassioned speech. “Have you ever tried looking him up online?”
Lilac had been tempted many times, but she was fiercely adamant about keeping her medical hero a mystery outside of his work. It already felt invasive enough to track down his undergrad research and every other minor paper he'd ever written. When it came to Ethan Ramsey, Lilac had searched every corner of scholarly journals and databases, absorbing every piece of his work with an adoration that was already embarrassing enough.
Plus, she would never admit it out loud, but she was also afraid that knowing what the brilliant doctor looked like would somehow ruin him for her. Or at least, alter the image of him she had constructed in her head for so many years. It felt right to continue seeing Dr. Ramsey as the brilliant force that pushed her into her dream career and not as a definitive set of features.
“It doesn't matter what he looks like. He's the best and I'm going there to learn from him, not to judge his appearance.”
“I'm Googling him,” Laurel announces, already typing furiously into her phone. After a few seconds, her phone returns results and her eyebrows shoot up, staying suspended for longer than normal.
“What?” Lilac asks despite herself.
“Wow what?”
“Just… wow.” Laurel stares down at the screen with such awestruck amazement that Lilac feels a powerful wave of curiosity. “He’s shirtless in some of these.”
“What?” Lilac yelps, feeling her face flare up at once. 
“Yeah, apparently you’re not his only fan. Tons of people have taken his picture.” Her sister seems to blink out of a trance, turning the screen toward Lilac. “Here, see for your—”
But Lilac turns her gaze away almost out of reflex.
The word comes out far more impassioned than Lilac intended. Still, she resolutely turns her head. “That feels...invasive, somehow?”
“Come on—”
“I'm serious, Lau. I don't want to see. I'm already nervous enough about this whole thing without having to worry about this wow-worthy revelation. And besides, taking someone’s shirtless picture without their consent and posting it online is already bad enough. It feels wrong supporting that.”
Laurel rolls her eyes.
“I'm going to see him in less than a week anyway. With clothes. In a professional setting. As I should. If I waited all these years, I can wait that long.”
A knowing, devious sort of smile pulls at her sister's face. She mumbles something over the music and Lilac can swear it sounds oddly like: “...worth the wait.”
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Ethan should have taken the broken and sputtering coffee machine in his apartment as an omen. His morning definitely declined from then on, starting with gridlock traffic and ending with an infuriatingly long line at his favorite coffee place.
The ultimate lack of coffee is probably his fault because Ethan had spent too much time deliberating whether or not he wanted to go with store bought coffee on what promised to be a grueling day. When he had finally made up his mind, however, the line was already out the door.
Irritated and caffeine deprived, he drives back to Edenbrook.
“You're earlier than we agreed,” Naveen says as soon as Ethan accepts his incoming call. “What was the point of rearranging the whole schedule if you were going to come in when you pleased anyway?”
“I'm not even through the gates yet. What are you spying on me?”
“No need. You forget how predictable you are.”
Naveen chuckles as he says this which eases some of Ethan's irritation. The older doctor had purposely scheduled him later in the day to give him some peace on the first day of the new intern cohort.
Naturally, Ethan arrived several hours early, as per his custom.
“Or maybe you know me too well by now.”
Naveen's benevolent laughter turns into a dry but lingering cough on the other end of the line. Instantly, Ethan's insides freeze over, his stomach sinking unpleasantly.
He opens his mouth to question his mentor about this persisting symptom, when sheer reflex prompts him to stomp on the breaks so suddenly, his body jerks forward then slams against his seat.
Something—or rather someone— had crossed the parking lot road right in front of his car, standing mere inches away from his front bumper.
“Ethan?” Naveen asks through the speaker.
When Ethan recovers and regains movement of his arms and legs, he feels the spike of adrenaline give way to pure annoyance.
The offending pedestrian is a young brunette clad in blue scrubs, a medical intern by the looks of it. She stands there in the middle of the road, her mouth hanging open in a way that would have been comical to Ethan if he wasn't so irritated.
They stare at one another, though Ethan is convinced she can't see much through the tinted glass.
Then, right before his eyes, she seems to recover from the shock. Drawing herself to her full height, she glares at Ethan. At least, he thinks she's glaring through the dark lenses of her sunglasses.
Ethan almost scoffs.
She has the audacity to be angry when she was the one who made the rookie mistake of aimlessly crossing in front of him?
Who the hell does she think she is?
“Asshole,” she mutters, the word quite audible through his windows.
Before a stunned Ethan can respond, she turns on her heel and rushes toward the hospital, a curtain of dark hair dancing behind her.
“What was that?” Naveen asks, still on the call.
“I hate interns,” Ethan responds much to the older doctor's amusement.
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Author’s Note: In other words, my MC was late to her orientation because of Ethan and that’s how she met him in the waiting room lol. Thank you so much for reading! 
*Tagging Separately 
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liaslight · 3 years
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Pairing: Pervy boss!Kuroo x Bimbo fem!reader
Summary: Working as Kuroo’s new intern was hard since he seemed hell bent on being a complete asshole to you. After asking him for a holiday, you end up finding yourself in a compromising position with your boss, who you absolutely despise.
Content Warnings: Dub-con, Blackmail, degradation, dumbification, bullying, hate fucking, oral sex (male receiving), face/throat fucking, hair pulling, use of slut and whore, sir kink, crying, dacryphilia, bondage, slight slapping, cum eating, shoe fucking¿. That’s about it but if i missed anything lmk please. ALL CHARACTER ARE AGED UP (POST TIMESKIP)
Word Count: 3.k
A/N: This is my piece for Anilysium's 'Crying and Creaming' collab. Please check out the masterlist of the collab to see the work of all the other amazing authors and artists :))
Thank you to @oneblonded and @stopisa for beta reading <33
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You hated work. Absolutely despised your office and everyone in it. Especially your boss. You wondered why you had to come in everyday and subject yourself to his torture. These thoughts swirled in your head as you walked towards your boss’ cabin with a steaming cup of hot coffee. He usually takes an espresso shot but today he requested you get him a decaf. Working as his intern was hard, he found flaws in everything you did.
As you set his coffee down on his desk, he looked up from his screen, staring at the coffee with molten eyes. Kuroo Tetsuro might be a complete asshole, but he was undeniably gorgeous and anyone would be blind to not notice it. He stared at the coffee for a solid minute before asking in his cold voice, “where is my espresso?”
“S-sir, you said you wanted decaf today, so that’s what I got you.” you stuttered out knowing that for some reason you fucked up. “Well now I changed my mind and I want an espresso,” he said with a tone of indifference. You were shocked at his antics, how dare he change his mind at the last second. “Well am I gonna have to wait all day or will I be getting my coffee soon?” he mocked. “Yes sir I’ll be back with your espresso.” you said with anger seeping through your voice.
You suppose you should be used to it by now. It’s been three months since you started here and he has not let up on you even once. If it was up to you, you would’ve left the week after you started here, but you needed this job because it paid surprisingly well. Maybe it wasn’t much of a surprise considering how much bullshit you had to deal with here.
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Kuroo thinks you’re horribly dumb. Based on how many mistakes you’ve made since you started here, he would’ve fired you within the first week of you starting here. But you were such a pretty thing to look at, so he kept you around. And you started to get the hang of the work after a few weeks, but he just couldn’t help but mess with you just to see your face twist up in anger. You were so helpless and all you could do was just sit and take whatever he dished out, even though it might not have been your fault. He loved it. He relished the control and power he had over you.
He was burdened with work today so he more or less left you alone after the espresso incident. You kept your distance to a minimum too and spoke to him only when necessary. As he swirled around his chair, wondering what exactly he wanted to do with you, because even though you were fun to mess with, you weren’t exactly an asset to the company. And his duties as a boss came before his needs as a man. He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of your heels clicking on his office floor. You walked towards him with a bunch of files in your hand. “Sir I got the files regarding the new client, where would you like me to keep them?” you asked. He pointed towards the table towards his right, swirling his chair to watch you walk to the table. Did he need the files to be put on that table? No, not really. They would've been more useful on his desk, but he wanted to see you walk to the table and bend over as you put the files down. You had a beautiful body and anybody would be a fool to not notice that. You probably noticed him staring, but it’s not like you could say anything and if you were really uncomfortable you would’ve called him out. He knows this because you did exactly that when another co-worker had stared at you inappropriately.
It was getting dark out there and it seemed like it was just the two of you on the floor. You shuffled on your feet nervously before asking “Sir I’d like it if I could have tomorrow and day after off for some personal reasons.” Huh, so you wanted a two day break without telling him why. “What personal reasons?” he asked as he stood up from his chair, walking towards the front of his desk and leaning on it. You were a little flustered from both his question and the proximity between the two of you. “Uh, I don’t think it’s necessary for me to tell you why I need the holiday and I say this with utmost respect” you said defiantly, your tone was the complete opposite of utmost respect.
So this is how you wanted to play it out, he thought and tried his best to suppress the grin that was forming in his face.
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“Well if you want a break I need to know why and if you don’t want to tell me then I guess I can’t allow you the two days off” he said casually while loosening his tie. God why did he have to be so fucking good looking. It was making it hard for you to stand your ground and get what you want. You knew you weren’t the best worker and you made more mistakes than a lot of people here, but why did he pick on you and only you? Truth be told, you were scared of him and scared of losing this job, but there was only so much you could take before you snapped.
“I don’t think you need to be privy of my personal life and if you aren’t willing to give me the holiday I’m more than okay with you cutting my salary for the days off” you said, anger evident in your voice. “Miss y/n if you want to walk out of here with a job, you’re just gonna have to tell me why you need the holiday.” he stated simply while looking at you with something unreadable in his gaze. Dread washed over you at the possibility of losing your job and you realised you had no choice but to give in to him. “I have to go out of town for my friend’s wedding” you said while gritting your teeth in frustration.
“That wasn’t so hard now was it?” he smirked down at you, clearly pleased with the fact that he won. God you hated him and hated that stupid smirk on his face. He walked closer to you and all you could do was stare at the hint of skin that was visible after he unbuttoned the first button of his shirt and loosened his tie. Why did he have to be so attractive? It was a damn shame that he was a dickhead even though he looked like that.
“So is it okay if I take two days off?” you asked, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of winning the argument. “Hm, I suppose so. But I’d like it if you work for a few more hours today so that you could get some actual work done before you leave for your holiday” he taunted. “I’m sorry but what do you mean by actual work sir?” you asked, irritation clearly evident in your tone. It was probably a huge mistake talking to him like this considering he was your boss, but you had enough and you were done taking his shit.
He seemed to be enjoying himself as you got more and more irritated. “I suppose the meaning of actual work would be lost on someone like you anyway” he said with his voice cold and his grin even colder. He was clearly looking down on you and testing your patience. “Let’s see, did you send in the shipping updates for the London client?” he asked, and shit you clearly forgot about that. “Uh- no, i’ll get on it right away” you said while averting your eyes from his gaze. “How about the minutes for today’s meeting? Did you email it to everyone present there?” he asked, knowing very well you didn’t do it. “I’m sorry sir, I’ll finish all of it right now if you excuse me” you stuttered. “I’m not done yet. What about the cost sheet I asked you to make yesterday? I suppose you forgot about that as well” he said, veiled anger and irritation seeping through his tone.
“The reason I asked why you wanted to take two days off is because I simply could not let the most incompetent worker in my company take days off for a stupid reason. You are on thin ice y/n and taking days off while not doing most of your work is clearly not helping your case” he stated with authority.
“I’m so sorry sir, is there anything I can do to make up for my insubordination?” you asked, clearly worried about the prospect of losing your job. At this point, you were ready to do whatever it takes to get on his good side. This job paid for your rent and living expenses and with the market so bad, you knew if you were fired it would take months for you to get another job. If you had to suck up your pride for keeping this job, you would without hesitation no matter how much you hated him.
“Well there is something you can do, but I’m not sure if you’re going to like it” he said, his voice dripping with condescension. “I-I’ll do anything sir, I really need this job” you answered honestly. “If that’s the case then get on your knees” he said casually while standing up to his full height.
Your mind went blank. He wanted you to get on your knees. You knew what that implied and never in your life did you think you would be here in this position. But the thought of being on your knees in front of him didn’t fill you with disgust. You were scared and surprised but not opposed to it. You hated him for making you do this, even though you were the one who offered to do anything.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him say, “I don’t have all day and if you want me to go easy on your incompetence then be a doll and get on your knees.” God this was so so wrong but you did as he said and got down on your knees, looking up at him and waiting for his next instructions. “Let’s see if this mouth of yours is any good, yeah?” he said with a shit eating grin.
He took off his belt and walked behind you. He crouched down to your level and you were confused as to what exactly he was doing. Then you felt your hands being pulled back and tied with his belt. You felt a tinge of panic but it turned you on knowing you were immobile and completely under his mercy. He stood up and walked in front of you. He put two fingers below your chin and made you look up at him and said, “you look so pretty like this.”
His hand left your chin and went to work unbuttoning his pants, all while holding eye contact with you. He pulled the zipper down and finally pulled his dick out of his boxers. Your eyes widened at the size of him. There’s no way you could take him all the way in your mouth and you felt genuine terror at the thought of doing so. You couldn’t help yourself when you said, “You’re so big.” “Yeah? And you’re gonna take all of it.” he commanded.
You gulped as you looked at his dick. He was long and thick, with tiny veins running through the shaft. His tip was flushed pink and tilted slightly to the left. His hand came up to grip your hair from the back and he forcibly tilted your chin up, making you look at his face. His other hand gripped his dick and he tapped your lips with it. “Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out,” he said.
You did as you were told and he pushed himself inside your mouth, groaning at the feeling of the wet heat. You looked up at him, blinking innocently and waiting for his instructions on what to do next.
His grip on your hair tightened and he pushed your head down. Fuck he was so big and you were sure you couldn’t take him any deeper than this. You tried to pull back a little but he was having none of that and pushed your head all the way down. Tears started to spill from your eyes and you gagged on dick. He pulled you back, watching in awe as you coughed and spluttered. He slapped your left cheek with his hard length and said “do you want more?” he asked while he kept slapping your cheeks lightly with his dick. “Yes, I do,” you begged. This whole act was so demeaning but you were incredibly turned on. You felt your panties get slick with arousal and it frustrated you knowing your hands were restrained and you couldn’t pleasure yourself. “Yes what?” he asked in his domineering voice, while rubbing precum all over your lips. “Yes sir,” you replied obediently.
He pushed you down on his length again and this time you willingly took all of him inside your throat. It was uncomfortable but the thought that he was pleased was bringing you pleasure. “Such a good little slut” he said while his hips started to move, lightly fucking your mouth. You moaned around his length and the vibrations of your mouth made him groan. “This is all you’re good for aren’t you? Your dumb little brain clearly doesn’t work but it doesn’t matter when your mouth is full right?” he said condescendingly.
The degradation seemed to make you wetter and your hips started to move, trying to get some friction to alleviate the tension between your legs. Kuroo noticed and said, “What a dirty little slut! This is turning you on isn’t it? Well you’re not gonna get any relief because this is a punishment” he said as he pulled out of your mouth. You hated him so much but at this moment all you wanted was to be his obedient little slut. You moved forward to take him back in your mouth, your face flushed and eyes full of tears. “Beg.” he said while teasing you by hovering his length near your lips.
You were sobbing now, lip trembling and eyes watering as you said, “p-please sir, I want you in my mouth, please!” Kuroo was enjoying this too much, he knew you were an idiot but to think you’d be so cock drunk made him harder than what he already was. He let you take him back into your mouth and then he stroked your hair and said, “such a good slut, if only you’d put this much effort in your work, then we wouldn’t be here now would we?” Then he started to facefuck you, his hips pushing into you and shaking your whole body with the force. You started to gag and choke loudly, your mouth so full of him. You could taste his precum and you hollowed your cheeks and tried to keep up with his thrusts.
As you bobbed your head on his dick, you felt something near your clit and you jolted in surprise upon realising that it was his shoe. He lifted his shoe so that it rubbed against your slit and you moaned around him at the friction. “Since you’re being so obedient, I’ll let you get yourself off on my shoe,” he said while thrusting into your mouth. You were so wet and needy that you greedily obliged and started to move your hips on his shoe. The friction on your clit felt so good and you were so sensitive and turned on that just a little touch could make you cum. You chased your own high while letting Kuroo use your mouth as he pleased.
“You got my shoe dirty with how wet you are. You’re gonna lick it all clean after we’re done aren’t you? That’s how bad you want this job, don’t you baby?” he said through gritted teeth. The thought of him making you do something so demeaning made you clench and you started to move your hips faster, desperate to finally reach the peak. The vibrations from your mouth were bringing closer and closer to his orgasm and after thrusting for a few more seconds, he pulled out of you, fucking his fist while watching you chase your own high.
He looked so good with his sleeves rolled up and the veins in his hands flexed as he moved his fist up and down his length. Your senses were clouded and when he lifted his foot up to apply more pressure to your clit, you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. You whimpered as you finally came, eyes rolling back at the intense pleasure. Seeing you like this was enough for Kuroo, and you could see he was close.
“You want my cum don’t you baby? Stick your tongue out for me.” he said and you obliged. He stroked himself once, twice and then groaned as he came all over your tongue and face. You patiently waited till he was done, eyes closed in pleasure. You swallowed all of his cum and looked up at him with doe eyes. He used his thumb to gather the cum that was on your cheek, and then pushed it inside your mouth. You sucked at his thumb greedily, moaning at his taste.
“This is all you’re ever gonna be good for, baby. But it’s okay right? You’re happy being my cumslut aren’t you?” he said. He didn’t wait for your answer as he tucked himself back inside his pants and bent down to untie your hands. After fixing himself up, he said “Enjoy your holiday miss y/n.” and walked out of his office, leaving you wondering what exactly you got yourself into.
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All content belongs to LIASLIGHT © 2021. Do not modify or repost.
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word Count: 1.4k
Warning/s: toxic relationship dynamics, dark!bucky x dark!reader, stalking, coercion and lying, manipulative tendencies, injuries and blood mention, food was mentioned for a bit
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
CTRL playlist CTRL moodboard
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A month had passed since your not-date date had happened. You tried to forget the rest of the day, only focusing on how he looked and talked to you that day. How he smiled, trying to play off the ‘cool guy’ narrative.
You suddenly grew cold, noticing how your conversations became sparse—dry in between. Fewer texts and long waits. It made you nervous, sad, and a little bit annoyed. You barely see him around the office too—has Bucky been avoiding you?
His office is a bit out of the way for you to accidentally stumble in, anyway; the days you’re in the office were unsynchronized. Would it count as a punishable offense if you mess up with your company-approved laptop?
Saying you missed Bucky is an understatement: the bottle of cologne that smells like him sits empty on your dresser. The pictures you took of him taped loosely on your corkboard. Bits and pieces of papers he gave you tacked on it haphazardly.
Can someone die from loneliness?
Is this what being in love feels like?
Suffocating, consuming, your chest feels heavy, and your stomach is in knots.
Another month, another throng of employees needing new passwords. There are literal posters around the floor reminding everyone to use a password manager. Bucky can’t believe that he has to work with idiots around him. When he took up computer science as a major in college, he imagined himself hacking into… government intel, or something. Not looking after dimwits that don't know how to install an update.
His text messages are red with notifications—bank updates, deliveries, and you.
For some reason, Bucky can’t bring himself up to return your messages. Hi’s, hey’s, and how are you’s littered his text chain. Is he a bad person for not replying back? He can always just make up an excuse, right?
When you told him that you liked him, kissed him like you meant it, his fondness dispersed into thin air. The easy is never worthy and the worthy is never easy, as his father told him.
A ding from his phone brought him forth, another text from you: coming up right now, can we talk?
Now, he can’t come up with an excuse.
Bucky heard you before you come in, knocking on his door like the first time you met.
He clears his throat, calling out a come in! before rolling back from his cluttered desk. Tickets were few and far in between, he knows he can spare you at least 20 minutes but he just doesn’t want to.
“Hey,” you said, your head poking into his office. You weren’t entirely sure why you came up here in the first place, you really, really, really just wanted to see him again.
Bucky chuckles, pulling the door open for you. “What’s up? Is everything okay?”
You breathe out a little, shaking the feeling sinking deep inside your stomach, “yeah. Yeah, everything’s fine.” Stepping into his office, you eye his desk. He’s been busy. Papers and files are piling up on the left side of his desk, half of his setup is covered with those post-it notes. Several mugs littered his small space.
Huh, “Sorry, I can come back some other time.”
Turning on your heel, you pivot a little to grab the door when Bucky grabs your upper arm, “don’t go—”
He realizes the implications if someone were to see the two of you and so he lets go, much to your discomfort. You face him, either way, you’re sure he’s not gonna let you go that easily.
“Sorry, it’s just- I missed you.”
And there it was. I missed you.
He was thinking about you.
He was thinking about you.
He was thinking about you.
He was thinking about you.
He was thinking about you.
“I was just gonna drop off some files… But,” you rake your brain for a coherent train of thought, “I missed you too.”
A smile of relief overcomes Bucky’s features, his eyes crinkling just the way you like. His steely blue eyes hidden beneath his lashes.
“I have uh, a thing later… Dinner with friends—do you wanna come?” You make a show of peering over his shoulder and onto his desk, “unless you’re busy?”
“I’d love to come.” He says, tucking his pointer finger underneath your chin, flicking it forward so you’d look at him, “what time is it?”
“Come by around seven. I’ll text you my address.”
Bucky doesn’t need your address. He already came a dozen times by your building, trying to build up the nerve to knock on your door and kiss you silly. Like in those movies you watch late at night.
But he’s conflicted, no?
Are you really as good as they come?
At six-thirty, you already sent the text: take the east street, beige apartment block. I’m on the third floor, second door to your right. :)
At six-fifty five, Bucky’s already there, his car idling on the sidewalk. He’s… nervous. Why is he nervous? It’s just dinner. A small get-together with friends. Speaking of friends, he didn’t see any unfamiliar cars parked on the block. Maybe it’s not work friends?
Letting out a sigh, Bucky fetches the small bouquet of flowers and wine he brought, just in case. He doesn’t wanna be the only one showing up empty-handed.
On the dot, Bucky knocks on your door. He plasters on his best smile as you open the way, revealing yourself.
God, you look gorgeous. Why did he stop hanging out with you in the first place?
Oh, right.
“Aw, flowers and wine? You’re too sweet!” You chirp out, stepping out of the way to let him into your apartment. Taking the gifts from his hands, you put them away while Bucky busies himself checking out your place.
It’s weird seeing your place in real life. Bucky noted the hint of lavender in the air, coupled with a smidge of coffee brewing. He’s so used to seeing parts of it but not everything-everything. He careens his neck to look down the hallway, catching a glimpse of your bedroom.
“If you’re lucky, you can see it tonight.” A peal of boisterous laughter comes out of you, lightly kicking his foot with yours, “I’m kidding. It’s off-limits for visitors, sorry.”
“Right…” Bucky looks around, shifting his weight from the balls of his feet up to his toes. “Am I too early? I can help you set the table.” The table is halfway finished and you’re stirring in cheese into a sauce. Roux, perhaps.
“No, it’s okay…” You trail off, lowering the heat before facing Bucky, “I lied.”
“There’s no dinner—I mean, there is. Just not with friends.” You bite your lip, looking down on your shoes before tearing your gaze away from the floor to meet Bucky’s eyes.
“You lied? Why- why would you lie about that?” Annoyance and frustration all seep out near the surface. His jaw ticking as he gritted his teeth.
“Are you mad?”
“Are you mad?” Bucky asks back in a mocking tone, bringing his fist down the dinner, “you—you’re crazy. I knew it, I knew you’re crazy. Lying about dinner and what, trying to get me alone? Jesus, what--” He lets out a mirthless laugh, the one that sends chills down your spine.
You stood there, frozen at your spot. You’re hurt. He called you crazy. He called you crazy when he’s the one who spied on you for weeks on end.
When he’s the one who watches you at night.
When he’s the one who left those notes on your desk.
The one who sent those texts and left calls and voicemails.
“Fuck you.” Your words rang empty as Bucky walked out of the kitchen in long strides. The dinner long forgotten.
You calmly watch him turn the doorknob open, failing when the adjacent locks prevent him from opening the door. Two deadbolts and a chain lock. Never would you have thought that the threat would be coming inside your home.
“I’d think twice before leaving without dinner.”
Bucky stirs awake. The sound of cutlery on plates grating on his nerves. His head is throbbing. His right temple feels tight and tender, there’s something hard and crusty covering the right side of his face. He can suddenly feel the weight of his left arm, leaning over to compensate for the sudden pain.
He wasn’t aware that he had closed his eyes; the lights suddenly glaringly bright.
Right, the dinner.
The dinner?
Wasn’t he supposed to—
“Thank fuck. I thought you were dead.”
God, he hopes he is.
165 notes · View notes
atlafan · 4 years
a/n: alright, I think this is the last Halloween fic I’m gonna due, I had one more in me. Thank you to everyone who sent me requests. I tried to sprinkle them all into the four different fics I wrote. This one was mostly inspired by someone who asked for a scared neighbor, and someone who asked for one of them to work at a haunted house! Reblogs and feedback are always helpful! Enjoy! (not proofread)
Warnings: pining, fluff, and smut at the end
Words: 6.6K
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Y/N was a scaredy cat, plain and simple. She loved Halloween, and the fun that came with it, she just hated the things that absolutely made her skin crawl like jump scares, fake blood, movies that were made with the sole purpose of scaring you, and haunted houses. Never has she once wanted to go to a haunted house in her life. She went when she was a little girl, and she ended up being one of this kids that just screamed and cried the entire time. She somehow made it through both It films, but had nightmares for weeks, so she just stays away from these things.
She was a recent graduate, just starting her master’s program, and living on her own for the first time. She loved her flat a whole lot, getting to decorate it however she wanted, and only having herself to blame if the dishes got stacked up or if the bathroom needed tidying. Another reason she loved her flat? Her very cute next door neighbor. She wasn’t sure if he was also in grad school, or was just from the area. She learned his name was Harry one day as they were both checking their mailboxes, and from there they would exchange pleasantries in the elevator or if they saw one another coming or going.
Harry was a tad mysterious in that he was quiet, but his smile always let Y/N know she wasn’t a bother. She had no idea if he was single or not. His apartment was often quiet aside from the occasional person he might bring back with them. She only ever heard muffled giggles, and the sound of his voice lowering an octave, but her bed wasn’t pressed up to the wall they shared, so she really didn’t pay much attention to it. It did make her more mindful for when she brought someone home, though, not wanting him to hear her.
Y/N always liked the little interactions she’d have with her sweet neighbor. It made living alone a little more exciting. She’d have her friends over when she could, and sometimes they got a little glimpse of Harry, and then they’d understand why Y/N couldn’t help but word vomit about him sometimes.
One day, a couple of weeks before Halloween, Harry spots her in the hall just as she’s keying into her place. He grins and comes up behind her.
“Ah!” She turns around and nearly decks him. “Jesus Christ, Harry!” She clutches her hand to her chest.
“Shit, I didn’t think you’d be so jumpy, I’m sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“No offense, but you’re a large man coming up behind a small woman to scare her on purpose…I think anyone would be scared.” Her face flushes with embarrassment.
“When you put it like that…yikes.” He clears his throat. “Um, I’m glad I caught you, though.”
“Oh?” She perks up a bit. He had genuinely wanted to talk with her?
“Yeah, I work seasonally at this haunted house downtown every year, it’s a lot of fun.” He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. “I’m supposed to give out some coupons, if you bring a group of five you get a discount, see?” He hands her the coupon and she looks it over.
“You…you work at a haunted house?”
“Just seasonally as a side gig, it pays pretty well. Plus, I get to dress up as different things and scare people.” He smirks.
“Well, I can see you definitely enjoy doing that.” She chuckles slightly.
“I really am sorry about that.” He runs a hand through his hair. “It’s a charity thing, so half the proceeds goes to UNICEF…if that persuades you at all.”
“I’ll, um, I’ll see if my friends want to go, thanks.”
He smiles at her and nods.
“Well, have a good one.” He says, and continues his way down the hall and to the elevator.
Y/N goes into her flat, and sighs heavily. She was fucked, absolutely fucked. She knew her friends would be down to go, but she more so worried about needing to wear a pair of depends or not because she was sure to wet herself at a haunted house.
“Why didn’t you just tell him you don’t like haunted houses?” Billy asks her over coffee.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Niall says to the group. “It’s the first time the guy’s said more than a few words to her, she wasn’t going to turn it down. Isn’t that right, Pet?”
“On the nose, Ni.” She sighs. “I looked like enough of a wimp when he scared me in the hall, I didn’t want to look like a total baby by telling him they scare me. Maybe we could go and I could just putter around outside.”
“Why don’t like you like them again? They’re harmless.” Sadie says as she sips on her tea.
“I don’t like the jump scares. I wanna see everything clearly in front of me. I also feel bad for clowns.” Y/N pouts.
“Clowns?” Rob questions.
“Yeah, like, clowns are supposed to be sources of joy, and they’ve been turned into these scary monsters for no good reason.” She takes a bite of her lemon-poppy scone, and swallows. “So…I mean, I have the coupon, would you all come with me? At least he’ll know I have friends.”
“What’s his name again?” Sadie says, taking her phone out. “Harry Styles?”
“Yeah, don’t bother looking him up, he doesn’t have any social media. Or if he does it’s all super private.” Y/N says.
“Of course you’ve tried to look him up before.” Niall teases her.
“Well, he is my neighbor, I wanted to see if I was living next to a creep or not.”
“I think we should go.” Billy says. “We haven’t done anything spooky this season yet.”
“That’s because you’re all too grown to come carve pumpkins and bake cookies with me.” Y/N huffs.
“Tell you what, you roast the seeds from the pumpkins and I’ll come bake with you.” Sadie says, throwing an arm around her friend, and they both giggle.
Later that day, Y/N happens to get into the elevator at the same time as Harry, and she was excited to give him the good news.
“Hey.” She smiles at him. “Um, I talked to my friends, we’ll be at the haunted house this weekend.”
“That’s great! I’ll be there Saturday night for sure.”
“What will you be dressed as? Will you be walking around outside, or will you be inside doing the real scaring?”
“If I told you any of that it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, now would it? No built up suspense.” They both get off the elevator and head down the hall. “See you then.” He winks at her, and she stands by her door a moment going over the interaction in her head.
She just wanted to prepare herself as much as possible. She knew half the fun for the stuff was to actually get people scared, but there was a difference between jumping and laughing at something, and genuinely screaming to the point of tears. Would she actually survive this?
Saturday evening, Y/N and her friends head downtown for the haunted house. There was a lot to do outside, so they stop off for candied apples before getting their tickets. She shows her coupon to the cashier, and the group gets their discount. It was just starting to get dark outside, and there were tons of people in costume walking around outside. Some people were taking pictures with them after getting spooked, and Y/N started to feel herself getting nervous.
“Don’t worry, Y/N.” Niall throws his arms around her shoulders. “Bill and I are gonna make a little sandwich with you so you’ll be right between us to grab onto while we walk in.”
“Thanks.” She says.
“Do you see him anywhere, or do you think he’s inside?” Rob asks.
“He wouldn’t tell me when I asked, so I have no idea.” She sighs.
“Well, let’s go get in line, it’s starting to fill up.” Sadie says, and they all head to the line to get inside.
There was someone dressed up like a witch scanning the tickets, and reminds everyone it is single file as you enter the house. Everyone nods, and Y/N grips onto both Niall and Billy’s hands as they form their line.
Harry was outside at the front of the line scoping out the scene. He was taking a little fresh air break before he needed to get back into his room. He was dressed like a dirtbag with a fake chainsaw in his hand. As he scans over the crowd in line he spots Y/N. His eyes widen as he practically sees her trembling. He watches as one of the boys she’s with raises her chin with their finger and says something to her. She smiles at him, and kisses his cheek. Harry furrows his brows in disappointment, and goes back inside.
It’s dark as they all step inside, and her death grip on the boys grows stronger.
“Y/N, close your eyes if you need to, we can guide you in.” Billy says to her as he grips her shoulders.
“Yeah, don’t feel like you even need to-“
“Ahhh!!” She screams when a few ghouls pop out at them. She nearly jumps on Niall’s back from it. “I should have just stayed outside.” Her bottom lip quivers.
“We’ve got you, just keep going.” Sadie says from the rear.
It really was just the jump scares and the darkness. The rooms they were walking in weren’t that scary. Some of them have flashes of lightening and rumbles of thunder, creepy music and floorboard squeaking. Harry’s room was up next. All he had to was pretend to saw into someone’s neck, and let some fake blood out. The only thing was, his room was pitch black, so no one could what was happening until he ripped the cord for the chainsaw.
He recognizes Y/N’s pitiful scream instantly. Usually he gets a kick out of it, from anyone, but when he glances over at the group, and sees her cheeks stained with tears, he feels terrible. The scene is supposed to last a little longer, but he gives a signal to the lighting crew and they make it go dark again. His room was last, so Y/N practically gasps for air once she’s back outside.
“I’m sorry if I ruined it for you all.” She sniffles and wipes her cheeks. Niall sighs and helps her clean her face up.
“You didn’t, Lovie, it’s fine.” He says to her.
“You actually did a lot better than we thought.” Rob says.
“Are your panties dry?” Billy asks.
“Well…yeah.” She giggles.
“Then you did amazing!” Sadie says. “I have to say, I’ve been to my fair share of haunted houses, and that one was fucking scary.”
“Can…can we go get some pizza or something? Maybe some hard ciders? I need a fucking drink.” She jokes, and everyone agrees. She wished she had Harry’s number so she could at least text him that she actually showed up. “Wait! I just wanna go inside and leave a note for Harry.”
Everyone waits outside as she goes back up to the ticketing register. She asks if she can leave a note for him, and the girl at the register all but squeals, and says yes.
Made it through the house, just wanted you to know. Thanks again for the coupon!! – Y/N xx
“I’ll make sure H gets it.” She smiles at Y/N.
“Thank you.” She says, and out the door she goes back to her friends.
Harry felt even more gutted when he received the note. He had been part of the reason she was crying. Why would she have gone if she really didn’t like being scared? Did she go just for him? No way, that other guy she kissed had to be her boyfriend, right?
For about a week Harry contemplated knocking on Y/N’s door. He even thought to slide a note underneath, just to be cute, but he chickened out. One night he was getting some studying done when he heard a loud yelp. His head turns in the direction of the sound. Did she have someone over? He’d occasionally hear the squeal of her bed, but in all honesty Harry had a feeling Y/N wasn’t exactly getting her shit rocked. Either that, or she was just one of those really quiet girls. Not a minute later does he hear a quiet tap on his front door. He gets up and pads over to it to look through his peephole. It was a shaking Y/N.
“Y/N?” He says as he unlocks and opens his door. “Are you alright?”
“N-no, I…I don’t know what happened, um, I think something short circuited, and I…I feel so stupid for saying this but I don’t know where the breaker box is.”
“Oh, Pet, you’re not stupid. Took me forever to find mine, do you want some help?”
“If you don’t mind.”
He follows her out into the hall, and into her place.
“Gave you a bit of a fright, didn’t it?” He asks softly.
Poor thing must have been embarrassed. She was in a pair of pajama pants and a tee shirt, clearly not wearing a bra. He thought she looked adorable, and just wanted to scoop her up, but he couldn’t. He uses his flashlight on his phone, and she involuntarily latches onto his wrist.
“I’m sorry, I’m petrified of the dark.” She tells him.
“It’s alright.” He shifts so he can hold her hand. “The breaker box should be in your pantry, that’s where mine is anyways.”
He heads her over to it, and she lets him open the door. She had a tidy flat, nothing to hide. He opens the box, looks away, flips the switch, and the lights all come back on. She lets out a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank god. I thought I was going to be without heat! Thank you, I have no idea what happened. I don’t have anything overly plugged in.”
“No problem at all.” He smiles at her. “Sometimes it happens at my place, it’s not exactly the newest building, Love.”
“Right.” She swallows and lets go of his hand. He looks in the direction of her kitchen and sees she has a couple of pumpkins on the table.
“What are you up to?”
“Oh, well, I was going to get some cookies in the oven, and then carve some pumpkins. My friends aren’t really into it, but I like it.”
“So you don’t totally hate Halloween then?”
“No, not at all! I…I’m just not a fan of the scary stuff.” She chews on her bottom lip. “Would you…would you care to join me?” It was bold. He probably had plans, or probably just didn’t want to hang out with her.
“I’d love to! Can’t remember the last time I carved a pumpkin.”
“Oh! Well, alright then.” She smiles and leads him into her kitchen. “I have those sugar cookies with the pumpkins and black cats on them. I was about to slice them up before the power went out.”
“I love those, can I help?”
She preheats the oven and gets a baking sheet out with some parchment paper. She lets him slice up the roll with the black cats as she does the ones with the pumpkins, then she pops them in the oven. She grabs a couple of bowls to place on the table and he raises an eyebrow at her.
“My friends like when I roast the seeds, so we need one bowl for all the guts, and then one for when we separate them.”
“Gotcha.” They each grab one of the little carving knives and cut open the tops of the pumpkins. “Y/N?”
“If you don’t like the scary stuff then why did you come to the haunted house?”
“Oh…well…I didn’t want to disappoint you. You invited me, and…well….I’ve always wanted to get to know you better, so I thought that would be a good start.”
“You have?”
“Well, yeah, I think you’re the only other young person on our floor.” She laughs. “Are you still in school?”
“Yeah, I’m in grad school.”
“Me too!” She says excitedly and starts scooping the guts out of her pumpkin. Harry does the same.
“You could have just told me, you know, I was using the coupon as an excuse to talk to you.”
He nods and starts separating the seeds. She watches as his fingers work nimbly. She frightened when she hears the timer go off for the oven.
“Jesus, Y/N….I feel terrible that you’re so jumpy.”
“I think I’m just still a little worked up from the power going out.” She takes the cookies out of the oven and puts them on a cooling rack.
She comes back over and sticks her hands in the bowl of guts along with Harry’s, and they brush together. They look at each other and blush.
“Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, do you have a girlfriend?”
Everything sort of happens quickly from there. Without caring about the mess, Harry cups her cheeks and pulls her into a tender kiss. He backs her up against the wall next to the fridge, and she groans into his mouth. Her messy hands tug at the collar of his shirt to pull him down more to her so she can wrap her warms around his neck. He smiles against her.
“Were you eating some of the cookie dough earlier?”
“M-maybe.” She giggles. “Why?”
“You just taste really sweet.” He leans down and sucks her bottom lip between his teeth, and lets it snap back. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while, to be honest with you. You just seem like such a nice person.”
“I’ve…I’ve wanted to kiss you too.” Her heart was beating like crazy. Her eyes glance over at the pumpkins. She really did want to carve them. “Um…would you…would you like to get the pumpkins carved? And then maybe we could watch a movie while the seeds roast?”
“I’d like that.” He steps back from her. “I got your cheeks covered in guts, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” She chuckles and grabs a paper towel, wetting it under the sink faucet. She wipes her cheeks and continues to separate the seeds with him.
Harry begins carving his pumpkin while she lets the seeds rest on some paper towels. They munch on cookies, and giggle as they make horrible designs with the pumpkins.
“Okay, hold on.” She says and grabs two little lights to put inside the pumpkins. “Aw, they look so cute.”
“How come your friends don’t like doing this? I had a great time.”
“It’s a lot of work to them.” She shrugs. “Kinda glad they’re not here, wouldn’t have needed you to rescue me.”
“Guess it all worked out for the best.” He smiles at her.
“Go get get comfy. I can make us some tea while I ge the seeds in the oven if you like.”
“That would be great, thank you.”
It was a Wednesday night, Harry had class tomorrow, but he truthfully didn’t care. He was enjoying getting to know his neighbor, and he was hoping to get to know her a bit more.
“Alright.” She sets the mugs on the coffee table and grabs the remote. “I don’t know about you, but I’d love to watch Halloweentown.”
“A classic, throw it on.”
She feels almost giddy at his willingness to humor her. She flips the TV to Disney+, and puts on the movie. Just as she’s biting into another cookie after the opening the credits, she asks him the question that had been rattling around her brain over the last week.
“So, are you going to tell me who you were dressed up as at the haunted house?”
“Oh…I was the chainsaw guy at the end…”
“Oh.” She says quietly.
“I had them end it quicker when I saw how scared you were, I felt terrible.”
“Great, so you saw me crying like a baby.” She sighs.
“Hey.” He smiles at her. “I think it’s really brave that you went through the whole house.”
“You’re just saying that.” She pouts at him.
“No, I mean it.” He lifts a hand to stroke her cheek.
“You never responded to my note.” She says, just above a whisper.
“I…I didn’t know how. I didn’t know if one of the guys you were with was you boyfriend or not, and I didn’t want to just slip a response under your door.”
Her body relaxes under his touch, and she smiles softly at him.
“The guy who willingly scares people to the point of tears was too shy to slip a note under my door?” She smirks, and he lets go of her with a scoff.
“I resent that. There’s a crazy amount of confidence you get when you dress up like someone else”
“Sort of like stage presence?”
“Yeah, sort of.” He puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him. “Be quiet and watch the movie, would you?”
She giggles but listens to him. After she pulls the seeds out of the oven to cool, they get especially cozy on the couch with him laying behind her to spoon her. It was incredibly cozy, and everything she could have hoped for with him. The kiss earlier was nice and all, but she was hoping this was the sort of guy Harry was. One to be okay with staying in and watching a classic movie with a plate of cookies close by.
He was reluctant to leave, giving her smooch after smooch at the door, but he didn’t want to be groggy for class, and she had class too, so it was best for them to part ways. He did, however, ask for her number so he could ask her on a proper date some time and she happily gave it to him.
Y/N told her friends about the previous night, and they were really excited for her. They couldn’t believe the two had kissed over pumpkin guts, but hey, whatever works, right?
“You should invite him to my Halloween party.” Sadie says.
“He probably has to work at that stupid haunted house.” Y/N sighs.
“You won’t know unless you ask. Besides, it’s not like that place will be open super late. He could meet up with you.”
“That’s true. What if he thinks my costume is lame? I’m only dressing up like a witch.”
“The cutest witch as that, he won’t be able to resist.” Niall winks at her and she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, I’ll text him.” Her eyes grow wide as she takes out her phone.
“What is it, Peanut?” Billy asks her.
“He texted me this morning and I missed it!” She scrambles to open the message and text him back.
Harry: morning, beautiful, I had a lot of fun last night. Can’t wait to do it again…8:09AM
Y/N: so sorry for just responding, I’m horrible at texting! I had a lot of fun last night too. Do you have plans on Halloween??...11:17AM
She sets her phone down with a sigh, taking a sip of her tea as her friends continue to chat about Sadie’s party. She sees her screen light up and she smiles.
Harry: lol no worries, I’m sure you’re a busy person. I have to work the day shift at the haunted house, don’t worry, we tone it down for the kids, but I’m free in the evening, why?
Y/N: oh, well, maybe I should have gone during the day then haha my friend Sadie’s having a party and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? It’s okay if you don’t…
Harry: don’t be silly, I’d love to go! I’m assuming it’s a costume thing?
Y/N: great! Yeah, it’s a costume thing, but it’s not like over the top, I’m just going as a witch
Harry: bet you’ll be the cutest witch there 😉
Y/N: oh stop 😳
Harry: I mean it! I definitely have plenty of costumes, so I can pull something together. What time’s the party?
Y/N: I was hoping to get there for 9
Harry: works for me, see you then!
Y/N: see you then
“Oh my god.” She giggles to herself.
“What?” Sadie asks. “Is he gonna come with you to the party?”
“Yup?” Y/N grins. “And he thinks I’ll be the cutest witch there.”
“Oi, I literally just said the same thing to you!” Niall says.
“Yeah, but…I’m interested in him romantically so it means more.”
“Piss off.” He says with a glare and it makes her laugh. She throws her arms around her friend and kisses his cheek.
“Don’t worry, Ni, you’re still my number one man.”
“Mhm, sure.” He scoffs, and everyone else laughs.
Y/N never really fretted over a Halloween costume before, and she felt silly for being so nervous, but she just wanted to look…sexy? She sighs as she changes her outfit about three different times. She also wanted to be comfortable. She slides her legs into a pair of black slacks that come up just over her belly button, and had a slight flair at the bottom. She pairs it with a black lace bralette so only a sliver of her torso was showing. She curls her hair and brushes it out to look wavy, and applies some fun makeup to make her eyes pop. Last, she puts on her small witch’s hat, and waits for him. When she hears the knock on her door at ten of nine she takes a deep breath, grabs her purse, and opens it.
“Oh, Babe, you look amazing.” He says almost immediately, giving her a hug. She smiles up at him when she sees he’s dressed like a casual vampire. Donning similar black attire (slacks and a button up), along with some fake blood painted at the corners of his mouth.
“Thank you, is that what you wore today?”
“Way less scary.” She chuckles, and locks her door.
“Do you wanna wear my jacket?”
“Maybe later? I’m okay right now, but thank you.”
He nods as they step into the elevator. He casually takes her hand in his, intertwining their fingers. The walk to Sadie’s doesn’t take too long, and Y/N lets herself in when they get there. It was the usual group, plus some other friends from school and work. She introduces Harry to all of them, and get the two of them some sherbet punch.
“It’s spiked, is that alright?” She says to him.
“Yeah, thank you.” He takes the small cup from her and takes a sip.
Harry gets on with Y/N’s friends way better than she expected. It eased a lot of her anxiety because it wasn’t often she brought a guy around them so soon, but she talked about the him enough that they all already felt comfortable around him. He was also really funny, so that helped.
It was a great night all around. Y/N won a couple of round of Cards Against Humanity, and partnered up with Niall for a game of beer pong. Somewhere between midnight and one in the morning, Y/N and Harry decide to call it a night, he had worked all day after all.
“Care to come to mine for a nightcap?” He asks her as he shimmies his jacket off his shoulders and onto hers for the walk home.
Normally she wouldn’t yes so quickly, but they lived right next door to each other, and they had already gotten the first kiss out of the way, so she agrees. She was also curious to see how he had set up his place compared to hers. He leads her inside, and she stays wrapped in his coat as she goes to sit on his sofa. He comes back shortly with two glasses of red wine, only a little in each.
“Thank you.” She says as he hands her a glass. He sits down next to her, and grabs two coasters for his coffee table before setting his glass down.
“I had a lot of fun with your friends tonight. They seem like really nice people.” He sits with one leg underneath himself, and an arm slung over the back of the sofa.
“They are! I couldn’t ask for better friends, honestly.”
“Maybe you could meet mine sometime.” He blushes. “I don’t have as big of a circle as you do, but the friends I have are great.”
“I’d like that.” She smiles at before taking another small sip and setting her glass down. “I can’t believe I’ve been living next to you since June and it’s taken us this long to get to know each other.”
“Feels silly now, doesn’t it?” He reaches to tuck some hair behind her ear.
“Yeah.” She inches closer to him, and looks up at him with wide eyes. “Would you kiss me again, I really liked it last time.”
He smiles at her and leans in, pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes flutter closed as she tastes the sweet red wine pass from his lips to hers. He tugs her onto his lap to create a more comfortable position, causing his jacket to slip from her shoulders, but neither seem to care. She laces her fingers into his hair, and opens her mouth for him. He licks into her as his hands splay on her back, not wanting to be too grabby too soon. Their tongues swirl around each other, and she moans softly into him. He had the first few buttons of his shirt undone already, so it was easy enough to kiss from his jaw to his neck. He holds her close to him as she mouths at his sensitive skin. She moves to his collar bone, and bites down, sucking on him. He groans and squeezes at her back. She moves to look up at him, biting down on her bottom lip.
“Would you…like to see my bedroom?” He asks, clearly testing the waters.
“Yes.” She says, much to his surprise. She was full of surprises tonight. He pecks her lips, and lets her get off of him. He takes her hand and leads her to his bedroom. “It’s nice in here, Harry.” His bed was made, and his desk was tidy. A few clothes on the floor, but that’s much to be expected.
“Thanks, the, uh, comforter is new.”
“Looks comfy.”
“It is.” He cups her cheeks and kisses her. Her hands go to his love hands and she squeezes him.
They make their way over to the bed, and they lay down with him hovering over her. She wraps her legs around his waist while he kisses on her neck. His lips move down between the valley of her breasts, and nipping at the parts of her that were spilling out of the lace.
“This is such a sexy outfit.” He says, hot breath against her skin. She groans and pushes her hips up towards his to feel his growing bulge.
“What, um, what do you feel like doing, Harry?” She runs her hands through his hair.
“Honestly, I’d like to fuck you, but-“ She yanks his face up to hers so she can kiss him. He chuckles as he pulls away. “We can, uh, wait if you want.” He clears his throat.
“Do you want to wait? I wouldn’t mind if you fucked me.”
“Well, look at you! The girl who’s so bloody afraid of the dark and haunted house and all things spooky is up for a little shag?”
“I may be scared in the streets, but that’s not how I am in the sheets.” She grins at him and his eyes darken a little.
“Alright, then.”
He sits up and takes his shirt the rest of the way off. She gazes up at him and runs her hands up and down his stomach. He was toned, yet soft, the perfect mixture. She reaches to undo his belt, and unzip his pants. He gets them the rest of the way off, and then kneads her breasts through the bralette. She arches up into him, and moans when he sucks on her nipple through the fabric.
“Can I take this off?” He breathes.
She sits up a little to help him, and he tugs it off of her. His large hands cup her breasts, and he goes back to sucking on them, leaving little love bites behind. He works his mouth down her stomach, and his hands work to undo her pants. He looks up at her and she nods, lifting up her hips to help him get them off. He leaves her underwear on for now, kissing on her hips, and opening her legs up. He sucks a bruise on her inner thigh, and she gasps. He kisses her over panties before hooking his fingers into them, and dragging them down her legs. She blushes as she opens herself up for him. She had done a full body shave, and now she was regretting it because she must look like a child to him even though she was the same age as him.
“I…I’m sorry, that must look weird.” She chokes out.
“M’like a little too smooth, don’t you think?”
Harry runs his fingers over her folds and up her pelvis.
“Listen, whether you look like this, have a full bush, or something in between, I wouldn’t really care. It’s all about comfort, right? Does being shaved like this make you more comfortable?”
“Okay, so, no problem, Babe.” He smiles. “It’s actually kinda cute.”
“Harry.” She whines and runs her hands down her face. “Will you get on with it?”
He nods and lays between her legs. He uses his thumbs to spread her apart, and starts by licking at her clit. She gasps as he flicks the tip across the bud, and then laps around her folds. He licks over her center, and presses circles with his thumb into her clit. He dips his tongue inside her, only for a moment, before looking up at her. He runs a fingers around her wetness before pushing it inside, and putting his mouth back on her clit. She watches him with her mouth hanging open.
“God, that feels so fucking good.” She praises him, and he moans against her in response.
He gets a second finger inside her and makes the ‘come here’ motion over and over, petting over her front wall and pushing against her g-spot. His tongue continues to work her clit, and she starts to feel her orgasm approaching.
“Oh, oh my god, oh my god, Harry, fuck, I’m gonna come, ugh, don’t stop, I’m…I’m, fuck!” She all but screams as she releases around his fingers.
He fucks her through it, removing his mouth, but still pumping her slowly with his fingers. She was unraveling for him, and he loved the sight. He retracts his fingers and cups her cheek with his other hand.
“Liked that, huh?” He smirks.
“Felt amazing.” She smiles up at him dreamily. “Do you want me to, um-“
“As much as I’d love to get those pretty lips wrapped around me, I really just wanna fuck you, is that okay?”
“Works for me.” She chuckles, and watches him reach into his side table for a condom, which makes her smile grow more.
He slips his boxers off, and her jaw drops as he rolls the condom on. She was definitely thankful he fingered her first. He gets back between her legs, and runs his tip between her folds. Her hips buck up towards him, just wanting him to put it in already.
“Want me to fuck you?” He says.
“How bad?” He says as he just presses his tip against her and then pulls it away.
“R-really bad, Harry.” She nearly begs. “Please, fuck me.”
He presses his bulbous head into her, and she moans out from the stretch. He feeds her, inch by inch, and bottoms out. Her nails dig into his forearms.
“M’gonna move.” He says and she nods.
He rocks his hips in and out of her at first, letting her adjust, and then he grabs one of her ankles to throw over his shoulder, and he drives it in deep. Her mouth falls open, but no noise comes out. No one had ever filled her up like this before. He grips the head board with one hand and continues fucking into her. She moans out, maybe a little too loudly, but it wasn’t like his neighbor was home. No wonder she could hear whoever he brought home sometimes, he really knew what he was doing. With a stroke of boldness, she slides her hand up to his neck, and grips him lightly. He looks down at her, a little shocked.
“Is this okay?” She pants.
“Yeah, do it harder.”
She groans and does as he says. He grunts and moans as he starts to hit her g-spot again. It was quite the hot sight, seeing her small hand around his thick throat. Her other hand moves to rub her clit, and he almost loses it watching her.
“Y/N, I…fuck, I don’t know how much longer I can go, I’m s-sorry.” He bites his bottom lip to try to focus on something else.
“I’m almost there, almost there! Just keep going, please!”
Her back arches as he gives her a sharp thrust and she comes around his cock. He spills into the condom not too long after and collapses on top of her. She hugs him to her chest, and runs her fingers through his now damp curls. He lifts his head to kiss her, licking into her mouth. She welcomes it, molding her tongue to his. If he wasn’t so sensitive he’d probably grow hard again. She winces as he pulls out, and he quickly goes into his bathroom to get a warm rag to clean her up.
“You don’t have to do that, I can just use the bathroom.” She says as her legs lay limp. He chuckles as he runs the rag over her.
“I know you can, but I thought I’d help out a bit.” He knees back on the bed to lay next to her. “Will you stay the night?”
“You really want me to?”
“Yeah.” He runs his fingers up and down her torso, raising goosebumps over her body. “I don’t know about you, but in about ten minutes I for sure could go again.” Her head turns to him and she scoffs. “Or…not, we could also just cuddle if you like.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” She rolls over onto his chest, and he kisses the top of her head.
“Did I go a little too hard?”
“Maybe, but I like it like that so it’s fine.”
“You’re full of surprises, I like you a lot.” He blurts out, and she looks up at him.
“You do?”
“Mhm.” He smiles.
“Good, because I like you too. I’m glad you’re not a proper dick and didn’t kick me out.”
“Couldn’t do that to you, Babe. In fact, tomorrow morning, I’m gonna make you a big breakfast.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, and then we’ll get cozy and eat it in bed. Have a nice lazy day…you know, if you want….”
She giggles and moves to straddle him. He grips her hips and looks up at her confused.
“You’ve sold me, I can go again.”
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Dream- face reveal
wc- 1971 
Warnings: use of dreams real name
~ I have been friends with this guy on the internet Dream for about 5 years now, we talk all the time but we have never met in person and I have never seen his face. He doesn't show his face on the internet and I've never asked so it just never happened, he knows what I look like all too well because I like sending him stupid selfies and we FaceTime in the middle of the night all the time.
We have been trying to meet in person for years but things keep getting in the way and changing our plans first family issues, then a hurricane and then a whole pandemic. Despite all of this we have finally set a date to meet which is not going to change not for anything or anyone. It's going to be a big day or should I say month, as insane as it sounds I'm going to move in with Dream and Sapnap one of our other friends for a little while to really make this trip worth it even if it only lasts that long.
The process has been difficult because for me to get to Florida I need to get a plane which requires me to get tested before I fly and for my own piece of mind I have been strictly quarantining for the past two weeks but its finally here. I fly out tomorrow morning. I went and got tested yesterday and got my negative result today which I need to get on the plane.
I've been packing all day today because to be there for a month I need a bunch of my set up and cameras so that my content doesn't just stop but then I also need clothes and I can't seem to get both things to fit quite right.
At one point my phone started ringing but there was a mountain of stuff everywhere so I had to dig around to find it and when I did I saw that it was a FaceTime call from Dream, I picked up and immediately put my phone down to get on with my 5th attempt at packing.
"Yo hows it going?" Dream asked
"I'd say pretty average right now I'm super excited for tomorrow but my bag is giving me a hell of a fight" I replied
"Prop your phone up and I'll try and help" he said
I did as I was told and got my small tripod to rest my phone in where you could see what I was looking at. Honestly it was a mess and I was kind of embarrassed but Dream didn't need to know that and besides my face wasn't in frame so he couldn't see how embarrassed I was. I attempted putting everything in a slightly different way to last time which seemed to work until it came to fitting in my tripod and my wash bag of which there was no room for.
"Fuck sake I thought I had it then" I raged slightly
"Ok take out the webcam and forget about the tripod because I have ones that you can use and then try because I think that should give you enough room" he said
"Hell yeah thanks dream" I said after zipping up the suitcase
I flopped back on the floor tired from the minimal amounts of effort I had put in today which just shows how incredibly unfit I am. I recovered before getting up and moving my phone to my desk where I sat to talk to Dream.
We talked for a while until Sapnap came in and I talked to him for a little while, he's been living with Dream for a few months so he warned me about a few things like you don't wake Dream up which I took note of and he told me that Dream will just come and sit in your stream. Eventually they had to leave so I was left on my own to just kind of chill until it was an acceptable time to go to sleep.
Skip to the morning
I woke up at 5am when my alarm went off, I have a love hate relationship with my alarm because I only ever use it when I have something going on which is exciting but the sound makes me want to throw my phone out the window. Despite my annoyance I got up and went straight to the bathroom to shower and get dressed, I thought about wearing something nice but then I realised I had a 5 hour flight and I couldn't bare the thought of being sat down for that long not in comfy clothes. My comfy outfit consisted of leggings and one of my ex boyfriends hoodies because I never gave it back and I'm over it enough to just wear the hoodie whenever I want.
At just before 6 I got in my Uber to head to the airport seeing as my flight was at around 8 it would be wise to get there early. I wasn't sure how busy the airport would be seeing as you aren't meant to travel but I don't think I've ever seen an airport that wasn't busy.
I made it to the airport and as I assumed it wasn't heaving but there was still a fair amount of people around. I made my way through the crowds and checked in for my flight before heading through security and then making it to the main part of the airport. That part was less busy as there is more space for people to spread out into which made me much less anxious about people being too close. I had a little while to wait for my flight so I went and got some food because I haven't eaten today, and I don't want to end up with a headache.
When it was time for my flight to board I went to the gate and got straight into my seat watching as more people boarded but not as many as I expected, it was clear that all of the people on the flight had a good reason to be going to Florida and not just going on holiday and no one was sat together so all rules were being adhered to.
My flight landed 5 hours later and everyone filed off the plane going there own way leaving me kind of lost in a place that I wasn't used to and with the anxiety of going to meet Dream for the first time. I had a bit longer to wait because I had to get an Uber to the house even though dream offered to come and pick me up I told him not to because the less people at the airport the better and just incase people recognised me I didn't want him to accidentally face reveal.
I collected my suitcase and went straight out to the car park to get in my uber who was waiting just outside the doors in the designated area for taxis. As soon as I got in the car I text Dream letting him know I was on my way and sharing my location just in case things went south.
My uber stopped outside this one house and I got out walking up the drive taking in the house number to make sure I was at the right place which I was. Thats when the nerves really kicked in, I was about to meet one of my best friends in person for the first time. This is so insane to think that after all there years we get to do all the stupid things friends do.
I got to the door and rang the doorbell waiting the few excruciating seconds before I heard movement behind it indicating that there was someone there. It opened slowly and the first person I saw was sapnap who of course I was excited to see but we have talked properly on FaceTime before so I already know what he looks like.
Next another person popped up behind pushing sapnap out the way and giving me a hug straight away I knew it had to be dream but he ran over so quick that I didn't get to take in anything other than the fact he was hugging me. He pulled away and I got to look at his face, he looked pretty much exactly how I thought he would from the descriptions I have heard. As much as wavy length doesn't sound like a thing it somehow fit his hair and his eyes were also super green, he was definitely taller than I expected though this man towered over me like it was nothing and could definitely push me to the ground in a second but he looked kind just how you want a friend to be.
After a few minutes of freaking out that this was actually happening they let me inside and gave me a tour of the house showing me my room and the set up they had put together for me with a webcam and tripod just like dream said. They finished off the tour before I was made to sit and play whatever game they wanted with them.
We played an assortment of games for hours on end before we ordered food for dinner which we ate all chilling on the sofa. I almost forgot that my followers didn't know I was here but when I remembered I stole patches from dream and got him to take a picture of me with her to post on twitter and Instagram because people would get it without me having to explain. Not much of a grand reveal considering Sapnap did the same when he got here but I didn't really have any other ideas I mean its not like I can just do dream's face reveal for him with a picture on my twitter can I. The response to my tweet was insane within minutes people had got it trending and they were freaking out with all sorts of theories of if I'd officially moved in or if I was just visiting although both were kind of right.
Having spent a few hours here now I feel very at home they boys are really welcoming making sure I'm all good and not too tired after my flight which of course I am but sleep is for the weak so I'll wait. I have been told to call the two of them by their real names unless its on stream which feels kind of odd because I'm use to calling them what their know by despite knowing their real names the whole time. They have given me a nickname which I now go by to make it fair.
It was sad when the day came to an end when we all decided it was best to get some sleep even though I think their going to stay up and they said it for my own sake because I've been yawning non stop for the past 2 hours but either way I'm going to go to sleep and this day (one of the best days of my life) will become that of a memory.
Although I don't think this day could have gone any better its consisted of everything I've ever wanted to have in a friend but none of my friends back home if you can call them friends are into the same things as me so it never works out. Now I have two friends who share the same interests and have the same god awful sleep schedule so we can stay up messing around together if we want to which is what life as a 20 year old should be like. Fun.
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